changeset 2500 e4a8d9c98640
child 2508 53bf7e866c18
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser.st	Thu Dec 23 16:31:19 1999 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+ApplicationModel subclass:#HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser
+	instanceVariableNames:'versionDiffBrowser'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Interface-Browsers'
+HierarchicalItem subclass:#AbstractVersionDiffBrowserItem
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser
+HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::AbstractVersionDiffBrowserItem subclass:#ClassItemRoot
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser
+HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::AbstractVersionDiffBrowserItem subclass:#ClassItem
+	instanceVariableNames:'myClass'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser
+HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::AbstractVersionDiffBrowserItem subclass:#RevisionItem
+	instanceVariableNames:'revision'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser andSelector:#contentsSpecVersionDiffBrowser
+     HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser new openInterface:#contentsSpecVersionDiffBrowser
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^ 
+     #(#FullSpec
+        #name: #contentsSpecVersionDiffBrowser
+        #window: 
+       #(#WindowSpec
+          #label: 'Hierarchical Version DiffBrowser'
+          #name: 'Hierarchical Version DiffBrowser'
+          #min: #(#Point 10 10)
+          #max: #(#Point 9999 9999)
+          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 877 551)
+        )
+        #component: 
+       #(#SpecCollection
+          #collection: #(
+           #(#SubCanvasSpec
+              #name: 'VersionDiffBrowser'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 30 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
+              #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
+              #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
+              #majorKey: #VersionDiffBrowser
+              #minorKey: #windowSpec
+              #clientKey: #versionDiffBrowser
+            )
+           #(#LabelSpec
+              #name: 'Label1'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 20 0)
+              #visibilityChannel: #''
+              #translateLabel: true
+              #labelChannel: #versionDiffModel
+              #resizeForLabel: false
+              #adjust: #left
+            )
+           )
+        )
+      )
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser andSelector:#windowSpec
+     HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser new openInterface:#windowSpec
+     HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser open
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^ 
+     #(#FullSpec
+        #name: #windowSpec
+        #window: 
+       #(#WindowSpec
+          #label: 'Hierarchical Version DiffBrowser'
+          #name: 'Hierarchical Version DiffBrowser'
+          #min: #(#Point 10 10)
+          #max: #(#Point 9999 9999)
+          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 877 551)
+        )
+        #component: 
+       #(#SpecCollection
+          #collection: #(
+           #(#MenuPanelSpec
+              #name: 'menuPanel'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 24 0)
+              #level: 1
+              #tabable: true
+              #style: 
+             #(#Font
+                'helvetica' 'bold'
+                'oblique' 10
+              )
+            )
+           #(#VariableHorizontalPanelSpec
+              #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
+              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 21 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
+              #level: 0
+              #component: 
+             #(#SpecCollection
+                #collection: #(
+                 #(#HierarchicalListViewSpec
+                    #name: 'HierarchicalItemListView'
+                    #model: #hierarchicalItemSelectionAspect
+                    #menu: #selectHierarchicalItemMenu
+                    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
+                    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
+                    #listModel: #hierarchicalItemListModel
+                    #multipleSelectOk: true
+                    #highlightMode: #label
+                    #doubleClickSelector: #doubleClick:
+                    #indicatorSelector: #doubleClick:
+                  )
+                 #(#UISubSpecification
+                    #name: 'SubSpecification1'
+                    #majorKey: #HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser
+                    #minorKey: #contentsSpecVersionDiffBrowser
+                  )
+                 )
+              )
+              #handles: #(#Any 0.289017 1.0)
+            )
+           )
+        )
+      )
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     MenuEditor new openOnClass:HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser andSelector:#resourceItemMenu
+     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser resourceItemMenu)) startUp
+    "
+    <resource: #menu>
+    ^ 
+     #(#Menu
+        #(
+         #(#MenuItem
+            #label: 'Compare Changes'
+            #translateLabel: true
+            #value: #menuActionCompareChanges
+          )
+         )
+        nil
+        nil
+      )
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser class methodsFor:'startup'!
+    |theBrowser theClassItemColl|
+    theBrowser := self new.
+    theBrowser allButOpen.
+    theClassItemColl := aClassColl collect:[:eachClass |
+        |theClassItem theClass|
+        theClassItem := ClassItem new.
+        theClass := Smalltalk resolveName:eachClass inClass:self.
+        theClassItem myClass:theClass.
+        theClassItem].
+     theBrowser hierarchicalItemList addAll: theClassItemColl.
+     theBrowser hierarchicalListSelectionIndexColl:(Array with:1).
+     theBrowser openWindow.
+HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser openOnClasses:#(VersionDiffBrowser FileBrowser Array)
+HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser openOnClasses:(Smalltalk allClasses asOrderedCollection sort:[:x : y|x name < y name])
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser methodsFor:'accessing'!
+hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex: anIndex
+    ^self hierarchicalItemListModel at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil
+    ^self hierarchicalItemSelectionAspect value
+    ^self hierarchicalItemSelectionAspect value:anArray
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser methodsFor:'actions'!
+doubleClick: anIndex
+    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
+    "*** the code below performs no action"
+    "*** (except for some feedback on the Transcript)"
+    "*** Please change as required and accept in the browser."
+    "action to be added ..."
+    (self hierarchicalItemListModel at: anIndex) toggleExpand  
+    |theSelectionIndexColl theFirstRevisionItem theSecondRevisionString theClass theFirstRevisionString|
+    theSelectionIndexColl := self hierarchicalListSelectionIndexColl.
+    theFirstRevisionItem := (self hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex:theSelectionIndexColl first).
+    theClass := theFirstRevisionItem parent myClass.
+    theFirstRevisionString := theFirstRevisionItem revision.
+    theSecondRevisionString := (self hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex:theSelectionIndexColl last) revision.
+    self updateVersionDiffLabelForClass:theClass andVersionA:theFirstRevisionString andVersionB:theSecondRevisionString.    
+    self withWaitCursorDo:[
+        self versionDiffBrowser setupForClass:theClass versionA:theFirstRevisionString versionB:theSecondRevisionString.
+    ].
+<return: Block>
+    ^[|menu|
+      self checkIfTwoResourceItemsSelected
+        ifFalse:[menu := nil] 
+        ifTrue: [menu := Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(self class resourceItemMenu).
+                menu receiver:self].
+      menu
+    ]
+    versionDiffBrowser isNil ifTrue:[
+        versionDiffBrowser := VersionDiffBrowser new.
+"/        versionDiffBrowser hasMenu:false.
+        versionDiffBrowser masterApplication:self.
+    ].
+    ^ versionDiffBrowser
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser methodsFor:'aspects'!
+    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
+    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
+    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
+    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."
+    ^ self hierarchicalItemListModel root
+    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
+    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
+    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
+    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."
+    |holder|
+    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hierarchicalItemListModel) isNil ifTrue:[
+        holder := HierarchicalList new.
+        holder root:(ClassItemRoot new).
+        holder showRoot:false.
+        builder aspectAt:#hierarchicalItemListModel put:holder.
+        holder application:self.
+    ].
+    ^ holder.
+    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
+    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
+    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
+    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."
+    |holder|
+    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hierarchicalItemSelectionAspect) isNil ifTrue:[
+        holder := ValueHolder new.
+        builder aspectAt:#hierarchicalItemSelectionAspect put:holder.
+        holder addDependent: self.
+    ].
+    ^ holder.
+    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."
+    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
+    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
+    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."
+    |holder|
+    (holder := builder bindingAt:#versionDiffModel) isNil ifTrue:[
+        holder := String new asValue.
+        builder aspectAt:#versionDiffModel put:holder.
+    ].
+    ^ holder.
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser methodsFor:'interface opening'!
+postOpenWith: aBuilder
+    super postOpenWith: aBuilder.
+    self hierarchicalItemList expand.
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser methodsFor:'testing'!
+    |theSelectionIndexColl|
+    ((theSelectionIndexColl := self hierarchicalListSelectionIndexColl) isNil or:
+        [theSelectionIndexColl size ~~ 2])
+            ifTrue:[^false].
+    ^((self hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex:theSelectionIndexColl first) isRevisionItem
+        and:[(self hierarchicalListItemForSelectionIndex:theSelectionIndexColl last) isRevisionItem])
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser methodsFor:'update'!
+updateVersionDiffLabelForClass:aClass andVersionA:aVersionA andVersionB:aVersionB    
+    |theStream|
+    theStream := WriteStream on:#String.
+    theStream nextPutAll:'Compare '.
+    theStream nextPutAll: aClass name.
+    theStream nextPutAll:' revision '''.
+    theStream nextPutAll: aVersionA.
+    theStream nextPutAll: ''' with revision '''.
+    theStream nextPutAll: aVersionB.
+    theStream nextPutAll: '''.'.
+    self versionDiffModel value:theStream contents
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::AbstractVersionDiffBrowserItem methodsFor:'protocol'!
+    "returns list of children
+     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass
+    "
+    children isNil ifTrue:[
+        children := #()
+    ].
+    ^ children
+   ^ nil
+    ^ nil
+    "returns the middleButtonMenu or nil if no menu is defined
+    "
+    ^ nil
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::AbstractVersionDiffBrowserItem methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^false
+    ^false
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::ClassItemRoot methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    children   := OrderedCollection new.
+    isExpanded := true.
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::ClassItem methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'myClass' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ myClass!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'myClass' (automatically generated)"
+    myClass := something.! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::ClassItem methodsFor:'protocol'!
+"returns list of children. The revision for the class myClass
+are computed via the sourcecode manager. Only when the childrens
+are needed, they are calculated.
+<return: List>
+    children ifNil:[
+        self application withWaitCursorDo:[
+            |theRevisionItemColl|
+            theRevisionItemColl := (myClass sourceCodeManager revisionsOf:myClass) collect:[:eachRevision|
+                |theRevisionItem|
+                theRevisionItem := HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::RevisionItem new.
+                theRevisionItem revision:eachRevision.
+                theRevisionItem].
+             children:=theRevisionItemColl.
+             children do:[:aChild| aChild parent:self]]].
+    ^children
+    children ifNil:[^ true].
+  ^ children size ~~ 0
+   ^myClass name
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::ClassItem methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::RevisionItem methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'revision' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ revision!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'revision' (automatically generated)"
+    revision := something.! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::RevisionItem methodsFor:'protocol'!
+    ^revision
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser::RevisionItem methodsFor:'testing'!
+    ^true
+! !
+!HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/HierarchicalVersionDiffBrowser.st,v 1.1 1999-12-23 15:31:19 ps Exp $'
+! !