changeset 45 950b84ba89e6
parent 19 4cde336c0794
child 49 6fe62433cfa3
--- a/	Mon Oct 10 04:15:21 1994 +0100
+++ b/	Mon Oct 10 04:16:24 1994 +0100
@@ -1,21 +1,31 @@
-'From Smalltalk/X, Version:1.5 on 4-Sep-91 at 18:41:13'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
 StandardSystemView subclass:#MemoryMonitor
-         instanceVariableNames:'halted delay myBlock myProcess oldData newData sumData
-                                index org max min prevStringLen
-                                grey'
-         classVariableNames:''
-         poolDictionaries:''
-         category:'Interface-Debugger'
+	 instanceVariableNames:'halted updateInterval updateBlock myProcess oldData newData
+		freeData sumData updateIndex org maxUsed minUsed newColor
+		freeColor oldColor prevFree prevOld'
+	 classVariableNames:''
+	 poolDictionaries:''
+	 category:'Interface-Tools'
 MemoryMonitor comment:'
-Shows memory usage (oldspace + newspace). Stupid, but works.
+Shows memory usage (oldspace + newspace). Simple, but useful.
 !MemoryMonitor class methodsFor:'startup'!
     m := self origin:0 @ 0 extent:(200 @ 100).
@@ -27,60 +37,7 @@
     m open.
     ^ m
-    "MemoryMonitor start"
-! !
-!MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    super initialize.
-    halted := false.
-    delay := 0.5.
-    ProcessorScheduler isPureEventDriven ifTrue:[
-        myBlock := [self updateDisplay].
-    ].
-    oldData := Array new:1000.
-    newData := Array new:1000.
-    index := 1.
-    org := font widthOf:'9999999'.
-    max := ObjectMemory bytesUsed + 100000.
-    min := ObjectMemory bytesUsed.
-    prevStringLen := nil.
-    viewBackground := Black
-    "MemoryMonitor start"
-    super realize.
-    self enableKeyEvents.
-    myBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-        Processor addTimedBlock:myBlock after:delay.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        myProcess := [
-            |d|
-            [true] whileTrue:[
-                (Delay forSeconds:delay) wait.
-                self updateDisplay
-            ]
-        ] forkAt:4.
-        myProcess name:'monitor update'
-    ].
-    grey := Color grey on:device.
-! !
-!MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'destroying'!
-    myBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-        Processor removeTimedBlock:myBlock.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        myProcess terminate.
-        myProcess := nil
-    ].
-    super destroy
+    "MemoryMonitor open"
 ! !
 !MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'drawing'!
@@ -88,128 +45,269 @@
     "update picture; trigger next update"
-    |h hOld memUsed oldMemUsed newMemUsed x half scaleChange s thisStringLen|
+    |hAll hOld hFree memUsed oldMemUsed newMemUsed freeMem x y half scaleChange s thisStringLen scale|
     realized ifFalse:[^ self].
-    oldMemUsed := ObjectMemory oldSpaceUsed.
-    newMemUsed := ObjectMemory newSpaceUsed.
-    memUsed := oldMemUsed + newMemUsed.
-    oldData at:index put:oldMemUsed.
-    newData at:index put:newMemUsed.
+    shown ifTrue:[
+	oldMemUsed := ObjectMemory oldSpaceUsed.
+	newMemUsed := ObjectMemory newSpaceUsed.
+	freeMem := ObjectMemory freeListSpace.
+	memUsed := oldMemUsed + newMemUsed.
-    h := (memUsed - min) * height // (max - min).
-    hOld := (oldMemUsed - min) * height // (max - min).
+	scaleChange := false.
+	(memUsed < minUsed) ifTrue:[
+	    minUsed := memUsed.
+	    scaleChange := true
+	].
+	(memUsed - freeMem < minUsed) ifTrue:[
+	    minUsed := memUsed - freeMem.
+	    scaleChange := true
+	].
+	(memUsed > maxUsed) ifTrue:[
+	    maxUsed := memUsed.
+	    scaleChange := true
+	].
+	scaleChange ifTrue:[
+	    self clear.
+	    self redraw
+	].
-    x := index - 1 + org.
+	oldData at:updateIndex put:oldMemUsed.
+	newData at:updateIndex put:newMemUsed.
+	freeData at:updateIndex put:freeMem.
+	scale := height asFloat / (maxUsed - minUsed + 200000).
+	hAll := ((memUsed - minUsed) * scale) asInteger.
+	hOld := ((oldMemUsed - minUsed + 100000) * scale) asInteger.
+	hFree := (freeMem * scale) asInteger.
+	x := updateIndex - 1 + org.
+	y := height - 1.
+	self paint:newColor.
+	self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:(y - hAll).
-    self paint:grey.
-    self displayLineFromX:x y:(height - 1) toX:x y:(height - 1 - h).
+	self paint:oldColor.
+	self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:(y - hOld).
+	self paint:freeColor.
+	self displayLineFromX:x y:y-hOld  toX:x y:(y - hOld + hFree).
+	self paint:White on:Black.
-    self paint:White.
-    self displayLineFromX:x y:(height - 1) toX:x y:(height - 1 - hOld).
+	self paint:newColor.
+	s := 'all ' , ((memUsed // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
+	self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:(height // 2 - font height).
+	freeMem ~~ prevFree ifTrue:[
+	    self paint:freeColor.
+	    s := 'free' , ((freeMem // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
+	    self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:(height // 2 + font descent).
+	    prevFree := freeMem.
+	].
-    s := (memUsed // 1024) printString , 'k'.
-    thisStringLen := s size.
-    (thisStringLen ~~ prevStringLen) ifTrue:[
-        prevStringLen notNil ifTrue:[
-            self displayOpaqueString:'       ' from:1 to:prevStringLen
-                                   x:0 y:(height // 2 + font ascent)
-        ]
+	(oldMemUsed - freeMem) ~~ prevOld ifTrue:[
+	    self paint:oldColor.
+	    s := 'old ' , (((oldMemUsed - freeMem) // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
+	    self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:(height // 2 + font height + (font descent * 2)).
+	    prevOld := (oldMemUsed - freeMem).
+	].
+	(updateIndex >= (width - org)) ifTrue:[
+	    half := ((width - org) // 2) // 8 * 8.
+	    oldData replaceFrom:1 to:half with:oldData startingAt:(half + 1).
+	    newData replaceFrom:1 to:half with:newData startingAt:(half + 1).
+	    freeData replaceFrom:1 to:half with:freeData startingAt:(half + 1).
+	    self catchExpose.
+	    self copyFrom:self x:(half + org) y:0
+			     toX:org y:0
+			   width:(width - org - half) height:height.
+	    self clearRectangleX:(width - half) y:0 width:(width - org - half) height:height.
+	    self waitForExpose.
+	    updateIndex := updateIndex - half + 1
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    updateIndex := updateIndex + 1
+	].
-    self paint:White on:Black.
-    self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:(height // 2 + font ascent).
-    prevStringLen := thisStringLen.
-    (index >= (width - org)) ifTrue:[
-        half := ((width - org) // 2) // 8 * 8.
-        oldData replaceFrom:1 to:half with:oldData startingAt:(half + 1).
-        newData replaceFrom:1 to:half with:newData startingAt:(half + 1).
-        self copyFrom:self x:(half + org) y:0
-                         toX:org y:0
-                       width:(width - org - half) height:height.
-        self clearRectangleX:(width - half "- org" "org + half") y:0 width:(width - org - half) height:height.
-        index := index - half
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        index := index + 1
+    updateBlock notNil ifTrue:[
+	Processor addTimedBlock:updateBlock afterSeconds:updateInterval
-    scaleChange := false.
-    (memUsed < min) ifTrue:[
-        min := memUsed.
-        scaleChange := true
-    ].
-    (memUsed > max) ifTrue:[
-        max := memUsed.
-        scaleChange := true
-    ].
-    scaleChange ifTrue:[
-        self clear.
-        self redraw
-    ].
-    myBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-        Processor addTimedBlock:myBlock after:delay
-    ].
     "redraw data"
-    |h hOld memUsed oldMemUsed x half|
+    |hAll hOld hFree memUsed oldMemUsed newMemUsed freeMem x y half scale s|
     realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+    shown ifFalse:[^ self].
+    "
+     redraw all ...
+    "
+    self clipRect:nil.
     x := org.
-    1 to:(index - 1) do:[:i |
-        oldMemUsed := (oldData at:i).
-        memUsed := oldMemUsed + (newData at:i).
-        h := (((memUsed - min) asFloat / (max - min) asFloat) * height) asInteger.
-        hOld := (((oldMemUsed - min) asFloat / (max - min) asFloat) * height) asInteger.
+    y := height - 1.
+    scale := height asFloat / (maxUsed - minUsed + 200000).
+    1 to:(updateIndex - 1) do:[:i |
+	newMemUsed := (newData at:i).
+	oldMemUsed := (oldData at:i).
+	freeMem := freeData at:i.
+	memUsed := oldMemUsed + newMemUsed.
+	hAll := ((memUsed - minUsed) * scale) asInteger.
+	hOld := ((oldMemUsed - minUsed + 100000) * scale) asInteger.
+	hFree := (freeMem * scale) asInteger.
+	self paint:newColor.
+	self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:(y - hAll).
+	self paint:oldColor.
+	self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:(y - hOld).
+	self paint:freeColor.
+	self displayLineFromX:x y:y-hOld  toX:x y:(y - hOld + hFree).
-        self paint:grey.
-        self displayLineFromX:x y:(height - 1) toX:x y:(height - 1 - h).
+	x := x + 1
+    ].
+    self paint:White.
+    s := 'max ' , ((maxUsed // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
+    self displayString:s x:0 y:font ascent.
+    s := 'min ' , ((minUsed // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
+    self displayString:s x:0 y:(height - font descent).
+    prevFree := prevOld := nil.
-        self paint:White.
-        self displayLineFromX:x y:(height - 1) toX:x y:(height - 1 - hOld).
-        x := x + 1
+    "
+     since everything was draw, throw away other expose events
+    "
+    self sensor flushExposeEvents.
+! !
+!MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'destroying'!
+    updateBlock notNil ifTrue:[
+	Processor removeTimedBlock:updateBlock.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	myProcess terminate.
+	myProcess := nil
-    self paint:White.
-    self displayString:(((max // 1024) printString) , 'k') x:0 y:(font ascent).
-    self displayString:(((min // 1024) printString) , 'k') x:0 y:(height - font descent)
+    super destroy
 ! !
 !MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'events'!
 keyPress:key x:x y:y
     key == $f ifTrue:[
-        delay := delay / 2
+	updateInterval := updateInterval / 2
     key == $s ifTrue:[
-        delay := delay * 2
+	updateInterval := updateInterval * 2
-    |nn no|
+    |nn no nf oldSize|
-    ((width - org) == oldData size) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    oldSize := oldData size.
+    ((width - org) == oldSize) ifTrue:[^ self].
     nn := Array new:width.
     no := Array new:width.
-    (nn size > newData size) ifTrue:[
-        nn replaceFrom:1 to:(newData size) with:newData.
-        no replaceFrom:1 to:(oldData size) with:oldData
+    nf := Array new:width.
+    (nn size > oldSize) ifTrue:[
+	nn replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:newData.
+	no replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:oldData.
+	nf replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:freeData
     ] ifFalse:[
-        (index > nn size) ifTrue:[
-            nn replaceFrom:1 to:(nn size) with:newData
-                    startingAt:(index - nn size + 1 ).
-            no replaceFrom:1 to:(no size) with:oldData
-                    startingAt:(index - no size + 1 ).
-            index := newData size - 1
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            nn replaceFrom:1 to:(nn size) with:newData.
-            no replaceFrom:1 to:(no size) with:oldData
-        ]
+	(updateIndex > nn size) ifTrue:[
+	    nn replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:newData
+		    startingAt:(updateIndex - oldSize + 1 ).
+	    no replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:oldData
+		    startingAt:(updateIndex - oldSize + 1 ).
+	    nf replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:freeData
+		    startingAt:(updateIndex - oldSize + 1 ).
+	    updateIndex := oldSize - 1
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    nn replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:newData.
+	    no replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:oldData.
+	    nf replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:freeData
+	]
     newData := nn.
-    oldData := no
+    oldData := no.
+    freeData := nf
 ! !
+!MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super realize.
+    updateBlock notNil ifTrue:[
+	Processor addTimedBlock:updateBlock afterSeconds:updateInterval.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	myProcess := [
+	    |d|
+	    [true] whileTrue:[
+		(Delay forSeconds:updateInterval) wait.
+		self updateDisplay
+	    ]
+	] forkAt:5.
+	myProcess name:'monitor update'
+    ].
+    newColor := newColor on:device.
+    freeColor := freeColor on:device.
+    oldColor := oldColor on:device.
+    font := font on:device.
+    super initialize.
+    halted := false.
+    updateInterval := 0.5.
+    ProcessorScheduler isPureEventDriven ifTrue:[
+	updateBlock := [self updateDisplay].
+    ].
+    oldData := Array new:1000.
+    newData := Array new:1000.
+    freeData := Array new:1000.
+    updateIndex := 1.
+    org := font widthOf:'used:9999k '.
+    maxUsed := ObjectMemory bytesUsed.
+    minUsed := ObjectMemory bytesUsed.
+    viewBackground := Black.
+    device hasColors ifTrue:[
+	newColor := Color yellow.
+	freeColor := Color green.
+	oldColor := Color white.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	newColor := Color grey:67.
+	freeColor := Color grey:33.
+	oldColor := Color white.
+    ].
+    self font:(Font family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:10).
+    "
+     MemoryMonitor open
+    "
+! !