changeset 16079 8d69c8519a3a
parent 15958 4c3c79b5469a
parent 16076 4b4ee4d475e4
child 16097 daad0a09e036
--- a/AbstractLauncherApplication.st	Sun Jan 24 06:56:35 2016 +0100
+++ b/AbstractLauncherApplication.st	Mon Jan 25 06:42:22 2016 +0100
@@ -29,6 +29,18 @@
+ApplicationModel subclass:#PackageLoadDialog
+	instanceVariableNames:'hierarchicalListView packageIdByItem pathByItem packageDirPath
+		packageIcon greyPackageIcon folderIcon greyFolderIcon
+		alreadyLoadedString applicationIcon greyApplicationIcon root
+		itemsByPath getItemByPath myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon
+		filterHolder masterRoot infoTextHolder loadButton
+		loadAndBrowseButton selectedPackageHolder monticelloRoot'
+	classVariableNames:'PreviousPackageDialogItems PreviousPackageDialogExtent'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:AbstractLauncherApplication
 !AbstractLauncherApplication class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -423,6 +435,17 @@
     "Created: / 08-10-2014 / 23:42:52 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
 ! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication class methodsFor:'utilities'!
+    "open a dialog showing wellknown packages (listed in the packages directory)
+     and offer to load the selected one(s).
+     TODO: make this a little app instead of an ad-hoc dialog, 
+     add remote packages (central goody repository?)"    
+    PackageLoadDialog open
+! !
 !AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'drag & drop'!
@@ -1725,6 +1748,16 @@
     "Modified: / 23.4.1998 / 18:37:46 / cg"
+    "open a dialog showing wellknown packages (listed in the packages directory)
+     and offer to load the selected one(s).
+     TODO: make this a little app instead of an ad-hoc dialog, 
+     add remote packages (central goody repository?),
+     add a description text view, showing more info about the package (from where?)"    
+    self class openLoadPackageDialog.
 saveImageAs: aFileName
     "save image in aFilename.
      Sender has to handle SnapshotError"
@@ -7067,6 +7100,642 @@
 ! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication::PackageLoadDialog class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    handwritten q&d dialog to load packages.
+    TODO:
+        rewrite using UI builder
+! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication::PackageLoadDialog class methodsFor:'opening'!
+    self new openLoadPackageDialog
+! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication::PackageLoadDialog methodsFor:'opening'!
+    "open a dialog showing wellknown packages (listed in the packages directory)
+     and offer to load the selected one(s).
+     TODO: make this a little app instead of an ad-hoc dialog, 
+     add remote packages (central goody repository?)"    
+    |list dialog filter v   
+     browse selectionChangeAction 
+     selectedPackageLabel infoView monticelloLabel|
+    alreadyLoadedString := (resources string:' (already loaded)') allItalic.
+    self initializeIcons.
+    selectedPackageHolder := ValueHolder with:nil.
+    infoTextHolder := ValueHolder with:nil.
+    filterHolder := ValueHolder with:nil.
+    itemsByPath := Dictionary new.
+    packageIdByItem := IdentityDictionary new.
+    pathByItem := IdentityDictionary new.  
+    Class withoutUpdatingChangesDo:[
+        myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon := 
+            HierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon 
+                subclass:#myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon
+                instanceVariableNames:'type info'
+                classVariableNames:''
+                poolDictionaries:''
+                category:nil
+                inEnvironment:nil.
+            myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon compile:'type ^ type'.
+            myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon compile:'type:aSymbol type := aSymbol'.
+            myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon compile:'info ^ info'.
+            myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon compile:'info:anObject info := anObject'.
+    ].
+    list := HierarchicalList new.
+    masterRoot := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+    masterRoot icon:(ToolbarIconLibrary stxHomeIcon).
+    masterRoot label:(resources string:'local ').
+    masterRoot type:#localRoot.
+    root := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+    root icon:folderIcon.
+    root label:((resources string:'[Compiled Packages]') asText allItalic colorizeAllWith:Color grey).
+    root type:#compiledPackagesRoot.
+    masterRoot add:root.
+    monticelloRoot := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+    monticelloLabel := ((resources string:'[Monticello Packages]') asText allItalic colorizeAllWith:Color grey).
+    monticelloRoot type:#monticelloRoot.
+    (MCRepositoryGroup isNil or:[MCRepositoryGroup isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
+        monticelloRoot icon:greyFolderIcon.
+        monticelloRoot label:monticelloLabel, (' (Monticello Support not Loaded)' asText colorizeAllWith:Color grey).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        monticelloRoot icon:folderIcon.
+        monticelloRoot label:monticelloLabel.
+        self getMonticelloRepositories.
+    ].
+    masterRoot add:monticelloRoot.
+    self readPackageTree.
+    masterRoot expand.
+    root expand.
+    list root:masterRoot.
+    PreviousPackageDialogItems notNil ifTrue:[
+        PreviousPackageDialogItems keysAndValuesDo:[:path :prevItem |
+            |newItem|
+            newItem := itemsByPath at:path ifAbsent:nil.
+            newItem notNil ifTrue:[
+                prevItem isExpanded ifTrue:[ newItem expand ]
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    selectionChangeAction :=
+        [:selectionIndices | self selectionChangeAction:selectionIndices].
+    dialog := Dialog new.
+    dialog label:(resources string:'Load Package').
+    dialog addButton:(loadButton := Button label:(resources string:'Load') action:[self loadAction:false]) beReturnButton. 
+    dialog addButton:(loadAndBrowseButton := Button label:(resources string:'Load & Browse') action:[self loadAction:true]).
+    dialog addAbortButtonLabelled:(resources string:'Close').
+    loadButton enabled:false.
+    loadAndBrowseButton enabled:false.
+    filter := EditField new.
+    filter emptyFieldReplacementText:(resources string:'Filter Pattern').
+    filter immediateAccept:true.
+    filter model: filterHolder.
+    filterHolder onChangeEvaluate:[self filterChangedAction].
+    dialog
+        addLabelledField:filter
+        label:(resources string:'Quick Find:') 
+        adjust:#left tabable:true from:0.0 to:1.0 separateAtX:150.
+    "/ dialog addComponent:filter.
+    v := HVScrollableView for:HierarchicalListView.
+    hierarchicalListView := v scrolledView.
+    hierarchicalListView multipleSelectOk:true.
+    hierarchicalListView preferredExtent:(400 @ 300).
+    hierarchicalListView doubleClickAction:[:index | self loadAction:false. dialog okPressed].
+    hierarchicalListView list:list.
+    hierarchicalListView action:selectionChangeAction.
+    hierarchicalListView menuHolder:[ self itemMenu].
+    dialog addComponent:v.
+    selectedPackageLabel := dialog addTextLabelOn:(selectedPackageHolder) adjust:#left.
+    infoView := dialog addTextBoxOn:infoTextHolder class:TextView withNumberOfLines:5 hScrollable:true vScrollable:true.
+    dialog stickAtBottomWithVariableHeight:v.
+    dialog stickAtBottomWithFixHeight:selectedPackageLabel.
+    dialog stickAtBottomWithFixHeight:infoView.
+    PreviousPackageDialogExtent notNil ifTrue:[
+        dialog extent:PreviousPackageDialogExtent
+    ].
+    browse := false.
+    dialog openModelessAtPointer.
+    "/ remember the expand/collapse status
+    PreviousPackageDialogItems := itemsByPath.
+    PreviousPackageDialogExtent := dialog extent.
+! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication::PackageLoadDialog methodsFor:'private'!
+    |matchingItems filterPattern isMatch firstMatchingItem|
+    filterPattern := filterHolder value.
+    filterPattern isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ nothing
+        root recursiveDo:[:item |
+            item label:(item label copy asText allNonBold withoutAnyColorEmphasis).
+        ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        filterPattern := filterPattern asLowercase.
+        isMatch := filterPattern includesMatchCharacters.
+        matchingItems := OrderedCollection new.
+        masterRoot recursiveDo:[:item |
+            |itemLabel itemPackage|
+            itemLabel := item label.
+            itemPackage := packageIdByItem at:item ifAbsent:''.
+            ((isMatch and:[itemLabel matches:filterPattern caseSensitive:false])
+                or:[ (isMatch not and:[ itemLabel asLowercase includesString:filterPattern ])
+                or:[ (isMatch and:[itemPackage matches:filterPattern caseSensitive:false])
+                or:[ isMatch not and:[ itemPackage asLowercase includesString:filterPattern ]]]])
+            ifTrue:[ 
+                matchingItems add:item.
+            ]
+        ].
+        matchingItems isEmpty ifTrue:[
+            "/ nothing found
+            root recursiveDo:[:item |
+                item label:(item label copy asText allNonBold withoutAnyColorEmphasis).
+            ].
+            Screen current beep.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            "/ collapse all and fully expand all matching items
+            masterRoot recursiveDo:[:item |
+                item collapse.
+                item label:(item label copy asText allNonBold colorizeAllWith:Color grey).
+            ].
+            firstMatchingItem := nil.
+            matchingItems do:[:item |
+                item label:(item label copy asText allBold withoutAnyColorEmphasis).
+                item makeVisible.
+                firstMatchingItem := firstMatchingItem ? item.
+            ].
+            hierarchicalListView makeLineVisible:firstMatchingItem listIndex.
+        ].
+    ].
+getItemByPath:path packageID:packageID
+    "/ ensures an item for a path and returns it.
+    "/ if not already present, the item is created as a folder
+    |item parent subPackageID|
+    item := path isEmpty   
+            ifTrue:[root]
+            ifFalse:[ itemsByPath at:path ifAbsent:nil ].
+    item isNil ifTrue:[
+        parent := self getItemByPath:(path copyButLast) packageID:packageID.
+        item := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new
+                children:#();
+                icon:greyFolderIcon; 
+                label:path last.
+        parent add:item.
+        itemsByPath at:path put:item.
+        subPackageID := path size > 1 
+                        ifTrue:[ path first , ':' , ((path copyFrom:2) asStringWith:$/) ]
+                        ifFalse:[ path first ].
+        packageIdByItem at:item put:subPackageID.
+    ].
+    ^ item
+    (MCRepositoryGroup default repositories 
+        asSortedCollection:[:a :b |a displayString < b displayString])
+            do:[:each |
+                |reposItem|
+                reposItem := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+                reposItem icon:folderIcon.
+                reposItem label:each displayString , ((resources string:' [MC Repository]') asText allItalic colorizeAllWith:Color grey).
+                reposItem type:#monticelloRepository.
+                reposItem info:each.
+                monticelloRoot add:reposItem.
+                each allPackageNames asSortedCollection do:[:eachPackage |
+                    |packageItem|
+                    packageItem := myHierarchicalItemWithLabelAndIcon new.
+                    packageItem icon:packageIcon.
+                    packageItem label:eachPackage.
+                    packageItem type:#monticelloPackage.
+                    reposItem add:packageItem.
+                ]
+            ].
+    folderIcon := ToolbarIconLibrary directoryOpen18x18Icon.
+    "/ folderHalfGreyIcon := ToolbarIconLibrary directoryOpenHalfGrey18x18Icon.
+    packageIcon := ToolbarIconLibrary packageOpen24x24Icon.
+    applicationIcon := ToolbarIconLibrary makeYellow22x22Icon1.
+    greyFolderIcon := folderIcon asGrayImageDepth:8.
+    greyPackageIcon := packageIcon asGrayImageDepth:8.
+    greyApplicationIcon := applicationIcon asGrayImageDepth:(applicationIcon depth min:8).
+    |item m itemType package defClass|
+    hierarchicalListView selectionValue notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        item := hierarchicalListView selectionValue first.
+        itemType := item type.
+        ( 
+            #( #localRoot #monticelloRoot #compiledPackagesRoot ) includes:itemType
+        ) ifFalse:[
+            package := packageIdByItem at:item ifAbsent:nil.
+            package notNil ifTrue:[
+                defClass := package asPackageId projectDefinitionClass.
+            ].
+            m := Menu new.
+            m addItem:(MenuItem 
+                        label: (resources string:'Load')
+                        itemValue: 
+                            [
+                                package notNil ifTrue:[
+                                    self loadPackageAndUpdate:package browse:false subPackages:false item:item.
+                                    "/ loadPackageAndUpdate value:package value:false value:item.
+                                ].
+                            ]
+                        enabled:package notNil).
+            m addItem:(MenuItem 
+                        label: (resources string:'Load with All SubPackages')
+                        itemValue: 
+                            [
+                                package notNil ifTrue:[
+                                    self loadPackageAndUpdate:package browse:false subPackages:true item:item.
+                                    "/ loadPackageAndUpdate value:package value:false value:item.
+                                ].
+                            ]
+                        enabled:package notNil).
+            m addSeparator. 
+            m addItem:(MenuItem 
+                        label: (resources string:'Open File Browser on Project''s Folder')
+                        itemValue: 
+                            [
+                                |dir|
+                                package notNil ifTrue:[
+                                    dir := Smalltalk packageDirectoryForPackageId:package.
+                                    dir notNil ifTrue:[
+                                        FileBrowser default openOn:dir.
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        Dialog warn:(resources string:'Directory not present/readable: "%1"' with:dir)
+                                    ]
+                                ].
+                            ]
+                        enabled:package notNil).
+            m addSeparator. 
+            m addItem:(MenuItem 
+                        label: (resources string:'Browse Project Definition')
+                        itemValue: 
+                            [
+                                defClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                                    SystemBrowser default openInClass:defClass class
+                                ].
+                            ]
+                        enabled:defClass notNil).
+            item type == #monticelloPackage ifTrue:[
+                m addItem:(MenuItem 
+                            label: (resources string:'Browse Monticello Package')
+                            itemValue: [
+                                |repos|
+                                repos := item parent info.                    
+                                MCRepositoryBrowser openOnRepository:repos forPackage:item label.
+                            ]).
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ m
+    "the button's load action"
+    (hierarchicalListView selectionValue) do:[:eachSelectedItem |
+        |package repos|
+        eachSelectedItem type == #monticelloRepository ifTrue:[
+            repos := eachSelectedItem info.                    
+            MCRepositoryBrowser openOnRepository:repos forPackage:nil.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            eachSelectedItem type == #monticelloPackage ifTrue:[
+                repos := eachSelectedItem parent info.                    
+                MCRepositoryBrowser openOnRepository:repos forPackage:eachSelectedItem label.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                package := packageIdByItem at:eachSelectedItem ifAbsent:nil.
+                package notNil ifTrue:[
+                    self loadPackageAndUpdate:package browse:doBrowse subPackages:false item:eachSelectedItem
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+loadPackageAndUpdate:package browse:doBrowse subPackages:subPackages item:someItem
+    |defClass updateAction|
+    self withWaitCursorDo:[
+        updateAction := 
+            [:whatChanged :parameter | 
+                self updateAction:whatChanged parameter:parameter
+            ].
+        Smalltalk onChangeSend:#value:value: to:updateAction.
+        [
+            [
+                Smalltalk loadPackage:package
+            ] on:PackageLoadError do:[:ex |
+                |path|
+                path := pathByItem at:someItem.
+                "/ try to load the file as is (i.e. not via package-id
+                (Dialog information:'package ID inconsistency - loading file directly...').
+                Smalltalk fileIn:(packageDirPath asFilename / path).
+            ]
+        ] ensure:[
+            Smalltalk retractInterestsFor:updateAction.
+        ].
+    ].
+    ((defClass := package asPackageId projectDefinitionClass) notNil
+        and:[ defClass isLoaded
+        and:[ defClass isFullyLoaded ]])
+    ifFalse:[
+        defClass isNil ifTrue:[
+            Dialog warn:(resources string:'Load failed: definition class for packageID (%1) not present after package load.' with:package)
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            defClass verbose:true.
+            defClass isLoaded.
+            defClass isFullyLoaded.
+            defClass verbose:false.
+            Dialog warn:(resources string:'Load failed: definition class /%1) not fully loaded after package load.' with:defClass name)
+        ]
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        doBrowse ifTrue:[
+            Tools::NewSystemBrowser openOnPackage:package
+        ].
+        someItem icon == packageIcon ifTrue:[
+            someItem icon:greyPackageIcon.
+            someItem label:(someItem label , alreadyLoadedString).
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            someItem icon == applicationIcon ifTrue:[
+                someItem icon:greyApplicationIcon.
+                someItem label:(someItem label , alreadyLoadedString).
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    subPackages ifTrue:[
+        someItem children do:[:eachChild |
+            |subPackageID|
+            subPackageID := packageIdByItem at:eachChild.
+            self loadPackageAndUpdate:subPackageID browse:false subPackages:true item:eachChild.
+        ].
+    ].
+    packageDirPath := Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'packages'.
+    packageDirPath isNil ifTrue:[
+        root label:root label,((resources string:' (no "packages" folder found)') colorizeAllWith:Color red).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        packageDirPath asFilename directoryContentsAsFilenames sort do:[:fn |
+            |item base nm path parentPath parent isLibrary isApplication isAlreadyLoaded 
+             defClass target packageID|
+            ((fn suffix = 'mcz') 
+            or:[ fn isDirectory   
+            or:[ (fn baseName startsWith:'.')   
+            or:[ (fn baseName = 'README') ]]]) ifFalse:[    
+                base := fn withoutSuffix baseName.
+                (base startsWith:'lib') ifTrue:[
+                    nm := (base copyFrom:4).
+                    fn suffix notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+                        isLibrary := true.
+                        isApplication := false.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        isLibrary := false.
+                        isApplication := true.
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    nm := base.
+                    isLibrary := false.
+                    isApplication := true.
+                ].
+                path := nm asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$_.
+                "/ see if already loaded
+                packageID := (path size > 1) 
+                                ifTrue:[ path first , ':' , ((path copyFrom:2) asStringWith:$/) ]
+                                ifFalse:[ path first ].
+                isAlreadyLoaded := 
+                    (defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:packageID) notNil
+                    and:[ defClass isLoaded
+                    and:[ defClass isFullyLoaded ]].
+                item := self getItemByPath:path packageID:packageID.
+                target := fn contents first.
+                ((target startsWith:'lib ') or:[(target startsWith:'app ')]) ifTrue:[
+                    pathByItem at:item put:(target copyFrom:(target indexOfSeparator + 1)) withoutSeparators.
+                ].
+                "/ do not overwrite an app by a lib with the same name (happens in expecco/application)
+                (isApplication or:[ item icon isNil or:[item icon == folderIcon or:[item icon == greyFolderIcon]]]) ifTrue:[
+                    isAlreadyLoaded ifTrue:[
+                        item icon:(isApplication ifTrue:[greyApplicationIcon] ifFalse:[greyPackageIcon]). 
+                        item label:(item label , alreadyLoadedString)
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        item icon:(isApplication ifTrue:[applicationIcon] ifFalse:[packageIcon]). 
+                    ].
+                ].
+                "/ if it is not already loaded, make all parents non-grey
+                isAlreadyLoaded ifFalse:[
+                    path size-1 to:1 by:-1 do:[:n |
+                        |parentPath parentItem|
+                        parentPath := path copyTo:n.
+                        parentItem := self getItemByPath:parentPath packageID:packageID.
+                        parentItem icon == greyFolderIcon ifTrue:[
+                            parentItem icon:folderIcon.
+"/                        ] ifFalse:[
+"/                            parentItem icon == greyApplicationIcon ifTrue:[
+"/                                parentItem icon:applicationIcon.
+"/                            ].
+                        ].
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    |selectedItem p itemType info|
+    loadButton enabled:(selectionIndices notEmpty).
+    loadAndBrowseButton enabled:(selectionIndices notEmpty).
+    selectionIndices size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        selectedItem := hierarchicalListView selectionValue first.
+        itemType := selectedItem type.
+        itemType == #monticelloRepository ifTrue:[
+            info := 'Monticello repository. Double click to browse its contents.'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            itemType == #monticelloPackage ifTrue:[
+                info := 'Monticello package. Double click to browse its contents.'.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                p := packageIdByItem at:selectedItem ifAbsent:nil.
+                p notNil ifTrue:[
+                    selectedPackageHolder value:(resources string:'Selected Package: "%1"' with:p allBold).
+                    self showPackageInfoAction:p.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    selectedItem == masterRoot ifTrue:[
+                        info := 'Packages found on the local machine.'
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        selectedItem == monticelloRoot ifTrue:[
+                            info := 'Monticello packages found on the local machine.'
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            selectedItem == root ifTrue:[
+                                info := 'Local class library packages as found in the "packages" folder.'
+                            ].
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                ].
+            ].
+            info notNil ifTrue:[ infoTextHolder value:(resources string:info)].
+        ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        selectedPackageHolder value:(resources string:'Selected %1 packages.' with:selectionIndices size).
+    ].
+    |projectDef comment info dir className fileName docChange|
+    info := resources string:'Sorry, could not find any package documentation'.
+    projectDef := package asPackageId projectDefinitionClass.
+    projectDef notNil ifTrue:[
+        comment := projectDef commentOrDocumentationString.
+        comment isNil ifTrue:[
+            info := info, 
+                    (resources stringWithCRs:'\\The project''s definition class (%1)\has no documentation method.' with:projectDef class name).
+        ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "/ try to find the package's source
+        dir := Smalltalk packageDirectoryForPackageId:package.
+        dir notNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ is there a project definition class's source?
+            className := ProjectDefinition projectDefinitionClassNameForDefinitionOf:package.
+            fileName := dir / ((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:className),'.st').
+            fileName exists ifTrue:[
+                fileName readingFileDo:[:s |
+                    ChangeSet 
+                        fromStream:s 
+                        while:[:change |
+                            (change isMethodCodeChange
+                            and:[ change selector == #documentation
+                            and:[ change isForMeta ]]) ifTrue:[
+                                docChange := change.
+                                false "/ stop reading
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                true
+                            ].
+                        ].
+                ].
+                docChange notNil ifTrue:[
+                    comment := Parser methodCommentFromSource:docChange source.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    info := info ,
+                            (resources stringWithCRs:'\\The project''s definition class (%1) is present,\but has no documentation method.\\In file: %2'
+                                    with:className
+                                    with:fileName pathName).
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                info := info , 
+                        (resources stringWithCRs:'\\No definition class was found in the project.\In folder: %1'
+                                with:dir pathName).
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    comment notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        comment := comment asStringCollection.
+        [ comment size > 0 and:[comment first isEmpty]] whileTrue:[ comment removeFirst ].
+        (comment conform:[:line | line isEmpty or:[line startsWith:'    ']]) ifTrue:[
+            comment := comment collect:[:line | 
+                        (line startsWith:'    ') ifTrue:[
+                            line copyFrom:5
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            line
+                        ]].
+        ].
+        info := comment asString.
+    ] ifFalse:[ 
+        info := info colorizeAllWith:Color red.
+    ].
+    infoTextHolder value:info.
+updateAction:whatChanged parameter:parameter
+    |item isLoaded packageID|
+    "/ update the corresponding tree item
+    (whatChanged == #postPackageLoad or:[whatChanged == #postLoad]) ifTrue:[
+        parameter notNil ifTrue:[
+            packageID := parameter asSymbol.
+            item := self getItemByPath:(packageID splitByAny:':/') packageID:packageID.
+            item notNil ifTrue:[
+                isLoaded := (ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:packageID) notNil.
+                isLoaded ifTrue:[
+                    (item icon == applicationIcon or:[item icon == packageIcon]) ifTrue:[
+                        item icon:((item icon == applicationIcon) ifTrue:[greyApplicationIcon] ifFalse:[greyPackageIcon]). 
+                        item label:(item label , alreadyLoadedString)
+                    ].
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+! !
 !AbstractLauncherApplication class methodsFor:'documentation'!