author claus
Mon, 28 Nov 1994 22:11:47 +0100
changeset 56 d0cb937cbcaa
parent 52 7b48409ae088
child 57 36e13831b62d
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

StandardSystemView subclass:#MemoryMonitor
	 instanceVariableNames:'updateInterval updateBlock myProcess oldData newData
		freeData updateIndex org maxTotal minTotal dX
		newColor freeColor oldColor 
		prevTotal prevFree prevFree2 prevOld scale'

MemoryMonitor comment:'
 COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.5 1994-11-28 21:11:38 claus Exp $

!MemoryMonitor class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.5 1994-11-28 21:11:38 claus Exp $

    Shows memory usage (oldspace + newspace). Simple, but useful.

    The numbers shown are:
	tot     total memory usage (i.e. allocated oldSpace + allocated newSpace)
		(does not include the second semispace and other help-areas,
		 such as the remembered set etc.)

	all     current oldSpace in use + newSpace in use

	new     current newSpace in use

	frl     free space in (fragmented) free lists
	fre     compact free area above the used oldSpace

	old     current oldSpace in use

	max,    extreme values of 'tot' since the monitor started
	min     (can be reset by typing 'r' in the view)

	t       tenure threshold

	I       incremental GC state

	%       percentage of live objects in newSpace after last scavenge
		(i.e. this is the garbage vs. living objects ratio of
		 newSpace objects after the last scavenge)

    the graphic shows:
	yellow  newSpace used
	green   free memory in freeLists
	white   oldSpace used

    the popupMenu offers GC functions; keyboard options are:
	'f' -> faster; 's' -> slower; 'r' -> reset min/max
! !

!MemoryMonitor class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ (200 @ 200)

    ^ 'Memory Monitor'


    i := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/MemMonitor.xbm'.
    i notNil ifTrue:[^ i].
    ^ super defaultIcon
! !

!MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'drawing'!

    "redraw all"

    self clear.
    self redrawX:0 y:0 width:width height:height

redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "redraw data"

    |total oldSpaceUsed newSpaceUsed freeMem lx s startIdx endIdx

    shown ifFalse:[^ self].

    right := x + w - 1.
    right >= org ifTrue:[
	lx := x.
	lx < org ifTrue:[
	    lx := org

	total := ObjectMemory oldSpaceSize + ObjectMemory newSpaceSize.

	startIdx := (lx-org+1).
	startIdx < 1 ifTrue:[
	    startIdx := 1

	endIdx := right-org+1.
	endIdx >= updateIndex ifTrue:[
	    endIdx := updateIndex-1.
	dX := 0.

	startIdx to:endIdx do:[:i |
	    newSpaceUsed := newData at:i.
	    newSpaceUsed notNil ifTrue:[
		oldSpaceUsed := oldData at:i.
		freeMem := freeData at:i.

		self updateLineX:lx - dX
	    lx := lx + 1

    x < org ifTrue:[
	prevFree := prevFree2 := prevOld := prevTotal := nil.

	self updateNumbers.

updateLineX:x total:total old:oldSpaceUsed new:newSpaceUsed free:freeMem
    |hNew hOld hFree y1 y2|

    hNew := (newSpaceUsed * scale) asInteger.
    hOld := (oldSpaceUsed * scale) // 2.
    hFree := (freeMem * scale) asInteger.

    y1 := height - 1.
    y2 := y1 - hOld.
    self paint:oldColor.
    self displayLineFromX:x y:y1 toX:x y:y2.

    y1 := y2.
    y2 := y1 - hFree.
    self paint:freeColor.
    self displayLineFromX:x y:y1 toX:x y:y2.

    y1 := y2.
    y2 := y1 - hNew.
    self paint:newColor.
    self displayLineFromX:x y:y1 toX:x y:y2.

    "redraw numbers.
     The values shown are:
	max:    maximum memory used since monitor started
	min:    minimum memory used since monitor started
	tot:    total memory used (overall oldSpace + overall newSpace)
	all:    current memory in use (oldSpace + newSpace)
	new:    current newSpace in use
	free:   current size of freelist in oldSpace
	old:    current oldSpace in use

    |oldSpaceSize newSpaceSize memUsed oldMemUsed newMemUsed freeMem free2 
     x y half s thisStringLen fontHeight total n|

    oldMemUsed := ObjectMemory oldSpaceUsed.
    newMemUsed := ObjectMemory newSpaceUsed.
    freeMem := ObjectMemory freeListSpace.
    oldSpaceSize := ObjectMemory oldSpaceSize.
    newSpaceSize := ObjectMemory newSpaceSize.

    memUsed := oldMemUsed + newMemUsed "- freeMem".
    total := oldSpaceSize + newSpaceSize.
    free2 := oldSpaceSize - oldMemUsed.

    self paint:White on:Black.

    fontHeight := font height + font descent.
    half := height // 2 + font descent.

    y := half - (fontHeight * 3).

    total ~~ prevTotal ifTrue:[
	((total - freeMem) < minTotal) ifTrue:[
	    minTotal := total - freeMem.
	(total > maxTotal) ifTrue:[
	    maxTotal := total.

	s := 'max ' , ((maxTotal // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
	self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:font ascent.

	s := 'min ' , ((minTotal // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
	self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:(height - font descent).

	s := 'tot ' , ((total  // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
	self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:y.

	prevTotal := total.

    y := y + fontHeight.
    s := 'all ' , ((memUsed // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
    self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:y.

    y := y + fontHeight.
    self paint:newColor.
    s := 'new ' , ((newMemUsed // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
    self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:y.

    y := y + fontHeight.
    freeMem ~~ prevFree ifTrue:[
	self paint:freeColor.
	s := 'frl ' , ((freeMem // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
	self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:y.
	prevFree := freeMem.

    y := y + fontHeight.
    free2 ~~ prevFree2 ifTrue:[
	self paint:freeColor.
	s := 'fre ' , ((free2 // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
	self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:y.
	prevFree2 := free2.

    y := y + fontHeight.
    (oldMemUsed - freeMem) ~~ prevOld ifTrue:[
	self paint:oldColor.
	s := 'old ' , (((oldMemUsed - freeMem) // 1024) printStringRightAdjustLen:5) , 'k '.
	self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:y.
	prevOld := (oldMemUsed - freeMem).

     the following is internal - normally only interresting when debugging the VM
    y := y + fontHeight.
    self paint:oldColor.
    s := 't:' , (ObjectMemory tenureAge printStringRightAdjustLen:2) , ' '.
    s := s , 'I:' , (ObjectMemory incrementalGCPhase printStringRightAdjustLen:2) , ' '.
    self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:y.

"/ does no longer make sense to show ....
"/    y := y + fontHeight.
"/    ObjectMemory runsSingleOldSpace ifTrue:[
"/        self displayOpaqueString:'single' x:0 y:(half + (fontHeight*4)).
"/    ].

    y := y + fontHeight.
    n := ObjectMemory lastScavangeReclamation / ObjectMemory newSpaceSize * 100.0.
    n := 100 - n asInteger.
    s := (n printStringRightAdjustLen:2) , '%'.
    self displayOpaqueString:s x:0 y:y.

    "update picture; trigger next update"

    |total oldSpaceUsed newSpaceUsed freeMem 
     gWidth shift scaleChange margin mustWait|

    shown ifTrue:[
	oldSpaceUsed := ObjectMemory oldSpaceUsed.
	newSpaceUsed := ObjectMemory newSpaceUsed.
	freeMem := ObjectMemory freeListSpace.
	total := oldSpaceUsed + newSpaceUsed.

	scaleChange := false.

	((total - freeMem) < minTotal) ifTrue:[
	    minTotal := total - freeMem.
	    scaleChange := true
	(total > maxTotal) ifTrue:[
	    maxTotal := total.
	    scaleChange := true

	oldData at:updateIndex put:oldSpaceUsed.
	newData at:updateIndex put:newSpaceUsed.
	freeData at:updateIndex put:freeMem.
	updateIndex := updateIndex + 1.

	scaleChange ifTrue:[
	    scale := height asFloat / (maxTotal + 100000).
	    self redraw

	gWidth := width - org.
	margin := 1.

	mustWait := false.
	((updateIndex-1) >= (gWidth - margin)) ifTrue:[
"on slow displays, use:"
"/            shift := gWidth // 4.

"for smooth display, use:"
	    shift := 1.

	    oldData replaceFrom:1 with:oldData startingAt:shift+1.
	    newData replaceFrom:1 with:newData startingAt:shift+1.
	    freeData replaceFrom:1 with:freeData startingAt:shift+1.

	    updateIndex := updateIndex - shift.
	    dX := dX + shift.

	    self catchExpose.
	    self copyFrom:self 
			x:(org + shift) y:0
		      toX:org y:0
		    width:(gWidth - shift - margin)
	    self clearRectangleX:(width - margin - shift) y:0 
			   width:shift height:height.
	    mustWait := true.

	self updateLineX:(updateIndex - 1 + org - 1)

	self updateNumbers.
	mustWait ifTrue:[
	    self waitForExpose.


    updateBlock notNil ifTrue:[
	Processor addTimedBlock:updateBlock afterSeconds:updateInterval
! !

!MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'destroying'!

    updateBlock notNil ifTrue:[
	Processor removeTimedBlock:updateBlock.
    ] ifFalse:[
	myProcess terminate.
	myProcess := nil
    oldData := newData := freeData := nil.
    super destroy
! !

!MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'events'!

keyPress:key x:x y:y
    key == $f ifTrue:[
	updateInterval := updateInterval / 2
    key == $s ifTrue:[
	updateInterval := updateInterval * 2
    key == $r ifTrue:[
	"reset max"
	maxTotal := prevTotal.
	scale := height asFloat / (maxTotal + 100000).
	self redraw.

    |nn no nf delta oldSize newSize|

    super sizeChanged:how.

    oldSize := oldData size.
    newSize := width-org+1.

    (newSize == oldSize) ifTrue:[^ self].

    nn := Array new:newSize.
    no := Array new:newSize.
    nf := Array new:newSize.

    (newSize > oldSize) ifTrue:[
	nn replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:newData.
	no replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:oldData.
	nf replaceFrom:1 to:oldSize with:freeData
    ] ifFalse:[
	delta := (oldSize - newSize).
	nn replaceFrom:1 with:newData startingAt:delta+1.
	no replaceFrom:1 with:oldData startingAt:delta+1.
	nf replaceFrom:1 with:freeData startingAt:delta+1.
	updateIndex > newSize ifTrue:[
	    updateIndex := updateIndex - delta.
    newData := nn.
    oldData := no.
    freeData := nf.

    scale := height asFloat / (maxTotal + 100000).
    self clear.
    self redraw
! !

!MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'initialization'!

    super realize.
    updateBlock notNil ifTrue:[
	Processor addTimedBlock:updateBlock afterSeconds:updateInterval.
    ] ifFalse:[
	myProcess := [

	    [true] whileTrue:[
		(Delay forSeconds:updateInterval) wait.
		self updateDisplay
	] forkAt:5.
	myProcess name:'monitor update'

    newColor := newColor on:device.
    freeColor := freeColor on:device.
    oldColor := oldColor on:device.

    font := font on:device.

    super initialize.

    updateInterval := 0.5.
    ProcessorScheduler isPureEventDriven ifTrue:[
	updateBlock := [self updateDisplay].
    oldData := Array new:1000.
    newData := Array new:1000.
    freeData := Array new:1000.

    updateIndex := 1.
    org := font widthOf:'max 99999k'.
    level := 0.

    maxTotal := minTotal := ObjectMemory oldSpaceSize + ObjectMemory newSpaceSize.

    viewBackground := Black.

    device hasColors ifTrue:[
	newColor := Color yellow.
	freeColor := Color green.
	oldColor := Color white.
    ] ifFalse:[
	newColor := Color grey:67.
	freeColor := Color grey:33.
	oldColor := Color white.

    self font:(Font family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:10).

     MemoryMonitor open

    self middleButtonMenu:
	     (PopUpMenu labels:(resources array:#(
						  'collect Garbage'
						  'collect Garbage & compress'
						  'background collect'
! !

!MemoryMonitor methodsFor:'menu functions'!

    ObjectMemory markAndSweep

    ObjectMemory verboseGarbageCollect

    [ObjectMemory incrementalGC] forkAt:4
! !