changeset 2675 9a1138c3fe76
parent 2655 9e90bbd1eb18
child 2677 a5ef0e288aae
--- a/	Fri Jul 14 12:22:07 2000 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Jul 14 18:56:27 2000 +0200
@@ -1784,6 +1784,47 @@
+findString:aString in:aCollectionOfClasses ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    "return a colelction of all methods in aCollectionOfClasses  
+     containing a string in their source.
+     This may be slow, since source-code has to be scanned."
+    |browser searchBlock title s|
+    (aString includesMatchCharacters
+    or:[ignoreCase]) ifTrue:[
+        s := '*' , aString , '*'.
+        "a matchString"
+        searchBlock := [:c :m :sel | 
+                            |src|       
+                            src := m source.
+                            src isNil ifTrue:[
+                                ('Browser [info]: no source for ' , m printString) infoPrintCR.
+                                false
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                s match:src ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+                            ]
+                       ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        searchBlock := [:c :m :sel | 
+                            |src|
+                            src := m source.
+                            src isNil ifTrue:[
+                                ('Browser [info]: no source for ' , m printString) infoPrintCR.
+                                false
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                (src findString:aString) ~~ 0
+                            ]
+                       ]
+    ].
+    ^ self findMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:searchBlock.
+    "
+     SystemBrowser findString:'should'   in:(Array with:Object) ignoreCase:false
+    "
 ! !
 !SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'startup'!
@@ -2113,49 +2154,9 @@
     Processor activeProcess 
         withPriority:Processor activePriority-1 to:Processor activePriority
-        |checkedClasses checkBlock|
-        checkedClasses := IdentitySet new.
-        list := OrderedCollection new.
-        checkBlock := [:cls |
-            (checkedClasses includes:cls) ifFalse:[
-                cls isObsolete ifTrue:[
-                    Transcript showCR:'skipping obsolete class: ' , cls displayString
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :method |
-                        (aBlock value:cls value:method value:sel) ifTrue:[
-                            list add:method "/ (cls name , ' ' , sel)
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                    checkedClasses add:cls.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass |
-            aClass isObsolete ifFalse:[
-                "
-                 output disabled - it slows down things too much (when searching for
-                 implementors or senders)
-                "
-                wantInst ifTrue:[
-"/                Transcript show:'searching '; show:aClass name; showCR:' ...'; endEntry.
-                    checkBlock value:aClass
-                ].
-                wantClass ifTrue:[
-"/                Transcript show:'searching '; show:aClass class name; showCR:' ...'; endEntry.
-                    checkBlock value:(aClass class)
-                ].
-                Processor yield
-            ]
-        ]
+        list := self findMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses inst:wantInst class:wantClass where:aBlock
     ^ self browseMethods:list title:title
-    "Created: 10.12.1995 / 15:34:57 / cg"
-    "Modified: 7.6.1996 / 08:47:54 / stefan"
-    "Modified: 15.7.1996 / 11:48:10 / cg"
 browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:aBlock title:title
@@ -2191,6 +2192,73 @@
     "Modified: 24.1.1997 / 19:44:30 / cg"
+browseindMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:aBlock title:title
+    "find all instance- and classmethods from classes in aCollectionOfClasses,
+     where aBlock evaluates to true.
+     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."
+    ^ self 
+        findMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses 
+        inst:true 
+        class:true 
+        where:aBlock 
+findMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses inst:wantInst class:wantClass where:aBlock
+    "return all instance- (if wantInst is true) and/or classmethods (if wantClass is true) 
+     from classes in aCollectionOfClasses, where aBlock evaluates to true."
+    |list checkedClasses checkBlock|
+    checkedClasses := IdentitySet new.
+    list := OrderedCollection new.
+    checkBlock := [:cls |
+        (checkedClasses includes:cls) ifFalse:[
+            cls isObsolete ifTrue:[
+                Transcript showCR:'skipping obsolete class: ' , cls displayString
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :method |
+                    (aBlock value:cls value:method value:sel) ifTrue:[
+                        list add:method "/ (cls name , ' ' , sel)
+                    ]
+                ].
+                checkedClasses add:cls.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass |
+        aClass isObsolete ifFalse:[
+            "
+             output disabled - it slows down things too much (when searching for
+             implementors or senders)
+            "
+            wantInst ifTrue:[
+"/                Transcript show:'searching '; show:aClass name; showCR:' ...'; endEntry.
+                checkBlock value:aClass
+            ].
+            wantClass ifTrue:[
+"/                Transcript show:'searching '; show:aClass class name; showCR:' ...'; endEntry.
+                checkBlock value:(aClass class)
+            ].
+            Processor yield
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ list
+findMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:aBlock
+    "return all instance- and classmethods 
+     from classes in aCollectionOfClasses, where aBlock evaluates to true."
+    ^ self
+        findMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses 
+        inst:true
+        class:true      
+        where:aBlock
 ! !
 !SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'startup with query'!
@@ -2251,6 +2319,6 @@
 !SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.104 2000-04-28 10:15:55 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.105 2000-07-14 16:56:27 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 SystemBrowser initialize!