Class loading refactoring (part 2) development
authorJan Vrany <>
Tue, 10 Dec 2013 23:04:44 +0000
changeset 2961 86e181f74199
parent 2960 d133d35e293b
child 2962 83d32dc4fcea
Class loading refactoring (part 2) Killed monster if-absent block in JavaVM>>#classForName:definedBy:.
--- a/	Tue Dec 10 22:33:43 2013 +0000
+++ b/	Tue Dec 10 23:04:44 2013 +0000
@@ -2583,55 +2583,10 @@
                 ifAbsentPut: [
                     | class  classLoaderEnsured |
                     self assert: (binaryName includes: $.) not.
-                    self booted ifFalse: [
-                        "class loaders allowed after vm boot, until then, only primordial"
-                        class := self loadClassNamed: binaryName usingClassLoader: nil.  
-                        self assert:(class notNil)
-                            message:'Couldnt load class ' , binaryName , ' while booting Java VM'.
+                        class := self loadClassNamed: binaryName usingClassLoader: classLoader.  
-                    ] ifTrue: [
-                        self assert:(self booted)
-                            message:'Java VM is not booted and we are not using primordial class loader to load: ' , className.
-                        (Java release bootClassPathIncludesClassNamed: className) ifTrue: [
-                            "we will use primordial class loader for classes in rt.jar etc"
-                            class := self loadClassNamed: binaryName usingClassLoader: nil.
-                            self assert:(class notNil)
-                                message:'Class ' , binaryName , ' is supposed to be in boot classpath, but we couldnt load it'.
-                            class.
-                        ] ifFalse: [
-                            (Java release extDirsIncludesClassNamed: binaryName) ifTrue: [
-                                | ext |
-                                ext := self extClassLoader.
-                                self assert: ext notNil message: 'Have to use ext class loader but does not exists'.
-                                class := self loadClassNamed: binaryName usingClassLoader: ext.
-                                self assert:(class notNil)
-                                    message:'Class ' , binaryName  , ' is supposed to be in java.ext,dirs, but we couldnt load it'.
-                                class.
-                            ] ifFalse: [
-"/                                "at this point, nil classLoader means use system class loader,
-"/                                 in other words, at this point, we shouldnt use primordial cl at all"
-"/                                classLoader isNil ifTrue: [
-"/                                    self assert:(self systemClassLoader notNil)
-"/                                        message:'We needed system class loader, but its not loaded yet'.
-"/                                    classLoaderEnsured := self systemClassLoader
-"/                                ] ifFalse: [ 
-                                        classLoaderEnsured := classLoader.
-"/                                ].
-                                class := self loadClassNamed: binaryName usingClassLoader: classLoaderEnsured.
-                                class isNil ifTrue: [
-                                    Logger
-                                        log: 'Even ' , classLoader printString , ' was not able to load class '
-                                                , className
-                                        severity: #warn
-                                        facility: 'JVM'.
-                                    nil
-                                ] ifFalse: [ class ].
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ]
     result isNil ifTrue: [
             log: 'Class ' , className , ' couldnt be loaded'
@@ -2642,7 +2597,7 @@
     "Created: / 21-10-2011 / 12:01:16 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
     "Modified: / 02-11-2011 / 16:49:45 / Marcel Hlopko <>"
-    "Modified: / 10-12-2013 / 17:59:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 10-12-2013 / 22:59:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
 classForName: className definedBy: classLoader ifAbsentPut: aBlock