changeset 3133 517dcb6a296b
parent 3122 6fcb6b2eb891
child 3136 fb029708f890
--- a/	Mon Sep 10 11:08:13 2001 +0200
+++ b/	Mon Sep 10 11:08:46 2001 +0200
@@ -3516,29 +3516,30 @@
     "returns a sub menu on the history of the classes"
-    |menu history|
-    BrowserView checkClassHistory.
-    history := BrowserView classHistory.
+    |menu classHistory|
+    SystemBrowser checkClassHistory.
+    classHistory := SystemBrowser classHistory.
     menu := Menu new receiver: self.
-    menu addItemGroup: (history collect:
-	[:histEntry|
-	    MenuItem new 
-		label: (histEntry upTo: $ ); 
-		value: [SystemBrowser open loadFromMessage: histEntry]; 
-		activeHelpKey: #classesSystemBrowserOnClass
-	]
+    menu addItemGroup: (classHistory collect:
+        [:histEntry|
+            MenuItem new 
+                label: (histEntry className ); 
+                value: [SystemBrowser openInClass:histEntry theClass selector:histEntry selector]; 
+                activeHelpKey: #classesSystemBrowserOnClass
+        ]
-    menu addItem: (MenuItem new 
-			label: 'Empty History'; 
-			value: [BrowserView classHistory removeAll]; 
-			translateLabel: true;
-			enabled:(history notEmpty);
-			activeHelpKey: #historyEmptyMenu).
+    classHistory notEmpty ifTrue:[
+        menu addItem: (MenuItem new 
+                            label: 'Empty History'; 
+                            value: [classHistory removeAll]; 
+                            translateLabel: true;
+                            enabled:(classHistory notEmpty);
+                            activeHelpKey: #historyEmptyMenu).
+    ].
     menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
@@ -4015,5 +4016,5 @@
 !NewLauncher class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.221 2001-09-07 14:40:18 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.222 2001-09-10 09:08:46 cg Exp $'
 ! !