changeset 2005 c227faa4616b
parent 2001 3d4249692d25
child 2016 2ceade11199f
--- a/AbstractLauncherApplication.st	Thu Feb 11 13:17:51 1999 +0100
+++ b/AbstractLauncherApplication.st	Thu Feb 11 13:45:36 1999 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ToolApplicationModel subclass:#AbstractLauncherApplication
-	instanceVariableNames:''
+	instanceVariableNames:'transcript'
 	classVariableNames:'NotifyingEmergencyHandler OpenLaunchers'
@@ -64,8 +64,159 @@
     "Modified: 15.1.1997 / 21:15:38 / cg"
 ! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'actions - classes'!
+    "open a changebrowser"
+    self withWaitCursorDo:[
+        UserPreferences current changesBrowserClass open
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 17.10.1998 / 14:38:18 / cg"
+! !
 !AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'private'!
+    "a helper for find & destroy and find & raise operations;
+     let user choose a view and return it; return nil on cancel"
+    |knownTopViews nameList box|
+    knownTopViews := IdentitySet new.
+    Screen allScreens do:[:aScreen |
+	aScreen knownViews do:[:aView |
+	    |top showIt wg|
+	    aView notNil ifTrue:[
+		top := aView topView.
+		(top isKindOf:DebugView) ifTrue:[
+		    "/ although modal, show it.
+		    showIt := top realized
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    wg := top windowGroup.
+		    showIt := (wg notNil and:[wg isModal not]).
+		].
+		showIt ifTrue:[
+		    knownTopViews add:top
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    knownTopViews := knownTopViews asOrderedCollection.
+    knownTopViews sort:[:v1 :v2 | |l1 l2|
+				l1 := v1 label ? 'aView'.
+				l2 := v2 label ? 'aView'.
+				l1 < l2
+		       ].
+    nameList := knownTopViews collect:[:v | 
+					|isDead wg p l|
+					l := v label ? 'aView'.
+					((wg := v windowGroup) notNil
+					and:[(p := wg process) notNil
+					and:[p state ~~ #dead]]) ifTrue:[
+					    l  
+					] ifFalse:[
+					    l , ' (dead ?)'
+					]
+				      ].
+    box := ListSelectionBox new.
+    box noEnterField.
+    box list:nameList.
+    box label:(resources string:'view selection').
+    box title:(resources string:title) withCRs.
+    box action:[:selection |
+	|v|
+	v := knownTopViews at:box selectionIndex.
+	box destroy.
+	^ v
+    ].
+    box extent:400@300.
+    box showAtPointer.
+    ^ nil
+openApplication: className
+     "open an application, given by the classe name."
+    self openApplication:className nameSpace:nil
+openApplication:className nameSpace:aNameSpace
+    "open some application, given the classes name.
+     Look for it in Smalltalk and the given nameSpace"
+    self openApplication:className nameSpace:aNameSpace with:#open
+openApplication:className nameSpace:aNameSpace with:aSelector
+    "open some application, given the classes name.
+     Look for it in Smalltalk and the given nameSpace"
+    |cls|
+    cls := Smalltalk at:className asSymbol.
+    cls isNil ifTrue:[
+	"/ look if its in the nameSpace
+	aNameSpace notNil ifTrue:[
+	    cls := aNameSpace at:className asSymbol
+	]
+    ].
+    cls isNil ifTrue:[
+	self warn:(resources string:'Sorry, the %1 class is not available.' with:className).
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	Autoload autoloadFailedSignal handle:[:ex |
+	    self warn:(resources string:'Sorry, the %1 class seems to be not available.' with:className)
+	] do:[
+	    self withWaitCursorDo:[cls perform:aSelector]
+	]
+    ]
+    "let user pick a view and return it"
+    |v|
+    (Delay forSeconds:1) wait.
+    v := Screen current viewFromUser.
+    v isNil ifTrue:[
+	self warn:'Sorry, this is not a smalltalk view'.
+	^ nil
+    ].
+    ^ v
+saveScreenImage:anImage defaultName:defaultName
+    "save an image into a file 
+     - ask user for filename using a fileSelectionBox."
+    |fileName|
+    fileName := Dialog
+		    requestFileName:(resources string:'save image in:')
+		    default:(defaultName , '.tiff')
+		    ok:(resources string:'save')
+		    abort:(resources string:'cancel')
+		    pattern:'*.tiff'.
+    fileName notNil ifTrue:[
+	anImage saveOn:fileName
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 21.2.1996 / 13:09:28 / cg"
+    "Created: / 29.1.1998 / 23:20:36 / cg"
     "open an HTML browser on some document"
@@ -102,6 +253,215 @@
     "Modified: / 25.2.1998 / 21:24:20 / cg"
 ! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'private - settings callBacks'!
+    newStyle notNil ifTrue:[
+        self withWaitCursorDo:[
+            transcript showCR:'change style to ' , newStyle , ' ...'.
+            View defaultStyle:newStyle asSymbol.
+        ].
+        self reopenLauncher.
+        DebugView newDebugger.
+    ]
+    "open a fontBox, showing fonts which match some encoding
+     (used when changing to japanese ...)"
+    |box y b
+     labelDef buttonDef listDef menuDef textDef
+     models labels allOfThem filter|
+    encodingMatch notNil ifTrue:[
+        filter := [:f | f encoding notNil 
+                        and:[encodingMatch match:f encoding]].
+    ].
+    models := OrderedCollection new.
+    labels := OrderedCollection new.
+    models add:(allOfThem := nil asValue).
+    models add:(labelDef := Label defaultFont asValue).
+    models add:(buttonDef := Button defaultFont asValue).
+    models add:(listDef := SelectionInListView defaultFont asValue).
+    models add:(menuDef := MenuView defaultFont asValue).
+    models add:(textDef := TextView defaultFont asValue).
+    box := Dialog new.
+    box label:(resources string:'Font settings').
+    models
+    with:(resources array:#('all' 'labels' 'buttons' 'lists' 'menus' 'edit text'))
+    do:[:model :title |
+        |y2 lbl f i|
+        f := model value.
+        (box addTextLabel:title) adjust:#left.
+        y := box yPosition.
+        b := box addComponent:(Button label:(resources string:'change ...')) tabable:true.
+        b relativeExtent:nil; extent:(b preferredExtent).
+        y2 := box yPosition.
+        box yPosition:y.
+        i := box leftIndent.
+        box leftIndent:(b widthIncludingBorder + View viewSpacing).
+        (lbl := box addTextLabel:'')
+            adjust:#left;
+            font:(model value);
+            labelChannel:(BlockValue 
+                            with:[:v | |f|
+                                f := v value.
+                                f isNil ifTrue:[
+                                    ''
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    f userFriendlyName
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                            argument:model).
+        labels add:lbl.
+        box leftIndent:i.
+        box yPosition:(box yPosition max:y2).
+        box addVerticalSpace.
+        box addHorizontalLine.
+        box addVerticalSpace.
+        b action:[
+            |f|
+            f := FontPanel 
+                fontFromUserInitial:(model value) 
+                              title:(resources string:'font for %1' with:title)
+                             filter:filter.
+            f notNil ifTrue:[
+                model == allOfThem ifTrue:[
+                    models do:[:m | m value:f].
+                    labels do:[:l | l font:f]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    model value:f.  
+                    lbl font:f.
+                ].
+            ]
+        ].
+        model == allOfThem ifTrue:[
+            box addVerticalSpace
+        ]
+    ].
+    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    (box addButton:(Button label:(resources string:'defaults')) before:nil)
+        action:[
+            "/ fetch defaults
+            View readStyleSheetAndUpdateAllStyleCaches.
+            labelDef value: Label defaultFont.
+            buttonDef value: Button defaultFont.
+            listDef value: SelectionInListView defaultFont.
+            menuDef value: MenuView defaultFont.
+            textDef value: TextView defaultFont.
+        ].
+    box open.
+    box accepted ifTrue:[
+        Label defaultFont:labelDef value.
+        Button defaultFont:buttonDef value.
+        Toggle defaultFont:buttonDef value.
+        SelectionInListView defaultFont:listDef value.
+        MenuView defaultFont:menuDef value.
+        PullDownMenu defaultFont:menuDef value.
+        TextView defaultFont:textDef value.
+        EditTextView defaultFont:textDef value.
+        CodeView defaultFont:textDef value.
+    ].
+    box destroy.
+    ^ box accepted
+    "Modified: / 15.9.1998 / 22:04:56 / cg"
+    "reopen a new launcher.
+     for now (since style & language settings currently do
+     not affect living views ...)
+     WARNING: bad design: Message known in LauncherDialogs"
+    |contents builder newLauncher|
+    contents := transcript endEntry; list.
+    builder := self class openAt:(self window origin).
+    builder window waitUntilVisible.
+    newLauncher := builder application.
+    newLauncher transcript list:contents; hideCursor; scrollToBottom; cursorToEnd; showCursor.
+    ^ newLauncher
+    "Modified: / 4.8.1998 / 17:08:33 / cg"
+! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "for monitors only - my name"
+    ^ 'ST/X Launcher'
+    "my transcript"
+    ^ transcript
+! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'startup / release'!
+    "ignored here - the launcher is always global (i.e. not project private)."
+    ^ self
+    "close request from windowing system (window close);
+     confirm and ask if closing of launcher only or
+     a smalltalk-exit is wanted"
+    |answer|
+    answer := Dialog 
+		confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'Close %1 only or exit Smalltalk (close all)?' with:self class name)
+		labels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Exit' 'Close'))
+		default:3.
+    answer isNil ifTrue:[
+	"/ cancel
+	^self
+    ].
+    answer == true ifTrue:[
+	super closeRequest
+    ].
+    self exit
+    "Modified: / 5.9.1998 / 16:40:11 / cg"
+    "some windowManagers can send this, to shutDown an application
+     but let it save its state before, for later restart. 
+     Although I have not yet encountered such a windowManager,
+     we are already prepared for this ;-)"
+    self snapshot.
+    super saveAndTerminateRequest
+! !
 !AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'user actions - about'!
@@ -128,6 +488,155 @@
     "Modified: / 23.4.1998 / 11:45:53 / cg"
 ! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'user actions - classes'!
+    "open a browser showing all breakPointed/traced methods
+     (but, to get rid of them, there is also a menu itme to remove them all)"
+    SystemBrowser 
+        browseMethods: WrappedMethod allInstances 
+        title:'all breakPointed/traced methods'
+    "open an implementors- browser after asking for a selector"
+    |enterBox selector|
+    enterBox := EnterBox 
+		    title:(resources at:'Browse implementors of:') withCRs
+		    okText:(resources at:'browse')
+		    action:[:acceptedString | selector := acceptedString].
+    enterBox showAtPointer.
+    selector notNil ifTrue:[
+	self withWaitCursorDo:[
+	    SystemBrowser browseImplementorsOf:selector
+	]  
+    ].
+    "open a resource- browser after asking for a resource string"
+    |box resourceHolder valueHolder component rsrc value t anyString|
+    anyString := resources string:'* any *'.
+    resourceHolder := ValueHolder newString.
+    valueHolder := '*' asValue.
+    box := DialogBox new.
+    box label:(resources at:'Resource search:').
+    component := box addTextLabel:(resources at:'Search for methods which contain a\particular resource specification') withCRs.
+    component adjust:#left.
+    box addVerticalSpace:10.
+    component := box addTextLabel:(resources at:'Resource symbol (empty for any; no matchPattern allowed):') withCRs.
+    component adjust:#left.
+    component :=  box addComboBoxOn:resourceHolder tabable:true.
+    component list:((Array with:anyString) , #('canvas' 'menu' 'keyboard' 'style' 'image' 'programMenu' nil 'needsFix')).
+    component := box addTextLabel:(resources at:'Resource value (* for any; matchPattern is allowed):') withCRs.
+    component adjust:#left.
+    box addInputFieldOn:valueHolder tabable:true.
+    box addVerticalSpace:10.
+    box addHelpButtonFor:'programming/language.html#RESOURCEDEFS'.
+    box addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+    box showAtPointer.
+    box destroy.
+    box accepted ifTrue:[
+	rsrc := resourceHolder value.
+	value := valueHolder value.
+	(rsrc isNil or:[rsrc isEmpty or:[rsrc = '*' or:[rsrc = anyString]]]) ifTrue:[
+	    t := 'methods with any resource'.
+	    rsrc := nil
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    t := 'methods with #' , rsrc , '-resource'.
+	    rsrc := rsrc withoutSeparators asSymbol
+	].
+	(value isNil or:[value isEmpty or:[value = '*']]) ifTrue:[
+	    t := t , ' and any value'.
+	    value := nil
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    t := t , ' and value ' , value.
+	].
+	self withWaitCursorDo:[
+	    SystemBrowser browseForResource:rsrc
+			  containing:value
+			  in:(Smalltalk allClasses)
+			  title:t
+	]  
+    ].
+    "open a senders- browser after asking for a selector"
+    |enterBox selector|
+    enterBox := EnterBox 
+		    title:(resources at:'Browse senders of:') withCRs
+		    okText:(resources at:'browse')
+		    action:[:acceptedString | selector := acceptedString].
+    enterBox showAtPointer.
+    selector notNil ifTrue:[
+	self withWaitCursorDo:[
+	    SystemBrowser browseAllCallsOn:selector
+	]  
+    ].
+    "open a browser on methods refering to undeclared variables"
+    self withWaitCursorDo:[
+	SystemBrowser 
+	    browseReferendsOf:(Smalltalk underclaredPrefix , '*')
+	    title:(resources string:'references to undeclared variables')
+	    warnIfNone:true
+    ]
+    "remove all break- and trace points"
+    self withCursor:Cursor execute do:[ MessageTracer cleanup]
+    "open a classBrowser; asks for class"
+    SystemBrowser askThenBrowseClass
+    "open a classHierarchyBrowser; asks for class"
+    SystemBrowser askThenBrowseClassHierarchy
+    "open a fullClass systemBrowser; asks for class"
+    SystemBrowser askThenBrowseFullClassProtocol
+! !
 !AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'user actions - file'!
@@ -344,6 +853,258 @@
     "Modified: / 31.7.1998 / 22:47:33 / cg"
 ! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'user actions - system'!
+    "perform a compressing garbageCollect"
+    self withWaitCursorDo:[ObjectMemory verboseGarbageCollect]
+    "perform a non-compressing garbageCollect"
+    self withWaitCursorDo:[ObjectMemory reclaimSymbols]
+    "start/stop event tracing for a particular view"
+    |v wg|
+    v := Screen current viewFromUser.
+    v notNil ifTrue:[
+	v := v topView.
+	wg := v windowGroup.
+	wg notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "/
+	    "/ toggle eventTrace in its windowGroup
+	    "/
+	    wg traceEvents:(wg preEventHook isNil)
+	]
+    ]
+! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'user actions - tools'!
+    "creates a new project & opens a projectView for it"
+    Project notNil ifTrue: [(ProjectView for: Project new) open]
+    "asks for and switch to another project"
+    |list box|
+    Project notNil ifTrue:[
+	list := Project allInstances.
+	box := ListSelectionBox new.
+	box list:(list collect:[:p | p name]).
+	box title:(resources string:'select a project').
+	box action:[:selection |
+	    |project|
+	    project := list detect:[:p | p name = selection] ifNone:[nil].
+	    project isNil ifTrue:[
+		transcript showCR:'no such project.'
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		project showViews.
+		Project current:project
+	    ]
+	].
+	box showAtPointer.
+	box destroy
+    ]
+    "opens the new launcher"
+    NewLauncher isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self warn:'The NewLauncher is not available in this release.'
+    ].
+    NewLauncher openAt:(self window origin)
+    "opens the old launcher"
+    Launcher isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self warn:'The (Old)Launcher is not available in this release.'
+    ].
+    Launcher openAt:(self window origin)
+! !
+!AbstractLauncherApplication methodsFor:'user actions - windows'!
+    |setOfViews|
+    setOfViews := Project current views asIdentitySet.
+    setOfViews addAll:(Project defaultProject views).
+    setOfViews do:[:aTopView |
+        aTopView device == Screen current ifTrue:[
+            aTopView expand
+        ].
+    ].
+    "
+     Transcript topView application deIconifyAllWindows
+    "
+    "find a window (by name) and destroy it"
+    |v|
+    v := self findWindow:'select view to close:'.
+    v notNil ifTrue:[v destroy]
+    "find a window (by name) and raise it"
+    |v|
+    v := self findWindow:'select view to raise deiconified:'.
+    v notNil ifTrue:[v raiseDeiconified]
+    "after a second (to allow redraw of views under menu ...),
+     save the contents of the whole screen."
+    Processor 
+	addTimedBlock:[
+			self 
+			    saveScreenImage:(Image fromScreen) 
+			    defaultName:'screen'
+		      ] 
+	afterSeconds:1
+    |setOfViews currentScreen|
+    setOfViews := Project current views asIdentitySet.
+    setOfViews addAll:(Project defaultProject views).
+    currentScreen := Screen current.
+    setOfViews do:[:aTopView |
+        aTopView device == currentScreen ifTrue:[
+            aTopView collapse
+        ]
+    ]
+    "after a second (to allow redraw of views under menu ...),
+     let user specify a rectangular area on the screen
+     and save its contents."
+    |area|
+    Processor 
+	addTimedBlock:[
+			[Screen current leftButtonPressed] whileTrue:[Delay waitForSeconds:0.05].
+			area := Rectangle fromUser.
+			(area width > 0 and:[area height > 0]) ifTrue:[
+			    self saveScreenImage:(Image fromScreen:area) defaultName:'hardcopy'
+			]
+		      ] 
+	afterSeconds:1
+    "Modified: / 18.8.1998 / 15:00:42 / cg"
+    "open a windowTree view (on a topView)"
+    |v|
+    WindowTreeView isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ self warn:'The WindowTreeView is not available in this release.'
+    ].
+    v := self pickAView.
+    v notNil ifTrue:[
+        WindowTreeView openOn:v topView
+    ]
+    "let user pick a view and destroy it.
+     Even allow destroying non-smalltalk views
+     (also for views which I forgot due to some error)"
+    |device v id i c|
+    (Delay forSeconds:1) wait.
+    device := Screen current.
+    i := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/xpmBitmaps/cursors/cross2.xpm'.
+    i isNil ifTrue:[
+	c := Cursor crossHair
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	c := Cursor fromImage:i
+    ].
+    id := device viewIdFromPoint:(device pointFromUserShowing:c).
+    (v := device viewFromId:id) notNil ifTrue:[
+	v topView destroy.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    id = device rootView id ifTrue:[
+	^ self
+    ].
+    (Dialog confirm:'mhmh, this may not a be smalltalk view\(Or I somehow forgot about it).\Destroy anyway ?' withCRs)
+    ifTrue:[
+	device destroyView:nil withId:id
+    ].
+    "after a second (to allow redraw of views under menu ...),
+     let user specify a view and save its contents."
+    Processor 
+	addTimedBlock:[
+			|v|
+			(v := Screen current viewFromUser) notNil ifTrue:[
+			    self saveScreenImage:(Image fromView:(v topView)) defaultName:'hardcopy'
+			]
+		      ] 
+	afterSeconds:1
+    "let user pick a view and inspect it. Only smalltalk views are allowed"
+    |v|
+    (v := self pickAView) notNil ifTrue:[
+        v inspect
+    ]
+! !
 !AbstractLauncherApplication::LauncherDialogs class methodsFor:'dialogs'!
@@ -3482,5 +4243,5 @@
 !AbstractLauncherApplication class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/AbstractLauncherApplication.st,v 1.1 1999-02-11 11:14:01 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/AbstractLauncherApplication.st,v 1.2 1999-02-11 12:45:21 cg Exp $'
 ! !