changeset 14138 083a6059a351
child 14160 2f0da065a87f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Mar 17 16:00:16 2014 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1718 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 2000 by eXept Software AG
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+"{ Package: 'stx:libtool' }"
+"{ NameSpace: Tools }"
+Object subclass:#NavigationState
+	instanceVariableNames:'browserLabel codeModifiedHolder categoryList classList
+		packageFilter nameSpaceFilter hidePrivateClasses canvasType
+		notMetaToggle metaToggle metaToggleLabel organizerMode codeAspect
+		codeHolder classDocumentationHolder canvas selectorListGenerator
+		protocolListGenerator classListPerNameSpaceGenerator
+		classListGenerator categoryListGenerator nameSpaceListGenerator
+		projectListGenerator classHierarchyTopClass meta selectedMethods
+		selectedProtocols selectedClasses selectedCategories
+		selectedProjects selectedNamespaces selectedLintRules
+		variableFilter filterClassVars sortBy noAllItem autoSearchPattern
+		autoSearchIgnoreCase autoSearchAction realModifiedStateHolder
+		methodInfo versionDiffApplication selectorListGeneratorArray
+		selectedMethodsArray infoLabelHolder packageLabelHolder
+		cursorLineLabelHolder cursorColLabelHolder modeLabelHolder
+		sortVariablesBy editModeHolder scrollableCodeView specialEditors
+		selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder editorNoteBookListHolder
+		editorNoteBookCanvasHolder codeView stringSearchToolView
+		noteBookView inheritanceView documentationView languageHolder
+		messageSpecHolder messageHolder progressHolder tabContentView
+		messagePaneView codePaneAndPluginView
+		codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners pluginVisibleHolder
+		bookmarkHolder worker packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder
+		packageInfoButton showMethodTemplate lastMethodShownInCodeView
+		showingParseError navigationHistory lintRuleListGenerator
+		profilerStatistics'
+	classVariableNames:'CodeAspectTranslations'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Interface-Browsers-New'
+!NavigationState class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 2000 by eXept Software AG
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+! !
+!NavigationState class methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "Invoked at system start or when the class is dynamically loaded."
+    "/ please change as required (and remove this comment)
+    CodeAspectTranslations := Dictionary new.
+    CodeAspectTranslations at: #newApplication put: SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition.
+    CodeAspectTranslations at: #newError put: SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition.
+    "/ Add more...
+    "Modified: / 23-10-2012 / 11:27:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!NavigationState methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ autoSearchAction
+    autoSearchAction := something.
+    "return true if the autSearch is to be case-insensitive"
+    ^ autoSearchIgnoreCase
+    "change the autSearches case-insensitivenes"
+    autoSearchIgnoreCase := aBoolean
+    "return the automatic search pattern"
+    ^ autoSearchPattern
+    "change the automatic search pattern"
+    autoSearchPattern := aPattern.
+    "return the assigned state-label (to be shown in the tab)."
+    ^ browserLabel
+    "set the assigned state-label (to be shown in the tab)."
+    browserLabel := aString
+    ^ canvas
+    canvas := something.
+    canvasType isNil ifTrue:[
+        canvasType := something spec
+    ].
+    "return the type of canvas"
+    ^ canvasType
+    "set the type of canvas"
+    canvasType notNil ifTrue:[
+        canvasType ~~ aSpecSymbol ifTrue:[
+            self halt:'cannot be changed, once set'.
+        ]
+    ].
+    canvasType := aSpecSymbol
+    "return the codeAspect; a symbol describing what is shown in the codeView"
+    ^ codeAspect
+    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 12:43:29 / cg"
+    "set the codeAspect; a symbol describing what is shown in the codeView"
+    codeAspect := aSymbolOrNil.
+    (codeView notNil and:[codeView isCodeView2]) ifTrue:[
+        | xlatedCodeAspect |
+        xlatedCodeAspect := CodeAspectTranslations at: aSymbolOrNil ifAbsent: aSymbolOrNil.
+        codeView codeAspect: xlatedCodeAspect
+    ].
+    "Created: / 11-02-2000 / 12:43:45 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 22-10-2012 / 17:05:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ codePaneAndPluginView
+    codePaneAndPluginView := something.
+    codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners ifNil:[
+        codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners := #(0.76 1.0)
+    ].
+    ^ codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners
+    "Modified: / 04-10-2010 / 08:20:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
+codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners: anArray
+    codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners := anArray.
+    "Modified: / 04-10-2010 / 08:14:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    editorNoteBookCanvasHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        editorNoteBookCanvasHolder := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ editorNoteBookCanvasHolder
+    editorNoteBookListHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        editorNoteBookListHolder := #() asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ editorNoteBookListHolder
+    ^ Smalltalk
+    ^ lastMethodShownInCodeView
+    lastMethodShownInCodeView := something.
+    ^ messagePaneView
+    messagePaneView := something.
+    "check for modified code by asking the editTextView;
+     this one returns true if ever modified - even if
+     the modifications where undone in the editor
+     (i.e. not really modified).
+     Use #reallyModified if the contents should be compared
+     against the original contents"
+    |v|
+    self realModifiedState == true ifTrue:[^ true].
+    self anySpecialEditorModified ifTrue:[^ true].
+    ^ (v := self codeView) notNil and:[v modified]
+    |codeView|
+    (codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
+        codeView modified:aBoolean
+    ].
+    specialEditors notNil ifTrue:[
+        specialEditors do:[:anEditor | 
+            anEditor application modified:aBoolean
+        ].    
+    ].
+    ^ noteBookView
+    noteBookView := something.
+    ^ self realModifiedStateHolder value
+    self realModifiedStateHolder value:aBoolean
+    realModifiedStateHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        realModifiedStateHolder := ValueHolder new.
+    ].
+    ^ realModifiedStateHolder
+    selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder := 1 asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder
+    ^ showMethodTemplate ? true
+    "Created: / 12-02-2012 / 08:49:32 / cg"
+showMethodTemplate: aBoolean
+    showMethodTemplate := aBoolean
+    "Created: / 12-02-2012 / 08:49:45 / cg"
+    ^ showingParseError
+    showingParseError := something.
+    ^ stringSearchToolView
+stringSearchToolView: aStringSearchTool
+    stringSearchToolView := aStringSearchTool
+    ^ tabContentView
+    tabContentView := something.
+    ^ worker
+    worker := aProcess.
+! !
+!NavigationState methodsFor:'accessing-selection'!
+    "if only one class is selected, return it.
+     Otherwise, return nil"
+    |classes|
+    classes := self selectedClasses value.
+    classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        ^ classes first
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "if only one method is selected, return it.
+     Otherwise, return nil"
+    |methods|
+    methods := self selectedMethods value.
+    methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        ^ methods first
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+! !
+!NavigationState methodsFor:'accessing-subApps'!
+    ^ self applicationOfComponent:aComponentName or:nil
+applicationOfComponent:aComponentName or:anotherComponentName
+    |builder view|
+    canvas isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    builder := canvas builder.
+    view := builder findVisibleComponentAt:aComponentName.
+    (view isNil and:[anotherComponentName notNil]) ifTrue:[
+        view := builder findVisibleComponentAt:anotherComponentName.
+    ].
+    view notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ view application
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#ClassCategoryList
+    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#ClassHierarchyList
+    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#ClassList
+    ^ canvas builder findComponentAt:#ClassToggle.
+    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#MethodCategoryList
+    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#MethodList
+    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#NamespaceList or:#PseudoNamespaceList
+    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#ProjectList or:#PseudoProjectList
+    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#VariableList 
+    ^ versionDiffApplication
+    versionDiffApplication := anApplication
+! !
+!NavigationState methodsFor:'accessing-subViews'!
+    specialEditors notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ specialEditors contains:[:anEditor | anEditor application isModified].    
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    codeView isNil ifTrue:[
+        codeView := self scrollableCodeView scrolledView
+    ].
+    ^ codeView
+    specialEditors notNil ifTrue:[
+        specialEditors do:[:anEditor | 
+            anEditor application isModified ifTrue:[
+                anEditor application save.
+                ^ self.
+            ]
+        ].    
+    ].
+    |textView|
+    documentationView isNil ifTrue:[
+        textView := CodeView new.
+        documentationView := HVScrollableView forView:textView.
+    ].
+    ^ documentationView
+    ^ codeView
+    inheritanceView isNil ifTrue:[
+        |classTreeView scrolledView|
+        classTreeView := ClassTreeGraphView new.
+        scrolledView := HVScrollableView forView:classTreeView.
+        classTreeView middleButtonMenu:nil.
+        inheritanceView := scrolledView
+    ].
+    ^ inheritanceView
+methodCategoryList: aView
+    | builder |
+    builder := canvas builder.
+    builder namedComponents at: #MethodCategoryList put: aView.
+    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 09:18:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
+methodList: aView
+    | builder |
+    builder := canvas builder.
+    builder namedComponents at: #MethodList put: aView.
+    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 15:32:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^ packageInfoButton
+    packageInfoButton := something.
+    scrollableCodeView isNil ifTrue:[
+        scrollableCodeView := self setUpScrollableCodeView.
+    ].
+    ^ scrollableCodeView
+    |v newScrollableCodeView newCodeView |
+    (UserPreferences current useCodeView2In: #Browser) ifTrue:[
+        newCodeView := newScrollableCodeView := CodeView2 new.
+        newCodeView mode: #method.
+        newCodeView methodHolder: self theSingleSelectedMethodHolder.
+        newCodeView classHolder: self theSingleSelectedClassHolder.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        newScrollableCodeView := HVScrollableView for:CodeView.
+        newCodeView := newScrollableCodeView scrolledView.
+        newScrollableCodeView horizontalMini:true.
+    ].
+    newScrollableCodeView name:'CodeView'.
+    newCodeView modifiedChannel:self codeModifiedHolder.
+    newCodeView model:self codeHolder.
+    newCodeView canTab:true.
+    UserPreferences current useCodeView2InTools ifTrue:[
+        newCodeView
+            classHolder:self theSingleSelectedClassFromMethodHolder;
+            languageHolder:self languageHolder
+    ].
+    (UserPreferences current showAcceptCancelBarInBrowser 
+        and:[newCodeView isCodeView2 not or:[UserPreferences current codeView2ShowAcceptCancel not]]) ifTrue:[
+        ViewWithAcceptAndCancelBar notNil ifTrue:[
+            v := ViewWithAcceptAndCancelBar new.
+            v slaveView:newScrollableCodeView.
+            v reallyModifiedHolder:self realModifiedStateHolder.
+            v cancelAction:
+                [
+                    "/ codeView setClipboardText:(codeView contents).   "/ for undo
+                    newCodeView device rememberInCopyBufferHistory:(newCodeView contents).  "/ for undo
+                    newCodeView application
+                        delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch:false checkModified:false.
+                    newCodeView requestFocus.
+                ].
+            v compareAction:
+                [
+                    newCodeView application doCompareIn:self.
+                    newCodeView requestFocus
+                ].
+            newScrollableCodeView := v.
+        ]
+    ].
+   ^newScrollableCodeView
+    "Modified: / 05-07-2011 / 10:34:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 05-08-2011 / 09:44:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    resourceTypeSymbol == #fileImage ifTrue:[
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    ^ SystemBrowser resourceEditorClassFor:resourceTypeSymbol
+    |appClass app editorView|
+    specialEditors isNil ifTrue:[
+        specialEditors := Dictionary new.    
+    ].
+    editorView := specialEditors at:resourceTypeSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
+    editorView isNil ifTrue:[
+        appClass := self specialEditorCanvasClassForResourceType:resourceTypeSymbol.
+        appClass notNil ifTrue:[
+            app := appClass new.
+            app masterApplication:self canvas application.
+            app isEmbeddedInBrowser:true.
+            app infoLabelHolder:(self canvas application infoLabelHolder).
+            editorView := ApplicationSubView new.
+            editorView buildMenu:true.
+            editorView client:app.
+            app builder window:editorView.
+            specialEditors at:resourceTypeSymbol put:editorView.
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ editorView
+! !
+!NavigationState methodsFor:'aspects'!
+    "return/create the 'bookmarkHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"
+    bookmarkHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        bookmarkHolder := ValueHolder with: self theSingleSelectedBookmarkFromMethodOrClass.
+        self selectedMethods onChangeSend: #updateBookmarkHolder to: self.
+        self selectedClasses onChangeSend: #updateBookmarkHolder to: self.
+    ].
+    ^ bookmarkHolder
+    "Modified: / 03-06-2011 / 12:00:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    categoryList isNil ifTrue:[
+        categoryList := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ categoryList
+    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 01:35:42 / cg"
+    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 01:57:45 / cg"
+    categoryListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
+        categoryListGenerator := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ categoryListGenerator
+    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 01:34:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 01:35:42 / cg"
+    classDocumentationHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        classDocumentationHolder := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ classDocumentationHolder
+    classHierarchyTopClass isNil ifTrue:[
+        classHierarchyTopClass := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ classHierarchyTopClass
+    classList isNil ifTrue:[
+        classList := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ classList
+    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 01:57:28 / cg"
+    classListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
+        classListGenerator := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ classListGenerator
+    classListPerNameSpaceGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
+        classListPerNameSpaceGenerator := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ classListPerNameSpaceGenerator
+    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:15:34 / cg"
+    codeHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        codeHolder := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ codeHolder
+    codeModifiedHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        codeModifiedHolder := false asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ codeModifiedHolder
+    cursorColLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        self codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+        cursorColLabelHolder := BlockValue 
+                                    with:[:v | v printString]
+                                    argument:self codeView cursorColHolder.
+    ].
+    ^ cursorColLabelHolder
+    cursorLineLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        self codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+        cursorLineLabelHolder := BlockValue 
+                                    with:[:v | v printString]
+                                    argument:self codeView cursorLineHolder.
+    ].
+    ^ cursorLineLabelHolder
+    editModeHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        editModeHolder := self codeView editModeHolder.
+    ].
+    ^ editModeHolder
+    filterClassVars isNil ifTrue:[
+        filterClassVars := false asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ filterClassVars
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:45:28 / cg"
+    hidePrivateClasses isNil ifTrue:[
+        hidePrivateClasses := false asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ hidePrivateClasses
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 16:17:02 / cg"
+    infoLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        infoLabelHolder := '' asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ infoLabelHolder
+    languageHolder ifNil:[
+        languageHolder := ValueHolder with: self theSingleSelectedLanguageFromMethodOrClass.
+        self selectedMethods onChangeSend: #updateLanguageHolder to: self.
+        self selectedClasses onChangeSend: #updateLanguageHolder to: self.
+    ].
+    ^languageHolder
+    "Created: / 20-07-2010 / 16:03:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    lintRuleListGenerator ifNil: [
+        lintRuleListGenerator := ValueHolder new.
+    ].
+    ^lintRuleListGenerator
+    "Created: / 22-07-2009 / 15:27:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "return/create the 'messageHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"
+    messageHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        messageHolder := ValueHolder new.
+    ].
+    ^ messageHolder
+    "set the 'messageHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"
+    messageHolder := aValueHolder.
+    "return/create the 'messageSpecHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"
+    messageSpecHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        messageSpecHolder := ValueHolder with:#messageInfoSpec.
+    ].
+    ^ messageSpecHolder
+    "Modified: / 28-08-2010 / 11:40:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "set the 'messageSpecHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"
+    messageSpecHolder := something.
+    meta isNil ifTrue:[
+        meta := false asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ meta
+    metaToggleLabel isNil ifTrue:[
+        metaToggleLabel := 'Class' asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ metaToggleLabel
+    methodInfo isNil ifTrue:[
+        methodInfo := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ methodInfo
+    |methodListApplication|
+    methodListApplication := self methodListApplication.
+    methodListApplication isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ methodListApplication methodList
+    modeLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        modeLabelHolder := self codeView modeLabelHolder.
+    ].
+    ^ modeLabelHolder
+    nameSpaceFilter isNil ifTrue:[
+        nameSpaceFilter := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ nameSpaceFilter
+    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:25:24 / cg"
+    nameSpaceListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
+        nameSpaceListGenerator := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ nameSpaceListGenerator
+    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:26:19 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 14:27:59 / cg"
+    navigationHistory ifNil:[
+        navigationHistory := NavigationHistory new.
+    ].
+    ^navigationHistory
+    "Created: / 21-02-2008 / 20:08:43 / janfrog"
+    "Modified: / 21-07-2009 / 22:39:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    noAllItem isNil ifTrue:[
+        noAllItem := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ noAllItem
+    "return the organizerMode holder; 
+     holding a symbol describing how things are organized
+     (#category, #hierarchy, #project or #namespace)"
+    organizerMode isNil ifTrue:[
+        organizerMode := OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ organizerMode
+    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 13:33:55 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 18:37:22 / cg"
+    packageFilter isNil ifTrue:[
+        packageFilter := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ packageFilter
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:45:28 / cg"
+    packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder
+    "Created: / 03-10-2011 / 14:04:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    packageLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        packageLabelHolder := '' asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ packageLabelHolder
+    pluginVisibleHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        pluginVisibleHolder := false asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ pluginVisibleHolder
+    "Created: / 03-10-2010 / 17:50:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    profilerStatistics ifNil: [
+        profilerStatistics := ValueHolder new.
+    ].
+    ^profilerStatistics
+    "Created: / 22-07-2009 / 15:27:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
+profilerStatistics: aValueHolder
+    profilerStatistics := aValueHolder
+    "Created: / 21-02-2008 / 20:08:43 / janfrog"
+    "Modified: / 21-07-2009 / 22:41:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "return/create the 'progressHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"
+    progressHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        progressHolder := ValueHolder new.
+    ].
+    ^ progressHolder
+    "set the 'progressHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"
+    progressHolder := aValueHolder.
+    projectListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
+        projectListGenerator := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ projectListGenerator
+    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 01:35:42 / cg"
+    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 02:43:26 / cg"
+    protocolListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
+        protocolListGenerator := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ protocolListGenerator
+    selectedCategories isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedCategories := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ selectedCategories
+    selectedClasses isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedClasses := "SpecialValueHolder with:nil." nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ selectedClasses
+    "Modified: / 26-02-2013 / 12:29:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    selectedLintRules isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedLintRules := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ selectedLintRules
+    "Modified: / 02-02-2010 / 20:42:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    selectedMethods isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedMethods := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ selectedMethods
+    |holder|
+    selectedMethodsArray isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedMethodsArray := OrderedCollection new 
+    ].
+    index > selectedMethodsArray size ifTrue:[
+        selectedMethodsArray grow:index
+    ].
+    holder := selectedMethodsArray at:index.
+    holder isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedMethodsArray at:index put:(holder := ValueHolder new)
+    ].
+    ^ holder.
+    selectedNamespaces isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedNamespaces := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ selectedNamespaces
+    selectedProjects isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedProjects := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ selectedProjects
+    selectedProtocols isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectedProtocols := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ selectedProtocols
+    selectorListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectorListGenerator := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ selectorListGenerator
+    self halt:'should not be invoked'.
+    |holder|
+    selectorListGeneratorArray isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectorListGeneratorArray := OrderedCollection new 
+    ].
+    index > selectorListGeneratorArray size ifTrue:[
+        selectorListGeneratorArray grow:index
+    ].
+    holder := selectorListGeneratorArray at:index.
+    holder isNil ifTrue:[
+        selectorListGeneratorArray at:index put:(holder := ValueHolder new)
+    ].
+    ^ holder.
+    sortBy isNil ifTrue:[
+        sortBy := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ sortBy
+    | mth cls |
+    mth := self theSingleSelectedMethod. 
+    (mth notNil and:[mth mclass notNil])
+        ifTrue:[^Tools::NewSystemBrowser bookmarkForClass:mth mclass selector:mth selector].
+    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
+    cls 
+        ifNotNil:[^Tools::NewSystemBrowser bookmarkForClass:cls selector:nil].
+    ^nil
+    "Created: / 02-06-2011 / 22:16:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 02-06-2011 / 23:19:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^BlockValue 
+        with:
+            [:i1 :i2| | mth cls |
+            mth := self theSingleSelectedMethod. 
+            cls := mth ifNil:[nil] ifNotNil:[mth mclass].
+            cls ifNil:[
+            cls := self theSingleSelectedClass].
+            cls]
+        argument: self selectedMethods
+        argument: self selectedClasses.
+    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 10:05:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^BlockValue 
+        with:
+            [:i1 | self theSingleSelectedClass]
+        argument: 
+            self selectedClasses
+    "Created: / 05-08-2011 / 09:44:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    | mth cls |
+    mth := self theSingleSelectedMethod. 
+    mth ifNotNil:[^mth programmingLanguage].
+    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
+    cls ifNotNil:[^cls programmingLanguage].
+    ^SmalltalkLanguage instance
+    "Created: / 20-07-2010 / 15:59:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    ^BlockValue 
+        with:
+            [:i1 | self theSingleSelectedMethod]
+        argument: 
+            self selectedMethods
+    "Created: / 17-06-2011 / 12:39:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
+   ^self bookmarkHolder value: self theSingleSelectedBookmarkFromMethodOrClass
+    "Created: / 02-06-2011 / 22:13:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
+   ^self languageHolder value: self theSingleSelectedLanguageFromMethodOrClass
+    "Created: / 20-07-2010 / 16:05:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    variableFilter isNil ifTrue:[
+        variableFilter := nil asValue.
+    ].
+    ^ variableFilter
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:45:28 / cg"
+! !
+!NavigationState methodsFor:'aspects-kludges'!
+    metaToggle isNil ifTrue:[
+        metaToggle := PluggableAdaptor on:(self meta).
+        metaToggle
+            getBlock:[:m | m value == true]
+            putBlock:[:m :newValue | m value:(newValue ? false)]
+            updateBlock:[:m :aspect :param | true].
+    ].
+    ^ metaToggle
+    notMetaToggle isNil ifTrue:[
+        notMetaToggle := PluggableAdaptor on:(self meta).
+        notMetaToggle
+            getBlock:[:m | m value == false]
+            putBlock:[:m :newValue | m value:(newValue ? false) not]
+            updateBlock:[:m :aspect :param | true].
+    ].
+    ^ notMetaToggle
+! !
+!NavigationState methodsFor:'history'!
+addToHistory: class selector: selector
+    | entry |
+    "/selector ifNil:[^self].
+    entry := SystemBrowser historyEntryForClass: class selector: selector.
+    self navigationHistory goTo: entry.
+    ^entry
+    "Created: / 22-02-2008 / 08:44:05 / janfrog"
+    "Modified: / 22-02-2008 / 17:20:00 / janfrog"
+    "Modified: / 06-04-2012 / 10:55:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
+! !
+!NavigationState methodsFor:'printing & storing'!
+    ^ someString asText emphasisAllAdd:(UserPreferences current emphasisForModifiedBuffer)
+    "a descriptive string of what this state shows"
+    |s|
+    s := self rawNameStringOrNil ? 'nothing selected'.
+    (self realModifiedState == true) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self colorizeForModifiedBuffer:s string
+    ].
+    ^ s
+    "a descriptive string of what this state shows"
+    |s "codeView"|
+    s := self rawNameStringOrNil.
+    s notNil ifTrue:[
+        self realModifiedState == true 
+"/    ((codeView := self codeView) notNil
+"/    and:[codeView modified]) 
+        ifTrue:[
+            ^ self colorizeForModifiedBuffer:s string
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ s
+    |categories theCategory|
+    categories := self selectedCategories value.
+    categories size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        theCategory := categories first.
+        theCategory notNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ theCategory string, ' [Category]'
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 19:42:42 / cg"
+    |namespaces theNamespace nsName s|
+    namespaces := self selectedNamespaces value.
+    namespaces size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        theNamespace := namespaces first
+    ].
+    theNamespace notNil ifTrue:[
+        theNamespace isNameSpace ifTrue:[
+            nsName := theNamespace name
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            nsName := theNamespace
+        ].
+        s := nsName , ' [NameSpace]'.
+        (self isNameSpaceBrowser or:[self isNameSpaceFullBrowser]) ifTrue:[
+            ^ LabelAndIcon icon:(NewSystemBrowser nameSpaceIcon) string:s.
+        ].
+        ^ s
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 20:15:02 / cg"
+    |projects theProject s|
+    projects := self selectedProjects value.
+    projects size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        theProject := projects first
+    ].
+    theProject notNil ifTrue:[
+        s := theProject , ' [Project]'.
+        (self isProjectBrowser or:[self isProjectFullBrowser]) ifTrue:[
+            ^ LabelAndIcon icon:(NewSystemBrowser packageIcon) string:s.
+        ].
+        ^ s
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 20:18:34 / cg"
+    "a descriptive string of what this state shows; nil, if nothing is selected"
+    ^ self rawNameStringOrNilWantShort:false
+    "a descriptive string of what this state shows; nil, if nothing is selected"
+    |lbl nr numClasses numMethods numCategories cats classes theClass   
+     "protocols theProtocol" 
+     methods theSingleMethod projects theProject longName nm methodName suffix cls|
+    browserLabel notNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ add the number of selected methods
+        ((canvasType == #singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec)
+        or:[canvasType == #methodListBrowserSpec]) ifTrue:[
+            nr := self selectedMethods value size.
+            nr > 5 ifTrue:[
+                ^ browserLabel string , ' - ' , nr printString , ' methods'
+            ].
+        ].
+        ^ browserLabel
+    ].
+    suffix := ''.
+    self isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser ifTrue:[
+        lbl := self rawNameStringForProject.
+        lbl notNil ifTrue:[^ lbl].
+        suffix := ' [Protocol]'.
+    ].
+    self isCategoryBrowser ifTrue:[
+        lbl := self rawNameStringForCategory.
+        lbl notNil ifTrue:[^ lbl].
+        suffix := ' [Category]'.
+    ].
+    self isNameSpaceBrowser ifTrue:[
+        lbl := self rawNameStringForNameSpace.
+        lbl notNil ifTrue:[^ lbl].
+        suffix := ' [NameSpace]'.
+    ].
+    self isProjectBrowser ifTrue:[
+        projects := self selectedProjects value.
+        projects size == 1 ifTrue:[
+            theProject := projects first
+        ].
+        suffix := ' [Project]'.
+        theProject notNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ theProject , suffix
+        ]
+    ].
+    classes := self selectedClasses value.
+    classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        theClass := classes first.
+        theClass notNil ifTrue:[
+            theClass := theClass theNonMetaclass
+        ]
+    ].
+    self isClassBrowser ifTrue:[
+        suffix := ' [Class]'.
+        theClass notNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ theClass name , suffix
+        ]
+    ].
+"/    protocols := self selectedProtocols value.
+"/    protocols size == 1 ifTrue:[
+"/        theProtocol := protocols first
+"/    ].
+    methods := self selectedMethods value.
+    methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        theSingleMethod := methods first
+    ].
+    theSingleMethod notNil ifTrue:[
+        methodName := theSingleMethod selector.
+        methodName isSymbol ifTrue:[methodName := methodName selector].
+        theSingleMethod isJavaMethod ifTrue:[
+            methodName := theSingleMethod printStringForBrowserWithSelector:methodName.
+        ].
+    ].
+    self isMethodBrowser ifTrue:[
+        suffix := ' [Selector]'.
+        theSingleMethod notNil ifTrue:[
+            theSingleMethod mclass isNil ifTrue:[
+                ^ '???'
+            ].
+            ^ theSingleMethod mclass name , ' ' , methodName , suffix
+        ]
+    ].
+    self isCategoryBrowser ifTrue:[
+        suffix :=  ' [Category]'.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
+            suffix :=  ' [Full]'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self isClassDocumentationBrowser ifTrue:[
+                suffix :=  ' [Doc]'.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self isProjectBrowser ifTrue:[
+                    suffix :=  ' [Project]'.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    nm := nil.
+    (numClasses := classes size) > 0 ifTrue:[
+        numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
+            methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
+                theSingleMethod notNil ifTrue:[
+                    cls := theSingleMethod mclass.
+                    cls isNil ifTrue:[ 
+                        "/ oops - unbound
+                        nm := '???'
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        longName := nm := cls nameInBrowser.
+                        shortName ifTrue:[
+                            nm := cls nameWithoutPrefix.
+                            cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
+                                nm := ':' , nm
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                    nm := nm , ' ', (methodName ? '???')
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    nm := methods size printString , ' methods'.
+                    numClasses := (methods collect:[:each | each mclass] as:IdentitySet) size.
+                    numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
+                        nm := nm , ' in ' , numClasses printString , ' classes'.
+                    ].
+                ].
+                ^ nm , suffix.
+            ].
+            nm := numClasses printString , ' classes in '.
+            "/ cats := self selectedCategories value
+            cats := classes collect:[:each | each category] as:Set.
+            (numCategories := cats size) == 1 ifTrue:[
+                nm := nm , cats first
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                nm := nm , numCategories printString , ' categories'
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            cls := theClass theNonMetaclass.
+            longName := nm := cls nameInBrowser.
+            shortName ifTrue:[
+                nm := cls nameWithoutPrefix.
+                cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
+                    nm := ':' , nm
+                ]
+            ].
+            methods := self selectedMethods value.
+            (numMethods := methods size) > 0 ifTrue:[
+                numMethods == 1 ifTrue:[
+                    theSingleMethod := methods first.
+                    nm := nm , ' ', (methodName ? '???')
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    nm := numMethods printString , ' methods in ' , nm
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (self isNameSpaceBrowser 
+        or:[self isNameSpaceFullBrowser
+        or:[organizerMode value == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace]]) ifTrue:[
+            lbl := self rawNameStringForNameSpace.
+            lbl notNil ifTrue:[^ lbl].
+            suffix := ' [NameSpace]'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (self isProjectBrowser 
+            or:[self isProjectFullBrowser
+            or:[organizerMode value == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeProject]]) ifTrue:[
+                lbl := self rawNameStringForProject.
+                lbl notNil ifTrue:[^ lbl].
+                suffix := ' [Project]'.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                cats := self selectedCategories value.
+                cats size == 1 ifTrue:[
+                    nm := (cats first ? '') string
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    nm isNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
+    ^ nm , suffix.
+    "Created: / 11-02-2000 / 13:32:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 18-08-2000 / 21:06:35 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20-07-2010 / 10:52:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "a descriptive string of what this state shows"
+    |s|
+    s := (self rawNameStringOrNilWantShort:true) ? 'nothing selected'.
+    (self realModifiedState == true) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self colorizeForModifiedBuffer:s string
+    ].
+    ^ s
+! !
+!NavigationState methodsFor:'queries'!
+    ^ canvasType == #categoryBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #singleCategoryBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #multipleCategoryBrowserSpec ]]
+    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 01:17:02 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #chainBrowserSpec    
+    ^ canvasType == #multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
+      or:[canvasType == #multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
+      or:[canvasType == #multipleClassWithInfoBrowserSpec]]
+    ^ canvasType == #classBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #singleClassBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #multipleClassBrowserSpec ]]
+    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:38:07 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #classDocumentationBrowserSpec
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:54:40 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:54:40 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #fullBrowserSpec
+    ^ canvasType == #fullClassSourceBrowserSpec
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:54:40 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec ]
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:32:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:00 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #smallLintByRuleResultBrowserSpec
+    ^ canvasType == #methodListBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #singleMethodBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #multipleMethodBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec ]]]
+    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 13:35:12 / cg"
+    canvasType == #methodListBrowserSpec ifTrue:[^ true].
+    canvasType == #multipleMethodBrowserSpec ifTrue:[^ true].
+    canvasType == #singleProtocolBrowserSpec ifTrue:[^ true].
+    ^ false.
+    ^ canvasType == #singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec]
+    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 16:12:34 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec ]
+    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:58:36 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #singleProjectBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #multipleProjectBrowserSpec ]
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:32:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:00 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec ]
+    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 19:02:49 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #singleProtocolBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #multipleProtocolBrowserSpec ]
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:32:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:00 / cg"
+    ^ self isProtocolBrowser
+      or:[ self isFullProtocolBrowser ]
+    ^ canvasType == #singleCategoryBrowserSpec    
+    ^ canvasType == #singleClassBrowserSpec    
+    ^ canvasType == #singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec    
+    ^ canvasType == #singleMethodBrowserSpec
+    "Created: / 1.3.2000 / 13:35:52 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
+    ^ canvasType == #singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
+    ^ canvasType == #singleProjectBrowserSpec
+      or:[ canvasType == #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec ]
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:32:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:00 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec
+    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:32:09 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:00 / cg"
+    ^ canvasType == #singleProtocolBrowserSpec    
+    ^ canvasType == #multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec
+! !
+!NavigationState class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.55 2014-03-17 15:00:16 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.55 2014-03-17 15:00:16 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Id:,v 1.55 2014-03-17 15:00:16 cg Exp $'
+! !
+NavigationState initialize!