changeset 18977 b339f4cc41a7
parent 18875 717aa71f0945
child 18981 1cf50cec3108
--- a/AbstractFileFinderApplicationComponent.st	Fri Aug 09 10:52:46 2019 +0200
+++ b/AbstractFileFinderApplicationComponent.st	Fri Aug 09 17:22:07 2019 +0200
@@ -118,6 +118,39 @@
+    "at the end of a search, generate a nice informative summary string.
+     This can be redefined by different search tabs"
+    |timeMillis timeString nFound|
+    timeMillis := timeDuration asMilliseconds.
+"/ OLD:
+"/    timeMillis > 100 ifTrue:[
+"/        timeString := ((timeMillis / 1000) asFixedPoint:2) printString , ' s'
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        timeString := timeMillis printString , ' ms'
+"/    ].
+"/ NEW:
+    timeString := timeDuration printStringForApproximation.
+    nFound := resultList size.
+    ^ resources 
+        string:((nFound == filesSearchedCount) 
+                ifTrue:['Found %1 file%2 in %3 (%6 files/s)'] 
+                ifFalse:[
+                    "/ 'Found %1 file%2 in %3 (%4 files visited)'
+                    "/ 'Found %1 file%2 in %3 (%4 files visited; scanrate: %5/s)'
+                    'Found %1 file%2 in %3 (%4 files visited; %6 files/s)'
+                ]) 
+        with:nFound 
+        with:(nFound == 1 ifTrue:'' ifFalse:'s') 
+        with:timeString
+        with:filesSearchedCount
+        with:(UnitConverter fileSizeSIStringFor:(bytesSearchedCount * 1000 / (timeMillis max:1)))
+        with:((filesSearchedCount * 1000 / (timeMillis max:1)) asFixedPoint:1).
@@ -149,7 +182,7 @@
     searchTask := thisSearchTask :=
-            |message timeMillis timeString nFound|
+            |message timeElapsed|
                 (self stopSignal) catch:[
@@ -160,32 +193,15 @@
                     filesSearchedCount := bytesSearchedCount := 0.
                     "/ self changeInformationTo:'Find File ' , '- searching ' toTab:true.
-                    timeMillis := Time millisecondsToRun:[
+                    timeElapsed := TimeDuration toRun:[
                         aBlock value.
-                    timeMillis > 100 ifTrue:[
-                        timeString := ((timeMillis / 1000) asFixedPoint:2) printString , ' s'
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        timeString := timeMillis printString , ' ms'
-                    ].
-                    nFound := resultList size.
-                    message := resources 
-                                    string:((nFound == filesSearchedCount) 
-                                            ifTrue:['Found %1 file%2 in %3.'] 
-                                            ifFalse:[
-                                                "/ 'Found %1 file%2 in %3 (%4 files visited).'
-                                                "/ 'Found %1 file%2 in %3 (%4 files visited; scanrate: %5/s).'
-                                                'Found %1 file%2 in %3 (%4 files visited; %6 files/s).'
-                                            ]) 
-                                    with:nFound 
-                                    with:(nFound == 1 ifTrue:'' ifFalse:'s') 
-                                    with:timeString
-                                    with:filesSearchedCount
-                                    with:(UnitConverter fileSizeSIStringFor:(bytesSearchedCount * 1000 / (timeMillis max:1)))
-                                    with:((filesSearchedCount * 1000 / (timeMillis max:1)) asFixedPoint:1).
                     self enableStop value:false.
                     self enableSearch value:true.
                     self changeInformationTo:'Find File ' , '- done.' toTab:true.
+                    message := self generateResultStringForTimeElapsed:timeElapsed.
             ] ensure:[
                 thisSearchTask == searchTask ifTrue:[