changeset 9077 c936c0fc8ef4
parent 9045 a43cc56e8dca
child 9079 8f59fc950e8f
--- a/	Sun Oct 25 17:18:37 2009 +0100
+++ b/	Mon Oct 26 11:10:41 2009 +0100
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
 ApplicationModel subclass:#BreakpointBrowser
 	instanceVariableNames:'updatingLabelShown breakpointList shownCopyOfBreakpointList
 		selectionIndexHolder currentSortColumn currentSortIsReverse
-		showHalts showAssertions showCodeBreakpoints
-		showCodeBreakpointsFor showMethodBreakpoints codeView infoHolder
-		updateProcess'
-	classVariableNames:''
+		showHalts showOthers showAssertions showCodeBreakpoints
+		showCodeBreakpointsFor showMethodBreakpoints showDebugCode
+		codeView infoHolder updateProcess showWhichHaltsHolder'
+	classVariableNames:'MessagesAndTypes'
@@ -63,6 +63,29 @@
 ! !
+!BreakpointBrowser class methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "the set of messages which are shown; 
+     you can add your own one's with a #other categorization"
+    ^ #(
+        (#breakPoint:           #breakPoint)
+        (#breakPoint:info:      #breakPoint)
+        (#debuggingCodeFor:is:  #debugCode)
+        (#halt                  #halt)
+        (#halt:                 #halt)
+        (#assert:               #assertion)
+        (#assert:message:       #assertion)
+        (#todo                  #other)
+        (#todo:                 #other)
+    ).
+    MessagesAndTypes := self defaultListOfMessagesAndTypes
+! !
 !BreakpointBrowser class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
@@ -235,6 +258,7 @@
+                  enabled: hasSelectionHolder
                   label: 'Browse'
                   itemValue: browseSelectedItem
                   translateLabel: true
@@ -273,7 +297,37 @@
                   indication: showHalts
-                  label: '-'
+                  enabled: showHalts
+                  label: ' '
+                  translateLabel: true
+                  submenu: 
+                 (Menu
+                    (
+                     (MenuItem
+                        label: 'All Halts'
+                        nameKey: AllHalts
+                        translateLabel: true
+                        choice: showWhichHaltsHolder
+                        choiceValue: all
+                      )
+                     (MenuItem
+                        label: 'Enabled Halts'
+                        nameKey: EnabledHalts
+                        translateLabel: true
+                        choice: showWhichHaltsHolder
+                        choiceValue: enabled
+                      )
+                     (MenuItem
+                        label: 'Ignored Halts'
+                        nameKey: IgnoredHalts
+                        translateLabel: true
+                        choice: showWhichHaltsHolder
+                        choiceValue: ignored
+                      )
+                     )
+                    nil
+                    nil
+                  )
                   label: 'Code Breakpoints'
@@ -289,6 +343,20 @@
                   submenuChannel: codeBreakpointMenu
+                  label: 'Debug Code'
+                  itemValue: showDebugCode:
+                  translateLabel: true
+                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
+                  indication: showDebugCode
+                )
+               (MenuItem
+                  label: 'Other Debug Messages'
+                  itemValue: showOthers:
+                  translateLabel: true
+                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
+                  indication: showOthers
+                )
+               (MenuItem
                   label: '-'
@@ -694,6 +762,12 @@
+    "the spec of selectors to offer"
+    ^ MessagesAndTypes
     self selectionIndex isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
     ^ self breakpointListEntryAtIndex:(self selectionIndex).
@@ -780,6 +854,15 @@
     self updateShownBreakpointList
+    ^ showDebugCode ? true
+    showDebugCode := aBoolean.
+    self updateShownBreakpointList
     ^ showHalts ? true
@@ -796,6 +879,23 @@
     showMethodBreakpoints := aBoolean.
     self updateShownBreakpointList
+    ^ showOthers ? true
+    showOthers := aBoolean.
+    self updateShownBreakpointList
+    showWhichHaltsHolder isNil ifTrue:[
+        showWhichHaltsHolder := #all asValue.
+        showWhichHaltsHolder onChangeSend:#updateShownBreakpointList to:self
+    ].
+    ^ showWhichHaltsHolder
 ! !
 !BreakpointBrowser methodsFor:'change & update'!
@@ -808,29 +908,59 @@
-    |newList|
+    "filter those items which are to be shown from the complete list"
+    |newList showWhichHalt|
     newList := breakpointList.
-    self showHalts ifFalse:[
-	newList := newList reject:[:entry | entry isHalt].
+    self showOthers ifFalse:[
+        newList := newList reject:[:entry | entry isOther].
-    self showCodeBreakpoints ifFalse:[
-	newList := newList reject:[:entry | entry isCodeBreakpoint].
-    ] ifTrue:[
-	newList := newList reject:[:entry |
-				|flag|
-				flag := (showCodeBreakpointsFor at:(entry arg ? '<nil>') ifAbsentPut:[true asValue]) value.
-				entry isCodeBreakpoint
-				and:[ flag not ]
-			   ].
+    self showDebugCode ifFalse:[
+        newList := newList reject:[:entry | entry isDebugCode].
     self showMethodBreakpoints ifFalse:[
-	newList := newList reject:[:entry | entry isMethodBreakpoint].
+        newList := newList reject:[:entry | entry isMethodBreakpoint].
     self showAssertions ifFalse:[
-	newList := newList reject:[:entry | entry isAssertion].
+        newList := newList reject:[:entry | entry isAssertion].
+    self showHalts ifFalse:[
+        newList := newList reject:[:entry | entry isHalt].
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        showWhichHalt := showWhichHaltsHolder value.
+        showWhichHalt ~~ #all ifTrue:[  
+            newList := newList reject:[:entry | 
+                entry isHalt
+                and:[
+                    |showInList isIgnored|
+                    showInList := true.
+                    isIgnored := Debugger isHaltToBeIgnoredIn:entry method atLineNr:entry lineNumber.
+                    showWhichHalt == #ignored ifTrue:[
+                        showInList := isIgnored
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        showInList := isIgnored not
+                    ].
+                    showInList not]
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    self showCodeBreakpoints ifFalse:[
+        newList := newList reject:[:entry | entry isCodeBreakpoint].
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        newList := newList reject:[:entry |
+                                |flag|
+                                flag := (showCodeBreakpointsFor at:(entry arg ? '<nil>') ifAbsentPut:[true asValue]) value.
+                                entry isCodeBreakpoint
+                                and:[ flag not ]
+                           ].
+    ].
     shownCopyOfBreakpointList contents:newList.
@@ -838,18 +968,6 @@
     ^ (self messagesAndTypes collect:[:each | each first]) asSet.
-    ^ #(
-        (#breakPoint:           #breakPoint)
-        (#breakPoint:info:      #breakPoint)
-        (#debuggingCodeFor:is:  #debugCode)
-        (#halt                  #halt)
-        (#halt:                 #halt)
-        (#assert:               #assertion)
-        (#assert:message:       #assertion)
-    ).
 update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
     changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
         something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
@@ -924,6 +1042,8 @@
         entry lineNumber notNil ifTrue:[
             codeView cursorLine:entry lineNumber col:1.
             codeView selectLine:entry lineNumber.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self breakPoint:#cg.
             acceptAction:[:newText |
@@ -996,6 +1116,33 @@
     self updateCode
+    updateProcess notNil ifTrue:[^ self ].
+    self updatingLabelShown value:true.
+    "/ cg: mhmh why is this needed ????
+    Delay waitForSeconds:0.1.
+    self windowGroup repairDamage.
+    updateProcess := 
+        [
+            [
+                ActivityNotification handle:[:ex |
+                    self infoHolder value:ex errorString.
+                    self windowGroup processExposeEvents.
+                    ex proceed.
+                ] do:[
+                    self updateBreakpointList.
+                    self updateShownBreakpointList.
+                ]
+            ] ensure:[
+                updateProcess := nil.
+                self updatingLabelShown value:false.
+            ].
+        ] newProcess.
+    updateProcess resume.
     self shownCopyOfBreakpointList contents:breakpointList.
@@ -1011,7 +1158,9 @@
-    |entry type messagesSent|
+    |entry type messagesSent showWhichHalt|
+    showWhichHalt := self showWhichHaltsHolder value.
     mthd isWrapped ifTrue:[
         mthd isBreakpointed ifTrue:[
@@ -1048,7 +1197,14 @@
             "/ to fetch all message selectors. This should be done only once,
             "/ and not for every selector we look for)
             (messagesSent includesIdentical:bpSel) ifTrue:[
-                tree := mthd parseTree.
+                tree := RBParser 
+                    parseMethod:mthd source
+                    onError:[:aString :pos | 
+                        ('BreakPointBrowser [info]: error while parsing "%1": %2'
+                            bindWith:mthd whoString with:aString) infoPrintCR.
+                        nil
+                    ].
                 tree isNil ifTrue:[
                     entry := BreakpointListEntry new.
@@ -1063,25 +1219,30 @@
                 ] ifFalse:[
                     extractor := MessageArgumentExtractor new.
                     extractor selectorToSearch:bpSel.
-                    extractor callBack:[:lineNo :argument :infoMessage |
-                        argument notNil ifTrue:[
-                            newShowCodeBreakpointsFor
-                                at:argument
-                                put:(showCodeBreakpointsFor
-                                        at:argument
-                                        ifAbsent:[true asValue])
+                    extractor 
+                        callBack:[:lineNo :argument :infoMessage |
+                            |showIt isIgnored|
+                            argument notNil ifTrue:[
+                                newShowCodeBreakpointsFor
+                                    at:argument
+                                    put:(showCodeBreakpointsFor
+                                            at:argument
+                                            ifAbsent:[true asValue])
+                            ].
+                            entry := BreakpointListEntry new.
+                            entry
+                                type:type
+                                arg:argument
+                                className:cls name
+                                selector:sel
+                                lineNumber:lineNo
+                                info:infoMessage
+                                enabled:true.
+                            aBlock value:entry 
-                        entry := BreakpointListEntry new.
-                        entry
-                            type:type
-                            arg:argument
-                            className:cls name
-                            selector:sel
-                            lineNumber:lineNo
-                            info:infoMessage
-                            enabled:true.
-                        aBlock value:entry 
-                    ].
                     tree acceptVisitor:extractor.
@@ -1254,6 +1415,61 @@
     "Modified: / 27-03-2007 / 10:54:29 / cg"
 ! !
+!BreakpointBrowser methodsFor:'tests'!
+    "only here for demonstration purposes - should be found in the list"
+    self assert:(3 > 4)
+    "only here for demonstration purposes - should be found in the list"
+    self assert:(3 > 4) message:'well - that ought to work'
+    "only here for demonstration purposes - should be found in the list"
+    self breakPoint:#cg
+    "only here for demonstration purposes - should be found in the list"
+    self breakPoint:#cg info:'hello there'
+    "only here for demonstration purposes - should be found in the list"
+    self 
+        debuggingCodeFor:#cg
+        is:[
+            self bla.
+            Transcript show:'some debug prints here'
+        ].
+    "only here for demonstration purposes - should be found in the list"
+    self halt
+    "only here for demonstration purposes - should be found in the list"
+    self halt:'some message'
+    "only here for demonstration purposes - should be found in the list"
+    self todo
+! !
 !BreakpointBrowser methodsFor:'user actions'!
@@ -1342,33 +1558,6 @@
     self resort.
     "Created: / 25-10-2006 / 00:54:59 / cg"
-    updateProcess notNil ifTrue:[^ self ].
-    self updatingLabelShown value:true.
-    "/ cg: mhmh why is this needed ????
-    Delay waitForSeconds:0.1.
-    self windowGroup repairDamage.
-    updateProcess := 
-        [
-            [
-                ActivityNotification handle:[:ex |
-                    self infoHolder value:ex errorString.
-                    self windowGroup processExposeEvents.
-                    ex proceed.
-                ] do:[
-                    self updateBreakpointList.
-                    self updateShownBreakpointList.
-                ]
-            ] ensure:[
-                updateProcess := nil.
-                self updatingLabelShown value:false.
-            ].
-        ] newProcess.
-    updateProcess resume.
 ! !
 !BreakpointBrowser::BreakpointListEntry methodsFor:'accessing'!
@@ -1440,12 +1629,20 @@
     ^ type == #breakPoint
+    ^ type == #debugCode
     ^ type == #halt
     ^ type == #wrap
+    ^ type == #other
 ! !
 !BreakpointBrowser::MessageArgumentExtractor methodsFor:'accessing'!
@@ -1511,9 +1708,11 @@
 !BreakpointBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.15 2009-10-22 13:58:02 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.16 2009-10-26 10:10:41 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.15 2009-10-22 13:58:02 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.16 2009-10-26 10:10:41 cg Exp $'
 ! !
+BreakpointBrowser initialize!