changeset 18808 b81f3f4c3995
parent 18800 de4b1f261134
child 18826 4c3f3bd70d36
--- a/	Wed Jun 05 17:12:34 2019 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Jun 07 11:52:34 2019 +0200
@@ -19003,7 +19003,7 @@
     updateList := [
             |nameToSearch list namesStarting namesEnding namesIncluding restList
-             lcName nameList classList isMatch labelText|
+             lcName nameList1 classList1 nameList2 classList2 isMatch labelText|
             (nameToSearch := classNameHolder value withoutSeparators) isEmpty ifTrue:[
                 labelText := 'Recently visited:'.
@@ -19024,8 +19024,17 @@
-                nameList := showFullNameHolder value ifTrue:[ allFullNames ] ifFalse:[ allNames ].
-                classList := showFullNameHolder value ifTrue:[ allClassesByFullName ] ifFalse:[ allClasses ].
+                showFullNameHolder value ifTrue:[ 
+                    nameList1 := allFullNames.
+                    classList1 := allClassesByFullName.
+                    nameList2 := allNames. 
+                    classList2 := allClasses.
+                ] ifFalse:[ 
+                    nameList1 := allNames. 
+                    classList1 := allClasses.
+                    nameList2 := allFullNames.
+                    classList2 := allClassesByFullName.
+                ].
                 lcName := nameToSearch asLowercase.
                 false "(lcName includesString:'::')" ifTrue:[
                     list := OrderedCollection new.
@@ -19038,31 +19047,51 @@
                             isIncluded := (cls name includesString:lcName caseSensitive:false)
                         isIncluded ifTrue:[
-                            list add:(nameList at:idx)
+                            list add:(nameList1 at:idx)
                 ] ifFalse:[
                     isMatch ifTrue:[
-                        list := (1 to:nameList size)
+                        list := (1 to:nameList1 size)
                                     select:[:idx |
-                                            nm := allFullNames "nameList" at:idx.
+                                            nm := nameList1 at:idx.
                                             (lcName match:nm asLowercase)
-                                            or:[ lcName match:(classList at:idx) name caseSensitive:false]
-                                    ] thenCollect:[:idx | nameList at:idx].
+                                            or:[ lcName match:(classList1 at:idx) name caseSensitive:false]
+                                    ] thenCollect:[:idx | nameList1 at:idx].
+                        "/ try the alternative list, if there was no match
+                        list isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                            list := (1 to:nameList2 size)
+                                        select:[:idx |
+                                                |nm|
+                                                nm := nameList2 at:idx.
+                                                (lcName match:nm asLowercase)
+                                                or:[ lcName match:(classList2 at:idx) name caseSensitive:false]
+                                        ] thenCollect:[:idx | nameList2 at:idx].
+                         ].    
                     ] ifFalse:[
                         (doFuzzyMatchHolder value and:[FuzzyMatcher notNil]) ifTrue:[
                             |matcher matches|
                             matches := OrderedCollection new.
                             matcher := FuzzyMatcher pattern:lcName.
-                            allFullNames "nameList" do:[:eachClassName | 
+                            nameList1 do:[:eachClassName | 
                                     ifScored: [:score | 
                                         matches add: { eachClassName . score . (matcher indexes copy) }
+                            "/ try the alternative list, if there was no match
+                            matches isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                                nameList2 do:[:eachClassName | 
+                                    matcher 
+                                        match:eachClassName
+                                        ifScored: [:score | 
+                                            matches add: { eachClassName . score . (matcher indexes copy) }
+                                        ] 
+                                ].
+                            ].    
                                 sort:[:a :b |
                                     |score_a score_b|
@@ -19087,17 +19116,17 @@
                         ] ifFalse:[    
-                            namesIncluding := (1 to:nameList size)
+                            namesIncluding := (1 to:nameList1 size)
                                                 select:[:idx |
-                                                    nm := nameList at:idx.
+                                                    nm := nameList1 at:idx.
                                                     (nm asLowercase includesString:lcName caseSensitive:false)
-                                                    or:[ (classList at:idx) name includesString:lcName caseSensitive:false]
+                                                    or:[ (classList1 at:idx) name includesString:lcName caseSensitive:false]
                                                 thenCollect:[:idx | 
                                                     |nm matchIdx|
-                                                    nm := nameList at:idx.
+                                                    nm := nameList1 at:idx.
                                                     matchIdx := nm asLowercase indexOfString:lcName.
                                                     matchIdx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                                                         nm := nm withColor:matchingCharsColor.
@@ -19105,6 +19134,26 @@
+                            namesIncluding isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                                namesIncluding := (1 to:nameList2 size)
+                                                    select:[:idx |
+                                                        |nm|
+                                                        nm := nameList2 at:idx.
+                                                        (nm asLowercase includesString:lcName caseSensitive:false)
+                                                        or:[ (classList2 at:idx) name includesString:lcName caseSensitive:false]
+                                                    ] 
+                                                    thenCollect:[:idx | 
+                                                        |nm matchIdx|
+                                                        nm := nameList2 at:idx.
+                                                        matchIdx := nm asLowercase indexOfString:lcName.
+                                                        matchIdx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                                                            nm := nm withColor:matchingCharsColor.
+                                                            nm emphasizeFrom:matchIdx to:matchIdx+lcName size-1 with:{ #color->nonMatchingCharsColor }
+                                                        ].
+                                                        nm
+                                                    ].
+                            ].    
                         namesStarting := namesIncluding select:[:nm | nm asLowercase startsWith:lcName].
                         restList := (namesIncluding \ namesStarting).
@@ -19205,7 +19254,7 @@
     "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:48:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
     "Modified: / 05-12-2017 / 13:02:53 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 13-03-2019 / 22:10:38 / Claus Gittinger"
+    "Modified: / 07-06-2019 / 11:52:19 / Claus Gittinger"
 enterBoxTitle:title okText:okText label:label