changeset 273 0fc84937f240
parent 264 621107e65e1e
child 283 159098ddc555
--- a/	Tue Dec 12 13:23:08 1995 +0100
+++ b/	Tue Dec 12 13:24:40 1995 +0100
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 StandardSystemView subclass:#BrowserView
 	 instanceVariableNames:'classCategoryListView classListView methodCategoryListView
-                methodListView classMethodListView codeView classToggle
-                instanceToggle currentClassCategory currentClassHierarchy
-                currentClass currentMethodCategory currentMethod currentSelector
-                showInstance actualClass fullClass lastMethodCategory aspect
-                variableListView fullProtocol lockUpdates autoSearch myLabel
-                acceptClass lastSourceLogMessage'
+		methodListView classMethodListView codeView classToggle
+		instanceToggle currentClassCategory currentClassHierarchy
+		currentClass currentMethodCategory currentMethod currentSelector
+		showInstance actualClass fullClass lastMethodCategory aspect
+		variableListView fullProtocol lockUpdates autoSearch myLabel
+		acceptClass lastSourceLogMessage'
 	 classVariableNames:'CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses RememberAspect DefaultIcon'
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 !BrowserView methodsFor:'change & update'!
 update:something with:someArgument from:changedObject
-    |list|
+    |list selector oldMethod|
      avoid update/warn after my own changes
@@ -177,16 +177,26 @@
 	     its the current class that has changed
 	    something == #methodDictionary ifTrue:[
-		(someArgument isSymbol) ifTrue:[
+		"/ new feature: changeArg may be an array consisting of
+		"/ the selector and the oldMethod
+		someArgument isArray ifTrue:[
+		    oldMethod := someArgument at:2.
+		    selector := someArgument at:1.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    selector := someArgument
+		].
+		(selector isSymbol) ifTrue:[
-		     the method with selector someArgument was changed or removed
+		     the method with selector was changed or removed
 		    self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.
 		    self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.
-		    someArgument == currentSelector ifTrue:[
+		    selector == currentSelector ifTrue:[
 			 special care here: the currently shown method has been
 			 changed somehow in another browser (or via fileIn)
@@ -1089,160 +1099,160 @@
     (device ctrlDown 
     and:[currentClass notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        labels :=  #(
-                       'inspect class'
-                       '-'
-                       'primitive definitions'
-                       'primitive variables'
-                       'primitive functions'
-                    ).
-        selectors := #(
-                       classInspect
-                       nil
-                       classPrimitiveDefinitions
-                       classPrimitiveVariables
-                       classPrimitiveFunctions
-                     ).
-        labels := labels , #(
-                             '-'
-                             'revision info' 
-                             'compare with repository' 
-                             '-'
-                             'check into source repository'
-                             'fileIn from repository' 
-                           ).
-        selectors := selectors , #(
-                             nil
-                             classRevisionInfo
-                             classCompareWithNewestInRepository
-                             nil
-                             classCheckin
-                             classLoadRevision
-                            ).
+	labels :=  #(
+		       'inspect class'
+		       '-'
+		       'primitive definitions'
+		       'primitive variables'
+		       'primitive functions'
+		    ).
+	selectors := #(
+		       classInspect
+		       nil
+		       classPrimitiveDefinitions
+		       classPrimitiveVariables
+		       classPrimitiveFunctions
+		     ).
+	labels := labels , #(
+			     '-'
+			     'revision info' 
+			     'compare with repository' 
+			     '-'
+			     'check into source repository'
+			     'fileIn from repository' 
+			   ).
+	selectors := selectors , #(
+			     nil
+			     classRevisionInfo
+			     classCompareWithNewestInRepository
+			     nil
+			     classCheckin
+			     classLoadRevision
+			    ).
     ] ifFalse:[
-        currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
-            labels :=    #(
-                           'new class'
-                         ).
-            selectors := #(
-                           classNewClass
-                         ).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-                labels :=    #(
-                               'definition'
-                               '-'
-                               'new class'
-                               '-'
-                               'load '
-                             ).
-                selectors := #(
-                               classDefinition
-                               nil
-                               classNewClass
-                               nil
-                               classLoad
-                             ).
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                fullProtocol ifTrue:[
-                    labels :=    #(
-                                   'hierarchy' 
-                                   'definition' 
-                                   'comment' 
-                                   'class instvars' 
-                                 ).
-                    selectors := #(
-                                   classHierarchy
-                                   classDefinition
-                                   classComment
-                                   classClassInstVars
-                                  ).
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    labels :=    #(
-                                   'fileOut'
-                                   'printOut'
-                                   'printOut protocol'
-                                 " 'printOut full protocol' "
-                                   '-'
-                                   'SPAWN_CLASS' 
-                                   'spawn full protocol' 
-                                   'spawn hierarchy' 
-                                   'spawn subclasses' 
-                                   '-'
-                                  ).
-                    selectors := #(
-                                   classFileOut
-                                   classPrintOut
-                                   classPrintOutProtocol
-                                "  classPrintOutFullProtocol "
-                                   nil
-                                   classSpawn
-                                   classSpawnFullProtocol
-                                   classSpawnHierarchy
-                                   classSpawnSubclasses
-                                   nil
-                                  ).
-                    fullClass ifFalse:[
-                        labels := labels , #(
-                                   'hierarchy' 
-                                   'definition' 
-                                   'comment' 
-                                   'class instvars' 
-                   "/              'protocols' 
-                                   '-'
-                                  ).
-                        selectors := selectors , #(
-                                   classHierarchy
-                                   classDefinition
-                                   classComment
-                                   classClassInstVars
-                   "/              classProtocols 
-                                   nil
-                                  ).
-                    ].
-                    labels := labels , #(
-                   "/              'variable search'
-                                   'class refs'
-                                   '-'
-                                   'new class'
-                                   'new subclass'
-                                   'rename ...'
-                                   'remove'
-                                  ).
-                    selectors := selectors , #(
-                   "/              variables
-                                   classRefs
-                                   nil
-                                   classNewClass
-                                   classNewSubclass
-                                   classRename
-                                   classRemove
-                                  ).
-                    currentClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
-                        labels := labels , #(
-                                   'unload'
-                                  ).
-                        selectors := selectors , #(
-                                   classUnload
-                                  ).
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
+	currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
+	    labels :=    #(
+			   'new class'
+			 ).
+	    selectors := #(
+			   classNewClass
+			 ).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
+		labels :=    #(
+			       'definition'
+			       '-'
+			       'new class'
+			       '-'
+			       'load '
+			     ).
+		selectors := #(
+			       classDefinition
+			       nil
+			       classNewClass
+			       nil
+			       classLoad
+			     ).
+	    ] ifTrue:[
+		fullProtocol ifTrue:[
+		    labels :=    #(
+				   'hierarchy' 
+				   'definition' 
+				   'comment' 
+				   'class instvars' 
+				 ).
+		    selectors := #(
+				   classHierarchy
+				   classDefinition
+				   classComment
+				   classClassInstVars
+				  ).
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    labels :=    #(
+				   'fileOut'
+				   'printOut'
+				   'printOut protocol'
+				 " 'printOut full protocol' "
+				   '-'
+				   'SPAWN_CLASS' 
+				   'spawn full protocol' 
+				   'spawn hierarchy' 
+				   'spawn subclasses' 
+				   '-'
+				  ).
+		    selectors := #(
+				   classFileOut
+				   classPrintOut
+				   classPrintOutProtocol
+				"  classPrintOutFullProtocol "
+				   nil
+				   classSpawn
+				   classSpawnFullProtocol
+				   classSpawnHierarchy
+				   classSpawnSubclasses
+				   nil
+				  ).
+		    fullClass ifFalse:[
+			labels := labels , #(
+				   'hierarchy' 
+				   'definition' 
+				   'comment' 
+				   'class instvars' 
+		   "/              'protocols' 
+				   '-'
+				  ).
+			selectors := selectors , #(
+				   classHierarchy
+				   classDefinition
+				   classComment
+				   classClassInstVars
+		   "/              classProtocols 
+				   nil
+				  ).
+		    ].
+		    labels := labels , #(
+		   "/              'variable search'
+				   'class refs'
+				   '-'
+				   'new class'
+				   'new subclass'
+				   'rename ...'
+				   'remove'
+				  ).
+		    selectors := selectors , #(
+		   "/              variables
+				   classRefs
+				   nil
+				   classNewClass
+				   classNewSubclass
+				   classRename
+				   classRemove
+				  ).
+		    currentClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
+			labels := labels , #(
+				   'unload'
+				  ).
+			selectors := selectors , #(
+				   classUnload
+				  ).
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
     m := PopUpMenu 
-            labels:(resources array:labels)
-            selectors:selectors.
+	    labels:(resources array:labels)
+	    selectors:selectors.
     (currentClass isNil 
     or:[currentClass sourceCodeManager isNil]) ifTrue:[
-        m disableAll:#(classRevisionInfo classLoadRevision classCheckin classCompareWithNewestInRepository).
+	m disableAll:#(classRevisionInfo classLoadRevision classCheckin classCompareWithNewestInRepository).
     ^ m
@@ -1632,34 +1642,34 @@
     "check a class into the source repository"
     currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-        self warn:'cannot checkin unloaded classes.'.
-        ^ self.
+	self warn:'cannot checkin unloaded classes.'.
+	^ self.
     self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-        |logMessage info mgr|
-        mgr := (currentClass sourceCodeManager).
-        (info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:currentClass) isNil ifTrue:[
-            ^ self classCreateSourceContainerFor:currentClass 
-        ].
-        logMessage := Dialog 
-                         request:'enter a log message:' 
-                         initialAnswer:lastSourceLogMessage  
-                         onCancel:nil.
-        logMessage notNil ifTrue:[
-            lastSourceLogMessage := logMessage.
-            self busyLabel:'checking in %1' with:currentClass name.
-            (mgr checkinClass:currentClass logMessage:logMessage) ifFalse:[
-                self warn:'checkin failed'.
-            ].
-            aspect == #revisionInfo ifTrue:[
-                self classListUpdate
-            ].
-            self normalLabel.
-        ]
+	|logMessage info mgr|
+	mgr := (currentClass sourceCodeManager).
+	(info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:currentClass) isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self classCreateSourceContainerFor:currentClass 
+	].
+	logMessage := Dialog 
+			 request:'enter a log message:' 
+			 initialAnswer:lastSourceLogMessage  
+			 onCancel:nil.
+	logMessage notNil ifTrue:[
+	    lastSourceLogMessage := logMessage.
+	    self busyLabel:'checking in %1' with:currentClass name.
+	    (mgr checkinClass:currentClass logMessage:logMessage) ifFalse:[
+		self warn:'checkin failed'.
+	    ].
+	    aspect == #revisionInfo ifTrue:[
+		self classListUpdate
+	    ].
+	    self normalLabel.
+	]
     "Created: 23.11.1995 / 11:41:38 / cg"
@@ -1671,47 +1681,47 @@
      with the most recent version found in the repository."
     currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-        self warn:'cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
-        ^ self.
+	self warn:'cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
+	^ self.
     self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-        |aStream comparedSource currentSource v rev revString mgr|
-        mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
-        rev := Dialog request:'compare to revision: (empty for newest)'.
-        rev notNil ifTrue:[
-            rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
-                self busyLabel:'extracting newest %1' with:currentClass name.
-                aStream := mgr mostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:currentClass name.
-                revString := 'newest'
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                self busyLabel:'extracting previous %1' with:currentClass name.
-                aStream := mgr sourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
-                revString := rev
-            ].
-            aStream isNil ifTrue:[
-                self warn:'could not extract source from repository'.
-                ^ self
-            ].
-            comparedSource := aStream contents.
-            aStream close.
-            self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.
-            aStream := '' writeStream.
-            currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
-            currentSource := aStream contents.
-            aStream close.
-            self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
-            v := DiffTextView 
-                openOn:currentSource label:'current (' , currentClass revision , ')'
-                and:comparedSource label:'repository (' , revString , ')'.      
-            v label:'comparing ' , currentClass name.
-            self normalLabel.
-        ]
+	|aStream comparedSource currentSource v rev revString mgr|
+	mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
+	rev := Dialog request:'compare to revision: (empty for newest)'.
+	rev notNil ifTrue:[
+	    rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
+		self busyLabel:'extracting newest %1' with:currentClass name.
+		aStream := mgr mostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:currentClass name.
+		revString := 'newest'
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		self busyLabel:'extracting previous %1' with:currentClass name.
+		aStream := mgr sourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
+		revString := rev
+	    ].
+	    aStream isNil ifTrue:[
+		self warn:'could not extract source from repository'.
+		^ self
+	    ].
+	    comparedSource := aStream contents.
+	    aStream close.
+	    self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.
+	    aStream := '' writeStream.
+	    currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
+	    currentSource := aStream contents.
+	    aStream close.
+	    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
+	    v := DiffTextView 
+		openOn:currentSource label:'current (' , currentClass revision , ')'
+		and:comparedSource label:'repository (' , revString , ')'.      
+	    v label:'comparing ' , currentClass name.
+	    self normalLabel.
+	]
     "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
@@ -1736,8 +1746,8 @@
      check y component info fn project nm mgr|
     aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-        self warn:'please load the class first'.
-        ^ self.
+	self warn:'please load the class first'.
+	^ self.
@@ -1750,14 +1760,14 @@
     "/ try to extract some useful defaults from the current project
     (Project notNil and:[(project := Project current) notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        (nm := project repositoryDirectory) isNil ifTrue:[
-            nm := project name
-        ].
-        packageHolder value:nm.
-        (nm := project repositoryModule) notNil ifTrue:[
-            moduleHolder value:nm
-        ].
+	(nm := project repositoryDirectory) isNil ifTrue:[
+	    nm := project name
+	].
+	packageHolder value:nm.
+	(nm := project repositoryModule) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    moduleHolder value:nm
+	].
@@ -1766,23 +1776,23 @@
     info := (mgr := aClass sourceCodeManager) sourceInfoOfClass:aClass.
     info notNil ifTrue:[
-        (info includesKey:#module) ifTrue:[
-            moduleHolder value:(info at:#module).
-        ].
-        (info includesKey:#directory) ifTrue:[
-            packageHolder value:(info at:#directory).
-        ].
-        (info includesKey:#expectedFileName) ifTrue:[
-            fn := (info at:#expectedFileName).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (info includesKey:#classFileName) ifTrue:[
-                fn := (info at:#classFileName).
-            ]
-        ]
+	(info includesKey:#module) ifTrue:[
+	    moduleHolder value:(info at:#module).
+	].
+	(info includesKey:#directory) ifTrue:[
+	    packageHolder value:(info at:#directory).
+	].
+	(info includesKey:#expectedFileName) ifTrue:[
+	    fn := (info at:#expectedFileName).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (info includesKey:#classFileName) ifTrue:[
+		fn := (info at:#classFileName).
+	    ]
+	]
     fn isNil ifTrue:[
-        fn := (Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass) , '.st'.
+	fn := (Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass) , '.st'.
     fileNameHolder := fn asValue.
@@ -1831,60 +1841,60 @@
     box showAtPointer.
     box accepted ifTrue:[
-        aClass revisionString isNil ifTrue:[
-            (self confirm:(resources string:'%1 does not have any revision info (#version method)\\Shall I create one ?' with:aClass name) withCRs)
-                ifFalse:[
-                    ^ self
-                ].
-            aClass updateVersionMethodFor:(mgr initialRevisionStringFor:aClass).
-        ].
-        module := moduleHolder value withoutSpaces.
-        package := packageHolder value withoutSpaces.
-        fileName := fileNameHolder value withoutSpaces.
-        "/
-        "/ check for the module
-        "/
-        (mgr checkForExistingModule:module) ifFalse:[
-            (self confirm:(resources string:'%1 is a new module.\\create it ?' with:module) withCRs) ifFalse:[
-                ^ self.
-            ].
-            (mgr createModule:module) ifFalse:[
-                self warn:(resources string:'cannot create new module: %1' with:module).
-                ^ self.
-            ]
-        ].
-        "/
-        "/ check for the package
-        "/
-        (mgr checkForExistingModule:module package:package) ifFalse:[
-            (self confirm:(resources string:'%1 is a new package (in module %2).\\create it ?' with:package with:module) withCRs) ifFalse:[
-                ^ self.
-            ].
-            (mgr createModule:module package:package) ifFalse:[
-                self warn:(resources string:'cannot create new package: %1 (in module %2)' with:package with:module).
-                ^ self.
-            ]
-        ].
-        "/
-        "/ check for the container itself
-        "/
-        (mgr checkForExistingContainerInModule:module package:package container:fileName) ifTrue:[
-            self warn:(resources string:'container for %1 already exists in %2/%3.\\You have to destroy the old one or use another name.' with:fileName with:module with:package) withCRs.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        (mgr
-                createContainerFor:aClass
-                inModule:module
-                package:package
-                container:fileName) ifFalse:[
-            self warn:(resources string:'failed to create container.').
-            ^ self.
-        ].
+	aClass revisionString isNil ifTrue:[
+	    (self confirm:(resources string:'%1 does not have any revision info (#version method)\\Shall I create one ?' with:aClass name) withCRs)
+		ifFalse:[
+		    ^ self
+		].
+	    aClass updateVersionMethodFor:(mgr initialRevisionStringFor:aClass).
+	].
+	module := moduleHolder value withoutSpaces.
+	package := packageHolder value withoutSpaces.
+	fileName := fileNameHolder value withoutSpaces.
+	"/
+	"/ check for the module
+	"/
+	(mgr checkForExistingModule:module) ifFalse:[
+	    (self confirm:(resources string:'%1 is a new module.\\create it ?' with:module) withCRs) ifFalse:[
+		^ self.
+	    ].
+	    (mgr createModule:module) ifFalse:[
+		self warn:(resources string:'cannot create new module: %1' with:module).
+		^ self.
+	    ]
+	].
+	"/
+	"/ check for the package
+	"/
+	(mgr checkForExistingModule:module package:package) ifFalse:[
+	    (self confirm:(resources string:'%1 is a new package (in module %2).\\create it ?' with:package with:module) withCRs) ifFalse:[
+		^ self.
+	    ].
+	    (mgr createModule:module package:package) ifFalse:[
+		self warn:(resources string:'cannot create new package: %1 (in module %2)' with:package with:module).
+		^ self.
+	    ]
+	].
+	"/
+	"/ check for the container itself
+	"/
+	(mgr checkForExistingContainerInModule:module package:package container:fileName) ifTrue:[
+	    self warn:(resources string:'container for %1 already exists in %2/%3.\\You have to destroy the old one or use another name.' with:fileName with:module with:package) withCRs.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	(mgr
+		createContainerFor:aClass
+		inModule:module
+		package:package
+		container:fileName) ifFalse:[
+	    self warn:(resources string:'failed to create container.').
+	    ^ self.
+	].
     box destroy
@@ -1896,67 +1906,67 @@
      upgrade a class to the newest revision"
     currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-        self warn:'cannot load specific releases of autoloaded classes.'.
-        ^ self.
+	self warn:'cannot load specific releases of autoloaded classes.'.
+	^ self.
     self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-        |aStream comparedSource currentSource v rev revString what mgr keep className
-         newClass|
-        rev := Dialog request:'load which revision: (empty for newest)'.
-        rev notNil ifTrue:[
-            className := currentClass name.
-            (className includesString:'_rev_') ifTrue:[
-                self warn:'select the original class and try again.'.
-                ^ self
-            ].
-            mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
-            rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
-                what := className , '(newest)'.
-                self busyLabel:'extracting %1' with:what.
-                aStream := mgr mostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:className.
-                revString := 'newest'.
-                keep := false.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                what := className , '(' , rev , ')'.
-                self busyLabel:'extracting %1' with:what.
-                aStream := mgr sourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
-                revString := rev.
-                keep := true.
-            ].
-            self busyLabel:'loading %1' with:what .
-            [
-                Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
-                    "/ rename the current class - for backup
-                    Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:className , '_saved'.
-                    aStream fileIn.
-                    "/ did that work ?
-                    newClass := Smalltalk at:className ifAbsent:nil.
-                    newClass isNil ifTrue:[
-                        self warn:'fileIn failed - undoing changes ...'.
-                        Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:className.                        
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        "/
-                        "/ if we loaded an old version, rename that one and fix the name of the
-                        "/ current class
-                        "/
-                        keep ifTrue:[
-                            Smalltalk renameClass:newClass to:(className , '_rev_' , rev).
-                            Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:className
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
-                aStream close.
-                self normalLabel.
-                Smalltalk changed.
-            ].
-        ]
+	|aStream comparedSource currentSource v rev revString what mgr keep className
+	 newClass|
+	rev := Dialog request:'load which revision: (empty for newest)'.
+	rev notNil ifTrue:[
+	    className := currentClass name.
+	    (className includesString:'_rev_') ifTrue:[
+		self warn:'select the original class and try again.'.
+		^ self
+	    ].
+	    mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
+	    rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
+		what := className , '(newest)'.
+		self busyLabel:'extracting %1' with:what.
+		aStream := mgr mostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:className.
+		revString := 'newest'.
+		keep := false.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		what := className , '(' , rev , ')'.
+		self busyLabel:'extracting %1' with:what.
+		aStream := mgr sourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
+		revString := rev.
+		keep := true.
+	    ].
+	    self busyLabel:'loading %1' with:what .
+	    [
+		Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
+		    "/ rename the current class - for backup
+		    Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:className , '_saved'.
+		    aStream fileIn.
+		    "/ did that work ?
+		    newClass := Smalltalk at:className ifAbsent:nil.
+		    newClass isNil ifTrue:[
+			self warn:'fileIn failed - undoing changes ...'.
+			Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:className.                        
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			"/
+			"/ if we loaded an old version, rename that one and fix the name of the
+			"/ current class
+			"/
+			keep ifTrue:[
+			    Smalltalk renameClass:newClass to:(className , '_rev_' , rev).
+			    Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:className
+			]
+		    ]
+		].
+	    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+		aStream close.
+		self normalLabel.
+		Smalltalk changed.
+	    ].
+	]
     "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
@@ -1967,59 +1977,59 @@
     "show current classes revision info in codeView"
     self doClassMenu:[:currentClass |
-        |aStream info info2 s rv mgr|
-        aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
-        currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
-            self busyLabel:'extracting revision info' with:nil.
-            info := currentClass revisionInfo.
-            rv := currentClass binaryRevision.
-            rv notNil ifTrue:[
-                aStream nextPutAll:'**** Loaded classes binary information ****'; cr; cr.
-                aStream nextPutAll:'  Binary based upon : ' , rv; cr.
-                aStream cr.
-            ].
-            info notNil ifTrue:[
-                aStream nextPutAll:'**** Classes source information ****'; cr; cr.
-                s := info at:#repositoryPath ifAbsent:nil.
-                s notNil ifTrue:[
-                    aStream nextPut:'  Source repository : ' , s; cr
-                ].
-                aStream nextPutAll:'  Filename ........ : ' , (info at:#fileName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-                aStream nextPutAll:'  Revision ........ : ' , (info at:#revision ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-                aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin date .... : ' , (info at:#date ifAbsent:'?') , ' ' , (info at:#time ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-                aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin user .... : ' , (info at:#user ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-                (info2 := currentClass packageSourceCodeInfo) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    aStream nextPutAll:'  Repository: ..... : ' , (info2 at:#module ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-                    aStream nextPutAll:'  Directory: ...... : ' , (info2 at:#directory ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-                ].
-                aStream nextPutAll:'  Container ....... : ' , (info at:#repositoryPathName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
-                aStream cr.
-                (mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    aStream nextPutAll:'**** Repository information ****'; cr; cr.
-                    mgr writeRevisionLogOf:currentClass to:aStream.
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                aStream nextPutAll:'No revision info found'; cr.
-                currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
-                    aStream cr; nextPutAll:'This is an autoloaded class - you may see more after its loaded.'
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        codeView contents:(aStream contents).
-        codeView modified:false.
-        codeView acceptAction:nil.
-        codeView explainAction:nil.
-        methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
-            methodListView deselect
-        ].
-        aspect := #revisionInfo. 
-        self normalLabel
+	|aStream info info2 s rv mgr|
+	aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
+	currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
+	    self busyLabel:'extracting revision info' with:nil.
+	    info := currentClass revisionInfo.
+	    rv := currentClass binaryRevision.
+	    rv notNil ifTrue:[
+		aStream nextPutAll:'**** Loaded classes binary information ****'; cr; cr.
+		aStream nextPutAll:'  Binary based upon : ' , rv; cr.
+		aStream cr.
+	    ].
+	    info notNil ifTrue:[
+		aStream nextPutAll:'**** Classes source information ****'; cr; cr.
+		s := info at:#repositoryPath ifAbsent:nil.
+		s notNil ifTrue:[
+		    aStream nextPut:'  Source repository : ' , s; cr
+		].
+		aStream nextPutAll:'  Filename ........ : ' , (info at:#fileName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+		aStream nextPutAll:'  Revision ........ : ' , (info at:#revision ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+		aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin date .... : ' , (info at:#date ifAbsent:'?') , ' ' , (info at:#time ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+		aStream nextPutAll:'  Checkin user .... : ' , (info at:#user ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+		(info2 := currentClass packageSourceCodeInfo) notNil ifTrue:[
+		    aStream nextPutAll:'  Repository: ..... : ' , (info2 at:#module ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+		    aStream nextPutAll:'  Directory: ...... : ' , (info2 at:#directory ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+		].
+		aStream nextPutAll:'  Container ....... : ' , (info at:#repositoryPathName ifAbsent:'?'); cr.
+		aStream cr.
+		(mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager) notNil ifTrue:[
+		    aStream nextPutAll:'**** Repository information ****'; cr; cr.
+		    mgr writeRevisionLogOf:currentClass to:aStream.
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		aStream nextPutAll:'No revision info found'; cr.
+		currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
+		    aStream cr; nextPutAll:'This is an autoloaded class - you may see more after its loaded.'
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+	codeView contents:(aStream contents).
+	codeView modified:false.
+	codeView acceptAction:nil.
+	codeView explainAction:nil.
+	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    methodListView deselect
+	].
+	aspect := #revisionInfo. 
+	self normalLabel
     "Created: 14.11.1995 / 16:43:15 / cg"
@@ -6162,6 +6172,6 @@
 !BrowserView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.66 1995-12-09 21:40:41 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.67 1995-12-12 12:24:40 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 BrowserView initialize!