author Claus Gittinger <>
Fri, 28 Aug 2015 09:53:22 +0200
changeset 15814 2817c7c730c2
parent 15813 0e2dc64e42ed
child 15819 8418d59019da
permissions -rw-r--r--
applied changeset 15810:9e6f3799b239 jv Fixed couple stupid bugs in MethodRewriter Namely: * When rewriting, operate only on methods which matches the search pattern * Correctly interpret \"method pattern\" checkbox (there was inverted condition). Both bugs rendered rewriter unusable. Now it works again.

"{ Encoding: utf8 }"

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2000 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
"{ Package: 'stx:libtool' }"

"{ NameSpace: Tools }"

SystemBrowser subclass:#NewSystemBrowser
	instanceVariableNames:'environmentHolder environment navigationState bufferNameList
		selectedBuffer buffers bufferUsageOrder browserCanvas
		immediateUpdate showClassPackages lastMethodCategory
		lastMethodMoveClass browserCanvasType
		syntaxColoringProcessRunning syntaxColoringProcess
		methodInfoProcess browsletShowHideLabelHolder browserPageCanvas
		isEmbedded hasNonEmptyEnvironmentSelectedHolder
		smalllintRulesOrAllHolder smalllintRulesOrDefaultHolder'
	classVariableNames:'LastNewProtocols LastProtocolRenames LastCategoryRenames
		LastCategoryRenameOld LastCategoryRenameNew LastProjectMoves
		LastNameSpaceMove LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass
		LastClassFilterBlockString LastMethodFilterBlockString
		LastBreakPointConditionString LastIndividualChecks
		LastAcceptPackage LastVariableRenames LastVisitorClassName
		LastTemporaryVariableName FindHistory SynchronousUpdate
		DoubleClickIsOpenBrowser ShowMethodTemplateWhenProtocolIsSelected
		DefaultShowMethodInheritance DefaultEmphasizeUnloadedClasses
		DefaultImmediateSyntaxColoring DefaultImmediateExplaining
		DefaultSyntaxColoring DefaultToolBarVisible
		DefaultCodeInfoVisible DefaultShortNameInTabs
		DefaultHideUnloadedClasses DefaultMarkApplications
		DefaultAutoFormat DefaultShowMethodComplexity
		DefaultShowMethodTypeIcon DefaultShowSpecialResourceEditors
		DefaultShowSyntheticMethods SharedMethodCategoryCache
		LastMethodProcessingBlockString LastLoadedPackages
		DefaultShortAllClassesInNameSpaceOrganisation LastBaseVersionTag
		LastTag DefaultShowPseudoProtocols DefaultShowMultitabMode
		LastRenamedOld LastRenamedNew LastImportedPackage
		LastLintRulesHolder NewNavigationHistory
		LastLiteralReplacementType LastLiteralReplacementNewName
		LastLiteralReplacementOldLiteral LastNewProjectType
		LastClassProcessingBlockString RecentlyClosedList
		LastClassSearchBoxShowedFullName CachedTagToRevisionMapping
		CachedMethodsImplemented LastCypressDirectory
		LastClassSearchBoxShowedJavaOnly LastRemoteRepository

ListEntry subclass:#OwnershipGraph
	instanceVariableNames:'ownershipInfo cachedForm'

Object subclass:#RevisionOwnershipInfo
	instanceVariableNames:'revision author date lineOwnership'

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ super aboutThisApplicationText ,
      '\\Written by Claus Gittinger, eXept Software AG\Thanks to John Brant & Dan Roberts for their Refactory Code.' withCRs

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2000 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    A new, much improved, system browser,
        multiple buffers
        multi-select in most selectionLists
        view-selection (by namespace, by project, by category ...)
        embedded repository diff
        more search operations
        code checker (not yet complete)
        some refactoryBrowser functionality
        completely built using GUI painter and reusable components.


    [see also:]
        SystemBrowser BrowserView

    NewSystemBrowser open
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    Icon initialize.
    Color initialize.

    "/ self installInLauncher.            - now done in phase 2
    ObjectMemory addDependent:self.

    "add myself to the launcher menu and toolBar"

    |menuItem icon action currentLauncher|

    NewLauncher isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    ToolbarIconLibrary isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

"/    "Class may be changed, and we want to start the changed class"
    action := (MessageSend receiver:(Smalltalk at:self name) selector:#open).
    icon := [self startNewSystemBrowserIcon].

"/    menuItem := MenuItem new
"/                    value: action;
"/                    isButton: false;
"/                    translateLabel: true;
"/                    label:'New System Browser' icon:icon;
"/                    nameKey: #newSystemBrowser;
"/                    activeHelpKey: #newSystemBrowser;
"/                    submenuChannel: #menuClassHistoryNew;
"/                    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming:true.
"/    NewLauncher
"/        addMenuItem:menuItem
"/        from:self
"/        in:'menu.classes'
"/        position:#(before systemBrowser)
"/        space:true.

    menuItem := MenuItem new
                    value: action;
                    isButton: true;
                    translateLabel: true;
                    nameKey: #newSystemBrowser;
                    activeHelpKey: #newSystemBrowser;
                    submenuChannel: #menuClassHistoryNew;

        position:#(before systemBrowser)
    currentLauncher := NewLauncher current.
    currentLauncher notNil ifTrue:[
        currentLauncher systemBrowserItemVisible value:false.

     self removeFromLauncher.
     self installInLauncher.
     self removeFromLauncher

    "Modified: / 08-08-2011 / 21:48:27 / cg"

    "/ try to load the refactoryBrowser package ...
    Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser' asAutoloaded:true.

    "/ could be autoloaded
    RefactoryChangeManager notNil ifTrue:[
        RefactoryChangeManager autoload.

    "add myself to the launcher menu."

    self installInLauncher.
    "/ try to load the refactoryBrowser package ...
    self loadRefactoryBrowser.

     self postAutoload

     Transcript application removeUserTool:#newSystemBrowser

    "Modified: / 23.8.2001 / 12:32:34 / cg"

    "remove myself from the launcher menu"


    NewLauncher isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    NewLauncher removeUserTool:#newSystemBrowser.
    currentLauncher := NewLauncher current.
    currentLauncher notNil ifTrue:[
        currentLauncher systemBrowserItemVisible value:true

     self removeFromLauncher

    "class is about to be unloaded - remove myself from the launcher menu"

    self removeFromLauncher.
    super unload.

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    something == #initialized ifTrue:[
        changedObject == ObjectMemory ifTrue:[
            self installInLauncher.
            ObjectMemory removeDependent:self.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'accessing-history'!

addToBookMarks:aClass selector:aSelectorOrNil

    (newEntry := self bookmarkForClass:aClass selector:aSelectorOrNil) notNil ifTrue:[
        (self bookmarks includes:newEntry) ifFalse:[
            self bookmarks add:newEntry

    "Modified: / 02-06-2011 / 12:01:57 / Jan Vrany <>"

bookmarkForClass:aClass selector:aSelectorOrNil

    ^aSelectorOrNil isNil
        ifTrue:[Bookmark forClass: aClass ]
        ifFalse:[Bookmark forClass: aClass selector: aSelectorOrNil ]

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 23:36:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2014 / 17:34:42 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^BookmarkList forSystemBrowser

    "Created: / 23-05-2011 / 10:13:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 02-06-2011 / 11:36:15 / Jan Vrany <>"

    NewNavigationHistory isNil ifTrue:[
        NewNavigationHistory := NavigationHistory new.
        NewNavigationHistory beGlobalHistory.
    ^ NewNavigationHistory

    "Created: / 03-07-2011 / 13:21:53 / cg"

updateHistory:historyOrNil forClass:class selector:selector
    |newEntry history historyToRemove |

    newEntry := self historyEntryForClass:class selector:selector.
    newEntry isNil ifTrue:[^ historyOrNil].

    (history := historyOrNil) isNil ifTrue:[
        history := OrderedCollection new.

    historyToRemove := history
                reject:[:entry |
                    entry className ~= newEntry className
                    or:[entry selector ~= newEntry selector
                    or:[entry meta ~= newEntry meta]]
    history removeAll: historyToRemove.

    history addFirst:newEntry.
    history size > 30 ifTrue:[
        history removeLast.
    ^ history

    "Created: / 08-09-2012 / 21:09:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2014 / 17:45:58 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ SynchronousUpdate ? false

     SynchronousUpdate := true
     SynchronousUpdate := false

    "Modified (comment): / 24-08-2011 / 15:33:27 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'help specs'!

    <resource: #help>

    |spec manager|

    spec := super flyByHelpSpec addPairsFrom:#(

'Run static code analysis (lint) on the selected classes/protocols/methods'

'Manage bookmarks'

'Go back in local visited history.\This remembers the locally visited methods'

'Go back in global visited history.\This remembers the last visited method on a per class base'

'Go forward in local visited history.\This remembers the locally visited methods'

'Recent changes'

'Recently changed classes'

'Recently changed methods'

'The text-cursor''s column number'

'The text-cursor''s line number. Double-click to change'

'The editing mode ("Insert" vs. "Overwrite"). Right-click to change'

'Package and revision info (for class or method).\Colorized if manager is different from default manager'

'Add breakpoint on method'

'Add buffer'

'Remove breakpoint'

'Recently changed methods'

'Recently changed classes'

'Recently changed methods'

'Recently visited'

'Recently visited methods'

'Visited methods'

'Execute the selected class method. Show execution time and answer on the Transcript'

'Initialize the selected SharedPool (by calling its "initialize"-method)'

'Launch the selected application'

'Run selected testCase(s)'

'Run selected testCase(s) with debugging enabled'

'Show Class Categories'

'Show class inheritance'

'Show inherited methods (except Object''s)'

'Do not show inherited methods'

'Search class'

'Goto class (uppercase) or method which implements this selector (lowercase)'

"/'Goto Class'

'Format code (PrettyPrint)'

'Show code coverage (red=uncovered; green=covered; orange=partially covered).\Enabled after a recompile with instrumentation'

'Hide toolbar. Show again via the "View"-Menu'

'Hide the bookmark-bar. Show again via the "View"-menu'

'Redo undone operation'

'Undo operation'


    (RefactoryChangeManager notNil and:[ RefactoryChangeManager isLoaded ]) ifTrue:[
        manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
        manager hasUndoableOperations
            spec at:#undoOperation put:(self resources string:'Undo (%1)' with:manager undoChange name).
        manager hasRedoableOperations
            spec at:#redoOperation put:(self resources string:'Redo (%1)' with:manager redoChange name).
    ^ spec.

    "Modified: / 09-08-2012 / 09:37:10 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'image specs'!

    <resource: #programImage>

    ^ ToolbarIconLibrary startNewSystemBrowserIcon

    "Modified: / 08-08-2011 / 08:27:05 / cg"

    <resource: #image>
    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."
    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."
     self defaultIcon1 inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#defaultIcon1
     Icon flushCachedIcons"

    ^ Icon constantNamed:#'Tools::NewSystemBrowser class defaultIcon1'
            (Depth4Image new)
                bitsPerSample:(#( 4 ));
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FY&Y&Y&X0@@@@@FY @@YDQDQDQB@@@@@FXFX@A$QDQDQDH@@@@FY Y&@CH"H"H"H @@@@X@@@X@@@@@@@@@@@@@A&XFY @@@@H@@@
@@@@@@Y Y @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@FY @@@@@B@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A&Y&Y&Y#@@@@@F@"H"HFDQDQDQH@@@@@@@@@@@L"H"H"
H @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A&Y&Y&Y#@@@@@F@"H"HFUUUUUUH@@@@@@@@@@@L"H"H"H @@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@B@B@ @B@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@ @@@@H@@ @@@@Hb');
                colorMapFromArray:#[ 0 0 0 0 255 0 127 127 127 170 170 170 255 0 0 255 255 0 255 255 255 ];
                mask:((ImageMask new)
??0C O?<A<C??@? ??0_<O?<G?C??A?0@ @O8@H@A<@B@@N@@ O?8@\C?>@G??? A0O?8@HC?>@B@@@@@ O?8@\C?>@G??? A0O?8@@C?>@@@@@@9O]7\IRT

    <resource: #image>
    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."
    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."
     self doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons"

    ^ Icon
        constantNamed:#'Tools::NewSystemBrowser class doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon'
            (Depth2Image new)
                bitsPerSample:(#( 2 ));
                colorMapFromArray:#[ 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 127 127 127 127 ];
                mask:((ImageMask new)

    <resource: #programImage>

    ^ ToolbarIconLibrary hideToolBarIcon

    "Created: / 10-12-2001 / 20:45:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18-02-2007 / 14:52:45 / cg"

    <resource: #image>
    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."
    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."
     self initializeClass20x20Icon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#initializeClass20x20Icon
     Icon flushCachedIcons"

    ^ Icon
        constantNamed:'Tools::NewSystemBrowser class initializeClass20x20Icon'
            (Depth8Image new)
                bitsPerSample:(#[ 8 ]);
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BP$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@$HB@$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BP HBP@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@$HB@ HBP@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BP HB@ I@@@@@@@DA@PDA@PDA@PIB@ HB@$C@@@@@@PA@PDA@PDA@P$HB@ HBPD@@@@@A@DA@PDA@PDABP HB@ I@P@@
@ HBBP$B@ H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
                colorMapFromArray:#[ 0 0 0 32 223 32 127 127 127 170 170 170 255 255 255 0 0 0 248 252 128 208 220 0 255 251 176 226 167 74 ];
                mask:((ImageMask new)
@@@@@@X@@@<@@@<@@A>@_?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    ^ self initializeSharedPool20x20Icon2

    "Modified: / 01-06-2012 / 15:53:25 / cg"

    <resource: #image>
    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."
    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."
     self initializeSharedPool20x20Icon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#initializeSharedPool20x20Icon
     Icon flushCachedIcons"

    ^ Icon
        constantNamed:'Tools::NewSystemBrowser class initializeSharedPool20x20Icon'
            (Depth8Image new)
                bitsPerSample:(#[ 8 ]);
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BP$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@$HB@$@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BP HBP@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@$HB@ HBP@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BP HB@ I@@@@@@@DA@PDA@PDA@PIB@ HB@$C@@@@@@PA@PDA@PDA@P$HB@ HBPD@@@@@A@DA@PDA@PDABP HB@ I@P@@
@ HBBP$B@ H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
                colorMapFromArray:#[ 0 0 0 0 127 255 127 127 127 170 170 170 255 255 255 0 0 0 248 252 128 208 220 0 255 251 176 226 167 74 ];
                mask:((ImageMask new)
@@@@@@X@@@<@@@<@@A>@_?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    "Created: / 01-06-2012 / 15:53:14 / cg"

    <resource: #image>
    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."
    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."
     self initializeSharedPool20x20Icon2 inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#initializeSharedPool20x20Icon2
     Icon flushCachedIcons"

    ^ Icon
        constantNamed:'Tools::NewSystemBrowser initializeSharedPool20x20Icon2'
            (Depth8Image new)
                bitsPerSample:(#[ 8 ]);
@ HB@ HB@ H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
                colorMapFromArray:#[ 0 0 0 0 127 255 127 127 127 170 170 170 255 255 255 0 0 0 248 252 128 208 220 0 255 251 176 226 167 74 87 87 87 255 248 248 240 240 240 240 144 24 255 248 48 255 248 96 255 248 24 240 208 24 255 248 152 255 248 88 255 248 136 255 248 176 255 248 200 ];
                mask:((ImageMask new)
@@H@@@\@@C] @G?0@C? _?? _?? _?? _??0_?? _?? _?? _?? _?? _?? @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    <resource: #image>
    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."
    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."
     self showCategoriesIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#showCategoriesIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons"

    ^ Icon constantNamed:#'Tools::NewSystemBrowser class showCategoriesIcon'
            (Depth1Image new)
                bitsPerSample:(#( 1 ));
                            fromPackedString:'?????8@C??.@@N@C @O?>8@A''?6 @X@C??/?<>@G8C<b');
                colorMapFromArray:#[ 0 0 0 255 255 255 ];
                mask:((ImageMask new)

    <resource: #image>
    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."
    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."
     self showClassHierarchyIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#showClassHierarchyIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons"

    ^ Icon
        constantNamed:#'Tools::NewSystemBrowser class showClassHierarchyIcon'
            (Depth1Image new)
                bitsPerSample:(#( 1 ));
                            fromPackedString:'?????8@C O.@@N@C @O?>8@A&@6 @X@C? O?<>@G8C<b');
                colorMapFromArray:#[ 0 0 0 255 255 255 ];
                mask:((ImageMask new)

    <resource: #image>
    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."
    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."
     self showInheritedMethodsIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#showInheritedMethodsIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons"

    ^ Icon
        constantNamed:#'Tools::NewSystemBrowser class showInheritedMethodsIcon'
            (Depth2Image new)
                bitsPerSample:(#( 2 ));
                colorMapFromArray:#[ 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 127 127 127 127 ];
                mask:((ImageMask new)
@@@@A@@NO08@G0@_C9<@@@@@@>@@@@@@@O @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    <resource: #programImage>

    ^ ToolbarIconLibrary startNewSystemBrowserIcon
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#browserPageSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#browserPageSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

        name: browserPageSpec
          label: 'NewSystemBrowser'
          name: 'NewSystemBrowser'
          min: (Point 0 0)
          bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 800 700)
          menu: mainMenu
          icon: defaultIcon
          collection: (
              name: 'BrowserPageContents'
              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
              canvas: browserCanvas
              keepCanvasAlive: true
              translateLabel: false
              name: 'ToolBar'
              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
              level: 0
              visibilityChannel: toolBarVisibleHolder
                collection: (
                    label: 'hideToolBarIcon'
                    name: 'HideToolBarButton'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 1)
                    activeHelpKey: hideToolBar
                    level: 0
                    hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
                    translateLabel: true
                    model: hideToolbar
                    postBuildCallback: hideToolBarButtonCreated:
                    name: 'ToolBarMenu'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame 13 0.0 0 0.0 -250 1.0 0 1.0)
                    level: 0
                    visibilityChannel: toolBarVisibleHolder
                    menu: toolBarMenu
                    textDefault: true
                    name: 'SubSpecification1'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame -250 1 0 0 0 1 0 1)
                    level: 0
                    minorKey: #'searchSpec_live_level0'

              name: 'BookmarkBar'
              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 40 0 0 1 67 0)
              visibilityChannel: bookmarkBarVisibleHolder
                collection: (
                    label: 'hideToolBarIcon'
                    name: 'Button1'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 1)
                    activeHelpKey: hideToolBar
                    level: 0
                    hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
                    translateLabel: true
                    model: hideBookmarkBar
                    postBuildCallback: hideToolBarButtonCreated:
                    name: 'Bookmarks'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame 13 0 2 0 0 1 -1 1)
                    level: 0
                    hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                    hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                    miniScrollerHorizontal: false
                    majorKey: BookmarkBar

                        subAspect: bookmarkHolder
                        aspect: bookmarkHolder
                        subAspect: bookmarksHolder
                        aspect: bookmarkListHolder
                    createNewApplication: true
                    createNewBuilder: true



    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#chainBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#chainBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: chainBrowserSpec
         label: 'MethodBrowser'
         name: 'MethodBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
                   barWidth: 2
                   showHandle: false
                     collection: (
                         name: 'MethodList1'
                         majorKey: MethodList

                             subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                             callBack: methodDoubleClicked1
                             subAspect: environmentHolder
                             aspect: environmentHolder

                             subAspect: immediateUpdate
                             aspect: immediateUpdate
                             subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator1

                             subAspect: menuHolder
                             aspect: selectorPopUpMenu
                             subAspect: packageFilter
                             aspect: packageFilter

                             subAspect: selectedMethods
                             aspect: selectedMethods1
                             callBack: methodsSelectionChanged1
                             subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                             aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder

                             subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                             aspect: showCoverageInformation
                             subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                             aspect: showMethodComplexity

                             subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                             aspect: showMethodInheritance
                             subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                             subAspect: sortBy
                             aspect: sortBy
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true
                         name: 'MethodList2'
                         majorKey: MethodList

                             subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                             callBack: methodDoubleClicked2
                             subAspect: environmentHolder
                             aspect: environmentHolder

                             subAspect: immediateUpdate
                             aspect: immediateUpdate
                             subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator2

                             subAspect: menuHolder
                             aspect: selectorPopUpMenu
                             subAspect: packageFilter
                             aspect: packageFilter

                             subAspect: selectedMethods
                             aspect: selectedMethods2
                             callBack: methodsSelectionChanged2
                             subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                             aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder

                             subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                             aspect: showCoverageInformation
                             subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                             aspect: showMethodComplexity

                             subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                             aspect: showMethodInheritance
                             subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                             subAspect: sortBy
                             aspect: sortBy
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true
                         name: 'MethodList3'
                         majorKey: MethodList

                             subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                             callBack: methodDoubleClicked3
                             subAspect: environmentHolder
                             aspect: environmentHolder

                             subAspect: immediateUpdate
                             aspect: immediateUpdate
                             subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator3

                             subAspect: menuHolder
                             aspect: selectorPopUpMenu
                             subAspect: packageFilter
                             aspect: packageFilter

                             subAspect: selectedMethods
                             aspect: selectedMethods3
                             callBack: methodsSelectionChanged3
                             subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                             aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder

                             subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                             aspect: showCoverageInformation
                             subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                             aspect: showMethodComplexity

                             subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                             aspect: showMethodInheritance
                             subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                             subAspect: sortBy
                             aspect: sortBy
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true
                         name: 'MethodList4'
                         majorKey: MethodList

                             subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                             callBack: methodDoubleClicked4
                             subAspect: environmentHolder
                             aspect: environmentHolder

                             subAspect: immediateUpdate
                             aspect: immediateUpdate
                             subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator4

                             subAspect: menuHolder
                             aspect: selectorPopUpMenu
                             subAspect: packageFilter
                             aspect: packageFilter

                             subAspect: selectedMethods
                             aspect: selectedMethods4
                             callBack: methodsSelectionChanged4
                             subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                             aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder

                             subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                             aspect: showCoverageInformation
                             subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                             aspect: showMethodComplexity

                             subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                             aspect: showMethodInheritance
                             subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                             subAspect: sortBy
                             aspect: sortBy
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true

                   handles: (Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:00:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classDocumentationBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#classDocumentationBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: classDocumentationBrowserSpec
         label: 'Full Class Browser'
         name: 'Full Class Browser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: categoryAndSingleClassOnlySpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'HTMLBrowser1'
                   hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
                   hasVerticalScrollBar: true
                   htmlText: classDocumentationHolder

             handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#codePaneSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#codePaneSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

        name: codePaneSpec
          label: 'SystemBrowser'
          name: 'SystemBrowser'
          min: (Point 0 0)
          bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 998 535)
          icon: defaultIcon
          collection: (
              name: 'EditorAndBrowsletBox'
              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
                collection: (
                    name: 'EditorBox'
                      collection: (
                          name: 'EditorNoteBook'
                          layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 -26 1)
                          level: 0
                          model: selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder
                          menu: editorNoteBookListHolder
                          useIndex: true
                          canvas: editorNoteBookCanvasHolder
                          keepCanvasAlive: true
                          postBuildCallback: postBuildEditorNoteBook:
              translateLabel: false
                          name: 'StringSearchToolCanvas'
                          layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 -24 1 0 1 0 1)
                          visibilityChannel: stringSearchToolVisibleHolder
                          hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                          hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                          majorKey: StringSearchToolForTextView
                          createNewApplication: true
                          createNewBuilder: false
                          postBuildCallback: postBuildStringSearchTool:


              handles: (Any 1.0)
              postBuildCallback: postBuildCodePaneAndPluginView:
              name: 'InfoBox'
              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 -24 1 0 1 0 1)
              visibilityChannel: codeInfoVisible
                collection: (
                    name: 'InfoBoxPanel'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 -60 1.0 0 1.0)
                    showHandle: false
                      collection: (
                          label: 'Info'
                          name: 'InfoLabel'
                          level: -1
                          translateLabel: true
                          labelChannel: infoLabelHolder
                          adjust: left
                          name: 'PackageInfoPanel'
                          level: -1
                          horizontalLayout: rightSpaceFit
                          verticalLayout: fitSpace
                          horizontalSpace: 0
                          verticalSpace: 0
                          elementsChangeSize: true
                            collection: (
                                label: 'Package'
                                name: 'PackageLabel'
                                activeHelpKey: packageInfoLabel
                                level: 0
                                backgroundChannel: packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder
                                translateLabel: true
                                labelChannel: packageLabelHolder
                                adjust: left
                                useDefaultExtent: true
                                label: 'Info'
                                name: 'PackageInfoButton'
                                level: 0
                                initiallyInvisible: true
                                backgroundChannel: packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder
                                foregroundColor: (Color 0.0 0.0 100.0)
                                translateLabel: true
                                resizeForLabel: true
                                extent: (Point 36 23)
                                postBuildCallback: postBuildPackageInfoButton:


                    handles: (Any 0.66 1.0)
                    name: 'ModeLabel'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame -60 1 0 0.0 -50 1 0 1.0)
                    activeHelpKey: modeLabel
                    level: -1
                    translateLabel: true
                    labelChannel: modeLabelHolder
                    postBuildCallback: postBuildEditModeInfoLabel:
                    name: 'CursorLineLabel'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame -50 1 0 0.0 -20 1 0 1.0)
                    activeHelpKey: lineLabel
                    level: -1
                    translateLabel: true
                    labelChannel: cursorLineLabelHolder
                    adjust: right
                    name: 'CursorColLabel'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame -20 1 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
                    activeHelpKey: columnLabel
                    level: -1
                    translateLabel: true
                    labelChannel: cursorColLabelHolder
                    adjust: right

              keepSpaceForOSXResizeHandleH: true


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#fullBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#fullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: fullBrowserSpec
         label: 'SystemBrowser'
         name: 'SystemBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         icon: defaultIcon
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             barWidth: 2
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: windowSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:01:05 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#fullClassSourceBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#fullClassSourceBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: fullClassSourceBrowserSpec
         label: 'Full Class Browser'
         name: 'Full Class Browser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             barWidth: 2
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: categoryAndSingleClassOnlySpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:01:20 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodListBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#methodListBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: methodListBrowserSpec
         label: 'MethodListBrowser'
         name: 'MethodListBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'VerticalPanel1'
                   horizontalLayout: fit
                   verticalLayout: bottomFit
                   horizontalSpace: 3
                   verticalSpace: 3
                     collection: (
                         name: 'MethodList'
                         majorKey: MethodList
                             subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                             callBack: methodDoubleClicked
                             subAspect: environmentHolder
                             aspect: environmentHolder
                             subAspect: immediateUpdate
                             aspect: immediateUpdate
                             subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator
                             subAspect: menuHolder
                             aspect: methodListPopUpMenu
                             subAspect: packageFilter
                             aspect: packageFilter
                             subAspect: selectedMethods
                             aspect: selectedMethods
                             callBack: methodsSelectionChanged
                             subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                             aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder
                             subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                             aspect: showCoverageInformation
                             subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                             aspect: showMethodComplexity
                             subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                             aspect: showSyntheticMethods
                             subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                             aspect: showMethodInheritance
                             subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             subAspect: sortBy
                             aspect: sortBy
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true
                         extent: (Point 462 93)
                         name: 'TestRunnerEmbedded'
                         initiallyInvisible: true
                         visibilityChannel: testRunnerVisibleHolder
                         hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                         hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                         majorKey: #'Tools::TestRunnerEmbedded'
                             subAspect: infoHolder
                             aspect: infoLabelHolder
                             subAspect: methodGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator
                             subAspect: selectedClassesHolder
                             aspect: selectedClasses
                             subAspect: selectedMethodsHolder
                             aspect: selectedMethods
                             subAspect: selectedProtocolsHolder
                             aspect: selectedProtocols
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true
                         extent: (Point 462 50)
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false
             handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleCategoryBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleCategoryBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleCategoryBrowserSpec
         label: 'CategoryBrowser'
         name: 'CategoryBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: multipleCategoryBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:01:33 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleClassBrowserSpec
         label: 'ClassBrowser'
         name: 'ClassBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: multipleClassBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:01:39 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec
         label: 'ClassExtensionBrowser'
         name: 'ClassExtensionBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:01:46 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec
         label: 'ClassBrowser'
         name: 'ClassBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: multipleClassDiffBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'DiffView'
                   hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                   hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                   majorKey: VersionDiffBrowser
                   minorKey: windowSpec
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   postBuildCallback: versionDiffViewerCreated:

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
         label: 'MethodBrowser'
         name: 'MethodBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'ClassList'
                   majorKey: ClassList

                       subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                       callBack: classDoubleClicked
                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder

                       subAspect: immediateUpdate
                       aspect: immediateUpdate
                       subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                       aspect: classListGenerator

                       subAspect: menuHolder
                       aspect: classMenu
                       subAspect: meta
                       aspect: meta

                       subAspect: selectedClasses
                       aspect: selectedClasses
                       callBack: classSelectionChanged
                       subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                       aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder

                       subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                       aspect: showCoverageInformation
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   name: 'MethodList'
                   majorKey: MethodList

                       subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                       callBack: methodDoubleClicked
                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder

                       subAspect: immediateUpdate
                       aspect: immediateUpdate
                       subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                       aspect: selectorListGenerator

                       subAspect: menuHolder
                       aspect: methodListPopUpMenu
                       subAspect: packageFilter
                       aspect: packageFilter

                       subAspect: selectedMethods
                       aspect: selectedMethods
                       callBack: methodsSelectionChanged
                       subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                       aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                       subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                       aspect: showCoverageInformation
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   name: 'MethodInfoView'
                   model: methodInfo
                   hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
                   hasVerticalScrollBar: true
                   autoHideScrollBars: true
                   isReadOnly: true
                   hasKeyboardFocusInitially: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.1 0.25 0.5 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:01:53 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassWithInfoBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassWithInfoBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleClassWithInfoBrowserSpec
         label: 'MethodBrowser'
         name: 'MethodBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'ClassList'
                   majorKey: ClassList

                       subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                       callBack: classDoubleClicked
                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder

                       subAspect: immediateUpdate
                       aspect: immediateUpdate
                       subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                       aspect: classListGenerator

                       subAspect: menuHolder
                       aspect: classMenu
                       subAspect: meta
                       aspect: meta

                       subAspect: selectedClasses
                       aspect: selectedClasses
                       callBack: classSelectionChanged
                       subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                       aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   name: 'MethodInfoView'
                   model: methodInfo
                   hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
                   hasVerticalScrollBar: true
                   autoHideScrollBars: true
                   isReadOnly: true
                   hasKeyboardFocusInitially: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.25 0.5 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:02:00 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
         label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
         name: 'ProtocolBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:02:05 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleMethodBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleMethodBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleMethodBrowserSpec
         label: 'MethodBrowser'
         name: 'MethodBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'VerticalPanel1'
                   horizontalLayout: fit
                   verticalLayout: bottomFit
                   horizontalSpace: 3
                   verticalSpace: 3
                     collection: (
                         name: 'MethodList'
                         majorKey: MethodList
                             subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                             callBack: methodDoubleClicked
                             subAspect: environmentHolder
                             aspect: environmentHolder
                             subAspect: immediateUpdate
                             aspect: immediateUpdate
                             subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator
                             subAspect: menuHolder
                             aspect: selectorPopUpMenu
                             subAspect: packageFilter
                             aspect: packageFilter
                             subAspect: selectedMethods
                             aspect: selectedMethods
                             callBack: methodsSelectionChanged
                             subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                             aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder
                             subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                             aspect: showCoverageInformation
                             subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                             aspect: showMethodComplexity
                             subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                             aspect: showMethodInheritance
                             subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                             aspect: showSyntheticMethods
                             subAspect: sortBy
                             aspect: sortBy
                             subAspect: variableFilter
                             aspect: variableFilter
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true
                         extent: (Point 462 93)
                         name: 'TestRunnerEmbedded'
                         initiallyInvisible: true
                         visibilityChannel: testRunnerVisibleHolder
                         hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                         hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                         majorKey: #'Tools::TestRunnerEmbedded'
                             subAspect: infoHolder
                             aspect: infoLabelHolder
                             subAspect: methodGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator
                             subAspect: selectedClassesHolder
                             aspect: selectedClasses
                             subAspect: selectedMethodsHolder
                             aspect: selectedMethods
                             subAspect: selectedProtocolsHolder
                             aspect: selectedProtocols
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true
                         extent: (Point 462 50)
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false
             handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
         label: 'MethodBrowser'
         name: 'MethodBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'MethodList'
                   majorKey: MethodList

                       subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                       callBack: methodDoubleClicked
                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder

                       subAspect: immediateUpdate
                       aspect: immediateUpdate
                       subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                       aspect: selectorListGenerator

                       subAspect: menuHolder
                       aspect: methodListPopUpMenu
                       subAspect: packageFilter
                       aspect: packageFilter

                       subAspect: selectedMethods
                       aspect: selectedMethods
                       callBack: methodsSelectionChanged
                       subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                       aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder

                       subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                       aspect: showCoverageInformation
                       subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                       aspect: showMethodComplexity
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                       subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                       aspect: showMethodInheritance
                       subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                       aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   name: 'MethodInfoView'
                   model: methodInfo
                   hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
                   hasVerticalScrollBar: true
                   autoHideScrollBars: true
                   isReadOnly: true
                   hasKeyboardFocusInitially: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.25 0.5 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:02:25 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
         label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
         name: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:02:31 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
         label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
         name: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:02:38 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleProjectBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleProjectBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleProjectBrowserSpec
         label: 'ProjectBrowser'
         name: 'ProjectBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: multipleProjectBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:02:44 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec
         label: 'ProjectBrowser'
         name: 'ProjectBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:02:51 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleProtocolBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: multipleProtocolBrowserSpec
         label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
         name: 'ProtocolBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: multipleProtocolBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:02:57 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#noteBookWindowSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#noteBookWindowSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: noteBookWindowSpec
         label: 'NewSystemBrowser'
         name: 'NewSystemBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 800 700)
         menu: mainMenu
         icon: defaultIcon
         collection: (
             name: 'NoteBook'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             level: 0
             model: selectedBuffer
             menu: bufferNameList
             useIndex: true
             valueChangeSelector: bufferSelectionChanged
             accessTabMenuAction: tabMenu:
             translateLabel: false
             hasScrollButtons: true
             destroyTabAction: destroyTab:
             "/ addTabAction: createBuffer
             canvas: browserCanvas
             canvasInset: 0
             keepCanvasAlive: true
             tabLevel: 1
             name: 'ToolBar'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             visibilityChannel: toolBarVisibleHolder
               collection: (
                   label: 'hideToolBarIcon'
                   name: 'HideToolBarButton'
                   layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 1)
                   activeHelpKey: hideToolBar
                   hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
                   translateLabel: true
                   model: hideToolbar
                   postBuildCallback: hideToolBarButtonCreated:
                   name: 'ToolBarMenu'
                   layout: (LayoutFrame 13 0.0 0 0.0 -250 1.0 0 1.0)
                   visibilityChannel: toolBarVisibleHolder
                   menu: toolBarMenu
                   textDefault: true
                   name: 'SubSpecification1'
                   layout: (LayoutFrame -250 1 0 0 0 1 0 1)
                   minorKey: searchSpec
             name: 'BookmarkBar'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 40 0 0 1 67 0)
             visibilityChannel: bookmarkBarVisibleHolder
               collection: (
                   label: 'hideToolBarIcon'
                   name: 'Button1'
                   layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 1)
                   activeHelpKey: hideBookmarkBar
                   hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
                   translateLabel: true
                   model: hideBookmarkBar
                   postBuildCallback: hideToolBarButtonCreated:
                   name: 'Bookmarks'
                   layout: (LayoutFrame 13 0 2 0 0 1 -1 1)
                   level: 0
                   hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                   hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                   miniScrollerHorizontal: false
                   majorKey: BookmarkBar
                       subAspect: bookmarkHolder
                       aspect: bookmarkHolder
                       subAspect: bookmarksHolder
                       aspect: bookmarkListHolder
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#pagedWindowSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#pagedWindowSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: pagedWindowSpec
         label: 'NewSystemBrowser'
         name: 'NewSystemBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 800 700)
         menu: mainMenu
         icon: defaultIcon
         collection: (
             name: 'NoteBook'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             level: 0
             model: selectedBuffer
             menu: bufferNameList
             useIndex: true
             valueChangeSelector: bufferSelectionChanged
             accessTabMenuAction: tabMenu:
             translateLabel: false
             hasScrollButtons: true
             destroyTabAction: destroyTab:
             canvas: browserPageCanvas
             canvasInset: 0
             keepCanvasAlive: true
             tabLevel: 1


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#protocolAndMethodListSpec_Both
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#protocolAndMethodListSpec_Both

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: #'protocolAndMethodListSpec_Both'
         label: 'Protocol and Method List'
         name: 'Protocol and Method List'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 498 456)
         icon: defaultIcon
         collection: (
             name: 'Lists'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
             barWidth: 2
             showHandle: false
               collection: (
                   name: 'MethodCategoryList'
                   majorKey: MethodCategoryList

                       subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                       callBack: protocolDoubleClicked
                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder

                       subAspect: filterClassVars
                       aspect: filterClassVars
                       subAspect: immediateUpdate
                       aspect: immediateUpdate

                       subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                       aspect: protocolListGenerator
                       subAspect: menuHolder
                       aspect: protocolMenu

                       subAspect: methodVisibilityHolder
                       aspect: methodVisibilityHolder
                       subAspect: outGeneratorHolder
                       aspect: selectorListGenerator

                       subAspect: packageFilter
                       aspect: packageFilter
                       subAspect: selectedProtocols
                       aspect: selectedProtocols
                       callBack: protocolSelectionChanged

                       subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                       aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder
                       subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                       aspect: showCoverageInformation
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                       subAspect: showPseudoProtocols
                       aspect: showPseudoProtocols
                       subAspect: variableFilter
                       aspect: variableFilter
                       callBack: variableSelectionChanged
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   postBuildCallback: methodCategoryList:
                   name: 'MethodList'
                   majorKey: MethodList

                       subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                       callBack: methodDoubleClicked
                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder

                       subAspect: filterClassVars
                       aspect: filterClassVars
                       subAspect: immediateUpdate
                       aspect: immediateUpdate

                       subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                       aspect: selectorListGenerator
                       subAspect: menuHolder
                       aspect: selectorPopUpMenu

                       subAspect: packageFilter
                       aspect: packageFilter
                       subAspect: selectedMethods
                       aspect: selectedMethods
                       callBack: methodsSelectionChanged

                       subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                       aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder
                       subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                       aspect: showCoverageInformation

                       subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                       aspect: showMethodComplexity
                       subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                       aspect: showMethodInheritance

                       subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                       aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                       subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                       aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                       subAspect: variableFilter
                       aspect: variableFilter
                       callBack: variableSelectionChanged
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   postBuildCallback: methodList:

             handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#protocolAndMethodListSpec_JustMethodList
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#protocolAndMethodListSpec_JustMethodList

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: #'protocolAndMethodListSpec_JustMethodList'
         label: 'Protocol and Method List'
         name: 'Protocol and Method List'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 498 456)
         icon: defaultIcon
         collection: (
             name: 'MethodList'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
             majorKey: MethodList

                 subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                 callBack: methodDoubleClicked
                 subAspect: environmentHolder
                 aspect: environmentHolder

                 subAspect: filterClassVars
                 aspect: filterClassVars
                 subAspect: immediateUpdate
                 aspect: immediateUpdate

                 subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                 aspect: selectorListGenerator5
                 subAspect: menuHolder
                 aspect: selectorPopUpMenu

                 subAspect: packageFilter
                 aspect: packageFilter
                 subAspect: selectedMethods
                 aspect: selectedMethods
                 callBack: methodsSelectionChanged

                 subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                 aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder
                 subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                 aspect: showCoverageInformation

                 subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                 aspect: showMethodComplexity
                 subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                 aspect: showMethodInheritance

                 subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                 aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                 subAspect: variableFilter
                 aspect: variableFilter
                 callBack: variableSelectionChanged
             createNewApplication: true
             createNewBuilder: true
             postBuildCallback: methodList:



    ^self searchSpec_live

    "Created: / 09-02-2010 / 21:28:37 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchSpec_classic
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#searchSpec_classic

    <resource: #canvas>

        name: #'searchSpec_classic'
          label: 'Search Spec (classic)'
          name: 'Search Spec (classic)'
          min: (Point 10 10)
          bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 300 40)
          collection: (
              name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
              level: 1
              horizontalLayout: fitSpace
              verticalLayout: center
              horizontalSpace: 2
              verticalSpace: 2
                collection: (
                    name: 'SearchedClassNameComboBox'
                    activeHelpKey: gotoClassEntryField
                    model: searchedClassNameOrSelectorHolder
                    acceptOnLeave: false
                    acceptOnReturn: true
                    acceptOnPointerLeave: false
                    acceptIfUnchanged: true
                    comboList: visitedClassesHistory
                    extent: (Point 294 24)
                    postBuildCallback: searchFieldCreated:

              postBuildCallback: searchFieldPanelCreated:


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchSpec_live
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#searchSpec_live

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: #'searchSpec_live'
         label: 'Search Spec (live)'
         name: 'Search Spec (live)'
         min: (Point 10 10)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 300 40)
         collection: (
             name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
             level: 1
             horizontalLayout: fitSpace
             verticalLayout: center
             horizontalSpace: 2
             verticalSpace: 2
               collection: (
                   name: 'SearchedClassNameComboBox'
                   activeHelpKey: gotoClassEntryField
                   model: searchedClassNameOrSelectorHolder
                   acceptOnLeave: false
                   acceptOnReturn: true
                   acceptOnLostFocus: false
                   acceptOnPointerLeave: false
                   acceptIfUnchanged: true
                   entryCompletionBlock: searchCompletionBlock
                   extent: (Point 292 24)
                   postBuildCallback: searchFieldCreated:
             postBuildCallback: searchFieldPanelCreated:

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchSpec_live_level0
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#searchSpec_live_level0

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: #'searchSpec_live_level0'
         label: 'Search Spec (live)'
         name: 'Search Spec (live)'
         min: (Point 10 10)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 300 40)
         collection: (
             name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
             level: 0
             horizontalLayout: fitSpace
             verticalLayout: center
             horizontalSpace: 2
             verticalSpace: 2
               collection: (
                   name: 'SearchedClassNameComboBox'
                   activeHelpKey: gotoClassEntryField
                   level: -1
                   model: searchedClassNameOrSelectorHolder
                   acceptOnLeave: false
                   acceptOnReturn: true
                   acceptOnLostFocus: false
                   acceptOnPointerLeave: false
                   acceptIfUnchanged: true
                   entryCompletionBlock: searchCompletionBlock
                   extent: (Point 294 24)
                   postBuildCallback: searchFieldCreated:
             postBuildCallback: searchFieldPanelCreated:

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#selectorBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: selectorBrowserSpec
         label: 'SelectorBrowser'
         name: 'SelectorBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: selectorBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:03:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#senderChainBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#senderChainBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: senderChainBrowserSpec
         label: 'MethodBrowser'
         name: 'MethodBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
                   barWidth: 2
                   showHandle: false
                     collection: (
                         name: 'MethodList1'
                         majorKey: MethodList

                             subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                             callBack: methodDoubleClicked1
                             subAspect: environmentHolder
                             aspect: environmentHolder

                             subAspect: immediateUpdate
                             aspect: immediateUpdate
                             subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator1

                             subAspect: menuHolder
                             aspect: selectorPopUpMenu
                             subAspect: packageFilter
                             aspect: packageFilter

                             subAspect: selectedMethods
                             aspect: selectedMethods1
                             callBack: methodsSelectionChanged1
                             subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                             aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder

                             subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                             aspect: showCoverageInformation
                             subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                             aspect: showMethodComplexity
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                             subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                             aspect: showMethodInheritance
                             subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true
                         name: 'MethodList2'
                         majorKey: MethodList

                             subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                             callBack: methodDoubleClicked2
                             subAspect: environmentHolder
                             aspect: environmentHolder

                             subAspect: immediateUpdate
                             aspect: immediateUpdate
                             subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator2

                             subAspect: menuHolder
                             aspect: selectorPopUpMenu
                             subAspect: packageFilter
                             aspect: packageFilter

                             subAspect: selectedMethods
                             aspect: selectedMethods2
                             callBack: methodsSelectionChanged2
                             subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                             aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder

                             subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                             aspect: showCoverageInformation
                             subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                             aspect: showMethodComplexity
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                             subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                             aspect: showMethodInheritance
                             subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true
                         name: 'MethodList3'
                         majorKey: MethodList

                             subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                             callBack: methodDoubleClicked3
                             subAspect: environmentHolder
                             aspect: environmentHolder

                             subAspect: immediateUpdate
                             aspect: immediateUpdate
                             subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator3

                             subAspect: menuHolder
                             aspect: selectorPopUpMenu
                             subAspect: packageFilter
                             aspect: packageFilter

                             subAspect: selectedMethods
                             aspect: selectedMethods3
                             callBack: methodsSelectionChanged3
                             subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                             aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder

                             subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                             aspect: showCoverageInformation
                             subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                             aspect: showMethodComplexity
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                             subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                             aspect: showMethodInheritance
                             subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true
                         name: 'MethodList4'
                         majorKey: MethodList

                             subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                             callBack: methodDoubleClicked4
                             subAspect: environmentHolder
                             aspect: environmentHolder

                             subAspect: immediateUpdate
                             aspect: immediateUpdate
                             subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                             aspect: selectorListGenerator4

                             subAspect: menuHolder
                             aspect: selectorPopUpMenu
                             subAspect: packageFilter
                             aspect: packageFilter

                             subAspect: selectedMethods
                             aspect: selectedMethods4
                             callBack: methodsSelectionChanged4
                             subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                             aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder

                             subAspect: showCoverageInformation
                             aspect: showCoverageInformation
                             subAspect: showMethodComplexity
                             aspect: showMethodComplexity
                 subAspect: showSyntheticMethods
                 aspect: showSyntheticMethods

                             subAspect: showMethodInheritance
                             aspect: showMethodInheritance
                             subAspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                             aspect: showMethodTypeIcon
                         createNewApplication: true
                         createNewBuilder: true

                   handles: (Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:03:10 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleCategoryBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleCategoryBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: singleCategoryBrowserSpec
         label: 'CategoryBrowser'
         name: 'CategoryBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: singleCategoryBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:03:18 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleClassBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleClassBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: singleClassBrowserSpec
         label: 'ClassBrowser'
         name: 'ClassBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: singleClassBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.4 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:03:23 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
         label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
         name: 'ProtocolBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:03:32 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleMethodBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleMethodBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: singleMethodBrowserSpec
         label: 'MethodBrowser'
         name: 'MethodBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'Box1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
               collection: (
                   name: 'PseudoMethodList'
                   layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
                   majorKey: MethodList
                   minorKey: singleMethodWindowSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                       subAspect: immediateUpdate
                       aspect: immediateUpdate

                       subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                       aspect: selectorListGenerator
                       subAspect: menuHolder
                       aspect: selectorPopUpMenu

                       subAspect: packageFilter
                       aspect: packageFilter
                       subAspect: selectedMethods
                       aspect: selectedProtocolMethods
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:03:40 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: singleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
         label: 'MethodBrowser'
         name: 'MethodBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'Box'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
               collection: (
                   name: 'SubCanvas1'
                   layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
                   majorKey: MethodList
                   minorKey: singleMethodWindowSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                       subAspect: immediateUpdate
                       aspect: immediateUpdate

                       subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                       aspect: selectorListGenerator
                       subAspect: menuHolder
                       aspect: methodListPopUpMenu

                       subAspect: packageFilter
                       aspect: packageFilter
                       subAspect: selectedMethods
                       aspect: selectedProtocolMethods
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   name: 'VariableVerticalPanel2'
                   layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
                   showHandle: false
                   snapMode: both
                   handlePosition: left
                     collection: (
                         name: 'TextEditor1'
                         model: methodInfo
                         hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
                         hasVerticalScrollBar: true
                         autoHideScrollBars: true
                         isReadOnly: true
                         hasKeyboardFocusInitially: false
                         name: 'SubCanvas2'
                         autoHideScrollBars: false
                         majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                         minorKey: codePaneSpec
                         createNewBuilder: false

                   handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)

             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:03:49 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
         label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
         name: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 687 641)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:03:57 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
         label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
         name: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 687 641)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:04:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleProjectBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleProjectBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: singleProjectBrowserSpec
         label: 'ProjectBrowser'
         name: 'ProjectBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: singleProjectBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:04:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleProjectFullBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleProjectFullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: singleProjectFullBrowserSpec
         label: 'ProjectBrowser'
         name: 'ProjectBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: singleProjectFullBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:04:15 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleProtocolBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: singleProtocolBrowserSpec
         label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
         name: 'ProtocolBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'Navigator'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NavigatorCanvas
                   minorKey: singleProtocolBrowserSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                   createNewBuilder: false
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.3 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:04:20 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#smallLintByRuleResultBrowserSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#smallLintByRuleResultBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: smallLintByRuleResultBrowserSpec
         label: 'SmallLintByClassResultBrowser'
         name: 'SmallLintByClassResultBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 775 579)
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'NavigatorAndCodePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'NavigatorAndDetail'
                     collection: (
                         name: 'Lists'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
                           collection: (
                               name: 'RuleListPanel'
                                 collection: (
                                     name: 'RuleList'
                                     majorKey: #'Tools::LintRuleList'

                                         subAspect: environmentHolder
                                         aspect: environmentHolder
                                         subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                                         aspect: lintRuleListGenerator

                                         subAspect: outGeneratorHolder
                                         aspect: classListGenerator
                                         subAspect: selectionHolder
                                         aspect: selectedLintRules
                                     createNewApplication: true
                                     createNewBuilder: true

                               handles: (Any 1.0)
                               name: 'ClassListBox'
                                 collection: (
                                     name: 'ClassList'
                                     layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 -25 1)
                                     majorKey: ClassList

                                         subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                                         callBack: classDoubleClicked
                                         subAspect: environmentHolder
                                         aspect: environmentHolder

                                         subAspect: immediateUpdate
                                         aspect: immediateUpdate
                                         subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                                         aspect: classListGenerator

                                         subAspect: menuHolder
                                         aspect: classMenu
                                         subAspect: meta
                                         aspect: meta

                                         subAspect: selectedClasses
                                         aspect: selectedClasses
                                         callBack: classSelectionChanged
                                         subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                                         aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder
                                     createNewApplication: true
                                     createNewBuilder: true
                                     name: 'MetaToggles'
                                     layout: (LayoutFrame 5 0 -25 1 -5 1 0 1)
                                     hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                                     hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                                     majorKey: #'Tools::ClassList'
                                     minorKey: metaSpec
                                     createNewBuilder: false

                               name: 'MethodList'
                               majorKey: MethodList

                                   subAspect: doubleClickChannel
                                   callBack: methodDoubleClicked
                                   subAspect: environmentHolder
                                   aspect: environmentHolder

                                   subAspect: immediateUpdate
                                   aspect: immediateUpdate
                                   subAspect: inGeneratorHolder
                                   aspect: selectorListGenerator

                                   subAspect: menuHolder
                                   aspect: methodListPopUpMenu
                                   subAspect: packageFilter
                                   aspect: packageFilter

                                   subAspect: selectedMethods
                                   aspect: selectedMethods
                                   callBack: methodsSelectionChanged
                                   subAspect: selectionChangeCondition
                                   aspect: selectionChangeConditionHolder
                               createNewApplication: true
                               createNewBuilder: true

                         handles: (Any 0.33000000000000007 0.67000000000000015 1.0)

                   name: 'RuleDesc'
                   hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
                   hasVerticalScrollBar: false
                   majorKey: #'Tools::LintRuleDetail'

                       subAspect: ruleHolder
                       aspect: theSingleSelectedLintRuleHolder
                       subAspect: selectedMethodsHolder
                       aspect: selectedMethods
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.33333333333333304 0.45595854922279805 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#visualProfilerSpec
     Tools::NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#visualProfilerSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: visualProfilerSpec
         label: 'SystemBrowser'
         name: 'SystemBrowser'
         min: (Point 0 0)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 462 300)
         icon: defaultIcon
         collection: (
             name: 'MessagePane'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 0)
             initiallyInvisible: true
             hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
             hasVerticalScrollBar: false
             clientKey: inlineMessageApp
             createNewBuilder: false
             postBuildCallback: postBuildMessagePane:
             name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
             barWidth: 2
             showHandle: false
             snapMode: both
             handlePosition: left
               collection: (
                   name: 'VisualProfiler'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: #'Tools::VisualProfilerCanvas'
                   minorKey: windowSpec

                       subAspect: environmentHolder
                       aspect: environmentHolder
                       subAspect: packageFilter
                       aspect: packageFilter

                       subAspect: profilerStatistics
                       aspect: profilerStatistics
                       subAspect: selectedMethods
                       aspect: selectedMethods
                   createNewApplication: true
                   createNewBuilder: true
                   name: 'CodePane'
                   autoHideScrollBars: false
                   majorKey: NewSystemBrowser
                   minorKey: codePaneSpec
                   createNewBuilder: false

             handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)
             postBuildCallback: postBuildTabContentView:


    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:04:34 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "/    ^ self browserWindowSpec

    ^ UserPreferences current webBrowserLikeLayout
        ifTrue:[ self pagedWindowSpec ]
        ifFalse:[ self noteBookWindowSpec ]

    "Modified: / 05-02-2000 / 12:23:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 07-06-2011 / 14:39:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'interface specs-dialogs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

        #name: #repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec
          #label: 'Repository Consistency Check'
          #name: 'Repository Consistency Check'
          #min: #(#Point 10 10)
          #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 316 492)
          #collection: #(
              #label: 'Repository Consistency Check Report:'
              #name: 'Label1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 33 0)
              #translateLabel: true
              #name: 'VerticalPanel1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -31 1.0)
              #horizontalLayout: #fit
              #verticalLayout: #fit
              #horizontalSpace: 3
              #verticalSpace: 3
                #collection: #(
                    #name: 'Box1'
                    #visibilityChannel: #classesWithoutContainerBoxVisible
                      #collection: #(
                          #name: 'Separator1'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 4 0)
                          #label: 'Classes without Repository Container:'
                          #name: 'Label2'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 5 0 0 1.0 27 0)
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #adjust: #left
                          #menu: #classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
                          #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
                          #name: 'List1'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 28 0 0 1.0 0 1)
                          #model: #selectedClassesWithMissingContainer
                          #menu: #classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
                          #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
                          #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
                          #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
                          #isMultiSelect: true
                          #useIndex: true
                          #sequenceList: #listOfClassesWithMissingContainer

                    #extent: #(#Point 300 74)
                    #name: 'Box2'
                    #visibilityChannel: #classesWithInvalidInfoBoxVisible
                      #collection: #(
                          #name: 'Separator2'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 4 0)
                          #label: 'Classes with Invalid Repository Info:'
                          #name: 'Label3'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 5 0 0 1.0 27 0)
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #adjust: #left
                          #menu: #classesWithInvalidInfoPopupMenu
                          #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
                          #name: 'List2'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 28 0 0 1.0 0 1)
                          #model: #selectedClassesWithRepositoryMismatches
                          #menu: #classesWithInvalidInfoPopupMenu
                          #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
                          #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
                          #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
                          #isMultiSelect: true
                          #useIndex: true
                          #sequenceList: #listOfClassesWithRepositoryMismatches

                    #extent: #(#Point 300 74)
                    #name: 'Box3'
                    #visibilityChannel: #obsoleteContainersBoxVisible
                      #collection: #(
                          #name: 'Separator3'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 4 0)
                          #label: 'Containers without class: (need checkOut ?)'
                          #name: 'Label4'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 5 0 0 1.0 27 0)
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #adjust: #left
                          #menu: #obsoleteContainersPopupMenu
                          #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
                          #name: 'List3'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 28 0 0 1.0 0 1)
                          #model: #selectedObsoleteContainers
                          #menu: #obsoleteContainersPopupMenu
                          #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
                          #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
                          #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
                          #isMultiSelect: true
                          #useIndex: true
                          #sequenceList: #listOfObsoleteContainers

                    #extent: #(#Point 300 73)
                    #name: 'Box4'
                    #visibilityChannel: #classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedBoxVisible
                      #collection: #(
                          #name: 'Separator4'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 4 0)
                          #label: 'Modified Classes (need checkIn ?):'
                          #name: 'Label5'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 5 0 0 1.0 27 0)
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #adjust: #left
                          #menu: #classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu
                          #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
                          #name: 'List4'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 28 0 0 1.0 0 1)
                          #model: #selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified
                          #menu: #classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu
                          #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
                          #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
                          #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
                          #isMultiSelect: true
                          #useIndex: true
                          #sequenceList: #listOfClassesWhichHaveBeenModified

                    #extent: #(#Point 300 74)
                    #name: 'Box5'
                    #visibilityChannel: #classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryBoxVisible
                      #collection: #(
                          #name: 'Separator5'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 4 0)
                          #label: 'New Version in Repository (need checkOut ?):'
                          #name: 'Label6'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 5 0 0 1.0 27 0)
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #adjust: #left
                          #menu: #classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu
                          #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
                          #name: 'List5'
                          #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 28 0 0 1.0 0 1)
                          #model: #selectedClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository
                          #menu: #classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu
                          #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
                          #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
                          #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
                          #isMultiSelect: true
                          #useIndex: true
                          #sequenceList: #listOfClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository

                    #extent: #(#Point 300 74)

              #name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -30 1 0 1 0 1)
              #horizontalLayout: #center
              #verticalLayout: #center
              #horizontalSpace: 3
              #verticalSpace: 3
                #collection: #(
                    #label: 'Close'
                    #name: 'Button1'
                    #translateLabel: true
                    #model: #closeRequest
                    #extent: #(#Point 125 22)


! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#browseMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser browseMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Clone'
            itemValue: browseMenuClone
            isVisible: shiftNotPressedHolder
            shortcutKey: Ctrln
            label: 'Old SystemBrowser on Class'
            itemValue: browseMenuClone
            isVisible: shiftPressedHolder
            label: 'Other Browsers'
            submenuChannel: otherBrowsersMenu
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            label: 'Class...'
            itemValue: browseMenuOpenInClass
            shortcutKey: Find
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            label: 'Classes'
                  label: 'With Name Matching...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithNameMatching
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'In Current ChangeSet'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesInCurrentChangeSet
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'In all ChangeSets'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesInAllChangeSets
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'Which were Autoloaded'
                  itemValue: browseMenuAutoloadedClasses
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Extensions'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassExtensionsBuffer
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Shadowed Methods (Package Conflicts)'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithShadowedMethods
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'Recently Opened Applications'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesOfRecentlyOpenedApplications
                  label: 'With Instrumentation'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithInstrumentation
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'All Subclasses of...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuAllSubclassesOf
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'All Applications'
                  itemValue: browseMenuApplicationClasses
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'All Web Services'
                  itemValue: browseMenuHTTPServiceClasses
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'All TestCases'
                  itemValue: browseMenuTestCaseClasses
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'All Shared Pools'
                  itemValue: browseMenuSharedPoolClasses
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Without Documentation'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithoutDocumentation
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'Without Copyright'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithoutCopyright
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'Without Examples'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithoutExamples
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'Without CVS Repository Container'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithoutCVSRepositoryContainer
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'Without SVN Repository Container'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithoutSVNRepositoryContainer
                  isVisible: hasSubversionSupport
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Defining Variable...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesDefiningVariable
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'Referring to Pool...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesReferringToPool
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With String in Comment/Documentation...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithStringInCommentOrDocumentation
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With External Function Calls (FFI)'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithExternalFunctionCalls
                  isVisible: false
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Primitive Code'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithPrimitiveCode
                  isVisible: false
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'For which...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithUserFilter
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Special'
                  submenuChannel: specialBrowseMenu
            label: '-'
            label: 'Implementors of...'
            itemValue: browseMenuImplementorsOf
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Senders of...'
            itemValue: browseSendersOf
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'References to Class or Global...'
            itemValue: browseMenuReferencesToGlobal
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'References to Symbol...'
            itemValue: browseMenuReferencesToSymbol
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Writes to Global...'
            itemValue: browseMenuWritesToGlobal
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Recently Changed Methods'
            itemValue: browseMenuRecentChanges
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Class Extensions'
            itemValue: browseMenuClassExtensionsBuffer
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Methods'
                  label: 'Changed Methods'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsInCurrentChangeSet
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'Unassigned Extensions'
                  itemValue: browseMenuUnassignedMethods:
                  argument: newBuffer
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'Overwritten Methods (Package Conflicts)'
                  itemValue: browseMenuOverwrittenMethods:
                  argument: newBuffer
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Break- or Tracepoint'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithWrap
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Instrumentation'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithInstrumentation
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'With String...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithString
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With String in Help Spec...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithStringInHelpSpec
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With String in Menu Spec...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithStringInMenuSpec
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With String-Literal Matching...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithStringLiteral
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'With Window Spec...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithWindowSpec
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Menu Spec...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithMenuSpec
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Image Spec...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithImageSpec
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Table Spec...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithTableSpec
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Help Spec...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithHelpSpec
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With any Resource...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithResource
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Annotation...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithAnnotation
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Without Comment...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithoutComment
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Ugly Coding Style...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithUglyCodingStyle
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Possible Leftover Debug Code...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithLeftoverDebugCode
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'Deprecated'
                  itemValue: browseMenuDeprecatedMethods
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'With Exception Handlers'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithExceptionHandlers
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Exception Raisers'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithExceptionRaisers
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With Primitive Code'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithPrimitiveCode
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: 'With External Function Call (FFI)'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithExternalFunctionCalls
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'For which...'
                  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithUserFilter
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#bufferBaseMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser bufferBaseMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Add Page'
            itemValue: bufferMenuCreateBuffer
            nameKey: CreateBuffer
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Ctrlt
            label: 'Remove Page'
            itemValue: bufferMenuRemoveCurrentBuffer
            nameKey: RemoveBuffer
            translateLabel: true

    "Modified: / 03-08-2004 / 14:28:02 / stefan"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryCheckMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryCheckMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'SmallLint Menu'
            submenuChannel: smalllintCheckMenuForCategory
            isMenuSlice: true


    "Modified: / 05-05-2012 / 10:18:13 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 06:56:59 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self categoryMenuWithoutFind

    "Modified: / 31-05-2012 / 09:19:08 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuDocumentationSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuDocumentationSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
            label: 'Documentation'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
                  label: 'PrintOut'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuPrintOut
                  translateLabel: true
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
                  label: 'PrintOut Protocol'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuPrintOutProtocol
                  translateLabel: true
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
                  label: 'Save HTML Documentation In...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuSaveDocumentationIn
                  translateLabel: true
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuFileOutAndRepositorySlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuFileOutAndRepositorySlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
            label: 'FileOut'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
                  label: 'As...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuFileOutAs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
                  label: 'Each in...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuFileOutEachIn
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
                  label: 'Special Formats'
                        enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
                        label: 'XML as...'
                        itemValue: categoryMenuFileOutXMLAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
                        label: 'XML each in...'
                        itemValue: categoryMenuFileOutEachXMLIn
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
                        label: 'SIF as...'
                        itemValue: categoryMenuFileOutSIFAs
                        enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
                        label: 'SIF each in...'
                        itemValue: categoryMenuFileOutEachSIFIn
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder
                        label: 'VSE Fileout Format as...'
                        itemValue: categoryMenuFileOutVSEAs
                        enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder
                        label: 'VSE Fileout Format each in...'
                        itemValue: categoryMenuFileOutEachVSEIn
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutCypressHolder
                        label: 'Cypress as...'
                        itemValue: categoryMenuFileOutCypressAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
                        label: 'Binary each in...'
                        itemValue: categoryMenuFileOutEachBinaryIn
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Repository'
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuSCMSlice
            isMenuSlice: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuNewAndRenameSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuNewAndRenameSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'New...'
            itemValue: categoryMenuNewCategory
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
            label: 'Rename...'
            itemValue: categoryMenuRename
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Rename
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove...'
            itemValue: categoryMenuRemove
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary erase16x16Icon 'Remove...')

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSpawnSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSpawnSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
            label: 'Spawn'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuSpawnBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Buffer with Categories Matching...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoriesBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuSpawnBrowser
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Browser on Categories Matching...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoriesBrowser
                  translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuWithFind
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuWithFind)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'FileOutAndRepositorySlice'
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuFileOutAndRepositorySlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'DocumentationSlice'
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuDocumentationSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'SpawnSlice'
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuSpawnSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: 'Find'
            submenuChannel: searchMenu
            label: '-'
            label: 'NewAndRenameSlice'
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuNewAndRenameSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Static Analysis (Lint)'
            submenuChannel: categoryCheckMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary lint16x16Icon 'Static Analysis (Lint)')
            label: 'Debug'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
                  label: 'Recompile all Classes (without Instrumentation)'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuRecompile
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
                  label: 'Recompile all Classes with Instrumentation'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuRecompileInstrumented
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Special'
            submenuChannel: categorySpecialMenu
            label: '-'
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: categoryMenuUpdate

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuWithoutFind
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuWithoutFind)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'FileOutAndRepositorySlice'
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuFileOutAndRepositorySlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'DocumentationSlice'
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuDocumentationSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'SpawnSlice'
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuSpawnSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'NewAndRenameSlice'
            nameKey: NewAndRenameSlice
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuNewAndRenameSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Static Analysis (Lint)'
            submenuChannel: categoryCheckMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary lint16x16Icon 'Static Analysis (Lint)')
            label: 'Debug'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
                  label: 'Recompile all Classes (without Instrumentation)'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuRecompile
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
                  label: 'Recompile all Classes with Instrumentation'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuRecompileInstrumented
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Special'
            submenuChannel: categorySpecialMenu
            label: '-'
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: categoryMenuUpdate

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categorySpecialMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categorySpecialMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasCategorySelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove all from ChangeSet'
            itemValue: categoryMenuCleanUpChangeSet
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasAnyCategoryWithAnyUnLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Load'
            itemValue: categoryMenuLoad
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasAnyCategoryWithAnyAutoLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Unload'
            itemValue: categoryMenuUnload
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 31-01-2011 / 11:11:18 / cg"

    <resource: #obsolete>
    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#checkMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser checkMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Lint'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: lintMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
            label: 'Recompile all Methods with Instrumentation'
            itemValue: classMenuRecompileInstrumented
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            isVisible: false

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classCheckMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classCheckMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'SmallLint Menu'
            submenuChannel: smalllintCheckMenuForClass
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Smalltalk/X Checks'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: lintMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Check Compilability'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckCompilability
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
            label: 'Recompile all Methods with Instrumentation'
            itemValue: classMenuRecompileInstrumented
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            isVisible: false

    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 06:57:24 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classClassVariablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classClassVariablesMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'References...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarRefs
            #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Readers...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarReads
            #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Writers...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarMods
            #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Add...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuAddClassVariable
            #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Rename...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuRenameClassVariable
            #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndClassVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Remove'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuRemoveClassVariable
            #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndClassVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Pull Up'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #codeMenuPullUpClassVariable
            #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Push Down'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #codeMenuPushDownClassVariable
            #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Make Abstract (Access only via Getters/Setters)'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #codeMenuMakeAbstractVariable
            #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Make Concrete (Protect from Access via Getters/Setters)'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #codeMenuProtectInstanceVariable
            #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
              label: '-'
              enabled: hasClassVariableSelectedHolder
              label: 'Clear (Set ClassVariable(s) to nil)'
              itemValue: variablesMenuClear
"/         #(#MenuItem
"/            #label: 'Type info...'
"/            #translateLabel: true
"/            #value: #variablesMenuClassVariableTypeInfo
"/            #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedHolder
"/            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
"/          )

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classDebugMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classDebugMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Inspect Class'
            itemValue: classMenuInspectClass
            isVisible: hasNotMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Inspect Classes'
            itemValue: classMenuInspectClass
            isVisible: hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Inspect Subclasses'
            itemValue: classMenuInspectSubclasses
            isVisible: hasNotMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Inspect Instances'
            itemValue: classMenuInspectInstances
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Inspect Derived Instances'
            itemValue: classMenuInspectDerivedInstances
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Inspect References to Instances'
            itemValue: classMenuInspectReferencesToInstances
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Inspect a New Instance'
            itemValue: classMenuInspectNewInstance
            label: '-'
            label: 'Lint'
            isVisible: false
            submenuChannel: lintMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Recompile all Methods (without Instrumentation)'
            itemValue: classMenuRecompile
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Recompile all Methods here and in Subclasses (without Instrumentation)'
            itemValue: classMenuRecompileAll
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
            label: 'Recompile all Methods with Instrumentation'
            itemValue: classMenuRecompileInstrumented
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassWithInstrumentedMethodsSelected
            label: 'Clear Coverage Info (Classwide)'
            itemValue: classMenuClearCoverageInfo
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsAndOOMPackageLoadedHolder
            label: 'Call Graph'
            itemValue: debugMenuOpenCallGraphForClasses
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'PrintOut'
                  itemValue: classMenuPrintOut
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'PrintOut Protocol'
                  itemValue: classMenuPrintOutProtocol
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'HTML Documentation'
                  itemValue: classMenuDocumentation
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Save HTML Documentation As...'
                  itemValue: classMenuSaveDocumentationAs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Show Comment'
                  itemValue: classMenuComment
                  label: 'Show Hierarchy'
                  itemValue: classMenuHierarchy
                  label: 'Show Definition'
                  itemValue: classMenuDefinition
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasOOMPackageLoadedHolder
                  label: 'Metrics Report'
                  itemValue: classMenuMetrics
                  label: 'Development Ownership Graph'
                  itemValue: classMenuOwnershipGraph

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classGenerateMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classGenerateMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'AccessMethodsSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classGenerateMenuAccessMethodsSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: 'CommonInstMethodsSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classGenerateMenuCommonInstMethodsSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            enabled: hasLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Documentation Stubs'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateDocumentationStubs
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassWithCommentSelectedHolder
            label: 'Documentation Method from Comment'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateDocumentationMethodFromComment
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Copyright Method'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateCopyrightMethod
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Project Definitions'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateProjectDefinitions
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            label: 'Update Project Contents Definitions'
            itemValue: classMenuUpdateProjectContentsDefinitions
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            label: 'Regenerate Project Contents Definitions'
            itemValue: classMenuRegenerateProjectContentsDefinitions
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Initialized Instance Creation'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateInitializedInstanceCreationMethods
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Parametrized Instance Creation'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateParametrizedInstanceCreationMethods
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Redefined Instance Creation'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateRedefinedInstanceCreationMethods
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Singleton Pattern'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateSingletonPatternInstanceCreationMethods
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Make Abstract'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateIsAbstractMethod
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasEnumTypeClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'EnumType Code'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateEnumTypeCode
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
            label: 'SharedPool Initialization Code'
            itemValue: classMenuGeneratePoolInitializationCode
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasApplicationOrHTTPServiceClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Application Code'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateApplicationCode
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Class Initialization Code'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateClassInitializationCode
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Required Protocol'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateRequiredProtocol
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classGenerateMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classGenerateMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Access Methods'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateAccessMethods
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Getter Method(s)'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateGetterMethods
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Setter Method(s)'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateSetterMethods
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndMultipleVariablesSelectedHolder
            label: 'Multi-Setter Method'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateMultiSetterMethod
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Access Methods with Lazy Initialization in Getter'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithLazyInitialization
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Access Methods with Change Notification'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Access Methods for ValueHolder'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolder
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Access Methods for ValueHolder with Change Notification'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolderWithChange
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder

    "Created: / 10-08-2006 / 16:11:12 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classGenerateMenuCommonInstMethodsSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classGenerateMenuCommonInstMethodsSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: '"initialize"-Method'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateInitializationMethod
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            sendToOriginator: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: '"printOn:"-Method'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateStandardPrintOnMethod
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            sendToOriginator: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Update Method Template'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateUpdateMethod
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Visitor Method'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateAcceptVisitor
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Visitor and Visited Methods'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateVisitorMethods
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Visitor and Visited Methods (with visitSuper:)'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateVisitorMethods2
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Classtype Test Methods for this Class (isXXX)'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateClassTypeTestMethodsForThisClass
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Classtype Test Methods for all Subclass(es) (isXXX)'
            itemValue: classMenuGenerateClassTypeTestMethods
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder

    "Modified: / 23-03-2012 / 11:58:16 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser categoryMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'Select Class with Superclasses'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classHierarchyMenuSelectWithSuperclasses
            #enabled: #hasAtMostOneClassesSelectedHolder
            #label: 'Select Class with Subclasses'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classHierarchyMenuSelectWithSubclasses
            #enabled: #hasAtMostOneClassesSelectedHolder
            #label: 'Select Class with all Subclasses'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classHierarchyMenuSelectWithAllSubclasses
            #enabled: #hasAtMostOneClassesSelectedHolder
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Update'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classHierarchyMenuUpdate
            #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelected

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classInstanceVariablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classInstanceVariablesMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'References...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarOrClassInstVarRefs
            #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Readers...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarOrClassInstVarReads
            #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Writers...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarOrClassInstVarMods
            #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Add...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuAddInstanceVariable
            #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Rename...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuRenameInstanceVariable
            #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Remove'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #variablesMenuRemoveInstanceVariable
            #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Pull Up'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable
            #enabled: #hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Push Down'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable
            #enabled: #hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Convert to ValueHolder'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #codeMenuConvertToValueHolder
            #enabled: #hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Make Abstract (Access only via Getters/Setters)'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #codeMenuMakeAbstractVariable
            #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Make Concrete (Protect from Access via Getters/Setters)'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #codeMenuProtectInstanceVariable
            #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
"/         #(#MenuItem
"/            #label: 'Type info...'
"/            #translateLabel: true
"/            #value: #variablesMenuInstanceVariableTypeInfo
"/            #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedHolder
"/            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
"/          )

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'FileOut'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'As...'
                  itemValue: classMenuFileOutAs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Each in...'
                  itemValue: classMenuFileOutEachIn
                  isVisible: hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Special Formats'
                        enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
                        label: 'XML as...'
                        itemValue: classMenuFileOutXMLAs
                        isVisible: hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
                        label: 'XML each in...'
                        itemValue: classMenuFileOutEachXMLIn
                        isVisible: hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
                        label: 'SIF as...'
                        itemValue: classMenuFileOutSIFAs
                        isVisible: hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
                        label: 'SIF each in...'
                        itemValue: classMenuFileOutEachSIFIn
                        isVisible: hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder
                        label: 'VSE Fileout Format as...'
                        itemValue: classMenuFileOutVSEAs
                        isVisible: hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder
                        label: 'VSE Fileout Format each in...'
                        itemValue: classMenuFileOutEachVSEIn
                        isVisible: hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutBinaryHolder
                        label: 'Binary as...'
                        itemValue: classMenuFileOutBinaryAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                        label: 'Binary each in...'
                        itemValue: classMenuFileOutEachBinaryIn
                        isVisible: hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Build Support Files in...'
                  itemValue: classMenuFileOutBuildSupportFiles
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCanSendMailHolder
                  label: 'Mail To...'
                  itemValue: classMenuMailTo
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Copy Source to Clipboard'
                  itemValue: classMenuCopySourceToClipboard
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Copy Selected Class Names to Clipboard'
                  itemValue: classMenuCopyClassNamesToClipboard
            label: 'Repository Slice'
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Documentation'
            submenuChannel: classDocumentationMenu
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Spawn'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Class(es)'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnClassesBuffer
                  isVisible: #'isLintResultBrowserHolder_and_isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with References to Class'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassReferences
                  isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with References to Class or Subclass'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassOrSubclassReferences
                  isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
                  enabled: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with References to Pool Variable'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnBufferWithPoolVariableReferences
                  isVisible: #'hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder_and_isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder'
                  enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with References to Package'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnBufferWithProjectReferences
                  isVisible: #'hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder_and_isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Subclasses'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnBufferWithAllSubclasses
                  isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Superclasses'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnBufferWithAllSuperclasses
                  isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
                  enabled: hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Common Superclass'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnBufferWithCommonSuperclass
                  isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
                  enabled: hasTestCaseClassesSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Classes Covered by Testcase'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassesCoveredByTestcase
                  isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Project(s)'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassProjects
                  isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnClassBuffer
                  isVisible: false
                  label: '-'
                  isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Class(es)'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnClassesBuffer
                  isVisible: isLintResultBrowserHolder
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on References to Class'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnClassReferences
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on References to Class or Subclass'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnClassOrSubclassReferences
                  enabled: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser with References to Pool Variable'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnPoolVariableReferences
                  isVisible: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
                  enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser with References to Package'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnProjectReferences
                  isVisible: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Subclasses'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnWithAllSubclasses
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Superclasses'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnWithAllSuperclasses
                  enabled: hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Common Superclass'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnWithCommonSuperclass
                  enabled: hasTestCaseClassesSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Classes Covered by Testcase'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnWithClassesCoveredByTestcase
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Project(s)'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnClassProjects
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnClass
                  isVisible: false
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasTestCaseClassesSelected
                  label: 'SUnit Test Runner'
                  itemValue: classMenuOpenTestRunner
                  enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browse Classes Package Directory'
                  itemValue: classMenuBrowseClassesPackageDirectory
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Find'
            isVisible: false
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'String...'
                  itemValue: classMenuFindString
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Instance Variables'
            isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            submenuChannel: classInstanceVariablesMenu
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Class Instance Variables'
            isVisible: hasMetaSelectedHolder
            submenuChannel: classInstanceVariablesMenu
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Class Variables'
            submenuChannel: classClassVariablesMenu
            enabled: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
            label: 'Pool Variables'
            submenuChannel: classPoolVariablesMenu
            label: '-'
            label: 'New'
            isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
                  label: 'classNewSlice'
                  submenuChannel: classNewSlice
                  isMenuSlice: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Copy...'
            itemValue: classMenuCopyAs
            isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Move'
            isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
                  enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelected
                  label: 'To Category...'
                  itemValue: classMenuMoveToCategory
                  enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelected
                  label: 'To Namespace...'
                  itemValue: classMenuMoveToNamespace
                  enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelected
                  label: 'To Package...'
                  itemValue: classMenuMoveToProject
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Make Private in...'
                  itemValue: classMenuMakePrivateIn
                  enabled: canMakePublicClass
                  label: 'Make Public'
                  itemValue: classMenuMakePublic
                  enabled: canMakePublicClass
                  label: 'Make Public in...'
                  itemValue: classMenuMakePublicIn
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: canConvertToSiblingsHolder
                  label: 'New Common Superclass with Children (Convert to Siblings)...'
                  itemValue: classMenuChildrenToSiblings
                  nameKey: convertToSibling
                  enabled: canInsertSuperclassHolder
                  label: 'New Common Superclass (Insert Superclass)...'
                  itemValue: classMenuInsertNewSuperclass
                  nameKey: insertSuperclass
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Rename...'
            itemValue: classMenuRename
            isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
            shortcutKey: Rename
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Safe Remove...'
            itemValue: classMenuSaveRemove
            isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove...'
            itemValue: classMenuRemove
            isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
            shortcutKey: Delete
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary erase16x16Icon 'Remove...')
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: isNotEmbeddedBrowserHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Compare'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'With Newest in Repository...'
                  itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepository
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'With Original in Repository...'
                  itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepository
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'With Repository...'
                  itemValue: classMenuCompareWithRepository
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasSingleClassSelected
                  label: 'With File...'
                  itemValue: classMenuCompareWithFile
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  isVisible: smallTeamAvailable
                  label: 'With SmallTeam Version on Host'
                  isVisible: smallTeamAvailable
                  submenuChannel: compareClassWithSmallTeamVersionMenu
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'With Class...'
                  itemValue: classMenuCompareWithClass
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasExactlyTwoClassesSelectedHolder
                  label: 'With each other'
                  itemValue: classMenuCompareTwoSelectedClasses
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Generate'
            submenuChannel: classGenerateMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Static Analysis (Lint)'
            submenuChannel: classCheckMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary lint16x16Icon 'Static Analysis (Lint)')
            label: 'Debug'
            submenuChannel: classDebugMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Special'
            submenuChannel: classSpecialMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Search && Rewrite...'
            itemValue: classMenuRewrite
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: classMenuUpdate
            isVisible: false

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewGroovytClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewGroovytClassSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasGroovySupport
            label: 'Groovy Class'
            itemValue: classMenuNewGroovyClass
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasGroovySupport

    "Created: / 18-02-2012 / 17:01:13 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewHaskellClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewHaskellClassSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '-'
            isVisible: isHaskellModulePresent
            enabled: isHaskellModulePresent
            label: 'Haskell Module'
            itemValue: classMenuNewHaskellModule
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: isHaskellModulePresent

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewJavaScriptClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewJavaScriptClassSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '-'
            isVisible: isJavaScriptMetaclassPresent
            enabled: isJavaScriptMetaclassPresent
            label: 'JavaScript Class'
            itemValue: classMenuNewJavaScriptClass
            translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewLispClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewLispClassSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '-'
            isVisible: isLispMetaclassPresent
            label: 'Scheme Namespace'
            itemValue: classMenuNewLispNamespace
            isVisible: isLispMetaclassPresent
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'Scheme Class'
            itemValue: classMenuNewLispClass
            isVisible: isLispMetaclassPresent
            translateLabel: true

    "Created: / 13-05-2012 / 12:51:10 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'PLSQL ObjectType'
            itemValue: classMenuNewPLSQLObjectType
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: isPlsqlMetaclassPresent

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewRubyClassSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewRubyClassSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '-'
            isVisible: isRubyMetaclassPresent
            label: 'Ruby class'
            itemValue: classMenuNewRubyClass
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: isRubyMetaclassPresent
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary rubyClassBrowserIcon 'Ruby class')
            label: 'Ruby...'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: isRubyMetaclassPresent
                  label: 'Module'
                  itemValue: classMenuNewRubyModule
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: isRubyMetaclassPresent

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Class'
            itemValue: classMenuNewClass
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Subclass'
            itemValue: classMenuNewSubclass
            label: 'Application'
            itemValue: classMenuNewApplication
            label: 'TestCase'
            itemValue: classMenuNewTestCase
            label: '-'
            label: 'Smalltalk Class Slice'
            nameKey: classNewSmalltalkSlice
            submenuChannel: classNewSmalltalkSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: 'Ruby Class Slice'
            nameKey: classNewRubyClassSlice
            submenuChannel: classNewRubyClassSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: 'JavaScript Class Slice'
            nameKey: classNewJavaScriptClassSlice
            submenuChannel: classNewJavaScriptClassSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: 'Lisp Class Slice'
            nameKey: classNewLispClassSlice
            submenuChannel: classNewLispClassSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: 'Haskell Class Slice'
            nameKey: classNewHaskellClassSlice
            submenuChannel: classNewHaskellClassSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: 'PLSQL Class Slice'
            nameKey: classNewPLSQLClassSlice
            submenuChannel: classNewPLSQLClassSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: 'Other New Class Slice'
            nameKey: classOtherClassNewSlice
            submenuChannel: classOtherClassNewSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Class Wizard...'
            itemValue: classMenuOpenClassCreationWizard
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary newClassWizardIcon 'Class Wizard...')

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classNewSmalltalkSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classNewSmalltalkSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Smalltalk Class'
            itemValue: classMenuNewSmalltalkClass
            label: 'Smalltalk...'
                  enabled: hasSingleLoadedNonJavascriptClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Private Class'
                  itemValue: classMenuNewPrivateClass
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Dialog'
                  itemValue: classMenuNewDialog
                  label: 'WebService'
                  itemValue: classMenuNewWebService
                  label: 'WebApplication'
                  itemValue: classMenuNewWebApplication
                  isVisible: false
                  label: 'Widget (View)'
                  itemValue: classMenuNewWidgetClass
                  label: 'Standalone Startup'
                  itemValue: classMenuNewStandaloneStartupClass
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Error'
                  itemValue: classMenuNewError
                  label: 'Notification'
                  itemValue: classMenuNewNotification
                  label: 'Shared Pool'
                  itemValue: classMenuNewSharedPool

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classPoolVariablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classPoolVariablesMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
            label: 'References...'
            itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllPoolVarRefs
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
            label: 'Readers...'
            itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllPoolVarReads
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
            label: 'Writers...'
            itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllPoolVarMods
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classSmallTeamMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classSmallTeamMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Compare with Version On Host'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: compareClassWithSmallTeamVersionMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classSpecialMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classSpecialMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove from ChangeSet'
            itemValue: classMenuCleanUpChangeSet
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Entries in ChangeSet'
            itemValue: classMenuShowEntriesInChangeSet
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasAnyUnloadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Load'
            itemValue: classMenuLoad
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionWithAnyUnloadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Load Project'
            itemValue: classMenuLoadProject
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Unload'
            itemValue: classMenuUnload
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Initialize Class(es)'
            itemValue: classMenuInitialize
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Compile Lazy Methods'
            itemValue: classMenuCompileLazyMethods
            isVisible: false
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Load Sources'
            itemValue: classMenuLoadSources
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Reload'
            itemValue: classMenuReload
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeIncludedInProjectHolder
            label: 'Include in Project as Compiled Class'
            itemValue: classMenuIncludeInProject
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeMadeAutoloadedInProject
            label: 'Include in Project as Autoloaded Class'
            itemValue: classMenuMakeAutoloadedInProject
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeExcludedFromProject
            label: 'Exclude from Project'
            itemValue: classMenuExcludeFromProject
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Primitive Definitions'
            itemValue: classMenuPrimitiveDefinitions
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Primitive Functions'
            itemValue: classMenuPrimitiveFunctions
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Primitive Variables'
            itemValue: classMenuPrimitiveVariables
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Edit Resource File(s)...'
            itemValue: classMenuEditResourceFiles
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Do...'
            itemValue: classMenuDoUserProvidedAction
            label: 'Special ClassOPS'
            submenuChannel: classOperationsMenu
            isMenuSlice: true

    "Modified: / 26-07-2012 / 11:48:32 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#codeMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser codeMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: canUseRefactoringSupport
            label: 'Variables'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder
                  label: 'Rename Local Variable...'
                  itemValue: codeMenuRenameTemporary
                  translateLabel: true
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder
                  label: 'Move to Inner Scope...'
                  itemValue: codeMenuMoveVariableToInnerScope
                  translateLabel: true
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder
                  label: 'Make Instance Variable'
                  itemValue: codeMenuMakeInstanceVariable
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: hasNotMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder
                  label: 'Make Instance Variables'
                  itemValue: codeMenuMakeInstanceVariable
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasUndefinedUppercaseIdentifierSelectedInCodeViewHolder
                  label: 'Declare as Class Variable'
                  itemValue: codeMenuDeclareSelectionAsClassVariable
                  translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasLiteralConstantSelectedInCodeViewHolder
            label: 'Eliminate Constant...'
            itemValue: codeMenuEliminateConstant
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Inline Message'
            itemValue: codeMenuInlineMessage
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Extract Selection to Temporary...'
            itemValue: codeMenuExtractSelectionToTemporary
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Extract Method...'
            itemValue: codeMenuExtractMethod
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Extract Method to Component...'
            itemValue: codeMenuExtractMethodToComponent
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Add Parameter to Method...'
            itemValue: codeMenuAddParameter
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameterAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Inline Parameter of Method'
            itemValue: codeMenuInlineParameter
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameterAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Remove Parameter from Method'
            itemValue: codeMenuRemoveParameter
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Format'
            itemValue: codeMenuFormat
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Search && Rewrite...'
            itemValue: selectorMenuRewrite
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Remember a Code Smell'
            submenuChannel: smellsMenu
            label: '-'
            isVisible: canLoadRefactoringSupport
            label: 'Load Refactoring and Undo Features'
            itemValue: doLoadRefactoringSupport
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: canLoadRefactoringSupport
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 04-07-2011 / 17:51:17 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#compareBuildSupportFileMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser compareBuildSupportFileMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'bc.mak'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'bc.mak'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'Make.proto'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'Make.proto'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'Make.spec'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'Make.spec'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'app.nsi'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'app.nsi'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: ''
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: ''
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: ''
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: ''
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'lib.rc / app.rc'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'lib.rc'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'loadAll'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'loadAll'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'modules.stx'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'modules.stx'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'bmake.bat'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'bmake.bat'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            isVisible: false
            label: 'tccmake.bat'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'tccmake.bat'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'vcmake.bat'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'vcmake.bat'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'mingwmake.bat'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'mingwmake.bat'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 04-09-2012 / 13:13:55 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#editModeInfoLabelMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser editModeInfoLabelMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Insert'
            itemValue: editModeInsert
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'Overwrite'
            itemValue: editModeOverwrite
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'Insert Selecting'
            itemValue: editModeInsertAndSelect
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Learn Macro'
            itemValue: toggleLearnMode
            translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#inheritanceViewMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser inheritanceViewMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Navigate to Selected Class'
            itemValue: inheritanceMenuNavigateToClass
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: inheritanceMenuUpdate
            translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#lintMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser lintMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'All'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckAll
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Errors'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckErrors
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'Possible Errors'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckWarnings
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'Style'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckStyle
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Individual Checks...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckIndividual
            translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#mainMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser mainMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'B&uffers'
            submenuChannel: bufferMenu
            label: 'Browse'
            submenuChannel: browseMenu
            label: 'Find'
            isVisible: searchMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: searchMenu
            label: 'Find'
            isVisible: searchMenuInMethodListVisible
            submenuChannel: searchMenuInMethodList
            label: 'View'
            isVisible: viewMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: viewMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'View'
            isVisible: viewMenuForMethodListVisible
            submenuChannel: viewMenuForMethodList
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Package'
            isVisible: projectMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: projectMenu
            label: 'Namespace'
            isVisible: nameSpaceMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: nameSpaceMenu
            label: 'Category'
            isVisible: categoryMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: categoryMenu
            label: 'Hierarchy'
            isVisible: classHierarchyMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: classHierarchyMenu
            label: 'Class'
            isVisible: classMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: classMenu
            label: 'Variable'
            isVisible: variablesMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: variablesMenu
            label: 'Protocol'
            isVisible: protocolMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: protocolMenu
            label: 'Selector'
            isVisible: selectorMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: selectorMenu
            label: 'Code'
            isVisible: codeMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: codeMenu
            label: 'Debug'
            isVisible: selectorMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: methodDebugMenu
            label: 'Operations'
            submenuChannel: operationsMenu
            label: 'MENU_Help'
            startGroup: conditionalRight
                  label: 'Browser Documentation'
                  itemValue: openDocumentation
                  label: 'Refactorings'
                  itemValue: openRefactoringDocumentation
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Class Documentation'
                  itemValue: openClassDocumentation
                  label: 'ST/X Documentation'
                  itemValue: openSTXDocumentation
                  label: 'Keyword Index'
                  itemValue: openKeywordIndexDocumentation
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'About SystemBrowser...'
                  itemValue: openAboutThisApplication

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodDebugMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser methodDebugMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasMethodWithWrapSelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove Break/Trace'
            itemValue: debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace
            isVisible: hasNoMethodOrMixedWrapsSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasMethodWithBreakPointSelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove Break'
            itemValue: debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace
            isVisible: hasOnlyMethodsWithBreakPointSelected
            enabled: hasMethodWithTracePointSelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove Trace'
            itemValue: debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace
            isVisible: hasOnlyMethodsWithTracePointSelected
            enabled: anyBreakOrTracePointsAreSetHolder
            label: 'Remove all Break- && Tracepoints'
            itemValue: debugMenuRemoveAllBreakpoints
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Breakpoint'
            itemValue: debugMenuBreakPoint
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Breakpoint in Process...'
            itemValue: debugMenuBreakPointIn
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Breakpoint for Instances Of...'
            itemValue: debugMenuBreakPointFor
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Breakpoint After...'
            itemValue: debugMenuBreakPointAfter
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Breakpoint If...'
            itemValue: debugMenuBreakPointIf
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Trace'
            itemValue: debugMenuTrace
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Trace Sender'
            itemValue: debugMenuTraceSender
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Trace Full Walkback'
            itemValue: debugMenuTraceFullWalkback
            enabled: hasUpdateMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Trace Change->Update Reason'
            itemValue: debugMenuTraceChangeUpdate
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Tracelog'
            itemValue: debugMenuTracelog
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Tracelog Sender'
            itemValue: debugMenuTracelogSender
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Tracelog Full Walkback'
            itemValue: debugMenuTracelogFullWalkback
            enabled: hasUpdateMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Tracelog Change->Update Reason'
            itemValue: debugMenuTracelogChangeUpdate
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Start Message Tally'
            itemValue: debugMenuStartMessageTally
            isVisible: false
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Start Timing'
            itemValue: debugMenuStartTiming
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Start Counting'
            itemValue: debugMenuStartCounting
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Start Memory Usage'
            itemValue: debugMenuStartMemoryUsage
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder
            label: 'Run Tests'
            itemValue: runTestCases
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder
            label: 'Debug Tests'
            itemValue: runTestCasesWithDebug
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder
            label: 'Run Tests for Coverage'
            itemValue: runTestCasesForCoverage
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
            label: 'Recompile Method(s) without Instrumentation'
            itemValue: selectorMenuRecompile
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
            label: 'Recompile Method(s) with Instrumentation'
            itemValue: debugMenuRecompileMethodsInstrumented
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
            label: 'Recompile Class(es) with Instrumentation'
            itemValue: classMenuRecompileInstrumented
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
            label: 'Recompile Project(s) with Instrumentation'
            itemValue: projectMenuRecompileInstrumented
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsAndOOMPackageLoadedHolder
            label: 'Call Graph'
            itemValue: debugMenuOpenCallGraphForMethods
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Clear all Coverage Info (Systemwide)'
            itemValue: debugMenuClearCoverageInfo
            label: 'Enable Global Coverage Recording (in all Processes)'
            itemValue: debugMenuEnableGlobalCoverageRecording
            isVisible: globalCoverageRecordingIsDisabled
            label: 'Disable Global Coverage Recording (in all Processes)'
            itemValue: debugMenuDisableGlobalCoverageRecording
            isVisible: globalCoverageRecordingIsEnabled

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodListMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser methodListMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'FileOutPrintOutSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuFileOutPrintOutSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'SpawnSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSpawnSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'SearchSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSearchSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'CopyMoveRemoveSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuCopyMoveRemoveSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'CompareGenerateDebugSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuCompareGenerateDebugSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: methodListMenuUpdate
            translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodDebugMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser methodDebugMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'Add Parameter to Method...'
            #enabled: #hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #selectorMenuAddParameter
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Inline Parameter of Method...'
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameterAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            itemValue: selectorMenuInlineParameter
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Remove Parameter from Method...'
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameterAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            translateLabel: true
            value: #selectorMenuRemoveParameter
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  #label: '-'
            #label: 'Inline all self-Sends'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #selectorMenuInlineSelfSends
            #enabled: #hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: '-'
            label: 'Search && Rewrite...'
            itemValue: selectorMenuRewrite
            translateLabel: true

    "Created: / 11-09-2007 / 11:43:37 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#nameSpaceMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser nameSpaceMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CVS'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckIn All...'
                  itemValue: nameSpaceMenuCheckInAll
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn All...')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckOut Newest All'
                  itemValue: nameSpaceMenuCheckOutNewest
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest All')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckOut Previous Version All...'
                  itemValue: nameSpaceMenuCheckOut
                  translateLabel: true
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNameSpaceSelectedHolder
            label: 'Spawn'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasNameSpaceSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer'
                  itemValue: nameSpaceMenuSpawnBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasNameSpaceSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser'
                  itemValue: nameSpaceMenuSpawn
                  translateLabel: true
            label: 'Find'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: searchMenu
            label: '-'
            label: 'New...'
            itemValue: nameSpaceMenuNew
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: canRenameNameSpaceHolder
            label: 'Rename'
            itemValue: nameSpaceMenuRename
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: canRemoveNameSpaceHolder
            label: 'Remove'
            itemValue: nameSpaceMenuRemove
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: nameSpaceMenuUpdate
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryCheckMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryCheckMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'SmallLint Menu'
            submenuChannel: smalllintCheckMenuForPackage
            isMenuSlice: true


    "Created: / 05-05-2012 / 10:22:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 06:58:23 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectDebugMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectDebugMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Recompile all Classes (without Instrumentation)'
            itemValue: projectMenuRecompile
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
            label: 'Recompile all Classes with Instrumentation'
            itemValue: projectMenuRecompileInstrumented
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsAndOOMPackageLoadedHolder
            label: 'Call Graph'
            itemValue: debugMenuOpenCallGraphForProjects
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'File out'
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'As...'
                  itemValue: projectMenuFileOutAs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Each in...'
                  itemValue: projectMenuFileOutEachIn
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Special Formats'
                        enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
                        label: 'XML as...'
                        itemValue: projectMenuFileOutXMLAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
                        label: 'XML each in...'
                        itemValue: projectMenuFileOutEachXMLIn
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
                        label: 'SIF as...'
                        itemValue: projectMenuFileOutSIFAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
                        label: 'SIF each in...'
                        itemValue: projectMenuFileOutEachSIFIn
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder
                        label: 'VSE Package as...'
                        itemValue: projectMenuFileOutVSEPackageFormatAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder
                        label: 'VSE Fileout Format as...'
                        itemValue: projectMenuFileOutVSEFormatAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        isVisible: false
                        enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutVSEHolder
                        label: 'VSE Fileout Format each in...'
                        itemValue: projectMenuFileOutEachVSEIn
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutCypressHolder
                        label: 'Cypress as...'
                        itemValue: projectMenuFileOutCypressAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                        label: 'Binary each in...'
                        itemValue: projectMenuFileOutEachBinaryIn
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Build Support File in...'
                  itemValue: projectMenuFileOutBuildSupportFiles
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Mail To...'
                  itemValue: projectMenuMailTo
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Repository'
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Documentation'
                  enabled: hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Generate Project Documentation In...'
                  itemValue: projectMenuDocumentation
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Generate Project Documentation for JavaScript In...'
                  itemValue: projectMenuDocumentationForJavaScript
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasOOMPackageLoadedAndSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Metrics Summary Report'
                  itemValue: projectMenuMetricsSummary
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Spawn'
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSpawnBuffer
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Extensions'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSpawnExtensionsBuffer
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Projects Requiring this Project (as prerequisite)'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSpawnPreRequirerBuffer
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Projects Referring to this Project'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSpawnReferencesBuffer
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Projects Required by this Project (prerequisites)'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSpawnAllPrerequisitesBuffer
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSpawn
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Extensions'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSpawnExtensionsBrowser
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Projects Requiring this Project (as prerequisite)'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSpawnPreRequirerBrowser
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Projects Referring to this Project'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSpawnReferencesBrowser
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Projects Required by this Project (prerequisits)'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSpawnAllPrerequisitesBrowser
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasSingleProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browse Package Directory'
                  itemValue: projectMenuBrowsePackageDirectory
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Find'
            submenuChannel: searchMenu
            label: '-'
            label: 'New...'
            itemValue: projectMenuNew
            label: 'Load...'
            itemValue: projectMenuLoad
            isVisible: hasNoProjectSelectedHolder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Load'
            itemValue: projectMenuLoad
            isVisible: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasUnloadedProjectSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasRenamableProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Rename...'
            itemValue: projectMenuRename
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove...'
            itemValue: projectMenuRemove
            label: '-'
            label: 'Build'
                  label: 'Build with Interactive Application Packager...'
                  itemValue: projectMenuBuildWithApplicationPackager
                  enabled: hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Build Package for Deployment'
                  itemValue: projectMenuBuild
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Build Binaries for Execution'
                  itemValue: projectMenuBuildExeOnly
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Generate Build Support Files in...'
                  itemValue: projectMenuGenerateBuildSupportFiles
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Patch-Set...'
                  itemValue: projectMenuGeneratePatchSet
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Generate'
                  enabled: hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Generate Project Definition Methods'
                  itemValue: projectMenuGenerateProjectDefinitions
                  enabled: hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Update Project Contents Definition Methods'
                  itemValue: projectMenuUpdateProjectContentsDefinitions
                  enabled: hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Regenerate Project Contents Definition Methods'
                  itemValue: projectMenuRegenerateProjectContentsDefinitions
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Package Integrity Check...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckPackageIntegrity
            label: 'Static Analysis (Lint)'
            submenuChannel: projectCheckMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary lint16x16Icon 'Static Analysis (Lint)')
            label: 'Debug'
            submenuChannel: projectDebugMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Special'
                  enabled: hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Remove from ChangeSet'
                  itemValue: projectMenuCleanUpChangeSet
                  enabled: hasPseudoProjectChangedSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Move Unassigned Methods to their Class''s Project'
                  itemValue: projectMenuMoveUnassignedMethodsToClassProject
                  label: '-'
                  isVisible: false
                  enabled: hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Make Current Project'
                  itemValue: projectMenuMakeCurrentProject
                  isVisible: false
            label: '-'
            label: 'Search && Rewrite...'
            itemValue: projectMenuRewrite
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Properties...'
            itemValue: projectMenuProperties
            label: '-'
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: projectMenuUpdate

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#protocolCheckMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser protocolCheckMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'SmallLint Menu'
            submenuChannel: smalllintCheckMenuForProtocol
            isMenuSlice: true

    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 06:58:48 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#protocolMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser protocolMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
            label: 'FileOut'
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'As...'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuFileOutAs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Special Formats'
                  isVisible: false
                        enabled: hasProtocolSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
                        label: 'XML as...'
                        itemValue: protocolMenuFileOutXMLAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasProtocolSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
                        label: 'SIF as...'
                        itemValue: protocolMenuFileOutSIFAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
            label: 'Documentation'
            isVisible: false
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'PrintOut'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuPrintOut
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'PrintOut Protocol'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuPrintOutProtocol
                  isVisible: false
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
            label: 'PrintOut'
            itemValue: protocolMenuPrintOut
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Spawn'
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawnBuffer
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Full Protocol'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawnFullCategoryBuffer
                  label: 'Buffer with Full Protocols Matching...'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryBuffer
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawn
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Full Protocol'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawnFullCategory
                  label: 'Browser on Full Protocols Matching...'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryBrowser
            enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
            label: 'Find'
            isVisible: false
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'String...'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuFindString
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'New...'
            itemValue: protocolMenuNew
            enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
            label: 'Copy...'
            itemValue: protocolMenuCopyToClass
            enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
            label: 'Move'
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'To Class...'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuMoveToClass
                  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
                  label: 'To Project...'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuMoveToProject
            enabled: hasSingleRealProtocolSelectedHolder
            label: 'Rename...'
            itemValue: protocolMenuRename
            shortcutKey: Rename
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove...'
            itemValue: protocolMenuRemove
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary erase16x16Icon 'Remove...')
            label: '-'
            label: 'Generate'
                  label: 'Common Categories'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuGenerateCommonProtocols
                  label: 'Documentation Method'
                  itemValue: protocolMenuGenerateDocumentationMethod
            label: 'Static Analysis (Lint)'
            submenuChannel: protocolCheckMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary lint16x16Icon 'Static Analysis (Lint)')
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: protocolMenuUpdate
            isVisible: false

    "get here via codeViewMenu (holder in codeView)"

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#refactoringMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser refactoringMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassNameSelectedInCodeView
            label: 'Goto Class'
            itemValue: codeMenuGotoClass
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder
            label: 'Rename Local Variable...'
            itemValue: codeMenuRenameTemporary
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Rename
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder
            label: 'Make Instance Variable'
            itemValue: codeMenuMakeInstanceVariable
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNotMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder
            label: 'Make Instance Variables'
            itemValue: codeMenuMakeInstanceVariable
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasUndefinedUppercaseIdentifierSelectedInCodeViewHolder
            label: 'Define as Class Variable'
            itemValue: codeMenuDeclareSelectionAsClassVariable
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList
            label: 'Make Pool Variable...'
            itemValue: codeMenuDeclareSelectionAsPoolVariable
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasLiteralConstantSelectedInCodeViewHolder
            label: 'Eliminate Constant...'
            itemValue: codeMenuEliminateConstant
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Inline Message'
            itemValue: codeMenuInlineMessage
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Extract Selection to Temporary...'
            itemValue: codeMenuExtractSelectionToTemporary
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Extract Method...'
            itemValue: codeMenuExtractMethod
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameterAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Inline Parameter of Method'
            itemValue: codeMenuInlineParameter
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameterAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Remove Parameter from Method'
            itemValue: codeMenuRemoveParameter
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Format'
            itemValue: codeMenuFormat
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 24-07-2011 / 12:34:17 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser searchMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Class...'
            itemValue: searchMenuFindClass
            shortcutKey: Find
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            enabled: hasVisitedClassesHolder
            label: 'Visited Classes'
            submenuChannel: visitedClassesMenu
            enabled: hasChangedClassesHolder
            label: 'Changed Classes'
            submenuChannel: changedClassesMenu
            enabled: hasSelectedClassWithSuperclassHolder
            label: 'Class Hierarchy'
            submenuChannel: selectedClassesHierarchyMenu
            label: '-'
            label: 'Method...'
            itemValue: searchMenuFindMethod
            enabled: hasFindHistoryClassesHolder
            label: 'Visited Methods'
            submenuChannel: findHistoryMenu
            enabled: hasChangedMethodsHolder
            label: 'Changed Methods'
            submenuChannel: changedMethodsMenu
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleClassOrMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Response to...'
            itemValue: searchMenuFindResponseTo
            label: 'Response to'
            isVisible: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
            submenuChannel: sentMessagesResponseMenu
            label: '-'
            label: 'References to Class or Global...'
            itemValue: browseMenuReferencesToGlobal
            label: '-'
            label: 'Bookmarks'
            submenuChannel: boockmarksMenu

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser searchMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'Response to...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #searchMenuFindResponseTo
            #enabled: #hasSingleClassOrMethodSelectedHolder
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Back'
            #translateLabel: true
            #enabled: #hasFindHistoryClassesHolder
            #submenuChannel: #findHistoryMenu
            #label: 'Changed Methods'
            #translateLabel: true
            #enabled: #hasChangedMethodsHolder
            #submenuChannel: #changedMethodsMenu

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryCheckMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryCheckMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'SmallLint Menu'
            submenuChannel: smalllintCheckMenuForSelector
            isMenuSlice: true


    "Created: / 17-04-2010 / 10:48:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 06:59:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'FileOutPrintOutSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuFileOutPrintOutSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'SpawnSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSpawnSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'SearchSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSearchSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'New'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Method'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuNewMethod
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Smalltak/Ruby/... Method'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: selectorMenuNewSlice
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Window Spec'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuNewWindowSpec
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Menu Spec'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuNewMenuSpec
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Image Spec'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuNewImageSpec
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Table-Column Spec'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuNewTableColumnSpec
                  translateLabel: true
            label: 'CopyMoveRemoveSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuCopyMoveRemoveSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'CompareGenerateDebugSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuCompareGenerateDebugSlice
            isMenuSlice: true

    "Modified: / 05-07-2011 / 14:46:40 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuCompareGenerateDebugSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuCompareGenerateDebugSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Compare'
                  enabled: methodRedefinesSuperclassVersionHolder
                  label: 'With Inherited Method'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithInherited
                  enabled: methodHasPreviousVersionHolder
                  label: 'With Previous Version'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithPreviousVersion
                  enabled: methodIsShadowedHolder
                  label: 'With Shadowed Method'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithShadowedMethod
                  enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCodeModifiedHolder
                  label: 'With Method''s Actual Source'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithMethod
                  enabled: hasExactlyTwoMethodsSelectedHolder
                  label: 'With Each Other'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareTwoSelectedMethods
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'With Newest in CVS Repository...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
                  argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
                  enabled: smallTeamAvailable
                  label: 'With SmallTeam Version on Host'
                  submenuChannel: compareMethodWithSmallTeamVersionMenu
            label: 'Refactor'
            submenuChannel: methodRefactorMenu
            label: 'Generate'
                  enabled: methodNotImplementedInSuperclass
                  label: 'SubclassResponsibility in SuperClass'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateSubclassResponsibilityInSuperclass
                  enabled: methodNotImplementedInClass
                  label: 'SubclassResponsibility here'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateSubclassResponsibilityHere
                  enabled: methodIsTestAndNotImplementedInSuperclass
                  label: 'False-returning isXXX-Test in SuperClass'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateFalseReturnInSuperclass
                  label: 'Redefinition in Subclass...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateRedefinitionInSubclass
                  label: 'SubclassResponsibility in direct Subclasses'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateTemplateInSubclasses
                  label: 'SubclassResponsibility in all Subclasses'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateTemplateInAllSubclasses
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: canGenerateAspectMethodHolder
                  label: 'Aspect Method...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateAspectMethod
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasInstanceMethodsSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Corresponding Instance Creation in Class'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateCorrespondingInstanceCreationInClass
                  enabled: hasClassMethodsSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Forwarding Method in Instance Protocol'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateForwardingMethodForInstances
            label: 'Static Analysis (Lint)'
            submenuChannel: selectorCheckMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary lint16x16Icon 'Static Analysis (Lint)')
            label: 'Debug'
            submenuChannel: methodDebugMenu
            shortcutKey: Ctrl
            label: 'Special'
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Remove from ChangeSet'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCleanUpChangeSet
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Remove Class from ChangeSet'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCleanUpChangeSetForClass
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Select'
                  isVisible: false
                        label: 'Methods with String...'
                        itemValue: selectorMenuSelectMethodsWithString
                        label: 'Methods Sending...'
                        itemValue: selectorMenuSelectMethodsSending
                        label: 'Methods Refering to Global...'
                        itemValue: selectorMenuSelectMethodsReferingToGlobal
                  label: '-'
                  isVisible: false
                  enabled: methodHasPreviousVersionHolder
                  label: 'Back to Previous Version'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuBackToPrevious
                  enabled: methodHasPreviousVersionHolder
                  label: 'Previous Versions'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuBrowsePreviousVersions
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Inspect Method'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuInspect
                  enabled: hasSingleResourceMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Edit Resource'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuEdit
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Compile with stc'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCompileWithSTC
                  enabled: hasSingleMethodWithBytecodeSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Decompile'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuDecompile
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Process...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuProcess
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasMethodSelected
                  label: 'Copy Message Representation to Clipboard'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCopyMessageRepresentation
                  enabled: hasMethodsInList
                  label: 'Copy List to Clipboard'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuCopyList
                  enabled: hasMethodsInList
                  label: 'Copy List of Classes to Clipboard'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuCopyListOfClasses

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuCopyMoveRemoveSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuCopyMoveRemoveSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Copy...'
            itemValue: selectorMenuCopy
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Move'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'To Protocol...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToProtocol
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'To Class...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToClass
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasClassMethodsSelectedHolder
                  label: 'To Class with Forwarding...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToClassWithForwarding
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'To Package...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToProject
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'To Classes Package'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToClassProject
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasInstanceMethodsSelectedHolder
                  label: 'To Class Protocol (Make Class Method)'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMakeClassMethod
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasInstanceMethodsSelectedHolder
                  label: 'To Class Protocol (Make Class Method) with Forwarding'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMakeClassMethodWithForwarding
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasClassMethodsSelectedHolder
                  label: 'To Instance Protocol (Make Instance Method)'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMakeInstanceMethod
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Push Up'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuPushUpMethod
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Push Down'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuPushDownMethod
                  translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Visibility'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasAnyNonPublicMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Public'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMakePublic
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasAnyNonProtectedMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Protected'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMakeProtected
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever SystemBrowser protectedMethodIcon 'Protected')
                  enabled: hasAnyNonPrivateMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Private'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMakePrivate
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever SystemBrowser privateMethodIcon 'Private')
                  enabled: hasAnyNonIgnoredMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Ignored'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMakeIgnored
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever SystemBrowser ignoredMethodIcon 'Ignored')
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Mark as Obsolete'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuMarkAsObsolete
                  translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Rename...'
            itemValue: selectorMenuRename
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Rename
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Safe Remove...'
            itemValue: selectorMenuSaveRemove
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove...'
            itemValue: selectorMenuRemove
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Delete
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary erase16x16Icon 'Remove...')
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuFileOutPrintOutSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuFileOutPrintOutSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'FileOut'
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'As...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuFileOutAs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Special Formats'
                        enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
                        label: 'XML as...'
                        itemValue: selectorMenuFileOutXMLAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                        label: '-'
                        enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
                        label: 'SIF as...'
                        itemValue: selectorMenuFileOutSIFAs
                        showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Repository'
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSCMSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: 'SmallTeam'
            isVisible: smallTeamAvailable
            submenuChannel: selectorSmallTeamMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'PrintOut'
            itemValue: selectorMenuPrintOut
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSearchSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSearchSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Senders...'
            itemValue: browseSendersOf
            label: 'Senders of Any...'
            itemValue: browseSendersOfAny
            isVisible: hasMultipleMethodsSelectedHolder
            label: 'Senders'
            isVisible: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
            submenuChannel: sentMessagesMenu
            label: 'Implementors...'
            itemValue: browseMenuImplementorsOf
            shortcutKey: Cmdi
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            label: 'Implementors of Any...'
            itemValue: browseMenuImplementorsOfAny
            isVisible: hasMultipleMethodsSelectedHolder
            label: 'Implementors'
            translateLabel: true
            "/ isVisible: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
            submenuChannel: implementedMessagesMenu
            label: 'Follow Implementation'
            submenuChannel: followImplementorMessagesMenu
            enabled: hasMethodWithSelfSendSelected
            label: 'Globals'
            submenuChannel: globalReferencesMenu
            label: 'String Search...'
            itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithString
            shortcutKey: Cmdt
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            label: 'Code Search...'
            itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithCode

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSpawnSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSpawnSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Spawn'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Full Class(es)'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnFullBrowserIn:
                  argument: #newBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  "/ isVisible: isMethodListBrowserOrHasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Class(es)'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnClassesBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: isMethodListBrowserOrHasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with References to Class'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnBufferWithClassReferences
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with References to Class or Subclass'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnBufferWithClassOrSubclassReferences
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMultipleMethodsSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Common Superclass'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnBufferWithCommonSuperclass
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnMethodBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Implementors'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnImplementorsBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: false
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Senders'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnSendersBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: false
                  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Extensions for Project'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensionsBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Extension''s Project'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnExtensionsProjectBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  enabled: hasUnassignedExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Buffer with Unassigned Extensions'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensionsBuffer
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Full Class(es)'
                  itemValue: classMenuSpawnFullBrowserIn:
                  argument: #newBrowser
                  translateLabel: true
                  "/ isVisible: isMethodListBrowserOrHasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Class(es)'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnClasses
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: isMethodListBrowserOrHasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on References to Class'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnClassReferences
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on References to Class or Subclass'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnClassOrSubclassReferences
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMultipleMethodsSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Common Superclass'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnCommonSuperclass
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnMethod
                  translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Implementors'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnImplementors
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: false
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Senders'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnSenders
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: false
                  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Extensions for Project'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensions
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Extension''s Project'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnExtensionsProject
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  enabled: hasUnassignedExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browser on Unassigned Extensions'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensions
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Inheritance'
            itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnInheritanceBuffer
            translateLabel: true

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 09:06:15 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorSmallTeamMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorSmallTeamMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasMethodSelected
            label: 'Load Version from Host'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: loadMethodFromSmallTeamHostMenu
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasMethodSelected
            label: 'Compare with Version On Host'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: compareMethodWithSmallTeamVersionMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Code Duplication...'
            itemValue: codeMenuSmellsLikeCodeDuplication
            translateLabel: true

    "Modified: / 24-07-2011 / 12:34:17 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#specialBrowseMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser specialBrowseMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #enabled: #hasCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
            #label: 'CVS Repository Diffs'
            #translateLabel: true
                  #label: 'Buffer'
                  #itemValue: #browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffsInBuffer
                  #translateLabel: true
                  #label: '-'
                  #label: 'Browser'
                  #itemValue: #browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffs
                  #translateLabel: true
            #label: 'Full Class Source'
            #translateLabel: true
                  #label: 'Buffer'
                  #itemValue: #browseMenuSpawnFullClassSourceInBuffer
                  #translateLabel: true
                  #label: '-'
                  #label: 'Browser'
                  #itemValue: #browseMenuSpawnFullClassSource
                  #translateLabel: true
            #label: 'Class Documentation'
            #translateLabel: true
                  #label: 'Buffer'
                  #itemValue: #spawnClassDocumentationBrowserIn:
                  #translateLabel: true
                  #argument: #newBuffer
                  #label: '-'
                  #label: 'Browser'
                  #itemValue: #spawnClassDocumentationBrowserIn:
                  #translateLabel: true
                  #argument: #newBrowser

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#variablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser variablesMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Add...'
            itemValue: variablesMenuAdd
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Add ValueHolder...'
            itemValue: variablesMenuAddValueHolder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonMetaSelectedAndClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Instance Variables'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'All References...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarRefs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'All Readers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarReads
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'All Writers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarMods
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Local References...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseInstVarRefs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Local Readers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseInstVarReads
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Local Writers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseInstVarMods
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Pull Up'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuPullUp
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Push Down'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuPushDown
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Convert to ValueHolder'
                  itemValue: codeMenuConvertToValueHolder
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder
                  label: 'Make Abstract (Access only via Getters/Setters)'
                  itemValue: codeMenuMakeAbstractVariable
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder
                  label: 'Make Concrete (Protect from Access via Getters/Setters)'
                  itemValue: codeMenuProtectInstanceVariable
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasMetaSelectedAndClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Class Instance Variables'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'All References...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarRefs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'All Readers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarReads
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'All Writers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarMods
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Local References...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseClassInstVarRefs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Local Readers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseClassInstVarReads
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Local Writers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseClassInstVarMods
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Class Variables'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'All References...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarRefs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'All Readers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarReads
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'All Writers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarMods
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Local References...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseClassVarRefs
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Local Readers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseClassVarReads
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Writers...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuBrowseClassVarMods
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Pull Up'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuPullUp
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Push Down'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuPushDown
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Make Abstract (Access only via Getters/Setters)'
                  itemValue: codeMenuMakeAbstractVariable
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Make Concrete (Protect from Access via Getters/Setters)'
                  itemValue: codeMenuProtectClassVariable
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassVariableSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Clear (Set ClassVariable(s) to nil)'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuClear
            enabled: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
            label: 'Pool Variables'
            submenuChannel: classPoolVariablesMenu
            label: '-'
            label: 'Move'
                  enabled: hasVariablesFromSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Pull Up'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuPullUp
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasVariablesFromSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
                  label: 'Push Down'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuPushDown
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Rename...'
            itemValue: variablesMenuRename
            shortcutKey: Rename
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            enabled: hasClassesWithCommonSuperclassAndVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
            label: 'Remove'
            itemValue: variablesMenuRemove
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary erase16x16Icon 'Remove')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasVariableSelected
            label: 'Copy Selected Name'
            itemValue: variablesMenuCopySelectedName
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasVariableSelected
            label: 'Find Variable'
            itemValue: doFindVariable
            isVisible: false
            label: '-'
            label: 'Show ClassVars (Statics)'
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: showClassVarsInVariableList
            label: 'Sort by Name'
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: sortVariablesByName
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
            label: 'Generate'
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsHolder
                  label: 'Access Methods'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethods
                  isVisible: hasVariableSelected
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsForAllHolder
                  label: 'Access Methods for All'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForAll
                  isVisible: hasNoVariableSelected
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsHolder
                  label: 'Getter Method(s)'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateGetterMethods
                  isVisible: hasVariableSelected
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsForAllHolder
                  label: 'Getter Method(s) for All'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateGetterMethodsForAll
                  isVisible: hasNoVariableSelected
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsHolder
                  label: 'Setter Method(s)'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateSetterMethods
                  isVisible: hasVariableSelected
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsForAllHolder
                  label: 'Setter Method(s) for All'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateSetterMethodsForAll
                  isVisible: hasNoVariableSelected
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: canGenerateMultiSetterMethodHolder
                  label: 'Multi-Setter Method'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateMultiSetterMethod
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsHolder
                  label: 'Access Methods with Lazy Initialization in Getter'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithLazyInitialization
                  isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsHolder
                  label: 'Access Methods with Change Notification'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange
                  isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsHolder
                  label: 'Access Methods for ValueHolder'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolder
                  isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsHolder
                  label: 'Access Methods for ValueHolder with Change Notification'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolderWithChange
                  isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
                  enabled: canGenerateAccessMethodsHolder
                  label: 'Collection Access Methods'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuGenerateCollectionAccessMethods
                  isVisible: hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
            label: 'Debug'
                  enabled: hasClassVariableSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Inspect...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuInspect
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasSingleVariableSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Show Type(s)...'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuTypeInfo
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasSingleVariableSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browse Type(s)'
                  itemValue: variablesMenuTypeBrowe
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#viewMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser viewMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Category'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: organizerModeForMenu
            choiceValue: category
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelected
            label: 'Class Hierarchy'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: organizerModeForMenu
            choiceValue: classHierarchy
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelected
            label: 'Class Inheritance'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: classInheritanceMenuItemVisible
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: organizerModeForMenu
            choiceValue: classInheritance
            label: 'Hierarchy'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: organizerModeForMenu
            choiceValue: hierarchy
            label: 'Namespace'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: organizerModeForMenu
            choiceValue: namespace
            label: 'Package'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: organizerModeForMenu
            choiceValue: project
            label: 'Package Diagram'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: packageDiagramMenuItemVisible
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: organizerModeForMenu
            choiceValue: packageDiagram
            label: '-'
            isVisible: viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible
            label: 'viewMenuCommonSlice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: viewMenuCommonSlice
            isMenuSlice: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#viewMenuCommonSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser viewMenuCommonSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Toolbar'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: toolBarVisibleHolder
            label: 'Bookmarks'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: bookmarkBarVisibleHolder
            label: 'Searchbar'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: stringSearchToolVisibleHolder
            label: 'Info'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: codeInfoVisible
            label: '-'
            label: 'Multitab Mode'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: showMultitabMode
            label: 'Enable Embedded Resource Editors'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: showSpecialResourceEditors
            label: 'Coverage Info'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: showCoverageInformation
            label: 'Browslet'
            itemValue: showPlugin:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: showPlugin
            label: '-'
            label: 'Class'
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Hide Unloaded Classes'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: hideUnloadedClasses
                  label: 'Show all Classes in NameSpace View'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: showAllClassesInNameSpaceOrganisation
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: showUnloadedClasses
                  label: 'Emphasize Unloaded Classes'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: emphasizeUnloadedClasses
                  label: 'Show Class Type Indicator'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: markApplicationsHolder
                  label: 'Short Class Names in Tabs'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: shortNamesInTabs
                  label: 'Show Class-Packages'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: showClassPackages
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Sort and Indent by Inheritance'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: sortByNameAndInheritance
            label: 'Protocol'
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Show Pseudo Protocols'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: showPseudoProtocols
            label: 'Selector'
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Show Inherited Methods'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  choice: methodVisibilityHolder
                  choiceValue: all
                  label: 'Show Inherited Methods except Object''s'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  choice: methodVisibilityHolder
                  choiceValue: allButObject
                  label: 'Do not Show Inherited Methods'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  choice: methodVisibilityHolder
                  choiceValue: class
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Show Synthetic Methods'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: showSyntheticMethods
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Show Method Inheritance Indicator'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: showMethodInheritance
                  label: 'Show Method Type Indicator'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: showMethodTypeIcon
                  enabled: hasOOMPackageLoadedHolder
                  label: 'Show Method-Complexity'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: showMethodComplexity
            label: 'Code'
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Syntax Coloring'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: doSyntaxColoring
                  enabled: doSyntaxColoring
                  label: 'Immediate Syntax Coloring'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: doImmediateSyntaxColoring
                  label: 'Immediate Explaining'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: doImmediateExplaining
                  label: 'Auto-Format Code'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: doAutoFormat
                  label: 'Show MethodTemplate for New Methods'
                  translateLabel: true
                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
                  indication: showMethodTemplate
            label: '-'
            label: 'Settings...'
            itemValue: openSettingsDialog
            translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#viewMenuForChainBrowser
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser viewMenuForChainBrowser)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Original Order'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortBy
            choiceValue: false
            label: 'Sort by Class'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortBy
            choiceValue: class
            label: 'Sort by Selector'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortBy
            choiceValue: selector
            label: '-'
            label: 'Menu Slice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: viewMenuCommonSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: '-'
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: 'Hide Unloaded Classes'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            isVisible: false
"/            hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/            indication: hideUnloadedClasses
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: 'Short Class Names in Tabs'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            isVisible: false
"/            hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/            indication: shortNamesInTabs
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            enabled: showUnloadedClasses
"/            label: 'Emphasize Unloaded Classes'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            isVisible: false
"/            hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/            indication: emphasizeUnloadedClasses
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: '-'
"/            isVisible: false
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: 'Indicators'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            submenu:
"/           (Menu
"/              (
"/               (MenuItem
"/                  label: 'Show Class-Packages'
"/                  translateLabel: true
"/                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/                  indication: showClassPackages
"/                )
"/               (MenuItem
"/                  label: 'Show Inheritance Indicator'
"/                  translateLabel: true
"/                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/                  indication: showMethodInheritance
"/                )
"/               (MenuItem
"/                  label: 'Show Type Indicator'
"/                  translateLabel: true
"/                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/                  indication: showMethodTypeIcon
"/                )
"/               (MenuItem
"/                  enabled: hasOOMPackageLoadedHolder
"/                  label: 'Show Complexity'
"/                  translateLabel: true
"/                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/                  indication: showMethodComplexity
"/                )
"/               )
"/              nil
"/              nil
"/            )
"/          )

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#viewMenuForMethodList
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser viewMenuForMethodList)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Original Order'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortBy
            choiceValue: false
            label: 'Sort by Class'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortBy
            choiceValue: class
            label: 'Sort by Selector'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortBy
            choiceValue: selector
            label: 'Sort by Category'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortBy
            choiceValue: category
            label: '-'
            label: 'Menu Slice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: viewMenuCommonSlice
            isMenuSlice: true
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: 'Toolbar'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/            indication: toolBarVisibleHolder
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: 'Searchbar'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/            indication: stringSearchToolVisibleHolder
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: 'Info'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/            indication: codeInfoVisible
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: '-'
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: 'Hide Unloaded Classes'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            isVisible: false
"/            hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/            indication: hideUnloadedClasses
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: 'Short Class Names in Tabs'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            isVisible: false
"/            hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/            indication: shortNamesInTabs
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            enabled: showUnloadedClasses
"/            label: 'Emphasize Unloaded Classes'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            isVisible: false
"/            hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/            indication: emphasizeUnloadedClasses
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: '-'
"/            isVisible: false
"/          )
"/         (MenuItem
"/            label: 'Indicators'
"/            translateLabel: true
"/            submenu:
"/           (Menu
"/              (
"/               (MenuItem
"/                  label: 'Show Class-Packages'
"/                  translateLabel: true
"/                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/                  indication: showClassPackages
"/                )
"/               (MenuItem
"/                  label: 'Show Inheritance Indicator'
"/                  translateLabel: true
"/                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/                  indication: showMethodInheritance
"/                )
"/               (MenuItem
"/                  label: 'Show Type Indicator'
"/                  translateLabel: true
"/                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/                  indication: showMethodTypeIcon
"/                )
"/               (MenuItem
"/                  enabled: hasOOMPackageLoadedHolder
"/                  label: 'Show Complexity'
"/                  translateLabel: true
"/                  hideMenuOnActivated: false
"/                  indication: showMethodComplexity
"/                )
"/               )
"/              nil
"/              nil
"/            )
"/          )
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-SCM-category'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSCMSlice_old
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSCMSlice_old)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckIn all...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuCheckInEachUsingManager:
                  translateLabel: true
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn all...')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckOut Newest All'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager:
                  translateLabel: true
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest All')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckOut Previous Versions All...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuCheckOutUsingManager:
                  translateLabel: true
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'Repository History...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuRepositoryHistoryUsingManager:
                  translateLabel: true
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Repository History...')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 12:22:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 15:13:51 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSCMSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSCMSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'CVS'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckIn all...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuCheckInEachUsingManager:
                  translateLabel: true
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn all...')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckOut Newest All'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager:
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest All')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckOut Previous Versions All...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuCheckOutUsingManager:
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
                  translateLabel: true
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'Repository History...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuRepositoryHistory
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Repository History...')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCVSIcon 'CVS')

    "Modified: / 01-12-2011 / 21:16:05 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSCMSliceAll
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSCMSliceAll)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CVS'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCVSIcon 'CVS')
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsHolder
            label: 'SubVersion'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasSubversionSupport
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'SubVersion')
            argument: SVNSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Mercurial+'
            isVisible: hgRepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryP4Icon 'Mercurial+')
            argument: HGSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Perforce'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasPerforceSupport
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'Perforce')
            argument: PerforceSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Git+'
            isVisible: git2RepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'Git+')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager2

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice_compact
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice_compact)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Repository'
            nameKey: SCM
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Common Slice'
                  nameKey: CommonSlice
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: categoryMenuSCMFor:
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'All Slice'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: categoryMenuSCMSliceAll
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Repository Settings'
                  itemValue: openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement
                  translateLabel: true

    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 12:21:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 15:14:32 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice_inline
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice_inline)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '-'
            label: 'All Slice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: categoryMenuSCMSliceAll
            isMenuSlice: true

    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 12:21:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuSCMSlice_old
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuSCMSlice_old)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'CVS'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckIn all...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuCheckInEachUsingManager:
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn all...')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckOut Newest All'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager:
                  translateLabel: true
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest All')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasCategorySelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'CheckOut Previous Versions All...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuCheckOutUsingManager:
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
                  translateLabel: true
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'Repository History...'
                  itemValue: categoryMenuRepositoryHistory
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Repository History...')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCVSIcon 'CVS')
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-SCM-class'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classCVSMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classCVSMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '** No SourceCodeManager - See Settings in the Launcher **'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckIn
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassWithExtensionsSelectedHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Extensions For'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: browseClassExtensionsMenu
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: changeSetContainsChangedClassesAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn all Changed Classes'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInAllChangedClasses
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Quick CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuQuickCheckIn
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasClassSelectedAndControlKeyDownHolder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Build Support Files...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInBuildSupportFiles
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutNewest
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOut
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Browse and Compare all Versions in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuBrowseAllVersionsInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryVersions 'Compare with Newest in Repository...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Original in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Stable Version in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareWithRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare two Repository Versions...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersions
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionOrClassWithExtensionsSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Extensions with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Build Support File'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: compareBuildSupportFileMenu
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Edit Version in Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuEditVersionInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Create PatchFile against Version...'
            itemValue: classMenuCreatePatchFileAgainstVersionFromRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag...'
            itemValue: classMenuSetTag
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryTag 'Set Tag...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)'
            itemValue: classMenuShortRevisionLog
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Full)'
            itemValue: classMenuRevisionLog
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 28-10-2012 / 11:57:54 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classDataBaseRepositoryMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classDataBaseRepositoryMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn...')
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassWithExtensionsSelectedHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Extensions For'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: browseClassExtensionsMenuUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: changeSetContainsChangedClassesAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn all Changed Classes'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInAllChangedClassesUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Build Support Files...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Browse and Compare all Versions in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuBrowseAllVersionsInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryVersions 'Compare with Newest in Repository...')
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Original in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Stable Version in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare two Repository Versions...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionOrClassWithExtensionsSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Extensions with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Build Support File'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: compareBuildSupportFileMenuUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)'
            itemValue: classMenuShortRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)')
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Full)'
            itemValue: classMenuRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 28-10-2012 / 11:58:35 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classFileBasedRepositoryMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classFileBasedRepositoryMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn...')
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassWithExtensionsSelectedHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Extensions For'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: browseClassExtensionsMenuUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: changeSetContainsChangedClassesAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn all Changed Classes'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInAllChangedClassesUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Build Support Files...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Browse and Compare all Versions in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuBrowseAllVersionsInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryVersions 'Compare with Newest in Repository...')
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Original in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare two Repository Versions...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionOrClassWithExtensionsSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Extensions with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Build Support File'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: compareBuildSupportFileMenuUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)'
            itemValue: classMenuShortRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)')
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Full)'
            itemValue: classMenuRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 28-10-2012 / 11:58:48 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classGitMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classGitMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '** No SourceCodeManager - See Settings in the Launcher **'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn...')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryVersions 'Compare with Newest in Repository...')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Original in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Stable Version in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare two Repository Versions...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag...'
            itemValue: classMenuSetTagUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryTag 'Set Tag...')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)'
            itemValue: classMenuShortRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Full)'
            itemValue: classMenuRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 28-10-2012 / 11:59:05 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMCommon
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMCommon)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn...')
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'CheckIn (Quick)...'
            itemValue: classMenuQuickCheckInUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasClassSelectedAndControlKeyDownHolder
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassWithExtensionsSelectedHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Extensions For'
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            submenuChannel: browseClassExtensionsMenuUsingManagerNamed:
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: changeSetContainsChangedClassesAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn all Changed Classes'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInAllChangedClassesUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Build Support Files...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)'
            itemValue: classMenuShortRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)')
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Full)'
            itemValue: classMenuRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Browse and Compare all Versions in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuBrowseAllVersionsInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryVersions 'Compare with Newest in Repository...')
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Original in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Stable Version in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare two Repository Versions...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionOrClassWithExtensionsSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Extensions with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Build Support File'
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMCompareBuildSupportFileForManagerNamed:
            argument: Default
            label: 'Extras'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMExtraForManagerNamed:
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            isMenuSlice: true

    "Modified: / 12-10-2011 / 20:24:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-10-2012 / 11:59:42 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMExtra_CVS
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMExtra_CVS)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Edit Version in Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuEditVersionInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Create PatchFile against Version...'
            itemValue: classMenuCreatePatchFileAgainstVersionFromRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag...'
            itemValue: classMenuSetTag
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryTag 'Set Tag...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMExtra_SVN
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMExtra_SVN)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Changeset'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classSubversionChangesetMenu
            label: 'Branch'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: commonSubversionBranchMenu
            label: 'Browse working copy'
            itemValue: commonMenuSubversionBrowseWorkingCopy
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'More'
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Common Slice'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: commonSubversionMenuSlice
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Compare'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: classSubversionCompareMenu
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' compare 'Compare')
                  enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browse Revision log'
                  itemValue: classMenuSubversionShowRevisionLog
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' log 'Browse Revision log')

    "Created: / 23-07-2012 / 13:27:23 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMExtra_SVN
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMExtra_SVN)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Changeset'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classSubversionChangesetMenu
            label: 'Branch'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: commonSubversionBranchMenu
            label: 'Browse working copy'
            itemValue: commonMenuSubversionBrowseWorkingCopy
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'More'
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Common Slice'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: commonSubversionMenuSlice
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Compare'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: classSubversionCompareMenu
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' compare 'Compare')
                  enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browse Revision log'
                  itemValue: classMenuSubversionShowRevisionLog
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' log 'Browse Revision log')

    "Created: / 15-01-2012 / 14:35:48 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMExtra_SVN
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMExtra_SVN)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Changeset'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classSubversionChangesetMenu
            label: 'Branch'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: commonSubversionBranchMenu
            label: 'Browse working copy'
            itemValue: commonMenuSubversionBrowseWorkingCopy
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'More'
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Common Slice'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: commonSubversionMenuSlice
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Compare'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: classSubversionCompareMenu
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' compare 'Compare')
                  enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Browse Revision log'
                  itemValue: classMenuSubversionShowRevisionLog
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' log 'Browse Revision log')

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CVS'
            isVisible: cvsRepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: classCVSMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCVSIcon 'CVS')
            argument: 'CVS'
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsHolder
            label: 'SubVersion'
            isVisible: svnRepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: classSubversionMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'SubVersion')
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndFileBasedRepositoryExistsHolder
            label: 'File Repository'
            isVisible: fileBasedRepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: classFileBasedRepositoryMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryIcon 'File Repository')
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndDataBaseRepositoryExistsHolder
            label: 'Database Repository'
            isVisible: dataBaseRepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: classDataBaseRepositoryMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryIcon 'Database Repository')
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndMercurialRepositoryExistsHolder
            label: 'Mercurial'
            isVisible: mercurialRepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: classMercurialMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryHGIcon 'Mercurial')

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSliceAll
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSliceAll)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
            isVisible: cvsRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'CVS'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCVSIcon 'CVS')
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndDataBaseRepositoryExistsHolder
            isVisible: dataBaseRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'Database Repository'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryIcon 'Database Repository')
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndFileBasedRepositoryExistsHolder
            label: 'File Repository'
            isVisible: fileBasedRepositoryMenusAreShown
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryIcon 'File Repository')
            argument: FileBasedSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsHolder
            isVisible: svnRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'SubVersion'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'SubVersion')
            argument: SVNSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Mercurial+'
            isVisible: hgRepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryHGIcon 'Mercurial+')
            argument: HGSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Git+'
            isVisible: git2RepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'Git+')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager2
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Mercurial'
            isVisible: mercurialRepositoryMenusAreShown
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryHGIcon 'Mercurial')
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            isVisible: perforceRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'Perforce'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'Perforce')
            argument: PerforceSourceCodeManager

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice_compact
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice_compact)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Repository'
            nameKey: SCM
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Common Slice'
                  nameKey: CommonSlice
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: classMenuSCMFor:
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'All Slice'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: classMenuSCMSliceAll
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Repository Settings'
                  itemValue: openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement
                  translateLabel: true

    "Modified: / 15-10-2011 / 12:04:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 15:15:37 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice_inline
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice_inline)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '-'
            label: 'All Slice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classMenuSCMSliceAll
            isMenuSlice: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice_old
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice_old)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndCVSSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CVS'
            isVisible: cvsRepositoryMenusAreShown
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classCVSMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCVSIcon 'CVS')
            argument: 'CVS'
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndDataBaseRepositoryExistsHolder
            isVisible: dataBaseRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'Database Repository'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classDataBaseRepositoryMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryIcon 'Database Repository')
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndFileBasedRepositoryExistsHolder
            label: 'File Repository'
            isVisible: fileBasedRepositoryMenusAreShown
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classFileBasedRepositoryMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryIcon 'File Repository')
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndGitRepositoryExistsHolder
            isVisible: gitRepositoryClassMenusAreShown
            label: 'Git'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classGitMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryGitIcon 'Git')
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndMercurialRepositoryExistsHolder
            isVisible: mercurialRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'Mercurial'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classMercurialMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryHGIcon 'Mercurial')
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndPerforceRepositoryExistsHolder
            isVisible: perforceRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'Perforce'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classPerforceMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryP4Icon 'Perforce')
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsHolder
            isVisible: svnRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'SubVersion'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classSubversionMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'SubVersion')

    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 17:41:18 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMercurialMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMercurialMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '** No SourceCodeManager - See Settings in the Launcher **'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn...')
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Edit Version in Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuEditVersionInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryVersions 'Compare with Newest in Repository...')
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Original in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Stable Version in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare two Repository Versions...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag...'
            itemValue: classMenuSetTagUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryTag 'Set Tag...')
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)'
            itemValue: classMenuShortRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)')
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Full)'
            itemValue: classMenuRevisionLogUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: MercurialSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 06-11-2013 / 20:31:19 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classPerforceMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classPerforceMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '** No SourceCodeManager - See Settings in the Launcher **'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInP4
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassWithExtensionsSelectedHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Extensions For'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: browseClassExtensionsMenu
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: changeSetContainsChangedClassesAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn all Changed Classes'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInAllChangedClasses
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Quick CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuQuickCheckIn
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasClassSelectedAndControlKeyDownHolder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Build Support Files...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInBuildSupportFiles
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Submit...'
            itemValue: classMenuPerforceSubmit
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutNewest
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOut
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Edit Version in Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuEditVersionInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Browse and Compare all Versions in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuBrowseAllVersionsInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryVersions 'Compare with Newest in Repository...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Original in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareWithRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare two Repository Versions...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersions
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionOrClassWithExtensionsSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Extensions with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Build Support File'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: compareBuildSupportFileMenu
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag...'
            itemValue: classMenuSetTag
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryTag 'Set Tag...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)'
            itemValue: classMenuShortRevisionLog
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Full)'
            itemValue: classMenuRevisionLog
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 28-10-2012 / 12:00:23 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classSCMMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classSCMMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '** No SourceCodeManager - See Settings in the Launcher **'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasNoSourceCodeManagerHolder
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckIn
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasClassWithExtensionsSelectedHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Extensions For'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: browseClassExtensionsMenu
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: changeSetContainsChangedClassesAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn all Changed Classes'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInAllChangedClasses
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Quick CheckIn...'
            itemValue: classMenuQuickCheckIn
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasClassSelectedAndControlKeyDownHolder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Build Support Files...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckInBuildSupportFiles
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag...'
            itemValue: classMenuSetTag
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryTag 'Set Tag...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOutNewest
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: classMenuCheckOut
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)'
            itemValue: classMenuShortRevisionLog
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryLog 'Revision Log (Recent Changes)')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasNonPrivateClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Revision Log (Full)'
            itemValue: classMenuRevisionLog
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Edit Version in Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuEditVersionInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Browse and Compare all Versions in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuBrowseAllVersionsInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryVersions 'Compare with Newest in Repository...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Original in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Stable Version in Repository'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareWithRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare two Repository Versions...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersions
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Extensions with Repository...'
            itemValue: classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepository
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

            enabled: hasProjectDefinitionSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Build Support File'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: compareBuildSupportFileMenu

    "Modified: / 28-10-2012 / 11:54:14 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-SCM-project'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectCVSMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectCVSMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckInAllUsingManagerNamed:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn...')
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Classes Only...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckInClassesUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Extensions Only...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckInExtensionsUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Build Support Files Only...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckOutNewest
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckOut
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Extensions Only...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckOutExtensions
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Import Structure...'
            itemValue: projectMenuImportUsingManagerNamed:
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            label: 'Import...'
            itemValue: projectMenuImportAndLoadClassesUsingManagerNamed:
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: projectMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Stable Version in Repository'
            itemValue: projectMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepository
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository at Date or Tag...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCompareAgainstRepository
            label: 'Compare Build Support File'
            submenuChannel: compareBuildSupportFileMenu
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Browse Classes ...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckRepositoryConsistency
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag (Release As)...'
            itemValue: projectMenuSetTagUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryTag 'Set Tag (Release As)...')
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag of Build Support Files...'
            itemValue: projectMenuSetTagOfBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Repository History...'
            itemValue: projectMenuRepositoryHistoryUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Package Dependencies...'
            itemValue: projectPackageDependencyBrowser
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Find Classes NOT tagged as "stable"'
            itemValue: projectMenuFindNotStableClasses
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Find Classes NOT tagged as...'
            itemValue: projectMenuFindNotTaggedClasses
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Resource Files...'
            itemValue: projectMenuResources
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Bitmap Files...'
            itemValue: projectMenuBitmapFiles
            isVisible: false

    "Modified: / 29-07-2013 / 09:49:12 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectGitMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectGitMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Commit (CheckIn)...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckInAllUsingManagerNamed:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'Commit (CheckIn)...')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Extensions Only...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckOutExtensionsUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Import Structure...'
            itemValue: projectMenuImportUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Import...'
            itemValue: projectMenuImportAndLoadClassesUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: projectMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository at Date...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCompareAgainstRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            label: 'Compare Build Support File'
            submenuChannel: compareBuildSupportFileMenuUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Consistency Check...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckRepositoryConsistencyUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag (Release As)...'
            itemValue: projectMenuSetTagUsingManagerNamed:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryTag 'Set Tag (Release As)...')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Repository History...'
            itemValue: projectMenuRepositoryHistoryUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Resource Files...'
            itemValue: projectMenuResources
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Bitmap Files...'
            itemValue: projectMenuBitmapFiles
            isVisible: false

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMCommon
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMCommon)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckInAllUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn...')
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Classes Only...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckInClassesUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Extensions Only...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckInExtensionsUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Build Support Files Only...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Newest'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckOut 'CheckOut Newest')
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Previous Version...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CheckOut Extensions Only...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckOutExtensionsUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Import Structure...'
            itemValue: projectMenuImportUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: 'Import...'
            itemValue: projectMenuImportAndLoadClassesUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: projectMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Stable Version in Repository'
            itemValue: projectMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Repository at Date...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCompareAgainstRepositoryUsingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
            label: 'Compare Build Support File'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMCompareBuildSupportFileForManagerNamed:
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Consistency Check...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckRepositoryConsistencyUsingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Package Integrity Check...'
            itemValue: projectMenuCheckPackageIntegrity
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Resource Files...'
            itemValue: projectMenuResourcesUsingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedHolder
            label: 'Bitmap Files...'
            itemValue: projectMenuBitmapFilesUsingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
            label: 'Extras'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMExtraFor:
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            isMenuSlice: true

    "Modified: / 26-07-2012 / 12:29:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-10-2012 / 12:02:19 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#compareBuildSupportFileMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser compareBuildSupportFileMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'Make.spec'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:usingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'Make.spec'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'Make.proto'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:usingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'Make.proto'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'bc.mak'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:usingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'bc.mak'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: ''
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:usingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: ''
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'modules.stx'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:usingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'modules.stx'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'lib.rc / app.rc'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:usingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'lib.rc'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'app.nsi'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:usingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'app.nsi'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: ''
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:usingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: ''
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'loadAll'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:usingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'loadAll'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasSingleProjectOrProjectDefinitionSelected
            label: 'bmake.bat'
            itemValue: projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:usingManager:
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 'bmake.bat'
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 18:56:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 20:24:39 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMExtra_CVS
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMExtra_CVS)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Repository History...'
            itemValue: projectMenuRepositoryHistoryUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            translateLabel: true
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag (Release As)...'
            itemValue: projectMenuSetTagUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryTag 'Set Tag (Release As)...')
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag of Build Support Files...'
            itemValue: projectMenuSetTagOfBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager

    "Modified: / 29-07-2013 / 09:49:26 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMExtra_SVN
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMExtra_SVN)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Changeset'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectSubversionChangesetMenu
            label: 'Branch'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: commonSubversionBranchMenu
            label: 'Browse working copy'
            itemValue: commonMenuSubversionBrowseWorkingCopy
            translateLabel: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Set Tag (Release As)...'
            itemValue: projectMenuSetTagUsingManagerNamed:
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryTag 'Set Tag (Release As)...')
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            label: 'More'
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Remove working copy'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSubversionRemoveWorkingCopy
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Fast commit'
                  translateLabel: true
                  choice: projectMenuSubversionCommitMode
                  choiceValue: fast
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Full commit'
                  translateLabel: true
                  choice: projectMenuSubversionCommitMode
                  choiceValue: full
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Common Slice'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: commonSubversionMenuSlice
                  isMenuSlice: true

    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 15:16:29 / cg"


    <resource: #menu>

        perform: ('projectMenuSCMSlice_' , UserPreferences current sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout) asSymbol
        ifNotUnderstood: [self projectMenuSCMSlice_old].

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 14:50:10 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMSliceAll
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMSliceAll)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            isVisible: cvsRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'CVS'
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCVSIcon 'CVS')
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            isVisible: dataBaseRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'Database Repository'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMFor:
            argument: DataBaseSourceCodeManager
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryIcon 'Database Repository')
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'SubVersion'
            isVisible: hasSubversionSupport
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'SubVersion')
            argument: SVNSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Mercurial+'
            isVisible: hgRepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryP4Icon 'Mercurial+')
            argument: HGSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Git+'
            isVisible: git2RepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryP4Icon 'Git+')
            argument: GitSourceCodeManager2
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Perforce'
            isVisible: hasPerforceSupport
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryP4Icon 'Perforce')
            argument: PerforceSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Monticello'
            isVisible: hasMonticelloSupport
            submenuChannel: projectMonticelloMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryMCIcon 'Monticello')

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice_compact
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice_compact)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Repository'
            nameKey: SCM
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Common Slice'
                  nameKey: CommonSlice
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMFor:
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'All Slice'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMSliceAll
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Repository Settings'
                  itemValue: openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement
                  translateLabel: true

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:36:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 15:16:38 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMSlice_inline
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMSlice_inline)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '-'
            label: 'All Slice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectMenuSCMSliceAll
            isMenuSlice: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenuSCMSlice_old
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMenuSCMSlice_old)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'CVS'
            isVisible: cvsRepositoryMenusAreShown
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectCVSMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCVSIcon 'CVS')
            isVisible: dataBaseRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'Database Repository'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectDataBaseRepositoryMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryIcon 'Database Repository')
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndGitRepositoryExistsHolder
            isVisible: gitRepositoryMenusAreShown
            label: 'Git'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectGitMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryGitIcon 'Git')
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndMonticelloRepositoryExistsHolder
            label: 'Monticello'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasMonticelloSupport
            submenuChannel: projectMonticelloMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryMCIcon 'Monticello')
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsHolder
            label: 'SubVersion'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasSubversionSupport
            submenuChannel: projectSubversionMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'SubVersion')

    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 17:40:34 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-SCM-selector'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuFileOutPrintOutSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuFileOutPrintOutSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

                  enabled: hasMethodSelected
                  label: 'CheckIn Class(es)...'
                  itemValue: methodListMenuCheckInClassUsingManagerNamed:
                  argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn Class(es)...')
                  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: 'CheckIn Extensions for Project...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCheckInProjectExtensions
                  translateLabel: true
                  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
                  argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
                  translateLabel: true
                  labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryVersions 'Compare with Newest in Repository...')
                  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
                  label: 'Compare Class with Newest in Repository'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareClassAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
                  argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasSingleMethodSelected
                  label: 'Browse Repository Versions...'
                  itemValue: selectorMenuBrowseRepositoryVersionsUsingManagerNamed:
                  argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
                  translateLabel: true

    "Modified: / 28-10-2012 / 12:02:36 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMCommon
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMCommon)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasMethodSelected
            label: 'CheckIn Class(es)...'
            itemValue: methodListMenuCheckInClassUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCheckIn 'CheckIn Class(es)...')
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'CheckIn Extensions for Project...'
            itemValue: selectorMenuCheckInProjectExtensionsUsingManager:
            argument: SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: selectorMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryVersions 'Compare with Newest in Repository...')
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Compare Class with Newest in Repository'
            itemValue: selectorMenuCompareClassAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasSingleMethodSelected
            label: 'Browse Repository Versions...'
            itemValue: selectorMenuBrowseRepositoryVersionsUsingManagerNamed:
            argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
            translateLabel: true

    "Modified: / 11-01-2012 / 14:05:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-10-2012 / 12:02:47 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '-'
            label: 'All Slice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSCMSliceAll
            isMenuSlice: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMSliceAll
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMSliceAll)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'CVS'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCVSIcon 'CVS')
            argument: CVSSourceCodeManager
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'SubVersion'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasSubversionSupport
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositorySVNIcon 'SubVersion')
            argument: SVNSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Mercurial+'
            isVisible: hgRepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryP4Icon 'Mercurial+')
            argument: HGSourceCodeManager
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Git+'
            isVisible: perforceRepositoryMenusAreShown
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryP4Icon 'Git+')
            argument: HGSourceCodeManager2
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
            label: 'Perforce'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: hasPerforceSupport
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSCMFor:
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryP4Icon 'Perforce')
            argument: PerforceSourceCodeManager

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenuSCMSlice_compact
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classMenuSCMSlice_compact)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Repository'
            nameKey: SCM
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Common Slice'
                  nameKey: CommonSlice
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: selectorMenuSCMFor:
                  argument: SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'All Slice'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: selectorMenuSCMSliceAll
                  isMenuSlice: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Repository Settings'
                  itemValue: openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement
                  translateLabel: true

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:45:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 15:16:53 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMSlice_inline
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMSlice_inline)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: '-'
            label: 'All Slice'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuSCMSliceAll
            isMenuSlice: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenuSCMSlice_old
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser selectorMenuSCMSlice_old)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasMethodSelected
            label: 'CVS'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: selectorMenuCVS
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary repositoryCVSIcon 'CVS')
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-dialogs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'File out as...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenu3FileOutAs
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Check Into Repository...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenu3CheckIn
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Spawn'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenu3SpawnClass
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Compare With Newest in Repository...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenu3CompareAgainstNewestInRepository
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'File out as...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenuFileOutAs
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: 'Check Into Repository...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenuCheckIn
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Spawn'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenuSpawnClass
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Remove...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenuRemove

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'CheckOut Newest...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenu2CheckOutNewest
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Spawn'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenu2SpawnClass
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Compare With Newest in Repository...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenu2CompareAgainstNewestInRepository
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 29-09-2006 / 16:10:31 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'CheckOut...'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenu4CheckOut
            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            #label: '-'
            #label: 'Remove Container'
            #translateLabel: true
            #value: #classMenu4RemoveContainer

    "Modified: / 29-09-2006 / 16:11:08 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-monticello'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMonticelloMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectMonticelloMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Commit or Generate mcz File...'
            itemValue: projectMenuMonticelloCommit
            label: '-'
            enabled: false
            label: 'Not yet finished...'
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-popup'!

    "return the popUpMenu for the class-category-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self categoryMenuWithFind

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    "return the popUpMenu for the regular class-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self classMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    "return the popUpMenu for the class-hierarchy-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self classPopUpMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self nameSpaceMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    "return the popUpMenu for the project-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self projectMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    "return the Shift-popUpMenu for the code-view.
     get here via codeViewMenu (holder in codeView)"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self menuFor: #refactoringMenu

    "Modified: / 26-08-2014 / 22:37:40 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#tabMenuWithRemove
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser tabMenuWithRemove)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Add Page'
            itemValue: bufferMenuCreateBuffer
            nameKey: CreateBuffer
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Remove Page'
            itemValue: bufferMenuRemoveBuffer:
            nameKey: RemoveBuffer
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 0
            label: 'Remove all other Pages'
            itemValue: bufferMenuRemoveAllButBuffer:
            nameKey: RemoveAllButBuffer
            translateLabel: true
            argument: 0

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#tabMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser tabMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            #label: 'Add Tab'
            #translateLabel: true
            #nameKey: #CreateBuffer
            #value: #bufferMenuCreateBuffer

    "return the popUpMenu for the variable-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self variablesMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-subversion'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classSubversionMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser classSubversionMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Commit'
            itemValue: classMenuSubversionCommit
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' commit 'Commit')
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: classMenuSubversionUpdate
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' update 'Update')
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Compare'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classSubversionCompareMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' compare 'Compare')
            enabled: false
            label: 'Merge'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classSubversionMergeMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' merge 'Merge')
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Changeset'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: classSubversionChangesetMenu
            enabled: hasClassesSelectedAndSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Revision log'
            itemValue: classMenuSubversionShowRevisionLog
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' log 'Revision log')
            label: '-'
            label: 'Branch'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: commonSubversionBranchMenu
            label: 'Browse working copy'
            itemValue: commonMenuSubversionBrowseWorkingCopy
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'More'
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Common Slice'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: commonSubversionMenuSlice
                  isMenuSlice: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#commonSubversionMenuSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser commonSubversionMenuSlice)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Settings'
            itemValue: commonMenuSubversionOpenSettings
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'Flush caches'
            itemValue: commonMenuSubversionFlushCaches
            translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectSubversionMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser projectSubversionMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Commit'
            itemValue: projectMenuSubversionCommit
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' commit 'Commit')
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: projectMenuSubversionUpdate
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' update 'Update')
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Compare'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectSubversionCompareMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' compare 'Compare')
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Merge'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectSubversionMergeMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' merge 'Merge')
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Changeset'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: projectSubversionChangesetMenu
            enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
            label: 'Revision log'
            itemValue: projectMenuSubversionShowRevisionLog
            translateLabel: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'SVN::IconLibrary' log 'Revision log')
            label: '-'
            label: 'Branch'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: commonSubversionBranchMenu
            label: 'Browse working copy'
            itemValue: commonMenuSubversionBrowseWorkingCopy
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'More'
            translateLabel: true
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Load revision...'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSubversionLoadRevision
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Remove working copy'
                  itemValue: projectMenuSubversionRemoveWorkingCopy
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Fast commit'
                  translateLabel: true
                  choice: projectMenuSubversionCommitMode
                  choiceValue: fast
                  enabled: hasProjectSelectedSubversionRepositoryExistsAndBranchSelectedHolder
                  label: 'Full commit'
                  translateLabel: true
                  choice: projectMenuSubversionCommitMode
                  choiceValue: full
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'Common Slice'
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: commonSubversionMenuSlice
                  isMenuSlice: true
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-toolbar'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#toolBarMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser toolBarMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            activeHelpKey: goBackInGlobalHistory
            enabled: canGoBackInGlobalHistoryAspect
            label: 'Back (Global History)'
            itemValue: goBackInGlobalHistory
            isButton: true
            isVisible: showGlobalHistory
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary historyBackInGlobalListIcon)
            activeHelpKey: goBack
            enabled: canGoBackAspect
            label: 'Back'
            itemValue: goBack
            isButton: true
            isVisible: showLocalHistory
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary historyBackIcon)
            activeHelpKey: goForward
            enabled: canGoForwardAspect
            label: 'Forward'
            itemValue: goForward
            isButton: true
            isVisible: showLocalHistory
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary historyForwardIcon)
            label: ''
            activeHelpKey: createBuffer
            label: 'CreateBuffer'
            itemValue: createBufferForCurrentClassOrSelectionInCodeView
            isButton: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary addBufferIcon)
            label: '-'
            isVisible: organizerIsShowingClasses
            activeHelpKey: showCategories
            label: 'ShowCategory'
            itemValue: switchToCategoryView
            isButton: true
            isVisible: organizerIsShowingClassesAndIsNotShowingCategories
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever NewSystemBrowser showCategoriesIcon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            activeHelpKey: showClassHierarchy
            label: 'ShowClassHierarchy'
            itemValue: switchToClassHierarchyView
            isButton: true
            isVisible: organizerIsShowingClassesAndIsShowingCategories
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever NewSystemBrowser showClassHierarchyIcon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            activeHelpKey: recentChanges
            label: 'Recently Changed'
            isButton: true
            submenuChannel: changedMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary changesBrowserIcon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            ignoreMnemonicKeys: true
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            activeHelpKey: recentClassChanges
            label: 'Recently Changed Classes'
            isButton: true
            isVisible: false
            submenuChannel: changedClassesMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary empty1x20Icon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            ignoreMnemonicKeys: true
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            activeHelpKey: bookmarks
            label: 'Bookmarks'
            isVisible: false
            submenuChannel: boockmarksMenu
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary bookmarks14x14)
            ignoreMnemonicKeys: true
            ignoreShortcutKeys: true
            label: ''
            isVisible: false
            activeHelpKey: undoOperation
            enabled: hasUndoableOperations
            label: 'Undo'
            itemValue: operationsMenuUndo
            isButton: true
            isVisible: false
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary undoIcon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            activeHelpKey: redoOperation
            enabled: hasUndoableOperations
            label: 'Redo'
            itemValue: operationsMenuRedo
            isButton: true
            isVisible: false
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary redoIcon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: classWizardVisibleHolder
            label: 'Class Wizard'
            itemValue: classMenuOpenClassCreationWizard
            isButton: true
            isVisible: classWizardVisibleHolder
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary newClassWizardIcon)
            label: '-'
            activeHelpKey: runLintOnClasses
            enabled: hasNonEmptyEnvironmentSelectedHolder
            label: 'Run Static Analysis (Lint)'
            itemValue: runLint
            nameKey: RunLint
            isButton: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary lint24x24Icon)
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasClassSelectedHolder
            activeHelpKey: launchSelectedApplication
            label: 'Launch Selected Application'
            itemValue: launchSelectedApplication
            isButton: true
            isVisible: hasStartableApplicationSelectedHolder
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary start22x22Icon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasStartableApplicationSelectedHolder
            activeHelpKey: executeSelectedClassMethod
            label: 'Execute Selected Class Method'
            itemValue: executeSelectedClassMethod
            isButton: true
            isVisible: hasAnyExecutableClassMethodSelectedHolder
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary executeMethod20x20Icon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasAnyExecutableClassMethodSelectedHolder
            activeHelpKey: initializeSharedPool
            label: 'Initialize Selected Pool'
            itemValue: initializeSelectedPool
            isButton: true
            isVisible: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever #'Tools::NewSystemBrowser' initializeSharedPool20x20Icon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
            activeHelpKey: runTestCases
            label: 'Run Tests'
            itemValue: runTestCases
            isButton: true
            isVisible: hasAnyTestCaseSelectedAndEmbeddedRunnerIsDisabled
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary sUnit24x24Icon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            activeHelpKey: runTestCasesWithDebug
            label: 'Debug Tests'
            itemValue: runTestCasesWithDebug
            isButton: true
            isVisible: hasAnyTestCaseSelectedAndEmbeddedRunnerIsDisabled
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary sUnit24x24DebugIcon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            label: ''
            label: '-'
            startGroup: right
            activeHelpKey: showInheritedMethods
            label: 'ShowInheritedMethods'
            itemValue: showInheritedMethods
            isButton: true
            startGroup: right
            isVisible: notShowingInheritedMethods
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever NewSystemBrowser showInheritedMethodsIcon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            activeHelpKey: doNotShowInheritedMethods
            label: 'DoNotShowInheritedMethods'
            itemValue: doNotShowInheritedMethods
            isButton: true
            startGroup: right
            isVisible: showingInheritedMethods
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever NewSystemBrowser doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            activeHelpKey: formatCode
            enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'Format'
            itemValue: codeMenuFormat
            isButton: true
            startGroup: right
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary formatCode16x16Icon)
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
            activeHelpKey: showCodeCoverage
            enabled: hasInstrumentedMethodSelectedHolder
            label: 'ShowCoverage'
            itemValue: codeMenuShowCoverage
            isButton: true
            startGroup: right
            isVisible: false
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary showCodeCoverage16x16Icon)
            activeHelpKey: addBreakPoint
            enabled: hasMethodWithoutBreakPointSelectedHolder
            label: 'Add BreakPoint'
            itemValue: debugMenuBreakPoint
            isButton: true
            startGroup: right
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever nil addBreakPointIcon2)
            activeHelpKey: removeBreakPoint
            enabled: hasMethodWithBreakPointSelectedHolder
            label: 'Remove BreakPoint'
            itemValue: debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace
            isButton: true
            labelImage: (ResourceRetriever nil removeBreakPointIcon2)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#toolBarMenuLint
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowser toolBarMenuLint)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'SmallLint Menu'
            submenuChannel: smalllintCheckMenuForToolbar
            isMenuSlice: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: hasClassSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder
            label: 'Recompile all Methods with Instrumentation'
            itemValue: classMenuRecompileInstrumented
            showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 06:48:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #SubversionSupportEnabled

    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 10:45:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:46:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'startup'!

    "launch a single class browser."


    browser := self basicNew spawnClassBrowserFor:(Array with:aClass theNonMetaclass) in:#newBrowser.
    aClass isMeta ifTrue:[
        browser switchToClass:aClass.
    ^ browser.

     self browseClass:Array

    "Modified: / 15-01-2011 / 14:07:36 / cg"

    "launch a multi class browser."

    ^ self browseClasses:aCollectionOfClasses label:nil

     self browseClasses:(Array with:Array with:Number)

browseClasses:aCollectionOfClasses label:titleOrNil
    "launch a multi class browser."

    ^ self openWithSelectedClasses:aCollectionOfClasses label:titleOrNil
"/    ^ self basicNew
"/        spawnClassBrowserFor:aCollectionOfClasses
"/        label:titleOrNil
"/        in:#newBrowser.

     self browseClasses:(Array with:Array with:Number) label:'Some classes'

    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 21:29:16 / cg"

browseMethods:aListOfMethods title:title sort:doSort
    "launch a multi-method browser."

    ^ self basicNew
        sortBy:(doSort ifTrue:[#class] ifFalse:[nil])

        browseMethods:(Array with:(OrderedCollection compiledMethodAt:#at:)
                             with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)
        title:'some methods'

        browseMethods:(Array with:(OrderedCollection compiledMethodAt:#at:)
                             with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)
        title:'some methods'

        browseMethods:(Array with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)
                             with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:put:))
        title:'some methods'

browseProfilerStatistics: statistics
    "launch browser on profiler statistics"

    ^ self basicNew spawnProfilerStatistics: statistics in:#newBrowser.

     self browseClass:Array

    "Created: / 09-10-2007 / 22:03:05 / janfrog"

    "launch a single class browser."

    | browser |

    browser := self basicNew spawnSingleClassBrowserFor:aClass theNonMetaclass in:#newBrowser.
    aClass isMeta ifTrue:[
        browser switchToClass:aClass.
    ^ browser.

     self browseSingleClass:Array

    "Modified: / 15-01-2011 / 14:07:36 / cg"
    "Created: / 22-07-2011 / 18:44:52 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |lastClass classHistory|

    classHistory := self classHistory.
    classHistory notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        lastClass := Smalltalk classNamed:(classHistory first className).
        lastClass notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self openInClass:lastClass selector:nil
    ^ super open

     self open

openInClass:aClass selector:aSelector
    "launch a full browser, with aClass/aSelector initially selected."


    browser := self new.
    browser allButOpen.
    browser switchToClass:aClass selector:aSelector.
    browser openWindow.
    ^ browser

     self openInClass:Array selector:#at:

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 00:34:02 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 00:36:15 / cg"

    "launch a full browser, with aMethod initially selected."


    w := aMethod who.
    ^ self openInClass:w methodClass selector:w methodSelector

     self openInMethod:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)

    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 00:34:46 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 00:38:41 / cg"

    "open a browser, showing all classes in the changeSet."

    ^ self basicNew

     self openOnClassesInChangeSet

    "open a browser, showing all methods in the changeSet."

    ^ self new

     self openOnMethodsInChangeSet

    "open a browser, showing all classes in the given package."

    ^ self basicNew
        spawnProjectBrowserFor:(Array with:aPackage) in:#newBrowser

     self openOnPackage:'stx:libbasic'

openWithSelectedClasses:aCollectionOfClasses label:titleOrNil
    "launch a full browser with multiple classes initially selected.
     (also selects the corresponding categories)"


    browser := self new.
    browser allButOpen.
    browser selectClasses:aCollectionOfClasses.
    browser openWindow.
    ^ browser

"/    ^ self basicNew
"/        spawnClassBrowserFor:aCollectionOfClasses
"/        label:titleOrNil
"/        in:#newBrowser.
     self openWithSelectedClasses:(Array with:Array with:Number) label:'Some classes'

    "Created: / 06-07-2011 / 18:27:53 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'utilities'!

askForClassToSearch:doWhatByDefault single:singleClass msgTail:msgTail resources:resourcesOrNil filter:filterOrNil forBrowser:aBrowserOrNil thenDo:aBlock
    "utility common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
     to search for a class in an existing browser.
     If singleClass is true, a single class will be asked for and browsed,
     otherwise, a match pattern is allowed and a multi-class browser is opened.
     Moved from instance protocol for better reusability."

    |box boxLabel title okText okText2 okText3 className canFind
     button2 button3 doWhat doWhat2 doWhat3 classNameHolder updateList updateClassAndNameList
     reallyAllClasses allClasses allClassesByFullName classNamesInChangeSet classesInChangeSet
     allNames allFullNames initialShortNames initialFullNames
     colorizedFullNames colorizedShortNames
     resources check showingWhatLabel
     showFullNameHolder onlyShowJavaClassesHolder genShortNameListEntry navigationState|

    resources := resourcesOrNil ? self classResources.
    showFullNameHolder := (LastClassSearchBoxShowedFullName ? false) asValue.
    onlyShowJavaClassesHolder := (LastClassSearchBoxShowedJavaOnly ? false) asValue.

    aBrowserOrNil notNil ifTrue:[ navigationState := aBrowserOrNil navigationState].

    doWhat := doWhatByDefault.
    canFind := navigationState notNil and:[ navigationState isFullBrowser ].

    (doWhat isNil or:[aBrowserOrNil isNil]) ifTrue:[
        title := 'Select a class'.
        boxLabel := (resources string:'Select a class').
        okText := 'OK'.
        okText2 := nil. doWhat2 := nil.
        okText3 := nil. doWhat3 := nil.
    ] ifFalse:[
        title := (singleClass ifTrue:[ 'Class to browse' ] ifFalse:[ 'Class(es) to browse' ]).
        boxLabel := (resources string:'Browse or Search').

        (doWhat isNil and:[canFind not]) ifTrue:[
            doWhat := #newBuffer.

        doWhat == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
            okText := 'Open'.
            okText2 := 'Add Buffer'. doWhat2 := #newBuffer.
            okText3 := 'Find'.       doWhat3 := nil.
        ] ifFalse:[ doWhat == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
            okText := 'Add Buffer'.
            okText2 := 'Open New'.   doWhat2 := #newBrowser.
            okText3 := 'Find'.       doWhat3 := nil.
        ] ifFalse:[
            title := (singleClass ifTrue:[ 'Class to find' ] ifFalse:[ 'Class(es) to find' ]).
            okText := 'Find'.
            okText2 := 'Open New'.   doWhat2 := #newBrowser.
            okText3 := 'Add Buffer'. doWhat3 := #newBuffer.

    genShortNameListEntry :=
        [:cls |

            cls isNil ifTrue:[
            ] ifFalse:[
                ns := cls topNameSpace name.
                ns = 'Smalltalk'
                    ifTrue:[ ns := '' ]
                    ifFalse:[ns := ' (in ',ns,')'].
                cls nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix,ns

    classesInChangeSet := ChangeSet current changedClasses.
    classNamesInChangeSet := classesInChangeSet
                                select: (filterOrNil ? [:cls | true])
                                thenCollect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass name].

    initialFullNames := self visitedClassNamesHistory.
    (filterOrNil notNil) ifTrue:[
        initialFullNames := initialFullNames select:[:nm | (Smalltalk at:nm) notNil and:[filterOrNil value:(Smalltalk at:nm)]].

    initialFullNames := initialFullNames select:[:nm | nm notNil].
    initialShortNames := initialFullNames collect:[:nm |

                            cls := Smalltalk classNamed:nm.
                            cls isNil ifTrue:[
                                "/ class no longer exists (removed?)
                                nm colorizeAllWith:(Color gray)
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                cls isJavaClass ifTrue:[
                                    cls javaName
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    genShortNameListEntry value:(Smalltalk classNamed:nm)

    colorizedFullNames := initialFullNames collect:[:clsName |
                                (classNamesInChangeSet includes:clsName) ifTrue:[
                                    clsName asText emphasisAllAdd:(UserPreferences current emphasisForChangedCode)
                                ] ifFalse:[

    colorizedShortNames := initialShortNames with:initialFullNames collect:[:shortName :clsName |
                                (classNamesInChangeSet includes:clsName) ifTrue:[
                                    shortName asText emphasisAllAdd:(UserPreferences current emphasisForChangedCode)
                                ] ifFalse:[

    title := (resources string:title) , msgTail , '.\' , (resources string:'(TAB to complete; matchPattern allowed - "*" for all):').

    box := self
                enterBoxForClassWithCodeSelectionTitle:title withCRs
                withList:(showFullNameHolder value ifTrue:[colorizedFullNames] ifFalse:[colorizedShortNames])

    box label:boxLabel.

    doWhat notNil ifTrue:[
        button2 := Button label:(resources string:okText2).
        (navigationState notNil and:[navigationState isFullBrowser]) "singleClass" ifTrue:[
            button3 := Button label:(resources string:okText3)
        box addButton:button2 after:(box okButton).
        button3 notNil ifTrue:[box addButton:button3 after:button2].

                doWhat := doWhat2.
                box doAccept; okPressed.
        button3 notNil ifTrue:[
                    doWhat := doWhat3.
                    box doAccept; okPressed.

    reallyAllClasses := Smalltalk allClasses copyAsOrderedCollection.
    filterOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        reallyAllClasses := reallyAllClasses select: filterOrNil
    allClasses := reallyAllClasses.

    updateClassAndNameList :=
            onlyShowJavaClassesHolder value ifTrue:[
                allClasses := reallyAllClasses select:[:cls | cls isJavaClass].
            allClassesByFullName := allClasses copy.

            allNames := (allClasses
                        collect:[:cls |
                            |ns nm|

                            cls isJavaClass ifTrue:[
                                nm := cls javaName,' (in JAVA)'
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                ns := cls topNameSpace name.
                                ns = 'Smalltalk'
                                    ifTrue:[ ns := '' ]
                                    ifFalse:[ns := ' (in ',ns,')'].
                                cls isNameSpace ifTrue:[
                                    nm := cls nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix,ns,' (Namespace)'
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    nm := cls nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix,ns
                            (classNamesInChangeSet includes:cls name) ifTrue:[
                                nm asText emphasisAllAdd:(UserPreferences current emphasisForChangedCode)
                            ] ifFalse:[
                        ]) sortWith:allClasses; yourself.

            allFullNames := (allClasses
                        collect:[:cls |

                            nm := cls name.
                            (classNamesInChangeSet includes:cls name) ifTrue:[
                                nm asText emphasisAllAdd:(UserPreferences current emphasisForChangedCode)
                            ] ifFalse:[
                        ]) sortWith:allClassesByFullName; yourself.
    updateClassAndNameList value.

    updateList := [
            |nameToSearch list namesStarting namesIncluding lcName nameList classList|

            (nameToSearch := classNameHolder value withoutSeparators) isEmpty ifTrue:[
                showingWhatLabel label:(resources string:'Recently visited:').
                list := (showFullNameHolder value ifTrue:[colorizedFullNames] ifFalse:[colorizedShortNames]).
            ] ifFalse:[
                showingWhatLabel label:(resources string:'Matching classes:').
                nameList := showFullNameHolder value ifTrue:[ allFullNames ] ifFalse:[ allNames ].
                classList := showFullNameHolder value ifTrue:[ allClassesByFullName ] ifFalse:[ allClasses ].
                lcName := nameToSearch asLowercase.
                (lcName includesString:'::') ifTrue:[
                    list := OrderedCollection new.
                    allClasses doWithIndex:[:cls :idx |

                        (nameToSearch includesMatchCharacters) ifTrue:[
                            isIncluded := (lcName match:cls name asLowercase)
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            isIncluded := (cls name includesString:lcName caseSensitive:false)
                        isIncluded ifTrue:[
                            list add:(nameList at:idx)
                ] ifFalse:[
                    (nameToSearch includesMatchCharacters) ifTrue:[
                        list := (1 to:nameList size)
                                    select:[:idx |
                                            nm := nameList at:idx.
                                            (lcName match:nm asLowercase)
                                            or:[ lcName match:(classList at:idx) name caseSensitive:false]
                                    ] thenCollect:[:idx | nameList at:idx].
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        namesIncluding := (1 to:nameList size)
                                            select:[:idx |
                                                nm := nameList at:idx.
                                                (nm asLowercase includesString:lcName caseSensitive:false)
                                                or:[ (classList at:idx) name includesString:lcName caseSensitive:false]
                                            ] thenCollect:[:idx | nameList at:idx].

                        namesStarting := namesIncluding select:[:nm | nm asLowercase startsWith:lcName].
                        list := namesStarting , {nil} , (namesIncluding \ namesStarting).
            box listView
                scrollToLine:((list findFirst:[:line | (line ? '') startsWith:lcName]) max:1)

    classNameHolder := '' asValue.
    box enterField
    classNameHolder onChangeEvaluate:updateList.

    box entryCompletionBlock:(DoWhatIMeanSupport classNameEntryCompletionBlock).
        action:[:aString |
            className := aString.

    box panelView
        addSubView:(showingWhatLabel := (Label label:(resources string:'Recently visited:')) adjust:#left) before:nil.
    (JavaVM notNil and:[JavaVM isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
        box panelView
            addSubView:(check := CheckBox label:(resources string:'Only show Java Classes') model:onlyShowJavaClassesHolder) before:nil.
    box panelView
        addSubView:(check := CheckBox label:(resources string:'Show Full Name (do not strip off Namespace)') model:showFullNameHolder) before:nil.

    showFullNameHolder onChangeEvaluate:updateList.
    onlyShowJavaClassesHolder onChangeEvaluate:[ updateClassAndNameList value. updateList value].

    box enterField 
        origin:(0 @ check corner y);
        onKey:#CursorDown leaveWith:[
            listView := box listView.
            listView windowGroup focusView:listView byTab:true.
            listView hasSelection ifFalse:[
                listView selectFirst
            ] ifTrue:[
                listView selectNext
    box listView origin:(0 @ check corner y).

    box extent:(400 @ 550).
    box open.

    className isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil "cancel"].

    LastClassSearchBoxShowedFullName := showFullNameHolder value.
    LastClassSearchBoxShowedJavaOnly := onlyShowJavaClassesHolder value.

    (className endsWith:$) ) ifTrue:[
        (className indexOfSubCollection:'(in ') == 0 ifTrue:[
            "/ a namespace
            className := (className copyTo:(className indexOfSubCollection:'(Name')-1) withoutSeparators
        ] ifFalse:[
            className := ((className copyFrom:(className indexOfSubCollection:'(in ')+4)
                         , '::' , className asCollectionOfWords first
        ((className startsWith:'JAVA::') and:[className includes:$.]) ifTrue:[
            className := className copyReplaceString:'.' withString:'::'

    (doWhat isNil or:[aBrowserOrNil isNil]) ifTrue:[
        aBlock notNil ifTrue:[aBlock value:className optionalArgument:singleClass and:doWhat].
        ^ className

    aBrowserOrNil withSearchCursorDo:[
        aBlock value:className value:singleClass value:doWhat.
    ^ className

    "Modified: / 29-08-2013 / 12:24:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:48:16 / Jan Vrany <>"

enterBoxTitle:title okText:okText label:label
    "convenient method: setup an enterBox"

    |box rresources|

    rresources := self classResources.
    box := EnterBox new.
    box label:(rresources string:label).
        title:(rresources string:title)
        okText:(rresources string:okText).
    ^ box

    "Created: / 6.2.2000 / 01:07:11 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'accessing'!

    buffers notNil ifTrue:[ buffers do:aBlock ]

    ^ environment

    "Created: / 03-09-2013 / 19:19:47 / Jan Vrany <>"

    environmentHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        environmentHolder value: env.
    ] ifFalse:[
        environment := env.

    "Modified: / 26-04-2014 / 23:54:34 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "allows the inspector to disable certain menu items (+ buffer)"

    ^ isEmbedded ? false

    "allows the inspector to disable certain menu items (+ buffer)"

    isEmbedded := aBoolean.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects'!


    ^self navigationState bookmarkHolder

    "Created: / 02-06-2011 / 22:46:22 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^self class bookmarks

    "Created: / 02-06-2011 / 22:36:22 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "the list of buffer-name-labels (model of the notebook)"

    bufferNameList isNil ifTrue:[
        bufferNameList := List new.
    ^ bufferNameList

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:15:32 / cg"

    "the current buffers html-doc holder"

    ^ self navigationState classDocumentationHolder

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 01:58:03 / cg"

    "the project-info label (used in the revisionDiffBrowser)"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classesProjectInfoHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#classesProjectInfoHolder put:(holder := '' asValue).
    ^ holder.

    "the current buffers codeAspect; a symbol such as #method, #classDefinition, #comment etc."

    ^ self navigationState codeAspect

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 13:07:07 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState codeAspect:newAspect

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 13:07:19 / cg"

    "the current buffers code holder"

    ^ self navigationState codeHolder

    "the current buffers codeModified holder;
     That is the codeViews modified flag and should not be taken as a modified flag,
     because the syntaxHighlighter clears this flag to be informed about user unput"

    ^ self navigationState codeModifiedHolder

    ^ self reallyModified:(self navigationState)

    "the current buffers cursorColumn Holder (info field)"

    ^ self navigationState cursorColLabelHolder

    "the current buffers cursorLineumn Holder (info field)"

    ^ self navigationState cursorLineLabelHolder

    ^ builder
        computeInitialValueWith:[ self canUseRefactoringSupport ]

    RefactoryChangeManager autoload.

    "the current buffers editMode Holder (insert/overwrite/...)"

    ^ self navigationState editModeHolder

    "return/create the 'environmentHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    environmentHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        environmentHolder := ValueHolder with: environment.
        environmentHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ environmentHolder

    "Modified: / 24-02-2014 / 11:06:52 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "set the 'environmentHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    |oldValue newValue|

    environmentHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        oldValue := environmentHolder value.
        environmentHolder removeDependent:self.
    environmentHolder := aValueModel.
    environmentHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        environmentHolder addDependent:self.
    newValue := environmentHolder value.
    oldValue ~~ newValue ifTrue:[
        self update:#value with:newValue from:environmentHolder.

    ^ self navigationState filterClassVars

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:28:06 / cg"

    immediateUpdate isNil ifTrue:[
        immediateUpdate := false asValue.
    ^ immediateUpdate

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 22:29:47 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState implementingClassListGenerator

    "the current buffer's infoLabel (info field at the bottom)"

    ^ self navigationState infoLabelHolder

    "the current buffers message (in message pane)"

    ^ self navigationState messageHolder

    "Created: / 27-08-2010 / 22:08:38 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "the current buffers message (in message pane)"

    ^ self navigationState messageSpecHolder

    "Created: / 28-08-2010 / 11:41:25 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self navigationState metaToggleLabelHolder

    ^ self navigationState methodInfo

    "the current buffers mode label Holder (insert/learn info field)"

    ^ self navigationState modeLabelHolder

    |theCanvas theCanvasType|

    navigationState isNil ifTrue:[
        navigationState := NavigationState new.
        "/ the kludge below is required to allow
        "/ subSpecs to be opened in full-window (without a noteBook) as well
        "/ (without that, we get trouble accessing the codeView later ...)
        browserCanvas isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ opened spec as top-spec (there is no canvas)

            ^ navigationState.
"/            theCanvas := self.
"/            bldr := self builder.
"/            bldr notNil ifTrue:[
"/                theCanvasType := bldr spec name.
"/            ] ifFalse:[
"/                theCanvasType := self browserCanvasType.
"/            ]
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ opened spec in canvas
            theCanvas := self browserCanvas value.
            theCanvasType := self browserCanvasType.
        self assert:theCanvas notNil.
        navigationState canvas:theCanvas.
        theCanvasType isNil ifTrue:[
            theCanvasType := theCanvas spec.
        navigationState canvasType:theCanvasType.
        self updateNavigationHistory.
        self updateBookmarkHolder.
    ^ navigationState

    "Created: / 04-02-2000 / 16:00:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18-02-2000 / 13:50:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 08:50:55 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 02-06-2011 / 22:34:38 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self navigationState noAllItem


    "Current background color of package info bar"

    ^ self navigationState packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder

    "Created: / 03-10-2011 / 13:56:42 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "the current buffers packageLabel (info field)"

    ^ self navigationState packageLabelHolder

    "the current buffers message (in message pane)"

    ^ self navigationState progressHolder

    "Created: / 28-08-2010 / 10:06:33 / Jan Vrany <>"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#searchedClassNameHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := '' asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#searchedClassNameHolder put:holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[
            self switchToClassNameMatching: holder value].
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#searchedClassNameOrSelectorHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := '' asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#searchedClassNameOrSelectorHolder put:holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ self switchToSearchItemMatching: holder value].
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 10-08-2006 / 18:10:46 / cg"

    selectedBuffer isNil ifTrue:[
        selectedBuffer := nil asValue.
        selectedBuffer addDependent:self.
    ^ selectedBuffer

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:21:11 / cg"


    navigationState modified ifFalse:[^ true].

    answer := self askIfModified:'Modifications have not been saved.\\Change selection anyway ?'.
    answer ifTrue:[
        navigationState modified:false.
        navigationState realModifiedState:false.

        (self codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition
        and:[aSubApplication ~~ self classListApp]) ifTrue:[
            self classListApp forceReselect
        ] ifFalse:[
            aSubApplication forceSelectionClear.
    ^ answer

    "Created: / 23-02-2000 / 12:14:38 / cg"

    ^ [:whichSubApplication | self selectionChangeConditionFor:whichSubApplication ]

    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 12:14:50 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState sortBy

    ^ (builder bindingAt:#suppressChangeSetUpdate) ? false

    builder aspectAt:#suppressChangeSetUpdate put:aBoolean
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-environment'!

    "Return a refactory environment on all classes in selected
     class categories. May return nil if refactory browser is not


    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        subjects := self selectedCategoriesValue.
        ^ (CategoryEnvironment new)
            label:(subjects size = 1
                        ifTrue:[ 'class category ' , (subjects anyOne ? '')]
                        ifFalse:[ subjects size printString , ' class categories' ]);
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 17-04-2010 / 10:29:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-03-2012 / 18:54:41 / cg"
    "Modified: / 03-12-2014 / 11:04:41 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Return a refactory environment on all selected classes
     May return nil if refactory browser is not available"

    |subjects allSubjects|

    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        subjects := self selectedClassesValue.
        allSubjects := Set withAll:(subjects collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass]).
        allSubjects addAll:(subjects collect:[:cls | cls theMetaclass]).
        ^ (ClassEnvironment new)
            label:(subjects size = 1
                        ifTrue:[ 'class ' , subjects anyOne fullName ]
                        ifFalse:[ subjects size printString , ' classes' ]);
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 24-02-2009 / 11:08:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-03-2012 / 18:54:49 / cg"
    "Modified: / 03-12-2014 / 11:11:34 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self selectedEnvironment

    "Created: / 17-04-2010 / 10:09:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 03-08-2011 / 22:48:50 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2014 / 12:08:37 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self selectedNonEmptyEnvironment.

    "Modified: / 03-08-2011 / 22:49:37 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 02-04-2014 / 12:06:28 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Return a refactory environment on all classes reported by
     selected rule checks. May return nil if refactory browser is not

    | classes |

    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        classes := self selectedLintRuleClasses value.
        ^ (ClassEnvironment new)
            label:(classes size = 1
                        ifTrue:[ 'class ' , classes anyOne fullName ]
                        ifFalse:[ classes size printString , ' classes' ]);
    ^ nil.

    "Created: / 07-10-2014 / 13:00:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 03-12-2014 / 11:14:27 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Return a refactory environment on all classes in selected
     namespaces. May return nil if refactory browser is not


    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        subjects := self selectedNamespacesValue.
        ^ (NamespaceEnvironment new)
            label:(subjects size = 1
                        ifTrue:[ 'namespace ' , subjects anyOne ]
                        ifFalse:[ subjects size printString , ' namespaces' ]);
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 02-04-2014 / 11:49:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 03-12-2014 / 11:15:26 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Returns a non-empty environment for current selection. Depends on current navigation state
     and context. May return nil if refactory browser is not available."

    | type mode |

    type := self navigationState canvasType.
    type == #fullBrowserSpec ifTrue:[
        mode := self navigationState organizerMode value.
        mode == #category ifTrue:[
            ^ self selectedNonEmptyEnvironmentFrom: #(selectedSelectorsAsEnvironment selectedProtocolsAsEnvironment selectedClassesAsEnvironment selectedCategoriesAsEnvironment).
        (mode == #classHierarchy or:[mode == #hierarchy])  ifTrue:[
            ^ self selectedNonEmptyEnvironmentFrom: #(selectedSelectorsAsEnvironment selectedProtocolsAsEnvironment selectedClassesAsEnvironment)
        mode == #namespace ifTrue:[
            ^ self selectedNonEmptyEnvironmentFrom: #(selectedSelectorsAsEnvironment selectedProtocolsAsEnvironment selectedClassesAsEnvironment selectedNamespacesAsEnvironment)
        mode == #project ifTrue:[
            ^ self selectedNonEmptyEnvironmentFrom: #(selectedSelectorsAsEnvironment selectedProtocolsAsEnvironment selectedClassesAsEnvironment selectedPackagesAsEnvironment)
    type == #smallLintByRuleResultBrowserSpec ifTrue:[
        ^ self selectedCodeComponentsUsing: #(selectedSelectorsAsEnvironment selectedClassesAsEnvironment selectedLintRuleClassesAsEnvironment)
    type == #methodListBrowserSpec ifTrue:[
        ^ self selectedCodeComponentsUsing: #(selectedSelectorsAsEnvironment)
    "Add more..."

    self breakPoint: #jv.
    ^ self selectedCodeComponentsUsing: #(selectedSelectorsAsEnvironment selectedProtocolsAsEnvironment selectedClassesAsEnvironment)

    "Created: / 02-04-2014 / 11:38:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-10-2014 / 12:52:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 03-12-2014 / 11:15:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

selectedNonEmptyEnvironmentFrom: environmentsOrSelectors
    "Returns first non-empty environment from given list. If none if them is
     non empty, return an empty environment. May return nil if refactory browser is
     not available."

    | env |

    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        environmentsOrSelectors do:[:envOrSym |
            env := envOrSym isSymbol ifTrue:[ self perform: envOrSym] ifFalse:[envOrSym].
            env isEmpty ifFalse:[ ^ env ].
        ^ BrowserEnvironment empty
    ^ nil.

    "Created: / 02-04-2014 / 11:20:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 03-12-2014 / 11:22:13 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Return a refactory environment on all classes & methods in
     selected packages . May return nil if refactory browser is
     not available."


    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        subjects := self selectedProjectsValue.
        ^ (PackageEnvironment new)
            label:(subjects size = 1
                        ifTrue:[ 'package' , subjects anyOne ]
                        ifFalse:[ subjects size printString , ' packages' ]);
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 05-05-2012 / 10:21:37 / cg"
    "Modified: / 03-12-2014 / 11:26:28 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Return a refactory environment on all methods in selected
     method protocols. May return nil if refactory browser is not

    |classes protocols theClass className|

    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        classes := self selectedClassesValue.
        classes size ~= 1 ifTrue:[
            self breakPoint: #jv. "/'Multiple selected classes are not yet supported'
            ^ BrowserEnvironment empty.
        theClass := classes anyOne.    "/ there is only one
        className := (theClass name ? '*unnamed*').
        protocols := self selectedProtocolsValue.

        ^ ProtocolEnvironment new
            class: theClass
            protocols: protocols;
            label:(protocols size = 1
                        ifTrue:[ 'protocol' , protocols anElement printString , ' in ' , className ]
                        ifFalse:[ protocols size printString , ' protocols in ' , className ]);
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 17-04-2010 / 10:57:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-03-2012 / 18:55:00 / cg"
    "Modified: / 03-12-2014 / 11:26:20 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Return a refactory environment on all selected methods
     May return nil if refactory browser is not available"

    | methods env |

    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        methods := self selectedMethodsValue.
        env := SelectorEnvironment onEnvironment: BrowserEnvironment new.
        methods do:[:mthd|mthd mclass notNil ifTrue:[env addClass: mthd mclass selector: mthd selector]].
        ^ env
    ^ nil.

    "Created: / 16-07-2010 / 09:25:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:28:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 03-12-2014 / 11:26:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-kludges'!

    ^ self navigationState metaToggle


    ^ self navigationState notMetaToggle

! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-menus'!

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self class categoryMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:17:07 / cg"

    ^ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #CVSSupportEnabled

    "Created: / 18-01-2012 / 10:50:13 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:44:30 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #DataBaseSourceCodeManagerSupportEnabled

    "Created: / 10-01-2012 / 00:29:02 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:44:36 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #FileBasedSourceCodeManagerSupportEnabled

    "Created: / 10-01-2012 / 00:29:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:44:41 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | manager |
    ^(manager := Smalltalk at:#GitSourceCodeManager2) notNil
        and:[manager shownInBrowserMenus]

    "Modified: / 14-11-2012 / 19:33:10 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self gitRepositoryMenusAreShown
    and:[ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #GitSupportEnabled ]

    "Created: / 24-07-2012 / 15:19:53 / cg"

    ^ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #GitSupportEnabled

    "Created: / 23-07-2012 / 13:35:17 / cg"

    | manager |
    ^(manager := Smalltalk at:#HGSourceCodeManager) notNil
        and:[manager shownInBrowserMenus]

    "Modified: / 14-11-2012 / 19:33:25 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #MercurialSupportEnabled

    "Created: / 15-01-2012 / 14:36:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:40:44 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ [

        self window sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[
            m := self class methodDebugMenu
        ] ifFalse:[
            m := self class methodListMenu
        m := m decodeAsLiteralArray.
        m findGuiResourcesIn:self.

    "Modified: / 11-09-2007 / 11:44:04 / cg"

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self class nameSpaceMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:17:22 / cg"

    ^ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #PerforceSupportEnabled

    "Created: / 10-01-2012 / 00:29:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:45:55 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self class protocolMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:17:40 / cg"

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self class selectorMenu

    "Created: / 18-02-2000 / 12:17:49 / cg"
    "Modified: / 05-09-2014 / 16:31:36 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self menuFor: #selectorMenuCompareGenerateDebugSlice

    "Created: / 05-09-2014 / 17:56:14 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ [

        self window sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[
            m := self menuFor:#methodDebugMenu
        ] ifFalse:[
            m := self menuFor: #selectorMenu
        m findGuiResourcesIn:self.

    "Modified: / 11-09-2007 / 11:44:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-08-2014 / 00:28:22 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #SubversionSupportEnabled

    "Created: / 15-01-2012 / 14:49:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:46:01 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    |m i|

    m := self class tabMenuWithRemove.
    m := m decodeAsLiteralArray.
    i := m detectItem:[:item | item nameKey == #RemoveBuffer] ifNone:nil.
    i notNil ifTrue:[
        i label:(resources string:i label with:index printString).
        i argument:index.
        index ~~ self selectedBuffer value ifTrue:[
            "/ for now: if that buffer is modified,
            "/ do not allow removing.
            "/ (must be brought to front, in order for check-for-modification to work)
            (buffers at:index) modified ifTrue:[
                i disable
    i := m detectItem:[:item | item nameKey == #RemoveAllButBuffer] ifNone:nil.
    i notNil ifTrue:[
        i label:(resources string:i label with:index printString).
        i argument:index.
    m findGuiResourcesIn:self.
    ^ m

"/    index == self selectedBuffer value ifTrue:[
"/        ^ self class tabMenuWithRemove.
"/    ].
"/    ^ self class tabMenuWithoutRemove.

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self menuFor: #variablesMenu

    "Created: / 26-08-2014 / 10:24:04 / Jan Vrany <>"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#visitedClassesHistory) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#visitedClassesHistory put:(holder := List new).
        holder addAll:(self class visitedClassNamesHistory).
        SystemBrowser addDependent:self.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 20-11-2006 / 12:25:18 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-navigation'!

    "the current buffers categoryList"

    ^ self navigationState categoryList

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 01:58:03 / cg"

    "the current buffers categoryList generator"

    ^ self navigationState categoryListGenerator

    "the current buffers topClass holder (if showing a hierarchy)"

    ^ self navigationState classHierarchyTopClass

    "the current buffers classList generator"

    ^ self navigationState classListGenerator

    "the current buffers first classList generator (input to categoryList)"

    ^ self navigationState classListPerNameSpaceGenerator

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:15:07 / cg"

    ^self navigationState lintRuleListGenerator

    "Created: / 22-07-2009 / 15:28:39 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self navigationState meta


    ^ self navigationState nameSpaceFilter

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:25:49 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState nameSpaceListGenerator

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:26:09 / cg"


    ^self navigationState navigationHistory

    "Created: / 22-02-2008 / 10:19:49 / janfrog"

    ^ self navigationState packageFilter

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:28:06 / cg"

    ^self navigationState profilerStatistics

    "Created: / 09-10-2007 / 21:57:15 / janfrog"

    ^ self navigationState projectListGenerator

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 02:52:33 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState protocolListGenerator

    ^ self navigationState selectedCategories

    ^ self selectedCategories value ? #()

    "bad name- it's a holder, baby"

    ^ self navigationState selectedClasses

    ^ self selectedClasses value ? #()

    "/ I dont understand it - just a q&d hack to make the debugger go away
    self breakPoint:#cg.
    ^ self selectedClasses

    "Created: / 04-08-2011 / 17:55:45 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState selectedLintRules

    "Created: / 22-07-2009 / 15:28:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self navigationState selectedMethods


    ^ self navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:1

    ^ self navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:2

    ^ self navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:3

    ^ self navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:4

    ^ (self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:m | m mclass] as:Set)
            select:[:each| each notNil]

    "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 12:13:37 / cg"

    ^ self selectedMethods value ? #()

    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 16:13:43 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState selectedNamespaces


    ^ self selectedNamespaces value ? #()

    ^ self navigationState selectedProjects


    ^ self selectedProjects value ? #()

    ^ self navigationState selectedProtocols


    ^ self selectedProtocols value ? #()

    ^ self variableFilter

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGenerator

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:1

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:2

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:3

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:4


    "Used for all methods generator of ClassList. "

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:5

    "Created: / 07-08-2011 / 19:06:20 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self navigationState variableFilter

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:28:06 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-organization'!


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#categoryMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v1 :v2 | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isClassBrowser not
                                and:[n isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser not
                                and:[n isMethodBrowser not
                                and:[n isClassExtensionBrowser not
                                and:[n isChainBrowser not
                                and:[(n isNameSpaceFullBrowser or:[n isNameSpaceBrowser not])
                                and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
                                and:[(n isNameSpaceFullBrowser or:[v1 == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory])]]]]]]]
                        argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#categoryMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:00:27 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:orgMode :v2 |
                                (orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeClassHierarchy)
                                or:[orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeHierarchy]
                        argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 17-02-2000 / 22:19:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:00:34 / cg"

    ^ false "^ self viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser not
                                and:[n isMethodBrowser not
                                and:[n isChainBrowser not]]
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#classMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#codeMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isClassDocumentationBrowser not
                                and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
                                and:[n isFullClassSourceBrowser not]]
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#codeMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:57:52 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#isNotFullProtocolBrowser) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isFullProtocolBrowser not
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#isNotFullProtocolBrowser put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:57:52 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#methodListMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isMethodListBrowser
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#methodListMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#nameSpaceMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:orgMode :v2 |
                                orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace
                                or:[self navigationState isNameSpaceFullBrowser]
                        argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 17-02-2000 / 22:19:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:00:55 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#notShowingInheritedMethods) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                with:[:h :o | self isMethodListBrowser not and:[h == #class] ]
                argument:(self methodVisibilityHolder)
                argument:(self organizerModeForMenu).
        builder aspectAt:#notShowingInheritedMethods put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:01:01 / cg"

    ^ [
        (self canUseRefactoringSupport)

    ^ [
        (self canUseRefactoringSupport)


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerIsNotShowingCategories) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
            with:[:h | h ~~ OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory]
            argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:01:05 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerIsShowingCategories) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
            with:[:h | h == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory]
            argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:01:08 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerIsShowingClasses) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
            with:[:h :b | navigationState isMethodListBrowser not]
            arguments:(Array with:self organizerModeForMenu with:self selectedBuffer)
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerIsShowingClassesAndIsNotShowingCategories) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
            with:[:h | navigationState isMethodListBrowser not and:[h ~~ OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory]]
            argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:01:17 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerIsShowingClassesAndIsShowingCategories) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
            with:[:h | navigationState isMethodListBrowser not and:[h == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory]]
            argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:01:20 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState organizerMode

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 18:36:40 / cg"

    "need this, since the menu fetches the aspect only once during
     creation - but thats the mode-holder of the first buffer,
     and not the dynamic mode-holder of the current buffer"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerModeForMenu) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (PluggableAdaptor new)
                getBlock:[:m | self organizerMode value ]
                putBlock:[:m :newValue | self organizerMode value:newValue.]
                updateBlock:[:m :aspect :param | ].
        builder aspectAt:#organizerModeForMenu put:holder.
        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 18:36:13 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerProtocolAndMethodListSpecHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
            with:[:classes :old |
                | spec |
                spec := old at:1.
                classes notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
                    (classes anySatisfy:[:cls|cls supportsMethodCategories]) ifTrue:[
                        spec := #protocolAndMethodListSpec_Both.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        spec := #protocolAndMethodListSpec_JustMethodList
                    old at:1 put: spec.
            argument:(self selectedClasses)
            argument:(ValueHolder with: (Array with:#protocolAndMethodListSpec_Both))
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 07-08-2011 / 16:40:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 01-06-2012 / 20:36:55 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#projectMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:orgMode :v2 |
                                orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeProject
                                or:[self navigationState isClassExtensionBrowser]
                        argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#projectMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 17-02-2000 / 22:19:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:01:24 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#protocolMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isFullClassSourceBrowser not
                                and:[n isClassDocumentationBrowser not
                                and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
                                and:[n isMethodBrowser not
                                and:[n isChainBrowser not]]]]
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#protocolMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 14:55:11 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#searchMenuInMethodListVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                self searchMenuVisible value not
                                and:[n isMethodBrowser]
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#searchMenuInMethodListVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#searchMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser not
                                and:[n isChainBrowser not
                                and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
                                and:[n isCategoryBrowser not]]]
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#searchMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#selectorMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isClassDocumentationBrowser not
                                and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
                                and:[n isFullClassSourceBrowser not]]
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#selectorMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:55:44 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showingInheritedMethods) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                with:[:h :o | self isMethodListBrowser not and:[h ~~ #class] ]
                argument:(self methodVisibilityHolder)
                argument:(self organizerModeForMenu).
        builder aspectAt:#showingInheritedMethods put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:01:39 / cg"

    ^ self hasTestCaseClassesSelectedHolder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#variablesMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser not
                                and:[n isMethodBrowser not
                                and:[n isChainBrowser not]]
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#variablesMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#viewMenuForMethodListVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isMethodListBrowser or:[n isChainBrowser]
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#viewMenuForMethodListVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                n isClassBrowser not
                                and:[n isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser not
                                and:[n isProjectFullBrowser not
                                and:[n isMethodBrowser not
                                and:[n isChainBrowser not
                                and:[n isCategoryBrowser not
                                and:[n isNameSpaceBrowser not
                                and:[n isNameSpaceFullBrowser not
                                and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
                                and:[n isProjectBrowser not]]]]]]]]]
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:03:48 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#viewMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue
                        with:[:v | |n|
                                n := self navigationState.
                                true "n isClassBrowser not"
                                and:[true "n isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser not"
                                and:[true "n isProjectFullBrowser not"
                                and:[n isMethodBrowser not
                                and:[n isMethodListBrowser not
                                and:[n isChainBrowser not
                                and:[n isCategoryBrowser not
                                and:[n isNameSpaceBrowser not
                                and:[n isNameSpaceFullBrowser not
                                and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
                                and:[n isProjectBrowser not]]]]]]]]]]
                        argument:(self browserCanvas).
        builder aspectAt:#viewMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:03:48 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-presentation'!


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#bookmarkBarVisibleHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := UserPreferences current showBookmarkBar asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#bookmarkBarVisibleHolder put: holder.
        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 31-10-2001 / 11:09:32 / cg"
    "Created: / 18-05-2011 / 17:22:39 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <resource: #uiAspect>

    browsletShowHideLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        browsletShowHideLabelHolder := self class showBrowsletIcon asValue
    ^ browsletShowHideLabelHolder.

    "Modified: / 22-09-2010 / 22:55:59 / Jan Vrany <>"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#codeInfoVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultCodeInfoVisible ? true "false")  asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#codeInfoVisible put: holder.
        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#doAutoFormat) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultAutoFormat ? UserPreferences current autoFormatting) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#doAutoFormat put:holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultAutoFormat := holder value.
                                  self enqueueDelayedUpdateCodeWithoutAutoSearch].
    ^ holder.


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#doImmediateExplaining) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultImmediateExplaining ? true) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#doImmediateExplaining put:holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultImmediateExplaining := holder value.

    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#doImmediateSyntaxColoring) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultImmediateSyntaxColoring ? true) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#doImmediateSyntaxColoring put:holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultImmediateSyntaxColoring := holder value.
                                  self startSyntaxHighlightProcess
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#doSyntaxColoring) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultSyntaxColoring ? UserPreferences current syntaxColoring) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#doSyntaxColoring put:holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultSyntaxColoring := holder value.
                                  self enqueueDelayedUpdateCodeWithoutAutoSearch].
    ^ holder.

    ^ navigationState editorNoteBookCanvasHolder

    ^ navigationState editorNoteBookListHolder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#emphasizeUnloadedClasses) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultEmphasizeUnloadedClasses ? false) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#emphasizeUnloadedClasses put: holder.
        holder onChangeSend:#emphasizeUnloadedClassesChanged to:self.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"

    |classListApp clr e|

    classListApp := self classListApp.
    DefaultEmphasizeUnloadedClasses := e := self emphasizeUnloadedClasses value.
    e ifTrue:[
        clr := Color red:(classListApp window font boldness < 0.6
                                ifTrue:[20] ifFalse:[10]).
    ] ifFalse:[
        clr := nil
    classListApp unloadedClassesColor:clr.
    "/ classListApp updateList.
    classListApp invalidateList.

    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 11:14:50 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState hidePrivateClasses

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 16:17:38 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hideUnloadedClasses) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultHideUnloadedClasses ? false) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#hideUnloadedClasses put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultHideUnloadedClasses := holder value ].
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#markApplicationsHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultMarkApplications ? true) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#markApplicationsHolder put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultMarkApplications := holder value ].
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"

    ^ builder valueAspectFor:#methodVisibilityHolder initialValue:#class

    ^ OOM::MetricVisualizer notNil and:[ self viewMenuOrganizerItemsVisible value ]

    "Modified: / 25-04-2010 / 13:43:35 / cg"


    holder := navigationState selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder.
    holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#shortNamesInTabs) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultShortNameInTabs ? true) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#shortNamesInTabs put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultShortNameInTabs := holder value ].
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showAllClassesInNameSpaceOrganisation) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultShortAllClassesInNameSpaceOrganisation ? false) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#showAllClassesInNameSpaceOrganisation put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultShortAllClassesInNameSpaceOrganisation := holder value ].
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 05-03-2007 / 16:30:29 / cg"
    "Modified: / 06-03-2007 / 12:20:19 / cg"

    showClassPackages isNil ifTrue:[
        showClassPackages := false asValue.
    ^ showClassPackages.

"/    ^ self navigationState showClassPackages

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 16:17:38 / cg"

    ^ builder valueAspectFor:#showClassVarsInVariableList initialValue:false


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showCoverageInformation) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := true"false" asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#showCoverageInformation put: holder.
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 16:02:49 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showGlobalHistory) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (AspectAdaptor forAspect: #showGlobalHistory)
                    subject: UserPreferences current.
        builder aspectAt:#showGlobalHistory put: holder.
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 18-02-2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12-02-2010 / 12:08:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 07-07-2011 / 00:11:39 / Jan Vrany <>"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showLocalHistory) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (AspectAdaptor forAspect: #showLocalHistory)
                    subject: UserPreferences current.
        builder aspectAt:#showLocalHistory put: holder.
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 07-07-2011 / 00:11:50 / Jan Vrany <>"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showMethodComplexity) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultShowMethodComplexity ? false) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#showMethodComplexity put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultShowMethodComplexity := holder value ].
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showMethodInheritance) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultShowMethodInheritance ? true) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#showMethodInheritance put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultShowMethodInheritance := holder value ].
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showMethodTemplate) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (AspectAdaptor forAspect: #showMethodTemplate)
                    subject: UserPreferences current.
        builder aspectAt:#showMethodTemplate put: holder.
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 18-02-2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12-02-2010 / 12:08:05 / Jan Vrany <>"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showMethodTypeIcon) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultShowMethodTypeIcon ? true) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#showMethodTypeIcon put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultShowMethodTypeIcon := holder value ].
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showMultitabMode) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultShowMultitabMode ? false) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#showMultitabMode put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[
            self updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibility.
            DefaultShowMultitabMode := holder value.
    ^ holder


    ^self navigationState pluginVisibleHolder value


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showPlugin) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := false asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#showPlugin put: holder.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 04-10-2010 / 08:19:45 / Jan Vrany <>"

showPlugin: aBoolean

    self navigationState pluginVisibleHolder value: aBoolean.
    self updatePluginVisibility

    "Created: / 03-10-2010 / 18:50:14 / Jan Vrany <>"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showPseudoProtocols) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultShowPseudoProtocols ? true) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#showPseudoProtocols put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultShowPseudoProtocols := holder value ].
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showSpecialResourceEditors) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultShowSpecialResourceEditors ? false) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#showSpecialResourceEditors put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[
            self updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibility.
            DefaultShowSpecialResourceEditors := holder value
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showSyntheticMethods) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultShowSyntheticMethods ? false) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#showSyntheticMethods put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[
            DefaultShowSyntheticMethods := holder value
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 13-04-2012 / 16:07:50 / Jan Vrany <>"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showUnloadedClasses) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := BlockValue forLogicalNot:(self hideUnloadedClasses).
        builder aspectAt:#showUnloadedClasses put: holder.
        holder onChangeEvaluate:[self classListApp invalidateList].
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 11:09:32 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#sortByNameAndInheritance) isNil ifTrue:[
        "now: I do not want that to be automatically forwarded to the prefs"
        holder := (UserPreferences current sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance) asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#sortByNameAndInheritance put: holder.
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 04-07-2011 / 18:40:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 08-07-2011 / 10:01:56 / jv"
    "Modified (format): / 27-04-2012 / 20:02:24 / cg"

    ^ builder valueAspectFor:#sortVariablesByName initialValue:false



    (holder := builder bindingAt:#stringSearchToolVisibleHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := false asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#stringSearchToolVisibleHolder put: holder.
        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#toolBarVisibleHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (DefaultToolBarVisible ? true "false") asValue.
        builder aspectAt:#toolBarVisibleHolder put: holder.
        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 11:09:32 / cg"

    ^ true

    "Created: / 02-07-2011 / 18:27:29 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-queries'!

    ^ (MethodWithBreakpoints notNil
           and:[ MethodWithBreakpoints allBreakpointedMethods notEmpty ])
      or:[ MessageTracer notNil
           and:[MessageTracer isLoaded
           and:[MessageTracer areAnyMethodsWrapped]]]

    ^ [ self anyBreakOrTracePointsAreSet ]


    ^ (selected := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[ selected subclasses size > 0].

    ^ [ self canConvertToSiblings ]

    ^ [ self canFileOutBinary ]

    ^ [ self canFileOutSIF ]

    ^ [ self canFileOutXML ]

    ^ self hasClassAndNoVariableSelectedHolder

    ^ self hasClassAndVariableSelectedHolder

    ^ self hasApplicationClassSelected

    ^ [ self canGenerateAspectMethod ]

    ^ self hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndMultipleVariablesSelectedHolder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#canGoBackAspect) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (AspectAdaptor forAspect:#canGoBack)
                        subjectChannel: self navigationHistory;
        builder aspectAt:#canGoBackAspect put:holder.
    ^ holder.

"/    | aspect |
"/    aspect := self objectAttributeAt: #canGoBackAspect.
"/    aspect ifNil:
"/        [aspect :=
"/            (AspectAdaptor forAspect:#canGoBack)
"/                subjectChannel: self navigationHistory;
"/                yourself.
"/        self objectAttributeAt: #canGoBackAspect put: aspect].
"/    ^aspect

    "Modified: / 21-07-2009 / 22:39:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 01-09-2009 / 22:38:33 / Jan Vrany <>"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#canGoBackInGlobalHistoryAspect) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (AspectAdaptor forAspect:#canGoBack)
                        subjectChannel: self class classHistory;
        builder aspectAt:#canGoBackInGlobalHistoryAspect put:holder.
    ^ holder.

"/    | aspect |
"/    aspect := self objectAttributeAt: #canGoBackAspect.
"/    aspect ifNil:
"/        [aspect :=
"/            (AspectAdaptor forAspect:#canGoBack)
"/                subjectChannel: self navigationHistory;
"/                yourself.
"/        self objectAttributeAt: #canGoBackAspect put: aspect].
"/    ^aspect

    "Modified: / 21-07-2009 / 22:39:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 01-09-2009 / 22:38:33 / Jan Vrany <>"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#canGoForwardAspect) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := (AspectAdaptor forAspect:#canGoForward)
                        subjectChannel: self navigationHistory;
        builder aspectAt:#canGoForwardAspect put:holder.
    ^ holder.

"/    | aspect |
"/    aspect := self objectAttributeAt: #canGoForwardAspect.
"/    aspect ifNil:
"/        [aspect :=
"/            (AspectAdaptor forAspect:#canGoForward)
"/                subjectChannel: self navigationHistory;
"/                yourself.
"/        self objectAttributeAt: #canGoForwardAspect put: aspect].
"/    ^aspect

    "Modified: / 21-07-2009 / 22:39:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 01-09-2009 / 22:39:38 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^ (selected := self selectedClassesValue) size > 0
       and:[(selected collect:[:each | each superclass] as:Set) size == 1].

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self canInsertSuperclass ]

    ^ ChangeSet current changedClasses notEmptyOrNil

    ^ [ self changeSetContainsChangedClasses and:[ self hasSourceCodeManager]]

    | mthd mclass|

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
        mclass := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
"/        self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
"/            ^ nil
"/        ].
        mclass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    ^ mclass

    ^ true.
    "/ ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#classWizardVisibleHolder

    "the current buffers single selected class;
     nil if no selection or if multiple classes are selected"

    ^ self theSingleSelectedClass

    |nsSymbol cls|

    (nsSymbol := self theSingleSelectedNamespace) notNil ifTrue:[
        nsSymbol ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[
            ^ NameSpace name:nsSymbol
    (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ cls topNameSpace
    ^ Class nameSpaceQuerySignal query ? Smalltalk

    |prj projects|

    (prj := self theSingleSelectedProject) notNil ifTrue:[
        prj ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[
            ^ prj
    projects := self selectedClassesValue collect:[:cls | cls package] as:Set.
    projects size == 1 ifTrue:[
        ^ projects first
    projects := self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:m | m package] as:Set.
    projects size == 1 ifTrue:[
        ^ projects first
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:49:07 / cg"

    ^ [ InstrumentationContext hasGlobalInstrumentationContext not ]

    "Created: / 21-09-2011 / 19:16:17 / cg"

    ^ [ InstrumentationContext hasGlobalInstrumentationContext ]

    "Created: / 21-09-2011 / 19:16:08 / cg"


    ^ (selected := self selectedNonMetaclasses) size > 0
      and:[ selected contains:[:cls | cls wasAutoloaded ]].

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:46:56 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasAnyAutoLoadedClassSelected ]


    ^ (selected := self selectedCategoryClasses value) size > 0
      and:[ selected contains:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass wasAutoloaded ]].

    ^ [ self hasAnyCategoryWithAnyAutoLoadedClassSelected ]


    ^ (selected := self selectedCategoryClasses value) size > 0
      and:[ selected contains:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass isLoaded not ]].

    ^ [ self hasAnyCategoryWithAnyUnLoadedClassSelected ]


    selectedClasses := self selectedClassesValue.
    ^ selectedClasses notNil and:[selectedClasses contains:aBlock].

    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 16:50:16 / cg"


    selected := self selectedClassesValue.
    selected isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        selected := self selectedCategoryClasses
    selected size > 0 ifTrue:[
        selected do:[ :cls |
            cls instAndClassMethodsDo:[:m | m isInstrumented ifTrue:[^ true]].
    ^ false.

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 16:22:59 / cg"

    ^ [self hasAnyClassWithCoverageInfoSelected]

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 16:23:13 / cg"

    ^ self hasNonTestCaseClassMethodWithoutArgsSelectedHolder

    ^ self selectedNonMetaclasses contains:[:cls | cls isLoaded ].

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:45:27 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasAnyLoadedClassSelected ]


    sel := self selectedMethodsValue copyWithout:nil.
    ^ (sel size > 0) and:[ sel contains:aBlock ]

    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 16:17:24 / cg"

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m isIgnored not]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:17:56 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasAnyNonIgnoredMethodSelected ]

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m isPrivate not]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:18:29 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasAnyNonPrivateMethodSelected ]

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m isProtected not]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:18:41 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasAnyNonProtectedMethodSelected ]

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m isPublic not]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:18:54 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasAnyNonPublicMethodSelected ]

    ^ BlockValue
        forLogical:(self hasAnyExecutableClassMethodSelectedHolder)
        or:(self hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder)
        or:(self hasStartableApplicationSelectedHolder)

    ^ BlockValue
        forLogical:(self hasAnyExecutableClassMethodSelectedHolder)
        or:(self hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder)


    selected := self selectedClassesValue.
    selected isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        selected := self selectedCategoryClasses
    ^ selected notNil
            contains:[:cls |
                        cls theNonMetaclass isTestCaseLike
                        and:[ cls theNonMetaclass isAbstract not ]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:49:32 / cg"

    ^ BlockValue
        with:[:b | b and:[UserPreferences current showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser not]]
        argument:(self hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder)


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := ValueHolder with:false.
        builder aspectAt:#hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder put: holder.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 05-08-2006 / 13:22:29 / cg"


    ^ (selected := self selectedNonMetaclasses) size > 0
      and:[ selected contains:[:cls | cls isLoaded not ]].

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:46:31 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasAnyUnloadedClassSelected ]

    ^ self hasClassesSelectedWhichAreSubclassOf:ApplicationModel

    "Modified: / 19-08-2011 / 02:27:40 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasApplicationClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [
        (self hasApplicationClassSelected
        or:[ self hasWebApplicationClassSelected ])
        or:[ self hasStandaloneStartupClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 04-02-2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self selectedClassesValue size <= 1

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:49:36 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasAtMostOneClassesSelected ]

    |foundBreak foundTrace|

    foundBreak := false.
    foundTrace := false.
        selectedMethodsDo:[ :aMethod |
            aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
                foundBreak := foundBreak or:[ aMethod isBreakpointed ].
                foundTrace := foundTrace or:[ aMethod isBreakpointed not ]
    ^ foundBreak and:[ foundTrace ]

    ^ CVSSourceCodeManager notNil

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasCVSSourceCodeManager ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self selectedCategoriesValue size > 0

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:45 / cg"

    ^ self hasCategorySelected and:[self hasCVSSourceCodeManager]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManager ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelected and:[self hasCypress] ]

    "Modified: / 07-09-2012 / 19:23:19 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelected and:[self canFileOutSIF] ]

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelected and:[self canFileOutVSE] ]

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelected and:[self canFileOutXML] ]

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelected and:[ self instrumentingCompilerExists] ]

    "Created: / 31-05-2012 / 09:20:44 / cg"

    ^ self hasCategorySelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManager ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ Project current changeSet contains:[:change | change isClassChange]

    ^ [ self hasChangedClasses ]

    ^ Project current changeSet contains:[:change | change isMethodChange]

    ^ [ self hasChangedMethods ]


    ^ self hasClassSelected and:[self hasVariableSelected not ]

    ^ [ self hasClassAndNoVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasClassSelected and:[self hasSingleVariableSelected]

    ^ [ self hasClassAndSingleVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasClassSelected and:[self hasVariableSelected]

    ^ [ self hasClassAndVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasOnlyMethodsSelectedForWhich:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass isMeta]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:42:20 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassMethodsSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ self selectedClassNameInCodeViewOrNil notNil

    ^ self selectedClassesValue size > 0
    or:[ self selectedMethodsValue size > 0 ]


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hasClassOrMethodSelectedHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        builder aspectAt:#hasClassOrMethodSelectedHolder put:(holder := false asValue).
    ^ holder.

    ^ self selectedClassesValue size > 0

    "Created: / 04-02-2000 / 22:02:25 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:49:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[ self hasCVSSourceCodeManager]]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[self canFileOutBinary]]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[self canFileOutSIF]]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[self canFileOutVSE]]

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[self canFileOutXML]]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[ SendMailTool notNil] ]

    "Created: / 05-10-2010 / 12:26:23 / cg"


    ^ self hasClassSelected and:[self window sensor ctrlDown]

    ^ [ self hasClassSelectedAndControlKeyDown ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder value
        and:[ OOM::MetricVisualizer notNil ]

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 12:33:41 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[ self instrumentingCompilerExists] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[ self hasSourceCodeManager]]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self hasAnyClassSelectedForWhich:
        [:cls |

            def := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:cls package.

            def notNil
            and:[ def isLoaded
            and:[ (def allClassNames includes:cls name)
            and:[ cls isProjectDefinition not ]]]

    "Created: / 22-02-2007 / 13:55:03 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:51:10 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeExcludedFromProject ]

    "Created: / 22-02-2007 / 13:55:09 / cg"

    ^ self hasAnyClassSelectedForWhich:
        [:cls |

            def := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:cls package.

            def notNil
            and:[ def isLoaded
            and:[ (def compiled_classNames includes:cls name) not
            and:[ cls isProjectDefinition not ]]]

    "Created: / 22-02-2007 / 13:54:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:50:59 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeIncludedInProject ]

    "Created: / 22-02-2007 / 13:54:23 / cg"

    ^ self hasAnyClassSelectedForWhich:
        [:cls |

            def := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:cls package.

            def notNil
            and:[ def isLoaded
            and:[ (def autoloaded_classNames includes:cls name) not
            and:[ cls isProjectDefinition not ]]]

    "Created: / 30-08-2007 / 18:48:59 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelectedWhichCanBeMadeAutoloadedInProject ]

    "Created: / 30-08-2007 / 18:49:11 / cg"

    ^ self hasVariableSelected
    "/ and:[ self showingClassVarsInVariableList ]

    ^ [ self hasClassVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:08:22 / cg"

    |mthd mclass selection|

    (self hasSingleWordSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[^ false].
    selection := self selectionInCodeView.

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
        mclass := mthd mclass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[
        mclass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        mclass isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ (mclass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:selection) notNil.

    "/ the following is too slow
"/    node := self findNode.
"/    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
"/        ^ false
"/    ].
"/    ^ true

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 20:54:01 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView ]

    (self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ self hasClassVariableSelectedInVariableList

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList] ]

    ^ [ self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList ]

    |var mclass|

    var := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    var isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    mclass := self classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ (mclass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:var) notNil.

    ^ self hasAnyClassSelectedForWhich:[:cls | cls hasExtensions].

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:54:34 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassWithExtensionsSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    self hasAnyClassSelectedForWhich:[:cls |
        cls instAndClassMethodsDo:[:m |
            m isInstrumented ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    ^ [
        | classes |

        classes := self selectedClassesValue.
        classes isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ] ifFalse:[
            ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #DataBaseSourceCodeManagerSupport

    "Created: / 03-01-2012 / 15:48:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:44:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:54:43 / cg"

    ^ [
        | classes |

        classes := self selectedClassesValue.
        classes isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ] ifFalse:[
            ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #FileBasedSourceCodeManagerSupport

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 17:05:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:44:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:54:49 / cg"

    ^ [
        | classes |

        classes := self selectedClassesValue.
        classes isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ] ifFalse:[
            classes conform: [:cls | self hasGitRepositoryFor: cls theNonMetaclass package]

    "Created: / 23-07-2012 / 13:33:07 / cg"

    ^ [
        | classes |

        classes := self selectedClassesValue.
        classes isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ] ifFalse:[
            classes conform:[:cls | self hasMercurialRepositoryFor: cls theNonMetaclass package]

    "Created: / 19-01-2012 / 16:14:57 / cg"

    ^ [
        | classes |

        classes := self selectedClassesValue.
        classes isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ] ifFalse:[
            classes conform: [:cls | self hasPerforceRepositoryFor: cls theNonMetaclass package]

    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 14:13:52 / cg"

    | classes |

    classes := self selectedClassesValue.
    classes size = 0 ifTrue:[^false].
    ^ classes conform: [:cls | self hasSubversionRepositoryFor: cls theNonMetaclass package]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:55:03 / cg"

    ^ [
        | classes |

        classes := self selectedClassesValue.
        classes isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ] ifFalse:[
            classes conform: [:cls | self hasSubversionRepositoryFor: cls theNonMetaclass package]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:55:12 / cg"


    selectedClasses := self selectedNonMetaclasses.
    ^ selectedClasses notEmptyOrNil and:[selectedClasses conform:[:each | each isSubclassOf:aBaseClass]].

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:46:13 / cg"
    "Created: / 19-08-2011 / 02:27:22 / cg"

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasClassesWithCommonSuperclassSelected
        and:[self hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    |selectedClasses commonSuper|

    selectedClasses := self selectedClassesValue.
    selectedClasses isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    selectedClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[^ true].

    commonSuper := Behavior commonSuperclassOf:(selectedClasses ? #()).
    ^ commonSuper notNil and:[ selectedClasses includes: commonSuper ].

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:55:19 / cg"

    "Return true, if Cypress reader/writer is present"

    ^ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #Cypress

    "Created: / 07-09-2012 / 19:15:38 / Jan Vrany <>"

hasDataBaseRepositoryFor: package
    ^ ConfigurableFeatures hasDatabaBaseSourceCodeManagerSupport
    "/ use Smalltalk-at to trick the dependency/prerequisite generator
    and:[(Smalltalk at:#'DatabaBaseSourceCodeManager') hasRepositoryForPackage: package]

    "Created: / 03-01-2012 / 15:35:39 / cg"

    ^ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #DataBaseSourceCodeManagerSupport

    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 10:45:57 / cg"
    "Created: / 03-01-2012 / 15:47:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:44:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "return true, if only empty namespaces are selected"


    selectedNamespaces := self selectedNamespaces value.
    selectedNamespaces size == 0 ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ (selectedNamespaces
        contains:[:nm |

            ns := environment at:nm asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
            ns notNil
            and:[ns allClasses size ~~ 0]
      ) not

    "return true, if only empty namespaces are selected"

    ^ [ self hasEmptyNamespacesSelected ]

    ^ self hasAnyClassSelectedForWhich:[:cls |
                        cls isLoaded
                        and:[(cls theNonMetaclass askFor:#isAbstract) not
                        and:[ cls withAllSuperclasses contains:[:aSuperClass |
                                 aSuperClass theNonMetaclass name includesString:'Enum']]] ]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:56:28 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasEnumTypeClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self selectedClassesValue size == 2

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:56:33 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasExactlyTwoClassesSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self selectedMethodsValue size == 2

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:20:11 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasExactlyTwoMethodsSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m containingClass isNil or:[ m isExtension ] ]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:21:22 / cg"

    ^ BlockValue
        with:[:m | m and:[self hasExtensionMethodSelected]]
        argument:(self hasMethodSelectedHolder)

    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:00:43 / cg"

hasFileBasedRepositoryFor: package
    "is there a subversion source repository for package?"

    ^ (ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #FileBasedSourceCodeManagerSupport)
    "/ use Smalltalk-at to trick the dependency/prerequisite generator
    and:[(Smalltalk at:#'FileBasedSourceCodeManager') hasRepositoryForPackage: package]

    "Created: / 31-03-2008 / 15:08:13 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 22-08-2009 / 10:49:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 10:43:21 / cg"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 17:08:01 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:45:12 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ (ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #FileBasedSourceCodeManagerSupport)

    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 10:45:57 / cg"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 17:08:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:45:23 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ [ FindHistory size > 0 ]


hasGitRepositoryFor: package
    "is there a git source repository for package?"

    ^ self hasGitSupport
    "/ use Smalltalk-at to trick the dependency/prerequisite generator
"/    and:[(Smalltalk at:#'GitSourceCodeManager') hasRepositoryForPackage: package]

    "Created: / 23-07-2012 / 13:33:39 / cg"

    "is there support for the git source code manager?"

    ^ self hasSCMSupportFor:#'GitSourceCodeManager'

    "Created: / 23-07-2012 / 13:34:15 / cg"

    "Return true, if Groovy support is loaded"

    ^ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #GroovySupport

    "Created: / 18-02-2012 / 16:59:47 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self hasOnlyMethodsSelectedForWhich:[:m | m mclass isMeta not]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:26:35 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasInstanceMethodsSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    |mthd mclass selection|

    (self hasSingleWordSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[^ false].
    selection := self selectionInCodeView.

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
        mclass := mthd mclass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[
        self codeAspect value ~= SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition ifTrue:[
            ^ false
        mclass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        (mclass isNil or:[mclass isMeta]) ifTrue:[ ^ false].
    ^ (mclass whichClassDefinesInstVar:selection) notNil.

    "/ the following is too slow
"/    node := self findNode.
"/    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
"/        ^ false
"/    ].
"/    ^ true

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:25:25 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView ]

    | mclass var|

    self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[^ true].
    var := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    var isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    mclass := self classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ (mclass whichClassDefinesInstVar:var) notNil.

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]]

    ^ [ self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m isInstrumented ]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:23:11 / cg"

    ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#hasInstrumentedMethodSelectedHolder.

    |s tree|

    self codeView hasSelection ifFalse:[^ false].
    s := self codeView selectionAsString.
    tree := Parser parseExpression:s onError:[nil].
    tree isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    tree isConstant ifFalse:[^ false].
    ^ true

    "Created: / 23-07-2011 / 12:28:46 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasLiteralConstantSelectedInCodeView ]

    "Created: / 23-07-2011 / 12:26:14 / cg"

    ^ self hasAnyClassSelectedForWhich:[:aClass | aClass isLoaded]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:56:54 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasLoadedClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"


    self hasSelectorSelectedInCodeView ifFalse:[^ false].
    sel := self selectedSelectorInCodeViewOrNil.
    sel isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    (self hasAnyClassSelectedForWhich:[:cls |
        (cls canUnderstand:sel)]) ifTrue:[^ true].

    ^ false "true".

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:57:56 / cg"

    |"node" selectionInCode|

    self codeAspect value == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod ifFalse:[^ false].

    selectionInCode := self codeView selection.
    selectionInCode size == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
    selectionInCode asString string asCollectionOfWords size == 1 ifFalse:[^ false].

    "/ the following is too slow
"/    node := self findNode.
"/    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
"/        ^ false
"/    ].
    ^ true

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:18:31 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasLocalVariableSelectedInCodeView ]

hasMercurialRepositoryFor: package
    "is there a mercurial (hg) source repository for package?"

    ^ self hasMercurialSupport
    "/ use Smalltalk-at to trick the dependency/prerequisite generator
"/    and:[(Smalltalk at:#'MercurialSourceCodeManager') hasRepositoryForPackage: package]

    "Modified: / 22-08-2009 / 10:49:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 15-01-2012 / 14:42:02 / cg"

    "is there support for the mercurial (hg) source code manager?"

    ^ self hasSCMSupportFor:#'MercurialSourceCodeManager'

    "Created: / 15-01-2012 / 14:42:30 / cg"

    ^ [ (self hasMethodSelected and:[self hasMetaSelected])
        or:[self hasClassMethodsSelected ]]

    ^ self meta value

    ^ [ self meta value and:[ self hasClassSelected] ]

    ^ self meta

    ^ self selectedMethodsValue size > 0

    "Created: / 04-02-2000 / 22:09:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:37:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected and:[ self canFileOutSIF] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected and:[ self canFileOutXML] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasMethodSelected] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelectedAndInstrumentingCompilerExistsHolder value
        and:[ OOM::MetricVisualizer notNil ]

    "Created: / 10-08-2010 / 14:42:18 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected and:[ self instrumentingCompilerExists] ]

    "Created: / 10-08-2010 / 14:42:38 / cg"

    ^ self hasMethodSelected
      and:[navigationState isMethodListBrowser ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelectedAndIsMethodListBrowser ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected and:[ self hasSourceCodeManager]]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#hasMethodSelected
"/    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m |
                m isBreakpointed "/ method breakpoint
                or:[ m isMethodWithBreakpoints ]]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:23:11 / cg"

    ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#hasMethodWithBreakPointSelectedHolder.

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m |
        m messagesSentToSelf notEmpty
        or:[ m messagesSentToSuper notEmpty ]]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:23:11 / cg"

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m isWrapped and:[m isBreakpointed not] ]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:23:22 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodWithTracePointSelected ]

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m isWrapped ]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodWithWrapSelected ]

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m isBreakpointed not ]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:23:53 / cg"

    ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#hasMethodWithoutBreakPointSelectedHolder.


    ^ (app := self methodListApp) notNil
    and:[ app methodList size > 0 ]

    ^ (Smalltalk at: #MCSourceCodeManager) notNil

    "Created: / 14-09-2010 / 22:34:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 01-12-2011 / 21:21:12 / cg"

    ^ self selectedClassesValue size > 1

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:58:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMultipleClassesSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"

    ^ self selectedMethodsValue size > 1

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:24:51 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMultipleMethodsSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"

    ^ (self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod selector]) size > 1

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:24:58 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMultipleSelectorsSelected ]

    self codeAspect value ~~ SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod ifTrue:[^ false].
    (self hasMultipleWordsSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[^ false].

    ^ true

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:18:29 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeView ]

    ^ self selectedVariables value size > 1

    |codeView selectionInCode|

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    selectionInCode := self selectionInCodeView.
    selectionInCode isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ false ].

    ^ selectionInCode asCollectionOfWords size > 1.

    ^ self selectedNamespaces value size > 0

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:45 / cg"

    ^ self hasNameSpaceSelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:45 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManager ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasNameSpaceSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected not ]

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected not
        or:[ self hasBothMethodsWithBreakAndTraceSelected
        or:[ self hasMethodWithWrapSelected not] ]]

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected not ]

    "Created: / 14-09-2006 / 17:36:32 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSourceCodeManager not ]

    "Created: / 19-03-2007 / 11:15:14 / cg"

    ^ self selectedVariables value size == 0

    "Return true if some code is selected (class or sole methods), false
     otherwise. Note that false is also returned if refactory browser
     support is not available"

    ^ self canUseRefactoringSupport and:[self selectedEnvironment isEmpty not]

    "Created: / 02-04-2014 / 12:28:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 03-12-2014 / 11:33:37 / Jan Vrany <>"

    hasNonEmptyEnvironmentSelectedHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        hasNonEmptyEnvironmentSelectedHolder := false asValue
    ^ hasNonEmptyEnvironmentSelectedHolder

    "Created: / 02-04-2014 / 12:25:24 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ [ self hasNonMetaSelected and:[self hasMethodSelected] ]

    ^self meta value not

    ^ [ self hasNonMetaSelected and:[ self hasClassSelected] ]

    ^ [ self hasNonMetaSelected ]

    ^ self hasAnyClassSelectedForWhich:[:aClass | aClass owningClass isNil]

    "Created: / 11-02-2000 / 11:07:54 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasNonPrivateClassSelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager] ]

    "Created: / 19-03-2007 / 11:13:03 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasNonPrivateClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 11:08:03 / cg"

    ^ self selectedClassesValue
        contains:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass isProjectDefinition not]

    "Created: / 10-08-2006 / 16:26:02 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13-10-2006 / 11:54:45 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasNonProjectDefinitionSelected ]

    "Created: / 10-08-2006 / 16:25:50 / cg"

    |m |

    self hasAnyTestCaseSelected ifTrue:[^ false].
    (m := self theSingleSelectedMethod) isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    "/ self hasMetaSelected ifFalse:[^ false].

    ^ m mclass isMeta
    and:[ m numArgs == 0
    and:[ m isDocumentationMethod not
    and:[ m isVersionMethod not
    and:[ m hasImageResource not
    and:[ m hasMenuResource not
    and:[ m hasCanvasResource not ]]]]]]


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hasNonTestCaseClassMethodWithoutArgsSelectedHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := ValueHolder with:false.
        builder aspectAt:#hasNonTestCaseClassMethodWithoutArgsSelectedHolder put: holder.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 05-08-2006 / 13:22:29 / cg"

    ^ self hasMultipleClassesSelected not

    ^ [ self hasNotMultipleClassesSelected ]

    ^ [ self hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeView not ]

    ^ OOM::MethodMetrics notNil

    ^ [self hasOOMPackageLoaded and:[ self hasSingleRealProjectSelectedHolder value ]]

    ^ [ self hasOOMPackageLoaded ]


    sel := self selectedMethodsValue.
    ^ (sel size > 0) and:[ sel conform:aBlock ]

    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 16:26:17 / cg"

        |anyBreak anyWrap|

        anyBreak := anyWrap := false.
                selectedMethodsDo:[:aMethod |
                        aMethod isBreakpointed ifTrue:[
                                anyBreak := true
                        ] ifFalse:[
                                aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
                                        anyWrap := true
        ^ anyBreak and:[anyWrap not]

        |anyBreak anyWrap|

        anyBreak := anyWrap := false.
                selectedMethodsDo:[:aMethod |
                        aMethod isBreakpointed ifTrue:[
                                anyBreak := true
                        ] ifFalse:[
                                aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
                                        anyWrap := true
        ^ anyWrap and:[anyBreak not]

hasPerforceRepositoryFor: package
    "is there a perforce source repository for package?"

    ^ self hasPerforceSupport
    "/ use Smalltalk-at to trick the dependency/prerequisite generator
"/    and:[(Smalltalk at:#'PerforceSourceCodeManager') hasRepositoryForPackage: package]

    "Modified: / 22-08-2009 / 10:49:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 14:13:40 / cg"

    "is there support for the perforce source code manager?"

    ^ self hasSCMSupportFor:#'PerforceSourceCodeManager'

    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 14:14:51 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSourceCodeManager
        and:[ self hasProjectDefinitionSelected or:[self hasClassWithExtensionsSelected]]]

    "Created: / 12-09-2011 / 11:12:12 / cg"

    ^ self selectedClassesValue contains:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass isProjectDefinition]

    "Created: / 10-08-2006 / 16:25:38 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectDefinitionSelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectDefinitionSelected ]

    "Created: / 10-08-2006 / 16:26:17 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectDefinitionSelectedHolder value and:[self isEmbeddedBrowser not]]

    (self selectedClassesValue) do:[:cls |
        cls isLoaded ifFalse:[^ true].
        cls isProjectDefinition ifTrue:[
            cls hasAllExtensionsLoaded ifFalse:[^ true].
            cls hasAllClassesLoaded ifFalse:[^ true].
    ^ true

    "Created: / 17-08-2006 / 00:49:24 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:58:59 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectDefinitionWithAnyUnloadedClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 17-08-2006 / 00:46:45 / cg"

    ^ self selectedProjects value size > 0


    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected and:[self hasCypress] ].

    "Modified: / 07-09-2012 / 19:24:19 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected and:[self canFileOutSIF] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected and:[self canFileOutVSE] ]

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected and:[self canFileOutXML] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"


    ^[self hasProjectSelected and: [(Smalltalk at: #GitSourceCodeManager) notNil ]]

    "Created: / 14-09-2010 / 22:37:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 24-07-2012 / 15:25:56 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected and:[ self instrumentingCompilerExists and:[OOM::MetricVisualizer notNil]] ]

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected and:[ self instrumentingCompilerExists] ]

    "Created: / 10-08-2010 / 14:42:38 / cg"


    ^[self hasProjectSelected and:
        [(Smalltalk at: #MCRepositoryGroup) notNil and:
            [(Smalltalk at: #MCRepositoryGroup) default repositories size > 0]]]

    "Created: / 14-09-2010 / 22:37:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 24-07-2012 / 15:25:28 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected
            and:[self selectedProjects value size = 1
                and:[self hasSubversionRepositoryFor: self selectedProjects value anyOne]]]

    "Created: / 31-03-2008 / 15:07:52 / janfrog"
    "Created: / 24-07-2012 / 15:24:13 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ ((self selectedClasses value ? #()) anySatisfy:[:cls | cls supportsMethodCategories]) and:[
    self selectedProtocols value size > 0]

    "Created: / 04-02-2000 / 22:07:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 08-08-2013 / 00:16:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ [ self hasProtocolSelected and:[self canFileOutSIF] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProtocolSelected and:[self canFileOutXML] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProtocolSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ self selectedProjects value includes:(PackageId noProjectID)

    ^ [ self hasPseudoProjectChangedSelected ]

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:aMethod |

                    mPackage := aMethod package.
                    aMethod containingClass notNil
                    and:[mPackage ~= aMethod containingClass package
                    and:[mPackage ~= PackageId noProjectID]]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:24:22 / cg"

    ^ BlockValue
        with:[:m | m and:[self hasRealExtensionMethodSelected]]
        argument:(self hasMethodSelectedHolder)

    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:00:45 / cg"

    "true, if at least one real method protocol (i.e. not *all*) item is selected"


    selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value.
    ^ selectedProtocols size > 0
      and:[selectedProtocols contains:[:p | p ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL]]

    ^ [ self hasRealProtocolSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"


    manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
    manager isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ manager hasRedoableOperations

    ^ self selectedProjects value contains:[:p |
            (p ~= PackageId noProjectID)
            and:[ (BrowserList isPseudoProject:p) not ]]

    ^ [ self hasRenamableProjectSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    "is there support for the perforce source code manager?"


    "/ use Smalltalk-at to trick the dependency/prerequisite generator
    manager := Smalltalk at:aManagerClassName.
    ^ manager notNil
    and:[ manager isLoaded
    and:[ manager shownInBrowserMenus ]]

    "Created: / 15-01-2012 / 14:45:11 / cg"

    ^ [ self theSingleSelectedClass notNil
        and:[self theSingleSelectedClass superclass notNil ]]


    "/ ^ self codeView selectionAsString size > 0
    ^ self codeView hasSelection


    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasSelectionInCodeView]

    ^ [ self hasSelectionInCodeView ]

    self hasSelectionInCodeView ifFalse:[^ false].
    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifFalse:[^ false].
    self selectedSelectorInCodeViewOrNil isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    ^ true.

    ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder.

    "Modified: / 29-05-2012 / 10:20:15 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder value and:[self isEmbeddedBrowser not]]

    ^ self selectedCategoriesValue size == 1

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:05:40 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleCategorySelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:05:52 / cg"

    ^ self hasSingleClassSelected
      and:[self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasSingleClassAndClassVariableSelected] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasSingleClassSelected
      and:[self hasSingleClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]

    ^ self hasSingleClassSelected
      and:[self hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelected] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasSingleClassSelected
      and:[self hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasSingleClassSelected
        and:[self hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleClassAndVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasSingleClassSelected or:[self hasSingleMethodSelected]

    ^ [ self hasSingleClassOrMethodSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"

    ^ self selectedClassesValue size == 1

    "Created: / 04-02-2000 / 22:03:24 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:59:22 / cg"

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasSingleClassSelected] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleClassSelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager] ]

    ^ [ self hasSingleClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"


    ^ (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[cls isLoaded]

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:27:45 / cg"

    ^ self hasSingleLoadedClassSelected
      and:[ self hasMultipleVariablesSelected ]

    ^ [ self hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndMultipleVariablesSelected ]

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:28:03 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleLoadedClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:28:03 / cg"


    ^ (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[cls isLoaded
      and:[cls comment notEmptyOrNil]]

    ^ [ self hasSingleLoadedClassWithCommentSelected ]


    ^ (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[cls isLoaded
      and:[cls theMetaclass isJavaScriptMetaclass not ]]

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:27:45 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleLoadedNonJavascriptClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:28:03 / cg"


    ^ (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[cls isLoaded
      and:[cls isMeta not]]

    ^ [ self hasSingleLoadedNonMetaClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:28:03 / cg"

    ^ self selectedMethodsValue size == 1

    "Created: / 04-02-2000 / 22:10:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:25:03 / cg"

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasSingleMethodSelected]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ [
        self codeReallyModified
        and:[self hasSingleMethodSelected]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self hasSelectionInCodeView
      and:[self hasSingleMethodSelected]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeView ]

    ^ self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeView
      and:[self theSingleSelectedMethod numArgs > 0]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameter]

    ^ [ self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameter ]

    ^ [ self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeView ]

    ^ self hasSingleMethodSelected
      and:[self theSingleSelectedMethod numArgs > 0]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameter]

    ^ [ self hasSingleMethodSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"


    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    ^ mthd notNil and:[mthd byteCode notNil]

    ^ [ self hasSingleMethodWithBytecodeSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self selectedNamespaces value size == 1

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:07:55 / cg"


    ^ (selected := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[selected isPrivate not]

    ^ [ self hasSingleNonPrivateClassSelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleNonPrivateClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"


    ^ (selected := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[selected isPrivate]

    ^ [ self hasSinglePrivateClassSelected ]

    ^ self hasSingleProjectSelected
    or:[ self hasProjectDefinitionSelected ]

    ^ self selectedProjects value size == 1

    ^ [ self hasSingleProjectSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    "true if exactly one method protocol item is selected (could be *all*)"

    ^ self selectedProtocols value size == 1

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:07:55 / cg"

    "holding true, if exactly one method protocol item is selected (could be *all*)"

    ^ [ self hasSingleProtocolSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:08:22 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleProjectSelected
        and:[ self theSingleSelectedProject notNil
        and:[ self theSingleSelectedProject string asPackageId isModuleId not ]]]

    "true, if one real method protocol (i.e. not *all*) item is selected"


    p := self theSingleSelectedProtocol.
    ^ p notNil and:[p ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL]

    "holding true, if one real method protocol (i.e. not *all*) item is selected"

    ^ [ self hasSingleRealProtocolSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:08:22 / cg"

    |currentMethod methodsResources|

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    ^ currentMethod notNil
      and:[(methodsResources := currentMethod resources) notNil
      and:[(self class resourceEditorClassForResources:methodsResources) notNil]]

    ^ builder
        computeInitialValueWith:[ self hasSingleResourceMethodSelected ]

    ^ self selectedVariables value size == 1

    ^ [ self hasSingleVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:08:22 / cg"

    self hasSingleVariableSelected ifTrue:[^ true].
    (self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifTrue:[^ true].
    (self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    ^ [ self hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList ]

    |codeView selectionInCode|

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    "/ first, see if more than a line is selected ...
    codeView selectionStartLine == codeView selectionEndLine ifFalse:[^ false ].

    selectionInCode := self selectionInCodeView.
    selectionInCode isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ false ].

    ^ selectionInCode asCollectionOfWords size == 1.

    ^ SourceCodeManager notNil

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSourceCodeManager ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self hasClassesSelectedWhichAreSubclassOf:StandaloneStartup

    "Created: / 19-08-2011 / 02:26:37 / cg"


    ^ (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
    and:[ cls theNonMetaclass isVisualStartable ]


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hasStartableApplicationSelectedHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
        holder := ValueHolder with:false.
        builder aspectAt:#hasStartableApplicationSelectedHolder put: holder.
    ^ holder

hasSubversionRepositoryFor: package
    "is there a subversion source repository for package?"

    ^ self hasSubversionSupport
    "/ use Smalltalk-at to trick the dependency/prerequisite generator
    and:[(Smalltalk at:#'SVN::RepositoryManager') hasRepositoryForPackage: package]

    "Created: / 31-03-2008 / 15:08:13 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 22-08-2009 / 10:49:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 15-01-2012 / 13:18:10 / cg"

    ^ ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature: #SubversionSupportEnabled

    "Modified: / 07-09-2011 / 10:45:57 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19-01-2012 / 10:45:50 / Jan Vrany <>"

"/    |node|

    self codeAspect value ~~ SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod ifTrue:[ ^ false].
    (self hasSingleWordSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[ ^ false].

    "/ the following is too slow
"/    node := self findNode.
"/    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
"/        ^ false
"/    ].
    ^ true

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:18:26 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeView ]

    ^ self selectedClassesValue contains:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass isTestCaseLike and:[cls theNonMetaclass isAbstract not]].

    ^ BlockValue
        with:[:classes :methods | 
            self hasTestCaseClassesSelected
            or:[ self hasTestCaseMethodsSelected ].
        argument:self selectedClasses
        argument:self selectedMethods

    "/ ^ [ self hasTestCaseClassesSelected ]

    ^ self selectedMethodsValue contains:[:mthd | mthd mclass isTestCaseLike and:[mthd mclass isAbstract not]].

    ^ self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:aMethod |
                    |mPackage mClass|

                    mPackage := aMethod package.
                    mClass := aMethod containingClass.
                    mClass isNil or:[
                        mPackage ~= aMethod containingClass package
                        and:[mPackage = PackageId noProjectID]]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:24:32 / cg"

    ^ BlockValue
        with:[:m | m and:[self hasUnassignedExtensionMethodSelected]]
        argument:(self hasMethodSelectedHolder)

    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 23:00:47 / cg"

    |codeView s selClass|

    ^ (codeView := self codeView) hasSelection
    and:[ (s := codeView selectionAsString) isValidSmalltalkIdentifier
    and:[ s isUppercaseFirst
    and:[ (environment includesKey:s) not
    and:[ (selClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
    and:[ (selClass theNonMetaclass classVarNames includes:s) not ]]]]]

    "Modified: / 23-07-2011 / 12:29:26 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasUndefinedUppercaseIdentifierSelectedInCodeView ]


    RefactoryChangeManager isNil ifTrue:[^ false].    "/   returns false if the class is not present
    manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
    manager isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ manager hasUndoableOperations

    ^ self hasProjectSelected
    and:[ self selectedProjects value 
            contains:[:p |

                defCls := p asString string asPackageId projectDefinitionClass.
                defCls notNil and:[defCls isFullyLoaded not]]]

    ^ [ self hasUnloadedProjectSelected ]

    ^ self hasMethodSelected
      and:[self hasOnlyMethodsSelectedForWhich:[:eachMethod | #(
                                       ) includes:eachMethod selector ]]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:27:19 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasUpdateMethodSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"


    ^ (self codeView hasSelection
        and:[ (s := self codeView selectionAsString) isValidSmalltalkIdentifier ])
        and:[ s isUppercaseFirst ]

    ^ [ self hasUppercaseIdentifierSelectedInCodeView ]

    ^ self selectedVariables value size > 0

    self hasVariableSelected ifTrue:[^ true].
    (self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifTrue:[^ true].
    (self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList] ]

    ^ [ self hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList ]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
        and:[self hasSingleClassSelected
        and:[self hasVariableSelected
            |selClass classes|

            selClass := self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass.
            self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifFalse:[
                classes := self selectedVariables value collect:[:nm | selClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:nm].
            ] ifTrue:[
                classes := self selectedVariables value collect:[:nm | selClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:nm].
            classes asSet size == 1

    ^ self class classHistory notEmpty

    ^ [ self hasVisitedClasses ]


    ^ self hasClassesSelectedWhichAreSubclassOf:HTTPService

    "Modified: / 19-08-2011 / 02:28:22 / cg"

    "true, if instrumenting is possible
     (now, always true, because InstrumentingCompiler is now in the libcomp package)"

    ^ InstrumentingCompiler notNil

    "Modified (comment): / 30-09-2011 / 12:41:20 / cg"

    ^ self isJavaScriptMetaclassPresent
    or:[ self isPlsqlMetaclassPresent
        or:[ self isHaskellModulePresent ]]

    ^ HaskellModule notNil and:[HaskellParser notNil]

    ^ JavaScriptMetaclass notNil and:[JavaScriptParser notNil]

    ^ [navigationState isLintResultBrowser]

    ^ [navigationState isLintResultBrowser and:[self isEmbeddedBrowser not ]]

    ^ LispEnvironment notNil

    ^ LispMetaclass notNil and:[LispMetaclass notNil]

    "Created: / 13-05-2012 / 12:52:16 / cg"

    ^ navigationState isMethodListBrowser

    ^ [ navigationState isMethodListBrowser ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [navigationState isMethodListBrowser
        or:[self selectedClassesValue size > 1] ]

    "Created: / 04-02-2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [self isEmbeddedBrowser not]

    ^ PLSQLObjectTypeMetaclass notNil


    |rubyMetaclass rubyParser|

    rubyMetaclass   := Smalltalk classNamed:#'Ruby::Metaclass'.
    rubyParser      := Smalltalk classNamed:#'Ruby::Parser'.

    ^ (rubyMetaclass notNil
        and:[rubyMetaclass isLoaded])
            and:[rubyParser notNil
                and:[rubyParser isLoaded]]

    "Created: / 11-08-2009 / 16:06:11 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ JavaScriptMetaclass notNil and:[JavaScriptParser notNil]

    ^ self methodsPreviousVersionCode notNil

    ^ [ self methodHasPreviousVersion ]

    ^ self methodsShadowedMethod notNil

    ^ [ self methodIsShadowed ]

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
        (eachMethod sends:#subclassResponsibility) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false.

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
        (eachMethod mclass notNil and:[eachMethod selector startsWith:'is']) ifFalse:[^ false].
    ^ self methodNotImplementedInSuperclass

    "Modified: / 16-10-2013 / 00:10:14 / Jan Vrany <>"


    selector := self selectionInCodeView.
    selector isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    selector := selector asSymbol.

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        (eachClass includesSelector:selector) ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ true.


    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
        |selector category mclass|

        selector := eachMethod selector.
        category := eachMethod category.
        mclass := eachMethod mclass.
        mclass notNil ifTrue:[
            mclass superclass notNil ifTrue:[
                (mclass superclass includesSelector:selector) ifFalse:[^ true].
    ^ false.

    |m cls selector superClass|

    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    ^ m notNil
      and:[(cls := m mclass) notNil
      and:[(selector := m selector) notNil
      and:[(superClass := cls superclass) notNil
      and:[(superClass lookupMethodFor:selector) notNil]]]]

    "Modified: / 23.8.2001 / 12:31:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self methodRedefinesSuperclassVersion ]

    |cls selection|

    (self hasSingleWordSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[^ nil].
    selection := self selectionInCodeView.

    selection := selection withoutSeparators.
    cls := environment classNamed:selection.
    ^ cls

    ^ [ self window sensor shiftDown not ]

    ^ [ self window sensor shiftDown ]


    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    m isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ (m sends:#subclassResponsibility)

    ^ SmallTeam notNil

    "Created: / 13-11-2006 / 13:08:32 / cg"

    ^ SmallTeam notNil
"/    and:[ SmallTeam serverRunning ]

    "Created: / 06-07-2011 / 18:51:25 / cg"


    ^ UserPreferences current useSearchBarInBrowser or:[self codeView searchBarActionBlock notNil]
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'binding access'!

    "Sent by the builder to ask for an application provided
     holder for a menu. The argument, `key`, comes from an UI-spec
     for a widgets #menu property.
     Here, a corresponding message is sent to myself,
     which ought to be defined in the application subclass.
     Alternatively, a subclass may redefine this method, to provide
     holders from a Dictionary or whatever.
     Typically, a menu or a menu-holding valueHolder is returned there."

    | menu |

    key isNil ifTrue:[ self error:'nil menu key' ].

    "/ Ask myself first...
    (thisContext isRecursive not and:[ self respondsTo: key ]) ifTrue:[
        menu := self perform: key
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ Ask my class...
        (self class respondsTo: key) ifTrue:[
            menu := self class perform: key
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ Ask masterApplication if any...
            masterApplication notNil ifTrue:[
                menu masterApplication menuFor: key

    "/ If the provided menu is a menu spec, create Menu from it...
    menu isArray ifTrue:[
        menu :=  Menu decodeFromLiteralArray: menu.
"/    ^ menu.
"/  ============== Above should be later on moved to ApplicationModel =========
"/  ============== and here replace by super menuFor: key =====================
"/  ===========================================================================

    thisContext isRecursive ifFalse:[
        self menuExtendersFor: key do:[:each |
            self perform: each with: menu

    ^ menu

    "Modified: / 18-06-1998 / 20:33:56 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 27-08-2014 / 00:26:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'change & update'!

    "category selection changed by user interaction"

    self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.
    self updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibility.
    self normalLabel.      "/ update my window label
    self updateLintEnablement.

    "Created: / 24-02-2000 / 22:01:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2014 / 12:33:47 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self selectProtocols:nil.
    "/ prevent the methodCategory from autoselecting
    self clearAutoSelectOfLastSelectedProtocol.

    "class selection changed by user interaction"

    |selectedClassesHolder selectedClasses theClassOrNil|

    selectedClassesHolder := self selectedClasses.
    selectedClasses := selectedClassesHolder value.

    "/ self classWizardVisibleHolder value:(selectedClasses size == 0).

    (navigationState isClassDocumentationBrowser) ifTrue:[
        "/ kludge - docBrowser can only show one single class
        selectedClasses size > 1 ifTrue:[
            selectedClassesHolder value:(Array with:selectedClasses first).
            self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.
            ^ self.

"/    selectedClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
"/        self selectedProtocols value:nil.
"/    ].

    navigationState isVersionDiffBrowser ifFalse:[
        theClassOrNil := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        theClassOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
            self class addToHistory:theClassOrNil selector:nil.

    self enqueueDelayedClassSelectionChange.

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 14:07:08 / cg"


    "/ prevent the methodCategory from autoselecting the last selected protocol
    "/ when the next class is selected

    (mc := self methodCategoryListApp) notNil ifTrue:[
        mc clearLastSelectedProtocol

    self reallyModified:(self navigationState).
    self updateBufferLabel.

    self normalLabel.
    self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
    self setDoitActionForClass.
    self updateCategorySelectionForChangedClassSelection.
    self updateMetaToggleForClassSelection.
    self updateInfoForChangedClassSelection.
    self updateTestRunnerVisibility.
    self updateExecuteMethodVisibility.
    self updateInitSharedPoolVisibility.
    self updateLaunchApplicationVisibility.
    self updateTextEditorBehavior.
    "/ self delayedUpdateCode.
    self updateLintEnablement.

    "Modified: / 01-06-2012 / 23:01:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2014 / 12:29:53 / Jan Vrany <>"


    self synchronousUpdate == true ifFalse:[
        self windowGroup sensor hasUserEvents ifTrue:[
            "/ re-enqueue at the end to delay until all user input has been handled
            ^ self

    self clearInfo.
    codeView := self codeView.
    self explainInCode:(codeView contentsAsString string) short:true withTimeout:true

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 10:37:10 / cg"

    self normalLabel

    self hasMethodWithoutBreakPointSelectedHolder value:(self hasMethodWithoutBreakPointSelected).
    self hasMethodWithBreakPointSelectedHolder value:(self hasMethodWithBreakPointSelected).

    |mthd codeView|

    self hasMethodWithoutBreakPointSelectedHolder value:(self hasMethodWithoutBreakPointSelected).
    self hasMethodWithBreakPointSelectedHolder value:(self hasMethodWithBreakPointSelected).

    (codeView := self codeView) isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
        mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
        mthd == codeView method ifTrue:[
            mthd notNil ifTrue:[
                "/ would not send an update notification
                codeView updateGutter
        ] ifFalse:[
            codeView method notNil ifTrue:[
                "/ will send update notification to services
                codeView method:mthd.

    "Modified: / 22-07-2013 / 13:35:47 / cg"

    |codeAspect process|

    self hasMethodSelectedHolder value:(self hasMethodSelected).

    self hasMethodWithoutBreakPointSelectedHolder value:(self hasMethodWithoutBreakPointSelected).
    self hasMethodWithBreakPointSelectedHolder value:(self hasMethodWithBreakPointSelected).
    self hasInstrumentedMethodSelectedHolder value:(self hasInstrumentedMethodSelected).

    "/ if showing history or log,
    "/ dont update codeView, as long as no protocol is selected
    ((codeAspect := self codeAspect) == #repositoryLog
    or:[codeAspect == #repositoryHistory]) ifTrue:[
        self selectedMethodsValue size == 0 ifTrue:[
            ^ self

    self enqueueDelayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch.
    self hasSingleResourceMethodSelectedHolder value:(self hasSingleResourceMethodSelected).
    self updateExecuteMethodVisibility.
    self setDoitActionForClass.

    "/ self showMethodInfo.

    process := methodInfoProcess.
    process notNil ifTrue:[
        process terminate.
        process := nil.
    methodInfoProcess := [ self asyncShowMethodInfo. methodInfoProcess := nil. ] fork.
    self updateLintEnablement.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:15:54 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2014 / 12:29:36 / Jan Vrany <>"

    (ShowMethodTemplateWhenProtocolIsSelected == true
        or:[ self codeAspect ~~ SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition
        or:[ navigationState methodList size == 0 ]])
        self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode
    self updateLintEnablement.

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:24:56 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2014 / 12:30:09 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch:false

    self delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch:withAutoSearch checkModified:true

    "Modified: / 29-08-2006 / 13:59:22 / cg"

delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch:withAutoSearch checkModified:checkModified
    |methods mthd selectedClass protocol package projectDef
     codeView code filteredVariables
     searchAction searchPattern doShowMethodTemplate|

    self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.

    navigationState isClassDocumentationBrowser ifTrue:[
        "/ show classes documentation
        self showClassDocumentation.
        ^ self.
    navigationState isVersionDiffBrowser ifTrue:[
        "/ show version differences
        self showVersionDiff.
        ^ self.

    codeView := self codeView.

    checkModified ifTrue:[
        ((codeView notNil and:[codeView modified])
        or:[navigationState modified])
            "/ recheck against the code (could have been unedited)
            (self reallyModified:navigationState) ifTrue:[
                "/ do not overwrite the user's modifications;
                "/ instead, flash and show the code all-red
                "/ (to tell user, that she is possibly editing obsolete code)
"/                self codeHolder
"/                    value:(codeView contentsAsString asText
"/                                            emphasizeAllWith:(UserPreferences current emphasisForObsoleteCode)).
"/                self codeHolder changed:#value.
                codeView flash.
                ^ self.

    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
        "/ show full classes source - set accept action for fileIn
        self showFullClassSource.
        ^ self.

    "/ show method, or class definition

    methods := self selectedMethodsValue.
    methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
        mthd := methods first.

    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
        "/ show methods source - set accept action to compile that single method
        self setAcceptActionForMethod.
        self showMethodsCode:mthd.

        "/ if there is a variable filter,
        "/ set the autoSearch for it
        (navigationState isMethodListBrowser
        or:[navigationState isFullProtocolBrowser
        or:[navigationState isMethodBrowser]]) ifFalse:[
            filteredVariables := self variableFilter value.
            filteredVariables size > 0 ifTrue:[
                self searchVariables:filteredVariables readers:true writers:true asAutoSearch:false.
                "/ codeView notNil ifTrue:[codeView searchFwd]
            ] ifFalse:[
                self autoSearchPattern:nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        self updatePackageInfoForMethod:nil.

        protocol := self theSingleSelectedProtocol.
        (protocol isNil or:[protocol = BrowserList nameListEntryForALL]) ifTrue:[
            doShowMethodTemplate := false
        ] ifFalse:[
            navigationState showMethodTemplate ifTrue:[
                doShowMethodTemplate := self showMethodTemplate value
"/                                    and:[ShowMethodTemplateWhenProtocolIsSelected == true
"/                                         or:[ navigationState methodList size == 0 ]].
        doShowMethodTemplate ifTrue:[
            methods size > 1 ifTrue:[
                code := nil.
            ] ifFalse:[
                code := self methodTemplate.
            self setAcceptActionForMethod.
            self codeAspect:SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod.
            self showCode:code.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self hasProtocolSelected ifTrue:[
                self showCode:''.
                self setAcceptActionForMethod.
                self codeAspect:SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod.
            ] ifFalse:[
                selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
                selectedClass notNil ifTrue:[
                    self showClassAspect:(self codeAspect) forClass:selectedClass.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    (package := self theSingleSelectedProject) notNil ifTrue:[
                        projectDef := package string asPackageId projectDefinitionClass.
                        projectDef notNil ifTrue:[
                            code := projectDef commentOrDocumentationString.
                        self showCode:code ? ''.
                        self codeAspect:nil.
"/                        self setAcceptActionForProjectComment.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        "/ really nothing selected
                        self showCode:code ? ''.
                        self setAcceptActionForClass.
    self updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibility.

    codeView notNil ifTrue:[
        "/ perform an auto-search, unless the user did some other search
        "/ in the meanwhile (i.e. the codeViews searchPattern is different from the autoSearchPattern)
        withAutoSearch ifTrue:[
            codeView numberOfLines > 0 ifTrue:[
                searchAction := navigationState autoSearchAction.
                searchAction notNil ifTrue:[
                    true "codeView searchAction isNil" ifTrue:[
                        true "codeView searchPattern isNil" ifTrue:[
                                searchUsingSearchAction:#forward ifAbsent:nil.

                          "/ The searchAction is mantained until a cut/replace or a search with a user selection is done
"/                          codeView clearSearchAction.
"/                    ] ifFalse:[
"/                        codeView
"/                            cursorHome;
"/                            searchUsingSearchAction:#forward ifAbsent:nil
                ] ifFalse:[
                    searchPattern := navigationState autoSearchPattern.
                    searchPattern notNil ifTrue:[
                        searchPattern = codeView searchPattern ifTrue:[
                                cursorRight; "/ to avoid finding the selector
                                    ignoreCase:(navigationState autoSearchIgnoreCase)
                                    ifAbsent:[codeView cursorHome].
        ] ifFalse:[
            codeView clearSearchAction.

    navigationState modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.
    self updateProtocolSelectionForChangedMethodSelection.

    "Created: / 29-08-2006 / 13:59:06 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:20:42 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23-07-2014 / 12:03:06 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |var val mclass cls codeView|

    self filterClassVars value:(self showingClassVarsInVariableList).

    var := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    (codeView := self codeView) isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
        self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifTrue:[
            codeView highlightClassVariable:var.
        ] ifFalse:[
            codeView highlightInstanceVariable:var.

    var isNil ifTrue:[
        navigationState autoSearchAction:nil.
        ^ self

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifTrue:[
        self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |

            cls := eachClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:var.
            cls notNil ifTrue:[
                val := cls classVarAt:var asSymbol.
                self showClassVarInfoFor:var in:cls value:val.
                ^ self

        mclass := self classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass.
        mclass isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

        cls := mclass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:var.
        cls notNil ifTrue:[
            val := cls classVarAt:var asSymbol.
            self showClassVarInfoFor:var in:cls value:val.

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:56:20 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    ^ self
        arguments:(Array with:aMethod)

    ^ self

    ^ self

    ^ self

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 06-09-2006 / 19:07:15 / cg"

"/ ^ self delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch:true.
    ^ self
        arguments:#( true )

    "Modified: / 06-09-2006 / 19:07:10 / cg"

^ self delayedUpdateCodeWithAutoSearch:false.

    ^ self
        arguments:#( false )

    "Modified: / 06-09-2006 / 19:07:00 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26-02-2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"
    "Created: / 29-05-2012 / 10:26:41 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

enqueueMessage:selector for:someone arguments:argList
"/ Transcript show:'enqueue '; showCR:selector.
    self synchronousUpdate == true ifTrue:[
        someone perform:selector withArguments:argList.
        ^ self
    ^ super enqueueMessage:selector for:someone arguments:argList

    "My environment has changed. Update cached environment value.
     Subclasses may need to override and invalidate it's contents."

    | env |

    env := environmentHolder value.
    environment notNil ifTrue:[ environment removeDependent: self ].
    environment := env.
    environment notNil ifTrue:[ environment addDependent: self ].
    self updateLintEnablement.

    "Created: / 24-02-2014 / 10:18:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2014 / 12:30:26 / Jan Vrany <>"

    (self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
        self rememberLocationInHistory
    self enqueueDelayedMethodsSelectionChanged.

    self methodsSelectionChangedAt:1

    self methodsSelectionChangedAt:2

    self methodsSelectionChangedAt:3

    self methodsSelectionChangedAt:4

    "in the chain-browsers, a selection in one of the 4 columns has changed"

    |mySearchBlock  "/ must again be the first local (see kludge below)
     generator selectedMethods myGenerator myGeneratorsHome |

    selectedMethods := (navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:index) value ? #().
    "/ filter those which are lost due to recompilation ...
    selectedMethods := selectedMethods select:[:m | m selector notNil].

    selectedMethods isEmpty ifTrue:[
        generator := #().
        selectedMethods := #().
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ fetch the searchBlock - what a tricky kludge (no, really this should be done different)
        myGenerator := (navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:index) value.
        myGeneratorsHome := myGenerator block methodHome.
        mySearchBlock := myGeneratorsHome at:(myGeneratorsHome numArgs + 1).
        mySearchBlock isBlock ifFalse:[
            mySearchBlock := myGeneratorsHome at:(myGeneratorsHome numArgs + 2)

        generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |

                                    theMethodList := IdentitySet new.
                                    self withWaitCursorDo:[
                                        selectedMethods do:[:selectedMethod |
                                            theMethodList addAll:(mySearchBlock value:selectedMethod).
                                    theMethodList do:[:aMethod |
                                            value:aMethod mclass
                                            value:aMethod category
                                            value:aMethod selector
                                    "/ theMethodList size == 1 ifTrue:[
                                    "/ ].

    "/ the selection used in the other code...
    navigationState selectedMethods value:selectedMethods.
    self methodsSelectionChanged.

    index+1 to:4 do:[:i |
        (navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:i) value:#().
    (navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:(index+1)) value:generator.

    "namespace selection changed by user interaction"

    self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.
    self updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibility.
    self normalLabel.      "/ update my window label
    self updateLintEnablement.

    "Created: / 24-02-2000 / 22:02:01 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2014 / 12:31:21 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "project selection changed by user interaction"

    self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
    self normalLabel.      "/ update my window label
    self updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibility.

    "/ force update for packageFilter
    "/ (must do it, since packageFilter is a vHolder
    "/  holding a vHolder - i.e. it did not change yet)
    self packageFilter
        setValue:(self selectedProjects value);
    self updateLintEnablement.

    "Created: / 24-02-2000 / 22:02:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18-08-2000 / 19:27:50 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2014 / 12:30:59 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "project selection changed by user interaction (here: used as filter)"

    navigationState packageFilter value:(self selectedProjects value).


    "/ if showing history or log,
    "/ don't update codeView, as long as no protocol is selected
    ((codeAspect := self codeAspect) == #repositoryLog
    or:[codeAspect == #repositoryHistory]) ifTrue:[
        self hasProtocolSelected ifFalse:[
            ^ self
    self enqueueDelayedProtocolSelectionChanged


    ((m := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil
    and:[m mclass isNil]) ifTrue:[
        "/ kludge: still showing old code, but a change should be on its
        "/ way, coming from the MethodList.
        "/ push back the event, to allow for the change event to be handled first.
        ^ self.
    self selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexChanged2.

    self updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibility.
    self updateExecuteMethodVisibility.

    "Modified: / 17-08-2006 / 16:47:34 / cg"

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |codeView mthd codeAspect isForAspect|

"/    (navigationState notNil
"/    and:[changedObject == navigationState codeModifiedHolder]) ifTrue:[
"/        self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.
"/        ^ self.
"/    ].

    changedObject == environmentHolder ifTrue:[
        self environmentChanged.
        ^ self.

    changedObject == self selectedClasses ifTrue:[
        self assert:(changedObject value includes:nil) not.
    changedObject == self codeInfoVisible ifTrue:[
        self codeInfoVisibilityChanged.
        ^ self
    changedObject == self toolBarVisibleHolder ifTrue:[
        self toolBarVisibilityChanged.
        ^ self

    changedObject == self bookmarkBarVisibleHolder ifTrue:[
        self bookmarkBarVisibilityChanged.
        ^ self

    changedObject == self stringSearchToolVisibleHolder ifTrue:[
        self stringSearchToolVisibilityChanged.
        ^ self
    ((codeView := self codeView) notNil
     and:[changedObject == codeView modifiedChannel]) ifTrue:[
        self codeModified.
        ^ self.
    changedObject == self selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder ifTrue:[
        self selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexChanged.
        ^ self

    changedObject == selectedBuffer ifTrue:[
        self enqueueDelayedLabelUpdate.
        self organizerModeForMenu changed.
        self enqueueDelayedUpdateTestRunnerVisibility.
        self enqueueDelayedUpdateExecuteMethodVisibility.
        self updateCodeInfoAndStringSearchToolVisibility.
        self enqueueDelayedUpdateInitSharedPoolVisibility.
        ^ self.
    changedObject == self organizerModeForMenu ifTrue:[
        self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.
        ^ self.

    something == #visitedClassHistory ifTrue:[
        self visitedClassesHistory contents:(self class visitedClassNamesHistory).
        ^ self.

    changedObject == environment ifTrue:[
        codeAspect := self codeAspect.
        isForAspect := (codeAspect == something)
                       and:[ something == #classDefinition
                             or:[ something == #classComment
                             or:[ something == #classHierarchy
                             or:[ something == #primitiveDefinitions
                             or:[ something == #primitiveFunctions
                             or:[ something == #primitiveVariables ]]]]]].

        isForAspect ifTrue:[
            ((self selectedClassesValue) contains:[:cls | cls name = aParameter name]) ifTrue:[
                self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
                ^ self.

        something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
            codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod ifTrue:[
                mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
                (mthd notNil and:[aParameter third == mthd])
self enqueueDelayedMethodTrapChanged:nil.
                    mthd mclass notNil ifTrue:[
                        "/ mhmh - Smalltalk tells me that a method has changed,
                        "/ but my selectedMethod has not yet been updated
                        "/ (the methodList seems to be behind me in the dependency chain).
                        "/ simply ignore this update here (assuming that the methodList will trigger
                        "/ another change soon).
"/                        self enqueueDelayedUpdateCodeWithoutAutoSearch.
                    ] ifFalse:[
"/ self halt.
            ^ self

        something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
            self enqueueDelayedMethodTrapChanged:aParameter.
            ^ self

        something == #methodCoverageInfo ifTrue:[
            self theSingleSelectedMethod == aParameter ifTrue:[
                self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
            ^ self

        something == #projectOrganization ifTrue:[
            | method class |

            method := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
            method notNil ifTrue:[
                self updatePackageInfoForMethod: method.
            ] ifFalse:[
                class :=  self theSingleSelectedClass.
                class notNil ifTrue:[
                    self updatePackageInfoForClass: class.

        ^ self

    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:17:08 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24-02-2014 / 23:33:05 / Jan Vrany <>"


    | bookmarkBar |

    bookmarkBar := self componentAt:#Bookmarks.
    bookmarkBar ifNil:[^self].
    bookmarkBar application bookmarkHolder: self navigationState bookmarkHolder.

    "Created: / 02-06-2011 / 22:34:24 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "update the current buffers label (in the tab-list)"

    |nr newLabel|

    (nr := selectedBuffer value) notNil ifTrue:[
        nr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            newLabel := self currentBufferLabel.
            (newLabel sameStringAndEmphasisAs:(bufferNameList at:nr)) ifTrue:[
                ^ self.
            bufferNameList at:nr put:newLabel.
    self normalLabel

    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 04:23:21 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:25:54 / cg"

    |classes oldSelectedCategories selectedPseudoEntries newSelectedCategories|

    navigationState isCategoryBrowser ifFalse:[^ self].

    classes := self selectedClassesValue.
    classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
        "/ category-selection feedBack:
        "/ update the category-selection, if '* all *' is in its selection
        "/ (add the selected categories to the category-selection)
        oldSelectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesValue.
        selectedPseudoEntries := (oldSelectedCategories select:[:entry | BrowserList isPseudoCategory:entry]).

        newSelectedCategories := Set new.
        (selectedPseudoEntries asSet = (Set with:(BrowserList nameListEntryForChanged)))
            newSelectedCategories addAll:(classes collect:[:eachClass | eachClass category]).

        "/ reselect any selected pseudoCategory
        newSelectedCategories addAll:selectedPseudoEntries.

        newSelectedCategories ~= oldSelectedCategories ifTrue:[
            self selectedCategories value:newSelectedCategories.

    "Created: / 24-02-2000 / 14:10:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:51:33 / cg"

    |stringSearchToolVisible codeInfoVisible cFrame cBottomOffset sFrame sTopOffset sBottomOffset|

    stringSearchToolVisible := self stringSearchToolVisibleHolder value.
    codeInfoVisible := self codeInfoVisible value.

    cFrame := self noteBookView.
    cFrame isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    cFrame notNil ifTrue:[
        (stringSearchToolVisible not and:[codeInfoVisible not]) ifTrue:[
            cBottomOffset := 0.
            sTopOffset := 0.
            sBottomOffset := 0.
        (stringSearchToolVisible not and:[codeInfoVisible]) ifTrue:[
            cBottomOffset := -25.
            sTopOffset := 0.
            sBottomOffset := 0.
        (stringSearchToolVisible and:[codeInfoVisible not]) ifTrue:[
            cBottomOffset := -25.
            sTopOffset := -24.
            sBottomOffset := 0.
        (stringSearchToolVisible and:[codeInfoVisible]) ifTrue:[
            cBottomOffset := -50.
            sTopOffset := -49.
            sBottomOffset := -25.
        cFrame layout notNil ifTrue:[
            cFrame layout bottomOffset:cBottomOffset.
        cFrame container notNil ifTrue:[
            cFrame containerChangedSize.
        sFrame := self stringSearchToolView.

        sFrame notNil ifTrue:[
            sFrame layout notNil ifTrue:[
                sTopOffset notNil ifTrue:[sFrame layout topOffset:sTopOffset].
                sBottomOffset notNil ifTrue:[sFrame layout bottomOffset:sBottomOffset].
                sFrame container notNil ifTrue:[
                    sFrame containerChangedSize.

    self hasNonTestCaseClassMethodWithoutArgsSelectedHolder
            value:(self hasNonTestCaseClassMethodWithoutArgsSelected)

    "Modified: / 05-08-2006 / 13:22:53 / cg"

    |selectedClasses singleSelectedClass categories msg|

    navigationState organizerMode value == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory ifTrue:[
        self selectedCategoriesValue size > 1 ifTrue:[
            singleSelectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
            singleSelectedClass notNil ifTrue:[
                msg := (resources string:'Category: %2'
                                  with:singleSelectedClass name allBold
                                  with:singleSelectedClass category allBold).
            ] ifFalse:[

                selectedClasses := self selectedClassesValue.
                categories := selectedClasses collect:[:cls | cls category] as:Set.
                categories size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    msg := (resources string:'Category: %1'
                                      with:categories anElement allBold).

    msg isNil ifTrue:[
        msg := self getClassInfo.
    msg notNil ifTrue:[
        self showInfo:msg.
        ^ self.
    self clearInfo.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:51:46 / cg"

    self hasSharedPoolSelectedHolder
                (self selectedClasses value ? #()) contains:[:cls |
                        cls isLoaded
                        and:[(cls theNonMetaclass askFor:#isAbstract) not
                        and:[ cls theNonMetaclass inheritsFrom:SharedPool ]]])

    "Created: / 29-05-2012 / 10:19:08 / cg"

    self hasStartableApplicationSelectedHolder
            value:(self hasStartableApplicationSelected)

    "Enables/disables lint button in toolbar depending on current selection"

    self hasNonEmptyEnvironmentSelectedHolder value: self hasNonEmptyEnvironmentSelected

    "Created: / 02-04-2014 / 12:21:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |selectedClasses newMetaToggleLabel|

    selectedClasses := self selectedNonMetaclasses.
    (selectedClasses contains:[:eachClass | eachClass isJavaClass]) ifTrue:[
        "/ selection contains at least on java class
        (selectedClasses conform:[:eachClass | eachClass isJavaClass]) ifTrue:[
            "/ only java classes selected
            newMetaToggleLabel := 'Static'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ mixed ..
            newMetaToggleLabel := 'Class / Static'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ only smalltalk classes selected
        newMetaToggleLabel := 'Class'.
    self navigationState metaToggleLabelHolder value:(resources string:newMetaToggleLabel)

    "Modified: / 13-10-2006 / 11:56:44 / cg"


    self canGoBackAspect subjectChannel: self navigationHistory.
    self canGoForwardAspect subjectChannel: self navigationHistory

    "Created: / 27-02-2008 / 08:42:56 / janfrog"

    |naviState pluginVisible  frame  pluginApp  pluginView |

    naviState := self navigationState.

    pluginVisible := naviState pluginVisibleHolder value.
    frame := naviState codePaneAndPluginView.
    frame isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    self showPlugin value ifTrue:[
        pluginApp := BrowsletCanvas new.
        pluginApp masterApplication:self.
        pluginView := ApplicationSubView new client:pluginApp.
        frame addSubView:pluginView.
        frame relativeCorners:naviState codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners.
    ] ifFalse:[
        naviState codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners:frame relativeCorners.
        pluginView := frame subViews second.
        pluginView destroy.
    frame resizeSubviews


     stringSearchToolVisible := self stringSearchToolVisibleHolder value.
     codeInfoVisible := false.

     cFrame := self noteBookView.
     cFrame isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

     cFrame notNil ifTrue:[
        (stringSearchToolVisible not and:[codeInfoVisible not]) ifTrue:[
            cBottomOffset := 0.
            sTopOffset := 0.
            sBottomOffset := 0.
        (stringSearchToolVisible not and:[codeInfoVisible]) ifTrue:[
            cBottomOffset := -25.
            sTopOffset := 0.
            sBottomOffset := 0.
        (stringSearchToolVisible and:[codeInfoVisible not]) ifTrue:[
            cBottomOffset := -25.
            sTopOffset := -24.
            sBottomOffset := 0.
        (stringSearchToolVisible and:[codeInfoVisible]) ifTrue:[
            cBottomOffset := -50.
            sTopOffset := -49.
            sBottomOffset := -25.
        cFrame layout notNil ifTrue:[
            cFrame layout bottomOffset:cBottomOffset.
        cFrame container notNil ifTrue:[
            cFrame containerChangedSize.
        sFrame := self stringSearchToolView.

        sFrame notNil ifTrue:[
            sFrame layout notNil ifTrue:[
                sTopOffset notNil ifTrue:[sFrame layout topOffset:sTopOffset].
                sBottomOffset notNil ifTrue:[sFrame layout bottomOffset:sBottomOffset].
                sFrame container notNil ifTrue:[
                    sFrame containerChangedSize.

    "Created: / 03-10-2010 / 19:03:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2014 / 12:19:41 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |methods selectedProtocolsHolder selectedProtocols oldSelectedProtocols|

    methods := self selectedMethodsValue.
    methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
        "/ protocol-selection feedBack:
        "/ update the protocol-selection, if '* all *' is in its selection
        "/ (add the selected methods categories to the protocol-selection)
        selectedProtocolsHolder := self selectedProtocols.
        selectedProtocols := selectedProtocolsHolder value.
        (selectedProtocols size > 0 and:[selectedProtocols includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)])
            oldSelectedProtocols := selectedProtocols asSet.
            selectedProtocols := Set with:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).
            selectedProtocols addAll:(methods collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod category]).
            selectedProtocols ~= oldSelectedProtocols ifTrue:[
                self selectProtocols:selectedProtocols.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:36:38 / cg"

    self hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder value:(self hasAnyTestCaseSelected)

    "Modified: / 05-08-2006 / 13:22:53 / cg"

    |languages spec|

    spec := TextView defaultParenthesisSpecification.

    languages := Set new.
    (self selectedMethodsValue ? #()) do:[:each |
        languages add:(each programmingLanguage).
    (self selectedClassesValue ? #()) do:[:each |
        languages add:(each programmingLanguage).

    languages size == 1 ifTrue:[
        spec := languages first parenthesisSpecificationForEditor.
    self codeView parenthesisSpecification:spec

    "Created: / 01-06-2012 / 23:01:35 / cg"

    self hasClassOrMethodSelectedHolder value:self hasClassOrMethodSelected.

    "variable selection changed by user interaction"

    self enqueueDelayedVariableSelectionChanged

    "kludge callBack, invoked when versionDiffBrowser is created.
     Remember it for later setting of its parameter (when class is selected)"


    diffApp := aView client.
    self navigationState versionDiffApplication:diffApp.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'drag & drop'!


self halt.
    aDropContext sourceWidget == aDropContext targetWidget ifTrue:[^ false].

    methods := aDropContext dropObjects collect:[:obj | obj theObject].
    (methods conform:[:aMethod | aMethod isMethod]) ifFalse:[^ false].

    self masterApplication theSingleSelectedClass isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ true

    "Modified: / 13-09-2006 / 11:43:54 / cg"

canDropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects in:aWidget
    self halt.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'help specs'!

    |changeSet spec|

    spec := super flyByHelpSpec.
    changeSet := ChangeSet current.
    (changeSet findLast:[:chg | chg isMethodChange and:[chg changeClass notNil]]) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        spec at:#recentChanges put:(spec at:#recentlyChangedMethods).
    ] ifFalse:[
"/        (changeSet contains:[:chg | chg isClassChange and:[chg changeClass notNil]]) ifTrue:[
"/            spec at:#recentChanges put:(spec at:#recentlyChangedClasses).
"/        ] ifFalse:[
            spec at:#recentChanges put:'Recently Changed'.
"/        ]
    ^ spec.

    "Modified: / 08-09-2011 / 05:05:06 / cg"

"/    (aComponent == builder componentAt:) ifTrue:[
"/    ].
    ^ super flyByHelpTextFor:aComponent
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'history'!

addToFindHistory:class selector:selector
    self class updateHistory:self findHistory forClass:class selector:selector

    "Created: / 02-05-2014 / 17:32:11 / Jan Vrany <>"

addToHistory: class

    self addToHistory: class selector: nil.

    "Created: / 06-04-2012 / 10:56:34 / Jan Vrany <>"

addToHistory: class selector: selector
    self class addToHistory: class selector: selector.
    ^ self navigationState addToHistory: class selector: selector

    "Created: / 22-02-2008 / 09:00:56 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 25-10-2009 / 15:06:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 02-07-2011 / 18:33:22 / cg"

addToRecentlyClosedHistory:class selector:selector
    self class updateHistory:self closeHistory forClass:class selector:selector

    "Created: / 02-05-2014 / 17:32:41 / Jan Vrany <>"

    RecentlyClosedList isNil ifTrue:[
        RecentlyClosedList := OrderedCollection new.
    ^ RecentlyClosedList

    "Created: / 02-05-2014 / 15:58:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2014 / 17:30:59 / Jan Vrany <>"

    FindHistory isNil ifTrue:[
        FindHistory := OrderedCollection new.
    ^ FindHistory

    "Created: / 02-05-2014 / 17:29:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'initialization'!

    super initialize.
    environment := Smalltalk.

    "Created: / 03-09-2013 / 19:13:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-02-2014 / 11:05:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-browse'!

browseClassesReferringToAnyPool:poolsArg in:doWhat
    "open a dialog asking for a poolname; search for classes importing that pool."

    |pools poolNameString classes|

    poolsArg isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    pools := poolsArg
                collect:[:poolOrName |
                    poolOrName isSharedPool ifTrue:[
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        p := environment classNamed:poolNameString.
                        (p notNil and:[p isSharedPool]) ifTrue:[
                        ] ifFalse:[
                  thenSelect:[:p | p notNil].
    pools isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    classes := environment allClasses
                select:[:cls |
                        cls isMeta not and:[(cls sharedPools includesAny:pools)]

    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self information:'None found.'.
        ^ self
    classes := classes asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    (doWhat == #newBrowser or:[ doWhat == #newBuffer ]) ifTrue:[
        pools size == 1 ifTrue:[
            poolNameString := pools first name
        ] ifFalse:[
            poolNameString := (resources string:'any of %1 pools' with:pools size)
            label:(resources string:'Classes Referring to %1' with:poolNameString)
            in:doWhat select:false.
        ^ self

    self selectClasses:classes.

    "launch an enterBox for selector to search for"

    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:((resources string:'Selector to browse implementors of:')
                                         , '\'
                                         , (resources string:'(TAB for completion; matchPattern allowed)'))
        browserLabel:'Implementors of %1'
        searchWith:#( #'findImplementors:in:ignoreCase:match:' #'findImplementors:inMethods:ignoreCase:match:' )

    "Modified: / 20-08-2012 / 14:25:48 / cg"


    selectors := self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:each | each selector].

    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Browse Implementors of (any in selected):'
        browserLabel:('Implementors (any of %1 selectors)' bindWith:selectors size)
        searchWith:[:ignoredString :classes :ignoredCase :match|
                        match ifTrue:[
                            self class
                                in:classes ignoreCase:false
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            self class
                                in:classes ignoreCase:false

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:14:55 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for selector to search for"

    |sel box b inputField selectorHolder openHow caseHolder|

    sel := self selectorToSearchFor.
    sel isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        "/ use last searchString
        LastSearchPatterns size > 0 ifTrue:[
            sel := LastSearchPatterns first.
    selectorHolder := sel asValue.

    box := Dialog new.
    box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Selector to browse inheritance of:') adjust:#left.
    inputField := box addComboBoxOn:selectorHolder tabable:true.
    inputField list:LastSearchPatterns.

    inputField selectAllInitially.
    inputField entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
        |s what|

        s := contents withoutSpaces.
        box topView withWaitCursorDo:[
            what := DoWhatIMeanSupport selectorCompletion:s inEnvironment:environment.
            inputField contents:what first.
            (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
                self window beep

    box addCheckBox:(resources string:'Ignore case') on:(caseHolder := false asValue).

    box addButton:(b := Button label:(resources string:'Add Buffer')).
    b action:[
       openHow := #newBuffer.
       box doAccept; okPressed.

    b := box addOkButtonLabelled:(resources string:'Browse').
    b action:[
       openHow := #newBrowser.
       box doAccept; okPressed.
    box addAbortButton.

    box label:(resources string:'Search').
    box open.

    box accepted ifTrue:[
        sel := selectorHolder value.

        sel isEmpty ifTrue:[
            self warn:'No selector entered for search'.
            ^ self.
        self rememberSearchPattern:sel.

    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:40:29 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "add a new buffer on all subclasses of an entered class"

        msgTail:' subclass of'
        thenDo:[:classNameArg :single :doWhat |
            |className class searchBlock|

            className := classNameArg.
            className = 'nil' ifTrue:[
                searchBlock := [ Behavior allSubInstances select:[:cls | cls superclass isNil] ].
            ] ifFalse:[
                className includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
                    className := self askForClassNameMatching:className.
                class := (environment classNamed:className) theNonMetaclass.
                searchBlock := [ class allSubclasses ]

                sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:('All Subclasses of ' , className)
                callBack:[:brwsr |  ].

    "add a new buffer on all application classes"

        browseMenuClassesForWhich:[:cls | cls isBrowserStartable]
        label: 'Applications'

    "Modified: / 18-04-2012 / 16:20:54 / cg"

    "add a new buffer on all classes that have been autoloaded"


    searchBlock := [
                        (environment allClassesForWhich:[:someClass | someClass wasAutoloaded])

        label:'Classes which were autoloaded'

    "open a new browser on all methods extending a class
     (i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)"

    self browseMenuClassExtensionsOpenAs:#newBrowser

    "add a new buffer on all methods extending a class
     (i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)"

    self browseMenuClassExtensionsOpenAs:#newBuffer.

browseMenuClassExtensionsFor:aCollectionOfPackagesOrNil in:aCollectionOfClasses label:labelOrNil openAs:openHow
    "open a browser / add a new buffer on all methods extending a class
     (i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)"

    self withSearchCursorDo:[

            newBrowser := self

                            classes := (aCollectionOfClasses
                                        select:[:aClass |

                                            aCollectionOfPackagesOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
                                                include := aClass hasExtensions.
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                                                include := aCollectionOfPackagesOrNil contains:[:eachPackage | aClass hasExtensionsFrom:eachPackage]
                                        ]) asOrderedCollection.
                            classes sort:[:a :b | a name < b name]

            newBrowser navigationState selectedProjects value:aCollectionOfPackagesOrNil.

    "open a browser / add a new buffer on all methods extending a class
     (i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)"

    ^ self
        in:environment allClasses
        label:'All Class Extensions'

    "open a dialog asking for a variable; search for classes defining
     such a variable."

    |box title okText okText2 okText3 varNameString varNamesToSearch checkFilterBlock
     brwsr allInstVariables allClassInstVariables allClassVariables
     list button2 button3 doWhat doWhat2 doWhat3 classes|

    title := 'Browse/Search Class(es) which define Instance, Class or ClassInst Variables:\(MatchPattern Allowed; Separate multiple names/patterns by ";")\'.
    okText2 := 'Open'.      doWhat2 := #newBrowser.
    okText := 'Add Buffer'. doWhat := #newBuffer.
    navigationState isFullBrowser ifTrue:[
        okText3 := 'Find'.       doWhat3 := nil.

    allInstVariables := Set new.
    allClassVariables := Set new.
    allClassInstVariables := Set new.
    environment allClassesDo:[:cls |
        cls isMeta ifFalse:[
            allInstVariables addAll:(cls instVarNames).
            allClassVariables addAll:(cls classVarNames).
            allClassInstVariables addAll:(cls class instVarNames).
    list := OrderedCollection new.
    list add:'---- Instance Variables ----'.
    list addAll:(allInstVariables asOrderedCollection sort).
    list add:'---- Class Variables ----'.
    list addAll:(allClassVariables asOrderedCollection sort).
    list add:'---- Class Instance Variables ----'.
    list addAll:(allClassInstVariables asOrderedCollection sort).

    "/ using a comboBox...
    box := self enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title withCRs withList:list okText:okText.

    "/ box := self enterBoxForClassWithCodeSelectionTitle:title withList:list okText:okText.
    box listView selectConditionBlock:[:lineNr | ((list at:lineNr) startsWith:'----') not].

    box label:(resources string:'Browse or Search Variable').
    button2 := Button label:(resources string:okText2).
    okText3 notNil ifTrue:[
        button3 := Button label:(resources string:okText3).
    box addButton:button2 after:(box okButton).
    button3 notNil ifTrue:[box addButton:button3 after:button2].

    button2 action:[
       doWhat := doWhat2.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.
    button3 notNil ifTrue:[
        button3 action:[
                            doWhat := doWhat3.
                            box doAccept.
                            box okPressed.

    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
        |s what m|

        s := contents withoutSpaces.
        what := DoWhatIMeanSupport selectorCompletion:s inEnvironment:environment .
        box contents:what first.
        (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            self builder window beep
        box listView list:(list select:[:entry | s match:entry]).

    box action:[:aString | varNameString := aString].
    box showAtPointer.

    varNameString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    varNamesToSearch := varNameString asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$; .
    (varNamesToSearch contains:[:varNameToSearch | varNameToSearch includesMatchCharacters]) ifTrue:[
        checkFilterBlock := [:v | varNamesToSearch contains:[:varNameToSearch | varNameToSearch match:v]]
    ] ifFalse:[
        varNamesToSearch := varNamesToSearch asSet.
        checkFilterBlock := [:v | varNamesToSearch includes:v]

    classes := environment allClasses select:[:cls |
                    cls isMeta not
                    and:[(cls instVarNames contains:checkFilterBlock)
                         or:[(cls classVarNames contains:checkFilterBlock)
                             or:[cls class instVarNames contains:checkFilterBlock]]]

    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self information:'None found.'.
        ^ self
    classes := classes asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    (doWhat == #newBrowser or:[ doWhat == #newBuffer ]) ifTrue:[
        self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:doWhat.
        ^ self

    brwsr := self.
    doWhat == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
        brwsr createBuffer.
    brwsr selectClasses:classes.

    "Created: / 01-03-2000 / 11:12:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29-08-2013 / 12:23:08 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:40:57 / Jan Vrany <>"

browseMenuClassesForWhich: aFilter label: label
    "add a new buffer on all shared pools"


    searchBlock := [

                        classes := OrderedCollection new.

                        environment allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
                            (aFilter value: eachClass) ifTrue:[
                                classes add:eachClass

        sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:label
        callBack:[:brwsr | brwsr classListApp markApplications:true ].

    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 14:05:37 / cg"
    "Created: / 18-04-2012 / 16:15:09 / cg"

    "add a new buffer on all classes in the all changeSets
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self browseMenuClassesInAllChangeSetsOpenAs:#newBuffer

    "add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes in all changeSets
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self
        browseMenuClassesInChangeSets:(ChangeSet allInstances)
        label:'Changed classes in any changeSet' openAs:openHow

browseMenuClassesInChangeSets:aSetOfChangeSets label:title openAs:openHow
    "add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes in the given changeSets
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"


    searchBlock :=

            classes := IdentitySet new.

            aSetOfChangeSets do:[:eachChangeSet |
                eachChangeSet do:[:aChange |

                    (aChange isMethodChange or:[aChange isClassChange]) ifTrue:[
                        (cls := aChange changeClass) notNil ifTrue:[
                            cls isRealNameSpace ifFalse:[
                                cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
                                classes add:cls.
                                cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
                                    classes add:cls owningClass
            classes asOrderedCollection

    ^ self spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:nil in:openHow label:title

    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 17:13:45 / cg"

    "add a new buffer on all classes in the current changeSet
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self browseMenuClassesInCurrentChangeSetOpenAs:#newBuffer

    "add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes in the changeSet
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self
        browseMenuClassesInChangeSets:(Array with:ChangeSet current)
        label:'Changed classes in current changeSet' openAs:openHow

    "add a new buffer on all classes for which an application has been opened recently"

    ^ self browseMenuClassesOfRecentlyOpenedApplications:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 22-08-2011 / 08:03:25 / cg"

    "add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes for which an app has been opened recently"


    searchBlock :=

            appHistory := ApplicationModel recentlyOpenedApplications.
                collect:[:nm | environment classNamed:nm]

    ^ self spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:nil in:openHow label:'Recently opened applications'

    "Created: / 22-08-2011 / 08:04:17 / cg"

    "open a dialog asking for a poolname; search for classes importing that pool."

    |box title okText okText2 okText3 poolNameString pool list button2 button3 doWhat doWhat2 doWhat3|

    title := 'Browse/Search Class(es) which refer to a Pool:\'.
    okText2 := 'Open'.      doWhat2 := #newBrowser.
    okText := 'Add Buffer'. doWhat := #newBuffer.
    navigationState isFullBrowser ifTrue:[
        okText3 := 'Find'.       doWhat3 := nil.

    list := (SharedPool allSubclasses collect:[:pool | pool name]) sort.

    "/ using a comboBox...
    box := self enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title withCRs withList:list okText:okText.

    box label:(resources string:'Browse or Search for Classes using Pool').
    button2 := Button label:(resources string:okText2).
    okText3 notNil ifTrue:[
        button3 := Button label:(resources string:okText3).
    box addButton:button2 after:(box okButton).
    button3 notNil ifTrue:[box addButton:button3 after:button2].

    button2 action:[
       doWhat := doWhat2.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.
    button3 notNil ifTrue:[
        button3 action:[
                            doWhat := doWhat3.
                            box doAccept.
                            box okPressed.

    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
        |s what m|

        s := contents withoutSpaces.
        what := DoWhatIMeanSupport poolnameCompletion:s inEnvironment:environment.
        box contents:what first.
        (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            self builder window beep
        box listView list:(list select:[:entry | s match:entry]).

    box action:[:aString | poolNameString := aString].
    box showAtPointer.

    poolNameString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    pool := environment classNamed:poolNameString.
    pool isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'No such pool: ', poolNameString.
        ^ self.
    pool isSharedPool ifFalse:[
        Dialog warn:'Not a sharedPool: ',poolNameString.
        ^ self.
    self browseClassesReferringToAnyPool:(Array with:pool) in:doWhat

    "Modified: / 29-08-2013 / 12:23:44 / cg"

browseMenuClassesWithFilter:aFilterBlock label:aLabelString

    searchBlock := [ environment allClasses select:aFilterBlock ].

    ^ self

        browseMenuClassesForWhich:[:cls |

                any := false.
                cls instAndClassMethods do:[:m | m isInstrumented ifTrue:[any := true]].
        label: 'Classes with Instrumentation'

    "open a dialog asking for a string; search for classes having
     such a string fragment in their comment/documentation."

    self searchMenuFindClass:#newBuffer single:false.

    "open a new browser on all package conflicts (methods shadowing existing one's from
     another package)"

    self browseMenuClassesWithShadowedMethodsOpenAs:#newBuffer

    "open a browser / add a new buffer on all methods which shadow an
     existing method from another package"

    self withSearchCursorDo:[

        newBrowser := self

                        classes := environment allClassesForWhich:[:someClass |

                            include := false.
                            someClass hasExtensions ifTrue:[
                                someClass instAndClassMethodsDo:[:m | m isShadowingExtension ifTrue:[include := true]].
                        classes asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name]
                    label:'Classes with Overwritten Methods (Package Conflicts)'

        "/ newBrowser navigationState selectedProjects value:nil.

    "open a dialog asking for a string; search for classes having
     such a string fragment in their comment/documentation."

    |box title okText okText2 okText3 stringToSearch button2 button3 doWhat doWhat2 doWhat3 classes withMatch|

    title := 'Browse classes with string in comment/documentation (matchPattern allowed):'.
    okText2 := 'Open'.        doWhat2 := #newBrowser.
    okText := 'Add Buffer'. doWhat := #newBuffer.
    navigationState isFullBrowser ifTrue:[
        title := 'Browse/search classes with string in comment/documentation (matchPattern allowed):'.
        okText3 := 'Find'.       doWhat3 := nil.

    box := EnterBox new.
    box title:title.
    box okText:okText.

    box label:(resources string:'Search for documentation string').
    button2 := Button label:(resources string:okText2).
    okText3 notNil ifTrue:[
        button3 := Button label:(resources string:okText3).
    box addButton:button2 after:(box okButton).
    button3 notNil ifTrue:[box addButton:button3 after:button2].

    button2 action:[
       doWhat := doWhat2.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.
    button3 notNil ifTrue:[
        button3 action:[
                            doWhat := doWhat3.
                            box doAccept.
                            box okPressed.

    box action:[:aString | stringToSearch := aString].
    box showAtPointer.

    stringToSearch isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    withMatch := stringToSearch includesMatchCharacters.
    withMatch ifTrue:[
        stringToSearch := '*' , stringToSearch , '*'

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        classes := environment allClasses select:[:cls |
                        |s m found|

                        (cls isLoaded and:[cls isMeta not]) ifTrue:[
                            self activityNotification:('searching %1 ...' bindWith:cls name).
                            found := false.
                            (s := cls comment) notNil ifTrue:[
                                withMatch ifTrue:[
                                    found := stringToSearch match:s
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    found := s includesString:stringToSearch
                            (m := cls theMetaclass compiledMethodAt:#documentation) notNil
                                s := m source ? ''.
                                withMatch ifTrue:[
                                    found := stringToSearch match:s
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    found := s includesString:stringToSearch

        classes := classes asOrderedCollection.
    self activityNotification:nil.

    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self information:'None found.'.
        ^ self

    ((doWhat == #newBrowser) or:[doWhat == #newBuffer]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:doWhat
    self selectClasses:classes.

    "Created: / 01-03-2000 / 12:44:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29-08-2013 / 12:24:01 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    |filterBlockString filterBlock dialog textHolder template|

    template :=
'"/ general class search;
"/ the following block should evaluate to true for all classes
"/ you want to browse. Please change as required.
"/ Beginner warning: Smalltalk know-how is useful here.

[:class |
     "/ any condition using class.
     "/ Useful queries to the method are:
     "/     - source             to access its full sourceCode
     "/     - package            the classes package
     "/     - name               the classes name
     "/     - category           the classes category
     "/     - nameSpace          the classes namespace
     "/     - superclass         the classes superclass
     "/     - hasExtension       true if it has extensions (methods in other packages)
     "/     - implements:        true if it implements a particular message
     "/     - isSubclassOf:      true if it is a subclass of some other class
     "/     - isSuperclassOf:    true if it is a superclass of some other class
     "/     - hasUnsavedChanges  true if it has been changed but not saved in repository

     "/ example (search for classes which implement some message and are in the Smalltalk nameSpace)
     (class nameSpace == Smalltalk
     and:[ class implements:#at: ] )

     "/ example (search for classes which do not implement a message)
     "/ (class implements:#at:) not

     "/ same, for class side
     "/ (class theMetaclass implements:#version) not

    LastClassFilterBlockString isNil ifTrue:[
        LastClassFilterBlockString := template.

    textHolder := ValueHolder new.
    dialog := Dialog
                 forRequestText:(resources string:'Enter filterBlock')
    dialog addButton:(Button label:'Template' action:[textHolder value:template. textHolder changed:#value.]).
    dialog open.
    dialog accepted ifFalse:[^ self].

    filterBlockString := textHolder value.
    LastClassFilterBlockString := filterBlockString.

    filterBlock := Parser evaluate:filterBlockString.
    self assert:filterBlock isBlock message:'bad input'.

    self browseMenuClassesWithFilter:filterBlock label:'Class-Search result'

    "Modified: / 29-09-2011 / 13:13:31 / cg"


    sourceCodeManager := Smalltalk at: #CVSSourceCodeManager.
    sourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue: [
        Dialog warn: 'CVS Source Code Manager is not available'.
        ^ self.
    ^ self browseMenuClassesWithoutRepositoryContainerFor:sourceCodeManager

    "Modified: / 19-04-2011 / 11:51:57 / cg"


    searchBlock :=

            classes := self findClassesWithoutClassMethod:#copyright.
            classes := classes reject:[:each | each isPrivate].
        label:'Classes without copyright'

    "Modified: / 11-07-2010 / 16:42:04 / cg"


    searchBlock := [
                        self findClassesWithoutClassMethod:#documentation

    self spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:'Classes without documentation'


    searchBlock := [    |classes|

                        classes := self findClassesWithoutClassMethod:#examples.
                            select:[:each |
                                        (each isPrivate not
                                            or:[classes includes:each owningClass])
                                        and:[ (each isSubclassOf:Exception) not ]

    self spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:'Classes without examples'

    "Modified: / 11-07-2010 / 16:43:35 / cg"

    |searchBlock nameOfVersionMethodInClasses|

    nameOfVersionMethodInClasses := aSourceCodeManager nameOfVersionMethodInClasses.

    searchBlock := [
                        |classesWithVersion classesWithVersionSVN classesWithoutBoth|

                        classesWithVersion := self findClassesWithoutClassMethod:#version.
                        classesWithVersion := classesWithVersion reject:[:each | each isPrivate].
                        classesWithVersionSVN := self findClassesWithoutClassMethod: nameOfVersionMethodInClasses.
                        classesWithVersionSVN := classesWithVersionSVN select:[:each | each isPrivate not].
                        classesWithoutBoth := classesWithVersion asSet intersect: classesWithVersionSVN.

    ^ self
        label:(resources string:'Classes without %1 repository container' with:aSourceCodeManager managerTypeName)

    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 11:51:38 / cg"


    sourceCodeManager := Smalltalk at: #SVNSourceCodeManager.
    sourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue: [
        Dialog warn: 'SVN Source Code Manager is not available'.
        ^ self.
    ^ self browseMenuClassesWithoutRepositoryContainerFor:sourceCodeManager

    "Modified: / 19-04-2011 / 11:52:12 / cg"

    |browser categoryListApp|

    self window sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
        "/ temporary: allow old browser to be used
        SystemBrowser openInClass:(self theSingleSelectedClass) selector:(self theSingleSelectedSelector).
        ^ self

    "/ do not use self class new here - to avoid using obsolete classes instances
    "/ while working on the browser itself ...
    browser := (Smalltalk at:self class name) new.
    browser environment: self environment.
    browser allButOpen.
    browser setupNavigationStateFrom:navigationState.
    browser window extent:(self window extent).

    self currentNamespace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
        (categoryListApp := browser categoryListApp) notNil ifTrue:[
            categoryListApp nameSpaceFilter value:(self navigationState selectedNamespaces value copy)

    browser openWindow.

    ^ browser.

    "Modified: / 08-08-2010 / 15:19:13 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-04-2014 / 11:07:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for Deprecated Methods in:'
        browserLabel:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class menuIcon) string:'Deprecated Methods')
        searchWith:[:classes | self class findMethodsIn:classes where:[:c :m :sel | m isObsolete]]
        searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)

    "add a new buffer on all web service classes"

        browseMenuClassesForWhich:[:cls | cls isBrowserStartable
                                          and:[cls inheritsFrom:HTTPService]]
        label: 'Web Services'

    "Created: / 20-07-2007 / 10:02:14 / cg"

    self browseImplementorsOf


    self browseImplementorsOfAny

    self browseInheritanceOf


browseMenuMethodsInChangeSets:aSetOfChangeSets openAs:openHow
    "add a new buffer on all methods in all given changeSets
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"


    searchBlock :=
            |methods methodsInOrder|

            aSetOfChangeSets do:[:eachChangeSet |
                methods := IdentitySet new.
                methodsInOrder := OrderedCollection new.

                eachChangeSet reverseDo:[:aChange |
                    |cls selector method|

                    (aChange isMethodChange) ifTrue:[
                        (cls := aChange changeClass) notNil ifTrue:[
                            method := cls compiledMethodAt:aChange selector.
                            method notNil ifTrue:[
                                (methods includes:method) ifFalse:[
                                    methods add:method.
                                    methodsInOrder add:method.

    ^ self
        sortBy:"false" #class
        label:'Changed methods'

    "add a new buffer on all methods in the changeSet
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self browseMenuMethodsInCurrentChangeSetIn:#newBuffer

    "add a new buffer on all methods in the changeSet
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self browseMenuMethodsInChangeSets:(Array with:ChangeSet current) openAs:openHow

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for Annotated Methods:'
        browserLabel:'Annotated Methods'
        searchWith:[:annotationOrEmpty :classes :ignoreCase :doMatch |
            "/ self class findResource:resourceOrEmpty match:doMatch ignoreCase:ignoreCase in:classes.
            self class
                where:[:c :m :sel |
                    m hasAnnotation
                    and:[ (m annotations contains:[:a | a isArray or:[ a isResource not ]] )
                    and:[ annotationOrEmpty isEmpty
                          or:[ annotationOrEmpty = '*'
                          or:[ m annotations contains:[:a |a printString matches:'*',annotationOrEmpty,'*']]]]]
        searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)

    "Created: / 18-07-2012 / 19:26:56 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for code to search for"


    whereDefault := SearchDialog lastCodeSearchArea ? #everywhere.

"/    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
"/    whereDefault == #classes ifTrue:[
"/        ((self selectedMethods value ? #()) contains:[:anyMethod | anyMethod mclass isPrivate]) ifTrue:[
"/            whereDefault := #ownersWithPrivateClasses
"/        ]
"/    ].

        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Code to Search:'
        browserLabel:'Methods containing code'
        searchWith:#( #'findCode:in:isMethod:' #'findCode:inMethods:isMethod:' )
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :codePattern :isMethodSearch :doMatch|
                            isMethodSearch ifFalse:[
                                brwsr autoSearchCodePattern:codePattern

    "launch an enterBox for area to search for"


    whereDefault := SearchDialog lastCodeSearchArea ? #everywhere.

        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search Exception Raisers:'
        browserLabel:'Methods containing Exception Raisers'
        searchWith:#( #'findExceptionHandlersIn:' #'findExceptionHandlersInMethods:' )
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :codePattern :isMethodSearch :doMatch | ]

    "Created: / 11-05-2010 / 14:19:27 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for area to search for"


    whereDefault := SearchDialog lastCodeSearchArea ? #everywhere.

        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search Exception Raisers:'
        browserLabel:'Methods containing Exception Raisers'
        searchWith:#( #'findExceptionRaisersIn:' #'findExceptionRaisersInMethods:' )
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :codePattern :isMethodSearch :doMatch | ]

    "Created: / 11-05-2010 / 14:19:14 / cg"


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for Methods with Library Calls (FFI):'
        browserLabel:'Library Calls (FFI)'
        searchWith:[:classes |
                       self class
                            where:[:cls :mthd :sel |
                                        mthd isExternalLibraryFunctionCall

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for help texts (helpSpec methods) in:'
        browserLabel:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class menuIcon) string:'Help')
        searchWith:[:classes | self class findResource:#(help) in:classes]
        searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for images (imageSpec methods) in:'
        browserLabel:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class imageIcon) string:'Images')  " 'Images' "
        searchWith:[:classes | self class findResource:#(image fileImage) in:classes]
        searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)

    ^ self
        browseMethodsForWhich:[:mthd | mthd isInstrumented]
        label:'Instrumented Methods'

"/    |whereDefault|
"/    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
"/    ^ self
"/        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for Methods with Instrumentation:'
"/        browserLabel:'Instrumentated Methods'
"/        searchWith:[:classes |
"/                       self class
"/                            findMethodsIn:classes
"/                            where:[:cls :mthd :sel |
"/                                        mthd isInstrumented
"/                                  ]
"/                   ]
"/        searchArea:whereDefault

    |whereDefault codeStrings matcher|

    codeStrings  :=
                'Transcript `@msg: `@args'
                '`@any halt'
                'true ifTrue: `@stuff'
                'true ifFalse: `@stuff'
                'false ifTrue: `@stuff'
                'false ifFalse: `@stuff'
                '`@any handle:[] do:`@anyBlock'
                '`@any handle:[:ex | ] do:`@anyBlock'
                '`@any needsWork'

    matcher := ParseTreeSearcher new.
    matcher matchesAnyOf: codeStrings do: [:aNode :answer | aNode].

    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for methods with possible leftOver debug code in:'
        browserLabel:'Methods with leftOver debug code'
        searchWith:[:classes |
                       self class
                            where:[:cls :mthd :sel |
                                        self method:mthd selector:sel inClass:cls matchesParseTreeMatcher:matcher

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for menus (menuSpec methods) in:'
        browserLabel:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class menuIcon) string:'Menus') "'Menus'"
        searchWith:[:classes | self class findResource:#(menu programMenu) in:classes]
        searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for Methods with Primitive Code:'
        browserLabel:'Primitive Code'
        searchWith:[:classes |
                       self class
                            where:[:cls :mthd :sel |
                                        mthd hasPrimitiveCode

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for Resource Methods:\\Resource (empty for any; matchpattern allowed)'
        searchWith:[:resourceOrEmpty :classes :ignoreCase :doMatch |
            self class findResource:resourceOrEmpty match:doMatch ignoreCase:ignoreCase in:classes
        searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)

"/    ^ self
"/        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for resource methods in:'
"/        browserLabel:" (LabelAndIcon icon:(self class resourceIcon) string:'Resources') " 'Resources'
"/        searchWith:[:classes | self class findAnyResourceIn:classes]
"/        searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)

    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 12:16:27 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for string to search for"


    self isMethodListBrowser ifTrue:[
        whereDefault := SearchDialog constantForListOfMethodsArea.
    ] ifFalse:[
        whereDefault := SearchDialog lastStringSearchArea ? self defaultSearchArea.

        whereDefault == #classes ifTrue:[
            (self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m mclass notNil and:[m mclass isPrivate]])
                whereDefault := #ownersWithPrivateClasses

        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'String to Search for in Sources:'
        browserLabel:'Methods containing "%1"'
        searchWith:#( #'findString:in:ignoreCase:match:' #'findString:inMethods:ignoreCase:match:' )
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|
                            brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:40:11 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for string to search for"


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    whereDefault == #classes ifTrue:[
        (self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m mclass isPrivate]) ifTrue:[
            whereDefault := #ownersWithPrivateClasses
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'String to search for in help spec methods:'
        browserLabel:'HelpSpec Methods containing "%1"'
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|
                            brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:40:37 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for string to search for"


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    whereDefault == #classes ifTrue:[
        (self hasAnyMethodSelectedForWhich:[:m | m mclass isPrivate]) ifTrue:[
            whereDefault := #ownersWithPrivateClasses
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'String to search for in menu spec methods:'
        browserLabel:'MenuSpec Methods containing "%1"'
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|
                            brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:40:54 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for code to search for"


    whereDefault := SearchDialog lastCodeSearchArea ? #everywhere.

"/    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
"/    whereDefault == #classes ifTrue:[
"/        ((self selectedMethods value ? #()) contains:[:anyMethod | anyMethod mclass isPrivate]) ifTrue:[
"/            whereDefault := #ownersWithPrivateClasses
"/        ]
"/    ].

        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search Matchstring in Literal-Strings:'
        browserLabel:'Methods with Literal-String Matching'
        searchWith:#( #'findStringLiteral:in:ignoreCase:match:' #'findStringLiteral:inMethods:ignoreCase:match:' )
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|
                            brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for tableSpec methods in:'
        browserLabel:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class menuIcon) string:'TableSpecs')
        searchWith:[:classes | self class findResource:#(tableColumns) in:classes]
        searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for methods with ugly coding style in:'
        browserLabel:'Methods with ugly coding style'
        searchWith:[:classes |
                       self class
                            where:[:cls :mthd :sel |

                                        note := self methodHasUglyCodingStyle:mthd selector:sel inClass:cls.
                                        note notNil

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    |whereDefault filterBlockString filterBlock dialog textHolder template dummyMethod|

    template :=
'"/ general method search;

"/ the following block should evaluate to true for all methods
"/ you want to browse. Please change as required.
"/ Beginner warning: Smalltalk know-how is useful here ;-).

[:class :method :selector |
     "/ any condition using class, method or selector.
     "/ Useful queries to the method are:
     "/     - package             the methods packageID
     "/     - source              to access its sourceCode
     "/     - messagesSent        a collection of sent messages (all)
     "/     - messagesSentToSuper a collection of super messages
     "/     - sends:              query a particular message
     "/     - referencesLiteral:  query for direct literal access
     "/     - refersToLiteral:    query for direct or indirect literal access
     "/     - literals            the methods literal-array
     "/     - usedGlobals         a collection of used global names


"/     "/
"/     "/ example: search for methods which contain a string AND send a particular message
"/     "/
"/     (method source includesString:''Useful'')
"/     and:[ method sends:#for: ]

"/     "/
"/     "/ example: search for methods which send #foo AND #bar
"/     "/
"/     |msgSet|
"/     msgSet := method messagesSent.
"/     (msgSet includes:#foo) and:[msgSet includes:#bar]

"/     "/
"/     "/ example: search for methods which send #foo OR #bar
"/     "/
"/     |msgSet|
"/     msgSet := method messagesSent.
"/     (msgSet includes:#foo) or:[msgSet includes:#bar]

"/     "/ the same, but faster
"/     "/ (messagesSent requires a source-parse in contrast,
"/     "/ in contrast, referencesLiteral accesses the literalArray)
"/     "/ thus, prefiltering helps a lot.
"/     ((method referencesLiteral:#foo) or:[method referencesLiteral:#bar])
"/     and:[
"/         |msgSet|
"/         msgSet := method messagesSent.
"/         (msgSet includes:#foo) or:[msgSet includes:#bar]
"/     ]

"/     "/
"/     "/ example: search for methods which contain a string constant
"/     "/ which contains some string-fragment
"/     "/ (i.e. which method generates a particular message-string)
"/     |lits|
"/     lits := method literals.
"/     (lits contains:[:aLit | aLit isString and:[aLit asLowercase includesString:''error'']])


    LastMethodFilterBlockString isNil ifTrue:[
        LastMethodFilterBlockString := template.

    textHolder := ValueHolder new.
    dialog := Dialog
                 forRequestText:(resources string:'Enter filterBlock')
    dialog addButton:(Button label:'Template' action:[textHolder value:template. textHolder changed:#value.]).
    dialog open.
    dialog accepted ifFalse:[^ self].

    filterBlockString := textHolder value.
    LastMethodFilterBlockString := filterBlockString.

    dummyMethod := Compiler
                         compile:('dummy ^' , filterBlockString)

"/    filterBlock := Parser evaluate:filterBlockString.
"/    filterBlock isBlock ifFalse:[

    (dummyMethod isMethod not
    or:[(filterBlock := dummyMethod valueWithReceiver:nil arguments:nil) isBlock not])
        self error:'bad input'.
        ^ self

    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for methods in:'
        searchWith:[:classes |
                       self class
                            where:[:cls :mthd :sel | filterBlock value:cls value:mthd value:sel ]

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 21:26:37 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 21:58:31 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for GUI specs (windowSpec methods) in:'
        browserLabel:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class canvasIcon) string:'UISpecs') "'UISpecs'"
        searchWith:[:classes | self class findResource:#canvas in:classes]

    "add a new buffer on all wrapped methods
     (i.e. that have a break, trace or watchPoint)"

            environment allMethodsForWhich:[:m | m isWrapped or:[m isMethodWithBreakpoints]].
        sortBy:#class in:#newBuffer
        label:'BreakPointed Methods'

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for methods without comment in:'
        browserLabel:'Methods without comment'
        searchWith:[:classes |
                       self class
                            where:[:cls :mthd :sel |
                                        (cls isMeta not or:[(AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector:sel) not])
                                        and:[ mthd comment size == 0 ]

    self searchMenuFindClass:#newBuffer "/ open new

    "browses extension methods which override a previously existing method from another package"

    ^ self
        browseMethodsForWhich:[:mthd |
            |cls def|

            mthd isShadowingExtension
"/            mthd isExtension
"/            and:[ (cls := mthd mclass) notNil
"/            and:[ (def := cls theNonMetaclass projectDefinitionClass) notNil
"/            and:[ (def savedOverwrittenMethodForClass:cls selector:mthd selector) notNil ]]]
        label:'Overwritten Methods (Package Conflicts)'

    "launch a changeSet browser"

    "/ ChangeSetBrowser open
    (UserPreferences current changeSetBrowserClass) open

    "Created: / 09-11-2001 / 02:22:08 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for global to search for"

    |labelHolder alreadyAsked searchAllLabel|

    labelHolder := 'Methods referring to global ''%1''' asValue.
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Global to search:\(TAB for completion; matchPattern allowed)'
        searchWith:[:string :classes :dummyIgnoreCase :dummyMatch|
                        |globlNames globlNamesAndSymbols globlName sym baseName matchBlock realClasses val
                         keysReferringToValue otherKeysReferringToValue msg searchAll|

                        globlNames := string withoutSeparators asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;| '.
                        globlNames size > 1 ifTrue:[
                            globlNames := globlNames collect:[:nm | nm asSymbol].
                            matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel |
                                            |mSource usedGlobals|

                                            mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
                                                mSource := mthd source.

                                                (mSource notNil
                                                and:[(globlNames contains:[:nm |
                                                        (mSource includesString:nm)
                                                           usedGlobals isNil ifTrue:[ usedGlobals := mthd usedGlobals].
                                                           usedGlobals includes:nm
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                                                globlNames contains:[:nm |
                                                        (mthd referencesLiteral:nm)
                                                           usedGlobals isNil ifTrue:[ usedGlobals := mthd usedGlobals].
                                                           usedGlobals includes:nm
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            globlName := globlNames first.
                            globlName knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
                                globlName includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
                                    ^ self warn:'No such global (''' , globlName , ''')'.
                                matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel |
                                                (mthd literals contains:[:lit | globlName match:lit])
                                                 and:[mthd usedGlobals contains:[:lit | globlName match:lit] ]
                            ] ifTrue:[
                                searchAll := false.
                                sym := globlName asSymbol.

                                val := globlName lastIndexOf:$:.
                                val ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                                    baseName := (globlName copyFrom:val+1) asSymbol.
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    baseName := sym.
                                (val := environment at:sym) isBehavior ifTrue:[
                                    otherKeysReferringToValue := OrderedCollection new.
                                    environment keysAndValuesDo:[:k :v | v == val ifTrue:[
                                                                           (k ~~ sym and:[k ~~ #'Parser:PrevClass']) ifTrue:[
                                                                               otherKeysReferringToValue add:k
                                    otherKeysReferringToValue size > 0 ifTrue:[
                                        keysReferringToValue := otherKeysReferringToValue copyWith:sym.
                                        otherKeysReferringToValue size == 1 ifTrue:[
                                            msg := '''%1'' also refers to that value. Search these references too ?'.
                                            searchAllLabel := 'Methods referring to ''%1'' or ''%2''' bindWithArguments:keysReferringToValue.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            searchAllLabel := 'Methods referring to the value of ''%1'''.
                                            otherKeysReferringToValue size <= 3 ifTrue:[
                                                msg := (otherKeysReferringToValue copyButLast) asStringWith:', '.
                                                msg := msg , ' and ' , otherKeysReferringToValue last.
                                                msg := msg , ' also refer to that value. Search those references too ?'.
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                                                msg := 'There are %2 other globals referring to that value. Search those references too ?'.
                                        alreadyAsked isNil ifTrue:[
                                            searchAll := Dialog
                                                            confirmWithCancel:(msg bindWith:otherKeysReferringToValue first with:otherKeysReferringToValue size)
                                            searchAll isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
                                            alreadyAsked := searchAll.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            searchAll := alreadyAsked.
                                searchAll ifTrue:[
                                    labelHolder value:searchAllLabel.
                                    matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel |
                                                    "/ kludge: Lazy methods do not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
                                                    mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
                                                        (mthd usedGlobals includesAny:keysReferringToValue)
                                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                                        (keysReferringToValue contains:[:globl | mthd refersToLiteral:globl])
                                                        and:[mthd usedGlobals includesAny:keysReferringToValue]
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel | |mSource|
                                                    "/ kludge: Lazy methods do not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
                                                    mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
                                                        mSource := mthd source.
                                                        (mSource notNil
                                                        and:[(mSource includesString:baseName)
                                                        and:[mthd usedGlobals includes:sym]])
                                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                                        (((mthd referencesLiteral:baseName) or:[baseName ~~ sym and:[mthd referencesLiteral:sym]])
                                                         and:[mthd usedGlobals includes:sym])
                       "/ recollect realClasses from names (in case of class-changes)
                       realClasses := classes collect:[:eachClass | environment at:eachClass name].
                       self class
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|

                            globlNames := string withoutSeparators asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;| '.
                            brwsr autoSearchVariables:globlNames.

                            "/ brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 14:19:22 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for symbol to search for"

        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Symbol to search:'
        browserLabel:'Methods referring to #''%1'''
        searchWith:[:string :classes :dummyIgnoreCase :dummyMatch|
                        |sym stringToSearch searchBlock|

                        stringToSearch := string.
                        (string startsWith:'#') ifTrue:[
                            stringToSearch := Symbol readFrom:string.
                            Dialog information:'Searching for ',stringToSearch

                        (sym := stringToSearch asSymbolIfInterned) notNil ifTrue:[
                            searchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel | |mSource|
                                                "/ kludge: stc does not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
                                                "/ (also: Lazy methods)
                                                mthd byteCode isNil ifTrue:[
                                                    mSource := mthd source.
                                                    (mSource notNil
                                                    and:[(mSource includesString:(sym upTo:$:))
                                                    and:[mthd usedSymbols includes:sym]])
                                                ] ifFalse:[
                                                    ((mthd refersToLiteral:sym)
                                                     and:[mthd usedSymbols includes:sym])
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            stringToSearch includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
                                ^ self warn:'No such symbol'.
                            searchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel | |mSource|
                                                "/ kludge: stc does not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
                                                "/ (also: Lazy methods)
                                                mthd byteCode isNil ifTrue:[
                                                    mSource := mthd source.
                                                    (mSource notNil
                                                    and:[mthd usedSymbols contains:[:sym | stringToSearch match:sym]])
                                                ] ifFalse:[
                                                    mthd usedSymbols contains:[:sym | stringToSearch match:sym]
                        self class

        searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|
                            brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "Modified: / 25-11-2010 / 11:41:10 / cg"

    "add a new buffer on all shared pools"

    self browseMenuClassesForWhich:[:cls | cls isSharedPool] label: 'Shared Pools'

    "Created: / 18-04-2012 / 16:14:18 / cg"

    "open a browser showing full classes (file-like)"

    self spawnFullClassSourceBrowserIn:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:37:51 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing full classes (file-like)"

    self spawnFullClassSourceBrowserIn:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:38:09 / cg"

    ^ self browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffsIn:#newBrowser


    searchBlock := [
                        |changes classes|

                        changes := ChangeSet current.
                        classes := IdentitySet new.

                        changes do:[:aChange |

                            (aChange isMethodChange or:[aChange isClassChange]) ifTrue:[
                                (cls := aChange changeClass) notNil ifTrue:[
                                    cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
                                    (classes includes:cls) ifFalse:[
                                        classes add:cls.
                        classes asOrderedCollection

    ^ self
        spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock spec:#multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec
        sortBy:nil in:where label:'Repository Diffs' autoSelectIfOne:false

    ^ self browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffsIn:#newBuffer

    "add a new buffer on all testcases"

    self browseMenuClassesForWhich:[:cls | cls isTestCaseLike] label: 'TestCases'

    "Modified: / 18-04-2012 / 16:16:33 / cg"

    ^ self
        browseMethodsForWhich:[:mthd | mthd package = PackageId noProjectID]
        label:'Loose methods'

"/    |searchBlock|
"/    searchBlock := [
"/                        |defaultId methods methodsInOrder|
"/                        methods := OrderedCollection new.
"/                        defaultId := PackageId noProjectID.
"/                        environment allMethodsDo:[:mthd |
"/                            mthd package = defaultId ifTrue:[
"/                                methods add:mthd.
"/                            ].
"/                        ].
"/                        methods
"/                  ].
"/    ^ self
"/        spawnMethodBrowserForSearch:searchBlock
"/        sortBy:#class
"/        in:openHow
"/        label:'Loose methods'
    "Modified: / 12-10-2006 / 20:51:48 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for global to search for writers"


    labelHolder := 'Methods writing to global ''%1''' asValue.
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Global to search:\(TAB for completion; matchPattern allowed)'
        searchWith:[:string :classes :dummyIgnoreCase :dummyMatch|
                        |globlNames globlNamesAndSymbols globlName sym baseName matchBlock realClasses val
                         keysReferringToValue otherKeysReferringToValue msg searchAll|

                        globlNames := string withoutSeparators asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;| '.
"/                        globlNames size > 1 ifTrue:[
"/                            globlNames := globlNames collect:[:nm | nm asSymbol].
"/                            matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel |
"/                                            |mSource usedGlobals usesGlobal|
"/                                            usesGlobal := false.
"/                                            mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
"/                                                mSource := mthd source.
"/                                                (mSource notNil
"/                                                and:[(globlNames contains:[:nm |
"/                                                        (mSource includesString:nm)
"/                                                        and:[
"/                                                           usedGlobals isNil ifTrue:[ usedGlobals := mthd usedGlobals].
"/                                                           usesGlobal := usedGlobals includes:nm
"/                                                        ]])]).
"/                                            ] ifFalse:[
"/                                                globlNames contains:[:nm |
"/                                                        (mthd referencesLiteral:nm)
"/                                                        and:[
"/                                                           usedGlobals isNil ifTrue:[ usedGlobals := mthd usedGlobals].
"/                                                           usesGlobal := usedGlobals includes:nm
"/                                                        ]].
"/                                            ].
"/                                            usesGlobal ifTrue:[
"/                                            ].
"/                                          ]
"/                        ] ifFalse:[
"/                            globlName := globlNames first.
"/                            globlName knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
"/                                globlName includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
"/                                    ^ self warn:'No such global (''' , globlName , ''')'.
"/                                ].
"/                                matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel |
"/                                                (mthd literals contains:[:lit | globlName match:lit])
"/                                                 and:[mthd usedGlobals contains:[:lit | globlName match:lit] ]
"/                                              ]
"/                            ] ifTrue:[
"/                                searchAll := false.
"/                                sym := globlName asSymbol.
"/                                val := globlName lastIndexOf:$:.
"/                                val ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
"/                                    baseName := (globlName copyFrom:val+1) asSymbol.
"/                                ] ifFalse:[
"/                                    baseName := sym.
"/                                ].
"/                                (val := environment at:sym) isBehavior ifTrue:[
"/                                    otherKeysReferringToValue := OrderedCollection new.
"/                                    environment keysAndValuesDo:[:k :v | v == val ifTrue:[
"/                                                                           k ~~ sym ifTrue:[
"/                                                                               otherKeysReferringToValue add:k
"/                                                                           ]
"/                                                                       ]
"/                                                              ].
"/                                    otherKeysReferringToValue size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/                                        keysReferringToValue := otherKeysReferringToValue copyWith:sym.
"/                                        otherKeysReferringToValue size == 1 ifTrue:[
"/                                            msg := '''%1'' also refers to that value. Search these references too ?'.
"/                                            searchAllLabel := 'Methods referring to ''%1'' or ''%2''' bindWithArguments:keysReferringToValue.
"/                                        ] ifFalse:[
"/                                            searchAllLabel := 'Methods referring to the value of ''%1'''.
"/                                            otherKeysReferringToValue size <= 3 ifTrue:[
"/                                                msg := (otherKeysReferringToValue copyWithoutLast:1) asStringWith:', '.
"/                                                msg := msg , ' and ' , otherKeysReferringToValue last.
"/                                                msg := msg , ' also refer to that value. Search those references too ?'.
"/                                            ] ifFalse:[
"/                                                msg := 'There are %2 other globals referring to that value. Search those references too ?'.
"/                                            ]
"/                                        ].
"/                                        alreadyAsked isNil ifTrue:[
"/                                            searchAll := Dialog
"/                                                            confirmWithCancel:(msg bindWith:otherKeysReferringToValue first with:otherKeysReferringToValue size)
"/                                                            default:true.
"/                                            searchAll isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
"/                                            alreadyAsked := searchAll.
"/                                        ] ifFalse:[
"/                                            searchAll := alreadyAsked.
"/                                        ].
"/                                    ]
"/                                ].
"/                                searchAll ifTrue:[
"/                                    labelHolder value:searchAllLabel.
"/                                    matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel |
"/                                                    "/ kludge: Lazy methods do not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
"/                                                    mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
"/                                                        (mthd usedGlobals includesAny:keysReferringToValue)
"/                                                    ] ifFalse:[
"/                                                        (keysReferringToValue contains:[:globl | mthd refersToLiteral:globl])
"/                                                        and:[mthd usedGlobals includesAny:keysReferringToValue]
"/                                                    ]
"/                                                  ]
"/                                ] ifFalse:[
"/                                    matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel | |mSource|
"/                                                    "/ kludge: Lazy methods do not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
"/                                                    mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
"/                                                        mSource := mthd source.
"/                                                        (mSource notNil
"/                                                        and:[(mSource includesString:baseName)
"/                                                        and:[mthd usedGlobals includes:sym]])
"/                                                    ] ifFalse:[
"/                                                        (((mthd referencesLiteral:baseName) or:[baseName ~~ sym and:[mthd referencesLiteral:sym]])
"/                                                         and:[mthd usedGlobals includes:sym])
"/                                                    ]
"/                                                  ]
"/                                ]
"/                           ].
"/                       ].

                        matchBlock := self class

                       "/ recollect realClasses from names (in case of class-changes)
                       realClasses := classes collect:[:eachClass | environment at:eachClass name].
                       self class
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|

                            globlNames := string withoutSeparators asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;| '.
                            brwsr autoSearchVariables:globlNames.

                            "/ brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "Created: / 29-09-2011 / 10:40:16 / cg"

browseMethodsForWhich:checkBlock in:openHow label:aString

    searchBlock := [ environment allMethodsForWhich:checkBlock ].

    ^ self


    selector := self selectedSelectorInCodeViewOrNil.
    selector isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    self findResponseTo:selector

    "launch an enterBox for selector to search for"

    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:(resources string:'Selector to browse senders of:')
                                        , '\'
                                        , (resources string:'(TAB for completion; matchPattern allowed)')
        browserLabel:'Senders of %1'
        searchWith:#( #'findSendersOf:in:ignoreCase:match:' #'findSendersOf:inMethods:ignoreCase:match:' )
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :selector :ignoreCase :doMatch|
                            brwsr autoSearchSelector:selector ignoreCase:ignoreCase doMatch:doMatch.

    "Modified: / 20-08-2012 / 14:28:30 / cg"


    selectors := self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:each | each selector].

false ifTrue:[
self autoSearchSelector:selectors ignoreCase:false doMatch:true.
    ^ self
        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Browse Senders of (any in selected):'
        browserLabel:('Senders (any of %1 selectors)' bindWith:selectors size)
        searchWith:[:ignoredString :classes :ignoredCase :match|
                            self class
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|
                            brwsr autoSearchSelector:selectors ignoreCase:ignoreCase doMatch:doMatch.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:15:36 / cg"

    "search for classes importing the selectred pool(s)"


    pools := self selectedClasses value select:[:cls | cls isSharedPool].
    self browseClassesReferringToAnyPool:pools in:#newBuffer

    "search for classes importing the selectred pool(s)"


    pools := self selectedClasses select:[:cls | cls isSharedPool].
    self browseClassesReferringToAnyPool:pools in:#newBrowser

    "return a useful default seach area"

    self hasClassSelected ifTrue:[
        ^ #classes.
    (navigationState isCategoryBrowser
    and:[self hasCategorySelected]) ifTrue:[
        ^ #classCategories.
    (navigationState isNameSpaceBrowser
    and:[self hasNameSpaceSelected]) ifTrue:[
        ^ #currentNameSpace.
    ((navigationState isProjectBrowser or:[navigationState isProjectFullBrowser])
    and:[self hasProjectSelected]) ifTrue:[
        ^ #currentPackage.
    ^ nil


    classes := IdentitySet new.
    environment allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        (eachClass isMeta not
        and:[eachClass isLoaded
        and:[eachClass isNameSpace not
        and:[(eachClass class includesSelector:selector) not]]])
             classes add:eachClass
    ^ classes asOrderedCollection

    "browse documentation;
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer"

    |selectedClasses selectedCategories|

    selectedClasses := self selectedNonMetaclasses.
    selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesValue copy.
    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
                        brwsr selectCategories:selectedCategories.
                        brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses.

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:44:08 / cg"

spawnClassExtensionBrowserFor:classes in:where
    "browse extensions on selected classes;
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the projects"

    |spec classList "singleSelection"|

    spec := #multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec.
"/    (singleSelection := projects size == 1) ifTrue:[
"/        spec := #singleProjectBrowserSpec.
"/        spec := #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec.
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        spec := #multipleProjectBrowserSpec.
"/    ].

    classList := classes copy.

    ^ self
        label: 'Class Extensions'
        setupWith:[:brwsr |

            "/ setup for a constant list ...
            "/ brwsr organizerMode value:#project.
            brwsr showClassPackages value:true.
            brwsr classListGenerator value:classList.

            packageListGeneratorBlock := [

                                packages := Set new.
                                (brwsr selectedClasses value ? #()) do:[:eachClass |
                                    packages add:eachClass package.
                                    eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
                                        packages add:mthd package
                                packages asOrderedCollection sort.

            brwsr projectListGenerator value:(packageListGeneratorBlock value).
            brwsr selectedClasses onChangeEvaluate:[brwsr projectListGenerator value:(packageListGeneratorBlock value).].
            brwsr packageFilter value:#().
            "/ singleSelection ifTrue:[
            "/     brwsr selectProjects:projectList.
            "/ ].
            "/ brwsr packageFilter value:projectList.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 18:48:40 / cg"

spawnClassExtensionBrowserForSearch:searchBlock label:labelOrNil in:where
    "browse extensions on a searchBlock;
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the projects"

    ^ self
        label:(labelOrNil ? 'Class Extensions')
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            |classListGenerator packageListGeneratorBlock theClassList|

            classListGenerator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            theClassList isNil ifTrue:[
                                                theClassList := searchBlock value.
                                            theClassList notNil ifTrue:[
                                                theClassList do:[:aClass |
                                                    whatToDo value:aClass
                                                theClassList := nil.

            "/ brwsr organizerMode value:#project.
            brwsr showClassPackages value:true.
            brwsr classListGenerator value:classListGenerator.

            packageListGeneratorBlock := [

                                packages := Set new.
                                (brwsr selectedClasses value ? #()) do:[:eachClass |
                                    packages add:eachClass package.
                                    eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
                                        packages add:mthd package
                                packages asOrderedCollection sort.

            brwsr projectListGenerator value:(packageListGeneratorBlock value).
            brwsr selectedClasses onChangeEvaluate:[brwsr projectListGenerator value:(packageListGeneratorBlock value).].
            brwsr packageFilter value:nil. "/ #().

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 18:48:40 / cg"

    "browse full classes (file-like);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer"

    |selectedClasses selectedCategories|

    selectedClasses := self selectedNonMetaclasses.
    selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesValue copy.

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
                        brwsr meta value:false.
                        brwsr selectCategories:selectedCategories.
                        brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses.

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:43:48 / cg"

    <resource: #obsolete>
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-buffers'!

    "add a new buffer"

    self createBufferForCurrentClassOrSelectionInCodeView.

    "remove all other than the numbered buffer"

    buffers size to:1 by:-1 do:[:bNrToClose |
        bNrToClose ~~ bNrToLeaveOpen ifTrue:[
                askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Remove buffer anyway ?'
                in:(buffers at:bNrToClose))
                self removeBuffer:bNrToClose.

    "Modified: / 11.2.2000 / 10:55:02 / cg"

    "remove the numbered buffer"

    buffers size > 0 ifTrue:[
            askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Remove buffer anyway ?'
            in:(buffers at:nr)
            self removeBuffer:nr.

    "Modified: / 11.2.2000 / 10:55:02 / cg"

    "remove the current buffer"

    self bufferMenuRemoveBuffer:(selectedBuffer value)

    "switch buffers"


    nr := selectedBuffer value.
    (nr notNil and:[nr between:1 and:buffers size]) ifTrue:[
        navigationState := buffers at:selectedBuffer value.
        self hasMethodSelectedHolder value:(self hasMethodSelected).
        self browserCanvas value:(navigationState canvas).
        self updateNavigationHistory.
        self updateBookmarkHolder.

"/    self updateTestRunnerVisibility.
    self updateExecuteMethodVisibility.
    self updateInitSharedPoolVisibility.
    self updateLaunchApplicationVisibility.
    self updateToolBarButtonEnablement.

    "/ force update of the menus orgMode aspect
    "/ required since the menu has a single orgMode aspect,
    "/ (i.e. there is no per-canvas menu).
    self organizerModeForMenu changed.

    navigationState codeModifiedHolder addDependent:self.

    bufferUsageOrder removeIdentical:navigationState ifAbsent:nil.
    bufferUsageOrder addFirst:navigationState.

    "Modified: / 24-02-2000 / 18:52:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 08:43:39 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 02-06-2011 / 22:34:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self createBufferWithSpec:#fullBrowserSpec

    |navigationState cls|

    cls := self selectedClassNameInCodeViewOrNil.
    navigationState := self createBuffer.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
        self switchToClass:cls

    ^ self createBufferWithSpec:aSpec setupFromCurrentState:true

    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 08:43:21 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 02-06-2011 / 22:34:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 10:21:42 / cg"

createBufferWithSpec:aSpec setupFromCurrentState:doSetup
    |nr bNameList oldNavigationState|

    bNameList := self bufferNameList.  "/ for lazy setup

    buffers size == 0 ifTrue:[
        "the original (initial) buffer is created here (lazy)"

        buffers := OrderedCollection new.
        bufferUsageOrder := OrderedCollection new.

        navigationState canvasType isNil ifTrue:[
            navigationState canvas:self browserCanvas value.
            navigationState canvasType:(self browserCanvasType ? navigationState canvasType).
        buffers add:navigationState.
        bNameList add:(self currentBufferLabel).
        bufferUsageOrder add:navigationState.

    oldNavigationState := navigationState.

    navigationState := NavigationState new.
    navigationState canvasType:aSpec.
    doSetup ifTrue:[self setupNavigationStateFrom:oldNavigationState ].

    navigationState canvas:(self newCanvasWithSpec:aSpec).

    buffers add:navigationState.
    bNameList add:'no class'.
    bufferUsageOrder addFirst:navigationState.

    nr := buffers size.
    self selectedBuffer value:nr.
    self updateNavigationHistory.
    self updateBookmarkHolder.

    ^ navigationState.

    "Modified: / 29-02-2000 / 10:40:04 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 08:43:21 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 02-06-2011 / 22:34:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 10:21:08 / cg"

    self bufferMenuRemoveBuffer:tabIndex

spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:selector in:openHow

    openHow == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
        brwsr := self class openInClass:aClass selector:selector
    ] ifFalse:[
        brwsr := self.
        "/ brwsr createBuffer.
        brwsr createBufferWithSpec:#fullBrowserSpec setupFromCurrentState:false.
        brwsr selectedCategories value:nil. "/ kludge workaround; classList needs a change to update.
        brwsr switchToClass:aClass selector:selector.
    ^ brwsr

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 10:22:24 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-category'!

    "check all classes of all selected categories into the default source repository"

    self categoryMenuCheckInEachUsing:SourceCodeManagerUtilities default

    "check all classes of all selected categories into the source repository"


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckIn (without that modification) anyway ?')
     ifFalse:[^ self].

    classes := IdentitySet new.
    self selectedCategoryClassesDo:[:aClass | classes add:aClass].
    classes isEmpty ifTrue:[
        self warn:'No classes matched (all private classes)'.
        ^ self.
    classes := classes asSortedCollection:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    self classMenuCheckIn:true classes:classes usingManager:aSourceCodeManagerOrNil
    "/ aSourceCodeManager utilities checkinClasses:classes.
    "/ self normalLabel.

    "check-out all classes in the selected category from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self categoryMenuCheckOutUsingManager:nil

    "check-out the newest version of all classes in the selected category
     from the source repository.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version."

    self categoryMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager:nil

    "check-out the newest version of all classes in the selected category
     from the source repository.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    |classes |

    classes := self selectedCategoryClasses.
    classes := classes reject:[:each | each isPrivate].
    self checkOutClasses:classes askForRevision:false usingManager:aSourceCodeManagerOrNilForDefault

    "Modified: / 11-07-2010 / 16:43:59 / cg"

    "check-out all classes in the selected category from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedCategoryClasses) askForRevision:true usingManager:aSOurceCodeManagerOrNil

    "remove all changes for the selected category-class(es) from the changeSet"

    (self confirm:'This will remove all changes for all classes from the selected categories from the internal changeSet.\(They will still be in the change-file, in case of emergency.)\\Really cleanup ?' withCRs)
        ifFalse:[ ^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedCategoryClassesDo:[:eachClass |
            ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachClass

    "Created: / 31-01-2011 / 11:10:13 / cg"

    "fileOut selected categories - standard format"

    ^ self categoryMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected categories -  file format as specified by the argument:
        nil     - standard format
        #xml    - XML standard format
        #sif    - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
        #binary - ST/X binary format

    |currentClassCategory fileName suffix saveName aStream classesToInitialize classesToFileout mgr|

    currentClassCategory := self theSingleSelectedCategory.
    currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
        fileName := currentClassCategory asString.
        fileName replaceAll:Character space with:$_.
    ] ifFalse:[
        fileName := 'someCategories'
    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
        suffix := '.xml'
    ] ifFalse:[
        aFormatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
            suffix := '.sif'
        ] ifFalse:[
            aFormatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
                suffix := '.cls'
            ] ifFalse:[
                suffix := '.st'
    fileName := fileName , suffix.

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
        self error:'binary must go into separate files'.
        ^ self

    saveName := self
                    fileNameDialogForFileOut:(resources string:'FileOut %1 as:' with:(currentClassCategory ? 'selected categories'))

    saveName isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Bad name given'.
        ^ self
    FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).
    fileName := saveName.

    classesToInitialize := OrderedCollection new.
    classesToFileout := OrderedCollection new.

    self selectedCategoryClassesDo:[:eachClassInCategory |

        eachClass := eachClassInCategory theNonMetaclass.
        eachClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
            eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
                self warn:'Cannot fileOut unloaded class: %1\\skipped.' with:eachClass name allBold.
            ] ifTrue:[
                classesToFileout add:eachClass.
                (eachClass class includesSelector:#initialize) ifTrue:[
                    classesToInitialize add:eachClass

     if file exists, save original in a .sav file
    fileName asFilename exists ifTrue:[
        self busyLabel:'saving existing %1' with:fileName.
        fileName asFilename copyTo:(fileName , '.sav')

    classesToFileout topologicalSort:[:a :b | b isSubclassOf:a].

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Not yet implemented: XML saving'.
        ^ self

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
        mgr := SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager newForFileOut.
        mgr fileName: fileName.
        classesToFileout do:[:eachClass |
            mgr addClass: eachClass.
        self busyLabel:'writing...'.
        mgr fileOut.
    ] ifFalse:[
            aStream := fileName asFilename newReadWriteStream.
            classesToFileout do:[:eachClass |
                self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:eachClass name.
                eachClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:true withInitialize:false.
                aStream cr.

            "/ all class-inits at the end
            "/ (this makes certain, that all classes have been loaded
            "/  before possibly used/needed in an initializer

            classesToInitialize do:[:aClass |
                aClass printClassNameOn:aStream. aStream nextPutAll:' initialize'.
                aStream nextPutChunkSeparator.
                aStream cr

            aStream close.
        ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[
            self warn:'Cannot create: %1' with:fileName allBold
    self normalLabel.

    "automatically generated by UIEditor ..."

    "*** the code below performs no action"
    "*** (except for some feedback on the Transcript)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept in the browser."
    "*** (and replace this comment by something more useful ;-)"

    "action to be added ..."

    Transcript showCR:self class name, ': action for #categoryMenuFileOutCypressAs ...'.
    Dialog warn:'unimplemented function'.

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files - binary format"

    self categoryMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#binary

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files - st-source format"

    self categoryMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files"

    |currentCategory dirName|

    currentCategory := self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'selected categories'.

    dirName := self
                askForDirectoryToFileOut:(resources string:'FileOut %1 in:' with:currentCategory)
    dirName isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

        fileOutEachClassIn:(self selectedCategoryClasses)

    "Modified: / 23-08-2006 / 12:31:28 / cg"

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files - sif format"

    self categoryMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files - visual smalltalk enterprise format"

    self categoryMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#vse

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files - xml format"

    self categoryMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#xml

    "fileOut selected categories - sif format"

    ^ self categoryMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected categories - visual smalltalk enterprise format"

    ^ self categoryMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#vse

    "fileOut selected categories - xml format"

    ^ self categoryMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#xml

    "load autoloaded classes in the selected categories.
     Invoked on doubleClick on a class or via the menu"

    self loadClasses:self selectedCategoryClasses value.

    "/ to force update.
    "/ (I guess, this is not needed)
    self selectedCategories changed.
    "/ self selectedCategories value:(self selectedCategories value copy).

    |box newCategory allClassCategories|

    allClassCategories := environment allClassCategories.

    box := self
                enterBoxTitle:'Name of new class category:'
                label:'Create Category'.

    (allClassCategories includes:'* as yet unspecified *')
        box initialAnswer:'* as yet unspecified *'.

    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
        |s what cat|

        s := contents withoutSpaces.
        what := self navigationState environment classCategoryCompletion:s.
        cat := what first.
        (allClassCategories includes:cat) ifTrue:[
            cat := cat , '-'.
        box contents:cat.
        (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            self builder window beep
    box action:[:aString | newCategory := aString].
    box open.

    newCategory notNil ifTrue:[
        "/ self immediateUpdate value:true.
        self categoryListApp addAdditionalCategory:newCategory.
        "/ self immediateUpdate value:false.

        self codeReallyModified ifFalse:[
            self selectCategory:newCategory.

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:50:48 / cg"

    self selectedCategoryClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        self recompileClass:eachClass

    "Created: / 31-05-2012 / 12:03:11 / cg"

    self selectedCategoryClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        self recompileClassWithInstrumentation:eachClass
    self infoLabelHolder value:nil.
    self askForGlobalCoverageRecording.

    "Created: / 31-05-2012 / 09:15:44 / cg"

    |box txt answer selectedCategories classes count categories includesBuiltIn
     affectedSubClasses classesToReallyRemove|

    selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesValue asSet.

    classes := IdentitySet new.
    categories := Set new.
    includesBuiltIn := false.
    self selectedCategoryClassesDo:[:aClass |
        classes add:aClass.
        categories add:aClass category.
        aClass isBuiltInClass ifTrue:[includesBuiltIn := true].

    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
        "/ removing an empty category
        self selectedCategories value:#().
        self categoryListApp removeAdditionalCategories:selectedCategories.
        ^ self

    "/ count affected sub-classes
    affectedSubClasses := IdentitySet new.
    classes do:[:aClassToRemove |
        affectedSubClasses addAll:(aClassToRemove allSubclasses).
    affectedSubClasses := affectedSubClasses reject:[:eachClass | classes includes:eachClass ].
    count := affectedSubClasses size.

    classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
        txt := 'Really remove %1'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        txt := 'Really remove %2 classes'.
    count ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
       txt := txt , '\(with %3 subclass'.
       count ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
           txt := txt , 'es in other categories)'
       ] ifFalse:[
           txt := txt , ' - ', affectedSubClasses first name , ' - in category ''' , affectedSubClasses first category, ''')'
    categories size > 1 ifTrue:[
        txt := txt , ' in %4 categories'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        txt := txt , ' in %5'.
    txt := txt , ' ?'.
    txt := (resources
                with:classes first name allBold
                with:classes size printString
                with:categories size printString
                with:categories first) withCRs.

    box := YesNoBox
               yesText:(resources string:'Remove')
               noText:(resources string:'Cancel').
    box label:(resources string:'Remove Class(es)').
    answer := box confirm.
    box destroy.

    (answer and:[includesBuiltIn]) ifTrue:[
        "/ ask again - severe damage is to be expected ...
        answer := Dialog confirm:('The set of classes to remove includes at least one systemClass,\without which ST/X will fail to work.\Be prepared for a crash, if you proceed.\\Really remove ?' withCRs)

    answer ifTrue:[
        self withWaitCursorDo:[
            classesToReallyRemove := OrderedCollection new.

            "after querying user - do really remove the classes
             and all subclasses
            classes do:[:aClassToRemove |
                |doRemove didRemove|

                didRemove := false.
                doRemove := true.
                aClassToRemove withAllSubclassesDo:[:eachClass |
                    eachClass hasExtensions ifTrue:[
                        doRemove := self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has extensions (methods in other packages) - remove anyway ?' with:eachClass name).
                doRemove ifTrue:[
                     query ?
                    aClassToRemove allSubclassesDo:[:aSubClass |
                        (CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses == false
                            or:[aSubClass hasInstances not
                            or:[self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has instances - remove anyway ?' with:aSubClass name)
                        ]]) ifTrue:[
                            classesToReallyRemove add:aSubClass
                    (CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses == false
                        or:[aClassToRemove hasInstances not
                        or:[self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has instances - remove anyway ?' with:aClassToRemove name)
                    ]]) ifTrue:[
                        didRemove := true.
                        classesToReallyRemove add:aClassToRemove

"/            classesToReallyRemove do:[:each |
"/                each removeFromSystem.
"/            ].
            classesToReallyRemove notEmpty ifTrue:[
                self removeClasses:classesToReallyRemove pullUpSubclasses:false

    "Modified: / 11-07-2010 / 16:44:24 / cg"

    |categoriesToRename allCategories newCategory box
     cancelAll guess combosList change numClasses|

    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        change := CompositeRefactoryChange named:'Rename categories'.

    numClasses := 0.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        categoriesToRename := self selectedCategoriesValue copy.
        categoriesToRename do:[:eachCategory |
            guess := DoWhatIMeanSupport

            guess isNil ifTrue:[
                guess := eachCategory string.

            allCategories := environment allClassCategories asArray sort.
            combosList := LastCategoryRenames.
            (combosList size > 0 and:[combosList includes:eachCategory]) ifFalse:[
                combosList size == 0 ifTrue:[
                    combosList := List with:eachCategory
                ] ifFalse:[
                    combosList := (List with:eachCategory with:'-') , combosList

            box := ListSelectionBox new.
            box title:(resources string:'Rename category ''%1'' to:' with:eachCategory allBold).
            box useComboBoxWithList:combosList.
            box list:allCategories.
            box okAction:[:sel | newCategory := sel].
            box initialText:guess.

            cancelAll := false.
            categoriesToRename size > 1 ifTrue:[

                cancelAllButton := Button label:(resources string:'Cancel All').
                box addButton:cancelAllButton before:box cancelButton.
                cancelAllButton action:[
                                            cancelAll := true.
                                            box doAccept.
                                            box okPressed.
            box label:(resources string:'Rename ClassCategory').
            box showAtPointer.
            cancelAll ifTrue:[^ self].

            newCategory notNil ifTrue:[
                newCategory := newCategory withoutSeparators asSymbol.
                LastCategoryRenames isNil ifTrue:[
                    LastCategoryRenames := OrderedCollection new
                LastCategoryRenames addFirst:newCategory.
                LastCategoryRenames size > 20 ifTrue:[
                    LastCategoryRenames removeLast

                LastCategoryRenameOld := eachCategory.
                LastCategoryRenameNew := newCategory.

                (self selectedClassesInCategories:(Array with:eachCategory)) do:[:aClass |
                    "/ must be loaded ...
                    aClass autoload
                (self selectedClassesInCategories:(Array with:eachCategory)) do:[:aClass |
                    aClass category ~= newCategory ifTrue:[
                        numClasses := numClasses + 1.
                        change notNil ifTrue:[
                            change changeClassCategoryOf:aClass to:newCategory
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            aClass category:newCategory.
                numClasses == 0 ifTrue:[
                    self categoryListApp addAdditionalCategory:newCategory.
                self selectedCategories value:(Array with:newCategory).

    change notNil ifTrue:[
        numClasses > 0 ifTrue:[
            change name:('Rename category of %1 classes' bindWith:numClasses).
            RefactoryChangeManager performChange:change

    "Modified: / 06-02-2007 / 10:31:45 / cg"

    "sorry, but this seems to be hardwired for CVS"

    self repositoryHistoryForProjects:nil usingManager:CVSSourceCodeManager

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 15:03:50 / cg"

    self repositoryHistoryForProjects:nil usingManager:aSourceCodeManager

    | classes |

    classes := self selectedClassesInCategories: self selectedCategoriesValue.
    MethodRewriter new
        classes: classes;

    "Created: / 21-07-2007 / 07:06:53 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 17:01:34 / cg"

categoryMenuSmalllintCheck: what
    "perform all checks on the selected class(es)."

    self smalllintRun:what onEnvironment:self selectedCategoriesAsEnvironment

    "Modified: / 28-12-2008 / 14:42:01 / bazantj <enter your email here>"
    "Modified: / 13-01-2009 / 13:20:48 / Jiri Bazant <>"
    "Created: / 17-04-2010 / 10:32:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 05-05-2012 / 10:17:41 / cg"

    "open a browser showing the selected categories only"

    self spawnCategoryBrowserIn:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 19:06:22 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected categories only"

    self spawnCategoryBrowserIn:#newBuffer

    "open a new browser showing all classes in macthing categories"

    ^ self categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoryIn:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer showing all classes in macthing categories"

    ^ self categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoryIn:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer/ open a new browser showing all classes in matching categories"

    |pattern matchingCategories|

    pattern := Dialog request:'Match pattern for categories:' initialAnswer:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? '').
    pattern size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    pattern := pattern string.

    matchingCategories := Set new.
    environment allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |

        cat := eachClass category.
        (pattern match:cat) ifTrue:[
            matchingCategories add:cat.
    ^ self spawnCategoryBrowserFor:matchingCategories in:openHow

    "load autoloaded classes in the selected categories.
     Invoked on doubleClick on a class or via the menu"

    self unloadClasses:self selectedCategoryClasses value.

    "/ to force update.
    "/ (I guess, this is not needed)
    self selectedCategories changed.
    "/ self selectedCategories value:(self selectedCategories value copy).

    self categoryListApp removeAllAdditionalCategories; forceUpdateList

fileNameDialogForFileOut:tite default:defaultFileName
    ^ self fileNameDialogForFileOut:tite default:defaultFileName withCancelAll:nil

fileNameDialogForFileOut:title default:defaultFileName withCancelAll:cancelAllActionOrNil
    |currentClassCategory saveName fileBox
     defaultDir cancelAllButton|

    defaultDir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
    defaultDir isNil ifTrue:[
         this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
        Project notNil ifTrue:[
            defaultDir := Project currentProjectDirectory asFilename
        defaultDir isNil ifTrue:[
            defaultDir := Filename currentDirectory
    currentClassCategory := self theSingleSelectedCategory.

    UserPreferences current useNewFileDialog ifTrue:[
        saveName := Dialog
                        ok:(resources string:'FileOut')
                        abort:(resources string:'Cancel')
        saveName isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            saveName := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        fileBox := FileSelectionBox
                        title:(resources string:'FileOut %1 as:' with:(currentClassCategory ? 'selected categories'))
                        okText:(resources string:'FileOut')
                        abortText:(resources string:'Cancel')
                        action:[:fileName | saveName := fileName.].

        fileBox initialText:defaultFileName.
        fileBox directory:defaultDir.

        cancelAllActionOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
            cancelAllButton := Button label:(resources string:'Cancel All').
            fileBox addButton:cancelAllButton before:fileBox cancelButton.
            cancelAllButton action:[
                cancelAllActionOrNil value.
                fileBox doAccept.
                fileBox okPressed.

        fileBox showAtPointer.
        fileBox destroy.
        fileBox := nil.

    ^ saveName

fileOutEachClassIn:aCollectionOfClasses in:aDirectory withFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil
    "fileOut a bunch of classes as individual files into some directory"

    |savedClasses owningClasses unsavedOwners answer|

    savedClasses  := aCollectionOfClasses select:[:eachClass | eachClass isPrivate not] as:IdentitySet.
    owningClasses := aCollectionOfClasses
                        select:[:eachClass | eachClass isPrivate]
                        thenCollect:[:eachPrivateClass | eachPrivateClass topOwningClass]

    unsavedOwners := owningClasses \ savedClasses.
    unsavedOwners notEmpty ifTrue:[
        answer := self confirmWithCancel:'Private classes are saved with their owningClasses;\\Save owners as well ?' withCRs.
        answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
        answer == true ifTrue:[
            savedClasses addAll:unsavedOwners

    savedClasses do:[:eachClass |
        |fn answer|

        eachClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
            self busyLabel:'saving: %1' with:eachClass name.
            Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
                answer := DialogBox
                                confirm:(resources stringWithCRs:'Cannot fileOut: %1\(%2)\\skipped.'
                                                     with:(eachClass name allBold)
                                                     with:ex description)
                                yesLabel:'ok' noLabel:'cancel'.
                answer == false ifTrue:[
                    ^ self
                self normalLabel.
                ex return.
            ] do:[
                fn := (Smalltalk fileNameForClass:eachClass) , '.st'.
                eachClass fileOutAs:(aDirectory asFilename constructString:fn).
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 05-09-2011 / 22:01:27 / cg"

spawnCategoryBrowserFor:categories in:where
    "browse selected category(ies);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the categories
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the categories"

    |spec categoryList selectedClasses selectedProtocols selectedMethods

    (singleSelection := categories size == 1) ifTrue:[
        spec := #singleCategoryBrowserSpec.
    ] ifFalse:[
        spec := #multipleCategoryBrowserSpec.

    categoryList := categories copy.
    selectedClasses := self selectedClassesValue copy.
    selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value copy.
    selectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue copy.

        setupWith:[:brwsr |

            "/ setup for a constant list ...
            brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
            brwsr categoryListGenerator value:categoryList.
            brwsr selectCategories:categoryList.

            selectedClasses notNil ifTrue:[
                allMeta := selectedClasses conform:[:aClass | aClass isMeta].
                allMeta ifTrue:[
                    brwsr meta value:true.
            selectedClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses].
            selectedProtocols size > 0 ifTrue:[brwsr selectProtocols:selectedProtocols].
            selectedMethods size > 0 ifTrue:[brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods].

            brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:52:32 / cg"

    "browse selected category(ies);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the categories
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the categories"

    self spawnCategoryBrowserFor:(self selectedCategoriesValue) in:where
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-checks-lint'!

    |pkg |

    pkg := Smalltalk at:#'stx_goodies_refactoryBrowser_lint'.
    (pkg isNil or:[ pkg isFullyLoaded not ]) ifTrue:[
        Smalltalk loadPackage:#'stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser/lint'

     Tools::NewSystemBrowser basicNew loadSmallLint

    "Created: / 17-04-2010 / 09:40:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 07-03-2012 / 20:06:11 / cg"

    "Run previously selected rules or default rules on
     currently selected code (depends on navigation state)"

    ^ self smalllintRun:self smalllintRulesOrDefaultHolder value
            onEnvironment:self selectedCodeComponentsAsEnvironment

    "Modified: / 07-03-2012 / 17:39:34 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 10:20:12 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Return last run rules or default ruleset if no checks has been run so far"

    (LastLintRulesHolder isNil or:[ LastLintRulesHolder value isNil ]) ifTrue:[
        | default |

        default := UserPreferences current smallLintRulesetDefault.
        default notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ default
        ^ RBBuiltinRuleSet rulesetBuiltinDefaultForSTX
    ] ifFalse:[
        ^ LastLintRulesHolder value

    "Created: / 28-02-2013 / 22:42:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 16-10-2014 / 10:45:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 27-11-2014 / 11:41:43 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Return a holder on last run rules or on default ruleset if no checks has been run so far"

    smalllintRulesOrDefaultHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        LastLintRulesHolder isNil ifTrue:[ LastLintRulesHolder := ValueHolder new ].
        smalllintRulesOrDefaultHolder := PluggableAdaptor on: LastLintRulesHolder getter: [:ignored | self smalllintRulesOrDefault ]
    ^ smalllintRulesOrDefaultHolder

    "Created: / 28-02-2013 / 22:43:09 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-10-2014 / 13:11:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 27-11-2014 / 11:42:10 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Run previously selected rules or default rules on
     currently selected code (depends on navigation state)"

    ^ self smalllintRunOnEnvironment: self selectedCodeComponentsAsEnvironment

    "Created: / 27-11-2014 / 11:43:59 / Jan Vrany <>"

smalllintRun:ruleSetOrNil onEnvironment:rbenvironment
    "Run given SmallLint rules on given browser environment.
     If `ruleSetOrNil` is nil. then ask sure for set of

     As a side effect, remembers run rules so next time user
     do 'Run Again', these rules we be run."

    | rule  runRules |

    ruleSetOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
        | dialog |

        dialog := Tools::LintRuleSelectionDialog new.
        dialog open.
        dialog accepted ifTrue:[
            rule := dialog selectionAsRule
        ] ifFalse:[ ^ self ].
    ] ifFalse:[
        rule := ruleSetOrNil.
    rule isEmptyInTree ifTrue:[
        (self inlineMessageApp)
            message:(resources string:'Ruleset ''%1'' is empty!!' with:rule name);
        ^ self.
    LastLintRulesHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        LastLintRulesHolder := ValueHolder new.
    LastLintRulesHolder value:rule.
    runRules := [
        "/ Run on copy, because running rules has a sideeffect
        "/ of modifying the rule (storing in its result)
        rule := rule copy.
        self smalllintRunRule:rule onEnvironment:rbenvironment.
        [ rule notNil and:[ rule isEmpty ] ] whileTrue:[
            (Dialog confirm:(resources string: 'Nothing special found.\\Proceed to select more/different lint rules.') withCRs) ifTrue:[
                | dialog |

                dialog := Tools::LintRuleSelectionDialog new.
                dialog open.
                dialog accepted ifTrue:[
                    rule := dialog selectionAsRule.
                    rule notNil ifTrue:[
                        "/ Run on copy, because running rules has a sideeffect
                        "/ of modifying the rule (storing in its result)
                        rule := rule copy.
                        self smalllintRunRule:rule onEnvironment:rbenvironment.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    rule := nil.
            ] ifFalse:[
                rule := nil
        rule notNil ifTrue:[
            "/ Do this asynchronously, this is called from backgdound worker thread!!
            self enqueueMessage: #spawnSmalllintBrowserByRuleFor:in:label:
                 for: self
                 arguments: (Array with: rule with: #newBuffer with: 'SmallLint results for ' , rbenvironment label)
     "background operation (Jan's pref) makes it difficult to stop and debug...)"
    UserPreferences current runLintChecksInBackground ifTrue:[
        self showMessage:'Checking code...' whileExecutingBackgroundAction:runRules.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self withWaitCursorDo:runRules

    "Modified: / 15-12-2008 / 18:51:43 / Josef Grega <>"
    "Modified: / 28-12-2008 / 14:40:01 / bazantj <enter your email here>"
    "Created: / 24-02-2009 / 11:02:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 22-07-2009 / 14:38:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 15-05-2012 / 10:46:02 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 11:35:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Run previously selected rules or default rules on given environment"

    ^ self smalllintRun: self smalllintRulesOrDefaultHolder value onEnvironment: aBrowserEnvironment

    "Created: / 27-11-2014 / 11:46:54 / Jan Vrany <>"

smalllintRunRule: anRBLintRule onEnvironment: aBrowserEnvironment
    "Internal helper: Actually run the given rule on given environment.
     THis is called from a background worker - see smallLintRun:onEnvironment:

    | rules checker numOverAll count|

    "/ avoid this reference (for project-dependencies). Should this method be an extension, maybe
    "/ checker := SmalllintChecker.
    checker := (Smalltalk at:#SmalllintChecker).

    rules := anRBLintRule flattened.
    aBrowserEnvironment cacheClasses.
    numOverAll := aBrowserEnvironment numberClasses * 2 "tests class AND metaclass" * rules size.
    count := 0.

    rules withIndexDo:[:rule :index|
        |t ruleName ruleClassName|

        ruleName := rule name.
        ruleClassName := rule class name.

"/        ProgressNotification new
"/            messageText: ('Checking: %1 (%2)' bindWith:ruleName with:ruleClassName);
"/            parameter: (index-1) / rules size * 100;
"/            raiseRequest.

                runRule: rule 
                onEnvironment: aBrowserEnvironment 
                progressFeedBackInto:[:classBeingChecked |
                    count := count + 1.
                    ProgressNotification new
                        messageText: ('Checking: %1 (%2)' withCRs bindWith:ruleName with:ruleClassName "with:classBeingChecked name");
                        parameter: ((count-1) / numOverAll * 100);
        ] value. "/ benchmark: rule name, ': '.
    ProgressNotification new
        messageText: ('Done');
        parameter: 100;

    aBrowserEnvironment forgetCachedClasses.

    "Modified: / 15-12-2008 / 18:51:43 / Josef Grega <>"
    "Modified: / 28-12-2008 / 14:40:01 / bazantj <enter your email here>"
    "Modified: / 22-07-2009 / 14:38:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 28-08-2010 / 12:12:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 01-03-2012 / 15:22:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14-10-2014 / 18:01:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 27-11-2014 / 11:38:51 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Ask user for rules and run them on given environment"

    ^ self smalllintRun: nil onEnvironment: aBrowserEnvironment

    "Created: / 27-11-2014 / 11:49:36 / Jan Vrany <>"

spawnSmalllintBrowserByRuleFor: result in:where label:labelOrNil
    ^ self
        forSpec: #smallLintByRuleResultBrowserSpec
        setupWith:[:browser |
            |methodGenerator classGenerator ruleGenerator|

            ruleGenerator :=
                Iterator on:[:whatToDo|
                    result failedRules do:whatToDo].

            methodGenerator :=
                Iterator on: [:whatToDo|
                    | selectedRules selectedClasses failedMethods |

                    selectedClasses := browser selectedClasses value.
                    selectedRules := browser selectedLintRules value.
                    failedMethods := OrderedCollection new.
                    selectedClasses isEmptyOrNil ifFalse:
                        [selectedRules ? #() do:
                            failedMethods addAll:
                                (rule failedMethodsInAnyOf: selectedClasses meta: self hasMetaSelected)].
                    failedMethods do:
                            value:mth containingClass
                            value:mth category
                            value:mth selector

            browser lintRuleListGenerator value:ruleGenerator.
            browser selectorListGenerator value:methodGenerator.

"/            browser selectedClasses
"/                onChangeSend: #changed to: browser selectorListGenerator.
            browser selectedClasses onChangeEvaluate:[
                browser selectorListGenerator changed:#value.
            browser selectedLintRules
                onChangeSend: #changed to: browser selectorListGenerator.
            browser meta
                onChangeSend: #changed to: browser selectorListGenerator.

            "/ cg: does not work - why?
            result failedRules size == 1 ifTrue:[
                "/ autoselect the first one
                browser selectedLintRules value: result failedRules.

            "/self halt.
            theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock isBlock ifTrue:[
                    theMethodList := methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock value.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    theMethodList := methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock copy.
            perClassInfo := perClassInfoHolder value.
            perMethodInfo := perMethodInfoHolder value.

            methodGenerator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                                                methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock isBlock ifTrue:[
                                                    theMethodList := methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock value.
                                                ] ifFalse:[
                                                    theMethodList := methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock copy.
                                            perClassInfo := perClassInfoHolder value.
                                            perMethodInfo := perMethodInfoHolder value.

                                            theMethodNameList := theMethodList collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass -> eachMethod selector].
                                            theMethodNameList do:[:mAssoc |
                                                |methodClass methodSelector method|

                                                methodClass := mAssoc key.
                                                methodSelector := mAssoc value.
                                                methodClass notNil ifTrue:[
                                                    method := methodClass compiledMethodAt:methodSelector.
                                                    method notNil ifTrue:[
                                                            value:method category
                                            methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock isBlock ifTrue:[
                                                theMethodList := nil.

            sortHow notNil ifTrue:[brwsr sortBy value:sortHow].

            brwsr selectorListGenerator value:methodGenerator.
            perClassInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                classGenerator := perClassInfo keys.
                brwsr classListGenerator value:classGenerator.
                brwsr meta value:false.

            perClassInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectedClasses
                        |class infoText|

                        brwsr selectedMethods value:nil.
                        class := brwsr theSingleSelectedClass.
                        class notNil ifTrue:[
                            brwsr meta value:false.
                            infoText := perClassInfoHolder value at:class theNonMetaclass ifAbsent:nil.
                            infoText isNil ifTrue:[
                                infoText := perClassInfo at:class theMetaclass ifAbsent:nil
                        brwsr methodInfo value:infoText.

            perMethodInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectedMethods
                        |mthd infoText|

                        brwsr selectedClasses value:nil.
                        mthd := brwsr theSingleSelectedMethod.
                        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
                            infoText := perMethodInfo at:mthd ifAbsent:nil
                        brwsr methodInfo value:infoText.
            ] ifFalse:[
                (doSelect and:[theMethodList size == 1]) ifTrue:[
                    brwsr selectMethods:(Array with:theMethodList first).
                    brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.

            methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock isBlock ifTrue:[
                theMethodList := nil

    "Modified: / 22-07-2009 / 15:51:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 02-02-2010 / 20:05:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-08-2010 / 10:30:33 / Jan Vrany <enter your email here>"
    "Modified: / 01-03-2012 / 19:52:57 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 10:26:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-checks-old'!

    "perform a bunch of checks on the selected class(es).
     This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
     not the new SmallLint tool."

    self classMenuCheck:#allChecks

    "Modified (comment): / 01-03-2012 / 14:10:06 / cg"

    "perform an individual check on the selected class(es).
     This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
     not the new SmallLint tool."

    self classMenuCheckEach:(Array with:whichCheck)

    "Modified: / 18-08-2000 / 22:44:19 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 01-03-2012 / 14:10:14 / cg"

    "perform all checks on the selected class(es).
     This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
     not the new SmallLint tool."

    self classMenuCheck:#allChecks

    "Modified (comment): / 01-03-2012 / 14:10:19 / cg"

    "perform a bunch of checks on the selected class(es).
     This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
     not the new SmallLint tool."

    |classes theSingleClass lbl badMethodsGenerator badMethodInfoHolder badClassInfoHolder|

    classes := self selectedClassesValue.
    classes isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (theSingleClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
        lbl := 'Check results of ' , theSingleClass name
    ] ifFalse:[
        lbl := 'Checker result'
    badMethodInfoHolder := ValueHolder new.
    badClassInfoHolder := ValueHolder new.

    badMethodsGenerator := [
        |checker badMethodInfo badClassInfo badMethods|

        checker := ClassChecker new.

        self withWaitCursorDo:[
            classes do:[:eachClass |

                cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
                cls isLoaded ifTrue:[
                    self activityNotification:('checking ' , cls name , '...').
                    checker checkedClass:cls.
                    aCollectionOfCheckSymbols do:[:eachCheck |
                        checker doCheck:eachCheck

        badClassInfo := checker badClassInfo.
        badMethodInfo := checker badMethodInfo.
        (badMethodInfo isEmptyOrNil and:[ badClassInfo isEmptyOrNil ]) ifTrue:[
            "/ self information:'Nothing special found'.
            badClassInfoHolder value:nil.
            badMethodInfoHolder value:nil.
        ] ifFalse:[
            badClassInfoHolder value:badClassInfo.
            badMethodInfoHolder value:badMethodInfo.

            badMethodInfo size > 0 ifTrue:[
                badMethods := badMethodInfo keys.
            ] ifFalse:[
                badMethods := #()



    "Created: / 18-08-2000 / 22:43:56 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:37 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 01-03-2012 / 14:09:59 / cg"

    "perform error-checks on the selected class(es).
     This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
     not the new SmallLint tool."

    self classMenuCheck:#errorChecks

    "Modified (comment): / 01-03-2012 / 14:10:26 / cg"

    "allow individual checks to be selected and perform those on the selected class(es).
     This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
     not the new SmallLint tool."

    |allChecks selectedChecks|

    allChecks := ClassChecker individualChecks.
    selectedChecks := List new.
    LastIndividualChecks notNil ifTrue:[
        selectedChecks addAll:LastIndividualChecks

    selectedChecks := Dialog
        chooseMultiple:'Select check(s) to perform on selected classes\(toggle items using CTRL-click)\' withCRs
        fromList:allChecks values:allChecks
    selectedChecks isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    LastIndividualChecks := selectedChecks.
    self classMenuCheckEach:selectedChecks.

    "Modified: / 18-08-2000 / 22:44:36 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 01-03-2012 / 14:10:31 / cg"

    "perform style-checks on the selected class(es).
     This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
     not the new SmallLint tool."

    self classMenuCheck:#styleChecks

    "Modified (comment): / 01-03-2012 / 14:10:36 / cg"

    "perform warning-checks on the selected class(es).
     This uses the old (more or less to be obsoleted) classChecker,
     not the new SmallLint tool."

    self classMenuCheck:#warningChecks

    "Modified (comment): / 01-03-2012 / 14:10:43 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-class'!

addClassesToRemoveForClass:aClass to:classesToRemove removingSubclasses:removingSubclasses withCancel:withCancel

addClassesToRemoveForClass:aClass to:classesToRemove removingSubclasses:removingSubclasses withCancel:withCancel withConfirm:withConfirm
    |countSubClasses countPrivateClasses t confirmed didRemove includesBuiltIn
     answer toRemove stillSearchingForMore more|

    (classesToRemove includes:aClass) ifTrue:[
        "/ already in list
        ^ self

    aClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
        answer := self
                            string:'%1 was autoloaded.\\Reinstall as autoloaded ?'
                            with:aClass name allBold) withCRs.
        answer isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self
        answer == true ifTrue:[
            self withWaitCursorDo:[
                aClass unload.
                environment changed:#classDefinition with:aClass
            ^ self

    countSubClasses := aClass allSubclasses size.
    t := 'Remove Class ''%1'''.
    countSubClasses ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        removingSubclasses ifTrue:[
            t := t , '\(with %2 subclass'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            t := t , '\(and pull up %2 subclass'.
        countSubClasses ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            t := t , 'es'

    countPrivateClasses := aClass allPrivateClasses size.
    countPrivateClasses ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        removingSubclasses ifFalse:[
            self warn:('%1 has private classes - please make them public; then try again' bindWith:aClass name allBold).
            ^ self

        countSubClasses ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            t := t , ' and'
        ] ifFalse:[
            t := t , '\(with'
        t := t , ' %3 private class'.
        countPrivateClasses ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            t := t , 'es'

    (countSubClasses ~~ 0 or:[countPrivateClasses ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        t := t , ')'
    t := t , ' ?'.
    t := (resources
                with:aClass name allBold
                with:countPrivateClasses) withCRs.

    YesToAllConfirmation query ifTrue:[
    ] ifFalse:[
        (countSubClasses ~~ 0 or:[countPrivateClasses ~~ 0 or:[withConfirm]]) ifTrue:[
            withCancel ifTrue:[
                confirmed := OptionBox
                              label:(resources string:'Remove Class')
                              image:(YesNoBox iconBitmap)
                              buttonLabels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'No' 'Yes' 'Yes to All'))
                              values:#(nil false true #yesToAll)
                "/ confirmed := Dialog confirmWithCancel:t default:false
            ] ifFalse:[
                confirmed := Dialog confirm:t
            confirmed isNil ifTrue:[
                "/ cancelled
                AbortOperationRequest raise
            confirmed == #yesToAll ifTrue:[
                YesToAllConfirmation notify.
                confirmed := true.

            confirmed ifFalse:[
                ^ self

    didRemove := false.
    includesBuiltIn := aClass isBuiltInClass.
    aClass allSubclassesDo:[:aSubClass |
            includesBuiltIn := includesBuiltIn or:[aSubClass isBuiltInClass]
    includesBuiltIn ifTrue:[
        "/ ask again - severe damage is to be expected ...

        confirmed := Dialog
                    confirmWithCancel:'The set of classes to remove includes at least one systemClass,\without which ST/X will fail to work.\Be prepared for a crash, if you proceed.\\Really remove ?'
        confirmed isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ cancelled

            AbortSignal raise
        confirmed ifFalse:[
            ^ self

    "/ check if any of the classes to remove has a repository container - warn about this if so
    aClass withAllSubclassesDo:[:eachClassToRemove |
        eachClassToRemove isPrivate ifFalse:[
            eachClassToRemove revision notNil ifTrue:[
                (removingSubclasses or:[eachClassToRemove == aClass])
                    (SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:eachClassToRemove) isContainerBased ifTrue:[
                        confirmed := Dialog
                                            string:'Remove the source container for ''%1'' in the repository ?\\Warning: can only be undone by manually fixing the CVS repository !!'
                                            with:eachClassToRemove name allBold) withCRs
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        confirmed := false.
                    confirmed isNil ifTrue:[
                        "/ cancelled

                        AbortSignal raise
                    confirmed ifTrue:[
                        (SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:eachClassToRemove)

    "/ check if any of the classes to be removed from the ProjectDefinition
    aClass withAllSubclassesDo:[:eachClassToRemove |
        eachClassToRemove isPrivate ifFalse:[

            def := eachClassToRemove projectDefinitionClass.
            def notNil and:[
                (eachClassToRemove ~~ def
                and:[ def allClassNames includes:eachClassToRemove name ]) ifTrue:[
                    (Dialog confirm:(resources string:'Remove %1 from its Package definition ?'
                                                 with:eachClassToRemove name))
                        self excludeClasses: (Array with: eachClassToRemove) fromProject:def using:Compiler.

    toRemove := IdentitySet new.
    toRemove addAll:classesToRemove.

    removingSubclasses ifTrue:[
        aClass allSubclassesDo:[:aSubClass |
            (CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses == false 
                or:[ aSubClass hasInstances not 
                or:[ self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has instances - remove anyway ?'
                                               with:aSubClass name allBold)
            ]]) ifTrue:[
                classesToRemove add:aSubClass.
                toRemove add:aSubClass
    (CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses == false 
        or:[ aClass hasInstances not 
        or:[ self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has instances - remove anyway ?'
                                       with:aClass name allBold)
    ]]) ifTrue:[
        didRemove := true.
        aClass allPrivateClassesDo:[:eachPrivate |
            classesToRemove addFirst:eachPrivate.
            toRemove add:eachPrivate
        classesToRemove add:aClass.
        toRemove add:aClass

    stillSearchingForMore := true.
    [stillSearchingForMore] whileTrue:[
        stillSearchingForMore := false.
        more := IdentitySet new.
        classesToRemove do:[:eachClass |
            eachClass allPrivateClassesDo:[:eachPrivate |
                classesToRemove addFirst:eachPrivate.
                (toRemove includes:eachPrivate) ifFalse:[
                    toRemove add:eachPrivate.
                    more := true

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 20:22:34 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17-10-2013 / 00:57:26 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self globalCoverageRecordingIsEnabled value ifFalse:[
        (Dialog confirm:(resources stringWithCRs:'Coverage recording can be done either during a single test-run, or globally for every process.\Currently, global recording is disabled, which means that recording will only be done during a special recording test-run (in the Testrunner tool).\\Do you want to enable global coverage recording now?'))
            self debugMenuEnableGlobalCoverageRecording

    |newClass newClassName sup initial m
     supers list currentClass reqString okLabel title|

    "/ provide a reasonable default in the pull-down-list
    currentClass := self anySelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        m := self anySelectedMethod.
        currentClass := m mclass.

    LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass notNil ifTrue:[
        initial := environment classNamed:LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass.
        initial notNil ifTrue:[
            (currentClass notNil and:[currentClass theNonMetaclass name = initial name]) ifTrue:[
                initial := nil
        initial notNil ifTrue:[
            currentClass isMeta ifTrue:[
                initial := initial theMetaclass
            ] ifFalse:[
                initial := initial theNonMetaclass
            initial := initial name.

    initial isNil ifTrue:[
        (sup := currentClass superclass) notNil ifTrue:[
            initial := sup name
        ] ifFalse:[
            initial := nil.

    supers := currentClass allSuperclasses reversed.
    currentClass isMeta ifTrue:[
        supers := supers select:[:each | each isSubclassOf:Class].
    supers := supers collect:[:cls | cls name].

    list := supers.

    self selectedClassesValue size > 1 ifTrue:[
        reqString := 'Generate isXXX methods in which superclass ?'.
        title := 'Generate isXXX methods'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        reqString := 'Generate %1 method in which superclass ?'.
        title := 'Generate %1 method'.
    okLabel := 'Generate'.

    newClassName := Dialog
                    request:(resources stringWithCRs:reqString with:selector)
                    initialAnswer:(initial ? '')
                    okLabel:(resources string:okLabel)
                    title:(resources string:title with:selector)
                    entryCompletionBlock:(DoWhatIMeanSupport classNameEntryCompletionBlock).

    newClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    (newClassName startsWith:'---- ') ifTrue:[^ nil].

    newClass := self classIfValidNonMetaClassName:newClassName.
    newClass isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ nil

    LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass := newClass theNonMetaclass name.
    ^ newClass.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:08 / cg"

checkCompilabilityOf:aClass errorsOnly:errorsOnly notify:warningCollector reportFailedMethodsInto:aBlock
    "check compilability of aClass; write warning and errormessages to outStream.
     (meant for a human to read)"

    aClass theNonMetaclass withAllPrivateClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:aSelector :aMethod |
            Parser warningSignal
                handle:[:ex | self halt. ex proceed ]
                    aMethod source isEmpty ifTrue:[
                        aBlock value:aMethod value:('No source for method: ',aMethod whoString).
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        eachClass compilerClass new
                            compile:aMethod source
                            forClass:aMethod mclass
                                aBlock value:aMethod value:('not compilable: ',aMethod whoString).

    "Created: / 13-06-2012 / 13:12:42 / cg"

checkCompilabilityOf:aClass withExtensions:withExtensions errorsOnly:errorsOnly notify:warningCollector reportFailedMethodsInto:aBlock
    "check compilability of aClass; write warning and errormessages to outStream.
     (meant for a human to read)"

    aClass theNonMetaclass withAllPrivateClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:aSelector :aMethod |
              or:[ aMethod package = aClass package
              or:[ aMethod isExtension == PackageId noProjectID ]]) ifTrue:[
                (Parser parseWarningSignal , UndefinedVariableNotification)
                    handle:[:ex | ex proceed ]
                        aMethod source isEmpty ifTrue:[
                            aBlock value:aMethod value:('No source for method: ',aMethod whoString).
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            eachClass compilerClass new
                                compile:aMethod source
                                forClass:aMethod mclass
                                    aBlock value:aMethod value:('not compilable: ',aMethod whoString).

    "Created: / 13-06-2012 / 13:12:42 / cg"

checkCompilabilityOf:aClass withExtensions:withExtensions errorsOnly:errorsOnly outputTo:outStream
    "check compilability of aClass; write warning and errormessages to outStream.
     (meant for a human to read).
     Returns a collection of failed methods (for browsing)"

    |warningCollector failedMethods|

    warningCollector := TextCollectingCompilationErrorHandler new.
    warningCollector collectingStream:outStream.
    warningCollector errorsOnly:errorsOnly.

    failedMethods := OrderedCollection new.

        reportFailedMethodsInto:[:failedMethod :message |
            failedMethods add:failedMethod.
            outStream nextPutLine:message

    ^ failedMethods

    "Created: / 02-11-2010 / 13:11:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13-06-2012 / 13:37:18 / cg"

checkCompilabilityOfAll:aCollectionOfClasses withExtensions:withExtensions errorsOnly:errorsOnly
    "check compilability of aClass; write warning and errormessages to outStream.
     (meant for a human to read)"


    stream := WriteStream on:(Text new:100).
    self checkCompilabilityOfAll:aCollectionOfClasses withExtensions:withExtensions errorsOnly:errorsOnly outputTo:stream.
    ^ stream contents.

    "Created: / 02-11-2010 / 13:14:47 / cg"

checkCompilabilityOfAll:aCollectionOfClasses withExtensions:withExtensions errorsOnly:errorsOnly outputTo:outStream
    "check compilability of aClass; write warning and errormessages to outStream.
     (meant for a human to read)
     Returns a collection of failed methods (for browsing)"


    failedMethods := OrderedCollection new.

    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClass |
        self showInfo:('Checking compilability of %1...' bindWith:eachClass name).
        failedMethods addAll:(self checkCompilabilityOf:eachClass withExtensions:withExtensions errorsOnly:errorsOnly outputTo:outStream).
    ^ failedMethods.

    "Created: / 02-11-2010 / 13:11:47 / cg"

classCheckMenuSmalllintCheck: what
    "perform all checks on the selected class(es)."

    ClassEnvironment isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Missing refactoryBrowser/browser package'.
        ^ self.
    self smalllintRun:what onEnvironment:self selectedClassesAsEnvironment

    "Modified: / 28-12-2008 / 14:42:01 / bazantj <enter your email here>"
    "Modified: / 13-01-2009 / 13:20:48 / Jiri Bazant <>"
    "Created: / 17-04-2010 / 10:40:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 05-07-2011 / 13:52:16 / cg"

classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:aClass in:cat asNamespace:isNameSpace private:isPrivate
    "common helper for newClass and newSubclass
     - show a template to define a subclass of aClass in category cat.
     Also, set acceptaction to install the class."

    ^ self
        classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:aClass in:cat
        asNamespace:isNameSpace private:isPrivate metaClassUsed:nil

classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:aClass in:cat asNamespace:isNameSpace private:isPrivate metaClassUsed:metaClassUsedOrNil
    "common helper for newClass and newSubclass
     - show a template to define a subclass of aClass in category cat.
     Also, set the accept-action to install the class."


    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[^ self ].

    (aClass == Autoload
    or:[aClass isNil or:[aClass isLoaded not]]) ifTrue:[
        self javaMode ifTrue:[
            theSuperClass := Java at:'java.lang.Object'
        ] ifFalse:[
            theSuperClass := Object
    ] ifFalse:[
        theSuperClass := aClass

"/    self switchToClass:nil.
    metaClassUsedOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        self codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
            | language |

            language := ProgrammingLanguage all detect:[:lang | lang metaClass == metaClassUsedOrNil ] ifNone:[ theSuperClass programmingLanguage ].
            self codeView languageHolder value: language.
    self showCode:(self

    self setAcceptActionForMetaClassUsed:metaClassUsedOrNil.

    self codeAspect: SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition.
    self codeView modified:true

    "Modified: / 09-04-2014 / 12:58:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 04-06-2014 / 18:12:01 / cg"

    "for classLists only: allow adding another class to the shown list"

    |className class classList|

    classList := self classListGenerator value.
    self assert:classList isOrderedCollection.

    className := self searchMenuFindClassToAdd.
    className isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    class := environment at:className asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
    class isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self warn:'No such class'
    classList add:class.
    classList sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    self classListGenerator changed.

    "for classLists only: allow removing class(es) from the shown list"

    |classList classesToHide|

    classList := self classListGenerator value.
    self assert:classList isOrderedCollection.

    classesToHide := self selectedClassesValue copy.
    classesToHide do:[:classToHide |
        classList removeIdentical:classToHide
    classList sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    self classListGenerator changed.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:26 / cg"

    "open a filebrowser in the classes package directory"

    |fileBrowser cls dir fn|

    fileBrowser := UserPreferences fileBrowserClass.

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass.
    dir := cls packageDirectory.
    (dir asFilename exists and:[(fn := dir / cls classFilename) exists]) ifTrue:[
        fileBrowser openOn:fn
    ] ifFalse:[
        fileBrowser openIn:dir

    "show a classes comment/hierarchy or definition"


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    self selectedMethods value:nil.
    self selectProtocols:nil.
    "/ kludge - trick lastSelectedProtocol handling in protocol-list
    self clearAutoSelectOfLastSelectedProtocol.

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
        cls := cls theNonMetaclass

    aspect == #classComment ifTrue:[
        self showClassComment:cls.
        ^ self
    aspect == #classHierarchy ifTrue:[
        self showClassHierarchy:cls.
        ^ self
    aspect == #classDefinition ifTrue:[
        self showClassDefinition:cls.
        ^ self
    aspect == #classOwnershipGraph ifTrue:[
        self showClassOwnershipGraph:cls.
        ^ self

    self error:'unknown aspect: ', aspect printString.

    "Created: / 8.11.2001 / 23:02:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:17:33 / cg"

    "check compilability of selected classes (kludge - for me)"

    |stream allMessages badMethods|

    stream := WriteStream on:(Text new:100).
    badMethods := self checkCompilabilityOfAll:(self selectedClasses value) withExtensions:true errorsOnly:true outputTo:stream.
    allMessages := stream contents.

    (TextBox openOn:allMessages title:'Errors and Warnings' readOnly:true).

    badMethods notEmpty ifTrue:[
        self spawnMethodBrowserFor:badMethods in:#newBuffer label:'Uncompilable Methods'

    "Created: / 16-11-2006 / 14:53:21 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13-06-2012 / 13:26:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 11-04-2012 / 15:00:39 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |currentClass name subclasses|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot copy unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self

    name := Dialog request:(resources
                                string:'Enter name for new parent class of "%1" and its subclasses:'
                                with:currentClass name allBold).
    name isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].

    subclasses := self selectSubclassesOf:currentClass.
    subclasses isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^self].

    self performRefactoring:
            (ChildrenToSiblingsRefactoring name: name
                    class: currentClass
                    subclasses: subclasses).

    self switchToClassNamed:name.
"/            meta: self isMeta
"/            categories: self categories

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 20:48:59 / cg"

    "remove all changes for the selected class(es) from the changeSet"

    UserPreferences current avoidConfirmationsForExperiencedUsers ifFalse:[
        (self confirm:'This will remove all changes for the selected class(es) from the changeSet.\\Really cleanup ?' withCRs)
            ifFalse:[ ^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
            ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachClass

    "Modified: / 05-09-2012 / 11:25:36 / cg"

    "show a classes comment"

    self classMenuChangeAspect:#classComment

    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:05:41 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the selected class
     against some other class (useful when refactoring subclasses)."

    |sel class1 class2|

    sel := self selectedNonMetaclasses value.
    sel size == 2 ifTrue:[
        class1 := sel first.
        class2 := sel second.
        self doCompareClass:class1 withClass:class2

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:52:57 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the selected class
     against some other class (useful when refactoring subclasses)."

    |currentClass supers subs list otherClassName otherClass|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.

    supers := (currentClass allSuperclasses reversed collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    subs := (currentClass allSubclasses collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    list := supers.
    (supers notEmpty and:[subs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        list := list , (Array with:'---- ' , currentClass name , ' ----')
    list := list , subs.

    otherClassName := Dialog
                    request:(resources string:'Compare this class against which class:')
                    okLabel:(resources string:'Compare')
                    title:(resources string:'Compare class')
    otherClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    (otherClassName startsWith:'---- ') ifTrue:[^ self].

    otherClass := environment classNamed:otherClassName.
    otherClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'no such class: ', otherClassName.
        ^ self

    otherClass := otherClass theNonMetaclass.
    self doCompareClass:currentClass withClass:otherClass

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 20:49:25 / cg"

    "compile selected classes' lazy methods (kludge - for me)"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
            mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
                mthd makeRealMethod

    "create a copy of the selected class."

    |currentClass currentClassName owningClass newClassName newOwnerClass ownerName idx

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot copy unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self

    currentClassName := currentClass name.
    newClassName := currentClassName.
"/    (nameSpace := currentClass nameSpace) == environment ifTrue:[
"/        newClassName := 'CopyOf' , currentClassName.
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        newClassName := nameSpace name , '::' , 'CopyOf' , currentClass nameWithoutPrefix.
"/    ].

    newClassName := Dialog
                        request:(resources string:'Copy class %1 as:' with:currentClassName allBold)
    (newClassName isEmptyOrNil or:[newClassName withoutSeparators = currentClassName]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    (environment classNamed:newClassName) notNil ifTrue:[
        (self confirm:(resources string:'A class named: ''%1'' already exists.\\Overwrite ?' with:newClassName) withCRs)
            ifFalse:[^ self]
    (owningClass := currentClass owningClass) notNil ifTrue:[
        (newClassName startsWith:(owningClass name , '::')) ifTrue:[
            newClassName := newClassName withoutPrefix:(owningClass name , '::').
            newOwnerClass := owningClass.
        ] ifFalse:[
            (newClassName includes:$:) ifTrue:[
                idx := newClassName lastIndexOf:$:.
                ownerName := newClassName copyTo:idx.
                [ownerName endsWith:$:] whileTrue:[ownerName := ownerName copyButLast].
                newClassName := newClassName copyFrom:idx+1.
            ] ifFalse:[
                (self confirm:(resources string:'Copy as public class ''%1'' ?' with:newClassName) withCRs)
                    ifFalse:[^ self].
    ] ifFalse:[
        idx := newClassName lastIndexOf:$:.
        idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            ownerName := newClassName copyTo:idx-2.
            newClassName := newClassName copyFrom:idx+1.

    ownerName notNil ifTrue:[
        (environment classNamed:ownerName) isNil ifTrue:[
            (Dialog confirm:(resources
                                stringWithCRs:'No class or nameSpace named: "%1"\\Create as Namespace ?' with:ownerName))
                ^ self
            newOwnerClass := NameSpace fullName:ownerName.
        newOwnerClass := environment at:ownerName asSymbol.
        (newOwnerClass == Smalltalk or:[newOwnerClass isNameSpace]) ifTrue:[
            newOwnerClass == Smalltalk ifFalse:[
                newClassName := ownerName , '::' , newClassName.
            newOwnerClass := nil.

    self busyLabel:'copying class ...' with:nil.
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        Class packageQuerySignal answer:self theSingleSelectedProject do:[
            newClass := self doCopyClass:currentClass as:newClassName privateIn:newOwnerClass.
    self selectClass:newClass.

    "Modified: / 24-05-2012 / 15:49:14 / cg"

    "show a classes definition"

    self classMenuChangeAspect:#classDefinition

    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:06:09 / cg"
    "Created: / 8.11.2001 / 23:17:00 / cg"

    "ask for a block and evaluate it for all selected classes"

    |actionBlockString actionBlock dialog textHolder template|

    template :=
'"/ general class processing;
"/ the following block will be evaluated for every selected class.
"/ You can perform bulk operations classes there...
"/ Beginner warning: Smalltalk know-how is useful here.

[:class |
    |mth oldSrc newSrc|

"/     "/ example (compile a special method into it)
"/     class
"/        compile:
"/    Transcript showCR:''''hello world''''
"/        categorized:''foo methods''.

"/    "/ make a backup
"/    self doCopyClass:class as:(class name,''_saved'') privateIn:nil.

"/    "/ change a string in some method
"/    mth := class compiledMethodAt:#foo.
"/    oldSrc := mthd source.
"/    newSrc := oldSrc copyReplaceString:''foobar'' withString:''foobaz''.
"/    class compile:newSrc classified:(mthd category).


    textHolder := ValueHolder new.
    dialog := Dialog
                 forRequestText:(resources string:'Enter actionBlock')
                 initialAnswer:(LastClassProcessingBlockString ? template)
    dialog addButton:(Button label:'Template' action:[textHolder value:template. textHolder changed:#value.]).
    dialog open.
    dialog accepted ifFalse:[^ self].

    actionBlockString := textHolder value.
    LastClassProcessingBlockString := actionBlockString.

    actionBlock := Parser evaluate:actionBlockString.
    self assert:actionBlock isBlock message:'bad input'.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        actionBlock value:eachClass

    "Created: / 05-06-2012 / 17:30:17 / cg"

    "show classes documentation (i.e. open doc-View on it)"

            [:cls |
                self openClassDocumentationFor:cls
            [:cls |
            [:cls |

    "fetch the class' package resource file for editing"

    |files filename|

    files := Set new.
    self selectedClassesValue do:[:eachClass |
        |defClass directory|

        (defClass := eachClass theNonMetaclass projectDefinitionClass) notNil ifTrue:[
            resources := defClass classResources.
        resources notNil ifTrue:[
            resources := resources projectPack.
            resources notNil ifTrue:[
                filename := resources packsFileName.
                files add:filename
        ] ifFalse:[
            directory := Smalltalk packageDirectoryForPackageId:(eachClass package).
            files add:(directory asFilename / 'resources' / (Smalltalk language, '.rs')).
    files do:[:eachFile |
        UserPreferences fileBrowserClass


    projectDefinitionClasses := self selectedClassesValue collect:[:cls | cls projectDefinitionClass] as:Set.

    projectDefinitionClasses do:[:eachDefinitionClass |

        toExcludeForThis := self selectedClassesValue select:[:cls | cls projectDefinitionClass == eachDefinitionClass].

            generateUndoableChange:(resources string:'Exclude %1 class(es) from Project %2' with:toExcludeForThis size with:eachDefinitionClass name)
            overClasses:(Array with: eachDefinitionClass)
            via:[:generator :projectDefinition |
                self excludeClasses:toExcludeForThis fromProject:projectDefinition using:generator

    "Created: / 19-02-2007 / 17:29:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:46:23 / cg"

    "fileOut selected classes - standard format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected classes -  file format as specified by the argument:
        nil     - standard format
        #xml    - XML standard format
        #sif    - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
        #binary - ST/X binary format


    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
        mode := Dialog choose:(resources string:'Save including sources ?')
                       labels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Discard' 'By file reference' 'Include source'))
                       values:#(nil #discard #reference #keep)

        mode isNil ifTrue:[^ self].   "/ cancelled

            [:cls |
                   withCancelAll:(self selectedClassesValue size > 1)
            [:cls |
                self warn:'Cannot fileOut unloaded class: %1' with:cls name allBold.
            [:cls | |owner|
                owner := cls owningClass.
                (self selectedClassesValue includes:owner) ifFalse:[
                    self warn:'Cannot fileOut private class: %1\\Please fileOut the owning class (%2).'
                        with:cls nameWithoutPrefix allBold
                        with:owner name.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:46:20 / cg"

    "fileOut selected classes - binary file format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#binary

    "fileOut selected classes as individual files - binary format"

    self classMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#binary

    "fileOut selected classes as individual files - st-source format"

    self classMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected classes as individual files"

    |classes dirName|

    classes := self selectedNonMetaclasses.
    dirName := self
                askForDirectoryToFileOut:(resources string:'FileOut %1 classes in:' with:classes size)
    dirName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].


    "Modified: / 11-07-2010 / 16:44:33 / cg"

    "fileOut selected classes as individual files - sif format"

    self classMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected classes as individual files - visual smalltalk enterprise format"

    self classMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#vse

    "fileOut selected classes as individual files - xml format"

    self classMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#xml

    "fileOut selected classes - standard format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutInWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected classes -  file format as specified by the argument:
        nil     - standard format
        #xml    - XML standard format
        #sif    - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
        #binary - ST/X binary format

    self fileOutClasses:(self selectedNonMetaclasses) withFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:52:17 / cg"

    "fileOut selected classes - smalltalk interchange file format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected classes - visual smalltalk enterprise file format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#vse

    "fileOut selected classes - XML file format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#xml

    "create a visitor acceptor method"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Accept-Visitor Method for %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createAcceptVisitorMethodIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:22:31 / cg"

    "create access methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create access methods for instvars as ValueHolder.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create access methods for instvars as ValueHolder.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create access methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange:aBoolean asValueHolder:asValueHolder readersOnly:readersOnly writersOnly:writersOnly
    "create access methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange:aBoolean asValueHolder:asValueHolder readersOnly:readersOnly writersOnly:writersOnly lazyInitialization:lazyInitialization

    "create access methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Access Methods in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |

            names := self variableFilter value.
            names size == 0 ifTrue:[
                names := eachClass instVarNames

    "Created: / 07-08-1998 / 18:17:18 / cg"

    "create access methods for instvars with lazy initialization in getters.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create application code methods"

    self classMenuGenerateApplicationCodeForClasses:(self selectedClassesValue)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:46:34 / cg"

classMenuGenerateApplicationCodeFor:cls using:generator
    "create application code methods"

    (cls isSubclassOf:WebApplicationModel) ifTrue:[
        generator createWebApplicationCodeFor:cls.
        ^ self.
    (cls isSubclassOf:HTTPService) ifTrue:[
        generator createWebServiceCodeFor:cls.
        ^ self.
    (cls isSubclassOf:ApplicationModel) ifTrue:[
        generator createApplicationCodeFor:cls.
        ^ self.
    (cls isSubclassOf:StandaloneStartup) ifTrue:[
        generator createStandaloneStartupCodeFor:cls.
        ^ self.

    "Modified: / 19-08-2011 / 01:58:40 / cg"

    "create application code methods"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate ApplicationCode in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        via:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator confirmChanges:false.
            self classMenuGenerateApplicationCodeFor:(eachClass theNonMetaclass) using:generator

    "Created: / 21-01-2012 / 11:09:47 / cg"

    "create #initialize method on the class side"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Class Initializer in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createClassInitializeMethodIn:eachClass theMetaclass.

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:22:58 / cg"

    "create isXXX test- methods here and in subclasses"

    |cls subclasses|

    (cls := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil) isNil ifTrue:[
        self information:'You must select a single (abstract) superclass'.
        ^ self.

    subclasses := cls subclasses.
    subclasses isEmpty ifTrue:[
        self information:'(Abstract) superclass ' , cls name , ' has no subclasses.'.
        ^ self.

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate ClassType Testers'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createClassTypeTestMethodsIn:cls theNonMetaclass forClasses:subclasses

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:23:07 / cg"

    "create isXXX test- methods here and in a superclass"

    |cls sel superclass|

    (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
        sel := 'is' , cls nameWithoutPrefix.
    ] ifFalse:[
        sel := 'isXXX'.

    superclass := self askForSuperclassToGenerateTestMethod:sel.
    superclass isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate ClassType Testers'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createClassTypeTestMethodsIn:(superclass theNonMetaclass) forClasses:(Array with:eachClass)

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:23:15 / cg"

    "create copyright methods"

    |copyRightText template|

    template := SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool copyrightTemplate.

    copyRightText := Dialog
                        lines:20 columns:80

    copyRightText isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool copyrightTemplate:copyRightText.

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Copyright Method in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            |metaClass |

            metaClass := eachClass theMetaclass.
            generator createCopyrightMethodFor:copyRightText for:metaClass.

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:23:22 / cg"

    "create documentation method from comment"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Documentation method in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |

            cls := eachClass theMetaclass.
            (cls includesSelector:#documentation) ifFalse:[
                generator createDocumentationMethodFor:cls.
                (cls includesSelector:#documentation) ifTrue:[
                    cls theNonMetaclass comment:nil

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:23:31 / cg"

    "create documentation methods"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Documentation in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            |metaClass |

            metaClass := eachClass theMetaclass.

            generator createDocumentationMethodsFor:metaClass.

            "/ add examples method containing examples template
            "/ but only if not already present.
            generator createExamplesMethodFor:metaClass.

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:23:38 / cg"

    "create an enumeration type"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate EnumTypeCode in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |

            cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
            generator createEnumTypeCodeFor:cls

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:23:45 / cg"

    "create getter methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create initialize method"

        generateUndoableChange:'Initialization Code for %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createInitializationMethodIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:23:53 / cg"

    "create the initialize method"

        generateUndoableChange:'Initializer for %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createInitializationMethodIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:24:01 / cg"

    "create new and initialize methods"

        generateUndoableChange:'Initialized Instance Creation Code for %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createInitializedInstanceCreationMethodsIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:24:07 / cg"

    "create #isAbstract method"

        generateUndoableChange:'Make %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses) abstract'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createIsAbstractMethodIn:eachClass theMetaclass

    "create a multi setter method for selected instvars."

    |cls vars|

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    vars := cls allInstVarNames
            select:[:var | self selectedVariables value includes:var].

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate multi-setter'
        overClasses:(Array with:cls)
        via:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createMultiSetterMethodFor:vars in:cls

    "create for: instance creation and initialize methods"


    selector := Dialog
                    requestSelector:'Name of Instance Creation Method:'
    selector isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    selector := selector asSymbol.

        generateUndoableChange:'Parametrized Instance Creation Code for %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createParametrizedInstanceCreationMethodsNamed:selector in:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:24:15 / cg"

    "create a Pool initialization template method"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Pool Initialization in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |

            cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
            generator createPoolInitializationCodeFor:cls

    "Created: / 25-10-2006 / 09:24:48 / cg"

    self generateProjectDefinitionsIn:(self selectedClassesValue)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:46:49 / cg"

    "create redefined new methods"

        generateUndoableChange:'Redefined Instance Creation for %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createRedefinedInstanceCreationMethodsIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:24:28 / cg"

    "create required protocol (all inherited subclassResponsibility methods)"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Required Protocol in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createClassResponsibleProtocolFor:eachClass

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:24:37 / cg"

    "create setter methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create instance creation methods for singleton"


    singletonVarName := nil.

        generateUndoableChange:'Singleton Pattern for %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            |theClass vars defaultNameForSingleton singletonVar|

            "/ if any of the selected classes is a subclass of one of the previously processed,
            "/ and we have added a class-instvar in the previous loop cycle,
            "/ we have top refetch, because the class is now obsolete (stupid consequence of not having a
            "/ good become).
            "/ refetch to get the present class (sigh)
            theClass := Smalltalk at:(eachClass theNonMetaclass name).

            vars := theClass theMetaclass allInstanceVariableNames asNewSet.
            vars removeAll:(Class allInstanceVariableNames).

            (singletonVarName notNil and:[vars includes:singletonVarName]) ifTrue:[
                defaultNameForSingleton := singletonVarName
            ] ifFalse:[
                defaultNameForSingleton := 'theOneAndOnlyInstance'.
                "/ vars add:'theOneAndOnlyInstance'.
            singletonVar := Dialog
                request:'Class-Instvar to keep Singleton in?'
                list:(vars asSortedCollection).
            singletonVar isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

            (theClass theMetaclass allInstanceVariableNames asSet includes:singletonVar) ifFalse:[
                theClass theMetaclass addInstVarName:singletonVar.
                theClass := environment at:(eachClass theNonMetaclass name).
            generator createSingletonPatternInstanceCreationMethodsIn:theClass usingVariable:singletonVar

    "Created: / 10-02-2011 / 16:28:36 / cg"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate PrintOn Method for %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createStandardPrintOnMethodIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:24:51 / cg"

    "create a standard update method template"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate%(numClassesOrEmpty)Update Method%(sForPlural)%(forSingleClassOrEmpty)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createUpdateMethodIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:24:58 / cg"

    "create visitor and visited methods"

    |visitorClassName visitorClass|

    visitorClassName := Dialog
                    request:'Name of Visitor class'
                    initialAnswer:(LastVisitorClassName ? '')
                    okLabel:(resources string:'Create')
                    title:'Visitor class'
                    entryCompletionBlock:(DoWhatIMeanSupport classNameEntryCompletionBlock).

    visitorClass := self classIfValidNonMetaClassName:visitorClassName.
    visitorClass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    LastVisitorClassName := visitorClassName.

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Visitor Pattern'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createVisitorMethodsIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass andVisitorClass:visitorClass

    "Created: / 11-10-2001 / 22:26:08 / cg"

    "create visitor and visited methods"

    |visitorClassName visitorClass|

    visitorClassName := Dialog
                    request:'Name of Visitor class'
                    initialAnswer:(LastVisitorClassName ? '')
                    okLabel:(resources string:'Create')
                    title:'Visitor class'
                    entryCompletionBlock:(DoWhatIMeanSupport classNameEntryCompletionBlock).

    visitorClass := self classIfValidNonMetaClassName:visitorClassName.
    visitorClass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    LastVisitorClassName := visitorClassName.

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Visitor Pattern'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createVisitorMethodsIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass andVisitorClass2:visitorClass

    "Created: / 07-07-2009 / 20:41:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:25:37 / cg"

    "show a classes hierarchy"

    self classMenuChangeAspect:#classHierarchy
    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:06:09 / cg"



    projectDefinitionClasses := self selectedClassesValue collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass projectDefinitionClass] as:Set.

    projectDefinitionClasses do:[:eachDefinitionClass |

        toIncludeForThis := self selectedClassesValue select:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass projectDefinitionClass == eachDefinitionClass].

            generateUndoableChange:(resources string:'Include %1 class(es) in Project %2 (Make Compiled Class)' with:toIncludeForThis size with:eachDefinitionClass name)
            overClasses:(Array with: eachDefinitionClass)
            via:[:generator :projectDefinition |
                self includeClasses:toIncludeForThis inProject:projectDefinition using:generator

    "Created: / 19-02-2007 / 16:46:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:47:12 / cg"

    "reinit selected classes (kludge - for me)"

    self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |
        (eachClass class includesSelector:#initialize) ifTrue:[
            eachClass initialize.

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:51:50 / cg"

    "initiate the well known refactoring"

    |selectedClasses superClasses superClass name existingClass|

    selectedClasses := self selectedClassesValue.
    selectedClasses do:[:each | each autoload].

    superClasses := selectedClasses collect:[:c | c superclass].
    superClasses asSet size > 1 ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Classes must have a common superclass'.
        ^ self
    superClass := superClasses anElement.

    name := Dialog request:(resources
                                string:'Enter name for new parent class of the selected class(es):').
    name isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].

    existingClass := environment classNamed:name.
    existingClass notNil ifTrue:[
        (Dialog confirm:(resources
                                string:'A Class named "%1" already exists - make the selected class(es) a subclass of it ?'))
            ^ self

    self performRefactoring:
                category:(selectedClasses first category) "dialog categoryName").

    self switchToClassNamed:name.
"/            meta: self isMeta
"/            categories: self categories

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:47:15 / cg"

    "open an inspector on the class (useful to look at class instvars)"

    |classes toInspect|

    (classes := self selectedNonMetaclasses) size > 0 ifTrue:[
        classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
            toInspect := classes first.
        ] ifFalse:[
            toInspect := classes
        toInspect inspect

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:51:26 / cg"

    "open an inspector on all derived instances of the selected class(es)"

    |classes insts|

    classes := self selectedNonMetaclasses.

    insts := OrderedCollection new.
    classes do:[:eachClass |
        insts addAll:(eachClass allSubInstances).

    insts size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self information:'No instances or subInstances.'
    ] ifFalse:[
        insts size == 1 ifTrue:[
            insts first inspect.
        ] ifFalse:[
            insts inspect

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:51:09 / cg"

    "open an inspector on all instances of the selected class(es)"

    |classes insts|

    classes := self selectedNonMetaclasses.

    insts := OrderedCollection new.
    classes do:[:eachClass |
        insts addAll:(eachClass allInstances).

    insts size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self information:'No instances.'
    ] ifFalse:[
        insts size == 1 ifTrue:[
            insts first inspect.
        ] ifFalse:[
            insts inspect

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:51:02 / cg"

    "open an inspector on a new instance of the selected class(es)"

    self selectedNonMetaclasses do:[:eachClass |
        eachClass new inspect

    "open an inspector on all objects which contain a reference to
     an instance of the selected class(es)"

    |classes insts|

    classes := self selectedNonMetaclasses.

    insts := OrderedCollection new.
    ObjectMemory garbageCollect.
    ObjectMemory allObjectsDo:[:obj |
        (classes contains:[:cls | (obj referencesInstanceOf:cls)])
            insts add:obj
    insts remove:(insts instVarAt:1) ifAbsent:nil.

    insts size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self information:'Noone references any instance of the selected class(es).'
    ] ifFalse:[
        insts size == 1 ifTrue:[
            insts first inspect.
        ] ifFalse:[
            insts inspect

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:50:54 / cg"

    "open an inspector on all subclasses. Useful to look at classInstvars"

    |classes toInspect|

    (classes := self selectedNonMetaclasses) size > 0 ifTrue:[
        toInspect := classes collectAll:[:cls | cls allSubclasses].
        toInspect inspect

    "load selected classes"

    self classLoad


    "load all classes from the selected project definitions"

    (self selectedNonMetaclasses copy) do:[:cls |
        cls autoload.
        cls isProjectDefinition ifTrue:[
            self activityNotification:('Loading ', cls description , '..').
            cls load

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:50:41 / cg"

    "fetches the source for all methods and keeps them in the method as string
     (i.e. replacing the file+position reference by a real in-image string).
     Needed when you want to overwrite the source file, to which the source-reference points to"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass instAndClassMethodsDo:[:mthd |
            mthd source:(mthd source)

    "fileOut selected classes (chunk format) and eMail to someone"

        mailClasses:self selectedClassesValue
        subject:'Class Source from Browser'

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:47:18 / cg"


    projectDefinitionClasses := self selectedClassesValue collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass projectDefinitionClass] as:Set.

    projectDefinitionClasses do:[:eachDefinitionClass |

        toMakeAutoloadedForThis := self selectedClassesValue select:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass projectDefinitionClass == eachDefinitionClass].
            generateUndoableChange:(resources string:'Make %1 class(es) autoloaded in %2' with:toMakeAutoloadedForThis size with:eachDefinitionClass name)
            overClasses:(Array with: eachDefinitionClass)
            via:[:generator :projectDefinition |
                self makeClassesAutoloaded:toMakeAutoloadedForThis inProject:projectDefinition using:generator

    "Created: / 30-08-2007 / 18:51:35 / cg"

    "make the selected class(es) private in another class."

    |list newOwnerName newOwner currentClass supers subs newName classes|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        currentClass := self selectedClassesValue first
    currentClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.
    supers := (currentClass allSuperclasses reversed collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    subs := (currentClass allSubclasses collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    list := supers.
    (supers notEmpty and:[subs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        list := list , (Array with:'---- ' , currentClass name , ' ----')
    list := list , subs.

    newOwnerName := Dialog
                    request:(resources string:'Make private in which class:')
                    okLabel:(resources string:'OK')
                    title:(resources string:'Make class private')
                    entryCompletionBlock:(DoWhatIMeanSupport classNameEntryCompletionBlock).
    newOwnerName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    (newOwnerName startsWith:'---- ') ifTrue:[^ self].

    newOwner := environment classNamed:newOwnerName.
    newOwner isNil ifTrue:[
        (currentClass nameSpace notNil and:[currentClass nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
            newOwner := currentClass nameSpace classNamed:newOwnerName
    newOwner isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'No such class: ', newOwnerName.
        ^ self

    classes := self selectedNonMetaclasses.
    classes do:[:eachClass |
        eachClass autoload.
        newName := newOwner name , '::' , eachClass nameWithoutPrefix.
        (environment classNamed:newName) notNil ifTrue:[
            (environment classNamed:newName) ~~ eachClass ifTrue:[
                self warn:'A class named ' , newName , ' already exists.'.
                ^ self
        (newOwner == eachClass) ifTrue:[
            self warn:'A class cannot be its own owner.'.
            ^ self
        (newOwner topOwningClass == eachClass) ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Cannot create mutual (cyclic) ownership.'.
            ^ self
    classes do:[:eachClass |
        newName := newOwner name , '::' , eachClass nameWithoutPrefix.
        Smalltalk renameClass:eachClass theNonMetaclass to:newName.
        eachClass theMetaclass setOwningClass:newOwner.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:47:28 / cg"

    "change a class from private to public;
     check if a public class with the same name exists,
     before doing this."

    |nsName ns baseName|

    self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |
        baseName := eachClass nameWithoutPrefix.
        (ns := eachClass topOwningClass nameSpace) ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
            nsName := Dialog confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'Make public in ''Smalltalk'' or in its nameSpace ''%1'' ?' with:ns name)
                    labels:(Array with:'Cancel' with:'In Smalltalk' with:'In ' , ns name)
                    values:(Array with:nil with:Smalltalk with:ns)
            nsName isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
            nsName isNameSpace ifTrue:[
                ns := nsName
            ] ifFalse:[
                ns := environment at:nsName.

        (ns classNamed:baseName) notNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:(resources
                            string:'A public class named ''%1'' already exists in %2.\\Please remove/rename that one first,\or rename the private class ''%1'' here\and try again.'
                            with:baseName with:ns name) withCRs.
        ] ifFalse:[
            eachClass makePublicIn:ns

    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:23 / fm"
    "Modified: / 10-10-2007 / 21:56:23 / cg"

    "change a class from private to public;
     check if a public class with the same name exists, before doing this."

    |nsName ns baseName|

    nsName := self
            askForNameSpace:(resources string:'Make classes public in which Namespace ?')
            title:(resources string:'Move to Namespace')
            initialText:(LastNameSpaceMove ? '').
    nsName isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    ns := environment at:nsName asSymbol.
    LastNameSpaceMove := nsName.

    self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |
        baseName := eachClass nameWithoutPrefix.

        (ns classNamed:baseName) notNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:(resources
                            string:'A public class named ''%1'' already exists in %2.\\Please remove/rename that one first,\or rename the private class ''%1'' here\and try again.'
                            with:baseName with:ns name) withCRs.
        ] ifFalse:[
            eachClass makePublicIn:ns

    "Created: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:23 / fm"
    "Modified: / 11-02-2011 / 11:26:52 / cg"

    |allCategories box|

    allCategories := environment allClassCategories asArray sort.

    box := ListSelectionBox new.
    box title:(resources string:'Move class(es) to which category:').
    box list:allCategories.
    box okAction:[:sel |
        self withWaitCursorDo:[
            self moveSelectedClassesToCategory:sel
    box initialText:(LastCategoryRenames ? #('')) first.
    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
        |s what|

        s := contents withoutLeadingSeparators.
        what := environment classCategoryCompletion:s.
        box contents:what first.
        (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            self builder window beep
    box label:(resources string:'Change Class-Category').
    box showAtPointer

    "Modified: / 17.11.2001 / 12:21:48 / cg"

    "change the package-id of the selected classes.
     Will eventually update the Project-object"

    |newNameSpace ns|

    newNameSpace := self
                        askForNameSpace:'Move class(es) to which nameSpace:'
                        title:(resources string:'Move to Namespace')
                        initialText:(LastNameSpaceMove ? '').
    newNameSpace size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    ns := environment at:newNameSpace asSymbol.
    ns isNil ifTrue:[
        (self confirm:(resources string:'No such nameSpace exists.\\Create "%1" ?' with:newNameSpace) withCRs) ifFalse:[
            ^ self
        ns := NameSpace name:newNameSpace asSymbol
    ] ifFalse:[
        ns isNameSpace ifFalse:[
            self warn:(resources string:'Not a NameSpace: %1' with:newNameSpace).
            ^ self

    LastNameSpaceMove := newNameSpace.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:classToMove |
            |className doMove oldSym oldBaseSym|

            classToMove isPrivate ifTrue:[
                self warn:'Cannot move a private class - please move the owner.'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                classToMove nameSpace ~~ ns ifTrue:[
                    className := classToMove nameWithoutPrefix.

                    "/ check if the target already exists - confirm if so.
                    doMove := true.
                    (ns at:className asSymbol) notNil ifTrue:[
                        doMove := self confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'Attention: a class named ''%1'' already present (in ''%2'' category).\\Move over it ?'
                                                 with:className allBold
                                                 with:ns name allBold) withCRs.
                        doMove isNil ifTrue:[
                            ^ self
                    doMove ifTrue:[
                        oldSym := classToMove name asSymbol.
                        oldBaseSym := classToMove nameWithoutPrefix asSymbol.

                        "/ renaming is actually more complicated as one might
                        "/ think (care for classVariables, privateClasses etc.)
                        "/ Smalltalk knows all about that ...

                        ns == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
                            Smalltalk renameClass:classToMove to:className asSymbol.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            Smalltalk renameClass:classToMove to:(ns name , '::' , className) asSymbol.
                            ns changed.
                        Smalltalk changed.

                        Transcript showCR:('searching for users of ' , oldSym); endEntry.
                        SystemBrowser browseReferendsOf:oldSym warnIfNone:false.
                        oldBaseSym ~= oldSym ifTrue:[
                            Transcript showCR:('searching for users of ' , oldBaseSym); endEntry.
                            SystemBrowser browseReferendsOf:oldBaseSym warnIfNone:false

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:49:01 / cg"

    "change the package-id of the selected classes.
     Will eventually update the Project-object"

    |newProject packages msg|

    packages := self selectedClassesValue collect:[:each | each package].
    packages size == 1 ifTrue:[
        msg := resources string:'Move class(es) from ''%1'' to which project:'
                           with:packages first allBold.
    ] ifFalse:[
        msg := resources string:'Move class(es) to which project:'
    newProject := self askForProject:msg.
    newProject notNil ifTrue:[
        self withWaitCursorDo:[
            self moveSelectedClassesToProject:newProject.

    "Created: / 17-02-2000 / 22:50:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:47:31 / cg"

    "create a class-definition prototype for an application"

        in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'Applications')

    self codeAspect:#newApplication.

    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    self classMenuNewClass:nil

    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    |theClass superClass cat|

    (theClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
        (superClass := theClass theNonMetaclass superclass) notNil ifTrue:[
            theClass := superClass
    ] ifFalse:[
        self javaMode ifTrue:[
            theClass := JavaVM classForName:'java.lang.Object'
        ] ifFalse:[
            theClass := Object.
    (metaClassUsedOrNil notNil and:[metaClassUsedOrNil == JavaMetaclass or:[metaClassUsedOrNil == GroovyMetaclass]]) ifTrue:[
        JavaVM booted ifFalse:[
            JavaVM boot
        theClass isJavaClass not ifTrue:[
            theClass := JavaVM classForName:'java.lang.Object'

    self hasCategorySelected ifTrue:[
        cat := self selectedCategoriesValue first
    ] ifFalse:[
        cat := Compiler defaultMethodCategory "/ '* As yet uncategorized *'


    "Modified: / 15-11-2001 / 18:01:04 / cg"
    "Modified: / 09-04-2014 / 12:37:57 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "create a class-definition prototype for a dialog"

        in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'Applications - Dialogs')

    self codeAspect:#newDialog.

    "create a class-definition prototype for an error class"

        in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'Errors')

    self codeAspect:#newError.

    self classMenuNewClass:HaskellModule

    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    self classMenuNewClass:JavaScriptMetaclass

    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    self classMenuNewClass:LispMetaclass

    "Created: / 13-05-2012 / 12:53:17 / cg"

    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    self classMenuNewClass:LispNameSpace

    "Created: / 01-06-2012 / 14:36:28 / cg"

    "create a class-definition prototype for an exception class"

        in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'Exceptions')

    self codeAspect:#newNotification.

    self classMenuNewClass:PLSQLObjectTypeMetaclass

    "create a class-definition prototype for a dialog"



    "create a class-definition prototype for a shared pool"

        in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'Pools')

"/    self codeAspect:#newSharedPool.

    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    self classMenuNewClass: Smalltalk::Metaclass

    "Created: / 30-08-2009 / 20:14:17 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "create a class-definition prototype for a standalone startup class"

        in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'startup')

    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 07:46:47 / cg"

    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    |theClass cat metaClassUsedOrNil|

    (theClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) isNil ifTrue:[
        self javaMode ifTrue:[
            theClass := Java at:'java.lang.Object'
        theClass isNil ifTrue:[
            theClass := Object.
    ] ifFalse:[
        theClass := theClass theNonMetaclass.
        metaClassUsedOrNil := theClass theMetaclass class.

    self hasCategorySelected ifTrue:[
        cat := self selectedCategoriesValue first
    ] ifFalse:[
        cat := theClass category.


    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:25:33 / cg"

    "create a class-definition prototype for a testCase"

    TestCase isNil ifTrue:[ Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/sunit' ].
    TestCase autoload.
        in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'TestCases')

    self codeAspect:#newTestCase.

    "Modified: / 16-10-2006 / 12:24:31 / cg"

    "create a class-definition prototype for a web page"

        in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'WebServices')

    self codeAspect:#newWebApplication.

    "create a class-definition prototype for a web application"

    HTTPService isNil ifTrue:[ Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/webServer' ].
    HTTPService autoload.

        in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'WebServices')

    self codeAspect:#newWebService.

    "Modified: / 09-04-2011 / 10:46:22 / cg"

    "create a class-definition prototype for a widget"

        in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'Views-Misc')

    self codeAspect:#newWidget.

    |dialog newClassName superclassName superclass package namespace namespaceName
     namespacePrefix createdClass category language|

    dialog := NewClassWizardDialog new.
    dialog masterApplication:self.

    dialog categoryHolder value:(self theSingleSelectedCategory).
    dialog packageHolder value:(self theSingleSelectedProject).

    dialog openModal.
    dialog accepted ifFalse:[^ self].

    language := dialog language.
    newClassName := dialog classNameHolder value withoutSeparators.
    superclassName := dialog superclassNameHolder value withoutSeparators.
    superclass := environment classNamed:superclassName.
    package := (dialog packageHolder value ? '') withoutSeparators.
    namespaceName := (dialog nameSpaceHolder value ? 'Smalltalk') withoutSeparators.
    category := (dialog categoryHolder value ? '* as yet unspecified *') withoutSeparators.

    (namespaceName = 'Smalltalk') ifTrue:[
        namespacePrefix := ''
    ] ifFalse:[
        namespacePrefix := namespaceName , '::'
    namespace := NameSpace name:namespaceName.

    Class packageQuerySignal answer:package

"/        createdClass :=
"/            superclass
"/                subclass: (namespacePrefix,newClassName) asSymbol
"/                instanceVariableNames: dialog instVarNamesHolder value
"/                classVariableNames: dialog classVarNamesHolder value
"/                poolDictionaries: ' '
"/                category: category.
"/        dialog classInstVarNamesHolder value notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
"/            createdClass class instanceVariableNames: dialog classInstVarNamesHolder value
"/        ].

        builder := ClassBuilder new.
        builder metaclass:(language metaClass).
            name:(namespacePrefix,newClassName) asSymbol
            instanceVariableNames:(dialog instVarNamesHolder value)
            classVariableNames:(dialog classVarNamesHolder value)
            classInstanceVariableNames:(dialog classInstVarNamesHolder value).
        createdClass := builder buildClass.

    createdClass isNil ifTrue:[^ self ].
    self switchToClass:createdClass.

    Class packageQuerySignal answer:package
            generateUndoableChange:'Generate Code for %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
            overClasses:(Array with:createdClass)
            via:[:generator :cls |
                |theNonMetaclass theMetaclass inheritedInitializeMethod|

                theNonMetaclass := cls theNonMetaclass.
                theMetaclass := cls theMetaclass.

                dialog createAccessors ifTrue:[
                        createAccessMethodsFor:(cls instVarNames)
                dialog createInitializer ifTrue:[
                    inheritedInitializeMethod := cls theMetaclass responseTo:#new.
                    (inheritedInitializeMethod isNil or:[ (inheritedInitializeMethod sends:#initialize) not ]) ifTrue:[
                        generator createInitializedInstanceCreationMethodsIn:theNonMetaclass
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        generator createInitializationMethodIn:theNonMetaclass
                    generator createClassInitializeMethodIn:theMetaclass.
                dialog createUpdateMethod ifTrue:[
                    generator createUpdateMethodIn:theNonMetaclass
                dialog createRequiredMethods ifTrue:[
                    generator createClassResponsibleProtocolFor:theNonMetaclass
                dialog createInitialGUICode ifTrue:[
                    self classMenuGenerateApplicationCodeFor:theNonMetaclass using:generator

    "Modified: / 29-12-2011 / 13:48:54 / cg"

    "open a test runner on the selected class (you can also double click on a testCase class)"


    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
    self classMenuOpenTestRunnerOn:cls

    "open a test runner on aClass (you can also double click on a testCase class)"


    cls := aClass theNonMetaclass.
    (cls isTestCaseLike and:[cls isAbstract not]) ifTrue:[

        testRunner := UserPreferences current testRunnerClass.
        testRunner notNil ifTrue:[
            testRunner openOnTestCase:cls.

    "show a classes ownership graph/trend"

    self classMenuChangeAspect:#classOwnershipGraph

    "show the classes primitiveFunction in the codeView.
     Also, set accept action to change it."

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show ' , aspect , ' anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    self selectedMethods value:nil.
    self selectProtocols:nil.
        class:(self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass)

    "show the classes primitiveDefinition in the codeView.
     Also, set accept action to change it."

    self classMenuPrimitiveCode:#primitiveDefinitions

    "show the classes primitiveFunction in the codeView.
     Also, set accept action to change it."

    self classMenuPrimitiveCode:#primitiveFunctions

    "show the classes primitiveVariable in the codeView.
     Also, set accept action to change it."

    self classMenuPrimitiveCode:#primitiveVariables

    self printOutClassesWithSelector:#printOutOn:

    self printOutClassesWithSelector:#printOutFullProtocolOn:

    self printOutClassesWithSelector:#printOutProtocolOn:

    "recompile selected classes (to turn off instrumentation, for example)"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        self recompileClass:eachClass

    "Modified: / 31-05-2012 / 12:01:57 / cg"

    "recompile selected classes incl. all subclasses (to turn off instrumentation, for example)"


    already := Set new.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:each |
        each withAllSubclassesDo:[:eachClass |
            (already includes:eachClass theNonMetaclass) ifFalse:[
                already add:eachClass theNonMetaclass.
                self recompileClass:eachClass

    "Created: / 07-09-2011 / 21:23:01 / cg"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        self recompileClassWithInstrumentation:eachClass
    self infoLabelHolder value:nil.
    self askForGlobalCoverageRecording.

    "Modified: / 10-08-2010 / 14:36:42 / cg"

    self updateProjectContentsDefinitionsIn:(self selectedClassesValue) regenerate:true

    "Created: / 12-10-2006 / 16:53:30 / cg"

    "reload selected classes"

    self classReload

    "Created: / 04-07-2011 / 18:07:32 / cg"

    "remove the selected classes (and all of its subclasses)"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self classMenuRemoveAndPullUpSubclasses:false

    "Modified: / 27-07-2006 / 09:33:35 / cg"

    "remove the selected classes.
     If pullUpSubclasses is true, the classes subclasses are pulled up;
     otherwise, these are removed."

    |offerCancel offerYesToAll classesToRemove|

    classesToRemove := OrderedCollection new.
    offerCancel := self selectedClassesValue size > 1.
    offerYesToAll := self selectedClassesValue size > 1.

    YesToAllConfirmation handleConfirmationIn:[
            selectedClassesNonMetaDo:[:cls |
                    removingSubclasses:pullUpSubclasses not
            ifUnloaded:[:cls |

                YesToAllConfirmation query ifTrue:[
                    answer :=  true
                ] ifFalse:[
                    offerYesToAll ifTrue:[
                        answer := OptionBox
                                                string:'Class ''%1'' is autoloaded - remove anyway ?'
                                                with:cls name allBold)
                                      label:(resources string:'Confirm')
                                      image:(YesNoBox iconBitmap)
                                      buttonLabels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'No' 'Yes' 'Yes to All'))
                                      values:#(nil false true #yesToAll)
                        answer == #yesToAll ifTrue:[
                            YesToAllConfirmation notify.
                            answer := true
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        answer := Dialog
                                                string:'Class ''%1'' is autoloaded - remove anyway ?'
                                                with:cls name allBold)
                    answer == nil ifTrue:[
                        ^ self    "/ cancelled
                answer == true ifTrue:[
                        removingSubclasses:pullUpSubclasses not
            ifPrivate:[:cls |
                    removingSubclasses:pullUpSubclasses not

    classesToRemove notEmpty ifTrue:[
        self removeClasses:classesToRemove pullUpSubclasses:pullUpSubclasses.
        "/ Confirm only iff there was at least one Smalltalk class (for others, we do not have
        "/ changes.
        (classesToRemove anySatisfy:[:c|c programmingLanguage isSmalltalk]) ifTrue:[
                            stringWithCRs:'Cleanup the ChangeSet ?\\i.e. remove entries for removed class(es)')
                  yesLabel:(resources string:'Cleanup'))
                classesToRemove do:[:eachClass |
                    ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachClass

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:47:47 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17-04-2013 / 21:32:34 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "rename the selected class"

    |currentClass box newNameString
     oldSym oldBaseSym cls newOwnerOrNameSpacePath nsOrOwner s nextWord t hardRename
     answer referingMethods browser askForNewContainer question|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    currentClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.

    box := self
                                string:'Rename ''%1'' to:'
                                with:currentClass name allBold)
                label:'Rename Class'.

    box initialText:(currentClass name).
    box action:[:aString | newNameString := aString].
    box showAtPointer.

    newNameString isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    newNameString = currentClass name ifTrue:[^ self].

    "/ extract owner or namespace, to see if this implies a change
    newOwnerOrNameSpacePath := OrderedCollection new.

    nsOrOwner := environment.
    s := newNameString readStream.
    [s atEnd] whileFalse:[
        nextWord := s nextAlphaNumericWord.
        [s peek == $_] whileTrue:[
            nextWord := nextWord , '_' , s nextAlphaNumericWord.
        s skipSeparators.
        s atEnd ifFalse:[
            nsOrOwner isNameSpace ifTrue:[
                t := nsOrOwner at:nextWord asSymbol
            ] ifFalse:[
                t := nsOrOwner privateClassesAt:nextWord asSymbol
            t isNil ifTrue:[
                self warn:('Name: ''' , newNameString , ''' specifies a non-existing NameSpace or Ownerclass.\\(no ''' , nextWord , ''' in ''' , nsOrOwner name , ')') withCRs.
                ^ self
            nsOrOwner := t.
            s peek == $. ifTrue:[
                s next.
            ] ifFalse:[
                s peek == $: ifTrue:[
                    s next.
                    s next ~= $: ifTrue:[
                        self warn:'Bad name: ''' , newNameString , ''' (either use ''.'' or ''::'' as nameSpace separator)'.
                        ^ self
    nsOrOwner isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Name ''' , newNameString , ''' specifies a non-existing NameSpace or Ownerclass'.
        ^ self

    hardRename := false.
    currentClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
        "/ check if the new name implies an owner-change
        hardRename := (nsOrOwner ~~ currentClass owningClass)
    ] ifFalse:[
        hardRename := (nsOrOwner ~~ currentClass nameSpace)
    hardRename ifTrue:[
        (self confirm:'New name implies a NameSpace or OwningClass change - is this what you want ?') ifFalse:[
            ^ self

    "/ check if the target already exists - confirm if so.

    (cls := environment classNamed:newNameString) notNil ifTrue:[
        (self confirm:(resources string:'Attention: a class named ''%1'' already present (in the ''%2'' category).\\Rename over it ?'
                                 with:newNameString allBold
                                 with:cls category allBold) withCRs)
            ifFalse:[^ self]

    oldSym := currentClass name asSymbol.
    oldBaseSym := currentClass nameWithoutPrefix asSymbol.

    "/ renaming is actually more complicated as one might
    "/ think (care for classVariables, privateClasses etc.)
    "/ Smalltalk knows all about that ...

    askForNewContainer := false.
    "/ check if the class has a repository container - warn about this if so
    currentClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
        | mgr |

        mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:currentClass.
        mgr isContainerBased ifTrue:[
            currentClass revision notNil ifTrue:[
                    confirm:(resources string:'Remove the (old) source container for ''%1'' in the repository ?' with:oldSym allBold)
                    mgr utilities
                    askForNewContainer := true.

    self busyLabel:('Searching for references to ' , oldSym).
    referingMethods := SystemBrowser
                            allMethodsIn:(environment allClasses)
                            where:(SystemBrowser searchBlockForReferendsOf:oldSym).
    self normalLabel.
    referingMethods isEmpty ifTrue:[
        Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:newNameString.
    ] ifFalse:[
        RenameClassRefactoring isNil ifTrue:[
            Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:newNameString.
            answer := OptionBox
                                        stringWithCRs:'Browse %1 references to "%2" ?'
                                        with:referingMethods size
                                        with:oldSym allBold
                                        with:newNameString allBold)
                          label:(resources string:'Renaming class "%1" to "%2"' with:oldSym with:newNameString)
                          buttonLabels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Browse' 'Rename'))
                          values:#(false #browse #rename)
        ] ifFalse:[
            referingMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
                question := 'There is 1 reference to "%2"\from %4.\\Rename only or Rename and Rewrite to "%3" ?'
            ] ifFalse:[
                question := 'There are %1 references to "%2".\\Rename only or Rename and Rewrite to "%3" ?'

            answer := OptionBox
                                        with:referingMethods size
                                        with:oldSym allBold
                                        with:newNameString allBold
                                        with:(referingMethods first whoString))
                          label:(resources string:'Renaming class "%1" to "%2"' with:oldSym with:newNameString)
                          buttonLabels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Browse' 'Rename && Browse' 'Rename' 'Rename && Rewrite'  ))
                          values:#(false #browse #renameAndBrowse #rename #renameAndRewrite )

        (answer == #browse) ifTrue:[
            browser := self
                            label:(resources string:'Methods referring to %1' with:oldSym)
        (answer == #rename or:[answer == #renameAndBrowse]) ifTrue:[
            Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:newNameString.
            answer == #renameAndBrowse ifTrue:[
                browser := self
                            label:(resources string:'Methods referring to %1 which was renamed to %2' with:oldSym with:newNameString)
        answer == #renameAndRewrite ifTrue:[
            self performRefactoring:(RenameClassRefactoring renameClassNamed:oldSym to:newNameString).
            referingMethods := SystemBrowser
                            allMethodsIn:(environment allClasses)
                            where:(SystemBrowser searchBlockForReferendsOf:newNameString).
            UserInformation ignoreIn:[
                browser := self
                            label:(resources string:'Rewritten Methods now referring to %1' with:newNameString).
        browser notNil ifTrue:[
            browser autoSearchVariable:oldBaseSym.

    askForNewContainer ifTrue:[
        (self confirm:(resources string:'Create a new source container for ''%1'' ?' with:newNameString allBold))
            currentClass setClassFilename:nil.
            SourceCodeManagerUtilities default createSourceContainerForClass:(environment at:newNameString asSymbol)

    "Modified: / 01-06-2012 / 10:30:08 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12-08-2014 / 12:28:19 / Jan Vrany <>"

    MethodRewriter new
        classes: self selectedClassesValue;

    "Created: / 05-07-2011 / 14:48:32 / cg"

    "write classes documentation to a file"

            [:cls |
                self saveClassDocumentationFor:cls
            [:cls |
            [:cls |

    "remove the selected classes and pull up their subclasses"

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifFalse:[
        ^ self warn:'Sorry - need refactoring support for this function'.
    ^ self classMenuRemoveAndPullUpSubclasses:true

    "Modified: / 12-10-2006 / 14:09:02 / cg"

    "show all changes for the selected class(es) in the changeSet"

    |classes changes|

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        classes := self selectedClasses value collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass].
        changes := ChangeSet current selectForWhichIncludesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassFrom:classes.
        (UserPreferences current changeSetBrowserClass) openOn:changes

    "Created: / 26-07-2012 / 11:50:52 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all subclasses"

    self spawnWithAllSubclassesIn:#newBuffer

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all superclasses"

    self spawnWithAllSuperclassesIn:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer showing references to any of the selected classes or any of its subclasses"

    self spawnClassOrSubclassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedClassesValue) in:#newBuffer

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:06 / cg"

    "add a new buffer showing the selected classes' projects"

    self spawnClassProjectsBrowserFor:(self selectedClassesValue) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 18-08-2000 / 19:12:33 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing references to any of the selected classes"

    self spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedClassesValue) in:#newBuffer

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:11 / cg"

    self spawnWithClassesCoveredByTestcaseIn:#newBuffer

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes' common superclass"

    self spawnWithCommonSuperclassIn:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 08:58:56 / cg"

    "add a new buffer showing preoject references to the selected project definitions"


    packages := self selectedClassesValue collect:[:each | each package] as:Set.
    self spawnProjectReferencesBrowserFor:packages in:#newBuffer

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes only"

    self spawnClassBrowserFor:(self selectedClassesValue) in:#newBrowser

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:14 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected classes only"

    self spawnClassBrowserFor:(self selectedClassesValue) in:#newBuffer

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:16 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing references to the selected classes or any of its subclass"

    self spawnClassOrSubclassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedClassesValue) in:#newBrowser

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:20 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes' projects"

    self spawnClassProjectsBrowserFor:(self selectedClassesValue) in:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 18-08-2000 / 19:12:14 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing references to the selected classes "

    self spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedClassesValue) in:#newBrowser

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:26 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected classes only"

    self classMenuSpawnClassBuffer

    "add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected classes"

    |classes brwsr anyMeta anyNonMeta methods|

    methods := self selectedMethodsValue select:[:m | m mclass notNil].
    methods notEmpty ifTrue:[
        classes := methods collect:[:each | each mclass].
    ] ifFalse:[
        classes := self selectedClassesValue asOrderedCollection.
    brwsr := self spawnFullBrowserInClass:nil selector:nil in:where.

    classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
        brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
        brwsr selectedCategories value:(classes collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass category] as:Set) asOrderedCollection.
        anyNonMeta := classes contains:[:any | any isMeta not].
        anyMeta := classes contains:[:any | any isMeta].
        anyMeta ifFalse:[
            brwsr selectedClasses value:classes
        ] ifTrue:[
            anyNonMeta ifFalse:[
                brwsr meta value:true.
                brwsr selectedClasses value:classes.
            ] ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectedClasses value:classes.
        brwsr selectedProtocols value:(methods collect:[:m | m category]).
        brwsr selectedMethods value:methods.
        brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.
    ^ brwsr

    "add a buffer showing the selected classes only"

        spawnFullBrowserInClass:(self selectedClassesValue first)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:16 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected classes only"

        spawnFullBrowserInClass:(self selectedClassesValue first)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:16 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing preoject references to the selected project definitions"


    packages := self selectedClassesValue collect:[:each | each package] as:Set.
    self spawnProjectReferencesBrowserFor:packages in:#newBrowser

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all subclasses"

    self spawnWithAllSubclassesIn:#newBrowser

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all superclasses"

    self spawnWithAllSuperclassesIn:#newBrowser

    self spawnWithClassesCoveredByTestcaseIn:#newBrowser

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes' common superclass"

    self spawnWithCommonSuperclassIn:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 08:58:10 / cg"

    self classListApp forceUpdateList

    self updateProjectContentsDefinitionsIn:(self selectedClassesValue) regenerate:false

    "Created: / 10-10-2006 / 20:50:23 / cg"

classTemplateFor:aSuperClass in:categoryString asNamespace:asNameSpace private:isPrivateWanted metaClassUsed:metaClassUsedOrNilArg
    "return a class definition template - be smart in what is offered initially"

    |cat name nameProto namePrefix nameUsed i existingNames withNameSpaceDirective
     className ownerName s currentNamespace currentClass nsTemplate
     selectedNamespaces isPrivate ownerClass superclassesNamespace

    metaClassUsedOrNil := metaClassUsedOrNilArg.

    currentClass := self currentClass.

    isPrivate := isPrivateWanted.
    isPrivate ifTrue:[
        ownerClass := currentClass.
        ownerClass notNil ifTrue:[
            ownerClass := ownerClass theNonMetaclass.
    aSuperClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
        isPrivate := true.
        ownerClass := aSuperClass theNonMetaclass owningClass

    isPrivate ifTrue:[
        metaClassUsedOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
            metaClassUsedOrNil := ownerClass theMetaclass class
        ] ifFalse:[

    (metaClassUsedOrNil notNil
    and:[(metaClassUsedOrNil ~~ Metaclass)
         and:[metaClassUsedOrNil ~~ PrivateMetaclass]
    " and:[(metaClassUsedOrNil isSubclassOf:Metaclass) not] " ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ metaClassUsedOrNil

    (self javaMode
    or:[aSuperClass notNil and:[aSuperClass isJavaClass]])
        ^ self javaClassTemplateFor:aSuperClass in:categoryString private:isPrivate

    nsTemplate := ''.

    self organizerMode value ~~ OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace ifTrue:[
        (aSuperClass notNil
        and:[(superclassesNamespace := aSuperClass nameSpace) ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
            (superclassesNamespace isNameSpace
            or:[superclassesNamespace ~~ ownerClass]) ifTrue:[
                nsTemplate := superclassesNamespace name , '::'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        (selectedNamespaces := self selectedNamespaces value) size > 0 ifTrue:[
            selectedNamespaces size == 1 ifTrue:[
                selectedNamespaces first ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[
                    currentNamespace := environment at:selectedNamespaces first asSymbol.

    s := TextStream on:''.

    asNameSpace ifTrue:[
        s nextPutLine:'NameSpace name:''' , nsTemplate , 'NewNameSpace'''.
        s cr.
        s emphasis:(UserPreferences current commentEmphasisAndColor).
        s nextPutAll:'"
 Replace ''NewNameSpace'' by the desired name.

 Create the namespace by ''accepting'',
 either via the menu or the keyboard (usually CMD-A).
        ^ s contents.

    currentNamespace isNil ifTrue:[
        currentNamespace := self currentNamespace.
    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
        currentClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.

    withNameSpaceDirective :=
        currentNamespace notNil
        and:[currentNamespace ~= (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)
        and:[currentNamespace ~= Smalltalk]].

    withNameSpaceDirective ifTrue:[
        s nextPutAll:('"{ NameSpace: ''' , currentNamespace name , ''' }"').
        s cr; cr.
        aSuperClass nameSpace = currentNamespace ifTrue:[
            className := aSuperClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
        ] ifFalse:[
            className := aSuperClass name.
    ] ifFalse:[
        className := aSuperClass name.

    nsTemplate := ''.
    withNameSpaceDirective ifFalse:[
        self organizerMode value ~~ OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace ifTrue:[
            (aSuperClass notNil
            and:[(superclassesNamespace := aSuperClass nameSpace) ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
                (superclassesNamespace isNameSpace
                or:[superclassesNamespace ~~ ownerClass]) ifTrue:[
                    nsTemplate := superclassesNamespace name , '::'.

    cat := categoryString.
    (cat isNil or:[cat startsWith:$*]) ifTrue:[
        cat := Compiler defaultMethodCategory "/ '** As yet uncategorized **'

    ((aSuperClass == SimpleDialog) or:[aSuperClass isSubclassOf:SimpleDialog]) ifTrue:[
        nameProto := 'NewDialog'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        ((aSuperClass == ApplicationModel) or:[aSuperClass isSubclassOf:ApplicationModel]) ifTrue:[
            nameProto := 'NewApplication'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            aSuperClass == TestCase ifTrue:[
                nameProto := 'NewTestCase'.
            ] ifFalse:[ aSuperClass == Error ifTrue:[
                nameProto := 'NewError'.
            ] ifFalse:[ aSuperClass == Exception ifTrue:[
                nameProto := 'NewException'.
            ] ifFalse:[ aSuperClass == SharedPool ifTrue:[
                nameProto := 'NewSharedPool'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                nameProto := 'NewClass'.

    i := 1.

    isPrivate ifTrue:[
        namePrefix := ownerClass name , '::'.
        existingNames := ownerClass privateClasses.
        existingNames size > 0 ifTrue:[
            existingNames := existingNames collect:[:cls | cls name].
    ] ifFalse:[
        namePrefix := ''.
        existingNames := environment keys

    name := nsTemplate , nameProto , i printString.
    existingNames notNil ifTrue:[
        nameUsed := namePrefix , name.
        [nameUsed knownAsSymbol and:[existingNames includes:nameUsed asSymbol]] whileTrue:[
            i := i + 1.
            name := nsTemplate , nameProto , i printString.
            nameUsed := namePrefix , name

    s emphasis:#bold.
    s nextPutAll:className.
    s emphasis:nil.

    s nextPutAll:' subclass: '.
    s emphasis:#bold.
    s nextPutAll:name asSymbol storeString.
    s emphasis:nil.
    s cr.

    s nextPutLine:'    instanceVariableNames: '''''.
    aSuperClass == SharedPool ifTrue:[
        s nextPutLine:'    classVariableNames: ''PoolVar1 PoolVar2...'''.
    ] ifFalse:[
        s nextPutLine:'    classVariableNames: '''''.
    s nextPutLine:'    poolDictionaries: '''''.
    isPrivate ifTrue:[
        withNameSpaceDirective ifTrue:[
            ownerName := ownerClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
        ] ifFalse:[
            ownerName := ownerClass name
        s nextPutAll:'    privateIn: ' , ownerName
    ] ifFalse:[
        s nextPutAll:'    category: '''.
        cat notNil ifTrue:[
            cat printWithQuotesDoubledOn:s
        s nextPutAll: ''''

    s cr; cr.
    s emphasis:(UserPreferences current commentEmphasisAndColor).
    s nextPutAll:'
 Replace ''' , className , ''', ''', name , ''' and
 the empty string arguments by true values.

 Install (or change) the class by ''accepting'',
 either via the menu or the keyboard (usually CMD-A).

 You can also change the category simply by editing
 the categoryString and accepting.

 To be nice to others (and yourself later), do not forget to
 add some documentation; preferably under the classes documentation
 (see the `create documentation stubs'' item in the methodList menu;
  switch from instance to class to find this menu item.)

 Notice, that ST/X uses the convention to document the class using
 comment-only class methods (however, ST80 comments are supported and
 can be changed via the class-documentation menu).

    ^ s contents

    "Created: / 23-12-1996 / 12:46:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 11-08-2006 / 14:41:09 / cg"

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
        self recompileMethodWithInstrumentation:eachMethod

    "Created: / 10-08-2010 / 14:36:33 / cg"

doCompareClass:class1 withClass:class2
    "open a diff-textView comparing the two classes (useful when refactoring)."

    |lbl1 lbl2|

    (class1 isLoaded not or:[class2 isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.

    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

    lbl1 := class1 name.
    lbl2 := class2 name.

    (UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass)
          title:('comparing ' , lbl1 , ' against ' , lbl2)
          ifSame:[ self information:'sources are identical' ].

    self normalLabel.

doCopyClass:aClass as:newClassName privateIn:ownerOrNil
    ^ self
        ignore:(IdentitySet new)

    "Modified: / 24-05-2012 / 15:49:49 / cg"

doCopyClass:aClass as:newClassName privateIn:ownerOrNil ignore:setOfClassesToIgnore
    |newClass newMetaclass sel realNewClassName privateClassesBefore|

    privateClassesBefore := aClass privateClasses.

    ownerOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
        sel := aClass definitionSelector.
        realNewClassName := newClassName asSymbol.
    ] ifFalse:[
        sel := aClass definitionSelectorPrivate.
        realNewClassName := (ownerOrNil name , '::' , newClassName) asSymbol.

    newClass := aClass superclass
                with:newClassName asSymbol
                with:aClass instanceVariableString
                with:aClass classVariableString
                with:aClass poolDictionaries
                with:(ownerOrNil ifNil:[aClass category] ifNotNil:[ownerOrNil]).  "/ category: or privateIn:

    newClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self error:'Internal class-definition error (should not happen)' mayProceed:true.
        ^ nil.

    newMetaclass := newClass class.
    newMetaclass instanceVariableNames:(aClass class instanceVariableString).

    "/ sigh - must refetch in case of changed instVars.
    newClass := environment at:realNewClassName.
    newMetaclass := newClass class.

    aClass methodDictionary
        keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
            newClass compile:(mthd source) classified:(mthd category)
    aClass class methodDictionary
        keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
            "/ skip the version method (to avoid confusing the repository)
            (AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector:sel) ifFalse:[
                newMetaclass compile:(mthd source) classified:(mthd category)
    setOfClassesToIgnore add:newClass.

    privateClassesBefore do:[:eachPrivateClass |
        (setOfClassesToIgnore includes:eachPrivateClass) ifFalse:[
                as:(eachPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix)

    (newMetaclass includesSelector:#initialize) ifTrue:[
        newClass initialize.
    newClass package:(Class packageQuerySignal query).
    ^ newClass

    "Modified: / 24-05-2012 / 15:49:59 / cg"

doMoveMethodsOfClass:aClass fromProject:oldProject toProject:newProject
    |movedInstMethods movedClassMethods|

    movedInstMethods := OrderedCollection new.
    movedClassMethods := OrderedCollection new.

    aClass theNonMetaclass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
        mthd package = oldProject ifTrue:[
            "/ JV@2012-02-11
            "/ this is required, because otherwise I would no longer be able to
            "/ reconstruct my sourcecode (as the connection to the source-file is lost).
            mthd makeLocalStringSource.
            mthd setPackage:newProject.
            movedInstMethods add:mthd.
    aClass theMetaclass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
        mthd package = oldProject ifTrue:[
            "/ JV@2012-02-11
            "/ this is required, because otherwise I would no longer be able to
            "/ reconstruct my sourcecode (as the connection to the source-file is lost).
            mthd makeLocalStringSource.
            mthd setPackage:newProject.
            movedClassMethods add:mthd.

    movedInstMethods notEmpty ifTrue:[
        aClass theNonMetaclass changed:#projectOrganization.
        environment changed:#projectOrganization with:(Array with:aClass theNonMetaclass with:movedInstMethods).
    movedClassMethods notEmpty ifTrue:[
        aClass theMetaclass changed:#projectOrganization.
        environment changed:#projectOrganization with:(Array with:aClass theMetaclass with:movedClassMethods).

    "Modified: / 09-03-2012 / 23:41:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self doRemoveClass:aClass withCancel:true

    "run the selected method"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        |m cls sel retVal|

        m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
        cls := m mclass theNonMetaclass.
        sel := m selector.
            retVal := cls perform:sel.
        ] benchmark:'Exec. Time: '.

        retVal isLiteral ifTrue:[
            retVal := retVal storeString.
        Transcript show:'Answer: '; showCR:retVal.

    "Modified: / 19-11-2010 / 12:07:05 / cg"

fileOutClass:aClass askForFile:doAsk withCancelAll:withCancelAll
    "fileOut a class."

    ^ self

fileOutClass:aClass askForFile:doAsk withCancelAll:withCancelAll format:formatSymbolOrNil sourceMode:sourceMode
    "fileOut a class."

    |saveName stillAsking cancelAll suffix|

    suffix := self fileSuffixForClass:aClass format:formatSymbolOrNil.
    formatSymbolOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        saveName := aClass theNonMetaclass name , '.' , suffix.

    stillAsking := doAsk.

    [stillAsking] whileTrue:[
        saveName := self
                        fileNameDialogForFileOut:(resources string:'FileOut ''%1'' as:' with:aClass name allBold)
                        default:((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass) , '.' , suffix)
                                                  cancelAll := true.

        cancelAll == true ifTrue:[
            AbortOperationRequest raise

        saveName isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self

        saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[       "/ can no longer happen ...
            (self confirm:'Bad name given - try again ?') ifFalse:[
                ^ self.
            stillAsking := true.
        ] ifFalse:[
            FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).
            stillAsking := false.

    self busyLabel:'saving %1' with:aClass name.
    self withWriteCursorDo:[
        Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
            self warn:'Cannot fileOut: %1\(%2)' with:aClass name with:ex description.
            self normalLabel.
            ex return.
        ] do:[
            formatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
                SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager newForFileOut
                        fileName: saveName;
                        addClass: aClass;
            ] ifFalse:[
                formatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
                    saveName notNil ifTrue:[
                        aClass fileOutXMLAs:saveName.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        aClass fileOutXML.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    formatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
                        aClass binaryFileOutOn:(saveName asFilename writeStream binary) sourceMode:sourceMode
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        saveName notNil ifTrue:[
                            aClass fileOutAs:saveName.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            aClass fileOut.
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 09:45:02 / cg"

fileOutClasses:aBunchOfClasses withFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil
    "fileOut some classes as individual files; ask for directory"


    dirName := self
                askForDirectoryToFileOut:(resources string:'FileOut %1 class(es) in:'
                                                    with:aBunchOfClasses size)
    dirName isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

generateUndoableChange:nameOfOperation overClasses:classes via:aBlock
    "helper for code generators; collect changes generated by enumerating
     classes with a generator into a user-provided block.
     If classes is nil, the block is called once with a nil class argument."

    |programmingLanguage generator count dict className codeGeneratorClass

    packageOrNil := self theSingleSelectedProject.

    classes notNil ifTrue:[
        "/ remove this a.s.a.p
        "/ check if all classes are either smalltalk or java-script
            conform:[:cls |

                lang := cls programmingLanguage.
                lang isSmalltalk or:[lang isSTXJavaScript]]
        ) ifFalse:[
            Dialog warn:('Sorry.\\For now, this works only for Smalltalk classes.' withCRs).
            ^ self.

    programmingLanguage := (classes isEmptyOrNil)
                    ifTrue:[ SmalltalkLanguage instance ]
                    ifFalse:[ classes first programmingLanguage ].

    codeGeneratorClass := programmingLanguage codeGeneratorClass.
    codeGeneratorClass isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:('Sorry.\\For now, there seems to be no codeGeneratorClass defined for this language.' withCRs).
        ^ self.

    generator := codeGeneratorClass new.
    generator startCollectChanges.

    count := 0.
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        classes isNil ifTrue:[
            aBlock value:generator value:nil.
        ] ifFalse:[
            classes do:[:eachClass |
                eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
                    Transcript showCR:'skipping unloaded class: ' , eachClass name.
                ] ifTrue:[
                    packageOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
                        Class packageQuerySignal answer:packageOrNil do:[
                            aBlock value:generator value:eachClass.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        aBlock value:generator value:eachClass.
                    count := count + 1.

        dict := Dictionary new.
        dict at:1 put:count.
        dict at:#numClasses put:count.
        count ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            dict at:#numClassesOrEmpty put:( ' ' , count printString, ' ').
            dict at:#inSingleClassOrEmpty put:''.
            dict at:#forSingleClassOrEmpty put:''.
            dict at:#sForPlural put:'s'.
            dict at:#singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses put:(count printString , ' classes').
        ] ifFalse:[
            className := classes first theNonMetaclass name.
            dict at:#numClassesOrEmpty put:' '.
            dict at:#inSingleClassOrEmpty put:' in ' , className.
            dict at:#forSingleClassOrEmpty put:' for ' , className.
            dict at:#sForPlural put:''.
            dict at:#singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses put:className.

        UserInformation handle:[:ex |
            self showInfo:(ex messageText).
        ] do:[
            generator executeCollectedChangesNamed:(nameOfOperation expandPlaceholdersWith:dict)

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 11:11:24 / cg"

generateUndoableChange:nameOfOperation overSelectedClassesVia:aBlock
    "helper for code generators"

        overClasses:(self selectedClassesValue)

    "Created: / 21-01-2012 / 10:22:19 / cg"

generateUndoableChangeOverSelectedClasses:nameOfOperation via:aBlock
    "helper for code generators"

        overClasses:(self selectedClassesValue)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:49:22 / cg"

generateUndoableChangeOverSelectedMethods:nameOfOperation via:aBlock
    "helper for code generators"

    |selMethods generator count dict method methodName languageOfFirstMethod|

    selMethods := self selectedMethodsValue.

    languageOfFirstMethod := selMethods first mclass programmingLanguage.
    (selMethods conform:[:mthd | (mthd mclass programmingLanguage) = languageOfFirstMethod]) ifFalse:[
        Dialog warn:'All methods must be defined in the same programming language'.
        ^ self

    generator := languageOfFirstMethod codeGeneratorClass new.
    generator startCollectChanges.

    count := 0.
    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachClass |
        aBlock value:generator value:eachClass.
        count := count + 1.

    dict := Dictionary new.
    dict at:1 put:count.
    dict at:#numMethods put:count.
    count ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
        dict at:#numMethodsOrEmpty put:( ' ' , count printString allBold, ' ').
        dict at:#inSingleMethodOrEmpty put:''.
        dict at:#forSingleMethodOrEmpty put:''.
        dict at:#sForPlural put:'s'.
        dict at:#singleMethodNameOrNumberOfMethods put:(count printString allBold , ' methods').
    ] ifFalse:[
        method := self selectedMethodsValue first.
        methodName := method mclass nameWithoutPrefix , '>>' , method selector allBold.
        dict at:#numMethodsOrEmpty put:' '.
        dict at:#inSingleMethodOrEmpty put:' in ' , methodName.
        dict at:#forSingleMethodOrEmpty put:' for ' , methodName.
        dict at:#sForPlural put:''.
        dict at:#singleMethodNameOrNumberOfMethods put:methodName.

    generator executeCollectedChangesNamed:(nameOfOperation expandPlaceholdersWith:dict)

    "Modified: / 06-12-2011 / 15:27:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:16:27 / cg"

    self selectedClassesValue do:[:cls |
        cls theNonMetaclass initialize

    "Created: / 28-05-2012 / 09:49:28 / cg"

javaClassTemplateFor: superclass in: category private: isPrivate
    ^ JavaLanguage instance classTemplateFor: superclass in: category asNamespace: false private: isPrivate

    "Created: / 26-10-2013 / 14:02:16 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |cls mthd|

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
            cls := mthd mclass
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Please select a class or method.'.
        ^ self.
    self startApplication:cls.

    "Modified: / 26-07-2012 / 20:12:18 / cg"

moveClasses:classes toCategory:newCategory
    "change the class-category of the given classes"

    classes do:[:aClass |
        "/ must be loaded ...
        aClass theNonMetaclass autoload
    classes do:[:eachClass |

        cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
        cls isPrivate ifFalse:[
            environment changeCategoryOf:cls to:newCategory.

    LastCategoryRenames isNil ifTrue:[
        LastCategoryRenames := OrderedCollection new.
    LastCategoryRenames remove:newCategory ifAbsent:nil.
    LastCategoryRenames addFirst:newCategory.
    LastCategoryRenames size > 10 ifTrue:[
        LastCategoryRenames removeLast.

    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:45:07 / Jan Vrany <>"

moveClasses:classes toProject:newProject
    "change the packageID of the given classes
     (and optionally the packageID of any methods (if they are from different packages)"

    |anyClassMoved anyMethodMoved classesNotYetInRepository classesAlreadyInRepository
     sourceInfoPerClassOfClassesAlreadyInRepository oldPackagePerClass newProjectDefinition|

    (newProject = PackageId noProjectID) ifTrue:[
        (Dialog confirm:(resources
                            stringWithCRs:'Do you really want to move those items to "%1"?\\(this will actually make them unassigned)'
            ^ self

    classesNotYetInRepository := OrderedCollection new.
    classesAlreadyInRepository := OrderedCollection new.
    sourceInfoPerClassOfClassesAlreadyInRepository := Dictionary new.
    oldPackagePerClass := Dictionary new.

    classes do:[:eachClass | 
        |oldProject theClass mgr|

        theClass := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
        mgr := theClass sourceCodeManager.

        (theClass sourceCodeManager isNil or:[ (mgr newestRevisionOf:theClass) isNil ]) ifTrue:[
            classesNotYetInRepository add:eachClass
        ] ifFalse:[
            classesAlreadyInRepository add:eachClass.
            sourceInfoPerClassOfClassesAlreadyInRepository at:eachClass put:(mgr sourceInfoOfClass:eachClass).
            oldPackagePerClass at:eachClass put:(eachClass package).

    anyClassMoved := false.
    anyMethodMoved := false.
    classes do:[:eachClass |
        |oldProject theClass|

        theClass := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
        (oldProject := theClass package) ~= newProject ifTrue:[
            theClass package:newProject.
            self doMoveMethodsOfClass:theClass fromProject:oldProject toProject:newProject.
            theClass allPrivateClassesDo:[:eachPrivateClass |
                self doMoveMethodsOfClass:eachPrivateClass fromProject:oldProject toProject:newProject.
            anyClassMoved := true.
        (theClass hasUnassignedExtensions and:[newProject ~= PackageId noProjectID]) ifTrue:[
            (self confirm:(resources string:'%1 has unassigned extensions - move those methods as well?' with:theClass name))
                theClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :eachMethod |
                    eachMethod package = PackageId noProjectID ifTrue:[
                        eachMethod package:newProject.
                        anyMethodMoved := true.

        theClass hasExtensions ifTrue:[
            (self confirm:(resources string:'%1 has extensions from other packages - move those methods as well?' with:theClass name))
                theClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :eachMethod |
                    (eachMethod package ~= newProject
                    and:[eachMethod package ~= PackageId noProjectID]) ifTrue:[
                        eachMethod package:newProject.
                        anyMethodMoved := true.
        anyMethodMoved ifTrue:[
            theClass changed:#projectOrganization.
            theClass theMetaclass changed:#projectOrganization.
            environment changed:#projectOrganization with:(Array with:theClass with:oldProject).
    anyClassMoved ifTrue:[
        environment changed:#projectOrganization.
    self rememberLastProjectMoveTo:newProject.

    (Dialog confirm:(resources string:
                    (classesAlreadyInRepository notEmpty
                        ifTrue:['Move the classes in the repository now (recommended)?']
                        ifFalse:['Check the classes into the repository now?']))
    ) ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    "remove version methods"
    classesAlreadyInRepository do:[:cls |
        cls theMetaclass methodDictionary keys copy do:[:sel |
            (AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector: sel) ifTrue:[
                cls theMetaclass removeSelector:sel.
                cls setBinaryRevision:nil.

    "now check them in"
    SourceCodeManagerUtilities default 
        checkinClasses: (classesAlreadyInRepository , classesNotYetInRepository)
        withInfo:'Classes moved to other package'. 

    "remove other containers"
    sourceInfoPerClassOfClassesAlreadyInRepository keysAndValuesDo:[:class :info |
        SourceCodeManagerUtilities default removeSourceContainerForClass:class usingSourceInfo:info confirm:true warn:true

    (Dialog confirm:(resources string:'Update project definitions now (recommended)?')) ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    newProjectDefinition := newProject asPackageId projectDefinitionClass.    
    newProjectDefinition isNil ifTrue:[
        newProjectDefinition := self projectDefinitionDialogFor:newProject.
        newProjectDefinition isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self
        newProjectDefinition compileDescriptionMethods.

    sourceInfoPerClassOfClassesAlreadyInRepository keysAndValuesDo:[:class :info |

        oldProjectDefinition := (oldPackagePerClass at:class) asPackageId projectDefinitionClass.
        oldProjectDefinition notNil ifTrue:[
            oldProjectDefinition excludeClasses:{class} usingCompiler:nil.

    newProjectDefinition includeClasses:(classesAlreadyInRepository , classesNotYetInRepository) usingCompiler:nil.   

    "Modified: / 02-08-2013 / 14:26:03 / cg"

    "change the class-category of the selected classes"

    self moveClasses:(self selectedClassesValue) toCategory:newCategory

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:59:32 / cg"

    "change the packageID of the selected classes
     (and optionally the packageID of any methods (if they are from different packages)"

    self moveClasses:(self selectedClassesValue collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass]) toProject:newProject

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:59:35 / cg"

    "show a classes documentation (i.e. open doc-View on it)"

    Autoload autoloadFailedSignal handle:[:ex |
        self warn:'autoload failed.

Check your source directory and/or
the abbreviation file for the classes (correct) shortened name.'.
        ex return.
    ] do:[
        |text v|

        text := HTMLDocGenerator htmlDocOf:aClass.
        text notNil ifTrue:[
            v := HTMLDocumentView
                    inDirectory:(Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'doc/online/english/classDoc').
            v nameSpaceForExecution:(aClass nameSpace).

printOutClass:aClass withSelector:aSelector

    printStream := Printer new.
    aClass perform:aSelector with:printStream.
    printStream close

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass |
        self printOutClass:eachClass withSelector:aSelector

    "recompile a class (to turn off instrumentation, for example)"

    aClass theNonMetaclass recompile.
    aClass theMetaclass recompile.

    "Created: / 31-05-2012 / 12:01:28 / cg"

    self recompileClassWithInstrumentation:aClass askForGlobalCoverage:false

    "Created: / 10-08-2010 / 14:36:45 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31-05-2012 / 10:36:42 / cg"

recompileClassWithInstrumentation:aClass askForGlobalCoverage:doAsk
    |cls compile firstMethod|

    "/ cannot compile stuff which the instrumenter itself needs
    (aClass == IdentityDictionary) ifTrue:[^ self].
    (aClass == SmallInteger) ifTrue:[^ self].

    firstMethod := true.

    compile :=
        [:cls :sel :mthd |
            (mthd sendsAny:#( #subclassResponsibility #subclassResponsibility:)) ifFalse:[
                mthd hasPrimitiveCode ifFalse:[
                    firstMethod ifTrue:[
                        self showInfo:('Instrumenting ',aClass name,'...').
                        firstMethod := false.
                    cls recompile:sel usingCompiler:InstrumentingCompiler new

    (cls := aClass theNonMetaclass)
        selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:aSelector :aMethod |
            aMethod isInstrumented ifFalse:[
                compile value:cls value:aSelector value:aMethod.

    (cls := aClass theMetaclass)
        selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:aSelector :aMethod |
            aMethod category ~= 'documentation' ifTrue:[
                aMethod isInstrumented ifFalse:[
                    compile value:cls value:aSelector value:aMethod.

    self showCoverageInformation value ifFalse:[
        true "(Dialog confirm:(resources string:'Turn on coverage display now ?'))" ifTrue:[
            self showCoverageInformation value:true
    doAsk ifTrue:[ self askForGlobalCoverageRecording ].

    "Created: / 10-08-2010 / 14:36:45 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31-05-2012 / 10:36:42 / cg"

    (aMethod sends:#subclassResponsibility) ifFalse:[
        aMethod hasPrimitiveCode ifFalse:[
            aMethod mclass
                recompile:aMethod selector
                usingCompiler:InstrumentingCompiler new

    "Created: / 10-08-2010 / 14:41:17 / cg"

removeClasses:classesToRemove pullUpSubclasses:pullUpSubclasses
    "remove the selected classes (and all of its subclasses) without confirmation"

    |numClasses change nm|

    classesToRemove size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self canUseRefactoringSupport ifFalse:[
            classesToRemove do:[:each |
                each removeFromSystem.
            ^ self.

        pullUpSubclasses ifTrue:[
            classesToRemove do:[:eachClass |
                self performRefactoring:(RemoveClassRefactoring className:eachClass name).
        ] ifFalse:[
            numClasses := classesToRemove size.
            numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
                numClasses == 2 ifTrue:[
                    nm := 'Remove ', classesToRemove first theNonMetaclass name , ' and ' , classesToRemove second theNonMetaclass name
                ] ifFalse:[
                    nm := 'Remove ', numClasses printString , ' classes'
            ] ifFalse:[
                nm := 'Remove ', classesToRemove first theNonMetaclass name
            change := CompositeRefactoryChange named:nm.
            classesToRemove do:[:eachClass |
                eachClass programmingLanguage isSmalltalk ifTrue:[
                    change removeClass:eachClass
                ] ifFalse:[
                    eachClass removeFromSystem.
            RefactoryChangeManager performChange:change

    "Modified: / 11-09-2013 / 04:38:41 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "save a classes documentation to a file"

    Autoload autoloadFailedSignal handle:[:ex |
        self warn:'autoload failed.

Check your source directory and/or
the abbreviation file for the classes (correct) shortened name.'.
        ex return.
    ] do:[
        |fileBox dir saveName|

        saveName := Dialog
                        requestFileName:(resources string:'save HTML doc of ''%1'' as:' with:aClass name)
                        default:((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass) , '.html')
                        ok:'Save' abort:'Cancel'

"/        fileBox := FileSelectionBox
"/                        title:(resources string:'save HTML doc of ''%1'' as:' with:aClass name)
"/                        okText:(resources string:'save')
"/                        abortText:(resources string:'cancel')
"/                        action:[:fileName | saveName := fileName].
"/        fileBox initialText:((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass) , '.html').
"/        dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
"/        dir notNil ifTrue:[
"/            fileBox directory:dir.
"/        ].
"/        fileBox showAtPointer.
"/        fileBox destroy.
        saveName isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self
        saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[
            self warn:'bad name given'.
            ^ self
        FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).

        self saveClassDocumentationFor:aClass as:saveName

saveClassDocumentationFor:aClass as:aFileName
    "save a class's documentation to a file"

    |text f|

    text := HTMLDocGenerator htmlOfflineDocOf:aClass.
    text notNil ifTrue:[
        f := aFileName asFilename writeStream.
        f nextPutAll:text asString.
        f close.

    self spawnClassBrowserFor:(Array with:cls) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 26-10-2011 / 18:28:21 / cg"

spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:where
    "browse selected class(es);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    ^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes label:nil in:where

spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:where select:doSelect
    "browse selected class(es);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    ^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes label:nil in:where select:doSelect

spawnClassBrowserFor:classes label:titleOrNil in:where
    "browse selected class(es);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"


    allClasses := OrderedCollection new.
    classes do:[:eachClass |
        eachClass theNonMetaclass withAllPrivateClassesDo:[:everyClass |
            allClasses add:everyClass
    ^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:allClasses label:titleOrNil in:where select:true

    "Modified: / 19-10-2011 / 16:06:25 / cg"

spawnClassBrowserFor:classes label:labelOrNil in:where select:doSelectIn
    "browse selected class(es);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    |spec meta allClasses selectedClasses selectedProtocols selectedMethods singleClass doSelect|

    doSelect := doSelectIn.
    false "(singleSelection := (classes size == 1))" ifTrue:[
        spec := #singleClassBrowserSpec.
        singleClass := classes first.
        meta := singleClass isMeta.
        doSelect := true.
    ] ifFalse:[
        spec := "#fullBrowserSpec. " #multipleClassBrowserSpec.
        meta := self meta value ? false.

    allClasses := classes collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass].
    doSelect ifTrue:[
        selectedClasses := classes copy.
        navigationState notNil ifTrue:[
            selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value copy.
            selectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue copy.
            (selectedMethods size > 0
            and:[ selectedProtocols size == 0 ]) ifTrue:[
                selectedProtocols := (selectedMethods collect:[:each | each category] as:Set) asOrderedCollection

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
            brwsr classListGenerator value:allClasses.
            brwsr meta value:meta.
            doSelect ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses.
                selectedProtocols size > 0 ifTrue:[
                    brwsr selectProtocols:selectedProtocols.
                brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods.
            brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

            "/ kludge - enforce generator update when meta changes
            brwsr meta onChangeEvaluate:[ brwsr classListGenerator changed ].

    "Modified: / 26-07-2012 / 23:00:31 / cg"

spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl
    "browse some class(es);
        openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

        and sortByWhat is:
        or  #class

    ^ self
        sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl

    "Modified: / 2.11.2001 / 09:57:35 / cg"

spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock spec:spec sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl
    "browse some class(es);
        openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

        and sortByWhat is:
        or  #class

    ^ self
        sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl

    "Modified: / 2.11.2001 / 09:58:01 / cg"

spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock spec:spec sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl autoSelectIfOne:doAutoSelectIfOne
    "browse some class(es);
        openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

        and sortByWhat is:
        or  #class

    ^ self
        sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl
        autoSelectIfOne:doAutoSelectIfOne callBack:nil

    "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 09:36:13 / cg"

spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock spec:spec sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl autoSelectIfOne:doAutoSelectIfOne callBack:callBack
    "browse some class(es);
        openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

        and sortByWhat is:
        or  #class


    initialList := searchBlock value.
    initialList size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self warn:(lbl , ' - none found.').
        ^ nil

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            |generator theClassList|

            generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            initialList size > 0 ifTrue:[
                                                theClassList := initialList.
                                                initialList := nil
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                                                theClassList isNil ifTrue:[
                                                    theClassList := searchBlock value.
                                            theClassList do:[:aClass |
                                                whatToDo value:aClass
                                            theClassList := nil.

            sortByWhat notNil ifTrue:[brwsr sortBy value:sortByWhat].
            brwsr classListGenerator value:generator.
            "/ auto-select the first class, if there is only one

            callBack notNil ifTrue:[callBack value:brwsr].
            initialList isNil ifTrue:[
                "/ newBuffer will evaluate the generator later;
                "/ newBrowser might have it already evaluated ... (sigh)
                initialList := theClassList := searchBlock value
            (doAutoSelectIfOne and:[initialList size == 1]) ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectClasses:initialList.
                brwsr classSelectionChanged.

    "Modified: / 3.11.2001 / 14:11:05 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.11.2001 / 09:35:52 / cg"

spawnClassOrSubclassReferencesBrowserFor:aCollectionOfClasses in:openHow
    "add a buffer/open a new browser showing references to selected classes and their subclasses"

    |numClasses lbl classes|

    (numClasses := aCollectionOfClasses size) == 1 ifTrue:[
        lbl := 'References to %1 and its subclasses' bindWith:aCollectionOfClasses first theNonMetaclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
        lbl := 'References to %1 classes and their subclasses' bindWith:numClasses
    classes := Set new.
    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClassInQuestion |
        classes addAll:(eachClassInQuestion theNonMetaclass withAllSubclasses)
    ^ self spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:(classes asOrderedCollection) label:lbl in:openHow

spawnClassProjectsBrowserFor:aCollectionOfClasses in:openHow
    "add a buffer / open a new browser showing the selected classes projects"


    projects := Set new.
    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClass |
        projects add:eachClass package.
        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | projects add:(mthd package)].
    self spawnProjectBrowserFor:projects in:openHow

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:25:11 / cg"

spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:aCollectionOfClasses in:openHow
    "add a buffer/open a new browser showing references to selected classes"

    |lbl numClasses|

    (numClasses := aCollectionOfClasses size) == 1 ifTrue:[
        lbl := 'References to ' , aCollectionOfClasses first name
    ] ifFalse:[
        lbl := 'References to any of %1 classes' bindWith:numClasses
    ^ self spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:aCollectionOfClasses label:lbl in:openHow

spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:aCollectionOfClasses label:lbl in:openHow
    "add a buffer/open a new browser showing references to selected classes"

    |searchBlock brwsr patternsForCodeSearch|

    searchBlock := [

        allRefs := IdentitySet new.
        aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClassInQuestion |
            |findRefs classesNameSpace eachNonMetaClassInQuestion symOutsideNamespace symInsideNamespace symInsideOwner refsHere|

            eachNonMetaClassInQuestion := eachClassInQuestion theNonMetaclass.
            classesNameSpace := eachNonMetaClassInQuestion nameSpace.

            findRefs :=
                [:setOfClasses :sym :fullNameSym|
                    |localNS localNSSym localNameSym|

                    (fullNameSym includesString:'::') ifTrue:[
                        localNSSym := fullNameSym copyTo:(fullNameSym lastIndexOfSubCollection:'::')-1.
                        (localNSSym := localNSSym asSymbolIfInterned) notNil ifTrue:[
                            localNS := Smalltalk at:localNSSym.
                            localNameSym := fullNameSym copyFrom:(fullNameSym lastIndexOfSubCollection:'::')+2.
                            localNameSym := localNameSym asSymbolIfInterned

                    self class
                        where:[:cls :mthdIn :sel |
                            |mthd mSource isCandidate isReference usedGlobals|

                            mthd := mthdIn originalMethodIfWrapped.

                            "/ kludge: Lazy methods do not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
                            mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
                                mSource := mthd source.
                                isCandidate := mSource notNil and:[ mSource includesString:sym].
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                isCandidate := (mthd referencesLiteral:sym)
                                                or:[(mthd referencesLiteral:fullNameSym)
                                                or:[ localNameSym notNil
                                                            and:[(mthd referencesLiteral:localNameSym)
                                                            and:[ mthd nameSpace = localNS ]]]].
                            isReference := false.
                            isCandidate ifTrue:[
                                usedGlobals := mthd usedGlobals.
                                isReference := (usedGlobals includes:sym) or:[usedGlobals includes:fullNameSym].
                                isReference ifFalse:[
                                    (mthd referencesLiteral:classesNameSpace name) ifTrue:[
                                        isReference := mthd sendsAny:#(#'at:' #'at:ifAbsent:' #'classNamed:')
                                    isReference ifFalse:[
                                        classesNameSpace ~= Smalltalk ifTrue:[
                                            (mthd referencesLiteral:#Smalltalk) ifTrue:[
                                                isReference := mthd sendsAny:#(#'at:' #'at:ifAbsent:' #'classNamed:')
                            isReference ifFalse:[
                                "/ also search for class-refs in specs
                                mthd hasCanvasResource ifTrue:[
                                    isReference := (mthd refersToLiteral:sym)
                                                    or:[(mthd refersToLiteral:fullNameSym)
                                                    or:[ localNameSym notNil
                                                                and:[(mthd refersToLiteral:localNameSym)
                                                                and:[ mthd mclass nameSpace = localNS ]]]].

            symOutsideNamespace := eachNonMetaClassInQuestion name.

            refsHere := findRefs value:(environment allClasses) value:symOutsideNamespace value:symOutsideNamespace.
            allRefs addAll:refsHere.

            (eachNonMetaClassInQuestion nameSpace notNil
            and:[ eachNonMetaClassInQuestion nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ]) ifTrue:[
                symInsideNamespace := eachNonMetaClassInQuestion nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix asSymbol.
                refsHere := findRefs
                                value:(eachNonMetaClassInQuestion topNameSpace allClassesWithAllPrivateClasses)
                allRefs addAll:refsHere.
            (eachNonMetaClassInQuestion owningClass notNil) ifTrue:[
                symInsideOwner := eachNonMetaClassInQuestion nameWithoutPrefix asSymbol.
                refsHere := findRefs
                                value:(Array with:eachNonMetaClassInQuestion owningClass)
                allRefs addAll:refsHere.

    brwsr := self spawnMethodBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:#class in:openHow label:lbl.
    brwsr notNil ifTrue:[
        "/ setup an autosearch action - when selected, the codeView automatically searches
        "/ the refactory-searcher is not aware of namespaces (simply compares globals by name);
        "/ therefore, we setup a multiple pattern search here (sigh)
        patternsForCodeSearch := OrderedCollection new.
        aCollectionOfClasses do:[:each |
            |nm nm2 nm3|

            nm := each theNonMetaclass name.
            nm2 := each theNonMetaclass nameWithoutPrefix.
            nm3 := each theNonMetaclass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
            patternsForCodeSearch add:nm.
            nm2 ~= nm ifTrue:[ patternsForCodeSearch add:nm2 ].
            nm3 ~= nm ifTrue:[ patternsForCodeSearch add:nm3 ].

        brwsr autoSearchCodePatterns:patternsForCodeSearch "autoSearchPattern:singleClassName ignoreCase:false".

    "Modified (format): / 25-11-2011 / 14:02:17 / cg"

spawnMultipleClassBrowserFor:classes sortBy:sortHow in:where
    "browse selected class(es);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

     "/ selectedClasses selectedProtocols selectedMethods

    allClasses := classes collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass].
"/    selectedClasses := classes copy.
"/    selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value copy.
"/    selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value copy.

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            brwsr sortBy value:sortHow.
            brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
            brwsr classListGenerator value:allClasses.

            brwsr meta value:(self meta value).
"/            brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses.
"/            brwsr selectProtocols:selectedProtocols.
"/            brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods.

            "/ kludge - enforce generator update when meta changes
            brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.
            brwsr meta onChangeEvaluate:[ brwsr classListGenerator changed ].

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:54:08 / cg"

spawnSingleClassBrowserFor:classes in:where
    "browse selected class(es) in a single class (classlist) browser
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    ^ self spawnSingleClassBrowserFor:classes label:nil in:where

    "Created: / 22-07-2011 / 18:41:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 28-02-2012 / 09:22:57 / cg"

spawnSingleClassBrowserFor:class label:titleOrNil in:where
    "browse selected class(es) in a single class (classlist) browser
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    ^ self spawnSingleClassBrowserFor:class label:titleOrNil in:where select:true

    "Created: / 22-07-2011 / 18:42:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 28-02-2012 / 09:23:05 / cg"

spawnSingleClassBrowserFor:class label:labelOrNil in:where select:doSelectIn
    "browse selected class(es);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the class
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the class"

    |spec meta allClasses selectedClasses selectedProtocols selectedMethods singleClass doSelect|

    doSelect := doSelectIn.

    spec := #singleClassBrowserSpec.
    singleClass := class.
    meta := singleClass isMeta.
    doSelect := true.

    allClasses := Array with: singleClass theNonMetaclass.
    doSelect ifTrue:[
        selectedClasses := Array with: singleClass.
        navigationState notNil ifTrue:[
            selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value copy.
            selectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue copy.
            (selectedMethods size > 0
             and:[ selectedProtocols size == 0 ]) ifTrue:[
                selectedProtocols := (selectedMethods collect:[:each | each category] as:Set) asOrderedCollection

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
            brwsr classListGenerator value:allClasses.
            brwsr meta value:meta.
            doSelect ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses.
                selectedProtocols size > 0 ifTrue:[
                    brwsr selectProtocols:selectedProtocols.
                brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods.
            brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

            "/ kludge - enforce generator update when meta changes
            brwsr meta onChangeEvaluate:[ brwsr classListGenerator changed ].

    "Created: / 22-07-2011 / 18:37:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:36:30 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all subclasses"

    |all allOrdered brwsr|

    all := IdentitySet new.
    allOrdered := OrderedCollection new.
    self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:each |
        each withAllSubclasses do:[:eachClass |
            (all includesIdentical:eachClass) ifFalse:[
                all add:eachClass.
                allOrdered add:eachClass
        "/ For Java interfaces, spawn browser on all classes / interfaces
        "/ that implement that interface
        (each isJavaClass and:[ each isInterface ]) ifTrue:[ 
            self environment allClassesDo:[ :eachClass |
                (eachClass isJavaClass and:[ eachClass interfaces includesIdentical: each ]) ifTrue:[ 
                    all add: eachClass.
                    allOrdered add: eachClass.

    (all removeAllFoundIn:self selectedClassesValue; yourself) isEmpty ifTrue:[
        self information:'No additional subclasses (same as selected).'.
        ^ self
    brwsr := self spawnMultipleClassBrowserFor:allOrdered sortBy:#doNotSort in:how.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:53:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 21-01-2015 / 19:20:40 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all superclasses"

    |all allOrdered brwsr|

    all := IdentitySet new.
    allOrdered := OrderedCollection new.
    self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:each |
        each withAllSuperclasses reverseDo:[:eachClass |
            (all includesIdentical:eachClass) ifFalse:[
                all add:eachClass.
                allOrdered add:eachClass
    (all removeAllFoundIn:(self selectedClassesValue); yourself) isEmpty ifTrue:[
        self information:'No additional superclasses (same as selected).'.
        ^ self
    brwsr := self spawnMultipleClassBrowserFor:allOrdered sortBy:#doNotSort in:how.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:53:10 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing the classes which are covered
     by the selected testcase classes"

    |allCovered brwsr|

    allCovered := IdentitySet new.

    self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:each |
        each isTestCaseLike ifTrue:[
            allCovered addAll:each coveredClasses
    allCovered := allCovered asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].
    brwsr := self spawnMultipleClassBrowserFor:allCovered sortBy:nil in:how.

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes' common superclass"

    ^ self spawnWithCommonSuperclassOf:(self selectedNonMetaclasses) in:how

    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 09:02:42 / cg"

spawnWithCommonSuperclassOf:classes in:how
    "open a new browser showing the classes' common superclass"


    common := Behavior commonSuperclassOf:classes.
    "/ self spawnClassBrowserFor:{ common } label:'Common superclass' in:how.
    self spawnFullBrowserInClass:common selector:nil in:how

    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 09:07:39 / cg"

    "create a multi setter method for selected instvars."

    self classMenuGenerateMultiSetterMethod
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-class hierarchy'!

    |topClasses classes|

    topClasses := self selectedClassHierarchyClasses.
    classes := topClasses asSet collectAll:[:eachClass | eachClass withAllSubclasses].
    self selectedClasses value:classes.

    |topClasses classes|

    topClasses := self selectedClassHierarchyClasses.
    classes := topClasses asSet collectAll:[:eachClass | eachClass subclasses].
    classes addAll: topClasses.
    self selectedClasses value:classes.

    |topClasses classes|

    topClasses := self selectedClassHierarchyClasses.
    classes := topClasses asSet collectAll:[:eachClass | eachClass withAllSuperclasses].
    self selectedClasses value:classes.

    self classHierarchyTopClass value:(self theSingleSelectedClass).



    class := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    class isNil ifTrue:[
        class := self classHierarchyTopClass value.
        class notNil ifTrue:[
            self meta value ifTrue:[
                class := class theMetaclass.
            ] ifFalse:[
                class := class theNonMetaclass.
    class notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ Array with:class
    ^ self selectedClasses
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-class packaging'!

excludeClasses: toExclude fromProject:aDefinitionClass using:generator
    "exclude (remove from classList) a number of classes."

    aDefinitionClass excludeClasses:toExclude usingCompiler:generator.

includeClassInProject:aClass usingManager:compiler
    "include (add to classList) a class."

        includeClasses:(Array with: aClass)
        inProject:aClass projectDefinitionClass

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:17:48 / cg"

includeClasses: toInclude inProject:aDefinitionClass using:compiler
    "include (add to classList) a number of classes."

    aDefinitionClass includeClasses:toInclude usingCompiler:compiler.

makeClassesAutoloaded:toMakeAutoloaded inProject:aDefinitionClass using:generator
    "include as autoloaded (add to classList) a number of classes."

    aDefinitionClass makeClassesAutoloaded:toMakeAutoloaded usingCompiler:generator
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-class repository'!

    |knownTags thisClassesTags|

    knownTags := Set new.
    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClass |
        thisClassesTags := eachClass sourceCodeManager knownTagsFor:eachClass.
        knownTags addAll:thisClassesTags.
    ^ knownTags asSortedCollection.

    "Created: / 08-02-2011 / 09:45:56 / cg"

askForRepositoryVersionOf:aClass withSourceDo:aTwoArgBlock
    "helper for comapre class against version and compare method against version.
     Ask for a version in the repository, fetch it and call ablock with
     the source and revision info string as arguments.
     Returns false, if no source could be fetched, true if the block was called"

    |aStream comparedSource rev revInfoString mgr
     nm msg rev2 newestRev
     containerModule containerPackage containerFile rslt
     pkg info mod dir versionsAreTheSame|

    nm := aClass name.
    mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:aClass.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ false
    rev := aClass binaryRevision.
    rev2 := aClass revision.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
        rev := rev2
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ class not in repository - allow compare against any other containers newest contents
        self normalLabel.

        pkg := aClass package.
        (pkg notNil and:[pkg ~= PackageId noProjectID]) ifTrue:[
            containerModule := pkg upTo:$:.
            containerPackage := pkg copyFrom:(containerModule size + 2).
        containerModule size == 0 ifTrue:[
            containerModule := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule) ? Project current repositoryModule.
        containerPackage size == 0 ifTrue:[
            containerPackage := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage) ? Project current package.
        rslt := SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
            askForContainer:(resources string:'The class seems to have no repository information.\\Do you want to compare it against an existing containers contents ?')
            title:'Container to compare' note:nil
            initialFileName:(aClass nameWithoutPrefix , '.st')
        rslt isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ canel
            ^ false
        containerModule := rslt at:#module.
        containerPackage := rslt at:#package.
        containerFile := rslt at:#fileName.
        SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule:containerModule.
        SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage:containerPackage.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ class in repository - ask for revision
        newestRev := mgr newestRevisionOf:aClass.

        msg := resources string:'Compare to revision: (empty for newest)'.
        rev notNil ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , '\\' , (resources string:'Current %1 is based upon rev %2.'
                                           with:nm allBold with:rev).
            (rev2 notNil and:[rev2 ~= rev]) ifTrue:[
                msg := msg , '\' , (resources string:'And has been checked into the repository as %1.' with:rev2)
        newestRev notNil ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , '\' , (resources string:'Newest in repository is %1.' with:newestRev)

        self normalLabel.
        rev := SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
                    title:'Compare with repository'

    versionsAreTheSame := false.
    (rev notNil or:[containerFile notNil]) ifFalse:[
        self normalLabel.
        ^ false

    rev notNil ifTrue:[
        rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
            msg := 'extracting newest %1 (' , (newestRev ? '???') , ')'.
            "/ aStream := mgr getMostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:nm.
            rev := newestRev.
            revInfoString := 'newest'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := 'extracting previous %1'.
            revInfoString := rev
        aStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:aClass revision:rev.
    ] ifFalse:[
        msg := 'extracting newest version from ' , containerModule , '/' , containerPackage, '/' , containerFile.
        aStream := mgr streamForClass:nil fileName:containerFile revision:#newest directory:containerPackage module:containerModule cache:false.
        revInfoString := '???'
    self busyLabel:msg with:nm.

    aStream isNil ifTrue:[
        info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:aClass.
        info notNil ifTrue:[
            mod := info at:#module ifAbsent:'??'.
            dir := info at:#directory ifAbsent:'??'.

        self warn:(resources
                     string:'Could not extract source from repository (for module: ''%1'' , directory: ''%2'' , revision: ''%3'')'
                     with:mod with:dir with:revInfoString).
        self normalLabel.
        ^ false

    aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
        self warn:('read error while reading extracted source\\' , ex description) withCRs.
        aStream close.
        self normalLabel.
        ^ false
    ] do:[
        comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
    aStream close.

    revInfoString = '(newest)' ifTrue:[
        (rev := mgr newestRevisionOf:aClass) notNil ifTrue:[
            revInfoString := '(newest is ' , rev , ')'

    aTwoArgBlock value:comparedSource value:revInfoString.

    self normalLabel.
    ^ true.

    "Created: / 29-11-2011 / 13:10:05 / cg"

askForRepositoryVersionUsingManager:managerOrNil thenWithCurrentVersionDo:aFiveArgBlock
    "helper for compare and patch file generation;
     ask for version, get it, then call aBlock with
        currentClass, source1, versionNr1, sourceCurrent, currentVersionNr"

    ^ self

askForRepositoryVersionUsingManager:managerOrNil withExtensions:withExtensions thenWithCurrentVersionDo:aFiveArgBlock
    "helper for compare and patch file generation;
     ask for version, get it, then call aBlock with
        currentClass, source1, versionNr1, sourceCurrent, currentVersionNr"

     aStream comparedSource currentSource revInfo rev revString thisRevString mgr
     nm msg rev2 newestRev
     containerModule containerPackage containerFile rslt
     pkg info mod dir versionsAreTheSame|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ false.

    nm := currentClass name.
    (mgr := managerOrNil) isNil ifTrue:[
        mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
        mgr isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ false

    "Use revision of manager"
    rev := currentClass binaryRevision.
    revInfo := currentClass revisionInfoOfManager: mgr.
    revInfo notNil ifTrue:[
        rev2 := revInfo revision.
    rev2 notNil ifTrue:[
        rev := rev2
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ class not in repository - allow compare against any other containers newest contents
        self normalLabel.

        pkg := currentClass package.
        (pkg notNil and:[pkg ~= PackageId noProjectID]) ifTrue:[
            containerModule := pkg upTo:$:.
            containerPackage := pkg copyFrom:(containerModule size + 2).
        containerModule size == 0 ifTrue:[
            containerModule := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule) ? Project current repositoryModule.
        containerPackage size == 0 ifTrue:[
            containerPackage := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage) ? Project current package.
        rslt := mgr utilities
            askForContainer:(resources string:'The class seems to have no repository information.\\Do you want to compare it against an existing containers contents ?')
            title:'Container to compare' note:nil
            initialFileName:(currentClass nameWithoutPrefix , '.st')
        rslt isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ cancel
            ^ false
        containerModule := rslt at:#module.
        containerPackage := rslt at:#package.
        containerFile := rslt at:#fileName.
        SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule:containerModule.
        SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage:containerPackage.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ class in repository - ask for revision
        newestRev := mgr newestRevisionOf:currentClass.

        msg := resources string:'Compare to revision: (empty for newest)'.
        rev notNil ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , '\\' , (resources string:'Current %1 is based upon rev %2.'
                                           with:nm allBold with:rev).
            (rev2 notNil and:[rev2 ~= rev]) ifTrue:[
                msg := msg , '\' , (resources string:'And has been checked into the repository as %1.' with:rev2)
        newestRev notNil ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , '\' , (resources string:'Newest in repository is %1.' with:newestRev)

        self normalLabel.
        rev := mgr utilities
                    title:'Compare with repository'

    versionsAreTheSame := false.
    (rev notNil or:[containerFile notNil]) ifFalse:[
        self normalLabel.
        ^ false

    rev notNil ifTrue:[
        rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
            msg := 'extracting newest %1 (' , (newestRev ? '???') , ')'.
            "/ aStream := mgr getMostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:nm.
            rev := newestRev.
            revString := 'newest'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := 'extracting previous %1'.
            revString := rev
        aStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
    ] ifFalse:[
        msg := 'extracting newest version from ' , containerModule , '/' , containerPackage, '/' , containerFile.
        aStream := mgr streamForClass:nil fileName:containerFile revision:#newest directory:containerPackage module:containerModule cache:false.
        revString := '???'
    self busyLabel:msg with:nm.

    aStream isNil ifTrue:[
        info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:currentClass.
        info notNil ifTrue:[
            mod := info at:#module ifAbsent:'??'.
            dir := info at:#directory ifAbsent:'??'.

        self warn:(resources
                     string:'Could not extract source from repository (for module: ''%1'' , directory: ''%2'' , revision: ''%3'')'
                     with:mod with:dir with:revString).
        ^ false
    aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
        self warn:('read error while reading extracted source\\' , ex description) withCRs.
        aStream close.
        ^ false
    ] do:[
        comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
    aStream close.

    self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.

    aStream := '' writeStream.
    Method flushSourceStreamCache.
    "/ currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
    "/ currentSource := aStream contents asString.

    Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
        ex proceed
    ] do:[
        |numRealExtensionSkipped numUnassignedSkipped|

        numRealExtensionSkipped := numUnassignedSkipped := 0.
        currentSource := String streamContents:[:s |
                methodFilter:[:m |
                    withExtensions ifTrue:[
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        m isExtension ifTrue:[
                            m package == PackageId noProjectID
                                ifTrue:[ numUnassignedSkipped := numUnassignedSkipped + 1 ]
                                ifFalse:[ numRealExtensionSkipped := numRealExtensionSkipped + 1 ].
                        m isExtension not
        (numRealExtensionSkipped + numUnassignedSkipped) > 0 ifTrue:[
            Dialog warn:(resources
                            stringWithCRs:'The class contains %1 extensions (%2 real, %3 unassigned) - any changes there are NOT included in the patchFile!!\Please check this manually%4.'
                            with: (numRealExtensionSkipped + numUnassignedSkipped)
                            with: numRealExtensionSkipped
                            with: numUnassignedSkipped
                            with: ((numUnassignedSkipped > 0)
                                    ifTrue:[ resources string:' (hint: move the unassigned extensions to their proper package)' ]
                                    ifFalse:[''] )).

    thisRevString := currentClass revision.
    thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
        thisRevString := 'no revision'


    self normalLabel.
    ^ true

    "Created: / 26-09-2012 / 12:26:43 / cg"

    ^ (self askForTagForClasses:classesToFetchExistingTagsFrom askForRevision:false) key.

askForTagForClasses:classesToFetchExistingTagsFrom askForRevision:askForRevisionBool
    "open a dialog and ask for a tag name.
     Fetch existing tag names from classesToFetchExistingTagsFrom.
     If asskForRevisonBool is true, ask also for a revision number or tag.
     Answer an association tag -> revision."

    |classes tag knownTags allOwners tagValue revisionValue|

    classes := classesToFetchExistingTagsFrom.

    allOwners := Set new.
    classes do:[:each |
        each owningClass notNil ifTrue:[
            allOwners add:each owningClass
    classes := classes reject:[:cls | cls isPrivate].
    classes := classes asSet.
    classes addAll:allOwners.
    classes := classes asOrderedCollection "sort:[:a :b | a name < b name]".

    ((classes size <= 10)
        or:[ |answer|
             answer := Dialog
                        confirmWithCancel:'Fetch known tags to choose from all classes?\(this may take some time)' withCRs
             answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
             answer == true
    ) ifTrue:[
        "/ fetch from all classes
        knownTags := self allKnownTagsInClasses:classes.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ only fetch from ProjectDefinitionClasses
        knownTags := self allKnownTagsInClasses:(classes select:[:cls | cls isProjectDefinition]).
    knownTags remove:'stable' ifAbsent:[].
    knownTags := knownTags asOrderedCollection reversed.
    knownTags notEmpty ifTrue:[
        knownTags addFirst:nil.
    knownTags addFirst:'stable'.

    askForRevisionBool ifTrue:[
        tagValue := CVSSourceCodeManager recentTag asValue.
        revisionValue := '' asValue.
        (Dialog new
            addTextLabel:(resources string:'Tag (possibly multiple, separated by ";"):');
            addComboBoxOn:tagValue list:knownTags tabable:true; 
            addTextLabel:(resources string:'Revision number or symbolic name to tag (empty if HEAD):');
        ) accepted ifFalse:[
            ^ nil -> nil.
        tag := tagValue value.
     ] ifFalse:[
        tag := Dialog
                    request:(resources string:'Tag (possibly multiple, separated by ";"):')
                    initialAnswer:(CVSSourceCodeManager recentTag)
    tag isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil -> nil ].

    CVSSourceCodeManager recentTag:tag.
    ^  tag -> revisionValue value

    "Created: / 29-07-2013 / 00:56:30 / cg"

checkInClasses:aCollectionOfClasses withInfo:logInfoOrNil withCheck:doCheck
    "check a bunch of classes into the source repository.
     If logInfoOrNil isNil, ask for one."

    self checkInClasses:aCollectionOfClasses withInfo:logInfoOrNil withCheck:doCheck usingManager:nil

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 18:23:10 / cg"

checkInClasses:aCollectionOfClasses withInfo:logInfoOrNil withCheck:doCheck usingManager:aManagerOrNil
    "check a bunch of classes into the source repository.
     If logInfoOrNil isNil, ask for one."

    |classesNotInPackage utilities msg answer errors|

    "JV@2012-04-11: Kludge for SVNSourceCodeManager that does the check itself using
     new ProjectChecker and I don't want same message to appear twice. Anyway, there
     is another check for bad selectors in SCM, sigh"

    (aManagerOrNil isNil or:[aManagerOrNil performsCompilabilityChecks not]) ifTrue:[
        errors := self checkCompilabilityOfAll:aCollectionOfClasses withExtensions: false "true" errorsOnly:true.
        errors notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            (TextBox openOn:errors title:'Attention: about to check in class with errors' readOnly:true) isNil
                AbortOperationRequest raise

    utilities := aManagerOrNil isNil
                    ifTrue:[ SourceCodeManagerUtilities default ]
                    ifFalse:[ aManagerOrNil utilities ].

    self withActivityNotificationsRedirectedToInfoLabelDo:[

    classesNotInPackage := aCollectionOfClasses select:[:cls |
                                |pkg def|

                                pkg := cls package.
                                pkg notNil ifTrue:[
                                    def := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:pkg.
                                def notNil and:[
                                    (def allClassNames includes:cls name) not]
    classesNotInPackage := classesNotInPackage collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass].

    classesNotInPackage notEmpty ifTrue:[
        classesNotInPackage size > 1 ifTrue:[
            msg := 'Add %2 classes to their Package definition (Make compiled or autoloaded) ?'
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := 'Add %1 to its Package definition (Make compiled or autoloaded) ?'
        answer := Dialog
                    confirmWithCancel:((resources string:msg
                                        with:classesNotInPackage first name
                                        with:classesNotInPackage size)
                                      , (resources
                                            stringWithCRs:'\\(Notice: You have to "checkIn build support files" for the package\for the compilation to become effective)')
                    labels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Autoloaded' 'Compiled')).
        answer == nil ifTrue:[^ self ].

        classesNotInPackage do:[:eachClass |

            defClass := eachClass projectDefinitionClass.
            answer == true ifTrue:[
                defClass includeClasses:{ eachClass } usingCompiler:nil
            ] ifFalse:[
                defClass makeClassesAutoloaded:{ eachClass } usingCompiler:nil

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 18:22:58 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13-12-2012 / 15:24:11 / Jan Vrany <>"

checkOutClass:aClass askForRevision:askForRevision
    "check-out a single class from the source repository.
     Offer a chance to either merge-in a version, or overload the current version.
     If askForRevision is false, fetch the newest revision(s),
     otherwise ask for the revision."


    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 17:47:32 / cg"

checkOutClass:aClass askForRevision:askForRevision usingManager: managerOrNil
    "check-out a single class from the source repository.
     Offer a chance to either merge-in a version, or overload the current version.
     If askForRevision is false, fetch the newest revision(s),
     otherwise ask for the revision."

    self withActivityNotificationsRedirectedToInfoLabelDo:[
        (managerOrNil isNil
            ifFalse:[managerOrNil utilities])
                checkoutClass:aClass askForRevision:askForRevision askForMerge:true.
        "/ version id may have changed
        self theSingleSelectedClass notNil ifTrue:[
            self updatePackageInfoForClass:self theSingleSelectedClass

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 17:47:32 / cg"
    "Created: / 11-10-2011 / 23:12:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:26:27 / cg"

checkOutClasses:classes askForRevision:askForRevision
    "check-out a bunch of classes from the source repository.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.
     If askForRevision is false, fetch the newest revision(s),
     otherwise ask for the revision."

    self checkOutClasses:classes askForRevision:askForRevision usingManager:nil

    "Modified: / 22-12-2011 / 11:05:05 / cg"

checkOutClasses:classes askForRevision:askForRevision usingManager:aManagerOrNilForDefault
    "check-out a bunch of classes from the source repository.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.
     If askForRevision is false, fetch the newest revision(s),
     otherwise ask for the revision."

    |alreadyCheckedOut utilities|

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckOut anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    utilities := (aManagerOrNilForDefault ? SourceCodeManager) utilities.

    classes isEmpty ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'No classes to checkout'.
"/        SourceCodeManagerUtilities
"/            checkoutClass:nil
"/            askForRevision:true
"/            askForMerge:false.
        ^ self

    alreadyCheckedOut := IdentitySet new.

    "abortAll is handled, and also asked for here!!"
    AbortAllOperationRequest handleAndAnswerQueryIn:[
                [:cls |

                  UserInformation handle:[:ex |
                       classes size > 1 ifTrue:[
                           Transcript showCR:ex description.
                       ] ifFalse:[
                            (Dialog confirm:ex description noLabel:'Cancel') ifFalse:[
                                AbortSignal raise
                       ex proceed.
                  ] do:[
                       self withActivityNotificationsRedirectedToInfoLabelDo:[
                       alreadyCheckedOut add:cls.
                [:cls | true]
                [:cls | |owner answer|

                    owner := cls topOwningClass.
                    (alreadyCheckedOut includes:owner) ifFalse:[
                        ((self selectedClassesValue ? #()) includes:owner) ifFalse:[
                            answer := Dialog
                                        confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'Cannot checkOut private class: %1\\Shall the owner ''%2'' be checked out ?'
                                                                          with:cls nameWithoutPrefix allBold
                                                                          with:owner name) withCRs
                            answer == nil ifTrue:[
                                AbortAllOperationRequest raise    "/ cancel
                            answer == true ifTrue:[
                                self checkOutClass:owner askForRevision:askForRevision usingManager:aManagerOrNilForDefault.
                                alreadyCheckedOut add:owner.
    "/ version id may have changed
    self theSingleSelectedClass notNil ifTrue:[
        self updatePackageInfoForClass:self theSingleSelectedClass
    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 11-10-2011 / 23:11:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:15:33 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView showing all versions in the repository."


    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        VersionDiffBrowser openOnAllVersionsOfClass:currentClass

    "check a class into the source repository (with checks)"

    self classMenuCheckInUsingManager:nil

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 18:20:40 / cg"

    "check a class into the source repository.
     If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
     the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
     Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

    ^ self classMenuCheckIn:doCheck usingManager:nil

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 18:21:44 / cg"

classMenuCheckIn:doCheck classes:classesSelected
    "check a class into the source repository.
     If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
     the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
     Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

    self classMenuCheckIn:doCheck classes:classesSelected usingManager:nil

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 18:22:24 / cg"

classMenuCheckIn:doCheck classes:classesSelected usingManager:aManagerOrNil
    "check a class into the source repository.
     If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
     the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
     Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckIn (without that modification) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    classesToCheckIn := IdentitySet new.

            [:cls |
              InformationSignal handle:[:ex |
                   Transcript showCR:ex description.
                   ex proceed.
              ] do:[
                   classesToCheckIn add:cls.
            [:cls |
                (Dialog confirm:('Cannot checkin unloaded class: %1.' bindWith:cls name allBold)
                      title:'Cannot Checkin' yesLabel:'OK' noLabel:'Cancel' ) ifFalse:[^ self].
            [:cls | |owner answer|

                owner := cls topOwningClass.
                (classesToCheckIn includes:owner) ifFalse:[
                    (classesSelected "self selectedClasses value" includes:owner) ifFalse:[
                        answer := Dialog
                                    confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'Cannot checkin private class: %1\\Shall the owner ''%2'' be checked in ?'
                                                                      with:cls nameWithoutPrefix allBold
                                                                      with:owner name allBold) withCRs
                        answer == nil ifTrue:[
                            ^ self
                        answer == true ifTrue:[
                            classesToCheckIn add:owner.

    classesToCheckIn notEmpty ifTrue:[
        self checkInClasses:classesToCheckIn withInfo:nil withCheck:doCheck usingManager:aManagerOrNil.
    "/ version id may have changed
    self theSingleSelectedClass notNil ifTrue:[
        self updatePackageInfoForClass:self theSingleSelectedClass
    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 18:22:09 / cg"

classMenuCheckIn:doCheck usingManager:aManagerOrNil
    "check a class into the source repository.
     If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
     the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
     Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

    ^ self
        classes:(self selectedClassesValue)

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 18:21:30 / cg"

    "check in all changed classes into the source repository (with checks)"

    ^ self classMenuCheckInAllChangedClassesUsingManager:nil

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 19:52:29 / cg"

    "check all changed classes into the source repository.
     If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
     the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
     Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

    ^ self classMenuCheckInAllChangedClasses:doCheck usingManager:nil

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 19:53:00 / cg"

classMenuCheckInAllChangedClasses:doCheck usingManager:aManagerOrNil
    "check all changed classes into the source repository.
     If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
     the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
     Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

    ^ self
        classes:(ChangeSet current changedClasses)

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 19:52:50 / cg"

    "check in all changed classes into the source repository (with checks)"


    doChecks := (UserPreferences current at:#checkClassesWhenCheckingIn ifAbsent:true).
    ^ self classMenuCheckInAllChangedClasses:doChecks usingManager:aManagerOrNil

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 19:52:16 / cg"

    "check in all changed classes into the source repository (with checks)"


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    ^ self classMenuCheckInAllChangedClassesUsingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:04:27 / cg"

    "check a classes extensions into the source repository"

    ^ self classMenuCheckInExtensionsUsingManager:nil

    "check a classes extensions into the source repository.
     If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
     the class (which may take some time with huge classes).
     Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckIn (without that modification) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    projects := Set new.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | projects add:mthd package].
    projects do:[:eachProject |

    "check some of a classes extensions into the source repository."

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckIn (without that modification) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].
    self withWaitCursorDo:[

    "Modified: / 08-09-2011 / 04:07:58 / cg"

classMenuCheckInExtensionsFor:aProjectID usingManager:manager
    "check some of a classes extensions into the source repository."

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckIn (without that modification) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].
    self withWaitCursorDo:[

    "Modified: / 08-09-2011 / 04:07:58 / cg"

    "check a classes extensions into the source repository.


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckIn (without that modification) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    projects := Set new.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | projects add:mthd package].
    projects do:[:eachProject |

    "check a class into the source repository (with checks)"

    PerforceSourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
        self classMenuCheckInUsingManager:PerforceSourceCodeManager

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 18:20:40 / cg"

    "check a class into the source repository (with checks)"


    doChecks := (UserPreferences current at:#checkClassesWhenCheckingIn ifAbsent:true).
    doChecks := doChecks asValue.
    self classMenuCheckIn:doChecks usingManager:aManagerOrNil.
    doChecks value ~~ (UserPreferences current at:#checkClassesWhenCheckingIn ifAbsent:true) ifTrue:[
        UserPreferences current at:#checkClassesWhenCheckingIn put:doChecks value

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 18:20:19 / cg"

    "check a class into the source repository (with checks)"


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuCheckInUsingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:03:01 / cg"

    "check-out selected class(es) from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedClassesValue) askForRevision:true

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:43 / cg"

    "check-out the newest version of the selected class(es) from the source repository.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedClassesValue) askForRevision:false

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:46 / cg"

classMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager: manager
    "check-out the newest version of the selected class(es) from the source repository.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedClassesValue) askForRevision:false usingManager: manager

    "Modified: / 11-10-2011 / 23:09:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:16:21 / cg"

classMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
    "check-out the newest version of the selected class(es) from the source repository.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager: mgr

classMenuCheckOutUsingManager: manager
    "check-out selected class(es) from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedClassesValue) askForRevision:true usingManager: manager

    "Modified: / 11-10-2011 / 23:10:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:16:41 / cg"

classMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
    "check-out selected class(es) from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuCheckOutUsingManager: mgr

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."

    self doCompareClassesWithRepository:(self selectedClassesValue).

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:55 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."

    self doCompareClassesWithRepository:(self selectedClassesValue) usingManager:aManagerOrNil.

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 19:55:56 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:35:43 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the base version found in the repository.
     That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one."

    |currentClass mgr|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.
    mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:currentClass.
    self classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepositoryUsingManager:mgr.

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 22:49:35 / cg"

classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepositoryUsingManager: manager
    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the base version found in the repository.
     That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one."

    |currentClass rev revInfo|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.

    manager isNil ifTrue:[
        self halt.
        ^ self
    revInfo := currentClass revisionInfoOfManager: manager.
    revInfo ifNil:[
        self warn:('The class seems to have no repository information for %1.' bindWith: manager managerTypeName).
        ^ self
    rev := revInfo revision.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'The class seems to have no repository information.'.
        ^ self
    "/ a hack - after a merge, the revision number is changed to xxxm.
    "/ need a better solution for that in the long term
    (manager == CVSSourceCodeManager and:[ rev endsWith:$m ]) ifTrue:[
        rev := rev copyButLast.
    self classMenuCompareAgainstVersionInRepository:rev usingManager: manager

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the base version found in the repository.
     That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one."


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepositoryUsingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 22:50:51 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the base version found in the repository.
     That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one."

    |currentClass mgr|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.
    mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:currentClass.
    self classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManager:mgr.

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 22:49:35 / cg"

classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManager: manager
    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the stable version found in the repository."

    |currentClass rev|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.

    rev := manager revisionForTag:'stable' inClass:currentClass.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog information:'No revision is tagged as "stable" in the repository'.
        ^ self.

    self classMenuCompareAgainstVersionInRepository:rev usingManager: manager

classMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the stable version found in the repository."


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuCheckOutUsingManager: mgr

classMenuCompareAgainstVersionInRepository:rev usingManager: manager
    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with a version found in the repository.
     That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one."

     aStream comparedSource currentSource revString thisRevString
     nm msg brwsr|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.

    nm := currentClass name.

    msg := 'extracting revision %1'.
    self busyLabel:msg with:rev.
    self withActivityNotificationsRedirectedToInfoLabelDo:[
        aStream := manager getSourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.

    aStream isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Could not extract source from repository.'.
        ^ self
    aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
        self warn:('Read error while reading extracted source:\\' , ex description) withCRs.
        aStream close.
        ^ self
    ] do:[
        comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
    aStream close.

    self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.

    aStream := '' writeStream.
    Method flushSourceStreamCache.
    currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
    currentSource := aStream contents asString.
    aStream close.

    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

    comparedSource = currentSource ifTrue:[
        self information:'Versions are identical.'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        thisRevString := currentClass revision.
        thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
            thisRevString := 'no revision'

        revString := rev.
"/        "/ this takes some time ... is it worth ?
"/        (newestRev := manager newestRevisionOf:currentClass) notNil ifTrue:[
"/            newestRev ~= rev ifTrue:[
"/                revString := rev , ' (newest is ' , newestRev , ')'
"/            ]
"/        ].

        self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

        brwsr := (UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass)
              labelA:('repository: ' , revString)
              labelB:('current: (based on: ' , rev , ')')
              title:('comparing ' , currentClass name)
              ifSame:[self normalLabel. self information:'Versions are identical.'. ^ self].

        brwsr classChangeSet
            versionB:rev , 'mod'.
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 11-10-2011 / 14:37:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:28:18 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) extensions of the selected class
     with the some extensions version found in the repository."

    |currentClass extensionMethods extensionMethodChangesInImage extensionProjectDefinitions
     extensionMethodChangesInRepository diffSet versionsAreTheSame|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    extensionMethods := currentClass methodDictionary values select:[:mthd | mthd isExtension].

    extensionProjectDefinitions := Set new.
    ProjectDefinition allSubclasses do:[:eachProjectDefinition |
        (eachProjectDefinition extensionClasses includes:currentClass) ifTrue:[
            extensionProjectDefinitions add:eachProjectDefinition.

    extensionMethodChangesInImage := ChangeSet forExistingClass:currentClass withExtensions:true extensionsOnly:true.
    extensionMethodChangesInRepository := ChangeSet new.

    extensionProjectDefinitions do:[:eachProjectDefinition |
        |mgr revString info rev package changesHere changesHereForMe|

        package := eachProjectDefinition package.
        mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:eachProjectDefinition.
        mgr isNil ifTrue:[
            Dialog warn:(resources string:'No sourceCodeManager known for %1.' with:eachProjectDefinition package).
        ] ifFalse:[
            rev := mgr
                    directory:(eachProjectDefinition directory)
                    module:(eachProjectDefinition module).
            "/ revString := eachProjectDefinition perform:(mgr nameOfVersionMethodForExtensions) ifNotUnderstood:nil.
            "/ revString isNil ifTrue:[
            "/    Dialog warn:(resources string:'%1 seems to not have any extensions (loaded)' with:package).
            "/] ifFalse:[
            "/    info := mgr revisionInfoFromString:revString.
            "/    rev := info revision.
                "/ ask for revision
"/                newestRev := mgr
"/                                newestRevisionInFile:''
"/                                directory:(eachProjectDefinition directory)
"/                                module:(eachProjectDefinition module).

                changesHere := SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
                    revision:rev orAskForRevision:false
                changesHereForMe := changesHere select:[:chg | chg isMethodChange
                                                               and:[chg changeClass == currentClass]].
                extensionMethodChangesInRepository addAll:changesHereForMe.
            "/ ].

    versionsAreTheSame := false.
    diffSet := extensionMethodChangesInImage diffSetsAgainst:extensionMethodChangesInRepository.
    diffSet isEmpty ifTrue:[
        self information:'Versions are identical.'.
        ^ self

    (UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass)
        labelA:'Current (In Image)'
        labelB:('Repository (%1 extension package(s))' bindWith:extensionProjectDefinitions size)

    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 12-09-2011 / 11:21:39 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) extensions version
     with the some extensions version found in the repository."

    |currentClass projectDefinition projectsPackage rev revString mgr msg newestRev diffSet
     info versionsAreTheSame changeSetForMethodsInRepository changeSetForMethodsInImage|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (projectDefinition := currentClass theNonMetaclass) isProjectDefinition ifFalse:[
        self classMenuCompareClassExtensionsWithRepository.
        ^ self.
    projectsPackage := projectDefinition package.

    mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:projectDefinition.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    revString := projectDefinition perform:(mgr nameOfVersionMethodForExtensions) ifNotUnderstood:nil.
    revString isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:('%1 seems to not have any extensions (loaded)' bindWith:projectsPackage).
        ^ self.
    info := mgr revisionInfoFromString:revString.
    rev := info revision.

    "/ ask for revision
    newestRev := mgr
                    directory:(projectDefinition directory)
                    module:(projectDefinition module).

    msg := resources string:'Compare to revision: (empty for newest)'.
    rev notNil ifTrue:[
        msg := msg , '\\' , (resources string:'Current is based upon rev %1.'
    newestRev notNil ifTrue:[
        msg := msg , '\' , (resources string:'Newest in repository is %1.'

    self normalLabel.
    rev := SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
                title:'Compare Extensions against Revision'
                module:projectDefinition module package:projectDefinition directory

    versionsAreTheSame := false.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
        self normalLabel.
        ^ self.

    rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
        msg := 'extracting newest %1 (' , (newestRev ? '???') , ')'.
        rev := newestRev.
        revString := 'newest'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        msg := 'extracting previous %1'.
        revString := rev
    changeSetForMethodsInRepository :=
        SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
            revision:revString orAskForRevision:false

    changeSetForMethodsInImage := ChangeSet forExistingMethods:(
                                    Method allInstances
                                        select:[:m | m package = projectsPackage
                                                     and:[ m mclass notNil and:[m isExtension]]]).

    diffSet := changeSetForMethodsInImage diffSetsAgainst:changeSetForMethodsInRepository.

    (UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass)
        labelA:'Current (In Image)'
        labelB:'Repository (',rev,')'

    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 04-01-1997 / 15:48:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 20:21:14 / cg"

classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepositoryUsingManager: aManager
    ^ Dialog warn: 'Not yet implemented'

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:28:28 / cg"

classMenuCompareExtensionsWithRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: aManager
    ^ Dialog warn: 'Not yet implemented'

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:28:28 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing two versions found in the repository."

    |currentClass mgr nm|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.

    nm := currentClass name.
    mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:currentClass.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    self classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManager: mgr

    "Modified (format): / 26-09-2012 / 12:17:45 / cg"

classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManager: manager
    "open a diff-textView comparing two versions found in the repository."

    |currentClass source1 source2 mgr
     nm rev1 rev2 versionsAreTheSame|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.

    nm := currentClass name.
    mgr := manager.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    self normalLabel.
    rev1 := manager utilities
                askForExistingRevision:(resources string:'Compare which revision:')
                title:(resources string:'Compare which repository version')
    rev1 isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    rev2 := manager utilities
                askForExistingRevision:(resources string:'Against which revision:')
                title:(resources string:'Against which repository version')
    rev2 isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    source1 := self getClassSourceFor:currentClass revision:rev1 usingManager: manager.
    source2 := self getClassSourceFor:currentClass revision:rev2 usingManager: manager.

    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
    versionsAreTheSame := (source1 = source2).
    versionsAreTheSame ifFalse:[
        self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
        (UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass)
                  title:('comparing ' , currentClass name)
                  ifSame:[versionsAreTheSame := true].

        versionsAreTheSame ifTrue:[
            self information:'Versions are identical.'.
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 11-10-2011 / 23:07:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:28:43 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing two versions found in the repository."


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuCompareTwoRepositoryVersionsUsingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 23:13:40 / cg"

    "compare the class against a version in a file"

    |collectionOfClasses current fileName fileVersion diffs allDiffs title|

    collectionOfClasses := self selectedClassesValue.

    collectionOfClasses do:[:eachClass |
        |className metaclassName|

        className := eachClass theNonMetaclass name.
        metaclassName := eachClass theMetaclass name.
        eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
            Transcript showCR:('Cannot compare unloaded class: ' , className).
        ] ifTrue:[
            fileName := Dialog requestFileName:('Compare against:', className) default:(eachClass theNonMetaclass classFilename).
            fileName isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

            self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

            current    := ChangeSet forExistingClass:eachClass theNonMetaclass.
            fileVersion := ChangeSet fromFile:fileName.

            diffs := fileVersion diffSetsAgainst:current.
            allDiffs isNil ifTrue:[
                allDiffs := diffs.
            ] ifFalse:[
                allDiffs changed addAll:(diffs changed).
                allDiffs onlyInArg addAll:(diffs onlyInArg).
                allDiffs onlyInReceiver addAll:(diffs onlyInReceiver).

    allDiffs isEmpty ifTrue:[
        self information:'The Versions are Equal.'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        title := collectionOfClasses size == 1
                    ifTrue:['Differences of %1' bindWith:collectionOfClasses first name]
                    ifFalse:['Differences of %1 classes' bindWith:collectionOfClasses size].

            labelA:'Version in File ',fileName

    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 29-08-2010 / 14:32:51 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the some version found in the repository."

    self classMenuCompareWithRepositoryUsingManager:nil

classMenuCompareWithRepositoryUsingManager: manager
    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the some version found in the repository."

        thenWithCurrentVersionDo:[:currentClass :comparedSource :revStringIn :currentSource :thisRevString |
            |versionsAreTheSame revString rev|

            self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
            revString := revStringIn.
            versionsAreTheSame := (comparedSource = currentSource).
            versionsAreTheSame ifFalse:[
                revString = '(newest)' ifTrue:[
                    (rev := manager newestRevisionOf:currentClass) notNil ifTrue:[
                        revString := '(newest is ' , rev , ')'

                self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
                (UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass)
                      labelA:('repository: ' , revString)
                      labelB:('current: (based on: ' , thisRevString , ')')
                      title:('comparing ' , currentClass name)
                      ifSame:[versionsAreTheSame := true].
            versionsAreTheSame ifTrue:[
                self information:'Versions are identical.'.

    "Modified: / 11-10-2011 / 16:25:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:28:48 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the some version found in the repository."


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuCompareWithRepositoryUsingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 22:51:56 / cg"

    "compare the class against a version on another SmallTeam host"

    |collectionOfClasses classes classesToUnload current remote diffs allDiffs

    collectionOfClasses := self selectedClassesValue.

    classesToUnload := IdentitySet new.
    classes :=
            collect:[:eachClass |

                eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
                    loadedClass := eachClass autoload.
                    loadedClass notNil ifTrue:[classesToUnload add:loadedClass].
                ] ifTrue:[
                    loadedClass := eachClass
                loadedClass isNil
                    ifFalse:[loadedClass theNonMetaclass]]
            thenSelect:[:cls | cls notNil].

    classes do:[:eachClass |
        |className metaclassName|

        className := eachClass theNonMetaclass name.
        metaclassName := eachClass theMetaclass name.
        eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
            Transcript showCR:('Cannot compare unloaded class: ' , eachClass name).
        ] ifTrue:[
            self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

            current    := ChangeSet forExistingClass:eachClass theNonMetaclass.
            remote := (SmallTeam changesOnHost:hostName) select:[:ch | (ch className = className) or:[(ch className = metaclassName)] ].

            diffs := remote diffSetsAgainst:current.
            allDiffs isNil ifTrue:[
                allDiffs := diffs.
            ] ifFalse:[
                allDiffs changed addAll:(diffs changed).
                allDiffs onlyInArg addAll:(diffs onlyInArg).
                allDiffs onlyInReceiver addAll:(diffs onlyInReceiver).

    allDiffs isEmpty ifTrue:[
        self information:'The Versions are Equal.'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        title := collectionOfClasses size == 1
                    ifTrue:['Differences of %1' bindWith:collectionOfClasses first name]
                    ifFalse:['Differences of %1 classes' bindWith:collectionOfClasses size].

            labelA:'Version on Host ',hostName

    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 18-10-2006 / 13:08:21 / User"
    "Created: / 11-11-2006 / 15:36:43 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:46:07 / cg"

    self classMenuCreatePatchFileAgainstVersionFromRepositoryUsingManager: nil

    "Created: / 26-09-2012 / 13:09:39 / cg"

classMenuCreatePatchFileAgainstVersionFromRepositoryUsingManager: managerOrNil
        thenWithCurrentVersionDo:[:currentClass :comparedSource :revString :currentSource :thisRevString |
            |versionsAreTheSame revString rev current old diffs|

            self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
            versionsAreTheSame := (comparedSource = currentSource).
            versionsAreTheSame ifTrue:[
                Dialog information:'No patches (same version)'
            ] ifFalse:[
                current := ChangeSet fromStream:(currentSource readStream).
                old := ChangeSet fromStream:(comparedSource readStream).

                diffs := old diffSetsAgainst:current.
                (versionsAreTheSame := diffs isEmpty) ifFalse:[
                    self createPatchFileForDiffSet:diffs checkingForVersionBefore:thisRevString.

    "Created: / 26-09-2012 / 13:10:04 / cg"

    "open a changelist on a version in the repository.
     Allow for changes to be made to this list, and the code be checked in as
     a branch."

    |currentClass mgr
     nm rev source changeSet |

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Cannot load unloaded classes.'.
        ^ self.

    nm := currentClass name.
    mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:currentClass.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    self normalLabel.
    rev := SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
                askForExistingRevision:(resources string:'Edit which revision:')
                title:(resources string:'Edit which repository version')
    rev isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    source := self getClassSourceFor:currentClass revision:rev.
    changeSet := ChangeSet fromStream:source readStream.
    (UserPreferences current changeSetBrowserClass) openOn:changeSet.

    "Created: / 17-02-2011 / 10:29:59 / cg"

classMenuEditVersionInRepositoryUsingManager: aManager
    ^ Dialog warn: 'Not yet implemented'

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:28:57 / cg"

    "check a class into the source repository (without checks)"

    ^ self classMenuCheckIn:false

classMenuQuickCheckInUsingManager: argument
    ^ Dialog warn: 'Not yet implemented'

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:29:04 / cg"

    "show a classes revision log"

    self classMenuRevisionLog:false

    "show a classes revision log"


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show log anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    self codeAspect:#repositoryLog.
    self selectedMethods value:nil.
    self selectProtocols:nil.

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView contents:nil.
    codeView modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

            [:cls |
                showRepositoryLogOf:cls short:shortOrNot
                beforeLogDo:[:s |
                    self selectedClassesValue size > 1 ifTrue:[
                        s nextPutLine:'-----------------------------------------------------------'.
                        s nextPutLine:('%1 log for %2:'
                                            bindWith:(shortOrNot ifTrue:['Short'] ifFalse:['Full'])
                                            with:cls name).
                        s nextPutLine:'-----------------------------------------------------------'.
                        s cr.
            [:cls |
            [:cls |
                owner := cls owningClass.
                (self selectedClassesValue includes:owner) ifFalse:[
                    self warn:'cannot show log of private class: %1\\Please see the log of the owning class (%2).'
                        with:cls nameWithoutPrefix allBold
                        with:owner name.
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:47:53 / cg"

classMenuRevisionLog:shortOrNot usingManager: manager
    "show a classes revision log"


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show log anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    self codeAspect:#repositoryLog.
    self selectedMethods value:nil.
    self selectProtocols:nil.

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView contents:nil.
    codeView modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

            [:cls |
                showRepositoryLogOf:cls short:shortOrNot usingManager: manager
                beforeLogDo:[:s |
                    self selectedClassesValue size > 1 ifTrue:[
                        s nextPutLine:'-----------------------------------------------------------'.
                        s nextPutLine:('%1 log for %2:'
                                            bindWith:(shortOrNot ifTrue:['Short'] ifFalse:['Full'])
                                            with:cls name).
                        s nextPutLine:'-----------------------------------------------------------'.
                        s cr.
            [:cls |
            [:cls |
                owner := cls owningClass.
                (self selectedClassesValue includes:owner) ifFalse:[
                    self warn:'cannot show log of private class: %1\\Please see the log of the owning class (%2).'
                        with:cls nameWithoutPrefix allBold
                        with:owner name.
    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 11-10-2011 / 20:32:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:26:08 / cg"

classMenuRevisionLogUsingManager: manager
    "show a classes revision log"

    self classMenuRevisionLog:false usingManager: manager

    "Modified: / 11-10-2011 / 20:31:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:17:12 / cg"

    "show a classes revision log"


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuRevisionLog:false usingManager:mgr

    "Modified: / 11-10-2011 / 20:31:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 23:02:10 / cg"

    |classes tag tags tagAndRevision revision|

    classes := self selectedNonMetaclasses.
    SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
        Dialog warn:(resources
                            stringWithCRs:'Could not fetch tag information.\\Please check your sourcecode manager settings.\(and possibly the network for reachability of the repository)').
    ] do:[
        tagAndRevision := self askForTagForClasses:classes askForRevision:(classes size = 1).
    tag := tagAndRevision key.
    tag isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self ].

    revision := tagAndRevision value.
    (revision notNil and:[revision withoutSeparators isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        revision := nil.

    CVSSourceCodeManager recentTag:tag.
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        tags := tag asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;'.
        tags do:[:eachTag |
            SourceCodeManagerUtilities default tagClasses:classes as:(eachTag withoutSeparators) revision:revision.

    "Created: / 12-09-2006 / 13:36:59 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29-07-2013 / 00:59:28 / cg"

classMenuSetTagUsingManager: aManager
    ^ Dialog warn: 'Not yet implemented'

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:29:13 / cg"

    "show a short (last 20 entries) classes repository log"

    self classMenuRevisionLog:true

classMenuShortRevisionLogUsingManager: manager
    "show a short (last 20 entries) classes repository log"

    self classMenuRevisionLog:true usingManager: manager

    "Modified: / 11-10-2011 / 20:31:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:17:24 / cg"

    "show a short (last 20 entries) classes repository log"


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuShortRevisionLogUsingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 23:12:15 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."

    self compareAgainstNewestInRepository:aClass usingManager:nil

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 20:13:47 / cg"

compareAgainstNewestInRepository:aClass usingManager:aManagerOrNil
    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."


    utilities := aManagerOrNil isNil
                    ifTrue:[(SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:aClass) utilities]
                    ifFalse:[aManagerOrNil utilities].

    utilities compareClassWithRepository:aClass askForRevision:false.
    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 11-10-2011 / 10:33:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:13:31 / cg"

createPatchFileForDiffSet:diffSet checkingForVersionBefore:thisRevString
    "for now, this works only for a diffSet containing only a single class"

    |fileNamePrefix fileNameMiddle stxPatchesDir
     changedClassesAndMetaclasses changedClasses
     fileName changedOwningClasses generatedPatchFilename
     tempStream changeSet labels values answer
     keyFileGeneratorClass browseFile|

    "/ find the highest numbered patchfile
    fileNamePrefix := self nextPatchNumberIn:'stxPatches' asFilename.

    changedClassesAndMetaclasses := diffSet changedClasses.
    changedClasses := changedClassesAndMetaclasses collect:[:clsOrMeta | clsOrMeta theNonMetaclass].
    changedOwningClasses := changedClasses collect:[:each | each isPrivate
                                                                ifTrue:[ each owningClass ]
                                                                ifFalse:[ each ]] as:Set.
    changedOwningClasses := changedOwningClasses asOrderedCollection.

    changedOwningClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
        fileNameMiddle := changedOwningClasses first nameWithoutPrefix
    ] ifFalse:[
        fileNameMiddle := 'patches'
    fileNameMiddle := (fileNameMiddle asFilename makeLegalFilename withSuffix:'chg') name.
    fileName := fileNamePrefix, '_', fileNameMiddle.

    stxPatchesDir := 'stxPatches' asFilename.
    stxPatchesDir exists ifFalse:[
        stxPatchesDir recursiveMakeDirectory.

    tempStream := FileStream newTemporaryIn:'stxPatches'.
    tempStream nextPutLine:('"/ patches to bring %1 to version %2' bindWith:changedClasses first name with:thisRevString).
    tempStream nextPutLine:('"/').
    tempStream nextPutLine:('"/ first, a guard, to ignore the patch if the library already contains an up-to-date class:').
    tempStream nextPutLine:('"/').
    changedOwningClasses do:[:eachClass |
        tempStream nextPutLine:('(Smalltalk classNamed:''%2'') isNil ifTrue:[InvalidPatchError raiseErrorString:''patch is for non-existent class %2 (probably for a plugin that is not installed)'']. 
(''%1'' compareAsVersionNumberWith:%2 revision) < 0 ifTrue:[ InvalidPatchError raiseErrorString:''patch is for older version (%1) of class %2'' ].'
                            bindWith:eachClass revision
                            with:eachClass name).
    tempStream nextPutChunkSeparator; cr; cr.

    "do not add version methods to the patch file.
     The version header will get new, invalid versions when checked into CVS"
    changeSet := (ChangeSet fromDiffSet:diffSet) rejectAllVersionMethodChanges.
    changeSet fileOutOn:tempStream.
    tempStream syncData; close.

    generatedPatchFilename := ('stxPatches' asFilename construct:fileName).

    tempStream fileName renameTo:generatedPatchFilename.
    browseFile := false.

    labels := #('OK' 'Show').
    values := #(ok show).

    "/ CG: this hard coded expecco stuff in here should be
    "/ done by installing an extension method, whenever expecco is loaded,
    "/ which adds the corresponding item to the browser's menu and adds another method

    (keyFileGeneratorClass := Smalltalk at:#'Expecco::KeyFileGenerator') notNil ifTrue:[
        "Can generate signed patches"
        labels := labels , #( 'Generate Signed Patch' ).
        values := values , #( sign ).
    answer := Dialog
        confirmWithCancel:('Created new patchFile as: "%1"' bindWith:generatedPatchFilename name)
        labels:labels values:values default:1.

    answer == #sign ifTrue:[
        |pkcs7SignedData patchesDir expeccoVersionArray|

        expeccoVersionArray := (Smalltalk at:#'Expecco::Expecco') versionArray.
        patchesDir := (Smalltalk at:#exept_expecco) packageDirectory / 'patches'
                        / ('%1.%2.%3' expandPlaceholdersWith:expeccoVersionArray).

        patchesDir exists ifFalse:[
            "Not an expecco development version - fall back"
            patchesDir := (Smalltalk at:#'Expecco::Expecco') patchesDir.
            patchesDir exists ifFalse:[
                patchesDir recursiveMakeDirectory.
        fileNamePrefix := self nextPatchNumberIn:patchesDir.
        fileName := patchesDir / (fileNamePrefix, '_', fileNameMiddle).
        generatedPatchFilename moveTo:fileName.
        generatedPatchFilename := fileName.

        pkcs7SignedData := keyFileGeneratorClass new signExpeccoCode:generatedPatchFilename contentsOfEntireFile.
        (generatedPatchFilename withSuffix:'expeccoPatch') contents:pkcs7SignedData.
        generatedPatchFilename := generatedPatchFilename withSuffix:'info'.
        generatedPatchFilename writingFileDo:[:stream |
                nextPutAll:'Created by: ';
                nextPutAll:OperatingSystem getFullUserName;
                nextPutAll:' at: '.
            Timestamp now printOn:stream.
            stream cr; close.
        browseFile := true.
    answer == #show ifTrue:[
        browseFile := true.

    browseFile ifTrue:[
        UserPreferences fileBrowserClass openOn:generatedPatchFilename

    "Created: / 26-09-2012 / 15:13:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17-01-2014 / 11:55:51 / sr"

    self doCompareClassesWithRepository:collectionOfClasses usingManager:nil

    "Created: / 04-01-1997 / 15:48:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18-10-2006 / 13:08:21 / User"
    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 20:12:26 / cg"

doCompareClassesWithRepository:collectionOfClasses usingManager:aManagerOrNil
    |classes s
     aStream comparedSource currentSource thisRevString
     classesToUnload current repository diffs allDiffs

    collectionOfClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
        self compareAgainstNewestInRepository:(collectionOfClasses first theNonMetaclass) usingManager:aManagerOrNil.
        ^ self.

    classesToUnload := IdentitySet new.
    classes :=
            collect:[:eachClass |

                eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
                    loadedClass := eachClass autoload.
                    loadedClass notNil ifTrue:[classesToUnload add:loadedClass].
                ] ifTrue:[
                    loadedClass := eachClass
                loadedClass isNil
                    ifFalse:[loadedClass theNonMetaclass]]
            thenSelect:[:cls | cls notNil].

    classes do:[:eachClass |
        eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
            Transcript showCR:('Cannot compare unloaded class: ' , eachClass name).
        ] ifTrue:[
            aStream := self sourceStreamForRepositorySourceOfClass:eachClass usingManager:aManagerOrNil.
            aStream notNil ifTrue:[
                aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
                    self warn:('read error while reading extracted source\\' , ex description) withCRs.
                    aStream close.
                    ^ self
                ] do:[
                    comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
                aStream close.

                self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.

                aStream := '' writeStream.
                Method flushSourceStreamCache.
                "/ eachClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
                "/ currentSource := aStream contents asString.
                currentSource := eachClass source asString.
                aStream close.

                self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

                comparedSource = currentSource ifTrue:[
                    ((eachClass revision = ((aManagerOrNil ? eachClass sourceCodeManager) newestRevisionOf:eachClass))
                    and:[eachClass hasUnsavedChanges]) ifTrue:[
                        (self confirm:'Versions are identical.\\Remove entries from changeSet ?' withCRs) ifTrue:[
                            ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachClass.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        self information:'Versions are identical.'.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    thisRevString := eachClass revision.
                    thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
                        thisRevString := 'no revision'

                    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

                    current    := ChangeSet fromStream:(s := currentSource readStream). s close.
                    repository := ChangeSet fromStream:(s := comparedSource readStream). s close.

                    diffs := repository diffSetsAgainst:current.
                    allDiffs isNil ifTrue:[
                        allDiffs := diffs.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        allDiffs changed addAll:(diffs changed).
                        allDiffs onlyInArg addAll:(diffs onlyInArg).
                        allDiffs onlyInReceiver addAll:(diffs onlyInReceiver).

    allDiffs isEmpty ifTrue:[
        (classes contains:[:someClass |
            (someClass hasUnsavedChanges)])
            (self confirm:(resources
                            stringWithCRs:'The classes are up-to-date.\\Remove entries from changeSet ?'))
                classes do:[:eachClass |
                    ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachClass.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self information:'The classes are up-to-date.'.
            ChangeSet current unrememberChangedClasses.
    ] ifFalse:[
        title := collectionOfClasses size == 1
                    ifTrue:['Differences of %1' bindWith:collectionOfClasses first name]
                    ifFalse:['Differences of %1 classes' bindWith:collectionOfClasses size].


    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 18-10-2006 / 13:08:21 / User"
    "Modified: / 12-09-2011 / 11:54:42 / cg"
    "Created: / 11-10-2011 / 10:32:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:10:53 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 18-07-2012 / 10:16:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

generateDiffSetForClasses:collectionOfClasses newest:newest
    |classes s
     aStream comparedSource currentSource rev revString thisRevString mgr
     nm msg newestRev
     containerModule containerPackage containerFile rslt
     pkg info mod dir classesToUnload current repository diffs allDiffs

    classesToUnload := IdentitySet new.
    classes := collectionOfClasses collect:[:eachClass |

        eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
            loadedClass := eachClass autoload.
            classesToUnload add:loadedClass.
        ] ifTrue:[
            loadedClass := eachClass
        loadedClass theNonMetaclass


    classes do:[:currentClass |
        nm := currentClass name.
        mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:currentClass.
        mgr isNil ifTrue:[
                confirm:('No sourceCode manager defined for %1 - check settings.\\Skip this class ?' bindWith:currentClass name) withCRs)
                ^ self
        rev := currentClass binaryRevision.
        rev isNil ifTrue:[
            rev := currentClass revision
        rev isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ class not in repository - allow compare against any other containers newest contents
            self normalLabel.

            pkg := currentClass package.
            (pkg notNil and:[pkg ~= PackageId noProjectID]) ifTrue:[
                containerModule := pkg upTo:$:.
                containerPackage := pkg copyFrom:(containerModule size + 2).
            containerModule size == 0 ifTrue:[
                containerModule := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule) ? Project current repositoryModule.
            containerPackage size == 0 ifTrue:[
                containerPackage := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage) ? Project current package.
            rslt := SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
                askForContainer:(resources string:'The class seems to have no repository information.\\Do you want to compare it against an existing containers contents ?')
                title:'Container to compare' note:nil
                initialFileName:(currentClass name , '.st')
            rslt isNil ifTrue:[
                "/ canel
                ^ self
            containerModule := rslt at:#module.
            containerPackage := rslt at:#package.
            containerFile := rslt at:#fileName.
            SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule:containerModule.
            SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage:containerPackage.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ class in repository - ask for revision
            newestRev := mgr newestRevisionOf:currentClass.
            rev := newestRev.

        (rev notNil or:[containerFile notNil]) ifTrue:[
            rev notNil ifTrue:[
                rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
                    msg := 'extracting newest %1 (' , (newestRev ? '???') , ')'.
                    "/ aStream := mgr getMostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:nm.
                    aStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:newestRev.
                    revString := 'newest'.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    msg := 'extracting previous %1'.
                    aStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
                    revString := rev
            ] ifFalse:[
                msg := 'extracting newest version from ' , containerModule , '/' , containerPackage, '/' , containerFile.
                aStream := mgr streamForClass:nil fileName:containerFile revision:#newest directory:containerPackage module:containerModule cache:false.
                revString := '???'
            self busyLabel:msg with:nm.

            aStream isNil ifTrue:[
                info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:currentClass.
                info notNil ifTrue:[
                    mod := info at:#module ifAbsent:'??'.
                    dir := info at:#directory ifAbsent:'??'.

                self warn:(resources
                             string:'Could not extract source from repository (for module: ''%1'' , directory: ''%2'' , revision: ''%3'')'
                             with:mod with:dir with:revString).
                ^ self
            aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
                self warn:('read error while reading extracted source\\' , ex description) withCRs.
                aStream close.
                ^ self
            ] do:[
                comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
            aStream close.

            self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.

            aStream := '' writeStream.
            Method flushSourceStreamCache.
            "/ currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
            "/ currentSource := aStream contents asString.
            currentSource := currentClass source asString.
            aStream close.

            self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

            comparedSource = currentSource ifTrue:[
                ((currentClass revision = newestRev)
                and:[currentClass hasUnsavedChanges]) ifTrue:[
                    (self confirm:'Versions are identical.\\Remove entries from changeSet ?' withCRs) ifTrue:[
                        ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:currentClass.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self information:'Versions are identical.'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                thisRevString := currentClass revision.
                thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
                    thisRevString := 'no revision'

                revString = '(newest)' ifTrue:[
                    (rev := mgr newestRevisionOf:currentClass) notNil ifTrue:[
                        revString := '(newest is ' , rev , ')'

                self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

                current    := ChangeSet fromStream:(s := currentSource readStream). s close.
                repository := ChangeSet fromStream:(s := comparedSource readStream). s close.
                diffs := repository diffSetsAgainst:current.
                allDiffs isNil ifTrue:[
                    allDiffs := diffs.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    allDiffs changed addAll:(diffs changed).
                    allDiffs onlyInArg addAll:(diffs onlyInArg).
                    allDiffs onlyInReceiver addAll:(diffs onlyInReceiver).

    title := collectionOfClasses size == 1
                ifTrue:['Differences of %1' bindWith:collectionOfClasses first name]
                ifFalse:['Differences of %1 classes' bindWith:collectionOfClasses size].


    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 04-01-1997 / 15:48:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29-09-2011 / 15:43:28 / cg"

getClassSourceFor:aClass revision:revision
    "ask aClass's sourceCodeManager to retrieve a (possibly older or newer) version's source code"

    ^ self getClassSourceFor:aClass revision:revision usingManager:(aClass sourceCodeManager)

    "Created: / 08-02-2011 / 10:24:50 / cg"

getClassSourceFor:aClass revision:revision usingManager: manager
    "ask aClass's sourceCodeManager to retrieve a (possibly older or newer) version's source code"

    |msg stream source|

    msg := 'extracting previous %1'.
    self busyLabel:msg with:revision.

    stream := manager getSourceStreamFor:aClass revision:revision.
    stream isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:(resources
                     string:'Could not extract source of rev %1 from repository'
        ^ nil
    stream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
        self warn:('read error while reading extracted source\\' , ex description) withCRs.
        stream close.
        ^ nil
    ] do:[
        source := stream contents asString.
    stream close.
    ^ source

    "Created: / 11-10-2011 / 23:06:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:25:39 / cg"

    "compute the next consecutive patch number in a directory.
     Answer a String."

    |highest highestString nrString nr fileNamePrefix|

    "/ find the highest numbered patchfile
    aDirectory directoryContentsDo:[:fn |
        (fn includes:$_) ifTrue:[
            nrString := fn upTo:$_.
            nr := Integer readFrom:nrString onError:nil.
            nr notNil ifTrue:[
                nr > (highest ? -1) ifTrue:[
                    highest := nr.
                    highestString := nrString.
    highest isNil ifTrue:[
        fileNamePrefix := '0001'
    ] ifFalse:[
        fileNamePrefix := (highest+1) printStringLeftPaddedTo:(highestString size) with:$0.
    ^ fileNamePrefix.

    "sorry, but this seems to be hardwired for CVS"

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show history anyway ?')
     ifFalse:[^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        |timeGoal moduleFilter moduleFilterHolder repositoryFilter userFilter aStream box y component
         timeGoalListPop moduleFilterPop userFilterPop dateList userList|

        timeGoal := 'yesterday' asValue.
        moduleFilterHolder := nil asValue.
        userFilter := nil asValue.

        box := Dialog new.
        (box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Repository change report')) adjust:#left.
        box addVerticalSpace:20.

        y := box yPosition.
        component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'List changes since (yyyy-mm-dd):').
        component width:0.5; adjust:#right; borderWidth:0.
        box yPosition:y.
        timeGoalListPop := box addComboBoxOn:timeGoal tabable:true.
        timeGoalListPop width:0.5; left:0.5; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.

        dateList := OrderedCollection new.
        dateList add:(Timestamp now printStringFormat:'%(year)-%(month)-%(day)').
        dateList add:((Timestamp now subtractHours:1) printStringFormat:'%(year)-%(month)-%(day) %h:%m').
        dateList addAll:#('yesterday'
                          '1 hour ago'
                          '1 week ago'
                          '1 month ago'
                          '1 year ago'

        timeGoalListPop list:dateList.

        projectListOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
            moduleFilter := projectListOrNil collect:[:prj | prj asPackageId module] as:Set.
            moduleFilterHolder := nil.
        ] ifFalse:[
            y := box yPosition.
            component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'For CVS repository (empty for all):').
            component width:0.5; adjust:#right; borderWidth:0.
            box yPosition:y.
            moduleFilterPop := box addComboBoxOn:moduleFilterHolder tabable:true.
            moduleFilterPop width:0.5; left:0.5; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
            moduleFilterPop list:(SourceCodeManager knownModules asOrderedCollection sort addFirst:'stx'; yourself).

        y := box yPosition.
        component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'For user (empty for all):').
        component width:0.5; adjust:#right; borderWidth:0.
        box yPosition:y.
        userFilterPop := box addComboBoxOn:userFilter tabable:true.
        userFilterPop width:0.5; left:0.5; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.

        "Fetch the list of konwn user names (which are possibly used when cheking in):
            - Try the repository names (smething like ':method:user@host:....')
            - If nothing found, use the login name"

        userList := Set new.
        SourceCodeManager knownRepositories do:[:eachRepository|
            |user idx|

            (eachRepository includes:$@) ifTrue:[
                user := eachRepository copyUpTo:$@.
                idx := user lastIndexOf:$:.
                idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    user := user copyFrom:idx+1.
                userList add:user.
        userList isEmpty ifTrue:[
            userList add:OperatingSystem getLoginName.

        userFilterPop list:userList asArray sort.

        box addAbortAndOkButtons.
        box open.

        box accepted ifTrue:[
            moduleFilterHolder notNil ifTrue:[
                moduleFilter := moduleFilterHolder value.
                moduleFilter size == 0
                    ifTrue:[moduleFilter := nil]
                    ifFalse:[moduleFilter := Set with:moduleFilter].

            moduleFilter notNil ifTrue:[
                repositoryFilter := moduleFilter
                                            SourceCodeManager getCVSROOTForModule:eachModule.

            userFilter := userFilter value.
            userFilter size == 0
                ifTrue:[userFilter := nil]
                ifFalse:[userFilter := Array with:userFilter].

            timeGoal := timeGoal value.

            self busyLabel:'extracting history ...' with:nil.

            aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
            Processor activeProcess
                withPriority:Processor activePriority-1 to:Processor activePriority
                SourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
                ] ifFalse:[
                    aStream nextPutLine:'no history available (no SourceCodeManagement installed)'
            self codeView
                contents:(aStream contents);
            navigationState realModifiedState:false.

            self codeAspect:#repositoryHistory.
            self selectedMethods value:nil.
            self selectProtocols:nil.

"/            self setNoAcceptAction.
"/            self clearExplainAction.

            self normalLabel

    "Created: / 12-09-2006 / 15:03:24 / cg"

repositoryHistoryForProjects:projectListOrNil usingManager:manager
    "sorry, but this seems to be hardwired for CVS"

    manager ~~ CVSSourceCodeManager ifTrue:[
        self error:'Only supported for CVS'.

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show history anyway ?')
     ifFalse:[^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        |timeGoal moduleFilter moduleFilterHolder repositoryFilter userFilter aStream box y component
         timeGoalListPop moduleFilterPop userFilterPop dateList userList|

        timeGoal := 'yesterday' asValue.
        moduleFilterHolder := nil asValue.
        userFilter := nil asValue.

        box := Dialog new.
        box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Repository change report') adjust:#left.
        box addVerticalSpace:20.

        y := box yPosition.
        component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'List changes since (yyyy-mm-dd):') adjust:#right.
        component width:0.5; borderWidth:0.
        box yPosition:y.
        timeGoalListPop := box addComboBoxOn:timeGoal tabable:true.
        timeGoalListPop width:0.5; left:0.5; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.

        dateList := OrderedCollection new.
        dateList add:(Timestamp now printStringFormat:'%(year)-%(month)-%(day)').
        dateList add:((Timestamp now subtractHours:1) printStringFormat:'%(year)-%(month)-%(day) %h:%m').
        dateList addAll:#('yesterday'
                          '1 hour ago'
                          '1 week ago'
                          '1 month ago'
                          '1 year ago'

        timeGoalListPop list:dateList.

        projectListOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
            moduleFilter := projectListOrNil collect:[:prj | prj asPackageId module] as:Set.
            moduleFilterHolder := nil.
        ] ifFalse:[
            y := box yPosition.
            component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'For CVS repository (empty for all):') adjust:#right.
            component width:0.5; borderWidth:0.
            box yPosition:y.
            moduleFilterPop := box addComboBoxOn:moduleFilterHolder tabable:true.
            moduleFilterPop width:0.5; left:0.5; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
            moduleFilterPop list:(SourceCodeManager knownModules asOrderedCollection sort addFirst:'stx'; yourself).

        y := box yPosition.
        component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'For user (empty for all):') adjust:#right.
        component width:0.5; borderWidth:0.
        box yPosition:y.
        userFilterPop := box addComboBoxOn:userFilter tabable:true.
        userFilterPop width:0.5; left:0.5; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.

        "Fetch the list of konwn user names (which are possibly used when cheking in):
            - Try the repository names (smething like ':method:user@host:....')
            - If nothing found, use the login name"

        userList := Set new.
        SourceCodeManager knownRepositories do:[:eachRepository|
            |user idx|

            (eachRepository includes:$@) ifTrue:[
                user := eachRepository copyUpTo:$@.
                idx := user lastIndexOf:$:.
                idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    user := user copyFrom:idx+1.
                userList add:user.
        userList isEmpty ifTrue:[
            userList add:OperatingSystem getLoginName.

        userFilterPop list:userList asArray sort.

        box addAbortAndOkButtons.
        box open.

        box accepted ifTrue:[
            moduleFilterHolder notNil ifTrue:[
                moduleFilter := moduleFilterHolder value.
                moduleFilter size == 0
                    ifTrue:[moduleFilter := nil]
                    ifFalse:[moduleFilter := Set with:moduleFilter].

            moduleFilter notNil ifTrue:[
                repositoryFilter := moduleFilter
                                            SourceCodeManager getCVSROOTForModule:eachModule.

            userFilter := userFilter value.
            userFilter size == 0
                ifTrue:[userFilter := nil]
                ifFalse:[userFilter := Array with:userFilter].

            timeGoal := timeGoal value.

            self busyLabel:'extracting history ...' with:nil.

            aStream := CharacterWriteStream new:200.
            Processor activeProcess
                withPriority:Processor activePriority-1 to:Processor activePriority
                SourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
                ] ifFalse:[
                    aStream nextPutLine:'no history available (no SourceCodeManagement installed)'
            self codeView
                contents:(aStream contents);
            navigationState realModifiedState:false.

            self codeAspect:#repositoryHistory.
            self selectedMethods value:nil.
            self selectProtocols:nil.

"/            self setNoAcceptAction.
"/            self clearExplainAction.

            self normalLabel

    "Created: / 12-09-2006 / 15:03:24 / cg"

    "show a classes repository log - append to codeView.
     CAVEAT: that is almost the same code as found in SystemBrowser;
             move to SourceCodeManagerUtilities"

    self showRepositoryLogOf:aClass short:false

showRepositoryLogOf:aClass short:shortOrNot
    "show a classes repository log - append to codeView."

    self showRepositoryLogOf:aClass short:shortOrNot beforeLogDo:[:s | ].

showRepositoryLogOf:aClass short:shortOrNot beforeLogDo:aBlock
    "show a classes repository log - append to codeView.
     CAVEAT: that is almost the same code as found in SystemBrowser;
             move to SourceCodeManagerUtilities."

    ^ self showRepositoryLogOf:aClass short:shortOrNot usingManager: (aClass sourceCodeManager) beforeLogDo:aBlock

    "Modified: / 26-09-2012 / 13:06:30 / cg"

showRepositoryLogOf:aClass short:shortOrNot usingManager: managerOrNil beforeLogDo:aBlock
    "show a classes repository log - append to codeView.
     CAVEAT: that is almost the same code as found in SystemBrowser;
             move to SourceCodeManagerUtilities."

    |codeView aStream|

    aStream := CharacterWriteStream new:200.

    Processor activeProcess
        withPriority:Processor activePriority-1 to:Processor activePriority

        self busyLabel:'Extracting log of %1' with:aClass name.
        aBlock value:aStream.
        utils := managerOrNil isNil
                ifTrue:[ SourceCodeManagerUtilities default ]
                ifFalse:[ managerOrNil utilities ].

        SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
            Dialog warn:(resources
                                    stringWithCRs:'Could not fetch revision log of "%1".\\Please check your sourcecode manager settings of %2 for package: "%3".\(and possibly the network for reachability of the repository)'
                                    with:aClass name
                                    with:aClass sourceCodeManager managerTypeName
                                    with:aClass package).
            ^ self.
        ] do:[
            utils repositoryLogOf:aClass short:shortOrNot onto:aStream

    self codeAspect:#repositoryLog.
    self selectedMethods value:nil.
    self selectProtocols:nil.

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView contents:(codeView contents ,
                       Character cr asString ,
                       Character cr asString ,
                       aStream contents).

    codeView modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

"/    self setNoAcceptAction.
"/    self clearExplainAction.

    self normalLabel

    "Created: / 11-10-2011 / 20:33:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:24:55 / cg"

    "ask for a classes revision and return a stream on this revisions source; nil on error"

    ^ self sourceStreamForRepositorySourceOfClass:aClass usingManager:(aClass sourceCodeManager)

    "Modified: / 21-12-2011 / 20:11:59 / cg"

sourceStreamForRepositorySourceOfClass:aClass usingManager: aManagerOrNil
    "ask for a classes revision and return a stream on this revisions source; nil on error"

    |mgr rev pkg containerModule containerPackage rslt containerFile newestRev msg sourceStream revString
     info mod dir|

    mgr := aManagerOrNil ? aClass sourceCodeManager.
    rev := aClass binaryRevision.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
        rev := aClass revision
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ class not in repository - allow compare against any other containers newest contents
        self normalLabel.

        pkg := aClass package.
        (pkg notNil and:[pkg ~= PackageId noProjectID]) ifTrue:[
            containerModule := pkg upTo:$:.
            containerPackage := pkg copyFrom:(containerModule size + 2).
        containerModule size == 0 ifTrue:[
            containerModule := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule) ? Project current repositoryModule.
        containerPackage size == 0 ifTrue:[
            containerPackage := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage) ? Project current package.
        rslt := mgr utilities
                    stringWithCRs:'The "%1"-class seems to have no repository information.\\Do you want to compare it against an existing containers contents ?'
                    with:aClass name)
            title:'Container to compare' note:nil
            initialFileName:(aClass name , '.st')
        rslt isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ cancel
            ^ nil
        containerModule := rslt at:#module.
        containerPackage := rslt at:#package.
        containerFile := rslt at:#fileName.
        SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule:containerModule.
        SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage:containerPackage.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ class in repository - ask for revision
        newestRev := mgr newestRevisionOf:aClass.
        rev := newestRev.

    (rev notNil or:[containerFile notNil]) ifTrue:[
        rev notNil ifTrue:[
            rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
                msg := 'extracting newest %1 (' , (newestRev ? '???') , ')'.
                sourceStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:aClass revision:newestRev.
                revString := 'newest'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                msg := 'extracting previous %1'.
                sourceStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:aClass revision:rev.
                revString := rev
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := 'extracting newest version from ' , containerModule , '/' , containerPackage, '/' , containerFile.
            sourceStream := mgr streamForClass:nil fileName:containerFile revision:#newest directory:containerPackage module:containerModule cache:false.
            revString := '???'
        self busyLabel:msg with:(aClass name).

        sourceStream isNil ifTrue:[
            info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:aClass.
            info notNil ifTrue:[
                mod := info at:#module ifAbsent:'??'.
                dir := info at:#directory ifAbsent:'??'.

            self warn:(resources
                         string:'Could not extract source from repository (for module: ''%1'' , directory: ''%2'' , revision: ''%3'')'
                         with:mod with:dir with:revString).
            ^ nil
        ^ sourceStream
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 29-09-2011 / 15:43:08 / cg"
    "Created: / 11-10-2011 / 10:34:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:11:25 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-code'!

codeMenuAddClassVariable:newName inClass:aClass asValueHolder:asValueHolder
    "add a class variable"

    |refactoring cls nonMeta|

    nonMeta := aClass theNonMetaclass.
    (cls := nonMeta whichClassDefinesClassVar:newName) notNil ifTrue:[
        cls == aClass ifTrue:[
            Dialog information:(resources string:'A variable named ''%1'' is already defined in ''%2''.'
                                    with:newName allBold
                                    with:cls name allBold).
            ^ self
        (Dialog confirm:(resources stringWithCRs:'Attention: a variable named ''%1'' is already defined in ''%2''.\\Proceed ?'
                                with:newName allBold
                                with:cls name allBold))
            ^ self

    refactoring := AddClassVariableChange add:newName to:nonMeta.
"/    refactoring := AddClassVariableRefactoring variable:newName class:nonMeta.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "Modified: / 18-11-2006 / 16:15:49 / cg"

codeMenuAddInstanceVariable:newName inClass:aClass
    "add an instance variable"

    self codeMenuAddInstanceVariable:newName inClass:aClass asValueHolder:false

codeMenuAddInstanceVariable:newName inClass:aClass asValueHolder:asValueHolder
    "add an instance variable"

    |refactoring cls generator varName pseudoVarName|

    asValueHolder ifTrue:[
        varName := newName.
        varName isUppercaseFirst ifTrue:[
            varName := varName asLowercaseFirst.
        (varName endsWith:'Holder') ifTrue:[
            pseudoVarName := varName copyButLast:6.
        ] ifFalse:[
            pseudoVarName := varName.
            varName := pseudoVarName , 'Holder'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        varName := newName

    (cls := aClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:varName) notNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:(resources string:'An instance variable named ''%1'' is already defined in ''%2''.'
                                with:varName allBold
                                with:cls name allBold).
        ^ self

"/    refactoring := AddInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:newName class:aClass.
"/    refactoring model name:('Add instvar %1 to %2' bindWith:newName with:aClass name).

    asValueHolder ifTrue:[
        generator := SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool new.
        generator startCollectChanges.

        generator addChange:(AddInstanceVariableChange add:varName to:aClass).
        generator createValueHoldersFor:(Array with:varName) in:aClass lazyInitialization:false.
        generator executeCollectedChangesNamed:'Add ValueHolder'
    ] ifFalse:[
        refactoring := AddInstanceVariableChange add:varName to:aClass.
        self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "Modified: / 31-01-2011 / 18:29:55 / cg"

    |currentMethod cls selector refactoring initializer newSelector l initialAnswer
     senders nSenders tree args dialog|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    cls := currentMethod mclass.
    selector := currentMethod selector.

    "/ how many senders are there ?
    senders := SystemBrowser findSendersOf:selector in:(environment allClasses) ignoreCase:false match:false.
    nSenders := senders size.

    tree := cls parseTreeFor:selector.
    tree isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn: 'Could not parse the method'.
        ^ self
    args := tree argumentNames.
    args := args copyWith:('arg%1' bindWith:args size + 1).

    selector numArgs == 0 ifTrue:[
        initialAnswer := selector , ':'.
        l := 'Enter new selector:'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        initialAnswer := selector , 'xxxx:'.
        l := 'Enter new selector (replace xxxx as desired):'.

    dialog := MethodNameDialogForAddParameter methodNameFor: args initial:initialAnswer.
    nSenders == 0 ifTrue:[
        dialog askForDefaultValue:false.
    dialog cancelAllVisible value:(AbortAllOperationWantedQuery query).
    dialog renameOnlyVisible value:true.
    dialog renameSelectedMethodsOnlyVisible value:true.
    dialog rewriteLocalMethodsOnlyFlagHolder value:true.
    dialog allButOpen.
    dialog window label:(resources string:l).
    dialog openWindow.

    dialog accepted ifFalse: [^ self].
    newSelector := dialog methodName.
    initializer := dialog defaultValue.

"/     newSelector := Dialog request:(resources string:l) initialAnswer:initialAnswer.
    newSelector isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ^ nil "/ cancelled

"/    nSenders > 0 ifTrue:[
"/        initializer := Dialog request:(resources string:'Enter default value for parameter (will be used in %1 sending methods):' with:nSenders printString) initialAnswer:'nil'.
"/        initializer isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
"/            ^ nil "/ cancelled
"/        ].
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        initializer := 'nil'    "/ dummy - not used anyway
"/    ].

    newSelector := newSelector asSymbol.
    refactoring := AddParameterRefactoring

    (self findSendersOf:selector in:(environment allClasses) andConfirmRefactoring:refactoring) ifTrue:[
        self performRefactoring:refactoring.
        self switchToSelector:newSelector

    "Modified: / 09-02-2011 / 13:54:16 / cg"

    "replace all accesses to selected instvar by value-get/set method sends;
     add aspects if not yet present."


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        self codeMenuConvertToValueHolder:varName

    "replace all accesses to selected instvar by value-get/set method sends;
     add aspects if not yet present."


    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    (self confirm:'About to rewrite methods...') ifFalse:[^ self].
    refactoring := (ValueHolderRefactoring
                                variable: aString
                                class: (self theSingleSelectedClass whichClassDefinesInstVar: aString)).
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "add a class variable"

    |varName cls refactoring|

    varName := self codeView selectionAsString.
    (varName isValidSmalltalkIdentifier
    and:[ varName isUppercaseFirst
    and:[ (environment includesKey:varName) not
    and:[ (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
    and:[ (cls theNonMetaclass classVarNames includes:varName) not
    ]]]]) ifFalse:[
        ^ self.

    refactoring := AddClassVariableChange add:varName to:cls theNonMetaclass.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "a new refactoring:
     given a literal constant as current text selection,
     ask for either a class or inst variable name,
     or the name of a class or instance getter-method
     define it, assign it a value (in the initialize method)
     and change the code to refer to that variable/getter instead.
     Use this to refactor private magic constants.

     Most of the code below should go into the RB-package as a new refactoring class, once
     it is debugged and stable."

    |literalString literalValue name selectedClass refactoring matchingMethods mthd
     initialNewName radioModel box rb nameHolder changeHow targetClass
     numMethodsAdded numMethodsRewritten confirmationQuestion informationMessage|

    literalString := self codeView selectionAsString withoutSeparators.
    literalValue := Parser evaluateFrom:literalString ifFail:nil.
    literalValue isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    selectedClass isNil ifTrue:[
        mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
        mthd isNil ifTrue:[
            Dialog information:'Please select a class or method'.
            ^ self
        selectedClass := mthd mclass

    selectedClass isMeta ifTrue:[
        LastLiteralReplacementType == #instanceMethod ifTrue:[ LastLiteralReplacementType := #classMethod ].
        LastLiteralReplacementType == #instanceVariable ifTrue:[ LastLiteralReplacementType := #classVariable ].
    radioModel := RadioButtonGroup new value:(LastLiteralReplacementType ? #classMethod).

    initialNewName :=
    initialNewName isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ initialNewName := literalString "(LastLiteralReplacementNewName ? '')" ].
    initialNewName first isDigit ifTrue:[ initialNewName := 'const_',initialNewName ].
    initialNewName first isLetter ifFalse:[ initialNewName := 'const_XXX_',literalValue className ].
    nameHolder := initialNewName asValue.

    box := DialogBox new.
    box label:'Replacing Literal Constant'.
    box addTextLabel:'Replace selected constant by:' adjust:#left.
    box addVerticalSpace.
    box addRadioButton:(resources string:'Class Method') on:radioModel value:#classMethod tabable:true.
    box addRadioButton:(resources string:'Class Variable') on:radioModel value:#classVariable tabable:true.
    rb := box addRadioButton:(resources string:'Instance Method') on:radioModel value:#instanceMethod tabable:true.
    selectedClass isMeta ifTrue:[ rb disable ].
    rb := box addRadioButton:(resources string:'Instance Variable') on:radioModel value:#instanceVariable tabable:true.
    selectedClass isMeta ifTrue:[ rb disable ].
    box addVerticalSpace.
    box addLabelledInputField:'Named:' adjust:#left on:nameHolder tabable:true from:0 to:1 separateAtX:0.3.
    box addVerticalSpace.
    box addAbortAndOkButtons.
    box open.
    box accepted ifFalse:[^ self ].

    name := nameHolder value.
    name isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    changeHow := radioModel value.

    LastLiteralReplacementOldLiteral := literalString.
    LastLiteralReplacementNewName := name.
    LastLiteralReplacementType := changeHow.

    refactoring := CompositeRefactoryChange new.
    refactoring name:'Eliminate Constant'.
    numMethodsAdded := numMethodsRewritten := 0.

    (changeHow == #instanceMethod or:[changeHow == #instanceVariable]) ifTrue:[
        targetClass := selectedClass theNonMetaclass
    ] ifFalse:[
        targetClass := selectedClass theMetaclass

    (changeHow == #instanceMethod or:[changeHow == #classMethod]) ifTrue:[
        (targetClass includesSelector:name asSymbol) ifFalse:[
            refactoring compile:('%1\    ^ %2' withCRs bindWith:name with:literalString) in:targetClass classified:'constants'.
            numMethodsAdded := numMethodsAdded + 1.
        ] ifTrue:[
            "/ if the getter already exists, it must return the same literal
            mthd := targetClass compiledMethodAt:name asSymbol.
            ((ParseTreeSearcher isJustReturningLiteralString:literalString)
                executeTree:(mthd parseTree) initialAnswer:nil) notNil
                Dialog information:(resources
                                        stringWithCRs:'A method named "%1" already exists\with different semantics (does not return "%2")'
                ^ self.
    ] ifFalse:[
        changeHow == #instanceVariable ifTrue:[
            (targetClass theNonMetaclass allInstVarNames includes:name) ifTrue:[
                "/ already present
                Dialog information:(resources
                                        stringWithCRs:'An instance variable named "%1" already exists'
                ^ self.
            refactoring addInstanceVariable:name to:targetClass theNonMetaclass.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ class variable
            (targetClass theNonMetaclass allClassVarNames includes:name) ifTrue:[
                "/ already present
                Dialog information:(resources
                                        stringWithCRs:'A class variable named "%1" already exists'
                ^ self.
            refactoring addClassVariable:name to:targetClass theNonMetaclass.

        (targetClass includesSelector:#initialize) ifFalse:[
            refactoring compile:('initialize\    %1 := %2.' withCRs bindWith:name with:literalString) in:targetClass classified:'initialization'.
            numMethodsAdded := numMethodsAdded + 1.
        ] ifTrue:[
            |setToThis setToOther rewriter newSource change|

            setToThis := setToOther := false.

            mthd := targetClass compiledMethodAt:#initialize.

            "/ already a setting for that variable ?
            "/ cannot happen now, as we only allow not-already-existing vars in the above code.
            "/ if we ever support this, must check if the existing init-code is already correct for the new value
            (ParseTreeSearcher new
                        matches:('%1 := ``@expr' bindWith:name) do:[:aNode :ans | self halt. false];
                executeTree:(mthd parseTree) initialAnswer:false.

            setToOther ifTrue:[
                Dialog information:(resources
                                        stringWithCRs:'Variable named "%1" is already initialized to a different value'
                ^ self.
            setToThis ifFalse:[
                "/ sigh - the source rewriter is very limited; it cannot append code yet...
                rewriter := "ParseTreeSourceRewriter "ParseTreeRewriter new
                                replace: '| `@temps | ``@.stats. '
                                with:('| `@temps | ``@.stats.\    %1 := %2.' withCRs bindWith:name with:literalString).

                rewriter executeTree: mthd parseTree.
                newSource := rewriter tree formattedCode.

"/                newSource := rewriter executeReplacementsInSource:mthd source.
"/                rewriter forgetReplacements.

                change := InteractiveAddMethodChange compile:newSource in:mthd mclass classified:mthd category.
                refactoring addChange:change.
                numMethodsRewritten := numMethodsRewritten + 1.

    matchingMethods := OrderedCollection new.
    targetClass theNonMetaclass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:selector :mth |
        selector ~= name ifTrue:[
            (ParseTreeSearcher new)
                matches:literalString do:[:aNode :answer | matchingMethods add:mth ];
                executeTree:mth parseTree.
    (changeHow == #classVariable or:[changeHow == #classMethod]) ifTrue:[
        targetClass theMetaclass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:selector :mth |
            selector ~= name ifTrue:[
                (ParseTreeSearcher new)
                    matches:literalString do:[:aNode :answer | matchingMethods add:mth ];
                    executeTree:mth parseTree.

    matchingMethods do:[:mth |
        |change replacementSource rewriter newSource|

        (changeHow == #instanceVariable or:[changeHow == #classVariable]) ifTrue:[
            replacementSource := name.
        ] ifFalse:[
            (changeHow == #instanceMethod) ifTrue:[
                replacementSource := ('self ',name).
            ] ifFalse:[
                mth mclass isMeta ifTrue:[
                    replacementSource := ('self ',name).
                ] ifFalse:[
                    replacementSource := ('self class ',name).
        rewriter := ParseTreeSourceRewriter "ParseTreeRewriter" new
                        replace: literalString
                        with: replacementSource.

"/        "/ with the original ParseTreeRewriter, you would
"/        "/ get a new tree, loose all formatting and some comments...
"/        newTree := rewriter
"/                    executeTree: mth parseTree;
"/                    tree.
"/        newSource := newTree formattedCode.

        "/ so we use the new in-place ParseTreeSourceRewriter
        rewriter executeTree: mth parseTree.
        newSource := rewriter executeReplacementsInSource:mth source.
        rewriter forgetReplacements.

        change := InteractiveAddMethodChange compile:newSource in:mth mclass classified:mth category.
        refactoring addChange:change.
        numMethodsRewritten := numMethodsRewritten + 1.

    (numMethodsRewritten+numMethodsAdded) > 1 ifTrue:[
        informationMessage :=
            numMethodsRewritten > 0
                    numMethodsAdded > 0
                        ifTrue:[ 'rewrite %1 and add %2 methods' ]
                        ifFalse:[ 'rewrite %1 methods' ] ]
                ifFalse:[ 'add %2 methods' ].
        confirmationQuestion := 'OK to ',informationMessage.
        "/ (Dialog confirm:(resources string:confirmationQuestion with:numMethodsRewritten with:numMethodsAdded)) ifFalse:[^ self].
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "/ set the class variable
    (changeHow == #classVariable) ifTrue:[
        targetClass classVarAt:name asSymbol put:literalValue

    self showInfo:(resources string:informationMessage with:numMethodsRewritten with:numMethodsAdded).

    "Created: / 24-07-2011 / 06:27:02 / cg"

    self withCurrentMethodsClassAndSelectorDo:[:mClass :mSelector |
        | refactoring |

        refactoring := (ExtractMethodRefactoring
                            extract: (self selectedInterval)
                            from: mSelector
                            in: mClass).

        refactoring source:self codeView contentsAsString.
        self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    self withCurrentMethodsClassAndSelectorDo:[:mClass :mSelector |
        | refactoring |

        refactoring := (ExtractMethodToComponentRefactoring
                            extract: (self selectedInterval)
                            from: mSelector
                            in: mClass).

        refactoring source:self codeView contentsAsString.
        self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    |currentMethod cls selector refactoring newName node varName source codeTree |

    RBParser isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (self askIfModified:'Text was modified - please accept first' default:false) ~~ true
        ^ self

    node := self findNode.
    (node notNil and: [node isValue]) ifFalse: [
        ^ self warn: 'Could not find the node (please select the message expression to extract)'

    (node isMessage and:[node isUnary]) ifTrue:[
        varName := node selector
    ] ifFalse:[
        varName := LastTemporaryVariableName ? 't'.

    source := self codeView contentsAsString string.
    codeTree := RBParser
                onError: [:str :err ":nodesSoFar" | nil].

    codeTree notNil ifTrue:[
        (codeTree body temporaries contains:[:nd | nd name = varName]) ifTrue:[varName := nil].

    newName := Dialog request: 'Enter name for Temporary:' initialAnswer:varName.
    newName isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].
    LastTemporaryVariableName := newName.

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    cls := currentMethod mclass.
    selector := currentMethod selector.
    (cls isNil or:[selector isNil]) ifTrue:[
        self information:'Oops - no class/selector. Please reselect.'.
        ^ self.

    refactoring := (ExtractToTemporaryRefactoring
                                extract: (node sourceInterval)
                                to: newName
                                from: selector
                                in: cls).
    refactoring source:self codeView contentsAsString.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "format (prettyPrint) the selected method(s)"


    self hasSingleMethodSelected ifTrue:[
        modifiedBefore := navigationState modified.

        self formatCode.
        ("autoAcceptFormattedCode" false or:[modifiedBefore not]) ifTrue:[
            self codeView accept
    ] ifFalse:[
        self information:'Bulk formatting is currently disabled, because the formatter
has still problems to layout comments in an acceptable way (although its much better
than it used to be...) Therefore, please have an eye on each formatted method.'.
        ^ self.
"/        self selectedMethodsDo:[:each |
"/            self formatMethod:each
"/        ].

    self switchToClass:(self selectedClassNameInCodeViewOrNil)

    |currentMethod selector refactoring|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    selector := currentMethod selector.

    refactoring := InlineAllSelfSendersRefactoring
                            sendersOf: selector
                            in: currentMethod mclass.
    refactoring setOption: #inlineExpression toUse: [:ref :string | true].
    self performRefactoring: refactoring.

    (self findSendersOf:selector andConfirmRefactoring:refactoring) ifTrue:[
        self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    |currentMethod node cls selector refactoring receiverNode inlinedSelector senders rslt|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    cls := currentMethod mclass.
    selector := currentMethod selector.

    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or: [node isMessage not]) ifTrue: [
        ^ self warn: 'Could not find message send (please select the messageSelector or part of it)'
    receiverNode := node receiver.
    inlinedSelector := node selector.

    (receiverNode isVariable
    and: [#('self' 'super') includes: receiverNode name])
        refactoring := (InlineMethodRefactoring
                                    inline: node sourceInterval
                                    inMethod: selector
                                    forClass: cls)
    ] ifFalse:[
        refactoring := (InlineMethodFromComponentRefactoring
                                    inline: node sourceInterval
                                    inMethod: selector
                                    forClass: cls)

"/    refactoring model name:('inline %1 into %2' bindWith:inlinedSelector with:selector).
    rslt := self performRefactoring:refactoring.
    rslt isNil ifTrue:[^ self ].

    senders := self class findSendersOf:inlinedSelector
                    in:environment allClasses

    senders isEmpty ifTrue:[
        (self confirm:('There seem to be no more senders of ', inlinedSelector , '.\\Remove the implementation in ' , cls name , ' ?') withCRs)
        ifFalse:[^ self].
        self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:(Array with:(refactoring inlineClass realClass compiledMethodAt:inlinedSelector)).

    "Modified: / 17-11-2006 / 13:51:06 / cg"

    "inline the parameter which is selected in the codeView"

    self codeMenuInlineParameter:(self selectionInCodeView).

    "inline the parameter named parameterName"

    |currentMethod cls selector refactoring|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    cls := currentMethod mclass.
    selector := currentMethod selector.

"/    (self confirm:(resources string:'Inline parameter ''%1'' ?' with:parameterName allBold)) ifFalse:[^ self].
    refactoring := InlineParameterRefactoring inlineParameter:parameterName in:cls selector:selector.

    (self findSendersOf:selector andConfirmRefactoring:refactoring) ifTrue:[
        self performRefactoring:refactoring.
        self switchToSelector:refactoring newSelector.

    "replace all accesses to selected classvar by setter/getter method sends;
     add accessors if not yet present."

    |selectedClass definingClass cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass.
    cls := definingClass := selectedClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:aString.

    definingClass ~~ selectedClass ifTrue:[
        cls := OptionBox
                      request:(resources string:'Rewrite methods below %1 (defining) or %2 (selected) ?'
                                         with:definingClass name allBold
                                         with:selectedClass name allBold)
                      label:'Rewrite which classes'
                      buttonLabels:(Array with:'Cancel' with:definingClass name with:selectedClass name)
                      values:(Array with:nil with:definingClass with:selectedClass).
        cls isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (self confirm:(resources string:'About to rewrite references to ''%1'' (in and below %2).'
                             with:aString allBold
                             with:cls name)) ifFalse:[^ self].

    self performRefactoring:(AbstractClassVariableRefactoring variable:aString class:cls).

    "replace all accesses to selected instvar by setter/getter method sends;
     add accessors if not yet present."

    |selectedClass definingClass cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls := definingClass := selectedClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:aString.

    definingClass ~~ selectedClass ifTrue:[
        cls := OptionBox
                      request:(resources string:'Rewrite methods below %1 (defining) or %2 (selected) ?'
                                         with:definingClass name allBold
                                         with:selectedClass name allBold)
                      label:'Rewrite which classes'
                      buttonLabels:(Array with:'Cancel' with:definingClass name with:selectedClass name)
                      values:(Array with:nil with:definingClass with:selectedClass).
        cls isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (self confirm:(resources string:'About to rewrite references to ''%1'' (in and below %2).'
                             with:aString allBold
                             with:cls name)) ifFalse:[^ self].

    self performRefactoring:(AbstractInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:aString class:cls).

    "replace all accesses to selected instvar by setter/getter method sends;
     add accessors if not yet present."


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self codeMenuMakeAbstractInstanceVariable:varName.

    varName := self selectedClassVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self codeMenuMakeAbstractClassVariable:varName

    self warn:'Please select either an instance or a class variable (in the codeView or the variableList).'

    "make selected local variable an instance variable."


    varNames := self selectedTemporaryVariablesInCodeViewOrNil.
    varNames isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Please select at least one temporary variable in the code.'.
        ^ self.

    varNames do:[:varName |
        self codeMenuMakeInstanceVariable:varName.

    "make selected local an instvar."

    self withCurrentMethodsClassAndSelectorDo:[:mClass :mSelector |
        |refactoring newClass newMethod|

        refactoring := (TemporaryToInstanceVariableRefactoring
                                class: mClass
                                selector: mSelector
                                variable: aString).

        (self confirm:'About to rewrite methods for ',aString,'...') ifFalse:[^ self].

        "/ cannot delay the update class/method
        "/ (otherwise, selectedMethod will be wrong for the second variable)
        immediateUpdate value:true.

        self performRefactoring:refactoring.

        immediateUpdate value:false.

        "/ must reselect manually here
        newClass := environment classNamed:(mClass name).
        newMethod := newClass compiledMethodAt:mSelector.
        newClass ~~ self theSingleSelectedClass ifTrue:[
            self selectClass:newClass.
        newMethod ~~ self theSingleSelectedMethod ifTrue:[
            self selectMethod:newMethod.

    "move a temporary/local variable to the innermost possible scope"

    |node varName definingNode |

    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self warn:'Please select a temporary variable in the code.'

    varName := node name.
    definingNode := node whoDefines:varName.
    definingNode isNil ifTrue: [
        self warn:varName , ' is not a temporary variable in the method'.
        ^ self

    self withCurrentMethodsClassAndSelectorDo:[:mClass :mSelector |

        refactoring := MoveVariableDefinitionRefactoring
                            bindTight: (node sourceInterval)
                            in: mClass
                            selector: mSelector.

        self performRefactoring: refactoring.
    self switchToMethod:(self theSingleSelectedMethod).

    "replace all accesses to selected instvar by setter/getter method sends;
     add accessors if not yet present."


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self codeMenuProtectInstanceVariable:varName.

    varName := self selectedClassVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self warn:'Sorry: This Refactoring is (currently) only supported for instance variables.'.

    self warn:'Please select an instance variable (in the codeView or the variableList).'

    "replace all indirect setter/getter references selected instvar by direct accesses,
     then remove the setter/getter methods"

    |selectedClass definingClass cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls := definingClass := selectedClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:aString.
    definingClass ~~ selectedClass ifTrue:[
        cls := OptionBox
                      request:(resources string:'Rewrite methods below %1 (defining) or %2 (selected) ?'
                                         with:definingClass name allBold
                                         with:selectedClass name allBold)
                      label:'Rewrite which classes'
                      buttonLabels:(Array with:'Cancel' with:definingClass name with:selectedClass name)
                      values:(Array with:nil with:definingClass with:selectedClass).
        cls isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    (self confirm:(resources string:'About to rewrite references to ''%1'' (in and below %2).'
                             with:aString allBold
                             with:cls name)) ifFalse:[^ self].

    self performRefactoring:(ProtectInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:aString class:cls).

    "pull a class variable up to its superclasses"

    self withCurrentClassDo:[:cls |
        |oldName node mthd nonMeta definingClass|

        nonMeta := cls theNonMetaclass.

        node := self findNode.
        node isNil ifTrue:[
            (self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
                oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
                oldName isNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            ] ifTrue:[
                oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
        ] ifFalse:[
            node isVariable ifFalse:[
                ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            oldName := node name.

        definingClass := nonMeta whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.
        definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
            ^ self
        definingClass ~~ nonMeta ifTrue:[
            (self confirm:'Will pull in ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
                ^ self
        self codeMenuPullUpClassVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.
        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
            "/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
            self switchToMethod:mthd.

codeMenuPullUpClassVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "pull a class variable up to its superclass"


    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

        confirm:'About to rewrite methods...'
        title:'About to rewrite methods...'
        ^ self

    refactoring := PullUpClassVariableRefactoring variable:oldName class:aClass superclass.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "pull an instance variable up to its superclasses"

    self withCurrentClassDo:[:cls |
        |oldName node mthd definingClass|

        cls isMeta ifTrue:[
            ^ self warn:'Please switch to the non-meta side.'

        node := self findNode.
        node isNil ifTrue:[
            (self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
                oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
                oldName isNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            ] ifTrue:[
                oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
        ] ifFalse:[
            node isVariable ifFalse:[
                ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            oldName := node name.
        definingClass := cls whichClassDefinesInstVar:oldName.
        definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
            ^ self
        definingClass ~~ cls ifTrue:[
            (self confirm:'Will pull in ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
                ^ self
        self codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.
        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
            "/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
            self switchToMethod:mthd.

codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable:varName inClass:aClass
    "pull an instance variable up to its superclass"

    |superClass refactoring|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    superClass := aClass superclass.
    superClass isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self warn:'No superClass to pull variables into.'.
    superClass == Object ifTrue:[
        ^ self warn:'Cannot pull variables into Object (may not have instVars).'.

"/    (Dialog
"/        confirm:('About to pull ''%1'' up into %2...'bindWith:varName allBold with:superClass name)
"/        title:('About to pullUp ''%1''...' bindWith:varName)
"/        yesLabel:'Proceed'
"/        noLabel:'Cancel')
"/    ifFalse:[
"/        ^ self
"/    ].

    refactoring := PullUpInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:varName class:superClass.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "pull a variable up to its superclasses"


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable
    varName := self selectedClassVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self codeMenuPullUpClassVariable

    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable and try again.'

    "push a class variable down to its subclasses"

    self withCurrentClassDo:[:cls |
        |oldName node mthd nonMeta definingClass|

        nonMeta := cls theNonMetaclass.

        node := self findNode.
        node isNil ifTrue:[
            (self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
                oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
                oldName isNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            ] ifTrue:[
                oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
        ] ifFalse:[
            node isVariable ifFalse:[
                ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            oldName := node name.
        definingClass := nonMeta whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.
        definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
            ^ self
        definingClass ~~ nonMeta ifTrue:[
            (self confirm:'Will push in ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
                ^ self
        self codeMenuPushDownClassVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.
        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
            "/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
            self switchToMethod:mthd.

codeMenuPushDownClassVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "push a class variable down to its subclasses"

    |cls refactoring|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

        confirm:'About to rewrite methods...'
        title:'About to rewrite methods...'
        ^ self

    cls := aClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.
    refactoring := PushDownClassVariableRefactoring variable:oldName class:cls.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "push an instance variable down to its subclasses"

    self withCurrentClassDo:[:cls |
        |oldName node mthd definingClass|

        cls isMeta ifTrue:[
            ^ self warn:'Please switch to the non-meta side.'

        node := self findNode.
        node isNil ifTrue:[
            (self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
                oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
                oldName isNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            ] ifTrue:[
                oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
        ] ifFalse:[
            node isVariable ifFalse:[
                ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            oldName := node name.
        definingClass := cls whichClassDefinesInstVar:oldName.
        definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
            ^ self
        definingClass ~~ cls ifTrue:[
            (self confirm:'Will pull ''' , oldName , ''' from ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
                ^ self
        self codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.
        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
            "/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
            self switchToMethod:mthd.

codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable:varName inClass:aClass
    "push an instance variable down to its subclasses"

    |cls refactoring|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

        confirm:('About to push instance variable ''%1'' down to subclasses which use it...' bindWith:varName allBold)
        title:('About to pushDown ''%1''...' bindWith:varName)
        ^ self
    cls := aClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:varName.
    refactoring := PushDownInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:varName class:cls.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "push a variable down to its subclasses"


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable
    varName := self selectedClassVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self codeMenuPushDownClassVariable

    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable and try again.'

codeMenuRemoveClassVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "remove a class variable"

    |cls change methods|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    cls := aClass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.

    methods := self class
                    under:cls access:#readOrWrite.
"/    methods addAll:(self class
"/                    findClassRefsTo:oldName
"/                    under:cls theMetaclass access:#readOrWrite).
    methods notEmpty ifTrue:[
        (Dialog confirm:(resources
                            stringWithCRs:'"%1" is still referenced by %2 method(s).\\Remove anyway ?'
                            with:methods size)) ifFalse:[^ self].

    change := RemoveClassVariableChange remove:oldName from:cls.
    self performRefactoring:change.

codeMenuRemoveInstanceVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "remove an instance variable"

    |cls refactoring methods answer whatTypeOfMethods|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    cls := aClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:oldName.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        self error:'no class'

    methods := self class
                    under:cls access:#readOrWrite.
    methods notEmpty ifTrue:[
        whatTypeOfMethods := 'method'.
        (methods conform:[:m |
                    |tree searcher|

                    tree := RBParser
                                parseSearchMethod:m source
                                onError: [:str :pos | nil].

                    searcher := ParseTreeSearcher isGetterOrSetterMethod:oldName.
                    (searcher executeTree:tree initialAnswer:nil) notNil.
                ]) ifTrue:[ whatTypeOfMethods := 'accessor' ].

        answer := OptionBox
                            stringWithCRs:'"%1" is still referenced by %2 %3(s).\\Remove these methods ?'
                            with:methods size
                    label:'Confirm Removal'
                    image:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
                    buttonLabels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Browse' 'No' 'Remove Methods'))
                    values:#(#abort #browse false true)
        answer == #abort ifTrue:[^ self].
        answer == #browse ifTrue:[
            self class
                title:(resources string:'Methods referring to %1' with:oldName).
            ^ self.
        answer == true ifTrue:[
            self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:methods

    refactoring := RemoveInstanceVariableChange remove:oldName from:cls.
    "/ refactoring := RemoveInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:oldName class:cls.
    "/ refactoring model name:('remove instvar %1 from %2' bindWith:oldName with:cls name).
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "remove the parameter which is selected in the codeView"

    self codeMenuRemoveParameter:(self selectionInCodeView).

    "remove the parameter named parameterName"

    | cls selector refactoring|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    cls := self theSingleSelectedMethod mclass.
    selector := self theSingleSelectedMethod selector.

    (self confirm:(resources string:'Remove parameter ''%1'' ?' with:parameterName allBold)) ifFalse:[^ self].
    refactoring := RemoveParameterRefactoring removeParameter:parameterName in:cls selector:selector.

    (self findSendersOf:selector andConfirmRefactoring:refactoring) ifTrue:[
        self performRefactoring:refactoring.
        self switchToSelector:refactoring newSelector.

    "rename a class variable"

    self withCurrentClassDo:[:cls |
        |oldName node mthd cls definingClass|

        node := self findNode.
        node isNil ifTrue:[
            (self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
                oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
                oldName isNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            ] ifTrue:[
                oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
        ] ifFalse:[
            node isVariable ifFalse:[
                ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            oldName := node name.
        definingClass := cls whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.
        definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
            ^ self
        definingClass ~~ cls ifTrue:[
            (self confirm:'Will rename in ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
                ^ self
        self codeMenuRenameClassVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.

codeMenuRenameClassVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "rename a class variable"

    |newName refactoring cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    newName := Dialog request:('Enter the new name for classVariable ''%1'':' bindWith:oldName) initialAnswer:oldName.
    newName isEmpty ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    (cls := aClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:newName) notNil ifTrue:[
        (Dialog confirm:(resources string:'Attention: a variable named ''%1'' is already defined in ''%2''.\\Proceed ?'
                                with:newName allBold
                                with:cls name allBold))
            ^ self

    (self confirm:'About to rewrite methods...') ifFalse:[^ self].
    cls := aClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.

    "/ refactoring := RenameClassVariableChange rename: oldName to: newName in: aClass.
    refactoring := RenameClassVariableRefactoring rename:oldName to:newName in:cls.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "rename an instance variable"

    self withCurrentClassDo:[:cls |
        |oldName node mthd definingClass|

        cls isMeta ifTrue:[
            ^ self warn:'Please switch to the non-meta side.'

        node := self findNode.
        node isNil ifTrue:[
            (self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
                oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
                oldName isNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            ] ifTrue:[
                oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
        ] ifFalse:[
            node isVariable ifFalse:[
                ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
            oldName := node name.
        definingClass := cls whichClassDefinesInstVar:oldName.
        definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
            ^ self
        definingClass ~~ cls ifTrue:[
            (self confirm:'Will rename in ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
                ^ self
        self codeMenuRenameInstanceVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.
        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
            "/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
            self switchToMethod:mthd.

codeMenuRenameInstanceVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "rename an instance variable"

    |newName refactoring cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    newName := Dialog
                                string:'Enter new name for %2 variable ''%1'':'
                                with:oldName allBold
                                with:(self meta value ifTrue:['classInstance'] ifFalse:['instance']))
                    title:(resources string:'Rename Variable')
    newName isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    (cls := aClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:newName) notNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:(resources string:'Sorry: a variable named ''%1'' is already defined in ''%2''.\\Proceed ?'
                                with:newName allBold
                                with:cls name allBold).
        ^ self

        confirm:(resources string:'About to rewrite methods...')
        title:(resources string:'About to rewrite methods...')
        yesLabel:(resources string:'Proceed')
        noLabel:(resources string:'Cancel'))
        ^ self
    cls := aClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:oldName.

    refactoring := RenameInstanceVariableRefactoring rename:oldName to:newName in:cls.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "rename a temporary variable"

    |oldName newName node definingNode refactoring mthd initial|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self warn:'Please select a temporary variable in the code.'

    oldName := node name.
    definingNode := node whoDefines: oldName.
    definingNode isNil ifTrue: [self warn: oldName , ' is not a temporary variable in the method'. ^ self].

    LastVariableRenames isNil ifTrue:[
        LastVariableRenames := CacheDictionary new:30.
    initial := LastVariableRenames at:oldName ifAbsent:oldName.

    newName := Dialog request:('Enter new name for ''%1'':' bindWith:oldName allBold) initialAnswer:initial.
    newName size == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self   "/ cancel
    newName = oldName ifTrue: [self warn: 'Same name given.'. ^ self].

    LastVariableRenames at:oldName put:newName.

    refactoring := RenameTemporaryRefactoring
                        renameTemporaryFrom:node sourceInterval
                        in:(mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) mclass
                        selector:mthd selector.
    refactoring source:(self codeView contentsAsString).
    refactoring okToRenameAsKnownVariable:true.

"/    refactoring model name:('rename local variable %1 to %2' bindWith:oldName with:newName).
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.
    self switchToMethod:mthd.

    self showCoverageInformation value:true.

    "add a 'this method has a smell' annotation"

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self
    self warn:'not yet implemented'.

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
        |cls selector|

        cls := eachMethod mclass.
        selector := eachMethod selector.


    interval := self selectedInterval.
    ^ self findNodeForInterval:interval

    ^ DoWhatIMeanSupport
        in:(self codeView contentsAsString string).

findNodeForInterval:interval allowErrors:allowErrors
    ^ DoWhatIMeanSupport
        in:(self codeView contentsAsString string)

findNodeIn:tree forInterval:interval
    <resource: #obsolete>
    |node wouldReturn|

self obsoleteMethodWarning.
    node := nil.
    tree nodesDo:[:each |
        (each intersectsInterval:interval) ifTrue:[
            (node isNil or:[node == each parent]) ifTrue:[
                node := each
            ] ifFalse:[
                (node parent notNil
                    and:[node parent isCascade and:[each parent isCascade]]) ifFalse:[^ nil]
        ] ifFalse:[
            node notNil ifTrue:[
                "/ already found one - beyond that one; leave
                wouldReturn notNil ifTrue:[wouldReturn := node].
"/ (wouldReturn notNil and:[wouldReturn ~~ node]) ifTrue:[self halt].
    ^ node

    "Modified: / 20-11-2006 / 12:31:12 / cg"

findSendersOf:selector andConfirmRefactoring:refactoring
    ^ self findSendersOf:selector in:(environment allClasses) andConfirmRefactoring:refactoring

    "Modified: / 28-02-2007 / 21:20:23 / cg"

findSendersOf:selector in:aSetOfClasses andConfirmRefactoring:refactoring
    |senders nSenders classes nClasses firstClassName secondClassName infoMsg answer brwsr|

    "/ how many senders are there ?
    senders := SystemBrowser findSendersOf:selector in:aSetOfClasses ignoreCase:false match:false.
    nSenders := senders size.
    nSenders == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ true ].

    classes := (senders collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass]) asIdentitySet.
    nClasses := classes size.

    nClasses > 0 ifTrue:[
        firstClassName := classes first name allBold.
        nClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
            secondClassName := classes second name allBold.

    nClasses == 1 ifTrue:[
        nSenders == 1 ifTrue:[
            infoMsg := 'Proceed to rewrite sending method %5'
        ] ifFalse:[
            infoMsg := 'Proceed to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %3'
    ] ifFalse:[
        nClasses == 2 ifTrue:[
            infoMsg := 'Proceed to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %3 and %4'
        ] ifFalse:[
            infoMsg := 'Proceed to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %2 class(es)'

    infoMsg := resources
                  with:nSenders printString
                  with:nClasses printString
                  with:senders first whoString allBold.

    infoMsg := infoMsg , (resources stringWithCRs:'\for "%1" ?' with:refactoring changeString).

    answer := Dialog
                labels:#('Cancel' 'Browse' 'Rewrite' )
                values:#(nil #browse #rewrite)

    answer == nil ifTrue:[
        "/ cancel
        ^ false

    answer == #browse ifTrue:[
        brwsr := self
                    spawnMethodBrowserFor:senders in:#newBuffer
                    label:'Senders of ' , selector
        brwsr autoSearchPattern:selector.
        ^ false
    ^ true

    "Created: / 28-02-2007 / 21:20:10 / cg"

    "format (prettyPrint) the selected method's code"

    |tree newText mthd codeView|

    RBParser isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    codeView := self codeView.
    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.

    tree := RBParser
                    parseMethod:(codeView contentsAsString)
                    onError: [:aString :position |
                                codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:1 to:position.
                                self showInfo:aString.
                                ^ nil "ignore any error"
    tree isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    newText := tree printString.

    self doSyntaxColoring value ~~ false ifTrue:[
        newText := self syntaxHighlightedCodeFor:newText method:mthd.
        undoableDo:[ codeView replaceContentsWith:newText ]
    codeView modified:true.
    navigationState realModifiedState:true.
    ^ newText.

    ^ Refactoring preconditionSignal
        handle:[:ex |
            |param answer errMsg dialogMsg|

            errMsg := ex description.
            param := ex parameter.
            ex willProceed ifTrue:[
                dialogMsg := (errMsg last == $?)
                                    ifFalse:[errMsg , '\\Do you want to proceed?' withCRs].

                param notNil ifTrue:[
                    answer := Dialog
                                labels:#('No' 'No, Browse' 'Yes')
                                values:#(false #browse true)
                ] ifFalse:[
                    answer := Dialog confirm:dialogMsg

                answer == #browse ifTrue:[
                    "/ param is either a collection of classes, or methods;

                    param := param collect:[:each | (each isKindOf:RBAbstractClass) ifTrue:[
                                                        each realClass
                                                    ] ifFalse:[
self error:'should not happen' mayProceed:true.
                                                        (each isKindOf:RBMethod) ifTrue:[
                                                        ] ifFalse:[

                    param first isBehavior ifTrue:[
                            label:'Classes affected by change'
                    ] ifFalse:[
                            label:'Methods affected by change'
                    answer := false
                    "/                    answer := Dialog confirm: (ex description last == $?
                    "/                                            ifTrue: [ex description]
                    "/                                            ifFalse: [ex description , '\Do you want to proceed?' withCRs]).
                answer ifTrue:[
                    ex proceed
            ] ifFalse:[
                param notNil ifTrue:[
                    (Dialog confirm:errMsg) ifTrue:[
                        ex parameter value
                ] ifFalse:[
                    ex mayProceed ifTrue:[
                            confirm:('Missing Precondition for refactoring:\\' withCRs , errMsg)
                            yesLabel:'Proceed Anyway'
                            ex proceed.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        Dialog warn:('Refactoring failed:\\' withCRs , errMsg)
            ex return
        do:[self topApplication withWaitCursorDo:aBlock]


    manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
    self changeRequest ifTrue:[
        manager redoOperation.


    manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
    self changeRequest ifTrue:[
        manager undoOperation.

    aChange execute


    aRefactoring isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    rslt := self
                        | changes |
                        aRefactoring isRefactoryChange ifTrue:[
                            changes := aRefactoring.
                            (UserPreferences current confirmRefactorings and:[changes shouldBeConfirmed]) ifTrue:[
                                changes := ChangeSetBrowser2 confirmChanges: changes.
                            RefactoryChangeManager performChange:changes.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            UserPreferences current confirmRefactorings ifTrue:[
                                aRefactoring primitiveExecute.
                                changes := aRefactoring changes.
                                changes changes size > 1 ifTrue:[
                                    changes := ChangeSetBrowser2 confirmChanges: changes.
                                    changes := (CompositeRefactoryChange named: (aRefactoring printString)) changes: changes.
                                RefactoryChangeManager performChange:changes.
                                RefactoringManager instance addRefactoring: aRefactoring performChanges: false.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                aRefactoring execute

    self enqueueDelayedUpdateCodeWithoutAutoSearch.
    ^ rslt

    "Modified: / 16-11-2006 / 19:34:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15-05-2012 / 13:12:18 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "return the selected class variable from either the variableList or
     the codeView. Return nil, if nothing is selected, or the selection is not
     a class variable."

    |varName cls|

    varName := self selectedClassVariableInCodeViewOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:varName.
        cls notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ varName

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifTrue:[
        varName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
        ^ varName.

    ^ nil.

    "return the selected instance variable from either the variableList or
     the codeView. Return nil, if nothing is selected, or the selection is not
     an instance variable."

    |varName cls|

    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableInCodeViewOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:varName.
        cls notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ varName.

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifFalse:[
        varName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
        ^ varName.

    ^ nil.

    | codeView |

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^1 to: 0].

    ^ codeView selectedInterval

    | undoString undoSize |

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifFalse:[^ self].

    undoString := Dialog request: 'Enter undo stack size:\(i.e.: Number of remembered operations)' withCRs
                         initialAnswer:(RefactoryChangeManager undoSize printString).

    undoSize := Integer readFrom:undoString onError:nil.
    undoSize isNil ifTrue: [^self].

    RefactoryChangeManager undoSize: undoSize

    ^ self class synchronousUpdate

    |mthd cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
        cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self codeAspect value ~= SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition ifTrue:[
            ^ self warn:'Select either a single class or a single method.'
        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    aOneArgBlock value:cls.

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:27:10 / cg"

    |currentMethod cls selector|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    cls := currentMethod mclass.
    selector := currentMethod selector.

    self assert:(cls notNil and:[selector notNil]) message:'no class/method'.

    aTwoArgBlock value:cls value:selector.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-debug'!

    "clear coverage information for selected classes"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedClassesDo:[:cls |
            InstrumentationInfo allInfosOfClass:cls do:[:info |
                info cleanInfoWithChange:false
    environment changed:#coverageInfo.
    self showCoverageInformation changed.   "/ to force update

commonTraceHelperWith:aSelector with:argumentOrNil clear:doClearAnyPreviousWrap
    "install a break/trace or countPoint for the current method(s).
     If doClearAnyPreviousWrap is true, a previous break/trace on that method is
     removed first.
     (it is as yet untested, if trace/break stacking works, as
     technicall, it may work, but the UI must handle wrapped-wrappedMethods gracefully..)"

    |anyHaltIgnored alsoRemoveStatementBreakpoints|

    alsoRemoveStatementBreakpoints := nil.    "/ tri-state !!
    anyHaltIgnored := false.
    self selectedMethodsDo:[:mthdArg |
        |mthd originalMethod cls sel wasWrapped|

        mthd := mthdArg.
        cls := mthd mclass.
        cls notNil ifTrue:[
            sel := mthd selector.
            wasWrapped := mthd isWrapped.

            doClearAnyPreviousWrap ifTrue:[
                wasWrapped ifTrue:[
                    originalMethod := mthd originalMethod.
                    mthd clearBreakPoint.
                    mthd := originalMethod.
                    sel isNil ifTrue:[sel := mthd selector].

            aSelector == #changeUpdateTrace ifTrue:[
                MessageTracer traceUpdateMethod:mthd on:Transcript
            ] ifFalse:[
                aSelector numArgs == 0 ifTrue:[
                    mthd perform:aSelector.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    mthd perform:aSelector with:argumentOrNil.

            (aSelector == #clearBreakPoint) ifTrue:[
                mthd isMethodWithBreakpoints ifTrue:[
                    (wasWrapped and:[alsoRemoveStatementBreakpoints isNil]) ifTrue:[
                        alsoRemoveStatementBreakpoints := Dialog confirm:'Also clear statement break/tracepoints?'.
                        alsoRemoveStatementBreakpoints isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
                    (wasWrapped not or:[alsoRemoveStatementBreakpoints == true]) ifTrue:[
                        mthd restoreOriginalMethod

"/            sel isNil ifTrue:[sel := mthd selector].
"/            (sel isNil
"/            and:[mthd isWrapped
"/            and:[(originalMethod := mthd originalMethod) notNil]]) ifTrue:[
"/                sel := originalMethod selector
"/            ].

            anyHaltIgnored := anyHaltIgnored

    anyHaltIgnored ifTrue:[
        (Dialog confirm:'Some halts/breakpoints are currently ignored (in the debugger).\Stop ignoring now?')
            DebugView stopIgnoringHalts

    "set a breakpoint on the selected method(s)"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#setBreakPoint with:nil clear:true.

    "set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
     the method has been invoked some number of times."

    |answer n|

    answer := DialogBox request:'Enter debugger after how many invocations:'.
    answer isNil ifTrue:[^self].
    n := Number readFrom:answer onError:nil.
    n isNil ifTrue:[^self].

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#breakPointAfter: with:n clear:true

    "set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
     the receiver is an instance or subInstance of some class"

    |mthd classList initialSelection class conditionBlock|

initialSelection := nil.
"/    LastBreakPointClassName notNil ifTrue:[
"/        initialSelection := LastBreakPointClassName.
"/    ].

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    classList := mthd mclass withAllSubclasses.
    classList sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    "/ resources := ResourcePack for:self class.

    Dialog modifyingBoxWith:[:box |
        box window minExtent:300@300.
    ] do:[
        class := Dialog
                     choose:(resources string:'Break for (Sub-)Instances of')
                     title:(resources string:'Break for some Instances only').

    class isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
"/    LastBreakPointClassName := class name.

    conditionBlock := [:context :method | context receiver isKindOf:class ].

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#breakPointIf: with:conditionBlock clear:true

    "set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
     some conditionBlock evaluates to true."

    |conditionBlockString conditionBlock dialog textHolder template|

    template :=
'"/ General breakpoint
"/ the following block should evaluate to true, if the breakPoint is to fire.
"/ Please change as required.
"/ Beginner warning: Smalltalk know-how is useful here.

counter := 0.

[:context :method |
    counter := counter + 1.

     "/ Define condition for breakpoint below:
     "/     Useful queries are:
     "/         - Processor activeProcess       the active process
     "/     Useful queries to the context are:
     "/         - receiver                      the receiver
     "/         - argAt:N                       the N''th argument
     "/         - receiver instVarNamed:''nm''  an instance variable in the receiver
     "/         - sender                        the sender context
     "/         - sender selector               the sender context''s selector
     "/         - sender receiver               the sender context''s receiver
     "/     Other Useful stuff:
     "/         - counter                       invocation counter

     "/ examples:

     "/ stop if the receiver is a NewSystemBrowser
     "/     (context receiver isMemberOf:NewSystemBrowser)

     "/ stop if some argument has a particular value
     "/     (context argAt:1) = ''hello''
     "/     (context argAt:1) isString and:[ (context argAt:1) startsWith:''foo'']
     "/     (context argAt:1) = 1234
     "/     (context argAt:1) = (context argAt:2)

     "/ stop if the sender is a Workspace
     "/     (context sender receiver isMemberOf:Workspace)

     "/ stop if an instance variable is true
     "/     ((context receiver instVarNamed:''foo'') == true)

     "/ stop if shift-key is pressed
     "/     Display shiftDown

     "/ stop after 5 calls (notice the scope of the counter variable, outside the block)
     "/     counter >= 5

     "/ stop always
     "/     true

    LastBreakPointConditionString isNil ifTrue:[
        LastBreakPointConditionString := template.

    "/ resources := ResourcePack for:self class.

    textHolder := ValueHolder new.
    dialog := Dialog
                 forRequestText:(resources string:'Enter condition for breakpoint')
    dialog addButton:(Button label:'Template' action:[textHolder value:template. textHolder changed:#value.]).
    dialog open.
    dialog accepted ifFalse:[^ self].

    conditionBlockString := textHolder value.
    LastBreakPointConditionString := conditionBlockString.

    conditionBlock := Parser evaluate:conditionBlockString.
    conditionBlock isBlock ifFalse:[
        self error:'bad input'.
        ^ self

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#breakPointIf: with:conditionBlock clear:true

    "Modified: / 14-02-2012 / 11:14:24 / cg"

    "set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
     executed by some particular process."

    |processes processNames box windowGroups selectedProcessIndex|

    windowGroups := WindowGroup allInstances.

    processes := ProcessorScheduler knownProcesses asOrderedCollection.
    processes := processes select:[:aProcess |
                        aProcess notNil
                        and:[aProcess isDead not]
    processes := processes sort:[:a :b | a id < b id].
    processNames := processes collect:[:aProcess |
                        |pName theGroup topViews topView topLabel winLabel
                         busyOrNot iconifiedOrNot sensor pending |

                        pName := aProcess nameOrId.

                        "/ if its a windowGroup process,
                        "/ fetch its first topViews name and add.
                        "/ (allows selecting among multiple browsers ...)
                        winLabel := ''.

                        theGroup := windowGroups detect:[:g | g process == aProcess] ifNone:nil.
                        theGroup notNil ifTrue:[
                            theGroup isModal ifTrue:[theGroup := (theGroup previousGroup ? theGroup)].
                            topViews := theGroup topViews select:[:v | v isTopView].
                            topViews size > 0 ifTrue:[
                                topView := topViews detect:[:v | v isCollapsed not] ifNone:nil.
                                topView isNil ifTrue:[ topView := topViews detect:[:v | v application notNil] ifNone:nil].
                                topView isNil ifTrue:[ topView := topViews first ].
                                topLabel := (topView label ? '').

                                busyOrNot := ''.
                                aProcess isDebugged ifTrue:[
                                    busyOrNot := ' debug'
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    (sensor := theGroup sensor) notNil ifTrue:[
                                        (pending := sensor pendingEvent) notNil ifTrue:[
                                            (Timestamp now secondDeltaFrom: pending timeStamp) > 1 ifTrue:[
                                                (aProcess isDebugged) ifTrue:[
                                                    busyOrNot := ' debug'
                                                ] ifFalse:[
                                                    busyOrNot := ' busy'
                                iconifiedOrNot := ''.
                                topView isCollapsed ifTrue:[
                                    iconifiedOrNot := ' iconified' colorizeAllWith:Color blue.
                                busyOrNot notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
                                    busyOrNot := busyOrNot allBold colorizeAllWith:Color red
                                winLabel := '  ("' , topLabel , '"',busyOrNot,iconifiedOrNot, ')'
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            (aProcess isDebugged) ifTrue:[
                                winLabel := ' (debug)' allBold colorizeAllWith:Color red
                        aProcess id printString , ' [' , pName , ']' , winLabel

    "/ let user specify which one ...

    box := ListSelectionBox new.
    box noEnterField.
    box list:processNames.
    box label:(resources string:'process selection').
    box title:(resources
                string:'Stop if method is executed by process:\\(current process is %1)'
                with:(Processor activeProcess id)
                with:(Processor activeProcess nameOrId)) withCRs.
    box action:[:selection | selectedProcessIndex := box selectionIndex].
    box initialSelection:(processes identityIndexOf:Processor activeProcess).
    box extent:(450 @ 350).
    box showAtPointer.
    box destroy.

    selectedProcessIndex notNil ifTrue:[
            with:(processes at:selectedProcessIndex)

    "Created: / 14-10-1996 / 15:40:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-02-1998 / 12:39:38 / stefan"
    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 11:15:52 / cg"

    "clear all coverage information"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        InstrumentedMethod cleanAllInfoWithChange:false
    environment changed:#coverageInfo.
    self showCoverageInformation changed.   "/ to force update

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 19:00:32 / cg"

    InstrumentationContext setGlobalInstrumentationContext:nil

    "Created: / 21-09-2011 / 19:17:45 / cg"

    InstrumentationContext new

    "Created: / 21-09-2011 / 19:17:42 / cg"

    "open an OOM CallGraph view on the selected class(es)"

    self debugMenuOpenCallGraphForClasses:(self selectedClassesValue).

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 14:07:58 / cg"

    "open an OOM CallGraph view on the selected class(es)"


    methods := classes collectAll:[:cls | cls instAndClassMethods].
    self debugMenuOpenCallGraphForMethods:methods.

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 14:09:29 / cg"

    "open an OOM CallGraph view on the selected class(es)"

    |callingMethods allMethods|

    OOM::MetricVisualizer isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog information:'Missing class: OOM::MetricVisualizer'.
        ^ self.

    callingMethods := Set new.
        do:[:eachMethod |

            InstrumentingCompiler callersOf:eachMethod do:[:callingMethod |
                callingMethod == eachMethod ifFalse:[
                    callingMethods add:callingMethod

    callingMethods removeAllFoundIn:methods.
    callingMethods do:[:caller |
        "/ dont do primitives...
        caller hasPrimitiveCode ifFalse:[
            caller mclass notNil ifTrue:[
                caller isInstrumented ifFalse:[
                    InstrumentingCompiler compileMethod:caller

    allMethods := Set withAll:methods.
    allMethods addAll:callingMethods.

        setupWith:[:viewer | viewer set_DynamicMethodInvocationDiagram]

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 14:07:07 / cg"

    "open an OOM CallGraph view on the selected project(s) classes"

    self debugMenuOpenCallGraphForClasses:(self selectedProjectClasses).

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 14:08:02 / cg"

    "remove all breakpoints in the system"

    self withExecuteCursorDo:[
        (MessageTracer notNil and:[MessageTracer isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
            MessageTracer unwrapAllMethods.
        (MethodWithBreakpoints notNil and:[MessageTracer isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
            MethodWithBreakpoints removeAllBreakpoints.

    "remove any break/trace on the selected method(s)"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#clearBreakPoint with:nil clear:false.

    "set a countpoint on the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#startCounting with:nil clear:true

    "set a countpoint for memory usage on the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#startCountingByReceiverClass with:nil clear:true

    "set a countpoint for memory usage on the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#startCountingMemoryUsage with:nil clear:true

    "set a timing on the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#startTiming with:nil clear:true

    "show the number of invocations & remove a countpoint on the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#stopCounting with:nil clear:true

    "stop counting of memory usage for this method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#stopCountingMemoryUsage with:nil clear:true.

    "stop timing the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#stopTiming with:nil clear:true

    "set a tracepoint on the selected method(s)"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#setTracePoint with:nil clear:true.

    "set a change-update tracepoint on the selected method(s).
     Like a regular trace, but knows about the observer pattern"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#changeUpdateTrace with:nil clear:true.

    "set a full-tracepoint on the selected method(s)"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#setTraceFullPoint with:nil clear:true.

    "set a sender-tracepoint on the selected method(s)"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#setTraceSenderPoint with:nil clear:true.

    "automatically generated by UIEditor ..."

    "*** the code below performs no action"
    "*** (except for some feedback on the Transcript)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept in the browser."
    "*** (and replace this comment by something more useful ;-)"

    "action to be added ..."

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#setTracelog with:nil clear:true.

    "Modified: / 15-03-2013 / 11:08:47 / Jan Vrany <>"

    Dialog warn: 'Sorry, not yet implemented'

    "Modified: / 15-03-2013 / 11:09:13 / Jan Vrany <>"

    Dialog warn: 'Sorry, not yet implemented'

    "Modified: / 15-03-2013 / 11:09:21 / Jan Vrany <>"

    Dialog warn: 'Sorry, not yet implemented'

    "Modified: / 15-03-2013 / 11:09:26 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "run selected testcases (not opening a debugger on error)"

    self runTestCasesWithDebug:false

    "Modified: / 05-08-2006 / 17:32:19 / cg"

    "run selected testcases for coverage tests;
     First, compile all affected testee-classes with instrumentation,
     then run the tests, then open a browser on the tested classes."

    |testedClasses browser|

    testedClasses := Set new.
    self selectedNonAbstractTestCaseClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        testedClasses addAll:(eachClass coveredClasses).
    testedClasses do:[:eachClass |
        self recompileClassWithInstrumentation:eachClass

    self infoLabelHolder value:nil.
    self askForGlobalCoverageRecording.
    self runTestCasesWithDebug:false protocols:nil.

    browser := self class browseClasses:testedClasses.
    browser showCoverageInformation value:true.
    browser windowLabel:'Coverage Info after Test Execution'.

    "Modified: / 10-08-2010 / 14:36:51 / cg"

    "run selected testcases (opening a debugger on error)"

    self runTestCasesWithDebug:true

    "Created: / 05-08-2006 / 17:32:24 / cg"

    "run selected testcases"

    ^ self runTestCasesWithDebug:withDebug protocols:self selectedProtocolsValue.

runTestCasesWithDebug:withDebug protocols:protocolsOrNil
    "run selected testcases"


    embeddedTestRunner := self navigationState applicationOfComponent:#TestRunnerEmbedded.
    embeddedTestRunner notNil ifTrue:[
        withDebug ifTrue:[
            embeddedTestRunner runWithDebug
            "/ embeddedTestRunner debug
        ] ifFalse:[
            embeddedTestRunner run
        ^ self

                selectedNonAbstractTestCaseClassesDo:[:cls |
                    |isCompleteSuite suite selectors toRun result|

                    (protocolsOrNil isEmptyOrNil
                        or:[ protocolsOrNil includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL ])
                                isCompleteSuite := true.
                                suite := cls buildSuite.
                                isCompleteSuite := false.
                                (selectors := self selectedSelectors) isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
                                    selectors := OrderedCollection new.
                                        selectedProtocolMethodsDo:[:cls :category :sel :mthd |
                                            (cls isTestCaseLike and:[ cls isAbstract not ]) ifTrue:[
                                                (cls isTestSelector:sel) ifTrue:[
                                                    selectors add:sel
                                suite := cls buildSuiteFromMethods:selectors.
                    self busyLabel:'running test %1 ...' with:cls name.
                    toRun := suite tests size.
                    withDebug ifTrue:[
                        result := TestResultForRunWithDebug new.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        result := TestResult new.
                        beforeEachDo:[:case :result |
                            self showInfo:('To Run: %1 ; executing %2...' bindWith:toRun
                                        with:case printString).
                        afterEachDo:[:case :result | toRun := toRun - 1. ]
                        debug: withDebug.

                    result hasPassed ifTrue:[
                        result passedCount > 0 ifTrue:[
                            self showInfo:(result printString asText colorizeAllWith:Color black
                                        on:Color green).
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        self showInfo:(result printString asText colorizeAllWith:Color black
                                    on:Color red).
        ] benchmark:'test exec time: '.
    ] ensure:[ self normalLabel ].

    "Created: / 05-08-2006 / 17:32:06 / cg"
    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 14:07:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 21-08-2011 / 13:54:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 26-12-2013 / 22:01:37 / f.urbach"

    "run selected testcases for coverage tests;
     First, compile all affected testee-classes with instrumentation,
     then run the tests, then open a browser on the tested classes."


    selectedClasses := self selectedClassesValue.
    selectedClasses isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        selectedClasses := self selectedCategoryClasses

    selectedClasses do:[:eachClass |

        cls := eachClass.
        cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
            cls := eachClass autoload.
        cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
        (cls isTestCaseLike and:[cls isAbstract not]) ifTrue:[
            aBlock value:cls

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:52:45 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-help'!

    HTMLDocumentView openFullOnDocumentationFile:'overview/basicClasses/TOP.html'

    HTMLDocumentView openFullOnDocumentationFile:'tools/newbrowser/TOP.html'

    HTMLDocumentView openFullOnDocumentationFile:'index.html'

    HTMLDocumentView openFullOnDocumentationFile:'tools/newbrowser/refactorings.html'

    HTMLDocumentView openFullOnDocumentationFile:'TOP.html'
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-inheritance'!

    self switchToClass:(navigationState inheritanceView scrolledView selectionHolder value)

    self updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibility
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-methodList'!

    "check the selected methods class(es) into the source repository."

    <resource: #obsolete> "use ...Using:manager variant"


    classes := self selectedMethodsClasses asOrderedCollection.

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 18-11-2011 / 18:49:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 09:12:37 / cg"

methodListMenuCheckInClassUsingManager: manager
    "check the selected methods class(es) into the source repository."


    classes := self selectedMethodsClasses asOrderedCollection.

    ^ self
        usingManager: manager.

    "Created: / 18-11-2011 / 18:49:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:18:09 / cg"

methodListMenuCheckInClassUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
    "check the selected methods class(es) into the source repository."


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    ^self methodListMenuCheckInClassUsingManager: mgr

    "copy the method list to the clipBoard "


    text := (self methodListApp methodList collect:[:mthd | mthd whoString]) asStringCollection asString.
    self window setClipboardText:text

    "copy the list of classes to the clipBoard "


    text := (self methodListApp methodList collect:[:mthd | mthd mclass name] as:Set) asStringCollection asString.
    self window setClipboardText:text

    "Created: / 09-10-2006 / 12:41:05 / cg"

    "fileOut all methods from the list - standard format"

    ^ self methodListMenuFileOutAllAsWithFormat:nil

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 17:53:09 / cg"

    "fileOut all methods from the list -  file format as specified by the argument:
        nil     - standard format
        #xml    - XML standard format
        #sif    - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
        #binary - ST/X binary format


    methods := self methodListApp methodList.
    methods size == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

        boxTitle:'FileOut all listed methods as:'

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 17:53:22 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.11.2001 / 18:00:20 / cg"

    "fileOut all methods from the list - sif format"

    ^ self methodListMenuFileOutAllAsWithFormat:#sif

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 17:53:33 / cg"

    "fileOut all methods from the list - xml format"

    ^ self methodListMenuFileOutAllAsWithFormat:#xml

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 17:53:43 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing references to any of the selected classes or any of its subclasses"

    self spawnClassOrSubclassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedMethodsClasses) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 12:13:16 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing references to any of the selected classes"

    self spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedMethodsClasses) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 12:12:47 / cg"

    "add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected methods' common superclass"

    ^ self spawnWithCommonSuperclassOf:(self selectedMethodsClasses) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 10:18:01 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing references to the selected classes or any of its subclass"

    self spawnClassOrSubclassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedMethodsClasses) in:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 12:15:26 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing references to the selected classes "

    self spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedMethodsClasses) in:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 12:14:45 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected methodss classes"

    ^ self methodListMenuSpawnClasses:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected methods classes"


    classes := self selectedMethodsClasses asOrderedCollection.
    ^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:where select:false

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 09:09:44 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected methodss classes"

    ^ self methodListMenuSpawnClasses:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected methods' common superclass"

    ^ self spawnWithCommonSuperclassOf:(self selectedMethodsClasses) in:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 28-02-2012 / 10:15:54 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected methodss classes"

    ^ self methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowserIn:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer showing the selected methodss classes"

    ^ self methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowserIn:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected methods classes"

    |methods classes brwsr anyMeta anyNonMeta|

    methods := self selectedMethodsValue.
    classes := self selectedMethodsClasses asOrderedCollection.
    brwsr := self spawnFullBrowserInClass:nil selector:nil in:where.

    classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
        brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
        brwsr selectedCategories value:(classes collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass category] as:Set) asOrderedCollection.
        anyNonMeta := classes contains:[:any | any isMeta not].
        anyMeta := classes contains:[:any | any isMeta].
        anyMeta ifFalse:[
            brwsr selectedClasses value:classes
        ] ifTrue:[
            anyNonMeta ifFalse:[
                brwsr meta value:true.
                brwsr selectedClasses value:classes.
        methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
            brwsr selectProtocols:(methods collect:[:each | each category]) asSet asOrderedCollection.
            brwsr selectedMethods value:methods
        brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.
    ^ brwsr

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:27:44 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-namespace'!

    "check-out all classes in the selected nameSpace from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    |selectedNameSpaces selectedNameSpaceClasses|

    selectedNameSpaces := self selectedNamespaces value.
    selectedNameSpaceClasses := environment allClasses select:[:eachClass |
                                                                  eachClass isPrivate not
                                                                  and:[selectedNameSpaces includes:eachClass nameSpace name]
                                                             ] .

    self checkOutClasses:selectedNameSpaceClasses askForRevision:true


    |nm ns existing|

    nm := Dialog request:(resources string:'Name of new NameSpace:').
    (nm isNil or:[(nm := nm withoutSeparators) size == 0]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    existing := environment at:nm asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
    existing notNil ifTrue:[
        existing isNameSpace ifTrue:[
            self warn:'A NameSpace named ''%1'' alread exists.' with:nm.
            ^ self
        existing isBehavior ifFalse:[
            self warn:'A class named ''%1'' alread exists.' with:nm.
            ^ self
        self warn:'A global named ''%1'' alread exists.\(Currently bound to %2)' with:nm with:existing classNameWithArticle.
        ^ self
    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:Smalltalk do:[
        ns := NameSpace fullName:nm.
    ns isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Could not create new NameSpace ''%1''.' with:nm.
        ^ self
    self selectedNamespaces value:(Array with:nm)

    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:45:21 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "remove the selected namespace(s)"

    self selectedNamespacesValue do:[:nm |

        nm ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[
            ns := environment at:nm asSymbol.
            environment removeClass:ns.

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

    "open a browser showing the selected namespaces only"

    self spawnNamespaceBrowserFor:(self selectedNamespacesValue) in:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:25:28 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected namespaces only"

    self spawnNamespaceBrowserFor:(self selectedNamespacesValue) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:25:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 14:57:04 / cg"

    self nameSpaceListApp forceUpdateList

spawnNamespaceBrowserFor:namespaces in:where
    "browse selected namespace(s);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the namespaces
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the namespaces"

    |spec namespaceList singleSelection selectedClasses|

    (singleSelection := namespaces size == 1) ifTrue:[
        spec := #singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec.
        spec := #singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec.
    ] ifFalse:[
        spec := #multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec.
        spec := #multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec.

    namespaceList := namespaces copy.
    selectedClasses := self selectedClassesValue.

        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            "/ setup for a constant list ...

            "/ brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
            brwsr organizerMode value:(OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace).
            brwsr nameSpaceListGenerator value:namespaceList.
            brwsr selectNamespaces:(singleSelection ifTrue:[namespaceList] ifFalse:[#()]).
            "/ brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:53:04 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-other'!

    self codeView editModeInsert

    self codeView editModeInsertAndSelect

    self codeView editModeOverwrite


    ^self openSettingsDialogAndSelect: nil

    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 12:38:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15-10-2011 / 12:01:20 / Jan Vrany <>"

openSettingsDialogAndSelect: settingsClassToSelectOrNil

    settingsList :=
        OrderedCollection new
                    #('Editor'                  #'AbstractSettingsApplication::EditSettingsAppl'                )
                    #('Editor/Code Editor 2'    #'Tools::CodeView2SettingsAppl'                                 )
                    #('Editor/Syntax Color'     #'AbstractSettingsApplication::SyntaxColorSettingsAppl'         )
                    #('Editor/Code Format'      #'AbstractSettingsApplication::SourceCodeFormatSettingsAppl'    )
                    #('System Browser'          #'AbstractSettingsApplication::SystemBrowserSettingsAppl'       )
                    #('Compiler'                #'AbstractSettingsApplication::GeneralCompilerSettingsAppl'     )
                    #('Compiler/ByteCode'       #'AbstractSettingsApplication::ByteCodeCompilerSettingsAppl'    )
                    #('Source Code Management'  #'AbstractSettingsApplication::SourceCodeManagementSettingsAppl')
                "/ see initializeSettingsList for how the following is expanded...
                {'Source Code Management/[% managerTypeName]' .
                                        [ AbstractSourceCodeManager availableManagers
                                                     collect:[:each | each settingsApplicationClass] ] .
                                                                                      '[% defaultIcon]' };

        openWithList:(AbstractLauncherApplication expandSettingsList: settingsList)
        label:(resources string:'System Browser Settings')

    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 12:01:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 14-02-2012 / 15:35:18 / cg"


    self openSettingsDialogAndSelect: AbstractSettingsApplication::SourceCodeManagementSettingsAppl

    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 12:38:07 / cg"
    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 12:02:26 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self codeView toggleLearnMode
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-project'!

    self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass isProjectDefinition ifTrue:[
            self projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject:eachClass package usingManager:nil.

    "Created: / 09-08-2006 / 19:04:52 / fm"
    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:53:28 / cg"

    self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass isProjectDefinition ifTrue:[
            self projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject:eachClass package definition:eachClass usingManager:aManagerOrNil

    "Modified: / 11-10-2011 / 23:16:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:28:09 / cg"


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self classMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 22-12-2011 / 14:04:45 / cg"


    stream := '' writeStream.
    self selectedClassesValue do:[:cls |
        stream nextPutLine:(cls theNonMetaclass name)

    self window setClipboardText:stream contents


    stream := '' writeStream.
    self selectedClassesValue do:[:cls |
        cls theNonMetaclass fileOutOn:stream.

    self window setClipboardText:stream contents

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:46:11 / cg"

    self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass isProjectDefinition ifTrue:[
            self projectMenuFileOutBuildSupportFilesForProject:eachClass package



    PerforceSourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
        utilities := PerforceSourceCodeManager utilities.

        self withActivityNotificationsRedirectedToInfoLabelDo:[
            utilities submit.
    "Created: / 09-08-2006 / 19:04:52 / fm"
    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:53:28 / cg"

    "ask for two tags, generate a patchSet to bring a baseSystem (tag1) to the
     level of the tag2 version"

    |baseVersionTag patchVersionTag knownTags|

    ((classes size <= 10)
        or:[ |answer|
             answer := Dialog
                        confirmWithCancel:'Fetch known tags to choose from all classes?\(this may take some time)' withCRs
             answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
             answer == true
    ) ifTrue:[
        "/ fetch from all classes
        knownTags := self allKnownTagsInClasses:classes.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ only fetch from ProjectDefinitionClasses
        knownTags := self allKnownTagsInClasses:(classes select:[:cls | cls isProjectDefinition]).

    baseVersionTag := Dialog request:'Tag of Base Version:' initialAnswer:LastBaseVersionTag list:knownTags.
    baseVersionTag isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    patchVersionTag := Dialog request:'Tag of Patch Version:' initialAnswer:LastTag list:knownTags.
    patchVersionTag isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    LastBaseVersionTag := baseVersionTag.
    LastTag := patchVersionTag.
    self generatePatchSetForClasses:classes from:baseVersionTag to:patchVersionTag.

    "Created: / 08-02-2011 / 09:31:22 / cg"

generatePatchSetForClasses:classes from:baseVersionTag to:patchVersionTag
    "given two tags, generate a patchSet to bring a baseSystem (tag1) to the
     level of the tag2 version"

    |fullPatchSet answer fileName buttonLabels buttonValues|

    fullPatchSet := ChangeSet new.

    classes do:[:eachClass |
        |tagRevisionMapping baseVersion patchVersion baseVersionSource patchVersionSource
         baseChangeSet patchChangeSet diffSet thisPatchSet|

        tagRevisionMapping := eachClass sourceCodeManager knownTagsAndRevisionsFor:eachClass.
        (tagRevisionMapping includesKey:patchVersionTag) ifTrue:[
            (tagRevisionMapping includesKey:baseVersionTag) ifTrue:[
                "/ versions?
                baseVersion := tagRevisionMapping at:baseVersionTag.
                patchVersion := tagRevisionMapping at:patchVersionTag.

                baseVersion ~= patchVersion ifTrue:[
                    "/ change-sets...
                    baseVersionSource := self getClassSourceFor:eachClass revision:baseVersionTag.
                    patchVersionSource := self getClassSourceFor:eachClass revision:patchVersionTag.

                    (baseVersionSource notNil and:[patchVersionSource notNil]) ifTrue:[
                        baseChangeSet := ChangeSet fromStream:baseVersionSource readStream.
                        patchChangeSet := ChangeSet fromStream:patchVersionSource readStream.

                    diffSet := baseChangeSet diffSetsAgainst:patchChangeSet.
                    thisPatchSet := ChangeSet fromDiffSet:diffSet.

                    fullPatchSet addAll:thisPatchSet.
    fullPatchSet size == 0 ifTrue:[
        Dialog information:'Patch-Set is empty; nothing to generate.'.
        ^ self.

    Expecco::KeyFileGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
        buttonLabels := #('Cancel' 'Browse' 'Save as Patch...' ).
        buttonValues := #(nil browse saveAsPatchFile ).
    ] ifFalse:[
        buttonLabels := #('Cancel' 'Browse' 'Save as Signed Patch...' 'Save as Patch...' ).
        buttonValues := #(nil browse saveAsSignedPatchFile saveAsPatchFile ).

    answer := OptionBox
        request:('PatchSet contains %1 individual changes.\\Proceed how?' bindWith:fullPatchSet size) withCRs
        label:'Patch-Set Generated'
        buttonLabels:(resources array:buttonLabels)

    (answer isNil) ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

    answer == #browse ifTrue:[
        (UserPreferences current changeSetBrowserClass) openOn:fullPatchSet.
        ^ self.

    fileName := Dialog
                    requestFileNameForSave:'Name of PatchFile'
                    default:('%1_to_%2.patch' bindWith:baseVersionTag with:patchVersionTag).
    answer == #saveAsPatchFile ifTrue:[
        fullPatchSet saveToFile:fileName.
        ^ self.
    answer == #saveAsSignedPatchFile ifTrue:[
        fullPatchSet saveSignedToFile:fileName.
        ^ self.

    "Created: / 08-02-2011 / 09:44:36 / cg"
    "Modified: / 01-07-2011 / 16:34:21 / cg"

    "update all definitions (contents + version stuff)"

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate Project Definitions'
        via:[:generator :eachClass |
            eachClass theNonMetaclass

"/            Class packageQuerySignal
"/                answer:eachClass package
"/                do:[
"/                    eachClass theNonMetaclass
"/                        forEachMethodsCodeToCompileDo:
"/                            [:code :category |
"/                                generator
"/                                    compile:code
"/                                    forClass:eachClass theMetaclass
"/                                    inCategory:category.
"/                            ]
"/                        ignoreOldDefinition:false
"/                ].

    "Created: / 10-08-2006 / 16:33:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14-09-2006 / 10:53:13 / cg"

mailClasses:classes subject:subject
    "fileOut classes (chunk format) and eMail to someone"

    |tempFile stream|

        tempFile := Filename newTemporary.
            stream := tempFile writeStream.

            classes do:[:cls |
                cls theNonMetaclass fileOutOn:stream.
        ] ensure:[
            stream close.
        self sendFileViaEmail:tempFile subject:subject.
    ] ensure:[
        tempFile delete

    "Created: / 20-09-2007 / 15:01:42 / cg"

openRepositoryConsistencyDialogForObsoleteContainers:obsoleteContainers classesWithRepositoryMismatches:classesWithRepositoryMismatches classesWithMissingContainer:classesWithMissingContainer classesWhichHaveBeenModified:classesWhichHaveBeenModified classesWithNewerVersionInRepository:classesWithNewerVersionInRepository needExtensionsContainer:needExtensionsContainer hasExtensionContainer:hasExtensionContainer
    |bindings listOfObsoleteContainers listOfObsoleteContainerAssocs menuPerformer|

    needExtensionsContainer ~~ hasExtensionContainer ifTrue:[
        self halt
    listOfObsoleteContainers := OrderedCollection new.
    listOfObsoleteContainerAssocs := OrderedCollection new.
    obsoleteContainers do:[:eachAssoc |
        eachAssoc value do:[:eachObsolete |
            listOfObsoleteContainerAssocs add:eachAssoc key -> eachObsolete.
            listOfObsoleteContainers add:eachObsolete , ' (in ' , eachAssoc key , ')'
    bindings := IdentityDictionary new.
    bindings at:#listOfObsoleteContainers put:listOfObsoleteContainers.
    bindings at:#listOfClassesWithRepositoryMismatches
    bindings at:#listOfClassesWithMissingContainer
    bindings at:#listOfClassesWhichHaveBeenModified
    bindings at:#listOfClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository
    bindings at:#obsoleteContainersBoxVisible
        put:listOfObsoleteContainers size > 0.
    bindings at:#classesWithInvalidInfoBoxVisible
        put:classesWithRepositoryMismatches size > 0.
    bindings at:#classesWithoutContainerBoxVisible
        put:classesWithMissingContainer size > 0.
    bindings at:#classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedBoxVisible
        put:classesWhichHaveBeenModified size > 0.
    bindings at:#classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryBoxVisible
        put:classesWithNewerVersionInRepository size > 0.
    bindings at:#selectedClassesWithMissingContainer put:ValueHolder new.
    bindings at:#selectedClassesWithRepositoryMismatches put:ValueHolder new.
    bindings at:#selectedObsoleteContainers put:ValueHolder new.
    bindings at:#selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified put:ValueHolder new.
    bindings at:#selectedClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository
        put:ValueHolder new.
    menuPerformer := Plug new.
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenuFileOutAs

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithMissingContainer) value
                        collect:[:idx | classesWithMissingContainer at:idx].
            classes do:[:cls |
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenuCheckIn

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithMissingContainer) value
                        collect:[:idx | classesWithMissingContainer at:idx].
            SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenuSpawnClass

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithMissingContainer) value
                        collect:[:idx | classesWithMissingContainer at:idx].
            self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBrowser
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenuRemove
            |classes classesToRemove|

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithMissingContainer) value
                        collect:[:idx | classesWithMissingContainer at:idx].
            classes do:[:cls |
                classesToRemove := OrderedCollection new.
                self removeClasses:classesToRemove pullUpSubclasses:false
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu2SpawnClass

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository)
                        value collect:[:idx | classesWithNewerVersionInRepository at:idx].
            self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBrowser
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu2CheckOutNewest

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository)
                        value collect:[:idx | classesWithNewerVersionInRepository at:idx].
            self checkOutClasses:classes askForRevision:false
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu2CompareAgainstNewestInRepository

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository)
                        value collect:[:idx | classesWithNewerVersionInRepository at:idx].
            classes do:[:cls |
                self compareAgainstNewestInRepository:cls
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu3FileOutAs

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified) value
                        collect:[:idx | classesWhichHaveBeenModified at:idx].
            classes do:[:cls |
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu3CheckIn

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified) value
                        collect:[:idx | classesWhichHaveBeenModified at:idx].

            SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu3SpawnClass

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified) value
                        collect:[:idx | classesWhichHaveBeenModified at:idx].
            self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBrowser
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu3CompareAgainstNewestInRepository

            classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified) value
                        collect:[:idx | classesWhichHaveBeenModified at:idx].
            classes do:[:cls |
                self compareAgainstNewestInRepository:cls
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu4CheckOut

            containers := (bindings at:#selectedObsoleteContainers) value.
            containers do:[:container |
                |def packageID moduleDir packageDir fileName|

                def := listOfObsoleteContainerAssocs at:container.
                packageID := def key.
                moduleDir := packageID upTo:$:.
                packageDir := packageID copyFrom:moduleDir size + 2.
                fileName := def value.

                "/ check out that module ...
                    andDo:[:tempDir |
                        "/                                       (Dialog confirm:'FileIn ' , fileName , ' ?') ifTrue:[

                        Smalltalk fileIn:(tempDir asFilename construct:fileName)
                        "/                                       ]
    bindings at:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
        put:self class classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu.
    bindings at:#classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu
        put:self class classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu.
    bindings at:#classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu
        put:self class classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu.
    bindings at:#obsoleteContainersPopupMenu
        put:self class obsoleteContainersPopupMenu.
    bindings at:#dialogMenuPerformer put:menuPerformer.

    SimpleDialog new
        openSpec:(self class repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec)

    "Modified: / 23-08-2006 / 14:08:28 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 01-07-2011 / 17:16:31 / cg"


    projectClasses := OrderedCollection new.
    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageID |
        |defClass answer|

        defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:packageID createIfAbsent:false.
        defClass isNil ifTrue:[
            answer := Dialog
                                stringWithCRs:'Missing ProjectDefinition for %1\\Create ?'
                                with:packageID allBold)
                        withCancel:(self selectedProjects value size > 1)
                        default: true.
            answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self ].
            answer == true ifTrue:[
                defClass := self projectDefinitionDialogFor:packageID.
        defClass notNil ifTrue:[
            projectClasses add:defClass.

    ^ projectClasses

    "Created: / 15-09-2006 / 16:46:27 / cg"

    |boxLabel box initial newProjectID currentProject label nameField typeField
     packageIDHolder projectTypeHolder
     projectDefinitionClass y defaultProjectType setupDefaultType|

    setupDefaultType :=
        [:package |

            classesInPackage := environment allClassesInPackage:package.
            classesInPackage isEmpty ifTrue:[
                defaultProjectType := LastNewProjectType ? ProjectDefinition guiApplicationType
            ] ifFalse:[
                (classesInPackage contains:[:cls | cls isBrowserStartable]) ifTrue:[
                    (classesInPackage contains:[:cls | cls isVisualStartable])
                        ifTrue:[ defaultProjectType := ProjectDefinition guiApplicationType]
                        ifFalse:[ defaultProjectType := ProjectDefinition nonGuiApplicationType]
                ] ifFalse:[
                    defaultProjectType := ProjectDefinition libraryType

    aProjectIDOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        initial := aProjectIDOrNil.
        boxLabel := 'Create ProjectDefinition Class'.

        setupDefaultType value:aProjectIDOrNil.
    ] ifFalse:[
        initial := 'module:directory'.
        currentProject := self theSingleSelectedProject.
        (currentProject notNil and:[ currentProject ~= PackageId noProjectID ]) ifTrue:[
            initial := currentProject.
            (initial includes:$:) ifTrue:[
                (ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:initial) notNil ifTrue:[
                    initial := initial , '/','newProject' allBold.
            ] ifFalse:[
                initial := initial , ':module/','newProject' allBold.
        ] ifFalse:[
            initial := OperatingSystem getLoginName , ':module/','newProject' allBold.

        defaultProjectType := ProjectDefinition defaultProjectType.
        setupDefaultType value:initial.
        boxLabel := 'Create New Project'.

    packageIDHolder := ValueHolder with:initial.
    projectTypeHolder := defaultProjectType asValue.

    box := DialogBox new.
    box label:(resources string:boxLabel).

    y := box yPosition.
    box addVerticalSpace.
    label := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Package-ID (module:directory):') adjust:#right.
    label width:0.3; left:0.0; leftInset:3.

    box yPosition:y.
    nameField := box addInputFieldOn:packageIDHolder tabable:true.
    nameField width:0.7; left:0.3; rightInset:3.
    aProjectIDOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        nameField readOnly:true.
    ] ifFalse:[
        nameField acceptOnLeave:true.
        nameField immediateAccept:true.
        nameField entryCompletionBlock:(DoWhatIMeanSupport packageNameEntryCompletionBlock).
    (initial includesString:'module/') ifTrue:[
        nameField selectFrom:(initial findString:'module').
    ] ifFalse:[
        (initial includesString:'newProject') ifTrue:[
            nameField selectFrom:(initial findString:'newProject').

    y := box yPosition.
    box addVerticalSpace.
    label := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Type:') adjust:#right.
    label width:0.3; left:0.0; leftInset:3.
    box yPosition:y.

    typeField := box addComboListOn:projectTypeHolder tabable:true.
    typeField width:0.7; left:0.3; rightInset:3.
    typeField list:(ProjectDefinition projectTypes).

    box addVerticalSpace.
    box addAbortButton; addOkButtonLabelled:(resources string:'Create').
    box minExtent:400@(box height).

    box open.

    box accepted ifFalse:[
        ^ nil

    LastNewProjectType := projectTypeHolder value.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        aProjectIDOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
            newProjectID := aProjectIDOrNil.
        ] ifFalse:[
            newProjectID := packageIDHolder value.
            newProjectID notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
                newProjectID := newProjectID string.
                "/ self immediateUpdate value:true.
                self projectListApp addAdditionalProject:newProjectID.
                "/ self immediateUpdate value:false.
                self selectProject:newProjectID.
                self selectedClasses value:#().
        projectDefinitionClass := ProjectDefinition
                                    projectType: (projectTypeHolder value)
    ^ projectDefinitionClass

    "Modified: / 20-07-2012 / 19:42:48 / cg"

    self projectMenuBitmapFilesUsingManager:SourceCodeManager

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

    "open a filebrowser in the package directory"

    UserPreferences fileBrowserClass
        openIn:(self theSingleSelectedProject asPackageId packageDirectory)

    self projectMenuBuildExeOnly:false

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 13:53:52 / cg"

    self projectMenuBuildExeOnly:true

    "Created: / 21-01-2012 / 13:54:00 / cg"

    |projectToBuild projectDefinitionClasses projectDefinition projectBuilder buildDir|

    projectToBuild := self theSingleSelectedProject.
    projectDefinitionClasses := self projectDefinitionClassesForSelectedProjects.

    projectDefinition := projectDefinitionClasses firstIfEmpty:nil.
    projectDefinition isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    Tools::ProjectBuilderAssistantApplication new
        projectType:projectDefinition projectType.

    Transcript isView ifTrue:[
        Transcript topView raise.

    projectBuilder := Tools::ProjectBuilder new.
        "/ build

    buildDir := projectToBuild asPackageId pathRelativeToTopDirectory:projectBuilder buildDirectory.

    OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSlike ifTrue:[
        self activityNotification:'Showing result in explorer.'.
        buildDir asFilename openExplorer
    ] ifFalse:[
        self activityNotification:'Showing result in filebrowser.'.
        FileBrowserV2 openOnDirectory:buildDir

    "Created: / 21-01-2012 / 13:53:34 / cg"

    |package dfnClass|

    (package := self theSingleSelectedProject) isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Please select exactly one package.'.
        ^ self.
    dfnClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:package.
    dfnClass notNil ifTrue:[
        Tools::ProjectBuilderAssistantApplication openOn:dfnClass.
    ] ifFalse:[
        Tools::ProjectBuilderAssistantApplication openOnPackage:package.

    "Created: / 20-07-2012 / 12:32:34 / cg"


    <resource: #obsolete> "use ...Using:manager variant"

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |
            usingManager: nil.

    "Modified: / 09-08-2006 / 18:57:28 / fm"
    "Modified: / 13-10-2011 / 11:06:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 15-10-2011 / 20:22:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-07-2012 / 22:55:31 / cg"

projectMenuCheckInAllUsingManager: manager
    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |
            usingManager: manager

    "Modified: / 09-08-2006 / 18:57:28 / fm"
    "Created: / 13-10-2011 / 10:37:07 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:18:25 / cg"

projectMenuCheckInAllUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    ^self projectMenuCheckInAllUsingManager: mgr

    "Created: / 23-12-2011 / 19:24:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 18:00:30 / cg"


    <resource: #obsolete> "use ...Using:manager variant"

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |
        self projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageToCheckIn

    "Created: / 09-08-2006 / 19:04:52 / fm"
    "Modified: / 15-10-2011 / 22:31:27 / Jan Vrany <>"


    <resource: #obsolete> "use ...Using:manager variant"

    |defClass mgr|

    defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:packageID createIfAbsent:false.
    defClass isNil ifTrue:[
        defClass := self projectDefinitionDialogFor:packageID.
        defClass isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
        defClass compileDescriptionMethods.

    mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities default sourceCodeManagerFor:defClass.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'No sourceCode manager - cannot checkin.'.
        ^ self.
    self projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageID definition:defClass usingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 09-08-2006 / 18:59:42 / fm"
    "Modified: / 16-08-2006 / 18:38:49 / User"
    "Modified: / 15-10-2011 / 22:31:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 22-12-2011 / 14:03:36 / cg"

projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageID definition:defClass usingManager:mgr
    (mgr ? (AbstractSourceCodeManager managerForPackage:packageID)) utilities
        checkinPackage:packageID classes:false extensions:false buildSupport:true askForMethodsInOtherPackages:false.

projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageID usingManager: manager

    defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:packageID createIfAbsent:false.
    defClass isNil ifTrue:[
        defClass := self projectDefinitionDialogFor:packageID.
        defClass isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
        defClass compileDescriptionMethods.

    self projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageID definition:defClass usingManager:manager

    "Created: / 09-08-2006 / 18:59:42 / fm"
    "Modified: / 16-08-2006 / 18:38:49 / User"
    "Modified: / 06-09-2011 / 08:00:43 / cg"
    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 22:32:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:25:21 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24-01-2012 / 13:03:05 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManager: manager
    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |
        self projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageToCheckIn usingManager: manager

    "Created: / 09-08-2006 / 19:04:52 / fm"
    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 22:31:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:18:34 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24-01-2012 / 13:02:49 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    ^self projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesUsingManager: mgr

    "Created: / 24-01-2012 / 13:02:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 24-07-2012 / 18:00:46 / cg"


    <resource: #obsolete> "use ...Using:manager variant"

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |

    "Modified: / 15-10-2011 / 20:22:44 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuCheckInClassesUsingManager: manager
    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |
            usingManager: manager

    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 20:21:23 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:18:42 / cg"

projectMenuCheckInClassesUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self projectMenuCheckInClassesUsingManager: mgr

    "Created: / 23-12-2011 / 19:29:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 18:02:10 / cg"


    <resource: #obsolete> "use ...Using:manager variant"

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |

    "Modified: / 15-10-2011 / 20:22:30 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuCheckInExtensionsUsingManager: manager

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |
            usingManager: manager

    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 20:06:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:18:50 / cg"

projectMenuCheckInExtensionsUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self projectMenuCheckInExtensionsUsingManager: mgr

    "Created: / 23-12-2011 / 19:30:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 18:02:06 / cg"

projectMenuCheckInProject:packageToCheckIn classes:doClasses extensions:doExtensions buildSupport:doBuild

    <resource: #obsolete>

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 21-08-2006 / 19:43:22 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13-10-2011 / 11:07:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuCheckInProject:packageToCheckIn classes:doClasses extensions:doExtensions buildSupport:doBuild askForMethodsInOtherPackages:askForMethodsInOtherPackages
    <resource: #obsolete>

    |classes classesToCheckIn methodsToCheckIn
     methodsInOtherPackages looseMethods otherPackages
     msg classesInChangeSet checkinInfo originalCheckinInfo classesToTag|

    classes := Smalltalk allClasses.

    classesToCheckIn := IdentitySet new.
    methodsToCheckIn := IdentitySet new.
    methodsInOtherPackages := IdentitySet new.
    looseMethods := IdentitySet new.

    "/ classes ...
    classes do:[:aClass | |owner classPackage|
        (owner := aClass owningClass) notNil ifTrue:[
            classPackage := aClass topOwningClass package
        ] ifFalse:[
            classPackage := aClass package
        (classPackage = packageToCheckIn) ifTrue:[
            classesToCheckIn add:aClass.

    "/ cg: O(n^2) algorithm
    "/  classesInChangeSet := classesToCheckIn select:[:cls | cls hasUnsavedChanges].
    "/ replaced by: O(n) algorithm
    classesInChangeSet := ChangeSet current selectClassesForWhichIncludesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassFrom:classesToCheckIn.

    "/ individual methods ...
    classes do:[:aClass |
        aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
            "/ ... whose class is not in the chechIn-set
            (classesToCheckIn includes:aClass) ifFalse:[
                aClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
                    "/ methods in this project ...
                    (mthd package = packageToCheckIn) ifTrue:[
                        methodsToCheckIn add:mthd

    doExtensions ifTrue:[
        methodsToCheckIn notEmpty ifTrue:[
            doClasses ifTrue:[
                msg := '%1 classes (%4 changed) '.
            ] ifFalse:[
                msg := ''.
            doExtensions ifTrue:[
                doClasses ifTrue:[
                    msg := msg , 'and '.
                msg := msg , '%2 extensions '.
            msg := msg , 'of project "%3"'.

            checkinInfo := SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
                                                    bindWith:classesToCheckIn size
                                                    with:methodsToCheckIn size
                                                    with:packageToCheckIn allBold
                                                    with:classesInChangeSet size)
                        withQuickOption:(classesToCheckIn size > 0).
            checkinInfo isNil ifTrue:[
                ^ self.
            (SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
                self warn:'Could not check in extensions for project %1' with:packageToCheckIn.
                ^ self.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ there may have been extension-methods previously - if so, remove them
                checkForExistingContainer:'' inPackage:packageToCheckIn)
"/ self halt.
                (SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
                    withInfo:'No extensions any more')
                    self warn:'Could not check in extensions for project %1' with:packageToCheckIn.
                    ^ self.

    checkinInfo isNil ifTrue:[
        checkinInfo := SourceCodeManagerUtilities default
                    getCheckinInfoFor:('%1 classes (%4 changed) and %2 extensions for project "%3"'
                                                        bindWith:classesToCheckIn size
                                                        with:methodsToCheckIn size
                                                        with:packageToCheckIn allBold
                                                        with:classesInChangeSet size)
                    withQuickOption:(classesToCheckIn size > 0).
        checkinInfo isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self.

    checkinInfo quickCheckIn ifTrue:[
        (checkinInfo isStable or:[checkinInfo tagIt]) ifTrue:[
            classesToTag := classesToCheckIn.
            originalCheckinInfo := checkinInfo.
            checkinInfo := checkinInfo copy.
            checkinInfo isStable:false.
            checkinInfo tag:nil.
        classesToCheckIn := classesInChangeSet.

    "/ check if any of the classes contains methods for other packages ...
    classesToCheckIn do:[:eachClass |
        eachClass instAndClassMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |

            mPgk := eachMethod package.
            (mPgk = packageToCheckIn) ifFalse:[
                mPgk == PackageId noProjectID ifTrue:[
                    looseMethods add:eachMethod
                ] ifFalse:[
                    methodsInOtherPackages add:eachMethod

    askForMethodsInOtherPackages ifTrue:[
        methodsInOtherPackages notEmpty ifTrue:[
            otherPackages := Set new.
            methodsInOtherPackages do:[:eachMethod | otherPackages add:eachMethod package].

            methodsInOtherPackages size == 1 ifTrue:[
                msg := 'The ''%4'' method in ''%5'' is contained in the ''%2'' package.'.
                msg := msg , '\\This method will remain in its package.'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                otherPackages size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    msg := 'The %1 methods from the %2 package will remain in its package.'
                ] ifFalse:[
                    msg := 'The %1 methods from %3 other packages will remain in their packages.'
                msg := msg , '\\Hint: if these are meant to belong to this package,'.
                msg := msg , '\move them first, then repeat the checkin operation.'.
            msg := msg withCRs.
            msg := msg bindWith:methodsInOtherPackages size
                           with:otherPackages first allBold
                           with:otherPackages size
                           with:methodsInOtherPackages first selector allBold
                           with:methodsInOtherPackages first mclass name allBold.
            (Dialog confirm:msg noLabel:(resources string:'Cancel')) ifFalse:[^ self].

    doClasses ifTrue:[
        classesToCheckIn notEmpty ifTrue:[
            looseMethods notEmpty ifTrue:[
                looseMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    msg := 'The ''%2'' method in ''%3'' is unassigned (loose).'.
                    msg := msg , '\\If you proceed, this method will be moved to the ''%4'' package'.
                    msg := msg , '\\Hint: if this is meant to be an extension of another package,'.
                    msg := msg , '\cancel and move it to the appropriate package first.'.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    msg := 'There are %1 unassigned (loose) methods in classes from this project.'.
                    msg := msg , '\\If you proceed, those will be moved to the ''%4'' package ?'.
                    msg := msg , '\\Hint: if these are meant to be extensions of another package,'.
                    msg := msg , '\cancel and move them to the appropriate package first.'.
                doClasses ifTrue:[
                    msg := msg , '\\If you answer with "No" here, you will be asked for each class individually.'.
                msg := msg withCRs.
                msg := msg bindWith:looseMethods size
                               with:(looseMethods isEmpty ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:[looseMethods first selector allBold])
                               with:(looseMethods isEmpty ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:[looseMethods first mclass name allBold])
                               with:packageToCheckIn allBold.
                (Dialog confirm:msg noLabel:(resources string:'Cancel')) ifFalse:[^ self].

                looseMethods do:[:mthd |
                    mthd package:packageToCheckIn
            SourceCodeManagerUtilities default checkinClasses:classesToCheckIn withInfo:checkinInfo.

        originalCheckinInfo notNil ifTrue:[
            originalCheckinInfo isStable ifTrue:[
                classesToTag do:[:eachClass |
                    SourceCodeManagerUtilities default tagClass:eachClass as:#stable
            originalCheckinInfo tagIt ifTrue:[
                classesToTag do:[:eachClass |
                    SourceCodeManagerUtilities default tagClass:eachClass as:(originalCheckinInfo tag)

    doBuild ifTrue:[
        self projectMenuCheckInBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageToCheckIn

    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 13-10-2011 / 11:07:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 04-09-2012 / 14:05:59 / cg"

projectMenuCheckInProject:packageToCheckIn classes:doClasses extensions:doExtensions buildSupport:doBuild askForMethodsInOtherPackages:askForMethodsInOtherPackages usingManager: manager

    manager isNil ifTrue:[
        utilities := (AbstractSourceCodeManager managerForPackage:packageToCheckIn) utilities.
    ] ifFalse:[
        utilities := manager utilities.

    AbortAllOperationRequest catch:[
        self withActivityNotificationsRedirectedToInfoLabelDo:[
            self withWaitCursorDo:[

    "Created: / 13-10-2011 / 10:40:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:25:11 / cg"

projectMenuCheckInProject:packageToCheckIn classes:doClasses extensions:doExtensions buildSupport:doBuild usingManager: manager
    ^ self
        usingManager: manager

    "Modified: / 21-08-2006 / 19:43:22 / cg"
    "Created: / 13-10-2011 / 10:37:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:18:59 / cg"

    "check-out all classes in the selected project from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedProjectClasses) askForRevision:true

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckOut |
            usingManager:(SourceCodeManager defaultManager)

    "Created: / 10-08-2006 / 18:16:51 / cg"

    "check-out the newest version from the source repository of
     all classes in the selected project.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version."

    (Dialog confirm:('This functionality is not yet completely implemented.'
                , String lf
                ,'For now, only existing classes are updated - no new classes are added or old ones removed.'
                , String lf
                , 'Please use the import-structure function to get new definitions.')) ifFalse:[^ self].

    self selectedProjects value do:[:eachPackageID |
        |definitionClass mgr classes|

        definitionClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:eachPackageID.
        definitionClass isNil ifTrue:[
            mgr := SourceCodeManager
        ] ifFalse:[
            mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:definitionClass

        classes := environment allClassesInPackage:eachPackageID.
        classes := classes reject:[:cls | cls isPrivate ].
        self checkOutClasses:classes askForRevision:false usingManager: mgr.
"/    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedProjectClasses) askForRevision:false.
^ self.

"/    #TODO.
"/    self selectedProjects value do:[:eachProject |
"/        |module directory perProjectInfo
"/         classesNotInRepository filesNotInImage classesDeletedInRepository
"/         classesModifiedInImage classesModifiedInRepository
"/         classesDeletedInImage classesAddedInImage
"/         anyDifference box doRemove classDefs changeSets filePerClassDefintion
"/         classesToCheckIn|
"/        module := eachProject asPackageId module.
"/        directory := eachProject asPackageId directory.
"/        perProjectInfo := SourceCodeManager newestRevisionsInModule:module directory:directory.
"/        perProjectInfo := perProjectInfo ? #().
"/        perProjectInfo := perProjectInfo select:[:info | info key asFilename hasSuffix:'st'].
"/        perProjectInfo := Dictionary withAssociations:perProjectInfo.
"/        classesInImage := environment allClassesInPackage:eachProject.
"/        filesInImage := (classesInImage collect:[:cls | cls classBaseFilename]) asSet.
"/        "/ any differences ?
"/        classesNotInRepository := classesInImage reject:[:cls | (perProjectInfo includesKey:cls classBaseFilename)].
"/        classesDeletedInRepository := classesInImage select:[:cls | (perProjectInfo at:cls classBaseFilename ifAbsent:nil) == #deleted].
"/        perProjectInfo := perProjectInfo reject:[:v | v == #deleted].
"/        filesNotInImage := perProjectInfo keys reject:[:file | (filesInImage includes:file)].
"/        classesModifiedInImage := classesInImage select:[:cls | ChangeSet current includesChangeForClassOrMetaclass:cls].
"/        classesModifiedInRepository := classesInImage select:[:cls | |v|
"/                                                        v := (perProjectInfo at:cls classBaseFilename ifAbsent:nil).
"/                                                        v notNil and:[ v > cls revision]].
"/        anyDifference := false.
"/        filesNotInImage notEmpty ifTrue:[
"/            filePerClassDefintion := Dictionary new.
"/            classDefs := ChangeSet new.
"/            changeSets := OrderedCollection new.
"/            filesNotInImage do:[:eachSTFile |
"/                |s chgSet classDefinitions|
"/                s := SourceCodeManager
"/                    streamForClass:nil fileName:eachSTFile revision:#newest directory:directory module:module cache:true.
"/                chgSet := ChangeSet fromStream:s.
"/                s close.
"/                changeSets add:chgSet.
"/                classDefinitions := chgSet select:[:change | change isClassDefinitionChange and:[change isPrivateClassDefinitionChange not]].
"/                classDefinitions do:[:def | filePerClassDefintion at:def put:eachSTFile].
"/                classDefs addAll:classDefinitions.
"/            ].
"/            "/ now, install ...
"/            classDefs do:[:eachClassDefinition |
"/                |cls oldPackage|
"/                eachClassDefinition package:eachProject.
"/                eachClassDefinition installAsAutoloadedClassIfPublicWithFilename:(filePerClassDefintion at:eachClassDefinition).
"/                (cls := eachClassDefinition changeClass) notNil ifTrue:[
"/                    (oldPackage := cls package) ~= eachProject ifTrue:[
"/                        (Dialog confirm:('Move the %1-class from %2 to %3 ?' bindWith:cls name allBold with:oldPackage allBold with:eachProject allBold)) ifTrue:[
"/                            cls package:eachProject.
"/                            cls instAndClassMethodsDo:[:m | m package = oldPackage ifTrue:[ m package:eachProject]].
"/                        ]
"/                    ].
"/                ].
"/            ].
"/            changeSets do:[:chgSet |
"/                chgSet apply
"/            ].
"/        ].
"/        classesModifiedInImage notEmpty ifTrue:[
"/            classesToCheckIn := OrderedCollection new.
"/            classesModifiedInImage do:[:eachChangedClass |
"/                |currentVersion repositoryVersion s stFile diffs|
"/                stFile := eachChangedClass classBaseFilename.
"/                s := SourceCodeManager
"/                    streamForClass:nil fileName:stFile revision:#newest directory:directory module:module cache:true.
"/                repositoryVersion := ChangeSet fromStream:s.
"/                s close.
"/                currentVersion := ChangeSet forExistingClass:eachChangedClass.
"/                diffs := currentVersion diffSetsAgainst:repositoryVersion.
"/                diffs isEmpty ifTrue:[
"/                    ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachChangedClass
"/                ] ifFalse:[
"/self halt.
"/                    classesToCheckIn add:eachChangedClass.
"/                ].
"/            ].
"/            classesToCheckIn notEmpty ifTrue:[
"/self halt.
"/            ].
"/        ].
"/        classesModifiedInRepository notEmpty ifTrue:[
"/            box := Dialog
"/                forRequestText:(resources stringWithCRs:'The following classes need to be updated from the repository.')
"/                editViewClass:ListView
"/                lines:10 columns:20
"/                initialAnswer:nil model:nil
"/                setupWith:
"/                   [:v :d |
"/                            |removeButton|
"/                            v list:classesModifiedInRepository.
"/                            d okButton label:(resources string:'Update').
"/                            d okButton isReturnButton:true.
"/                   ].
"/            box open.
"/            box accepted ifFalse:[
"/                ^ self
"/            ].
"/            classesModifiedInRepository do:[:eachClass|
"/                |s chgSet|
"/                s := SourceCodeManager
"/                    streamForClass:eachClass fileName:nil revision:#newest directory:directory module:module cache:true.
"/                chgSet := ChangeSet fromStream:s.
"/                s close.
"/                chgSet apply.
"/            ].
"/        ].
"/        classesDeletedInRepository notEmpty ifTrue:[
"/self halt.
"/        ].
"/        classesNotInRepository notEmpty ifTrue:[
"/            "/ if there are no changeSet entries for those classes, they seem to be
"/            "/ no longer in the repository (possibly moved ?)
"/            "/ If there are entries, these might have been added in the image and need a check-in
"/            classesAddedInImage := classesNotInRepository select:[:cls | ChangeSet current includesChangeForClassOrMetaclass:cls].
"/            classesAddedInImage isEmpty ifTrue:[
"/                doRemove := false.
"/                box := Dialog
"/                    forRequestText:(resources stringWithCRs:'The following classes are no longer in the repository (or moved to another package).\\Remove classes from the image ?')
"/                    editViewClass:ListView
"/                    lines:10 columns:20
"/                    initialAnswer:nil model:nil
"/                    setupWith:
"/                       [:v :d |
"/                                |removeButton|
"/                                removeButton := Button label:(resources string:'Remove').
"/                                removeButton action:[ doRemove := true. box okPressed. ].
"/                                v list:classesNotInRepository.
"/                                d addButton:removeButton after:(d okButton).
"/                                d okButton label:(resources string:'Continue').
"/                                d okButton isReturnButton:true.
"/                       ].
"/                box open.
"/                box accepted ifFalse:[
"/                    ^ self
"/                ].
"/                doRemove ifTrue:[
"/self halt.
"/                    classesNotInRepository do:[:eachClassToRemove |
"/                        |subClasses|
"/                        subClasses := eachClassToRemove allSubclasses.
"/                        (subClasses conform:
"/                            [:subClass |
"/                                |ownerOrClassItself|
"/                                ownerOrClassItself := subClass topOwningClass ? subClass.
"/                                (classesNotInRepository includes:ownerOrClassItself)
"/                            ])
"/                        ifTrue:[
"/                            Smalltalk removeClass:eachClassToRemove.
"/                            ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachClassToRemove.
"/                        ] ifFalse:[
"/                            Dialog warn:'Cannit simply remove the class - more repair needed due to subclass(es)'.
"/                        ].
"/                    ].
"/                ].
"/            ] ifFalse:[
"/self halt.
"/            ].
"/        ].
"/        anyDifference ifFalse:[
"/            "/ Dialog information:(resources string:'%1 is up-to-date.' with:eachProject allBold).
"/            Transcript showCR:('%1 is up-to-date.' bindWith:eachProject allBold).
"/            ChangeSet current condenseChangesForPackage:eachProject.
"/        ] ifTrue:[
"/self halt.
"/            self checkOutClasses:(self selectedProjectClasses) askForRevision:false
"/        ].
"/    ].

    "Modified: / 10-02-2012 / 17:32:39 / cg"

projectMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager: manager

    "/ If manager is CVSSourceCodeManager, call the old method
    "/ until code is moved to CVSSourceCodeManager
    manager == CVSSourceCodeManager ifTrue:[
        self projectMenuCheckOutNewest.
        ^ self.
    self projectMenuCheckOutUsingManager: manager askForRevision: false.

    "Created: / 01-04-2014 / 16:59:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 04-04-2014 / 11:13:48 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self projectMenuCheckOutNewestUsingManager: mgr

    "Created: / 01-04-2014 / 16:50:57 / Jan Vrany <>"


    "/ If manager is CVSSourceCodeManager, call the old method
    "/ until code is moved to CVSSourceCodeManager
    manager == CVSSourceCodeManager ifTrue:[
        self projectMenuCheckOut.
        ^ self.
    self projectMenuCheckOutUsingManager: manager askForRevision: true.

    "Created: / 01-04-2014 / 16:57:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 01-04-2014 / 21:24:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuCheckOutUsingManager:manager askForRevision: askForRevision
    | selectedProjects |

    selectedProjects := self selectedProjects value.
    (selectedProjects includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)) ifTrue:[
        selectedProjects := environment allProjectIDs.

    manager utilities checkOutPackages: selectedProjects askForRevision: askForRevision

    "Created: / 01-04-2014 / 21:23:26 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuCheckOutUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self projectMenuCheckOutUsingManager: mgr

    "Created: / 01-04-2014 / 16:51:36 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Runs ProjectChecker on selected packages"

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:package |
        Tools::ProjectCheckerBrowser new
            projectChecker: (ProjectChecker forPackage: package);

    "Created: / 26-07-2012 / 12:30:27 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "check for container consistency in the source repository.
     That is: for every class in the project there must be a container (unstored classes),
     and for every container there must be a class (obsolete containers).
     Display this information as required..

    SourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue:[^ self warn:'No SourceCodeManagement is configured.'].
    self projectMenuCheckRepositoryConsistencyUsingManager:SourceCodeManager

    "check for container consistency in the source repository.
     That is: for every class in the project there must be a container (unstored classes),
     and for every container there must be a class (obsolete containers).
     Display this information as required..

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        |classesToLoad classesToUnload classesWithMissingContainer classesWithRepositoryMismatches
         obsoleteContainers allChangeSets answer needExtensionsContainer hasExtensionContainer
         classesWithNewerVersionInRepository classesWhichHaveBeenModified|

        classesWithRepositoryMismatches := OrderedCollection new.
        classesWithMissingContainer := OrderedCollection new.
        obsoleteContainers := OrderedCollection new.
        classesWithNewerVersionInRepository := OrderedCollection new.
        classesWhichHaveBeenModified := OrderedCollection new.

        self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheck |
            |containerModule containerPackage containers allContainers
             hasLoadAll hasMakeProto hasMakeSpec hasBcMakefile hasNtMakefile hasAbbrev
             otherFiles classesInProject |

            containerModule := packageToCheck upTo:$:.
            containerPackage := packageToCheck copyFrom:(containerModule size + 2).

            self busyLabel:'Checking ' , packageToCheck , '...'.

            allContainers := aManager getExistingContainersInModule:containerModule directory:containerPackage.
            allContainers := allContainers reject:[:each | (each startsWith:'.') ].

            hasLoadAll := allContainers includes:'loadAll'.
            hasMakeProto := allContainers includes:'Make.proto'.
            hasMakeSpec := allContainers includes:'Make.spec'.
            hasBcMakefile := allContainers includes:'bc.mak'.
            hasNtMakefile := allContainers includes:'nt.mak'.
            hasAbbrev := allContainers includes:''.
            hasExtensionContainer := allContainers includes:''.

            containers := allContainers copyAsOrderedCollection.
            containers removeAllFoundIn:#('loadAll' 'Make.proto' 'Make.spec' 'nt.mak' 'bc.mak' '' '').
            otherFiles := containers reject:[:each | (each asFilename hasSuffix:'st') ].
            containers removeAllFoundIn:otherFiles.

            classesInProject := IdentitySet new.
            needExtensionsContainer := false.
            environment allClassesDo:[:aClass |
                (packageToCheck = aClass package) ifTrue:[
                    aClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
                        classesInProject add:aClass .
                ] ifFalse:[
                    needExtensionsContainer := needExtensionsContainer or:[aClass hasExtensionsFrom:packageToCheck].

            "/ load unloaded classes...
            classesToLoad := OrderedCollection new.
            classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
                eachClassInProject isLoaded ifFalse:[
                    classesToLoad add:eachClassInProject
            classesToLoad size > 0 ifTrue:[
                answer := Dialog confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'%1 class(es) are not loaded.\(Unloaded classes will be skipped when checking)\\Load them first ?'
                                                              with:classesToLoad size) withCRs
                answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

                answer ifTrue:[
                    classesToUnload := OrderedCollection new.
                    classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
                        eachClassInProject isLoaded ifFalse:[
                            eachClassInProject autoload.
                            classesToUnload add:eachClassInProject

            "/ any class without container ?
            classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
                |mgr info classesModule classesPackageDir classesContainerFileName|

                eachClassInProject isPrivate ifFalse:[
                  "/ eachClassInProject isLoaded ifTrue:[
                    self busyLabel:'Checking ' , packageToCheck , ' - ' , eachClassInProject name.

                    mgr := aManager utilities sourceCodeManagerFor:eachClassInProject.
                    info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:eachClassInProject.
                    info isNil ifTrue:[
                        "/ no container for that class
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        (info includesKey:#module) ifTrue:[
                            classesModule := (info at:#module).
                        (info includesKey:#directory) ifTrue:[
                            classesPackageDir := (info at:#directory).
                        classesContainerFileName := mgr containerFromSourceInfo:info.

                        "/ module & packageDir must match
                        ((classesModule ~= containerModule)
                        or:[classesPackageDir ~= containerPackage]) ifTrue:[
                            classesWithRepositoryMismatches add:eachClassInProject
                        (containers includes:classesContainerFileName) ifFalse:[
                            classesWithMissingContainer add:eachClassInProject.
                        ] ifTrue:[
                            eachClassInProject isLoaded ifTrue:[
                                eachClassInProject revision ~= (mgr newestRevisionOf:eachClassInProject)
                                    classesWithNewerVersionInRepository add:eachClassInProject.
                        containers remove:classesContainerFileName ifAbsent:nil.

            "/ any container left ?
            containers notEmpty ifTrue:[
                obsoleteContainers add:(packageToCheck -> containers).

            "/ any version mismatches ?
            classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
              eachClassInProject isLoaded ifTrue:[
                (classesWithMissingContainer includes:eachClassInProject) ifFalse:[
                    (classesWithRepositoryMismatches includes:eachClassInProject) ifFalse:[
                        "/ class modified ?
                        allChangeSets isNil ifTrue:[
                            allChangeSets := ChangeSet allInstances.
                        (allChangeSets contains:[:aChangeSet |
                            (eachClassInProject hasUnsavedChanges)
                            or:[eachClassInProject allPrivateClasses contains:[:aPrivateClass |
                                    aPrivateClass hasUnsavedChanges]]
                            classesWhichHaveBeenModified add:eachClassInProject

            classesToUnload size >0 ifTrue:[
                answer := Dialog confirm:(resources string:'%1 class(es) were loaded - unload them now ?'
                                          with:classesToLoad size)
                answer ifTrue:[
                    "/ unload classes which have been loaded temporarily
                    classesToUnload do:[:eachClassToUnload |
                        eachClassToUnload unload

        (obsoleteContainers notEmpty
        or:[ classesWithRepositoryMismatches notEmpty
        or:[ classesWithMissingContainer notEmpty
        or:[ classesWhichHaveBeenModified notEmpty
        or:[ classesWithNewerVersionInRepository notEmpty
        or:[ needExtensionsContainer ~~ hasExtensionContainer ]]]]])
    self normalLabel

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 14:21:07 / cg"

    "remove all changes for the selected project(s) from the changeSet"

    (self confirm:'This will remove all changes for the selected project(s) from the changeSet.\\Really cleanup ?' withCRs)
        ifFalse:[ ^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedProjectsDo:[:eachProject |
            ChangeSet current condenseChangesForPackage:eachProject

    "Created: / 26-10-2006 / 19:41:27 / cg"

    "Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
     against the the newest version found in the repository."

    <resource: #obsolete> "use ...Using:manager variant"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedProjects value do:[:eachProject |
            SourceCodeManagerUtilities default compareProjectWithRepository:eachProject

    "Created: / 12-10-2006 / 17:41:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15-10-2011 / 23:09:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 30-07-2013 / 21:33:05 / cg"

projectMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager: manager
    "Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
     against the the newest version found in the repository."

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        manager utilities comparePackages: self selectedProjects value askForRevision: false.

    "Modified: / 12-10-2006 / 21:46:14 / cg"
    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 23:10:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:29:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-04-2014 / 15:38:19 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
    "Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
     against the the newest version found in the repository."


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    ^self projectMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager: mgr

    "Created: / 16-01-2012 / 18:45:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 18:01:03 / cg"

    "Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
     against some older version found in the repository."

    self projectMenuCompareAgainstRepositoryUsingManager:SourceCodeManager

    "Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
     against some older version found in the repository."

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        aManager utilities comparePackages: self selectedProjects value askForRevision: true.

    "Created: / 12-10-2006 / 17:41:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12-10-2006 / 21:46:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-04-2014 / 15:36:16 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
     against the stable version found in the repository."

    self projectMenuCompareAgainstStableInRepositoryUsingManager:SourceCodeManager

    "Comparing the current (in-image) version of the project(s)
     against the stable version found in the repository."

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedProjects value do:[:eachProject |
            aManager utilities compareProject:eachProject withRepositoryVersionTaggedAs:'stable'

    "save class documentation for each of the package's classes to a directory"

    self projectMenuDocumentationUsing:HTMLDocGenerator

    "save class documentation for each of the package's classes to a directory"

    self projectMenuDocumentationUsing:HTMLDocGeneratorForJavaScript

    "save class documentation for each of the package's classes to a directory"


    directory := Dialog
                    requestDirectoryName:'Save class documentation in'
                    default:(LastClassDocDirectory ? 'doc/classDoc').

    directory isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    LastClassDocDirectory := directory.

    directory := directory asFilename.
    directory recursiveMakeDirectory.
    self saveProjectClassDocumentationIn:directory using:generator

    "fileOut selected projects - st-source format"

    self projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:nil

    |currentProject selectedProjects suffix saveName fileName tmpFilename
     "methodsToFileOut fileNameForExtensions" mgr s classesToFileout|

    selectedProjects := self selectedProjectsValue.
    currentProject := self theSingleSelectedProject.
    currentProject notNil ifTrue:[
        fileName := ProjectDefinition projectDefinitionClassNameForDefinitionOf:currentProject.
    ] ifFalse:[
        fileName := 'someProjects'
    suffix := self fileSuffixForClass:nil format:aFormatSymbolOrNil.
    suffix notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        fileName := fileName,'.',suffix.

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
        self error:'binary must go into separate files' mayProceed:true.
        ^ self

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #cypress ifTrue:[
        saveName := Dialog
            requestDirectoryName: (resources string:'FileOut %1 in:' with:(currentProject ? 'selected projects'))
            default: LastCypressDirectory.
    ] ifFalse:[
        saveName := Dialog
            requestFileNameForSave:(resources string:'FileOut %1 as:' with:(currentProject ? 'selected projects'))
            fromDirectory:(FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory).

"/    fileBox := FileSelectionBox
"/                    title:(resources string:'FileOut %1 as:' with:(currentProject ? 'selected projects'))
"/                    okText:(resources string:'FileOut')
"/                    abortText:(resources string:'Cancel')
"/                    action:[:fileName | saveName := fileName.].
"/    fileBox initialText:fileName.
"/    dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
"/    dir notNil ifTrue:[
"/        fileBox directory:dir.
"/    ].
"/    fileBox showAtPointer.
"/    fileBox destroy.
"/    fileBox := nil.

    saveName isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).
    fileName := saveName.

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
        SmalltalkInterchangeSTXFileOutManager initialize.
        mgr := SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager newForFileOut.
        mgr fileName: fileName.
        self selectedProjectClasses do:[:eachClass |
            mgr addClass:eachClass.
        Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
            eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |

                mPckg := mthd package.
                mPckg ~= eachClass package ifTrue:[
                    (selectedProjects includes:mPckg) ifTrue:[
                        mgr addMethodNamed:mthd selector ofClass:mthd mclass
        self busyLabel:'writing...'.
        mgr fileOut.
        self normalLabel.
        ^ self

    ((aFormatSymbolOrNil == #vsePackage) or:[ aFormatSymbolOrNil == #vse ]) ifTrue:[
        self busyLabel:'writing VSE...'.
        tmpFilename := fileName asFilename withSuffix:'part'.
        tmpFilename directory exists ifFalse:[
            (Dialog confirm:(resources string:'Create Directory "%1"?' with:tmpFilename directory baseName)) ifFalse:[^ self].
            tmpFilename directory recursiveMakeDirectory
        s := tmpFilename writeStream.
        s lineEndCRLF.
            ((aFormatSymbolOrNil == #vsePackage)
                    ifTrue:[ VSEPackageFileSourceWriter ]
                    ifFalse:[ VSEChunkFileSourceWriter ])
                fileOutPackage:currentProject on:s.
        ] ifCurtailed:[
            s close.
            tmpFilename remove
        s close.
        tmpFilename renameTo:(fileName asFilename).
        self normalLabel.
        ^ self.

    (aFormatSymbolOrNil isNil) ifTrue:[
        self busyLabel:'writing...'.
        tmpFilename := fileName asFilename withSuffix:'part'.
        s := tmpFilename writeStream.

            classesToFileout := OrderedCollection withAll:(self selectedProjectClasses).
            classesToFileout topologicalSort:[:a :b | b isSubclassOf:a].

            classesToFileout do:[:eachClass |
                eachClass fileOutOn:s.

            "/ fileout extensions
            Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
                eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |

                    mPckg := mthd package.
                    (mPckg = currentProject and:[mPckg ~= eachClass package]) ifTrue:[
                            fileOutCategory:mthd category
                            methodFilter:[:m | m == mthd]
                        s cr.
        ] ifCurtailed:[
            s close.
            tmpFilename remove
        s close.
        tmpFilename renameTo:(fileName asFilename).
        self normalLabel.
        ^ self.

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #cypress ifTrue:[
        mgr := (Smalltalk at:#CypressRepository) on: saveName.
        self showMessage: (resources string:'Writing Cypress package...')
                   while: [ selectedProjects do:[:each | mgr write: each ] ]
            inBackground: true.
        LastCypressDirectory := saveName.
        ^ self

    self shouldImplement:'support for:',aFormatSymbolOrNil asString.

    "Modified: / 27-10-2010 / 11:34:45 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12-01-2014 / 23:25:57 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |
        self projectMenuFileOutBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageToCheckIn

    |directory defClass foundPackageDir packageID fullPathName|

    defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:packageIDSymbol
    defClass isNil ifTrue:[
        defClass := self projectDefinitionDialogFor:packageID.
        defClass isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self
        defClass compileDescriptionMethods.

    self validateProjectDefinition:defClass.

    defClass hasAllCompiledClassesFullyLoaded ifFalse:[
            confirm:('%1: the dependency information as generated will be incomplete,%<cr>because some compiled class(es) are not loaded (see Transcript).%<cr>%<cr>%2%<cr>Continue anyway ?'
                    bindWith:defClass name
                    with:('Warning: these classes will be excluded from the list of compiled classes.'
                ifFalse:[ ^ self. ]
    packageID := packageIDSymbol asPackageId.
    directory := packageID directory.
    Smalltalk packagePath
        detect:[:eachDir |

            thisPackageDir := packageID pathRelativeToTopDirectory:eachDir.
            thisPackageDir exists ifTrue:[
                foundPackageDir := thisPackageDir.
            ] ifFalse:[ false ].
    directory := Dialog
                requestDirectoryName:'Directory Where to Generate Build Support Files?'
    directory isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self.
    directory := directory asFilename.
    directory exists ifFalse:[
        Dialog warn:'Directory does not exists!!'.
        ^ self.
    self activityNotification:(resources
                string:'generating build-support files...').

    self withActivityNotificationsRedirectedToInfoLabelDo:[
        defClass forEachFileNameAndGeneratedContentsDo:[:fileName :fileContents |
            self showInfo:(resources string:'filing out %1...' with:fileName).
            fullPathName := directory construct:fileName.
            fullPathName directory exists ifFalse:[
                "take care for files like 'autopackage/default.apspec'"
                fullPathName directory makeDirectory.
            fullPathName contents:fileContents.
    self activityNotification:nil.

    "Created: / 09-08-2006 / 18:59:42 / fm"
    "Modified: / 16-08-2006 / 18:38:49 / User"
    "Modified: / 23-02-2011 / 15:27:20 / cg"

    ^self projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#cypress

    "Modified: / 07-09-2012 / 19:26:34 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "fileOut selected projects as individual files - binary format"

    self projectMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#binary

    "fileOut selected projects as individual files - st-source format"

    self projectMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:nil

    |currentProject dirName methodsToFileOut fileNameForExtensions|

    currentProject := self theSingleSelectedProject ? 'selected projects'.
    dirName := self
                askForDirectoryToFileOut:(resources string:'FileOut %1 in:'
    dirName isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    dirName asFilename exists ifFalse:[
        dirName asFilename recursiveMakeDirectory

        fileOutEachClassIn:self selectedProjectClasses

    "/ extensions...
    methodsToFileOut := OrderedCollection new.
    environment allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |

            mPckg := mthd package.
            (mPckg = currentProject and:[mPckg ~= eachClass package]) ifTrue:[
                methodsToFileOut add:mthd
    dirName := dirName asFilename.
    fileNameForExtensions := (dirName construct:'extensions') withSuffix:(self fileSuffixForFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil).

    "Modified: / 05-09-2011 / 22:02:48 / cg"

    "fileOut selected projects as individual files - sif format"

    self projectMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected projects as individual files - visual smalltalk enterprise format"

    self projectMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#vse

    "fileOut selected projects as individual files - xml format"

    self projectMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#xml

    "fileOut selected projects - sif format"

    self projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected projects - visual smalltalk enterprise format"

    self projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#vse

    self projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#vse

    "fileOut selected projects - visual smalltalk enterprise format"

    self projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#vsePackage

    "fileOut selected projects - xml format"

    self projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#xml

    "find classes which have a version different from aSymbolicTag."


    differentClasses := OrderedCollection new.
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedProjectsDo:[:eachProject |
            |module directory perProjectInfo classesInImage
             autoloadedClassesInImage filesInImage autoloadedFilesInImage
             classesNotInRepository classesDeletedInRepository filesNotInImage|

            module := eachProject asPackageId module.
            directory := eachProject asPackageId directory.

            perProjectInfo := SourceCodeManager revisionsInModule:module directory:directory taggedAs:aSymbolicTag.
            perProjectInfo := perProjectInfo ? #().
            perProjectInfo := perProjectInfo select:[:info | info key asFilename hasSuffix:'st'].
            perProjectInfo := Dictionary withAssociations:perProjectInfo.

            classesInImage := environment allClassesInPackage:eachProject.
            autoloadedClassesInImage := classesInImage reject:[:cls | cls isLoaded].
            classesInImage := classesInImage select:[:cls | cls isLoaded and:[cls isPrivate not]].
"/            filesInImage := classesInImage collect:[:cls | cls classBaseFilename] as:Set.
"/            autoloadedFilesInImage := autoloadedClassesInImage collect:[:cls | cls classBaseFilename] as:Set.
"/            "/ any differences ?
"/            classesNotInRepository := classesInImage reject:[:cls | (perProjectInfo includesKey:cls classBaseFilename)].
"/            classesDeletedInRepository := classesInImage select:[:cls | (perProjectInfo at:cls classBaseFilename ifAbsent:nil) == #deleted].
            perProjectInfo := perProjectInfo reject:[:v | v == #deleted].
"/            filesNotInImage := perProjectInfo keys reject:[:file | (filesInImage includes:file)].
"/            filesNotInImage := filesNotInImage reject:[:file | (autoloadedFilesInImage includes:file)].
"/            filesNotInImage remove:'' ifAbsent:[].

            classesInImage do:[:eachClass |
                eachClass revision ~= (perProjectInfo at:eachClass classBaseFilename ifAbsent:nil) ifTrue:[
                    differentClasses add:eachClass
            label:(resources string:'Classes different from "%1" Version' with:aSymbolicTag)

    "find classes which have a version different from the stable one."

    self projectMenuFindClassesNotTaggedAs:'stable'

    "find classes which have a version different from the stable one."


    tag := Dialog request:'Tag:' initialAnswer:(CVSSourceCodeManager recentTag).
    tag isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    CVSSourceCodeManager recentTag:tag.
    self projectMenuFindClassesNotTaggedAs:tag

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |
        self projectMenuGenerateBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageToCheckIn

    "Created: / 09-08-2006 / 19:04:52 / fm"
    "Modified: / 15-10-2011 / 22:31:27 / Jan Vrany <>"


    defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:packageID createIfAbsent:false.
    defClass isNil ifTrue:[
        defClass := self projectDefinitionDialogFor:packageID.
        defClass isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
        defClass compileDescriptionMethods.

    self projectMenuGenerateBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageID definition:defClass

projectMenuGenerateBuildSupportFilesForProject:packageID definition:defClass
    |dirName directory|

    self validateProjectDefinition:defClass.

    dirName := self
                askForDirectoryToFileOut:(resources string:'Generate Build Support Files for %1 in:'
    dirName isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    directory := dirName asFilename.
    directory exists ifFalse:[
        directory recursiveMakeDirectory

    self activityNotification:(resources string:'generating build-support files...').
    self withActivityNotificationsRedirectedToInfoLabelDo:[
        defClass forEachFileNameAndGeneratedContentsDo:[:fileName :fileContents |
            (directory construct:fileName) contents:fileContents.

    self activityNotification:nil.

    "ask for two tags, generate a patchSet to bring a baseSystem (tag1) to the
     level of the tag2 version"

    self generatePatchSetForClasses:(self selectedProjectClasses)

    "Created: / 08-02-2011 / 09:29:38 / cg"


    projectClasses := self projectDefinitionClassesForSelectedProjects.
    self generateProjectDefinitionsIn:projectClasses

    "Modified: / 15-09-2006 / 16:46:51 / cg"

    "import packages - but do not load classes"

    self projectMenuImport:false usingManager:nil

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 13:34:09 / cg"

projectMenuImport:doLoadClasses usingManager:managerOrNil
    |currentProject default pkg fromWhere module checkedOutPackageDir package numImported numSkipped msg classDefs
     filePerClassDefintion importFromFilesystem importDirectory importFromDirectoryAction

    importFromFilesystem := false.

    default := LastImportedPackage.
    default isNil ifTrue:[
        currentProject := self theSingleSelectedProject.
        currentProject isNil ifTrue:[
            default := 'module:package'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            module := currentProject upTo:$:.
            module size + 2 > currentProject size ifTrue:[
                default := currentProject , ':*'
            ] ifFalse:[
                default := currentProject , '/*'

    SourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
        fromWhere := 'repository'
    ] ifFalse:[
        fromWhere := 'file system'

    msg := 'Name of package to import '.
    doLoadClasses ifFalse:[
        msg := msg , '(i.e. install as autoloaded) '.
    msg := msg , 'from ' , fromWhere , ':\'.
    msg := msg , '   use ''module:*'' to import a complete module;\'.
    msg := msg , '   use ''module:package'' to import a package with all of its subpackages;\'.
    msg := msg , '   use ''module:package/*'' to import subpackages only.'.
    pkg := Dialog
                request:msg withCRs
    pkg size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    LastImportedPackage := pkg.

    "/ see if such a module/package exists in the repository
    module := pkg asPackageId module.
    module size + 2 > pkg size ifTrue:[
        package := checkedOutPackageDir := nil.  "/ i.e. all
    ] ifFalse:[
        package := checkedOutPackageDir := pkg asPackageId directory.
        (package includesMatchCharacters) ifTrue:[
            "if the match-char is not at the end..."
            ((package endsWith:'/*') and:[ (package copyButLast:2) includesMatchCharacters not ])
                checkedOutPackageDir := package copyButLast:2
            ] ifFalse:[
                checkedOutPackageDir := nil.      "/ must check out everything and filter

    managerOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        sourceCodeManager := managerOrNil.
    ] ifFalse:[
        sourceCodeManager := (AbstractSourceCodeManager managerForPackage:module) ? AbstractSourceCodeManager defaultManager.

    UnimplementedFunctionalityError,SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
        |msg1 msg2|

        (UnimplementedFunctionalityError handles:ex) ifTrue:[
            msg1 := 'Cannot access module "%1".\\'.
            msg2 := 'Missing functionality in the "%2"-source code manager.'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg1 := 'Cannot access module "%1".\\'.
            msg2 := ex errorString ? ('No module "%1" in the repository (%2).').

        (Dialog confirm:
                    (resources stringWithCRs:msg1 with:module)
                    ,(resources string:msg2 with:module with:sourceCodeManager managerTypeName)
                    ,(resources stringWithCRs:('\\Import from the filesystem ?')))
            ^ self.
        importFromFilesystem := true.

        checkedOutPackageDir isNil ifTrue:[
            default := Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:module.
        ] ifFalse:[
            default := Smalltalk projectDirectoryForPackage:pkg.
        (default notNil
            and:[ (default := default asFilename) exists
            and:[ default isDirectory ]])
            default := nil.

        importDirectory := Dialog
                                                    string:'Import "%1" from Directory:'
        importDirectory isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self
        importDirectory := importDirectory asFilename pathName asFilename.
    ] do:[
        sourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue:[ SourceCodeManagerError raise ].
        (sourceCodeManager checkForExistingModule:module) ifFalse:[
            self warn:(resources string:'No module "%1" in the repository.' with:module).
            ^ self.
        checkedOutPackageDir notNil ifTrue:[
            (sourceCodeManager checkForExistingModule:module directory:checkedOutPackageDir) ifFalse:[
                self warn:(resources string:'No package "%1" in the repository (but the module "%2" exists).' with:checkedOutPackageDir with:module).
                ^ self

    "/ check out that module ...
    importFromDirectoryAction :=
        [:tempDir |
            |filesThere skip|

            numImported := numSkipped := 0.
            tempDir asFilename withAllDirectoriesDo:[:eachDir |
                |relDir theProject anyFound anyUnsavedClass|

                ( #( 'CVS' 'bitmaps' 'resources' ) includes:eachDir baseName)
                    relDir := eachDir name.
                    (relDir startsWith:tempDir name) ifTrue:[
                        relDir := relDir copyFrom:tempDir name size + 2.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        self halt:'mhmh - can this happen ?'.
                    checkedOutPackageDir notNil ifTrue:[
                        relDir size > 0 ifTrue:[
                            relDir := checkedOutPackageDir asFilename constructString:relDir
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            relDir := checkedOutPackageDir
                    relDir := relDir asUnixFilenameString.
                    relDir size > 0 ifTrue:[
                        theProject := module , ':' , relDir
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        theProject := module

                    skip := false.

                    (checkedOutPackageDir isNil and:[package notNil]) ifTrue:[
                        skip := (package ~= (relDir , '/*') ) and:[ (package match:relDir) not ].
                    anyFound := false.
                    skip ifTrue:[
                        numSkipped := numSkipped + 1.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        Transcript showCR:('processing ' , relDir , '...').

                        filesThere := eachDir directoryContents select:[:eachFile | eachFile asFilename hasSuffix:'st'].
                        filesThere isEmpty ifTrue:[
                            Transcript showCR:(eachDir pathName , ': no smalltalk files in package.').
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            anyFound := true.
                            "/ cannot simply fileIn that stuff (because of load order)
                            "/ instead, create a change set containing all class definitions,
                            "/ and define them first ...
                            filePerClassDefintion := Dictionary new.
                            classDefs := ChangeSet new.
                            filesThere do:[:eachSTFile |
                                |s classDefinitions chgSet|

                                s := (eachDir asFilename construct:eachSTFile) readStream.
                                chgSet := ChangeSet fromStream:s.
                                s close.
                                classDefinitions := chgSet select:[:change | change isClassDefinitionChange and:[change isPrivateClassDefinitionChange not]].
                                classDefinitions do:[:def | filePerClassDefintion at:def put:eachSTFile].
                                classDefs addAll:classDefinitions.

                            "/ now, install ...
                            classDefs do:[:eachClassDefinition |
                                |cls oldPackage|

                                eachClassDefinition package:theProject.
                                eachClassDefinition installAsAutoloadedClassIfPublicWithFilename:(filePerClassDefintion at:eachClassDefinition).
                                (cls := eachClassDefinition changeClass) notNil ifTrue:[
                                    (oldPackage := cls package) ~= theProject ifTrue:[
                                        (Dialog confirm:('There is already a class named "%1" in the "%2"-pacakge.\\Move it to the "%3"-package?' withCRs
                                                    bindWith:cls name allBold
                                                    with:oldPackage allBold
                                                    with:theProject allBold)) ifTrue:[
                                            cls package:theProject.
                                            cls instAndClassMethodsDo:[:m | m package = oldPackage ifTrue:[ m package:theProject]].

                            doLoadClasses ifTrue:[

                                anyUnsavedClass := classDefs
                                                    contains:[:someClassDefinition |

                                                        ((cls := someClassDefinition changeClass) notNil
                                                        and:[cls isLoaded
                                                        and:[ChangeSet current includesChangeForClassOrMetaclass:cls]])
                                anyUnsavedClass ifTrue:[
                                        confirm:'There is at least one unsaved class (changed but not yet checked in) in the project.\\Load (i.e. overwrite) ?' withCRs)
                                    ifFalse:[ AbortSignal raise ].

                                filesThere do:[:eachSTFile |
                                    Transcript showCR:('  loading ' , (eachDir asFilename constructString:eachSTFile) , '...').
                                    self activityNotification:('loading ',eachSTFile,'...').
                                    Class packageQuerySignal answer:theProject do:[
                                        Smalltalk fileIn:(eachDir asFilename construct:eachSTFile).
                                numImported := numImported + 1.
                    (anyFound and:[theProject notNil]) ifTrue:[
                        self projectListApp addAdditionalProject:theProject.

    importFromFilesystem ifTrue:[
        importFromDirectoryAction value:importDirectory
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ check out that module ...
        SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
            Dialog warn:ex description
        ] do:[

    numImported == 0 ifTrue:[
        numSkipped ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            (package endsWith:'*') ifTrue:[
                self information:('Nothing imported. Notice:\You may want to try ''' ,
                                 (package copyButLast:2) , ''' (i.e. not the matching sub-packages).') withCRs
            ] ifFalse:[
                self information:'Nothing imported.'
    LastImportedPackage := nil.

    "Created: / 27-07-2012 / 13:33:08 / cg"

    "import packages AND load classes"

    self projectMenuImport:true usingManager:nil

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 13:34:37 / cg"

    "import packages AND load classes"


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self projectMenuImport:true usingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 27-07-2012 / 13:46:40 / cg"

    "import packages - but do not load classes"


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self projectMenuImport:false usingManager:mgr

    "Created: / 27-07-2012 / 13:34:54 / cg"

    |projects projectsString alreadyWarned|

    LastLoadedPackages isNil ifTrue:[
        LastLoadedPackages := OrderedCollection new.

    projects := self selectedProjects value.
    projects isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        NewLauncher notNil ifTrue:[
            "/ use the >>much better<< Launcher-load-package dialog
            NewLauncher openLoadPackageDialog.
            ^ self.

        projectsString := Dialog
                            request:'Load which package(s):'
        projectsString size == 0 ifTrue:[^  self].
        projects := projectsString asCollectionOfWords.

    alreadyWarned := Set new.

    projects do:[:packageToLoad |
        LastLoadedPackages remove:packageToLoad ifAbsent:nil.
        LastLoadedPackages addFirst:packageToLoad.
        LastLoadedPackages size > 20 ifTrue:[
            LastLoadedPackages removeLast.
            Smalltalk loadPackage:packageToLoad.
        ] on:PackageLoadError do:[:ex|
            Dialog warn:'Failed to load package: ', packageToLoad.
            alreadyWarned add:packageToLoad.

    "/ any autoloaded?
    projects do:[:packageToLoad |

        dfn := packageToLoad asPackageId projectDefinitionClass.
        dfn isNil ifTrue:[
            (alreadyWarned includes:packageToLoad) ifFalse:[
                Dialog warn:'Not loaded:: ',packageToLoad
        ] ifFalse:[
            dfn hasAllClassesFullyLoaded ifFalse:[
                (Dialog confirm:'Load autoloaded classes now?') ifTrue:[
                    dfn loadAllAutoloadedClasses

    "Modified: / 14-09-2006 / 17:38:00 / cg"

    "fileOut selected classes (chunk format) and eMail to someone"

        mailClasses:self selectedProjectClasses
        subject:'Project Source from Browser'

    "Modified: / 20-09-2007 / 15:03:00 / cg"

    |theProject id|

    id := self theSingleSelectedProject asSymbol.

    theProject := Project projectWithId:id.
    theProject isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ create it
        theProject := Project new.
        theProject name:id.
        theProject package:id.

    Project current:theProject.

    |codeView resultStream |

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show metrics anyway ?') ifFalse:[^ self].

    OOM::MetricsSummaryGenerator isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView contents:nil.
    codeView modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

"/    Number of top-level classes.
"/    Cyclomatic complexity.
"/    Total cyclomatic complexity.

    resultStream := WriteStream on:String new.

        projectMenuWithAllClassesLoadedDo:[:module :package :classesInProject |
            |moduleAndPackage text metrics allClasses|

            moduleAndPackage := module , ':' , package.
            self busyLabel:'Computing metrics for ' , moduleAndPackage , '...'.
            Transcript showCR:'Computing metrics for ' , moduleAndPackage , '...'.

            allClasses := OrderedCollection new.
            allClasses addAll:classesInProject.
            classesInProject do:[:eachClass |
                allClasses addAll:(eachClass allPrivateClasses).

            metrics := OOM::MetricsSummaryGenerator new.
            metrics computeMetricsForClasses:allClasses.
            text := metrics generateSummaryReport.

            resultStream nextPutLine:'Package: ', moduleAndPackage.
            resultStream cr.
            resultStream nextPutLine:text.

    codeView contents:(resultStream contents).

    codeView modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.


    noProjectID := PackageId noProjectID.
        allInstancesForWhich:[:m | m package == noProjectID]
        do:[:m |
            |mclass classPackage|

            (mclass := m mclass) notNil ifTrue:[
                (classPackage := mclass package) ~= noProjectID ifTrue:[
                    Transcript show:'move '; show:m; show:' to '; showCR:classPackage.
                    "/ m package:classPackage

    |projectDefinitionClass appClassName theCode appClass package category
     defaultStartupClassName startupClassName startupClass change|

    projectDefinitionClass := self projectDefinitionDialogFor:nil.
    projectDefinitionClass isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    package := projectDefinitionClass package.
    Class packageQuerySignal answer:package
        projectDefinitionClass compileDescriptionMethods.
        self selectClass:projectDefinitionClass.
        category := projectDefinitionClass name copyReplaceAll:$_ with:$-.

        projectDefinitionClass isApplicationDefinition ifTrue:[
            appClassName := Dialog
                                request:(resources stringWithCRs:'Create initial application class?\(Enter name or cancel)').
            appClassName notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
                (appClass := environment classNamed:appClassName) notNil ifTrue:[
                    Dialog warn:(resources stringWithCRs:'Application class already exists\(in "%1")' with:appClass package).
                ] ifFalse:[
                    theCode := '
ApplicationModel subclass: #''%1''
    instanceVariableNames:'' ''
    classVariableNames:'' ''
    poolDictionaries:'' ''
'                   bindWith:appClassName with:category.

                    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
                        change := AddClassChange definition: theCode.
                        "/ change changeClassName:appClassName asSymbol.
                        change name:('Create application class %1' bindWith:appClassName).
                        RefactoryChangeManager performChange:change
                    ] ifFalse:[
                    appClass := environment classNamed:appClassName.
                    appClass package:package.
                    self classMenuGenerateApplicationCodeForClasses:{ appClass }.
                    appClass instAndClassMethodsDo:[:m | m package:package].
            ] ifFalse:[
                appClassName := nil "/ for xxx below
            defaultStartupClassName := (appClassName ? 'xxx'),'Start'.
            (environment classNamed:defaultStartupClassName) notNil ifTrue:[
                defaultStartupClassName := nil
            startupClassName := Dialog
                                        stringWithCRs:'Create startup class (e.g. main)?\(Enter name or cancel)')
            startupClassName notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
                (startupClass := environment classNamed:startupClassName) notNil ifTrue:[
                    Dialog warn:(resources stringWithCRs:'Startup class already exists\(in "%1")' with:startupClass package).
                ] ifFalse:[
                    theCode := '
StandaloneStartup subclass: #''%1''
    instanceVariableNames:'' ''
    classVariableNames:'' ''
    poolDictionaries:'' ''
'                           bindWith:startupClassName with:category.

                    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
                        change := AddClassChange definition: theCode.
                        "/ change changeClassName:startupClassName asSymbol.
                        change name:('Create startup class %1' bindWith:startupClassName).
                        RefactoryChangeManager performChange:change
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        self doAcceptClassDefinition:theCode usingCompiler:Compiler.
                    (startupClass := environment classNamed:startupClassName) notNil ifTrue:[
                        startupClass package:package.

                "/ update the classList, again
                projectDefinitionClass compileDescriptionMethods.
                "/ generate startupClass code

                startupClass notNil ifTrue:[
                            compile:(projectDefinitionClass startupClassName_codeFor:(startupClass name))
                            forClass:projectDefinitionClass theMetaclass
                            inCategory:'description - startup'.

                    self classMenuGenerateApplicationCodeForClasses:{ startupClass }.
                    startupClass instAndClassMethodsDo:[:m | m package:package].
            self selectClass:(appClass ? startupClass ? projectDefinitionClass).

    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 13:44:04 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:46:28 / Jan Vrany <>"

    Tools::InternationalLanguageTranslationEditor openOnPackage:self theSingleSelectedProject

    |project defClass|

    project := self theSingleSelectedProject.
    project isNil ifTrue:[^ self ].

    project asPackageId directory isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:(resources
                            stringWithCRs:'"%1" is a topLevel module identifier.\\Real packages are required to consist of module:directory (i.e. %1:xxx).\Please create a package below this module first'
                            with:(ProjectDefinition projectDefinitionClassNameForDefinitionOf:project)).

    defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:project.
    defClass isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:(resources
                            string:'Missing ProjectDefinition class: %1'
                            with:(ProjectDefinition projectDefinitionClassNameForDefinitionOf:project)).
        ^ self

    Tools::ProjectDefinitionEditor new

    "Modified: / 20-01-2012 / 16:36:32 / cg"

    |selectedProjects allIncluded projectDefinitionClasses|

    self selectedProjectClasses do:[:eachClass |
        self recompileClass:eachClass

    "/ do not forget extensions
    selectedProjects := self selectedProjects value.
    allIncluded := selectedProjects includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).
    allIncluded ifTrue:[
        projectDefinitionClasses :=
            ProjectDefinition withAllSubclasses reject:[:c | c isAbstract].
    ] ifFalse:[
        projectDefinitionClasses :=
            selectedProjects collect:[:p | p asPackageId projectDefinitionClass].
    projectDefinitionClasses do:[:each |
        each extensionMethods do:[:mthd | mthd mclass recompile:mthd selector].

    "Created: / 31-05-2012 / 12:03:19 / cg"

    self selectedProjectClasses do:[:eachClass |
        self recompileClassWithInstrumentation:eachClass
    self infoLabelHolder value:nil.
    self askForGlobalCoverageRecording.

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 12:39:43 / cg"
    "Modified: / 30-09-2011 / 12:39:19 / cg"


    projectClasses := self projectDefinitionClassesForSelectedProjects.
    self updateProjectContentsDefinitionsIn:projectClasses regenerate:true

    "Created: / 10-10-2006 / 21:05:51 / cg"

    (self selectedProjects value includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)) ifTrue:[
        self warn:'I won''t do that !!'.
        ^ self

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToRemove |
            self projectMenuRemoveProject:packageToRemove

    "remove a project - removes all classes and extensions for that project"

    |classesToRemove methodsToRemove msg|

    classesToRemove := IdentitySet new.
    methodsToRemove := IdentitySet new.

    "/ classes ...
    "/ ... and individual methods (extensions)
    environment allClassesDo:[:aClass |
        (aClass package = projectToRemove) ifTrue:[
            classesToRemove add:aClass.
        ] ifFalse:[
            aClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
                (mthd package = projectToRemove) ifTrue:[
                    methodsToRemove add:mthd

    msg := 'Remove project ''%1'' with\'.
    classesToRemove size > 0 ifTrue:[
        classesToRemove size == 1 ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , '1 class'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := msg , '%2 classes'.
        methodsToRemove size > 0 ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , ' and '
    methodsToRemove size > 0 ifTrue:[
        methodsToRemove size == 1 ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , '1 method extension in another class'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := msg , '%3 method extensions in other classes'.
    msg := msg , '.'.

    (classesToRemove contains:[:someClass | someClass wasAutoloaded]) ifTrue:[
        msg := msg , '\\Notice: this is a real remove (no autoload stubs will remain)'.

    msg := msg
            bindWith:projectToRemove string allBold
            with:classesToRemove size
            with:methodsToRemove size.
    msg := msg withCRs.

    (classesToRemove size > 0
    or:[methodsToRemove size > 0]) ifTrue:[
        (Dialog confirm:msg) ifFalse:[^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        methodsToRemove do:[:eachMethod |
            eachMethod mclass removeSelector:eachMethod selector.
        classesToRemove do:[:eachClass |
            eachClass removeFromSystem.
        self projectListApp removeAdditionalProjects:(Array with:projectToRemove).
    self normalLabel.

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

projectMenuRepositoryHistoryUsingManager: manager


    projects := self selectedProjects value.
    projects size == 0 ifTrue:[projects := nil].

    self repositoryHistoryForProjects:projects usingManager: manager

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 15:06:02 / cg"
    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 22:59:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:20:03 / cg"

projectMenuRepositoryHistoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self projectMenuRepositoryHistoryUsingManager: mgr

    self projectMenuResourcesUsingManager:SourceCodeManager

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

    MethodRewriter new
        projects: self selectedProjectsValue;


    SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
                        stringWithCRs:'CVS Error:\\%1'
                        with:ex description).
    ] do:[
        self selectedProjectsDo:[:prj |
            |packageId defClass pathes|

            packageId := prj asPackageId.
            defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:packageId createIfAbsent:false.

            tag := self askForTagForClasses:{ defClass }.
            tag isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self ].

            self withWaitCursorDo: [
                pathes := OrderedCollection new.
                defClass forEachFileNameAndGeneratedContentsDo:[:fileName :fileContents |
                    pathes add:(packageId pathRelativeToTopDirectory,'/',fileName).  "/ always unix names


    "Created: / 29-07-2013 / 09:49:58 / cg"

projectMenuSetTagOfBuildSupportFilesUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self projectMenuSetTagOfBuildSupportFilesUsingManager: mgr

    |tag allClasses|

    tag := self askForTagForClasses:(self selectedProjectClasses).
    tag isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self ].

    self withWaitCursorDo: [
        allClasses := OrderedCollection new.
        self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToTag |
            allClasses addAll:((Smalltalk allClassesInPackage:packageToTag)
                                    asOrderedCollection reject:[:cls | cls isPrivate]).

        aManager utilities tagClasses:allClasses as:tag.

    "Created: / 12-09-2006 / 13:25:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15-10-2011 / 22:45:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 29-07-2013 / 09:23:53 / cg"

projectMenuSetTagUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    self projectMenuSetTagUsingManager: mgr

    "/ intermediate - this will be removed later

    |package defClass newFile oldFile editor differ theFile missingName|

    self hasProjectDefinitionSelected ifTrue:[
        self hasSingleClassSelected ifTrue:[
            defClass := self theSingleSelectedClass
        defClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:(resources string:'Please select a single project definition class').
            ^ self.
        defClass := defClass theNonMetaclass.
        package := defClass package.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self hasSingleProjectSelected ifTrue:[
            package := self theSingleSelectedProject.
            defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:package.
            defClass isNil ifTrue:[
                self warn:(resources string:'Missing project definition class (%1)\for package: %2.'
                        with:(ProjectDefinition projectDefinitionClassNameForDefinitionOf:package)
                        with:package allBold).
                ^ self.

    theFile := whichFile.
    theFile = 'lib.rc' ifTrue:[
        theFile := defClass rcFilename.
    theFile = 'app.nsi' ifTrue:[
        theFile := defClass nsiFilename.

    (missingName := defClass allClassNames "compiled_classNames"
        detect:[:aName |

            cls := environment at:aName asSymbol.
            cls isNil
    notNil ifTrue:[
        (Dialog confirm:(resources stringWithCRs:'Some class (%1) from the list of compiled classes is missing in the image!!\\Continue anyway ?'
        ifFalse:[^ self ].

    whichFile = '' ifTrue:[
        (defClass compiled_classNames
            contains:[:aName |

                cls := environment at:aName asSymbol.
                cls notNil and:[cls isLoaded not]
            (Dialog confirm:'Autoload missing class(es) ?\\Notice: generated file is wrong if autoloaded classes are unloaded' withCRs) ifTrue:[
                defClass compiled_classNames do:[:aName |
                    (environment at:aName asSymbol) autoload

        newFile := defClass generateFile:theFile.
    ] on:Error do:[:ex|
        self errorNotify:ex description.
        ^ self.

    SourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
        oldFile := SourceCodeManager
                        directory:(package asPackageId directory)
                        module:(package asPackageId module).
    oldFile isNil ifTrue:[
        editor := EditTextView openOnModel:newFile.
        editor topView label:(resources string:'Generated %1' with:theFile).
    ] ifFalse:[
        differ := DiffCodeView
                openOn:oldFile label:(resources string:'Newest %1 in Repository' with:theFile)
                and:newFile label:(resources string:'Generated %1' with:theFile)
                title:(resources string:'Comparing %1' with:whichFile).

    "Created: / 29-08-2006 / 15:35:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12-09-2011 / 16:03:28 / cg"

projectMenuShowGeneratedBuildFile:whichFile usingManager: manager
    "/ intermediate - this will be removed later

    |package defClass newFile oldFile editor differ theFile missingName|

    self hasProjectDefinitionSelected ifTrue:[
        self hasSingleClassSelected ifTrue:[
            defClass := self theSingleSelectedClass
        defClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:(resources string:'Please select a single project definition class').
            ^ self.
        defClass := defClass theNonMetaclass.
        package := defClass package.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self hasSingleProjectSelected ifTrue:[
            package := self theSingleSelectedProject.
            defClass := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:package.
            defClass isNil ifTrue:[
                self warn:(resources string:'Missing project definition class (%1)\for package: %2.'
                        with:(ProjectDefinition projectDefinitionClassNameForDefinitionOf:package)
                        with:package allBold).
                ^ self.

    theFile := whichFile.
    theFile = 'lib.rc' ifTrue:[
        theFile := defClass rcFilename.
    theFile = 'app.nsi' ifTrue:[
        theFile := defClass nsiFilename.

    (missingName := defClass allClassNames "compiled_classNames"
        detect:[:aName |

            cls := environment at:aName asSymbol.
            cls isNil
    notNil ifTrue:[
        (Dialog confirm:(resources stringWithCRs:'Some class (%1) from the list of compiled classes is missing in the image!!\\Continue anyway ?'
        ifFalse:[^ self ].

    whichFile = '' ifTrue:[
        (defClass compiled_classNames
            contains:[:aName |

                cls := environment at:aName asSymbol.
                cls notNil and:[cls isLoaded not]
            (Dialog confirm:'Autoload missing class(es) ?\\Notice: generated file is wrong if autoloaded classes are unloaded' withCRs) ifTrue:[
                defClass compiled_classNames do:[:aName |
                    (environment at:aName asSymbol) autoload

        newFile := defClass generateFile:theFile.
    ] on:Error do:[:ex|
        self errorNotify:ex description.
        ^ self.

    manager notNil ifTrue:[
        oldFile := manager
                        directory:(package asPackageId directory)
                        module:(package asPackageId module).
    oldFile isNil ifTrue:[
        editor := EditTextView openOnModel:newFile.
        editor topView label:(resources string:'Generated %1' with:theFile).
    ] ifFalse:[
        differ := DiffCodeView
                openOn:oldFile label:(resources string:'Newest %1 in Repository' with:theFile)
                and:newFile label:(resources string:'Generated %1' with:theFile).

    "Modified: / 12-09-2011 / 16:03:28 / cg"
    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 19:02:44 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:24:42 / cg"

projectMenuSmalllintCheck: what
    "perform all checks on the selected project's class(es)."

    self smalllintRun:what onEnvironment:self selectedPackagesAsEnvironment

    "Created: / 05-05-2012 / 10:19:44 / cg"

    "open a browser showing the selected projects only"

    self spawnProjectBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:42:26 / cg"

    "add a browser showing projects which are prerequisite to the selected project(s)"

    self spawnProjectAllPrerequisitesFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer showing projects which are prerequisite to the selected project(s)"

    self spawnProjectAllPrerequisitesFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer showing the selected projects only"

    self spawnProjectBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:42:40 / cg"

    "open a browser showing the selected projects extensions only"

    self spawnProjectExtensionBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer showing the selected projects extensions only"

    self spawnProjectExtensionBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBuffer

    "open a browser showing projects which have the selected project(s) as prerequisite"

    self spawnProjectPreRequirerBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 23-01-2007 / 19:23:43 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing projects which have the selected project(s) as prerequisite"

    self spawnProjectPreRequirerBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 23-01-2007 / 19:23:32 / cg"

    "open a browser showing projects which have the selected project(s) as prerequisite or subProject"

    self spawnProjectReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer showing projects which have the selected project(s) as prerequisite or subProject"

    self spawnProjectReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBuffer

    self projectListApp forceUpdateList


    projectClasses := self projectDefinitionClassesForSelectedProjects.
    self updateProjectContentsDefinitionsIn:projectClasses regenerate:false

    "Created: / 10-10-2006 / 20:59:14 / cg"

    "/ helper for gen-abbrev and gen-loadAll
    "/ intermediate - this will move into a commonly used utility class
    "/ (where all the project code support will be collected).

    SourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue:[^ self warn:'No SourceCodeManagement is configured.'].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        |classesToLoad classesToUnload answer outStream classesSorted|

        self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheck |
            |module package containers classesInProject classesWithoutContainer|

            module := packageToCheck asPackageId module.
            package := packageToCheck asPackageId directory.

"/            containers := SourceCodeManager getExistingContainersInModule:module package:package.
"/            containers := containers select:[:each | (each startsWith:'.') not].

            classesInProject := IdentitySet new.
            environment allClassesDo:[:aClass |
                (packageToCheck = aClass package) ifTrue:[
                    aClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
                        aClass isObsolete ifTrue:[
                            Transcript showCR:'skipping obsolete class: ' , aClass name.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            classesInProject add:aClass .

            "/ load unloaded classes...
            classesToLoad := OrderedCollection new.
            classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
                eachClassInProject isLoaded ifFalse:[
                    classesToLoad add:eachClassInProject
            classesToLoad size > 0 ifTrue:[
                answer := Dialog confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'%1 class(es) are not loaded.\In order to proceed, these must be loaded first.\\Load them now ?'
                                                              with:classesToLoad size) withCRs
                answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

                answer ifTrue:[
                    self busyLabel:'Autoloading all classes in ' , packageToCheck , '...'.

                    classesToUnload := OrderedCollection new.
                    classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
                        eachClassInProject isLoaded ifFalse:[
                            eachClassInProject autoload.
                            classesToUnload add:eachClassInProject

            self busyLabel:'Checking for classes without container in ' , packageToCheck , '...'.

            "/ any class without container ?
            classesWithoutContainer := IdentitySet new.

            classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
                |mgr info classesModule classesPackageDir classesContainerFileName|

                eachClassInProject isPrivate ifFalse:[
                    mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:eachClassInProject.
                    info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:eachClassInProject.
                    info isNil ifTrue:[
                        "/ no container for that class
                        classesWithoutContainer add:eachClassInProject

            "/ any container left ?
            classesWithoutContainer notEmpty ifTrue:[
                answer := Dialog warn:(resources string:'%1 class(es) have no container in the repository.\\Please do not forget to check them in.'
                                                              with:classesToLoad size) withCRs.

            aBlock value:module value:package value:classesInProject.

            classesToUnload size >0 ifTrue:[
                answer := Dialog confirm:(resources string:'%1 class(es) were loaded - unload them now ?'
                                          with:classesToLoad size)
                answer ifTrue:[
                    self busyLabel:'Unloading autoloaded classes in ' , packageToCheck , '...'.

                    "/ unload classes which have been loaded temporarily
                    classesToUnload do:[:eachClassToUnload |
                        eachClassToUnload unload
    self normalLabel

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 14:22:58 / cg"

    "find methods in a particular release of a set of pacakges
     called by a set of packages from a particular release in another set of packages.
     Answers the question of which release of the base st/x is required to execute
     a particular release of a product (such as expecco).
     Releases are specified by their tag."

    |packagesToFindMissing packagesToFindCalled classesToFindMissing classesToFindCalled projectList1 projectList2 knownTags1 knownTags2
     projectListView1 projectListView2 dialog releaseHolder1 releaseHolder2 manager
     methodsImplemented skipAutoloaded cacheTagMappingsHolder packageHull|

    manager := SourceCodeManager.
    skipAutoloaded := true.

    releaseHolder1 := SourceCodeManager recentTag asValue.
    releaseHolder2 := 'stable' asValue.

    packagesToFindMissing := self selectedProjectsValue.
    packagesToFindMissing isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^self].

    projectList1 := ProjectList "HierarchicalProjectList" new.
    projectList1 createBuilder.
    projectListView1 := ApplicationSubView new client:projectList1.

    projectList2 := ProjectList "HierarchicalProjectList" new.
    projectList2 createBuilder.
    projectListView2 := ApplicationSubView new client:projectList2.

    projectList1 selectedProjects value:packagesToFindMissing.
    projectList2 selectedProjects value:#('stx').

    packageHull := [:packageIDs | environment allProjectIDs select:[:p | packageIDs
                                                                        contains:[:packageId |
                                                                            p = packageId
                                                                            or:[ (p startsWith:packageId,':')
                                                                            or:[ (p startsWith:packageId,'/') ]]]

    knownTags1 := (self allKnownTagsInClasses:((packageHull value:projectList1 selectedProjects value)
                                                collect:[:id | ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:id]
                                                thenSelect:[:c | c notNil]))
                        asOrderedCollection reverse.

    knownTags2 := (self allKnownTagsInClasses:((packageHull value:projectList2 selectedProjects value)
                                                collect:[:id | ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:id]
                                                thenSelect:[:c | c notNil]))
                        asOrderedCollection reverse.

    dialog := Dialog new.
    dialog addCheckBox:'Cache tag -> revision mappings (speedup)' on:(cacheTagMappingsHolder := true asValue) tabable:true.
    dialog addMessage:'Find (possible) calls from projects:' centered:false.
    dialog leftIndent:30.
    (dialog addComponent:projectListView1) width:1.0.
    dialog addMessage:'with release:' centered:false.
    dialog addComboListOn:releaseHolder1 list:knownTags1 tabable:true.
    dialog leftIndent:0.

    dialog addMessage:'into projects:' centered:false.
    dialog leftIndent:30.
    dialog addComponent:projectListView2.
    dialog addMessage:'with release:' centered:false.
    dialog addComboListOn:releaseHolder2 list:knownTags2 tabable:true.
    dialog leftIndent:0.

    dialog addAbortAndOkButtons.
    dialog extent:400@400.
    dialog open.

    dialog accepted ifFalse:[ ^ self].

    cacheTagMappingsHolder value ifTrue:[
        CachedTagToRevisionMapping isNil ifTrue:[
            CachedTagToRevisionMapping := Dictionary new

    packagesToFindMissing := projectList1 selectedProjects value.
    packagesToFindCalled := projectList2 selectedProjects value.

    classesToFindMissing := environment allClasses select:[:cls |

                                p := cls package.
                                p notNil
                                    and:[cls isPrivate not
                                    and:[ packagesToFindMissing contains:[:p2 | (p2 = p)
                                                                                or:[(p startsWith:(p2,'/'))
                                                                                or:[p startsWith:(p2,':')]]]]]
    classesToFindMissing := classesToFindMissing asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    classesToFindCalled := environment allClasses select:[:cls |

                                p := cls package.
                                p notNil
                                    and:[cls isPrivate not
                                    and:[ packagesToFindCalled contains:[:p2 | (p2 = p)
                                                                                or:[(p startsWith:(p2,'/'))
                                                                                or:[p startsWith:(p2,':')]]]]]
    classesToFindCalled := classesToFindCalled asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

"/ CachedMethodsImplemented := methodsImplemented.
methodsImplemented := CachedMethodsImplemented.
methodsImplemented isNil ifTrue:[
    methodsImplemented := Set new.
    classesToFindCalled do:[:eachClass |
        |tag stream changeSet|

        (eachClass isLoaded or:[skipAutoloaded not]) ifTrue:[

                tag := releaseHolder2 value.
                cacheTagMappingsHolder value ifTrue:[
                    rev := (CachedTagToRevisionMapping at:tag ifAbsentPut:[Dictionary new])
                                at:eachClass name ifAbsent:nil.
                rev isNil ifTrue:[
                    rev := manager utilities
                                fileName:(eachClass classFilename)
                                directory:(eachClass package asPackageId directory)
                                module:(eachClass package asPackageId module)

                rev isNil ifTrue:[
                    Dialog warn:(resources string:'No version of %1 tagged as %2' with:eachClass name with:tag).
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self activityNotification:'reading ',eachClass name,'...'.
                    stream := manager getSourceStreamFor:eachClass revision:rev.
                    stream isNil ifTrue:[
                        "/ class is autoloaded AND does not have a computable class name (would need conultation of abbrev file)
                        Dialog warn:(resources string:'Cannot extract source of %1 (rev %2)' with:eachClass name with:rev).
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        changeSet := ChangeSet fromStream:stream.
                        methodsImplemented addAll:(changeSet changeSelectors).
                    cacheTagMappingsHolder value ifTrue:[
                        (CachedTagToRevisionMapping at:tag ifAbsentPut:[Dictionary new])
                                at:eachClass name put:rev.
            ] ensure:[
                stream notNil ifTrue:[ stream close ].

    classesToFindMissing do:[:eachClass |
        |tag stream changeSet|

        (eachClass isLoaded or:[skipAutoloaded not]) ifTrue:[

                tag := releaseHolder1 value.
                cacheTagMappingsHolder value ifTrue:[
                    rev := (CachedTagToRevisionMapping at:tag ifAbsentPut:[Dictionary new])
                                at:eachClass name ifAbsent:nil.
                rev isNil ifTrue:[
                    rev := manager utilities
                                fileName:(eachClass classFilename)
                                directory:(eachClass package asPackageId directory)
                                module:(eachClass package asPackageId module)

                rev isNil ifTrue:[
                    Dialog warn:(resources string:'No version of %1 tagged as %2' with:eachClass name with:tag).
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self activityNotification:'reading ',eachClass name,'...'.
                    stream := manager getSourceStreamFor:eachClass revision:rev.
                    stream isNil ifTrue:[
                        "/ class is autoloaded AND does not have a computable class name (would need conultation of abbrev file)
                        Dialog warn:(resources string:'Cannot extract source of %1 (rev %2)' with:eachClass name with:rev).
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        changeSet := ChangeSet fromStream:stream.
                        changeSet do:[:each |
                            |tree messagesSent|

                            messagesSent := Set new.
                            each isMethodCodeChange ifTrue:[
                                tree := RBParser parseMethod:(each source) onError:[:aString :pos | nil].
                                tree notNil ifTrue:[
                                    tree nodesDo:[:eachNode |
                                        eachNode isMessage ifTrue:[
                                            messagesSent add:( eachNode selector ).
self halt.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            eachNode isVariable ifTrue:[
self halt.

                                tree halt.
                    cacheTagMappingsHolder value ifTrue:[
                        (CachedTagToRevisionMapping at:tag ifAbsentPut:[Dictionary new])
                                at:eachClass name put:rev.
            ] ensure:[
                stream notNil ifTrue:[ stream close ].
    self halt.

saveProjectClassDocumentationIn:aDirectory using:docGenerator
    "save class documentation for each of the package's classes to a directory"

    self selectedProjectClasses do:[:eachClass |
        |text f fn|

        self infoLabelHolder value:'Generating doc for ',eachClass name, '...'.
        text := docGenerator htmlDocOf:eachClass.
        text notNil ifTrue:[
            fn := eachClass classFilename asFilename withSuffix:'html'.
            f := (aDirectory construct:fn) writeStream.
            f nextPutAll:text asString.
            f close.
    self infoLabelHolder value:'Done.'.

    |selectedProjects allProjects|

    selectedProjects := self selectedProjects value ? #().
    (selectedProjects includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)) ifTrue:[
        allProjects := environment allClasses collect:[:eachClass | eachClass package] as:Set.
        selectedProjects := allProjects select:[:each| each notNil].
    selectedProjects := selectedProjects asOrderedCollection.
    selectedProjects sort do:aBlock

spawnProjectAllPrerequisitesFor:someProjects in:how
    "open a browser/buffer showing projects which are prerequisite of the selected project(s)"

    |addPkg allPrereqs lbl already brwsr delta|

    delta := 4.

    allPrereqs := OrderedCollection new.
    already := Set new.

    addPkg := 
        [:package :lvl |
            |projectDefinition indent|
            indent := String new:lvl.
            allPrereqs add:(indent,package).
            already add:package.

            projectDefinition := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage:package string.
            projectDefinition notNil ifTrue:[
                (projectDefinition effectivePreRequisites) do:[:eachPrereq |
                    (already includes:eachPrereq) ifFalse:[
                        addPkg value:eachPrereq value:lvl+delta
                    ] ifTrue:[
                        indent := String new:lvl+delta.
                        allPrereqs add:(indent,(eachPrereq withColor:Color grey)).

    someProjects do:[:each | addPkg value:each value:0].

    allPrereqs isEmpty ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'No prerequisites found.'.
        ^ self.
    someProjects size == 1 ifTrue:[
        lbl := resources string:'All prerequisites of package "%1"' with:someProjects first
    ] ifFalse:[
        lbl := resources string:'All prerequisites any of %1 packages' with:someProjects size
    brwsr := self spawnProjectBrowserFor:allPrereqs label:lbl in:how sort:false.

spawnProjectBrowserFor:projects in:where
    "browse selected project(s);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the projects"

    ^ self spawnProjectBrowserFor:projects label:nil in:where

spawnProjectBrowserFor:projects label:labelOrNil in:where
    "browse selected project(s);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the projects"

    ^ self
        spawnProjectBrowserFor:projects label:labelOrNil in:where sort:true

spawnProjectBrowserFor:projects label:labelOrNil in:where sort:sortItems
    "browse selected project(s);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the projects"

    |spec projectList singleSelection brwsr|

    (singleSelection := projects size == 1) ifTrue:[
        "/ spec := #singleProjectBrowserSpec.
        spec := #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ spec := #multipleProjectBrowserSpec.
        spec := #multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec.

    projectList := projects copy.

    brwsr := self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            "/ setup for a constant list ...

            brwsr projectListApp includedPseudoEntryForChanged:false.

            brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
            brwsr projectListApp slaveMode:false.
            sortItems ifFalse:[ brwsr projectListApp sortBy value:#keep ].
            brwsr organizerMode value:#project.
            brwsr projectListGenerator value:projectList.
            brwsr packageFilter value:projectList.
            brwsr selectProject:(singleSelection ifTrue:[projectList anElement] ifFalse:[BrowserList nameListEntryForALL]).
            brwsr selectCategory:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).
            brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

    ^ brwsr

    "Modified: / 23-01-2007 / 19:42:18 / cg"

spawnProjectExtensionBrowserFor:projects in:where
    "browse selected project(s) extensions;
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the projects"

    |classes title|

    classes := environment allClasses
                reject:[:each | (projects includes:each package) ].

    projects size == 1 ifTrue:[
        title := 'Extensions for Project ''' , projects first , ''''
    ] ifFalse:[
        title := 'Extensions for Projects'

    ^ self

spawnProjectPreRequirerBrowserFor:someProjects in:how
    "open a browser/buffer showing projects which have the selected project(s) as prerequisite"

    |requirer lbl|

    requirer := Set new.
    ProjectDefinition allSubclassesDo:[:eachProjectDefinition |
        (eachProjectDefinition effectivePreRequisites includesAny:someProjects) ifTrue:[
            requirer add:(eachProjectDefinition package).
    requirer isEmpty ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Noone seems to require this package (not found in any prerequisites).'.
        ^ self.

    someProjects size == 1 ifTrue:[
        lbl := resources string:'Projects which require package "%1"' with:someProjects first
    ] ifFalse:[
        lbl := resources string:'Projects which require any of %1 packages' with:someProjects size
        spawnProjectBrowserFor:(requirer asOrderedCollection sort) 

    "Created: / 23-01-2007 / 19:25:00 / cg"

spawnProjectReferencesBrowserFor:collectionOfPackageIds in:openHow
    "add a buffer / open a new browser showing references to the given packageIDs
     from other projects (i.e. prerequisites, subprojects etc.)"

    |packages lbl|

    packages := Set new.
    ProjectDefinition allSubclasses do:[:eachProjectDefinition |
        eachProjectDefinition preRequisites do:[:eachPrereqPackage |
            (collectionOfPackageIds includes:eachPrereqPackage) ifTrue:[
                packages add:eachProjectDefinition package
        eachProjectDefinition subProjects do:[:eachSubProject |
            (collectionOfPackageIds includes:eachSubProject) ifTrue:[
                packages add:eachProjectDefinition package
    collectionOfPackageIds size == 1 ifTrue:[
        lbl := resources string:'References to package "%1"' with:collectionOfPackageIds first
    ] ifFalse:[
        lbl := resources string:'References to any of %1 packages' with:collectionOfPackageIds size

    self spawnProjectBrowserFor:packages label:lbl in:openHow

updateProjectContentsDefinitionsIn:classes regenerate:doRegenerate
        generateUndoableChange:(doRegenerate ifTrue:'Generate Project Definitions' ifFalse:'Update Project Definitions')
        via:[:generator :eachClass |
            eachClass theNonMetaclass

"/            Class packageQuerySignal
"/                answer:eachClass package
"/                do:[
"/                    eachClass theNonMetaclass
"/                        forEachContentsMethodsCodeToCompileDo:
"/                            [:code :category |
"/                                generator
"/                                    compile:code
"/                                    forClass:eachClass theMetaclass
"/                                    inCategory:category.
"/                            ]
"/                        ignoreOldDefinition:doRegenerate
"/                ].

    "Created: / 10-10-2006 / 21:05:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23-10-2006 / 11:01:42 / cg"

    SourceCodeManagerUtilities basicNew validateConsistencyOfPackage:defClass package
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-project-monticello'!

    MCRepositoryBrowser openOnPrimaryRepositoryForPackage:(self theSingleSelectedProject).

    "Created: / 01-12-2011 / 21:47:24 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-protocol'!

    "change the package-id of all methods in the selected protocols.
     Will eventually update the Project-object"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedProtocolMethodsDo:[:cls :protocol :sel :eachMethod |
            eachMethod package:newProject.
        self rememberLastProjectMoveTo:newProject

    "Modified: / 08-09-2011 / 04:17:32 / cg"

    "confirm removal of the selected protocols.
     The argument is meant to control the bahavior of the protocolList;
     however, it is not yet implemented"

    |classes protocols methods numClasses numProtocols numMethods msg

    "/ count them ...
    classes := IdentitySet new.
    protocols := Set new.
    methods := IdentitySet new.
    self selectedProtocolMethodsDo:[:cls :protocol :sel :eachMethod |
        classes add:cls.
        protocols add:protocol.
        methods add:eachMethod.
    numClasses := classes size.
    numProtocols := protocols size.
    numMethods := methods size.

    numMethods ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        numMethods == 1 ifTrue:[
            msg := resources
                        string:'Really remove %1 from ''%2'''
                        with:(methods first selector allBold)
                        with:classes first name allBold.
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := 'Really remove %1 methods'.
            numProtocols > 1 ifTrue:[
                msg := msg , ' (in %3 categories)'
            ] ifFalse:[
                msg := msg , ' categorized as ''%4'''
            numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
                msg := msg , ' from %2 classes'
            ] ifFalse:[
                msg := msg , ' from ''%5'''
            msg := msg , ' ?'.
            msg := resources
                        with:numMethods printString
                        with:numClasses printString
                        with:numProtocols printString
                        with:protocols first allBold
                        with:classes first name allBold.
        (self confirm:msg) ifFalse:[^ self].
    classes := protocols := nil.

    "/ then, remove them
    self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:methods.
    methods := nil.

    "/ kludge: remove the simulated entries ...
    methodCategoryListApp := self methodCategoryListApp.
    methodCategoryListApp notNil ifTrue:[
        self selectedClassesDo:[:cls |
                    removeAdditionalProtocol:self selectedProtocols value
        methodCategoryListApp updateList.

    self methodListApp updateList


    printStream := Printer new.

    (self selectedClassesValue) do:[:eachClass |
        (self selectedProtocols value sort) do:[:eachProtocol |
            (eachClass methodDictionary contains:[:m | m category = eachProtocol])
                eachClass perform:aSelector with:eachProtocol with:printStream.

    printStream close

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:59:38 / cg"

protocolCheckMenuSmalllintCheck: what
    "perform all checks on the selected class(es)."

    self smalllintRun:what onEnvironment:self selectedProtocolsAsEnvironment

    "Modified: / 28-12-2008 / 14:42:01 / bazantj <enter your email here>"
    "Modified: / 13-01-2009 / 13:20:48 / Jiri Bazant <>"
    "Created: / 17-04-2010 / 10:49:13 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "copy all methods in the selected protocols to some other class."

    self protocolMenuMoveOrCopy:#copy

    "fileOut all methods in the selected methodcategory of
     the current class"

    |methods protocols|

    protocols := self selectedProtocolsValue.

    methods := self methodListApp methodList.
    methods := methods select:[:eachMethod| protocols includes:eachMethod category].

        fileNameTemplate:self currentClass name , '-' , protocols first
        boxTitle:'FileOut protocol as:'

    "these are needed so often; let the browser do it for me"


    self hasMetaSelected ifTrue:[
        protocols := #('instance creation' 'documentation' 'defaults')
    ] ifFalse:[
        protocols := #('accessing' 'adding & removing' 'testing' 'initialization' 'queries' 'private'
                       'printing & storing' 'change & update')

    protocols do:[:newProtocol |
"/        self immediateUpdate value:true.
        self selectedClassesDo:[:cls |
            self methodCategoryListApp addAdditionalProtocol:newProtocol forClass:cls.
        self clearAutoSelectOfLastSelectedProtocol.
"/        self immediateUpdate value:false.

    "these are needed so often; let the browser do it for me"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:cls |
        self methodCategoryListApp addAdditionalProtocol:'documentation' forClass:cls.
        (cls includesSelector:#documentation) ifFalse:[
            cls programmingLanguage codeGeneratorClass createDocumentationMethodFor:cls
    self clearAutoSelectOfLastSelectedProtocol.

    "move or copy the selected protocols methods to some other class - typically a sister class"

    |newClass newClassName sup initial m changes
     supers subs list "holders" currentClass reqString okLabel title|

    "/ provide a reasonable default in the pull-down-list
    currentClass := self anySelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        m := self anySelectedMethod.
        currentClass := m mclass.

    LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass notNil ifTrue:[
        initial := LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass.

    initial isNil ifTrue:[
        (sup := currentClass superclass) notNil ifTrue:[
            initial := sup name
        ] ifFalse:[
            initial := nil.

    supers := (currentClass allSuperclasses reversed collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    subs := (currentClass allSubclasses collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    list := supers.
    (supers notEmpty and:[subs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        list := list , (Array with:'---- ' , currentClass name , ' ----')
    list := list , subs.

"/ preps to use windowSpecs ...
"/    holders := IdentityDictionary new.
"/    holders at:#className put:initial asValue.
"/    holders at:#classList put:list.
"/    (SystemBrowser
"/      openDialogInterface:#methodMoveDialogSpec
"/      withBindings:holders) ifFalse:[
"/        ^ self
"/    ].
"/    newClassName := (holders at:#className) value.

    doWhat == #copy ifTrue:[
        reqString := 'Copy selected protocols method(s) to which class:'.
        okLabel := 'Copy'.
        title := 'Copy protocol'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        reqString := 'Move selected protocols method(s) to which class:'.
        okLabel := 'Move'.
        title := 'Move protocol'.

    newClassName := Dialog
                    request:(resources string:reqString)
                    okLabel:(resources string:okLabel)
                    title:(resources string:title)
                    entryCompletionBlock:(DoWhatIMeanSupport classNameEntryCompletionBlock).
    newClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    (newClassName startsWith:'---- ') ifTrue:[^ self].

    newClass := environment classNamed:newClassName.
    newClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'no such class: ', newClassName.
        ^ self

    LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass := newClassName.

    self meta value ifTrue:[
        newClass := newClass theMetaclass
    ] ifFalse:[
        newClass := newClass theNonMetaclass

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifTrue:[
        changes := CompositeRefactoryChange named:((doWhat == #copy) ifTrue:['Copy protocol(s)'] ifFalse:['Move protocol(s)']).

    self selectedProtocolMethodsDo:[:cls :protocol :sel :methodToCopyOrMove |
        |question msg selectorToCopyOrMove dontDoIt newMethod|

        "/ skip the version method (to avoid confusing the repository)
        ((AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector:sel) and:[newClass isMeta]) ifFalse:[
            dontDoIt := false.
            selectorToCopyOrMove := methodToCopyOrMove selector.
            (newClass includesSelector:selectorToCopyOrMove) ifTrue:[
                question := (doWhat == #copy)
                        ifTrue:['%1 already implements #%2\\Copy anyway ?']
                        ifFalse:['%1 already implements #%2\\Move anyway ?'].

                (self confirm:(resources string:question
                                          with:newClass name allBold
                                          with:selectorToCopyOrMove) withCRs) ifFalse:[
                    dontDoIt := true
            dontDoIt ifFalse:[
                lastMethodMoveClass := newClassName.

                changes notNil ifTrue:[
                            compile: (methodToCopyOrMove source)
                            in: newClass
                            classified: (methodToCopyOrMove category).
                    newMethod := #dummy. "/ to make following if happy
                ] ifFalse:[
                    newMethod := newClass
                                        compile:(methodToCopyOrMove source)
                                        classified:(methodToCopyOrMove category).

                (newMethod isNil or:[newMethod == #Error]) ifTrue:[
                    msg := (doWhat == #copy)
                               ifTrue:['#%1 not copied - compilation failed due to an error']
                               ifFalse:['#%1 not moved - compilation failed due to an error'].
                    self warn:(resources string:msg with:selectorToCopyOrMove)
                ] ifFalse:[
                    (doWhat == #move) ifTrue:[
                        changes notNil ifTrue:[
                            changes removeMethod: selectorToCopyOrMove from: (methodToCopyOrMove mclass)
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            (methodToCopyOrMove mclass) removeSelector:selectorToCopyOrMove.

    changes notNil ifTrue:[
        RefactoryChangeManager performChange: changes

    "move all methods in the selected protocols to some other class."

    self protocolMenuMoveOrCopy:#move

    "change the package-id of all methods in the selected protocols.
     Will eventually update the Project-object"


    newProject := self askForProject:'Move all methods in protocol(s) to which project:'.
    newProject notNil ifTrue:[
        self doMoveSelectedProtocolsToProject:newProject.

    |newProtocol classesMethodCategories allMethodCategories someMethodCategories
     cls suggestion|

    LastNewProtocols notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        suggestion := LastNewProtocols first.

"/    allMethodCategories := Set new.
"/    environment allBehaviorsDo:[:eachClass |
"/        allMethodCategories addAll:eachClass categories
"/    ].
    SharedMethodCategoryCache isNil ifTrue:[
        SharedMethodCategoryCache := MethodCategoryCache new
    allMethodCategories := SharedMethodCategoryCache allMethodCategories.

    "/ remove existing ones ...
    (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
        classesMethodCategories := cls categories asSet.
        someMethodCategories := allMethodCategories select:[:cat | (classesMethodCategories includes:cat) not].
"/        someMethodCategories removeAllFoundIn:classesMethodCategories.
        (classesMethodCategories includes:suggestion) ifTrue:[
            suggestion := nil.

    someMethodCategories := (someMethodCategories ? allMethodCategories) asOrderedCollection sort.

    someRecentlyVisitedMethodCategories := self methodCategoryListApp lastSelectedProtocols.
    someRecentlyVisitedMethodCategories notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        someRecentlyVisitedMethodCategories := someRecentlyVisitedMethodCategories asOrderedCollection sort.
        someMethodCategories addFirst:''.
        someMethodCategories addAllFirst:someRecentlyVisitedMethodCategories.
        suggestion isNil ifTrue:[
            suggestion := someRecentlyVisitedMethodCategories first

    newProtocol := self
                        askForMethodCategory:'Name of new protocol:\(Tab for completion)' withCRs
                        title:'New MethodCategory'

    newProtocol isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    newProtocol isWideString ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Sorry - for now, non-ascii categories are not allowed (no 2-byte symbols).'.
        ^ self.

    self immediateUpdate value:true.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:cls |
        self methodCategoryListApp addAdditionalProtocol:newProtocol forClass:cls.
    self selectProtocol:newProtocol.
    self clearAutoSelectOfLastSelectedProtocol.
    self immediateUpdate value:false.

    LastNewProtocols isNil ifTrue:[
        LastNewProtocols := OrderedCollection new
    LastNewProtocols remove:newProtocol ifAbsent:[].
    LastNewProtocols addFirst:newProtocol.
    LastNewProtocols size > 10 ifTrue:[
        LastNewProtocols removeLast

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:56:04 / cg"

    self printOutProtocolsWithSelector:#'printOutCategory:on:'.

    "confirm removal of the selected protocols"

    self doRemoveProtocolAndSelect:nil

    "confirm removal of the selected protocols"

    self doRemoveProtocolAndSelect:#next

    "confirm removal of the selected protocols"

    self doRemoveProtocolAndSelect:#previous

    "launch an enterBox to rename current method category"

    |"box" selClasses someCategories suggestion last currentMethodCategory
     msg newCategory selMethods methodCategoryListApp|

    self hasProtocolSelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    LastProtocolRenames isNil ifTrue:[
        LastProtocolRenames := OrderedCollection new.
    currentMethodCategory := self theSingleSelectedProtocol.
    currentMethodCategory isNil ifTrue:[
        LastProtocolRenames size > 0 ifTrue:[
            last := LastProtocolRenames last
    ] ifFalse:[
        currentMethodCategory := currentMethodCategory string.

        last := LastProtocolRenames detect:[:ren | ren key = currentMethodCategory] ifNone:nil.
        last notNil ifTrue:[
            suggestion := last value
    last isNil ifTrue:[
        suggestion := currentMethodCategory

    currentMethodCategory isNil ifTrue:[
        msg := resources string:'Rename selected categories to:'
    ] ifFalse:[
        msg := resources string:'Rename method category ''%1'' to:'
                         with:currentMethodCategory allBold
"/    box := self class
"/                enterBoxTitle:msg
"/                okText:'rename'
"/                label:'rename category'.
"/    box initialText:suggestion.
"/    box action:[:aString | newCategory := aString].
"/    box showAtPointer.

    someCategories := Set new.

    "/ offer the current classes's protocols in the dialog
    (selClasses := self selectedClassesValue) notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        selClasses do:[:eachClass |
            someCategories addAll:(eachClass categories).
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ offer the current method-classes' protocols in the dialog
        (selMethods := self selectedMethodsValue) notNil ifTrue:[
            selMethods do:[:eachMethod | |cls|
                (cls := eachMethod mclass) notNil ifTrue:[
                    someCategories addAll:cls categories
    someCategories := someCategories asOrderedCollection sort.
    someCategories notEmpty ifTrue:[
        someCategories add:''.
    someCategories addAll:(environment allMethodCategories reject:[:cat | (someCategories includes:cat) ]) asOrderedCollection sort.

    newCategory := self
                        title:'Rename MethodCategory'

    newCategory isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    newCategory := newCategory withoutSeparators.
    newCategory isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    newCategory = currentMethodCategory ifTrue:[^ self].

    newCategory isWideString ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Sorry - for now, non-ascii categories are not allowed (no 2-byte symbols).'.
        ^ self.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        LastProtocolRenames := LastProtocolRenames select:[:ren | ren key ~= currentMethodCategory].
        LastProtocolRenames addLast:(currentMethodCategory -> newCategory).
        LastProtocolRenames size > 20 ifTrue:[LastProtocolRenames removeFirst].

        methodCategoryListApp := self methodCategoryListApp.

        newCategory := newCategory asSymbol.
        self selectedProtocolsDo:[:cls :protocol |

            methods := cls methodDictionary values select:[:m | m category = protocol].
            self moveMethods:methods toProtocol:newCategory.

"/            cls renameCategory:protocol to:newCategory.
            "/ kludge - must also rename in addedProtocols
            methodCategoryListApp notNil ifTrue:[
                methodCategoryListApp renameAdditionalProtocol:protocol to:newCategory forClass:cls.
        methodCategoryListApp notNil ifTrue:[
            (self selectedClassesValue) do:[:cls |
                "/ kludge - must also rename in addedProtocols
                methodCategoryListApp renameAdditionalProtocol:currentMethodCategory to:newCategory forClass:cls.

            methodCategoryListApp updateList.

        self immediateUpdate value:true.
        self selectProtocol:newCategory.
        self immediateUpdate value:false.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 17:00:47 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing the selected category only"

    ^ self
        spawnProtocolBrowserFor:(self selectedClassesValue)
        and:(self selectedProtocols value)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 17:00:28 / cg"

    "add a new buffer showing the selected category only"

    ^ self
        spawnProtocolBrowserFor:(self selectedClassesValue)
        and:(self selectedProtocols value)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:54:00 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing all methods (from all classes) in that category"

    ^ self
        spawnFullProtocolBrowserFor:(self selectedProtocols value)

    "add a new buffer showing all methods (from all classes) in that category"

    ^ self
        spawnFullProtocolBrowserFor:(self selectedProtocols value)

    "open a new browser showing all methods (from all classes) in macthing categories"

    ^ self protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryIn:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer showing all methods (from all classes) in macthing categories"

    ^ self protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryIn:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer/ open a new browser showing all methods (from all classes) in matching categories"

    |pattern matchingProtocols|

    pattern := Dialog request:'Match pattern for protocols:' initialAnswer:(self theSingleSelectedProtocol ? '').
    pattern size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    pattern := pattern string.

    matchingProtocols := Set new.
    environment allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |
        eachClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
            eachClass categories do:[:cat |
                (pattern match:cat) ifTrue:[
                    matchingProtocols add:cat.
    ^ self spawnFullProtocolBrowserFor:matchingProtocols in:openHow


    (methodCategoryListApp := self methodCategoryListApp) notNil ifTrue:[
        (self selectedClassesValue) do:[:aClass |
            methodCategoryListApp removeAllAdditionalProtocolForClass:aClass
        methodCategoryListApp forceUpdateList

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:53:56 / cg"

spawnFullProtocolBrowserFor:protocols in:where
    "browse selected protocols;
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    |spec lbl|

    protocols size == 1 ifTrue:[
        spec := #singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec.
        lbl := protocols first , ' [full Protocol]'
    ] ifFalse:[
        spec := #multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec.
        lbl := '[full Protocols]'
    "/ selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value copy.

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            |generator protocolList|

            protocolList := protocols collect:[:each | each string].

            "/ setup a special generator ...

            generator :=
                Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                |all protocols|

                                protocols := protocolList.
                                "/ protocols := (brwsr selectedProtocols value) ? protocolList.

                                all := protocols includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).
                                self withWaitCursorDo:[
                                    environment allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |
                                        eachClass categories do:[:cat |
                                            (all or:[protocols includes:cat]) ifTrue:[
                                                whatToDo value:eachClass value:cat.

            brwsr noAllItem value:true.
            brwsr sortBy value:#class.
"/            brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
            "/ kludge - need a dummy organizer (with constant classList/protocolList)
            brwsr withWaitCursorDo:[
                brwsr protocolListGenerator value:generator.
                protocolList size == 1 ifTrue:[brwsr selectProtocols:protocolList copy].
            "/ brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods.
"/            brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

spawnProtocolBrowserFor:classes and:protocols in:where
    "browse selected protocols;
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    |spec selectedMethods singleSelection|

    (singleSelection := protocols size) == 1 ifTrue:[
        spec := #singleProtocolBrowserSpec.
    ] ifFalse:[
        spec := #multipleProtocolBrowserSpec.
    selectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue copy.

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            |generator classList protocolList|

            classList := classes copy.
            protocolList := protocols collect:[:each | each string].

            brwsr selectClasses:classList.
            "/ setup a special generator ...

            generator :=
                Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                |all remainingClasses remainingCategories|

                                remainingClasses := classList copy asIdentitySet.
                                remainingCategories := protocolList copy asSet.

                                all := protocolList includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).

                                classList do:[:aClass |
                                    aClass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |

                                        cat := mthd category.
                                        or:[protocolList includes:cat]) ifTrue:[
                                            whatToDo value:aClass value:cat.
                                            remainingClasses remove:aClass ifAbsent:nil.
                                            remainingCategories remove:cat ifAbsent:nil.
                                remainingClasses do:[:aClass |
                                    whatToDo value:aClass value:nil.

            "/ kludge - need a dummy organizer (with constant classList/protocolList)
            brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
            brwsr protocolListGenerator value:generator.
            brwsr selectProtocols:protocolList copy.
            brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods.

            brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:34:54 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-searching'!

askForClassToSearch:doWhatByDefault single:singleClass msgTail:msgTail resources:resourcesOrNil thenDo:aBlock
    "common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
     to search for a class in this browser.
     doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil.
     If singleClass is true, a single class will be asked for and browsed,
     otherwise, a match pattern is allowed and a multi-class browser is opened."

    ^ self class

askForClassToSearch:doWhatByDefault single:singleClass msgTail:msgTail thenDo:aBlock
    "common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
     to search for a class in this browser.
     doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil.
     If singleClass is true, a single class will be asked for and browsed,
     otherwise, a match pattern is allowed and a multi-class browser is opened."

    ^ self

findClass:classNameArg single:singleClass in:doWhat
    |className brwsr class classes box classNames aliases currentNamespace browseButton|

    className := classNameArg.

    singleClass ifTrue:[
        className includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
            currentNamespace := self currentNamespace.

            aliases := environment
                        keysAndValuesSelect:[:nm :val | (nm sameAs:classNameArg) ]
                        thenCollect:[:nm :val | val isNil
                                                    ifTrue:[ nil ]
                                                        val isBehavior
                                                            ifFalse:[val class]]].
            aliases := aliases select:[:cls | cls notNil].

            classes := (self class classesWithNameSimilarTo:className from:currentNamespace) asOrderedCollection.
            classes := classes reject:[:each | each isRealNameSpace].

            aliases := aliases reject:[:eachAlias | (classes includesIdentical:eachAlias)].
            classes addAll:aliases.

            class := classes firstIfEmpty:nil.
            class isNil ifTrue:[
                className := self askForClassNameMatching:className.
                "/ ^ self warn:('No such class: ' , className).
            ] ifFalse:[
                classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    className := class name
                ] ifFalse:[
                    classNames := classes collect:[:each| (each name?'') , ' (',(each package?'?'),')'].
                    classNameArg includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
                        classNames := classNames
                                        collect:[:nm |
                                            idx := nm asLowercase indexOfSubCollection:classNameArg asLowercase.
                                            idx == 0 ifTrue:[
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                                                nm asText emphasizeFrom:idx to:idx+classNameArg size-1 with:#bold

                    box := self listBoxTitle:('Multiple class with name similar to/containing ''',classNameArg allBold,'''\\Select class to switch to:') withCRs
                                        list:classNames "asSortedCollection".
                    box initialText:(classes first name).
                    box entryCompletionBlock:(DoWhatIMeanSupport classNameEntryCompletionBlock).
                    box action:[:aString | className := aString string].

                    browseButton := Button label:(resources string:'Browse All').
                    browseButton action:[
                                        label:('Classes named like "%1"' bindWith:classNameArg)
                                    box hide
                    box addButton:browseButton before:box okButton.
                    box extent:(400 @ 300).
                    box open.

                    className isNil ifTrue:[ "/ cancel
                        ^ nil
                    className := (className upTo:$( ) withoutTrailingSeparators.
        ] ifTrue:[
            className := self askForClassNameMatching:className.

        className notNil ifTrue:[
            doWhat == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
                brwsr := self class new.
                brwsr allButOpen.
                brwsr switchToClassNamed:className.
                brwsr openWindow.
            ] ifFalse:[
                brwsr := self.
                doWhat == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
                    brwsr createBuffer.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    "/ self rememberLocationInHistory
                brwsr switchToClassNamed:className.
        ^ self.

    className includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
        class := environment at:className asSymbol.
        class isBehavior ifTrue:[
            classes := IdentitySet with:class
    ] ifTrue:[
        classes := environment allClasses select:[:each | className match:each name] as:IdentitySet.
    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self warn:'No className matches'.

    classes copy do:[:eachClass |

        owner := eachClass owningClass.
        [owner notNil] whileTrue:[classes add:owner. owner := owner owningClass].
    classes := classes asOrderedCollection.

    doWhat isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ select them ...
        self immediateUpdate value:true.
        self selectedCategories value: (classes collect:[:each | each category] as:Set) asOrderedCollection.
        self selectedClasses value:classes.
        self immediateUpdate value:false.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes label:('classes matching ''',className,'''') in:doWhat select:false

    "Created: / 13-02-2000 / 20:35:30 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17-06-2010 / 12:24:21 / cg"

    ^ self findResponseTo:selector in:#newBuffer

findResponseTo:selector from:searchClassOrNil in:whereWanted
    |where searchClass class mthd currentMethod|

    where := whereWanted.

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    searchClass := searchClassOrNil.
    searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
        searchClass := self classHierarchyTopClass value.
        searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
            currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                searchClass := currentMethod mclass
        searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self information:'No class or method selected (cannot search).'.
            ^ self
        (currentMethod notNil
        and:[currentMethod selector == selector]) ifTrue:[
            searchClass := searchClass superclass.

    "/ search for the implementaion
    class := searchClass whichClassIncludesSelector:selector.
    class isNil ifTrue:[
        searchClass isMeta ifTrue:[
            class := searchClass theNonMetaclass whichClassIncludesSelector:selector.
        ] ifFalse:[
            class := searchClass theMetaclass whichClassIncludesSelector:selector.

    "/ cannot switch method in a singleMethod browser ...
    (where isNil
        and:[navigationState isSingleMethodBrowser
             or:[ navigationState isMethodListBrowser and:[(navigationState methodList includesIdentical:mthd) not] ] ])
        where := #newBuffer.

    class isNil ifTrue:[
        self information:'None found'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        mthd := class compiledMethodAt:selector.

        where isNil ifTrue:[
            self rememberLocationInHistory.
            self switchToClass:class selector:selector.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self spawnMethodBrowserFor:(Array with:mthd) in:where
                 label:(resources string:'Response to %1' with:selector)

findResponseTo:selector in:whereWanted
    |where searchClass class mthd currentMethod|

    where := whereWanted.

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    searchClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
        searchClass := self classHierarchyTopClass value.
        searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
            currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                searchClass := currentMethod mclass
        searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self information:'No class or method selected (cannot search).'.
            ^ self

    (currentMethod notNil
    and:[currentMethod selector == selector]) ifTrue:[
        searchClass := searchClass superclass.

    "/ search for the implementaion
    class := searchClass whichClassIncludesSelector:selector.
    class isNil ifTrue:[
        searchClass isMeta ifTrue:[
            class := searchClass theNonMetaclass whichClassIncludesSelector:selector.
        ] ifFalse:[
            class := searchClass theMetaclass whichClassIncludesSelector:selector.

    "/ cannot switch method in a singleMethod browser ...
    (where isNil
        and:[navigationState isSingleMethodBrowser
             or:[ navigationState isMethodListBrowser and:[(navigationState methodList includesIdentical:mthd) not] ] ])
        where := #newBuffer.

    class isNil ifTrue:[
        self information:'None found'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        mthd := class compiledMethodAt:selector.

        where isNil ifTrue:[
            self rememberLocationInHistory.
            self switchToClass:class selector:selector.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self spawnMethodBrowserFor:(Array with:mthd) in:where
                 label:(resources string:'Response to %1' with:selector)

    "bookmark the currently selected method/selector"

    |cls mthd sel|

    cls := self anySelectedClass.
    mthd := self anySelectedMethod.
    (mthd notNil and:[cls isNil]) ifTrue:[
        cls := mthd mclass
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
        sel := mthd selector.
        self class addToBookMarks:cls selector:sel
    ] ifFalse:[
        self class addToBookMarks:cls selector:nil

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 12:20:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self rememberLocationInHistory.
    self searchMenuFindClass:#find "/ do not open new

    "common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
     to search for a class in this browser.
     doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil"

    ^ self searchMenuFindClass:doWhatByDefault single:true

searchMenuFindClass:doWhatByDefault single:singleClass
    "common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
     to search for a class in this browser.
     doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil.
     If singleClass is true, a single class will be asked for and browsed,
     otherwise, a match pattern is allowed and a multi-class browser is opened."

        thenDo:[:className :single :doWhat |

            "/ experimental - aut switch to meta for projectDefinitions...
            "/ will see how this works out.
            (className notEmptyOrNil
                and:[ (theOneClass := Smalltalk classNamed:className) notNil
                and:[ theOneClass isMeta not
                and:[ theOneClass isProjectDefinition ]]])
                self meta value:true.
            self findClass:className single:singleClass in:doWhat.

    self obsoleteMethodWarning.
    ^ self searchMenuFindResponseTo.
"/    self
"/        askForSelector:'Search for implementation of (if sent to selected class):'
"/        allowBuffer:true
"/        allowBrowser:true
"/        thenDo:[:selector :where |
"/            |searchClass class mthd currentMethod|
"/            searchClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
"/            searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
"/                searchClass := self classHierarchyTopClass value.
"/                searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
"/                    self information:'No class selected (cannot search).'.
"/                    ^ self
"/                ]
"/            ].
"/            currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
"/            (currentMethod notNil
"/            and:[currentMethod selector == selector]) ifTrue:[
"/                searchClass := searchClass superclass.
"/            ].
"/            "/ search for the implementaion
"/            class := searchClass whichClassIncludesSelector:selector.
"/            class isNil ifTrue:[
"/                self information:'None found'.
"/            ] ifFalse:[
"/                mthd := class compiledMethodAt:selector.
"/                where isNil ifTrue:[
"/                    self rememberLocationInHistory.
"/                    self switchToClass:class selector:selector.
"/                ] ifFalse:[
"/                    self spawnMethodBrowserFor:(Array with:mthd) in:where
"/                         label:(resources string:'Implementation of %1' with:selector)
"/                ]
"/            ].
"/        ]

    "Modified: / 01-03-2012 / 07:36:12 / cg"

    |box matchBlock title entryCompletionBlock b openHow|

    title := 'selector to find:\(TAB for completion; matchPattern allowed)'.

    box := self
                listBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title withCRs
    box label:(resources string:'find method').

    matchBlock :=
            |searchPattern matchingSelectors|

            searchPattern := box contents.
            searchPattern includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
                matchingSelectors := Set new.
                environment allMethodsWithSelectorDo:[:eachMethod :eachSelector |
                    (searchPattern match:eachSelector) ifTrue:[
                        matchingSelectors add:eachSelector.
                box list:(matchingSelectors asOrderedCollection sort).
            ] ifFalse:[

    entryCompletionBlock :=
        [:contents |
            |s what longest matching|

            box topView withWaitCursorDo:[
                s := contents withoutSpaces.
                s includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
                    matchBlock value
                ] ifFalse:[
                    what := DoWhatIMeanSupport selectorCompletion:s inEnvironment:environment.
                    longest := what first.
                    matching := what last.
                    box list:matching.
                    box contents:longest.
                    matching size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
                        self window beep
    box entryCompletionBlock:entryCompletionBlock.
    box acceptCheck:matchBlock.
    box extent:(300@300).

    openHow := nil.
    box addButton:(b := Button label:(resources string:'Add Buffer')).
    b action:[
       openHow := #newBuffer.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.
    box addButton:(b := Button label:(resources string:'Browse')).
    b action:[
       openHow := #newBrowser.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.

    [:restart |
            action:[:aString |

                aString includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
                    openHow == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
                        browser := self.
                        browser createBuffer
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        openHow == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
                            browser := self browseMenuClone.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                              askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Switch to that method anyway ?'
                              withCompare:true) ifTrue:[
                                browser := self.
                    browser notNil ifTrue:[
                        browser switchToAnyMethod:aString string.
                ] ifTrue:[
                    restart value
        box contents size > 0 ifTrue:[
            entryCompletionBlock value:(box contents).
        box showAtPointer.
    ] valueWithRestart

    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:41:51 / Jan Vrany <>"

        askForSelector:'Goto implementation of (if sent to instances of selected class):\(the list below represents the full protocol)' withCRs
        thenDo:[:selector :whereWanted |
            self findResponseTo:selector in:whereWanted

    "Modified: / 29-08-2013 / 09:32:14 / cg"

    "remove the currently selected method/selector"

    |cls mthd sel meta bookmarks |

    (bookmarks := self class bookmarks) size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    cls := self anySelectedClass.
    mthd := self anySelectedMethod.
    (mthd notNil and:[cls isNil]) ifTrue:[
        cls := mthd mclass
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
        sel := mthd selector.
        meta := cls isMetaclass.
        cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
        bookmarks := bookmarks
                        select:[:each |
                                    meta ~~ each meta
                                    or:[each className ~= cls name
                                    or:[each selector ~= sel]]
    ] ifFalse:[
        self warn:'no method selected'

    "Modified: / 02-06-2011 / 11:35:43 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self findResponseTo:selector in:nil
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-selector'!

    |newClass newClassName sup initial m
     supers subs list currentClass reqString okLabel title|

    "/ provide a reasonable default in the pull-down-list
    currentClass := self anySelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        m := self anySelectedMethod.
        currentClass := m mclass.

    LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass notNil ifTrue:[
        initial := environment classNamed:LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass.
        initial notNil ifTrue:[
            (currentClass notNil and:[currentClass theNonMetaclass name = initial name]) ifTrue:[
                initial := nil
        initial notNil ifTrue:[
            currentClass isMeta ifTrue:[
                initial := initial theMetaclass
            ] ifFalse:[
                initial := initial theNonMetaclass
            initial := initial name.

    initial isNil ifTrue:[
        (sup := currentClass superclass) notNil ifTrue:[
            initial := sup name
        ] ifFalse:[
            initial := nil.

    supers := currentClass allSuperclasses reversed.
    currentClass isMeta ifTrue:[
        supers := supers select:[:each | each isSubclassOf:Class].
    supers := supers collect:[:cls | cls name].

    subs := (currentClass allSubclasses collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    list := OrderedCollection withAll:supers.
    (supers notEmpty and:[subs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        list add:'---- '; add:currentClass name; add:' ----'
    list addAll:(subs sort).

    doWhat == #copy ifTrue:[
        reqString := 'Copy selected method(s) to which class ?\(enter ''Foo class'' to copy to Metaclass)'.
        okLabel := 'Copy'.
        title := 'Copy method(s)'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        okLabel := 'Move'.
        title := 'Move method(s)'.
        doWhat == #move ifTrue:[
            reqString := 'Move selected method(s) to which class ?\(enter ''Foo class'' to move to Metaclass)'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            doWhat == #moveAndForward ifTrue:[
                reqString := 'Move selected method(s) to which class ?'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                self error:'unknown aspect: ', doWhat printString.

        newClassName := Dialog
                        request:(resources string:reqString) withCRs
                        initialAnswer:(initial ? '')
                        okLabel:(resources string:okLabel)
                        title:(resources string:title)
                        entryCompletionBlock:(DoWhatIMeanSupport classNameEntryCompletionBlock).

        newClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
        (newClassName startsWith:'---- ') ifTrue:[^ nil].

        newClass := self classIfValidNonMetaClassName:newClassName.
        newClass notNil ifTrue:[
            LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass := newClass theNonMetaclass name.
            ^ newClass.
        initial := newClassName.
    ] loop

    "Modified: / 13-02-2012 / 17:43:10 / cg"

copyMethods:methods toClass:newClass
    "copy some methods to some other class - typically a sister class"

    self moveOrCopyMethods:methods toClass:newClass moveOrCopy:#copy

doCompareMethod:m1 against:m2 label:label
    "compare two methods"

    |source1 source2 v m1Class m2Class|

    source1 := m1 source string.
    source1 isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Oops - methods source is gone. Cannot compare source.'.
        ^ self
    source2 := m2 source string.
    source2 isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Oops - methods source is gone. Cannot compare source.'.
        ^ self

    m1Class := m1 mclass.
    m2Class := m2 mclass.

    v := DiffCodeView
            label:(m1Class name , ' ' , (m1 printStringForBrowserWithSelector:m1 selector inClass:m1Class))
            label:(m2Class name , ' ' , (m2 printStringForBrowserWithSelector:m2 selector inClass:m2Class)).
    v label:label.
    v waitUntilVisible.
    ^ self

doCompareMethodsWithRepository:methods usingManager: manager
    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) versions
     with the the newest versions found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."

    |s aStream comparedSource currentSource thisRevString
     current repositoryChangeSet diffs allDiffs
     mclass mselector theNonMetaclass lastClass lastRepositoryChangeSet
     isExtension title labelA labelB failedToGetSource failureMessage|

    failedToGetSource := false.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        SourceCodeManagerError handle:[:ex |
            failedToGetSource := true.
            failureMessage := 'SourceCodeManager reports: ',ex description.
        ] do:[
            Method flushSourceStreamCache.

            methods do:[:eachMethod |
                |classPackage methodPackage|

                mclass := eachMethod mclass.
                mclass isNil ifTrue:[
                    self warn:('Cannot find methods class (obsolete).').
                ] ifFalse:[
                    classPackage := mclass package.
                    methodPackage := eachMethod package.
                    (classPackage == methodPackage or:[ methodPackage == PackageId noProjectID ]) ifTrue:[
                        theNonMetaclass := mclass theNonMetaclass.
                        isExtension := false.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        isExtension := true.

                    mselector := eachMethod selector.

                    currentSource := eachMethod source asString.
                    current := ChangeSet new.
                    current addMethodChange:eachMethod in:mclass.

                    self busyLabel:'getting repository source...' with:nil.

                    isExtension ifTrue:[
                        repositoryChangeSet := manager utilities
                        repositoryChangeSet := repositoryChangeSet
                                        select:[:eachChange | eachChange isMethodChange
                                                              and:[eachChange selector = mselector
                                                              and:[eachChange className = mclass name]]].
                        lastClass := nil.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        (lastClass ~~ theNonMetaclass) ifTrue:[
                            aStream := self sourceStreamForRepositorySourceOfClass:theNonMetaclass.
                            aStream isNil ifTrue:[
                                failedToGetSource := true.
                                failureMessage := 'No source for ',theNonMetaclass name.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
                                    self warn:('read error while reading extracted source\\' , ex description) withCRs.
                                    aStream close.
                                    comparedSource := nil.
                                ] do:[
                                    comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
                                aStream close.

                                thisRevString := theNonMetaclass revision.
                                thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
                                    thisRevString := 'no revision'

                                lastRepositoryChangeSet := ChangeSet fromStream:(s := comparedSource readStream). s close.
                                lastClass := theNonMetaclass.

                                self busyLabel:'comparing...' with:nil.
                        repositoryChangeSet := (lastRepositoryChangeSet ? #())
                                        select:[:eachChange | eachChange isMethodChange
                                                              and:[eachChange selector = mselector
                                                              and:[eachChange className = mclass name]]].
                    repositoryChangeSet notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
                        diffs := repositoryChangeSet diffSetsAgainst:current.
                    allDiffs isNil ifTrue:[
                        allDiffs := diffs.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        allDiffs changed addAll:(diffs changed).
                        allDiffs onlyInArg addAll:(diffs onlyInArg).
                        allDiffs onlyInReceiver addAll:(diffs onlyInReceiver).

    failedToGetSource ifTrue:[
        self information:'Failed to fetch the source from the repository:\\',failureMessage.
        ^ self.

    (allDiffs isNil or:[allDiffs isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
            contains:[:m |
                ChangeSet current includesChangeForClass:m mclass selector:m selector
        ) ifTrue:[
            (self confirm:'Versions are identical.\\Remove entries from changeSet ?' withCRs)
                methods do:[:m |
                    ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:m mclass selector:m selector.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self information:'Versions are identical.'.
        ^ self.

    title := methods size == 1
                ifTrue:['Difference of %1' bindWith:methods first whoString]
                ifFalse:['Differences of %1 classes' bindWith:methods size].

    labelA := 'Repository'.
    labelB := 'Image'.

    (methods collect:[:m | m mclass theNonMetaclass] as:Set) size == 1 ifTrue:[
        "/ all methods of the same class
        (methods collect:[:m | m package] as:Set) size == 1 ifTrue:[
            "/ all methods from the same package (source container)
            labelA := 'Repository (%1)' bindWith:(thisRevString ? '?').
            labelB := 'Image (based on %1)' bindWith:(methods first mclass theNonMetaclass revision).


    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 11-08-2011 / 12:21:30 / az"
    "Created: / 18-11-2011 / 18:45:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:17:36 / cg"

    self moveMethods:(self selectedMethodsValue) toProject:newProject

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:16:12 / cg"

    "confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
     then remove them"

    self doRemoveMethodsConfirmed:methodsToRemove select:nil

doRemoveMethodsConfirmed:methodsToRemove select:nilOrNextOrPrevious
    "confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
     then remove them.
     The second argument is meant to control the behavior of the methodList"

    |classes methods numClasses numMethods msg numVersionMethods firstClassName

    "/ count them ...
    classes := IdentitySet new.
    methods := IdentitySet new.
    numVersionMethods := 0.
    methodsToRemove do:[:eachMethod |
        classes add:(eachMethod mclass).
        methods add:eachMethod.
        (AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector:eachMethod selector) ifTrue:[
            eachMethod mclass isMeta ifTrue:[
                numVersionMethods := numVersionMethods + 1
    numClasses := classes size.
    numMethods := methodsToRemove value size.

    numMethods == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    numMethods == 1 ifTrue:[
        msg := 'Really remove ''%3'' from ''%4'' ?'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        (methods collect:[:m | m selector]) size == 1 ifTrue:[
            msg := 'Really remove ''%3'''.
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := 'Really remove %1 methods'.
        numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , ' from %2 classes'
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := msg , ' from ''%4'''
        msg := msg , ' ?'
    classes notEmpty ifTrue:[
        firstClassName := classes first name
    ] ifFalse:[
        firstClassName := '???'
    msg := resources
                with:numMethods printString
                with:numClasses printString
                with:(methods first selector ? '?') allBold
                with:firstClassName allBold.

    numVersionMethods > 0 ifTrue:[
        msg := msg , '\\' ,
                string:'ATTENTION: Removing a classes version method might make the versionManagers life hard.' allBold).

                      request:msg withCRs
                      label:(resources string:'Attention')
                      image:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
                      buttonLabels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Remove'))
                      values:#(false true)
                      onCancel:false) ifFalse:[^ self].

    ] ifFalse:[
        (self confirm:msg withCRs) ifFalse:[^ self].

    classes := methods := nil.

    nilOrNextOrPrevious notNil ifTrue:[
        |methodList idx|

        methodList := self methodListApp methodList.
        nilOrNextOrPrevious == #next ifTrue:[
            idx := (methodList indexOf:(methodsToRemove last)) + 1.
        ] ifFalse:[
            idx := (methodList indexOf:(methodsToRemove first)) - 1
        (idx between:1 and:methodList size) ifTrue:[
            methodToSelect := methodList at:idx.

    "/ then, remove them
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self doRemoveSelectedMethodsUnconfirmed.

    methodToSelect notNil ifTrue:[
        self selectMethod:methodToSelect

    "remove selected methods without asking questions"

    |numMethods mthd change|

    numMethods := methods size.
    numMethods == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifTrue:[
        numMethods > 1 ifTrue:[
            change := CompositeRefactoryChange named:('Remove ', numMethods printString , ' methods').
            methods do:[:eachMethod |
                change removeMethod:(eachMethod selector) from:(eachMethod mclass)
        ] ifFalse:[
            mthd := methods first.
            change := RemoveMethodChange remove:(mthd selector) from:(mthd mclass)

        RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change
    ] ifFalse:[
        methods do:[:eachMethod |
            (eachMethod mclass) removeSelector:(eachMethod selector).

    "remove selected methods without asking questions"

    self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:self selectedMethodsValue copy

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:16:16 / cg"

fileOutMethods:aCollectionOfMethods format:formatSymbolOrNil fileNameTemplate:nameOrNil boxTitle:boxTitleOrNil
    "fileOut a bunch of methods;
     used both from fileOutMethod-list and fileOut-selected methods."

    |saveName stillAsking suffix defaultName|

    suffix := self fileSuffixForFormat:formatSymbolOrNil.
    defaultName := (nameOrNil ? 'some_methods') , '.' , suffix.

    stillAsking := true.

    [stillAsking] whileTrue:[
        saveName := self
                        fileNameDialogForFileOut:(resources string:(boxTitleOrNil ? 'FileOut methods as:'))

        saveName isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self

        saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[       "/ can no longer happen ...
            (self confirm:'Bad name given - try again ?') ifFalse:[
                ^ self.
            stillAsking := true.
        ] ifFalse:[
            FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).
            stillAsking := false.

    self busyLabel:'saving...'.

    self fileOutMethods:aCollectionOfMethods format:formatSymbolOrNil toFile:saveName withPackage:false.

fileOutMethods:aCollectionOfMethods format:formatSymbolOrNil toFile:aFilename withPackage:withPackage
    "fileOut a bunch of methods;
     used both from fileOutMethod-list and fileOut-selected methods."

    |aStream fileName lastPackage|

    self busyLabel:'saving...'.
    Class fileOutErrorSignal
        handle:[:ex |
            self warn:'Cannot fileOut\(%2)' with:ex description.
            self normalLabel.
            ex return.
        ] do:[
            formatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
                (SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager newForFileOut)
            ] ifFalse:[
                fileName := aFilename asFilename.

                 if file exists, save original in a .sav file
                fileName exists ifTrue:[
                    fileName copyTo:(fileName withSuffix:'sav')
                    aStream := fileName newReadWriteStream.
                ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex|
                    ^ self warn:('Cannot create file:', fileName name)

                (formatSymbolOrNil ~~ #xml
                and:[formatSymbolOrNil ~~ #binary]) ifTrue:[
                    aStream := EncodedStream stream:aStream encoder:(CharacterEncoder encoderForUTF8).
                    aStream nextPutLine:'"{ Encoding: utf8 }" !!'.

                aCollectionOfMethods do:[:aMethod |
                    formatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
                        aMethod mclass fileOutXMLMethod:aMethod on:aStream
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        formatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
                            self shouldImplement. "unimplemented: binary fileout"
                            "/ aClass binaryFileOutOn:(saveName asFilename writeStream binary)
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            withPackage ifTrue:[
                                lastPackage ~= aMethod package ifTrue:[
                                    lastPackage := aMethod package.
                                    aStream nextPutAll:('"{ Package: ''%1'' }" !!\\' bindWith:(lastPackage)) withCRs.
                            aMethod mclass fileOutMethod:aMethod on:aStream.
                            aStream cr.
                aStream close
    self normalLabel

    "return a method definition template string or nil"

    |classes cls|

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        classes := self selectedClassesValue.
        classes notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            cls := classes first.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ cls programmingLanguage methodTemplate
    ^ SystemBrowser methodTemplate

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:59:30 / cg"

    "return the method's previous version's code"


    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    m isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    ^ m previousVersionCode.

    "return a collection of the selected methods previous versions"


    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    m isNil ifTrue:[^ #()].

    ^ m previousVersions.

    "return the method's shadowed method, or nil.
     The shadowed method is the original method from its original package,
     which was overloaded by another package"

    |m mClass mProjectDefinition|

    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    m isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    mClass := m mclass theNonMetaclass.
    (mClass notNil
      and:[ m package ~= mClass package
      and:[ (mProjectDefinition := mClass projectDefinitionClass) notNil]]) ifTrue:[
        ^ mProjectDefinition savedOverwrittenMethodForClass:m mclass selector:m selector
    ^ nil

moveMethods:methods toClass:newClass
    "move some methods to some other class - typically a sister class"

    self moveOrCopyMethods:methods toClass:newClass moveOrCopy:#move

moveMethods:methods toProject:newProject
    |classesChanged numMethods change|

    classesChanged := IdentitySet new.
    numMethods := methods size.

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport and:[numMethods > 1]) ifTrue:[
        change := CompositeRefactoryChange named:('Move ', numMethods printString , ' methods to project ' , newProject).
        methods do:[:eachMethod |
            mClass := eachMethod mclass.
                changeProjectOf:(eachMethod selector)
        RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change.
    ] ifFalse:[
        methods do:[:eachMethod |
            mClass := eachMethod mclass.
            self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
                change := RefactoryMethodProjectChange
                    changeProjectOf:(eachMethod selector)
                RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change.
            ] ifFalse:[
                eachMethod package:newProject.
            classesChanged add:eachMethod mclass.

    self rememberLastProjectMoveTo:newProject.

    classesChanged do:[:eachClass |
        eachClass changed:#projectOrganization.
        environment changed:#projectOrganization with:(Array with:eachClass theNonMetaclass with:(methods select:[:m | m mclass == eachClass])).

    "Created: / 17-02-2000 / 23:04:45 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23-11-2006 / 17:02:10 / cg"

moveMethods:methods toProtocol:newCategory
    "move some methods to some other category"

    |change numMethods|

    newCategory isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    lastMethodCategory := newCategory.
    numMethods := methods size.

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport and:[numMethods > 1]) ifTrue:[
        change := CompositeRefactoryChange named:('Change category of ', numMethods printString , ' methods').
        methods do:[:eachMethod |
            mClass := eachMethod mclass.

                changeCategoryOf:(eachMethod selector)
        RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change.
    ] ifFalse:[
        methods do:[:mthd |
            mClass := mthd mclass.

            (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifTrue:[
                change := RefactoryMethodCategoryChange
                    changeCategoryOf:(mthd selector)
                RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change.
            ] ifFalse:[
                mthd category:newCategory.

    "Modified: / 23-11-2006 / 17:00:01 / cg"

moveMethodsWithForwarding:methods toClass:newClass
    "move some methods to some other class"

    self moveOrCopyMethods:methods toClass:newClass moveOrCopy:#moveAndForward

moveOrCopyMethods:methods toClass:newClass moveOrCopy:doWhat
    "move or copy some methods to some other class - typically a sister or parent class"

    |canUseRefactoringSupport changes nm newClassName anyChangeMade|

    canUseRefactoringSupport := self canUseRefactoringSupport.
    canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        nm := (doWhat == #copy)
                ifTrue:['Copy %1 to %2']
                    (doWhat == #moveAndForward)
                        ifTrue:['Move with Forwarding %1 to %2']
                        ifFalse:['Move %1 to %2']].
        nm := nm bindWith:(methods size == 1
                                ifTrue:[methods first whoString]
                                ifFalse:[methods size printString , ' methods'])
                 with:newClass name.
        changes := CompositeRefactoryChange named:nm.

    anyChangeMade := false.
    methods copy do:[:methodToCopyOrMove |
        |question msg selectorToCopyOrMove
         category source dontDoIt newMethod oldClass
         template oldProject|

        dontDoIt := false.
        selectorToCopyOrMove := methodToCopyOrMove selector.
        (newClass includesSelector:selectorToCopyOrMove) ifTrue:[
            question := (doWhat == #copy)
                    ifTrue:['%1 already implements #%2\\Copy anyway ?']
                    ifFalse:['%1 already implements #%2\\Move anyway ?'].

            (self confirm:(resources string:question
                                      with:newClass name allBold
                                      with:selectorToCopyOrMove) withCRs) ifFalse:[
                dontDoIt := true
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ confirm copy/move of the version method (to avoid confusing the repository)
            ((AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector:selectorToCopyOrMove) and:[newClass isMeta]) ifTrue:[
                question := (doWhat == #copy)
                        ifTrue:['Copying a version method might confuse the repository.\\Copy anyway ?']
                        ifFalse:['Moving a version method might confuse the repository.\\Move anyway ?'].
                (self confirm:(resources string:question) withCRs) ifFalse:[
                    dontDoIt := true
        dontDoIt ifFalse:[
            anyChangeMade := true.
            source := methodToCopyOrMove source.
            category := methodToCopyOrMove category.
            oldProject := methodToCopyOrMove package.

            lastMethodMoveClass := newClass name.

            canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
                newMethod := #dummy. "/ to make following if happy
            ] ifFalse:[
                newMethod := newClass

            (newMethod isNil or:[newMethod == #Error]) ifTrue:[
                msg := (doWhat == #copy)
                           ifTrue:['#%1 not copied - compilation failed due to an error']
                           ifFalse:['#%1 not moved - compilation failed due to an error'].
                self warn:(resources string:msg with:selectorToCopyOrMove)
            ] ifFalse:[
                oldClass := methodToCopyOrMove mclass.

                canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
                ] ifFalse:[
                    newMethod package:oldProject.

                (doWhat == #copy) ifFalse:[
                    canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
                        changes removeMethod: selectorToCopyOrMove from:oldClass.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        oldClass removeSelector:selectorToCopyOrMove.
                    (doWhat == #moveAndForward) ifTrue:[
                        template := Parser methodSpecificationForSelector:selectorToCopyOrMove.
                        newClass == oldClass class ifTrue:[
                            newClassName := 'self class'.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            newClass nameSpace = oldClass nameSpace ifTrue:[
                                newClassName := newClass theNonMetaclass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                newClassName := newClass theNonMetaclass name
                        source := template , '
    ^ ' , newClassName , ' ' , template , '
                        canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            newMethod := oldClass
                            newMethod package:oldProject.

    (canUseRefactoringSupport and:[anyChangeMade]) ifTrue:[
        RefactoryChangeManager performChange: changes

renameMethod:oldSelector in:aClass
    |newSelector tree dialog args newArgs map refactoring rslt
     renameSelectedMethodsOnly renameOnly rewriteLocalSendersOnly
     affectedClasses classesOfSelectedMethods suggestion|

    RBParser isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Missing class: RBParser'.
        ^ self
    RBParser autoload.
    MethodNameDialog isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Missing class: MethodNameDialog'.
        ^ self
    MethodNameDialog autoload.

    tree := aClass parseTreeFor:oldSelector.
    tree isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn: 'Could not parse the method'.
        ^ self
    args := tree argumentNames.

    suggestion := DoWhatIMeanSupport goodRenameDefaultFor:oldSelector lastOld:LastRenamedOld lastNew:LastRenamedNew.

    dialog := MethodNameDialog methodNameFor: args initial:(suggestion ? oldSelector).
    dialog cancelAllVisible value:(AbortAllOperationWantedQuery query).
    dialog renameOnlyVisible value:true.
    dialog renameSelectedMethodsOnlyVisible value:true.
    dialog rewriteLocalMethodsOnlyFlagHolder value:true.
    dialog allButOpen.
    dialog window label:(resources string:'Rename "%1" to' with:oldSelector).
    dialog openWindow.

    dialog accepted ifFalse: [^ self].

    newArgs := dialog arguments asOrderedCollection.
    map := Array new: args size.
    1 to: args size do: [:i | map at: i put: (newArgs indexOf: (args at: i))].

    newSelector := dialog methodName.
    newSelector = oldSelector ifTrue:[
        newArgs = args ifTrue:[
            Dialog information:'no change'.
            ^ self.

    LastRenamedOld := oldSelector.
    LastRenamedNew := newSelector.

    renameSelectedMethodsOnly := dialog isRenameSelectedMethodsOnly.
    renameOnly := dialog isRenameOnly.
    rewriteLocalSendersOnly := dialog isRewritingLocalSendersOnly.
    rewritePackageLocalSendersOnly := dialog isRewritingPackageLocalSendersOnly.

    refactoring := RenameMethodRefactoring
                                renameMethod: oldSelector
                                in: aClass
                                to: newSelector
                                permuation: map.
    refactoring suppressRewriteOfSenders:renameOnly.

    renameOnly ifFalse:[
        affectedClasses := rewriteLocalSendersOnly
                                ifTrue:[ environment allClasses ]
                                        ifTrue:[ environment allClassesInPackage:aClass package ]
                                        ifFalse:[ aClass withAllSubclasses ]].
        "/ ask if so many methods should be rewritten; give chance to cancel
        (self findSendersOf:oldSelector in:affectedClasses andConfirmRefactoring:refactoring) ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    renameSelectedMethodsOnly ifTrue:[
        (self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:m | m selector] as:Set) size == 1 ifFalse:[
            Dialog warn:'Multiple different selectors selected'.
            ^ self.

        classesOfSelectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:m|m mclass].
"/        classesOfSelectedMethods := classesOfSelectedMethods
"/                collect:[:cls |
"/                    |className rbClass|
"/                    className := cls theNonMetaclass name.
"/                    cls isMeta
"/                        ifTrue:[rbClass := RBMetaclass existingNamed: className]
"/                        ifFalse:[rbClass := RBClass existingNamed: className].
"/                    rbClass model:(RBNamespace new).
"/                    rbClass
"/                ].
        refactoring onlyRenameTheseImplementors:classesOfSelectedMethods.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        |classesOfSelectedMethods affectedImplementors|

"/        refactoring model name:('rename %1 to %2' bindWith:oldSelector storeString with:newSelector storeString).

        rslt := self performRefactoring:refactoring.
        self switchToSelector:newSelector asSymbol.

    dialog browseOldSendersHolder value ifTrue:[
        self spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:(Array with:oldSelector) in:#newBrowser
    dialog browseNewSendersHolder value ifTrue:[
        self spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:(Array with:newSelector) in:#newBrowser
    dialog browseChangedMethodsHolder value ifTrue:[
        self spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:(Array with:newSelector) match:false in:#newBrowser

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:28:12 / cg"

    self halt:'not yet needed'.
    ^ nil.

"/    | mthd mClass parseTree nameList ignoreList |
"/    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
"/    mClass := mthd mclass.
"/    parseTree := mClass parseTreeFor:mthd selector.
"/    parseTree isNil ifTrue: [^self warn: 'Could not parse sources'].
"/    nameList := OrderedCollection new.
"/    nameList
"/            add: '---- Arguments ----';
"/            addAll: parseTree argumentNames asSortedCollection;
"/            add: '---- Instance Variables ----'.
"/    ignoreList := OrderedCollection with: 1 with: nameList size.
"/    nameList addAll: mClass allInstVarNames asSortedCollection.
"/    ^ self
"/            choose: 'Select variable to move method into:'
"/            fromList: nameList
"/            values: nameList
"/            ignore: ignoreList
"/            initialSelection: nil
"/            lines: 8
"/            cancel: [nil]

selectorCheckMenuSmalllintCheck: what
    "perform all checks on the selected class(es)."

    self smalllintRun:what onEnvironment:self selectedSelectorsAsEnvironment

    "Modified: / 28-12-2008 / 14:42:01 / bazantj <enter your email here>"
    "Modified: / 13-01-2009 / 13:20:48 / Jiri Bazant <>"
    "Created: / 17-04-2010 / 10:49:27 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self codeMenuAddParameter

    "show the method's previous version in the codeView (to be accepted)"

    |m previousCode|

    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    previousCode := self methodsPreviousVersionCode.
    previousCode isNil ifTrue:[
        self information:'Oops - no previous code found'.
        ^ self

    self showCode:previousCode scrollToTop:false.

    self codeView modified:true.
    self startSyntaxHighlightProcess.

    "show old versions"

    |m previousMethods dummyChangeSet browser|

    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    previousMethods := self methodsPreviousVersions.
    previousMethods isEmpty ifTrue:[
        self information:'Oops - no previous versions found'.
        ^ self

    dummyChangeSet := ChangeSet new addAll:previousMethods; yourself.
    dummyChangeSet reverse.  "/ youngest first.
    browser := (UserPreferences current changeSetBrowserClass) openOn:dummyChangeSet.
    browser readOnly:true.

    "Modified: / 13-06-2011 / 11:32:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 26-07-2012 / 14:30:20 / cg"

selectorMenuBrowseRepositoryVersionsUsingManager: manager

    |method mclass mselector className mgr revisions previousMethods browser
     lastSource currentSource lastRevision lastDate lastChange lastAuthor thisIsAnExtensionMethod
     packageId directory module|

    method := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    method isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    mclass := method mclass.
    mselector := method selector.
    className := mclass name.

        set := ChangeSet forExistingMethods:(Array with:method).
        set := set select:[:c | c isMethodChange].
        lastChange := set first.
    ] value.

    thisIsAnExtensionMethod := (method isExtension).
    thisIsAnExtensionMethod ifTrue:[
        packageId := method package asPackageId.
        mgr := manager
    ] ifFalse:[
        packageId := mclass package asPackageId.
        "/ mgr := packageId projectDefinitionClass sourceCodeManager.
        mgr := manager.
        "/self assert:(mgr = packageId projectDefinitionClass sourceCodeManager).
    directory := packageId directory.
    module := packageId module.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        |revisionLog start stop answer t tS list msg first|

        thisIsAnExtensionMethod ifTrue:[
            revisionLog := mgr
        ] ifFalse:[
            revisionLog := mgr revisionLogOf:mclass.
        revisions := revisionLog at:#revisions.

        start := 1.
        stop := revisions size.
        stop > 20 ifTrue:[
            thisIsAnExtensionMethod ifTrue:[
                t := 500.   "/ fake time
            ] ifFalse:[
                "/ measure the time it takes to checkout a version...
                t := Time millisecondsToRun:[

                    revSourceStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:mclass revision:((revisions at:10) at:#revision).
                    ChangeSet fromStream:revSourceStream.
                    revSourceStream close.

            list := revisions collect:[:entry |
                                        |rev author dateString date msg|

                                        rev := entry at:#revision.
                                        author := entry at:#author.
                                        dateString := entry at:#date.
                                        date := Timestamp readGeneralizedFrom:dateString.
                                        dateString := date printStringFormat:'%(year)-%(mon)-%(day) %h:%m:%s'.
                                        entry at:#date put:dateString.
                                        msg := ((entry at:#logMessage) asStringCollection firstIfEmpty:'') asString.
                                        rev,' ',author,' ',dateString,' ',msg
            msg := 'There are %1 revisions to extract from the repository'.
            t := (t * revisions size / 1000) rounded.
            t < 10 ifTrue:[
                msg := msg,'\(this will take a few seconds).'.
                tS := t.
            ] ifFalse:[
                t := t * revisions size // 1000 // 10 * 10.
                tS := (TimeDuration fromSeconds:t) printStringForApproximation.
                msg := msg,'\(this will take roughly %2).'
            msg := msg,'\\Do you want to see all or only some of the revisions ?'.

            answer := Dialog
                choose:(resources stringWithCRs:msg
                                    with:revisions size
                fromList:list values:revisions initialSelection:nil
                cancel:[^ self]
                title:(resources string:'Confirmation')
                postBuildBlock:[:dialog |

                            b := Button label:(resources string:'Browse Newer than Selected').
                            b action:[ stop := (dialog componentAt:#ListView) selection. dialog okPressed].
                            b := dialog addButton:b before:dialog okButton.

                            dialog okButton label:(resources string:'Browse All').
                            dialog okButton action:[ stop := revisions size. dialog okPressed].

            stop isNil ifTrue:[^ self ].

t := Time millisecondsToRun:[

        previousMethods := ChangeSet new.
        lastSource := currentSource := method source.
        lastRevision := lastDate := lastAuthor := nil.
        first := true.

        revisions from:start to:stop do:[:eachLogEntry |
            |revision date author revSourceStream|

            revision := eachLogEntry at:#revision.
            date := eachLogEntry at:#date.
            author := eachLogEntry at:#author ifAbsent:'?'.      

                |chg nChg classChangeSet changeSource changeName|

                self activityNotification:('Fetching revision ',revision,'...').
                thisIsAnExtensionMethod ifTrue:[
                    revSourceStream := mgr
                ] ifFalse:[
                    revSourceStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:mclass revision:revision.
                revSourceStream isNil ifTrue:[
                    self warn:'could not load source for ' , mclass name , ' revision ', revision,  ' from repository'.
                    chg := nil.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    classChangeSet := ChangeSet fromStream:revSourceStream.

                    chg := classChangeSet
                                detect:[:chg | chg isMethodChange
                                               and:[chg selector = mselector
                                               and:[chg className = className]]]

                chg isNil ifTrue:[
                    "the method was created in the next version (previous one processed)"
                ] ifFalse:[
                    changeSource := chg source.
                ((changeSource isNil and:[lastSource isNil])
                or:[ changeSource asString = lastSource asString ]) ifTrue:[
                ] ifFalse:[
                    lastChange isNil ifTrue:[
                        "/ mhm - was not in the previous version
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        nChg := lastChange asNamedMethodChange
                    lastRevision isNil ifTrue:[
                        (stop = revisions size) ifTrue:[
                            changeName := 'current (not in the repository)'.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            "/ not showing all - dont really know
                            changeName := 'current'.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        changeName := lastRevision,' [',lastDate,' by ',lastAuthor,']'.
                        first ifTrue:[
                            changeName := changeName,' (= current)'.
                    nChg notNil ifTrue:[
                        nChg changeName:changeName.
                        previousMethods add:nChg.
                    lastSource := changeSource.
                    lastChange := chg.

                    first := false.
                lastRevision := revision.
                lastDate := date.
                lastAuthor := author.
            ] ensure:[
                revSourceStream notNil ifTrue:[revSourceStream close].
"/ Transcript showCR:('it took %1 seconds' bindWith:(t /1000)printString).

        self activityNotification:nil.
        browser := (UserPreferences current changeSetBrowserClass) openOn:previousMethods.
        browser window label:('Revisions of ' , mclass name , ' ' , mselector).
        browser readOnly:true.

    "Modified: / 01-07-2011 / 16:34:29 / cg"
    "Created: / 18-11-2011 / 18:19:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:29:42 / cg"


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    ^self selectorMenuBrowseRepositoryVersionsUsingManager: mgr

    "Created: / 02-01-2012 / 12:35:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 18:01:29 / cg"

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
        (eachMethod privacy ~~ privacySymbol) ifTrue:[
            eachMethod privacy:privacySymbol.

    "Modified: / 23-11-2006 / 17:03:39 / cg"

    self selectorMenuCheckInProjectExtensionsUsingManager:SourceCodeManager


    projects := self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:each | each package] as:Set.
    projects do:[:packageToCheckIn |

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:28:43 / cg"

    "remove all changes for the selected method(s) from the changeSet"

    (self confirm:'This will remove all changes for the selected method(s) from the changeSet.\\Really cleanup ?' withCRs)
        ifFalse:[ ^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self selectedMethodsValue do:[:eachMethod |
            ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachMethod mclass selector:eachMethod selector

    "Created: / 06-10-2006 / 16:36:44 / cg"

    "remove all changes for the selected method(s) class(es) and metaclasses from the changeSet"


    (self confirm:'This will remove all changes for the class(es) of the selected method(s) from the changeSet.\\Really cleanup ?' withCRs)
        ifFalse:[ ^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        classes := Set new.
        self selectedMethodsValue do:[:eachMethod | classes add:(eachMethod mclass theNonMetaclass)].
        classes do:[:eachClass |
            ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachClass

selectorMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager: manager
    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."

    self doCompareMethodsWithRepository:(self selectedMethodsValue) usingManager: manager.

    "Created: / 18-11-2011 / 18:44:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:20:20 / cg"

selectorMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    ^ self selectorMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager: mgr

    "Created: / 02-01-2012 / 12:37:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 18:01:42 / cg"

selectorMenuCompareClassAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager: manager
    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version of the class(es)
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."


    classes := self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:m | m mclass theNonMetaclass] as:Set.
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        self doCompareClassesWithRepository:classes usingManager: manager

    "Created: / 18-11-2011 / 18:47:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:20:28 / cg"

selectorMenuCompareClassAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManagerNamed: sourceCodeManagerClassName
    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version of the class(es)
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."


    mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    self assert:(mgr notNil).
    ^ self selectorMenuCompareClassAgainstNewestInRepositoryUsingManager: mgr

    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:20:28 / cg"
    "Created: / 02-01-2012 / 12:37:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-07-2012 / 18:01:54 / cg"

    "compare the two selected methods"


    selectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue.

        doCompareMethod:(selectedMethods first)
        against:(selectedMethods second)
        label:(resources string:'Comparing methods')

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:29:05 / cg"

    "compare the selected method against the inherited"

    |m1 m2|

    m1 := self selectedMethodsValue first.
    m2 := m1 mclass superclass lookupMethodFor:(m1 selector).
        label:(resources string:'Comparing against inherited')

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:29:11 / cg"

    "compare the codeViews contents against the methods actual code"

    self doCompareIn:self navigationState.

    "compare the codeViews contents against the methods previous version"

    |m previousCode v|

    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    previousCode := self methodsPreviousVersionCode.
    previousCode isNil ifTrue:[
        self information:'Oops - no previous code found'.
        ^ self
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        v := DiffCodeView
                label:'previous version'
                and:m source
                label:'current version'.
        v topView label:(resources string:'comparing method').
        v waitUntilVisible.
    ^ self

    "compare the codeView's contents against the method's shadowed version
     (that is the original, overloaded method from the method's original package)"

    |m originalMethod v|

    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    originalMethod := self methodsShadowedMethod.
    originalMethod isNil ifTrue:[
        self information:'Oops - no shadowed (original method) found'.
        ^ self
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        v := DiffCodeView
                openOn:originalMethod source
                label:(resources string:'shadowed (original) in %1' with:originalMethod package allBold)
                and:m source
                label:(resources string:'current in %1' with:m package allBold).
        v topView label:(resources string:'shadowed method %1' with:m whoString).
        v leftAcceptAction:[:text | m mclass addSelector:m selector withMethod:originalMethod ].
        v waitUntilVisible.
    ^ self

    "compare the codeViews contents against a SmallTeam version"

    self selectedMethodsValue do:[:eachMethod |
        |v changeList change|

        changeList := SmallTeam changesOnHost:hostName.
        change := changeList
                    detectLast:[:change |
                        change changeClass == eachMethod mclass
                        and:[ change selector == eachMethod selector ] ]
        change notNil ifTrue:[
            v := DiffCodeView
                    openOn:(change source)
                    label:'Version on ',hostName
                    and:eachMethod source
                    label:'Your Version'.
            v topView label:(resources string:'Comparing method').

    "Created: / 11-11-2006 / 15:15:26 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:29:13 / cg"

    "compile the current method to machine code via the stc compiler.
     This is not supported on all machines."

    self theSingleSelectedMethod isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

            self codeView accept.

    "copy the selected methods to some other class - typically a sister class"

    self selectorMenuMoveOrCopy:#copy

    "copy the selectes methods whoString to the clipboard"


    messageString := String streamContents:[:writeStream|
        self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod|
                nextPutAll:eachMethod whoString;
        writeStream position ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            writeStream backStep.    "eat trailing cr"

    messageString notEmpty ifTrue:[
        self window setClipboardText:messageString.

    "show selected methods bytecode"

    |currentMethod s codeView|

    (currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
        (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Decompile anyway ?')
        ifFalse:[^ self].

        s := '' writeStream.
        (currentMethod decompileTo:s) ifFalse:[
            self warn:'No decompiler available'.
        codeView := self codeView.

        codeView contents:s contents.
        codeView modified:false.
        navigationState modified:false.
        navigationState realModifiedState:false.

        codeView acceptAction:nil.

    |methodsResources editorClass currentMethod|

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    "/ double clicking on a resource-methods opens
    "/ an appropriate editor
    (currentMethod notNil
    and:[(methodsResources := currentMethod resources) notNil]
    ) ifTrue:[
        "/ kludge - this info should come from somewhere else ...
        editorClass := self class resourceEditorClassForResources:methodsResources.
        editorClass notNil ifTrue: [
                openOnClass:currentMethod mclass theNonMetaclass
                andSelector:currentMethod selector.
            ^ self.

    "fileOut selected methods from the list - standard format"

    ^ self selectorMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected methods from the list -  file format as specified by the argument:
        nil     - standard format
        #xml    - XML standard format
        #sif    - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
        #binary - ST/X binary format

    |methods fileNameTemplate m|

    methods := self selectedMethodsValue.
    methods size > 1 ifTrue:[
        fileNameTemplate := 'someMethods'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        m := methods first.
        fileNameTemplate := m mclass nameWithoutPrefix , '-' , m selector.
        boxTitle:'FileOut selected method(s) as:'

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:29:16 / cg"

    "fileOut selected methods from the list - sif format"

    ^ self selectorMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected methods from the list - xml format"

    XMLCoder isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Sorry - missing class: XMLCoder.\\Cannot generate XML file.' withCRs.
        ^ self
    ^ self selectorMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#xml

    "generate an aspect method using the common bindings (i.e. not an instvar)"

    |aspect cls|

    aspect := Dialog request:'Name of aspect:'.
    aspect isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    (aspect isValidSmalltalkIdentifier
    and:[ aspect isUnarySelector]) ifFalse:[
        Dialog warn:'Name of aspect must be a valid Smalltalk unary identifier'.
        thisContext restart

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

        generateUndoableChange:(resources string:'Generate Aspect Method for "%1"' with:aspect)
        overClasses:(Array with:cls)
        via:[:generator :eachClass |
            generator createAspectMethodFor:aspect in:cls

    "generate a subclassResponsibility method in the methods superclass"

        generateUndoableChangeOverSelectedMethods:'Generate Instance creation for %(singleMethodNameOrNumberOfMethods)'
        via:[:generator :eachMethod |
            |selector mclass|

            selector := eachMethod selector.
            mclass := eachMethod mclass.

                createInstanceCreationMethodWithSetupFor:selector category:'instance creation' in:mclass theMetaclass.

    "generate a ^false method in the method's superclass"

        generateUndoableChangeOverSelectedMethods:'Generate False-return in superclass for %(singleMethodNameOrNumberOfMethods)'
        via:[:generator :eachMethod |

            |selector category mclass implClass defineIt answer|

            selector := eachMethod selector.
            category := eachMethod category.
            mclass := eachMethod mclass.

            mclass superclass notNil ifTrue:[
                (mclass superclass includesSelector:selector) ifFalse:[
                    defineIt := true.

                    implClass := mclass superclass whichClassIncludesSelector:selector.
                    implClass notNil ifTrue:[
                        answer := Dialog
                                                            string:'%1 is inherited from %2.\\Define as false-return in %3 anyway ?'
                                                            with:selector allBold
                                                            with:implClass name allBold
                                                            with:mclass superclass name allBold
                                                      ) withCRs.
                        answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
                        defineIt := answer.
                    defineIt ifTrue:[
                            createFalseReturnMethodFor:selector category:category in:mclass superclass.

    "generate a forwarding method on the instance side"

        generateUndoableChangeOverSelectedMethods:'Generate Forwarder for %(singleMethodNameOrNumberOfMethods)'
        via:[:generator :eachMethod |
            |selector category mclass implClass defineIt parser spec code|

            selector := eachMethod selector.
            category := eachMethod category.
            mclass := eachMethod mclass.
            mclass isMeta ifTrue:[
                parser := Parser for:eachMethod source.
                parser parseMethod.
                spec := Parser methodSpecificationForSelector:selector argNames:parser methodArgs.

                (mclass theNonMetaclass includesSelector:selector) ifFalse:[
                    code := (spec , '\    ^ self class ' , spec , '.') withCRs.
                        forClass:mclass theNonMetaclass

    "generate a ^ super xxx in a subclass"

    |possibleSubclasses selectedSubclasses|

    possibleSubclasses :=
        (self selectedMethodsClasses collectAll:[:cls |
            cls allSubclasses
        ]) asSet.

    possibleSubclasses isEmpty ifTrue:[
        Dialog information:'No subclass'.
        ^ self
    possibleSubclasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
        selectedSubclasses := possibleSubclasses
    ] ifFalse:[
        possibleSubclasses := possibleSubclasses asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].
        selectedSubclasses := Dialog
            choose:'Generate super-send in class(es):'
            fromList:possibleSubclasses values:possibleSubclasses
            buttons:nil values:nil
            lines:10 cancel:nil multiple:true.

        selectedSubclasses isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    generateUndoableChangeOverSelectedMethods:'Generate Responsibility for %(singleMethodNameOrNumberOfMethods)'
    via:[:generator :eachMethod |
        |selector category implClass defineIt parser spec |

        selector := eachMethod selector.
        category := eachMethod category.

        parser := Parser for:eachMethod source.
        parser parseMethod.
        spec := Parser methodSpecificationForSelector:selector argNames:parser methodArgs.

        selectedSubclasses do:[:eachSubClass |

            (eachSubClass includesSelector:selector) ifFalse:[
                code := (spec , '\    "/ self halt.\    ^ super ',spec) withCRs.

    "generate a subclassResponsibility method (for the selected string)
     in the current class"


    selector := self selectionInCodeView.
    selector isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].
    selector := selector asSymbol.

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |

        category := '* as yet unspecified *'.
            createSubclassResponsibilityMethodFor:selector category:category in:eachClass.

    "Modified: / 31-01-2011 / 18:29:52 / cg"

    "generate a subclassResponsibility method in the methods superclass"

        generateUndoableChangeOverSelectedMethods:'Generate Responsibility in superclass for %(singleMethodNameOrNumberOfMethods)'
        via:[:generator :eachMethod |

            |selector category mclass implClass defineIt answer|

            selector := eachMethod selector.
            category := eachMethod category.
            mclass := eachMethod mclass.

            mclass superclass notNil ifTrue:[
                (mclass superclass includesSelector:selector) ifFalse:[
                    defineIt := true.

                    implClass := mclass superclass whichClassIncludesSelector:selector.
                    implClass notNil ifTrue:[
                        answer := Dialog
                                                            string:'%1 is inherited from %2.\\Define as subclassResponsibility in %3 anyway ?'
                                                            with:selector allBold
                                                            with:implClass name allBold
                                                            with:mclass superclass name allBold
                                                      ) withCRs.
                        answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
                        defineIt := answer.
                    defineIt ifTrue:[
                            createSubclassResponsibilityMethodFor:selector category:category in:mclass superclass.

    "generate a template in all subclasses (recursive) for each subclassResponsibility method"

    self selectorMenuGenerateTemplateInClassesEnumeratedWith:#allSubclasses

    "generate a template in some subclass for each subclassResponsibility method"

        generateUndoableChangeOverSelectedMethods:'Generate Responsibility for %(singleMethodNameOrNumberOfMethods)'
        via:[:generator :eachMethod |
            |selector category mclass implClass defineIt parser spec |

            selector := eachMethod selector.
            category := eachMethod category.
            mclass := eachMethod mclass.

            parser := Parser for:eachMethod source.
            parser parseMethod.
            spec := Parser methodSpecificationForSelector:selector argNames:parser methodArgs.

            (mclass perform:aSubclassEnumeratingSelector) do:[:eachSubClass |

                (eachSubClass includesSelector:selector) ifFalse:[
                    code := spec , '\    self halt.\    ^ self' withCRs.

    "generate a template in every subclass for each subclassResponsibility method"

    self selectorMenuGenerateTemplateInClassesEnumeratedWith:#subclasses

    |currentMethod cls selector tree args whichParameter|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    cls := currentMethod mclass.
    selector := currentMethod selector.

    tree := cls parseTreeFor:selector.
    tree isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn: 'Could not parse the method'.
        ^ self
    args := tree argumentNames.
    args size > 1 ifTrue:[
        whichParameter := self selectionInCodeView.
        (whichParameter notEmptyOrNil and:[ args includes:whichParameter]) ifFalse:[
            whichParameter := Dialog choose:'Inline which Parameter ?' fromList:args lines:5 title:'Inline Parameter'.
            whichParameter isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    ] ifFalse:[
        whichParameter := args first.

    self codeMenuInlineParameter:whichParameter

    self codeMenuInlineAllSelfSends

    "open an inspector on the single selected method"


    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
        mthd inspect

    "Created: / 6.2.2000 / 01:53:56 / cg"

    "load a smallTeam version"

    self selectedMethodsValue do:[:eachMethod |
        |changeList change|

        changeList := SmallTeam changesOnHost:hostName.
        change := changeList
                    detectLast:[:change |
                        change changeClass == eachMethod mclass
                        and:[ change selector == eachMethod selector ] ]
        change notNil ifTrue:[
            change apply

    "Created: / 12-11-2006 / 15:48:43 / cg"

    "move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa"

    self selectorMenuMakeClassOrInstanceMethod

    "move the selected methods from inst to their class side
     and generate a forwarding method on the instance side"

    self selectorMenuMakeClassOrInstanceMethodWithForwarder:true.


    "move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa"

    self selectorMenuMakeClassOrInstanceMethodWithForwarder:false

    "move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa"

    self selectedMethodsValue copy do:[:methodToMove |
        |mclass question msg selectorToMove dontDoIt newMethod dstClass|

        mclass := methodToMove mclass.
        mclass isMeta ifTrue:[
            dstClass := mclass theNonMetaclass.
        ] ifFalse:[
            dstClass := mclass theMetaclass.

            moveOrCopyMethods:(Array with:methodToMove)
            moveOrCopy:(withForwarder ifTrue:#moveAndForward ifFalse:#move).

"/        dontDoIt := false.
"/        selectorToMove := methodToMove selector.
"/        (dstClass includesSelector:selectorToMove) ifTrue:[
"/            question := '%1 already implements #%2\\Move anyway ?'.
"/            (self confirm:(resources string:question
"/                                      with:dstClass name allBold
"/                                      with:selectorToMove) withCRs) ifFalse:[
"/                dontDoIt := true
"/            ]
"/        ].
"/        dontDoIt ifFalse:[
"/            newMethod := dstClass
"/                                compile:(methodToMove source)
"/                                classified:(methodToMove category).
"/            (newMethod isNil or:[newMethod == #Error]) ifTrue:[
"/                msg := '#%1 not moved - compilation failed due to an error'.
"/                self warn:(resources string:msg with:selectorToMove)
"/            ] ifFalse:[
"/                mclass removeSelector:selectorToMove.
"/                withForwarder ifTrue:[
"/                    mClass
"/                        compile:(methodToMove source)
"/                        classified:(methodToMove category).
"/                    self halt.
"/                ].
"/            ]
"/        ]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:29:23 / cg"

    "make selected methods ignored"

    self selectorMenuChangePrivacyTo:#ignored

    "move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa"

    self selectorMenuMakeClassOrInstanceMethod

    "make selected methods private"

    self selectorMenuChangePrivacyTo:#private

    "make selected methods protected"

    self selectorMenuChangePrivacyTo:#protected

    "make selected methods public"

    self selectorMenuChangePrivacyTo:#public

    |useRefactoringSupport changes methodsToChangePackage|

    useRefactoringSupport := self canUseRefactoringSupport.
    useRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        changes := CompositeRefactoryChange named:'Mark Method(s) as Obsolete'.

    methodsToChangePackage := OrderedCollection new.

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
        |rs mClass selector source parser definitionPart bodyPart newSource newMethod result
         s p1 indent category bodyStartsWithNewLine|

        eachMethod isObsolete ifFalse:[
            rs := eachMethod resources.
            false "rs notEmptyOrNil" ifTrue:[
                self halt.
            ] ifFalse:[
                mClass := eachMethod mclass.
                selector := eachMethod selector.
                source := eachMethod source.
                category := eachMethod category.

                parser := Parser for:source in:nil.
                parser ignoreErrors:true; ignoreWarnings:true; saveComments:true.
                parser parseMethodSpec.

                "/ insert an obsolete-resource into the first line after the selector-spec
                definitionPart := source copyTo:parser endOfSelectorPosition.
                bodyPart := source copyFrom:parser endOfSelectorPosition+1.

                bodyStartsWithNewLine := false.

                s := bodyPart readStream.
                [ s peek == Character cr or:[ s peek == Character nl ] ] whileTrue:[ bodyStartsWithNewLine := true. s next ].

                p1 := s position.
                [ s peek == Character space ] whileTrue:[ s next ].
                indent := s position - p1.
                indent := indent max:4.

                newSource := definitionPart
                             , '\' withCRs, (String new:indent), '<resource: #obsolete>'.
                bodyStartsWithNewLine ifFalse:[
                    newSource := newSource , '\' withCRs.
                newSource := newSource , bodyPart.

                result := Compiler compile:newSource forClass:mClass install:false.
                (result isNil or:[result == #Error]) ifTrue:[
                    Dialog warn:(resources string:'Failed to compile new version of %1' with:eachMethod whoString allBold).
                ] ifFalse:[
                    useRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        newMethod := mClass
                    methodsToChangePackage add:(Array with:mClass
                                                      with:eachMethod package).
    useRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
        RefactoryChangeManager performChange: changes.
    methodsToChangePackage triplesDo:[:cls :sel :pkg|
        (cls compiledMethodAt:sel) setPackage:pkg.

    "Created: / 23-11-2006 / 16:52:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-03-2007 / 21:39:59 / cg"

    "move or copy the selected methods to some other class - typically a sister or parent class"

    |newClass methods|

    newClass := self askForClassToMoveOrCopy:doWhat.
    newClass isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    doWhat == #moveAndForward ifTrue:[
        newClass isMeta ifFalse:[
                            stringWithCRs:'Destination must be a Metaclass.\\Moving to %1.'
                            with:newClass theMetaclass name)
                noLabel:(resources string:'Cancel')
            ) ifFalse:[
                ^  self
            newClass := newClass theMetaclass.

    methods := self selectedMethodsValue.

    self moveOrCopyMethods:methods toClass:newClass moveOrCopy:doWhat

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:29:26 / cg"

    "move the selected methods to some other class - typically a superclass"

    self selectorMenuMoveOrCopy:#move

    "change the package-id of the selected methods to the classes package-id."


    perPackageMethods := Dictionary new.
    self selectedMethodsValue do:[:eachMethod |
        |methodsPackage classPackage set|

        methodsPackage := eachMethod package.
        classPackage := eachMethod mclass package.
        methodsPackage ~= classPackage ifTrue:[
            set := perPackageMethods at:classPackage ifAbsentPut:[Set new].
            set add:eachMethod.
    perPackageMethods keysAndValuesDo:[:pkg :setOfMethods |
        self moveMethods:setOfMethods toProject:pkg

    "Created: / 22-11-2006 / 13:17:00 / cg"

    "move the selected methods to some other class - typically a superclass"

    self selectorMenuMoveOrCopy:#moveAndForward

    "change the package-id of the selected methods.
     Will eventually update the Project-object"

    |newProject classProjects offered affectedMethods msg projectsOfOtherImplementations highRank|

    affectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue.
    classProjects := affectedMethods collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass package] as:Set.

    "/ a good default is the grand majority of other implementations (works often)
    "/ majority is defined: more than 2/3 of the other impls are in a particular package:
    projectsOfOtherImplementations := affectedMethods
                                        collectAll:[:eachMethod |
                                            (environment allImplementorsOf:eachMethod selector)
                                                collect:[:cls | (cls compiledMethodAt:eachMethod selector) package]
                                        ] as: Bag.

    "/ Transcript show:'all: '; show:projectsOfOtherImplementations size; show:' this: '; showCR:projectsOfOtherImplementations sortedCounts first.
    (projectsOfOtherImplementations notEmpty
            highRank := projectsOfOtherImplementations sortedCounts first.
            highRank key > (projectsOfOtherImplementations size * (2/3))
        offered := highRank value
    ] ifFalse:[
        LastProjectMoves size > 0 ifTrue:[
            offered := LastProjectMoves first
        ] ifFalse:[
            classProjects size == 1 ifTrue:[
                offered := classProjects first
            ] ifFalse:[
                offered := "classesProject ? " Project current package
    classProjects remove:offered ifAbsent:[].
    classProjects := classProjects asOrderedCollection.

    classProjects size == 1 ifTrue:[
        msg := resources stringWithCRs:'Move method(s) to which project:\(Hint: The class is in ''%1'')\'
                 with:(classProjects first allBold).
    ] ifFalse:[
        msg := resources stringWithCRs:'Move method(s) to which project:\'.
    newProject := self
    newProject notNil ifTrue:[
        self doMoveSelectedMethodsToProject:newProject.

    "Created: / 17-02-2000 / 23:02:49 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:29:32 / cg"

    "move selected methods to some other category"

    |mthd superClass inherited someCategories goodCandidates newCategory selClasses
     initialAnswer methodSelection selectors subclassCategories gotInherited|

    methodSelection := self selectedMethodsValue copy.

    someCategories := Set new.
    goodCandidates := Set new.

    "/ offer the current classes's protocols in the dialog
    (selClasses := self selectedClassesValue) notNil ifTrue:[
        selClasses do:[:eachClass |
            someCategories addAll:(eachClass categories).
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ offer the current method-classes' protocols in the dialog
        methodSelection do:[:eachMethod | |cls|
            (cls := eachMethod mclass) notNil ifTrue:[
                someCategories addAll:cls categories

    selectors := methodSelection collect:[:each | each selector].

    "/ if all selectors are getters/setters, add 'accessing'
    RBParser notNil ifTrue:[
        |searcher allGettersOrSetters allReturnTrueOrFalse|

        searcher := ParseTreeSearcher isGetterOrSetterMethod.
        allGettersOrSetters :=
                conform:[:eachMethod |

                    tree := RBParser
                             parseSearchMethod:(eachMethod source)
                             onError: [:str :pos | nil].

                    tree notNil and:[ (searcher executeTree:tree initialAnswer:nil) notNil ].
        allGettersOrSetters ifTrue:[
            someCategories add:'accessing'.
            goodCandidates add:'accessing'.
            initialAnswer := 'accessing'.

        searcher := ParseTreeSearcher isJustReturningTrueOrFalse.
        allReturnTrueOrFalse :=
                conform:[:eachMethod |
                    tree := RBParser
                             parseSearchMethod:(eachMethod source)
                             onError: [:str :pos | nil].

                    tree notNil and:[ searcher executeTree:tree initialAnswer:false ].
        allReturnTrueOrFalse ifTrue:[
            someCategories add:'testing'.
            goodCandidates add:'testing'.
            initialAnswer := 'testing'.

    "/ add actual categories of selected methods
    (SystemBrowser findImplementorsOfAny:selectors in:(environment allClasses) ignoreCase:false)
    do:[:otherMethod |

        (methodSelection includesIdentical:otherMethod) ifFalse:[
            cat := otherMethod category.
            someCategories add:cat.
            goodCandidates add:cat.

    "/ look for majority of categories in selection
    goodCandidates := (methodSelection collect:[:m | m category]) asBag
                                reject:[:cat | (cat includesString:'uncategorized')
                                               or:[ cat includesString:'unclassified']].

    "/ for isXXX methods, add 'testing'
    (methodSelection contains:[:method | method selector = ('is',method mclass name) ]) ifTrue:[
        someCategories add:'testing'.
        goodCandidates add:'testing'.
    "/ for hasXXX, canXXX methods, add 'queries'
    (methodSelection contains:[:method | |sel|
                                sel := method selector.
                                ((sel startsWith:'has') and:[sel size > 3 and:[ (sel at:4) isUppercase ]])
                                or:[ ((sel startsWith:'can') and:[sel size > 3 and:[ (sel at:4) isUppercase ]]) ]]) ifTrue:[
        someCategories add:'queries'.
        goodCandidates add:'queries'.
    (methodSelection contains:[:method | method selector asLowercase endsWith:'do:']) ifTrue:[
        someCategories add:'enumeration'.
        goodCandidates add:'enumeration'.

    goodCandidates size == 1 ifTrue:[
        initialAnswer := goodCandidates anElement
    ] ifFalse:[
        (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
            gotInherited := false.

            "look for protocol of inherited"
            superClass := mthd mclass superclass.
            superClass notNil ifTrue:[
                superClass := superClass whichClassIncludesSelector:mthd selector.
                superClass notNil ifTrue:[
                    inherited := superClass compiledMethodAt:mthd selector.
                    inherited notNil ifTrue:[
                        initialAnswer := inherited category.
                        gotInherited := true.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    superClass := mthd mclass superclass.
            "look for majority protocol in subclasses"
            subclassCategories := Bag new.
            superClass notNil ifTrue:[
                mthd mclass allSubclassesDo:[:cls |

                    redefined := superClass compiledMethodAt:mthd selector.
                    redefined notNil ifTrue:[
                        subclassCategories add:(redefined category).
            subclassCategories notEmpty ifTrue:[
                subclassCategories := (subclassCategories valuesAndCounts
                                            sort:[:a :b | a value > b value])
                                                collect:[:each | each key].
                someCategories addAll:(subclassCategories first:(3 min:subclassCategories size)).
                gotInherited ifFalse:[
                    initialAnswer := subclassCategories first.

    someCategories := someCategories asOrderedCollection sort.

    newCategory := self
                        askForMethodCategory:'Move to which protocol ?'
                        title:'Change MethodCategory'
                        initialAnswer:(initialAnswer ? (lastMethodCategory ? self theSingleSelectedProtocol)).

    self moveMethods:methodSelection toProtocol:newCategory

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:52:19 / cg"

    "open a bitmap painter for a new image-spec method"

    self selectorMenuNewSpecMethodWithType:#image

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 20:56:09 / cg"

    "open a Menu painter for a new menu-spec method"

    self selectorMenuNewSpecMethodWithType:#menu

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 20:56:19 / cg"

    "show a template for a new method"

    self setAcceptActionForMethod.
    ^ self showCode:(self showMethodTemplate value ifTrue:[self methodTemplate] ifFalse:[''])

    "Modified: / 17.2.2000 / 23:14:14 / cg"

selectorMenuNewMethod: language
    "show a template for a new method"

    self setAcceptActionForMethodUsingLanguage: language.
    ^ self showCode:(self showMethodTemplate value ifTrue:[self methodTemplate] ifFalse:[''])

    "Modified: / 17-02-2000 / 23:14:14 / cg"
    "Created: / 30-12-2009 / 19:37:43 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "open a painter for a new specTypeSymbol-spec method.
     specTypeSymbol is one of #image, #canvas or #menu"

    |editorClass currentClass|

    (currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
        "/ kludge - this info should come from somewhere else ...
        editorClass := self class resourceEditorClassFor:specTypeSymbol.
        editorClass notNil ifTrue: [
                openOnClass:currentClass theNonMetaclass

    "Created: / 01-03-2007 / 20:55:46 / cg"

    "open a GUI painter for a new tableColumn-spec method"

    self selectorMenuNewSpecMethodWithType:#tableColumns

    "open a GUI painter for a new window-spec method"

    self selectorMenuNewSpecMethodWithType:#canvas

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 20:56:49 / cg"

    "print out the current method(s)"


    printStream := Printer new.

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
        eachMethod mclass printOutSource:(eachMethod source) on:printStream.
    printStream close

    "process methods"

    |processingBlockString processingBlock dialog textHolder template|

    template :=
'"/ general method code processor;
"/ the following block will be evaluated for each selected method.
"/ Beginner warning: Smalltalk know-how is recommended here.

[:class :selector :method|
     "/ Useful queries to the method are:
     "/     - source             to access its full sourceCode
     "/     - package            the classes package
     "/     - hasExtentsion      true if it has extensions (methods in other packages)
     "/     - implements:        true if it implements a particular message
     "/     - isSubclassOf:      true if it is a subclass of some other class
     "/     - isSuperclassOf:    true if it is a superclass of some other class
     "/     - name               the classes name
     "/     - category           the classes category
     "/     - nameSpace          the classes namespace

     "/ example (rename all foo* methods)
     (selector startsWith:''foo'') ifTrue:[
        newSource := ''bar'' , (method source copyFrom:3+1).
            classified:(method category).
        class removeSelector:selector.

    LastMethodProcessingBlockString isNil ifTrue:[
        LastMethodProcessingBlockString := template.

    textHolder := ValueHolder new.
    dialog := Dialog
                 forRequestText:(resources string:'Enter method processing block')
    dialog addButton:(Button label:'Template' action:[textHolder value:template. textHolder changed:#value.]).
    dialog open.
    dialog accepted ifFalse:[^ self].

    processingBlockString := textHolder value.
    LastMethodProcessingBlockString := processingBlockString.

    processingBlock := Parser evaluate:processingBlockString.
    processingBlock isBlock ifFalse:[
        self error:'bad input'.
        ^ self

        selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
                value:(eachMethod mclass)
                value:(eachMethod selector)

    "push method(s) into subclass(s)"

    self selectorMenuPushMethod:#down

    "push method(s) into subclass(s) or up into superclas"


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Push method(s) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    selectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue.

    (selectedMethods collect:[:m | m mclass] as:IdentitySet) do:[:eachClass |
        |selectors refactoring nm|

        selectors := selectedMethods select:[:m | m mclass == eachClass] thenCollect:[:each | each selector].
        upOrDown == #down ifTrue:[
            refactoring := PushDownMethodRefactoring pushDown:selectors from:eachClass.
            nm := 'Push down '.
        ] ifFalse:[
            refactoring := PushUpMethodRefactoring pushUp:selectors from:eachClass.
            nm := 'Push up '.
        selectors size == 1 ifTrue:[
            nm := nm , selectors first.
        ] ifFalse:[
            nm := nm , selectors size printString , ' methods'.
        nm := nm , ' from ' , eachClass name.
        refactoring model name:nm.
        self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:29:38 / cg"

    "push method(s) into superclass"

    self selectorMenuPushMethod:#up

    "recompile the selected methods (for Debug only)"

    self selectedMethodsValue do:[:eachMethod |
        eachMethod mclass recompile:eachMethod selector

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:29:42 / cg"

    "confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
     then remove them."

    self doRemoveMethodsConfirmed:(self selectedMethodsValue)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:29:45 / cg"

    "confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
     then remove them and select the one after the last selected."

    self doRemoveMethodsConfirmed:(self selectedMethodsValue) select:#next

    "confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
     then remove them and select the one before the first selected."

    self doRemoveMethodsConfirmed:(self selectedMethodsValue) select:#previous

    |currentMethod cls selector tree args whichParameter|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    cls := currentMethod mclass.
    selector := currentMethod selector.

    tree := cls parseTreeFor:selector.
    tree isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn: 'Could not parse the method'.
        ^ self
    args := tree argumentNames.
    args size > 1 ifTrue:[
        whichParameter := self selectionInCodeView.
        (whichParameter notEmptyOrNil and:[ args includes:whichParameter]) ifFalse:[
            whichParameter := Dialog choose:'Remove which Parameter ?' fromList:args lines:5 title:'Remove Parameter'.
            whichParameter isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    ] ifFalse:[
        whichParameter := args first.

    self codeMenuRemoveParameter:whichParameter

    "rename a method (and rewrite all of its callers)"

    |mthd methods selectorsDone|

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd isNil ifTrue:[
        methods := self selectedMethodsValue.
        (methods asSet collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod selector]) size == 1 ifTrue:[
            mthd := methods first.
    mthd isNil ifTrue:[
        AbortAllSignal catch:[
            selectorsDone := Set new.
            methods do:[:eachMethod |

                eachSelector := eachMethod selector.
                (selectorsDone includes:eachSelector) ifFalse:[
                    self renameMethod:eachSelector in:eachMethod mclass.
                    selectorsDone add:eachSelector.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self renameMethod:(mthd selector) in:(mthd mclass).
"/    |mthd|
"/    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
"/    self renameMethod:mthd selector in:mthd mclass.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:43:57 / cg"

    MethodRewriter new
        methods: self selectedMethodsValue;

    "Created: / 05-07-2011 / 14:49:06 / cg"

    "check for senders (and windowSpec/menuSpec refs) to method's selector,
     then confirm removal of the selected methods"

    |selectorsToRemove methodsToRemove selectorsToCheckForInvokation selectorsToCheckForSelectorUse
     possiblyInvoked possiblyUsedAsSelector msg isAre answer selInfo methods brwsr numVersionMethods|

    selectorsToRemove := IdentitySet new.
    numVersionMethods := 0.
    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
        selectorsToRemove add:(eachMethod selector).
        (AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector:eachMethod selector) ifTrue:[
            eachMethod mclass isMeta ifTrue:[
                numVersionMethods := numVersionMethods + 1

    selectorsToCheckForInvokation := IdentitySet new addAll:selectorsToRemove; yourself.
    selectorsToCheckForSelectorUse := IdentitySet new addAll:selectorsToRemove; yourself.

    possiblyInvoked := IdentitySet new.
    possiblyUsedAsSelector := IdentitySet new.

    methodsToRemove := self selectedMethodsValue copy.

    self withSearchCursorDo:[
        "/ search through all of the system
        environment allMethodsDo:[:mthd |
            |sent resources newFound any|

            any := false.
            mthd literalsDo:[:eachLiteral |
                 (selectorsToRemove includes:eachLiteral) ifTrue:[any := true].
                 "/ could be an array (as in a spec)
                 eachLiteral isArray ifTrue:[
                    selectorsToRemove contains:[:selToRemove |
                        (eachLiteral refersToLiteral:selToRemove) ifTrue:[
                            possiblyUsedAsSelector add:mthd.
            any ifTrue:[
                selectorsToRemove do:[:eachSelectorToRemove |
                    sent := mthd messagesSent.
                   (sent includes:eachSelectorToRemove) ifTrue:[
                       (methodsToRemove includesIdentical:mthd) ifFalse:[
                           possiblyInvoked add:mthd.
            mthd hasResource ifTrue:[
                newFound := IdentitySet new.
                selectorsToRemove do:[:eachSelectorToRemove |
                    (mthd refersToLiteral:eachSelectorToRemove) ifTrue:[
                        (methodsToRemove includesIdentical:mthd) ifFalse:[
                            possiblyUsedAsSelector add:mthd.
    self normalLabel.

    possiblyInvoked isEmpty ifTrue:[
        possiblyUsedAsSelector isEmpty ifTrue:[
            self selectorMenuRemove.
            ^ self.

    selectorsToRemove size == 1 ifTrue:[
        selInfo := selectorsToRemove first allBold.
        isAre := 'is'
    ] ifFalse:[
        selInfo := 'selectors to remove'.
        isAre := 'are'
    msg := selInfo , ' '.

    possiblyInvoked notEmpty ifTrue:[
        msg := msg , isAre , ' possibly sent by %1 methods '
    possiblyUsedAsSelector notEmpty ifTrue:[
        possiblyInvoked notEmpty ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , 'and '
        msg := msg , 'possibly used as selector by %2 methods'

    numVersionMethods > 0 ifTrue:[
        msg := msg , '\\' ,
                string:'ATTENTION: Removing a classes version method might make the versionManagers life hard.' allBold).

    answer := OptionBox
                  request:((resources string:msg
                                        with:possiblyInvoked size
                                        with:possiblyUsedAsSelector size)
                           , '\\Really remove ?') withCRs
                  label:(resources string:'Attention')
                  image:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
                  buttonLabels:(resources array:#( 'Cancel' 'Remove' 'Remove then Browse Senders' 'Browse Senders'))
                  values:#(false true #removeAndBrowse #browse )

     answer == false ifTrue:[^ self].
     (answer == #browse or:[answer == #removeAndBrowse]) ifTrue:[
        methods := IdentitySet new.
        methods addAll:possiblyInvoked.
        methods addAll:possiblyUsedAsSelector.
        brwsr := self
                    spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:#newBuffer
                    label:'methods referring to ' , selInfo
        selectorsToRemove size == 1 ifTrue:[
            brwsr autoSearchPattern:selInfo
        answer == #browse ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
        "/ fall into remove
     self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:methodsToRemove

    "Modified: / 11-05-2012 / 10:00:46 / cg"

    "select all methods containing a particular string"

    self shouldImplement.

    ^ self selectMethodsWhere:[:mthd | self shouldImplement ]

    "open a new browser showing the selected extension methods' project(s)"


    projects := (self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:m | m package] as:Set) asSortedCollection.
    ^ self

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:30:06 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing the selected extension methods' project(s)"


    projects := (self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:m | m package] as:Set) asSortedCollection.
    ^ self

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:30:08 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing implementations of the selected method"

    ^ self
        spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors)


    "add a new buffer showing implementations of the selected method"

    ^ self
        spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors)


    "open a new browser showing inheritance of the selected method(s)"

    ^ self
        spawnMethodInheritanceBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors)


    "add a buffer showing inheritance of the selected method(s)"

    ^ self
        spawnMethodInheritanceBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors)


    "open a new browser showing the selected methods only"

    ^ self
        spawnMethodBrowserFor:(self selectedMethodsValue)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:30:11 / cg"

    "add a new buffer showing the selected methods only"

    ^ self
        spawnMethodBrowserFor:(self selectedMethodsValue)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:30:14 / cg"

    "open a new browser  showing all extension methods for the
     selected methods project(s)"

    ^ self
        spawnProjectExtensionsBrowserFor:(self selectedMethodsValue)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:30:16 / cg"

    "add a new buffer showing all extension methods for the
     selected methods project(s)"

    ^ self
        spawnProjectExtensionsBrowserFor:(self selectedMethodsValue)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:30:19 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing senders of the selected method"

    ^ self
        spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors)


    "add a new buffer showing senders of the selected methods selector"

    ^ self
        spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors)


    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods implementations only"

    ^ self spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:(Array with:aSelector) match:false in:#newBuffer

    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders only"

    ^ self spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:(Array with:aSelector) in:#newBuffer

    "browse callers of the selected method(s)"

    ^ self spawnCallersIn:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 15:09:20 / cg"

spawnCallersBrowserFor:aMethodCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected method's callers"


    self withSearchCursorDo:[
        |cachedList newBrowser searchBlock|

        aMethodCollection size == 1 ifTrue:[
            label := resources string:('Callers of %1') with:aMethodCollection first whoString allBold.
        ] ifFalse:[
            label := resources string:'Callers of Any'.

        searchBlock := [

                            cachedList notNil ifTrue:[
                                l := cachedList.
                                cachedList := nil
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                l := IdentitySet new.
                                aMethodCollection do:[:eachCalledMethod |

                                    info := eachCalledMethod methodInvocationInfo.
                                    info notNil ifTrue:[
                                        info callingMethodsDo:[:caller |
                                            l add:caller
                                l := l asOrderedCollection

        newBrowser := self

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 15:16:40 / cg"

    "browse callers of the selected method(s)"

    ^ self spawnCallersIn:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 15:09:02 / cg"

    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected method's callers"

    self spawnCallersBrowserFor:(self selectedMethodsValue) in:openHow

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 15:17:33 / cg"

    "browse implementations chain"

    ^ self spawnImplementorChainIn:#newBrowser

    "browse implementations chain"

    ^ self spawnImplementorChainIn:#newBuffer

    "browse implementation chain;
        openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

    |searchBlock "must be first local in block (see #methodsSelectionChangedAt:index, which fetches this value)"
     spec aMethod multipleMethods methods lbl|

    multipleMethods := self selectedMethodsValue size > 1.
    multipleMethods ifTrue:[
        methods := self selectedMethodsValue copy.
        lbl := resources string:'implementor chains'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
        lbl := resources string:'implementor chain of %1' with:aMethod selector.
    spec := #chainBrowserSpec.

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            |methodListGenerator generator theMethodList|

            searchBlock := [:whichMethod |
                                | sentMessages |
                                sentMessages := whichMethod messagesSent.
                                self class findImplementorsOfAny:sentMessages in:(environment allClasses) ignoreCase:false.

            generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                                                theMethodList := searchBlock value:aMethod.
                                            theMethodList do:[:aMethod |
                                                    value:aMethod mclass
                                                    value:aMethod category
                                                    value:aMethod selector
                                            "enforce display of class in methodList"

                                            multipleMethods ifFalse:[
                                                theMethodList := nil.

            multipleMethods ifTrue:[
                theMethodList := methods.

            brwsr selectorListGenerator1 value:generator.
            "/ auto-select the first methods, if there is only one

            multipleMethods ifFalse:[
                theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                    "/ newBuffer will evaluate the generator later;
                    "/ newBrowser might have it already evaluated ... (sigh)
                    theMethodList := searchBlock value:aMethod.

                theMethodList size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    brwsr selectedMethods1 value:theMethodList.
                    brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:37:04 / cg"

    "add a new buffer showing implementations of the selected method"

    ^ self
        spawnMethodLocalImplementorsBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors)

    "Created: / 05-09-2006 / 10:51:47 / cg"

    "add a new buffer showing local senders of the selected methods selector"

    ^ self
        spawnMethodLocalSendersBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors)

    "Created: / 05-09-2006 / 10:44:28 / cg"

spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil
    "browse selected method(s);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)"

    ^ self

spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil perClassInfo:perClassInfoOrNil perMethodInfo:perMethodInfoOrNil sortBy:sortHow
    "browse selected method(s);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)"

    ^ self

spawnMethodBrowserFor:methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock in:where label:labelOrNil perClassInfo:perClassInfoHolder perMethodInfo:perMethodInfoHolder sortBy:sortHow select:doSelect
    "browse selected method(s);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)"

    |theMethodList spec "singleSelection"|

    methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock isBlock ifTrue:[
        theMethodList := methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock value.
    ] ifFalse:[
        theMethodList := methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock copy.

    (theMethodList isEmptyOrNil and:[perClassInfoHolder value isEmptyOrNil]) ifTrue:[
        self information:'Nothing found'.
        ^ self.

    (perMethodInfoHolder value notEmptyOrNil) ifTrue:[
        (perClassInfoHolder value notEmptyOrNil) ifTrue:[
            "/ both present
            spec := #multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ methodInfo present
            spec := #multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec.
    ] ifFalse:[
        (perClassInfoHolder value notEmptyOrNil) ifTrue:[
            "/ classInfo present
            spec := #multipleClassWithInfoBrowserSpec.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ none present
            spec := #multipleMethodBrowserSpec.

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            |methodGenerator classGenerator perClassInfo perMethodInfo

            theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock isBlock ifTrue:[
                    theMethodList := methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock value.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    theMethodList := methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock copy.
            perClassInfo := perClassInfoHolder value.
            perMethodInfo := perMethodInfoHolder value.

            methodGenerator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                                                methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock isBlock ifTrue:[
                                                    theMethodList := methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock value.
                                                ] ifFalse:[
                                                    theMethodList := methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock copy.
                                            perClassInfo := perClassInfoHolder value.
                                            perMethodInfo := perMethodInfoHolder value.

                                            theMethodList do:[:eachMethod |
                                                |methodClass methodSelector realMethod|

                                                eachMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                                                    methodClass := eachMethod mclass.
                                                    methodClass notNil ifTrue:[
                                                        methodSelector := eachMethod selector.
                                                        realMethod := methodClass compiledMethodAt:methodSelector.
                                                        realMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                                                                value:realMethod category
                                            methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock isBlock ifTrue:[
                                                theMethodList := nil.
                                            "enforce display of class in methodList"

                                            theMethodList size > 7 ifTrue:[
                                                brwsr showInfo:('%1 methods in list.' bindWith:theMethodList size).

            sortHow notNil ifTrue:[brwsr sortBy value:sortHow].

            brwsr selectorListGenerator value:methodGenerator.
            perClassInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                classGenerator := perClassInfo keys.
                brwsr classListGenerator value:classGenerator.
                brwsr meta value:false.

            perClassInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectedClasses
                        |class infoText|

                        brwsr selectedMethods value:nil.
                        class := brwsr theSingleSelectedClass.
                        class notNil ifTrue:[
                            brwsr meta value:false.
                            infoText := perClassInfoHolder value at:class theNonMetaclass ifAbsent:nil.
                            infoText isNil ifTrue:[
                                infoText := perClassInfo at:class theMetaclass ifAbsent:nil
                        brwsr methodInfo value:infoText.

            perMethodInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectedMethods
                        |mthd infoText|

                        brwsr selectedClasses value:nil.
                        mthd := brwsr theSingleSelectedMethod.
                        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
                            infoText := perMethodInfo at:mthd ifAbsent:nil
                        brwsr methodInfo value:infoText.
            ] ifFalse:[
                (doSelect and:[theMethodList size == 1]) ifTrue:[
                    brwsr selectMethods:(Array with:theMethodList first).
                    brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.

            methodsOrMethodGeneratorBlock isBlock ifTrue:[
                theMethodList := nil "/ force re-evaluation

    "Modified: / 19-07-2012 / 11:51:02 / cg"

spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil perMethodInfo:infoDictionaryOrNil sortBy:sortHow
    "browse selected method(s);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)"

    ^ self

spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil perMethodInfo:infoDictionaryOrNil sortBy:sortHow select:doSelect
    "browse selected method(s);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)"

    ^ self
       spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil
       perClassInfo:nil perMethodInfo:infoDictionaryOrNil sortBy:sortHow select:doSelect.

"/    |theMethodList spec|
"/    theMethodList := methods copy.
"/    infoDictionaryOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
"/        spec := #multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec.
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        spec := #multipleMethodBrowserSpec.
"/    ].
"/    ^ self
"/        newBrowserOrBufferDependingOn:where
"/        label:labelOrNil
"/        forSpec:spec
"/        setupWith:[:brwsr |
"/            |generator|
"/            generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
"/                                            theMethodList do:[:aMethod |
"/                                                whatToDo
"/                                                    value:aMethod mclass
"/                                                    value:aMethod category
"/                                                    value:aMethod selector
"/                                                    value:aMethod.
"/                                            ].
"/                                            "/ enforce display of class
"/                                            "/ theMethodList size == 1 ifTrue:[
"/                                                whatToDo
"/                                                    value:nil
"/                                                    value:nil
"/                                                    value:nil
"/                                                    value:nil.
"/                                            "/ ].
"/                                      ].
"/            sortHow notNil ifTrue:[brwsr sortBy value:sortHow].
"/            brwsr selectorListGenerator value:generator.
"/            infoDictionaryOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
"/                brwsr selectedMethods
"/                    onChangeEvaluate:[
"/                        |mthd infoText|
"/                        mthd := brwsr theSingleSelectedMethod.
"/                        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
"/                            infoText := infoDictionaryOrNil at:mthd ifAbsent:nil
"/                        ].
"/                        brwsr methodInfo value:infoText.
"/                    ]
"/            ] ifFalse:[
"/                (doSelect and:[theMethodList size == 1]) ifTrue:[
"/                    brwsr selectMethods:(Array with:theMethodList first).
"/                    brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.
"/                ]
"/            ].
"/        ]

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 21:03:34 / cg"

spawnMethodBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl
    "browse selected method(s);
        openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

        and sortByWhat is:
        or  #class

    |spec theMethodList|

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        theMethodList := searchBlock value.
    theMethodList isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        self information:(lbl , ' - none found').
        ^ self.

    spec := #methodListBrowserSpec.

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |

            generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            brwsr window withWaitCursorDo:[
                                                theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                                                    theMethodList := searchBlock value.
                                                theMethodList notNil ifTrue:[
                                                    theMethodList do:[:aMethod |
                                                            value:aMethod mclass
                                                            value:aMethod category
                                                            value:aMethod selector
                                                "enforce display of class in methodList"
                                            theMethodList := nil.

            sortByWhat notNil ifTrue:[brwsr sortBy value:sortByWhat].
            brwsr selectorListGenerator value:generator.

            "/ auto-select the first method, if there is only one
            theMethodList size == 1 ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectMethods:theMethodList.
                brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 21:03:34 / cg"

spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods only"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 10:49:28 / cg"

spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection match:doMatch in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods"

        classes:environment allClasses

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 11:07:20 / cg"

spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection match:doMatch in:openHow classes:classes label:labelPrefix
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods only"

    self withSearchCursorDo:[
        |newBrowser label impls searchBlock cachedList theSingleSelector|

        aSelectorCollection size == 1 ifTrue:[
            theSingleSelector := aSelectorCollection first.
            label := resources string:(labelPrefix,' of %1') with:(theSingleSelector allBold)
        ] ifFalse:[
            label := resources string:labelPrefix.

        searchBlock := [

                        (list := cachedList) notNil ifTrue:[
                            cachedList := nil
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            list := IdentitySet new.
                            aSelectorCollection do:[:aSelector |
                                doMatch ifTrue:[
                                    list addAll:(self class
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    list addAll:(self class
                                                    in:environment allClasses
                            list := list asOrderedCollection

        cachedList := searchBlock value.
        (cachedList size == 1 and:[cachedList first == self theSingleSelectedMethod]) ifTrue:[
                confirm:label,' - ',(resources stringWithCRs:'only the selected method found.\\Browse anyway?')
                ^ self

        newBrowser := self
        aSelectorCollection size == 1 ifTrue:[
            newBrowser sortBy value:#classes

    "Created: / 05-09-2006 / 11:07:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13-02-2012 / 13:15:40 / cg"

spawnMethodInheritanceBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods inheritance only"

    self withSearchCursorDo:[
        |selectedMethods classes list newBrowser label searchBlock
         initialList anyRedefined|

        (selectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue) size == 0 ifTrue:[
            self warn:'No method selected.'.
            ^ self

        "/ classes := self selectedClasses value.
        classes isNil ifTrue:[
            classes := selectedMethods
                        collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass]
                        thenSelect:[:eachClass | eachClass notNil].

        searchBlock := [
                |list subList already|

                (list := initialList) size > 0 ifTrue:[
                    initialList := nil
                ] ifFalse:[
                    already := IdentitySet new.
                    list := OrderedCollection new.
                    aSelectorCollection do:[:eachSelector |
                        classes do:[:eachClass |
                            (eachClass withAllSuperclasses reversed , eachClass allSubclasses)
                            do:[:eachSuperAndSubclass |

                                (eachSuperAndSubclass includesSelector:eachSelector) ifTrue:[
                                    mthd := eachSuperAndSubclass compiledMethodAt:eachSelector.
                                    (already includes:mthd) ifFalse:[
                                        eachSuperAndSubclass ~~ eachClass ifTrue:[anyRedefined := true].
                                        list add:mthd.
                                        already add:mthd.

        anyRedefined := false.
        initialList := searchBlock value.
        anyRedefined ifFalse:[

            selectedMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
                msg := 'The method does not redefine any superclass method and is not redefined in any subclass.'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                msg := 'None of the methods redefines any superclass method or is redefined in any subclass.'.
            self warn:msg.
            ^ self

        aSelectorCollection size == 1 ifTrue:[
            label := 'Inheritance of %1' bindWith:(aSelectorCollection first)
        ] ifFalse:[
            label := 'Inheritance'.

        newBrowser := self
        newBrowser selectMethods:(selectedMethods copy).
        newBrowser sortBy value:false.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:30:45 / cg"

spawnMethodLocalImplementorsBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods only"

    ^ self
        classes:(self selectedLocalMethodClasses)
        label:'Local Implementors'

    "Created: / 05-09-2006 / 10:49:50 / cg"

spawnMethodLocalSendersBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods local senders"

        classes:(self selectedLocalMethodClasses)
        label:'Local Senders'

    "Created: / 05-09-2006 / 10:46:35 / cg"

spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders only"

        classes:environment allClasses

    "Modified: / 13-02-2012 / 13:17:20 / cg"

spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection in:openHow classes:setOfClasses label:labelPrefix
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders from setOfClasses"


    self withSearchCursorDo:[
        |cachedList newBrowser theSingleSelector searchBlock|

        aSelectorCollection size == 1 ifTrue:[
            theSingleSelector := aSelectorCollection first.
            label := resources string:(labelPrefix,' of %1') with:theSingleSelector allBold.
        ] ifFalse:[
            label := resources string:labelPrefix.

        searchBlock := [

                            cachedList notNil ifTrue:[
                                l := cachedList.
                                cachedList := nil
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                l := IdentitySet new.
                                aSelectorCollection do:[:aSelector |
                                    l addAll:(self class
                                l := l asOrderedCollection

        theSingleSelector notNil ifTrue:[
            cachedList := searchBlock value.
            cachedList size == 0 ifTrue:[
                    confirm:(label , (resources string:' - none found'))
                    yesLabel:(resources string:'Show Implementors') noLabel:'OK'
                ) ifTrue:[
                    self spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection in:openHow
                ^ self
            (cachedList size == 1 and:[cachedList first == self theSingleSelectedMethod]) ifTrue:[
                (Dialog confirm:(label,' - ',(resources stringWithCRs:'only the selected method found.\\Browse anyway ?')))
                    ^ self

        newBrowser := self

        theSingleSelector notNil ifTrue:[
            newBrowser autoSearchSelector:theSingleSelector ignoreCase:false doMatch:false.

    "Created: / 05-09-2006 / 10:43:21 / cg"

spawnProjectExtensionsBrowserFor:aMethodCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders only"


    self withSearchCursorDo:[
        |packages cachedList newBrowser theSinglePackage searchBlock|

        packages := aMethodCollection collect:[:each | each package] as:Set.
        packages size == 1 ifTrue:[
            theSinglePackage := packages first.
            label := 'Extensions for %1' bindWith:theSinglePackage.
        ] ifFalse:[
            label := 'Extensions'.

        searchBlock := [

                            cachedList notNil ifTrue:[
                                l := cachedList.
                                cachedList := nil
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                l := OrderedCollection new.
                                environment allClasses
                                    do:[:eachClass |
                                        l addAll:(eachClass extensions
                                                    select:[:extensionMethod |
                                                        (packages includes:extensionMethod package)])

        theSinglePackage notNil ifTrue:[
            cachedList := searchBlock value.
            cachedList size == 0 ifTrue:[
                self information:(label , ' - none found').
                ^ self
            (cachedList size == 1 and:[cachedList first == self theSingleSelectedMethod]) ifTrue:[
                (self confirm:((label bindWith:label) , ' - only the selected method found.\\Browse anyway ?' withCRs))
                    ^ self

        newBrowser := self

    "Modified: / 12-10-2006 / 20:59:02 / cg"

    "browse selected methods sender chain"

    ^ self spawnSenderChainIn:#newBrowser

    "browse selected methods sender chain"

    ^ self spawnSenderChainIn:#newBuffer

    "browse selected methods sender chain;
        openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

    |searchBlock "must be first local in block (see #methodsSelectionChangedAt:index, which fetches this value)"
     spec aMethod multipleMethods methods lbl|

    multipleMethods := self selectedMethodsValue size > 1.
    multipleMethods ifTrue:[
        methods := self selectedMethodsValue copy.
        lbl := resources string:'Sender chains'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
        lbl := resources string:'Sender chain of %1' with:aMethod selector.
    spec := #chainBrowserSpec.

    ^ self
        setupWith:[:brwsr |
            |generator theMethodList|

            searchBlock := [:whichMethod | |selector|
                                selector := whichMethod selector.
                                selector isNil ifTrue:[
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    self class allCallsOn:selector in:(environment allClasses) ignoreCase:false match:false.

            generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                                                theMethodList := searchBlock value:aMethod.
                                            theMethodList do:[:aMethod |
                                                    value:aMethod mclass
                                                    value:aMethod category
                                                    value:aMethod selector
                                            "enforce display of class in methodList"
                                            multipleMethods ifFalse:[
                                                theMethodList := nil.

            multipleMethods ifTrue:[
                theMethodList := methods.

            brwsr selectorListGenerator1 value:generator.
            "/ auto-select the first methods, if there is only one

            multipleMethods ifFalse:[
                theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                    "/ newBuffer will evaluate the generator later;
                    "/ newBrowser might have it already evaluated ... (sigh)
                    theMethodList := searchBlock value:aMethod.

                theMethodList size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    brwsr selectedMethods1 value:theMethodList.
                    brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:36:22 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-subversion'!


    ^SVN::ConfigurationApp open

    "Modified: / 26-03-2010 / 20:01:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-subversion-class'!

    | pkg classes branch path |

    classes := self selectedClassesValue.
    pkg := self theSingleSelectedProjectFromClasses.
    path := classes size == 1
                ifTrue: [SVN::Repository containerNameForClass: classes anyOne]
    branch := (self svnRepositoryFor: pkg) branch.
    SVN::RevisionLogBrowser new
        branch: branch;
        path: path;

    "Modified: / 25-06-2010 / 10:08:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:38 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-variables'!

browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:browserTitle boxTitle:boxTitle variables:varType access:accessType all:browseAll
    "show an enterbox for instVar/classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring/modifying to that var"

    |box b allNames varNames varNameList openHow classes copyOfClasses |

    openHow := #newBuffer.

    allNames := Set new.
    (self selectedClasses value ? #()) do:[:eachClass |
        (varType == #classVarNames) ifTrue:[
            allNames addAll:(eachClass allClassVarNames).
        ] ifFalse:[
            (varType == #poolVarNames) ifTrue:[
                allNames addAll:(eachClass classVarNames).
            ] ifFalse:[
                (varType == #instVarNames) ifTrue:[
                    allNames addAll:(eachClass allInstVarNames).
                ] ifFalse:[
                    (varType == #classInstVarNames) ifTrue:[
                        allNames addAll:(eachClass theMetaclass allInstVarNames).
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        "/ self halt
    allNames := allNames asOrderedCollection sort asNilIfEmpty.

    box := self enterBoxForVariableSearch:boxTitle list:allNames.
    box action:[:enteredString | varNames := enteredString].

    b := Button label:(resources string:'Browser').
    box addButton:b after:box okButton.
    b action:[
       openHow := #newBrowser.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.
    box label:(resources string:'Search Variable References').
    box showAtPointer.
    box destroy.

    varNames size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    varNameList := varNames string asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:' ;,/|'.

    classes := self classesToSearchForVariable.

    varType == #poolVarNames ifTrue:[
        "/ also check classes which refer to that pool
        copyOfClasses := IdentitySet withAll:classes.
        environment allClassesDo:[:someOtherClass |
            (someOtherClass sharedPools includesAny:copyOfClasses) ifTrue:[
                classes add:someOtherClass.

        variables:varType access:accessType all:browseAll
        title:browserTitle in:openHow

    "Modified: / 29-08-2013 / 12:24:10 / cg"

browseVarRefsToAny:varNameList classes:classesIn variables:varType access:accessType all:browseAll title:browserTitle in:openHow
    "Open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring/modifying to any var in varNames.
     accessType is one of #readOrWrite, #read or #write."

    |varNames brwsr classes searchBlock methods|

    varNameList size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    varNames := varNameList asStringWith:'|'.

    "/ the find* methods expect nonMetaclasses ...
    classes := classesIn collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass].

    searchBlock := [

                    methods notNil ifTrue:[
                        allMethods := methods.
                        methods := nil.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        allMethods := IdentitySet new.
                        varNameList do:[:aVariableName |
                            |homeClasses methods1 methods2|

                            (browseAll and:[varType ~~ #poolVarNames]) ifTrue:[
                                homeClasses := self findClassesOfVariable:aVariableName accessWith:varType in:classes.
                                homeClasses do:[:homeClass |
                                    (varType == #classVarNames) ifTrue:[
                                        methods1 := self class findClassRefsTo:aVariableName under:homeClass theNonMetaclass access:accessType.
                                        methods2 := self class findClassRefsTo:aVariableName under:homeClass theMetaclass access:accessType.
                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                        varType == #classInstVarNames ifTrue:[
                                            methods1 := self class findInstRefsTo:aVariableName under:homeClass theMetaclass access:accessType
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            methods1 := self class findInstRefsTo:aVariableName under:homeClass theNonMetaclass access:accessType
                                    allMethods addAll:methods1.
                                    methods2 notNil ifTrue:[allMethods addAll:methods2].
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                classes do:[:eachClass |
                                    (varType == #poolVarNames) ifTrue:[
                                        eachClass isSharedPool ifTrue:[
                                            methods1 := self class findClassRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theNonMetaclass access:accessType.
                                            methods2 := self class findClassRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theMetaclass access:accessType.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            methods1 := self class findPoolVarRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theNonMetaclass access:accessType.
                                            methods2 := self class findPoolVarRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theMetaclass access:accessType.
                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                        (varType == #classVarNames) ifTrue:[
                                            methods1 := self class findClassRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theNonMetaclass access:accessType.
                                            methods2 := self class findClassRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theMetaclass access:accessType.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            varType == #classInstVarNames ifTrue:[
                                                methods1 := self class findInstRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theMetaclass access:accessType
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                                                methods1 := self class findInstRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theNonMetaclass access:accessType
                                    allMethods addAll:methods1.
                                    methods2 notNil ifTrue:[allMethods addAll:methods2].
                        allMethods := allMethods asOrderedCollection

    self busyLabel:'searching...'.
    methods := searchBlock value.
    self normalLabel.
    methods size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self information:((browserTitle bindWith:varNames allBold) , ' - none found').
        ^ self

    brwsr := self spawnMethodBrowserForSearch:searchBlock
                label:(browserTitle bindWith:varNames).

    brwsr variableFilter value:varNameList.

    self autoSearchVariables:varNameList readers:(accessType ~~ #write) writers:(accessType ~~ #read).

findClassesOfVariable:aVariableName accessWith:aSelector in:collectionOfClasses
    "this method returns the classes, in which a variable is defined (or seen);
     needs either #instVarNames, #classInstVarNames, #classVarNames or #poolVarNames as aSelector."

    |cls homeClass list homeClasses|

    homeClasses := IdentitySet new.
    collectionOfClasses do:[:currentClass |
        cls := currentClass.
        [cls notNil] whileTrue:[
             first, find the class, where the variable is declared
            aSelector == #classInstVarNames ifTrue:[
                list := cls class instVarNames
            ] ifFalse:[
                list := cls perform:aSelector
            (list includes:aVariableName) ifTrue:[
                homeClass := cls.
                cls := nil.
            ] ifFalse:[
                cls := cls superclass
        homeClass isNil ifTrue:[
            "nope, must be one below ... (could optimize a bit, by searching down
             for the declaring class ...
            homeClass := currentClass
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ Transcript showCR:'starting search in ' , homeClass name.
        homeClasses add:homeClass.

    ^ homeClasses


    names := Set new.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass | names addAll:eachClass instVarNames. ].
    ^ names

    "true if classVars are shown; false if classInstVars are shown"


    (varListApp := navigationState variableListApplication) isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    ^ varListApp showClassVarsInVariableList value

    "add a new variable."

    ^ self variablesMenuAdd:(self showingClassVarsInVariableList) asValueHolder:false

    "add a new variable."

    self variablesMenuAdd:asClassVariableBoolean asValueHolder:false

variablesMenuAdd:asClassVariableBoolean asValueHolder:asValueHolder
    "add new variable(s)."

    |words variablesToAdd initial selectedClass boxTitle msg generateAccessorsHolder|

"/    (self askIfModified) ~~ true ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

    initial := ''.
    words := (self selectionInCodeView ? '') asCollectionOfWords.
    words size == 1 ifTrue:[
        initial := words first.
    boxTitle := 'Add Variable'.
    asValueHolder ifTrue:[
        (initial isEmpty or:[initial endsWith:'Holder']) ifFalse:[
            initial := initial , 'Holder'
        boxTitle := 'Add ValueHolder'.
    msg := 'Name of new %1 %2'.
    msg := msg
                        self meta value
                            ifTrue:['Class Instance']

    generateAccessorsHolder := true asValue.
    Dialog modifyingBoxWith:[:box |
        box verticalPanel
                    label:(resources string:'Generate Getters and Setters'))
    ] do:[
        variablesToAdd :=
                request:(resources string:msg)
                title:(resources string:boxTitle)

    variablesToAdd size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.

    variablesToAdd := variablesToAdd asCollectionOfWords.
    variablesToAdd do:[:variableToAdd |
        asClassVariableBoolean ifTrue:[
            self codeMenuAddClassVariable:variableToAdd inClass:selectedClass asValueHolder:asValueHolder
        ] ifFalse:[
            self codeMenuAddInstanceVariable:variableToAdd inClass:selectedClass asValueHolder:asValueHolder

    generateAccessorsHolder value ifTrue:[

    "add a new variable."

    ^ self variablesMenuAdd:true asValueHolder:false

    "add a new variable."

    ^ self variablesMenuAdd:false asValueHolder:false

    "add a new variable."

    ^ self variablesMenuAdd:(self showingClassVarsInVariableList) asValueHolder:true

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods modifying to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'all writers of class-instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'class-instance variable to browse writers:'
        variables:#classInstVarNames access:#write all:true

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'all readers of class-instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'class-instance variable to browse readers:'
        variables:#classInstVarNames access:#read all:true

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All references to class-instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Class-instance variable to browse all references to:'
        variables:#classInstVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:true

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods modifying that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All writers of class variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Class variable to browse all writers:'
        variables:#classVarNames access:#write all:true

    "Modified (comment): / 29-05-2012 / 12:13:48 / cg"

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'all readers of class variable %1'
        boxTitle:'class variable to browse readers:'
        variables:#classVarNames access:#read all:true

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All references to class variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Class variable to browse all references to:'
        variables:#classVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:true

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods modifying that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All writers of instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Instance variable to browse all writers:'
        variables:#instVarNames access:#write all:true

    "Modified (comment): / 29-05-2012 / 12:13:52 / cg"

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods writing that var"

    self meta value ifTrue:[
        self variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarMods.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarMods.

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading that var"

    self meta value ifTrue:[
        self variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarReads.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarReads.

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var"

    self meta value ifTrue:[
        self variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarRefs.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarRefs.

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All readers of instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Instance variable to browse all readers:'
        variables:#instVarNames access:#read all:true

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All references to instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Instance variable to browse all references to:'
        variables:#instVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:true

    "show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'writers of pool variable %1'
        boxTitle:'pool variable to browse writers:'
        variables:#poolVarNames access:#write all:true

    "Created: / 29-05-2012 / 12:13:06 / cg"

    "show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods reading that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'readers of pool variable %1'
        boxTitle:'pool variable to browse readers:'
        variables:#poolVarNames access:#read all:true

    "Created: / 29-05-2012 / 12:13:34 / cg"

    "show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'References to pool variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Pool variable to browse references to:'
        variables:#poolVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:true

    "Created: / 29-05-2012 / 12:14:39 / cg"

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'writers of class-instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'class-instance variable to browse writers:'
        variables:#classInstVarNames access:#write all:false

    "Modified (comment): / 29-05-2012 / 12:13:56 / cg"

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods reading that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'readers of class-instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'class-instance variable to browse readers:'
        variables:#classInstVarNames access:#read all:false

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'References to class-instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Class-instance variable to browse references to:'
        variables:#classInstVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:false

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'writers of class variable %1'
        boxTitle:'class variable to browse writers:'
        variables:#classVarNames access:#write all:false

    "Modified (comment): / 29-05-2012 / 12:14:01 / cg"

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods reading that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'readers of class variable %1'
        boxTitle:'class variable to browse readers:'
        variables:#classVarNames access:#read all:false

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'References to class variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Class variable to browse references to:'
        variables:#classVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:false

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'writers of instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'instance variable to browse writers:'
        variables:#instVarNames access:#write all:false

    "Modified (comment): / 29-05-2012 / 12:14:05 / cg"

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'readers of instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'instance variable to browse readers:'
        variables:#instVarNames access:#read all:false

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'References to instance variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Instance variable to browse references to:'
        variables:#instVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:false

    "show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'writers of pool variable %1'
        boxTitle:'pool variable to browse writers:'
        variables:#poolVarNames access:#write all:false

    "Created: / 29-05-2012 / 12:13:06 / cg"

    "show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods reading that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'readers of pool variable %1'
        boxTitle:'pool variable to browse readers:'
        variables:#poolVarNames access:#read all:false

    "Created: / 29-05-2012 / 12:13:34 / cg"

    "show an enterbox for poolVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var"

        browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'References to pool variable %1'
        boxTitle:'Pool variable to browse references to:'
        variables:#poolVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:false

    "Created: / 29-05-2012 / 12:14:39 / cg"

    "clear the selected (class) variable(s)."


    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Please select a single class.'.
        ^ self.
    cls := cls theNonMetaclass.

    self withSelectedVariablesDo:[:variable :isClassVar |
        isClassVar ifTrue:[
            cls classVarAt:variable put:nil

    "copy selected variable name(s) to clipboard"

    |names first|

    first := true.
    names :=
        String streamContents:[:s |
            self selectedVariables value do:[:variableName |
                first ifTrue:[
                    first := false
                ] ifFalse:[
                    s space.
                s nextPutAll:variableName.

    self window setClipboardText:names

    self shouldImplement

    "create access methods for selected instvars."


variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsFor:names withChange:withChange asValueHolder:asValueHolder readersOnly:readersOnly writersOnly:writersOnly lazyInitialization:lazyInitialization
    "common helper to create access methods."


    names isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    what := readersOnly

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate ',what,' in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            |classVars instVars|

            classVars := names select:[:var | eachClass classVarNames includes:var].
            classVars notEmpty ifTrue:[
                    in:eachClass theMetaclass
            instVars := names reject:[:var | classVars includes:var].
            instVars notEmpty ifTrue:[

    "Modified: / 21-01-2012 / 10:25:52 / cg"


    names := self instVarNamesOfAllSelectedClasses.

    "create access methods for selected instvars as valueHolders."


    "create access methods for selected instvars as valueHolders with change notification."


    "create access methods with change notification for selected instvars."


variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange:withChange asValueHolder:asValueHolder readersOnly:readersOnly writersOnly:writersOnly
    "common helper to create access methods."

    ^ self

variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange:withChange asValueHolder:asValueHolder readersOnly:readersOnly writersOnly:writersOnly lazyInitialization:lazyInitialization
    "common helper to create access methods."


    names := self variableFilter value.
        withChange:withChange asValueHolder:asValueHolder readersOnly:readersOnly writersOnly:writersOnly lazyInitialization:lazyInitialization

    "create access methods for selected instvars with lazy ini."



    names := self instVarNamesOfAllSelectedClasses.
        variablesMenuGenerateCollectionAccessMethodsFor:names withChange:false

    "Created: / 04-02-2007 / 15:56:24 / cg"

variablesMenuGenerateCollectionAccessMethodsFor:names withChange:withChange
    "common helper to create access methods."

        generateUndoableChange:'Generate collection access in %(singleClassNameOrNumberOfClasses)'
        overSelectedClassesVia:[:generator :eachClass |
            names size > 0 ifTrue:[

    "Created: / 04-02-2007 / 15:57:22 / cg"

    "create access methods for selected instvars."



    names := self instVarNamesOfAllSelectedClasses.

    "create setter methods for selected instvars."



    names := self instVarNamesOfAllSelectedClasses.

    "inspect the selected variable(s)."


    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:'Please select a single class.'.
        ^ self.
    cls := cls theNonMetaclass.

    self withSelectedVariableDo:[:variableToInspect :isClassVar |

        isClassVar ifTrue:[
            value := cls classVarAt:variableToInspect
        ] ifFalse:[
            value := cls instVarNamed:variableToInspect
        value inspect

    "pull selected variable into superclass."

    self withSelectedVariablesDo:[:variableToPull :isClassVar |

        self showInfo:'pulling ',variableToPull,'...'.
        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        isClassVar ifTrue:[
            self codeMenuPullUpClassVariable:variableToPull inClass:(cls theNonMetaclass)
        ] ifFalse:[
            self codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable:variableToPull inClass:cls

    "push selected variable into subclass."

    self withSelectedVariablesDo:[:variableToPush :isClassVar |

        self showInfo:'pushing ',variableToPush,'...'.
        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        isClassVar ifTrue:[
            self codeMenuPushDownClassVariable:variableToPush inClass:(cls theNonMetaclass)
        ] ifFalse:[
            self codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable:variableToPush inClass:cls

    "remove selected variable(s)."

    |variablesToRemove classVar cls|

    (variablesToRemove := self selectedVariables value) size > 0 ifTrue:[
        classVar := self showingClassVarsInVariableList.
    ] ifFalse:[
        variablesToRemove := Array with:(self selectionInCodeView).
        classVar := self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView.

"/    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls := Behavior commonSuperclassOf:(self selectedClassesValue).
    variablesToRemove do:[:variableToRemove |
        classVar ifTrue:[
            self codeMenuRemoveClassVariable:variableToRemove inClass:(cls theNonMetaclass)
        ] ifFalse:[
            self codeMenuRemoveInstanceVariable:variableToRemove inClass:cls

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:51:57 / cg"

    "remove selected class variable."

    |variableToRemove cls|

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifTrue:[
        variableToRemove := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    variableToRemove isNil ifTrue:[
        self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[
            variableToRemove := self selectionInCodeView.

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    self codeMenuRemoveClassVariable:variableToRemove inClass:(cls theNonMetaclass)

    "remove selected instance variable."

    |variableToRemove cls|

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifFalse:[
        variableToRemove := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    variableToRemove isNil ifTrue:[
        self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[
            variableToRemove := self selectionInCodeView.

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    self codeMenuRemoveInstanceVariable:variableToRemove inClass:cls

    "rename selected variable."

    self withSelectedVariableDo:[:variableToRename :isClassVar |

        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.

        isClassVar ifTrue:[
            self codeMenuRenameClassVariable:variableToRename inClass:(cls theNonMetaclass)
        ] ifFalse:[
            self codeMenuRenameInstanceVariable:variableToRename inClass:cls

    "rename selected variable."


    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifTrue:[
        variableToRename := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    variableToRename isNil ifTrue:[
        self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[
            variableToRename := self selectionInCodeView.

        inClass:(self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass)

    "rename selected variable."


    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifFalse:[
        variableToRename := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    variableToRename isNil ifTrue:[
        self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[
            variableToRename := self selectionInCodeView.

        inClass:(self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass)

    "browse typical types of a variable"

    self variablesMenuTypeInfoOrBrowseTypes:true.


    "show typical usage of a variable"

    self variablesMenuTypeInfoOrBrowseTypes:false.


    "common code for show typical usage of a variable, inspect or browse it"

    |name idx classes values value msg cut names instCount subInstCount
     searchClass s canInspect canInspectMultiple showingInstVars showingClassVars currentClass
     nilIncluded commonSuperClass info|

    name := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    name isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    name := name allBold.

    canInspect := canInspectMultiple := false.

    showingClassVars := self showingClassVarsInVariableList.
    showingClassVars ifFalse:[
        showingInstVars := self meta value not

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.

    showingClassVars ifTrue:[
        currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
            self selectedNonMetaclassesDo:[:cls |
                    sCls := (cls whichClassDefinesClassVar:name).
                    sCls notNil ifTrue:[ searchClass := sCls ]
        ] ifFalse:[
            searchClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:name.
        value := searchClass classVarAt:(name asSymbol).
        values := Array with:value.
        s := value displayString.
        s size > 60 ifTrue:[
            s := (s copyTo:60) , ' ...'
        msg := name , ' is (currently):\\' , s.
        s ~= value classNameWithArticle ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , '\\(' , value class name , ')'
        canInspect := true.
    ] ifFalse:[
        searchClass := currentClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:name.

        idx := searchClass instVarIndexFor:name.
        idx isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

        classes := IdentitySet new.
        values := IdentitySet new.
        instCount := 0.
        subInstCount := 0.
        searchClass allSubInstancesDo:[:i |

            val := i instVarAt:idx.
            val notNil ifTrue:[values add:val].
            classes add:val class name.
            (i isMemberOf:searchClass) ifTrue:[
                instCount := instCount + 1.
            ] ifFalse:[
                subInstCount := subInstCount + 1
        classes := classes collect:[:eachName | environment classNamed:eachName].

        (instCount == 0 and:[subInstCount == 0]) ifTrue:[
            self warn:(resources
                        string:'There are currently no instances or subInstances of %1.'
                        with:currentClass name allBold).
            ^ nil

        instCount ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            msg := 'in (currently: ' , instCount printString,') instances '.
            subInstCount ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                msg := msg , 'and '
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := 'in '.
        subInstCount ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , '(currently: ' , subInstCount printString, ') derived instances '
        msg := msg, 'of ' , searchClass name , ',\'.
        msg := msg , name allBold , ' '.

        canInspectMultiple := values size > 0.

        ((values size == 1)
        or:[classes size == 1 and:[classes first == UndefinedObject]]) ifTrue:[
            values size == 1 ifTrue:[
                value := values first.
            (value isNil or:[value == true or:[value == false]]) ifTrue:[
                (instCount+subInstCount) == 1 ifTrue:[
                    msg := msg , 'is'
                ] ifFalse:[
                    msg := msg , 'is always'.
                    classes size > 1 ifTrue:[
                        "/ must be nil
                        msg := msg , ' nil or'
                msg := msg , ':\\    ' , value printString.
            ] ifFalse:[
                (instCount+subInstCount) == 1 ifTrue:[
                    msg := msg , 'is'
                ] ifFalse:[
                    classes size > 1 ifTrue:[
                        "/ must be nil
                        msg := msg , 'is always nil or the same'
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        msg := msg , 'is always the same'
                msg := msg , ':\\'.
                msg := msg , '    ' , value class name.
                value isLiteral ifTrue:[
                    msg := msg , ' (' , (value storeString copyToMax:50) , ')'
                canInspect := true.
        ] ifFalse:[
            classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
                msg := msg , 'is always:\\' , '    ' , classes first name , '\'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                msg := msg , 'is one of:\\'.
                classes := classes asOrderedCollection.
                classes size > 20 ifTrue:[
                    classes := classes copyFrom:1 to:20.
                    cut := true
                ] ifFalse:[
                    cut := false.
                names := classes collect:[:cls |
                    cls == UndefinedObject ifTrue:[
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        cls == True ifTrue:[
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            cls == False ifTrue:[
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                cls name
                names sort.
                names do:[:nm |
                    msg := msg , '    ' , nm , '\'.

        "/ generate a type-decl string
        (nilIncluded := (classes includes:UndefinedObject)) ifTrue:[
            classes remove:UndefinedObject.
        classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
            commonSuperClass := Behavior commonSuperclassOf:(classes collect:[:each| each name]).
            ((commonSuperClass == True) or:[commonSuperClass == False]) ifTrue:[
                commonSuperClass := Boolean
            (commonSuperClass == SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
                commonSuperClass := Integer
            commonSuperClass == Object class ifTrue:[
                commonSuperClass := Class
            msg := msg , '\\'.
            msg := msg , 'suggested type (for documentation):\\'.
            msg := msg , '    <' , commonSuperClass name.
            nilIncluded ifTrue:[
                msg := msg , ' | nil'
            msg := msg , '>'.

    info := Dictionary new
                at:#message put:msg;
                at:#values put:values;
                at:#classes put:classes;
                at:#searchClass put:searchClass;

    ^ info

    "show typical usage of a variable"

    |name classes values value msg searchClass canInspect canInspectMultiple showingInstVars showingClassVars currentClass boxLabels boxValues answer info|

    name := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    name isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    name := name allBold.

    showingClassVars := self showingClassVarsInVariableList.
    showingClassVars ifFalse:[
        showingInstVars := self meta value not
    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.

    info := self variablesMenuTypeInfoHelper.
    info isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    msg := info at:#message.
    classes := info at:#classes.
    values := info at:#values.
    searchClass := info at:#searchClass.

    canInspect := values size > 0.
    canInspectMultiple := values size > 1.

    doBrowseTypes ifTrue:[
        classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
            self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBuffer.
            ^ self

    boxLabels := #('OK').
    boxValues := #(true).
    (canInspect or:[canInspectMultiple]) ifTrue:[
        canInspectMultiple ifTrue:[
            boxLabels := boxLabels , #('Inspect all Values').
            boxValues := boxValues , #(#inspectValues).

            boxLabels := boxLabels , #('Inspect a Value').
            boxValues := boxValues , #(#inspectAValue).
        ] ifFalse:[
            boxLabels := boxLabels , #('Inspect Value').
            boxValues := boxValues , #(#inspectAValue).

        showingClassVars ifFalse:[
            canInspectMultiple ifTrue:[
                boxLabels := boxLabels , #('Inspect all Instances').
                boxValues := boxValues , #(#inspectInstances).

                boxLabels := boxLabels , #('Inspect an Instance').
                boxValues := boxValues , #(#inspectAnInstance).
            ] ifFalse:[
                boxLabels := boxLabels , #('Inspect Instance').
                boxValues := boxValues , #(#inspectAnInstance).

    Dialog defaultOKButtonAtLeft ifFalse:[
        boxLabels reverse.
        boxValues reverse.

    answer := OptionBox
                      request:msg withCRs
                      label:'Variable Type Information'
                      image:(InfoBox iconBitmap)

    answer == #inspectAValue ifTrue:[
        canInspect ifTrue:[
            value inspect
        ] ifFalse:[
            value := values inject:nil into:[:max :this | this size > max size ifTrue:[this] ifFalse:[max]].
            value notNil ifTrue:[
                value inspect
            ] ifFalse:[
                values first inspect
        ^ self
    answer == #inspectValues ifTrue:[
        (canInspect ifTrue:value ifFalse:values) inspect.
        ^ self
    answer == #inspectInstances ifTrue:[
        searchClass allSubInstances inspect.
        ^ self
    answer == #inspectAnInstance ifTrue:[
        searchClass allSubInstances first inspect.
        ^ self

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:59:24 / cg"

    "remove selected variable(s)."


    variablesToRemove := self selectedVariables value.
    variablesToRemove size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self ].

    "/ because we'll ask again if the variable is still references,
    "/ do not ask here...

"/    variablesToRemove size == 1 ifTrue:[
"/        msg := 'Remove variable ''%1'' ?'
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        msg := 'Remove %2 selected variables ?'.
"/    ].
"/    (self confirm:(resources
"/                string:msg
"/                with:variablesToRemove first allBold
"/                with:variablesToRemove size)) ifFalse:[^ self ]

      self variablesMenuRemove

    "pull/push/variable manipulation common code for a single selected variable"

    |selectedVariable isClassVar|

    selectedVariable := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    selectedVariable notNil ifTrue:[
        isClassVar := self showingClassVarsInVariableList.
    ] ifFalse:[
        selectedVariable := self selectionInCodeView.
        selectedVariable isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self
        isClassVar := self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView.
    aBlock value:selectedVariable value:isClassVar

    "pull/push/variable manipulation common code for possibly multiple selected variables"

    |selectedVariable isClassVar|

    (self selectedVariables value) notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        isClassVar := self showingClassVarsInVariableList.
        self selectedVariables value do:[:eachSelectedVariable |
            aBlock value:eachSelectedVariable value:isClassVar
    ] ifFalse:[
        selectedVariable := self selectionInCodeView.
        selectedVariable isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self
        isClassVar := self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView.
        aBlock value:selectedVariable value:isClassVar
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu-actions-other'!


    self switchToHistoryEntry: self navigationHistory goBack

    "Created: / 22-02-2008 / 10:16:30 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 22-02-2008 / 17:18:43 / janfrog"


    self switchToHistoryEntry: self class classHistory goBack

    "Modified: / 22-02-2008 / 17:18:43 / janfrog"
    "Created: / 03-07-2011 / 16:20:18 / cg"


    self switchToHistoryEntry: self navigationHistory goForward

    "Created: / 22-02-2008 / 10:16:30 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 22-02-2008 / 17:18:56 / janfrog"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menus extensions'!

menuExtendersFor: key do: block
    "Evaluates a block for each selector that extends particular menu.
     Extender methods have to be annotated by <menuextension: key> annotation
     and must take one argument (an instance of Menu that the menu extension

    | cls |

    cls := self class.
    [ cls notNil ] whileTrue:[
        cls selectorsAndMethodsDo:[ :selector :method |
            method annotationsAt: #menuextension: do: [ :annotation |
                annotation arguments first == key ifTrue:[
                    block value: selector
        cls := cls superclass.

    "Created: / 25-01-2014 / 12:40:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-02-2014 / 22:44:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menus-dynamic'!

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |m item|

        m := Menu new.

        item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Add Bookmark').
        m addItem:item.
        item itemValue:#'searchMenuAddToBookmarks'.

"/        BookMarks size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/            item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Remove Bookmark').
"/            m addItem:item.
"/            item value:#'searchMenuRemoveFromBookmarks'.
"/            m addSeparator.
"/            self bookmarksHolder value do:[:entry |
"/                |item name icon sel|
"/                name := entry label.
"/                (icon := entry icon) isNil ifFalse:
"/                    [name := LabelAndIcon label: name icon: icon].
"/                item := MenuItem label:name.
"/                m addItem:item.
"/                item value:#'switchToBookmarkEntry:'.
"/                item argument:entry.
"/            ].
"/        ].
        m findGuiResourcesIn:self.

    "Modified: / 23-05-2011 / 10:29:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 13:11:36 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ self browseClassExtensionsMenuUsingManagerNamed:nil

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |m extensionProjectIDs classPackage item mgr|

        sourceCodeManagerNameOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
            mgr := Smalltalk classNamed:sourceCodeManagerNameOrNil.
            self assert:(mgr notNil).

        extensionProjectIDs := Set new.

        self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
            classPackage := eachClass package.
            eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
                mthd package ~= classPackage ifTrue:[
                    extensionProjectIDs add:mthd package.
        extensionProjectIDs size > 0 ifTrue:[
            m := Menu new.
            extensionProjectIDs size > 1 ifTrue:[
                item := MenuItem label:'All'.
                item itemValue:[ self classMenuCheckInExtensionsUsingManager:mgr ].
                m addItem:item.
                m addSeparator.
            extensionProjectIDs asSortedCollection do:[:eachExtensionPackage |
                item := MenuItem label:eachExtensionPackage.
                item itemValue:[ self classMenuCheckInExtensionsFor: eachExtensionPackage usingManager:mgr ].
                m addItem:item.

    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 13:11:49 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |m selected submenu subItem|

        m := self menuFor: #bufferBaseMenu.
        m findGuiResourcesIn:self.

        m addSeparator.

        m addItem:((subItem := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Recently Closed')) submenuChannel:#recentlyClosedMenu).
        self closeHistory isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ subItem disable ].

        "/ m addItem:((MenuItem label:(resources string:'Other Browsers')) submenuChannel:#otherBrowsersMenu).

        bufferNameList notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            m addSeparator.
            selected := selectedBuffer value.
            bufferNameList keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :nm |

                item := MenuItem label:nm.
                item indication:(idx == selected).
                item itemValue:[:i | selectedBuffer value:idx].
                m addItem:item.
            m addSeparator.
        ] ifFalse:[
            (m atNameKey:#'RemoveBuffer') disable
        m addItem:(MenuItem label:(resources string:'Exit') itemValue:#closeRequest).

    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 20:43:01 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2014 / 15:55:46 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "insert the sourcecode manager name"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    | menu |

    menu := self menuFor: #categoryMenuWithFind.
    menu receiver:self.
    menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
    ^ menu

    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 12:28:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-01-2014 / 12:17:50 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "returns a block evaluating to a popup menu to navigate
     to the last few changed classes"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
            changedMenuForFilter:[:chg | (chg isMethodChange or:[chg isClassChange and:[chg changeClass isNameSpace not]])]
            itemClass:[:chg | chg changeClass theNonMetaclass]
            itemSelector:[:chg | nil]
            label:[:chg | chg changeClass theNonMetaclass name allBold]
            browseActionOfLastItem:[NewSystemBrowser openOnClassesInChangeSet].

    "returns a block evaluating to a popup menu to navigate
     to the last few changes (from the changeSet)"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [

        menu := self changedMethodsMenu value.
        menu isNil ifTrue:[
            menu := self changedClassesMenu value.

changedMenuForFilter:aChangeFilter itemClass:itemClassBlock itemSelector:itemSelectorBlock label:labelBlock browseActionOfLastItem:browseActionOfLastItemOrNil
    "returns a popup menu to navigate to the last few changes (from the changeSet)"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    |menu currentMenu nextMenu changes already
     maxReached nMaxLevel nMaxItem nLevel nItem nOverAll|

    changes := ChangeSet current.
    already := OrderedCollection new.

    menu := currentMenu := Menu new.

    nItem := nOverAll := 0.
    nLevel := 1.
    nMaxItem := self class classHistoryMaxSize.
    nMaxLevel := self class classHistoryMaxLevels.
    maxReached := false.

    changes reverseDo:[:aChange |
        |item cls sel lbl histEntry|

        maxReached ifTrue:[
            (nOverAll = 0) ifTrue:[
                ^ nil
            ^ menu

        nItem > nMaxItem ifTrue:[
            nLevel < nMaxLevel ifTrue:[
                nextMenu := Menu new.
                item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'more').
                currentMenu addItem:item.
                item submenu:nextMenu.
                currentMenu := nextMenu.

                nItem := 0.
                nLevel := nLevel + 1.
            ] ifFalse:[
                maxReached ifFalse:[
                    maxReached := true.

                    item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'>> more changes ignored <<').
                    item enabled:false.
                    currentMenu addItem:item.

                    browseActionOfLastItemOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
                        item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Browse all changes').
                        item itemValue:browseActionOfLastItemOrNil.
                    currentMenu addItem:item.
        maxReached ifFalse:[
            cls := aChange changeClass.
            cls notNil ifTrue:[
                (aChangeFilter value:aChange) ifTrue:[
                    cls := itemClassBlock value:aChange.
                    sel := itemSelectorBlock value:aChange.
                    lbl := labelBlock value:aChange.
                    (already includes:lbl) ifFalse:[

                        histEntry := self class

                        item := MenuItem label:(lbl contractTo:80).
                        item itemValue:#'switchToHistoryEntry:' argument:histEntry.
                        currentMenu addItem:item.

                        already add:lbl.
                        nItem := nItem + 1.
                        nOverAll := nOverAll + 1.

    (nOverAll = 0) ifTrue:[
        ^ nil
    ^ menu

    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 13:26:11 / cg"

    "returns a block evaluating to a popup menu to navigate
     to the last few method changes (from the changeSet)"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
            changedMenuForFilter:[:chg | chg isMethodChange]
            itemClass:[:chg | chg changeClass]
            itemSelector:[:chg | chg selector]
            label:[:chg | (chg className allBold?'???') , ' ' , (chg selector?'???') "chg printString"]
            browseActionOfLastItem:[NewSystemBrowser openOnMethodsInChangeSet].

    "insert the sourcecode manager name"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    | menu |

    menu := self menuFor: #classMenu.
    menu receiver:self.
    menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
    ^ menu

    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 14:29:47 / cg"
    "Created: / 11-10-2011 / 09:08:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-01-2014 / 20:49:39 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "ask the class for its own special menu.
     This allows for special classes (such as Enumeration or Pools) to add their own menu ops"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |cls m |

        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        cls notNil ifTrue:[
            m := cls theNonMetaclass classOperationsMenu

    "Modified: / 31-01-2011 / 11:09:04 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |m allLanguages|

        allLanguages := OrderedCollection new.
        ProgrammingLanguage allDo:[:eachLanguage |
                {   SmalltalkLanguage .
                    STXJavaScriptLanguage .
                } includes:eachLanguage class
            ) ifFalse:[
                allLanguages add:eachLanguage
        allLanguages sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

        m := Menu new.
        allLanguages do:[:eachLanguage |
                m addSeparator.
                m addItem:(MenuItem
                            label:(resources string:'%1 Class' with:(eachLanguage name))
                            value:[self classMenuNewClass:eachLanguage metaClass ])


    "Created: / 21-08-2012 / 17:01:41 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2013 / 23:44:05 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "add more functionality to the codeViews text-editor-menu.
     Get here via the menuHolder-plug in codeView."

    <resource: #programMenu>

    |spec menu first skippedManager|

    self theSingleSelectedClass notNil ifTrue:[
        skippedManager := self theSingleSelectedClass sourceCodeManager.
    ] ifFalse:[
        skippedManager := SourceCodeManager ?  AbstractSourceCodeManager defaultManager

    spec := self class classSCMMenu.
    menu := spec decodeAsLiteralArray.
    menu itemsDo:[:eachItem |
        eachItem argument:skippedManager.

false ifTrue:[
    SourceCodeManager availableManagers do:[:eachManager |
        |newItem subMenu|

        eachManager ~= skippedManager ifTrue:[
            first ifTrue:[
                menu addSeparator.
                first := false.
            subMenu := spec decodeAsLiteralArray.
            subMenu receiver:self.
            subMenu findGuiResourcesIn:self.

            newItem := MenuItem label:eachManager managerTypeName.
            newItem submenu:subMenu.
            menu addItem:newItem.

"/    SourceCodeManager defaultManager notNil ifTrue:[
"/        item := menu menuItemWithArgument:(SourceCodeManager defaultManager name).
"/        item notNil ifTrue:[
"/            item isVisible:false.
"/        ].
"/    ].
    menu receiver:self.
    menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
    ^ menu

    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 15:00:09 / cg"

    "add more functionality to the codeView's text-editor-menu.
     Get here via the menuHolder-plug in codeView."

    <resource: #programMenu>

    |shiftedMenu codeView menu sensor menuOthers|

    shiftedMenu := self menuFor: #shiftedCodeViewPopUpMenu.
    shiftedMenu receiver:self.
    shiftedMenu findGuiResourcesIn:self.

    codeView := self codeView.
    sensor := codeView sensor.
    sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
        sensor ctrlDown ifFalse:[
            ^ shiftedMenu

    menu := codeView editMenu.

"/    sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[
"/        (menu isKindOf:MenuPanel) ifTrue:[
"/            "/ a newStyle menuPanel
"/            self shouldImplement.
"/        ] ifFalse:[
"/            "/ an oldStyle popUpMenu
"/            menuOthers := menu.
"/        ]
"/    ] ifFalse:[
        (menu isKindOf:Menu) ifTrue:[
            "/ a newStyle menuPanel
            "/ (menu atNameKey:'refactor') "atMenuItemLabeled:'Refactor'" putSubmenu:shiftedMenu visible:true.
            (menu menuItemLabeled:(resources string:'Refactor')) notNil ifTrue:[
                menu atMenuItemLabeled:(resources string:'Refactor') putSubmenu:shiftedMenu visible:true.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ an oldStyle popUpMenu
            "/ this is a kludge...
            shiftedMenu := shiftedMenu asOldStylePopUpMenuFor:self.
            "/ would like to add the shifted-menu here
            menu menuView
                addLabels:(Array with:'-' with:(resources string:'Refactor'))
                selectors:#( nil refactorings)
                accelerators:#(nil 'Shift')
            menu subMenuAt:#refactorings put:shiftedMenu.

            menuOthers := menu subMenuAt:#others.
"/    ].

"/    sensor shiftDown ifFalse:[
"/        menuOthers notNil ifTrue:[
"/            menuOthers menuView
"/                addLabels:(Array with:'Response to it')
"/                selectors:#( browseResponseToIt)
"/                accelerators:#( nil )
"/                after:#browseReferencesToIt.
"/            menuOthers actionAt:#browseResponseToIt put:[ self browseResponseToIt ].
"/"/ hasLocalSelectorSelectedInCodeView takes too long...
"/            self hasSelectionInCodeView "hasLocalSelectorSelectedInCodeView" ifFalse:[
"/                menuOthers disable:#browseResponseToIt
"/            ].
"/        ].
"/    ].
    self menuExtendersFor: #codeViewMenu do:[:each |
            self perform: each with: menu
    ^ menu

    "Modified: / 18-10-2008 / 18:52:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 10-09-2013 / 14:40:13 / cg"
    "Modified: / 26-08-2014 / 22:43:46 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |m anyItem hosts|

        m := Menu new.
        hosts := Set new.
        self selectedClassesValue do:[:cls |
            hosts addAll:(SmallTeam hostsWithChangeForClassOrMetaclass:cls theNonMetaclass).
        hosts := hosts asOrderedCollection sort.
        anyItem := false.
        hosts do:[:eachHost |

            item := MenuItem label:eachHost.
            item itemValue:#'classMenuCompareWithSmallTeamVersionOnHost:' argument:eachHost.
            m addItem:item.
            anyItem := true.
        anyItem ifFalse:[ nil ] ifTrue:[ m ]

    "Created: / 11-11-2006 / 15:19:53 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |m anyItem hosts|

        anyItem := false.
        SmallTeam notNil ifTrue:[
            m := Menu new.
            hosts := Set new.
            self selectedMethodsValue do:[:m |
                hosts addAll:(SmallTeam hostsWithChangeForClass:(m mclass) selector:(m selector)).
            hosts := hosts asOrderedCollection sort.
            hosts do:[:eachHost |

                item := MenuItem label:eachHost.
                item itemValue:#'selectorMenuCompareWithSmallTeamVersionOnHost:' argument:eachHost.
                m addItem:item.
                anyItem := true.
        anyItem ifFalse:[ nil ] ifTrue:[ m ]

    "Created: / 11-11-2006 / 15:19:18 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |m anyItem hosts|

        m := Menu new.
        hosts := Set new.
        self selectedMethodsValue do:[:m |
            hosts addAll:(SmallTeam hostsWithChangeForClass:(m mclass) selector:(m selector)).
        hosts := hosts asOrderedCollection sort.
        anyItem := false.
        hosts do:[:eachHost |

            item := MenuItem label:eachHost.
            item itemValue:#'selectorMenuCompareWithSmallTeamVersionOnHost:' argument:eachHost.
            m addItem:item.
            anyItem := true.
        anyItem ifFalse:[ nil ] ifTrue:[ m ]

    "Created: / 11-11-2006 / 15:03:16 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ self class editModeInfoLabelMenu.

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [

        FindHistory size > 0 ifTrue:[
            m := Menu new.
            FindHistory do:[:entry |
                |item itemLabel|

                itemLabel := self historyMenuItemLabelFor:entry.
                item := MenuItem label:itemLabel.
                item itemValue:#'switchToFindHistoryEntry:' argument:entry.
                m addItem:item.
                (environment classNamed:(entry className ? '?')) isBehavior ifFalse:[
                    item enabled:false.
                    item label:(LabelAndIcon icon:(ToolbarIconLibrary erase16x16Icon2) string:itemLabel)

    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 13:06:07 / cg"

    ^ [
            messagesMenuFor: #'selectResponseTo:'
            withSenderChain: false
            withImplementorChain: false
            withLocalSenders: false
            withLocalImplementors: false
            withCallersOfThisMethod: false
            withMethodsCalledByThisMethod: false

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 10:34:10 / cg"

    "a menu allowing to browse the referenced globals (typically: classes) of the
     selected method(s)"

    |menu classes detector|

    classes := Set new.

    detector :=
        [:m :lit |
            |cls ns|

            lit isSymbol ifTrue:[
                (((cls := environment at:lit) notNil and:[ cls isBehavior ])
                "JV@2011-11-25: Added check if the nameSpace is really a namespace, it may be
                 a class if m mclass is a privateClass...
                or:[ m mclass notNil
                     and:[ (ns := m mclass nameSpace) notNil
                     and:[ ns isNameSpace
                     and:[ ns ~= Smalltalk
                     and:[ (cls := ns at:lit) notNil  and:[ cls isBehavior ]]]]]])
                    classes add:cls
            ] ifFalse:[
                lit isArray ifTrue:[
                    lit do:[:lit | detector value:m value:lit]

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:m |
        m literalsDo:[:lit |
            detector value:m value:lit.
    classes isEmpty ifTrue:[
        ^ nil

    classes := classes asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    menu := Menu new.
    classes do:[:eachClass |

        item := MenuItem label:eachClass name.
        item itemValue:[ self spawnFullBrowserInClass:eachClass selector:nil in:#newBuffer ].
"/        item itemValue:#'spawnBrowserOnClass:' argument:eachClass.
        menu addItem:item.
    ^ menu

    "Created: / 26-10-2011 / 18:15:01 / cg"
    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 13:17:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:43:07 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self goBackMenuFor:self class classHistory

    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 11:54:08 / janfrog"
    "Created: / 02-07-2011 / 18:39:52 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self goBackMenuFor:self navigationHistory

    "Created: / 22-02-2008 / 16:55:18 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 11:54:08 / janfrog"
    "Modified (format): / 03-07-2011 / 13:53:12 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self menuForHistoryItems:(aHistory goBackItems)

    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 11:54:08 / janfrog"
    "Created: / 02-07-2011 / 18:39:15 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self goForwardMenuFor:self class classHistory

    "Created: / 03-07-2011 / 13:52:53 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self goForwardMenuFor:self navigationHistory

    "Created: / 22-02-2008 / 16:55:18 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 11:54:27 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 03-07-2011 / 13:53:29 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self menuForHistoryItems:(aHistory goForwardItems)

    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 11:54:27 / janfrog"
    "Created: / 03-07-2011 / 13:52:06 / cg"

    |className name sel|

    className := aHistoryEntry className ? '?'.
    aHistoryEntry meta ifTrue:[
        className := className , ' class'.
    name := className allBold.
    (sel := aHistoryEntry selector) notNil ifTrue:[
        name := name , ' ' , sel.
    ^ name contractTo:100.

    "Created: / 08-09-2012 / 20:43:17 / cg"

    ^ [

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 10:34:10 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |m anyItem hosts|

        m := Menu new.
        hosts := Set new.
        self selectedMethodsValue do:[:m |
            hosts addAll:(SmallTeam hostsWithChangeForClass:(m mclass) selector:(m selector)).
        hosts := hosts asOrderedCollection sort.
        anyItem := false.
        hosts do:[:eachHost |

            item := MenuItem label:eachHost.
            item itemValue:#'selectorMenuLoadSmallTeamVersionFromHost:' argument:eachHost.
            m addItem:item.
            anyItem := true.
        anyItem ifFalse:[ nil ] ifTrue:[ m ]

    "Created: / 12-11-2006 / 15:47:43 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    | menu any |

    any := false.

    menu := Menu new.
    items do:[:historyEntry|
        any := true.
        menu addItem:
                label: historyEntry displayString
                itemValue:[self switchToHistoryEntry: historyEntry])
    any ifFalse:[^ nil ].
    ^ menu

    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 11:54:08 / janfrog"
    "Created: / 02-07-2011 / 18:39:15 / cg"

    withSenderChain:withSenderChain withImplementorChain:withImplementorChain
    withLocalSenders:withLocalSenders withLocalImplementors:withLocalImplementors
    withCallersOfThisMethod:withCallersOfThisMethod withMethodsCalledByThisMethod:withMethodsCalledByThisMethod

    "common helper for the dynamic senders & implementors (2nd-level) menus in the methodList"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    |m mthd mSel contractedSelector item l methods allMessagesSent needSep|

    m := Menu new.

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.

    (mthd notNil and:[ (mSel := mthd selector) notNil]) ifTrue:[

        "/ JV: Following code should be language-specific. For Smalltalk, use the old code.
        "/ For the rest, delegate to the language's toolbox (if any)
        mthd programmingLanguage isSmalltalk ifFalse:[
            | toolbox |

            toolbox := mthd programmingLanguage toolbox.
            toolbox isNil ifTrue:[
                m addItem:((MenuItem label: (resources string: 'Not supported for %1 (no toolbox)'with: mthd programmingLanguage name))
                            enabled: false).
                ^ m.
            toolbox browser: self.
            toolbox environment: environment.
            ^ toolbox messagesMenuFor:actionSelector
                        withMethods: (Array with: mthd)
                        withSentSelectors: true
                        withSelfSelectorsOnly: selfSendsOnly

        needSep := false.

        contractedSelector := mSel contractTo:80.

        withCurrentSelector ifTrue:[
            item := MenuItem label:(' ' , contractedSelector , ' ').   "/ ' ' is a kludge - to allow '-' selector
            item itemValue:actionSelector argument:mSel.
            m addItem:item.
            needSep := true.
"/            true "withInstanceProtocolOnly" ifTrue:[
"/                item := MenuItem label:(resources string:' %1 - Instance Protocol Only' with:contractedSelector).
"/                item value:actionSelector.
"/                item argument:(#instanceProtocolOnly -> mSel).
"/                m addItem:item.
"/            ].
"/            true "withClassProtocolOnly" ifTrue:[
"/                item := MenuItem label:(resources string:' %1 - Class Protocol Only' with:contractedSelector).
"/                item value:actionSelector.
"/                item argument:(#classProtocolOnly -> mSel).
"/                m addItem:item.
"/            ].

        (withLocalSenders or:[ withSenderChain or:[ withLocalImplementors or:[ withImplementorChain]]]) ifTrue:[
            needSep ifTrue:[ m addSeparator ].
            needSep := false.

        withLocalSenders ifTrue:[
            "/ item := MenuItem label:(resources string:' %1 - Local Senders' with:contractedSelector).
            item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Local Senders of %1' with:contractedSelector).
            item itemValue:#spawnLocalSendersBuffer.
            m addItem:item. needSep := true
        withSenderChain ifTrue:[
            "/ item := MenuItem label:(resources string:' %1 - Sender Chain' with:contractedSelector).
            item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Sender Chain of %1' with:contractedSelector).
            item itemValue:#spawnSenderChainBuffer.
            m addItem:item. needSep := true
        (withCallersOfThisMethod and:[mthd isInstrumented]) ifTrue:[
            item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Callers of this %1' with:contractedSelector).
            item itemValue:#spawnCallersBuffer.
            m addItem:item. needSep := true

        withLocalImplementors ifTrue:[
            item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Local Implementors of %1' with:contractedSelector).
            item itemValue:#spawnLocalImplementorsBuffer.
            m addItem:item. needSep := true
        withImplementorChain ifTrue:[
            item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Implementor Chain of %1' with:contractedSelector).
            item itemValue:#spawnImplementorChainBuffer.
            m addItem:item. needSep := true
        withMethodsCalledByThisMethod ifTrue:[
            item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Methods Called by %1' with:contractedSelector).
            item itemValue:#spawnMethodsCalledByBuffer.
            m addItem:item. needSep := true

        selfSendsOnly ifTrue:[
            l := mthd messagesSentToSelf.
            l := l , (mthd messagesSentToSuper asArray collect:[:each | { each . mthd mclass superclass }]).
            l := l , ((mthd messagesPossiblySent
                          select:[:sel | mthd mclass canUnderstand:sel])
                            asArray collect:[:each | each colorizeAllWith:Color darkGray]).
        ] ifFalse:[
            l := mthd messagesSent asArray.
            l := l , (mthd messagesPossiblySent asArray collect:[:each | each colorizeAllWith:Color darkGray]).
        l size > 0 ifTrue:[
            l := l asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b |
                                                |sA sB|
                                                sA := a isArray ifTrue:[a first] ifFalse:[a string].
                                                sB := b isArray ifTrue:[b first] ifFalse:[b string].
                                                sA < sB].

            needSep ifTrue:[ m addSeparator ].

"/            (l size > 30) ifTrue:[
"/                l removeAllFoundIn:#(ifTrue: ifFalse: ifTrue:ifFalse: ifFalse:ifTrue:
"/                                     whileTrue: whileFalse:
"/                                     isNil notNil
"/                                     and: or:
"/                                    ).
"/                (l size > 30) ifTrue:[
"/                    l removeAllFoundIn:#(#'==' #'~~' class
"/                                        ).
"/                ]
"/            ].
"/            (cut := l size > 30) ifTrue:[
"/                l := l copyTo:30
"/            ].

            l do:[:eachMessageOrPair |
                |selector class label arg|

                eachMessageOrPair isArray ifTrue:[
                    selector := eachMessageOrPair first.
                    class := eachMessageOrPair second.
                    arg := eachMessageOrPair.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    selector := eachMessageOrPair.
                    arg := eachMessageOrPair string asSymbol.
                label := (selector contractTo:100).
                class notNil ifTrue:[
                    label := label , ' (super)'.
                item := MenuItem label:(' ' , label, ' ').  "/ ' ' is a kludge - to allow '-' selector (i.e. not confuse with separator)
                item itemValue:actionSelector argument:arg.
                m addItem:item.

"/            cut ifTrue:[
"/                m addItem:(MenuItem label:'-').
"/                m addItem:(MenuItem label:'<< more items ignored >>').
"/            ]
    ] ifFalse:[
        | methodsPerLanguage |

        allMessagesSent := Set new.

        "/ not exactly one method selected;
        "/ generate a menu for all selected method's implementors and sent messages.
        methods := self selectedMethodsValue.
        methods isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            methods := OrderedCollection new.
            self selectedClassesDo:[:cls |
                cls methodsDo:[:eachMethod | methods add:eachMethod].
        methodsPerLanguage := Dictionary new.
        methods do:[:each |
            (methodsPerLanguage at: each programmingLanguage ifAbsentPut:[Set new]) add: each.
        methodsPerLanguage keysAndValuesDo:[:language :methods |
            language isSmalltalk ifTrue:[
                "/ Do it as before...
                (methods asNewOrderedCollection sortBySelector:#selector) do:[:eachMethod |
                    |methodsMessages mSel contractedSelector item|

                    mSel := eachMethod selector ? '?'.
                    contractedSelector := mSel contractTo:80.

                    item := MenuItem label:(' ' , contractedSelector , ' ').   "/ ' ' is a kludge - to allow '-' selector
                    item itemValue:actionSelector argument:mSel.
                    m addItem:item.

                    selfSendsOnly ifTrue:[
                        methodsMessages := eachMethod messagesSentToSelf.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        methodsMessages := eachMethod messagesSent.
                    allMessagesSent addAll:methodsMessages
            ] ifFalse:[
                "/ Not a Smalltalk, must ask toolbox
                | toolbox |

                toolbox := language toolbox.
                toolbox environment: environment.
                toolbox notNil ifTrue:[
                    m addItemsFrom:
                        (toolbox messagesMenuFor:actionSelector
                                    withMethods: methods
                                    withSentSelectors: false
                                    withSelfSelectorsOnly: selfSendsOnly)

        needSep := true.
        methodsPerLanguage keysAndValuesDo:[:language :methods |
            language isSmalltalk ifTrue:[
                "/ Do it as before...
                allMessagesSent := allMessagesSent asSortedCollection.
                allMessagesSent size > 0 ifTrue:[
                    needSep ifTrue:[
                        m addSeparator.
                        needSep := false.
                    allMessagesSent do:[:eachMessage |
                        item := MenuItem label:(' ' , (eachMessage contractTo:100), ' ').  "/ ' ' is a kludge - to allow '-' selector
                        item itemValue:actionSelector argument:eachMessage asSymbol.
                        m addItem:item.
            ] ifFalse:[
                "/ Not a Smalltalk, must ask toolbox
                | toolbox |

                toolbox := language toolbox.
                toolbox notNil ifTrue:[
                    | lm |

                    lm := toolbox messagesMenuFor:actionSelector
                                withMethods: methods
                                withSentSelectors: true
                                withSelfSelectorsOnly: selfSendsOnly.
                    (lm items notEmptyOrNil and:[needSep]) ifTrue:[
                        m addSeparator.
                        needSep := false.
                    m addItemsFrom: lm.
    ^ m

    "Created: / 27-04-2010 / 15:05:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 30-07-2013 / 15:53:58 / cg"
    "Modified: / 06-09-2013 / 19:37:07 / Jan Vrany <>"

messagesMenuFor:actionSelector withSenderChain:withSenderChain withImplementorChain:withImplementorChain
    ^ self

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 10:26:26 / cg"

messagesMenuFor:actionSelector withSenderChain:withSenderChain withImplementorChain:withImplementorChain selfSendsOnly:selfSendsOnly
    ^ [

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 10:33:05 / cg"

    withSenderChain:withSenderChain withImplementorChain:withImplementorChain
    withLocalSenders:withLocalSenders withLocalImplementors:withLocalImplementors

    ^ self
        messagesMenuFor: actionSelector
        withSenderChain: withSenderChain
        withImplementorChain: withImplementorChain
        withLocalSenders: withLocalSenders
        withLocalImplementors: withLocalImplementors
        withCallersOfThisMethod: true "false"
        withMethodsCalledByThisMethod: false "/ not yet implemented

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 18:33:52 / cg"

    withSenderChain:withSenderChain withImplementorChain:withImplementorChain
    withLocalSenders:withLocalSenders withLocalImplementors:withLocalImplementors
    withCallersOfThisMethod:withCallersOfThisMethod withMethodsCalledByThisMethod:withMethodsCalledByThisMethod

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ self
        withSenderChain:withSenderChain withImplementorChain:withImplementorChain
        withLocalSenders:withLocalSenders withLocalImplementors:withLocalImplementors
        withCallersOfThisMethod:withCallersOfThisMethod withMethodsCalledByThisMethod:withMethodsCalledByThisMethod

    <resource: #programMenu >

    | manager item menu undoCountMenuItem cleanChangesForClassItem
      lRedo lUndo undoListMenu|

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifFalse:[
                #label: 'Load Refactoring and Undo Features'
                #translateLabel: true
                #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
                #value: #doLoadRefactoringSupport

    manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
    menu := Menu new.

    lUndo := (manager hasUndoableOperations
            ifTrue: [resources string:'Undo: %1' with:(manager undoChange name contractTo:100)]
            ifFalse: [resources string:'Undo']).

    item := MenuItem
                itemValue:[ self operationsMenuUndo ].
    item showBusyCursorWhilePerforming:true.
    manager hasUndoableOperations ifFalse: [item disable].
    menu addItem:item.

    lRedo := (manager hasRedoableOperations
            ifTrue: [resources string:'Redo: %1' with:(manager redoChange name contractTo:100)]
            ifFalse: [resources string:'Redo']).

    item := MenuItem
                itemValue:[ self operationsMenuRedo ].
    item showBusyCursorWhilePerforming:true.
    manager hasRedoableOperations ifFalse: [item disable].
    menu addItem:item.

    undoListMenu := Menu new.
    manager undoableOperations reverseDo:[:eachUndoChange |
        item := MenuItem
                    label:(eachUndoChange name contractTo:100)
                    itemValue:[ self operationsMenuUndo:eachUndoChange ].
        item showBusyCursorWhilePerforming:true.
        undoListMenu addItem:item.
    item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Undo Recent').
    item submenu:undoListMenu.
    item enabled:manager hasUndoableOperations.
    menu addItem:item.

    undoCountMenuItem := MenuItem
                            label: (resources string:'Set Undo Count...')
                            itemValue: [self setUndoCount].
    menu addItemGroup: (Array with: undoCountMenuItem).

    cleanChangesForClassItem := MenuItem
                                    label: (resources string:'Remove Class from ChangeSet...')
                                    itemValue: [self classMenuCleanUpChangeSet]
                                    enabled: self hasClassSelectedHolder.
    menu addItemGroup: (Array with: cleanChangesForClassItem).

    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 13:21:02 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    "a menu showing other browsers, and allowing them to be reactivated"

    ^ [
        |m selected submenu any|

        any := false.
        m := Menu new.
        self class allInstancesDo:[:brwsr |
            |item subMenu|

            (brwsr ~~ self
            and:[ brwsr window notNil
            and:[ brwsr window isTopView
            and:[ brwsr windowGroup notNil
            and:[ brwsr window isOpen ]]]]) ifTrue:[
                item := MenuItem label:'"',brwsr window label,'"'.
                item itemValue:[:i | brwsr window raiseDeiconified ].
                brwsr bufferNameList size == 1 ifTrue:[
                ] ifFalse:[
                    brwsr bufferNameList keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :eachBufferName |
                        true "idx ~~ brwsr selectedBuffer value" ifTrue:[

                            subMenu isNil ifTrue:[
                                subMenu := Menu new.
                                item submenu:subMenu.
                            subItem := MenuItem
                                        itemValue:[:i |
                                            brwsr window raiseDeiconified.
                                            brwsr selectedBuffer value:idx
                            subMenu addItem:subItem.
                    subMenu notNil ifTrue:[
                        item submenu:subMenu.
                m addItem:item.
                any := true.
        any ifTrue:[
            m items sort:[:a :b | a label < b label].

    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 20:43:01 / cg"


    <resource: #programMenu>

    | menu |

    menu := self menuFor: #projectMenu.
    menu receiver:self.
    menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
    ^ menu

    "Created: / 18-02-2000 / 12:17:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25-01-2014 / 12:18:33 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    "a menu showing entries for recently closed page's locations, and allowing them to be reopened"

    ^ [

        self closeHistory notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            m := Menu new.
            self closeHistory do:[:historyEntry |
                |item itemLabel|

                itemLabel := self historyMenuItemLabelFor:historyEntry.
                item := MenuItem label:itemLabel.
                    itemValue:[:i |

                        cls := historyEntry theClass.
                        historyEntry meta ifTrue:[
                            cls := cls theMetaclass

                            selector:historyEntry selector
                m addItem:item.

    "Modified: / 02-05-2014 / 17:49:17 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |m cls classes first|

        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        (cls notNil and:[cls superclass notNil]) ifTrue:[
            m := Menu new.
            cls := cls superclass.
            first := true.
            [cls notNil] whileTrue:[
                |item className|

                className := cls name.
                item := MenuItem label:(first ifTrue:[className,' (direct superclass)'] ifFalse:[className]).
                m addItem:item beforeIndex:1.   "/ reverse
                item value:#'switchToClassNamed:'.
                item argument:className.
                cls := cls superclass.
                first := false.

    "Modified: / 05-02-2012 / 10:30:03 / cg"


    |m selectedClasses currentLanguage allLanguages|

    (selectedClasses := self selectedClasses value) notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        selectedClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
            "/Single class selected
            currentLanguage := selectedClasses anElement programmingLanguage.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/Multiple class selected, be strict here
            currentLanguage := nil."/unknown
    ] ifFalse:[
        currentLanguage := nil."/unknown

    allLanguages := OrderedCollection new.
    ProgrammingLanguage allDo:[:eachLanguage |
        eachLanguage isSmalltalk ifFalse:[
            allLanguages add:eachLanguage
    allLanguages sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    m := Menu new.
    m addItem:(MenuItem
                label:'Smalltalk Method'
                value:[self selectorMenuNewMethod: SmalltalkLanguage instance]).

    allLanguages do:[:eachLanguage |
        eachLanguage compilerClass notNil ifTrue:[
            m addItem:((MenuItem
                        label:(eachLanguage name) , ' Method'
                        value:[self selectorMenuNewMethod: eachLanguage])
                        enabled: (eachLanguage supportsExtensionMethods or:[eachLanguage = currentLanguage]))
    ^ m

    "Created: / 30-12-2009 / 19:43:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 17-02-2012 / 22:15:06 / cg"
    "Modified: / 10-05-2012 / 20:32:52 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ [
            withSenderChain:true "(self window sensor ctrlDown)"

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 10:33:41 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 10:33:49 / cg"


    <resource: #programMenu>

    | menu item |
    menu := Menu decodeFromLiteralArray: self class toolBarMenu.
    item := menu menuItemWithValue: #goBack.
    item notNil ifTrue:[item submenuChannel:[self goBackMenu]].

    item := menu menuItemWithValue: #goBackInGlobalHistory.
    item notNil ifTrue:[item submenuChannel:[self goBackInGlobalHistoryMenu] ].
    item := menu menuItemWithValue: #goForward.
    item notNil ifTrue:[item submenuChannel:[self goForwardMenu] ].
"/ no, I explicitly do not want this
"/    (menu menuItemWithValue: #goForwardInGlobalHistory)
"/        submenuChannel:[self goForwardInGlobalHistoryMenu].

    item := menu menuItemWithValue: #runLint.
    item notNil ifTrue:[item submenuChannel:[ (Menu decodeFromLiteralArray: self class toolBarMenuLint) findGuiResourcesIn: self; yourself] ].

    "Created: / 22-02-2008 / 17:00:05 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 03-07-2011 / 14:40:57 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 16:01:33 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    | menu |

    menu := self menuFor: #variablesMenu.
    menu receiver:self.
    menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
    ^ menu

    "Modified: / 25-01-2014 / 12:19:48 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
        |m classHistory currentClass|

        currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        classHistory := self class classHistory.
        classHistory notEmpty ifTrue:[
            m := Menu new.
            classHistory do:[:entry |
                |item className|

                className := entry className ? ''.
                (currentClass notNil
                and:[currentClass name = className])
                    item := MenuItem label:(className contractTo:100).
                    item itemValue:#'switchToHistoryEntry:' argument:entry.
                    m addItem:item.

    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 13:24:04 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menus-dynamic-SCM'!


    menu := self class categoryMenuSCMCommon decodeAsLiteralArray.
    self replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: SourceCodeManager in: menu.
    ^ menu

categoryMenuSCMFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName
    "insert the sourcecode manager name"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    |manager menu |

    sourceCodeManagerClassName isBehavior ifTrue:[
        manager := sourceCodeManagerClassName
    ] ifFalse:[
        sourceCodeManagerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
            manager := Smalltalk at: sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    manager isNil ifTrue:[
        menu := Menu new.
        menu addItem:
                label: (resources string: 'Unavailable - Configure SCM')
                itemValue: [self openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement])
    ] ifFalse:[
        menu := self menuFor: #categoryMenuSCMCommon.
    self replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: manager in: menu.

    ^ menu

    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 12:23:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:22:55 / Jan Vrany <>"


    <resource: #programMenu>

        commonMenuSCMSliceNamed: #categoryMenuSCMSlice

                "/ as packages typically consist of many classes,
                "/ do it by package; not by class.
                "/ otherwise, some things become very slow
                "/ (especially: menu-opening and shortCut finding)
                "/ when many or all categories are selected.
                packagesAlready := Set new.
                self selectedCategoryClassesDo: [:cls|
                    | package mgr |

                    package := cls package.
                    package notNil ifTrue:[
                        (packagesAlready includes:package) ifFalse:[
                            mgr := cls sourceCodeManager.
                            mgr notNil ifTrue:[
                                managersInOutCollection add: mgr
                            packagesAlready add:package.

    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 14:29:47 / cg"
    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 12:31:22 / Jan Vrany <>"


    menu := self class categoryMenuSCMSlice_old decodeAsLiteralArray.
    self replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: SourceCodeManager in: menu.
    ^ menu


    menu := self menuFor: #classGitMenu.
    self replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: GitSourceCodeManager in: menu.
    ^ menu

    "Created: / 23-07-2012 / 15:10:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25-01-2014 / 12:17:57 / Jan Vrany <>"

classMenuSCMExtraFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    <resource: #programMenu>

    |manager spec menu |

    sourceCodeManagerClassName isBehavior ifTrue:[
        manager := sourceCodeManagerClassName
    ] ifFalse:[
        sourceCodeManagerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
            manager := Smalltalk at: sourceCodeManagerClassName.
        manager isNil ifTrue:[
            ^Menu new
    spec := self class perform: ('classMenuSCMExtra_' , manager managerTypeNameShort) asSymbol ifNotUnderstood:[nil].
    spec notNil ifTrue:[
        menu := spec decodeAsLiteralArray.
        menu receiver:self.
        menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
        menu addItem: (MenuItem separator) beforeIndex: 1
    ] ifFalse:[
        menu := Menu new.

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 16:04:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:23:10 / Jan Vrany <>"


    <resource: #programMenu>

    |manager spec menu |

    sourceCodeManagerClassName isBehavior ifTrue:[
        manager := sourceCodeManagerClassName
    ] ifFalse:[
        sourceCodeManagerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
            manager := Smalltalk at: sourceCodeManagerClassName.
        manager isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ Menu new
    spec := self class perform: ('classMenuSCMExtra_' , manager managerTypeNameShort) asSymbol ifNotUnderstood:[nil].
    spec notNil ifTrue:[
        menu := spec decodeAsLiteralArray.
        menu receiver:self.
        menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
        menu addItem: (MenuItem separator) beforeIndex: 1
    ] ifFalse:[
        menu := Menu new.

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 16:04:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:01:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:23:16 / Jan Vrany <>"

classMenuSCMFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName
    "insert the sourcecode manager name"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self scmMenuForManagerNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName selector:#classMenuSCMCommon

"/    |manager menu |
"/    sourceCodeManagerClassName isBehavior ifTrue:[
"/        manager := sourceCodeManagerClassName
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        sourceCodeManagerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
"/            manager := Smalltalk at: sourceCodeManagerClassName.
"/        ].
"/    ].
"/    manager isNil ifTrue:[
"/        menu := Menu new.
"/        menu addItem:
"/            (MenuItem
"/                label: (resources string: 'Unavailable - Configure SCM')
"/                itemValue: [self openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement])
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        menu := self menuFor: #classMenuSCMCommon.
"/    ].
"/    self replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: manager in: menu.
"/    ^ menu

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 16:18:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:23:29 / Jan Vrany <>"


    <resource: #programMenu>

        commonMenuSCMSliceNamed: #classMenuSCMSlice
            self selectedClassesDo: [:cls|
                | mgr |

                mgr := cls theNonMetaclass sourceCodeManager.
                mgr notNil ifTrue:[managers add: mgr]

    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 14:29:47 / cg"
    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 14:53:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 10-01-2012 / 00:26:38 / cg"

commonMenuSCMSliceNamed: sliceName computeManagerWith: managersBlock
    "Common helper for SCM menu creation. managersBlock
     is one arg block that should fill a set of managers
     (passes as arg) for currently selected thingies
     (classes, projects, ...)"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    | layout menu item managers manager |

    layout := UserPreferences current sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout.
    menu := self class
                perform: (sliceName,  '_' , layout) asSymbol
                ifNotUnderstood: [self class perform:(sliceName,  '_old') asSymbol].
    menu := menu decodeAsLiteralArray.
    managers := Set new.
    managersBlock value: managers.
    managers size == 1 ifTrue:[
        manager := managers anyOne.
    ] ifFalse:[
        manager := nil

    item := menu menuItemWithKey:#SCM.
    (item notNil) ifTrue:[
        manager notNil ifTrue:[
            manager := managers anyOne.
            item label:(resources string:'Repository') , '  ' , (manager managerTypeName asText colorizeAllWith:Color gray).
        ] ifFalse:[
            item label:(resources string:'Repository').
            item enabled: false.
    self replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: manager in: menu.
    (layout = 'inline') ifTrue:[
        menu itemsDo:[:item|
            manager notNil ifTrue:[
                item argument == manager name ifTrue:[
                    item label: (item label , '  ' , ((resources string: '(default)') asText colorizeAllWith: Color gray)).
            ] ifFalse:[
                item enabled: false
    ^ menu

    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 14:29:47 / cg"
    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 11:02:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 01-12-2011 / 21:18:20 / cg"

projectMenuSCMCompareBuildSupportFileFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self
"/    |manager menu |
"/    sourceCodeManagerClassName isBehavior ifTrue:[
"/        manager := sourceCodeManagerClassName
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        sourceCodeManagerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
"/            manager := Smalltalk at: sourceCodeManagerClassName.
"/        ].
"/    ].
"/    manager isNil ifTrue:[
"/        menu := Menu new.
"/        menu addItem:
"/            (MenuItem
"/                label: (resources string: 'Unavailable - Configure SCM')
"/                itemValue: [self openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement])
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        menu := self menuFor: #projectMenuSCMCompareBuildSupportFile.
"/        menu itemsDo:[:item|
"/            | selector |
"/            selector := item value.
"/            item itemValue:[self perform: selector with: item argument with: manager]
"/        ]
"/    ].
"/    menu receiver:self.
"/    menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
"/    ^ menu

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:23:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 13:23:37 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:23:37 / Jan Vrany <>"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:23:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:01:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:23:43 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuSCMExtraFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    <resource: #programMenu>

    |manager spec menu |

    sourceCodeManagerClassName isBehavior ifTrue:[
        manager := sourceCodeManagerClassName
    ] ifFalse:[
        sourceCodeManagerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
            manager := Smalltalk at: sourceCodeManagerClassName.
        manager isNil ifTrue:[
            ^Menu new
    spec := self class perform: ('projectMenuSCMExtra_' , manager managerTypeNameShort) asSymbol ifNotUnderstood:[nil].
    spec notNil ifTrue:[
        menu := spec decodeAsLiteralArray.
        menu receiver:self.
        menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
        menu addItem: (MenuItem separator) beforeIndex: 1
    ] ifFalse:[
        menu := Menu new.

    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 22:42:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:23:52 / Jan Vrany <>"

projectMenuSCMFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName
    "insert the sourcecode manager name"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self
"/    |manager menu |
"/    sourceCodeManagerClassName isBehavior ifTrue:[
"/        manager := sourceCodeManagerClassName
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        sourceCodeManagerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
"/            manager := Smalltalk at: sourceCodeManagerClassName.
"/        ].
"/    ].
"/    manager isNil ifTrue:[
"/        menu := Menu new.
"/        menu addItem:
"/            (MenuItem
"/                label: (resources string: 'Unavailable - Configure SCM')
"/                itemValue: [self openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement])
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        menu := self menuFor: #projectMenuSCMCommon decodeAsLiteralArray.
"/    ].
"/    self replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: manager in: menu.
"/    ^ menu

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:57:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:24:02 / Jan Vrany <>"


    <resource: #programMenu>

        commonMenuSCMSliceNamed: #projectMenuSCMSlice
            self selectedProjectsDo:[:pkg|
                | mgr |

                mgr := AbstractSourceCodeManager managerForPackage:pkg.
                mgr isNil ifFalse:[managers add: mgr]

    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 14:29:47 / cg"
    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:53:35 / Jan Vrany <>"

scmMenuForManagerNamed:sourceCodeManagerClassName selector:selector
    <resource: #programMenu>

    |manager menu |

    sourceCodeManagerClassName isBehavior ifTrue:[
        manager := sourceCodeManagerClassName
    ] ifFalse:[
        sourceCodeManagerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
            sourceCodeManagerClassName == #Default ifTrue:[
                manager := Smalltalk at: #SourceCodeManager.
            ] ifFalse:[
                manager := Smalltalk at: sourceCodeManagerClassName.
    manager isNil ifTrue:[
        menu := Menu new.
        menu addItem:
                label: (resources string: 'Unavailable - Configure SCM')
                itemValue: [self openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement])
    ] ifFalse:[
        menu := self menuFor: selector.
        menu itemsDo:[:item|
            | selector |

            selector := item value.
            item itemValue:[self perform: selector with: item argument with: manager]
    self replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: manager in: menu.
    menu receiver:self.
    menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
    ^ menu

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:23:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 21-12-2011 / 20:01:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:23:43 / Jan Vrany <>"

selectorMenuSCMExtraFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName

    <resource: #programMenu>

    |manager spec menu |

    sourceCodeManagerClassName isBehavior ifTrue:[
        manager := sourceCodeManagerClassName
    ] ifFalse:[
        sourceCodeManagerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
            manager := Smalltalk at: sourceCodeManagerClassName.
        manager isNil ifTrue:[
            ^Menu new
    spec := self class perform: ('selectorMenuSCMExtra_' , manager managerTypeNameShort) asSymbol ifNotUnderstood:[nil].
    spec notNil ifTrue:[
        menu := spec decodeAsLiteralArray.
        menu receiver:self.
        menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
        menu addItem: (MenuItem separator) beforeIndex: 1
    ] ifFalse:[
        menu := Menu new.

    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 22:42:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:24:12 / Jan Vrany <>"

selectorMenuSCMFor: sourceCodeManagerClassName
    "insert the sourcecode manager name"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self
"/    |manager menu |
"/    sourceCodeManagerClassName isBehavior ifTrue:[
"/        manager := sourceCodeManagerClassName
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        sourceCodeManagerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
"/            manager := Smalltalk at: sourceCodeManagerClassName.
"/        ].
"/    ].
"/    manager isNil ifTrue:[
"/        menu := Menu new.
"/        menu addItem:
"/            (MenuItem
"/                label: (resources string: 'Unavailable - Configure SCM')
"/                itemValue: [self openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement])
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        menu := self menuFor: #selectorMenuSCMCommon.
"/    ].
"/    self replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: manager in: menu.
"/    ^ menu

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:58:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 31-01-2014 / 02:25:49 / Jan Vrany <>"


    <resource: #programMenu>

        commonMenuSCMSliceNamed: #selectorMenuSCMSlice
            self selectedMethodsDo:[:mthd|
                | mgr |

                mgr := AbstractSourceCodeManager managerForPackage:mthd package.
                mgr isNil ifFalse:[managers add: mgr].

    "Created: / 19-04-2011 / 14:29:47 / cg"
    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:54:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 19-10-2011 / 16:48:31 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menus-dynamic-lint'!

    ^ self smalllintCheckMenuForEnvironment: self selectedCategoriesAsEnvironment

    "Created: / 27-11-2014 / 07:01:34 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ClassEnvironment isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ Menu new
                addItem:(MenuItem label: (resources string: 'SmallLint not available') itemValue: nil enabled: false);
    ^ self smalllintCheckMenuForEnvironment: self selectedClassesAsEnvironment

    "Created: / 27-11-2014 / 06:52:59 / Jan Vrany <>"

smalllintCheckMenuForEnvironment: rbenvironment
    | menu |

    menu := Menu new.

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport and:[RBCompositeLintRule notNil]) ifFalse:[
        menu addItem:(MenuItem label: (resources string: 'SmallLint not loaded/available') itemValue: nil enabled: false).
        ^ menu

    LastLintRulesHolder value notNil ifTrue:[
        menu addItem:
            (MenuItem label: (resources string: 'Run Again - %1' with: LastLintRulesHolder value displayString)
                  itemValue: [ self smalllintRunOnEnvironment:rbenvironment ])
    ] ifFalse:[
        menu addItem: (MenuItem label: (resources string: 'Run Again')
           itemValue: [ self smalllintRunOnEnvironment:rbenvironment ]
             enabled: false)
    RBCompositeLintRule rulesets do:[:ruleset|
        menu addItem:
            (MenuItem label: (resources string: 'Run Checks - %1' with: ruleset displayString)
                  itemValue: [ self smalllintRun:ruleset onEnvironment:rbenvironment ])
    menu addItem:
        (MenuItem label: (resources string: 'Run Selected...')
              itemValue: [ self smalllintRunSelectedOnEnvironment:rbenvironment ]).
    ^ menu

    "Created: / 27-11-2014 / 06:16:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 03-12-2014 / 11:27:45 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self smalllintCheckMenuForEnvironment: self selectedPackagesAsEnvironment

    "Created: / 27-11-2014 / 06:54:52 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self smalllintCheckMenuForEnvironment: self selectedProtocolsAsEnvironment

    "Created: / 27-11-2014 / 06:54:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self smalllintCheckMenuForEnvironment: self selectedSelectorsAsEnvironment

    "Created: / 27-11-2014 / 06:53:41 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self smalllintCheckMenuForEnvironment: self selectedCodeComponentsAsEnvironment.

    "Created: / 27-11-2014 / 06:48:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menus-dynamic-popup'!

    "return the popUpMenu for the class-category-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^[ self categoryMenuWithFind ]

    "Created: / 18-02-2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"
    "Created: / 15-10-2011 / 12:28:21 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "return the popUpMenu for the regular class-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^[ self classMenu ]

    "Created: / 18-02-2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"
    "Modified: / 11-10-2011 / 09:18:46 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "return the popUpMenu for the class-hierarchy-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self classPopUpMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    "return the popUpMenu for the project-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^[ self projectMenu ]

    "Created: / 18-02-2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"
    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:28:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menus-dynamic-subversion'!


    <resource: #programMenu >

    | menu repository wc branchAspect|

    menu := Menu new.
    repository := self selectedProjectSubversionRepository.
    repository ifNil:[^nil].
    wc := repository workingCopy.
    branchAspect := (AspectAdaptor accessWith: #branchOrNil assignWith: #branch:)
                        subject: wc.
    repository branches do:
        menu addItem:
            (MenuItem new
                label: branch displayString ;"/icon: branch icon;
                choiceValue: branch;
                choice: branchAspect;
                enabled:(wc hasBranch not or: [(repository workingCopy branch) = branch]);


    "Created: / 19-04-2008 / 11:06:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-06-2010 / 14:29:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 01-12-2011 / 21:06:52 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'navigation'!

    "open a dialog to ask for a class name"

    ^ self class
        inEnvironment:self navigationState environment


    self window sensor
      withArguments:(Array with:aCategory)

    "Created: / 6.2.2000 / 02:14:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:50:31 / cg"


    self window sensor
      withArguments:(Array with:aCategory)

    "Created: / 6.2.2000 / 02:14:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:56:09 / cg"


    (canvasType := browserCanvasType) isNil ifTrue:[
        canvasType := navigationState canvasType.

    canvasType == #singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec ifTrue:[^ OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace ].
    canvasType == #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec ifTrue:[^ OrganizerCanvas organizerModeProject ].
    canvasType == #multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec ifTrue:[^ nil ].
"/ self halt.
    ^ OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory

    "switch to some categories (by the program)"

    self selectedCategories value:aCollectionOfCategories.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:48:48 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:51:40 / cg"

    self selectCategories:(Array with:aCategory).

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:50:14 / cg"

    "switch to a class (by the program)"

    self selectClasses:(Array with:aClass)

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:57:06 / cg"

    "switch to some classes (by the program)"


    nonNilClasses := aCollectionOfClasses select:[:cls | cls notNil].
    self selectedClasses value:nonNilClasses

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:47:10 / cg"

    self selectMethods:(Array with:aMethod).


    "switch to some methods (by the program)"

    self selectedMethods value:aCollectionOfMethods

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:52:39 / cg"

    self selectNamespaces:(Array with:aNamespace).

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 02:39:01 / cg"

    self selectedNamespaces value:aCollectionOfNamespaces.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:53:29 / cg"

    self selectProjects:(Array with:aProject).

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 02:49:23 / cg"

    self selectedProjects value ~= aCollectionOfProjects ifTrue:[
        self selectedProjects value:aCollectionOfProjects.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self breakPoint:#cg

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:54:14 / cg"

    self selectProtocols:(Array with:aProtocol).

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:55:50 / cg"

    self selectedProtocols value:aCollectionOfProtocols.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:55:05 / cg"


    allProtocols := Set new.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
        allProtocols addAll:(eachClass categories).
    allProtocols := allProtocols select:[:each | aMatchPattern match:each].
    self selectProtocols:allProtocols asOrderedCollection.

    "setup my navigationState from another navigationState"

    |selectedClasses projects categories protocols namespaces canvasType meta selectedMethods
     otherOrganizerMode isMethodBrowser|

    otherOrganizerMode := anotherNavigationState organizerMode value.

    selectedClasses := anotherNavigationState selectedClasses value copy.

    canvasType := navigationState canvasType ? #fullBrowserSpec.
    canvasType == #fullBrowserSpec ifTrue:[
        isMethodBrowser := anotherNavigationState isMethodListBrowser
                           or:[anotherNavigationState isSingleMethodBrowser].
        or:[otherOrganizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory]) ifTrue:[
            selectedMethods := anotherNavigationState selectedMethods value ? #().
            isMethodBrowser ifTrue:[
                selectedClasses := selectedMethods collect:[:each | each mclass] as:IdentitySet.
                selectedClasses := selectedClasses select:[:each | each notNil].
                protocols := selectedMethods collect:[:each | each category] as:Set.
                meta := (selectedClasses size == 1) and:[ selectedClasses anElement isMeta ].
            ] ifFalse:[
                protocols := anotherNavigationState selectedProtocols value ? #().
                meta := anotherNavigationState meta value.
                categories := anotherNavigationState selectedCategories value ? #().
        ] ifFalse:[
            protocols := anotherNavigationState selectedProtocols value copy.
            meta := anotherNavigationState meta value.
            anotherNavigationState organizerMode value ~~ OrganizerCanvas organizerModeClassHierarchy ifTrue:[
                anotherNavigationState organizerMode value ~~ OrganizerCanvas organizerModeHierarchy ifTrue:[
                    navigationState selectedNamespaces value:(anotherNavigationState selectedNamespaces value).
                    navigationState nameSpaceFilter value:(anotherNavigationState selectedNamespaces value).
        categories size == 0 ifTrue:[
            "/ collect categories from selected classes.
            categories :=  (selectedClasses ? #()) collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass category] as:Set

        navigationState selectedCategories value:categories.

        otherOrganizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeProject ifTrue:[
            navigationState organizerMode value:otherOrganizerMode.
            projects := anotherNavigationState selectedProjects value copy.
            navigationState selectedProjects value:projects.

        navigationState meta value:meta.

        "/ self immediateUpdate value:true.
        "/ selectedClasses := selectedClasses collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass].
        navigationState selectedClasses value:selectedClasses.
        navigationState selectedProtocols value:protocols.
        "/ self immediateUpdate value:false.
        navigationState selectedMethods value:(anotherNavigationState selectedMethods value copy).

        ^ self

    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
        otherOrganizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory ifTrue:[
            categories := anotherNavigationState selectedCategories value copy.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ collect categories from selected classes.
            categories := (selectedClasses ? #())
                           collect:[:eachClass | eachClass category] as:Set
        navigationState selectedCategories value:categories.
        selectedClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
            navigationState selectedClasses value:(selectedClasses collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass]).
        self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
        ^ self

    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
        otherOrganizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory ifTrue:[
            categories := anotherNavigationState selectedCategories value copy.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ collect categories from selected classes.
            categories := (selectedClasses ? #())
                           collect:[:eachClass | eachClass category] as:Set
        navigationState selectedCategories value:categories.
        selectedClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
            navigationState selectedClasses value:(selectedClasses collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass]).
        self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
        ^ self

    navigationState isNameSpaceBrowser ifTrue:[
        otherOrganizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace ifTrue:[
            namespaces := anotherNavigationState selectedNamespaces value copy.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ collect namespaces from selected classes.
            namespaces := (selectedClasses ? #())
                           collect:[:eachClass | eachClass nameSpace name] as:Set
        navigationState selectedNamespaces value:namespaces.
        selectedClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
            navigationState selectedClasses value:selectedClasses.
        self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
        ^ self

    (navigationState isCategoryBrowser
    or:[navigationState isNameSpaceFullBrowser
    or:[navigationState isProjectFullBrowser]]) ifTrue:[
        otherOrganizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory ifTrue:[
            categories := anotherNavigationState selectedCategories value copy.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ collect categories from selected classes.
            categories := (selectedClasses ? #())
                           collect:[:eachClass | eachClass category] as:Set
        navigationState selectedCategories value:categories.
        selectedClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
            navigationState selectedClasses value:selectedClasses.

        self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
        ^ self

    "Modified: / 29-09-2006 / 22:35:33 / cg"

    "change the sort-order (some methodLists only)"

    self sortBy value:what

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:47:10 / cg"

    "find all implementors of aSelectorString, and present a list
     to choose from. When an entry is selected, switch to that class/selector.
     This allows for quickly moving around in the system."

    |classes sel box theClassName|

    classes := OrderedCollection new.
    (sel := aSelectorString asSymbolIfInterned) notNil ifTrue:[
        environment allClassesDo:[:aClass |
            (aClass includesSelector:sel) ifTrue:[
                classes add:aClass.
            (aClass class includesSelector:sel) ifTrue:[
                classes add:aClass class.
    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self class showNoneFound.
        ^ self

    classes size > 1 ifTrue:[
        box := ListSelectionBox
                    title:(resources stringWithCRs:'searching for #%1 method.\\in which class ?\\(Tab for completion or select)' with:aSelectorString).
        box label:'find method'.
        box okText:(resources string:'show').
        box list:(classes collect:[:aClass | aClass name]) asSortedCollection.
        box action:[:aString | theClassName := aString].
        box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
            |s l names|

            s := contents withoutSpaces.
            s size == 0 ifTrue:[
                l := classes
            ] ifFalse:[
                l := classes select:[:cls | cls name startsWith:s].
            l size == 0 ifTrue:[
                l := classes select:[:cls | cls name asLowercase startsWith:s asLowercase].
            l size > 0 ifTrue:[
                box list:(names := l collect:[:aClass | aClass name]) asSortedCollection.
                box contents:(names longestCommonPrefix). "/ l first name.
                l size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
                    self window beep
        box showAtPointer.
    ] ifFalse:[
        theClassName := classes first name

    theClassName notNil ifTrue:[
        self rememberLocationInHistory.
        self switchToClassNamed:theClassName.
        self switchToSelector:aSelectorString.

    "Modified: / 1.9.1995 / 01:39:58 / claus"
    "Modified: / 25.1.2000 / 20:43:35 / cg"

    "invoked when switching to a method from the bookmark history"

    (entry isKindOf: Bookmark)
            [entry switchToBookmarkIn: self]
            [self breakPoint: #jv info:'BrowserHistoryEntries should no longet be used'.
            self switchToHistoryEntry: entry].

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 23:51:40 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self switchToClass:aClass selector:nil

switchToClass:aClass selector:aSelector
    ^ self switchToClass: aClass selector: aSelector updateHistory: true

    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 16:34:46 / janfrog"
    "Modified (format): / 28-02-2012 / 09:29:44 / cg"

switchToClass:aClass selector:aSelector updateHistory: updateHistory
    "switch to some class (by the program)"

    |orgMode cls namespaces nsName cat pkg holder newValue doSwitchMeta mthd answer
     ns classes|

    aClass isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    aSelector notNil ifTrue:[
        mthd := aClass compiledMethodAt:aSelector.

    (navigationState isMethodListBrowser
    or:[navigationState isMethodBrowser]) ifTrue:[
        "/ must check if that method is in the list ...

        mthd isNil ifTrue:[
"/            (self confirm:'Add a buffer for the class ?' withCRs) ifFalse:[
"/                ^ self
"/            ].
            self spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:nil in:#newBuffer.
            ^ self

        navigationState methodListApplication isNil ifTrue:[
            self spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:aSelector in:#newBuffer.
            ^ self

        (navigationState methodList includesIdentical:mthd) ifFalse:[
            answer := OptionBox request:'Method not in list.\\Add a buffer for it ?' withCRs
                        label:'New Browser ?'
                        image:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
                        buttonLabels:(resources array:#( 'Cancel' 'Add Buffer' 'New Browser' ))
                        values:#(nil #newBuffer #newBrowser)
            answer notNil ifTrue:[
                self spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:aSelector in:answer.
            ^ self
        self selectedMethods value:(OrderedCollection with:mthd).
        ^ self

    mthd isNil ifTrue:[
        self selectedMethods value:(OrderedCollection new).
    ] ifFalse:[
        self selectedMethods value:(OrderedCollection with:mthd).
    (navigationState isClassBrowser) ifTrue:[
        "/ must check if that class is in the list ...
        ((navigationState classList value ? #()) includesIdentical:aClass) ifFalse:[
            navigationState isSingleClassBrowser ifTrue:[
                navigationState classList value:(Array with:aClass).
            ] ifFalse:[
                (self confirm:'Class not in list.\\Add a buffer for it ?' withCRs) ifTrue:[
                    self spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:aSelector in:#newBuffer.
                ^ self
        self selectedClasses value:(OrderedCollection with:aClass).
        ^ self

    (navigationState isProtocolBrowser) ifTrue:[
        (self confirm:'Add a buffer for it ?' withCRs) ifTrue:[
            self spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:aSelector in:#newBuffer.
        ^ self

    orgMode := self organizerMode value.

    "/ if the class is a namespace, ask if mode should be changed

    (aClass isNameSpace and:[aClass ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
        orgMode ~~ OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace ifTrue:[
            answer := self
                        confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'Browser: %1 is a namespace - switch organizers display mode ?' with:aClass name)
            answer isNil ifTrue:[
                AbortOperationRequest raise.
                ^ self
            answer ifTrue:[
                self organizerMode value:(OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace).
                orgMode := self organizerMode value.
            ] ifFalse:[
                ((self selectedClassesValue) contains:[:cls | cls nameSpace == aClass]) ifTrue:[^ self ].

                "/ select the first class of that namespace
                classes := aClass allClasses.
                classes notEmpty ifTrue:[
                    self switchToClass:(classes first) selector:nil.
                    ^ self.

    "/ if the class is unloaded, turn hideUnloaded off
    (aClass isLoaded not
    and:[self hideUnloadedClasses value == true]) ifTrue:[
        self hideUnloadedClasses value:false

    doSwitchMeta := true.
    "/ FIX bug in protocol-list; will not update selection otherwise ...
    self immediateUpdate value:true.

    namespaces := self selectedNamespaces value ? #().
    ns := aClass topNameSpace.
    ns notNil ifTrue:[nsName := ns name].
    (namespaces includes:nsName) ifFalse:[
        (namespaces includes:(NavigatorModel nameListEntryForALL)) ifFalse:[
            self selectedNamespaces value:(OrderedCollection with: NavigatorModel nameListEntryForALL)
"/    namespaces := self nameSpaceFilter value ? #().
"/    (namespaces includes:aClass nameSpace name) ifFalse:[
"/        (namespaces includes:(NavigatorModel nameListEntryForALL)) ifFalse:[
"/            self nameSpaceFilter value:(OrderedCollection with: NavigatorModel nameListEntryForALL)
"/        ]
"/    ].
    orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory ifTrue:[
        cat := aClass category ? '* no category *'.
        (self selectedCategoriesValue includes:cat) ifFalse:[
            self selectedCategories value:(OrderedCollection with:cat).
    ] ifFalse:[ orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace ifTrue:[
        aClass isNameSpace ifTrue:[
            nsName := aClass name.
        ] ifFalse:[
            nsName := aClass nameSpace name.
        (self selectedNamespacesValue includes:nsName) ifFalse:[
            self selectedNamespaces value:(OrderedCollection with:nsName).
    ] ifFalse:[ orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeProject ifTrue:[
        pkg := aClass package.
        holder := self selectedProjects.
        newValue := holder value ? #().
        (newValue includes:pkg) ifFalse:[
            newValue := OrderedCollection with:pkg.
        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
            "/ careful - the method could be in an extension ...
            mthd package ~= pkg ifTrue:[
                (newValue includes:mthd package) ifFalse:[
                    newValue := newValue asOrderedCollection.
                    newValue add:mthd package.
        newValue ~= holder value ifTrue:[
            holder value:newValue.
    ] ifFalse:[ (orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeClassHierarchy
                 or:[orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeClassInheritance]) ifTrue:[
        "/ make sure, that the class is in the hierarchy;
        "/ if required, update the hierarchy.

        holder := self classHierarchyTopClass.
        cls := holder value.
        (cls isNil or:[(cls withAllSuperclasses includesIdentical:aClass) not]) ifTrue:[
            holder value:aClass.
        doSwitchMeta := false.

    doSwitchMeta ifTrue:[
        self meta value:(aClass isMeta).

    (self selectedClassesValue includesIdentical:aClass) ifFalse:[
        self selectedClasses value:(OrderedCollection with:aClass).

    mthd notNil ifTrue:[

        (self selectedProtocolsValue contains:[:cat | (cat isNil and:[mthd category isNil]) or:[cat string = mthd category]]) ifFalse:[
            self selectProtocols:(OrderedCollection with:mthd category).
        self switchToMethod:mthd.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self switchToSelector:aSelector.

    self immediateUpdate value:false.

    updateHistory ifTrue:[
        self addToHistory:aClass selector:aSelector

    self normalLabel.

    "/ self selectedMethods value:nil.
    self enqueueDelayedClassSelectionChange.

    "Created: / 22-02-2008 / 09:05:51 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 16:45:21 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:53:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 10-09-2013 / 14:59:19 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |className class|

    class := environment classNamed:aMatchString.

    class notNil ifTrue:[
        self switchToClass:class
    ] ifFalse:[
        className := self askForClassNameMatching:aMatchString.
        className notNil ifTrue:[
            self switchToClassNamed:className.

    "Modified: / 13.2.2000 / 20:57:42 / cg"

    |className class implementors answer classesMatchingCaseless|

    aMatchString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self.

    aMatchString knownAsSymbol ifTrue:[
        class := environment classNamed:aMatchString.
        class notNil ifTrue:[
            self switchToClass:class.
            ^ self.
        classesMatchingCaseless := environment keys select:[:nm | nm sameAs:aMatchString].
"/        matchStringLowercase := aMatchString asLowercase.
"/        classesWithPrefixCaseless := environment keys select:[:nm | nm asLowercase startsWith:aMatchString].

"/        impl := environment allImplementorsOf:aMatchString asSymbol.
"/        impl notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
"/        ].
        (aMatchString first isLetter not
         or:[ aMatchString first isLowercase]) ifTrue:[
            implementors := SystemBrowser findImplementorsMatching:aMatchString in:(environment allClasses) ignoreCase:true.
            implementors size > 0 ifTrue:[
                (classesMatchingCaseless isEmpty and:[implementors size == 1]) ifTrue:[
                    answer := Dialog
                                        stringWithCRs:'No class named "%1".\But "%2" implements it. Go there ?'
                                        with:aMatchString allBold
                                        with:implementors first mclass name).
                    answer ifTrue:[
                        self switchToClass:implementors first mclass selector:implementors first selector.
                    ^ self.
                implementors := implementors asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a mclass name < b mclass name].
                classesMatchingCaseless isEmpty ifTrue:[
                    answer := Dialog
                                        stringWithCRs:'No class named "%1.\But there are %2 implementors of it.\\Goto one of them ?'
                                        with:aMatchString allBold
                                        with:implementors size)
                        fromList:(implementors collect:[:m | m mclass name])
                        buttons:#('No, Search for a Class' 'Show all Implementors') values:#(searchClass browseAllImplementors)
                        lines:10 cancel:nil
                        postBuildBlock:[:box | box minExtent:300@250].
                ] ifFalse:[
                    answer := Dialog
                                        stringWithCRs:'No class named "%1".\But there are %2 implementors of it and %3 '
                                                      , (classesMatchingCaseless size == 1 ifTrue:['class'] ifFalse:['classes'])
                                                      ,' with a similar name.\\Goto one of them ?'
                                        with:aMatchString allBold
                                        with:implementors size
                                        with:classesMatchingCaseless size)
                        fromList:({'Implementors:' colorizeAllWith:Color gray}
                                  ,(implementors collect:[:m | m mclass name])
                                  ,{'Classes:' colorizeAllWith:Color gray}
                        buttons:#('No, Search for a Class' 'Show all Implementors') values:#(searchClass browseAllImplementors)
                        lines:10 cancel:nil
                        postBuildBlock:[:box | box minExtent:300@250].

                answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
                answer == #browseAllImplementors ifTrue:[
                                    in:environment allClasses
                        label:(resources string:'Implementors of %1' string with:aMatchString).
                    ^ self
                answer ~~ #searchClass ifTrue:[
                    answer isSymbol ifTrue:[
                        self switchToClass:(environment classNamed:answer).
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        self switchToClass:(answer mclass) selector:(answer selector).
                    ^ self.

    (aMatchString includes: $.) ifTrue:[
        "/ Java class?
        className := (aMatchString copyReplaceAll: $. with: $/) asSymbolIfInterned.
        className notNil ifTrue:[
            environment allClassesDo: [:cls |
                (cls isJavaClass and:[cls binaryName = className]) ifTrue:[
                    self switchToClass:cls.

    className := self askForClassNameMatching:aMatchString.
    className notNil ifTrue:[
        self switchToClassNamed:className.

    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:25 / fm"
    "Modified (comment): / 07-03-2012 / 12:05:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14-10-2013 / 10:36:12 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |str theClass|

    str := aString.
    (aString endsWith:' class') ifTrue:[
        str := aString copyButLast:6.

    theClass := self findClassNamed:str.
    ((theClass == self theSingleSelectedClass) or:[theClass isBehavior not]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    "/ if currently in meta-mode,
    "/ switch to the metaClass
    self meta value ifTrue:[
        theClass := theClass theMetaclass
    ] ifFalse:[
        theClass := theClass theNonMetaclass
    self switchToClass:theClass.

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 21:05:01 / cg"

    "invoked when switching back to a method from the find history"

    FindHistory removeIdentical:entry ifAbsent:nil.
    self switchToHistoryEntry:entry.
    FindHistory addFirst:entry.

    "invoked when switching to a class from the visited history"


    entry isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    cls := environment at:entry className.
    "/ Care for Java classes!!
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        cls := environment allClasses detect:[:cls | cls name = entry className ] ifNone:[].
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Oops - class is gone'.
        ^ self
    entry meta ifTrue:[
        cls := cls theMetaclass
    self switchToClass:cls selector:entry selector updateHistory: false

    "Modified: / 22-02-2008 / 17:17:56 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 19-09-2013 / 12:10:35 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |orgMode pkg holder category|

    "/ care for method being in another package
    orgMode := self organizerMode value.
    orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeProject ifTrue:[
        pkg := aMethod package.
        holder := self selectedProjects.
        ((holder value ? #()) includes:pkg) ifFalse:[
            holder value:(Array with:pkg).

    category := aMethod category.
    (self selectedProtocolsValue contains:[:p | p notNil and:[p string = category]]) ifFalse:[
        (self selectedProtocolsValue includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifFalse:[
            self selectProtocols:(Array with:category).
    self theSingleSelectedMethod ~~ aMethod ifTrue:[
        self selectedMethods value:(Array with:aMethod).

    "Modified: / 30-08-2011 / 16:03:17 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self switchToClassNameOrSelectorMatching:aMatchString

    "Created: / 10-08-2006 / 18:10:36 / cg"

    |mthd cls orgMode pkg holder|

    aSelector notNil ifTrue:[
        (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
            mthd := cls compiledMethodAt:aSelector asSymbol.
            mthd notNil ifTrue:[

                "/ care for method being in another package
                orgMode := self organizerMode value.
                orgMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeProject ifTrue:[
                    pkg := mthd package.
                    holder := self selectedProjects.
                    ((holder value ? #()) includes:pkg) ifFalse:[
                        holder value:(Array with:pkg).

                (self selectedProtocolsValue contains:[:p | (p isNil and:[mthd category isNil]) or:[p string = mthd category]]) ifFalse:[
                    (self selectedProtocolsValue includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifFalse:[
                        self selectProtocols:(Array with:mthd category).
                self theSingleSelectedMethod ~~ mthd ifTrue:[
                    self selectedMethods value:(Array with:mthd).

    "Created: / 04-02-2000 / 23:20:34 / cg"
    "Modified: / 05-02-2000 / 23:07:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 10-09-2013 / 14:58:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-buffers'!

    |prevBuffer previouslyUsedBuffer newIndex state m|

    state := buffers at:nr.

    (m := state theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
        self addToRecentlyClosedHistory:m mclass selector:m selector

    "/ the buffer before that one
    prevBuffer := nr - 1.
    prevBuffer == 0 ifTrue:[
        prevBuffer := nr.

    bufferUsageOrder removeIdentical:state.

    "/ the buffer used before that one
    previouslyUsedBuffer := buffers identityIndexOf:(bufferUsageOrder first).

    "/ which one to use prev, next or prevUsed ???
    "/ newIndex := prevBuffer.
    newIndex := nr.
    "/ newIndex := previouslyUsedBuffer.

    selectedBuffer value:(newIndex min:buffers size-1).

    buffers removeIndex:nr.
    bufferNameList removeIndex:nr.
    state canvas destroy.

    "/ oops
    newIndex > buffers size ifTrue:[
        selectedBuffer value:buffers size.

    buffers size == 1 ifTrue:[
        selectedBuffer value:nil.
        buffers := bufferUsageOrder := nil.
        bufferNameList removeAll.

    "Modified: / 08-09-2012 / 21:17:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2014 / 17:32:51 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self removeBuffer:(selectedBuffer value)
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-checks'!

    ^ self showSpecialResourceEditors value and:[navigationState anySpecialEditorModified]

    "code can be accepted if the current navigationState can do so.
     (that is if either a method is selected, or a classDefinition is shown)"

    ^ self canAcceptCodeIn:navigationState

    "code can be accepted, if either a method is selected,
     or a classDefinition is shown"

    |codeAspect codeView|

    codeView := aNavigationState codeView.
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    codeView acceptAction isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    codeAspect := aNavigationState codeAspect.

    ^ codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition
    or:[codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod]

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:24:25 / cg"

    "code can be compared, if a method is selected"

    ^ self canCompareCodeIn:navigationState


    "code can be compared, if a method is selected"

    ^ aNavigationState codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:19:07 / cg"

    ^ self hasOnlySmalltalkClassesSelected

    ^ SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager notNil
    and:[ self hasOnlySmalltalkClassesSelected ]

    ^ self hasOnlySmalltalkClassesSelected 

    ^ XMLCoder notNil
    and:[ self hasOnlySmalltalkClassesSelected ]

     ^ RefactoryChangeManager notNil and:[RefactoryChangeManager isLoaded not]

    "can make public, if selected and any selected class is private"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:cls |
        cls owningClass notNil ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    "Created: / 23.2.2000 / 00:36:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 00:56:09 / cg"

    "ns can be only be removed, if empty"

    ^ self hasEmptyNamespacesSelected

    "ns can be only be removed, if empty"

    ^ [ self canRemoveNameSpace ]

    ^ self hasSingleNameSpaceSelected

    ^ [ self canRenameNameSpace ]

     ^ SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool canUseRefactoringSupport

    "Modified: / 31-01-2011 / 18:29:35 / cg"

    "for now:
     We cannot use refactoring support for non-smalltalk classes"

    (self theSingleSelectedClass isNil
    or:[ self theSingleSelectedClass programmingLanguage isSmalltalk ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool canUseRefactoringSupport
    ^ false

    "Modified: / 31-01-2011 / 18:30:00 / cg"

     ^ self canUseRefactoringSupport and:[self hasClassSelected]

    ^ (self selectedClassesValue) conform:[:cls | cls programmingLanguage isSmalltalk]

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:58:46 / cg"

    "/ ^ currentnamespace == JAVA
    ^ false

    "/ rb-stuff not available ?
    ParseTreeSearcher isNil ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
    RBSearchRule isNil ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
    ^ true
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-code update'!

    "for compatibility with old browser"

    self autoSearchPattern:aString

    ^ self autoSearchCodePatterns:(Array with:codePattern)

    |searchAction codeView|

    codePatterns notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        codeView := self codeView.

        searchAction :=
            [:direction :startLine :startCol :foundBlock :notFoundBlock|
                    startLine:(codeView cursorLine ? startLine) startCol:(codeView cursorCol ? startCol)
                    ifFound:[:charPos1 :charPos2 |
                                selectFromCharacterPosition:charPos1 to:charPos2

        navigationState autoSearchAction:searchAction.
        codeView clearSearchAction. "/ searchAction
        codeView setSearchPattern:nil.

    "Modified: / 11-05-2010 / 14:13:34 / cg"

    ^ navigationState autoSearchPattern

    self autoSearchPattern:aString ignoreCase:false

autoSearchPattern:aString ignoreCase:doIgnoreCase
    aString notNil ifTrue:[
        self navigationState autoSearchPattern:aString; autoSearchIgnoreCase:doIgnoreCase.
        self codeView setSearchPattern:aString ignoreCase:doIgnoreCase.

autoSearchSelector:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase:doIgnoreCase doMatch:doMatch

    aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors notNil ifTrue:[

        searchAction :=
            [:direction :startLine :startCol :foundBlock :notFoundBlock|

                codeView := self codeView.
                    searchForSelector:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors direction:direction
                    startLine:(startLine ? codeView cursorLine) startCol:(startCol ? codeView cursorCol)
                    ignoreCase:doIgnoreCase doMatch:doMatch
                        [:charPos1 :charPos2 |
                                selectFromCharacterPosition:charPos1 to:charPos2

        self navigationState autoSearchAction:searchAction.
        self codeView
            clearSearchAction; "/ searchAction

    self autoSearchVariables:(Array with:aVariable)

    self autoSearchVariables:aCollectionOfVariables readers:true writers:true

autoSearchVariables:aCollectionOfVariables readers:doReaders writers:doWriters
    self searchVariables:aCollectionOfVariables readers:doReaders writers:doWriters asAutoSearch:true.


    s := '' writeStream.

    (aClass isRealNameSpace) ifTrue:[
        aClass fileOutDefinitionOn:s
    ] ifFalse:[
        aClass theNonMetaclass isJavaClass ifTrue:[
            | src |
            src := aClass theNonMetaclass source.
            src notNil ifTrue:[ ^ src ].
            src := aClass theNonMetaclass sourceDecompiled.
            src notNil ifTrue:[ ^ src ].
            s nextPutAll: '/* ';nextPutAll: (resources string:'Source not available'); nextPutAll: ' */'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            aClass isMeta ifTrue:[
            ] ifFalse:[
                "/ here, show it with a nameSpace pragma
                "/ and prefer short names.
"/                [
"/                ] on:Error do:[:ex |
"/                    s nextPutLine:'Error while asking class for its definition:';
"/                      nextPutLine:ex description;
"/                      cr.
"/                    thisContext fullPrintAllOn:s.
"/                ]

    ^ s contents withTabsExpanded.

    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 17:13:54 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17-02-2015 / 11:59:40 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "the classes documentation-method's comment, or nil"

    |commentOrNil isComment infoStream info|

    "JV@2012-02-18: We're showing full sourcecode including
     possible javadoc comments, so there is no need to display
     documentation string at the end"
    aClass isJavaClass ifTrue:[ ^ nil ]
    commentOrNil := aClass commentOrDocumentationString.
    isComment := (commentOrNil = aClass comment).

    commentOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        commentOrNil := commentOrNil asStringCollection withoutLeadingBlankLines asString

    infoStream := TextStream on:''.
    infoStream "cr; cr;" cr.
    commentOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
        infoStream nextPutLine:' no comment or documentation method found'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ nextPutLine:' Documentation:'.
        infoStream nextPutLine:commentOrNil; cr.
        infoStream nextPutLine:' Notice: '.
        infoStream nextPutAll:'   the above text has been extracted from the classes '.
        infoStream nextPutLine:(isComment ifTrue:['comment.'] ifFalse:['documentation method.']).
        infoStream nextPutLine:'   Any change in it will be lost if you ''accept'' here.'.
        infoStream nextPutAll:'   To change the '.
        infoStream nextPutAll:(isComment ifTrue:['comment'] ifFalse:['documentation']).
        infoStream nextPutAll:', switch to the '.
        infoStream nextPutAll:(isComment ifTrue:['comment'] ifFalse:['documentation method']).
        infoStream nextPutLine:' and ''accept'' any changes there.'.
    infoStream cr.

    info := String streamContents:[:s |
                aClass programmingLanguage writeComment:(infoStream contents) on:s
    info := info emphasizeAllWith:UserPreferences current commentEmphasisAndColor.
    ^ info

searchForCodePattern:codePattern direction:direction startLine:startLine startCol:startCol
                            ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock
    ^ self
        searchForCodePatterns:(Array with:codePattern)
        direction:direction startLine:startLine startCol:startCol
        ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock

searchForCodePatterns:codePatterns direction:direction
                startLine:startLine startCol:startCol
                ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock

    self parseTreeSearcherAvailable ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    searcher := ParseTreeSearcher new.
        matchesAnyOf: codePatterns
        do:[:aNode :answer | answer add:aNode. answer ].

    ^ self
        startLine:startLine startCol:startCol
        ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock.

searchForSelector:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors direction:direction
                            startLine:startLine startCol:startCol
                            ignoreCase:ignoreCase doMatch:doMatch
                            ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock

    self parseTreeSearcherAvailable ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    doMatch ifTrue:[
        (aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors isSymbol or:[aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors isString]) ifTrue:[
            searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allMessageSendsMatching:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase:ignoreCase.
        ] ifFalse:[
            searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allMessageSendsMatchingAny:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase:ignoreCase.
    ] ifFalse:[
        (aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors isSymbol or:[aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors isString]) ifTrue:[
            searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allMessageSendsTo:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase:ignoreCase.
        ] ifFalse:[
            searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allMessageSendsToAny:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase:ignoreCase.
    ^ self
        startLine:startLine startCol:startCol
        ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock.

searchForVariable:aVariableNameOrCollectionOfVariableNames direction:direction
                            startLine:startLine startCol:startCol
                            readers:searchReaders writers:searchWriters
                            ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock
    |searcher namesWithAndWithoutNameSpace|

    self parseTreeSearcherAvailable ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    namesWithAndWithoutNameSpace := Set withAll:aVariableNameOrCollectionOfVariableNames.
    aVariableNameOrCollectionOfVariableNames do:[:each |
        (each includesString:'::') ifTrue:[
            namesWithAndWithoutNameSpace add:(each copyFrom:(each lastIndexOf:$:)+1).        

    searchReaders ifTrue:[
        searchWriters ifTrue:[
            searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allReferencesToAnyVariableIn:namesWithAndWithoutNameSpace.
        ] ifFalse:[
            searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allReadsOfAnyVariableIn:namesWithAndWithoutNameSpace.
    ] ifFalse:[
        searchWriters ifTrue:[
            searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allModificationsOfAnyVariableIn:namesWithAndWithoutNameSpace.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self error:'missing search criteria'
    ^ self searchUsingSearcher:searcher direction:direction
                    startLine:startLine startCol:startCol
                    ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock.

searchUsingSearcher:searcher direction:direction
                            startLine:startLine startCol:startCol
                            ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock
    |codeTree nodes searchStartPos prevNode|

    RBParser isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    codeTree := RBParser
                    parseSearchMethod:self codeView contents
                    onError: [:str :pos | "Transcript showCR:str. Transcript showCR:pos." nil].

    codeTree notNil ifTrue:[
        searcher executeTree:codeTree initialAnswer:(nodes := OrderedCollection new).

        searchStartPos := self codeView characterPositionOfLine:startLine col:startCol.
        nodes do:[:aNode |
            |nodeStartPos nodeEndPos selStartLine selEndLine|

            nodeStartPos := aNode start.
            nodeEndPos := aNode stop.

"/ self codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:nodeStartPos to:nodeEndPos.

            direction == #backward ifTrue:[
                nodeEndPos >= (searchStartPos-1) ifTrue:[
                    prevNode isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
                    foundBlock value:(prevNode start) value:(prevNode stop).
                    ^ self.
                prevNode := aNode.
            ] ifFalse:[
                nodeStartPos >= searchStartPos ifTrue:[
                    foundBlock value:nodeStartPos value:nodeEndPos.
                    ^ self.
        prevNode notNil ifTrue:[
            foundBlock value:(prevNode start) value:(prevNode stop).
            ^ self
    notFoundBlock value

searchVariables:aCollectionOfVariables readers:doReaders writers:doWriters asAutoSearch:asAutoSearch

    aCollectionOfVariables size > 0 ifTrue:[
        searchAction :=
            [:direction :startLine :startCol :foundBlock :notFoundBlock|

                codeView := self codeView.
                    searchForVariable:aCollectionOfVariables direction:direction
                    startLine:(codeView cursorLine ? startLine) startCol:(codeView cursorCol ? startCol)
                    readers:doReaders writers:doWriters
                        [:charPos1 :charPos2 |

                                selectFromCharacterPosition:charPos1 to:charPos2
                    ifNotFound:(asAutoSearch ifTrue:[notFoundBlock] ifFalse:[nil])

        navigationState autoSearchAction:searchAction.
        self codeView searchAction:searchAction

showClassAspect:codeAspect forClass:aClass
    |codeView theNonMetaclass|

    codeView := self codeView.

    theNonMetaclass := aClass theNonMetaclass.
    codeAspect == #classOwnershipGraph ifTrue:[
        self showClassOwnershipGraph:theNonMetaclass.
        codeView hideCursor.
        ^ self

    codeView showCursor.
    codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
        codeView enableAllServices

    codeAspect == #classComment ifTrue:[
        self showClassComment:theNonMetaclass.
        ^ self.
    codeAspect == #classHierarchy ifTrue:[
        self showClassHierarchy:theNonMetaclass.
        ^ self.

    ((codeAspect == #primitiveDefinitions)
    or:[ (codeAspect == #primitiveFunctions)
    or:[ (codeAspect == #primitiveVariables) ]]) ifTrue:[
        self showClassPrimitive:codeAspect class:theNonMetaclass.
        ^ self.

    self codeAspect: #classDefinition.
    self setAcceptActionForClass.
    self showClassDefinition:aClass.

    |code codeView|

    self codeAspect:#classComment.
    self setAcceptActionForClassComment.
"/    self selectedMethods value:nil.
"/    self selectedProtocols value:nil.

    aClass notNil ifTrue:[
        aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
            code := 'Class is not loaded.'.
        ] ifTrue:[
            code := aClass comment.

        codeView := self codeView.
        codeView contents:code.
        codeView modified:false.
        navigationState realModifiedState:false.

    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:08:31 / cg"

    |definition highlighter info text|

    self codeAspect:SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition.
    self setAcceptActionForClass.

    aClass isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
    (aClass isClass or:[aClass isMetaclass]) ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    definition := self classDefinitionStringFor:aClass.

    "JV@2012-07-05: Some class definitions could be quite big, such as Java classes.
     Don't format the code here, do it in background instead..."
    definition size < 2500 ifTrue:[
        self doSyntaxColoring value ~~ false ifTrue:[
            highlighter := self syntaxHighlighterForClass: aClass.
            highlighter notNil ifTrue:[
                definition := highlighter formatClassDefinition:definition in: aClass.

    self showCode:definition.
    self normalLabel.

    aClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
        "/ continue fetching the documentation,
        "/ which may take longer, if the source must be fetched
        "/ from the repository.

         add documentation as a comment, if there is any
        info := self commentOrDocumentationStringFromClass:aClass.
        text := definition.
        info notNil ifTrue:[
            text := definition,(Character cr),info.
        self codeHolder setValue:text.
        self codeView notNil ifTrue:[
            self codeView setContents:text
    self updatePackageInfoForClass:aClass.

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:26:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-04-2014 / 22:36:00 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "updates the generated HTML documentation"

    |cls text|

    "/ show classes documentation
    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
        cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
            text := 'Class is not loaded.'.
        ] ifTrue:[
            text := HTMLDocGenerator htmlDocOf:cls.
        self classDocumentationHolder value:text.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self showNothing.

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 20:58:34 / cg"

    |code codeView s indent|

    self codeAspect:#classHierarchy.

    self setAcceptActionForNothing.

    aClass notNil ifTrue:[
        s := '' writeStream.
        indent := 0.
        aClass withAllSuperclasses reverseDo:[:cls |
            s spaces:indent * 2.
            s nextPutAll:cls name.
            s cr.
            indent := indent + 1.
        code := s contents.

        codeView := self codeView.
        codeView contents:code.
        codeView modified:false.
        navigationState realModifiedState:false.

    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:07:57 / cg"

    |mgr log graph first numLinesByAuthor lineInfo
     prevAuthor prevRevision codeView startTime
     indicator progress allRevisions numRevisionsDone stop|

    self codeAspect:#classOwnershipGraph.
    self setNoAcceptAction.
    (codeView := self codeView) isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
        codeView disableAllServices
    codeView list:#().

    aClass isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
    (aClass isClass or:[aClass isMetaclass]) ifFalse:[ ^ self ].
    aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[^ self].

    mgr := aClass sourceCodeManager.
            self withWaitCursorDo:[
                startTime := Timestamp now.
                progress := 0 asValue.
                self activityNotification:'Fetching version info for ownership graph'.
                log := mgr
                        fromRevision:nil toRevision:nil finishAfter:nil.

                graph := OwnershipGraph new.
                first := true.
                numRevisionsDone := 0.
                allRevisions := log at:#revisions.
                stop := false.

                allRevisions reverseDo:[:eachRevision |
                    |author date revision codeStream codeLines diffs deltaSummary nDelta|

                    author := eachRevision at:#author.
                    author isNil ifTrue:[self halt].
                    revision := eachRevision at:#revision.
                    date := Timestamp readFrom:(eachRevision at:#date).
                    stop ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
                    first ifTrue:[
                        codeStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:aClass revision:revision.
                        codeLines := codeStream contents.
                        codeStream close.

                        numLinesByAuthor := Bag new.
                        numLinesByAuthor add:author withOccurrences:codeLines size.
                        first := false.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        lineInfo isNil ifTrue:[
                            lineInfo := OrderedCollection new:(numLinesByAuthor size) withAll:prevAuthor.
                        "/ can skip the expensive diff info (and use the log's summary),
                        "/ iff the author is the same as the previous author, and he completely authored the previous version
                        ((author = prevAuthor)
                          and:[ (numLinesByAuthor occurrencesOf:author) = numLinesByAuthor size "/ prev version completely by prev author
                          and:[ (deltaSummary := eachRevision at:#numberOfChangedLines ifAbsent:nil) notEmptyOrNil
                            nDelta := deltaSummary asCollectionOfWords collect:[:w | Number readFrom:w onError:nil] as:OrderedCollection.
                            (nDelta includes:nil) not
                            nDelta := nDelta sum.
                            nDelta > 0 ifTrue:[
                                lineInfo add:author withOccurrences:nDelta
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                nDelta < 0 ifTrue:[
                                    lineInfo removeLast:nDelta negated
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            "/ ask for the diff-list and update the auther-per-line info
                            "/ self activityNotification:('diffing %1 against %2' bindWith:prevRevision with:revision).
                            diffs := mgr
                                        diffListFor:aClass fileName:nil directory:nil module:nil
                                        revision1:prevRevision revision2:revision.

                                |state delta countOld countNew linesOld linesNew|

                                delta := 0.
                                countOld := countNew := 0.
                                "/ linesOld := OrderedCollection new.
                                "/ linesNew := OrderedCollection new.
                                state := #initial.

                                diffs do:[:entry |
                                    |s nr1a nr1b op nr2a nr2b|

                                    state ~~ #initial ifTrue:[
                                        state == #changed1 ifTrue:[
                                            (entry startsWith:'<') ifTrue:[
                                                "/ linesOld add:entry.
                                                countOld := countOld - 1.
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                                                self assert:(countOld == 0).
                                                (entry startsWith:'---') ifTrue:[
                                                    state := #changed2
                                                ] ifFalse:[
                                                    self halt.
                                                    state := #initial.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            state == #changed2 ifTrue:[
                                                (entry startsWith:'>') ifTrue:[
                                                    "/ linesNew add:entry.
                                                    countNew := countNew - 1.
                                                ] ifFalse:[
                                                    self assert:(countNew == 0).
                                                    entry first isDigit ifFalse:[
                                                        self halt
                                                    state := #initial.
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                                                state == #added ifTrue:[
                                                    (entry startsWith:'>') ifTrue:[
                                                        "/ linesNew add:entry.
                                                        countNew := countNew - 1.
                                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                                        self assert:(countNew == 0).
                                                        entry first isDigit ifFalse:[
                                                            self halt
                                                        state := #initial.
                                                ] ifFalse:[
                                                    state == #deleted ifTrue:[
                                                        (entry startsWith:'<') ifTrue:[
                                                            "/ linesOld add:entry.
                                                            countOld := countOld - 1.
                                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                                            self assert:(countOld == 0).
                                                            entry first isDigit ifFalse:[
                                                                self halt
                                                            state := #initial.
                                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                                        self halt.

                                    "entry is of the form <nr> <op> <offs> [<offs2>]"
                                    state == #initial ifTrue:[
                                        self assert:(entry first isDigit).
                                        s := ReadStream on:entry.
                                        nr1a := nr1b := Integer readFrom:s.
                                        s peek == $, ifTrue:[
                                            s next.
                                            nr1b := Integer readFrom:s
                                        op := s next.
                                        nr2a := nr2b := Integer readFrom:s.
                                        s peek == $, ifTrue:[
                                            s next.
                                            nr2b := Integer readFrom:s

                                        op == $c ifTrue:[
                                            state := #changed1.
                                            countOld := (nr1b - nr1a + 1).
                                            countNew := (nr2b - nr2a + 1).
                                            lineInfo removeFromIndex:nr1a+delta toIndex:nr1a+delta+countOld-1.
                                            lineInfo addAll:(Array new:countNew withAll:author) afterIndex:nr1a+delta.
                                            delta := delta - countOld + countNew.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            (op == $a) ifTrue:[
                                                state := #added.
                                                countNew := (nr2b - nr2a + 1).
                                                lineInfo addAll:(Array new:countNew withAll:author) afterIndex:nr1a+delta.
                                                delta := delta + countNew.
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                                                op == $d ifTrue:[
                                                    state := #deleted.
                                                    countOld := (nr1b - nr1a + 1).
                                                    lineInfo removeFromIndex:nr1a+delta toIndex:nr1a+delta+countOld-1.
                                                    delta := delta - countOld.
                                                ] ifFalse:[
                                                    self halt:'unexpected diff entry'.
                            ] value.
                        numLinesByAuthor := lineInfo asBag.
                    graph addRevision:revision author:author date:date lineOwnership:numLinesByAuthor.
                    prevAuthor := author.
                    prevRevision := revision.

                    numRevisionsDone := numRevisionsDone + 1.
                    progress value:(numRevisionsDone / allRevisions size).
                    indicator isNil ifTrue:[
                        (Timestamp now secondDeltaFrom: startTime) > 10 ifTrue:[
                            indicator := ProgressIndicator
                                            title:'Fetching deltas'
                                            label:('Fetching %1 revisions takes some time...' bindWith:allRevisions size).
                            "/ indicator runs another thread
                            (indicator topView addAbortButton)
                                label:'Stop this';
                                    stop := true.
                                    self infoLabelHolder value:'One moment, please...'.
                                    indicator topView label:'Stopping...'
                graph generateFormFor:codeView.
                codeView list:(Array with:graph).
        ] ensure:[
            self activityNotification:nil.
            indicator notNil ifTrue:[ indicator topView close ].
    ] ifCurtailed:[
        self showClassDefinition:aClass.
        indicator := nil.

showClassPrimitive:aspect class:aClass
    |primCode codeView|

    self codeAspect:aspect.

    aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
        primCode := 'Class is not loaded'.
        self setAcceptActionForNothing.
    ] ifTrue:[
        aspect == #primitiveDefinitions ifTrue:[
            primCode := aClass primitiveDefinitionsStringOrDefault.
        ] ifFalse:[
            aspect == #primitiveFunctions ifTrue:[
                primCode := aClass primitiveFunctionsStringOrDefault.
            ] ifFalse:[
                aspect == #primitiveVariables ifTrue:[
                    primCode := aClass primitiveVariablesStringOrDefault.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self error:'unknown primitive aspect'.
        self setAcceptAction:[:theCode | self doAcceptClassPrimitive:theCode].

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView contents:primCode.
    codeView modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

    self showClassPrimitive:#primitiveDefinitions class:aClass

    self showClassPrimitive:#primitiveVariables class:aClass

showClassVarInfoFor:var in:aClass value:val
    |text valText lines|

    text := '%1 (%2) : %3'.
    val isNumber ifTrue:[
        text := '%1 (%2) : %3 (%4)'.
        valText := val printString.
    ] ifFalse:[
        val isLiteral ifTrue:[
            text := '%1 (%2) : %4'.
            lines := val storeString asCollectionOfLines.
            valText := lines first contractTo:30.
            valText := valText copy.
            valText replaceAllForWhich:[:ch | ch isControlCharacter] with:$?.
            lines size > 1 ifTrue:[
                valText := valText , '...'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            val isCollection ifTrue:[
                text := '%1 (%2) : %3 (%4)'.
                valText := val isEmpty
                            ifFalse:['size: ' , val size printString].
            ] ifFalse:[
                val isBehavior ifTrue:[
                    (val isSubclassOf:Error) ifTrue:[
                        text := '%1 (%2) : %4 (an Error subclass)'.
                        valText := val name.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        (val isSubclassOf:Exception) ifTrue:[
                            text := '%1 (%2) : %4 (an Exception subclass)'.
                            valText := val name.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            text := '%1 (%2) : %4'.
                            valText := val name.
    text := text
                bindWith:var allBold
                with:(aClass name)
                with:(val class nameWithArticle)
    self showInfo:text.


    "/Do not scroll to the top if the code is already displayed!!"
    self showCode:aString scrollToTop:(self codeView contents string ~= aString)

    "Modified: / 01-03-2000 / 11:38:33 / cg"
    "Modified: / 10-09-2013 / 01:33:04 / Jan Vrany <>"

showCode:codeString scrollToTop:doScrollToTop
    |codeView code shownCode prevCode|

    code := codeString.

    (codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
        codeView numberOfLines < 1000 ifTrue:[
            shownCode := codeView contents.
        prevCode := (shownCode ? '') asString.
        (codeView modified
        or:[ prevCode isNil
        or:[ code isNil
        or:[ (prevCode asText sameStringAndEmphasisAs:(code ? '') asString asText) not
        or:[(prevCode withTabsExpanded sameStringAndEmphasisAs: code withTabsExpanded) not]]]]) ifTrue:[
            code = self codeHolder value ifTrue:[
                "/ a reselect without accepting before ...
                "/ sigh - must use setValue, and enforce a change
                "/ (workaround for proceed after changed text-warning)
                self codeHolder setValue:code.
                "/ code = shownCode ifFalse:[
                    codeView setContents:code.
                "/ ]
            ] ifFalse:[
                self codeHolder value:code.
            doScrollToTop ifTrue:[
                codeView cursorHome.
    ] ifFalse:[
        code = self codeHolder value ifTrue:[
            "/ a reselect without accepting before ...
            "/ sigh - must use setValue, and enforce a change
            "/ (workaround for proceed after changed text-warning)
            self codeHolder setValue:code.
"/            codeView setContents:aString.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self codeHolder value:code.

    "Created: / 01-03-2000 / 11:38:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-08-2011 / 23:23:04 / Jan Vrany <>"


    aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
        self showClassDefinition:aClass.
        ^ self.
    definition := aClass source.
    self showCode:definition.
    self codeAspect:SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition.
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:26:15 / cg"


    "/ show full classes source - set accept action for fileIn
    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
        self setAcceptActionForClass.
        self showFullClassDefinition:cls.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self showNothing.

    navigationState modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 20:58:37 / cg"

    self showMethodsCode:mthd scrollToTop:true

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:39:14 / cg"

showMethodsCode:mthd scrollToTop:doScrollToTop
    |code codeView doAutoFormat doSyntaxColoring doUpdateCode prevMthd doShowFullClassSource |

    doAutoFormat := self doAutoFormat value and:[RBFormatter notNil and:[mthd programmingLanguage isSmalltalk]].
    doShowFullClassSource := self navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser
                                or:[mthd isJavaMethod and:[JavaMethod showFullSource]].
    doUpdateCode := true.
    codeView := self codeView.
    self assert:codeView notNil.

    code := self sourceOfMethod:mthd.

    "if there are no sources, there is a hint to the user.
     consisting only of a comment (see #sourceOfMethod) which cannot be parsed as a method"
    (code isText or:[code firstOrNil = $"]) ifTrue:[
        "/ Already done or not eligible to be formatted...
        doSyntaxColoring := false.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/Do no coloring here if CodeView2 is used,
        "/since CodeView2 itself cares about the coloring!!
        "/Not working correctly -> do the coloring until fixed in CodeView2
        "/JV: Then make a bug report because otherwise it won't be
        "/    ever fixed.
        "(UserPreferences current useCodeView2In: #Browser)"false ifTrue:[
            doSyntaxColoring := code size < 2000
        ] ifFalse:[
            doSyntaxColoring := self doSyntaxColoring value == true.

    doAutoFormat ifTrue:[
        Error catch:[
            code := RBFormatter format:code

    doShowFullClassSource ifTrue:[
        "As whole class source code is shown,
         there is no need to set codeview's content if previous method
         belonged to the same class. Code is already shown, we need only
         to scrool to it..."
        " implement it in a better, more generic way?"
        mthd isSynthetic not ifTrue:[
            prevMthd := navigationState lastMethodShownInCodeView.
            prevMthd notNil ifTrue:[
                doUpdateCode :=
                    prevMthd isSynthetic
                        or:[mthd mclass ~~ prevMthd mclass "/ method is for different class, have to update code
                        or:[mthd class ~~ prevMthd class   "/ method is for different kind, be safe and update code
                        or:[codeView contents ~= code]]]

            ] ifFalse:[
                "/ If the class definition is shown for the very same class,
                "/ do not update the code
                | c |

                doUpdateCode :=
                    mthd isJavaMethod
                        and:[(c := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil and:[c theNonMetaclass == mthd mclass]]
    doUpdateCode ifTrue:[
        doSyntaxColoring ifTrue:[
            "/ immediate coloring, if code is not too large;
            "/ otherwise, do it in the background.
            code size < 2000 " 10000 " ifTrue:[
                Error handle:[:ex |
                    Transcript showCR:'error in syntaxHighlighter: ',ex description.
                ] do:[
                    code := self syntaxHighlightedCodeFor:code method:mthd.
            ] ifFalse:[
                self enqueueDelayedStartSyntaxHighlightProcess.

                codeView modifiedChannel removeDependent:self.
                codeView modified:false.
                self showCode:code scrollToTop:doScrollToTop.
            ] ensure:[
                codeView modifiedChannel addDependent:self.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self showCode:code scrollToTop:doScrollToTop.
    navigationState lastMethodShownInCodeView: mthd.

    "/ scroll, for file-based classes (java, ruby, etc.)
    doShowFullClassSource ifTrue:[
        mthd sourceLineNumber ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            doScrollToTop ifTrue:[ "/ifFalse:[
                codeView scrollToLine:mthd sourceLineNumber
    self codeAspect:(code ifNil:[nil] ifNotNil:[SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod]).
    self normalLabel.
    self updatePackageInfoForMethod:mthd.

    "Created: / 01-03-2000 / 11:38:57 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:18:18 / cg"
    "Modified: / 11-03-2014 / 11:25:51 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self setAcceptActionForNothing.
    self showCode:nil.
    self codeAspect:nil.
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 20:58:30 / cg"

    |ownerClass cls diffApp info mgr sourceInfo packageDir moduleDir classFileName|

    diffApp := self navigationState versionDiffApplication.

    "/ show version differences against repository
    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
        cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
        (ownerClass := cls topOwningClass) isNil ifTrue:[ownerClass := cls].
        mgr := SourceCodeManagerUtilities sourceCodeManagerFor:ownerClass.

        info := 'Package: ' , ownerClass package.

"/        (mgr checkForExistingContainerForClass:ownerClass) ifFalse:[
"/            info := info , ' not in repository (?)'
"/        ] ifTrue:[
            info := info , ' Version: ' , (ownerClass revision ? 'no-version').
            info := info , ' Repository: ' , (ownerClass sourceCodeManager newestRevisionOf:ownerClass).

            info := info , ' Location: '.
            sourceInfo := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:ownerClass.
            sourceInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                moduleDir := mgr moduleFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.
                packageDir := mgr directoryFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.
                classFileName := mgr containerFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.

                info := info , ' ' , (moduleDir ? '???').
                info := info , '/' , (packageDir ? '???').
                info := info , '/' , (classFileName ? '???').
"/         ].
    ] ifFalse:[
        info := 'Please select a single class to see the diffs.'

    diffApp setupForClass:cls againstVersion:nil. "/ #newest
    self classesProjectInfoHolder value:info.
    self setAcceptActionForNothing.
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 12-06-2012 / 14:27:47 / cg"

    |nonMetaclass sourceCodeManager|

    nonMetaclass := aClass theNonMetaclass.
    nonMetaclass isLoaded ifFalse:[
        ^ nil

    "/ hack:
    "/ to prevent JAVA-bridge to forward those messages, we check for the presence first,
    "/ instead of using perform:ifNotUnderstood:

    (nonMetaclass respondsTo:#sourceCodeManagerForSourceAccess) ifTrue:[
        sourceCodeManager := nonMetaclass sourceCodeManagerForSourceAccess.
        sourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[ ^ sourceCodeManager].
    (nonMetaclass respondsTo:#sourceCodeManagerFromBinaryRevision) ifTrue:[
        sourceCodeManager := nonMetaclass sourceCodeManagerFromBinaryRevision.
        sourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[ ^ sourceCodeManager].
    (nonMetaclass respondsTo:#sourceCodeManager) ifTrue:[
        sourceCodeManager := nonMetaclass sourceCodeManager
    ^ sourceCodeManager

    "Modified: / 03-12-2011 / 21:48:44 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 15-01-2012 / 00:15:05 / cg"


    code := mthd source.
    code notNil ifTrue:[ ^ code].

    "/ wrong: even if there is no source, we
    "/ should be able to type in something and accept
    "/ self setNoAcceptAction.

    (mthd sourcePosition isNil
    or:[mthd getSource isNil]) ifTrue:[
        ^ '"
Sorry, but the methods sourceCode is not available.

Probably, the methods sourceCode-info was stripped from the system.

    ^ '"
Sorry, but the methods sourceCode is not available or corrupted.

Please check the setting of your packagePath, which contains a collection of pathNames.
The system searches those directories for a package-subdirectories,
which should either contain the classes source file.
Also, check if that directory and/or sourceFile grants read access.
The packagePath can be accessed via
    Smalltalk packagePath

To fix this (in the running system), evaluate:
    Smalltalk packagePath addFirst:''<<pathOfDirContainingPackageDir>>''.
    Smalltalk flushPathCaches.

You may also want to add those statements to the end of your ''private.rc''
file - so you will not get this error again and again.

Also, check if you have the sourceCodeManagement (CVS) enabled,
and (if so) configured correctly.

If all of the above fail, and you know the path of the source file,
you can workaround the problem, by adding a symbolic link to that sourcefile
in the ''source'' directory.

updatePackageInfoBarIfSourceCodeManagersDoesNotMatchForClass: aClass
    "Show a warning in package info bar if configured source code manager
     does not match the source code manager for source access"

    | cls cnfManager srcManager color showInfoButton |

    navigationState packageInfoButton isNil ifTrue:[
        "JV@2011-10-03: When a browser is embedded in the inspector,
         this method is called before the view is set. As a workaround,
         return here"

    color := Label defaultBackgroundColor.
    showInfoButton := false.

    (aClass notNil and:[aClass isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
         cls := aClass.
        [ cls isPrivate ] whileTrue:[cls := cls owningClass].
        "For libbasic without #sourceCodeManagerFromBinaryRevision..."
        (cls respondsTo: #sourceCodeManagerFromBinaryRevision) ifTrue:[
            cnfManager := cls sourceCodeManager.
            srcManager := cls sourceCodeManagerFromBinaryRevision.

            cnfManager ~~ srcManager ifTrue:[
                         "Color yellow lighter"
                color := (Color red:100.0 green:100.0 blue:54.5464255741207).
                showInfoButton := true.
                navigationState packageInfoButton action:
                        informUserAboutPackage: cls package
                        configuredManager: cnfManager
                        sourceManager: srcManager


    navigationState packageInfoButton isVisible: showInfoButton.
    navigationState packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder value: color.

    "Created: / 03-10-2011 / 13:54:14 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |cls packageLabel loadInfo revisionInfo sourceCodeManager sourceCodeManagerName revision lastUser|

    (aClass notNil and:[aClass isClass or:[aClass isMetaclass]]) ifTrue:[
        "/ packageLabel := 'Base: ' , (aClass package ? '?').

        cls := aClass theNonMetaclass.
        packageLabel := (aClass package ? '?') allBold.

        aClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
            sourceCodeManager := self sourceCodeManagerOfClass:aClass.

            sourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
                sourceCodeManagerName := sourceCodeManager managerTypeNameShort , ' '.
                revisionInfo := cls revisionInfoOfManager:sourceCodeManager.
            ] ifFalse:[
                sourceCodeManagerName := ''.
                revisionInfo := cls revisionInfo.

            (revisionInfo notNil and:[(revision := revisionInfo symbolicVersionName "revision") notNil]) ifTrue:[
                lastUser := ' ',(revisionInfo user ? '').
            ] ifFalse:[
                revision := cls revision.
                lastUser := ''.
            loadInfo := ' [%1%2%3]' bindWith: sourceCodeManagerName with:(revision ? 'no revision') with:lastUser.
            aClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
                loadInfo := loadInfo , ' {Auto}'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            loadInfo := ' {Unloaded}'.
        packageLabel := packageLabel , loadInfo.
        "/ packageLabel := packageLabel,' (Base)'.

    self updatePackageInfoBarIfSourceCodeManagersDoesNotMatchForClass: cls.
    navigationState packageLabelHolder value:packageLabel.

    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 09:34:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 22-11-2011 / 16:19:18 / cg"

    "update the info-label to show the selected method's version info"

    |mpkg info info2 mClass revision sourceCodeManager sourceCodeManagerInfo prjDef scmInfo extensionOrNot|

    aMethod isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self updatePackageInfoForClass:self theSingleSelectedClass.

    mClass := aMethod mclass.
    mClass isNil ifTrue:[
        info := 'Unassigned'
    ] ifFalse:[
        mpkg := aMethod package.
        info := mpkg allBold.
        extensionOrNot := ''.

        (mpkg ~= mClass package) ifTrue:[
            mpkg = PackageId noProjectID ifTrue:[
                info2 := ' (Unassigned)'
            ] ifFalse:[
                extensionOrNot := ' Extension'.
                prjDef := ProjectDefinition definitionClassForPackage: mpkg.
                prjDef notNil ifTrue:[
                    sourceCodeManager := self sourceCodeManagerOfClass:prjDef.
                    scmInfo := prjDef extensionsRevisionInfoForManager:sourceCodeManager.
                    scmInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                        revision := scmInfo revision.
        ] ifFalse:[
            sourceCodeManager := self sourceCodeManagerOfClass:mClass theNonMetaclass.
            revision := mClass theNonMetaclass revision printString.

        sourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
            sourceCodeManagerInfo := sourceCodeManager managerTypeNameShort , ' '
        ] ifFalse:[
            sourceCodeManagerInfo := ''.

        revision notNil ifTrue:[
            info2 := ' ['.
            (ChangeSet current includesChangeForClass:mClass selector:aMethod selector) ifTrue:[
                info2 := info2,'derived from '
            info2 := info2,sourceCodeManagerInfo,revision,extensionOrNot,']'.
        info2 notNil ifTrue:[info := info,info2].

    mClass notNil ifTrue:[
        self updatePackageInfoBarIfSourceCodeManagersDoesNotMatchForClass: mClass theNonMetaclass.
    navigationState packageLabelHolder value:info

    "Modified (format): / 25-11-2011 / 14:48:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2014 / 17:55:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-dialogs'!

askForDirectoryToFileOut:title default:defaultDirOrNil
    |dirName dir|

    dir := defaultDirOrNil.
    dir isNil ifTrue:[
        dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
        dir isNil ifTrue:[
             this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
            Project notNil ifTrue:[
                dir := Project currentProjectDirectory

    dirName := Dialog
        ok:(resources string:'FileOut')
        abort:(resources string:'Cancel').

    dirName isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
    FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:dirName.
    ^ dirName.

"/    fileBox := FileSelectionBox
"/                    title:title
"/                    okText:(resources string:'FileOut')
"/                    abortText:(resources string:'Cancel')
"/                    action:[:fileName |dirName := fileName.].
"/    dir notNil ifTrue:[
"/        fileBox directory:dir.
"/    ].
"/    fileBox selectingDirectory:true.
"/    fileBox open.
"/    fileBox destroy.
"/    fileBox := nil.
"/    dirName notNil ifTrue:[
"/        FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:dirName.
"/    ].
"/    ^ dirName

    "Modified: / 23-08-2006 / 12:32:31 / cg"

askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:label searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock searchArea:whereDefault
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox for method browsing without text-entry.
     SearchArea may be one of

    ^ self

askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:label searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock searchArea:whereDefault allowFind:allowFind allowBuffer:allowBuffer allowBrowser:allowBrowser
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox for method browsing without text-entry.
     SearchArea may be one of

    ^ self
        searchWith:[:dummyString :classes :dummyCaseIgnore :dummyMatch |
            aSelectorOrBlock value:classes

askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:labelHolderOrBlock searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock searchWhat:searchWhat searchArea:whereDefault withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore setSearchPattern:setSearchPatternAction
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
     SearchArea may be one of

    ^ self

askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:labelHolderOrBlock searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock searchWhat:searchWhat searchArea:whereDefault
    withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore withTextEntry:withTextEntry withMatch:withMatch withMethodList:withMethodList setSearchPattern:setSearchPatternAction

    "convenient common helper method for searches:
     setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
     SearchArea may be one of

     aSelectorOrBlock is either a search selector (to be sent to SystemBrowser, such as findMethods:...)
     or a block, or a pair containing class- and methodlist search selectors.

     searchWhat is a symbol such as #selector, #code etc.


    dialog := SearchDialog new
        allowFind:(self navigationState isMethodBrowser)

        dialog askThenDo:[
            |classes string ignoreCase openHow match methods isMethod searchAction

            "/ some searches are very slow, and we do not want to research automatically
            "/ (on change done in another browser).
            keepResultList := (searchWhat == #string).
            classes := dialog classesToSearch.
            string := dialog selectorToSearch.
            ignoreCase := dialog searchIgnoringCase.
            openHow := dialog openHow.
            match := dialog searchWithMatch.
            methods := dialog methodsToSearch.
            isMethod := dialog matchMethods.

            self withSearchCursorDo:[
                |initialList list newBrowser numFound label
                 selector entities arguments numArgs answer
                 alternativeSelector question altArguments t|

                aSelectorOrBlock isArray ifTrue:[
                    classes notNil ifTrue:[
                        selector := aSelectorOrBlock first.
                        entities := classes.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        selector := aSelectorOrBlock second.
                        entities := methods.
                    numArgs := selector numArgs.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    entities := classes.
                    aSelectorOrBlock isSymbol ifTrue:[
                        selector := aSelectorOrBlock.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        selector := nil
                    numArgs := aSelectorOrBlock numArgs.
                (selector notNil
                and:[ (selector numArgs == 1)
                and:[ (selector endsWith:'In:') or:[ selector endsWith:'inMethods:' ]]]) ifTrue:[
                    arguments := Array with:entities
                ] ifFalse:[
                    arguments := (Array
                                        with:((selector notNil and:[selector endsWith:'isMethod:']) ifTrue:[isMethod] ifFalse:[ignoreCase])
                                  ) copyTo:numArgs.

                searchAction :=
                        |result moreResults extensionMethods arguments2|

                        ProgressNotification handle:[:ex |
                            self infoLabelHolder value:('Searching... (%1%% done)%2' 
                                                                bindWith:(ex progressValue truncated)
                                                                with:(UserPreferences current keepMethodSourceCode
                                                                        ifFalse:[ ' - tune this by enabling method source cache in the SCM settings dialog']
                            ex proceed.
                        ] do:[
                            selector notNil ifTrue:[
                                result := self class perform:selector withArguments:arguments.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                result := aSelectorOrBlock valueWithArguments:arguments
                            "/ sorry for this special case: when searching in a package,
                            "/ also search extensionMethods
                            dialog searchAreaSelected == #currentPackage ifTrue:[
                                aSelectorOrBlock isArray ifTrue:[
                                    "/ findSendersOf:inMethods:ignoreCase:match:
                                    extensionMethods := environment allExtensionsForPackage:(dialog currentPackage).
                                    arguments2 := arguments copy.
                                    arguments2 at:2 put:extensionMethods.
                                    moreResults := self class perform:(aSelectorOrBlock at:2) withArguments:arguments2.
                                    result := result , moreResults.
                            dialog metaclassesOnly ifTrue:[
                                result := result select:[:m | m mclass isMeta]
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                dialog classesOnly ifTrue:[
                                    result := result reject:[:m | m mclass isMeta]
                        self infoLabelHolder value:nil.

                t := TimeDuration toRun:
                        false "classes size > 1" ifTrue:[
                                    initialList := searchAction value.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            initialList := searchAction value.

                label := labelHolderOrBlock value string.

                numFound := initialList size.
                numFound == 0 ifTrue:[
                    question := resources stringWithCRs:label with:((string ? '') allBold colorizeAllWith:Color red darkened).
                    question := question , (resources string:' - none found.').

                    ((selector == #findImplementors:in:ignoreCase:match:)
                    and:[ (arguments first numArgs == 0)
                            string := (arguments at:1) asMutator.
                            altArguments := arguments copy.
                            altArguments at:1 put:string.
                            initialList := self class perform:selector withArguments:altArguments.
                            numFound := initialList size.
                            numFound ~~ 0
                    ]]) ifTrue:[
                        question := question,(resources stringWithCRs:'\\But there are %1 implementations of %2 (with colon).\Browse those ?' with:numFound with:(altArguments first)).
                        answer := Dialog
                            labels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Search Again' 'Yes'))

                        answer isNil ifTrue:[
                            ^ self
                        answer ifFalse:[
                            restart value.
                        arguments := altArguments.

                    ] ifFalse:[
                        answer := Dialog
                            yesLabel:(resources string:'Search Again')
                            noLabel:(resources string:'Cancel').
                        answer ifFalse:[
                            ^ self
                        restart value.

                (initialList asSet = self selectedMethodsValue asSet)
                "/ (numFound == 1 and:[initialList first == self theSingleSelectedMethod])
                    answer := Dialog
                        confirmWithCancel:((resources stringWithCRs:label with:(string ? 'messages') allBold)
                                           , '.\\' withCRs
                                           , (resources stringWithCRs:'Only the selected method(s) found.\Browse anyway ?'))
                        labels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Search Again' 'Yes' ))
                        values:#(nil #again true)

                    answer == nil ifTrue:[
                        ^ self
                    answer == #again ifTrue:[
                        restart value.

                newBrowser := self
                                        initialList notNil ifTrue:[
                                            list := initialList.
                                            keepResultList ifFalse:[ initialList := nil ].
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            list := searchAction value
                                label:(resources string:label string with:string).

                setSearchPatternAction notNil ifTrue:[
                    setSearchPatternAction value:newBrowser value:string value:((selector notNil and:[selector endsWith:'isMethod:']) ifTrue:[isMethod] ifFalse:[ignoreCase]) value:match.
                t > 5 seconds ifTrue:[
                    newBrowser methodListApp autoUpdateOnChange: false.
                ^ newBrowser.
    ] valueWithRestart.

    "Modified: / 20-08-2012 / 13:26:06 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:39:03 / Jan Vrany <>"

askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:labelHolderOrBlock searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock searchWhat:searchWhat searchArea:whereDefault
    withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore withTextEntry:withTextEntry withMethodList:withMethodList setSearchPattern:setSearchPatternAction
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
     SearchArea may be one of


askForMethodCategory:question title:boxTitle okLabel:okLabel list:someCategories initialAnswer:initialText
    "convenient helper method: setup a box asking for a method category"

    ^ self

askForMethodCategory:question title:boxTitle okLabel:okLabel list:someCategories recentList:recentListOrNil initialAnswer:initialText
    "convenient helper method: setup a box asking for a method category"

    |box listView retVal shownCategories allMethodCategories|

    box := self
    box label:boxTitle.

    listView := box listView.

    recentListOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        box useComboBoxWithList:recentListOrNil.
    shownCategories := someCategories.
    box initialText:initialText.
    box action:[:aString | aString notEmpty ifTrue:[retVal := aString] ].
    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
        |s what best idx|

        s := contents withoutLeadingSeparators.
        what := self navigationState environment methodProtocolCompletion:s.
        best := what first.
        box contents:best.
        idx := shownCategories findFirst:[:l | l startsWith:best].
        idx == 0 ifTrue:[
            allMethodCategories isNil ifTrue:[
                allMethodCategories := environment allMethodCategories asArray sort.
            box list:allMethodCategories.
            shownCategories := allMethodCategories.
            idx := shownCategories findFirst:[:l | l startsWith:best].
        idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            listView scrollToLine:idx.
        (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
            self builder window beep
    box enterField
            listView windowGroup focusView:listView byTab:true.
            listView hasSelection ifFalse:[
                listView selectFirst
            ] ifTrue:[
                listView selectNext

    box open.
    ^ retVal

    "Created: / 29.2.2000 / 10:53:09 / cg"

askForMethodCategoryForAcceptInClass:cls selector:selectorOrNil
    "convenient helper method: setup a box asking for a method category"

    |methodCategoryListApp meta someCategories initial inheritedMethod|

    methodCategoryListApp := navigationState methodCategoryListApplication.

    someCategories := Set new.

    meta := cls isMeta.
    "/ do not include above Class if meta.
    cls theNonMetaclass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:eachNonMetaClass |

        eachClass := eachNonMetaClass.
        meta ifTrue:[eachClass := eachNonMetaClass theMetaclass].

        someCategories addAll:eachClass categories.
        methodCategoryListApp notNil ifTrue:[
            someCategories addAll:(methodCategoryListApp additionalProtocolForClass:eachClass).
    someCategories := someCategories asOrderedCollection sort.

    "/ look for inherited; default to that category
    selectorOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        inheritedMethod := cls lookupMethodFor:selectorOrNil.
        inheritedMethod notNil ifTrue:[
            initial := inheritedMethod category
    initial isNil ifTrue:[
        lastMethodCategory isNil ifTrue:[
            initial := Compiler defaultMethodCategory "/ 'new methods' '* As yet uncategorized *'
        ] ifFalse:[
            initial := lastMethodCategory

    ^ self
        askForMethodCategory:'Accept in which method category ?'
        title:'Methods Category'

    "Created: / 29.2.2000 / 10:50:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29.2.2000 / 10:54:26 / cg"

askForNameSpace:title title:boxTitle initialText:initialTextOrNil
    "Ask for the new namespaces name"

    ^ Dialog

    "Modified: / 11-02-2011 / 11:26:25 / cg"

    "helper for move-class-to-project and move-method-to-ptoject;
     Ask for the new project (package-id)"

    ^ self askForProject:title initialText:(LastProjectMoves ? #('')) first


askForProject:title initialText:initialTextOrNil
    "helper for move-class-to-project and move-method-to-ptoject;
     Ask for the new project (package-id)"

    ^ self askForProject:title initialText:initialTextOrNil moreSuggestions:#()

    "Modified: / 11-08-2006 / 13:31:45 / cg"

askForProject:title initialText:initialTextOrNil moreSuggestions:moreSuggestions
    "helper for move-class-to-project and move-method-to-ptoject;
     Ask for the new project (package-id)"

    |offered already allProjects classesProjects selectedClasses selectedMethods|

    allProjects := environment allProjectIDs.

    selectedClasses := self selectedClassesValue.
    selectedClasses notNil ifTrue:[
        classesProjects := selectedClasses
                            collectAll:[:cls |
                                cls methodDictionary values
                                    collect:[:m | m package] as:Set].
    ] ifFalse:[
        selectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue.
        selectedMethods notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            classesProjects := selectedMethods
                                collectAll:[:mthd |
                                    mthd mclass methodDictionary values
                                        collect:[:m | m package ] as:Set].
        ] ifFalse:[
            classesProjects := #()
    classesProjects remove:(PackageId noProjectID) ifAbsent:nil.
    classesProjects removeAllFoundIn:(moreSuggestions ? #()).
    classesProjects removeAllFoundIn:(LastProjectMoves ? #()).
    classesProjects := classesProjects asOrderedCollection sort.

    offered := OrderedCollection new.
    already := Set new.
    (moreSuggestions ? #()) do:[:p |
        (already includes:p) ifFalse:[ offered add:p]
    (LastProjectMoves ? #()) do:[:p |
        (already includes:p) ifFalse:[ offered add:p]
    classesProjects do:[:p |
        (already includes:p) ifFalse:[ offered add:p]
    ^ Dialog
        requestProject:((resources ? self class classResources) string:title)

    "Created: / 11-08-2006 / 13:31:34 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:05 / cg"

askForSelector:title allowBuffer:allowBuffer allowBrowser:allowBrowser thenDo:aBlock
    "helper for find-implementation;
     Ask for the selector "

    |methods selectors selector firstMethod firstSelector
     box b openHow prevButton searchClass listInBox|

    openHow := nil.

    selectors := Set new.
    methods := self selectedMethodsValue.
    methods notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        firstMethod := methods first.
        firstSelector := firstMethod selector.
    searchClass := self theSingleSelectedClass ? self classHierarchyTopClass value.
    searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
        self theSingleSelectedMethod notNil ifTrue:[
            searchClass := self theSingleSelectedMethod mclass
    searchClass notNil ifTrue:[
        searchClass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls |
            selectors addAll:(cls methodDictionary keys copy)
    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.
    listInBox := selectors
                    collect:[:eachSel | eachSel , (' [ ' , (searchClass whichClassIncludesSelector:eachSel) name , ' ]')].
"/    UserPreferences current avoidSlowDrawingOperationsUnderWindows ifFalse:[
"/        listInBox := listInBox collect:[:eachEntry | eachEntry allItalic].
"/    ].

    box := ListSelectionBox new.
    box title:(resources string:title).
    box list:listInBox.
    box okAction:[:sel | selector := (sel upTo:$[ ) withoutSeparators asSymbol].

"/    selector := self codeView selection.
"/    selector notNil ifTrue:[
"/        selector := selector asString string
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        selector := firstSelector.
"/    ].
    selector := self selectorToSearchFor.
    selector isNil ifTrue:[
        selector := firstSelector
    box initialText:selector.
    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
        |s what longest matching|

        box topView withWaitCursorDo:[
            s := contents withoutSpaces.
            what := DoWhatIMeanSupport selectorCompletion:s inEnvironment:environment .
            longest := what first.
            matching := what last.
            box list:matching.
            box contents:longest.
            matching size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
                self window beep

    box okText:(resources string:'Find').
    allowBuffer ifTrue:[
        b := Button label:(resources string:'Add Buffer').
        box addButton:b.
        b action:[
           openHow := #newBuffer.
           box doAccept.
           box okPressed.
        prevButton := b.

    allowBrowser ifTrue:[
        b := Button label:(resources string:'Browse').
        box addButton:b.
        b action:[
           openHow := #newBrowser.
           box doAccept.
           box okPressed.
        prevButton := b.
    "/ prevButton notNil ifTrue:[prevButton isReturnButton:true].

    selector := nil.
    box width:380.
    box showAtPointer.

    selector notNil ifTrue:[
        aBlock value:selector asSymbol value:openHow
    ^ selector

    "Modified (comment): / 29-08-2013 / 12:16:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:40:39 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
     otherwise, return true"

    ^ self askIfModified:'Modifications have not been saved - please accept first.\\(or continue to forget those modifications)'

    "if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
     otherwise, return true"

    ^ self askIfModified:question default:false

askIfModified:question default:default
    "if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
     otherwise, return true"

    ^ self
        withAccept:(self canAcceptCode)
        withCompare:(self canCompareCode)

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 10:52:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 11.2.2000 / 12:37:34 / cg"

askIfModified:question default:default in:aNavigationState
    "if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
     otherwise, return true"

    ^ self
        withAccept:(self canAcceptCode)
        withCompare:(self canCompareCode)

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 10:52:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 11.2.2000 / 12:37:34 / cg"

askIfModified:question default:default withAccept:acceptOffered withCompare:compareOffered
    "if codeView was not modified, return true.
     If it was, return the answer from asking question, which can be
        true     - go on
        false    - cancel
        #compare - open a diff-viewer on the code vs. its original
        #accept  - accept, then proceed
     If compareOffered is true, offer the compare option.
     If acceptOffered is true, offer the accept option.
     Used to confirm selectionChange, closing or buffer removal when code
     was modified.
     question is the message to ask, or nil for a standard message."

    ^ self


askIfModified:question default:default withAccept:acceptOffered withCompare:compareOffered in:aNavigationState
    "if codeView was not modified, return true.
     If it was, return the answer from asking question, which can be
        true     - go on
        false    - cancel
     If compareOffered is true, offer the compare option.
     If acceptOffered is true, offer the accept option.
     Used to confirm selectionChange, closing or buffer removal when code was modified.
     Question is the message to ask, or nil for a standard message."

    |answer labels values msg textModified specialEditorModified|

    self codeView isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ if in documentation browser ...
        ^ true

    specialEditorModified := self anySpecialEditorModified.
    "/ compare - in case its not really modified
    textModified := navigationState modified and:[ self reallyModified:aNavigationState ].

    (specialEditorModified not
    and:[ textModified not ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ true

    (compareOffered and:[ specialEditorModified not ]) ifTrue:[
        acceptOffered ifTrue:[
            labels := #('Cancel' 'Compare' 'Accept' 'Continue').
            values := #(false #compare #accept true).
        ] ifFalse:[
            labels := #('Cancel' 'Compare' 'Continue').
            values := #(false #compare true).
    ] ifFalse:[
        acceptOffered ifTrue:[
            labels := #('Cancel' 'Accept' 'Continue').
            values := #(false #accept true).
        ] ifFalse:[
            labels := #('Cancel' 'Continue').
            values := #(false true).

    msg := question ? 'Modifications have not been saved.\\Your changes will be lost when continuing.'.
    answer := OptionBox
                  request:(resources string:msg) withCRs
                  label:(resources string:'Attention')
                  image:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
                  buttonLabels:(resources array:labels)

    answer == #accept ifTrue:[
"/ self halt.
        specialEditorModified ifTrue:[
            self doSaveInSpecialEditors
        ] ifFalse:[
            self doAcceptCodeIn:aNavigationState.
        ^ true
    answer == #compare ifTrue:[
        self doCompareIn:aNavigationState.
        ^ false.
    answer ifTrue:[
        navigationState modified:false.
    ^ answer

    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 00:02:29 / cg"

askIfModified:question in:aNavigationState
    "if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
     otherwise, return true"

    ^ self askIfModified:question default:false in:aNavigationState

enterBoxForClassWithCodeSelectionTitle:title withList:listOrNil okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup an enterBox with initial text taken
     from the codeviews selection."

    ^ self class

enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup enterBox with text from codeview"

    ^ self
        enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title withList:nil okText:okText

enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title withList:listOrNil okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup enterBox with text from codeview"

    |sel box initialText|

    box := self
                enterBoxTitle:(resources string:title)
                okText:(resources string:okText).

    sel := self codeView selection.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
        initialText := sel asString string withoutSeparators
    initialText notNil ifTrue:[
        box initialText:initialText
    ^ box

    ^ self enterBoxForVariableSearch:title list:nil

    "Modified: / 29-05-2012 / 11:59:35 / cg"

enterBoxForVariableSearch:title list:listOrNil
    |box sel selectedVariables|

    box := self enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title withList:listOrNil okText:'Add Buffer'.

    self codeView hasSelection ifTrue:[
        sel := self selectionInCodeView.
        sel size > 0 ifTrue:[
            sel := sel withoutSeparators.
            sel asCollectionOfWords size == 1 ifFalse:[
                sel := nil
    sel size == 0 ifTrue:[
        selectedVariables := self variableFilter value.
        selectedVariables size > 0 ifTrue:[
            box initialText:(selectedVariables asStringCollection asStringWith:Character space)

    ^ box

    "Created: / 29-05-2012 / 11:59:21 / cg"

enterBoxTitle:title okText:okText label:label
    "convenient method: setup enterBox (especially do the resource stuff)"

    ^ self class enterBoxTitle:title okText:okText label:label

enterBoxTitle:title withList:aListOrNil okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup enterBox"

    ^ self class
        enterBoxTitle:title withList:aListOrNil okText:okText

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 20:53:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:15:09 / cg"

listBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title isSelector:isSelector okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup a listBox with text from codeview"

    |sel box|

    box := self listBoxTitle:title okText:okText list:nil.
    sel := self codeView selection.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
        sel := sel asString string withoutSeparators.
        isSelector ifTrue:[
            sel knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
                sel := SystemBrowser extractSelectorFrom:sel
        box initialText:sel
    ^ box

listBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup a listBox with text from codeview"

    ^ self listBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title isSelector:false okText:okText

listBoxTitle:title okText:okText list:aList
    "convenient method: setup a listBox & return it"

    ^ self class listBoxTitle:title okText:okText list:aList

    |box title className|

    title := 'class to add to list (Tab to complete or use matchPattern):'.

    box := self
                withList:(self class visitedClassNamesHistory)

    box label:(resources string:'add class to list').
    box entryCompletionBlock:(DoWhatIMeanSupport classNameEntryCompletionBlock).
    box action:[:aString | className := aString].
    box showAtPointer.

    ^ className

    "Modified: / 20-11-2006 / 12:22:44 / cg"

    | subclasses |

    subclasses := aClass subclasses asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a name < b name].
    subclasses isEmpty ifTrue: [^#()].

            chooseMultiple: 'Choose Subclasses:'
            fromList: subclasses
            values: subclasses
            buttons: #()
            values: #()
            lines: 8
            cancel: [nil]
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-helpers'!

    "return any (the first) selected class - nil if there is none"


    sel := self selectedClassesValue.
    sel size > 0 ifTrue:[^ sel first].
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:01 / cg"

    "return any (the first) selected method - nil if there is none"


    sel := self selectedMethodsValue.
    sel size > 0 ifTrue:[^ sel anElement].
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:14:38 / cg"

    |class selectedClass ns|

    aClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    class := environment classNamed:aClassName.
    class isNil ifTrue:[
        selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        selectedClass notNil ifTrue:[
            selectedClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
                class := (selectedClass owningClass privateClassesAt:aClassName).
                class notNil ifTrue:[
                    (self confirm:(resources
                                    string:'No class named: %1 exists (in Smalltalk).\\Do you mean the private class %1 in %2 ?'
                                    with:aClassName allBold with:selectedClass owningClass name allBold) withCRs)
                        ^ class
                    ^ nil.
            (ns := selectedClass nameSpace) isNameSpace ifTrue:[
                ns ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
                    class := ns at:aClassName.
                    class notNil ifTrue:[
                        (self confirm:(resources
                                        string:'No class named: %1 exists (in Smalltalk).\\Do you mean the class %1 in namespace %2 ?'
                                        with:aClassName allBold with:ns name allBold) withCRs)
                            ^ class
                        ^ nil.

        self warn:'No such class: ', aClassName.
        ^ nil
    class isBehavior ifFalse:[
        self warn:'Not a class: ', aClassName.
        ^ nil
    (class isNameSpace
    and:[class ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Is a nameSpace: ', aClassName.
        ^ nil
    (class theNonMetaclass isNameSpace
    and:[class theNonMetaclass ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Is meta of a nameSpace: ', aClassName.
        ^ nil
    ^ class

classes:aCollectionOfClasses nonMetaDo:aBlock ifUnloaded:unloadedBlock ifPrivate:privateBlock
    "evaluate aBlock for all selected classes;
     pass the non-metaclass as arg"

    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass |

        cls := aClass theNonMetaclass.
        cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
            (unloadedBlock value:cls) ifTrue:[
                cls owningClass notNil ifTrue:[
                    privateBlock value:cls
                ] ifFalse:[
                    aBlock value:cls
        ] ifTrue:[
            cls owningClass notNil ifTrue:[
                privateBlock value:cls
            ] ifFalse:[
                aBlock value:cls

    "return the set of selected classes or the classes of the selected methods"


    classes := self selectedClassesValue copy.
    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self isMethodListBrowser ifTrue:[
            classes := self selectedMethodsClasses
                                collect:[:each| each theNonMetaclass] as:IdentitySet.
    ^ classes

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:58 / cg"

    "the current buffers codePaneAndPluginView"

    ^ self navigationState codePaneAndPluginView

    "Created: / 22-09-2010 / 22:05:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "the current buffers codeView"

    ^ self navigationState codeView

fileSuffixForClass:aClassOrNil format:formatSymbolOrNil
    formatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
        ^ 'sif'.
    formatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
        ^ 'xml'.
    formatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
        ^ 'cls'
    formatSymbolOrNil == #cypress ifTrue:[
        ^ ''.
    formatSymbolOrNil == #vsePackage ifTrue:[
        ^ 'pkg'
    aClassOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ aClassOrNil sourceFileSuffix
    ^ 'st'.

    ^ self fileSuffixForClass:nil format:formatSymbolOrNil

    "search through namespaces for aClassName."

    |nm nameSym cls meta currentNamespace listOfNamespaces|

    meta := false.
    nm := aClassName.
    (nm endsWith:' class') ifTrue:[
        meta := true.
        nm := nm copyButLast:6.
    nameSym := nm asSymbol.

    currentNamespace := self theSingleSelectedNamespace.
listOfNamespaces := self selectedNamespaces value.

    currentNamespace = (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
        (cls := environment at:nameSym) notNil ifTrue:[
            meta ifTrue:[^ cls class].
            ^ cls
    ("(Array with:Smalltalk) ," (self listOfNamespaces)) do:[:aNamespace |
        aNamespace = (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifFalse:[
            (cls := aNamespace at:nameSym) notNil ifTrue:[
                meta ifTrue:[^ cls class].
                ^ cls
    currentNamespace ~= (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
        (cls := environment at:nameSym) notNil ifTrue:[
            meta ifTrue:[^ cls class].
            ^ cls

    (nm startsWith:'Smalltalk::') ifTrue:[
        cls := environment classNamed:(nm withoutPrefix:'Smalltalk::').
        cls notNil ifTrue:[
            meta ifTrue:[^ cls class].
            ^ cls
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 21:15:29 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:49:44 / cg"

    "search through current namespaces for aClassName.
     Return the class or nil, if not found."

    self listOfNamespaces do:[:aNamespace |

        (cls := aNamespace at:aClassName asSymbol) notNil ifTrue:[
            (cls topNameSpace == aNamespace) ifTrue:[
                ^ cls
    ^ nil

    "look in codeView and methodListView for a search-string when searching for globals"

    |sel nSel mthd classes|

    sel := self selectionInCodeView.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
        (sel knownAsSymbol and:[environment includesKey:sel asSymbol]) ifTrue:[
            ^ sel

        "/ validate
        nSel := (Parser new findBestVariablesFor:sel) first.

        nSel ~= sel ifTrue:[
            "/ is it a known classVar or classInstance variable ?
            classes := self classesToSearchForVariable.
            classes do:[:eachClass |
                eachClass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:classToLookFor |
                    (classToLookFor classVarNames includes:sel) ifTrue:[
                        self information:('''%1'' is a class variable in %2.'
                                          bindWith:sel with:classToLookFor name).
                        self variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarRefs.
                        ^ nil.
    "/ take selected classes name as default
    (classes := self selectedClassesValue) notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        sel := (classes collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass name]) asSortedCollection asStringWith:$|
    sel isNil ifTrue:[
        (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
            sel := mthd mclass name
"/    "/ take last search as default
"/    sel isNil ifTrue:[
"/        sel := LastGlobalSearched
"/    ].

    ^ sel

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:49:25 / cg"

    "return a list of all namespaces"


    allNamespaces isNil ifTrue:[
        allNamespaces := NameSpace allNameSpaces.

        self showAllNamespaces ifFalse:[
            "/ only topLevel namespaces are shown
            "/ i.e. ignore subspaces

            allNamespaces := allNamespaces select:[:ns | ns isTopLevelNameSpace].
    ^ allNamespaces

    "return a list of considered namespaces"


    currentNamespace := self currentNamespace.
    (currentNamespace isNil and:[environment == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
        ^ Array with:Smalltalk

    currentNamespace = (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
        ^ environment listOfAllNamespaces

    ^ Array with:currentNamespace

    "Modified: / 24-02-2000 / 13:49:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-09-2013 / 17:44:37 / Jan Vrany <>"

newBrowserOrBufferDependingOn:openHowWanted label:labelOrNil forSpec:spec setupWith:aBlock
    |brwsr openHow window|

    openHow := openHowWanted.
    ((window := self window) notNil and:[window isApplicationSubView]) ifTrue:[
        "/ I am embedded - always open as new window
        openHow := #newBrowser

    openHow == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
        brwsr := self class new.
        brwsr environment: (environment ? Smalltalk).
        brwsr browserCanvasType:spec.

        "/ cannot invoke aBlock here
        "/ (it requires that all components are built,
        "/  in order to perform selection changes).
        "/ therefore, ensure that the components are built:
        brwsr allButOpen.
        "/ ... do the setup ...
        aBlock value:brwsr.
        "/ and finally open it.
        navigationState notNil ifTrue:[
            brwsr setupNavigationStateFrom:navigationState.
        brwsr openWindow.
    ] ifFalse:[
        openHow == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
            self createBufferWithSpec:spec.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ find here
        brwsr := self.
        aBlock value:brwsr.
    brwsr enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.

    labelOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        openHow == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
            brwsr windowLabel:labelOrNil.
        ] ifFalse:[
            brwsr bufferLabel:labelOrNil
    ^ brwsr

    "Created: / 24-02-2000 / 19:15:56 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18-08-2000 / 16:04:33 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-04-2014 / 12:59:10 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "the current buffers noteBookView"

    ^ self navigationState noteBookView

"/    ^ self navigationState canvas builder findComponentAt: 'EditorNoteBook'.

"/    | editorNoteBookCanvas|
"/    editorNoteBookCanvas := self navigationState canvas.
"/    editorNoteBookCanvas isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
"/    ^ editorNoteBookCanvas superView

"/    | editorNoteBookCanvas|
"/    editorNoteBookCanvas := self navigationState editorNoteBookCanvasHolder value.
"/    editorNoteBookCanvas isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
"/    ^ editorNoteBookCanvas superView

    "check for modified code by comparing the source against
     the codeView's contents.
     That's the true modified value (in case user undid his changes,
     and the displayed text is actually original"

    |modified codeAspect changedSource originalSource methods classes mthd cls s1 s2|

    aNavigationState modified ifFalse:[
        ^ false

    (codeAspect := aNavigationState codeAspect) isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ no aspect yet (i.e. there is nothing shown)
        ^ aNavigationState codeView modified.

    "/ higher prio to prevent it from being changed while we convert it (by editing)
    Processor activeProcess
            changedSource := aNavigationState codeView contentsAsString asStringCollection.
    changedSource := changedSource collect:[:line | line string withoutTrailingSeparators withTabsExpanded].
    changedSource := changedSource collect:[:line | line asNilIfEmpty].
    [changedSource size > 0 and:[changedSource last isNil]] whileTrue:[
        changedSource := changedSource copyButLast
    changedSource := changedSource asString.

    codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod ifTrue:[
        methods := aNavigationState selectedMethods value.
        methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
           mthd := methods first.
        mthd isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ method was either removed by someone else or never accepted;
            "/ however, the code is modified anyhow.
            ^ true.
        originalSource := mthd source.
        originalSource isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ cannot get methods code ..
            ^ true

        originalSource := originalSource asStringCollection.
        originalSource := originalSource collect:[:line | line string withoutTrailingSeparators withTabsExpanded].
        originalSource := originalSource collect:[:line | line isEmpty ifTrue:[nil] ifFalse:[line]].
        [originalSource size > 0 and:[originalSource last isNil]] whileTrue:[
            originalSource := originalSource copyButLast:1

        s1 := originalSource asString.
        s2 := changedSource asString.
        modified := (s1 ~= s2)
    ] ifFalse:[
        codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition ifTrue:[
            classes := aNavigationState selectedClasses value.
            classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
                cls := classes first.
            cls isNil ifTrue:[
                "/ class was either removed by someone else or never accepted;
                "/ however, the code is modified anyhow.
                ^ true
            originalSource := self classDefinitionStringFor:cls.
            modified := (originalSource string withTabsExpanded ~= changedSource string withTabsExpanded)
        ] ifFalse:[
            ^ true
    modified ifFalse:[
        aNavigationState codeModifiedHolder value:false.
        aNavigationState realModifiedState:false.
        self updateBufferLabel.
    ^ modified

    "Created: / 22-02-2000 / 23:47:04 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:25:40 / cg"

    LastProjectMoves isNil ifTrue:[
        LastProjectMoves := OrderedCollection new.
    LastProjectMoves remove:aProject ifAbsent:nil.
    LastProjectMoves addFirst:aProject.
    LastProjectMoves size > 10 ifTrue:[
        LastProjectMoves removeLast.

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:03:50 / cg"

    "return a collection containing all classes affected by the category selection"

    |selectedCategories allCategories|

    selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesValue.
    allCategories := selectedCategories includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL.

    ^ self
        selectedClassesInCategories:selectedCategories orAll:allCategories

    "evaluate aBlock for each class in any selected class category"

    self selectedCategoryClasses do:aBlock


    varName := self selectedClassVariableInCodeViewOrNil.
    varName isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Please select a variable'.
    ^ varName

    |node mthd cls|

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
        cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self codeAspect value ~= SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition ifTrue:[
            ^ nil
        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    node := self findNode.
    node isNil ifTrue:[
        (self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
            ^ nil
        ^ self selectionInCodeView.
    node isVariable ifFalse:[
        ^ nil
    ^ node name.

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:26:00 / cg"

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected class."

    (self selectedClassesValue) do:aBlock

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:53:49 / cg"

    "return a collection containing all classes in aCollectionOfCategories,
     caring for nameSpace and packageFilters"

    ^ self
        selectedClassesInCategories:aCollectionOfCategories orAll:false

selectedClassesInCategories:aCollectionOfCategories orAll:allCategories
    "return a collection containing all classes in aCollectionOfCategories,
     caring for nameSpace and packageFilters"

    |nameSpaceFilter packageFilter includeChangedPseudoCategory changedClasses|

    nameSpaceFilter := self selectedNamespaces value.
    nameSpaceFilter isNil ifTrue:[
        nameSpaceFilter := navigationState nameSpaceFilter value.
    (nameSpaceFilter notNil and:[nameSpaceFilter includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL])
    ifTrue:[nameSpaceFilter := nil].

    packageFilter := navigationState packageFilter value.
    (packageFilter notNil and:[packageFilter includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL])
    ifTrue:[packageFilter := nil].

    (includeChangedPseudoCategory := aCollectionOfCategories includes:(ClassCategoryList nameListEntryForChanged)) ifTrue:[
        changedClasses := ChangeSet current changedClasses collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass].

    ^ environment allClassesForWhich:[:aClass |
            or:[(aCollectionOfCategories includes:aClass category)
            or:[includeChangedPseudoCategory and:[changedClasses includes:aClass]]])
        and:[ (nameSpaceFilter isNil or:[nameSpaceFilter includes:aClass nameSpace name])
        and:[ (packageFilter isNil or:[aClass isNameSpace not and:[ packageFilter includes:aClass package]]) ]].

    "Modified: / 10-08-2006 / 15:58:11 / cg"

selectedClassesInNamespaces:namespaces orAll:allNamespaces
    "return a collection containing all classes in aCollectionOfNamespaces,
     caring for packageFilters"

    | packageFilter includeChangedPseudoCategory changedClasses|

    packageFilter := navigationState packageFilter value.
    (packageFilter notNil and:[packageFilter includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL])
    ifTrue:[packageFilter := nil].

    (includeChangedPseudoCategory := namespaces includes:(ClassCategoryList nameListEntryForChanged)) ifTrue:[
        changedClasses := ChangeSet current changedClasses collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass].

    ^ environment allClassesForWhich:[:aClass |
            or:[(namespaces includes:aClass environment)
            or:[includeChangedPseudoCategory and:[changedClasses includes:aClass]]])
        and:[ (packageFilter isNil or:[aClass isNameSpace not and:[ packageFilter includes:aClass package]]) ].

    "Created: / 02-04-2014 / 00:14:32 / Jan Vrany <>"

selectedClassesNonMetaDo:aBlock ifUnloaded:unloadedBlock ifPrivate:privateBlock
    "evaluate aBlock for all selected classes;
     pass the non-metaclass as arg.
     For unloaded classes, evaluate unloadedBlock;
     for private classes, evaluate privateBlock."

        classes:(self selectedClassesValue)

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:53:41 / cg"

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected class, while showing a busy cursor."

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
       self selectedClassesDo:aBlock

    | type mode |

    type := self navigationState canvasType.
    type == #fullBrowserSpec ifTrue:[
        mode := self navigationState organizerMode value.
        mode == #category ifTrue:[
            ^ self selectedCodeComponentsUsing: #(selectedMethods selectedProtocolMethods selectedClasses selectedCategoryClasses)
        mode == #classHierarchy ifTrue:[
            ^ self selectedCodeComponentsUsing: #(selectedMethods selectedProtocolMethods selectedClasses)
        mode == #hierarchy ifTrue:[
            ^ self selectedCodeComponentsUsing: #(selectedMethods selectedProtocolMethods selectedClasses)
        mode == #hierarchy ifTrue:[
            ^ self selectedCodeComponentsUsing: #(selectedMethods selectedProtocolMethods selectedClasses selectedNamespaceClasses)
        mode == #project ifTrue:[
            self selectedClasses value notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
                ^ self selectedCodeComponentsUsing: #(selectedMethods selectedProtocolMethods selectedClasses)
    type == #smallLintByRuleResultBrowserSpec ifTrue:[
        ^ self selectedCodeComponentsUsing: #(selectedMethods selectedClasses selectedLintRuleClasses)
    type == #methodListBrowserSpec ifTrue:[
        ^ self selectedCodeComponentsUsing: #(selectedMethods)
    "Add more..."

    self breakPoint: #jv.
    ^self selectedCodeComponentsUsing:#(selectedMethods selectedClasses).

    "Modified: / 25-08-2010 / 11:22:00 / Jan Vrany <enter your email here>"
    "Modified (format): / 21-12-2011 / 20:23:13 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-04-2014 / 11:04:21 / Jan Vrany <>"

selectedCodeComponentsUsing: selectors

    | result |
    selectors do:
        (result := (self perform: selector) value)
            isEmptyOrNil ifFalse:[^result]].

    "Modified: / 04-08-2011 / 19:05:31 / cg"


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableInCodeViewOrNil.
    varName isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Please select an instance variable'.
    ^ varName

    |node mthd cls|

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
        cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self codeAspect value ~= SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition ifTrue:[
            ^ nil
        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
        ^ nil

    node := self findNode.
    node isNil ifTrue:[
        (self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
            ^ nil
        ^ self selectionInCodeView.
    node isVariable ifFalse:[
        ^ nil
    ^ node name.

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:26:04 / cg"

    "returns a set of all local classes (for all selected methods)"


    classes := Set new.
    self selectedMethodsClasses
        do:[:cls |
            classes addAll:(cls withAllSuperclasses).
            classes addAll:(cls allSubclasses).
    ^ classes

    "Created: / 05-09-2006 / 10:50:48 / cg"

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected method."

    self selectedMethodsValue do:aBlock

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:43:14 / cg"

    "return a collection containing all classes affected by the namespace selection"

    |selectedNamespaces allNamespaces|

    selectedNamespaces := self selectedNamespacesValue.
    allNamespaces := selectedNamespaces includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL.

    ^ self
        selectedClassesInNamespaces:selectedNamespaces orAll:allNamespaces

    "Created: / 02-04-2014 / 00:13:21 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ (self selectedClassesValue) collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass].

    "Created: / 12-09-2006 / 13:40:25 / cg"

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected class."

    self selectedNonMetaclasses do:aBlock

    "Created: / 12-09-2006 / 13:42:24 / cg"

    "return a collection containing all classes affected by the project selection"

    |selectedProjects setOfClasses allIncluded|

    selectedProjects := self selectedProjects value.
    allIncluded := selectedProjects includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).
    allIncluded ifTrue:[ ^ environment allClasses ].

    setOfClasses := IdentitySet new.

    environment allClassesDo:[:aClass |
        (selectedProjects includes:aClass package) ifTrue:[
            setOfClasses add:aClass .
    ^ setOfClasses


    | methods |
    methods := Set new.
    self selectedProtocolMethodsDo:
        [:ign1 :ign2 :ign3 :mth|methods add: mth].

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected protocols methods.
     (each class-protocol combination)"

    |protocols allIncluded targets|

    protocols := self selectedProtocolsValue.
    protocols := protocols collect:[:each | each string].
    allIncluded := protocols includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).

    navigationState isFullProtocolBrowser ifTrue:[
        targets := environment allClassesAndMetaclasses
    ] ifFalse:[
        targets := self selectedClassesValue
    targets isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^self].

    targets do:[:cls |
        allIncluded ifTrue:[
            cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
                aBlock value:cls value:mthd category value:sel value:mthd
        ] ifFalse:[
            protocols do:[:aCategory |
                cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
                    aCategory = mthd category ifTrue:[
                        aBlock value:cls value:aCategory value:sel value:mthd

    "Modified: / 01-08-2010 / 14:39:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:52:57 / cg"

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected protocol.
     (class-protocol combination)"

    |protocols targets allIncluded|

    protocols := self selectedProtocolsValue.

    navigationState isFullProtocolBrowser ifTrue:[
        targets := environment allClassesAndMetaclasses
    ] ifFalse:[
        targets := self selectedClassesValue
    allIncluded := protocols includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).

    targets do:[:cls |
        allIncluded ifTrue:[
            cls categories do:[:cat |
                aBlock value:cls value:cat
        ] ifFalse:[
            protocols do:[:aCategory |

                cat := aCategory string.
                (cls methodDictionary contains:[:mthd | cat = mthd category]) ifTrue:[
                    aBlock value:cls value:cat

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:53:00 / cg"

    "look in codeView for a selector"

    |sel t goodSelectors|

    sel := self selectionInCodeView.
    sel isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    sel := sel asSingleByteStringIfPossible.

    t := SystemBrowser extractSelectorFrom:sel.
    t notNil ifTrue:[
        sel := t.
    sel knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
        goodSelectors := Parser findBest:5 selectorsFor:sel in:nil forCompletion:false.
        goodSelectors size == 0 ifTrue:[
            ^ nil
        sel := goodSelectors first
    sel isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    ^ sel asSymbol

    ^ self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:mthd | mthd selector]

    "Created: / 11-02-2000 / 10:29:30 / cg"

    |node name definingNode|

    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[^ nil].

    name := node name.
    definingNode := node whoDefines:name.
    definingNode isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
    ^ name

    |namesOrNil names|

    RBParser isNil ifTrue:[^ #()].

    namesOrNil := RBParser parseVariableNames:(self selectionInCodeView).
    namesOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        names := namesOrNil collect:[:each |each name].
    ^ names


    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ node name.


    (codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ codeView selectionAsString.
    ^ nil

    "look in codeView and methodListView for a search-string when searching for selectors"


    sel := self selectedSelectorInCodeViewOrNil.
    sel isNil ifTrue:[
"/    sel := self selectionInCodeView.
"/    sel notNil ifTrue:[
"/        t := SystemBrowser extractSelectorFrom:sel.
"/        t notNil ifTrue:[
"/            sel := t.
"/        ].
"/        sel knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
"/            goodSelectors := Parser new findBestSelectorsFor:sel.
"/            goodSelectors size == 0 ifTrue:[
"/                sel := ''
"/            ] ifFalse:[
"/                sel := goodSelectors first
"/            ]
"/        ]
"/    ] ifFalse:[
        sel := self theSingleSelectedSelector.
        sel notNil ifTrue:[
            sel := sel withoutSpaces upTo:(Character space)
        ] ifFalse:[
            sel := ''
    ^ sel string

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 12:59:13 / cg"

sendFileViaEmail:aFile subject:subject

    "Created: / 20-09-2007 / 15:02:49 / cg"

    "showing all or topLevel namespaces only ?"

    ^ true


    "the current buffers stringSearchToolView"

    ^ self navigationState stringSearchToolView
"/    ^ self navigationState viewOfComponent: 'StringSearchToolCanvas' "'StringSearchTool'".

    "look in codeView for a search-string when searching for strings"


    sel := self selectionInCodeView.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ sel string
    ^ sel

    "the current buffers single selected category;
     nil if no selection or if multiple categories are selected"


    categories := self selectedCategoriesValue.
    categories size == 1 ifTrue:[
        ^ categories first string
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 6.2.2000 / 01:13:21 / cg"

    "the current buffers single selected class;
     nil if no selection or if multiple classes are selected"

    ^ self navigationState theSingleSelectedClass


            | rule size |

            rule := nil.
            size := 0.
            (generator value ? #()) do:[:each|rule := each.size := size + 1].
            size == 1 ifTrue:[rule] ifFalse:[nil]]
        argument: self selectedLintRules

    "Created: / 05-02-2010 / 12:56:34 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 01-03-2012 / 15:31:23 / cg"


    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[^ nil].
    ^ currentClass theNonMetaclass.

    "Created: / 01-03-2007 / 20:47:18 / cg"

    "the current buffers single selected method;
     nil if no selection or if multiple methods are selected"

    ^ self navigationState theSingleSelectedMethod

    "the current buffers single selected method name;
     nil if no selection or if multiple methods are selected"
    |mthd name|

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
        name := mthd name
    ^ name

    "Created: / 25-08-2009 / 16:01:50 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "the current buffers single selected namespace;
     nil if no selection or if multiple namespaces are selected"

    namespaces := self selectedNamespaces value.
    namespaces size == 1 ifTrue:[
        ^ namespaces first
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 23.2.2000 / 11:53:47 / cg"

    "the current buffers single selected project;
     nil if no selection or if multiple projects are selected"
    |projects p|

    projects := self selectedProjects value.
    projects size == 1 ifTrue:[
        p := projects first.
        p ~= (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
            ^ p
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:51:33 / cg"

    "return the selected protocol, but only if exactly one is selected.
     Otherwise, return nil."


    (selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value) size == 1 ifTrue:[
        ^ selectedProtocols first
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 6.2.2000 / 01:02:18 / cg"

    "the current buffers single selected selector;
     nil if no selection or if multiple selectors are selected"
    |mthd sel|

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
        "JV: I changed this to answer the selector (not  name),
        because for non-smalltalk languages (Ruby for instance)
        method selector may differ from method name."

        "/sel := mthd name "/ who methodSelector
        sel := mthd selector.
    ^ sel

    "Created: / 05-02-2000 / 23:09:57 / cg"
    "Modified: / 30-08-2009 / 17:12:49 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "return the selected variable, but only if exactly one is selected.
     Otherwise, return nil."


    (selectedVariables := self selectedVariables value) size == 1 ifTrue:[
        ^ selectedVariables first
    ^ nil

view:view belongsToSubApplication:anAppOrNil

    anAppOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ false
    appView := anAppOrNil window.
    ^ appView notNil
      and:[ (view isSameOrComponentOf:appView) ]
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-helpers-subApps'!

    ^ navigationState classCategoryListApplication

    ^ navigationState classHierarchyListApplication

    ^ navigationState classListApplication

    ^ self navigationState inlineMessageApplication

    "Created: / 25-03-2014 / 17:59:44 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-02-2015 / 16:52:33 / Jan Vrany <>"

methodCategoryList: aView

    navigationState methodCategoryList: aView

    "Created: / 23-02-2000 / 09:33:47 / cg"
    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 09:18:14 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ navigationState methodCategoryListApplication

    "Created: / 23.2.2000 / 09:33:47 / cg"

methodList: aView

    navigationState methodList: aView

    "Created: / 23-02-2000 / 09:33:47 / cg"
    "Created: / 08-08-2011 / 15:29:55 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ navigationState methodListApplication

    ^ navigationState nameSpaceListApplication

    ^ navigationState projectListApplication
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-history'!

    ^ self class lastSearchPatterns

    |mthd cls sel |

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd isNil ifTrue:[
        cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    ] ifFalse:[
        cls := mthd mclass.
        sel := mthd selector.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    self addToFindHistory: cls selector: sel.
    self addToHistory: cls selector: sel.

    "Modified: / 27-02-2008 / 16:54:06 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 02-07-2011 / 18:29:29 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2014 / 17:28:13 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self class rememberSearchPattern:aString

    "Modified: / 14-02-2012 / 14:00:36 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-presentation'!

        arguments:(Array with:self getMethodInfo)

    "set the title for some warning"


    (window := builder window) isTopView ifTrue:[
            label:('SystemBrowser - ' , (resources string:what))

busyLabel:what with:someArgument
    "set the title for some warning"


    (window := builder window) isTopView ifTrue:[
            label:('SystemBrowser - ' , (resources string:what with:someArgument))

    |selectedClasses categories category msg|

    self codeInfoVisible value ifFalse:[^ nil].

    selectedClasses := self selectedClassesValue.
    selectedClasses isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    categories := selectedClasses collect:[:each|each category] as:Set.
    categories size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[^ nil].
    category := categories anElement.

    selectedClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
        msg := 'Category of %1: %3'
    ] ifFalse:[
        msg := 'Category of %2 classes: %3'

    ^ resources string:msg
                with:selectedClasses first name
                with:selectedClasses size

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:20 / cg"

    |singleSelectedClass subclasses msg|

    self codeInfoVisible value ifFalse:[^ nil].

    singleSelectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    singleSelectedClass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    self organizerMode value == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeHierarchy ifTrue:[^ nil].

    subclasses := singleSelectedClass subclasses.
    msg := self infoStringForClasses:subclasses withPrefix:'sub'.
    ^ resources string:('%1: ' , msg)
                with:singleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass name
                with:subclasses size

    "Modified: / 27-07-2006 / 10:10:38 / cg"

    self showInfo:''.

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 18:19:10 / cg"

    self shortNamesInTabs value ifTrue:[
        ^ navigationState shortNameString
    ^ navigationState nameString

    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 10:39:56 / cg"

    ^ navigationState nameStringOrNil ? 'SystemBrowser'

    "return the defaultLabel"

    navigationState isCategoryBrowser ifTrue:[
        ^ 'Category'
    (navigationState isNameSpaceBrowser
    or:[navigationState isNameSpaceFullBrowser]) ifTrue:[
        ^ 'NameSpace'
    (navigationState isProjectBrowser
    or:[navigationState isProjectFullBrowser]) ifTrue:[
        ^ 'Project'
    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
        ^ 'FullClass'
    navigationState isClassDocumentationBrowser ifTrue:[
        ^ 'Documentation'
    navigationState isVersionDiffBrowser ifTrue:[
        ^ 'Revisions'
    navigationState isClassDocumentationBrowser ifTrue:[
        ^ 'Documentation'
    ^ ''

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:48:32 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:40:34 / cg"

    self updateBufferLabel.

    self reallyModified:navigationState

"/    |nr|
"/    (nr := selectedBuffer value) notNil ifTrue:[
"/        nr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
"/            bufferNameList at:nr put:(self currentBufferLabel).
"/        ]
"/    ]

    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 04:23:21 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:25:54 / cg"

    "depending on the current nameSpace, either show a classes
     fullname or its name without the namespace prefix (if its in the current)"

    |nm ns currentNamespace|

    aClass isJavaClass ifTrue:[
        ^ aClass nameInBrowser "/ fullName "/ asString replaceAll:$/ with:$.

    ns := aClass topNameSpace.
    ns isNil ifTrue:[          "/ this 'cannot' happen (should always be Smalltalk)
        ^ aClass name

    currentNamespace := self currentNamespace.
    currentNamespace = (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
        (ns == Smalltalk) ifTrue:[
            nm := aClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
            ^ nm
        nm := aClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
        ^ ns name , '::' , nm   "/ full name

    nm := aClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.

    "/ is it in one of the selected namespaces ?

    (self findClassNamedInNameSpace:nm) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ ns name , '::' , nm   "/ full name
    currentNamespace == ns ifFalse:[
        ^ ns name , '::' , nm   "/ full name
    ^ nm.

    "Created: / 20.12.1996 / 17:46:41 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:49:06 / cg"

explain:selection inCode:code
    self explainInCode:code short:false withTimeout:false

    "Modified: / 05-09-2006 / 10:37:30 / cg"

explainInCode:code short:short withTimeout:withTimeout
    "explain the selection or, if there is none, the node under the cursor"

    |explanation explainTookTooLong html|

    explainTookTooLong := false.
    withTimeout ifTrue:[
        explanation :=
            [ self explanationForCode:code short:short ]
                    valueWithWatchDog:[explainTookTooLong := true]
    ] ifFalse:[
        explanation := self explanationForCode:code short:short

    self activityNotification:nil.
    explainTookTooLong ifTrue:[
        self showInfo:'Explain took too long - cancelled.'.
        ^ self.

    explanation notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        short ifTrue:[
            self showInfo:explanation
        ] ifFalse:[
            explanation isArray ifTrue:[
                html := explanation detect:[:entry | entry key == #html] ifNone:nil.
                html notNil ifTrue:[
                    "/ todo: need a stripped down viewer (small, popup, modal)
                    HTMLDocumentView openFullOnText:(html value).
                    ^ self.
                explanation := explanation first value.
            self information:explanation
        builder window flush

    "Created: / 05-09-2006 / 10:37:04 / cg"

explanationForCode:code short:short
    "explain the selection or, if there is none, the node under the cursor"

    |selection codeView cls crsrPos interval node explanation|

    cls := self classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].

    codeView := self codeView.

    interval := self selectedInterval.
    interval isEmpty ifTrue:[
        crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor.
        codeView characterUnderCursor isSeparator ifTrue:[
            crsrPos := (crsrPos - 1) max:1
        interval := crsrPos to:crsrPos.

    navigationState codeAspect == #classDefinition ifFalse:[
        node := self findNodeForInterval:interval.
    node notNil ifTrue: [
        Error catch:[
            explanation := Explainer explainNode:node in:code forClass:cls short:short interval:interval
    explanation isNil ifTrue:[
        codeView hasSelection ifTrue:[
            selection := codeView selection.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ selection := codeView characterBeforeCursor.
        selection notNil ifTrue:[
            selection := selection asString string withoutSeparators.
            explanation := Explainer explain:selection in:code forClass:cls short:short
    ^ explanation

    "Modified: / 15-07-2006 / 19:28:16 / cg"

    |organizerMode msg|

    organizerMode := self organizerMode value.
    (organizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeClassHierarchy
    or:[ organizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeHierarchy] ) ifTrue:[
        ^ self classCategoryInfo.

    msg := self classInheritanceInfo.
"/    msg isNil ifTrue:[
"/        msg := self methodInheritanceInfo.
"/        msg isNil ifTrue:[
"/            msg := self methodImplementorsInfo
"/        ]
"/    ].
    ^ (msg ? '').

    "Modified: / 29-08-2006 / 14:20:14 / cg"

    |msg selectedMethods firstMethod source1 differentSourceButSameSemantic prefix|

    self codeInfoVisible value ifFalse:[^ nil].

    selectedMethods := self selectedMethodsValue.
    selectedMethods isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    firstMethod := selectedMethods first.

    selectedMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
        ^ self getMethodInfoForMethod:firstMethod.

    differentSourceButSameSemantic := false.

    source1 := firstMethod source.
    selectedMethods asArray from:2 do:[:eachOtherMethod |
        eachOtherMethod source ~= source1 ifTrue:[
                handle:[:ex | ^  nil]
                    firstMethod parseTree ~= eachOtherMethod parseTree ifTrue:[
                        ^ nil.
            differentSourceButSameSemantic := true.

    prefix := differentSourceButSameSemantic ifTrue:['Same effect'] ifFalse:['Same source'].

    "/ all are the same.
    msg := self getMethodInfoForMethod:firstMethod.
    msg isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        ^ prefix.
    ^ prefix,' - ' , msg.

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:16:33 / cg"
    "Modified: / 16-10-2013 / 00:06:16 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |msg msg2 method|

    method := aMethod.
    method isNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
    method wrapper notNil ifTrue:[
        method := method wrapper
    method isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ 'oops - this method is not attached to any class'.

    msg := self methodSpecialInfoFor:method.
    msg isNil ifTrue:[
        msg := self methodInheritanceInfoFor:method.
        msg2 := self methodRedefinitionInfoFor:method.
        msg2 notNil ifTrue:[
             msg := msg isNil
                        ifFalse:[msg,'; ',msg2]
        msg isNil ifTrue:[
            msg := self methodImplementorsInfoFor:method
    msg := (msg ? '').

    method isInstrumented ifTrue:[
        msg isEmpty ifTrue:[
            msg := 'Instrumented.' colorizeAllWith:(Color green darkened).
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := ('Instrumented.' colorizeAllWith:(Color green darkened)),' ',msg.
        self showCoverageInformation value ifFalse:[
            msg := msg , ' (coverage display is turned off - see "view"-menu)'
        msg := msg , '.'.

    ^ msg.

infoStringForClasses:aCollectionOfClasses withPrefix:prefix
    |nClassNames sortedByName classNames|

    aCollectionOfClasses isEmpty ifTrue:[
        ^ 'No %1classes' bindWith:prefix.

    classNames := aCollectionOfClasses asIdentitySet asOrderedCollection collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass name].

    nClassNames := classNames size.

    nClassNames <= 4 ifTrue:[
        nClassNames == 1 ifTrue:[
            ^ '%2' "'1 %1class: %2'" bindWith:prefix with:(classNames first allBold).
        sortedByName := classNames sort.
        nClassNames == 2 ifTrue:[
            ^ '%2 and %3' "'2 %1classes: %2 and %3'" bindWith:prefix
                        with:(sortedByName first allBold)
                        with:(sortedByName second allBold).
        nClassNames == 3 ifTrue:[
            ^ '%2, %3 and %4' "'3 %1classes: %2, %3 and %4'" bindWith:prefix
                        with:(sortedByName first allBold)
                        with:(sortedByName second allBold)
                        with:(sortedByName third allBold).
        nClassNames == 4 ifTrue:[
            ^ '%2, %3, %4 and %5' "'4 %1classes: %2, %3, %4 and %5'" bindWith:prefix
                        with:(sortedByName first allBold)
                        with:(sortedByName second allBold)
                        with:(sortedByName third allBold)
                        with:(sortedByName fourth allBold).
    ^ '%1 %2classes' bindWith:nClassNames printString allBold with:prefix

    "Modified: / 27-07-2006 / 10:09:02 / cg"

    |implementors msg senders msg2|

    implementors := SystemBrowser
        findImplementorsOf:aMethod selector
        in:(environment allClasses)

    implementors notEmpty ifTrue:[
        msg := 'Only implemented here.'.
        implementors remove:aMethod ifAbsent:nil.
        implementors notEmpty ifTrue:[
            implementors := implementors collect:[:mthd | mthd mclass ? mthd getMclass].
            implementors notEmpty ifTrue:[
                msg := 'Also implemented in '.
                msg := msg , (self infoStringForClasses:implementors withPrefix:'other ').
                msg := msg , '.'.

false ifTrue:[  "/ too slow
    senders := SystemBrowser
        findSendersOf:aMethod selector
        in:(environment allClasses)
    senders notEmpty ifTrue:[
        msg2 := 'Sent from ' , senders size printString, ' methods.'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        msg2 := 'No senders.'.
    msg := msg , '/' , msg2

    ^ msg

    |superclass inheritedClass msg cls sel mthd|

    cls := aMethod mclass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    superclass := cls superclass.
    superclass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    sel := aMethod selector.
    inheritedClass := superclass whichClassIncludesSelector:sel.
    inheritedClass notNil ifTrue:[
        mthd := inheritedClass compiledMethodAt:sel.
        msg := (sel contractTo:30) allBold.
        (mthd sends:#'subclassResponsibility') ifTrue:[
            msg := msg , ' overrides subclassResponsibility in '.
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := msg , ' overrides implementation in '.
        msg := msg , inheritedClass name allBold.
        "/ msg := msg , '.'.

    ^ msg

    |redefiningClasses msg cls|

    cls := aMethod mclass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    redefiningClasses := cls allSubclasses select:[:cls | cls includesSelector:aMethod selector. ].
    redefiningClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
        msg := 'redefined in '.
        msg := msg , (self infoStringForClasses:redefiningClasses withPrefix:'sub').
        msg := msg , '.'.

    ^ msg

    "handles special cases - such as documentation methods"

    |cls sel|

    cls := aMethod mclass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    sel := aMethod selector.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
        (AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector:sel) ifTrue:[
            ^ 'The version method is required for the source code repository - do not modify.'.
        sel == #documentation ifTrue:[
            ^ 'ST/X stores documentation in this method (not in comment slots)'.
    ^ nil

    ^ BrowserList nameListEntryForALL

    "set the normal (inactive) window- and icon labels"

    |window l il|

    builder isNil ifTrue:[^ self].   "/ if invoked during setup

    window := builder window.
    (window notNil and:[window isTopView]) ifFalse:[
        "/ if I am used as a subApp, do not update the label
        ^ self

"/    windowLabel notNil ifTrue:[
"/        "if I have been given an explicit label,
"/         and its not the default, take that one"
"/        windowLabel ~= 'NewSystemBrowser' ifTrue:[
"/            l := il := windowLabel
"/        ]
"/    ].

    l isNil ifTrue:[
        l := il := self currentWindowLabel.
    navigationState realModifiedState == true ifTrue:[
        l := l , ' [modified]'
    window label:l string; iconLabel:il string.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 21:12:17 / cg"

replaceSourceCodeManagerPlaceholderWith: manager in: menu
    | nm |

    manager isNil ifTrue:[
        nm := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        nm := manager name.

    menu replaceArgument: #SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder with: nm.
    menu replaceArgument: #SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder with: manager.
    menu receiver:self.
    menu findGuiResourcesIn:self.
    "Must once again after resolve because of slices!!!!!!"
    menu replaceArgument: #SourceCodeManagerNamePlaceholder with: nm.
    menu replaceArgument: #SourceCodeManagerPlaceholder with: manager.

    "Created: / 12-10-2011 / 20:22:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 23-07-2012 / 15:13:27 / cg"

    "some activityNotification to be forwarded to the user;
     show it in the windows title area here
     (invoked, for example, by the CVSManager showing some activity)."

    self showInfo:someMessage.
"/    someMessage size == 0 ifTrue:[
"/        self normalLabel
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        self busyLabel:someMessage with:nil
"/    ]

    self navigationState showingParseError:false.
    self infoLabelHolder value:msg.

     WindowGroup activeApplication showInfo: 'Hello'

    |method metrics complexity msg|

    self showInfo:(self getMethodInfo).

    self showMethodComplexity value ifTrue:[
        OOM::MethodMetrics notNil ifTrue:[
            method := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
            method notNil ifTrue:[
                metrics := OOM::MethodMetrics forMethod:method.
                complexity := metrics complexity.
                complexity notNil ifTrue:[
                    msg := metrics class descriptiveName,': ',complexity printString.


    ActivityNotification handle:[:ex |
        self showInfo:(ex messageText).
        ex proceed.
    ] do:aBlock

    "Created: / 01-03-2007 / 17:45:27 / cg"

        self busyLabel:'searching...'.
        self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:aBlock
    ] ensure:[
        self normalLabel
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-searching'!


    "Returns a class/selector name completion block that
     is used by the search field in browser's toolbar"

    "Following code allows me (JV) to experiment with different
     completion blocks as I'm not happy with the standard one
     (now in searchCompletionBlock_Standard)"

    | sel |
    sel := UserPreferences current at: #searchCompletionBlock ifAbsent:[nil].
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
        ^self perform: ('searchCompletionBlock_' , sel) asSymbol ifNotUnderstood:[
            self searchCompletionBlock_Standard
    ^self searchCompletionBlock_Standard

    UserPreferences current removeKey: #searchCompletionBlock.
    UserPreferences current at: #searchCompletionBlock put: #New.
    UserPreferences current at: #searchCompletionBlock put: #Standard.

    Tools::NewSystemBrowser basicNew searchCompletionBlock


    "Created: / 09-02-2010 / 21:45:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 04-08-2011 / 19:05:28 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 04-12-2011 / 22:39:11 / Jan Vrany <>"


    "This returns a class/selector name completion block that uses
     standard DoWhatIMeanSupport"

    ^[:patternString|self searchCompletionNew: patternString]

    "Modified: / 04-08-2011 / 19:05:28 / cg"
    "Created: / 04-12-2011 / 22:13:51 / Jan Vrany <>"


    "This returns a class/selector name completion block that uses
     standard DoWhatIMeanSupport"

    ^[:partialName| | env |
    env := self theSingleSelectedNamespace ? #Smalltalk.
    env = NavigatorModel nameListEntryForALL
        ifTrue:[env := #Smalltalk].
    env := environment at: env.
    partialName isEmptyOrNil
            [#('' #())]
            [partialName first isUppercase
                    [DoWhatIMeanSupport classnameCompletion: partialName inEnvironment: env]
                    [DoWhatIMeanSupport selectorCompletion: partialName inEnvironment: env]]]

    "Modified: / 10-02-2010 / 08:47:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 04-08-2011 / 19:05:28 / cg"
    "Created: / 04-12-2011 / 22:11:28 / Jan Vrany <>"

searchCompletionNew: patternString

    | env pattern matches |

    patternString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^#('' #())].

    env := self theSingleSelectedNamespace ? #Smalltalk.
    env = NavigatorModel nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[env := #Smalltalk].
    env := environment at: env.

    pattern := StringPattern readFrom: patternString onError: [^#('' #())].
    matches := OrderedCollection new.

    env keysDo:[:nm|
        | cls nmWihoutPrefix |

        cls := env at: nm.
        (cls notNil and:[cls isBehavior]) ifTrue:[
            (pattern match: (nmWihoutPrefix := cls nameWithoutPrefix)) ifTrue:[
                matches add: nmWihoutPrefix
    matches isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ #( nil #() ) ].
    ^ { matches first . matches }

    "Modified: / 04-08-2011 / 19:05:28 / cg"
    "Created: / 04-12-2011 / 22:22:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-semantic checks'!

checkAcceptedMethod:aMethod inClass:aClass
    "do some semantic checks on the just accepted method:
        does new method redefine an inherited method, which does the same ?

    |msg selector subMethods answer|

    selector := aMethod selector.

    "/ skip for some...
    (aClass isMeta) ifTrue:[
        (AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector:selector) ifTrue:[
            ^ self
        ( #(
        ) includes:selector) ifTrue:[
            ^ self

    (self canUseRefactoringParser) ifTrue:[
        "/ does new method redefine an inherited method,
        "/ which does the same ?
        msg := self checkIfSameSemanticsRedefinedWith:aMethod inClass:aClass.
        msg notNil ifTrue:[
                confirm:msg withCRs
                title:'Remove duplicate method'
                yesLabel:(resources string:'Remove Here')
                noLabel:(resources string:'Keep')
                self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:(Array with:aMethod)
            ^ self

        subMethods := OrderedCollection new.
        aClass allSubclassesDo:[:eachInheritingClass |

            redefiningMethod := eachInheritingClass compiledMethodAt:selector.
            redefiningMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                msg := self checkIfSameSemanticsRedefinedWith:redefiningMethod inClass:eachInheritingClass.
                msg notNil ifTrue:[
                    (eachInheritingClass superclass whichClassIncludesSelector:selector) == aClass
                        subMethods add:redefiningMethod.
        subMethods size > 0 ifTrue:[
            msg := 'The same code is found in the subclass(es):\\'.
            subMethods do:[:eachMethod | msg := msg , '    ' , eachMethod mclass name , '\'].
            msg := msg , '\You may want to remove it there.'.
            answer := Dialog
                confirmWithCancel:msg withCRs
                labels:(resources array:#('Keep' 'Remove here' 'Remove in Subclass(es)'))
                values:#(true #removeHere #removeThere)
            answer == #removeHere ifTrue:[
                self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:(Array with:aMethod)
            ] ifFalse:[
                answer == #removeThere ifTrue:[
                    self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:subMethods

    UserPreferences current enforceComment ifTrue:[
        "/ check for empty/missing method comment
        self checkForEmptyMethodComment:aMethod inClass:aClass.

"/    "/ super-send probably missing ?
"/    (self checkIfSuperSendIsProbablyMissingIn:aMethod inClass:aClass)
"/    ifTrue:[^ self].

    "Modified: / 29-08-2006 / 10:16:20 / cg"

checkForEmptyMethodComment:aMethod inClass:aClass
    |src parser firstComment comments|

    src := aMethod source ? ''.
    src isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    parser := Parser for:src in:nil.
    parser ignoreErrors:true; ignoreWarnings:true; saveComments:true.
    parser parseMethodSpec.

    comments := parser comments.
    comments isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            withOptoutOption:[UserPreferences current enforceComment:false]
            labelled:(resources string:'Do not show this dialog again (reenable via Launcher''s settings)')
            warn:(resources stringWithCRs:'Missing Method-Comment.\Please add a short description of what the method does.').
        ^ self

    firstComment := comments first.
    firstComment string withoutSeparators isEmpty ifTrue:[
        "/ firstComment isEndOfLineComment ifFalse:[
            ParserFlags warnAboutBadComments ifTrue:[
                Dialog warn:(resources stringWithCRs:'Useless (empty) Method-Comment.\Please add flesh to it.').
            ] ifFalse:[
                Dialog warn:(resources stringWithCRs:'Useless (empty) Method-Comment.\Please add flesh or remove it.').
            ^ self
        "/ ]

checkIfSameSemanticsRedefinedWith:methodHere inClass:aClass
    "does just accepted method redefine an inherited method, which does the same ?
     Return an info-message string or nil.

    |sel superCls implClass methodThere treeThere treeHere
     dictionary mClass remainingRenames|

    RBParser isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    sel := methodHere selector.

    "/ these are meant to be empty and only contain different comments...
    ( #(
        initialize      "/ because that is not invoked if only inherited
       ) includes:sel) ifTrue:[
        aClass isMeta ifTrue:[
            ^ nil

    superCls := aClass superclass.
    superCls notNil ifTrue:[
        implClass := superCls whichClassIncludesSelector:sel.
    implClass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    "/ ok, it is redefined
    methodThere := implClass compiledMethodAt:sel.
    treeHere := RBParser
                    parseMethod:methodHere source ? ''
                    onError: [:aString :position | ^ nil "ignore any error"].
    treeHere isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    treeThere := RBParser
                    parseMethod:methodThere source ? ''
                    onError: [:aString :position | ^ nil "ignore any error"].
    treeThere isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    RBCodeDuplicationRule notNil ifTrue:[
        (RBCodeDuplicationRule isParseTree:treeHere in:aClass duplicateOfTree:treeThere) ifTrue:[
            ^ 'This method''s functionality is already inherited from ', implClass name , '.\\You may want to remove it here.'.
    ^ nil

    "Modified (format): / 06-07-2011 / 16:44:46 / cg"

checkIfSuperSendIsProbablyMissingIn:methodHere inClass:aClass
    "is there a chance, that the just accepted method should invoke the
     redefined, inherited super method ?

    |sel superCls implClass methodThere parser treeThere |

    aClass compilerClass == Compiler ifFalse:[^ false].

    methodHere selector == #initialize ifTrue:[
        aClass isMeta ifTrue:[^ false].
        aClass == Object ifTrue:[^ false].
        aClass superclass == Object ifTrue:[^ false].

    sel := methodHere selector.

    "/ see if new method already invokes the redefined super method
    (methodHere referencesLiteral:sel) ifTrue:[
        (methodHere messagesSentToSuper includes:sel) ifTrue:[ ^ false ]

    superCls := aClass superclass.
    superCls notNil ifTrue:[
        implClass := superCls whichClassIncludesSelector:sel.
    implClass isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    "/ ok, it is redefined
    methodThere := implClass compiledMethodAt:sel.

    (methodThere notNil and:[methodThere referencesLiteral:sel]) ifTrue:[
        (methodThere messagesSentToSuper includes:sel) ifTrue:[
            self information:(resources
                                string:'Could it be possible, that you forgot a ''super %1''\(I found a ''super %1'' in the overwritten #%1-method) ?'
                                with:sel) withCRs.
            ^ true

    "/ see if the redefined method is empty
    methodThere notNil ifTrue:[
        parser := Parser parseMethod:methodThere source in:methodThere mclass.
        treeThere := parser tree.
        treeThere isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ yes, empty
            ^ false
        treeThere isReturnNode ifTrue:[
            treeThere expression isSelf ifTrue:[
                "/ yes, a simple ^ self
                ^ false

    "/ look if all any subclasses of the superclass do a super-send
"/    implClass allSubclassesDo:[:eachSubclass |
"/        eachSubclass ~~ aClass ifTrue:[
"/            methodThere := eachSubclass compiledMethodAt:sel.
"/            (methodThere notNil and:[methodThere referencesLiteral:sel]) ifTrue:[
"/                (methodThere messagesSentToSuper includes:sel) ifTrue:[
"/                    self information:(resources
"/                                        string:'Could it be possible, that you forgot a ''super %1''\(I found a ''super %1'' in %2''s #%1-method) ?'
"/                                        with:sel
"/                                        with:eachSubclass name
"/                                     ) withCRs.
"/                    ^ true
"/                ]
"/            ].
"/        ]
"/    ].

    ^ false

method:mthd selector:sel inClass:cls matchesParseTreeMatcher:aMatcher

    (aMatcher canMatchMethod:mthd) ifFalse: [^ false].

    parseTree := RBParser
            parseMethod:mthd source
            onError: [:str :pos | Transcript showCR:str. Transcript showCR:pos.
    parseTree isNil ifTrue:[^ false ].
    (aMatcher executeTree: parseTree initialAnswer: nil) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    ^ false

methodHasUglyCodingStyle:mthd selector:sel inClass:cls
    "nil if ok, a string with a description of the uglyness if not.
     More has to come here..."


    comment := mthd comment.
    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
        (AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector:sel) ifTrue:[^ nil].
        sel == #documentation ifTrue:[
            comment isBlank ifTrue:[ ^ 'no documentation in documentation method' ].
            ^ nil

    comment size == 0 ifTrue:[^ 'missing comment' ].
    comment asCollectionOfLines last isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ 'extra line at end of comment' ].

    ^ nil.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-syntax coloring'!

    "start a background process, which does the syntax coloring.
     When it finishes, it pushes a user event to show the new text in the codeView.
     (This is done as an event to synchronize the coloring with modifications
      done to the text - the colored text will discarded, if there were
      any new modifications in the meanwhile)"

    |dontDoIt oldCodeList highlighterClass prio currentMethod methodsClass codeView|

    "/ sigh: the codeView2 has its own idea of how to do this.
    "/ for now, duplicate code; will be cleaned up asap.
    (UserPreferences current useCodeView2In: #Browser) ifTrue:[^self].

    dontDoIt := (currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod) isNil.
    dontDoIt := dontDoIt
                or:[self doSyntaxColoring value ~~ true
                or:[(self doImmediateSyntaxColoring) value ~~ true]].

    dontDoIt ifFalse:[
        methodsClass := currentMethod mclass.
        methodsClass isNil ifTrue:[
            dontDoIt := true
        highlighterClass := self syntaxHighlighterForMethod:currentMethod.
    highlighterClass isNil ifTrue:[
        syntaxColoringProcess notNil ifTrue:[
            self stopSyntaxHighlightProcess
        ^ self

    codeView := self codeView.

"/    "/ this clobbers the codeViews modified state; therefore, we have to remember
"/    "/ this info somewhere ...
"/    codeView modified ifTrue:[
"/        self navigationState realModifiedState:true
"/    ].
"/    codeView modifiedChannel setValue:false.
    syntaxColoringProcess notNil ifTrue:[
        syntaxColoringProcessRunning ~~ true ifTrue:[
            "/ process already created, but did not get a change to start yet;
            ^ self
        self stopSyntaxHighlightProcess
    prio := Processor userBackgroundPriority - 1.
    codeView shown ifFalse:[
        prio := prio - 1 max:1

    syntaxColoringProcess :=
            |oldCode newCode cls sensor|

                syntaxColoringProcessRunning := true.
                cls := methodsClass.
                (cls notNil and:[cls isObsolete]) ifTrue:[
                    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
                        cls := (environment at:cls theNonMetaclass name) class
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        cls := environment at:cls name
                "check after every lengthy operation if modified by user in the meantime..."
                codeView modified ifFalse:[
                    oldCodeList := codeView list copy.
                    codeView modified ifFalse:[
                        oldCodeList isNil ifFalse:[
                            oldCode := oldCodeList asStringWithoutEmphasis.
                            codeView modified ifFalse:[
                                Screen currentScreenQuerySignal answer:device
                                    Parser parseErrorSignal handle:[:ex |

                                        errMsg := ex description asStringCollection first asString.

                                        "/ Transcript topView raiseDeiconified.
                                        "/ Transcript showCR:'ParseError: ', ex description.
    "/ self halt.
                                        self showInfo:(errMsg colorizeAllWith:Color red).
                                        self navigationState showingParseError:true.
                                        newCode := nil.
                                    ] do:[

                                        codeAspect := self codeAspect.
                                        codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod ifTrue:[
                                            newCode := highlighterClass formatMethod:currentMethod source:oldCode in:cls
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition ifTrue:[
                                                newCode := highlighterClass formatExpression:oldCode in:cls
                                newCode notNil ifTrue:[
                                    codeView modified ifFalse:[
                                        newCode := newCode asStringCollection.
                                        codeView modified ifFalse:[
                                            syntaxColoringProcess := nil.
                                            (codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
                                                "/ must add this event - and not been interrupted
                                                "/ by any arriving key-event.
                                                "/ self showInfo:nil.
                                                codeView sensor
                                                    withArguments:(Array with:newCode).
                                                self delayedUpdateBufferLabelWithCheckIfModified
            ] ensure:[
                syntaxColoringProcessRunning := false.
                syntaxColoringProcess := nil
        ] newProcess.

    syntaxColoringProcess priority:prio.
    (prio < Processor userSchedulingPriority) ifTrue:[
        "/ ensure, it makes progress...
        syntaxColoringProcess priorityRange:(prio to:Processor userSchedulingPriority).
    syntaxColoringProcess resume

    "Modified: / 26-07-2011 / 10:28:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:26:48 / cg"

    "stop any syntax coloring background process."


    (p := syntaxColoringProcess) notNil ifTrue:[
        syntaxColoringProcess := nil.
        p terminate.
        "/ raise its prio to make it terminate quickly
        p priority:(Processor userSchedulingPriority + 1)

    "the background synhighlighter has generated new colored text,
     with highlighted syntax.
     If there have been no modifications in the meantime, install it."

    |firstShown lastShown cursorWasOn anyChange newLines l replaceAction codeView list|

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView modified ifTrue:[
        "/ new user input arrived in the meantime

        ^ self
    syntaxColoringProcess notNil ifTrue:[
        "/ another coloring process has already been started.
        "/ ignore this (leftover) code.

        ^ self
    self theSingleSelectedMethod isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ have already switched to some other method,
        "/ or closed.

        ^ self

    self navigationState showingParseError ifTrue:[
        self showInfo:''.       "/ to erase any previous syntax error

    firstShown := codeView firstLineShown.
    lastShown := codeView lastLineShown.
    replaceAction := [:lNr :line |

            oldLine := list at:lNr ifAbsent:nil.
            oldLine notNil ifTrue:[
                line notNil ifTrue:[
                    "/ this check is needed - there is a race
                    "/ when the text is converted. This detects the
                    "/ resulting error.
                    "/ Certainly a kludge.

                    oldLine string = line string ifTrue:[
                        oldLine emphasis ~= line emphasis ifTrue:[
                            codeView modifiedChannel removeDependent:self.
                            list at:lNr put:line.
                            codeView modifiedChannel addDependent:self.
                            (lNr between:firstShown and:lastShown) ifTrue:[
                                anyChange ifFalse:[
                                    anyChange := true.
                                    cursorWasOn := codeView hideCursor
                                codeView redrawLine:lNr
    anyChange := false.
    newLines := newCode asStringCollection.
    list := codeView list.
    list isNil ifTrue:[
        codeView list:newLines.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ the cursor line first - thats where your eyes are ...
        (l := codeView cursorLine) notNil ifTrue:[
            l <= newLines size ifTrue:[
                replaceAction value:l value:(newLines at:l)
        newLines keysAndValuesDo:replaceAction.
        anyChange ifTrue:[
            cursorWasOn ifTrue:[
                codeView showCursor

    "Modified: / 09-10-2006 / 11:50:17 / cg"

syntaxHighlightedCodeFor:oldText method:mthd
    |highlighter cls|

    cls := mthd mclass ? Object.

    highlighter := self syntaxHighlighterForMethod:mthd.
    highlighter isNil ifTrue:[ ^ oldText ].
    ^ highlighter formatMethod:mthd source:oldText in:cls.

    "Modified: / 28-04-2010 / 13:44:34 / cg"

syntaxHighlighterForClass: cls
    |highlighterClass |

    highlighterClass := cls syntaxHighlighterClass.

    "When a new class of different language is about to be
     created, the language is set (see #classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:in:asNamespace:private:metaClassUsed:)
     but the selected class/method is the old (i.e., of different
     language than currently accepting one. So here, favour the
     value of languageHolder as that one is the right one.
     Otherwise, not-yet-accepted definition for different language\
     won't be properly highlighted!!!!!!"
    self codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
        | lang |

        lang := self codeView languageHolder value.
        lang notNil ifTrue:[
            highlighterClass := lang syntaxHighlighterClass


    highlighterClass == SyntaxHighlighter ifTrue:[
        highlighterClass := SyntaxHighlighter2

    ^ highlighterClass

    "Created: / 05-08-2011 / 00:28:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 04-08-2013 / 03:45:01 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |highlighterClass cls |

    cls := mthd mclass ? Object.

    highlighterClass := mthd syntaxHighlighterClass.
    highlighterClass == #askClass ifTrue:[
        highlighterClass := cls syntaxHighlighterClass.

    "When a new class of different language is about to be
     created, the language is set (see #classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:in:asNamespace:private:metaClassUsed:)
     but the selected class/method is the old (i.e., of different
     language than currently accepting one. So here, favour the
     value of languageHolder as that one is the right one.
     Otherwise, not-yet-accepted definition for different language\
     won't be properly highlighted!!!!!!"
    self codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
        | lang |

        lang := self codeView languageHolder value.
        lang notNil ifTrue:[
            highlighterClass := lang syntaxHighlighterClass


    highlighterClass == SyntaxHighlighter ifTrue:[
        highlighterClass := SyntaxHighlighter2

    (mthd isInstrumented
    and:[ self showCoverageInformation value ]) ifTrue:[
        (highlighterClass isKindOf: SyntaxHighlighter class) ifTrue:[
            highlighterClass := CodeCoverageHighlighter

    ^ highlighterClass

    "Created: / 28-04-2010 / 12:49:54 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 04-08-2013 / 03:45:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'setup'!

    "return a holder on the current canvas"

    browserCanvas isNil ifTrue:[
        browserCanvas := ValueHolder new.
        browserCanvas value:(self newCanvasWithSpec:(self browserCanvasType ? #fullBrowserSpec))
    ^ browserCanvas

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:11:31 / cg"


    ^self browserCanvas.

    "Created: / 07-06-2011 / 16:36:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ browserCanvasType

    browserCanvasType := aSpecSymbol


    navigationState ifNil:[^#fullBrowserSpec].
    navigationState canvasType ifNil:[^#fullBrowserSpec].
    ^navigationState canvasType

    "Created: / 07-06-2011 / 21:43:19 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^(AspectAdaptor forAspect: #spec)
        subjectChannel: self browserCanvas.

    "Created: / 07-06-2011 / 21:48:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "return a holder on the current canvas"

    | canvas |
    browserPageCanvas isNil ifTrue:[
        browserPageCanvas := ValueHolder new.
        canvas := SubCanvas new.
        canvas client:self spec:#browserPageSpec builder: builder.
        canvas level:0.
        canvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
        browserPageCanvas value: canvas.
    ^ browserPageCanvas

    "Modified: / 24-02-2000 / 15:11:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 07-06-2011 / 16:34:49 / Jan Vrany <>"

    navigationState notNil ifTrue:[
        navigationState browserLabel:aString.
        self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.

    aButton passiveLevel:(MenuPanel defaultLevel).
"/    aButton passiveLevel:1.
    aButton activeLevel:-1.
    aButton backgroundColor:(MenuPanel defaultBackgroundColor).

    "create a new canvas and build componenents from aSpec.
     Invoked when a new buffer is added"


    canvas := SubCanvas new.
    canvas client:self spec:aSpec builder:(UIBuilder new).
    canvas level:0.
    canvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
    ^ canvas

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:46:04 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:10:45 / cg"

    self postBuildFixup.
    super postBuildAsSubcanvasWith:aBuilder.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 16:04:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 16:10:59 / cg"

postBuildCodePaneAndPluginView: aView

    self navigationState codePaneAndPluginView: aView

    "Created: / 22-09-2010 / 22:07:49 / Jan Vrany <>"

    " this is not more called. see #postBuildFixup instead"

    builder componentAt:#CodeView put:codeView.

"/    self codeInfoVisible value ifFalse:[
"/        "/ info not visible
"/        bottomOffset := 0.
"/    ] ifTrue:[
"/        "/ info visible
"/        bottomOffset := -25.
"/    ].
"/    codeView layout bottomOffset:bottomOffset.
    self updateCodeInfoAndStringSearchToolVisibility.

    codeView formatAction:[:code | self formatCode ].
    codeView menuHolder:self; menuMessage:#codeViewMenu.
    self stringSearchToolVisibleHolder value ifTrue:[
        self codeView searchBarActionBlock: self searchBarActionBlock.

    aLabel menuHolder:self; menuMessage:#editModeInfoLabelMenu.


    builder componentAt:#EditorNoteBook put:editorNoteBook.
    self navigationState noteBookView: editorNoteBook.

"/    self codeInfoVisible value ifFalse:[
"/        "/ info not visible
"/        bottomOffset := 0.
"/    ] ifTrue:[
"/        "/ info visible
"/        bottomOffset := -25.
"/    ].
"/    editorNoteBook layout bottomOffset:bottomOffset.
    self updateCodeInfoAndStringSearchToolVisibility.

    editorNoteBook selectConditionBlock:
        [:index |
            |canSelect editorCanvas method|

            canSelect := true.
            self showSpecialResourceEditors value ifTrue:[
                (method := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
                    "/ toggling away from the special editor - see if it was modified and ask for accept if so
                    navigationState modified ifTrue:[
                        canSelect := self askIfModified.

    |newNavigationState orgModeHolder|

    newNavigationState := self navigationState.
    self assert:newNavigationState canvasType notNil.
    newNavigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser
        ifTrue:[self hidePrivateClasses value:true.].

    "/ newNavigationState setUpScrollableCodeView.

    self editorNoteBookCanvasHolder
        value:(newNavigationState scrollableCodeView).
    self codeView formatAction:[:code | self formatCode].
    (self codeView)

    (UserPreferences current useCodeView2In: #Browser)
        ifTrue:[self codeView browserHolder value:self].

    UserPreferences current useSearchBarInBrowser
            ["/        self stringSearchToolVisibleHolder value:true.          "/ Initially hidden. Show search bar after pressing CTRL+f or clicking view menu
            self codeView searchBarActionBlock:self searchBarActionBlock.].
    self normalLabel.
    orgModeHolder := self organizerMode.
    newNavigationState isNameSpaceBrowser
        ifTrue:[orgModeHolder value:(OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace)]
            [newNavigationState isCategoryBrowser
                ifTrue:[orgModeHolder value:(OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory)]
                    [newNavigationState isProjectBrowser
                        ifTrue:[orgModeHolder value:(OrganizerCanvas organizerModeProject)].].].
    self theSingleSelectedMethod notNil
            ["/ fetch the initially selected methods code
            self methodsSelectionChanged.]
            [self theSingleSelectedClass notNil
                    ["/ to show the classes definition initially
                    self classSelectionChanged.].].
    newNavigationState codeModifiedHolder addDependent:self.

    "Modified (format): / 05-07-2011 / 10:32:23 / cg"
    "Modified: / 26-07-2011 / 10:29:18 / Jan Vrany <>"

postBuildMessagePane: messagePaneView
    <resource: #uiCallback>

    builder componentAt:#MessagePane put:messagePaneView.
    self navigationState messagePaneView: messagePaneView.

    "Modified: / 28-08-2010 / 10:37:04 / Jan Vrany <>"

postBuildPackageInfoButton: aButton

    <resource: #uiCallback>

    navigationState packageInfoButton: aButton

    "Created: / 03-10-2011 / 15:36:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

    builder componentAt:#SpecialEditorCanvas put:specialEditorSubcanvas.


    builder componentAt:#StringSearchTool put: aStringSearchTool.
    self navigationState stringSearchToolView: aStringSearchTool.
    aStringSearchTool client textView: self codeView.

postBuildTabContentView: tabContentView
    <resource: #uiCallback>

    builder componentAt:#TabContentView put:tabContentView.
    self navigationState tabContentView: tabContentView.

    "Modified: / 28-08-2010 / 10:37:53 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "/ no need to fixup here - I am always installed as subcanvas
    "/ (via noteBookView)

    super postBuildWith:aBuilder.

    environment addDependent:self.

    self codeInfoVisible value ifTrue:[ self codeInfoVisibilityChanged ].
    (self toolBarVisibleHolder value or:[self bookmarkBarVisibleHolder value])
            ifTrue:[ self toolBarOrBookmarkBarVisibilityChanged ].

"/    self editorNoteBookCanvasHolder value:(navigationState scrollableCodeView).
"/    self codeView formatAction:[:code | self formatCode ].
"/    self codeView menuHolder:self; menuMessage:#codeViewMenu.

    "Modified: / 24-02-2000 / 16:11:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18-05-2011 / 17:30:53 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self windowGroup addPreEventHook:self.
    "/ self window sensor addEventListener:self.

    "/ whenever some action takes longer, automatically show a busy cursor.
    "/ now done for all windowGroups by the group itself
    "/ self windowGroup showWaitCursorWhenBusyForMillis:100.

    super postOpenWith:aBuilder.

    anInputField emptyFieldReplacementText:
        "/(resources string:'Class Search & History').
        (resources string:'Search Class/Selector (Ctrl-L)').

    "Modified: / 09-02-2010 / 21:56:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-03-2012 / 11:59:16 / cg"

    aPanel level:(MenuPanel defaultLevel).
    aPanel basicViewBackground:(MenuPanel defaultBackgroundColor).

    navigationState notNil ifTrue:[
        navigationState browserLabel:aString
    self normalLabel.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'special editors'!


    (methodsResources := aMethod resources) notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        #( #image #fileImage #programImage #menu #canvas #help #tableColumns )
        do:[:triedResourceType |
            |editorCanvas list|

            (methodsResources includesKey:triedResourceType) ifTrue:[
                editorCanvas := navigationState specialEditorCanvasForResourceType:triedResourceType.
                editorCanvas notNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ editorCanvas
    ^ nil

updateCodeEditorVisibilityForCanvasEditor:editorCanvas class:aClassOrNil method:aMethod

    self editorNoteBookCanvasHolder value:editorCanvas.
    editorApplication := editorCanvas application.

    editorApplication masterApplication:self.

    aMethod notNil ifTrue:[
            specClass:(aMethod mclass theNonMetaclass);
            specSelector:(aMethod selector);
            loadFromClass:(aMethod mclass theNonMetaclass)
            andSelector:(aMethod selector).
    ] ifFalse:[
            specClass:(aClassOrNil theNonMetaclass)

    |view comment|

    view := navigationState documentationView.
    aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
        comment := 'Class is not loaded.'.
    ] ifTrue:[
        comment := aClass comment.
    view scrolledView contents:comment.

    self editorNoteBookCanvasHolder value:view.

    |text documentView|

    documentView := HTMLDocumentView new.
    self editorNoteBookCanvasHolder value:(HVScrollableView forView:documentView).

    text := HTMLDocGenerator htmlDocOf:aClass.
    text notNil ifTrue:[
        documentView top:(Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'doc/online/english/classDoc').
        documentView nameSpaceForExecution:(aClass nameSpace).
    documentView setText:text

    |inheritanceView classTreeView|

    inheritanceView := navigationState inheritanceView.
    classTreeView := inheritanceView scrolledView.

"/    classTreeView := ClassTreeGraphView new.
    classTreeView interestingNode:aClass.
    classTreeView topNode:(aClass allSuperclasses lastIfEmpty:[aClass]).
    classTreeView selectNode:aClass.
    classTreeView middleButtonMenu:nil.
    classTreeView menuHolder:[ self class inheritanceViewMenu ].
    classTreeView menuPerformer:self.

    self editorNoteBookCanvasHolder value:inheritanceView.



    self editorNoteBookCanvasHolder value:(navigationState scrollableCodeView).





    documentView := HTMLDocumentView new.
    self editorNoteBookCanvasHolder value:(HVScrollableView forView:documentView).
    documentView homeDocument:(HTMLDocumentView documentFileFor:'help/Browser/IntroPage.html')

updateDiffViewerVisibilityFor:source1 and:source2
    |scr diffView|

    diffView := DiffCodeView new.
    diffView text1:source1 text2:source2.
    diffView addNextPreviousButtons.
    diffView moveToNextChanged.

    scr := HVScrollableView forView:diffView.
    self editorNoteBookCanvasHolder value:scr.

    "update the visibility of the special editors in the codeEditor area,
     as appropriate to what is shown currently"

    |cls mthd|

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    "/ temporary kludge: check if the selected method is really still in the class
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
        mthd mclass isNil ifTrue:[
            mthd := nil

    "Created: / 17-08-2006 / 16:46:50 / cg"

updateSpecialCodeEditorVisibilityForClass:aClassOrNil method:aMethod
    "update the visibility of the special editors in the codeEditor area,
     as appropriate to what is shown currently"

    |hideSpecialEditor editorCanvas tabList actionList|

    "/ that is a first hack - I dont like it, though...

    hideSpecialEditor := true.

    tabList := OrderedCollection new.
    actionList := OrderedCollection new.
    self showMultitabMode value ifTrue:[
"/ self halt.
        aMethod isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ no method selected
            aClassOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
                (self selectedClassesValue isEmptyOrNil
                and:[ self selectedCategoriesValue isEmptyOrNil
                and:[ self selectedProjects value isEmptyOrNil
                and:[ navigationState isNameSpaceBrowser not
                      or:[ self selectedNamespaces value isEmptyOrNil ] ]]]) ifTrue:[
                    "/ no class selected
                    navigationState isFullBrowser ifTrue:[
                        tabList add:'Welcome'.         actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForWelcomePage ].
            tabList add:'Definition'.      actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForSource ].
            aClassOrNil notNil ifTrue:[

"/                tabList add:'Doc-Gen'.         actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForHTMLDocumentationOf:aClassOrNil ].
"/                tabList add:'Comment'.         actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForDocumentationOf:aClassOrNil ].
                ClassTreeGraphView notNil ifTrue:[
                    tabList add:'Inheritance'.     actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForInheritanceOf:aClassOrNil ].
"/                tabList add:'UML'.             actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForUMLOf:aClassOrNil ].
"/                tabList add:'Lint'.            actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForLintOf:aClassOrNil ].
"/                tabList add:'Rewrite'.         actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForRewriteOf:aClassOrNil ].
"/                tabList add:'Types'.           actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForTypesOf:aClassOrNil ].
"/                ((aClassOrNil inheritsFrom:TestCase) and:[aClassOrNil isAbstract not]) ifTrue:[
"/                    tabList add:'Test'.            actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForTestRunsOf:aClassOrNil ].
"/                ].
        ] ifFalse:[
            tabList add:'Source'.          actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForSource ].
"/            tabList add:'Lint'.            actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForLintOfMethod:aMethod ].

        self selectedMethodsValue size == 2 ifTrue:[
            tabList add:'Diff'.
            actionList add:[ self updateDiffViewerVisibilityFor:(self selectedMethodsValue first source)
                                                            and:(self selectedMethodsValue second source) ].
    ] ifFalse:[
        tabList add:'Source'.               actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForSource ].

    self showSpecialResourceEditors value ifTrue:[
        aMethod notNil ifTrue:[
            editorCanvas := self specialEditorCanvasForMethod:aMethod.
        ] ifFalse:[
            (aClassOrNil notNil and:[aClassOrNil theNonMetaclass isProjectDefinition]) ifTrue:[
                editorCanvas := navigationState specialEditorCanvasForResourceType:#projectDefinition.

    editorCanvas notNil ifTrue:[
        hideSpecialEditor := false.
        tabList add:(editorCanvas application class nameWithoutPrefix asUppercaseFirst).
        actionList add:[ self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForCanvasEditor:editorCanvas class:aClassOrNil method:aMethod ].

    (hideSpecialEditor and:[tabList size = 1]) ifTrue:[
        "/ sigh - setting an empty list also changes the selection to 0 (side effect in NoteBookView).
        "/ To avoid flickering change messages, preSet its value to 0.
        self selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder setValue:0.
        self editorNoteBookListHolder value notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            self editorNoteBookListHolder value:#().
        self updateCodeEditorVisibilityForSource.
    ] ifFalse:[
        tabList = self editorNoteBookListHolder value ifFalse:[
            self editorNoteBookListHolder value:tabList.

"/        self selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder value:1.
        "/ make one of the codeViews visible...
        self selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder value == 0 ifTrue:[
            self selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder value:1.
            ^ self.
        (actionList at:(self selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder value)) value.

    "Created: / 17-08-2006 / 16:44:51 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 17:02:07 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'startup & release'!

    "asks for permission before closing"

    |nModified modifiedBuffers m|

    buffers isNil ifTrue:[
            askIfModified:'Modifications have not been saved.\\Exit anyway ?'
            ^ self
    ] ifFalse:[
        nModified := 0.
        modifiedBuffers := buffers select:[:aBuffer | aBuffer modified].
        modifiedBuffers do:[:aBuffer | |bufferIndex|
            bufferIndex := buffers identityIndexOf:aBuffer.
            self selectedBuffer value:bufferIndex.

                askIfModified:(resources stringWithCRs:'Buffer "%1" was modified.\\Exit anyway ?' with:aBuffer nameString allBold)
                withAccept:(self canAcceptCodeIn:aBuffer)
                withCompare:(self canCompareCodeIn:aBuffer)
                ^ self
    buffers notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        buffers do:[:eachNavigationState |

            (m := eachNavigationState theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
                self addToRecentlyClosedHistory:m mclass selector:m selector
    ] ifFalse:[
        (m := navigationState theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
            self addToRecentlyClosedHistory:m mclass selector:m selector

    environment removeDependent:self.
    super closeRequest.

    "Created: / 11-02-2000 / 13:23:00 / cg"
    "Modified: / 09-09-2012 / 10:26:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2014 / 17:47:01 / Jan Vrany <>"

"/    self class classHistory removeDependent:self.
    SystemBrowser removeDependent:self.
    smalllintRulesOrDefaultHolder notNil ifTrue:[ 
        LastLintRulesHolder removeDependent: smalllintRulesOrDefaultHolder.
    super release.

    "Modified: / 20-11-2006 / 12:16:37 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17-12-2014 / 00:39:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'string search tool'!


    self stringSearchToolVisibleHolder value: false.


    self stringSearchToolView application searchPreviousText.

searchBackwardWithSearchBarWith: aString

    self setInitialSearchString: aString.
    self searchBackwardWithSearchBar.


    ^ [:how :view |
        how == #search ifTrue:[self showSearchBarWith: view searchPatternForSearchBar ].
        how == #forward ifTrue:[self searchForwardWithSearchBarWith: view searchPatternForSearchBar ].
        how == #backward ifTrue:[self searchBackwardWithSearchBarWith: view searchPatternForSearchBar ].


    self stringSearchToolView application searchNextText.

searchForwardWithSearchBarWith: aString
    self setInitialSearchString: aString.
    self searchForwardWithSearchBar.

    "Modified (comment): / 17-08-2011 / 15:08:29 / cg"


    stringSearchTool := self stringSearchToolView.
    stringSearchTool notNil ifTrue:[
        stringSearchTool takeFocus.
        stringSearchTool client searchBarOpened.

setInitialSearchString: aString

    stringSearchTool := self stringSearchToolView client.
    stringSearchTool notNil ifTrue:[
        aString notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            stringSearchTool initialSearchString: aString string.

    self stringSearchToolVisibleHolder value: true.

    self setFocusToSearchBar


    self stringSearchToolVisibleHolder value: true.
    self setInitialSearchString: aString.
    stringSearchTool := self stringSearchToolView client.
    stringSearchTool notNil ifTrue:[
        stringSearchTool setFocusToSearchTextView.
        stringSearchTool searchTextStarted.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions'!

    |localHistory globalHistory entry|

    "/ try local history
    localHistory := self navigationHistory.
    localHistory canGoBack ifTrue:[
        self goBack.
        ^ self

    "/ try global history
    globalHistory := self class classHistory.
    globalHistory notEmpty ifTrue:[
        entry := globalHistory first.
        self switchToFindHistoryEntry:entry

    "Modified: / 01-11-2010 / 18:17:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 03-07-2011 / 16:13:29 / cg"


    self toolBarOrBookmarkBarVisibilityChanged

    "Created: / 18-05-2011 / 17:29:23 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "double click on a category: add a buffer on that category"


    cat := self theSingleSelectedCategory.
    cat notNil ifTrue:[
        self spawnCategoryBrowserFor:(self selectedCategoriesValue) in:#newBuffer.
        ^ self

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 20:03:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:13:26 / cg"

    "double click on a class:
        if unloaded         : load it
        if browserStartable : start the application
        if it's a testcase  : run it

    |cls clsName organizerModeHolder organizerMode newMode doSwitchDisplayMode|

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (navigationState isVersionDiffBrowser
    or:[navigationState isCheckOutputBrowser]) ifTrue:[
        self spawnFullBrowserInClass:cls selector:nil in:#newBuffer.
        ^ self

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
        clsName := cls name.

        self window sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
            self spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:(Array with:cls) in:#newBuffer.
            ^ self.

        doSwitchDisplayMode := true.
        self window sensor metaDown ifFalse:[
            (cls isBrowserStartable) ifTrue:[
                (self startApplication:cls) ifTrue:[
                    doSwitchDisplayMode := false.
            ] ifFalse:[
                cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
                    self busyLabel:'loading %1' with:clsName.
                    self classLoad.
                    doSwitchDisplayMode := false.
                ] ifTrue:[
                    (cls isTestCaseLike and:[cls isAbstract not]) ifTrue:[
                        self classMenuOpenTestRunnerOn:cls.
                        doSwitchDisplayMode := false.

        doSwitchDisplayMode ifTrue:[
            organizerModeHolder := navigationState organizerMode.
            organizerMode := organizerModeHolder value.

            "/ toggle view mode (between category and class hierarchy)
            organizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeClassHierarchy ifTrue:[
                newMode := OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory
            ] ifFalse:[
                organizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory ifTrue:[
                    newMode := OrganizerCanvas organizerModeClassHierarchy
            newMode notNil ifTrue:[
                organizerModeHolder value:newMode.
                self organizerModeForMenu changed.

        self normalLabel.
    ^ self

    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 14:06:44 / cg"

    "/ I found this code 3 times (CodeView2, NewSystemBrowser and DebugView) - smell?
    "/ (can we move that to a utility - probably DoWhatIMeanSupport)

    |cls codeView languageOrNil|

    codeView := self codeView.
    cls := self classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
        languageOrNil := cls programmingLanguage

    UserInformation handle:[:ex |
        self showInfo:(ex messageText).
        ex proceed.
    ] do:[
        self withWaitCursorDo:[
            DoWhatIMeanSupport codeCompletionForLanguage:languageOrNil class:cls context:nil codeView:codeView.
    ^ self.
    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
    "Modified: / 03-07-2011 / 16:18:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18-09-2013 / 14:17:45 / Jan Vrany <>"

codeCompletionForMessage:node inClass:cls
    <resource: #obsolete>

    |codeView selector receiver nm srchClass implClass
     bestSelectors bestPrefixes best nodeVal info numArgs
     newParts nSelParts oldLen newLen selectorParts|

    self obsoleteMethodWarning.
    codeView := self codeView.

    selector := node selector.
    receiver := node receiver.
    receiver isVariable ifTrue:[
        nm := receiver name.
        nm = 'self' ifTrue:[
            srchClass := cls
        nm = 'super' ifTrue:[
            srchClass := cls superclass
        (Smalltalk includesKey:nm asSymbol) ifTrue:[
            nodeVal := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol.
            nodeVal notNil ifTrue:[
                srchClass := nodeVal class

    receiver isLiteral ifTrue:[
        srchClass := receiver value class
    srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
        bestSelectors := Parser findBest:30 selectorsFor:selector in:srchClass forCompletion:true.
        (bestSelectors includes:selector) ifTrue:[
            bestSelectors := bestSelectors select:[:sel | sel size > selector size].
        bestSelectors size > 0 ifTrue:[
            bestPrefixes := bestSelectors select:[:sel | sel asLowercase startsWith:selector asLowercase].
            bestPrefixes size > 0 ifTrue:[
                bestSelectors := bestPrefixes
            best := bestSelectors first.
            bestSelectors size > 1 ifTrue:[
                best = selector ifTrue:[
                    best := bestSelectors second.
                bestSelectors size < 20 ifTrue:[

                    idx := (PopUpMenu labels:bestSelectors) startUp.
                    idx == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self].
                    best := bestSelectors at:idx.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    best := Dialog request:'Matching selectors:' initialAnswer:best list:bestSelectors.
                    best size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
            ] ifFalse:[
                best := bestSelectors first.
            implClass := srchClass whichClassIncludesSelector:best.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ class not known
        self withSearchCursorDo:[
            bestSelectors := Parser findBest:30 selectorsFor:selector in:nil forCompletion:true.
        (bestSelectors includes:selector) ifTrue:[
            bestSelectors := bestSelectors select:[:sel | sel size > selector size].

        bestSelectors size > 0 ifTrue:[
            best := bestSelectors first.
            bestSelectors size > 1 ifTrue:[
                best = selector ifTrue:[
                    best := bestSelectors second.

                bestSelectors size < 20 ifTrue:[

                    idx := (PopUpMenu labels:bestSelectors) startUp.
                    idx == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self].
                    best := bestSelectors at:idx.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    best := Dialog request:'Matching selectors:' initialAnswer:best list:bestSelectors.
                    best size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
            ] ifFalse:[
                best := bestSelectors first.
            implClass := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | (cls includesSelector:best) or:[cls class includesSelector:best]].
            implClass size == 1 ifTrue:[
                implClass := implClass first.
            ] ifFalse:[
                implClass := nil

    best notNil ifTrue:[
        info := best storeString.
        implClass notNil ifTrue:[
            info := implClass name , ' >> ' , info.
        self showInfo:info.

        best ~= selector ifTrue:[
            numArgs := best numArgs.
            selectorParts := node selectorParts.
            nSelParts := selectorParts size.

            newParts := best asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:.
            newParts := newParts select:[:part | part size > 0].


                    numArgs > nSelParts ifTrue:[
                        stop := selectorParts last stop.

                        "/ append the rest ...
                        numArgs downTo:nSelParts+1 do:[:idx |

                            newPart := newParts at:idx.
                            (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
                                newPart := newPart , ':'

                            (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifFalse:[
                                newPart := ':' , newPart.
                            newPart := (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) asString , newPart.

                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:stop to:stop with:newPart

                    nSelParts downTo:1 do:[:idx |
                        |newPart oldPartialToken start stop|

                        newPart := newParts at:idx.
                        oldPartialToken := selectorParts at:idx.
                        start := oldPartialToken start.
                        stop := oldPartialToken stop.
                        (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
                            (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) == $: ifFalse:[
                                newPart := newPart , ':'
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifTrue:[
                                newPart := newPart , ':'
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) isSeparator ifFalse:[
                                    newPart := newPart , ' '
"/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:(newPart , ':').
"/                        ] ifFalse:[
"/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.

                        codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.

                        oldLen := stop - start + 1.
                        newLen := newPart size.
                        codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
                    codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput.

    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:18:27 / cg"


    self updateCodeInfoAndStringSearchToolVisibility

"/    |visible cFrame bottomOffset|
"/    visible := self codeInfoVisible value.
"/    cFrame := builder findComponentAt:#EditorNoteBook. "/ #CodeView.
"/    cFrame notNil ifTrue:[
"/        visible ifFalse:[
"/            bottomOffset := 0.
"/        ] ifTrue:[
"/            bottomOffset := -25.
"/        ].
"/        cFrame layout bottomOffset:bottomOffset.
"/        cFrame container notNil ifTrue:[
"/            cFrame containerChangedSize.
"/        ].
"/    ].
"/    DefaultCodeInfoVisible := visible

    "invoked when the user edits the text shown in the codeView"

    |navigationState codeView|

    navigationState := self navigationState.

    (codeView := self codeView) modified ifTrue:[
        navigationState realModifiedState:true.

        codeView isCodeView2 ifFalse:[
            self startSyntaxHighlightProcess.
        navigationState realModifiedState:true.
        codeView modifiedChannel setValue:false.
    self enqueueDelayedCheckReallyModified.
"/    self updateBufferLabel.

    "Modified (comment): / 27-09-2011 / 19:04:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 29-11-2011 / 13:25:51 / cg"

    self methodVisibilityHolder value:#class.

    self bookmarkBarVisibleHolder value:false

    "Created: / 18-05-2011 / 17:33:21 / Jan Vrany <>"

    self toolBarVisibleHolder value:false

    "Created: / 10.12.2001 / 21:00:13 / cg"

informUserAboutPackage: package configuredManager: cnfManager sourceManager: srcManager

    "Opens a dialog informing user that configured source
     code manager does not match the source code manager
     for source access"

    | dialog cnfManagerName srcManagerName |

    cnfManager notNil ifTrue:[
        cnfManagerName := cnfManager managerTypeName
    ] ifFalse:[
        cnfManagerName := self class resources at: 'Not configured'.
    srcManager notNil ifTrue:[
        srcManagerName := srcManager managerTypeName
    ] ifFalse:[
        srcManagerName := self class resources at: 'Unknown'.

    dialog := DialogBox new.
    dialog label: package, ': source code managers does not match'.
    (dialog addTextLabel:
            ('The default configured source code manager does NOT match\' ,
            'the source code manager for the shown class/package.\' ,
            'This may mean that you have compiled the package using sources\',
            'checked out from a different repository or source\',
            'code management system then the one you have configured\',
            'for the package') withCRs)
            adjust: #left.
    (dialog addTextLabel: 'Package: ', package) adjust: #left.
    (dialog addTextLabel: 'Configured SCM: ', cnfManagerName) adjust: #left.
    (dialog addTextLabel: 'Source SCM: ', srcManagerName) adjust: #left.
    dialog addButton:(Button label:'Open SCM Settings' action:[self openSettingsDialogAndSelectSourceCodeManagement]).
    dialog addOkButton.

    dialog open.

    "Created: / 03-10-2011 / 16:22:17 / Jan Vrany <>"


    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    currentMethod isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    self methodDoubleClicked:currentMethod

    self methodDoubleClickedAt:1

    self methodDoubleClickedAt:2

    self methodDoubleClickedAt:3

    self methodDoubleClickedAt:4

    |isMethodListLikeBrowser resources editorClass mSelector mClass|

    isMethodListLikeBrowser := navigationState isMethodBrowser
                               or:[navigationState isMethodListBrowser
                               or:[navigationState isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser
                               or:[navigationState isChainBrowser ]]].

    "/ double clicking on wrapped method removes the wrap
    aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
        self debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace.
        ^ self

    mSelector := aMethod selector.
    mClass := aMethod mclass.
    mClass isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog information:'oops - method''s class is gone (try to reselect)'.
        ^ self.

    isMethodListLikeBrowser ifTrue:[
        self window sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
            self spawnFullBrowserInClass:mClass
                 in:(DoubleClickIsOpenBrowser == true ifTrue:[#newBrowser] ifFalse:[#newBuffer]).
            ^ self

    "/ double clicking on a resource-methods opens
    "/ an appropriate editor
    (resources := aMethod resources) notNil
        "/ kludge - this info should come from somewhere else ...
        editorClass := self class resourceEditorClassForResources:resources.
        editorClass notNil ifTrue: [
            mClass isMeta ifTrue:[
                "/ these uzdsakfhiv-stupid editors cannot edit nonMeta-methods - sigh

                self withExecuteCursorDo:[
                        openOnClass:mClass theNonMetaclass
                    ^ self.
    "/ double clicking on a normal-method adds a buffer on the class;
    "/ but not if I am already a class browser.
    isMethodListLikeBrowser ifTrue:[
        self spawnFullBrowserInClass:mClass selector:mSelector
             in:(DoubleClickIsOpenBrowser == true ifTrue:[#newBrowser] ifFalse:[#newBuffer]).
"/            brwsr := self spawnClassBrowserFor:(Array with:mClass) in:#newBuffer.
"/            "/ brwsr selectClass:mClass.
"/            brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
"/            brwsr selectProtocol:(aMethod category).
"/            brwsr selectMethod:(aMethod).
"/            brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.
        ^ self

    "/ double clicking on any other method adds a senders buffer
"/    self
"/        spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:(Array with:mSelector)
"/        in:#newBuffer

        spawnMethodInheritanceBrowserFor:(Array with:mSelector)

    "Modified: / 14-02-2012 / 11:11:58 / cg"

    |selectedMethods selectedMethod|

    selectedMethods := (navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:index) value.
    selectedMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
        selectedMethod := selectedMethods first.
        self methodDoubleClicked:selectedMethod.

    "double click on a nameSpace:
        add a buffer browsing that namespace"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        DoubleClickIsOpenBrowser == true ifTrue:[
            self nameSpaceMenuSpawn
        ] ifFalse:[
            self nameSpaceMenuSpawnBuffer
    self normalLabel.

    "double click on a project:
        add a buffer browsing that project"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        DoubleClickIsOpenBrowser == true ifTrue:[
            self projectMenuSpawn
        ] ifFalse:[
            self projectMenuSpawnBuffer
    self normalLabel.

    "double click on a protocol:
        open a full-protocol browser"

"/    self theSingleSelectedProtocol notNil ifTrue:[
"/        self protocolMenuSpawnFullCategoryBuffer
"/    ]

    "Modified: / 25-07-2010 / 14:45:46 / cg"

    self methodVisibilityHolder value:#allButObject.

    "double-click on a class to exec; or launch button.
     Return true if successful"


    cls := clsArg theNonMetaclass.

    (cls isBrowserStartable) ifFalse:[^ false].

    (cls isVisualStartable) ifTrue:[
        self busyLabel:'starting application %1' with:cls name.
        MessageNotUnderstood handle:[:ex |
            ex selector ~~ #windowSpec ifTrue:[
                ex reject.
        ] do:[
            cls open.
        ^ true.
    (cls isStartableWithMain) ifTrue:[
        self busyLabel:'invoking main of %1' with:cls name.
        "/ (self confirm:('Invoke %1''s main ?' bindWith:clsName)) ifTrue:[
            cls main.
        "/ ].
        ^ true.
    (cls isStartableWithStart) ifTrue:[
        self busyLabel:'invoking start of %1' with:cls name.
        "/ (self confirm:('Invoke %1''s start ?' bindWith:clsName)) ifTrue:[
            cls start.
        "/ ].
        ^ true.
    ^ false.


    self updateCodeInfoAndStringSearchToolVisibility.
    stringSearchToolVisible := self stringSearchToolVisibleHolder value.
    stringSearchToolVisible ifTrue:[
        self setFocusToSearchBar.

    self organizerMode value:(OrganizerCanvas organizerModeCategory).
    self organizerModeForMenu changed

    self organizerMode value:OrganizerCanvas organizerModeClassHierarchy.
    self organizerModeForMenu changed

    |toolBarVisible toolBar bookmarkBarVisible bookmarkBar pageContent topOffset h|

    toolBar := self componentAt:#ToolBar.
    bookmarkBar := self componentAt:#BookmarkBar.
    topOffset := 0.

    toolBar isNil ifFalse:[
        toolBarVisible := self toolBarVisibleHolder value.
        DefaultToolBarVisible := toolBarVisible.
        toolBarVisible ifTrue:[
            topOffset := topOffset + toolBar height.

    bookmarkBar isNil ifFalse:[
        bookmarkBarVisible := self bookmarkBarVisibleHolder value.
        UserPreferences current showBookmarkBar:bookmarkBarVisible.
        bookmarkBarVisible ifTrue:[
            h := bookmarkBar height.
            bookmarkBar layout topOffset:topOffset.
            bookmarkBar layout bottomOffset:topOffset + h.
            bookmarkBar container notNil ifTrue:[
                bookmarkBar containerChangedSize.
            topOffset := topOffset + h.

    "/ cg: the following is wrong - looks ugly in windows style!!
    "/ maybe we have to make this depending on some margin?
    "/ topOffset := topOffset - 1.

    pageContent := (browserPageCanvas notNil or:[builder spec name == #browserPageSpec])
                    ifTrue:[(self componentAt: #BrowserPageContents)]
                    ifFalse:[(self componentAt:#NoteBook)].
    pageContent notNil ifTrue:[
        pageContent layout topOffset:topOffset.
        pageContent container notNil ifTrue:[
            pageContent containerChangedSize.

    "Created: / 18-05-2011 / 17:28:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-06-2011 / 16:58:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 31-12-2011 / 13:18:24 / cg"


    self toolBarOrBookmarkBarVisibilityChanged

"/    |visible toolBar noteBook topOffset|
"/    toolBar := self componentAt:#ToolBar.
"/    toolBar isNil ifTrue:[
"/        topOffset := 0.
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        visible := self toolBarVisibleHolder value.
"/        DefaultToolBarVisible := visible.
"/        visible ifTrue:[
"/            topOffset := toolBar height.
"/        ]
"/    ].
"/    noteBook := self componentAt:#NoteBook.
"/    noteBook notNil ifTrue:[
"/        noteBook layout topOffset:topOffset.
"/        noteBook container notNil ifTrue:[
"/            noteBook containerChangedSize.
"/        ].
"/    ].

    "Modified: / 18-05-2011 / 17:29:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "double click on a variable:
        add a buffer showing all references to this variable"

    |names type title|

    names := self variableFilter value.
    names size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifTrue:[
        type := #classVarNames.
        title := 'All references to class variable ''%1'''.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self meta value ifTrue:[
            type := #classInstVarNames.
            title := 'All references to class-instance variable ''%1'''.
        ] ifFalse:[
            type := #instVarNames.
            title := 'All references to instance variable ''%1'''.

        classes:self selectedClassesValue
        variables:type access:#readOrWrite all:true
        title:title  in:#newBuffer

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:51:54 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions-accepting'!

acceptMethod:codeArg inClass:cls language: languageOrNil check:doCheck
    "accept a new method.

     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    |code cat returnValue newSelector existingMethod language |

    code := codeArg asString.
    returnValue := false.
    language := languageOrNil notNil
                    ifTrue: [languageOrNil]
                    ifFalse: [self hasMethodSelected
                            ifTrue:[self selectedMethodsValue first programmingLanguage]
                            ifFalse:[cls programmingLanguage]].

    "/ A special kludge for Java, sigh.
    "/ When Java is code is about to be accepted AND a method is (was) selected,
    "/ we end up here. However, when Java is configured to show full source
    "/ (a default so far), then we would like to all #doAcceptJavaClassDefinition:
    "/ so all modified states and so on are updated correctly. If we won't, then
    "/ all the modified state and delayed code update is confused since it assumes
    "/ only a method has changed (which may not be true, one could add a field
    "/ meanwhile,... So tricky. I (JV) should review fullClassSource mode...
    (language isJavaLike and:[ JavaMethod showFullSource ]) ifTrue:[
        "/ Q: Maybe we should preserve method selection if possible...
        ^ self doAcceptJavaClassDefinition: code.

    "/ a quick parse for the selector, to check if we overwrite an existing method...
    newSelector := self selectorOfMethodFromCode:code in:cls.
    existingMethod := cls compiledMethodAt:newSelector ifAbsent:[].
    cat := self protocolToAcceptMethod:newSelector class:cls.
    cat isNil ifTrue:[
        cat := cls isMeta
                    ifTrue:[BrowserList nameListEntryForStatic]
                    ifFalse:[BrowserList nameListEntryForNonStatic]

    AbortOperationRequest catch:[
        (Class methodRedefinitionNotification) handle:[:ex |

            answer := SystemBrowser askForPackageChangeFrom:ex oldPackage to:ex newPackage.
            (answer ~~ #cancel) ifTrue:[
                ex proceedWith:answer
        ] do:[
            |codeView breakpoints package oldMethod oldSelector defPackage answer rslt lang wasInstrumented|

            codeView := self codeView.

            "/ used to be
            "/    oldSelector := self theSingleSelectedSelector.
            "/ here; however, with Ruby, a funny selector (fact) instead of fact: is returned...
            wasInstrumented := false.

            oldMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
            oldMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                oldSelector := oldMethod selector.
                (oldSelector isNil and:[existingMethod notNil]) ifTrue:[
                    "/ wrapped/unwrapped?
                    true "(existingMethod isWrapped or:[existingMethod isMethodWithBreakpoints])" ifTrue:[
                        oldSelector := existingMethod selector
                wasInstrumented := oldMethod isInstrumented.

            "/ check for overwritten version method
            (cls isMeta and:[(AbstractSourceCodeManager isVersionMethodSelector:newSelector)]) ifTrue:[
                (self confirm:'ATTENTION: you are about to accept the classes version method.
This method is required by the sourceCodeManager and should correctly return
the classes version as present in the source repository.
An incorrect version method may lead to failures when accessing/showing/changing
the classes source code - i.e. lead to trouble.
You have been warned.

Accept anyway ?')
                    ^ false
            ] ifFalse:[
                breakpoints := nil.
                codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
                    breakpoints := codeView breakpoints.

                "/ check if accepting a different selector than the selected one,
                "/ and a method for the new selector exists.
                (existingMethod notNil and:[oldSelector ~= newSelector]) ifTrue:[
                    "/ seems to be the same selector; however, we must really compile to see if it is not going
                    "/ to end up in another namespace. In that case, we give a different warning message.
                    Parser parseErrorSignal catch:[
                        "/ BreakpointQuery answer: breakpoints do:[
                            rslt := language compilerClass
                        "/ ]
                    (rslt notNil and:[ rslt nameSpace notNil ]) ifTrue:[
                        newSelector := (':',rslt nameSpace name,'::',newSelector) asSymbol.
                        existingMethod := cls compiledMethodAt:newSelector.
                (existingMethod notNil and:[oldSelector ~= newSelector]) ifTrue:[
                    answer := OptionBox
                                  request:('You are about to overwrite an existing method.\\Accept anyway ?' withCRs)
                                  label:(resources string:'Attention')
                                  image:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
                                  buttonLabels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Compare' 'Yes'))
                                  values:#(false #compare true)

                    answer == false ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
                    answer == #compare ifTrue:[
                        self openDiffViewForText:code againstSourceOfMethod:existingMethod.
                        ^ false

            codeView cursorMovementWhenUpdating:nil.
            codeView scrollWhenUpdating:nil.

            existingMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                "keep old package if selector does already exist in class"
                package := existingMethod package.
            ] ifFalse:[
                "/ JV: Used to be
                "/    cls theNonMetaclass canHaveExtensions ifFalse:[
                "/  but this is actually matter of method's language rather than class's language.
                "/  Otherwise we could not have Smalltalk (Ruby) extensions in Java classes!!
                (language notNil and:[language supportsExtensionMethods]) ifFalse:[
                    defPackage := package := cls package.
                ] ifTrue:[
                    defPackage := Class packageQuerySignal query.

                "/ if in project-mode,
                "/ assign the currently selected packageID (or ask, if there is none or multiple)
                "/ otherwise, use the current project

                (navigationState isProjectBrowser
                or:[navigationState organizerMode value == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeProject])
                    "/ JV: Used to be
                    "/    cls theNonMetaclass canHaveExtensions ifFalse:[
                    "/  but this is actually matter of method's language rather than class's language.
                    "/  Otherwise we could not have Smalltalk (Ruby) extensions in Java classes!!
                    (language notNil and:[language supportsExtensionMethods]) ifTrue:[
                        package := self theSingleSelectedProject.
                    package isNil ifTrue:[
                        package := self
                                        askForProject:'Method shall be assigned to which project ?'
                                        initialText:(LastAcceptPackage ? cls package).
                        package isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
                        LastAcceptPackage := package.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        package := package asSymbol.
                        "/ if the current project is different from the selected one
                        package ~= defPackage ifTrue:[
                            "/ and the current project is not the default project
                            (defPackage = PackageId noProjectID) ifFalse:[
                                "/ ask
                                package := self
                                                askForProject:('The browsers selected project is ''%1''\however, your currently active (default) project is ''%2''.\\To which project shall the method be assigned ?'
                                                               bindWith:package allBold with:defPackage allBold) withCRs
                                package isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
                                LastAcceptPackage := package.
                package isNil ifTrue:[ package := defPackage ].

            lang := oldMethod notNil
                        ifTrue:[ oldMethod programmingLanguage ]
                        ifFalse:[ language "cls programmingLanguage" ].

            "/ notice: when compiling, the classes change message will already
            "/ be noticed by the methodList and lead to an update
            "/ to be enqueued.


                "/ cg: for now, only smalltalk critics is possible...
                (self enforceCodeStyle and:[lang isSmalltalk]) ifTrue:[
                    codeCritics := CodeCritics checkCodeQuality:code.
                    codeCritics notNil ifTrue:[
                        codeCritics do:[:eachCritic |
                                highlightingErrorLine:(eachCritic key)
                                            stringWithCRs:'Ugly code warning\\    %1\\Please beautify.'
                                            with:eachCritic value allBold).
"/ done elsewhere
"/                self enforceComment ifTrue:[
"/                    "/ allow simple getters, setters, basicNew etc...
"/                    "/ should be coupled with a metric
"/                    code asCollectionOfLines size > 3 ifTrue:[
"/                        (lang parserClass methodCommentFromSource:code) isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
"/                            Dialog warn:(resources stringWithCRs:'Bad style: please add a method comment.')
"/                        ].
"/                    ].
"/                ].

                "/ do not react on the methodSelectionChanged notification
                "/ (which is enforced by the methodList)
                self selectedMethods retractInterestsFor:self.
                "/ self immediateUpdate value:true.

                "/ Transcript showCR:'accepting in package: ', (package ? '__NoPackage__').
                Class packageQuerySignal answer:package do:[ |change|
                    ClassDescription updateHistoryLineQuerySignal answer:true do:[
                        (ClassDescription updateChangeFileQuerySignal
                        , ClassDescription updateChangeListQuerySignal) answer:self suppressChangeSetUpdate not
Class nameSpaceQuerySignal
answer:(self currentNamespace)
                            ("self canUseRefactoringSupport"
                             lang isSmalltalk
                             and:[(environment at:cls theNonMetaclass name)==cls
                             and:[cls programmingLanguage == lang
                             and:[InteractiveAddMethodChange notNil]]]
                            ) ifTrue:[
                                "/ cg: Q: is the AddMethodChange prepared for languages ?
                                change := InteractiveAddMethodChange compile:code in:cls classified:cat.
                                change controller:codeView.
                                "/ change named:('Accept method ' , newSelector ? '???').
                                Parser parseErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
                                    rslt := nil.
                                    "/ mh - there was no error reporting then; do it again to get the err
                                    "/ highlighted. What a kludge

                                    "/ BreakpointQuery answer: breakpoints do:[
                                        lang compilerClass
                                    "/ ]
                                ] do:[
                                    BreakpointQuery answer: breakpoints do:[
                                        RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change.
                                        rslt := cls compiledMethodAt:newSelector.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                BreakpointQuery answer: breakpoints do:[
                                    rslt := lang compilerClass
                            wasInstrumented ifTrue:[
                                rslt := InstrumentingCompiler

                "/ give subcanvases a chance to synchronize ...

                "/ self immediateUpdate value:true.

                rslt isMethod ifTrue:[
"/                        rslt resourceType == #image ifTrue:[
"/                            Icon flushCachedIcons
"/                        ].

                    rslt package.       "/ sigh: has side effect of setting the instvar in the method (is this needed?)
                    navigationState realModifiedState:false.
                    codeView modified:false.

                    "/ immediateUpdate value:true.
                    "/ self switchToSelector:rslt selector.

                    codeView cursorMovementWhenUpdating:nil.
                    codeView scrollWhenUpdating:nil.
                    codeView setSearchPattern:nil.
                    lastMethodCategory := rslt category.

                    (self selectedProtocolsValue contains:[:p | p string = lastMethodCategory]) ifFalse:[
                        (self selectedProtocolsValue includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifFalse:[
                            "/ self selectedProtocols setValue:(Array with:rslt category).
                           self selectProtocols:(Array with:lastMethodCategory).

                    oldSelector ~= rslt selector ifTrue:[
                        self selectedMethods value:(Array with:rslt).
                        "/ self switchToSelector:rslt selector
                    ] ifFalse:[
"/                            "/ do not notify myself (to avoid scroll-to-top)
"/                            self selectedMethods value:(Array with:rslt).
"/                        self showMethodsCode:rslt scrollToTop:false.
"/                        self selectedMethods setValue:(Array with:rslt).
"/                        self switchToClass:cls selector:rslt selector.

                    immediateUpdate value:false.
                    doCheck ifTrue:[
                        self checkAcceptedMethod:rslt inClass:cls.
"/                    wasInstrumented ifTrue:[
"/                        self recompileMethodWithInstrumentation:rslt.
"/                    ].

                    returnValue := true.
                    self updateBufferLabel.
            ] ensure:[
                "/ do again react on the methodSelectionChanged notification
                "/ JV: MUST do it asynchronously because the update is caught
                "/     by method list which updates its selection ASYNCHRONOUSLY.
                "/     so by pushing this into even queue we make sure that
                "/     we re-register ourself AFTER all such delayed updates are
                "/     processed.
                self window sensor pushAction:[
                    self selectedMethods onChangeSend:#methodsSelectionChanged to:self.
                immediateUpdate value:false.
    ^ returnValue.

    "Created: / 30-12-2009 / 20:01:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 02-08-2012 / 09:37:29 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 17-08-2014 / 10:12:29 / Jan Vrany <>"

    |cls mcls codeAspect msg|

    cls := aClass theNonMetaclass.
    mcls := aClass theMetaclass.

    codeAspect := self codeAspect.
    codeAspect == #newApplication ifTrue:[ msg := 'Generate initial application code ?' ].
    codeAspect == #newDialog ifTrue:[ msg := 'Generate initial dialog code ?' ].
    codeAspect == #newWebService ifTrue:[ msg := 'Generate initial webService code ?' ].
    codeAspect == #newWebPage ifTrue:[ msg := 'Generate initial webPage code ?' ].
    codeAspect == #newWidget ifTrue:[ msg := 'Generate initial widget code ?' ].

    (msg notNil and:[self confirm:(resources string:msg)])
        SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool createDocumentationMethodsFor:mcls.

        (codeAspect == #newWebService) ifTrue:[
            SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool createWebServiceCodeFor:cls.
            ^ self.
        (codeAspect == #newWebPage) ifTrue:[
            SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool createWebPageCodeFor:cls.
            ^ self.
        codeAspect == #newApplication ifTrue:[
            SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool createExamplesMethodFor:mcls.
            SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool createApplicationCodeFor:cls.
        codeAspect == #newWidget ifTrue:[
            SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool createWidgetCodeFor:cls.
        ^ self.

    (codeAspect == #newTestCase) ifTrue:[
        SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool createDocumentationMethodsFor:mcls.
        SmalltalkCodeGeneratorTool createTestCaseSampleCodeFor:cls.
        ^ self.

    "Modified: / 31-01-2011 / 18:29:32 / cg"

    code asCollectionOfLines keysAndValuesDo:[:lineNr :eachLine |
        |lineString column|

        lineString := eachLine string.
        (lineString withoutLeadingSeparators startsWith:'^') ifTrue:[
            column := lineString indexOf:$^.
            (column-1) \\ 4 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                ^ (lineNr -> 'bad indentation').
    ^ nil

    | cls mthd className classes classNameList initial commonSuper|

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
            mthd isWrapped ifTrue:[ mthd := mthd originalMethod ].
            cls := mthd mclass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
        classes := self selectedClassesValue.
        classes isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'oops class is gone; reselect and try again'.
            ^ nil

        "/ ask for class in which to accept
        commonSuper := Behavior commonSuperclassOf:classes.
        (classes includes:commonSuper) ifTrue:[
            initial := commonSuper name.
        classNameList := classes collect:[:cls|cls name].
        classNameList size > 0 ifTrue:[
            classNameList addLast:'-'.
            classNameList addLast:'*'.
        className := Dialog
                        request:'Accept code for which class ? ("*" for all)'
        className size == 0 ifTrue:[
            ^ nil
        className = '*' ifTrue:[
            ^ classes asArray.

        cls := environment at:className asSymbol.
        cls isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'No such class - try again'.
            ^ nil
    ^ cls

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:55 / cg"

doAcceptClassAspect:aspect get:getSelector set:setSelector code:theCode
    "accept comment or primitiveDefs/vars/funs (in the codeView)."

    |codeView currentClass|

    codeView := self codeView.

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedLoadedNonMetaclassOrNil.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self warn:'oops - no loaded class selected'

    ((currentClass class includesSelector:getSelector)
    or:[ (currentClass class includesSelector:setSelector) ]) ifTrue:[
        self warn:('The "%1"-class redefines the "%2" and/or the "%3"-message.\\The Accept may fail - please check manually.'
                    bindWith:currentClass name allBold
                    with:getSelector allBold
                    with:setSelector allBold) withCRs.

        environment removeDependent:self.   "/ avoid update
        ClassDescription updateHistoryLineQuerySignal answer:true do:[
            (ClassDescription updateChangeFileQuerySignal
            , ClassDescription updateChangeListQuerySignal) answer:self suppressChangeSetUpdate not
                currentClass perform:setSelector with:theCode asString string.
        codeView contents:(currentClass perform:getSelector).
        codeView modified:false.
        navigationState realModifiedState:false.
    ] ensure:[
        environment addDependent:self.

    self codeAspect:aspect.

    "Modified: / 01-03-2007 / 20:53:42 / cg"

    "accept a classComment (in the codeView)."

    self doAcceptClassAspect:#classComment get:#comment set:#comment: code:theCode

doAcceptClassDefinition:theCode fullClass:thisIsAFullClassesCode usingCompiler:aCompilerClass
    "tell the codeView what to do on accept.
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled).
     Ouch: this shares a lot of duplicate code with setAcceptActionForClass;
           please refacor"

    |codeView returnValue package|

    returnValue := false.

    codeView := self codeView.

    codeView modified:false.

    self withExecuteCursorDo:[
        |currentCategory currentClass ns|

        currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
            ns := currentClass nameSpace
        ] ifFalse:[
            ns := nil
        ns := nil. "/ experimental - needed for JS parsing; is it still needed for ST ?

        currentCategory := self theSingleSelectedCategory.
        currentCategory isNil ifTrue:[
            currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
                currentCategory := currentClass category

        self organizerMode value == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeProject ifTrue:[
            currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
                package := currentClass package.
            ] ifFalse:[
                package := self theSingleSelectedProject.
            package isNil ifTrue:[
                package := Dialog request:'Add to which project ?'.
                package size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
            package := package asSymbol.
        ] ifFalse:[
            package := Class packageQuerySignal query.

        Class classCategoryQuerySignal answer:(currentCategory ? '* as yet unspecified *')
          Class packageQuerySignal answer:package
            Class nameSpaceQuerySignal handle:[:ex |
                ns isNil ifTrue:[
                    ex reject
                ex proceedWith:ns
            ] do:[
                AbortOperationRequest catch:[
                  UndefinedObject createMinimumProtocolInNewSubclassQuery
                        (Class classRedefinitionNotification) handle:[:ex |

"/ cg: now always keep the old packageID
                            Class catchClassRedefinitions ifFalse:[
                                ex proceedWith:#keep
                            answer := OptionBox
('You are about to change the definition of a class from another (system-) package.
The class is part of the ''%1'' package.

PS: you can disable this check in the launchers settings-compilation dialog.'
                                                      bindWith:(ex oldPackage allBold))

                                          label:'Class redefinition'
                                          image:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
                                          buttonLabels:#('Cancel' 'Continue')
                                          values:#(#cancel #keep)

                            (answer ~~ #cancel) ifTrue:[
                                ex proceedWith:answer
                        ] do:[
                            |rslt cls mcls|

                            "/ self immediateUpdate value:true.
                            navigationState realModifiedState:false.
                            navigationState modified:false.

                            ClassDescription updateHistoryLineQuerySignal answer:true do:[
                                (ClassDescription updateChangeFileQuerySignal
                                , ClassDescription updateChangeListQuerySignal) answer:self suppressChangeSetUpdate not
                                    thisIsAFullClassesCode ifTrue:[
                                        rslt := (ReadStream on:theCode asString) fileIn.
                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                        ClassBuildError handle:[:ex |
                                            self warn:ex description
                                        ] do:[
                                            rslt := (aCompilerClass ? Compiler)
                                                        evaluate:theCode asString string

                            "/ self immediateUpdate value:false.

                            (rslt isBehavior and: [rslt programmingLanguage isSmalltalk]) ifTrue:[
                                "/ look for a comment and generate a documentation method if so
                                |parser tree comment|
                                parser := Parser new.
                                    source:theCode asString string;
                                tree := parser
                                parser nextToken.
                                (rslt class implements:#documentation) ifFalse:[
                                    comment := (parser comments collect:[:c | c string]) asStringCollection asString.
                                    (comment includesString:'no comment') ifFalse:[
                                        (comment includesString:'the above text has been extracted') ifFalse:[
                                            (comment includesString:'the empty string arguments by true values') ifFalse:[
                                                rslt class
                                                    compile:'documentation\"' withCRs,comment,'"'
                                self switchToClass:rslt.
                                "/ self switchToClassNamed:rslt name.
                                returnValue := true.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                "/ Switch to class even it is not a Smalltalk class!!"
                                rslt isBehavior ifTrue:[
                                    self switchToClass:rslt.

                            returnValue ifTrue:[
                                cls := rslt theNonMetaclass.
                                mcls := rslt theMetaclass.
                                self askForInitialApplicationCodeFor:mcls.

    self codeAspect:SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition.
    ^ returnValue

    "Created: / 13-02-2000 / 22:43:59 / cg"
    "Modified: / 22-07-2013 / 13:47:45 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-08-2013 / 03:46:23 / Jan Vrany <>"

doAcceptClassDefinition:theCode usingCompiler:aCompilerClass
    "tell the codeView what to do on accept.
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:40:11 / cg"

    "accept primitive-definitions/functions or variables (in the codeView)."

    |codeAspect setter getter|

    codeAspect := self codeAspect.
    codeAspect == #primitiveDefinitions ifTrue:[
        getter := #'primitiveDefinitionsString'.
        setter := #'primitiveDefinitions:'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        codeAspect == #primitiveFunctions ifTrue:[
            getter := #'primitiveFunctionsString'.
            setter := #'primitiveFunctions:'.
        ] ifFalse:[
            codeAspect == #primitiveVariables ifTrue:[
                getter := #'primitiveVariablesString'.
                setter := #'primitiveVariables:'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                self error:'unknown codeAspect: ', codeAspect printString.
    self doAcceptClassAspect:codeAspect get:getter set:setter code:theCode.

    "accept changed code in aNavigationState"

    |acceptAction codeView codeAspect|

    codeView := aNavigationState codeView.
    acceptAction := codeView acceptAction.
    acceptAction isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    codeAspect := aNavigationState codeAspect.
    (codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition
    or:[codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod]) ifTrue:[
        acceptAction value:(codeView contentsAsString)

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:25:11 / cg"

doAcceptFullClassDefinition:theCode usingCompiler:aCompilerClass
    "tell the codeView what to do on accept.
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    ^ self

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 15:40:19 / cg"

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept.
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    self warn:'Accept of Java classes is not yet implemented'.
    ^ false

    | newClass |

    newClass := GroovyCompiler compile: theCode string.
    newClass isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

    newClass isBehavior ifTrue:[
        self switchToClass:newClass.
    self codeAspect: #classDefinition

    "Created: / 18-02-2012 / 18:54:58 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Called upon accepting Java Class definition
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    "Hack for now - when a Java class is changed and accepted, it is recompiled
     using GroovyCompiler (which effectively turn it into Groovy class)"

    | compiler newClass |

    compiler := JavaLanguage instance compilerClass.
    compiler notNil ifTrue:[
        newClass := compiler compile: theCode register: true notifying: self.
        newClass isNil ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
        newClass isBehavior ifTrue:[
            navigationState realModifiedState:false.
            navigationState modified:false.
            self switchToClass:newClass.

    self warn:'No JavaCompiler found, so accepting Java code is not possible.'.
    ^ false

    "Modified: / 17-08-2014 / 09:50:14 / Jan Vrany <>"

doAcceptMethod:theCode language: languageOrNil
    "accept a new/modified method using given language"

    |codeWithoutEmphasis classOrClassCollection|

    theCode isStringCollection ifTrue:[
        codeWithoutEmphasis := theCode
                    collect:[:eachLine |
                        eachLine isNil ifTrue:[
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            eachLine string
    ] ifFalse:[
        codeWithoutEmphasis := theCode
    classOrClassCollection := self classToAcceptMethodIn.
    classOrClassCollection notNil ifTrue:[
                classOrClassCollection isArray ifTrue:[
                    classOrClassCollection do:[:eachClass |
                            language: languageOrNil
                ] ifFalse:[
                        language: languageOrNil

    "Created: / 30-12-2009 / 20:02:51 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "accept changes in special editor"

    self navigationState doSaveInSpecialEditors.

    ^ UserPreferences current enforceCodeStyle


    ^ UserPreferences current enforceComment

    "Created: / 17-07-2010 / 14:18:26 / cg"

nameOfMethodFromCode:someCode in:aClass

    parser := aClass parserClass
                parseMethodSpecification:someCode asString
                ignoreErrors:true ignoreWarnings:true.
    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
        ^ parser name.
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 23-04-2009 / 09:32:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 24-08-2009 / 09:31:43 / Jan Vrany <>"

openDiffViewForText:theCode againstSourceOfMethod:aMethod
    |originalSource changedSource v|

    originalSource := aMethod source.
    changedSource := theCode asString string.
    v := DiffCodeView
            label:(resources string:'Code here (to be accepted ?)')
            label:(resources string:'Method''s actual code').
    v topView label:(resources string:'Comparing methods').
    v waitUntilVisible.


protocolToAcceptMethod:selector class:aClass
    | cat mthd protocols |

    aClass supportsMethodCategories ifFalse:[ ^ nil ].
    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
        cat := mthd category.
        cat isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ Unbound / Missing method?
            mthd := aClass lookupMethodFor: selector.
            cat := mthd category.
    ] ifFalse:[
        protocols := self selectedMethodsValue collect:[:m | m category] as:Set.
        protocols size == 1 ifTrue:[
            cat := protocols first
        ] ifFalse:[
            cat := self theSingleSelectedProtocol.
            (cat isNil or:[cat = (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)]) ifTrue:[
                "must check from which category this code came from ...
                 ... thanks to Arno for pointing this out"

                cat := self askForMethodCategoryForAcceptInClass:aClass selector:selector.
                cat size == 0 ifTrue:[
                    ^ nil
    ^ cat

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:42:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 07-08-2013 / 12:49:34 / Jan Vrany <>"

selectorAndNameOfMethodFromCode:someCode in:aClass

    parser := aClass parserClass
                parseMethodSpecification:someCode asString
                ignoreErrors:true ignoreWarnings:true.
    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
            with: parser selector asSymbol
            with: parser name
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 23-04-2009 / 09:32:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 24-08-2009 / 09:40:50 / Jan Vrany <>"

selectorOfMethodFromCode:someCode in:aClass
    "a quick parse for the selector - is done BEFORE we actually compile something,
     to be able to get the existing method's category (q: is that really needed - can change
     the category afterwards, if the compiled method is installed late)"


    "/ that's a stupid interface - should ask for a tree and then for a selector...
    parser := aClass parserClass
                    withArguments:(Array with:(someCode asString)
                    ifNotUnderstood:[ nil ].

    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
        parser selector notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ parser selector asSymbol.
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 23-04-2009 / 09:32:05 / Jan Vrany <>"

selectorOfMethodFromCode:someCode in:aClass language: language

    parser := language parserClass
                parseMethodSpecification:someCode asString
                ignoreErrors:true ignoreWarnings:true.
    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
        ^ parser selector asSymbol.
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 23-04-2009 / 09:32:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 30-12-2009 / 20:06:20 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"


    (codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
        codeView acceptAction:aBlockOrNil.

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain"

    self setAcceptActionForMetaClassUsed:nil

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"


    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    (currentClass isNil
        or:[ currentClass programmingLanguage isSmalltalk not
        or:[ currentClass isRealNameSpace ]])
        self setAcceptActionForNothing.
        ^ self

    self setAcceptAction:[:theCode | self doAcceptClassComment:theCode].

    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 17:14:28 / cg"

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain"

    |currentClass action|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.

    currentClass isGroovyClass ifTrue:[
        action := [:theCode | self doAcceptGroovyClassDefinition:theCode asString string]
    ] ifFalse:[
        navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
            action := [:theCode | self doAcceptFullJavaClassDefinition:theCode asString string].
        ] ifFalse:[
            action := [:theCode | self doAcceptJavaClassDefinition:theCode asString string].
    self setAcceptAction:action.

    "Modified: / 07-08-2013 / 02:56:16 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"

    self setAcceptActionForNothing

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain"

    |currentClass action compiler|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.

    metaClassUsedOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
        (currentClass notNil and:[currentClass theNonMetaclass isJavaClass]) ifTrue:[
            ^ self setAcceptActionForJavaClass.

    (currentClass isRealNameSpace) ifTrue:[
        self setAcceptActionForNothing.
        ^ self

    metaClassUsedOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        compiler := metaClassUsedOrNil basicNew realSubclassDefinerClass
    ] ifFalse:[
        compiler := currentClass
                        ifNotNil:[ (currentClass subclassDefinerClass ? Compiler) ].

    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
        action := [:theCode | self doAcceptFullClassDefinition:theCode
    ] ifFalse:[
        action := [:theCode | self doAcceptClassDefinition:theCode
    self setAcceptAction:action.

    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 17:14:34 / cg"
    "Modified: / 02-09-2013 / 09:41:59 / Jan Vrany <>"


    " means class's own language"
    self setAcceptActionForMethodUsingLanguage: nil

    "Modified: / 30-12-2009 / 20:04:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

setAcceptActionForMethodUsingLanguage: languageOrNil
    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"

    | codeView |

    self setAcceptAction:[:theCode | self doAcceptMethod:theCode language: languageOrNil  ].

    (codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
            explainAction:[:theCode :theSelection |
                self explain:theSelection inCode:theCode
        codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
            languageOrNil ifNotNil:[
                codeView languageHolder value: languageOrNil.



    "Created: / 30-12-2009 / 20:03:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 20-07-2010 / 15:55:11 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"

    self setAcceptAction:[:code | self window beep].

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"

    self setAcceptAction:[:code |  |package project|
                                package := self theSingleSelectedProject.
                                project := Project projectWithId:package.
                                project isNil ifTrue:[
                                    self warn:'No such project.'
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    project comment:(code asString string).
                                    navigationState modified:false.
                                    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

    "tell the codeView what to do on doIt"

    "set self for doits. This allows accessing the current class
     as self, and access to the class variables by name.
     Also, the current nameSpace (if there is one) is set for
     the doIt.

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    codeView doItAction:[:theCode |
        |compiler nsName ns currentClass currentNonMetaClass currentMethod result|

        currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
        currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
            currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
            currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                currentClass := currentMethod mclass
        currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
            currentNonMetaClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.
            ns := currentNonMetaClass nameSpace
        ] ifFalse:[
            self organizerMode == OrganizerCanvas organizerModeNamespace ifTrue:[
                nsName := self theSingleSelectedNamespace.
                nsName notNil ifTrue:[
                    ns := NameSpace name:nsName

            compiler := nil.
            codeView isCodeView2 ifTrue:[
                codeView languageHolder value notNil ifTrue:[ 
                    compiler := codeView languageHolder value evaluatorClass.
            compiler isNil ifTrue:[
                currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
                    compiler := Compiler
                ] ifFalse:[
                    compiler := currentClass evaluatorClass
            result := compiler
                evaluate:theCode string
        ] on: Class nameSpaceQuerySignal do:[:ex |
            ns isNil ifTrue:[
                ex reject
            ex proceedWith:ns

    "Created: / 23-02-2000 / 11:54:24 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 20-02-2015 / 08:44:37 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "tell the codeView what accept is not allowed"

    self setAcceptAction:[:code | self codeView flash].
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions-class'!

    "load an autoloaded class.
     Invoked on doubleClick on a class or via the menu"

    self loadClasses:self selectedClassesValue.

    "/ to force update.
    "/ (I guess, this is not needed)
    self selectedClasses value:(self selectedClassesValue copy).

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:45:33 / cg"

    "unload an autsoloaded class"

    self unloadClasses:self selectedNonMetaclasses.
    "/ to force update.
    "/ (I guess, this is not needed)
    self selectedClasses value:(self selectedClassesValue copy).

    "Modified: / 28-02-2012 / 16:48:42 / cg"

    "reload an autoloaded class"

    |classes names|

    classes := self selectedClassesValue.
    names := classes collect:[:cls | cls name].
    self unloadClasses:classes.
    self loadClasses:(names collect:[:nm | environment classNamed:nm]).

    "/ to force update.
    "/ (I guess, this is not needed)
    self selectedClasses value:(self selectedClassesValue copy).

    "Created: / 04-07-2011 / 18:10:08 / cg"

    "load a collection of autoloaded classes.
     Invoked on doubleClick on an unloaded class or via the menu"


        numClasses := aCollectionOfClasses size.
        aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClass |
            |cls nm nameShown msg|

            cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
            cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
                nm := cls name.
                nameShown := self displayedClassNameOf:cls.

                Autoload autoloadFailedSignal handle:[:ex |
                    msg := 'Autoload of %1 failed.

Check for a file named '''' either in the package ''%3''
along your packagePath, or in the current directory.
The packagePath is: %4.

You can also try to load the class(es) from the repository,
via the ''import and load classes'' menu function of the
project list.'.
                    msg := (resources string:msg
                            with:(Smalltalk fileNameForClass:cls)
                            with:cls package
                            with:(Smalltalk packagePath asStringCollection asStringWith:' , ')).

                    numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
                            yesLabel:'OK' noLabel:'Cancel') ifFalse:[^ self].
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        Dialog warn:msg.
                    ex return.
                ] do:[
                    self busyLabel:'loading %1 ...' with:nameShown.
                    cls autoload.
    ] ensure:[
        self normalLabel.

    "unload an autoloaded classes in aCollectionOfClasses"

    |notAutoloaded force|

    notAutoloaded := OrderedCollection new.
    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClass |
        eachNonMetaClass := eachClass theNonMetaclass.

        (eachNonMetaClass isLoaded and:[eachNonMetaClass wasAutoloaded not]) ifTrue:[
            notAutoloaded add:eachNonMetaClass.

    notAutoloaded notEmpty ifTrue:[
        force := Dialog
                                stringWithCRs:(notAutoloaded size == 1
                                                ifTrue:['%1 was not autoloaded.\\Force unloading it anyway ?']
                                                ifFalse:['Some (%2) classes were not autoloaded.\\Force unloading them anyway ?'])
                                with:notAutoloaded first name
                                with:notAutoloaded size).
    ] ifFalse:[
        force := false.

    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClass |
        |nm nameShown doIt eachNonMetaClass|

        eachNonMetaClass := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
        (force or:[(eachNonMetaClass isLoaded and:[eachNonMetaClass wasAutoloaded])]) ifTrue:[
            nm := eachNonMetaClass name.
            nameShown := self displayedClassNameOf:eachNonMetaClass.

            doIt := true.
            eachNonMetaClass hasDerivedInstances ifTrue:[
                doIt := self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has (derived) instances. Unload anyway ?' with:nameShown allBold)
            doIt ifTrue:[
                self busyLabel:'unloading %1 ...' with:nameShown.
                    eachNonMetaClass unload.
                ] ensure:[
                    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 12-09-2006 / 13:48:12 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions-comparing'!

    "compare the codeViews contents in a buffer against its original"

    |v selectedMethod selectedClass changedSource originalSource|

    changedSource := aNavigationState codeView contentsAsString string.

    aNavigationState codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod ifTrue:[
        selectedMethod := aNavigationState theSingleSelectedMethod.
        selectedMethod isNil ifTrue:[
            aNavigationState selectedMethods value size > 0 ifTrue:[
                self warn:'Oops - multiple methods selected. Cannot compare.'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                self warn:'Oops - method is gone. Cannot compare.'.
            ^ self
        originalSource := selectedMethod source string.
        originalSource isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Oops - method''s source is gone. Cannot compare.'.
            ^ self
        originalSource string = changedSource string ifTrue:[
            self information:'Same text.'.
            ^ self.
        self openDiffViewForText:changedSource againstSourceOfMethod:selectedMethod.
"/        v := DiffTextView
"/                openOn:changedSource
"/                label:(resources string:'Code here (to be accepted ?)')
"/                and:originalSource
"/                label:(resources string:'Method''s actual code').
"/        v label:(resources string:'Comparing method versions').
"/        v waitUntilVisible.
        ^ self

    aNavigationState codeAspect == SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectClassDefinition ifTrue:[
        selectedClass := aNavigationState theSingleSelectedClass.
        selectedClass isNil ifTrue:[
            aNavigationState selectedClasses value size > 0 ifTrue:[
                self warn:'Oops - multiple classes selected. Cannot compare.'.
            ] ifFalse:[
                self warn:'Oops - class is gone. Cannot compare.'.
            ^ self
        originalSource := self classDefinitionStringFor:selectedClass.
        originalSource isNil ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Oops - class is gone. Cannot compare.'.
            ^ self
        v := DiffCodeView
                label:(resources string:'Changed definition (to be accepted ?)')
                label:(resources string:'Classes actual definition').
        v label:(resources string:'Comparing class definitions').
        v waitUntilVisible.
        ^ self

    ^ self.

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:25:17 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions-events'!

keyInCategoryListView:key rawKey:rawKey
    "filter keyboard events for some function key.
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"

    ((false "rawKey == #BackSpace") or:[ key == #CursorLeft ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (key == #Rename "rawKey == #Cmdr") ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (key == #Find or:[ key == #FindNext ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    ^ false

keyInClassHierarchyListView:key rawKey:rawKey
    "filter keyboard events for some function key.
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"

    ((false "rawKey == #BackSpace") or:[ key == #CursorLeft ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (key == #Rename "rawKey == #Cmdr") ifTrue:[
        ^ true
"/    (rawKey == #Delete) ifTrue:[
"/        self
"/            enqueueMessage:#classMenuRemove
"/            for:self
"/            arguments:#().
"/        ^ true
"/    ].
    (key == #Find or:[ key == #FindNext ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    ^ false

keyInClassListView:key rawKey:rawKey
    "filter keyboard events for some function key.
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"

    ((false "rawKey == #BackSpace") or:[ key == #CursorLeft ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (key == #Rename "rawKey == #Cmdr") ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    ((key == #Cut) or:[rawKey == #Delete or:[rawKey == #BackSpace]]) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (key == #Find or:[ key == #FindNext ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    ^ false

    "Modified: / 27-04-2012 / 13:08:06 / cg"

keyInCodeView:key rawKey:rawKey
    "filter keyboard events for Find key (unless typed into the codeView).
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"

    (UserPreferences current useCodeView2In:#Browser) ifFalse:[
        "/ old-style codeView
        key == #CodeCompletion ifTrue:[
            "/ complete the word before/under the cursor.
            ^ true
    key == #Rename ifTrue:[
        self hasLocalVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    ^ false

    "Modified (format): / 03-07-2011 / 15:48:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 26-07-2011 / 10:29:32 / Jan Vrany <>"

keyInMethodCategoryListView:key rawKey:rawKey
    "filter keyboard events for some function key.
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"

    (key == #Rename "rawKey == #Cmdr") ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (key == #BackSpace) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (key == #Delete) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    "/ cg: no longer; these keys are now ALWAYS forwarded to the codeView
    "/    (key == #Find or:[ key == #FindNext ]) ifTrue:[
    "/        self
    "/            enqueueMessage:#searchMenuFindResponseTo
    "/            for:self
    "/            arguments:#().
    "/        ^ true
    "/    ].
    (rawKey == #Cmdt) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    ^ false

keyInMethodListView:key rawKey:rawKey
    "filter keyboard events for some function key.
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"

    (rawKey == #CtrlCursorUp) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    ((key == #Cut) or:[rawKey == #Delete]) ifTrue:[
            enqueueMessage:#selectorMenuRemoveAndSelectNext "/ #selectorMenuSaveRemove
        ^ true
    (key == #BackSpace) ifTrue:[
            enqueueMessage:#selectorMenuRemoveAndSelectNext "/ #selectorMenuSaveRemove
        ^ true
    (key == #Delete) ifTrue:[
            enqueueMessage:#selectorMenuRemoveAndSelectNext "/ #selectorMenuSaveRemove
        ^ true
    (key == #Rename "rawKey == #Cmdr") ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (rawKey == #Cmdi) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (rawKey == #Cmdt) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    "/ cg: no longer; these keys are now ALWAYS forwarded to the codeView
    "/    (key == #Find or:[ key == #FindNext ]) ifTrue:[
    "/        self
    "/            enqueueMessage:#searchMenuFindResponseTo
    "/            for:self
    "/            arguments:#().
    "/        ^ true
    "/    ].
    ^ false

    "Modified: / 28-05-2012 / 10:27:03 / cg"

keyInProjectListView:key rawKey:rawKey
    "filter keyboard events for some function key.
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"

    ((false "rawKey == #BackSpace") or:[ key == #CursorLeft ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (key == #Find or:[ key == #FindNext ]) ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    ^ false

keyInVariableListView:key rawKey:rawKey
    "filter keyboard events for some function key.
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"


    ((key == #Cut) or:[rawKey == #Delete or:[rawKey == #BackSpace]]) ifTrue:[
        variablesToRemove := self selectedVariables value.
        variablesToRemove size > 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    (key == #Rename "rawKey == #Cmdr") ifTrue:[
        ^ true
    ^ false

    "Modified: / 27-04-2012 / 13:08:35 / cg"

    "filter keyboard events for Find key (unless typed into the codeView).
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"

    <resource: #keyboard (#Ctrll #FindNext #FindPrev)>

    |codeView evView key rawKey sensor|

    codeView := self codeView.
    (codeView isCodeView2) ifTrue:[
        codeView := codeView textView.
    evView := anEvent targetView.
    evView notNil ifTrue:[
        anEvent isKeyPressEvent ifTrue:[
            key := anEvent key.
            rawKey := anEvent rawKey.

            rawKey == #Ctrll ifTrue:
                [(self componentAt: #SearchedClassNameComboBox) takeFocus.

            (evView isSameOrComponentOf:codeView) ifTrue:[
                ^ self keyInCodeView:key rawKey:rawKey

"/            key == #Find ifTrue:[
"/                self
"/                    enqueueMessage:#searchMenuFindClass
"/                    for:self
"/                    arguments:#().
"/                ^ true
"/            ].
"/            key == #Cmdt ifTrue:[
"/                self
"/                    enqueueMessage:#browseMenuMethodsWithString
"/                    for:self
"/                    arguments:#().
"/                ^ true
"/            ].

            (self view:evView belongsToSubApplication:self categoryListApp) ifTrue:[
                ^ self keyInCategoryListView:key rawKey:rawKey
            (self view:evView belongsToSubApplication:self projectListApp) ifTrue:[
                ^ self keyInProjectListView:key rawKey:rawKey
            (self view:evView belongsToSubApplication:self classListApp) ifTrue:[
                ^ self keyInClassListView:key rawKey:rawKey
            (self view:evView belongsToSubApplication:self classHierarchyListApp) ifTrue:[
                ^ self keyInClassHierarchyListView:key rawKey:rawKey

            "/ cg: these keys are now ALWAYS forwarded to the codeView
            (false "key == #Find" or:[ key == #FindNext or:[ key == #FindPrev ]]) ifTrue:[
                anEvent dispatchTo:self codeView.
                ^ true

            (self view:evView belongsToSubApplication:self methodCategoryListApp) ifTrue:[
                ^ self keyInMethodCategoryListView:key rawKey:rawKey
            (self view:evView belongsToSubApplication:self methodListApp) ifTrue:[
                ^ self keyInMethodListView:key rawKey:rawKey
            (self view:evView belongsToSubApplication:navigationState variableListApplication) ifTrue:[
                ^ self keyInVariableListView:key rawKey:rawKey

        anEvent isButtonReleaseEvent ifTrue:[
            anEvent delegatedFrom isNil ifTrue:[

                evView == codeView ifTrue:[
                    self codeInfoVisible value ifTrue:[
                        self doImmediateExplaining value ifTrue:[
                            anEvent delegatedFrom:self.
                            sensor := evView sensor.
                            sensor pushEvent:anEvent.  "/ must be first in queue
                                                       "/ (for the buttonRelease to be processed)
                                arguments:#() .

                            ^ true "/ release event has been added already

    anEvent isButtonMultiPressEvent ifTrue:[
        anEvent view name = 'CursorLineLabel' ifTrue:[
            self codeView gotoLine

    ^ false

    "Modified: / 10-12-2001 / 21:02:48 / cg"
    "Modified: / 09-08-2009 / 09:40:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 17-08-2011 / 13:29:24 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions-helpers'!

showMessage: aString
    self inlineMessageApp showMessage: aString.


"/    self messageHolder value: aString.
"/    self showMessagePane: #messageInfoSpec.

        WindowGroup activeApplication showMessage: 'Hello'

    "Created: / 28-08-2010 / 11:47:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:16:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

showMessage:message while:block
    "used for long-during operations: show a progressbar and a message in the top pane,
     while executing block"

    ^ self showMessage:message while:block inBackground: false

    "Created: / 28-08-2010 / 20:10:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 15-05-2012 / 10:47:31 / cg"

showMessage:message while:block inBackground:inBackgroundBoolean
    "used for long-running lint operations: show a progressbar and a message in the top pane,
     optionally execute block in another (background-) thread"

    | panel blocker |

    panel := self inlineMessageApp.
    inBackgroundBoolean ifTrue:[
        panel showProgressLabeled: message while: block.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ InlineMessageDialog does everything in background, so wait here...
        blocker := Semaphore new.
        panel showProgressLabeled: message while: [ [ block value ] ensure:[ blocker signal ] ].
        blocker wait.


"/    |state actionWithIndicator worker|
"/    state := self navigationState.
"/    actionWithIndicator :=
"/            [
"/                [
"/                    self showMessagePane:#progressInfoSpec in:state.
"/                    block
"/                        on:UserNotification
"/                        do:[:notification |
"/                            (notification isKindOf:ProgressNotification) ifTrue:[
"/                                self progressHolder value:notification progressValue.
"/                                inBackgroundBoolean ifFalse:[
"/                                    "care for redraw and abort-button"
"/                                    "/ self windowGroup repairDamage.
"/                                    self windowGroup processEvents.
"/                                ].
"/                            ] ifFalse:[
"/                                self messageHolder value:notification description.
"/                            ].
"/                            notification proceed
"/                        ]
"/                ] ensure:[
"/                    self hideMessagePaneIn:state.
"/                ].
"/            ].
"/    inBackgroundBoolean ifTrue:[
"/        worker := actionWithIndicator newProcess.
"/        worker priorityRange:(4 to:8).
"/        state worker:worker.
"/        worker resume.
"/        ^ worker
"/    ].
"/    actionWithIndicator value.
"/    ^ nil

    "Created: / 28-08-2010 / 20:10:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 15-05-2012 / 10:46:47 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25-03-2014 / 18:14:07 / Jan Vrany <>"

showMessage:message whileExecutingBackgroundAction:block
    "used for long-running lint operations: show a progressbar and a message in the top pane,
     execute block in another (background-) thread"

    ^ self showMessage:message while:block inBackground: true

    "Created: / 28-08-2010 / 20:10:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 15-05-2012 / 10:45:49 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 25-03-2014 / 17:47:01 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | b |

    b :=

        showMessage:'Tools::NewSystemBrowser >> testProgressAction'
            | i |

            i := 1.
            [ i <= 100] whileTrue:[
                (ProgressNotification new)
                    messageText:('Tools::NewSystemBrowser >> testProgressAction (%1 done)'
                Delay waitForMilliseconds:30.
                i := i + 1.
            Transcript showCR:'Tools::NewSystemBrowser >> testProgressAction done!!'

        WindowGroup activeApplication showMessageWhileTest

    "Created: / 28-08-2010 / 10:32:08 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 15-05-2012 / 10:46:06 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 25-03-2014 / 18:15:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions-profiler'!

spawnProfilerStatistics:statistics in: where

        newBrowserOrBufferDependingOn: where
        label:'Visual Profiler'
        setupWith: [:browser|
            browser profilerStatistics value: statistics

    "Created: / 09-10-2007 / 22:05:36 / janfrog"
    "Modified (format): / 29-11-2011 / 14:49:08 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OwnershipGraph class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ '%y-%m-%d'

     Date today printStringFormat:(self dateFormat)
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OwnershipGraph class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    an instance of me is given to the codeView as a listEntry (i.e. line).
    The codeview does not really know that it is not dealing with non-text,
    as I mimicry some of the string protocol to make it happy.
    (duck typing is cool!!)

    to show pre-assigned per-user colors, do something like:
        UserPreferences current
                Dictionary new
                    at:'cg' put:(Color green);
                    at:'claus' put:(Color green);
                    at:'sv' put:(Color blue);
                    at:'ab' put:(Color orange);
                    at:'ca' put:(Color cyan);
                    at:'mb' put:(Color red);
                    at:'sr' put:(Color yellow);
                    at:'vrany' put:(Color orange lightened);

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OwnershipGraph methodsFor:'accessing'!

addRevision:revision author:author date:date lineOwnership:lineOwnership
    ownershipInfo isNil ifTrue:[
        ownershipInfo := OrderedCollection new.
        add:(RevisionOwnershipInfo new
                revision:revision author:author date:date lineOwnership:lineOwnership)

    ^ ownershipInfo

    ownershipInfo := something.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OwnershipGraph methodsFor:'displaying'!

displayOn:aGC x:x y:y opaque:opaque
    cachedForm isNil ifTrue:[
        self generateFormFor:aGC
    aGC displayForm:cachedForm x:x y:y opaque:opaque

    |maxNumLines xRun hGraph wCol colorsPerOwner colorsToUse preferredColors
     y yLine font sepAgenda lastInfo form
     maxWRevString maxWAuthorString maxWDateString|

    form := Form extent:(self widthOn:aGC)@(self heightOn:aGC) depth:24 onDevice:aGC device.
    form fill:(Color white).

    colorsPerOwner := OrderedDictionary new.
    colorsToUse := self ownerColorsToUse copy.

    preferredColors := UserPreferences current at:#preferredOwnerColorMapping ifAbsent:nil.

    hGraph := self graphHeight.
    wCol := self columnWidth.
    font := form font.

    "/ aGC displayRectangleX:x y:y width:(self widthOn:aGC) height:hGraph.

    maxNumLines := (ownershipInfo collect:[:entry | entry numberOfLines]) max.

    xRun := 0.
    y := 0.

    maxWRevString := maxWAuthorString := maxWDateString := 0.
    ownershipInfo do:[:revInfo |
        |rev author date|

        rev := revInfo revision.
        author := revInfo author.
        date := revInfo date asDate.

        maxWRevString := maxWRevString max:(font widthOf:rev).
        maxWAuthorString := maxWAuthorString max:(font widthOf:author).
        maxWDateString := maxWDateString max:(font widthOf:(date printStringFormat:self class dateFormat)).

        "/ pre determine color here

                (preferredColors notNil
                and:[ (preferredColors includesKey:author) ]) ifTrue:[
                    clr := preferredColors at:author.
                    colorsToUse remove:clr ifAbsent:[].
                ] ifFalse:[
                    colorsToUse isEmpty ifTrue:[
                        clr := Color
                                redByte:(Random nextIntegerBetween:0 and:255)
                                greenByte:(Random nextIntegerBetween:0 and:255)
                                blueByte:(Random nextIntegerBetween:0 and:255).
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        clr := colorsToUse removeFirst

    ownershipInfo do:[:revInfo |
        |numOverallLines hAll rev author date lineInfo authorColor yBot|

        rev := revInfo revision.
        author := revInfo author.
        date := revInfo date asDate.
        lineInfo := revInfo lineOwnership.
        numOverallLines := lineInfo size.

        yBot := y + hGraph.
        hAll := 0.
        (lineInfo valuesAndCounts copy sort:[:a :b | |pos1 pos2|
                                            pos1 := (colorsPerOwner indexOfKey:a key ifAbsent:999999).
                                            pos2 := (colorsPerOwner indexOfKey:b key ifAbsent:999999).
                                            pos1 < pos2
                                            "/ a value > b value
                                        ]) do:[:eachAssoc |
            |eachAuthor numLines hThis color yTop|

            eachAuthor := eachAssoc key.
            numLines := eachAssoc value.
            hThis := hGraph * numLines // maxNumLines.
            yTop := yBot - hThis.
            color := colorsPerOwner at:eachAuthor ifAbsentPut:[colorsToUse removeFirst].
            form paint:color.
            form fillRectangleX:xRun y:yTop width:wCol height:hThis.
            hAll := hAll + hThis.
            yBot := yTop.

        "/ hAll := hGraph * numOverallLines // maxNumLines.
        form paint:Color black.
        form displayRectangleX:xRun y:(y + (hGraph - hAll))

        authorColor := colorsPerOwner at:author ifAbsentPut:[colorsToUse removeFirst].

        form paint:authorColor.
        form displayString:rev
                x:xRun+(font height)
                y:(y + hGraph+5+maxWRevString) angle:-90.

        form displayString:(date printStringFormat:self class dateFormat)
                x:xRun+(font height)
                y:(y + hGraph+5+maxWRevString+10+maxWDateString) angle:-90.

        xRun := xRun + wCol

    sepAgenda := self agendaSeparatorWidth.

    yLine := y + (font ascent).
    lastInfo := ownershipInfo last value.
    colorsPerOwner keysAndValuesReverseDo:[:name :color |

        form paint:color.
        form fillRectangleX:(xRun+sepAgenda) y:yLine-(font ascent) width:16 height:16.
        form paint:Color black.
        form displayRectangleX:(xRun+sepAgenda) y:yLine-(font ascent) width:16 height:16.
        namePlusPercentage := (name ? '?') , '(' , ((lastInfo numberOfLinesOfAuthor:name) / lastInfo numberOfLines * 100) rounded printString , '%, ',(lastInfo numberOfLinesOfAuthor:name) printString,' lines)'.
        form displayString:namePlusPercentage x:(xRun+sepAgenda+16+5) y:yLine.
        yLine := yLine + (font height + 10).

    cachedForm := form
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OwnershipGraph methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ 300

    ^ 20

    ^ 20

    ^ 300

    cachedForm notNil ifTrue:[^ cachedForm height].
    ^ self graphHeight + (self revisionInfoHeightOn:aGC)

    ^ 100

    |font maxWRevString maxWAuthorString maxWDateString|

    font := aGC font.
    maxWRevString := maxWAuthorString := maxWDateString := 0.
    ownershipInfo do:[:revInfo |
        |rev author date|

        rev := revInfo revision.
        author := revInfo author.
        date := revInfo date asDate.

        maxWRevString := maxWRevString max:(font widthOf:rev).
        maxWAuthorString := maxWAuthorString max:(font widthOf:author).
        maxWDateString := maxWDateString max:(font widthOf:(date printStringFormat:self class dateFormat)).
    ^ 15 + maxWRevString + 5 + maxWDateString + 10

    cachedForm notNil ifTrue:[^ cachedForm width].
    ^ (ownershipInfo size * self columnWidth) + 10 + self agendaInfoWidth
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OwnershipGraph methodsFor:'string protocol (list entry)'!

    ^ ' '

    ^ ''

    ^ 8 "/ dummy

    ^ '' emphasis

    ^ nil

    ^ false

    ^ false


    colorsToUse := OrderedCollection new.
    colorsToUse add:(Color green).
    colorsToUse add:(Color blue).
    colorsToUse add:(Color yellow).
    colorsToUse add:(Color red).
    colorsToUse add:(Color cyan).
    colorsToUse add:(Color magenta).
    colorsToUse add:(Color brown).
    colorsToUse add:(Color orange).

    colorsToUse add:(Color green lightened lightened).
    colorsToUse add:(Color blue lightened lightened).
    colorsToUse add:(Color yellow lightened lightened).
    colorsToUse add:(Color red lightened lightened).
    colorsToUse add:(Color cyan lightened lightened).
    colorsToUse add:(Color magenta lightened lightened).
    colorsToUse add:(Color brown lightened).
    colorsToUse add:(Color orange lightened).

    colorsToUse add:(Color gray).
    colorsToUse add:(Color darkGray).
    colorsToUse add:(Color lightGray).
    colorsToUse add:(Color veryLightGray).
    colorsToUse add:(Color red darkened lightened).
    colorsToUse add:(Color blue darkened lightened).

    ^ colorsToUse

    ^ ' '

    ^ ''
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OwnershipGraph::RevisionOwnershipInfo class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    I keep the information about the revision deltas.
    for each revision, I hold: author, date, revisionName and the number of
    lines which are owned as per author name (a bag, containing the number of lines
    which each owner owns).
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OwnershipGraph::RevisionOwnershipInfo methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ author

    ^ date

    ^ lineOwnership

    ^ lineOwnership size

    ^ lineOwnership occurrencesOf:authorString

    ^ revision

revision:revisionArg author:authorArg date:dateArg lineOwnership:lineOwnershipArg
    revision := revisionArg.
    author := authorArg.
    date := dateArg.
    lineOwnership := lineOwnershipArg.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Header$'


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'

    ^ '$Id$'
! !

NewSystemBrowser initialize!