changeset 362 a2b08403cfa8
parent 344 98434d42736d
child 364 921840a61e72
--- a/mercurial/	Fri Nov 29 15:49:36 2013 +0000
+++ b/mercurial/	Fri Nov 29 21:00:10 2013 +0000
@@ -1204,6 +1204,80 @@
     "Created: / 11-06-2013 / 00:16:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "
+    Test correct fileout if Java extensions
+    "
+    | repo pmN111 ctN111 java_lang_String changeset |
+    repo := self repositoryNamed: 'mocks/hg/p5'.
+    self assert: (Smalltalk loadPackage:'mocks:hg/p5').
+    "/ Do skipIf after package is loaded!!!!!! otherwise the
+    "/ Java extension is not loaded!!
+    self skipIf: self stxlibjavaAvailable not description: 'STX:LIBJAVA not available'.
+    java_lang_String := Java classForName: 'java.lang.String'.
+    (Compiler compile:'test_commit_16a ^ #foo'  forClass: java_lang_String)
+        package:#'mocks:hg/p5'.
+    self assert: (java_lang_String methodDictionary includesKey:#test_commit_16a).
+    pmN111 := HGPackageModel named: #'mocks:hg/p5'.
+    ctN111 := pmN111 commitTask.
+    ctN111 message:'test_commit_16a '.
+    ctN111 do.
+    "
+    repo workingCopy browse
+    "
+    changeset := repo @ 2.
+    self assert: (changeset changes contains:[:change | change isAdded ]).
+    self deny: (changeset changes contains:[:change | change isRemoved ]).
+    self assert: (changeset / 'java' / 'extensions' / 'java' / 'lang' / '' ) notNil.
+    "Created: / 29-11-2013 / 16:25:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "
+    Test covering issue #26: Java extension files are removed.
+    Check, that if the particular class is not loaded in the system,
+    extension file is kept intact.
+    "
+    | repo pmN111 ctN111 changeset |
+    repo := self repositoryNamed: 'mocks/hg/p5'.
+    self assert: (Smalltalk loadPackage:'mocks:hg/p5').
+    "/ Do skipIf after package is loaded!!!!!! otherwise the
+    "/ Java extension is not loaded!!
+    self skipIf: self stxlibjavaAvailable not description: 'STX:LIBJAVA not available'.
+    "/ Flush Java to make sure java.lang.Object is not loaded.
+    (Smalltalk at:#Java) flushAllJavaResources.        
+    pmN111 := HGPackageModel named: #'mocks:hg/p5'.
+    ctN111 := pmN111 commitTask.
+    ctN111 message:'test_commit_16a '.
+    ctN111 do.
+    "
+    repo workingCopy browse
+    "
+    changeset := repo @ 2.
+    self deny: (changeset changes contains:[:change | change isAdded ]).
+    self deny: (changeset changes contains:[:change | change isRemoved ]).
+    self assert: (changeset / 'java' / 'extensions' / 'java' / 'lang' / '' ) notNil.
+    "Created: / 29-11-2013 / 17:34:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
 ! !
 !HGStXTests methodsFor:'tests - manager API'!
@@ -1711,6 +1785,37 @@
     self tearDown
     "Created: / 20-11-2012 / 19:32:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "raise an error: this method should be implemented (TODO)"
+    (Smalltalk at:#JavaVM) isNil ifTrue:[
+        Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:libjava'.
+    ].
+    (Smalltalk at:#JavaVM) isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ false
+    ].
+    (Smalltalk at:#Java) isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ false
+    ].
+    ^ [
+        (Smalltalk at:#JavaVM) booted ifTrue:[
+            "/ Sorry, flush it...
+            (Smalltalk at:#Java) flushAllJavaResources.
+        ].
+        "/ Opps, workaround - have to nil out Java:ExtensionsPathPackages
+        Smalltalk at: #'Java:ExtensionsPathPackages' put: nil.
+        "/ Now, initialize ot..."                
+        (Smalltalk at:#Java) initialize.
+        (Smalltalk at:#JavaVM) initializeVM.
+        true.
+    ] on:Error do:[:ex | false ]
+    "Created: / 29-11-2013 / 16:21:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 29-11-2013 / 17:30:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
 ! !
 !HGStXTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!