author penk
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:47:10 +0100
changeset 6148 570853342e05
parent 5970 4216f69b4c92
child 6149 e72cc6c35d0e
permissions -rw-r--r--
expand treebrowser directory if directory changed from outside (not by clicking the item)

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2002 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

"{ Package: 'stx:libtool' }"

AbstractDirectoryBrowser subclass:#DirectoryTreeBrowser
	instanceVariableNames:'oldDropItem expandItemTimedBlock updateTreeSelection
		doubleClickAction newVisibilityHolder allowFileOperations
		multipleSelect treeSelectionHolder sortInTreeVisibilityHolder
		sortPropertyInTree sortCaselessInTreeBrowser'

HierarchicalFileList subclass:#DirTreeBrowserHFL
	instanceVariableNames:'draggedItem grayDirectoryIcon'

!DirectoryTreeBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2002 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    An application for displaying directories as a tree.
    To be used as a building block in file browsers and fileSelection dialogs.
    This is used as the top-left component in the new fileBrowser.

        Christian Penk (penk@bierfix)

    [see also:]

    DirectoryTreeBrowser open
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser class methodsFor:'instance creation'!


    ^ super open
    DirectoryTreeBrowser open


    | file |
    file := aFileName asFilename.
    file exists ifTrue:[
        self openOn:aFileName withFiles:(file isDirectory not)

    DirectoryTreeBrowser openOn:Filename homeDirectory   
    DirectoryTreeBrowser openOn:(Filename homeDirectory construct:'.bashrc')  

openOn:aFileName withFiles:aBoolean


    instance := DirectoryTreeBrowser new.
    instance open.
    instance viewFilesInDirectoryTree value:aBoolean.
    instance currentFileNameHolder value:(OrderedCollection with:aFileName).
    DirectoryTreeBrowser openOn:Filename homeDirectory  
    DirectoryTreeBrowser openOn:(Filename homeDirectory construct:'.bashrc') withFiles:false  
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser class methodsFor:'defaults'!


    ^ 1500
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:DirectoryTreeBrowser andSelector:#windowSpec
     DirectoryTreeBrowser new openInterface:#windowSpec
     DirectoryTreeBrowser open

    <resource: #canvas>

        name: windowSpec
          label: 'DirectoryTreeBrowser'
          name: 'DirectoryTreeBrowser'
          min: (Point 10 10)
          bounds: (Rectangle 14 46 314 346)
          menu: mainMenu
          collection: (
              name: 'HierarchicalListView'
              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
              model: treeSelectionHolder
              menu: menu
              hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
              hasVerticalScrollBar: true
              miniScrollerHorizontal: false
              miniScrollerVertical: false
              listModel: fileList
              multipleSelectOk: true
              useIndex: false
              highlightMode: label
              doubleClickSelector: doDoubleClick:
              indicatorSelector: doIndicatorClick:
              postBuildCallback: postBuildDirBrowser:
                dropSelector: doDrop:
                dragArgument: directoryTreeBrowser
                startDragSelector: doStartDrag:in:
                displayObjectSelector: getDisplayObjects:
                dropObjectSelector: getDropObjects:
                overSelector: dropOver:
                dropArgument: directoryTreeBrowser
                canDropSelector: canDrop:
                leaveSelector: dropLeave:
                enterSelector: dropEnter:
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:DirectoryTreeBrowser andSelector:#menu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(DirectoryTreeBrowser menu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'Cut'
            itemValue: doCut
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: allowFileOperations
            shortcutKey: Cut
            label: 'Copy'
            itemValue: doCopy
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: allowFileOperations
            shortcutKey: Copy
            enabled: canPaste
            label: 'Paste'
            itemValue: pasteFiles
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: allowFileOperations
            shortcutKey: Paste
            label: 'Delete'
            itemValue: doDelete
            nameKey: delete
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: allowFileOperations
            shortcutKey: Delete
            label: '-'
            isVisible: allowFileOperations
            label: 'New'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: newVisibilityHolder
            submenuChannel: newMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: '-'
            isVisible: newVisibilityHolder
            enabled: hasSelection
            label: 'Rename'
            itemValue: renameFileInTreeView
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: allowFileOperations
            shortcutKey: Rename
            enabled: hasSelection
            label: 'Properties...'
            itemValue: doShowProperties
            translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            enabled: enableDirectoryUp
            label: 'Directory Up'
            itemValue: doGoDirectoryUp
            translateLabel: true
            label: 'View'
            translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Sort'
                  nameKey: Sort
                  translateLabel: true
                  submenuChannel: sortInTreeMenu
                  label: 'Show'
                  translateLabel: true
                        label: 'Files'
                        translateLabel: true
                        indication: viewFilesInDirectoryTree
                  label: '-'
                  enabled: selectedFilesIncludesNonRootDirectory
                  label: 'Make Selected Directory new Root'
                  itemValue: doSetSelectionToRoot
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Re-/ Expand Directory'
                  itemValue: toggleExpandSelectedItem
                  translateLabel: true
            label: '-'
            label: 'Update'
            itemValue: updateCurrentDirectory
            translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:DirectoryTreeBrowser andSelector:#sortInTreeMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(DirectoryTreeBrowser sortInTreeMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'By Filename'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: sortInTreeVisibilityHolder
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortPropertyInTree
            choiceValue: baseName
            label: 'By Type'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: sortInTreeVisibilityHolder
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortPropertyInTree
            choiceValue: suffix
            label: 'By Size'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: sortInTreeVisibilityHolder
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortPropertyInTree
            choiceValue: fileSize
            label: 'By Date && Time'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: sortInTreeVisibilityHolder
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            choice: sortPropertyInTree
            choiceValue: modificationTime
            label: '-'
            isVisible: sortInTreeVisibilityHolder
            label: 'Ignore Case in Sort'
            translateLabel: true
            hideMenuOnActivated: false
            indication: sortCaselessInTreeBrowser
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(

! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser methodsFor:'accessing'!


    ^ false

    "return the value of the instance variable 'browser' (automatically generated)"

    ^ browser


    ^ doubleClickAction


    " aBlock is a one arg block with selected index as argument "

    doubleClickAction := aBlock

    "return the value of the instance variable 'updateToExternFileHolder' (automatically generated)"

    updateTreeSelection isNil ifTrue:[
        updateTreeSelection := self class newLock.
    ^ updateTreeSelection
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser methodsFor:'actions'!

    "handle a doubleClick on a directory
    | item file isDirectory|

    self doubleClickAction notNil ifTrue:[
        self doubleClickAction value:anIndex.
    item := self fileList at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil.
    item notNil ifTrue:[
        isDirectory := item isDirectory.
        file := item fileName.
        isDirectory ifTrue:[
            (file isReadable and:[file isExecutable]) ifTrue:[
                self doExpand:item.
        ] ifFalse:[
"/                      self openApplByFileItem:item.

" expand the item; return true the item have expanded "

    (anItem notNil and:[anItem isDirectory and:[anItem isExpanded not]]) ifTrue:[
        anItem toggleExpand.
        ^ true.
    ^ false

    "handle a click on the indicator

    |indicatorItem selectedItemNotUnderIndicatorItem selection|

    indicatorItem := self fileList at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil.
    selection := self selectedItems asOrderedCollection.
    selectedItemNotUnderIndicatorItem := selection detect:[:anItem |
        (anItem fileName directory asString startsWith:(indicatorItem fileName asString)) not] 
    selectedItemNotUnderIndicatorItem isNil ifTrue:[
        self setCurrentFileName:(indicatorItem fileName).
    self toggleExpand:indicatorItem.

    | selDir|

    selDir := self firstSelectedDirectory.
    selDir notNil ifTrue:[
        self rootHolder value asFilename = selDir ifTrue:[ ^ self].
        self rootHolder value:selDir.
        self setCurrentFileName:selDir.

"/    DirectoryContents flushCache.
    self fileList updateList.
"/    self updateSelectedItem


    | sel model|

    model := self treeSelectionHolder.
    sel := model value.
    model setValue:nil.
    self fileList sortBlock:aBlock.
    model value:sel withoutNotifying:self.

" expand the selected item if one directory selected"

    | items |

    items := self selectedDirectoryItems.
    items do:[:eachItem |
        eachItem enforcedExpand

" expand the selected item if one directory selected"

    | items |

    items := self selectedDirectoryItems.
    items do:[:eachItem |
        eachItem expand


    self allowRenameOnOneClick ifTrue:[
        browser openEditor.
    ] ifFalse:[
        browser openEditorAction:self openEditorAction.
        [browser openEditor.] ensure:[
            browser openEditorAction:nil.


    | selection matchBlock filterBlock viewFiles|

    selection := self selectedItems.
    filterBlock := self filterBlockHolder value.
    viewFiles := self viewFilesInDirectoryTree value.
    matchBlock := 
        [:fileName :isDir|
                and:[filterBlock value:fileName baseName]])
    list matchBlock:matchBlock.


    | aSymbol cmpOp instanceSortBlock treeSortBlock locSortCaselessInTreeBrowser|

    locSortCaselessInTreeBrowser := self sortCaselessInTreeBrowser value.
    aSymbol := instanceName asSymbol.
    cmpOp := #'<'.
    instanceSortBlock := [:a :b | 
        |entry1 entry2|

        entry1 := (a perform:aSymbol).
        entry2 := (b perform:aSymbol).
        ((entry1 isNil) or:[entry2 isNil]) ifTrue:[
        ] ifFalse:[
            (aSymbol = #baseName) ifTrue:[
                locSortCaselessInTreeBrowser ifTrue:[
                    entry1 := entry1 asString asLowercase.
                    entry2 := entry2 asString asLowercase.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    entry1 := entry1 asString.
                    entry2 := entry2 asString.
            entry1 perform:cmpOp with:entry2
    treeSortBlock := [ :a :b |
        |aIsDir bIsDir res|

        aIsDir := a isDirectory.
        bIsDir := b isDirectory.
        (aIsDir and:[bIsDir]) ifTrue:[
            | entry1 entry2 |
            entry1 := a baseName.
            entry2 := b baseName.
            locSortCaselessInTreeBrowser ifTrue:[
                entry1 := entry1 asString asLowercase.
                entry2 := entry2 asString asLowercase.
            ] ifFalse:[
                entry1 := entry1 asString.
                entry2 := entry2 asString.
            res := entry1 < entry2.
        ] ifFalse:[
            (aIsDir or:[bIsDir]) ifTrue:[
                res := aIsDir
            ] ifFalse:[
                res := instanceSortBlock value:a value:b.
    self evaluateSortBlockWith:treeSortBlock.


    (anItem notNil and:[anItem isDirectory]) ifTrue:[
        self withWaitCursorDo:[
            anItem toggleExpand



    selDir := self selectedDirectoryItems.
    selDir do:[:item|
        self toggleExpand:item.


    | sel |

    sel := self selectedItems.
    sel isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ self].
    sel do:[:item|
        item invalidateRepairNow:true.
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser methodsFor:'aspects'!

    allowFileOperations isNil ifTrue:[
        allowFileOperations := true asValue.
    ^ allowFileOperations.

    "holder, which keeps the current list of file entries shown by the directory-browser


    (list := builder bindingAt:#fileList) isNil ifTrue:[
        list := DirTreeBrowserHFL new.
        list application:self.
        list showRoot:true.
        self setMatchBlockForList:list.
        "/ do not set the directory holder in startup
        "/ list directory:(self rootHolder value).
        builder aspectAt:#fileList put:list.
        list monitoringTaskDelay:2
    ^ list

    ^ multipleSelect ? false


    multipleSelect := aBoolean.
    browser notNil ifTrue:[
        browser multipleSelectOk:aBoolean.

    newVisibilityHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        newVisibilityHolder := true asValue.
    ^ newVisibilityHolder.


    sortCaselessInTreeBrowser isNil ifTrue:[
        sortCaselessInTreeBrowser := self sortCaseless value asValue.
        sortCaselessInTreeBrowser addDependent:self.
    ^ sortCaselessInTreeBrowser.

    sortInTreeVisibilityHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        sortInTreeVisibilityHolder := self viewFilesInDirectoryTree value asValue.
    ^ sortInTreeVisibilityHolder.


    sortPropertyInTree isNil ifTrue:[
        sortPropertyInTree := #baseName asValue.
        sortPropertyInTree addDependent:self.
    ^ sortPropertyInTree.


    treeSelectionHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        treeSelectionHolder := ValueHolder new.
        treeSelectionHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ treeSelectionHolder
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser methodsFor:'change & update'!



    list := self fileList.
    self setMatchBlockForList:list.
    self currentFileNameHolderChanged.


    | filesToSelect viewFiles|

    viewFiles:= self viewFilesInDirectoryTree value.
    viewFiles ifTrue:[
        filesToSelect := self currentFileNameHolder value.
    ] ifFalse:[
        filesToSelect := self currentDirectories value.
    self rootHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        self selectFiles:filesToSelect.

        "/ cg: why was this done
"/false ifTrue:[
"/        self selectedItems do:[:item|
"/            (item isDirectory and:[item isExpanded not]) ifTrue:[
"/                item enforcedExpand "/ expand.
"/            ]
"/        ].


    |list file rootHolder|
    list := self fileList.
    rootHolder := self rootHolder.
    file := rootHolder value.
    file notNil ifTrue:[
        file := Filename named:(file asString).
        file isDirectory ifTrue:[
            list directory:file
    self rootHolder value:(list directory asString) withoutNotifying:self.
    (list size = 1 and:[list first isDirectory]) ifTrue:[list first expand:true]

    |sel currentFileDir|

    "if viewFiles is false i can't take my 
     selection to overwrite currentFileNameHolder"
    sel := self selectedFiles.
    self viewFilesInDirectoryTree value ifFalse:[
        (self currentFilesAreInSameDirectory 
         and:[sel size == 1 and:[self currentFileNameHolder value notEmpty]]) ifTrue:[
            currentFileDir := self getDirWithoutFileName:(self currentFileNameHolder value first).
            sel first = currentFileDir ifTrue:[
                ^ self.
    self setCurrentFileNames:sel.

update:something with:aParameter from:aModel 
    "one of my models changed"

    "the execution of selectionChanged and currentFileNameHolderChanged must
     lock against each other because values mustn't be the same (e.g. no files
     in tree view)"

    (aModel == self currentFileNameHolder or:[aModel == self currentDirectories]) ifTrue:[
        super update:something with:aParameter from:aModel.
        self updateTreeSelection doIfUnLocked:[
            self updateToExternFileHolderLock doLocked:[
                self currentFileNameHolderChanged.
        ^ self.
    aModel == self treeSelectionHolder ifTrue:[
        self updateToExternFileHolderLock doIfUnLocked:[
            self updateTreeSelection doLocked:[
                self selectionChanged.
        ^ self
    aModel == self rootHolder ifTrue:[
        self rootHolderChanged.
        ^ self.
    aModel == self viewFilesInDirectoryTree ifTrue:[
        self sortInTreeVisibilityHolder value:(aModel value).
        self updateToExternFileHolderLock doLocked:[
            self changeMatchBlock.
        ^ self.
    aModel == self sortPropertyInTree ifTrue:[
        self sortFileListsBy:aModel value.
        ^ self.
    aModel == self sortCaselessInTreeBrowser ifTrue:[
        self sortPropertyInTree setValue:#baseName. 
        self sortPropertyInTree changed.
    aModel == self filterBlockHolder ifTrue:[
        " filter goes only on fileNames not on directories 
          have to change the matchBlock only if files are shown"
        self viewFilesInDirectoryTree value ifTrue:[
            self changeMatchBlock.
        ^ self
    super update:something with:aParameter from:aModel.
    ^ self
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser methodsFor:'drag & drop'!


    destination := self fileList draggedItem.
    destination ifNil:[^ nil].

    ^ destination fileName.

    "called during drag & drop while moving over the widget."

    |lineNr newDest|

    inDropMode ifFalse:[^ self].

    lineNr  := self getLineNumberFor:aDropContext.
    lineNr notNil ifTrue:[
        newDest := self fileList at:lineNr ifAbsent:nil.
    (newDest isNil or:[newDest == self fileList draggedItem]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    newDest isDirectory not ifTrue:[
        newDest := nil.
        canDropItem := false.
    self dropTargetItemChangedTo:newDest in:aDropContext.

    newDest notNil ifTrue:[
        aDropContext dropSource argument == #archivApplication ifTrue:[
            canDropItem := true.
        ] ifFalse:[
            canDropItem := self canDropFiles:(aDropContext dropObjects) for:newDest fileName.

dropTargetItemChangedTo:anItem in:aDropContext

    current := self fileList draggedItem.
    current == anItem ifTrue:[^ self].

    self fileList draggedItem:anItem.

    aDropContext contentsWillChange.
    current ifNotNil:[
        current isDirectory ifTrue:[
            self removeExpandItemTimedBlock.
            current makeIconGray:false.
            current changed:#icon.

    anItem ifNotNil:[
        anItem isDirectory ifTrue:[
            anItem makeIconGray:true.
            anItem changed:#icon.
            (anItem notNil and:[anItem isDirectory and:[anItem fileName isWritable]]) ifTrue:[
                expandItemTimedBlock := [
                        self expandForDrop:anItem with:aDropContext.    
                Processor addTimedBlock:expandItemTimedBlock
                    afterMilliseconds:(self class timeForExpandOnDropInMilliseconds).
    browser shown ifTrue:[
        browser repairDamage.

expandForDrop:item with:aDropContext

    aDropContext saveDraw:[
        (self doExpand:item) ifTrue:[
            self windowGroup processExposeEvents

    |selectedItems string fnName stream|

    selectedItems := self selectedItems.
    selectedItems isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ ''].

    stream := WriteStream on:''.
    stream nextPutAll:(selectedItems first baseName).
    selectedItems size == 1 ifTrue:[
        fnName := 'ui_menuitem.xpm'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        fnName := 'ui_submenu_open.xpm'.
        stream nextPutAll:' ... '.
        stream nextPutAll:(selectedItems last baseName).
    string := stream contents.
    stream close.

    fnName := 'ui_menuitem.xpm'.
    ^ Array with:(LabelAndIcon icon:(Image fromFile:fnName)
                             string:(Text string:string emphasis:#bold)


    expandItemTimedBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        Processor removeTimedBlock:expandItemTimedBlock.
        expandItemTimedBlock := nil
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser methodsFor:'event handling'!

    "filter keyboard events.
     Return true, if I have eaten the event"

    |focusView key rawKey|

    anEvent isKeyPressEvent ifFalse:[^ false].

    focusView := anEvent targetView.
    (focusView isNil or:[focusView ~~ browser]) ifTrue:[ ^ false].

    key    := anEvent key.
    rawKey := anEvent rawKey.

    (key == #CursorLeft) ifTrue:[
        "go to last selection in selection history"
        (self rootSelected and:[(self fileList at:1) isExpanded not]) ifTrue:[
            self doGoDirectoryUp.
            ^ true
        ^ false
    (key == #FocusPrevious) ifTrue:[
        "go to last selection in selection history"
        self doBack.
        ^ true
    (key == #FocusNext) ifTrue:[
        "go to next selection in selection history"
        self doForward.
        ^ true
    (key == #Replace) ifTrue:[
        self renameFileInTreeView.
        ^ true
    (key == #Cut) ifTrue:[
        self doCut.
        ^ true
    (key == #Copy) ifTrue:[
        self doCopy.
        ^ true
    (key == #Delete) ifTrue:[
        self doDelete.
        ^ true
    (key == #Paste) ifTrue:[
        self pasteFiles.
        ^ true

    ^ false
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser methodsFor:'queries'!


    ^ browser hasOpenEditor


    ^ self masterApplication class = FileBrowserV2


    | directories|

    directories := self selectedDirectories.
    directories isEmpty ifTrue:[^ false].
    directories do:[:aDir|
        (aDir asString) ~= (self rootHolder value) ifTrue:[
            ^ true
    ^ false
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser methodsFor:'selection'!


    | selection dirs dirIndices|

    selection := self selectedItems.
    selection isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].

    dirs := selection collect:[:item| item isDirectory].
    dirs isEmpty ifTrue:[^ nil].
    dirIndices := selection collect:[:item | 
        self fileList identityIndexOf:item.
    ^ (self fileList at:(dirIndices min)) fileName.


    | selectedItems |
    selectedItems := self selectedItems.
    selectedItems isEmpty ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ selectedItems includesIdentical:self fileList root

    "selects a file; if the file is not included in my
     root directory, the root will be changed
    |items directory item newRoot|

    aColOfFileOrDirectory isEmpty ifTrue:[ self selectItems:#()].

    items := OrderedCollection new.
    aColOfFileOrDirectory do:[:file|
        file exists ifTrue:[
            item := self fileList findLastForFile:file.
            item isNil ifTrue:[
                newRoot := self commonPrefixOfSelectedFiles.
                newRoot := self getDirWithoutFileName:newRoot.
                self rootHolder value:newRoot asAbsoluteFilename.
                item := self fileList root.

                file isDirectory ifTrue:[ directory := file ]
                                 ifFalse:[ directory := file directory ]
                directory == file ifFalse:[
                    item := item detect:[:el| el fileName = file ] ifNone:item.
            "/ set a new root directory
            items add:item.
    self selectItems:items


    |currentSelection newSelection|

    currentSelection := self selectedItems.
    aColOfItems do:[:anItem| anItem isDirectory ifTrue:[ anItem expand ]].
    self multipleSelect ifTrue:[
        currentSelection notNil ifTrue:[
            aColOfItems size == currentSelection size ifTrue:[
                (aColOfItems findFirst:[:item | (currentSelection includesIdentical:item) not ]) ~~ 0 ifFalse:[
                    ^ self
        newSelection := aColOfItems.
    ] ifFalse:[
        newSelection := aColOfItems isEmpty ifTrue:[nil] ifFalse:[aColOfItems first].
        newSelection == currentSelection ifTrue:[
            ^ self
    aColOfItems notEmpty ifTrue:[
        aColOfItems first makeVisible.
    self updateToExternFileHolderLock doLocked:[
        self treeSelectionHolder value:newSelection.


    | selItems |

    selItems := self selectedDirectoryItems.
    ^ selItems collect:[: el | el fileName ].


    | sel |
    sel := self selectedItems.
    ^ sel select:[: el | el isDirectory ].


    selectedItems := self selectedItems.
    ^ (selectedItems collect:[:item | self getDirWithoutFileName:(item fileName)]) asSet

    | selection |

    selection := self treeSelectionHolder value.
    selection isNil ifTrue:[ ^ #() ].
    self multipleSelect ifTrue:[^ selection ].
    ^ Array with:selection. "Wrap single value into Array"
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser methodsFor:'startup & release'!


    super makeDependent.
    self currentFileNameHolder addDependent:self.
    self currentDirectories addDependent:self.
    self rootHolder addDependent:self.
    self viewFilesInDirectoryTree addDependent:self.
    self filterBlockHolder addDependent:self.

    ^ [:ln :aGC | 
                self openEditorIn:aGC forLine:ln

openEditorIn:aGC forLine:ln 
    |item alreadyAccepted filename field newFileString newFilename|

    alreadyAccepted := false.
        closeEditorAction:[:editor | 
            alreadyAccepted ifFalse:[
                editor acceptAction value:(editor contents)

    self allowFileOperations value ifFalse:[^ nil].

    item := self fileList at:ln.
    item label isString ifFalse:[
        field := nil
    ] ifTrue:[
        field := EditField new.
        field level:0.
        field acceptOnReturn:true.
        field acceptOnLeave:true.
            acceptAction:[:x | 
                alreadyAccepted := true.
                filename := item fileName.
                newFileString := x asString withoutSeparators.
                filename baseName ~= newFileString ifTrue:[
                                newFilename := filename directory construct:newFileString.
                                    withWaitCursorDo:[self updateAndSelect:(OrderedCollection with:newFilename)]
                aGC closeEditor.
                (field leaveKey == #CursorUp or:[field leaveKey == #CursorDown]) ifTrue:[
                        keyPress:field leaveKey
                field destroy.
                browser requestFocus    "/ takes it from my windowGroup; prevents it from shifting focus
        field font:(aGC font).
        field contents:(item label)
    ^ field

    browser := aWidget scrolledView.
    browser hasConstantHeight:true.
    self allowRenameOnOneClick ifTrue:[
        browser openEditorAction:self openEditorAction
    browser multipleSelectOk:self multipleSelect


"/    self windowGroup application class == FileBrowserV2 ifTrue:[
"/        self multipleSelect:true.
"/    ].
    self rootHolderChanged.
    fromMaster ifFalse:[
        self currentFileNameHolderChangedForCommon.
    self currentFileNameHolderChanged.
    self sortFileListsBy:self sortPropertyInTree value.
    self windowGroup addPreEventHook:self.


    self fileList stopMonitoringTask.
    ^ super release.
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser::DirTreeBrowserHFL methodsFor:'accessing'!


    ^ draggedItem


    draggedItem := anItemOrNil.
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser::DirTreeBrowserHFL methodsFor:'protocol'!


    grayDirectoryIcon isNil ifTrue:[
        grayDirectoryIcon := (FileBrowser iconForKeyMatching:#directoryOpenGray).
    ^ grayDirectoryIcon

    "returns the icon for an item
    "/ Transcript showCR:'iconFor:anItem'.
    draggedItem == anItem ifTrue:[
        ^ self grayDirectoryIcon.
    ^ super iconFor:anItem.
! !

!DirectoryTreeBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.91 2004-12-10 15:47:10 penk Exp $'
! !