changeset 19011 eb958cb66cfc
parent 18752 45360c74eb11
child 19266 9c289c27acf7
--- a/AbstractDirectoryBrowser.st	Wed Aug 21 17:24:03 2019 +0200
+++ b/AbstractDirectoryBrowser.st	Wed Aug 21 17:24:13 2019 +0200
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
     "Created: / 23-07-2018 / 12:49:38 / Stefan Vogel"
+    self subclassResponsibility
     updateToExternFileHolderLock isNil ifTrue:[
         updateToExternFileHolderLock := self class newLock.
@@ -107,60 +111,6 @@
     ^ matching
     "Created: / 02-05-2019 / 18:58:30 / Claus Gittinger"
-findNextFileMatching:aGLOBPattern startingAt:anItemOrNil
-    "search files which match aGLOBPattern."
-    |searchFolder searchIndex stack|
-    stack := OrderedCollection new.
-    anItemOrNil isRootItem ifFalse:[
-        |i|
-        i := anItemOrNil.
-        [i isRootItem] whileFalse:[
-            stack addFirst:(i parent -> (i parent children indexOf:i)).
-            i := i parent.
-        ].    
-    ].
-    anItemOrNil isDirectory ifTrue:[
-        searchFolder := anItemOrNil.
-        searchIndex := 0.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        searchFolder := anItemOrNil parent.
-        searchIndex := anItemOrNil parent children indexOf:anItemOrNil.
-    ].
-    stack add:(searchFolder -> searchIndex).
-    [stack notEmpty] whileTrue:[
-        |work children|
-        work := stack removeLast.
-        searchFolder := work key.
-        searchIndex := work value.
-        children := searchFolder children.
-        searchIndex+1 to:(children size) doWithExit:[:childIndex :exit|
-            |child|
-            child := children at:childIndex.
-Transcript showCR:'search %1' with:child pathName.
-            child isDirectory ifFalse:[
-                (aGLOBPattern match:child baseName) ifTrue:[
-                    ^ child pathName asFilename
-                ].
-            ] ifTrue:[
-                stack add:(searchFolder -> childIndex).
-                stack add:(child -> 0).
-                exit value:nil.
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].  
-    ^ nil
-    "Created: / 02-05-2019 / 20:39:58 / Claus Gittinger"
 ! !
 !AbstractDirectoryBrowser methodsFor:'drag & drop'!
@@ -298,15 +248,97 @@
+    self 
+        findAndSelectNextFileMatching:aGLOBPattern 
+        under:(self theSingleSelectedItemOrNil ? self fileList root)
+        searchInfoInto:nil
+findAndSelectNextFileMatching:aGLOBPattern under:topDirectoryItem
+    self findAndSelectNextFileMatching:aGLOBPattern under:topDirectoryItem searchInfoInto:nil
+findAndSelectNextFileMatching:aGLOBPattern under:topDirectoryItem searchInfoInto:aBlockOrNil
-    fileOrNil := self findNextFileMatching:aGLOBPattern 
-                      startingAt:(self theSingleSelectedItemOrNil ? self fileList root).
+    fileOrNil := self findNextFileMatching:aGLOBPattern startingAt:topDirectoryItem searchInfoInto:aBlockOrNil.
     self selectFiles:(fileOrNil isNil 
                         ifFalse:[{ fileOrNil }])
     "Created: / 02-05-2019 / 20:43:41 / Claus Gittinger"
+findNextFileMatching:aGLOBPattern startingAt:anItemOrNil
+    "search files which match aGLOBPattern in the tree."
+    ^ self findNextFileMatching:aGLOBPattern startingAt:anItemOrNil searchInfoInto:nil
+    "Created: / 02-05-2019 / 20:39:58 / Claus Gittinger"
+findNextFileMatching:aGLOBPattern startingAt:anItemOrNil searchInfoInto:aBlockOrNil
+    "search files which match aGLOBPattern in the tree.
+     If not nil, aBlockOrNil is called whenever a new folder is searched (for visual feeedback)"
+    |searchFolder searchIndex stack|
+    stack := OrderedCollection new.
+    anItemOrNil isRootItem ifFalse:[
+        |i|
+        i := anItemOrNil.
+        [i isRootItem] whileFalse:[
+            stack addFirst:(i parent -> (i parent children indexOf:i)).
+            i := i parent.
+        ].    
+    ].
+    anItemOrNil isDirectory ifTrue:[
+        searchFolder := anItemOrNil.
+        searchIndex := 0.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        searchFolder := anItemOrNil parent.
+        searchIndex := anItemOrNil parent children indexOf:anItemOrNil.
+    ].
+    stack add:(searchFolder -> searchIndex).
+    [stack notEmpty] whileTrue:[
+        |work children|
+        work := stack removeLast.
+        searchFolder := work key.
+        searchIndex := work value.
+        (searchFolder pathName startsWith:'/Appl') ifTrue:[self halt].
+        aBlockOrNil notNil ifTrue:[aBlockOrNil value:searchFolder pathName].
+        children := searchFolder children.
+        searchIndex+1 to:(children size) doWithExit:[:childIndex :exit|
+            |child fn|
+            child := children at:childIndex.
+            Transcript showCR:'search %1' with:child pathName.
+            fn := child fileName.
+            fn isSymbolicLink ifFalse:[
+                fn isDirectory ifFalse:[
+                    (aGLOBPattern match:fn baseName) ifTrue:[
+                        ^ fn pathName asFilename
+                    ].
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    "/ deeper, but remember to proceed here
+                    stack add:(searchFolder -> childIndex).
+                    stack add:(child -> 0).
+                    exit value:nil.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].  
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 02-05-2019 / 20:39:58 / Claus Gittinger"
 ! !
 !AbstractDirectoryBrowser methodsFor:'selection'!