author Claus Gittinger <>
Mon, 30 Jun 2003 15:24:18 +0200
changeset 5010 27aa6fa93dcd
parent 4798 5db46dcc8a43
child 5140 36c7da05d814
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

"{ Package: 'stx:libtool' }"

AbstractFileApplicationNoteBookComponent subclass:#FindFileApplication
	instanceVariableNames:'contentsPatternHolder searchDirectories ignoreCaseInName
		notSearchForSameContents namePatternHolder ignoreCaseInContents
		searchDirectoryHolder findFileView searchResultTable resultList
		enableStop enableSearch stopSignal accessLock searchTask expanded
		searchRecursively selectionHolder hasListEntries

!FindFileApplication class methodsFor:'instance creation'!


    ^ self openOnFileName:(Filename currentDirectory asAbsoluteFilename)


    | instance builder|

    builder := super open.
    instance := builder application.
    instance item:(DirectoryContentsBrowser itemClass fileName:aFileName).
    ^ builder

openOnFileName:aFileName for:aTargetApplication

    | instance builder|

    builder := super open.
    instance := builder application.
    instance item:(DirectoryContentsBrowser itemClass fileName:aFileName).
    instance targetApplication:aTargetApplication.
    ^ builder
! !

!FindFileApplication class methodsFor:'defaults'!


    ^ 'Find file in:'
! !

!FindFileApplication class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:FindFileApplication andSelector:#windowSpec
     FindFileApplication new openInterface:#windowSpec
     FindFileApplication open

    <resource: #canvas>

        #name: #windowSpec
          #label: 'File Search'
          #name: 'File Search'
          #min: #(#Point 377 131)
          #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 681 378)
          #collection: #(
              #name: 'ToolBar1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 32 0)
              #level: 0
              #menu: #searchMenu
              #textDefault: true
              #name: 'Box1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 32 0 0 1.0 126 0)
                #collection: #(
                    #label: 'Directory:'
                    #name: 'DirectoryLabel'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 4 0 7 0 136 0 24 0)
                    #translateLabel: true
                    #adjust: #left
                    #name: 'DirectoryEntryField'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 140 0 4 0 -115 1 24 0)
                    #model: #searchDirectoryHolder
                    #immediateAccept: true
                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
                    #label: 'Recursively'
                    #name: 'RecursiveSearchCheckBox'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -97 1 5 0 0 1 28 0)
                    #tabable: true
                    #model: #searchRecursively
                    #translateLabel: true
                    #label: 'Search files named:'
                    #name: 'FileNameLabel'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 4 0 31 0 136 0 48 0)
                    #translateLabel: true
                    #adjust: #left
                    #name: 'FileNameEntryField'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 140 0 29 0 -228 1 49 0)
                    #tabable: true
                    #model: #namePatternHolder
                    #immediateAccept: true
                    #acceptOnLeave: false
                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
                    #label: 'Directories'
                    #name: 'SearchDirectoriesCheckBox'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -211 1 30 0 -114 1 50 0)
                    #tabable: true
                    #model: #searchDirectories
                    #translateLabel: true
                    #label: 'Ignore case'
                    #name: 'IgnoreCaseInNameCheckBox'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -97 1 30 0 0 1 50 0)
                    #tabable: true
                    #model: #ignoreCaseInName
                    #translateLabel: true
                    #label: 'Containing the string:'
                    #name: 'ContentsLabel'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 4 0 57 0 136 0 74 0)
                    #translateLabel: true
                    #adjust: #left
                    #name: 'ContentsEntryField'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 140 0 54 0 -115 1 74 0)
                    #enableChannel: #notSearchForSameContents
                    #tabable: true
                    #model: #contentsPatternHolder
                    #immediateAccept: true
                    #acceptOnPointerLeave: false
                    #label: 'Ignore case'
                    #name: 'IgnoreCaseInContentsCheckBox'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -97 1 54 0 0 1 77 0)
                    #enableChannel: #notSearchForSameContents
                    #tabable: true
                    #model: #ignoreCaseInContents
                    #translateLabel: true
              #name: 'List1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 117 0 0 1.0 0 1)
              #model: #selectionHolder
              #menu: #menu
              #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
              #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
              #isMultiSelect: true
              #doubleClickSelector: #fileDoubleClick:
              #useIndex: true
              #sequenceList: #resultList
              #name: 'ProgressIndicator1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 125 0 11 0 231 0 21 0)
              #visibilityChannel: #enableStop
              #backgroundColor: #(#Color 0.0 66.9993 66.9993)
              #showPercentage: false
              #isActivityIndicator: true
! !

!FindFileApplication class methodsFor:'menu specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:FindFileApplication andSelector:#menu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(FindFileApplication menu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'Select in Browser'
            #translateLabel: true
            #isVisible: #isEmbeddedApplication
            #value: #selectInBrowser
            #enabled: #hasOneFileSelected
            #label: 'Copy Selected Files'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #copySelectedFiles
            #enabled: #hasSelectionInResultList
            #label: 'Open in New File Browser'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #openInNewBrowser
            #enabled: #hasOneFileSelected
            #label: 'Remove selected Files'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #removeFromList
            #enabled: #hasSelection
            #label: 'Remove all Files'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #removeAllFromList
            #enabled: #hasListEntries

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:FindFileApplication andSelector:#searchMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(FindFileApplication searchMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'Search'
            #translateLabel: true
            #isButton: true
            #value: #doSearch
            #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #ToolbarIconLibrary #search20x20Icon)
            #label: 'Stop'
            #translateLabel: true
            #isButton: true
            #value: #stop
            #enabled: #enableStop
            #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #ToolbarIconLibrary #stop22x22Icon)
            #label: 'Clean Up'
            #translateLabel: true
            #isButton: true
            #value: #removeAllFromList
            #enabled: #hasListEntries
            #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #Icon #deleteIcon)
            #label: 'Close'
            #translateLabel: true
            #isButton: true
            #startGroup: #right
            #value: #doClose
            #labelImage: #(#ResourceRetriever #AbstractFileBrowser #closeIcon)
! !

!FindFileApplication class methodsFor:'tableColumns specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the DataSetBuilder of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the DataSetBuilder may not be able to read the specification."

     DataSetBuilder new openOnClass:FindFileApplication andSelector:#searchResultTable

    <resource: #tableColumns>

         #label: 'Filename'
         #id: 'FileName'
         #labelButtonType: #Button
         #model: #fileName
         #showRowSeparator: false
         #showColSeparator: false
! !

!FindFileApplication methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'accessLock' (automatically generated)"

    accessLock isNil ifTrue:[
        accessLock := Semaphore forMutualExclusion name:'accessLock'.
    ^ accessLock


    stopSignal isNil ifTrue:[
        stopSignal := Signal new.
    ^ stopSignal

    "set the value of the instance variable 'targetApplication' (automatically generated)"

    targetApplication := something.
! !

!FindFileApplication methodsFor:'actions'!


    self changeInformationTo:aString toTab:false

changeInformationTo:aString toTab:aBoolean

    masterApplication isNil ifTrue:[
        findFileView label:aString
    ] ifFalse:[
        aBoolean ifTrue:[
            masterApplication tabStringChangeTo:aString for:self

    |sel list stream|

    sel := self selectionHolder value.
    list := self resultList.
    (sel notNil and:[sel notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        stream := WriteStream on:''.
        sel do:[: key |
            stream nextPutAll:(list at:key).
            stream cr.
        self window setTextSelection:stream contents.
        stream close.


    | namePattern namePatterns contentsPattern dir|

"/    self changeExtentToSeeSearchResult.

    dir := self searchDirectoryHolder value.
    dir isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Missing directory name'.
        ^ self.
    dir asFilename exists not ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:('No such directory: %1' bindWith:dir asString allBold).
        ^ self.
    searchTask notNil ifTrue:[
            confirm:(resources string:'There is already another find-file task running !!') withCRs
            yesLabel:(resources at:'Stop other Task and Proceed')
            noLabel:(resources at:'Cancel'))
        ifFalse:[^ self].
        self stop.

    namePattern := self namePatternHolder value.
    namePattern size == 0 ifTrue:[
        namePatterns := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        ignoreCaseInName value ifTrue:[
            namePattern := namePattern asLowercase
        namePatterns := namePattern asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$;
    contentsPattern := self contentsPatternHolder value.
    contentsPattern size == 0 ifTrue:[
        contentsPattern := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        self ignoreCaseInContents value ifTrue:[
            contentsPattern := contentsPattern asLowercase
    searchTask := Process for:[
            (self stopSignal) catch:[
                self enableStop value:true.
                self resultList removeAll.
                self changeInformationTo:'Find File ' , '- search started ' toTab:true.
                    directories:(self searchDirectories value)
                    ignoreCase:(self ignoreCaseInName value)
                    ignoreCaseInContents:(self ignoreCaseInContents value)
                    in:(self searchDirectoryHolder value).

                self enableStop value:false.
                self enableSearch value:true.
                self changeInformationTo:'Find File ' , '- search finished' toTab:true.
        ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
            searchTask := nil.
            self enableStop value:false.
    ] priority:(Processor systemBackgroundPriority).

    searchTask name:('FindFile[', self searchDirectoryHolder value asFilename baseName, ']').
    searchTask resume.


    sel := self selectionHolder value.
    (sel notNil and:[sel notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        FileBrowserV2 openOn:(self resultList at:sel first) asFilename


    self resultList removeAll.

    |sel list|

    sel := self selectionHolder value.
    list := self resultList.
    (sel notNil and:[sel notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        sel reverseDo:[: key |
            list removeAtIndex:key

    |sel entry application|

    sel := self selectionHolder value.
    (sel notNil and:[sel notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        entry := self resultList at:sel first.
        entry asFilename exists not ifTrue:[ ^ self].
        application := targetApplication ? self masterApplication.
        application notNil ifTrue:[
            application gotoFile:(entry asFilename).


    searchTask notNil ifTrue:[
        self accessLock critical:[
            searchTask interruptWith:[stopSignal raiseRequest].
    self enableStop value:false.
    self enableSearch value:true.
    self changeInformationTo:'Find File ' , '- search stopped' toTab:true.


    (task := searchTask) notNil ifTrue:[
        searchTask := nil.

        Object errorSignal handle:[:ex|
            Dialog warn:ex description.
            task isDead ifFalse:[
                task terminateWithAllSubprocessesInGroup.
                task waitUntilTerminated.
! !

!FindFileApplication methodsFor:'aspects'!


    contentsPatternHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        contentsPatternHolder := nil asValue.
    ^ contentsPatternHolder.


    enableSearch isNil ifTrue:[
        enableSearch := true asValue.
    ^ enableSearch.


    enableStop isNil ifTrue:[
        enableStop := true asValue.
    ^ enableStop.


    hasListEntries isNil ifTrue:[
        hasListEntries := false asValue.
    ^ hasListEntries.

    ignoreCaseInContents isNil ifTrue:[
        ignoreCaseInContents := false asValue.
    ^ ignoreCaseInContents.


    ignoreCaseInName isNil ifTrue:[
        ignoreCaseInName := false asValue.
    ^ ignoreCaseInName.


    namePatternHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        namePatternHolder := '*' asValue.
    ^ namePatternHolder.


    notSearchForSameContents isNil ifTrue:[
        notSearchForSameContents := true asValue.
    ^ notSearchForSameContents.


    resultList isNil ifTrue:[
        resultList := List new.
        resultList addDependent:self.
    ^ resultList.

    searchDirectories isNil ifTrue:[
        searchDirectories := false asValue.
    ^ searchDirectories.


    searchDirectoryHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        searchDirectoryHolder := ValueHolder new.
    ^ searchDirectoryHolder.


    searchRecursively isNil ifTrue:[
        searchRecursively := true asValue.
    ^ searchRecursively.


    searchResultTable isNil ifTrue:[
        searchResultTable := self class searchResultTable asValue.
    ^ searchResultTable.


    selectionHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        selectionHolder := ValueHolder new.
        selectionHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ selectionHolder
! !

!FindFileApplication methodsFor:'change & update'!

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    changedObject == self resultList ifTrue:[
        self hasListEntries value:(changedObject notEmpty).
        ^ self
    changedObject == self selectionHolder ifTrue:[
        self selectInBrowser.
        ^ self
    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
! !

!FindFileApplication methodsFor:'event handling'!

    |file app openedAppl contentsPattern|

    file := self resultList at:entries first.
    file asFilename exists not ifTrue:[^ self].
    app := targetApplication ? self masterApplication.
    app notNil ifTrue:[
        openedAppl := app openApplForFile:file.
        openedAppl isTextEditor ifTrue:[
            contentsPattern := self contentsPatternHolder value.
            (contentsPattern notNil and:[ contentsPattern notEmpty and:[contentsPattern ~= '*']]) ifTrue:[
                openedAppl searchForPattern:contentsPattern ignoreCase:(self ignoreCaseInContents value).
    ] ifFalse:[
        self openInNewBrowser.

    "filter keyboard events.
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"

    |focusView key rawKey|

    anEvent isKeyPressEvent ifTrue:[
        focusView := anEvent targetView.
        key := anEvent key.
        rawKey := anEvent rawKey.

        (focusView isSameOrComponentOf:self window) ifTrue:[
            (key == #Return) ifTrue:[
                (focusView name ~= 'selectionInListView') ifTrue:[
                    self doSearch.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self hasOneFileSelected ifTrue:[
                        self fileDoubleClick:(self selectionHolder value)
"/                        self isEmbeddedApplication ifTrue:[
"/                            self selectInBrowser.
"/                        ] ifFalse:[
"/                            self openInNewBrowser.
"/                        ]
                ^ true
    ^ false
! !

!FindFileApplication methodsFor:'private'!

    | extent window|

    expanded isNil ifTrue:[
        window := self builder window.
        window ifNotNil:[
            window := window topView.
            extent := window extent.
            window extent:((extent x) @ (extent y + 300)).
            expanded := true.
            window containerChangedSize.
! !

!FindFileApplication methodsFor:'private - file stuff'!

doFindFileNamed:namePatterns directories:searchDirectories ignoreCase:ignCaseInName containingString:contentsString ignoreCaseInContents:ignCaseInString sameContentsAsFile:filenameToCompareContentsOrNil sameContentsAs:bytesToCompareContentsOrNil in:aDirectory

    |dir subDirs nameMatches contentsMatches lines contentsToCompare list directoryContents|

    list := self resultList.
    bytesToCompareContentsOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        contentsToCompare := bytesToCompareContentsOrNil

    subDirs := OrderedCollection new.

    dir := aDirectory asFilename.
    self changeInformationTo:'Find File ' , '- searching .' , ((dir name) copyFrom:(self searchDirectoryHolder value asString size + 1)) toTab:false.
        directoryContents := dir directoryContents.
    ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex|
        self warn:('Cannot access %1\(%2)'
                        bindWith:ex parameter printString
                        with:ex description) withCRs.
        ^ self
    directoryContents sort do:[:fn |
        |f isDirectory|

        f := dir construct:fn.
        isDirectory := f isDirectory.
        isDirectory ifTrue:[
            f isSymbolicLink ifFalse:[
                subDirs add:f
        (searchDirectories or:[isDirectory not]) ifTrue:[
            (nameMatches := namePatterns isNil) ifFalse:[
                ignCaseInName ifTrue:[
                    nameMatches := namePatterns contains:[:aPattern | aPattern match:(fn asLowercase)]
                ] ifFalse:[
                    nameMatches := namePatterns contains:[:aPattern | aPattern match:fn]
            nameMatches ifTrue:[
                isDirectory ifTrue:[
                    contentsMatches := true.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    filenameToCompareContentsOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
                        "/ contents compare ...
                        contentsMatches := false.
                        f pathName ~= filenameToCompareContentsOrNil pathName ifTrue:[
                            f fileSize == filenameToCompareContentsOrNil fileSize ifTrue:[
                                contentsToCompare isNil ifTrue:[
                                    filenameToCompareContentsOrNil fileSize < (512*1024) ifTrue:[
                                        contentsToCompare := filenameToCompareContentsOrNil binaryContentsOfEntireFile
                                contentsToCompare isNil ifTrue:[
                                    "/ too large - compare block-wise ...
                                    contentsMatches := (filenameToCompareContentsOrNil sameContentsAs:f).
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    contentsMatches := contentsToCompare = (f binaryContentsOfEntireFile).
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            f isSymbolicLink ifTrue:[
                                list add: (f name , ' is a symbolic link to ' , f pathName).
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        "/ string search ...
                        (contentsMatches := contentsString isNil) ifFalse:[
                            (f exists and:[f isReadable]) ifFalse:[
                                list add: (('*** ' , f pathName , ' skipped - unreadable or bad symbolic link ***') asText colorizeAllWith:(Color red darkened)).
                            ] ifTrue:[
                                f fileSize > (4024*1024) ifTrue:[
                                    list add: (('*** ' , f pathName , ' skipped - too large ***') asText colorizeAllWith:(Color red darkened)).
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    Stream lineTooLongErrorSignal handle:[:ex |

                                        "/ this typically happens, when a binary file is read linewise ...
                                        cont := f readStream binary contentsOfEntireFile asString.
                                        ignCaseInString ifTrue:[
                                            contentsMatches := cont asLowercase includesString:contentsString asLowercase
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            contentsMatches := cont includesString:contentsString
                                    ] do:[    
                                        lines := f contents ? #().
                                        ignCaseInString ifTrue:[
                                            contentsMatches := (lines findFirst:[:l | l asLowercase includesString:contentsString asLowercase]) ~~ 0
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            contentsMatches := (lines findFirst:[:l | l includesString:contentsString]) ~~ 0
                contentsMatches ifTrue:[
                    list add: f asString.

    self searchRecursively value ifTrue:[
        subDirs do:[:dir |
! !

!FindFileApplication methodsFor:'queries'!


" get the tab string from the application list on the class side "

    ^ self fileName directory asString

    | sel |
    sel := self selectionHolder value.
    ^  (sel notNil and:[sel notEmpty and:[sel size = 1]])

    | sel |
    sel := self selectionHolder value.
    ^  (sel notNil and:[sel notEmpty])
! !

!FindFileApplication methodsFor:'startup & release'!


    |file newPattern|

    super item:anItem.

    file := self fileName.
    self searchDirectoryHolder value:(self getDirWithoutFileName:file).

    file isDirectory ifTrue:[
        newPattern := '*'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        newPattern := '*.', anItem suffix.
    self namePatternHolder value:newPattern.
    self enableStop value:false.
    self enableSearch value:true.
    ^ true.


    self masterApplication isNil ifTrue:[
        self masterApplication:nil.
    findFileView := aBuilder window.
    self windowGroup addPreEventHook:self.
    ^ super postOpenWith:aBuilder.


    self stopSearchTask.
    ^ super release
! !

!FindFileApplication class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.13 2003-06-30 13:24:17 cg Exp $'
! !