changeset 10433 8c7fb9f11456
parent 10408 de3478b8077b
child 10479 7167ceaf5b04
--- a/	Tue Aug 02 18:20:45 2011 +0200
+++ b/	Tue Aug 02 19:45:14 2011 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  COPYRIGHT (c) 2006 by eXept Software AG
-              All Rights Reserved
+	      All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
  COPYRIGHT (c) 2006 by eXept Software AG
-              All Rights Reserved
+	      All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.61 2011-07-26 10:06:00 vrany Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.62 2011-08-02 17:45:14 cg Exp $'
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
      preRequisites scan. See #preRequisites for more."
     ^ #(
-        #'exept:expecco'    "Expecco::ExpeccoNetAPI - referenced by AbstractLauncherApplication>>bugReporterAvailable "
-        #'exept:httpPortal'    "WebApplicationModel - referenced by Tools::NewSystemBrowser>>classMenuNewWebApplication "
-        #'exept:osi/asn1'    "OSI::ASN1Browser - referenced by FileBrowser>>openASN1Browser "
-        #'stx:libwebkit'    "WebKitView - referenced by Tools::WebBrowserPage>>webKitView "
-        #'stx:libsvn'
+	#'exept:expecco'    "Expecco::ExpeccoNetAPI - referenced by AbstractLauncherApplication>>bugReporterAvailable "
+	#'exept:httpPortal'    "WebApplicationModel - referenced by Tools::NewSystemBrowser>>classMenuNewWebApplication "
+	#'exept:osi/asn1'    "OSI::ASN1Browser - referenced by FileBrowser>>openASN1Browser "
+	#'stx:libwebkit'    "WebKitView - referenced by Tools::WebBrowserPage>>webKitView "
+	#'stx:libsvn'
@@ -77,18 +77,18 @@
      exclude individual packages in the #excludedFromPrerequisites method."
     ^ #(
-        #'stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser/parser'    "RBProgramNodeVisitor - superclass of Tools::BreakpointBrowser::MessageArgumentExtractor "
-        #'stx:libbasic'    "Object - superclass of VersionDiffBrowser::ClassChangeSet "
-        #'stx:libbasic2'    "List - superclass of AbstractFileBrowser::DirectoryHistory "
-        #'stx:libbasic3'    "MessageTally - superclass of Tools::Profiler "
-        #'stx:libboss'    "BinaryOutputManager - referenced by Tools::Profiler>>storeStatisticsOn: "
-        #'stx:libcomp'    "AbstractSyntaxHighlighter - superclass of SyntaxHighlighter2 "
-        #'stx:libui'    "MenuComponentSpec - superclass of EditFieldWithCompletionSpec "
-        #'stx:libview'    "SimpleView - superclass of InspectorView "
-        #'stx:libview2'    "SimpleDialog - superclass of FileDialog "
-        #'stx:libwidg'    "DialogBox - superclass of AboutBox "
-        #'stx:libwidg2'    "SelectionInListModelView - superclass of Tools::CodeCompletionMenu "
-        #'stx:libwidg3'    "ClockView - referenced by WorkspaceApplication>>addStopWatch "
+	#'stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser/parser'    "RBProgramNodeVisitor - superclass of Tools::BreakpointBrowser::MessageArgumentExtractor "
+	#'stx:libbasic'    "Object - superclass of VersionDiffBrowser::ClassChangeSet "
+	#'stx:libbasic2'    "List - superclass of AbstractFileBrowser::DirectoryHistory "
+	#'stx:libbasic3'    "MessageTally - superclass of Tools::Profiler "
+	#'stx:libboss'    "BinaryOutputManager - referenced by Tools::Profiler>>storeStatisticsOn: "
+	#'stx:libcomp'    "AbstractSyntaxHighlighter - superclass of SyntaxHighlighter2 "
+	#'stx:libui'    "MenuComponentSpec - superclass of EditFieldWithCompletionSpec "
+	#'stx:libview'    "SimpleView - superclass of InspectorView "
+	#'stx:libview2'    "SimpleDialog - superclass of FileDialog "
+	#'stx:libwidg'    "DialogBox - superclass of AboutBox "
+	#'stx:libwidg2'    "SelectionInListModelView - superclass of Tools::CodeCompletionMenu "
+	#'stx:libwidg3'    "ClockView - referenced by WorkspaceApplication>>addStopWatch "
     "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 16:15:46 / jv"
@@ -115,200 +115,198 @@
      Attributes are: #autoload or #<os> where os is one of win32, unix,..."
     ^ #(
-        "<className> or (<className> attributes...) in load order"
-        AboutBox
-        AbstractFileApplicationNoteBookComponent
-        AbstractFileBrowser
-        AbstractLauncherApplication
-        (AbstractRevisionItem autoload)
-        AbstractSettingsApplication
-        (AbstractVersionDiffBrowserItem autoload)
-        (ApplicationBuilder autoload)
-        Bookmark
-        BookmarkBar
-        BookmarkEditor
-        BookmarkList
-        BookmarkListEditor
-        BookmarkVisitor
-        BookmarksEditDialog
-        BrowserView
-        (ChangeSetBrowser autoload)
-        ChangesBrowser
-        (ClassInspectorView autoload)
-        (ClassItem autoload)
-        (ClassItemRoot autoload)
-        (ClassItemRootForRevision autoload)
-        (ClassNameItem autoload)
-        (ClassRevisionTree autoload)
-        (ClassVariablesInspectorView autoload)
-        CodeGenerator
-        (CodeGeneratorTests autoload)
-        CodeGeneratorTool
-        (ColorInspectorView autoload)
-        DebugView
-        Diff
-        (Diff3TextView autoload)
-        DiffListUtility
-        DiffTextView
-        (EWorldIconLibrary autoload)
-        EditFieldWithCompletion
-        EditFieldWithCompletionSpec
-        (EventMonitor autoload)
-        (ExpandableRevisionItem autoload)
-        FileBrowser
-        FileBrowserV2PanelView
-        (FileBrowserV2SettingsDialog autoload)
-        (FileBrowserV2Tests autoload)
-        FileBrowserV2UISpecifications
-        FileDialog
-        (FileDialogV2 autoload)
-        FileOperation
-        FilenameEditFieldV2
-        (HierarchicalClassRevisionList autoload)
-        (HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser autoload)
-        InspectorView
-        (Launcher autoload)
-        (LibraryBuilder autoload)
-        MemoryMonitor
-        MemoryMonitorView
-        (MemoryUsageView autoload)
-        MultiViewToolApplication
-        (NewChangesBrowser autoload)
-        (OldLauncher autoload)
-        (ProcessMonitor autoload)
-        ProcessMonitorV2
-        (ProjectView autoload)
-        (RCSConflictEditTextView autoload)
-        (SemaphoreMonitor autoload)
-        SettingsDialog
-        (SmalltalkInspectorView autoload)
-        (SourceRevisionItem autoload)
-        SyntaxElement
-        SyntaxHighlighter2
-        SystemBrowser
-        (SystemStatusMonitor autoload)
-        (TerminalApplication autoload)
-        (TextDiffTests autoload)
-        #'Tools::AbstractTestRunner'
-        #'Tools::BackgroundJob'
-        #'Tools::BreakpointBrowser'
-        #'Tools::Browslet'
-        #'Tools::BrowsletCanvas'
-        #'Tools::CachedTags'
-        #'Tools::ChangeSetBrowser2'
-        #'Tools::ChangeSetDiffTool'
-        #'Tools::ChangeSetSelectionDialog'
-        #'Tools::ChangeSetSpec'
-        #'Tools::CheckinInfoDialog'
-        #'Tools::ClassChecker'
-        #'Tools::ClassSorter'
-        #'Tools::CodeCompletionMenu'
-        #'Tools::CodeCritics'
-        #'Tools::CodeView2'
-        (#'Tools::CodeView2DemoApp' autoload)
-        #'Tools::CodeViewService'
-        (#'Tools::CompilerWarningToDoListEntry' autoload)
-        #'Tools::DiffCodeView2'
-        (#'Tools::DiffCodeView2DemoApp' autoload)
-        #'Tools::HierarchicalChangesetDialog'
-        #'Tools::InlineMessageDialog'
-        #'Tools::Inspector2'
-        #'Tools::Inspector2Tab'
-        #'Tools::LintRuleDetail'
-        #'Tools::LintRuleSelectionDialog'
-        #'Tools::MethodCategoryCache'
-        #'Tools::MethodRewriter'
-        #'Tools::NavigationHistory'
-        (#'Tools::NavigationHistoryTests' autoload)
-        #'Tools::NavigationState'
-        #'Tools::NavigatorModel'
-        #'Tools::NewClassWizardDialog'
-        #'Tools::NewSystemBrowserCodeView'
-        #'Tools::Profiler'
-        #'Tools::ProfilerInfoBuilder'
-        #'Tools::ProfilerInfoItem'
-        #'Tools::ProjectLoader'
-        #'Tools::SearchDialog'
-        #'Tools::SmalltalkDiffTool'
-        (#'Tools::SmalltalkMergeTool' autoload)
-        #'Tools::SpecialCodeView'
-        #'Tools::StringSearchTool'
-        #'Tools::Tag'
-        #'Tools::TagList'
-        #'Tools::TagsBrowser'
-        #'Tools::TextDiffTool'
-        (#'Tools::ToDoList' autoload)
-        (#'Tools::ToDoListBrowser' autoload)
-        (#'Tools::ToDoListEntry' autoload)
-        (#'Tools::ToDoNotification' autoload)
-        #'Tools::WebBrowserPage'
-        VersionDiffBrowser
-        (VersionRevisionItem autoload)
-        ViewWithAcceptAndCancelBar
-        Win32FileDialog
-        (XTermView unix)
-        #'stx_libtool'
-        AbstractDirectoryBrowser
-        AbstractSourceCodeManagementSettingsAppl
-        BookmarkMenuBuilder
-        ContextInspectorView
-        DictionaryInspectorView
-        DiffCodeView
-        FileApplicationNoteBook
-        FileBrowserV2
-        FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl
-        FileDialogWithPreview
-        FindFileApplication
-        ImageInspectorView
-        NewLauncher
-        OrderedCollectionInspectorView
-        SetInspectorView
-        SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool
-        #'Tools::BackgroundQueueProcessingJob'
-        #'Tools::BreakpointService'
-        #'Tools::BrowserList'
-        #'Tools::CodeCompletionService'
-        #'Tools::CodeHighlightingService'
-        #'Tools::CodeNavigationService'
-        #'Tools::CodeView2SettingsAppl'
-        #'Tools::NavigatorCanvas'
-        #'Tools::NewSystemBrowser'
-        #'Tools::OrganizerCanvas'
-        #'Tools::SendersBrowslet'
-        #'Tools::StringSearchToolForTextView'
-        #'Tools::TestRunnerEmbedded'
-        #'Tools::VisualProfilerCanvas'
-        WorkspaceApplication
-        BookmarkAddMenuBuilder
-        BookmarkToolbarMenuBuilder
-        CVSSourceCodeManagementSettingsAppl
-        DirectoryContentsBrowser
-        DirectoryTreeBrowser
-        PerforceSourceCodeManagementSettingsAppl
-        StoreSourceCodeManagementSettingsAppl
-        #'Tools::ChangeList'
-        #'Tools::ChangeSetDiffList'
-        #'Tools::ClassCategoryList'
-        #'Tools::ClassGeneratorList'
-        #'Tools::ClassList'
-        #'Tools::LintRuleList'
-        #'Tools::MethodCategoryList'
-        #'Tools::MethodList'
-        #'Tools::NamespaceList'
-        #'Tools::ProjectList'
-        #'Tools::VariableList'
-        #'Tools::FullMethodCategoryList'
-        #'Tools::HierarchicalChangeList'
-        #'Tools::HierarchicalClassCategoryList'
-        #'Tools::HierarchicalClassList'
-        #'Tools::HierarchicalLintRuleList'
-        #'Tools::HierarchicalProjectList'
-        #'Tools::ImplementingClassList'
-        #'Tools::ImplementingMethodList'
-        #'Tools::NamespaceFilter'
-        #'Tools::TestRunner2'
-        #'Tools::HierarchicalPackageFilterList'
-        #'Tools::InheritanceClassList'
+	"<className> or (<className> attributes...) in load order"
+	AboutBox
+	AbstractFileApplicationNoteBookComponent
+	AbstractFileBrowser
+	AbstractLauncherApplication
+	(AbstractRevisionItem autoload)
+	AbstractSettingsApplication
+	(AbstractVersionDiffBrowserItem autoload)
+	(ApplicationBuilder autoload)
+	Bookmark
+	BookmarkBar
+	BookmarkEditor
+	BookmarkList
+	BookmarkListEditor
+	BookmarkVisitor
+	BookmarksEditDialog
+	BrowserView
+	(ChangeSetBrowser autoload)
+	ChangesBrowser
+	(ClassInspectorView autoload)
+	(ClassItem autoload)
+	(ClassItemRoot autoload)
+	(ClassItemRootForRevision autoload)
+	(ClassNameItem autoload)
+	(ClassRevisionTree autoload)
+	(ClassVariablesInspectorView autoload)
+	CodeGenerator
+	(CodeGeneratorTests autoload)
+	CodeGeneratorTool
+	(ColorInspectorView autoload)
+	DebugView
+	Diff
+	(Diff3TextView autoload)
+	DiffListUtility
+	DiffTextView
+	(EWorldIconLibrary autoload)
+	EditFieldWithCompletion
+	EditFieldWithCompletionSpec
+	(EventMonitor autoload)
+	(ExpandableRevisionItem autoload)
+	FileBrowser
+	FileBrowserV2PanelView
+	(FileBrowserV2SettingsDialog autoload)
+	(FileBrowserV2Tests autoload)
+	FileBrowserV2UISpecifications
+	FileDialog
+	(FileDialogV2 autoload)
+	FileOperation
+	FilenameEditFieldV2
+	(HierarchicalClassRevisionList autoload)
+	(HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser autoload)
+	InspectorView
+	(Launcher autoload)
+	(LibraryBuilder autoload)
+	MemoryMonitor
+	MemoryMonitorView
+	(MemoryUsageView autoload)
+	MultiViewToolApplication
+	(NewChangesBrowser autoload)
+	(OldLauncher autoload)
+	(ProcessMonitor autoload)
+	ProcessMonitorV2
+	(ProjectView autoload)
+	(RCSConflictEditTextView autoload)
+	(SemaphoreMonitor autoload)
+	SettingsDialog
+	(SmalltalkInspectorView autoload)
+	(SourceRevisionItem autoload)
+	SyntaxElement
+	SyntaxHighlighter2
+	SystemBrowser
+	(SystemStatusMonitor autoload)
+	(TerminalApplication autoload)
+	(TextDiffTests autoload)
+	#'Tools::AbstractTestRunner'
+	#'Tools::BreakpointBrowser'
+	#'Tools::Browslet'
+	#'Tools::BrowsletCanvas'
+	#'Tools::CachedTags'
+	#'Tools::ChangeSetBrowser2'
+	#'Tools::ChangeSetDiffTool'
+	#'Tools::ChangeSetSelectionDialog'
+	#'Tools::ChangeSetSpec'
+	#'Tools::CheckinInfoDialog'
+	#'Tools::ClassChecker'
+	#'Tools::ClassSorter'
+	#'Tools::CodeCompletionMenu'
+	#'Tools::CodeCritics'
+	#'Tools::CodeView2'
+	(#'Tools::CodeView2DemoApp' autoload)
+	#'Tools::CodeViewService'
+	(#'Tools::CompilerWarningToDoListEntry' autoload)
+	#'Tools::DiffCodeView2'
+	(#'Tools::DiffCodeView2DemoApp' autoload)
+	#'Tools::HierarchicalChangesetDialog'
+	#'Tools::InlineMessageDialog'
+	#'Tools::Inspector2'
+	#'Tools::Inspector2Tab'
+	#'Tools::LintRuleDetail'
+	#'Tools::LintRuleSelectionDialog'
+	#'Tools::MethodCategoryCache'
+	#'Tools::MethodRewriter'
+	#'Tools::NavigationHistory'
+	(#'Tools::NavigationHistoryTests' autoload)
+	#'Tools::NavigationState'
+	#'Tools::NavigatorModel'
+	#'Tools::NewClassWizardDialog'
+	#'Tools::NewSystemBrowserCodeView'
+	#'Tools::Profiler'
+	#'Tools::ProfilerInfoBuilder'
+	#'Tools::ProfilerInfoItem'
+	#'Tools::ProjectLoader'
+	#'Tools::SearchDialog'
+	#'Tools::SmalltalkDiffTool'
+	(#'Tools::SmalltalkMergeTool' autoload)
+	#'Tools::SpecialCodeView'
+	#'Tools::StringSearchTool'
+	#'Tools::Tag'
+	#'Tools::TagList'
+	#'Tools::TagsBrowser'
+	#'Tools::TextDiffTool'
+	(#'Tools::ToDoList' autoload)
+	(#'Tools::ToDoListBrowser' autoload)
+	(#'Tools::ToDoListEntry' autoload)
+	(#'Tools::ToDoNotification' autoload)
+	#'Tools::WebBrowserPage'
+	VersionDiffBrowser
+	(VersionRevisionItem autoload)
+	ViewWithAcceptAndCancelBar
+	Win32FileDialog
+	(XTermView unix)
+	#'stx_libtool'
+	AbstractDirectoryBrowser
+	AbstractSourceCodeManagementSettingsAppl
+	BookmarkMenuBuilder
+	ContextInspectorView
+	DictionaryInspectorView
+	DiffCodeView
+	FileApplicationNoteBook
+	FileBrowserV2
+	FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl
+	FileDialogWithPreview
+	FindFileApplication
+	ImageInspectorView
+	NewLauncher
+	OrderedCollectionInspectorView
+	SetInspectorView
+	SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool
+	#'Tools::BreakpointService'
+	#'Tools::BrowserList'
+	#'Tools::CodeCompletionService'
+	#'Tools::CodeHighlightingService'
+	#'Tools::CodeNavigationService'
+	#'Tools::CodeView2SettingsAppl'
+	#'Tools::NavigatorCanvas'
+	#'Tools::NewSystemBrowser'
+	#'Tools::OrganizerCanvas'
+	#'Tools::SendersBrowslet'
+	#'Tools::StringSearchToolForTextView'
+	#'Tools::TestRunnerEmbedded'
+	#'Tools::VisualProfilerCanvas'
+	WorkspaceApplication
+	BookmarkAddMenuBuilder
+	BookmarkToolbarMenuBuilder
+	CVSSourceCodeManagementSettingsAppl
+	DirectoryContentsBrowser
+	DirectoryTreeBrowser
+	PerforceSourceCodeManagementSettingsAppl
+	StoreSourceCodeManagementSettingsAppl
+	#'Tools::ChangeList'
+	#'Tools::ChangeSetDiffList'
+	#'Tools::ClassCategoryList'
+	#'Tools::ClassGeneratorList'
+	#'Tools::ClassList'
+	#'Tools::LintRuleList'
+	#'Tools::MethodCategoryList'
+	#'Tools::MethodList'
+	#'Tools::NamespaceList'
+	#'Tools::ProjectList'
+	#'Tools::VariableList'
+	#'Tools::FullMethodCategoryList'
+	#'Tools::HierarchicalChangeList'
+	#'Tools::HierarchicalClassCategoryList'
+	#'Tools::HierarchicalClassList'
+	#'Tools::HierarchicalLintRuleList'
+	#'Tools::HierarchicalProjectList'
+	#'Tools::ImplementingClassList'
+	#'Tools::ImplementingMethodList'
+	#'Tools::NamespaceFilter'
+	#'Tools::TestRunner2'
+	#'Tools::HierarchicalPackageFilterList'
+	#'Tools::InheritanceClassList'
@@ -317,109 +315,109 @@
      Entries are 2-element array literals, consisting of class-name and selector."
     ^ #(
-        Breakpoint icon
-        BreakpointDescription icon
-        ByteArray inspectorExtraAttributes
-        Change flattenOnto:
-        Change flattenedChanges
-        Change removed
-        Change removed:
-        ChangeSet condenseChangesForRemoved
-        ChangeSet flattenOnto:
-        ChangeSet flattenedChanges
-        ChangeSet inspector2TabBrowser
-        ChangeSet inspector2Tabs
-        Character inspectorExtraAttributes
-        CharacterArray inspector2TabBytes
-        CharacterArray inspector2TabText
-        CharacterArray inspector2Tabs
-        CharacterArray inspectorExtraAttributes
-        Collection inspectorExtraAttributes
-        Color inspectorClass
-        Color inspectorExtraAttributes
-        CompositeChange condenseChangesForRemoved
-        CompositeChange flattenOnto:
-        CompositeChange removed
-        CompositeChange removed:
-        Date inspectorExtraAttributes
-        Dictionary inspector2TabLabel
-        Dictionary inspectorClass
-        EditTextView absoluteXOfPosition:
-        EditTextView absoluteYOfCursor
-        EditTextView xOfPosition:
-        EditTextView yOfCursor
-        EditTextView yOfPosition:
-        ExecutableFunction printStringForBrowserWithSelector:
-        Form inspectorClass
-        Image inspectorClass
-        Integer inspectorExtraAttributes
-        MenuView shortKeys
-        Method inspectorExtraAttributes
-        Method printStringForBrowserWithSelector:inClass:
-        Method selectorPrintStringInBrowserFor:
-        Method selectorPrintStringInBrowserFor:class:
-        MethodDictionary inspectorClass
-        Object asTestCase
-        Object inspect
-        Object inspector2TabCommon
-        Object inspector2TabForBasicInspect
-        Object inspector2TabForInspectorClass
-        Object inspector2TabLabel
-        Object inspector2Tabs
-        Object inspectorExtraAttributes
-        Object isTestCaseLike
-        Object newInspector2Tab
-        OrderedCollection inspectorClass
-        PopUpMenu asMenu
-        ProfileTree method
-        ProfileTree package
-        RunArray inspectorClass
-        SelectionInListModelView textStartLeft
-        SelectionInListModelView textStartLeft:
-        Set inspectorClass
-        SimpleView isCodeView2
-        StringCollection inspector2TabText
-        StringCollection inspector2Tabs
-        Symbol formattedCode
-        Text inspector2TabText
-        Text inspectorExtraAttributes
-        Timestamp inspectorExtraAttributes
-        UserPreferences alwaysOpenNewTabWhenCtrlClick
-        UserPreferences alwaysOpenNewTabWhenCtrlClick:
-        UserPreferences showBookmarkBar
-        UserPreferences showBookmarkBar:
-        UserPreferences showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser
-        UserPreferences showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser:
-        UserPreferences showGlobalHistory
-        UserPreferences showGlobalHistory:
-        UserPreferences showLocalHistory
-        UserPreferences showLocalHistory:
-        UserPreferences showMethodTemplate
-        UserPreferences showMethodTemplate:
-        UserPreferences sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance
-        UserPreferences sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance:
-        UserPreferences useCodeView2In:
-        UserPreferences useCodeView2InBrowser
-        UserPreferences useCodeView2InBrowser:
-        UserPreferences useCodeView2InDebugger
-        UserPreferences useCodeView2InDebugger:
-        UserPreferences useCodeView2InTools
-        UserPreferences useCodeView2InTools:
-        UserPreferences useCodeView2InWorkspace
-        UserPreferences useCodeView2InWorkspace:
-        UserPreferences webBrowserLikeLayout
-        UserPreferences webBrowserLikeLayout:
-        'AbstractSyntaxHighlighter class' formatExpression:in:elementsInto:
-        'AbstractSyntaxHighlighter class' formatMethod:in:using:elementsInto:
-        'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' bookmarks22x22
-        'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' bug16x16Icon
-        'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' bug24x24Icon
-        'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' bug32x32Icon
-        'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' lint16x16Icon
-        'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' lint24x24Icon
-        'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' lint32x32Icon
-        'NameSpace class' inspectorClass
-        'Smalltalk class' inspectorClass
+	Breakpoint icon
+	BreakpointDescription icon
+	ByteArray inspectorExtraAttributes
+	Change flattenOnto:
+	Change flattenedChanges
+	Change removed
+	Change removed:
+	ChangeSet condenseChangesForRemoved
+	ChangeSet flattenOnto:
+	ChangeSet flattenedChanges
+	ChangeSet inspector2TabBrowser
+	ChangeSet inspector2Tabs
+	Character inspectorExtraAttributes
+	CharacterArray inspector2TabBytes
+	CharacterArray inspector2TabText
+	CharacterArray inspector2Tabs
+	CharacterArray inspectorExtraAttributes
+	Collection inspectorExtraAttributes
+	Color inspectorClass
+	Color inspectorExtraAttributes
+	CompositeChange condenseChangesForRemoved
+	CompositeChange flattenOnto:
+	CompositeChange removed
+	CompositeChange removed:
+	Date inspectorExtraAttributes
+	Dictionary inspector2TabLabel
+	Dictionary inspectorClass
+	EditTextView absoluteXOfPosition:
+	EditTextView absoluteYOfCursor
+	EditTextView xOfPosition:
+	EditTextView yOfCursor
+	EditTextView yOfPosition:
+	ExecutableFunction printStringForBrowserWithSelector:
+	Form inspectorClass
+	Image inspectorClass
+	Integer inspectorExtraAttributes
+	MenuView shortKeys
+	Method inspectorExtraAttributes
+	Method printStringForBrowserWithSelector:inClass:
+	Method selectorPrintStringInBrowserFor:
+	Method selectorPrintStringInBrowserFor:class:
+	MethodDictionary inspectorClass
+	Object asTestCase
+	Object inspect
+	Object inspector2TabCommon
+	Object inspector2TabForBasicInspect
+	Object inspector2TabForInspectorClass
+	Object inspector2TabLabel
+	Object inspector2Tabs
+	Object inspectorExtraAttributes
+	Object isTestCaseLike
+	Object newInspector2Tab
+	OrderedCollection inspectorClass
+	PopUpMenu asMenu
+	ProfileTree method
+	ProfileTree package
+	RunArray inspectorClass
+	SelectionInListModelView textStartLeft
+	SelectionInListModelView textStartLeft:
+	Set inspectorClass
+	SimpleView isCodeView2
+	StringCollection inspector2TabText
+	StringCollection inspector2Tabs
+	Symbol formattedCode
+	Text inspector2TabText
+	Text inspectorExtraAttributes
+	Timestamp inspectorExtraAttributes
+	UserPreferences alwaysOpenNewTabWhenCtrlClick
+	UserPreferences alwaysOpenNewTabWhenCtrlClick:
+	UserPreferences showBookmarkBar
+	UserPreferences showBookmarkBar:
+	UserPreferences showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser
+	UserPreferences showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser:
+	UserPreferences showGlobalHistory
+	UserPreferences showGlobalHistory:
+	UserPreferences showLocalHistory
+	UserPreferences showLocalHistory:
+	UserPreferences showMethodTemplate
+	UserPreferences showMethodTemplate:
+	UserPreferences sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance
+	UserPreferences sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance:
+	UserPreferences useCodeView2In:
+	UserPreferences useCodeView2InBrowser
+	UserPreferences useCodeView2InBrowser:
+	UserPreferences useCodeView2InDebugger
+	UserPreferences useCodeView2InDebugger:
+	UserPreferences useCodeView2InTools
+	UserPreferences useCodeView2InTools:
+	UserPreferences useCodeView2InWorkspace
+	UserPreferences useCodeView2InWorkspace:
+	UserPreferences webBrowserLikeLayout
+	UserPreferences webBrowserLikeLayout:
+	'AbstractSyntaxHighlighter class' formatExpression:in:elementsInto:
+	'AbstractSyntaxHighlighter class' formatMethod:in:using:elementsInto:
+	'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' bookmarks22x22
+	'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' bug16x16Icon
+	'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' bug24x24Icon
+	'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' bug32x32Icon
+	'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' lint16x16Icon
+	'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' lint24x24Icon
+	'GenericToolbarIconLibrary class' lint32x32Icon
+	'NameSpace class' inspectorClass
+	'Smalltalk class' inspectorClass
 ! !
@@ -463,7 +461,7 @@
     "Return a SVN repository URL of myself.
      (Generated since 2011-04-08)
-    "        
+    "
     ^ '$URL$'
@@ -478,9 +476,9 @@
 !stx_libtool class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.61 2011-07-26 10:06:00 vrany Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.62 2011-08-02 17:45:14 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.61 2011-07-26 10:06:00 vrany Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.62 2011-08-02 17:45:14 cg Exp $'
 ! !