author Claus Gittinger <>
Sat, 11 Nov 1995 16:41:09 +0100
changeset 165 df29ee4514c1
parent 142 1af2cc5f26f5
child 194 93155825c7a0
permissions -rw-r--r--
uff - version methods changed to return stings

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

'From Smalltalk/X, Version:2.10.4 on 24-feb-1995 at 5:09:20 am'!

ApplicationModel subclass:#SystemBrowser
	 instanceVariableNames:'currentClass currentMethodCategory currentMethod currentSelector
		showInstance actualClasslastMethodCategory aspect lockUpdates
		autoSearch myLabel acceptClass'

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "Browser configuration;
     (values can be changed from your private startup file)"

    self classResources.

     setting this to false, the removeClass function will remove
     classes WITHOUT checking for instances. Otherwise,
     it will check and let you confirm in case there are instances.
     Checking for instances may be a bit time consuming, though.
     The default is true - therefore, it will check
    CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses := true

     CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses := true
     CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses := false

     SystemBrowser initialize
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/,v 1.41 1995-11-11 15:41:09 cg Exp $'

    this class implements all kinds of class browsers.
    Typically, it is started with 'SystemBrowser open', but there are many other 
    startup messages, to launch special browsers.
    See the categories 'startup' and 'special search startup' in the classes

    Alse, see the extra document 'doc/misc/sbrowser.doc' or the HTML online doc
    for how to use the browser.

    written winter 89 by claus.

    Notice: SystemBrowser is currently being rewritten to be an instance
    of ApplicationModel - this transition is not yet complete and you see
    here an intermediate version. The instance variables defined here are NOT
    currently used - instead, everything is really done in the BrowserView
    which (currently) keeps the real state of the browser.
    This will certainly change ...
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "launch a standard browser on another display.
     Does not work currently - still being developped."

    ^ self newWithLabel:(self classResources string:'System Browser')
	     setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForAll]


     d := XWorkstation new initializeFor:'porty:0'.
     d startDispatch.
     SystemBrowser openOnDevice:d

    "launch a standard browser"

    ^ self openOnDevice:(Screen current) 

     SystemBrowser open
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'startup'!

browseMethods:aList title:aString
    "launch a browser for an explicit list of class/selectors.
     Each entry in the list must consist of the classes name and the selector,
     separated by spaces. For class methods, the string 'class' must be
     appended to the classname."

    (aList size == 0) ifTrue:[
	self showNoneFound:aString.
	^ nil
    aList sort.
    ^ self 

	browseMethods:#('Object printOn:' 'Collection add:')
	title:'some methods'
	browseMethods:#('Behavior new:' 'Setclass new:')
	title:'some new: methods'

browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses inst:wantInst class:wantClass where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance- (if wantInst is true) and/or
     classmethods (if wantClass is true) from classes in aCollectionOfClasses,
     where aBlock evaluates to true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."


     since this may take a long time, lower my priority ...
    Processor activeProcess withLowerPriorityDo:[
	|checkedClasses checkBlock|

	checkedClasses := IdentitySet new.
	list := OrderedCollection new.

	checkBlock := [:cls |
	    |methodArray selectorArray| 

	    (checkedClasses includes:cls) ifFalse:[
		methodArray := cls methodArray.
		selectorArray := cls selectorArray.

		1 to:methodArray size do:[:index |
		    |method sel|

		    method := methodArray at:index.
		    sel := selectorArray at:index.
		    (aBlock value:cls value:method value:sel) ifTrue:[
			list add:(cls name , ' ' , sel)
		checkedClasses add:cls.

	aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass |
	     output disabled - it slows down things too much (when searching for
	     implementors or senders)
	    wantInst ifTrue:[
"/                Transcript show:'searching '; show:aClass name; showCr:' ...'; endEntry.
		checkBlock value:aClass
	    wantClass ifTrue:[
"/                Transcript show:'searching '; show:aClass class name; showCr:' ...'; endEntry.
		checkBlock value:(aClass class)
	    Processor yield

    ^ self browseMethods:list title:title

browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance- and classmethods from 
     all classes in aCollectionOfClasses where aBlock evaluates to true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses inst:true class:true where:aBlock title:title


    "launch a browser for all classes under aCategory"

    ^ self 

    "SystemBrowser browseClassCategory:'Kernel-Objects'"

    "launch a browser showing all methods at once"

    ^ self 
	newWithLabel:'Full Class Browser'
	setupBlock:[:newBrowser | newBrowser setupForFullClass]

    "SystemBrowser browseFullClasses"

    "launch a browser for aClass"

    ^ self 
	newWithLabel:aClass name

    "SystemBrowser browseClass:Object"

browseClass:aClass selector:selector
    "launch a browser for the method at selector in aClass"

    ^ self 
	newWithLabel:(aClass name , ' ' , selector , ' ' , selector)
	setupBlock:[:newBrowser | newBrowser setupForClass:aClass selector:selector]

     SystemBrowser browseClass:Object selector:#printString

    "launch a browser for aClass and all its superclasses.
     this is different from the fullProtocol browser."

    ^ self 
	newWithLabel:(aClass name , '-' , 'hierarchy')

     SystemBrowser browseClassHierarchy:Number

    "launch a browser for aClasses full protocol.
     This is different from hierarchy browsing."

    ^ self 
	newWithLabel:(aClass name , '-' , 'full protocol')

     SystemBrowser browseFullClassProtocol:Number

browseClasses:aList title:title
    "launch a browser for all classes in aList"

    ^ self 

     SystemBrowser browseClasses:(Array with:Object
			   title:'two classes'

browseClass:aClass methodCategory:aCategory
    "launch a browser for all methods under aCategory in aClass"

    ^ self newWithLabel:(aClass name , ' ' , aCategory)
	  setupBlock:[:browser | browser setupForClass:aClass methodCategory:aCategory]

    "SystemBrowser browseClass:String methodCategory:'copying'"

    "launch a browser for all methods where category = aCategory"


    aCategory includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
	searchBlock := [:c :m :s | aCategory match:m category].
    ] ifFalse:[
	searchBlock := [:c :m :s | m category = aCategory]

    self browseMethodsWhere:searchBlock title:('all methods with category of ' , aCategory)

     SystemBrowser browseMethodCategory:'printing & storing'
     SystemBrowser browseMethodCategory:'print*'

    "launch a browser for all methods where aBlock returns true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."

    ^ self browseMethodsWhere:aBlock title:'selected messages'

     SystemBrowser browseAllSelect:[:aClass :aMethod :selector | selector numArgs == 3]

browseMethodsWhere:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all methods where aBlock returns true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:(Smalltalk allClasses) where:aBlock title:title

browseMethodsOf:aClass where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance- and classmethods in aClass 
     where aBlock evaluates to true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:(Array with:aClass) where:aBlock title:title

browseMethodsFrom:aClass where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance- and classmethods in aClass
     and all its subclasses where aBlock evaluates to true.
     The block is called with 3 arguments, class, method and seelctor."

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:(aClass withAllSubclasses) where:aBlock title:title

browseInstMethodsOf:aClass where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance methods in aClass
     where aBlock evaluates to true"

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:(Array with:aClass) inst:true class:false where:aBlock title:title

browseInstMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance methods of all classes in
     aCollectionOfClasses where aBlock evaluates to true"

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses inst:true class:false 
		     where:aBlock title:title

browseInstMethodsFrom:aClass where:aBlock title:title
    "launch a browser for all instance methods in aClass and all subclasses
     where aBlock evaluates to true"

    ^ self browseMethodsIn:(aClass withAllSubclasses) inst:true class:false where:aBlock title:title
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'startup with query'!


    enterBox := EnterBox title:(self classResources at:'Browse which class:') withCRs.
    enterBox okText:(self classResources at:'browse').
    enterBox entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
	|s what m|

	s := contents withoutSpaces.
	what := Smalltalk classnameCompletion:s.
	enterBox contents:what first.
    enterBox action:[:className |

	cls := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
	cls isNil ifTrue:[
	    self warn:(self classResources at:'no such class').
	] ifFalse:[
	    self perform:aSelector with:cls  
    enterBox showAtPointer

     SystemBrowser getClassThenPerform:#browseClass:

    self getClassThenPerform:#browseClass:

     SystemBrowser askThenBrowseClass

    self getClassThenPerform:#browseClassHierarchy:

     SystemBrowser askThenBrowseClassHierarchy

    self getClassThenPerform:#browseFullClassProtocol:

     SystemBrowser askThenBrowseFullClassProtocol
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'special search startup'!

browseAllCallsOn:aSelectorString in:aCollectionOfClasses title:title
    "launch a browser for all senders of aSelector in aCollectionOfClasses"

    |sel browser searchBlock|

    ((aSelectorString ~= '*') and:[aSelectorString includesMatchCharacters]) ifTrue:[
	"a matchString"
	searchBlock := [:class :method :s |
			    |lits found|

			    lits := method literals.
			    found := false.
			    lits notNil ifTrue:[
				lits do:[:aLiteral |
				    found ifFalse:[
					(aLiteral isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
					    found := (aSelectorString match:aLiteral)
    ] ifFalse:[
	sel := aSelectorString asSymbolIfInterned.
	sel isNil ifTrue:[
	    Transcript showCr:'none found.'.
	    self showNoneFound:title.
	    ^ nil
	searchBlock := [:class :method :s | method sends:sel].
    browser := self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses

    browser notNil ifTrue:[

	 kludge for now, if its a multipart selector,
	 no easy search is (as yet) possible
	s := aSelectorString.
	(s includes:$:) ifTrue:[
	    s := s copyTo:(s indexOf:$:)
	browser autoSearch:s 
    ^ browser

    "launch a browser for all implementors of aSelector"

    ^ self browseImplementorsOf:aSelectorString
			     in:(Smalltalk allClasses)
			  title:('implementors of: ' , aSelectorString)

     SystemBrowser browseImplementorsOf:#+

browseImplementorsOf:aSelectorString in:aCollectionOfClasses title:title
    "launch a browser for all implementors of aSelector in
     the classes contained in aCollectionOfClasses and its metaclasses"

    |list sel|

    list := OrderedCollection new.

    ((aSelectorString ~= '*') and:[aSelectorString includesMatchCharacters]) ifTrue:[
	"a matchString"

	aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass |
	    aClass selectorArray do:[:aSelector |
		(aSelectorString match:aSelector) ifTrue:[
		    list add:(aClass name , ' ' , aSelector)
	    aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
		aClass class selectorArray do:[:aSelector |
		    (aSelectorString match:aSelector) ifTrue:[
			list add:(aClass name , 'class ' , aSelector)
    ] ifFalse:[
	"can do a faster search"

	sel := aSelectorString asSymbolIfInterned.
	sel isNil ifTrue:[
	    self showNoneFound:title.
	    ^ nil

	aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass |
	    (aClass implements:sel) ifTrue:[
		list add:(aClass name , ' ' , aSelectorString)
	    aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
		(aClass class implements:sel) ifTrue:[
		    list add:(aClass name , 'class ' , aSelectorString)
    ^ self browseMethods:list title:title

     SystemBrowser browseImplementorsOf:#+
				     in:(Array with:Number
				  title:'some implementors of +'

    "Modified: 4.9.1995 / 17:33:39 / claus"

    "launch a browser for all senders of aSelector"

    ^ self browseAllCallsOn:aSelectorString 
			 in:(Smalltalk allClasses)
		      title:('senders of ' , aSelectorString)

     SystemBrowser browseAllCallsOn:#+

browseCallsOn:aSelectorString under:aClass
    "launch a browser for all senders of aSelector in aClass and subclasses"

    ^ self browseAllCallsOn:aSelectorString
			 in:(aClass withAllSubclasses)
		      title:('senders of: ' , 
			     aSelectorString , 
			     ' (in or below ' , aClass name , ')')

     SystemBrowser browseAllCallsOn:#+ under:Number

browseImplementorsOf:aSelectorString under:aClass
    "launch a browser for all implementors of aSelector in aClass
     and its subclasses"

    ^ self browseImplementorsOf:aSelectorString
			     in:(aClass withAllSubclasses)
			  title:('implementors of: ' , 
				 aSelectorString , 
				 ' (in or below ' , aClass name , ')')

     SystemBrowser browseImplementorsOf:#+ under:Integer

browseForSymbol:aSymbol title:title warnIfNone:doWarn
    "launch a browser for all methods referencing aSymbol"

    |browser searchBlock sym|

    (aSymbol includesMatchCharacters) ifTrue:[
	"a matchString"
	searchBlock := [:c :m :s |
			    |found lits|

			    lits := m literals.
			    found := false.
			    lits notNil ifTrue:[
				lits do:[:aLiteral |
				    found ifFalse:[
					(aLiteral isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
					    found := (aSymbol match:aLiteral)
    ] ifFalse:[
	 can do a faster search
	sym := aSymbol asSymbolIfInterned.
	sym isNil ifTrue:[
	    self showNoneFound:title.
	    ^ nil

	searchBlock := [:c :m :s |
			    |found lits|

			    lits := m literals.
			    found := false.
			    lits notNil ifTrue:[
				lits do:[:aLiteral |
				    found ifFalse:[
					(aLiteral isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
					    found := (sym == aLiteral)
    browser := self browseMethodsWhere:searchBlock title:title.
    browser notNil ifTrue:[
	browser autoSearch:aSymbol
    ^ browser

filterToSearchRefsTo:varName classVars:classVars modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "return a searchblock for variable references"


    searchBlock := [:c :m :s |
	|src result parser vars needMatch|

	needMatch := varName includesMatchCharacters.

	src := m source.
	src isNil ifTrue:[
	    result := false
	] ifFalse:[
	    needMatch ifFalse:[
		 before doing a slow parse, quickly scan the
		 methods source for the variables name ...
		result := (src findString:varName) ~~ 0.
	    ] ifTrue:[
		result := true.
	    result ifTrue:[
		result := false.
		parser := Parser parseMethod:src in:c warnings:false.
		parser notNil ifTrue:[
		    classVars ifFalse:[
			modsOnly ifTrue:[
			    vars := parser modifiedInstVars
			] ifFalse:[
			    vars := parser usedInstVars
		    ] ifTrue:[    
			modsOnly ifTrue:[
			    vars := parser modifiedClassVars
			] ifFalse:[
			    vars := parser usedClassVars
		    vars notNil ifTrue:[
			needMatch ifTrue:[
			    vars do:[:cv |
				(varName match:cv) ifTrue:[result := true]
			] ifFalse:[
			    result := vars includes:varName
	Processor yield.
    ^ searchBlock

    "launch a browser for all methods referencing aSymbol"

    ^ self browseForSymbol:aSymbol title:('users of ' , aSymbol) warnIfNone:true

browseReferendsOf:aGlobalName warnIfNone:doWarn
    "launch a browser for all methods referencing a global
     named aGlobalName.

    ^ self browseForSymbol:aGlobalName title:('users of: ' , aGlobalName) warnIfNone:doWarn 


    "launch a browser for all methods referencing a global
     named aGlobalName.

    ^ self browseReferendsOf:aGlobalName warnIfNone:true 

    Browser browseReferendsOf:#Transcript


    |dict owners offsets
     sz  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     n   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     removeSet newDict|

    owners := ObjectMemory whoReferencesInstancesOf:aClass.

     collect set of offsets in dict; key is class
    dict := IdentityDictionary new.
    owners do:[:someObject |
	|cls create|

	someObject isContext ifFalse:[
	     someObject refers to an instance of aClass;
	     find out, which instVar(s)
	    cls := someObject class.
	    cls ~~ Array ifTrue:[
		n := cls instSize.
		create := [|s| s := Set new. dict at:cls put:s. s].

		1 to:n do:[:i |

		    ref := someObject instVarAt:i.
		    (ref isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[
			offsets := dict at:cls ifAbsent:create.
			offsets add:i.
		cls isVariable ifTrue:[
		    cls isPointers ifTrue:[
			| idx "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

			sz := someObject basicSize.
			idx := 1.
			[idx <= sz] whileTrue:[

			    ref := someObject basicAt:idx.
			    (ref isMemberOf:aClass) ifTrue:[
				offsets := dict at:cls ifAbsent:create.
				offsets add:0.
				idx := sz
			    idx := idx + 1

     merge with superclass refs
    dict keysAndValuesDo:[:cls :set |
	cls allSuperclasses do:[:aSuperclass |

	    superSet := dict at:aSuperclass ifAbsent:[].
	    superSet notNil ifTrue:[

		superSet := dict at:aSuperclass.
		removeSet := Set new.
		set do:[:offset |
		    (superSet includes:offset) ifTrue:[
			removeSet add:offset
		set removeAll:removeSet

     remove empty ones
    removeSet := Set new.
    dict keysAndValuesDo:[:cls :set |
	set isEmpty ifTrue:[
	    removeSet add:cls
    removeSet do:[:cls |
	dict removeKey:cls

     replace the indices by real names
    newDict := IdentityDictionary new.
    dict keysAndValuesDo:[:cls :set |
	|newSet names|

	names := cls allInstVarNames.
	newSet := set collect:[:index | 
		index == 0 ifTrue:['*indexed*'] ifFalse:[names at:index].
	newDict at:cls put:newSet

    newDict inspect


browseForString:aString in:aCollectionOfClasses
    "launch a browser for all methods in aCollectionOfClasses  
     containing a string in their source.
     This may be slow, since source-code has to be scanned."

    |browser searchBlock title s|

    title := 'methods containing: ' , aString displayString.

    (aString includesMatchCharacters) ifTrue:[
	s := '*' , aString , '*'.
	"a matchString"
	searchBlock := [:c :m :sel | s match:m source]
    ] ifFalse:[
	searchBlock := [:c :m :sel | (m source findString:aString) ~~ 0]
    browser := self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses where:searchBlock title:title.

    browser notNil ifTrue:[
	browser autoSearch:aString
    ^ browser

     SystemBrowser browseForString:'all' in:(Array with:Object)
     SystemBrowser browseForString:'should' in:(Array with:Object)
     SystemBrowser browseForString:'[eE]rror' in:(Array with:Object)


    "launch a browser for all methods containing a string in their source.
     This may be slow, since source-code has to be scanned."

    ^ self browseForString:aString in:(Smalltalk allClasses)

aproposSearch:aString in:aCollectionOfClasses
    "browse all methods, which have aString in their selector or
     in the methods comment.
     This is relatively slow, since all source must be processed."

    |matchString list s searchBlock browser|

    matchString := '*' , aString , '*'.

    list := OrderedCollection new.

    (aString includesMatchCharacters) ifTrue:[
	s := '*' , aString , '*'.
	"a matchString"
	searchBlock := [:text | (text asCollectionOfLinesfindFirst:[:line | s match:line]) ~~ 0].
    ] ifFalse:[
	searchBlock := [:source | (source findString:aString) ~~ 0]

    browser := self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses 
		     where:[:class :method :sel |

				Processor yield.
				(searchBlock value:sel) ifTrue:[
				] ifFalse:[
				    comment := method comment.
				    comment notNil 
				    and:[searchBlock value:method comment]
		     title:('apropos: ' , aString).

    browser notNil ifTrue:[
	browser autoSearch:aString 
    ^ browser

     SystemBrowser aproposSearch:'append' in:(Collection withAllSubclasses)
     SystemBrowser aproposSearch:'add'    in:(Collection withAllSubclasses)
     SystemBrowser aproposSearch:'sort'   in:(Collection withAllSubclasses)
     SystemBrowser aproposSearch:'[Aa]bsent' in:(Collection withAllSubclasses)


    "browse all methods, which have aString in their selector or
     in the methods comment.
     This is relatively slow, since all source must be processed."

    ^ self aproposSearch:aString in:(Smalltalk allClasses)


browseRefsTo:varName classVars:classVars in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly title:title
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass where the instVar/classVar named
     varName is referenced; if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the
     instvar is modified"

    |filter browser pattern|

    filter := self filterToSearchRefsTo:varName classVars:classVars modificationsOnly:modsOnly.
    browser := self browseMethodsIn:aCollectionOfClasses 
			inst:true class:classVars where:filter title:title.

    browser notNil ifTrue:[
	modsOnly ifTrue:[
	    pattern := varName , ' :='
	] ifFalse:[
	    pattern := varName
	browser autoSearch:pattern 
    ^ browser

browseInstRefsTo:varName in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly title:title
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass where the instVar named
     varName is referenced; if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the
     instvar is modified"

    ^ self browseRefsTo:varName classVars:false in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly title:title

browseClassRefsTo:varName in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly title:title
    "launch a browser for all methods in aCollectionOfClasses,
     where the classVar named aString is referenced; 
     if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the classvar is modified"

    ^ self browseRefsTo:varName classVars:true in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly title:title

browseRefsTo:aString classVars:classVars in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass where the instVar/classVar named
     aString is referenced; if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the
     instvar is modified"


    modsOnly ifTrue:[
	title := 'modifications of '
    ] ifFalse:[
	title := 'references to '
    ^ self 
	title:(title , aString)

browseInstRefsTo:aString in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass where the instVar named
     aString is referenced; if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the
     instvar is modified"

    ^ self browseRefsTo:aString classVars:false in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly

browseInstRefsTo:aString under:aClass modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass and subclasses
     where the instVar named aString is referenced; 
     if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the instvar is modified"

    ^ self browseInstRefsTo:aString in:(aClass withAllSubclasses) modificationsOnly:modsOnly

browseClassRefsTo:aString in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass where the classVar named
     aString is referenced; if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the
     classvar is modified"

    ^ self browseRefsTo:aString classVars:true in:aCollectionOfClasses modificationsOnly:modsOnly

browseClassRefsTo:aString under:aClass modificationsOnly:modsOnly
    "launch a browser for all methods in aClass and subclasses
     where the classVar named aString is referenced; 
     if modsOnly is true, browse only methods where the classvar is modified"

    ^ self browseClassRefsTo:aString in:(aClass withAllSubclasses) modificationsOnly:modsOnly

! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'private instance creation'!

newWithLabel:aString setupBlock:aBlock onDevice:aWorkstation
    "common helper method for all creation methods"


    newBrowser := BrowserView onDevice:aWorkstation.
    newBrowser title:aString.
    aBlock value:newBrowser.

    newBrowser open.
    ^ newBrowser

newWithLabel:aString setupBlock:aBlock
    "common helper method for all creation methods"

    ^ self newWithLabel:aString setupBlock:aBlock onDevice:Screen current

newWithLabel:aString setupSelector:aSymbol arg:arg onDevice:aWorkstation
    "common helper method for all creation methods"


    newBrowser := BrowserView onDevice:aWorkstation.
    newBrowser title:aString.
    newBrowser perform:aSymbol with:arg.
    newBrowser open.
    ^ newBrowser

newWithLabel:aString setupSelector:aSymbol arg:arg
    "common helper method for all creation methods"

    ^ self newWithLabel:aString setupSelector:aSymbol arg:arg onDevice:Screen current 
! !

!SystemBrowser class methodsFor:'private helpers'!

    Dialog warn:(self classResources string:(what , '...\\... none found') withCRs).

    Dialog warn:(self classResources string:'None found').
! !