changeset 36 ccde5a941840
child 37 50f59bad66b1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Sat Aug 13 20:40:49 1994 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1633 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+StandardSystemView subclass:#FileBrowser
+         instanceVariableNames:'labelView filterField fileListView subView 
+                                currentDirectory
+                                queryBox yesNoBox
+                                topFrame fileList
+                                checkBlock checkDelta timeOfLastCheck
+                                showLongList showVeryLongList showDotFiles
+                                myName killButton'
+         classVariableNames:'DirectoryHistory HistorySize'
+         poolDictionaries:''
+         category:'Interface-Browsers'
+FileBrowser comment:'
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.15 1994-08-13 18:40:28 claus Exp $
+!FileBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.15 1994-08-13 18:40:28 claus Exp $
+    this used to be a very simple demo application,
+    but migrated into a quite nice tool, includes all kinds of 
+    warning and information boxes, background processes for directory-
+    reading and internationalized strings. A good example for beginners,
+    on how to do things ....
+    See additional information in 'doc/misc/fbrowser.doc'.
+! !
+!FileBrowser class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    "start a new FileBrowser in a pathname"
+    ^ (self new currentDirectory:aDirectoryPath) open
+    "FileBrowser openOn:'aDirectoryPath'"
+! !
+!FileBrowser methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    |frame spacing halfSpacing v|
+    super initialize.
+    DirectoryHistory isNil ifTrue:[
+        DirectoryHistory := OrderedCollection new.
+        HistorySize := 15.
+    ].
+    myName := (resources string:self class name).
+    self label:myName.
+    self icon:(Form fromFile:(resources at:'ICON_FILE' default:'FBrowser.xbm')
+                  resolution:100).
+    spacing := ViewSpacing.
+    halfSpacing := spacing // 2.
+    checkBlock := [self checkIfDirectoryHasChanged].
+    checkDelta := 5.
+    currentDirectory := FileDirectory directoryNamed:'.'.
+    showLongList := resources at:'LONG_LIST' default:false.
+    showDotFiles := resources at:'SHOW_DOT_FILES' default:false.
+    filterField := EditField in:self.
+    filterField origin:[((width // 4 * 3) + halfSpacing) @ halfSpacing]
+                extent:[((width // 4) - borderWidth 
+                                      - (filterField margin) 
+                                      - halfSpacing
+                                      - filterField borderWidth)
+                        @
+                        (filterField heightIncludingBorder "i.e. take its default height"
+                         "font height + font descent + (filterField margin * 2)"
+                        )
+                       ].
+    self initializeFilterPattern.
+    filterField leaveAction:[:key | fileListView scrollToTop. self updateCurrentDirectory].
+    labelView := Label in:self.
+    labelView origin:(halfSpacing @ halfSpacing)
+              extent:[((width // 4 * 3) - spacing - borderWidth)
+                       @
+                       (filterField heightIncludingBorder)
+                       "(font height + font descent)"
+                     ].
+    labelView adjust:#right.
+    labelView borderWidth:0.
+    self initializeLabelMiddleButtonMenu.
+    killButton := Button label:(resources string:'kill') in:self.
+    killButton origin:(halfSpacing @ halfSpacing)
+               extent:[(killButton width)
+                       @
+                       (filterField heightIncludingBorder)
+                     ].
+    killButton hidden:true.
+    frame := VariableVerticalPanel
+                 origin:[frame borderWidth negated 
+                         @ 
+                         (labelView height + labelView origin y + spacing)
+                        ]
+                 extent:[width
+                         @
+                         (height - spacing - labelView height - borderWidth)
+                        ]
+                     in:self.
+    topFrame := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:frame.
+    topFrame origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.3).
+    fileListView := topFrame scrolledView.
+    fileListView action:[:lineNr | self fileSelect:lineNr].
+    fileListView doubleClickAction:[:lineNr | self fileSelect:lineNr.
+                                              self fileGet].
+    fileListView multipleSelectOk:true.
+    v := self initializeSubViewIn:frame.
+    v origin:(0.0 @ 0.3) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
+    subView := v scrolledView.
+    (subView respondsTo:#directoryForFileDialog:) ifTrue:[
+        subView directoryForFileDialog:currentDirectory
+    ].
+    ObjectMemory addDependent:self.
+    "set an initial matchpattern - can be redefined in subclasses"
+    filterField contents:'*'
+    "set up the contents view - can be redefined in subclasses for
+     different view types (SoundFileBrowser/ImageBrowsers etc.)"
+    ^ HVScrollableView for:CodeView miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:false in:frame.
+    "set the directory to be browsed"
+    currentDirectory := FileDirectory directoryNamed:aDirectoryPath.
+    (subView respondsTo:#directoryForFileDialog:) ifTrue:[
+        subView directoryForFileDialog:currentDirectory
+    ]
+    self initializeFileListMiddleButtonMenu.
+    super realize.
+"/    self updateCurrentDirectory
+    super mapped.
+    self updateCurrentDirectory
+    |labels selectors args|
+    labelView  notNil ifTrue:[
+        labels := resources array:#(
+                                   'copy path'
+                                   '-'                               
+                                   'up'
+                                   'change to home-directory'
+                                   'change directory ...'
+                                  ).             
+        selectors := #(
+                        copyPath
+                        nil
+                        changeToParentDirectory
+                        changeToHomeDirectory
+                        changeCurrentDirectory
+                      ).
+        args := Array new:5.
+        DirectoryHistory size > 0 ifTrue:[
+            labels := labels copyWith:'-'.
+            selectors := selectors copyWith:nil.
+            args := args copyWith:nil.
+            DirectoryHistory do:[:dirName |
+                labels := labels copyWith:dirName.
+                selectors := selectors copyWith:#changeDirectoryTo:.
+                args := args copyWith:dirName
+            ]
+        ].
+        labelView
+            middleButtonMenu:(PopUpMenu 
+                                    labels:labels
+                                 selectors:selectors
+                                      args:args
+                                  receiver:self
+                                       for:labelView).
+    ]
+    |labels|
+    fileListView  notNil ifTrue:[
+        labels := resources array:#(
+                                           'spawn'                   
+                                           'get contents'                    
+                                           'show info'             
+                                           'show full info'          
+                                           'fileIn'                 
+                                           '-'                               
+                                           'update'                 
+                                           '-'                               
+                                           'execute unix command ...'                
+                                           '-'                               
+                                           'remove'                 
+                                           'rename ...'                 
+                                           '-'                               
+                                           'display long list'           
+                                           'show all files'           
+                                           '-'                               
+                                           'create directory ...'         
+                                           'create file ...').             
+        fileListView
+            middleButtonMenu:(PopUpMenu 
+                                    labels:labels
+                                 selectors:#(fileSpawn
+                                             fileGet
+                                             fileGetInfo
+                                             fileGetLongInfo
+                                             fileFileIn
+                                             nil
+                                             updateCurrentDirectory
+                                             nil
+                                             fileExecute
+                                             nil
+                                             fileRemove
+                                             fileRename
+                                             nil
+                                             changeDisplayMode
+                                             changeDotFileVisibility
+                                             nil
+                                             newDirectory
+                                             newFile)
+                                  receiver:self
+                                       for:fileListView)
+    ]
+! !
+!FileBrowser methodsFor:'private'!
+showAlert:aString with:anErrorString
+    "show an alertbox, displaying the last Unix-error"
+    anErrorString isNil ifTrue:[
+        self warn:aString withCRs
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self warn:(aString , '\\(' , anErrorString , ')' ) withCRs
+    ]
+ask:question yesButton:yesButtonText action:aBlock
+    "common method to ask a yes/no question"
+    self ask:question yesButton:yesButtonText noButton:'abort' action:aBlock
+ask:question yesButton:yesButtonText noButton:noButtonText action:aBlock
+    "common method to ask a yes/no question"
+    "cache the box"
+    yesNoBox isNil ifTrue:[
+        yesNoBox := YesNoBox new
+    ].
+    yesNoBox title:question withCRs.
+    yesNoBox okText:(resources at:yesButtonText).
+    yesNoBox noText:(resources at:noButtonText).
+    yesNoBox okAction:aBlock.
+    yesNoBox showAtPointer
+askIfModified:question yesButton:yesButtonText action:aBlock
+    "tell user, that code has been modified - let her confirm"
+    (subView modified not or:[subView contentsWasSaved]) ifTrue:[
+        aBlock value.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    self ask:question yesButton:yesButtonText action:aBlock
+    "remove hidden files (i.e. those that start with '.') from
+     the list in aCollection"
+    |newCollection|
+    newCollection := aCollection species new.
+    aCollection do:[:fname |
+        ((fname startsWith:'.') and:[(fname = '..') not]) ifTrue:[
+            showDotFiles ifTrue:[
+                newCollection add:fname
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            newCollection add:fname
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ newCollection
+    "get filename of a description-file (;
+     uncomment stuff below if you want this to also
+     automatically show contents of README files."
+    #( ''
+"you can add these if you like ..."
+       'README'
+       'ReadMe'
+       'Readme'
+       'readme' 
+    ) do:[:f |
+        (currentDirectory isReadable:f) ifTrue:[^ f].
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "show directory info when dir has changed"
+    info notNil ifTrue:[
+        self show:(self readFile:info)
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self show:nil.
+    ]
+    "returns the currently selected file; shows an error if
+     multiple files are selected"
+    |sel|
+    sel := fileListView selection.
+    (sel isKindOf:Collection) ifTrue:[
+        self onlyOneSelection
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        sel notNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ fileList at:sel
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "get stat info on selected file - return a string which can be
+     shown in a box"
+    |fileName fullPath text info stream fileOutput type modeBits modeString s|
+    fileName := self getSelectedFileName.
+    fileName isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    info := currentDirectory infoOf:fileName.
+    info isNil ifTrue:[
+        self showAlert:(resources string:'cannot get info of ''%1'' !!' with:fileName)
+                  with:(OperatingSystem lastErrorString).
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    text := Text new.
+    type := info at:#type.
+    (longInfo and:[type == #regular]) ifTrue:[
+        fullPath := currentDirectory pathName , '/' , fileName.
+        stream := PipeStream readingFrom:('file ' , fullPath).
+        stream notNil ifTrue:[
+            fileOutput := stream contents asString.
+            stream close.
+            fileOutput := fileOutput copyFrom:(fileOutput indexOf:$:) + 1.
+            fileOutput := fileOutput withoutSeparators
+        ]
+    ].
+    s := (resources at:'type:   ').
+    fileOutput isNil ifTrue:[
+        s := s ,  type asString
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        s := s , 'regular (' , fileOutput , ')'
+    ].
+    text add:s.
+    text add:(resources at:'size:   ') , (info at:#size) printString.
+    modeBits := (info at:#mode).
+    modeString := self getModeString:modeBits.
+    longInfo ifTrue:[
+        text add:((resources at:'access: ')
+                  , modeString 
+                  , ' (' , (modeBits printStringRadix:8), ')' )
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        text add:(resources at:'access: ') , modeString
+    ].
+    text add:(resources at:'owner:  ')
+             , (OperatingSystem getUserNameFromID:(info at:#uid)).
+    longInfo ifTrue:[
+      text add:(resources at:'group:  ')
+             , (OperatingSystem getGroupNameFromID:(info at:#gid)).
+      text add:(resources at:'last access:       ')
+             , (info at:#accessTime) asTime printString
+             , ' ' 
+             , (info at:#accessTime) asDate printString.
+      text add:(resources at:'last modification: ')
+             , (info at:#modificationTime) asTime printString
+             , ' ' 
+             , (info at:#modificationTime) asDate printString.
+    ].
+    ^ text asString
+    "convert file-mode bits into a more user-friendly string.
+     This is wrong here - should be moved into OperatingSystem."
+    |bits modeString|
+    bits := modeBits bitAnd:8r777.
+    modeString := ''.
+    #( nil 8r400 8r200 8r100 nil 8r040 8r020 8r010 nil 8r004 8r002 8r001 ) 
+    with: #( 'owner:' $r $w $x ' group:' $r $w $x ' others:' $r $w $x ) do:[:bitMask :access |
+        bitMask isNil ifTrue:[
+            modeString := modeString , (resources string:access)
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (bits bitAnd:bitMask) == 0 ifTrue:[
+                modeString := modeString copyWith:$-
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                modeString := modeString copyWith:access
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ modeString
+    "every checkDelta secs, check if directoy has changed and update view if so"
+    |oldSelection nOld here|
+    shown ifTrue:[
+        currentDirectory notNil ifTrue:[
+            here := currentDirectory pathName.
+            (OperatingSystem isReadable:here) ifTrue:[
+                Processor removeTimedBlock:checkBlock.
+                (currentDirectory timeOfLastChange > timeOfLastCheck) ifTrue:[
+                    nOld := fileListView numberOfSelections.
+                    oldSelection := fileListView selectionValue.
+                    self updateCurrentDirectory.
+                    nOld ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                        nOld > 1 ifTrue:[
+                            oldSelection do:[:element  |
+                                fileListView addElementToSelection:element
+                            ]
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            fileListView selectElement:oldSelection
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    Processor addTimedBlock:checkBlock afterSeconds:checkDelta
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[         
+                "
+                 if the directory has been deleted, or is not readable ...
+                "
+                (OperatingSystem isValidPath:here) ifFalse:[
+                    self warn:(resources string:'FileBrowser:\\directory %1 is gone ?!!?' with:here) withCRs
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    self warn:(resources string:'FileBrowser:\\directory %1 is no longer readable ?!!?' with:here) withCRs
+                ].
+                fileListView contents:nil.
+                self label:(myName , ': directory is gone !!').
+                "/ Processor addTimedBlock:checkBlock afterSeconds:checkDelta
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+    "helper for update-directory to return a string with a files size.
+     This one gives the size in byte, Kb or Mb depending on size.
+     If you dont like this, just uncomment the first statement below."
+    |unitString sizeString|
+    ^ size printString.
+    unitString := ''.
+    size < (500 * 1024) ifTrue:[
+        size < (1024) ifTrue:[
+            sizeString := size printString
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            sizeString := (size * 10 // 1024 / 10.0) printString.
+            unitString := 'Kb'
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        sizeString := (size * 10 // 1024 // 1024 / 10.0) printString.
+        unitString := 'Mb'
+    ].
+    (sizeString includes:$.) ifFalse:[
+        sizeString := sizeString , '  '
+    ].
+    ^ (sizeString printStringLeftPaddedTo:5) , unitString.
+    "update listView with directory contents"
+    |files text len line info modeString typ
+     prevUid prevGid nameString groupString matchPattern
+     myProcess myPriority|
+    self withCursor:(Cursor read) do:[
+        Processor removeTimedBlock:checkBlock.
+        labelView label:(currentDirectory pathName).
+        timeOfLastCheck := Time now.
+        files := currentDirectory asOrderedCollection.
+        matchPattern := filterField contents.
+        (matchPattern notNil and:[
+         matchPattern isEmpty not and:[
+         matchPattern ~= '*']]) ifTrue:[
+            files := files select:[:aName | 
+                         ((currentDirectory typeOf:aName) == #directory)
+                         or:[matchPattern match:aName]
+                     ].
+        ].
+        files sort.
+        files size == 0 ifTrue:[
+            self notify:('directory ', currentDirectory pathName, ' vanished').
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        files := self withoutHiddenFiles:files.
+        "
+         this is a time consuming operation (especially, if reading an
+         NFS-mounted directory); therefore lower my priority while getting
+         the files info ...
+        "
+        myProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+        myPriority := myProcess priority.
+        myProcess priority:(Processor userBackgroundPriority).
+        [
+            fileList := files.
+            showLongList ifTrue:[
+                text := OrderedCollection new.
+                files do:[:aFileName |
+                    "
+                     if multiple FileBrowsers are reading, let others
+                     make some progress too
+                    "
+                    Processor yield.
+                    len := aFileName size.
+                    (len < 20) ifTrue:[
+                        line := aFileName , (String new:(22 - len))
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        "can happen on BSD only"
+                        line := (aFileName copyTo:20) , '  '
+                    ].
+                    info := currentDirectory infoOf:aFileName.
+                    info isNil ifTrue:[
+                        "not accessable - usually a symlink,
+                         which is not there/not readable
+                        "
+                        text add:line , '?  bad symbolic link'
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        typ := (info at:#type) at:1.
+                        (typ == $r) ifFalse:[
+                            line := line , typ asString , '  '
+                        ] ifTrue:[
+                            line := line , '   '
+                        ].
+                        modeString := self getModeString:(info at:#mode).
+                        line := line , modeString , '  '.
+                        ((info at:#uid) ~~ prevUid) ifTrue:[
+                            prevUid := (info at:#uid).
+                            nameString := OperatingSystem getUserNameFromID:prevUid.
+                            nameString := nameString , (String new:(10 - nameString size))
+                        ].
+                        line := line , nameString.
+                        ((info at:#gid) ~~ prevGid) ifTrue:[
+                            prevGid := (info at:#gid).
+                            groupString := OperatingSystem getGroupNameFromID:prevGid.
+                            groupString := groupString , (String new:(10 - groupString size))
+                        ].
+                        line := line , groupString.
+                        (typ == $r) ifTrue:[
+                            line := line , (self sizePrintString:(info at:#size))
+                        ].
+                        text add:line
+                    ].
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                text := files collect:[:aName |
+                    "
+                     if multiple FileBrowsers are reading, let others
+                     make some progress too
+                    "
+                    Processor yield.
+                    (((currentDirectory typeOf:aName) == #directory) and:[
+                    (aName ~= '..') and:[aName ~= '.']]) ifTrue:[
+                        aName , ' ...'
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        aName
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+            fileListView setContents:text
+        ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+            myProcess priority:myPriority.
+        ].
+        "
+         install a new check after some time
+        "
+        Processor addTimedBlock:checkBlock afterSeconds:checkDelta
+    ]
+doChangeCurrentDirectoryTo:fileName updateHistory:updateHistory 
+    "verify argument is name of a readable & executable directory
+     and if so, go there"
+    |msg|
+    self label:myName.
+    fileName notNil ifTrue:[
+        (currentDirectory isDirectory:fileName) ifTrue:[
+            (currentDirectory isReadable:fileName) ifTrue:[
+                (currentDirectory isExecutable:fileName) ifTrue:[
+                    updateHistory ifTrue:[
+                        (DirectoryHistory includes:(currentDirectory pathName)) ifFalse:[
+                            DirectoryHistory addFirst:currentDirectory pathName.
+                            DirectoryHistory size > HistorySize ifTrue:[
+                                DirectoryHistory removeLast
+                            ].
+                            self initializeLabelMiddleButtonMenu
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                    ^ self setCurrentDirectory:fileName
+                ].
+                msg := (resources string:'cannot change directory to ''%1'' !!' with:fileName)
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                msg := (resources string:'cannot read directory ''%1'' !!' with:fileName)
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            msg := (resources string:'''%1'' is not a directory !!' with:fileName)
+        ].
+        self showAlert:msg with:nil
+    ]
+    "go to home directory"
+    self doChangeCurrentDirectoryTo:'..' updateHistory:true
+    "go to home directory"
+    self doChangeCurrentDirectoryTo:(OperatingSystem getHomeDirectory) updateHistory:true
+    "setup for another directory"
+    |newDirectory info|
+    aPathName isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].
+    (currentDirectory isDirectory:aPathName) ifTrue:[
+        newDirectory := FileDirectory directoryNamed:aPathName in:currentDirectory.
+        newDirectory notNil ifTrue:[
+            currentDirectory := newDirectory.
+            fileListView contents:nil.
+            self updateCurrentDirectory.
+            info := self getInfoFile.
+            self showInfo:info.
+            "
+             tell my subview (whatever that is) to start its file-dialog
+             (i.e. save-as etc.) in that directory
+            "
+            (subView respondsTo:#directoryForFileDialog:) ifTrue:[
+                subView directoryForFileDialog:currentDirectory
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+    "read in the file, answer its contents as Text"
+    ^ self readFile:fileName lineDelimiter:Character cr
+    "read in from aStream, answer its contents as Text"
+    ^ self readStream:aStream lineDelimiter:Character cr
+readFile:fileName lineDelimiter:aCharacter 
+    "read in the file, answer its contents as Text. The files lines are delimited by aCharacter."
+    |stream text msg line sz|
+    stream := FileStream readonlyFileNamed:fileName in:currentDirectory.
+    stream isNil ifTrue:[
+        msg := (resources string:'cannot read file ''%1'' !!' with:fileName).
+        self showAlert:msg with:(FileStream lastErrorString).
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    "for very big files, give ObjectMemory a hint, to preallocate more"
+    (sz := stream size) > 1000000 ifTrue:[
+        ObjectMemory moreOldSpace:sz
+    ].
+    text := self readStream:stream lineDelimiter:aCharacter.
+    stream close.
+    ^ text
+readStream:aStream lineDelimiter:aCharacter 
+    "read from aStream, answer its contents as Text. The files lines are delimited by aCharacter."
+    |text msg line|
+    aCharacter == Character cr ifTrue:[
+        text := aStream contents
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        text := Text new.
+        [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+            line := aStream upTo:aCharacter.
+            text add:line
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ text
+writeFile:fileName text:someText 
+    |stream msg startNr nLines string|
+    self withCursor:(Cursor write) do:[
+        stream := FileStream newFileNamed:fileName in:currentDirectory.
+        stream isNil ifTrue:[
+            msg := (resources string:'cannot write file ''%1'' !!' with:fileName).
+            self showAlert:msg with:(FileStream lastErrorString)
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            someText isString ifTrue:[
+                stream nextPutAll:someText.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                "on some systems, writing linewise is very slow (via NFS)
+                 therefore we convert to a string and write it in chunks
+                 to avoid creating huge strings, we do it in blocks of 1000 lines
+                "
+                startNr := 1.
+                nLines := someText size.
+                [startNr <= nLines] whileTrue:[
+                    string := someText asStringFrom:startNr to:((startNr + 1000) min:nLines).
+                    stream nextPutAll:string.
+                    startNr := startNr + 1000 + 1.
+                ].
+"/                someText do:[:line |
+"/                  line notNil ifTrue:[
+"/                      stream nextPutAll:line.
+"/                  ].
+"/                  stream cr.
+"/              ]
+            ].
+            stream close.
+            subView modified:false
+        ]
+    ]
+    (currentDirectory includes:newName) ifTrue:[
+        self warn:(resources string:'%1 already exists.' with:newName) withCRs.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (currentDirectory createDirectory:newName) ifTrue:[
+        self updateCurrentDirectory
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self showAlert:(resources string:'cannot create directory ''%1'' !!' with:newName)
+                  with:(OperatingSystem lastErrorString)
+    ]
+    |aStream box|
+    (currentDirectory includes:newName) ifTrue:[
+        box := YesNoBox new.
+        box title:(resources string:'%1 already exists\\truncate ?' with:newName) withCRs.
+        box okText:(resources string:'truncate').
+        box noText:(resources string:'cancel').
+        box noAction:[^ self].
+        box showAtPointer
+    ].
+    aStream := FileStream newFileNamed:newName in:currentDirectory.
+    aStream notNil ifTrue:[
+        aStream close.
+        self updateCurrentDirectory
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self showAlert:(resources string:'cannot create file ''%1'' !!' with:newName)
+                  with:(FileStream lastErrorString)
+    ]
+    "show contents of fileName in subView"
+    |buffer s n i ok convert|
+    ((currentDirectory typeOf:fileName) == #regular) ifFalse:[
+        "clicked on something else - ignore it ..."
+        self show:(resources string:'''%1'' is not a regular file' with:fileName).
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "
+     check if file is a text file
+    "
+    s := FileStream readonlyFileNamed:fileName in:currentDirectory.
+    s isNil ifTrue:[
+        self showAlert:(resources string:'cannot read file ''%1'' !!' with:fileName)
+                  with:(FileStream lastErrorString).
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    buffer := String new:300.
+    n := s nextBytes:300 into:buffer.
+    s close.
+    ok := true.
+    1 to:n do:[:i |
+        (buffer at:i) isPrintable ifFalse:[ok := false].
+    ].
+    ok ifFalse:[
+        (self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' seems to be a binary file - continue anyway ?' with:fileName))
+        ifFalse:[^ self]
+    ].
+    convert := false.
+    ok ifTrue:[
+        "
+         check if line delimiter is a cr
+        "
+        i := buffer indexOf:Character cr.
+        i == 0 ifTrue:[
+            "
+             no newline found - try cr
+            "
+            i := buffer indexOf:(Character value:13).
+            i ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                convert := self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' seems to have CR as line delimiter - convert to NL ?' with:fileName).
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "release old text first - we might need the memory in case of huge files
+     (helps if you have a 4Mb file in the view, and click on another biggy)"
+    subView contents:nil.
+    convert ifTrue:[
+        self show:(self readFile:fileName lineDelimiter:(Character value:13))
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self show:(self readFile:fileName).
+    ].
+    subView acceptAction:[:theCode |
+        self writeFile:fileName text:theCode
+    ]
+    "show something in subview and undef acceptAction"
+    subView contents:something.
+    subView acceptAction:nil.
+    subView modified:false
+    "get selected file - show contents in subView"
+    |fileName|
+    self withCursor:(Cursor read) do:[
+        fileName := self getSelectedFileName.
+        fileName notNil ifTrue:[
+            (currentDirectory isDirectory:fileName) ifTrue:[
+                self doChangeCurrentDirectoryTo:fileName updateHistory:true.
+                self label:myName
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self showFile:fileName.
+                (currentDirectory isWritable:fileName) ifFalse:[
+                    self label:(myName , ': ' , fileName , ' (readonly)')
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    self label:(myName , ': ' , fileName)
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+doExecuteCommand:command replace:replace
+    "execute a unix command inserting the output of the command.
+     If replace is true, all text is replaced by the commands output;
+     otherwise, its inserted as selected text at the cursor position."
+    |stream line lnr myProcess myPriority startLine startCol stopSignal
+     access|
+    access := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
+    stopSignal := Signal new.
+    "
+     must take killButton out of my group
+    "
+    windowGroup removeView:killButton.
+    "
+     bring it to front, and turn hidden-mode off
+    "
+    killButton raise.
+    killButton hidden:false.
+    "
+     it will make me raise stopSignal when pressed
+    "
+    killButton action:[
+        stream notNil ifTrue:[
+            access critical:[
+                myProcess interruptWith:[stopSignal raise].
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "
+     start it up under its own windowgroup
+    "
+    killButton openAutonomous.
+    "
+     go fork a pipe and read it
+    "
+    self label:(myName , ': executing ' , (command copyTo:(20 min:command size)) , ' ...').
+    [
+      self withCursor:(Cursor wait) do:[
+        stopSignal catch:[
+            startLine := subView cursorLine.
+            startCol := subView cursorCol.
+            stream := PipeStream readingFrom:('cd '
+                                              , currentDirectory pathName
+                                              , '; '
+                                              , command).
+            stream notNil ifTrue:[
+                "
+                 this can be a time consuming operation; therefore lower my priority
+                "
+                myProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+                myPriority := myProcess priority.
+                myProcess priority:(Processor userBackgroundPriority).
+                [
+                    replace ifTrue:[
+                        subView list:nil.
+                        lnr := 1.
+                    ].
+                    [stream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+                        stream readWait.
+                        line := stream nextLine.
+                        "
+                         need this critical section; otherwise,
+                         we could get the signal while waiting for
+                         an expose event ...
+                        "
+                        access critical:[                        
+                            line notNil ifTrue:[
+                                replace ifTrue:[
+                                    subView at:lnr put:line.
+                                    lnr := lnr + 1.
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    subView insertStringAtCursor:line.
+                                    subView insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr).
+                                ]
+                            ].
+                            windowGroup processExposeEvents.
+                        ].
+                        "/
+                        "/ give others running at same prio a chance too
+                        "/
+                        Processor yield
+                    ].
+                ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+                    stream close. stream := nil.
+                ].
+                self updateCurrentDirectory
+            ].
+            replace ifTrue:[
+                subView modified:false.
+            ].
+        ]
+      ]
+    ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+        |wg|
+        self label:myName.
+        myProcess priority:myPriority.
+        "
+         remove the killButton from its group
+         (otherwise, it will be destroyed when we shut down the group)
+        "
+        wg := killButton windowGroup.
+        killButton windowGroup:nil.
+        "
+         shut down the windowgroup
+        "
+        wg process terminate.
+        "
+         hide the button, and make sure it will stay
+         hidden when we are realized again
+        "
+        killButton unrealize.
+        killButton hidden:true.
+        "
+         clear its action (actually not needed, but
+         releases reference to thisContext earlier)
+        "
+        killButton action:nil.
+    ]
+initialCommandFor:fileName into:aBox
+    "set a useful initial command for execute box.
+     XXX should be changed to take stuff from a config file
+     XXX or from resources."
+    ((currentDirectory typeOf:fileName) == #regular) ifTrue:[
+        (currentDirectory isExecutable:fileName) ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:(fileName , '<arguments>').
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        "some heuristics - my personal preferences ...
+         (actually this should come from a configfile)"
+        (fileName endsWith:'akefile') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'make target' selectFrom:6 to:11.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.tar.Z') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'zcat ' , fileName , ' | tar tvf -'.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.taz') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'zcat ' , fileName , ' | tar tvf -'.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.tar') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'tar tvf ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:7.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.zoo') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'zoo -list ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:9.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.zip') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'unzip -l ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:8.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.Z') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'uncompress ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:10.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'tar.gz') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:('gunzip <' , fileName , ' | tar tvf -' ).
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.gz') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:('gunzip <' , fileName , ' >' , (fileName copyTo:(fileName size - 3))).
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.uue') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'uudecode ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:8.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.c') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'cc -c ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:5.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.cc') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'g++ -c ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:6.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.C') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'g++ -c ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:6.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        (fileName endsWith:'.xbm') ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'bitmap ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:6.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        ((fileName endsWith:'.ps') or:[fileName endsWith:'.PS']) ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'ghostview ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:9.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        ((fileName endsWith:'.1') 
+        or:[fileName endsWith:'.man']) ifTrue:[
+            aBox initialText:'nroff -man ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:10.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        aBox initialText:'<cmd> ' , fileName selectFrom:1 to:5
+    ]
+    "setup and launch a querybox to ask for unix command.
+     Then evaluate aBlock passing the command-string as argument."
+    |fileName sel box|
+    box :=EnterBox new.
+    box initialText:''.
+    sel := fileListView selection.
+    (sel isKindOf:Collection) ifFalse:[
+        sel notNil ifTrue:[
+            fileName := fileList at:sel
+        ]
+    ].
+    fileName notNil ifTrue:[
+        self initialCommandFor:fileName into:box.
+    ].
+    box title:(resources at:'execute unix command:').
+    box okText:(resources at:'execute').
+    box action:aBlock.
+    box showAtPointer
+    |sel files|
+    sel := fileListView selection.
+    sel notNil ifTrue:[
+        (sel isKindOf:Collection) ifTrue:[
+            files := sel collect:[:index | fileList at:index].
+            files do:[:aFile |
+                aBlock value:aFile
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            aBlock value:(fileList at:sel)
+        ]
+    ]
+doRename:oldName to:newName
+    (oldName notNil and:[newName notNil]) ifTrue:[
+        (oldName isBlank or:[newName isBlank]) ifFalse:[
+            currentDirectory renameFile:oldName newName:newName.
+            self updateCurrentDirectory.
+            self checkIfDirectoryHasChanged
+        ]
+    ]
+    "remove the selected file(s) - no questions asked"
+    |ok msg dir|
+    self withCursor:(Cursor execute) do:[
+        self selectedFilesDo:[:fileName |
+            (currentDirectory isDirectory:fileName) ifTrue:[
+                dir := FileDirectory directoryNamed:fileName in:currentDirectory.
+                dir isEmpty ifFalse:[
+                    self ask:(resources string:'directory ''%1'' is not empty\remove anyway ?' with:fileName)
+                         yesButton:'remove'
+                         action:[currentDirectory removeDirectory:fileName]
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    currentDirectory removeDirectory:fileName
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                ok := currentDirectory remove:fileName.
+                ok ifFalse:[
+                    "was not able to remove it"
+                    msg := (resources string:'cannot remove ''%1'' !!' with:fileName).
+                    self showAlert:msg with:(OperatingSystem lastErrorString)
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    self show:nil
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        self updateCurrentDirectory.
+    ]                
+    "show a warning, that only one file must be selected for
+     this operation"
+    self warn:(resources at:'exactly one file must be selected !!')
+! !
+!FileBrowser methodsFor:'user interaction'!
+    "start another FileBrowser on the selected directory or
+     on the same directory if none is selected."
+    |any|
+    any := false.
+    self selectedFilesDo:[:fileName |
+        (currentDirectory isDirectory:fileName) ifTrue:[
+            self class openOn:(currentDirectory pathName , '/' , fileName).
+            any := true
+        ]
+    ].
+    any ifFalse:[
+        self class openOn:currentDirectory pathName
+    ]
+    "copy current path into cut & paste buffer"
+    Smalltalk at:#CopyBuffer put:(currentDirectory pathName)
+    "if text was modified show a queryBox,
+     otherwise pop up execute box immediately"
+    |action|
+"/    action := [:command| self doExecuteCommand:command replace:true].
+"/    self askIfModified:(resources at:'contents has not been saved.\\Modifications will be lost when command is executed.') withCRs
+"/             yesButton:(resources at:'execute')
+"/             action:[self askForCommandThenDo:action]
+    action := [:command| self doExecuteCommand:command replace:false].
+    self askForCommandThenDo:action
+    "selected a file - do nothing here"
+    ^ self
+    "if text was modified show an queryBox,
+     otherwise get it immediately"
+    |fileName msg label|
+    (subView modified not or:[subView contentsWasSaved]) ifTrue:[^ self doFileGet].
+    fileName := self getSelectedFileName.
+    fileName notNil ifTrue:[
+        (currentDirectory isDirectory:fileName) ifTrue:[
+            msg := (resources at:'contents has not been saved.\\Modifications will be lost when directory is changed.').
+            label := 'change'.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            msg := (resources at:'contents has not been saved.\\Modifications will be lost when new file is read.').
+            label := 'get'.
+        ].
+        self ask:msg yesButton:label action:[self doFileGet]
+    ]
+    |fileName inStream printStream line|
+    self withCursor:(Cursor execute) do:[
+        fileName := self getSelectedFileName.
+        fileName notNil ifTrue:[
+            ((currentDirectory typeOf:fileName) == #regular) ifTrue:[
+                inStream := FileStream readonlyFileNamed:fileName
+                                                      in:currentDirectory.
+                inStream isNil ifFalse:[
+                    printStream := PrinterStream new.
+                    printStream notNil ifTrue:[
+                        [inStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+                            line := inStream nextLine.
+                            printStream nextPutAll:line.
+                            printStream cr
+                        ].
+                        printStream close
+                    ].
+                    inStream close
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        0 "compiler hint"
+    ]
+    "fileIn the selected file(s)"
+    |aStream upd|
+    self withCursor:(Cursor wait) do:[
+        self selectedFilesDo:[:fileName |
+            ((currentDirectory typeOf:fileName) == #regular) ifTrue:[
+                ((fileName endsWith:'.o') 
+                or:[(fileName endsWith:'.so')
+                or:[fileName endsWith:'.obj']]) ifTrue:[
+                    Object abortSignal catch:[
+                        ObjectFileLoader loadObjectFile:(currentDirectory pathName , '/' ,fileName)
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    aStream := FileStream readonlyFileNamed:fileName in:currentDirectory.
+                    aStream isNil ifFalse:[
+                        upd := Class updateChanges:false.
+                        [
+                            Smalltalk systemPath addFirst:(currentDirectory pathName).
+                            aStream fileIn.
+                            Smalltalk systemPath removeFirst
+                        ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
+                            Class updateChanges:upd.
+                            aStream close
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+    "remove the selected file(s).
+     Query if user really wants to remove the file.
+     - should be enhanced, to look for a ~/.trash directory 
+     and move files there if it exists (without asking in this case)."
+    |sel q|
+    sel := fileListView selection.
+    sel notNil ifTrue:[
+        (sel isKindOf:Collection) ifTrue:[
+            q := resources string:'remove selected files ?'
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            q := resources string:'remove ''%1'' ?' with:(fileList at:sel)
+        ].
+        self ask:q yesButton:'remove' action:[self doRemove]
+    ]
+    "ask for and create a new directory"
+    queryBox isNil ifTrue:[
+        queryBox := FilenameEnterBox new
+    ].
+    queryBox initialText:''.
+    queryBox title:(resources at:'create new directory:') withCRs.
+    queryBox okText:(resources at:'create').
+    "queryBox abortText:(resources at:'abort')." 
+    queryBox action:[:newName | self doCreateDirectory:newName].
+    queryBox showAtPointer
+    "ask for and create a new file"
+    | sel |
+    queryBox isNil ifTrue:[
+        queryBox := FilenameEnterBox new
+    ].
+    sel := subView selection.
+    sel notNil ifTrue:[
+        queryBox initialText:(sel asString)
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        queryBox initialText:''
+    ].
+    queryBox title:(resources at:'create new file:') withCRs.
+    queryBox okText:(resources at:'create').
+    "queryBox abortText:(resources at:'abort')."
+    queryBox action:[:newName | self doCreateFile:newName].
+    queryBox showAtPointer
+    "rename the selected file(s)"
+    queryBox isNil ifTrue:[
+        queryBox := FilenameEnterBox new
+    ].
+    queryBox okText:(resources at:'rename').
+    "queryBox abortText:(resources at:'abort')."
+    self selectedFilesDo:[:oldName |
+        queryBox title:(resources string:'rename ''%1'' to:' with:oldName).
+        queryBox initialText:oldName.
+        queryBox action:[:newName | self doRename:oldName to:newName].
+        queryBox showAtPointer
+    ]
+    "exit FileBrowser"
+    self askIfModified:(resources at:'contents has not been saved.\\Modifications will be lost when FileBrowser is closed.') withCRs
+         yesButton:(resources at:'close')
+         action:[self destroy]
+    "destroy view and boxes"
+    ObjectMemory removeDependent:self.
+    Processor removeTimedBlock:checkBlock.
+    checkBlock := nil.
+    yesNoBox notNil ifTrue:[yesNoBox destroy. yesNoBox := nil].
+    queryBox notNil ifTrue:[queryBox destroy. queryBox := nil].
+    super destroy
+    (what == #aboutToExit) ifTrue:[
+        "system wants to shut down this
+         - if text was modified, pop up, and ask user and save if requested."
+        (subView modified and:[subView contentsWasSaved not]) ifTrue:[
+            shown ifFalse:[
+                self unrealize.
+                self realize
+            ].
+            self raise.
+            "
+             mhmh: I dont like this - need some way to tell windowGroup to handle
+             all pending exposures ...
+            "
+            self withAllSubViewsDo:[:view | view redraw].
+            self ask:(resources at:'FileBrowser:\\contents has not been saved.\\Save before exiting ?') withCRs
+                 yesButton:'save'
+                 noButton:'don''t save'
+                 action:[
+                        subView acceptAction notNil ifTrue:[
+                            subView accept
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            subView save
+                        ]
+                    ]
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    super update:what
+    "sent from label menu to change back to a previous directory"
+    self doChangeCurrentDirectoryTo:aDirectoryName updateHistory:false
+    "if text was modified show a queryBox, 
+     otherwise change immediately to directory"
+    self askIfModified:(resources at:'contents has not been saved.\\Modifications will be lost when directory is changed.') withCRs
+         yesButton:(resources at:'change')
+         action:[self queryForDirectoryToChange]
+    "if text was modified show a queryBox, 
+     otherwise change immediately to directory"
+    self askIfModified:(resources at:'contents has not been saved.\\Modifications will be lost when directory is changed.') withCRs
+         yesButton:(resources at:'change')
+         action:[self doChangeToParentDirectory]
+    "if text was modified show a queryBox, 
+     otherwise change immediately to directory"
+    self askIfModified:(resources at:'contents has not been saved.\\Modifications will be lost when directory is changed.') withCRs
+         yesButton:(resources at:'change')
+         action:[self doChangeToHomeDirectory]
+    "query for new directory"
+    queryBox isNil ifTrue:[
+        queryBox := FilenameEnterBox new
+    ].
+    queryBox initialText:''.
+    queryBox title:(resources at:'change directory to:') withCRs.
+    queryBox okText:(resources at:'change').
+    "queryBox abortText:(resources at:'abort')."
+    queryBox action:[:newName | self doChangeCurrentDirectoryTo:newName updateHistory:true].
+    queryBox showAtPointer
+    "get info on selected file - show it in a box"
+    |string|
+    string := self getFileInfoString:longInfo.
+    string notNil ifTrue:[
+        self information:string
+    ]
+    "triggered by menu: show long stat-info"
+    self fileGetInfo:true
+    "triggered by menu: show short stat-info"
+    self fileGetInfo:false
+    "toggle from long to short listing (and vice-versa)"
+    |long short|
+    long := (resources at:'display long list').
+    short := (resources at:'display short list').
+    showLongList := showLongList not.
+    showLongList ifFalse:[
+        fileListView middleButtonMenu labelAt:short put:long
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        fileListView middleButtonMenu labelAt:long put:short
+    ].
+    self updateCurrentDirectory
+    "turn on/off visibility of files whose name starts with '.'"
+    |show dontShow|
+    show := (resources at:'show all files').
+    dontShow := (resources at:'hide hidden files').
+    showDotFiles := showDotFiles not.
+    showDotFiles ifFalse:[
+        fileListView middleButtonMenu labelAt:dontShow put:show
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        fileListView middleButtonMenu labelAt:show put:dontShow
+    ].
+    self updateCurrentDirectory
+! !