author cg
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 16:51:35 +0000
changeset 268 f7357f1142c8
parent 266 3787b3e44a17
child 270 6f21225aab53
permissions -rw-r--r--
provide & use a helper to associate java.lang.class insts to javaClasses

Object subclass:#JavaVM
	classVariableNames:'UnhandledJavaExceptionSignal JavaExceptionSignal
		UnimplementedInstructionSignal UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal
		BadMessageSignal InternalErrorSignal CallHandlerSignal
		FullExceptionTrace StackTrace TraceHistory LockTable
		LockTableAccess LibPath SimulatedLibs LoadedLibs WaitTable
		WaitTableAccess JavaWindowGroup KnownWindows DrawOPTrace
		WindowOPTrace WindowCreationTrace EventTrace ThreadTrace
		MonitorTrace ExceptionTrace InsnCount InsnCounts FileOpenTrace
		FileOpenConfirmation FileIOTrace OpenFileTable
		CachedNativeMethodTable ExceptionDebug JavaConsoleStream
		StandardThreadGroup EnteredMonitorsPerProcess JavaClasses

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    list of all native methods as in jdk1.1.3:

      X - implemented
      x - implemented with limited functionality
      o - implemented as dummy (no functionality)

    X (Math::double sin (double))
    X (Math::double cos (double))
      (Math::double tan (double))
      (Math::double asin (double))
      (Math::double acos (double))
      (Math::double atan (double))
      (Math::double exp (double))
    X (Math::double log (double))
    X (Math::double sqrt (double))
      (Math::double IEEEremainder (double double))
    X (Math::double ceil (double))
    X (Math::double floor (double))
      (Math::double rint (double))
      (Math::double atan2 (double double))
    X (Math::double pow (double double))

    X (Class::java.lang.Class forName (java.lang.String))
    X (Class::java.lang.Object newInstance ())
      (Class::boolean isInstance (java.lang.Object))
      (Class::boolean isAssignableFrom (java.lang.Class))
    X (Class::boolean isInterface ())
      (Class::boolean isArray ())
      (Class::boolean isPrimitive ())
    X (Class::java.lang.String getName ())
    X (Class::java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader ())
    X (Class::java.lang.Class getSuperclass ())
      (Class::java.lang.Class[] getInterfaces ())
      (Class::java.lang.Class getComponentType ())
      (Class::int getModifiers ())
      (Class::java.lang.Object[] getSigners ())
      (Class::void setSigners (java.lang.Object[]))
    X (Class::java.lang.Class getPrimitiveClass (java.lang.String))
      (Class::java.lang.reflect.Field[] getFields0 (int))
      (Class::java.lang.reflect.Method[] getMethods0 (int))
      (Class::java.lang.reflect.Constructor[] getConstructors0 (int))
      (Class::java.lang.reflect.Field getField0 (java.lang.String int))
      (Class::java.lang.reflect.Method getMethod0 (java.lang.String java.lang.Class[] int))
      (Class::java.lang.reflect.Constructor getConstructor0 (java.lang.Class[] int))

    X (InetAddressImpl::java.lang.String getLocalHostName ())
    X (InetAddressImpl::void makeAnyLocalAddress (
    X (InetAddressImpl::byte[][] lookupAllHostAddr (java.lang.String))
      (InetAddressImpl::java.lang.String getHostByAddr (int))
    X (InetAddressImpl::int getInetFamily ())

    X (ResourceBundle::java.lang.Class[] getClassContext ())

    X (System::void setIn0 (
    X (System::void setOut0 (
    X (System::void setErr0 (
    X (System::long currentTimeMillis ())
    X (System::void arraycopy (java.lang.Object int java.lang.Object int int))
      (System::int identityHashCode (java.lang.Object))
    X (System::java.util.Properties initProperties (java.util.Properties))

    X (Thread::java.lang.Thread currentThread ())
    X (Thread::void yield ())
    X (Thread::void sleep (long))
    X (Thread::void start ())
    X (Thread::boolean isInterrupted (boolean))
    X (Thread::boolean isAlive ())
      (Thread::int countStackFrames ())
    X (Thread::void setPriority0 (int))
    X (Thread::void stop0 (java.lang.Object))
    X (Thread::void suspend0 ())
    X (Thread::void resume0 ())
      (Thread::void interrupt0 ())

    (String::java.lang.String intern ())

    X (Float::int floatToIntBits (float))
    X (Float::float intBitsToFloat (int))

      (ObjectStreamClass::int getClassAccess (java.lang.Class))
      (ObjectStreamClass::java.lang.String[] getMethodSignatures (java.lang.Class))
      (ObjectStreamClass::int getMethodAccess (java.lang.Class java.lang.String))
      (ObjectStreamClass::java.lang.String[] getFieldSignatures (java.lang.Class))
      (ObjectStreamClass::int getFieldAccess (java.lang.Class java.lang.String))
      ([] getFields0 (java.lang.Class))
      (ObjectStreamClass::long getSerialVersionUID (java.lang.Class))
      (ObjectStreamClass::boolean hasWriteObject (java.lang.Class))
      (ObjectInputStream::java.lang.Class loadClass0 (java.lang.Class java.lang.String))
      (ObjectInputStream::void inputClassFields (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class int[]))
      (ObjectInputStream::java.lang.Object allocateNewObject (java.lang.Class java.lang.Class))
      (ObjectInputStream::java.lang.Object allocateNewArray (java.lang.Class int))
      (ObjectInputStream::boolean invokeObjectReader (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class))

      (SecurityManager::java.lang.Class[] getClassContext ())
    X (SecurityManager::java.lang.ClassLoader currentClassLoader ())
      (SecurityManager::int classDepth (java.lang.String))
    X (SecurityManager::int classLoaderDepth ())
      (SecurityManager::java.lang.Class currentLoadedClass0 ())

    X (ClassLoader::void init ())
    X (ClassLoader::java.lang.Class defineClass0 (java.lang.String byte[] int int))
    X (ClassLoader::void resolveClass0 (java.lang.Class))
    X (ClassLoader::java.lang.Class findSystemClass0 (java.lang.String))
    X ( getSystemResourceAsStream0 (java.lang.String))
      (ClassLoader::java.lang.String getSystemResourceAsName0 (java.lang.String))

      (FileDescriptor::boolean valid ())
      (FileDescriptor::void sync ())
    X ( initSystemFD ( int))

    X (Object::java.lang.Class getClass ())
    X (Object::int hashCode ())
    X (Object::java.lang.Object clone ())
    X (Object::void notify ())
    X (Object::void notifyAll ())
    X (Object::void wait (long))

    X (FileOutputStream::void open (java.lang.String))
      (FileOutputStream::void openAppend (java.lang.String))
    X (FileOutputStream::void write (int))
    X (FileOutputStream::void writeBytes (byte[] int int))
    X (FileOutputStream::void close ())
    X (FileInputStream::void open (java.lang.String))
    X (FileInputStream::int read ())
    X (FileInputStream::int readBytes (byte[] int int))
      (FileInputStream::long skip (long))
    X (FileInputStream::int available ())
    X (FileInputStream::void close ())

      (VM::int getState ())
      (VM::boolean threadsSuspended ())
      (VM::void unsuspendThreads ())
      (VM::void unsuspendSomeThreads ())

    X (File::boolean exists0 ())
      (File::boolean canWrite0 ())
    X (File::boolean canRead0 ())
    X (File::boolean isFile0 ())
    X (File::boolean isDirectory0 ())
      (File::long lastModified0 ())
    X (File::long length0 ())
      (File::boolean mkdir0 ())
      (File::boolean renameTo0 (
      (File::boolean delete0 ())
      (File::boolean rmdir0 ())
    X (File::java.lang.String[] list0 ())
      (File::java.lang.String canonPath (java.lang.String))
    X (File::boolean isAbsolute ())

      (ObjectOutputStream::void outputClassFields (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class int[]))
      (ObjectOutputStream::boolean invokeObjectWriter (java.lang.Object java.lang.Class))

    X (Throwable::void printStackTrace0 (java.lang.Object))
    X (Throwable::java.lang.Throwable fillInStackTrace ())

    X (Double::long doubleToLongBits (double))
    X (Double::double longBitsToDouble (long))
    X (Double::double valueOf0 (java.lang.String))

    X (Runtime::void exitInternal (int))
      (Runtime::void runFinalizersOnExit0 (boolean))
    o (Runtime::java.lang.Process execInternal (java.lang.String[] java.lang.String[]))
    X (Runtime::long freeMemory ())
    X (Runtime::long totalMemory ())
    X (Runtime::void gc ())
      (Runtime::void runFinalization ())
      (Runtime::void traceInstructions (boolean))
      (Runtime::void traceMethodCalls (boolean))
    X (Runtime::java.lang.String initializeLinkerInternal ())
    X (Runtime::java.lang.String buildLibName (java.lang.String java.lang.String))
    X (Runtime::int loadFileInternal (java.lang.String))

      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int lock ())
      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::void unlock ())
      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getHWnd ())
      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getHBitmap ())
      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getPBits ())
      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getHDC ())
      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getDepth ())
      (WDrawingSurfaceInfo::int getHPalette ())

    X (WDefaultFontCharset::boolean canConvert (char))

      (ColorModel::void deletepData ())
    X (WToolkit::void init (java.lang.Thread))
    X (WToolkit::void eventLoop ())
      (WToolkit::java.awt.image.ColorModel makeColorModel ())
      (WToolkit::int getScreenResolution ())
    X (WToolkit::int getScreenWidth ())
    X (WToolkit::int getScreenHeight ())
      (WToolkit::void sync ())
      (WToolkit::void beep ())
    X (WToolkit::void loadSystemColors (int[]))

      (WPrintJob::void end ())

    X (WDialogPeer::void create (
    X (WDialogPeer::void _show ())
    X (WDialogPeer::void _hide ())

      (WWindowPeer::void toFront ())
      (WWindowPeer::void toBack ())
      (WWindowPeer::void _setTitle (java.lang.String))
      (WWindowPeer::void _setResizable (boolean))
      (WWindowPeer::void create (
      (WWindowPeer::void updateInsets (java.awt.Insets))
      (WWindowPeer::java.awt.Component getContainerElement (java.awt.Container int))

    X (WCanvasPeer::void create (

    X (WTextAreaPeer::void create (
    X (WTextAreaPeer::void insertText (java.lang.String int))
      (WTextAreaPeer::void replaceText (java.lang.String int int))

    X (WTextComponentPeer::java.lang.String getText ())
    X (WTextComponentPeer::void setText (java.lang.String))
    X (WTextComponentPeer::int getSelectionStart ())
    X (WTextComponentPeer::int getSelectionEnd ())
    X (WTextComponentPeer::void select (int int))
    X (WTextComponentPeer::void enableEditing (boolean))

    X (WComponentPeer::void show ())
    X (WComponentPeer::void hide ())
    X (WComponentPeer::void enable ())
    X (WComponentPeer::void disable ())
      (WComponentPeer::java.awt.Point getLocationOnScreen ())
    X (WComponentPeer::void reshape (int int int int))
    o (WComponentPeer::void handleEvent (java.awt.AWTEvent))
    o (WComponentPeer::void _dispose ())
    X (WComponentPeer::void _setForeground (int))
    X (WComponentPeer::void _setBackground (int))
    o (WComponentPeer::void setFont (java.awt.Font))
    o (WComponentPeer::void requestFocus ())
    o (WComponentPeer::void setCursor (java.awt.Cursor))
    o (WComponentPeer::void start ())
      (WComponentPeer::void _beginValidate ())
      (WComponentPeer::void endValidate ())
    o (WComponentPeer::void setZOrderPosition (

    X (WFramePeer::void setMenuBar0 (
    X (WFramePeer::void create (
      (WFramePeer::void _setIconImage (sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation))

    o (WFontMetrics::boolean needsConversion (java.awt.Font sun.awt.FontDescriptor))
    o (WFontMetrics::int getMFCharSegmentWidth (java.awt.Font sun.awt.FontDescriptor boolean char[] int int byte[] int))
      (WFontMetrics::int bytesWidth (byte[] int int))
      (WFontMetrics::void init ())

    o (WChoicePeer::void select (int))
    o (WChoicePeer::void remove (int))
    o (WChoicePeer::void addItem (java.lang.String int))
    X (WChoicePeer::void reshape (int int int int))
    X (WChoicePeer::void create (

    X (WLabelPeer::void setText (java.lang.String))
    o (WLabelPeer::void setAlignment (int))
    X (WLabelPeer::void create (

    X (WMenuItemPeer::void _setLabel (java.lang.String))
    X (WMenuItemPeer::void create (
    X (WMenuItemPeer::void enable (boolean))
      (WMenuItemPeer::void _dispose ())
      (WMenuPeer::void addSeparator ())
      (WMenuPeer::void delItem (int))
    X (WMenuPeer::void createMenu (
      (WMenuPeer::void createSubMenu (

      (WPopupMenuPeer::void createMenu (
      (WPopupMenuPeer::void _show (java.awt.Event))
      (WMenuBarPeer::void addMenu (java.awt.Menu))
      (WMenuBarPeer::void delMenu (int))
    X (WMenuBarPeer::void create (

      (WCheckboxMenuItemPeer::void setState (boolean))

    X (WFileDialogPeer::void show ())

    X (WCheckboxPeer::void setState (boolean))
    X (WCheckboxPeer::void setCheckboxGroup (java.awt.CheckboxGroup))
      (WCheckboxPeer::void setLabel (java.lang.String))
    X (WCheckboxPeer::void create (

    X (WClipboard::void init ())
      (WClipboard::void setClipboardText (java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection))
      (WClipboard::java.lang.String getClipboardText ())

      (WListPeer::void addItem (java.lang.String int))
      (WListPeer::void delItems (int int))
      (WListPeer::void select (int))
      (WListPeer::void deselect (int))
      (WListPeer::void makeVisible (int))
      (WListPeer::void setMultipleSelections (boolean))
      (WListPeer::void create (
      (WListPeer::boolean isSelected (int))

    o (WScrollbarPeer::void _setValues (int int int int))
      (WScrollbarPeer::void setLineIncrement (int))
      (WScrollbarPeer::void setPageIncrement (int))
    o (WScrollbarPeer::void create (

    o (ImageRepresentation::void offscreenInit (java.awt.Color))
    x (ImageRepresentation::boolean setBytePixels (int int int int java.awt.image.ColorModel byte[] int int))
      (ImageRepresentation::boolean setIntPixels (int int int int java.awt.image.ColorModel int[] int int))
    x (ImageRepresentation::boolean finish (boolean))
    X (ImageRepresentation::void imageDraw (java.awt.Graphics int int java.awt.Color))
    x (ImageRepresentation::void imageStretch (java.awt.Graphics int int int int int int int int java.awt.Color))
    x (ImageRepresentation::void disposeImage ())

    X (WTextFieldPeer::void create (
      (WTextFieldPeer::void setEchoCharacter (char))

      (WScrollPanePeer::void create (
      (WScrollPanePeer::int getOffset (int))
      (WScrollPanePeer::void setInsets ())
      (WScrollPanePeer::void setScrollPosition (int int))
      (WScrollPanePeer::int _getHScrollbarHeight ())
      (WScrollPanePeer::int _getVScrollbarWidth ())
      (WScrollPanePeer::void setSpans (int int int int))
      (WScrollPanePeer::java.awt.Component getScrollChild ())

      (WEmbeddedFramePeer::void create (
      (WButtonPeer::void setLabel (java.lang.String))
    X (WButtonPeer::void create (

    x (WColor::java.awt.Color getDefaultColor (int))

    x (GifImageDecoder::boolean parseImage (int int int int boolean int byte[] byte[] java.awt.image.IndexColorModel))

    x (WGraphics::void createFromComponent (
    x (WGraphics::void createFromGraphics (
      (WGraphics::void createFromPrintJob (
      (WGraphics::void createFromHDC (int))
    x (WGraphics::void imageCreate (sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation))
    x (WGraphics::void pSetFont (java.awt.Font))
    X (WGraphics::void pSetForeground (int))
      (WGraphics::void _dispose ())
    x (WGraphics::void dispose ())
    x (WGraphics::void setPaintMode ())
      (WGraphics::void setXORMode (java.awt.Color))
    o (WGraphics::java.awt.Rectangle getClipBounds ())
    o (WGraphics::void changeClip (int int int int boolean))
      (WGraphics::void removeClip ())
    X (WGraphics::void clearRect (int int int int))
    X (WGraphics::void fillRect (int int int int))
    X (WGraphics::void drawRect (int int int int))
      (WGraphics::void drawSFChars (char[] int int int int))
    x (WGraphics::int drawMFCharsSegment (java.awt.Font sun.awt.FontDescriptor char[] int int int int))
      (WGraphics::int drawMFCharsConvertedSegment (java.awt.Font sun.awt.FontDescriptor byte[] int int int))
      (WGraphics::void drawBytes (byte[] int int int int))
    X (WGraphics::void drawLine (int int int int))
      (WGraphics::void copyArea (int int int int int int))
    o (WGraphics::void drawRoundRect (int int int int int int))
    o (WGraphics::void fillRoundRect (int int int int int int))
    X (WGraphics::void drawPolygon (int[] int[] int))
      (WGraphics::void drawPolyline (int[] int[] int))
    X (WGraphics::void fillPolygon (int[] int[] int))
    x (WGraphics::void drawOval (int int int int))
    x (WGraphics::void fillOval (int int int int))
    x (WGraphics::void drawArc (int int int int int int))
    x (WGraphics::void fillArc (int int int int int int))
      (WGraphics::void print (
      (WGraphics::void close (
      (JPEGImageDecoder::void readImage ( byte[]))
      (OffScreenImageSource::void sendPixels ())

! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'initialization'!


    StandardThreadGroup := nil.
    self releaseAllMonitors.

    LockTable := nil.
    WaitTable := nil.
    WaitTableAccess := nil.
    JavaWindowGroup := nil.
    KnownWindows := nil.
    OpenFileTable := nil.
    EnteredMonitorsPerProcess := nil.
    JavaClasses := nil.

     JavaVM deinitialize

    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 21:25:27 / cg"
    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 21:28:14 / cg"



    StandardThreadGroup := nil.
    NoAudio := true.
    "/ NoAudio := false.

    JavaConsoleStream := Transcript.

    FullExceptionTrace := StackTrace := false.
    WindowOPTrace := DrawOPTrace := EventTrace := ThreadTrace := false.
    MonitorTrace := ExceptionTrace := FileOpenTrace := FileIOTrace := false.
    ExceptionDebug := false.
    WindowCreationTrace := false.

    FileOpenConfirmation := true.

"/ WindowOPTrace := true.
"/ MonitorTrace := true.
"/ ThreadTrace := true.

    UnhandledJavaExceptionSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:false.
    UnhandledJavaExceptionSignal nameClass:self message:#unhandledJavaExceptionSignal.
    UnhandledJavaExceptionSignal notifierString:'unhandled java exception'.

    JavaExceptionSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:false.
    JavaExceptionSignal nameClass:self message:#javaExceptionSignal.
    JavaExceptionSignal notifierString:'java exception'.

    UnimplementedInstructionSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:false.
    UnimplementedInstructionSignal nameClass:self message:#unimplementedInstructionSignal.
    UnimplementedInstructionSignal notifierString:'unimplemented instruction'.

    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:false.
    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal nameClass:self message:#unimplementedNativeMethodSignal.
    UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal notifierString:'unimplemented native method'.

    BadMessageSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:false.
    BadMessageSignal nameClass:self message:#badMessageSignal.
    BadMessageSignal notifierString:'invalid message to JAVA object'.

    InternalErrorSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:false.
    InternalErrorSignal nameClass:self message:#internalErrorSignal.
    InternalErrorSignal notifierString:'internal error'.

    CallHandlerSignal := (Signal new) mayProceed:false.
    CallHandlerSignal nameClass:self message:#callHandlerSignal.
    CallHandlerSignal notifierString:'internal signal'.

     JavaVM initialize

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:02:34 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 13:21:41 / cg"

    "load req'd base classes"

    Java classForName:'java.lang.Object'.
    Java classForName:'java.lang.Class'.
    Java classForName:'java.lang.String'.
    Java classForName:'java.lang.System'.

     self initializeBaseClasses

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 21:13:28 / cg"

    OpenFileTable := OrderedCollection 
			with:(JavaConsoleStream ? Stdout)
			with:(JavaConsoleStream ? Stderr).

     JavaVM initializeOpenFileTable

    "Modified: / 6.8.1997 / 00:40:19 / cg"
    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:04:32 / cg"

    JavaClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	JavaClasses := Dictionary new.

	('byte'    'B' 1)
	('short'   'S' 2)
	('int'     'I' 4)
	('long'    'J' 8)
	('boolean' 'Z' 1)
	('char'    'C' 2)
	('float'   'F' 4)
	('double'  'D' 8)
	('void'    'V' 0)
    ) triplesDo:[:nm :sig :len |
	|stClass jClass|

	"/ create a javaClass for it.
	jClass := (Java at:'java.lang.Class') new.
"/        stClass := Class new.
"/        stClass setName:('JavaBase_' , nm) asSymbol.
"/        JavaClasses at:stClass put:jClass.
"/        JavaClasses at:jClass put:stClass.

	JavaClasses at:nm put:jClass

     self initializePrimitiveClasses

    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 00:56:05 / cg"

    LibPath := #('__builtIn__' '/usr/local/lib' '/usr/local/lib/java'). 
    SimulatedLibs := #('__builtIn__/net' 

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:05:03 / cg"

    |cpu os|

    "/ use JAVA compatible cpu-name
    cpu := OperatingSystem getCPUType.
    cpu = 'i386' ifTrue:[
	cpu := 'ix86'
    os := OperatingSystem getOSType.
    os := os asUppercaseFirst.

    props at:'java.version'       put:'1'.
    props at:'java.vendor'        put:'eXept Software AG'.
    props at:'java.vendor.url'    put:'http:://'.
    props at:'java.home'          put:(self defaultJAVAHome).
    props at:'java.class.version' put:'1'.
    props at:'java.class.path'    put:(self defaultCLASSPATH).
    props at:''            put:os.
    props at:'os.arch'            put:cpu.
    props at:'os.version'         put:'1'.
    props at:'file.separator'     put:(Filename separator asString).
    props at:'path.separator'     put:':'.
    props at:'line.separator'     put:(Character cr asString).
    props at:''          put:(OperatingSystem getLoginName).
    props at:'user.home'          put:(OperatingSystem getHomeDirectory).
    props at:'user.dir'           put:(Filename currentDirectory pathName).

    props at:'awt.toolkit'        put:(self defaultWindowingToolKit).

    props at:'jws.home'           put:(self defaultJWSHome).
    props at:'hotjava.home'       put:(self defaultHotJavaHome).

    "/ undocumented ?
    props at:'file.encoding.pkg'  put:''.

    "/ suppress copyright view in appletViewer ...
    props at:'appletviewer.version' put:'1.1'.

    ^ props

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:26:39 / cg"
    "Modified: / 9.1.1998 / 03:06:46 / cg"

    KnownWindows := nil.
    JavaWindowGroup := nil.

    JavaConsoleStream := Transcript.

    self terminateAllThreads.

    Java initAllStaticFields.
    Java markAllClassesUninitialized.

    self releaseAllMonitors.
    self releaseAllWindows.
    self releaseAllStreams.

    self initializeSimulatedLibs.
    self initializeOpenFileTable.

    self initializeBaseClasses.
    self initializePrimitiveClasses.

    (Java classForName:'java.lang.System') classInit.
    Java initSystemClass.

    ObjectMemory addDependent:self.

     JavaVM initializeVM

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 21:29:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 17:29:34 / cg"

    (JavaEventThread isNil or:[JavaEventThread isDead]) ifTrue:[
        self initializeVM

     JavaVM initializeVMIfNoEventThreadRunning

    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 17:29:34 / cg"
    "Created: / 15.1.1998 / 17:32:27 / cg"

    self releaseAllMonitors.
    Java terminateAllThreads.
    self releaseAllWindows.
    self releaseAllStreams.

    JavaWindowGroup := nil.
    LoadedLibs := nil.       "/ gc will reclaim them ...
    ImageStretchCache := nil.

     JavaVM releaseAllJavaResources

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:49:42 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 13:27:13 / cg"

    LockTable := WeakIdentityDictionary new.
    LockTableAccess := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
    WaitTable := IdentityDictionary new.
    WaitTableAccess := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.

    EnteredMonitorsPerProcess := IdentityDictionary new.

     JavaVM releaseAllMonitors

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:04:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 22:58:10 / cg"

    self initializeOpenFileTable.

     JavaVM releaseAllStreams

    "Modified: / 6.8.1997 / 00:40:55 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:57:04 / cg"

    KnownWindows notNil ifTrue:[
	KnownWindows do:[:aView |
	    aView destroy
	KnownWindows := nil.

     self releaseAllWindows

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:58:32 / cg"

    "release monitors held by dead processes"


    deadProcesses := IdentitySet new.

    EnteredMonitorsPerProcess keysAndValuesDo:[:p :monitors |
	p isDead ifTrue:[
	    monitors do:[:mon |
		Transcript showCR:'release leftover monitor ...'.
		mon release
	    deadProcesses add:p.
    deadProcesses do:[:p |
	EnteredMonitorsPerProcess removeKey:p

     JavaVM releaseLeftOverMonitors

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 17:29:26 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:38:33 / cg"


    props := Dictionary new.
    self initializeSystemPropertiesInto:props.
    ^ props

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:25:58 / cg"
    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 14:32:38 / cg"

    Java terminateAllThreads.
    JavaEventThread := nil.

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 17:43:54 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 17:29:00 / cg"

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    something == #returnFromSnapshot ifTrue:[
	 self initializeVM

     JavaVM initializeVM

    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:44:16 / cg"
    "Created: / 9.1.1998 / 10:30:13 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'Signal constants'!

    ^ BadMessageSignal

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:06:52 / cg"

    ^ CallHandlerSignal

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:07:16 / cg"

    ^ InternalErrorSignal

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:07:05 / cg"

    ^ JavaExceptionSignal

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:05:58 / cg"

    ^ UnhandledJavaExceptionSignal

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:05:19 / cg"

    ^ UnimplementedInstructionSignal

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:06:15 / cg"

    ^ UnimplementedNativeMethodSignal

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:06:40 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'defaults'!


    s := '' writeStream.
    Java classPath do:[:p |
	s size == 0 ifFalse:[
	    s nextPut:$:
	s nextPutAll:p.

    ^ s contents

     self defaultCLASSPATH

    "Modified: / 6.8.1997 / 00:51:17 / cg"
    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:21 / cg"

    ^ '/usr/local/java/hotjava'.

    "Modified: / 5.8.1997 / 04:13:36 / cg"
    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:34 / cg"

    ^ Java javaHome

    "Modified: / 6.8.1997 / 00:54:44 / cg"
    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:01 / cg"

    ^ '/usr/local/java/JWS'.

    "Modified: / 5.8.1997 / 04:14:34 / cg"
    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:42 / cg"

    "/ prefer the windows toolkit ...

    (Java classForName:'') notNil ifTrue:[
	^ ''.
"/    (Java classForName:'sun.awt.motif.MToolkit') notNil ifTrue:[
"/        ^ 'sun.awt.motif.MToolkit'.
"/    ].

    ^ 'sun.awt.tiny.TinyToolkit'.

"/    ^ 'sun.awt.win32.MToolkit'.
"/    ^ 'sun.awt.motif.MToolkit'.

    "Modified: / 14.8.1997 / 16:12:58 / cg"
    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:49 / cg"

    JavaConsoleStream := aStream

     JavaVM javaConsole:Transcript

    "Modified: / 6.8.1997 / 00:34:13 / cg"
    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:27:58 / cg"

    ^ JavaConsoleStream

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:32:16 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'fileIO'!

    OpenFileTable add:aStream.
    ^ OpenFileTable size - 1.

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:32:59 / cg"

    ^ OpenFileTable at:idx+1 ifAbsent:nil.

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:28:01 / cg"
    "Modified: / 2.1.1998 / 18:33:06 / cg"

setOpenFile:aStream at:idx
    OpenFileTable size < (idx+1) ifTrue:[
	OpenFileTable grow:idx+1.
    OpenFileTable at:idx+1 put:aStream.

    "Modified: / 2.1.1998 / 18:33:21 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'helpers'!

    "given java.lang.class instance, return the real class for it."

    ^ JavaClasses at:aJavaClassObject ifAbsent:nil.

    "Created: / 23.1.1998 / 17:44:09 / cg"

    |p monitors|

    p := Processor activeProcess.
    monitors := EnteredMonitorsPerProcess at:p ifAbsent:nil.
    monitors isNil ifTrue:[
	monitors := OrderedCollection new.
	EnteredMonitorsPerProcess at:p put:monitors.
    ^ monitors

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 21:26:19 / cg"

    "given a real class, return the corresponding java.lang.class
     instance for it."


    jClass := JavaClasses at:aClass ifAbsent:nil.
    jClass isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ class must be initialized (with all of its superclasses ?).
        aClass classInit.

        JavaClasses at:aClass put:(jClass := (Java at:'java.lang.Class') new).
        JavaClasses at:jClass put:aClass.
    ^ jClass

    "Created: / 23.1.1998 / 17:43:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23.1.1998 / 17:46:51 / cg"


    t := Java threads keyAtValue:stProcess ifAbsent:nil.
    t == 0 ifTrue:[
	^ nil
    ^ t

    "Modified: / 26.8.1997 / 19:56:31 / cg"
    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 01:53:41 / cg"

    |thread threadClass|

    threadClass := Java at:'java.lang.Thread'.

    thread := (Java at:'java.lang.Thread') basicNew.
    thread instVarNamed:'name'        put:(Java as_String:name).
    thread instVarNamed:'priority'    put:(threadClass instVarNamed:'NORM_PRIORITY').
    thread instVarNamed:'single_step' put:0.
    thread instVarNamed:'daemon'      put:0.
    thread instVarNamed:'stillborn'   put:0.
    thread instVarNamed:'target'      put:nil.
    thread instVarNamed:'initial_stack_memory' put:0.
    thread instVarNamed:'group'       put:(self standardThreadGroup).
    ^ thread

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 01:47:30 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 10:21:04 / cg"


    p := Java threads at:jThread ifAbsent:nil.
    p == 0 ifTrue:[
	^ nil
    ^ p

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 21:48:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 01:53:55 / cg"

    |standardGroup threadClass|

    StandardThreadGroup isNil ifTrue:[
	threadClass := Java at:'java.lang.Thread'.

	standardGroup := (Java at:'java.lang.ThreadGroup') new.
	standardGroup instVarNamed:'parent'      put:nil.
	standardGroup instVarNamed:'name'        put:(Java as_String:'main').
	standardGroup instVarNamed:'maxPriority' put:(threadClass instVarNamed:'MAX_PRIORITY').
	standardGroup instVarNamed:'destroyed'   put:0.
	standardGroup instVarNamed:'daemon'      put:nil.
	standardGroup instVarNamed:'vmAllowSuspension' put:0.
	standardGroup instVarNamed:'nthreads'    put:0.
	standardGroup instVarNamed:'ngroups'     put:0.
	standardGroup instVarNamed:'groups'      put:nil.
	StandardThreadGroup := standardGroup.
    ^ StandardThreadGroup

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 01:41:54 / cg"

    JavaVM releaseAndSignalSemaphoreFor:anObject.

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 02:29:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 03:08:05 / cg"

    JavaVM releaseAndSignalForAllSemaphoreFor:anObject.

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 03:07:48 / cg"
    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 03:08:15 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'helpers - awt'!

    |jFramePeer view x y width height ext menu|

    jFramePeer := nativeContext receiver.
    view := jFramePeer instVarNamed:'pData'.

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    width := nativeContext argAt:3.
    height := nativeContext argAt:4.
    ext := width@height.

"/    'pReshape ' print. view print. 
"/    ' ' print. x print. '/' print. y print.
"/    ' extent: ' print. ext printNL.

    (view isTopView 
    or:[view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView]) ifTrue:[
        "/ dont allow setting the origin
        menu := self topViewsMenu:view.
        menu notNil ifTrue:[
            "/ must add the menus height
            height := height + menu height.
            ext := width@height.

        "/ to prevent a view from not being visible/closable
        "/ in case Java goes mad ..

        (width < 30
        or:[height < 10]) ifTrue:[
            "/ self halt.
            width := 30.
            height := 20.
            ext := width@height.

        view extent:ext.

        "/ adjust non-resizable views min/max

        view isTopView ifTrue:[
            view minExtent notNil ifTrue:[
                view minExtent:ext.
                view maxExtent:ext
    ] ifFalse:[
        (view superView notNil
        and:[view superView isTopView]) ifTrue:[
            menu := self topViewsMenu:view superView.
            menu notNil ifTrue:[
                "/ must add menus height to yPos
                y := y + menu height.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ post a configuration event
            'need event' printCR.
        view origin:x@y extent:ext.

    ^ nil

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:00:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 17:25:48 / cg"

createdWindowsView:aView for:aJavaPeer
    "this is only sent with the toolkit"

    aJavaPeer instVarNamed:'pData' put:aView.

    JavaWindowGroup isNil ifTrue:[
        JavaWindowGroup := WindowGroup new.
        JavaWindowGroup isForModalSubview:true.
    aView windowGroup:JavaWindowGroup.
    JavaWindowGroup addView:aView.

    KnownWindows isNil ifTrue:[
        KnownWindows := IdentityDictionary new.
    KnownWindows at:aJavaPeer put:aView.

"/'*** ' print. aJavaPeer print. ' -> ' print. aView printCR.
"/(aView isKindOf:ModalBox) ifTrue:[
"/    self halt.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:57:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 15:32:49 / cg"

    |jGraphics gc|

    jGraphics := nativeContext receiver.
    gc := jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData'.
    ^ gc

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:16:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:17:44 / cg"

    ^ KnownWindows keyAtValue:aView ifAbsent:nil

    "Created: / 15.1.1998 / 13:48:01 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 13:48:43 / cg"

    |jFramePeer view x y width height menu|

    jFramePeer := nativeContext receiver.
    view := jFramePeer instVarNamed:'pData'.

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    width := nativeContext argAt:3.
    height := nativeContext argAt:4.

"/    'pReshape ' print. view print. 
"/    ' ' print. x print. '/' print. y print.
"/    ' extent: ' print. width print. '/' print. height printNL.

    (view isTopView 
    or:[view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView]) ifTrue:[
	"/ dont allow setting the origin
	menu := self topViewsMenu:view.
	menu notNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ must add the menus height
	    height := height + menu height
	view extent:width@height.
    ] ifFalse:[
	(view superView notNil
	and:[view superView isTopView]) ifTrue:[
	    menu := self topViewsMenu:view superView.
	    menu notNil ifTrue:[
		"/ must add menus height to yPos
		y := y + menu height.
	view origin:x@y extent:width@height.

    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 21.8.1997 / 19:34:16 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:47:11 / cg"


    view isTopView ifTrue:[
	view subViews size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    (idx := view subViews findFirst:[:v | v isMemberOf:MenuPanel]) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
		"/ must add the menus height
		^ view subViews at:idx
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 4.8.1997 / 01:23:06 / cg"
    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:01:42 / cg"

    |jPeer view|

    jPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    view := jPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.
    ^ view

    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:17:44 / cg"
    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 17:31:25 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'helpers - exceptions'!

    |con method pc hPC|

    con := thisContext sender.
    [con notNil] whileTrue:[
	(con isMemberOf:JavaContext) ifTrue:[
	    method := con method.
	    pc := con pc.
	    (hPC := method handlerFor:aJavaException at:pc) notNil ifTrue:[
		con setPC:hPC.
		^ con
	con := con sender.
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 5.1.1998 / 00:16:52 / cg"

    |exClass ex|

"/    self 
"/        throwExceptionClassName:'java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException' 
"/        withMessage:'bad array index: ' , badIndex printString

    exClass := Java classForName:'java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException'.
    ex := exClass newCleared.
    ex perform:#'<init>(I)V' with:badIndex.

    self throwException:ex

    "Created: / 14.1.1998 / 21:36:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14.1.1998 / 23:32:52 / cg"

	withMessage:'no such class'

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 22:25:26 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"

	withMessage:'no such class: ' , className

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 22:26:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:58 / cg"

    |con jMsg msg exClass|

    ExceptionTrace ifTrue:[
        'JAVA: exception: ' print. aJavaException class fullName printCR.
    ExceptionDebug ifTrue:[
        self halt:('JAVA: exception: ' , aJavaException class fullName).
        self internalError:('JAVA: exception: ' , aJavaException class fullName).

    con := self findJavaHandlerFor:aJavaException.
    con isNil ifTrue:[
        exClass := aJavaException class.
        jMsg := aJavaException instVarNamed:'detailMessage'.
        jMsg notNil ifTrue:[
            msg := Java as_ST_String:jMsg.
            msg := 'Java ' , exClass name , ': ' , msg.
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := 'Java ' , exClass name

        "/ for our convenience: skip ST contexts
        con := thisContext sender.
        [con isNil or:[con isMemberOf:JavaContext]] whileFalse:[
            con := con sender
        con isNil ifTrue:[con := thisContext sender].

        "/ no JavaHandler ... let smalltalk handle it
        JavaVM javaExceptionSignal 
        Processor activeProcess terminate.

    "/ found a java exceptionHandler
    con exceptionArg:aJavaException.
    con markForException.
    con unwindAndRestart.

    self halt:'should not be reached'.
    Processor activeProcess terminate.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:28:22 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 13:09:54 / cg"

throwExceptionClassName:aJavaExceptionClassName withMessage:someMessage
    |exClass ex|

    exClass := Java classForName:aJavaExceptionClassName.
    ex := exClass newCleared.
    ex perform:#'<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V' with:(Java as_String:someMessage).

    "/ ex := exClass new.
    "/ ex instVarNamed:'detailMessage' put:(Java as_String:someMessage).

    self throwException:ex

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14.1.1998 / 23:38:30 / cg"


    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 10:34:24 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:26:25 / cg"

        withMessage:'illegal access'

    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
    "Created: / 14.1.1998 / 23:13:44 / cg"

        withMessage:'cannot instantiate'

    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
    "Created: / 14.1.1998 / 23:15:01 / cg"

        withMessage:('cannot instantiate ' , aJavaClass fullName)

    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
    "Created: / 14.1.1998 / 23:17:02 / cg"

	withMessage:'null pointer'

    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
    "Created: / 9.1.1998 / 02:26:08 / cg"

	withMessage:'bad number format'

    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 15:25:35 / cg"
    "Created: / 11.1.1998 / 16:08:22 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'helpers - io'!

    |fileNo file|

    fileNo := self validateFileNo:javaStream.
    fileNo == 0 ifTrue:[
	'JAVA: file is already closed' errorPrintCR.
	^ self    "/ already closed
    file := self getOpenFileAt:fileNo.
    file isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt:'invalid fileNo in close'.
	self internalError:'invalid fileNo in close'.
	^ self

    "/ should always be bytes

    (file ~~ Stdin
    and:[file ~~ Stdout
    and:[file ~~ Stderr]]) ifTrue:[
	file close.
    self setOpenFile:nil at:fileNo.

    fileNo := javaStream instVarNamed:'fd'.
    fileNo isInteger ifFalse:[
	"/ JDK 1.1.3
	fileNo instVarNamed:'fd' put:0.
    ] ifTrue:[
	"/ JDK 1.0
	javaStream instVarNamed:'fd' put:0

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:47:03 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 14:09:12 / cg"

    |fn stream tryAlongClassPath|

    fn := name asFilename.
    stream := fn readStream.
    stream notNil ifTrue:[^ stream].

    fn isAbsolute ifFalse:[
        "/ if not absolute, try along classPath
        "/ This allows classes to open local files (JEdit)
        "/ even if they have NOT been loaded by a Java classLoader.
        "/ Only do this for image files 
        "/ (and maybe some other config files in the future),
        "/ to avoid security holes.

        tryAlongClassPath := false.
        (fn hasSuffix:'gif') ifTrue:[
            tryAlongClassPath := true.
        (fn hasSuffix:'jpg') ifTrue:[
            tryAlongClassPath := true.

        tryAlongClassPath ifTrue:[
            Java classPath do:[:dirName |

                (fn := dirName asFilename construct:name) exists ifTrue:[
                    stream := fn readStream.
                    stream notNil ifTrue:[^ stream].
    ^ nil.

    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 13:01:34 / cg"

    |fileNo file descriptor|

    fileNo := self validateFileNo:javaStream.
    fileNo isNil ifTrue:[
"/        self halt:'invalid fileNo in read'.
"/        self internalError:'invalid fileNo in read'.
	self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'invalid fileNo in read'.
	^ nil

    file := self getOpenFileAt:fileNo.

    file isNil ifTrue:[
"/        self halt:'invalid fileNo in read'.
"/        self internalError:'invalid fileNo in read'.
	self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'invalid fileNo in read'.
	^ nil

    ^ file

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 16:50:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 17:50:00 / cg"

    |fileNo file descriptor|

    "/ JDK 1.1.3 has fileDescriptor wrapped
    "/ JDK 1.0 has it directly as integer

    fileNo := javaStream instVarNamed:'fd'.
    fileNo isInteger ifFalse:[
	descriptor := fileNo.
	fileNo := descriptor instVarNamed:'fd'.

    fileNo isInteger ifFalse:[
"/        self halt:'invalid fileNo in read'.
"/        self internalError:'invalid fileNo in read'.
	self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'invalid fileNo in read'.
	^ nil

    ^ fileNo.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:49:08 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 14:07:47 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!

    |jButtonPeer jButton jFrame frame button

    jButtonPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jButton := jButtonPeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.

    button := Button in:frame.
    button action:[
			jButtonPeer invoke:#handleAction.

    lbl := jButton instVarNamed:'label'.
    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
	lbl := Java as_ST_String:lbl.
	button label:lbl
    self createdWindowsView:button for:jButtonPeer.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
	'WButtonPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. button printNL.

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:53:30 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 22:09:15 / cg"

    |jCanvasPeer jFrame frame subView|

    jCanvasPeer := nativeContext receiver.

    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
    jFrame isNil ifTrue:[
        self halt:'no frame in canvasPeer create'.
        self internalError:'no frame in canvasPeer create'.     
        ^ self.
    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.

    subView := JavaView in:frame.
    subView delegate:self.
    subView javaPeer:jCanvasPeer.

    self createdWindowsView:subView for:jCanvasPeer.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
        'WCanvasPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. subView printNL.

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 00:59:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 13:40:00 / cg"

    |jCheckboxPeer jCheckbox jFrame frame checkBox lbl|

    jCheckboxPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jCheckbox := jCheckboxPeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.

    checkBox := CheckBox in:frame.
    checkBox action:[
                            with:(checkBox isOn ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0])

    lbl := jCheckbox instVarNamed:'label'.
    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
        lbl := Java as_ST_String:lbl.
        checkBox label:lbl

    self createdWindowsView:checkBox for:jCheckboxPeer.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
        'WCheckboxPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. checkBox printNL.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:48:03 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:27:04 / cg"

    |jChoicePeer jChoice jGroup|

    jChoicePeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jChoice := jChoicePeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    jGroup := nativeContext argAt:1.

    "Modified: / 4.8.1997 / 01:31:24 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:48:47 / cg"

    |jChoicePeer jChoice state|

    jChoicePeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jChoice := jChoicePeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    state := nativeContext argAt:1.

    "Modified: / 4.8.1997 / 01:19:41 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:49:13 / cg"

    |jChoicePeer jChoice jString index|

    jChoicePeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jChoice := jChoicePeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.
    index := nativeContext argAt:2.

    "Modified: / 4.8.1997 / 01:11:48 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:45:12 / cg"

    |jChoicePeer jChoice jFrame frame comboBox|

    jChoicePeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jChoice := jChoicePeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.

    comboBox := ComboBoxView in:frame.
"/    comboBox action:[jChoicePeer invoke:#handleAction].

    self createdWindowsView:comboBox for:jChoicePeer.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
	'WChoicePeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. comboBox printNL.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:44:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 22:09:39 / cg"

    self pReshape:nativeContext.
    ^ self.

    "Modified: / 15.8.1997 / 15:36:29 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:46:18 / cg"

    |jChoicePeer jChoice index|

    jChoicePeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jChoice := jChoicePeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    index := nativeContext argAt:1.

    "Modified: / 4.8.1997 / 01:19:41 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:45:43 / cg"

"/ self halt.

    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 18:43:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:03:59 / cg"

    |clrIndex jClr clr |

    clrIndex := nativeContext argAt:1.
    "/ windows defaults:
    "/  1: view background

    clrIndex == 1 ifTrue:[
	clr := View defaultViewBackgroundColor.
	clr isColor ifFalse:[
	    clr := Color gray:50.
    clrIndex == 2 ifTrue:[
	clr := Color black.
    clr isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt.
	self internalError:'breakpoint'.
	^ nil.

    clr := clr on:(Screen current).

    jClr := (Java classForName:'java.awt.Color') new.

    jClr instVarNamed:'pData' put:clr.
    jClr instVarNamed:'value' put:(clr rgbValue).
"/ self halt.
    ^ jClr.

    "Created: / 15.8.1997 / 15:38:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 18:06:51 / cg"


    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    Object errorSignal catch:[
        view destroy.
    JavaWindowGroup removeView:view.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:36:25 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 16:08:28 / cg"

    |rgb clr view|

    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    rgb := nativeContext argAt:1.
    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.

"/ self halt.
"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.

    clr := clr on:(view device).

"/    (view superView isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifTrue:[
"/        view viewBackground:(view superView viewBackground).
"/        view backgroundPaint:(view superView viewBackground).
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        (view isMemberOf:JavaView) ifTrue:[
"/            view viewBackground:clr.
"/            view backgroundPaint:clr.
"/        ]
"/    ].

    (view isKindOf:ScrollableView) ifTrue:[
        view := view scrolledView
    view viewBackground:clr.
    view backgroundPaint:clr.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:07:39 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 13:06:44 / cg"

    |rgb clr view|

    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    rgb := nativeContext argAt:1.
    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.

"/ self halt.
"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.

    clr := clr on:(view device).

    view paint:clr.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:08:13 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:32:45 / cg"


    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
    ] do:[
	view disable

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 18:26:36 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:32:53 / cg"


    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
    ] do:[
	view enable

    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:32:53 / cg"
    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 23:08:05 / cg"

    "this is invoked by java, to let a widget handle any event which
     was not consumed (eaten) by java.
     If the view in question is some ST-widget, forward it.
     Ignore for JavaViews."

    |view jEv stEv|

    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
    view notNil ifTrue:[
        (view isKindOf:JavaView) ifFalse:[
            jEv := nativeContext argAt:1.
            stEv := jEv instVarNamed:'data'.
            (stEv notNil and:[stEv ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
('JAVA: WComponent - handleEvent: ' , stEv type , ' for ' , view printString) infoPrintCR.
                stEv sendEventWithFocusOn:nil.
                ^ self.
('JAVA: WComponent - handleEvent ignored') infoPrintCR.

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:10:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 14:35:33 / cg"


    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
    ] do:[
	view beInvisible

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:35:32 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:33:08 / cg"


    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
'getFocus - ' print. view displayString printCR.

    view getKeyboardFocus

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:30:03 / cg"
    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 14:42:32 / cg"

    self commonReshapeComponent:nativeContext

    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 19:30:21 / cg"
    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:01:11 / cg"

"/ self halt.

    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 18:43:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:52:30 / cg"

"/ self halt.

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 00:55:17 / cg"

"/    self unimplementedNativeMethod.
"/ self halt.
"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'

    "Modified: / 16.8.1997 / 00:57:45 / cg"
    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:59:26 / cg"


    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

"/    'JAVA: show: ' print. view printNL.
"/    self halt.

    "/ frame views are under my browsers own control
    (view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifFalse:[
        view realize.

"/    view windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
"/        windowServer addGroup:(view windowGroup)
"/    ].

    ^ nil

"/ self halt.

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:26:22 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 15:37:17 / cg"

"/ self halt.

    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 18:43:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 00:58:40 / cg"

    ^ 1

    "Modified: / 21.8.1997 / 15:56:57 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:55:47 / cg"


    dialog := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    dialog hide.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:34:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:34:10 / cg"


    dialog := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
"/ show does not work (yet); must setup windowgroup
"/ for it to get events ...
"/    dialog show.
    dialog realize.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:52:15 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 15:57:03 / cg"

    |jDialogPeer dialog|

    jDialogPeer := nativeContext receiver.

    dialog := ModalBox new.
    jDialogPeer instVarNamed:'pData' put:dialog.

    self createdWindowsView:dialog for:jDialogPeer.
    dialog windowGroup:JavaWindowGroup.
    JavaWindowGroup addTopView:dialog.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
        'WDialogPeer_create: ' print. dialog printNL.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:51:00 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 16:12:44 / cg"

    |jDialogPeer jDialog dialogView stDialog 
     title dir pattern f|

    jDialogPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jDialog := jDialogPeer instVarNamed:'target'.
    dialogView := jDialogPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.

    stDialog := FileSelectionBox new.

    dir := jDialog instVarNamed:'dir'.
    dir notNil ifTrue:[
        stDialog directory:(Java as_ST_String:dir).
    pattern := jDialog instVarNamed:'file'.
    pattern notNil ifTrue:[
        stDialog pattern:(Java as_ST_String:pattern).
    title := jDialog instVarNamed:'title'.
    title notNil ifTrue:[
        stDialog title:(Java as_ST_String:title).
        stDialog label:(Java as_ST_String:title).

    stDialog show.

    stDialog accepted ifTrue:[
        f := stDialog pathName.

        "/ cannot use the one below - it has a builtIn fileSeparator if '\' (sigh)
        "/ jDialogPeer perform:#'handleSelected(Ljava/lang/String;)V' with:(Java as_String:f).

            with:(Java as_String:(f asFilename baseName)).
            with:(Java as_String:(f asFilename directoryName , Filename separator asString)).
    ] ifFalse:[
"/ self halt.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:38:45 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 13:04:05 / cg"

    "get multi-font string-segment width.
     Not yet supported - use standard strings width"

    |jMetrics jFont jFontDescr stFont w
     bool1 cp offs lenght bp int1|

    jMetrics := nativeContext receiver.
    jFont := nativeContext argAt:1.
    jFontDescr := nativeContext argAt:2.
    bool1 := nativeContext argAt:3.
    cp := nativeContext argAt:4.
    offs := nativeContext argAt:5.
    lenght := nativeContext argAt:6.
    bp := nativeContext argAt:7.
    int1 := nativeContext argAt:8.

    stFont := jFont instVarNamed:'pData'.
    (stFont isNil or:[stFont == 0]) ifTrue:[
	self halt

    stFont device isNil ifTrue:[
	stFont := stFont on:Display.
	jFont instVarNamed:'pData' put:stFont.
    w := stFont widthOf:cp from:offs+1 to:offs+lenght.
    ^ w.

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:57:45 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 23:44:03 / cg"

    |jMetrics jFont stFont widths family name style size|

    jMetrics := nativeContext receiver.
    jFont := jMetrics instVarNamed:'font'.

    family := jFont instVarNamed:'family'.
    family := Java as_ST_String:family.

    name := jFont instVarNamed:'name'.
    name := Java as_ST_String:name.

    style := jFont instVarNamed:'style'.
    size := jFont instVarNamed:'size'.

    stFont := Font family:family size:size.
    stFont isNil ifTrue:[
	stFont := Font family:'helvetica' size:size.
    stFont := stFont on:Display.

"/    stFont := jFont instVarNamed:'pData'.
"/    stFont isNil ifTrue:[
"/        self halt
"/    ].

    stFont := stFont on:Display.
    jFont instVarNamed:'pData' put:stFont.

    jMetrics instVarNamed:'ascent'     put:stFont ascent.
    jMetrics instVarNamed:'descent'    put:stFont descent.
    jMetrics instVarNamed:'leading'    put:0.
    jMetrics instVarNamed:'height'     put:stFont height.
    jMetrics instVarNamed:'maxAscent'  put:stFont maxAscent.
    jMetrics instVarNamed:'maxDescent' put:stFont maxDescent.
    jMetrics instVarNamed:'maxHeight'  put:stFont maxHeight.
    jMetrics instVarNamed:'maxAdvance' put:stFont maxWidth.

    widths := Array new:256.
    0 to:255 do:[:i |
	widths at:(i+1) put:(stFont widthOf:(Character value:i))
    jMetrics instVarNamed:'widths' put:widths.
"/ self halt.

    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:06:53 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:54:29 / cg"

    |jFont jFontDescr stFont|

    jFont := nativeContext argAt:1.
    jFontDescr := nativeContext argAt:2.

    stFont := jFont instVarNamed:'pData'.
"/    stFont isNil ifTrue:[
"/        self halt
"/    ].
"/    stFont device isNil ifTrue:[
"/        stFont := stFont on:Display.
"/        jFont instVarNamed:'pData' put:stFont.
"/    ].

    ^ 0

    "Modified: / 17.8.1997 / 17:16:29 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:56:42 / cg"

    |jFramePeer jFrame frame|

    jFramePeer := nativeContext receiver.

    "/ for now: a kludge to create an embedded frame for
    "/ mozillaFrames

    jFrame := jFramePeer instVarNamed:'target'.
    (jFrame notNil 
    and:[(jFrame class instVarOffsetOf:'pData') notNil])
        ((frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData') notNil 
        and:[frame ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
            'JAVA: targetFrame view already created: ' infoPrintCR.
            jFramePeer instVarNamed:'pData' put:frame.
    ] ifFalse:[
        frame := jFramePeer instVarNamed:'pData'

    (frame notNil and:[frame ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        'JAVA: frame view already created: ' infoPrint.
        jFramePeer class name infoPrintCR.
    ] ifFalse:[
        frame := StandardSystemView new.
        self createdWindowsView:frame for:jFramePeer.
        JavaWindowGroup addTopView:frame.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
        'JAVA: WFramePeer_create: ' print. jFramePeer displayString print.
        ' frame: ' print. frame printNL.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:56:39 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 16:02:46 / cg"

    |frame jMenuBarPeer menuPanel|

    frame := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    jMenuBarPeer := nativeContext argAt:1.
    jMenuBarPeer isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ mhmh - JAVA wants to remove the frames menuPanel.
	"/ but I have no handle on it (for destroy).
	"/ search it in subViews of the frame.
	frame subViews copy do:[:v |
	    (v isKindOf:MenuPanel) ifTrue:[
		v destroy
    ] ifFalse:[
	menuPanel := jMenuBarPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.

	menuPanel origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(menuPanel preferredExtent y).
	frame addSubView:menuPanel.
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:41:35 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:35:04 / cg"

    |gc x y w h bool|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.

"/ ignored for now;
"/ Clock does incorrect repaints if enabled.
"/ TODO: fix that ...

"/    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
"/    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
"/    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
"/    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
"/    bool := (nativeContext argAt:5) ~~ 0.
"/    gc clipRect:(Rectangle left:x top:y width:w height:h).

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:57:21 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 12:13:27 / cg"

    |gc x y w h|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    gc realized ifFalse:[
	'JAVA: drawing on unrealized gc - ignored' infoPrintCR.
	^ self

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
    h := nativeContext argAt:4.

"/ self halt.
"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.

    gc clearRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:16:00 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:21:09 / cg"

    |jGraphics jWin view|

    jGraphics := nativeContext receiver.
    jWin := nativeContext argAt:1.

    view := KnownWindows at:jWin ifAbsent:nil.
    view isNil ifTrue:[
        self halt.
        ^ self

"/    "/ just a consistency check ...
"/    (jWin instVarNamed:'xid') ~~ view ifTrue:[
"/        self halt:'consistency check'
"/    ].

    jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData' put:view.

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:55:18 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 13:49:56 / cg"

    |jGraphics graphics gc|

    jGraphics := nativeContext receiver.
    graphics := nativeContext argAt:1.
self halt.
    gc := graphics instVarNamed:'pData'.

    jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData' put:gc.

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:47:39 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 12:17:00 / cg"


    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:58:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:19:09 / cg"

    |gc x y w h startAngle endAngle|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
    startAngle := nativeContext argAt:5.
    endAngle := nativeContext argAt:6.

    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
	'drawArc x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print. 
	       ' w/h= ' print. w print. '@' print. h print.
	       ' startAngle= ' print. startAngle print. ' endAngle= ' print. endAngle printCR.
    gc displayArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:(endAngle - startAngle)

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:00:15 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:20:56 / cg"

    |gc x y x2 y2|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    x2 := nativeContext argAt:3.
    y2 := nativeContext argAt:4.

    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
	'drawLine x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print. ' x2/y2= ' print. x2 print. '@' print. y2 printCR.
    gc displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x2 y:y2

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:59:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:23 / cg"

    |jFont jFontDescr s gc x y offs len|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    jFont := nativeContext argAt:1.
    jFontDescr := nativeContext argAt:2.
    s := nativeContext argAt:3.
    offs := nativeContext argAt:4.
    len := nativeContext argAt:5.
    x := nativeContext argAt:6.
    y := nativeContext argAt:7.

    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
	'drawMFCharsSegment x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print. ' s= ' print. s printCR.
    gc displayString:s from:offs+1 to:offs+len x:x y:y.
    ^ (gc font widthOf:s).

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:01:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 23:43:43 / cg"

    |gc x y w h|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
    h := nativeContext argAt:4.

    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
	'drawOval x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print. 
		' w/h= ' print. w print. '@' print. h printCR.
    gc displayArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:0 angle:360

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:44:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:44:55 / cg"

    |gc xVector yVector count points|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    xVector := nativeContext argAt:1.
    yVector := nativeContext argAt:2.
    count := nativeContext argAt:3.

    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
	'drawPolgon' printCR.

    points := (1 to:count) collect:[:i | (xVector at:i) @ (yVector at:i)].
    gc displayPolygon:points

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:57:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:57:49 / cg"

    |gc x y w h|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
    h := nativeContext argAt:4.

"/ self halt.
"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.

    gc displayRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:33 / cg"
    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:59:05 / cg"

    |gc x y w h|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
    h := nativeContext argAt:4.

"/ self halt.
"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.

    gc displayRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:33 / cg"
    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:59:26 / cg"

    |gc x y w h startAngle endAngle|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
    startAngle := nativeContext argAt:5.
    endAngle := nativeContext argAt:6.

    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
	'fillArc x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print. 
	       ' w/h= ' print. w print. '@' print. h print.
	       ' startAngle= ' print. startAngle print. ' endAngle= ' print. endAngle printCR.
    gc fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:(endAngle - startAngle)

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:11:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:33:59 / cg"

    |gc x y w h|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
    h := nativeContext argAt:4.

    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
	'drawOval x/y= ' print. x print. '@' print. y print. 
		' w/h= ' print. w print. '@' print. h printCR.
    gc fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:0 angle:360

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:46:00 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:46:20 / cg"

    |gc xVector yVector count points|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    xVector := nativeContext argAt:1.
    yVector := nativeContext argAt:2.
    count := nativeContext argAt:3.

    DrawOPTrace ifTrue:[
	'fillPolgon' printCR.

    points := (1 to:count) collect:[:i | (xVector at:i) @ (yVector at:i)].
    gc fillPolygon:points

    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:23 / cg"
    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:58:09 / cg"

    |gc x y w h|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
    h := nativeContext argAt:4.

"/ self halt.
"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.

    gc fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    "Created: / 15.8.1997 / 15:43:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:33 / cg"

    |gc x y w h|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
    h := nativeContext argAt:4.

"/ self halt.
"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.

    gc displayRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:33 / cg"
    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:59:36 / cg"

    |gc rect r x y w h|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/    gc isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    rect := (Java classForName:'java.awt.Rectangle') basicNew.

    (gc isMemberOf:JavaView) ifTrue:[
        r := gc getNextUpdateRectangle.
        r isNil ifTrue:[
            x := y := 0.
            w := (gc width).
            h := (gc height).
        ] ifFalse:[
            x := (r left).
            y := (r top).
            w := (r width).
            h := (r height).
    ] ifFalse:[
        x := y := 0.
"/        w := h := 9999.
        w := (gc width).
        h := (gc height).
    rect instVarNamed:'x' put:x.
    rect instVarNamed:'y' put:y.
    rect instVarNamed:'width' put:w.
    rect instVarNamed:'height' put:h.

"/ 'JAVA: getClipBounds' infoPrintCR.
"/ self halt.

    ^ rect

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:58:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 12:08:48 / cg"

    |jGraphics imgRep|

    jGraphics := nativeContext receiver.
    imgRep := nativeContext argAt:1.

    jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData' put:(imgRep instVarNamed:'pData').
"/ self halt.

    "Created: / 11.1.1998 / 16:34:30 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 12:37:18 / cg"

    |gc jFont stFont|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
    jFont := nativeContext argAt:1.

    stFont := jFont instVarNamed:'pData'.
    (stFont isNil or:[stFont == 0]) ifTrue:[
"/ self halt.
    ] ifFalse:[
        gc font:stFont

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:56:47 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:31:20 / cg"

    |gc rgb clr|

    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.

    rgb := nativeContext argAt:1.

    clr := Color rgbValue:rgb.
    gc paint:clr.

"/ self halt.
"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:56:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:34:51 / cg"


    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/ self halt.
    gc function:#copy

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:33:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:35:41 / cg"


    gc := self gcForWGraphics:nativeContext.
"/ self halt.
    gc function:#xor

    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:35:41 / cg"
    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:36:17 / cg"

    |jLabelPeer jLabel jFrame frame label

    jLabelPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jLabel := jLabelPeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    lbl := jLabel instVarNamed:'text'.
    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
	lbl := Java as_ST_String:lbl

    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.

    label := Label in:frame.
    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
	label label:lbl
    self createdWindowsView:label for:jLabelPeer.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
	'WLabelPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. label printNL.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:42:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 22:10:47 / cg"

    |label alignNr|

    alignNr := nativeContext argAt:1.
    label := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
    label notNil ifTrue:[

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:43:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:35:29 / cg"

    |label jString|

    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.

    label := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
    label label:(Java as_ST_String:jString)

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:43:51 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:35:50 / cg"

    |jMenuBarPeer jMenuBar jFrame frame menuBar|

    jMenuBarPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jMenuBar := jMenuBarPeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.

    menuBar := MenuPanel in:frame.
    menuBar verticalLayout:false.

    self createdWindowsView:menuBar for:jMenuBarPeer.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
	'WMenuBarPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. menuBar printNL.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:38:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 22:10:54 / cg"

    |jMenuItemPeer jMenuItem jMenuPeer menu item lbl|

    jMenuItemPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jMenuItem := jMenuItemPeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    jMenuPeer := nativeContext argAt:1.
    menu := jMenuPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.

    item := menu createAtIndex:nil.
    item value:[jMenuItemPeer perform:#'handleAction(I)V' with:0].

    lbl := jMenuItem instVarNamed:'label'.
    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
	lbl := Java as_ST_String:lbl.
	item label:lbl

    jMenuItemPeer instVarNamed:'pData' put:item.

    WindowOPTrace == true ifTrue:[
	'WMenuItem_create: ' print. menu print. ' -> ' print. item printNL.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:40:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14.1.1998 / 17:55:01 / cg"

    |jMenuItemPeer item state|

    jMenuItemPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    item := jMenuItemPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.

    state := nativeContext argAt:1.
    item enabled:(state == 0) not

    "Modified: / 4.8.1997 / 03:05:50 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:41:38 / cg"

    |jMenuPeer jMenu jMenuBarPeer menuPanel menu
     lbl item|

    jMenuPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jMenu := jMenuPeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    jMenuBarPeer := nativeContext argAt:1.
    menuPanel := jMenuBarPeer instVarNamed:'pData'.

    item := menuPanel createAtIndex:nil.
    lbl := jMenu instVarNamed:'label'.
    lbl notNil ifTrue:[
	lbl := Java as_ST_String:lbl.
	item label:lbl

    menu := MenuPanel new.
    item submenu:menu.

    jMenuPeer instVarNamed:'pData' put:menu.

'createMenuPeer: ' print. menuPanel print. ' -> ' print. menu printNL.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:39:50 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 22:11:09 / cg"

    |jScrollbarPeer jScrollbar scrollBar value visibleAmount min max|

    scrollBar := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    jScrollbarPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jScrollbar := jScrollbarPeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    value := nativeContext argAt:1.
    visibleAmount := nativeContext argAt:2.
    min := nativeContext argAt:3.
    max := nativeContext argAt:4.

    (min ~~ 0
    or:[max ~~ 100]) ifTrue:[
	self halt

    scrollBar thumbOrigin:value thumbHeight:visibleAmount.
self halt.

    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 22:13:57 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 22:17:23 / cg"

    |jScrollbarPeer jScrollbar jFrame frame scrollBar
     lbl min max|

self halt.
    jScrollbarPeer := nativeContext receiver.
    jScrollbar := jScrollbarPeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.

    (jScrollbar instVarNamed:'orientation') == 0 "HORIZONTAL" ifTrue:[
	scrollBar := HorizontalScrollBar in:frame.
    ] ifFalse:[
	scrollBar := ScrollBar in:frame.
    min := jScrollbar instVarNamed:'minimum'.
    max := jScrollbar instVarNamed:'maximum'.

    self createdWindowsView:scrollBar for:jScrollbarPeer.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
	'WScrollbarPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. scrollBar printNL.

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:53:30 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 22:09:07 / cg"

    |jTextAreaPeer jFrame frame editTextView|

    jTextAreaPeer := nativeContext receiver.

    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.

    editTextView := HVScrollableView for:EditTextView in:frame.

    self createdWindowsView:editTextView for:jTextAreaPeer.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
        'WTextAreaPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. editTextView printNL.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:49:49 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:56:18 / cg"

    |textView pos string jstring|

    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    jstring := nativeContext argAt:1.
    string := Java as_ST_String:jstring.
    pos := nativeContext argAt:2.

    textView insert:string at:pos.
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 21:50:23 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:36:24 / cg"


    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    ^ textView readOnly:false

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:29:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:36:35 / cg"


    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    ^ textView characterPositionOfSelectionEnd

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 17:41:56 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 15:47:18 / cg"


    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    ^ textView characterPositionOfSelection - 1

    "Created: / 15.8.1997 / 15:45:45 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 15:46:51 / cg"

    |textView string jString|

    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    string := textView contents asString.
    jString := Java as_String:string.
    ^ jString

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:05:15 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:36:52 / cg"

    |textView selStart selEnd|

    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.
    selStart := nativeContext argAt:1.
    selEnd := nativeContext argAt:2.

    selStart == selEnd ifTrue:[
        "/ clear selection
        textView unselect.
        "/ and set caret
        textView cursorToCharacterPosition:selStart + 1
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ change selection
        textView selectFromCharacterPosition:selStart+1 to:selEnd

    "Created: / 15.8.1997 / 15:45:58 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 21:55:57 / cg"

    |textView string jstring|

    textView := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    jstring := nativeContext argAt:1.
    string := Java as_ST_String:jstring.

    textView contents:string.

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:28:23 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 15:59:57 / cg"

    |jTextFieldPeer jFrame frame editField|

    jTextFieldPeer := nativeContext receiver.

    jFrame := nativeContext argAt:1.
    frame := jFrame instVarNamed:'pData'.

    editField := EditField in:frame.

    self createdWindowsView:editField for:jTextFieldPeer.

    WindowCreationTrace == true ifTrue:[
	'WTextFieldPeer_create: ' print. frame print. ' -> ' print. editField printNL.

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 01:27:37 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 22:11:29 / cg"

    JavaEventThread := Processor activeProcess.
        [true] whileTrue:[
            AbortSignal handle:[:ex |
                ex return
            ] do:[
                self doWindowsEventThread.
    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
        JavaEventThread := nil.

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:01:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 19:48:55 / cg"

    ^ Screen current height

    "Modified: / 20.3.1997 / 13:50:04 / cg"
    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:24:45 / cg"

    ^ Screen current resolution x rounded

    "Modified: / 20.3.1997 / 13:50:04 / cg"
    "Created: / 17.1.1998 / 21:54:48 / cg"

    ^ Screen current width

    "Modified: / 20.3.1997 / 13:50:04 / cg"
    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:24:37 / cg"


    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 02:30:57 / cg"

"/ self halt.

    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 18:43:26 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:19:09 / cg"

    |view onOff|

    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    onOff := (nativeContext argAt:1) == 1.
    view isTopView ifTrue:[
        onOff ifTrue:[
            view minExtent:10@10.
            view maxExtent:(Screen current extent).
        ] ifFalse:[
            view minExtent:view extent.
            view maxExtent:view extent.
    ] ifFalse:[
        (view isMemberOf:JavaEmbeddedFrameView) ifFalse:[
            self halt.

"/ 'JAVA: WWindowPeer_setResizable: ' print. view print. ' yes/no: ' print. onOff printNL.

    ^ nil

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 00:57:59 / cg"
    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 18:08:00 / cg"

    |view jString string|

    view := self viewForWPeer:nativeContext.

    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.
    string := Java as_ST_String:jString.

"/ 'JAVA: WWindowPeer_pSetTitle: ' print. string print. ' ' print. view printNL.

    view label:string.
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 00:57:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:37:41 / cg"

"/ self halt.

    "Modified: / 18.3.1997 / 18:43:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:09:04 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!

    |descriptor fileNo idx myStream|

    descriptor := nativeContext argAt:1.
    fileNo := nativeContext argAt:2.

    fileNo == 0 ifTrue:[
	myStream := Stdin
    ] ifFalse:[
	fileNo == 1 ifTrue:[
	   myStream := JavaConsoleStream ? Stdout
	] ifFalse:[
	    fileNo == 2 ifTrue:[
		myStream := JavaConsoleStream ? Stderr
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self halt:'invalid fileNo given'.
		self internalError:'invalid fileNo given'.

    self setOpenFile:myStream at:fileNo.

    descriptor instVarNamed:'fd' put:fileNo.
    ^ descriptor

    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 14:52:02 / cg"


    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).
    file isNil ifTrue:[
	self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'invalid fileNo in available'.
	^ self
    file isFileStream ifTrue:[
	^ file size - file position + 1
    file atEnd ifTrue:[
	^ 0.
    self halt.
    ^ 1

    "Modified: / 14.1.1998 / 15:12:52 / cg"

    ^ self anyFileStream_close:(nativeContext receiver)

    "Modified: / 15.8.1997 / 16:59:56 / cg"
    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:45:23 / cg"

    |fs fd fn name stream fileNo|

    fs := nativeContext receiver.
    fd := fs instVarNamed:'fd'.
    (fd instVarNamed:'fd') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        self halt:'file already open'.
        self internalError:'file already open'.
        ^ self.

    name := nativeContext argAt:1.
    name := Java as_ST_String:name.

    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
        ('JAVA: opening ' , name) infoPrintCR.

    stream := self fileStreamForReading:name.
    stream isNil ifTrue:[
        FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
            ('JAVA: failed to open ' , name , ' for reading.') infoPrintCR.

        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('cannot open ' , name , ' for reading').

        ^ self.

"/    FileOpenConfirmation ifTrue:[
"/        (self confirm:('JAVA Security check\\Opening ''' , name , ''' for reading.\Grant permission ?') withCRs)
"/        ifFalse:[
"/            self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('no permission to open ' , name , ' for reading').
"/            ^ self
"/        ]
"/    ].

    fileNo := self addOpenFile:stream.

    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
        ('JAVA: opened ' , name , ' as FD ' , fileNo printString) infoPrintCR.

    fd instVarNamed:'fd' put:fileNo.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 16:47:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 13:35:27 / cg"

    |file byte|

    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).

    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
	('JAVA: read 1 byte from ' , file pathName) infoPrintCR.

    byte := file nextByte.
    byte isNil ifTrue:[
	^ -1
    ^ byte

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:17:08 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.1.1998 / 02:17:25 / cg"

    |bytes offset count stream nRead|

    bytes := nativeContext argAt:1.
    offset := nativeContext argAt:2.
    count := nativeContext argAt:3.

    stream := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).

    "/ should always be bytes
    bytes class isBytes ifFalse:[
	self halt.

    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
	('JAVA: read ' , count printString , ' bytes from ' , stream pathName) infoPrintCR.

"/    stream readWait.
    nRead := stream nextBytes:count into:bytes startingAt:offset+1.
    nRead == 0 ifTrue:[
	stream atEnd ifTrue:[
	    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
		('JAVA: at EOF ' , nRead printString) infoPrintCR.
	    ^ -1
    count ~~ nRead ifTrue:[
	FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
	    ('JAVA: only got ' , nRead printString) infoPrintCR.
    ^ nRead

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 16:49:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14.1.1998 / 15:15:01 / cg"

    ^ self anyFileStream_close:(nativeContext receiver)

    "Modified: / 15.8.1997 / 16:59:56 / cg"
    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:33:16 / cg"

    |fs fd name stream fileNo|

    fs := nativeContext receiver.
    fd := fs instVarNamed:'fd'.
    (fd instVarNamed:'fd') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        self halt:'file already open'.
        self internalError:'file already open'.
        ^ self.

    name := nativeContext argAt:1.
    name := Java as_ST_String:name.

    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
        ('JAVA: opening ' , name) infoPrintCR.

    FileOpenConfirmation ifTrue:[
        (self confirm:('JAVA Security check\\Opening ''' , name , ''' for writing.\Grant permission ?') withCRs)
            self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('no permission to open ' , name , ' for writing').
            ^ self

    stream := name asFilename writeStream.
    stream isNil ifTrue:[
        self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:('cannot open ' , name , ' for writing').

    fileNo := self addOpenFile:stream.

    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
        ('JAVA: opened ' , name , ' as FD ' , fileNo printString , ' for writing') infoPrintCR.

    fd instVarNamed:'fd' put:fileNo.

    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 13:32:58 / cg"

    |byte file|

    byte := nativeContext argAt:1.

    file := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).

    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
	file isFileStream ifTrue:[
	    ('JAVA: write 1 byte to ' , file pathName) infoPrintCR.
	] ifFalse:[
	    file ~~ Stdout ifTrue:[
		file ~~ Stderr ifTrue:[
		    ('JAVA: write 1 byte to ' , file displayString) infoPrintCR.

    "/ should always be bytes

    file nextPutByte:byte

    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:32:13 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 09:32:31 / cg"

    |bytes offset count stream|

    bytes := nativeContext argAt:1.
    offset := nativeContext argAt:2.
    count := nativeContext argAt:3.

    stream := self validateFile:(nativeContext receiver).

    FileIOTrace ifTrue:[
	stream isFileStream ifTrue:[
	    ('JAVA: write ' , count printString , ' bytes to ' , stream pathName) infoPrintCR.
	] ifFalse:[
	    stream ~~ Stdout ifTrue:[
		stream ~~ Stderr ifTrue:[
		    ('JAVA: write ' , count printString , ' bytes to ' , stream displayString) infoPrintCR.

    "/ should always be bytes

    stream nextPutBytes:count from:bytes startingAt:offset+1

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 20:46:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 20:47:34 / cg"

    |file path f|

    file := nativeContext receiver.
    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
    path notNil ifTrue:[
        path := Java as_ST_String:path.
        (f := path asFilename) isReadable ifTrue:[
            ^ 1 "/ TRUE
    ^ 0 "/ FALSE

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 18:09:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:10:34 / cg"

    |file path f|

    file := nativeContext receiver.
    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
    path notNil ifTrue:[
        path := Java as_ST_String:path.
        (f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
            ^ 1 "TRUE"
    ^ 0 "FALSE"

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:07:48 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:10:27 / cg"

    |file path f|

    file := nativeContext receiver.
    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
    path notNil ifTrue:[
	path := Java as_ST_String:path.
	(f := path asFilename) isAbsolute ifTrue:[
	    ^ 1 "/ TRUE
    ^ 0 "/ FALSE

    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:04:05 / cg"
    "Created: / 11.1.1998 / 09:54:38 / cg"

    |file path f|

    file := nativeContext receiver.
    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
    path notNil ifTrue:[
        path := Java as_ST_String:path.
        (f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
            f isDirectory ifTrue:[^ 1 "TRUE"]
    ^ 0 "FALSE"

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 10:31:37 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:10:20 / cg"

    |file path f|

    file := nativeContext receiver.
    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
    path notNil ifTrue:[
        path := Java as_ST_String:path.
        (f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
            f isDirectory ifFalse:[^ 1 "TRUE"]
    ^ 0 "/ FALSE

    "Created: / 11.1.1998 / 11:40:22 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:10:13 / cg"

    |file path f|

    file := nativeContext receiver.
    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
    path notNil ifTrue:[
        path := Java as_ST_String:path.
        (f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
            ^ f fileSize
    ^ -1

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 12:18:57 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:10:06 / cg"

    |file path f files|

    file := nativeContext receiver.
    path := file instVarNamed:'path'.
    path notNil ifTrue:[
        path := Java as_ST_String:path.
        (f := path asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
            f isDirectory ifTrue:[
                files := f directoryContents asArray.
                files := files collect:[:nm | Java as_String:nm].
                ^ files
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 14.1.1998 / 21:30:22 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14.1.1998 / 21:32:09 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.lang'!

    "create a new class from a given byteArray.
     Here, construct a stream on it and pass the work to the

    |jClassLoader jName name data offset length inStream newClass
     loaderStub jClass|

    jClassLoader := nativeContext receiver.
    jName := nativeContext argAt:1.

    "/ className is now optional ...
"/    jName isNil ifTrue:[
"/        self internalError:'nil name in defineClass'.
"/        ^ nil
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        name := Java as_ST_String:jName.
"/    ].

    data := nativeContext argAt:2.
    offset := nativeContext argAt:3.
    length := nativeContext argAt:4.

    inStream := data readStream.
    inStream position:offset + 1.
    inStream readLimit:(offset + length).

    loaderStub := Plug new.
    loaderStub respondTo:#loadClass: with:[:clsName |

self halt.
                                                jName := Java as_String:clsName.
                                                "/ jClassLoader loadClass:jName

    ('JAVA: defining class ...') infoPrintCR.

"/    self internalError:'break'.

    newClass := JavaClassReader 

newClass isNil ifTrue:[
    ('JAVA: defineClass failed') infoPrintCR.
    ^ nil.
    Transcript showCR:('defined class ' , newClass fullName , '.').
    newClass classLoader:jClassLoader.

    ('Java: defined new class: ' , newClass fullName) infoPrintCR.

    jClass := self javaClassObjectForClass:newClass.
    ^ jClass

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 12:35:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23.1.1998 / 17:47:14 / cg"

    |loader name class jClass|

    loader := nativeContext receiver.
    name := nativeContext argAt:1.
    name := Java as_ST_String:name.

    ('JAVA: findSystemClass0 for ' , name , ' loader is ' , loader displayString) infoPrintCR.
    loader class == (Java classForName:'java.util.SystemClassLoader') ifTrue:[
        Java classForName:name.

"/    JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer:nil "loader"
"/    do:[
"/        class := Java classForName:name.
"/        JavaClassReader postLoadActions:true.
"/    ].
    class := Java at:name.
    (class isNil 
    "or:[class classLoader notNil]") ifTrue:[
"/        self halt:'class: ' , name , ' not found.'.
"/        self internalError:'class: ' , name , ' not found.'.

            withMessage:'class: ' , name , ' not found.'.
        ^ nil

    'JAVA: findSystemClass0 - loaded: ' infoPrint. class fullName infoPrintCR.
    jClass := self javaClassObjectForClass:class.
    ^ jClass

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:53:04 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23.1.1998 / 17:47:30 / cg"

    |jString rString dir file text data inStream|

    jString := nativeContext argAt:1.
    rString := Java as_ST_String:jString.
    Java classPath do:[:aPath |
	(dir := aPath asFilename) exists ifTrue:[
	    (file := dir construct:rString) exists ifTrue:[
		text := file contents asString.

		"/ Copy data from returned buffer into Java byte array. 

		data := text asByteArray.

		"/ Create input stream using byte array 

		inStream := (Java classForName:'') basicNew.
		inStream invoke:'<init>([B)V' with:data.
		^ inStream.
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:03:45 / cg"
    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 16:06:56 / cg"

     ^ nil

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:04:43 / cg"

    "resolve a new class as previously created by defineClass0"

    |jClassLoader jCls cls loaderStub|

    jClassLoader := nativeContext receiver.
    jCls := nativeContext argAt:1.
    jCls isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt.
	^ nil
    cls := JavaClasses at:jCls ifAbsent:nil.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt.
	^ nil
    Transcript showCR:('resolving class ' , cls fullName , ' ...').

    JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer:jClassLoader 
	JavaClassReader postLoadActions:true.
	cls constantPool do:[:entry |
	    (entry isMemberOf:JavaUnresolvedClassConstant) ifTrue:[
		self halt:'debugHalt'.
		entry preResolve.
		self halt:'debugHalt'.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 13:12:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 16:13:57 / cg"

    "get a java.lang.Class by name"

    |jClassName className cls jClass s m c loader|

    jClassName := nativeContext argAt:1.
    className := Java as_ST_String:jClassName.

    (s := nativeContext sender) notNil ifTrue:[
        (s isMemberOf:JavaContext) ifTrue:[
            c := s method javaClass.
            loader := c classLoader.
            loader isNil ifTrue:[
"/ self halt.

    JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal answer:loader
        cls := Java classForName:className.

"/(className startsWith:'sun.awt') ifTrue:[self halt].
"/('classForName: ' , className , ' -> ') print.
"/cls notNil ifTrue:[cls fullName printCR] ifFalse:['nil' printCR].

    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        ExceptionTrace ifTrue:[
            self halt:'no such class:' , className.
        self throwClassNotFoundException:className.
        "/ not proceedable
        AbortSignal raise.
        "/ not reached
        ^ self

    cls classInit.

    jClass := self javaClassObjectForClass:cls.
    ^ jClass

    "Modified: / 23.1.1998 / 17:48:00 / cg"

    "get a classes loader"


    loader := JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal raise.
    ('JAVA: getClassLoader - ' , loader printString) infoPrintCR.

    "/ self unimplementedNativeMethod.
    ^ loader

    "Modified: / 21.8.1997 / 16:32:02 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:51:59 / cg"

    "get a classes name"

    |jClass cls|

    jClass := nativeContext receiver.
    cls := JavaClasses at:jClass.
    ^ Java as_String:((cls fullName copyFrom:1) replaceAll:$/ with:$.).

    "Modified: / 6.1.1998 / 18:30:52 / cg"

    "get a primitive class by name"

    |jClassName className cls|

    jClassName := nativeContext argAt:1.
    className := Java as_ST_String:jClassName.

    JavaClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	self initializePrimitiveClasses
    cls := JavaClasses at:className.

"/    cls := Java classForName:className.
"/    cls isNil ifTrue:[
"/       cls := JavaClasses at:('JavaBase_' , className) asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
"/        #(
"/          'boolean' #Boolean
"/          'float'   #ShortFloat
"/          'double'  #Float
"/          'int'     #Integer
"/          'long'    #Integer
"/          'char'    #Character
"/          'short'   #Integer
"/          'byte'    #Integer
"/          'void'    #UndefinedObject
"/        ) pairWiseDo:[:nm :sym |
"/            className = nm ifTrue:[
"/                cls := Smalltalk at:sym.
"/            ]
"/        ].
"/        cls isNil ifTrue:[
"/            self internalError:'class: ' , className , ' not found.'.
"/        ].
"/    ].
    ^ cls

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 00:46:03 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 01:12:27 / cg"

    "return a classes superclass"

    |jClass cls superCls|

    jClass := nativeContext receiver.
    cls := JavaClasses at:jClass.
    superCls := cls superclass.
    superCls == JavaObject ifTrue:[
        ^ nil.
    jClass := JavaClasses at:cls ifAbsent:nil.
    jClass isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ class must be initialized (with all of its superclasses ?).
        cls classInit.

        JavaClasses at:cls put:(jClass := (Java at:'java.lang.Class') new).
        JavaClasses at:jClass put:cls.
    ^ jClass

    "Created: / 12.1.1998 / 12:38:36 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 00:57:34 / cg"

    "return true, if this class is an interface"

    |jClass cls|

    jClass := nativeContext receiver.
    cls := JavaClasses at:jClass.
    cls isInterface ifTrue:[^ 1 "TRUE"].
    ^ 0 "FALSE"

    "Created: / 12.1.1998 / 12:37:02 / cg"

    "get an instance for a java.lang.Class"

    |jClass cls newInst|

    jClass := nativeContext receiver.
    cls := JavaClasses at:jClass.
    cls classInit.
    newInst := cls newCleared.
    newInst perform:#'<init>()V'.

    ^ newInst

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 22:41:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 00:57:37 / cg"

    |f i|

    f := nativeContext argAt:1.

    UninterpretedBytes isBigEndian ifTrue:[
	i := f basicAt:8. 
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:7) bitShift:8).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:6) bitShift:16).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:5) bitShift:24).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:4) bitShift:32).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:3) bitShift:40).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:2) bitShift:48).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:1) bitShift:56).
    ] ifFalse:[
	i := f basicAt:1. 
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:2) bitShift:8).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:3) bitShift:16).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:4) bitShift:24).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:5) bitShift:32).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:6) bitShift:40).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:7) bitShift:48).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:8) bitShift:56).

    ^ i.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 01:39:12 / cg"

    |i aFloat|

    i := nativeContext argAt:1.

    aFloat := Float new.
    UninterpretedBytes isBigEndian ifTrue:[
	aFloat basicAt:1 put:((i bitShift:-56) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:2 put:((i bitShift:-48) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:3 put:((i bitShift:-40) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:4 put:((i bitShift:-32) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:5 put:((i bitShift:-24) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:6 put:((i bitShift:-16) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:7 put:((i bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:8 put:(i bitAnd:16rFF).
    ] ifFalse:[
	aFloat basicAt:1 put:(i bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:2 put:((i bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:3 put:((i bitShift:-16) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:4 put:((i bitShift:-24) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:5 put:((i bitShift:-32) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:6 put:((i bitShift:-40) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:7 put:((i bitShift:-48) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:8 put:((i bitShift:-56) bitAnd:16rFF).

    ^ aFloat.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 01:45:00 / cg"

    |s d|

    s := nativeContext argAt:1.
    s notNil ifTrue:[
	s := Java as_ST_String:s.
	d := Float readFrom:s onError:nil.
    d isNil ifTrue:[
	self throwNumberFormatException.
	"/ not reached

    ^ d

    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:03:55 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 11:09:43 / cg"

    |f i|

    f := nativeContext argAt:1.

    UninterpretedBytes isBigEndian ifTrue:[
	i := f basicAt:4. 
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:3) bitShift:8).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:2) bitShift:16).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:1) bitShift:24).
    ] ifFalse:[
	i := f basicAt:1. 
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:2) bitShift:8).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:3) bitShift:16).
	i := i bitOr:((f basicAt:4) bitShift:24).

    ^ i.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 01:25:50 / cg"

    |i aFloat|

    i := nativeContet argAt:1.

    aFloat := ShortFloat basicNew.
    UninterpretedBytes isBigEndian ifTrue:[
	aFloat basicAt:1 put:((i bitShift:-24) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:2 put:((i bitShift:-16) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:3 put:((i bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:4 put:(i bitAnd:16rFF).
    ] ifFalse:[
	aFloat basicAt:1 put:(i bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:2 put:((i bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:3 put:((i bitShift:-16) bitAnd:16rFF).
	aFloat basicAt:4 put:((i bitShift:-24) bitAnd:16rFF).

    ^ aFloat.

    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 23:03:36 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 23:05:01 / cg"



    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
	self halt:'expected double arg'
    ^ dVal ceilingAsFloat

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:43:00 / cg"



    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
	self halt:'expected double arg'
    ^ dVal cos

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:41:30 / cg"



    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
	self halt:'expected double arg'
    ^ dVal floorAsFloat

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 19:09:21 / cg"



    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
	self halt:'expected double arg'
    ^ dVal log

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:42:19 / cg"


    |dVal1 dVal2|

    dVal1 := nativeContext argAt:1.
    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
	self halt:'expected double arg'
    dVal2 := nativeContext argAt:3.
    (nativeContext argAt:4) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
	self halt:'expected double arg'
    ^ dVal1 raisedTo:dVal2

    "Modified: / 15.8.1997 / 05:24:27 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:44:13 / cg"



    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
	self halt:'expected double arg'
    ^ dVal sin

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:41:40 / cg"

    "square root"


    dVal := nativeContext argAt:1.
    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_DOUBLE_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
	self halt:'expected double arg'
    ^ dVal sqrt

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:42:40 / cg"

    "clone an object"

    |o rslt|

    o := nativeContext receiver.
    rslt := o shallowCopy.
    ^ rslt

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:39:26 / cg"

    "return an objects class"

    |o cls jClass|

    o := nativeContext receiver.
    cls := o class.

    jClass := self javaClassObjectForClass:cls.
    ^ jClass

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 18:28:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23.1.1998 / 17:48:22 / cg"


    |o rslt|

    o := nativeContext receiver.
    rslt := o identityHash.
    ^ rslt

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:40:26 / cg"


    self wakeup:(nativeContext receiver).

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:09:26 / cg"

    self wakeupAll:(nativeContext receiver).

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 03:06:56 / cg"


    |tmo handle sema enteredMonitors|

    handle := nativeMethodContext receiver.
    tmo := nativeMethodContext argAt:1.

    (nativeMethodContext argAt:2) == DUMMY_LONG_HIGHWORD ifFalse:[
	self halt:'expected long arg'

    sema := JavaVM semaphoreFor:handle.

    "/ temporarily leave all entered monitors.

    enteredMonitors := self enteredMonitors.

    enteredMonitors size > 0 ifTrue:[
	MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
	    ('====> wait - exit ' , enteredMonitors size printString , ' monitors in ' , Processor activeProcess name , ' ...') infoPrintCR.
	enteredMonitors do:[:handle | 

	    mon := LockTable at:handle ifAbsent:nil.
	    mon isNil ifTrue:[
		self halt:'no monitor in wait'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
		    ('====> wait - exit monitor for ' , handle displayString , ' in ' , Processor activeProcess name , ' ...') infoPrintCR. 
		mon exit.

	ThreadTrace ifTrue:[
	    ('====> thread ' , Processor activeProcess name , ' waiting ...') infoPrintCR.
	tmo = 0 ifTrue:[
	    Processor activeProcess state:#javaWait.
	    sema wait.
	] ifFalse:[
	    sema waitWithTimeout:tmo / 1000.
    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
	JavaVM releaseSemaphoreFor:handle.

    "/ re-enter monitors.

    enteredMonitors size > 0 ifTrue:[
	MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
	    ('====> wait - reenter ' , enteredMonitors size printString , ' monitors in ' , Processor activeProcess name , ' ...') infoPrintCR.
	enteredMonitors do:[:handle | 

	    LockTableAccess critical:[
		mon := LockTable at:handle ifAbsent:nil.
		mon isNil ifTrue:[
		    LockTable at:handle put:(mon := Monitor new)
	    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
		('====> wait - reenter monitor for ' , handle displayString , ' in ' , Processor activeProcess name , ' ...') infoPrintCR. 
	    mon enter.

    ThreadTrace ifTrue:[
	'====> thread continues ...' printCR.

    "Modified: / 9.1.1998 / 10:41:47 / cg"

    |jPath jFileName path fileName libName|

    jPath := nativeContext argAt:1.
    jFileName := nativeContext argAt:2.

    path := Java as_ST_String:jPath.
    fileName := Java as_ST_String:jFileName.

    path = '__builtIn__' ifTrue:[
	libName := path , '/' , fileName
    ] ifFalse:[
	libName := path , '/lib' , fileName , '.so'.
    ^ Java as_String:libName.

    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:05:05 / cg"
    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:07:14 / cg"

    "Run a unix-command; return a process object."

    |cmdAndArgArray envArray cmd jProcessClass jProcess|

"/    cmdAndArgArray := nativeContext argAt:1.
"/    envArray := nativeContext argAt:2.
"/    cmd := cmdAndArgArray at:1.
"/    jProcessClass := Java classForName:'java.lang.UNIXProcess'.
"/    jProcessClass notNil ifTrue:[
"/        jProcess := jProcessClass newCleared.
"/        jProcess
"/            perform:#'<init>([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V'
"/            with:cmdAndArgArray
"/            with:envArray.
"/        ^ jProcess
"/    ].
    self throwIOExceptionWithMessage:'Process execution disabled/unimplemented'.
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 15.1.1998 / 01:50:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 02:09:29 / cg"

    "exit - here, we only shut down java threads"


    (enteredMonitors := self enteredMonitors) size > 0 ifTrue:[
	enteredMonitors do:[:handle | 
	    | mon |

	    mon := LockTable at:handle ifAbsent:nil.
	    mon isNil ifTrue:[
		self halt:'no monitor in exitInternal'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		mon exit.
('====> terminateThread - exit monitor for ' , handle displayString , ' in ' , Processor activeProcess name , ' ...') infoPrintCR. 
"/                LockTableAccess critical:[
"/                    mon isFree ifTrue:[
"/                        LockTable removeKey:handle
"/                    ]
"/                ]

    JavaVM releaseAllJavaResources.
    AbortSignal raise.
    self halt.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:48:51 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.1.1998 / 22:56:07 / cg"

    "free memory - Returns the number of free bytes"

    ^ ObjectMemory freeListSpace + ObjectMemory freeSpace

    "Created: / 12.1.1998 / 12:59:53 / cg"

    "Runs the garbage collector.
     Ignored, since the ST-gc runs all the time."

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 12.1.1998 / 12:58:32 / cg"

    "init sharedLib linker, return searchPath as javaString"


    "/ mhmh - what is done here ?

    path := ''.
    LibPath do:[:comp | path size == 0 ifTrue:[
			    path := path , comp
			] ifFalse:[
			    path := path , ':' , comp

    ^ Java as_String:path

    "Modified: / 7.8.1997 / 21:17:03 / cg"
    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 17:53:15 / cg"

    "load a sharedLib, return boolean 0 (false) if fail; 1 (true) if ok"


    ret := self _Runtime_loadFileInternalI:nativeContext.
    ret < 0 ifTrue:[ ret := 0 ].
    ^ ret

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:10:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 19:11:04 / cg"

    "1.1b3 change; load a sharedLib like 'loadFileInternal',
     but return integer:
	-1   outOfMemory error
	0    failed to load
	1    loaded or already loaded (i.e. ok)"

    |jLibName libName libHandle|

    jLibName := nativeContext argAt:1.
    libName := Java as_ST_String:jLibName.

    (SimulatedLibs includes:libName) ifTrue:[
	('JAVA: builtIn libLoad simulated: ' , libName) printNL.
	^ 1
    (LoadedLibs notNil and:[LoadedLibs includesKey:libName]) ifTrue:[
	('JAVA: already loaded: ' , libName) printNL.
	^ 1

    libName asFilename exists ifFalse:[
	('JAVA: no file to load: ' , libName) printNL.
	^ 0

    libHandle := ObjectFileLoader loadLibrary:libName.
    libHandle isNil ifTrue:[
	('JAVA: failed to load: ' , libName) printNL.
	^ 0

    LoadedLibs isNil ifTrue:[
	LoadedLibs := Dictionary new.

    LoadedLibs at:libName put:libHandle.
    ^ 1

    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:05:07 / cg"
    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 19:10:54 / cg"

    "free memory - Returns the total number of bytes"

    ^ ObjectMemory oldSpaceSize + ObjectMemory newSpaceSize

    "Created: / 12.1.1998 / 12:59:23 / cg"

    |con depth|

    con := thisContext sender.
    depth := 1.
    [con notNil] whileTrue:[
	con receiver == JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal ifTrue:[
	    con selector == #handle:do: ifTrue:[
		depth := depth + 1
	con := con sender.
'JAVA: classLoaderDepth -> ' infoPrint. depth infoPrintCR.
    ^ depth.

    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:21:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 09:33:43 / cg"


    loader := JavaClassReader classLoaderQuerySignal raise.
'JAVA: currentClassLoader -> ' infoPrint. loader displayString infoPrintCR.
    ^ loader.

    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 09:23:28 / cg"

    |srcArray srcIdx dstArray dstIdx count|

    srcArray := nativeContext argAt:1.
    srcIdx := nativeContext argAt:2.
    dstArray := nativeContext argAt:3.
    dstIdx := nativeContext argAt:4.
    count := nativeContext argAt:5.

    srcArray class isBytes ifTrue:[
	dstArray class isBytes ifFalse:[
	    self halt:'incompatible arraycopy collections'.
	dstArray replaceBytesFrom:(dstIdx+1) to:(dstIdx+count) with:srcArray startingAt:(srcIdx+1).
    ] ifFalse:[
	dstArray replaceFrom:(dstIdx+1) to:(dstIdx+count) with:srcArray startingAt:(srcIdx+1).
    ^ nil.

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 01:56:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 02:01:37 / cg"

    "return the milliseconds since 1.jan.1970"


    ^ AbsoluteTime now millisecondDeltaFrom:(AbsoluteTime day:1 month:1 year:1970 hour:1 minutes:0 seconds:0).
"/    seconds := AbsoluteTime now - (AbsoluteTime day:1 month:1 year:1970 hour:1 minutes:0 seconds:0).
"/    ^ seconds * 1000

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 03:25:50 / cg"
    "Modified: / 10.1.1998 / 01:32:24 / cg"

    |props stProps|

    props := nativeContext argAt:1.
    stProps := self systemProperties.

    "/ recursively invoke myself on the Java HashTable.
    "/ calling 'put' to stuff in the values ...

    stProps keysAndValuesDo:[:key :value |
        |keyObj valueObj|

        keyObj := Java as_String:key.
        valueObj := Java as_String:value.

    ^ props

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 14:25:22 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 14:23:18 / cg"


    stream := nativeContext argAt:1.

    self setOpenFile:(self javaConsoleStream ? Stderr) at:2.

    nativeContext receiver instVarNamed:'err' put:stream.

    "Created: / 18.3.1997 / 15:02:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 16:21:15 / cg"


    stream := nativeContext argAt:1.

    self setOpenFile:Stdin at:0.

    nativeContext receiver instVarNamed:'in' put:stream.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 16:16:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 16:20:44 / cg"


    stream := nativeContext argAt:1.

    self setOpenFile:(self javaConsoleStream ? Stdout) at:1.

    nativeContext receiver instVarNamed:'out' put:stream.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 16:18:26 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 16:20:23 / cg"

    |t p prio|

    p := Processor activeProcess.
    t := self javaThreadForSTProcess:p.
    t notNil ifTrue:[
	^ t
    t := self newThread:'main'.
    Java threads at:t put:p.
    ^ t

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 01:42:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.1.1998 / 14:59:13 / cg"

    "is it alive ?"

    |jThread stProcess|

    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
    stProcess := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:jThread.
    stProcess isNil ifTrue:[
	('JAVA: no stProcess for javaThread: ' , jThread displayString) printNL.
	^ 0 "FALSE"
    stProcess isDead ifTrue:[^ 0 "FALSE"].
    ^ 1 "TRUE"

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:03:51 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 01:07:03 / cg"

    "ask if a thread is interrupted (clear interruptState if arg is true)"

    |jThread stProcess clearInterrupt rslt|

    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
    stProcess := self stProcessForJavaThread:jThread.
    stProcess isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt.
	^ 0

    clearInterrupt := nativeContext argAt:1.
    rslt := stProcess isInterrupted ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0].
    clearInterrupt ~~ 0 ifTrue:[stProcess clearInterruptActions].
    ^ rslt

    "Modified: / 2.1.1998 / 21:49:06 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 18:50:26 / cg"


    |jThread stProcess|

    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
    stProcess := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:jThread.
    stProcess isNil ifTrue:[
	('JAVA: no stProcess for javaThread: ' , jThread displayString) printNL.
	^ nil "void"
    stProcess resume

    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 00:14:43 / cg"
    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 01:06:27 / cg"

    |t p prio|

    t := nativeMethodContext receiver.
    p := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:t.
    prio := nativeMethodContext argAt:1.

    p isNil ifTrue:[
	'JAVA [info]: no process yet (in setPriority)' infoPrintCR.
	^ nil

    ThreadTrace ifTrue:[
	'JAVA [info]: setPrio: ' print. t print. ' pri= ' print. prio print. ' p= ' print. p printNL.
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 19:05:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 2.1.1998 / 22:38:20 / cg"

    "sleep for some milliseconds "


    (nativeContext argAt:2) ~~ DUMMY_LONG_HIGHWORD ifTrue:[
	self internalError:'expected long arg'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	millis := nativeContext argAt:1.
	Delay waitForMilliseconds:(millis max:50)

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 15:34:23 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 13:48:25 / cg"

    "start the thread"

    |jThread jName name stProcess|

    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
    (jThread instVarNamed:'priority') < 1 ifTrue:[
        self halt.
        jThread instVarNamed:'priority' put:1.

    stProcess := JavaProcess 
                                JavaVM javaExceptionSignal handle:[:ex |
                                    |procName exClass|

                                    procName := stProcess name.
                                    exClass := ex parameter class.

                                    exClass == (Java at:'java.lang.ThreadDeath') ifTrue:[
                                        ('JAVA: thread ' , procName , ' terminated') infoPrintCR.
                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                            showCR:('JAVA: thread ''' 
                                                    , procName 
                                                    , ''' terminated with exception: ' 
                                                    , exClass name).
                                    ex return.
                                ] do:[
                                    jThread perform:#'run()V'.
                                    ('JAVA: thread ' , stProcess name , ' terminated') infoPrintCR.

                                    jThread perform:#'exit()V'.
                                    ('JAVA: after exit of thread ' , stProcess name) infoPrintCR.
                            ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
                                Java threads removeKey:jThread ifAbsent:[].
                    priority:(Processor activePriority).

    jName := jThread instVarNamed:'name'.
    jName isString ifFalse:[
        name := Java as_ST_String:jName.
    ] ifTrue:[
        name := jName

    "/ when that process terminates, wakup any waiters
    stProcess addExitAction:[self wakeup:jThread].

    stProcess name:'JAVA-' , name.
    stProcess resume.

    Java threads at:jThread put:stProcess.

    ^ nil

    "Created: / 3.1.1998 / 02:05:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 13:18:34 / cg"

    "terminate a thread"

    |jThread stProcess death|

    jThread := nativeContext receiver.

    stProcess := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:jThread.
    stProcess isNil ifTrue:[
        ('JAVA: no stProcess for javaThread: ' , jThread displayString) printNL.
        ^ nil "void"
    death := nativeContext argAt:1.
                        JavaVM javaExceptionSignal handle:[:ex |
                            Processor activeProcess terminate
                        ] do:[
                            ('JAVA: thread exit: ' , jThread displayString) infoPrintNL.
                            jThread perform:#'exit()V'.
                            self throwException:death.
    stProcess resume.

    [stProcess isDead] whileFalse:[
        stProcess resume.
        Delay waitForSeconds:0.1
    stProcess terminate

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 13:11:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 9.1.1998 / 03:49:45 / cg"


    |jThread stProcess|

    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
    stProcess := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:jThread.
    stProcess isNil ifTrue:[
	('JAVA: no stProcess for javaThread: ' , jThread displayString) printNL.
	^ nil "void"
    stProcess suspend

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 01:05:49 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 01:06:36 / cg"


    |jThread stProcess|

    jThread := nativeContext receiver.
    stProcess := JavaVM stProcessForJavaThread:jThread.
    stProcess isNil ifTrue:[
	('JAVA: no stProcess for javaThread: ' , jThread displayString) printNL.
	^ nil "void"
    stProcess == Processor activeProcess ifTrue:[
	Processor yield.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self halt.

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:03:51 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 01:06:41 / cg"

    |exClass exceptionObject list con|

    exClass := Java classNamed:'java.lang.Throwable'.

    exceptionObject := nativeContext receiver.

    "/ debugging only
    (exceptionObject isKindOf:(Java classNamed:'java.lang.Throwable')) ifFalse:[
        self halt

    con := thisContext sender.

    "/ we are not interrested in all intermediate Exception frames ...
    FullExceptionTrace ifFalse:[
        "/ first, skip any JavaVM contexts
        [con receiver == exceptionObject] whileFalse:[
            con := con sender
        "/ then, all exception-init contexts
        [con receiver == exceptionObject] whileTrue:[
            con := con sender

    list := OrderedCollection new.
    [con notNil] whileTrue:[
        (con isKindOf:JavaContext) ifTrue:[
            "/ add a copy, in case the context continues with some
            "/ cleanup ...
            list add:con shallowCopy
        con := con sender

    exceptionObject instVarNamed:'backtrace' put:(list asArray).

    ^ nil.

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 14:27:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14.1.1998 / 23:57:51 / cg"

    |out outStream exceptionObject contextList|

    outStream := nativeContext argAt:1.
    exceptionObject := nativeContext receiver.

    contextList := exceptionObject instVarNamed:'backtrace'.

    out := self javaConsoleStream.
    out cr.
    out nextPutLine:'JAVA: stackTrace:'.

    contextList do:[:con |
            nextPutAll:'  '; 
            nextPutAll:(con method javaClass fullName);
            nextPutAll:(con method selector);
            nextPutAll:' ['; 
            nextPutAll:(con method javaClass sourceFile); 
            nextPutAll:' '; 
            nextPutAll:(con lineNumber displayString); 
        out cr
    out nextPutLine:'----------------------------------------------------'

    "Created: / 4.1.1998 / 14:27:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 00:14:40 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.math'!

    "/ self unimplementedNativeMethod.

    "Created: / 12.1.1998 / 12:55:53 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!

    "/ self unimplementedNativeMethod.
    ^ 0

    "Modified: / 15.8.1997 / 17:04:43 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:05:48 / cg"



    hostName := OperatingSystem getHostName.

    ^ (Java as_String:hostName).

    "Modified: / 7.8.1997 / 21:16:55 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:07:03 / cg"


    |jAddrImpl jHostName hostName addrBytes|

    jAddrImpl := nativeContext receiver.
    jHostName := nativeContext argAt:1.

    hostName := Java as_ST_String:jHostName.
    addrBytes := Socket ipAddressOfHost:hostName.
    addrBytes isNil ifTrue:[
	addrBytes := #[0 0 0 0] copy
    ^ Array with:addrBytes

    "Modified: / 8.8.1997 / 12:04:25 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 18:51:31 / cg"


    |jAddrImpl jAddr hostName addrBytes address|

    jAddrImpl := nativeContext receiver.
    jAddr := nativeContext argAt:1.

    hostName := OperatingSystem getHostName.
    addrBytes := Socket ipAddressOfHost:hostName.
    "/ MSB first into an integer.
    address := (addrBytes at:1).
    address := (address bitShift:8) bitOr:(addrBytes at:2).
    address := (address bitShift:8) bitOr:(addrBytes at:3).
    address := (address bitShift:8) bitOr:(addrBytes at:4).

    jAddr instVarNamed:'hostName' put:(Java as_String:hostName).
    jAddr instVarNamed:'address' put:address.
    jAddr instVarNamed:'family' put:0.

    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 7.8.1997 / 21:16:57 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:06:27 / cg"


    "Created: / 12.1.1998 / 12:56:52 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - java.utils'!

    "returns an array filled with the contextChain receivers classes.
     What an ugly, messy interface."

    |chain con cls jClass|

    chain := OrderedCollection new.
    con := thisContext sender.
    [con notNil] whileTrue:[
	(con isMemberOf:JavaContext) ifTrue:[
	    cls := con receiver class.
	    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
		"/ t'was a static method
		cls := cls soleInstance
	    jClass := JavaClasses at:cls ifAbsent:nil.
	    jClass isNil ifTrue:[
		JavaClasses at:cls put:(jClass := (Java at:'java.lang.Class') new).
		JavaClasses at:jClass put:cls.
	    chain add:jClass.
	con := con sender.
    ^ chain asArray

    "Created: / 5.1.1998 / 02:47:00 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.1.1998 / 02:49:47 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - netscape'!


    id := nativeContext argAt:1.
'JAVA: MozillaAppletContext_pMochaOnLoad: ' print. id printNL.
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 21.8.1997 / 16:40:45 / cg"
    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:37:13 / cg"

    |s js|

    js := nativeContext argAt:1.
    s := Java as_ST_String:js.

    self activityNotification:s.
"/ Transcript showCR:s.
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 18:31:34 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:06:13 / cg"

    "/ self unimplementedNativeMethod.

    "Created: / 10.1.1998 / 15:47:24 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native -'!

    |device fd stream|

    device := nativeContext receiver.
    device notNil ifTrue:[
	fd := device instVarNamed:'dev'.
	(fd notNil and:[fd > 0]) ifTrue:[
	    stream := self getOpenFileAt:fd.
	    stream notNil ifTrue:[
		stream close.
		device instVarNamed:'dev' put:0.

    "Created: / 10.1.1998 / 15:45:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 18:08:20 / cg"

    |f stream fileNo|

    NoAudio ifTrue:[
	^ -1

    f := '/dev/audio' asFilename.
"/    stream := f readWriteStream.
    Stream streamErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	Stream streamErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	    stream := nil.
	    ex return.
	] do:[
	    stream := SoundStream writing.
    ] do:[
	stream := SoundStream writing.
    stream isNil ifTrue:[
	f exists ifTrue:[
	   ^ 0
	^ -1

    stream setSampleRate:8000.
    fileNo := self addOpenFile:stream.

    FileOpenTrace ifTrue:[
	('JAVA: opened audioDevice as FD ' , fileNo printString) infoPrintCR.

    ^ fileNo

    "Created: / 10.1.1998 / 15:45:30 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14.1.1998 / 14:57:16 / cg"

    |device fd stream bytes count|

    device := nativeContext receiver.
    device notNil ifTrue:[
	fd := device instVarNamed:'dev'.
	(fd notNil and:[fd > 0]) ifTrue:[
	    stream := self getOpenFileAt:fd.
	    stream notNil ifTrue:[
		bytes := nativeContext argAt:1.
		count := nativeContext argAt:2.
		stream nextPutBytes:count from:bytes startingAt:1

    "Created: / 10.1.1998 / 15:45:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 18:07:20 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'native - sun.awt'!

    |decoder width height bool1 depth subHdrBytes dstBytes i1 i2 colorModel
     stream byte compressedData compressedSize index count data 
     leftOffs topOffs codeLen flags pixelStore clrModel t buffSize|

    decoder := nativeContext receiver.

    i1 := nativeContext argAt:1.
    i2 := nativeContext argAt:2.
    width := nativeContext argAt:3.
    height := nativeContext argAt:4.
    bool1 := nativeContext argAt:5.
    depth := nativeContext argAt:6.
    subHdrBytes := nativeContext argAt:7.
    dstBytes := nativeContext argAt:8.
    colorModel := nativeContext argAt:9.

    leftOffs := subHdrBytes wordAt:1 MSB:false.
    topOffs := subHdrBytes wordAt:3 MSB:false.
    width := subHdrBytes wordAt:5 MSB:false.
    height := subHdrBytes wordAt:7 MSB:false.
    flags := subHdrBytes at:9.
    codeLen := subHdrBytes at:10.

    stream := decoder instVarNamed:'input'.
    pixelStore := decoder instVarNamed:'store'.

    buffSize := (width * height // 2) max:4096.
    compressedData := ByteArray uninitializedNew:buffSize.

    "get compressed data"
    index := 1.
    count := stream perform:#read.

    [count notNil and:[count > 0]] whileTrue:[
        (index + count) > buffSize ifTrue:[
            t := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(buffSize * 2).
            t replaceFrom:1 to:buffSize with:compressedData startingAt:1.
            compressedData := t.
            buffSize := buffSize * 2.
        count := stream 
        count > 0 ifTrue:[
            index := index + count.
            count := stream perform:#read.
    compressedSize := index - 1.

    data := pixelStore perform:#'allocateLines(I)Ljava/lang/Object;' with:height.
    (data isMemberOf:ByteArray) ifFalse:[
        self halt.
        ^ 0.
"/    'GIFReader: decompressing ...' infoPrintCR.

        codeLen:(codeLen + 1).

    clrModel := pixelStore instVarNamed:'colormodel'.

                with:0        "/ x
                with:0        "/ y
                with:width    "/ w
                with:height   "/ h
                with:0        "/ offs
                with:width).   "/ scanSize

    pixelStore  perform:#'imageComplete()V'.
"/        perform:#'imageComplete(I)V' 
"/        with:((Java at:'java.awt.image.ImageConsumer') instVarNamed:'STATICIMAGEDONE').

"/ self internalError:'breakPoint'.
    ^ 1 "/ true

    "Modified: / 14.1.1998 / 15:10:59 / cg"

    |imgRep img|

    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.

    img := imgRep instVarNamed:'pData'.
    (img notNil and:[img ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        ImageStretchCache notNil ifTrue:[
            ImageStretchCache removeKey:img ifAbsent:nil.

    imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:0.
"/    self halt.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:31:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 13:26:55 / cg"

    |imgRep bool|

    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
    bool := nativeContext argAt:1.
"/ self halt.
    'JAVA: ImageRepresentation_finish ignored for now' infoPrintCR.

    ^ 1 "/ true

    "Created: / 8.1.1998 / 00:11:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.1.1998 / 13:41:35 / cg"

    |imgRep x y img deviceImage jGraphics gc clr|

    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
    img := imgRep instVarNamed:'pData'.
    (img isNil or:[img == 0]) ifTrue:[
        "/ self halt.
        ^ self.
    jGraphics := nativeContext argAt:1.
    gc := jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData'.
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x := nativeContext argAt:2.
    y := nativeContext argAt:3.
    clr := nativeContext argAt:4.
    deviceImage := img onDevice:gc device.
    deviceImage ~~ img ifTrue:[
        imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:deviceImage.
    deviceImage displayOn:gc x:x y:y.
    ^ 1.

    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 13:32:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 12:21:27 / cg"

    |imgRep x1 y1 x2 y2 srcX1 srcY1 w h 
     img deviceImage jGraphics gc clr stretchWidth stretchHeight|

    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
    img := imgRep instVarNamed:'pData'.
    (img isNil or:[img == 0]) ifTrue:[
        "/ self halt.
        ^ self.

    jGraphics := nativeContext argAt:1.
    gc := jGraphics instVarNamed:'pData'.
    gc realized ifFalse:[^ self].

    x1 := nativeContext argAt:2.
    y1 := nativeContext argAt:3.
    x2 := nativeContext argAt:4.
    y2:= nativeContext argAt:5.
    srcX1 := nativeContext argAt:6.
    srcY1 := nativeContext argAt:7.
    w := nativeContext argAt:8.
    h := nativeContext argAt:9.
    clr := nativeContext argAt:10.

    (srcX1 ~~ 0 or:[srcY1 ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        self halt.
        ^ self.
    (w ~~ img width or:[h ~~ img height]) ifTrue:[
        self halt.
        ^ self

    "/ TODO: remember magnified images somewhere for a while,
    "/ to avoid repeated action ...

    stretchWidth := (x2-x1).
    stretchHeight := (y2-y1).

    (stretchWidth == img width
    and:[stretchHeight == img height]) ifTrue:[
        deviceImage := img onDevice:gc device.
        deviceImage ~~ img ifTrue:[
            imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:deviceImage.
    ] ifFalse:[
        ImageStretchCache notNil ifTrue:[
            deviceImage := ImageStretchCache at:img ifAbsent:nil.
        (deviceImage isNil 
        or:[deviceImage width ~~ stretchWidth
        or:[deviceImage height ~~ stretchHeight]]) ifTrue:[
            deviceImage := (img magnifiedTo:stretchWidth@stretchHeight) onDevice:gc device.
            ImageStretchCache isNil ifTrue:[
                ImageStretchCache := WeakIdentityDictionary new.
            ImageStretchCache at:img put:deviceImage
    deviceImage displayOn:gc x:x1 y:y1

    "Created: / 13.1.1998 / 13:32:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.1.1998 / 13:14:47 / cg"

    |imgRep jclr w h form screenDevice|

    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
    jclr := nativeContext argAt:1.

    w := imgRep instVarNamed:'width'.
    h := imgRep instVarNamed:'height'.

    screenDevice := Screen current.
    form := Form width:w height:h depth:(screenDevice depth) on:screenDevice.

    imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:form.
    "/ self halt.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:31:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 12:36:43 / cg"

    |imgRep x y w h clrModel bytes i1 i2
     img depth cmap rgbMap opaque transparentColorIndex|

    imgRep := nativeContext receiver.
    x := nativeContext argAt:1.
    y := nativeContext argAt:2.
    w := nativeContext argAt:3.
    h := nativeContext argAt:4.
    clrModel := nativeContext argAt:5.
    bytes := nativeContext argAt:6.
    i1 := nativeContext argAt:7.  "/ offset ??
    i2 := nativeContext argAt:8.  "/ scanLineWidth ??

"/    self halt.

    depth := clrModel instVarNamed:'pixel_bits'.
    (clrModel instVarNamed:'map_size') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	rgbMap := clrModel instVarNamed:'rgb'.
	cmap := Array new:rgbMap size.
	    keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :rgb |
		cmap at:idx put:(Color rgbValue:(rgb bitAnd:16rFFFFFF))

    opaque := (clrModel instVarNamed:'opaque') ~~ 0.
    opaque ifFalse:[
	transparentColorIndex := clrModel instVarNamed:'transparent_index'

    img := imgRep instVarNamed:'pData'.
    (img isNil or:[img == 0]) ifTrue:[
	img := Image width:w height:h depth:depth fromArray:bytes.
	cmap notNil ifTrue:[
	    img colorMap:cmap.
	    img photometric:#palette
	opaque ifFalse:[
	    img mask:(ImageReader 

	imgRep instVarNamed:'pData' put:img.

    ] ifFalse:[
	self halt.
    ^ 1.

    "Created: / 7.1.1998 / 22:31:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14.1.1998 / 14:51:44 / cg"

    "/ self halt.

    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 18:22:23 / cg"
    "Created: / 17.1.1998 / 12:36:25 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'semaphores & monitors'!


    LockTableAccess critical:[
	mon := LockTable at:someObject ifAbsent:nil.
	mon isNil ifTrue:[
	    LockTable at:someObject put:(mon := Monitor new)
    ^ mon

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 19:01:52 / cg"


    WaitTableAccess critical:[
	sema := WaitTable at:someObject ifAbsent:nil.
	sema notNil ifTrue:[
	    WaitTable removeKey:someObject

    sema notNil ifTrue:[
	sema signalForAll

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:21:51 / cg"


    WaitTableAccess critical:[
	sema := WaitTable at:someObject ifAbsent:nil.
	sema notNil ifTrue:[
	    WaitTable removeKey:someObject

    sema notNil ifTrue:[
	sema signal

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:20:20 / cg"

    WaitTableAccess critical:[
	WaitTable removeKey:someObject ifAbsent:nil

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:17:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 2.1.1998 / 21:52:03 / cg"


    WaitTableAccess critical:[
	sema := WaitTable at:someObject ifAbsent:nil.
	sema isNil ifTrue:[
	    WaitTable at:someObject put:(sema := Semaphore new)
    ^ sema

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 18:15:59 / cg"
    "Modified: / 2.1.1998 / 18:20:31 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'vm support'!

    | mon thisProcess|

    someObject isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt

    mon := self monitorFor:someObject.

    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
	('====> entering monitor for ' , someObject displayString , ' in ' , Processor activeProcess name , ' ...') printCR.
    mon enter.
    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
	('====> entered it in ' , Processor activeProcess name , ' ...') printCR.

    self enteredMonitors add:someObject.

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 23:44:49 / cg"
    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 03:05:02 / cg"

    | mon thisProcess|

    someObject isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt

    mon := self monitorFor:someObject.

    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
	('====> leaving monitor for ' , someObject displayString , ' in ' , Processor activeProcess name , ' ...') printCR.
    mon exit.
    MonitorTrace ifTrue:[
	('====> left it in ' , Processor activeProcess name , ' ...') printCR.

"/    enteredMonitorHandles isNil ifTrue:[
"/        self halt:'oops - no monitor entered'.
"/    ].

    self enteredMonitors removeLast ~~ someObject ifTrue:[
	self halt:'oops - monitor enter/exit nesting wrong'

    "Created: / 2.1.1998 / 23:47:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 3.1.1998 / 03:05:18 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'windows - events'!

awtEventsForEvent:anEvent javaWindow:jWin
    "given an ST/X event, create corresponding AWT event(s) for it"

    |jEv jEv1 jEv2
     modifiers key keyChar untranslatedKey id 
     type x y w h view menu
     eventArgs clickCount jRect
     jKeyEventClass jInputEventClass jMouseEventClass
     jWindowEventClass jPaintEventClass jComponentEventClass|

    type := anEvent type.
    eventArgs := anEvent arguments.

    key := 0.
    modifiers := 0.
    x := 0.
    y := 0.

    jInputEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.InputEvent'.

    (anEvent isKeyEvent 
    or:[anEvent isButtonEvent
    or:[anEvent isPointerEnterLeaveEvent]]) ifTrue:[
        anEvent hasAlt ifTrue:[
            modifiers := modifiers bitOr:(jInputEventClass instVarNamed:'ALT_MASK')
        anEvent hasCtrl ifTrue:[
            modifiers := modifiers bitOr:(jInputEventClass instVarNamed:'CTRL_MASK')
        anEvent hasMeta ifTrue:[
            modifiers := modifiers bitOr:(jInputEventClass instVarNamed:'META_MASK')
        anEvent hasShift ifTrue:[
            modifiers := modifiers bitOr:(jInputEventClass instVarNamed:'SHIFT_MASK')
        anEvent hasButton1 ifTrue:[
            modifiers := modifiers bitOr:(jInputEventClass instVarNamed:'BUTTON1_MASK')
        anEvent hasButton2 ifTrue:[
            modifiers := modifiers bitOr:(jInputEventClass instVarNamed:'BUTTON2_MASK')
        anEvent hasButton3 ifTrue:[
            modifiers := modifiers bitOr:(jInputEventClass instVarNamed:'BUTTON3_MASK')

        anEvent isPointerEnterLeaveEvent ifFalse:[
            "/ ST/X does not (yet) record this information
            "/ with pointerLeave events.

            x := anEvent x.
            y := anEvent y.

    anEvent isKeyEvent ifTrue:[
        jKeyEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.KeyEvent'.

        key := 0.
        keyChar := 0.

        key := anEvent key.
        key isCharacter ifTrue:[
            key := keyChar := key asciiValue
        ] ifFalse:[
            untranslatedKey := anEvent view device keyboardMap keyAtValue:key ifAbsent:key.
            untranslatedKey == #Delete ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_DELETE' "/ 127
            untranslatedKey == #BackSpace ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_BACK_SPACE' "/ 8
            untranslatedKey == #Return ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_ENTER' "/ 13
            untranslatedKey == #Tab ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_TAB' "/ 9
            untranslatedKey == #Home ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_HOME'
            untranslatedKey == #End ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_END'
            untranslatedKey == #Prior ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_PAGE_UP'
            key == #EndOfText ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_PAGE_DOWN'
            untranslatedKey == #CursorUp ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_UP'
            untranslatedKey == #CursorDown ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_DOWN'
            untranslatedKey == #CursorLeft ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_LEFT'
            untranslatedKey == #CursorRight ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'VK_RIGHT'
            (#( F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11)
            includes:untranslatedKey) ifTrue:[
                key := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:('VK_' , untranslatedKey)
        (type == #'keyPress:x:y:') ifTrue:[
            id := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'KEY_PRESSED'
        ] ifFalse:[
            id := jKeyEventClass instVarNamed:'KEY_RELEASED'
        jEv := jKeyEventClass newCleared "basicNew".
        jEv instVarNamed:'modifiers' put:modifiers.
        jEv instVarNamed:'keyCode'   put:key.
        jEv instVarNamed:'keyChar'   put:keyChar.
        jEv instVarNamed:'id'        put:id.
"/        jEv instVarNamed:'x'         put:x.
"/        jEv instVarNamed:'y'         put:y.
        jEv instVarNamed:'when'      put:(OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime).
        ^ Array with:jEv

    (anEvent isButtonEvent 
    or:[anEvent isPointerEnterLeaveEvent]) ifTrue:[
        jMouseEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.MouseEvent'.
        clickCount := 1.

        (type == #'buttonPress:x:y:') ifTrue:[
            id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed:'MOUSE_PRESSED'
        ] ifFalse:[
            (type == #'buttonRelease:x:y:') ifTrue:[
                id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed:'MOUSE_RELEASED'
            ] ifFalse:[
                (type == #'buttonMotion:x:y:') ifTrue:[
                    id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed:'MOUSE_MOVED'
                ] ifFalse:[
"/                    (type == #'pointerMotion:x:y:') ifTrue:[
"/                        id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed:'MOUSE_MOVED'
"/                    ] ifFalse:[
                        (type == #'pointerEnter:x:y:') ifTrue:[
                            id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed:'MOUSE_ENTERED'
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            (type == #'pointerLeave:') ifTrue:[
                                id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed:'MOUSE_EXITED'
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                (type == #'buttonMultiPress:x:y:') ifTrue:[
                                    id := jMouseEventClass instVarNamed:'MOUSE_PRESSED'.
                                    clickCount := 2.
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    self halt.
"/                        ]
        jEv := jMouseEventClass newCleared "basicNew".
        jEv instVarNamed:'modifiers' put:modifiers.
        jEv instVarNamed:'id'        put:id.
        jEv instVarNamed:'x'         put:x.
        jEv instVarNamed:'y'         put:y.
        jEv instVarNamed:'when'      put:(OperatingSystem getMillisecondTime).
        ^ Array with:jEv

    ((type == #'exposeX:y:width:height:') 
    or:[(type == #'graphicExposeX:y:width:height:')
    or:[(type == #damage)]]) ifTrue:[
        jPaintEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.PaintEvent'.
        jWindowEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.WindowEvent'.
"/        id := (jPaintEventClass instVarNamed:'PAINT').
        id := (jPaintEventClass instVarNamed:'UPDATE').

        ((type == #'exposeX:y:width:height:') 
        or:[(type == #'graphicExposeX:y:width:height:')]) ifTrue:[
            x := eventArgs at:1.
            y := eventArgs at:2.
            w := eventArgs at:3.
            h := eventArgs at:4.
        ] ifFalse:[
            x := eventArgs left.
            y := eventArgs top.
            w := eventArgs width.
            h := eventArgs height.
        jRect := (Java classForName:'java.awt.Rectangle') basicNew.
        jRect instVarNamed:'x' put:x.
        jRect instVarNamed:'y' put:y.
        jRect instVarNamed:'width' put:w.
        jRect instVarNamed:'height' put:h.

        jEv := jPaintEventClass newCleared "basicNew".
        jEv instVarNamed:'id'        put:id.
        jEv instVarNamed:'updateRect' put:jRect.

"/        jEv instVarNamed:'g'         put:jWin.

        ^ Array with:jEv.

    (type == #'configureX:y:width:height:') ifTrue:[
"/        x := eventArgs at:1.
"/        y := eventArgs at:2.

        view := anEvent view.
        w := eventArgs at:3.
        h := eventArgs at:4.

        "/ must change the components extent
        "/ is there no cleaner way to do this ?
        view isTopView ifTrue:[
            "/ sigh - don't include the menu.
            menu := self topViewsMenu:view.
            menu notNil ifTrue:[
                "/ must add the menus height
                h := h - menu height
        jWin instVarNamed:'width' put:w.
        jWin instVarNamed:'height' put:h.

        jComponentEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.ComponentEvent'.
        id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed:'COMPONENT_MOVED').
        jEv1 := jComponentEventClass newCleared "basicNew".
        jEv1 instVarNamed:'id'        put:id.

        id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed:'COMPONENT_RESIZED').
        jEv2 := jComponentEventClass newCleared "basicNew".
        jEv2 instVarNamed:'id'        put:id.

        ^ Array with:jEv1 with:jEv2.
    (type == #'focusIn') ifTrue:[
'focusIn' printCR.
        jComponentEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.FocusEvent'.
        id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed:'FOCUS_GAINED').
        jEv := jComponentEventClass newCleared "basicNew".
        jEv instVarNamed:'id'        put:id.
        ^ Array with:jEv.
    (type == #'focusOut') ifTrue:[
'focusOut' printCR.
        jComponentEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.FocusEvent'.
        id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed:'FOCUS_LOST').
        jEv := jComponentEventClass newCleared "basicNew".
        jEv instVarNamed:'id'        put:id.
        ^ Array with:jEv.
    (type == #'mapped') ifTrue:[
'mapped' printCR.
        jComponentEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.ComponentEvent'.
        id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed:'COMPONENT_SHOWN').
"/        x := eventArgs at:1.
"/        y := eventArgs at:2.
        jEv := jComponentEventClass newCleared "basicNew".
        jEv instVarNamed:'id'        put:id.
        ^ Array with:jEv.
    (type == #'unmapped') ifTrue:[
'unmapped' printCR.
        jComponentEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.ComponentEvent'.
        id := (jComponentEventClass instVarNamed:'COMPONENT_HIDDEN').
"/        x := eventArgs at:1.
"/        y := eventArgs at:2.
        jEv := jComponentEventClass newCleared "basicNew".
        jEv instVarNamed:'id'        put:id.
        ^ Array with:jEv.

    (type == #terminate) ifTrue:[
        jWindowEventClass := Java classForName:'java.awt.event.WindowEvent'.
        id := (jWindowEventClass instVarNamed:'WINDOW_CLOSED').
        jEv := jWindowEventClass newCleared "basicNew".
        jEv instVarNamed:'id'        put:id.
        ^ Array with:jEv.
    ('JAVA: unhandled event:' , type) infoPrintCR.
    ^ nil.

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:38:58 / cg"
    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 14:25:02 / cg"

    "invoked in an endless loop by the WToolkit-eventLoop
     native method."

    |sensor event|

    JavaWindowGroup isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ '*** eventThread: no windowGroup ...' printCR.
	Delay waitForSeconds:0.1.
	^ self

    KnownWindows isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ '*** eventThread: no views ...' printCR.
	Delay waitForSeconds:0.1.
	^ self

    "/ wait for an event to arrive ...

    sensor := JavaWindowGroup sensor.
    (sensor hasEvents or:[sensor hasDamage]) ifFalse:[
	EventTrace ifTrue:[
	    '*** eventThread waiting ...' printCR.
	Processor activeProcess state:#eventWait.
	sensor eventSemaphore wait.
	^ self.

    EventTrace ifTrue:[
	'*** eventThread event arrived ...' printCR.

    "/ EventTrace := true
    sensor hasDamage ifTrue:[
	EventTrace ifTrue:[
	    '*** eventThread: damage arrived ...' printCR.
	event := sensor nextDamage.
    ] ifFalse:[
	event := sensor nextEvent.
    event isNil ifTrue:[
	'*** eventThread: nil event ignored' printCR.
	^ self

    self processEvent:event

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 21:02:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.1.1998 / 17:57:41 / cg"

    |evQ jEvents jWToolKit jWinPeer jWin v eventConsumed|

    KnownWindows isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    v := event view.
    jWinPeer := self jPeerForView:v.
    jWinPeer isNil ifTrue:[
        (v isKindOf:JavaView) ifTrue:[
            "/ mhmh - an event for a JavaView,
            "/ which has no peer (anyMore ?)
            "/ should not happen.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ mhmh - an event for a subcomponent of an ST widget.
            "/ let it be handled normally.
            EventTrace ifTrue:[
                ('*** eventThread: ' , event type , '-event for unknown java-view - passed to view.') printCR.
            event sendEventWithFocusOn:nil.
        ^ self

    "/ change:
    "/ in the previous version, events for ST/X widgets (i.e. buttons etc)
    "/ where not passed to java, but instead forwarded directly to the widget
    "/ by the code below.
    "/ This has changed, to pass it to Java, which eventually passes it to the
    "/ peer via the handleEvent native method (unless the event got consumed).
    "/ This is req'd to let java keep track of keyboard/mouse input for widgets.

false ifTrue:[
"/    "/ most views handle their events themself (being ST/X views) ...
"/    v class ~~ JavaView ifTrue:[
"/"/        v class ~~ StandardSystemView ifTrue:[
"/"/            EventTrace ifTrue:[
"/"/                    ('*** eventThread: event handled by view itself (' , v class name , ')') printCR.
"/"/            ].
"/"/            event sendEventWithFocusOn:nil.
"/"/            ^ self.
"/"/        ].
"/        (event type == #'exposeX:y:width:height'
"/        or:[event type == #'graphicsExposeX:y:width:height']) ifTrue:[
"/            "/ send to view, but also handle in JAVA
"/            event sendEventWithFocusOn:nil.
"/        ]
"/    ].

     ) includes:event type) ifTrue:[
        event sendEventWithFocusOn:nil.

    "/ what a kludge - some events are passed back to
    "/ ST via the WComponent-handleEvent native method.
    "/ However, repaints are not.
    "/ In order to let ST widgets do the drawing,
    "/ selectively filter exposeEvents from Java ...

    eventConsumed := false.
    v class == JavaView ifTrue:[
        "/ all events handled by Java ...
    ] ifFalse:[
        eventConsumed := true.

        "/ let widget handle it.
        event sendEventWithFocusOn:nil.

        "/ some are not passed to Java ...
        event isDamage ifTrue:[
            (v isKindOf:TextView) ifTrue:[
                ^ self
            (v isKindOf:Label) ifTrue:[
                ^ self

    jWin := jWinPeer instVarNamed:'target'.

    EventTrace ifTrue:[
        ('*** eventThread: event (' , event type , ') handled by JAVA: ') infoPrint.
        jWinPeer class name infoPrint. ' (' infoPrint.
        jWin class name infoPrint. ')' infoPrintCR.

    "/ create an event

    jEvents := self awtEventsForEvent:event javaWindow:jWin.
    jEvents isNil ifTrue:[
        EventTrace ifTrue:[
            ('*** eventThread: event ignored: ' , event type) printCR.
        ^ self

"/    v superView isNil ifTrue:[
"/        ('*** eventThread: event ignored for topView: ' , event type) printCR.
"/        ^ self
"/    ].

    jWToolKit := (Java classForName:'java.awt.Toolkit') invoke:#getDefaultToolkit.

    jEvents do:[:jEv |
        jEv instVarNamed:'source'   put:jWin.
        jEv instVarNamed:'consumed' put:0.
        eventConsumed ifFalse:[
            "/ the first gets the original event as data
            jEv instVarNamed:'data' put:event.
            eventConsumed := true

        "/ post it (them) to the event queue

        jWToolKit class

    "Created: / 6.1.1998 / 20:36:36 / cg"
    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 14:56:51 / cg"
! !

!JavaVM class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /home/jv/Projects/SmalltalkX/repositories/cvs/stx/libjava/,v 1.6 1998/01/23 16:51:35 cg Exp $'
! !
JavaVM initialize!