changeset 221 6c278b8ec6ca
parent 209 dc43fdd0aadf
child 223 d451e2badbd1
--- a/	Mon Nov 27 23:58:07 1995 +0100
+++ b/	Sun Dec 03 15:31:21 1995 +0100
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
                 changePositions changeClassNames changeHeaderLines anyChanges
                 changeNrShown changeNrProcessed skipSignal compareChanges
                 compareCheckBox changeFileSize changeFileTimestamp checkBlock
-                changeTimeStamps tabSpec'
+                changeTimeStamps tabSpec autoUpdate'
@@ -207,75 +207,89 @@
     |labels selectors m|
-    labels := #(
-		      'apply change'
-		      'apply changes to end'
-		      'apply changes for this class to end'
-		      'apply all changes'
-		      '-'
-		      'delete'
-		      'delete to end'
-		      'delete changes for this class to end'
-		      'delete all changes for this class'
-		      '-'
-		      'update'
-		      'compress'
-		      'compare with current version'
-		      'browse'
-		      '-'
-		      'make change a patch'
-"/                       'update sourcefile from change'
-"/                       '-'
-		      'fileout & delete changes for this class'
-		      '-'
-		      'save change in file ...'
-		      'save changes to end in file ...'
-		      'save changes for this class to end in file ...'
-		      'save all changes for this class in file ...'
-		      '-'
-		      'writeback changeFile').
-    selectors := #(
-		      doApply
-		      doApplyRest
-		      doApplyClassRest
-		      doApplyAll
-		      nil
-		      doDelete
-		      doDeleteRest
-		      doDeleteClassRest
-		      doDeleteClassAll
-		      nil
-		      doUpdate
-		      doCompress
-		      doCompare
-		      doBrowse
-		      nil
-		      doMakePatch
-"/                      doMakePermanent
-"/                      nil
-		      doFileoutAndDeleteClassAll
-		      nil
-		      doSave
-		      doSaveRest
-		      doSaveClassRest
-		      doSaveClassAll
-		      nil
-		      doWriteBack
-		).
+"/    self sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[
+"/        labels := #(
+"/                          '\c auto update'
+"/                   ).
+"/        selectors := #(
+"/                          autoUpdate:
+"/                      ).
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+        labels := #(
+                          'apply change'
+                          'apply changes to end'
+                          'apply changes for this class to end'
+                          'apply all changes'
+                          '-'
+                          'delete'
+                          'delete to end'
+                          'delete changes for this class to end'
+                          'delete all changes for this class'
+                          '-'
+                          'update'
+                          'compress'
+                          'compare with current version'
+                          'browse'
+                          '-'
+                          'make change a patch'
+    "/                       'update sourcefile from change'
+    "/                       '-'
+                          'fileout & delete changes for this class'
+                          '-'
+                          'save change in file ...'
+                          'save changes to end in file ...'
+                          'save changes for this class to end in file ...'
+                          'save all changes for this class in file ...'
+                          '-'
+                          'writeback changeFile').
+        selectors := #(
+                          doApply
+                          doApplyRest
+                          doApplyClassRest
+                          doApplyAll
+                          nil
+                          doDelete
+                          doDeleteRest
+                          doDeleteClassRest
+                          doDeleteClassAll
+                          nil
+                          doUpdate
+                          doCompress
+                          doCompare
+                          doBrowse
+                          nil
+                          doMakePatch
+    "/                      doMakePermanent
+    "/                      nil
+                          doFileoutAndDeleteClassAll
+                          nil
+                          doSave
+                          doSaveRest
+                          doSaveClassRest
+                          doSaveClassAll
+                          nil
+                          doWriteBack
+                    ).
+"/    ].
     m := PopUpMenu 
-	    labels:(resources array:labels)
-	    selectors:selectors.
+            labels:(resources array:labels)
+            selectors:selectors.
+"/    autoUpdate ifTrue:[
+"/        m checkToggleAt:#autoUpdate: put:true
+"/    ].
     changeListView hasSelection ifFalse:[
-	m disableAll:#(doApply doApplyClassRest doApplyRest doDelete doDeleteRest doDeleteClassRest
-		       doDeleteClassAll doCompare doMakePatch doSaveChangeInFile doMakePermanent
-		       doSave doSaveRest doSaveClassAll doSaveClassRest doBrowse) 
+        m disableAll:#(doApply doApplyClassRest doApplyRest doDelete doDeleteRest doDeleteClassRest
+                       doDeleteClassAll doCompare doMakePatch doSaveChangeInFile doMakePermanent
+                       doSave doSaveRest doSaveClassAll doSaveClassRest doBrowse) 
     ^ m
     "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 17:14:22 / claus"
+    "Modified: 3.12.1995 / 14:31:44 / cg"
@@ -303,18 +317,20 @@
-    |panel v upperFrame buttonPanel|
+    |panel v upperFrame buttonPanel autoUpdateCheckBox|
     super initialize.
     changeFileName := ObjectMemory nameForChanges. "/ 'changes'.
     compareChanges := false.
+    autoUpdate := false.
     checkBlock := [self checkIfFileHasChanged].
     panel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
-				   corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)
-			      borderWidth:0
-				       in:self.
+                                   corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)
+                              borderWidth:0
+                                       in:self.
     upperFrame := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.3) in:panel.
@@ -326,13 +342,18 @@
     buttonPanel := VerticalPanelView in:upperFrame.
     buttonPanel origin:(0.8 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
-    buttonPanel verticalLayout:#topSpace.
+    buttonPanel verticalLayout:#topSpace; horizontalLayout:#leftSpace.
     compareCheckBox := CheckBox new.
     compareCheckBox label:(resources string:'compare').
     compareCheckBox action:[:val | self compare:val].
     buttonPanel addSubView:compareCheckBox.
+    autoUpdateCheckBox := CheckBox new.
+    autoUpdateCheckBox label:(resources string:'auto update').
+    autoUpdateCheckBox action:[:val | self autoUpdate:val].
+    buttonPanel addSubView:autoUpdateCheckBox.
     v := HVScrollableView for:CodeView miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:false in:panel.
     v origin:(0.0 @ 0.3) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
     codeView := v scrolledView.
@@ -347,7 +368,7 @@
     "                   +/-    cls>>sel  type   info"
     tabSpec align:    #(#left  #left     #left  #left).
-    "Modified: 18.11.1995 / 17:30:59 / cg"
+    "Modified: 3.12.1995 / 14:26:18 / cg"
@@ -512,18 +533,22 @@
     Processor removeTimedBlock:checkBlock.
     f := changeFileName asFilename.
     (info := f info) isNil ifTrue:[
-	self newLabel:'(unaccessable)'
+        self newLabel:'(unaccessable)'
     ] ifFalse:[
-	(info at:#modified) > changeFileTimestamp ifTrue:[
-	    self newLabel:'(outdated)'
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self newLabel:''
-	]
+        (info at:#modified) > changeFileTimestamp ifTrue:[
+            self newLabel:'(outdated)'.
+            autoUpdate ifTrue:[
+                self doUpdate
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self newLabel:''
+        ]
     Processor addTimedBlock:checkBlock afterSeconds:5.
     "Created: 8.9.1995 / 19:30:19 / claus"
     "Modified: 8.9.1995 / 19:38:18 / claus"
+    "Modified: 3.12.1995 / 14:14:55 / cg"
@@ -828,23 +853,25 @@
      and a list of chunk-positions (changePositions).
      Starting with 2.10.3, the entries are multi-col entries;
      the cols are:
-	1   delta (only if comparing)
-		'+' -> new method (w.r.t. current state)
-		'-' -> removed method (w.r.t. current state)
-		'?' -> class does not exist currently
-		'=' -> change is same as current methods source
-	2   class/selector
-	3   type of change
-		doit
-		method
-		category change
-	4   timestamp
+        1   delta (only if comparing)
+                '+' -> new method (w.r.t. current state)
+                '-' -> removed method (w.r.t. current state)
+                '?' -> class does not exist currently
+                '=' -> change is same as current methods source
+        2   class/selector
+        3   type of change
+                doit
+                method
+                category change
+        4   timestamp
      since comparing slows down startup time, it is now disabled by
      default and can be enabled via a toggle."
     |aStream maxLen f|
+    self newLabel:'updating ...'.
     maxLen := 60.
     f := changeFileName asFilename.
@@ -855,288 +882,288 @@
     changeFileTimestamp := f info at:#modified.
     self withCursor:(Cursor read) do:[
-	|myProcess myPriority|
+        |myProcess myPriority|
-	"
-	 this is a time consuming operation (especially, if reading an
-	 NFS-mounted directory; therefore lower my priority ...
-	"
-	inBackground ifTrue:[
-	    myProcess := Processor activeProcess.
-	    myPriority := myProcess priority.
-	    myProcess priority:(Processor userBackgroundPriority).
-	].
+        "
+         this is a time consuming operation (especially, if reading an
+         NFS-mounted directory; therefore lower my priority ...
+        "
+        inBackground ifTrue:[
+            myProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+            myPriority := myProcess priority.
+            myProcess priority:(Processor userBackgroundPriority).
+        ].
-	[
-	    |excla timeStampInfo|
+        [
+            |excla timeStampInfo|
-	    changeChunks := OrderedCollection new.
-	    changeHeaderLines := OrderedCollection new.
-	    changePositions := OrderedCollection new.
-	    changeTimeStamps := OrderedCollection new.
-	    excla := aStream class chunkSeparator.
+            changeChunks := OrderedCollection new.
+            changeHeaderLines := OrderedCollection new.
+            changePositions := OrderedCollection new.
+            changeTimeStamps := OrderedCollection new.
+            excla := aStream class chunkSeparator.
-	    [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-		|entry changeDelta changeString changeType 
-		 line s l changeClass sawExcla category 
-		 chunkText chunkPos|
+            [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+                |entry changeDelta changeString changeType 
+                 line s l changeClass sawExcla category 
+                 chunkText chunkPos|
-		"
-		 get a chunk (separated by excla)
-		"
-		aStream skipSeparators.
-		chunkPos := aStream position.
+                "
+                 get a chunk (separated by excla)
+                "
+                aStream skipSeparators.
+                chunkPos := aStream position.
-		sawExcla := aStream peekFor:excla.
-		chunkText := aStream nextChunk.
-		chunkText notNil ifTrue:[
-		    |index headerLine|
+                sawExcla := aStream peekFor:excla.
+                chunkText := aStream nextChunk.
+                chunkText notNil ifTrue:[
+                    |index headerLine|
-		    (chunkText startsWith:'''---- timestamp ') ifTrue:[
-			timeStampInfo := (chunkText copyFrom:16 to:(chunkText size - 6)) withoutSpaces.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
+                    (chunkText startsWith:'''---- timestamp ') ifTrue:[
+                        timeStampInfo := (chunkText copyFrom:16 to:(chunkText size - 6)) withoutSpaces.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
-			"
-			 only first line is saved in changeChunks ...
-			"
-			index := chunkText indexOf:(Character cr).
-			(index ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-			    chunkText := chunkText copyTo:(index - 1).
+                        "
+                         only first line is saved in changeChunks ...
+                        "
+                        index := chunkText indexOf:(Character cr).
+                        (index ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+                            chunkText := chunkText copyTo:(index - 1).
-			    "take care for comment changes - must still be a
-			     valid expression for classNameOfChange: to work"
+                            "take care for comment changes - must still be a
+                             valid expression for classNameOfChange: to work"
-			    (chunkText endsWith:'comment:''') ifTrue:[
-				chunkText := chunkText , '...'''
-			    ].
-			    (chunkText endsWith:'primitiveDefinitions:''%{') ifTrue:[
-				chunkText := chunkText , '... %}'''
-			    ].
-			    (chunkText endsWith:'primitiveVariables:''%{') ifTrue:[
-				chunkText := chunkText , '... %}'''
-			    ].
-			    (chunkText endsWith:'primitiveFunctions:''%{') ifTrue:[
-				chunkText := chunkText , '... %}'''
-			    ].
-			].
+                            (chunkText endsWith:'comment:''') ifTrue:[
+                                chunkText := chunkText , '...'''
+                            ].
+                            (chunkText endsWith:'primitiveDefinitions:''%{') ifTrue:[
+                                chunkText := chunkText , '... %}'''
+                            ].
+                            (chunkText endsWith:'primitiveVariables:''%{') ifTrue:[
+                                chunkText := chunkText , '... %}'''
+                            ].
+                            (chunkText endsWith:'primitiveFunctions:''%{') ifTrue:[
+                                chunkText := chunkText , '... %}'''
+                            ].
+                        ].
-			changeChunks add:chunkText.
-			changePositions add:chunkPos.
-			changeTimeStamps add:timeStampInfo.
+                        changeChunks add:chunkText.
+                        changePositions add:chunkPos.
+                        changeTimeStamps add:timeStampInfo.
-			headerLine := nil.
-			changeDelta := ' '.
+                        headerLine := nil.
+                        changeDelta := ' '.
-			sawExcla ifFalse:[
-			    (chunkText startsWith:'''---- snap') ifTrue:[
-				changeType := ''.
-				headerLine := chunkText.
-				changeString := (chunkText contractTo:maxLen).
-			    ] ifFalse:[
+                        sawExcla ifFalse:[
+                            (chunkText startsWith:'''---- snap') ifTrue:[
+                                changeType := ''.
+                                headerLine := chunkText.
+                                changeString := (chunkText contractTo:maxLen).
+                            ] ifFalse:[
-				|p sel cls|
+                                |p sel cls|
-				headerLine := chunkText , ' (doIt)'.
+                                headerLine := chunkText , ' (doIt)'.
-				"
-				 first, assume doIt - then lets have a more detailed look ...
-				"
-				(chunkText startsWith:'''---- file') ifTrue:[
-				    changeType := ''.
-				] ifFalse:[
-				    changeType := '(doIt)'.
-				].    
-				changeString := (chunkText contractTo:maxLen).
+                                "
+                                 first, assume doIt - then lets have a more detailed look ...
+                                "
+                                (chunkText startsWith:'''---- file') ifTrue:[
+                                    changeType := ''.
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    changeType := '(doIt)'.
+                                ].    
+                                changeString := (chunkText contractTo:maxLen).
-				p := Parser parseExpression:chunkText.
-				(p notNil 
-				 and:[p ~~ #Error
-				 and:[p isMessage]]) ifTrue:[
-				    sel := p selector.
-				].
-				(sel == #removeSelector:) ifTrue:[
-				    p receiver isUnaryMessage ifTrue:[
-					cls := p receiver receiver name.
-					changeClass := (Smalltalk classNamed:cls) class.
-					cls := cls , ' class'.
-				    ] ifFalse:[
-					cls := p receiver name.
-					changeClass := (Smalltalk classNamed:cls)
-				    ].
-				    sel := (p args at:1) evaluate.
+                                p := Parser parseExpression:chunkText.
+                                (p notNil 
+                                 and:[p ~~ #Error
+                                 and:[p isMessage]]) ifTrue:[
+                                    sel := p selector.
+                                ].
+                                (sel == #removeSelector:) ifTrue:[
+                                    p receiver isUnaryMessage ifTrue:[
+                                        cls := p receiver receiver name.
+                                        changeClass := (Smalltalk classNamed:cls) class.
+                                        cls := cls , ' class'.
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        cls := p receiver name.
+                                        changeClass := (Smalltalk classNamed:cls)
+                                    ].
+                                    sel := (p args at:1) evaluate.
-				    compareChanges ifTrue:[
-					(changeClass isNil or:[changeClass isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
-					    changeDelta := '?'
-					] ifFalse:[
-					    (changeClass implements:sel asSymbol) ifTrue:[
-						changeDelta := '-'.
-					    ]
-					]
-				    ].
-				    changeType := '(remove)'.
-				    changeString := self contractClass:cls selector:sel to:maxLen.
-				].
-				(p isMessage 
-				and:[p receiver isMessage
-				and:[p receiver selector == #compiledMethodAt:]]) ifTrue:[
-				    p receiver receiver isUnaryMessage ifTrue:[
-					cls := p receiver receiver receiver name.
-					changeClass := (Smalltalk classNamed:cls) class.
-					cls := cls , ' class'.
-				    ] ifFalse:[
-					cls := p receiver receiver name.
-					changeClass := (Smalltalk classNamed:cls)
-				    ].
-				    (sel == #category:) ifTrue:[
-					sel := (p receiver args at:1) evaluate.
-					changeType := '(category change)'.
-					changeString := self contractClass:cls selector:sel to:maxLen.
-				    ].
-				    (sel == #privacy:) ifTrue:[
-					sel := (p receiver args at:1) evaluate.
-					changeType := '(privacy change)'.
-					changeString := self contractClass:cls selector:sel to:maxLen.
-				    ].
-				].
-				(#(#'subclass:'
-				  #'variableSubclass:'
-				  #'variableByteSubclass:'
-				  #'variableWordSubclass:'
-				  #'variableLongSubclass:'
-				  #'variableFloatSubclass:'
-				  #'variableDoubleSubclass:'
-				 ) includes:sel) ifTrue:[
-				    changeType := '(class definition)'.
-				].
-			    ]
-			] ifTrue:[ "sawExcla"
-			    |done first p sel cls text|
+                                    compareChanges ifTrue:[
+                                        (changeClass isNil or:[changeClass isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
+                                            changeDelta := '?'
+                                        ] ifFalse:[
+                                            (changeClass implements:sel asSymbol) ifTrue:[
+                                                changeDelta := '-'.
+                                            ]
+                                        ]
+                                    ].
+                                    changeType := '(remove)'.
+                                    changeString := self contractClass:cls selector:sel to:maxLen.
+                                ].
+                                (p isMessage 
+                                and:[p receiver isMessage
+                                and:[p receiver selector == #compiledMethodAt:]]) ifTrue:[
+                                    p receiver receiver isUnaryMessage ifTrue:[
+                                        cls := p receiver receiver receiver name.
+                                        changeClass := (Smalltalk classNamed:cls) class.
+                                        cls := cls , ' class'.
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        cls := p receiver receiver name.
+                                        changeClass := (Smalltalk classNamed:cls)
+                                    ].
+                                    (sel == #category:) ifTrue:[
+                                        sel := (p receiver args at:1) evaluate.
+                                        changeType := '(category change)'.
+                                        changeString := self contractClass:cls selector:sel to:maxLen.
+                                    ].
+                                    (sel == #privacy:) ifTrue:[
+                                        sel := (p receiver args at:1) evaluate.
+                                        changeType := '(privacy change)'.
+                                        changeString := self contractClass:cls selector:sel to:maxLen.
+                                    ].
+                                ].
+                                (#(#'subclass:'
+                                  #'variableSubclass:'
+                                  #'variableByteSubclass:'
+                                  #'variableWordSubclass:'
+                                  #'variableLongSubclass:'
+                                  #'variableFloatSubclass:'
+                                  #'variableDoubleSubclass:'
+                                 ) includes:sel) ifTrue:[
+                                    changeType := '(class definition)'.
+                                ].
+                            ]
+                        ] ifTrue:[ "sawExcla"
+                            |done first p sel cls text|
-			    "
-			     method definitions actually consist of
-			     two (or more) chunks; skip next chunk(s)
-			     up to an empty one.
-			     The system only writes one chunk,
-			     and we cannot handle more in this ChangesBrowser ....
-			    "
-			    cls := nil.
-			    p := Parser parseExpression:chunkText.
+                            "
+                             method definitions actually consist of
+                             two (or more) chunks; skip next chunk(s)
+                             up to an empty one.
+                             The system only writes one chunk,
+                             and we cannot handle more in this ChangesBrowser ....
+                            "
+                            cls := nil.
+                            p := Parser parseExpression:chunkText.
-			    (p notNil and:[p ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
-				sel := p selector.
-				(sel == #methodsFor:) ifTrue:[
-				    p receiver isUnaryMessage ifTrue:[
-					cls := p receiver receiver name.
-					changeClass := (Smalltalk classNamed:cls) class.
-					cls := cls , ' class'.
-				    ] ifFalse:[
-					cls := p receiver name.
-					changeClass := Smalltalk classNamed:cls
-				    ].
-				    category := (p args at:1) evaluate.
-				].
-			    ].
-			    done := false.
-			    first := true.
-			    [done] whileFalse:[
-				text := aStream nextChunk.
-				text isNil ifTrue:[
-				    done := true
-				] ifFalse:[
-				    done := text isEmpty
-				].
-				done ifFalse:[
-				    first ifFalse:[
-					Transcript showCr:'only one method per ''methodsFor:'' handled'.
-				    ] ifTrue:[
-					first := false.
-					"
-					 try to find the selector
-					"
-					sel := nil.
-					cls notNil ifTrue:[
-					    p := Parser 
-						     parseMethodSpecification:text
-						     in:nil
-						     ignoreErrors:true
-						     ignoreWarnings:true.
-					    (p notNil and:[p ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
-						sel := p selector.
-					    ]
-					].
+                            (p notNil and:[p ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
+                                sel := p selector.
+                                (sel == #methodsFor:) ifTrue:[
+                                    p receiver isUnaryMessage ifTrue:[
+                                        cls := p receiver receiver name.
+                                        changeClass := (Smalltalk classNamed:cls) class.
+                                        cls := cls , ' class'.
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        cls := p receiver name.
+                                        changeClass := Smalltalk classNamed:cls
+                                    ].
+                                    category := (p args at:1) evaluate.
+                                ].
+                            ].
+                            done := false.
+                            first := true.
+                            [done] whileFalse:[
+                                text := aStream nextChunk.
+                                text isNil ifTrue:[
+                                    done := true
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    done := text isEmpty
+                                ].
+                                done ifFalse:[
+                                    first ifFalse:[
+                                        Transcript showCr:'only one method per ''methodsFor:'' handled'.
+                                    ] ifTrue:[
+                                        first := false.
+                                        "
+                                         try to find the selector
+                                        "
+                                        sel := nil.
+                                        cls notNil ifTrue:[
+                                            p := Parser 
+                                                     parseMethodSpecification:text
+                                                     in:nil
+                                                     ignoreErrors:true
+                                                     ignoreWarnings:true.
+                                            (p notNil and:[p ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
+                                                sel := p selector.
+                                            ]
+                                        ].
-					sel isNil ifTrue:[
-					    changeString := (chunkText contractTo:maxLen).
-					    changeType := '(change)'.
-					] ifFalse:[
-					    changeString :=  self contractClass:cls selector:sel to:maxLen.
-					    changeType := '(method in: ''' , category , ''')'.
-					].
-					sel isNil ifTrue:[
-					    headerLine := chunkText , ' (change)'.
-					] ifFalse:[
-					    headerLine := cls , ' ' , sel , ' ' , '(change category: ''' , category , ''')'.
-					].
+                                        sel isNil ifTrue:[
+                                            changeString := (chunkText contractTo:maxLen).
+                                            changeType := '(change)'.
+                                        ] ifFalse:[
+                                            changeString :=  self contractClass:cls selector:sel to:maxLen.
+                                            changeType := '(method in: ''' , category , ''')'.
+                                        ].
+                                        sel isNil ifTrue:[
+                                            headerLine := chunkText , ' (change)'.
+                                        ] ifFalse:[
+                                            headerLine := cls , ' ' , sel , ' ' , '(change category: ''' , category , ''')'.
+                                        ].
-					compareChanges ifTrue:[    
-					    (changeClass isNil or:[changeClass isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
-						changeDelta := '?'
-					    ] ifFalse:[
-						(changeClass implements:sel asSymbol) ifFalse:[
-						    changeDelta := '+'.
-						] ifTrue:[
-						    |m currentText t1 t2|
+                                        compareChanges ifTrue:[    
+                                            (changeClass isNil or:[changeClass isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
+                                                changeDelta := '?'
+                                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                                (changeClass implements:sel asSymbol) ifFalse:[
+                                                    changeDelta := '+'.
+                                                ] ifTrue:[
+                                                    |m currentText t1 t2|
-						    m := changeClass compiledMethodAt:sel asSymbol.
-						    currentText := m source.
-						    currentText notNil ifTrue:[
-							text asString = currentText asString ifTrue:[
-							    changeDelta := '='
-							] ifFalse:[
-							    t1 := currentText asCollectionOfLines collect:[:s | s withTabsExpanded].
-							    t2 := text asCollectionOfLines collect:[:s | s withTabsExpanded].
-							    t1 = t2 ifTrue:[
-								changeDelta := '='
-							    ]
-							]
-						    ]
-						]
-					    ]
-					]
-				    ]
-				]
-			    ]
-			].
-			changeString notNil ifTrue:[
-			    entry := MultiColListEntry new.
-			    entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
-			    entry colAt:1 put:changeDelta.
-			    entry colAt:2 put:changeString.
-			    entry colAt:3 put:changeType.
-			    entry colAt:4 put:timeStampInfo.
-			    changeHeaderLines add:entry
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    headerLine notNil ifTrue:[
-				changeHeaderLines add:headerLine
-			    ]
-			]
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ].
-	    changeClassNames := OrderedCollection new grow:(changeChunks size).
-	    aStream close.
-	    anyChanges := false
-	] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
-	    inBackground ifTrue:[myProcess priority:myPriority].
-	].
+                                                    m := changeClass compiledMethodAt:sel asSymbol.
+                                                    currentText := m source.
+                                                    currentText notNil ifTrue:[
+                                                        text asString = currentText asString ifTrue:[
+                                                            changeDelta := '='
+                                                        ] ifFalse:[
+                                                            t1 := currentText asCollectionOfLines collect:[:s | s withTabsExpanded].
+                                                            t2 := text asCollectionOfLines collect:[:s | s withTabsExpanded].
+                                                            t1 = t2 ifTrue:[
+                                                                changeDelta := '='
+                                                            ]
+                                                        ]
+                                                    ]
+                                                ]
+                                            ]
+                                        ]
+                                    ]
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                        changeString notNil ifTrue:[
+                            entry := MultiColListEntry new.
+                            entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
+                            entry colAt:1 put:changeDelta.
+                            entry colAt:2 put:changeString.
+                            entry colAt:3 put:changeType.
+                            entry colAt:4 put:timeStampInfo.
+                            changeHeaderLines add:entry
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            headerLine notNil ifTrue:[
+                                changeHeaderLines add:headerLine
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+            changeClassNames := OrderedCollection new grow:(changeChunks size).
+            aStream close.
+            anyChanges := false
+        ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+            inBackground ifTrue:[myProcess priority:myPriority].
+        ].
     self checkIfFileHasChanged
     "Modified: 27.8.1995 / 23:06:55 / claus"
-    "Modified: 24.11.1995 / 14:29:51 / cg"
+    "Modified: 3.12.1995 / 14:28:33 / cg"
@@ -1354,6 +1381,13 @@
 !ChangesBrowser methodsFor:'user interaction'!
+    autoUpdate := aBoolean
+    "Created: 3.12.1995 / 14:14:24 / cg"
+    "Modified: 3.12.1995 / 14:20:45 / cg"
     "show a change in the codeView"
@@ -1478,137 +1512,142 @@
     aStream := FileStream readonlyFileNamed:changeFileName.
     aStream isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    self newLabel:'compressing ...'.
     CompressSnapshotInfo == true ifTrue:[
-	"
-	 get a prototype snapshot record (to be independent of
-	 the actual format ..
-	"
-	str := WriteStream on:String new.
-	Class addChangeRecordForSnapshot:'foo' to:str.
-	snapshotProto := str contents.
-	snapshotPrefix := snapshotProto copyTo:10.
-	snapshotNameIndex := snapshotProto findString:'foo'.
+        "
+         get a prototype snapshot record (to be independent of
+         the actual format ..
+        "
+        str := WriteStream on:String new.
+        Class addChangeRecordForSnapshot:'foo' to:str.
+        snapshotProto := str contents.
+        snapshotPrefix := snapshotProto copyTo:10.
+        snapshotNameIndex := snapshotProto findString:'foo'.
     self withCursor:(Cursor execute) do:[
-	|numChanges classes selectors types excla sawExcla
-	 changeNr chunk aParseTree parseTreeChunk
-	 thisClass thisSelector codeChunk codeParser|
+        |numChanges classes selectors types excla sawExcla
+         changeNr chunk aParseTree parseTreeChunk
+         thisClass thisSelector codeChunk codeParser|
-	numChanges := changePositions size.
-	classes := Array new:numChanges.
-	selectors := Array new:numChanges.
-	types := Array new:numChanges.
+        numChanges := changePositions size.
+        classes := Array new:numChanges.
+        selectors := Array new:numChanges.
+        types := Array new:numChanges.
-	"starting at the end, get the change class and change selector;
-	 collect all in classes / selectors"
+        "starting at the end, get the change class and change selector;
+         collect all in classes / selectors"
-	changeNr := numChanges.
-	excla := aStream class chunkSeparator.
+        changeNr := numChanges.
+        excla := aStream class chunkSeparator.
-	[changeNr >= 1] whileTrue:[
-	    aStream position:(changePositions at:changeNr).
-	    sawExcla := aStream peekFor:excla.
-	    chunk := aStream nextChunk.
-	    sawExcla ifTrue:[
-		"optimize a bit if multiple methods for same category arrive"
-		(chunk = parseTreeChunk) ifFalse:[
-		    aParseTree := Parser parseExpression:chunk.
-		    parseTreeChunk := chunk
-		].
-		(aParseTree notNil 
-		and:[(aParseTree ~~ #Error) 
-		and:[aParseTree isMessage]]) ifTrue:[
-		    (aParseTree selector == #methodsFor:) ifTrue:[
-			thisClass := (aParseTree receiver evaluate).
-			codeChunk := aStream nextChunk.
-			codeParser := Parser 
-					  parseMethodSpecification:codeChunk
-					  in:thisClass
-					  ignoreErrors:true
-					  ignoreWarnings:true.
-			(codeParser notNil and:[codeParser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
-			    selectors at:changeNr put:(codeParser selector).
-			    classes at:changeNr put:thisClass.
-			    types at:changeNr put:#methodsFor
-			]
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		aParseTree := Parser parseExpression:chunk.
-		parseTreeChunk := chunk.
-		(aParseTree notNil 
-		and:[(aParseTree ~~ #Error) 
-		and:[aParseTree isMessage]]) ifTrue:[
-		    (aParseTree selector == #removeSelector:) ifTrue:[
-			selectors at:changeNr put:(aParseTree arg1 value ).
-			classes at:changeNr put:(aParseTree receiver evaluate).
-			types at:changeNr put:#removeSelector
-		    ]
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    CompressSnapshotInfo == true ifTrue:[
-			(chunk startsWith:snapshotPrefix) ifTrue:[
-			    str := chunk readStream position:snapshotNameIndex.
-			    fileName := str upTo:(Character space).
-			    "
-			     kludge to allow use of match-check below
-			    "
-			    selectors at:changeNr put:snapshotPrefix.
-			    classes at:changeNr put:fileName.
-			]
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ].
-	    changeNr := changeNr - 1
-	].
-	aStream close.
+        [changeNr >= 1] whileTrue:[
+            aStream position:(changePositions at:changeNr).
+            sawExcla := aStream peekFor:excla.
+            chunk := aStream nextChunk.
+            sawExcla ifTrue:[
+                "optimize a bit if multiple methods for same category arrive"
+                (chunk = parseTreeChunk) ifFalse:[
+                    aParseTree := Parser parseExpression:chunk.
+                    parseTreeChunk := chunk
+                ].
+                (aParseTree notNil 
+                and:[(aParseTree ~~ #Error) 
+                and:[aParseTree isMessage]]) ifTrue:[
+                    (aParseTree selector == #methodsFor:) ifTrue:[
+                        thisClass := (aParseTree receiver evaluate).
+                        codeChunk := aStream nextChunk.
+                        codeParser := Parser 
+                                          parseMethodSpecification:codeChunk
+                                          in:thisClass
+                                          ignoreErrors:true
+                                          ignoreWarnings:true.
+                        (codeParser notNil and:[codeParser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
+                            selectors at:changeNr put:(codeParser selector).
+                            classes at:changeNr put:thisClass.
+                            types at:changeNr put:#methodsFor
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                aParseTree := Parser parseExpression:chunk.
+                parseTreeChunk := chunk.
+                (aParseTree notNil 
+                and:[(aParseTree ~~ #Error) 
+                and:[aParseTree isMessage]]) ifTrue:[
+                    (aParseTree selector == #removeSelector:) ifTrue:[
+                        selectors at:changeNr put:(aParseTree arg1 value ).
+                        classes at:changeNr put:(aParseTree receiver evaluate).
+                        types at:changeNr put:#removeSelector
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    CompressSnapshotInfo == true ifTrue:[
+                        (chunk startsWith:snapshotPrefix) ifTrue:[
+                            str := chunk readStream position:snapshotNameIndex.
+                            fileName := str upTo:(Character space).
+                            "
+                             kludge to allow use of match-check below
+                            "
+                            selectors at:changeNr put:snapshotPrefix.
+                            classes at:changeNr put:fileName.
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+            changeNr := changeNr - 1
+        ].
+        aStream close.
-	"for all changes, look for another class/selector occurence later
-	 in the list and, if there is one, add change number to the delete set"
+        "for all changes, look for another class/selector occurence later
+         in the list and, if there is one, add change number to the delete set"
-	deleteSet := OrderedCollection new.
-	changeNr := 1.
-	[changeNr < changePositions size] whileTrue:[
-	    thisClass := classes at:changeNr.
-	    thisSelector := selectors at:changeNr.
-	    searchIndex := changeNr.
-	    anyMore := true.
-	    [anyMore] whileTrue:[
-		searchIndex := classes indexOf:thisClass
-				    startingAt:(searchIndex + 1).
-		(searchIndex ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-		    ((selectors at:searchIndex) == thisSelector) ifTrue:[
-			thisClass notNil ifTrue:[
-			    deleteSet add:changeNr.
-			    anyMore := false
-			]
-		    ]
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    anyMore := false      
-		]
-	    ].
-	    changeNr := changeNr + 1
-	].
+        deleteSet := OrderedCollection new.
+        changeNr := 1.
+        [changeNr < changePositions size] whileTrue:[
+            thisClass := classes at:changeNr.
+            thisSelector := selectors at:changeNr.
+            searchIndex := changeNr.
+            anyMore := true.
+            [anyMore] whileTrue:[
+                searchIndex := classes indexOf:thisClass
+                                    startingAt:(searchIndex + 1).
+                (searchIndex ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+                    ((selectors at:searchIndex) == thisSelector) ifTrue:[
+                        thisClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                            deleteSet add:changeNr.
+                            anyMore := false
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    anyMore := false      
+                ]
+            ].
+            changeNr := changeNr + 1
+        ].
-	"finally delete what has been found"
+        "finally delete what has been found"
-	(deleteSet size > 0) ifTrue:[
-	    changeListView deselect.
-	    index := deleteSet size.
-	    [index > 0] whileTrue:[
-		self silentDeleteChange:(deleteSet at:index).
-		index := index - 1
-	    ].
-	    self setChangeList.
-	    "
-	     scroll back a bit, if we are left way behind the list
-	    "
-	    changeListView firstLineShown > changePositions size ifTrue:[
-		changeListView makeLineVisible:changePositions size
-	    ].
-	    self clearCodeView
-	]
-    ]
+        (deleteSet size > 0) ifTrue:[
+            changeListView deselect.
+            index := deleteSet size.
+            [index > 0] whileTrue:[
+                self silentDeleteChange:(deleteSet at:index).
+                index := index - 1
+            ].
+            self setChangeList.
+            "
+             scroll back a bit, if we are left way behind the list
+            "
+            changeListView firstLineShown > changePositions size ifTrue:[
+                changeListView makeLineVisible:changePositions size
+            ].
+            self clearCodeView
+        ]
+    ].
+    self newLabel:''.
+    "Created: 3.12.1995 / 14:29:54 / cg"
@@ -1883,4 +1922,4 @@
 !ChangesBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.53 1995-11-24 22:14:52 cg Exp $'! !
+^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.54 1995-12-03 14:31:21 cg Exp $'! !