author claus
Thu, 17 Nov 1994 15:47:59 +0100
changeset 52 7b48409ae088
parent 49 6fe62433cfa3
child 53 2fc78a0165e7
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

'From Smalltalk/X, Version:2.10.4 on 7-nov-1994 at 14:56:27'!

StandardSystemView subclass:#SystemBrowser
	 instanceVariableNames:'classCategoryListView classListView methodCategoryListView
		methodListView classMethodListView codeView classToggle
		instanceToggle currentClassCategory currentClassHierarchy
		currentClass currentMethodCategory currentMethod currentSelector
		showInstance actualClass fullClass lastMethodCategory aspect
		variableListView fullProtocol lockUpdates autoSearch myLabel'

SystemBrowser comment:'
COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	     All Rights Reserved

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.15 1994-11-17 14:47:02 claus Exp $

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.15 1994-11-17 14:47:02 claus Exp $

    this class implements all kinds of class browsers.
    Typically, it is started with 'SystemBrowser open', but there are many other 
    startup messages, to launch special browsers.
    See the categories 'startup' and 'special search startup' in the classes

    Alse, see the extra document 'doc/misc/sbrowser.doc' or the HTML online doc
    for how to use the browser.

    written winter 89 by claus
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "SystemBrowser configuration;
     (values can be changed from your private startup file)"

     setting this to false, the removeClass function will remove
     classes WITHOUT checking for instances. Otherwise,
     it will check and let you confirm in case there are instances.
     Checking for instances may be a bit time consuming, though.
     The default is true - therefore, it will check
    CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses := true

     CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses := true
     CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses := false
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'startup'!

browseMethods:aList title:aString
    "launch a browser for an explicit list of class/selectors.
     Each entry in the list must consist of the classes name and the selector,
     separated by spaces. For class methods, the string 'class' must be
     appended to the classname."

    (aList size == 0) ifTrue:[
	self showNoneFound:aString.
	^ nil
    aList sort.
    ^ self newWithLabel:aString
	     setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForList:aList]

     SystemBrowser browseMethods:#('Object printOn:' 
				   'Collection add:')
			   title:'some methods'
     SystemBrowser browseMethods:#('Behavior new:' 
				   'Setclass new:')
			   title:'some new: methods'


browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses inst:wantInst class:wantClass where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance- (if wantInst is true) and/or
     classmethods (if wantClass is true) from classes in aCollectionOfClasses,
     where aBlock evaluates to true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."


     since this may take a long time, lower my priority ...
    Processor activeProcess withLowerPriorityDo:[
	|checkedClasses checkBlock|

	checkedClasses := IdentitySet new.
	list := OrderedCollection new.

	checkBlock := [:cls |
	    |methodArray selectorArray| 

	    (checkedClasses includes:cls) ifFalse:[
		methodArray := cls methodArray.
		selectorArray := cls selectorArray.

		1 to:methodArray size do:[:index |
		    |method sel|

		    method := methodArray at:index.
		    sel := selectorArray at:index.
		    (aBlock value:cls value:method value:sel) ifTrue:[
			list add:(cls name , ' ' , sel)
		checkedClasses add:cls.

	aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass |
	     output disabled - it slows down things too much (when searching for
	     implementors or senders)
"/            Transcript show:'searching '; show:aClass name; showCr:' ...'; endEntry.
	    wantInst ifTrue:[checkBlock value:aClass].
	    wantClass ifTrue:[checkBlock value:(aClass class)].
	    Processor yield

    ^ self browseMethods:list title:title

browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance- and classmethods from 
     all classes in aCollectionOfClasses where aBlock evaluates to true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses inst:true class:true where:aBlock title:title

    "launch a browser for all classes under aCategory"

    ^ self newWithLabel:aClassCategory
	     setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForClassCategory:aClassCategory]

    "SystemBrowser browseClassCategory:'Kernel-Objects'"

    "launch a browser showing all methods at once"

    ^ self newWithLabel:'Full Class Browser'
	     setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForFullClass]

    "SystemBrowser browseFullClasses"

    "launch a browser for aClass"

    ^ self newWithLabel:aClass name
	     setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForClass:aClass]

    "SystemBrowser browseClass:Object"

browseClass:aClass selector:selector
    "launch a browser for the method at selector in aClass"

    ^ self 
	newWithLabel:(aClass name , ' ' , selector , ' ' , selector)
	setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForClass:aClass selector:selector]

     SystemBrowser browseClass:Object selector:#printString

    "launch a browser for aClass and all its superclasses.
     this is different from the fullProtocol browser."

    ^ self newWithLabel:(aClass name , '-' , 'hierarchy')
	     setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForClassHierarchy:aClass]

     SystemBrowser browseClassHierarchy:Number

    "launch a browser for aClasses full protocol.
     This is different from hierarchy browsing."

    ^ self newWithLabel:(aClass name , '-' , 'full protocol')
	     setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForFullClassProtocol:aClass]

     SystemBrowser browseFullClassProtocol:Number

browseClasses:aList title:title
    "launch a browser for all classes in aList"

    ^ self newWithLabel:title
	     setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForClassList:aList]

     SystemBrowser browseClasses:(Array with:Object
			   title:'two classes'

browseClass:aClass methodCategory:aCategory
    "launch a browser for all methods under aCategory in aClass"

    ^ self newWithLabel:(aClass name , ' ' , aCategory)
	  setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForClass:aClass methodCategory:aCategory]

    "SystemBrowser browseClass:String methodCategory:'copying'"

    "launch a browser for all methods where category = aCategory"


    aCategory includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
	searchBlock := [:c :m :s | aCategory match:m category].
    ] ifFalse:[
	searchBlock := [:c :m :s | m category = aCategory]

    self browseMethodsWhere:searchBlock title:('all methods with category of ' , aCategory)

     SystemBrowser browseMethodCategory:'printing & storing'
     SystemBrowser browseMethodCategory:'print*'

    "launch a browser for all methods where aBlock returns true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."

    ^ self browseMethodsWhere:aBlock title:'selected messages'

     SystemBrowser browseAllSelect:[:aClass :aMethod :selector | selector numArgs == 3]

browseMethodsWhere:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all methods where aBlock returns true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:(Smalltalk allClasses) where:aBlock title:title

browseMethodsOf:aClass where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance- and classmethods in aClass 
     where aBlock evaluates to true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:(Array with:aClass) where:aBlock title:title

browseMethodsFrom:aClass where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance- and classmethods in aClass
     and all its subclasses where aBlock evaluates to true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:(aClass withAllSubclasses) where:aBlock title:title

browseInstMethodsOf:aClass where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance methods in aClass
     where aBlock evaluates to true"

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:(Array with:aClass) inst:true class:false where:aBlock title:title

browseInstMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance methods of all classes in
     aCollectionOfClasses where aBlock evaluates to true"

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses inst:true class:false 
		     where:aBlock title:title

browseInstMethodsFrom:aClass where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance methods in aClass and all subclasses
     where aBlock evaluates to true"

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:(aClass withAllSubclasses) inst:true class:false where:aBlock title:title

    "launch a browser for aClass and all its superclasses"

    ^ self newWithLabel:(aClass name , '-' , 'full protocol')
	     setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForFullClassHierarchy:aClass]

     SystemBrowser browseFullClassHierarchy:Number
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'special search startup'!

browseAllCallsOn:aSelectorString in:aCollectionOfClasses title:title
    "launch a browser for all senders of aSelector in aCollectionOfClasses"

    |sel browser searchBlock|

    ((aSelectorString ~= '*') and:[aSelectorString includesMatchCharacters]) ifTrue:[
	"a matchString"
	searchBlock := [:lits |

			    found := false.
			    lits notNil ifTrue:[
				lits do:[:aLiteral |
				    found ifFalse:[
					(aLiteral isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
					    found := (aSelectorString match:aLiteral)
	browser := self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses
				  where:[:class :method :s | searchBlock value:(method literals)]
    ] ifFalse:[
	aSelectorString knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
	    Transcript showCr:'none found.'.
	    self showNoneFound:title.
	    ^ nil

	sel := aSelectorString asSymbol.
	browser := self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses
				  where:[:class :method :s | method sends:sel]

    browser notNil ifTrue:[

	 kludge for now, if its a multipart selector,
	 no easy search is (as yet) possible
	s := aSelectorString.
	(s includes:$:) ifTrue:[
	    s := s copyTo:(s indexOf:$:)
	browser autoSearch:s 
    ^ browser

    "launch a browser for all implementors of aSelector"

    ^ self browseImplementorsOf:aSelectorString
			     in:(Smalltalk allClasses)
			  title:('implementors of: ' , aSelectorString)

     SystemBrowser browseImplementorsOf:#+

browseImplementorsOf:aSelectorString in:aCollectionOfClasses title:title
    "launch a browser for all implementors of aSelector in
     the classes contained in aCollectionOfClasses and its metaclasses"

    |list sel|

    list := OrderedCollection new.

    ((aSelectorString ~= '*') and:[aSelectorString includesMatchCharacters]) ifTrue:[
	"a matchString"

	aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass |
	    aClass selectorArray do:[:aSelector |
		(aSelectorString match:aSelector) ifTrue:[
		    list add:(aClass name , ' ' , aSelector)
	    aClass class selectorArray do:[:aSelector |
		(aSelectorString match:aSelector) ifTrue:[
		    list add:(aClass name , 'class ' , aSelector)
    ] ifFalse:[
	"can do a faster search"

	aSelectorString knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
	    self showNoneFound:title.
	    ^ nil

	sel := aSelectorString asSymbol.
	aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass |
	    (aClass implements:sel) ifTrue:[
		list add:(aClass name , ' ' , aSelectorString)
	    (aClass class implements:sel) ifTrue:[
		list add:(aClass name , 'class ' , aSelectorString)
    ^ self browseMethods:list title:title

     SystemBrowser browseImplementorsOf:#+
				     in:(Array with:Number
				  title:'some implementors of +'

    "launch a browser for all senders of aSelector"

    ^ self browseAllCallsOn:aSelectorString 
			 in:(Smalltalk allClasses)
		      title:('senders of ' , aSelectorString)

     SystemBrowser browseAllCallsOn:#+

browseCallsOn:aSelectorString under:aClass
    "launch a browser for all senders of aSelector in aClass and subclasses"

    ^ self browseAllCallsOn:aSelectorString
			 in:(aClass withAllSubclasses)
		      title:('senders of: ' , 
			     aSelectorString , 
			     ' (in or below ' , aClass name , ')')

     SystemBrowser browseAllCallsOn:#+ under:Number

browseImplementorsOf:aSelectorString under:aClass
    "launch a browser for all implementors of aSelector in aClass
     and its subclasses"

    ^ self browseImplementorsOf:aSelectorString
			     in:(aClass withAllSubclasses)
			  title:('implementors of: ' , 
				 aSelectorString , 
				 ' (in or below ' , aClass name , ')')

     SystemBrowser browseImplementorsOf:#+ under:Integer

browseForSymbol:aSymbol title:title warnIfNone:doWarn
    "launch a browser for all methods referencing aSymbol"

    |browser searchBlock sym|

    (aSymbol includesMatchCharacters) ifTrue:[
	"a matchString"
	searchBlock := [:lits |

			    found := false.
			    lits notNil ifTrue:[
				lits do:[:aLiteral |
				    found ifFalse:[
					(aLiteral isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
					    found := (aSymbol match:aLiteral)
    ] ifFalse:[
	 can do a faster search
	aSymbol knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
	    self showNoneFound:title.
	    ^ nil

	sym := aSymbol asSymbol.
	searchBlock := [:lits |

			    found := false.
			    lits notNil ifTrue:[
				lits do:[:aLiteral |
				    found ifFalse:[
					(aLiteral isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
					    found := (sym == aLiteral)
    browser := self browseMethodsWhere:[:c :m :s | searchBlock value:(m literals)] title:title.
    browser notNil ifTrue:[
	browser autoSearch:aSymbol
    ^ browser

filterToSearchInstRefsTo:varName modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "return a block to search for instvar accesses"


    searchBlock := [:c :m :s |
	|src result parser instvars needMatch|

	needMatch := varName includesMatchCharacters.

	src := m source.
	src isNil ifTrue:[
	    result := false
	] ifFalse:[
	    needMatch ifFalse:[
		 before doing a slow parse, quickly scan the
		 methods source for the variables name ...
		result := (src findString:varName) ~~ 0.
	    ] ifTrue:[
		result := true.
	    result ifTrue:[
		result := false.
		parser := Parser parseMethod:src in:c.
		parser notNil ifTrue:[
		    modsOnly ifTrue:[
			instvars := parser modifiedInstVars
		    ] ifFalse:[
			instvars := parser usedInstVars
		    instvars notNil ifTrue:[
			needMatch ifTrue:[
			    instvars do:[:iv |
				(varName match:iv) ifTrue:[result := true]
			] ifFalse:[
			    result := instvars includes:varName
	Processor yield.
    ^ searchBlock

    "launch a browser for all methods referencing aSymbol"

    ^ self browseForSymbol:aSymbol title:('users of ' , aSymbol) warnIfNone:true

browseReferendsOf:aGlobalName warnIfNone:doWarn
    "launch a browser for all methods referencing a global
     named aGlobalName.

    ^ self browseForSymbol:aGlobalName title:('users of: ' , aGlobalName) warnIfNone:doWarn 

    "launch a browser for all methods referencing a global
     named aGlobalName.

    ^ self browseReferendsOf:aGlobalName warnIfNone:true 

    Browser browseReferendsOf:#Transcript

    |dict owners offsets
     sz  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     n   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     removeSet newDict|

    owners := ObjectMemory whoReferencesInstancesOf:aClass.

     collect set of offsets in dict; key is class
    dict := IdentityDictionary new.
    owners do:[:someObject |
	|cls create|

	someObject isContext ifFalse:[
	     someObject refers to an instance of aClass;
	     find out, which instVar(s)
	    cls := someObject class.
	    cls ~~ Array ifTrue:[
		n := cls instSize.
		create := [|s| s := Set new. dict at:cls put:s. s].

		1 to:n do:[:i |

		    ref := someObject instVarAt:i.
		    (ref isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[
			offsets := dict at:cls ifAbsent:create.
			offsets add:i.
		cls isVariable ifTrue:[
		    cls isPointers ifTrue:[
			| idx "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

			sz := someObject basicSize.
			idx := 1.
			[idx <= sz] whileTrue:[

			    ref := someObject basicAt:idx.
			    (ref isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[
				offsets := dict at:cls ifAbsent:create.
				offsets add:0.
				idx := sz
			    idx := idx + 1

     merge with superclass refs
    dict keysAndValuesDo:[:cls :set |
	cls allSuperclasses do:[:aSuperclass |

	    superSet := dict at:aSuperclass ifAbsent:[].
	    superSet notNil ifTrue:[

		superSet := dict at:aSuperclass.
		removeSet := Set new.
		set do:[:offset |
		    (superSet includes:offset) ifTrue:[
			removeSet add:offset
		set removeAll:removeSet

     remove empty ones
    removeSet := Set new.
    dict keysAndValuesDo:[:cls :set |
	set isEmpty ifTrue:[
	    removeSet add:cls
    removeSet do:[:cls |
	dict removeKey:cls

     replace the indices by real names
    newDict := IdentityDictionary new.
    dict keysAndValuesDo:[:cls :set |
	|newSet names|

	names := cls allInstVarNames.
	newSet := set collect:[:index | 
		index == 0 ifTrue:['*indexed*'] ifFalse:[names at:index].
	newDict at:cls put:newSet

    newDict inspect


browseForString:aString in:aCollectionOfClasses
    "launch a browser for all methods in aCollectionOfClasses  
     containing a string-constant"

    |browser searchBlock title|

    title := 'methods containing: ' , aString displayString.

    (aString includesMatchCharacters) ifTrue:[
	"a matchString"
	searchBlock := [:lits |

			    found := false.
			    lits notNil ifTrue:[
				lits do:[:aLiteral |
				    found ifFalse:[
					(aLiteral isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
					    found := (aString match:aLiteral)
    ] ifFalse:[
	searchBlock := [:lits |

			    found := false.
			    lits notNil ifTrue:[
				lits do:[:aLiteral |
				    found ifFalse:[
					(aLiteral isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
					    found := (aLiteral = aString)
    browser := self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses 
			      where:[:c :m :s | searchBlock value:(m literals)] 

    browser notNil ifTrue:[
	browser autoSearch:aString
    ^ browser

    "SystemBrowser browseForString:'*all*'"
    "SystemBrowser browseForString:'*should*'"
    "SystemBrowser browseForString:'*[eE]rror*'"

    "launch a browser for all methods containing a string"

    ^ self browseForString:aString in:(Smalltalk allClasses)

browseInstRefsTo:varName in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly title:title
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass where the instVar named
     varName is referenced; if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the
     instvar is modified"

    |filter browser|

    filter := self filterToSearchInstRefsTo:varName modificationsOnly:modsOnly.
    browser := self browseInstMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:filter title:title.

    browser notNil ifTrue:[
	browser autoSearch:varName 
    ^ browser

aproposSearch:aString in:aCollectionOfClasses
    "browse all methods, which have aString in their selector or
     in the methods comment.
     This is relatively slow, since all source must be processed."

    |matchString list|

    matchString := '*' , aString , '*'.

    list := OrderedCollection new.

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses 
		     where:[:class :method :sel |
				(matchString match:sel) ifTrue:[
				    list add:(class name , '>>' , sel)
				] ifFalse:[
				    (matchString match:(method comment)) ifTrue:[
					list add:(class name , '>>' , sel)
				Processor yield.
		     title:('apropos: ' , aString)

    "SystemBrowser aproposSearch:'append'"
    "SystemBrowser aproposSearch:'add'"
    "SystemBrowser aproposSearch:'sort'"

browseInstRefsTo:aString in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass where the instVar named
     aString is referenced; if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the
     instvar is modified"


    modsOnly ifTrue:[
	title := 'modifications of '
    ] ifFalse:[
	title := 'references to '
    ^ self browseInstRefsTo:aString 
		      title:(title , aString)

    "browse all methods, which have aString in their selector or
     in the methods comment.
     This is relatively slow, since all source must be processed."

    ^ self aproposSearch:aString in:(Smalltalk allClasses)

browseInstRefsTo:aString under:aClass modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass and subclasses
     where the instVar named aString is referenced; 
     if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the instvar is modified"

    ^ self browseInstRefsTo:aString in:(aClass withAllSubclasses) modificationsOnly:modsOnly

browseClassRefsTo:varName in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly title:title
    "launch a browser for all methods in aCollectionOfClasses,
     where the classVar named aString is referenced; 
     if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the classvar is modified"

    |searchBlock browser|

    searchBlock := self filterToSearchClassRefsTo:varName modificationsOnly:modsOnly.
    browser := self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:searchBlock title:title.

    browser notNil ifTrue:[
	browser autoSearch:varName
    ^ browser

browseClassRefsTo:aString in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass where the classVar named
     aString is referenced; if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the
     classvar is modified"


    modsOnly ifTrue:[
	title := 'modifications of '
    ] ifFalse:[
	title := 'references to '
    ^ self browseClassRefsTo:aString in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly title:(title , aString)

browseClassRefsTo:aString under:aClass modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass and subclasses
     where the classVar named aString is referenced; 
     if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the classvar is modified"

    ^ self browseClassRefsTo:aString in:(aClass withAllSubclasses) modificationsOnly:modsOnly

filterToSearchClassRefsTo:varName modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "return a searchblock for class variable references"


    searchBlock := [:c :m :s |
	|src result parser classvars needMatch|

	needMatch := varName includesMatchCharacters.

	src := m source.
	src isNil ifTrue:[
	    result := false
	] ifFalse:[
	    needMatch ifFalse:[
		 before doing a slow parse, quickly scan the
		 methods source for the variables name ...
		result := (src findString:varName) ~~ 0.
	    ] ifTrue:[
		result := true.
	    result ifTrue:[
		result := false.
		parser := Parser parseMethod:src in:c.
		parser notNil ifTrue:[
		    modsOnly ifTrue:[
			classvars := parser modifiedClassVars
		    ] ifFalse:[
			classvars := parser usedClassVars
		    classvars notNil ifTrue:[
			needMatch ifTrue:[
			    classvars do:[:cv |
				(varName match:cv) ifTrue:[result := true]
			] ifFalse:[
			    result := classvars includes:varName
	Processor yield.
    ^ searchBlock
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'private'!

newWithLabel:aString setupBlock:aBlock on:aWorkstation
    "common helper method for all creation methods"


    newBrowser := self on:aWorkstation.
    newBrowser title:aString.
    aBlock value:newBrowser.

    newBrowser open.
    ^ newBrowser

newWithLabel:aString setupBlock:aBlock
    "common helper method for all creation methods"

    ^ self newWithLabel:aString setupBlock:aBlock on:Display

"/    DialogView warn:(self classResources string:('no ' , what , ' found')).
    self showNoneFound

    DialogView warn:(self classResources string:'None found').
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'general startup'!

    "launch a standard browser on another display.
     Does not work currently - still being developped."

    ^ self newWithLabel:(self classResources string:'System Browser')
	     setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForAll]

     SystemBrowser openOnDisplay:(XWorkstation new initializeFor:'porty:0')

    "launch a standard browser"

    ^ self openOnDisplay:Display

    "SystemBrowser open"
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'dependencies'!

update:something with:someArgument from:changedObject

     avoid update/warn after my own changes
    lockUpdates == true ifTrue:[
"/         'ignored my change' printNL.
	^ self

"/ changedObject print. ' ' print. someArgument print. ' ' print.
"/ something printNL.

    (changedObject == Smalltalk) ifTrue:[
	something == #newClass ifTrue:[
	    ((someArgument category = currentClassCategory)
	    or:[currentClassCategory notNil
		and:[currentClassCategory startsWith:'*']]) ifTrue:[
		self updateClassListWithScroll:false.

	    someArgument category ~= currentClassCategory ifTrue:[
		 category new ?
		(classCategoryListView notNil 
		and:[classCategoryListView list notNil
		and:[(classCategoryListView list includes:someArgument category) not]])
		    self updateClassCategoryListWithScroll:false.
	    ^ self

	something == #classRemove ifTrue:[
	    someArgument = currentClass ifTrue:[
		self warnLabel:'the selected class was removed'.
		^ self
	    " fall into general update "

	 any other (unknown) change 
	 with the Smalltalk dictionary ...
	self updateClassCategoryListWithScroll:false.
	self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
	^ self

    changedObject isBehavior ifTrue:[
	 its a class, that has changed
	(currentClass notNil 
	and:[changedObject name = currentClass name]) ifTrue:[
	     its the current class that has changed
	    something == #methodDictionary ifTrue:[
		(someArgument isSymbol) ifTrue:[

		     the method with selector someArgument was changed or removed
		    self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.
		    self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.

		    someArgument == currentSelector ifTrue:[
			 special care here: the currently shown method has been
			 changed somehow in another browser (or via fileIn)
			changedMethod := currentClass compiledMethodAt:currentSelector.
			changedMethod isNil ifTrue:[
			    self warnLabel:'the method shown was removed'.
			    ^ self
			"compare the source codes"
			self warnLabel:'the code shown may not up to date'.
			^ self    
		    ^ self

	    something == #comment ifTrue:[
		 the class has changed its comment; we dont care, except if
		 currently showing the comment
		aspect == #comment ifTrue:[
		    self warnLabel:'the comment shown may not up to date'.
		^ self
	    something == #definition ifTrue:[
		 the class has changed its definition.
		 Warn, except if showing a method.
		aspect notNil ifTrue:[
		    self warnLabel:'the classes definition has changed'.
		^ self

	     get the class again - in case of a changed class definition,
	     we are otherwise refering to the obsolete old class
	    currentClass := Smalltalk at:(currentClass name asSymbol).
	    showInstance ifTrue:[
		actualClass := currentClass
	    ] ifFalse:[
		actualClass := currentClass class

	    self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.

	    "dont update codeView ...."
	    "self update"
	    ^ self

	 any other class has changed (but not its organization, since
	 that is cought in the above case).
	 We are not interrested in it - except, if showing fullProtocol
	 or hierarchy ...
	currentClassHierarchy notNil ifTrue:[
	    fullProtocol ifTrue:[
		(currentClass isSubclassOf:changedObject) ifTrue:[
	    ] ifFalse:[
		((currentClass isSubclassOf:changedObject)
		or:[changedObject isSubclassOf:currentClass]) ifTrue:[

	^ self

    (changedObject isKindOf:Method) ifTrue:[

! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'private'!

    "set the normal (inactive) window- and icon labels"

    |l il sel|

    myLabel notNil ifTrue:[
	l := il := myLabel
    ] ifFalse:[    
	l := resources string:'System Browser'.

	currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    l := l, ': ', currentClass name.
	    classListView isNil ifTrue:[
		currentSelector notNil ifTrue:[
		    l := l , ' ' ,  currentSelector
	    il := currentClass name
	] ifFalse:[
	    il := l.
    self label:l.
    self iconLabel:il.


    "tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain"

    codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |

	codeView cursor:Cursor execute.

	(cat := currentMethodCategory) = '* all *' ifTrue:[
	    "must check from which category this code came from ...
	     ... thanks to Arno for pointing this out"

	    cat := self askForMethodCategory.
	(cat notNil and:[cat notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
	    Object abortSignal catch:[
		lockUpdates := true.

		actualClass compiler 
		    compile:theCode asString

		codeView modified:false.
		self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.
	    lockUpdates := false.
	codeView cursor:Cursor normal.

    codeView explainAction:[:theCode :theSelection |
	self showExplanation:(Explainer 

    "return true, if selection change is ok;
     its not ok, if code has been changed.
     in this case, return the result of a user query"


    codeView modified ifFalse:[
	^ true
"/    fullProtocol ifTrue:[^ true].
    box := YesNoBox 
	       title:(resources at:'contents in codeview has not been accepted.\\Modifications will be lost when continuing.') withCRs
	       yesText:(resources at:'continue')
	       noText:(resources at:'abort').
    ^ box confirm

    "look in codeView and methodListView for a search-string when searching for selectors"

    |sel t|

    sel := codeView selection.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	sel := sel asString.
	t := Parser selectorInExpression:sel.
	t notNil ifTrue:[
	    sel := t
	sel := sel withoutSpaces.
	sel == #>> ifTrue:[
	    "oops - thats probably not what we want here ..."
	    self extractClassAndSelectorFromSelectionInto:[:c :s :m |
		sel := s
    ] ifFalse:[
	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	    sel := methodListView selectionValue
	] ifFalse:[
	    classMethodListView notNil ifTrue:[
		sel := classMethodListView selectionValue.
		sel notNil ifTrue:[
		    sel := self selectorFromClassMethodString:sel
	sel notNil ifTrue:[
	    sel := sel withoutSpaces
	] ifFalse:[
	    sel := ''
    ^ sel

enterBoxTitle:title okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup enterBox"


    box := EnterBox new.
    box title:(resources string:title) okText:(resources string:okText).
    ^ box

askAndBrowseSelectorTitle:title action:aBlock
    "convenient method: setup enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box"


    box := self enterBoxTitle:title okText:'browse'.
    box initialText:(self selectorToSearchFor).
    box action:[:aString | self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[aBlock value:aString]].
    box showAtPointer

    codeView setSearchPattern:aString

listBoxTitle:title okText:okText list:aList
    "convenient method: setup a listBox & return it"


    box := ListSelectionBox new.
    box okText:(resources string:okText).
    box title:(resources string:title).
    box list:aList.
    ^ box

    "show explanation from Parser"

    self notify:someText

    "look in codeView and methodListView for a search-string when searching for classes/names"


    sel := codeView selection.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	sel := sel asString withoutSpaces
    ] ifFalse:[
	sel isNil ifTrue:[
	    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
		sel := currentClass name
	sel notNil ifTrue:[
	    sel := sel withoutSpaces
	] ifFalse:[
	    sel := ''
    ^ sel

findClassOfVariable:aVariableName accessWith:aSelector
    "this method returns the class, in which a variable
     is defined; 
     needs either #instVarNames or #classVarNames as aSelector."

    |cls homeClass|

     first, find the class, where the variable is declared
    cls := currentClass.
    [cls notNil] whileTrue:[
	((cls perform:aSelector) includes:aVariableName) ifTrue:[
	    homeClass := cls.
	    cls := nil.
	] ifFalse:[
	    cls := cls superclass
    homeClass isNil ifTrue:[
	"nope, must be one below ... (could optimize a bit, by searching down
	 for the declaring class ...
	homeClass := currentClass
    ] ifFalse:[
"/        Transcript showCr:'starting search in ' , homeClass name.
    ^ homeClass

    "convenient method: setup enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for browsing based on a selector"


    box := self enterBoxTitle:title okText:'search'.
    box initialText:(self selectorToSearchFor).
    ^ box

enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup enterBox with text from codeview"

    |sel box|

    box := self enterBoxTitle:(resources string:title) okText:(resources string:okText).
    sel := codeView selection.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	box initialText:(sel asString withoutSeparators)
    ^ box

classesInFullProtocolHierarchy:aClass do:aBlock
    "evaluate aBlock for all non-striked out classes in
     the hierarchy"


    index := (classListView list size).
    aClass withAllSuperclasses do:[:c |
	(classListView isInSelection:index) ifFalse:[
	    aBlock value:c
	index := index - 1


enterBoxForBrowseTitle:title action:aBlock
    "convenient method: setup enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for method browsing based on className/variable"


    box := self enterBoxTitle:title okText:'browse'.
    box initialText:(self stringToSearchFor).
    box action:[:aString | self withWaitCursorDo:[aBlock value:aString]].
    box showAtPointer

askBoxTitle:title okText:okText initialText:initialText action:aBlock
    "convenient method: setup enterBox, and open it"


    box := EnterBox new.
    box title:(resources string:title) okText:(resources string:okText).
    box initialText:initialText.
    box action:[:aString | self withWaitCursorDo:aBlock value:aString].
    box showAtPointer

askAndBrowseMethodCategory:title action:aBlock
    "convenient method: setup enterBox with initial being current method category"

    |sel box|

    box := self enterBoxTitle:title okText:'browse'.
    sel := codeView selection.
    sel isNil ifTrue:[
	currentMethodCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	    sel := currentMethodCategory
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	box initialText:(sel asString withoutSpaces)
    box action:[:aString | self withWaitCursorDo:[aBlock value:aString]].
    box showAtPointer

    "eavluate the 2-arg block for every class,
     starting at Object; passing class and nesting level to the block."

    |classes s classDict l|

    classes := Smalltalk allClasses.
    classDict := IdentityDictionary new:classes size.
    classes do:[:aClass |
	s := aClass superclass.
	s notNil ifTrue:[
	    l := classDict at:s ifAbsent:[nil].
	    l isNil ifTrue:[
		l := OrderedCollection new:5.
		classDict at:s put:l
	    l add:aClass
    self classHierarchyOf:Object level:0 do:aBlock using:classDict

classHierarchyOf:aClass level:level do:aBlock using:aDictionary
    "evaluate the 2-arg block for every subclass of aClass,
     passing class and nesting level to the block."

    |names subclasses|

    aBlock value:aClass value:level.
    subclasses := aDictionary at:aClass ifAbsent:[nil].
    (subclasses size == 0) ifFalse:[
	names := subclasses collect:[:class | class name].
	names sortWith:subclasses.
	subclasses do:[:aSubClass |
	    self classHierarchyOf:aSubClass level:(level + 1) do:aBlock using:aDictionary

    (ReadStream on:someCode) fileIn

    "given a string which can be either 'class>>sel' or
     'class sel', extract className and selector, and call aBlock with
    the result."

    |sel clsName isMeta sep s|

    sel := codeView selection.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	sel := sel asString withoutSeparators.
	('*>>*' match:sel) ifTrue:[
	    sep := $>
	] ifFalse:[
	    ('* *' match:sel) ifTrue:[
		sep := Character space
	sep notNil ifTrue:[
	     extract class/sel from selection
	    s := ReadStream on:sel.
	    clsName := s upTo:sep.
	    [s peek == sep] whileTrue:[s next].
	    sel := s upToEnd.

	    (clsName endsWith:'class') ifTrue:[
		isMeta := true.
		clsName := clsName copyTo:(clsName size - 5)
	    ] ifFalse:[
		isMeta := false
    aBlock value:clsName value:sel value:isMeta


classesInHierarchy:aClass do:aBlock

    index := (classListView list size).
    aClass withAllSuperclasses do:[:c |
	(classListView isInSelection:index) ifFalse:[
	    aBlock value:c
	index := index - 1


    |someCategories box txt|

    someCategories := actualClass categories sort.
    box := self listBoxTitle:'accept in which method category ?' okText:'accept' list:someCategories.

    lastMethodCategory isNil ifTrue:[
	txt := 'new methods'
    ] ifFalse:[
	txt := lastMethodCategory
    box initialText:txt.
    box action:[:aString |
		    ^ aString
    box showAtPointer.
    ^ nil

    "set the title for some warning"

    self label:('System Browser WARNING: ' , what)

busyLabel:what with:someArgument
    "set the title for some warning"

    self label:('System Browser:' , (resources string:what with:someArgument))

! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'method stuff'!

    |selectors scr first last|

    methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	currentMethodCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	    fullProtocol ifTrue:[
		selectors := self listOfAllSelectorsInCategory:currentMethodCategory 
	    ] ifFalse:[
		selectors := self listOfAllSelectorsInCategory:currentMethodCategory
	scr := scroll.
	first := methodListView firstLineShown.
	first ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	    last := methodListView lastLineShown.
	    selectors size <= (last - first + 1) ifTrue:[
		scr := true
	methodListView list = selectors ifFalse:[
	    scr ifTrue:[
		methodListView contents:selectors
	    ] ifFalse:[
		methodListView setContents:selectors

    "method selection has changed - update dependent views"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	|index cls|

	self updateCodeView.
	self setAcceptAndExplainActionsForMethod.

	 if there is any autoSearch string, do the search
	autoSearch notNil ifTrue:[
	    codeView searchFwd:autoSearch ifAbsent:[]

	fullProtocol ifTrue:[
	     remove any bold attribute from classList
	    1 to:classListView list size do:[:i |
		classListView attributeAt:i remove:#bold.
	     boldify the class where this method is implemented
	    currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
		cls := currentMethod who at:1.
		index := classListView list indexOf:(cls name).
		index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
		    classListView attributeAt:index add:#bold.
		currentClass := cls.


    self updateMethodListWithScroll:true

    "user clicked on a method line - show code"

    |selectorString selectorSymbol index|

    (fullProtocol not and:[currentClass isNil]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    selectorString := methodListView selectionValue.
     kludge: check if its a wrapped one
    (selectorString endsWith:' !!') ifTrue:[
	selectorString := selectorString copyTo:(selectorString size - 2)
    selectorSymbol := selectorString asSymbol.
    fullProtocol ifTrue:[
	currentMethod := currentSelector := nil.
	 search which class implements the selector
	self classesInFullProtocolHierarchy:actualClass do:[:c |
	    (currentMethod isNil 
	     and:[c implements:selectorSymbol]) ifTrue:[
		currentSelector := selectorSymbol.
		currentMethod := c compiledMethodAt:selectorSymbol.
    ] ifFalse:[
	currentSelector := selectorSymbol.
	currentMethod := actualClass compiledMethodAt:selectorSymbol.

    methodCategoryListView notNil ifTrue:[
	currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	    (currentMethodCategory = currentMethod category) ifFalse:[
		currentMethodCategory := currentMethod category.
		methodCategoryListView selectElement:currentMethodCategory

    self methodSelectionChanged

listOfAllSelectorsInCategory:aCategory ofClass:aClass
    "answer a list of all selectors in a given method category 
     of the argument, aClass"

    |newList searchCategory selector|

    (aCategory = '* all *') ifTrue:[
	newList := aClass selectorArray asOrderedCollection
    ] ifFalse:[
	(aCategory = '* no category *') ifTrue:[
	    searchCategory := nil
	] ifFalse:[
	    searchCategory := aCategory
	newList := OrderedCollection new.
	aClass methodArray with:aClass selectorArray do:[:aMethod :selector |

	    (aMethod category = searchCategory) ifTrue:[
		aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
		    sel := selector , ' !!'
		] ifFalse:[
		    sel := selector

		"mhmh - can this happen ?"
"/                (newList includes:sel) ifFalse:[
		    newList add:sel
"/                ]
    (newList size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ newList sort

    "return a method definition template"

'message selector and argument names
    "comment stating purpose of message"


 change above template into real code.
 Then ''accept'' either via the menu 
 or via the keyboard (usually CMD-A).

 You do not need this template; you can also
 select any existing methods code, change it,
 and finally ''accept''.

listOfAllSelectorsInCategory:aCategory inFullProtocolHierarchyOfClass:aClass
    "answer a list of all selectors in a given method category 
     of the argument, aClass and its superclasses.
     Used with fullProtocol browsing."

    |newList thisList searchCategory selector|

    newList := Set new.
    self classesInFullProtocolHierarchy:aClass do:[:c |
	(aCategory = '* all *') ifTrue:[
	    newList addAll:(c selectorArray)
	] ifFalse:[
	    (aCategory = '* no category *') ifTrue:[
		searchCategory := nil
	    ] ifFalse:[
		searchCategory := aCategory
	    c methodArray with:c selectorArray do:[:aMethod :selector |
		(aMethod category = searchCategory) ifTrue:[
		    newList add:selector
    (newList size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ newList asOrderedCollection sort

    currentMethod isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'select a method first'.
	^ false
    ^ true

    |aSelector method cat index classToSearch selectors|

    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	showInstance ifTrue:[
	    classToSearch := currentClass
	] ifFalse:[
	    classToSearch := currentClass class
	selectors := classToSearch selectorArray.

	((matchString ~= '*') and:[matchString includesMatchCharacters]) ifTrue:[
	    index := selectors findFirst:[:element | matchString match:element]
	] ifFalse:[
	    index := selectors indexOf:matchString

	(index ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
	    aSelector := selectors at:index.
	    method := classToSearch methodArray at:index.
	    cat := method category.
	    cat isNil ifTrue:[cat := '* all *'].
	    methodCategoryListView selectElement:cat.
	    currentMethodCategory := cat.
	    self methodCategorySelectionChanged.

	    currentMethod := classToSearch compiledMethodAt:aSelector.
	    currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
		currentSelector := aSelector.
		methodListView selectElement:aSelector.
	    self methodSelectionChanged

    |aSelector classToStartSearch aClass nm|

    aSelector := aString asSymbol.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	currentClassHierarchy notNil ifTrue:[
	    classToStartSearch := currentClassHierarchy
    ] ifFalse:[
	classToStartSearch := currentClass 
    classToStartSearch notNil ifTrue:[
	showInstance ifFalse:[
	    classToStartSearch := classToStartSearch class
	aClass := classToStartSearch whichClassImplements:aSelector.
	aClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    nm := aClass name.
	    showInstance ifFalse:[
		((nm ~= 'Metaclass') and:[nm endsWith:'class']) ifTrue:[
		    nm := nm copyTo:(nm size - 5)
	    self switchToClassNamed:nm.
	    self switchToMethodNamed:aString
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'misc'!

    |code aStream|

    fullClass ifTrue:[
	currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    code := currentClass source.
    ] ifFalse:[
	currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	    (codeView acceptAction isNil
	    and:[actualClass notNil 
	    and:[currentMethodCategory notNil]]) ifTrue:[
		self setAcceptAndExplainActionsForMethod.

	    code := currentMethod source.

    codeView contents:code.
    codeView modified:false.

    self normalLabel.


    "switch to instance protocol"

    showInstance ifFalse:[
	self checkSelectionChangeAllowed ifTrue:[
	    classToggle turnOff.
	    instanceToggle turnOn.
	    showInstance := true.

	    (variableListView notNil
	    and:[variableListView hasSelection]) ifTrue:[
		self unhilightMethodCategories.
		self unhilightMethods.
		variableListView deselect

	    fullProtocol ifTrue:[
		actualClass := currentClass.
		self updateClassList.
		self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.
		self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.
		self updateVariableList.
		^ self
	    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
		self classSelectionChanged
	    codeView modified:false.
	] ifFalse:[
	    instanceToggle turnOff.
	    classToggle turnOn

    "switch to class protocol"

    showInstance ifTrue:[
	self checkSelectionChangeAllowed ifTrue:[
	    instanceToggle turnOff.
	    classToggle turnOn.
	    showInstance := false.

	    (variableListView notNil
	    and:[variableListView hasSelection]) ifTrue:[
		self unhilightMethodCategories.
		self unhilightMethods.
		variableListView deselect

	    fullProtocol ifTrue:[
		actualClass := currentClass class.
		self updateClassList.
		self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.
		self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.
		self updateVariableList.
		^ self
	    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
		self classSelectionChanged
	    codeView modified:false.
	] ifFalse:[
	    instanceToggle turnOn.
	    classToggle turnOff
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'method category stuff'!


    methodCategoryListView notNil ifTrue:[
	fullProtocol ifTrue:[
	    currentClassHierarchy notNil ifTrue:[
		categories := self listOfAllMethodCategoriesInFullProtocolHierarchy:currentClassHierarchy
	] ifFalse:[
	    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
		categories := self listOfAllMethodCategoriesInClass:actualClass
	methodCategoryListView list = categories ifFalse:[
	    scroll ifTrue:[
		methodCategoryListView contents:categories
	    ] ifFalse:[
		methodCategoryListView setContents:categories
	    currentMethodCategory notNil ifTrue:[
		methodCategoryListView selectElement:currentMethodCategory

    "answer a list of all method categories of the argument, aClass"

    |newList cat|

    newList := Text new.
    aClass methodArray do:[:aMethod |
	cat := aMethod category.
	cat isNil ifTrue:[
	    cat := '* no category *'
	(newList includes:cat) ifFalse:[newList add:cat]
    (newList size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    newList add:'* all *'.
    ^ newList sort

    "user clicked on a method category line - show selectors"


    oldSelector := currentSelector.

    (fullProtocol not and:[currentClass isNil]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    currentMethodCategory := methodCategoryListView selectionValue.
    self methodCategorySelectionChanged.

    "if there is only one method, show it right away"
    methodListView list size == 1 ifTrue:[
	methodListView selection:1.
	self methodSelection:1
    ] ifFalse:[
	oldSelector notNil ifTrue:[
	    methodListView selectElement:oldSelector.
	    methodListView selection notNil ifTrue:[
		self methodSelection:methodListView selection.


    self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:true

    "method category selection has changed - update dependant views"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	currentMethod := currentSelector := nil.

	self updateMethodList.
	self updateCodeView.

	currentMethodCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	    methodCategoryListView selectElement:currentMethodCategory

	self setAcceptAndExplainActionsForMethod.
	self hilightMethodsInMethodCategoryList:false inMethodList:true.

    "answer a list of all method categories of the argument, aClass,
     and all of its superclasses.
     Used with fullProtocol browsing."

    |newList cat|

    newList := Text new.
    self classesInFullProtocolHierarchy:aClass do:[:c |
	c methodArray do:[:aMethod |
	    cat := aMethod category.
	    cat isNil ifTrue:[
		cat := '* no category *'
	    (newList includes:cat) ifFalse:[newList add:cat]
    (newList size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    newList add:'* all *'.
    ^ newList sort


    currentMethodCategory isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'select a method category first'.
	^ false
    ^ true

    self checkMethodCategorySelected ifTrue:[
	self withWaitCursorDo:aBlock

    |class box|

    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	Symbol hasInterned:aClassName ifTrue:[:sym |
	    (Smalltalk includesKey:sym) ifTrue:[
		class := Smalltalk at:sym
	class isBehavior ifFalse:[
	    self warn:'no class named %1' with:aClassName.
	    ^ self

	showInstance ifFalse:[
	    class := class class

	"show enterbox for category to copy from"

	box := self enterBoxTitle:'name of category to copy from (matchpattern allowed, * for all):'
	box action:[:aString | self copyMethodsFromClass:class category:aString].
	box showAtPointer.

copyMethodsFromClass:class category:category

    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
"/        codeView abortAction:[^ self].
	Object abortSignal catch:[
	    class methodArray do:[:aMethod |
		(category match:aMethod category) ifTrue:[
		    source := aMethod source.
		    codeView contents:source.
		    codeView modified:false.
		    actualClass compiler compile:source 
				      inCategory:aMethod category
		    self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.
		    self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.


    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'select/create a class first'.
    categories := methodCategoryListView list.
    categories isNil ifTrue:[categories := Text new].
    (categories includes:aString) ifFalse:[
	categories add:aString.
	categories sort.
	methodCategoryListView contents:categories
    currentMethodCategory := aString.
    self methodCategorySelectionChanged
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'initialize / release'!

    super initialize.

    self icon:(Form fromFile:(resources at:'ICON_FILE' default:'SBrowser.xbm')

    showInstance := true.
    fullClass := false.
    fullProtocol := false.
    aspect := nil.

    "inform me, when Smalltalk changes"
    Smalltalk addDependent:self

    |v checkBlock|

    super realize.

    checkBlock := [:lineNr | self checkSelectionChangeAllowed].

    v := classCategoryListView.
    v notNil ifTrue:[
	v action:[:lineNr | self classCategorySelection:lineNr].
	v selectConditionBlock:checkBlock.
	v ignoreReselect:false.
	v contents:(self listOfAllClassCategories).
	self initializeClassCategoryMenu

    v := classListView.
    v notNil ifTrue:[
	v action:[:lineNr | self classSelection:lineNr].
	v selectConditionBlock:checkBlock.
	v ignoreReselect:false.
	self initializeClassMenu

    v := methodCategoryListView.
    v notNil ifTrue:[
	v action:[:lineNr | self methodCategorySelection:lineNr].
	v selectConditionBlock:checkBlock.
	v ignoreReselect:false.
	self initializeMethodCategoryMenu

    v := methodListView.
    v notNil ifTrue:[
	v action:[:lineNr | self methodSelection:lineNr].
	v selectConditionBlock:checkBlock.
	v ignoreReselect:false.
	self initializeMethodMenu

    v := classMethodListView.
    v notNil ifTrue:[
	v action:[:lineNr | self classMethodSelection:lineNr].
	v selectConditionBlock:checkBlock.
	v ignoreReselect:false.
	self initializeClassMethodMenu

    v := variableListView.
    v notNil ifTrue:[
	v action:[:lineNr | self variableSelection:lineNr].
	v ignoreReselect:false.
	v toggleSelect:true


    (self checkSelectionChangeAllowed) ifTrue:[
	super terminate

    "relese dependant - destroy popups"

    Smalltalk removeDependent:self.
    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	currentClass removeDependent:self.
	currentClass := nil
    super destroy

    "used with class-method list browsing. If true,
     selecting an entry from the list will automatically
     search for the searchstring in the codeView"

    self setSearchPattern:aString.
    autoSearch := aString

    myLabel := someString.
    self label:someString.

! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'initialize subviews'!

    "setup the classlist subview, with its toggles"

    |v panel oldStyle|

    self createTogglesIn:frame.

"/ oldStyle := true.
oldStyle := false.
    oldStyle ifTrue:[
	v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:frame.
	v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
	  extent:[frame width
		 (frame height
		  - (ViewSpacing // 2)
		  - instanceToggle height
		  - instanceToggle borderWidth
		  + v borderWidth)].

	classListView := v scrolledView
    ] ifFalse:[
	panel := VariableVerticalPanel
		    origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
		    corner:[frame width
			    (frame height
			      - (ViewSpacing // 2)
			      - instanceToggle height
			      - instanceToggle borderWidth
			      + v borderWidth)]

	v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:panel.
	v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.7).
	classListView := v scrolledView.

	v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:panel.
	v origin:(0.0 @ 0.7)
	  corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).

	variableListView := v scrolledView

createCodeViewIn:aView at:relY
    "setup the code view"

    v := HVScrollableView for:CodeView miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:false in:aView.
    v origin:(0.0 @ relY) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    codeView := v scrolledView

    "create and setup the class/instance toggles"

    |halfSpacing h classAction instanceAction|

    classAction := [self classProtocol].
    instanceAction := [self instanceProtocol].

    instanceToggle := Toggle label:(resources at:'instance') in:aFrame.
    h := instanceToggle height.
    instanceToggle origin:(0.0 @ 1.0) corner:(0.5 @ 1.0).
    instanceToggle topInset:(h negated).

    instanceToggle turnOn.
    instanceToggle pressAction:instanceAction.
    instanceToggle releaseAction:classAction.

    classToggle := Toggle label:(resources at:'class') in:aFrame.
    h := classToggle height.
    classToggle origin:(0.5 @ 1.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    classToggle topInset:(h negated).

    classToggle turnOff.
    classToggle pressAction:classAction.
    classToggle releaseAction:instanceAction.

     StyleSheet is3D ifTrue:[
	instanceToggle leftInset:(ViewSpacing // 2).
	classToggle leftInset:(ViewSpacing // 2).
	instanceToggle rightInset:ViewSpacing - (ViewSpacing // 2).
	classToggle rightInset:ViewSpacing - (ViewSpacing // 2).

    "setup the code view"

    ^ self createCodeViewIn:aView at:0.25

    "setup subviews to browse methods from a list"

    |vpanel v|

    vpanel := VariableVerticalPanel
			origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
			corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:vpanel.
    v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.25).
    classMethodListView := v scrolledView.
    classMethodListView contents:aList.

    self createCodeViewIn:vpanel.
    self updateCodeView

    "create subviews for a full browser"

    |vpanel hpanel frame v|

    vpanel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0) 
    hpanel := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.25) in:vpanel.

    v := HVScrollableView for:SelectionInListView
			  miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:false
    v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(0.25 @ 1.0).
    classCategoryListView := v scrolledView.

    frame := View origin:(0.25 @ 0.0) corner:(0.5 @ 1.0) in:hpanel.
    self createClassListViewIn:frame.

    v := HVScrollableView for:SelectionInListView miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:false in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.5 @ 0.0) corner:(0.75 @ 1.0).
    methodCategoryListView := v scrolledView.

    v := HVScrollableView for:SelectionInListView miniScrollerH:true miniScrollerV:false in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.75 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    methodListView := v scrolledView.

    self createCodeViewIn:vpanel

    "setup subviews to browse a class hierarchy"

    |vpanel hpanel frame v|

    vpanel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
				    corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)

     notice: we use a different ratio here
    hpanel := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.4) in:vpanel.
    frame := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(0.33 @ 1.0) in:hpanel.

    self createClassListViewIn:frame.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.33 @ 0.0) corner:(0.66 @ 1.0).
    methodCategoryListView := v scrolledView.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.66 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    methodListView := v scrolledView.

    self createCodeViewIn:vpanel at:0.4.

    currentClassHierarchy := aClass.
    self updateClassList.
    self updateMethodCategoryList.
    self updateMethodList.
    self updateCodeView

    "setup subviews to browse a class as full text"

    |vpanel hpanel v|

    vpanel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
				    corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)

    hpanel := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.25) in:vpanel.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(0.5 @ 1.0).
    classCategoryListView := v scrolledView.
    classCategoryListView contents:(self listOfAllClassCategories).

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.5 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    classListView := v scrolledView.

    self createCodeViewIn:vpanel.

    fullClass := true.
    self updateCodeView

    "create subviews for browsing a single class"

    |vpanel hpanel frame v|

    vpanel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) 
				    corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)

    hpanel := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.25) in:vpanel.
    frame := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(0.5 @ 1.0)in:hpanel.

    self createTogglesIn:frame.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:frame.
    v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
      extent:[frame width
	      (frame height 
	       - (ViewSpacing // 2)
	       - instanceToggle height
	       - instanceToggle borderWidth
	       + v borderWidth)].
    methodCategoryListView := v scrolledView.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.5 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    methodListView := v scrolledView.

    self createCodeViewIn:vpanel.

    self switchToClass:aClass.
    actualClass := aClass.
    self updateMethodCategoryList.
    self updateMethodList.
    self updateCodeView

    "setup subviews to browse a class category"

    |vpanel hpanel frame v|

    vpanel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) 
				    corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)

    hpanel := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.25) in:vpanel.
    frame  := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(0.33 @ 1.0) in:hpanel.

    self createClassListViewIn:frame.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.33 @ 0.0) corner:(0.66 @ 1.0).
    methodCategoryListView := v scrolledView.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.66 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    methodListView := v scrolledView.

    self createCodeViewIn:vpanel.

    currentClassCategory := aClassCategory.
    self updateClassList.
    self updateMethodCategoryList.
    self updateMethodList.
    self updateCodeView

setupForClass:aClass selector:selector
    "setup subviews to browse a single method"


    v := ScrollableView for:CodeView in:self.
    v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    codeView := v scrolledView.

    currentClassCategory := aClass category.
    self switchToClass:aClass.
    actualClass := aClass.
    currentSelector := selector.
    currentMethod := currentClass compiledMethodAt:selector.
    currentMethodCategory := currentMethod category.
    self updateCodeView

    "setup subviews to browse classes from a list"

    |vpanel hpanel frame l v|

    vpanel := VariableVerticalPanel 
		 origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0) in:self.

    hpanel := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.25) in:vpanel.
    frame := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(0.33 @ 1.0) in:hpanel.

    self createClassListViewIn:frame.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.33 @ 0.0) corner:(0.66 @ 1.0).
    methodCategoryListView := v scrolledView.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.66 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    methodListView := v scrolledView.

    self createCodeViewIn:vpanel.

    l := aList collect:[:entry | entry name].
    classListView list:(l sort).

    self updateMethodCategoryList.
    self updateMethodList.
    self updateCodeView

setupForClass:aClass methodCategory:aMethodCategory
    "setup subviews to browse a method category"

    |vpanel v|

    vpanel := VariableVerticalPanel
			origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:vpanel.
    v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.25).
    methodListView := v scrolledView.

    self createCodeViewIn:vpanel.

    currentClassCategory := aClass category.
    self switchToClass:aClass.
    actualClass := aClass.
    currentMethodCategory := aMethodCategory.
    self updateMethodList.
    self updateCodeView

    "setup subviews to browse a classes full protocol"

    |vpanel hpanel frame v|

    vpanel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
				    corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)

     notice: we use a different ratio here
    hpanel := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.4) in:vpanel.
    frame := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(0.33 @ 1.0) in:hpanel.

    self createClassListViewIn:frame.
    classListView multipleSelectOk:true.
    classListView toggleSelect:true.
    classListView strikeOut:true.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.33 @ 0.0) corner:(0.66 @ 1.0).
    methodCategoryListView := v scrolledView.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.66 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    methodListView := v scrolledView.

    self createCodeViewIn:vpanel at:0.4.

    currentClassHierarchy := actualClass := currentClass := aClass.
    fullProtocol := true.

    self updateClassList.
    self updateMethodCategoryList.
    self updateMethodList.
    self updateCodeView.
    self updateVariableList.


    "setup subviews to browse a class hierarchy"

    |vpanel hpanel frame v|

    vpanel := VariableVerticalPanel origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
				    corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)

    hpanel := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 0.4) in:vpanel.
    frame := View origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(0.33 @ 1.0) in:hpanel.

    self createClassListViewIn:frame.
    classListView multipleSelectOk:true.
    classListView toggleSelect:true.
    classListView strikeOut:true.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.33 @ 0.0) corner:(0.66 @ 1.0).
    methodCategoryListView := v scrolledView.

    v := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:hpanel.
    v origin:(0.66 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
    methodListView := v scrolledView.

"/    self setupActions.
    self createCodeViewIn:vpanel at:0.4.

    currentClassHierarchy := actualClass := aClass.
    fullProtocol := true.

    self updateClassList.
    self updateMethodCategoryList.
    self updateMethodList.
    self updateCodeView.
    self updateVariableList.

! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'unused'!

listOfAllSelectorsInCategory:aCategory inHierarchyOfClass:aClass
    "answer a list of all selectors in a given method category 
     of the argument, aClass and its superclasses"

    |newList thisList searchCategory selector|

    newList := Set new.
    self classesInHierarchy:aClass do:[:c |
	(aCategory = '* all *') ifTrue:[
	    newList addAll:(c selectorArray)
	] ifFalse:[
	    (aCategory = '* no category *') ifTrue:[
		searchCategory := nil
	    ] ifFalse:[
		searchCategory := aCategory
	    c methodArray with:c selectorArray do:[:aMethod :selector |
		(aMethod category = searchCategory) ifTrue:[
		    newList add:selector
    (newList size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ newList asOrderedCollection sort

    "answer a list of all method categories of the argument, aClass,
     and all of its superclasses"

    |newList cat|

    newList := Text new.
    self classesInHierarchy:aClass do:[:c |
	c methodArray do:[:aMethod |
	    cat := aMethod category.
	    cat isNil ifTrue:[
		cat := '* no category *'
	    (newList includes:cat) ifFalse:[newList add:cat]
    (newList size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    newList add:'* all *'.
    ^ newList sort

! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'class stuff'!

    fullProtocol ifTrue:[^ self].
    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	currentClass removeDependent:self
    currentClass := newClass.
    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	currentClass addDependent:self.
    self normalLabel

    |oldMethodCategory oldMethod oldSelector|

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	oldMethodCategory := currentMethodCategory.
	oldMethod := currentMethod.
	oldSelector := currentSelector.

	showInstance ifTrue:[
	    actualClass := currentClass
	] ifFalse:[
	    actualClass := currentClass class
	currentMethodCategory := nil.
	currentMethod := nil.
	currentSelector := nil.

	self updateVariableList.
	self updateMethodCategoryList.

	oldMethodCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	    methodCategoryListView selectElement:oldMethodCategory.
	    methodCategoryListView selection notNil ifTrue:[
		currentMethodCategory := oldMethodCategory.
		self methodCategorySelectionChanged
	self updateMethodList.
	self updateCodeView.

	fullClass ifTrue:[
	    codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
		codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
		Object abortSignal catch:[
		    self compileCode:theCode asString.
		    codeView modified:false.
		codeView cursor:Cursor normal.
	] ifFalse:[
	    self classDefinition.
	    codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
		codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
		Object abortSignal catch:[
		    (Compiler evaluate:theCode asString notifying:codeView)
		    isBehavior ifTrue:[
			self classCategoryUpdate.
			self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
			codeView modified:false.
		codeView cursor:Cursor normal.
	codeView explainAction:nil.

	classCategoryListView notNil ifTrue:[
	    (currentClassCategory = currentClass category) ifFalse:[
		currentClassCategory := currentClass category.
		classCategoryListView selectElement:currentClassCategory

	"set self for doits. This allows accessing the current class
	 as self, and access to the class variables by name.
	codeView doItAction:[:theCode |

	    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
		compiler := Compiler
	    ] ifFalse:[
		compiler := currentClass compiler

    |classes oldClassName|

    classListView notNil ifTrue:[
	 refetch in case we are not up to date
	(currentClass notNil and:[fullProtocol not]) ifTrue:[
	    oldClassName := currentClass name.
	    currentClass := Smalltalk at:(oldClassName asSymbol).

	currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	    classes := self listOfAllClassesInCategory:currentClassCategory
	] ifFalse:[
	    currentClassHierarchy notNil ifTrue:[
		classes := self listOfClassHierarchyOf:currentClassHierarchy

	classListView list = classes ifFalse:[
	    scroll ifTrue:[
		classListView contents:classes
	    ] ifFalse:[
		classListView setContents:classes
	    oldClassName notNil ifTrue:[
		classListView setContents:classes.
		classListView selectElement:oldClassName
	    ] ifFalse:[
		variableListView notNil ifTrue:[variableListView contents:nil]
	scroll ifTrue:[
	    fullProtocol ifTrue:[
		classListView scrollToBottom

    "user clicked on a class line - show method categories"

    |classSymbol cls oldSelector|

    (currentClassHierarchy notNil
     and:[fullProtocol]) ifTrue:[
	oldSelector := currentSelector.

	self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.
	self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.
	self updateVariableList.
	^ self

    cls := Smalltalk classNamed:classListView selectionValue withoutSpaces.
    classSymbol := classListView selectionValue withoutSpaces asSymbol.
    (Smalltalk includesKey:classSymbol) ifTrue:[
	cls := Smalltalk at:classSymbol
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
	self switchToClass:cls.
	self classSelectionChanged

    "return a list of all classes in a given category"

    |newList classList searchCategory string|

    newList := Text new.
    (aCategory = '* all *') ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
	    string := aClass name.
	    newList indexOf:string ifAbsent:[newList add:string]
    ] ifFalse:[
	(aCategory = '* hierarchy *') ifTrue:[
	    classList := Text new.
	    self classHierarchyDo:[:aClass :lvl|
		string := aClass name.
		classList indexOf:string ifAbsent:[
		    classList add:string.
		    newList add:(String new:lvl) , string
	    ^ newList
	] ifFalse:[
	    (aCategory = '* no category *') ifTrue:[
		searchCategory := nil
	    ] ifFalse:[
		searchCategory := aCategory
	    Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
		aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
		    (aClass category = searchCategory) ifTrue:[
			string := aClass name.
			newList indexOf:string ifAbsent:[newList add:string]
    (newList size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ newList sort

    "a helper - check if class is selected and evaluate aBlock
     while showing waitCursor"

    self checkClassSelected ifTrue:[
	self withWaitCursorDo:aBlock

    "warn and return false, if no class is selected"

    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'select a class first'.
	^ false
    ^ true

    self updateClassListWithScroll:true

    "return a hierarchy class-list"


    classes := aClass allSuperclasses reverse , (Array with:aClass).
    fullProtocol ifFalse:[
	classes := classes , aClass allSubclassesInOrder
    ^ classes collect:[:c | c name]


templateFor:className in:cat
    "return a class definition template - be smart in what is offered initially"

    |aString name i|

    name := 'NewClass'.
    i := 1.
    [name knownAsSymbol and:[Smalltalk includesKey:name asSymbol]] whileTrue:[
	i := i + 1.
	name := 'NewClass' , i printString

    aString := className , ' subclass:#' , name , '
	instanceVariableNames: '''' 
	classVariableNames: ''''    
	poolDictionaries: ''''
	category: '''.

    cat notNil ifTrue:[
	aString := aString , cat
    aString := aString , '''

 Replace ''' , className , ''', ''', name , ''' and
 the empty string arguments by true values.

 Install (or change) the class by ''accepting'',
 either via the menu or the keyboard (usually CMD-A).

 To be nice to others (and yourself later), do not forget to
 add some documentation; either under the classes documentation
 protocol, or as a class comment.
    ^ aString

classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:name in:cat
    "common helper for newClass and newSubclass
     - show a template to define class name in category cat.
     Also, set acceptaction to install the class."

    currentMethodCategory := nil.
    currentMethod := currentSelector := nil.

    classListView deselect.

    fullClass ifFalse:[
	methodCategoryListView contents:nil.
	methodListView contents:nil

    codeView contents:(self templateFor:name in:cat).
    codeView modified:false.

    codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
	codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
	Object abortSignal catch:[

	    cls := (Compiler evaluate:theCode asString notifying:codeView).
	    cls isBehavior ifTrue:[
		codeView modified:false.
		self classCategoryUpdate.
		self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
		self switchToClassNamed:(cls name).
	codeView cursor:(Cursor normal).
    codeView explainAction:nil.
    self switchToClass:nil

    "helper - do the rename"

    self doClassMenu:[
	|oldName oldSym newSym|

	oldName := currentClass name.
	oldSym := oldName asSymbol.
	currentClass setName:aString.
	newSym := aString asSymbol.
	Smalltalk at:oldSym put:nil.
	Smalltalk removeKey:oldSym.            
	Smalltalk at:newSym put:currentClass.
	currentClass renameTo:aString.
	Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:aString.

	self updateClassList.
	self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.
	self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.
	self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    Transcript showCr:('searching for users of ' , oldSym); endEntry.
	    self class browseReferendsOf:oldSym warnIfNone:false

    |classSymbol theClass newCat|

    aString knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[^ self].

    classSymbol := aString asSymbol.
    theClass := Smalltalk at:classSymbol.
    theClass isBehavior ifTrue:[
	classCategoryListView notNil ifTrue:[
	    currentClassHierarchy isNil ifTrue:[
		((newCat := theClass category) ~= currentClassCategory) ifTrue:[
		    currentClassCategory := newCat.
		    newCat isNil ifTrue:[
			classCategoryListView selectElement:'* no category *'
		    ] ifFalse:[
			classCategoryListView selectElement:newCat.
		    "/ classCategoryListView makeSelectionVisible.
	self updateClassList.
	self switchToClass:theClass.
	classListView selectElement:aString.
	self classSelectionChanged

    |classNames thisName box|

    classNames := OrderedCollection new.
    Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
	thisName := aClass name.
	(aMatchString match:thisName) ifTrue:[
	    classNames add:thisName
    (classNames size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    (classNames size == 1) ifTrue:[
	^ self switchToClassNamed:(classNames at:1)

    box := self listBoxTitle:'select class to switch to:'
			list:classNames sort.
    box action:[:aString | self switchToClassNamed:aString].
    box showAtPointer
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'variable stuff'!

    |l subList flags last nameAccessSelector class oldSelection|

    variableListView isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    oldSelection := variableListView selectionValue.

    l := OrderedCollection new.
     show classVars, if classProtocol is shown (instead of classInstance vars)
    showInstance ifTrue:[
	nameAccessSelector := #instVarNames
    ] ifFalse:[
	nameAccessSelector := #classVarNames

    class := currentClass notNil ifTrue:[currentClass] ifFalse:[actualClass].
    class isNil ifTrue:[class := currentClassHierarchy].
    class withAllSuperclasses do:[:aClass |

	ignore := fullProtocol 
		  and:[classListView valueIsInSelection:(aClass name asString)].
	ignore ifFalse:[
	    subList := aClass perform:nameAccessSelector.
	    subList size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
		l := l , (subList asOrderedCollection reverse).
		l := l , (OrderedCollection with:'---- ' , aClass name , ' ---------').
    l reverse.
    variableListView setAttributes:nil.
    variableListView list:l.
    l keysAndValuesDo:[:index :entry |
	(entry startsWith:'---') ifTrue:[
	    variableListView attributeAt:index put:#disabled.
	    last := index
    last notNil ifTrue:[variableListView scrollToLine:last].

    oldSelection notNil ifTrue:[
	variableListView selectElement:oldSelection

    "unhighlight items in method list"

    variableListView isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	1 to:methodListView list size do:[:entry |
	     methodListView attributeAt:entry put:nil.


hilightMethodsInMethodCategoryList:inCat inMethodList:inMethods 
    "search for methods  which access the selected
     variable, and highlight them"

    |name idx redefinedSelectors|

    variableListView isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    inCat ifTrue:[self unhilightMethodCategories].
    inMethods ifTrue:[self unhilightMethods].

    actualClass isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    (methodCategoryListView isNil 
    and:[methodListView isNil]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    name := variableListView selectionValue.
    name isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
	|classes filter any|

	classes := Array with:currentClass.
	currentClassHierarchy notNil ifTrue:[
	    fullProtocol ifTrue:[
	    classes := classes , currentClass allSuperclasses.
	    redefinedSelectors := IdentitySet new.
	showInstance ifTrue:[
	    filter := self class filterToSearchInstRefsTo:name modificationsOnly:false 
	] ifFalse:[
	    filter := self class filterToSearchClassRefsTo:name modificationsOnly:false 

	any := false.
	 highlight the method that ref this variable
	classes do:[:someClass |
	    someClass methodArray with:someClass selectorArray 
	    do:[:method :selector |

		or:[methodListView list notNil
		    and:[methodListView list includes:selector]])
		    (redefinedSelectors isNil
		    or:[(redefinedSelectors includes:selector) not])
		       (filter value:someClass value:method value:selector) ifTrue:[
			   |idx cat|

			   and:[methodCategoryListView notNil 
			   and:[methodCategoryListView list notNil]]) ifTrue:[
			       cat := method category.
				highlight the methodCategory
			       idx := methodCategoryListView list indexOf:cat.
			       idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
				   methodCategoryListView attributeAt:idx put:#bold.

			   and:[methodListView notNil 
			   and:[methodListView list notNil]]) ifTrue:[
				highlight the method
			       idx := methodListView list indexOf:selector.
			       idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
				   methodListView attributeAt:idx put:#bold.
			       any := true
		       redefinedSelectors notNil ifTrue:[
			   redefinedSelectors add:selector
	any ifTrue:[
	    self setSearchPattern:name


    "search for methods  which access the selected
     variable, and highlight them"

    self hilightMethodsInMethodCategoryList:true inMethodList:false


    "unhighlight items in method list"

    variableListView isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    methodCategoryListView notNil ifTrue:[
	1 to:methodCategoryListView list size do:[:entry |
	    methodCategoryListView attributeAt:entry put:nil.


    "search for methods  which access the selected
     variable, and highlight them"

    self hilightMethodsInMethodCategoryList:false inMethodList:true 

! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'class list menu'!

    "show class definition in codeView and setup accept-action for
     a class-definition change.
     Extract documentation either from a documentation method or
     from the comment - not a biggy, but beginners will like
     it when exploring the system."

    self doClassMenu:[
	|m s aStream isComment|

	aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
	currentClass fileOutDefinitionOn:aStream.

	currentClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
	     add documentation as a comment, if there is any
	    m := currentClass class compiledMethodAt:#documentation.
	    m notNil ifTrue:[
		s := m comment.
		isComment := false.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		"try comment"
		s := currentClass comment.
		s notNil ifTrue:[
		    isComment := true
	s notNil ifTrue:[
	    aStream cr.
	    aStream cr.
	    aStream cr.
	    aStream cr.
	    aStream cr.
	    aStream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutAll:' Documentation:'; cr.
	    aStream cr.
	    aStream nextPutAll:s.    
	    aStream cr; cr.
	    aStream nextPutAll:' Notice: '; cr.
	    aStream nextPutAll:'   the above string has been extracted from the classes '.
	    aStream nextPutAll:(isComment ifTrue:['comment.'] ifFalse:['documentation method.']).
	    aStream cr.
	    aStream nextPutAll:'   It will not preserved when accepting a new class definition.'; cr.
	    aStream nextPut:$".

	codeView contents:(aStream contents).
	codeView modified:false.
	codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
	    codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
	    Object abortSignal catch:[
		(Compiler evaluate:theCode asString notifying:codeView)
		isBehavior ifTrue:[
		    codeView modified:false.
		    self classCategoryUpdate.
		    self updateClassListWithScroll:false.
	    codeView cursor:Cursor normal.
	codeView explainAction:nil.

	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	    methodListView deselect
	aspect := #definition.
	self normalLabel

    |labels menu|

    labels := resources array:#(
					'printOut protocol'
				      " 'printOut full protocol' "
					'spawn full protocol' 
					'spawn hierarchy' 
					'spawn subclasses' 
					'class instvars' 
				      " 'protocols' "
"/                                        'variable search'
					'class refs'
					'new class'
					'new subclass'
					'rename ...'

    menu := PopUpMenu labels:labels
			     " classPrintOutFullProtocol "
			     "  classProtocols "
"/                               variables

    fullProtocol ifFalse:[
	classListView middleButtonMenu:menu. 

    self initializeVariableListMenu.


    "fileOut the current class.
     Catch errors (sure, you like to know if it failed) and
     warn if any)"

    self doClassMenu:[
	self busyLabel:'saving %1' with:currentClass name.
	Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	    self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:ex parameter.
	    ex return.
	] do:[
	    currentClass fileOut.
	self normalLabel.

    "a helper - if there is a selection, which represents a classes name,
     evaluate aBlock, passing that class and optional selector as arguments.
     Otherwise, check if a class is selected and evaluate aBlock with the
     current class."

    |string words clsName cls sel isMeta w|

    string := codeView selection.
    string notNil ifTrue:[
	self extractClassAndSelectorFromSelectionInto:[:c :s :m |
	    clsName := c.
	    sel := s.
	    isMeta := m.
	clsName isNil ifTrue:[
	    string := string asString withoutSeparators.
	    words := string asCollectionOfWords.
	    words notNil ifTrue:[
		clsName := words first.
		(clsName endsWith:'class') ifTrue:[
		    isMeta := true.
		    clsName := clsName copyTo:(clsName size - 5)
		] ifFalse:[
		    isMeta := false
		sel := Parser selectorInExpression:string.
	clsName notNil ifTrue:[
	    (cls := Smalltalk classNamed:clsName) notNil ifTrue:[
		isMeta ifTrue:[
		    cls := cls class
		self withWaitCursorDo:[
		    aBlock value:cls value:sel.
		^ self
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self warn:'no class named: %1 - spawning current' with:clsName

    classMethodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	sel := classMethodListView selectionValue.
	sel notNil ifTrue:[
	    sel := self selectorFromClassMethodString:sel
    self doClassMenu:[aBlock value:currentClass value:sel]

    "create a new SystemBrowser browsing current class,
     or if there is a selection, spawn a browser on the selected class
     even a class/selector pair can be specified."


    self doClassMenuWithSelection:[:cls :sel |
	cls isMeta ifTrue:[
	    Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
		aClass class == cls ifTrue:[
		    browser := self class browseClass:aClass.
		    browser classProtocol.
		    sel notNil ifTrue:[
			browser switchToMethodNamed:sel
		    ^ self
	    self warn:'oops, no class for this metaclass'.
	    ^ self
	browser := self class browseClass:cls. 
	cls hasMethods ifFalse:[
	    browser classProtocol.
	sel notNil ifTrue:[
	    browser switchToMethodNamed:sel

     select 'Smalltalk allClassesDo:' and use spawn from the class menu
     select 'Smalltalk'               and use spawn from the class menu

    "create a new HierarchyBrowser browsing current class"

    self doClassMenuWithSelection:[:cls :sel |
	self class browseClassHierarchy:cls 

    "create a new browser browsing current class's subclasses"


    self doClassMenuWithSelection:[:cls :sel |
	subs := cls allSubclasses.
	(subs notNil and:[subs size ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
	    self class browseClasses:subs title:('subclasses of ' , cls name)


    self doClassMenu:[
	printStream := Printer new.
	currentClass printOutFullProtocolOn:printStream.
	printStream close


    self doClassMenu:[
	printStream := Printer new.
	currentClass printOutProtocolOn:printStream.
	printStream close


    self doClassMenu:[
	printStream := Printer new.
	currentClass printOutOn:printStream.
	printStream close

    "show current classes hierarchy in codeView"


    self doClassMenu:[
	aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
	actualClass printHierarchyOn:aStream.
	codeView contents:(aStream contents).
	codeView modified:false.
	codeView acceptAction:nil.
	codeView explainAction:nil.
	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	    methodListView deselect
	aspect := #hierarchy. 
	self normalLabel

    "create a class-definition prototype in codeview"


    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	nm := currentClass superclass name 
    ] ifFalse:[
	nm := 'Object'
    self classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:nm in:currentClassCategory.
    aspect := nil.

    "show class instance variables in codeView and setup accept-action
     for a class-instvar-definition change"


    self doClassMenu:[
	s := WriteStream on:(String new).
	currentClass fileOutClassInstVarDefinitionOn:s.
	codeView contents:(s contents).
	codeView modified:false.
	codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
	    codeView cursor:Cursor execute.
	    Object abortSignal catch:[
		Compiler evaluate:theCode asString notifying:codeView.
		codeView modified:false.
		self updateClassList.
	    codeView cursor:Cursor normal.
	codeView explainAction:nil.
	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	    methodListView deselect
	aspect := #classInstVars.
	self normalLabel

    "create a new browser, browsing current classes full protocol"

    self doClassMenuWithSelection:[:cls :sel |
	self class browseFullClassProtocol:cls 

     ^ self

    "user requested remove of current class and all subclasses -
     count subclasses and let user confirm removal."

    |count t box|

    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	count := currentClass allSubclasses size.
	t := 'remove ' , currentClass name.
	count ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	   t := t , '\(with ' , count printString , ' subclass'.
	   count ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
		t := t , 'es'
	   t := (t , ')') withCRs
	box := YesNoBox 
		   yesText:(resources at:'remove')
		   noText:(resources at:'abort').
	box confirm ifTrue:[
	    "after querying user - do really remove current class
	     and all subclasses
	    self doClassMenu:[
		 query ?
		currentClass allSubclassesDo:[:aSubClass |
		    (CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses not
		    or:[aSubClass hasInstances not
		    or:[self confirm:(aSubClass name , ' has instances - remove anyway ?')]])
			    Smalltalk removeClass:aSubClass
		(CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses not
		or:[currentClass hasInstances not
		or:[self confirm:(currentClass name , ' has instances - remove anyway ?')]])
			Smalltalk removeClass:currentClass.

		self switchToClass:nil.
		Smalltalk changed.
		self updateClassList.

		"if it was the last in its category, update class category list"
		classListView numberOfLines == 0 ifTrue:[
		    self updateClassCategoryListWithScroll:false
		methodCategoryListView notNil ifTrue:[methodCategoryListView contents:nil].
		methodListView notNil ifTrue:[methodListView contents:nil].
		codeView contents:nil.
		codeView modified:false

    "show the classes comment in the codeView.
     Also, set acceptaction to change the comment."

    self doClassMenu:[
	codeView contents:(currentClass comment).
	codeView modified:false.
	codeView acceptAction:[:theCode |
	    Object abortSignal catch:[
		lockUpdates := true.
		currentClass comment:theCode asString.
		codeView modified:false.
	    lockUpdates := false.
	codeView explainAction:nil.

	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	    methodListView deselect
	aspect := #comment.
	self normalLabel

    self doClassMenu:[
	self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
	    self class browseReferendsOf:currentClass name asSymbol

    "create a subclass-definition prototype in codeview"

    self doClassMenu:[
	self classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:(currentClass name) 
					  in:(currentClass category).
	aspect := nil

    "a powerful tool, when trying to learn more about where
     a class is used. This one searches all uses of a class,
     and shows a list of uses - try it and like it"

    self doClassMenu:[
	self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
	    self class browseUsesOf:currentClass

    "launch an enterBox for new name and query user"


    self checkClassSelected ifFalse:[^ self].
    box := self enterBoxTitle:(resources string:'rename %1 to:' with:currentClass name) okText:'rename'.
    box initialText:(currentClass name).
    box action:[:aString | self renameCurrentClassTo:aString].
    box showAtPointer

    "create a new HierarchyBrowser browsing current class"

    self doClassMenuWithSelection:[:cls :sel |
	self class browseFullClassHierarchy:cls 
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'class category stuff'!

    currentClassCategory isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'select a class category first'.
	^ false
    ^ true

    "return a list of all class categories"

    |newList cat|

    newList := Text with:'* all *' with:'* hierarchy *'.
    Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
	cat := aClass category.
	cat isNil ifTrue:[
	    cat := '* no category *'
	newList indexOf:cat ifAbsent:[newList add:cat]
    newList sort.
    ^ newList

    "class category has changed - update dependent views"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	self switchToClass:nil.
	actualClass := nil.
	currentMethodCategory := nil.
	currentMethod := currentSelector := nil.

	self updateClassList.
	self updateMethodCategoryList.
	self updateMethodList.
	self updateCodeView.

	codeView explainAction:nil.
	codeView acceptAction:nil

    "user clicked on a class category line - show classes.
     If switching to hierarchy or all, keep current selections"

    |newCategory oldClass classIndex index|

    newCategory := classCategoryListView selectionValue.
    (newCategory startsWith:'*') ifTrue:[
	"etiher all or hierarchy;
	 remember current selections and switch after showing class list"
	oldClass := currentClass
    currentClassCategory := newCategory.
    oldClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self classCategorySelectionChanged
    ] ifFalse:[
	self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    self updateClassList
	"stupid - search for class name in (indented) list"
	index := 1.
	classListView list do:[:elem |
	    (elem endsWith:(oldClass name)) ifTrue:[
		classIndex := index
	    index := index + 1
	classIndex notNil ifTrue:[
	    classListView selection:classIndex.
	    self switchToClass:(Smalltalk at:(oldClass name asSymbol))
	] ifFalse:[
	    self normalLabel.

    |oldClassCategory oldClass oldMethodCategory oldMethod
     oldSelector newCategoryList|

    classMethodListView notNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

    oldClassCategory := currentClassCategory.
    oldClass := currentClass.
    oldMethodCategory := currentMethodCategory.
    oldMethod := currentMethod.
    oldMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	oldSelector := currentSelector

    classCategoryListView notNil ifTrue:[
	newCategoryList := self listOfAllClassCategories.
	newCategoryList = classCategoryListView list ifFalse:[
	    scroll ifTrue:[
		classCategoryListView contents:newCategoryList
	    ] ifFalse:[
		classCategoryListView setContents:newCategoryList

    oldClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	classCategoryListView notNil ifTrue:[
	    classCategoryListView selectElement:oldClassCategory
    classListView notNil ifTrue:[
	oldClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    classListView selectElement:(oldClass name)
    oldMethodCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	methodCategoryListView notNil ifTrue:[
	    methodCategoryListView selectElement:oldMethodCategory
    oldSelector notNil ifTrue:[
	methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	    methodListView selectElement:oldSelector

    self updateClassCategoryListWithScroll:true

    "evaluate aBlock for all classes in the current class category;
     superclasses come first - then subclasses"


    currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	classes := OrderedCollection new.
	Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
	    aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
		(aClass category = currentClassCategory) ifTrue:[
		    classes add:aClass
	classes topologicalSort:[:a :b | b isSubclassOf:a].
	classes do:aBlock

    "evaluate aBlock for all classes in the current class category;
     superclasses come first - then subclasses"

    currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
	    aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
		(aClass category = currentClassCategory) ifTrue:[
		    aBlock value:aClass

    "helper - do the rename"

    |any categories|

    currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	any := false.
	Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
	    aClass category = currentClassCategory ifTrue:[
		aClass category:aString.
		any := true
	any ifFalse:[
	    categories := classCategoryListView list.
	    categories remove:currentClassCategory.
	    categories add:aString.
	    categories sort.
	    classCategoryListView setContents:categories.
	    currentClassCategory := aString.
	    classCategoryListView selectElement:aString.
	] ifTrue:[
	    currentClassCategory := aString.
	    self updateClassCategoryList.
	    self updateClassListWithScroll:false
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'class-method stuff'!

    "helper for classMethod-list - extract class name from the string"


    pos := aString indexOf:(Character space).
    ^ aString copyTo:(pos - 1)

    "helper for classMethod-list - extract selector from the string"


    pos := aString indexOf:(Character space).
    ^ aString copyFrom:(pos + 1)

    "user clicked on a class/method line - show code"

    |string classString selectorString|

    string := classMethodListView selectionValue.
    classString := self classFromClassMethodString:string.
    selectorString := self selectorFromClassMethodString:string.
    ((classString ~= 'Metaclass') and:[classString endsWith:'class']) ifTrue:[
	classString := classString copyTo:(classString size - 5).
	self switchToClass:(Smalltalk at:classString asSymbol).
	actualClass := currentClass class
    ] ifFalse:[
	self switchToClass:(Smalltalk at:classString asSymbol).
	actualClass := currentClass
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'oops class is gone'
    ] ifFalse:[
	currentClassCategory := currentClass category.
	currentSelector := selectorString asSymbol.
	currentMethod := actualClass compiledMethodAt:currentSelector.
	currentMethodCategory := currentMethod category.

	self methodSelectionChanged
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'class category list menu'!

    labels := resources array:#(
						'fileOut each'
						'fileOut binary'
						'printOut protocol'
						'spawn full class'
						'find class ...'
						'new class category ...'
						'rename ...'


    "update class category list and dependants"

    |oldClassName oldMethodCategory|

    classCategoryListView notNil ifTrue:[
	currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    oldClassName := currentClass name.
	    (oldClassName endsWith:'-old') ifTrue:[
		oldClassName := oldClassName copyTo:(oldClassName size - 4)
	oldMethodCategory := currentMethodCategory.

	classCategoryListView setContents:(self listOfAllClassCategories).
	currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	    classCategoryListView selectElement:currentClassCategory.
	    self classCategorySelectionChanged.
	    oldClassName notNil ifTrue:[
		classListView selectElement:oldClassName.
		self switchToClass:(Smalltalk at:oldClassName asSymbol).
		self classSelectionChanged.
		oldMethodCategory notNil ifTrue:[
		    methodCategoryListView selectElement:oldMethodCategory.
		    currentMethodCategory := oldMethodCategory.
		    self methodCategorySelectionChanged


    self allClassesInCurrentCategoryInOrderDo:[:aClass |
	printStream := Printer new.
	aClass printOutProtocolOn:printStream.
	printStream close


    self allClassesInCurrentCategoryDo:[:aClass |
	printStream := Printer new.
	aClass printOutOn:printStream.
	printStream close

    "create a new SystemBrowser browsing current classCategory"

    currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    self class browseClassCategory:currentClassCategory

    "create a file 'categoryName' consisting of all classes in current category"

    |aStream fileName|

    self checkClassCategorySelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    fileName := currentClassCategory asString.
    fileName replaceAll:Character space by:$_.
     this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
    Project notNil ifTrue:[
	fileName := Project currentProjectDirectory , fileName.

     if file exists, save original in a .sav file
    fileName asFilename exists ifTrue:[
	fileName asFilename copyTo:(fileName , '.sav')
    aStream := FileStream newFileNamed:fileName.
    aStream isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:fileName
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:fileName.
	self allClassesInCurrentCategoryInOrderDo:[:aClass |
	    aClass fileOutOn:aStream.
	aStream close.
	self normalLabel.

    "create a new SystemBrowser browsing full class"


    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	newBrowser := self class browseFullClasses
" "
	currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    newBrowser switchToClassNamed:(currentClass name)
" "

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	self allClassesInCurrentCategoryDo:[:aClass |
	    self busyLabel:'saving: ' with:aClass name.
	    Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
		self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:ex parameter.
		ex return.
	    ] do:[
		aClass fileOut
	self normalLabel.


    box := self enterBoxTitle:'name of new class category:' okText:'create'.
    box action:[:aString |

	currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    categories := OrderedCollection new.
	    currentClass withAllSuperclasses do:[:aClass |
		aClass methodArray do:[:aMethod |
		    (categories includes:aMethod category) ifFalse:[
			categories add:aMethod category
	categories isNil ifTrue:[
	    categories := classCategoryListView list.
	(categories includes:aString) ifFalse:[
	    categories add:aString.
	    categories sort.
	    classCategoryListView setContents:categories.
	    currentClassCategory := aString.
	    classCategoryListView selectElement:aString.
	    self switchToClass:nil.
	    actualClass := nil.
	    self classCategorySelectionChanged
    box showAtPointer


    box := self enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:'class to find:' okText:'find'.
    box action:[:aString | self switchToClassNameMatching:aString].
    box showAtPointer

    "launch an enterBox to rename current class category"


    self checkClassCategorySelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    box := self enterBoxTitle:'rename class category to:' okText:'rename'.
    box initialText:currentClassCategory.
    box action:[:aString | self renameCurrentClassCategoryTo:aString].
    box showAtPointer

    "remove all classes in current category"

    |count t classesToRemove subclassesRemoved box|

    self checkClassCategorySelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    classesToRemove := OrderedCollection new.
    Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:aClass |
	aClass category = currentClassCategory ifTrue:[
	    classesToRemove add:aClass
    subclassesRemoved := OrderedCollection new.
    classesToRemove do:[:aClass |
	aClass allSubclassesDo:[:aSubclass |
	    (classesToRemove includes:aSubclass) ifFalse:[
		(subclassesRemoved includes:aSubclass) ifFalse:[
		    subclassesRemoved add:aSubclass

    count := classesToRemove size.
    t := resources string:'remove %1 ?' with:currentClassCategory.
    count ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
       t := t , (resources at:'\(with ') , count printString.
       count == 1 ifTrue:[
	    t := t , (resources at:' class')
       ] ifFalse:[
	    t := t , (resources at:' classes')
       t := (t , ')') withCRs

    count := subclassesRemoved size.
    count ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
       t := t , (resources at:'\(and ') , count printString.
       count == 1 ifTrue:[
	    t := t , (resources at:' subclass ')
       ] ifFalse:[
	    t := t , (resources at:' subclasses ')
       t := (t , ')') withCRs

    t := t withCRs.

    box := YesNoBox 
	       yesText:(resources at:'remove')
	       noText:(resources at:'abort').
    box confirm ifTrue:[
	"after querying user - do really remove classes in list1 and list2"

	subclassesRemoved do:[:aClass |
	    (CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses not
	    or:[aClass hasInstances not
	    or:[self confirm:(aClass name , ' has instances - remove anyway ?')]])
		    Smalltalk removeClass:aClass
	classesToRemove do:[:aClass |
	    (CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses not
	    or:[aClass hasInstances not
	    or:[self confirm:(aClass name , ' has instances - remove anyway ?')]])
		    Smalltalk removeClass:aClass
	currentClassCategory := nil.
	self switchToClass:nil.
	Smalltalk changed
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'method category list menu'!


    labels := resources array:#(
					'fileOut all' 
					'spawn category'
					'find method here ...'
					'find method ...'
					'new category ...' 
					'copy category ...' 
					'create access methods' 
					'rename ...' 



    box := self enterBoxForSearchSelectorTitle:'method selector to search for:'.
    box action:[:aString | self switchToAnyMethodNamed:aString].
    box showAtPointer


    box := self enterBoxForSearchSelectorTitle:'method selector to search for:'.
    box action:[:aString | self switchToMethodNamed:aString].
    box showAtPointer


    self checkClassSelected ifFalse:[^ self].
    self whenMethodCategorySelected:[
	printStream := Printer new.
	actualClass printOutCategory:currentMethodCategory on:printStream.
	printStream close

    "fileOut all methods in the selected methodcategory of
     the current class"

    self checkClassSelected ifFalse:[^ self].
    self whenMethodCategorySelected:[
	self busyLabel:'saving: %1' with:currentClass name , '-' , currentMethodCategory.
	Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	    self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:ex parameter.
	    ex return.
	] do:[
	    actualClass fileOutCategory:currentMethodCategory.
	self normalLabel.

    "create a new SystemBrowser browsing current method category"

    currentMethodCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    self class browseClass:actualClass

    "fileOut all methods in the selected methodcategory of
     the current class"

    self whenMethodCategorySelected:[
	|fileName outStream|

	fileName := currentMethodCategory , '.st'.
	fileName replaceAll:Character space by:$_.
	 this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
	Project notNil ifTrue:[
	    fileName := Project currentProjectDirectory , fileName.
	 if file exists, save original in a .sav file
	fileName asFilename exists ifTrue:[
	    fileName asFilename copyTo:(fileName , '.sav')
	outStream := FileStream newFileNamed:fileName.
	outStream isNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:fileName

	self busyLabel:'saving: ' with:currentMethodCategory.
	Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	    self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:ex parameter.
	    ex return
	] do:[
	    Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:class |

		hasMethodsInThisCategory := false.
		class methodArray do:[:method |
		    method category = currentMethodCategory ifTrue:[
			hasMethodsInThisCategory := true
		hasMethodsInThisCategory ifTrue:[
		    class fileOutCategory:currentMethodCategory on:outStream.
		    outStream cr
		hasMethodsInThisCategory := false.
		class class methodArray do:[:method |
		    method category = currentMethodCategory ifTrue:[
			hasMethodsInThisCategory := true
		hasMethodsInThisCategory ifTrue:[
		    class class fileOutCategory:currentMethodCategory on:outStream.
		    outStream cr
	outStream close.
	self normalLabel.

    "show the enter box to add a new method category.
     Offer existing superclass categories in box to help avoiding
     useless typing."

    |someCategories existingCategories box|

    actualClass notNil ifTrue:[
	someCategories := actualClass allCategories
    ] ifFalse:[
	 mhmh - offer some typical categories ...
	showInstance ifTrue:[
	    someCategories := #('accessing' 
				'printing & storing'
	] ifFalse:[
	    someCategories := #(
				'instance creation'
    someCategories sort.

     remove existing categories
    existingCategories := methodCategoryListView list.
    existingCategories notNil ifTrue:[
	someCategories := someCategories select:[:cat | (existingCategories includes:cat) not].

    box := self listBoxTitle:'name of new method category:'
    box action:[:aString | self newMethodCategory:aString].
    box showAtPointer


    "create a new SystemBrowser browsing all methods from all
     classes with same category as current method category"

    self askAndBrowseMethodCategory:'category to browse methods:'
			     action:[:aString | 
					self class browseMethodCategory:aString

    "create access methods for all instvars"

    self checkClassSelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    showInstance ifFalse:[
	self warn:'select instance - and try again'.
	^ self.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	|nm names source|

	(variableListView notNil
	and:[(nm := variableListView selectionValue) notNil]) ifTrue:[
	    names := Array with:nm
	] ifFalse:[
	    names := currentClass instVarNames 
	names do:[:name |
	    "check, if method is not already present"
	    (currentClass implements:(name asSymbol)) ifFalse:[
		source := (name , '\    "return ' , name , '"\\    ^ ' , name) withCRs.
		Compiler compile:source forClass:currentClass inCategory:'accessing'.
	    ] ifTrue:[
		Transcript showCr:'method ''', name , ''' already present'
	    (currentClass implements:((name , ':') asSymbol)) ifFalse:[
		source := (name , ':something\    "set ' , name , '"\\    ' , name , ' := something.') withCRs.
		Compiler compile:source forClass:currentClass inCategory:'accessing'.
	    ] ifTrue:[
		Transcript showCr:'method ''', name , ':'' already present'
	self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.
	self updateMethodListWithScroll:false

    "show the enter box to copy from an existing method category"

    |title box|

    showInstance ifTrue:[
	title := 'class to copy instance method category from:'
    ] ifFalse:[
	title := 'class to copy class method category from:'

    box := self listBoxTitle:title 
			list:(Smalltalk allClasses collect:[:cls | cls name]) asArray sort.

    box action:[:aString | self copyMethodsFromClass:aString].
    box showAtPointer

    "launch an enterBox to rename current method category"


    self checkMethodCategorySelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    box := self enterBoxTitle:(resources string:'rename method category %1 to:' with:currentMethodCategory)
		okText:(resources at:'rename').
    box initialText:currentMethodCategory.
    box action:[:aString | 
	actualClass renameCategory:currentMethodCategory to:aString.
	currentMethodCategory := aString.
	currentMethod := currentSelector := nil.
	self updateMethodCategoryList.
	self updateMethodListWithScroll:false
    box showAtPointer

    "show number of methods to remove and query user"

    |count t box|

    currentMethodCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	count := 0.
	actualClass methodArray do:[:aMethod |
	    (aMethod category = currentMethodCategory) ifTrue:[
		count := count + 1
	(count == 0) ifTrue:[
	    currentMethodCategory := nil.
	    currentMethod := currentSelector := nil.
	    self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.
	    self updateMethodList
	] ifFalse:[
	    (count == 1) ifTrue:[
		t := resources string:'remove %1 ?\(with 1 method)' with:currentMethodCategory
	    ] ifFalse:[
		t := resources string:'remove %1 ?\(with %2 methods)' with:currentMethodCategory
								      with:count printString.
	    t := t withCRs.

	    box := YesNoBox 
		       yesText:(resources at:'remove')
		       noText:(resources at:'abort').
	    box confirm ifTrue:[
		actualClass methodArray do:[:aMethod |
		    (aMethod category = currentMethodCategory) ifTrue:[
			    removeSelector:(actualClass selectorForMethod:aMethod)
		currentMethodCategory := nil.
		currentMethod := currentSelector := nil.
		self updateMethodCategoryList.
		self updateMethodList
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'method list menu'!

    "return a popupmenu as appropriate for the methodList"

    |labels selectors|

    (currentMethod notNil and:[currentMethod isWrapped]) ifTrue:[
	labels := #(
			'senders ...'
			'implementors ...'
			'globals ...'
			'strings ...'
			'apropos ...'
			'local senders ...'
			'local implementors ...'
			'local strings ...'
			'remove break/trace' 
			'new method' 
			'change category ...' 

	selectors := #(
    ] ifFalse:[
	labels := #(
			'senders ...'
			'implementors ...'
			'globals ...'
			'strings ...'
			'apropos ...'
			'local senders ...'
			'local implementors ...'
			'local strings ...'
			'trace sender' 
			'new method' 
			'change category ...' 
	selectors := #(

    ^ PopUpMenu
	 labels:(resources array:labels)


methodListView model:self.
methodListView menu:#methodMenu.
^ self.

    labels := resources array:#(
					 'senders ...'
					 'implementors ...'
					 'globals ...'
					 'strings ...'
					 'apropos ...'
					 'local senders ...'
					 'local implementors ...'
					 'local strings ...'
					 'trace sender' 
					 'new method' 
					 'change category ...' 


    "launch an enterBox for selector to search for"

    self askAndBrowseSelectorTitle:'selector to browse implementors of:'
			    action:[:aString | 
				       self class browseImplementorsOf:aString

    "launch an enterBox for selector to search for"

    self askAndBrowseSelectorTitle:'selector to browse senders of:'
			    action:[:aString | 
				       self class browseAllCallsOn:aString

    "remove the current method"

    self checkMethodSelected ifFalse:[^ self].
    actualClass removeSelector:(actualClass selectorForMethod:currentMethod).
    currentMethod := currentSelector := nil.
    self updateMethodListWithScroll:false


    methodListView isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    labels := resources array:#(
					 'senders ...'
					 'implementors ...'
					 'globals ...'
					 'strings ...'
					 'apropos ...'
					 'local senders ...'
					 'local implementors ...'
					 'local strings ...'
					 'remove break/trace' 
					 'new method' 
					 'change category ...' 


    "launch an enterBox for selector to search for in current class & subclasses"

    self checkClassSelected ifFalse:[^ self].
    self askAndBrowseSelectorTitle:'selector to browse local senderss of:'
			    action:[:aString | 
				       self class browseCallsOn:aString under:currentClass

    "print out the current method"


    self checkMethodSelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    printStream := Printer new.
    actualClass printOutSource:(currentMethod source) on:printStream.
    printStream close

    "launch an enterBox for selector to search for"

    self checkClassSelected ifFalse:[^ self].
    self askAndBrowseSelectorTitle:'selector to browse local implementors of:'
			    action:[:aString | 
				       self class browseImplementorsOf:aString under:currentClass

    "launch an enterBox for global symbol to search for"

    self enterBoxForBrowseTitle:'global variable to browse users of:'
			 action:[:aString | 
				    self class browseReferendsOf:aString asSymbol

    "create a new SystemBrowser browsing current method,
     or if the current selection is of the form 'class>>selector', spawan
     a browser on that method."

    |s sel selSymbol clsName clsSymbol cls meta isMeta w sep|

    classMethodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	s := classMethodListView selectionValue.
	clsName := self classFromClassMethodString:s.
	sel := self selectorFromClassMethodString:s.
	isMeta := false

    self extractClassAndSelectorFromSelectionInto:[:c :s :m |
	clsName := c.
	sel := s.
	isMeta := m

    (sel notNil and:[clsName notNil]) ifTrue:[
	(clsName knownAsSymbol and:[sel knownAsSymbol]) ifTrue:[
	    clsSymbol := clsName asSymbol.
	    (Smalltalk includesKey:clsSymbol) ifTrue:[
		cls := Smalltalk at:clsSymbol.
		isMeta ifTrue:[
		    cls := cls class
		cls isBehavior ifFalse:[
		    cls := cls class
		cls isBehavior ifTrue:[
		    selSymbol := sel asSymbol.
		    self withWaitCursorDo:[
			(cls implements:selSymbol) ifFalse:[
			    cls := cls class.
			(cls implements:selSymbol) ifTrue:[
			    self class browseClass:cls selector:selSymbol.
			    ^ self
			w := ' does not implement #' , sel
		] ifFalse:[
		    w := ' is not a class'
	    ] ifFalse:[
		w := ' is unknown'
	] ifFalse:[
	    w := ' and/or ' , sel , ' are unknown'
	self warn:(clsName , w).
	^ self

    self checkMethodSelected ifFalse:[
	self warn:'select a method first'.
	^ self

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	w := currentMethod who.
	self class browseClass:(w at:1) selector:(w at:2)

    "file out the current method"

    self checkMethodSelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    self busyLabel:'saving:' with:currentSelector.
    Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:ex parameter.
	ex return
    ] do:[
	actualClass fileOutMethod:currentMethod.
    self normalLabel.

    "move the current method into another category -
     nothing done here, but a query for the new category.
     Remember the last category, to allow faster category change of a group of methods."

    |box txt|

    self checkMethodSelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    actualClass isNil ifTrue:[
	box := self enterBoxTitle:'' okText:'change'.
    ] ifFalse:[

	someCategories := actualClass categories sort.
	box := self listBoxTitle:'' okText:'change' list:someCategories.
    box title:('change category from ''' , currentMethod category , ''' to:').
    lastMethodCategory isNil ifTrue:[
	txt := currentMethod category.
    ] ifFalse:[
	txt := lastMethodCategory
    box initialText:txt.
    box action:[:aString |
		    lastMethodCategory := aString.

		    currentMethod category:aString asSymbol.
		    currentClass changed.
		    currentMethod changed:#category.
		    currentClass addChangeRecordForMethodCategory:currentMethod category:aString.
		    self updateMethodCategoryListWithScroll:false.
		    self updateMethodListWithScroll:false
    box showAtPointer

    "launch an enterBox for (sub)-string to search for"

    self askAndBrowseSelectorTitle:'string / matchString to search for:'
			    action:[:aString | 
				       self class browseForString:aString

    "launch an enterBox for (sub)-string to search for"

    self checkClassSelected ifFalse:[^ self].
    self askAndBrowseSelectorTitle:'string / matchString to search for locally:'
			    action:[:aString | 
				       self class browseForString:aString in:(currentClass withAllSubclasses)

    "launch an enterBox for a keyword search"

    self askAndBrowseSelectorTitle:'keyword to search for:'
			    action:[:aString | 
				       self class aproposSearch:aString

    "prepare for definition of a new method - put a template into
     code view and define accept-action to compile it"

    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'select/create a class first'.
    currentMethodCategory isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'select/create a method category first'.

    currentMethod := currentSelector := nil.

    methodListView deselect.
    codeView contents:(self template).
    codeView modified:false.

    self setAcceptAndExplainActionsForMethod.

    "turn on tracing of the current method"


currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
   currentSelector notNil ifTrue:[
      currentMethod := actualClass compiledMethodAt:currentSelector

    (currentMethod notNil and:[currentMethod isWrapped not])
	currentMethod := MessageTracer traceMethod:currentMethod.
	sel := methodListView selection.
	self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.
	methodListView selection:sel.
	currentClass changed:#methodDictionary with:currentSelector.

    "turn off tracing of the current method"


    (currentMethod notNil and:[currentMethod isWrapped])
	currentMethod := MessageTracer unwrapMethod:currentMethod.
	sel := methodListView selection.
	self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.
	methodListView selection:sel.
	currentClass changed:#methodDictionary with:currentSelector.

    "set a breakpoint on the current method"


    currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	currentMethod isWrapped ifFalse:[
	    currentMethod := MessageTracer trapMethod:currentMethod.
	    self initializeMethodMenu2.
	    sel := methodListView selection.
	    self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.
	    methodListView selection:sel

    "turn on tracing of the current method"


    (currentMethod notNil and:[currentMethod isWrapped not])
	currentMethod := MessageTracer traceMethodSender:currentMethod.
	sel := methodListView selection.
	self updateMethodListWithScroll:false.
	methodListView selection:sel.
	currentClass changed:#methodDictionary with:currentSelector.


    labels := resources array:#(
					 'senders ...'
					 'implementors ...'
					 'globals ...'
					 'strings ...'
					 'apropos ...'
					 'local senders ...'
					 'local implementors ...'
					 'local strings ...'
					 'remove break/trace' 
					 'new method' 
					 'change category ...' 

    ^ PopUpMenu
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'variable list menu'!


    varMenu := (PopUpMenu labels:(resources array:#(
					'instvar refs ...'
					'classvar refs ...'
					'all instvar refs ...'
					'all classvar refs ...'
					'instvar mods ...'
					'classvar mods ...'
					'all instvar mods ...'
					'all classvar mods ...'

    variableListView isNil ifTrue:[
	classListView notNil ifTrue:[

	    menu := classListView middleButtonMenu.
	    menu addLabel:(resources string:'variable search')
	    menu subMenuAt:#variables put:varMenu.
    ] ifFalse:[
	variableListView middleButtonMenu:varMenu


    "variable selection changed"

    |name idx|

    name := variableListView selectionValue.
    name isNil ifTrue:[
	self unhilightMethodCategories.
	self unhilightMethods.
	self autoSearch:nil.
	^ self

     first, check if the selected variable is really the one 
     we get - reselect if its hidden (for example, a class variable
     with the same name could be defined in a subclass)
    idx := variableListView list findLast:[:entry | entry = name].
    idx ~~ lineNr ifTrue:[
	"select it - user will see whats going on"
	variableListView selection:idx

    "search for methods in the current category, which access the selected
     variable, and highlight them"

    self hilightMethodsInMethodCategoryList:true inMethodList:true.
    self autoSearch:name.


    |box sel|

    box := self enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title okText:'browse'.
    variableListView notNil ifTrue:[
	codeView hasSelection ifFalse:[
	    (sel := variableListView selectionValue) notNil ifTrue:[
		(sel startsWith:'---') ifFalse:[
		    box initialText:sel
    ^ box

allClassOrInstVarRefsTitle:title access:access mods:modifications
    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for"

    self doClassMenu:[

	box := self enterBoxForVariableSearch:title.
	box action:[:aVariableName | 
	    self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[

		homeClass := self findClassOfVariable:aVariableName 
		(self class) browseInstRefsTo:aVariableName 
	box showAtPointer

instVarRefsOrModsTitle:title mods:mods
    "show an enterbox for instvar to search for"

    self doClassMenu:[

	box := self enterBoxForVariableSearch:title.
	box action:[:aString | 
	    self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
		self class browseInstRefsTo:aString
					 in:(Array with:currentClass)
	box showAtPointer

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for"

    self allClassOrInstVarRefsTitle:'class variable to browse modifications of:' 

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for"

    self instVarRefsOrModsTitle:'instance variable to browse modifications of:'

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for"

    self instVarRefsOrModsTitle:'instance variable to browse references to:'

classVarRefsOrModsTitle:title mods:mods
    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for"

    self doClassMenu:[

	box := self enterBoxForVariableSearch:title.
	box action:[:aString | 
	    self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
		self class browseClassRefsTo:aString
					  in:(Array with:currentClass)
	box showAtPointer

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for"

    self allClassOrInstVarRefsTitle:'instance variable to browse references to:' 

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for"

    self classVarRefsOrModsTitle:'class variable to browse references to:'

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for"

    self classVarRefsOrModsTitle:'class variable to browse modifications of:'

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for"

    self allClassOrInstVarRefsTitle:'instance variable to browse modifications of:' 

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for"

    self allClassOrInstVarRefsTitle:'class variable to browse references to:' 
! !

!SystemBrowser methodsFor:'class-method list menu'!


    labels := resources array:#(
			      'fileOut all'
			      'spawn class'
			      'sender ...'
			      'implementors ...'
			      'globals ...'
"/                              '-'
"/                              'breakpoint' 
"/                              'trace' 
"/                              'trace sender' 

"/                                         nil
"/                                         methodBreakPoint 
"/                                         methodTrace
"/                                         methodTraceSender

    "fileout all methods into one source file"

    |list classString selectorString cls mth outStream fileName append

    append := false.
    fileBox := FileSaveBox
			title:(resources string:'save methodss in:')
			okText:(resources string:'save')
			abortText:(resources string:'cancel')
			action:[:fName | fileName := fName].
    fileBox appendAction:[:fName | fileName := fName. append := true].
    fileBox initialText:''.
    Project notNil ifTrue:[
	fileBox directory:Project currentProjectDirectory
    fileBox showAtPointer.

    fileName notNil ifTrue:[
	 if file exists, save original in a .sav file
	fileName asFilename exists ifTrue:[
	    fileName asFilename copyTo:(fileName , '.sav')
	append ifTrue:[
	    outStream := FileStream appendingOldFileNamed:fileName
	] ifFalse:[
	    outStream := FileStream newFileNamed:fileName.
	outStream isNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:fileName
	self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    list := classMethodListView list.
	    list do:[:line |
		self busyLabel:'writing: ' with:line.

		classString := self classFromClassMethodString:line.
		selectorString := self selectorFromClassMethodString:line.

		((classString ~= 'Metaclass') and:[classString endsWith:'class']) ifTrue:[
		    classString := classString copyTo:(classString size - 5).
		    cls := (Smalltalk at:classString asSymbol).
		    cls := cls class
		] ifFalse:[
		    cls := (Smalltalk at:classString asSymbol).

		cls isNil ifTrue:[
		    self warn:'oops class %1 is gone' with:classString
		] ifFalse:[
		    mth := cls compiledMethodAt:(selectorString asSymbol).
		    Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
			box := YesNoBox new.
			box yesText:'continue' noText:'abort'.
			(box confirm:('fileOut error: ' , ex errorString ,
					       '\\continue anyway ?') withCRs) ifTrue:[
			    ex proceed
			self normalLabel.
			^ self
		    ] do:[
			cls fileOutMethod:mth on:outStream.
	    outStream close.
	    self normalLabel.
! !

SystemBrowser initialize!