changeset 3448 1310d33d3134
parent 3446 b32c20a49200
child 3454 3a6a5b6827a1
--- a/	Mon Nov 19 10:27:28 2001 +0100
+++ b/	Mon Nov 19 16:14:52 2001 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
+              All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -13,20 +13,21 @@
 "{ Package: 'stx:libtool' }"
 StandardSystemView subclass:#FileBrowser
-	instanceVariableNames:'menuPanel labelView filterField fileListView subView
-		currentDirectory fileList checkBlock checkDelta timeOfLastCheck
-		myName killButton pauseToggle compressTabs lockUpdate
-		previousDirectory currentFileName timeOfFileRead tabSpec
-		commandView commandIndex fileEncoding tabRulerView scrollView
-		icons listUpdateProcess currentFileInFileName
-		lastFileDiffDirectory sortByWhat sortCaseless showingDetails
-		showingHiddenFiles showingBigImagePreview imagePreviewView
-		imageRenderProcess dosEOLMode doAutoUpdate doNotShowFontDialog'
-	classVariableNames:'DirectoryHistory DirectoryHistoryWhere HistorySize DefaultIcon
-		CommandHistory CommandHistorySize Icons DefaultCommandPerSuffix
-		DefaultCommandPerMIME VisitedFileHistory'
-	poolDictionaries:''
-	category:'Interface-Browsers'
+        instanceVariableNames:'menuPanel labelView filterField fileListView subView
+                currentDirectory fileList checkBlock checkDelta timeOfLastCheck
+                myName killButton pauseToggle compressTabs lockUpdate
+                previousDirectory currentFileName timeOfFileRead tabSpec
+                commandView commandIndex fileEncoding tabRulerView scrollView
+                icons listUpdateProcess currentFileInFileName
+                lastFileDiffDirectory sortByWhat sortCaseless showingDetails
+                showingTimeAndDate showingHiddenFiles showingBigImagePreview
+                imagePreviewView imageRenderProcess dosEOLMode doAutoUpdate
+                doNotShowFontDialog'
+        classVariableNames:'DirectoryHistory DirectoryHistoryWhere DirectoryBookmarks
+                HistorySize DefaultIcon CommandHistory CommandHistorySize Icons
+                DefaultCommandPerSuffix DefaultCommandPerMIME VisitedFileHistory'
+        poolDictionaries:''
+        category:'Interface-Browsers'
 !FileBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
+              All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -58,30 +59,30 @@
     See additional information in 'doc/misc/fbrowser.doc'.
     WARNING: files edited with FileBrowser will have leading spaces (multiple-8)
-	     being replaced by tabs. If tabs are to be preserved at other
-	     positions (for example, sendmail-config files) they will be
-	     corrupt after being written.
+             being replaced by tabs. If tabs are to be preserved at other
+             positions (for example, sendmail-config files) they will be
+             corrupt after being written.
     [instance variables]:
-	checkDelta      <Integer>       number of seconds of check interval
-					(looks ever so often if shown directory
-					 has changed). You may make this number
-					higher, if your network-times are
-					incorrect and thus, the filebrowser
-					checks too often.
-	compressTabs    <Boolean>       if true, leading spaces will be
-					replaced by tabs when saving text
+        checkDelta      <Integer>       number of seconds of check interval
+                                        (looks ever so often if shown directory
+                                         has changed). You may make this number
+                                        higher, if your network-times are
+                                        incorrect and thus, the filebrowser
+                                        checks too often.
+        compressTabs    <Boolean>       if true, leading spaces will be
+                                        replaced by tabs when saving text
     some of the defaults (long/short list etc.) can be set by the resource file;
     see FileBrowser>>initialize for more details..
-	Claus Gittinger
+        Claus Gittinger
     [start with:]
-	FileBrowser open
+        FileBrowser open
 ! !
@@ -149,15 +150,6 @@
     "Modified: / 17.6.1998 / 11:25:29 / cg"
 ! !
-!FileBrowser class methodsFor:'aspects'!
-    ^ [DirectoryHistory size > 0]
-    "Created: / 14.8.1998 / 19:17:02 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 19:17:17 / cg"
-! !
 !FileBrowser class methodsFor:'class initialization'!
@@ -266,22 +258,22 @@
     |cmd suffix|
     (aCommandString notNil and:[aCommandString notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-	CommandHistory notNil ifTrue:[
-	    CommandHistory addFirst:aCommandString.
-	    CommandHistory size > CommandHistorySize ifTrue:[
-		CommandHistory removeLast
-	    ]
-	].
-	aFilename notNil ifTrue:[
-	    cmd := aCommandString copyTo:(aCommandString indexOf:Character space ifAbsent:[aCommandString size + 1])-1.
-	    DefaultCommandPerSuffix isNil ifTrue:[
-		DefaultCommandPerSuffix := Dictionary new.
-	    ].
-	    suffix := aFilename asFilename suffix.
-	    suffix notNil ifTrue:[
-		DefaultCommandPerSuffix at:suffix put:cmd.
-	    ]
-	]
+        CommandHistory notNil ifTrue:[
+            CommandHistory addFirst:aCommandString.
+            CommandHistory size > CommandHistorySize ifTrue:[
+                CommandHistory removeLast
+            ]
+        ].
+        aFilename notNil ifTrue:[
+            cmd := aCommandString copyTo:(aCommandString indexOf:Character space ifAbsent:[aCommandString size + 1])-1.
+            DefaultCommandPerSuffix isNil ifTrue:[
+                DefaultCommandPerSuffix := Dictionary new.
+            ].
+            suffix := aFilename asFilename suffix.
+            suffix notNil ifTrue:[
+                DefaultCommandPerSuffix at:suffix put:cmd.
+            ]
+        ]
     "Created: 14.11.1996 / 14:58:13 / cg"
@@ -345,126 +337,164 @@
-	  #window: 
-	   #(#WindowSpec
-	      #name: 'File Search'
-	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 4 0 50 0 315 0 349 0)
-	      #level: 0
-	      #label: 'File Search'
-	      #min: #(#Point 10 10)
-	      #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
-	      #bounds: #(#Rectangle 4 50 316 350)
-	      #usePreferredExtent: false
-	      #returnIsOKInDialog: true
-	      #escapeIsCancelInDialog: true
-	  )
-	  #component: 
-	   #(#SpecCollection
-	      #collection: 
-	       #(
-		 #(#LabelSpec
-		    #name: 'Label1'
-		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 10 0 0 1 32 0)
-		    #label: 'Search for files named:'
-		    #translateLabel: true
-		    #adjust: #left
-		)
-		 #(#InputFieldSpec
-		    #name: 'EntryField1'
-		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 10 0 36 0 305 0 58 0)
-		    #tabable: true
-		    #model: #namePatternHolder
-		)
-		 #(#CheckBoxSpec
-		    #name: 'CheckBox1'
-		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 7 0 66 0 143 0 88 0)
-		    #tabable: true
-		    #model: #ignoreCaseInName
-		    #label: 'Ignore case'
-		    #translateLabel: true
-		)
-		 #(#LabelSpec
-		    #name: 'Label2'
-		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 107 0 0 1.0 129 0)
-		    #label: 'Containing the string:'
-		    #translateLabel: true
-		    #adjust: #left
-		)
-		 #(#InputFieldSpec
-		    #name: 'EntryField2'
-		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 10 0 133 0 305 0 155 0)
-		    #enableChannel: #notSearchForSameContents
-		    #tabable: true
-		    #model: #contentsPatternHolder
-		)
-		 #(#CheckBoxSpec
-		    #name: 'CheckBox2'
-		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 6 0 163 0 142 0 185 0)
-		    #enableChannel: #notSearchForSameContents
-		    #tabable: true
-		    #model: #ignoreCaseInContents
-		    #label: 'Ignore case'
-		    #translateLabel: true
-		)
-		 #(#LabelSpec
-		    #name: 'Label3'
-		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 223 0 -30 1.0 245 0)
-		    #label: 'Containing same contents as selected:'
-		    #translateLabel: true
-		    #adjust: #left
-		)
-		 #(#DividerSpec
-		    #name: 'Separator1'
-		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 97 0 0 1.0 101 0)
-		)
-		 #(#CheckToggleSpec
-		    #name: 'CheckToggle1'
-		    #layout: #(#LayoutOrigin -25 1 225 0)
-		    #tabable: true
-		    #model: #searchForSameContents
-		    #enableChannel: #searchForSameContentsEnabled
-		    #isTriggerOnDown: true
-		    #showLamp: false
-		    #lampColor: #(#Color 100.0 100.0 0.0)
-		)
-		 #(#HorizontalPanelViewSpec
-		    #name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
-		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -30 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
-		    #component: 
-		     #(#SpecCollection
-			#collection: 
-			 #(
-			   #(#ActionButtonSpec
-			      #name: 'Button1'
-			      #label: 'Cancel'
-			      #translateLabel: true
-			      #tabable: true
-			      #model: #cancel
-			      #extent: #(#Point 151 25)
-			  )
-			   #(#ActionButtonSpec
-			      #name: 'Button2'
-			      #label: 'Search'
-			      #translateLabel: true
-			      #tabable: true
-			      #model: #accept
-			      #isDefault: true
-			      #extent: #(#Point 152 25)
-			  )
-			)
-		    )
-		    #horizontalLayout: #fitSpace
-		    #verticalLayout: #centerMax
-		    #horizontalSpace: 3
-		    #verticalSpace: 3
-		)
-	      )
-	  )
+          #window: 
+           #(#WindowSpec
+              #name: 'File Search'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 4 0 50 0 315 0 349 0)
+              #level: 0
+              #label: 'File Search'
+              #min: #(#Point 10 10)
+              #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
+              #bounds: #(#Rectangle 4 50 316 350)
+              #usePreferredExtent: false
+              #returnIsOKInDialog: true
+              #escapeIsCancelInDialog: true
+          )
+          #component: 
+           #(#SpecCollection
+              #collection: 
+               #(
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #name: 'Label1'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 10 0 0 1 32 0)
+                    #label: 'Search for files named:'
+                    #translateLabel: true
+                    #adjust: #left
+                )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #name: 'EntryField1'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 10 0 36 0 305 0 58 0)
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #namePatternHolder
+                )
+                 #(#CheckBoxSpec
+                    #name: 'CheckBox1'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 7 0 66 0 143 0 88 0)
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #ignoreCaseInName
+                    #label: 'Ignore case'
+                    #translateLabel: true
+                )
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #name: 'Label2'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 107 0 0 1.0 129 0)
+                    #label: 'Containing the string:'
+                    #translateLabel: true
+                    #adjust: #left
+                )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #name: 'EntryField2'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 10 0 133 0 305 0 155 0)
+                    #enableChannel: #notSearchForSameContents
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #contentsPatternHolder
+                )
+                 #(#CheckBoxSpec
+                    #name: 'CheckBox2'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 6 0 163 0 142 0 185 0)
+                    #enableChannel: #notSearchForSameContents
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #ignoreCaseInContents
+                    #label: 'Ignore case'
+                    #translateLabel: true
+                )
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #name: 'Label3'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 223 0 -30 1.0 245 0)
+                    #label: 'Containing same contents as selected:'
+                    #translateLabel: true
+                    #adjust: #left
+                )
+                 #(#DividerSpec
+                    #name: 'Separator1'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 97 0 0 1.0 101 0)
+                )
+                 #(#CheckToggleSpec
+                    #name: 'CheckToggle1'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutOrigin -25 1 225 0)
+                    #tabable: true
+                    #model: #searchForSameContents
+                    #enableChannel: #searchForSameContentsEnabled
+                    #isTriggerOnDown: true
+                    #showLamp: false
+                    #lampColor: #(#Color 100.0 100.0 0.0)
+                )
+                 #(#HorizontalPanelViewSpec
+                    #name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
+                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -30 1 0 1.0 0 1.0)
+                    #component: 
+                     #(#SpecCollection
+                        #collection: 
+                         #(
+                           #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                              #name: 'Button1'
+                              #label: 'Cancel'
+                              #translateLabel: true
+                              #tabable: true
+                              #model: #cancel
+                              #extent: #(#Point 151 25)
+                          )
+                           #(#ActionButtonSpec
+                              #name: 'Button2'
+                              #label: 'Search'
+                              #translateLabel: true
+                              #tabable: true
+                              #model: #accept
+                              #isDefault: true
+                              #extent: #(#Point 152 25)
+                          )
+                        )
+                    )
+                    #horizontalLayout: #fitSpace
+                    #verticalLayout: #centerMax
+                    #horizontalSpace: 3
+                    #verticalSpace: 3
+                )
+              )
+          )
 ! !
 !FileBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     MenuEditor new openOnClass:FileBrowser andSelector:#baseBookmarksMenuSpec
+     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(FileBrowser baseBookmarksMenuSpec)) startUp
+    "
+    <resource: #menu>
+    ^
+       #(#Menu
+           #(
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Add Bookmark'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #addBookmark
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Remove Bookmark'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #removeBookmark
+                #enabled: #hasBookmarksToRemove
+            )
+          ) nil
+          nil
+      )
+    "Created: / 4.8.1998 / 17:21:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 19:19:06 / cg"
     "This resource specification was automatically generated
      by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
@@ -483,49 +513,99 @@
-	   #(
-	     #(#MenuItem
-		#label: 'Copy Path'
-		#translateLabel: true
-		#value: #copyPath
-	    )
-	     #(#MenuItem
-		#label: '-'
-	    )
-	     #(#MenuItem
-		#label: 'Up'
-		#translateLabel: true
-		#value: #changeToParentDirectory
-		#enabled: #currentDirectoryIsNotTop
-	    )
-	     #(#MenuItem
-		#label: 'Back'
-		#translateLabel: true
-		#value: #changeToPreviousDirectory
-	    )
-	     #(#MenuItem
-		#label: 'Home'
-		#translateLabel: true
-		#value: #changeToHomeDirectory
-	    )
-	     #(#MenuItem
-		#label: 'Default'
-		#translateLabel: true
-		#value: #changeToDefaultDirectory
-	    )
-	     #(#MenuItem
-		#label: 'Goto...'
-		#translateLabel: true
-		#value: #changeCurrentDirectory
-	    )
-	  ) nil
-	  nil
+           #(
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Copy Path'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #copyPath
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: '-'
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Up'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #changeToParentDirectory
+                #enabled: #currentDirectoryIsNotTop
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Back'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #changeToPreviousDirectory
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Home'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #changeToHomeDirectory
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Default'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #changeToDefaultDirectory
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Goto...'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #changeCurrentDirectory
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: '-'
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'History'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #submenuChannel: #historyMenuSpec
+              )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Bookmarks'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #submenuChannel: #bookmarksMenuSpec
+              )
+          ) nil
+          nil
     "Created: / 4.8.1998 / 17:21:16 / cg"
     "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 19:19:06 / cg"
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     MenuEditor new openOnClass:FileBrowser andSelector:#bookmarksMenuSpec
+     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(FileBrowser bookmarksMenuSpec)) startUp
+    "
+    <resource: #programMenu>
+    |m|
+    m := self baseBookmarksMenuSpec.
+    m := m decodeAsLiteralArray.
+    "/ add the history items ...
+    DirectoryBookmarks size > 0 ifTrue:[
+        m addItem:(MenuItem labeled:'-').
+        DirectoryBookmarks do:[:dirName |
+            m addItem:((MenuItem label:dirName value:#changeDirectoryTo:)
+                            argument:dirName;
+                            yourself).
+        ].
+    ].
+    "/ m receiver:self.
+    m findGuiResourcesIn:self.
+    ^ m
+    "Modified: / 17.8.1998 / 10:13:05 / cg"
     "This resource specification was automatically generated
      by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
@@ -538,22 +618,97 @@
      (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(FileBrowser directoryMenuSpec)) startUp
+    <resource: #menu>
+    ^
+       #(#Menu
+           #(
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Copy Path'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #copyPath
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: '-'
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Up'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #changeToParentDirectory
+                #enabled: #currentDirectoryIsNotTop
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Goto...'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #changeCurrentDirectory
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: '-'
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Back'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #changeToPreviousDirectory
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'History'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #submenuChannel: #historyMenuSpec
+              )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: '-'
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Default'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #changeToDefaultDirectory
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Home'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #value: #changeToHomeDirectory
+            )
+             #(#MenuItem
+                #label: 'Bookmarks'
+                #translateLabel: true
+                #submenuChannel: #bookmarksMenuSpec
+              )
+          ) nil
+          nil
+      )
+    "Created: / 4.8.1998 / 17:21:16 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 19:19:06 / cg"
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     MenuEditor new openOnClass:FileBrowser andSelector:#directoryMenuSpec
+     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(FileBrowser directoryMenuSpec)) startUp
+    "
     <resource: #programMenu>
-    m := self baseDirectoryMenuSpec.
-    m := m decodeAsLiteralArray.
     "/ add the history items ...
     DirectoryHistory size > 0 ifTrue:[
-	m addItem:(MenuItem labeled:'-').
-	DirectoryHistory do:[:dirName |
-	    m addItem:((MenuItem label:dirName value:#changeDirectoryTo:)
-			    argument:dirName;
-			    yourself).
-	].
+        m := Menu new.
+        DirectoryHistory do:[:dirName |
+            m addItem:((MenuItem label:dirName value:#changeDirectoryTo:)
+                            argument:dirName;
+                            yourself).
+        ].
     m findGuiResourcesIn:self.
@@ -909,17 +1064,23 @@
-                  #label: 'Details'
+                  #label: 'Show Details'
                   #translateLabel: true
                   #indication: #showingDetails
+                  #label: 'Show Time && Date'
+                  #translateLabel: true
+                  #indication: #showingTimeAndDate
+                  #enabled: #showingDetails
+                )
+               #(#MenuItem
                   #label: 'Show Hidden Files'
                   #translateLabel: true
                   #indication: #showingHiddenFiles
-                  #label: 'Big Image Preview'
+                  #label: 'Show Big Image Preview'
                   #translateLabel: true
                   #indication: #showingBigImagePreview
@@ -945,7 +1106,7 @@
                   #choiceValue: #time
-                  #label: 'Ignore Case'
+                  #label: 'Ignore Case in Sort'
                   #translateLabel: true
                   #indication: #sortCaseless
@@ -1367,10 +1528,10 @@
     ^ [ |cvsDir|
-	currentDirectory notNil
-	and:[fileListView selection size > 0
-	and:[(cvsDir := currentDirectory construct:'CVS') exists
-	and:[cvsDir isDirectory]]]]
+        currentDirectory notNil
+        and:[fileListView selection size > 0
+        and:[(cvsDir := currentDirectory construct:'CVS') exists
+        and:[cvsDir isDirectory]]]]
@@ -1436,6 +1597,21 @@
         and:[OSI::ASN1Parser isLoaded]]]
+    ^ DirectoryBookmarks size > 0
+    "Created: / 14.8.1998 / 19:17:02 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 19:17:17 / cg"
+    ^ DirectoryBookmarks size > 0
+      and:[ DirectoryBookmarks includes:(currentDirectory asFilename pathName) ]
+    "Created: / 14.8.1998 / 19:17:02 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 19:17:17 / cg"
     ^ [ CC::Browser notNil ]
@@ -1444,15 +1620,15 @@
     ^ [ |val sel|
-	val := false.
-	sel := subView selection.
-	sel notNil ifTrue:[
-	    sel := sel asString withoutSeparators.
-	    sel asFilename exists ifTrue:[
-		val := sel asFilename isReadable
-	    ]
-	].
-	val
+        val := false.
+        sel := subView selection.
+        sel notNil ifTrue:[
+            sel := sel asString withoutSeparators.
+            sel asFilename exists ifTrue:[
+                val := sel asFilename isReadable
+            ]
+        ].
+        val
     "Created: / 4.2.1999 / 17:34:57 / cg"
@@ -1461,7 +1637,7 @@
     ^ [ JavaClassReader notNil 
-	and:[JavaClassReader isLoaded]]
+        and:[JavaClassReader isLoaded]]
     "Modified: / 17.10.1998 / 16:57:14 / cg"
     "Created: / 17.10.1998 / 22:58:25 / cg"
@@ -1469,8 +1645,8 @@
     ^ [ fileListView selection size > 0
-	and:[JavaClassReader notNil 
-	and:[JavaClassReader isLoaded]]]
+        and:[JavaClassReader notNil 
+        and:[JavaClassReader isLoaded]]]
     "Modified: / 17.10.1998 / 16:57:14 / cg"
     "Created: / 17.10.1998 / 22:58:03 / cg"
@@ -1503,21 +1679,28 @@
     "Modified: / 4.8.1998 / 14:10:57 / cg"
+    ^ [DirectoryHistory size > 0]
+    "Created: / 14.8.1998 / 19:17:02 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 19:17:17 / cg"
     ^ [|sel f fn suff|
-	sel := fileListView selection.
-	sel size == 1 ifTrue:[
-	    f := fileList at:sel first ifAbsent:nil.
-	    f notNil ifTrue:[
-		suff := f asFilename suffix asLowercase.
-		suff = 'zip' or:[suff = 'jar']
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		false
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    false
-	]
+        sel := fileListView selection.
+        sel size == 1 ifTrue:[
+            f := fileList at:sel first ifAbsent:nil.
+            f notNil ifTrue:[
+                suff := f asFilename suffix asLowercase.
+                suff = 'zip' or:[suff = 'jar']
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                false
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            false
+        ]
     "Created: / 26.8.1998 / 16:15:26 / cg"
@@ -1526,7 +1709,7 @@
     ^ [ JavaClassReader notNil 
-	and:[JavaClassReader isLoaded]]
+        and:[JavaClassReader isLoaded]]
     "Created: / 9.11.1998 / 05:33:17 / cg"
@@ -1549,6 +1732,12 @@
     "Created: / 14.8.1998 / 14:15:44 / cg"
+    ^ showingTimeAndDate
+    "Created: / 14.8.1998 / 14:15:44 / cg"
     |f sel|
@@ -1619,9 +1808,9 @@
     "I accept fileObjects only"
     aCollectionOfDropObjects do:[:aDropObject |
-	aDropObject isFileObject ifFalse:[
-	    aDropObject isTextObject ifFalse:[^ false].
-	]
+        aDropObject isFileObject ifFalse:[
+            aDropObject isTextObject ifFalse:[^ false].
+        ]
     ^ true
@@ -1655,30 +1844,30 @@
     |newDir newFile|
     someObject isFileObject ifTrue:[
-	someObject isDirectory ifTrue:[
-	    newDir := someObject theObject pathName.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    newDir := someObject theObject directoryName.
-	    newFile := someObject theObject baseName.
-	].
-	newDir notNil ifTrue:[
-	    newDir ~= currentDirectory pathName ifTrue:[
-		self changeDirectoryTo:newDir.
-	    ]
-	].
-	newFile notNil ifTrue:[
-	    newFile ~= currentFileName ifTrue:[
-		fileListView selection:(fileList indexOf:newFile).
-		self doFileGet:false.
-	    ]
-	].
-	^ self
+        someObject isDirectory ifTrue:[
+            newDir := someObject theObject pathName.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            newDir := someObject theObject directoryName.
+            newFile := someObject theObject baseName.
+        ].
+        newDir notNil ifTrue:[
+            newDir ~= currentDirectory pathName ifTrue:[
+                self changeDirectoryTo:newDir.
+            ]
+        ].
+        newFile notNil ifTrue:[
+            newFile ~= currentFileName ifTrue:[
+                fileListView selection:(fileList indexOf:newFile).
+                self doFileGet:false.
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ self
     someObject isTextObject ifTrue:[
-	subView paste:someObject theObject.
-	^ self
+        subView paste:someObject theObject.
+        ^ self
     "Modified: 6.4.1997 / 14:46:44 / cg"
@@ -1797,11 +1986,11 @@
     wasVisible := shown.
     super visibilityChange:how.
     (wasVisible not and:[shown]) ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 start checking again
-	"
-	Processor removeTimedBlock:checkBlock.
-	Processor addTimedBlock:checkBlock afterSeconds:checkDelta.
+        "
+         start checking again
+        "
+        Processor removeTimedBlock:checkBlock.
+        Processor addTimedBlock:checkBlock afterSeconds:checkDelta.
     "Modified: / 18.2.1998 / 17:57:44 / cg"
@@ -1816,12 +2005,12 @@
     (showingBigImagePreview value == true 
     and:[showingDetails value == true]) ifTrue:[
-	fh := fileListView font height.
-	fileListView lineSpacing:(34 - fh max:0).
+        fh := fileListView font height.
+        fileListView lineSpacing:(34 - fh max:0).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	fileListView clear.
-	self updateCurrentDirectory.
-	fileListView lineSpacing:2.
+        fileListView clear.
+        self updateCurrentDirectory.
+        fileListView lineSpacing:2.
     fileListView clear.
     self updateCurrentDirectory
@@ -1929,11 +2118,11 @@
     dialog open.
     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
-	idx := list selectionIndex.
-	fileEncoding := encodings at:idx.
-	subView externalEncoding:fileEncoding.
-	self validateFontEncodingFor:fileEncoding ask:true.
+        idx := list selectionIndex.
+        fileEncoding := encodings at:idx.
+        subView externalEncoding:fileEncoding.
+        self validateFontEncodingFor:fileEncoding ask:true.
     "Modified: 30.6.1997 / 14:41:12 / cg"
@@ -2073,93 +2262,93 @@
      result info dirPrefix|
     (self askIfModified:'contents has not been saved.\\Modifications will be lost when you proceed.'
-	      yesButton:'proceed') ifFalse:[^ self].
+              yesButton:'proceed') ifFalse:[^ self].
     self withWaitCursorDo:[
-	result := Dictionary new.
-	dir := currentDirectory asFilename.
-	self label:myName , '- gathering file names ...'.
-	fileNames := dir recursiveDirectoryContents.
-	fileNames := fileNames collect:[:fn | dir construct:fn].
-	fileNames := fileNames select:[:fn | fn isDirectory not].
-	self label:myName , '- gathering sizes ...'.
-	infoDir := Dictionary new.
-	fileNames do:[:fn |
-	    infoDir at:fn put:(fn fileSize)
-	].
-	"/ for each, get the files size.
-	"/ in a first pass, look for files of the same size and
-	"/ compare them ...
-	self label:myName , '- preselect possible duplicates ...'.
-	filesBySize := Dictionary new.
-	infoDir keysAndValuesDo:[:fn :sz |
-	    |entry|
-	    entry := filesBySize at:sz ifAbsentPut:[Set new].
-	    entry add:fn.
-	].
-	"/ any of same size ?
-	self label:myName , '- checking for duplicates ...'.
-	filesBySize do:[:entry |
-	    |files|
-	    entry size > 1 ifTrue:[
-		files := entry asArray.
-		1 to:files size-1 do:[:idx1 |
-		    idx1+1 to:files size do:[:idx2 |
-			|fn1 fn2|
-			fn1 := files at:idx1.
-			fn2 := files at:idx2.
+        result := Dictionary new.
+        dir := currentDirectory asFilename.
+        self label:myName , '- gathering file names ...'.
+        fileNames := dir recursiveDirectoryContents.
+        fileNames := fileNames collect:[:fn | dir construct:fn].
+        fileNames := fileNames select:[:fn | fn isDirectory not].
+        self label:myName , '- gathering sizes ...'.
+        infoDir := Dictionary new.
+        fileNames do:[:fn |
+            infoDir at:fn put:(fn fileSize)
+        ].
+        "/ for each, get the files size.
+        "/ in a first pass, look for files of the same size and
+        "/ compare them ...
+        self label:myName , '- preselect possible duplicates ...'.
+        filesBySize := Dictionary new.
+        infoDir keysAndValuesDo:[:fn :sz |
+            |entry|
+            entry := filesBySize at:sz ifAbsentPut:[Set new].
+            entry add:fn.
+        ].
+        "/ any of same size ?
+        self label:myName , '- checking for duplicates ...'.
+        filesBySize do:[:entry |
+            |files|
+            entry size > 1 ifTrue:[
+                files := entry asArray.
+                1 to:files size-1 do:[:idx1 |
+                    idx1+1 to:files size do:[:idx2 |
+                        |fn1 fn2|
+                        fn1 := files at:idx1.
+                        fn2 := files at:idx2.
 "/                        self label:myName , '- checking ' , fn1 baseName , ' vs. ' , fn2 baseName , ' ...'.
-			(result at:fn2 ifAbsent:nil) ~= fn1 ifTrue:[
-			    "/ compare the files
-			    (fn1 sameContentsAs:fn2) ifTrue:[
+                        (result at:fn2 ifAbsent:nil) ~= fn1 ifTrue:[
+                            "/ compare the files
+                            (fn1 sameContentsAs:fn2) ifTrue:[
 "/                                Transcript show:'Same: '; show:fn1 baseName; show:' and '; showCR:fn2 baseName.
-				result at:fn1 put:fn2.
-			    ]
-			]
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	self label:myName , '- sorting ...'.
-	dirPrefix := currentDirectory asFilename pathName.
-	result := result associations.
-	result := result collect:[:assoc |
-					|f1 f2|
-					f1 := assoc key name.
-					f2 := assoc value name.
-					(f1 startsWith:dirPrefix) ifTrue:[
-					    f1 := f1 copyFrom:dirPrefix size + 2.
-					].
-					(f2 startsWith:dirPrefix) ifTrue:[
-					    f2 := f2 copyFrom:dirPrefix size + 2.
-					].
-					f1 < f2 ifTrue:[
-					    f2 -> f1
-					] ifFalse:[
-					    f1 -> f2
-					]
-				].
-	result sort:[:f1 :f2 | f2 value < f1 value].
-	info := OrderedCollection new.
-	result do:[:assoc |
-	    info add:(assoc key , ' same as ' , assoc value)
-	].
-	info isEmpty ifTrue:[
-	    info := 'No duplicate files found.'
-	].
+                                result at:fn1 put:fn2.
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        self label:myName , '- sorting ...'.
+        dirPrefix := currentDirectory asFilename pathName.
+        result := result associations.
+        result := result collect:[:assoc |
+                                        |f1 f2|
+                                        f1 := assoc key name.
+                                        f2 := assoc value name.
+                                        (f1 startsWith:dirPrefix) ifTrue:[
+                                            f1 := f1 copyFrom:dirPrefix size + 2.
+                                        ].
+                                        (f2 startsWith:dirPrefix) ifTrue:[
+                                            f2 := f2 copyFrom:dirPrefix size + 2.
+                                        ].
+                                        f1 < f2 ifTrue:[
+                                            f2 -> f1
+                                        ] ifFalse:[
+                                            f1 -> f2
+                                        ]
+                                ].
+        result sort:[:f1 :f2 | f2 value < f1 value].
+        info := OrderedCollection new.
+        result do:[:assoc |
+            info add:(assoc key , ' same as ' , assoc value)
+        ].
+        info isEmpty ifTrue:[
+            info := 'No duplicate files found.'
+        ].
     subView contents:info.
@@ -2176,81 +2365,81 @@
      result info|
     (self askIfModified:'contents has not been saved.\\Modifications will be lost when you proceed.'
-	      yesButton:'proceed') ifFalse:[^ self].
+              yesButton:'proceed') ifFalse:[^ self].
     self withWaitCursorDo:[
-	result := Dictionary new.
-	dir := currentDirectory asFilename.
-	fileNames := dir directoryContents.
-	fileNames := fileNames collect:[:fn | dir construct:fn].
-	fileNames := fileNames select:[:fn | fn isDirectory not].
-	infoDir := Dictionary new.
-	fileNames do:[:fn |
-	    infoDir at:fn put:(fn info)
-	].
-	"/ for each, get the files size.
-	"/ in a first pass, look for files of the same size and
-	"/ compare them ...
-	filesBySize := Dictionary new.
-	infoDir keysAndValuesDo:[:fn :info |
-	    |sz entry|
-	    sz := info size.
-	    entry := filesBySize at:sz ifAbsentPut:[Set new].
-	    entry add:fn.
-	].
-	"/ any of same size ?
-	filesBySize do:[:entry |
-	    |files|
-	    entry size > 1 ifTrue:[
-		files := entry asArray.
-		1 to:files size-1 do:[:idx1 |
-		    idx1+1 to:files size do:[:idx2 |
-			|fn1 fn2|
-			fn1 := files at:idx1.
-			fn2 := files at:idx2.
-			(result at:fn2 ifAbsent:nil) ~= fn1 ifTrue:[
-			    "/ compare the files
-			    (fn1 sameContentsAs:fn2) ifTrue:[
+        result := Dictionary new.
+        dir := currentDirectory asFilename.
+        fileNames := dir directoryContents.
+        fileNames := fileNames collect:[:fn | dir construct:fn].
+        fileNames := fileNames select:[:fn | fn isDirectory not].
+        infoDir := Dictionary new.
+        fileNames do:[:fn |
+            infoDir at:fn put:(fn info)
+        ].
+        "/ for each, get the files size.
+        "/ in a first pass, look for files of the same size and
+        "/ compare them ...
+        filesBySize := Dictionary new.
+        infoDir keysAndValuesDo:[:fn :info |
+            |sz entry|
+            sz := info size.
+            entry := filesBySize at:sz ifAbsentPut:[Set new].
+            entry add:fn.
+        ].
+        "/ any of same size ?
+        filesBySize do:[:entry |
+            |files|
+            entry size > 1 ifTrue:[
+                files := entry asArray.
+                1 to:files size-1 do:[:idx1 |
+                    idx1+1 to:files size do:[:idx2 |
+                        |fn1 fn2|
+                        fn1 := files at:idx1.
+                        fn2 := files at:idx2.
+                        (result at:fn2 ifAbsent:nil) ~= fn1 ifTrue:[
+                            "/ compare the files
+                            (fn1 sameContentsAs:fn2) ifTrue:[
 "/                                Transcript show:'Same: '; show:fn1 baseName; show:' and '; showCR:fn2 baseName.
-				result at:fn1 put:fn2.
-			    ]
-			]
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	result := result associations.
-	result := result collect:[:assoc |
-					|f1 f2|
-					f1 := assoc key baseName.
-					f2 := assoc value baseName.
-					f1 < f2 ifTrue:[
-					    f2 -> f1
-					] ifFalse:[
-					    f1 -> f2
-					]
-				].
-	result sort:[:f1 :f2 | f2 value < f1 value].
-	info := OrderedCollection new.
-	result do:[:assoc |
-	    info add:(assoc key , ' same as ' , assoc value)
-	].
-	info isEmpty ifTrue:[
-	    info := 'No duplicate files found.'
-	].
+                                result at:fn1 put:fn2.
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        result := result associations.
+        result := result collect:[:assoc |
+                                        |f1 f2|
+                                        f1 := assoc key baseName.
+                                        f2 := assoc value baseName.
+                                        f1 < f2 ifTrue:[
+                                            f2 -> f1
+                                        ] ifFalse:[
+                                            f1 -> f2
+                                        ]
+                                ].
+        result sort:[:f1 :f2 | f2 value < f1 value].
+        info := OrderedCollection new.
+        result do:[:assoc |
+            info add:(assoc key , ' same as ' , assoc value)
+        ].
+        info isEmpty ifTrue:[
+            info := 'No duplicate files found.'
+        ].
     subView contents:info
@@ -2487,18 +2676,18 @@
     string := self getFileInfoString:longInfo.
     string notNil ifTrue:[
-	box := InfoBox title:string.
-	updater := [
-	    [true] whileTrue:[
-		Delay waitForSeconds:2.
-		string := self getFileInfoString:longInfo.
-		box title:string
-	    ] 
-	] fork.
-	box showAtPointer.
-	updater terminate.
-	box destroy
+        box := InfoBox title:string.
+        updater := [
+            [true] whileTrue:[
+                Delay waitForSeconds:2.
+                string := self getFileInfoString:longInfo.
+                box title:string
+            ] 
+        ] fork.
+        box showAtPointer.
+        updater terminate.
+        box destroy
@@ -2599,7 +2788,7 @@
     fileName := self getSelectedFileName.
     fileName notNil ifTrue:[
-	self showFile:fileName insert:true encoding:fileEncoding
+        self showFile:fileName insert:true encoding:fileEncoding
     "Modified: 23.4.1997 / 13:06:06 / cg"
@@ -2641,87 +2830,87 @@
     |items m sel ns subMenu subItems|
     items := #(
-		 ('spawn'            fileSpawn        )
-		 ('-'                nil              )  
-		 ('get contents'     fileGet          GotoLine)      
-		 ('insert contents'  fileInsert       )            
-		 ('show info'        fileGetInfo      InspectIt)
-		 ('show full info'   fileGetLongInfo  CmdI)
-	       ).
+                 ('spawn'            fileSpawn        )
+                 ('-'                nil              )  
+                 ('get contents'     fileGet          GotoLine)      
+                 ('insert contents'  fileInsert       )            
+                 ('show info'        fileGetInfo      InspectIt)
+                 ('show full info'   fileGetLongInfo  CmdI)
+               ).
     ((ns := Project current defaultNameSpace) notNil 
     and:[ns ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
-	items := items copyWith:(Array 
-				    with:(resources string:'fileIn (into ''%1'')' with:(Project current defaultNameSpace name))
-				    with:#fileFileIn
-				    with:#Accept)
+        items := items copyWith:(Array 
+                                    with:(resources string:'fileIn (into ''%1'')' with:(Project current defaultNameSpace name))
+                                    with:#fileFileIn
+                                    with:#Accept)
     ] ifFalse:[
-	items := items copyWith:#( 'fileIn'  #fileFileIn  #Accept)
+        items := items copyWith:#( 'fileIn'  #fileFileIn  #Accept)
     items := items , #(
-		 ('-'                                                   )
-		 ('update'                    updateCurrentDirectory    Cmdu)
-		 ('-'                                                   )
-		 ('execute unix command ...'  fileExecute               DoIt)
-		 ('st/x tools'                stxTools                  )
-		 ('-'                                                   )
-		 ('remove'                    fileRemove                Delete)
-		 ('rename ...'                fileRename                )
-		 ('-'                                                   )
-		 ('display long list'         changeDisplayMode         )
-		 ('show all files'            changeDotFileVisibility   )
-		 ('encoding ...'              fileEncoding              )
-		 ('-'                                                   )
-		 ('create directory ...'      newDirectory              CmdD)
-		 ('create file ...'           newFile                   CmdF)
-	       ).             
+                 ('-'                                                   )
+                 ('update'                    updateCurrentDirectory    Cmdu)
+                 ('-'                                                   )
+                 ('execute unix command ...'  fileExecute               DoIt)
+                 ('st/x tools'                stxTools                  )
+                 ('-'                                                   )
+                 ('remove'                    fileRemove                Delete)
+                 ('rename ...'                fileRename                )
+                 ('-'                                                   )
+                 ('display long list'         changeDisplayMode         )
+                 ('show all files'            changeDotFileVisibility   )
+                 ('encoding ...'              fileEncoding              )
+                 ('-'                                                   )
+                 ('create directory ...'      newDirectory              CmdD)
+                 ('create file ...'           newFile                   CmdF)
+               ).             
     m := PopUpMenu 
-	    itemList:items
-	    resources:resources.
+            itemList:items
+            resources:resources.
     showingHiddenFiles value "showDotFiles" ifTrue:[
-	m labelAt:#changeDotFileVisibility put:(resources string:'hide hidden files')
+        m labelAt:#changeDotFileVisibility put:(resources string:'hide hidden files')
     showingDetails value "showLongList" ifTrue:[
-	m labelAt:#changeDisplayMode put:(resources string:'display short list')
+        m labelAt:#changeDisplayMode put:(resources string:'display short list')
     items := #(
-			      ('Changes browser'       openChangesBrowser  )
-			      ('Editor'                openEditor          )
-			      ('HTML reader'           openHTMLReader      )
-			      ('Image inspect'         openImageInspector  )
-			      ('show file differences' openDiffView        )
-		  ).
+                              ('Changes browser'       openChangesBrowser  )
+                              ('Editor'                openEditor          )
+                              ('HTML reader'           openHTMLReader      )
+                              ('Image inspect'         openImageInspector  )
+                              ('show file differences' openDiffView        )
+                  ).
     OperatingSystem isUNIXlike ifTrue:[
-	items := items , #( ('terminal'              openTerminal )).
+        items := items , #( ('terminal'              openTerminal )).
     JavaInterpreter notNil ifTrue:[
-	items := items , #( ('Java Applet Viewer' openAppletViewer)).
+        items := items , #( ('Java Applet Viewer' openAppletViewer)).
     m subMenuAt:#stxTools 
-	    put:(PopUpMenu
-		    itemList:items
-		    resources:resources).
+            put:(PopUpMenu
+                    itemList:items
+                    resources:resources).
     ((sel := fileListView selection) isNil 
     or:[sel isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
-	m disableAll:#(fileGet fileInsert
-		       fileGetInfo fileGetLongInfo
-		       fileFileIn fileFileInLazy
-		       fileRemove fileRename).
-	(m subMenuAt:#stxTools)
-	    disableAll:#(openChangesBrowser openEditor openHTMLReader openImageInspector)
+        m disableAll:#(fileGet fileInsert
+                       fileGetInfo fileGetLongInfo
+                       fileFileIn fileFileInLazy
+                       fileRemove fileRename).
+        (m subMenuAt:#stxTools)
+            disableAll:#(openChangesBrowser openEditor openHTMLReader openImageInspector)
     ] ifFalse:[
-	fileListView selection size > 1 ifTrue:[
-	    m disableAll:#( fileGet fileInsert fileGetInfo fileGetLongInfo fileRename )
-	]
+        fileListView selection size > 1 ifTrue:[
+            m disableAll:#( fileGet fileInsert fileGetInfo fileGetLongInfo fileRename )
+        ]
@@ -2737,25 +2926,25 @@
     |fileName path inStream printStream line|
     self withWaitCursorDo:[
-	fileName := self getSelectedFileName.
-	fileName notNil ifTrue:[
-	    path := currentDirectory filenameFor:fileName.
-	    (path type == #regular) ifTrue:[
-		inStream := path readStream.
-		inStream isNil ifFalse:[
-		    printStream := PrinterStream new.
-		    printStream notNil ifTrue:[
-			[inStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-			    line := inStream nextLine.
-			    printStream nextPutLine:line.
-			].
-			printStream close
-		    ].
-		    inStream close
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	0 "compiler hint"
+        fileName := self getSelectedFileName.
+        fileName notNil ifTrue:[
+            path := currentDirectory filenameFor:fileName.
+            (path type == #regular) ifTrue:[
+                inStream := path readStream.
+                inStream isNil ifFalse:[
+                    printStream := PrinterStream new.
+                    printStream notNil ifTrue:[
+                        [inStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+                            line := inStream nextLine.
+                            printStream nextPutLine:line.
+                        ].
+                        printStream close
+                    ].
+                    inStream close
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        0 "compiler hint"
     "Modified: 23.4.1997 / 13:05:40 / cg"
@@ -2864,19 +3053,19 @@
     imagePreviewView notNil ifTrue:[
-	self stopImageRenderProcess.
-	fn := self getSelectedFileName.
-	(Image isImageFileSuffix:(fn asFilename suffix)) ifTrue:[
-	    imageRenderProcess := [
-		self loadImageAndPerform:[:img | 
-						imagePreviewView beVisible.
-						imagePreviewView image:img
-					 ]
-	    ] forkAt:(Processor activePriority - 1).
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    imagePreviewView beInvisible
-	].
+        self stopImageRenderProcess.
+        fn := self getSelectedFileName.
+        (Image isImageFileSuffix:(fn asFilename suffix)) ifTrue:[
+            imageRenderProcess := [
+                self loadImageAndPerform:[:img | 
+                                                imagePreviewView beVisible.
+                                                imagePreviewView image:img
+                                         ]
+            ] forkAt:(Processor activePriority - 1).
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            imagePreviewView beInvisible
+        ].
     "Modified: 23.4.1997 / 13:04:55 / cg"
@@ -2897,7 +3086,10 @@
     any ifFalse:[
-        self class openOn:currentDirectory pathName withExtent:self topView extent
+        "/ access by name, to get most up-to-date version 
+        "/ (if changed in the browser, and the running one is old)
+        (Smalltalk at:(self class name))
+            openOn:currentDirectory pathName withExtent:self topView extent
     "Modified: 18.9.1997 / 16:32:39 / stefan"
@@ -2907,19 +3099,19 @@
     |img path|
     self selectedFilesDo:[:fileName |
-	path := currentDirectory filenameFor:fileName.
-	path isDirectory ifFalse:[
-	    img := Image fromFile:(path pathName).
-	    img notNil ifTrue:[
-		aSelectorOrBlock isSymbol ifTrue:[
-		    img perform:aSelectorOrBlock
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    aSelectorOrBlock value:img
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		self warn:'unknown format: ' , fileName
-	    ]
-	]
+        path := currentDirectory filenameFor:fileName.
+        path isDirectory ifFalse:[
+            img := Image fromFile:(path pathName).
+            img notNil ifTrue:[
+                aSelectorOrBlock isSymbol ifTrue:[
+                    img perform:aSelectorOrBlock
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    aSelectorOrBlock value:img
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self warn:'unknown format: ' , fileName
+            ]
+        ]
     "Modified: / 17.9.1995 / 17:41:24 / claus"
@@ -3109,9 +3301,9 @@
     (numItems := fileListView selection size) > 2 ifTrue:[
-	(self 
-	    confirm:(resources string:'open for each of the %1 items ?' 
-				 with:numItems)) ifFalse:[^ self].
+        (self 
+            confirm:(resources string:'open for each of the %1 items ?' 
+                                 with:numItems)) ifFalse:[^ self].
     Java startupJavaSystem.
@@ -3120,15 +3312,15 @@
 "/    Java initAllClasses.
     self selectedFilesDo:[:fileName |
-	|p path|
-	path := currentDirectory filenameFor:fileName.
-	path isDirectory ifFalse:[
-	    p := Java 
-		    javaProcessForMainOf:(Java classForName:'sun.applet.AppletViewer')
-		    argumentString:path pathName.
-	    p resume.
-	]
+        |p path|
+        path := currentDirectory filenameFor:fileName.
+        path isDirectory ifFalse:[
+            p := Java 
+                    javaProcessForMainOf:(Java classForName:'sun.applet.AppletViewer')
+                    argumentString:path pathName.
+            p resume.
+        ]
     "Modified: / 18.9.1997 / 17:00:59 / stefan"
@@ -3277,21 +3469,21 @@
     [self loadImageAndPerform:[:img |
-				|i top viewer|
-				top := StandardSystemView new.
-				viewer := ImageView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
-				i := img.
-				top extent:200@200.
-				top label:(img fileName asFilename directoryName asFilename baseName , '/' , img fileName asFilename baseName).
-				top openAndWait.
-				(i width > 200 or:[i height > 200]) ifTrue:[
-				    i := i magnifiedPreservingRatioTo:200@200.
-				].
-				viewer image:i.
-			      ].
+                                |i top viewer|
+                                top := StandardSystemView new.
+                                viewer := ImageView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
+                                i := img.
+                                top extent:200@200.
+                                top label:(img fileName asFilename directoryName asFilename baseName , '/' , img fileName asFilename baseName).
+                                top openAndWait.
+                                (i width > 200 or:[i height > 200]) ifTrue:[
+                                    i := i magnifiedPreservingRatioTo:200@200.
+                                ].
+                                viewer image:i.
+                              ].
     ] fork
     "Modified: / 4.12.1998 / 15:49:03 / cg"
@@ -3313,10 +3505,10 @@
     sel := subView selection.
     sel notNil ifTrue:[
-	sel := sel asString withoutSeparators.
-	sel asFilename exists ifTrue:[
-	    self doOpenFile:sel viaDoubleClick:false
-	]
+        sel := sel asString withoutSeparators.
+        sel asFilename exists ifTrue:[
+            self doOpenFile:sel viaDoubleClick:false
+        ]
     "Created: / 4.2.1999 / 17:40:42 / cg"
@@ -3430,25 +3622,25 @@
     "depending on the showLongList setting, show or hde the tabSpec view"
     showingDetails value "showLongList" ifTrue:[
-	tabRulerView isNil ifTrue:[
-	    self createTabRulerIn:scrollView superView.
-	].
-	tabRulerView beVisible.
+        tabRulerView isNil ifTrue:[
+            self createTabRulerIn:scrollView superView.
+        ].
+        tabRulerView beVisible.
-	false "self is3D" ifTrue:[
-	    scrollView topInset:(tabRulerView superView height).
-	    tabRulerView superView leftInset:(fileListView originRelativeTo:scrollView) x.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    scrollView topInset:(tabRulerView height).
-	    tabRulerView leftInset:(fileListView originRelativeTo:scrollView) x.
-	].
-	tabRulerView hiddenTabs:#(1).
-	tabRulerView fixedTabs:#(1).
+        false "self is3D" ifTrue:[
+            scrollView topInset:(tabRulerView superView height).
+            tabRulerView superView leftInset:(fileListView originRelativeTo:scrollView) x.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            scrollView topInset:(tabRulerView height).
+            tabRulerView leftInset:(fileListView originRelativeTo:scrollView) x.
+        ].
+        tabRulerView hiddenTabs:#(1).
+        tabRulerView fixedTabs:#(1).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	tabRulerView notNil ifTrue:[
-	    tabRulerView beInvisible.
-	].
-	scrollView topInset:0
+        tabRulerView notNil ifTrue:[
+            tabRulerView beInvisible.
+        ].
+        scrollView topInset:0
     tabSpec := nil.
@@ -3462,22 +3654,22 @@
     aComponent == subView ifTrue:[
+        s := 'HELP_SUBVIEW'
     aComponent == fileListView ifTrue:[
+        s := 'HELP_FILELIST'
     aComponent == filterField ifTrue:[
-	s := 'HELP_FILTER'
+        s := 'HELP_FILTER'
     aComponent == labelView ifTrue:[
+        s := 'HELP_PATHFIELD'
     aComponent == commandView ifTrue:[
+        s := 'HELP_COMMANDVIEW'
     s notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ resources string:s
+        ^ resources string:s
     ^ nil
 ! !
@@ -3599,6 +3791,9 @@
     showingBigImagePreview := (resources at:'BIG_IMAGE_PREVIEW' default:false) asValue.
     showingBigImagePreview onChangeSend:#bigImagePreviewSettingChanged to:self.
+    showingTimeAndDate := (resources at:'SHOW_TIME_AND_DATE' default:false) asValue.
+    showingTimeAndDate onChangeSend:#updateCurrentDirectory to:self.
     sortByWhat := #name asValue.
     sortByWhat onChangeSend:#sortChanged to:self.
@@ -3955,6 +4150,25 @@
 !FileBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions'!
+    self addBookmark:currentDirectory asFilename pathName
+    |idx|
+    DirectoryBookmarks isNil ifTrue:[
+        DirectoryBookmarks := OrderedCollection new
+    ].
+    idx := DirectoryBookmarks indexOf:path.
+    idx == 0 ifTrue:[
+"/        DirectoryBookmarks size >= HistorySize ifTrue:[
+"/            DirectoryBookmarks removeLast.
+"/        ].
+        DirectoryBookmarks addLast:path.
+    ].
     "copy the command history to the clipBoard"
@@ -3967,15 +4181,15 @@
     "copy fileList to the clipBoard"
     self setTextSelection:(fileListView list 
-			      collect:[:l | |ll|
-					ll := l string withoutSeparators.
-					(ll endsWith:' ...') ifTrue:[
-					    ll copyWithoutLast:4
-					] ifFalse:[
-					    ll
-					]
-				      ]) 
-				asStringCollection asString.
+                              collect:[:l | |ll|
+                                        ll := l string withoutSeparators.
+                                        (ll endsWith:' ...') ifTrue:[
+                                            ll copyWithoutLast:4
+                                        ] ifFalse:[
+                                            ll
+                                        ]
+                                      ]) 
+                                asStringCollection asString.
     "Modified: / 17.8.1998 / 10:13:10 / cg"
@@ -3987,8 +4201,8 @@
     sel := fileListView selection.
     sel size == 1 ifTrue:[
-	fileName := fileList at:sel first.
-	self setTextSelection:fileName
+        fileName := fileList at:sel first.
+        self setTextSelection:fileName
@@ -4055,6 +4269,13 @@
     msg := '\' withCRs , myClass name asBoldText, rev.
+    AboutBox isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ this handles bad installations of ST/X,
+        "/ where the AboutBox is missing.
+        "/ (May vanish in the future)
+        ^ self information:msg
+    ].
         about:(resources string:msg)
         label:(resources string:'About FileBrowser')
@@ -4087,6 +4308,11 @@
     "Created: / 14.8.1998 / 14:14:16 / cg"
+    DirectoryBookmarks isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self].
+    DirectoryBookmarks remove:(currentDirectory asFilename pathName) ifAbsent:nil.
     ToolApplicationModel openAboutSTX
@@ -4199,7 +4425,7 @@
     "update this directory"
-	doExecuteCommand:'cvs upd -l' replace:false
+        doExecuteCommand:'cvs upd -l' replace:false
     "Modified: / 16.12.1998 / 17:30:31 / cg"
@@ -4208,7 +4434,7 @@
     "update this directory"
-	doExecuteCommand:'cvs upd -d' replace:false
+        doExecuteCommand:'cvs upd -d' replace:false
     "Modified: / 16.12.1998 / 17:30:31 / cg"
@@ -4220,11 +4446,11 @@
     sel := fileListView selection.
     sel size > 0 ifTrue:[
-	sel := sel collect:[:rawIndex | fileList at:rawIndex].
-	sel do:[:fn |
-	    self
-		doExecuteCommand:('cvs upd ' , fn) replace:false
-	]
+        sel := sel collect:[:rawIndex | fileList at:rawIndex].
+        sel do:[:fn |
+            self
+                doExecuteCommand:('cvs upd ' , fn) replace:false
+        ]
@@ -4245,60 +4471,60 @@
     yesToAll := false.
     lockUpdate := true.
-	filesToRemove do:[:fileName |
-	    |f|
-	    f := currentDirectory construct:fileName.
-	    OperatingSystem accessDeniedErrorSignal handle:[:ex|
-		"was not able to remove it"
-		msg := (resources string:'cannot remove ''%1'' !!' with:fileName).
-		self showAlert:msg with:(OperatingSystem lastErrorString)
-	    ] do:[
-		|answer contents|
-		(f isSymbolicLink not) ifTrue:[
-		    self
-			doExecuteCommand:('cvs remove -f ' , f baseName)
-			replace:false.
+        filesToRemove do:[:fileName |
+            |f|
+            f := currentDirectory construct:fileName.
+            OperatingSystem accessDeniedErrorSignal handle:[:ex|
+                "was not able to remove it"
+                msg := (resources string:'cannot remove ''%1'' !!' with:fileName).
+                self showAlert:msg with:(OperatingSystem lastErrorString)
+            ] do:[
+                |answer contents|
+                (f isSymbolicLink not) ifTrue:[
+                    self
+                        doExecuteCommand:('cvs remove -f ' , f baseName)
+                        replace:false.
-		self show:nil
+                self show:nil
-		    idx := fileList indexOf:fileName.
-		    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-			toRemove add:idx.
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ].
-	].
+                    idx := fileList indexOf:fileName.
+                    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                        toRemove add:idx.
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
     ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
-	lockUpdate := false.
-	fileListView setSelection:nil.
-	"/
-	"/ remove reverse - otherwise indices are wrong
-	"/
-	toRemove sort.
-	toRemove reverseDo:[:idx |
-	    fileList removeIndex:idx.
-	    fileListView removeIndex:idx.
-	].
-	updateRunning ifTrue:[
-	    self updateCurrentDirectory
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    "
-	     install a new check after some time
-	    "
-	    needUpdate ifFalse:[timeOfLastCheck := AbsoluteTime now].
-	    Processor removeTimedBlock:checkBlock.
-	    Processor addTimedBlock:checkBlock afterSeconds:checkDelta.
-	]
+        lockUpdate := false.
+        fileListView setSelection:nil.
+        "/
+        "/ remove reverse - otherwise indices are wrong
+        "/
+        toRemove sort.
+        toRemove reverseDo:[:idx |
+            fileList removeIndex:idx.
+            fileListView removeIndex:idx.
+        ].
+        updateRunning ifTrue:[
+            self updateCurrentDirectory
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            "
+             install a new check after some time
+            "
+            needUpdate ifFalse:[timeOfLastCheck := AbsoluteTime now].
+            Processor removeTimedBlock:checkBlock.
+            Processor addTimedBlock:checkBlock afterSeconds:checkDelta.
+        ]
-	doExecuteCommand:('cvs commit -m ''removed via FileBrowser''')
-	replace:false.
+        doExecuteCommand:('cvs commit -m ''removed via FileBrowser''')
+        replace:false.
     "Modified: / 21.10.1998 / 17:02:11 / cg"
 ! !
@@ -4324,7 +4550,7 @@
      return true if changes should be discarded, false otherwise"
     ^ self askIfModified:'contents has not been saved.\\Modifications will be lost when directory is changed.'
-	       yesButton:'change'
+               yesButton:'change'
     "Created: 2.10.1997 / 14:08:37 / stefan"
@@ -4409,28 +4635,28 @@
     realized ifFalse:[^ self].
     (what == #aboutToExit) ifTrue:[
-	"system wants to shut down this
-	 - if text was modified, pop up, and ask user and save if requested."
-	(subView modified and:[subView contentsWasSaved not]) ifTrue:[
-	    self raiseDeiconified.
-	    (self 
-		ask:(resources at:'FileBrowser:\\contents has not been saved.\\Save before exiting ?')
-		yesButton:'save'
-		noButton:'don''t save')
-	    ifTrue:[
-		subView acceptAction notNil ifTrue:[
-		    subView accept
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    subView save
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	^ self
+        "system wants to shut down this
+         - if text was modified, pop up, and ask user and save if requested."
+        (subView modified and:[subView contentsWasSaved not]) ifTrue:[
+            self raiseDeiconified.
+            (self 
+                ask:(resources at:'FileBrowser:\\contents has not been saved.\\Save before exiting ?')
+                yesButton:'save'
+                noButton:'don''t save')
+            ifTrue:[
+                subView acceptAction notNil ifTrue:[
+                    subView accept
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    subView save
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ self
     changedObject == tabSpec ifTrue:[
-	fileListView invalidate
+        fileListView invalidate
     "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:13:43 / cg"
@@ -4458,12 +4684,20 @@
     "Created: 2.8.1997 / 14:11:19 / cg"
+    "return the bookmarksMenu for the path label"
+    <resource: #programMenu>
+    ^ self menuFromSpec:(self class bookmarksMenuSpec).
     "if text was modified show a queryBox, 
      otherwise ask for & change to that directory"
     self discardChangesDialog ifTrue:[
-	self queryForDirectoryToChange
+        self queryForDirectoryToChange
     "Modified: 21.9.1997 / 23:45:35 / cg"
@@ -4474,7 +4708,7 @@
     "sent from label menu to change back to a previous directory"
     self discardChangesDialog ifTrue:[
-	self doChangeCurrentDirectoryTo:aDirectoryName updateHistory:true "/false.
+        self doChangeCurrentDirectoryTo:aDirectoryName updateHistory:true "/false.
     "Modified: / 2.10.1997 / 14:09:24 / stefan"
@@ -4486,7 +4720,7 @@
      otherwise change immediately to the default directory"
     self discardChangesDialog ifTrue:[
-	 self doChangeToDefaultDirectory
+         self doChangeToDefaultDirectory
     "Modified: 21.9.1997 / 23:45:04 / cg"
@@ -4498,7 +4732,7 @@
      otherwise change immediately to the home directory"
     self discardChangesDialog ifTrue:[
-	 self doChangeToHomeDirectory
+         self doChangeToHomeDirectory
     "Modified: 21.9.1997 / 23:45:10 / cg"
@@ -4510,7 +4744,7 @@
      otherwise change immediately to the parent directory"
     self discardChangesDialog ifTrue:[
-	 self doChangeToParentDirectory
+         self doChangeToParentDirectory
     "Modified: 21.9.1997 / 23:45:15 / cg"
@@ -4533,7 +4767,7 @@
     f := self getSelectedFileName.
     f isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ self addDirToJavaClassPath
+        ^ self addDirToJavaClassPath
     f := currentDirectory asFilename construct:f.
     Java addToClassPath:(f pathName)
@@ -4593,18 +4827,20 @@
     "Modified: / 9.11.1998 / 05:56:14 / cg"
+    "return the historyMenu for the path label"
+    <resource: #programMenu>
+    ^ self menuFromSpec:(self class historyMenuSpec).
     "return the popUpMenu for the path label"
     <resource: #programMenu>
-    |m|
-    m := self class directoryMenuSpec.
-    m menuPerformer:self.
-    ^ m
-    "Modified: / 14.8.1998 / 12:11:16 / cg"
+    ^ self menuFromSpec:(self class directoryMenuSpec).
@@ -4615,62 +4851,62 @@
     |items menu currentIndex|
     items := #(
-		   ('copy path'                   copyPath                  )
-		   ('-'                                                     )
-		   ('up'                          changeToParentDirectory   )
-		   ('back'                        changeToPreviousDirectory )
-		   ('change to home-directory'    changeToHomeDirectory     )
-		   ('change to default-directory' changeToDefaultDirectory  )
-		   ('change directory ...'        changeCurrentDirectory    )
-	       ).             
+                   ('copy path'                   copyPath                  )
+                   ('-'                                                     )
+                   ('up'                          changeToParentDirectory   )
+                   ('back'                        changeToPreviousDirectory )
+                   ('change to home-directory'    changeToHomeDirectory     )
+                   ('change to default-directory' changeToDefaultDirectory  )
+                   ('change directory ...'        changeCurrentDirectory    )
+               ).             
     (JavaClassReader notNil and:[JavaClassReader isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
-	items := items , #(
-			    ( '-')
-			    ( 'add to JavaClassPath'       addDirToJavaClassPath)
-			    ( 'add to JavaSourcePath'      addDirToJavaSourcePath)
-			    ( 'remove from JavaClassPath'  removeDirFromJavaClassPath)
-			    ( 'remove from JavaSourcePath' removeDirFromJavaSourcePath)
-			  ).
+        items := items , #(
+                            ( '-')
+                            ( 'add to JavaClassPath'       addDirToJavaClassPath)
+                            ( 'add to JavaSourcePath'      addDirToJavaSourcePath)
+                            ( 'remove from JavaClassPath'  removeDirFromJavaClassPath)
+                            ( 'remove from JavaSourcePath' removeDirFromJavaSourcePath)
+                          ).
     DirectoryHistory size > 0 ifTrue:[
-	items := items copyWith:#('-').
-	items := items ,
-		 (DirectoryHistory 
-			collect:[:dirName |
-				    Array 
-					with:dirName 
-					with:#changeDirectoryTo:
-					with:nil
-					with:dirName
-				]
-		 ).
-	currentIndex := items findFirst:[:i | (i at:1) = currentDirectory pathName].
-	currentIndex == 0 ifTrue:[currentIndex := nil].
+        items := items copyWith:#('-').
+        items := items ,
+                 (DirectoryHistory 
+                        collect:[:dirName |
+                                    Array 
+                                        with:dirName 
+                                        with:#changeDirectoryTo:
+                                        with:nil
+                                        with:dirName
+                                ]
+                 ).
+        currentIndex := items findFirst:[:i | (i at:1) = currentDirectory pathName].
+        currentIndex == 0 ifTrue:[currentIndex := nil].
     menu := PopUpMenu 
-		itemList:items
-		resources:resources.
+                itemList:items
+                resources:resources.
     previousDirectory isNil ifTrue:[
-	menu disable:#changeToPreviousDirectory.
+        menu disable:#changeToPreviousDirectory.
     currentIndex notNil ifTrue:[
-	menu disable:currentIndex
+        menu disable:currentIndex
     (JavaClassReader notNil and:[JavaClassReader isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
-	(Java classPath includes:currentDirectory pathName) ifTrue:[
-	    menu disable:#addDirToJavaClassPath
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    menu disable:#removeDirFromJavaClassPath
-	].
-	(Java sourcePath includes:currentDirectory pathName) ifTrue:[
-	    menu disable:#addDirToJavaSourcePath
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    menu disable:#removeDirFromJavaSourcePath
-	].
+        (Java classPath includes:currentDirectory pathName) ifTrue:[
+            menu disable:#addDirToJavaClassPath
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            menu disable:#removeDirFromJavaClassPath
+        ].
+        (Java sourcePath includes:currentDirectory pathName) ifTrue:[
+            menu disable:#addDirToJavaSourcePath
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            menu disable:#removeDirFromJavaSourcePath
+        ].
@@ -4718,9 +4954,9 @@
     |queryBox dirName|
     queryBox := FilenameEnterBox 
-		    title:(resources at:'change directory to:') withCRs
-		    okText:(resources at:'change')
-		    action:[:newName | dirName := newName].
+                    title:(resources at:'change directory to:') withCRs
+                    okText:(resources at:'change')
+                    action:[:newName | dirName := newName].
 "/    queryBox initialText:''.
     queryBox showAtPointer.
     queryBox destroy.
@@ -4762,9 +4998,9 @@
     "common method to ask a yes/no question"
     ^ Dialog 
-	confirm:question withCRs
-	yesLabel:(resources at:yesButtonText)
-	noLabel:(resources at:noButtonText)
+        confirm:question withCRs
+        yesLabel:(resources at:yesButtonText)
+        noLabel:(resources at:noButtonText)
     "Modified: 21.2.1996 / 01:19:21 / cg"
@@ -4798,12 +5034,12 @@
     "tell user, that code has been modified - let her confirm"
     (subView modified not or:[subView contentsWasSaved]) ifTrue:[
-	^ true
+        ^ true
     (self ask:(resources string:question) yesButton:yesButtonText) ifTrue:[
-	"/ reset modified flag so question is asked only once
-	subView modified:false.
-	^ true
+        "/ reset modified flag so question is asked only once
+        subView modified:false.
+        ^ true
     ^ false
@@ -4851,30 +5087,30 @@
     sel := fileListView selection.
     sel notNil ifTrue:[
-	sel := sel collect:[:aSelectionIndex | 
-	    |nm|
-	    nm := fileList at:aSelectionIndex ifAbsent:nil.
-	    nm notNil ifTrue:[
-		nm := nm string.
-		(nm endsWith:' ...') ifTrue:[
-		    nm := (nm copyWithoutLast:4) withoutSpaces
-		].
-	    ].
-	    nm
-	].
-	action := [
-	    sel do:[:nm |
-		nm notNil ifTrue:[
-		    aBlock value:nm
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	Processor activeProcess == self windowGroup process ifTrue:[
-	    self withWaitCursorDo:action
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    action value
-	]
+        sel := sel collect:[:aSelectionIndex | 
+            |nm|
+            nm := fileList at:aSelectionIndex ifAbsent:nil.
+            nm notNil ifTrue:[
+                nm := nm string.
+                (nm endsWith:' ...') ifTrue:[
+                    nm := (nm copyWithoutLast:4) withoutSpaces
+                ].
+            ].
+            nm
+        ].
+        action := [
+            sel do:[:nm |
+                nm notNil ifTrue:[
+                    aBlock value:nm
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        Processor activeProcess == self windowGroup process ifTrue:[
+            self withWaitCursorDo:action
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            action value
+        ]
     "Modified: / 16.12.1998 / 17:30:57 / cg"
@@ -4895,9 +5131,9 @@
     anErrorString isNil ifTrue:[
-	msg := aString
+        msg := aString
     ] ifFalse:[
-	msg := aString , '\\(' , anErrorString , ')'
+        msg := aString , '\\(' , anErrorString , ')'
     self warn:msg withCRs
@@ -4910,18 +5146,18 @@
     newCollection := aCollection species new.
     aCollection do:[:fname |
-	|ignore|
-	ignore := false.
-	((fname startsWith:'.') and:[fname ~= '..']) ifTrue:[
-	    showingHiddenFiles value "showDotFiles" ifFalse:[
-		ignore := true
-	    ]
-	].
-	ignore ifFalse:[
-	    newCollection add:fname
-	]
+        |ignore|
+        ignore := false.
+        ((fname startsWith:'.') and:[fname ~= '..']) ifTrue:[
+            showingHiddenFiles value "showDotFiles" ifFalse:[
+                ignore := true
+            ]
+        ].
+        ignore ifFalse:[
+            newCollection add:fname
+        ]
     ^ newCollection
@@ -5444,7 +5680,7 @@
     previousDirectory isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
     self discardChangesDialog ifTrue:[
-	self doChangeCurrentDirectoryTo:previousDirectory updateHistory:false 
+        self doChangeCurrentDirectoryTo:previousDirectory updateHistory:false 
     "Modified: 2.10.1997 / 14:13:40 / stefan"
@@ -5552,67 +5788,67 @@
     self label:myName; iconLabel:myName.
     fileName notNil ifTrue:[
-	(f := fileName asFilename) isAbsolute ifFalse:[
-	    f := currentDirectory filenameFor:fileName.
-	].
-	f := f asAbsoluteFilename.
-	(f isDirectory) ifTrue:[
-	    (f isReadable) ifTrue:[
-		(f isExecutable) ifTrue:[
-		    path := currentDirectory pathName.
-		    previousDirectory := path.
-		    "
-		     remember where we are positioned in the fileList
-		     (in case we want to return)
-		    "
-		    idx := DirectoryHistory indexOf:path.
-		    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-			DirectoryHistoryWhere at:idx put:fileListView firstLineShown
-		    ].
-		    updateHistory ifTrue:[
-			self addToHistory:path.
-		    ].
-		    self setCurrentDirectory:(f pathName).
-		    "/ fetch the new path.
-		    path := currentDirectory pathName.
-		    "
-		     if we have already been there, look for the
-		     position offset, and scroll the fileList
-		    "
-		    idx := DirectoryHistory indexOf:path.
-		    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-			|pos|
-			pos := DirectoryHistoryWhere at:idx.
-			pos notNil ifTrue:[
-			    fileListView scrollToLine:pos.
-			]
-		    ].
-		    updateHistory ifTrue:[
-			self addToHistory:path.
-		    ].
-		    ^ self
-		].
-		msg := 'cannot change directory to ''%1'' !!'
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		msg := 'cannot read directory ''%1'' !!'
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    OperatingSystem isVMSlike ifTrue:[
-		"/ cannot tell if it exists or is simply invisible ...
-		msg := '''%1'' is not a directory or unreadable !!'
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		msg := '''%1'' is not a directory !!'
-	    ]
-	].
-	Dialog warn:(resources string:msg withCRs with:fileName).
+        (f := fileName asFilename) isAbsolute ifFalse:[
+            f := currentDirectory filenameFor:fileName.
+        ].
+        f := f asAbsoluteFilename.
+        (f isDirectory) ifTrue:[
+            (f isReadable) ifTrue:[
+                (f isExecutable) ifTrue:[
+                    path := currentDirectory pathName.
+                    previousDirectory := path.
+                    "
+                     remember where we are positioned in the fileList
+                     (in case we want to return)
+                    "
+                    idx := DirectoryHistory indexOf:path.
+                    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                        DirectoryHistoryWhere at:idx put:fileListView firstLineShown
+                    ].
+                    updateHistory ifTrue:[
+                        self addToHistory:path.
+                    ].
+                    self setCurrentDirectory:(f pathName).
+                    "/ fetch the new path.
+                    path := currentDirectory pathName.
+                    "
+                     if we have already been there, look for the
+                     position offset, and scroll the fileList
+                    "
+                    idx := DirectoryHistory indexOf:path.
+                    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                        |pos|
+                        pos := DirectoryHistoryWhere at:idx.
+                        pos notNil ifTrue:[
+                            fileListView scrollToLine:pos.
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                    updateHistory ifTrue:[
+                        self addToHistory:path.
+                    ].
+                    ^ self
+                ].
+                msg := 'cannot change directory to ''%1'' !!'
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                msg := 'cannot read directory ''%1'' !!'
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            OperatingSystem isVMSlike ifTrue:[
+                "/ cannot tell if it exists or is simply invisible ...
+                msg := '''%1'' is not a directory or unreadable !!'
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                msg := '''%1'' is not a directory !!'
+            ]
+        ].
+        Dialog warn:(resources string:msg withCRs with:fileName).
     "Modified: / 18.9.1997 / 18:22:30 / stefan"
@@ -5644,15 +5880,15 @@
     f := currentDirectory filenameFor:newName.
     f exists ifTrue:[
-	self warn:'%1 already exists.' with:newName.
-	^ self
+        self warn:'%1 already exists.' with:newName.
+        ^ self
     f makeDirectory ifTrue:[
-	self updateCurrentDirectory
+        self updateCurrentDirectory
     ] ifFalse:[
-	self showAlert:(resources string:'cannot create directory ''%1'' !!' with:newName)
-		  with:(OperatingSystem lastErrorString)
+        self showAlert:(resources string:'cannot create directory ''%1'' !!' with:newName)
+                  with:(OperatingSystem lastErrorString)
     "Modified: / 18.9.1997 / 17:21:25 / stefan"
@@ -5667,16 +5903,16 @@
     aPathName isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].
     newDirectory := currentDirectory filenameFor:aPathName.
     newDirectory isDirectory ifTrue:[
-	self currentDirectory:newDirectory.
-	currentFileName notNil ifTrue:[
-	    fileListView contents:nil.
-	    currentFileName := nil.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    fileListView setSelection:nil.
-	    fileListView scrollToTop.
-	].
-	self updateCurrentDirectory.
-	self showInfo.
+        self currentDirectory:newDirectory.
+        currentFileName notNil ifTrue:[
+            fileListView contents:nil.
+            currentFileName := nil.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            fileListView setSelection:nil.
+            fileListView scrollToTop.
+        ].
+        self updateCurrentDirectory.
+        self showInfo.
     "Modified: 21.9.1995 / 11:22:45 / claus"
@@ -5706,9 +5942,9 @@
     "look for a string
-	encoding #name
+        encoding #name
-	encoding: name
+        encoding: name
      within the given buffer 
      (which is usually the first few bytes of a textFile).
      If thats not found, use heuristics (in CharacterArray) to guess."
@@ -5720,55 +5956,55 @@
     n := aBuffer size.
     (idx := aBuffer findString:'charset=') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	s := ReadStream on:aBuffer.
-	s position:idx + 8.
-	s skipSeparators.
-	w := s upToSeparator.
-	w notNil ifTrue:[
-	    (idx := w indexOf:$") ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		w := w copyTo:idx-1
-	    ].
-	    ^ w asSymbol
-	].
+        s := ReadStream on:aBuffer.
+        s position:idx + 8.
+        s skipSeparators.
+        w := s upToSeparator.
+        w notNil ifTrue:[
+            (idx := w indexOf:$") ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                w := w copyTo:idx-1
+            ].
+            ^ w asSymbol
+        ].
     (idx := aBuffer findString:'encoding') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	s := ReadStream on:aBuffer.
-	s position:idx + 8.
-	s skipSeparators.
-	s peek == $: ifTrue:[
-	    s next.
-	    s skipSeparators. 
-	].
-	s peek == $# ifTrue:[
-	    s next.
-	    s skipSeparators. 
-	].
-	w := s upToSeparator.
-	w notNil ifTrue:[
-	    ^ w asSymbol
-	].
+        s := ReadStream on:aBuffer.
+        s position:idx + 8.
+        s skipSeparators.
+        s peek == $: ifTrue:[
+            s next.
+            s skipSeparators. 
+        ].
+        s peek == $# ifTrue:[
+            s next.
+            s skipSeparators. 
+        ].
+        w := s upToSeparator.
+        w notNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ w asSymbol
+        ].
     1 to:n do:[:i |
-	(aBuffer at:i) isPrintable ifFalse:[binary := true].
+        (aBuffer at:i) isPrintable ifFalse:[binary := true].
     binary ifTrue:[
-	"/ look for JIS7 / EUC encoding
-	enc := CharacterArray guessEncodingFrom:aBuffer.
-	enc notNil ifTrue:[
-	    ^ enc
-	].
-	"/ if the encoding has been set to any non iso setting,
-	"/ assume its what we defined ...
-	(('iso*' match:fileEncoding) or:['ascii*' match:fileEncoding]) ifTrue:[
-	    ^ #binary
-	].
-	^ fileEncoding ? #binary
+        "/ look for JIS7 / EUC encoding
+        enc := CharacterArray guessEncodingFrom:aBuffer.
+        enc notNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ enc
+        ].
+        "/ if the encoding has been set to any non iso setting,
+        "/ assume its what we defined ...
+        (('iso*' match:fileEncoding) or:['ascii*' match:fileEncoding]) ifTrue:[
+            ^ #binary
+        ].
+        ^ fileEncoding ? #binary
     ^ #ascii
@@ -5801,66 +6037,66 @@
     pref := self preferredFontEncodingFor:newEncoding.
     (pref match:fontsEncoding) ifTrue:[
-	^ self
+        ^ self
     "/ stupid ...
     pref = 'ascii*' ifTrue:[
-	(fontsEncoding match:'iso8859*') ifTrue:[
-	    ^ self
-	]
+        (fontsEncoding match:'iso8859*') ifTrue:[
+            ^ self
+        ]
     filter := [:f | |coding|
-		    (coding := f encoding) notNil 
-		    and:[pref match:coding]].
+                    (coding := f encoding) notNil 
+                    and:[pref match:coding]].
     defaultFont := TextView defaultFont onDevice:device.
     (pref match:(defaultFont encoding)) ifFalse:[
-	defaultFont := nil.
+        defaultFont := nil.
     defaultFont isNil ifTrue:[
-	(pref = 'ascii*'
-	or:[pref = 'iso8859*']) ifTrue:[
-	    defaultFont := FontDescription family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12
-	]
+        (pref = 'ascii*'
+        or:[pref = 'iso8859*']) ifTrue:[
+            defaultFont := FontDescription family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12
+        ]
     defaultFont isNil ifTrue:[
-	defaultFont := device 
-			    listOfAvailableFonts 
-				detect:[:f | filter value:f]
-				ifNone:nil.
-	defaultFont isNil ifTrue:[
-	    "/ flush list, and refetch font list
-	    "/ (in case someone just changed the font path ...)
-	    device flushListOfAvailableFonts.
-	    defaultFont := device 
-				listOfAvailableFonts 
-				    detect:[:f | filter value:f]
-				    ifNone:nil.
-	].
-	defaultFont isNil ifTrue:[
-	    self warn:'your display does not seem to provide any ' , newEncoding , '-encoded font.'.
-	    ^ self.
-	]
+        defaultFont := device 
+                            listOfAvailableFonts 
+                                detect:[:f | filter value:f]
+                                ifNone:nil.
+        defaultFont isNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ flush list, and refetch font list
+            "/ (in case someone just changed the font path ...)
+            device flushListOfAvailableFonts.
+            defaultFont := device 
+                                listOfAvailableFonts 
+                                    detect:[:f | filter value:f]
+                                    ifNone:nil.
+        ].
+        defaultFont isNil ifTrue:[
+            self warn:'your display does not seem to provide any ' , newEncoding , '-encoded font.'.
+            ^ self.
+        ]
     msg := 'switch to a %1 encoded font ?'.
     (ask not or:[self confirm:(resources string:msg with:pref) withCRs])
-	self withWaitCursorDo:[
-	    f := FontPanel 
-		fontFromUserInitial:defaultFont
-			      title:(resources string:'font selection')
-			     filter:filter.
-	    f notNil ifTrue:[
-		subView font:f
-	    ]
-	]
+        self withWaitCursorDo:[
+            f := FontPanel 
+                fontFromUserInitial:defaultFont
+                              title:(resources string:'font selection')
+                             filter:filter.
+            f notNil ifTrue:[
+                subView font:f
+            ]
+        ]
     "Created: 26.10.1996 / 12:06:54 / cg"
@@ -5913,7 +6149,7 @@
     fileName := self getSelectedFileName.
     fileName notNil ifTrue:[
-	self doOpenFile:fileName viaDoubleClick:viaDoubleClick
+        self doOpenFile:fileName viaDoubleClick:viaDoubleClick
     "Created: / 19.6.1996 / 09:39:07 / cg"
@@ -6248,7 +6484,7 @@
     commentStrings := self fileCommentStrings.
     commentStrings notNil ifTrue:[
-	subView perform:#commentStrings: with:commentStrings ifNotUnderstood:nil
+        subView perform:#commentStrings: with:commentStrings ifNotUnderstood:nil
     "Modified: 7.1.1997 / 20:30:54 / cg"
@@ -6345,11 +6581,11 @@
     ) do:[:f | 
-	|n|
-	n := currentDirectory construct:f.
-	(n isReadable and:[n isDirectory not]) ifTrue:[
-	    ^ f.
-	]
+        |n|
+        n := currentDirectory construct:f.
+        (n isReadable and:[n isDirectory not]) ifTrue:[
+            ^ f.
+        ]
     ^ nil
@@ -6362,9 +6598,9 @@
      This is wrong here - should be moved into OperatingSystem."
     ^ self getModeString:modeBits 
-		    with:#( 'owner:' $r $w $x 
-			    ' group:' $r $w $x 
-			    ' others:' $r $w $x )
+                    with:#( 'owner:' $r $w $x 
+                            ' group:' $r $w $x 
+                            ' others:' $r $w $x )
 getModeString:modeBits with:texts
@@ -6378,18 +6614,18 @@
     #( nil 8r400 8r200 8r100 nil 8r040 8r020 8r010 nil 8r004 8r002 8r001 ) 
     with: texts do:[:bitMask :access |
-	|ch|
-	bitMask isNil ifTrue:[
-	    modeString := modeString , (resources string:access)
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    (bits bitAnd:bitMask) == 0 ifTrue:[
-		ch := $-
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		ch := access
-	    ].
-	    modeString := modeString copyWith:ch 
-	]
+        |ch|
+        bitMask isNil ifTrue:[
+            modeString := modeString , (resources string:access)
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (bits bitAnd:bitMask) == 0 ifTrue:[
+                ch := $-
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                ch := access
+            ].
+            modeString := modeString copyWith:ch 
+        ]
     ^ modeString
@@ -6401,7 +6637,7 @@
     info := self getInfoFile.
     info notNil ifTrue:[
-	txt := self readFile:info
+        txt := self readFile:info
     self show:txt.
@@ -6418,15 +6654,15 @@
     unitString := ''.
     size < (500 * 1024) ifTrue:[
-	size < 1024 ifTrue:[
-	    n := size
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    n := (size * 10 // 1024 / 10.0).
-	    unitString := ' Kb'
-	]
+        size < 1024 ifTrue:[
+            n := size
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            n := (size * 10 // 1024 / 10.0).
+            unitString := ' Kb'
+        ]
     ] ifFalse:[
-	n := (size * 10 // 1024 // 1024 / 10.0).
-	unitString := ' Mb'
+        n := (size * 10 // 1024 // 1024 / 10.0).
+        unitString := ' Mb'
     ^ (n printStringLeftPaddedTo:5) , unitString.
 ! !
@@ -6450,22 +6686,22 @@
     |f stream text msg sz|
     (f := fileName asFilename) isAbsolute ifFalse:[
-	f := (currentDirectory construct:fileName)
+        f := (currentDirectory construct:fileName)
     stream := f readStream.
     stream isNil ifTrue:[
-	msg := (resources string:'cannot read file ''%1'' !!' with:fileName).
-	self showAlert:msg with:(FileStream lastErrorString).
-	^ nil
+        msg := (resources string:'cannot read file ''%1'' !!' with:fileName).
+        self showAlert:msg with:(FileStream lastErrorString).
+        ^ nil
      for very big files, give ObjectMemory a hint, to preallocate more
     (sz := stream fileSize) > 1000000 ifTrue:[
-	Processor activeProcess withPriority:Processor userBackgroundPriority do:[
-	    ObjectMemory announceSpaceNeed:(sz + (sz // 5)) "/ add 20% for tab expansion
-	].
+        Processor activeProcess withPriority:Processor userBackgroundPriority do:[
+            ObjectMemory announceSpaceNeed:(sz + (sz // 5)) "/ add 20% for tab expansion
+        ].
     text := self readStream:stream lineDelimiter:aCharacter encoding:encoding.
@@ -6497,33 +6733,33 @@
     enc := encoding.
     enc == #iso8859 ifTrue:[
-	enc := nil
+        enc := nil
     aCharacter == Character cr ifTrue:[
-	FileStream lineTooLongErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
-	    |s partialLine|
-	    s := ex parameter at:1.
-	    partialLine := ex parameter at:2.
-	    ex proceedWith:(partialLine , s upTo:aCharacter)
-	] do:[
-	    [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-		line := aStream nextLine withTabsExpanded.
-		enc notNil ifTrue:[
-		    line := line decodeFrom:enc
-		].
-		text add:line
-	    ].
-	].
+        FileStream lineTooLongErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
+            |s partialLine|
+            s := ex parameter at:1.
+            partialLine := ex parameter at:2.
+            ex proceedWith:(partialLine , s upTo:aCharacter)
+        ] do:[
+            [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+                line := aStream nextLine withTabsExpanded.
+                enc notNil ifTrue:[
+                    line := line decodeFrom:enc
+                ].
+                text add:line
+            ].
+        ].
     ] ifFalse:[
-	[aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-	    line := (aStream upTo:aCharacter) withTabsExpanded.
-	    enc notNil ifTrue:[
-		line := line decodeFrom:enc
-	    ].
-	    text add:line
-	].
+        [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+            line := (aStream upTo:aCharacter) withTabsExpanded.
+            enc notNil ifTrue:[
+                line := line decodeFrom:enc
+            ].
+            text add:line
+        ].
     ^ text
@@ -6544,7 +6780,7 @@
     "show/insert contents of fileName in subView"
     ^ self 
-	showFile:fileName insert:insert encoding:encoding doubleClick:false
+        showFile:fileName insert:insert encoding:encoding doubleClick:false
     "Modified: 19.6.1996 / 09:40:19 / cg"
@@ -6798,7 +7034,7 @@
     tabSpec addDependent:self.
     tabRulerView notNil ifTrue:[
-	tabRulerView tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+        tabRulerView tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
     "Created: / 17.4.1997 / 02:51:41 / cg"
@@ -6905,8 +7141,8 @@
     imageRenderProcess notNil ifTrue:[
-	imageRenderProcess terminate.
-	imageRenderProcess := nil
+        imageRenderProcess terminate.
+        imageRenderProcess := nil
     "Created: 19.4.1997 / 13:51:34 / cg"
@@ -6915,8 +7151,8 @@
     Processor removeTimedBlock:checkBlock.
     listUpdateProcess notNil ifTrue:[
-	listUpdateProcess terminate.
-	listUpdateProcess := nil.
+        listUpdateProcess terminate.
+        listUpdateProcess := nil.
     "Created: 19.4.1997 / 13:51:34 / cg"
@@ -7062,7 +7298,7 @@
              anyImages lineIndex aFileName
              entry typ f p typeString done endIndex 
              state stopAtEnd nextState img prevFirstLine prevLastLine
-             numVisible dirSuffix prevWidth|
+             numVisible dirSuffix prevWidth t|
             dirSuffix := Filename directorySuffix.
             dirSuffix size > 0 ifTrue:[
@@ -7228,23 +7464,31 @@
                                                                     '  ' $r $w $x ).
                                 entry colAt:3 put:modeString.
-                                ((info uid) ~~ prevUid) ifTrue:[
-                                    prevUid := (info uid).
-                                    nameString := OperatingSystem getUserNameFromID:prevUid.
-                                    nameString := nameString contractTo:10.
-                                    nameString := nameString , (String new:(10 - nameString size))
+                                showingTimeAndDate value ifTrue:[
+                                    t := f isSymbolicLink 
+                                        ifFalse:[f modificationTime]
+                                        ifTrue:[f linkInfo modified].
+                                    entry colAt:4 put:t asDate printString.
+                                    entry colAt:5 put:t asTime printString.
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    ((info uid) ~~ prevUid) ifTrue:[
+                                        prevUid := (info uid).
+                                        nameString := OperatingSystem getUserNameFromID:prevUid.
+                                        nameString := nameString contractTo:10.
+                                        nameString := nameString , (String new:(10 - nameString size))
+                                    ].
+                                    nameString isNil ifTrue:[nameString := '???'].
+                                    entry colAt:4 put:nameString withoutSpaces.
+                                    ((info gid) ~~ prevGid) ifTrue:[
+                                        prevGid := (info gid).
+                                        groupString := OperatingSystem getGroupNameFromID:prevGid.
+                                        groupString := groupString contractTo:10.
+                                        groupString := groupString , (String new:(10 - groupString size))
+                                    ].
+                                    groupString isNil ifTrue:[groupString := '???'].
+                                    entry colAt:5 put:groupString withoutSpaces.
-                                nameString isNil ifTrue:[nameString := '???'].
-                                entry colAt:4 put:nameString withoutSpaces.
-                                ((info gid) ~~ prevGid) ifTrue:[
-                                    prevGid := (info gid).
-                                    groupString := OperatingSystem getGroupNameFromID:prevGid.
-                                    groupString := groupString contractTo:10.
-                                    groupString := groupString , (String new:(10 - groupString size))
-                                ].
-                                groupString isNil ifTrue:[groupString := '???'].
-                                entry colAt:5 put:groupString withoutSpaces.
                                 (typ == #regular) ifTrue:[
                                     entry colAt:6 put:(self sizePrintString:(info size)).
@@ -7402,10 +7646,6 @@
     "Modified: / 18.6.1998 / 15:27:35 / cg"
-    ^ self class hasVisitHistory
     "return my currentDirectories pathName;
      sent from the pathField to aquire the pathname when I changed directory"
@@ -7422,5 +7662,5 @@
 !FileBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.442 2001-11-19 08:07:03 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.443 2001-11-19 15:14:52 cg Exp $'
 ! !