changeset 2348 b4fd9d8bb6dc
parent 2347 1164de5147ea
child 2349 7a106d001d6c
--- a/	Fri Aug 20 12:20:43 1999 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Aug 20 15:43:39 1999 +0200
@@ -2874,7 +2874,7 @@
             aStream cr; cr; cr; cr; cr.
-            aStream emphasis:(self commentEmphasis).
+            aStream emphasis:(self commentEmphasisAndColor).
             s isNil ifTrue:[
                 aStream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' no comment or documentation method found'.
             ] ifFalse:[
@@ -3604,17 +3604,21 @@
     |theClass cls|
-    theClass := Object.
+    currentNamespace == JAVA ifTrue:[
+        theClass := Java at:'java.lang.Object'
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        theClass := Object.
+    ].
     currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
-	(cls := currentClass superclass) notNil ifTrue:[
-	    theClass := cls 
-	]
+        (cls := currentClass superclass) notNil ifTrue:[
+            theClass := cls 
+        ]
-	classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:theClass 
-	in:currentClassCategory 
-	namespace:false 
-	private:false.
+        classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:theClass 
+        in:currentClassCategory 
+        namespace:false 
+        private:false.
     aspect := nil.
@@ -5267,47 +5271,24 @@
     classListView setSelection:nil.
     fullClass ifFalse:[
-	methodCategoryListView contents:nil.
-	methodListView contents:nil
+        methodCategoryListView contents:nil.
+        methodListView contents:nil
     (aClass == Autoload
     or:[aClass isNil or:[aClass isLoaded not]]) ifTrue:[
-	theSuperClass := Object
+        currentNamespace == JAVA ifTrue:[
+            theSuperClass := Java at:'java.lang.Object'
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            theSuperClass := Object
+        ]
     ] ifFalse:[
-	theSuperClass := aClass
+        theSuperClass := aClass
     codeView contents:(self classTemplateFor:theSuperClass in:cat namespace:isNameSpace private:isPrivate).
     codeView modified:false.
     codeModified := false.
-    codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
-	codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
-	Object abortSignal catch:[
-	    |cls|
-	    Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
-		codeView error:ex errorString
-			 position:1 to:nil from:nil.
-	    ] do:[
-		Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:Smalltalk
-		do:[
-		    cls := (Compiler evaluate:theCode asString notifying:codeView compile:false).
-		    cls isBehavior ifTrue:[
-			codeView modified:false.
-			self classCategoryUpdate.
-			self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
-			cls isNamespace ifFalse:[
-			    self switchToClassNamed:(cls name).
-			]
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
-	codeView cursor:(Cursor normal).
-    ].
-    self clearExplainAction.
     self changeCurrentClass:nil
     "Created: / 23.12.1996 / 12:45:43 / cg"
@@ -5540,92 +5521,102 @@
     "return a class definition template - be smart in what is offered initially"
     |cat name nameProto namePrefix i existingNames withNameSpaceDirective
-     className ownerName s|
+     className ownerName s isJava|
+    (aSuperClass notNil and:[aSuperClass isJavaClass not]) ifFalse:[
+        (currentNamespace == JAVA 
+        or:[aSuperClass notNil and:[aSuperClass isJavaClass]])
+        ifTrue:[
+            ^ self javaClassTemplateFor:aSuperClass in:categoryString private:isPrivate
+        ].
+    ].
+    self setAcceptActionForNewClass.
     s := TextStream on:''.
     isNameSpace ifTrue:[
-	s nextPutAll:'Namespace name:''NewNameSpace'''.
-	s cr; cr.
-	s emphasis:(self commentEmphasis).
-	s nextPutAll:'"
+        s nextPutAll:'Namespace name:''NewNameSpace'''.
+        s cr; cr.
+        s emphasis:(self commentEmphasisAndColor).
+        s nextPutAll:'"
  Replace ''NewNameSpace'' by the desired name.
  Create the namespace by ''accepting'',
  either via the menu or the keyboard (usually CMD-A).
-	^ s contents.
+        ^ s contents.
     withNameSpaceDirective :=
-	currentNamespace notNil 
-	and:[currentNamespace ~= '* all *'
-	and:[currentNamespace ~= Smalltalk]].
+        currentNamespace notNil 
+        and:[currentNamespace ~= '* all *'
+        and:[currentNamespace ~= Smalltalk]].
     withNameSpaceDirective ifTrue:[
-	className := aSuperClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
-	s nextPutAll:('"{ Namespace: ''' , currentNamespace name , ''' }"').
-	s cr; cr.
+        className := aSuperClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
+        s nextPutAll:('"{ Namespace: ''' , currentNamespace name , ''' }"').
+        s cr; cr.
     ] ifFalse:[    
-	className := aSuperClass name.
+        className := aSuperClass name.
     cat := categoryString.
     (cat isNil or:[cat startsWith:$*]) ifTrue:[
-	cat := '* no category *'
+        cat := '* no category *'
     nameProto := 'NewClass'.
     i := 1.
     isPrivate ifTrue:[
-	namePrefix := currentClass name , '::'.
-	existingNames := currentClass privateClasses.
-	existingNames size > 0 ifTrue:[
-	    existingNames := existingNames collect:[:cls | cls name].
-	]
+        namePrefix := currentClass name , '::'.
+        existingNames := currentClass privateClasses.
+        existingNames size > 0 ifTrue:[
+            existingNames := existingNames collect:[:cls | cls name].
+        ]
     ] ifFalse:[
-	namePrefix := ''.
-	existingNames := Smalltalk keys
+        namePrefix := ''.
+        existingNames := Smalltalk keys
     name := 'NewClass' , i printString.
     existingNames notNil ifTrue:[
-	nameProto := namePrefix , name.
-	[nameProto knownAsSymbol and:[existingNames includes:nameProto asSymbol]] whileTrue:[
-	    i := i + 1.
-	    name := 'NewClass' , i printString.
-	    nameProto := namePrefix , name
-	].
+        nameProto := namePrefix , name.
+        [nameProto knownAsSymbol and:[existingNames includes:nameProto asSymbol]] whileTrue:[
+            i := i + 1.
+            name := 'NewClass' , i printString.
+            nameProto := namePrefix , name
+        ].
     s nextPutAll:className.
     isPrivate ifTrue:[
-	withNameSpaceDirective ifTrue:[
-	    ownerName := currentClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    ownerName := currentClass name
-	].
-	s nextPutAll:(' subclass:#' , name  , '
+        withNameSpaceDirective ifTrue:[
+            ownerName := currentClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            ownerName := currentClass name
+        ].
+        s nextPutAll:(' subclass:#' , name  , '
 ' , '    instanceVariableNames: ''''
 ' , '    classVariableNames: ''''
 ' , '    poolDictionaries: ''''
 ' , '    privateIn:' , ownerName)
     ] ifFalse:[
-	s nextPutAll:(' subclass:#' , name , '
+        s nextPutAll:(' subclass:#' , name , '
 ' , '    instanceVariableNames: ''''
 ' , '    classVariableNames: ''''
 ' , '    poolDictionaries: ''''
 ' , '    category: ''').
-	cat notNil ifTrue:[
-	    cat printWithQuotesDoubledOn:s
-	].
-	s nextPutAll: ''''
+        cat notNil ifTrue:[
+            cat printWithQuotesDoubledOn:s
+        ].
+        s nextPutAll: ''''
     s cr; cr.
-    s emphasis:(self commentEmphasis).
+    s emphasis:(self commentEmphasisAndColor).
     s nextPutAll:'
  Replace ''' , className , ''', ''', name , ''' and
@@ -5658,6 +5649,61 @@
     "Modified: 18.8.1997 / 15:43:58 / cg"
+javaClassTemplateFor:aSuperClass in:categoryString private:isPrivate
+    "return a java class definition template - be smart in what is offered initially"
+    |cat name nameProto namePrefix i existingNames withNameSpaceDirective
+     className ownerName s superPackage|
+    self setAcceptActionForNewJavaClass.
+    s := TextStream on:''.
+    s nextPutAll:('package ' , categoryString , ';').
+    s cr; cr.
+    s nextPutAll:('public '); cr.
+    s nextPutAll:('class ').
+    i := 1.
+    name := 'NewClass' , i printString.
+    [ (Java classNamed:(categoryString , '.' , name)) notNil ] whileTrue:[
+        i := i + 1.
+        name := 'NewClass' , i printString.
+    ].
+    s nextPutAll:name; space.
+    className := aSuperClass lastName.
+    superPackage := aSuperClass package copy replaceAll:$/ with:$..
+    superPackage = categoryString ifFalse:[
+        superPackage = 'java.lang' ifFalse:[
+            className := aSuperClass name.
+        ].
+    ].
+    s nextPutAll:'extends '; nextPutAll:className.
+    s nextPutAll:' {'; cr.
+    s nextPutAll:'    // { private } { static } { final } type varName;'; cr.
+    s nextPutAll:'    // int var1;'; cr.
+    s nextPutAll:'    // int var2;'; cr.
+    s nextPutAll:'}'; cr.
+    s cr; cr.
+    s emphasis:(self commentEmphasisAndColor).
+    s nextPutAll:'
+// Replace ''' , className , ''', ''', name , ''' and
+// change the local variable declarations as required.
+// Install (or change) the class by ''accepting'',
+// either via the menu or the keyboard (usually CMD-A).
+    ^ s contents
+    "Created: / 23.12.1996 / 12:46:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 15.6.1998 / 17:23:05 / cg"
     "return a list of the names of all classes in a given category"
@@ -10242,7 +10288,7 @@
     s cr.
-    s emphasis:(self commentEmphasis).
+    s emphasis:(self commentEmphasisAndColor).
     s nextPutAll:'"
  change the above template into real code.
  Then `accept'' either via the menu 
@@ -12171,6 +12217,70 @@
     "Modified: / 17.6.1998 / 11:39:02 / cg"
+    "tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain"
+    codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
+        codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
+        Object abortSignal catch:[
+            |cls|
+            Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
+                codeView error:ex errorString
+                         position:1 to:nil from:nil.
+            ] do:[
+                Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:Smalltalk
+                do:[
+                    cls := (Compiler evaluate:theCode asString notifying:codeView compile:false).
+                    cls isBehavior ifTrue:[
+                        codeView modified:false.
+                        self classCategoryUpdate.
+                        self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
+                        cls isNamespace ifFalse:[
+                            self switchToClassNamed:(cls name).
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        codeView cursor:(Cursor normal).
+    ].
+    self clearExplainAction.
+    "tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain"
+    codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
+        codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
+        Object abortSignal catch:[
+            |cls|
+            Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
+                ex signal == Object haltSignal ifTrue:[
+                    ex reject
+                ].
+                codeView error:ex errorString position:1 to:nil from:nil.
+            ] do:[
+                cls := JavaCompiler 
+                            evaluateClassDefinition:theCode asString 
+                            notifying:codeView.
+                cls isBehavior ifTrue:[
+                    codeView modified:false.
+                    self classCategoryUpdate.
+                    self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
+                    self switchToClassNamed:(cls name).
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        codeView cursor:(Cursor normal).
+    ].
+    self clearExplainAction.
     "tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain"
@@ -12424,15 +12534,13 @@
     "Modified: / 26.7.1998 / 14:04:10 / cg"
+    |prefs|
+    prefs := UserPreferences current.
     ^ Text 
-	addEmphasis:(UserPreferences current commentEmphasis)
-	to:(#color->UserPreferences current commentColor).
-"/    ^ (#color -> (Color red:0 green:0 blue:25))
-    "Created: / 1.8.1997 / 12:36:14 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 31.3.1998 / 22:41:37 / cg"
+        addEmphasis:(prefs commentEmphasis) to:(#color->prefs commentColor).
@@ -12444,6 +12552,15 @@
     "Created: / 29.10.1997 / 03:32:05 / cg"
+    |prefs|
+    prefs := UserPreferences current.
+    ^ Text 
+        addEmphasis:(prefs globalClassIdentifierEmphasis) to:(#color->prefs globalClassIdentifierColor).
     "answer an icon to mark help spec methods"
@@ -13698,6 +13815,6 @@
 !BrowserView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.542 1999-08-20 10:20:43 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.543 1999-08-20 13:43:39 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 BrowserView initialize!