changeset 2538 65d455c152f0
parent 2521 0865a2bcec81
child 2544 04ebb73c452f
--- a/	Fri Jan 14 11:51:20 2000 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Jan 14 11:51:42 2000 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 ApplicationModel subclass:#ClassRevisionTree
-	instanceVariableNames:'selectionHolder semaphoreCritical revisionInfoList revisionTask
-		currentClassItemInTask'
+	instanceVariableNames:'selectionHolder classHolder menuBlock selectionBlock
+		classItemClass listView semaphoreCritical revisionInfoList
+		revisionTask currentClassItemInTask'
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
           #name: 'ClassVersionTree'
           #min: #(#Point 10 10)
           #max: #(#Point 9999 9999)
-          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 51 881 580)
+          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 881 575)
@@ -41,15 +42,15 @@
               #name: 'HierarchicalItemListView'
               #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
-              #model: #hierarchicalItemSelectionAspect
-              #menu: #selectHierarchicalItemMenu
+              #menu: #selectItemMenu
               #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
               #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
-              #listModel: #hierarchicalItemListModel
+              #listModel: #listModel
               #multipleSelectOk: true
+              #useIndex: false
               #highlightMode: #label
               #doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick:
-              #selectConditionSelector: #isHierarchicalItemSelectable:
+              #selectConditionSelector: #isItemSelectable:
               #indicatorSelector: #doubleClick:
               #retrieveIconsSelector: #icons
@@ -59,84 +60,114 @@
 ! !
-!ClassRevisionTree class methodsFor:'menu specs'!
-    "This resource specification was automatically generated
-     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
+!ClassRevisionTree class methodsFor:'protocol'!
-    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
-     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
-    "
-     MenuEditor new openOnClass:ClassRevisionTree andSelector:#resourceItemMenu
-     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(ClassRevisionTree resourceItemMenu)) startUp
-    "
-    <resource: #menu>
+    ^ClassItem
-    ^ 
-     #(#Menu
-	#(
-	 #(#MenuItem
-	    #label: 'Compare Changes'
-	    #translateLabel: true
-	    #value: #menuActionCompareChanges
-	  )
-	 )
-	nil
-	nil
-      )
+    ^ClassItemRoot
 ! !
 !ClassRevisionTree class methodsFor:'startup'!
-openOnClasses:aClassColl withSelectionHolder:aValueHolder
-    |theTree theClassItemColl|
+    |theTree|
     theTree := self new.
     theTree allButOpen.
-    theClassItemColl := aClassColl collect:[:eachClass |
-        |theClassItem theClass|
-        theClassItem := ClassItem new.
-        theClass := Smalltalk resolveName:eachClass inClass:self.
-        theClassItem myClass:theClass.
-        theClassItem].
-     theTree hierarchicalItemList addAll: theClassItemColl.
-     theTree selectionHolder:aValueHolder.   
-     theTree openWindow.
+    theTree classHolder:aClassHolder.
+    theTree openWindow.
+|theSelectionHolder theClassHolder theTree|
 theSelectionHolder := ValueHolder new.
-theSelectionHolder compute:[:el |
-                Transcript showCR: el first revisionString.
-                Transcript showCR: el second revisionString].
-ClassRevisionTree openOnClasses:(Smalltalk allClasses asOrderedCollection sort:[:x : y|x name < y name]) 
-                  withSelectionHolder:theSelectionHolder.
+theClassHolder := ValueHolder new.
+theSelectionHolder compute:[:coll |
+                coll do:[:each | Transcript showCR: each]].
+theClassHolder value:(Smalltalk allClasses asOrderedCollection sort:[:x : y|x name < y name]).
+theTree := ClassRevisionTree openOnClassHolder:theClassHolder.
+theSelectionHolder value:(Array with:(theTree itemList children last)).
+theTree selectionHolder:theSelectionHolder.
+Delay waitForMilliseconds:1500.
+theClassHolder value:(Project current changedClasses).
+Delay waitForMilliseconds:1500.
+theTree classHolder:nil.
+Delay waitForMilliseconds:1500.
+theTree classHolder:theClassHolder.
+Delay waitForMilliseconds:1500.
+theClassHolder value:(Smalltalk allClasses asOrderedCollection sort:[:x : y|x name < y name]).
+    |theTree|
+    theTree := self new.
+    theTree allButOpen.
+    theTree classHolder value:aClassColl.
+    theTree openWindow.
+     ^theTree
+|theSelectionHolder theTree|
+theSelectionHolder := ValueHolder new.
+theSelectionHolder compute:[:coll |
+                coll do:[:each | Transcript showCR: each]].
+theTree := ClassRevisionTree openOnClasses:(Smalltalk allClasses asOrderedCollection sort:[:x : y|x name < y name]).
+theSelectionHolder value:(Array with:(theTree itemList children last)).
+theTree selectionHolder:theSelectionHolder.
 ! !
 !ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'accessing'!
-hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex: anIndex
-    ^self hierarchicalItemListModel at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'classItemClass' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ classItemClass ifNil:[classItemClass := self class classItemClass]
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'classItemClass' (automatically generated)"
+    classItemClass := something.!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'classItemClass' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ self class classItemRootClass
-    ^self hierarchicalItemSelectionAspect value
+    ^self listModel at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil
+    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
+    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
+    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
+    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."
-    ^self hierarchicalItemSelectionAspect value:anArray
+    ^ self listModel root
@@ -145,17 +176,6 @@
     ^ revisionInfoList ifNil:[revisionInfoList := IdentitySet new]
-    "return the value of the instance variable 'selectionHolder' (automatically generated)"
-    ^ selectionHolder!
-    "set the value of the instance variable 'revisionItemSelection' (automatically generated)"
-    selectionHolder := something.
     "return the value of the instance variable 'semaphoreCritical' (automatically generated)"
@@ -164,16 +184,13 @@
 !ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'actions'!
-doubleClick: anIndex
-    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
+    |theItem|
-    "*** the code below performs no action"
-    "*** (except for some feedback on the Transcript)"
-    "*** Please change as required and accept in the browser."
-    "action to be added ..."
-    (self hierarchicalItemListModel at: anIndex) toggleExpand  
+    (((theItem := self itemForSelectionIndex:anIndex) isExpandableRevisionItem) and:[listView sensor shiftDown])
+        ifTrue: [theItem recursiveToggleExpand]
+        ifFalse:[theItem toggleExpand]  
 getRevisionInfoForClassItem: aClassItem
@@ -183,81 +200,37 @@
         currentClassItemInTask == aClassItem ifTrue:[^self].
         (theList := self revisionInfoList) removeIdentical:aClassItem ifAbsent:[nil].
         theList add:aClassItem.
-        Transcript showCR:theList.
         self startRevisionTask]
-isHierarchicalItemSelectable: anIndex
-    |theSelectionIndexColl theSelectionIndexSize theSelectedItem|
+checks if an item at anIndex can be selected. If an selection block
+is set, evaluate it with the selected item.
+(Callback from the tree).
-    "nur eine Revision kann selektiert werden"
-    (theSelectedItem := self hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex: anIndex) isRevisionItem
-	ifFalse:[^false].
-    "ist keine selektiert ist alles ok -> mit true zurueck"
-    (theSelectionIndexColl := self hierarchicalListSelectionIndexColl) size == 0
-	 ifTrue:[^true].
-    "wurde deselektiert"
-    (self window sensor ctrlDown)
-	ifTrue: [
-		"ist eine Rev selektiert und die Klassen sind nicht gleich, dann falsch"
-		(self hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex:theSelectionIndexColl first) parent myClass == theSelectedItem parent myClass
-		     ifFalse:[^false].
-		theSelectionIndexColl size ~~ 2
-		     ifTrue:[^true].
-		(theSelectionIndexColl includes:anIndex)
-			ifTrue: [^true]
-			ifFalse:[self hierarchicalListSelectionIndexColl:(Array with:theSelectionIndexColl first).
-				^true]]
-	ifFalse:[
-		(theSelectionIndexColl size == 2)
-		    ifTrue:[self hierarchicalListSelectionIndexColl:(Array with:anIndex)].
-		^true]
+<return: Boolean>
+   selectionBlock ifNil:[^true].
+   ^selectionBlock value:(self itemForSelectionIndex:anIndex)
-    |theSelectionIndexColl theFirstRevisionItem theSecondRevisionItem|
-    theSelectionIndexColl := self hierarchicalListSelectionIndexColl.
-    theFirstRevisionItem := self hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex:theSelectionIndexColl first.
-    theSecondRevisionItem := self hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex:theSelectionIndexColl last.
-    self selectionHolder notNil
-        ifTrue:[self selectionHolder value:(Array with:theFirstRevisionItem with:theSecondRevisionItem)]
-<return: Block>
-    ^[|menu|
-      self checkIfTwoResourceItemsSelected
-	ifFalse:[menu := nil] 
-	ifTrue: [menu := Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(self class resourceItemMenu).
-		menu receiver:self].
-      menu
-    ]
 ! !
 !ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'aspects'!
-    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
-    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
-    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
-    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."
+    |icons|
-    ^ self hierarchicalItemListModel root
+    icons := Dictionary new.
+    icons at:#loadedRevision put:(Image fromFile:'gifImages/artwork/dots/red_ball.gif').
+    icons at:#unloadedRevision put:(Image fromFile:'gifImages/artwork/dots/green_ball.gif').
+    icons at:#unloadedClassItem put:(Image fromFile:'xpmBitmaps/file_images/small_folder_yellow_grey1.xpm').
+    icons at:#loadingClassItem put:(Image fromFile:'xpmBitmaps/file_images/small_folder_yellow_search.xpm').
+    icons at:#loadedClassItem put:(Image fromFile:'xpmBitmaps/file_images/small_folder_yellow.xpm').
+    ^icons
     "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
     "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
@@ -266,51 +239,41 @@
-    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hierarchicalItemListModel) isNil ifTrue:[
-	holder := HierarchicalList new.
-	holder root:(ClassItemRoot new).
-	holder showRoot:false.
-	builder aspectAt:#hierarchicalItemListModel put:holder.
-	holder application:self.
-    ].
-    ^ holder.
-    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
-    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
-    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
-    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."
-    |holder|
-    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hierarchicalItemSelectionAspect) isNil ifTrue:[
-	holder := ValueHolder new.
-	builder aspectAt:#hierarchicalItemSelectionAspect put:holder.
-	holder addDependent: self.
+    (holder := builder bindingAt:#listModel) isNil ifTrue:[
+        holder := HierarchicalList new.
+        holder root:(self classItemRootClass new).
+        holder showRoot:false.
+        builder aspectAt:#listModel put:holder.
+        holder application:self.
     ^ holder.
+! !
+!ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'change & update'!
-   |icons|
-    icons := Dictionary new.
-    icons at:#loadedRevision put:Icon leftIcon.
-    icons at:#notLoadedRevision put:Icon rightIcon.
-    ^icons
+update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
+     changedObject == self classHolder
+        ifTrue:[self setUpItemList].
 ! !
 !ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'interface opening'!
+postBuildWith: aBuilder
+    super postBuildWith: aBuilder.
+    listView := self builder componentAt:#HierarchicalItemListView.
+    selectionHolder notNil
+        ifTrue:[listView model:selectionHolder]
 postOpenWith: aBuilder
     super postOpenWith: aBuilder.
-    self hierarchicalItemList expand.
+    self itemList expand.
@@ -321,23 +284,19 @@
 ! !
-!ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'private'!
+!ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'menu actions'!
-     |theRevisionLog|
-     theRevisionLog := self computeRevisionInfoForClassItem:aClassItem.
-     aClassItem setChildrensForRevisionInfo:theRevisionLog
+get the menu for the selected items.If a menuBlock is set then evalute this block
+with the current selection.
-    |theClass theSourceCodeManager|
+<return: Menu|nil>
+    ^ [ menuBlock value ]
+! !
-    theClass := aClassItem myClass. 
-    theSourceCodeManager:=theClass sourceCodeManager.
-    ^theSourceCodeManager revisionLogOf:theClass.
+!ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'private'!
@@ -349,16 +308,32 @@
             self revisionInfoList notEmpty
                 ifTrue:[theClassItem := self revisionInfoList remove:(self revisionInfoList last) ifAbsent:[nil]]
-        theClassItem notNil ifTrue:[
-            theClassItem isExpanded
-                ifTrue: [currentClassItemInTask:=theClassItem.
-                        self computeChildrenForClassItem:theClassItem]
-                ifFalse:[currentClassItemInTask:=nil]    
+        (theClassItem notNil and:[theClassItem needsChildren])ifTrue:[
+            currentClassItemInTask:=theClassItem.
+            theClassItem computeRevisions.
+            currentClassItemInTask:=nil
         theClassItem notNil
     ] whileTrue.
+    |theClassColl theClassItemColl root|
+    root := self classItemRootClass new.
+    (theClassColl := self classHolder value) notNil ifTrue:[
+        theClassItemColl := theClassColl collect:[:eachClass |
+            |theClassItem theClass|
+            theClassItem := self classItemClass new.
+            theClass := Smalltalk resolveName:eachClass inClass:Smalltalk.
+            theClassItem myClass:theClass.
+            theClassItem].
+       root addAll: theClassItemColl.
+    ].
+    self listModel root:root.
     self semaphoreCritical critical:[
@@ -388,45 +363,80 @@
 ! !
-!ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'setup'!
+!ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'protocol accessing'!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'classHolder' (automatically generated)"
+    ^classHolder ifNil:[
+        classHolder := ValueHolder new.
+        classHolder addDependent:self
+    ]
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'classHolder' (automatically generated)"
-setupOnClasses:aClassColl withSelectionHolder:aValueHolder
+    (classHolder ~~ aValueHolder) ifTrue:[
+        classHolder removeDependent:self.
+        classHolder := aValueHolder.
+        classHolder notNil ifTrue:[
+            classHolder addDependent:self.
+        ].
+        self setUpItemList
+    ].
-    |theClassItemColl|
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'menuBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ menuBlock
-    theClassItemColl := aClassColl collect:[:eachClass |
-        |theClassItem theClass|
-        theClassItem := ClassItem new.
-        theClass := Smalltalk resolveName:eachClass inClass:Smalltalk.
-        theClassItem myClass:theClass.
-        theClassItem].
-     self hierarchicalItemList addAll: theClassItemColl.
-     self selectionHolder:aValueHolder.
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'menuBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    menuBlock := something.!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'selectionBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ selectionBlock!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'selectionBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    selectionBlock := something.!
+    ^selectionHolder
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'revisionItemSelection' (automatically generated)"
+    selectionHolder := aValueHolder.
+    listView ifNil:[^self].
+    listView model:selectionHolder
+! !
+!ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'protocol setup'!
+    self classHolder value:aClassColl.
 theTree := ClassRevisionTree new.
 theTree open.
-theTree setupOnClasses:#(VersionDiffBrowser HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser SourceRevisionItem Project) withSelectionHolder:nil.
+theTree setupOnClasses:#(VersionDiffBrowser HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser SourceRevisionItem Project)
 ! !
-!ClassRevisionTree methodsFor:'testing'!
-    |theSelectionIndexColl|
-    ((theSelectionIndexColl := self hierarchicalListSelectionIndexColl) isNil or:
-	[theSelectionIndexColl size ~~ 2])
-	    ifTrue:[^false].
-    ^((self hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex:theSelectionIndexColl first) isRevisionItem
-	and:[(self hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex:theSelectionIndexColl last) isRevisionItem])
-! !
 !ClassRevisionTree class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.2 1999-12-29 15:37:57 ps Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.3 2000-01-14 10:51:09 ps Exp $'
 ! !