changeset 18131 9e7156478039
parent 18130 64f823c2b648
child 18211 628466ff92d9
--- a/	Thu May 17 21:12:12 2018 +0200
+++ b/	Thu May 17 21:25:55 2018 +0200
@@ -539,13 +539,11 @@
-    ^ self
-        getCheckinInfoFor:infoString 
-        initialAnswer:initialAnswer 
+    ^ self new
+        getCheckinInfoFor:infoString initialAnswer:initialAnswer 
-        initialReason:(LastReason ? self reasonBugfix)
      self getCheckinInfoFor:'hello' initialAnswer:'bla'
@@ -561,50 +559,12 @@
-    |dialog warnMessage|
-    warnMessage := nil.
-    [
-        |lines infoString1 repositoryInfo branchInfo|
-        dialog := self new.
-        infoString1 := infoString.
-        lines := infoString asStringCollection.
-        lines size > 1 ifTrue:[
-            repositoryInfo := lines second string.
-            dialog repositoryInfo:repositoryInfo.
-            lines size > 2 ifTrue:[
-                branchInfo := lines third string.
-                dialog branchInfo:branchInfo.
-            ].    
-            infoString1 := lines first.
-        ].
-        dialog 
-            description:infoString1; 
-            logMessage:initialAnswer;
-            withQuickOption:withQuickOption;
-            withValidateConsistencyOption:withValidateConsistencyOption;
-            logHistory:logHistoryArg;
-            checkinReason:defaultReason.
-        dialog warningMessageHolder value:warnMessage.
-        dialog open.
-        dialog accepted ifFalse:[ ^ nil ].
-    ] doUntil:[
-        |stopAsking|
-        stopAsking := dialog allowEmptyLogMessage 
-                      or:[ (dialog logMessage) withoutSeparators notEmptyOrNil ].
-        stopAsking ifFalse:[
-            warnMessage := (self resources string:'Please enter a description of your changes!!') 
-                                withColor:Color red.
-        ].
-        stopAsking
-    ].
-    LastReason := dialog checkinReason.
-    ^ dialog    
+    ^ self new
+        getCheckinInfoFor:infoString initialAnswer:initialAnswer 
+        withQuickOption:withQuickOption 
+        logHistory:logHistoryArg 
+        withValidateConsistencyOption:withValidateConsistencyOption
+        initialReason:defaultReason
@@ -878,6 +838,78 @@
     "Created: / 06-07-2010 / 11:30:29 / cg"
 ! !
+!CheckinInfoDialog methodsFor:'opening'!
+getCheckinInfoFor:infoString initialAnswer:initialAnswer 
+                withQuickOption:withQuickOption 
+                logHistory:logHistoryArg 
+                withValidateConsistencyOption:withValidateConsistencyOption
+    ^ self
+        getCheckinInfoFor:infoString 
+        initialAnswer:initialAnswer 
+        withQuickOption:withQuickOption 
+        logHistory:logHistoryArg 
+        withValidateConsistencyOption:withValidateConsistencyOption
+        initialReason:(LastReason ? self class reasonBugfix)
+getCheckinInfoFor:infoString initialAnswer:initialAnswer 
+            withQuickOption:withQuickOption 
+            logHistory:logHistoryArg 
+            withValidateConsistencyOption:withValidateConsistencyOption
+            initialReason:defaultReason
+    |warnMessage|
+    warnMessage := nil.
+    [
+        |lines infoString1 repositoryInfo branchInfo|
+        infoString1 := infoString.
+        lines := infoString asStringCollection.
+        lines size > 1 ifTrue:[
+            repositoryInfo := lines second string.
+            self repositoryInfo:repositoryInfo.
+            lines size > 2 ifTrue:[
+                branchInfo := lines third string.
+                self branchInfo:branchInfo.
+            ].    
+            infoString1 := lines first.
+        ].
+        self
+            description:infoString1; 
+            logMessage:initialAnswer;
+            withQuickOption:withQuickOption;
+            withValidateConsistencyOption:withValidateConsistencyOption;
+            logHistory:logHistoryArg;
+            checkinReason:defaultReason.
+        self warningMessageHolder value:warnMessage.
+        self open.
+        self accepted ifFalse:[ ^ nil ].
+    ] doUntil:[
+        |stopAsking|
+        stopAsking := self allowEmptyLogMessage 
+                      or:[ (self logMessage) withoutSeparators notEmptyOrNil ].
+        stopAsking ifFalse:[
+            warnMessage := (self resources string:'Please enter a description of your changes!!') 
+                                withColor:Color red.
+        ].
+        stopAsking
+    ].
+    LastReason := self checkinReason.
+    ^ self    
+    "
+     self getCheckinInfoFor:'hello' initialAnswer:'bla'
+    "
+    "Created: / 12-03-2012 / 12:36:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 05-12-2017 / 23:07:06 / cg"
+! !
 !CheckinInfoDialog class methodsFor:'documentation'!