changeset 16430 973b534176ca
parent 16422 9ae2c4be75c4
child 16434 f816729c21ac
--- a/	Wed May 04 12:58:24 2016 +0200
+++ b/	Wed May 04 12:59:39 2016 +0200
@@ -8314,21 +8314,22 @@
 !DebugView methodsFor:'user interaction'!
-    |source|
+    |methodSource editorCode|
     codeView modified ifFalse:[^ false].
-    currentMethod isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ false
-    ].
-    source := currentMethod source.
-    source notNil ifTrue:[
-	source string = codeView contents string ifTrue:[
-	    ^ false
-	].
-	(source string withTabsExpanded:8) = (codeView contents string withTabsExpanded:8) ifTrue:[
-	    ^ false
-	].
+    currentMethod isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
+    methodSource := currentMethod source.
+    methodSource notNil ifTrue:[
+        methodSource := methodSource string.
+        editorCode := codeView contents string.
+        methodSource = editorCode ifTrue:[
+            ^ false
+        ].
+        (methodSource withTabsExpanded:8) = (editorCode withTabsExpanded:8) ifTrue:[
+            ^ false
+        ].
     ^ true
@@ -8398,110 +8399,116 @@
     |con newMethod|
     codeView withWaitCursorDo:[
-	"
-	 find the method-home context for this one
-	"
-	doUnwind ifTrue:[
-	    con := selectedContext.
-	    top := con.
-	    [con notNil] whileTrue:[
-		(con methodHome == selectedContext) ifTrue:[
-		    top := con
-		].
-		con := con sender
-	    ].
-	].
-	"/
-	"/ provide the classes nameSpace and changefile-update answers;
-	"/ in case we accept while in another context, to not capture these settings again
-	"/
-	(Class updateChangeFileQuerySignal,
-	 Class updateChangeListQuerySignal,
-	 Class updateHistoryLineQuerySignal) answer:true
-	do:[
-	    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:(aClass nameSpace)
-	    do:[
-		"/ the compiler nowadays already cares for the package...
-		"/ no, actually, it does not in case we are in the middle of a fileIn,
-		"/ and packageQuery is already answered by someone else.
-		"/ Better make it unpackaged, in case the user makes changes to other
-		"/ classes here (actually, I often change compiler, debugger, inspector here)
-		Class packageQuerySignal
-		answer:nil
-		do:[
-		    codeView contents:someCode.
-		    Class methodRedefinitionNotification
-			answer:#keep
-			do:[
-			    | breakpoints |
-			    breakpoints := nil.
-			    codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
-				breakpoints := codeView breakpoints.
-			    ].
-			    BreakpointQuery answer: breakpoints do:[
-				"/ Use original method's programming language instead of class's one.
-				"/ In most cases it's the same, but it may be that the method edited
-				"/ and accepted was an extension method written in another languages
-				"/ (such as Smalltalk extension to Java class or Ruby extension to
-				"/ Smalltalk class.
-				newMethod := selectedContext programmingLanguage compilerClassForInteractiveTools
-						 compile:someCode
-						 forClass:aClass
-						 inCategory:category
-						 notifying:codeView.
-				"/ Kludge for accepting Java code in a debugger. The Java compiler
-				"/ does not compile single classes by always a full class and returns
-				"/ the compiled class(es) rather than a method. However, we need to update
-				"/ method holder of a codeView.
-				"/
-				"/ So, here we check whether the retuned `newMethod` is really a method,
-				"/ if it's a class, try to search that class for a method with the
-				"/ same selector as selector of currently selected context. If found,
-				"/ thet's the 'new' method we are going to show.
-				newMethod isBehavior ifTrue:[
-				    | selector |
-				    selector := selectedContext selector.
-				    newMethod := newMethod"actually a class" compiledMethodAt: selector ifAbsent: nil.
-				].
-			    ].
-			].
-		].
-	    ].
-	].
-	methodCodeToggleSelectionHolder value:2.    "/ showing current code
-	methodCodeToggle beVisible.
-	inspecting ifFalse:[
-	    (newMethod notNil and:[newMethod ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
-		codeView modified:false.
-		codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
-		    codeView methodHolder value: newMethod.
-		].
-		doUnwind ifTrue:[
-		    "/ if it worked, and doUnwind is true,
-		    "/ remove everything up to and including top
-		    "/ from the context chain
-		    selectedContext canReturn ifTrue:[
-			self setContext:(top "sender").
-			exitAction := #restart.
-			selectedContext setLineNumber:1.
-			self doRestart.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			self setContext:(top sender).
-			exitAction := #return.
-		    ].
-		].
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		^ cancelAction value
-	    ]
-	].
+        "
+         find the method-home context for this one
+        "
+        doUnwind ifTrue:[
+            con := selectedContext.
+            top := con.
+            [con notNil] whileTrue:[
+                (con methodHome == selectedContext) ifTrue:[
+                    top := con
+                ].
+                con := con sender
+            ].
+        ].
+        "/
+        "/ provide the classes nameSpace and changefile-update answers;
+        "/ in case we accept while in another context, to not capture these settings again
+        "/
+        (Class updateChangeFileQuerySignal,
+         Class updateChangeListQuerySignal,
+         Class updateHistoryLineQuerySignal) answer:true
+        do:[
+            Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:(aClass nameSpace)
+            do:[
+                "/ the compiler nowadays already cares for the package...
+                "/ no, actually, it does not in case we are in the middle of a fileIn,
+                "/ and packageQuery is already answered by someone else.
+                "/ Better make it unpackaged, in case the user makes changes to other
+                "/ classes here (actually, I often change compiler, debugger, inspector here)
+                Class packageQuerySignal
+                answer:nil
+                do:[
+                    codeView contents:someCode.
+                    Class methodRedefinitionNotification
+                        answer:#keep
+                        do:[
+                            | breakpoints newMethodOrClass |
+                            breakpoints := nil.
+                            codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
+                                breakpoints := codeView breakpoints.
+                            ].
+                            BreakpointQuery answer: breakpoints do:[
+                                "/ Use original method's programming language instead of class's one.
+                                "/ In most cases it's the same, but it may be that the method edited
+                                "/ and accepted was an extension method written in another languages
+                                "/ (such as Smalltalk extension to Java class or Ruby extension to
+                                "/ Smalltalk class.
+                                newMethodOrClass := selectedContext programmingLanguage 
+                                                        compilerClassForInteractiveTools
+                                                             compile:someCode
+                                                             forClass:aClass
+                                                             inCategory:category
+                                                             notifying:codeView.
+                                "/ Kludge for accepting Java code in a debugger. The Java compiler
+                                "/ does not compile single methods but always a full class and returns
+                                "/ the compiled class(es) rather than a method. 
+                                "/ However, we need to update the method holder of a codeView.
+                                "/
+                                "/ So, here we check whether the returned `newMethod` is really a method,
+                                "/ if it's a class, try to search that class for a method with the
+                                "/ same selector as selector of currently selected context. If found,
+                                "/ that's the 'new' method we are going to show.
+                                newMethodOrClass isBehavior ifTrue:[
+                                    | selector |
+                                    selector := selectedContext selector.
+                                    newMethod := newMethodOrClass compiledMethodAt: selector ifAbsent: nil.
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    newMethod := newMethodOrClass.
+                                    newMethod == #Error ifTrue:[
+                                        "/ should now be obsolete
+                                        newMethod := nil
+                                    ].    
+                                ].    
+                            ].
+                        ].
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+        methodCodeToggleSelectionHolder value:2.    "/ showing current code
+        methodCodeToggle beVisible.
+        inspecting ifFalse:[
+            (newMethod isNil) ifTrue:[^ cancelAction value].
+            codeView modified:false.
+            codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
+                codeView methodHolder value: newMethod.
+            ].
+            currentMethod := newMethod.
+            doUnwind ifTrue:[
+                "/ if it worked, and doUnwind is true,
+                "/ remove everything up to and including top
+                "/ from the context chain
+                selectedContext canReturn ifTrue:[
+                    self setContext:(top "sender").
+                    exitAction := #restart.
+                    selectedContext setLineNumber:1.
+                    self doRestart.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    self setContext:(top sender).
+                    exitAction := #return.
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
     "Created: / 17-11-2001 / 21:50:55 / cg"
@@ -8847,407 +8854,408 @@
     self setCurrentMethod:nil.
     contextArray notNil ifTrue:[
-	lineNr <= contextArray size ifTrue:[
-	    con := contextArray at:lineNr.
-	    callee := contextArray at:lineNr-1 ifAbsent:nil.
-	].
-	"
-	 clicking on the '** ...'-line shows more ...
-	"
-	con isNil ifTrue:[
-	    line := contextView list at:lineNr.
-	    (line startsWith:'**') ifTrue:[
-		self showMore.
-		lineNr >= contextArray size ifTrue:[
-		    contextView setSelection:lineNr.
-		    con := contextArray at:lineNr ifAbsent:nil
-		]
-	    ].
-	    con isNil ifTrue:[
-		codeView contents:nil.
-		^ self
-	    ].
-	].
-	selectedContext := con.
-	m := contextView middleButtonMenu.
-	(m notNil and:[selectedContext notNil]) ifTrue:[
-	    m enableAll:#(browseImplementors browseSenders inspectContext)
-	].
-	self withExecuteCursorDo:[
-	    codeSet := false.
-	    "
-	     give it to the (lower right) inspector
-	    "
-	    Error handle:[:ex |
-		'DebugView [warning]: error while accessing context: ' errorPrint.
-		ex description errorPrintCR.
-		contextInspector inspect:nil.
-		contextInspector fieldListLabel:('Context').
-		ex suspendedContext fullPrintAllOn: Transcript.
+        lineNr <= contextArray size ifTrue:[
+            con := contextArray at:lineNr.
+            callee := contextArray at:lineNr-1 ifAbsent:nil.
+        ].
+        "
+         clicking on the '** ...'-line shows more ...
+        "
+        con isNil ifTrue:[
+            line := contextView list at:lineNr.
+            (line startsWith:'**') ifTrue:[
+                self showMore.
+                lineNr >= contextArray size ifTrue:[
+                    contextView setSelection:lineNr.
+                    con := contextArray at:lineNr ifAbsent:nil
+                ]
+            ].
+            con isNil ifTrue:[
+                codeView contents:nil.
+                ^ self
+            ].
+        ].
+        selectedContext := con.
+        m := contextView middleButtonMenu.
+        (m notNil and:[selectedContext notNil]) ifTrue:[
+            m enableAll:#(browseImplementors browseSenders inspectContext)
+        ].
+        self withExecuteCursorDo:[
+            codeSet := false.
+            "
+             give it to the (lower right) inspector
+            "
+            Error handle:[:ex |
+                'DebugView [warning]: error while accessing context: ' errorPrint.
+                ex description errorPrintCR.
+                contextInspector inspect:nil.
+                contextInspector fieldListLabel:('Context').
+                ex suspendedContext fullPrintAllOn: Transcript.
 "/ ex reject.
-	    ] do:[
-		contextInspector inspect:con.
-		"/ contextInspector fieldListLabel:('Context: ',con method whoString).
-		contextInspector tryToSelectKeyNamed:lastSelectionInContextInspector.
-	    ].
-	    "/ show a stack inspector sometimes
-	    con hasStackToShow ifTrue:[
-		self showStackInspectorFor:con
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		self hideStackInspector
-	    ].
-	    homeContext := con methodHome.
-	    con canReturn ifTrue:[
-		returnButton enable. restartButton enable.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		returnButton disable. restartButton disable.
-	    ].
-	    lineNrInMethod := con lineNumber.
-	    canAccept := false.
-	    homeContext isNil ifTrue:[
-		"
-		 mhmh - an optimized block
-		 should get the block here, and get the method from
-		 that one ...
-		 But in the current version, there is no easy way to get to the block
-		 since that one is not in the context.
-		 A future new block calling scheme will fix this
-		 (passing the block instead of the home as block argument).
-		"
-		(method := con method) isNil ifTrue:[
-		    "temporary kludge - peek into the sender context.
-		     If its a do-like method and there is a single block variable
-		     in the args or temporaries, that must be the one.
-		     This helps in some cases.
-		    "
-		    (sender := con sender) notNil ifTrue:[
-			tryVars := false.
-			(selSender := sender selector) notNil ifTrue:[
-			    ((selSender endsWith:'do:') or:[selSender endsWith:'Do:']) ifTrue:[
-				tryVars := true.
-			    ]
-			].
-			tryVars ifTrue:[
-			    possibleBlocks := sender argsAndVars select:[:v | v isBlock].
-			    possibleBlocks := possibleBlocks select:[:b | b home isNil].
-			    possibleBlocks size == 1 ifTrue:[
-				method := possibleBlocks first method.
-			    ].
-			]
-		    ].
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		"fetch rec here - so we won't need context in doItAction"
-		rec := homeContext receiver.
-		sel := homeContext selector.
-		sel notNil ifTrue:[
-		    canAccept := true.
-		    implementorClass := homeContext methodClass.
-		    implementorClass isNil ifTrue:[
-			homeContext method notNil ifTrue:[
-			    WrappedMethod allInstancesDo:[:wrapped |
-				wrapped originalMethod == homeContext method ifTrue:[
-				    implementorClass := wrapped mclass
-				]
-			    ].
-			    implementorClass isNil ifTrue:[
-				(homeContext searchClass notNil
-				and:[homeContext searchClass isObsolete]) ifTrue:[
-				    cannotAcceptDueToOutdatedClass := true.
-				]
-			    ].
-			].
-		    ].
-		    implementorClass isNil ifTrue:[
-			Error handle:[:ex |
+            ] do:[
+                contextInspector inspect:con.
+                "/ contextInspector fieldListLabel:('Context: ',con method whoString).
+                contextInspector tryToSelectKeyNamed:lastSelectionInContextInspector.
+            ].
+            "/ show a stack inspector sometimes
+            con hasStackToShow ifTrue:[
+                self showStackInspectorFor:con
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self hideStackInspector
+            ].
+            homeContext := con methodHome.
+            con canReturn ifTrue:[
+                returnButton enable. restartButton enable.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                returnButton disable. restartButton disable.
+            ].
+            lineNrInMethod := con lineNumber.
+            canAccept := false.
+            homeContext isNil ifTrue:[
+                "
+                 mhmh - an optimized block
+                 should get the block here, and get the method from
+                 that one ...
+                 But in the current version, there is no easy way to get to the block
+                 since that one is not in the context.
+                 A future new block calling scheme will fix this
+                 (passing the block instead of the home as block argument).
+                "
+                (method := con method) isNil ifTrue:[
+                    "temporary kludge - peek into the sender context.
+                     If its a do-like method and there is a single block variable
+                     in the args or temporaries, that must be the one.
+                     This helps in some cases.
+                    "
+                    (sender := con sender) notNil ifTrue:[
+                        tryVars := false.
+                        (selSender := sender selector) notNil ifTrue:[
+                            ((selSender endsWith:'do:') or:[selSender endsWith:'Do:']) ifTrue:[
+                                tryVars := true.
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                        tryVars ifTrue:[
+                            possibleBlocks := sender argsAndVars select:[:v | v isBlock].
+                            possibleBlocks := possibleBlocks select:[:b | b home isNil].
+                            possibleBlocks size == 1 ifTrue:[
+                                method := possibleBlocks first method.
+                            ].
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                "fetch rec here - so we won't need context in doItAction"
+                rec := homeContext receiver.
+                sel := homeContext selector.
+                sel notNil ifTrue:[
+                    canAccept := true.
+                    implementorClass := homeContext methodClass.
+                    implementorClass isNil ifTrue:[
+                        homeContext method notNil ifTrue:[
+                            WrappedMethod allInstancesDo:[:wrapped |
+                                wrapped originalMethod == homeContext method ifTrue:[
+                                    implementorClass := wrapped mclass
+                                ]
+                            ].
+                            implementorClass isNil ifTrue:[
+                                (homeContext searchClass notNil
+                                and:[homeContext searchClass isObsolete]) ifTrue:[
+                                    cannotAcceptDueToOutdatedClass := true.
+                                ]
+                            ].
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                    implementorClass isNil ifTrue:[
+                        Error handle:[:ex |
 "/ not covered by Error, anyway
 "/                            ex signal == BreakPointInterrupt ifTrue:[
 "/                                ex proceed.
 "/                            ].
-			    code := 'error while asking method for its source'.
-			    code := code , Character cr , ex creator printString.
-			    code := code , Character cr , 'in: ' , ex suspendedContext printString.
-			    canAccept := false.
-			    ex return.
-			] do:[
-			    "
-			     special: look if this context was created by
-			     valueWithReceiver kind of method invocation;
-			     if so, grab the method from the sender and show it
-			    "
-			    ((sender := homeContext sender) notNil
-			    and:[((sender selector ? '') startsWith:'valueWithReceiver:')
-			    and:[sender receiver isMethod]]) ifTrue:[
-				method := sender receiver.
-				canAccept := false.
-			    ] ifFalse:[
-				(method := con method) notNil ifTrue:[
-				    canAccept := false.
-				]
-			    ].
-			]
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			method := implementorClass compiledMethodAt:sel.
-		    ].
-		]
-	    ].
-	    homeContext notNil ifTrue:[
-		searchClass := homeContext searchClass ? rec class.
-		currentMethod := searchClass lookupMethodFor:sel.
-	    ].
-	    originalMethod := currentMethod.
-	    (currentMethod notNil
-	    and:[currentMethod ~~ method
-	    and:[ (currentMethod isWrapped and:[ method == currentMethod originalMethod]) not ]]) ifTrue:[
-		originalMethod := method.
-		methodCodeToggleSelectionHolder value = 1 ifTrue:[
-		    method := originalMethod.   "/ the one which is suspended / was executing
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    method := currentMethod.    "/ the one which has already been accepted/modified.
-		    lineNrInMethod := nil.
-		    canAccept := true.
-		].
-		methodCodeToggle beVisible.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		methodCodeToggle beInvisible.
-	    ].
-	    code isNil ifTrue:[
-		errMsg := nil.
-		method isNil ifTrue:[
-		    "/ fall back heuristics (see how this was called, fetch block from caller)
-		    sender := con sender.
-		    con isBlockContext ifTrue:[
-			(sender notNil
-			and:[((sender selector ? '') startsWith:'value')
-			and:[sender receiver isBlock]]) ifTrue:[
-			    code := sender receiver source.
-			]
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			(sender notNil
-			and:[((sender selector ? '') startsWith:'valueWith')
-			and:[sender receiver isMethod]]) ifTrue:[
-			    method := sender receiver.
-			]
-		    ]
-		].
-		method notNil ifTrue:[
-		    contextInspector fieldListLabel:(method selector "whoString").
-		    Error handle:[:ex |
+                            code := 'error while asking method for its source'.
+                            code := code , Character cr , ex creator printString.
+                            code := code , Character cr , 'in: ' , ex suspendedContext printString.
+                            canAccept := false.
+                            ex return.
+                        ] do:[
+                            "
+                             special: look if this context was created by
+                             valueWithReceiver kind of method invocation;
+                             if so, grab the method from the sender and show it
+                            "
+                            ((sender := homeContext sender) notNil
+                            and:[((sender selector ? '') startsWith:'valueWithReceiver:')
+                            and:[sender receiver isMethod]]) ifTrue:[
+                                method := sender receiver.
+                                canAccept := false.
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                (method := con method) notNil ifTrue:[
+                                    canAccept := false.
+                                ]
+                            ].
+                        ]
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        method := implementorClass compiledMethodAt:sel.
+                    ].
+                ]
+            ].
+            homeContext notNil ifTrue:[
+                searchClass := homeContext searchClass ? rec class.
+                currentMethod := searchClass lookupMethodFor:sel.
+            ].
+            originalMethod := currentMethod.
+            (currentMethod notNil
+                and:[currentMethod ~~ method
+                and:[ (currentMethod isWrapped and:[ method == currentMethod originalMethod]) not ]]
+            ) ifTrue:[
+                originalMethod := method.
+                methodCodeToggleSelectionHolder value = 1 ifTrue:[
+                    method := originalMethod.   "/ the one which is suspended / was executing
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    method := currentMethod.    "/ the one which has already been accepted/modified.
+                    lineNrInMethod := nil.
+                    canAccept := true.
+                ].
+                methodCodeToggle beVisible.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                methodCodeToggle beInvisible.
+            ].
+            code isNil ifTrue:[
+                errMsg := nil.
+                method isNil ifTrue:[
+                    "/ fall back heuristics (see how this was called, fetch block from caller)
+                    sender := con sender.
+                    con isBlockContext ifTrue:[
+                        (sender notNil
+                        and:[((sender selector ? '') startsWith:'value')
+                        and:[sender receiver isBlock]]) ifTrue:[
+                            code := sender receiver source.
+                        ]
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        (sender notNil
+                        and:[((sender selector ? '') startsWith:'valueWith')
+                        and:[sender receiver isMethod]]) ifTrue:[
+                            method := sender receiver.
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ].
+                method notNil ifTrue:[
+                    contextInspector fieldListLabel:(method selector "whoString").
+                    Error handle:[:ex |
 "/ not covered by Error, anyway
 "/                        ex signal isControlInterrupt ifTrue:[
 "/                            ex proceed.
 "/                        ].
-			code := 'error while asking method for its source'.
-			code := code , Character cr , ex creator printString.
-			code := code , Character cr , 'in: ' , ex suspendedContext printString.
-			canAccept := false.
-			ex return.
-		    ] do:[
-			self sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
-			    code := method decompiledSource
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    code := method source.
-			].
-		    ].
-		    code isNil ifTrue:[
-			method sourceFilename notNil ifTrue:[
-			    codeView contents:(resources
-						       string:'** no sourcefile: %1 **'
-						       with:method sourceFilename).
-			    codeView realized ifTrue:[
-				"codeView is not realized on initial startup"
-				codeView flash:'no source'.
-			    ].
-			    codeSet := true.
-			] ifFalse:[
-			    [
-				|src|
-				src := String streamContents:[:s | Decompiler decompile:method to:s].
-				codeView contents:src.
-				codeSet := true.
-			    ] on: Error do:[
-				errMsg := '** no source **'
-			    ].
-			]
-		    ].
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    contextInspector fieldListLabel:'Context'.
-		    homeContext isNil ifTrue:[
-			errMsg := '** sorry; cannot show code of all optimized blocks (yet) **'.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			errMsg := '** no method - no source **'.
-			canDefine := false. "/ true.
-		    ]
-		].
-		errMsg notNil ifTrue:[
-		   self showError:errMsg.
-		   codeSet := true.
-		]
-	    ].
-	    code isNil ifTrue:[
-		"/ canAccept := false.
-		codeSet ifFalse:[
-		    codeView contents:nil.
-		]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		lineNrInMethod notNil ifTrue:[
-		    lineNrInMethod == 0 ifTrue:[
-			(method notNil and:[method isJavaMethod]) ifTrue:[
-			    lineNrInMethod := method lineNumber
-			].
-			"/ guess lineNumber from sent-messages selector
-			"/ kludge to fix lineNr-display of shared subclassResponsibility methods.
-			lineNrInMethod == 0 ifTrue:[
-			    |conIdx sentContext messages|
-			    conIdx := contextArray identityIndexOf:con.
-			    conIdx > 1 ifTrue:[
-				sentContext := contextArray at:conIdx-1.
-				sentContext isBlockContext ifFalse:[
-				    (method notNil and:[code notNil]) ifTrue:[
-					messages := method messagesSent.
-					messages size == 1 ifTrue:[
-					    sentContext selector == messages first ifTrue:[
-						lineNrInMethod := code asStringCollection findFirst:[:l | l includesString:sentContext selector].
-					    ]
-					]
-				    ].
-				].
-			    ].
-			].
-		    ].
-		].
-		codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
-		    codeView model
-			setValue: code;
-			changed.
-		    codeView methodHolder value: method.
-		    codeView classHolder value: ((method respondsTo: #mclass) ifTrue:[method mclass] ifFalse:[rec class])
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    UserPreferences current syntaxColoring ifTrue:[
-			implementorClass isNil ifTrue:[
-			    (con isBlockContext
-			    and:[con home isNil
-			    and:[con guessedHome notNil]])
-			    ifTrue:[
-				implementorClass := con guessedHome mclass
-			    ]
-			].
-			implementorClass notNil ifTrue:[
-			    (highlighter := implementorClass syntaxHighlighterClass) notNil ifTrue:[
-				code size < 100000 ifTrue:[
-				    Error catch:[
-					code := highlighter formatMethodSource:code in:implementorClass.
-				    ]
-				]
-			    ]
-			]
-		    ].
+                        code := 'error while asking method for its source'.
+                        code := code , Character cr , ex creator printString.
+                        code := code , Character cr , 'in: ' , ex suspendedContext printString.
+                        canAccept := false.
+                        ex return.
+                    ] do:[
+                        self sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
+                            code := method decompiledSource
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            code := method source.
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                    code isNil ifTrue:[
+                        method sourceFilename notNil ifTrue:[
+                            codeView contents:(resources
+                                                       string:'** no sourcefile: %1 **'
+                                                       with:method sourceFilename).
+                            codeView realized ifTrue:[
+                                "codeView is not realized on initial startup"
+                                codeView flash:'no source'.
+                            ].
+                            codeSet := true.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            [
+                                |src|
+                                src := String streamContents:[:s | Decompiler decompile:method to:s].
+                                codeView contents:src.
+                                codeSet := true.
+                            ] on: Error do:[
+                                errMsg := '** no source **'
+                            ].
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    contextInspector fieldListLabel:'Context'.
+                    homeContext isNil ifTrue:[
+                        errMsg := '** sorry; cannot show code of all optimized blocks (yet) **'.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        errMsg := '** no method - no source **'.
+                        canDefine := false. "/ true.
+                    ]
+                ].
+                errMsg notNil ifTrue:[
+                   self showError:errMsg.
+                   codeSet := true.
+                ]
+            ].
+            code isNil ifTrue:[
+                "/ canAccept := false.
+                codeSet ifFalse:[
+                    codeView contents:nil.
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                lineNrInMethod notNil ifTrue:[
+                    lineNrInMethod == 0 ifTrue:[
+                        (method notNil and:[method isJavaMethod]) ifTrue:[
+                            lineNrInMethod := method lineNumber
+                        ].
+                        "/ guess lineNumber from sent-messages selector
+                        "/ kludge to fix lineNr-display of shared subclassResponsibility methods.
+                        lineNrInMethod == 0 ifTrue:[
+                            |conIdx sentContext messages|
+                            conIdx := contextArray identityIndexOf:con.
+                            conIdx > 1 ifTrue:[
+                                sentContext := contextArray at:conIdx-1.
+                                sentContext isBlockContext ifFalse:[
+                                    (method notNil and:[code notNil]) ifTrue:[
+                                        messages := method messagesSent.
+                                        messages size == 1 ifTrue:[
+                                            sentContext selector == messages first ifTrue:[
+                                                lineNrInMethod := code asStringCollection findFirst:[:l | l includesString:sentContext selector].
+                                            ]
+                                        ]
+                                    ].
+                                ].
+                            ].
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                ].
+                codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
+                    codeView model
+                        setValue: code;
+                        changed.
+                    codeView methodHolder value: method.
+                    codeView classHolder value: ((method respondsTo: #mclass) ifTrue:[method mclass] ifFalse:[rec class])
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    UserPreferences current syntaxColoring ifTrue:[
+                        implementorClass isNil ifTrue:[
+                            (con isBlockContext
+                            and:[con home isNil
+                            and:[con guessedHome notNil]])
+                            ifTrue:[
+                                implementorClass := con guessedHome mclass
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                        implementorClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                            (highlighter := implementorClass syntaxHighlighterClass) notNil ifTrue:[
+                                code size < 100000 ifTrue:[
+                                    Error catch:[
+                                        code := highlighter formatMethodSource:code in:implementorClass.
+                                    ]
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ].
 "/                code ~= (codeView contents) ifTrue:[
-		    cannotAcceptDueToOutdatedClass ifTrue:[
-			codeView setContents:(('Obsolete code (outdated due to class change). Use Browser.' colorizeAllWith:Color red),Character cr,Character cr,code asString).
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			codeView setContents:code.
-		    ].
+                    cannotAcceptDueToOutdatedClass ifTrue:[
+                        codeView setContents:(('Obsolete code (outdated due to class change). Use Browser.' colorizeAllWith:Color red),Character cr,Character cr,code asString).
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        codeView setContents:code.
+                    ].
 "/                ].
-		].
-		(lineNrInMethod notNil
-		and:[lineNrInMethod ~~ 0
-		and:[lineNrInMethod <= codeView list size]]) ifTrue:[
+                ].
+                (lineNrInMethod notNil
+                and:[lineNrInMethod ~~ 0
+                and:[lineNrInMethod <= codeView list size]]) ifTrue:[
 lineNrInMethod == 255 ifFalse:[
-		    (lineNrInMethod == 255
-		    and:[method notNil
-		    and:[method hasCode not]]) ifTrue:[
-			"/ means: do not really know in interpreted methods
-			codeView selectFromLine:255 col:1 toLine:codeView list size + 1 col:0.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			codeView selectLine:lineNrInMethod.
-		    ].
-		    codeView makeSelectionVisible
+                    (lineNrInMethod == 255
+                    and:[method notNil
+                    and:[method hasCode not]]) ifTrue:[
+                        "/ means: do not really know in interpreted methods
+                        codeView selectFromLine:255 col:1 toLine:codeView list size + 1 col:0.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        codeView selectLine:lineNrInMethod.
+                    ].
+                    codeView makeSelectionVisible
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    codeView unselect.
-		    codeView scrollToTop
-		]
-	    ].
-	    codeView acceptEnabled:canAccept.
-	    canAccept ifTrue:[
-		codeView acceptAction:[:code | self codeAccept:code asString]
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		codeView acceptAction:[:code | self beep]
-	    ].
-	    receiverInspector inspect:rec.
-	    receiverInspector fieldListLabel:("'Receiver: ',"rec classNameWithArticle).
-	    receiverInspector tryToSelectKeyNamed:lastSelectionInReceiverInspector.
-	    "
-	     the one below is wrong: currently, the
-	     evaluator cannot handle passed contexts.
-	     Once it does, pass con as in:-arg
-	    "
-	    (rec isJavaObject
-	    and:[method isNil or:[method isJavaMethod not]]) ifTrue:[
-		"/ although a java object, use the smalltalk parser here for doIts.
-		evaluatorClass := Parser.
-		codeView commentStrings:#( '//' ( '/*' '*/' ) ).
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		(method notNil and:[method mclass notNil]) ifTrue:[
-		    evaluatorClass := method mclass evaluatorClass.
-		    codeView commentStrings:method mclass programmingLanguage commentStrings.
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    evaluatorClass := rec class evaluatorClass.
-		    codeView commentStrings:rec class programmingLanguage commentStrings.
-		].
-	    ].
-	    codeView
-		doItAction:
-		    [:theCode |
-			 evaluatorClass
-			     evaluate:theCode
-			     in:actualContext "/ (selectedContext ? actualContext)
-			     receiver:rec
-			     notifying:codeView
-			     logged:true
-			     ifFail:nil
-		    ];
-		editedMethodOrClass:(method ? rec class).
-	    self setCurrentMethod:method.
-	    selectedContext := homeContext ? con.
-	    actualContext := con
-	].
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    codeView unselect.
+                    codeView scrollToTop
+                ]
+            ].
+            codeView acceptEnabled:canAccept.
+            canAccept ifTrue:[
+                codeView acceptAction:[:code | self codeAccept:code asString]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                codeView acceptAction:[:code | self beep]
+            ].
+            receiverInspector inspect:rec.
+            receiverInspector fieldListLabel:("'Receiver: ',"rec classNameWithArticle).
+            receiverInspector tryToSelectKeyNamed:lastSelectionInReceiverInspector.
+            "
+             the one below is wrong: currently, the
+             evaluator cannot handle passed contexts.
+             Once it does, pass con as in:-arg
+            "
+            (rec isJavaObject
+            and:[method isNil or:[method isJavaMethod not]]) ifTrue:[
+                "/ although a java object, use the smalltalk parser here for doIts.
+                evaluatorClass := Parser.
+                codeView commentStrings:#( '//' ( '/*' '*/' ) ).
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (method notNil and:[method mclass notNil]) ifTrue:[
+                    evaluatorClass := method mclass evaluatorClass.
+                    codeView commentStrings:method mclass programmingLanguage commentStrings.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    evaluatorClass := rec class evaluatorClass.
+                    codeView commentStrings:rec class programmingLanguage commentStrings.
+                ].
+            ].
+            codeView
+                doItAction:
+                    [:theCode |
+                         evaluatorClass
+                             evaluate:theCode
+                             in:actualContext "/ (selectedContext ? actualContext)
+                             receiver:rec
+                             notifying:codeView
+                             logged:true
+                             ifFail:nil
+                    ];
+                editedMethodOrClass:(method ? rec class).
+            self setCurrentMethod:method.
+            selectedContext := homeContext ? con.
+            actualContext := con
+        ].
     ] ifFalse:[
-	codeView contents:nil.
+        codeView contents:nil.
     codeView modified:false.
     con isContext ifFalse:[
-	sendButton disable.
+        sendButton disable.
     ] ifTrue:[
-	sendButton enable.
+        sendButton enable.
     self updateContextInfoFor:con.
@@ -9260,9 +9268,9 @@
     homeContext := nil.
     (canDefine or:[self canDefineForCallee:callee]) ifTrue:[
-	defineButton beVisible.
+        defineButton beVisible.
     ] ifFalse:[
-	defineButton beInvisible.
+        defineButton beInvisible.
     "/ enable/disable some menu items