author Claus Gittinger <>
Fri, 06 May 2011 10:34:57 +0200
changeset 9889 b5d74ca512d9
parent 9887 6b439788a66b
child 9924 d4cd990abf99
permissions -rw-r--r--
initial checkin

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
"{ Package: 'stx:libtool' }"

StandardSystemView subclass:#MemoryUsageView
	instanceVariableNames:'rawInfo info list sortBlock titleLabel prevRawInfo
		autoUpdateProcess autoUpdateInterval'

Object subclass:#StatisticEntry
	instanceVariableNames:'classNameOrSymbol overallByteSize minByteSize maxByteSize
		averageSize instanceCount instanceAllocationRate

!MemoryUsageView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    this view shows an overview over the memory usage of the system.
        MemoryUsageView new open

    Since scanning all memory takes some time, this is not done
    automatically, but upon request. See the middlebuttonmenu-'update'

    This is a very old application - definitely needs some pimping to look better...
    ... any maybe a nice menu, graphical display etc.
! !

!MemoryUsageView class methodsFor:'startup'!

    ^ true

    "Created: / 10.8.1998 / 16:02:59 / cg"
! !

!MemoryUsageView methodsFor:'auto update'!

    self pushEvent:#update

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 17:20:52 / cg"

    ^ autoUpdateInterval ? 30 seconds

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 17:20:49 / cg"

    [true] whileTrue:[
        self autoUpdate.
        Delay waitFor:self autoUpdateInterval

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 17:20:44 / cg"


    s := Dialog request:'Update interval [smh]:' initialAnswer:self autoUpdateInterval printString.
    s isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    autoUpdateInterval := TimeDuration readFrom:s.

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 17:24:48 / cg"

    autoUpdateProcess notNil ifTrue:[
        self stopAutoUpdateProcess.
    autoUpdateProcess :=
            self autoUpdateLoop
        ] fork

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 17:19:00 / cg"


    (p := autoUpdateProcess) notNil ifTrue:[
        autoUpdateProcess := nil.
        p terminate.

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 17:19:03 / cg"
! !

!MemoryUsageView methodsFor:'initialization'!

    |helpView headLine|

    super initialize.
    self label:'Memory Usage'.

    headLine := ' Class' paddedTo:47 with:Character space.
    headLine := headLine , '# of Insts     Bytes   Avg sz   Max sz   %Mem  %Accum. +Insts    +Bytes'.

    titleLabel := Label in:self.
    titleLabel origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ titleLabel height).
    titleLabel borderWidth:0.
    titleLabel label:headLine.
    titleLabel adjust:#left.

    helpView := ScrollableView for:SelectionInListView in:self.
    helpView origin:(0.0 @ titleLabel height) corner:1.0 @ 1.0.

    list := helpView scrolledView.

    titleLabel origin:(list originRelativeTo:self) x @ 0.0.

    list font:(EditTextView defaultFont).
    titleLabel font:(EditTextView defaultFont).
    list menuHolder:self; menuPerformer:self; menuMessage:#usageMenu.

    self extent:((list font widthOf:headLine) + (device horizontalPixelPerMillimeter * 15) rounded) @ self height.

     MemoryUsageView open

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 17:09:12 / cg"

    self stopAutoUpdateProcess.
    super release.

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 17:26:24 / cg"
! !

!MemoryUsageView methodsFor:'menu-actions'!


    list selection notNil ifTrue:[
        class := (info at:(list selection)) at:1.
        UserPreferences current systemBrowserClass openInClass:class.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	ObjectMemory tenure.
	ObjectMemory compressingGarbageCollect.
    self update.

    "Created: 14.10.1997 / 21:36:38 / cg"
    "Modified: 14.10.1997 / 21:41:11 / cg"


    list selection notNil ifTrue:[
        class := (info at:(list selection)) at:1.
        self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
            |insts limit answer|

             special kludge
            class isSymbol ifTrue:[
                class == #NameSpace ifFalse:[
                    self information:'classes are directly refered to by Smalltalk'.
                    ^ self.
                class := (Smalltalk at:class) class.
                insts := class allSubInstances.
                insts remove:class soleInstance ifAbsent:nil
            ] ifFalse:[
                insts := class allInstances.
            insts size > 10 ifTrue:[
                answer := Dialog 
                    request:('There are ' , insts size printString , ' instances.\Do you really want to follow them all ?\\(Give number to follow or cancel)' withCRs)
                    initialAnswer:insts size printString.

                limit := Integer readFrom:answer onError:nil.
                limit isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
                insts := (insts asArray copyTo:limit)
            insts := insts asArray.
            ObjectMemory displayRefChainToAny:insts limitNumberOfSearchedReferences:(limit ? 1000).

    "Modified: / 15.10.1996 / 22:09:29 / cg"
    "Created: / 3.2.1998 / 00:03:22 / cg"


    list selection notNil ifTrue:[
        class := (info at:(list selection)) at:1.
        self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[

             special kludge
            class isSymbol ifTrue:[
                class == #NameSpace ifFalse:[
                    ^ UserPreferences current systemBrowserClass open
                class := (Smalltalk at:class) class.
                insts := class allSubInstances.
                insts remove:class soleInstance ifAbsent:nil
            ] ifFalse:[
                insts := class allInstances.
            insts size > 500 ifTrue:[
                (self confirm:'there are ' , insts size printString , ' instances.\\Do you really want to see them all ?' withCRs)
                ifFalse:[^ self]
            insts inspect

    "Modified: 15.10.1996 / 22:09:29 / cg"

    |filter filterBlock class|

    filter := '[:inst | "<some condition for inst>" ]'.
    [filterBlock isNil] whileTrue:[
        filter := Dialog request:'filter block:' initialAnswer:filter.
        filter size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

        filterBlock := Compiler evaluate:filter.
        filterBlock isBlock ifFalse:[
            self information:'bad syntax in block'.
            filterBlock := nil.

    list selection notNil ifTrue:[
        class := (info at:(list selection)) at:1.
        self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[

             special kludge
            class isSymbol ifTrue:[
                class == #NameSpace ifFalse:[
                    ^ UserPreferences current systemBrowserClass open
                class := (Smalltalk at:class) class.
                insts := class allSubInstances.
                insts remove:class soleInstance ifAbsent:nil
            ] ifFalse:[
                insts := class allInstances.
            insts := insts select:filterBlock.
            insts size > 500 ifTrue:[
                (self confirm:'there are ' , insts size printString , ' instances.\\Do you really want to see them all ?' withCRs)
                ifFalse:[^ self]
            insts inspect

    "Modified: 15.10.1996 / 22:09:29 / cg"

    |class inspector|

    list selection notNil ifTrue:[
        class := (info at:(list selection)) at:1.
         special kludge
        class isSymbol ifTrue:[^self].

        self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
            |owners dict|

            owners := (ObjectMemory whoReferencesInstancesOf:class).
            owners isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
                self information:'No owners found - next GC should remove it'.
                ^ self
            owners := owners asOrderedCollection.
            owners size > 500 ifTrue:[
                (self confirm:'there are ' , owners size printString , ' owners.\\Do you really want to see them all ?' withCRs)
                ifFalse:[^ self]
            dict := IdentityDictionary new.
            owners do:[:owner |
                |set names oClass s nMore|

                 skip weakArrays ... (they dont count)
                (owner isMemberOf:WeakArray) ifFalse:[
                    nMore := nil.    
                    set := Set new.
                    owner == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
                        owner keysAndValuesDo:[:key :val |
                            (val isMemberOf:class) ifTrue:[
                                set add:key
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        names := owner class allInstVarNames.
                        oClass := owner class.
                        1 to:oClass instSize do:[:i |
                            ((owner instVarAt:i) isMemberOf:class) ifTrue:[
                                set add:(names at:i).
                        oClass isVariable ifTrue:[
                            oClass isPointers ifTrue:[
                                1 to:owner basicSize do:[:i |
                                    ((owner basicAt:i) isMemberOf:class) ifTrue:[
                                        nMore isNil ifTrue:[    
                                            set add:i.
                                            set size > 500 ifTrue:[
                                                nMore := 0.
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            nMore := nMore + 1.
                     put a describing string into the dictionary
                    s := WriteStream on:String new.    
                    s nextPutAll:'references in: '.
                    set do:[:name | 
                         name isString ifTrue:[
                             s nextPutAll:name; nextPutAll:' '
                         ] ifFalse:[
                             s nextPutAll:'[';  nextPutAll:name printString;  nextPutAll:'] '
                    nMore notNil ifTrue:[
                        s nextPutAll:'... (', nMore printString,' more)'
                    dict at:owner put:(s contents).
"/                            dict at:owner put:set
            inspector := DictionaryInspectorView openOn:dict.
            inspector listView doubleClickAction:[:lineNr | inspector doInspectKey].

    "Modified: 15.10.1996 / 22:09:38 / cg"


    list selection notNil ifTrue:[
        class := (info at:(list selection)) at:1.
        self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[

            insts := class allInstances.
            insts notEmpty ifTrue:[    
                (self confirm:'there are ' , insts size printString , ' instances.\\Do you really want to nil them all ?' withCRs)
                    insts do:[:each |
                        each becomeNil

    "Modified: 15.10.1996 / 22:09:29 / cg"

    self updateInfo.
    self updateDisplay

    <resource: #programMenu>


    m := PopUpMenu
                     ('Sort by Class Name'              sortByClass                             )
                     ('Sort by Classes Basename'        sortByClassNameWithoutPrefix            )
                     ('Sort by Inst Count'              sortByInstCount                         )
                     ('Sort by Memory Usage'            sortByMemoryUsage                       )
                     ('Sort by Average Size'            sortByAverageSize                       )
                     ('Sort by Maximum Size'            sortByMaxSize                           )
                     ('Sort by Inst Allocation Rate'    sortByInstanceAllocationRate            )
                     ('Sort by Byte Allocation Rate'    sortByMemoryAllocationRate              )
                     ('Inspect Instances'               inspectInstances                        )
                     ('Inspect with Search'             inspectInstancesWithSearch              )
                     ('Inspect Owners'                  inspectOwners                           )
                     ('Ref Chains'                      displayGlobalRefChainsToInsts           )
                     ('Clear (nil) Instances'           nilInstances                            )
                     ('Browse Class'                    browseClass                             )
                     ('Update'                          update                                  )
                     ('Start Autoupdate'                startAutoUpdateProcess                  )
                     ('Autoupdate Interval'             openAutoUpdateIntervalDialog            )
                     ('Collect Garbage & Update'        collectGarbageAndUpdate                 )

    (list hasSelection not or:[list selection < 3]) ifTrue:[
        m disableAll:#(inspectInstances inspectInstancesWithSearch
                       nilInstances browseClass).
    autoUpdateProcess notNil ifTrue:[
        m labelAt:#startAutoUpdate put:'Stop Autoupdate'.
        m selectorAt:#startAutoUpdate put:#stopAutoUpdateProcess

    ^ m

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 17:23:53 / cg"
! !

!MemoryUsageView methodsFor:'menu-sorting'!

    self label:'Memory usage; by average size'.

    sortBlock := [:a :b | 
        |n1 n2 m1 m2|

       n1 := a averageSize.
       n2 := b averageSize.
       n1 > n2 
            or:[n1 == n2 
                and:[a classNameOrSymbol displayString < b classNameOrSymbol displayString]]
    self updateDisplay

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 16:11:24 / cg"

    self label:'Memory usage; by class'.

    sortBlock := [:a :b | 
        |c1 c2 s1 s2|

        c1 := a classNameOrSymbol.
        c2 := b classNameOrSymbol.

        s1 := c1 isBehavior ifTrue:[ c1 name] ifFalse:[ c1 displayString ].
        s2 := c2 isBehavior ifTrue:[ c2 name ] ifFalse:[ c2 displayString ].
        s1 < s2
    self updateDisplay

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 16:11:53 / cg"

    self label:'Memory usage; by className without prefix'.

    sortBlock := [:a :b | 
        |c1 c2 s1 s2|

        c1 := a classNameOrSymbol.
        c2 := b classNameOrSymbol.

        s1 := c1 isBehavior ifTrue:[ c1 nameWithoutPrefix ] ifFalse:[ c1 displayString ].
        s2 := c2 isBehavior ifTrue:[ c2 nameWithoutPrefix ] ifFalse:[ c2 displayString ].
        s1 < s2
    self updateDisplay

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 16:12:10 / cg"

    self label:'Memory usage; by instance count'.

    sortBlock := [:a :b | 
        |n1 n2|
        n1 := a instanceCount.
        n2 := b instanceCount.
        n1 > n2 
        or:[n1 == n2
            and:[(a classNameOrSymbol) displayString < (b classNameOrSymbol) displayString]]
    self updateDisplay

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 16:47:26 / cg"

    self label:'Memory usage; by inst allocation rate'.

    sortBlock := [:a :b | 
        |n1 n2 m1 m2|

       n1 := a instanceAllocationRate.
       n2 := b instanceAllocationRate.
       n1 > n2 
            or:[n1 == n2 
                and:[a classNameOrSymbol displayString < b classNameOrSymbol displayString]]
    self updateDisplay

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 16:14:56 / cg"

    self label:'Memory usage; by maximum size'.

    sortBlock := [:a :b | 
        |n1 n2 m1 m2|

         n1 := a maxByteSize.
         n2 := b maxByteSize.
         n1 > n2 
         or:[n1 == n2
             and:[(a classNameOrSymbol) displayString < (b classNameOrSymbol) displayString]]
    self updateDisplay

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 16:13:20 / cg"

    self label:'Memory usage; by inst allocation rate'.

    sortBlock := [:a :b | 
        |n1 n2 m1 m2|

       n1 := a memoryAllocationRate.
       n2 := b memoryAllocationRate.
       n1 > n2 
            or:[n1 == n2 
                and:[a classNameOrSymbol displayString < b classNameOrSymbol displayString]]
    self updateDisplay

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 16:15:17 / cg"

    self label:'Memory usage; by memory usage'.

    sortBlock := [:a :b | 
        |n1 n2|

        n1 := a overallByteSize.
        n2 := b overallByteSize.
        n1 > n2 
        or:[n1 == n2
            and:[(a classNameOrSymbol) displayString < (b classNameOrSymbol) displayString]]
    self updateDisplay

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 16:13:58 / cg"
! !

!MemoryUsageView methodsFor:'private'!

    "update the displayed list"

    |nameLen countLen bytesUsedSize avgSizeLen maxSizeLen accumMemoryUseLen|

    nameLen := 50.
    countLen := 7.
    bytesUsedSize := 10.
    avgSizeLen := 10.
    maxSizeLen := 8.
    accumMemoryUseLen := 7.

    windowGroup withCursor:Cursor wait do:[
        |classNames counts sumSizes maxSizes percents avgSizes 
         l line allMemory 
         overAllCount overAllAvgSize overAllMaxSize 
         lastP sumPercent|

        prevRawInfo notNil ifTrue:[
            rawInfo keysAndValuesDo:[:key :entry |
                |prevEntry deltaInstCount deltaInstBytes prevInstCount prevInstBytes| 

                prevEntry := prevRawInfo at:key ifAbsent:nil.
                prevInstCount :=  prevEntry notNil ifTrue:[prevEntry instanceCount] ifFalse:[0].
                prevInstBytes :=  prevEntry notNil ifTrue:[prevEntry overallByteSize] ifFalse:0.
                deltaInstCount := entry instanceCount - prevInstCount.
                deltaInstBytes := entry overallByteSize - prevInstBytes.

                entry instanceAllocationRate:deltaInstCount.
                entry memoryAllocationRate:deltaInstBytes.
        info := rawInfo asSortedCollection:sortBlock.

        sumSizes := info collect:[:infoEntry | infoEntry overallByteSize ].
        allMemory := sumSizes sum.
        percents := sumSizes collect:[:sz | (sz asFloat / allMemory * 100)].
        sumPercent := 0.

        overAllMaxSize := overAllCount := 0.

        l := OrderedCollection new.
        info doWithIndex:[:entry :i |
            |line avgSz avgSzString maxSz instCount percent|

            maxSz := entry maxByteSize.
            avgSz := entry averageSize asFixedPoint:1.
            avgSz = maxSz ifTrue:[
                avgSzString := avgSz asInteger printString , '  '.
            ] ifFalse:[
                avgSzString := avgSz printString.
            instCount := entry instanceCount.

            line := entry classNameStringInList printStringPaddedTo:nameLen.
            line := line contractTo:nameLen.

            line := line , (instCount printStringLeftPaddedTo:countLen).
            line := line , (entry overallByteSize printStringLeftPaddedTo:bytesUsedSize).
            line := line , (avgSzString leftPaddedTo:avgSizeLen).
            line := line , (maxSz printStringLeftPaddedTo:maxSizeLen).
            percent := (percents at:i).
"/ percent < 0.0 ifTrue:[self halt].
            line := line , ((percent asFixedPoint:1) printStringLeftPaddedTo:accumMemoryUseLen).
            lastP := sumPercent := ((sumPercent + percent) min:100.0).
            line := line , ((sumPercent asFixedPoint:1) printStringLeftPaddedTo:accumMemoryUseLen).

            line := line , (entry instanceAllocationRate printStringLeftPaddedTo:countLen).
            line := line , (entry memoryAllocationRate printStringLeftPaddedTo:bytesUsedSize).

            l add:line.

            overAllMaxSize := overAllMaxSize max:entry maxByteSize.
            overAllCount := overAllCount + instCount.
"/ (((lastP asFixedPoint:1) printStringLeftPaddedTo:7) startsWith:'99.') ifTrue:[self halt].
        "add summary line"
        overAllAvgSize := ((allMemory / overAllCount) * 10) rounded / 10.0.

        l addFirst:''.
        line := 'all objects' printStringPaddedTo:nameLen.
        line := line , (overAllCount printStringLeftPaddedTo:countLen).
        line := line , (allMemory printStringLeftPaddedTo:bytesUsedSize).
        line := line , (overAllAvgSize printStringLeftPaddedTo:avgSizeLen).
        line := line , (overAllMaxSize printStringLeftPaddedTo:maxSizeLen).
        line := line , (100.0 printStringLeftPaddedTo:accumMemoryUseLen).
        l addFirst:line.

        list list:l.

    "Created: / 19-09-1995 / 15:30:47 / claus"
    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 17:15:29 / cg"

    "scan all memory and collect the information"

    windowGroup withCursor:Cursor questionMark do:[
        |myProcess myPriority|

        "find all objects, collect stuff in info"

         this is a time consuming operation; therefore lower my priority ...
        myProcess := Processor activeProcess.
        myPriority := myProcess priority.
        myProcess priority:(Processor userBackgroundPriority).
        prevRawInfo := rawInfo.

        rawInfo := IdentityDictionary new:600.

        [   |behaviorFlag|

            behaviorFlag := Behavior flagBehavior.

            ObjectMemory allObjectsDo:[:o |
                |infoEntry class flags|

"/              o isBehavior ifTrue:[
                class := o class.
                flags := class flags.
                (flags notNil and:[flags class == SmallInteger]) ifTrue:[
                    (flags bitAnd:behaviorFlag) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                            handle:[:ex |] 
                                o isObsolete ifTrue:[
                                    class := #ObsoleteClass
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    o isMeta ifTrue:[
                                        o isPrivate ifTrue:[
                                            class := #PrivateMetaclass
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            class := #Metaclass
                                    ] ifFalse:[
                                        o isPrivate ifTrue:[
                                            class := #PrivateClass
                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                            (o isNameSpace
                                            and:[o ~~ NameSpace
                                            and:[o ~~ Smalltalk]])
                                                class := #NameSpace
                                            ] ifFalse:[
                                                class := #Class

                infoEntry := rawInfo at:class ifAbsent:nil.
                infoEntry isNil ifTrue:[
                    infoEntry := StatisticEntry new.
                    rawInfo at:class put:infoEntry. 
                infoEntry addStatisticForInstance:o class:class.
        ] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
            myProcess priority:myPriority.

    "Modified: / 19-09-1995 / 15:29:10 / claus"
    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 16:29:53 / cg"
! !

!MemoryUsageView methodsFor:'realization'!

pixelOrigin:a extent:b
    super pixelOrigin:a extent:b

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 17:01:06 / cg"

    super realize.
    titleLabel origin:(list originRelativeTo:self) x @ 0.0.
    self updateInfo.
    self sortByClass.

    "Modified: 14.10.1997 / 21:03:52 / cg"
! !

!MemoryUsageView::StatisticEntry methodsFor:'accessing'!

    averageSize isNil ifTrue:[
        averageSize := overallByteSize / instanceCount
    ^ averageSize.

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 16:09:35 / cg"

    ^ classNameOrSymbol

    classNameOrSymbol == #Class ifTrue:[
        ^ '<all classes>'
    classNameOrSymbol == #Metaclass ifTrue:[
        ^ '<all metaclasses>'
    classNameOrSymbol == #PrivateMetaclass ifTrue:[
        ^ '<all private meta classes>'
    classNameOrSymbol == #PrivateClass ifTrue:[
        ^ '<all private classes>'
    classNameOrSymbol == #ObsoleteClass ifTrue:[
        ^ '<all obsolete classes>'
    classNameOrSymbol == #NameSpace ifTrue:[
        ^ '<all namespaces>'
    classNameOrSymbol isJavaClass ifTrue:[
        ^ classNameOrSymbol fullName asString copyReplaceAll:$/ with:$.
    classNameOrSymbol isObsolete ifTrue:[
        ^ classNameOrSymbol name , ' (obsolete)'
    ^ classNameOrSymbol "displayString" name

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 16:32:58 / cg"

    ^ instanceAllocationRate ? 0

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 17:10:50 / cg"

    instanceAllocationRate := something.

    ^ instanceCount

    ^ maxByteSize

    ^ memoryAllocationRate ? 0

    "Modified: / 05-05-2011 / 17:10:56 / cg"

    memoryAllocationRate := something.

    ^ minByteSize

    ^ overallByteSize
! !

!MemoryUsageView::StatisticEntry methodsFor:'updating'!

addStatisticForInstance:o class:classNameOrSymbolArg

    bytes := ObjectMemory sizeOf:o.
    instanceCount isNil ifTrue:[
        classNameOrSymbol := classNameOrSymbolArg.
        overallByteSize := bytes.
        minByteSize := maxByteSize := bytes.
        instanceCount := 1.
    ] ifFalse:[
        overallByteSize := overallByteSize + bytes.
        minByteSize := minByteSize min:bytes.
        maxByteSize := maxByteSize max:bytes.
        instanceCount := instanceCount + 1.
    averageSize := nil.

    "Created: / 05-05-2011 / 16:04:42 / cg"
! !

!MemoryUsageView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.54 2011-05-05 15:28:32 cg Exp $'

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.54 2011-05-05 15:28:32 cg Exp $'
! !