author Claus Gittinger <>
Sun, 24 Mar 2019 10:00:33 +0100
changeset 18711 343ef798d22e
parent 18688 d890379d68cd
child 18796 40fa54644659
permissions -rw-r--r--
#REFACTORING by cg class: Tools::CodeView2::TextView changed: #deleteCharBeforeCursor

"{ Encoding: utf8 }"

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2010 by Jan Vrany, SWING Research Group. CTU in Prague
              All Rights Reserved

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

"{ Package: 'stx:libtool' }"

"{ NameSpace: Tools }"

SimpleView subclass:#CodeView2
	instanceVariableNames:'gutterView textView textViewScroller methodHolder languageHolder
		classHolder browserHolder codeAspect modifiedChannel
		showGutterChannel showAcceptCancelBarChannel modeHolder services
		servicesFromClient syntaxElements currentParseNodeHolder
		currentBlockNodeHolder syntaxElementSelection highlightEmphasis
		diffMode synchronizedCodeViews'

AbstractBackground subclass:#AnnotationShowingScrollerBackground
	instanceVariableNames:'annotations breakpoints textView'

SimpleView subclass:#GutterView
	instanceVariableNames:'codeView textView textViewScroller widthAcceptCancel
		widthAnnotations widthDiffInfo numberOfLines acceptColor
		cancelColor diffColor menuHolder currentBlockNodeHolder
		showLineNumbers blockWaitingForPossibleDoubleClick compareAction

CodeView subclass:#TextView
	instanceVariableNames:'listOriginal codeView gutterView diffMode deletedLines
		insertedLines lastFirstLine changedLines scrollInProgress
		originDiffText emptyLines changedDiffText suppressNotifications

!CodeView2 class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2010 by Jan Vrany, SWING Research Group. CTU in Prague
              All Rights Reserved

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

! !

!CodeView2 class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "Invoked at system start or when the class is dynamically loaded."

    "/ please change as required (and remove this comment)

    TraceSelectors := IdentitySet new.

    "Modified: / 14-02-2010 / 15:36:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 class methodsFor:'debugging'!

trace: aSelector

    TraceSelectors add: aSelector

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 09:26:30 / Jan Vrany <>"

untrace: aSelector

    TraceSelectors remove: aSelector ifAbsent:[]

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 09:50:31 / Jan Vrany <>"


    TraceSelectors := IdentitySet new

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 09:53:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 class methodsFor:'examples'!


    | window codeView |

    window := StandardSystemView new.
    window extent: 300 @ 300.              
    window label: 'CodeView2 example1'.

    codeView := Tools::CodeView2 in: window.
        origin: 0.1 @ 0.1
        corner: 0.9 @ 0.9.

    window open.

    "Created: / 02-09-2009 / 21:48:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 class methodsFor:'menu specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::CodeView2 andSelector:#editMenu_stxStyle
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::CodeView2 editMenu_stxStyle)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

                  label: 'Inspect View'
                  itemValue: inspectView
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Inspect Syntax Elements'
                  itemValue: inspectSyntaxElements
                  translateLabel: true
"/               (MenuItem
"/                  label: 'Inspect Selected Selector'
"/                  itemValue: inspectSelectedSelector
"/                  translateLabel: true
"/                )

    "Created: / 08-07-2011 / 13:36:02 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::CodeView2 andSelector:#editMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::CodeView2 editMenu)) startUp

    UserPreferences current eclipseStyleMenus ifTrue:[
        ^ self editMenu_eclipseStyle
    ^ self editMenu_stxStyle

    "Modified: / 08-07-2011 / 13:23:35 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::CodeView2 andSelector:#editMenu_eclipseStyle
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::CodeView2 editMenu_eclipseStyle)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Implementors...'
            itemValue: browseImplementorsOfIt
            submenuChannel: implementorsMenu
            shortcutKey: ImplementorsOfIt
            label: 'Senders...'
            itemValue: browseSendersOfIt
            submenuChannel: sendersMenu
            shortcutKey: SendersOfIt
            label: 'Refactor'
            nameKey: refactor
            isVisible: false
            shortcutKey: Shift
            label: '-'
            label: 'Accept'
            itemValue: accept
            shortcutKey: Accept
            enabled: canAccept
            label: '-'
            label: 'Cut'
            itemValue: cut
            shortcutKey: Cut
            enabled: canCut
            label: 'Copy'
            itemValue: copySelection
            shortcutKey: Copy
            enabled: hasSelectionForCopy
            label: 'Paste'
            itemValue: pasteOrReplace
            shortcutKey: Paste
            enabled: isNotReadOnly
            label: '-'
            label: 'Undo'
            itemValue: undo
            shortcutKey: Undo
            enabled: hasUndoAction
            label: 'Redo'
            itemValue: redo
            shortcutKey: Redo
            enabled: hasRedoAction
            label: '-'
            label: 'Do it'
            itemValue: doIt
            shortcutKey: DoIt
            label: 'Print it'
            itemValue: printIt
            shortcutKey: PrintIt
            label: 'Inspect it'
            itemValue: inspectIt
            shortcutKey: InspectIt
            label: 'Profile it'
            itemValue: profileIt
            shortcutKey: InspectIt
            label: '-'
            label: 'Show Gutter'
            nameKey: ShowGutter
            indication: showGutterChannel
            label: 'More'
            nameKey: More
            label: 'Services'
            submenuChannel: servicesMenu
            label: 'Debug'
            submenuChannel: debugMenu

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::CodeView2 andSelector:#editMenu_stxStyle
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::CodeView2 editMenu_stxStyle)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Undo'
            itemValue: undo
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Undo
            enabled: hasUndoAction
            label: 'Again'
            itemValue: again
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Again
            enabled: canDoAgain
            label: '-'
            label: 'Cut'
            itemValue: cut
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Cut
            enabled: canCut
            label: 'Copy'
            itemValue: copySelection
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Copy
            enabled: hasSelectionForCopy
            label: 'Paste'
            itemValue: pasteOrReplace
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Paste
            enabled: isNotReadOnly
            label: 'Paste...'
            itemValue: pasteOrReplaceFromHistory
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: PasteFromHistory
            enabled: isNotReadOnly
            label: '-'
            label: 'DoIt'
            itemValue: doIt
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: DoIt
            label: 'PrintIt'
            itemValue: printIt
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: PrintIt
            label: 'InspectIt'
            itemValue: inspectIt
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: InspectIt
            label: '-'
            label: 'Accept'
            itemValue: accept
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Accept
            enabled: canAccept
            label: '-'
            isVisible: false
            label: 'Refactor'
            nameKey: refactor
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            shortcutKey: Shift
            label: 'Services'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: false
            submenuChannel: servicesMenu
            label: '='
            label: 'More'
            nameKey: More
            translateLabel: true
            shortcutKey: Ctrl

    "Modified: / 02-03-2012 / 19:53:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 09-11-2018 / 10:38:35 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'accessing'!


    textView acceptAction: aBlock

    "Modified: / 01-08-2010 / 20:40:17 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView acceptEnabled:aBoolean


    (s := self breakpointService) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ s breakpoints
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 06-07-2011 / 18:05:35 / jv"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:13:53 / cg"


    ^self browserHolder value

    "Created: / 07-07-2011 / 12:25:59 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrant@fit.cvut,cz>"

    ^ textView codeAspect

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:22:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-09-2013 / 10:01:11 / Jan Vrany <>"

codeAspect: aSymbol
    "tell the textView what is shown, so it can adjust the
     See SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectXXX for possible aspects."

    ^ textView codeAspect: aSymbol

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 22:32:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-09-2013 / 10:01:23 / Jan Vrany <>"

    gutterView notNil ifTrue:[
        gutterView compareAction:aBlock

    "Created: / 27-04-2018 / 16:52:47 / stefan"

    ^textView compilerClass

    "Created: / 10-05-2012 / 23:47:34 / Jan Vrany <>"

compilerClass: aClass
    textView compilerClass: aClass

    "Created: / 10-05-2012 / 23:47:25 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^textView contents

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 22:13:47 / Jan Vrany <>"

contents: aStringOrStringCollection

    textView contents: aStringOrStringCollection.
    "/self update:#value with: aStringOrStringCollection from: textView model

    "Modified: / 19-07-2011 / 13:18:42 / Jan Vrany <>"

contents: aStringOrStringCollection clear: clearPrevious
    "Set the contents. If clearPrevous is true, then
     previous original text is cleared and set to given one.
     (so the text is considered not modified)"

    textView contents: aStringOrStringCollection clear: clearPrevious

    "Modified: / 19-07-2011 / 13:18:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 17-02-2012 / 00:33:24 / Jan Vrany <>"


    sel := self syntaxElementSelection.
    sel isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ sel node

    "Created: / 21-02-2012 / 14:20:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-02-2014 / 22:06:54 / Jan Vrany <>"

delegate: anObject
    "I want to see the events of the text and gutter view"

    super delegate: anObject.
    self textView delegate: anObject.
    self gutterView delegate: anObject.

    "Created: / 11-05-2012 / 10:29:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ diffMode

    diffMode := aBoolean.
    textView diffMode: aBoolean

    "Modified: / 08-04-2011 / 20:50:51 / Jan Vrany <>"

editedLanguage: aProgrammingLanguage
    self languageHolder value: aProgrammingLanguage

    "Created: / 09-04-2014 / 14:49:38 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Sets the edited method or class (for code completion and highlighting)"
    textView editedMethodOrClass:aMethodOrClass.
    aMethodOrClass isBehavior ifTrue:[
        self classHolder value:aMethodOrClass.
        self methodHolder value:nil.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aMethodOrClass notNil ifTrue:[
            self classHolder value:(aMethodOrClass mclass).
        ] ifFalse:[
            self classHolder value:nil.
        self methodHolder value:aMethodOrClass

    "Modified (comment): / 09-03-2017 / 10:41:00 / cg"


    ^textView font

    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 10:26:31 / Jan Vrany <>"

font: aFont

    textView font: aFont

    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 10:26:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 27-10-2018 / 23:00:06 / Claus Gittinger"


    ^self modeHolder value

    "Created: / 13-06-2011 / 10:49:52 / Jan Vrany <>"

mode: aSymbol
    "is this the same as codeAspect ?"

    self assert: (#(expression method) includes: aSymbol).    
    ^self modeHolder value: aSymbol

    "Created: / 13-06-2011 / 10:50:28 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 15-06-2011 / 16:37:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 27-07-2012 / 22:19:49 / cg"


    ^textView model.

    "Created: / 27-07-2011 / 12:47:18 / Jan Vrany <>"


    |oldModel oldValue newValue|

    (oldModel := textView model) notNil ifTrue:[
        oldValue := oldModel value.
        oldModel removeDependent:self.
    textView model:newModel.
    newModel notNil ifTrue:[
        newModel addDependent:self.
    newValue := newModel value.
    oldValue ~~ newValue ifTrue:[
        self update:#value with:newValue from:newModel.

    "Modified: / 17-03-2012 / 16:11:19 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 12-03-2019 / 15:42:21 / Claus Gittinger"

    "return true if text was modified"

    ^ self modifiedChannel value

    "Modified: / 07-07-2011 / 12:15:43 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrant@fit.cvut,cz>"

    "set/clear the modified flag"

    self modifiedChannel value:aBoolean

    "Modified: / 14-02-1997 / 16:44:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 07-07-2011 / 12:15:39 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrant@fit.cvut,cz>"

    ^ services ? #()

    "Created: / 05-08-2011 / 10:14:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 06-10-2011 / 14:11:11 / cg"

    "allow setting of the services (instances);
     this is needed for FileBrowser, to setup a codeView2 without Smalltalk-specific

    services notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ 
        services do:[:service | service unregister ].
        services := OrderedCollection new.
    servicesFromClient := true.
    services := aCollectionOfServices asOrderedCollection.
    services notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ 
        services do:[:service | service registerIn: self ].

    "Created: / 06-10-2011 / 14:15:36 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13-06-2014 / 14:12:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 11-06-2018 / 11:51:22 / Claus Gittinger"

    ^ servicesFromClient ? false

    "Modified: / 17-06-2014 / 10:22:57 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^showAcceptCancelBarChannel value

    "Created: / 10-10-2011 / 16:25:53 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^showGutterChannel value

    "Created: / 23-06-2010 / 19:37:47 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ textView simulatedSelf

    "Created: / 09-03-2017 / 10:50:29 / cg"

synchronizeWith: aCodeView

    self assert: aCodeView ~= self.
    (synchronizedCodeViews includes: aCodeView) ifTrue:[^self].    
    synchronizedCodeViews := synchronizedCodeViews copyWith: aCodeView.

    "Created: / 06-04-2010 / 14:13:14 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 23-06-2010 / 17:01:47 / Jan Vrany <>"

unsynchronizeWith: aCodeView

    self assert: aCodeView ~= self.
    (synchronizedCodeViews includes: aCodeView) ifFalse:[^self].
    synchronizedCodeViews := synchronizedCodeViews copyWithout: aCodeView.

    "Created: / 06-04-2010 / 14:13:14 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 23-06-2010 / 17:01:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 19-03-2012 / 14:25:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!

    "return the tab expansion behavior.
     If true (the default), the list of lines as given via #list: or
     due to a model update is processed and lines are replaced by lines with
     tabs expanded.
     This behavior is ok in 99.99% of all applications.
     However, you may turn this off iff:
        - you are certain, that no tabs are in the passed in list
        - it is very expensive to process the list (for example, because the list
          is defined by a virtual array, which computes the lines dynamically, on the fly).
     One use where this flag should be turned off is in the hex-memory display,
     which is able to simulate texts with millions of lines, but they are actually
     simulated by generating the presented lines dynamically, as they are displayed.
     Notice, that to totally prevent scanning og the whole text, you may have to turn off
     other flags, such as checkineEndConventionWhenUpdating"

    ^ textView expandTabsWhenUpdating

    "Created: / 12-03-2019 / 15:21:19 / Claus Gittinger"

    "define the tab expansion behavior.
     If true (the default), the list of lines as given via #list: or
     due to a model update is processed and lines are replaced by lines with
     tabs expanded.
     This behavior is ok in 99.99% of all applications.
     However, you may turn this off iff:
        - you are certain, that no tabs are in the passed in list
        - it is very expensive to process the list (for example, because the list
          is defined by a virtual array, which computes the lines dynamically, on the fly).
     One use where this flag should be turned off is in the hex-memory display,
     which is able to simulate texts with millions of lines, but they are actually
     simulated by generating the presented lines dynamically, as they are displayed.
     Notice, that to totally prevent scanning og the whole text, you may have to turn off
     other flags, such as checkineEndConventionWhenUpdating"

    textView expandTabsWhenUpdating:aBoolean

    "Created: / 12-03-2019 / 15:20:51 / Claus Gittinger"

    "ignored here; present for compatibility with some textView subclasses,
     so that UIPainter can handle it in its TextView spec (which contains a
     readOnly field)"

    super readOnly:aBoolean.
    textView readOnly: aBoolean. 
    gutterView readOnly: aBoolean.

    "Created: / 21-02-2014 / 11:45:09 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'accessing-code component'!

    "the class or the class of the method being shown."

    | v |

    (v := self classHolder value) notNil ifTrue:[^v].
    (v := self method) notNil ifTrue:[^v mclass].


    "Created: / 27-07-2011 / 13:14:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 22-07-2013 / 13:34:05 / cg"

klass: aClass
    "the class or the class of the method being shown"

    "Created: / 27-07-2011 / 13:13:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "return the value in 'languageHolder', the programmingLanguage of the class
     or method being shown.
     BAD name: confusion with the national language.
     why not call this 'programmingLanguage' ?"

    | v m c |

    (v := self languageHolder value) notNil ifTrue:[^v].
    (m := self method) notNil ifTrue:[^m programmingLanguage].
    (c := self classHolder value) notNil ifTrue:[^c programmingLanguage].

    "/No, no default language, please (for workspaces, etc.).
    "/^SmalltalkLanguage instance

    "Modified: / 07-12-2011 / 16:38:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 22-07-2013 / 13:34:17 / cg"

language: newValue
    "set the value in 'languageHolder', the programmingLanguage of the class
     or method being shown.
     BAD name: confusion with the national language.
     why not call this 'programmingLanguage' ?"

    self languageHolder value: newValue

    "the method being shown, or nil"

    ^self methodHolder value

    "Created: / 27-07-2011 / 13:12:32 / Jan Vrany <>"

method: aMethod
    "the method being shown, or nil"

    ^self methodHolder value: aMethod

    "Created: / 27-07-2011 / 13:12:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'accessing-look'!

    textView backgroundColor:aColor

    textView viewBackground:aColor

    "Modified (format): / 12-02-2017 / 12:58:44 / cg"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'aspects'!

    browserHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        browserHolder := ValueHolder new

    "Modified: / 14-02-2010 / 19:27:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 18-11-2011 / 14:58:15 / cg"

    browserHolder := aValueModel.

    "return/create the 'classHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    classHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        classHolder := ValueHolder with: nil.
        classHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ classHolder

    "Modified: / 27-07-2011 / 13:15:16 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "set the 'classHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    |old oldValue newValue|

    classHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        oldValue := classHolder value.
        classHolder removeDependent:self.
    old := classHolder.
    classHolder := aValueModel.
    classHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        classHolder addDependent:self.
    newValue := classHolder value.
    oldValue ~~ newValue ifTrue:[
        self update:#value with:newValue from:classHolder.

    self changed: #classHolder with: old -> classHolder

    "Modified: / 17-06-2014 / 13:10:24 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "return/create the 'currentBlockNodeHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    currentBlockNodeHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        currentBlockNodeHolder := ValueHolder new.
    ^ currentBlockNodeHolder

    "set the 'currentBlockNodeHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    currentBlockNodeHolder := something.

    "return/create the 'currentParseNodeHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    currentParseNodeHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        currentParseNodeHolder := ValueHolder new.
    ^ currentParseNodeHolder

    "set the 'currentParseNodeHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    currentParseNodeHolder := something.
    gutterView notNil ifTrue:[ gutterView currentBlockNodeHolder: currentBlockNodeHolder ].

    "Modified: / 16-02-2012 / 23:11:55 / Jan Vrany <>"

    languageHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ cg: I don't like the smalltalk default here, because everyone who is not showing ST-code (expecco, filebrowser etc.)
        "/ has to explicitely clear the valueholder. I guess, it is better for the few
        "/ others to explicitely set it, if they do not provide syntaxHighlighter per method
        "/ or class.
        languageHolder := ValueHolder with: nil "SmalltalkLanguage instance".
        languageHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ languageHolder

    "Modified: / 19-07-2012 / 16:51:04 / cg"

    "set the 'languageHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    |old oldValue newValue|

    languageHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        oldValue := languageHolder value.
        languageHolder removeDependent:self.
    languageHolder := aValueModel.
    languageHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        languageHolder addDependent:self.
    old := languageHolder.
    newValue := languageHolder value.
    oldValue ~~ newValue ifTrue:[
        self update:#value with:newValue from:languageHolder.

    self changed: #languageHolder with: old -> languageHolder

    "Modified: / 17-06-2011 / 12:56:30 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 19-07-2012 / 16:51:08 / cg"

    "return/create the 'methodHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    methodHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        methodHolder := ValueHolder new.
        methodHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ methodHolder

    "set the 'methodHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    |old oldValue newValue|

    methodHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        oldValue := methodHolder value.
        methodHolder removeDependent:self.
    old := methodHolder.
    methodHolder := aValueModel.
    methodHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        methodHolder addDependent:self.
    newValue := methodHolder value.
    oldValue ~~ newValue ifTrue:[
        self update:#value with:newValue from:methodHolder.

    self changed: #methodHolder with: old -> methodHolder

    "Modified: / 17-06-2011 / 12:55:47 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "return/create the 'modeHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    "is this the codeAspect?"
    modeHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        modeHolder := #expression asValue.
        modeHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ modeHolder

    "Modified: / 13-06-2011 / 10:52:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 27-07-2012 / 22:22:19 / cg"

    "set the 'modeHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    |oldValue newValue|

    modeHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        oldValue := modeHolder value.
        modeHolder removeDependent:self.
    modeHolder := something.
    modeHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        modeHolder addDependent:self.
    newValue := modeHolder value.
    oldValue ~~ newValue ifTrue:[
        self update:#value with:newValue from:modeHolder.

    self changed: #modeHolder with: modeHolder

    "Modified: / 17-06-2011 / 12:55:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'change & update'!

update:aspect with:param from:sender
    sender == methodHolder ifTrue:[
        textView editedMethodOrClass: methodHolder value.

    sender == classHolder ifTrue:[
        methodHolder value isNil ifTrue:[
            textView editedMethodOrClass: classHolder value.

    sender == languageHolder ifTrue:[
        "/ languageHolder value class == Workflow::ExecutionEditorShellScript::Shell_Language ifTrue:[self halt].
        "/ languageHolder value  == Workflow::ExecutionEditorShellScript::Shell_Language ifTrue:[self halt].
        textView editedLanguage: languageHolder value.

    sender == modeHolder ifTrue:[
        codeAspect := modeHolder value

    sender == showGutterChannel ifTrue: [
        self updateGutterVisibility.

    services do:[:each |
        each isEnabled ifTrue:[
            each update:aspect with:param from:sender
    "/ self updateScrollersViewBackground.
    super update:aspect with:param from:sender

    "Modified: / 07-07-2011 / 12:07:04 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrant@fit.cvut,cz>"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:14:36 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-09-2013 / 10:16:10 / Jan Vrany <>"


    self showGutterChannel value ifTrue:[        
        gutterView invalidate.

    "Created: / 23-06-2010 / 19:05:39 / Jan Vrany <>"


    self showGutterChannel value ifTrue:[        
        textViewScroller origin:(gutterView width @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
        gutterView beVisible.
    ] ifFalse:[
        textViewScroller origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
        gutterView beInvisible.

    "Created: / 23-06-2010 / 19:05:39 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "this changes the scroller's background, to show the positions of
     warnings, for easy location of interesting spots"
    |allAnnotations allBreakpoints scroller newBackground verticalScrollBar|

    allAnnotations := OrderedCollection new.
    allBreakpoints := OrderedCollection new.
    services do:[:eachService |
        allAnnotations addAll:(eachService annotations ? #()).
        eachService isBreakpointService ifTrue:[
            allBreakpoints addAll:(eachService breakpoints ? #()).

    verticalScrollBar := textViewScroller verticalScrollBar.
    verticalScrollBar notNil ifTrue:[
        scroller := verticalScrollBar thumb.

    (allAnnotations isEmpty and:[allBreakpoints isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        "/ nothing special to show
        scroller notNil ifTrue:[
            scroller viewBackground isColor ifTrue:[^ self].
            scroller initStyle
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ yep, there are some annotations
        newBackground := AnnotationShowingScrollerBackground new.

        scroller notNil ifTrue:[
            scroller viewBackground:newBackground.

    scroller notNil ifTrue:[
        scroller invalidate.

    "Modified: / 26-02-2019 / 13:37:08 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'channels'!

    "return the valueHolder holding true if text was modified"

    ^ textView modifiedChannel
"/    ^ modifiedChannel

    "Modified: / 07-07-2011 / 12:07:26 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrant@fit.cvut,cz>"

    "set the valueHolder holding true if text was modified"

    textView modifiedChannel removeDependent:self.
    textView modifiedChannel:aValueHolder.
    textView modifiedChannel addDependent:self.

"/    |prev|
"/    prev := modifiedChannel.
"/    modifiedChannel := aValueHolder.
"/    self setupChannel:aValueHolder for:nil withOld:prev

    "Created: / 30-01-1998 / 14:51:32 / cg"
    "Modified: / 07-07-2011 / 12:07:43 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrant@fit.cvut,cz>"
    "Modified: / 05-09-2011 / 05:13:27 / cg"

    "return the valueHolder holding true if text was modified"

    ^ textView reallyModifiedChannel

    "Modified: / 07-07-2011 / 12:07:26 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrant@fit.cvut,cz>"
    "Created: / 08-10-2011 / 12:47:25 / Jan Vrany <>"

reallyModifiedChannel: aValueModel

    ^ textView reallyModifiedChannel: aValueModel

    "Modified: / 07-07-2011 / 12:07:26 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrant@fit.cvut,cz>"
    "Created: / 08-10-2011 / 12:47:37 / Jan Vrany <>"



    "Created: / 10-10-2011 / 16:23:42 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "set the valueHolder holding true if text was modified"


    prev := showAcceptCancelBarChannel.
    showAcceptCancelBarChannel := aValueHolder.
    self setupChannel:aValueHolder for:nil withOld:prev.

    "Created: / 10-10-2011 / 16:24:15 / Jan Vrany <>"



    "Created: / 23-06-2010 / 19:02:15 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "set the valueHolder holding true if text was modified"


    prev := showGutterChannel.
    showGutterChannel := aValueHolder.
    self setupChannel:aValueHolder for:nil withOld:prev

    "Created: / 23-06-2010 / 19:03:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'code services'!

browseMethod: method

    self browseMethod: method label: nil.

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 19:41:46 / Jan Vrany <>"

browseMethod: method label: label

    self browser isNil ifTrue: [^NewSystemBrowser openInMethod:method].
    (UserPreferences current alwaysOpenNewTabWhenCtrlClick 
        or:[self browser navigationState modified])  
            [self browser 
                spawnFullBrowserInClass: method mclass 
                selector:method selector 
            [self browser 
                switchToClass: method containingClass 
                selector: method selector].

    "Modified: / 19-02-2008 / 10:15:17 / janfrog"
    "Created: / 19-10-2008 / 08:16:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 25-07-2010 / 13:34:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 18-11-2011 / 14:58:12 / cg"

browseMethods: methods label: label

    methods size = 1 ifTrue:
        [^self browseMethod: methods anyOne label: label].

    self browser 
        ifNil: [NewSystemBrowser browseMethods: methods title: label]
        ifNotNil:[self browser spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:#newBuffer label:label]

    "Created: / 26-12-2007 / 11:32:04 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 19-10-2008 / 08:17:28 / Jan Vrany <>"

extractSelectorAndSelectedTextFrom: givenSelectedText
    | selector selectedText compilerClass na |

    selectedText := givenSelectedText.
    compilerClass := self language compilerClass.
    selectedText size > 0 ifTrue:[
        "/ self windowGroup withWaitCursorDo:[
            "/ hack, for now and expecco; must ask the Parser eventually...
            (compilerClass notNil and:[compilerClass includesBehavior:JavaScriptParser]) ifTrue:[
                "/ selector is in one piece anyway
                (selectedText includes:$_) ifFalse:[
                    "/ zero or one args - sigh (need to parse more to figure this out)
                    selector := JavaScriptParser basicNew translatedSmalltalkSelectorFor:selectedText numArgs:1.
                    selectedText := JavaScriptParser basicNew translatedSmalltalkSelectorFor:selectedText numArgs:0.
                ] ifTrue:[
                    "/ count _#s plus one arg - sigh
                    na := (selectedText occurrencesOf:$_) + 1. 
                    selector := JavaScriptParser basicNew translatedSmalltalkSelectorFor:selectedText numArgs:na
            ] ifFalse:[
                selector := SystemBrowser extractSelectorFrom:selectedText.
        "/ ]
    ^Array with: selector with: selectedText

    "Created: / 30-06-2011 / 19:49:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 05-03-2012 / 09:04:12 / cg"

implementorsOf: selector

    selector isNil ifTrue:[^#()].
        findImplementorsOf: selector
        in: Smalltalk allClasses
        ignoreCase: false

    "Created: / 26-12-2007 / 11:37:11 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 18-11-2011 / 14:58:17 / cg"

sendersOf: selector

    selector isNil ifTrue:[^#()].
    selector knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[^#()].

    "/ not exact, but much faster (looks for symbol only, does not parse code for real send)
    senderBlock := SystemBrowser searchBlockForSymbol:selector asSymbol.
    senderBlock == false ifTrue:[ ^ #() ].

    ^ SystemBrowser
        allMethodsIn:Smalltalk allClasses

    "/ exact, but much slower
"/    ^SystemBrowser
"/        findSendersOf: selector
"/        in: Smalltalk allClasses
"/        ignoreCase: false

    "Created: / 26-12-2007 / 11:37:22 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 30-06-2011 / 19:32:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 18-11-2011 / 14:58:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 04-06-2014 / 11:10:47 / az"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'delegation'!

doesNotUnderstand: aMessage

    ((textView respondsTo:aMessage selector) 
      and:[(TraceSelectors includes:aMessage selector) not]
    ) ifTrue:[
        ^ aMessage sendTo:textView
    ^ super doesNotUnderstand:aMessage

    "Created: / 13-02-2010 / 23:27:09 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 14-02-2010 / 09:53:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 09-03-2017 / 10:51:18 / cg"

    "true if there us a text selection"

    ^textView hasSelection

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 09:53:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'delegation-drawing'!

drawLine:lineNo in: view atX:x y:yBaseline width: w height:hFont ascent:aFont
    from:startCol to:endColOrNil with:fg and:bg
    "See the comment in

    self servicesDo:[:each|
        each drawLine:lineNo in:view atX:x y:yBaseline width:w height:hFont ascent:aFont
             from:startCol to:endColOrNil with:fg and:bg

    "Created: / 17-06-2011 / 13:50:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:14:04 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 15:37:59 / Jan Vrany <>"

redrawVisibleLine: visLineNr

    "Created: / 07-03-2010 / 14:44:23 / Jan Vrany <>"

redrawVisibleLine:visLine col:colNr

    "Modified: / 05-11-2007 / 17:35:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 07-03-2010 / 14:45:32 / Jan Vrany <>"

redrawVisibleLine:visLine from:startCol

    "Modified: / 07-03-2010 / 14:46:18 / Jan Vrany <>"

redrawVisibleLine:visLine from:startCol to:endCol

    "Modified: / 07-03-2010 / 14:46:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'delegation-events'!

buttonMotion: button x:x y:y in: view
    "Delegates events to services. Answers true iff at least
     one service handler method returns true. In that case,
     the event is is NOT processes by the view."

    ^ services 
        contains:[:service |
            service isEnabled and:[ ((service buttonMotion: button x:x y:y in: view) == true) ]

    "Modified: / 07-03-2010 / 13:53:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:13:57 / cg"

buttonMultiPress: button x:x y:y in: view
    "Delegates events to services. Answers true iff at least
     one service handler method returns true. In that case,
     the event is is NOT processes by the view."

    ^ services
        contains:[:service |
            service isEnabled 
            and:[ ((service buttonMultiPress: button x:x y:y in: view) == true) ]

    "Modified: / 07-03-2010 / 13:53:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:14:00 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 05-03-2012 / 08:56:02 / cg"

buttonPress: button x:x y:y in: view
    "Delegates events to services. Answers true iff at least
     one service handler method returns true. In that case,
     the event is is NOT processes by the view."

    ^ services
        contains:[:service |
            service isEnabled and:[ ((service buttonPress: button x:x y:y in: view) == true) ]

    "Modified: / 07-03-2010 / 13:53:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:14:00 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 05-03-2012 / 08:56:02 / cg"

buttonRelease: button x:x y:y in: view
    "Delegates events to services. Answers true iff at least
     one service handler method returns true. In that case,
     the event is is NOT processes by the view."

    ^ services 
        contains:[:service |
            service isEnabled and:[ ((service buttonRelease: button x:x y:y in: view) == true) ]

    "interface from browser (when a class var is selected)"

    services do:[:each|
        each highlightClassVariable:name

    "interface from browser (when an inst var is selected)"

    services do:[:each|
        each highlightInstanceVariable:name

keyPress: key x:x y:y in: view
    "Delegates events to services. Answers true iff at least
     one service handler method returns true. In that case,
     the event is is NOT processes by the view."

    ^ services 
        contains:[:service |

            handledByService := service isEnabled 
                                and:[ ((service keyPress: key x:x y:y in: view) == true)].
            "/ handledByService ifTrue:[ Transcript showCR:'handled by ',service printString ].

    "Modified: / 07-03-2010 / 13:54:15 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:14:11 / cg"

keyRelease: key x:x y:y in: view
    "Delegates events to services. Answers true iff at least
     one service handler method returns true. In that case,
     the event is is NOT processes by the view."

    ^ services 
        contains:[:service |
            service isEnabled and:[ ((service keyRelease: key x:x y:y in: view) == true) ]

    "Modified: / 07-03-2010 / 13:54:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:14:13 / cg"

linesDeletedFrom: start to: end

    services do: [:each |
        each isEnabled ifTrue: [
            each linesDeletedFrom: start to: end

    "Created: / 06-07-2011 / 17:12:54 / jv"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:14:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 07-10-2011 / 19:14:48 / Jan Vrany <>"

linesInsertedFrom: start to: end

    services do: [:each |
        each isEnabled ifTrue: [
            each linesInsertedFrom: start to: end

    "Created: / 06-07-2011 / 17:12:48 / jv"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:14:20 / cg"

linesModifiedFrom: start to: end

    services do:[:each |
        each isEnabled ifTrue: [
            each linesModifiedFrom: start to: end

    "Created: / 06-07-2011 / 17:12:58 / jv"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:13:44 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 22-08-2018 / 09:23:04 / Claus Gittinger"

scrollDown: nLines in: view

    view == textView 
            ["/my text view scrolled...
            synchronizedCodeViews do:[:codeView|codeView scrollDown: nLines in: view]]
            ["/other code view scrolls and I'm notified about that
            textView basicScrollDown: nLines]

    "Created: / 06-04-2010 / 14:02:39 / Jakub <>"

scrollTo:origin redraw:doRedraw in: view
    view == textView ifTrue: [
        "/my text view scrolled...
        synchronizedCodeViews do:[:codeView|
            codeView scrollTo:origin redraw:doRedraw in: view.
    ] ifFalse: [
        "/other code view scrolls and I'm notified about that
        textView basicScrollTo:origin redraw:doRedraw.

    "Created: / 06-04-2010 / 14:02:39 / Jakub <>"
    "Created: / 19-03-2012 / 17:05:09 / Jan Vrany <>"

scrollUp: nLines in: view

    view == textView 
            ["/my text view scrolled...
            synchronizedCodeViews do:[:codeView|codeView scrollUp: nLines in: view]]
            ["/other code view scrolls and I'm notified about that
            textView basicScrollUp: nLines]

    "Created: / 06-04-2010 / 14:02:39 / Jakub <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'diff mode'!

    |t1 t2 pom diffHelper view2|

    t1 := view getNewOriginText.
    synchronizedCodeViews do:[:codeView | 
        view2 := codeView
    view changedDiffText:false.
    view2 changedDiffText:false.
    t2 := view2 getNewOriginText.
    pom := DiffCodeView2 new.
    (view == textView) ifTrue:[
        diffHelper := pom computeDiffDataForText1:t1 text2:t2.
        (view) contents:(diffHelper text1).
        (view) deletedLines:(diffHelper deleted).
        (view) changedLines:(diffHelper changed).
        (view) originDiffText:t1.
        (view) emptyLines:(diffHelper inserted).
        (view) changedLines:(diffHelper changed).
        (view2) contents:(diffHelper text2).
        (view2) insertedLines:(diffHelper inserted).
        (view2) changedLines:(diffHelper changed).
        (view2) originDiffText:t2.
        (view2) emptyLines:(diffHelper deleted).

    "Modified: / 22-06-2010 / 23:35:41 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 23-06-2010 / 17:25:59 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'initialize & release'!

    "/ used to call "CodeViewService availableServices",
    "/ which enumerated all subclasses.
    "/ this is BAD BAD BAD, because it does not allow for additional service
    "/ subclasses to be built for special applications. For example,
    "/ a debugging breakpoint service for a GDB application, a breakpoint service for
    "/ expecco's codeview.

    "/ therefore, the list of services to use in codeView2 is now filtered

    ^ CodeViewService availableServices
        select:[:service | service isUsefulFor:self]

    "Created: / 22-07-2013 / 13:57:40 / cg"

    "Invoked when a new instance is created."
    "Call super initialize"

    super initialize.
     "Now set up some visual properties"
    self level:(styleSheet at:#'codeView2.level' default:-1).
     "Now initialize sub-views"
    showGutterChannel := ValueHolder with: true.
    showGutterChannel addDependent: self.
    "/ toDo: I don't like two options in the settings;
    "/ showAcceptCancelBarChannel := (ValueHolder with: (UserPreferences current showAcceptCancelBarInBrowser)).
    showAcceptCancelBarChannel := ValueHolder with: (UserPreferences current codeView2ShowAcceptCancel).

    "/ these views must be created first, as they refer to each other's channels in their
    "/ initialize methods
    gutterView := CodeView2::GutterView new.
    textViewScroller := HVScrollableView for: CodeView2::TextView in: self.
    textView := textViewScroller scrolledView.

    self initializeGutterView.
    self initializeTextView.
    textView setCodeView:self.
    modifiedChannel := ValueHolder with:false.
    diffMode := false.
    synchronizedCodeViews := #().
    currentParseNodeHolder := ValueHolder new.
    currentBlockNodeHolder := ValueHolder new.

    servicesFromClient := false.
    services := OrderedCollection new.
    self initializeServices.

    "Modified: / 14-12-2009 / 13:59:53 / Jindra <a>"
    "Modified: / 06-04-2010 / 13:56:35 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:15:48 / cg"
    "Modified: / 16-02-2012 / 23:05:34 / Jan Vrany <>"


    gutterView setCodeView:self.
    gutterView currentBlockNodeHolder: self currentBlockNodeHolder.
    gutterView origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(gutterView preferredWidth+1 @ 1.0).
    showGutterChannel value ifTrue:[self addSubView: gutterView].

    "Created: / 02-09-2009 / 21:35:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 23-06-2010 / 19:14:55 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | serviceClasses |

    "/ only do it, if the services have not yet been defined by the user of this view
    "/ (FileBrowser does not want Smalltalk-specific services)
    servicesFromClient ifFalse:[
        serviceClasses := self defaultServices 
                            sort:[:a :b|
                                a priority = b priority 
                                    ifTrue:[a name < b name] 
                                    ifFalse:[a priority > b priority]
        serviceClasses do:[:cls|
            self registerService: cls new

    "Modified: / 22-07-2013 / 14:02:59 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24-07-2013 / 11:56:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "Initialize textView. gutterView has to be already initialized!!"

        origin: ((self showGutter ifTrue:[gutterView width] ifFalse:[0.0]) @ 0.0)
        corner: 1.0@1.0;
        level: 0.
    textView level: 0.

    textView modifiedChannel addDependent: self.

    "Created: / 02-09-2009 / 21:36:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 23-06-2010 / 19:38:20 / Jan Vrany <>"

    services do:[:service | service unregister ].
    services := OrderedCollection new.

    textView model notNil ifTrue:[ 
        textView model removeDependent: self.
    textView modifiedChannel notNil ifTrue:[ 
        textView modifiedChannel removeDependent: self.
    showGutterChannel removeDependent: self.
    languageHolder notNil ifTrue:[ 
        languageHolder removeDependent: self.
    classHolder notNil ifTrue:[ 
        classHolder removeDependent: self.
    methodHolder notNil ifTrue:[ 
        methodHolder removeDependent: self.
    super release.

    "Created: / 23-06-2014 / 20:16:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 23-06-2014 / 22:18:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 11-06-2018 / 11:50:37 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'menu actions'!

    textView accept

    "Created: / 07-09-2011 / 21:29:07 / cg"

    textView again

    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 19:36:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 22-07-2011 / 17:44:31 / cg"


    textView browseImplementorsOfIt

    "Modified: / 30-06-2011 / 19:22:41 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView browseSendersOfIt

    "Modified: / 30-06-2011 / 19:22:57 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView copySelection

    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 19:36:37 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView copySelectionBox

    "Created: / 14-03-2017 / 16:29:45 / cg"


    textView cut

    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 19:36:06 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView doIt

    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 19:38:15 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView inspectIt

    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 19:38:26 / Jan Vrany <>"


    self error: 'Not yet implemented'

    "Modified: / 14-02-2010 / 15:58:15 / Jan Vrany <>"


    syntaxElements inspect

    "Modified: / 14-02-2010 / 15:57:58 / Jan Vrany <>"


    self inspect

    "Modified: / 25-03-2010 / 17:58:10 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView pasteOrReplace

    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 19:37:08 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView pasteOrReplaceFromHistory



    textView printIt

    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 19:38:05 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView profileIt

    "Created: / 27-08-2010 / 22:12:42 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView undo

    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 19:35:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'menus-dynamic'!

    ^ self class debugMenu decodeAsLiteralArray

    | editMenu superEditMenu moreMenu moreMenuItem |

    superEditMenu := textView superEditMenu.

    textView sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[

    "/ install the standard 'more' menu into my own menu
    moreMenu := superEditMenu subMenuAt: superEditMenu numberOfItems.

    editMenu := self class editMenu decodeAsLiteralArray.
    moreMenuItem := editMenu menuItemLabeled: 'More'.
    moreMenuItem submenu: moreMenu asMenu.
    editMenu findGuiResourcesIn: self.

    "Created: / 25-12-2007 / 10:10:01 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 25-12-2007 / 19:50:53 / janfrog"
    "Modified: / 18-10-2008 / 20:31:16 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 08-07-2011 / 13:35:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 07-10-2011 / 17:58:39 / Jan Vrany <>"


    | selectorAndSelectedText selector selectedText  implementors |

    selectedText := textView selectionAsString.
    selectedText size > 0 ifTrue:[
        "/ self windowGroup withWaitCursorDo:[
            selectorAndSelectedText := self extractSelectorAndSelectedTextFrom:  selectedText.
            selector := selectorAndSelectedText first.
            selectedText := selectorAndSelectedText second.

            (selector notNil and:[selector = selectedText]) ifTrue:[
                implementors := (SystemBrowser 
                                    findImplementorsOf:selectedText "Any: (Array with:selectedText)" 
                                    in:(Smalltalk allClasses) 

            ] ifFalse:[
                implementors := (SystemBrowser 
                                    findImplementorsOfAny:(Array with:selectedText with: selector) 
                                    in:(Smalltalk allClasses) 
        "/ ] 
    ] ifFalse:[
        implementors := #().

    ^self implementorsMenu: implementors selector: (selector ? selectedText)

    "Modified: / 19-10-2008 / 08:16:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 30-06-2011 / 19:28:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 05-03-2012 / 09:02:43 / cg"

implementorsMenu: implementors selector: selector
    | menu|

    menu := Menu new.
    implementors isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        menu addItem:(MenuItem label:'No implementors found') disable
    ] ifFalse:[
        menu addItem:(MenuItem
                    label:(selector storeString , (' (all implementors) ') allItalic)
                        self browseMethods:implementors
                            label:'Implementors of ' , selector storeString

        menu addSeparator.
        (implementors asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a mclass name < b mclass name])
        "implementors" do:[:mth |
                addItem:(MenuItem label:(selector storeString
                                , (' in ' , mth containingClass nameInBrowser allBold))
                        itemValue:[ self browseMethod:mth label: 'Implementor of ' , selector storeString  ])
    ^ menu

    "Modified: / 19-10-2008 / 08:16:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 19:39:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-03-2012 / 12:56:56 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14-10-2013 / 10:47:02 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 13-03-2019 / 22:06:59 / Claus Gittinger"


    | selectorAndSelectedText selector selectedText  senders |

    selectedText := textView selectionAsString.
    selectedText size > 0 ifTrue:[
        "/ self windowGroup withWaitCursorDo:[
            selectorAndSelectedText := self extractSelectorAndSelectedTextFrom:  selectedText.
            selector := selectorAndSelectedText first.
            selectedText := selectorAndSelectedText second.

            (selector notNil and:[selector = selectedText]) ifTrue:[
                senders := (SystemBrowser 
                                findSendersOf:selectedText "Any:(Array with:selectedText)" 
                                in:(Smalltalk allClasses) 

            ] ifFalse:[
                senders := (SystemBrowser 
                                findSendersOfAny:(Array with:selectedText with: selector) 
                                in:(Smalltalk allClasses) 
        "/ ] 
    ] ifFalse:[
        senders := #().

    ^self sendersMenu: senders selector: (selector ? selectedText)

    "Modified: / 19-10-2008 / 08:16:50 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 30-06-2011 / 19:28:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 05-03-2012 / 09:02:56 / cg"

sendersMenu: senders  selector: selector
    | menu shownSenderItems numCut sendersSorted|

    menu := Menu new.
    senders isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        menu addItem:(MenuItem label:'No senders found') disable
    ] ifFalse:[
        menu addItem:(MenuItem
                    label:(selector storeString , (' (all senders)') allItalic)
                        self browseMethods:senders
                            label:'Senders of ' , selector storeString
        menu addSeparator.
        sendersSorted := senders asOrderedCollection
                            sort:[:a :b | a whoString < b whoString].
        shownSenderItems := (senders size > 20) ifTrue:[sendersSorted copyTo:20] ifFalse:[sendersSorted].
        numCut := senders size - 20.
        shownSenderItems do:[:mth |
                addItem:(MenuItem label:(mth selector storeString
                                , (' in ' , mth containingClass nameInBrowser allBold))
                        itemValue:[ self browseMethod:mth label: 'Sender of ' , selector storeString ])
        numCut > 0 ifTrue:[
            menu addSeparator.
            menu addItem:(MenuItem label:('... %1 more senders not shown here' bindWith:numCut)) disable
    ^ menu

    "Modified: / 19-10-2008 / 08:17:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 19:40:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-07-2011 / 14:51:54 / jv"
    "Modified: / 07-03-2012 / 12:58:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14-10-2013 / 10:47:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 13-03-2019 / 22:07:12 / Claus Gittinger"

    |menu item anyService|

    menu := Menu new.
    item := (MenuItem label:(resources string:'Services (experimental)')) enabled:false.
    menu addItem:item.
    menu addSeparator.

    "/ disabled, because this menu is now on the gutter,
    "/ and it makes it hard to show it again, once hidden

"/    item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Show Gutter').
"/    item indication:(self showGutterChannel).
"/    menu addItem:item.
"/    menu addSeparator.

    anyService := false.
    services do:[:service | 

        item := MenuItem label:(resources string:service label).
        item indication:((AspectAdaptor forAspect:#enabled) subject:service).
        item hideMenuOnActivated:false.
        menu addItem:item.
        anyService := true.

    anyService ifTrue:[
        menu addSeparator.

    item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Debug').
    item submenuChannel:[ self debugMenu ].
    menu addItem:item.

    ^ menu

    "Created: / 07-03-2010 / 14:03:00 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-10-2011 / 14:14:30 / cg"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'private'!

    "/ I found this code 3 times (CodeView2, NewSystemBrowser and DebugView) - smell? 
    "/ (can we move that to a utility - probably DoWhatIMeanSupport)

    |cls language|

    cls := self classHolder value.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
        language := cls programmingLanguage
    UserInformation handle:[:ex |
        self showInfo:(ex messageText).
        ex proceed.
    ] do:[
        self withWaitCursorDo:[
            DoWhatIMeanSupport codeCompletionForLanguage:language class:cls context:nil codeView:self.
    ^ self.

    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
    "Modified: / 20-11-2006 / 12:30:59 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18-09-2013 / 14:18:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "check for modified code by comparing the source against
     the codeView's contents.
     That's the true modified value 
     (in case user undid his changes, and the displayed text is actually original)"


    "/ cg: why this? It does not make sense to me.
    "/ either we can depend on what the textView tells me here
    "/ in which case we don't need the code below,
    "/ or we cannot, in which the textView modified query should be removed.
    "/ from tracing, it looks as if the textView modified query is correct all the time.
    "/ Can someone validate/verify this, please?
    textView modified ifTrue:[^true].   

     "/ higher prio to prevent it from being changed while we convert it (by editing)
    Processor activeProcess
            modified := textView isTextDifferentFromOriginalSource.

    ^ modified

    "Created: / 06-02-2010 / 19:59:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 05-06-2012 / 23:55:02 / cg"

showInfo: message

    | app |
    (app := self topView application) ifNotNil:
        [(app respondsTo: #showInfo:) ifTrue:
            [app showInfo: message]].

    "Modified: / 13-02-2010 / 23:25:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'private-accessing'!



    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 15:21:27 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ syntaxElementSelection

    syntaxElementSelection := anElement.
"/    anElement isNil ifTrue:[
"/        currentParseNodeHolder value: nil.
"/"/        currentBlockNodeHolder value: nil.
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        currentParseNodeHolder value: anElement node.
"/"/        currentBlockNodeHolder value: anElement node enclosingBlock.
"/    ]

    "Modified: / 24-09-2013 / 00:14:07 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ syntaxElements

    aCollection notNil ifTrue:[
        aCollection isSortedCollection ifFalse:[ 
            aCollection sort.
    syntaxElements := aCollection.

    "Modified: / 08-08-2014 / 13:18:40 / Jan Vrany <>"



    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 15:21:12 / Jan Vrany <>"



    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 15:21:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'realization'!


    services do:[:service|
        service enabled:false.


    services do:[:service|
        service enabled:true.


    services do:[:service|
        service viewRealized.

    "Created: / 23-01-2012 / 10:35:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'redrawing'!

    textView flash.

    "Created: / 21-02-2014 / 16:57:30 / Jan Vrany <>"

flash: aString
    "delegated to my textview"

    textView flash:aString.

flash:messageOrNil withColor:flashColor
    "delegated to my textview"

    textView flash:messageOrNil.

    "Modified (format): / 21-10-2017 / 23:13:35 / cg"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'services'!

    "that one or nil"

    ^ services detect:[:any| (any isKindOf: BreakpointService)] ifNone:nil

    "set the breakpoint service"


    (oldService := self breakpointService) notNil ifTrue:[
        self unregisterService:oldService.
    newServiceOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
        self registerService:newServiceOrNil.

    "Created: / 18-02-2019 / 19:45:52 / Claus Gittinger"

    "prefers the smallsense-lint service over others"

    ^ services 
        detect:[:any| (any isKindOf:SmallSense::SmalltalkLintService)] 
                detect:[:any| (any isLintService)] 

registerService: aCodeViewService

    services add: aCodeViewService.
    aCodeViewService registerIn: self

    "Created: / 06-03-2010 / 19:19:40 / Jan Vrany <>"

    services notNil ifTrue:[ 
        services do:[ :service | service isEnabled ifTrue:[ aBlock value: service ] ] 

    "Modified: / 27-11-2014 / 15:38:42 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "that one or nil"

    ^ services detect:[:any| (any isKindOf: CodeHighlightingService)] ifNone:nil


    services copy do:[:eachService | self unregisterService:eachService ].

unregisterService: aCodeViewService

    services remove: aCodeViewService ifAbsent:[^self].
    aCodeViewService unregister.

    "Created: / 06-03-2010 / 19:21:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 19-07-2012 / 16:34:18 / cg"
! !

!CodeView2 methodsFor:'testing'!

    "a hack for codeView2, which behaves like a TextView, but has its own
     scrollbars embedded - sigh (an extra load one).
     This allows for the UIBuilder to avoid creating an extra set around such
     a view (as is the case with TextSpec with scrollbars when using CodeView2)"

    ^ true



    "Created: / 20-07-2010 / 15:43:05 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^textView isReadOnly

    "Created: / 22-05-2018 / 15:34:26 / Claus Gittinger"



    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 22:13:37 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::AnnotationShowingScrollerBackground class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    I am a scroller background used to show annotation positions
    (very similar to the DiffTextScrollerBackground).
    I draw little markers at positions where annotations are.

    I need a reference to the textView and the list of annotations.
! !

!CodeView2::AnnotationShowingScrollerBackground methodsFor:'accessing'!

    annotations := aCollectionOfAnnotations.

    breakpoints := aCollectionOfBreakpoints.

    textView := something.
! !

!CodeView2::AnnotationShowingScrollerBackground methodsFor:'drawing'!

fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h in:aScroller
    "I am asked to draw the background of aScroller.
     If any annotation is in that range, draw it"
    |overAllHeight drawRect scrollerHeight|

    annotations isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        breakpoints isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self 
    scrollerHeight := aScroller height.
    drawRect :=
        [:lineNr :clrInside |
            |clrBorder yThumb|
            yThumb := (scrollerHeight * (lineNr / overAllHeight)) rounded.
            (yThumb between:y-5 and:(y + h + 5)) ifTrue:[
                clrBorder := clrInside darkened.
                aScroller paint:clrInside.
                aScroller fillRectangleX:3 y:(yThumb-5 max:0) width:aScroller width-5 height:8.
                aScroller paint:clrBorder.
                aScroller displayRectangleX:3 y:(yThumb-5 max:0) width:aScroller width-5 height:9.
    overAllHeight := textView numberOfLines.
    overAllHeight = 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

    annotations notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        annotations do:[:eachAnnotation |
            |lineNr severityColor severity|

            (lineNr := eachAnnotation line) notNil ifTrue:[ 
                severity := eachAnnotation rule severity.
                severity == #error ifTrue:[
                    severityColor := Color red.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    severity == #warning ifTrue:[
                        severityColor := Color yellow.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        severityColor := Color blue.
                drawRect value:lineNr value:severityColor lightened.
    breakpoints notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        breakpoints do:[:eachBreakpoint |
            (eachBreakpoint isVisible and:[eachBreakpoint isEnabled]) ifTrue:[ 
                |lineNr bpntColor|

                (lineNr := eachBreakpoint line) notNil ifTrue:[    
                    bpntColor := eachBreakpoint isTracepoint
                                    ifTrue:[ Color blue lightened]
                                    ifFalse:[ Color red ].
                    drawRect value:lineNr value:bpntColor.
! !

!CodeView2::AnnotationShowingScrollerBackground methodsFor:'ignored conversion'!

    "superclass AbstractBackground says that I am responsible to implement this method"

    ^ self 

    "superclass AbstractBackground says that I am responsible to implement this method"

    ^ self 
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    DefaultLineNrColor := StyleSheet 
                                View defaultViewBackgroundColor brightness < 0.8 
                                    ifTrue:[Color grey:75]
                                    ifFalse:[Color grey]]

    "Created: / 28-08-2018 / 14:59:31 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    documentation to be added.


    [instance variables:]

    [class variables:]

    [see also:]

! !

!CodeView2::GutterView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ compareAction

    compareAction := something.

    menuHolder := aValueThing

setTextView: aTextView

    self assert: textView isNil message:'Attempting to set textView twice'.
    textView := aTextView.

    textView addDependent:self.

    "/ self backgroundPaint: textView backgroundPaint darkened lighter.
    self viewBackground: (View defaultBackgroundColor). "/ textView backgroundPaint darkened lighter.
    self paint: textView paint.
    self font: textView font.

    "Created: / 02-09-2009 / 21:55:43 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 14-12-2009 / 15:09:29 / Jindra <a>"
    "Modified: / 09-02-2010 / 20:03:06 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 17-08-2011 / 15:15:09 / cg"

    textViewScroller := aScr.

    "Created: / 07-12-2009 / 22:36:31 / Jindra <a>"

    "can be used to turn off linenumber drawing, 
     in case the gutter is used with another view anf only the other features (breakpoints) are needed"

    showLineNumbers := aBoolean.
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView methodsFor:'accessing-dimensions'!


    ^(self height * 0.6) ceiling.

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 19:53:47 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^((self paddingLeft) + self usedWidthForAcceptCancel)

    "Created: / 10-09-2013 / 03:00:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 14-02-2014 / 12:06:25 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^(self height * 0.8) ceiling.

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 19:54:12 / Jan Vrany <>"

    | font w h |

    font := self font.
    w := (font widthOf:'00') + self padding.
    h := textView notNil 
            ifTrue:[textView height] 
            ifFalse:[font height * 12].

    ^ (preferredExtent := w @ h)

    "Created: / 09-11-2018 / 20:03:11 / Claus Gittinger"


    ^self paddingLeft + self paddingRight 
        + self usedWidthForAcceptCancel    
        + (widthAnnotations ? 0) 
        + (widthDiffInfo ? 0)

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 22:28:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 07-10-2011 / 19:01:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 07-10-2011 / 20:45:05 / Jan Vrany <>"



    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 22:27:17 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 16-06-2011 / 13:47:53 / Jan Vrany <>"



    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 22:27:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 16-02-2012 / 22:40:16 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ (codeView notNil and:[codeView showAcceptCancelBar]) ifTrue:[widthAcceptCancel ? 0] ifFalse:[0]
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView methodsFor:'actions'!


    textView accept

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 20:23:20 / Jan Vrany <>"


    textView cancel

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 20:23:23 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "diff agains original version"

    compareAction value.

    "Created: / 27-04-2018 / 16:51:09 / stefan"

    self halt.

    menuHolder notNil ifTrue:[^ menuHolder value].
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ codeView servicesMenu
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView methodsFor:'aspects'!

    "return/create the 'currentBlockNodeHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    currentBlockNodeHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        currentBlockNodeHolder := ValueHolder new.
        currentBlockNodeHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ currentBlockNodeHolder

    "set the 'currentBlockNodeHolder' value holder (automatically generated)"

    |oldValue newValue|

    currentBlockNodeHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        oldValue := currentBlockNodeHolder value.
        currentBlockNodeHolder removeDependent:self.
    currentBlockNodeHolder := something.
    currentBlockNodeHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        currentBlockNodeHolder addDependent:self.
    newValue := currentBlockNodeHolder value.
    oldValue ~~ newValue ifTrue:[
        self update:#value with:newValue from:currentBlockNodeHolder.
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView methodsFor:'change & update'!

    <resource: #obsolete>
    "recompute the required width (longest linenumber present, not shown)"

    ^ self adjustSizeForLongestLineNumber

    "Modified: / 19-11-2017 / 14:02:57 / cg"

    "recompute the required width (longest linenumber present, not shown)"

    |newNumberOfLines longestLineString textW requiredW newWidth|

    showLineNumbers ifFalse:[^ self].

    newNumberOfLines := (textView numberOfLines max:textView cursorLine).

    longestLineString := self displayedString:(newNumberOfLines max:99).
    textW := (longestLineString widthOn:self).
    requiredW := textW + self padding.

    ((requiredW > width) or:[requiredW < (width * 3 // 4)]) ifTrue:[
        "/ some hysteresis to avoid quick readjust again
        newWidth := (requiredW "* 1.1") rounded.
        self corner:(newWidth+1 @ 1.0).

            textView removeDependent:self.
            textViewScroller notNil ifTrue:[ textViewScroller origin:(newWidth+1 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0) ].
        ] ensure:[
            textView addDependent:self.
        self invalidate.
    ] ifFalse:[
        numberOfLines ~= newNumberOfLines ifTrue:[
            self invalidate

    "Created: / 19-11-2017 / 14:01:49 / cg"

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |deltaY numPixels hScrollerHeight|

    (changedObject == textView) ifTrue:[
        something == #pointerInView ifTrue:[
            ^ self.

        something == #font ifTrue:[
            sz := textView font size.
            self font:(self font asSize:sz).
            self invalidate.
            ^ self.
        ((something == #sizeOfContents)
        or:[ "false "(something == #visibility)"" ]) ifTrue:[
            self adjustSizeForLongestLineNumber.

            "/ (numberOfLines ~= (textView list size max:textView cursorLine)) ifTrue:[
            "/     self invalidate.
            "/ ].
            ^ self.
        something == #originOfContents ifTrue:[
            aParameter notNil ifTrue:[
                deltaY := aParameter y.
                deltaY = 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

                numPixels := deltaY abs.
                numPixels < (height // 5) ifTrue:[
                    deltaY < 0 ifTrue:[
                        self invalidateX:0 y:0 width:width height:numPixels.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        hScrollerHeight := 0.
                        (textViewScroller notNil
                        and:[textViewScroller horizontalScrollBar notNil]) ifTrue:[
                            hScrollerHeight := textViewScroller horizontalScrollBar height.
                        numPixels := numPixels + 4.
                        self invalidateX:0 y:height-numPixels-hScrollerHeight width:width height:numPixels+hScrollerHeight.
                    "/ self repairDamage.
                    ^ self.
            self invalidateLines.
            ^ self.
        "/ something printCR.

    (changedObject == textView reallyModifiedChannel) ifTrue:[
        self invalidateAcceptCancelBar.

    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Modified: / 14-02-2014 / 12:08:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 19-11-2017 / 14:02:08 / cg"
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView methodsFor:'event handling'!

buttonMultiPress: btn x: x y: y

    Processor removeTimedBlock:blockWaitingForPossibleDoubleClick.
    blockWaitingForPossibleDoubleClick := nil.

    "/ for the embedded accept-cancel bar, if enabled
    (x <= (self paddingLeft + self usedWidthForAcceptCancel)) ifTrue:[
        textView reallyModified ifTrue:[
            (y < self acceptButtonBottom) ifTrue:[
            (y < self cancelButtonBottom) ifTrue:[

    false ifTrue:[
        "Do not allow clicking on line numbers..."
        extraSafeArea := "('999' widthOn:self)" 5.
        x < (self width - self paddingRight - widthDiffInfo - extraSafeArea) ifFalse:[^ self].

    codeView notNil ifTrue:[
        ((x > (self paddingLeft + self usedWidthForAcceptCancel)) or:
            [x < (self width - self paddingRight - widthDiffInfo)]
        ) ifTrue:[
            (codeView buttonMultiPress: btn x:x y:y in: self) ifTrue:[^ self].   "/ event eaten
    super buttonMultiPress: btn x: x y: y

buttonPress:btn x:x y:y
    btn == 1 ifTrue:[
        blockWaitingForPossibleDoubleClick :=
                self nonMultiButtonPress:btn x:x y:y
            for:Processor activeProcess 
    ] ifFalse:[
        super buttonPress:btn x:x y:y

    "Modified: / 02-03-2019 / 12:28:36 / Claus Gittinger"

mouseWheelMotion:buttonState x:x y:y amount:amount deltaTime:dTime
    "/ forward to my text view
    textView mouseWheelMotion:buttonState x:x y:y amount:amount deltaTime:dTime

    "Created: / 02-03-2019 / 12:02:52 / Claus Gittinger"

nonMultiButtonPress: btn x: x y: y
    "this is now called delayed for a single button press
     (i.e. if there is no other click within some time)"


    "/ for the embedded accept-cancel bar, if enabled
    (x <= (self paddingLeft + self usedWidthForAcceptCancel)) ifTrue:[
        textView reallyModified ifTrue:[
            (y < self acceptButtonBottom) ifTrue:[
                self accept.
            (y < self cancelButtonBottom) ifTrue:[
                self cancel.
            self compare.

    false ifTrue:[
        "Do not allow clicking on line numbers..."
        extraSafeArea := "('999' widthOn:self)" 5.
        x < (self width - self paddingRight - widthDiffInfo - extraSafeArea) ifFalse:[^ self].

    codeView notNil ifTrue:[
        ((x > (self paddingLeft + self usedWidthForAcceptCancel)) 
          or:[x < (self width - self paddingRight - widthDiffInfo)]
        ) ifTrue:[
            (codeView buttonPress:btn x:x y:y in:self) ifTrue:[^ self].   "/ event eaten

    super buttonPress:btn x:x y:y

    "Created: / 17-06-2011 / 13:02:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 18-05-2012 / 10:56:54 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27-04-2018 / 17:03:23 / stefan"
    "Modified: / 02-03-2019 / 12:27:39 / Claus Gittinger"

    super sizeChanged:how.
    "/ self invalidateAcceptCancelBar.
    self invalidate.
    "Created: / 10-09-2013 / 03:19:29 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView methodsFor:'help'!

    |lineNr textCollector services|

    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    aPointOrNil isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    lineNr := codeView lineAtY:aPointOrNil y.
    lineNr isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    textCollector := TextStream new.
    "/ which service has an annotation for that line
    services := codeView services.
    "/ show lintservice-help first
    services := (services select:[:s | s isLintService])
                ,(services reject:[:s | s isLintService]).
    services do:[:eachService |
        tooltip := eachService helpTextAtLine:lineNr.
        tooltip notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
            textCollector notEmpty ifTrue:[ textCollector cr].
            textCollector nextPutAllText:tooltip.
            tooltip last == Character cr ifFalse:[textCollector cr].
    textCollector isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
    ^ textCollector contents.    
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView methodsFor:'initialize & release'!

    super initStyle.

    acceptColor := Color greenCaringForColorBlindness.
    cancelColor := Color redCaringForColorBlindness.
    diffColor := Color yellow.

    acceptColor := acceptColor lighter onDevice:device.
    cancelColor := cancelColor lighter lighter onDevice:device.
    diffColor := diffColor lighter lighter onDevice:device.

    lineNrColor := DefaultLineNrColor ? Color grey.

    "Created: / 28-08-2018 / 14:58:43 / Claus Gittinger"


    super initialize.

    blockWaitingForPossibleDoubleClick := nil.

    showLineNumbers := true.
    widthAcceptCancel := 16.
    widthAnnotations := "16"8.
    widthDiffInfo := 5.

    self initStyle.

    self enableMotionEvents.   "/ for per-line tooltips

    "Created: / 16-06-2011 / 13:47:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 03-02-2017 / 14:05:03 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-08-2018 / 14:58:55 / Claus Gittinger"

    codeView removeDependent: self.  
    textView removeDependent: self.
    currentBlockNodeHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        currentBlockNodeHolder removeDependent: self
    super release.

    "Created: / 23-06-2014 / 20:47:56 / Jan Vrany <>"

setCodeView: aCodeView2

    codeView := aCodeView2.

    codeView addDependent: self.
    codeView reallyModifiedChannel addDependent: self.
    "/ codeView currentBlockNodeHolder addDependent: self. - not needed; currentBlockNodeHolder: does it

    textView := aCodeView2 textView.
    textView addDependent: self.
    "/ do not fetch stuff from others - let others give me things (caller change to send currentBlockNodeHolder: explicitly)
    "/ self currentBlockNodeHolder: codeView currentBlockNodeHolder.
    textViewScroller := aCodeView2 textViewScroller.
    "/ self backgroundPaint: (textView viewBackground "backgroundPaint" blendWith: (Color gray:80)).
    self viewBackground: (View defaultBackgroundColor).

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 15:19:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 17-08-2011 / 15:15:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 05-04-2012 / 17:46:21 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView methodsFor:'queries'!

    "get text to display in gutter for specified list line number"

    ^ (lineNr asString).

    "Created: / 14-12-2009 / 13:37:47 / Jindra <a>"
    "Modified (format): / 28-04-2017 / 08:04:39 / cg"

    "return special color for given line if required, nil otherwise"
    "used only if lineFont returns nil"

    lineNrColor isNil ifTrue:[
        View defaultViewBackgroundColor brightness < 0.8 ifTrue:[
            lineNrColor := Color grey:75.
        ] ifFalse:[    
            lineNrColor := Color grey.
    ^ lineNrColor.

    "Created: / 14-12-2009 / 15:01:31 / Jindra <a>"
    "Modified: / 28-04-2017 / 08:04:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28-08-2018 / 15:05:44 / Claus Gittinger"

    "true if this list line can be displayed"
    ^ (textView listLineIsVisible:lineNr)

    "Created: / 14-12-2009 / 13:38:23 / Jindra <a>"
    "Modified (format): / 28-04-2017 / 08:05:08 / cg"

    "return special font for given line if required, nil otherwise"

    ^ nil

    "Created: / 14-12-2009 / 14:40:17 / Jindra <a>"
    "Modified (format): / 28-04-2017 / 08:05:18 / cg"

    ^ false.

    "defined to allow computation of a line below what is visible in
     the textView (because gutter may become higher than textView, iff
     the textView has a horizontal scrollbar"

    |visibleLineNr "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|

    "/JV: BAD, BAD BAD - check senders, they must be prepared to get nil!!
    shown ifFalse:[^ nil].
    lineNr isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    visibleLineNr := lineNr - textView firstLineShown + 1.
    ^ textView yOfVisibleLine:visibleLineNr

    "Modified (format): / 28-08-2013 / 12:49:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 28-04-2017 / 08:06:18 / cg"
! !

!CodeView2::GutterView methodsFor:'redrawing'!

    | w |

    self usedWidthForAcceptCancel == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    w := self acceptCancelRight.
    w == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

    self invalidateX:0 y:0 width:(w-1) height:(self height).

    "Created: / 10-09-2013 / 03:07:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 21-02-2014 / 21:50:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 28-04-2017 / 08:02:04 / cg"

invalidateDeviceRectangle:aRectangle repairNow:doRepairNow
    ^ super invalidateDeviceRectangle:aRectangle repairNow:doRepairNow

    | x0 |

    x0 := self acceptCancelRight "+ 1".
    self invalidateX:x0 y:0 width:(self width - x0) height:(self height).

    "Created: / 10-09-2013 / 03:08:18 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 14-02-2014 / 12:19:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 28-04-2017 / 08:02:36 / cg"

redrawAcceptCancelBarX: x y: y width:w height:h
    | rw acceptRight acceptBottom cancelBottom |

    acceptRight := self acceptCancelRight.
    x >= acceptRight ifTrue:[
        ^ self.
    rw := ((x + w) min: acceptRight) - x.

    textView reallyModified ifFalse:[
        gc fillRectangleX:x y:y width:rw height:h color: self viewBackground
    ] ifTrue:[
        acceptBottom := self acceptButtonBottom.
        cancelBottom := self cancelButtonBottom.
        (y < acceptBottom) ifTrue:[
            gc fillRectangleX:x y:y width:rw height: ((y + h) min: acceptBottom) color: acceptColor.
        (y < cancelBottom) ifTrue:[
            gc fillRectangleX:x y: acceptBottom + 1width:rw height: ((y + h) min: cancelBottom) - acceptBottom - 1color: cancelColor.
        ((y + h) >= cancelBottom) ifTrue:[
            gc fillRectangleX:x y: cancelBottom + 1 width:rw height: (y + h) - cancelBottom - 1 color: diffColor.

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 19:44:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 21-02-2014 / 21:49:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 28-04-2017 / 08:03:16 / cg"

redrawBackgroundX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "redraws gutter background"


    "background is filled with background color"
        clearRectangleX:x y:y
        width:w height:h. 

    "separator line is drawn in grey"
    savPaint := self paint.
    self paint:Color grey.

        displayLineFromX:(width - 1) y:y
        toX:(width - 1) y:(y+h).

    self paint:savPaint.

    "Created: / 14-12-2009 / 13:15:53 / Jindra <a>"
    "Modified: / 14-12-2009 / 15:09:54 / Jindra <a>"
    "Modified: / 17-08-2011 / 15:12:47 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 07-10-2011 / 19:37:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 28-04-2017 / 08:03:32 / cg"


    ^ self redrawLine:lineNr cleared: false.

    "Modified: / 17-06-2011 / 14:12:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 28-04-2017 / 08:03:39 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 29-01-2019 / 18:04:00 / Claus Gittinger"

redrawLine:lineNr cleared: cleared
    "redraws specified line. Returns width of drawn object. Color of drawn objects should be taken from lineFont, lineColor"
    ^ self redrawLine:lineNr cleared:cleared drawServices:true

    "Modified (format): / 29-01-2019 / 18:03:56 / Claus Gittinger"

redrawLine:lineNr cleared:cleared drawServices:drawServices
    "redraws specified line. Returns width of drawn object.
     Color of drawn objects should be taken from lineFont, lineColor"

    |lineString yTop yBaseline textViewFont fontAscent fontDescent
     textW requiredW oldFont newFont oldColor newColor 
     myFont myFontAscent myFontDescent|

    shown ifFalse:[ ^ self ]. "/ Do not bother if the view is not shown.
    textView isNil ifTrue:[^ self].     "/ happens when shown in UIPainter
    requiredW := self width.
    myFont := gc font.
    textViewFont := textView font.
    showLineNumbers ifTrue:[
        lineString := self displayedString:lineNr.

        textW := (lineString widthOn:self).
        requiredW := textW + self padding.

        oldFont := myFont.
        oldColor := gc paint.

        newFont := self lineFontForLine:lineNr.
        newFont isNil ifTrue:[
            newFont := oldFont.
            newColor := self lineColorForLine:lineNr.
            newColor notNil ifTrue:[ gc paint:newColor ].
        newFont ~~ oldFont ifTrue:[
            "/ ensure that the line number lines are not higher than the text lines
            (newFont heightOn:device) > (textViewFont heightOn:device) ifTrue:[
                newFont := textViewFont.
            newFont ~~ oldFont ifTrue:[
                self font:newFont.
                myFont := gc font.

    fontAscent := textViewFont ascentOn:device.
    fontDescent := textViewFont descentOn:device.
    myFontAscent := myFont ascent.
    myFontDescent := myFont descent.
    yTop := (self yOfTextViewLine:lineNr) ? 0.
    yBaseline := yTop + fontAscent.

    cleared ifFalse:[
            clearRectangleX:0 y:(yBaseline - myFontAscent) 
            width:(width - 2) height:(myFontAscent + myFontDescent).

    "/ cg: this should be done differently: services know about the
    "/ gutter, so they should respond to a special drawGutter message.
    "/ otherwise, some redraws become unusably slow (especially
    "/ with multiple fonts/colors/emphases)...
    drawServices ifTrue:[
        "Let services draw annotations and other stuff"
        codeView notNil ifTrue:[
                drawLine:lineNr in:self
                atX:(self acceptCancelRight + 1) y:yBaseline 
                width:widthAnnotations height:(myFont height) ascent:myFontAscent
                from:nil to:nil with:(self paint) and:(self backgroundColor).

    showLineNumbers ifTrue:[
        gc displayString:lineString x:(width - widthDiffInfo - textW) y:yBaseline.
        newFont notNil ifTrue:[
            gc font:oldFont.
            gc paint:oldColor
        ] ifFalse:[
            newColor notNil ifTrue:[ gc paint:oldColor ].

    "/ If the view has been cleared here, we have also to redraw corresponding portion
    "/ of accept/cancel bar !!
    cleared ifFalse:[
        "/ In that case it was cleared above.
        self redrawAcceptCancelBarX:0 y:(yBaseline - myFontAscent)
             width:width - 2
             height:(myFontAscent + myFontDescent).
    ^ requiredW.

    "Modified: / 14-12-2009 / 15:30:44 / Jindra <a>"
    "Created: / 17-06-2011 / 14:11:45 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 18-07-2012 / 19:05:24 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14-02-2014 / 17:58:16 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "/ cg: obsolete?
    startLineNr to: (textView lastLineShown - 1 min: textView list size) do:[:line|
        self redrawLine:line cleared:false drawServices:true.

    "Created: / 06-07-2011 / 17:25:36 / jv"
    "Modified: / 12-07-2011 / 17:14:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 29-01-2019 / 18:04:11 / Claus Gittinger"


    (absLineNr := textView visibleLineToListLine:lineNr) notNil ifTrue:[
        self redrawLine:absLineNr cleared: false.

    "Modified: / 17-06-2011 / 14:12:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 29-01-2019 / 18:04:26 / Claus Gittinger"

redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
    |firstLine lastLine yBot|

    self redrawBackgroundX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    (codeView notNil and:[codeView showAcceptCancelBar]) ifTrue:[    
        self redrawAcceptCancelBarX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    "/ textview may be nil, if Gutter is shown in the UIPainter!!
    textView notNil ifTrue:[
        numberOfLines := (textView numberOfLines max:textView cursorLine).
        yBot := y + h.
        firstLine := textView visibleLineToAbsoluteLine:(textView visibleLineOfY:y).
        lastLine := textView visibleLineToAbsoluteLine:(textView visibleLineOfY:yBot-1).
        lastLine := lastLine min:numberOfLines.

        firstLine to:lastLine do: [:line | 
            self redrawLine:line cleared:true drawServices:true.
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ changedDiffText

    changedDiffText := something.

    ^ changedLines

    "Created: / 26-04-2010 / 20:30:32 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 26-04-2010 / 21:48:13 / Jakub <>"

    changedLines := something.

    "Created: / 26-04-2010 / 20:30:19 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2010 / 19:13:32 / Jakub <>"

    ^ codeView

contents: text

    super contents: text.
    reallyModifiedChannel value: false.

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 20:32:27 / Jan Vrany <>"

contents: text clear: clearPrevious

    | savedListOriginal |
    savedListOriginal := listOriginal.
    super contents: text.
    listOriginal := savedListOriginal.
    self updateReallyModified.

    "Created: / 17-02-2012 / 00:35:22 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^  deletedLines

    "Modified: / 26-04-2010 / 21:48:23 / Jakub <>"

    deletedLines := something.

    "Modified: / 26-04-2010 / 21:48:54 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified (format): / 17-07-2012 / 18:56:44 / cg"

    ^ diffMode

    diffMode := something.

    ^ emptyLines

    emptyLines := something.

    ^fontAscent notNil ifTrue:[fontAscent] ifFalse:[super fontAscent]

    "Created: / 19-05-2012 / 14:13:14 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^  insertedLines

    "Modified: / 26-04-2010 / 21:48:27 / Jakub <>"

    insertedLines := something.

    "Modified: / 26-04-2010 / 21:48:59 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified (format): / 17-07-2012 / 18:56:50 / cg"

    ^ originDiffText

    originDiffText := something.


    ^self reallyModifiedChannel value

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 19:28:11 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'accessing-channels'!

modifiedChannel: aValueHolder

    super modifiedChannel: aValueHolder

    "Created: / 07-07-2011 / 12:27:11 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrant@fit.cvut,cz>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'accessing-color & font'!

    ^ Color redByte:240 greenByte: 192 blueByte: 192

    "Modified: / 24-06-2010 / 14:05:03 / Jan Vrany <>"

    ^ self colorInserted.
    "/^ Color pink

    "Modified: / 24-06-2010 / 14:16:42 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 07-10-2011 / 20:26:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 17-07-2012 / 18:57:14 / cg"

    ^ Color redByte: 239 greenByte: 225 blueByte: 152

    "Modified: / 24-06-2010 / 14:13:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'accessing-contents'!

list:aCollection expandTabs:expand scanForNonStrings:scan includesNonStrings:nonStrings

    super list:aCollection expandTabs:expand scanForNonStrings:scan includesNonStrings:nonStrings.

    listOriginal := aCollection copy.
    reallyModifiedChannel value: false.

    "/JV: used to be notifyLines... but that method
    "/    leaves suppressNotifications to true, which is not what
    "/    we want!!
    self updateReallyModified.
    "/ sorry Jan, but your code is very misleading here;
    "/ you are not remembering any modifications, but instead just forcing a redraw;
    "/ so why not calling it as such????
    codeView linesModifiedFrom: 1 to: list size.

    "Created: / 08-10-2011 / 12:23:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 03-08-2013 / 13:35:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 19-11-2017 / 14:17:48 / cg"

setList:aCollection expandTabs:expandTabs redraw:doRedraw

    super setList:aCollection expandTabs:expandTabs redraw:doRedraw.
    listOriginal := aCollection copy.
    reallyModifiedChannel value: false.

    "/JV: used to be notifyLines... but that method
    "/    leaves suppressNotifications to true, which is not what
    "/    we want!!
    self updateReallyModified.
    codeView linesModifiedFrom: 1 to: list size.

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 18:42:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 03-08-2013 / 13:35:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'accessing-look'!



    "Modified: / 22-05-1996 / 12:22:29 / cg"
    "Created: / 19-03-2012 / 13:22:12 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'accessing-state'!


    self modifiedChannel value: false.
    reallyModifiedChannel value: false.
    listOriginal := list copy.

    "Created: / 08-10-2011 / 12:51:44 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^self modified

    "Created: / 08-10-2011 / 12:52:13 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^self reallyModified

    "Created: / 08-10-2011 / 12:52:31 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'bit blitting'!

copyFrom:aDrawable x:srcX y:srcY toX:dstX y:dstY width:w height:h async:async

    "/ If doing a vertical scroll, optimized Gutter redraw by
    "/ copying gutter's image...
    (scrollInProgress and:[aDrawable == self]) ifTrue:[
        "/ Vertical scroll?
        ((srcY ~= dstY) and:[srcX = dstX]) ifTrue:[
            "/ Do copy in gutter, but not accept-cancel bar!!
            | x0 |

            x0 := gutterView acceptCancelRight.
                   width:(gutterView width - x0)
    ^ super
        copyFrom:aDrawable x:srcX y:srcY toX:dstX y:dstY width:w height:h async:async

    "Modified: / 14-02-2014 / 10:15:20 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'channels'!

    "return the valueHolder holding true if text was really modified.
     This is different from #modified, as the inherited modified flag is cleared
     to trigger another change notification with every keystroke (for the syntaxHighighter).
     This may be (now) considered a very bad hack"

    ^ reallyModifiedChannel

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 18:50:45 / Jan Vrany <>"

reallyModifiedChannel: aValueModel


    prev := reallyModifiedChannel.
    prev notNil ifTrue:[
        gutterView notNil ifTrue:[
            reallyModifiedChannel removeDependent: gutterView.
    reallyModifiedChannel := aValueModel.
    self setupChannel:aValueModel for:nil withOld:prev.
    gutterView notNil ifTrue:[
        reallyModifiedChannel addDependent: gutterView.

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 18:50:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'delegation-events'!

    UserPreferences current codeView2QuickSendersAndImplementorsOnControl ifTrue:[
        ^ self sensor ctrlDown
    ^ self sensor metaDown

    UserPreferences current codeView2QuickSendersAndImplementorsOnControl ifTrue:[
        ^ self sensor ctrlDown not
    ^ self sensor metaDown not
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'drawing'!

backgroundForVisibleLine:visLineNr default:bg
    | lineNr |

    diffMode ifTrue:[
        lineNr := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
        (insertedLines notEmptyOrNil and:[insertedLines includes:lineNr]) ifTrue:[
            ^self colorInserted
        (changedLines notEmptyOrNil and:[changedLines includes:lineNr]) ifTrue:[
            ^self colorChanged
        (deletedLines notEmptyOrNil and:[deletedLines includes:lineNr]) ifTrue:[
            ^self colorDeleted
    ^ bg

    "Modified: / 17-03-2012 / 12:22:08 / Jan Vrany <>"

drawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr with:fg and:bg
    "draw a visible line range in fg/bg"

    diffMode ifFalse:[
        super drawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr with:fg and:bg.

    startVisLineNr to: endVisLineNr do:[:visLineNr|
        self drawVisibleLine: visLineNr with:fg and:bg

    "Modified: / 15-12-1999 / 23:19:39 / cg"
    "Created: / 17-03-2012 / 09:44:19 / Jan Vrany <>"

drawLine:line fromX:x inVisible:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
        and:(self backgroundForVisibleLine:visLineNr default:bg).

    "Created: / 05-04-2010 / 12:07:07 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2010 / 18:46:00 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 17-03-2012 / 10:05:02 / Jan Vrany <>"

drawLine:lineStringArg inVisible:visLineNr col:col with:fg and:bg
        and:(self backgroundForVisibleLine:visLineNr default:bg).

    "Created: / 05-04-2010 / 11:49:42 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2010 / 18:45:56 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 17-03-2012 / 10:04:59 / Jan Vrany <>"

drawLine:lineStringArg inVisible:visLineNr from:startCol to:endColOrNil with:fg and:bg
        and:(self backgroundForVisibleLine:visLineNr default:bg).

    "Created: / 05-04-2010 / 11:54:54 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2010 / 18:45:52 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 17-03-2012 / 10:04:55 / Jan Vrany <>"

drawLine:lineString inVisible:visLineNr from:startCol with:fg and:bg
        and:(self backgroundForVisibleLine:visLineNr default:bg).

    "Created: / 05-04-2010 / 11:54:26 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2010 / 18:45:48 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 17-03-2012 / 10:04:52 / Jan Vrany <>"

drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
        and:(self backgroundForVisibleLine:visLineNr default:bg).

    "Created: / 05-04-2010 / 11:49:42 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2010 / 18:45:44 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 17-03-2012 / 10:04:49 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "redraw diff lines"

    |i pom|

    diffMode ifFalse:[^self].
    true ifTrue:[^self].

    pom := self hasSelection.
    (pom) ifTrue:[ ^ self. ].

    i := 1.
    [ i <= (deletedLines size) ] whileTrue:[
        ((deletedLines at:i) > 0) ifTrue:[
                drawVisibleLine:(deletedLines at:i)
                and:self colorDeleted.
        i := i + 1.

    i := 1.
    [ i <= (insertedLines size) ] whileTrue:[
        ((insertedLines at:i) > 0) ifTrue:[
                drawVisibleLine:(insertedLines at:i)
                and:self colorInserted.
        i := i + 1.

    i := 1.
    [ i <= (changedLines size) ] whileTrue:[
        ((changedLines at:i) > 0) ifTrue:[
                drawVisibleLine:(changedLines at:i)
                and:self colorChanged.
        i := i + 1.

    "Created: / 26-04-2010 / 21:04:31 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 22-06-2010 / 23:28:30 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 17-03-2012 / 09:27:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'editing'!

    "this one is sent, whenever contents changes its size"

    super contentsChanged.

"/    codeView diffMode ifTrue:[
"/        changedDiffText ifTrue:[
"/            codeView recomputeDiff:self.
"/        ] ifFalse:[
"/            changedDiffText := true.
"/        ].  
"/    ]

    "Created: / 22-06-2010 / 23:13:24 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 01-08-2010 / 20:33:07 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "delete single character to the left of cursor and move cursor to left"

    "BIG FAT WARNING: This method is copied from TextEditView,
    the fix should be there, but someone smarter should review it
    before the patch will be pushed up"

    |soCol wasOn lineNrAboveCursor ln originalLine prevTab|

    wasOn := self hideCursor.

    "JV@2012-01-06: Do not play with autoindent iff cursor is at the very beginning of the line"
    and:[cursorCol ~~ 1
    and:[ (tabPositions includes:cursorCol) 
    ]]) ifTrue:[
        prevTab := (self prevTabBefore:cursorCol) max:1.
        "JV@2011-12-10: The list can be shorter than cursorLine,
         trailing because empty lines are not physically in the list."
        (list size >= cursorLine) ifTrue:[
            ln := originalLine := (list at:cursorLine) ? ''.
        ] ifFalse:[        
            ln := originalLine := ''.
        ln size < prevTab ifTrue:[
            ln := ln , (String new:prevTab).
        (ln copyTo:prevTab) isBlank ifTrue:[
            (ln copyFrom:prevTab+1) isBlank ifTrue:[
                cursorCol > prevTab ifTrue:[
                    self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
                        "/ ensure that there is no conflict here: st80EditMode will
                        "/ not allow a cursor position beyond the end of line,
                        "/ so avoid that cursorLine:col: will force us to the beginning of the line
                        originalLine size < prevTab ifTrue:[
                            self at:cursorLine put:ln
                    self cursorLine:cursorLine col:prevTab.
                    wasOn ifTrue:[ self showCursor ].
                    ^  self
            ] ifFalse:[
                "/ cg: this is ugly behavior; deleting multiple chars at the beginning
                "/ is annoying.
                "/ therefore, only do it, if there are only blanks after the cursor
"/                (ln copyFrom:prevTab+1 to:((cursorCol-1) min:ln size)) isBlank ifTrue:[
"/                    self deleteFromLine:cursorLine col:prevTab toLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol-1.
"/                    self cursorLine:cursorLine col:prevTab.
"/                    wasOn ifTrue:[ self showCursor ].
"/                    ^  self.
"/                ]

"/        (autoIndent
"/    and:[cursorCol  ~~ 1
"/    and:[cursorLine <= (list size)]])
"/     ifTrue:[
"/        soCol := (self leftIndentForLine:cursorLine) + 1.
"/        (cursorCol == soCol and:[soCol > 1]) ifTrue:[
"/            ln := list at:cursorLine.
"/            (ln notNil and:[(ln indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1) < soCol]) ifTrue:[
"/                soCol := 1
"/            ]
"/        ]
"/    ] ifFalse:[
        soCol := 1.
"/    ].

    (cursorCol ~~ soCol and:[cursorCol ~~ 1]) ifTrue:[

         somewhere in the middle of a line
        self cursorLeft.

        sav := trimBlankLines.
        trimBlankLines := false.
            self deleteCharAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
        ] ensure:[
            trimBlankLines := sav
    ] ifFalse:[
         at begin of line - merge with previous line;
         except for the very first line.
        (cursorLine == 1) ifFalse:[
            lineNrAboveCursor := self validateCursorLine:(cursorLine - 1).
            lineNrAboveCursor < cursorLine ifTrue:[
                (lineNrAboveCursor > 0 and:[lineNrAboveCursor > list size]) ifTrue:[
                    "/ we are beyond the end of the text.
                    "/ move the cursor to the previous line.
                    self cursorLine:lineNrAboveCursor col:1.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self mergeLine:lineNrAboveCursor removeBlanks:false.
    wasOn ifTrue:[ self showCursor ]

    "Modified: / 16-01-1998 / 22:33:04 / cg"
    "Modified: / 06-01-2012 / 12:42:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-03-2019 / 09:58:48 / Claus Gittinger"

    |i size pole pom text helperText|

    i := 1.
    pole := list.
    size := list size.
    emptyLines isNil ifTrue:[emptyLines := #()].
    [ i <= size ] whileTrue:[
        pom := emptyLines indexOf:i.
        (pom = 0) ifFalse:[
            helperText := pole at:i.
            (helperText = '') ifFalse:[
                (helperText isNil)ifTrue:[helperText:=''].
                helperText:=helperText,Character cr.
                text := text asString , helperText asString.
        ] ifTrue:[
            helperText := pole at:i.
            (helperText isNil)ifTrue:[helperText:=''].
            helperText:=helperText,Character cr.
            text := text asString , helperText asString.

    "Created: / 22-06-2010 / 22:33:27 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 24-06-2010 / 14:27:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 18-11-2011 / 14:58:22 / cg"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'editing-basic'!

basicDeleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:startCol toCol:endCol
    "delete characters from startCol to endCol in line lineNr"

    super basicDeleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:startCol toCol:endCol.
    self notifyLinesModifiedFrom: lineNr to: lineNr.

    "Created: / 16-09-2011 / 15:13:48 / Jan Vrany <>"

basicDeleteFromLine:startLineNr toLine:endLineNr 

    super basicDeleteFromLine:startLineNr toLine:endLineNr.
    self notifyLinesDeletedFrom:startLineNr to:endLineNr.

    "Created: / 28-06-2011 / 09:09:25 / Jan Vrany <>"


    super basicDeleteLineWithoutRedraw:lineNr.
    self notifyLinesDeletedFrom: lineNr to: lineNr.

    "Created: / 28-06-2011 / 09:10:04 / Jan Vrany <>"

basicInsert:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr
    "insert a single character at lineNr/colNr;
     set emphasis to character at current position"

"/ MessageTally spyOn:[
    super basicInsert:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr.
"/ ].
    self notifyLinesModifiedFrom: lineNr to: lineNr.

    "Created: / 16-09-2011 / 15:14:26 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 11-12-2018 / 11:54:14 / Claus Gittinger"

basicMergeLine:lineNr removeBlanks:removeBlanks
    "merge line lineNr with line lineNr+1"

    super basicMergeLine:lineNr removeBlanks:removeBlanks.
    self notifyLinesDeletedFrom: lineNr + 1 to: lineNr + 1.

    "Created: / 28-06-2011 / 09:13:36 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 25-04-2017 / 12:34:30 / cg"

basicSplitLine:lineNr before:colNr

    super basicSplitLine:lineNr before:colNr.
    self notifyLinesInsertedFrom: lineNr +1 to: lineNr + 1.

    "Created: / 28-06-2011 / 09:14:50 / Jan Vrany <>"

basicWithoutRedrawInsertLines:lines from:start to:end before:lineNr
    super basicWithoutRedrawInsertLines:lines from:start to:end before:lineNr.
    self updateReallyModified.

    "Modified: / 22-08-2018 / 10:15:58 / Claus Gittinger"

basicWithoutRedrawInsertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
    super basicWithoutRedrawInsertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr.
    self updateReallyModified.
    codeView linesInsertedFrom:lineNr to:lineNr.

    "Modified: / 22-08-2018 / 09:27:20 / Claus Gittinger"

insertLines:someText from:start to:end before:lineNr

    "/JV@2011-12-20: HACK, the super implementation should
    "/not use leftIndent...when pasting. Following is a workaround"
    self withAutoIndent:false do:[
        super insertLines:someText from:start to:end before:lineNr.

    "Created: / 20-12-2011 / 15:32:35 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'event handling'!

buttonMotion:button x:x y:y

    (codeView buttonMotion:button x:x y:y in: self) ifFalse:[
        super buttonMotion:button x:x y:y

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 16:23:09 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-03-2010 / 20:10:10 / Jan Vrany <>"

buttonPress: button x: x y: y
    | ctrlDown  |

    (codeView buttonPress:button x:x y:y in: self)
        ifFalse:[super buttonPress:button x:x y:y].
    ((ctrlDown := self sensor ctrlDown) and: [ codeView syntaxElementSelection notNil]) 
        ifTrue: [codeView buttonPressInTextView: button x:x y:y ctrlDown: ctrlDown].
        buttonPress: button
        x: x
        y: y

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 18:12:32 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-03-2010 / 20:37:41 / Jan Vrany <>"

buttonRelease: button x: x y: y
    (codeView buttonRelease:button x:x y:y in: self)
        ifFalse:[super buttonRelease:button x:x y:y].

exposeX:x y:y width:w height:h 

    "/ if in diffmode...
    self redrawLines.

    "Created: / 05-04-2010 / 10:07:50 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 02-05-2010 / 18:41:07 / Jakub <>"

keyPress:key x:x y:y
    (codeView keyPress:key x:x y:y in: self)
        ifFalse:[super keyPress:key x:x y:y].

    "Modified: / 06-03-2010 / 20:34:51 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 05-04-2010 / 09:55:52 / Jakub <>"

keyRelease: key x: x y: y

    (codeView keyRelease:key x:x y:y in: self)
        ifFalse:[super keyRelease:key x:x y:y].
    (key = #Control_L) ifTrue:
        [ codeView highlightClear. self redraw ].

    ^ super 
        keyRelease: key
        x: x
        y: y

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 16:38:46 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-03-2010 / 21:04:55 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'formatting'!


"/ cg: the code in EditTextView does it. No need to replicate that code here.
"/    | lang |
"/    lang := codeView language.
"/    "Bit hacky here, should ask language some language toolbox
"/    for formatting helper, that should do it..."
"/    (lang notNil and:[lang isSmalltalk]) ifTrue:[
"/        | line lineNo indent |
"/        lineNo := lineNr.
"/        [lineNo ~~ 1] whileTrue:[
"/            lineNo  := lineNo - 1.
"/            line := self listAt:lineNo.
"/            line notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
"/                | lastCharIndex lastChar |
"/                indent := line indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1.
"/                "begining of block"
"/                lastCharIndex := line size.
"/                lastChar := nil.
"/                [ lastCharIndex > 0 ] whileTrue:[
"/                    (lastChar := line at: lastCharIndex) isSeparator ifTrue:[ 
"/                        lastCharIndex := lastCharIndex - 1.
"/                    ] ifFalse:[ 
"/                        lastCharIndex := -2. "/ To terminate the loop.
"/                    ].
"/                ].
"/                lastCharIndex == -2 ifTrue:[
"/                    lastChar == $[ ifTrue:[
"/                        indent := indent + 4.
"/                    ] ifFalse:[
"/                        "end of block args"
"/                        (lastChar == $| and: [line includes: $[]) ifTrue:[
"/                            indent := indent + 4.
"/                        ]
"/                    ].
"/                ].
"/                indent ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
"/                    ^ indent - 1
"/                ]
"/            ]
"/        ].
"/        ^0.
"/    ].
    ^super leftIndentForLine:lineNr

    "Created: / 10-12-2011 / 11:02:40 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 24-07-2014 / 09:38:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (comment): / 25-04-2017 / 12:58:48 / cg"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'initialization'!


    super initialize.

    changedDiffText := true.
    diffMode := false.
    suppressNotifications := false.
    reallyModifiedChannel := false asValue.
    scrollInProgress := false.

    self enableMotionEvents.

    "Created: / 23-06-2010 / 17:28:52 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 17:46:31 / jv"
    "Modified: / 21-08-2011 / 10:09:29 / cg"
    "Modified: / 14-02-2014 / 10:31:38 / Jan Vrany <>"

setCodeView: aCodeView2

    codeView := aCodeView2.
    codeView addDependent: self.
    gutterView := aCodeView2 gutterView.

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 15:22:47 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 17-06-2011 / 12:43:53 / Jan Vrany <>"

setGutterView: aGutterView

    self assert: gutterView isNil message:'Attempting to set gutterView twice'.
    gutterView := aGutterView.
    gutterView setTextView: self.

    "Created: / 02-09-2009 / 21:57:53 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'menu & menu actions'!


    super accept.
    reallyModifiedChannel value: false.
    listOriginal := list copy.

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 19:36:41 / Jan Vrany <>"


    self list: listOriginal

    "Created: / 08-02-2010 / 09:29:43 / Jan Vrany <>"


    ^ codeView editMenu

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 15:49:03 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 08-03-2012 / 12:30:22 / cg"

    "search variable option in searchbox visible?"

    ^ true

    "Created: / 08-03-2012 / 14:01:51 / cg"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'notification'!

notifyLinesDeletedFrom: startLine to: endLine

    self updateReallyModified.
    suppressNotifications ifTrue:[^self].
    codeView linesDeletedFrom: startLine to: endLine.
    suppressNotifications := true.

    "Created: / 28-06-2011 / 09:12:04 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 17:47:05 / jv"
    "Modified: / 07-10-2011 / 19:20:39 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 22-08-2018 / 09:23:22 / Claus Gittinger"

notifyLinesInsertedFrom: startLine to: endLine

    self updateReallyModified.
    suppressNotifications ifTrue:[^self].

    codeView linesInsertedFrom: startLine to: endLine.
    suppressNotifications := true.

    "Created: / 28-06-2011 / 09:12:14 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 17:47:20 / jv"
    "Modified: / 07-10-2011 / 19:20:49 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 22-08-2018 / 09:21:08 / Claus Gittinger"

notifyLinesModifiedFrom: startLine to: endLine

    self updateReallyModified.
    suppressNotifications ifTrue:[^self].
    codeView linesModifiedFrom: startLine to: endLine.
    suppressNotifications := true.

    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 17:47:20 / jv"
    "Created: / 16-09-2011 / 15:12:33 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified (format): / 22-08-2018 / 09:23:25 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'private'!

    "check for modified code by comparing the source against
     the codeViews contents.
     That's the true modified value 
     (in case user undid his changes, and the displayed text is actually original)"

    |different changedSource originalSource 
     lastLineNrOfChangedSource lastLineNrOfOriginalSource
     originalL changedL checkIfDifferent|

    "/ possibly call at higher prio to prevent it from being changed while we convert it (by editing)

    different := false.

    "/ cg: don't do that (collecting original/changedSource); 
    "/ for huge files (>8Mb), this makes editing annoying slow (editing a trace output, for example)
"/        changedSource := list ? #().
"/        changedSource := changedSource collect:[:line | line isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[nil] ifFalse:[line]].
"/        [changedSource size > 0 and:[changedSource last isNil]] whileTrue:[
"/            changedSource := changedSource removeLast.
"/        ].
"/        originalSource := listOriginal ? #() "self model value ? ''".
"/        originalSource := originalSource collect:[:line | line isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[nil] ifFalse:[line]].
"/        [originalSource size > 0 and:[originalSource last isNil]] whileTrue:[
"/            originalSource := originalSource removeLast
"/        ].
"/        originalSource size ~~ changedSource size ifTrue:[
"/            modified := true.
"/        ] ifFalse:[
"/            | i stopIndex |
"/            i := 1.
"/            stopIndex := originalSource size + 1.            
"/            [ modified not and:[ i < stopIndex ] ] whileTrue:[
"/                | originalL changedL |
"/                originalL := ((originalSource at: i) ? '') string.
"/                changedL :=  ((changedSource  at: i) ? '') string.                
"/                originalL ~= changedL ifTrue:[
"/                    originalL withoutTrailingSeparators ~= changedL withoutTrailingSeparators ifTrue:[
"/                        modified := true.
"/                    ]
"/                ].
"/                i := i + 1.
"/            ]
"/        ].

    list size ~~ listOriginal size ifTrue:[
        ^ true

    "/ instead, do everything without collecting a new stringcollection.
    changedSource := list ? #().
    lastLineNrOfChangedSource := changedSource size.
    [lastLineNrOfChangedSource > 0 and:[(changedSource at:lastLineNrOfChangedSource) isEmptyOrNil]] whileTrue:[
        lastLineNrOfChangedSource := lastLineNrOfChangedSource - 1.
    originalSource := listOriginal ? #().
    lastLineNrOfOriginalSource := originalSource size.
    [lastLineNrOfOriginalSource > 0 and:[(originalSource at:lastLineNrOfOriginalSource) isEmptyOrNil]] whileTrue:[
        lastLineNrOfOriginalSource := lastLineNrOfOriginalSource - 1.

    lastLineNrOfOriginalSource ~~ lastLineNrOfChangedSource ifTrue:[
        ^ true.

    checkIfDifferent :=
        [:lNr |

            lNr > originalSource size ifTrue:[
                originalL := ''.
            ] ifFalse:[
                originalL := ((originalSource at: lNr) ? '') string.
            lNr > changedSource size ifTrue:[
                changedL := ''.
            ] ifFalse:[
                changedL :=  ((changedSource at: lNr) ? '') string.                
            originalL ~= changedL ifTrue:[
                originalL withoutTrailingSeparators ~= changedL withoutTrailingSeparators ifTrue:[
                    ^ true.

    "/ do a quick check in the cursor line. This is most likely to be different
    "/ saves comparing all the rest in 99% of cases (while typing)
    (cursorLine notNil and:[cursorLine > 0]) ifTrue:[
        checkIfDifferent value:cursorLine.
        "/ search downward - in case text was pasted, a change is likely to be found there
        cursorLine+1 to:lastLineNrOfOriginalSource do:checkIfDifferent.
        "/ then the rest
        1 to:cursorLine-1 do:checkIfDifferent.
    ] ifFalse:[
        1 to:lastLineNrOfOriginalSource do:checkIfDifferent.
    ^ false

    "Modified: / 07-07-2014 / 11:11:57 / jv"
    "Modified: / 22-08-2018 / 10:36:19 / Claus Gittinger"
    "Modified (format): / 12-03-2019 / 15:39:24 / Claus Gittinger"

    reallyModifiedChannel changed.

    "Created: / 22-08-2018 / 10:23:37 / Claus Gittinger"


    ^super editMenu

    "Created: / 14-02-2010 / 15:48:00 / Jan Vrany <>"

    "check for modified code by comparing the source against
     the codeView's contents.
     That's the true modified value (in case user undid changes,
     and the displayed text is actually original)"

    |modified sensor|

    reallyModifiedChannel isNil ifTrue:[^self].

    "JV@2011-10-27: Idea is not to do anything if nobody is
     interested. Not sure if it is a good idea, thought."
    reallyModifiedChannel dependents isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        "/ Transcript showCR:'no one cares'.
        ^ self

    self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
        modified := false
    ] ifFalse:[
        modified := self isTextDifferentFromOriginalSource.
        "/ Transcript showCR:modified.
    reallyModifiedChannel value == modified ifTrue:[^ self].
    "/ no, we should not send out change notification here,
    "/ because that might generate an invalidate (via the syntaxhighlighter),
    "/ BEFORE we do a catchExpose in a scroll operation.
    "/ This invalidate would redraw something which we do not expect in the 
    "/ scrolled area and leads to double drawing of lines 
    "/ (try inserting a CR at the end of the very first line)
    "/ the code which gets affected is eg. in basicSplitLine:lineNr before:colNr
    "/ reallyModifiedChannel value:modified.

    reallyModifiedChannel setValue:modified.
    sensor := self sensor.
    (sensor hasUserEvent:#notifyReallyModified for:self) ifFalse:[
        sensor pushUserEvent:#notifyReallyModified for:self

    "Created: / 07-10-2011 / 19:16:25 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 28-10-2011 / 09:23:01 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Modified: / 19-11-2017 / 14:18:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 22-08-2018 / 15:34:11 / Claus Gittinger"
    "Modified (comment): / 12-03-2019 / 15:23:19 / Claus Gittinger"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'queries'!


    (cls := codeView classHolder value) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ cls
    ^ super editedClass


    (cls := codeView methodHolder value) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ cls
    ^ super editedMethod

    "syntax elements are a byproduct of the syntax highlighter;
     it is a list of elements, which chain together same-named variables
     and parts of a keyword message's selector.
     These allow for quick forward/backward navigation to the next/prev. occurrence
     of a variable. Be aware that the implementation is buggy, in that it does not
     deal correctly with same-named blockvars of different blocks"

    ^ true

    "is there is a syntax element at position?
     If so, return the element; otherwise, return nil"

    |syntaxElements el|

    (syntaxElements := codeView syntaxElements) isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    el := syntaxElements detect:[:el | position between:el start and:el stop] ifNone:nil.
    el isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ el.

    "Created: / 08-03-2012 / 14:21:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 22-08-2018 / 08:13:04 / Claus Gittinger"

    "is there is a syntax element for a variable under the cursor?
     If so, return the element; otherwise, return nil"

    |element startPosition endPosition|

    self selectionAsString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        "/ ^ nil.
        element := self syntaxElementForVariableUnderCursor.
    ] ifFalse:[
        startPosition := self characterPositionOfLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol.
        endPosition := self characterPositionOfLine:selectionEndLine col:selectionEndCol.
        element := self syntaxElementAtPosition:startPosition.
    element isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    (element start = startPosition and:[element stop = endPosition]) ifFalse:[^ nil].

    element isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    element isVariableOrSelf ifFalse:[^ nil].
    ^ element

    "Created: / 08-03-2012 / 14:21:15 / cg"

    "is there is a syntax element for a message selector under the cursor?
     If so, return the element; otherwise, return nil"

    |elementUnderCursor |

    elementUnderCursor := self syntaxElementUnderCursor.
    elementUnderCursor isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    elementUnderCursor isSelector ifFalse:[^ nil].
    ^ elementUnderCursor.

    "Created: / 08-03-2012 / 12:44:03 / cg"

    "is there is a syntax element for a variable under the cursor?
     If so, return the element; otherwise, return nil"

    |elementUnderCursor |

    elementUnderCursor := self syntaxElementUnderCursor.
    elementUnderCursor isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    elementUnderCursor isVariableOrSelf ifFalse:[^ nil].
    ^ elementUnderCursor.

    "Created: / 08-03-2012 / 12:44:03 / cg"

    "is there is a syntax element under the cursor?
     If so, return the element; otherwise, return nil"

    ^ self syntaxElementAtPosition:(self characterPositionOfCursor).
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'scrolling'!

basicScrollTo:anOrigin redraw:doRedraw
    | savedScrollIProgress |

    savedScrollIProgress := scrollInProgress. 
    scrollInProgress := true.
        super scrollTo:anOrigin redraw:doRedraw
    ] ensure:[ 
        scrollInProgress := savedScrollIProgress. 
    "Modified: / 14-02-2014 / 10:12:48 / Jan Vrany <>"


    super originChanged:delta.

    "/ gutterView invalidate.

    "Created: / 07-12-2009 / 21:50:49 / Jindra <a>"

scrollTo:anOrigin redraw:doRedraw

    codeView scrollTo:anOrigin redraw:doRedraw in: self.
    self basicScrollTo:anOrigin redraw:doRedraw

    "Modified: / 06-04-2010 / 14:04:28 / Jakub <>"
    "Modified: / 17-03-2012 / 10:06:10 / Jan Vrany <>"
    "Created: / 19-03-2012 / 17:05:22 / Jan Vrany <>"
! !

!CodeView2::TextView methodsFor:'undo & again'!

nonUndoableDo: aBlock

    super nonUndoableDo: aBlock.
    suppressNotifications := false.

    "Created: / 06-07-2011 / 17:48:27 / jv"

undoableDo: aBlock info: into

    super undoableDo: aBlock info: into.
    suppressNotifications := false.

    "Created: / 06-07-2011 / 17:48:49 / jv"
! !

!CodeView2 class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Id$'
! !

CodeView2 initialize!