author Jan Vrany <>
Fri, 25 Jan 2013 17:57:06 +0000
changeset 2002 ef3da336a6c9
parent 1879 7d232ff32dde
child 2380 9195eccdcbd9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merged ad1a490462ed and 1949478fd05e

"{ Package: 'stx:libjava/tools' }"!

!ConfigurableFeatures class methodsFor:'queries-features'!

    "Actually, same as hasJavaToolingSupport, byt maybe 
     we'll separate later"

    ^self hasJavaToolingSupport

     ConfigurableFeatures hasGroovySupport              
     ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature:#GroovySupport

    "Created: / 18-02-2012 / 16:57:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!ConfigurableFeatures class methodsFor:'queries-features'!

    "/ use Smalltalk-at to trick the dependency/prerequisite generator

    ^self hasJavaSupport 
        and:[(Smalltalk at:#'stx_libjava_tools') notNil]

     ConfigurableFeatures hasJavaToolingSupport
     ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature:#JavaToolingSupport

    "Created: / 18-02-2012 / 16:44:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaClassBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaClassBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaClassBrowserIcon'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[108 168 129 51 130 77 54 131 79 64 137 88 66 139 90 70 143 94 84 152 106 90 155 112 92 156 113 130 179 146 36 118 62 46 124 70 51 129 75 57 134 80 88 156 109 93 158 113 99 162 119 129 178 144 162 201 174 45 124 68 46 125 69 47 125 70 48 126 70 51 129 73 75 146 96 74 144 94 119 174 135 50 128 71 54 132 74 59 135 79 63 137 82 142 189 154 62 136 79 62 136 80 62 135 80 70 142 87 71 143 88 82 150 98 107 167 122 143 190 154 195 221 201 226 239 229 82 150 96 86 154 100 86 153 100 93 156 106 171 207 179 188 216 194 84 151 97 87 153 100 88 153 100 94 156 106 218 234 221 230 241 232 82 150 94 241 247 242 96 160 105 124 178 132 121 174 129 133 184 140 140 188 147 240 247 241 89 153 97 104 164 111 97 160 103 96 158 102 158 198 161 220 234 221 103 162 106 109 166 112 119 174 120 128 179 128 123 177 122 121 174 119 135 184 133 129 179 125 225 239 224 145 190 140 179 210 176 188 217 185 190 218 187 159 199 154 160 199 155 187 216 183 194 220 191 198 222 195 176 208 171 201 208 199 255 255 255 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@_0C? _?C?>O?8??#?>O?8??#?>G?0O>@_0@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaExceptionBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaExceptionBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaExceptionBrowserIcon'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[40 98 150 81 128 170 110 150 185 194 211 226 255 223 95 255 234 145 228 221 192 218 204 156 184 149 37 190 156 40 188 153 39 255 226 134 180 143 35 255 223 127 170 130 30 207 167 62 254 215 119 254 207 108 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'A0@G@@\<A30GO@\<G30^O@@<@A @@@@<@C0@O@@<@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaPrivateClassBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaPrivateClassBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaPrivateClassBrowserIcon'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[231 96 97 200 41 48 200 48 52 200 41 49 200 29 44 242 77 92 241 77 92 245 118 128 200 25 42 152 195 167 51 130 77 64 137 88 70 143 94 84 152 106 90 155 112 126 179 144 129 181 146 155 198 169 205 226 212 36 118 62 46 124 70 51 129 75 57 134 80 93 158 113 99 162 119 162 201 174 166 204 178 45 124 68 46 125 69 47 125 70 48 126 70 51 129 73 75 146 96 74 144 94 119 174 135 216 233 221 50 128 71 54 132 74 59 135 79 63 137 82 155 198 166 62 136 79 62 136 80 62 135 80 70 142 87 82 150 98 107 167 122 143 190 154 164 203 173 195 221 201 226 239 229 86 154 100 171 207 179 188 216 194 84 151 97 94 156 106 218 234 221 82 150 94 241 247 242 96 160 105 124 178 132 121 174 129 167 204 172 89 153 97 104 164 111 97 160 103 96 158 102 158 198 161 220 234 221 103 162 106 109 166 112 119 174 120 128 179 128 123 177 122 121 174 119 135 184 133 129 179 125 225 239 224 145 190 140 179 210 176 188 217 185 190 218 187 159 199 154 160 199 155 187 216 183 194 220 191 198 222 195 176 208 171 231 147 139 201 67 60 201 71 62 201 62 58 246 146 142 231 96 96 245 124 124 237 131 131 255 255 255 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'C>@_<C?8_?1??G?<_?1??G?>_?8??!!?>C?8@? C>@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaPrivateEnumBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaPrivateEnumBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaPrivateEnumBrowserIcon'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[231 96 97 200 41 48 200 48 52 200 41 49 200 29 44 242 77 92 241 77 92 245 118 128 200 25 42 217 201 182 219 204 186 230 219 206 140 89 32 142 92 36 142 93 37 143 93 38 144 94 39 144 95 40 145 96 41 146 97 43 147 99 45 147 100 47 148 101 48 149 103 50 152 107 56 153 108 57 154 109 60 155 111 62 158 115 67 158 116 68 159 117 69 160 118 71 161 119 73 163 123 77 165 125 81 165 126 81 166 127 83 169 131 88 170 133 91 176 141 102 178 144 106 180 147 110 185 154 119 186 156 122 187 157 124 190 161 129 194 167 137 199 174 146 204 182 157 206 184 160 209 188 165 212 193 172 213 195 174 214 196 176 216 199 180 225 211 196 226 213 199 231 220 208 231 147 139 201 67 60 201 71 62 201 62 58 246 146 142 231 96 96 245 124 124 237 131 131 255 254 254 255 255 255 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'C>@_<C?8_?1??G?<_?1??G?>_?8??!!?>C?8@? C>@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaPrivateInterfaceBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaPrivateInterfaceBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

        constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaPrivateInterfaceBrowserIcon'
        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[231 96 97 200 41 48 200 48 52 200 41 49 200 29 44 242 77 92 241 77 92 245 118 128 200 25 42 197 188 224 215 209 233 112 94 176 111 93 174 114 96 177 113 95 176 115 97 177 117 100 177 120 102 180 125 108 184 125 108 183 130 114 185 143 128 194 151 136 198 149 135 197 158 145 203 156 143 201 159 146 203 165 153 207 168 156 208 168 156 207 167 155 205 171 160 209 174 164 209 220 215 236 226 222 240 85 66 159 90 71 159 93 74 164 90 72 159 89 71 158 92 73 160 94 75 164 93 74 161 93 75 161 97 79 167 96 79 166 97 79 166 98 80 167 98 80 165 96 79 162 101 83 168 101 84 169 108 91 173 107 91 172 111 94 174 117 100 178 131 116 188 137 122 191 134 120 187 139 125 191 138 124 190 142 128 193 154 142 199 161 149 204 167 156 207 174 165 210 181 172 216 185 176 218 204 198 228 94 78 161 105 89 172 174 165 212 231 147 139 201 67 60 201 71 62 201 62 58 246 146 142 231 96 96 245 124 124 237 131 131 255 255 255 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'C>@_<C?8_?1??G?<_?1??G?>_?8??!!?>C?8@? C>@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaProtectedClassBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaProtectedClassBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

        constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaProtectedClassBrowserIcon'
        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
X6M#X0(PE 8WD@)#X6M#X6M#X0\NM34=OS\@A6M#X6M#X0\\P$5KSD-IO ,GX6M#X0(NPD]"X&I"X$X?@@)#X6LEND!!"X$)DQVICPS QX6M#@2<:X#,9NS$<
EBL*I5!!_XVE!!XU=WX6M#X0(D@PHIW&A XFAVX6M#X6M#X6M#X6M\XFA]X6M#X6M#X6M#X6M#X5-[X6M#X6M#X6M#X6M#X6M#X6M#X0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[51 130 77 64 137 88 66 139 90 70 143 94 84 152 106 90 155 112 126 179 144 129 181 146 155 198 169 180 212 191 205 226 212 36 118 62 46 124 70 51 129 75 57 134 80 79 149 101 93 158 113 99 162 119 45 124 68 46 125 69 47 125 70 48 126 70 75 146 96 74 144 94 83 151 103 109 168 126 119 174 135 216 233 221 50 128 71 59 135 79 63 137 82 144 191 156 62 136 80 62 135 80 70 142 87 82 150 98 107 167 122 143 190 154 150 194 161 164 203 173 195 221 201 226 239 229 86 154 100 188 216 194 84 151 97 94 156 106 218 234 221 82 150 94 241 247 242 84 151 94 96 160 105 124 178 132 121 174 129 167 204 172 89 153 97 104 164 111 97 160 103 96 158 102 158 198 161 220 234 221 109 166 112 119 174 120 128 179 128 123 177 122 121 174 119 135 184 133 129 179 125 225 239 224 145 190 140 179 210 176 188 217 185 190 218 187 159 199 154 160 199 155 187 216 183 194 220 191 198 222 195 176 208 171 255 242 176 255 233 145 255 234 145 183 147 37 190 156 40 187 152 39 187 153 39 255 230 152 174 135 31 179 141 34 178 141 34 184 147 36 255 222 125 167 126 28 170 129 29 170 130 30 174 135 32 254 219 140 254 222 150 254 207 108 255 255 255 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'C>@_<C?8_?1??G?<_?1??G?<_?8??1??C?8@O@@X@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaProtectedEnumBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaProtectedEnumBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

        constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaProtectedEnumBrowserIcon'
        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[255 242 176 255 233 145 255 234 145 183 147 37 190 156 40 187 152 39 187 153 39 255 230 152 174 135 31 179 141 34 178 141 34 184 147 36 255 222 125 167 126 28 170 129 29 170 130 30 174 135 32 254 219 140 254 222 150 254 207 108 217 201 182 219 204 186 140 89 32 142 92 36 142 93 37 143 93 38 144 94 39 144 95 40 145 96 41 147 99 45 147 100 47 148 101 48 149 103 50 151 104 53 152 107 56 153 108 57 154 109 60 155 111 62 158 115 67 158 116 68 159 117 69 160 118 71 161 119 73 163 123 77 165 125 81 165 126 81 166 127 83 169 131 88 170 133 91 176 141 102 178 144 106 180 147 110 182 150 114 185 154 119 186 156 122 187 157 124 190 161 129 192 164 133 194 167 137 199 174 146 204 182 157 206 184 160 209 188 165 211 192 170 213 194 173 212 193 172 214 196 176 216 199 180 225 211 196 231 220 208 255 254 254 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'C>@_<C?8_?1??G?<_?1??G?<_?8??1??C?8@O@@X@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaProtectedInterfaceBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaProtectedInterfaceBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

        constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaProtectedInterfaceBrowserIcon'
        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[197 188 224 215 209 233 112 94 176 111 93 174 114 96 177 113 95 176 115 97 177 117 100 177 120 102 180 125 108 184 125 108 183 130 114 185 143 128 194 151 136 198 149 135 197 158 145 203 156 143 201 159 146 203 165 153 207 167 155 207 168 156 208 168 156 207 167 155 205 171 160 209 178 167 213 174 164 209 177 167 212 183 173 216 220 215 236 226 222 240 85 66 159 93 74 164 90 72 159 89 71 158 92 73 160 94 75 164 93 74 161 93 75 161 97 79 167 96 79 166 97 79 166 98 80 167 98 80 165 96 79 162 101 83 168 101 84 169 108 91 173 107 91 172 111 94 174 117 100 178 131 116 188 137 122 191 134 120 187 139 125 191 138 124 190 142 128 193 161 149 204 169 159 207 174 165 210 181 172 216 185 176 218 204 198 228 94 78 161 105 89 172 174 165 212 255 242 176 255 233 145 255 234 145 183 147 37 190 156 40 187 152 39 187 153 39 255 230 152 174 135 31 179 141 34 178 141 34 184 147 36 255 222 125 167 126 28 170 129 29 170 130 30 174 135 32 254 219 140 254 222 150 254 207 108 255 255 255 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'C>@_<C?8_?1??G?<_?1??G?<_?8??1??C?8@O@@X@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaClassBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaClassBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

    ^self javaClassBrowserIcon

    "Created: / 23-10-2011 / 14:41:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaPublicEnumBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaPublicEnumBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

        constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaPublicEnumBrowserIcon'
        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[140 89 32 142 92 36 142 93 37 143 93 38 144 94 39 144 95 40 145 96 41 146 97 43 147 99 45 147 100 47 148 101 48 149 103 50 151 104 53 152 107 56 153 108 57 154 109 60 155 111 62 158 115 67 158 116 68 159 117 69 160 118 71 161 119 72 161 119 73 163 123 77 164 124 79 165 125 81 165 126 81 166 127 83 169 131 88 170 133 91 175 139 100 176 141 102 178 144 106 180 147 110 182 150 114 185 154 119 186 156 122 187 157 124 190 161 129 192 164 133 194 167 137 199 174 146 204 182 157 206 184 160 209 188 165 216 199 180 225 211 196 255 254 254 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'C>@_<C?8_?1??G?<_?1??G?<_?0?>A?0C>@@@@@@@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaPublicInterfaceBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaPublicInterfaceBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

        constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaPublicInterfaceBrowserIcon'
        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[197 188 224 197 189 222 215 209 233 112 94 176 111 93 174 114 96 177 113 95 176 115 97 177 117 100 177 120 102 180 125 108 184 125 108 183 130 114 185 143 128 194 151 136 198 149 135 197 152 138 199 158 145 203 156 143 201 159 146 203 162 150 204 165 153 207 168 156 208 174 164 209 177 167 212 220 215 236 226 222 240 85 66 159 90 71 159 93 74 164 90 72 159 89 71 158 92 73 160 94 75 164 93 74 161 92 74 160 93 75 161 97 79 167 96 79 166 97 79 166 98 80 167 100 82 168 98 80 165 96 79 162 100 82 167 101 83 168 101 84 169 108 91 173 107 91 172 108 92 172 113 96 177 111 94 174 117 100 178 131 116 188 137 122 191 134 120 187 139 125 191 138 124 190 142 128 193 161 149 204 174 165 210 185 176 218 204 198 228 94 78 161 105 89 172 174 165 212 255 255 255 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'C>@_<C?8_?1??G?<_?1??G?<_?0?>A?0C>@@@@@@@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!GenericToolbarIconLibrary class methodsFor:'image specs-tools-SystemBrowser-java'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self javaRuntimeExceptionBrowserIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#javaRuntimeExceptionBrowserIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

        constantNamed:'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class javaRuntimeExceptionBrowserIcon'
        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth8Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(8)); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[244 120 123 200 39 47 244 102 111 243 103 111 243 88 99 242 87 99 233 164 170 200 25 42 242 197 202 244 208 212 40 98 150 81 128 170 110 150 185 194 211 226 201 71 62 246 146 142 201 58 56 246 136 134 246 135 135 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#[1]); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'A0@G@@\<A30GO@\<G30^O@@<@A @@@@<@C0@O@@<@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!JavaClass methodsFor:'misc ui support'!


    <resource: #programImage>

    | jle jlre |

    self isInterface ifTrue:[
        self isPrivate ifTrue:[^#javaPrivateInterfaceBrowserIcon].
        self isProtected ifTrue:[^#javaProtectedInterfaceBrowserIcon].

    self isEnum ifTrue:[
        self isPrivate ifTrue:[^#javaPrivateEnumBrowserIcon].
        self isProtected ifTrue:[^#javaProtectedEnumBrowserIcon].

    (jle := Java at:'java.lang.Exception') notNil ifTrue:[
        (jlre := Java at:'java.lang.RuntimeException') notNil ifTrue:[
            (self includesBehavior: jlre) ifTrue:[
        (self includesBehavior: jle) ifTrue:[

    self isPrivate ifTrue:[^#javaPrivateClassBrowserIcon].
    self isProtected ifTrue:[^#javaProtectedClassBrowserIcon].

    "Created: / 20-12-2010 / 19:11:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!JavaObject methodsFor:'inspecting'!


    "Return an inspector class for the receiver.
     Bit ugly, but reasonably fast :-)"

    | cls nm ifaces |
    nm := (cls := self class) name.

    (nm == #'java/util/ArrayList') ifTrue:[
    (nm == #'java/util/LinkedList') ifTrue:[
    (nm == #'java/util/HashMap') ifTrue:[
    (nm == #'java/util/TreeMap') ifTrue:[
    (nm == #'java/util/HashSet') ifTrue:[
    ifaces := self class allInterfaces.
    ifaces do:[:i|
        i name == #'java/util/List' ifTrue:[
        i name == #'java/util/Map' ifTrue:[
        i name == #'java/util/Set' ifTrue:[
    ^super inspectorClass

    "Created: / 04-12-2011 / 16:50:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!Tools::NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-class'!


    | currentClass superClass code category |
    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
        superClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass superclass.
        superClass notNil ifTrue:[
            superClass isJavaClass ifFalse:[
                superClass := Java classForName:'java.lang.Object'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        superClass := Java classForName:'java.lang.Object'.

    category := self hasCategorySelected 
                    ifTrue:[self selectedCategoriesValue first]
                    ifFalse:[Compiler defaultMethodCategory]. "/ '* As yet uncategorized *'

    code := GroovyLanguage instance
                    classTemplateFor: superClass 
                    in: category 
                    asNamespace: false 
                    private: false.

    self showCode: code.
    self setAcceptAction: [:theCode | self doAcceptGroovyClassDefinition: theCode asString ].
    self codeAspect:#newClassDefinition.

    "Created: / 18-02-2012 / 17:16:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!stx_libjava_tools class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'
! !