author Claus Gittinger <>
Sun, 05 Jan 2014 14:20:00 +0100
changeset 13738 07e534de96bd
parent 13703 43a4a2599e17
child 14187 fe7fa2d23b0b
permissions -rw-r--r--
class: FileOperation

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2003 by eXept Software AG
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
"{ Package: 'stx:libtool' }"

Object subclass:#FileOperation
	instanceVariableNames:'errorString result actionForAll'

FileOperation subclass:#Copy
	instanceVariableNames:'copiedFiles newFiles'

FileOperation::Copy subclass:#CopyCorrupted

FileOperation subclass:#Create
	classVariableNames:'LastCreatedDirectory LastCreatedFile'

FileOperation subclass:#Delete

FileOperation::Delete subclass:#Erase

FileOperation subclass:#Move

FileOperation subclass:#Rename

!FileOperation class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2003 by eXept Software AG
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
! !

!FileOperation class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

copyCorruptedFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile
    ^ CopyCorrupted
	copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile

    "Created: / 07-02-2007 / 18:41:24 / cg"

copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarningBoolean copyFileIfSame:copyIfSameBoolean
    ^ Copy
	copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile

copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory
    ^ Copy copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory

    ^ Create createDirectoryIn:aDirectory

createDirectoryIn:aDirectory initialAnswer:defaultAnswer
    ^ Create createDirectoryIn:aDirectory initialAnswer:defaultAnswer

    ^ Create createFileIn:aDirectory

    ^ Create createHardLinkIn:dir

createLinkIn:dir soft:soft
    ^ Create createLinkIn:dir soft:soft

    ^ Create createSoftLinkIn:dir

deleteFiles:colOfFiles confirm:confirm
    ^ Delete deleteFiles:colOfFiles confirm:confirm

eraseFiles:colOfFiles confirm:confirm
    ^ Erase deleteFiles:colOfFiles confirm:confirm

moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile
    ^ Move moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile

moveFiles:aCollectionOfFiles to:aDestDirectory
    ^ Move moveFiles:aCollectionOfFiles to:aDestDirectory

renameFile:filename to:newFileString
    ^ Rename renameFile:filename to:newFileString

    ^ Rename renameFiles:aCollectionofFilenames
! !

!FileOperation class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ '.copy'
! !

!FileOperation methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ errorString

    errorString := something.

    ^ result

    result := something.
! !

!FileOperation methodsFor:'dialogs & helpers'!

    aDirectory exists ifFalse:[
        (Dialog confirm:(FileBrowser classResources 
                            stringWithCRs:'Non-existing directory: %1\\Create?' 
                            with:aDirectory asString)
        ) ifFalse:[
            ^ false
        aDirectory recursiveMakeDirectory.
        aDirectory exists ifFalse:[
            Dialog warn:(FileBrowser classResources 
                            string:'Failed to create directory: %1').
            ^ false
    aDirectory isDirectory ifFalse:[
        Dialog warn:('Not a directory: %1' bindWith:aDirectory asString).
        ^ false
    ^ true

    "Created: / 07-02-2007 / 18:30:49 / cg"
    "Modified: / 09-12-2010 / 08:45:45 / cg"

fileExistsDialogForNewFile:newFile oldFile:oldFile withCancel:withCancel
    "return true, if the file should be moved/copied.
     Ask user if oldFile exists."

    ^ self fileExistsDialogForNewFile:newFile oldFile:oldFile withCancel:withCancel withRemoveIfSame:false.

fileExistsDialogForNewFile:newFile oldFile:oldFile withCancel:withCancel withRemoveIfSame:withRemoveIfSame
    "return true, if the file should be moved/copied.
     If oldFile exists, ask user.
     If withRemoveIfSame is true, two additional possible values are returned:
        #removeSource and #removeDestination.

    ^ self
        fileExistsDialogForNewFile:newFile oldFile:oldFile withCancel:withCancel withRemoveIfSame:withRemoveIfSame

    "Modified: / 20-03-2012 / 11:44:51 / cg"

fileExistsDialogForNewFile:newFile oldFile:oldFile withCancel:withCancel withRemoveIfSame:withRemoveIfSame withAllAction:withAllAction
    "return true, if the file should be moved/copied.
     If oldFile exists, ask user.
     If withRemoveIfSame is true, two additional possible values are returned:
        #removeSource and #removeDestination.

    |msg oldSize newSize sameContents resources sourceType destType labels values default olderOrNewer
     forAllHolder answer|

    newFile exists ifFalse:[ ^ true ].
    oldSize := oldFile fileSize.
    newSize := newFile fileSize.

    sameContents := false.

    newFile isDirectory ifTrue:[
        oldFile isDirectory ifTrue:[
            "/ could (should?) recursively look for same contents here...
    ] ifFalse:[
        oldFile isDirectory ifFalse:[
            sameContents := oldSize = newSize and:[oldFile sameContentsAs:newFile].

    resources := AbstractFileBrowser classResources.

    "/ for now:
    oldFile isDirectory ~~ newFile isDirectory ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:(resources string:'Will not overwrite directory with file and vice versa.').
        ^  false.

    sourceType := newFile isDirectory ifTrue:'directory' ifFalse:'file'.
    destType := oldFile isDirectory ifTrue:'directory' ifFalse:'file'.

    sameContents ifTrue:[
        msg := 'Overwrite existing destination %7:\\  %1\    size: %3 of %2\\with %8 source (same contents):\\  %4\    size: %6 of %5'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        msg := 'Overwrite existing destination %7:\\  %1\    size: %3 of %2\\with %8 source:\\  %4\    size: %6 of %5'.

    olderOrNewer := newFile modificationTime < oldFile modificationTime
                    ifTrue:[ 'newer' ]
                    ifFalse:[ 'older' ].
    msg := resources
                with:newFile asString allBold
                with:(newFile modificationTime printStringFormat:'%(Day)-%(mon)-%(year) %h:%m:%s')
                with:oldFile asString allBold
                with:(oldFile modificationTime printStringFormat:'%(Day)-%(mon)-%(year) %h:%m:%s')
                with:(resources string:olderOrNewer) ).

    (sameContents and:[withRemoveIfSame]) ifTrue:[
        labels := #( 'No' 'Remove Destination' 'Remove Source'  'Yes').
        values := #( false #removeDestination #removeSource true ).
        withCancel ifTrue:[ 
            labels := #('Cancel') , labels.
            values := #( nil ) , values. 
        default := #removeSource.
    ] ifFalse:[
        labels := #( 'No' 'Yes').
        values := #( false true ).
        withCancel ifTrue:[ 
            labels := #('Cancel') , labels.
            values := #( nil ) , values. 
        default := false.

    forAllHolder := false asValue.
    Dialog aboutToOpenBoxNotificationSignal handle:[:ex |

        withAllAction ifTrue:[
            box := ex box.
            box addVerticalSpace:10.
            box verticalPanel 
                        label:'Same action for all' 
    ] do:[
        answer := OptionBox
              label:(resources string:'Overwrite existing file')
              image:(YesNoBox iconBitmap)
              buttonLabels:(resources array:labels)
    (withAllAction and:[answer notNil]) ifTrue:[
        actionForAll := answer
    ^ answer

    "Created: / 20-03-2012 / 11:44:34 / cg"
! !

!FileOperation methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ false
! !

!FileOperation::Copy class methodsFor:'actions'!

copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile

    instance := self new.
    instance copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile.
    ^ instance

copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning

    instance := self new.
    instance copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning.
    ^ instance

copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarningBoolean copyFileIfSame:copyIfSameBoolean

    instance := self new.
    instance copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarningBoolean copyFileIfSame:copyIfSameBoolean.
    ^ instance

copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory

    instance := self new.
    instance copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory.
    ^ instance

copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning

    instance := self new.
    instance copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning.
    ^ instance

copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning copyFileIfSame:copy

    instance := self new.
    instance copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning copyFileIfSame:copy.
    ^ instance
! !

!FileOperation::Copy methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "obsolete - bad name"

    ^ self collectionOfCopiedFiles

    copiedFiles isNil ifTrue:[
	copiedFiles := OrderedCollection new.
    ^ copiedFiles

    newFiles isNil ifTrue:[
	newFiles := OrderedCollection new.
    ^ newFiles
! !

!FileOperation::Copy methodsFor:'actions'!

copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile
    self copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:true

copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning
    self copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:true copyFileIfSame:true

copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory
    ^ self copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:true.

copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning
    ^ self copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning copyFileIfSame:true.
! !

!FileOperation::Copy methodsFor:'actions-basic'!

basicCopy:aSourceFile to:newFile
    aSourceFile isDirectory ifTrue:[
        aSourceFile recursiveCopyTo:newFile.
        "/ OperatingSystem recursiveCopyDirectory:(aSourceFile pathName) to:(newFile pathName).
    ] ifFalse:[
        aSourceFile copyTo:newFile.

    "Created: / 07-02-2007 / 18:35:52 / cg"

copyFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarningBoolean copyFileIfSame:copyIfSameBoolean
    |newFile fileString targetDirectory suffix|

    aDestFile isDirectory ifTrue:[
        targetDirectory := aDestFile.
        newFile := aDestFile construct:(aSourceFile baseName).
    ] ifFalse:[
        targetDirectory := aDestFile directory.
        newFile := aDestFile.

    "/ do not copy if destination directory doest exist.
    (self checkDirectoryExists:targetDirectory) ifFalse:[
        result := false.
        ^ self
    (newFile exists) ifTrue:[
        ((newFile asString = aSourceFile asString) and:[copyIfSameBoolean]) ifTrue:[
            [newFile exists] whileTrue:[
                suffix := newFile suffix.
                fileString := newFile baseName withoutSuffix, self class suffixForCopyOverExistingFile, '.', suffix.
                newFile := targetDirectory construct:fileString.
        ] ifFalse:[
            overWriteWarningBoolean ifTrue:[
                (self fileExistsDialogForNewFile:newFile oldFile:aSourceFile withCancel:false withRemoveIfSame:false) ifFalse:[
                    result := false.
                    ^ self.
            ] ifFalse:[
                    result := false.
                    ^ self.
    StreamError handle:[:ex|
        "was not able to copy it"
        newFile remove.
        WarningBox warn:'on copy file - ', ex description.
        self errorString:('on copy file - ', ex description asString).
        result := false.
        ^ self
    ] do:[
        self basicCopy:aSourceFile to:newFile.
    DirectoryContents flushCachedDirectoryFor:(aSourceFile directory).
    result := true.

    "Modified: / 07-02-2007 / 18:36:02 / cg"

copyFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning copyFileIfSame:copy
    |newFile suffix fileString doCopy|

    "/ do not copy if destination directory doest exist.
    (self checkDirectoryExists:aDirectory) ifFalse:[
	result := false.
	^ self

    aColOfSourceFiles do:[:filename |
	newFile := aDirectory construct:(filename baseName).
	doCopy := true.
	(newFile exists) ifTrue:[
	    ((newFile asString = filename asString) and:[copy]) ifTrue:[
		[newFile exists] whileTrue:[
		    suffix := newFile suffix.
		    fileString := newFile withoutSuffix baseName, self class suffixForCopyOverExistingFile.
		    suffix notEmpty ifTrue:[
			fileString := fileString, '.', suffix.
		    newFile := aDirectory construct:fileString.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		overWriteWarning ifTrue:[
		    doCopy := (self fileExistsDialogForNewFile:newFile oldFile:filename withCancel:(aColOfSourceFiles size > 1) withRemoveIfSame:false).
		    doCopy isNil ifTrue:[
			" abort pressed "
			result := false.
			^ self.
	doCopy ifTrue:[
	    Error handle:[:ex|

		msg := 'on copy file - ', ex description asString.
		"was not able to copy it"
		result := false.
		self errorString:msg.
		( Dialog
		    confirm:('Error ',msg)
		    noLabel:'Abort') ifTrue:[
			ex proceed.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			^ self.
	    ] do:[
		self basicCopy:filename to:newFile
	    self collectionOfCopiedFiles add:filename.
	    self collectionOfNewFiles add:newFile.
    DirectoryContents flushCachedDirectoryFor:aDirectory.
    result := true.

    "Modified: / 07-02-2007 / 18:36:54 / cg"
! !

!FileOperation::CopyCorrupted methodsFor:'actions-basic'!

basicCopy:aSourceFile to:newFile
    aSourceFile isDirectory ifTrue:[
	newFile makeDirectory.
	aSourceFile directoryContentsDo:[:eachFileOrDirectory |
	    self basicCopy:(aSourceFile construct:eachFileOrDirectory) to:(newFile construct:eachFileOrDirectory)
    ] ifFalse:[
	self basicCopyFile:aSourceFile to:newFile.

    "Created: / 07-02-2007 / 18:39:03 / cg"

basicCopyFile:sourceFile to:destFile
    "this is a copy which is tolerant w.r.t. read errors.
     Wheneven a read fails, a number of retries is performed
     (with smaller buffer sizes) and, a block of zeros is eventually written.
     This allows for partially corrupted data to be read from a tape or disk."

    |in in2 out doWrite doRead fileSize offset buffer bufferSize nRead nWritten nSingle
     lostStart lostEnd seekFailed|

    buffer := ByteArray new:(self bufferSize).
    bufferSize := buffer size.
    offset := 0.
    fileSize := sourceFile fileSize.
    in := sourceFile readStream binary.
    out := destFile writeStream binary.

    doWrite := [:n |
                nWritten := out nextPutBytes:n from:buffer startingAt:1.
                offset := offset + nWritten.
                nWritten ~= n ifTrue:[
                    self error:'Write error'.

    doRead := [:n |
                ReadError handle:[:ex |
                    nRead := 0.
                    in position:offset.
                ] do:[
                    nRead := in nextBytes:n into:buffer startingAt:1.

        [offset < fileSize] whileTrue:[
            doRead value:(bufferSize min:(fileSize - offset)).
            nRead > 0 ifTrue:[
                lostStart notNil ifTrue:[
                    Transcript showCR:'CORRUPT: ',(lostStart printString),' .. ',(lostEnd printString).
                    lostStart := nil.
                doWrite value:nRead.

            nRead == (bufferSize min:(fileSize - offset)) ifTrue:[
                bufferSize < buffer size ifTrue:[
                    bufferSize := bufferSize * 2.
            ] ifFalse:[
                nRead == 0 ifTrue:[
                    "/ try reading single blocks for a while...
                    nSingle := self defectBlockRetryCount.
                        nSingle > 0 
                            doRead value:(self defectBlockCopySize).
                            nRead > 0]
                    ] whileTrue:[
                        lostStart notNil ifTrue:[
                            Transcript showCR:'CORRUPT: ',(lostStart printString),' .. ',(lostEnd printString).
                            lostStart := nil.
Transcript showCR:'single block at ',offset printString, 'size=',nRead printString.
                        doWrite value:nRead.
                        nSingle := nSingle - 1.

                    nRead == 0 ifTrue:[
                        in2 := sourceFile readStream binary.
                        Error handle:[:ex |
                        ] do:[
                            in2 position:0.
                            in2 nextBytes:buffer size into:buffer startingAt:1.
                        seekFailed := false.
                        Error handle:[:ex |
                            seekFailed := true.
                        ] do:[
                            in2 position:offset.
                        seekFailed ifTrue:[
                            buffer atAllPut:0.
                            Transcript showCR:'bad seek at ',offset printString.
                            doWrite value:(self defectBlockCopySize).
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            in close.
                            in := in2.
                            doRead value:(self defectBlockCopySize).
                            nRead > 0 ifTrue:[
Transcript showCR:'single after reopen at ',offset printString.
                                doWrite value:nRead.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                lostStart isNil ifTrue:[
                                    lostStart := lostEnd := offset.
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    lostEnd := offset.
                                buffer atAllPut:0.
Transcript showCR:'bad at ',offset printString.
                                doWrite value:(self defectBlockCopySize).
                                bufferSize := (self defectBlockCopySize).
            Transcript showCR:offset.
    ] ensure:[
        in close.
        out close.
    lostStart notNil ifTrue:[
        Transcript showCR:'CORRUPT: ',(lostStart printString),' .. ',(lostEnd printString).
        lostStart := nil.

    "Created: / 07-02-2007 / 18:40:32 / cg"
    "Modified: / 21-06-2010 / 14:25:22 / cg"
! !

!FileOperation::CopyCorrupted methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ 1024*1024*1

    "Created: / 21-06-2010 / 14:20:35 / cg"

    "/ ^ 256
    ^ 128*1024

    "Created: / 21-06-2010 / 14:22:23 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-11-2010 / 18:06:10 / cg"

    ^ 1

    "Created: / 21-06-2010 / 14:24:45 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-11-2010 / 18:05:19 / cg"
! !

!FileOperation::Create class methodsFor:'actions'!



    instance := self new.
    instance createDirectoryIn:aDirectory.
    ^ instance

createDirectoryIn:aDirectory initialAnswer:defaultAnswer


    instance := self new.
    instance createDirectoryIn:aDirectory initialAnswer:defaultAnswer.
    ^ instance



    instance := self new.
    instance createFileIn:aFile.
    ^ instance

    "create an new hard link in a files directory"

    ^ self createLinkIn:aFile soft:false

createLinkIn:aFile soft:soft
    "create an new soft or hard link in a files directory"


    instance := self new.
    instance createLinkIn:aFile soft:soft.
    ^ instance

    "create an new soft link in a files directory"

    ^ self createLinkIn:aFile soft:true
! !

!FileOperation::Create methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ createdFile

    createdFile := something.
! !

!FileOperation::Create methodsFor:'actions'!


    "/ stupid - that one already exists
"/    LastCreatedDirectory notNil ifTrue:[
"/        defaultDirectory := LastCreatedDirectory baseName.
"/    ].

    ^ self createDirectoryIn:startDirectory initialAnswer:defaultDirectory

    "create an new hard link in a files directory"

    self createLinkIn:aFile soft:false.

    "create an new soft link in a files directory"

    self createLinkIn:aFile soft:true.

    self result:false.
    Dialog warn:msg.
    self errorString:msg.
! !

!FileOperation::Create methodsFor:'actions-basic'!

createDirectoryIn:startDirectory initialAnswer:initialAnswerArg
    |resources initialAnswer msg startBaseName newName newDir|

    resources := AbstractFileBrowser classResources.

    startBaseName := startDirectory baseName.
    initialAnswer := initialAnswerArg.
    (startDirectory construct:initialAnswer) exists ifTrue:[
	initialAnswer := nil.
    newName := Dialog
		    request:(resources string:'Create New Directory in %1:' with:startBaseName allBold)
		    okLabel:(resources string:'Create')
		    title:(resources string:'Create Directory')
			self result:false.
			^ self
    newName isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self result:false.
	^ self
    newDir := startDirectory construct:newName.
    newDir exists ifTrue:[
	Dialog warn:(newName, ' already exists.').
	result := false.
	^ self

    newDir makeDirectory ifFalse:[
	msg := errorString := ('cannot create directory '', newName,'' !!') , '(', (OperatingSystem lastErrorString) , ')'.
	errorString := msg.
	Dialog warn:errorString.
	result := false.
	^ self
    self createdFile:newDir.
    LastCreatedDirectory := newDir.
    result := true.

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 11:52:48 / cg"

    "create an empty file"

    |resources aStream msg file directory newName defaultFile|

    resources := AbstractFileBrowser classResources.

    aFile isDirectory ifTrue:[
	directory := aFile
    ] ifFalse:[
	directory := aFile directory.
	file := aFile
    LastCreatedFile isNil ifTrue:[
	defaultFile := aFile baseName.
    ] ifFalse:[
	defaultFile := LastCreatedFile baseName.
    newName := Dialog
		    request:(resources string:'Create New File in %1:' with:directory baseName allBold)
		    okLabel:(resources string:'Create')
		    title:(resources string:'Create File')
			self result:false.
			^ self
    newName isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self result:false.
    ] ifFalse:[
	| newFile |
	newFile := directory construct:newName.
	newFile exists ifTrue:[
		confirm:(newName, ' already exists truncate ?')
		self result:false.
		^ self
	FileStream openErrorSignal handle:[:ex|
	    msg := ('Cannot create file '', newName,'' !!') , '(' , (FileStream lastErrorString) , ')'.
	    errorString := msg.
	    self result:false.
	    ^ Dialog warn:errorString
	] do:[
	    aStream := newFile newReadWriteStream.
	aStream close.
	self createdFile:newFile.
	LastCreatedFile := newFile.
	self result:true.

createLinkIn:aFile soft:symbolic
    "ask for the link target;
     then, create an new soft or hard link in aFile's directory"

    |resources newPath oldPath box string if1 if2|

    resources := AbstractFileBrowser classResources.

    newPath := (aFile isDirectory ifTrue:[ aFile ] ifFalse:[ aFile directory ]) asValue.
    oldPath := aFile asValue.

    box := Dialog new.
    box label:'Create Link'.

    string := 'Create ', (symbolic ifTrue:['Symbolic'] ifFalse:['Hard']) ,' Link from:'.
    box addTextLabel:(resources string:string) adjust:#left.
    if1 := box addFilenameInputFieldOn:oldPath in:nil tabable:true.
    box addTextLabel:(resources string:'to:') adjust:#left.
    if2 := box addFilenameInputFieldOn:newPath in:nil value tabable:true.

    box addAbortAndOkButtons.

    aFile isDirectory ifFalse:[
        box focusOnField:if1.
    box showAtPointer.

    box accepted ifFalse:[
        self result:false.
    ] ifTrue:[
        self doCreateLinkFrom:(oldPath value) to:(newPath value) soft:symbolic.

    "Modified: / 24-07-2011 / 08:24:14 / cg"

doCreateLinkFrom:oldPath to:newPathArg soft:symbolic
    "actually create a soft or hard link"

    |resources err newPath newPathFile oldPathFile|

    newPath := newPathArg.

    resources := AbstractFileBrowser classResources.

    (oldPath size == 0) ifTrue:[
	self operationError:'Missing source'.
	^ self.
    (newPath size == 0) ifTrue:[
	self operationError:'Missing link name (target)'.
	^ self.

    newPathFile := newPath asFilename.
    oldPathFile := oldPath asFilename.

    newPathFile exists ifTrue:[
	newPathFile isDirectory ifTrue:[
	    newPathFile := newPathFile construct:(oldPathFile baseName).
	    newPath := newPathFile name.

    newPathFile exists ifTrue:[
	self operationError:(resources string:'%1 already exists' with:newPath allBold).
	^ self.
    oldPathFile exists ifFalse:[
	symbolic ifTrue:[
	    oldPathFile isAbsolute ifTrue:[
		self operationError:(resources string:'%1 does not exist' with:oldPath allBold).
		^ self.
	    (newPathFile directory construct:oldPath) exists ifFalse:[
		Dialog warn:(resources string:'%1 does not exist (Warning only)' with:oldPath allBold).
	] ifFalse:[
	    self operationError:(resources string:'%1 does not exist' with:oldPath allBold).
	    ^ self.
    ((symbolic not) and:[oldPathFile isDirectory]) ifTrue:[
	self operationError:(resources string:'%1 is a directory' with:oldPath allBold).
	^ self.
    ErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	err := ex errorString.
	self operationError:err.
    ] do:[
	symbolic ifTrue:[
	    OperatingSystem createSymbolicLinkFrom:oldPath to:newPath.
	] ifFalse:[
	    OperatingSystem createHardLinkFrom:oldPath to:newPath
	self createdFile:newPathFile.
	self result:true.
! !

!FileOperation::Delete class methodsFor:'actions'!

    "delete aFileOrDirectory"


    instance := self new.
    instance deleteFile:aFileOrDirectory.
    ^ instance

    ^ self deleteFiles:aCollectionOfFiles confirm:true

deleteFiles:aCollectionOfFiles confirm:confirm
    "delete aCollectionOfFiles"


    instance := self new.
    instance deleteFiles:aCollectionOfFiles confirm:confirm.
    ^ instance
! !

!FileOperation::Delete methodsFor:'actions'!

    ^ self deleteFiles:colOfFiles confirm:true.

    "intentionally left blank"
! !

!FileOperation::Delete methodsFor:'actions-basic'!

    | file isDirectory |

    aFileOrDirectory notNil ifTrue:[
	file := aFileOrDirectory asFilename.

	isDirectory := file isDirectory.

	Error handle:[:ex|
	    "was not able to remove it"
	    Dialog warn:(ex description).
	    self errorString:(ex description).
	    result := false.
	    ^ self.
	] do:[
	    isDirectory ifTrue:[
		file recursiveRemove
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self eraseFilesContentsBeforeRemoving:file.
		file remove
	"/ flush parent directory or directory
    DirectoryContents flushCachedDirectoryFor:(file directory).
    result := true.

    "Modified: / 17-03-2004 / 12:42:02 / cg"

deleteFiles:colOfFiles confirm:confirm
    |resources answer nFilesToDelete ask labels values fileTypeString msg lbls vals dontAskForNonEmptyDirectory

    dontAskForNonEmptyDirectory := false.
    ask := confirm.
    resources := AbstractFileBrowser classResources.

    nFilesToDelete := colOfFiles size.
    nFilesDone := 0.
    colOfFiles do:[:filenameOrString |
        |filename doDelete skip|

        filename := filenameOrString asFilename.
        skip := false.
        fileTypeString := ''.
        filename isSymbolicLink ifTrue:[
            fileTypeString := 'symbolic link '.
        ] ifFalse:[
            filename exists ifFalse:[
                    confirm:('%1 does not exist.' bindWith:filename asString allBold)
                    yesLabel:(resources string:'Proceed')
                    noLabel:(resources string:'Cancel'))
                    ^ self.
                skip := true.
        skip ifFalse:[
            ask ifTrue:[
                nFilesToDelete = 1 ifTrue:[
                    labels := #('No' 'Yes').
                    values := #(#no #yes).
                ] ifFalse:[
                    labels := #('Cancel' 'No' 'Yes' 'Yes to All' ).
                    values := #(#cancel #no #yes #yesToAll).
                msg := self isErase ifTrue:'Really erase' ifFalse:'Really delete'.
                msg := msg ,
                       (nFilesToDelete = 1
                            ifTrue:'\\%1%2 ?'
                            ifFalse:'\\%1%2 \\(%3 files alltogether)').
                answer := Dialog
                                        with:(filename asString allBold)
                    labels:(resources array:labels)
                    default:(values indexOf:#yes).
            ] ifFalse:[
                answer := #yesToAll.

            answer == #cancel ifTrue:[
                ^ self.

            answer == #yesToAll ifTrue:[
                ask := false.
                answer := #yes.

            answer == #yes ifTrue:[
                doDelete := true.
                filename isSymbolicLink ifFalse:[
                    dontAskForNonEmptyDirectory ifFalse:[
                        filename isNonEmptyDirectory ifTrue:[
                            colOfFiles size == 1 ifTrue:[
                                lbls := #('Cancel' 'Remove').
                                vals := #(false true).
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                lbls := #('Cancel All' 'Keep' 'Remove' 'Remove All').
                                vals := #(nil false true #removeAll).
                            doDelete := Dialog
                                                            stringWithCRs:'Directory ''%1'' is not empty\remove anyway ?'
                                                            with:filename pathName allBold)
                                        labels:( resources array:lbls )
                                        default:(vals indexOf:true).
                            doDelete == nil ifTrue:[
                                ^ self
                            doDelete == #removeAll ifTrue:[
                                dontAskForNonEmptyDirectory := true.
                                doDelete := true.
                doDelete ifTrue:[
                    ProgressNotification progressPercentage:(nFilesDone / nFilesToDelete)*100.
                    self deleteFile:filename.
                    nFilesDone := nFilesDone + 1.
                    ProgressNotification progressPercentage:(nFilesDone / nFilesToDelete)*100.

    "Modified: / 11-10-2010 / 13:08:20 / cg"
! !

!FileOperation::Erase methodsFor:'actions-basic'!

    "fill file with zeros (to be really erased from the disk).
     We use this, if the file contains security relevant data (such as crypto-keys)"

    |writeStream fileSize remaining buffer bufferSize nWritten|

    fileSize := file fileSize.
    writeStream := file asFilename readWriteStream.
        remaining := fileSize.
        bufferSize := 8192.
        buffer := ByteArray new:bufferSize.

        [remaining > 0] whileTrue:[
            nWritten := writeStream
                            nextPutBytes:(bufferSize min:remaining)
            remaining := remaining - nWritten.
            ProgressNotification progressPercentage:(1 - (remaining / fileSize))*100.
    ] ensure:[
        writeStream close.

    "Modified: / 07-02-2007 / 18:20:21 / cg"
! !

!FileOperation::Erase methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ true
! !

!FileOperation::Move class methodsFor:'actions'!

moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile

    instance := self new.
    instance moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile.
    ^ instance

moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning

    instance := self new.
    instance moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning.
    ^ instance

moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning moveFileIfSame:move

    instance := self new.
    instance moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning moveFileIfSame:move.
    ^ instance

moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory

    instance := self new.
    instance moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory.
    ^ instance

moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning

    instance := self new.
    instance moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning.
    ^ instance

moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning moveFileIfSame:move

    instance := self new.
    instance moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning moveFileIfSame:move.
    ^ instance
! !

!FileOperation::Move methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "obsolete - bad name"

    ^ self collectionOfMovedFiles

    movedFiles isNil ifTrue:[
	movedFiles := OrderedCollection new.
    ^ movedFiles
! !

!FileOperation::Move methodsFor:'actions'!

moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile

    ^ self moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:true.

moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning

    ^ self moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning moveFileIfSame:true

moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory

    ^ self moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:true

moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning

    ^ self moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning moveFileIfSame:true
! !

!FileOperation::Move methodsFor:'actions-basic'!

moveFile:aSourceFile to:aDestFile withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning moveFileIfSame:move

    |newFile fileString targetDirectory targetIsDirectory suffix doMove|

    targetIsDirectory := aDestFile isDirectory.
    targetIsDirectory ifTrue:[
        targetDirectory := aDestFile.
        newFile := aDestFile construct:(aSourceFile baseName).
    ] ifFalse:[
        targetDirectory := aDestFile directory.
        newFile := aDestFile.
    "/ do not copy if destination directory doest exist.
    targetDirectory exists ifFalse:[
        Dialog warn:'Cannot move to non-existing directory ', targetDirectory asString.
        result := false.
        ^ self
    (newFile exists) ifTrue:[
        ((newFile asString = aSourceFile asString) and:[move]) ifTrue:[
            [newFile exists] whileTrue:[
                suffix := newFile suffix.
                fileString := newFile baseName withoutSuffix, self class suffixForCopyOverExistingFile, '.', suffix.
                newFile := targetDirectory construct:fileString.
        ] ifFalse:[
            overWriteWarning ifTrue:[
                doMove := self fileExistsDialogForNewFile:newFile oldFile:aSourceFile withCancel:false withRemoveIfSame:true.
                doMove == #removeSource ifTrue:[
                    self shouldImplement.
                    result := false.
                    ^ self.
                doMove == #removeDestination ifTrue:[
                    self shouldImplement.
                    result := false.
                    ^ self.
                doMove == true ifFalse:[
                    result := false.
                    ^ self.

            ] ifFalse:[
                result := false.
                ^ self.
    Error handle:[:ex|
        "was not able to copy it"
        WarningBox warn:'Error in move file operation: ', ex description.
        self errorString:('Error in move file operation- ', ex description asString).
        result := false.
        ^ self
    ] do:[
        aSourceFile moveTo:newFile.
    DirectoryContents flushCachedDirectoryFor:(aSourceFile directory).
    result := true.

moveFiles:aColOfSourceFiles to:aDirectory withOverWriteWarning:overWriteWarning moveFileIfSame:move

    |newFile suffix fileString doMove doRemoveSource doRemoveDestination|

    aDirectory exists ifFalse:[
        (Dialog confirm:(FileBrowser classResources
                            stringWithCRs:'Non-existing directory "%1" .\Create ?'
                            with:aDirectory asString allBold)) ifFalse:[
            result := false.
            ^ self
        aDirectory makeDirectory.
        aDirectory exists ifFalse:[
            Dialog warn:(FileBrowser classResources
                                stringWithCRs:'Cannot create directory "%1" !!\Create ?.'
                                with:aDirectory asString allBold).
            result := false.
            ^ self
    (aDirectory isDirectory) ifFalse:[
        Dialog warn:('Destination %1 is not a directory.' bindWith:aDirectory asString allBold).
        result := false.
        ^ self
    aColOfSourceFiles do:[: filename |
        newFile := aDirectory construct:filename baseName.

        doMove := true.
        doRemoveSource := false.
        doRemoveDestination := false.

        (newFile exists) ifTrue:[
            ((newFile asString = filename asString) and:[move]) ifTrue:[
                [newFile exists] whileTrue:[
                    suffix := newFile suffix.
                    fileString := newFile withoutSuffix baseName , self class suffixForCopyOverExistingFile, '.', suffix.
                    newFile := aDirectory construct:fileString.
            ] ifFalse:[
                overWriteWarning ifTrue:[
                    (doMove := actionForAll) isNil ifTrue:[
                        doMove := self 
                                    fileExistsDialogForNewFile:newFile oldFile:filename 
                                    withCancel:(aColOfSourceFiles size > 1) withRemoveIfSame:true
                                    withAllAction: true.
                        doMove isNil ifTrue:[   "/ cancel
                            result := false.
                            ^ self.
                    (doMove == #removeSource) ifTrue:[
                        doRemoveSource := true.
                        doMove := false
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        (doMove == #removeDestination) ifTrue:[
                            doRemoveDestination := true.
                            doMove := false

        (doMove or:[doRemoveSource or:[doRemoveDestination]]) ifTrue:[
            Error handle:[:ex|
                "was not able to copy it"

                result := false.
                descriptionString := ex description asString.
                self errorString:(' Error in Move-File Operation:', descriptionString).
                ( Dialog
                    confirm:(' Error in Move-File Operation: ', descriptionString)
                ) ifFalse:[
                    ^ self.
            ] do:[
                doRemoveSource ifTrue:[
                    filename remove
                ] ifFalse:[
                    doRemoveDestination ifTrue:[
                        newFile remove
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        filename moveTo:newFile.
            self collectionOfMovedFiles add:filename
    DirectoryContents flushCachedDirectoryFor:aDirectory.
    result := true.

    "Modified: / 20-03-2012 / 11:53:35 / cg"
! !

!FileOperation::Rename class methodsFor:'actions'!

renameFile:oldFile to:newName

    instance := self new.
    instance renameFile:oldFile to:newName.
    ^ instance


    instance := self new.
    instance renameFiles:aColOfFiles.
    ^ instance
! !

!FileOperation::Rename methodsFor:'accessing'!

    renamedFiles isNil ifTrue:[
	renamedFiles := OrderedCollection new.
    ^ renamedFiles
! !

!FileOperation::Rename methodsFor:'actions-basic'!

renameFile:oldFile to:newName
    "rename a file (or directory)"

    |newFile msg resources sameFile|

    (oldFile isNil or:[newName isNil]) ifTrue:[
        result := false.
        ^ self.
    (oldFile asString isBlank or:[newName isBlank]) ifTrue:[
        result := false.
        ^ self.
    newName asFilename isAbsolute ifTrue:[
        newFile := newName asFilename.
    ] ifFalse:[
        (oldFile baseName = newName) ifTrue:[
            result := false
        newFile := oldFile directory construct:newName.

    oldFile pathName = newFile pathName ifTrue:[
        ^ self.
    Filename isCaseSensitive ifFalse:[
        sameFile := (oldFile pathName sameAs: newFile pathName)
    ] ifTrue:[
        sameFile := false

    resources := Dialog classResources.

    OsError handle:[:ex|
        msg := resources
                stringWithCRs:'Cannot rename file %1 to %2 !!\\(%3)'
                with:oldFile baseName
                with:(OperatingSystem lastErrorString).
        Dialog warn:msg.
        result := false.
        ^ self.
    ] do:[
        sameFile ifFalse:[
            newFile exists ifTrue:[
                (newFile sameContentsAs:oldFile) ifTrue:[
                    msg := '%1 exists [with same contents] - rename (i.e. overwrite) anyway ?'
                ] ifFalse:[
                    msg := '%1 exists - rename (i.e. overwrite) anyway ?'
                (Dialog confirmWithCancel:(resources string:msg with:newName allBold) default:false) ifFalse:[
                    result := false.
                    ^ self.
        oldFile renameTo:newFile.
        self renamedFiles add:newFile.
    result := true.

    "Modified: / 21-09-2006 / 18:32:12 / cg"

    |resources queryBox b lastNewName lastOldName initialText oldName newName renameAll doRename|

    resources := AbstractFileBrowser classResources.
    renameAll := false.

    queryBox := FilenameEnterBox new.
    queryBox okText:(resources string:'Rename').

    aColOfFiles size > 1 ifTrue:[
	b := queryBox addAbortButtonLabelled:(resources string:'Cancel All').
	b action:[^ self].
	queryBox addButton:(Button label:(resources string:'Rename All') action:[renameAll := true. queryBox okPressed]) before:(queryBox okButton).
    aColOfFiles do:[:oldFile |
	oldName := oldFile baseName asString.
	lastNewName notNil ifTrue:[
	    initialText := FileBrowser goodRenameDefaultForFile:oldName lastOld:lastOldName lastNew:lastNewName.
	doRename := false.
	(renameAll and:[initialText notNil]) ifTrue:[
	    doRename := true.
	    newName := initialText.
	] ifFalse:[
	    queryBox title:(resources string:'Rename %1 to:' with:(oldName allBold)).
	    queryBox initialText:(initialText ? oldName).
	    queryBox action:[:newEnteredName | newName := newEnteredName. doRename := true.].
	    queryBox show "showAtPointer".
	    "/ queryBox accepted ifFalse:[self halt].
	doRename ifTrue:[
	    (self renameFile:oldFile to:newName asString) ifTrue:[
		result := true
	    lastOldName := oldName.
	    lastNewName := newName.
! !

!FileOperation class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.94 2014-01-05 13:20:00 cg Exp $'

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.94 2014-01-05 13:20:00 cg Exp $'
! !