author Claus Gittinger <>
Thu, 19 Feb 2004 00:00:59 +0100
changeset 5544 e5ccc9372d6b
parent 5537 27d187445f52
child 5585 b902ecb72796
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2000 by eXept Software AG
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

"{ Package: 'stx:libtool' }"

SystemBrowser subclass:#NewSystemBrowser
	instanceVariableNames:'navigationState bufferNameList selectedBuffer buffers
		bufferUsageOrder browserCanvas immediateUpdate showClassPackages
		lastMethodCategory lastMethodMoveClass browserCanvasType
		syntaxColoringProcessRunning syntaxColoringProcess
	classVariableNames:'LastNewProtocols LastProtocolRenames LastCategoryRenames
		LastCategoryRenameOld LastCategoryRenameNew LastProjectMoves
		LastNameSpaceMove LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass
		LastSearchPatterns LastCodeSearchArea LastClassFilterBlockString
		LastMethodFilterBlockString LastBreakPointConditionString
		LastIndividualChecks LastAcceptPackage LastVariableRenames
		LastVisitorClassName LastTemporaryVariableName BookMarks
		FindHistory CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses
		SynchronousUpdate DefaultIsNewBuffer DoubleClickIsOpenBrowser
		DefaultShowMethodTemplate DefaultShowMethodInheritance
		DefaultEmphasizeUnloadedClasses DefaultImmediateSyntaxColoring
		DefaultSyntaxColoring DefaultToolBarVisible
		DefaultCodeInfoVisible DefaultShortNameInTabs
		DefaultHideUnloadedClasses DefaultMarkApplications

ApplicationModel subclass:#NavigatorModel

NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel subclass:#BrowserList
	instanceVariableNames:'menuHolder inGeneratorHolder outGeneratorHolder
		selectionChangeCondition immediateUpdate doubleClickChannel
		filter updateTrigger forceGeneratorTrigger hideUnloadedClasses
		showClassPackages selectionHolder packageFilter nameSpaceFilter
		organizerMode slaveMode listValid pseudoListLabelHolder icons
	classVariableNames:'SynchronousUpdate Icons'

Object subclass:#ClassChecker
	instanceVariableNames:'checkedClass badClasses badClassInfo badMethods badMethodInfo
		obsoleteWarners allObsoleteMethods checksPerformed'

NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList subclass:#ClassGeneratorList
	instanceVariableNames:'organizerList categoryList namespaceList namespaceNameList
		projectList selectedCategories selectedNamespaces
		selectedProjects selectedClasses'
	classVariableNames:'AdditionalEmptyCategories AdditionalEmptyProjects'

NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList subclass:#ClassList
	instanceVariableNames:'classList classNameList meta lastSelectedClasses
		selectedClassNameIndices currentNamespace hidePrivateClasses
		unloadedClassesColor markApplicationsHolder'

NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList subclass:#MethodCategoryList
	instanceVariableNames:'variableFilter filterClassVars lastSelectedProtocols classes
		leafClasses protocolList rawProtocolList selectedProtocolIndices
		lastGeneratedProtocols noAllItem packageFilterOnInput

NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList subclass:#ClassCategoryList
	instanceVariableNames:'categoryList classes allSelected'

NewSystemBrowser::ClassList subclass:#HierarchicalClassList

NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList subclass:#ProjectList

NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList subclass:#MethodList
	instanceVariableNames:'classes selectedMethodNameIndices methodList lastSelectedMethods
		browserNameList variableFilter filterClassVars updateProcess
		lastShowClass lastShowCategory lastShowClassFirst
		showMethodInheritance lastMethodClass lastMethodClassesSubclasses
		classAndSelectorsRedefinedBySubclassesOfClass showClass'

NewSystemBrowser::MethodList subclass:#ImplementingMethodList
	instanceVariableNames:'selectorList selectedSelectors'

NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList subclass:#InheritanceClassList

NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList subclass:#FullMethodCategoryList

NewSystemBrowser::MethodList subclass:#ImplementingClassList

NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList subclass:#NamespaceList
	instanceVariableNames:'namespaceNameList namespaceList'

Object subclass:#NavigationState
	instanceVariableNames:'browserLabel codeModifiedHolder categoryList classList
		packageFilter nameSpaceFilter hidePrivateClasses canvasType
		notMetaToggle metaToggle metaToggleLabel organizerMode codeAspect
		codeHolder classDocumentationHolder canvas selectorListGenerator
		protocolListGenerator classListPerNameSpaceGenerator
		classListGenerator categoryListGenerator nameSpaceListGenerator
		projectListGenerator classHierarchyTopClass meta selectedMethods
		selectedProtocols selectedClasses selectedCategories
		selectedProjects selectedNamespaces variableFilter
		filterClassVars sortBy noAllItem autoSearchPattern
		autoSearchIgnoreCase autoSearchAction realModifiedState
		methodInfo versionDiffApplication selectorListGeneratorArray
		selectedMethodsArray infoLabelHolder packageLabelHolder
		cursorLineLabelHolder cursorColLabelHolder modeLabelHolder

NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel subclass:#NavigatorCanvas

NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList subclass:#HierarchicalClassCategoryList
	instanceVariableNames:'hierarchicalCategoryTree hierarchicalCategoryList
		hierarchicalCategorySelection categoryToItemDictionary'

HierarchicalItem subclass:#ClassCategoryItem
	instanceVariableNames:'label category'

NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel subclass:#OrganizerCanvas
	instanceVariableNames:'projectListSlaveMode namespaceListSlaveMode categoryListSlaveMode
		classInheritanceListSlaveMode classListSlaveMode
		classHierarchyListSlaveMode organizerMode metaToggle
		notMetaToggle meta classList classCategoryDoubleClickChannel
		classDoubleClickChannel classGeneratorHolder
		classGeneratorHolderFromProject classGeneratorHolderFromNamespace
		classCategoryListMenuHolder categoryListShown
		classCategoryListUpdateTrigger classListUpdateTrigger
		classListMenuHolder classHierarchyListMenuHolder
		projectListMenuHolder variablesMenuHolder filterClassVars
		variableFilter packageFilter nameSpaceFilter hidePrivateClasses
		hideUnloadedClasses showClassPackages immediateUpdate
		metaToggleLabelHolder selectedCategories selectedClasses
		selectedNamespaces selectedProjects selectionChangeCondition
		nameSpaceFilterSelection markApplicationsHolder'

NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList subclass:#HierarchicalProjectList
	instanceVariableNames:'hierarchicalProjectTree selectedProjectItems packageIcon
		hierarchicalProjectList hierarchicalProjectSelection

HierarchicalItem subclass:#ProjectItem
	instanceVariableNames:'label packageID'

DialogBox subclass:#SearchDialog
	instanceVariableNames:'openHow classes methods selectedClasses selectedCategories
		selectedMethods currentClass currentNamespace
		currentClassCategory browser whereRadioGroup verticalPanel
		searchAreas caseHolder matchHolder isMethodHolder codeField
		selectorHolder defaultOpenHow withTextEntry allowFind allowBuffer
		allowBrowser isSelector'
	classVariableNames:'LastCodeSearched LastCodeSearchWasMethod LastGlobalSearched'

ApplicationModel subclass:#SpecialCodeView

NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList subclass:#VariableList
	instanceVariableNames:'variableList classHolder showClassVars sortVariablesByName'

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2000 by eXept Software AG
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    A new, much improved, system browser,
	multiple buffers
	multi-select in most selectionLists
	view-selection (by namespace, by project, by category ...)
	embedded repository diff
	more search operations
	code checker (not yet complete)
	some refactoryBrowser functionality 
	completely built using GUI painter and reusable components.


    [see also:]
	SystemBrowser BrowserView

    NewSystemBrowser open
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    Icon initialize.
    Color initialize.
    self installInLauncher.

    "add myself to the launcher menu and toolBar"

    |menuItem icon action currentLauncher|

    NewLauncher isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    action := [NewSystemBrowser open].

    icon := NewLauncher startNewSystemBrowserIcon. "/ self defaultIcon magnifiedTo:28@28.

    menuItem := MenuItem new 
		    value: action;
		    isButton: false;
		    translateLabel: true;
		    label:'New SystemBrowser' icon:icon;
		    nameKey: #newSystemBrowser;
		    activeHelpKey: #newSystemBrowser;
		    submenuChannel: #menuClassHistoryNew;

    NewLauncher addMenuItem:menuItem in:'menu.classes' position:#(before systemBrowser) space:true.

    menuItem := MenuItem new 
		    value: action;
		    isButton: true;
		    translateLabel: true;
		    nameKey: #newSystemBrowser;
		    activeHelpKey: #newSystemBrowser;
		    submenuChannel: #menuClassHistoryNew;

    NewLauncher addMenuItem:menuItem in:'toolbar' position:#(before systemBrowser) space:false.
    currentLauncher := NewLauncher current.
    currentLauncher notNil ifTrue:[
	currentLauncher systemBrowserItemVisible value:false.

     self installInLauncher
     self removeFromLauncher

    "/ try to load the refactoryBrowser package ...
    Smalltalk loadPackageWithId:'stx:goodies/refactoryBrowser' asAutoloaded:true.

    "/ could be autoloaded
    RefactoryChangeManager notNil ifTrue:[
	RefactoryChangeManager autoload.

    "add myself to the launcher menu."

    self installInLauncher.
    "/ try to load the refactoryBrowser package ...
    self loadRefactoryBrowser.

     self postAutoload

     Transcript application removeUserTool:#newSystemBrowser

    "Modified: / 23.8.2001 / 12:32:34 / cg"

    "remove myself from the launcher menu"


    NewLauncher isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    NewLauncher removeUserTool:#newSystemBrowser.
    currentLauncher := NewLauncher current.
    currentLauncher notNil ifTrue:[
	currentLauncher systemBrowserItemVisible value:true

     self removeFromLauncher

    "class is about to be unloaded - remove myself from the launcher menu"

    self removeFromLauncher.
    super unload.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'accessing-history'!

addToBookMarks:aClass selector:aSelectorOrNil

    (newEntry := self historyEntryForClass:aClass selector:aSelectorOrNil) isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    ((BookMarks ? #()) contains:[:entry | entry className = newEntry name
				 and:[entry meta = newEntry meta
				 and:[aSelectorOrNil isNil or:[entry selector = newEntry selector]]]])
	BookMarks isNil ifTrue:[
	    BookMarks := OrderedCollection new
	BookMarks remove:newEntry ifAbsent:nil.
	BookMarks addFirst:newEntry

    ^ LastSearchPatterns
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ SynchronousUpdate ? false
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'help specs'!

    <resource: #help>

    |spec manager|

    spec := super flyByHelpSpec addPairsFrom:#(

'Add Breakpoint'

'Remove Breakpoint'

'Recently Changed'

'Recently Visited'

'Visited Methods'

'Run TestCase(s)'

'Class Categories'

'Class Inheritance'

'Show Inherited Methods (except Object''s)'

'Do not Show Inherited Methods'

'Search Class'

'Search Class'

'Goto Class'

'Format Code'

'Hide ToolBar'

'Redo undone Operation'

'Undo Operation'


    manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
    manager hasUndoableOperations 
	spec at:#undoOperation put:(self resources string:'Undo (%1)' with:manager undoChange name).
    manager hasRedoableOperations 
	spec at:#redoOperation put:(self resources string:'Redo (%1)' with:manager redoChange name).
    ^ spec.

    "Modified: / 10.12.2001 / 21:17:07 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIHelpTool of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIHelpTool may not be able to read the specification."

     UIHelpTool openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser    

    <resource: #help>

    ^ super helpSpec addPairsFrom:#(



! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'image specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self addBufferIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#addBufferIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:#'NewSystemBrowser class addBufferIcon'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth4Image new) width: 13; height: 11; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(4 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@;.;.;.; @N???/??8@C.;.;.;.@@Y&Y&Y&XP@FY&Y&Y&D@A&Y&Y&Y!!@@Y&Y&Y&XP@FY&Y&Y&D@@QDQDQDQ@@@@@@@@@@@b') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 255 0 255 255 255 255 0 255 0 255 127 0 0 0 127 0 0 0 127 0 127 127 127 127 0 127 0 127 127 127 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 13; height: 11; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'??#?>O?8??#?>O?8??#?>O?8??#?>@@a') ; yourself); yourself]

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self addBufferIcon2 inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#addBufferIcon2
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:#'NewSystemBrowser class addBufferIcon2'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth4Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(4 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@ADQDPDQDQ@@D3L>@SL38@@SL38AL3O @@@@@@@@@@@@L3L3L3L3L@@3L3L3L3L0@CL3L6L3X3A L3L3M#M#M @3L3L3X6M @@@@@@@FY @@@@
@@Y&Y&Y&@@@@@@Y&Y&@@@@@@A Y&@@@@@@A Y&A @@@@A @F@@Xb') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 255 0 0 192 192 192 0 0 255 0 255 255 255 255 0 255 0 255 127 0 0 0 127 0 0 0 127 0 127 127 127 127 0 127 0 127 127 127 127]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'??;??/?>??;??/?>??;????>??;?? G?@C @U@BR@QDb') ; yourself); yourself]

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self defaultIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#defaultIcon

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:#'NewSystemBrowser class defaultIcon'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth4Image new) width: 28; height: 28; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(4 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@FY&Y&Y&X0@@@@@FY @@YDQDQDQB@@@@@FXFX@A$QDQDQDH@@@@FY Y&@CH"H"H"H @@@@X@@@X@@@@@@@@@@@@@A&XFY @@@@H@@@
@@@@@@Y Y @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@FY @@@@@B@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A&Y&Y&Y#@@@@@F@"H"HFDQDQDQH@@@@@@@@@@@L"H"H"
H @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@B@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A&Y&Y&Y#@@@@@F@"H"HFUUUUUUH@@@@@@@@@@@L"H"H"H @@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@B@B@ @@H@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@H@@@@@@@@@H@@ @@@@Hb') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 0 255 0 127 127 127 170 170 170 255 0 0 255 255 0 255 255 255]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 28; height: 28; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
??0C O?<A<C??@? ??0_<O?<G?C??A?0@ @O8@H@A<@B@@N@@ O?8@\C?>@G??? A0O?8@HC?>@B@@@@@ O?8@\C?>@G??? A0O?8@@C?>@@@@@@9O\7\IRT
QDBD%DQ@!!OH''HHRQEABT$QPP99]7\@@a') ; yourself); yourself]

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:#'NewSystemBrowser class doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'UUUUUUUUUUU@@@@EUDP@AT@@@@AT@@@EP@Q@AUUUUTU@@@@APUQDDTP@@@E@@@@EUUU@AUUUUPUT@@@UU@@EUP@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 127 127 127 127]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; yourself); yourself]

    <resource: #programImage>

    ^ ToolbarIconLibrary hideToolbar8x24Icon

    "Created: / 10.12.2001 / 20:45:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 10.12.2001 / 20:59:19 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self showCategoriesIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#showCategoriesIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:#'SystemBrowser class showCategoriesIcon'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth1Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'?????8@C??.@@N@C @O?>8@A''?6 @X@C??/?<>@G8C<b') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; yourself); yourself]

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self showClassHierarchyIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#showClassHierarchyIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:#'NewSystemBrowser class showClassHierarchyIcon'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth1Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'?????8@C O.@@N@C @O?>8@A&@6 @X@C? O?<>@G8C<b') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; yourself); yourself]

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self showInheritedMethodsIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#showInheritedMethodsIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    <resource: #image>

	constantNamed:#'NewSystemBrowser class showInheritedMethodsIcon'
	ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'UUUQUUUUTWU@@@CMT@A@HT@@@2MT@@B(P@@@@EUUUTU@@@@APU@@@TP@@@E@@@@EUUP@AUUUUPUT@@@UU@@EUP@a') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255 127 127 127 127]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 16; height: 16; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'
@@@@A@@NO08@G0@_C9<@@@@@@>@@@@@@@O @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a') ; yourself); yourself]
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#chainBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#chainBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #chainBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #name: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 185 379 647 679)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
		    #showHandle: false
		    #barWidth: 2
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'MethodList1'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked1
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator1
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods1
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged1
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'MethodList2'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked2
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator2
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods2
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged2
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'MethodList3'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked3
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator3
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods3
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged3
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'MethodList4'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked4
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator4
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods4
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged4
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classDocumentationBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#classDocumentationBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #classDocumentationBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'Full Class Browser'
	  #name: 'Full Class Browser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #categoryAndSingleClassOnlySpec
		    #name: 'HTMLBrowser1'
		    #htmlText: #classDocumentationHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#codePaneSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#codePaneSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

        #name: #codePaneSpec
          #label: 'SystemBrowser'
          #name: 'SystemBrowser'
          #min: #(#Point 0 0)
          #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 479 369)
          #icon: #defaultIcon
          #collection: #(
              #name: 'CodeView'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
              #model: #codeHolder
              #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
              #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
              #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
              #modifiedChannel: #codeModifiedHolder
              #postBuildCallback: #postBuildCodeView:
              #name: 'InfoBox'
              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -24 1 0 1 0 1)
              #visibilityChannel: #codeInfoVisible
                #collection: #(
                    #name: 'InfoBoxPanel'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 -60 1.0 0 1.0)
                    #showHandle: false
                      #collection: #(
                          #label: 'Info'
                          #name: 'InfoLabel'
                          #level: -1
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #labelChannel: #infoLabelHolder
                          #adjust: #left
                          #label: 'Package'
                          #name: 'PackageLabel'
                          #level: -1
                          #translateLabel: true
                          #labelChannel: #packageLabelHolder
                          #adjust: #left
                    #handles: #(#Any 0.66 1.0)
                    #name: 'ModeLabel'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -60 1 0 0.0 -50 1 0 1.0)
                    #level: -1
                    #translateLabel: true
                    #labelChannel: #modeLabelHolder
                    #name: 'CursorLineLabel'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -50 1 0 0.0 -20 1 0 1.0)
                    #level: -1
                    #translateLabel: true
                    #labelChannel: #cursorLineLabelHolder
                    #adjust: #right
                    #name: 'CursorColLabel'
                    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame -20 1 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
                    #level: -1
                    #translateLabel: true
                    #labelChannel: #cursorColLabelHolder
                    #adjust: #right

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#fullBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#fullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #fullBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'SystemBrowser'
	  #name: 'SystemBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 7 0 469 300)
	  #icon: #defaultIcon
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #windowSpec
		    #name: 'CodePane'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser'
		    #minorKey: #codePaneSpec
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#fullClassBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#fullClassBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #fullClassSourceBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'Full Class Browser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 475 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
	      #handlePosition: #left
	      #snapMode: #both
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #categoryAndSingleClassOnlySpec
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 23:35:03 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodListBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#methodListBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #methodListBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'MethodListBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 475 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
			  #name: 'MethodList'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'

			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator

			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #methodListPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #sortBy
			      #aspect: #sortBy
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance

			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'CodePane'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser'
		    #minorKey: #codePaneSpec
"/                 #(#CodeViewSpec
"/                    #name: 'CodeView'
"/                    #model: #codeHolder
"/                    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
"/                    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
"/                    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
"/                  )
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 20:44:21 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleCategoryBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleCategoryBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleCategoryBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'CategoryBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'multipleCategoryBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleClassBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 475 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'multipleClassBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 02:08:21 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ClassExtensionBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 475 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 02:08:21 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #name: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 661 213 1123 513)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #multipleClassDiffBrowserSpec
		    #name: 'DiffView'
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
		    #majorKey: #VersionDiffBrowser
		    #minorKey: #windowSpec
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #postBuildCallback: #versionDiffViewerCreated:
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #name: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		      #(#Point 1.0 0.243333)
		    #name: 'ClassList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'

			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #classDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #meta
			#aspect: #meta

			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #classListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #classMenu
			#subAspect: #selectedClasses
			#aspect: #selectedClasses
			#callBack: #classSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		      #(#Point 1.0 0.243333)
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #methodListPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		      #(#Point 1.0 0.53)
		    #name: 'MethodInfoView'
		    #model: #methodInfo
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #autoHideScrollBars: true
		    #isReadOnly: true
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.1 0.25 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleClassWithInfoSpec
	  #label: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #name: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		      #(#Point 1.0 0.243333)
		    #name: 'ClassList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'

			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #classDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #meta
			#aspect: #meta

			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #classListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #classMenu
			#subAspect: #selectedClasses
			#aspect: #selectedClasses
			#callBack: #classSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		      #(#Point 1.0 0.53)
		    #name: 'MethodInfoView'
		    #model: #methodInfo
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #autoHideScrollBars: true
		    #isReadOnly: true
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleProtocolBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 20:45:30 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleMethodBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleMethodBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleMethodBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 475 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
			  #name: 'MethodList'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'

			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator

			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #variableFilter
			      #aspect: #variableFilter

			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			      #subAspect: #sortBy
			      #aspect: #sortBy

			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 20:44:21 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #name: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		      #(#Point 1.0 0.243333)
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #methodListPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		      #(#Point 1.0 0.53)
		    #name: 'MethodInfoView'
		    #model: #methodInfo
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #autoHideScrollBars: true
		    #isReadOnly: true
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 15:01:15 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 13:53:10 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 15:01:00 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleProjectBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleProjectBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleProjectBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'multipleProjectBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleProjectBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleProjectBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 18:42:38 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#multipleProtocolBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#multipleProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleProtocolBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'multipleProtocolBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 20:45:30 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#noteBookWindowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#noteBookWindowSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

        name: noteBookWindowSpec
          label: 'NewSystemBrowser'
          name: 'NewSystemBrowser'
          min: (Point 0 0)
          bounds: (Rectangle 13 23 813 723)
          menu: mainMenu
          icon: defaultIcon
          collection: (
              name: 'ToolBar'
              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 30 0)
              visibilityChannel: toolBarVisibleHolder
                collection: (
                    label: 'hideToolBarIcon'
                    name: 'HideToolBarButton'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 1)
                    activeHelpKey: hideToolBar
                    hasCharacterOrientedLabel: false
                    translateLabel: true
                    model: hideToolbar
                    postBuildCallback: hideToolBarButtonCreated:
                    name: 'ToolBarMenu'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame 13 0.0 0 0.0 -250 1.0 0 1.0)
                    visibilityChannel: toolBarVisibleHolder
                    menu: toolBarMenu
                    textDefault: true
                    name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
                    layout: (LayoutFrame -250 1 0 0 0 1 0 1)
                    level: 1
                    horizontalLayout: fitSpace
                    verticalLayout: center
                    horizontalSpace: 2
                    verticalSpace: 2
                      collection: (
                          name: 'SearchedClassNameComboBox'
                          activeHelpKey: gotoClassEntryField
                          model: searchedClassNameHolder
                          acceptOnReturn: true
                          acceptOnPointerLeave: false
                          acceptIfUnchanged: true
                          comboList: visitedClassesHistory
                          extent: (Point 244 20)
                    postBuildCallback: searchFieldPanelCreated:
              name: 'NoteBook'
              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
              level: 0
              model: selectedBuffer
              menu: bufferNameList
              useIndex: true
              valueChangeSelector: bufferSelectionChanged
              accessTabMenuAction: tabMenu:
              canvas: browserCanvas
              canvasInset: 0
              keepCanvasAlive: true
              tabLevel: 1

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#selectorBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #selectorBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'SelectorBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'selectorBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
		    #modifiedChannel: #codeModifiedHolder
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#senderChainBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#senderChainBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #senderChainBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #name: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 185 379 647 679)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
		    #showHandle: false
		    #barWidth: 2
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'MethodList1'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked1
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator1
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods1
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged1
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'MethodList2'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked2
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator2
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods2
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged2
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'MethodList3'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked3
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator3
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods3
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged3
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'MethodList4'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked4
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator4
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods4
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged4
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleCategoryBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleCategoryBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleCategoryBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'CategoryBrowser'
	  #name: 'SingleCategoryBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'singleCategoryBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleClassBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleClassBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleClassBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'singleClassBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.4 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleProtocolBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 475 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:59:28 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleMethodBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleMethodBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #methodBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 475 323)
	  #collection: #(
				#name: 'PseudoMethodList'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
				#minorKey: #singleMethodWindowSpec

			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator

			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedProtocolMethods
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
	      #name: 'CodeView'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #model: #codeHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 20:47:18 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #name: 'MethodBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'PseudoMethodList'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
	      #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
	      #minorKey: #singleMethodWindowSpec
		  #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #aspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
		  #aspect: #selectorListGenerator
		  #subAspect: #packageFilter
		  #aspect: #packageFilter
		  #subAspect: #selectedMethods
		  #aspect: #selectedProtocolMethods
		  #subAspect: #menuHolder
		  #aspect: #methodListPopUpMenu
	      #createNewApplication: true
	      #createNewBuilder: true
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'MethodInfoView'
		    #model: #methodInfo
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #autoHideScrollBars: true
		    #isReadOnly: true
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #name: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 518 71 1205 712)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 15:01:10 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #name: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 518 71 1205 712)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 14:03:27 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 15:01:07 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleProjectBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleProjectBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleProjectBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 475 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'singleProjectBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 02:33:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:11 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleProjectBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleProjectBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 475 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'singleProjectFullBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:11 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 18:42:51 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#singleProtocolBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#singleProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleProtocolBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #name: 'NewBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 475 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #showHandle: false
	      #snapMode: #both
	      #handlePosition: #left
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Navigator'
		    #autoHideScrollBars: false
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas'
		    #minorKey: #'singleProtocolBrowserSpec'
		    #name: 'CodeView'
		    #model: #codeHolder
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
		    #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.3 1.0)

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:59:28 / cg"

"/    ^ self browserWindowSpec
    ^ self noteBookWindowSpec

    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 12:23:55 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'interface specs-dialogs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec
     NewSystemBrowser new openInterface:#repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec
	  #label: 'Repository Consistency Check'
	  #name: 'Repository Consistency Check'
	  #min: #(#Point 10 10)
	  #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 316 492)
	  #collection: #(
	      #label: 'Repository Consistency Check Report:'
	      #name: 'Label1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 33 0)
	      #translateLabel: true
	      #name: 'VerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 34 0.0 0 1.0 -31 1.0)
	      #horizontalLayout: #fit
	      #verticalLayout: #fit
	      #horizontalSpace: 3
	      #verticalSpace: 3
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Box1'
		    #visibilityChannel: #classesWithoutContainerBoxVisible
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'Separator1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 4 0)
			  #label: 'Classes without Repository Container:'
			  #name: 'Label2'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 5 0 0 1.0 27 0)
			  #translateLabel: true
			  #adjust: #left
			  #menu: #classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
			  #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
			  #name: 'List1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 28 0 0 1.0 0 1)
			  #model: #selectedClassesWithMissingContainer
			  #menu: #classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
			  #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
			  #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
			  #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
			  #isMultiSelect: true
			  #useIndex: true
			  #sequenceList: #listOfClassesWithMissingContainer
		    #extent: #(#Point 300 74)
		    #name: 'Box2'
		    #visibilityChannel: #classesWithInvalidInfoBoxVisible
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'Separator2'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 4 0)
			  #label: 'Classes with Invalid Repository Info:'
			  #name: 'Label3'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 5 0 0 1.0 27 0)
			  #translateLabel: true
			  #adjust: #left
			  #menu: #classesWithInvalidInfoPopupMenu
			  #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
			  #name: 'List2'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 28 0 0 1.0 0 1)
			  #model: #selectedClassesWithRepositoryMismatches
			  #menu: #classesWithInvalidInfoPopupMenu
			  #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
			  #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
			  #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
			  #isMultiSelect: true
			  #useIndex: true
			  #sequenceList: #listOfClassesWithRepositoryMismatches
		    #extent: #(#Point 300 74)
		    #name: 'Box3'
		    #visibilityChannel: #obsoleteContainersBoxVisible
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'Separator3'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 4 0)
			  #label: 'Containers without class: (need checkOut ?)'
			  #name: 'Label4'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 5 0 0 1.0 27 0)
			  #translateLabel: true
			  #adjust: #left
			  #menu: #obsoleteContainersPopupMenu
			  #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
			  #name: 'List3'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 28 0 0 1.0 0 1)
			  #model: #selectedObsoleteContainers
			  #menu: #obsoleteContainersPopupMenu
			  #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
			  #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
			  #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
			  #isMultiSelect: true
			  #useIndex: true
			  #sequenceList: #listOfObsoleteContainers
		    #extent: #(#Point 300 73)
		    #name: 'Box4'
		    #visibilityChannel: #classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedBoxVisible
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'Separator4'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 4 0)
			  #label: 'Modified Classes (need checkIn ?):'
			  #name: 'Label5'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 5 0 0 1.0 27 0)
			  #translateLabel: true
			  #adjust: #left
			  #menu: #classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu
			  #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
			  #name: 'List4'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 28 0 0 1.0 0 1)
			  #model: #selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified
			  #menu: #classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu
			  #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
			  #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
			  #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
			  #isMultiSelect: true
			  #useIndex: true
			  #sequenceList: #listOfClassesWhichHaveBeenModified
		    #extent: #(#Point 300 74)
		    #name: 'Box5'
		    #visibilityChannel: #classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryBoxVisible
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'Separator5'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 4 0)
			  #label: 'New Version in Repository (need checkOut ?):'
			  #name: 'Label6'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 5 0 0 1.0 27 0)
			  #translateLabel: true
			  #adjust: #left
			  #menu: #classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu
			  #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
			  #name: 'List5'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 28 0 0 1.0 0 1)
			  #model: #selectedClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository
			  #menu: #classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu
			  #performer: #dialogMenuPerformer
			  #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
			  #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
			  #isMultiSelect: true
			  #useIndex: true
			  #sequenceList: #listOfClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository
		    #extent: #(#Point 300 74)
	      #name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -30 1 0 1 0 1)
	      #horizontalLayout: #center
	      #verticalLayout: #center
	      #horizontalSpace: 3
	      #verticalSpace: 3
		#collection: #(
		    #label: 'Close'
		    #name: 'Button1'
		    #translateLabel: true
		    #model: #closeRequest
		    #extent: #(#Point 125 22)
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#browseMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser browseMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    label: 'Clone'
	    itemValue: browseMenuClone
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    isVisible: false
	    label: 'Class...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuOpenInClass
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: 'Classes'
	    translateLabel: true
		  label: 'With Name Matching...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithNameMatching
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: '-'
		  label: 'In Current ChangeSet'
		  itemValue: browseMenuClassesInCurrentChangeSet
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'In All ChangeSets'
		  itemValue: browseMenuClassesInAllChangeSets
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'Which were Autoloaded'
		  itemValue: browseMenuAutoloadedClasses
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: '-'
		  label: 'All Subclasses of...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuAllSubclassesOf
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'All Applications'
		  itemValue: browseMenuApplicationClasses
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'All TestCases'
		  itemValue: browseMenuTestCaseClasses
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: '-'
		  label: 'Without Documentation'
		  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithoutDocumentation
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'Without Copyright'
		  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithoutCopyright
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'Without Examples'
		  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithoutExamples
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'Without Repository Container'
		  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithoutRepositoryContainer
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: '-'
		  label: 'Defining Variable...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuClassesDefiningVariable
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'With String in Comment/Documentation...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithStringInCommentOrDocumentation
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'For which...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuClassesWithUserFilter
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: '-'
		  label: 'Special'
		  translateLabel: true
		  submenuChannel: specialBrowseMenu
	    label: '-'
	    label: 'Implementors of...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuImplementorsOf
	    translateLabel: true
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: 'Senders of...'
	    itemValue: browseSendersOf
	    translateLabel: true
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: '-'
	    label: 'References to Class or Global...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuReferencesToGlobal
	    translateLabel: true
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: 'References to Symbol...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuReferencesToSymbol
	    translateLabel: true
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: '-'
	    label: 'Recently Changed Methods'
	    itemValue: browseMenuRecentChanges
	    translateLabel: true
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: 'Class Extensions'
	    itemValue: browseMenuClassExtensionsBuffer
	    translateLabel: true
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: 'Methods'
	    translateLabel: true
		  label: 'In ChangeSet'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsInCurrentChangeSet
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'Overwritten Methods'
		  itemValue: browseMenuOverwrittenMethods:
		  translateLabel: true
		  argument: newBrowser
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'Unassigned Extensions'
		  itemValue: browseMenuUnassignedMethods:
		  translateLabel: true
		  argument: newBrowser
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'Wrapped Methods (Break- or Tracepoint)'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithWrap
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: '-'
		  label: 'With String...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithString
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'With String in Help Spec...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithStringInHelpSpec
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'With String in Menu Spec...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithStringInMenuSpec
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: '-'
		  label: 'With Window Spec...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithWindowSpec
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'With Menu Spec...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithMenuSpec
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'With Image Spec...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithImageSpec
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'With Help Spec...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithHelpSpec
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'With any Resource...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithResource
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: '-'
		  label: 'Without Comment...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithoutComment
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'With Code...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithCode
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: 'For which...'
		  itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithUserFilter
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#bufferBaseMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser bufferBaseMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Add Buffer'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #nameKey: #CreateBuffer
	    #value: #bufferMenuCreateBuffer
	    #label: 'Remove Buffer'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #nameKey: #RemoveBuffer
	    #value: #bufferMenuRemoveCurrentBuffer

    "Modified: / 15.11.2001 / 17:28:38 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser categoryMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'FileOut'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #label: 'as...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutAs
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'XML as...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutXMLAs
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'SIF as...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutSIFAs
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Each in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutEachIn
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Each XML in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutEachXMLIn
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Each SIF in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutEachSIFIn
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Each Binary in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutEachBinaryIn
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Repository'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: 'CheckIn all...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuCheckInEach
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'CheckOut Newest all (Update)...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuCheckOutNewest
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'CheckOut all (Load old Revisions)...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuCheckOut
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'History...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuRepositoryHistory
		  #enabled: #hasSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Documentation'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #label: 'PrintOut'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuPrintOut
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'PrintOut Protocol'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuPrintOutProtocol
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Save HTML Documentation in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuSaveDocumentationIn
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Spawn'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuSpawnBuffer
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer with Categories Matching...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoriesBuffer
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Browser'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuSpawnBrowser
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Browser on Categories Matching...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoriesBrowser
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'New...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #categoryMenuNewCategory
	    #label: 'Rename...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #categoryMenuRename
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Remove...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #categoryMenuRemove
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Update'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #categoryMenuUpdate

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenuWithFind
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser categoryMenuWithFind)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'FileOut'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #label: 'as...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutAs
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'XML as...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutXMLAs
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'SIF as...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutSIFAs
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Each in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutEachIn
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Each XML in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutEachXMLIn
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Each SIF in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutEachSIFIn
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Each Binary in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuFileOutEachBinaryIn
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Repository'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: 'CheckIn all...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuCheckInEach
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'CheckOut Newest all (Update)...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuCheckOutNewest
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'CheckOut all (Load old Revisions)...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuCheckOut
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'History...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuRepositoryHistory
		  #enabled: #hasSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Documentation'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #label: 'PrintOut'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuPrintOut
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'PrintOut Protocol'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuPrintOutProtocol
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Save HTML Documentation in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuSaveDocumentationIn
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Spawn'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuSpawnBuffer
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer with Categories Matching...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoriesBuffer
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Browser'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuSpawnBrowser
		  #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Browser on Categories Matching...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoriesBrowser
	    #label: 'Find'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #submenuChannel: #searchMenu
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'New...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #categoryMenuNewCategory
	    #label: 'Rename...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #categoryMenuRename
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Remove...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #categoryMenuRemove
	    #enabled: #hasCategorySelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Update'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #categoryMenuUpdate

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#checkMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser checkMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'All'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenuCheckAll
	    #label: 'Errors'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenuCheckErrors
	    #label: 'Possible Errors'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenuCheckWarnings
	    #label: 'Style'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenuCheckStyle
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Individual checks...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenuCheckIndividual

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 22:25:21 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classClassVariablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classClassVariablesMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'References...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarRefs
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Readers...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarReads
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Writers...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarMods
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Add...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuAddClassVariable
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Rename...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuRenameClassVariable
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndClassVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Remove'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuRemoveClassVariable
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndClassVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Pull Up'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuPullUpClassVariable
	    #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Push Down'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuPushDownClassVariable
	    #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Make Abstract (Access only via Getters/Setters)'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuMakeAbstractVariable
	    #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Make Concrete (Protect from Access via Getters/Setters)'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuProtectInstanceVariable
	    #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
"/         #(#MenuItem
"/            #label: 'Type info...'
"/            #translateLabel: true
"/            #value: #variablesMenuClassVariableTypeInfo
"/            #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedHolder
"/            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
"/          )

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#categoryMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser categoryMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Select Class with Superclasses'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classHierarchyMenuSelectWithSuperclasses
	    #enabled: #hasAtMostOneClassesSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Select Class with Subclasses'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classHierarchyMenuSelectWithSubclasses
	    #enabled: #hasAtMostOneClassesSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Select Class with All Subclasses'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classHierarchyMenuSelectWithAllSubclasses
	    #enabled: #hasAtMostOneClassesSelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Update'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classHierarchyMenuUpdate
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelected

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classInstanceVariablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classInstanceVariablesMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'References...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarOrClassInstVarRefs
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Readers...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarOrClassInstVarReads
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Writers...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarOrClassInstVarMods
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Add...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuAddInstanceVariable
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Rename...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuRenameInstanceVariable
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Remove'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuRemoveInstanceVariable
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Pull Up'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable
	    #enabled: #hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Push Down'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable
	    #enabled: #hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Convert to ValueHolder'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuConvertToValueHolder
	    #enabled: #hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Make Abstract (Access only via Getters/Setters)'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuMakeAbstractVariable
	    #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Make Concrete (Protect from Access via Getters/Setters)'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuProtectInstanceVariable
	    #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
"/         #(#MenuItem
"/            #label: 'Type info...'
"/            #translateLabel: true
"/            #value: #variablesMenuInstanceVariableTypeInfo
"/            #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedHolder
"/            #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
"/          )

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'FileOut'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'as...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuFileOutAs
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  #label: 'XML as...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuFileOutXMLAs
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  #label: 'SIF as...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuFileOutSIFAs
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Binary as...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuFileOutBinaryAs
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Each in...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuFileOutEachIn
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  #label: 'Each XML in...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuFileOutEachXMLIn
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  #label: 'Each SIF in...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuFileOutEachSIFIn
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Each Binary in...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuFileOutEachBinaryIn
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Repository'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'CheckIn...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCheckIn
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassWithExtensionsSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'CheckIn Extensions for'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #submenuChannel: #browseClassExtensionsMenu
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Quick CheckIn...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuQuickCheckIn
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasClassSelectedAndControlKeyDownHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasNonPrivateClassSelected
		  #label: 'CheckOut Newest (Update)...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCheckOutNewest
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'CheckOut (Load a Class)...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCheckOutNewest
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: false
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasNonPrivateClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'CheckOut (Load old Revision)...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCheckOut
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasNonPrivateClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Revision Log'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuRevisionLog
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: 'Compare with Repository...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCompareWithRepository
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: 'Compare with Newest in Repository...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepository
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: 'Compare with Original in Repository...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepository
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Documentation'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'PrintOut'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuPrintOut
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'PrintOut Protocol'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuPrintOutProtocol
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'HTML Documentation'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuDocumentation
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Save HTML Documentation as...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSaveDocumentationAs
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Show Comment'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuComment
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: 'Show Hierarchy'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuHierarchy
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: 'Show Definition'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuDefinition
		  #translateLabel: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Spawn'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer with References to Class'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassReferences
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer with References to Class or Subclass'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassOrSubclassReferences
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer with Subclasses'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnBufferWithAllSubclasses
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer with Superclasses'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnBufferWithAllSuperclasses
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer with Projects'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnBufferWithClassProjects
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: false
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnClassBuffer
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: false
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Browser on References to Class'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnClassReferences
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Browser on References to Class or Subclass'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnClassOrSubclassReferences
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Browser on Subclasses'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnWithAllSubclasses
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Browser on Superclasses'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnWithAllSuperclasses
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Browser on Projects'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnClassProjects
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: false
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Browser'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuSpawnClass
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: false
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Find'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #isVisible: false
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'String...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuFindString
		  #translateLabel: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Instance Variables'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
	    #submenuChannel: #classInstanceVariablesMenu
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Class Instance Variables'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #isVisible: #hasMetaSelectedHolder
	    #submenuChannel: #classInstanceVariablesMenu
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Class Variables'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #submenuChannel: #classClassVariablesMenu
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'New'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #label: 'Class'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuNewClass
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Subclass'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuNewSubclass
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Private Class'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuNewPrivateClass
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Application'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuNewApplication
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: 'Dialog'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuNewDialog
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Error'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuNewError
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: 'Notification'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuNewNotification
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'TestCase'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuNewTestCase
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #isVisible: #javaScriptMetaclassPresent
		  #label: 'JavaScript Class'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuNewJavaScriptClass
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #javaScriptMetaclassPresent
		  #label: 'Haskell Module'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuNewHaskellModule
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #haskellModulePresent
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Copy...'
	    #itemValue: #classMenuCopyAs
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Move'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasNonPrivateClassSelected
		  #label: 'To Category...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuMoveToCategory
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasNonPrivateClassSelected
		  #label: 'To Namespace...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuMoveToNamespace
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasNonPrivateClassSelected
		  #label: 'To Project...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuMoveToProject
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Make Private in...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuMakePrivateIn
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #canMakePublicClass
		  #label: 'Make Public...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuMakePublic
		  #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Rename...'
	    #itemValue: #classMenuRename
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Safe Remove...'
	    #itemValue: #classMenuSaveRemove
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Remove...'
	    #itemValue: #classMenuRemove
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Compare'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'With Class...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCompareWithClass
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasExactlyTwoClassesSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'With each other'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCompareTwoSelectedClasses
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: 'With Repository...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCompareWithRepository
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: 'With Newest in Repository...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepository
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: 'With Original in Repository...'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCompareAgainstOriginalInRepository
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Generate'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Access Methods'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateAccessMethods
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Getter Methods'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateGetterMethods
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Setter Methods'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateSetterMethods
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndMultipleVariablesSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Multi-Setter Method'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateMultiSetterMethod
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Access Methods with Lazy Initialization in Getter'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithLazyInitialization
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Access Methods with Change Notification'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Access Methods for ValueHolder'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolder
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Access Methods for ValueHolder with Change Notification'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolderWithChange
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #label: '-'
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Update Method Template'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateUpdateMethod
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Visitor Method'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateAcceptVisitor
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Visitor and Visited Methods'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateVisitorMethods
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Classtype Test Methods'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateClassTypeTestMethods
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #label: '-'
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Documentation Stubs'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateDocumentationStubs
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassWithCommentSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Documentation Method from Comment'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateDocumentationMethodFromComment
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Initialized Instance Creation'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateStandardInitializationMethods
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasApplicationClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Application Code'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateApplicationCode
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Required Protocol'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuGenerateRequiredProtocol
		  #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Check'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #submenuChannel: #checkMenu
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Special'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Inspect Class'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuInspectClass
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNotMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Inspect Classes'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuInspectClass
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Inspect Instances'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuInspectInstances
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Inspect Derived Instances'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuInspectDerivedInstances
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Inspect References to Instances'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuInspectReferencesToInstances
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasAnyUnloadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Load'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuLoad
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasAnyAutoLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Unload'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuUnload
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Compile Lazy Methods'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCompileLazyMethods
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Recompile all Methods'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuRecompile
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Initialize Class(es)'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuInitialize
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Primitive Definitions'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuPrimitiveDefinitions
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Primitive Functions'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuPrimitiveFunctions
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Primitive Variables'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuPrimitiveVariables
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Cleanup ChangeSet'
		  #itemValue: #classMenuCleanUpChangeSet
		  #translateLabel: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #isVisible: false
	    #label: 'Update'
	    #itemValue: #classMenuUpdate
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #isVisible: false

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#codeMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser codeMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Variables'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #canUseRefactoringSupportAndHasClassSelected
		  #label: 'Move to Inner Scope...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuMoveVariableToInnerScope
		  #enabled: #hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Rename Local Variable...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuRenameTemporary
		  #enabled: #hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Make Instance Variable'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuMakeInstanceVariable
		  #enabled: #hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeViewHolder
		  #isVisible: #hasNotMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Make Instance Variables'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuMakeInstanceVariable
		  #enabled: #hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder
		  #isVisible: #hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeViewHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Inline Message'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuInlineMessage
	    #enabled: #hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Extract Selection to Temporary...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuExtractSelectionToTemporary
	    #enabled: #hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Extract Method...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuExtractMethod
	    #enabled: #hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Extract Method to Component...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuExtractMethodToComponent
	    #enabled: #hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Add Parameter to Method...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuAddParameter
	    #enabled: #hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Remove Parameter from Method'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuRemoveParameter
	    #enabled: #hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameterAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Format'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #codeMenuFormat
	    #enabled: #hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Syntax Coloring'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #doSyntaxColoring
	    #label: 'Immediate Syntax Coloring'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #enabled: #doSyntaxColoring
	    #indication: #doImmediateSyntaxColoring
	    #label: 'Auto-Format Code'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #doAutoFormat
	    #label: 'Show MethodTemplate for New Methods'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #showMethodTemplate
	    #label: 'Load Refactoring and Undo Features'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #value: #doLoadRefactoringSupport
	    #isVisible: #canLoadRefactoringSupport

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#debugMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser debugMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Remove Break/Trace'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace
	    #isVisible: #hasNoMethodOrMixedWrapsSelectedHolder
	    #enabled: #hasMethodWithWrapSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Remove Break'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace
	    #isVisible: #hasOnlyMethodsWithBreakPointSelected
	    #enabled: #hasMethodWithBreakPointSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Remove Trace'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace
	    #isVisible: #hasOnlyMethodsWithTracePointSelected
	    #enabled: #hasMethodWithTracePointSelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'BreakPoint'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuBreakPoint
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'BreakPoint in...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuBreakPointIn
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'BreakPoint after...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuBreakPointAfter
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'BreakPoint if...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuBreakPointIf
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Trace'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuTrace
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Trace sender'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuTraceSender
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Trace full walkback'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuTraceFullWalkback
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Trace change->update reason'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuTraceChangeUpdate
	    #enabled: #hasUpdateMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Start message tally'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuStartMessageTally
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    #isVisible: false
	    #label: '-'
	    #isVisible: false
	    #label: 'Start timing'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuStartTiming
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Start counting'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuStartCounting
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Start memory usage'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #debugMenuStartMemoryUsage
	    #enabled: #hasMethodSelectedHolder

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 22:20:22 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#mainMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser mainMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

            label: 'B&uffers'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: bufferMenu
            label: 'Browse'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: browseMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Find'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: searchMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: searchMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Find'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: searchMenuInMethodListVisible
            submenuChannel: searchMenuInMethodList
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'View'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: viewMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: viewMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'View'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: methodListViewMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: methodListViewMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Project'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: projectMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: projectMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Namespace'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: nameSpaceMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: nameSpaceMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Category'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: categoryMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: categoryMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Hierarchy'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: classHierarchyMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: classHierarchyMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Class'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: classMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: classMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Protocol'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: protocolMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: protocolMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Selector'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: selectorMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: selectorMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Code'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: codeMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: codeMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Debug'
            translateLabel: true
            isVisible: selectorMenuVisible
            submenuChannel: debugMenu
            keepLinkedMenu: true
            label: 'Operations'
            translateLabel: true
            submenuChannel: operationsMenu
            label: '&Help'
            translateLabel: true
            startGroup: right
                  label: 'Documentation'
                  itemValue: openDocumentation
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: 'Keyword Index'
                  itemValue: openKeywordIndexDocumentation
                  translateLabel: true
                  label: '-'
                  label: 'About SystemBrowser...'
                  itemValue: openAboutThisApplication
                  translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodListMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser methodListMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    label: 'File out'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'as...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuFileOutAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  label: 'XML as...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuFileOutXMLAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  label: 'SIF as...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuFileOutSIFAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  label: '-'
		  label: 'All as...'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuFileOutAllAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: canFileOutXMLHolder
		  label: 'All XML as...'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuFileOutAllXMLAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: canFileOutSIFHolder
		  label: 'All SIF as...'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuFileOutAllSIFAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelected
	    label: 'Repository'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelected
		  label: 'CheckIn Class(es)...'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuCheckInClass
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'CheckIn Extensions for Project...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCheckInProjectExtensions
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasSingleMethodSelected
		  label: 'All Versions'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuBrowseRepositoryVersions
		  translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Print out'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuPrintOut
	    translateLabel: true
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Spawn'
	    translateLabel: true
		  label: 'Buffer with Full Class(es)'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowserBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: 'Buffer with Class(es)'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnClassesBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnMethodBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Implementors'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnImplementorsBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Senders'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnSendersBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Extensions for Project'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensionsBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  enabled: hasUnassignedExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Unassigned Extensions'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensionsBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: '-'
		  label: 'Browser on Full Class(es)'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowser
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: 'Browser on Class(es)'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnClasses
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnMethod
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Implementors'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnImplementors
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Senders'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnSenders
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Extensions for Project'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensions
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  enabled: hasUnassignedExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Unassigned Extensions'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensions
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Inheritance'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnInheritanceBuffer
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Sender Chain'
	    itemValue: spawnSenderChainBuffer
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Implementor Chain'
	    itemValue: spawnImplementorChainBuffer
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    label: 'Senders...'
	    itemValue: browseSendersOf
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: 'Senders of Any...'
	    itemValue: browseSendersOfAny
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: hasMultipleMethodsSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Senders'
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
	    submenuChannel: sentMessagesMenu
	    label: 'Implementors...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuImplementorsOf
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: 'Implementors of Any...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuImplementorsOfAny
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: hasMultipleMethodsSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Implementors'
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
	    submenuChannel: implementedMessagesMenu
	    label: 'String Search...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithString
	    translateLabel: true
	    shortcutKey: Cmdt
	    label: 'Code Search...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithCode
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Copy...'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuCopy
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Move'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Protocol...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToProtocol
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Class...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToClass
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Project...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToProject
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasInstanceMethodsSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Class Side (Make Class Method)'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuMakeClassMethod
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasClassMethodsSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Instance Side (Make Instance Method)'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuMakeInstanceMethod
		  translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Rename...'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuRename
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Safe Remove...'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuSaveRemove
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Remove...'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuRemove
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Compare'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'With Method...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithMethod
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: methodRedefinesSuperclassVersionHolder
		  label: 'With Inherited Method'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithInherited
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: methodHasPreviousVersionHolder
		  label: 'With Previous Version'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithPreviousVersion
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCodeModifiedHolder
		  label: 'With Methods Actual Source'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithMethod
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasExactlyTwoMethodsSelectedHolder
		  label: 'With Each Other'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareTwoSelectedMethods
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  label: 'With Newest in Repository...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepository
		  translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Debug'
	    translateLabel: true
	    submenuChannel: debugMenu
	    shortcutKey: Ctrl
	    label: 'Special'
	    translateLabel: true
		  label: 'Select'
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
			label: 'Methods with String...'
			itemValue: selectorMenuSelectMethodsWithString
			translateLabel: true
			label: 'Methods Sending...'
			itemValue: selectorMenuSelectMethodsSending
			translateLabel: true
			label: 'Methods Refering to Global...'
			itemValue: selectorMenuSelectMethodsReferingToGlobal
			translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: methodHasPreviousVersionHolder
		  label: 'Back to Previous Version'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuBackToPrevious
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: methodHasPreviousVersionHolder
		  label: 'Previous Versions'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuBrowsePreviousVersions
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Inspect Method'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuInspect
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasSingleResourceMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Edit Resource'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuEdit
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Compile with stc'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompileWithSTC
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Decompile'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuDecompile
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasMethodsInList
		  label: 'Copy List to Clipboard'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuCopyList
		  translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    label: 'Update'
	    itemValue: methodListMenuUpdate
	    translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#methodListViewMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser methodListViewMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Original Order'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #sortBy
	    #choiceValue: false
	    #label: 'Sort by Class'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #sortBy
	    #choiceValue: #class
	    #label: 'Sort by Selector'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #sortBy
	    #choiceValue: #selector
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Hide Unloaded Classes'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #hideUnloadedClasses
	    #isVisible: false
	    #label: 'Short Class Names in Tabs'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #shortNamesInTabs
	    #isVisible: false
	    #label: 'Emphasize Unloaded Classes'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #enabled: #showUnloadedClasses
	    #indication: #emphasizeUnloadedClasses
	    #isVisible: false
	    #label: 'Show Class-Packages'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #showClassPackages
	    #label: 'Show Inheritance Indicator'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #showMethodInheritance
	    #isVisible: true "false"
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Toolbar'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #toolBarVisibleHolder
	    #label: 'Info'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #codeInfoVisible
	    #isVisible: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#nameSpaceMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser nameSpaceMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Repository'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: 'CheckIn all...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #nameSpaceMenuCheckInAll
		  #enabled: #hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'CheckOut Newest all (Update)...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #nameSpaceMenuCheckOutNewest
		  #enabled: #hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'CheckOut all (Load old Revision)...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #nameSpaceMenuCheckOut
		  #enabled: #hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Spawn'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasNameSpaceSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #nameSpaceMenuSpawnBuffer
		  #enabled: #hasNameSpaceSelectedHolder
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Browser'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #nameSpaceMenuSpawn
		  #enabled: #hasNameSpaceSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Find'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #submenuChannel: #searchMenu
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'New...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #nameSpaceMenuNew
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Rename'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #nameSpaceMenuRename
	    #enabled: #canRenameNameSpaceHolder
	    #label: 'Remove'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #nameSpaceMenuRemove
	    #enabled: #canRemoveNameSpaceHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Update'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #value: #nameSpaceMenuUpdate

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 22:29:17 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#projectMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser projectMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'File out'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'as...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuFileOutAs
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'XML as...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuFileOutXMLAs
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'SIF as...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuFileOutSIFAs
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Each in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuFileOutEachIn
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Each XML in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuFileOutEachXMLIn
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Each SIF in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuFileOutEachSIFIn
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Each Binary in...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuFileOutEachBinaryIn
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Repository'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: 'CheckIn all...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuCheckInAll
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'CheckIn Classes only...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuCheckInClasses
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'CheckIn Extensions only...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuCheckInExtensions
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'CheckOut Newest all (Update)...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuCheckOutNewest
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'CheckOut all (Load old Revision)...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuCheckOut
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'History...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuRepositoryHistory
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Consistency Check...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuCheckRepositoryConsistency
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Import...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuImport
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #isVisible: false
		  #label: 'Import and Load Classes...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuImportAndLoadClasses
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Resource Files...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuResources
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Bitmap Files...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuBitmapFiles
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Documentation'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #projectMenuDocumentation
	    #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Spawn'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuSpawnBuffer
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Buffer with Extensions'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuSpawnExtensionsBuffer
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Browser'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuSpawn
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Browser on Extensions'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuSpawnExtensionsBrowser
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Find'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
	    #submenuChannel: #searchMenu
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'New...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #projectMenuNew
	    #label: 'Load...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #projectMenuLoad
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Rename...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #projectMenuRename
	    #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Remove...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #projectMenuRemove
	    #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Properties...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #projectMenuProperties
	    #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Generate'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Makefiles'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuGenerateMakefiles
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'LoadAll File'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuGenerateLoadAllFile
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Abbrev File'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuGenerateAbbrevFile
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Compiled class library'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #projectMenuGenerateClassLibrary
		  #enabled: #hasProjectSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Make current Project'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #projectMenuMakeCurrentProject
	    #enabled: #hasSingleProjectSelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Update'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #projectMenuUpdate

    "Modified: / 17.1.2001 / 11:36:14 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#protocolMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser protocolMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
	    label: 'FileOut'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
		  label: 'as...'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuFileOutAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  label: 'XML as...'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuFileOutXMLAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  label: 'SIF as...'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuFileOutSIFAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Documentation'
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: false
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
		  label: 'PrintOut'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuPrintOut
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
		  label: 'PrintOut Protocol'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuPrintOutProtocol
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
	    label: 'PrintOut'
	    itemValue: protocolMenuPrintOut
	    translateLabel: true
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: '-'
	    label: 'Spawn'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawnBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Full Protocol'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawnFullCategoryBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: 'Buffer with Full Protocols Matching...'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawn
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Full Protocol'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawnFullCategory
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: 'Browser on Full Protocols Matching...'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryBrowser
		  translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Find'
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: false
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
		  label: 'String...'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuFindString
		  translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
	    label: 'New...'
	    itemValue: protocolMenuNew
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Copy...'
	    itemValue: protocolMenuCopyToClass
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Move'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Class...'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuMoveToClass
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Project...'
		  itemValue: protocolMenuMoveToProject
		  translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasSingleRealProtocolSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Rename...'
	    itemValue: protocolMenuRename
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasProtocolSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Remove...'
	    itemValue: protocolMenuRemove
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    isVisible: false
	    label: 'Update'
	    itemValue: protocolMenuUpdate
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: false

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser searchMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>
	    #label: 'Class...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #searchMenuFindClass
	    #label: 'Class Hierarchy'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasSelectedClassWithSuperclassHolder
	    #submenuChannel: #selectedClassesHierarchyMenu
	    #label: 'Changed Classes'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasChangedClassesHolder
	    #submenuChannel: #changedClassesMenu
	    #label: 'Visited Classes'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasVisitedClassesHolder
	    #submenuChannel: #visitedClassesMenu
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Method...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #searchMenuFindMethod
	    #label: 'Changed Methods'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasChangedMethodsHolder
	    #submenuChannel: #changedMethodsMenu
	    #label: 'Visited Methods'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasFindHistoryClassesHolder
	    #submenuChannel: #findHistoryMenu
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Response to...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #searchMenuFindResponseTo
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassOrMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Response to'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #submenuChannel: #sentMessagesResponseMenu
	    #isVisible: #hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Bookmarks'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #submenuChannel: #boockmarksMenu

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#searchMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser searchMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Response to...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #searchMenuFindResponseTo
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassOrMethodSelectedHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Back'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasFindHistoryClassesHolder
	    #submenuChannel: #findHistoryMenu
	    #label: 'Changed Methods'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasChangedMethodsHolder
	    #submenuChannel: #changedMethodsMenu

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#selectorMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser selectorMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'FileOut'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'as...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuFileOutAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanFileOutXMLHolder
		  label: 'XML as...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuFileOutXMLAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanFileOutSIFHolder
		  label: 'SIF as...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuFileOutSIFAs
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelected
	    label: 'Repository'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelected
		  label: 'CheckIn Class(es)...'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuCheckInClass
		  translateLabel: true
		  showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'CheckIn Extensions for Project...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCheckInProjectExtensions
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasSingleMethodSelected
		  label: 'All Versions'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuBrowseRepositoryVersions
		  translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'PrintOut'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuPrintOut
	    translateLabel: true
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Spawn'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Full Class(es)'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowserBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: isMethodListBrowserOrHasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Class(es)'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnClassesBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: isMethodListBrowserOrHasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnMethodBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Implementors'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnImplementorsBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Senders'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnSendersBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Extensions for Project'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensionsBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  enabled: hasUnassignedExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Buffer with Unassigned Extensions'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensionsBuffer
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Full Class(es)'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowser
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: isMethodListBrowserOrHasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Class(es)'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuSpawnClasses
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: isMethodListBrowserOrHasMultipleClassesSelectedHolder
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnMethod
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Implementors'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnImplementors
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Senders'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnSenders
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: hasRealExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Extensions for Project'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensions
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  enabled: hasUnassignedExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Browser on Unassigned Extensions'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnProjectExtensions
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: hasExtensionMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Inheritance'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuSpawnInheritanceBuffer
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Sender Chain'
	    itemValue: spawnSenderChainBuffer
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Implementor Chain'
	    itemValue: spawnImplementorChainBuffer
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    label: 'Senders...'
	    itemValue: browseSendersOf
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: 'Senders of any...'
	    itemValue: browseSendersOfAny
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: hasMultipleMethodsSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Senders'
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
	    submenuChannel: sentMessagesMenu
	    label: 'Implementors...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuImplementorsOf
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: 'Implementors of any...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuImplementorsOfAny
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: hasMultipleMethodsSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Implementors'
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
	    submenuChannel: implementedMessagesMenu
	    label: 'String Search...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithString
	    translateLabel: true
	    shortcutKey: Cmdt
	    label: 'Code Search...'
	    itemValue: browseMenuMethodsWithCode
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
	    label: 'New'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Method'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuNewMethod
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Window Spec'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuNewWindowSpec
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Menu Spec'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuNewMenuSpec
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Image Spec'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuNewImageSpec
		  translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Copy...'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuCopy
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Move'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Protocol...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToProtocol
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Class...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToClass
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Project...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuMoveToProject
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasInstanceMethodsSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Class Protocol (Make Class Method)'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuMakeClassMethod
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasClassMethodsSelectedHolder
		  label: 'To Instance Protocol (Make Instance Method)'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuMakeInstanceMethod
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  label: 'Push Up'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuPushUpMethod
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  label: 'Push Down'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuPushDownMethod
		  translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    label: 'Rename...'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuRename
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    label: 'Safe Remove...'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuSaveRemove
	    translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Remove...'
	    itemValue: selectorMenuRemove
	    translateLabel: true
	    label: '-'
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Compare'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: methodRedefinesSuperclassVersionHolder
		  label: 'With Inherited Method'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithInherited
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: methodHasPreviousVersionHolder
		  label: 'With Previous Version'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithPreviousVersion
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedAndCodeModifiedHolder
		  label: 'With Methods Actual Source'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareWithMethod
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasExactlyTwoMethodsSelectedHolder
		  label: 'With Each Other'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareTwoSelectedMethods
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedAndSourceCodeManagerHolder
		  label: 'With Newest in Repository...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompareAgainstNewestInRepository
		  translateLabel: true
	    label: 'Generate'
	    translateLabel: true
		  enabled: methodNotImplementedInSuperclass
		  label: 'SubclassResponsibility in SuperClass'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateSubclassResponsibilityInSuperclass
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: methodNotImplementedInClass
		  label: 'SubclassResponsibility here'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateSubclassResponsibilityHere
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: singleSelectedMethodIsSubclassResponsibility
		  label: 'Templates in Subclasses'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateTemplateInSubclasses
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasNonMetaMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Corresponding Instance Creation in Class'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuGenerateCorrespondingInstanceCreationInClass
		  translateLabel: true
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Debug'
	    translateLabel: true
	    submenuChannel: debugMenu
	    shortcutKey: Ctrl
	    label: 'Special'
	    translateLabel: true
		  label: 'Select'
		  translateLabel: true
		  isVisible: false
			label: 'Methods with String...'
			itemValue: selectorMenuSelectMethodsWithString
			translateLabel: true
			label: 'Methods Sending...'
			itemValue: selectorMenuSelectMethodsSending
			translateLabel: true
			label: 'Methods Refering to Global...'
			itemValue: selectorMenuSelectMethodsReferingToGlobal
			translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  isVisible: false
		  enabled: methodHasPreviousVersionHolder
		  label: 'Back to Previous Version'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuBackToPrevious
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: methodHasPreviousVersionHolder
		  label: 'Previous Versions'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuBrowsePreviousVersions
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasSingleMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Inspect Method'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuInspect
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasSingleResourceMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Edit Resource'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuEdit
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Compile with stc'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuCompileWithSTC
		  translateLabel: true
		  enabled: hasSingleMethodWithBytecodeSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Decompile'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuDecompile
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
		  label: 'Process...'
		  itemValue: selectorMenuProcess
		  translateLabel: true
		  label: '-'
		  enabled: hasMethodsInList
		  label: 'Copy List to Clipboard'
		  itemValue: methodListMenuCopyList
		  translateLabel: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#specialBrowseMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser specialBrowseMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #enabled: #hasSourceCodeManagerHolder
	    #label: 'Repository Diffs'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #label: 'Buffer'
		  #itemValue: #browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffsInBuffer
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Browser'
		  #itemValue: #browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffs
		  #translateLabel: true
	    #label: 'Full Class Source'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #label: 'Buffer'
		  #itemValue: #browseMenuSpawnFullClassSourceInBuffer
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Browser'
		  #itemValue: #browseMenuSpawnFullClassSource
		  #translateLabel: true
	    #label: 'Class Documentation'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #label: 'Buffer'
		  #itemValue: #spawnClassDocumentationBrowserIn:
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #argument: #newBuffer
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Browser'
		  #itemValue: #spawnClassDocumentationBrowserIn:
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #argument: #newBrowser

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#tabMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser tabMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Add Buffer'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #nameKey: #CreateBuffer
	    #value: #bufferMenuCreateBuffer
	    #label: 'Remove Buffer'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #nameKey: #RemoveBuffer
	    #value: #'bufferMenuRemoveBuffer:'
	    #argument: 0

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#tabMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser tabMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Add buffer'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #nameKey: #CreateBuffer
	    #value: #bufferMenuCreateBuffer

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#variablesMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser variablesMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Instance Variables'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasNonMetaSelectedAndClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'References...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseInstVarRefs
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Readers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseInstVarReads
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Writers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseInstVarMods
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'All References...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarRefs
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'All Readers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarReads
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'All Writers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarMods
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Pull Up'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable
		  #enabled: #hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Push Down'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable
		  #enabled: #hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Convert to ValueHolder'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuConvertToValueHolder
		  #enabled: #hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Make Abstract (Access only via getters/setters)'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuMakeAbstractVariable
		  #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Make Concrete (Protect from access via getters/setters)'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuProtectInstanceVariable
		  #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Class Inst Variables'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasMetaSelectedAndClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'References...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseClassInstVarRefs
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Readers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseClassInstVarReads
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Writers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseClassInstVarMods
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'All References...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarRefs
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'All Readers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarReads
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'All Writers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarMods
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Class Variables'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'References...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseClassVarRefs
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Readers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseClassVarReads
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Writers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseClassVarMods
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'All References...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarRefs
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'All Readers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarReads
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'All Writers...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarMods
		  #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Pull Up'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuPullUpClassVariable
		  #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Push Down'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuPushDownClassVariable
		  #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: '-'
		  #label: 'Make Abstract (Access only via getters/setters)'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuMakeAbstractVariable
		  #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Make Concrete (Protect from access via getters/setters)'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #codeMenuProtectClassVariable
		  #enabled: #hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableListAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Add...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuAdd
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Move'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #label: 'Pull Up'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuPullUp
		  #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Push Down'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuPushDown
		  #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Rename...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuRename
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Remove'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #variablesMenuRemove
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassAndVariableSelectedAndCanUseRefactoringSupportHolder
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #isVisible: false
	    #label: 'Find Variable'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #doFindVariable
	    #enabled: #hasVariableSelected
	    #isVisible: false
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Show ClassVars (Statics)'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #indication: #showClassVarsInVariableList
	    #label: 'Sort By Name'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #indication: #variableListSortByName
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Generate'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #enabled: #hasClassSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Access Methods'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethods
		  #enabled: #hasClassAndVariableSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Getter Method(s)'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuGenerateGetterMethods
		  #enabled: #hasClassAndVariableSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Setter Method(s)'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuGenerateSetterMethods
		  #enabled: #hasClassAndVariableSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Multi-Setter Method'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuGenerateMultiSetterMethod
		  #enabled: #hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndMultipleVariablesSelectedHolder
		  #label: '-'
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Access Methods with Lazy Initialization in Getter'
		  #itemValue: #variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithLazyInitialization
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #enabled: #hasClassAndVariableSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Access Methods with Change Notification'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #value: #variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange
		  #enabled: #hasClassAndVariableSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Access Methods for ValueHolder'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #value: #variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolder
		  #enabled: #hasClassAndVariableSelectedHolder
		  #label: 'Access Methods for ValueHolder with Change Notification'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #isVisible: #hasNonMetaSelectedHolder
		  #value: #variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsForValueHolderWithChange
		  #enabled: #hasClassAndVariableSelectedHolder
	    #label: 'Debug'
	    #translateLabel: true
		  #label: 'Show Type(s)...'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuTypeInfo
		  #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		  #label: 'Browse Type(s)'
		  #translateLabel: true
		  #value: #variablesMenuTypeBrowe
		  #enabled: #hasSingleVariableSelectedHolder
		  #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#viewMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser viewMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Category'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #organizerModeForMenu
	    #choiceValue: #category
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelected
	    #label: 'Class Hierarchy'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #organizerModeForMenu
	    #choiceValue: #classHierarchy
	    #enabled: #hasSingleClassSelected
	    #label: 'Class Inheritance'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #isVisible: #classInheritanceMenuItemVisible
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #organizerModeForMenu
	    #choiceValue: #classInheritance
	    #label: 'Hierarchy'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #organizerModeForMenu
	    #choiceValue: #hierarchy
	    #label: 'Namespace'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #organizerModeForMenu
	    #choiceValue: #namespace
	    #label: 'Project'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #organizerModeForMenu
	    #choiceValue: #project
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Toolbar'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #toolBarVisibleHolder
	    #label: 'Info'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #codeInfoVisible
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Hide Unloaded Classes'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #hideUnloadedClasses
	    #enabled: #showUnloadedClasses
	    #label: 'Emphasize Unloaded Classes'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #emphasizeUnloadedClasses
	    #label: 'Short Class Names in Tabs'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #shortNamesInTabs
	    #label: 'Show Class-Packages'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #showClassPackages
	    #label: 'Show Method Inheritance Indicator'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #showMethodInheritance
	    #label: 'Show Classtype Indicator'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #indication: #markApplicationsHolder
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Show Inherited Methods'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #methodVisibilityHolder
	    #choiceValue: #all
	    #label: 'Show Inherited Methods except Object''s'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #methodVisibilityHolder
	    #choiceValue: #allButObject
	    #label: 'Do not Show Inherited Methods'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #hideMenuOnActivated: false
	    #choice: #methodVisibilityHolder
	    #choiceValue: #class
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-dialogs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'File out as...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenu3FileOutAs
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Check Into Repository...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenu3CheckIn
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Spawn'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenu3SpawnClass
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Compare With Newest in Repository...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenu3CompareAgainstNewestInRepository
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'File out as...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenuFileOutAs
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: 'Check Into Repository...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenuCheckIn
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Spawn'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenuSpawnClass
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Remove...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenuRemove

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Check Out Newest (Update)...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenu2CheckOutNewest
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Spawn'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenu2SpawnClass
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Compare With Newest in Repository...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenu2CompareAgainstNewestInRepository
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    #label: 'Check Out...'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenu4CheckOut
	    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    #label: '-'
	    #label: 'Remove Container'
	    #translateLabel: true
	    #value: #classMenu4RemoveContainer
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-popup'!

    "return the popUpMenu for the class-category-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self categoryMenuWithFind

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    "return the popUpMenu for the regular class-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self classMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    "return the popUpMenu for the class-hierarchy-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self classPopUpMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self nameSpaceMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    "return the popUpMenu for the project-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self projectMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"

    "return the popUpMenu for the variable-list view"

    <resource: #programMenu>

    ^ self variablesMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:58:25 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'menu specs-toolbar'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the MenuEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the MenuEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser andSelector:#toolBarMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(NewSystemBrowser toolBarMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>

	    label: ''
	    label: 'CreateBuffer'
	    itemValue: createBuffer
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever NewSystemBrowser addBufferIcon2)
	    label: '-'
	    activeHelpKey: showCategories
	    label: 'ShowCategory'
	    itemValue: switchToCategoryView
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    isVisible: organizerIsShowingClassesAndIsNotShowingCategories
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever NewSystemBrowser showCategoriesIcon)
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    activeHelpKey: showClassHierarchy
	    "/ enabled: hasClassSelectedHolder
	    label: 'ShowClassHierarchy'
	    itemValue: switchToClassHierarchyView
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    isVisible: organizerIsShowingClassesAndIsShowingCategories
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever NewSystemBrowser showClassHierarchyIcon)
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: '-'
	    activeHelpKey: recentChanges
	    label: 'Recent Changes'
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    submenuChannel: changedMenu
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary changesBrowser24x24Icon)
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    activeHelpKey: recentlyVisitedMethods
	    label: 'Back'
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    submenuChannel: findHistoryMenu
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary back16x16Icon)
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: ''
	    isVisible: false
	    activeHelpKey: undoOperation
	    enabled: hasUndoableOperations
	    label: 'Undo'
	    itemValue: operationsMenuUndo
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    isVisible: false
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary undoIcon)
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    activeHelpKey: redoOperation
	    enabled: hasUndoableOperations
	    label: 'Redo'
	    itemValue: operationsMenuRedo
	    translateLabel: true
	    isVisible: false
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary redoIcon)
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: ''
	    activeHelpKey: runTestCases
	    label: 'RunTest'
	    itemValue: runTestCases
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    isVisible: hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary sUnit24x24Icon)
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    label: '-'
	    startGroup: right
	    activeHelpKey: showInheritedMethods
	    label: 'ShowInheritedMethods'
	    itemValue: showInheritedMethods
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    startGroup: right
	    isVisible: notShowingInheritedMethods
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever NewSystemBrowser showInheritedMethodsIcon)
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    activeHelpKey: doNotShowInheritedMethods
	    label: 'DoNotShowInheritedMethods'
	    itemValue: doNotShowInheritedMethods
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    startGroup: right
	    isVisible: showingInheritedMethods
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever NewSystemBrowser doNotShowInheritedMethodsIcon)
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    activeHelpKey: formatCode
	    label: 'Format'
	    itemValue: codeMenuFormat
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    startGroup: right
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever ToolbarIconLibrary formatCode16x16Icon)
	    showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
	    activeHelpKey: addBreakPoint
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Add BreakPoint'
	    itemValue: debugMenuBreakPoint
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    startGroup: right
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever nil addBreakPointIcon2)
	    activeHelpKey: removeBreakPoint
	    enabled: hasMethodSelectedHolder
	    label: 'Remove BreakPoint'
	    itemValue: debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace
	    translateLabel: true
	    isButton: true
	    labelImage: (ResourceRetriever nil removeBreakPointIcon2)
	    label: ''
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'startup'!

    "launch a single class browser."

    ^ self basicNew spawnClassBrowserFor:(Array with:aClass) in:#newBrowser.

     self browseClass:Array 

browseMethods:aListOfMethods title:title sort:doSort
    "launch a multi-method browser."

    ^ self basicNew 
	sortBy:(doSort ifTrue:[#class] ifFalse:[nil])

	browseMethods:(Array with:(OrderedCollection compiledMethodAt:#at:)
			     with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)
	title:'some methods'

	browseMethods:(Array with:(OrderedCollection compiledMethodAt:#at:)
			     with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)
	title:'some methods'

	browseMethods:(Array with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)
			     with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:put:))
	title:'some methods'

    |lastClass classHistory|

    classHistory := self classHistory.
    classHistory size > 0 ifTrue:[
	lastClass := Smalltalk classNamed:(classHistory first className).
	lastClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ self openInClass:lastClass selector:nil
    ^ super open

     self open

openInClass:aClass selector:aSelector
    "launch a full browser, with aClass/aSelector initially selected."


    browser := self new.
    browser allButOpen.
    browser switchToClass:aClass selector:aSelector.
    browser openWindow.
    ^ browser

     self openInClass:Array selector:#at:

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 00:34:02 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 00:36:15 / cg"

    "launch a full browser, with aMethod initially selected."


    w := aMethod who.
    ^ self openInClass:w methodClass selector:w methodSelector

     self openInMethod:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)

    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 00:34:46 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 00:38:41 / cg"

    "open a browser, showing all classes in the changeSet."

    ^ self basicNew 

     self openOnClassesInChangeSet

    "open a browser, showing all methods in the changeSet."

    ^ self basicNew basicInitialize 

     self openOnMethodsInChangeSet
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'utilities'!


    allProjects := Set new.
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	|cls pkg|

	cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.

	pkg := cls package.
	pkg "withoutSeparators" size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    allProjects add:pkg.
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ for now, nameSpaces are not in any package;
	    "/ this might change. Then, 0-sized packages are
	    "/ illegal, and the following should be enabled.
	    "/ self halt
	cls isJavaClass ifFalse:[
	    cls instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
		allProjects add:mthd package asSymbol.
    allProjects := allProjects asOrderedCollection sort.
    ^ allProjects

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:55:19 / cg"

enterBoxTitle:title okText:okText label:label
    "convenient method: setup an enterBox"

    |box resources|

    resources := self classResources.
    box := EnterBox new.
    box label:(resources string:label).
	title:(resources string:title) 
	okText:(resources string:okText).
    ^ box

    "Created: / 6.2.2000 / 01:07:11 / cg"

    "resources are from a methods resource-info;
     return an appropriate editor class."

    (aResource == #canvas) ifTrue:[
	^ UIPainter
    (aResource == #menu) ifTrue:[
	^ MenuEditor
    ((aResource == #image) or:[aResource == #fileImage]) ifTrue:[
	^ ImageEditor
    (aResource == #help) ifTrue:[
	^ UIHelpTool
    (aResource == #tableColumns) ifTrue:[
	^ DataSetBuilder
    (aResource == #tabList) ifTrue:[
	^ TabListEditor
    (aResource == #hierarchicalList) ifTrue:[
	^ HierarchicalListEditor
    ^ nil

    "resources are from a methods resource-info;
     return an appropriate editor class."

    (resources includesKey:#canvas) ifTrue:[
	^ self resourceEditorClassFor:#canvas
    (resources includesKey:#menu) ifTrue:[
	^ self resourceEditorClassFor:#menu
    (resources includesKey:#image) ifTrue:[
	^ self resourceEditorClassFor:#image
    (resources includesKey:#fileImage) ifTrue:[
	^ self resourceEditorClassFor:#fileImage
    (resources includesKey:#help) ifTrue:[
	^ self resourceEditorClassFor:#help
    (resources includesKey:#tableColumns) ifTrue:[
	^ self resourceEditorClassFor:#tableColumns
    (resources includesKey:#tabList) ifTrue:[
	^ self resourceEditorClassFor:#tabList
    (resources includesKey:#hierarchicalList) ifTrue:[
	^ self resourceEditorClassFor:#hierarchicalList
    ^ nil
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects'!

    "the list of buffer-name-labels (model of the notebook)"

    bufferNameList isNil ifTrue:[
	bufferNameList := List new.
    ^ bufferNameList

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:15:32 / cg"

    "the current buffers html-doc holder"

    ^ self navigationState classDocumentationHolder

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 01:58:03 / cg"

    "the project-info label (used in the revisionDiffBrowser)"

    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classesProjectInfoHolder) isNil ifTrue:[ 
	builder aspectAt:#classesProjectInfoHolder put:(holder := '' asValue).
    ^ holder.

    "the current buffers codeAspect; a symbol such as #method, #classDefinition, #comment etc."

    ^ self navigationState codeAspect

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 13:07:07 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState codeAspect:newAspect

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 13:07:19 / cg"

    "the current buffers code holder"

    ^ self navigationState codeHolder

    "the current buffers codeModified holder;
     That is the codeViews modified flag and should not be taken as a modified flag,
     because the syntaxHighlighter clears this flag to be informed about user unput"

    ^ self navigationState codeModifiedHolder

    ^ self reallyModified:(self navigationState)

    "the current buffers cursorColumn Holder (info field)"

    ^ self navigationState cursorColLabelHolder

    "the current buffers cursorLineumn Holder (info field)"

    ^ self navigationState cursorLineLabelHolder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#doEnableRefactoringSupport) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := self canUseRefactoringSupport asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#doEnableRefactoringSupport put:holder.
    ^ holder

    RefactoryChangeManager autoload.

    ^ self navigationState filterClassVars

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:28:06 / cg"

    immediateUpdate isNil ifTrue:[
	immediateUpdate := false asValue.
    ^ immediateUpdate

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 22:29:47 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState implementingClassListGenerator

    "the current buffers infoLabel (info field)"

    ^ self navigationState infoLabelHolder

    ^ self navigationState metaToggleLabelHolder

    ^ self navigationState methodInfo

    "the current buffers mode label Holder (insert/learn info field)"

    ^ self navigationState modeLabelHolder

    |theCanvas theCanvasType bldr|

    navigationState isNil ifTrue:[
	navigationState := NavigationState new.
	"/ the kludge below is required to allow
	"/ subSpecs to be opened in full-window (without a noteBook) as well 
	"/ (without that, we get trouble accessing the codeView later ...)
	browserCanvas isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ opened spec as top-spec (there is no canvas)
	    theCanvas := self.
	    bldr := self builder.
	    bldr notNil ifTrue:[
		theCanvasType := bldr spec name.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		theCanvasType := self browserCanvasType.
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ opened spec in canvas
	    theCanvas := self browserCanvas value.
	    theCanvasType := self browserCanvasType.
	theCanvas isNil ifTrue:[self halt:'should not happen'].
	navigationState canvas:theCanvas.
	theCanvasType isNil ifTrue:[
	    theCanvasType := theCanvas spec.
	navigationState canvasType:theCanvasType.
    ^ navigationState

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 16:00:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 13:50:27 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState noAllItem

    "the current buffers packageLabel (info field)"

    ^ self navigationState packageLabelHolder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#searchedClassNameHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := '' asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#searchedClassNameHolder put:holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[
	    self switchToClassNameMatching: holder value].
    ^ holder

    selectedBuffer isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedBuffer := nil asValue.
	selectedBuffer addDependent:self.
    ^ selectedBuffer

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:21:11 / cg"


    navigationState modified ifFalse:[^ true].

    (answer := self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Change selection anyway ?')
	navigationState modified:false.
	navigationState realModifiedState:false.

	(self codeAspect == #classDefinition
	and:[aSubApplication ~~ self classListApp]) ifTrue:[
	    self classListApp forceReselect
	] ifFalse:[
	    aSubApplication forceSelectionClear.
    ^ answer

    "Created: / 23.2.2000 / 12:14:38 / cg"

    ^ [:whichSubApplication | self selectionChangeConditionFor:whichSubApplication ]

    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 12:14:50 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState sortBy
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-kludges'!

    ^ self navigationState metaToggle


    ^ self navigationState notMetaToggle

! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-menus'!

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self class categoryMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:17:07 / cg"

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self class classMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:16:42 / cg"

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ [

	self window sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[
	    m := self class debugMenu
	] ifFalse:[
	    m := self class methodListMenu
	m := m decodeAsLiteralArray.
	m findGuiResourcesIn:self.

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self class nameSpaceMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:17:22 / cg"

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self class projectMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:17:28 / cg"

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self class protocolMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:17:40 / cg"

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ self class selectorMenu

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:17:49 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    "to avoid generation of an aspect method by GUI definer"

    ^ [

	self window sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[
	    m := self class debugMenu
	] ifFalse:[
	    m := self class selectorMenu
	m := m decodeAsLiteralArray.
	m findGuiResourcesIn:self.

    |m i|

    m := self class tabMenuWithRemove.
    m := m decodeAsLiteralArray.
    i := m detectItem:[:item | item itemValue == #bufferMenuRemoveBuffer:] ifNone:nil.
    i notNil ifTrue:[
	i argument:index.
	index ~~ self selectedBuffer value ifTrue:[
	    "/ for now: if that buffer is modified,
	    "/ do not allow removing.
	    "/ (must be brought to front, in order for check-for-modification to work)
	    (buffers at:index) modified ifTrue:[
		i disable
    m findGuiResourcesIn:self.
    ^ m

"/    index == self selectedBuffer value ifTrue:[
"/        ^ self class tabMenuWithRemove.
"/    ].
"/    ^ self class tabMenuWithoutRemove.


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#visitedClassesHistory) isNil ifTrue:[
	builder aspectAt:#visitedClassesHistory put:(holder := List new).
	self class classHistory addDependent:self.
    ^ holder
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-navigation'!

    "the current buffers categoryList"

    ^ self navigationState categoryList

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 01:58:03 / cg"

    "the current buffers categoryList generator"

    ^ self navigationState categoryListGenerator

    "the current buffers topClass holder (if showing a hierarchy)"

    ^ self navigationState classHierarchyTopClass

    "the current buffers classList generator"

    ^ self navigationState classListGenerator

    "the current buffers first classList generator (input to categoryList)"

    ^ self navigationState classListPerNameSpaceGenerator

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:15:07 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState meta


    ^ self navigationState nameSpaceFilter

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:25:49 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState nameSpaceListGenerator

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:26:09 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState packageFilter

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:28:06 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState projectListGenerator

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 02:52:33 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState protocolListGenerator

    ^ self navigationState selectedCategories

    ^ self selectedCategories value ? #()

    ^ self navigationState selectedClasses


    ^ self selectedClasses value ? #()

    ^ self navigationState selectedMethods


    ^ self navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:1

    ^ self navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:2

    ^ self navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:3

    ^ self navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:4

    ^ self navigationState selectedNamespaces


    ^ self selectedNamespaces value ? #()

    ^ self navigationState selectedProjects


    ^ self selectedProjects value ? #()

    ^ self navigationState selectedProtocols


    ^ self selectedProtocols value ? #()

    ^ self variableFilter

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGenerator

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:1

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:2

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:3

    ^ self navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:4

    ^ self navigationState variableFilter

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:28:06 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-organization'!


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#categoryMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v1 :v2 | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				n isClassBrowser not
				and:[n isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser not
				and:[n isMethodBrowser not
				and:[n isChainBrowser not
				and:[(n isNameSpaceFullBrowser or:[n isNameSpaceBrowser not])
				and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
				and:[(n isNameSpaceFullBrowser or:[v1 value == #category])]]]]]]
			argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#categoryMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 15:00:08 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v1 :v2 | |orgMode|

				    orgMode := v1 value.
				    (orgMode == #classHierarchy)
				    or:[orgMode == #hierarchy]
			argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 22:19:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 16:51:42 / cg"

    ^ false


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				n isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser not
				and:[n isMethodBrowser not
				and:[n isChainBrowser not]]
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#classMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#codeMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				n isClassDocumentationBrowser not
				and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
				and:[n isFullClassSourceBrowser not]]
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#codeMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:57:52 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#isNotFullProtocolBrowser) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				n isFullProtocolBrowser not
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#isNotFullProtocolBrowser put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:57:52 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#methodListMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				n isMethodListBrowser 
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#methodListMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#methodListViewMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				n isMethodListBrowser 
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#methodListViewMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#nameSpaceMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v1 :v2 | v1 value == #namespace
					or:[self navigationState isNameSpaceFullBrowser]
			argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 22:19:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 18:36:56 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#notShowingInheritedMethods) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
		with:[:h :o | self isMethodListBrowser not and:[h value == #class] ] 
		argument:(self methodVisibilityHolder)
		argument:(self organizerModeForMenu).
	builder aspectAt:#notShowingInheritedMethods put: holder
    ^ holder

    ^ [
	(self canUseRefactoringSupport)

    ^ [
	(self canUseRefactoringSupport)


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerIsNotShowingCategories) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
	    with:[:h | h value ~~ #category] 
	    argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerIsShowingCategories) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
	with:[:h | h value == #category] 
	argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerIsShowingClassesAndIsNotShowingCategories) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
	    with:[:h | navigationState isMethodListBrowser not and:[h value ~~ #category]] 
	    argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerIsShowingClassesAndIsShowingCategories) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
	with:[:h | navigationState isMethodListBrowser not and:[h value == #category]] 
	argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
    ^ holder

    ^ self navigationState organizerMode

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 18:36:40 / cg"

    "need this, since the menu fetches the aspect only once during
     creation - but thats the mode-holder of the first buffer,
     and not the dynamic mode-holder of the current buffer"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#organizerModeForMenu) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (PluggableAdaptor new)
		getBlock:[:m | self organizerMode value ]
		putBlock:[:m :newValue | self organizerMode value:newValue.]
		updateBlock:[:m :aspect :param | ].
	builder aspectAt:#organizerModeForMenu put:holder.
	holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 18:36:13 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#projectMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v1 :v2 | v1 value == #project]
			argument:(self organizerModeForMenu)
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#projectMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 22:19:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 16:50:25 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#protocolMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				n isFullClassSourceBrowser not
				and:[n isClassDocumentationBrowser not
				and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
				and:[n isMethodBrowser not
				and:[n isChainBrowser not]]]]
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#protocolMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 14:55:11 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#searchMenuInMethodListVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				self searchMenuVisible value not
				and:[n isMethodBrowser]
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#searchMenuInMethodListVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#searchMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				n isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser not
				and:[n isChainBrowser not
				and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
				and:[n isCategoryBrowser not]]]
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#searchMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#selectorMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				n isClassDocumentationBrowser not
				and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
				and:[n isFullClassSourceBrowser not]]  
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#selectorMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:55:44 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showingInheritedMethods) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
		with:[:h :o | self isMethodListBrowser not and:[h value ~~ #class] ] 
		argument:(self methodVisibilityHolder)
		argument:(self organizerModeForMenu).
	builder aspectAt:#showingInheritedMethods put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#viewMenuVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |n|
				n := self navigationState.
				n isClassBrowser not
				and:[n isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser not
				and:[n isProjectFullBrowser not
				and:[n isMethodBrowser not
				and:[n isChainBrowser not
				and:[n isCategoryBrowser not
				and:[n isNameSpaceBrowser not
				and:[n isNameSpaceFullBrowser not
				and:[n isVersionDiffBrowser not
				and:[n isProjectBrowser not]]]]]]]]]
			argument:(self browserCanvas).
	builder aspectAt:#viewMenuVisible put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:03:48 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-presentation'!


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#codeInfoVisible) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultCodeInfoVisible ? true "false")  asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#codeInfoVisible put: holder.
	holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#doAutoFormat) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultAutoFormat ? UserPreferences current autoFormatting) asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#doAutoFormat put:holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultAutoFormat := holder value.
				  self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode].
    ^ holder.


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#doImmediateSyntaxColoring) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultImmediateSyntaxColoring ? true) asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#doImmediateSyntaxColoring put:holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultImmediateSyntaxColoring := holder value.
				  self startSyntaxHighlightProcess
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#doSyntaxColoring) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultSyntaxColoring ? UserPreferences current syntaxColoring) asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#doSyntaxColoring put:holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultSyntaxColoring := holder value.
				  self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode].
    ^ holder.


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#emphasizeUnloadedClasses) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultEmphasizeUnloadedClasses ? false) asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#emphasizeUnloadedClasses put: holder.
	holder onChangeSend:#emphasizeUnloadedClassesChanged to:self.
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"

    |classListApp clr e|

    classListApp := self classListApp.
    DefaultEmphasizeUnloadedClasses := e := self emphasizeUnloadedClasses value.
    e ifTrue:[
	classListApp window font boldness < 0.6 ifTrue:[
	    clr := (Color red:20)
	] ifFalse:[
	    clr := (Color red:10)
    ] ifFalse:[
	clr := nil
    classListApp unloadedClassesColor:clr.
    "/ classListApp updateList.
    classListApp invalidateList.

    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 11:14:50 / cg"

    ^ self navigationState hidePrivateClasses

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 16:17:38 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hideUnloadedClasses) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultHideUnloadedClasses ? false) asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#hideUnloadedClasses put: holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultHideUnloadedClasses := holder value ].
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#markApplicationsHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultMarkApplications ? true) asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#markApplicationsHolder put: holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultMarkApplications := holder value ].
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#methodVisibilityHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := #class asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#methodVisibilityHolder put: holder.
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#shortNamesInTabs) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultShortNameInTabs ? true) asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#shortNamesInTabs put: holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultShortNameInTabs := holder value ].
    ^ holder

    showClassPackages isNil ifTrue:[
	showClassPackages := false asValue.
    ^ showClassPackages.

"/    ^ self navigationState showClassPackages

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 16:17:38 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showClassVarsInVariableList) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := false asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#showClassVarsInVariableList put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showMethodInheritance) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultShowMethodInheritance ? true) asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#showMethodInheritance put: holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultShowMethodInheritance := holder value ].
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showMethodTemplate) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultShowMethodTemplate ? true) asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#showMethodTemplate put: holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[ DefaultShowMethodTemplate := holder value ].
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 17:34:18 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#showUnloadedClasses) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue forLogicalNot:(self hideUnloadedClasses).
	builder aspectAt:#showUnloadedClasses put: holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[self classListApp invalidateList].
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 11:09:32 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#toolBarVisibleHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := (DefaultToolBarVisible ? true "false") asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#toolBarVisibleHolder put: holder.
	holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:44:17 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 11:09:32 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#variableListSortByName) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := false asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#variableListSortByName put: holder
    ^ holder
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'aspects-queries'!

    ^ [ self canFileOutSIF ]

    ^ [ self canFileOutXML ]

    | mthd mclass|

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	mclass := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
"/        self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
"/            ^ nil
"/        ].
	mclass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    ^ mclass

    "the current buffers single selected class;
     nil if no selection or if multiple classes are selected"

    ^ self theSingleSelectedClass

    self halt.

    |nsSymbol cls|

    (nsSymbol := self theSingleSelectedNamespace) notNil ifTrue:[
	nsSymbol ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[
	    ^ NameSpace name:nsSymbol
    (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	^ cls topNameSpace
    ^ Class nameSpaceQuerySignal query ? Smalltalk


    ^ (selected := self selectedClasses value) size > 0
      and:[ selected contains:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass wasAutoloaded ]].

    ^ [ self hasAnyAutoLoadedClassSelected ]


    ^ (selected := self selectedClasses value) size > 0
      and:[ selected contains:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass isLoaded ]].

    ^ [ self hasAnyLoadedClassSelected ]


    ^ (selected := self selectedClasses value) size > 0 
	and:[ selected contains:[ :cls | cls theNonMetaclass isSubclassOf:TestCase ] ]


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
		    with:[:m1 :m2| self hasAnyTestCaseSelected] 
		    argument:self selectedClasses
		    argument:self browserCanvas.
	builder aspectAt:#hasAnyTestCaseSelectedHolder put: holder.
    ^ holder


    ^ (selected := self selectedClasses value) size > 0
      and:[ selected contains:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass isLoaded not ]].


    ^ [ self hasAnyUnloadedClassSelected ]


    selectedClasses := self selectedClasses value.
    selectedClasses size == 0 ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ selectedClasses conform:[:each | each theNonMetaclass isSubclassOf:ApplicationModel].

    ^ [ self hasApplicationClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self selectedClasses value size <= 1

    ^ [ self hasAtMostOneClassesSelected ]

    |foundBreak foundTrace|

    foundBreak := false.
    foundTrace := false.
	selectedMethodsDo:[ :aMethod | 
	    aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[ 
		foundBreak := foundBreak or:[ aMethod isBreakpointed ].
		foundTrace := foundTrace or:[ aMethod isBreakpointed not ]
    ^ foundBreak and:[ foundTrace ]

    ^ self selectedCategories value size > 0

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:45 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelected and:[self canFileOutSIF] ]

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelected and:[self canFileOutXML] ]

    ^ self hasCategorySelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager] 

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelectedAndSourceCodeManager ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasCategorySelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ Project current changeSet contains:[:change | change isClassChange]

    ^ [ self hasChangedClasses ]

    ^ Project current changeSet contains:[:change | change isMethodChange]

    ^ [ self hasChangedMethods ]


    ^ self hasClassSelected and:[self hasSingleVariableSelected]

    ^ [ self hasClassAndSingleVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasClassSelected and:[self hasVariableSelected]

    ^ [ self hasClassAndVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"


    methods := self selectedMethods value.
    methods size == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
    ^ (methods conform:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass isMeta])


    ^ [ self hasClassMethodsSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ self selectedClasses value size > 0

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:25 / cg"
    "Modified: / 6.2.2000 / 01:12:40 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[self canFileOutSIF]]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[self canFileOutXML]]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"


    ^ self hasClassSelected and:[self window sensor ctrlDown]

    ^ [ self hasClassSelectedAndControlKeyDown ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected and:[ self hasSourceCodeManager]]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    |mthd mclass selection|

    (self hasSingleWordSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[^ false].
    selection := self selectionInCodeView.

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	mclass := mthd mclass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[
	mclass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ (mclass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:selection) notNil.

    "/ the following is too slow
"/    node := self findNode.
"/    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
"/        ^ false
"/    ].
"/    ^ true

    ^ [ self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView ]

    (self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ self hasClassVariableSelectedInVariableList

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList] ]

    ^ [ self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList ]

    |var mclass|

    var := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    var isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    mclass := self classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ (mclass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:var) notNil.

    ^ (self selectedClasses value ? #())
	  contains:[:cls | cls hasExtensions].

    ^ [ self hasClassWithExtensionsSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    "return true, if only empty namespaces are selected"


    selectedNamespaces := self selectedNamespaces value.
    selectedNamespaces size == 0 ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ (selectedNamespaces 
	contains:[:nm | 

	    ns := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
	    ns notNil 
	    and:[ns allClasses size ~~ 0]
      ) not

    "return true, if only empty namespaces are selected"

    ^ [ self hasEmptyNamespacesSelected ]

    ^ self selectedClasses value size == 2

    ^ [ self hasExactlyTwoClassesSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self selectedMethods value size == 2

    ^ [ self hasExactlyTwoMethodsSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self selectedMethods value ? #()
	contains:[:aMethod | aMethod package ~= aMethod containingClass package ]

    ^ BlockValue
	with:[:m | m value and:[self hasExtensionMethodSelected]] 
	argument:(self hasMethodSelectedHolder)

    ^ [ FindHistory size > 0 ]



    methods := self selectedMethods value.
    methods size == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
    ^ (methods conform:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass isMeta not])


    ^ [ self hasInstanceMethodsSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    |mthd mclass selection|

    (self hasSingleWordSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[^ false].
    selection := self selectionInCodeView.

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	mclass := mthd mclass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[
	self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    ^ false
	mclass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
	(mclass isNil or:[mclass isMeta]) ifTrue:[ ^ false].
    ^ (mclass whichClassDefinesInstVar:selection) notNil.

    "/ the following is too slow
"/    node := self findNode.
"/    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
"/        ^ false
"/    ].
"/    ^ true

    ^ [ self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView ]

    | mclass var|

    self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[^ true].
    var := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    var isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    mclass := self classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ (mclass whichClassDefinesInstVar:var) notNil.

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]]

    ^ [ self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]

    ^ self hasClassSelected 
      and:[self selectedClasses value contains:[:aClass | aClass isLoaded]]

    ^ [ self hasLoadedClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    |"node" selectionInCode|

    self codeAspect value == #method ifFalse:[^ false].

    selectionInCode := self codeView selection.
    selectionInCode size == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
    selectionInCode asString string asCollectionOfWords size == 1 ifFalse:[^ false].

    "/ the following is too slow
"/    node := self findNode.
"/    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
"/        ^ false
"/    ].
    ^ true

    ^ [ self hasLocalVariableSelectedInCodeView ]

    ^ [ self meta value and:[ self hasClassSelected] ]

    ^ self meta

    ^ self selectedMethods value size > 0

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 23:06:44 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected and:[ self canFileOutSIF] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected and:[ self canFileOutXML] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasMethodSelected] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ self hasMethodSelected
      and:[navigationState isMethodListBrowser ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelectedAndIsMethodListBrowser ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected and:[ self hasSourceCodeManager]]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ builder booleanValueAspectFor:#hasMethodSelected
"/    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ self selectedMethods value ? #()
	contains:[:aMethod | aMethod isBreakpointed ]

    ^ [ self hasMethodWithBreakPointSelected ]

    ^ self selectedMethods value ? #()
	contains:[:aMethod | aMethod isWrapped and:[aMethod isBreakpointed not] ]

    ^ [ self hasMethodWithTracePointSelected ]

    ^ self selectedMethods value ? #()
	contains:[:aMethod | aMethod isWrapped ]

    ^ [ self hasMethodWithWrapSelected ]


    ^ (app := self methodListApp) notNil
    and:[ app methodList size > 0 ]

    ^ self selectedClasses value size > 1

    ^ [ self hasMultipleClassesSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"

    ^ self selectedMethods value size > 1

    ^ [ self hasMultipleMethodsSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"

    self codeAspect value ~~ #method ifTrue:[^ false].
    (self hasMultipleWordsSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[^ false].

    ^ true

    ^ [ self hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeView ]

    ^ self selectedVariables value size > 1

    |codeView selectionInCode|

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    selectionInCode := self selectionInCodeView.
    selectionInCode isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ false ].

    ^ selectionInCode asCollectionOfWords size > 1.

    ^ self selectedNamespaces value size > 0

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:45 / cg"

    ^ self hasNameSpaceSelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:45 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasNameSpaceSelectedAndSourceCodeManager ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasNameSpaceSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:04:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasClassSelected not ]

    ^ [ self hasMethodSelected not
	or:[ self hasBothMethodsWithBreakAndTraceSelected
	or:[ self hasMethodWithWrapSelected not] ]]

    ^ [ self hasNonMetaSelected and:[self hasMethodSelected] ]

    ^self meta value not

    ^ [ self hasNonMetaSelected and:[ self hasClassSelected] ]

    ^ [ self hasNonMetaSelected ]


    (classes := self selectedClasses value) size > 0 ifTrue:[
	^ classes contains:[:aClass | aClass owningClass isNil]
    ^ false

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 11:07:54 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasNonPrivateClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 11:08:03 / cg"

    ^ self hasMultipleClassesSelected not

    ^ [ self hasNotMultipleClassesSelected ]

    ^ [ self hasMultipleTemporaryVariablesSelectedInCodeView not ]

	|anyBreak anyWrap|

	anyBreak := anyWrap := false.
		selectedMethodsDo:[:aMethod | 
			aMethod isBreakpointed ifTrue:[
				anyBreak := true
			] ifFalse:[
				aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
					anyWrap := true
	^ anyBreak and:[anyWrap not]

	|anyBreak anyWrap|

	anyBreak := anyWrap := false.
		selectedMethodsDo:[:aMethod | 
			aMethod isBreakpointed ifTrue:[
				anyBreak := true
			] ifFalse:[
				aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
					anyWrap := true
	^ anyWrap and:[anyBreak not]

    ^ self selectedProjects value size > 0


    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected and:[self canFileOutSIF] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected and:[self canFileOutXML] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProjectSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ self selectedProtocols value size > 0

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:07:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 22:08:49 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProtocolSelected and:[self canFileOutSIF] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProtocolSelected and:[self canFileOutXML] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasProtocolSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    ^ self selectedMethods value ? #()
	contains:[:aMethod | |mPackage|
		    mPackage := aMethod package.
		    mPackage ~= aMethod containingClass package
		    and:[mPackage ~= Project defaultProject package] ]

    ^ BlockValue
	with:[:m | m value and:[self hasRealExtensionMethodSelected]] 
	argument:(self hasMethodSelectedHolder)

    "true, if at least one real method protocol (i.e. not *all*) item is selected"


    selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value.
    ^ selectedProtocols size > 0
      and:[selectedProtocols contains:[:p | p ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL]]

    ^ [ self hasRealProtocolSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"


    manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
    manager isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ manager hasRedoableOperations 

    ^ [ self theSingleSelectedClass notNil
	and:[self theSingleSelectedClass superclass notNil ]]


    "/ ^ self codeView selectionAsString size > 0
    ^ self codeView hasSelection 


    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasSelectionInCodeView]

    ^ [ self hasSelectionInCodeView ]

    ^ self selectedCategories value size == 1

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:05:40 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleCategorySelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:05:52 / cg"

    ^ self hasSingleClassSelected 
      and:[self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasSingleClassAndClassVariableSelected] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasSingleClassSelected 
      and:[self hasSingleClassVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]

    ^ self hasSingleClassSelected 
      and:[self hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelected] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleClassAndSingleVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasSingleClassSelected 
      and:[self hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasSingleClassAndVariableSelected] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleClassAndVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:02:53 / cg"

    ^ self hasSingleClassSelected or:[self hasSingleMethodSelected] 

    ^ [ self hasSingleClassOrMethodSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"

    ^ self selectedClasses value size == 1

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:24 / cg"
    "Modified: / 6.2.2000 / 01:12:45 / cg"

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasSingleClassSelected] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleClassSelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager] ]

    ^ [ self hasSingleClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"


    ^ (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[cls isLoaded]

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:27:45 / cg"

    ^ self hasSingleLoadedClassSelected
      and:[ self hasMultipleVariablesSelected ]

    ^ [ self hasSingleLoadedClassSelectedAndMultipleVariablesSelected ]

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:28:03 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleLoadedClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:28:03 / cg"


    ^ (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[cls isLoaded
      and:[cls comment notEmptyOrNil]]

    ^ [ self hasSingleLoadedClassWithCommentSelected ]


    ^ (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[cls isLoaded
      and:[cls isMeta not]]

    ^ [ self hasSingleLoadedNonMetaClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:28:03 / cg"

    ^ self selectedMethods value size == 1

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:10:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 23:06:51 / cg"

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasSingleMethodSelected]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ [ 
	self codeReallyModified 
	and:[self hasSingleMethodSelected]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self hasSelectionInCodeView
      and:[self hasSingleMethodSelected]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport 
	and:[self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeView ]

    ^ self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeView
      and:[self theSingleSelectedMethod numArgs > 0]

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameter]

    ^ [ self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeViewAndSingleSelectedMethodHasParameter ]

    ^ [ self hasSingleMethodSelectedAndSelectionInCodeView ]

    ^ [ self hasSingleMethodSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"


    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    ^ mthd notNil and:[mthd byteCode notNil]

    ^ [ self hasSingleMethodWithBytecodeSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ self selectedNamespaces value size == 1

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:07:55 / cg"


    ^ (selected := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[selected isPrivate not]

    ^ [ self hasSingleNonPrivateClassSelected and:[self hasSourceCodeManager] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSingleNonPrivateClassSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:03:08 / cg"


    ^ (selected := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil
      and:[selected isPrivate]

    ^ [ self hasSinglePrivateClassSelected ]

    ^ self selectedProjects value size == 1

    ^ [ self hasSingleProjectSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:09:02 / cg"

    "true if exactly one method protocol item is selected (could be *all*)"

    ^ self selectedProtocols value size == 1

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:07:55 / cg"

    "holding true, if exactly one method protocol item is selected (could be *all*)"

    ^ [ self hasSingleProtocolSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:08:22 / cg"

    "true, if one real method protocol (i.e. not *all*) item is selected"


    p := self theSingleSelectedProtocol.
    ^ p notNil and:[p ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL]

    "holding true, if one real method protocol (i.e. not *all*) item is selected"

    ^ [ self hasSingleRealProtocolSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:08:22 / cg"

    |currentMethod methodsResources|

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    ^ currentMethod notNil 
      and:[(methodsResources := currentMethod resources) notNil
      and:[(self class resourceEditorClassForResources:methodsResources) notNil]]


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#hasSingleResourceMethodSelectedHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := self hasSingleResourceMethodSelected asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#hasSingleResourceMethodSelectedHolder put:holder.
    ^ holder.

    ^ self selectedVariables value size == 1

    ^ [ self hasSingleVariableSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:08:22 / cg"

    self hasSingleVariableSelected ifTrue:[^ true].
    (self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifTrue:[^ true].
    (self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    ^ [ self hasSingleVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList ]

    |codeView selectionInCode|

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    "/ first, see if more than a line is selected ...
    codeView selectionStartLine == codeView selectionEndLine ifFalse:[^ false ].

    selectionInCode := self selectionInCodeView.
    selectionInCode isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ false ].

    ^ selectionInCode asCollectionOfWords size == 1.

    ^ SourceCodeManager notNil

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

    ^ [ self hasSourceCodeManager ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:11:34 / cg"

"/    |node|

    self codeAspect value ~~ #method ifTrue:[^ false].
    (self hasSingleWordSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[^ false].

    "/ the following is too slow
"/    node := self findNode.
"/    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
"/        ^ false
"/    ].
    ^ true

    ^ [ self hasTemporaryVariableSelectedInCodeView ]

    ^ self selectedMethods value ? #()
	contains:[:aMethod | |mPackage|
		    mPackage := aMethod package.
		    mPackage ~= aMethod containingClass package
		    and:[mPackage = Project defaultProject package] ]

    ^ BlockValue
	with:[:m | m value and:[self hasUnassignedExtensionMethodSelected]] 
	argument:(self hasMethodSelectedHolder)


    manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
    manager isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ manager hasUndoableOperations 

    ^ self hasMethodSelected
      and:[self selectedMethods value 
	       conform:[:eachMethod | #( 
				       ) includes:eachMethod selector ]]

    ^ [ self hasUpdateMethodSelected ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ self selectedVariables value size > 0

    self hasVariableSelected ifTrue:[^ true].
    (self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifTrue:[^ true].
    (self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    ^ [ self canUseRefactoringSupport
	and:[self hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList] ]

    ^ [ self hasVariableSelectedInCodeViewOrVariableList ]

    ^ self class classHistory size > 0

    ^ [ self hasVisitedClasses ]


    ^ HaskellModule notNil and:[HaskellParser notNil]

    ^ navigationState isMethodListBrowser 

    ^ [ navigationState isMethodListBrowser ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ [navigationState isMethodListBrowser
	or:[self selectedClasses value size > 1] ]

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 22:23:39 / cg"

    ^ JavaScriptMetaclass notNil and:[JavaScriptParser notNil]

    ^ self methodsPreviousVersionCode notNil

    ^ [ self methodHasPreviousVersion ]

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
	(eachMethod sends:#subclassResponsibility) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false.


    selector := self selectionInCodeView.
    selector isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    selector := selector asSymbol.

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	(eachClass implements:selector) ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ true.


    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
	|selector category mclass|

	selector := eachMethod selector.
	category := eachMethod category.
	mclass := eachMethod mclass.

	mclass superclass notNil ifTrue:[
	    (mclass superclass implements:selector) ifFalse:[^ true].
    ^ false.

    |m cls selector superClass|

    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    ^ m notNil
      and:[(cls := m mclass) notNil
      and:[(selector := m selector) notNil
      and:[(superClass := cls superclass) notNil
      and:[(superClass lookupMethodFor:selector) notNil]]]]

    "Modified: / 23.8.2001 / 12:31:12 / cg"

    ^ [ self methodRedefinesSuperclassVersion ]


    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    m isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ (m sends:#subclassResponsibility) 
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'change & update'!

    "category selection changed by user interaction"

    self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.
    self normalLabel.      "/ update my window label

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 22:01:46 / cg"

    self selectProtocols:nil.
    "/ prevent the methodCategory from autoselecting
    self clearAutoSelectOfLastSelectedProtocol.

    "class selection changed by user interaction"

    |selectedClassesHolder selectedClasses|

    selectedClassesHolder := self selectedClasses.
    selectedClasses := selectedClassesHolder value.

    (navigationState isClassDocumentationBrowser) ifTrue:[
	"/ kludge - docBrowser can only show one single class
	selectedClasses size > 1 ifTrue:[
	    selectedClassesHolder value:(Array with:selectedClasses first).
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.
	    ^ self.

"/    selectedClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
"/        self selectedProtocols value:nil.
"/    ].

    navigationState isVersionDiffBrowser ifFalse:[
	self class addToHistory:(self theSingleSelectedClass) selector:nil.
    self enqueueDelayedClassSelectionChange.

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 14:07:08 / cg"


    "/ prevent the methodCategory from autoselecting the last selected protocol
    "/ when the next class is selected

    (mc := self methodCategoryListApp) notNil ifTrue:[
	mc clearLastSelectedProtocol

    self reallyModified:(self navigationState)

    self normalLabel.
    self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
    self setDoitActionForClass.
    self updateCategorySelectionForChangedClassSelection.
    self updateMetaToggleForClassSelection.
    self updateInfoForChangedClassSelection.


    self windowGroup sensor hasUserEvents ifTrue:[
	"/ re-enqueue at the end to delay until all user input has been handled
	^ self

    "/ self withWaitCursorDo:[
	self clearInfo.
	codeView := self codeView.
"/        self explainInCode:(codeView contentsAsString string) short:true
    "/ ]

    self normalLabel


    self hasMethodSelectedHolder value:(self hasMethodSelected).

    "/ if showing history or log,
    "/ dont update codeView, as long as no protocol is selected
    ((codeAspect := self codeAspect) == #repositoryLog
    or:[codeAspect == #repositoryHistory]) ifTrue:[
	self selectedMethods value size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    ^ self

    self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
    self hasSingleResourceMethodSelectedHolder value:(self hasSingleResourceMethodSelected).
    self setDoitActionForClass.

    "/ self showMethodInfo.
    methodInfoProcess notNil ifTrue:[
	methodInfoProcess terminate.
    methodInfoProcess := [ self asyncShowMethodInfo ] fork.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:23:55 / cg"

    (ShowMethodTemplateWhenProtocolIsSelected == true
    or:[ self codeAspect ~~ #classDefinition 
    or:[ navigationState methodList size == 0 ]])
	self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode

    |methods mthd selectedClass cls protocol  
     codeView code filteredVariables autoSearch 
     package project doShowMethodTemplate codeAspect|

    self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.

    navigationState isClassDocumentationBrowser ifTrue:[
	"/ show classes documentation
	self showClassDocumentation.
	^ self.
    navigationState isVersionDiffBrowser ifTrue:[
	"/ show version differences
	self showVersionDiff.
	^ self.

    codeView := self codeView.
    ((codeView notNil and:[codeView modified]) 
    or:[navigationState modified])
	"/ recheck against the code (could have been unedited)
	(self reallyModified:navigationState) ifTrue:[
	    "/ do not overwrite the users modifications;
	    "/ instead, flash and show the code all-red
	    "/ (to tell user, that she is editing obolete code)
	    self codeHolder 
		value:(codeView contentsAsString asText 
					emphasizeAllWith:(UserPreferences current emphasisForObsoleteCode)).
	    self codeHolder changed:#value.
	    codeView flash.
	    ^ self.

    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
	"/ show full classes source - set accept action for fileIn
	self showFullClassSource.
	^ self.

    "/ show method, or class definition

    methods := self selectedMethods value.
    methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
	mthd := methods first.

    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ show methods source - set accept action to compile that single method
"/        self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    self setAcceptActionForMethod.
	    self showMethodsCode:mthd scrollToTop:false.

	    "/ if there is a variable filter,
	    "/ set the autoSearch for it
	    (navigationState isMethodListBrowser 
	    or:[navigationState isFullProtocolBrowser
	    or:[navigationState isMethodBrowser]]) ifFalse:[
		filteredVariables := self variableFilter value.
		filteredVariables size > 0 ifTrue:[
		    self searchVariables:filteredVariables readers:true writers:true asAutoSearch:false.
		    self codeView searchFwd
		] ifFalse:[
		    self autoSearchPattern:nil
"/        ].
    ] ifFalse:[
	self updatePackageInfoForMethod:nil.

	protocol := self theSingleSelectedProtocol.
	(protocol isNil or:[protocol = BrowserList nameListEntryForALL]) ifTrue:[
	    doShowMethodTemplate := false
	] ifFalse:[
	    doShowMethodTemplate := self showMethodTemplate value
				    and:[ShowMethodTemplateWhenProtocolIsSelected == true 
					 or:[ navigationState methodList size == 0 ]].
	doShowMethodTemplate ifTrue:[
	    methods size > 1 ifTrue:[
		code := nil.
"/                self codeAspect:nil.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		code := self methodTemplate.
"/                self setAcceptActionForMethod.
"/                self codeAspect:#method.
    self setAcceptActionForMethod.
    self codeAspect:#method.
	    self showCode:code.
	] ifFalse:[
	    self hasProtocolSelected "protocol notNil" ifTrue:[
		self showCode:''.
		self setAcceptActionForMethod.
		self codeAspect:#method.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		cls := selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
		cls notNil ifTrue:[
		    cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
		    codeAspect := self codeAspect.
		    codeAspect == #classComment ifTrue:[
			self showClassComment:cls.
		    ] ifFalse:[ codeAspect == #classHierarchy ifTrue:[
			self showClassHierarchy:cls.
		    ] ifFalse:[ codeAspect == #primitiveDefinitions ifTrue:[
			self showClassPrimitive:codeAspect class:cls
		    ] ifFalse:[ codeAspect == #primitiveFunctions ifTrue:[
			self showClassPrimitive:codeAspect class:cls.
		    ] ifFalse:[ codeAspect == #primitiveVariables ifTrue:[
			self showClassPrimitive:codeAspect class:cls.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			self setAcceptActionForClass.
			self showClassDefinition:selectedClass.
		] ifFalse:[
		    self organizerMode value == #project ifTrue:[
			package := self theSingleSelectedProject.
			package notNil ifTrue:[
			    project := Project projectWithId:package.
			    project notNil ifTrue:[
				code := project comment
			self showCode:code ? ''.
			self setAcceptActionForProjectComment.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			self showCode:code ? ''.
			self setAcceptActionForClass.

    "/ perform an auto-search, unless the user did some other search
    "/ in the meanwhile (i.e. the codeViews searchPattern is different from the autoSearchPattern)
    navigationState autoSearchAction notNil ifTrue:[
	codeView cursorHome; searchAction:navigationState autoSearchAction; searchUsingSearchAction:#forward ifAbsent:nil
    ] ifFalse:[
	(autoSearch := navigationState autoSearchPattern) notNil ifTrue:[
	    autoSearch = codeView searchPattern ifTrue:[
		codeView cursorHome; cursorRight. "/ to avoid finding the selector
		    searchFwd:autoSearch ignoreCase:(navigationState autoSearchIgnoreCase)
		    ifAbsent:[codeView cursorHome].

    navigationState modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.
    self updateProtocolSelectionForChangedMethodSelection.

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:45:30 / cg"

    |var val mclass cls|

    var := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    var isNil ifTrue:[
	navigationState autoSearchAction:nil.
	^ self

    (self selectedClasses value) do:[:eachClass |
	cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:var.
	cls notNil ifTrue:[
	    val := cls classVarAt:var asSymbol.
	    self showClassVarInfoFor:var in:cls value:val.
	    ^ self 

    mclass := self classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    cls := mclass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:var.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
	val := cls classVarAt:var asSymbol.
	self showClassVarInfoFor:var in:cls value:val.

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    ^ self

    ^ self

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:01:49 / cg"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 13:10:09 / cg"

    ^ self

enqueueMessage:selector for:someone arguments:argList
"/ Transcript show:'enqueue '; showCR:selector.
    self class synchronousUpdate == true ifTrue:[
	someone perform:selector withArguments:argList.
	^ self
    ^ super enqueueMessage:selector for:someone arguments:argList

self halt:'should not be invoked'.

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 15:17:52 / cg"

    (self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	self rememberLocationInHistory
    self enqueueDelayedMethodsSelectionChanged.

    self methodsSelectionChangedAt:1

    self methodsSelectionChangedAt:2

    self methodsSelectionChangedAt:3

    self methodsSelectionChangedAt:4

    "in the chain-browsers, a selection in one of the 4 columns has changed"

    |mySearchBlock  "/ must again be the first local (see kludge below)
     generator selectedMethods selectedMethod
     myGenerator myGeneratorsHome |

    selectedMethods := (navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:index) value ? #().
    "/ filter those which are lost due to recompilation ...
    selectedMethods := selectedMethods select:[:m | m selector notNil].

    selectedMethods isEmpty ifTrue:[
	generator := #().
	selectedMethods := #().
    ] ifFalse:[

	"/ fetch the searchBlock - what a tricky kludge (no, really this should be done different)
	myGenerator := (navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:index) value.
	myGeneratorsHome := myGenerator block methodHome.
	mySearchBlock := myGeneratorsHome at:(myGeneratorsHome numArgs + 1).
	mySearchBlock isBlock ifFalse:[
	    mySearchBlock := myGeneratorsHome at:(myGeneratorsHome numArgs + 2)

	generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo | 

				    theMethodList := IdentitySet new.
				    self withWaitCursorDo:[    
					selectedMethods do:[:selectedMethod |
					    theMethodList addAll:(mySearchBlock value:selectedMethod).
				    theMethodList do:[:aMethod |
					    value:aMethod mclass 
					    value:aMethod category 
					    value:aMethod selector
				    "/ theMethodList size == 1 ifTrue:[
				    "/ ].

    "/ the selection used in the other code...
    navigationState selectedMethods value:selectedMethods.
    self methodsSelectionChanged.

    index+1 to:4 do:[:i |
	(navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:i) value:#().
    (navigationState selectorListGeneratorArrayAt:(index+1)) value:generator.

    "namespace selection changed by user interaction"

    self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.
    self normalLabel.      "/ update my window label

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 22:02:01 / cg"

    "project selection changed by user interaction"

"/    self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
    self normalLabel.      "/ update my window label
    "/ force update for packageFilter
    "/ (must do it, since packageFilter is a vHolder
    "/  holding a vHolder - i.e. it did not change yet)
"/    self packageFilter changed.

"/    self organizerMode == #project ifTrue:[

      self packageFilter value:(self selectedProjects value).
      self packageFilter changed.
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        self packageFilter value:nil
"/    ].

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 22:02:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:27:50 / cg"

    "project selection changed by user interaction (here: used as filter)"

    navigationState packageFilter value:(self selectedProjects value).


    "/ if showing history or log,
    "/ dont update codeView, as long as no protocol is selected
    ((codeAspect := self codeAspect) == #repositoryLog
    or:[codeAspect == #repositoryHistory]) ifTrue:[
	self hasProtocolSelected ifFalse:[
	    ^ self
    self enqueueDelayedProtocolSelectionChanged

showClassVarInfoFor:var in:aClass value:val
    |text valText lines|

    text := '%1 (%2) : %3'.
    val isNumber ifTrue:[
	text := '%1 (%2) : %3 (%4)'.
	valText := val printString.
    ] ifFalse:[
	val isLiteral ifTrue:[
	    text := '%1 (%2) : %4'.
	    lines := val storeString asCollectionOfLines.
	    valText := lines first contractTo:30.
	    valText := valText copy.
	    valText replaceAllForWhich:[:ch | ch isControlCharacter] with:$?.
	    lines size > 1 ifTrue:[
		valText := valText , '...'.
	] ifFalse:[
	    val isCollection ifTrue:[
		text := '%1 (%2) : %3 (%4)'.
		valText := val isEmpty 
			    ifFalse:['size: ' , val size printString].
	    ] ifFalse:[
		val isBehavior ifTrue:[
		    (val isSubclassOf:Error) ifTrue:[
			text := '%1 (%2) : %4 (an Error subclass)'.
			valText := val name.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			(val isSubclassOf:Exception) ifTrue:[
			    text := '%1 (%2) : %4 (an Exception subclass)'.
			    valText := val name.
			] ifFalse:[
			    text := '%1 (%2) : %4'.
			    valText := val name.
    text := text 
		bindWith:var allBold 
		with:(aClass name) 
		with:(val class nameWithArticle) 
    self showInfo:text.

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |codeView mthd codeAspect isForAspect|

"/    (navigationState notNil
"/    and:[changedObject == navigationState codeModifiedHolder]) ifTrue:[
"/        self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.
"/        ^ self.
"/    ].

    changedObject == self codeInfoVisible ifTrue:[
	self codeInfoVisibilityChanged.
	^ self
    changedObject == self toolBarVisibleHolder ifTrue:[
	self toolBarVisibilityChanged.
	^ self

    ((codeView := self codeView) notNil
     and:[changedObject == codeView modifiedChannel]) ifTrue:[
	self codeModified.
	^ self.
    changedObject == selectedBuffer ifTrue:[
	self enqueueDelayedLabelUpdate.
	self organizerModeForMenu changed.
	^ self.
    changedObject == self organizerModeForMenu ifTrue:[
	self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.
	^ self.

    changedObject == self class classHistory ifTrue:[
	self visitedClassesHistory 
		addAll:(self class classHistory collect:[:e | e className]).
	^ self.

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	codeAspect := self codeAspect.

	isForAspect := (codeAspect == something)
		       and:[ something == #classDefinition
			     or:[ something == #classComment
			     or:[ something == #classHierarchy
			     or:[ something == #primitiveDefinitions
			     or:[ something == #primitiveFunctions
			     or:[ something == #primitiveVariables ]]]]]].

	isForAspect ifTrue:[
	    ((self selectedClasses value ? #()) contains:[:cls | cls name = aParameter name]) ifTrue:[
		self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
	something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
	    self codeAspect == #method ifTrue:[
		mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.

	       (mthd notNil and:[aParameter third == mthd])
		    mthd mclass notNil ifTrue:[
			"/ mhmh - Smalltalk tells me that a method has changed,
			"/ but my selectedMethod has not yet been updated
			"/ (the methodList seems to be behind me in the dependency chain).
			"/ simply ignore this update here (assuming that the methodList will trigger
			"/ another change soon).
			self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
	^ self

    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    |selectedClasses newMetaToggleLabel|

    selectedClasses := self selectedClasses value ? #().
    (selectedClasses contains:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass isJavaClass]) ifTrue:[
	"/ selection contains at least on javaClass    
	(selectedClasses contains:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass isJavaClass not]) ifTrue:[
	    "/ mixed ..
	    newMetaToggleLabel := 'Class / Static'.
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ only javaclasses selected
	    newMetaToggleLabel := 'Static'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	newMetaToggleLabel := 'Class'.
    self navigationState metaToggleLabelHolder value:(resources string:newMetaToggleLabel)

    "variable selection changed by user interaction"

    self enqueueDelayedVariableSelectionChanged

    "kludge callBack, invoked when versionDiffBrowser is created.
     Remember it for later setting of its parameter (when class is selected)"


    diffApp := aView client.
    self navigationState versionDiffApplication:diffApp.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-browse'!

    "launch an enterBox for selector to search for"

    ^ self 
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Selector to browse implementors of:\(TAB for completion; matchPattern allowed)' 
	browserLabel:'Implementors of %1'

    "Modified: / 17.11.2001 / 09:50:36 / cg"


    selectors := self selectedMethods value collect:[:each | each selector].

    ^ self 
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Browse Implementors of (any in selected):' 
	browserLabel:('Implementors (any of %1 selectors)' bindWith:selectors size)
	searchWith:[:ignoredString :classes :ignoredCase :match|
			match ifTrue:[    
			    self class 
				in:classes ignoreCase:false     
			] ifFalse:[
			    self class 
				in:classes ignoreCase:false     

    "launch an enterBox for selector to search for"

    |sel box b inputField selectorHolder openHow caseHolder|

    sel := self selectorToSearchFor.
    sel size == 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ use last searchString
	LastSearchPatterns size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    sel := LastSearchPatterns first.
    selectorHolder := sel asValue.

    box := Dialog new.
    (box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Selector to browse inheritance of:')) adjust:#left.
    inputField := box addComboBoxOn:selectorHolder tabable:true.
    inputField list:LastSearchPatterns.

    inputField selectAll.
    inputField entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
	|s what|

	s := contents withoutSpaces.
	box topView withWaitCursorDo:[
	    what := Smalltalk selectorCompletion:s.
	    inputField contents:what first.
	    (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
		self window beep

    true "withCaseIgnore" ifTrue:[
	box addCheckBox:(resources string:'Ignore case') on:(caseHolder := false asValue).

    true "allowBuffer" ifTrue:[
	box addButton:(b := Button label:(resources string:'Add Buffer')).
	b action:[
	   openHow := #newBuffer.
	   box doAccept.
	   box okPressed.

    true "allowBrowser" ifTrue:[
	b := box addOkButtonLabelled:(resources string:'Browse').
	b action:[
	   openHow := #newBrowser.
	   box doAccept.
	   box okPressed.

    box addAbortButton.

    box label:(resources string:'Search').
    box open.

    box accepted ifTrue:[
	sel := selectorHolder value.

	sel isEmpty ifTrue:[
	    self warn:'No selector entered for search'.
	    ^ self.
	self rememberSearchPattern:sel.

    "add a new buffer on all subclasses of an entered class"

	msgTail:' subclass of'
	thenDo:[:classNameArg :single :doWhat |
	    |className class|

	    className := classNameArg.

	    className includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
		className := self askForClassNameMatching:className.

	    class := (Smalltalk classNamed:className) theNonMetaclass.

		spawnClassBrowserForSearch:[ class allSubclasses ] 
		sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:('All Subclasses of ' , className)
		callBack:[:brwsr |  ].

    "add a new buffer on all application classes"


    searchBlock := [

			classes := OrderedCollection new.

			Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
			    (eachClass isVisualStartable or:[eachClass isStartableWithMain])
				classes add:eachClass.

	sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:'Applications'
	callBack:[:brwsr | brwsr classListApp markApplications:true ].

    "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 09:37:17 / cg"

    "add a new buffer on all classes that have been autoloaded"


    searchBlock := [

			classes := IdentitySet new.

			Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |

			    eachClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
				classes add:eachClass.
			classes asOrderedCollection

    self spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:'Classes which were autoloaded'

    "open a new browser on all methods extending a class 
     (i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)"

    self browseMenuClassExtensionsOpenAs:#newBrowser

    "add a new buffer on all methods extending a class 
     (i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)"

    self browseMenuClassExtensionsOpenAs:#newBuffer.

browseMenuClassExtensionsFor:aCollectionOfPackagesOrNil in:aCollectionOfClasses label:labelOrNil openAs:openHow 
    "open a browser / add a new buffer on all methods extending a class 
     (i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)"

    self withSearchCursorDo:[
	    |list newBrowser|

	    newBrowser := self 
			    |classes include|

			    classes := IdentitySet new.
			    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass | 
				aCollectionOfPackagesOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
				    include := aClass hasExtensions.
				] ifFalse:[
				    include := aCollectionOfPackagesOrNil contains:[:eachPackage | aClass hasExtensionsFrom:eachPackage]
				include ifTrue:[
				    classes add:aClass
			    classes asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name]

	    newBrowser navigationState selectedProjects value:aCollectionOfPackagesOrNil.

	    "/        newBrowser := self 
	    "/                        spawnMethodBrowserForSearch:[
	    "/                            | methods |
	    "/                            methods := IdentitySet new.
	    "/                            Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
	    "/                                |classPackage|
	    "/                                classPackage := aClass package.
	    "/                                aClass selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
	    "/                                    mthd package ~= classPackage ifTrue:[
	    "/                                        methods add:mthd
	    "/                                    ]
	    "/                                ].
	    "/                            ].
	    "/                            methods asOrderedCollection
	    "/                        ]
	    "/                        sortBy:#class
	    "/                        in:openHow
	    "/                        label:'All Class Extensions'.

    "open a browser / add a new buffer on all methods extending a class 
     (i.e. methods where the packageID is different from their classes packageID)"

    ^ self 
	in:Smalltalk allClasses
	label:'All Class Extensions'

    "open a dialog asking for a variable; search for classes defining
     such a variable."

    |box title okText okText2 okText3 varName brwsr allInstVariables allClassInstVariables allClassVariables
     list button2 button3 doWhat doWhat2 doWhat3 classes|

    title := 'Browse/Search Class(es) Defining Instance, Class or ClassInst Variables:\(MatchPattern Allowed)\'.
    okText2 := 'Open'.      doWhat2 := #newBrowser.
    okText := 'Add Buffer'. doWhat := #newBuffer.
    navigationState isFullBrowser ifTrue:[
	okText3 := 'Find'.       doWhat3 := nil.

    allInstVariables := Set new.
    allClassVariables := Set new.
    allClassInstVariables := Set new.    
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
	cls isMeta ifFalse:[
	    allInstVariables addAll:(cls instVarNames).
	    allClassVariables addAll:(cls classVarNames).
	    allClassInstVariables addAll:(cls class instVarNames).
    list := OrderedCollection new.
    list add:'---- Instance Variables ----'.
    list addAll:(allInstVariables asOrderedCollection sort).
    list add:'---- Class Variables ----'.
    list addAll:(allClassVariables asOrderedCollection sort).
    list add:'---- Class Instance Variables ----'.
    list addAll:(allClassInstVariables asOrderedCollection sort).

    "/ using a comboBox...
    box := self enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title withCRs withList:list okText:okText.

    "/ box := self enterBoxForClassWithCodeSelectionTitle:title withList:list okText:okText.
    box listView selectConditionBlock:[:lineNr | ((list at:lineNr) startsWith:'----') not].

    box label:(resources string:'Browse or Search Variable').
    button2 := Button label:(resources string:okText2).
    okText3 notNil ifTrue:[
	button3 := Button label:(resources string:okText3).
    (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifFalse:[
	box addButton:button2 before:(box okButton).
	button3 notNil ifTrue:[box addButton:button3 before:button2].
    ] ifTrue:[
	box addButton:button2 after:(box okButton).
	button3 notNil ifTrue:[box addButton:button3 after:button2].

    button2 action:[
       doWhat := doWhat2.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.
    button3 notNil ifTrue:[
	button3 action:[
			    doWhat := doWhat3.
			    box doAccept.
			    box okPressed.

"/    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
"/        |s what m|
"/        s := contents withoutSpaces.
"/        what := Smalltalk classnameCompletion:s.
"/        box contents:what first.
"/        (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
"/            self builder window beep
"/        ]
"/    ].
    box action:[:aString | varName := aString].
    box showAtPointer.

    varName isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self

    varName includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
	classes := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | 
			cls isMeta not
			and:[(cls instVarNames contains:[:v | varName match:v])
			     or:[(cls classVarNames contains:[:v | varName match:v])
				 or:[cls class instVarNames contains:[:v | varName match:v]]]]
    ] ifFalse:[
	classes := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | 
			cls isMeta not
			and:[(cls instVarNames includes:varName)
			     or:[(cls classVarNames includes:varName)
				 or:[cls class instVarNames includes:varName]]]
    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
	self information:'None found.'.
	^ self
    classes := classes asOrderedCollection.

    doWhat == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
	^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBrowser
"/        brwsr := self class new.
"/        brwsr open.
    ] ifFalse:[
	doWhat == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
	    ^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBuffer
	brwsr := self.
	doWhat == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
	    brwsr createBuffer.
    brwsr selectClasses:classes.

    "Created: / 1.3.2000 / 11:12:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 12:01:06 / cg"

    "add a new buffer on all classes in the all changeSets 
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self browseMenuClassesInAllChangeSetsOpenAs:#newBuffer

    "add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes in all changeSets 
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self
	browseMenuClassesInChangeSets:(ChangeSet allInstances) 
	label:'Changed classes in any changeSet' openAs:openHow

browseMenuClassesInChangeSets:aSetOfChangeSets label:title openAs:openHow
    "add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes in the given changeSets 
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"


    searchBlock := [

			classes := IdentitySet new.

			aSetOfChangeSets do:[:eachChangeSet |
			    eachChangeSet do:[:aChange |

				(aChange isMethodChange or:[aChange isClassChange]) ifTrue:[
				    (cls := aChange changeClass) notNil ifTrue:[
					cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
					classes add:cls.
					cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
					    classes add:cls owningClass
			classes asOrderedCollection

    ^ self spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:nil in:openHow label:title

    "add a new buffer on all classes in the current changeSet 
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self browseMenuClassesInCurrentChangeSetOpenAs:#newBuffer

    "add a new buffer/open a new browser on all classes in the changeSet 
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self
	browseMenuClassesInChangeSets:(Array with:ChangeSet current) 
	label:'Changed classes in current changeSet' openAs:openHow

browseMenuClassesWithFilter:aFilterBlock label:aLabelString

    searchBlock := [
			Smalltalk allClasses select:aFilterBlock

    ^ self 

    "open a dialog asking for a string; search for classes having
     such a string fragment in their comment/documentation."

    self searchMenuFindClass:#newBuffer single:false.

    "open a dialog asking for a string; search for classes having
     such a string fragment in their comment/documentation."

    |box title okText okText2 okText3 stringToSearch brwsr 
     button2 button3 doWhat doWhat2 doWhat3 classes withMatch|

    title := 'Browse classes with string in comment/documentation (matchPattern allowed):'.
    okText2 := 'Open'.        doWhat2 := #newBrowser.
    okText := 'Add Buffer'. doWhat := #newBuffer.
    navigationState isFullBrowser ifTrue:[
	title := 'Browse/search classes with string in comment/documentation (matchPattern allowed):'.
	okText3 := 'Find'.       doWhat3 := nil.

    box := EnterBox new.
    box title:title.
    box okText:okText.

    box label:(resources string:'Search for documentation string').
    button2 := Button label:(resources string:okText2).
    okText3 notNil ifTrue:[
	button3 := Button label:(resources string:okText3).
    (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifFalse:[
	box addButton:button2 before:(box okButton).
	button3 notNil ifTrue:[box addButton:button3 before:button2].
    ] ifTrue:[
	box addButton:button2 after:(box okButton).
	button3 notNil ifTrue:[box addButton:button3 after:button2].

    button2 action:[
       doWhat := doWhat2.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.
    button3 notNil ifTrue:[
	button3 action:[
			    doWhat := doWhat3.
			    box doAccept.
			    box okPressed.

    box action:[:aString | stringToSearch := aString].
    box showAtPointer.

    stringToSearch isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self

    withMatch := stringToSearch includesMatchCharacters.
    withMatch ifTrue:[
	stringToSearch := '*' , stringToSearch , '*'    

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	classes := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls |
			|s m found|

			(cls isLoaded and:[cls isMeta not]) ifTrue:[    
			    self activityNotification:('searching %1 ...' bindWith:cls name).
			    found := false.
			    (s := cls comment) notNil ifTrue:[
				withMatch ifTrue:[
				    found := stringToSearch match:s
				] ifFalse:[
				    found := s includesString:stringToSearch
			    (m := cls theMetaclass compiledMethodAt:#documentation) notNil
				s := m source.
				withMatch ifTrue:[
				    found := stringToSearch match:s
				] ifFalse:[
				    found := s includesString:stringToSearch

	classes := classes asOrderedCollection.
    self activityNotification:nil.

    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
	self information:'None found.'.
	^ self

    doWhat == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
	^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBrowser
"/        brwsr := self class new.
"/        brwsr open.
    ] ifFalse:[
	doWhat == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
	    ^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBuffer
	brwsr := self.
	doWhat == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
	    brwsr createBuffer.
    brwsr selectClasses:classes.

    "Created: / 1.3.2000 / 12:44:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 12:45:44 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    |filterBlockString filterBlock dialog textHolder template|

    template :=
'"/ general class search;
"/ the following block should evaluate to true for all classes
"/ you want to browse. Please change as required.
"/ Beginner warning: Smalltalk know-how is useful here.

[:class |
     "/ any condition using class.
     "/ Useful queries to the method are:
     "/     - source             to access its full sourceCode
     "/     - package            the classes package
     "/     - hasExtentsion      true if it has extensions (methods in other packages)
     "/     - implements:        true if it implements a particular message
     "/     - isSubclassOf:      true if it is a subclass of some other class
     "/     - isSuperclassOf:    true if it is a superclass of some other class
     "/     - name               the classes name
     "/     - category           the classes category
     "/     - nameSpace          the classes namespace

     "/ example (search for classes which implement some message and are in the Smalltalk nameSpace)

     (class nameSpace == Smalltalk
     and:[ class implements:#at: ] )

    LastClassFilterBlockString isNil ifTrue:[
	LastClassFilterBlockString := template.

    textHolder := ValueHolder new.
    dialog := Dialog 
		 forRequestText:(resources string:'Enter filterBlock')
    dialog addButton:(Button label:'Template' action:[textHolder value:template. textHolder changed:#value.]).
    dialog open.
    dialog accepted ifFalse:[^ self].

    filterBlockString := textHolder value.
    LastClassFilterBlockString := filterBlockString.

    filterBlock := Parser evaluate:filterBlockString.
    filterBlock isBlock ifFalse:[
	self halt:'oops - bad input'.
	^ self

    self browseMenuClassesWithFilter:filterBlock label:'Class-Search result'


    searchBlock := 

	    classes := self findClassesWithoutClassMethod:#copyright.
	    classes := classes select:[:each | each isPrivate not].
	label:'Classes without copyright'


    searchBlock := [
			self findClassesWithoutClassMethod:#documentation

    self spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:'Classes without documentation'


    searchBlock := [    |classes|
			classes := self findClassesWithoutClassMethod:#examples.
			classes := classes select:[:each | each isPrivate not
							   or:[classes includes:each owningClass]].
			classes := classes select:[:each | (each isSubclassOf:Exception) not].

    self spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:'Classes without examples'


    searchBlock := [    

			classes := self findClassesWithoutClassMethod:#version.
			classes := classes select:[:each | each isPrivate not].

    ^ self spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:'Classes without repository container'

    |browser categoryListApp|

    self window sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[
	"/ temporary: allow old browser to be used
	SystemBrowser openInClass:(self theSingleSelectedClass) selector:(self theSingleSelectedSelector).
	^ self

    "/ do not use self class new here - to avoid using obsolete classes instances
    "/ while working on the browser itself ...
    browser := (Smalltalk at:self class name) new.
    browser allButOpen.
    browser setupNavigationStateFrom:navigationState.
    browser window extent:(self window extent).

    self currentNamespace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	"/ browser window waitUntilVisible.
"/ self halt.
	(categoryListApp := browser categoryListApp) ifNotNil:[
	    categoryListApp nameSpaceFilter value:(self navigationState selectedNamespaces value copy)

    browser openWindow.

    ^ browser.

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 12:28:51 / cg"

    self browseImplementorsOf


    self browseImplementorsOfAny

    self browseInheritanceOf


browseMenuMethodsInChangeSets:aSetOfChangeSets openAs:openHow
    "add a new buffer on all methods in all given changeSets 
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"


    searchBlock := [
			|methods methodsInOrder| 

			aSetOfChangeSets do:[:eachChangeSet |
			    methods := IdentitySet new.
			    methodsInOrder := OrderedCollection new.

			    eachChangeSet reverseDo:[:aChange |
				|cls selector method|

				(aChange isMethodChange) ifTrue:[
				    (cls := aChange changeClass) notNil ifTrue:[
					method := cls compiledMethodAt:aChange selector.
					method notNil ifTrue:[    
					    (methods includes:method) ifFalse:[
						methods add:method.
						methodsInOrder add:method.

    ^ self 
	sortBy:false "#class" 
	label:'Changed methods'

    "add a new buffer on all methods in the changeSet 
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self browseMenuMethodsInCurrentChangeSetIn:#newBuffer

    "add a new buffer on all methods in the changeSet 
     (i.e. that have been changed, but not yet checked into the source repository)"

    ^ self browseMenuMethodsInChangeSets:(Array with:ChangeSet current) openAs:openHow

    "launch an enterBox for code to search for"


    whereDefault := LastCodeSearchArea ? #everywhere.

"/    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
"/    whereDefault == #classes ifTrue:[
"/        ((self selectedMethods value ? #()) contains:[:anyMethod | anyMethod mclass isPrivate]) ifTrue:[
"/            whereDefault := #ownersWithPrivateClasses
"/        ]
"/    ].

	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Code to Search:' 
	browserLabel:'Methods containing code'
	searchWith:#( #'findCode:in:isMethod:' #'findCode:inMethods:isMethod:' )
	setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :codePattern :ignoreCase :doMatch|
			    brwsr autoSearchCodePattern:codePattern 

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    ^ self 
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for help texts (helpSpec methods) in:'
	browserLabel:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class menuIcon) string:'Help')
	searchWith:[:classes | self class findResource:#(help) in:classes]
	searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    ^ self 
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for images (imageSpec methods) in:'
	browserLabel:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class imageIcon) string:'Images')  " 'Images' "
	searchWith:[:classes | self class findResource:#(image fileImage) in:classes]
	searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    ^ self 
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for menus (menuSpec methods) in:'
	browserLabel:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class menuIcon) string:'Menus') "'Menus'"
	searchWith:[:classes | self class findResource:#(menu programMenu) in:classes]
	searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    ^ self 
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for resource methods in:'
	browserLabel:" (LabelAndIcon icon:(self class resourceIcon) string:'Resources') " 'Resources' 
	searchWith:[:classes | self class findAnyResourceIn:classes]
	searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)

    "launch an enterBox for string to search for"


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    whereDefault == #classes ifTrue:[
        ((self selectedMethods value ? #()) 
        contains:[:anyMethod | anyMethod mclass notNil 
                               and:[anyMethod mclass isPrivate]]) 
            whereDefault := #ownersWithPrivateClasses

        askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'String to Search for in Sources:' 
        browserLabel:'Methods containing ''%1'''
        searchWith:#( #'findString:in:ignoreCase:match:' #'findString:inMethods:ignoreCase:match:' )
        setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|
                            brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "launch an enterBox for string to search for"


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    whereDefault == #classes ifTrue:[
	((self selectedMethods value ? #()) contains:[:anyMethod | anyMethod mclass isPrivate]) ifTrue:[
	    whereDefault := #ownersWithPrivateClasses
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'String to search for in help spec methods:' 
	browserLabel:'HelpSpec Methods containing ''%1'''
	setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|
			    brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "launch an enterBox for string to search for"


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    whereDefault == #classes ifTrue:[
	((self selectedMethods value ? #()) contains:[:anyMethod | anyMethod mclass isPrivate]) ifTrue:[
	    whereDefault := #ownersWithPrivateClasses
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'String to search for in menu spec methods:' 
	browserLabel:'MenuSpec Methods containing ''%1'''
	setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|
			    brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"

    |whereDefault filterBlockString filterBlock dialog textHolder template dummyMethod|

    template :=
'"/ general method search;

"/ the following block should evaluate to true for all methods
"/ you want to browse. Please change as required.
"/ Beginner warning: Smalltalk know-how is useful here ;-).

[:class :method :selector |
     "/ any condition using class, method or selector.
     "/ Useful queries to the method are:
     "/     - package             the methods packageID
     "/     - source              to access its sourceCode
     "/     - messagesSent        a collection of sent messages (all)
     "/     - messagesSentToSuper a collection of super messages
     "/     - sends:              query a particular message
     "/     - referencesLiteral:  query for direct literal access
     "/     - refersToLiteral:    query for direct or indirect literal access
     "/     - literals:           the methods literal-array
     "/     - usedGlobals         a collection of used global names


"/     "/
"/     "/ example1 (search for methods which contain a string AND send a particular message)
"/     "/
"/     (method source includesString:''Useful'')
"/     and:[ method sends:#for: ]

"/     "/
"/     "/ example2 (search for methods which send #foo AND #bar)
"/     "/
"/     |l|
"/     l := method messagesSent.
"/     (l includes:#foo) and:[l includes:#bar]

"/     "/
"/     "/ example3 (search for methods which send #foo OR #bar)
"/     "/
"/     |l|
"/     l := method messagesSent.
"/     (l includes:#foo) or:[l includes:#bar]

"/     "/
"/     "/ the same, but faster 
"/     "/ (messagesSent requires a source-parse in contrast,
"/     "/ in contrast, referencesLiteral accesses the literalArray)
"/     "/ thus, prefiltering helps a lot.
"/     ((method referencesLiteral:#foo) or:[l referencesLiteral:#bar])
"/     and:[
"/         |l|
"/         l := method messagesSent.
"/         (l includes:#foo) or:[l includes:#bar]
"/     ]


    LastMethodFilterBlockString isNil ifTrue:[
	LastMethodFilterBlockString := template.

    textHolder := ValueHolder new.
    dialog := Dialog 
		 forRequestText:(resources string:'Enter filterBlock')
    dialog addButton:(Button label:'Template' action:[textHolder value:template. textHolder changed:#value.]).
    dialog open.
    dialog accepted ifFalse:[^ self].

    filterBlockString := textHolder value.
    LastMethodFilterBlockString := filterBlockString.

    dummyMethod := Compiler 
			 compile:('dummy ^' , filterBlockString)

"/    filterBlock := Parser evaluate:filterBlockString.
"/    filterBlock isBlock ifFalse:[

    (dummyMethod isMethod not
    or:[(filterBlock := dummyMethod valueWithReceiver:nil arguments:nil) isBlock not])
	self halt:'oops - bad input'.
	^ self

    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for methods in:'
	searchWith:[:classes | 
		       self class 
			    where:[:cls :mthd :sel | filterBlock value:cls value:mthd value:sel ]

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 21:26:37 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 21:58:31 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    ^ self 
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for GUI specs (windowSpec methods) in:'
	browserLabel:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class canvasIcon) string:'UISpecs') "'UISpecs'"
	searchWith:[:classes | self class findResource:#canvas in:classes]

    "add a new buffer on all wrapped methods 
     (i.e. that have a break, trace or watchPoint)"


    searchBlock := [

			methods := IdentitySet new.

			Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
			    eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
				mthd isWrapped ifTrue:[
				    methods add:mthd.
			methods asOrderedCollection

    self spawnMethodBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:#class in:#newBuffer label:'Wrapped methods'

    "launch an enterBox for area to search in"


    whereDefault := self defaultSearchArea.
    ^ self 
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Search for methods without comment in:'
	browserLabel:'Methods without comment'
	searchWith:[:classes | 
		       self class 
			    where:[:cls :mthd :sel |
					(cls isMeta not or:[sel ~~ #version])
					and:[ mthd comment size == 0 ]

    self searchMenuFindClass:#newBuffer "/ open new


    searchBlock := [
			|defaultId methods methodsInOrder| 

			methods := OrderedCollection new.

			Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
			    eachClass instAndClassMethodsDo:[:mthd |
				mthd previousVersion notNil ifTrue:[
				    methods add:mthd.

    ^ self 
	label:'Overwritten methods'

    "launch a changeSet browser"

    ChangeSetBrowser open

    "Created: / 9.11.2001 / 02:22:08 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for global to search for"

    |labelHolder alreadyAsked|

    labelHolder := 'Methods referring to global ''%1''' asValue.
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Global to search:\(TAB for completion; matchPattern allowed)' 
	searchWith:[:string :classes :dummyIgnoreCase :dummyMatch| 
			|globlNames globlNamesAndSymbols globlName sym baseName matchBlock realClasses val 
			 keysReferringToValue otherKeysReferringToValue msg searchAll|

			globlNames := string withoutSeparators asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;| '.
			globlNames size > 1 ifTrue:[
			    globlNames := globlNames map:#asSymbol.    
			    matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel | 
					    |mSource usedGlobals|

					    mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
						mSource := mthd source.

						(mSource notNil
						and:[(globlNames contains:[:nm | 
							(mSource includesString:nm)
							   usedGlobals isNil ifTrue:[ usedGlobals := mthd usedGlobals].
							   usedGlobals includes:nm
					    ] ifFalse:[
						globlNames contains:[:nm |
							(mthd referencesLiteral:nm)
							   usedGlobals isNil ifTrue:[ usedGlobals := mthd usedGlobals].
							   usedGlobals includes:nm
			] ifFalse:[
			    globlName := globlNames first.

			    globlName knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
				globlName includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
				    ^ self warn:'No such global (''' , globlName , ''')'.
				matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel | |mSource|
						"/ kludge: Lazy methods do not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
						mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
						    mSource := mthd source.
						    (mSource notNil
						    and:[mthd usedGlobals contains:[:lit | globlName match:lit]])
						] ifFalse:[
						    ((mthd literals contains:[:lit | globlName match:lit])
						     and:[mthd usedGlobals contains:[:lit | globlName match:lit] ])
			    ] ifTrue:[
				searchAll := false.
				sym := globlName asSymbol.

				val := globlName lastIndexOf:$:.
				val ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
				    baseName := (globlName copyFrom:val+1) asSymbol.
				] ifFalse:[
				    baseName := sym.
				(val := Smalltalk at:sym) isBehavior ifTrue:[
				    otherKeysReferringToValue := OrderedCollection new.
				    Smalltalk keysAndValuesDo:[:k :v | v == val ifTrue:[
									   k ~~ sym ifTrue:[
									       otherKeysReferringToValue add:k
				    otherKeysReferringToValue size > 0 ifTrue:[
					keysReferringToValue := otherKeysReferringToValue copyWith:sym.
					otherKeysReferringToValue size == 1 ifTrue:[
					    msg := '''%1'' also refers to that value. Search these references too ?'.
					    labelHolder value:('Methods referring to ''%1'' or ''%2''' bindWithArguments:keysReferringToValue).
					] ifFalse:[
					    labelHolder value:('Methods referring to the value of ''%1''').
					    otherKeysReferringToValue size <= 3 ifTrue:[
						msg := (otherKeysReferringToValue copyWithoutLast:1) asStringWith:', '.
						msg := msg , ' and ' , otherKeysReferringToValue last.
						msg := msg , ' also refer to that value. Search those references too ?'.
					    ] ifFalse:[
						msg := 'There are %2 other globals referring to that value. Search those references too ?'.
					alreadyAsked isNil ifTrue:[    
					    searchAll := Dialog 
							    confirmWithCancel:(msg bindWith:otherKeysReferringToValue first with:otherKeysReferringToValue size)
					    searchAll isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
					    alreadyAsked := searchAll.
					] ifFalse:[
					    searchAll := alreadyAsked.
				searchAll ifTrue:[
    "/ self halt.
				    matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel |
						    "/ kludge: Lazy methods do not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
						    mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
							(mthd usedGlobals includesAny:keysReferringToValue)
						    ] ifFalse:[
							(keysReferringToValue contains:[:globl | mthd refersToLiteral:globl])     
							and:[mthd usedGlobals includesAny:keysReferringToValue]
				] ifFalse:[
				    matchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel | |mSource|
						    "/ kludge: Lazy methods do not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
						    mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
							mSource := mthd source.
							(mSource notNil
							and:[(mSource includesString:baseName)
							and:[mthd usedGlobals includes:sym]])
						    ] ifFalse:[ 
							(((mthd referencesLiteral:baseName) or:[baseName ~~ sym and:[mthd referencesLiteral:sym]])
							 and:[mthd usedGlobals includes:sym])
		       "/ recollect realClasses from names (in case of class-changes)
		       realClasses := classes collect:[:eachClass | Smalltalk at:eachClass name].
		       self class 
	setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|

			    globlNames := string withoutSeparators asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:',;| '.
			    brwsr autoSearchVariables:globlNames readers:true writers:true.

			    "/ brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 14:19:22 / cg"

    "launch an enterBox for symbol to search for"

	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Symbol to search:' 
	browserLabel:'Methods referring to #''%1'''
	searchWith:[:string :classes :dummyIgnoreCase :dummyMatch| 
			|sym searchBlock|

			(sym := string asSymbolIfInterned) notNil ifTrue:[
			    searchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel | |mSource|
						"/ kludge: stc does not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
						"/ (also: Lazy methods)
						mthd byteCode isNil ifTrue:[
						    mSource := mthd source.
						    (mSource notNil
						    and:[(mSource includesString:(sym upTo:$:))
						    and:[mthd usedSymbols includes:sym]])
						] ifFalse:[
						    ((mthd refersToLiteral:sym)
						     and:[mthd usedSymbols includes:sym])
			] ifFalse:[
			    string includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
				^ self warn:'No such symbol'.
			    searchBlock := [:cls :mthd :sel | |mSource|
						"/ kludge: stc does not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
						"/ (also: Lazy methods)
						mthd byteCode isNil ifTrue:[
						    mSource := mthd source.
						    (mSource notNil
						    and:[mthd usedSymbols contains:[:sym | string match:sym]])
						] ifFalse:[
						    mthd usedSymbols contains:[:sym | string match:sym]
			self class 
	searchArea:(self defaultSearchArea)
	setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch|  
			    brwsr autoSearchPattern:string ignoreCase:ignoreCase.

    "open a browser showing full classes (file-like)"

    self spawnFullClassSourceBrowserIn:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:37:51 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing full classes (file-like)"

    self spawnFullClassSourceBrowserIn:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:38:09 / cg"

    ^ self browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffsIn:#newBrowser


    searchBlock := [
			|changes classes| 

			changes := ChangeSet current.
			classes := IdentitySet new.

			changes do:[:aChange |

			    (aChange isMethodChange or:[aChange isClassChange]) ifTrue:[
				(cls := aChange changeClass) notNil ifTrue:[
				    cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
				    (classes includes:cls) ifFalse:[
					classes add:cls.
			classes asOrderedCollection

    ^ self 
	spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock spec:#multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec 
	sortBy:nil in:where label:'Repository Diffs' autoSelectIfOne:false

    ^ self browseMenuSpawnRepositoryDiffsIn:#newBuffer

    "add a new buffer on all testcases"


    searchBlock := [

			classes := OrderedCollection new.

			Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
			    (eachClass isSubclassOf:TestCase) ifTrue:[
				classes add:eachClass

	sortBy:nil in:#newBuffer label:'TestCases'
	callBack:[:brwsr | brwsr classListApp markApplications:true ].

    "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 09:37:17 / cg"


    searchBlock := [
			|defaultId methods methodsInOrder| 

			methods := OrderedCollection new.
			defaultId := Project defaultProject package.

			Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
			    eachClass instAndClassMethodsDo:[:mthd |
				mthd package = defaultId ifTrue:[
				    methods add:mthd.

    ^ self 
	label:'Loose methods'

    "launch an enterBox for selector to search for"

    ^ self 
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Selector to browse senders of:\(TAB for completion; matchPattern allowed)' 
	browserLabel:'Senders of %1'
	searchWith:#( #'findSendersOf:in:ignoreCase:match:' #'findSendersOf:inMethods:ignoreCase:match:' )
	setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :selector :ignoreCase :doMatch| 
			    brwsr autoSearchSelector:selector ignoreCase:ignoreCase doMatch:doMatch.

    "Modified: / 17.11.2001 / 09:51:00 / cg"


    selectors := self selectedMethods value collect:[:each | each selector].

    ^ self 
	askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:'Browse Senders of (any in selected):' 
	browserLabel:('Senders (any of %1 selectors)' bindWith:selectors size)
	searchWith:[:ignoredString :classes :ignoredCase :match|
			    self class 
				in:classes ignoreCase:false
	setSearchPattern:[:brwsr :string :ignoreCase :doMatch| 
			    brwsr autoSearchSelector:selectors ignoreCase:ignoreCase doMatch:doMatch.

    "Modified: / 13.11.2001 / 11:18:02 / cg"

    "return a useful default seach area"

    self hasClassSelected ifTrue:[
	^ #classes.
    self hasCategorySelected ifTrue:[
	^ #classCategories.
    self hasNameSpaceSelected ifTrue:[
	^ #currentNameSpace.                
    ^ nil


    classes := IdentitySet new.
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	(eachClass isMeta not
	and:[eachClass isLoaded
	and:[eachClass isNameSpace not
	and:[(eachClass class includesSelector:selector) not]]])
	     classes add:eachClass
    ^ classes asOrderedCollection

    "browse documentation;
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer"

    |selectedClasses selectedCategories|

    selectedClasses := (self selectedClasses value ? #()) collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass].
    selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesValue copy.
    ^ self 
	setupWith:[:brwsr |
			brwsr selectCategories:selectedCategories.
			brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses.

spawnClassExtensionBrowserFor:classes in:where
    "browse extensions on selected classes;
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the projects"

    |spec classList "singleSelection"|

    spec := #multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec.
"/    (singleSelection := projects size == 1) ifTrue:[
"/        spec := #singleProjectBrowserSpec.
"/        spec := #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec.
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        spec := #multipleProjectBrowserSpec.
"/    ].

    classList := classes copy.

    ^ self 
	label: 'Class Extensions'
	setupWith:[:brwsr |

	    "/ setup for a constant list ...
	    "/ brwsr organizerMode value:#project.
	    brwsr showClassPackages value:true.
	    brwsr classListGenerator value:classList.

	    packageListGeneratorBlock := [

				packages := Set new.
				(brwsr selectedClasses value ? #()) do:[:eachClass |
				    packages add:eachClass package.
				    eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
					packages add:mthd package
				packages asOrderedCollection sort.

	    brwsr projectListGenerator value:(packageListGeneratorBlock value).
	    brwsr selectedClasses onChangeEvaluate:[brwsr projectListGenerator value:(packageListGeneratorBlock value).].
	    brwsr packageFilter value:#().
	    "/ singleSelection ifTrue:[
	    "/     brwsr selectProjects:projectList.
	    "/ ].
	    "/ brwsr packageFilter value:projectList.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 18:48:40 / cg"

spawnClassExtensionBrowserForSearch:searchBlock label:labelOrNil in:where
    "browse extensions on a searchBlock;
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the projects"

    ^ self 
	label:(labelOrNil ? 'Class Extensions')
	setupWith:[:brwsr |
	    |classListGenerator packageListGeneratorBlock theClassList|

	    classListGenerator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
					    theClassList isNil ifTrue:[
						theClassList := searchBlock value.
					    theClassList do:[:aClass |
						whatToDo value:aClass 
					    theClassList := nil.

	    "/ brwsr organizerMode value:#project.
	    brwsr showClassPackages value:true.
	    brwsr classListGenerator value:classListGenerator.

	    packageListGeneratorBlock := [

				packages := Set new.
				(brwsr selectedClasses value ? #()) do:[:eachClass |
				    packages add:eachClass package.
				    eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
					packages add:mthd package
				packages asOrderedCollection sort.

	    brwsr projectListGenerator value:(packageListGeneratorBlock value).
	    brwsr selectedClasses onChangeEvaluate:[brwsr projectListGenerator value:(packageListGeneratorBlock value).].
	    brwsr packageFilter value:#().

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 18:48:40 / cg"

    "browse full classes (file-like);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer"

    |selectedClasses selectedCategories|

    selectedClasses := (self selectedClasses value ? #()) collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass].
    selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesValue copy.

    ^ self 
	setupWith:[:brwsr |
			brwsr meta value:false.
			brwsr selectCategories:selectedCategories.
			brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses.

! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-buffers'!

    "add a new buffer"

    self createBuffer

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 22:22:31 / cg"

    "remove the current buffer"

    buffers size > 0 ifTrue:[
	(self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Remove buffer anyway ?')
	    self removeBuffer:nr.

    "Modified: / 11.2.2000 / 10:55:02 / cg"

    "remove the current buffer"

    buffers size > 0 ifTrue:[
	self bufferMenuRemoveBuffer:(selectedBuffer value)

    "switch buffers"


    nr := selectedBuffer value.
    (nr notNil and:[nr between:1 and:buffers size]) ifTrue:[
	navigationState := buffers at:selectedBuffer value.
	self browserCanvas value:(navigationState canvas)

    "/ force update of the menus orgMode aspect
    "/ required since the menu has a single orgMode aspect,
    "/ (i.e. there is no per-canvas menu).
    self organizerModeForMenu changed.

    navigationState codeModifiedHolder addDependent:self.

    bufferUsageOrder removeIdentical:navigationState.
    bufferUsageOrder addFirst:navigationState.

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 18:52:16 / cg"

    self createBufferWithSpec:#fullBrowserSpec

    |nr bNameList oldNavigationState|

    bNameList := self bufferNameList.  "/ for lazy setup

    buffers size == 0 ifTrue:[
	"the original (initial) buffer is created here (lazy)"

	buffers := OrderedCollection new.
	bufferUsageOrder := OrderedCollection new.

	navigationState canvasType isNil ifTrue:[
	    navigationState canvas:self browserCanvas value.
	    navigationState canvasType:(self browserCanvasType ? navigationState canvasType).
	buffers add:navigationState.
	bNameList add:(self currentBufferLabel).
	bufferUsageOrder add:navigationState.

    oldNavigationState := navigationState.

    navigationState := NavigationState new.
    navigationState canvas:(self newCanvasWithSpec:aSpec).
    navigationState canvasType:aSpec.

    self setupNavigationStateFrom:oldNavigationState.

    buffers add:navigationState.
    bNameList add:'no class'.
    bufferUsageOrder addFirst:navigationState.

    nr := buffers size.
    self selectedBuffer value:nr.

    "Modified: / 29.2.2000 / 10:40:04 / cg"

spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:selector in:openHow

    openHow == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
	brwsr := self class openInClass:aClass selector:selector
    ] ifFalse:[
	brwsr := self.
	brwsr createBuffer.
	brwsr switchToClass:aClass selector:selector.
    ^ brwsr
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-category'!

    "check a class into the source repository"


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckIn (without that modification) anyway ?')
     ifFalse:[^ self].

    classes := IdentitySet new.
    self selectedCategoryClassesDo:[:aClass | classes add:aClass].
    classes isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self warn:'No classes matched (all private classes)'.
	^ self.

    SourceCodeManagerUtilities checkinClasses:classes.
    self normalLabel.

    "check-out all classes in the selected category from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedCategoryClasses) askForRevision:true

    "check-out the newest version of all classes in the selected category 
     from the source repository.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    |classes |

    classes := self selectedCategoryClasses.
    classes := classes select:[:each | each isPrivate not].
    self checkOutClasses:classes askForRevision:false

    "fileOut selected categories - standard format"

    ^ self categoryMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected categories -  file format as specified by the argument:
	nil     - standard format
	#xml    - XML standard format
	#sif    - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
	#binary - ST/X binary format

    |currentClassCategory fileName suffix saveName fileBox 
     dir aStream classesToInitialize classesToFileout mgr|

    currentClassCategory := self theSingleSelectedCategory.
    currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	fileName := currentClassCategory asString.
	fileName replaceAll:Character space with:$_.
    ] ifFalse:[
	fileName := 'someCategories'
    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
	suffix := '.xml'
    ] ifFalse:[
	aFormatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
	    suffix := '.sif'
	] ifFalse:[
	    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
		suffix := '.cls'
	    ] ifFalse:[
		suffix := '.st'
    fileName := fileName , suffix.

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
	self halt:'oops - binary must go into separate files'.
	^ self

    fileBox := FileSelectionBox
		    title:(resources string:'FileOut %1 as:' with:(currentClassCategory ? 'selected categories'))
		    okText:(resources string:'FileOut')
		    abortText:(resources string:'Cancel')
		    action:[:fileName | saveName := fileName.].

    fileBox initialText:fileName.
    dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
    dir isNil ifTrue:[
	 this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
	Project notNil ifTrue:[
	    dir := Project currentProjectDirectory asFilename 
    dir notNil ifTrue:[
	fileBox directory:dir.
    fileBox showAtPointer.

    fileBox destroy.
    fileBox := nil.

    saveName isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self
    saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self warn:'bad name given'.
	^ self
    FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).
    fileName := saveName.

    classesToInitialize := OrderedCollection new.
    classesToFileout := OrderedCollection new.

    self selectedCategoryClassesDo:[:eachClassInCategory |

	eachClass := eachClassInCategory theNonMetaclass.
	eachClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
	    eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
		self warn:'Cannot fileOut unloaded class: %1\\skipped.' with:eachClass name allBold.
	    ] ifTrue:[
		classesToFileout add:eachClass.
		(eachClass class includesSelector:#initialize) ifTrue:[
		    classesToInitialize add:eachClass

     if file exists, save original in a .sav file
    fileName asFilename exists ifTrue:[
	self busyLabel:'saving existing %1' with:fileName.
	fileName asFilename copyTo:(fileName , '.sav')

    classesToFileout topologicalSort:[:a :b | b isSubclassOf:a].

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Not yet implemented: XML saving'.
	^ self

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
	mgr := SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager newForFileOut.
	mgr fileName: fileName.
	classesToFileout do:[:eachClass |
	    mgr addClass: eachClass.
	self busyLabel:'writing...'.
	mgr fileOut.
    ] ifFalse:[
	    aStream := fileName asFilename newReadWriteStream.
	    classesToFileout do:[:eachClass |
		self busyLabel:'writing: %1' with:eachClass name.
		eachClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:true withInitialize:false.
		aStream cr.

	    "/ all class-inits at the end
	    "/ (this makes certain, that all classes have been loaded
	    "/  before possibly used/needed in an initializer

	    classesToInitialize do:[:aClass |
		aClass printClassNameOn:aStream. aStream nextPutAll:' initialize'.
		aStream nextPutChunkSeparator.
		aStream cr

	    aStream close.
	] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[
	    self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:fileName
    self normalLabel.

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files - binary format"

    self categoryMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#binary

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files - st-source format"

    self categoryMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files"

    |currentCategory dirName|

    currentCategory := self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'selected categories'.

    dirName := self askForDirectoryToFileOut:(resources string:'fileOut %1 in:' with:currentCategory) default:nil.
    dirName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

	fileOutEachClassIn:(self selectedCategoryClasses) 

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files - sif format"

    self categoryMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected categories as individual files - xml format"

    self categoryMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#xml

    "fileOut selected categories - sif format"

    ^ self categoryMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected categories - xml format"

    ^ self categoryMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#xml

    |box newCategory allClassCategories|

    allClassCategories := Smalltalk allClassCategories.

    box := self 
		enterBoxTitle:'Name of new class category:' 
		label:'Create Category'.

    (allClassCategories includes:'* as yet unspecified *')
	box initialAnswer:'* as yet unspecified *'.

    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
	|s what cat|

	s := contents withoutSpaces.
	what := self navigationState environment classCategoryCompletion:s.
	cat := what first.
	(allClassCategories includes:cat) ifTrue:[
	    cat := cat , '-'.
	box contents:cat.
	(what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	    self builder window beep
    box action:[:aString | newCategory := aString].
    box open.

    newCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ self immediateUpdate value:true.
	self categoryListApp addAdditionalCategory:newCategory.
	"/ self immediateUpdate value:false.

	self codeReallyModified ifFalse:[
	    self selectCategory:newCategory.

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:50:48 / cg"

    |box txt answer selectedCategories classes count categories includesBuiltIn 
     affectedSubClasses classesToReallyRemove|

    selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesValue asSet.

    classes := IdentitySet new.
    categories := Set new.
    includesBuiltIn := false.
    self selectedCategoryClassesDo:[:aClass |
	classes add:aClass.
	categories add:aClass category.
	aClass isBuiltInClass ifTrue:[includesBuiltIn := true].

    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ removing an empty category
	self selectedCategories value:#().
	self categoryListApp removeAdditionalCategories:selectedCategories.
	^ self

    "/ count affected sub-classes
    affectedSubClasses := IdentitySet new.    
    classes do:[:aClassToRemove |
	affectedSubClasses addAll:(aClassToRemove allSubclasses).
    affectedSubClasses := affectedSubClasses select:[:eachClass | (classes includes:eachClass) not].
    count := affectedSubClasses size.

    classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
	txt := 'Really remove %1'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	txt := 'Really remove %2 classes'.
    count ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
       txt := txt , '\(with %3 subclass'.
       count ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	   txt := txt , 'es in other categories)'
       ] ifFalse:[
	   txt := txt , ' - ', affectedSubClasses first name , ' - in category ''' , affectedSubClasses first category, ''')'
    categories size > 1 ifTrue:[
	txt := txt , ' in %4 categories'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	txt := txt , ' in %5'.
    txt := txt , ' ?'.
    txt := (resources 
		with:classes first name allBold
		with:classes size printString
		with:categories size printString
		with:categories first) withCRs.

    box := YesNoBox 
	       yesText:(resources at:'Remove')
	       noText:(resources at:'Cancel').
    box label:(resources string:'Remove Class(es)').
    answer := box confirm.
    box destroy.

    (answer and:[includesBuiltIn]) ifTrue:[
	"/ ask again - severe damage is to be expected ...
	answer := Dialog confirm:('The set of classes to remove includes at least one systemClass,\without which ST/X will fail to work.\Be prepared for a crash, if you proceed.\\Really remove ?' withCRs)

    answer ifTrue:[
	self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    classesToReallyRemove := OrderedCollection new.

	    "after querying user - do really remove the classes
	     and all subclasses
	    classes do:[:aClassToRemove |
		|doRemove didRemove|

		didRemove := false.
		doRemove := true.
		aClassToRemove withAllSubclasses do:[:eachClass | 
		    eachClass hasExtensions ifTrue:[
			doRemove := self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has extensions (methods in other packages) - remove anyway ?' with:eachClass name).
		doRemove ifTrue:[
		     query ?
		    aClassToRemove allSubclassesDo:[:aSubClass |
			(CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses == false
			or:[aSubClass hasInstances not
			or:[self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has instances - remove anyway ?' with:aSubClass name)]])
				classesToReallyRemove add:aSubClass
		    (CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses == false
		    or:[aClassToRemove hasInstances not
		    or:[self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has instances - remove anyway ?' with:aClassToRemove name)]])
			    didRemove := true.
			    classesToReallyRemove add:aClassToRemove

"/            classesToReallyRemove do:[:each |
"/                each removeFromSystem.
"/            ].
	    classesToReallyRemove notEmpty ifTrue:[
		self removeClasses:classesToReallyRemove pullUpSubclasses:false

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 09:40:38 / cg"

    |categoriesToRename allCategories newCategory box 
     cancelAll guess combosList change numClasses|

    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
	change := CompositeRefactoryChange named:'Rename categories'.

    numClasses := 0.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	categoriesToRename := self selectedCategoriesValue copy.
	categoriesToRename do:[:eachCategory |
	    guess := DoWhatIMeanSupport 

	    guess isNil ifTrue:[
		guess := eachCategory string.

	    allCategories := Smalltalk allClassCategories asArray sort.
	    combosList := LastCategoryRenames.
	    (combosList size > 0 and:[combosList includes:eachCategory]) ifFalse:[
		combosList size == 0 ifTrue:[
		    combosList := List with:eachCategory
		] ifFalse:[
		    combosList := (List with:eachCategory with:'-') , combosList

	    box := ListSelectionBox new.
	    box title:(resources string:'Rename category ''%1'' to:' with:eachCategory allBold).
	    box useComboBoxWithList:combosList.
	    box list:allCategories.
	    box okAction:[:sel | newCategory := sel].
	    box initialText:guess.

	    cancelAll := false.
	    categoriesToRename size > 0 ifTrue:[    

		cancelAllButton := Button label:(resources string:'Cancel All').
		box addButton:cancelAllButton before:box cancelButton.
		cancelAllButton action:[
					    cancelAll := true.
					    box doAccept.
					    box okPressed.

	    box showAtPointer.
	    cancelAll ifTrue:[^ self].

	    newCategory notNil ifTrue:[
		newCategory := newCategory withoutSeparators asSymbol.
		LastCategoryRenames isNil ifTrue:[
		    LastCategoryRenames := OrderedCollection new
		LastCategoryRenames addFirst:newCategory.
		LastCategoryRenames size > 20 ifTrue:[
		    LastCategoryRenames removeLast

		LastCategoryRenameOld := eachCategory.
		LastCategoryRenameNew := newCategory.

		(self selectedClassesInCategories:(Array with:eachCategory)) do:[:aClass |
		    "/ must be loaded ...
		    aClass autoload
		(self selectedClassesInCategories:(Array with:eachCategory)) do:[:aClass |
		    aClass category ~= newCategory ifTrue:[
			numClasses := numClasses + 1.
			change notNil ifTrue:[
			    change changeClassCategoryOf:aClass to:newCategory      
			] ifFalse:[
			    aClass category:newCategory. 

		"/ self selectedCategories value:(Array with:newCategory).

    change notNil ifTrue:[
	change name:('Rename category of %1 classes' bindWith:numClasses).
	RefactoryChangeManager performChange:change

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show history anyway ?')
     ifFalse:[^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	|timeGoal repositoryFilter userFilter aStream box y component 
	 timeGoalListPop repositoryFilterPop userFilterPop|

	timeGoal := 'yesterday' asValue. 
	repositoryFilter := nil asValue.
	userFilter := nil asValue.

	box := Dialog new.
	(box addTextLabel:(resources string:'Repository change report')) adjust:#left.
	box addVerticalSpace:20.

	y := box yPosition.
	component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'List changes since (mm/dd):').
	component width:0.5; adjust:#right; borderWidth:0.
	box yPosition:y.
	timeGoalListPop := box addComboBoxOn:timeGoal tabable:true.
	timeGoalListPop width:0.5; left:0.5; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.

	timeGoalListPop list:#('yesterday'
			       'a week ago'
			       'a month ago'
			       'a year ago'

	y := box yPosition.
	component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'For repository (empty for all):').
	component width:0.5; adjust:#right; borderWidth:0.
	box yPosition:y.
	repositoryFilterPop := box addComboBoxOn:repositoryFilter tabable:true.
	repositoryFilterPop width:0.5; left:0.5; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.
	repositoryFilterPop list:#(
				"/ to do - get list of available repositories ...

	y := box yPosition.
	component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'For user (empty for all):').
	component width:0.5; adjust:#right; borderWidth:0.
	box yPosition:y.
	userFilterPop := box addComboBoxOn:userFilter tabable:true.
	userFilterPop width:0.5; left:0.5; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.

	box addAbortAndOkButtons.
	box open.

	box accepted ifTrue:[
	    repositoryFilter := repositoryFilter value.
	    repositoryFilter size == 0 
		ifTrue:[repositoryFilter := nil]
		ifFalse:[repositoryFilter := Array with:repositoryFilter].

	    userFilter := userFilter value.
	    userFilter size == 0 
		ifTrue:[userFilter := nil]
		ifFalse:[userFilter := Array with:userFilter].

	    timeGoal := timeGoal value.

	    self busyLabel:'extracting history ...' with:nil.

	    aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
	    Processor activeProcess 
		withPriority:Processor activePriority-1 to:Processor activePriority
		SourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
		] ifFalse:[
		    aStream nextPutLine:'no history available (no SourceCodeManagement installed)'
	    self codeView 
		contents:(aStream contents);
	    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

	    self codeAspect:#repositoryHistory.
	    self selectedMethods value:nil.
	    self selectProtocols:nil.

"/            self clearAcceptAction.
"/            self clearExplainAction.

	    self normalLabel

    "Created: / 23.11.1995 / 11:41:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.2001 / 13:07:11 / cg"

    "open a browser showing the selected categories only"

    self spawnCategoryBrowserIn:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 19:06:22 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected categories only"

    self spawnCategoryBrowserIn:#newBuffer 

    "open a new browser showing all classes in macthing categories"

    ^ self categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoryIn:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer showing all classes in macthing categories"

    ^ self categoryMenuSpawnMatchingCategoryIn:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer/ open a new browser showing all classes in matching categories"

    |pattern matchingCategories|

    pattern := Dialog request:'Match pattern for categories:' initialAnswer:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? '').
    pattern size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    pattern := pattern string.

    matchingCategories := Set new.
    Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |

	cat := eachClass category.
	(pattern match:cat) ifTrue:[
	    matchingCategories add:cat.
    ^ self spawnCategoryBrowserFor:matchingCategories in:openHow

    self categoryListApp removeAllAdditionalCategories; forceUpdateList

fileOutEachClassIn:aCollectionOfClasses in:aDirectory withFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil
    "fileOut a bunch of classes as individual files into some directory"

    |savedClasses privateClasses owningClasses unsavedOwners answer|

    privateClasses := aCollectionOfClasses select:[:eachClass | eachClass isPrivate].
    savedClasses := (aCollectionOfClasses select:[:eachClass | eachClass isPrivate not]) asIdentitySet.
    owningClasses := (privateClasses collect:[:eachPrivateClass | eachPrivateClass topOwningClass]) asIdentitySet.
    unsavedOwners := owningClasses copy.
    unsavedOwners removeAllFoundIn:savedClasses.
    unsavedOwners notEmpty ifTrue:[
	answer := self confirmWithCancel:'Private classes are saved with their owningClasses;\\Save owners as well ?' withCRs.
	answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
	answer == true ifTrue:[
	    savedClasses addAll:unsavedOwners

    savedClasses do:[:eachClass |
	|fn answer|

	eachClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
	    self busyLabel:'saving: %1' with:eachClass name.
	    Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
		answer := DialogBox 
				confirm:(resources string:'cannot fileOut: %1\(%2)\\skipped.' 
						     with:(eachClass name allBold) 
						     with:ex description) withCRs
				yesLabel:'ok' noLabel:'cancel'.
		answer == false ifTrue:[
		    ^ self
		self normalLabel.
		ex return.
	    ] do:[
		fn := (Smalltalk fileNameForClass:eachClass) , '.st'.
		eachClass fileOutAs:(aDirectory asFilename constructString:fn).
    self normalLabel.

spawnCategoryBrowserFor:categories in:where
    "browse selected category(ies);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the categories
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the categories"

    |spec categoryList selectedClasses selectedProtocols selectedMethods

    (singleSelection := categories size == 1) ifTrue:[
	spec := #singleCategoryBrowserSpec.
    ] ifFalse:[
	spec := #multipleCategoryBrowserSpec.

    categoryList := categories copy.
    selectedClasses := self selectedClasses value copy.
    selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value copy.
    selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value copy.

	setupWith:[:brwsr |

	    "/ setup for a constant list ...
	    brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
	    brwsr categoryListGenerator value:categoryList.
	    brwsr selectCategories:categoryList.

	    selectedClasses notNil ifTrue:[
		anyNonMeta := selectedClasses contains:[:aClass | aClass isMeta not].
		anyNonMeta ifFalse:[
		    brwsr meta value:true.    
	    selectedClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses].
	    selectedProtocols size > 0 ifTrue:[brwsr selectProtocols:selectedProtocols].
	    selectedMethods size > 0 ifTrue:[brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods].

	    brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 15:52:31 / cg"

    "browse selected category(ies);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the categories
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the categories"

    self spawnCategoryBrowserFor:(self selectedCategoriesValue) in:where
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-checks'!

    "perform all checks on the selected class(es)."

    self classMenuCheck:#allChecks

    "perform an individual check on the selected class(es)."

    self classMenuCheckEach:(Array with:whichCheck)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 22:44:19 / cg"

    "perform all checks on the selected class(es)."

    self classMenuCheck:#allChecks

    "perform a bunch of checks on the selected class(es)."

    |checker badMethodInfo badClassInfo theSingleClass lbl badMethods|

    checker := ClassChecker new.

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass | 

	cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
	cls isLoaded ifTrue:[
	    self activityNotification:('checking ' , cls name , '...').
	    checker checkedClass:cls.
	    aCollectionOfCheckSymbols do:[:eachCheck |
		checker doCheck:eachCheck

    badClassInfo := checker badClassInfo.

    badMethodInfo := checker badMethodInfo.
    badMethodInfo size == 0 ifTrue:[
	badClassInfo size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    ^ self information:'Nothing special found'.

    (theSingleClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	lbl := 'Check results of ' , theSingleClass name
    ] ifFalse:[
	lbl := 'Checker result'
    badMethodInfo size > 0 ifTrue:[
	badMethods := badMethodInfo keys.
    ] ifFalse:[
	badMethods := #()

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 22:43:56 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 22:58:53 / cg"

    "perform error-checks on the selected class(es)."

    self classMenuCheck:#errorChecks

    "allow individual checks to be selected and perform those on the selected class(es)."

    |allChecks selectedChecks|

    allChecks := ClassChecker individualChecks.
    selectedChecks := List new.
    LastIndividualChecks notNil ifTrue:[
	selectedChecks addAll:LastIndividualChecks

    selectedChecks := Dialog 
	chooseMultiple:'Select check(s) to perform on selected classes\(toggle items using CTRL-click)\' withCRs 
	fromList:allChecks values:allChecks 
    selectedChecks isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    LastIndividualChecks := selectedChecks.
    self classMenuCheckEach:selectedChecks.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 22:44:36 / cg"

    "perform style-checks on the selected class(es)."

    self classMenuCheck:#styleChecks

    "perform warning-checks on the selected class(es)."

    self classMenuCheck:#warningChecks
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-class'!

addClassesToRemoveForClass:aClass to:classesToRemove removingSubclasses:removingSubclasses withCancel:withCancel 

addClassesToRemoveForClass:aClass to:classesToRemove removingSubclasses:removingSubclasses withCancel:withCancel withConfirm:withConfirm  
    |countSubClasses countPrivateClasses t confirmed didRemove includesBuiltIn 
     answer toRemove stillSearchingForMore more|

    (classesToRemove includes:aClass) ifTrue:[
	"/ already in list
	^ self

    aClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
	answer := self 
			    string:'%1 was autoloaded.\\Reinstall as autoloaded ?'
			    with:aClass name allBold) withCRs.
	answer isNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	answer == true ifTrue:[
	    self withWaitCursorDo:[
		    aClass unload.
		    Smalltalk changed:#classDefinition with:aClass
	    ^ self

    countSubClasses := aClass allSubclasses size.
    t := 'Remove Class ''%1'''.
    countSubClasses ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	removingSubclasses ifTrue:[
	    t := t , '\(with %2 subclass'.
	] ifFalse:[
	    t := t , '\(and pull up %2 subclass'.
	countSubClasses ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	    t := t , 'es'

    countPrivateClasses := aClass allPrivateClasses size.
    countPrivateClasses ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	removingSubclasses ifFalse:[
	    self warn:('%1 has private classes - please make them public; then try again' bindWith:aClass name allBold).
	    ^ self

	countSubClasses ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    t := t , ' and'
	] ifFalse:[
	    t := t , '\(with'
	t := t , ' %3 private class'.
	countPrivateClasses ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	    t := t , 'es'

    (countSubClasses ~~ 0 or:[countPrivateClasses ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
	t := t , ')'
    t := t , ' ?'.
    t := (resources 
		with:aClass name allBold
		with:countPrivateClasses) withCRs.

    (countSubClasses ~~ 0 or:[countPrivateClasses ~~ 0 or:[withConfirm]]) ifTrue:[
	withCancel ifTrue:[
	    confirmed := Dialog confirmWithCancel:t default:false
	] ifFalse:[
	    confirmed := Dialog confirm:t
	confirmed isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ cancelled

	    AbortSignal raise
	confirmed ifFalse:[
	    ^ self

    didRemove := false.
    includesBuiltIn := aClass isBuiltInClass.
    aClass allSubclassesDo:[:aSubClass | 
	    includesBuiltIn := includesBuiltIn or:[aSubClass isBuiltInClass]
    includesBuiltIn ifTrue:[
	"/ ask again - severe damage is to be expected ...

	confirmed := Dialog 
		    confirmWithCancel:'The set of classes to remove includes at least one systemClass,\without which ST/X will fail to work.\Be prepared for a crash, if you proceed.\\Really remove ?' 
	confirmed isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ cancelled

	    AbortSignal raise
	confirmed ifFalse:[
	    ^ self

    "/ check if any of the classes to remove has a repository container - warn about this if so
    aClass withAllSubclassesDo:[:eachClassToRemove | 
	    eachClassToRemove isPrivate ifFalse:[
		eachClassToRemove revision notNil ifTrue:[
		    (removingSubclasses or:[eachClassToRemove == aClass])
			confirmed := Dialog 
					    string:'Remove the source container for ''%1'' in the repository ?\\Warning: can only be undone by manually fixing the CVS repository !!'
					    with:eachClassToRemove name allBold) withCRs
			confirmed isNil ifTrue:[
			    "/ cancelled

			    AbortSignal raise
			confirmed ifTrue:[
    toRemove := IdentitySet new.
    toRemove addAll:classesToRemove.

    removingSubclasses ifTrue:[
	aClass allSubclassesDo:[:aSubClass | 
	    (CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses == false or:[
		    aSubClass hasInstances not or:[
			    self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has instances - remove anyway ?'
					with:aSubClass name allBold)
		]) ifTrue:[
		classesToRemove add:aSubClass.
		toRemove add:aSubClass
    (CheckForInstancesWhenRemovingClasses == false or:[
	    aClass hasInstances not or:[
		    self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has instances - remove anyway ?'
				with:aClass name allBold)
     ]) ifTrue:[
	didRemove := true.
	aClass allPrivateClassesDo:[:eachPrivate | 
		classesToRemove addFirst:eachPrivate.
		toRemove add:eachPrivate
	classesToRemove add:aClass.
	toRemove add:aClass

    stillSearchingForMore := true.
    ] whileTrue:[
	stillSearchingForMore := false.
	more := IdentitySet new.
	classesToRemove do:[:eachClass | 
	    eachClass allPrivateClasses do:[:eachPrivate | 
		classesToRemove addFirst:eachPrivate.
		(toRemove includes:eachPrivate) ifFalse:[
		    toRemove add:eachPrivate.
		    more := true

classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:aClass in:cat asNamespace:isNameSpace private:isPrivate
    "common helper for newClass and newSubclass
     - show a template to define a subclass of aClass in category cat.
     Also, set acceptaction to install the class."

    ^ self
	classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:aClass in:cat 
	asNamespace:isNameSpace private:isPrivate metaClassUsed:nil

classClassDefinitionTemplateFor:aClass in:cat asNamespace:isNameSpace private:isPrivate metaClassUsed:metaClassUsedOrNil
    "common helper for newClass and newSubclass
     - show a template to define a subclass of aClass in category cat.
     Also, set acceptaction to install the class."


    (aClass == Autoload
    or:[aClass isNil or:[aClass isLoaded not]]) ifTrue:[
	self javaMode ifTrue:[
	    theSuperClass := Java at:'java.lang.Object'
	] ifFalse:[
	    theSuperClass := Object
    ] ifFalse:[
	theSuperClass := aClass

"/    self switchToClass:nil.

    self showCode:(self 

    self setAcceptActionForMetaClassUsed:metaClassUsedOrNil.
    self codeAspect:#newClassDefinition.

    "Modified: / 10.12.2001 / 19:55:31 / cg"

    "for classLists only: allow adding another class to the shown list"

    |className class classList|

    classList := self classListGenerator value.
    classList isOrderedCollection ifFalse:[
	self halt:'should not happen'.  
	^ self

    className := self searchMenuFindClassToAdd.
    className isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    class := Smalltalk at:className asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
    class isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'No such class'
    classList add:class.
    classList sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    self classListGenerator changed.

    "for classLists only: allow removing class(es) from the shown list"

    |classList classesToHide|

    classList := self classListGenerator value.
    classList isOrderedCollection ifFalse:[
	self halt:'should not happen'.  
	^ self

    classesToHide := self selectedClasses value copy.
    classesToHide do:[:classToHide |
	classList removeIdentical:classToHide
    classList sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    self classListGenerator changed.

    "show a classes comment/hierarchy or definition"

    | cls|

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    self selectedMethods value:nil.
    self selectProtocols:nil.
    "/ kludge - trick lastSelectedProtocol handling in protocol-list
    self clearAutoSelectOfLastSelectedProtocol.

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := cls theNonMetaclass

    aspect == #classComment ifTrue:[
	self showClassComment:cls.
	^ self
    aspect == #classHierarchy ifTrue:[
	self showClassHierarchy:cls.
	^ self
    aspect == #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	self showClassDefinition:cls.
	^ self

    self halt:'oops - aspect'.

    "Created: / 8.11.2001 / 23:02:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:17:33 / cg"

    "remove all changes for the selected class(es) from the changeSet"

    (self confirm:'This will remove all changes for the selected class(es) from the changeSet.\\Really cleanup ?' withCRs)
	ifFalse:[ ^ self].

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachClass 

    "show a classes comment"

    self classMenuChangeAspect:#classComment

    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:05:41 / cg"

    "open a diff-textView comparing the selected class
     against some other class (useful when refactoring subclasses)."

    |sel class1 class2| 

    sel := self selectedClasses value.
    sel size == 2 ifTrue:[
	class1 := sel first theNonMetaclass.
	class2 := sel second theNonMetaclass.
	self doCompareClass:class1 withClass:class2

    "open a diff-textView comparing the selected class
     against some other class (useful when refactoring subclasses)."

    |currentClass supers subs list otherClassName otherClass| 

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
	self warn:'cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
	^ self.
    currentClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.

    supers := (currentClass allSuperclasses reverse collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    subs := (currentClass allSubclasses collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    list := supers.
    (supers notEmpty and:[subs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
	list := list , (Array with:'---- ' , currentClass name , ' ----')
    list := list , subs.

    otherClassName := Dialog 
		    request:(resources string:'Compare this class against which class:')
		    okLabel:(resources string:'Compare')
		    title:(resources string:'Compare class')
    otherClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    (otherClassName startsWith:'---- ') ifTrue:[^ self].

    otherClass := Smalltalk classNamed:otherClassName.
    otherClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'no such class: ', otherClassName.
	^ self

    otherClass := otherClass theNonMetaclass.
    self doCompareClass:currentClass withClass:otherClass

    "compile selected classes' lazy methods (kludge - for me)"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
	    mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
		mthd makeRealMethod

    "create a copy of the selected class."

    |currentClass currentClassName owningClass newClassName newOwnerClass ownerName idx

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
	self warn:'Cannot copy unloaded classes.'.
	^ self

    currentClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.
    currentClassName := currentClass name.    
    currentClass nameSpace == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	newClassName := 'CopyOf' , currentClassName.
    ] ifFalse:[
	newClassName := currentClass nameSpace name , '::' , 'CopyOf' , currentClass nameWithoutPrefix.
    newClassName := Dialog
			request:(resources string:'Copy class %1 as:' with:currentClassName allBold)
    newClassName size == 0 ifTrue:[
	^ self
    (Smalltalk classNamed:newClassName) notNil ifTrue:[
	(self confirm:(resources string:'A class named: ''%1'' already exists.\\Overwrite ?' with:newClassName) withCRs) 
	    ifFalse:[^ self]
    (owningClass := currentClass owningClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	(newClassName startsWith:(owningClass name , '::')) ifTrue:[
	    newClassName := newClassName copyFrom:(owningClass name , '::') size + 1.
	    newOwnerClass := owningClass.
	] ifFalse:[
	    (newClassName includes:$:) ifTrue:[
		idx := newClassName lastIndexOf:$:.
		ownerName := newClassName copyTo:idx.
		[ownerName endsWith:$:] whileTrue:[ownerName := ownerName copyWithoutLast:1].
		newClassName := newClassName copyFrom:idx+1.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		(self confirm:(resources string:'Copy as public class ''%1'' ?' with:newClassName) withCRs)
		    ifFalse:[^ self].
    ] ifFalse:[
	idx := newClassName lastIndexOf:$:.
	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    ownerName := newClassName copyTo:idx-2.
	    newClassName := newClassName copyFrom:idx+1.

    ownerName notNil ifTrue:[
	(Smalltalk classNamed:ownerName) isNil ifTrue:[
	    self warn:(resources string:'No class or nameSpace named: ''%1''' with:ownerName) withCRs.
	    ^ self
	newOwnerClass := Smalltalk at:ownerName asSymbol.
	(newOwnerClass == Smalltalk or:[newOwnerClass isNameSpace]) ifTrue:[
	    newOwnerClass == Smalltalk ifFalse:[
		newClassName := ownerName , '::' , newClassName.
	    newOwnerClass := nil.

    self busyLabel:'copying class ...' with:nil.
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	newClass := self doCopyClass:currentClass as:newClassName privateIn:newOwnerClass.

    "show a classes definition"

    self classMenuChangeAspect:#classDefinition

    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:06:09 / cg"
    "Created: / 8.11.2001 / 23:17:00 / cg"

    "show classes documentation (i.e. open doc-View on it)"

	    [:cls | 
		self openClassDocumentationFor:cls  
	    [:cls |
	    [:cls |

    "fileOut selected classes - standard format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected classes -  file format as specified by the argument:
	nil     - standard format
	#xml    - XML standard format
	#sif    - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
	#binary - ST/X binary format


    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
	mode := Dialog choose:(resources string:'Save including sources ?')
		       labels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Discard' 'By file reference' 'Include source'))
		       values:#(nil #discard #reference #keep)

	mode isNil ifTrue:[^ self].   "/ cancelled

	    [:cls | 
		   withCancelAll:(self selectedClasses value size > 1) 
	    [:cls | 
		self warn:'cannot fileOut unloaded class: %1' with:cls name allBold.
	    [:cls | |owner|
		owner := cls owningClass.
		(self selectedClasses value includes:owner) ifFalse:[
		    self warn:'cannot fileOut private class: %1\\Please fileOut the owning class (%2).'
			with:cls nameWithoutPrefix allBold
			with:owner name.

    "fileOut selected classes - binary file format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#binary

    "fileOut selected classes as individual files - binary format"

    self classMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#binary

    "fileOut selected classes as individual files - st-source format"

    self classMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected classes as individual files"

    |classes dirName|

    classes := self selectedClasses value collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass].
    classes := classes select:[:eachClass | eachClass isPrivate not].
    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'Only private classes selected'.

    dirName := self askForDirectoryToFileOut:(resources string:'fileOut %1 classes in:' with:classes size) default:nil.
    dirName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].


    "fileOut selected classes as individual files - sif format"

    self classMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected classes as individual files - xml format"

    self classMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#xml

    "fileOut selected classes - standard format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutInWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected classes -  file format as specified by the argument:
	nil     - standard format
	#xml    - XML standard format
	#sif    - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
	#binary - ST/X binary format

    self fileOutClasses:(self selectedClasses value collect:[:each|each theNonMetaclass]) withFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil

    "fileOut selected classes - smalltalk interchange file format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected classes - XML file format"

    ^ self classMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#xml

    "create a visitor acceptor method"

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass |
	CodeGeneratorTool createAcceptVisitorMethodIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "Modified: / 11.10.2001 / 22:19:09 / cg"
    "Created: / 11.10.2001 / 22:26:08 / cg"

    "create access methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create access methods for instvars as ValueHolder.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create access methods for instvars as ValueHolder.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create access methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange:aBoolean asValueHolder:asValueHolder readersOnly:readersOnly writersOnly:writersOnly
    "create access methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


classMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange:aBoolean asValueHolder:asValueHolder readersOnly:readersOnly writersOnly:writersOnly lazyInitialization:lazyInitialization

    "create access methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass | 

	    names := self variableFilter value.
	    names size == 0 ifTrue:[
		names := eachClass instVarNames

    "Modified: / 18.8.1997 / 15:44:10 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.8.1998 / 18:17:18 / cg"

    "create access methods for instvars with lazy initialization in getters.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create application code methods"

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass |
	CodeGeneratorTool createApplicationCodeFor:eachClass theNonMetaclass 

    "create isXXX test- methods here and in subclasses"

    |cls subclasses|

    (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) isNil ifTrue:[
	self information:'You must select a single (abstract) superclass'.
	^ self.
    cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
    subclasses := cls subclasses.
    subclasses isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self information:'(Abstract) superclass ' , cls name , ' has no subclasses.'.
	^ self.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[ 
	CodeGeneratorTool createClassTypeTestMethodsIn:cls forClasses:subclasses

    "create documentation method from comment"

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass |

	cls := eachClass theMetaclass.
	(cls implements:#documentation) ifFalse:[
	    CodeGeneratorTool createDocumentationMethodFor:cls.
	    (cls implements:#documentation) ifTrue:[
		cls theNonMetaclass comment:nil

    "create documentation methods"

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass |

	metaClass := eachClass theMetaclass.

	CodeGeneratorTool createDocumentationMethodsFor:metaClass.

	"/ add examples method containing examples template
	"/ but only if not already present.
	CodeGeneratorTool createExamplesMethodFor:metaClass.

    "Modified: / 18.8.1997 / 15:44:10 / cg"
    "Created: / 7.8.1998 / 18:17:18 / cg"

    "create getter methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create a multi setter method for selected instvars."

    |cls vars|

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    vars := cls allInstVarNames
	    select:[:var | self selectedVariables value includes:var].

    CodeGeneratorTool createMultiSetterMethodFor:vars in:cls

    "create required protocol (all inherited subclassResponsibility methods)"

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass |
	CodeGeneratorTool createClassResponsibleProtocolFor:eachClass

    "create setter methods for instvars.
     If no variable is selected, for all instvars;
     otherwise for that selected instvar."


    "create new and initialize methods"

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass |
	CodeGeneratorTool createStandardInitializationMethodsIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "create a standard update method template"

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass |
	CodeGeneratorTool createUpdateMethodIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass

    "Modified: / 11.10.2001 / 22:19:09 / cg"

    "create visitor and visited methods"

    |visitorClassName visitorClass|

    visitorClassName := Dialog 
		    request:'Name of Visitor class'
		    initialAnswer:(LastVisitorClassName ? '')
		    okLabel:(resources string:'Create')
		    title:'Visitor class'
		    entryCompletionBlock:(self classNameEntryCompletionBlock).

    visitorClass := self classIfValidNonMetaClassName:visitorClassName.
    visitorClass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    LastVisitorClassName := visitorClassName.

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass |
	CodeGeneratorTool createVisitorMethodsIn:eachClass theNonMetaclass andVisitorClass:visitorClass

    "Modified: / 11.10.2001 / 22:19:09 / cg"
    "Created: / 11.10.2001 / 22:26:08 / cg"

    "show a classes hierarchy"

    self classMenuChangeAspect:#classHierarchy
    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:06:09 / cg"

    "reinit selected classes (kludge - for me)"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	(eachClass theMetaclass implements:#initialize) ifTrue:[
	    eachClass theNonMetaclass initialize.

    |classes toInspect|

    (classes := self selectedClasses value) size > 0 ifTrue:[
	classes := classes collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass].
	classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    toInspect := classes first.
	] ifFalse:[
	    toInspect := classes
	toInspect inspect

    "Modified: / 11.2.2000 / 10:09:34 / cg"

    |classes insts|

    classes := self selectedClasses value collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass].

    insts := OrderedCollection new.
    classes do:[:eachClass |
	insts addAll:(eachClass allSubInstances).

    insts size == 0 ifTrue:[
	self information:'No instances or subInstances.'
    ] ifFalse:[
	insts size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    insts first inspect.
	] ifFalse:[
	    insts inspect

    |classes insts|

    classes := self selectedClasses value collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass].

    insts := OrderedCollection new.
    classes do:[:eachClass |
	insts addAll:(eachClass allInstances).

    insts size == 0 ifTrue:[
	self information:'No instances.'
    ] ifFalse:[
	insts size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    insts first inspect.
	] ifFalse:[
	    insts inspect

    |classes insts|

    classes := self selectedClasses value collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass].

    insts := OrderedCollection new.
    ObjectMemory garbageCollect.
    ObjectMemory allObjectsDo:[:obj |
	(classes contains:[:cls | (obj referencesInstanceOf:cls)])
	    insts add:obj
    insts remove:(insts instVarAt:1) ifAbsent:nil.

    insts size == 0 ifTrue:[
	self information:'Noone references any instance of the selected class(es).'
    ] ifFalse:[
	insts size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    insts first inspect.
	] ifFalse:[
	    insts inspect

    "load selected classes"

    self classLoad


    "make the selected class(es) private in another class."

    |list newOwnerName newOwner currentClass supers subs newName classes|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
        currentClass := self selectedClasses value first
    supers := (currentClass allSuperclasses reverse collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    subs := (currentClass allSubclasses collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    list := supers.
    (supers notEmpty and:[subs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        list := list , (Array with:'---- ' , currentClass name , ' ----')
    list := list , subs.

    newOwnerName := Dialog 
                    request:(resources string:'Make private in which class:')
                    okLabel:(resources string:'OK')
                    title:(resources string:'Make class private')
                    entryCompletionBlock:(self classNameEntryCompletionBlock).
    newOwnerName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    (newOwnerName startsWith:'---- ') ifTrue:[^ self].

    newOwner := Smalltalk classNamed:newOwnerName.
    newOwner isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'No such class: ', newOwnerName.
        ^ self

    classes := self selectedClasses value.    
    classes do:[:eachClass |
        eachClass autoload.
        newName := newOwner name , '::' , eachClass nameWithoutPrefix.
        (Smalltalk classNamed:newName) notNil ifTrue:[
            (Smalltalk classNamed:newName) ~~ eachClass ifTrue:[
                self warn:'A class named ' , newName , ' already exists.'.
                ^ self
        (newOwner == eachClass) ifTrue:[
            self warn:'A class cannot be its own owner.'.
            ^ self
        (newOwner topOwningClass == eachClass) ifTrue:[
            self warn:'Cannot create mutual (cyclic) ownership.'.
            ^ self
    classes do:[:eachClass |
        newName := newOwner name , '::' , eachClass nameWithoutPrefix.
        Smalltalk renameClass:eachClass theNonMetaclass to:newName.
        eachClass theMetaclass setOwningClass:newOwner.

    "change a class from private to public;
     check if a public class with the same name exists,
     before doing this."

    |ns baseName|

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	baseName := eachClass nameWithoutPrefix.
	(ns := eachClass topOwningClass nameSpace) ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	    ns := Dialog confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'Make public in ''Smalltalk'' or in its nameSpace ''%1'' ?' with:ns name)
		    labels:(Array with:'Cancel' with:'In Smalltalk' with:'In ' , ns name)
		    values:(Array with:nil with:Smalltalk with:ns)
	    ns isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

	(ns classNamed:baseName) notNil ifTrue:[
	    self warn:(resources
			    string:'A public class named ''%1'' already exists in %2.\\Please remove/rename that one first,\or rename the private class ''%1'' here\and try again.'
			    with:baseName with:ns name) withCRs.
	    ^ self

	eachClass theNonMetaclass makePublicIn:ns

    "Modified: 3.7.1997 / 13:26:21 / cg"

    |allCategories box|

    allCategories := Smalltalk allClassCategories asArray sort.

    box := ListSelectionBox new.
    box title:(resources string:'Move class(es) to which category:').
    box list:allCategories.
    box okAction:[:sel | 
	self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    self moveSelectedClassesToCategory:sel
    box initialText:(LastCategoryRenames ? #('')) first.
    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
	|s what|

	s := contents withoutLeadingSeparators.
	what := Smalltalk classCategoryCompletion:s.
	box contents:what first.
	(what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	    self builder window beep
    box showAtPointer

    "Modified: / 17.11.2001 / 12:21:48 / cg"

    "change the package-id of the selected classes.
     Will eventually update the Project-object"

    |newNameSpace ns|

    newNameSpace := self askForNameSpace:'Move class(es) to which nameSpace:'.
    newNameSpace size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    ns := Smalltalk at:newNameSpace asSymbol.
    ns isNil ifTrue:[
	(self confirm:'No such NameSpace exists.\\Create ?' withCRs) ifFalse:[
	    ^ self
	ns := NameSpace name:newNameSpace asSymbol
    ] ifFalse:[
	ns isNameSpace ifFalse:[
	    self warn:'Not a NameSpace: ' , newNameSpace.
	    ^ self

    LastNameSpaceMove := newNameSpace.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	    |classToMove className doMove oldSym oldBaseSym|

	    classToMove := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
	    classToMove isPrivate ifTrue:[
		self warn:'Cannot move a private class - please move the owner.'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		classToMove nameSpace ~~ ns ifTrue:[
		    className := classToMove nameWithoutPrefix.

		    "/ check if the target already exists - confirm if so.
		    doMove := true.
		    (ns at:className asSymbol) notNil ifTrue:[
			doMove := self confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'Attention: a class named ''%1'' already present (in ''%2'' category).\\Move over it ?' 
						 with:className allBold
						 with:ns name allBold) withCRs.
			doMove isNil ifTrue:[
			    ^ self
		    doMove ifTrue:[
			oldSym := classToMove name asSymbol.
			oldBaseSym := classToMove nameWithoutPrefix asSymbol.

			"/ renaming is actually more complicated as one might
			"/ think (care for classVariables, privateClasses etc.)
			"/ Smalltalk knows all about that ...

			ns == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
			    Smalltalk renameClass:classToMove to:className asSymbol.
			] ifFalse:[
			    Smalltalk renameClass:classToMove to:(ns name , '::' , className) asSymbol.
			    ns changed.
			Smalltalk changed.

			Transcript showCR:('searching for users of ' , oldSym); endEntry.
			SystemBrowser browseReferendsOf:oldSym warnIfNone:false.
			oldBaseSym ~= oldSym ifTrue:[
			    Transcript showCR:('searching for users of ' , oldBaseSym); endEntry.
			    SystemBrowser browseReferendsOf:oldBaseSym warnIfNone:false

    "change the package-id of the selected classes.
     Will eventually update the Project-object"

    |newProject packages msg|

    packages := self selectedClasses value collect:[:each | each package].
    packages size == 1 ifTrue:[
	msg := resources string:'Move class(es) from ''%1'' to which project:'
			   with:packages first allBold.
    ] ifFalse:[
	msg := resources string:'Move class(es) to which project:'
    newProject := self askForProject:msg.
    newProject notNil ifTrue:[
	self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    self moveSelectedClassesToProject:newProject.

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 22:50:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.2.2000 / 23:03:01 / cg"

    "create a class-definition prototype for an application"

	in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'Applications') 

    self codeAspect:#newApplication.

    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    self classMenuNewClass:nil

    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    |theClass superClass cat|

    (theClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	(superClass := theClass theNonMetaclass superclass) notNil ifTrue:[    
	    theClass := superClass 
    ] ifFalse:[
	self javaMode ifTrue:[
	    theClass := Java at:'java.lang.Object'
	] ifFalse:[
	    theClass := Object.

    self hasCategorySelected ifTrue:[
	cat := self selectedCategoriesValue first
    ] ifFalse:[
	cat := Compiler defaultMethodCategory "/ '* As yet uncategorized *'


    "Modified: / 15.11.2001 / 18:01:04 / cg"

    "create a class-definition prototype for a dialog"

	in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'Applications - Dialogs') 

    self codeAspect:#newDialog.

    "create a class-definition prototype for an error class"

	in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'Errors') 

    self codeAspect:#newError.

    self classMenuNewClass:HaskellModule

    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    self classMenuNewClass:JavaScriptMetaclass

    "create a class-definition prototype for an exception class"

	in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'Exceptions') 

    self codeAspect:#newNotification.

    "create a class-definition prototype for a dialog"



    "create a class-definition template in codeview"

    |theClass cat|

    (theClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) isNil ifTrue:[
	self javaMode ifTrue:[
	    theClass := Java at:'java.lang.Object'
	theClass isNil ifTrue:[
	    theClass := Object.
    ] ifFalse:[
	theClass := theClass theNonMetaclass

    self hasCategorySelected ifTrue:[
	cat := self selectedCategoriesValue first
    ] ifFalse:[
	cat := theClass category.


    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:25:33 / cg"

    "create a class-definition prototype for a testCase"

    TestCase autoload.
	in:(self theSingleSelectedCategory ? 'TestCases') 

    self codeAspect:#newTestCase.

    "show the classes primitiveFunction in the codeView.
     Also, set accept action to change it."

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show ' , aspect , ' anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    self selectedMethods value:nil.
    self selectProtocols:nil.
	class:(self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass)

    "show the classes primitiveDefinition in the codeView.
     Also, set accept action to change it."

    self classMenuPrimitiveCode:#primitiveDefinitions 

    "show the classes primitiveFunction in the codeView.
     Also, set accept action to change it."

    self classMenuPrimitiveCode:#primitiveFunctions 

    "show the classes primitiveVariable in the codeView.
     Also, set accept action to change it."

    self classMenuPrimitiveCode:#primitiveVariables 

    self printOutClassesWithSelector:#printOutOn:

    self printOutClassesWithSelector:#printOutFullProtocolOn:

    self printOutClassesWithSelector:#printOutProtocolOn:

    "recompile selected classes (kludge - for me)"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	eachClass theNonMetaclass recompile.
	eachClass theMetaclass recompile.

    "remove the selected classes (and all of its subclasses)"

    ^ self classMenuRemoveAndPullUpSubclasses:false

    "remove the selected classes.
     If pullUpSubclasses is true, the classes subclasses are pulled up;
     otherwise, these are removed."

    |offerCancel offerYesToAll classesToRemove yesToAll|

    classesToRemove := OrderedCollection new.
    offerCancel := self selectedClasses value size > 1.
    offerYesToAll := self selectedClasses value size > 1.
	selectedClassesNonMetaDo:[:cls | 
		removingSubclasses:pullUpSubclasses not
	ifUnloaded:[:cls | 

	    yesToAll == true ifTrue:[
		answer :=  true
	    ] ifFalse:[
		offerYesToAll ifTrue:[
		    answer := OptionBox 
					    string:'Class ''%1'' is autoloaded - remove anyway ?'
					    with:cls name allBold)
				  label:(resources string:'Confirm')
				  form:(YesNoBox iconBitmap)
				  buttonLabels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'No' 'Yes' 'Yes to All'))
				  values:#(nil false true #yesToAll)
		    answer == #yesToAll ifTrue:[
			yesToAll := answer := true
		] ifFalse:[
		    answer := Dialog 
					    string:'Class ''%1'' is autoloaded - remove anyway ?'
					    with:cls name allBold)
		answer == nil ifTrue:[
		    ^ self    "/ cancelled
	    answer == true ifTrue:[
		    removingSubclasses:pullUpSubclasses not
	ifPrivate:[:cls | 
		removingSubclasses:pullUpSubclasses not

    classesToRemove notEmpty ifTrue:[
	self removeClasses:classesToRemove pullUpSubclasses:pullUpSubclasses

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 09:31:23 / cg"

    "rename the selected class"

    |currentClass box newNameString
     oldSym oldBaseSym cls newOwnerOrNameSpacePath nsOrOwner s nextWord t hardRename
     answer referingMethods refactoring browser|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass.

    box := self 
                                string:'Rename ''%1'' to:' 
                                with:currentClass name allBold) 
                label:'Rename class'.

    box initialText:(currentClass name).
    box action:[:aString | newNameString := aString].
    box showAtPointer.

    newNameString isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    newNameString = currentClass name ifTrue:[^ self].

    "/ extract owner or namespace, to see if this implies a change
    newOwnerOrNameSpacePath := OrderedCollection new.

    nsOrOwner := Smalltalk.
    s := newNameString readStream.
    [s atEnd] whileFalse:[
        nextWord := s nextAlphaNumericWord.
        [s peek == $_] whileTrue:[
            nextWord := nextWord , '_' , s nextAlphaNumericWord.
        s skipSeparators.
        s atEnd ifFalse:[
            nsOrOwner isNameSpace ifTrue:[
                t := nsOrOwner at:nextWord asSymbol
            ] ifFalse:[
                t := nsOrOwner privateClassesAt:nextWord asSymbol
            t isNil ifTrue:[
                self warn:('Name: ''' , newNameString , ''' specifies a non-existing NameSpace or Ownerclass.\\(no ''' , nextWord , ''' in ''' , nsOrOwner name , ')') withCRs.
                ^ self
            nsOrOwner := t.
            s peek == $. ifTrue:[
                s next.
            ] ifFalse:[
                s peek == $: ifTrue:[
                    s next.
                    s next ~= $: ifTrue:[
                        self warn:'Bad name: ''' , newNameString , ''' (either use ''.'' or ''::'' as nameSpace separator)'.
                        ^ self
    nsOrOwner isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:'Name ''' , newNameString , ''' specifies a non-existing NameSpace or Ownerclass'.
        ^ self

    hardRename := false.
    currentClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
        "/ check if the new name implies an owner-change
        hardRename := (nsOrOwner ~~ currentClass owningClass)
    ] ifFalse:[
        hardRename := (nsOrOwner ~~ currentClass nameSpace)
    hardRename ifTrue:[
        (self confirm:'New name implies a NameSpace or OwningClass change - is this what you want ?') ifFalse:[
            ^ self

    "/ check if the target already exists - confirm if so.

    (cls := Smalltalk classNamed:newNameString) notNil ifTrue:[
        (self confirm:(resources string:'Attention: a class named ''%1'' already present (in the ''%2'' category).\\Rename over it ?' 
                                 with:newNameString allBold
                                 with:cls category allBold) withCRs)
            ifFalse:[^ self]

    oldSym := currentClass name asSymbol.
    oldBaseSym := currentClass nameWithoutPrefix asSymbol.

    "/ renaming is actually more complicated as one might
    "/ think (care for classVariables, privateClasses etc.)
    "/ Smalltalk knows all about that ...

    Smalltalk renameClass:currentClass to:newNameString.
    Smalltalk changed.

    "/ check if the class has a repository container - warn about this if so
    currentClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
        currentClass revision notNil ifTrue:[
            (self confirm:(resources string:'Remove the (old) source container for ''%1'' in the repository ?' with:oldSym allBold))
                (self confirm:(resources string:'Create a new source container for ''%1'' ?' with:newNameString allBold))
                    SourceCodeManagerUtilities createSourceContainerForClass:(Smalltalk at:newNameString asSymbol)

"/    answer := OptionBox 
"/                      request:(resources string:'Search for / Change references to ''%1''' with:oldSym allBold)
"/                      label:'References to renamed class'
"/                      form:(YesNoBox iconBitmap)
"/                      buttonLabels:#('Search' 'Replace' 'cancel')
"/                      values:#(#search #replace false).
    answer := OptionBox 
                      request:(resources string:'Search for references to ''%1'' ?' "/ 'Search for references to ''%1'' (and rewrite as ''%2'') ?' 
                                           with:oldSym allBold 
                                           with:newNameString allBold)
                      label:'References to renamed class'
                      buttonLabels:#('No' 'Search' " 'Search & Replace' ")
                      values:#(false #search " #replace ")
                      default:#search "#replace "

    (answer ~~ false) ifTrue:[
        self busyLabel:('searching for users of ' , oldSym).
        referingMethods := IdentitySet new.
        Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
            eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
                ((mthd refersToLiteral:oldSym) "/ (mthd referencesGlobal:oldSym) 
                or:[oldBaseSym ~= oldSym and:[(mthd refersToLiteral:oldBaseSym) "(mthd referencesGlobal:oldBaseSym)"]]) ifTrue:[
                    referingMethods add:mthd
        self normalLabel.
        referingMethods isEmpty ifTrue:[
            self information:'No references found.'.
            ^ self

    answer == #search ifTrue:[
        browser := self spawnMethodBrowserFor:referingMethods in:#newBuffer label:('Methods referring to ' , oldSym).
    ] ifFalse:[
        answer == #replace ifTrue:[
            refactoring := RenameClassRefactoring renameClassNamed:oldSym to:newNameString.
            browser := self spawnMethodBrowserFor:referingMethods in:#newBuffer label:('Methods referring to ' , oldSym).
            self halt:'automatic rewrite not yet implemented'.
    browser notNil ifTrue:[
        browser autoSearch:oldBaseSym.

    "write classes documentation to a file"

	    [:cls | 
		self saveClassDocumentationFor:cls  
	    [:cls |
	    [:cls |

    "remove the selected classes (and all of its subclasses)"

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifFalse:[
	^ self warn:'Sorry - need refactoring support for this function'.
    ^ self classMenuRemoveAndPullUpSubclasses:true

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all subclasses"

    self spawnWithAllSubclassesIn:#newBuffer

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all superclasses"

    self spawnWithAllSuperclassesIn:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer showing references to any of the selected classes or any of its subclasses"

    self spawnClassOrSubclassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedClasses value) in:#newBuffer 

    "add a new buffer showing the selected classes projects"

    self spawnClassProjectsBrowserFor:(self selectedClasses value) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 19:12:33 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing references to any of the selected classes"

    self spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedClasses value) in:#newBuffer 

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes only"

    self spawnClassBrowserFor:(self selectedClasses value) in:#newBrowser 

    "add a buffer showing the selected classes only"

    self spawnClassBrowserFor:(self selectedClasses value) in:#newBuffer 

    "open a new browser showing references to the selected classes or any of its subclass"

    self spawnClassOrSubclassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedClasses value) in:#newBrowser 

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes projects"

    self spawnClassProjectsBrowserFor:(self selectedClasses value) in:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 19:12:14 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing references to the selected classes "

    self spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:(self selectedClasses value) in:#newBrowser 

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all subclasses"

    self spawnWithAllSubclassesIn:#newBrowser

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all superclasses"

    self spawnWithAllSuperclassesIn:#newBrowser

    self classListApp forceUpdateList

classTemplateFor:aSuperClass in:categoryString asNamespace:asNameSpace private:isPrivateWanted metaClassUsed:metaClassUsedOrNil
    "return a class definition template - be smart in what is offered initially"

    |cat name nameProto namePrefix nameUsed i existingNames withNameSpaceDirective
     className ownerName s currentNamespace currentClass nsTemplate
     selectedNamespaces isPrivate ownerClass superclassesNamespace|

    metaClassUsedOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
	^ metaClassUsedOrNil 

    currentClass := self currentClass.

    isPrivate := isPrivateWanted.
    isPrivate ifTrue:[
	ownerClass := currentClass.
	ownerClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    ownerClass := ownerClass theNonMetaclass.
    aSuperClass isPrivate ifTrue:[
	isPrivate := true.
	ownerClass := aSuperClass theNonMetaclass owningClass

    (aSuperClass notNil and:[aSuperClass isJavaClass not]) ifFalse:[
	(self javaMode 
	or:[aSuperClass notNil and:[aSuperClass isJavaClass]])
	    ^ self javaClassTemplateFor:aSuperClass in:categoryString private:isPrivate

    nsTemplate := ''.

    self organizerMode value ~~ #namespace ifTrue:[
	(aSuperClass notNil
	and:[(superclassesNamespace := aSuperClass nameSpace) ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
	    (superclassesNamespace isNameSpace 
	    or:[superclassesNamespace ~~ ownerClass]) ifTrue:[
		nsTemplate := superclassesNamespace name , '::'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	(selectedNamespaces := self selectedNamespaces value) size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    selectedNamespaces size == 1 ifTrue:[
		selectedNamespaces first ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[
		    currentNamespace := Smalltalk at:selectedNamespaces first asSymbol.

    s := TextStream on:''.

    asNameSpace ifTrue:[
	s nextPutLine:'NameSpace name:''' , nsTemplate , 'NewNameSpace'''.
	s cr.
	s emphasis:(UserPreferences current commentEmphasisAndColor).
	s nextPutAll:'"
 Replace ''NewNameSpace'' by the desired name.

 Create the namespace by ''accepting'',
 either via the menu or the keyboard (usually CMD-A).
	^ s contents.

    currentNamespace isNil ifTrue:[
	currentNamespace := self currentNamespace.
    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	currentClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.

    withNameSpaceDirective :=
	currentNamespace notNil 
	and:[currentNamespace ~= (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)
	and:[currentNamespace ~= Smalltalk]].

    withNameSpaceDirective ifTrue:[
	className := aSuperClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
	s nextPutAll:('"{ NameSpace: ''' , currentNamespace name , ''' }"').
	s cr; cr.
    ] ifFalse:[    
	className := aSuperClass name.

    nsTemplate := ''.
    withNameSpaceDirective ifFalse:[    
	self organizerMode value ~~ #namespace ifTrue:[
	    (aSuperClass notNil
	    and:[(superclassesNamespace := aSuperClass nameSpace) ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
		(superclassesNamespace isNameSpace 
		or:[superclassesNamespace ~~ ownerClass]) ifTrue:[
		    nsTemplate := superclassesNamespace name , '::'.

    cat := categoryString.
    (cat isNil or:[cat startsWith:$*]) ifTrue:[
	cat := Compiler defaultMethodCategory "/ '** As yet uncategorized **'

    ((aSuperClass == SimpleDialog) or:[aSuperClass isSubclassOf:SimpleDialog]) ifTrue:[
	nameProto := 'NewDialog'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	((aSuperClass == ApplicationModel) or:[aSuperClass isSubclassOf:ApplicationModel]) ifTrue:[
	    nameProto := 'NewApplication'.    
	] ifFalse:[
	    aSuperClass == TestCase ifTrue:[
		nameProto := 'NewTestCase'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		aSuperClass == Error ifTrue:[
		    nameProto := 'NewError'.
		] ifFalse:[
		    aSuperClass == Exception ifTrue:[
			nameProto := 'NewException'.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			nameProto := 'NewClass'.

    i := 1.

    isPrivate ifTrue:[
	namePrefix := ownerClass name , '::'.
	existingNames := ownerClass privateClasses.
	existingNames size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    existingNames := existingNames collect:[:cls | cls name].
    ] ifFalse:[
	namePrefix := ''.
	existingNames := Smalltalk keys

    name := nsTemplate , nameProto , i printString.
    existingNames notNil ifTrue:[
	nameUsed := namePrefix , name.
	[nameUsed knownAsSymbol and:[existingNames includes:nameUsed asSymbol]] whileTrue:[
	    i := i + 1.
	    name := nsTemplate , nameProto , i printString.
	    nameUsed := namePrefix , name

    s emphasis:#bold.   
    s nextPutAll:className.
    s emphasis:nil.

    s nextPutAll:' subclass: '.
    s emphasis:#bold.   
    s nextPutAll:name asSymbol storeString.
    s emphasis:nil.
    s cr.

    s nextPutLine:'    instanceVariableNames: '''''.
    s nextPutLine:'    classVariableNames: '''''.
    s nextPutLine:'    poolDictionaries: '''''.
    isPrivate ifTrue:[
	withNameSpaceDirective ifTrue:[
	    ownerName := ownerClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix
	] ifFalse:[
	    ownerName := ownerClass name
	s nextPutAll:'    privateIn: ' , ownerName
    ] ifFalse:[
	s nextPutAll:'    category: '''.
	cat notNil ifTrue:[
	    cat printWithQuotesDoubledOn:s
	s nextPutAll: ''''

    s cr; cr.
    s emphasis:(UserPreferences current commentEmphasisAndColor).
    s nextPutAll:'
 Replace ''' , className , ''', ''', name , ''' and
 the empty string arguments by true values.

 Install (or change) the class by ''accepting'',
 either via the menu or the keyboard (usually CMD-A).

 You can also change the category simply by editing 
 the categoryString and accepting.

 To be nice to others (and yourself later), do not forget to
 add some documentation; preferably under the classes documentation
 (see the `create documentation stubs'' item in the methodList menu;
  switch from instance to class to find this menu item.)

 Notice, that ST/X uses the convention to document the class using
 comment-only class methods (however, ST80 comments are supported and
 can be changed via the class-documentation menu).

    ^ s contents

    "Created: / 23.12.1996 / 12:46:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:48:53 / cg"

doCompareClass:class1 withClass:class2
    "open a diff-textView comparing the two classes (useful when refactoring)."

    |lbl1 lbl2| 

    (class1 isLoaded not or:[class2 isLoaded not]) ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
	^ self.

    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

    lbl1 := class1 name.
    lbl2 := class2 name.

    (UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass)
	  title:('comparing ' , lbl1 , ' against ' , lbl2)
	  ifSame:[ self information:'sources are identical' ].

    self normalLabel.

doCopyClass:aClass as:newClassName privateIn:ownerOrNil
	ignore:(IdentitySet new)

doCopyClass:aClass as:newClassName privateIn:ownerOrNil ignore:setOfClassesToIgnore
    |newClass newMetaclass sel realNewClassName privateClassesBefore|

    privateClassesBefore := aClass privateClasses.

    ownerOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
	sel := aClass definitionSelector.
	realNewClassName := newClassName asSymbol.
    ] ifFalse:[
	sel := aClass definitionSelectorPrivate.
	realNewClassName := (ownerOrNil name , '::' , newClassName) asSymbol.

    newClass := aClass superclass 
		with:newClassName asSymbol                
		with:aClass instanceVariableString                                "/ instanceVariableNames:      
		with:aClass classVariableString                                   "/ classVariableNames: 
		with:''                                                           "/ poolDictionaries:    
		with:(ownerOrNil ifNil:[aClass category] ifNotNil:[ownerOrNil]).  "/ category: or privateIn:

    newClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self error:'Internal class-definition error (should not happen)' mayProceed:true.
	^ self.

    newMetaclass := newClass class.
    newMetaclass instanceVariableNames:(aClass class instanceVariableString).

    "/ sigh - must refetch in case of changed instVars.
    newClass := Smalltalk at:realNewClassName.
    newMetaclass := newClass class.

    aClass methodDictionary 
	keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd | 
	    newClass compile:(mthd source) classified:(mthd category)
    aClass class methodDictionary 
	keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
	    "/ skip the version method (to avoid confusing the repository)
	    sel ~~ #version ifTrue:[
		newMetaclass compile:(mthd source) classified:(mthd category)
    setOfClassesToIgnore add:newClass.

    privateClassesBefore do:[:eachPrivateClass |
	(setOfClassesToIgnore includes:eachPrivateClass) ifFalse:[
		as:(eachPrivateClass nameWithoutPrefix) 

    (newMetaclass implements:#initialize) ifTrue:[
	newClass initialize.
    newClass package:(Class packageQuerySignal query).
    ^ newClass

doMoveMethodsOfClass:aClass fromProject:oldProject toProject:newProject
    |movedInstMethods movedClassMethods|

    movedInstMethods := OrderedCollection new.
    movedClassMethods := OrderedCollection new.

    aClass theNonMetaclass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
	mthd package = oldProject ifTrue:[
	    mthd setPackage:newProject.
	    movedInstMethods add:mthd.
    aClass theMetaclass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
	mthd package = oldProject ifTrue:[
	    mthd setPackage:newProject.
	    movedClassMethods add:mthd.

    movedInstMethods notEmpty ifTrue:[
	aClass theNonMetaclass changed:#projectOrganization.
	Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization with:(Array with:aClass theNonMetaclass with:movedInstMethods). 
    movedClassMethods notEmpty ifTrue:[
	aClass theMetaclass changed:#projectOrganization.
	Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization with:(Array with:aClass theMetaclass with:movedClassMethods). 

    ^ self doRemoveClass:aClass withCancel:true

fileOutClass:aClass askForFile:doAsk withCancelAll:withCancelAll
    "fileOut a class."

    ^ self

fileOutClass:aClass askForFile:doAsk withCancelAll:withCancelAll format:formatSymbolOrNil sourceMode:sourceMode
    "fileOut a class."

    |fileBox saveName dir stillAsking cancelAll cancelAllButton suffix|

    suffix := self fileSuffixForFormat:formatSymbolOrNil.
    formatSymbolOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
	saveName := aClass theNonMetaclass name , '.' , suffix.

    stillAsking := doAsk.

    [stillAsking] whileTrue:[
	fileBox := FileSelectionBox
			title:(resources string:'FileOut ''%1'' as:' with:aClass name allBold)
			okText:(resources string:'FileOut')
			abortText:(resources string:'Cancel')
			action:[:fileName | saveName := fileName].

	withCancelAll ifTrue:[
	    cancelAllButton := Button label:(resources string:'Cancel All').
	    fileBox addButton:cancelAllButton before:fileBox cancelButton.
	    cancelAllButton action:[
					cancelAll := true.
					fileBox doAccept.
					fileBox okPressed.

	fileBox initialText:((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass) , '.' , suffix).
	dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
	dir notNil ifTrue:[
	    fileBox directory:dir.
	fileBox showAtPointer.
	fileBox destroy.

	fileBox accepted ifFalse:[
	    ^ self

	cancelAll == true ifTrue:[
	    AbortSignal raise

	saveName isNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ self

	saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[       "/ can no longer happen ...
	    (self confirm:'bad name given - try again ?') ifFalse:[
		^ self.
	    stillAsking := true.
	] ifFalse:[
	    FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).
	    stillAsking := false.

    self busyLabel:'saving %1' with:aClass name.
    self withCursor:Cursor write do:[
	Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	    self warn:'cannot fileOut: %1\(%2)' with:aClass name with:ex description.
	    self normalLabel.
	    ex return.
	] do:[
	    formatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
		SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager newForFileOut
			fileName: saveName;
			addClass: aClass;
	    ] ifFalse:[
		formatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
		    saveName notNil ifTrue:[
			aClass fileOutXMLAs:saveName.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			aClass fileOutXML.
		] ifFalse:[
		    formatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
			aClass binaryFileOutOn:(saveName asFilename writeStream binary) sourceMode:sourceMode
		    ] ifFalse:[
			saveName notNil ifTrue:[
			    aClass fileOutAs:saveName.
			] ifFalse:[
			    aClass fileOut.
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 12.11.2001 / 18:53:29 / cg"

fileOutClasses:aBunchOfClasses withFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil 
    "fileOut some classes as individual files; ask for directory"


    dirName := self 
		askForDirectoryToFileOut:(resources string:'fileOut %1 class(es) in:'
			with:aBunchOfClasses size)
    dirName isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self

fileOutEachClass:aCollectionOfClasses in:aDirectory withFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil 
    "fileOut a bunch of classes as individual files into some directory"

    |savedClasses privateClasses owningClasses unsavedOwners answer|

    privateClasses := aCollectionOfClasses 
		select:[:eachClass | eachClass isPrivate].
    savedClasses := (aCollectionOfClasses 
		select:[:eachClass | eachClass isPrivate not]) asIdentitySet.
    owningClasses := (privateClasses 
		collect:[:eachPrivateClass | eachPrivateClass topOwningClass]) 
    unsavedOwners := owningClasses copy.
    unsavedOwners removeAllFoundIn:savedClasses.
    unsavedOwners notEmpty ifTrue:[
	answer := self 
		    confirmWithCancel:'Private classes are saved with their owningClasses;\\Save owners as well ?' 
	answer isNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	answer == true ifTrue:[
	    savedClasses addAll:unsavedOwners
    savedClasses do:[:eachClass | 

	eachClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
	    self busyLabel:'saving: %1' with:eachClass name.
	    Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex | 
			warn:'cannot fileOut: %1\(%2)\\skipped.'
			with:eachClass name allBold
			with:ex description.
		    self normalLabel.
		    ex return
		    fn := (Smalltalk fileNameForClass:eachClass) , '.st'.
		    eachClass fileOutAs:(aDirectory asFilename constructString:fn)
    self normalLabel

moveClasses:classes toCategory:newCategory
    "change the class-category of the given classes"

    classes do:[:aClass |
	"/ must be loaded ...
	aClass theNonMetaclass autoload
    classes do:[:eachClass |

	cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
	cls isPrivate ifFalse:[
	    Smalltalk changeCategoryOf:cls to:newCategory.

    LastCategoryRenames isNil ifTrue:[
	LastCategoryRenames := OrderedCollection new.
    LastCategoryRenames remove:newCategory ifAbsent:nil.
    LastCategoryRenames addFirst:newCategory.
    LastCategoryRenames size > 10 ifTrue:[
	LastCategoryRenames removeLast.

moveClasses:classes toProject:newProject
    "change the packageID of the given classes
     (and optionally the packageID of any methods (if they are from different packages)"

    |anyClassMoved anyMethodMoved|

    anyClassMoved := false.
    anyMethodMoved := false.
    classes do:[:eachClass |
	|oldProject theClass|

	theClass := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
	(oldProject := theClass package) ~= newProject ifTrue:[
	    theClass package:newProject.
	    self doMoveMethodsOfClass:theClass fromProject:oldProject toProject:newProject.
	    theClass allPrivateClassesDo:[:eachPrivateClass |
		self doMoveMethodsOfClass:eachPrivateClass fromProject:oldProject toProject:newProject.
	    theClass changed:#package.
	    Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization with:(Array with:theClass with:oldProject).
	    anyClassMoved := true.
	theClass hasExtensions ifTrue:[
	    (self confirm:(resources string:'%1 has extensions in other packages - move those methods as well ?' with:theClass name))
		theClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :eachMethod | 
		    eachMethod package ~= newProject ifTrue:[
			eachMethod package:newProject.
			anyMethodMoved := true.
		anyMethodMoved ifTrue:[
		    theClass changed:#projectOrganization.
		    theClass theMetaclass changed:#projectOrganization.
		    Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization with:(Array with:theClass with:oldProject).
    anyClassMoved ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization.
    self rememberLastProjectMoveTo:newProject

    "Modified: / 17.2.2000 / 23:04:18 / cg"

    "change the class-category of the selected classes"

    self moveClasses:(self selectedClasses value) toCategory:newCategory

    "change the packageID of the selected classes
     (and optionally the packageID of any methods (if they are from different packages)"

    self moveClasses:(self selectedClasses value) toProject:newProject

    "show a classes documentation (i.e. open doc-View on it)"

    Autoload autoloadFailedSignal handle:[:ex |
	self warn:'autoload failed.

Check your source directory and/or 
the abbreviation file for the classes (correct) shortened name.'.
	ex return.
    ] do:[
	|text v|

	text := HTMLDocGenerator htmlDocOf:aClass.
	text notNil ifTrue:[
	    v := HTMLDocumentView
		    inDirectory:(Smalltalk getSystemFileName:'doc/online/english/classDoc').
	    v nameSpaceForExecution:(aClass nameSpace).

printOutClass:aClass withSelector:aSelector

    printStream := Printer new.
    aClass perform:aSelector with:printStream.
    printStream close

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass | 
	self printOutClass:eachClass withSelector:aSelector

removeClasses:classesToRemove pullUpSubclasses:pullUpSubclasses
    "remove the selected classes (and all of its subclasses) without confirmation"

    |numClasses change nm|

    classesToRemove size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	self canUseRefactoringSupport ifFalse:[
	    classesToRemove do:[:each |
		each removeFromSystem.
	    ^ self.

	pullUpSubclasses ifTrue:[
	    classesToRemove do:[:eachClass |
		self performRefactoring:(RemoveClassRefactoring className:eachClass name). 
	] ifFalse:[
	    numClasses := classesToRemove size.
	    numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
		numClasses == 2 ifTrue:[
		    nm := 'Remove ', classesToRemove first theNonMetaclass name , ' and ' , classesToRemove second theNonMetaclass name
		] ifFalse:[
		    nm := 'Remove ', numClasses printString , ' classes'
	    ] ifFalse:[
		nm := 'Remove ', classesToRemove first theNonMetaclass name
	    change := CompositeRefactoryChange named:nm.
	    classesToRemove do:[:eachClass |
		change removeClass:eachClass      
	    RefactoryChangeManager performChange:change

    "run selected testcases."

	self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |

	    cls := eachClass.
	    cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
		cls := eachClass autoload.
	    cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
	    ((cls isSubclassOf:TestCase)
	    and:[cls isAbstract not]) ifTrue:[
		self busyLabel:'running test %1 ...' with:cls name.
		cls runTests.
    ] ensure:[
	self normalLabel.

    "save a classes documentation to a file"

    Autoload autoloadFailedSignal handle:[:ex |
	self warn:'autoload failed.

Check your source directory and/or 
the abbreviation file for the classes (correct) shortened name.'.
	ex return.
    ] do:[
	|fileBox dir saveName|

	fileBox := FileSelectionBox
			title:(resources string:'save HTML doc of ''%1'' as:' with:aClass name)
			okText:(resources string:'save')
			abortText:(resources string:'cancel')
			action:[:fileName | saveName := fileName].
	fileBox initialText:((Smalltalk fileNameForClass:aClass) , '.html').
	dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
	dir notNil ifTrue:[
	    fileBox directory:dir.
	fileBox showAtPointer.
	fileBox destroy.
	saveName isNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[
	    self warn:'bad name given'.
	    ^ self
	FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).

	self saveClassDocumentationFor:aClass as:saveName

saveClassDocumentationFor:aClass as:aFileName
    "save a classes documentation to a file"

    |text f|

    text := HTMLDocGenerator htmlDocOf:aClass.
    text notNil ifTrue:[
	f := aFileName asFilename writeStream.
	f nextPutAll:text asString.
	f close.

spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:where
    "browse selected class(es);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"


    allClasses := OrderedCollection new.
    classes do:[:eachClass |
	eachClass withAllPrivateClassesDo:[:everyClass |
	    allClasses add:everyClass
    ^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:allClasses in:where select:true

spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:where select:doSelect
    "browse selected class(es);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    ^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes label:nil in:where select:doSelect

spawnClassBrowserFor:classes label:labelOrNil in:where select:doSelectIn
    "browse selected class(es);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    |spec meta allClasses selectedClasses selectedProtocols selectedMethods
     singleSelection singleClass doSelect|

    doSelect := doSelectIn.
    (singleSelection := (classes size == 1)) ifTrue:[
	spec := #singleClassBrowserSpec.
	singleClass := classes first.
	meta := singleClass isMeta.
	doSelect := true.
    ] ifFalse:[
	spec := #multipleClassBrowserSpec.
	meta := self meta value.

    allClasses := classes collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass].
    doSelect ifTrue:[
	selectedClasses := classes copy.
	navigationState notNil ifTrue:[
	    selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value copy.
	    selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value copy.
	    (selectedMethods size > 0
	    and:[ selectedProtocols size == 0 ]) ifTrue:[
		selectedProtocols := (selectedMethods collect:[:each | each category]) asSet asOrderedCollection    

    ^ self 
	setupWith:[:brwsr |
	    brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
	    brwsr classListGenerator value:allClasses.
	    brwsr meta value:meta.
	    doSelect ifTrue:[
		brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses.
		selectedProtocols size > 0 ifTrue:[
		    brwsr selectProtocols:selectedProtocols.
		brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods.
	    brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

	    "/ kludge - enforce generator update when meta changes
	    brwsr meta onChangeEvaluate:[ brwsr classListGenerator changed ].

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:54:08 / cg"

spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl
    "browse some class(es);
	openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
	openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

	and sortByWhat is:
	or  #class

    ^ self
	sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl

    "Modified: / 2.11.2001 / 09:57:35 / cg"

spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock spec:spec sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl
    "browse some class(es);
	openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
	openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

	and sortByWhat is:
	or  #class

    ^ self 
	sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl 

    "Modified: / 2.11.2001 / 09:58:01 / cg"

spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock spec:spec sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl autoSelectIfOne:doAutoSelectIfOne
    "browse some class(es);
	openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
	openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

	and sortByWhat is:
	or  #class

    ^ self
	sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl 
	autoSelectIfOne:doAutoSelectIfOne callBack:nil

    "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 09:36:13 / cg"

spawnClassBrowserForSearch:searchBlock spec:spec sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl autoSelectIfOne:doAutoSelectIfOne callBack:callBack
    "browse some class(es);
	openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
	openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

	and sortByWhat is:
	or  #class


    initialList := searchBlock value.
    initialList size == 0 ifTrue:[
	self warn:(lbl , ' - none found.').
	^ nil

    ^ self 
	setupWith:[:brwsr | 
	    |generator theClassList|

	    generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
					    initialList size > 0 ifTrue:[
						theClassList := initialList.
						initialList := nil
					    ] ifFalse:[
						theClassList isNil ifTrue:[
						    theClassList := searchBlock value.
					    theClassList do:[:aClass |
						whatToDo value:aClass 
					    theClassList := nil.

	    sortByWhat notNil ifTrue:[brwsr sortBy value:sortByWhat].
	    brwsr classListGenerator value:generator.
	    "/ auto-select the first class, if there is only one

	    callBack notNil ifTrue:[callBack value:brwsr].
	    initialList isNil ifTrue:[
		"/ newBuffer will evaluate the generator later;
		"/ newBrowser might have it already evaluated ... (sigh)
		initialList := theClassList := searchBlock value
	    (doAutoSelectIfOne and:[initialList size == 1]) ifTrue:[
		brwsr selectClasses:initialList.
		brwsr classSelectionChanged.

    "Modified: / 3.11.2001 / 14:11:05 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.11.2001 / 09:35:52 / cg"

spawnClassOrSubclassReferencesBrowserFor:aCollectionOfClasses in:openHow
    "add a buffer/open a new browser showing references to selected classes and their subclasses"

    |lbl searchBlock cachedList brwsr singleClassName|

    aCollectionOfClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
	singleClassName := aCollectionOfClasses first theNonMetaclass name.
	lbl := 'References to ' , singleClassName , ' and its subclasses'
    ] ifFalse:[
	lbl := 'References to classes and their subclasses'

    searchBlock := [

	cachedList notNil ifTrue:[
	    allRefs := cachedList.
	    cachedList := nil.
	] ifFalse:[
	    allRefs := IdentitySet new.
	    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClassInQuestion | 
		|syms refsHere|

		syms := eachClassInQuestion theNonMetaclass withAllSubclasses collect:[:cls | cls name].
		refsHere := self class 
			findMethodsIn:(Smalltalk allClasses) 
			where:[:cls :mthd :sel |   |mSource|
				    "/ kludge: Lazy methods do not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
				    mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
					mSource := mthd source.
					(mSource notNil
					and:[(syms contains:[:sym | (mSource includesString:sym)])
					     usedGlobals := mthd usedGlobals.
					     syms contains:[:sym | usedGlobals includes:sym]]])
				    ] ifFalse:[
					((syms contains:[:sym | mthd referencesLiteral:sym])
					     usedGlobals := mthd usedGlobals.
					     syms contains:[:sym | usedGlobals includes:sym]])
		allRefs addAll:refsHere.

    (cachedList := searchBlock value) isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self information:(lbl , ' - none found').
	^ self

    brwsr := self spawnMethodBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:#class in:openHow label:lbl.
    brwsr notNil ifTrue:[
	singleClassName notNil ifTrue:[
	    brwsr autoSearchPattern:singleClassName ignoreCase:false.

spawnClassProjectsBrowserFor:aCollectionOfClasses in:openHow
    "add a buffer / open a new browser showing the selected classes projects"


    projects := Set new.
    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClass |
	projects add:eachClass package.
	eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | projects add:(mthd package)].
    self spawnProjectBrowserFor:projects in:openHow

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:25:11 / cg"

spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:aCollectionOfClasses in:openHow
    "add a buffer/open a new browser showing references to selected classes"

    |lbl searchBlock cachedList brwsr singleClassName|

    aCollectionOfClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
	singleClassName := aCollectionOfClasses first theNonMetaclass name.
	lbl := 'References to ' , singleClassName
    ] ifFalse:[
	lbl := 'References to classes'

    searchBlock := [

	cachedList notNil ifTrue:[
	    allRefs := cachedList.
	    cachedList := nil.
	] ifFalse:[
	    allRefs := IdentitySet new.
	    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClassInQuestion | 
		|sym refsHere|

		sym := eachClassInQuestion theNonMetaclass name.
		refsHere := self class 
			findMethodsIn:(Smalltalk allClasses) 
			where:[:cls :mthd :sel |   |mSource|
				    "/ kludge: Lazy methods do not include symbols in the literal array - sigh
				    mthd isLazyMethod ifTrue:[
					mSource := mthd source.
					(mSource notNil
					and:[(mSource includesString:sym)
					and:[mthd usedGlobals includes:sym]])
				    ] ifFalse:[
					((mthd referencesLiteral:sym)
					 and:[mthd usedGlobals includes:sym])
		allRefs addAll:refsHere.

    self withSearchCursorDo:[
	cachedList := searchBlock value.
    cachedList isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self information:(lbl , ' - none found').
	^ self

    brwsr := self spawnMethodBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:#class in:openHow label:lbl.
    brwsr notNil ifTrue:[
	singleClassName notNil ifTrue:[
	    brwsr autoSearchPattern:singleClassName ignoreCase:false.

spawnMultipleClassBrowserFor:classes sortBy:sortHow in:where
    "browse selected class(es);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

     "/ selectedClasses selectedProtocols selectedMethods

    allClasses := classes collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass].
"/    selectedClasses := classes copy.
"/    selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value copy.
"/    selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value copy.

    ^ self 
	setupWith:[:brwsr |
	    brwsr sortBy value:sortHow.
	    brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
	    brwsr classListGenerator value:allClasses.

	    brwsr meta value:(self meta value).
"/            brwsr selectClasses:selectedClasses.
"/            brwsr selectProtocols:selectedProtocols.
"/            brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods.

	    "/ kludge - enforce generator update when meta changes
	    brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.
	    brwsr meta onChangeEvaluate:[ brwsr classListGenerator changed ].

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:54:08 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all subclasses"

    |all allOrdered brwsr|

    all := IdentitySet new.
    allOrdered := OrderedCollection new.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:each |
	each theNonMetaclass withAllSubclasses do:[:eachClass |
	    (all includesIdentical:eachClass) ifFalse:[
		all add:eachClass.
		allOrdered add:eachClass

    (all removeAllFoundIn:self selectedClasses value; yourself) isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self information:'No additional subclasses (same as selected).'.
	^ self
    brwsr := self spawnMultipleClassBrowserFor:allOrdered sortBy:#doNotSort in:how.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 15:58:35 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing the selected classes with all superclasses"

    |all allOrdered brwsr|

    all := IdentitySet new.
    allOrdered := OrderedCollection new.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:each |
	each theNonMetaclass withAllSuperclasses reverse do:[:eachClass |
	    (all includesIdentical:eachClass) ifFalse:[
		all add:eachClass.
		allOrdered add:eachClass
    (all removeAllFoundIn:(self selectedClasses value); yourself) isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self information:'No additional superclasses (same as selected).'.
	^ self
    brwsr := self spawnMultipleClassBrowserFor:allOrdered sortBy:#doNotSort in:how.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 15:58:49 / cg"

    "create a multi setter method for selected instvars."

    self classMenuGenerateMultiSetterMethod
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-class repository'!

checkInClass:aClass withLog:logMessageOrNil withCheck:doCheck
    "check a class into the source repository.
     If logMessageOrNil isNil, ask for one."

    SourceCodeManagerUtilities checkinClass:aClass withLog:logMessageOrNil withCheck:doCheck.

checkInClasses:aCollectionOfClasses withLog:logMessageOrNil withCheck:doCheck
    "check a bunch of classes into the source repository.
     If logMessageOrNil isNil, ask for one."

    SourceCodeManagerUtilities checkinClasses:aCollectionOfClasses withLog:logMessageOrNil withCheck:doCheck.

checkOutClass:aClass askForRevision:askForRevision
    "check-out a single class from the source repository.
     Offer a chance to either merge-in a version, or overload the current version.
     If askForRevision is false, fetch the newest revision(s),
     otherwise ask for the revision."

	checkoutClass:aClass askForRevision:askForRevision askForMerge:true.

checkOutClasses:classes askForRevision:askForRevision
    "check-out a bunch of classes from the source repository.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.
     If askForRevision is false, fetch the newest revision(s),
     otherwise ask for the revision.


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckOut anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    classes isEmpty ifTrue:[
	^ self

    alreadyCheckedOut := IdentitySet new.

    Object abortAllSignal handle:[:ex |
	ex return.
    ] do:[
		[:cls | 

		  UserInformation handle:[:ex |
		       classes size > 1 ifTrue:[
			   Transcript showCR:ex description.
		       ] ifFalse:[
			   Dialog information:ex description
		       ex proceed.
		  ] do:[
		       self checkOutClass:cls askForRevision:askForRevision.
		       alreadyCheckedOut add:cls.
		[:cls | true]
		[:cls | |owner answer|

		    owner := cls topOwningClass.
		    (alreadyCheckedOut includes:owner) ifFalse:[
			(self selectedClasses value includes:owner) ifFalse:[
			    answer := Dialog 
					confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'Cannot checkOut private class: %1\\Shall the owner ''%2'' be checked out ?'
									  with:cls nameWithoutPrefix allBold
									  with:owner name) withCRs
			    answer == nil ifTrue:[
				Object abortAllSignal    "/ cancel
			    answer == true ifTrue:[
				self checkOutClass:owner askForRevision:askForRevision.
				alreadyCheckedOut add:owner.
    self normalLabel.

    "check a class into the source repository (with checks)"

    ^ self classMenuCheckIn:(UserPreferences current at:#checkClassesWhenCheckingIn ifAbsent:true)

    "check a class into the source repository.
     If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
     the class (which may take some time with huge classes). 
     Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

    ^ self
	classes:(self selectedClasses value)

classMenuCheckIn:doCheck classes:classesSelected
    "check a class into the source repository.
     If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
     the class (which may take some time with huge classes). 
     Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.

    |classesToCheckIn answer log|

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckIn (without that modification) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    classesToCheckIn := IdentitySet new.

	    [:cls | 
	      InformationSignal handle:[:ex |
		   Transcript showCR:ex description.
		   ex proceed.
	      ] do:[
		   classesToCheckIn add:cls.
	    [:cls | 
		(Dialog confirm:('Cannot checkin unloaded class: %1.' bindWith:cls name allBold)
		      title:'Cannot Checkin' yesLabel:'OK' noLabel:'Cancel' ) ifFalse:[^ self].
	    [:cls | |owner answer|

		owner := cls topOwningClass.
		(classesToCheckIn includes:owner) ifFalse:[
		    (classesSelected "self selectedClasses value" includes:owner) ifFalse:[
			answer := Dialog 
				    confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'Cannot checkin private class: %1\\Shall the owner ''%2'' be checked in ?'
								      with:cls nameWithoutPrefix allBold
								      with:owner name allBold) withCRs
			answer == nil ifTrue:[
			    ^ self
			answer == true ifTrue:[
			    classesToCheckIn add:owner.

    classesToCheckIn size > 1 ifTrue:[
	answer := true.
"/        answer := Dialog 
"/                    confirmWithCancel:'Use the same log message for all checkIns ?'
"/                    default:true.
"/        answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
	answer == true ifTrue:[
	    log := SourceCodeManagerUtilities getLogMessageFor:(resources string:'%1 classes to checkin' with:classesToCheckIn size).

	    log isNil ifTrue:[
		^ self
    classesToCheckIn notEmpty ifTrue:[
	self checkInClasses:classesToCheckIn withLog:log withCheck:doCheck.
    self normalLabel.

    "check a classes extensions into the source repository (with checks)"

    ^ self classMenuCheckInExtensions:true

    "check a classes extensions into the source repository.
     If doCheck is true, perform some checks (leftover halts etc.) on
     the class (which may take some time with huge classes). 
     Otherwise, a no check is done, and the class is quickly checked in.


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckIn (without that modification) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    projects := Set new.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | projects add:mthd package].
    projects do:[:eachProject |
	    projectMenuCheckInProject:eachProject classes:false extensions:true
	    forClasses:(Smalltalk allClasses)

    "check some of a classes extensions into the source repository."

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\CheckIn (without that modification) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

	projectMenuCheckInProject:aProjectID classes:false extensions:true
	forClasses:(Smalltalk allClasses)

    "check-out selected class(es) from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedClasses value) askForRevision:true

    "check-out the newest version of the selected class(es) from the source repository.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedClasses value) askForRevision:false

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."


    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self doCompareClassesWithRepository:self selectedClasses value.
	^ self
    ^ self compareAgainstNewestInRepository:currentClass

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the base version found in the repository.
     That is the version on which the class was based upon, not the most recent one."

     aStream comparedSource currentSource rev revString thisRevString mgr
     nm msg newestRev brwsr|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
	self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
	^ self.
    currentClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.

    nm := currentClass name.
    mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'No sourceCode manager - check settings'.
	^ self
    rev := currentClass binaryRevision.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
	rev := currentClass revision.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'The class seems to have no repository information.'.
	^ self
    "/ class in repository - ask for revision
    msg := 'extracting revision %1'.
    self busyLabel:msg with:rev.
    aStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.

    aStream isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Could not extract source from repository.'.
	^ self
    aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	self warn:('Read error while reading extracted source:\\' , ex description) withCRs.
	aStream close.
	^ self
    ] do:[
	comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
    aStream close.

    self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.

    aStream := '' writeStream.
    Method flushSourceStreamCache.
    currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
    currentSource := aStream contents asString.
    aStream close.

    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

    comparedSource = currentSource ifTrue:[
	self information:'Versions are identical.'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	thisRevString := currentClass revision.
	thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
	    thisRevString := 'no revision'

	revString := rev.
	"/ this takes some time ... is it worth ?
	(newestRev := mgr newestRevisionOf:currentClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	    newestRev ~= rev ifTrue:[
		revString := rev , ' (newest is ' , newestRev , ')'

	self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

	brwsr := (UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass)
	      labelA:('repository: ' , revString)
	      labelB:('current: (based on: ' , rev , ')')
	      title:('comparing ' , currentClass name)
	      ifSame:[self normalLabel. self information:'Versions are identical.'. ^ self].

	brwsr classChangeSet 
	    versionB:rev , 'mod'.
    self normalLabel.

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the some version found in the repository."

     aStream comparedSource currentSource rev revString thisRevString mgr
     nm msg rev2 newestRev
     containerModule containerPackage containerFile rslt
     pkg info mod dir versionsAreTheSame|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
	self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
	^ self.
    currentClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.

    nm := currentClass name.
    mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'No sourceCode manager - check settings'.
	^ self
    rev := currentClass binaryRevision.
    rev2 := currentClass revision.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
	rev := rev2
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ class not in repository - allow compare against any other containers newest contents
	self normalLabel.

	pkg := currentClass package.
	(pkg notNil and:[pkg ~= Project defaultProject package]) ifTrue:[
	    containerModule := pkg upTo:$:.
	    containerPackage := pkg copyFrom:(containerModule size + 2).
	containerModule size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    containerModule := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule) ? Project current repositoryModule.
	containerPackage size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    containerPackage := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage) ? Project current package.
	rslt := SourceCodeManagerUtilities
	    askForContainer:(resources string:'The class seems to have no repository information.\\Do you want to compare it against an existing containers contents ?')
	    title:'Container to compare' note:nil 
	    initialFileName:(currentClass nameWithoutPrefix , '.st')
	rslt isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ canel
	    ^ self
	containerModule := rslt at:#module.
	containerPackage := rslt at:#package.
	containerFile := rslt at:#fileName.
	SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule:containerModule.
	SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage:containerPackage.
    ] ifFalse:[
	"/ class in repository - ask for revision
	newestRev := mgr newestRevisionOf:currentClass.

	msg := resources string:'Compare to revision: (empty for newest)'.
	rev notNil ifTrue:[
	    msg := msg , '\\' , (resources string:'Current %1 is based upon rev %2.'
					   with:nm allBold with:rev).
	    (rev2 notNil and:[rev2 ~= rev]) ifTrue:[
		msg := msg , '\' , (resources string:'And has been checked into the repository as %1.'
	newestRev notNil ifTrue:[
	    msg := msg , '\' , (resources string:'Newest in reporitory is %1.'

	self normalLabel.
	rev := SourceCodeManagerUtilities
		    title:'Compare with repository' 

    versionsAreTheSame := false.
    (rev notNil or:[containerFile notNil]) ifTrue:[
	rev notNil ifTrue:[
	    rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
		msg := 'extracting newest %1 (' , (newestRev ? '???') , ')'.
		"/ aStream := mgr getMostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:nm.
		rev := newestRev.
		revString := 'newest'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		msg := 'extracting previous %1'.
		revString := rev
	    aStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
	] ifFalse:[
	    msg := 'extracting newest version from ' , containerModule , '/' , containerPackage, '/' , containerFile.
	    aStream := mgr streamForClass:nil fileName:containerFile revision:#newest directory:containerPackage module:containerModule cache:false.
	    revString := '???'
	self busyLabel:msg with:nm.

	aStream isNil ifTrue:[
	    info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:currentClass.
	    info notNil ifTrue:[
		mod := info at:#module ifAbsent:'??'.
		dir := info at:#directory ifAbsent:'??'.
	    self warn:(resources 
			 string:'Could not extract source from repository (for module: ''%1'' , directory: ''%2'' , revision: ''%3'')'
			 with:mod with:dir with:revString).
	    ^ self
	aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	    self warn:('read error while reading extracted source\\' , ex description) withCRs.
	    aStream close.
	    ^ self
	] do:[
	    comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
	aStream close.

	self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.

	aStream := '' writeStream.
	Method flushSourceStreamCache.
	"/ currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
	"/ currentSource := aStream contents asString.
	currentSource := currentClass source asString.

	self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
	versionsAreTheSame := (comparedSource = currentSource).
	versionsAreTheSame ifFalse:[
	    thisRevString := currentClass revision.
	    thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
		thisRevString := 'no revision'

	    revString = '(newest)' ifTrue:[
		(rev := mgr newestRevisionOf:currentClass) notNil ifTrue:[
		    revString := '(newest is ' , rev , ')'

	    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.
	    (UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass)
		  labelA:('repository: ' , revString)
		  labelB:('current: (based on: ' , thisRevString , ')')
		  title:('comparing ' , currentClass name)
		  ifSame:[versionsAreTheSame := true].
	versionsAreTheSame ifTrue:[
	    ((currentClass revision = newestRev)
	    and:[ChangeSet current includesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassOf:currentClass]) ifTrue:[
		(self confirm:'Versions are identical.\\Remove entries from changeSet ?' withCRs) ifTrue:[
		    ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:currentClass.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self information:'Versions are identical.'.
    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 4.1.1997 / 15:48:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28.4.1998 / 17:40:02 / cg"

    "check a class into the source repository (without checks)"

    ^ self classMenuCheckIn:false

    "show a classes revision log"


    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show log anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    self codeAspect:#repositoryLog.
    self selectedMethods value:nil.
    self selectProtocols:nil.

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView contents:nil.
    codeView modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

	    [:cls | 
	       self showRepositoryLogOf:cls 
	    [:cls | 
	    [:cls | |owner|
		owner := cls owningClass.
		(self selectedClasses value includes:owner) ifFalse:[
		    self warn:'cannot show log of private class: %1\\Please see the log of the owning class (%2).'
			with:cls nameWithoutPrefix allBold
			with:owner name.
    self normalLabel.

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."

    |classToCompare aStream comparedSource currentSource rev revString thisRevString mgr
     nm msg brwsr versionsAreTheSame|

    classToCompare := aClass.
    classToCompare isLoaded ifFalse:[
	self warn:'Cannot compare unloaded classes.'.
	^ self.
    classToCompare := classToCompare theNonMetaclass.

    nm := classToCompare name.
    mgr := classToCompare sourceCodeManager.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'No sourceCode manager - check settings'.
	^ self
    rev := classToCompare binaryRevision.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
	rev := classToCompare revision.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'The class seems to have no repository information.'.
	^ self

    rev := mgr newestRevisionOf:classToCompare.

    "/ class in repository - ask for revision
    msg := 'extracting revision %1'.
    self busyLabel:msg with:rev.
    aStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:classToCompare revision:rev.

    aStream isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Could not extract source from repository.'.
	^ self
    aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	self warn:('Read error while reading extracted source:\\' , ex description) withCRs.
	aStream close.
	^ self
    ] do:[
	comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
    aStream close.

    self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.

    aStream := '' writeStream.
    Method flushSourceStreamCache.
    classToCompare fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
    currentSource := aStream contents asString.
    aStream close.

    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

    versionsAreTheSame := false.

    comparedSource = currentSource ifTrue:[
	versionsAreTheSame := true.
    ] ifFalse:[
	thisRevString := classToCompare revision.
	thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
	    thisRevString := 'no revision'

	revString := rev , ' (newest)'.

	self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

	brwsr := (UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass)
	      labelA:('repository: ' , revString)
	      labelB:('current: (based on: ' , rev , ')')
	      title:('comparing ' , classToCompare name)
	      ifSame:[versionsAreTheSame := true].

	versionsAreTheSame ifFalse:[
	    brwsr classChangeSet 
		versionB:rev , 'mod'.

    versionsAreTheSame ifTrue:[
	(ChangeSet current includesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassOf:classToCompare) ifTrue:[
	    (self confirm:'Versions are identical.\\Remove entries from changeSet ?' withCRs) ifTrue:[
		ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:classToCompare.
	] ifFalse:[
	    self information:'Versions are identical.'.

    self normalLabel.


    |classes s
     aStream comparedSource currentSource thisRevString 
     classesToUnload current repository diffs allDiffs|

    classesToUnload := IdentitySet new.
    classes := collectionOfClasses collect:[:eachClass |

	eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
	    loadedClass := eachClass autoload.
	    classesToUnload add:loadedClass.
	] ifTrue:[
	    loadedClass := eachClass
	loadedClass theNonMetaclass


    classes do:[:eachClass |
	eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
	    Transcript showCR:('Cannot compare unloaded class: ' , eachClass name).
	] ifTrue:[
	    aStream := self sourceStreamForRepositorySourceOfClass:eachClass.
	    aStream notNil ifTrue:[
		aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
		    self warn:('read error while reading extracted source\\' , ex description) withCRs.
		    aStream close.
		    ^ self
		] do:[
		    comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
		aStream close.

		self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.

		aStream := '' writeStream.
		Method flushSourceStreamCache.
		"/ eachClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
		"/ currentSource := aStream contents asString.
		currentSource := eachClass source asString.
		aStream close.

		self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

		comparedSource = currentSource ifTrue:[
		    ((eachClass revision = (eachClass sourceCodeManager newestRevisionOf:eachClass))
		    and:[ChangeSet current includesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassOf:eachClass]) ifTrue:[
			(self confirm:'Versions are identical.\\Remove entries from changeSet ?' withCRs) ifTrue:[
			    ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:eachClass.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			self information:'Versions are identical.'.
		] ifFalse:[
		    thisRevString := eachClass revision.
		    thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
			thisRevString := 'no revision'

		    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

		    current    := ChangeSet fromStream:(s := currentSource readStream). s close.
		    repository := ChangeSet fromStream:(s := comparedSource readStream). s close.

		    diffs := repository diffSetsAgainst:current.
		    allDiffs isNil ifTrue:[
			allDiffs := diffs.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			allDiffs changed addAll:(diffs changed).
			allDiffs onlyInArg addAll:(diffs onlyInArg).
			allDiffs onlyInReceiver addAll:(diffs onlyInReceiver).

    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 4.1.1997 / 15:48:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28.4.1998 / 17:40:02 / cg"

generateDiffSetForClasses:collectionOfClasses newest:newest

    |classes s
     aStream comparedSource currentSource rev revString thisRevString mgr
     nm msg rev2 newestRev
     containerModule containerPackage containerFile rslt
     pkg info mod dir classesToUnload current repository diffs allDiffs|

    classesToUnload := IdentitySet new.
    classes := collectionOfClasses collect:[:eachClass |

	eachClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
	    loadedClass := eachClass autoload.
	    classesToUnload add:loadedClass.
	] ifTrue:[
	    loadedClass := eachClass
	loadedClass theNonMetaclass


    classes do:[:currentClass |
	nm := currentClass name.
	mgr := currentClass sourceCodeManager.
	mgr isNil ifTrue:[
		confirm:('No sourceCode manager defined for %1 - check settings.\\Skip this class ?' bindWith:currentClass name) withCRs)
		^ self
	rev := currentClass binaryRevision.
	rev2 := currentClass revision.
	rev isNil ifTrue:[
	    rev := rev2
	rev isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ class not in repository - allow compare against any other containers newest contents
	    self normalLabel.

	    pkg := currentClass package.
	    (pkg notNil and:[pkg ~= Project defaultProject package]) ifTrue:[
		containerModule := pkg upTo:$:.
		containerPackage := pkg copyFrom:(containerModule size + 2).
	    containerModule size == 0 ifTrue:[
		containerModule := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule) ? Project current repositoryModule.
	    containerPackage size == 0 ifTrue:[
		containerPackage := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage) ? Project current package.
	    rslt := SourceCodeManagerUtilities
		askForContainer:(resources string:'The class seems to have no repository information.\\Do you want to compare it against an existing containers contents ?')
		title:'Container to compare' note:nil 
		initialFileName:(currentClass name , '.st')
	    rslt isNil ifTrue:[
		"/ canel
		^ self
	    containerModule := rslt at:#module.
	    containerPackage := rslt at:#package.
	    containerFile := rslt at:#fileName.
	    SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule:containerModule.
	    SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage:containerPackage.
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ class in repository - ask for revision
	    newestRev := mgr newestRevisionOf:currentClass.
	    rev := newestRev.

	(rev notNil or:[containerFile notNil]) ifTrue:[
	    rev notNil ifTrue:[
		rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
		    msg := 'extracting newest %1 (' , (newestRev ? '???') , ')'.
		    "/ aStream := mgr getMostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:nm.
		    aStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:newestRev.
		    revString := 'newest'.
		] ifFalse:[
		    msg := 'extracting previous %1'.
		    aStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:currentClass revision:rev.
		    revString := rev
	    ] ifFalse:[
		msg := 'extracting newest version from ' , containerModule , '/' , containerPackage, '/' , containerFile.
		aStream := mgr streamForClass:nil fileName:containerFile revision:#newest directory:containerPackage module:containerModule cache:false.
		revString := '???'
	    self busyLabel:msg with:nm.

	    aStream isNil ifTrue:[
		info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:currentClass.
		info notNil ifTrue:[
		    mod := info at:#module ifAbsent:'??'.
		    dir := info at:#directory ifAbsent:'??'.
		self warn:(resources 
			     string:'Could not extract source from repository (for module: ''%1'' , directory: ''%2'' , revision: ''%3'')'
			     with:mod with:dir with:revString).
		^ self
	    aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
		self warn:('read error while reading extracted source\\' , ex description) withCRs.
		aStream close.
		^ self
	    ] do:[
		comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
	    aStream close.

	    self busyLabel:'generating current source ...' with:nil.

	    aStream := '' writeStream.
	    Method flushSourceStreamCache.
	    "/ currentClass fileOutOn:aStream withTimeStamp:false.
	    "/ currentSource := aStream contents asString.
	    currentSource := currentClass source asString.
	    aStream close.

	    self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

	    comparedSource = currentSource ifTrue:[
		((currentClass revision = newestRev)
		and:[ChangeSet current includesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassOf:currentClass]) ifTrue:[
		    (self confirm:'Versions are identical.\\Remove entries from changeSet ?' withCRs) ifTrue:[
			ChangeSet current condenseChangesForClass:currentClass.
		] ifFalse:[
		    self information:'Versions are identical.'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		thisRevString := currentClass revision.
		thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
		    thisRevString := 'no revision'

		revString = '(newest)' ifTrue:[
		    (rev := mgr newestRevisionOf:currentClass) notNil ifTrue:[
			revString := '(newest is ' , rev , ')'

		self busyLabel:'comparing  ...' with:nil.

		current    := ChangeSet fromStream:(s := currentSource readStream). s close.
		repository := ChangeSet fromStream:(s := comparedSource readStream). s close.
		diffs := repository diffSetsAgainst:current.
		allDiffs isNil ifTrue:[
		    allDiffs := diffs.
		] ifFalse:[
		    allDiffs changed addAll:(diffs changed).
		    allDiffs onlyInArg addAll:(diffs onlyInArg).
		    allDiffs onlyInReceiver addAll:(diffs onlyInReceiver).

    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 4.1.1997 / 15:48:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28.4.1998 / 17:40:02 / cg"

    "show a classes repository log - append to codeView.
     CAVEAT: that is almost the same code as found in SystemBrowser;
	     move to SourceCodeManagerUtilities"

    |codeView aStream|

    aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).

    Processor activeProcess 
	withPriority:Processor activePriority-1 to:Processor activePriority
	self busyLabel:'extracting revision info' with:nil.

	SourceCodeManagerUtilities repositoryLogOf:aClass onto:aStream

    self codeAspect:#repositoryLog.
    self selectedMethods value:nil.
    self selectProtocols:nil.

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView contents:(codeView contents , 
		       Character cr asString , 
		       Character cr asString , 
		       aStream contents).

    codeView modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

"/    self clearAcceptAction.
"/    self clearExplainAction.

    self normalLabel

    "ask for a classes revision and return a stream on this revisions source; nil on error"

    |nm mgr rev rev2 pkg containerModule containerPackage rslt containerFile newestRev msg sourceStream revString
     info mod dir|

    nm := aClass name.
    mgr := aClass sourceCodeManager.
    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'No sourceCode manager - check settings'.
	^ nil
    rev := aClass binaryRevision.
    rev2 := aClass revision.
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
	rev := rev2
    rev isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ class not in repository - allow compare against any other containers newest contents
	self normalLabel.

	pkg := aClass package.
	(pkg notNil and:[pkg ~= Project defaultProject package]) ifTrue:[
	    containerModule := pkg upTo:$:.
	    containerPackage := pkg copyFrom:(containerModule size + 2).
	containerModule size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    containerModule := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule) ? Project current repositoryModule.
	containerPackage size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    containerPackage := (SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage) ? Project current package.
	rslt := SourceCodeManagerUtilities
	    askForContainer:(resources string:'The class seems to have no repository information.\\Do you want to compare it against an existing containers contents ?')
	    title:'Container to compare' note:nil 
	    initialFileName:(aClass name , '.st')
	rslt isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ cancel
	    ^ nil
	containerModule := rslt at:#module.
	containerPackage := rslt at:#package.
	containerFile := rslt at:#fileName.
	SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastModule:containerModule.
	SourceCodeManagerUtilities lastPackage:containerPackage.
    ] ifFalse:[
	"/ class in repository - ask for revision
	newestRev := mgr newestRevisionOf:aClass.
	rev := newestRev.

    (rev notNil or:[containerFile notNil]) ifTrue:[
	rev notNil ifTrue:[
	    rev withoutSpaces isEmpty ifTrue:[
		msg := 'extracting newest %1 (' , (newestRev ? '???') , ')'.
		"/ aStream := mgr getMostRecentSourceStreamForClassNamed:nm.
		sourceStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:aClass revision:newestRev.
		revString := 'newest'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		msg := 'extracting previous %1'.
		sourceStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:aClass revision:rev.
		revString := rev
	] ifFalse:[
	    msg := 'extracting newest version from ' , containerModule , '/' , containerPackage, '/' , containerFile.
	    sourceStream := mgr streamForClass:nil fileName:containerFile revision:#newest directory:containerPackage module:containerModule cache:false.
	    revString := '???'
	self busyLabel:msg with:nm.

	sourceStream isNil ifTrue:[
	    info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:aClass.
	    info notNil ifTrue:[
		mod := info at:#module ifAbsent:'??'.
		dir := info at:#directory ifAbsent:'??'.

	    self warn:(resources 
			 string:'Could not extract source from repository (for module: ''%1'' , directory: ''%2'' , revision: ''%3'')'
			 with:mod with:dir with:revString).
	    ^ nil
	^ sourceStream
    ^ nil
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-classHierarchy'!

    |topClasses classes|

    topClasses := self selectedClassHierarchyClasses.
    classes := topClasses asSet collectAll:[:eachClass | eachClass withAllSubclasses].
    self selectedClasses value:classes.

    |topClasses classes|

    topClasses := self selectedClassHierarchyClasses.
    classes := topClasses asSet collectAll:[:eachClass | eachClass subclasses].
    classes addAll: topClasses.
    self selectedClasses value:classes.

    |topClasses classes|

    topClasses := self selectedClassHierarchyClasses.
    classes := topClasses asSet collectAll:[:eachClass | eachClass withAllSuperclasses].
    self selectedClasses value:classes.

    self classHierarchyTopClass value:(self theSingleSelectedClass).



    class := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    class isNil ifTrue:[
	class := self classHierarchyTopClass value.
	class notNil ifTrue:[
	    self meta value ifTrue:[
		class := class theMetaclass.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		class := class theNonMetaclass.
    class notNil ifTrue:[
	^ Array with:class
    ^ self selectedClasses
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-code'!

codeMenuAddClassVariable:newName inClass:aClass
    "add a class variable"

    |refactoring cls|

    (cls := aClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:newName) notNil ifTrue:[
	(Dialog confirm:(resources string:'Attention: a variable named ''%1'' is already defined in ''%2''.\\Proceed ?'
				with:newName allBold
				with:cls name allBold))  
	    ^ self

    refactoring := AddClassVariableRefactoring variable:newName class:aClass.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

codeMenuAddInstanceVariable:newName inClass:aClass
    "add an instance variable"

    |refactoring cls|

    (cls := aClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:newName) notNil ifTrue:[
	Dialog warn:(resources string:'Attention: a variable named ''%1'' is already defined in ''%2''.\\Proceed ?'
				with:newName allBold
				with:cls name allBold). 
	^ self

    refactoring := AddInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:newName class:aClass.
    refactoring model name:('add instvar %1 to %2' bindWith:newName with:aClass name).
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    |cls selector refactoring initializer newSelector l initialAnswer senders nSenders classes nClasses infoMsg|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    cls := self theSingleSelectedMethod mclass.
    selector := self theSingleSelectedMethod selector.
    selector numArgs == 0 ifTrue:[
	initialAnswer := selector , ':'.
	l := 'Enter new selector:'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	initialAnswer := selector , 'xxxx:'.
	l := 'Enter new selector (replace xxxx as desired):'.
    newSelector := Dialog request:(resources string:l) initialAnswer:initialAnswer.
    newSelector isEmpty ifTrue:[
	^ nil
    newSelector := newSelector asSymbol.

    "/ how many senders are there ?
    senders := SystemBrowser findSendersOf:selector in:(Smalltalk allClasses) ignoreCase:false match:false.
    nSenders := senders size.
    nSenders > 0 ifTrue:[
	initializer := Dialog request:(resources string:'Enter default value for parameter (will be used in %1 sending methods):' with:nSenders printString) initialAnswer:'nil'.
	initializer isEmpty ifTrue:[
	    "/ cancelled
	    ^ nil
    ] ifFalse:[
	initializer := 'nil'    "/ dummy - not used anyway
    refactoring := AddParameterRefactoring 
    nSenders > 0 ifTrue:[
	classes := (senders collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass]) asIdentitySet.
	nClasses := classes size.
	nClasses == 1 ifTrue:[
	    infoMsg := 'About to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %3...'
	] ifFalse:[
	    infoMsg := 'About to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %2 class(es)...'
	(self confirm:(resources string:infoMsg 
		 with:nSenders printString
		 with:nClasses printString
		 with:classes first name allBold)) ifFalse:[^ self].
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.
    self switchToSelector:newSelector

    "replace all accesses to selected instvar by value-get/set method sends;
     add aspects if not yet present."


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	self codeMenuConvertToValueHolder:varName

    "replace all accesses to selected instvar by value-get/set method sends;
     add aspects if not yet present."


    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    (self confirm:'About to rewrite methods...') ifFalse:[^ self].
    refactoring := (ValueHolderRefactoring 
				variable: aString
				class: (self theSingleSelectedClass whichClassDefinesInstVar: aString)).
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    | mthd cls selector refactoring |

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self
    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    cls := mthd mclass.
    selector := mthd selector.
    (cls isNil or:[mthd isNil]) ifTrue:[
	self halt:'oops - no class/method'.
	^ self.

    refactoring := (ExtractMethodRefactoring 
			    extract: (self selectedInterval)
			    from: selector
			    in: cls).

    refactoring source:self codeView contentsAsString.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    | mthd cls selector refactoring |

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self
    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    cls := mthd mclass.
    selector := mthd selector.
    (cls isNil or:[mthd isNil]) ifTrue:[
	self halt:'oops - no class/method'.
	^ self.

    refactoring := (ExtractMethodToComponentRefactoring 
			    extract: (self selectedInterval)
			    from: selector
			    in: cls).

    refactoring source:self codeView contentsAsString.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    | cls selector refactoring newName node varName source codeTree |

    (self askIfModified:'Text was modified - please accept first' default:false) ~~ true 
	^ self

    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or: [node isValue not]) 
	    ifTrue: [^self warn: 'Could not find the node'].

    varName := LastTemporaryVariableName ? 't'.

    source := self codeView contentsAsString string.
    codeTree := RBParser 
		onError: [:str :err ":nodesSoFar" | nil].

    codeTree notNil ifTrue:[
	(codeTree body temporaries contains:[:nd | nd name = varName]) ifTrue:[varName := nil].
    newName := Dialog request: 'Enter name for Temporary:' initialAnswer:varName.
    newName isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].
    LastTemporaryVariableName := newName.

    cls := self theSingleSelectedMethod mclass.
    selector := self theSingleSelectedMethod selector.
    (cls isNil or:[selector isNil]) ifTrue:[
	self information:'Oops - no class/selector. Please reselect.'.
	^ self.

    refactoring := (ExtractToTemporaryRefactoring 
				extract: (node sourceInterval)
				to: newName
				from: selector
				in: cls).
    refactoring source:self codeView contentsAsString.
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "format (prettyPrint) the selected methods"


    self hasSingleMethodSelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    newText := self formatCode.
    newText isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self
    "autoAcceptFormattedCode" false ifTrue:[
	self doAcceptMethod:newText.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeView contents:newText.

    | node cls selector refactoring receiverNode inlinedSelector senders|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    cls := self theSingleSelectedMethod mclass.
    selector := self theSingleSelectedMethod selector.

    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or: [node isMessage not]) ifTrue: [
	^ self warn: 'Could not find message send (please select the messageSelector or part of it)'
    receiverNode := node receiver.
    inlinedSelector := node selector.

    (receiverNode isVariable 
    and: [#('self' 'super') includes: receiverNode name]) 
	refactoring := (InlineMethodRefactoring 
				    inline: node sourceInterval
				    inMethod: selector
				    forClass: cls)
    ] ifFalse:[
	refactoring := (InlineMethodFromComponentRefactoring 
				    inline: node sourceInterval
				    inMethod: selector
				    forClass: cls)

"/    refactoring model name:('inline %1 into %2' bindWith:inlinedSelector with:selector).
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    senders := (self class
	in:Smalltalk allClasses 

    senders size == 0 ifTrue:[
	(self confirm:('There seem to be no more senders of ', inlinedSelector , '.\\Remove the implementation in ' , cls name , ' ?') withCRs)
	ifFalse:[^ self].
	self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:(Array with:(refactoring inlineClass realClass compiledMethodAt:inlinedSelector)).

    | cls selector refactoring selectedParameter  senders nSenders classes nClasses infoMsg|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    cls := self theSingleSelectedMethod mclass.
    selector := self theSingleSelectedMethod selector.
    selectedParameter := self selectionInCodeView.

    (self confirm:(resources string:'Inline parameter ''%1'' ?' with:selectedParameter)) ifFalse:[^ self].
    refactoring := InlineParameterRefactoring inlineParameter:selectedParameter in:cls selector:selector.

    "/ how many senders are there ?
    senders := SystemBrowser findSendersOf:selector in:(Smalltalk allClasses) ignoreCase:false match:false.
    nSenders := senders size.
    nSenders > 0 ifTrue:[
	classes := (senders collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass]) asIdentitySet.
	nClasses := classes size.
	nClasses == 1 ifTrue:[
	    infoMsg := 'About to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %3...'
	] ifFalse:[
	    infoMsg := 'About to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %2 class(es)...'
	(self confirm:(resources string:infoMsg 
		 with:nSenders printString
		 with:nClasses printString
		 with:classes first name allBold)) ifFalse:[^ self].
    self performRefactoring:refactoring. 
    self switchToSelector:refactoring newSelector.

    "replace all accesses to selected classvar by setter/getter method sends;
     add accessors if not yet present."

    |selectedClass definingClass cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass.
    cls := definingClass := selectedClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:aString.

    definingClass ~~ selectedClass ifTrue:[
	cls := OptionBox 
		      request:(resources string:'Rewrite methods below %1 (defining) or %2 (selected) ?' 
					 with:definingClass name allBold
					 with:selectedClass name allBold)
		      label:'Rewrite which classes'
		      buttonLabels:(Array with:'cancel' with:definingClass name with:selectedClass name)
		      values:(Array with:nil with:definingClass with:selectedClass).
	cls isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (self confirm:(resources string:'About to rewrite references to ''%1'' (in and below %2).' 
			     with:aString allBold 
			     with:cls name)) ifFalse:[^ self].

    self performRefactoring:(AbstractClassVariableRefactoring variable:aString class:cls).

    "replace all accesses to selected instvar by setter/getter method sends;
     add accessors if not yet present."

    |selectedClass definingClass cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls := definingClass := selectedClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:aString.

    definingClass ~~ selectedClass ifTrue:[
	cls := OptionBox 
		      request:(resources string:'Rewrite methods below %1 (defining) or %2 (selected) ?' 
					 with:definingClass name allBold
					 with:selectedClass name allBold)
		      label:'Rewrite which classes'
		      buttonLabels:(Array with:'cancel' with:definingClass name with:selectedClass name)
		      values:(Array with:nil with:definingClass with:selectedClass).
	cls isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (self confirm:(resources string:'About to rewrite references to ''%1'' (in and below %2).' 
			     with:aString allBold 
			     with:cls name)) ifFalse:[^ self].

    self performRefactoring:(AbstractInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:aString class:cls).

    "replace all accesses to selected instvar by setter/getter method sends;
     add accessors if not yet present."


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self codeMenuMakeAbstractInstanceVariable:varName.

    varName := self selectedClassVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self codeMenuMakeAbstractClassVariable:varName

    self warn:'Please select either an instance or a class variable (in the codeView or the variableList).'

    "make selected local variable an instance variable."


    varNames := self selectedTemporaryVariablesInCodeViewOrNil.
    varNames isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Please select at least one temporary variable in the code.'.
	^ self.

    varNames do:[:varName |
	self codeMenuMakeInstanceVariable:varName.

    "make selected local an instvar."

    |refactoring mthd mClass mSelector newClass newMethod|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mClass := mthd mclass.
    mSelector := mthd selector.

    refactoring := (TemporaryToInstanceVariableRefactoring 
				class: mClass
				selector: mSelector
				variable: aString).

    (self confirm:'About to rewrite methods for ',aString,'...') ifFalse:[^ self].

    "/ cannot delay the update class/method
    "/ (otherwise, selectedMethod will be wrong for the second variable)
    immediateUpdate value:true.

    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    immediateUpdate value:false.

    "/ must reselect manually here
    newClass := Smalltalk at:(mClass name).
    newMethod := newClass compiledMethodAt:mSelector.
    newClass ~~ self theSingleSelectedClass ifTrue:[
	self halt.
	self selectClass:newClass.
    newMethod ~~ self theSingleSelectedMethod ifTrue:[
	self selectMethod:newMethod.

    "move a temporary/local variable to the innermost possible scope"

    |mthd node varName definingNode |

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'Please select a temporary variable in the code.'

    varName := node name.
    definingNode := node whoDefines:varName.
    definingNode isNil ifTrue: [self warn:varName , ' is not a temporary variable in the method'. ^ self].

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    self performRefactoring: (MoveVariableDefinitionRefactoring 
			    bindTight: (node sourceInterval)
			    in: mthd mclass
			    selector: mthd selector).

    self switchToMethod:mthd.

    "replace all accesses to selected instvar by setter/getter method sends;
     add accessors if not yet present."


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self codeMenuProtectInstanceVariable:varName.

    varName := self selectedClassVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'Sorry: This Refactoring is (currently) only supported for instance variables.'.

    self warn:'Please select an instance variable (in the codeView or the variableList).'

    "replace all indirect setter/getter references selected instvar by direct accesses,
     then remove the setter/getter methods"

    |selectedClass definingClass cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    selectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls := definingClass := selectedClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:aString.
    definingClass ~~ selectedClass ifTrue:[
	cls := OptionBox 
		      request:(resources string:'Rewrite methods below %1 (defining) or %2 (selected) ?' 
					 with:definingClass name allBold
					 with:selectedClass name allBold)
		      label:'Rewrite which classes'
		      buttonLabels:(Array with:'cancel' with:definingClass name with:selectedClass name)
		      values:(Array with:nil with:definingClass with:selectedClass).
	cls isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    (self confirm:(resources string:'About to rewrite references to ''%1'' (in and below %2).' 
			     with:aString allBold 
			     with:cls name)) ifFalse:[^ self].

    self performRefactoring:(ProtectInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:aString class:cls).

    "pull a class variable up to its superclasses"

    |oldName node mthd cls definingClass|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    ^ self warn:'Select either a class or a method.'
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
	cls := cls theNonMetaclass.

    node := self findNode.
    node isNil ifTrue:[
	(self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
	    oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
	    oldName isNil ifTrue:[
		^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	] ifTrue:[
	    oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
    ] ifFalse:[
	node isVariable ifFalse:[
	    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	oldName := node name.
    definingClass := cls whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.
    definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
	^ self
    definingClass ~~ cls ifTrue:[
	(self confirm:'Will pull in ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
	    ^ self
    self codeMenuPullUpClassVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
	self switchToMethod:mthd.

codeMenuPullUpClassVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "pull a class variable up to its superclass"

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

	confirm:'About to rewrite methods...'
	title:'About to rewrite methods...'
	^ self

    self performRefactoring:(PullUpClassVariableRefactoring variable:oldName class:aClass superclass).

    "pull an instance variable up to its superclasses"

    |oldName node mthd cls definingClass|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    ^ self warn:'Select either a class or a method.'
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'Please switch to the non-meta side.'

    node := self findNode.
    node isNil ifTrue:[
	(self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
	    oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
	    oldName isNil ifTrue:[
		^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	] ifTrue:[
	    oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
    ] ifFalse:[
	node isVariable ifFalse:[
	    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	oldName := node name.
    definingClass := cls whichClassDefinesInstVar:oldName.
    definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
	^ self
    definingClass ~~ cls ifTrue:[
	(self confirm:'Will pull in ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
	    ^ self
    self codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
	self switchToMethod:mthd.

codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable:varName inClass:aClass
    "pull an instance variable up to its superclass"


    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    superClass := aClass superclass.
    superClass isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'No superClass to pull variables into.'.
    superClass == Object ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'Cannot pull variables into Object (may not have instVars).'.

	confirm:('About to pull ''%1'' up into %2...'bindWith:varName allBold with:superClass name)
	title:('About to pullUp ''%1''...' bindWith:varName)
	^ self

    self performRefactoring:(PullUpInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:varName class:superClass).

    "pull a variable up to its superclasses"


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable
    varName := self selectedClassVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self codeMenuPullUpClassVariable

    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable and try again.'

    "push a class variable down to its subclasses"

    |oldName node mthd cls definingClass|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    ^ self warn:'Select either a class or a method.'
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
	cls := cls theNonMetaclass.

    node := self findNode.
    node isNil ifTrue:[
	(self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
	    oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
	    oldName isNil ifTrue:[
		^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	] ifTrue:[
	    oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
    ] ifFalse:[
	node isVariable ifFalse:[
	    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	oldName := node name.
    definingClass := cls whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.
    definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
	^ self
    definingClass ~~ cls ifTrue:[
	(self confirm:'Will push in ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
	    ^ self
    self codeMenuPushDownClassVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
	self switchToMethod:mthd.

codeMenuPushDownClassVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "push a class variable down to its subclasses"


    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

	confirm:'About to rewrite methods...'
	title:'About to rewrite methods...'
	^ self

    cls := aClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.
    self performRefactoring:(PushDownClassVariableRefactoring variable:oldName class:cls).

    "push an instance variable down to its subclasses"

    |oldName node mthd cls definingClass|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    ^ self warn:'Select either a class or a method.'
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'Please switch to the non-meta side.'

    node := self findNode.
    node isNil ifTrue:[
	(self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
	    oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
	    oldName isNil ifTrue:[
		^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	] ifTrue:[
	    oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
    ] ifFalse:[
	node isVariable ifFalse:[
	    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	oldName := node name.
    definingClass := cls whichClassDefinesInstVar:oldName.
    definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
	^ self
    definingClass ~~ cls ifTrue:[
	(self confirm:'Will pull ''' , oldName , ''' from ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
	    ^ self
    self codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
	self switchToMethod:mthd.

codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable:varName inClass:aClass
    "push an instance variable down to its subclasses"


    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

	confirm:('About to push instance variable ''%1'' down to subclasses which use it...' bindWith:varName allBold)
	title:('About to pushDown ''%1''...' bindWith:varName)
	^ self
    cls := aClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:varName.
    self performRefactoring:(PushDownInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:varName class:cls).

    "push a variable down to its subclasses"


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable
    varName := self selectedClassVariableOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self codeMenuPushDownClassVariable

    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable and try again.'

codeMenuRemoveClassVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "remove a class variable"


    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    cls := aClass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.
    self performRefactoring:(RemoveClassVariableRefactoring variable:oldName class:cls).

codeMenuRemoveInstanceVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "remove an instance variable"

    |cls refactoring|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    cls := aClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:oldName.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt:'oops'
    refactoring := RemoveInstanceVariableRefactoring variable:oldName class:cls.
    refactoring model name:('remove instvar %1 from %2' bindWith:oldName with:cls name).
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    | cls selector refactoring selectedParameter  senders nSenders classes nClasses infoMsg|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    cls := self theSingleSelectedMethod mclass.
    selector := self theSingleSelectedMethod selector.
    selectedParameter := self selectionInCodeView.

    (self confirm:(resources string:'Inline parameter ''%1'' ?' with:selectedParameter)) ifFalse:[^ self].
    refactoring := InlineParameterRefactoring inlineParameter:selectedParameter in:cls selector:selector.

    "/ how many senders are there ?
    senders := SystemBrowser findSendersOf:selector in:(Smalltalk allClasses) ignoreCase:false match:false.
    nSenders := senders size.
    nSenders > 0 ifTrue:[
	classes := (senders collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass]) asIdentitySet.
	nClasses := classes size.
	nClasses == 1 ifTrue:[
	    infoMsg := 'About to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %3...'
	] ifFalse:[
	    infoMsg := 'About to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %2 class(es)...'
	(self confirm:(resources string:infoMsg 
		 with:nSenders printString
		 with:nClasses printString
		 with:classes first name allBold)) ifFalse:[^ self].
    self performRefactoring:refactoring. 
    self switchToSelector:refactoring newSelector.

    "rename a class variable"

    |oldName node mthd cls definingClass|

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    ^ self warn:'Select either a class or a method.'
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.

    node := self findNode.
    node isNil ifTrue:[
	(self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
	    oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
	    oldName isNil ifTrue:[
		^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	] ifTrue:[
	    oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
    ] ifFalse:[
	node isVariable ifFalse:[
	    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	oldName := node name.
    definingClass := cls whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.
    definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
	^ self
    definingClass ~~ cls ifTrue:[
	(self confirm:'Will rename in ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
	    ^ self
    self codeMenuRenameClassVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.

codeMenuRenameClassVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "rename a class variable"

    |newName refactoring cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    newName := Dialog request:('Enter new name for classVariable ''%1'':' bindWith:oldName) initialAnswer:oldName.
    newName isEmpty ifTrue:[
	^ self
    (cls := aClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:newName) notNil ifTrue:[
	(Dialog confirm:(resources string:'Attention: a variable named ''%1'' is already defined in ''%2''.\\Proceed ?'
				with:newName allBold
				with:cls name allBold))  
	    ^ self

    (self confirm:'About to rewrite methods...') ifFalse:[^ self].
    cls := aClass whichClassDefinesClassVar:oldName.
    refactoring := RenameClassVariableRefactoring 

    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "rename an instance variable"

    |oldName node mthd cls definingClass|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    ^ self warn:'Select either a class or a method.'
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'Please switch to the non-meta side.'

    node := self findNode.
    node isNil ifTrue:[
	(self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
	    oldName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
	    oldName isNil ifTrue:[
		^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	] ifTrue:[
	    oldName := self selectionInCodeView.
    ] ifFalse:[
	node isVariable ifFalse:[
	    ^ self warn:'Please select a variable'
	oldName := node name.
    definingClass := cls whichClassDefinesInstVar:oldName.
    definingClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Oops - could not find the defining class'.
	^ self
    definingClass ~~ cls ifTrue:[
	(self confirm:'Will rename in ' , definingClass name , ' - OK ?')
	    ^ self
    self codeMenuRenameInstanceVariable:oldName inClass:definingClass.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
	self switchToMethod:mthd.

codeMenuRenameInstanceVariable:oldName inClass:aClass
    "rename an instance variable"

    |newName refactoring cls|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ ^ self ].

    newName := Dialog 
				string:'Enter new name for %2 variable ''%1'':' 
				with:(self meta value ifTrue:['classInstance'] ifFalse:['instance'])) 
    newName isEmpty ifTrue:[
	^ self
    (cls := aClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:newName) notNil ifTrue:[
	Dialog warn:(resources string:'Sorry: a variable named ''%1'' is already defined in ''%2''.\\Proceed ?'
				with:newName allBold
				with:cls name allBold).  
	^ self

	confirm:(resources string:'About to rewrite methods...')
	title:(resources string:'About to rewrite methods...')
	yesLabel:(resources string:'Proceed')
	noLabel:(resources string:'Cancel')) 
	^ self
    cls := aClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:oldName.
    refactoring := RenameInstanceVariableRefactoring 
    self performRefactoring:refactoring.

    "rename a temporary variable"

    |oldName newName node definingNode refactoring mthd initial|

    (self askIfModified) ifFalse:[ 
	^ self

    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'Please select a temporary variable in the code.'

    oldName := node name.
    definingNode := node whoDefines: oldName.
    definingNode isNil ifTrue: [self warn: oldName , ' is not a temporary variable in the method'. ^ self].

    LastVariableRenames isNil ifTrue:[
	LastVariableRenames := CacheDictionary new:30.
    initial := LastVariableRenames at:oldName ifAbsent:oldName.

    newName := Dialog request:('Enter new name for ''%1'':' bindWith:oldName allBold) initialAnswer:initial.
    newName size == 0 ifTrue:[
	^ self   "/ cancel
    newName = oldName ifTrue: [self warn: 'Same name given.'. ^ self].

    LastVariableRenames at:oldName put:newName.

    refactoring := RenameTemporaryRefactoring 
		renameTemporaryFrom:node sourceInterval
		in:(mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) mclass
		selector:mthd selector.
    refactoring source:(self codeView contentsAsString).

    self performRefactoring:refactoring.
    "/ self switchToSelector:mthd selector.
    self switchToMethod:mthd.


    interval := self selectedInterval.
    ^ self findNodeForInterval:interval

    |tree node source|

    interval isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].

    source := self codeView contentsAsString string.
    tree := RBParser 
		onError: [:str :err ":nodesSoFar" | ^ nil].

    tree isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    node := tree whichNodeIsContainedBy:interval.
    node isNil ifTrue: [
	node := self findNodeIn:tree forInterval:interval
    ^ node

findNodeForInterval:interval allowErrors:allowErrors
    |tree node source "errCount"|

    interval isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].

    source := self codeView contentsAsString string.
    tree := RBParser 
		onError: [:str :err :nodesSoFar | 

				allowErrors ifTrue:[
				    nodes := nodesSoFar collect:[:nd | nd whichNodeIntersects:interval]. 
				    nodes := nodes select:[:nd | nd notNil ]. 
				    nodes size == 1 ifTrue:[ 
					^ nodes first
				^ nil]
"/                onError: [:str :err | errCount := (errCount?0) + 1. self halt.]
"/                proceedAfterError:true.

    tree isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    node := tree whichNodeIsContainedBy:interval.
    node isNil ifTrue: [
	node := self findNodeIn:tree forInterval:interval
    ^ node

findNodeIn:tree forInterval:interval 
    |node wouldReturn|

    node := nil.
    tree nodesDo:[:each | 
	(each intersectsInterval:interval) ifTrue:[
	    (node isNil or:[node == each parent]) ifTrue:[
		node := each
	    ] ifFalse:[
		(node parent notNil 
		    and:[node parent isCascade and:[each parent isCascade]]) ifFalse:[^ nil]
	] ifFalse:[
	    node notNil ifTrue:[
		"/ already found one - beyond that one; leave
		wouldReturn notNil ifTrue:[wouldReturn := node].
(wouldReturn notNil and:[wouldReturn ~~ node]) ifTrue:[self halt].
    ^ node

    "format (prettyPrint) the selected methods"

    |tree newText mthd codeView|

    codeView := self codeView.
    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.

    tree := RBParser 
		    parseMethod:(codeView contentsAsString)
		    onError: [:aString :position |
				codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:1 to:position.
				self showInfo:aString.
				^ nil "ignore any error"
    tree isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    newText := tree printString.

    self doSyntaxColoring value ~~ false ifTrue:[
	|highlighter cls|

	highlighter := mthd syntaxHighlighterClass.
	highlighter == #askClass ifTrue:[
	    cls := mthd mclass ? Object.
	    highlighter := cls syntaxHighlighterClass.
	highlighter notNil ifTrue:[
	    newText := highlighter formatMethod:newText in:cls.
    codeView contents:newText.
    codeView modified:true.
    navigationState realModifiedState:true.
    ^ newText.

    ^ Refactoring preconditionSignal 
      handle:[:ex | 
	    |param answer errMsg dialogMsg|

	    errMsg := ex description.
	    param := ex parameter.
	    ex willProceed ifTrue:[
		dialogMsg := (errMsg last == $?) 
				    ifFalse:[errMsg , '\\Do you want to proceed?' withCRs].

		param notNil ifTrue:[
		    answer := Dialog 
				labels:#('No' 'No, browse' 'Yes')
				values:#(false #browse true)
		] ifFalse:[
		    answer := Dialog confirm:dialogMsg

		answer == #browse ifTrue:[
		    "/ param is either a collection of classes, or methods;

		    param := param collect:[:each | (each isKindOf:RBAbstractClass) ifTrue:[
							each realClass
						    ] ifFalse:[
self halt:'oops - should not happen'.
							(each isKindOf:RBMethod) ifTrue:[
							] ifFalse:[

		    param first isBehavior ifTrue:[
			    label:'Classes affected by change'
		    ] ifFalse:[
			    label:'Methods affected by change'
		    answer := false
		    "/                    answer := Dialog confirm: (ex description last == $? 
		    "/                                            ifTrue: [ex description]
		    "/                                            ifFalse: [ex description , '\Do you want to proceed?' withCRs]). 
		answer ifTrue:[
		    ex proceed
	    ] ifFalse:[
		param notNil ifTrue:[
		    (Dialog confirm:errMsg) ifTrue:[
			ex param value
		] ifFalse:[
		    ex mayProceed ifTrue:[
			    confirm:('Missing Precondition for refactoring:\\' withCRs , errMsg)
			    yesLabel:'Proceed Anyway'
			    ex proceed.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			Dialog warn:('Refactoring failed:\\' withCRs , errMsg)
	    ex return
	do:[self topApplication withWaitCursorDo:aBlock]


    manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
    self changeRequest ifTrue:[ 
	manager redoOperation.


    manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
    self changeRequest ifTrue:[ 
	manager undoOperation.

    aChange execute


    aRefactoring isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self

    rslt := self handlingRefactoringErrorDo:[aRefactoring execute].
"/    rslt ifTrue:[
"/        self halt.
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        self halt.
"/    ].
    self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.    
    ^ rslt

    "return the selected class variable from either the variableList or
     the codeView. Return nil, if nothing is selected, or the selection is not
     a class variable."

    |varName cls|

    varName := self selectedClassVariableInCodeViewOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:varName.
	cls notNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ varName

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifTrue:[
	varName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
	^ varName.

    ^ nil.

    "return the selected instance variable from either the variableList or
     the codeView. Return nil, if nothing is selected, or the selection is not
     an instance variable."

    |varName cls|

    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableInCodeViewOrNil.
    varName notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:varName.
	cls notNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ varName.

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifFalse:[
	varName := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
	^ varName.

    ^ nil.

    | codeView |

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^1 to: 0].

    ^ codeView selectionStartIndex to:(codeView selectionStopIndex - 1)

    "Don't like the isKindOf:, but don't have a portable way to determine if something is a number."

    | undoString undoTree |

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifFalse:[^ self].

    undoString := Dialog request: 'Enter undo stack size:\(i.e.: Number of remembered operations)' withCRs
			 initialAnswer:(RefactoryChangeManager undoSize printString).
    undoString isEmpty ifTrue: [^self].
    undoTree := RBParser parseExpression: undoString onError: [:str :pos | ^self].
    (undoTree isLiteral and: [undoTree value isKindOf: Integer]) 
	    ifFalse: [^self].

    RefactoryChangeManager undoSize: undoTree value
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-help'!

    HTMLDocumentView openFullOnDocumentationFile:'tools/newbrowser/TOP.html'

    HTMLDocumentView openFullOnDocumentationFile:'index.html'
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-methodList'!

    "check the selected methods class(es) into the source repository."


    classes := self selectedMethods value collect:[:each | each mclass].
    classes := classes asIdentitySet.

    ^ self
	classes:(classes asOrderedCollection)

    "copy the method list to the clipBoard "


    text := (self methodListApp methodList collect:[:mthd | mthd whoString]) asStringCollection asString. 
    self window setTextSelection:text

    "fileOut all methods from the list - standard format"

    ^ self methodListMenuFileOutAllAsWithFormat:nil

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 17:53:09 / cg"

    "fileOut all methods from the list -  file format as specified by the argument:
	nil     - standard format
	#xml    - XML standard format
	#sif    - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
	#binary - ST/X binary format


    methods := self methodListApp methodList.
    methods size == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

	boxTitle:'fileOut all listed methods as:'

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 17:53:22 / cg"
    "Modified: / 15.11.2001 / 18:00:20 / cg"

    "fileOut all methods from the list - sif format"

    ^ self methodListMenuFileOutAllAsWithFormat:#sif

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 17:53:33 / cg"

    "fileOut all methods from the list - xml format"

    ^ self methodListMenuFileOutAllAsWithFormat:#xml

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 17:53:43 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected methodss classes"

    ^ self methodListMenuSpawnClasses:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected methods classes"


    classes := (self selectedMethods value collect:[:each | each mclass]) asIdentitySet asOrderedCollection.
    ^ self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:where select:false

    "add a buffer showing the selected methodss classes"

    ^ self methodListMenuSpawnClasses:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer showing the selected methodss classes"

    ^ self methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowserIn:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer showing the selected methodss classes"

    ^ self methodListMenuSpawnFullBrowserIn:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer/open a browser showing the selected methods classes"

    |methods classes brwsr anyMeta anyNonMeta|

    methods := self selectedMethods value.
    classes := (methods collect:[:each | each mclass]) asIdentitySet asOrderedCollection.
    brwsr := self spawnFullBrowserInClass:nil selector:nil in:where.

    classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
	brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
	brwsr selectedCategories value:(classes collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass category]) asSet asOrderedCollection.
	anyNonMeta := classes contains:[:any | any isMeta not].
	anyMeta := classes contains:[:any | any isMeta].
	anyMeta ifFalse:[
	    brwsr selectedClasses value:classes
	] ifTrue:[
	    anyNonMeta ifFalse:[
		brwsr meta value:true.
		brwsr selectedClasses value:classes.
	methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    brwsr selectProtocols:(methods collect:[:each | each category]) asSet asOrderedCollection.
	    brwsr selectedMethods value:methods
	brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.
    ^ brwsr
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-namespace'!

    "check-out all classes in the selected nameSpace from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    |selectedNameSpaces selectedNameSpaceClasses|

    selectedNameSpaces := self selectedNamespaces value.
    selectedNameSpaceClasses := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:eachClass |
								  eachClass isPrivate not
								  and:[selectedNameSpaces includes:eachClass nameSpace name]
							     ] .

    self checkOutClasses:selectedNameSpaceClasses askForRevision:true


    |nm ns existing|

    nm := Dialog request:(resources string:'Name of new NameSpace:').
    (nm isNil or:[(nm := nm withoutSeparators) size == 0]) ifTrue:[
	^ self
    existing := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
    existing notNil ifTrue:[
	existing isNameSpace ifTrue:[
	    self warn:'A NameSpace named ''%1'' alread exists.' with:nm.
	    ^ self
	existing isBehavior ifFalse:[
	    self warn:'A class named ''%1'' alread exists.' with:nm.
	    ^ self
	self warn:'A global named ''%1'' alread exists.\(Currently bound to %2)' with:nm with:existing classNameWithArticle.
	^ self
    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal answer:Smalltalk do:[
	ns := NameSpace fullName:nm.
    ns isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Could not create new NameSpace ''%1''.' with:nm.
	^ self
    self selectedNamespaces value:(Array with:nm)

    "remove the selected namespace(s)"

    self selectedNamespacesValue do:[:nm |

	nm ~= BrowserList nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[
	    ns := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol.
	    Smalltalk removeClass:ns.

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

    "open a browser showing the selected namespaces only"

    self spawnNamespaceBrowserFor:(self selectedNamespacesValue) in:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:25:28 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected namespaces only"

    self spawnNamespaceBrowserFor:(self selectedNamespacesValue) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:25:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 14:57:04 / cg"

    self nameSpaceListApp forceUpdateList

spawnNamespaceBrowserFor:namespaces in:where
    "browse selected namespace(s);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the namespaces
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the namespaces"

    |spec namespaceList singleSelection selectedClasses|

    (singleSelection := namespaces size == 1) ifTrue:[
	spec := #singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec.
	spec := #singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec.
    ] ifFalse:[
	spec := #multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec.
	spec := #multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec.

    namespaceList := namespaces copy.
    selectedClasses := self selectedClasses value.

	setupWith:[:brwsr |
	    "/ setup for a constant list ...

	    "/ brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
	    brwsr organizerMode value:#namespace.
	    brwsr nameSpaceListGenerator value:namespaceList.
	    brwsr selectNamespaces:(singleSelection ifTrue:[namespaceList] ifFalse:[#()]).
	    "/ brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 16:13:15 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-project'!

openRepositoryConsistencyDialogForObsoleteContainers:obsoleteContainers classesWithRepositoryMismatches:classesWithRepositoryMismatches classesWithMissingContainer:classesWithMissingContainer classesWhichHaveBeenModified:classesWhichHaveBeenModified classesWithNewerVersionInRepository:classesWithNewerVersionInRepository needExtensionsContainer:needExtensionsContainer hasExtensionContainer:hasExtensionContainer 
    |bindings listOfObsoleteContainers listOfObsoleteContainerAssocs menuPerformer|

    needExtensionsContainer ~~ hasExtensionContainer ifTrue:[
	self halt
    listOfObsoleteContainers := OrderedCollection new.
    listOfObsoleteContainerAssocs := OrderedCollection new.
    obsoleteContainers do:[:eachAssoc | 
	eachAssoc value do:[:eachObsolete | 
	    listOfObsoleteContainerAssocs add:eachAssoc key -> eachObsolete.
	    listOfObsoleteContainers add:eachObsolete , ' (in ' , eachAssoc key , ')'
    bindings := IdentityDictionary new.
    bindings at:#listOfObsoleteContainers put:listOfObsoleteContainers.
    bindings at:#listOfClassesWithRepositoryMismatches
    bindings at:#listOfClassesWithMissingContainer
    bindings at:#listOfClassesWhichHaveBeenModified
    bindings at:#listOfClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository
    bindings at:#obsoleteContainersBoxVisible
	put:listOfObsoleteContainers size > 0.
    bindings at:#classesWithInvalidInfoBoxVisible
	put:classesWithRepositoryMismatches size > 0.
    bindings at:#classesWithoutContainerBoxVisible
	put:classesWithMissingContainer size > 0.
    bindings at:#classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedBoxVisible
	put:classesWhichHaveBeenModified size > 0.
    bindings at:#classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryBoxVisible
	put:classesWithNewerVersionInRepository size > 0.
    bindings at:#selectedClassesWithMissingContainer put:ValueHolder new.
    bindings at:#selectedClassesWithRepositoryMismatches put:ValueHolder new.
    bindings at:#selectedObsoleteContainers put:ValueHolder new.
    bindings at:#selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified put:ValueHolder new.
    bindings at:#selectedClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository
	put:ValueHolder new.
    menuPerformer := Plug new.
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenuFileOutAs

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithMissingContainer) value 
			collect:[:idx | classesWithMissingContainer at:idx].
	    classes do:[:cls | 
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenuCheckIn

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithMissingContainer) value 
			collect:[:idx | classesWithMissingContainer at:idx].
	    classes do:[:cls | 
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenuSpawnClass

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithMissingContainer) value 
			collect:[:idx | classesWithMissingContainer at:idx].
	    self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBrowser
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenuRemove
	    |classes classesToRemove|

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithMissingContainer) value 
			collect:[:idx | classesWithMissingContainer at:idx].
	    classes do:[:cls | 
		classesToRemove := OrderedCollection new.
		self removeClasses:classesToRemove pullUpSubclasses:false
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu2SpawnClass

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository) 
			value collect:[:idx | classesWithNewerVersionInRepository at:idx].
	    self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBrowser
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu2CheckOutNewest

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository) 
			value collect:[:idx | classesWithNewerVersionInRepository at:idx].
	    self checkOutClasses:classes askForRevision:false
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu2CompareAgainstNewestInRepository

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWithNewerVersionInRepository) 
			value collect:[:idx | classesWithNewerVersionInRepository at:idx].
	    classes do:[:cls | 
		self compareAgainstNewestInRepository:cls
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu3FileOutAs

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified) value 
			collect:[:idx | classesWhichHaveBeenModified at:idx].
	    classes do:[:cls | 
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu3CheckIn

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified) value 
			collect:[:idx | classesWhichHaveBeenModified at:idx].
	    classes do:[:cls | 
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu3SpawnClass

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified) value 
			collect:[:idx | classesWhichHaveBeenModified at:idx].
	    self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBrowser
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu3CompareAgainstNewestInRepository

	    classes := (bindings at:#selectedClassesWhichHaveBeenModified) value 
			collect:[:idx | classesWhichHaveBeenModified at:idx].
	    classes do:[:cls | 
		self compareAgainstNewestInRepository:cls
    menuPerformer respondTo:#classMenu4CheckOut

	    containers := (bindings at:#selectedObsoleteContainers) value.
	    containers do:[:container | 
		|def packageID moduleDir packageDir fileName|

		def := listOfObsoleteContainerAssocs at:container.
		packageID := def key.
		moduleDir := packageID upTo:$:.
		packageDir := packageID copyFrom:moduleDir size + 2.
		fileName := def value.

		"/ check out that module ...
		    andDo:[:tempDir | 
			"/                                       (Dialog confirm:'FileIn ' , fileName , ' ?') ifTrue:[

			Smalltalk fileIn:(tempDir asFilename construct:fileName)
			"/                                       ]
    bindings at:#classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu
	put:self class classesWithMissingContainerPopupMenu.
    bindings at:#classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu
	put:self class classesWithNewerVersionInRepositoryPopupMenu.
    bindings at:#classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu
	put:self class classesWhichHaveBeenModifiedPopupMenu.
    bindings at:#obsoleteContainersPopupMenu
	put:self class obsoleteContainersPopupMenu.
    bindings at:#dialogMenuPerformer put:menuPerformer.
    SimpleDialog new openSpec:self class repositoryConsistencyDialogSpec

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |

    self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheckIn |

projectMenuCheckInProject:packageToCheckIn classes:doClasses extensions:doExtensions
    ^ self
	projectMenuCheckInProject:packageToCheckIn classes:doClasses extensions:doExtensions 
	forClasses:(Smalltalk allClasses)

projectMenuCheckInProject:packageToCheckIn classes:doClasses extensions:doExtensions askForMethodsInOtherPackages:askForMethodsInOtherPackages forClasses:classes
    |classesToCheckIn methodsToCheckIn
     methodsInOtherPackages otherPackages 
     msg classesWithExtensions logMsg answer labels values|

    classesToCheckIn := IdentitySet new.
    methodsToCheckIn := IdentitySet new.
    methodsInOtherPackages := IdentitySet new.

    "/ classes ...
    classes do:[:aClass | |owner classPackage|
	(owner := aClass owningClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	    classPackage := aClass topOwningClass package
	] ifFalse:[
	    classPackage := aClass package
	(classPackage = packageToCheckIn) ifTrue:[
	    classesToCheckIn add:aClass.

    "/ individual methods ...

    classes do:[:aClass |
	aClass isMeta ifFalse:[
	    aClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
		"/ methods in this project ...
		(mthd package = packageToCheckIn) ifTrue:[
		    "/ ... whose class is not in the ckechIn-set
		    (classesToCheckIn includes:aClass) ifFalse:[
			methodsToCheckIn add:mthd

    doExtensions ifTrue:[
	methodsToCheckIn notEmpty ifTrue:[
	    classesWithExtensions := (methodsToCheckIn collect:[:mthd | mthd mclass]) asIdentitySet.
	    msg := 'Found %1 extension method'.
	    methodsToCheckIn size > 1 ifTrue:[
		msg := msg , 's'
	    classesWithExtensions size == 1 ifTrue:[
		msg := msg , ' for ''%4'' in the %2 class.'
	    ] ifFalse:[
		msg := msg , ' for ''%4'' in %3 classes.'
	    methodsToCheckIn size == 1 ifTrue:[
		msg := msg , '\\Check this method into the extensions container of the %4 project ?'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		msg := msg , '\\Check these methods into the extensions container of the %4 project ?'.
	    msg := msg withCRs.
	    msg := msg bindWith:methodsToCheckIn size 
			   with:classesWithExtensions first name allBold 
			   with:classesWithExtensions size

	    labels := #('Cancel' 'Browse' 'No' 'Yes').
	    values := #(#cancel #browse false true).

	    answer := OptionBox 
			      request:msg withCRs
			      label:'Checkin project'
			      buttonLabels:(resources array:labels)
	    answer == #cancel ifTrue:[ AbortSignal raise ].
	    answer == #browse ifTrue:[ 
		    label:('Extension Methods of Project %1' bindWith:packageToCheckIn).
		AbortSignal raise
	    answer == true ifTrue:[
		logMsg := SourceCodeManagerUtilities getLogMessageFor:'Extensions in project ''' , packageToCheckIn , ''''.
		    withLog:logMsg) ifFalse:[

		    self warn:'Could not check in extensions for project %1' with:packageToCheckIn.
		    ^ self.

    "/ check if any of the classes contains methods for other packages ...
    classesToCheckIn do:[:eachClass |
	eachClass methodDictionary do:[:eachMethod |        
	    (eachMethod package = packageToCheckIn) ifFalse:[
		methodsInOtherPackages add:eachMethod
	eachClass class methodDictionary do:[:eachMethod |        
	    (eachMethod package = packageToCheckIn) ifFalse:[
		methodsInOtherPackages add:eachMethod

    askForMethodsInOtherPackages ifTrue:[
	methodsInOtherPackages notEmpty ifTrue:[
	    otherPackages := Set new.
	    methodsInOtherPackages do:[:eachMethod | otherPackages add:eachMethod package].

	    methodsInOtherPackages size == 1 ifTrue:[
		msg := 'The ''%4'' method in ''%5'' is contained in the ''%2'' package.'.
		msg := msg , '\\Shall this method be moved to the ''%6'' project and checked into the class container ?'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		otherPackages size == 1 ifTrue:[
		    msg := '%1 methods from the %2 package were found in the projects classes.'
		] ifFalse:[
		    msg := '%1 methods from %3 other packages were found in the projects classes.'
		msg := msg , '\\Shall those methods be moved to their corresponding classes project and checked into their class container ?'.
	    msg := msg withCRs.
	    msg := msg bindWith:methodsInOtherPackages size 
			   with:otherPackages first allBold 
			   with:otherPackages size
			   with:methodsInOtherPackages first selector allBold
			   with:methodsInOtherPackages first mclass name allBold
			   with:methodsInOtherPackages first mclass package allBold.
	    (Dialog confirm:msg) ifTrue:[
		methodsInOtherPackages do:[:eachMethod |
		    eachMethod package:(eachMethod mclass package)        
	    ] ifFalse:[
		msg := 'When checking in, the methods from other packages will NOT be checked into the repository,'.
		msg := msg , '\(They will be saved, when the other project(s) are checkedIn)'.
		msg := msg , '\\Proceed anyway ?'.
		msg := msg withCRs.
		(Dialog confirm:msg) ifFalse:[
		    ^ self
		self halt:'untested code'.

    doClasses ifTrue:[
	classesToCheckIn notEmpty ifTrue:[
	    SourceCodeManagerUtilities checkinClasses:classesToCheckIn withLog:logMsg.
    self normalLabel.

projectMenuCheckInProject:packageToCheckIn classes:doClasses extensions:doExtensions forClasses:classes
    ^ self
	projectMenuCheckInProject:packageToCheckIn classes:doClasses extensions:doExtensions 

    "check-out all classes in the selected project from the source repository.
     Individually ask for class revisions.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedProjectClasses) askForRevision:true

    "check-out the newest version from the source repository of 
     all classes in the selected project.
     Offer chance to either overwrite the current version,
     or merge-in the repository version.

    self checkOutClasses:(self selectedProjectClasses) askForRevision:false

    "check for container consistency in the source repository.
     That is: for every class in the project there must be a container (unstored classes),
     and for every container there must be a class (obsolete containers).
     Display this information as required..

    SourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue:[^ self warn:'No SourceCodeManagement is configured.'].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	|classesToLoad classesToUnload classesWithMissingContainer classesWithRepositoryMismatches 
	 obsoleteContainers allChangeSets answer needExtensionsContainer hasExtensionContainer
	 classesWithNewerVersionInRepository classesWhichHaveBeenModified|

	classesWithRepositoryMismatches := OrderedCollection new.
	classesWithMissingContainer := OrderedCollection new.
	obsoleteContainers := OrderedCollection new.
	classesWithNewerVersionInRepository := OrderedCollection new.
	classesWhichHaveBeenModified := OrderedCollection new.

	self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheck |
	    |containerModule containerPackage containers
	     hasLoadAll hasMakeProto hasNtMakefile hasAbbrev 
	     otherFiles classesInProject |

	    containerModule := packageToCheck upTo:$:.
	    containerPackage := packageToCheck copyFrom:(containerModule size + 2).

	    self busyLabel:'Checking ' , packageToCheck , '...'.

	    containers := SourceCodeManager getExistingContainersInModule:containerModule package:containerPackage.
	    containers := containers select:[:each | (each startsWith:'.') not].

	    hasLoadAll := containers includes:'loadAll'.
	    hasMakeProto := containers includes:'Make.proto'.
	    hasNtMakefile := containers includes:'nt.mak'.
	    hasAbbrev := containers includes:''.
	    hasExtensionContainer := containers includes:''.

	    containers removeAllFoundIn:#('loadAll' 'Make.proto' 'nt.mak' '' '').
	    otherFiles := containers select:[:each | (each asFilename hasSuffix:'st') not].
	    containers removeAllFoundIn:otherFiles.

	    classesInProject := IdentitySet new.
	    needExtensionsContainer := false.
	    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
		(packageToCheck = aClass package) ifTrue:[
		    aClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
			classesInProject add:aClass .
		] ifFalse:[
		    needExtensionsContainer := needExtensionsContainer or:[aClass hasExtensionsFrom:packageToCheck].

	    "/ load unloaded classes...
	    classesToLoad := OrderedCollection new.
	    classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
		eachClassInProject isLoaded ifFalse:[
		    classesToLoad add:eachClassInProject
	    classesToLoad size > 0 ifTrue:[
		answer := Dialog confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'%1 class(es) are not loaded.\(Unloaded classes will be skipped when checking)\\Load them first ?'
							      with:classesToLoad size) withCRs
		answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

		answer ifTrue:[
		    classesToUnload := OrderedCollection new.
		    classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
			eachClassInProject isLoaded ifFalse:[
			    eachClassInProject autoload.
			    classesToUnload add:eachClassInProject

	    "/ any class without container ?
	    classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
		|mgr info classesModule classesPackageDir classesContainerFileName|

		eachClassInProject isPrivate ifFalse:[
		  "/ eachClassInProject isLoaded ifTrue:[
		    self busyLabel:'Checking ' , packageToCheck , ' - ' , eachClassInProject name.
		    mgr := eachClassInProject sourceCodeManager.
		    info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:eachClassInProject.
		    info isNil ifTrue:[
			"/ no container for that class
		    ] ifFalse:[
			(info includesKey:#module) ifTrue:[
			    classesModule := (info at:#module).
			(info includesKey:#directory) ifTrue:[
			    classesPackageDir := (info at:#directory).
			classesContainerFileName := mgr containerFromSourceInfo:info.

			"/ module & packageDir must match
			((classesModule ~= containerModule)
			or:[classesPackageDir ~= containerPackage]) ifTrue:[
			    classesWithRepositoryMismatches add:eachClassInProject
			(containers includes:classesContainerFileName) ifFalse:[
			    classesWithMissingContainer add:eachClassInProject.
			] ifTrue:[
			    eachClassInProject isLoaded ifTrue:[
				eachClassInProject revision ~= (mgr newestRevisionOf:eachClassInProject)
				    classesWithNewerVersionInRepository add:eachClassInProject.
			containers remove:classesContainerFileName ifAbsent:nil.

	    "/ any container left ?
	    containers notEmpty ifTrue:[
		obsoleteContainers add:(packageToCheck -> containers).

	    "/ any version mismatches ?
	    classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
	      eachClassInProject isLoaded ifTrue:[
		(classesWithMissingContainer includes:eachClassInProject) ifFalse:[
		    (classesWithRepositoryMismatches includes:eachClassInProject) ifFalse:[
			"/ class modified ?
			allChangeSets isNil ifTrue:[
			    allChangeSets := ChangeSet allInstances.
			(allChangeSets contains:[:aChangeSet |
			    (aChangeSet includesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassOf:eachClassInProject)
			    or:[eachClassInProject allPrivateClasses contains:[:aPrivateClass |
				    aChangeSet includesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassOf:aPrivateClass]]
			    classesWhichHaveBeenModified add:eachClassInProject

	    classesToUnload size >0 ifTrue:[
		answer := Dialog confirm:(resources string:'%1 class(es) were loaded - unload them now ?'
					  with:classesToLoad size)
		answer ifTrue:[
		    "/ unload classes which have been loaded temporarily
		    classesToUnload do:[:eachClassToUnload |
			eachClassToUnload unload

	(obsoleteContainers notEmpty
	or:[ classesWithRepositoryMismatches notEmpty
	or:[ classesWithMissingContainer notEmpty
	or:[ classesWhichHaveBeenModified notEmpty
	or:[ classesWithNewerVersionInRepository notEmpty
	or:[ needExtensionsContainer ~~ hasExtensionContainer ]]]]])
    self normalLabel

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

    "fileOut selected projects - st-source format"

    self projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:nil

    |currentProject selectedProjects fileBox suffix saveName dir
     fileName "methodsToFileOut fileNameForExtensions" mgr|

    selectedProjects := self selectedProjectsValue.
    currentProject := self theSingleSelectedProject.
    currentProject notNil ifTrue:[
	fileName := currentProject asString.
	fileName replaceAll:Character space with:$_.
	fileName replaceAll:$: with:$_.
	fileName replaceAll:$/ with:$_.
    ] ifFalse:[
	fileName := 'someProjects'
    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
	suffix := '.xml'
    ] ifFalse:[
	aFormatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
	    suffix := '.sif'
	] ifFalse:[
	    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
		suffix := '.cls'
	    ] ifFalse:[
		suffix := '.st'
    fileName := fileName , suffix.

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
	self halt:'oops - binary must go into separate files'.
	^ self

    fileBox := FileSelectionBox
		    title:(resources string:'fileOut %1 as:' with:(currentProject ? 'selected projects'))
		    okText:(resources string:'fileOut')
		    abortText:(resources string:'cancel')
		    action:[:fileName | saveName := fileName.].

    fileBox initialText:fileName.
    dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
    dir notNil ifTrue:[
	fileBox directory:dir.
    fileBox showAtPointer.

    fileBox destroy.
    fileBox := nil.

    saveName isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self
    saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self warn:'bad name given'.
	^ self
    FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).
    fileName := saveName.

    aFormatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
	SmalltalkInterchangeSTXFileOutManager initialize.
	mgr := SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager newForFileOut.
	mgr fileName: fileName.
	self selectedProjectClasses do:[:eachClass |
	    mgr addClass:eachClass.
	Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass | 
	    eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | 

		mPckg := mthd package.
		mPckg ~= eachClass package ifTrue:[
		    (selectedProjects includes:mPckg) ifTrue:[
			mgr addMethodNamed:mthd selector ofClass:mthd mclass
	self busyLabel:'writing...'.
	mgr fileOut.
	self normalLabel.
	^ self

    self halt:'sorry: unimplemented'.

"/    self 
"/        fileOutEachClassIn:self selectedProjectClasses
"/        in:dirName
"/        withFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil.
"/    methodsToFileOut := OrderedCollection new.
"/    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass | 
"/        eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | 
"/            |mPckg|
"/            mPckg := mthd package.
"/            (mPckg = currentProject and:[mPckg ~= eachClass package]) ifTrue:[
"/                methodsToFileOut add:mthd
"/            ]
"/        ]
"/    ].
"/    dirName := dirName asFilename.
"/    fileNameForExtensions := (dirName construct:'extensions') withSuffix:(self fileSuffixForFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil).
"/    self 
"/        fileOutMethods:methodsToFileOut
"/        format:aFormatSymbolOrNil
"/        toFile:fileNameForExtensions
"/        withPackage:true

    "fileOut selected projects as individual files - binary format"

    self projectMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#binary

    "fileOut selected projects as individual files - st-source format"

    self projectMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:nil

    |currentProject dirName methodsToFileOut fileNameForExtensions|

    currentProject := self theSingleSelectedProject ? 'selected projects'.
    dirName := self 
		askForDirectoryToFileOut:(resources string:'fileOut %1 in:'
    dirName isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self
	fileOutEachClassIn:self selectedProjectClasses
    methodsToFileOut := OrderedCollection new.
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass | 
	eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | 

	    mPckg := mthd package.
	    (mPckg = currentProject and:[mPckg ~= eachClass package]) ifTrue:[
		methodsToFileOut add:mthd
    dirName := dirName asFilename.
    fileNameForExtensions := (dirName construct:'extensions') withSuffix:(self fileSuffixForFormat:aFormatSymbolOrNil).

    "fileOut selected projects as individual files - sif format"

    self projectMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected projects as individual files - xml format"

    self projectMenuFileOutEachInWithFormat:#xml

    "fileOut selected projects - sif format"

    self projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected projects - xml format"

    self projectMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#xml

    "/ intermediate - this will move into a commonly used utility class
    "/ (where all the project code support will be collected).

	projectMenuWithAllClassesLoadedDo:[:module :package :classesInProject |
	    |moduleAndPackage classesSorted mgr outStream|

	    moduleAndPackage := module , ':' , package.

	    self busyLabel:'Generating file for ' , moduleAndPackage , '...'.

	    "/ now, generate the file

	    mgr := classesInProject first sourceCodeManager.
	    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
		self warn:'No sourceCode manager - cannot checkin\(will generate an abbrev-file in the current directory).' withCRs.
		'' asFilename exists ifTrue:[
		    (self confirm:'An abbrev file exists in the current directory\\Overwrite ?' withCRs) ifFalse:[
			^ self.
		outStream := '' asFilename writeStream.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		(mgr checkForExistingContainerInModule:module package:package container:'') ifFalse:[
		    (mgr createContainerForText:'' inModule:module package:package container:'') ifFalse:[
			self warn:(resources string:'cannot create new container: '''' (in %1:%2)' 
					     with:module with:package).
			^ self.
		outStream := '' writeStream.

	    classesSorted := classesInProject asOrderedCollection.
	    classesSorted sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].
	    classesSorted do:[:eachClass |
		|classFileName sourceInfo|

		sourceInfo := eachClass sourceCodeManager sourceInfoOfClass:eachClass.
		sourceInfo notNil ifTrue:[
		    classFileName := eachClass sourceCodeManager containerFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.
		] ifFalse:[
		    classFileName := eachClass classFilename ? eachClass nameWithoutPrefix.

		outStream nextPutAll:eachClass name; space.    
		outStream nextPutAll:classFileName asFilename withoutSuffix baseName; space.    
		outStream nextPutAll:(module , ':' , package); space.    
		outStream nextPutAll:'''' , eachClass category , ''''.
		outStream cr.
	    outStream close.

	    mgr notNil ifTrue:[
		self activityNotification:(resources string:'checking in...').

		UserInformation handle:[:ex |
		    Transcript showCR:ex description
		] do:[
			text:(outStream contents)
			logMessage:'automatically generated by browser'
			Transcript showCR:'checkin of failed'.
			self warn:'checkin failed'.

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

    "/ intermediate - this will move into a commonly used utility class
    "/ (where all the project code support will be collected).

	projectMenuWithAllClassesLoadedDo:[:module :package :classesInProject |
	    |moduleAndPackage classesInLoadOrder mgr outStream hasExtensions|

	    moduleAndPackage := module , ':' , package.
	    self busyLabel:'Generating loadAll file for ' , moduleAndPackage , '...'.

	    "/ now, generate the loadAll file

	    classesInLoadOrder := self projectsClassesInLoadOrder:classesInProject.
	    hasExtensions := Smalltalk allClasses contains:[:cls | (cls hasExtensionsFrom:moduleAndPackage)].

	    mgr := classesInLoadOrder first sourceCodeManager.
	    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
		self warn:'No sourceCode manager - cannot checkin\(will generate a loadAll-file in the current directory).' withCRs.
		'loadAll' asFilename exists ifTrue:[
		    (self confirm:'A loadAll file exists in the current directory\\Overwrite ?' withCRs) ifFalse:[
			^ self.
		outStream := 'loadAll' asFilename writeStream.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		(mgr checkForExistingContainerInModule:module package:package container:'loadAll') ifFalse:[
		    (mgr createContainerForText:'' inModule:module package:package container:'loadAll') ifFalse:[
			self warn:(resources string:'cannot create new container: ''loadAll'' (in %1:%2)' 
					     with:module with:package).
			^ self.
		outStream := '' writeStream.

	    outStream nextPutAll:'"/
"/ $' , 'Header' , '$
"/ loadAll-file to fileIn code for: ' , moduleAndPackage , '
"/ Automatically generated by the browsers generate-loadAll function.
"/ Prerequisites:
"/ Smalltalk loadPackage:''module:directory''.
"/ Smalltalk loadPackage:''....''.

"{ package:''' , moduleAndPackage , ''' }"


''loading package ' , moduleAndPackage ,'...'' infoPrintCR.

files := #(
	    classesInLoadOrder do:[:eachClass |
		|sourceInfo classFilename|

		sourceInfo := eachClass sourceCodeManager sourceInfoOfClass:eachClass.
		sourceInfo notNil ifTrue:[
		    classFilename := eachClass sourceCodeManager containerFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.
		] ifFalse:[
		    classFilename := eachClass classFilename ? (eachClass nameWithoutPrefix , '.st').

		outStream nextPutLine:'  ''' , classFilename asFilename baseName, ''''.    
	    hasExtensions ifTrue:[
		outStream nextPutLine:'  '''''.    
	    outStream nextPutAll:'
) asOrderedCollection.

"/ see if there is a classLibrary
(Smalltalk fileInClassLibrary:''' , package , ''') ifTrue:[
    |handle loaded|

    handle := ObjectFileLoader loadedObjectHandles 
		    detect:[:h | h package = ''' , moduleAndPackage , '''] ifNone:nil.
    handle ifNotNil:[
	loaded := Set new:(handle classes size).
	handle classes do:[:c| c isMeta ifFalse:[loaded add:c classFilename]].
	files := files asOrderedCollection select:[:f| (loaded includes:f) not].

"/ load files which are not in the classLibrary (all if there is none)
files size > 0 ifTrue:[
  files do:[:f |
    ''.'' infoPrint.
    f asFilename exists ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk fileIn:f.
    ] ifFalse:[
	Smalltalk fileIn:(''source/'' , f)
  '' '' infoPrintCR.
'' done (' , moduleAndPackage ,').'' infoPrintCR.
	    outStream close.

	    mgr notNil ifTrue:[
		self activityNotification:(resources string:'checking in...').

		UserInformation handle:[:ex |
		    Transcript showCR:ex description
		] do:[
			text:(outStream contents)
			logMessage:'automatically generated by browser'
			Transcript showCR:'checkin of loadAll failed'.
			self warn:'checkin failed'.

    "/ intermediate - this will move into a commonly used utility class
    "/ (where all the project code support will be collected).

	projectMenuWithAllClassesLoadedDo:[:module :package :classesInProject |
	    |moduleAndPackage classesInLoadOrder mgr outStream hasExtensions libName|

	    libName := package copyFrom:(package lastIndexOf:$/)+1.

	    moduleAndPackage := module , ':' , package.
	    self busyLabel:'Generating Make.proto file for ' , moduleAndPackage , '...'.

	    "/ now, generate the Make.proto file

	    classesInLoadOrder := self projectsClassesInLoadOrder:classesInProject.
	    hasExtensions := Smalltalk allClasses contains:[:cls | (cls hasExtensionsFrom:moduleAndPackage)].

	    mgr := classesInLoadOrder first sourceCodeManager.
	    mgr isNil ifTrue:[
		self warn:'No sourceCode manager - cannot checkin\(will generate a Make.proto-file in the current directory).' withCRs.
		'Make.proto' asFilename exists ifTrue:[
		    (self confirm:'A Make.proto file exists in the current directory\\Overwrite ?' withCRs) ifFalse:[
			^ self.
		outStream := 'Make.proto' asFilename writeStream.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		(mgr checkForExistingContainerInModule:module package:package container:'Make.proto') ifFalse:[
		    (mgr createContainerForText:'' inModule:module package:package container:'Make.proto') ifFalse:[
			self warn:(resources string:'cannot create new container: ''Make.proto'' (in %1:%2)' 
					     with:module with:package).
			^ self.
		outStream := '' writeStream.

	    outStream nextPutAll:'#
# $' , 'Header' , '$
# --- Make.proto automatically created by the browsers generate-MakeProto function

# position in directory hierarchy:

# subdirectories where targets are to be made:

# subdirectories where Makefiles are to be made:
# (only to be defined if different from SUBDIRS)

# ***************************** you may have to modify the next line ***
MODULE=' , module , '
MODULE_DIR=' , package , '
LIBNAME=' , libName , '

#  -H.         : create header files locally
#  -Pxxx       : defines the package
#  -Zxxx       : a prefix for variables within the classLib
#  +optspace   : optimized for space
#  +optspace2  : optimized more for space
#  +optspace3  : optimized even more for space
#  +optinline  : generate optimized inline code
#  +inlineNew  : additionally inline new
# ***************************** you may have to modify the following lines ***
# STCLOCALOPTIMIZATIONS=+optinline +inlineNew

# sorry: must prevent stc from inlining #not - sigh
STCLOCALOPTIMIZATIONS=+optspace2 -inlinenot
#  for a class-library package, you can uncomment the following:
#  (it does not hurt much, if you leave it as is - but you may NOT
#   uncomment it if object files are to be loaded individually later).
#  the following MAY ONLY be uncommented for classes/classLibs,
#  which are ALWAYS statically included in the executable.
#  (i.e. not for those which are subject to dynamic loading).
# SUPERCLASSINCL=-I$(TOP)/libbasic -I$(TOP)/libwidg2 

# if you use RCS, there are rules in the Makefile for ci/co
RCSSOURCES=*.st Make.proto

# additional C targets or libraries should be added below

all:: classLibRule

OBJS=  \
		do:[:eachClass |
		    |sourceInfo classFilename|

		    sourceInfo := eachClass sourceCodeManager sourceInfoOfClass:eachClass.
		    sourceInfo notNil ifTrue:[
			classFilename := eachClass sourceCodeManager containerFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			classFilename := eachClass classFilename ? (eachClass nameWithoutPrefix).
		    classFilename := classFilename asFilename withoutSuffix baseName.
		    outStream nextPutAll:'    ' , classFilename , '.$(O)'.    
		separatedBy:[ outStream nextPutLine:' \' ].

	    hasExtensions ifTrue:[
		outStream nextPutLine:' \'.
		outStream nextPutAll:'    extensions.$(O)'

	    outStream nextPutAll:'


' , Character tab , '@-rm -f *.c *.H *.o

' , Character tab , '@-rm -f *.c *.H *.o

# BEGINMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line; make depend needs it
# ENDMAKEDEPEND --- do not remove this line
	    outStream close.

	    mgr notNil ifTrue:[
		self activityNotification:(resources string:'checking in...').

		UserInformation handle:[:ex |
		    Transcript showCR:ex description
		] do:[
			text:(outStream contents)
			logMessage:'automatically generated by browser'
			Transcript showCR:'checkin of Make.proto failed'.
			self warn:'checkin failed'.

    "/ intermediate - this will move into a commonly used utility class
    "/ (where all the project code support will be collected).

    self projectMenuGenerateMakeProtoFile

    "import packages - but do not load classes"

    self projectMenuImport:false


    |currentProject default pkg fromWhere abbrevFile loadAllFile  
     moduleDir packageDir package numImported numSkipped msg chgSet classDefs s|

    currentProject := self theSingleSelectedProject.
    currentProject isNil ifTrue:[
	default := 'module:package'
    ] ifFalse:[
	moduleDir := currentProject upTo:$:.
	moduleDir size + 2 > currentProject size ifTrue:[
	    default := currentProject , ':*'
	] ifFalse:[
	    default := currentProject , '/*'

    SourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
	fromWhere := 'repository'
    ] ifFalse:[
	fromWhere := 'file system'
    msg := 'Name of package to import '.
    doLoadClasses ifFalse:[
	msg := msg , '(i.e. install as autoloaded) '.
    msg := msg , 'from ' , fromWhere , ':\'.
    msg := msg , '   use ''module:*'' to import a complete module;\'.
    msg := msg , '   use ''module:package'' to import a package with all of its subpackages;\'.
    msg := msg , '   use ''module:package/*'' to import subpackages only.'.
    pkg := Dialog 
		request:msg withCRs
    pkg size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    "/ see if such a module/package exists in the repository
    moduleDir := pkg upTo:$:.
    moduleDir size + 2 > pkg size ifTrue:[
	package := packageDir := nil.  "/ i.e. all
    ] ifFalse:[
	package := packageDir := pkg copyFrom:moduleDir size + 2.
	(package includesMatchCharacters) ifTrue:[
	    packageDir := nil.      "/ must check out everything and filter

    (SourceCodeManager checkForExistingModule:moduleDir) ifFalse:[
	^ self warn:'No module ''' , moduleDir , ''' in the repository.'.

    packageDir notNil ifTrue:[
	(SourceCodeManager checkForExistingModule:moduleDir package:packageDir) ifFalse:[
	    ^ self warn:'No package ''' , packageDir , ''' in the repository (but the module exists).'.

    "/ check out that module ...
	andDo:[:tempDir | 
		|filesThere skip|

		numImported := numSkipped := 0.
		tempDir asFilename withAllDirectoriesDo:[:eachDir |
		    |relDir theProject anyFound|

		    ( #( 'CVS' 'bitmaps' 'resources' ) includes:eachDir baseName) 
			relDir := eachDir name copyFrom:tempDir name size + 2.
			packageDir notNil ifTrue:[
			    relDir size > 0 ifTrue:[
				relDir := packageDir asFilename constructString:relDir
			    ] ifFalse:[
				relDir := packageDir 
			relDir size > 0 ifTrue:[ theProject := moduleDir , ':' , relDir ].

			skip := false.

			(packageDir isNil and:[package notNil]) ifTrue:[

			    skip := (package ~= (relDir , '/*') )
				    and:[ (package match:relDir) not ].
			anyFound := false.
			skip ifTrue:[
			    numSkipped := numSkipped + 1.    
			] ifFalse:[
Transcript showCR:('processing ' , relDir , '...').

			    abbrevFile := eachDir construct:''.
			    abbrevFile exists ifTrue:[
				anyFound := true.
Transcript showCR:('  loading ' , abbrevFile pathName , '...').
				Smalltalk installAutoloadedClassesFrom:abbrevFile pathName.
				numImported := numImported + 1.    
			    ] ifFalse:[
				loadAllFile := eachDir construct:'loadAll'.
				loadAllFile exists ifTrue:[
				    anyFound := true.
				    doLoadClasses ifTrue:[
Transcript showCR:('  loading ' , loadAllFile pathName , '...').
					Smalltalk fileIn:loadAllFile.
				    numImported := numImported + 1.    
				] ifFalse:[
				    filesThere := eachDir directoryContents select:[:eachFile | eachFile asFilename hasSuffix:'st'].
				    filesThere isEmpty ifTrue:[
Transcript showCR:(eachDir pathName , ': no, loadAll or smalltalk file found (although such a packageDir exists in the repository).').
				    ] ifFalse:[
					anyFound := true.
					"/ cannot simply fileIn that stuff (because of load order)
					"/ instead, create a change set containing all class definitions,
					"/ and define them first ...
					classDefs := ChangeSet new.
					filesThere do:[:eachSTFile |
					    s := (eachDir asFilename construct:eachSTFile) readStream.
					    chgSet := ChangeSet fromStream:s.
					    s close.
					    classDefs addAll:(chgSet select:[:change | change isClassDefinitionChange]).
					"/ now, install ...
					classDefs do:[:eachClassDefinition |
					    eachClassDefinition installAsAutoloadedClassIfNotPrivate.

					doLoadClasses ifTrue:[
					    filesThere do:[:eachSTFile |
Transcript showCR:('  loading ' , (eachDir asFilename constructString:eachSTFile) , '...').
						Smalltalk fileIn:(eachDir asFilename construct:eachSTFile).
					    numImported := numImported + 1.    
			    anyFound ifFalse:[
Transcript showCR:('Neither abbrev, nor loadAll file found - use import & load classes please.').
			(anyFound and:[theProject notNil]) ifTrue:[
			    self projectListApp addAdditionalProject:theProject.

    numImported == 0 ifTrue:[
	numSkipped ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    (package endsWith:'*') ifTrue:[
		self information:('Nothing imported. Notice:\You may want to try ''' , 
				 (package copyWithoutLast:2) , ''' (i.e. not the matching sub-packages).') withCRs
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self information:'Nothing imported.'

    "import packages AND load classes"

    self projectMenuImport:true

    |projects projectsString|

    projects := (self selectedProjects value) ? #().
    projectsString := projects asStringCollection asStringWith:Character space.
    projectsString := Dialog request:'Load which package(s):' initialAnswer:projectsString.
    projectsString size == 0 ifTrue:[^  self].
    projects := projectsString asCollectionOfWords.

    projects do:[:packageToLoad |
	Smalltalk loadPackage:packageToLoad

    |theProject id|

    id := self theSingleSelectedProject asSymbol.

    theProject := Project projectWithId:id.
    theProject isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ create it
	theProject := Project new.
	theProject name:id.
	theProject package:id.

    Project current:theProject.

    |box initial newProject currentProject|

    initial := 'module:directory'.
    currentProject := self theSingleSelectedProject.
    currentProject notNil ifTrue:[
	initial := currentProject upTo:$:.
	initial := initial , ':' , 'newProject'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	initial := OperatingSystem getLoginName , ':newProject'

    box := self 
		enterBoxTitle:'package-ID (module:directory) of new project:' 
		label:'Add new project'.
    box initialText:initial.
    box action:[:aString | newProject := aString].
    box showAtPointer.

    newProject size > 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ self immediateUpdate value:true.
	self projectListApp addAdditionalProject:newProject.
	"/ self immediateUpdate value:false.

	self selectProject:newProject.
	self selectedClasses value:#().

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

    (self selectedProjects value includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)) ifTrue:[
	self warn:'I won''t do that !!'.
	^ self

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToRemove |
	    self projectMenuRemoveProject:packageToRemove

    "remove a project - removes all classes and extensions for that project"

    |classesToRemove methodsToRemove msg|

    classesToRemove := IdentitySet new.
    methodsToRemove := IdentitySet new.

    "/ classes ...
    "/ ... and individual methods (extensions)
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
	(aClass package = projectToRemove) ifTrue:[
	    classesToRemove add:aClass.
	] ifFalse:[
	    aClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
		(mthd package = projectToRemove) ifTrue:[
		    methodsToRemove add:mthd

    msg := 'Remove project ''%1'' with\'.
    classesToRemove size > 0 ifTrue:[
	classesToRemove size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    msg := msg , '1 class'.
	] ifFalse:[
	    msg := msg , '%2 classes'.
	methodsToRemove size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    msg := msg , ' and '
    methodsToRemove size > 0 ifTrue:[
	methodsToRemove size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    msg := msg , '1 method extension in another class'.
	] ifFalse:[
	    msg := msg , '%3 method extensions in other classes'.
    msg := msg , '.'.

    (classesToRemove contains:[:someClass | someClass wasAutoloaded]) ifTrue:[
	msg := msg , '\\Notice: this is a real remove (no autoload stubs will remain)'.

    msg := msg 
	    bindWith:projectToRemove string allBold
	    with:classesToRemove size
	    with:methodsToRemove size.
    msg := msg withCRs.

    (classesToRemove size > 0
    or:[methodsToRemove size > 0]) ifTrue:[
	(Dialog confirm:msg) ifFalse:[^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	methodsToRemove do:[:eachMethod |
	    eachMethod mclass removeSelector:eachMethod selector.
	classesToRemove do:[:eachClass |
	    eachClass removeFromSystem.
	self projectListApp removeAdditionalProjects:(Array with:projectToRemove).
    self normalLabel.

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Show history anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	|timeGoal moduleFilter aStream box y component 
	 timeGoalListPop |

	box := Dialog new.
	(box addTextLabel:(resources string:'repository change report')) adjust:#left.
	box addVerticalSpace:20.

	timeGoal := 'yesterday' asValue. 

	y := box yPosition.
	component := box addTextLabel:(resources string:'list changes since (mm/dd):').
	component width:0.5; adjust:#right; borderWidth:0.
	box yPosition:y.
	timeGoalListPop := box addComboBoxOn:timeGoal tabable:true.
	timeGoalListPop width:0.5; left:0.5; immediateAccept:true; acceptOnLeave:false; cursorMovementWhenUpdating:#beginOfLine.

	timeGoalListPop list:#('yesterday'
			       'a week ago'
			       'a month ago'
			       'a year ago'

	box addAbortAndOkButtons.
	box open.

	box accepted ifTrue:[
	    moduleFilter := self selectedProjects value.
	    moduleFilter size == 0 
		ifTrue:[moduleFilter := nil].

	    timeGoal := timeGoal value.

	    self busyLabel:'extracting history ...' with:nil.

	    aStream := WriteStream on:(String new:200).
	    Processor activeProcess 
		withPriority:Processor activePriority-1 to:Processor activePriority
		SourceCodeManager notNil ifTrue:[
		] ifFalse:[
		    aStream nextPutLine:'no history available (no SourceCodeManagement installed)'
	    self codeView 
		contents:(aStream contents);
	    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

	    self codeAspect:#repositoryHistory.
	    self selectedMethods value:nil.
	    self selectProtocols:nil.

"/            self clearAcceptAction.
"/            self clearExplainAction.

	    self normalLabel

    "Created: / 17.1.2001 / 13:06:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.1.2001 / 13:19:10 / cg"

    self information:'Sorry - this functionality is not yet implemented'

    "open a browser showing the selected projects only"

    self spawnProjectBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBrowser

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:42:26 / cg"

    "add a buffer showing the selected projects only"

    self spawnProjectBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBuffer

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:42:40 / cg"

    "open a browser showing the selected projects extensions only"

    self spawnProjectExtensionBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer showing the selected projects extensions only"

    self spawnProjectExtensionBrowserFor:(self selectedProjects value) in:#newBuffer

    self projectListApp forceUpdateList

    "/ helper for gen-abbrev and gen-loadAll
    "/ intermediate - this will move into a commonly used utility class
    "/ (where all the project code support will be collected).

    SourceCodeManager isNil ifTrue:[^ self warn:'No SourceCodeManagement is configured.'].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	|classesToLoad classesToUnload answer mgr outStream classesSorted|

	self selectedProjectsDo:[:packageToCheck |
	    |module package containers classesInProject classesWithoutContainer|

	    module := packageToCheck upTo:$:.
	    package := packageToCheck copyFrom:(module size + 2).

	    containers := SourceCodeManager getExistingContainersInModule:module package:package.
	    containers := containers select:[:each | (each startsWith:'.') not].

	    classesInProject := IdentitySet new.
	    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
		(packageToCheck = aClass package) ifTrue:[
		    aClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
			aClass isObsolete ifTrue:[
			    Transcript showCR:'skipping obsolete class: ' , aClass name.
			] ifFalse:[
			    classesInProject add:aClass .

	    "/ load unloaded classes...
	    classesToLoad := OrderedCollection new.
	    classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
		eachClassInProject isLoaded ifFalse:[
		    classesToLoad add:eachClassInProject
	    classesToLoad size > 0 ifTrue:[
		answer := Dialog confirmWithCancel:(resources string:'%1 class(es) are not loaded.\In order to proceed, these must be loaded first.\\Load them now ?'
							      with:classesToLoad size) withCRs
		answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

		answer ifTrue:[
		    self busyLabel:'Autoloading all classes in ' , packageToCheck , '...'.

		    classesToUnload := OrderedCollection new.
		    classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
			eachClassInProject isLoaded ifFalse:[
			    eachClassInProject autoload.
			    classesToUnload add:eachClassInProject

	    self busyLabel:'Checking for classes without container in ' , packageToCheck , '...'.

	    "/ any class without container ?
	    classesWithoutContainer := IdentitySet new.

	    classesInProject do:[:eachClassInProject |
		|mgr info classesModule classesPackageDir classesContainerFileName|

		eachClassInProject isPrivate ifFalse:[
		    mgr := eachClassInProject sourceCodeManager.
		    info := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:eachClassInProject.
		    info isNil ifTrue:[
			"/ no container for that class
			classesWithoutContainer add:eachClassInProject

	    "/ any container left ?
	    classesWithoutContainer notEmpty ifTrue:[
		answer := Dialog warn:(resources string:'%1 class(es) have no container in the repository.\\Please do not forget to check them in.'
							      with:classesToLoad size) withCRs.

	    aBlock value:module value:package value:classesInProject.

	    classesToUnload size >0 ifTrue:[
		answer := Dialog confirm:(resources string:'%1 class(es) were loaded - unload them now ?'
					  with:classesToLoad size)
		answer ifTrue:[
		    self busyLabel:'Unloading autoloaded classes in ' , packageToCheck , '...'.

		    "/ unload classes which have been loaded temporarily
		    classesToUnload do:[:eachClassToUnload |
			eachClassToUnload unload
    self normalLabel


	classesInLoadOrder := OrderedCollection new:(classesInProject size).
	[classesInProject size > 0] whileTrue:[
	    |thoseWithOtherSuperclasses thoseWhichCanBeLoadedNow|

	    "/ all those, which have superclasses NOT in the package
	    thoseWithOtherSuperclasses := classesInProject select:[:eachClass | (classesInProject includesIdentical:eachClass superclass) not].

	    "/ all those with privateClasses, which have superclasses NOT in the package
	    thoseWhichCanBeLoadedNow := thoseWithOtherSuperclasses select:[:eachClass | 
		    anyPrivateClassWithSuperClassInPackage := false.
		    eachClass privateClasses do:[:eachPrivateClass |
			(classesInProject includesIdentical:eachPrivateClass superclass) ifTrue:[
			    anyPrivateClassWithSuperClassInPackage := true
		    anyPrivateClassWithSuperClassInPackage ifTrue:[
			Transcript showCR:('later load of ' , eachClass name , ' due to a private classes superclass').
		    anyPrivateClassWithSuperClassInPackage not.

	    thoseWhichCanBeLoadedNow size == 0 ifTrue:[
		self error:'load order is cyclic (care for private classes)' mayProceed:true.
		thoseWhichCanBeLoadedNow := thoseWithOtherSuperclasses.
		thoseWhichCanBeLoadedNow size == 0 ifTrue:[
		    self error:'load order is cyclic'.    
	    thoseWhichCanBeLoadedNow := thoseWhichCanBeLoadedNow asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].
	    classesInLoadOrder addAll:thoseWhichCanBeLoadedNow.
	    classesInProject removeAllFoundIn:thoseWhichCanBeLoadedNow.
	^ classesInLoadOrder

    |selectedProjects allProjects|

    selectedProjects := self selectedProjects value.
    (selectedProjects includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)) ifTrue:[
	allProjects := (Smalltalk allClasses collect:[:eachClass | eachClass package]) asSet.
	selectedProjects := allProjects.
    selectedProjects := selectedProjects asOrderedCollection.

    selectedProjects sort do:aBlock

spawnProjectBrowserFor:projects in:where
    "browse selected project(s);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the projects"

    |spec projectList singleSelection|

    (singleSelection := projects size == 1) ifTrue:[
	spec := #singleProjectBrowserSpec.
	spec := #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec.
    ] ifFalse:[
	spec := #multipleProjectBrowserSpec.
	spec := #multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec.

    projectList := projects copy.

	setupWith:[:brwsr |
	    "/ setup for a constant list ...

	    brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
	    brwsr organizerMode value:#project.
	    brwsr projectListGenerator value:projectList.
	    brwsr packageFilter value:projectList.
	    brwsr selectProjects:(singleSelection ifTrue:[projectList] ifFalse:[#()]).
	    brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 18:48:40 / cg"

spawnProjectExtensionBrowserFor:projects in:where 
    "browse selected project(s) extensions;
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the projects
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the projects"

    |classes title|

    classes := Smalltalk allClasses 
		select:[:each | (projects includes:each package) not].

    projects size == 1 ifTrue:[
	title := 'Extensions for Project ''' , projects first , ''''
    ] ifFalse:[
	title := 'Extensions for Projects'

    ^ self 
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-protocol'!

    "change the package-id of all methods in the selected protocols.
     Will eventually update the Project-object"

    self selectedProtocolMethodsDo:[:cls :protocol :sel :eachMethod |
	eachMethod package:newProject.
    self rememberLastProjectMoveTo:newProject

    self methodListApp updateList


    printStream := Printer new.

    (self selectedClasses value) do:[:eachClass |
	(self selectedProtocols value sort) do:[:eachProtocol |
	    (eachClass methodDictionary contains:[:m | m category = eachProtocol])
		eachClass perform:aSelector with:eachProtocol with:printStream.

    printStream close

    "copy all methods in the selected protocols to some other class."

    self protocolMenuMoveOrCopy:#copy

self halt:'not yet implemented'.
"/    "fileOut all methods in the selected methodcategory of
"/     the current class"
"/    self checkClassSelected ifFalse:[^ self].
"/    self whenMethodCategorySelected:[
"/        self busyLabel:'saving: %1' with:currentClass name , '-' , currentMethodCategory.
"/        Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
"/            self warn:'cannot create: %1' with:ex parameter.
"/            self normalLabel.
"/            ex return.
"/        ] do:[
"/            actualClass fileOutCategory:currentMethodCategory.
"/        ].
"/        self normalLabel.
"/    ]

    "move or copy the selected protocols methods to some other class - typically a sister class"

    |newClass newClassName sup initial m changes 
     supers subs list "holders" currentClass reqString okLabel title|

    "/ provide a reasonable default in the pull-down-list
    currentClass := self anySelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	m := self anySelectedMethod.
	currentClass := m mclass.

    LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass notNil ifTrue:[
	initial := LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass.

    initial isNil ifTrue:[
	(sup := currentClass superclass) notNil ifTrue:[
	    initial := sup name
	] ifFalse:[
	    initial := nil.

    supers := (currentClass allSuperclasses reverse collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    subs := (currentClass allSubclasses collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    list := supers.
    (supers notEmpty and:[subs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
	list := list , (Array with:'---- ' , currentClass name , ' ----')
    list := list , subs.

"/ preps to use windowSpecs ...
"/    holders := IdentityDictionary new.
"/    holders at:#className put:initial asValue.
"/    holders at:#classList put:list.
"/    (SystemBrowser 
"/      openDialogInterface:#methodMoveDialogSpec
"/      withBindings:holders) ifFalse:[
"/        ^ self
"/    ].
"/    newClassName := (holders at:#className) value.

    doWhat == #copy ifTrue:[
	reqString := 'Copy selected protocols method(s) to which class:'.
	okLabel := 'Copy'.
	title := 'Copy protocol'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	reqString := 'Move selected protocols method(s) to which class:'.
	okLabel := 'Move'.
	title := 'Move protocol'.

    newClassName := Dialog 
		    request:(resources string:reqString)
		    okLabel:(resources string:okLabel)
		    title:(resources string:title)
    newClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    (newClassName startsWith:'---- ') ifTrue:[^ self].

    newClass := Smalltalk classNamed:newClassName.
    newClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'no such class: ', newClassName.
	^ self

    LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass := newClassName.

    self meta value ifTrue:[
	newClass := newClass theMetaclass
    ] ifFalse:[
	newClass := newClass theNonMetaclass

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifTrue:[
	changes := CompositeRefactoryChange named:((doWhat == #copy) ifTrue:['Copy protocol(s)'] ifFalse:['Move protocol(s)']).

    self selectedProtocolMethodsDo:[:cls :protocol :sel :methodToCopyOrMove |
	|question msg selectorToCopyOrMove dontDoIt newMethod|

	"/ skip the version method (to avoid confusing the repository)
	((sel == #version) and:[newClass isMeta]) ifFalse:[
	    dontDoIt := false.
	    selectorToCopyOrMove := methodToCopyOrMove selector.
	    (newClass includesSelector:selectorToCopyOrMove) ifTrue:[
		question := (doWhat == #copy) 
			ifTrue:['%1 already implements #%2\\Copy anyway ?'] 
			ifFalse:['%1 already implements #%2\\Move anyway ?'].

		(self confirm:(resources string:question 
					  with:newClass name allBold   
					  with:selectorToCopyOrMove) withCRs) ifFalse:[
		    dontDoIt := true
	    dontDoIt ifFalse:[
		lastMethodMoveClass := newClassName.

		changes notNil ifTrue:[
			    compile: (methodToCopyOrMove source)
			    in: newClass
			    classified: (methodToCopyOrMove category).
		    newMethod := #dummy. "/ to make following if happy
		] ifFalse:[
		    newMethod := newClass 
					compile:(methodToCopyOrMove source) 
					classified:(methodToCopyOrMove category).

		(newMethod isNil or:[newMethod == #Error]) ifTrue:[
		    msg := (doWhat == #copy) 
			       ifTrue:['#%1 not copied - compilation failed due to an error']
			       ifFalse:['#%1 not moved - compilation failed due to an error'].
		    self warn:(resources string:msg with:selectorToCopyOrMove)
		] ifFalse:[
		    (doWhat == #move) ifTrue:[
			changes notNil ifTrue:[
			    changes removeMethod: selectorToCopyOrMove from: (methodToCopyOrMove mclass)     
			] ifFalse:[
			    (methodToCopyOrMove mclass) removeSelector:selectorToCopyOrMove.

    changes notNil ifTrue:[
	RefactoryChangeManager performChange: changes

    "move all methods in the selected protocols to some other class."

    self protocolMenuMoveOrCopy:#move

    "change the package-id of all methods in the selected protocols.
     Will eventually update the Project-object"


    newProject := self askForProject:'Move all methods in protocol(s) to which project:'.
    newProject notNil ifTrue:[
	self doMoveSelectedProtocolsToProject:newProject.

    |"box" newProtocol classesCategories someCategories cls suggestion|

    LastNewProtocols notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
	suggestion := LastNewProtocols first.

    someCategories := Set new.
    Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo:[:eachClass |
	someCategories addAll:eachClass categories 
    "/ remove existing ones ...
    (cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	classesCategories := cls categories.
	someCategories removeAllFoundIn:classesCategories.
	(classesCategories includes:suggestion) ifTrue:[
	    suggestion := nil.
    someCategories := someCategories asOrderedCollection sort.
    newProtocol := self 
			askForMethodCategory:'Name of new protocol:' 

    newProtocol isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    self immediateUpdate value:true.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:cls |
	self methodCategoryListApp addAdditionalProtocol:newProtocol forClass:cls.
    self selectProtocol:newProtocol.
    self clearAutoSelectOfLastSelectedProtocol.
    self immediateUpdate value:false.

    LastNewProtocols isNil ifTrue:[
	LastNewProtocols := OrderedCollection new
    LastNewProtocols addFirst:newProtocol.
    LastNewProtocols size > 10 ifTrue:[
	LastNewProtocols removeLast

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:56:04 / cg"

    self printOutProtocolsWithSelector:#'printOutCategory:on:'.

    "confirm removal of the selected protocols"

    |classes protocols methods numClasses numProtocols numMethods msg

    "/ count them ...
    classes := IdentitySet new.
    protocols := Set new.
    methods := IdentitySet new.
    self selectedProtocolMethodsDo:[:cls :protocol :sel :eachMethod |
	classes add:cls.
	protocols add:protocol.
	methods add:eachMethod.
    numClasses := classes size.
    numProtocols := protocols size.
    numMethods := methods size.

    numMethods ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	numMethods == 1 ifTrue:[
	    msg := resources 
			string:'Really remove %1 from ''%2''' 
			with:(methods first selector allBold) 
			with:classes first name allBold.
	] ifFalse:[
	    msg := 'Really remove %1 methods'.
	    numProtocols > 1 ifTrue:[
		msg := msg , ' (in %3 categories)'
	    ] ifFalse:[
		msg := msg , ' categorized as ''%4'''
	    numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
		msg := msg , ' from %2 classes'
	    ] ifFalse:[
		msg := msg , ' from ''%5'''
	    msg := msg , ' ?'.
	    msg := resources 
			with:numMethods printString
			with:numClasses printString
			with:numProtocols printString
			with:protocols first allBold
			with:classes first name allBold.
	(self confirm:msg) ifFalse:[^ self].
    classes := protocols := nil.

    "/ then, remove them
    self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:methods.
    methods := nil.

    "/ kludge: remove the simulated entries ...
    methodCategoryListApp := self methodCategoryListApp.
    methodCategoryListApp notNil ifTrue:[
	self selectedClassesDo:[:cls |
		    removeAdditionalProtocol:self selectedProtocols value 
	methodCategoryListApp updateList.

    "launch an enterBox to rename current method category"

    |"box" selClasses someCategories suggestion last currentMethodCategory 
     msg newCategory selMethods methodCategoryListApp|

    self hasProtocolSelected ifFalse:[^ self].

    LastProtocolRenames isNil ifTrue:[
	LastProtocolRenames := OrderedCollection new.
    currentMethodCategory := self theSingleSelectedProtocol.
    currentMethodCategory isNil ifTrue:[
	LastProtocolRenames size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    last := LastProtocolRenames last
    ] ifFalse:[
	currentMethodCategory := currentMethodCategory string.

	last := LastProtocolRenames detect:[:ren | ren key = currentMethodCategory] ifNone:nil.
	last notNil ifTrue:[
	    suggestion := last value
    last isNil ifTrue:[
	suggestion := currentMethodCategory

    currentMethodCategory isNil ifTrue:[
	msg := resources string:'Rename selected categories to:'
    ] ifFalse:[
	msg := resources string:'Rename method category ''%1'' to:' 
			 with:currentMethodCategory allBold
"/    box := self class
"/                enterBoxTitle:msg
"/                okText:'rename'
"/                label:'rename category'.
"/    box initialText:suggestion.
"/    box action:[:aString | newCategory := aString].
"/    box showAtPointer.

    someCategories := Set new.

    "/ offer the current classes's protocols in the dialog
    (selClasses := self selectedClasses value) notNil ifTrue:[
	selClasses do:[:eachClass |
	    someCategories addAll:(eachClass categories).
    ] ifFalse:[
	"/ offer the current method-classes' protocols in the dialog
	(selMethods := self selectedMethods value) notNil ifTrue:[
	    selMethods do:[:eachMethod | |cls|
		(cls := eachMethod mclass) notNil ifTrue:[
		    someCategories addAll:cls categories
    someCategories := someCategories asOrderedCollection sort.
    someCategories notEmpty ifTrue:[
	someCategories add:''.
    someCategories addAll:(Smalltalk allMethodCategories select:[:cat | (someCategories includes:cat) not]) asOrderedCollection sort.

    newCategory := self 

    newCategory isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    newCategory := newCategory withoutSeparators.
    newCategory isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    newCategory = currentMethodCategory ifTrue:[^ self].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	LastProtocolRenames := LastProtocolRenames select:[:ren | ren key ~= currentMethodCategory].
	LastProtocolRenames addLast:(currentMethodCategory -> newCategory).
	LastProtocolRenames size > 20 ifTrue:[LastProtocolRenames removeFirst].

	methodCategoryListApp := self methodCategoryListApp.

	newCategory := newCategory asSymbol.
	self selectedProtocolsDo:[:cls :protocol |
	    cls renameCategory:protocol to:newCategory.
	    "/ kludge - must also rename in addedProtocols
	    methodCategoryListApp notNil ifTrue:[
		methodCategoryListApp renameAdditionalProtocol:protocol to:newCategory forClass:cls.
	methodCategoryListApp notNil ifTrue:[
	    (self selectedClasses value ? #()) do:[:cls |
		"/ kludge - must also rename in addedProtocols
		methodCategoryListApp renameAdditionalProtocol:currentMethodCategory to:newCategory forClass:cls.

	    methodCategoryListApp updateList.

	self immediateUpdate value:true.
	self selectProtocol:newCategory.
	self immediateUpdate value:false.

    "Modified: / 6.2.2000 / 02:35:18 / cg"

    "open a new browser showing the selected category only"

    ^ self 
	spawnProtocolBrowserFor:(self selectedClasses value) 
	and:(self selectedProtocols value)

    "add a new buffer showing the selected category only"

    ^ self 
	spawnProtocolBrowserFor:(self selectedClasses value) 
	and:(self selectedProtocols value)

    "open a new browser showing all methods (from all classes) in that category"

    ^ self 
	spawnFullProtocolBrowserFor:(self selectedProtocols value)

    "add a new buffer showing all methods (from all classes) in that category"

    ^ self 
	spawnFullProtocolBrowserFor:(self selectedProtocols value)

    "open a new browser showing all methods (from all classes) in macthing categories"

    ^ self protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryIn:#newBrowser

    "add a buffer showing all methods (from all classes) in macthing categories"

    ^ self protocolMenuSpawnMatchingFullCategoryIn:#newBuffer

    "add a buffer/ open a new browser showing all methods (from all classes) in matching categories"

    |pattern matchingProtocols|

    pattern := Dialog request:'Match pattern for protocols:' initialAnswer:(self theSingleSelectedProtocol ? '').
    pattern size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    pattern := pattern string.

    matchingProtocols := Set new.
    Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |
	eachClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
	    eachClass categories do:[:cat |
		(pattern match:cat) ifTrue:[
		    matchingProtocols add:cat.
    ^ self spawnFullProtocolBrowserFor:matchingProtocols in:openHow


    (methodCategoryListApp := self methodCategoryListApp) notNil ifTrue:[
	(self selectedClasses value ? #()) do:[:aClass |
	    methodCategoryListApp removeAllAdditionalProtocolForClass:aClass 
	methodCategoryListApp forceUpdateList

spawnFullProtocolBrowserFor:protocols in:where
    "browse selected protocols;
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    |spec lbl|

    protocols size == 1 ifTrue:[
	spec := #singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec.
	lbl := protocols first , ' [full Protocol]'
    ] ifFalse:[
	spec := #multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec.
	lbl := '[full Protocols]'
    "/ selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value copy.

    ^ self 
	setupWith:[:brwsr | 
	    |generator protocolList|

	    protocolList := protocols collect:[:each | each string].

	    "/ setup a special generator ...

	    generator :=
		Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
				|all protocols|

				protocols := protocolList.
				"/ protocols := (brwsr selectedProtocols value) ? protocolList.

				all := protocols includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).
				Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclassesDo:[:eachClass |
				    eachClass categories do:[:cat |
					(all or:[protocols includes:cat]) ifTrue:[
					    whatToDo value:eachClass value:cat.

	    brwsr noAllItem value:true.
	    brwsr sortBy value:#class.
"/            brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
	    "/ kludge - need a dummy organizer (with constant classList/protocolList)
	    brwsr withWaitCursorDo:[
		brwsr protocolListGenerator value:generator.
		protocolList size == 1 ifTrue:[brwsr selectProtocols:protocolList copy].
	    "/ brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods.
"/            brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.

spawnProtocolBrowserFor:classes and:protocols in:where
    "browse selected protocols;
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the classes
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the classes"

    |spec selectedMethods singleSelection|

    (singleSelection := protocols size) == 1 ifTrue:[
	spec := #singleProtocolBrowserSpec.
    ] ifFalse:[
	spec := #multipleProtocolBrowserSpec.
    selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value copy.

    ^ self 
	setupWith:[:brwsr | 
	    |generator classList protocolList|

	    classList := classes copy.
	    protocolList := protocols collect:[:each | each string].

	    brwsr selectClasses:classList.
	    "/ setup a special generator ...

	    generator :=
		Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
				|all remainingClasses remainingCategories|

				remainingClasses := classList copy asIdentitySet.
				remainingCategories := protocolList copy asSet.

				all := protocolList includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).

				classList do:[:aClass |
				    aClass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |

					cat := mthd category.
					or:[protocolList includes:cat]) ifTrue:[
					    whatToDo value:aClass value:cat.
					    remainingClasses remove:aClass ifAbsent:nil.
					    remainingCategories remove:cat ifAbsent:nil.
				remainingClasses do:[:aClass |
				    whatToDo value:aClass value:nil.

	    "/ kludge - need a dummy organizer (with constant classList/protocolList)
	    brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
	    brwsr protocolListGenerator value:generator.
	    brwsr selectProtocols:protocolList copy.
	    brwsr selectMethods:selectedMethods.

	    brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-searching'!

askForClassToSearch:doWhatByDefault single:singleClass msgTail:msgTail thenDo:aBlock
    "common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
     to search for a class in this browser.
     doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil.
     If singleClass is true, a single class will be asked for and browsed,
     otherwise, a match pattern is allowed and a multi-class browser is opened."

    |box title okText okText2 okText3 className canFind
     button2 button3 doWhat doWhat2 doWhat3|

    doWhat := doWhatByDefault.
    canFind := navigationState isFullBrowser.

    title := (singleClass ifTrue:[ 'Class to browse' ] ifFalse:[ 'Class(es) to browse' ]).
    (doWhat isNil and:[canFind not]) ifTrue:[
	doWhat := #newBuffer.

    doWhat == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
	okText := 'Open'.
	okText2 := 'Add Buffer'. doWhat2 := #newBuffer.
	okText3 := 'Find'.       doWhat3 := nil.
    ] ifFalse:[ doWhat == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
	okText := 'Add Buffer'.
	okText2 := 'Open New'.   doWhat2 := #newBrowser.
	okText3 := 'Find'.       doWhat3 := nil.
    ] ifFalse:[
	title := (singleClass ifTrue:[ 'Class to find' ] ifFalse:[ 'Class(es) to find' ]).
	okText := 'Find'.
	okText2 := 'Open New'.   doWhat2 := #newBrowser.
	okText3 := 'Add Buffer'. doWhat3 := #newBuffer.
    title := (resources string:title) , msgTail , '.\' , (resources string:'(TAB to complete; matchPattern allowed):').

    box := self 
		enterBoxForClassWithCodeSelectionTitle:title withCRs
		withList:(self class classHistory collect: [:entry | entry className])

    box label:(resources string:'Browse or Search').
    button2 := Button label:(resources string:okText2).
    navigationState isFullBrowser "singleClass" ifTrue:[button3 := Button label:(resources string:okText3)].
    (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifFalse:[
	box addButton:button2 before:(box okButton).
	button3 notNil ifTrue:[box addButton:button3 before:button2].
    ] ifTrue:[
	box addButton:button2 after:(box okButton).
	button3 notNil ifTrue:[box addButton:button3 after:button2].

    button2 action:[
       doWhat := doWhat2.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.
    button3 notNil ifTrue:[
	button3 action:[
	   doWhat := doWhat3.
	   box doAccept.
	   box okPressed.

    box entryCompletionBlock:(self classNameEntryCompletionBlock).
    box action:[:aString | className := aString].
    box open.

    className isNil ifTrue:[^ self "cancel"].

    self withSearchCursorDo:[
	aBlock value:className value:singleClass value:doWhat.

findClass:classNameArg single:singleClass in:doWhat
    |className brwsr class classes box classNames|

    className := classNameArg.

    singleClass ifTrue:[
	className includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
	    classes := self class classesWithNameSimilarTo:className.
	    class := classes firstIfEmpty:nil.
	    class isNil ifTrue:[
		className := self askForClassNameMatching:className.
		"/ ^ self warn:('No such class: ' , className).
	    ] ifFalse:[
		classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
		    className := class name
		] ifFalse:[
		    classNames := classes collect:[:each| each name].
		    classNameArg includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
			classNames := classNames collect:[:nm | |idx| idx := nm asLowercase indexOfSubCollection:classNameArg asLowercase.
								      idx == 0 ifTrue:[
								      ] ifFalse:[
									  nm asText emphasizeFrom:idx to:idx+classNameArg size-1 with:#bold
		    box := self listBoxTitle:('Multiple class with name similar/containing to ''',classNameArg allBold,'''\\Select class to switch to:') withCRs
		    box initialText:(classes first name).
		    box entryCompletionBlock:(self classNameEntryCompletionBlock).
		    box action:[:aString | className := aString string].
		    box open.
		    className isNil ifTrue:[ "/ cancel
			^ nil
	] ifTrue:[
	    className := self askForClassNameMatching:className.

	className notNil ifTrue:[
	    doWhat == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
		brwsr := self class new.
		brwsr allButOpen.
		brwsr switchToClassNamed:className.
		brwsr openWindow.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		brwsr := self.
		doWhat == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
		    brwsr createBuffer.
		] ifFalse:[
		    "/ self rememberLocationInHistory
		brwsr switchToClassNamed:className.
    ] ifFalse:[
	className includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
	    class := Smalltalk at:className asSymbol.
	    class isBehavior ifTrue:[
		classes := Array with:class
	] ifTrue:[
	    classes := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:each | className match:each name].
	    classes := classes asOrderedCollection.
	classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    ^ self warn:'No className matches'.
	doWhat isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ select them ...
	    self immediateUpdate value:true.
	    self selectedCategories value: (classes collect:[:each | each category]) asSet asOrderedCollection.
	    self selectedClasses value:classes.
	    self immediateUpdate value:false.
	] ifFalse:[
	    self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes label:('classes matching ''',className,'''') in:doWhat select:false

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 20:35:30 / cg"
    "Modified: / 30.10.2001 / 16:50:53 / cg"

    ^ self findResponseTo:selector in:#newBuffer

findResponseTo:selector in:whereWanted
    |where searchClass class mthd currentMethod|

    where := whereWanted.

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    searchClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
	searchClass := self classHierarchyTopClass value.
	searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
	    currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
		searchClass := currentMethod mclass
	searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
	    self information:'No class or method selected (cannot search).'.
	    ^ self

    (currentMethod notNil
    and:[currentMethod selector == selector]) ifTrue:[
	searchClass := searchClass superclass.

    "/ search for the implementaion
    class := searchClass whichClassImplements:selector.
    class isNil ifTrue:[
	searchClass isMeta ifTrue:[
	    class := searchClass theNonMetaclass whichClassImplements:selector.
	] ifFalse:[
	    class := searchClass theMetaclass whichClassImplements:selector.

    "/ cannot switch method in a singleMethod browser ...
    (where isNil and:[navigationState isSingleMethodBrowser])
	where := #newBuffer.

    class isNil ifTrue:[
	self information:'None found'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	mthd := class compiledMethodAt:selector.

	where isNil ifTrue:[
	    self rememberLocationInHistory.
	    self switchToClass:class selector:selector.
	] ifFalse:[
	    self spawnMethodBrowserFor:(Array with:mthd) in:where
		 label:(resources string:'Response to %1' with:selector)

    "bookmark the currently selected method/selector"

    |cls mthd sel|

    cls := self anySelectedClass.
    mthd := self anySelectedMethod.
    (mthd notNil and:[cls isNil]) ifTrue:[
	cls := mthd mclass
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	sel := mthd selector.
	self class addToBookMarks:cls selector:sel
    ] ifFalse:[
	self warn:'no method selected'

    self rememberLocationInHistory.
    self searchMenuFindClass:nil "/ do not open new

    "common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
     to search for a class in this browser.
     doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil"

    ^ self searchMenuFindClass:doWhatByDefault single:true

searchMenuFindClass:doWhatByDefault single:singleClass
    "common code for both opening a new browser on a class and
     to search for a class in this browser.
     doWhat is: #newBrowser, #newBuffer or nil.
     If singleClass is true, a single class will be asked for and browsed,
     otherwise, a match pattern is allowed and a multi-class browser is opened."

	thenDo:[:className :single :doWhat |
	    self findClass:className single:singleClass in:doWhat.

	askForSelector:'Search for implementation of (if sent to selected class):'
	thenDo:[:selector :where |
	    |searchClass class mthd currentMethod|

	    searchClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
	    searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
		searchClass := self classHierarchyTopClass value.
		searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
		    self information:'No class selected (cannot search).'.
		    ^ self

	    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
	    (currentMethod notNil
	    and:[currentMethod selector == selector]) ifTrue:[
		searchClass := searchClass superclass.

	    "/ search for the implementaion
	    class := searchClass whichClassImplements:selector.
	    class isNil ifTrue:[
		self information:'None found'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		mthd := class compiledMethodAt:selector.
		where isNil ifTrue:[
		    self rememberLocationInHistory.
		    self switchToClass:class selector:selector.
		] ifFalse:[
		    self spawnMethodBrowserFor:(Array with:mthd) in:where 
			 label:(resources string:'Implementation of %1' with:selector)

    |box matchBlock title entryCompletionBlock b openHow|

    title := 'selector to find:\(TAB for completion; matchPattern allowed)'.

    box := self 
		listBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title withCRs 
    box label:(resources string:'find method').

    matchBlock := [ |s l|
			s := box contents.
			s includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
			    l := Set new.
			    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
				cls instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | |info|
				    (s match:sel) ifTrue:[
					l add:sel.
			    box list:(l asOrderedCollection sort).
			] ifFalse:[

    entryCompletionBlock := [:contents |
	|s what longest matching|

	box topView withWaitCursorDo:[
	    s := contents withoutSpaces.
	    s includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
		matchBlock value
	    ] ifFalse:[
		what := Smalltalk selectorCompletion:s.
		longest := what first.
		matching := what last.
		box list:matching.
		box contents:longest.
		matching size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
		    self window beep
    box entryCompletionBlock:entryCompletionBlock.
    box acceptCheck:matchBlock.
    box extent:(300@300).

    openHow := nil.
    box addButton:(b := Button label:(resources string:'Add Buffer')).
    b action:[
       openHow := #newBuffer.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.
    box addButton:(b := Button label:(resources string:'Browse')).
    b action:[
       openHow := #newBrowser.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.

    [:restart |
	box action:[:aString | 

			aString includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
			    openHow == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
				browser := self.
				browser createBuffer
			    ] ifFalse:[
				openHow == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
				    browser := self browseMenuClone.
				] ifFalse:[
				      askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Switch to that method anyway ?'
				      withCompare:true) ifTrue:[
					browser := self.
			    browser notNil ifTrue:[
				browser switchToAnyMethod:aString string.
			] ifTrue:[
			    restart value
	box contents size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    entryCompletionBlock value:(box contents).
	box showAtPointer.
    ] valueWithRestart

	askForSelector:'Search for implementation of (if sent to selected class):'
	thenDo:[:selector :whereWanted |
	    self findResponseTo:selector in:whereWanted

    "remove the currently selected method/selector"

    |cls mthd sel meta|

    BookMarks size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    cls := self anySelectedClass.
    mthd := self anySelectedMethod.
    (mthd notNil and:[cls isNil]) ifTrue:[
	cls := mthd mclass
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	sel := mthd selector.
	meta := cls isMetaclass.
	cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
	BookMarks := BookMarks 
			select:[:each |
				    meta ~~ each meta
				    or:[each className ~= cls name
				    or:[each selector ~= sel]]
    ] ifFalse:[
	self warn:'no method selected'
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-selector'!

    |newClass newClassName sup initial m  
     supers subs list currentClass reqString okLabel title|

    "/ provide a reasonable default in the pull-down-list
    currentClass := self anySelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	m := self anySelectedMethod.
	currentClass := m mclass.

    LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass notNil ifTrue:[
	initial := Smalltalk classNamed:LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass.
	initial notNil ifTrue:[
	    (currentClass notNil and:[currentClass theNonMetaclass name = initial name]) ifTrue:[ 
		initial := nil
	initial notNil ifTrue:[
	    currentClass isMeta ifTrue:[
		initial := initial theMetaclass
	    ] ifFalse:[
		initial := initial theNonMetaclass
	    initial := initial name.

    initial isNil ifTrue:[
	(sup := currentClass superclass) notNil ifTrue:[
	    initial := sup name
	] ifFalse:[
	    initial := nil.

    supers := currentClass allSuperclasses reverse.
    currentClass isMeta ifTrue:[
	supers := supers select:[:each | each isSubclassOf:Class].
    supers := supers collect:[:cls | cls name].

    subs := (currentClass allSubclasses collect:[:cls | cls name]).
    list := OrderedCollection withAll:supers.
    (supers notEmpty and:[subs notEmpty]) ifTrue:[
	list add:'---- '; add:currentClass name; add:' ----'
    list addAll:(subs sort).

    doWhat == #copy ifTrue:[
	reqString := 'Copy selected method(s) to which class ?\(enter ''Foo class'' to copy to Metaclass)'.
	okLabel := 'Copy'.
	title := 'Copy method(s)'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	reqString := 'Move selected method(s) to which class ?\(enter ''Foo class'' to move to Metaclass)'.
	okLabel := 'Move'.
	title := 'Move method(s)'.

    newClassName := Dialog 
		    request:(resources string:reqString) withCRs
		    initialAnswer:(initial ? '')
		    okLabel:(resources string:okLabel)
		    title:(resources string:title)
		    entryCompletionBlock:(self classNameEntryCompletionBlock).

    newClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    (newClassName startsWith:'---- ') ifTrue:[^ nil].

    newClass := self classIfValidNonMetaClassName:newClassName.
    newClass isNil ifTrue:[
	^ nil

    LastMethodMoveOrCopyTargetClass := newClass theNonMetaclass name.
    ^ newClass.

    "Modified: / 22.12.2001 / 03:04:48 / cg"

copyMethods:methods toClass:newClass
    "copy some methods to some other class - typically a sister class"

    self moveOrCopyMethods:methods toClass:newClass moveOrCopy:#copy

doCompareMethod:m1 against:m2 label:label
    "compare two methods"

    |source1 source2 v m1Class m2Class|

    source1 := m1 source string.
    source1 isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Oops - methods source is gone. Cannot compare source.'.
	^ self
    source2 := m2 source string.
    source2 isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Oops - methods source is gone. Cannot compare source.'.
	^ self

    m1Class := m1 mclass.
    m2Class := m2 mclass.

    v := DiffTextView 
	    label:(m1Class name , ' ' , (m1 printStringForBrowserWithSelector:m1 selector inClass:m1Class))
	    label:(m2Class name , ' ' , (m2 printStringForBrowserWithSelector:m2 selector inClass:m2Class)).
    v label:label.
    v waitUntilVisible.
    ^ self

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) versions
     with the the newest versions found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."

    |s aStream comparedSource currentSource thisRevString 
     current repository diffs allDiffs 
     mclass mselector theNonMetaclass lastClass lastRepositoryChangeSet|

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	Method flushSourceStreamCache.

	methods do:[:eachMethod |
	    mclass := eachMethod mclass.
	    mclass isNil ifTrue:[
		self warn:('Cannot find methods class (obsolete).').
	    ] ifFalse:[
		theNonMetaclass := mclass theNonMetaclass.
		mselector := eachMethod selector.

		currentSource := eachMethod source asString.
		current := ChangeSet new.
		current addMethodChange:eachMethod in:mclass.

		(lastClass ~~ theNonMetaclass) ifTrue:[
		    self busyLabel:'getting repository source...' with:nil.

		    aStream := self sourceStreamForRepositorySourceOfClass:theNonMetaclass.
		    aStream notNil ifTrue:[
			aStream class readErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
			    self warn:('read error while reading extracted source\\' , ex description) withCRs.
			    aStream close.
			    comparedSource := nil.
			] do:[
			    comparedSource := aStream contents asString.
			aStream close.

			thisRevString := theNonMetaclass revision.
			thisRevString isNil ifTrue:[
			    thisRevString := 'no revision'

			lastRepositoryChangeSet := ChangeSet fromStream:(s := comparedSource readStream). s close.
			lastClass := theNonMetaclass.

			self busyLabel:'comparing...' with:nil.

		repository := lastRepositoryChangeSet 
				select:[:eachChange | eachChange isMethodChange
						      and:[eachChange selector = mselector
							   and:[eachChange className = mclass name]]].

		diffs := repository diffSetsAgainst:current.
		allDiffs isNil ifTrue:[
		    allDiffs := diffs.
		] ifFalse:[
		    allDiffs changed addAll:(diffs changed).
		    allDiffs onlyInArg addAll:(diffs onlyInArg).
		    allDiffs onlyInReceiver addAll:(diffs onlyInReceiver).

    (allDiffs isNil 
    or:[allDiffs changed isEmptyOrNil
	and:[allDiffs onlyInReceiver isEmptyOrNil
	     and:[allDiffs onlyInArg isEmptyOrNil]]
    ) ifTrue:[
	self information:'Versions are identical.'.
	^ self.

    self normalLabel.

    "Created: / 4.1.1997 / 15:48:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 28.4.1998 / 17:40:02 / cg"

    self moveMethods:(self selectedMethods value) toProject:newProject

    "confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
     then remove them"

    |classes methods numClasses numMethods msg numVersionMethods|

    "/ count them ...
    classes := IdentitySet new.
    methods := IdentitySet new.
    numVersionMethods := 0.
    methodsToRemove do:[:eachMethod |
	classes add:(eachMethod mclass).
	methods add:eachMethod.
	eachMethod selector == #version ifTrue:[
	    eachMethod mclass isMeta ifTrue:[
		numVersionMethods := numVersionMethods + 1
    numClasses := classes size.
    numMethods := methodsToRemove value size.

    numMethods == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    numMethods == 1 ifTrue:[
	msg := 'Really remove ''%3'' from ''%4'' ?'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	(methods collect:[:m | m selector]) size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    msg := 'Really remove ''%3'''.
	] ifFalse:[
	    msg := 'Really remove %1 methods'.
	numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
	    msg := msg , ' from %2 classes'
	] ifFalse:[
	    msg := msg , ' from ''%4'''
	msg := msg , ' ?'
    msg := resources 
		with:numMethods printString
		with:numClasses printString
		with:(methods first selector ? '?') allBold
		with:classes first name allBold.

    numVersionMethods > 0 ifTrue:[
	msg := msg , '\\' ,
		string:'ATTENTION: Removing a classes version method might make the versionManagers life hard.' allBold).

		      request:msg withCRs
		      label:(resources string:'Attention')
		      form:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
		      buttonLabels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Remove'))
		      values:#(false true)
		      onCancel:false) ifFalse:[^ self].

    ] ifFalse:[
	(self confirm:msg withCRs) ifFalse:[^ self].

    classes := methods := nil.

    "/ then, remove them
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	self doRemoveSelectedMethodsUnconfirmed.

    "remove selected methods without asking questions"

    |numMethods mthd change|

    numMethods := methods size.
    numMethods == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifTrue:[
	numMethods > 1 ifTrue:[
	    change := CompositeRefactoryChange named:('Remove ', numMethods printString , ' methods').
	    methods do:[:eachMethod |
		change removeMethod:(eachMethod selector) from:(eachMethod mclass)     
	] ifFalse:[
	    mthd := methods first.
	    change := RemoveMethodChange remove:(mthd selector) from:(mthd mclass)

	RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change
    ] ifFalse:[
	methods do:[:eachMethod |
	    (eachMethod mclass) removeSelector:(eachMethod selector).

    "remove selected methods without asking questions"

    self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:self selectedMethods value copy

fileOutMethods:aCollectionOfMethods format:formatSymbolOrNil fileNameTemplate:nameOrNil boxTitle:boxTitleOrNil
    "fileOut a bunch of methods; use both from fileOutMethod-list and
     fileOut-selected methods."

    |fileBox saveName dir stillAsking suffix
     fileName aStream defaultName mgr|

    suffix := self fileSuffixForFormat:formatSymbolOrNil.
    defaultName := (nameOrNil ? 'some_methods') , '.' , suffix.

    stillAsking := true.

    [stillAsking] whileTrue:[
	fileBox := FileSelectionBox
			title:(resources string:(boxTitleOrNil ? 'FileOut methods as:'))
			okText:(resources string:'FileOut')
			abortText:(resources string:'Cancel')
			action:[:fileName | saveName := fileName].

	fileBox initialText:defaultName.
	dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
	dir notNil ifTrue:[
	    fileBox directory:dir.
	fileBox showAtPointer.
	fileBox destroy.

	saveName isNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ self

	saveName isEmpty ifTrue:[       "/ can no longer happen ...
	    (self confirm:'bad name given - try again ?') ifFalse:[
		^ self.
	    stillAsking := true.
	] ifFalse:[
	    FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:(saveName asFilename directoryName).
	    stillAsking := false.

    self busyLabel:'saving...'.

    formatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
	mgr := SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager newForFileOut.
	mgr fileName: saveName.
	aCollectionOfMethods do:[:eachMethod |
	    mgr addMethodNamed:eachMethod selector ofClass:eachMethod mclass.
	mgr fileOut.
	self normalLabel.
	^ self.

    Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	self warn:'cannot fileOut\(%2)' with:ex description.
	self normalLabel.
	ex return.
    ] do:[
	fileName := saveName asFilename.

	 if file exists, save original in a .sav file
	fileName exists ifTrue:[
	    fileName copyTo:(fileName withSuffix: 'sav')

	    aStream := fileName newReadWriteStream.
	] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex|
	    ^ self warn:('cannot create file:', fileName name)
	aCollectionOfMethods do:[:aMethod |

	    formatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
		aMethod mclass fileOutXMLMethod:aMethod on:aStream.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		formatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
self halt:'unimplemented'.
"/                        aClass binaryFileOutOn:(saveName asFilename writeStream binary)
		] ifFalse:[
		    aMethod mclass fileOutMethod:aMethod on:aStream.
	aStream close
    self normalLabel.

fileOutMethods:aCollectionOfMethods format:formatSymbolOrNil toFile:aFilename
    "fileOut a bunch of methods; use both from fileOutMethod-list and
     fileOut-selected methods."

    |aStream fileName|

    self busyLabel:'saving...'.

    Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
	self warn:'cannot fileOut\(%2)' with:ex description.
	self normalLabel.
	ex return.
    ] do:[
	formatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
	    SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager newForFileOut
		    fileName: aFilename;
		    addMethods: aCollectionOfMethods;
	] ifFalse:[
	    fileName := aFilename asFilename.

	     if file exists, save original in a .sav file
	    fileName exists ifTrue:[
		fileName copyTo:(fileName withSuffix: 'sav')

		aStream := fileName newReadWriteStream.
	    ] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex|
		^ self warn:('cannot create file:', fileName name)
	    aCollectionOfMethods do:[:aMethod |

		formatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
		    aMethod mclass fileOutXMLMethod:aMethod on:aStream.
		] ifFalse:[
		    formatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
self halt:'unimplemented'.
"/                        aClass binaryFileOutOn:(saveName asFilename writeStream binary)
		    ] ifFalse:[
			aMethod mclass fileOutMethod:aMethod on:aStream.
	    aStream close
    self normalLabel.

fileOutMethods:aCollectionOfMethods format:formatSymbolOrNil toFile:aFilename withPackage:withPackage 
    "fileOut a bunch of methods; use both from fileOutMethod-list and
     fileOut-selected methods."

    |aStream fileName lastPackage|

    self busyLabel:'saving...'.
    Class fileOutErrorSignal handle:[:ex | 
	    self warn:'cannot fileOut\(%2)' with:ex description.
	    self normalLabel.
	    ex return
	    formatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
		(SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager newForFileOut)
	    ] ifFalse:[
		fileName := aFilename asFilename.

		 if file exists, save original in a .sav file
		fileName exists ifTrue:[
		    fileName copyTo:(fileName withSuffix:'sav')
		    aStream := fileName newReadWriteStream.
		] on:FileStream openErrorSignal do:[:ex|
		    ^ self warn:('cannot create file:', fileName name)
		aCollectionOfMethods do:[:aMethod | 
		    formatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
			aMethod mclass fileOutXMLMethod:aMethod on:aStream
		    ] ifFalse:[
			formatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
			    self halt:'unimplemented'
			    "/                        aClass binaryFileOutOn:(saveName asFilename writeStream binary)
			] ifFalse:[
			    withPackage ifTrue:[
				lastPackage ~= aMethod package ifTrue:[
				    lastPackage := aMethod package.
				    aStream nextPutAll:('"{ Package: ''%1'' }" !!\\' bindWith:(lastPackage)) withCRs.
			    aMethod mclass fileOutMethod:aMethod on:aStream.
			    aStream cr.
		aStream close
    self normalLabel

    "return a method definition template"


    self theSingleSelectedClass isJavaScriptClass ifTrue:[
	s := TextStream on:''.

	s nextPutAll:'function name ( arg1 , ... ) {
    // comment stating purpose of this method

    var temp1, ...  ;

	s nextPutAll:'
// change the above template into real code.
// Then `accept'' either via the menu 
// or via the keyboard (usually CMD-A).

// You do not need this template; you can also
// select any existing methods code, change it,
// and finally `accept''. The method will then be
// installed under the selector as defined in the
// actual text - no matter which method is selected
// in the browser, or where the original text came from.

// Or clear this text, type in the method from scratch
// and install it with `accept''.

	^ s contents
    ^ SystemBrowser methodTemplate

    "return the methods previous versions code"


    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    m isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    ^ m previousVersionCode.

    "return a collection of the selected methods previous versions"


    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    m isNil ifTrue:[^ #()].

    ^ m previousVersions.

moveMethods:methods toClass:newClass
    "move some methods to some other class - typically a sister class"

    self moveOrCopyMethods:methods toClass:newClass moveOrCopy:#move

moveMethods:methods toProject:newProject
    |classesChanged numMethods change|

    classesChanged := IdentitySet new.
    numMethods := methods size.

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport and:[numMethods > 1]) ifTrue:[
	change := CompositeRefactoryChange named:('Move ', numMethods printString , ' methods to project ' , newProject).
	methods do:[:eachMethod |
	    mClass := eachMethod mclass.
		changeProjectOf:(eachMethod selector)
	RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change.
    ] ifFalse:[
	methods do:[:eachMethod |
	    mClass := eachMethod mclass.
	    self canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
		change := RefactoryMethodProjectChange 
		    changeProjectOf:(eachMethod selector)
		RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		eachMethod package:newProject.
	    classesChanged add:eachMethod mclass.

    self rememberLastProjectMoveTo:newProject.

    classesChanged do:[:eachClass |
	eachClass changed:#projectOrganization.
	Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization with:(Array with:eachClass theNonMetaclass with:(methods select:[:m | m mclass == eachClass])). 

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:04:45 / cg"

moveMethods:methods toProtocol:newCategory
    "move some methods to some other category"

    |change numMethods mClass|

    newCategory isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    lastMethodCategory := newCategory.
    numMethods := methods size.

    (self canUseRefactoringSupport and:[numMethods > 1]) ifTrue:[
	change := CompositeRefactoryChange named:('Change category of ', numMethods printString , ' methods').
	methods do:[:eachMethod |
	    mClass := eachMethod mclass.

		changeCategoryOf:(eachMethod selector)
	    mClass addChangeRecordForMethodCategory:eachMethod category:newCategory.
	RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change.
    ] ifFalse:[
	methods do:[:mthd |
	    mClass := mthd mclass.

	    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifTrue:[
		change := RefactoryMethodCategoryChange 
		    changeCategoryOf:(mthd selector)
		RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		mthd category:newCategory.
	    mClass addChangeRecordForMethodCategory:mthd category:newCategory.

moveOrCopyMethods:methods toClass:newClass moveOrCopy:doWhat
    "move or copy some methods to some other class - typically a sister class"

    |canUseRefactoringSupport changes nm|

    canUseRefactoringSupport := self canUseRefactoringSupport.
    canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
	nm := (doWhat == #copy) ifTrue:['Copy %1 to %2'] ifFalse:['Move %1 to %2'].
	nm := nm bindWith:(methods size == 1 ifTrue:[methods first whoString] ifFalse:[methods size printString , ' methods'])
		 with:newClass name.
	changes := CompositeRefactoryChange named:nm.

    methods copy do:[:methodToCopyOrMove |
	|question msg selectorToCopyOrMove 
	 category source dontDoIt newMethod oldClass|

	dontDoIt := false.
	selectorToCopyOrMove := methodToCopyOrMove selector.
	(newClass includesSelector:selectorToCopyOrMove) ifTrue:[
	    question := (doWhat == #copy) 
		    ifTrue:['%1 already implements #%2\\Copy anyway ?'] 
		    ifFalse:['%1 already implements #%2\\Move anyway ?'].

	    (self confirm:(resources string:question 
				      with:newClass name allBold   
				      with:selectorToCopyOrMove) withCRs) ifFalse:[
		dontDoIt := true
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ confirm copy/move of the version method (to avoid confusing the repository)
	    ((selectorToCopyOrMove == #version) and:[newClass isMeta]) ifTrue:[
		question := (doWhat == #copy) 
			ifTrue:['Copying the version method might confuse the repository.\\Copy anyway ?'] 
			ifFalse:['Moving the version method might confuse the repository.\\Move anyway ?'].
		(self confirm:(resources string:question) withCRs) ifFalse:[
		    dontDoIt := true
	dontDoIt ifFalse:[
	    source := methodToCopyOrMove source.
	    category := methodToCopyOrMove category.

	    lastMethodMoveClass := newClass name.

	    canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
		newMethod := #dummy. "/ to make following if happy
	    ] ifFalse:[
		newMethod := newClass 

	    (newMethod isNil or:[newMethod == #Error]) ifTrue:[
		msg := (doWhat == #copy) 
			   ifTrue:['#%1 not copied - compilation failed due to an error']
			   ifFalse:['#%1 not moved - compilation failed due to an error'].
		self warn:(resources string:msg with:selectorToCopyOrMove)
	    ] ifFalse:[
		oldClass := methodToCopyOrMove mclass.
		(doWhat == #move) ifTrue:[
		    canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
			changes removeMethod: selectorToCopyOrMove from:oldClass     
		    ] ifFalse:[
			oldClass removeSelector:selectorToCopyOrMove.

    canUseRefactoringSupport ifTrue:[
	RefactoryChangeManager performChange: changes

renameMethod:oldSelector in:aClass 
    | newSelector tree dialog args newArgs map refactoring  senders nSenders classes nClasses infoMsg
      rslt firstClassName secondClassName answer brwsr
      renameSelectedMethodsOnly renameOnly|

    RBParser autoload.

    tree := aClass parseTreeFor:oldSelector.
    tree isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn: 'Could not parse the method'.
	^ nil
    args := tree argumentNames.

    dialog := MethodNameDialog methodNameFor: args initial: oldSelector.
    dialog cancelAllVisible value:(AbortAllSignal isHandled).
    dialog renameOnlyVisible value:true.
    dialog renameSelectedMethodsOnlyVisible value:true.
    dialog allButOpen.
    dialog window label:'Rename ' , oldSelector , '...'.
    dialog openWindow.
    dialog accepted ifFalse: [^nil].

    newSelector := dialog methodName.
    renameSelectedMethodsOnly := dialog isRenameSelectedMethodsOnly.
    renameOnly := dialog isRenameOnly.

    renameOnly ifFalse:[
	"/ how many senders are there ?
	senders := SystemBrowser findSendersOf:oldSelector in:(Smalltalk allClasses) ignoreCase:false match:false.
	nSenders := senders size.
	nSenders > 0 ifTrue:[
	    classes := (senders collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass]) asIdentitySet.
	    nClasses := classes size.
	    nClasses > 0 ifTrue:[
		firstClassName := classes first name allBold.
		nClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
		    secondClassName := classes second name allBold.
	    nClasses == 1 ifTrue:[
		nSenders == 1 ifTrue:[
		    infoMsg := 'Proceed to rewrite sending method %5 ?'
		] ifFalse:[
		    infoMsg := 'Proceed to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %3 ?'
	    ] ifFalse:[
		nClasses == 2 ifTrue:[
		    infoMsg := 'Proceed to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %3 and %4 ?'
		] ifFalse:[
		    infoMsg := 'Proceed to rewrite %1 sending method(s) in %2 class(es) ?'
	    answer := Dialog 
				      with:nSenders printString
				      with:nClasses printString
				      with:senders first whoString allBold)
			labels:#('Cancel' 'Browse' 'Rewrite' )
			values:#(nil #browse #rewrite)
	    answer == nil ifTrue:[
		"/ cancel
		^ self
	    answer == #browse ifTrue:[
		brwsr := self 
			    spawnMethodBrowserFor:senders in:#newBuffer 
			    label:'Senders of ' , oldSelector
		brwsr autoSearchPattern:oldSelector.
		^ self

    newArgs := dialog arguments asOrderedCollection.
    map := Array new: args size.
    1 to: args size do: [:i | map at: i put: (newArgs indexOf: (args at: i))].

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	|classesOfSelectedMethods affectedImplementors|

	refactoring := RenameMethodRefactoring
				    renameMethod: oldSelector
				    in: aClass
				    to: newSelector
				    permuation: map.
	refactoring suppressRewriteOfSenders:renameOnly.
	renameSelectedMethodsOnly ifTrue:[
	    classesOfSelectedMethods := self selectedMethods value collect:[:m|m mclass].
	    affectedImplementors := refactoring implementors select:[:eachClass | classesOfSelectedMethods contains:[:cls | eachClass name == cls name]]. 
	    refactoring onlyRenameTheseImplementors:affectedImplementors.
"/        refactoring model name:('rename %1 to %2' bindWith:oldSelector storeString with:newSelector storeString).

	rslt := self performRefactoring:refactoring.
	self switchToSelector:newSelector asSymbol.

    self halt:'not yet needed'.
    ^ nil.

"/    | mthd mClass parseTree nameList ignoreList |
"/    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
"/    mClass := mthd mclass.
"/    parseTree := mClass parseTreeFor:mthd selector.
"/    parseTree isNil ifTrue: [^self warn: 'Could not parse sources'].
"/    nameList := OrderedCollection new.
"/    nameList
"/            add: '---- Arguments ----';
"/            addAll: parseTree argumentNames asSortedCollection;
"/            add: '---- Instance Variables ----'.
"/    ignoreList := OrderedCollection with: 1 with: nameList size.
"/    nameList addAll: mClass allInstVarNames asSortedCollection.
"/    ^ self 
"/            choose: 'Select variable to move method into:'
"/            fromList: nameList
"/            values: nameList
"/            ignore: ignoreList
"/            initialSelection: nil
"/            lines: 8
"/            cancel: [nil]

    "show the methods previous version in the codeView (to be accepted)"

    |m previousCode|

    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    previousCode := self methodsPreviousVersionCode.
    previousCode isNil ifTrue:[
	self information:'Oops - no previous code found'.
	^ self

    self showCode:previousCode scrollToTop:false.

    self codeView modified:true.
    self startSyntaxHighlightProcess.

    "show old versions"

    |m previousMethods dummyChangeSet browser|

    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    previousMethods := self methodsPreviousVersions.
    previousMethods isEmpty ifTrue:[
	self information:'Oops - no previous versions found'.
	^ self

    dummyChangeSet := ChangeSet new addAll:previousMethods.
    browser := ChangeSetBrowser openOn:dummyChangeSet.
    browser readOnly:true.

    |method mclass mselector className mgr revisions previousMethods browser lastSource lastRevision lastChange|

    method := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    method isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    mclass := method mclass.
    mselector := method selector.
    className := mclass name.

	set := ChangeSet forExistingMethods:(Array with:method).
	set := set select:[:c | c isMethodChange].
	lastChange := set first.
    ] value.

    lastSource := method source.
    lastRevision := 'current'.

    mgr := mclass theNonMetaclass sourceCodeManager.
    previousMethods := ChangeSet new.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	revisions := (mgr revisionLogOf:mclass) at:#revisions.
	revisions do:[:eachLogEntry |
	    |revision date revSourceStream|

	    revision := eachLogEntry at:#revision.
	    date := eachLogEntry at:#date.

		|chg nChg classChangeSet changeSource|

		revSourceStream := mgr getSourceStreamFor:mclass revision:revision.
		classChangeSet := ChangeSet fromStream:revSourceStream.
		chg := classChangeSet 
			    detect:[:chg | chg isMethodChange 
					   and:[chg selector = mselector
					   and:[chg className = className]]] 

		chg isNil ifTrue:[
		    "the method was created in the next version"
		] ifFalse:[
		    changeSource := chg source.
		changeSource = lastSource ifTrue:[
		] ifFalse:[
		    nChg := lastChange asNamedMethodChange.
		    nChg changeName:lastRevision.
		    previousMethods add:nChg.
		    lastSource := changeSource.
		    lastChange := chg.
		lastRevision := revision.
	    ] ensure:[
		revSourceStream notNil ifTrue:[revSourceStream close].

	browser := ChangeSetBrowser openOn:previousMethods.
	browser window label:('Revisions of ' , mclass name , ' ' , mselector).
	browser readOnly:true.


    projects := ((self selectedMethods value) collect:[:each | each package]) asSet.
    projects do:[:packageToCheckIn |

    "open a diff-textView comparing the current (in-image) version
     with the the newest version found in the repository.
     That is the most recent version."

    self doCompareMethodsWithRepository:(self selectedMethods value).

    "compare the two selected methods"


    selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value.

	doCompareMethod:(selectedMethods first)
	against:(selectedMethods second)
	label:(resources string:'Comparing methods')

    "compare the selected method against the inherited"

    |m1 m2|

    m1 := self selectedMethods value first.
    m2 := m1 mclass superclass lookupMethodFor:(m1 selector).
	label:(resources string:'Comparing against inherited')

    "compare the codeViews contents against the methods actual code"

    self doCompareIn:self navigationState.

    "compare the codeViews contents against the methods previous version"

    |m previousCode v|

    m := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    previousCode := self methodsPreviousVersionCode.
    previousCode isNil ifTrue:[
	self information:'Oops - no previous code found'.
	^ self

    v := DiffTextView 
	    label:'previous version'
	    and:m source
	    label:'current version'.
    v label:(resources string:'comparing method').
    v waitUntilVisible.
    ^ self

    "compile the current method to machine code via the stc compiler.
     This is not supported on all machines."


    self theSingleSelectedMethod isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    prev := Compiler stcCompilation:#always.
    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    self codeView accept.
	] ensure:[
	    Compiler stcCompilation:prev

    "copy the selected methods to some other class - typically a sister class"

    self selectorMenuMoveOrCopy:#copy

    "show selected methods bytecode"

    |currentMethod s codeView|

    (currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	(self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Decompile anyway ?')
	ifFalse:[^ self].

	s := '' writeStream.
	(currentMethod decompileTo:s) ifFalse:[
	    self warn:'No decompiler available'.
	codeView := self codeView.

	codeView contents:s contents.
	codeView modified:false.
	navigationState modified:false.
	navigationState realModifiedState:false.

	codeView acceptAction:nil.

    |methodsResources editorClass currentMethod|

    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    "/ double clicking on a resource-methods opens
    "/ an appropriate editor
    (currentMethod notNil
    and:[(methodsResources := currentMethod resources) notNil]
    ) ifTrue:[
	"/ kludge - this info should come from somewhere else ...
	editorClass := self class resourceEditorClassForResources:methodsResources.
	editorClass notNil ifTrue: [
		openOnClass:currentMethod mclass theNonMetaclass
		andSelector:currentMethod selector.
	    ^ self.

    "fileOut selected methods from the list - standard format"

    ^ self selectorMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:nil

    "fileOut selected methods from the list -  file format as specified by the argument:
	nil     - standard format
	#xml    - XML standard format
	#sif    - SIF (smalltalk interchange file) standard format
	#binary - ST/X binary format

    |methods fileNameTemplate m|

    methods := self selectedMethods value.
    methods size > 1 ifTrue:[
	fileNameTemplate := 'someMethods'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	m := methods first.
	fileNameTemplate := m mclass nameWithoutPrefix , '-' , m selector.
	boxTitle:'FileOut selected method(s) as:'

    "Modified: / 15.11.2001 / 17:57:52 / cg"

    "fileOut selected methods from the list - sif format"

    ^ self selectorMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#sif

    "fileOut selected methods from the list - xml format"

    XMLRepresenter isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Sorry - missing class: XMLRepresenter.\\Cannot generate XML file.' withCRs.
	^ self
    ^ self selectorMenuFileOutAsWithFormat:#xml

    "generate a subclassResponsibility method in the methods superclass"

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
	|selector mclass|

	selector := eachMethod selector.
	mclass := eachMethod mclass.

	    createInstanceCreationMethodWithSetupFor:selector category:'instance creation' in:mclass theMetaclass.

    "generate a subclassResponsibility method (for the selected string)
     in the current class"


    selector := self selectionInCodeView.
    selector isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].
    selector := selector asSymbol.

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |

	category := '* as yet unspecified *'.
	    createSubclassResponsibilityMethodFor:selector category:category in:eachClass.

    "generate a subclassResponsibility method in the methods superclass"

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
	|selector category mclass implClass defineIt answer|

	selector := eachMethod selector.
	category := eachMethod category.
	mclass := eachMethod mclass.

	mclass superclass notNil ifTrue:[
	    (mclass superclass implements:selector) ifFalse:[
		defineIt := true.

		implClass := mclass superclass whichClassImplements:selector.
		implClass notNil ifTrue:[
		    answer := Dialog 
							string:'%1 is inherited from %2.\\Define as subclassResponsibility in %3 anyway ?'
							with:selector allBold
							with:implClass name allBold
							with:mclass superclass name allBold
						  ) withCRs.
		    answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
		    defineIt := answer.
		defineIt ifTrue:[
			createSubclassResponsibilityMethodFor:selector category:category in:mclass superclass.

    "generate a template in evera subclass for each subclassResponsibility method"

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
	|selector category mclass implClass defineIt parser spec |

	selector := eachMethod selector.
	category := eachMethod category.
	mclass := eachMethod mclass.

	parser := Parser for:eachMethod source.
	parser parseMethod.
	spec := Parser methodSpecificationForSelector:selector argNames:parser methodArgs.

	mclass subclasses do:[:eachSubClass |

	    (eachSubClass implements:selector) ifFalse:[
		code := spec , '\    self halt.\    ^ self' withCRs.

    "open an inspector on the single selected method"


    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	mthd inspect

    "Created: / 6.2.2000 / 01:53:56 / cg"

    "move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa"

    self selectorMenuMakeClassOrInstanceMethod

    "move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa"

    self selectedMethods value copy do:[:methodToMove |
	|mclass question msg selectorToMove dontDoIt newMethod dstClass|

	mclass := methodToMove mclass.
	mclass isMeta ifTrue:[
	    dstClass := mclass theNonMetaclass.
	] ifFalse:[
	    dstClass := mclass theMetaclass.

	dontDoIt := false.
	selectorToMove := methodToMove selector.
	(dstClass includesSelector:selectorToMove) ifTrue:[
	    question := '%1 already implements #%2\\Move anyway ?'.
	    (self confirm:(resources string:question 
				      with:dstClass name allBold   
				      with:selectorToMove) withCRs) ifFalse:[
		dontDoIt := true
	dontDoIt ifFalse:[
	    newMethod := dstClass 
				compile:(methodToMove source) 
				classified:(methodToMove category).

	    (newMethod isNil or:[newMethod == #Error]) ifTrue:[
		msg := '#%1 not moved - compilation failed due to an error'.
		self warn:(resources string:msg with:selectorToMove)
	    ] ifFalse:[
		(methodToMove mclass) removeSelector:selectorToMove.

    "move the selected methods from inst to their class side or vice versa"

    self selectorMenuMakeClassOrInstanceMethod

    "move or copy the selected methods to some other class - typically a sister class"

    |newClass methods|

    newClass := self askForClassToMoveOrCopy:doWhat.
    newClass isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    methods := self selectedMethods value.

    self moveOrCopyMethods:methods toClass:newClass moveOrCopy:doWhat

    "move the selected methods to some other class - typically a superclass"

    self selectorMenuMoveOrCopy:#move

    "change the package-id of the selected methods.
     Will eventually update the Project-object"

    |newProject classProjects offered|

    LastProjectMoves size > 0 ifTrue:[
	offered := LastProjectMoves first
    ] ifFalse:[
	classProjects := (self selectedMethods value collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass theNonMetaclass package]) asSet.
	classProjects size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    offered := classProjects first
	] ifFalse:[
	    offered := "classesProject ? "Project current package

    newProject := self askForProject:'Move method(s) to which project:' initialText:offered.
    newProject notNil ifTrue:[
	self doMoveSelectedMethodsToProject:newProject.

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:02:49 / cg"

    "move selected methods to some other category"

    |mthd superClass inherited someCategories goodCandidates newCategory selClasses 
     initialAnswer methodSelection selectors|

    methodSelection := self selectedMethods value copy.

    someCategories := Set new.
    goodCandidates := Set new.

    "/ offer the current classes's protocols in the dialog
    (selClasses := self selectedClasses value) notNil ifTrue:[
	selClasses do:[:eachClass |
	    someCategories addAll:(eachClass categories).
    ] ifFalse:[
	"/ offer the current method-classes' protocols in the dialog
	methodSelection do:[:eachMethod | |cls|
	    (cls := eachMethod mclass) notNil ifTrue:[
		someCategories addAll:cls categories

    "/ add actual categories of selected methods
    selectors := methodSelection collect:[:each | each selector].
    (SystemBrowser findImplementorsOfAny:selectors in:(Smalltalk allClasses) ignoreCase:false)
    do:[:otherMethod |

	(methodSelection includesIdentical:otherMethod) ifFalse:[
	    cat := otherMethod category.
	    someCategories add:cat.
	    goodCandidates add:cat.

    someCategories := someCategories asOrderedCollection sort.
    goodCandidates size == 1 ifTrue:[
	initialAnswer := goodCandidates anElement
    ] ifFalse:[
	(mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	    superClass := mthd mclass superclass.
	    superClass notNil ifTrue:[
		superClass := superClass whichClassImplements:mthd selector.
		superClass notNil ifTrue:[
		    inherited := superClass compiledMethodAt:mthd selector.
		    inherited notNil ifTrue:[
			initialAnswer := inherited category
    newCategory := self 
			askForMethodCategory:'Move to which protocol ?' 
			initialAnswer:(initialAnswer ? (lastMethodCategory ? self theSingleSelectedProtocol)).

    self moveMethods:methodSelection toProtocol:newCategory

    "open a bitmap painter for a new image-spec method"

    |editorClass currentClass|

    (currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ kludge - this info should come from somewhere else ...
	editorClass := self class resourceEditorClassFor:#image.
	editorClass notNil ifTrue: [
		openOnClass:currentClass theNonMetaclass

    "open a Menu painter for a new menu-spec method"

    |editorClass currentClass|

    (currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ kludge - this info should come from somewhere else ...
	editorClass := self class resourceEditorClassFor:#menu.
	editorClass notNil ifTrue: [
		openOnClass:currentClass theNonMetaclass

    "show a template for a new method"

    self setAcceptActionForMethod.
    ^ self showCode:(self showMethodTemplate value ifTrue:[self methodTemplate] ifFalse:[''])

    "Modified: / 17.2.2000 / 23:14:14 / cg"

    "open a GUI painter for a new window-spec method"

    |editorClass currentClass|

    (currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ kludge - this info should come from somewhere else ...
	editorClass := self class resourceEditorClassFor:#canvas.
	editorClass notNil ifTrue: [
		openOnClass:currentClass theNonMetaclass

    "print out the current method(s)"


    printStream := Printer new.
    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
	eachMethod mclass printOutSource:(eachMethod source) on:printStream.
    printStream close

    "process methods"

    |mthd processingBlockString processingBlock dialog textHolder template

    template :=
'"/ general method code processor;
"/ the following block will be evaluated for each selected method.
"/ Beginner warning: Smalltalk know-how is recommended here.

[:class :selector :method|
     "/ Useful queries to the method are:
     "/     - source             to access its full sourceCode
     "/     - package            the classes package
     "/     - hasExtentsion      true if it has extensions (methods in other packages)
     "/     - implements:        true if it implements a particular message
     "/     - isSubclassOf:      true if it is a subclass of some other class
     "/     - isSuperclassOf:    true if it is a superclass of some other class
     "/     - name               the classes name
     "/     - category           the classes category
     "/     - nameSpace          the classes namespace

     "/ example (rename all foo* methods)
     (selector startsWith:''foo'') ifTrue:[
	newSource := ''bar'' , (method source copyFrom:3+1).
	    classified:(method category).
	class removeSelector:selector.

    LastMethodProcessingBlockString isNil ifTrue:[
	LastMethodProcessingBlockString := template.

    textHolder := ValueHolder new.
    dialog := Dialog 
		 forRequestText:(resources string:'Enter method processing block')
    dialog addButton:(Button label:'Template' action:[textHolder value:template. textHolder changed:#value.]).
    dialog open.
    dialog accepted ifFalse:[^ self].

    processingBlockString := textHolder value.
    LastMethodProcessingBlockString := processingBlockString.

    processingBlock := Parser evaluate:processingBlockString.
    processingBlock isBlock ifFalse:[
	self halt:'oops - bad input'.
	^ self

	selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
		value:(eachMethod mclass)
		value:(eachMethod selector)

    "push method(s) into subclass(s)"

    |selectedMethods refactoring|

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Push method(s) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value.

    (selectedMethods collect:[:m | m mclass]) asIdentitySet do:[:eachClass |
	|methods selectors nm|

	methods := selectedMethods select:[:m | m mclass == eachClass].
	selectedMethods := selectedMethods select:[:m | m mclass ~~ eachClass].
	selectors := methods collect:[:each | each  selector].
	refactoring := PushDownMethodRefactoring pushDown:selectors from:eachClass.

	nm := 'Push down '. 
	selectors size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    nm := nm , selectors first.
	] ifFalse:[
	    nm := nm , selectors size printString , ' methods'.
	nm := nm , ' from ' , eachClass name.
	refactoring model name:nm.
	self performRefactoring:refactoring.    

    "push method(s) into superclass"

    |selectedMethods refactoring|

    (self askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Push method(s) anyway ?')
    ifFalse:[^ self].

    selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value.

    (selectedMethods collect:[:m | m mclass]) asIdentitySet do:[:eachClass |
	|methods selectors nm|

	methods := selectedMethods select:[:m | m mclass == eachClass].
	selectedMethods := selectedMethods select:[:m | m mclass ~~ eachClass].
	selectors := methods collect:[:each | each  selector].
	refactoring := PushUpMethodRefactoring pushUp:selectors from:eachClass.

	nm := 'Push up '. 
	selectors size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    nm := nm , selectors first.
	] ifFalse:[
	    nm := nm , selectors size printString , ' methods'.
	nm := nm , ' from ' , eachClass name.
	refactoring model name:nm.
	self performRefactoring:refactoring.    

    "confirm removal of the selected methods (but does not search for senders),
     then remove them."

    self doRemoveMethodsConfirmed:(self selectedMethods value)

    "rename a method (and rewrite all of its callers)"

    |mthd methods selectorsDone|

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd isNil ifTrue:[
	methods := self selectedMethods value.
	(methods asSet collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod selector]) size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    mthd := methods first.
    mthd isNil ifTrue:[
	AbortAllSignal catch:[
	    selectorsDone := Set new.
	    methods do:[:eachMethod |

		eachSelector := eachMethod selector.
		(selectorsDone includes:eachSelector) ifFalse:[
		    self renameMethod:eachSelector in:eachMethod mclass.
		    selectorsDone add:eachSelector.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self renameMethod:(mthd selector) in:(mthd mclass).
"/    |mthd|
"/    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
"/    self renameMethod:mthd selector in:mthd mclass.

    "check for senders (and windowSpec/menuSpec refs) to methods selector,
     then confirm removal of the selected methods"

    |selectorsToRemove selectorsToCheckForInvokation selectorsToCheckForSelectorUse 
     possiblyInvoked possiblyUsedAsSelector msg isAre answer selInfo methods brwsr numVersionMethods|

    selectorsToRemove := IdentitySet new.
    numVersionMethods := 0.
    self selectedMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |
	selectorsToRemove add:(eachMethod selector).
	eachMethod selector == #version ifTrue:[
	    eachMethod mclass isMeta ifTrue:[
		numVersionMethods := numVersionMethods + 1

    selectorsToCheckForInvokation := IdentitySet new addAll:selectorsToRemove; yourself.
    selectorsToCheckForSelectorUse := IdentitySet new addAll:selectorsToRemove; yourself.

    possiblyInvoked := IdentitySet new.
    possiblyUsedAsSelector := IdentitySet new.

    self withSearchCursorDo:[
	"/ search through all of the system
	Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	    eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
		|sent resources newFound any|

		any := false.
		mthd literalsDo:[:eachLiteral |
		     (selectorsToRemove includes:eachLiteral) ifTrue:[any := true].
		     "/ could be an array (as in a spec)
		     eachLiteral isArray ifTrue:[
			selectorsToRemove contains:[:selToRemove |
			    (eachLiteral refersToLiteral:selToRemove) ifTrue:[
				possiblyUsedAsSelector add:mthd.
		any ifTrue:[
		    selectorsToRemove do:[:eachSelectorToRemove |
			sent := mthd messagesSent.
		       (sent includes:eachSelectorToRemove) ifTrue:[
			   (self selectedMethods value includesIdentical:mthd) ifFalse:[
			       possiblyInvoked add:mthd.
		mthd hasResource ifTrue:[
		    newFound := IdentitySet new.
		    selectorsToRemove do:[:eachSelectorToRemove |
			(mthd refersToLiteral:eachSelectorToRemove) ifTrue:[
			    (self selectedMethods value includesIdentical:mthd) ifFalse:[
				possiblyUsedAsSelector add:mthd.
    self normalLabel.

    possiblyInvoked isEmpty ifTrue:[
	possiblyUsedAsSelector isEmpty ifTrue:[
	    self selectorMenuRemove.
	    ^ self.

    selectorsToRemove size == 1 ifTrue:[
	selInfo := selectorsToRemove first allBold.
	isAre := 'is'
    ] ifFalse:[
	selInfo := 'selectors to remove'.
	isAre := 'are'
    msg := selInfo , ' '.

    possiblyInvoked notEmpty ifTrue:[
	msg := msg , isAre , ' possibly sent by %1 methods '
    possiblyUsedAsSelector notEmpty ifTrue:[
	possiblyInvoked notEmpty ifTrue:[
	    msg := msg , 'and '
	msg := msg , 'possibly used as selector by %2 methods'

    numVersionMethods > 0 ifTrue:[
	msg := msg , '\\' ,
		string:'ATTENTION: Removing a classes version method might make the versionManagers life hard.' allBold).

    answer := OptionBox 
		  request:((resources string:msg with:possiblyInvoked size printString with:possiblyUsedAsSelector size printString) 
			   , '\\Really remove ?') withCRs
		  label:(resources string:'Attention')
		  form:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
		  buttonLabels:(resources array:#( 'Cancel' 'Remove' 'Browse Methods'))
		  values:#(false true #browse)

     answer == false ifTrue:[^ self].
     answer == #browse ifTrue:[
	methods := IdentitySet new.
	methods addAll:possiblyInvoked.
	methods addAll:possiblyUsedAsSelector.
	brwsr := self 
		    spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:#newBuffer 
		    label:'methods referring to ' , selInfo
	selectorsToRemove size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    brwsr autoSearchPattern:selInfo
	^ self

     self doRemoveSelectedMethodsUnconfirmed

    "select all methods containing a particular string"

    self halt:'not yet implemented'.

    ^ self selectMethodsWhere:[:mthd | self halt]

    "open a new browser showing implementations of the selected method"

    ^ self 
	spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors) 


    "add a new buffer showing implementations of the selected method"

    ^ self 
	spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors) 


    "open a new browser showing inheritance of the selected method(s)"

    ^ self 
	spawnMethodInheritanceBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors) 


    "add a buffer showing inheritance of the selected method(s)"

    ^ self 
	spawnMethodInheritanceBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors) 


    "open a new browser showing the selected methods only"

    ^ self 
	spawnMethodBrowserFor:(self selectedMethods value) 

    "add a new buffer showing the selected methods only"

    ^ self 
	spawnMethodBrowserFor:(self selectedMethods value) 

    "open a new browser  showing all extension methods for the 
     selected methods project(s)"

    ^ self 
	spawnProjectExtensionsBrowserFor:(self selectedMethods value) 

    "add a new buffer showing all extension methods for the 
     selected methods project(s)"

    ^ self 
	spawnProjectExtensionsBrowserFor:(self selectedMethods value) 

    "open a new browser showing senders of the selected method"

    ^ self 
	spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors) 


    "add a new buffer showing senders of the selected methods selector"

    ^ self 
	spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:(self selectedSelectors) 


    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods implementations only"

    ^ self spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:(Array with:aSelector) match:false in:#newBuffer

    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders only"

    ^ self spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:(Array with:aSelector) in:#newBuffer

    "browse implementations chain"

    ^ self spawnImplementorChainIn:#newBrowser

    "browse implementations chain"

    ^ self spawnImplementorChainIn:#newBuffer

    "browse implementation chain;
        openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

    |searchBlock "must be first local in block (see #methodsSelectionChangedAt:index, which fetches this value)"
     spec aMethod multipleMethods methods lbl|

    multipleMethods := self selectedMethods value size > 1.
    multipleMethods ifTrue:[
        methods := self selectedMethods value copy.
        lbl := resources string:'implementor chains'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
        lbl := resources string:'implementor chain of %1' with:aMethod selector.
    spec := #chainBrowserSpec.

    ^ self 
        setupWith:[:brwsr | 
            |methodListGenerator generator theMethodList|

            searchBlock := [:whichMethod | 
                                | sentMessages |
                                sentMessages := whichMethod messagesSent.
                                self class findImplementorsOfAny:sentMessages in:(Smalltalk allClasses) ignoreCase:false.

            generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                                                theMethodList := searchBlock value:aMethod.
                                            theMethodList do:[:aMethod |
                                                    value:aMethod mclass 
                                                    value:aMethod category 
                                                    value:aMethod selector
                                            "enforce display of class in methodList"

                                            multipleMethods ifFalse:[
                                                theMethodList := nil.

            multipleMethods ifTrue:[
                theMethodList := methods.

            brwsr selectorListGenerator1 value:generator.
            "/ auto-select the first methods, if there is only one

            multipleMethods ifFalse:[
                theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                    "/ newBuffer will evaluate the generator later;
                    "/ newBrowser might have it already evaluated ... (sigh)
                    theMethodList := searchBlock value:aMethod.

                theMethodList size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    brwsr selectedMethods1 value:theMethodList.
                    brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 21:03:34 / cg"

spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil
    "browse selected method(s);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)"

    ^ self

spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil perClassInfo:perClassInfoOrNil perMethodInfo:perMethodInfoOrNil sortBy:sortHow
    "browse selected method(s);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)"

    ^ self

spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil perClassInfo:perClassInfo perMethodInfo:perMethodInfo sortBy:sortHow select:doSelect
    "browse selected method(s);
        where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)"

    |theMethodList theMethodNameList spec "singleSelection"|

    theMethodList := methods copy.
    theMethodNameList := methods collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass->eachMethod selector].

    ((perMethodInfo size > 0) or:[perClassInfo size > 0])  ifTrue:[
        perClassInfo size > 0 ifTrue:[
            perMethodInfo size > 0 ifTrue:[
                spec := #multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec.
            ] ifFalse:[
                spec := #multipleClassWithInfoBrowserSpec.
        ] ifFalse:[
            spec := #multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec.
    ] ifFalse:[
        spec := #multipleMethodBrowserSpec.
"/        (singleSelection := theMethodList size) == 1 ifTrue:[
"/            spec := #singleMethodBrowserSpec.
"/        ].

    ^ self 
        setupWith:[:brwsr | 
            |methodGenerator classGenerator|

            methodGenerator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            theMethodNameList do:[:mAssoc |
                                                |methodClass methodSelector method|

                                                methodClass := mAssoc key.
                                                methodSelector := mAssoc value.
                                                method := methodClass compiledMethodAt:methodSelector.
                                                method notNil ifTrue:[
                                                        value:method category 
                                            "enforce display of class in methodList"

            sortHow notNil ifTrue:[brwsr sortBy value:sortHow].

            brwsr selectorListGenerator value:methodGenerator.
            perClassInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                classGenerator := perClassInfo keys.
                brwsr classListGenerator value:classGenerator.
                brwsr meta value:false.

            perClassInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectedClasses
                        |class infoText|

                        brwsr selectedMethods value:nil.
                        class := brwsr theSingleSelectedClass.
                        class notNil ifTrue:[
                            brwsr meta value:false.
                            infoText := perClassInfo at:class theNonMetaclass ifAbsent:nil.
                            infoText isNil ifTrue:[
                                infoText := perClassInfo at:class theMetaclass ifAbsent:nil
                        brwsr methodInfo value:infoText.

            perMethodInfo notNil ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectedMethods 
                        |mthd infoText|

                        brwsr selectedClasses value:nil.
                        mthd := brwsr theSingleSelectedMethod.
                        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
                            infoText := perMethodInfo at:mthd ifAbsent:nil
                        brwsr methodInfo value:infoText.
            ] ifFalse:[
                (doSelect and:[theMethodList size == 1]) ifTrue:[
                    brwsr selectMethods:(Array with:theMethodList first).
                    brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.

    "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 17:08:45 / cg"

spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil perMethodInfo:infoDictionaryOrNil sortBy:sortHow
    "browse selected method(s);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)"

    ^ self

spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil perMethodInfo:infoDictionaryOrNil sortBy:sortHow select:doSelect
    "browse selected method(s);
	where is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
	where is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)"

    ^ self 
       spawnMethodBrowserFor:methods in:where label:labelOrNil 
       perClassInfo:nil perMethodInfo:infoDictionaryOrNil sortBy:sortHow select:doSelect.

"/    |theMethodList spec|
"/    theMethodList := methods copy.
"/    infoDictionaryOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
"/        spec := #multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec.
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        spec := #multipleMethodBrowserSpec.
"/    ].
"/    ^ self 
"/        newBrowserOrBufferDependingOn:where 
"/        label:labelOrNil
"/        forSpec:spec
"/        setupWith:[:brwsr | 
"/            |generator|
"/            generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
"/                                            theMethodList do:[:aMethod |
"/                                                whatToDo 
"/                                                    value:aMethod mclass 
"/                                                    value:aMethod category 
"/                                                    value:aMethod selector
"/                                                    value:aMethod.
"/                                            ].
"/                                            "/ enforce display of class
"/                                            "/ theMethodList size == 1 ifTrue:[
"/                                                whatToDo 
"/                                                    value:nil 
"/                                                    value:nil 
"/                                                    value:nil
"/                                                    value:nil.
"/                                            "/ ].
"/                                      ].
"/            sortHow notNil ifTrue:[brwsr sortBy value:sortHow].
"/            brwsr selectorListGenerator value:generator.
"/            infoDictionaryOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
"/                brwsr selectedMethods 
"/                    onChangeEvaluate:[
"/                        |mthd infoText|
"/                        mthd := brwsr theSingleSelectedMethod.
"/                        mthd notNil ifTrue:[
"/                            infoText := infoDictionaryOrNil at:mthd ifAbsent:nil
"/                        ].
"/                        brwsr methodInfo value:infoText.
"/                    ]
"/            ] ifFalse:[
"/                (doSelect and:[theMethodList size == 1]) ifTrue:[
"/                    brwsr selectMethods:(Array with:theMethodList first).
"/                    brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.
"/                ]
"/            ].
"/        ]

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 21:03:34 / cg"

spawnMethodBrowserForSearch:searchBlock sortBy:sortByWhat in:openHow label:lbl
    "browse selected method(s);
        openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

        and sortByWhat is:
        or  #class

    |spec theMethodList|

    theMethodList := searchBlock value.
    theMethodList size == 0 ifTrue:[
        self information:(lbl , ' - none found').
        ^ self.

    spec := #methodListBrowserSpec.

    ^ self 
        setupWith:[:brwsr | 

            generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            brwsr window withWaitCursorDo:[
                                                theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                                                    theMethodList := searchBlock value.
                                                theMethodList notNil ifTrue:[
                                                    theMethodList do:[:aMethod |
                                                            value:aMethod mclass 
                                                            value:aMethod category 
                                                            value:aMethod selector
                                                "enforce display of class in methodList"
                                            theMethodList := nil.

            sortByWhat notNil ifTrue:[brwsr sortBy value:sortByWhat].
            "/ sortByWhat notNil ifTrue:[brwsr sortBy:sortByWhat].
            brwsr selectorListGenerator value:generator.
            "/ auto-select the first methods, if there is only one

"/            theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
"/                "/ newBuffer will evaluate the generator later;
"/                "/ newBrowser might have it already evaluated ... (sigh)
"/                self withWaitCursorDo:[
"/                    theMethodList := searchBlock value
"/                ]
"/            ].

            theMethodList size == 1 ifTrue:[
                brwsr selectMethods:theMethodList.
                brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 21:03:34 / cg"

spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods only"

    ^ self spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection match:true in:openHow

spawnMethodImplementorsBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection match:doMatch in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods only"

    self withSearchCursorDo:[
	|newBrowser label impls searchBlock cachedList|

	aSelectorCollection size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    label := resources string:'Implementors of %1' with:(aSelectorCollection first)
	] ifFalse:[
	    label := 'Implementors'.

	searchBlock := [

			(list := cachedList) notNil ifTrue:[
			    cachedList := nil   
			] ifFalse:[
			    list := IdentitySet new.
			    aSelectorCollection do:[:aSelector |
				doMatch ifTrue:[
				    list addAll:(self class
						    in:Smalltalk allClasses 
				] ifFalse:[
				    list addAll:(self class
						    in:Smalltalk allClasses 
			    list := list asOrderedCollection

	cachedList := searchBlock value.
	(cachedList size == 1 and:[cachedList first == self theSingleSelectedMethod]) ifTrue:[
	    (self confirm:((label bindWith:label) , ' - only the selected method found.\\Browse anyway ?' withCRs))
		^ self

	newBrowser := self 

spawnMethodInheritanceBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods inheritance only"

    self withSearchCursorDo:[
	|selectedMethods classes list newBrowser label searchBlock 
	 initialList anyRedefined|

	(selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value) size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    self warn:'No method selected.'.
	    ^ self

	"/ classes := self selectedClasses value.
	classes isNil ifTrue:[
	    classes := selectedMethods collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass]

	searchBlock := [
		|list subList already|

		(list := initialList) size > 0 ifTrue:[
		    initialList := nil
		] ifFalse:[
		    already := IdentitySet new.
		    list := OrderedCollection new.
		    aSelectorCollection do:[:eachSelector |
			classes do:[:eachClass |
			    (eachClass withAllSuperclasses copy reverse , eachClass allSubclasses) 
			    do:[:eachSuperAndSubclass |

				(eachSuperAndSubclass includesSelector:eachSelector) ifTrue:[
				    mthd := eachSuperAndSubclass compiledMethodAt:eachSelector.
				    (already includes:mthd) ifFalse:[
					eachSuperAndSubclass ~~ eachClass ifTrue:[anyRedefined := true].
					list add:mthd.
					already add:mthd.

	anyRedefined := false.
	initialList := searchBlock value.
	anyRedefined ifFalse:[

	    selectedMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
		msg := 'The method does not redefine any superclass method and is not redefined in any subclass.'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		msg := 'None of the methods redefines any superclass method or is redefined in any subclass.'.
	    self warn:msg.
	    ^ self

	aSelectorCollection size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    label := 'Inheritance of %1' bindWith:(aSelectorCollection first)
	] ifFalse:[
	    label := 'Inheritance'.

	newBrowser := self 
	newBrowser selectMethods:(selectedMethods copy).
	newBrowser sortBy value:false.

spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:aSelectorCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders only"


    self withSearchCursorDo:[
	|cachedList newBrowser theSingleSelector searchBlock|

	aSelectorCollection size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    theSingleSelector := aSelectorCollection first.
	    label := 'Senders of %1' bindWith:theSingleSelector.
	] ifFalse:[
	    label := 'Senders'.

	searchBlock := [

			    cachedList notNil ifTrue:[
				l := cachedList.
				cachedList := nil
			    ] ifFalse:[
				l := IdentitySet new.
				aSelectorCollection do:[:aSelector |
				    l addAll:(self class
						    in:Smalltalk allClasses 
				l := l asOrderedCollection

	theSingleSelector notNil ifTrue:[
	    cachedList := searchBlock value.
	    cachedList size == 0 ifTrue:[
		self information:(label , ' - none found').
		^ self
	    (cachedList size == 1 and:[cachedList first == self theSingleSelectedMethod]) ifTrue:[
		(self confirm:((label bindWith:label) , ' - only the selected method found.\\Browse anyway ?' withCRs))
		    ^ self

	newBrowser := self 

	theSingleSelector notNil ifTrue:[
	    newBrowser autoSearchSelector:theSingleSelector ignoreCase:false doMatch:false.

spawnProjectExtensionsBrowserFor:aMethodCollection in:openHow
    "open a new browser or add a buffer showing the selected methods senders only"


    self withSearchCursorDo:[
	|packages cachedList newBrowser theSinglePackage searchBlock|

	packages := (aMethodCollection collect:[:each | each package]) asSet.        
	packages size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    theSinglePackage := packages first.
	    label := 'Extensions for %1' bindWith:theSinglePackage.
	] ifFalse:[
	    label := 'Extensions'.

	searchBlock := [

			    cachedList notNil ifTrue:[
				l := cachedList.
				cachedList := nil
			    ] ifFalse:[
				l := IdentitySet new.
				Smalltalk allClasses do:[:eachClass |

				    cPackage := eachClass package.
				    eachClass instAndClassMethodsDo:[:eachMethod |

					mPackage := eachMethod package.
					mPackage ~= cPackage ifTrue:[
					    (theSinglePackage notNil 
						ifTrue:[theSinglePackage = mPackage]
						ifFalse:[packages includes:mPackage])
						l add:eachMethod
				l := l asOrderedCollection

	theSinglePackage notNil ifTrue:[
	    cachedList := searchBlock value.
	    cachedList size == 0 ifTrue:[
		self information:(label , ' - none found').
		^ self
	    (cachedList size == 1 and:[cachedList first == self theSingleSelectedMethod]) ifTrue:[
		(self confirm:((label bindWith:label) , ' - only the selected method found.\\Browse anyway ?' withCRs))
		    ^ self

	newBrowser := self 

    "browse selected methods sender chain"

    ^ self spawnSenderChainIn:#newBrowser

    "browse selected methods sender chain"

    ^ self spawnSenderChainIn:#newBuffer

    "browse selected methods sender chain;
        openHow is: #newBrowser - open a new browser showing the method(s)
        openHow is: #newBuffer  - add a new buffer showing the method(s)

    |searchBlock "must be first local in block (see #methodsSelectionChangedAt:index, which fetches this value)"  
     spec aMethod multipleMethods methods lbl|

    multipleMethods := self selectedMethods value size > 1.
    multipleMethods ifTrue:[
        methods := self selectedMethods value copy.
        lbl := resources string:'Sender chains'.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
        lbl := resources string:'Sender chain of %1' with:aMethod selector.
    spec := #chainBrowserSpec.

    ^ self 
        setupWith:[:brwsr | 
            |generator theMethodList|

            searchBlock := [:whichMethod | |selector|
                                selector := whichMethod selector.
                                selector isNil ifTrue:[
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    self class allCallsOn:selector in:(Smalltalk allClasses) ignoreCase:false match:false.

            generator := Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
                                            theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                                                theMethodList := searchBlock value:aMethod.
                                            theMethodList do:[:aMethod |
                                                    value:aMethod mclass 
                                                    value:aMethod category 
                                                    value:aMethod selector
                                            "enforce display of class in methodList"
                                            multipleMethods ifFalse:[
                                                theMethodList := nil.

            multipleMethods ifTrue:[
                theMethodList := methods.

            brwsr selectorListGenerator1 value:generator.
            "/ auto-select the first methods, if there is only one

            multipleMethods ifFalse:[
                theMethodList isNil ifTrue:[
                    "/ newBuffer will evaluate the generator later;
                    "/ newBrowser might have it already evaluated ... (sigh)
                    theMethodList := searchBlock value:aMethod.

                theMethodList size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    brwsr selectedMethods1 value:theMethodList.
                    brwsr methodsSelectionChanged.

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 21:03:34 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-selector debug'!

commonTraceHelperWith:aSelector with:argumentOrNil clear:doClear
    "install a break/trace or countPoint for the current method"

    self selectedMethodsDo:[:mthdArg |
	|mthd originalMethod cls sel|

	mthd := mthdArg.
	cls := mthd mclass.
	cls notNil ifTrue:[
	    sel := mthd selector.

	    doClear ifTrue:[
		mthd isWrapped ifTrue:[
		    originalMethod := mthd originalMethod.
		    mthd clearBreakPoint.
		    mthd := originalMethod.
		    sel isNil ifTrue:[sel := mthd selector].

	    aSelector == #changeUpdateTrace ifTrue:[
		MessageTracer traceUpdateMethod:mthd on:Transcript
	    ] ifFalse:[
		aSelector numArgs == 0 ifTrue:[
		    mthd perform:aSelector.
		] ifFalse:[
		    mthd perform:aSelector with:argumentOrNil.

	    sel isNil ifTrue:[sel := mthd selector].
	    (sel isNil 
	    and:[mthd isWrapped
	    and:[(originalMethod := mthd originalMethod) notNil]]) ifTrue:[
		sel := originalMethod selector

    "set a breakpoint on the selected method(s)"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#setBreakPoint with:nil clear:true.

    "set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
     the method has been invoked some number of times."

    |answer n|

    answer := DialogBox request:'Enter debugger after how many invocations:'.
    answer isNil ifTrue:[^self].
    n := Number readFrom:answer onError:nil.
    n isNil ifTrue:[^self].

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#breakPointAfter: with:n clear:true

    "set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
     some conditionBlock evaluates to true."

    |conditionBlockString conditionBlock dialog textHolder template|

    template :=
'"/ general breakpoint;
"/ the following block should evaluate to true, if the breakPoint is to fire.
"/ Please change as required.
"/ Beginner warning: Smalltalk know-how is useful here.

[:context :method |
     "/ any condition using context and method.
     "/ Useful queries are:
     "/     - Processor activeProcess          the active process
     "/ Useful queries to the context are:
     "/     - receiver           the receiver
     "/     - sender             the sender context
     "/     - sender selector    the sender contexts selector
     "/     - sender receiver    the sender contexts receiver

     "/ example (breakPoint hits if the receiver is a NewSystemBrowser)
     (context receiver isMemberOf:NewSystemBrowser)

    LastBreakPointConditionString isNil ifTrue:[
	LastBreakPointConditionString := template.

    resources := ResourcePack for:self  class.

    textHolder := ValueHolder new.
    dialog := Dialog 
		 forRequestText:(resources string:'Enter condition for breakpoint')
    dialog addButton:(Button label:'Template' action:[textHolder value:template. textHolder changed:#value.]).
    dialog open.
    dialog accepted ifFalse:[^ self].

    conditionBlockString := textHolder value.
    LastBreakPointConditionString := conditionBlockString.

    conditionBlock := Parser evaluate:conditionBlockString.
    conditionBlock isBlock ifFalse:[
	self halt:'oops - bad input'.
	^ self

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#breakPointIf: with:conditionBlock clear:true

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 22:16:06 / cg"

    "set a breakpoint on the current method(s), which only trigger(s) if
     executed by some particular process."

    |processes processNames box windowGroups selectedProcessIndex|

    windowGroups := WindowGroup allInstances.

    processes := ProcessorScheduler knownProcesses asOrderedCollection.
    processes := processes select:[:aProcess |
			aProcess notNil 
			and:[aProcess id notNil]
    processes := processes sort:[:a :b | a id < b id].
    processNames := processes collect:[:aProcess |
			|pName theGroup top topLabel winLabel|

			pName := aProcess nameOrId.

			"/ if its a windowGroup process,
			"/ fetch its first topViews name and add.
			"/ (allows selecting among multiple browsers ...)
			winLabel := ''.

			theGroup := windowGroups detect:[:g | g process == aProcess] ifNone:nil.
			theGroup notNil ifTrue:[
			    top := theGroup topViews.
			    top size > 0 ifTrue:[
				top := top first.
				topLabel := top label.
				(topLabel notNil and:[topLabel ~= pName]) ifTrue:[
				     winLabel := '  ("' , topLabel , '")'.
			aProcess id printString , ' [' , pName , ']' , winLabel

    "/ let user specify which one ...

    box := ListSelectionBox new.
    box noEnterField.
    box list:processNames.
    box label:(resources string:'process selection').
    box title:(resources 
		string:'Stop if method is executed by process:\\(current process is %1)'
		with:(Processor activeProcess id)
		with:(Processor activeProcess nameOrId)) withCRs.
    box action:[:selection | selectedProcessIndex := box selectionIndex].

    box showAtPointer.
    box destroy.

    selectedProcessIndex notNil ifTrue:[
	    with:(processes at:selectedProcessIndex)

    "Created: / 14.10.1996 / 15:40:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12.1.1998 / 19:14:37 / cg"
    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 12:39:38 / stefan"

    "remove any break/trace on the selected method(s)"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#clearBreakPoint with:nil clear:false.

    "set a countpoint on the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#startCounting with:nil clear:true

    "set a countpoint for memory usage on the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#startCountingMemoryUsage with:nil clear:true

    "set a timing on the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#startTiming with:nil clear:true

    "show the number of invocations & remove a countpoint on the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#stopCounting with:nil clear:true

    "stop counting of memory usage for this method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#stopCountingMemoryUsage with:nil clear:true.

    "stop timing the current method"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#stopTiming with:nil clear:true

    "set a tracepoint on the selected method(s)"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#setTracePoint with:nil clear:true.

    "set a change-update tracepoint on the selected method(s).
     Like a regular trace, but knows about the observer pattern"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#changeUpdateTrace with:nil clear:true.

    "set a full-tracepoint on the selected method(s)"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#setTraceFullPoint with:nil clear:true.

    "set a sender-tracepoint on the selected method(s)"

    self commonTraceHelperWith:#setTraceSenderPoint with:nil clear:true.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menu actions-variables'!

browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:browserTitle boxTitle:boxTitle variables:varType access:accessType all:browseAll
    "show an enterbox for instVar/classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring/modifying to that var"

    |box b varNames varNameList openHow classes|

    openHow := #newBuffer.

    box := self enterBoxForVariableSearch:boxTitle.
    box action:[:enteredString | varNames := enteredString].

    b := Button label:(resources string:'Browser').
    (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifFalse:[
	box addButton:b before:box okButton.
    ] ifTrue:[
	box addButton:b after:box okButton.
    b action:[
       openHow := #newBrowser.
       box doAccept.
       box okPressed.
    box showAtPointer.
    box destroy.

    varNames size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    varNameList := varNames string asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:' ;,/|'.

    classes := self classesToSearchForVariable.

	variables:varType access:accessType all:browseAll 
	title:browserTitle in:openHow

browseVarRefsToAny:varNameList classes:classesIn variables:varType access:accessType all:browseAll title:browserTitle in:openHow
    "Open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring/modifying to any var in varNames"

    |varNames brwsr classes searchBlock methods|

    varNameList size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    varNames := varNameList asStringWith:'|'.

    "/ the find* methods expect nonMetaclasses ...
    classes := classesIn collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass].

    searchBlock := [   

		    methods notNil ifTrue:[
			allMethods := methods.
			methods := nil.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			allMethods := IdentitySet new.
			varNameList do:[:aVariableName |  
			    |homeClasses methods1 methods2|

			    browseAll ifTrue:[
				homeClasses := self findClassesOfVariable:aVariableName accessWith:varType in:classes.
				homeClasses do:[:homeClass |
				    varType == #classVarNames ifTrue:[
					methods1 := self class findClassRefsTo:aVariableName under:homeClass theNonMetaclass access:accessType.
					methods2 := self class findClassRefsTo:aVariableName under:homeClass theMetaclass access:accessType.
				    ] ifFalse:[
					varType == #classInstVarNames ifTrue:[
					    methods1 := self class findInstRefsTo:aVariableName under:homeClass theMetaclass access:accessType
					] ifFalse:[
					    methods1 := self class findInstRefsTo:aVariableName under:homeClass theNonMetaclass access:accessType
				    allMethods addAll:methods1.    
				    methods2 notNil ifTrue:[allMethods addAll:methods2].
			    ] ifFalse:[
				classes do:[:eachClass |
				    varType == #classVarNames ifTrue:[
					methods1 := self class findClassRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theNonMetaclass access:accessType.
					methods2 := self class findClassRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theMetaclass access:accessType.
				    ] ifFalse:[
					varType == #classInstVarNames ifTrue:[
					    methods1 := self class findInstRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theMetaclass access:accessType
					] ifFalse:[
					    methods1 := self class findInstRefsTo:aVariableName inClass:eachClass theNonMetaclass access:accessType
				    allMethods addAll:methods1.    
				    methods2 notNil ifTrue:[allMethods addAll:methods2].    
			allMethods := allMethods asOrderedCollection

    self busyLabel:'searching...'.
    methods := searchBlock value.
    self normalLabel.
    methods size == 0 ifTrue:[
	self information:((browserTitle bindWith:varNames allBold) , ' - none found').
	^ self

    brwsr := self spawnMethodBrowserForSearch:searchBlock
		label:(browserTitle bindWith:varNames).

    brwsr variableFilter value:varNameList.

    self autoSearchVariables:varNameList readers:(accessType ~~ #write) writers:(accessType ~~ #read).

findClassesOfVariable:aVariableName accessWith:aSelector in:collectionOfClasses
    "this method returns the classes, in which a variable is defined; 
     needs either #instVarNames, #classInstVarNames or #classVarNames as aSelector."

    |cls homeClass list homeClasses|

    homeClasses := IdentitySet new.
    collectionOfClasses do:[:currentClass |
	cls := currentClass.
	[cls notNil] whileTrue:[
	     first, find the class, where the variable is declared
	    aSelector == #classInstVarNames ifTrue:[
		list := cls class instVarNames
	    ] ifFalse:[                             
		list := cls perform:aSelector
	    (list includes:aVariableName) ifTrue:[
		homeClass := cls.
		cls := nil.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		cls := cls superclass
	homeClass isNil ifTrue:[
	    "nope, must be one below ... (could optimize a bit, by searching down
	     for the declaring class ...
	    homeClass := currentClass
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ Transcript showCR:'starting search in ' , homeClass name.
	homeClasses add:homeClass.

    ^ homeClasses


    ^ navigationState variableListApplication showClassVarsInVariableList value

    "add a new variable."

    ^ self variablesMenuAdd:(self showingClassVarsInVariableList)

    "add a new variable."

    |variableToAdd initial|

"/    (self askIfModified) ~~ true ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

    initial := self selectionInCodeView ? ''.

    variableToAdd := Dialog request:(asClassVariableBoolean ifTrue:[
					'Name of new class variable:'
				     ] ifFalse:[
					self meta value ifTrue:[
					    'Name of new class instance variable:'
					 ] ifFalse:[
					    'Name of new instance variable:'
			    title:'Add Variable'
    variableToAdd size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    asClassVariableBoolean ifTrue:[
	self codeMenuAddClassVariable:variableToAdd inClass:(self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass)
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeMenuAddInstanceVariable:variableToAdd inClass:(self theSingleSelectedClass)

    "add a new variable."

    ^ self variablesMenuAdd:true

    "add a new variable."

    ^ self variablesMenuAdd:false

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods modifying to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'all writers of class-instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'class-instance variable to browse writers:' 
	variables:#classInstVarNames access:#write all:true

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'all readers of class-instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'class-instance variable to browse readers:' 
	variables:#classInstVarNames access:#read all:true

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All references to class-instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'Class-instance variable to browse all references to:' 
	variables:#classInstVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:true

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods modifying to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All writers of class variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'Class variable to browse all writers:' 
	variables:#classVarNames access:#write all:true

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'all readers of class variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'class variable to browse readers:' 
	variables:#classVarNames access:#read all:true

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All references to class variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'Class variable to browse all references to:' 
	variables:#classVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:true

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods modifying to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All writers of instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'Instance variable to browse all writers:' 
	variables:#instVarNames access:#write all:true

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods writing that var"

    self meta value ifTrue:[
	self variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarMods.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarMods.

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading that var"

    self meta value ifTrue:[
	self variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarReads.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarReads.

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var"

    self meta value ifTrue:[
	self variablesMenuBrowseAllClassInstVarRefs.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self variablesMenuBrowseAllInstVarRefs.

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods reading that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All readers of instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'Instance variable to browse all readers:' 
	variables:#instVarNames access:#read all:true

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing all methods referring to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'All references to instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'Instance variable to browse all references to:' 
	variables:#instVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:true

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'writers of class-instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'class-instance variable to browse writers:' 
	variables:#classInstVarNames access:#write all:false

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods reading that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'readers of class-instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'class-instance variable to browse readers:' 
	variables:#classInstVarNames access:#read all:false

    "show an enterbox for classInstVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'references to class-instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'class-instance variable to browse references to:' 
	variables:#classInstVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:false

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'writers of class variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'class variable to browse writers:' 
	variables:#classVarNames access:#write all:false

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods reading that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'readers of class variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'class variable to browse readers:' 
	variables:#classVarNames access:#read all:false

    "show an enterbox for classVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'references to class variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'class variable to browse references to:' 
	variables:#classVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:false

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'writers of instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'instance variable to browse writers:' 
	variables:#instVarNames access:#write all:false

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods modifying to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'readers of instance variable %1' 
	boxTitle:'instance variable to browse readers:' 
	variables:#instVarNames access:#read all:false

    "show an enterbox for instVar to search for.
     Then open a new browser or add a buffer showing methods referring to that var"

	browseVarRefsOrModsWithTitle:'references to instance variable %1'
	boxTitle:'instance variable to browse references to:' 
	variables:#instVarNames access:#readOrWrite all:false

self halt.

    "create access methods for selected instvars."


    "create access methods for selected instvars as valueHolders."


    "create access methods for selected instvars as valueHolders with change notification."


    "create access methods with change notification for selected instvars."


variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange:withChange asValueHolder:asValueHolder readersOnly:readersOnly writersOnly:writersOnly
    "common helper to create access methods."

    ^ self

variablesMenuGenerateAccessMethodsWithChange:withChange asValueHolder:asValueHolder readersOnly:readersOnly writersOnly:writersOnly lazyInitialization:lazyInitialization
    "common helper to create access methods."

    self selectedClassesWithWaitCursorDo:[:eachClass |

	names := self variableFilter value.
	names size > 0 ifTrue:[

    "create access methods for selected instvars with lazy ini."


    "create access methods for selected instvars."


    "create setter methods for selected instvars."


    "pull selected variable into superclass."

    self withSelectedVariableDo:[:variableToPull :isClassVar |

	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
	isClassVar ifTrue:[
	    self codeMenuPullUpClassVariable:variableToPull inClass:(cls theNonMetaclass)
	] ifFalse:[
	    self codeMenuPullUpInstanceVariable:variableToPull inClass:cls

    "push selected variable into subclass."

    self withSelectedVariableDo:[:variableToPush :isClassVar |

	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
	isClassVar ifTrue:[
	    self codeMenuPushDownClassVariable:variableToPush inClass:(cls theNonMetaclass)
	] ifFalse:[
	    self codeMenuPushDownInstanceVariable:variableToPush inClass:cls

    "remove selected variable(s)."

    |variablesToRemove classVar cls|

    (variablesToRemove := self selectedVariables value) size > 0 ifTrue:[
	classVar := self showingClassVarsInVariableList.
    ] ifFalse:[
	variablesToRemove := Array with:(self selectionInCodeView).
	classVar := self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView.

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    variablesToRemove do:[:variableToRemove |
	classVar ifTrue:[
	    self codeMenuRemoveClassVariable:variableToRemove inClass:(cls theNonMetaclass)
	] ifFalse:[
	    self codeMenuRemoveInstanceVariable:variableToRemove inClass:cls

    "remove selected class variable."

    |variableToRemove cls|

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifTrue:[
	variableToRemove := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    variableToRemove isNil ifTrue:[
	self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[
	    variableToRemove := self selectionInCodeView.

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    self codeMenuRemoveClassVariable:variableToRemove inClass:(cls theNonMetaclass)

    "remove selected instance variable."

    |variableToRemove cls|

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifFalse:[
	variableToRemove := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    variableToRemove isNil ifTrue:[
	self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[
	    variableToRemove := self selectionInCodeView.

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    self codeMenuRemoveInstanceVariable:variableToRemove inClass:cls

    "rename selected variable."

    self withSelectedVariableDo:[:variableToRename :isClassVar |

	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.

	isClassVar ifTrue:[
	    self codeMenuRenameClassVariable:variableToRename inClass:(cls theNonMetaclass)
	] ifFalse:[
	    self codeMenuRenameInstanceVariable:variableToRename inClass:cls

    "rename selected variable."


    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifTrue:[
	variableToRename := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    variableToRename isNil ifTrue:[
	self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[
	    variableToRename := self selectionInCodeView.

	inClass:(self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass)

    "rename selected variable."


    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifFalse:[
	variableToRename := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    variableToRename isNil ifTrue:[
	self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView ifTrue:[
	    variableToRename := self selectionInCodeView.

	inClass:(self theSingleSelectedClass theNonMetaclass)

    "browse typical types of a variable"

    self variablesMenuTypeInfoOrBrowseTypes:true.


    "show typical usage of a variable"

    self variablesMenuTypeInfoOrBrowseTypes:false.


    "show typical usage of a variable"

    |name idx classes values value msg cut names instCount subInstCount
     searchClass s canInspect canInspectMultiple showingInstVars showingClassVars currentClass
     nilIncluded commonSuperClass boxLabels boxValues answer|

    name := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    name isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    name := name allBold.

    canInspect := canInspectMultiple := false.

    showingClassVars := self showingClassVarsInVariableList.
    showingClassVars ifFalse:[
	showingInstVars := self meta value not    

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.

    showingClassVars ifTrue:[
	currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	    self selectedClasses value do:[:cls | |sCls|
						    sCls := (cls theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:name).
						    sCls notNil ifTrue:[ searchClass := sCls ]].
	] ifFalse:[
	    searchClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass whichClassDefinesClassVar:name.
	value := searchClass classVarAt:(name asSymbol).
	s := value displayString.
	s size > 60 ifTrue:[
	    s := (s copyTo:60) , ' ...'
	msg := name , ' is (currently):\\' , s.
	s ~= value classNameWithArticle ifTrue:[
	    msg := msg , '\\(' , value class name , ')'
	canInspect := true.
    ] ifFalse:[        
	searchClass := currentClass whichClassDefinesInstVar:name.

	idx := searchClass instVarOffsetOf:name.
	idx isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

	classes := IdentitySet new.
	values := IdentitySet new.
	instCount := 0.
	subInstCount := 0.
	searchClass allSubInstancesDo:[:i |

	    val := i instVarAt:idx.
	    val notNil ifTrue:[values add:val].
	    classes add:val class name.
	    (i isMemberOf:searchClass) ifTrue:[
		instCount := instCount + 1.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		subInstCount := subInstCount + 1
	classes := classes collect:[:eachName | Smalltalk classNamed:eachName].

	(instCount == 0 and:[subInstCount == 0]) ifTrue:[
	    self warn:(resources 
			string:'There are currently no instances or subInstances of %1.' 
			with:currentClass name allBold).
	    ^ self

	instCount ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    msg := 'in (currently: ' , instCount printString,') instances '.
	    subInstCount ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
		msg := msg , 'and '
	] ifFalse:[
	    msg := 'in '.
	subInstCount ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    msg := msg , '(currently: ' , subInstCount printString, ') derived instances '
	msg := msg, 'of ' , searchClass name , ',\'.
	msg := msg , name allBold , ' '.

	canInspectMultiple := values size > 0.

	((values size == 1) 
	or:[classes size == 1 and:[classes first == UndefinedObject]]) ifTrue:[
	    values size == 1 ifTrue:[
		value := values first.
	    (value isNil or:[value == true or:[value == false]]) ifTrue:[
		(instCount+subInstCount) == 1 ifTrue:[
		    msg := msg , 'is'
		] ifFalse:[
		    msg := msg , 'is always'.
		    classes size > 1 ifTrue:[
			"/ must be nil
			msg := msg , ' nil or'
		msg := msg , ':\\    ' , value printString.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		(instCount+subInstCount) == 1 ifTrue:[
		    msg := msg , 'is'
		] ifFalse:[
		    classes size > 1 ifTrue:[
			"/ must be nil
			msg := msg , 'is always nil or the same'
		    ] ifFalse:[
			msg := msg , 'is always the same'
		msg := msg , ':\\'.
		msg := msg , '    ' , value class name.
		value isLiteral ifTrue:[
		    msg := msg , ' (' , (value storeString copyToMax:50) , ')'
		canInspect := true.
	] ifFalse:[
	    classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
		msg := msg , 'is always:\\' , '    ' , classes first name , '\'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		msg := msg , 'is one of:\\'.
		classes := classes asOrderedCollection.
		classes size > 20 ifTrue:[
		    classes := classes copyFrom:1 to:20.
		    cut := true
		] ifFalse:[
		    cut := false.
		names := classes collect:[:cls |
		    cls == UndefinedObject ifTrue:[
		    ] ifFalse:[
			cls == True ifTrue:[
			] ifFalse:[
			    cls == False ifTrue:[
			    ] ifFalse:[
				cls name
		names sort.
		names do:[:nm |
		    msg := msg , '    ' , nm , '\'.

	"/ generate a type-decl string
	(nilIncluded := (classes includes:UndefinedObject)) ifTrue:[
	    classes remove:UndefinedObject.
	classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    commonSuperClass := Explainer commonSuperClassOf:(classes collect:[:each| each name]).
	    ((commonSuperClass == True) or:[commonSuperClass == False]) ifTrue:[
		commonSuperClass := Boolean
	    (commonSuperClass == SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
		commonSuperClass := Integer
	    commonSuperClass == Object class ifTrue:[
		commonSuperClass := Class
	    msg := msg , '\\'.
	    msg := msg , 'suggested type (for documentation):\\'.
	    msg := msg , '    <' , commonSuperClass name.
	    nilIncluded ifTrue:[
		msg := msg , ' | nil'
	    msg := msg , '>'.

    doBrowseTypes ifTrue:[
	classes size > 1 ifTrue:[
	    self spawnClassBrowserFor:classes in:#newBuffer.
	    ^ self

    boxLabels := #('OK').
    boxValues := #(true).
    (canInspect or:[canInspectMultiple]) ifTrue:[
	boxLabels := boxLabels , #('Inspect Values').
	boxValues := boxValues , #(#inspectValues).

	showingClassVars ifFalse:[
	    boxLabels := boxLabels , #('Inspect Instances').
	    boxValues := boxValues , #(#inspectInstances).

	boxLabels := boxLabels , #('Inspect a Value').
	boxValues := boxValues , #(#inspectAValue).
	showingClassVars ifFalse:[
	    boxLabels := boxLabels , #('Inspect an Instance').
	    boxValues := boxValues , #(#inspectAnInstance).

    Dialog defaultOKButtonAtLeft ifFalse:[
	boxLabels reverse.
	boxValues reverse.

    answer := OptionBox 
		      request:msg withCRs
		      label:'Variable Type Information'
		      form:(InfoBox iconBitmap)

    answer == #inspectAValue ifTrue:[
	canInspect ifTrue:[
	    value inspect
	] ifFalse:[
	    value := values inject:nil into:[:max :this | this size > max size ifTrue:[this] ifFalse:[max]].
	    value notNil ifTrue:[
		value inspect
	    ] ifFalse:[
		values first inspect
	^ self
    answer == #inspectValues ifTrue:[
	canInspect ifTrue:[
	    value inspect
	] ifFalse:[
	    values inspect
	^ self
    answer == #inspectInstances ifTrue:[
	searchClass allSubInstances inspect.
	^ self
    answer == #inspectAnInstance ifTrue:[
	searchClass allSubInstances first inspect.
	^ self

    "pull/push common code"

    |selectedVariable isClassVar|

    selectedVariable := self theSingleSelectedVariable.
    selectedVariable notNil ifTrue:[
	isClassVar := self showingClassVarsInVariableList.
    ] ifFalse:[
	selectedVariable := self selectionInCodeView.
	isClassVar := self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView.
    aBlock value:selectedVariable value:isClassVar
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'menus-dynamic'!

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
	|m item|

	m := Menu new.

	item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Add Bookmark').
	m addItem:item.
	item value:#'searchMenuAddToBookmarks'.

	BookMarks size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Remove Bookmark').
	    m addItem:item.
	    item value:#'searchMenuRemoveFromBookmarks'.

	    item := MenuItem label:'-'.
	    m addItem:item.

	    BookMarks do:[:entry |
		|item name sel|

		name := entry className.
		(sel := entry selector) notNil ifTrue:[
		    name := name , ' ' , sel.
		item := MenuItem label:name.
		m addItem:item.
		item value:#'switchToBookmarkEntry:'.
		item argument:entry.
	m findGuiResourcesIn:self.

    "Modified: / 2.11.2001 / 09:33:41 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
	|m extensionProjectIDs classPackage item|

	extensionProjectIDs := Set new.

	self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	    classPackage := eachClass package.
	    eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
		mthd package ~= classPackage ifTrue:[
		    extensionProjectIDs add:mthd package.
	extensionProjectIDs size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    m := Menu new.
	    extensionProjectIDs size > 1 ifTrue:[
		item := MenuItem label:'All'.
		item value:#'classMenuCheckInExtensions:'.
		m addItem:item.
		m addSeparator.
	    extensionProjectIDs asSortedCollection do:[:eachExtensionPackage |
		item := MenuItem label:eachExtensionPackage.
		item value:#'classMenuCheckInExtensionsFor:'.
		item argument:eachExtensionPackage.
		m addItem:item.

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
	|m selected|

	m := self class bufferBaseMenu decodeAsLiteralArray.
	m findGuiResourcesIn:self.

	m addItem:(MenuItem label:'-').
	bufferNameList size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    selected := selectedBuffer value.
	    bufferNameList keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :nm |

		item := MenuItem label:nm.
		m addItem:item.
		item indication:(idx == selected).
		item value:[:i |
				selectedBuffer value:idx.
	    m addItem:(MenuItem label:'-').
	] ifFalse:[
	    (m atNameKey:#'RemoveBuffer') disable
	m addItem:(MenuItem label:(resources string:'Exit') value:#closeRequest).

    "returns a block evaluating to a popup menu to navigate
     to the last few changed classes"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
	    changedMenuForFilter:[:chg | (chg isMethodChange or:[chg isClassChange])]
	    itemClass:[:chg | chg changeClass theNonMetaclass]
	    itemSelector:[:chg | nil]
	    label:[:chg | chg changeClass theNonMetaclass name allBold]
	    browseActionOfLastItem:[NewSystemBrowser openOnClassesInChangeSet].

    "returns a block evaluating to a popup menu to navigate
     to the last few changes (from the changeSet)"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [

	menu := self changedMethodsMenu value.
	menu isNil ifTrue:[
	    menu := self changedClassesMenu value.

changedMenuForFilter:aChangeFilter itemClass:itemClassBlock itemSelector:itemSelectorBlock label:labelBlock browseActionOfLastItem:browseActionOfLastItemOrNil
    "returns a popup menu to navigate to the last few changes (from the changeSet)"

    |menu currentMenu nextMenu changes already
     maxReached nMaxLevel nMaxItem nLevel nItem nOverAll|

    changes := ChangeSet current.
    already := OrderedCollection new.

    menu := currentMenu := Menu new.

    nItem := nOverAll := 0.
    nLevel := 1.
    nMaxItem := self class classHistoryMaxSize.
    nMaxLevel := self class classHistoryMaxLevels.
    maxReached := false.

    changes reverseDo:[:aChange |
	|item cls sel lbl histEntry|

	maxReached ifTrue:[
	    (nOverAll = 0) ifTrue:[
		^ nil
	    ^ menu

	nItem > nMaxItem ifTrue:[
	    nLevel < nMaxLevel ifTrue:[
		nextMenu := Menu new.
		item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'more').
		currentMenu addItem:item.
		item submenu:nextMenu.
		currentMenu := nextMenu.

		nItem := 0.
		nLevel := nLevel + 1.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		maxReached ifFalse:[
		    maxReached := true.

		    item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'>> more changes ignored <<').
		    item enabled:false.
		    currentMenu addItem:item.

		    browseActionOfLastItemOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
			item := MenuItem label:(resources string:'Browse all changes').
			item value:browseActionOfLastItemOrNil.
		    currentMenu addItem:item.
	maxReached ifFalse:[
	    (cls := aChange changeClass) notNil ifTrue:[
		(aChangeFilter value:aChange) ifTrue:[
		    cls := itemClassBlock value:aChange.
		    sel := itemSelectorBlock value:aChange.
		    lbl := labelBlock value:aChange.
		    (already includes:lbl) ifFalse:[

			histEntry := self class

			item := MenuItem label:(lbl contractTo:80).
			currentMenu addItem:item.
			item value:#'switchToHistoryEntry:'.
			item argument:histEntry.

			already add:lbl.
			nItem := nItem + 1.
			nOverAll := nOverAll + 1.

    (nOverAll = 0) ifTrue:[
	^ nil
    ^ menu

    "returns a block evaluating to a popup menu to navigate
     to the last few method changes (from the changeSet)"

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
	    changedMenuForFilter:[:chg | chg isMethodChange]
	    itemClass:[:chg | chg changeClass]
	    itemSelector:[:chg | chg selector]
	    label:[:chg | (chg className allBold?'???') , ' ' , (chg selector?'???') "chg printString"]
	    browseActionOfLastItem:[NewSystemBrowser openOnMethodsInChangeSet].

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [

	FindHistory size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    m := Menu new.
	    FindHistory do:[:entry |
		|item name sel|

		name := entry className.
		entry meta ifTrue:[
		    name := name , ' class'.
		name := name allBold.
		(sel := entry selector) notNil ifTrue:[
		    name := name , ' ' , sel.
		item := MenuItem label:(name contractTo:100).
		m addItem:item.
		item value:#'switchToFindHistoryEntry:'.
		item argument:entry.

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ self 
	withImplementorChain:(self window sensor ctrlDown) "/ true

messagesMenuFor:actionSelector withSenderChain:withSenderChain withImplementorChain:withImplementorChain
    ^ self

messagesMenuFor:actionSelector withSenderChain:withSenderChain withImplementorChain:withImplementorChain selfSendsOnly:selfSendsOnly
    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
	|m mthd mSel item l cut|

	m := Menu new.
	mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
	(mthd notNil and:[ (mSel := mthd selector) notNil]) ifTrue:[
	    item := MenuItem label:(' ' , (mSel contractTo:100) , ' ').   "/ kludge - to allow '-' selector
	    item value:actionSelector.
	    item argument:mSel.
	    m addItem:item.

	    withSenderChain ifTrue:[
		item := MenuItem label:(' ' , (mSel contractTo:80) , ' - sender chain').
		item value:#spawnSenderChainBuffer.
		m addItem:item.
	    withImplementorChain ifTrue:[
		item := MenuItem label:(' all - implementor chain').
		item value:#spawnImplementorChainBuffer.
		m addItem:item.

	    selfSendsOnly ifTrue:[
		l := mthd messagesSentToSelf.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		l := mthd messagesSent.
	    l := l asSortedCollection.
	    l size > 0 ifTrue:[
		m addItem:(MenuItem label:'-').

		(l size > 30) ifTrue:[
		    l removeAllFoundIn:#(ifTrue: ifFalse: ifTrue:ifFalse: ifFalse:ifTrue:
					 whileTrue: whileFalse:
					 isNil notNil
					 and: or:
		    (l size > 30) ifTrue:[
			l removeAllFoundIn:#(#'==' #'~~' class
		(cut := l size > 30) ifTrue:[
		    l := l copyTo:30
		l do:[:eachMessage |
		    item := MenuItem label:(' ' , (eachMessage contractTo:100), ' ').  "/ kludge - to allow '-' selector
		    item value:actionSelector.
		    item argument:eachMessage asSymbol.
		    m addItem:item.

		cut ifTrue:[
		    m addItem:(MenuItem label:'-').
		    m addItem:(MenuItem label:'<< more items ignored >>').

    "Modified: / 12.11.2001 / 15:05:18 / cg"

    <resource: #programMenu >

	| manager item menu undoCountMenuItem lRedo lUndo

	(self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifFalse:[ 
		    #label: 'Load Refactoring and Undo Features'
		    #translateLabel: true
		    #showBusyCursorWhilePerforming: true
		    #value: #doLoadRefactoringSupport

	manager := RefactoryChangeManager instance.
	menu := Menu new.

	lUndo := (manager hasUndoableOperations 
		ifTrue: [resources string:'Undo: %1' with:(manager undoChange name contractTo:100)]
		ifFalse: [resources string:'Undo']).

	item := MenuItem labeled:lUndo.
	item showBusyCursorWhilePerforming:true.
	item value:[ self operationsMenuUndo ].
	manager hasUndoableOperations ifFalse: [item disable].
	menu addItem:item.

	lRedo := (manager hasRedoableOperations 
		ifTrue: [resources string:'Redo: %1' with:(manager redoChange name contractTo:100)]
		ifFalse: [resources string:'Redo']).

	item := MenuItem labeled:lRedo.
	item showBusyCursorWhilePerforming:true.
	item value:[ self operationsMenuRedo].
	manager hasRedoableOperations ifFalse: [item disable].
	menu addItem:item.

	undoListMenu := Menu new.
	manager undoableOperations do:[:eachUndoChange | 
	    item := MenuItem labeled:(eachUndoChange name contractTo:100).
	    item showBusyCursorWhilePerforming:true.
	    item value:[ self operationsMenuUndo:eachUndoChange ].
	    undoListMenu addItem:item.
	item := MenuItem labeled:'Undo Recent'.
	item submenu:undoListMenu.
	item enabled:manager hasUndoableOperations.
	menu addItem:item.

	undoCountMenuItem := (MenuItem labeled: (resources string:'Set Undo Count...'))
				value: [self setUndoCount];
	menu addItemGroup: (Array with: undoCountMenuItem).

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
	|m cls classes|

	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
	(cls notNil and:[cls superclass notNil]) ifTrue:[
	    m := Menu new.
	    cls := cls superclass.
	    [cls notNil] whileTrue:[
		|item className|

		className := cls name.
		item := MenuItem label:className.
		m addItem:item beforeIndex:1.   "/ reverse
		item value:#'switchToClassNamed:'.
		item argument:className.
		cls := cls superclass.

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ self 
	withSenderChain:(self window sensor ctrlDown) "/ true

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ self 

    <resource: #programMenu >

    ^ [
	|m classHistory currentClass|

	currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
	classHistory := self class classHistory.
	classHistory size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    m := Menu new.
	    classHistory do:[:entry |
		|item className|

		className := entry className.
		(currentClass notNil
		and:[currentClass name = className])
		    item := MenuItem label:(className contractTo:100).
		    m addItem:item.
		    item value:#'switchToHistoryEntry:'.
		    item argument:entry.

    "Modified: / 10.12.2001 / 19:50:07 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'navigation'!

    |classNames caselessMatchingNames 
     substringMatchingNames caselessSubstringMatchingNames
     lcMatchString subMatch lcSubMatch box className
     needSearch cls env searchBlock
     idx pref aMatchString allNames sortedBySpellingDistance msg|

    env := self navigationState environment.

    aMatchString := matchStringArg.

    "/ try to limit search to a namespace (but only if nameSpace is not a matchCharacter)

    (aMatchString includesString:'::') ifTrue:[
        "/ pref := aMatchString upTo:$:.       
        idx := aMatchString lastIndexOf:$:.
        pref := aMatchString copyTo:idx-2.
        pref includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
            "/ search all in Smalltalk
        ] ifFalse:[
            cls := Smalltalk at:pref asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
            (cls notNil and:[cls isBehavior]) ifTrue:[
                env := cls.
                aMatchString := aMatchString copyFrom:pref size + 1 + 2.

    classNames := Set new.
    caselessMatchingNames := Set new.
    substringMatchingNames := Set new.
    caselessSubstringMatchingNames := Set new.
    caselessWithoutPrefixSubstringMatchingNames := Set new.

    lcMatchString := aMatchString asLowercase.
    needSearch := true.
    aMatchString includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
        subMatch := '*' , aMatchString , '*'.
        lcSubMatch := subMatch asLowercase.

        "/ if the name is already a good one, avoid the expensive search
        className := aMatchString asSymbolIfInterned.
        className notNil ifTrue:[
            env isNameSpace ifTrue:[
                cls := env at:className ifAbsent:nil.
            ] ifFalse:[
                cls := env privateClassesAt:className.
            (cls notNil and:[cls isBehavior]) ifTrue:[
                needSearch := false.

    needSearch ifTrue:[
        searchBlock := [:aClass |

            "/ use dotted names for java
            aClass isJavaClass ifTrue:[
                thisName := aClass displayString. "/ fullName copyReplaceAll:$/ with:$.
            ] ifFalse:[
                thisName := aClass name
            (lcMatchString match:aClass name asLowercase) ifTrue:[
                caselessWithoutPrefixSubstringMatchingNames add:thisName
            aClass nameWithoutPrefix ~= aClass name ifTrue:[
                (lcMatchString match:aClass nameWithoutPrefix asLowercase) ifTrue:[
                    caselessWithoutPrefixSubstringMatchingNames add:thisName

            (aMatchString match:thisName) ifTrue:[
                classNames add:thisName
            ] ifFalse:[
                (lcMatchString match:thisName asLowercase) ifTrue:[
                    caselessMatchingNames add:thisName
                ] ifFalse:[
                    subMatch notNil ifTrue:[
                        (subMatch match:thisName) ifTrue:[
                            substringMatchingNames add:thisName
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            (lcSubMatch match:thisName asLowercase) ifTrue:[
                                caselessSubstringMatchingNames add:thisName

        (env == Smalltalk or:[env isNameSpace]) ifTrue:[
            env allClassesDo:searchBlock
        ] ifFalse:[
            env allPrivateClasses do:searchBlock

        sortedBySpellingDistance := false.
        "/ if nothing matched - try caseless matches
        classNames size == 0 ifTrue:[
            classNames := caselessMatchingNames.

            "/ if nothing matched - try substring matches
            classNames size == 0 ifTrue:[
                classNames := substringMatchingNames.

                "/ if nothing matched - try caseless substring matches
                classNames size == 0 ifTrue:[
                    classNames := caselessSubstringMatchingNames.

                    "/ if nothing matched - try best fitting
                    classNames size == 0 ifTrue:[
                        aMatchString includesMatchCharacters ifFalse:[
                            allNames := SortedCollection sortBlock:[:a :b | a value > b value].
                            env allClassesDo:[:aClass |
                                |thisName dist|

                                aClass isJavaClass ifTrue:[
                                    thisName := aClass displayString. "/ fullName copyReplaceAll:$/ with:$.
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    thisName := aClass name
                                dist := thisName asLowercase spellAgainst:lcMatchString.
                                (thisName asLowercase startsWith:lcMatchString) ifTrue:[
                                    dist := dist + (thisName size * 10).
                                allNames add:(thisName -> dist).
                            classNames := (allNames copyTo:(allNames size min:40)) collect:[:each | each key].
                            sortedBySpellingDistance := true.

        (classNames size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
        (classNames size == 1) ifTrue:[
            className := classNames first
        ] ifFalse:[
            sortedBySpellingDistance ifFalse:[
                classNames := classNames asArray sort.

            aMatchString includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[
                msg := 'Classes matching "%1"\\Select or enter name of class to switch to:'
            ] ifFalse:[
                msg := 'Classes containing "%1"\\Select or enter name of class to switch to:'

            box := self listBoxTitle:(msg bindWith:matchStringArg) withCRs
            caselessWithoutPrefixSubstringMatchingNames notEmpty ifTrue:[
                box initialText:(caselessWithoutPrefixSubstringMatchingNames first).
            box action:[:aString | className := aString].
            box open.
            (box accepted not or:[className isNil]) ifTrue:[ "/ cancel
                ^ nil

    className notNil ifTrue:[
        "/ use slashed javaName for search.
        (className includes:$.) ifTrue:[
            className := className copyReplaceAll:$. with:$/

"/    pref notNil ifTrue:[
"/        ^ pref , '::' , className
"/    ].
    ^ className

    "Modified: / 13.2.2000 / 20:57:42 / cg"


    self window sensor
      withArguments:(Array with:aCategory)

    "Created: / 6.2.2000 / 02:14:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:50:31 / cg"


    self window sensor
      withArguments:(Array with:aCategory)

    "Created: / 6.2.2000 / 02:14:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:56:09 / cg"


    (canvasType := browserCanvasType) isNil ifTrue:[
	canvasType := navigationState canvasType.
    canvasType == #singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec ifTrue:[^ #namespace ].
    canvasType == #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec ifTrue:[^ #project ].
    canvasType == #multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec ifTrue:[^ nil ].
"/ self halt.
    ^ #category

    "switch to some categories (by the program)"

    self selectedCategories value:aCollectionOfCategories.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:48:48 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:51:40 / cg"

    self selectCategories:(Array with:aCategory).

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:50:14 / cg"

    "switch to a class (by the program)"

    self selectClasses:(Array with:aClass)

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:57:06 / cg"

    "switch to some classes (by the program)"

    self selectedClasses value:aCollectionOfClasses

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:47:10 / cg"

    self selectMethods:(Array with:aMethod).


    "switch to some methods (by the program)"

    self selectedMethods value:aCollectionOfMethods

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:52:39 / cg"

    self selectNamespaces:(Array with:aNamespace).

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 02:39:01 / cg"

    self selectedNamespaces value:aCollectionOfNamespaces.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:53:29 / cg"

    self selectProjects:(Array with:aProject).

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 02:49:23 / cg"

    self selectedProjects value:aCollectionOfProjects.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:54:14 / cg"

    self selectProtocols:(Array with:aProtocol).

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:55:50 / cg"

    self selectedProtocols value:aCollectionOfProtocols.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:55:05 / cg"


    allProtocols := Set new.
    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	allProtocols addAll:(eachClass categories).
    allProtocols := allProtocols select:[:each | aMatchPattern match:each].
    self selectProtocols:allProtocols asOrderedCollection.

    "setup my navigationState from another navigationState"

    |selectedClasses categories protocols namespaces canvasType meta selectedMethods
     otherOrganizerMode isMethodBrowser|

    otherOrganizerMode := anotherNavigationState organizerMode value.

    selectedClasses := anotherNavigationState selectedClasses value copy.

    canvasType := navigationState canvasType ? #fullBrowserSpec.
    canvasType == #fullBrowserSpec ifTrue:[
	isMethodBrowser := anotherNavigationState isMethodListBrowser or:[anotherNavigationState isSingleMethodBrowser].
	(isMethodBrowser or:[otherOrganizerMode == #category]) ifTrue:[
	    selectedMethods := anotherNavigationState selectedMethods value ? #().
	    isMethodBrowser ifTrue:[
		selectedClasses := (selectedMethods collect:[:each | each mclass]) asIdentitySet.
		protocols := (selectedMethods collect:[:each | each category]) asSet.
		meta := (selectedClasses size == 1) and:[ selectedClasses anElement isMeta ].
	    ] ifFalse:[
		protocols := anotherNavigationState selectedProtocols value ? #().
		meta := anotherNavigationState meta value.
		categories := anotherNavigationState selectedCategories value ? #().
	] ifFalse:[
	    protocols := anotherNavigationState selectedProtocols value copy.
	    meta := anotherNavigationState meta value.

	    navigationState selectedNamespaces value:(anotherNavigationState selectedNamespaces value).
	    navigationState nameSpaceFilter value:(anotherNavigationState selectedNamespaces value).
	categories size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    "/ collect categories from selected classes.
	    categories :=  ((selectedClasses ? #()) collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass category]) asSet
	navigationState selectedCategories value:categories.
	navigationState meta value:meta.
	"/ self immediateUpdate value:true.
	"/ selectedClasses := selectedClasses collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass].
	navigationState selectedClasses value:selectedClasses.
	navigationState selectedProtocols value:protocols.
	"/ self immediateUpdate value:false.
	navigationState selectedMethods value:(anotherNavigationState selectedMethods value copy).
	^ self

    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
	otherOrganizerMode == #category ifTrue:[
	    categories := anotherNavigationState selectedCategories value copy.
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ collect categories from selected classes.
	    categories :=  ((selectedClasses ? #())
			   collect:[:eachClass | eachClass category]) asSet
	navigationState selectedCategories value:categories.
	selectedClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    navigationState selectedClasses value:(selectedClasses collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass]).
	self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
	^ self

    navigationState isNameSpaceBrowser ifTrue:[
	otherOrganizerMode == #namespace ifTrue:[
	    namespaces := anotherNavigationState selectedNamespaces value copy.
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ collect namespaces from selected classes.
	    namespaces :=  ((selectedClasses ? #())
			   collect:[:eachClass | eachClass nameSpace name]) asSet
	navigationState selectedNamespaces value:namespaces.
	selectedClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    navigationState selectedClasses value:selectedClasses.
	self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
	^ self

    (navigationState isCategoryBrowser 
    or:[navigationState isNameSpaceFullBrowser
    or:[navigationState isProjectFullBrowser]]) ifTrue:[
	otherOrganizerMode == #category ifTrue:[
	    categories := anotherNavigationState selectedCategories value copy.
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ collect categories from selected classes.
	    categories :=  ((selectedClasses ? #())
			   collect:[:eachClass | eachClass category]) asSet
	navigationState selectedCategories value:categories.
	selectedClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    navigationState selectedClasses value:selectedClasses.

	self enqueueDelayedUpdateCode.
	^ self

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:37:17 / cg"

    "change the sort-order (some methodLists only)"

    self sortBy value:what

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 00:47:10 / cg"

    "find all implementors of aSelectorString, and present a list
     to choose from. When an entry is selected, switch to that class/selector.
     This allows for quickly moving around in the system."

    |classes sel box theClassName|

    classes := OrderedCollection new.
    (sel := aSelectorString asSymbolIfInterned) notNil ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
	    (aClass includesSelector:sel) ifTrue:[
		classes add:aClass.
	    (aClass class includesSelector:sel) ifTrue:[
		classes add:aClass class.
    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
	self class showNoneFound.
	^ self

    classes size > 1 ifTrue:[
	box := ListSelectionBox 
		    title:(resources string:'searching for #%1 method.\\in which class ?\\(Tab for completion or select)' with:aSelectorString) withCRs.
	box label:'find method'.
	box okText:(resources string:'show').
	box list:(classes collect:[:aClass | aClass name]) asSortedCollection.
	box action:[:aString | theClassName := aString].
	box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
	    |s l names|

	    s := contents withoutSpaces.
	    s size == 0 ifTrue:[
		l := classes
	    ] ifFalse:[
		l := classes select:[:cls | cls name startsWith:s].
	    l size == 0 ifTrue:[
		l := classes select:[:cls | cls name asLowercase startsWith:s asLowercase].
	    l size > 0 ifTrue:[    
		box list:(names := l collect:[:aClass | aClass name]) asSortedCollection.
		box contents:(names longestCommonPrefix). "/ l first name.
		l size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
		    self window beep
	box showAtPointer.
    ] ifFalse:[
	theClassName := classes first name

    theClassName notNil ifTrue:[
	self rememberLocationInHistory.
	self switchToClassNamed:theClassName. 
	self switchToSelector:aSelectorString.

    "Modified: / 1.9.1995 / 01:39:58 / claus"
    "Modified: / 25.1.2000 / 20:43:35 / cg"

    "invoked when switching to a method from the bookmark history"

    self switchToHistoryEntry:entry.

    self switchToClass:aClass selector:nil

switchToClass:aClass selector:aSelector
    "switch to some class (by the program)"

    |orgMode cls namespaces nsName cat pkg holder newValue doSwitchMeta mthd answer|

    aClass isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self
    aSelector notNil ifTrue:[
	mthd := aClass compiledMethodAt:aSelector.

    (navigationState isMethodListBrowser 
    or:[navigationState isMethodBrowser]) ifTrue:[
	"/ must check if that method is in the list ...

	mthd isNil ifTrue:[
"/            (self confirm:'Add a buffer for the class ?' withCRs) ifFalse:[
"/                ^ self
"/            ].
	    self spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:nil in:#newBuffer.
	    ^ self

	navigationState methodListApplication isNil ifTrue:[
	    self spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:aSelector in:#newBuffer.
	    ^ self

	(navigationState methodList includesIdentical:mthd) ifFalse:[
	    answer := OptionBox request:'Method not in list.\\Add a buffer for it ?' withCRs
			label:'New Browser ?'
			form:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
			buttonLabels:(resources array:#('New Browser' 'Add Buffer' 'Cancel'))
			values:#(#newBrowser #newBuffer nil)
	    answer notNil ifTrue:[
		self spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:aSelector in:answer.
	    ^ self
	self selectedMethods value:(OrderedCollection with:mthd).
	^ self

    (navigationState isClassBrowser) ifTrue:[
	"/ must check if that class is in the list ...
	navigationState classList value isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

	((navigationState classList value ? #()) includesIdentical:aClass) ifFalse:[
	    (self confirm:'Class not in list.\\Add a buffer for it ?' withCRs) ifTrue:[
		self spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:aSelector in:#newBuffer.
	    ^ self
	self selectedClasses value:(OrderedCollection with:aClass).
	^ self

    (navigationState isProtocolBrowser) ifTrue:[
	(self confirm:'Add a buffer for it ?' withCRs) ifTrue:[
	    self spawnFullBrowserInClass:aClass selector:aSelector in:#newBuffer.
	^ self

    orgMode := self organizerMode value.

    "/ if the class is a namespace, ask if mode should be changed

    (aClass isNameSpace and:[aClass ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
	orgMode ~~ #namespace ifTrue:[      
	    answer := self confirmWithCancel:('Browser: ' , aClass name , ' is a namespace - switch organizers display mode ?').
	    answer isNil ifTrue:[
		AbortSignal raise.
		^ self
	    answer ifTrue:[
		self organizerMode value:#namespace.
		orgMode := self organizerMode value.

    "/ if the class is unloaded, turn hideUnloaded off
    (aClass isLoaded not
    and:[self hideUnloadedClasses value == true]) ifTrue:[
	self hideUnloadedClasses value:false

    doSwitchMeta := true.
    "/ FIX bug in protocol-list; will not update selection otherwise ...
    self immediateUpdate value:true.

    namespaces := self selectedNamespaces value ? #().
    (namespaces includes:aClass topNameSpace name) ifFalse:[
	(namespaces includes:(NavigatorModel nameListEntryForALL)) ifFalse:[
	    self selectedNamespaces value:(OrderedCollection with: NavigatorModel nameListEntryForALL)
"/    namespaces := self nameSpaceFilter value ? #().
"/    (namespaces includes:aClass nameSpace name) ifFalse:[
"/        (namespaces includes:(NavigatorModel nameListEntryForALL)) ifFalse:[
"/            self nameSpaceFilter value:(OrderedCollection with: NavigatorModel nameListEntryForALL)
"/        ]
"/    ].
    orgMode == #category ifTrue:[
	cat := aClass category.
	(self selectedCategoriesValue includes:cat) ifFalse:[
	    self selectedCategories value:(OrderedCollection with:cat).
    ] ifFalse:[ orgMode == #namespace ifTrue:[
	aClass isNameSpace ifTrue:[
	    nsName := aClass name.
	] ifFalse:[
	    nsName := aClass nameSpace name.
	(self selectedNamespacesValue includes:nsName) ifFalse:[
	    self selectedNamespaces value:(OrderedCollection with:nsName).
    ] ifFalse:[ orgMode == #project ifTrue:[
	pkg := aClass package.
	holder := self selectedProjects.
	newValue := holder value ? #().
	(newValue includes:pkg) ifFalse:[
	    newValue := OrderedCollection with:pkg.
	mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ careful - the method could be in an extension ...
	    mthd package ~= pkg ifTrue:[
		(newValue includes:mthd package) ifFalse:[
		    newValue := newValue asOrderedCollection.
		    newValue add:mthd package.
	newValue ~= holder value ifTrue:[
	    holder value:newValue.
    ] ifFalse:[ (orgMode == #classHierarchy
		 or:[orgMode == #classInheritance]) ifTrue:[
	"/ make sure, that the class is in the hierarchy;
	"/ if required, update the hierarchy.

	holder := self classHierarchyTopClass.
	cls := holder value.
	(cls isNil or:[(cls withAllSuperclasses includesIdentical:aClass) not]) ifTrue:[
	    holder value:aClass.
	doSwitchMeta := false.

    doSwitchMeta ifTrue:[
	self meta value:(aClass isMeta).

    (self selectedClassesValue includesIdentical:aClass) ifFalse:[
	self selectedClasses value:(OrderedCollection with:aClass).

    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	(self selectedProtocolsValue contains:[:cat | cat string = mthd category]) ifFalse:[
	    self selectProtocols:(OrderedCollection with:mthd category).
	self switchToMethod:mthd.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self switchToSelector:aSelector.

    self immediateUpdate value:false.

    self class addToHistory:aClass selector:aSelector.

    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:25:28 / cg"


    className := self askForClassNameMatching:aMatchString.
    className notNil ifTrue:[
	self switchToClassNamed:className.

    "Modified: / 13.2.2000 / 20:57:42 / cg"

    |str theClass|

    str := aString.
    (aString endsWith:' class') ifTrue:[
	str := aString copyWithoutLast:6.

    theClass := self findClassNamed:str.
    ((theClass == self theSingleSelectedClass) or:[theClass isBehavior not]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    "/ if currently in meta-mode,
    "/ switch to the metaClass
    self meta value ifTrue:[
	theClass := theClass theMetaclass
    ] ifFalse:[
	theClass := theClass theNonMetaclass
    self switchToClass:theClass.

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 21:05:01 / cg"

    "invoked when switching back to a method from the find history"

    self switchToHistoryEntry:entry.
    FindHistory removeIdentical:entry ifAbsent:nil.

    "invoked when switching to a class from the visited history"


    cls := Smalltalk at:entry className.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Oops - class is gone'.
	^ self
    entry meta ifTrue:[
	cls := cls theMetaclass
    self switchToClass:cls selector:entry selector

    |orgMode pkg holder category|

    "/ care for method being in another package
    orgMode := self organizerMode value.
    orgMode == #project ifTrue:[
	pkg := aMethod package.
	holder := self selectedProjects.
	((holder value ? #()) includes:pkg) ifFalse:[
	    holder value:(Array with:pkg).

    category := aMethod category.
    (self selectedProtocolsValue contains:[:p | p string = category]) ifFalse:[
	(self selectedProtocolsValue includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifFalse:[
	    self selectProtocols:(Array with:category).
    self theSingleSelectedMethod ~~ aMethod ifTrue:[
	self selectedMethods value:(Array with:aMethod).

    |mthd cls orgMode pkg holder|

    aSelector notNil ifTrue:[
	(cls := self theSingleSelectedClass) notNil ifTrue:[
	    mthd := cls compiledMethodAt:aSelector asSymbol.
	    mthd notNil ifTrue:[

		"/ care for method being in another package
		orgMode := self organizerMode value.
		orgMode == #project ifTrue:[
		    pkg := mthd package.
		    holder := self selectedProjects.
		    ((holder value ? #()) includes:pkg) ifFalse:[
			holder value:(Array with:pkg).

		(self selectedProtocolsValue contains:[:p | p string = mthd category]) ifFalse:[
		    (self selectedProtocolsValue includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifFalse:[
			self selectProtocols:(Array with:mthd category).
		self theSingleSelectedMethod ~~ mthd ifTrue:[
		    self selectedMethods value:(Array with:mthd).

    "Created: / 4.2.2000 / 23:20:34 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 23:07:10 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-buffers'!

    |prev state|

    state := buffers at:nr.

    "/ select the buffer before that one
    prev := nr - 1.
    prev == 0 ifTrue:[
	prev := buffers size.

    bufferUsageOrder removeIdentical:state.

    "/ select the buffer used before that one
    prev := buffers identityIndexOf:(bufferUsageOrder first).

    selectedBuffer value:prev.

    buffers removeIndex:nr.
    bufferNameList removeIndex:nr.
    state canvas destroy.

    "/ oops
    prev > buffers size ifTrue:[
	selectedBuffer value:buffers size.

    buffers size == 1 ifTrue:[
	selectedBuffer value:nil.
	buffers := bufferUsageOrder := nil.
	bufferNameList removeAll.

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 22:34:31 / cg"

    self removeBuffer:(selectedBuffer value)
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-checks'!

    "code can be accepted if the current navigationState can do so.
     (that is if either a method is selected, or a classDefinition is shown)"

    ^ self canAcceptCodeIn:navigationState

    "code can be accepted, if either a method is selected,
     or a classDefinition is shown"

    |codeAspect codeView|

    codeView := aNavigationState codeView.
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    codeView acceptAction isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    codeAspect := aNavigationState codeAspect.
    ^ codeAspect == #classDefinition or:[codeAspect == #method]

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:37:42 / cg"

    "code can be compared, if a method is selected"

    ^ self canCompareCodeIn:navigationState


    "code can be compared, if a method is selected"

    ^ aNavigationState codeAspect == #method

    "Modified: / 11.2.2000 / 12:44:08 / cg"

    ^ SmalltalkInterchangeFileManager notNil 

    ^ XMLRepresenter notNil 

     ^ RefactoryChangeManager notNil and:[RefactoryChangeManager isLoaded not]

    "can make public, if selected and any selected class is private"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:cls |
	cls owningClass notNil ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    "Created: / 23.2.2000 / 00:36:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 00:56:09 / cg"

    "ns can be only be removed, if empty"

    ^ self hasEmptyNamespacesSelected

    "ns can be only be removed, if empty"

    ^ [ self canRemoveNameSpace ]

    ^ self hasSingleNameSpaceSelected

    ^ [ self canRenameNameSpace ]

     ^ RBParser notNil and:[RBParser isLoaded]

     ^ CodeGeneratorTool canUseRefactoringSupport

     ^ self canUseRefactoringSupport and:[self hasClassSelected]

    "/ ^ currentnamespace == JAVA
    ^ false
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-code update'!

    "for compatibility with old browser"

    self autoSearchPattern:aString 


    codePattern notNil ifTrue:[

	searchAction := 
	    [:direction :startLine :startCol :foundBlock :notFoundBlock|

		codeView := self codeView.
		    searchForCodePattern:codePattern direction:direction 
		    startLine:(codeView cursorLine ? startLine) startCol:(codeView cursorCol ? startCol) 
			[:charPos1 :charPos2 |

				selectFromCharacterPosition:charPos1 to:charPos2

	navigationState autoSearchAction:searchAction.
	self codeView searchAction:searchAction

    ^ navigationState autoSearchPattern

    self autoSearchPattern:aString ignoreCase:false

autoSearchPattern:aString ignoreCase:doIgnoreCase
    navigationState autoSearchPattern:aString; autoSearchIgnoreCase:doIgnoreCase.
    aString notNil ifTrue:[
	self codeView setSearchPattern:aString ignoreCase:doIgnoreCase.

autoSearchSelector:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase:doIgnoreCase doMatch:doMatch

    aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors notNil ifTrue:[

	searchAction := 
	    [:direction :startLine :startCol :foundBlock :notFoundBlock|

		codeView := self codeView.
		    searchForSelector:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors direction:direction 
		    startLine:(codeView cursorLine ? startLine) startCol:(codeView cursorCol ? startCol) 
		    ignoreCase:doIgnoreCase doMatch:doMatch
			[:charPos1 :charPos2 |

				selectFromCharacterPosition:charPos1 to:charPos2

	navigationState autoSearchAction:searchAction.
	self codeView searchAction:searchAction

autoSearchVariables:aCollectionOfVariables readers:doReaders writers:doWriters
    self searchVariables:aCollectionOfVariables readers:doReaders writers:doWriters asAutoSearch:true.


    s := '' writeStream.

    (aClass isNameSpace and:[aClass ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
	aClass fileOutDefinitionOn:s
    ] ifFalse:[
	aClass theNonMetaclass isJavaClass ifTrue:[
	    aClass fileOutDefinitionOn:s
	] ifFalse:[
	    aClass isMeta ifTrue:[
		aClass theNonMetaclass 
	    ] ifFalse:[
		"/ here, show it with a nameSpace pragma
		"/ and prefer short names.

    ^ s contents withTabsExpanded.

searchForCodePattern:codePattern direction:direction startLine:startLine startCol:startCol 
			    ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock

    searcher := ParseTreeSearcher new.
	matches: codePattern
	do:[:aNode :answer | answer add:aNode. answer ].

    ^ self searchUsingSearcher:searcher direction:direction 
		    startLine:startLine startCol:startCol 
		    ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock.

searchForSelector:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors direction:direction 
			    startLine:startLine startCol:startCol 
			    ignoreCase:ignoreCase doMatch:doMatch
			    ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock

    doMatch ifTrue:[
	(aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors isSymbol or:[aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors isString]) ifTrue:[
	    searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allMessageSendsMatching:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase:ignoreCase.
	] ifFalse:[
	    searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allMessageSendsMatchingAny:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase:ignoreCase.
    ] ifFalse:[
	(aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors isSymbol or:[aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors isString]) ifTrue:[
	    searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allMessageSendsTo:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase:ignoreCase.
	] ifFalse:[
	    searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allMessageSendsToAny:aSelectorOrCollectionOfSelectors ignoreCase:ignoreCase.
    ^ self searchUsingSearcher:searcher direction:direction 
		    startLine:startLine startCol:startCol 
		    ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock.

searchForVariable:aVariableNameOrCollectionOfVariableNames direction:direction 
			    startLine:startLine startCol:startCol 
			    readers:searchReaders writers:searchWriters
			    ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock

    searchReaders ifTrue:[
	searchWriters ifTrue:[
	    searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allReferencesToAnyVariableIn:aVariableNameOrCollectionOfVariableNames.
	] ifFalse:[
	    searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allReadsOfAnyVariableIn:aVariableNameOrCollectionOfVariableNames.
    ] ifFalse:[
	searchWriters ifTrue:[
	    searcher := ParseTreeSearcher allModificationsOfAnyVariableIn:aVariableNameOrCollectionOfVariableNames.
	] ifFalse:[
	    self error
    ^ self searchUsingSearcher:searcher direction:direction 
		    startLine:startLine startCol:startCol 
		    ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock.

searchUsingSearcher:searcher direction:direction 
			    startLine:startLine startCol:startCol 
			    ifFound:foundBlock ifNotFound:notFoundBlock
    |codeTree nodes searchStartPos prevNode|

    codeTree := RBParser 
		    parseSearchMethod:self codeView contents
		    onError: [:str :pos | "Transcript showCR:str. Transcript showCR:pos." nil].

    codeTree notNil ifTrue:[
	searcher executeTree:codeTree initialAnswer:(nodes := OrderedCollection new).

	searchStartPos := self codeView characterPositionOfLine:startLine col:startCol.
	nodes do:[:aNode |
	    |nodeStartPos nodeEndPos selStartLine selEndLine|

	    nodeStartPos := aNode start.
	    nodeEndPos := aNode stop.

"/ self codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:nodeStartPos to:nodeEndPos.

	    direction == #backward ifTrue:[
		nodeEndPos >= (searchStartPos-1) ifTrue:[
		    prevNode isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
		    foundBlock value:(prevNode start) value:(prevNode stop).
		    ^ self.
		prevNode := aNode.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		nodeStartPos >= searchStartPos ifTrue:[
		    foundBlock value:nodeStartPos value:nodeEndPos.
		    ^ self.
	prevNode notNil ifTrue:[
	    foundBlock value:(prevNode start) value:(prevNode stop).
	    ^ self
    notFoundBlock value

searchVariables:aCollectionOfVariables readers:doReaders writers:doWriters asAutoSearch:asAutoSearch

    aCollectionOfVariables size > 0 ifTrue:[
	searchAction :=
	    [:direction :startLine :startCol :foundBlock :notFoundBlock|

		codeView := self codeView.
		    searchForVariable:aCollectionOfVariables direction:direction 
		    startLine:(codeView cursorLine ? startLine) startCol:(codeView cursorCol ? startCol) 
		    readers:doReaders writers:doWriters
			[:charPos1 :charPos2 |

				selectFromCharacterPosition:charPos1 to:charPos2
		    ifNotFound:(asAutoSearch ifTrue:[notFoundBlock] ifFalse:[nil])

	navigationState autoSearchAction:searchAction.
	self codeView searchAction:searchAction

    |code codeView|

    self codeAspect:#classComment.
    self setAcceptActionForClassComment.
"/    self selectedMethods value:nil.
"/    self selectedProtocols value:nil.

    aClass notNil ifTrue:[
        aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
            code := 'Class is not loaded.'.
        ] ifTrue:[
            code := aClass comment.

        codeView := self codeView.
        codeView contents:code.
        codeView modified:false.
        navigationState realModifiedState:false.

    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:08:31 / cg"

    |definition highlighter m s isComment stream|

    self codeAspect:#classDefinition.
    self setAcceptActionForClass.

    aClass notNil ifTrue:[
        definition := self classDefinitionStringFor:aClass.

        self doSyntaxColoring value ~~ false ifTrue:[
            highlighter := aClass syntaxHighlighterClass.
            highlighter notNil ifTrue:[
                definition := highlighter formatExpression:definition in:nil.

        self showCode:definition.
        self normalLabel.

        aClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
            "/ continue fetching the documentation,
            "/ which may take longer, if the source must be fetched
            "/ from the repository.

             add documentation as a comment, if there is any
            (aClass isJavaClass 
            or:[aClass isJavaScriptClass]) ifFalse:[
                m := aClass theMetaclass compiledMethodAt:#documentation.
                m notNil ifTrue:[
                    s := m comment.
                    isComment := false.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    "try comment"
                    s := aClass comment.
                    s isString ifTrue:[
                        s isEmpty ifTrue:[
                            s := nil
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            (s includes:$") ifTrue:[
                                s := s copyReplaceAll:$" with:$'.
                            isComment := true.
                            s size > 80 ifTrue:[
                                s := s asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$..
                                s := s asStringCollection.
                                s := s collect:[:each | (each startsWith:Character space) ifTrue:[
                                                            each copyFrom:2  
                                                        ] ifFalse:[
                                s := s asStringWith:('.' , Character cr).
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        "/ class redefines comment ?
                        s := nil
                stream := TextStream on:''.
                stream cr; cr; cr.
                stream emphasis:(UserPreferences current commentEmphasisAndColor).
                s isNil ifTrue:[
                    stream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' no comment or documentation method found'.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    stream nextPut:$" ; cr; nextPutLine:' Documentation:'.
                    stream cr; nextPutLine:s; cr.
                    stream nextPutLine:' Notice: '.
                    stream nextPutAll:'   the above text has been extracted from the classes '.
                    stream nextPutLine:(isComment ifTrue:['comment.'] ifFalse:['documentation method.']).
                    stream nextPutLine:'   Any change in it will be lost if you ''accept'' here.'.
                    stream nextPutAll:'   To change the '.
                    stream nextPutAll:(isComment ifTrue:['comment'] ifFalse:['documentation']).
                    stream nextPutAll:', switch to the '.
                    stream nextPutAll:(isComment ifTrue:['comment'] ifFalse:['documentation method']).
                    stream nextPutLine:' and ''accept'' any changes there.'.
                stream nextPut:$".
                stream emphasis:nil.
                definition := definition , stream contents.

                self codeHolder setValue:definition.
                self codeView notNil ifTrue:[self codeView setContents:definition].
        self updatePackageInfoForClass:aClass.

    "Modified: / 15.11.2001 / 18:20:43 / cg"

    |cls text|

    "/ show classes documentation
    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
	cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
	    text := 'Class is not loaded.'.
	] ifTrue:[
	    text := HTMLDocGenerator htmlDocOf:cls.
	self classDocumentationHolder value:text.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self setAcceptActionForNothing.
	self showNothing.

    |code codeView s indent|

    self codeAspect:#classHierarchy.

    self setAcceptActionForNothing.

    aClass notNil ifTrue:[
	s := '' writeStream.
	indent := 0.
	aClass withAllSuperclasses reverse do:[:cls |
	    s spaces:indent * 2.
	    s nextPutAll:cls name.
	    s cr.
	    indent := indent + 1.
	code := s contents.

	codeView := self codeView.
	codeView contents:code.
	codeView modified:false.
	navigationState realModifiedState:false.

    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:07:57 / cg"

showClassPrimitive:aspect class:aClass
    |primCode codeView|

    self codeAspect:aspect.

    aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
	primCode := 'Class is not loaded'.
	self setAcceptActionForNothing.
    ] ifTrue:[
	aspect == #primitiveDefinitions ifTrue:[
	    primCode := aClass primitiveDefinitionsStringOrDefault.
	] ifFalse:[
	    aspect == #primitiveFunctions ifTrue:[
		primCode := aClass primitiveFunctionsStringOrDefault.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		aspect == #primitiveVariables ifTrue:[
		    primCode := aClass primitiveVariablesStringOrDefault.
		] ifFalse:[
		    self halt.
	self setAcceptAction:[:theCode | self doAcceptClassPrimitive:theCode].

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView contents:primCode.
    codeView modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

    self showClassPrimitive:#primitiveDefinitions class:aClass

    self showClassPrimitive:#primitiveVariables class:aClass

    self showCode:aString scrollToTop:true

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:38:33 / cg"

showCode:aString scrollToTop:doScrollToTop
    |codeView shownCode prevCode|

    (codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
        codeView numberOfLines < 1000 ifTrue:[
            shownCode := codeView contents.
        prevCode := (shownCode ? '') asString.
        (codeView modified
            (prevCode asText sameStringAndEmphasisAs:(aString ? '') asString asText) not
        ]) ifTrue:[
            (prevCode isNil
            or:[aString isNil
            or:[(prevCode withTabsExpanded sameStringAndEmphasisAs: aString withTabsExpanded) not]]) ifTrue:[
                aString = self codeHolder value ifTrue:[
                    "/ a reselect without accepting before ...
                    "/ sigh - must use setValue, and enforce a change
                    "/ (workaround for proceed after changed text-warning)
                    self codeHolder setValue:aString.
                    aString = shownCode ifFalse:[
                        codeView setContents:aString.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self codeHolder value:aString.
            doScrollToTop ifTrue:[
                codeView cursorHome.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aString = self codeHolder value ifTrue:[
            "/ a reselect without accepting before ...
            "/ sigh - must use setValue, and enforce a change
            "/ (workaround for proceed after changed text-warning)
            self codeHolder setValue:aString.
"/            codeView setContents:aString.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self codeHolder value:aString.

    "Created: / 1.3.2000 / 11:38:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:40:53 / cg"


    aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
	self showClassDefinition:aClass.
	^ self.
    definition := aClass source.
    self showCode:definition.
    self codeAspect:#classDefinition.
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:46:08 / cg"


    "/ show full classes source - set accept action for fileIn
    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
	self setAcceptActionForClass.
	self showFullClassDefinition:cls.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self setAcceptActionForNothing.
	self showNothing.

    navigationState modified:false.
    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

    self showMethodsCode:mthd scrollToTop:true

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:39:14 / cg"

showMethodsCode:mthd scrollToTop:doScrollToTop
    |code doStartSyntax codeView highlighter cls|

    (codeView := self codeView) isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt:'oops'.
	^ self.

    code := self sourceOfMethod:mthd.
"/    code := mthd source.

    (self doAutoFormat value 
     and:[RBFormatter notNil]) ifTrue:[
	Error handle:[:ex |
	] do:[
	    code := RBFormatter format:code

    cls := mthd mclass ? Object.
    highlighter := mthd syntaxHighlighterClass.
    highlighter == #askClass ifTrue:[
	highlighter := cls syntaxHighlighterClass.

    doStartSyntax := false.

    (highlighter notNil
    and:[self doSyntaxColoring value ~~ false])
	"/ immediate coloring, if code is not too large;
	"/ otherwise, do it in the background.
	code size < 2000 " 10000 " ifTrue:[       
	    code := highlighter formatMethod:code in:cls.
	] ifFalse:[
	    doStartSyntax := true.
	    codeView modifiedChannel removeDependent:self.
	    codeView modified:false.
	    self showCode:code scrollToTop:doScrollToTop.
	] ensure:[
	    codeView modifiedChannel addDependent:self.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self showCode:code scrollToTop:doScrollToTop.

    mthd sourceLineNumber ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	doScrollToTop ifTrue:[
	    codeView scrollToLine:mthd sourceLineNumber
    self codeAspect:(code ifNil:[nil] ifNotNil:[#method]).
    self normalLabel.

    doStartSyntax ifTrue:[   
	self enqueueDelayedStartSyntaxHighlightProcess.

    self updatePackageInfoForMethod:mthd.

    "Modified: / 13.2.2000 / 22:30:40 / cg"
    "Created: / 1.3.2000 / 11:38:57 / cg"

    self showCode:nil.
    self codeAspect:nil.
    self normalLabel.


    |ownerClass cls diffApp info mgr sourceInfo packageDir moduleDir classFileName|

    diffApp := self navigationState versionDiffApplication.

    "/ show version differences against repository
    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
	(ownerClass := cls topOwningClass) isNil ifTrue:[ownerClass := cls].
	mgr := ownerClass sourceCodeManager ? SourceCodeManager.

	info := 'Package: ' , ownerClass package.

"/        (mgr checkForExistingContainerForClass:ownerClass) ifFalse:[
"/            info := info , ' not in repository (?)'
"/        ] ifTrue:[
	    info := info , ' Version: ' , (ownerClass revision ? 'no-version').
	    info := info , ' Repository: ' , ((ownerClass sourceCodeManager ? SourceCodeManager) newestRevisionOf:ownerClass).

	    info := info , ' Location: '.
	    sourceInfo := mgr sourceInfoOfClass:ownerClass.
	    sourceInfo notNil ifTrue:[
		moduleDir := mgr moduleFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.  
		packageDir := mgr packageFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.
		classFileName := mgr containerFromSourceInfo:sourceInfo.

		info := info , ' ' , (moduleDir ? '???').
		info := info , '/' , (packageDir ? '???').
		info := info , '/' , (classFileName ? '???').
"/         ].
    ] ifFalse:[
	info := 'Please select a single class to see the diffs.'

    diffApp setupForClass:cls againstVersion:nil. "/ #newest
    self classesProjectInfoHolder value:info.
    self setAcceptActionForNothing.
    self normalLabel.

    "Modified: / 20.11.2001 / 09:44:39 / cg"


    code := mthd source.
    code notNil ifTrue:[ ^ code].

    self setNoAcceptAction.

    (mthd sourcePosition isNil
    or:[mthd getSource isNil]) ifTrue:[
	^ '"
Sorry, but the methods sourceCode is not available.

Probably, the methods sourceCode-info was stripped from the system.

    ^ '"
Sorry, but the methods sourceCode is not available or corrupted.

Please check the setting of your packagePath, which contains a collection of pathNames.
The system searches those directories for a package-subdirectories, 
which should either contain the classes source file.
Also, check if that directory and/or sourceFile grants read access.
The packagePath can be accessed via 
    Smalltalk packagePath 

To fix this (in the running system), evaluate:
    Smalltalk packagePath addFirst:''<<pathOfDirContainingPackageDir>>.''
    Smalltalk flushPathCaches.

You may also want to add those statements to the end of your ''private.rc''
file - so you will not get this error again and again. 

Also, check if you have the sourceCodeManagement (CVS) enabled,
and (if so) configured correctly.

If all of the above fail, and you know the path of the source file,
you can workaround the problem, by adding a symbolic link to that sourcefile
in the ''source'' directory.


    |packageLabel loadInfo|

    aClass notNil ifTrue:[
	packageLabel := 'Package: ' , (aClass package ? '?').

	aClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
	    loadInfo := ' [' , (aClass theNonMetaclass revision printString) , ']'.
	    aClass wasAutoloaded ifTrue:[
		loadInfo := loadInfo , ' {Auto}'.
	] ifFalse:[
	    loadInfo := ' {Unloaded}'.
	packageLabel := packageLabel , loadInfo
    navigationState packageLabelHolder value:packageLabel.

    |mpkg info mClass|

    aMethod isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self updatePackageInfoForClass:self theSingleSelectedClass.

    mClass := aMethod mclass.
    mClass isNil ifTrue:[
	info := 'Unassigned'
    ] ifFalse:[
	(mpkg := aMethod package) ~= mClass package 
	    mpkg = Project defaultProject package ifTrue:[
		info := 'Unassigned/Extension (' , mpkg , ')'
	    ] ifFalse:[
		info := 'Extension in: ''' , mpkg , ''''
	    navigationState packageLabelHolder value:info
	] ifFalse:[
	    info := 'In BasePackage: ''' , mpkg.
	    info := info , ''' [' , (aMethod mclass theNonMetaclass revision printString) , ']'.
    navigationState packageLabelHolder value:info
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-dialogs'!

askForDirectoryToFileOut:title default:defaultDirOrNil
    |fileBox dirName dir|

    fileBox := FileSelectionBox
		    okText:(resources string:'fileOut')
		    abortText:(resources string:'cancel')
		    action:[:fileName |dirName := fileName.].

    dir := defaultDirOrNil.
    dir isNil ifTrue:[
	dir := FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory.
	dir isNil ifTrue:[
	     this test allows a smalltalk to be built without Projects/ChangeSets
	    Project notNil ifTrue:[
		dir := Project currentProjectDirectory
    dir notNil ifTrue:[
	fileBox directory:dir.
    fileBox selectingDirectory:true.
    fileBox open.

    fileBox destroy.
    fileBox := nil.

    dirName notNil ifTrue:[
	FileSelectionBox lastFileSelectionDirectory:dirName.
    ^ dirName

askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:labelHolderOrBlock searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock isSelector:isSelector searchArea:whereDefault withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore setSearchPattern:setSearchPatternAction
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
     SearchArea may be one of 

    ^ self

askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:labelHolderOrBlock searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock isSelector:isSelector searchArea:whereDefault withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore withMatch:withMatch withTextEntry:withTextEntry setSearchPattern:setSearchPatternAction
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
     SearchArea may be one of 

    ^ self

askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:labelHolderOrBlock searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock isSelector:isSelector searchArea:whereDefault withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore withTextEntry:withTextEntry setSearchPattern:setSearchPatternAction
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
     SearchArea may be one of 


askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:labelHolderOrBlock searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock isSelector:isSelector searchArea:whereDefault 
    withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore withTextEntry:withTextEntry withMatch:withMatch withMethodList:withMethodList setSearchPattern:setSearchPatternAction
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
     SearchArea may be one of 

    |restart dialog|

    dialog := SearchDialog new
	allowFind:(self navigationState isMethodBrowser)

    restart := Signal new.
	handle:[:ex |
	    ex restart
	    dialog askThenDo:[:classes :string :ignoreCase :openHow :match :methods :isMethod|
		self withSearchCursorDo:[
		    |initialList list newBrowser numFound label selector entities arguments numArgs answer|

		    aSelectorOrBlock isArray ifTrue:[
			classes notNil ifTrue:[
			    selector := aSelectorOrBlock first.
			    entities := classes.
			] ifFalse:[
			    selector := aSelectorOrBlock second.
			    entities := methods.
			numArgs := selector numArgs.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			entities := classes.
			aSelectorOrBlock isSymbol ifTrue:[
			    selector := aSelectorOrBlock.
			numArgs := aSelectorOrBlock numArgs.

		    arguments := (Array with:string with:entities with:(ignoreCase ? isMethod) with:match) copyTo:numArgs.

		    selector notNil ifTrue:[
			initialList := self class perform:selector withArguments:arguments.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			initialList := aSelectorOrBlock valueWithArguments:arguments

		    label := labelHolderOrBlock value.

		    numFound := initialList size.
		    numFound == 0 ifTrue:[
			    confirm:((label bindWith:((string ? '') allBold colorizeAllWith:Color red darkened)) , ' - none found.')
			    yesLabel:(Dialog classResources string:'Search Again')
			    noLabel:(Dialog classResources string:'Cancel')
			    ^ self
			restart raiseRequest
		    (numFound == 1 and:[initialList first == self theSingleSelectedMethod]) ifTrue:[
			answer := Dialog 
			    confirmWithCancel:((label bindWith:string) , ' - only the selected method found.\\Browse anyway ?' withCRs)
			    labels:(Dialog classResources array:#('Cancel' 'Search Again' 'Yes' ))
			    values:#(nil #again true)

			answer == nil ifTrue:[
			    ^ self
			answer == #again ifTrue:[
			    restart raiseRequest

		    newBrowser := self 
					    initialList notNil ifTrue:[
						list := initialList.
						initialList := nil
					    ] ifFalse:[
						selector notNil ifTrue:[
						    list := self class perform:selector with:string with:entities with:ignoreCase with:match.
						] ifFalse:[
						    list := aSelectorOrBlock value:string value:entities value:ignoreCase value:match
				    label:(resources string:label with:string).

		    setSearchPatternAction notNil ifTrue:[
			setSearchPatternAction value:newBrowser value:string value:ignoreCase value:match.
		    ^ newBrowser.

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 13:03:19 / cg"

askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:labelHolderOrBlock searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock isSelector:isSelector searchArea:whereDefault 
    withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore withTextEntry:withTextEntry withMethodList:withMethodList setSearchPattern:setSearchPatternAction
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox with text from codeView or selected
     method for browsing based on a selector. Set action and launch box.
     SearchArea may be one of 


askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:label searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock searchArea:whereDefault
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox for method browsing without text-entry.
     SearchArea may be one of 

    ^ self

askForMethodAndSpawnSearchTitle:title browserLabel:label searchWith:aSelectorOrBlock searchArea:whereDefault allowFind:allowFind allowBuffer:allowBuffer allowBrowser:allowBrowser
    "convenient helper method: setup an enterBox for method browsing without text-entry.
     SearchArea may be one of 

    ^ self
	searchWith:[:dummyString :classes :dummyCaseIgnore :dummyMatch |
	    aSelectorOrBlock value:classes

askForMethodCategory:title okLabel:okLabel list:someCategories initialAnswer:initialText
    "convenient helper method: setup a box asking for a method category"

    ^ self

askForMethodCategory:title okLabel:okLabel list:someCategories recentList:recentListOrNil initialAnswer:initialText
    "convenient helper method: setup a box asking for a method category"

    |box retVal|

    box := self 

    recentListOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
	box useComboBoxWithList:recentListOrNil.

    box initialText:initialText.
    box action:[:aString | aString notEmpty ifTrue:[retVal := aString] ].
    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
	|s what|

	s := contents withoutLeadingSeparators.
	what := self navigationState environment methodProtocolCompletion:s.
	box contents:what first.
	(what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	    self builder window beep
    box open.
    ^ retVal

    "Created: / 29.2.2000 / 10:53:09 / cg"

askForMethodCategoryForAcceptInClass:cls selector:selectorOrNil
    "convenient helper method: setup a box asking for a method category"

    |methodCategoryListApp meta someCategories initial inheritedMethod|

    methodCategoryListApp := navigationState methodCategoryListApplication.

    someCategories := Set new.

    meta := cls isMeta.
    "/ do not include above Class if meta.
    cls theNonMetaclass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:eachNonMetaClass |

	eachClass := eachNonMetaClass.
	meta ifTrue:[eachClass := eachNonMetaClass theMetaclass].

	someCategories addAll:eachClass categories.
	methodCategoryListApp notNil ifTrue:[
	    someCategories addAll:(methodCategoryListApp additionalProtocolForClass:eachClass).
    someCategories := someCategories asOrderedCollection sort.

    "/ look for inherited; default to that category
    selectorOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
	inheritedMethod := cls lookupMethodFor:selectorOrNil.
	inheritedMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	    initial := inheritedMethod category
    initial isNil ifTrue:[
	lastMethodCategory isNil ifTrue:[
	    initial := Compiler defaultMethodCategory "/ 'new methods' '* As yet uncategorized *' 
	] ifFalse:[
	    initial := lastMethodCategory

    ^ self 
	askForMethodCategory:'Accept in which method category ?' 

    "Created: / 29.2.2000 / 10:50:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29.2.2000 / 10:54:26 / cg"

askForMethodSearchTitle:title isSelector:isSelector searchArea:whereDefault withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore withMatch:withMatch allowFind:allowFind allowBuffer:allowBuffer allowBrowser:allowBrowser withTextEntry:withTextEntry thenDo:aBlock
    "convenient helper method: setup a box to specify search area and
     (optionally) text from codeView or selected  method for browsing.
     SearchArea may be one of 

"/    ^ self
"/        askForMethodSearchTitle:title 
"/        isSelector:isSelector 
"/        searchArea:whereDefault 
"/        withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore 
"/        withMatch:withMatch 
"/        withMethodList:false
"/        allowFind:allowFind 
"/        allowBuffer:allowBuffer 
"/        allowBrowser:allowBrowser 
"/        withTextEntry:withTextEntry 
"/        thenDo:aBlock

     ^ self

    "helper for move-class-to-nameSpace;
     Ask for the new nameSpaces name"

    ^ self askForNameSpace:title initialText:(LastNameSpaceMove ? '')

askForNameSpace:title initialText:initialTextOrNil
    "Ask for the new namespaces name"

    ^ Dialog requestNameSpace:title initialAnswer:initialTextOrNil


    "helper for move-class-to-project and move-method-to-ptoject;
     Ask for the new project (package-id)"

    ^ self askForProject:title initialText:(LastProjectMoves ? #('')) first


askForProject:title initialText:initialTextOrNil
    "helper for move-class-to-project and move-method-to-ptoject;
     Ask for the new project (package-id)"

    |allProjects newProject box classesProjects selectedClasses selectedMethods|

    allProjects := self class allProjectsIDs.

    selectedClasses := self selectedClasses value.
    selectedClasses notNil ifTrue:[
	classesProjects := selectedClasses
			    collectAll:[:cls | 
				(cls methodDictionary values 
				    collect:[:m | m package ]) asSet ].
    ] ifFalse:[
	selectedMethods := self selectedMethods value.
	selectedMethods notNil ifTrue:[
	    classesProjects := selectedMethods
				collectAll:[:mthd | 
				    (mthd mclass methodDictionary values 
					collect:[:m | m package ]) asSet ].
    classesProjects remove:(Project defaultProject package) ifAbsent:nil.
    classesProjects := classesProjects asOrderedCollection sort.
    classesProjects addAllFirst:(LastProjectMoves ? #()).

    box := ListSelectionBox new.
    box useComboBoxWithList:classesProjects.
    box title:(resources string:title).
    box list:allProjects.
    box okAction:[:sel | newProject := sel].
    box initialText:initialTextOrNil.
    box label:'Project confirmation'.

    box showAtPointer.

    newProject notNil ifTrue:[
	newProject := newProject withoutSeparators asSymbol.
    ^ newProject


askForSelector:title allowBuffer:allowBuffer allowBrowser:allowBrowser thenDo:aBlock
    "helper for find-implementation;
     Ask for the selector "

    |methods selectors selector firstMethod firstSelector 
     box b openHow prevButton searchClass listInBox|

    openHow := nil.

    selectors := Set new.
    methods := self selectedMethods value.
    methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
	firstMethod := methods first.
	firstSelector := firstMethod selector.
    searchClass := self theSingleSelectedClass ? self classHierarchyTopClass value.
    searchClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self theSingleSelectedMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	    searchClass := self theSingleSelectedMethod mclass
    searchClass notNil ifTrue:[
	searchClass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls |
	    selectors addAll:(cls methodDictionary keys copy)
    selectors := selectors asOrderedCollection sort.
    listInBox := selectors collect:[:eachSel | eachSel , (' [ ' , (searchClass whichClassImplements:eachSel) name , ' ]') asText allItalic].

    box := ListSelectionBox new.
    box title:(resources string:title).
    box list:listInBox.
    box okAction:[:sel | selector := (sel upTo:$[ ) withoutSeparators asSymbol].

"/    selector := self codeView selection.
"/    selector notNil ifTrue:[
"/        selector := selector asString string
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        selector := firstSelector.
"/    ].
    selector := self selectorToSearchFor.
    selector isNil ifTrue:[
	selector := firstSelector
    box initialText:selector.
    box entryCompletionBlock:[:contents |
	|s what longest matching|

	box topView withWaitCursorDo:[
	    s := contents withoutSpaces.
	    what := Smalltalk selectorCompletion:s.
	    longest := what first.
	    matching := what last.
	    box list:matching.
	    box contents:longest.
	    matching size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
		self window beep

    box okText:(resources string:'Find').
    allowBuffer ifTrue:[
	b := Button label:(resources string:'Add Buffer').
	(DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifFalse:[
	    box addButton:b before:box okButton.
	] ifTrue:[
	    box addButton:b before:nil.
	b action:[
	   openHow := #newBuffer.
	   box doAccept.
	   box okPressed.
	prevButton := b.

    allowBrowser ifTrue:[
	b := Button label:(resources string:'Browse').
	(DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifFalse:[
	    box addButton:b before:box okButton.
	] ifTrue:[
	    box addButton:b before:nil.
	b action:[
	   openHow := #newBrowser.
	   box doAccept.
	   box okPressed.
	prevButton := b.
    "/ prevButton notNil ifTrue:[prevButton isReturnButton:true].

    selector := nil.
    box width:380.
    box showAtPointer.

    selector notNil ifTrue:[
	aBlock value:selector asSymbol value:openHow
    ^ selector

    "if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
     otherwise, return true"

    ^ self askIfModified:'Text was modified - please accept first.\\(or continue to forget those modifications)' 

    "if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
     otherwise, return true"

    ^ self askIfModified:question default:false

askIfModified:question default:default
    "if codeView was modified, return the answer from asking question;
     otherwise, return true"

    ^ self 
	withAccept:(self canAcceptCode) 
	withCompare:(self canCompareCode)

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 10:52:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 11.2.2000 / 12:37:34 / cg"

askIfModified:question default:default withAccept:acceptOffered withCompare:compareOffered
    "if codeView was not modified, return true.
     If it was, return the answer from asking question, which can be
	true     - go on
	false    - cancel
	#compare - open a diff-viewer on the code vs. its original
	#accept  - accept, then proceed
     If compareOffered is true, offer the compare option.
     If acceptOffered is true, offer the accept option.
     Used to confirm selectionChange, closing or buffer removal when code
     was modified.
     question is the message to ask, or nil for a standard message."

    ^ self


askIfModified:question default:default withAccept:acceptOffered withCompare:compareOffered in:aNavigationState
    "if codeView was not modified, return true.
     If it was, return the answer from asking question, which can be
	true     - go on
	false    - cancel
	#compare - open a diff-viewer on the code vs. its original
	#accept  - accept, then proceed
     If compareOffered is true, offer the compare option.
     If acceptOffered is true, offer the accept option.
     Used to confirm selectionChange, closing or buffer removal when code
     was modified.
     question is the message to ask, or nil for a standard message."

    |answer labels values msg|

    self codeView isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ if in documentation browser ...
	^ true

    "/ compare - in case its not really modified
    (self reallyModified:aNavigationState) ifFalse:[
	^ true

    compareOffered ifTrue:[
	acceptOffered ifTrue:[
	    labels := #('Compare' 'Accept' 'Continue').
	    values := #(#compare #accept true).
	] ifFalse:[
	    labels := #('Compare' 'Continue').
	    values := #(#compare true).
    ] ifFalse:[
	acceptOffered ifTrue:[
	    labels := #('Compare' 'Accept' 'Continue').
	    values := #(#compare #accept true).
	] ifFalse:[
	    labels := #('Continue').
	    values := #(true).

"/    DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft ifTrue:[
"/        labels := labels , #('cancel').
"/        values := values , #(false).
"/    ] ifFalse:[
	labels := #('Cancel') , labels.
	values := #(false) , values.
"/    ].

    msg := question ? 'Text has not been accepted.\\Your modifications will be lost when continuing.'.
    answer := OptionBox 
		  request:(resources at:msg) withCRs
		  label:(resources string:'Attention')
		  form:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
		  buttonLabels:(resources array:labels)

    answer == #accept ifTrue:[
	self doAcceptIn:aNavigationState.
	^ true
    answer == #compare ifTrue:[
	self doCompareIn:aNavigationState.
	^ false.
    ^ answer

    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 00:02:29 / cg"

enterBoxForClassWithCodeSelectionTitle:title withList:listOrNil okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup an enterBox with initial text taken 
     from the codeviews selection."

    |sel box initialText superclass currentClass 
     methods someMethod offeredClass anyClose closeName s usedGlobals list|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    list := listOrNil.

    sel := self selectionInCodeView.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	self selectedNamespacesValue doWithExit:[:eachNs :exit |
	    s := eachNs , '::' , sel asSymbol.
	    (s knownAsSymbol
	    and:[(Smalltalk at:s asSymbol) isBehavior]) ifTrue:[
		"/ a private class of current ...
		sel := eachNs , '::' , sel asSymbol.
		exit value:nil.
	(sel knownAsSymbol and:[currentClass notNil 
	and:[(currentClass theNonMetaclass privateClassesAt:sel asSymbol) notNil]]) ifTrue:[
	    "/ a private class of current ...
	    sel := (currentClass privateClassesAt:sel asSymbol) name
	] ifFalse:[
	    (sel knownAsSymbol and:[(Smalltalk at:sel asSymbol) isBehavior]) ifFalse:[
		"/ ignore it, if there is no class-name which comes close.
		anyClose := false.
		Smalltalk keysAndValuesDo:[:aGlobalName :aGlobal|
		    aGlobal isBehavior ifTrue:[
			aGlobal isMeta ifFalse:[
			    aGlobal name == aGlobalName ifTrue:[
				((aGlobalName startsWith:sel)
				or:[(sel startsWith:aGlobalName)]) ifTrue:[
				    closeName isNil ifTrue:[closeName := aGlobalName].
				    anyClose := true.
		anyClose ifFalse:[
		    sel := nil
		] ifTrue:[
		    sel := closeName

    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	initialText := sel asString withoutSeparators
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeAspect == #method ifTrue:[
	    methods := self selectedMethods value.
	    methods size > 0 ifTrue:[ 
		someMethod := methods first.
		usedGlobals := someMethod usedGlobals collect:[:eachVar | eachVar asSymbol].
		usedGlobals := usedGlobals select:[:eachVar | (Smalltalk at:eachVar) isBehavior].
		usedGlobals size > 0 ifTrue:[
		    list := list select:[:each | (usedGlobals includes:each) not].
		    list := usedGlobals asOrderedCollection sort , list.
		    offeredClass := Smalltalk at:usedGlobals first
		] ifFalse:[
		    offeredClass := someMethod mclass
	] ifFalse:[
	    (navigationState isVersionDiffBrowser
	    or:[navigationState isClassDocumentationBrowser]) ifTrue:[
		offeredClass := currentClass.
		(offeredClass notNil and:[offeredClass isPrivate]) ifTrue:[
		    offeredClass := offeredClass owningClass
	    ] ifFalse:[
		(currentClass notNil 
		and:[(superclass := currentClass superclass) notNil]) ifTrue:[
		    offeredClass := superclass
	offeredClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    initialText := offeredClass theNonMetaclass name

    box := self 
		enterBoxTitle:(resources string:title) 
		okText:(resources string:okText).

    initialText notNil ifTrue:[
	box initialText:initialText
    ^ box

    "Modified: / 22.2.1999 / 18:57:22 / cg"
    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 20:56:18 / cg"

enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup enterBox with text from codeview"

    ^ self
	enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title withList:nil okText:okText

enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title withList:listOrNil okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup enterBox with text from codeview"

    |sel box initialText|

    box := self 
		enterBoxTitle:(resources string:title) 
		okText:(resources string:okText).

    sel := self codeView selection.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	initialText := sel asString string withoutSeparators
    initialText notNil ifTrue:[
	box initialText:initialText
    ^ box

    |box sel selectedVariables|

    box := self enterBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title okText:'Add Buffer'.

    self codeView hasSelection ifTrue:[
	sel := self selectionInCodeView.
	sel size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    sel := sel withoutSeparators.
	    sel asCollectionOfWords size == 1 ifFalse:[
		sel := nil
    sel size == 0 ifTrue:[
	selectedVariables := self variableFilter value.
	selectedVariables size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    box initialText:(selectedVariables asStringCollection asStringWith:Character space)

    ^ box

enterBoxTitle:title okText:okText label:label
    "convenient method: setup enterBox (especially do the resource stuff)"


    box := EnterBox new.
    box label:(resources string:label).
    box title:(resources string:title) 
	okText:(resources string:okText).
    ^ box


enterBoxTitle:title withList:aListOrNil okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup enterBox"


    aListOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
	box := ListSelectionBox new.
	"/ box := EnterBoxWithList new.
	box list:aListOrNil.
    ] ifFalse:[
	box := EnterBox new.
    box title:(resources string:title) okText:(resources string:okText).
    ^ box

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 20:53:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 11:15:09 / cg"

listBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title isSelector:isSelector okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup a listBox with text from codeview"

    |sel box|

    box := self listBoxTitle:title okText:okText list:nil. 
    sel := self codeView selection.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	sel := sel asString string withoutSeparators.
	isSelector ifTrue:[
	    sel knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
		sel := SystemBrowser extractSelectorFrom:sel    
	box initialText:sel
    ^ box

listBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title okText:okText
    "convenient method: setup a listBox with text from codeview"

    ^ self listBoxForCodeSelectionTitle:title isSelector:false okText:okText

listBoxTitle:title okText:okText list:aList
    "convenient method: setup a listBox & return it"


    box := ListSelectionBox 
		title:(resources string:title)
		okText:(resources string:okText)
    box list:aList.
    ^ box


    |box title className|

    title := 'class to add to list (Tab to complete or use matchPattern):'.

    box := self 
		withList:(self class classHistory collect: [:entry | entry className])

    box label:(resources string:'add class to list').
    box entryCompletionBlock:(self classNameEntryCompletionBlock).
    box action:[:aString | className := aString].
    box showAtPointer.

    ^ className 
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-helpers'!

    "return any (the first) selected class - nil if there is none"


    sel := self selectedClasses value.
    sel size > 0 ifTrue:[^ sel first].
    ^ nil

    "return any (the first) selected method - nil if there is none"


    sel := self selectedMethods value.
    sel size > 0 ifTrue:[^ sel first].
    ^ nil


    aClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    class := Smalltalk classNamed:aClassName.

    class isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'No such class: ', aClassName.
	^ nil
    class isBehavior ifFalse:[
	self warn:'Not a class: ', aClassName.
	^ nil
    (class isNameSpace
    and:[class ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Is a nameSpace: ', aClassName.
	^ nil
    (class theNonMetaclass isNameSpace
    and:[class theNonMetaclass ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Is meta of a nameSpace: ', aClassName.
	^ nil
    ^ class

    ^ [:contents :field  |
	  |s what m|

	  s := contents withoutSpaces.
	  field topView withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[  
	      what := Smalltalk classnameCompletion:s.
	  field contents:(what first).
	  (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	      field device beep

    ^ [:contents |
	  |s what m|

	  s := contents withoutSpaces.
	  what := Smalltalk classnameCompletion:s.
	  anEntryField contents:what first.
	  (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	      self builder window beep

classes:aCollectionOfClasses nonMetaDo:aBlock ifUnloaded:unloadedBlock ifPrivate:privateBlock
    "evaluate aBlock for all selected classes;
     pass the non-metaclass as arg"

    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:aClass |

	cls := aClass theNonMetaclass.
	cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
	    (unloadedBlock value:cls) ifTrue:[
		cls owningClass notNil ifTrue:[
		    privateBlock value:cls
		] ifFalse:[
		    aBlock value:cls
	] ifTrue:[
	    cls owningClass notNil ifTrue:[
		privateBlock value:cls
	    ] ifFalse:[
		aBlock value:cls

    "return the set of selected classes or the classes of the selected methods"


    classes := self selectedClasses value copy.
    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
	self isMethodListBrowser ifTrue:[
	    classes := ((self selectedMethods value collect:[:m | m mclass]) 
			    collect:[:each| each theNonMetaclass]) asIdentitySet.
    ^ classes

    "the current buffers codeView"

    ^ self navigationState codeView


    suffix := 'st'.
    formatSymbolOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
	formatSymbolOrNil == #sif ifTrue:[
	    suffix := 'sif'.
	] ifFalse:[
	    formatSymbolOrNil == #xml ifTrue:[
		suffix := 'xml'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		formatSymbolOrNil == #binary ifTrue:[
		    suffix := 'cls'
    ^ suffix

    "search through namespaces for aClassName."

    |nm nameSym cls meta currentNamespace listOfNamespaces|

    meta := false.
    nm := aClassName.
    (nm endsWith:' class') ifTrue:[
	meta := true.
	nm := nm copyWithoutLast:6.
    nameSym := nm asSymbol.

    currentNamespace := self theSingleSelectedNamespace.
listOfNamespaces := self selectedNamespaces value.

    currentNamespace = (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
	(cls := Smalltalk at:nameSym) notNil ifTrue:[
	    meta ifTrue:[^ cls class].
	    ^ cls
    ("(Array with:Smalltalk) ," (self listOfNamespaces)) do:[:aNamespace |
	aNamespace = (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifFalse:[
	    (cls := aNamespace at:nameSym) notNil ifTrue:[
		meta ifTrue:[^ cls class].
		^ cls
    currentNamespace ~= (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
	(cls := Smalltalk at:nameSym) notNil ifTrue:[
	    meta ifTrue:[^ cls class].
	    ^ cls

    (nm startsWith:'Smalltalk::') ifTrue:[
	cls := Smalltalk classNamed:(nm copyFrom:'Smalltalk::' size + 1).
	cls notNil ifTrue:[
	    meta ifTrue:[^ cls class].
	    ^ cls
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 21:15:29 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:49:44 / cg"

    "search through current namespaces for aClassName.
     Return the class or nil, if not found."

    self listOfNamespaces do:[:aNamespace |

	(cls := aNamespace at:aClassName asSymbol) notNil ifTrue:[
	    (cls topNameSpace == aNamespace) ifTrue:[
		^ cls
    ^ nil

    <resource: #help>


    spec := self class flyByHelpSpec.

"/    methodsBackList size > 1 ifTrue:[
"/        spec at:#backToPreviousMethod put:(self resources string:'Go to %1>>%2' 
"/                                                with:methodsBackList second className 
"/                                                with:methodsBackList second selector ? '').
"/    ].
"/    methodsForwardList size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/        spec at:#forwardToNextMethod put:(self resources string:'Go to %1>>%2' 
"/                                                with:methodsForwardList first className 
"/                                                with:methodsForwardList first selector ? '').
"/    ].
    ^ spec.

    "look in codeView and methodListView for a search-string when searching for globals"

    |sel nSel mthd classes|

    sel := self selectionInCodeView.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
        (sel knownAsSymbol and:[Smalltalk includesKey:sel asSymbol]) ifTrue:[
            ^ sel

        "/ validate
        nSel := (Parser new findBestVariablesFor:sel) first.

        nSel ~= sel ifTrue:[
            "/ is it a known classVar or classInstance variable ?
            classes := self classesToSearchForVariable.    
            classes do:[:eachClass |
                eachClass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:classToLookFor |
                    (classToLookFor classVarNames includes:sel) ifTrue:[
                        self information:('''%1'' is a class variable in %2.'
                                          bindWith:sel with:classToLookFor name).
                        ^ self variablesMenuBrowseAllClassVarRefs.
    "/ take selected classes name as default
    (classes := self selectedClasses value) size > 0 ifTrue:[
        sel := ((classes map:#theNonMetaclass) map:#name) asSortedCollection asStringWith:$|
    sel isNil ifTrue:[
        (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
            sel := mthd mclass name
    "/ take last search as default
    sel isNil ifTrue:[
        sel := LastGlobalSearched

    ^ sel

    "return a list of all namespaces"


    allNamespaces isNil ifTrue:[
	allNamespaces := NameSpace allNamespaces.

	self showAllNamespaces ifFalse:[
	    "/ only topLevel namespaces are shown
	    "/ i.e. ignore subspaces 

	    allNamespaces := allNamespaces select:[:ns | ns isTopLevelNameSpace].
    ^ allNamespaces

    "return a list of considered namespaces"


    currentNamespace := self currentNamespace.
    currentNamespace isNil ifTrue:[
	^ Array with:Smalltalk

    currentNamespace = (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
	^ self listOfAllNamespaces

    ^ Array with:currentNamespace

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:49:20 / cg"

newBrowserOrBufferDependingOn:openHow label:labelOrNil forSpec:spec setupWith:aBlock

    openHow == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
	brwsr := self class new.
	brwsr browserCanvasType:spec.

	"/ cannot invoke aBlock here 
	"/ (it requires that all components are built,
	"/  in order to perform selection changes).
	"/ therefore, ensure that the components are built:
	brwsr allButOpen.
	"/ ... do the setup ...
	aBlock value:brwsr.
	"/ and finally open it.
	navigationState notNil ifTrue:[
	    brwsr setupNavigationStateFrom:navigationState.
	brwsr openWindow.
    ] ifFalse:[
	openHow == #newBuffer ifTrue:[
	    self createBufferWithSpec:spec.
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ find here
	brwsr := self.
	aBlock value:brwsr.
    brwsr enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.

    labelOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
	openHow == #newBrowser ifTrue:[
	    brwsr windowLabel:labelOrNil.
	] ifFalse:[
	    brwsr bufferLabel:labelOrNil
    ^ brwsr

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 19:15:56 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 16:04:33 / cg"

    "check for modified code by comparing the source against
     the codeViews contents.
     Thats the true modified value (in case user undid its changes,
     and the displayed text is actually original"

    |modified codeAspect changedSource originalSource methods classes mthd cls s1 s2|

    aNavigationState modified ifFalse:[^ false].

    (codeAspect := aNavigationState codeAspect) isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ no aspect yet (i.e. there is nothing shown)
	^ aNavigationState codeView modified.

    "/ higher prio to prevent it from being changed while we convert it (by editing)
    Processor activeProcess 
	    changedSource := aNavigationState codeView contentsAsString asStringCollection.
    changedSource := changedSource collect:[:line | line string withoutTrailingSeparators withTabsExpanded].
    changedSource := changedSource collect:[:line | line isEmpty ifTrue:[nil] ifFalse:[line]].
    [changedSource size > 0 and:[changedSource last isNil]] whileTrue:[
	changedSource := changedSource copyWithoutLast:1
    changedSource := changedSource asString.

    codeAspect == #method ifTrue:[
	methods := aNavigationState selectedMethods value.
	methods size > 0 ifTrue:[ 
	   mthd := methods first.
	mthd isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ method was either removed by someone else or never accepted;
	    "/ however, the code is modified anyhow.
	    ^ true.
	originalSource := mthd source.
	originalSource isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ cannot get methods code ..
	    ^ true

	originalSource := originalSource asStringCollection.
	originalSource := originalSource collect:[:line | line string withoutTrailingSeparators withTabsExpanded].
	originalSource := originalSource collect:[:line | line isEmpty ifTrue:[nil] ifFalse:[line]].
	[originalSource size > 0 and:[originalSource last isNil]] whileTrue:[
	    originalSource := originalSource copyWithoutLast:1

	s1 := originalSource asString.
	s2 := changedSource asString.
	modified := (s1 ~= s2)
    ] ifFalse:[
	codeAspect == #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    classes := aNavigationState selectedClasses value.
	    classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
		cls := classes first.
	    cls isNil ifTrue:[
		"/ class was either removed by someone else or never accepted;
		"/ however, the code is modified anyhow.
		^ true
	    originalSource := self classDefinitionStringFor:cls.
	    modified := (originalSource string withTabsExpanded ~= changedSource string withTabsExpanded)
	] ifFalse:[
	    ^ true
    modified ifFalse:[
	aNavigationState codeModifiedHolder value:false.
	aNavigationState realModifiedState:false.
	self updateBufferLabel.
    ^ modified

    "Created: / 22.2.2000 / 23:47:04 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 00:13:47 / cg"

    LastProjectMoves isNil ifTrue:[
	LastProjectMoves := OrderedCollection new.
    LastProjectMoves remove:aProject ifAbsent:nil.
    LastProjectMoves addFirst:aProject.
    LastProjectMoves size > 10 ifTrue:[
	LastProjectMoves removeLast.

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:03:50 / cg"

    "return a collection containing all classes affected by the category selection"

    |selectedCategories allCategories|

    selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesValue.
    allCategories := selectedCategories includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL.

    ^ self
	selectedClassesInCategories:selectedCategories orAll:allCategories

    "evaluate aBlock for each class in any selected class category"

    self selectedCategoryClasses do:aBlock


    varName := self selectedClassVariableInCodeViewOrNil.
    varName isNil ifTrue:[
	    self warn:'Please select a variable'.
    ^ varName

    |node mthd cls|

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    ^ nil
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    node := self findNode.
    node isNil ifTrue:[
	(self hasClassVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
	    ^ nil
	^ self selectionInCodeView.
    node isVariable ifFalse:[
	^ nil
    ^ node name.

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected class."

    (self selectedClasses value ? #()) do:aBlock

    "return a collection containing all classes in aCollectionOfCategories,
     caring for nameSpace and packageFilters"

    ^ self
	selectedClassesInCategories:aCollectionOfCategories orAll:false

selectedClassesInCategories:aCollectionOfCategories orAll:allCategories
    "return a collection containing all classes in aCollectionOfCategories,
     caring for nameSpace and packageFilters"

    |nameSpaceFilter packageFilter setOfClasses|

    nameSpaceFilter := self selectedNamespaces value.
    nameSpaceFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	nameSpaceFilter := navigationState nameSpaceFilter value.
    (nameSpaceFilter notNil and:[nameSpaceFilter includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL])
    ifTrue:[nameSpaceFilter := nil].
    packageFilter := navigationState packageFilter value.
    (packageFilter notNil and:[packageFilter includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL])
    ifTrue:[packageFilter := nil].

    setOfClasses := IdentitySet new.

    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
	(allCategories or:[aCollectionOfCategories includes:aClass category]) ifTrue:[
	    (nameSpaceFilter isNil
	    or:[nameSpaceFilter includes:aClass nameSpace name])
		(packageFilter isNil
		or:[packageFilter includes:aClass package])
		    setOfClasses add:aClass .
    ^ setOfClasses

selectedClassesNonMetaDo:aBlock ifUnloaded:unloadedBlock ifPrivate:privateBlock
    "evaluate aBlock for all selected classes;
     pass the non-metaclass as arg.
     For unloaded classes, evaluate unloadedBlock;
     for private classes, evaluate privateBlock."

	classes:(self selectedClasses value) 

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected class, while showing a busy cursor."

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
       self selectedClassesDo:aBlock


    varName := self selectedInstanceVariableInCodeViewOrNil.
    varName isNil ifTrue:[
	self warn:'Please select an instance variable'.
    ^ varName

    |node mthd cls|

    (mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod) notNil ifTrue:[
	cls := mthd mclass.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self codeAspect value ~= #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    ^ nil
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
	^ nil

    node := self findNode.
    node isNil ifTrue:[
	(self hasInstanceVariableSelectedInCodeView) ifFalse:[
	    ^ nil
	^ self selectionInCodeView.
    node isVariable ifFalse:[
	^ nil
    ^ node name.

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected method."

    (self selectedMethods value ? #()) do:aBlock

    "return a collection containing all classes affected by the project selection"

    |selectedProjects setOfClasses allIncluded|

    selectedProjects := self selectedProjects value.
    allIncluded := selectedProjects includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).
    allIncluded ifTrue:[ ^ Smalltalk allClasses ].

    setOfClasses := IdentitySet new.

    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:aClass |
	(selectedProjects includes:aClass package) ifTrue:[
	    setOfClasses add:aClass .
    ^ setOfClasses

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected protocols methods.
     (each class-protocol combination)"

    |protocols allIncluded targets|

    protocols := self selectedProtocolsValue.
    protocols := protocols collect:[:each | each string].
    allIncluded := protocols includes:(NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).

    navigationState isFullProtocolBrowser ifTrue:[
	targets := Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclasses
    ] ifFalse:[
	targets := self selectedClasses value

    targets do:[:cls |
	allIncluded ifTrue:[
	    cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
		aBlock value:cls value:mthd category value:sel value:mthd
	] ifFalse:[
	    protocols do:[:aCategory |
		cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
		    aCategory = mthd category ifTrue:[
			aBlock value:cls value:aCategory value:sel value:mthd

    "Modified: / 29.2.2000 / 11:18:40 / cg"

    "evaluate aBlock for each selected protocol.
     (class-protocol combination)"

    |protocols targets allIncluded|

    protocols := self selectedProtocolsValue.

    navigationState isFullProtocolBrowser ifTrue:[
	targets := Smalltalk allClassesAndMetaclasses
    ] ifFalse:[
	targets := self selectedClasses value
    allIncluded := protocols includes:(NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).

    targets do:[:cls |
	allIncluded ifTrue:[
	    cls categories do:[:cat |
		aBlock value:cls value:cat
	] ifFalse:[
	    protocols do:[:aCategory |

		cat := aCategory string.
		(cls methodDictionary contains:[:mthd | cat = mthd category]) ifTrue:[
		    aBlock value:cls value:cat

    ^ (self selectedMethods value ? #()) collect:[:mthd | mthd selector]

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 10:29:30 / cg"

    |node name definingNode|

    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[^ nil].

    name := node name.
    definingNode := node whoDefines:name.
    definingNode isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
    ^ name

    |namesOrNil names|

    namesOrNil := RBParser parseVariableNames:(self selectionInCodeView).
    namesOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
	names := namesOrNil collect:[:each |each name].
    ^ names


    node := self findNode.
    (node isNil or:[node isVariable not]) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ node name.


    (codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
	^ codeView selectionAsString.
    ^ nil

    "look in codeView and methodListView for a search-string when searching for selectors"

    |sel t goodSelectors|

    sel := self selectionInCodeView.
    sel notNil ifTrue:[
	t := SystemBrowser extractSelectorFrom:sel.
	t notNil ifTrue:[
	    sel := t.
	sel knownAsSymbol ifFalse:[
	    goodSelectors := Parser new findBestSelectorsFor:sel.
	    goodSelectors size == 0 ifTrue:[
		sel := ''
	    ] ifFalse:[
		sel := goodSelectors first
    ] ifFalse:[
	sel := self theSingleSelectedSelector.
	sel notNil ifTrue:[
	    sel := sel withoutSpaces upTo:(Character space)
	] ifFalse:[
	    sel := ''
    ^ sel string

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 12:59:13 / cg"

    "showing all or topLevel namespaces only ?"

    ^ true


    "look in codeView and methodListView for a search-string when searching for strings"


    sel := self selectionInCodeView.
    sel isNil ifTrue:[
	sel := self theSingleSelectedSelector.
	sel notNil ifTrue:[
	    sel := sel withoutSpaces upTo:(Character space)
	] ifFalse:[
	    sel := ''
    ^ sel string

    "the current buffers single selected category;
     nil if no selection or if multiple categories are selected"


    categories := self selectedCategories value.
    categories size == 1 ifTrue:[
	^ categories first string
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 6.2.2000 / 01:13:21 / cg"

    "the current buffers single selected class;
     nil if no selection or if multiple classes are selected"

    ^ self navigationState theSingleSelectedClass

    "the current buffers single selected method;
     nil if no selection or if multiple methods are selected"

    ^ self navigationState theSingleSelectedMethod

    "the current buffers single selected namespace;
     nil if no selection or if multiple namespaces are selected"

    namespaces := self selectedNamespaces value.
    namespaces size == 1 ifTrue:[
	^ namespaces first
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 23.2.2000 / 11:53:47 / cg"

    "the current buffers single selected project;
     nil if no selection or if multiple projects are selected"
    |projects p|

    projects := self selectedProjects value.
    projects size == 1 ifTrue:[
	p := projects first.
	p ~= (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
	    ^ p
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:51:33 / cg"

    "return the selected protocol, but only if exactly one is selected.
     Otherwise, return nil."


    (selectedProtocols := self selectedProtocols value) size == 1 ifTrue:[
	^ selectedProtocols first
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 6.2.2000 / 01:02:18 / cg"

    "the current buffers single selected selector;
     nil if no selection or if multiple selectors are selected"
    |mthd sel|

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	sel := mthd name "/ who methodSelector
    ^ sel

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 23:09:57 / cg"

    "return the selected variable, but only if exactly one is selected.
     Otherwise, return nil."


    (selectedVariables := self selectedVariables value) size == 1 ifTrue:[
	^ selectedVariables first
    ^ nil
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-helpers-subApps'!

    ^ navigationState classCategoryListApplication

    ^ navigationState classListApplication

    ^ navigationState methodCategoryListApplication

    "Created: / 23.2.2000 / 09:33:47 / cg"

    ^ navigationState methodListApplication

    ^ navigationState nameSpaceListApplication

    ^ navigationState projectListApplication
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-history'!

    ^ self class lastSearchPatterns

    |newEntry mthd cls sel |

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd isNil ifTrue:[
	cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    ] ifFalse:[
	cls := mthd mclass.
	sel := mthd selector.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self
    newEntry := self class historyEntryForClass:cls selector:sel.
    newEntry isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    FindHistory isNil ifTrue:[
	FindHistory := OrderedCollection new.

    FindHistory := FindHistory select:[:entry | entry className ~= newEntry className
						or:[entry selector ~= newEntry selector
						or:[entry meta ~= newEntry meta]]].

    FindHistory addFirst:newEntry.
    FindHistory size > 15 ifTrue:[
	FindHistory removeLast.

    LastSearchPatterns isNil ifTrue:[
	LastSearchPatterns := OrderedCollection new.
    (LastSearchPatterns includes:aString) ifTrue:[
	LastSearchPatterns remove:aString.
    ] ifFalse:[
	LastSearchPatterns size > 15 ifTrue:[
	    LastSearchPatterns removeFirst
    LastSearchPatterns addFirst:aString.

! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-presentation'!

    self enqueueMessage:#showInfo: for:self arguments:(Array with:self getMethodInfo)

    "set the title for some warning"


    (window := builder window) isTopView ifTrue:[
	    label:('SystemBrowser - ' , (resources string:what))

busyLabel:what with:someArgument
    "set the title for some warning"


    (window := builder window) isTopView ifTrue:[
	    label:('SystemBrowser - ' , (resources string:what with:someArgument))

    self showInfo:''.

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 18:19:10 / cg"

    self shortNamesInTabs value ifTrue:[
	^ navigationState shortNameString
    ^ navigationState nameString

    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 10:39:56 / cg"

    ^ navigationState nameStringOrNil ? 'SystemBrowser'

    "return the defaultLabel"

    navigationState isCategoryBrowser ifTrue:[
	^ 'Category'
    (navigationState isNameSpaceBrowser 
    or:[navigationState isNameSpaceFullBrowser]) ifTrue:[
	^ 'NameSpace'
    (navigationState isProjectBrowser
    or:[navigationState isProjectFullBrowser]) ifTrue:[
	^ 'Project'
    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
	^ 'FullClass'
    navigationState isClassDocumentationBrowser ifTrue:[
	^ 'Documentation'
    navigationState isVersionDiffBrowser ifTrue:[
	^ 'Revisions'
    navigationState isClassDocumentationBrowser ifTrue:[
	^ 'Documentation'
    ^ ''

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:48:32 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:40:34 / cg"

    self updateBufferLabel.

"/    |nr|
"/    (nr := selectedBuffer value) notNil ifTrue:[
"/        nr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
"/            bufferNameList at:nr put:(self currentBufferLabel).
"/        ]
"/    ]

    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 04:23:21 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:25:54 / cg"

    self reallyModified:navigationState

"/    |nr|
"/    (nr := selectedBuffer value) notNil ifTrue:[
"/        nr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
"/            bufferNameList at:nr put:(self currentBufferLabel).
"/        ]
"/    ]

    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 04:23:21 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:25:54 / cg"

    "depending on the current nameSpace, either show a classes
     fullname or its name without the namespace prefix (if its in the current)"

    |nm ns currentNamespace|

    aClass isJavaClass ifTrue:[
	^ aClass nameInBrowser "/ fullName "/ asString replaceAll:$/ with:$.

    ns := aClass topNameSpace.
    ns isNil ifTrue:[          "/ this 'cannot' happen (should always be Smalltalk)
	^ aClass name

    currentNamespace := self currentNamespace.
    currentNamespace = (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
	(ns == Smalltalk) ifTrue:[
	    nm := aClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
	    ^ nm
	nm := aClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.
	^ ns name , '::' , nm   "/ full name

    nm := aClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix.

    "/ is it in one of the selected namespaces ?

    (self findClassNamedInNameSpace:nm) isNil ifTrue:[
	^ ns name , '::' , nm   "/ full name
    currentNamespace == ns ifFalse:[
	^ ns name , '::' , nm   "/ full name
    ^ nm.

    "Created: / 20.12.1996 / 17:46:41 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:49:06 / cg"

explain:selection inCode:code
    self explainInCode:code short:false

explainInCode:code short:short
    |selection codeView cls crsrPos interval node explanation|

    cls := self classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass.
    cls notNil ifTrue:[
	codeView := self codeView.

	interval := self selectedInterval.
	interval isEmpty ifTrue:[
	    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor.
	    codeView characterUnderCursor isSeparator ifTrue:[
		crsrPos := (crsrPos - 1) max:1    
	    interval := crsrPos to:crsrPos.

	node := self findNodeForInterval:interval.
	node notNil ifTrue: [
	    explanation := self explainNode:node in:code forClass:cls short:short
	explanation isNil ifTrue:[
	    codeView hasSelection ifTrue:[
		selection := codeView selection.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		"/ selection := codeView characterBeforeCursor.
	    selection notNil ifTrue:[
		selection := selection asString string withoutSeparators.
		explanation := Explainer explain:selection in:code forClass:cls short:short
	short ifTrue:[
	    self showInfo:explanation
	] ifFalse:[
	    self information:explanation
	builder window flush

    "Modified: / 15.11.2001 / 18:01:31 / cg"

explainNode:node in:code forClass:cls short:short
    |receiver nm nmText srchClass definingNode 
     selector selectorString implClass 
     sendingMethods sendingClasses literalValue boldSelectorString|

    node isVariable ifTrue:[
	nm := node name.

	(#( 'self' 'super' 'thisContext') includes:nm) ifTrue:[
	    ^ Explainer explainPseudoVariable:nm in:cls short:short

	nm notNil ifTrue:[ nmText := nm allBold ].

	definingNode := node whoDefines:nm.
	definingNode notNil ifTrue:[
	    definingNode isMethod ifTrue:[
		(definingNode arguments contains:[:arg | arg name = nm]) ifTrue:[
		    ^ '''' , nmText , ''' is a method argument.'
	    definingNode isBlock ifTrue:[
		(definingNode arguments contains:[:arg | arg name = nm]) ifTrue:[
		    ^ '''' , nmText , ''' is a block argument.'
	    definingNode parent notNil ifTrue:[
		definingNode parent isMethod ifTrue:[
		    ^ '''' , nmText , ''' is a method temporary.'
		definingNode parent isBlock ifTrue:[
		    ^ '''' , nmText , ''' is a block temporary.'
	    ^ '''' , nmText , ''' is a temporary.'
	^ Explainer explain:node name in:code forClass:cls short:short

    node isLiteral ifTrue:[
	literalValue := node value.
	literalValue isArray ifTrue:[
	    literalValue size == 0 ifTrue:[
		^ 'empty Array constant'
	^ literalValue class name , '-constant.'

    (node isMessage or:[node isMethod])
	selector := node selector.      
	selectorString := selector printString contractTo:30.
	boldSelectorString := selectorString allBold

    node isMessage ifTrue:[
	receiver := node receiver.
	receiver isVariable ifTrue:[
	    nm := receiver name.
	    nm = 'self' ifTrue:[
		srchClass := cls
	    nm = 'super' ifTrue:[
		srchClass := cls superclass
	receiver isLiteral ifTrue:[
	    srchClass := receiver value class
	srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    implClass := srchClass whichClassImplements:selector.
	    implClass isNil ifTrue:[
		^ '%1 is NOT understood here.' bindWith:boldSelectorString
	    ^ '%1 >> %2' bindWith:implClass name allBold with:boldSelectorString
	^ Explainer explainSelector:selector inClass:cls short:short

    node isMethod ifTrue:[
	(srchClass := cls superclass) notNil ifTrue:[
	    implClass := srchClass whichClassImplements:selector.
	    implClass notNil ifTrue:[
		^ '%1 hides implementation in %2.' 
		  with:implClass name allBold
	(cls implements:selector) ifFalse:[
	    ^ '%1: a new method.' bindWith:boldSelectorString

	sendingMethods := SystemBrowser allCallsOn:selector in:(cls withAllSubclasses) ignoreCase:false match:false.
	sendingMethods := sendingMethods select:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass notNil].  "/ remove unbound ones

	sendingClasses := (sendingMethods collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass]) asSet.
	sendingMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    sendingClasses first == cls ifTrue:[
		^ '%1: sent locally from %2.' 
		    with:sendingMethods first selector allBold
	    ^ '%1: sent from %2 in %3.' 
		with:sendingMethods first selector allBold
		with:sendingClasses first name.
	sendingMethods size == 2 ifTrue:[
	    sendingClasses asIdentitySet size == 1 ifTrue:[
		sendingClasses first == cls ifTrue:[
		    ^ '%1: sent locally from %2 and %3.' 
			with:sendingMethods first selector allBold
			with:sendingMethods second selector allBold
		^ '%1: sent from %2 and %3 in %4.' 
		    with:sendingMethods first selector allBold
		    with:sendingMethods second selector allBold
		    with:sendingClasses first name.

	"/ the following is too expensive...
"/        sendingMethods := SystemBrowser allCallsOn:selector in:Smalltalk allClasses.
"/        sendingMethods size == 0 ifTrue:[
"/            ^ '%1: nowhere sent.' bindWith:boldSelectorString
"/        ].
"/        sendingMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
"/            sendingMethods first mclass == cls ifTrue:[
"/                ^ '%1: only sent from %2.' 
"/                    bindWith:boldSelectorString
"/                    with:sendingMethods first selector allBold
"/            ].
"/            ^ '%1: only sent from %2 in %3.' 
"/                bindWith:boldSelectorString
"/                with:sendingMethods first selector allBold
"/                with:sendingMethods first mclass name.
"/        ].
"/        sendingClasses := (sendingMethods collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod mclass]) asSet.
"/        sendingClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[
"/            sendingClasses first == cls ifTrue:[
"/                ^ '%1: locally sent from %2 methods.' 
"/                    bindWith:boldSelectorString
"/                    with:sendingMethods size
"/            ].
"/            ^ '%1 only sent from %2 methods in %3.' 
"/                bindWith:boldSelectorString
"/                with:sendingMethods size
"/                with:sendingClasses first name.
"/        ].

    ^ nil


    msg := self methodRedefinitionInfo.
    msg isNil ifTrue:[
	msg := self methodInheritanceInfo.
	msg isNil ifTrue:[
	    msg := self methodImplementorsInfo
    ^ (msg ? '').

infoStringForClasses:aCollectionOfClasses withPrefix:prefix
    |msg sortedByName|

    aCollectionOfClasses size <= 3 ifTrue:[
	sortedByName := (aCollectionOfClasses asIdentitySet asOrderedCollection collect:[:each | each name]) sort.
	msg := sortedByName first allBold.
	sortedByName size == 2 ifTrue:[
	    msg := msg , ' and ' , sortedByName second allBold.
	] ifFalse:[
	    aCollectionOfClasses size == 3 ifTrue:[
		msg := msg , ', ' , sortedByName second allBold.
		msg := msg , ' and ' , sortedByName third allBold.
    ] ifFalse:[
	msg := aCollectionOfClasses size printString allBold , ' ' , prefix , 'classes'.
    ^ msg.

    |singleSelectedMethod implementors msg|

    self codeInfoVisible value ifTrue:[
	singleSelectedMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
	singleSelectedMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	    implementors := SystemBrowser
		findImplementorsOf:singleSelectedMethod selector
		in:(Smalltalk allClasses)

	    implementors notEmpty ifTrue:[
		implementors remove:singleSelectedMethod ifAbsent:nil.
		implementors notEmpty ifTrue:[
		    implementors := implementors collect:[:mthd | mthd mclass].
		    msg := 'also implemented in '.
		    msg := msg , (self infoStringForClasses:implementors withPrefix:'other ').
		    msg := msg , '.'.
    ^ msg

    |singleSelectedMethod superclass inheritedClass msg cls sel mthd|

    self codeInfoVisible value ifTrue:[
	singleSelectedMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
	singleSelectedMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	    cls := singleSelectedMethod mclass.    
	    cls notNil ifTrue:[
		superclass := cls superclass.    
		superclass notNil ifTrue:[
		    sel := singleSelectedMethod selector.   
		    inheritedClass := superclass whichClassIncludesSelector:sel.
		    inheritedClass notNil ifTrue:[
			mthd := inheritedClass compiledMethodAt:sel.
			msg := (sel contractTo:30) allBold.
			(mthd sends:#'subclassResponsibility') ifTrue:[
			    msg := msg , ' overwrites subclassResponsibility in '.
			] ifFalse:[
			    msg := msg , ' overwrites implementation in '.
			msg := msg , inheritedClass name allBold.
			msg := msg , '.'.
    ^ msg

    |singleSelectedMethod redefiningClasses msg cls|

    self codeInfoVisible value ifTrue:[
	singleSelectedMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
	singleSelectedMethod notNil ifTrue:[
"/            singleSelectedMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
"/                singleSelectedMethod := singleSelectedMethod originalMethod ? singleSelectedMethod.
"/            ].
	    cls := singleSelectedMethod mclass.
	    cls isNil ifTrue:[  
		singleSelectedMethod wrapper isNil ifTrue:[
		    ^ nil.
		cls := singleSelectedMethod wrapper mclass.
	    redefiningClasses := cls allSubclasses select:[:cls | cls implements:singleSelectedMethod selector. ].
	    redefiningClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
		"/msg := singleSelectedMethod selector allBold , '- '.
		msg := 'redefined in '.
		msg := msg , (self infoStringForClasses:redefiningClasses withPrefix:'sub').
		msg := msg , '.'.
    ^ msg

    ^ BrowserList nameListEntryForALL

    "set the normal (inactive) window- and icon labels"

    |window l il|

    builder isNil ifTrue:[^ self].   "/ if invoked during setup

    (window := builder window) isTopView ifFalse:[
	"/ if I am used as a subApp, do not update the label
	^ self

"/    windowLabel notNil ifTrue:[
"/        "if I have been given an explicit label,
"/         and its not the default, take that one"
"/        windowLabel ~= 'NewSystemBrowser' ifTrue:[
"/            l := il := windowLabel
"/        ]
"/    ].

    l isNil ifTrue:[    
	l := il := self currentWindowLabel.
    navigationState realModifiedState == true 
	l := l , ' (modified)'
    window label:l; iconLabel:il.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 21:12:17 / cg"

    "some activityNotification to be forwarded to the user;
     show it in the windows title area here
     (invoked, for example, by the CVSManager showing some activity)."

    someMessage size == 0 ifTrue:[
	self normalLabel
    ] ifFalse:[
	self busyLabel:someMessage with:nil


    self infoLabelHolder value:msg.

    "Created: / 15.11.2001 / 18:01:23 / cg"

    self showInfo:(self getMethodInfo).

    "update the current buffers label (in the tab-list)"

    |nr newLabel|

    (nr := selectedBuffer value) notNil ifTrue:[
	nr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    newLabel := self currentBufferLabel.
	    (newLabel sameStringAndEmphasisAs:(bufferNameList at:nr)) ifTrue:[    
		^ self.
	    bufferNameList at:nr put:newLabel.
    self normalLabel

    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 04:23:21 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:25:54 / cg"

    |classes selectedCategories oldSelectedCategories nameListEntryForALL|

    classes := self selectedClasses value.
    classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ category-selection feedBack:
	"/ update the category-selection, if '* all *' is in its selection
	"/ (add the selected categories to the category-selection)
	nameListEntryForALL := BrowserList nameListEntryForALL.
	selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesValue.
	(selectedCategories includes:nameListEntryForALL) 
	    oldSelectedCategories := selectedCategories asSet.
	    selectedCategories := Set with:nameListEntryForALL.
	    selectedCategories addAll:(classes collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass category]).
	    selectedCategories ~= oldSelectedCategories ifTrue:[
		self selectedCategories value:selectedCategories.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:10:09 / cg"

    |selectedClasses singleSelectedClass categories|

    selectedClasses := self selectedClasses value.
    navigationState organizerMode value == #category ifTrue:[
	self selectedCategories value size > 1 ifTrue:[
	    singleSelectedClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
	    singleSelectedClass notNil ifTrue:[
		self showInfo:(resources string:'Category: %2' 
					 with:singleSelectedClass name allBold
					 with:singleSelectedClass category allBold).
		^ self
	    categories := ((self selectedClasses value ? #()) collect:[:cls | cls category]) asSet.
	    categories size == 1 ifTrue:[  
		self showInfo:(resources string:'Category: %1' 
					 with:categories anElement allBold).
		^ self
    self clearInfo.

    |methods selectedProtocolsHolder selectedProtocols oldSelectedProtocols|

    methods := self selectedMethods value.
    methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ protocol-selection feedBack:
	"/ update the protocol-selection, if '* all *' is in its selection
	"/ (add the selected methods categories to the protocol-selection)
	selectedProtocolsHolder := self selectedProtocols.
	selectedProtocols := selectedProtocolsHolder value.
	(selectedProtocols size > 0 and:[selectedProtocols includes:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)]) 
	    oldSelectedProtocols := selectedProtocols asSet.
	    selectedProtocols := Set with:(BrowserList nameListEntryForALL).
	    selectedProtocols addAll:(methods collect:[:eachMethod | eachMethod category]).
	    selectedProtocols ~= oldSelectedProtocols ifTrue:[
		self selectProtocols:selectedProtocols.

	self busyLabel:'searching...'.
	self withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:aBlock
    ] ensure:[
	self normalLabel
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-semantic checks'!

checkAcceptedMethod:aMethod inClass:aClass
    "do some semantic checks on the just accepted method:
        does new method redefine an inherited method, which does the same ?

    |msg subMethods answer|

    (self canUseRefactoringParser) ifTrue:[
        "/ does new method redefine an inherited method,
        "/ which does the same ?
        msg := self checkIfSameSemanticsRedefinedWith:aMethod inClass:aClass.
        msg notNil ifTrue:[
                confirm:msg withCRs
                title:'Remove duplicate method'
                yesLabel:(resources string:'Remove Here')
                noLabel:(resources string:'Keep')
                self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:(Array with:aMethod)
            ^ self

        subMethods := OrderedCollection new.
        aClass allSubclassesDo:[:eachInheritingClass |

            redefiningMethod := eachInheritingClass compiledMethodAt:aMethod selector.
            redefiningMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                msg := self checkIfSameSemanticsRedefinedWith:redefiningMethod inClass:eachInheritingClass.
                msg notNil ifTrue:[ 
                    (eachInheritingClass superclass whichClassImplements: aMethod selector) == aClass
                        subMethods add:redefiningMethod.
        subMethods size > 0 ifTrue:[
            msg := 'The same code is found in the subclass(es):\\'.
            subMethods do:[:eachMethod | msg := msg , '    ' , eachMethod mclass name , '\'].
            msg := msg , '\You may want to remove it there.'.
            answer := Dialog 
                confirmWithCancel:msg withCRs
                labels:(resources array:#('Keep' 'Remove here' 'Remove in Subclass(es)'))
                values:#(true #removeHere #removeThere)
            answer == #removeHere ifTrue:[
                self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:(Array with:aMethod)
            ] ifFalse:[
                answer == #removeThere ifTrue:[
                    self doRemoveMethodsUnconfirmed:subMethods

"/    "/ super-send probably missing ?
"/    (self checkIfSuperSendIsProbablyMissingIn:aMethod inClass:aClass)
"/    ifTrue:[^ self].

checkIfSameSemanticsRedefinedWith:methodHere inClass:aClass
    "does just accepted method redefine an inherited method, which does the same ?
     Return an info-message string or nil.

    |sel superCls implClass methodThere treeThere treeHere

    sel := methodHere selector.

    ( #( 
	initialize      "/ because that is not invoked if only inherited
       ) includes:sel) ifTrue:[
	aClass isMeta ifTrue:[
	    ^ nil

    superCls := aClass superclass.
    superCls notNil ifTrue:[
	implClass := superCls whichClassImplements:sel.
    implClass isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    "/ ok, it is redefined
    methodThere := implClass compiledMethodAt:sel.
    treeHere := RBParser 
		    parseMethod:methodHere source
		    onError: [:aString :position | ^ nil "ignore any error"].
    treeHere isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    treeThere := RBParser 
		    parseMethod:methodThere source
		    onError: [:aString :position | ^ nil "ignore any error"].
    treeThere isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    dictionary := Dictionary new.
    (treeHere body equalTo: treeThere body withMapping: dictionary) ifTrue:[
	"/ must try again, but remove mappings to classVariables and classInstanceVariables ...
	methodHere mclass theNonMetaclass allClassVarNames do:[:each |
	    dictionary removeKey:each ifAbsent:nil.
	    dictionary removeValue:each ifAbsent:nil.

	methodHere mclass theNonMetaclass allInstVarNames do:[:each |
"/            dictionary removeKey:each ifAbsent:nil.
"/            dictionary removeValue:each ifAbsent:nil.
	    dictionary at:each put:each
	methodHere mclass theNonMetaclass allClassVarNames do:[:each |
	    dictionary at:each put:each

	(treeHere body equalTo: treeThere body withMapping: dictionary) ifTrue:[
	    "/ look at the mapping dictionary ..
	    "/ remove equivalently mapped ones ..
	    (dictionary keys select:[:key | (dictionary at:key) = key])
		dictionary removeKey:key.
	    "/ now, no upper-case variables are allowed ...
	    (dictionary keys contains:[:key | key first isUppercase]) ifFalse:[
		"/ ignore (possibly renamed) arguments ...
		(dictionary keys select:[:key | treeHere arguments contains:[:argVar | argVar name = key]])
		do:[:eachArgHere |
		    |argIndexHere argThere argIndexThere|

		    argIndexHere := treeHere arguments findFirst:[:argVar | argVar name = eachArgHere].
		    argThere := dictionary at:eachArgHere.
		    argIndexThere := treeThere arguments findFirst:[:argVar | argVar name = argThere].
		    argIndexHere == argIndexThere ifTrue:[
			dictionary removeKey:eachArgHere

		(dictionary keys contains:[:key | treeHere arguments contains:[:argVar | argVar name = key]])
		    (dictionary keys contains:[:key | treeThere arguments contains:[:argVar | argVar name = key]])
			^ 'This methods functionality is already inherited from ', implClass name , '.\\You may want to remove it here.'.
    ^ nil

checkIfSuperSendIsProbablyMissingIn:methodHere inClass:aClass
    "is there a chance, that the just accepted method should invoke the
     redefined, inherited super method ?

    |sel superCls implClass methodThere parser treeThere |

    aClass compilerClass == Compiler ifFalse:[^ false].

    methodHere selector == #initialize ifTrue:[
	aClass isMeta ifTrue:[^ false].
	aClass == Object ifTrue:[^ false].
	aClass superclass == Object ifTrue:[^ false].

    sel := methodHere selector.

    "/ see if new method already invokes the redefined super method
    (methodHere referencesLiteral:sel) ifTrue:[ 
	(methodHere messagesSentToSuper includes:sel) ifTrue:[ ^ false ]

    superCls := aClass superclass.
    superCls notNil ifTrue:[
	implClass := superCls whichClassImplements:sel.
    implClass isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    "/ ok, it is redefined
    methodThere := implClass compiledMethodAt:sel.

    (methodThere notNil and:[methodThere referencesLiteral:sel]) ifTrue:[ 
	(methodThere messagesSentToSuper includes:sel) ifTrue:[
	    self information:(resources 
				string:'Could it be possible, that you forgot a ''super %1''\(I found a ''super %1'' in the overwritten #%1-method) ?'
				with:sel) withCRs.
	    ^ true

    "/ see if the redefined method is empty
    methodThere notNil ifTrue:[ 
	parser := Parser parseMethod:methodThere source in:methodThere mclass.
	treeThere := parser tree.
	treeThere isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ yes, empty
	    ^ false
	treeThere isReturnNode ifTrue:[
	    treeThere expression isSelf ifTrue:[
		"/ yes, a simple ^ self
		^ false

    "/ look if all any subclasses of the superclass do a super-send
"/    implClass allSubclassesDo:[:eachSubclass |
"/        eachSubclass ~~ aClass ifTrue:[
"/            methodThere := eachSubclass compiledMethodAt:sel.
"/            (methodThere notNil and:[methodThere referencesLiteral:sel]) ifTrue:[ 
"/                (methodThere messagesSentToSuper includes:sel) ifTrue:[
"/                    self information:(resources 
"/                                        string:'Could it be possible, that you forgot a ''super %1''\(I found a ''super %1'' in %2''s #%1-method) ?'
"/                                        with:sel
"/                                        with:eachSubclass name
"/                                     ) withCRs.
"/                    ^ true
"/                ]
"/            ].
"/        ]
"/    ].

    ^ false
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'private-syntax coloring'!

    "start a background process, which does the syntax coloring.
     When it finishes, it pushes a user event to show the new text in the codeView. 
     (This is done as an event to synchronize the coloring with modifications
      done to the text - the colored text will discarded, if there were
      any new modifications in the meanwhile)"

    |dontDoIt oldCodeList highlighterClass prio currentMethod methodsClass codeView|

"/    (self windowGroup notNil
"/    and:[self windowGroup sensor notNil
"/    and:[ self windowGroup sensor hasUserEvents ]]) ifTrue:[
"/        self enqueueDelayedStartSyntaxHighlightProcess.
"/        ^ self
"/    ].

    dontDoIt := (currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod) isNil.
    dontDoIt := dontDoIt 
		or:[self doSyntaxColoring value ~~ true
		or:[(self doImmediateSyntaxColoring) value ~~ true]].

    dontDoIt ifFalse:[
	methodsClass := currentMethod mclass.
	methodsClass isNil ifTrue:[
	    dontDoIt := true
	highlighterClass := currentMethod syntaxHighlighterClass.
	highlighterClass == #askClass ifTrue:[
	    methodsClass isNil ifTrue:[
		"/ self halt:'oops - unbound method'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		highlighterClass := methodsClass syntaxHighlighterClass
	highlighterClass isNil ifTrue:[
	    dontDoIt := true
    codeView := self codeView.
    dontDoIt ifTrue:[
	syntaxColoringProcess notNil ifTrue:[
	    self stopSyntaxHighlightProcess
	^ self

    "/ this clobbers the codeViews modified state; therefore, we have to remember
    "/ this info somewhere ...
    codeView modified ifTrue:[
	self navigationState realModifiedState:true
    codeView modifiedChannel setValue:false.
    syntaxColoringProcess notNil ifTrue:[
	syntaxColoringProcessRunning ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    "/ process already created, but did not get a change to start yet;

	    "/ keep it.

	    "/ Transcript showCR:'already'.

	    ^ self
	self stopSyntaxHighlightProcess
    prio := Processor userBackgroundPriority - 1.
    codeView shown ifFalse:[
	prio := prio - 1 max:1
    syntaxColoringProcess := [
		|oldCode newCode cls sensor|

		    syntaxColoringProcessRunning := true.
		    cls := methodsClass.
		    cls isObsolete ifTrue:[
			cls isMeta ifTrue:[
			    cls := (Smalltalk at:cls theNonMetaclass name) class
			] ifFalse:[
			    cls := Smalltalk at:cls name
		    codeView modified ifFalse:[
			oldCodeList := codeView list copy.
			codeView modified ifFalse:[
			    oldCodeList isNil ifFalse:[
				oldCode := oldCodeList asStringWithoutEmphasis.
				codeView modified ifFalse:[
				    codeView modified ifFalse:[
					Screen currentScreenQuerySignal answer:device
					    newCode := highlighterClass formatMethod:oldCode in:cls

					"/ must add this event - and not been interrupted
					"/ by any arriving key-event.
					codeView modified ifFalse:[
					    newCode := newCode asStringCollection.
					    codeView modified ifFalse:[
						syntaxColoringProcess := nil.
						(codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
						    codeView sensor
							withArguments:(Array with:newCode).
						    self delayedUpdateBufferLabelWithCheckIfModified
		] ensure:[
		    syntaxColoringProcessRunning := false.
		    syntaxColoringProcess := nil
	    ] forkAt:prio

    "stop any syntax coloring background process."


    (p := syntaxColoringProcess) notNil ifTrue:[
	syntaxColoringProcess := nil.
	p terminate.
	"/ raise its prio to make it terminate quickly
	p priority:9

    "the background synhighlighter has generated new colored text,
     with highlighted syntax.
     If there have been no modifications in the meantime, install it."

    |firstShown lastShown cursorWasOn anyChange newLines l replaceAction codeView list|

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView modified ifTrue:[
	"/ new input arrived in the meantime

	^ self
    syntaxColoringProcess notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ another coloring process has already been started.
	"/ ignore this (leftover) code.

	^ self
    self theSingleSelectedMethod isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ have already switched to some other method,
	"/ or closed.

	^ self
    firstShown := codeView firstLineShown.
    lastShown := codeView lastLineShown.
    replaceAction := [:lNr :line | 

	    oldLine := list at:lNr ifAbsent:nil.
	    oldLine notNil ifTrue:[
		line notNil ifTrue:[
		    "/ this check is needed - there is a race 
		    "/ when the text is converted. This detects the 
		    "/ resulting error.
		    "/ Certainly a kludge. 

		    oldLine string = line string ifTrue:[
			oldLine emphasis ~= line emphasis ifTrue:[
			    codeView modifiedChannel removeDependent:self.
			    list at:lNr put:line.
			    codeView modifiedChannel addDependent:self.
			    (lNr between:firstShown and:lastShown) ifTrue:[
				anyChange ifFalse:[
				    anyChange := true.
				    cursorWasOn := codeView hideCursor
				codeView redrawLine:lNr
    anyChange := false.
    newLines := newCode asStringCollection.
    list := codeView list.
    "/ the cursor line first - thats where your eyes are ...
    (l := codeView cursorLine) notNil ifTrue:[
	l <= newLines size ifTrue:[
	    replaceAction value:l value:(newLines at:l)
    newLines keysAndValuesDo:replaceAction.
    anyChange ifTrue:[
	"/        codeView textChanged.

	cursorWasOn ifTrue:[
	    codeView showCursor

    "Modified: / 5.2.1999 / 22:29:17 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'setup'!

    "return a holder on the current canvas"

    browserCanvas isNil ifTrue:[
	browserCanvas := ValueHolder new.
	browserCanvas value:(self newCanvasWithSpec:(self browserCanvasType ? #fullBrowserSpec))
    ^ browserCanvas

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:11:31 / cg"

    ^ browserCanvasType 

    browserCanvasType := aSpecSymbol

    navigationState notNil ifTrue:[
	navigationState browserLabel:aString.
	self enqueueDelayedUpdateBufferLabel.

    aButton passiveLevel:(MenuPanel defaultLevel). 
"/    aButton passiveLevel:1.
    aButton activeLevel:-1.
    aButton backgroundColor:(MenuPanel defaultBackgroundColor).

    "create a new canvas and build componenents from aSpec.
     Invoked when a new buffer is added"


    canvas := SubCanvas new.
    canvas client:self spec:aSpec builder:(UIBuilder new). 
    canvas level:0.
    canvas origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
    ^ canvas

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 04:46:04 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:10:45 / cg"

    self postBuildFixup.
    super postBuildAsSubcanvasWith:aBuilder.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 16:04:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 16:10:59 / cg"


    builder componentAt:#CodeView put:codeView.

    self codeInfoVisible value ifFalse:[
	"/ info not visible
	bottomOffset := 0.   
    ] ifTrue:[
	"/ info visible
	bottomOffset := -25.   
    codeView layout bottomOffset:bottomOffset.   
    codeView formatAction:[:code | self formatCode ].

    |navigationState orgModeHolder|

    navigationState := self navigationState.
    navigationState canvasType isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt:'should not happen'. "/ browserCanvasType:spec
    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
	self hidePrivateClasses value:true.

    self normalLabel.

    orgModeHolder := self organizerMode.
    navigationState isNameSpaceBrowser ifTrue:[
	orgModeHolder value:#namespace
    ] ifFalse:[
	navigationState isCategoryBrowser ifTrue:[
	    orgModeHolder value:#category
	] ifFalse:[
	    navigationState isProjectBrowser ifTrue:[
		orgModeHolder value:#project

    self theSingleSelectedMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ fetch the initially selected methods code
	self methodsSelectionChanged.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self theSingleSelectedClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ to show the classes definition initially
	    self classSelectionChanged.

    navigationState codeModifiedHolder addDependent:self.

    "/ no need to fixup here - I am always installed as subcanvas
    "/ (via noteBookView)
    super postBuildWith:aBuilder.

    Smalltalk addDependent:self.

    self codeInfoVisible value ifTrue:[ self codeInfoVisibilityChanged ].
    self toolBarVisibleHolder value ifTrue:[ self toolBarVisibilityChanged ].

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 16:11:27 / cg"

    self windowGroup addPreEventHook:self.
    "/ self window sensor addEventListener:self.

    "/ whenever some action takes longer, automatically
    "/ show a busy cursor
    self windowGroup showWaitCursorWhenBusyForMillis:50.

    super postOpenWith:aBuilder.

    aPanel level:(MenuPanel defaultLevel).
    aPanel basicViewBackground:(MenuPanel defaultBackgroundColor).

    navigationState notNil ifTrue:[
	navigationState browserLabel:aString
    self normalLabel.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'startup & release'!

    |nModified modifiedBuffers|

    buffers isNil ifTrue:[
	    askIfModified:'Code was modified.\\Exit anyway ?'
	    ^ self
    ] ifFalse:[
	nModified := 0.
	modifiedBuffers := buffers select:[:aBuffer | aBuffer modified].
	modifiedBuffers do:[:aBuffer | |bufferIndex|
	    bufferIndex := buffers identityIndexOf:aBuffer.
	    self selectedBuffer value:bufferIndex.
		askIfModified:'Buffer ''' , aBuffer nameString allBold , ''' was modified.\\Exit anyway ?'
		withAccept:(self canAcceptCodeIn:aBuffer)
		withCompare:(self canCompareCodeIn:aBuffer)
		^ self

    Smalltalk removeDependent:self.
    super closeRequest.

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 13:23:00 / cg"
    "Modified: / 11.2.2000 / 13:38:51 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions'!

	|history entry|

	history := self class classHistory.
	history size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    entry := history first.
	    self switchToFindHistoryEntry:entry

    "double click on a category: add a buffer on that category"


    cat := self theSingleSelectedCategory.
    cat notNil ifTrue:[
	self spawnCategoryBrowserFor:(self selectedCategoriesValue) in:#newBuffer.
	^ self

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 20:03:28 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:13:26 / cg"

    "double click on a class:
	if unloaded       : load it
	if visualStartable: start the applciation"

    |cls clsName organizerModeHolder organizerMode newMode doSwitchDisplayMode|

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (navigationState isVersionDiffBrowser 
    or:[navigationState isCheckOutputBrowser]) ifTrue:[
	self spawnFullBrowserInClass:cls selector:nil in:#newBuffer.
	^ self

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	cls := cls theNonMetaclass.
	clsName := cls name.

	self window sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
	    self spawnClassReferencesBrowserFor:(Array with:cls) in:#newBuffer.
	    ^ self.

	doSwitchDisplayMode := true.
	self window sensor metaDown ifFalse:[
	    (cls isVisualStartable) ifTrue:[
		self busyLabel:'starting application %1' with:clsName.
		MessageNotUnderstood handle:[:ex |
		    ex selector ~~ #windowSpec ifTrue:[
			ex reject.
		] do:[
		    cls open.
		doSwitchDisplayMode := false.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		(cls isStartableWithMain) ifTrue:[
		    self busyLabel:'starting main of %1' with:clsName.
		    (self confirm:('Invoke %1''s main ?' bindWith:clsName)) ifTrue:[
			cls main.
		    doSwitchDisplayMode := false.
		] ifFalse:[
		    cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
			self busyLabel:'loading %1' with:clsName.
			self classLoad.
			doSwitchDisplayMode := false.
		    ] ifTrue:[
			(TestRunner notNil 
			and:[(cls isSubclassOf:TestCase)
			and:[cls isAbstract not]]) ifTrue:[
			    TestRunner openOnTestCase:cls.
			    doSwitchDisplayMode := false.

	doSwitchDisplayMode ifTrue:[
	    organizerModeHolder := navigationState organizerMode.
	    organizerMode := organizerModeHolder value.

	    "/ toggle view mode (between category and class hierarchy)
	    organizerMode == #classHierarchy ifTrue:[
		newMode := #category
	    ] ifFalse:[
		organizerMode == #category ifTrue:[
		    newMode := #classHierarchy
	    newMode notNil ifTrue:[
		organizerModeHolder value:newMode.
		self organizerModeForMenu changed.

	self normalLabel.
    ^ self

    "Modified: / 2.11.2001 / 09:38:39 / cg"

    |codeView cls crsrPos interval node selector receiver nm srchClass implClass 
     bestSelectors bestPrefixes allVariables allDistances best nodeVal info numArgs
     newParts char nSelParts start stop oldLen newLen oldVar selectorParts|

    cls := self classOfSelectedMethodOrSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
	self showInfo:'no class'.
	^ self.

    codeView := self codeView.

    interval := self selectedInterval.
    interval isEmpty ifTrue:[
	crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor.
	char := codeView characterUnderCursor.
	[crsrPos > 1 and:[char isSeparator or:['.' includes:char]]] whileTrue:[
	    crsrPos := crsrPos - 1.    
	    char := codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:crsrPos.
	interval := crsrPos to:crsrPos.
    node := self findNodeForInterval:interval allowErrors:true.
    [node isNil] whileTrue:[
	"/ expand to the left ...
	interval start > 1 ifFalse:[
	    self showInfo:'no parseNode'.
	    ^ self.
	interval start:(interval start - 1).
	node := self findNodeForInterval:interval allowErrors:true.

    node isVariable ifTrue:[
	allVariables := node allVariablesOnScope.
	allVariables := OrderedCollection withAll:allVariables.
	allVariables addAll:(Smalltalk keys).
	allVariables addAll:#('self' 'super' 'thisContext' 'true' 'false' 'nil').

	allDistances := allVariables collect:[:each | 
						|dist nm|

						nm := node name.
						dist := each spellAgainst:nm. 
						(each startsWith:nm) ifTrue:[
						    dist := dist + (10*nm size).
						each -> dist 

	best := allDistances at:1.
	best := allDistances inject:best into:[:el :best | el value > best value
							   ] ifFalse:[
	best := best key.

	self showInfo:best.

	start := node start.
	stop := node stop.
	oldVar := (codeView textFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop) asString string withoutSeparators.

	codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:best.

	(best startsWith:oldVar) ifTrue:[
	    oldLen := stop - start + 1.
	    newLen := best size.
	    codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
	    codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput
	^ self.

    [node isMessage] whileFalse:[
	node parent isNil ifTrue:[
	    self showInfo:'node is neither variable nor message'.
	    ^ self
	node := node parent.

    node isMessage ifTrue:[
	selector := node selector.
	receiver := node receiver.
	receiver isVariable ifTrue:[
	    nm := receiver name.
	    nm = 'self' ifTrue:[
		srchClass := cls
	    nm = 'super' ifTrue:[
		srchClass := cls superclass
	    (Smalltalk includesKey:nm asSymbol) ifTrue:[
		nodeVal := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol.
		nodeVal notNil ifTrue:[
		    srchClass := nodeVal class

	receiver isLiteral ifTrue:[
	    srchClass := receiver value class
	srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    bestSelectors := Parser findBestSelectorsFor:selector in:srchClass.
	    (bestSelectors includes:selector) ifTrue:[
		bestSelectors := bestSelectors select:[:sel | sel size > selector size].
	    bestSelectors size > 0 ifTrue:[    
		bestPrefixes := bestSelectors select:[:sel | sel asLowercase startsWith:selector asLowercase].
		bestPrefixes size > 0 ifTrue:[
		    bestSelectors := bestPrefixes
		best := bestSelectors first.
		bestSelectors size > 1 ifTrue:[
		    best = selector ifTrue:[
			best := bestSelectors second.
		    best := Dialog request:'Matching selectors:' initialAnswer:best list:bestSelectors.
		    best size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
		] ifFalse:[
		    best := bestSelectors first.
		implClass := srchClass whichClassImplements:best.
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ class not known
	    self withSearchCursorDo:[
		bestSelectors := Parser findBestSelectorsFor:selector.
	    (bestSelectors includes:selector) ifTrue:[
		bestSelectors := bestSelectors select:[:sel | sel size > selector size].

	    bestSelectors size > 0 ifTrue:[
		best := bestSelectors first.
		bestSelectors size > 1 ifTrue:[
		    best = selector ifTrue:[
			best := bestSelectors second.
		    best := Dialog request:'Matching selectors:' initialAnswer:best list:bestSelectors.
		    best size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
		] ifFalse:[
		    best := bestSelectors first.
		implClass := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | (cls includesSelector:best) or:[cls class includesSelector:best]].
		implClass size == 1 ifTrue:[
		    implClass := implClass first.
		] ifFalse:[
		    implClass := nil

	best notNil ifTrue:[
	    info := best storeString.
	    implClass notNil ifTrue:[
		info := implClass name , ' >> ' , info.
	    self showInfo:info.

	    best ~= selector ifTrue:[
		numArgs := best numArgs.
		selectorParts := node selectorParts.
		nSelParts := selectorParts size.

		newParts := best asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:.
		newParts := newParts select:[:part | part size > 0].

		numArgs > nSelParts ifTrue:[
		    stop := selectorParts last stop.

		    "/ append the rest ...
		    numArgs downTo:nSelParts+1 do:[:idx |

			newPart := newParts at:idx.
			(best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
			    newPart := newPart , ':'
		self halt.
			(codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifFalse:[
			    newPart := ':' , newPart.
			newPart := (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) asString , newPart.
			codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:stop to:stop with:newPart.
		self halt.

		nSelParts downTo:1 do:[:idx |
		    |newPart oldPartialToken|

		    newPart := newParts at:idx.
		    oldPartialToken := selectorParts at:idx.
		    start := oldPartialToken start.
		    stop := oldPartialToken stop.
		    (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
			(codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) == $: ifFalse:[
			    newPart := newPart , ':'
		    ] ifFalse:[
			(codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifTrue:[
			    newPart := newPart , ':'
			] ifFalse:[
			    (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) isSeparator ifFalse:[
				newPart := newPart , ' '
"/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:(newPart , ':').
"/                        ] ifFalse:[
"/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.

		    codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.

		    oldLen := stop - start + 1.
		    newLen := newPart size.
		    codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
		codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput.

	^ self.

    "Modified: / 15.11.2001 / 18:19:35 / cg"

    |visible cFrame bottomOffset codeView|

    visible := self codeInfoVisible value.

    cFrame := builder findComponentAt:#CodeView.
"/    cFrame isNil ifTrue:[
"/        codeView := self codeView.
"/        cFrame := codeView container.
"/    ].
    cFrame notNil ifTrue:[    
	visible ifFalse:[
	    bottomOffset := 0.   
	] ifTrue:[
	    bottomOffset := -25.   
	cFrame layout bottomOffset:bottomOffset.   
	cFrame container notNil ifTrue:[
	    cFrame containerChangedSize.
    ] ifFalse:[
"/        self halt:'oops - no codeView'.
"/        builder findComponentAt:#CodeView.
    DefaultCodeInfoVisible := visible

    "invoked when the user edits the text shown in the codeView"


    navigationState := self navigationState.
    self codeView modified ifTrue:[ 
	navigationState realModifiedState:true.

	self startSyntaxHighlightProcess.
    "/ self enqueueDelayedCheckReallyModified.
    self updateBufferLabel.

    self methodVisibilityHolder value:#class.

    self toolBarVisibleHolder value:false

    "Created: / 10.12.2001 / 21:00:13 / cg"


    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    currentMethod isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self
    self methodDoubleClicked:currentMethod

    self methodDoubleClickedAt:1

    self methodDoubleClickedAt:2

    self methodDoubleClickedAt:3

    self methodDoubleClickedAt:4

    |isMethodListLikeBrowser resources editorClass mSelector mClass|

    isMethodListLikeBrowser := navigationState isMethodBrowser
			       or:[navigationState isMethodListBrowser 
			       or:[navigationState isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser
			       or:[navigationState isChainBrowser ]]].

    mSelector := aMethod selector.
    mClass := aMethod mclass.

    isMethodListLikeBrowser ifTrue:[
	self window sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
	    self spawnFullBrowserInClass:mClass 
		 in:(DoubleClickIsOpenBrowser == true ifTrue:[#newBrowser] ifFalse:[#newBuffer]).
	    ^ self

    "/ double clicking on wrapped method removes the wrap
    aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
	self debugMenuRemoveBreakOrTrace.
	^ self

    "/ double clicking on a resource-methods opens
    "/ an appropriate editor
    (resources := aMethod resources) notNil
	"/ kludge - this info should come from somewhere else ...
	editorClass := self class resourceEditorClassForResources:resources.
	editorClass notNil ifTrue: [
	    self withExecuteCursorDo:[
		    openOnClass:mClass theNonMetaclass
		^ self.
    "/ double clicking on a normal-method adds a buffer on the class;
    "/ but not if I am already a class browser.
    isMethodListLikeBrowser ifTrue:[
	self spawnFullBrowserInClass:mClass selector:mSelector 
	     in:(DoubleClickIsOpenBrowser == true ifTrue:[#newBrowser] ifFalse:[#newBuffer]).
"/            brwsr := self spawnClassBrowserFor:(Array with:mClass) in:#newBuffer.
"/            "/ brwsr selectClass:mClass.
"/            brwsr immediateUpdate value:true.
"/            brwsr selectProtocol:(aMethod category).
"/            brwsr selectMethod:(aMethod).
"/            brwsr immediateUpdate value:false.
	^ self

    "/ double clicking on any other method adds a senders buffer
"/    self 
"/        spawnMethodSendersBrowserFor:(Array with:mSelector) 
"/        in:#newBuffer

	spawnMethodInheritanceBrowserFor:(Array with:mSelector)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:50:45 / cg"

    |selectedMethods selectedMethod|

    selectedMethods := (navigationState selectedMethodsArrayAt:index) value.
    selectedMethods size == 1 ifTrue:[
	selectedMethod := selectedMethods first.
	self methodDoubleClicked:selectedMethod.

    "double click on a nameSpace:
	add a buffer browsing that namespace"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	DoubleClickIsOpenBrowser == true ifTrue:[
	    self nameSpaceMenuSpawn
	] ifFalse:[
	    self nameSpaceMenuSpawnBuffer
    self normalLabel.

    "filter keyboard events for Find key (unless typed into the codeView)"

    |codeView classListView categoryListView methodListView methodCategoryListView
     variableListView evView key rawKey inCodeView app variablesToRemove msg|

    codeView := self codeView.
    evView := anEvent targetView.
    evView notNil ifTrue:[
	anEvent isKeyPressEvent ifTrue:[
	    key := anEvent key.
	    rawKey := anEvent rawKey.

	    inCodeView := evView isSameOrComponentOf:codeView.
	    inCodeView ifFalse:[
		key == #Find ifTrue:[
		    ^ true
		key == #Cmdt ifTrue:[
		    ^ true
	    inCodeView ifTrue:[
		key == #CodeCompletion ifTrue:[
		    "/ complete the word before/under the cursor.
		    ^ true
"/            key printCR.
"/            anEvent rawKey printCR.

	    ((app := self categoryListApp) notNil 
	    and:[(categoryListView := app window) notNil]) ifTrue:[
		(evView isSameOrComponentOf:categoryListView) ifTrue:[
		    ((rawKey == #BackSpace)
		    or:[key == #CursorLeft]) ifTrue:[
			^ true

	    ((app := self classListApp) notNil
	    and:[(classListView := app window) notNil]) ifTrue:[
		(evView isSameOrComponentOf:classListView) ifTrue:[
		    ((rawKey == #BackSpace)
		    or:[key == #CursorLeft]) ifTrue:[
			^ true

	    ((app := self methodListApp) notNil 
	    and:[(methodListView := app window) notNil]) ifTrue:[
		(evView isSameOrComponentOf:methodListView) ifTrue:[
		    (rawKey == #Delete) ifTrue:[
			^ true

	    ((app := navigationState variableListApplication) notNil 
	    and:[(variableListView := app window) notNil]) ifTrue:[
		(evView isSameOrComponentOf:variableListView) ifTrue:[
		    (rawKey == #Delete) ifTrue:[
			variablesToRemove := self selectedVariables value.
			variablesToRemove size > 0 ifTrue:[
			    variablesToRemove size == 1 ifTrue:[
				msg := 'Remove variable ''%1'' ?'
			    ] ifFalse:[
				msg := 'Remove selected variables ?'.
			    (self confirm:(resources string:msg with:variablesToRemove first)) ifTrue:[
			^ true

	    ((app := self methodCategoryListApp) notNil 
	    and:[(methodCategoryListView := app window) notNil]) ifTrue:[
		(evView isSameOrComponentOf:methodCategoryListView) ifTrue:[
		    (rawKey == #Cmdr) ifTrue:[
			^ true


	anEvent isButtonReleaseEvent ifTrue:[
	    evView == codeView ifTrue:[
		self codeInfoVisible value ifTrue:[
		    anEvent delegatedFrom notNil ifTrue:[
			^ false
		    anEvent delegatedFrom:self.
		    evView windowGroup sensor 
			pushEvent:anEvent. "/ must be first in queue
					    "/ (for the buttonRelease to be processed)    
			arguments:#() .

		    ^ true "/ release event has been added already
    ^ false

    "Modified: / 10.12.2001 / 21:02:48 / cg"

    "double click on a project:
	add a buffer browsing that project"

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
	DoubleClickIsOpenBrowser == true ifTrue:[
	    self projectMenuSpawn
	] ifFalse:[
	    self projectMenuSpawnBuffer
    self normalLabel.

    "double click on a protocol:
	open a full-protocol browser"

    self theSingleSelectedProtocol notNil ifTrue:[
	self protocolMenuSpawnFullCategoryBuffer

    self methodVisibilityHolder value:#allButObject.

    self organizerMode value:#category.
    self organizerModeForMenu changed

    self organizerMode value:#classHierarchy.
    self organizerModeForMenu changed

    |visible toolBar noteBook topOffset|

    visible := self toolBarVisibleHolder value.

    toolBar := self componentAt:#ToolBar.
    noteBook := self componentAt:#NoteBook.
    visible ifTrue:[
	topOffset := toolBar height.
    ] ifFalse:[
	topOffset := 0.
    noteBook layout topOffset:topOffset.
    noteBook container notNil ifTrue:[
	noteBook containerChangedSize.
    DefaultToolBarVisible := visible.

    "double click on a variable:
	add a buffer showing all references to this variable"

    |names type title|

    names := self variableFilter value.
    names size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    self showingClassVarsInVariableList ifTrue:[
	type := #classVarNames.
	title := 'all references to class variable ''%1'''.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self meta value ifTrue:[
	    type := #classInstVarNames.
	    title := 'all references to class-instance variable ''%1'''.
	] ifFalse:[
	    type := #instVarNames.
	    title := 'all references to instance variable ''%1'''.

	classes:self selectedClasses value
	variables:type access:#readOrWrite all:true
	title:title  in:#newBuffer
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions-accepting'!

acceptMethod:codeArg inClass:cls check:doCheck
    "accept a new method.
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    |code codeCritics cat rslt returnValue newSelector|

    code := codeArg.
    returnValue := false.

    "/ a quick parse for the selector ...
    newSelector := self selectorOfMethodFromCode:code in:cls.
    cat := self protocolToAcceptMethod:newSelector class:cls.

    Object abortSignal catch:[

	(Class methodRedefinitionSignal) handle:[:ex |
	    |answer oldVsNew oldPkg newPkg|

	    oldVsNew := ex parameter.
	    oldPkg := oldVsNew key package.
	    newPkg := oldVsNew value package.

	    answer := SystemBrowser askForPackageChangeFrom:oldPkg to:newPkg.

	    (answer ~~ #cancel) ifTrue:[
		ex proceedWith:answer
	] do:[
	    |codeView package prevVersionMethod parser oldSelector change defPackage
	     originalSource changedSource v answer| 

	    oldSelector := self theSingleSelectedSelector.

	    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
		"/ check for overwritten version method

		(cls isMeta and:[newSelector = 'version']) ifTrue:[
		    (self confirm:'ATTENTION: you are about to accept the classes version method.
This method is required by the sourceCodeManager and should correctly return
the classes version as present in the source repository.
An incorrect version method may lead to failures when accessing/showing/changing
the classes source code - i.e. lead to trouble.
You have been warned.

Accept anyway ?')
			^ false
		] ifFalse:[
		    "/ check if accepting a different selector than the selected one,
		    "/ and a method for the new selector exists.
		    (oldSelector ~= newSelector) ifTrue:[
			(cls includesSelector:newSelector) ifTrue:[
			    answer := OptionBox 
					  request:('You are about to overwrite an existing method.\\Accept anyway ?' withCRs)
					  label:(resources string:'Attention')
					  form:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
					  buttonLabels:(resources array:#('Cancel' 'Compare' 'Yes'))
					  values:#(false #compare true)

"/                                (self confirm:'You are about to overwrite an existing method.
"/Accept anyway ?')
"/                                ifFalse:[
"/                                    ^ false
"/                                ].

			    answer == false ifTrue:[
				^ false
			    answer == #compare ifTrue:[
				self openDiffViewForText:code againstSourceOfMethod:(cls compiledMethodAt:newSelector).
				^ false

	    codeView := self codeView.
	    codeView cursorMovementWhenUpdating:nil.
	    codeView scrollWhenUpdating:nil.

	    defPackage := Class packageQuerySignal query.

	    "/ if in project-mode,
	    "/ assign the currently selected packageID (or ask, if there is none or multiple)
	    "/ otherwise, use the current project

	    (navigationState isProjectBrowser
	    or:[navigationState organizerMode value == #project])
		package := self theSingleSelectedProject.
		package notNil ifTrue:[package := package asSymbol].
		package isNil ifTrue:[
		    package := self 
				    askForProject:'Method shall be assigned to which project ?'
				    initialText:(LastAcceptPackage ? cls package).
		    package isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
		    LastAcceptPackage := package.
		] ifFalse:[
		    "/ if the current project is different from the selected one
		    package ~= defPackage ifTrue:[
			"/ and the current project is not the default project
			(defPackage = Project defaultProject package) ifFalse:[
			    "/ ask
			    package := self 
					    askForProject:('The browsers selected project is ''%1''\however, your currently active (default) project is ''%2''.\\To which project shall the method be assigned ?'
							   bindWith:package allBold with:defPackage allBold) withCRs
			    package isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
			    LastAcceptPackage := package.

	    package isNil ifTrue:[
		package := defPackage

	    "/ notice: when compiling, the classes change message will already
	    "/ be noticed by the methodList and lead to an update
	    "/ to be enqueued.

		code := code asString.

		self enforceCodeStyle ifTrue:[
		    codeCritics := self checkCodeQuality:code.
		    codeCritics notNil ifTrue:[
			    highlightingErrorLine:(codeCritics key) 
				Dialog warn:'Will not accept ugly code (' , codeCritics value , ') - please reformat.'.
			^ false.

		"/ do not react on the methodSelectionChanged notification
		"/ (which is enforced by the methodList)
		self selectedMethods retractInterestsFor:self.
		"/ self immediateUpdate value:true.

		"/ Transcript showCR:'accepting in package: ', (package ? '__NoPackage__').
		Class packageQuerySignal answer:package
		    (self canUseRefactoringSupport) ifTrue:[
			change := InteractiveAddMethodChange compile:code asString in:cls classified:cat.
			change controller:codeView.
			"/ change named:('Accept method ' , newSelector ? '???').

			RefactoryChangeManager performChange: change.
			rslt := cls compiledMethodAt:newSelector.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			rslt := cls compilerClass 
			    compile:code asString

		"/ give subcanvases a chance to synchronize ...

		"/ self immediateUpdate value:true.

		rslt isMethod ifTrue:[
"/                        rslt resourceType == #image ifTrue:[
"/                            Icon flushCachedIcons
"/                        ].

		    navigationState realModifiedState:false.
		    codeView modified:false.

		    "/ immediateUpdate value:true.
		    "/ self switchToSelector:rslt selector.

		    codeView cursorMovementWhenUpdating:nil.
		    codeView scrollWhenUpdating:nil.
		    codeView setSearchPattern:nil.    
		    lastMethodCategory := rslt category.

		    (self selectedProtocolsValue contains:[:p | p string = lastMethodCategory]) ifFalse:[
			(self selectedProtocolsValue includes:BrowserList nameListEntryForALL) ifFalse:[
			    "/ self selectedProtocols setValue:(Array with:rslt category).
			   self selectProtocols:(Array with:lastMethodCategory). 

		    oldSelector ~= rslt selector ifTrue:[
			self selectedMethods value:(Array with:rslt).
			"/ self switchToSelector:rslt selector
		    ] ifFalse:[
"/                            "/ do not notify myself (to avoid scroll-to-top)
"/                            self selectedMethods value:(Array with:rslt).
"/                        self showMethodsCode:rslt scrollToTop:false.
"/                        self selectedMethods setValue:(Array with:rslt).
"/                        self switchToClass:cls selector:rslt selector.

		    "/ immediateUpdate value:false.
		    doCheck ifTrue:[
			self checkAcceptedMethod:rslt inClass:cls.
		    returnValue := true.

		    "/ self updateBufferLabel.
	    ] ensure:[
		"/ do again react on the methodSelectionChanged notification
		self selectedMethods onChangeSend:#methodsSelectionChanged to:self.
		"/ self immediateUpdate value:false.
    ^ returnValue.


    code asCollectionOfLines keysAndValuesDo:[:lineNr :eachLine |

	lineString := eachLine string.
	(lineString withoutLeadingSeparators startsWith:'^') ifTrue:[
	    col := lineString indexOf:$^.
"/            col <= 4 ifTrue:[
"/                ^ (lineNr -> 'bad indentation').
"/            ].
	    (col-1) \\ 4 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
		^ (lineNr -> 'bad indentation').
    ^ nil

    | cls mthd className classes classNameList initial commonSuper|

    cls := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
	mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
	mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	    cls := mthd mclass
    cls isNil ifTrue:[
	classes := self selectedClasses value.
	classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    self warn:'oops class is gone; reselect and try again'.
	    ^ nil

	"/ ask for class in which to accept
	commonSuper := Explainer commonSuperClassOf:classes.
	(classes includes:commonSuper) ifTrue:[
	    initial := commonSuper name.        
	classNameList := classes collect:[:cls|cls name].
	classNameList size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    classNameList addLast:'-'.
	    classNameList addLast:'* all *'.
	className := Dialog
			request:'Accept code for which class ?' 
	className size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    ^ nil
	className = '* all *' ifTrue:[
	    ^ classes asArray.
	cls := Smalltalk at:className asSymbol.
	cls isNil ifTrue:[
	    self warn:'No such class - try again'.
	    ^ nil
    ^ cls

doAcceptClassAspect:aspect get:getSelector set:setSelector code:theCode
    "accept comment or primitiveDefs/vars/funs (in the codeView)."

    |codeView currentClass|

    codeView := self codeView.

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self warn:'oops - no class selected'
    currentClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.

    ((currentClass class implements:getSelector) 
    or:[ (currentClass class implements:setSelector) ]) ifTrue:[
	self warn:('The "%1"-class redefines the "%2" and/or the "%3"-message.\\The Accept may fail - please check manually.'
		    bindWith:currentClass name allBold
		    with:getSelector allBold
		    with:setSelector allBold) withCRs.

	Smalltalk removeDependent:self.   "/ avoid update
	currentClass perform:setSelector with:theCode asString string.
	codeView contents:(currentClass perform:getSelector).
	codeView modified:false.
	navigationState realModifiedState:false.
    ] ensure:[
	Smalltalk addDependent:self.

    self codeAspect:aspect.

    "accept a classComment (in the codeView)."

    self doAcceptClassAspect:#classComment get:#comment set:#comment: code:theCode

doAcceptClassDefinition:theCode fullClass:thisIsAFullClassesCode usingCompiler:aCompilerClass
    "tell the codeView what to do on accept.
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    |codeView returnValue package|

    returnValue := false.

    codeView := self codeView.

    codeView modified:false.

    self withExecuteCursorDo:[
	|currentClass ns|

	currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
	currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    ns := currentClass nameSpace
	] ifFalse:[
	    ns := nil

	self organizerMode value == #project ifTrue:[
	    package := self theSingleSelectedProject.
	    package isNil ifTrue:[
		package := Dialog request:'Add to which project ?'.
		package size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
	    package := package asSymbol.
	] ifFalse:[     
	    package := Class packageQuerySignal query.

	Class packageQuerySignal answer:package
	    Class nameSpaceQuerySignal handle:[:ex |
		ns isNil ifTrue:[
		    ex reject
		ex proceedWith:ns
	    ] do:[
		Object abortSignal catch:[
		    UndefinedObject createMinimumProtocolInNewSubclassQuery
			(Class classRedefinitionSignal)handle:[:ex |
			    |answer oldVsNew oldPkg newPkg|

			    oldVsNew := ex parameter.
			    oldPkg := oldVsNew key package.
			    newPkg := oldVsNew value package.
"/ cg: now always keep the old packageID
			    Class catchClassRedefinitions ifFalse:[
				ex proceedWith:#keep
			    answer := OptionBox 
('You are about to change the definition of a class from another (system-) package.
The class is part of the ''%1'' package. 

PS: you can disable this check in the launchers settings-compilation dialog.' 
						      bindWith:(oldPkg allBold))

					  label:'Class redefinition'
					  form:(WarningBox iconBitmap)
					  buttonLabels:#('Cancel' 'Continue')
					  values:#(#cancel #keep)

			    (answer ~~ #cancel) ifTrue:[
				ex proceedWith:answer
			] do:[
			    |rslt cls mcls|

			    self immediateUpdate value:true.
			    navigationState realModifiedState:false.
			    navigationState modified:false.

			    thisIsAFullClassesCode ifTrue:[
				rslt := (ReadStream on:theCode asString) fileIn.
			    ] ifFalse:[
				rslt := (aCompilerClass ? Compiler) 
					    evaluate:theCode asString 

			    self immediateUpdate value:false.

			    rslt isBehavior ifTrue:[
				self switchToClassNamed:rslt name.
				returnValue := true.

			    returnValue ifTrue:[
				cls := rslt theNonMetaclass.
				mcls := rslt theMetaclass.
				(((self codeAspect == #newApplication) and:[self confirm:'Generate initial application code ?'])
				or:[ (self codeAspect == #newDialog) and:[self confirm:'Generate initial dialog code ?']]) 
				    CodeGeneratorTool createDocumentationMethodsFor:mcls.
				    CodeGeneratorTool createExamplesMethodFor:mcls.
				    CodeGeneratorTool createApplicationCodeFor:cls.

				(self codeAspect == #newTestCase) ifTrue:[
				    CodeGeneratorTool createDocumentationMethodsFor:mcls.
				    CodeGeneratorTool createTestCaseSampleCodeFor:cls.

    self codeAspect:#classDefinition.
    ^ returnValue

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 22:43:59 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 18:58:02 / cg"

doAcceptClassDefinition:theCode usingCompiler:aCompilerClass
    "tell the codeView what to do on accept.
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    ^ self

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:40:11 / cg"

    "accept primitive-definitions/functions or variables (in the codeView)."

    |codeAspect setter getter|

    codeAspect := self codeAspect.
    codeAspect == #primitiveDefinitions ifTrue:[
	getter := #'primitiveDefinitionsString'.
	setter := #'primitiveDefinitions:'.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	codeAspect == #primitiveFunctions ifTrue:[
	    getter := #'primitiveFunctionsString'. 
	    setter := #'primitiveFunctions:'.
	] ifFalse:[ 
	    codeAspect == #primitiveVariables ifTrue:[
		getter := #'primitiveVariablesString'. 
		setter := #'primitiveVariables:'. 
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self halt.
    self doAcceptClassAspect:codeAspect get:getter set:setter code:theCode.

doAcceptFullClassDefinition:theCode usingCompiler:aCompilerClass
    "tell the codeView what to do on accept.
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    ^ self

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 15:40:19 / cg"

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept.
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    self warn:'Accept of Java classes is not yet implemented'.
    ^ false

    "accept changed code in aNavigationState;
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation cancelled), or an error occurred.
     Return true if accepted ok."


    codeView := aNavigationState codeView.
    codeView acceptAction isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    (aNavigationState codeAspect == #classDefinition
    or:[aNavigationState codeAspect == #method])
	^ codeView acceptAction value:(codeView contentsAsString)
    ^ false

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:38:07 / cg"

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept.
     Return false, if NOT accepted (i.e. compilation canceled)"

    self warn:'Accept of Java classes is not yet implemented'.
    ^ false

    "accept a new/modified method"

    |codeWithoutEmphasis classOrClassCollection|

    theCode isStringCollection ifTrue:[
	codeWithoutEmphasis := theCode collect:[:eachLine | eachLine isNil ifTrue:[nil] ifFalse:[eachLine string]].
    ] ifFalse:[
	codeWithoutEmphasis := theCode

    classOrClassCollection := self classToAcceptMethodIn.
    classOrClassCollection notNil ifTrue:[
	self withWaitCursorDo:[
	    classOrClassCollection isArray ifTrue:[
		classOrClassCollection do:[:eachClass |
		    self acceptMethod:codeWithoutEmphasis inClass:eachClass check:false.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self acceptMethod:codeWithoutEmphasis inClass:classOrClassCollection check:true.


    ^ UserPreferences current enforceCodeStyle

openDiffViewForText:theCode againstSourceOfMethod:aMethod
    |originalSource changedSource v|

    originalSource := aMethod source.
    changedSource := theCode asString string.
    v := DiffTextView 
	    label:(resources string:'Code here (to be accepted ?)')
	    label:(resources string:'Method''s actual code').
    v label:(resources string:'Comparing methods').
    v waitUntilVisible.

protocolToAcceptMethod:selector class:aClass
    | cat mthd protocols |

    mthd := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
	cat := mthd category
    ] ifFalse:[
	protocols := ((self selectedMethods value ? #()) collect:[:m | m category]) asSet.
	protocols size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    cat := protocols first
	] ifFalse:[
	    cat := self theSingleSelectedProtocol.
	    (cat isNil or:[cat = (BrowserList nameListEntryForALL)]) ifTrue:[
		"must check from which category this code came from ...
		 ... thanks to Arno for pointing this out"

		cat := self askForMethodCategoryForAcceptInClass:aClass selector:selector.
		cat size == 0 ifTrue:[
		    ^ nil
    ^ cat

selectorOfMethodFromCode:someCode in:aClass

    parser := Parser
		parseMethodSpecification:someCode asString 
		ignoreErrors:true ignoreWarnings:true. 
    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
	^ parser selector asSymbol.
    ^ nil

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"


    (codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
	codeView acceptAction:aBlockOrNil.

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain"

    self setAcceptActionForMetaClassUsed:nil

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"


    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	self setAcceptActionForNothing.
	^ self

    currentClass isJavaClass ifTrue:[
	^ self setAcceptActionForJavaClassComment.

    (currentClass isNameSpace and:[currentClass ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
	self setAcceptActionForNothing.
	^ self

    self setAcceptAction:[:theCode | self doAcceptClassComment:theCode].

    "Modified: / 8.11.2001 / 23:09:24 / cg"

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain"

    |currentClass action|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.

    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
	action := [:theCode | self doAcceptFullJavaClassDefinition:theCode].
    ] ifFalse:[
	action := [:theCode | self doAcceptJavaClassDefinition:theCode].
    self setAcceptAction:action.

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"

    self setAcceptActionForNothing

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept and explain"

    |currentClass action compiler|

    currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.

    metaClassUsedOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
	currentClass isJavaClass ifTrue:[
	    ^ self setAcceptActionForJavaClass.

    (currentClass isNameSpace and:[currentClass ~~ Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
	self setAcceptActionForNothing.
	^ self

    metaClassUsedOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
	compiler := metaClassUsedOrNil basicNew realSubclassDefinerClass
    ] ifFalse:[
	compiler := currentClass 
			ifNotNil:[ (currentClass subclassDefinerClass ? Compiler) ].

    navigationState isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
	action := [:theCode | self doAcceptFullClassDefinition:theCode
    ] ifFalse:[
	action := [:theCode | self doAcceptClassDefinition:theCode 
    self setAcceptAction:action.

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"

    self setAcceptAction:[:theCode | self doAcceptMethod:theCode].

    self codeView explainAction:[:theCode :theSelection |
	self explain:theSelection inCode:theCode

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"

    self setAcceptAction:[:code | self window beep].

    "tell the codeView what to do on accept"

    self setAcceptAction:[:code |  |package project|
				package := self theSingleSelectedProject.
				project := Project projectWithId:package.
				project isNil ifTrue:[
				    self warn:'No such project.'
				] ifFalse:[
				    project comment:(code asString string).
				    navigationState modified:false.
				    navigationState realModifiedState:false.

    "tell the codeView what to do on doIt"

    "set self for doits. This allows accessing the current class
     as self, and access to the class variables by name.
     Also, the current nameSpace (if there is one) is set for
     the doIt.

    codeView := self codeView.
    codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    codeView doItAction:[:theCode |
	|compiler nsName ns currentClass currentNonMetaClass currentMethod result|

	currentClass := self theSingleSelectedClass.
	currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
	    currentMethod := self theSingleSelectedMethod.
	    currentMethod notNil ifTrue:[
		currentClass := currentMethod mclass
	currentClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    currentNonMetaClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.
	    ns := currentNonMetaClass nameSpace
	] ifFalse:[
	    self organizerMode == #namespace ifTrue:[
		nsName := self theSingleSelectedNamespace.
		nsName notNil ifTrue:[
		    ns := NameSpace name:nsName

	Class nameSpaceQuerySignal handle:[:ex |
	    ns isNil ifTrue:[
		ex reject
	    ex proceedWith:ns
	] do:[
	    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[
		compiler := Compiler
	    ] ifFalse:[
		compiler := currentClass evaluatorClass

	    result := compiler 
		evaluate:theCode string

    "Created: / 23.2.2000 / 11:54:24 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 11:57:10 / cg"

    "tell the codeView what accept is not allowed"

    self setAcceptAction:[:code | self codeView flash].
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions-class'!

    "load an autoloaded class.
     Invoked on doubleClick or via menu"


	numClasses := self selectedClasses value size.
	self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	    |cls nm nameShown msg|

	    cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
	    cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
		nm := cls name.
		nameShown := self displayedClassNameOf:cls.

		Autoload autoloadFailedSignal handle:[:ex |
		    msg := 'Autoload of %1 failed.

Check for a file named '''' either in the package ''%3''
along your packagePath, or in the current directory.
The packagePath is: %4.

You can also try to load the class(es) from the repository,
via the ''import and load classes'' menu function of the
project list.'.
		    msg := (resources string:msg
			    with:(Smalltalk fileNameForClass:cls)
			    with:cls package
			    with:(Smalltalk packagePath asStringCollection asStringWith:' , ')).

		    numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
			    yesLabel:'OK' noLabel:'Cancel') ifFalse:[^ self].
		    ] ifFalse:[
			Dialog warn:msg.
		    ex return.
		] do:[
		    self busyLabel:'loading %1 ...' with:nameShown.
		    cls autoload.
    ] ensure:[
	self normalLabel.

    "/ to force update.
    "/ (I guess, this is not needed)
    self selectedClasses value:(self selectedClasses value copy).

    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 09:43:41 / cg"

    "unload an autsoloaded class"

    self selectedClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	|cls nm nameShown doIt|

	cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
	(cls isLoaded and:[cls wasAutoloaded]) ifTrue:[
	    nm := cls name.
	    nameShown := self displayedClassNameOf:cls.

	    doIt := true.
	    cls hasDerivedInstances ifTrue:[
		doIt := self confirm:(resources string:'''%1'' has (derived) instances. Unload anyway ?' with:nameShown allBold)
	    doIt ifTrue:[
		self busyLabel:'unloading %1 ...' with:nameShown.
		    cls unload.
		] ensure:[
		    self normalLabel.
    "/ to force update.
    "/ (I guess, this is not needed)
    self selectedClasses value:(self selectedClasses value copy).

    "Modified: / 23.2.2000 / 09:43:41 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser methodsFor:'user actions-comparing'!

    "compare the codeViews contents in a buffer against its original"

    |v selectedMethod selectedClass changedSource originalSource|

    changedSource := aNavigationState codeView contentsAsString string.

    aNavigationState codeAspect == #method ifTrue:[
	selectedMethod := aNavigationState theSingleSelectedMethod.
	selectedMethod isNil ifTrue:[
	    aNavigationState selectedMethods value size > 0 ifTrue:[
		self warn:'Oops - multiple methods selected. Cannot compare.'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self warn:'Oops - method is gone. Cannot compare.'.
	    ^ self
	originalSource := selectedMethod source string.
	originalSource isNil ifTrue:[
	    self warn:'Oops - methods source is gone. Cannot compare source.'.
	    ^ self
	originalSource string = changedSource string ifTrue:[
	    self information:'Same text.'.
	    ^ self.
	self openDiffViewForText:changedSource againstSourceOfMethod:selectedMethod.
"/        v := DiffTextView 
"/                openOn:changedSource 
"/                label:(resources string:'Code here (to be accepted ?)')
"/                and:originalSource
"/                label:(resources string:'Method''s actual code').
"/        v label:(resources string:'Comparing method versions').
"/        v waitUntilVisible.
	^ self

    aNavigationState codeAspect == #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	selectedClass := aNavigationState theSingleSelectedClass.
	selectedClass isNil ifTrue:[
	    aNavigationState selectedClasses value size > 0 ifTrue:[
		self warn:'Oops - multiple classes selected. Cannot compare.'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self warn:'Oops - class is gone. Cannot compare.'.
	    ^ self
	originalSource := self classDefinitionStringFor:selectedClass.
	originalSource isNil ifTrue:[
	    self warn:'Oops - class is gone. Cannot compare source.'.
	    ^ self
	v := DiffTextView 
		label:(resources string:'Changed definition (to be accepted ?)')
		label:(resources string:'Classes actual definition').
	v label:(resources string:'Comparing class definitions').
	v waitUntilVisible.
	^ self

    ^ self.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ AllEntry ? '* all *'

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 13:39:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 21:18:30 / cg"

    ^ '* no category *'

    ^ '* instance *'

    ^ '* static *'
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    AllEntry := '* all *'

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 13:41:29 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel andSelector:#metaSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel new openInterface:#metaSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #metaSpec
	  #label: 'MetaToggles'
	  #name: 'MetaToggles'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 316 74)
	  #collection: #(
	      #label: 'Instance'
	      #name: 'InstanceToggle'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.5 25 0)
	      #translateLabel: true
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #notMetaToggle
	      #isTriggerOnDown: true
	      #select: true
	      #isToggle: true
	      #label: 'Class'
	      #name: 'ClassToggle'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.5 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
	      #translateLabel: true
	      #labelChannel: #metaToggleLabelHolder
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #metaToggle
	      #isTriggerOnDown: true
	      #select: true
	      #isToggle: true
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel class methodsFor:'misc'!

    ^ NewSystemBrowser classResources
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel methodsFor:'misc'!


    (m := self masterApplication) notNil ifTrue:[
	^ m resources
    ^ super resources
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList class methodsFor:'image specs'!

    ^ SystemBrowser nameSpaceIcon

    ^ SystemBrowser packageIcon

    ^ SystemBrowser padLockBlueMiniIcon

    ^ SystemBrowser padLockGrayMiniIcon

    ^ SystemBrowser padLockGreenMiniIcon

    ^ SystemBrowser padLockRedMiniIcon

    ^ SystemBrowser programImageIcon

    ^ self padLockRedMiniIcon

    ^ SystemBrowser redLockIcon
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    ^ nil.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 22:36:40 / cg"

    doubleClickChannel isNil ifTrue:[
	doubleClickChannel := TriggerValue new.
    ^ doubleClickChannel.

    "Modified: / 31.1.2000 / 00:42:44 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 22:38:32 / cg"

    doubleClickChannel := aChannel

    filter notNil ifTrue:[
	filter removeDependent:self
    filter := aValueHolder.
    filter notNil ifTrue:[
	filter addDependent:self

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 23:29:30 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:12 / cg"

    forceGeneratorTrigger isNil ifTrue:[
	forceGeneratorTrigger := TriggerValue new.
	forceGeneratorTrigger addDependent:self.
    ^ forceGeneratorTrigger.

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:02:52 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:46:40 / cg"

    forceGeneratorTrigger notNil ifTrue:[
	forceGeneratorTrigger removeDependent:self
    forceGeneratorTrigger := aTriggerValue.
    forceGeneratorTrigger notNil ifTrue:[
	forceGeneratorTrigger addDependent:self

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 23:29:30 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:46:52 / cg"

    hideUnloadedClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	hideUnloadedClasses := false asValue.
	hideUnloadedClasses addDependent:self.
    ^ hideUnloadedClasses.

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:02:52 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:36:30 / cg"

    hideUnloadedClasses notNil ifTrue:[
	hideUnloadedClasses removeDependent:self
    hideUnloadedClasses := aValueHolder.
    hideUnloadedClasses notNil ifTrue:[
	hideUnloadedClasses addDependent:self

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 23:29:30 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:46:36 / cg"

    ^ menuHolder

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:06 / cg"

    menuHolder := aValueHolder.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:06 / cg"

    nameSpaceFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	nameSpaceFilter := ValueHolder new.
	nameSpaceFilter addDependent:self.
    ^ nameSpaceFilter.

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 23:57:13 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:18:56 / cg"

    nameSpaceFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	nameSpaceFilter removeDependent:self
    nameSpaceFilter := aValueHolder.
    nameSpaceFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	nameSpaceFilter addDependent:self

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 23:56:22 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:19:06 / cg"

    organizerMode isNil ifTrue:[
	organizerMode := #category asValue.
	organizerMode addDependent:self.
    ^ organizerMode

    "Modified: / 31.1.2000 / 00:51:06 / cg"
    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 22:36:15 / cg"

    organizerMode notNil ifTrue:[
	organizerMode removeDependent:self
    organizerMode := aValueHolder.
    organizerMode notNil ifTrue:[
	organizerMode addDependent:self

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 23:34:28 / cg"
    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 22:36:28 / cg"

    packageFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	packageFilter := ValueHolder new.
	packageFilter addDependent:self.

"/ debug-check only
"/ packageFilter onChangeEvaluate:[packageFilter value isValueModel ifTrue:[self halt:'debug halt']].
    ^ packageFilter.

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:26:36 / cg"

    packageFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	packageFilter removeDependent:self
    packageFilter := aValueHolder.
    packageFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	packageFilter addDependent:self.

"/ debug-check only
"/ packageFilter onChangeEvaluate:[packageFilter value isValueModel ifTrue:[self halt:'debug halt']].

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:26:40 / cg"

    pseudoListLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	pseudoListLabelHolder := '' asValue.
    ^ pseudoListLabelHolder

    selectionChangeCondition := aBlockOrValueHolder

    selectionHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	selectionHolder := ValueHolder new.
	selectionHolder addDependent:self
    ^ selectionHolder.



    prevSelection := selectionHolder value ? #().

    selectionHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	selectionHolder removeDependent:self
    selectionHolder := aValueHolder.
    selectionHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	selectionHolder addDependent:self
    (selectionHolder value ? #()) ~= prevSelection ifTrue:[
	"/ update
	self update:#value with:nil from:selectionHolder


    showClassPackages isNil ifTrue:[
	showClassPackages := false asValue.
	showClassPackages addDependent:self.
    ^ showClassPackages.

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:02:52 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:36:30 / cg"

    showClassPackages notNil ifTrue:[
	showClassPackages removeDependent:self
    showClassPackages := aValueHolder.
    showClassPackages notNil ifTrue:[
	showClassPackages addDependent:self

    slaveMode isNil ifTrue:[
	slaveMode := self defaultSlaveModeValue asValue.
	slaveMode addDependent:self.
    ^ slaveMode.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 22:36:40 / cg"


    slaveMode notNil ifTrue:[
	slaveMode removeDependent:self.
	prev := slaveMode value.
    slaveMode := aValueHolder.
    slaveMode notNil ifTrue:[
	slaveMode addDependent:self
    prev ~~ slaveMode value ifTrue:[
	(prev isNil and:[slaveMode value]) ifFalse:[
	    self update:#value with:nil from:slaveMode.

    sortBy isNil ifTrue:[
	sortBy := nil asValue.
	sortBy addDependent:self.
    ^ sortBy.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 22:36:40 / cg"


    prev := sortBy value.
    sortBy notNil ifTrue:[
	sortBy removeDependent:self
    sortBy := aValueHolder.
    sortBy notNil ifTrue:[
	sortBy addDependent:self
    prev ~~ sortBy value ifTrue:[
	self update:#value with:nil from:sortBy.

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 23:29:30 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:12 / cg"

    updateTrigger isNil ifTrue:[
	updateTrigger := TriggerValue new.
	updateTrigger addDependent:self.
    ^ updateTrigger.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 01:59:58 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:02:52 / cg"

    updateTrigger notNil ifTrue:[
	updateTrigger removeDependent:self
    updateTrigger := aTriggerValue.
    updateTrigger notNil ifTrue:[
	updateTrigger addDependent:self

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 23:29:30 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:03:15 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "/ if any of my subclasses want those, they should look for them.
    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	(something == #Language or:[something == #LanguageTerritory]) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #organization ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #classVariables ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #methodInClassRemoved ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
	something == #methodDictionary ifTrue:[
	    ^ self 
	something == #newClass ifTrue:[
	    ^ self 

    changedObject == slaveMode ifTrue:[
	slaveMode value ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    listValid ~~ true ifTrue:[
		self updateList.
	    self updateOutputGenerator.
	^ self.

    changedObject == selectionHolder ifTrue:[
	listValid ifFalse:[
	    self updateList.
	^ self selectionChanged

    changedObject == forceGeneratorTrigger ifTrue:[
	self updateOutputGenerator.
	^ self.

    changedObject == hideUnloadedClasses ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	slaveMode value ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    self updateOutputGenerator.
	^ self.

    changedObject == updateTrigger ifTrue:[
	self enqueueDelayedUpdateList.
	^ self 

    changedObject == inGeneratorHolder ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^ self 

"/    changedObject == outGeneratorHolder ifTrue:[
"/        self enqueueDelayedUpdateList.
"/        ^ self 
"/    ].

    changedObject == packageFilter ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^ self 
    changedObject == nameSpaceFilter ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^ self 

    changedObject == organizerMode ifTrue:[
	^ self

    self invalidateList.
    ^ self

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:06 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 14:19:24 / cg"

enqueueDelayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    "support for delayed updates - to be invoked from a concrete classes
     #update:with:from: method.
     This will enqueue a delayed update, and resend #delayedUpdate:with:from:
     whenever the receiver is handling events.
     Especially useful, if many updates arrive at high frequency, to avoid
     multiple redraws."

    ^ self

    (NewSystemBrowser synchronousUpdate == true
    or:[ immediateUpdate value == true ])
	self updateList.
	^ self.

    self enqueueMessage:#updateList for:self arguments:#()

    slaveMode value == true ifTrue:[
	self halt:'should not be invoked'
    (NewSystemBrowser synchronousUpdate == true
    or:[ immediateUpdate value == true ])
	self updateOutputGenerator.
	^ self.
    listValid := false.
    self enqueueMessage:#updateOutputGenerator for:self arguments:#()

    |selectionHolder prevSelection|

    selectionHolder := self selectionHolder.
    prevSelection := selectionHolder value.
    selectionHolder setValue:nil.
    selectionHolder value:prevSelection.

    self selectionHolder setValue:nil


    listView := builder componentAt:#List.
    listView notNil ifTrue:[    
	listView list:#()
    self updateList

    immediateUpdate := aBooleanOrBooleanHolder

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 22:26:06 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.2.2000 / 22:28:09 / cg"

prioDelayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    Processor activeProcess withPriority:7 do:[
	self delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    selectionChangeCondition isNil ifTrue:[^ true].
    selectionChangeCondition isBlock ifTrue:[
	selectionChangeCondition numArgs == 1 ifTrue:[
	    ^ selectionChangeCondition value:self
    ^ selectionChangeCondition value

    slaveMode value ~~ true ifTrue:[
	self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator
	"/ self updateOutputGenerator.

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 15:49:23 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:07 / cg"


    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 21:19:25 / cg"


    sensor := self window sensor.
    sensor isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self

    "/ if an update is in the queue, process it.
    ) ifTrue:[
	sensor flushEventsFor:self withType:#updateList.
	self updateList.
	^ self

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    (NewSystemBrowser synchronousUpdate == true
    or:[ immediateUpdate value == true ])
	self delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject.
	^ self.

"/    (changedObject == ChangeSet)
"/    ifTrue:[
"/        self delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject.
"/        ^ self.
"/    ].

"/    changedObject == selectionHolder ifTrue:[
"/        listValid ifFalse:[
"/            self slaveMode value ifTrue:[
"/                ^ self
"/            ]
"/        ]
"/    ].

    changedObject == inGeneratorHolder ifTrue:[
	listValid := false.
    self enqueueDelayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.11.2001 / 11:30:19 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList methodsFor:'generators'!

    ^ inGeneratorHolder

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:07 / cg"


    (prevHolder := inGeneratorHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
	inGeneratorHolder removeDependent:self
    inGeneratorHolder := aConditionBlockHolder.
    inGeneratorHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	inGeneratorHolder addDependent:self
    (prevHolder isNil and:[inGeneratorHolder isNil]) ifFalse:[
	(prevHolder value isNil
	    (inGeneratorHolder value isNil
	    or:[inGeneratorHolder value isArray
		and:[inGeneratorHolder value size == 0]])]) 
	    self update:#value with:nil from:inGeneratorHolder

    self subclassResponsibility

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:07 / cg"

    outGeneratorHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	outGeneratorHolder := ValueHolder new
    ^ outGeneratorHolder

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 17:17:16 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:07 / cg"

    outGeneratorHolder := aConditionBlockHolder.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:08 / cg"

    "create a generator which enumerates my elements, 
     and place it into the outputGenerator holder"

    self outGeneratorHolder value: self makeGenerator.

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 17:16:34 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:08 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList methodsFor:'icons'!

    "answer an icon to mark abstract methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#abstractMethod selector:#abstractMethodIcon

    "answer an icon to mark canvas spec methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#canvas selector:#canvasIcon


fetchIcon:name selector:fetchSelector
    "answer an icon to mark breakPointed methods"

    icons isNil ifTrue:[icons := IdentityDictionary new].
    Icons isNil ifTrue:[Icons := IdentityDictionary new].

    ^ icons at:name ifAbsentPut:[
	|fh icn h|

	(icn := Icons at:name ifAbsent:nil) isNil ifTrue: [
	    Icons at:name put:(icn := (SystemBrowser perform:fetchSelector) onDevice:Display).
	    icn clearMaskedPixels.
	h := icn height.
	h > (fh := SelectionInListView defaultFont heightOn:device) ifTrue:[
	    icn := icn magnifiedBy:(fh / h)
	icn onDevice:device

     Icons := nil
     Icon flushCachedIcons

    "answer an icon to mark file-image spec methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#fileImage selector:#fileImageIcon

    "answer an icon to mark help spec methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#help selector:#helpIcon


    "answer an icon to mark hierarchicalList spec methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#hierarchicalList selector:#hierarchicalListIcon


    "answer an icon to mark image spec methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#image selector:#imageIcon

    "answer an icon to mark menu spec methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#menu selector:#menuIcon


    ^ self fetchIcon:#methodEmptyInherited selector:#methodEmptyInheritedIcon

    ^ self fetchIcon:#methodInheritedFromAboveAndRedefinedBelow selector:#methodInheritedFromAboveAndRedefinedBelowIcon

    ^ self fetchIcon:#methodInheritedFromAbove selector:#methodInheritedFromAboveIcon

    ^ self fetchIcon:#methodRedefinedBelow selector:#methodRedefinedBelowIcon

    "answer an icon to mark private methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#privateMethod selector:#privateMethodIcon

    "answer an icon to mark image spec methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#programImage selector:#programImageIcon

    "answer an icon to mark program generated menu methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#programMenu selector:#programMenuIcon


    "answer an icon to mark protected methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#protectedMethod selector:#protectedMethodIcon

    "answer an icon to mark breakPointed methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#stop selector:#stopIcon


    "answer an icon to mark tabList spec methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#tabList selector:#tabListIcon


    "answer an icon to mark tableColumns spec methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#tableColumns selector:#tableColumnsIcon


    "answer an icon to mark timed methods"

    ^ self fetchIcon:#time selector:#timeIcon


    "answer an icon to mark traced methods"

"/    ^ self fetchIcon:#watch selector:#watchIcon
    ^ self fetchIcon:#trace selector:#traceIcon
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList methodsFor:'misc'!

    listValid := false.
    slaveMode value ~~ true ifTrue:[
	self enqueueDelayedUpdateList.


    (master := self masterApplication) notNil ifTrue:[^ master resources].
    ^ super resources
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList methodsFor:'private'!

    self subclassResponsibility

classesToProcessForClasses:classes withVisibility:visibility
    |classesToProcess classesToProcessInOrder|

    visibility isNil ifTrue:[^classes].
    visibility == #class ifTrue:[^classes].

    classesToProcess := IdentitySet new.
    classesToProcessInOrder := OrderedCollection new.
    classes notNil ifTrue:[
	classes do:[:eachClass |

	    withAllSupers := eachClass withAllSuperclasses.
	    visibility == #allButObject ifTrue:[
		eachClass isMeta ifTrue:[
		    withAllSupers removeAllFoundIn:(Object class withAllSuperclasses)
		] ifFalse:[
		    withAllSupers remove:Object ifAbsent:nil
	    withAllSupers do:[:each |
		(classesToProcess includes:each) ifFalse:[
		    classesToProcess add:each. 
		    classesToProcessInOrder add:each. 
    ^ classesToProcessInOrder

    ^ someString asText emphasisAllAdd:(UserPreferences current emphasisForChangedCode)

    "Created: / 31.10.2001 / 10:17:56 / cg"

    ^ someString asText emphasisAllAdd:(UserPreferences current emphasisForDifferentPackage)

    ^ someString asText emphasisAllAdd:(#color->Color darkGrey)

    ^ self colorizeForChangedCode:someString

    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 10:18:57 / cg"

    ^ self colorizeForDifferentPackage:(' [' , (' ' , someString , ' ') allItalic , ']')

    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 10:13:35 / cg"

    (self slaveMode value == true) ifTrue:[^ true].
"/    self slaveMode value isNil ifTrue:[
"/        self window shown ifFalse:[
"/            ^ true
"/        ].
"/    ].
    ^ false

isClass:aClass shownWithNameSpaceFilter:nameSpaceFilter

    nameSpaceFilter isNil ifTrue:[^ true].
    nsName := aClass topNameSpace name.

    (nameSpaceFilter includes:nsName) ifTrue:[^ true].
    (nameSpaceFilter contains:[:ns | nsName startsWith:(ns , '::')]) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

isClass:aClass shownWithPackageFilter:packageFilter
     packageFilter isNil ifTrue:[^ true].
     (packageFilter includes:aClass package) ifTrue:[^ true].

     aClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
	 (packageFilter includes:mthd package) ifTrue:[^ true].
     ^ false

    self subclassResponsibility

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:08 / cg"

    self subclassResponsibility

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:08 / cg"

    self makeIndependent.
    super release.

    filter removeDependent:self.
    forceGeneratorTrigger removeDependent:self.
    hideUnloadedClasses removeDependent:self.
    inGeneratorHolder removeDependent:self.
    nameSpaceFilter removeDependent:self.
    organizerMode removeDependent:self.
    packageFilter removeDependent:self.
    selectionHolder removeDependent:self.
    showClassPackages removeDependent:self.
    slaveMode removeDependent:self.
    sortBy removeDependent:self.
    updateTrigger removeDependent:self.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.2.2000 / 23:32:23 / cg"

    self makeIndependent.
    super releaseAsSubCanvas.

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 23:11:29 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.2.2000 / 23:32:29 / cg"

    self subclassResponsibility.

    "update the browsers list in a way which avoids scrolls
     and flicker; returns true, if the newList is the same."

    |"oldListSize newListSize" sameContents sameStrings oldEntry browserNameList
     "firstDifferentFromBeginning firstDifferentFromEnd" listView prevMode sav|

    browserNameList := self browserNameList value.
    sameContents := sameStrings := (newList size == browserNameList size).

    sameContents ifTrue:[
	newList with:browserNameList do:[:newLine :oldLine |
	    sameStrings ifTrue:[
		sameStrings := ((newLine ? '')  = (oldLine ? '')).    
	    sameContents ifTrue:[
		((newLine ? '') sameStringAndEmphasisAs:(oldLine ? '')) ifFalse:[
		    sameContents := false

    listView := builder componentAt:#List.
    listView isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ called early during setup ...
	browserNameList contents:newList.
	^ sameContents.

    sameContents ifTrue:[
	^ sameContents
    sameStrings ifTrue:[
	newList keysAndValuesDo:[:lineNr :line |
	    oldEntry := browserNameList at:lineNr.    
	    (oldEntry sameStringAndEmphasisAs:line) ifFalse:[
		browserNameList at:lineNr put:line.
	^ sameContents

    listView := listView scrolledView.
    listView isNil ifTrue:[self halt. ^ self].
    prevMode := listView scrollWhenUpdating.
    listView scrollWhenUpdating:nil.

	"/ dont want to be called if selection is changed by selListView
	sav := listView action.
	listView action:nil.
	browserNameList contents:newList.
    ] ensure:[
	listView action:sav.

    listView scrollWhenUpdating:prevMode.
    ^ sameContents.

"/    oldListSize := browserNameList size.
"/    newListSize := newList size.
"/    newListSize == 0 ifTrue:[
"/        oldListSize == 0 ifTrue:[
"/            ^ true "/ same
"/        ].
"/        browserNameList removeAll.
"/        ^ false "/ not same
"/    ].
"/    oldListSize == 0 ifTrue:[
"/        browserNameList contents:newList.
"/        ^ false. "/ not same
"/    ].
"/    (newListSize between:(oldListSize-1) and:(oldListSize+1)) ifTrue:[
"/        "/ individually exchange changed lines, to avoid flicker.
"/        "/ the old code was: self browserNameList value:newList
"/        "/ but if only a single method is changed (or an instrumentation icon changes),
"/        "/ this results in avoidable flicker.
"/        newListSize > oldListSize ifTrue:[
"/            "/ an entry seems to be added
"/            "/ try to find it.
"/            firstDifferentFromBeginning := 1.
"/            [firstDifferentFromBeginning <= oldListSize
"/             and:[(newList at:firstDifferentFromBeginning) sameStringAndEmphasisAs: (browserNameList at:firstDifferentFromBeginning)]]   
"/            whileTrue:[
"/                firstDifferentFromBeginning := firstDifferentFromBeginning + 1.
"/            ].
"/            firstDifferentFromEnd := newListSize.
"/            [firstDifferentFromEnd >= 1
"/             and:[(newList at:firstDifferentFromEnd) sameStringAndEmphasisAs: (browserNameList at:firstDifferentFromEnd-1)]]   
"/            whileTrue:[
"/                firstDifferentFromEnd := firstDifferentFromEnd - 1.
"/            ].
"/            (firstDifferentFromEnd - firstDifferentFromBeginning) > (newList size // 10) ifTrue:[
"/                "/ too many differences - exchange the list en-bloque
"/                browserNameList contents:newList.
"/                ^ false. "/ not same
"/            ].
"/            "/ entries from firstDifferentFromBeginning to firstDifferentFromEnd in newList are different
"/            (firstDifferentFromEnd - firstDifferentFromBeginning + 1 "number of different items") == (newListSize - oldListSize) ifTrue:[
"/                "/ for now, only handle single-added-item case
"/                firstDifferentFromEnd ~~ firstDifferentFromBeginning ifTrue:[
"/                    self halt
"/                ].
"/                "/ item at firstDifferentFromBeginning has been inserted.
"/                browserNameList add:(newList at:firstDifferentFromBeginning) beforeIndex:firstDifferentFromEnd.
"/               ^ false "/ not the same
"/            ].
"/        ] ifFalse:[
"/            newListSize < oldListSize ifTrue:[
"/                "/ an entry seems to be removed
"/                "/ try to find it.
"/                firstDifferentFromBeginning := 1.
"/                [firstDifferentFromBeginning <= newListSize
"/                 and:[(newList at:firstDifferentFromBeginning) sameStringAndEmphasisAs: (browserNameList at:firstDifferentFromBeginning)]]   
"/                whileTrue:[
"/                    firstDifferentFromBeginning := firstDifferentFromBeginning + 1.
"/                ].
"/                firstDifferentFromEnd := newListSize.
"/                [firstDifferentFromEnd >= 1
"/                 and:[(newList at:firstDifferentFromEnd) sameStringAndEmphasisAs: (browserNameList at:firstDifferentFromEnd+1)]]   
"/                whileTrue:[
"/                    firstDifferentFromEnd := firstDifferentFromEnd - 1.
"/                ].
"/                (firstDifferentFromEnd - firstDifferentFromBeginning) > (newList size // 10) ifTrue:[
"/                    "/ too many differences - exchange the list en-bloque
"/                    browserNameList contents:newList.
"/                    ^ false. "/ not same
"/                ].
"/                "/ entries from firstDifferentFromBeginning to firstDifferentFromEnd in newList are different
"/                (firstDifferentFromBeginning - firstDifferentFromEnd) == (oldListSize - newListSize) ifTrue:[
"/                    "/ for now, only handle single-removed-item case
"/                    firstDifferentFromEnd ~~ (firstDifferentFromBeginning-1) ifTrue:[self halt].
"/                    "/ item at firstDifferentFromBeginning has been removed.
"/                    browserNameList removeFromIndex:firstDifferentFromBeginning toIndex:firstDifferentFromBeginning.
"/                   ^ false "/ not the same
"/                ].
"/            ]
"/        ].
"/        sameContents := true.
"/        newList keysAndValuesDo:[:lineNr :line |
"/            lineNr > browserNameList size ifTrue:[
"/                browserNameList add:line.
"/                sameContents := false.
"/            ] ifFalse:[
"/                oldEntry := browserNameList at:lineNr.    
"/                (oldEntry ~= line 
"/                or:[(oldEntry sameStringAndEmphasisAs:line) not]) ifTrue:[
"/                    browserNameList at:lineNr put:line.
"/                    sameContents := false.
"/                ]
"/            ]
"/        ].
"/        newList size < browserNameList size ifTrue:[
"/            browserNameList removeFromIndex:(newList size + 1) toIndex:(browserNameList size).
"/            sameContents := false.
"/        ].
"/        ^ sameContents
"/    ].
"/    browserNameList contents:newList.
"/    ^ false "/ not the same
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::BrowserList methodsFor:'setup'!


    self slaveMode value == true ifFalse:[
	self updateList.
    ] ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList

    self makeDependent.

    list := aBuilder componentAt:#List.
    list notNil ifTrue:[
	list selectConditionBlock:[:item | self selectionChangeAllowed].
	list ignoreReselect:false.

    "Modified: / 13.11.2001 / 10:27:49 / cg"

    self commonPostBuildWith:aBuilder.
    super postBuildAsSubcanvasWith:aBuilder.

    self commonPostBuildWith:aBuilder.
    super postBuildWith:aBuilder.

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 22:59:45 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:09 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassChecker class methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return a list of supported checks"


    checks := OrderedCollection new.
    self methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
	(mthd category startsWith:'checks')  ifTrue:[checks add:sel]
    checks sort.
    ^ checks

     self individualChecks

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 22:30:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 22:31:02 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassChecker methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ badClassInfo

    ^ badMethodInfo

    "return the value of the instance variable 'checkedClass' (automatically generated)"

    ^ checkedClass

    "set the value of the instance variable 'checkedClass' (automatically generated)"

    checkedClass := something.
    checksPerformed := nil.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassChecker methodsFor:'checking'!

    self errorChecks.
    self warningChecks.
    self styleChecks.

    checksPerformed isNil ifTrue:[
	checksPerformed := Set new.
    (checksPerformed includes:whichCheck) ifFalse:[
	checksPerformed add:whichCheck.
	self perform:whichCheck

    self doCheck:#subclassResponsibilityNotDefined.
    self doCheck:#sentNotImplemented.
    self doCheck:#definesEqualButNotHash.
    self doCheck:#instanceVariablesNeverWritten.

    self doCheck:#checkProtocols.

    self doCheck:#messageNeverSentAndNotUsedAsSymbol.
    self doCheck:#sendsObsoleteMessages.
    self doCheck:#instanceVariablesNeverUsed.
    self doCheck:#instanceVariablesNeverWritten.
    self doCheck:#classVariablesNeverUsed.
    self doCheck:#classVariablesNeverWritten.
    self doCheck:#classInstanceVariablesNeverUsed.
    self doCheck:#classInstanceVariablesNeverWritten.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassChecker methodsFor:'checks-individual'!

    checkedClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSelector :method |
	self checkProtocolOf:method

    |badInstVars badClassVars|

    badInstVars := checkedClass instanceVariableNames select:[:varName | varName first isUppercase].
    badClassVars := checkedClass classVarNames select:[:varName | varName first isLowercase].

    badInstVars notEmpty ifTrue:[
	badInstVars := (badInstVars collect:[:v | '''' , v , '''']) asStringWith:$, .
	    info:('instVars ' , badInstVars , ' should be lowercase (#checkNameConventions)').
    badClassVars notEmpty ifTrue:[
	badClassVars := (badClassVars collect:[:v | '''' , v , '''']) asStringWith:$, .
	    info:('classVars ' , badClassVars , ' should be uppercase (#checkNameConventions)').

    self instanceVariablesNeverUsedIn:checkedClass theMetaclass.

    self instanceVariablesNeverWrittenIn:checkedClass theMetaclass.

    |cls notUsedHere notUsedAnyWhere anySubclass|

    cls := checkedClass theNonMetaclass.
    notUsedHere := cls classVarNames asSet.
    notUsedHere isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].

    self removeUsedClassVariablesIn:cls from:notUsedHere.
    self removeUsedClassVariablesIn:cls class from:notUsedHere.

    notUsedHere notEmpty ifTrue:[
	notUsedAnyWhere := notUsedHere copy.
	anySubclass := false.
	cls allSubclassesDo:[:eachSubclass |
	    anySubclass := true.
	    notUsedAnyWhere notEmpty ifTrue:[
		self removeUsedClassVariablesIn:eachSubclass from:notUsedAnyWhere.
		self removeUsedClassVariablesIn:eachSubclass class from:notUsedAnyWhere.

	notUsedHere do:[:eachVariable |

	    className := checkedClass name allBold.
		info:('classVar ' , eachVariable allBold , ' is unused in ' , className , ' (#classVariablesNeverUsed)').
	    (notUsedAnyWhere includes:eachVariable) ifTrue:[
		    info:('classVar ' , eachVariable allBold , ' is not even used in subclasses of ' , className , ' (#classVariablesNeverUsed)')

    |cls notWrittenHere notWrittenAnyWhere anySubclass|

    cls := checkedClass theNonMetaclass.
    notWrittenHere := cls classVarNames asSet.
    notWrittenHere isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].

    self removeWrittenClassVariablesIn:cls from:notWrittenHere.
    self removeWrittenClassVariablesIn:cls class from:notWrittenHere.

    notWrittenHere notEmpty ifTrue:[
	notWrittenAnyWhere := notWrittenHere copy.
	anySubclass := false.
	cls allSubclassesDo:[:eachSubclass |
	    anySubclass := true.
	    notWrittenAnyWhere notEmpty ifTrue:[
		self removeWrittenClassVariablesIn:eachSubclass from:notWrittenAnyWhere.
		self removeWrittenClassVariablesIn:eachSubclass class from:notWrittenAnyWhere.

	notWrittenHere do:[:eachVariable |

	    className := cls name allBold.
		info:('classVar ' , eachVariable allBold , ' is not set in ' , className , ' (#classVariablesNeverWritten)').
	    (notWrittenAnyWhere includes:eachVariable) ifTrue:[
		    info:('classVar ' , eachVariable allBold , ' is not even set in subclasses of ' , className , ' (#classVariablesNeverWritten)')

    (checkedClass includesSelector:#=) ifTrue:[
	(checkedClass includesSelector:#hash) ifFalse:[
		info:(checkedClass name allBold, ' redefines #=, but not #hash (#definesEqualButNotHash)').

    self instanceVariablesNeverUsedIn:checkedClass theNonMetaclass.

    self instanceVariablesNeverWrittenIn:checkedClass theNonMetaclass.

    "/ old code: (slow)
"/    checkedClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSelector :method |
"/        (self anySendsOf:mSelector) ifFalse:[
"/            self 
"/                rememberBadMethod:method 
"/                info:('#' , mSelector , ' is nowhere sent (#messageNeverSent)')
"/        ].
"/    ].


    selectorsOfInterest := IdentitySet new.
    checkedClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSelector :method |  selectorsOfInterest add:mSelector].
    (self messagesNeverSentIn:selectorsOfInterest) do:[:eachNeverSent |
	    rememberBadMethod:(checkedClass compiledMethodAt:eachNeverSent) 
	    info:('#' , eachNeverSent allBold, ' is nowhere sent (#messageNeverSent)')

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 22:54:45 / cg"


    selectorsOfInterest := IdentitySet new.
    checkedClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSelector :method |  selectorsOfInterest add:mSelector].
    (self messagesNeverSentAndNotUsedAsSymbolIn:selectorsOfInterest) do:[:eachNeverSent |
	    rememberBadMethod:(checkedClass compiledMethodAt:eachNeverSent) 
	    info:('#' , eachNeverSent allBold, ' is nowhere sent and selector-symbol not used in any method (#messageNeverSentAndNotUsedAsSymbol)')

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 23:10:56 / cg"

    obsoleteWarners isNil ifTrue:[
	obsoleteWarners := Object selectors select:[:each | each startsWith:'obsoleteMethodWarning'].
    allObsoleteMethods isNil ifTrue:[
	allObsoleteMethods := IdentitySet new.
	Method allSubInstancesDo:[:eachMethod | |lits|
		((lits := eachMethod literals) notNil
		and:[lits includesAny:obsoleteWarners]) ifTrue:[
		     (eachMethod messagesSent includesAny:obsoleteWarners) ifTrue:[
			 allObsoleteMethods add:(eachMethod selector).

	"/ manually patchup; there are some which should not be considered as bad ...
	allObsoleteMethods removeAllFoundIn:#( #','  #'at:'  #'at:put:'  #'raise').
	allObsoleteMethods removeAllFoundIn:#( #'asText').
	allObsoleteMethods removeAllFoundIn:obsoleteWarners.

    checkedClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd | 
	|lits sentMessages whichOnes pT searcher nodes|

	((lits := mthd literals) notNil
	and:[lits includesAny:allObsoleteMethods]) ifTrue:[
	    sentMessages := mthd messagesSent.
	    (sentMessages includesAny:allObsoleteMethods) ifTrue:[
		whichOnes := sentMessages select:[:each | allObsoleteMethods includes:each].

		(RBParser notNil
		and:[RBParser isLoaded]) ifTrue:[
		    "/ lets look at this a bit more detailed;
		    "/ parse it and see if we can filter out any messages 
		    "/ (i.e. look if we can figure out the receiver type)

"/                    pT := RBParser 
"/                            parseMethod: (mthd source)
"/                            onError: [:aString :pos | nil].
"/                    pT notNil ifTrue:[
"/                        searcher := ParseTreeSearcher 
"/                                        allMessageSendsMatchingAny:whichOnes ignoreCase:false.
"/                        nodes := searcher executeTree:pT initialAnswer:(OrderedCollection new).
"/                        nodes := nodes 
"/                            select:
"/                                [:aSendNode |
"/                                    self halt.
"/                                ].
"/                        whichOnes := nodes collect:[:aSendNode | aSendNode selector].
"/                    ].

		whichOnes asOrderedCollection sort do:[:eachObsoleteMessage |
			info:('possibly sends an obsolete message: ' , eachObsoleteMessage , ' (#sendsObsoleteMessages)')

    |alreadyChecked alreadyCheckedSelf alreadyCheckedSuper|

    alreadyChecked := IdentitySet new.
    alreadyCheckedSelf := IdentitySet new.
    alreadyCheckedSuper := IdentitySet new.

    checkedClass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:mSelector :method |
	|sentSelectors selfSelectors superSelectors selectorsNoWhereImplemented|

	selectorsNoWhereImplemented := IdentitySet new.
	sentSelectors := method messagesSent.
	sentSelectors do:[:eachSelector |
	    (alreadyChecked includes:eachSelector) ifFalse:[
		(self anyImplementationOf:eachSelector) ifTrue:[
		    alreadyChecked add:eachSelector
		] ifFalse:[
		    selectorsNoWhereImplemented add:eachSelector.
			info:('#' , eachSelector allBold, ' is nowhere implemented (#sentNotImplemented)')

	selfSelectors := method messagesSentToSelf.
	selfSelectors do:[:eachSelector |
	    (selectorsNoWhereImplemented includes:eachSelector) ifFalse:[
		(alreadyCheckedSelf includes:eachSelector) ifFalse:[
		    (self anyImplementationOf:eachSelector inOrAbove:checkedClass) ifTrue:[
			alreadyCheckedSelf add:eachSelector
		    ] ifFalse:[            
			    info:('#' , eachSelector allBold, ' is not implemented in the class (#sentNotImplemented)')
	superSelectors := method messagesSentToSuper.
	superSelectors do:[:eachSelector |
	    (selectorsNoWhereImplemented includes:eachSelector) ifFalse:[
		(alreadyCheckedSuper includes:eachSelector) ifFalse:[
		    (self anyImplementationOf:eachSelector inOrAbove:(checkedClass superclass)) ifTrue:[
			alreadyCheckedSuper add:eachSelector
		    ] ifFalse:[            
			    info:('#' , eachSelector allBold, ' is not implemented in any superclass (#sentNotImplemented)')


    checkedClass allSuperclasses do:[:eachSuperClass |
	eachSuperClass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:mSelector :method |
	    (method referencesLiteral:#subclassResponsibility) ifTrue:[
		"/ parse it to see if it really does ...
		(method sends:#subclassResponsibility) ifTrue:[
		    "/ ok, got one;
		    "/ now, see if it is defined below this superClass
		    classesInBetween := checkedClass withAllSuperclasses copy.
		    classesInBetween removeAll:(eachSuperClass withAllSuperclasses).
		    (self anyImplementationOf:mSelector in:classesInBetween) ifFalse:[
			(self methodShouldBeIgnoredInSubclassResponsibilityNotDefined:method)
				info:(checkedClass name allBold , ' should redefine the #' , mSelector allBold , ' method (#subclassResponsibilityNotDefined)').
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassChecker methodsFor:'helpers'!

    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	(eachClass theNonMetaclass includesSelector:aSelector) ifTrue:[^ true].
	(eachClass theMetaclass includesSelector:aSelector) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

anyImplementationOf:aSelector in:aCollectionOfClasses
    aCollectionOfClasses do:[:eachClass |
	(eachClass includesSelector:aSelector) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

anyImplementationOf:aSelector inOrAbove:aClass
    aClass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:eachClass |
	(eachClass includesSelector:aSelector) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSelector :mthd |
	    (mthd sends:aSelector) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    |mClass mSelector protocol superClass implClass superProtocol|

    mClass := aMethod mclass.
    mSelector := aMethod selector.

    protocol := aMethod category.
    protocol isNil ifTrue: [^true].

    superClass := mClass superclass.
    superClass isNil ifTrue: [^true].

    implClass := superClass whichClassIncludesSelector:mSelector.
    implClass isNil ifTrue: [^true].

    superProtocol := (implClass compiledMethodAt:mSelector) category.
    superProtocol = protocol ifTrue: [^true].
    superProtocol isNil ifTrue: [^true].

	info:('#' , mSelector allBold , ' is classified under "' , protocol allBold , '" in '
	      , mClass name , ' and under "' , superProtocol allBold , '" in ' , implClass name
	      , ' (#checkProtocols)')

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 23:13:53 / cg"

checkUnusedVariables:aMethod rememberReadInstVarsIn:readInstVars writtenInstVarsIn:writtenInstVars readClassVarsIn:readClassVars writtenClassVarsIn:writtenClassVars
    |p mClass sourceString|

    sourceString := aMethod source.

    mClass := aMethod mclass.

    p := Parser parseMethodSilent:sourceString in:mClass.
    readInstVars addAll:(p readInstVars).
    writtenInstVars addAll:(p modifiedInstVars).
    readClassVars addAll:(p readClassVars).
    writtenClassVars addAll:(p modifiedClassVars).

    |notUsedHere notUsedAnyWhere anySubclass|

    notUsedHere := aClass instVarNames asSet.
    notUsedHere isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].

    self removeUsedInstanceVariablesIn:aClass from:notUsedHere.

    notUsedHere notEmpty ifTrue:[
	notUsedAnyWhere := notUsedHere copy.
	anySubclass := false.
	aClass allSubclassesDo:[:eachSubclass |
	    anySubclass := true.
	    notUsedAnyWhere notEmpty ifTrue:[
		self removeUsedInstanceVariablesIn:eachSubclass from:notUsedAnyWhere.

	notUsedHere do:[:eachVariable |

	    className := aClass name allBold.
		info:('instVar ' , eachVariable allBold , ' is unused in ' , className , ' (#instanceVariablesNeverUsed)').

	    anySubclass ifTrue:[
		(notUsedAnyWhere includes:eachVariable) ifTrue:[
			info:('instVar ' , eachVariable allBold , ' is not even used in subclasses of ' , className , ' (#instanceVariablesNeverUsed)')

    |notWrittenHere notWrittenAnyWhere anySubclass|

    notWrittenHere := aClass instVarNames asSet.
    notWrittenHere isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].

    self removeWrittenInstanceVariablesIn:aClass from:notWrittenHere.

    notWrittenHere notEmpty ifTrue:[
	notWrittenAnyWhere := notWrittenHere copy.
	anySubclass := false.
	aClass allSubclassesDo:[:eachSubclass |
	    anySubclass := true.
	    notWrittenAnyWhere notEmpty ifTrue:[
		self removeWrittenInstanceVariablesIn:eachSubclass from:notWrittenAnyWhere.

	notWrittenHere do:[:eachVariable |

	    className := aClass name allBold.
		info:('instVar ' , eachVariable allBold , ' is nowhere set in ' , className , ' (#instanceVariablesNeverWritten)').
	    anySubclass ifTrue:[
		(notWrittenAnyWhere includes:eachVariable) ifTrue:[
			info:('instVar ' , eachVariable allBold , ' is not even set in subclasses of ' , className , ' (#instanceVariablesNeverWritten)')

    |remaining toRemove checkBlock|

    remaining := selectorsOfInterest copy asIdentitySet.
    toRemove := IdentitySet new.

    checkBlock := [:eachClass |
	eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSel :mthd | |lits|
	    lits := mthd literals.
	    lits notNil ifTrue:[
		lits traverse:[:eachLiteral |
		    eachLiteral isSymbol ifTrue:[        
			remaining remove:eachLiteral ifAbsent:nil.
		remaining isEmpty ifTrue:[^ remaining].

    "/ start searching in the checkedClass - chances are high, we find some here
    checkBlock value:checkedClass.
    checkedClass superclass notNil ifTrue:[checkBlock value:checkedClass superclass].
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:checkBlock.

    ^ remaining

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 23:05:53 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 23:06:55 / cg"


    remaining := selectorsOfInterest copy.
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSelector :mthd | |lits|
	    lits := mthd literals.
	    lits notNil ifTrue:[
		(lits includesAny:remaining) ifTrue:[
		    remaining removeAllFoundIn:(mthd messagesSent).
		    remaining isEmpty ifTrue:[^ remaining].
    ^ remaining

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 22:53:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 22:56:59 / cg"

    "a kludge for now - would like to have a pragma, resource or other
     way to mark such a method"

    aMethod == (Object compiledMethodAt:#implementedBySubclass) ifTrue:[^ true].
    aMethod == (Object compiledMethodAt:#readBinaryContentsFromData:manager:) ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false.

rememberBadClass:class info:whatIsWrong

    badClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	badClasses := IdentitySet new.
    badClasses add:class.

    badClassInfo isNil ifTrue:[
	badClassInfo := IdentityDictionary new.
    entry := badClassInfo at:class ifAbsentPut:[ OrderedCollection new ].
    entry add:whatIsWrong.

rememberBadMethod:method key:key info:whatIsWrong

    badMethods isNil ifTrue:[
	badMethods := Set new.
    (badMethods includes:(method -> key)) ifTrue:[^ self].

    badMethods add:(method -> key).

    badMethodInfo isNil ifTrue:[
	badMethodInfo := IdentityDictionary new.
    entry := badMethodInfo at:method ifAbsentPut:[ OrderedCollection new ].
    entry add:whatIsWrong.

rememberBadMethods:methods key:key info:whatIsWrong
    methods do:[:eachMethod |  
	self rememberBadMethod:eachMethod key:key info:whatIsWrong

removeUsedClassVariablesIn:aClass from:aCollectionOfVariablenames
    aClass selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSelector :method |
	|src usedVars parser|

	src := method source.
	src notNil ifTrue:[
	    parser := Parser

	    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
		aCollectionOfVariablenames removeAllFoundIn:(parser usedClassVars).
		aCollectionOfVariablenames isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].

removeUsedInstanceVariablesIn:aClass from:aCollectionOfVariablenames
    aClass selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSelector :method |
	|src usedVars parser|

	src := method source.
	src notNil ifTrue:[
	    parser := Parser

	    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
		aCollectionOfVariablenames removeAllFoundIn:(parser usedInstVars).
		aCollectionOfVariablenames isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].

removeWrittenClassVariablesIn:aClass from:aCollectionOfVariablenames
    aClass selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSelector :method |
	|src usedVars parser|

	src := method source.
	src notNil ifTrue:[
	    parser := Parser

	    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
		aCollectionOfVariablenames removeAllFoundIn:(parser modifiedClassVars).
		aCollectionOfVariablenames isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].

removeWrittenInstanceVariablesIn:aClass from:aCollectionOfVariablenames
    aClass selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:mSelector :method |
	|src usedVars parser|

	src := method source.
	src notNil ifTrue:[
	    parser := Parser

	    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
		aCollectionOfVariablenames removeAllFoundIn:(parser modifiedInstVars).
		aCollectionOfVariablenames isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassGeneratorList class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::ClassGeneratorList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassGeneratorList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassGeneratorList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'OrganizerList'
	  #name: 'OrganizerList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 312 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'List'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #organizerSelection
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #isMultiSelect: true
	      #valueChangeSelector: #selectionChangedByClick
	      #useIndex: true
	      #sequenceList: #organizerList
	      #doubleClickChannel: #doubleClickChannel

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:12:20 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassGeneratorList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    categoryList isNil ifTrue:[
	categoryList := ValueHolder new.
    ^ categoryList


    namespaceList isNil ifTrue:[
	namespaceList := ValueHolder new
    ^ namespaceList

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:59:01 / cg"

    projectList isNil ifTrue:[
	projectList := ValueHolder new
    ^ projectList

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:39:32 / cg"


    selectedCategories isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedCategories := ValueHolder new.
	selectedCategories addDependent:self
    ^ selectedCategories.



    prevSelection := selectedCategories value ? #().

    selectedCategories notNil ifTrue:[
	selectedCategories removeDependent:self
    selectedCategories := aValueHolder.
    selectedCategories notNil ifTrue:[
	selectedCategories addDependent:self
    (selectedCategories value ? #()) ~= prevSelection ifTrue:[
	"/ update
	self update:#value with:nil from:selectedCategories


    selectedClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedClasses := ValueHolder new.
    ^ selectedClasses.

"/    selectedClasses notNil ifTrue:[
"/        selectedClasses removeDependent:self
"/    ].
    selectedClasses := aValueHolder.
"/    selectedClasses notNil ifTrue:[
"/        selectedClasses addDependent:self
"/    ].

    selectedNamespaces isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedNamespaces := ValueHolder new.
	selectedNamespaces addDependent:self
    ^ selectedNamespaces.



    prevSelection := selectedNamespaces value ? #().

    selectedNamespaces notNil ifTrue:[
	selectedNamespaces removeDependent:self
    selectedNamespaces := aValueHolder.
    selectedNamespaces notNil ifTrue:[
	selectedNamespaces addDependent:self
    (selectedNamespaces value ? #()) ~= prevSelection ifTrue:[
	"/ update
	self update:#value with:nil from:selectedNamespaces


    selectedProjects isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedProjects := ValueHolder new.
	selectedProjects addDependent:self
    ^ selectedProjects.



    prevSelection := selectedProjects value ? #().

    selectedProjects notNil ifTrue:[
	selectedProjects removeDependent:self
    selectedProjects := aValueHolder.
    selectedProjects notNil ifTrue:[
	selectedProjects addDependent:self
    (selectedProjects value ? #()) ~= prevSelection ifTrue:[
	"/ update
	self update:#value with:nil from:selectedProjects

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassGeneratorList methodsFor:'aspects-private'!

    organizerList isNil ifTrue:[
	organizerList := ValueHolder new.
    ^ organizerList

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassGeneratorList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |cls sel pkg mthd|

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	organizerMode value == #category ifTrue:[
	    something == #organization ifTrue:[
		self updateList.
		^ self
	    something == #newClass ifTrue:[
		self updateList.
		^ self
	    something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
"/ self halt:'debug halt'.
	    ^ self.
	organizerMode value == #namespace ifTrue:[
	    something == #newClass ifTrue:[
		aParameter isNameSpace ifTrue:[
		    self updateList
		^ self
	    something == #classRemove ifTrue:[
		aParameter isNameSpace ifTrue:[
		    self updateList
		^ self
"/ self halt:'debug halt'.
	    ^ self
	organizerMode value == #project ifTrue:[
	    something == #projectOrganization ifTrue:[
		self updateList.
		^ self
	    something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
		cls := aParameter at:1.
		sel := aParameter at:2.
		mthd := cls compiledMethodAt:sel.
		pkg := mthd package.
		(projectList value includes:pkg) ifFalse:[
		    self halt:'debug-halt. remove when known to work'.
		    self updateList.
		    ^ self
		^ self
	    (something == #classDefinition
	    or:[something == #newClass]) ifTrue:[
		cls := aParameter.
		pkg := cls package.
		(projectList value includes:pkg) ifFalse:[
		    self halt:'debug-halt. remove when known to work'.
		    self updateList.
		    ^ self
		^ self
"/    self halt.
	    ^ self
	^ self
    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 21:32:03 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 21:35:23 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassGeneratorList methodsFor:'private'!

    |generator theList|

    theList := Set new.
    generator := inGeneratorHolder value.
    generator isNil ifTrue:[^ #() ].
    generator do:[:prj | theList add:prj].
    theList := theList asOrderedCollection sort.
    theList addFirst:(self class nameListEntryForALL).
    ^ theList

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 21:24:26 / cg"

    |categories hideUnloadedClasses|

    inGeneratorHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self listFromInGenerator

    hideUnloadedClasses := self hideUnloadedClasses value.

    categories := Set new.
    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
	(hideUnloadedClasses not or:[cls isLoaded])
	    categories add:cls category.

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ remove those that are present ...
	AdditionalEmptyCategories := AdditionalEmptyCategories select:[:cat | (categories includes:cat) not].
	categories addAll:AdditionalEmptyCategories.
    categories := categories asOrderedCollection.
    categories sort.
    categories addFirst:(self class nameListEntryForALL).
    ^ categories

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 21:26:04 / cg"

    |allNamespaces showAllNamespaces|

    inGeneratorHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self listFromInGenerator

showAllNamespaces := true.

    allNamespaces := IdentitySet new.

    (self hideUnloadedClasses value) ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	    eachClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
		allNamespaces add:(eachClass theNonMetaclass topNameSpace)
    ] ifFalse:[
	allNamespaces := NameSpace allNamespaces.

    showAllNamespaces ifFalse:[
	"/ only topLevel namespaces are shown
	"/ i.e. ignore subspaces 

	allNamespaces := allNamespaces select:[:ns | ns isTopLevelNameSpace].
    allNamespaces := allNamespaces collect:[:ns | ns name].
    allNamespaces := allNamespaces asOrderedCollection.
    allNamespaces sort.
    allNamespaces addFirst:(self class nameListEntryForALL).
    ^ allNamespaces

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 21:21:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 21:26:41 / cg"


    inGeneratorHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self listFromInGenerator

    allProjects := IdentitySet new.

    (self hideUnloadedClasses value) ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
	    |cls pkg|

	    eachClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
		cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
		cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
		    cls := cls topOwningClass
		pkg := cls package.
		pkg withoutSeparators size > 0 ifTrue:[
		    allProjects add:pkg asSymbol.
		] ifFalse:[
		    "/ for now, nameSpaces are not in any package;
		    "/ this might change. Then, 0-sized packages are
		    "/ illegal, abd the following should be enabled.
		    "/ self halt
		cls methodDictionary do:[:mthd |
		    allProjects add:mthd package asSymbol.
	allProjects := allProjects asOrderedCollection.
    ] ifFalse:[
	allProjects := NewSystemBrowser allProjectsIDs.

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty projects do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyProjects size > 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ remove those that are present ...
	AdditionalEmptyProjects := AdditionalEmptyProjects select:[:pkg | (allProjects includes:pkg) not].
	allProjects addAll:AdditionalEmptyProjects.
    allProjects sort.
    allProjects addFirst:(self class nameListEntryForALL).
    ^ allProjects

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 21:22:06 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 21:27:27 / cg"

    Smalltalk addDependent:self


    Smalltalk removeDependent:self.


    super release.

    selectedCategories removeDependent:self.
    selectedNamespaces removeDependent:self.
    selectedProjects removeDependent:self.


    newList := self listOfCategories.
    newList ~= self categoryList value ifTrue:[
	categoryList value:newList.
	self organizerList value:newList.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 21:12:32 / cg"


    orgMode := self organizerMode value.
    orgMode == #category ifTrue:[
	self updateCategoryList.
	^ self
    orgMode == #project ifTrue:[
	self updateProjectList.
	^ self
    orgMode == #namespace ifTrue:[
	self updateNamespaceList.
	^ self
    self halt:'unexpected value'.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:13 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 21:14:19 / cg"


    newList := self listOfNamespaces.
    newList ~= self nameSpaceList value ifTrue:[
	namespaceList value:newList.
	self organizerList value:newList.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 21:13:16 / cg"


    newList := self listOfProjects.
    newList ~= self projectList value ifTrue:[
	projectList value:newList.
	self organizerList value:newList.

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 21:12:57 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassList class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    embeddable application displaying the classes as listed by
    the inputGenerator.
    Provides an outputGenerator, which enumerates the classes and
    their protocols (method-categories) in the selected classes.

	Claus Gittinger (

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassList class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::ClassList andSelector:#singleClassWindowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassList new openInterface:#singleClassWindowSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'ClassList'
	  #name: 'ClassList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 312 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #label: 'ClassName'
	      #name: 'ClassLabel'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
	      #translateLabel: true
	      #labelChannel: #classLabelHolder
	      #menu: #menuHolder
"/           #(#UISubSpecification
"/              #name: 'MetaToggleSpec'
"/              #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -25 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
"/              #minorKey: #metaSpec
"/            )

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::ClassList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'ClassList'
	  #name: 'ClassList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 316 346)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'List'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #selectedClassNameIndices
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #isMultiSelect: true
	      #valueChangeSelector: #selectionChangedByClick
	      #useIndex: true
	      #sequenceList: #classNameList
	      #doubleClickChannel: #doubleClickChannel
		#dragArgument: nil
		#dropArgument: nil
		#canDropSelector: #canDrop:
		#dropSelector: #doDrop:
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassList class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(
	#(#doubleClickChannel #action )

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 18:49:08 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassList methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'markApplications' (automatically generated)"

    ^ self markApplicationsHolder value

    "Created: / 3.11.2001 / 14:06:19 / cg"

    "set the value of the instance variable 'markApplications' (automatically generated)"

    self markApplicationsHolder value:something.

    "Created: / 3.11.2001 / 14:06:25 / cg"

    "return the value of the instance variable 'unloadedClassesColor' (automatically generated)"

    ^ unloadedClassesColor

    "set the value of the instance variable 'unloadedClassesColor' (automatically generated)"

    unloadedClassesColor := something.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    ^ self pseudoListLabelHolder

    classList isNil ifTrue:[
	classList := ValueHolder new.
    ^ classList

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 02:21:07 / cg"

    classNameList isNil ifTrue:[
	classNameList := ValueHolder new
    ^ classNameList

    currentNamespace notNil ifTrue:[
	currentNamespace removeDependent:self
    currentNamespace := aValueHolder.
    currentNamespace notNil ifTrue:[
	currentNamespace isBehavior ifTrue:[self halt:'should not happen'].
	currentNamespace addDependent:self

    "Modified: / 4.2.2000 / 23:34:28 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 21:37:57 / cg"

    self halt:'should not happen'.

    hidePrivateClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	hidePrivateClasses := false asValue.
	hidePrivateClasses addDependent:self.
    ^ hidePrivateClasses.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 15:06:44 / cg"

    hidePrivateClasses notNil ifTrue:[
	hidePrivateClasses removeDependent:self
    hidePrivateClasses := aValueHolder.
    hidePrivateClasses notNil ifTrue:[
	hidePrivateClasses addDependent:self

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 15:06:46 / cg"

    markApplicationsHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	markApplicationsHolder := true asValue.
	markApplicationsHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ markApplicationsHolder.

    markApplicationsHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	markApplicationsHolder removeDependent:self
    markApplicationsHolder := aValueHolder.
    markApplicationsHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	markApplicationsHolder addDependent:self

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 15:06:46 / cg"

    meta isNil ifTrue:[
	meta := false asValue.
	meta addDependent:self
    ^ meta

    "Modified: / 31.1.2000 / 01:19:59 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:16 / cg"

"/ (aValueHolder == true or:[aValueHolder == false]) ifTrue:[self halt].

    meta notNil ifTrue:[
	meta removeDependent:self
    meta := aValueHolder.
    meta notNil ifTrue:[
	meta addDependent:self

    selectedClassNameIndices isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedClassNameIndices := #() asValue.
	selectedClassNameIndices addDependent:self
    ^ selectedClassNameIndices.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 21:31:48 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 21:43:02 / cg"

    ^ self selectionHolder


    ^ self selectionHolder:aValueHolder


    showClassPackages isNil ifTrue:[
	showClassPackages := false asValue.
	showClassPackages addDependent:self.
    ^ showClassPackages.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 15:06:44 / cg"

    showClassPackages notNil ifTrue:[
	showClassPackages removeDependent:self
    showClassPackages := aValueHolder.
    showClassPackages notNil ifTrue:[
	showClassPackages addDependent:self
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassList methodsFor:'change & update'!


    listValid ifFalse:[^ self].

    slaveMode value == true ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^ self.
    self slaveMode value isNil ifTrue:[
	self window shown ifFalse:[
	    self invalidateList.
	    ^ self

    aClassOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
	self halt:'should not happen'.

    "/ if that class is in my list ...
    ((self classList value ? #()) contains:[:cls | cls notNil and:[cls theNonMetaclass name = aClassOrNil theNonMetaclass name]])
	self updateClassListFor:aClassOrNil.
	"/ force update
	self selectedClassNameIndices value:(self selectedClassNameIndices value).

	((self selectedClasses value ? #()) contains:[:cls | cls notNil ifTrue:[cls theNonMetaclass name = aClassOrNil theNonMetaclass name] ifFalse:[false]]) 
	    self updateOutputGenerator
    ] ifFalse:[
	self invalidateList

    "Modified: / 29.2.2000 / 00:15:23 / cg"


    list := self classList value.
    list notNil ifTrue:[
	(list includesIdentical:aClass) ifTrue:[
	    self invalidateList.

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 23:53:51 / cg"

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |cls classes chgClass wg|

    classes := self classList value ? #().

    self inSlaveModeOrInvisible ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^ self.

"/    (self slaveMode value == true) ifTrue:[^ self].
"/    self slaveMode value isNil ifTrue:[
"/        self window shown ifFalse:[
"/            self invalidateList.
"/            ^ self
"/        ].
"/    ].

    changedObject == slaveMode ifTrue:[
	listValid ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateList.
	self enqueueDelayedClassSelectionChanged.
	^  self

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
	    ^ self "no interest" 
	something == #methodInClassRemoved ifTrue:[
	    "/ must update the list, if the methods package is different from
	    "/ the classes package (to undo any has-exension highlighting)
	    cls := aParameter first.
	    self updateClassListFor:cls.
	    ^ self 
	something == #organization ifTrue:[^ self "no interest" ].    

	(something == #classDefinition 
	or:[something == #classVariables
	or:[something == #newClass]]) ifTrue:[
	    "/ update that class in my classList and the selection
	    listValid ifTrue:[
		self classDefinitionChanged:aParameter.
	    ^ self.
	(something == #lastTestRunResult) ifTrue:[
	    "/ update that class in my classList and the selection
	    listValid ifTrue:[
		self updateClassListFor:aParameter.
		"/ self classDefinitionChanged:aParameter.
	    ^ self.
	something == #classRemove ifTrue:[
	    "/ update my classList and the selection
	    self classRemoved:aParameter.
	    ^ self.
	something == #classRename ifTrue:[
	    "/ update that class in my classList and the selection
	    listValid ifTrue:[
		aParameter isArray ifTrue:[
		    cls := aParameter at:1.
		    self classDefinitionChanged:cls.
	    ^ self.

	something == #projectOrganization ifTrue:[
	    aParameter isNil ifTrue:[
		self invalidateList.
		organizerMode value == #project ifTrue:[
		    self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator.
		^ self

	    cls := aParameter at:1.
	    cls notNil ifTrue:[  "/ should not happen (but does occasionally)
		((classes includes:cls theMetaclass)
		or:[(classes includes:cls theNonMetaclass)]) ifTrue:[
		    self invalidateList.
		    organizerMode value == #project ifTrue:[
			self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator.
	    ^ self
	^ self.

    (something == #lastTestRunResult) ifTrue:[
	^ self

    changedObject == ChangeSet ifTrue:[
	wg := self windowGroup.
	wg isNil ifTrue:[
	    changedObject removeDependent:self.
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ react on changes of the changeSet to recolorize items
	    something == #addChange: ifTrue:[
		chgClass := aParameter changeClass.
		chgClass notNil ifTrue:[
		    ((classes includes:chgClass theNonMetaclass) 
		    or:[classes includes:chgClass theMetaclass]) ifTrue:[
			"/ remove all other addChange notifications ...
			wg sensor 
			    where:[:ev | ev isMessageSendEvent 
					 and:[ev selector == #delayedUpdate:with:from:
					 and:[(ev arguments at:3) == ChangeSet]]].
			self reconstructNameList.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		"/ remove all other ChangeSet notifications ...
		wg sensor 
		    where:[:ev | ev isMessageSendEvent 
				 and:[ev selector == #delayedUpdate:with:from:
				 and:[(ev arguments at:3) == ChangeSet]]].
		self reconstructNameList.
	^ self 

    changedObject == self selectedClasses ifTrue:[
	slaveMode value ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    listValid == true ifFalse:[
		self updateList
	    self selectedClassesChanged.
	    self updateOutputGenerator.
	] ifFalse:[
	    listValid := false.
	^ self 

    (changedObject == meta 
    or:[changedObject == selectedClassNameIndices]) ifTrue:[
	self selectionChanged.
	^ self
    changedObject == showClassPackages ifTrue:[
	self classNameList value:nil.
	self invalidateList.
	^ self 

    (changedObject == hideUnloadedClasses
    or:[changedObject == hidePrivateClasses
    or:[changedObject == nameSpaceFilter
    or:[changedObject == packageFilter]]]) ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^ self 

    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Modified: / 13.11.2001 / 11:32:10 / cg"

    (NewSystemBrowser synchronousUpdate == true
    or:[ immediateUpdate value == true ])
	self selectedClassesChanged.
	^ self.

    self enqueueMessage:#selectedClassesChanged for:self arguments:#()

    "the class selection has changed;
     return a collection of selection-indices"

    |classes selectedClasses numSelected|

    classes := self classList value.
    selectedClasses := self selectedClasses value.

    numSelected := selectedClasses size.
    numSelected == 0 ifTrue:[
	^ #()

    numSelected == classes size ifTrue:[
	"/ all selected - easy
	^ (1 to:numSelected) asOrderedCollection
    meta value ifTrue:[
	classes := classes collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theMetaclass].

    classes := selectedClasses collect:[:aSelectedClass | classes identityIndexOf:aSelectedClass.].
    classes := classes select:[:idx | idx ~= 0].
    ^ classes

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 19:47:52 / cg"

    "the selection-index collection has changed;
     return a collection of corresponding classes"

    |selected classes allEntrySelected isMeta anyLost selectedClassNameIndices|

    allEntrySelected := false.

    classes := classList value.
    isMeta := meta value.
    anyLost := false.

    selectedClassNameIndices := self selectedClassNameIndices value.
    selectedClassNameIndices size == classes size ifTrue:[
	selectedClassNameIndices size == 0 ifTrue:[^ #()].
	isMeta ifTrue:[
	    ^ classes collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theMetaclass].
	^ classes collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass].

    selected := selectedClassNameIndices 
		    collect:[:idx |

				cls := classes at:idx.
				cls == (self class nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
				    allEntrySelected := true.
				] ifFalse:[
				    cls notNil ifTrue:[
					isMeta ifTrue:[
					    cls := cls theMetaclass
					] ifFalse:[
					    cls := cls theNonMetaclass
				    ] ifFalse:[
					anyLost := true
    anyLost ifTrue:[
	selected := selected select:[:each | each notNil].

"/    allEntrySelected ifTrue:[
"/        selected := classList value select:[:cls | cls ~~ AllEntry].
"/        meta value ifTrue:[
"/            selected := selected collect:[:cls | cls theMetaclass].
"/        ] ifFalse:[
"/            selected := selected collect:[:cls | cls theNonMetaclass].
"/        ].
"/    ].

    ^ selected.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 19:43:37 / cg"

    |indices selectedClassNameIndicesHolder|

    self classList value size == 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ this may happen during early startup, 
	"/ when invoked with a preset classSelection,
	"/ and the classGenerator has not yet been setup
	"/ to not clobber the selection, defer the update
	"/ until the classList arrives ...
	^ self
    "/ lastSelectedClasses := self selectedClasses value copy.

    indices := self getSelectedClassIndicesFromClasses. 
    selectedClassNameIndicesHolder := self selectedClassNameIndices.
    selectedClassNameIndicesHolder value ~= indices ifTrue:[
	"/ in slaveMode, do not update selectedClasses from indices
	true "slaveMode value" ifTrue:[
	    selectedClassNameIndicesHolder value:indices withoutNotifying:self
	] ifFalse:[
	    selectedClassNameIndicesHolder value:indices.

    "Created: / 13.2.2000 / 22:18:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 19:48:56 / cg"

    "the lists selection has changed. Since the list uses indices,
     update the corresponding selectedClasses collection"

    |selected prevSelection selectedClassesHolder|

    selectedClassesHolder := self selectedClasses.
"/    lastSelectedClasses := selectedClassesHolder value copy.

    selected := self getSelectedClassesFromIndices.

    prevSelection := selectedClassesHolder value ? #().

    "/ to allow reselect, change my valueHolder, even if the same collection

    prevSelection ~= selected ifTrue:[
	selectedClassesHolder value:selected.
"/    ] ifFalse:[
"/        selectedClassesHolder value:selected withoutNotifying:self

"/    (selectedClassesHolder value = lastSelectedClasses 
"/    and:[lastSelectedClasses size == 1]) ifTrue:[
"/        "/ thats a kludge - we want to turn off the protocol selection,
"/        "/ when a class is reselected.
"/        (masterApplication notNil
"/        and:[(mm := masterApplication masterApplication) notNil
"/        and:[mm respondsTo:#selectedProtocols]]) ifTrue:[
"/            mm selectedProtocols value:#()
"/        ].
"/    ].

    "we are not interested in that - get another notification
     via the changed valueHolder"

    |selected master|

    selected := self getSelectedClassesFromIndices.
    (selected = lastSelectedClasses and:[selected size == 1])
	"/ thats a kludge - we want to turn off the protocol selection,
	"/ when a class is reselected.

	masterApplication notNil ifTrue:[
	    master := masterApplication.
	    masterApplication masterApplication notNil ifTrue:[
		master := masterApplication masterApplication.
	    (master respondsTo:#classReselected) ifTrue:[
		master classReselected.
    ] ifFalse:[
	lastSelectedClasses := selected copy.

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |cls newMethod oldMethod idx classListValue|

    self slaveMode value == true ifTrue:[
	something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
	something == #addChange:    ifTrue:[ self invalidateList. ^ self ].
"/    self window sensor isNil ifTrue:[
"/        "/ not visible ...
"/        self invalidateList.
"/        ^ self
"/    ].

    classListValue := classList value.

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	something == #classComment ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
	something == #methodDictionary ifTrue:[
	    ^ self 
	something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #methodInClassRemoved ifTrue:[
	    cls := aParameter at:1.
	    cls notNil ifTrue:[
		classListValue size > 0 ifTrue:[
		    ((classListValue includesIdentical:cls theNonMetaclass)
		    or:[(classListValue includesIdentical:cls theMetaclass)]) ifTrue:[
			self enqueueDelayedUpdateList
	    ^ self

	something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
	    cls := aParameter at:1.
	    cls notNil ifTrue:[
		classListValue size > 0 ifTrue:[
		    ((classListValue includesIdentical:cls theNonMetaclass)
		    or:[(classListValue includesIdentical:cls theMetaclass)]) ifTrue:[
			newMethod := cls compiledMethodAt:(aParameter at:2).
			oldMethod := aParameter at:3.
			((oldMethod isNil
			    and:[newMethod package ~= cls package])
			or:[oldMethod notNil
			    and:[newMethod package ~= oldMethod package]])
			    "/ must update the list (for the package-info)
			    self enqueueDelayedUpdateList
	    ^ self

	"/ kludge: must be careful if my inGenerator is a constant list.
	"/ in that case, I have to update it 
	"/ (sigh - all a consequence of not #becoming the new class)
	something == #classDefinition ifTrue:[
	    inGeneratorHolder value isOrderedCollection ifTrue:[
		idx := inGeneratorHolder value findFirst:[:eachClass | eachClass name = aParameter theNonMetaclass name].
		idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
		    inGeneratorHolder value at:idx put:aParameter.
		    self updateClassListFor:aParameter.
		    "/ self enqueueDelayedUpdateList.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		classListValue size > 0 ifTrue:[
		    idx := classListValue findFirst:[:eachClass | eachClass name = aParameter theNonMetaclass name].
		    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
			listValid ifTrue:[
			    self classDefinitionChanged:aParameter.
			    ^ self.

    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Modified: / 20.11.2001 / 21:54:56 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassList methodsFor:'drag & drop'!

    |methods cls|

    methods := aDropContext dropObjects collect:[:obj | obj theObject].

    (methods contains:[:aMethod | aMethod isMethod not]) ifTrue:[^ false].

    cls := self classAtTargetPointOf:aDropContext.

    (methods contains:[:aMethod | aMethod mclass ~= cls]) ifFalse:[^ false].

    ^ true

    |p classListView lineNr cls|

    p := aDropContext targetPoint.

    classListView := aDropContext targetWidget.

    lineNr := classListView lineAtY:p y.
    lineNr isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    cls := classList value at:lineNr.
    ^ cls

    |cls methods|

    methods := aDropContext dropObjects collect:[:aDropObject | aDropObject theObject].
    (methods contains:[:something | something isMethod not]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    cls := self classAtTargetPointOf:aDropContext.
    methods first mclass isMeta ifTrue:[
	cls := cls theMetaclass

    cls notNil ifTrue:[
	self masterApplication moveMethods:methods toClass:cls.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassList methodsFor:'generators'!

    "return a generator which enumerates the method categories from the selected class;
     that generator generates 2-element elements (includes the class), in order
     to make the consumers only depend on one input (i.e. no need for another
     classHolder in the methodList)."

    ^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
			|allEntry classes cls already anyMethod packages classIsInPackage|

			allEntry := self class nameListEntryForALL.

			classes := self selectedClasses value ? #().
			packages := packageFilter value value.
			(packages notNil and:[packages includes:allEntry]) ifTrue:[packages := nil].

			classes do:[:cls |
			    (cls notNil and:[cls ~~ allEntry]) ifTrue:[
				anyMethod := false.
				classIsInPackage := packages isNil or:[packages includes:cls package].

				cls theNonMetaclass isJavaClass ifTrue:[
				    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
					whatToDo value:cls theNonMetaclass value:(self class nameListEntryForStatic).
				    ] ifFalse:[
					whatToDo value:cls value:(self class nameListEntryForNonStatic).
				] ifFalse:[
				    cls supportsMethodCategories ifTrue:[
					already := Set new.
					cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |

					    cat := mthd category.
					    (already includes:cat) ifFalse:[
						or:[packages isNil
						or:[packages includes:mthd package]])
						    already add:cat.
						    whatToDo value:cls value:cat.
				    ] ifFalse:[
					whatToDo value:cls value:(self class nameListEntryForNILCategory).

				anyMethod ifFalse:[
				    "/ tell the one below, which classes are seen here,
				    "/ (even if no method is present)
				    "/ to allow him to decide if the className is to be shown in the list
				    whatToDo value:cls value:nil.

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 23:18:26 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassList methodsFor:'private'!

    |classesAlready classesOrdered generator nameSpaceFilter packageFilter allName hidePrivate

    allName := self class nameListEntryForALL.
    nameSpaceFilter := self nameSpaceFilter value.
    nameSpaceFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	(nameSpaceFilter includes:allName) ifTrue:[nameSpaceFilter := nil].
    packageFilter := self packageFilter value.
    packageFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	(packageFilter includes:allName) ifTrue:[packageFilter := nil].

    inGeneratorHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ for standAlone testing
	generator := Smalltalk allClasses.
	(self hideUnloadedClasses value) ifTrue:[
	    generator := generator select:[:cls | cls isLoaded]
    ] ifFalse:[
	generator := inGeneratorHolder value.
	generator isNil ifTrue:[^ #() ].

    classesAlready := IdentitySet new.
    classesOrdered := OrderedCollection new.
    hidePrivate := self hidePrivateClasses value.

    privateClassesPerClass := IdentityDictionary new.

    generator do:[:cls | 
	|owner bucket|

	(hidePrivate not or:[cls isPrivate not])
	    (nameSpaceFilter isNil
	    or:[self isClass:cls shownWithNameSpaceFilter:nameSpaceFilter]) ifTrue:[
		(packageFilter isNil
		or:[self isClass:cls shownWithPackageFilter:packageFilter]) ifTrue:[
		    (classesAlready includes:cls) ifFalse:[
			classesAlready add:cls.
			(owner := cls owningClass) notNil ifTrue:[
			    bucket := privateClassesPerClass at:owner ifAbsentPut:[SortedCollection new sortBlock:[:a :b | a name < b name] ].
			    bucket add:cls.
			] ifFalse:[
			    classesOrdered add:cls.

    classesOrdered size == 1 ifTrue:[
	self classLabelHolder value:(classesOrdered first name)
    ] ifFalse:[
"/        self classLabelHolder value:(classes size printString , ' classes').
	sortBy value ~~ #doNotSort ifTrue:[
	    classesOrdered sort:[:a :b | a name < b name].

    privateClassesPerClass notEmpty ifTrue:[
	|stream action|

	stream := WriteStream on:(Array new).

	action := [:eachClass |

		stream nextPut:eachClass.
		bucket := privateClassesPerClass at:eachClass ifAbsent:nil.
		bucket notNil ifTrue:[
		    bucket do:action.

	classesOrdered do:action.
	classesOrdered := stream contents.

"/ does not work (yet)
"/    classes addFirst:AllEntry.
    ^ classesOrdered

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:34:10 / cg"

    Smalltalk addDependent:self.
    ChangeSet addDependent:self.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:17 / cg"

    Smalltalk removeDependent:self.
    ChangeSet removeDependent:self.

nameListEntryFor:aClass withNameSpace:useFullName
    |nm indent index owner orgMode indentString javaPackage|

    aClass == (self class nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[ ^ aClass ].

    nm := aClass nameInBrowser.
    aClass isLoaded ifFalse:[
	unloadedClassesColor notNil ifTrue:[
	    nm := nm asText emphasizeAllWith:(#color->unloadedClassesColor)

    orgMode := organizerMode value.
    orgMode == #hierarchy ifTrue:[
	"/ always show the full name
	^ nm
    orgMode == #classHierarchy ifTrue:[
	"/ always show the full name
	^ nm

    aClass isJavaClass ifTrue:[
	"/ only show the last name, unless multiple packages are shown in the list
	javaPackage := aClass package.
	(self classList value contains:[:cls | cls package ~= javaPackage]) ifTrue:[
	    ^ nm 
	^ aClass lastName

    useFullName ifFalse:[
	aClass isPrivate ifFalse:[
	    ^ aClass nameWithoutNameSpacePrefix 

    "/ full name required if owner is not in the list
    owner := aClass owningClass.
    (owner isNil
    or:[(self classList value includesIdentical:owner) not]) ifTrue:[
	^ nm

    "/ namespace
    indent := 0.
    index := 1.
    [(index := nm indexOf:$: startingAt:index) ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
	indent := indent + 1.
	index := index + 2.
    indent == 0 ifFalse:[
	indent <= 5 ifTrue:[
	    indentString := #(
			 '  '
			 '    '
			 '      '
			 '        '
			 '          '
		       ) at:indent+1.
	] ifFalse:[
	    indentString := String new:indent*2 withAll:Character space.
	nm := indentString , '::' , aClass nameWithoutPrefix
    ^ nm

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 17:52:28 / cg"

    "only reconstruct the names - class list & selection remains
     unschanged. Invoked when the organizerMode mode changes"

    |orgMode namespaces showNamespaces fullNameList nameList
     filteredPackages filteredNameSpaces classesInCangeSet|

    showNamespaces := false.

    filteredNameSpaces := nameSpaceFilter value.
    (filteredNameSpaces isNil 
    and:[self organizerMode value ~~ #namespace]) ifTrue:[
	showNamespaces := true.       "/ if no filter, always show the namespace.
    ] ifFalse:[
	(filteredNameSpaces size > 1 
	or:[(filteredNameSpaces size > 0)
	    and:[filteredNameSpaces includes:(self class nameListEntryForALL)]]) ifTrue:[
	    showNamespaces := true
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ if there are classes from multiple namespaces,
	    "/ show the full name

	    namespaces := IdentitySet new.
	    fullNameList := OrderedCollection new.

		do:[:cls | |nm|
		    nm := cls nameInBrowser.
		    fullNameList add:nm.
		    namespaces add:cls topNameSpace.
	    showNamespaces := namespaces size > 1

    orgMode := organizerMode value.
    filteredPackages := packageFilter value value.

    classesInCangeSet := ChangeSet current changedClasses.
    classesInCangeSet := classesInCangeSet collect:[:each | each theNonMetaclass].

    nameList := aClassList 
		    collect:[:cls | 

			    |nm pkg emPkg hasExtensions isInChangeSet icon|

			    isInChangeSet := classesInCangeSet includes:cls theNonMetaclass.

			    nm := self nameListEntryFor:cls withNameSpace:showNamespaces.
			    isInChangeSet ifTrue:[
				nm := self emphasizeForChangedCode:nm

			    pkg := cls package.
			    hasExtensions := cls hasExtensions.
			    hasExtensions ifTrue:[
				emPkg := self emphasizeForDifferentPackage:'+'. "/ self emphasizeForDifferentPackage:pkg.

			    orgMode == #project ifTrue:[
				(filteredPackages notNil
				and:[(filteredPackages includes:cls package) not]) ifTrue:[
				    "/ class is in another packae;
				    "/ however, class is listed due to methods
				    "/ in the filtered package
				    hasExtensions ifTrue:[
					nm := nm , emPkg.
				    ] ifFalse:[    
					nm := nm , ' [ ' , pkg, ' ]'.
				] ifFalse:[
				    "/ any methods from other packages in this class ?
				    hasExtensions ifTrue:[
					nm := nm , (self emphasizeForDifferentPackage:'+').
			    ] ifFalse:[
				showClassPackages value == true ifTrue:[
				    "/ add the package;
				    hasExtensions ifTrue:[
					nm := nm , (self emphasizeForDifferentPackage:pkg , '+').
					isInChangeSet ifFalse:[
					    nm := self colorizeForDifferentPackage:nm
				    ] ifFalse:[
					nm := nm , (self colorizeGrey:(' [ ' , pkg, ' ]')).
				] ifFalse:[
				    hasExtensions ifTrue:[
					nm := nm , emPkg.
					isInChangeSet ifFalse:[
					    nm := self colorizeForDifferentPackage:nm
"/                                        cls isVisualStartable ifTrue:[
"/                                            nm := LabelAndIcon icon:((SystemBrowser visualStartableClassIcon)
"/                                                                    onDevice:self window device)
"/                                                               string:nm
"/                                        ].
			    markApplicationsHolder value== true ifTrue:[
				icon := self nameListIconForClass:cls.
				icon isNil ifTrue:[
				    icon := SystemBrowser emptyIcon
				nm := LabelAndIcon icon:icon string:nm


    ^ nameList

    "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 09:50:27 / cg"


    cls isVisualStartable ifTrue:[
	^ SystemBrowser startableVisualAppIcon
    cls isStartableWithMain ifTrue:[
	^ SystemBrowser startableClassIcon
    cls isLoaded ifFalse:[
	^ SystemBrowser autoloadedClassIcon
    c := cls.
    [c notNil] whileTrue:[
	c == Warning ifTrue:[
	    ^ SystemBrowser warningClassIcon
	c == Query ifTrue:[
	    ^ SystemBrowser queryClassIcon
	c == Notification ifTrue:[
	    ^ SystemBrowser notificationClassIcon
	c == Error ifTrue:[
	    ^ SystemBrowser errorClassIcon
	c == GenericException ifTrue:[
	    ^ SystemBrowser exceptionClassIcon
	c == SimpleView ifTrue:[
	    ^ SystemBrowser windowClassIcon
	c == Collection ifTrue:[
	    ^ SystemBrowser containerClassIcon
	(c == TestCase and:[cls isAbstract not "cls  ~~ TestCase"]) ifTrue:[
	    ^ SystemBrowser testCaseClassIconFor:cls
	c := c superclass
    ^ nil

    "only reconstruct the names - class list & selection remains
     unschanged. Invoked when the organizerMode mode changes"

    |prevMode listView oldNameList newNameList sav|

    self classList value isNil ifTrue:[
	self updateList

    newNameList := self nameListForClasses:(classList value ? #()).
    oldNameList := self classNameList value ? #().
    (newNameList sameContentsAs: oldNameList whenComparedWith:[:a :b | a sameStringAndEmphasisAs: b]) 
	"/ no need to update
    ] ifFalse:[
	listView := builder componentAt:#List.
	(listView isNil or:[listView scrolledView isNil]) ifTrue:[    
	    "/ invoked very early during setup
	    self classNameList value:newNameList
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ avoid flicker and useless redraws

	    prevMode := listView scrollWhenUpdating.
	    listView scrollWhenUpdating:nil.

	    "/ this will lead to a selectionIndex change (done by the selListView);
	    "/ however, we dont want this here, since it recurses into
	    "/ a selectionChange. Therefore, temporarily disconnect the selectionIndexHolder...
		self selectedClassNameIndices removeDependent:self.
		"/ also, dont want a callback (selectionChangedByClick)
		sav := listView action.
		listView action:nil.
		self classNameList value:newNameList.
	    ] ensure:[
		listView action:sav.
		self selectedClassNameIndices addDependent:self.
		listView scrollWhenUpdating:prevMode.

    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 11:33:21 / cg"

    super release.

    currentNamespace removeDependent:self.
    hidePrivateClasses removeDependent:self.
    markApplicationsHolder removeDependent:self.
    meta removeDependent:self.
    selectedClassNameIndices removeDependent:self.
    showClassPackages removeDependent:self.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:18 / cg"

    |classes found foundInSelection|

    found := foundInSelection := false.

    "/ update for a changed class in the classList
    (classes := classList value) size > 0 ifTrue:[
	(self updateClassesIn:classes) ifTrue:[
	    found := true
	(classes includes:nil) ifTrue:[
self halt:'should not happen'.
	    classList value:(classes := classes select:[:each | each notNil]).
    "/ possibly in the generator
    ((classes := inGeneratorHolder value) isOrderedCollection 
    and:[classes size > 0]) ifTrue:[
	(self updateClassesIn:classes) ifTrue:[
	    found := true
	(classes includes:nil) ifTrue:[
self halt:'should not happen'.
	    inGeneratorHolder value:(classes select:[:each | each notNil]).
    "/ and in the selection
    (classes := self selectedClasses value) size > 0 ifTrue:[
	(self updateClassesIn:classes) ifTrue:[
	    found := true.
	    foundInSelection := true.
	(classes includes:nil) ifTrue:[
self halt:'should not happen'.
	    self selectedClasses value:(classes select:[:each | each notNil]).
    "/ and in the last selection
    (classes := lastSelectedClasses) size > 0 ifTrue:[
	(self updateClassesIn:classes) ifTrue:[
	    found := true
	(classes includes:nil) ifTrue:[
self halt:'should not happen'.
	    lastSelectedClasses := (classes select:[:each | each notNil]).

    found ifFalse:[
	"/ could be a new class.
	listValid ifTrue:[
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateList.
	listValid := false.
    foundInSelection ifTrue:[
	"/ force update of output generator
	self selectedClasses 

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 23:54:19 / cg"

    "replace any obsolete class in aCollection;
     return true, if any was found"

    |found meta classes|

    found := false.

    aCollection isSequenceable ifFalse:[
	classes := aCollection copy.
	aCollection removeAll.
	classes do:[:cls |

	    meta := cls isMeta.
	    newClass := Smalltalk at:(cls theNonMetaclass name).
	    newClass isNil ifTrue:[
		newClass := cls
	    ] ifFalse:[
		meta ifTrue:[
		    newClass := newClass class
	    found := cls ~~ newClass.
	    aCollection add:newClass.
    ] ifTrue:[
	aCollection keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :cls |

	    cls notNil ifTrue:[
		meta := cls isMeta.
		newClass := Smalltalk at:(cls theNonMetaclass name).
		newClass isNil ifTrue:[
		    newClass := cls
		] ifFalse:[
		    meta ifTrue:[
			newClass := newClass class
		found := cls ~~ newClass.
		aCollection at:idx put:newClass.
    ^ found

    |prevSelection oldList newList newSelectionIndices 
     forceSelectionChange selectedClassNameIndicesHolder classList|

    newList := self listOfClasses.
    classList := self classList.
    oldList := classList value ? #().

    (newList ~= oldList
    or:[self classNameList value isNil and:[newList size > 0]]) ifTrue:[
	prevSelection := lastSelectedClasses ? #().
	prevSelection := prevSelection select:[:each | each notNil].

	(newList collect:[:each | each name]) = (oldList collect:[:each | each name]) ifTrue:[
	    "/ no need to tell anybody
	    classList setValue:newList.
	] ifFalse:[
	    classList value:newList.
	self reconstructNameList.

	(prevSelection size == 0 
	and:[self selectedClasses value size ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
	    "/ this happens during early startup time,
	    "/ when the selection is already (pre-)set,
	    "/ and the classList is generated the first time
	    "/ (i.e. when opened with preset selection)

	    "/ do not clobber the selection in this case.
	    prevSelection := self selectedClasses value.
	    "/ simulate a change, to force selection update in listView
	    forceSelectionChange := true.

	newSelectionIndices := prevSelection 
			    collect:[:item | |cls|
					     cls := Smalltalk at:item theNonMetaclass name.   
					     newList identityIndexOf:cls]
			    thenSelect:[:index | index ~~ 0].

	selectedClassNameIndicesHolder := self selectedClassNameIndices.
	((selectedClassNameIndicesHolder value size ~~ self selectedClasses value size)
	or:[newSelectionIndices ~= selectedClassNameIndicesHolder value])
	    newSelectionIndices notEmpty ifTrue:[
		"/ force change (for dependents)
		"/ selectedClassNameIndicesHolder value:newSelectionIndices.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		prevSelection := self selectedClasses value.
		newSelectionIndices := #().
	    selectedClassNameIndicesHolder value:newSelectionIndices.

	    prevSelection notNil ifTrue:[
		lastSelectedClasses := prevSelection.
	    self updateOutputGenerator.

    ] ifFalse:[
	"/ same classes - but name(s) could be differnet
	newList size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    self reconstructNameList
    listValid := true.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:18 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 11:35:39 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassList methodsFor:'setup'!


    super postBuildWith:aBuilder.

    classListView := aBuilder componentAt:'List'.
    classListView notNil ifTrue:[
	classListView allowDrag:true.
	classListView dragObjectConverter:[:obj | 
					    |nm class idx|

					    nm := obj theObject asString.
					    idx := classNameList value indexOf:nm.
					    idx == 0 ifTrue:[
						idx := classNameList value indexOf:nm string.
					    class := classList value at:idx.
					    DropObject newClass:class.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList andSelector:#singleProtocolWindowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList new openInterface:#singleProtocolWindowSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleProtocolWindowSpec
	  #label: 'ProtocolList'
	  #name: 'ProtocolList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 312 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #label: 'ProtocolName'
	      #name: 'ProtocolLabel'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
	      #translateLabel: true
	      #labelChannel: #protocolLabelHolder
	      #menu: #menuHolder

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'ProtocolList'
	  #name: 'ProtocolList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 316 346)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'List'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #selectedProtocolIndices
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #isMultiSelect: true
	      #valueChangeSelector: #selectionChangedByClick
	      #useIndex: true
	      #sequenceList: #protocolList
	      #doubleClickChannel: #doubleClickChannel
		#dragArgument: nil
		#dropArgument: nil
		#canDropSelector: #canDrop:
		#dropSelector: #doDrop:
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(
	#(#doubleClickChannel #action )
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    ^ self protocolList 

    ^ false.

    filterClassVars isNil ifTrue:[
	filterClassVars := false asValue.
	filterClassVars addDependent:self
    ^  filterClassVars

    "Modified: / 31.1.2000 / 00:56:31 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:10 / cg"

    filterClassVars notNil ifTrue:[
	filterClassVars removeDependent:self
    filterClassVars := aValueHolder.
    filterClassVars notNil ifTrue:[
	filterClassVars addDependent:self

    "Modified: / 31.1.2000 / 00:56:31 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:10 / cg"

    methodVisibilityHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	methodVisibilityHolder := false asValue.
	methodVisibilityHolder addDependent:self
    ^  methodVisibilityHolder

    methodVisibilityHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	methodVisibilityHolder removeDependent:self
    methodVisibilityHolder := aValueHolder.
    methodVisibilityHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	methodVisibilityHolder addDependent:self

    "Modified: / 31.1.2000 / 00:56:31 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:10 / cg"

    noAllItem isNil ifTrue:[
	noAllItem := false asValue.
	noAllItem addDependent:self
    ^  noAllItem

    noAllItem notNil ifTrue:[
	noAllItem removeDependent:self
    noAllItem := aValueHolder.
    noAllItem notNil ifTrue:[
	noAllItem addDependent:self

    packageFilterOnInput isNil ifTrue:[
	packageFilterOnInput := nil asValue.
	packageFilterOnInput addDependent:self
    ^  packageFilterOnInput


    prevFilter := packageFilterOnInput value.
    packageFilterOnInput notNil ifTrue:[
	packageFilterOnInput removeDependent:self
    packageFilterOnInput := aValueHolder.
    packageFilterOnInput notNil ifTrue:[
	packageFilterOnInput addDependent:self
    prevFilter ~= packageFilterOnInput value ifTrue:[
	self enqueueDelayedUpdateList

    ^ self pseudoListLabelHolder

    protocolList isNil ifTrue:[
	protocolList := List new. "/ ValueHolder new
    ^ protocolList

    "Modified: / 31.1.2000 / 00:56:31 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:10 / cg"

    rawProtocolList isNil ifTrue:[
	rawProtocolList := List new.
    ^ rawProtocolList

    selectedProtocolIndices isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedProtocolIndices := ValueHolder new.
	selectedProtocolIndices addDependent:self
    ^ selectedProtocolIndices.

    ^ self selectionHolder

    ^ self selectionHolder:aValueHolder

    variableFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	variableFilter := false asValue.
	variableFilter addDependent:self
    ^  variableFilter

    "Modified: / 31.1.2000 / 00:56:31 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:10 / cg"

    variableFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	variableFilter removeDependent:self
    variableFilter := aValueHolder.
    variableFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	variableFilter addDependent:self

    "Modified: / 31.1.2000 / 00:56:31 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:10 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList methodsFor:'change & update'!

    |refetch anyChange|

    anyChange := false.
    refetch := [:oldClass | 
		    |nm cls newClass|

		    nm := oldClass theNonMetaclass name.
		    oldClass isMeta ifTrue:[
			newClass := Smalltalk at:nm.
			newClass isNil ifTrue:[
			    Transcript showCR:'oops - browser lost class ' , nm.
			    newClass := oldClass
			] ifFalse:[
			    newClass := newClass theMetaclass
		    ] ifFalse:[
			newClass := Smalltalk at:nm
		    newClass ~~ oldClass ifTrue:[
			anyChange := true.

    classes := classes collect:refetch.
    leafClasses := leafClasses collect:refetch.
    anyChange ifTrue:[
	self updateOutputGenerator

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |sel oldMethod newMethod mthd selectedCategories selectedProtocolsHolder oldProtocol newProtocol
     rawProtocolListHolder rawProtocolList oldSelectedProtocols newSelectedProtocols newIndices idx cls listView|

    selectedProtocolsHolder := self selectedProtocols.
    rawProtocolListHolder := self rawProtocolList.

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	classes notNil ifTrue:[
	    something == #methodCategory ifTrue:[
		cls := aParameter at:1.
		(cls notNil and:[classes includesIdentical:cls]) ifTrue:[
		    mthd := aParameter at:2.
		    newProtocol := mthd category.
		    oldProtocol := aParameter at:3.

		    self invalidateList.

		    selectedCategories := selectedProtocolsHolder value.
		    selectedCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
			selectedCategories := selectedCategories collect:[:each | each ifNil:[self class nameListEntryForNILCategory]].
			selectedCategories := selectedCategories collect:[:each | each string].

			((selectedCategories includes:oldProtocol)
			or:[ (selectedCategories includes:newProtocol)
			or:[ selectedCategories includes:(self class nameListEntryForALL) ]])
			    self updateOutputGenerator.

		^ self

	    something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
		"/ a method has been added/removed/changed
		cls := aParameter at:1.
		(classes includesIdentical:cls) ifTrue:[
		    sel := aParameter at:2.
		    oldMethod := aParameter at:3.
		    newMethod := cls compiledMethodAt:sel.
		    oldMethod notNil ifTrue:[
			variableFilter value size > 0 ifTrue:[
			    "/ sigh - must invalidate
			    self invalidateList.
			^ self.
		    "/ method was added - update the methodList
		    "/ Q: is this needed (methodCategoryList should send me a new inGenerator)
		    self invalidateList.

		    "/ if its category is selected, updateOutputGenerator
		    selectedCategories := selectedProtocolsHolder value.
		    selectedCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
			selectedCategories := selectedCategories collect:[:each | each ifNil:[self class nameListEntryForNILCategory]].
			selectedCategories := selectedCategories collect:[:each | each string].

			((oldMethod notNil and:[selectedCategories includes:(oldMethod category)])
			or:[ (newMethod notNil and:[selectedCategories includes:(newMethod category)])])
			    self updateOutputGenerator.
		^ self.

	    something == #methodInClassRemoved ifTrue:[
		cls := aParameter at:1.
		(classes includesIdentical:cls) ifTrue:[
		    sel := aParameter at:2.
		    "/ method was removed - update the list and output generator
		    self invalidateList.
		    "/ self updateOutputGenerator.
		    self slaveMode value == true ifFalse:[
			self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator.
		^ self.

	    something == #classOrganization ifTrue:[
		cls := aParameter.
		(classes includesIdentical:cls) ifTrue:[
		    self invalidateList.
		] ifFalse:[
		    (classes contains:[:aClass | aClass name = cls name]) ifTrue:[
			self error:'obsolete class: should not happen'.
		^ self.

	    something == #projectOrganization ifTrue:[
		aParameter notNil ifTrue:[
		    cls := aParameter at:1.
		    cls notNil ifTrue:[
			((classes includes:cls theMetaclass)
			or:[(classes includes:cls theNonMetaclass)]) ifTrue:[
			    self invalidateList.
			    self slaveMode value == true ifFalse:[
				self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator.
		] ifFalse:[
		    self invalidateList.
		^ self

	    (something == #classDefinition or:[something == #classVariables])
		self classDefinitionChanged:aParameter.
		^ self

	    "/ everything else is ignored    
	    "/ self halt.
	^ self

    changedObject == self selectedProtocolIndices ifTrue:[
	oldSelectedProtocols := selectedProtocolsHolder value ? #().
	oldSelectedProtocols := oldSelectedProtocols collect:[:each | each ifNil:[self class nameListEntryForNILCategory]].
	oldSelectedProtocols := oldSelectedProtocols collect:[:each | each string].
	newSelectedProtocols := self getSelectedProtocolsFromIndices.
	oldSelectedProtocols ~= newSelectedProtocols ifTrue:[
	    selectedProtocolsHolder value:newSelectedProtocols.
	newSelectedProtocols size > 1 ifTrue:[
	    (newSelectedProtocols includes:(self class nameListEntryForALL)) ifTrue:[
		rawProtocolList := rawProtocolListHolder value.
		idx := rawProtocolList indexOf: (newSelectedProtocols copy remove:(self class nameListEntryForALL); yourself) first.
		idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
		    (listView := self builder componentAt:#List) notNil ifTrue:[
			listView makeLineVisible:idx.

	^ self

    changedObject == selectedProtocolsHolder ifTrue:[
	rawProtocolList := rawProtocolListHolder value.
	rawProtocolList size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    self updateList.
	    rawProtocolList := rawProtocolListHolder value.
	rawProtocolList notNil ifTrue:[
	    selectedCategories := selectedProtocolsHolder value ? #().
	    selectedCategories := selectedCategories collect:[:each | each ifNil:[self class nameListEntryForNILCategory]].
	    newIndices := selectedCategories 
			    collect:[:each | rawProtocolList findFirst:[:p | p string = each string]].
	    newIndices := newIndices select:[:each | each ~~ 0].
	    newIndices ~= self selectedProtocolIndices value ifTrue:[
		self selectedProtocolIndices setValue:nil.                    "/ to force update
		self selectedProtocolIndices value:newIndices
	    (lastGeneratedProtocols notNil
	    and:[(lastGeneratedProtocols includes:self class nameListEntryForALL)
	    and:[(selectedProtocolsHolder value ? #()) includes:self class nameListEntryForALL]])
		"/ no need to update generator
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self updateOutputGenerator.
	^ self

    (changedObject == variableFilter
    or:[changedObject == filterClassVars
    or:[changedObject == packageFilterOnInput]]) ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^  self

    changedObject == methodVisibilityHolder ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	self updateOutputGenerator.
	^  self

    lastGeneratedProtocols := nil.

    changedObject == inGeneratorHolder ifTrue:[
	selectedCategories := selectedProtocolsHolder value.

	selectedCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    oldSelectedProtocols := selectedCategories ? #().
	    oldSelectedProtocols := oldSelectedProtocols collect:[:each | each ifNil:[self class nameListEntryForNILCategory]].
	    oldSelectedProtocols := oldSelectedProtocols collect:[:each | each string].
	    self updateList.
	    rawProtocolList := rawProtocolListHolder value.
	    newSelectedProtocols := oldSelectedProtocols select:[:each | rawProtocolList includes:each].
"/            selectedProtocolsHolder setValue:nil.                    "/ to force update
	    selectedProtocolsHolder value:newSelectedProtocols.
	    ^ self

    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29.2.2000 / 11:11:39 / cg"


    l := self rawProtocolList value.
    ^ self selectedProtocolIndices value collect:[:idx | l at:idx].

    |newSelectedCategories allEntry|

    newSelectedCategories := self selectedProtocols value.

    "/ the outputGenerator is only to be updated, if the output would really
    "/ change ...
    allEntry := self class nameListEntryForALL.

    (lastSelectedProtocols notNil
    and:[newSelectedCategories notNil
    and:[(lastSelectedProtocols includes:(allEntry))
    and:[newSelectedCategories includes:(allEntry)]]]) ifTrue:[
	"/ no change ...
	^ self

    super selectionChanged.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 14:12:12 / cg"

    "we are not interested in that - get another notification
     via the changed valueHolder"

    lastSelectedProtocols := self getSelectedProtocolsFromIndices

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "/ some can be ignored immediately
    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	something isNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ self halt "/ huh - Smalltalk changed - so what ?
	    ^ self.
"/        something == #classDefinition ifTrue:[
"/            ^ self.
"/        ].
	something == #newClass ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
	something == #classRemove ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
	something == #classRename ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
"/        something == #classVariables ifTrue:[
"/            ^ self.
"/        ].
	something == #classComment ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
	something == #organization ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
	something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
	    ^ self

    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList methodsFor:'drag & drop'!

    |cat methods|

    methods := aDropContext dropObjects collect:[:obj | obj theObject].

    (methods contains:[:aMethod | aMethod isMethod not]) ifTrue:[^ false].

    cat := self categoryAtTargetPointOf:aDropContext.

    (methods contains:[:aMethod | aMethod category ~= cat]) ifFalse:[^ false].
    ^ cat notNil

    |p methodListView lineNr cat|

    p := aDropContext targetPoint.

    methodListView := aDropContext targetWidget.

    lineNr := methodListView lineAtY:p y.
    lineNr isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    cat := rawProtocolList at:lineNr.
    cat := cat string.
    cat = self class nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[^ nil].

    ^ cat

    |cat methods|

    methods := aDropContext dropObjects collect:[:aDropObject | aDropObject theObject].
    (methods contains:[:something | something isMethod not]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    cat := self categoryAtTargetPointOf:aDropContext.
    cat notNil ifTrue:[
	self masterApplication moveMethods:methods toProtocol:cat.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList methodsFor:'generators'!

    "return a generator which enumerates the methods from the selected protocol;
     that generator generates 4-element elements (includes the class and protocol), 
     in order to make the consumers only depend on one input 
     (i.e. to pass multiple-class and multiple-protocol info
      without a need for another classHolder/protocolHolder in the methodList)."

    ^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
			|protocols allProtocols noCat static notStatic classSelectorPairsAlreadyDone
			 packages remainingClasses remainingCategories classesAlreadyDone|

			noCat := (self class nameListEntryForNILCategory).
			static := (self class nameListEntryForStatic).
			notStatic := (self class nameListEntryForNonStatic).

			protocols := self selectedProtocols value ? #().
			protocols := protocols collect:[:each | (each ifNil:[noCat]) string].
			lastGeneratedProtocols := protocols.
			protocols := protocols asSet.

			(leafClasses size > 0
			and:[protocols size > 0]) ifTrue:[
			    allProtocols := protocols includes:(self class nameListEntryForALL).

			    packages := packageFilter value value.
			    (packages notNil and:[packages includes:(self class nameListEntryForALL)]) ifTrue:[
				packages := nil.

			    remainingClasses := leafClasses copy asIdentitySet.
			    remainingCategories := protocols copy asSet.

			    classesAlreadyDone := IdentitySet new.
			    classSelectorPairsAlreadyDone := Set new.

			    leafClasses do:[:aLeafClass |  
				(self classesToProcessForClasses:(Array with:aLeafClass)) do:[:aClass |
				    |supportsMethodCategories isJavaClass anyInThisClass|

				    (classesAlreadyDone includes:aClass) ifFalse:[
					classesAlreadyDone add:aClass.

					supportsMethodCategories := aClass supportsMethodCategories.
					isJavaClass := aClass isJavaClass.
					anyInThisClass := false.

					aClass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |

					    supportsMethodCategories ifTrue:[
						cat := mthd category.
					    ] ifFalse:[
						isJavaClass ifTrue:[
						    cat := mthd isStatic ifTrue:[static] ifFalse:[notStatic]
						] ifFalse:[
						    cat := noCat.
					    (allProtocols or:[protocols includes:cat]) ifTrue:[
						(packages isNil or:[packages includes:mthd package])

						    (methodVisibilityHolder value == #class) ifTrue:[
							whatToDo value:aClass value:cat value:sel value:mthd.
						    ] ifFalse:[
							(classSelectorPairsAlreadyDone includes:(aLeafClass->sel)) ifFalse:[
							    classSelectorPairsAlreadyDone add:(aLeafClass->sel).
							    whatToDo value:aClass value:cat value:sel value:mthd.

						    anyInThisClass := true.
						    remainingCategories remove:cat ifAbsent:nil.
					anyInThisClass ifTrue:[ remainingClasses remove:aClass ifAbsent:nil. ].
			    remainingClasses do:[:aClass |
				whatToDo value:aClass value:nil value:nil value:nil.
			    remainingCategories do:[:cat |
				whatToDo value:nil value:cat value:nil value:nil.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 22:21:52 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList methodsFor:'private'!

class:cls protocol:cat includesMethodsInAnyPackage:packageFilter
    cls methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
	mthd category == cat ifTrue:[
	    (packageFilter includes:mthd package) ifTrue:[
		^ true
    ^ false

class:cls protocol:cat includesModsOfClassVariable:variablesToHighLight
    ^ self class:cls protocol:cat includesRefsToVariable:variablesToHighLight askParserWith:#modifiedClassVars

class:cls protocol:cat includesModsOfInstanceVariable:variablesToHighLight
    ^ self class:cls protocol:cat includesRefsToVariable:variablesToHighLight askParserWith:#modifiedInstVars

class:cls protocol:cat includesRefsToClassVariable:variablesToHighLight
    ^ self class:cls protocol:cat includesRefsToVariable:variablesToHighLight askParserWith:#usedClassVars

class:cls protocol:cat includesRefsToInstanceVariable:variablesToHighLight
    ^ self class:cls protocol:cat includesRefsToVariable:variablesToHighLight askParserWith:#usedInstVars

class:cls protocol:cat includesRefsToVariable:variablesToHighLight askParserWith:querySelector

    anyVarNameAccessable := cls allInstVarNames includesAny:variablesToHighLight.
    anyVarNameAccessable ifFalse:[
	anyVarNameAccessable := cls theNonMetaclass allClassVarNames includesAny:variablesToHighLight.
    anyVarNameAccessable ifFalse:[
	"/ no need to parse
	^ false

    cls selectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
	|src parser usedVars|

	mthd category = cat ifTrue:[
	    src := mthd source.
	    src notNil ifTrue:[
		 before doing a slow parse, quickly scan the
		 methods source for the variables name ...
		(variablesToHighLight contains:[:varName | (src findString:varName) ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
		    parser := Parser
		    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
			usedVars := parser perform:querySelector.
			(usedVars includesAny:variablesToHighLight)
			    ^  true
	    ] ifFalse:[
		Transcript showCR:'Oops - cannot access methods source'.
    ^ false

    ^ self classesToProcessForClasses:classes withVisibility:methodVisibilityHolder value.

    |categoryList plainCategories classesProcessed leafClassesProcessed
     generator nm variablesToHighlight classVarsToHighLight
     itemsWithVarRefs itemsWithVarMods itemsWithExtensions itemsWithSuppressedExtensions
     item packageFilterOnInput packageFilter nameListEntryForALL emp|

    generator := inGeneratorHolder value.
    generator isNil ifTrue:[ ^ #() ].

    nameListEntryForALL := self class nameListEntryForALL.

    packageFilterOnInput := self packageFilterOnInput value.
    (packageFilterOnInput notNil and:[packageFilterOnInput includes:nameListEntryForALL]) ifTrue:[
	packageFilterOnInput := nil
    packageFilter := self packageFilter value.
    (packageFilter notNil and:[packageFilter includes:nameListEntryForALL]) ifTrue:[
	packageFilter := nil

    categoryList := Set new.
    itemsWithVarRefs := Set new.
    itemsWithVarMods := Set new.
    itemsWithExtensions := Set new.
    itemsWithSuppressedExtensions := Set new.
    itemsInChangeSet := Set new.
    plainCategories := Set new.
    classesProcessed := IdentitySet new.
    leafClassesProcessed := IdentitySet new.
    variablesToHighlight := variableFilter value.
    classVarsToHighLight := filterClassVars value.

    generator do:[:clsIn :catIn | 
			|emptyProtocols clsName doHighLight doHighLightRed suppress|

			leafClassesProcessed add:clsIn.
			(self classesToProcessForClasses:(Array with:clsIn)) do:[:cls |

			    classesProcessed add:cls.

			    cls ~~ clsIn ifTrue:[
				cats := cls categories
			    ] ifFalse:[
				cats := Array with:catIn.
			    cats do:[:cat |    
				cat notNil ifTrue:[
				    suppress := packageFilterOnInput notNil 
						and:[ (self class:cls protocol:cat includesMethodsInAnyPackage:packageFilterOnInput) not ].

				    suppress ifFalse:[
					variablesToHighlight size > 0 ifTrue:[
					    (itemsWithVarRefs includes:cat) ifFalse:[
						classVarsToHighLight ifTrue:[
						    doHighLight := self class:cls protocol:cat includesRefsToClassVariable:variablesToHighlight.
						    doHighLight ifTrue:[
							doHighLightRed := self class:cls protocol:cat includesModsOfClassVariable:variablesToHighlight.
						] ifFalse:[
						    doHighLight := self class:cls protocol:cat includesRefsToInstanceVariable:variablesToHighlight.
						    doHighLight ifTrue:[
							doHighLightRed := self class:cls protocol:cat includesModsOfInstanceVariable:variablesToHighlight.
						doHighLight ifTrue:[
						    itemsWithVarRefs add:cat.
						    doHighLightRed ifTrue:[
							itemsWithVarMods add:cat.
					categoryList add:cat.

					AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName size > 0 ifTrue:[
					    clsName := cls name.
					    emptyProtocols := AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName at:clsName ifAbsent:nil.
					    emptyProtocols size > 0 ifTrue:[
						emptyProtocols remove:cat ifAbsent:nil.    
					    emptyProtocols size == 0 ifTrue:[
						AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName removeKey:clsName ifAbsent:nil

    classesProcessed do:[:eachClass |

	classPackage := eachClass package.
	eachClass methodDictionary keysAndValuesDo:[:sel :mthd |
	    |mPackage mCategory|

	    mPackage := mthd package.
	    mCategory := mthd category.    

	    mPackage = classPackage ifTrue:[
		mPackage ~~ classPackage ifTrue:[
		    mthd setPackage:(mPackage := mPackage string asSymbol).
	    mPackage ~~ classPackage ifTrue:[
		itemsWithExtensions add:mCategory.    

		(packageFilter notNil 
		and:[ (packageFilter includes:mPackage) not])
		    itemsWithSuppressedExtensions add:mCategory.    
	    (ChangeSet current changedClasses includes:eachClass) ifTrue:[
		(ChangeSet current includesChangeForClass:eachClass selector:mthd selector) ifTrue:[
		    itemsInChangeSet add:mCategory.    

    categoryList := categoryList asOrderedCollection.
    self rawProtocolList removeAll.
    rawProtocolList addAll:categoryList.

    itemsWithExtensions do:[:cat |
	(categoryList includes:cat) ifTrue:[
	    (itemsWithVarRefs includes:cat) ifFalse:[
		categoryList remove:cat.
		rawProtocolList remove:cat.
		(itemsWithSuppressedExtensions includes:cat) ifTrue:[
		    item := cat , (self colorizeForDifferentPackage:' [ + ]').
		] ifFalse:[
		    item := self colorizeForDifferentPackage:cat.
		categoryList add:item.
		rawProtocolList add:cat.

    itemsInChangeSet do:[:cat |
	(categoryList includes:cat) ifTrue:[
	    categoryList remove:cat.
	    rawProtocolList remove:cat.
	    item := self colorizeForChangedCode:cat.
	    categoryList add:item.
	    rawProtocolList add:cat.

    categoryList removeAll:itemsWithVarRefs.
    rawProtocolList removeAll:itemsWithVarRefs.

    itemsWithVarRefs do:[:cat |
	item := cat allBold.
	(itemsWithVarMods includes:cat) ifTrue:[
	    emp := (UserPreferences current emphasisForWrittenVariable).
	] ifFalse:[
	    emp := (UserPreferences current emphasisForReadVariable).
	item emphasisAllAdd:emp.
	categoryList add:item.
	rawProtocolList add:cat.

    classesProcessed size > 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
	"/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
	AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName keysAndValuesDo:[:clsName :protocols |
		(classesProcessed contains:[:cls | cls name = clsName]) ifTrue:[
		    categoryList addAll:protocols.
		    rawProtocolList addAll:protocols.

    self makeIndependent.
    classes := classesProcessed.
    leafClasses := leafClassesProcessed.
    self makeDependent.

"/    itemsWithExtensions size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/        categoryList := categoryList collect:[:eachCat | (itemsWithExtensions includes:eachCat)
"/                                                         ifTrue:[
"/                                                             eachCat , ' [ + ]'
"/                                                         ] ifFalse:[
"/                                                             eachCat
"/                                                         ]
"/                                             ].
"/    ].
    rawProtocolList sortWith:categoryList.
    categoryList size == 1 ifTrue:[
	nm := categoryList first string.
	classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    nm := classes first name , '-' , nm
	self protocolLabelHolder value:nm
    categoryList notEmpty ifTrue:[
	noAllItem value ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    categoryList addFirst:nameListEntryForALL.
	    rawProtocolList addFirst:nameListEntryForALL.
    ^ categoryList

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 13:59:19 / cg"

    Smalltalk addDependent:self

    Smalltalk removeDependent:self.

    super release.

    filterClassVars removeDependent:self.
    methodVisibilityHolder removeDependent:self.
    noAllItem removeDependent:self.
    packageFilterOnInput removeDependent:self.
    selectedProtocolIndices removeDependent:self.
    variableFilter removeDependent:self.

    |prevClasses prevSelection newSelection newList oldList sameContents selectedProtocolsHolder rawList|

    selectedProtocolsHolder := self selectedProtocols.
    prevClasses := classes ifNil:[ #() ] ifNotNil:[ classes copy ].
    oldList := self protocolList value copy.
    newList := self listOfMethodCategories.

    "/ oldListSize := self browserNameList size.
    "/ newListSize := newList size.
    self selectedProtocolIndices removeDependent:self.
    sameContents := self updateListFor:newList.
    self selectedProtocolIndices addDependent:self.
    sameContents ifFalse:[
	prevSelection := lastSelectedProtocols ? (selectedProtocolsHolder value) ? #().
	"/ prevSelection := selectedProtocolsHolder value ? lastSelectedProtocols ? #().

	rawList := self rawProtocolList value.
	newSelection := prevSelection select:[:item | rawList includes:item string].

	newSelection size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    "/ force change (for dependents)
"/                selectedProtocolsHolder value:nil.
"/                selectedProtocolsHolder value:newSelection.
	    selectedProtocolsHolder setValue:newSelection.
	    selectedProtocolsHolder changed:#value.
	] ifFalse:[
	    prevSelection := selectedProtocolsHolder value.
	    selectedProtocolsHolder value:nil.
	(prevSelection size > 0 or:[newSelection size > 0]) ifTrue:[
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator.
	    "/ self updateOutputGenerator.

"/        prevSelection notNil ifTrue:[
"/            lastSelectedProtocols := prevSelection.
"/        ].
    ] ifTrue:[
	"/ same list - but classes might have changed
	"/ that is the case, if the class selection has been changed,
	"/ to another class which has the same categories.
	(prevClasses size ~= classes size 
	or:[prevClasses asOrderedCollection ~= (classes ? #()) asOrderedCollection ]) ifTrue:[
	    (newList size > 0 or:[oldList size > 0]) ifTrue:[
		self updateOutputGenerator
	] ifFalse:[
"/                self protocolList value:newList.
    listValid := true.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29.2.2000 / 11:08:55 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList methodsFor:'special'!

addAdditionalProtocol:aProtocol forClass:aClass

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName isNil ifTrue:[
	AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName := Dictionary new.
    categories := AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName at:aClass name ifAbsent:nil.
    categories isNil ifTrue:[
	categories := Set new.
	AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName at:aClass name put:categories.
    categories add:aProtocol.
    aClass changed:#organization.                      "/ not really ... to force update
    Smalltalk changed:#classOrganization with:aClass.  "/ not really ... to force update

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName isNil ifTrue:[ ^ #() ].
    ^ AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName at:aClass name ifAbsent:[ #() ].

    lastSelectedProtocols := nil

removeAdditionalProtocol:aListOfProtocols forClass:aClass

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.

    AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    categories := AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName at:aClass name ifAbsent:nil.
    categories isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    categories removeAllFoundIn:aListOfProtocols.
    categories isEmpty ifTrue:[
	AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName removeKey:aClass name.

    aClass changed:#organization.                      "/ not really ... to force update
    Smalltalk changed:#classOrganization with:aClass.  "/ not really ... to force update

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName := nil


    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName notNil ifTrue:[
	AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName removeKey:aClass name ifAbsent:nil


renameAdditionalProtocol:oldName to:newName forClass:aClass

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.

    AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    categories := AdditionalEmptyCategoriesPerClassName at:aClass name ifAbsent:nil.
    categories isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    categories remove:oldName ifAbsent:nil.
    categories add:newName.

    aClass changed:#organization.                      "/ not really ... to force update
    Smalltalk changed:#classOrganization with:aClass.  "/ not really ... to force update
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    embeddable application displaying the class-categories.
    Provides an outputGenerator, which enumerates the classes in
    the selected categories.

	Claus Gittinger (
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList andSelector:#singleCategoryWindowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList new openInterface:#singleCategoryWindowSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleCategoryWindowSpec
	  #label: 'ClassCategoryList'
	  #name: 'ClassCategoryList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 218 175 518 475)
	  #collection: #(
	      #label: 'ClassCategoryName'
	      #name: 'ClassCategoryLabel'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
	      #translateLabel: true
	      #labelChannel: #classCategoryLabelHolder
	      #menu: #menuHolder

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'ClassCategoryList'
	  #name: 'ClassCategoryList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 313 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'List'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #selectedCategories
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #isMultiSelect: true
	      #valueChangeSelector: #selectionChangedByClick
	      #useIndex: false
	      #sequenceList: #categoryList
	      #doubleClickChannel: #doubleClickChannel
		#dragArgument: nil
		#dropArgument: nil
		#canDropSelector: #canDrop:
		#dropSelector: #doDrop:

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:11:49 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(
	#(#doubleClickChannel #action )

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    categoryList isNil ifTrue:[
	categoryList := ValueHolder new.
    ^ categoryList

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 02:23:08 / cg"

    categoryList notNil ifTrue:[
	categoryList removeDependent:self
    categoryList := aValueHolder.
    categoryList notNil ifTrue:[
	categoryList addDependent:self

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 15:21:42 / cg"

    ^ self pseudoListLabelHolder

    ^ self selectionHolder

    ^ self selectionHolder:aValueHolder
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |selectedCategoriesHolder selectedCategories allSelectedBefore 
     nameListEntryForALL categoryOfClass wg|

    selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesStrings.

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
        ((something == #classVariables) 
        or:[something == #classDefinition]) ifTrue:[
            listValid == true ifTrue:[
                categoryOfClass := aParameter category.
                (categoryList value includes:categoryOfClass) ifFalse:[
                    self invalidateList.                
                slaveMode value ~~ true ifTrue:[
                    (selectedCategories includes:categoryOfClass) ifTrue:[
                        "/ a selected class has changed
                        "/ in order to give others a chance to update their list before,
                        "/ this one is always enqueued for delayed update (even if immediateUpdate is true)
                        "/ self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator
                        self enqueueMessage:#updateOutputGenerator for:self arguments:#()
            ^ self
        something == #newClass ifTrue:[
            categoryOfClass := aParameter category.
"/            listValid == true ifTrue:[
                (categoryList value includes:categoryOfClass) ifFalse:[
                    self invalidateList.                
"/            ].
            slaveMode value ~~ true ifTrue:[
                (selectedCategories includes:categoryOfClass) ifTrue:[
                    self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator
            ^ self

        self invalidateList.

        (something == #classRemove 
        or:[something == #projectOrganization 
        or:[something == #organization]]) ifTrue:[
            slaveMode value ~~ true ifTrue:[
                "/ sorry: cannot filter on category (already changed to #removed)
                self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator
        ^ self

    changedObject == ChangeSet ifTrue:[
        "/ remove all other change notifications from the eventQueue
        wg := self windowGroup.
        wg isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ oops - should no longer be dependent...
            changedObject removeDependent:self.
        ] ifFalse:[
            wg sensor 
                where:[:ev | ev isMessageSendEvent 
                             and:[ev selector == #delayedUpdate:with:from:
                             and:[(ev arguments at:3) == ChangeSet]]].

        something == #addChange: ifTrue:[
            "/ only need to invalidate, if that change changes my emphasis 
            "/ (i.e. if its a new methodChange)
"/            self invalidateList.

            aParameter isMethodChange ifTrue:[
                (ChangeSet current 
                    count:[:chg | chg notNil and:[chg isMethodChange
                                  and:[ chg className = aParameter className ]]])
                == 1 ifTrue:[
                    "/ that methodChange is the first for this method.
                    aParameter changeClass ifNotNil:[
                        self colorizeCategoryAsChanged:(aParameter changeClass category).
            ^ self

        self invalidateList.
        ^ self

    changedObject == nameSpaceFilter ifTrue:[
        "/ all might be more or less than before ...
        allSelected := false.
    changedObject == packageFilter ifTrue:[
        "/ all might be more or less than before ...
        allSelected := false.    

    selectedCategoriesHolder := self selectedCategories.
    changedObject == selectedCategoriesHolder ifTrue:[
        categoryList isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ oops - hurry up
            self invalidateList.

        nameListEntryForALL := self class nameListEntryForALL.

        selectedCategories size > 1 ifTrue:[
            (selectedCategories includes:nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[
                self makeSelectionOtherThanAllVisible.

        "/ if all selected before AND allSelected after, no need to update the output generator
        allSelectedBefore := allSelected ? false.
        allSelected := selectedCategories includes:nameListEntryForALL.
        (allSelectedBefore and:[allSelected]) ifTrue:[
            ^ self

    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12.11.2001 / 19:36:16 / cg"

    self categoryList setValue:#().
    self updateList.
    self categoryList changed.

    "we are not interested in that - get another notification
     via the changed valueHolder"

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 11:39:48 / cg"

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	something == #methodDictionary ifTrue:[
	    ^ self 
	something == #classComment ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
	(something == #classVariables
	or:[something == #classDefinition]) ifTrue:[
	    categoryOfClass := aParameter category.
	    ((self selectedCategories value ? #()) includes:categoryOfClass) ifTrue:[
"/ self halt.
		self updateOutputGenerator.                
	something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #methodInClassRemoved ifTrue:[
	    ^ self

"/    changedObject == ChangeSet ifTrue:[
"/        something == #addChange: ifTrue:[
"/            ^ self
"/        ]
"/    ].

    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Modified: / 5.11.2001 / 14:31:18 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList methodsFor:'drag & drop'!

    |cat classes|

    classes := aDropContext dropObjects collect:[:obj | obj theObject].
    (classes contains:[:aClass | aClass isClass not]) ifTrue:[^ false].
    (classes contains:[:aClass | aClass isPrivate not]) ifFalse:[^ false].

    cat := self categoryAtTargetPointOf:aDropContext.
    cat isNil ifTrue:[
	^ false
    cat = '* obsolete *' ifTrue:[
	^  false

    (classes contains:[:aClass | aClass category ~= cat]) ifFalse:[^ false].
    ^ true.

    |p categoryListView lineNr cat|

    p := aDropContext targetPoint.

    categoryListView := aDropContext targetWidget.

    lineNr := categoryListView lineAtY:p y.
    lineNr isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    cat := categoryList value at:lineNr.
    cat := cat string.
    cat = self class nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[^ nil].

    ^ cat

    |cat classes|

    classes := aDropContext dropObjects collect:[:aDropObject | aDropObject theObject].
    (classes contains:[:something | something isClass not]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    cat := self categoryAtTargetPointOf:aDropContext.
    cat notNil ifTrue:[
	self masterApplication moveClasses:classes toCategory:cat.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList methodsFor:'generators'!

    "return a generator which enumerates the classes from the selected category."

    |cats hideUnloadedClasses allName nameSpaceFilter packageFilter|

    cats := self selectedCategories value.
    cats size == 0 ifTrue:[
	^ #()
    cats := cats collect:[:each | each string].

    allName := self class nameListEntryForALL.

    hideUnloadedClasses := self hideUnloadedClasses value ? false.
    nameSpaceFilter := self nameSpaceFilter value.
    nameSpaceFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	(nameSpaceFilter includes:allName) ifTrue:[nameSpaceFilter := nil].
    packageFilter := self packageFilter value.
    packageFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	(packageFilter includes:allName) ifTrue:[packageFilter := nil].

    (cats includes:allName) ifTrue:[
	hideUnloadedClasses ifTrue:[
	    ^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
			       Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
				   cls isLoaded ifTrue:[
				       (cls isNameSpace not or:[cls == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
					   (nameSpaceFilter isNil
					   or:[self isClass:cls shownWithNameSpaceFilter:nameSpaceFilter]) ifTrue:[
					       (packageFilter isNil
					       or:[self isClass:cls shownWithPackageFilter:packageFilter]) ifTrue:[
						   whatToDo value:cls
	^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo | 
			   Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
			       (cls isNameSpace not or:[cls == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
				    (nameSpaceFilter isNil
				    or:[self isClass:cls shownWithNameSpaceFilter:nameSpaceFilter]) ifTrue:[
					(packageFilter isNil
					or:[self isClass:cls shownWithPackageFilter:packageFilter]) ifTrue:[
					    whatToDo value:cls

    ^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo | 
		       Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
			   (hideUnloadedClasses not or:[cls isLoaded]) 
			       (cls isNameSpace not or:[cls == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
				   (cats includes:cls category) ifTrue:[
				       (nameSpaceFilter isNil
				       or:[self isClass:cls shownWithNameSpaceFilter:nameSpaceFilter]) ifTrue:[
					   (packageFilter isNil
					   or:[self isClass:cls shownWithPackageFilter:packageFilter]) ifTrue:[
					       whatToDo value:cls

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 15:52:41 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList methodsFor:'private'!

    |colorizedCategoryItem categoryList idx|

    colorizedCategoryItem := self colorizeForChangedCode:category copy asText.

    categoryList := self categoryList value.
    idx := categoryList indexOf:category.
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	((categoryList at:idx) sameStringAndEmphasisAs:colorizedCategoryItem) ifFalse:[
	    categoryList at:idx put:colorizedCategoryItem.
	    self categoryList changed.

    |categories hideUnloadedClasses generator nameSpaceFilter packageFilter allName
     categoriesWithExtensions categoriesWithChangedCode classesInCangeSet|

    allName := self class nameListEntryForALL.

    hideUnloadedClasses := self hideUnloadedClasses value.
    nameSpaceFilter := self nameSpaceFilter value.
    nameSpaceFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	(nameSpaceFilter includes:allName) ifTrue:[nameSpaceFilter := nil].
    packageFilter := self packageFilter value.
    packageFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	(packageFilter includes:allName) ifTrue:[packageFilter := nil].

    categories := Set new.
    categoriesWithExtensions := Set new.
    categoriesWithChangedCode := Set new.

    classesInCangeSet := ChangeSet current changedClasses.
    classesInCangeSet := classesInCangeSet collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass].

    classes := IdentitySet new.
    inGeneratorHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls | 

	    (hideUnloadedClasses not or:[cls isLoaded])
		(cls isNameSpace not
		or:[cls == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
		    (nameSpaceFilter isNil
		    or:[self isClass:cls shownWithNameSpaceFilter:nameSpaceFilter]) ifTrue:[
			(packageFilter isNil
			or:[self isClass:cls shownWithPackageFilter:packageFilter]) ifTrue:[
			    cat := cls category.
			    cat isString ifFalse:[self halt:'oops - strange category'].
			    categories add:cat.
			    classes add:cls.

			    (classesInCangeSet includes:cls theNonMetaclass) ifTrue:[
				categoriesWithChangedCode add:cat
			    ] ifFalse:[
				cls hasExtensions ifTrue:[
				    categoriesWithExtensions add:cat

	"/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
	"/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
	AdditionalEmptyCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    "/ remove those that are present ...
	    AdditionalEmptyCategories := AdditionalEmptyCategories select:[:cat | (categories includes:cat) not].
	    categories addAll:AdditionalEmptyCategories.
    ] ifFalse:[
	generator := inGeneratorHolder value.
	generator isNil ifTrue:[^ #() ].
	generator do:[:cat | categories add:cat].

    categories := categories asOrderedCollection.

    categories sort.
    categories := categories collect:[:cat | 
					    (categoriesWithChangedCode includes:cat) ifTrue:[
						 (self colorizeForChangedCode:cat copy asText).
						 "/ cannot add a + here - need separate list for presentation and filter
					    ] ifFalse:[
						(categoriesWithExtensions includes:cat) ifTrue:[
						     (self colorizeForDifferentPackage:cat copy asText)
						     "/ cannot add a + here - need separate list for presentation and filter
						] ifFalse:[
    categories size == 1 ifTrue:[
	self classCategoryLabelHolder value:(categories first)
    categories size == 0 ifFalse:[
	categories addFirst:(self class nameListEntryForALL).
    ^ categories

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13.11.2001 / 11:32:36 / cg"

    ^ self builder componentAt:#List

    Smalltalk addDependent:self.
    ChangeSet addDependent:self.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:13 / cg"

    Smalltalk removeDependent:self.
    ChangeSet removeDependent:self.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:13 / cg"

    |idx listView|

    idx := categoryList value indexOf:item.
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	(listView := self listView) notNil ifTrue:[
	    listView makeLineVisible:idx.

    |selectedCategories item|

    selectedCategories := self selectedCategoriesStrings.
    "/ the first item after the *all* item
    item := (selectedCategories copy remove:self class nameListEntryForALL; yourself) first.
    self makeItemVisible:item.

    super release.

    categoryList removeDependent:self.

    |selectedCategoriesHolder selectedCategories|

    selectedCategoriesHolder := self selectedCategories.
    selectedCategories := selectedCategoriesHolder value ? #().
    selectedCategories := selectedCategories collect:[:each | each string].
    ^ selectedCategories

    |oldList newList oldSelection newSelection prevClasses

    selectedCategoriesHolder := self selectedCategories.
    oldSelection := selectedCategoriesHolder value ? #().
    prevClasses := classes copy.

    newList := self listOfCategories.
    oldList := (self categoryList value) ? #().
    (newList sameContentsAs:oldList whenComparedWith:[:a :b | a sameStringAndEmphasisAs: b]) 
	oldSelection size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    selectedCategoriesHolder removeDependent:self.
	    selectedCategoriesHolder value:#().
	    selectedCategoriesHolder addDependent:self.
	categoryList value:newList.

	oldSelection size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    newSelection := oldSelection select:[:cat | newList includes:cat].
	    selectedCategoriesHolder value:newSelection.
    ] ifTrue:[
	"/ in case the same categories are present, but classes have changed ...
	(prevClasses isNil or:[(classes identicalContentsAs:prevClasses) not]) ifTrue:[
	    self updateOutputGenerator.
    listValid := true.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:13 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 15:52:22 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList methodsFor:'setup'!


    listView := self listView.
    listView notNil ifTrue:[
	listView scrollWhenUpdating:nil
    super commonPostBuildWith:aBuilder
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList methodsFor:'special'!

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyCategories isNil ifTrue:[
	AdditionalEmptyCategories := Set new.
    AdditionalEmptyCategories add:aCategory.

    Smalltalk changed:#organization   "/ not really ... to force update


    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyCategories isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    aListOfCategories do:[:eachCategory |
	AdditionalEmptyCategories remove:eachCategory ifAbsent:nil.

    Smalltalk changed:#organization   "/ not really ... to force update

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyCategories := nil
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    Like a ClassList, but shows classes hierarchical.

    If topClassHolders value is non-nil, only that classes hierarchy
    is shown.

    embeddable application displaying the classes as listed by
    the inputGenerator.
    Provides an outputGenerator, which enumerates the classes and
    their protocols (method-categories) in the selected classes.

	Claus Gittinger (

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    InheritedEntry := '* inheritance *'

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 20:19:19 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList class methodsFor:'queries-plugin'!

    ^ super aspectSelectors ,

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    topClassHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	topClassHolder := ValueHolder new.
	topClassHolder addDependent:self
    ^ topClassHolder


    topClassHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	topClassHolder removeDependent:self
    topClassHolder := aTriggerValue.
    topClassHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	topClassHolder isBehavior ifTrue:[self halt:'should not happen'].
	topClassHolder addDependent:self
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList methodsFor:'change & update'!

    |prevTop prevSelection newSelection selectedClassesHolder|

    listValid ifFalse:[^ self].
    slaveMode value == true ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^ self.

    selectedClassesHolder := self selectedClasses.
    prevSelection := selectedClassesHolder value copy.

    prevTop := self topClassHolder value.
    prevTop notNil ifTrue:[
	(prevTop name = aClass name) ifTrue:[
	    "/ forced update
	    topClassHolder value:aClass.
	] ifFalse:[
	    (prevTop name = aClass class name) ifTrue:[
		"/ forced update
		topClassHolder value:aClass class.

    "/ must update the list (notice, that the hierarchy might have changed..)

    self updateList.

    selectedClassesHolder value ~= prevSelection ifTrue:[
	newSelection := prevSelection collect:[:eachOldClass | Smalltalk classNamed:(eachOldClass name)].
	selectedClassesHolder value:newSelection.

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 01:17:01 / cg"

    |prevTop newTop prevSel nPrevSelected selectedClassesHolder newSelection wasMeta|

    prevTop := self topClassHolder value.

    prevTop notNil ifTrue:[
	wasMeta := prevTop isMeta.
	newTop := prevTop theNonMetaclass.
	[newTop notNil and:[(Smalltalk at:newTop name) ~= newTop]] whileTrue:[
	    newTop := newTop superclass.
	wasMeta ifTrue:[
	    newTop := newTop theMetaclass
	newTop ~~ prevTop ifTrue:[
	    self topClassHolder value:newTop.

    selectedClassesHolder := self selectedClasses.

    "/ if there is a single selection,
    "/ which is the old top, replace it.
    prevSel := selectedClassesHolder value.
    nPrevSelected := prevSel size.
    nPrevSelected > 0 ifTrue:[
	nPrevSelected == 1 ifTrue:[
	    prevSel first == aClass ifTrue:[
		newTop notNil ifTrue:[
		    newSelection := Array with:newTop.
		] ifFalse:[
		    newSelection := #().
	] ifFalse:[
	    nPrevSelected ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
		"/ clear the selection
		newSelection := #().
	newSelection notNil ifTrue:[
	    selectedClassesHolder value:newSelection

    super classRemoved:aClass.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList methodsFor:'private'!

addTo:aList whereSuperclassIs:aSuperclass

    aSuperclass isNil ifTrue:[
	theClasses := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | cls superclass isNil]
    ] ifFalse:[
	theClasses := aSuperclass subclasses.
    (self hideUnloadedClasses value) ifTrue:[
	theClasses := theClasses select:[:cls | cls isLoaded].

    theClasses := theClasses asOrderedCollection sort:[:a :b | (a name ? '??') < (b name ? '??')].
    theClasses do:[:aClass |
	aList add:aClass.
	self addTo:aList whereSuperclassIs:aClass

    self organizerMode value == #category ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    |classes top|

    classes := OrderedCollection new.
    (top := self topClassHolder value) notNil ifTrue:[
	top := top theNonMetaclass.
	classes addAll:(top withAllSuperclasses copy reverse).
    self addTo:classes whereSuperclassIs:top.
    ^ classes

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:27:43 / cg"

nameListEntryFor:aClass withNameSpace:useFullName
    |indent superClass nm|

    aClass == (self class nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[ ^ aClass ].
    aClass == InheritedEntry ifTrue:[ ^ aClass ].

    nm := aClass name.
    indent := 0.

    superClass := aClass superclass.
    [superClass notNil] whileTrue:[
	indent := indent + 1.
	superClass := superClass superclass.

    indent == 0 ifTrue:[
	^ nm

    indent <= 5 ifTrue:[
	indent := #(
		     '    '
		     '        '
		     '            '
		     '                '
		     '                    '
		   ) at:indent+1.
    ] ifFalse:[
	indent := String new:indent*4 withAll:Character space.
    ^ indent , nm

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 20:19:47 / cg"

    super release.

    topClassHolder removeDependent:self.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList andSelector:#singleCategoryWindowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList new openInterface:#singleCategoryWindowSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleProjectWindowSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectList'
	  #name: 'ProjectList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 218 175 518 475)
	  #collection: #(
	      #label: 'ProjectName'
	      #name: 'ProjectLabel'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
	      #translateLabel: true
	      #labelChannel: #projectLabelHolder
	      #menu: #menuHolder


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectList'
	  #name: 'ProjectList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 313 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'List'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #selectedProjects
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #isMultiSelect: true
	      #valueChangeSelector: #selectionChangedByClick
	      #useIndex: false
	      #sequenceList: #projectList
	      #doubleClickChannel: #doubleClickChannel
		#dragArgument: nil
		#dropArgument: nil
		#canDropSelector: #canDrop:
		#dropSelector: #doDrop:


    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:45:47 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.2.2000 / 23:47:53 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList class methodsFor:'queries-plugin'!

    ^ #( 
	#(#doubleClickChannel #action )

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:46:18 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 22:32:10 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    ^ self pseudoListLabelHolder

    projectList isNil ifTrue:[
	projectList := ValueHolder new.
	projectList addDependent:self.
    ^ projectList

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:39:32 / cg"

    ^ self selectionHolder

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:39:57 / cg"

    ^ self selectionHolder:aValueHolder
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |cls sel pkg mthd|

    self inSlaveModeOrInvisible 
    "/ (self slaveMode value == true) 
	changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[ listValid := false].
	something == #projectOrganization ifTrue:[ listValid := false].
	^ self

    changedObject == slaveMode ifTrue:[
	listValid ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateList
	"/ self invalidateList.
	^  self

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	something == #projectOrganization ifTrue:[
	    self invalidateList.
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator.
	    ^ self.
	something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
	    listValid == true ifTrue:[
		cls := aParameter at:1.
		sel := aParameter at:2.
		mthd := cls compiledMethodAt:sel.
		mthd notNil ifTrue:[
		    pkg := mthd package.
		    (projectList value includes:pkg) ifFalse:[
			self invalidateList.
	    ^ self

	(something == #classDefinition
	or:[something == #newClass]) ifTrue:[
	    listValid == true ifTrue:[
		cls := aParameter.
		pkg := cls package.
		(projectList value includes:pkg) ifFalse:[
		    self invalidateList.
		] ifTrue:[
		    self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self invalidateList
	    ^ self
	(something == #classRemove) ifTrue:[
	    listValid == true ifTrue:[
		cls := aParameter.
		pkg := cls package.
	^ self

"/    something == #projectOrganization ifTrue:[
"/        aParameter isSymbol ifTrue:[
"/                    "/ a single method has changed
"/"/                    sel := aParameter.
"/"/                    mthd := changedObject compiledMethodAt:sel.
"/            self enqueueDelayedUpdateOutputGenerator.
"/        ].
"/        ^ self
"/    ].

    (organizerMode notNil
    and:[organizerMode value ~~ #project]) ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^ self
    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:41:02 / cg"
    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 01:21:49 / cg"

    "we are not interested in that - get another notification
     via the changed valueHolder"

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:41:17 / cg"

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	something == #methodDictionary ifTrue:[
	    ^ self 
	something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #classVariables ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #classComment ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
	something == #methodInClassRemoved ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList methodsFor:'drag & drop'!

    |methodsOrClasses package|

    methodsOrClasses := aDropContext dropObjects collect:[:obj | obj theObject].

    (methodsOrClasses contains:[:aMethodOrClass | (aMethodOrClass isMethod or:[aMethodOrClass isClass]) not]) ifTrue:[^ false].

    package := self packageAtTargetPointOf:aDropContext.
    package isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    (methodsOrClasses contains:[:aMethodOrClass | aMethodOrClass package ~= package]) ifFalse:[^ false].

    ^ true

    |package methodsOrClasses methods classes|

    methodsOrClasses := aDropContext dropObjects collect:[:aDropObject | aDropObject theObject].
    (methodsOrClasses contains:[:something | (something isMethod or:[something isClass]) not]) ifTrue:[^ self].
    methods := methodsOrClasses select:[:something | something isMethod].
    classes := methodsOrClasses select:[:something | something isClass].

    package := self packageAtTargetPointOf:aDropContext.
    package notNil ifTrue:[
	methods notEmpty ifTrue:[
	    self masterApplication moveMethods:methods toProject:package.
	classes notEmpty ifTrue:[
	    self masterApplication moveClasses:classes toProject:package.

    |p packageListView lineNr item package dropInfo now 
     overItem timeOverItem|

    p := aDropContext targetPoint.

    packageListView := aDropContext targetWidget.

    dropInfo := aDropContext dropInfo.

    lineNr := packageListView yVisibleToLineNr:p y.
    lineNr isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    item := packageListView list value at:lineNr.
    item isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    item canExpand ifTrue:[
	now := AbsoluteTime now.
	overItem := dropInfo at:#overItem ifAbsentPut:[item].
	timeOverItem := dropInfo at:#timeOverItem ifAbsentPut:[now].

	overItem ~~ item ifTrue:[
	    dropInfo at:#timeOverItem put:now.
	    dropInfo at:#overItem put:item.
	    aDropContext passiveAction:[ self packageAtTargetPointOf:aDropContext ].
	] ifFalse:[
	    (now millisecondDeltaFrom:timeOverItem) >= (UserPreferences current timeToAutoExpandItemsWhenDraggingOver) ifTrue:[
		aDropContext saveDraw:[ item expand. packageListView repairDamage ].
		dropInfo removeKey:#timeOverItem.
		dropInfo removeKey:#overItem.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		aDropContext passiveAction:[ self packageAtTargetPointOf:aDropContext ].

    package := item package.
    package = self class nameListEntryForALL ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ package.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList methodsFor:'generators'!

    "return a generator which enumerates the classes from the selected project(s)."

    |selectedPackages thePackage hideUnloadedClasses|

    selectedPackages := self selectedProjects value.
    selectedPackages size == 0 ifTrue:[
	^ #()

    hideUnloadedClasses := self hideUnloadedClasses value.

    (selectedPackages includes:(self class nameListEntryForALL)) ifTrue:[
	hideUnloadedClasses ifTrue:[
	    ^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
			       Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
				   cls isLoaded ifTrue:[
				       (cls isNameSpace not or:[cls == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
					   whatToDo value:cls
	^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
			   Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
			       (cls isNameSpace not or:[cls == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
				   whatToDo value:cls

    selectedPackages size == 1 ifTrue:[
	"/ faster common case
	thePackage := selectedPackages first.

	^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo | |doInclude|
			   Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
			       (hideUnloadedClasses not or:[cls isLoaded])
				   (cls isNameSpace not or:[cls == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
				       doInclude := (thePackage = cls package).
				       doInclude ifFalse:[
					    cls isJavaClass ifFalse:[
					       doInclude := (cls methodDictionary contains:[:mthd | thePackage = mthd package])
							    or:[ cls class methodDictionary contains:[:mthd | thePackage = mthd package]].
				       doInclude ifTrue:[
					   whatToDo value:cls

    ^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |  |doInclude|
		       Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
			   (hideUnloadedClasses not or:[cls isLoaded])
			       (cls isNameSpace not or:[cls == Smalltalk]) ifTrue:[
				   doInclude := (selectedPackages includes:cls package).
				   doInclude ifFalse:[
					cls isJavaClass ifFalse:[
					   doInclude := (cls methodDictionary contains:[:mthd | thePackage = mthd package])
							or:[ cls class methodDictionary contains:[:mthd | thePackage = mthd package]].
				   doInclude ifTrue:[
				       whatToDo value:cls

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:49:37 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 22:53:46 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList methodsFor:'private'!


    (org := self topApplication initialOrganizerMode) == #project ifTrue:[^ false].
    org isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ true

    ^ #project

    |allProjects generator|

    allProjects := IdentitySet new.

    inGeneratorHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	(self hideUnloadedClasses value) ifTrue:[
	    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
		|cls pkg|

		eachClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
		    cls := eachClass theNonMetaclass.
		    cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
			cls := cls topOwningClass
		    pkg := cls package.
		    pkg withoutSeparators size > 0 ifTrue:[
			allProjects add:pkg asSymbol.
		    ] ifFalse:[
			"/ for now, nameSpaces are not in any package;
			"/ this might change. Then, 0-sized packages are
			"/ illegal, and the following should be enabled.
			"/ self halt
		    cls isJavaClass ifFalse:[
			cls instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
			    allProjects add:mthd package asSymbol.
	    allProjects := allProjects asOrderedCollection.
	] ifFalse:[
	    allProjects := NewSystemBrowser allProjectsIDs.

	"/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty projects do not
	"/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
	AdditionalEmptyProjects size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    "/ remove those that are present ...
	    AdditionalEmptyProjects := AdditionalEmptyProjects select:[:pkg | (allProjects includes:pkg) not].
	    allProjects addAll:AdditionalEmptyProjects.
    ] ifFalse:[
	generator := inGeneratorHolder value.
	generator isNil ifTrue:[^ #() ].
	generator do:[:prj | allProjects add:prj].
	allProjects := allProjects asOrderedCollection.

    allProjects sort.
    allProjects size == 1 ifTrue:[
	"/ self projectLabelHolder value:(allProjects first , ' [Project]').
	self projectLabelHolder value:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class packageIcon) string:allProjects first).
    allProjects size > 1 ifTrue:[
	allProjects addFirst:(self class nameListEntryForALL).
    ^ allProjects

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:43:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:26:04 / cg"

    Smalltalk addDependent:self

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:43:13 / cg"

    Smalltalk removeDependent:self.

    super release.

    projectList removeDependent:self.

    |newList oldSelection newSelection selectedProjectsHolder|

    selectedProjectsHolder := self selectedProjects.
    oldSelection := selectedProjectsHolder value.
    newList := self listOfProjects.
    newList ~= projectList value ifTrue:[
"/        oldSelection size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/            selectedProjectsHolder removeDependent:self.
"/            selectedProjectsHolder value:#().
"/            selectedProjectsHolder addDependent:self.
"/        ].

	self projectList value:newList.

	oldSelection size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    newSelection := oldSelection select:[:prj | newList includes:prj].
	    selectedProjectsHolder value:newSelection.
    listValid := true.

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 23:10:01 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList methodsFor:'special'!

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyProjects isNil ifTrue:[
	AdditionalEmptyProjects := Set new.
    AdditionalEmptyProjects add:aProject.

    Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization   "/ not really ... to force update

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:44:27 / cg"

    "/ those are simulated - in ST/X, empty categories do not
    "/ really exist; however, during browsing, it makes sense.
    AdditionalEmptyProjects notNil ifTrue:[
	aListOfProjects do:[:eachProject |
	    AdditionalEmptyProjects remove:eachProject ifAbsent:nil.
    Smalltalk changed:#projectOrganization   "/ not really ... to force update

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:45:24 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodList class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::MethodList andSelector:#singleMethodWindowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::MethodList new openInterface:#singleMethodWindowSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleMethodWindowSpec
	  #label: 'SingleSelectorList'
	  #name: 'SingleSelectorList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 312 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #label: 'MethodName'
	      #name: 'MethodLabel'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
	      #translateLabel: true
	      #labelChannel: #methodLabelHolder
	      #menu: #menuHolder

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 20:50:15 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::MethodList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::MethodList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::MethodList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'SelectorList'
	  #name: 'SelectorList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 312 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'List'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #selectedMethodNameIndices
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #isMultiSelect: true
	      #valueChangeSelector: #selectionChangedByClick
	      #useIndex: true
	      #sequenceList: #browserNameList
	      #doubleClickChannel: #doubleClickChannel
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodList class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(
	#(#doubleClickChannel #action )
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    browserNameList isNil ifTrue:[
	browserNameList := List new.
    ^ browserNameList.

    "Modified: / 31.1.2000 / 00:42:44 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 22:38:32 / cg"

    ^ false.

    filterClassVars isNil ifTrue:[
	filterClassVars := false asValue.
	filterClassVars addDependent:self
    ^  filterClassVars

    filterClassVars notNil ifTrue:[
	filterClassVars removeDependent:self
    filterClassVars := aValueHolder.
    filterClassVars notNil ifTrue:[
	filterClassVars addDependent:self

    ^ self pseudoListLabelHolder

    "Created: / 1.3.2000 / 20:50:07 / cg"

    ^ methodList

    selectedMethodNameIndices isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedMethodNameIndices := ValueHolder new.
	selectedMethodNameIndices addDependent:self
    ^ selectedMethodNameIndices.

    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 00:31:48 / cg"
    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 22:59:31 / cg"

    ^ self selectionHolder

    ^ self selectionHolder:aValueHolder

    showMethodInheritance isNil ifTrue:[
	showMethodInheritance := false asValue.
	showMethodInheritance addDependent:self
    ^  showMethodInheritance

    showMethodInheritance notNil ifTrue:[
	showMethodInheritance removeDependent:self
    showMethodInheritance := aValueHolder.
    showMethodInheritance notNil ifTrue:[
	showMethodInheritance addDependent:self

    variableFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	variableFilter := nil asValue.
	variableFilter addDependent:self
    ^  variableFilter

    variableFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	variableFilter removeDependent:self
    variableFilter := aValueHolder.
    variableFilter notNil ifTrue:[
	variableFilter addDependent:self
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |cls sel oldMethod newMethod methods newSelection
     selectionHolder selection needSelectionChange|

    selectionHolder := self selectedMethods.
    selection := selectionHolder value.

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	classes notNil ifTrue:[
	    something == #methodCategory ifTrue:[
		"/ ignore here - methodCategoryList will tell me if required
		^ self
	    something == #classOrganization ifTrue:[
		"/ ignore here - methodCategoryList will tell me if required
		^ self

	    something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
		"/ a method has been added/changed
		cls := aParameter at:1.
		(classes includesIdentical:cls) ifTrue:[
		    sel := aParameter at:2.
		    oldMethod := aParameter at:3.
		    newMethod := cls compiledMethodAt:sel.
		    (oldMethod notNil and:[newMethod notNil]) ifTrue:[
			"a method was changed & acccepted;
			 No need for a rescan of the methodDictionary;
			 however, ensure that the refs to the old method are updated
			methods := selection.
			methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
			    (methods includesIdentical:oldMethod) ifTrue:[
				needSelectionChange := true.
			methodList replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod.
			lastSelectedMethods notNil ifTrue:[
			    lastSelectedMethods replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod
			methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
			    methods := methods asOrderedCollection.
			    methods replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod.

			needSelectionChange == true ifTrue:[
			    selectionHolder setValue:methods.
			    selectionHolder changed.
			(variableFilter value size > 0
			or:[oldMethod package ~= newMethod package
			or:[oldMethod resources ~= newMethod resources]]) ifTrue:[
			    "/ only update that methods entry
			    self updateListEntryFor:newMethod.    
			    "/ sigh - must invalidate
			    "/ self invalidateList.
			^ self.
		    "/ method was added - update the methodList
		    "/ Q: is this needed (methodCategoryList should send me a new inGenerator)
		    self invalidateList.
		^ self.

	    something == #methodInClassRemoved ifTrue:[
		cls := aParameter at:1.
		(classes includesIdentical:cls) ifTrue:[
		    sel := aParameter at:2.
		    "/ method was removed - update the methodList
		    "/ Q: is this needed (methodCategoryList should send me a new inGenerator)
		    self invalidateList.
		^ self.

	    something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
		cls := aParameter at:1.
		sel := aParameter at:2.
		(classes includesIdentical:cls) ifTrue:[
		    newMethod := cls compiledMethodAt:sel.
		    newMethod isNil ifTrue:[
			self invalidateList.
			^ self
		    newMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
			oldMethod := newMethod originalMethod
		    ] ifFalse:[
			selection size > 0 ifTrue:[
			    oldMethod := selection detect:[:each | each isWrapped and:[each originalMethod == newMethod]] ifNone:nil.

		    selection size > 0 ifTrue:[
			(selection includesIdentical:oldMethod) ifTrue:[
			    needSelectionChange := true.
		    methodList replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod.
		    lastSelectedMethods notNil ifTrue:[
			lastSelectedMethods replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod
		    selection size > 0 ifTrue:[
			selection := selection asOrderedCollection.
			selection replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod.
		    needSelectionChange == true ifTrue:[
			selectionHolder changed.

		    "/ actually, could just change that single item ...
		    "/ ... might be cheaper, if list is huge.
		    "/ only update that methods entry
		    self updateListEntryFor:newMethod.    
		    "/ self invalidateList.
		^ self

	    something == #projectOrganization ifTrue:[
		aParameter notNil ifTrue:[
		    cls := aParameter at:1.
		    cls notNil ifTrue:[
			((classes includesIdentical:cls theNonMetaclass)
			or:[(classes includesIdentical:cls theMetaclass)]) ifTrue:[
			    self invalidateList.
		] ifFalse:[
		    self invalidateList.
		^ self
	    "/ everything else is ignored
	    "/ self halt.
	^ self

"/    something == #organization ifTrue:[
"/self halt:'no longer'.
"/^ self.
"/        "/ a methods cateory has changed
"/        (classes includesIdentical:changedObject) ifTrue:[
"/            aParameter isSymbol ifTrue:[
"/                "/ a method with a new category
"/                (self methodList includesIdentical:(changedObject compiledMethodAt:aParameter)) ifTrue:[
"/                    self invalidateList.
"/                ].
"/                ^ self.
"/            ].
"/            "/ a new category (no method yet)
"/            self invalidateList
"/        ].
"/        ^ self
"/    ].

"/    something == #methodDictionary ifTrue:[
"/self halt:'no longer'.
"/^ self.
"/        "/ a method has been added/removed
"/        (classes includesIdentical:changedObject) ifTrue:[
"/            aParameter isArray ifTrue:[
"/                sel := aParameter at:1.
"/                oldMethod := aParameter at:2.
"/                newMethod := changedObject compiledMethodAt:sel.
"/                oldMethod notNil ifTrue:[
"/                    "a method was changed & acccepted;
"/                     No need for a rescan of the methodDictionary;
"/                     however, ensure that the refs to the old method are updated
"/                    "
"/                    methods := selection.
"/                    methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/                        (methods includesIdentical:oldMethod) ifTrue:[
"/                            needSelectionChange := true.
"/                        ]
"/                    ].
"/                    methodList replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod.
"/                    lastSelectedMethods notNil ifTrue:[
"/                        lastSelectedMethods replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod
"/                    ].
"/                    methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/                        methods := methods asOrderedCollection.
"/                        methods replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod.
"/                    ].
"/                    needSelectionChange == true ifTrue:[
"/                        selectionHolder setValue:methods.
"/                        selectionHolder changed.
"/                    ].
"/                    ^ self.
"/                ]
"/            ].
"/            "/ class has changed must update the methodList
"/            self invalidateList.
"/        ].
"/        ^ self.
"/    ].

"/    something == #projectOrganization ifTrue:[
"/        ((classes includesIdentical:changedObject theNonMetaclass)
"/        or:[(classes includesIdentical:changedObject theMetaclass)]) ifTrue:[
"/            self invalidateList.
"/        ].
"/        ^ self
"/    ].

    changedObject == sortBy ifTrue:[
	listValid ~~ true ifTrue:[  "/ could be nil
	    inGeneratorHolder value isNil ifTrue:[
		"/ ok, no need to react on that one 
		"/ (will invalidate anyway, once I have more info at hand)
		^ self
	self invalidateList.
	^ self

    (changedObject == variableFilter
    or:[changedObject == filterClassVars
    or:[changedObject == showMethodInheritance]]) ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^  self

    changedObject == selectedMethodNameIndices ifTrue:[
	newSelection := self selectedMethodNameIndices value collect:[:idx | methodList at:idx].
	newSelection ~= selection ifTrue:[
	    selectionHolder value:newSelection.
	    lastSelectedMethods := newSelection.
	    lastSelectedMethods notNil ifTrue:[
		lastSelectedMethods := lastSelectedMethods asOrderedCollection
	] ifFalse:[
	    "/ a reselect - force update
"/            selection size == 1 ifTrue:[
		selectionHolder setValue:newSelection.
		selectionHolder changed:#value.
"/            ].
	^ self 
    changedObject == selectionHolder ifTrue:[
	self selectedMethodsChanged.
	lastSelectedMethods := selectionHolder value.
	lastSelectedMethods notNil ifTrue:[
	    lastSelectedMethods := lastSelectedMethods asOrderedCollection
	^ self
"/    something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
"/self halt:'no longer'.
"/^ self.
"/        (classes includesIdentical:changedObject) ifTrue:[
"/            newMethod := changedObject compiledMethodAt:aParameter.
"/            newMethod isNil ifTrue:[
"/                self invalidateList.
"/                ^ self
"/            ].
"/            newMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
"/                oldMethod := newMethod originalMethod
"/            ] ifFalse:[
"/                selection size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/                    oldMethod := selection detect:[:each | each isWrapped and:[each originalMethod == newMethod]] ifNone:nil.
"/                ]
"/            ].
"/            selection size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/                (selection includesIdentical:oldMethod) ifTrue:[
"/                    needSelectionChange := true.
"/                ]
"/            ].
"/"/            methodList replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod.
"/            lastSelectedMethods notNil ifTrue:[
"/                lastSelectedMethods replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod
"/            ].
"/            selection size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/                selection := selection asOrderedCollection.
"/                selection replaceAllIdentical:oldMethod with:newMethod.
"/            ].
"/            needSelectionChange == true ifTrue:[
"/                selectionHolder changed.
"/            ].
"/            self invalidateList.
"/            ^ self
"/        ].
"/        ^ self
"/    ].
    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 6.2.2000 / 00:05:26 / cg"

    "the set of selected methods has changed;
     update the selection-index collection (for the selectionInListView)"

    |indices methods reverseMap 
     selectedMethodsHolder selectedMethods selectedMethodNameIndicesHolder|

    methods := methodList ? #().
    methods size == 0 ifTrue:[
	"/ this may happen during early startup, 
	"/ when invoked with a preset methodSelection,
	"/ and the methodGenerator has not yet been setup
	"/ to not clobber the selection, defer the update
	"/ until the methodList arrives ...
	^ self

    selectedMethodsHolder := self selectedMethods.
    selectedMethods := selectedMethodsHolder value.

    "/ check if all is selected (likely)
    ((selectedMethods size == methodList size)
    and:[selectedMethods = methodList]) ifTrue:[
	indices := (1 to:selectedMethods size)
    ] ifFalse:[
	selectedMethods size > 100 ifTrue:[
	    "/ check if all is selected (likely)
	    ((selectedMethods size == methodList size)
	    and:[selectedMethods = methodList]) ifTrue:[
		indices := (1 to:selectedMethods size)
	    ] ifFalse:[
		"/ for big collections, generate a reverse map
		reverseMap := IdentityDictionary new.
		methods keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :mthd | reverseMap at:mthd put:idx].
		indices := selectedMethods collect:[:eachSelectedMethod |
		    reverseMap at:eachSelectedMethod ifAbsent:0
	] ifFalse:[
	    indices := (selectedMethods ? #()) collect:[:eachSelectedMethod |
		methods identityIndexOf:eachSelectedMethod.
	indices := indices select:[:idx | idx ~= 0].

    selectedMethodNameIndicesHolder := self selectedMethodNameIndices.
    selectedMethodNameIndicesHolder value ~= indices ifTrue:[
	selectedMethodNameIndicesHolder value:indices.


    methods := ((self selectedMethodNameIndices value) ? #()) collect:[:idx | methodList at:idx].
    methods notEmpty ifTrue:[
	lastSelectedMethods := methods asOrderedCollection.
    "/ to allow reselect, change my valueHolder, even if the same collection
"/    self selectedMethods value ~= methods ifTrue:[
	self selectedMethods value:methods
"/    ]

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 5.2.2000 / 23:32:20 / cg"

    "we are not interested in that - get another notification
     via the changed valueHolder"


update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "/ some can be ignored immediately
    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
        classes isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self.
        something isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ self halt "/ huh - Smalltalk changed - so what ?
            ^ self.
        something == #classComment ifTrue:[
            ^ self.
        something == #classVariables ifTrue:[
            ^ self.
        something == #organization ifTrue:[
            ^ self.
        something == #methodCategory ifTrue:[
            "/ ignore here - methodCategoryList will tell me if required
            ^ self
        something == #classOrganization ifTrue:[
            "/ ignore here - methodCategoryList will tell me if required
            ^ self
        something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
            cls := aParameter at:1.
            (classes includesIdentical:cls) ifFalse:[
                ^ self

        classAndSelectorsRedefinedBySubclassesOfClass := nil.

        something == #classDefinition ifTrue:[
            cls := aParameter.
            (classes contains:[:aClass | aClass name == cls name]) ifFalse:[
                ^ self   "/ I dont care for that class
            classes := classes collect:[:eachClass | eachClass isMeta ifTrue:[
                                                         (Smalltalk at:eachClass theNonMetaclass name) class 
                                                     ] ifFalse:[
                                                         Smalltalk at:eachClass name
            self updateList.
            ^ self.
        something == #newClass ifTrue:[
            ^ self.
        something == #classRemove ifTrue:[
            ^ self.
        something == #classRename ifTrue:[
            ^ self.

    "/ these must lead to immediate update of the selectedMethods collection
    "/ (otherwise, that collection might be updated too late, leading to
    "/ an obsolete methods code being shown by the codeView.
    something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
        classAndSelectorsRedefinedBySubclassesOfClass := nil.
        cls := aParameter at:1.
        (classes includesIdentical:cls) ifFalse:[
            ^ self   "/ I dont care for that class
        self enqueueDelayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject.
        ^ self

    something == #methodInClassRemoved ifTrue:[
        cls := aParameter at:1.
        (classes includesIdentical:cls) ifFalse:[
            ^ self   "/ I dont care for that class

    something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
        self window shown ifFalse:[
            changedObject removeDependent:self. "/ ?????
            ^ self
        cls := aParameter at:1.
        (classes includesIdentical:cls) ifFalse:[
            ^ self   "/ I dont care for that class

    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodList methodsFor:'private'!

listEntryForMethod:aMethod selector:selector class:cls showClass:showClass showCategory:showCategory classFirst:showClassFirst
    "answer a method list entry 
	adding a little image to breakPointed methods,
	inheritance indicators,
	highlight accessors of variable"

    |clsName s icn variablesToHighlight classVarsToHighLight 
     doHighLight doHighLightRed emp cat l redefIcon|

    aMethod isAssociation ifTrue:[
	self halt:'should not happen'.

    s := aMethod printStringForBrowserWithSelector:selector inClass:cls.
    showClassFirst ifTrue:[
	clsName := cls nameInBrowser.
	s := clsName , ' ' , s allBold

    "/ wrap icons (i.e. break- or trace points)
    "/ have higher prio ...
    aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
	(s endsWith:' !!') ifTrue:[
	    s := s copyWithoutLast:2
	aMethod isBreakpointed ifTrue:[
	    icn := self stopIcon
	] ifFalse:[
	    aMethod isTimed ifTrue:[
		icn := self timeIcon
	    ] ifFalse:[
		icn := self traceIcon

    icn isNil ifTrue:[
	icn := self resourceIconForMethod:aMethod.
	icn isNil ifTrue:[
	    aMethod isProtected ifTrue:[
		icn := self protectedMethodIcon
	    ] ifFalse:[
		aMethod isPrivate ifTrue:[
		    icn := self privateMethodIcon
		] ifFalse:[
		    (aMethod isJavaMethod and:[aMethod isAbstract]) ifTrue:[
			icn := self abstractMethodIcon
    icn isNil ifTrue:[
	(selector startsWith:'test') ifTrue:[
	    ((cls isSubclassOf:TestCase) 
	    and:[cls isAbstract not]) ifTrue:[
		cls lastTestRunResultOrNil == false ifTrue:[
		    (cls testSelectorFailed:selector) ifTrue:[
			icn := SystemBrowser testCaseFailedIcon
		    ] ifFalse:[
			"/ icn := SystemBrowser testCasePassedIcon

    showClass ifTrue:[
	showClassFirst ifFalse:[
	    s := s , ' [' , cls name allBold , ']'.
    showCategory ifTrue:[
	cat := aMethod category.
	cat notNil ifTrue:[
	    s := s , ' {' , cat "asText allItalic" , '}'

    variablesToHighlight := variableFilter value.
    variablesToHighlight size > 0 ifTrue:[
	classVarsToHighLight := filterClassVars value.
	classVarsToHighLight ifTrue:[
	    doHighLight := self method:aMethod includesRefsToClassVariable:variablesToHighlight.
	    doHighLight ifTrue:[
		doHighLightRed := self method:aMethod includesModsOfClassVariable:variablesToHighlight.
	] ifFalse:[
	    doHighLight := self method:aMethod includesRefsToInstanceVariable:variablesToHighlight.
	    doHighLight ifTrue:[
		doHighLightRed := self method:aMethod includesModsOfInstanceVariable:variablesToHighlight
	doHighLight ifTrue:[
	    s := s allBold.
	    doHighLightRed ifTrue:[
		emp := (UserPreferences current emphasisForWrittenVariable)
	    ] ifFalse:[
		emp := (UserPreferences current emphasisForReadVariable)
	    s := s emphasisAllAdd:emp

    showMethodInheritance value ~~ false ifTrue:[
	redefIcon := self redefinedOrInheritedIconFor:aMethod.

    (icn notNil or:[redefIcon notNil]) ifTrue:[
	l := LabelAndIcon icon:redefIcon string:s.
	l image:icn.
	l gap:2.
	^ l
    ^ s

    "Created: / 22.10.1996 / 19:51:00 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31.10.2001 / 10:46:50 / cg"

    |methods entries selectorBag newNameList 
     allClasses newClasses allCategories "allSelectors" generator 
     doShowClass doShowClassFirst  doShowCategory
     enforceClassAndProtocolInList theMethod sortByClass anyMethodToWatch mclass|

    generator := inGeneratorHolder value.
    generator isNil ifTrue:[^ #() ].

    allClasses := IdentitySet new.
    allCategories := IdentitySet new.   "/ not needed - all I need to know is if there is more than 1 category
    "/ allSelectors := Set new.
    newClasses := IdentitySet new.
    selectorBag := Bag new.
    entries := OrderedCollection new.
    enforceClassAndProtocolInList := false.
    anyMethodToWatch := false.

    "/ generator generates nil-selector entries
    "/ to pass multiple-class and multiple-protocol info
    generator do:[:cls :cat :sel :mthd |
                        (cls isNil and:[cat isNil and:[sel isNil]])
                            enforceClassAndProtocolInList := true
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            cls notNil ifTrue:[
                                allClasses add:cls.
                            cat notNil ifTrue:[
                                allCategories add:cat.
                            sel notNil ifTrue:[
                                entries add:(Array with:cls with:sel with:mthd).
                                selectorBag add:sel.
                                newClasses add:cls.
                                "/ allSelectors add:sel.
                        (mthd notNil and:[mthd isWrapped]) ifTrue:[
                            (mthd isTiming
                            or:[mthd isCounting
                            or:[mthd isCountingMemoryUsage]])
                                anyMethodToWatch := true

    showMethodInheritance value ~~ false ifTrue:[
        "/ collect redefinition information once (big speedup for #methodIsRedefinedbelow)
        classAndSelectorsRedefinedBySubclassesOfClass isNil ifTrue:[
            classAndSelectorsRedefinedBySubclassesOfClass := IdentityDictionary new.
        allClasses do:[:cls | |d|
            d := classAndSelectorsRedefinedBySubclassesOfClass.
            (d notNil and:[ (d includesKey:cls) not ]) ifTrue:[
                d at:cls put:(self setOfAllSelectorsImplementedBelow:cls)

    "/ multiple classes must: add the className for some
    doShowClass := enforceClassAndProtocolInList or:[allClasses size > 1].
    "/ multiple categories: must add the categorie for some
    doShowCategory := enforceClassAndProtocolInList or:[allCategories size > 1].

    doShowClassFirst := doShowClass. "/ (doShowClass and:[allSelectors size == 1]).
    doShowClassFirst := doShowClass and:[ sortBy value == #class ].

    sortBy value == false ifTrue:[
        "/ do not sort
    ] ifFalse:[
        (doShowClass not and:[ sortBy value == #class ]) ifTrue:[
            "/ multiple classes must add the className for some
            "/ check, if doShowClass must be enforced
            entries do:[:entry |
                |cls sel mthd s needClass|

                cls := entry at:1.
                sel := entry at:2.
                mthd := entry at:3.
                doShowClass ifFalse:[
                    doShowClass := (selectorBag occurrencesOf:sel) > 1

        sortByClass := doShowClass and:[ sortBy value == #class ].

        sortByClass ifTrue:[
            entries sort:[:a :b | |nmA nmB clsNmA clsNmB|
                                   clsNmA := (a at:1) name.
                                   clsNmB := (b at:1) name.
                                   clsNmA = clsNmB ifTrue:[
                                       nmA := (a at:2).
                                       nmB := (b at:2).
                                       nmA < nmB
                                   ] ifFalse:[
                                       clsNmA < clsNmB
        ] ifFalse:[
            entries sort:[:a :b | |nmA nmB clsNmA clsNmB|
                                   nmA := (a at:2).
                                   nmB := (b at:2).
                                   nmA = nmB ifTrue:[
                                       clsNmA := (a at:1) name.
                                       clsNmB := (b at:1) name.
                                       clsNmA < clsNmB
                                   ] ifFalse:[
                                       nmA < nmB

    methods := OrderedCollection new:(entries size).

    "/ first generate the new methodList, and see if it is different ...
    entries do:[:entry |
        |sel mthd|

        mthd := entry at:3.
        methods add:mthd.

    false "methodList = methods" "does not care for changed icons" ifTrue:[
        "/ same list
        newNameList := self browserNameList.
    ] ifFalse:[
        newNameList := OrderedCollection new:(entries size).

        "/ multiple classes must add the className for some
        entries do:[:entry |
            |cls sel mthd s needClass|

            cls := entry at:1.
            sel := entry at:2.
            mthd := entry at:3.
            needClass := doShowClass.
"/        needClass ifFalse:[
"/            needClass := (selectorBag occurrencesOf:sel) > 1
"/        ].
            s := self 

"/        s := mthd printStringForBrowserWithSelector:sel inClass:cls.
"/        needClass ifTrue:[
"/            s := s , ' [' , cls name , ']'.
"/        ].
"/        doShowCategory ifTrue:[
"/            s := s , ' {' , mthd category "asText allItalic" , '}'
"/        ].
            newNameList add:s.

    self makeIndependent.
    classes := newClasses.
    self makeDependent.

    methodList := methods.
    methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
        theMethod := methods first.
        mclass := theMethod mclass.
        mclass isNil ifTrue:[
            theMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
                theMethod := theMethod originalMethod.
                mclass := theMethod mclass.
        mclass isNil ifTrue:[
            self methodLabelHolder value:('???' , ' ' , '???').
        ] ifFalse:[
            self methodLabelHolder value:(mclass name , ' ' , theMethod selector).

    anyMethodToWatch ifTrue:[
        self startWatchProcess.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self stopWatchProcess.

    "/ remember these, in case of an incremental (single method only)
    "/ update in the future.
    lastShowClass := doShowClass.
    lastShowClassFirst := doShowClassFirst.
    lastShowCategory := doShowCategory.

    ^ newNameList.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 22:43:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 21:00:26 / cg"

    Smalltalk addDependent:self.

    Smalltalk removeDependent:self.

method:mthd includesModsOfClassVariable:variablesToHighLight
    ^ self method:mthd includesRefsToVariable:variablesToHighLight askParserWith:#modifiedClassVars

method:mthd includesModsOfInstanceVariable:variablesToHighLight
    ^ self method:mthd includesRefsToVariable:variablesToHighLight askParserWith:#modifiedInstVars

method:mthd includesRefsToClassVariable:variablesToHighLight
    ^ self method:mthd includesRefsToVariable:variablesToHighLight askParserWith:#usedClassVars

method:mthd includesRefsToInstanceVariable:variablesToHighLight
    ^ self method:mthd includesRefsToVariable:variablesToHighLight askParserWith:#usedInstVars

method:mthd includesRefsToVariable:variablesToHighLight askParserWith:querySelector
    |cls src parser usedVars anyVarNameAccessable|

    cls := mthd mclass.
    anyVarNameAccessable := cls allInstVarNames includesAny:variablesToHighLight.
    anyVarNameAccessable ifFalse:[
	anyVarNameAccessable := cls theNonMetaclass allClassVarNames includesAny:variablesToHighLight.
    anyVarNameAccessable ifFalse:[
	"/ no need to parse
	^ false

    src := mthd source.
    src notNil ifTrue:[
	 before doing a slow parse, quickly scan the
	 methods source for the variables name ...
	(variablesToHighLight contains:[:varName | (src findString:varName) ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
	    parser := Parser
	    (parser notNil and:[parser ~~ #Error]) ifTrue:[
		usedVars := parser perform:querySelector.
		(usedVars includesAny:variablesToHighLight)
		    ^  true
    ^ false


    mClass := aMethod mclass.
    (mClass notNil and:[mClass superclass notNil]) ifTrue:[
	^ (mClass superclass whichClassImplements:aMethod selector) notNil.
    ^ false

    |mclass subClasses setOfRedefinedSelectors|

    mclass := aMethod mclass.
    mclass isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    "/ if possible, make use of info prepared by listOfMethodNames
    classAndSelectorsRedefinedBySubclassesOfClass notNil
	setOfRedefinedSelectors := classAndSelectorsRedefinedBySubclassesOfClass at:mclass ifAbsent:nil.
	setOfRedefinedSelectors notNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ setOfRedefinedSelectors includes:aMethod selector

    lastMethodClass == mclass ifTrue:[
	subClasses := lastMethodClassesSubclasses
    ] ifFalse:[
	subClasses := aMethod mclass allSubclasses.
	lastMethodClassesSubclasses := subClasses.
	lastMethodClass := mclass.
    ^ subClasses contains:[:cls | cls implements:aMethod selector].

    |inherited redefined|

    inherited := self methodIsInheritedFromAbove:aMethod.
    redefined := self methodIsRedefinedBelow:aMethod.

    inherited ifTrue:[
	redefined ifTrue:[
	    ^ self methodInheritedFromAboveAndRedefinedBelowIcon.
	^ self methodInheritedFromAboveIcon.
    redefined ifTrue:[
	^ self methodRedefinedBelowIcon.

    ^ self methodEmptyInheritedIcon

    super release.

    filterClassVars removeDependent:self.
    selectedMethodNameIndices removeDependent:self.
    showMethodInheritance removeDependent:self.
    variableFilter removeDependent:self.


    (resources := aMethod resources) notNil ifTrue:[
	(resources includesKey:#canvas) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self canvasIcon
	(resources includesKey:#menu) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self menuIcon
	(resources includesKey:#image) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self imageIcon
	(resources includesKey:#fileImage) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self fileImageIcon
	(resources includesKey:#programImage) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self programImageIcon
	(resources includesKey:#help) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self helpIcon
	(resources includesKey:#programMenu) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self programMenuIcon
	(resources includesKey:#tableColumns) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self tableColumnsIcon 
	(resources includesKey:#tabList) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self tabListIcon 
	(resources includesKey:#hierarchicalList) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self hierarchicalListIcon 
	(resources includesKey:#programImage) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self programImageIcon 
    ^ nil


    set := IdentitySet new.
    aClass allSubclassesDo:[:eachSubclass |
	set addAll:(eachSubclass methodDictionary keys).
    ^ set

    |prevSelection newList newSelection newSelIdx reverseMap sameContents newListSize oldListSize
     prevClasses methodSet selectedMethodsHolder|

    selectedMethodsHolder := self selectedMethods.
    prevSelection := selectedMethodsHolder value ? #().

    prevClasses := classes ifNil:[ #() ] ifNotNil:[ classes copy ].

    oldListSize := self browserNameList size.

    "/ self topApplication withWaitCursorDo:[
	newList := self listOfMethodNames.
	newListSize := newList size.
	sameContents := self updateListFor:newList.

	sameContents ifFalse:[
    "/            self browserNameList value:newList.

	    (prevSelection size == 0 
	    and:[selectedMethodsHolder value size ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
		"/ this happens during early startup time,
		"/ when the selection is already (pre-)set,
		"/ and the methodList is generated the first time
		"/ (i.e. when opened with preset selection

		"/ do not clobber the selection in this case.
		prevSelection := selectedMethodsHolder value.

	    (methodList size == 0 or:[prevSelection size == 0]) ifTrue:[
		newSelection := #()
	    ] ifFalse:[
		methodSet := methodList.

		"/ inclusion test is much faster with sets, if the number of items is large
		methodList size > 30 ifTrue:[
		    "/ however, only if its worth building the set ...
		    prevSelection size > 5 ifTrue:[
			methodSet := methodSet asIdentitySet.
		newSelection := prevSelection select:[:item | methodSet includesIdentical:item].
	    newSelection size > 0 ifTrue:[
		newSelection size > 100 ifTrue:[
		    "/ need selection indices - might be expensive if done straight forward...
		    reverseMap := IdentityDictionary new.
		    methodList keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :mthd | reverseMap at:mthd put:idx].
		    newSelIdx := newSelection collect:[:mthd | reverseMap at:mthd].
		] ifFalse:[
		    newSelIdx := newSelection collect:[:mthd | methodList identityIndexOf:mthd]
"/ self halt.
		"/ force change (for dependents)
		selectedMethodNameIndices value:newSelIdx.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		lastSelectedMethods := selectedMethodsHolder value.
		lastSelectedMethods notNil ifTrue:[
		    lastSelectedMethods := lastSelectedMethods asOrderedCollection
		selectedMethodNameIndices value size > 0 ifTrue:[
		    selectedMethodNameIndices value:#().

	    newSelection ~= prevSelection ifTrue:[
		self selectionChanged.
	] ifTrue:[
	    "/ same list - but classes might have changed
	    "/ that is the case, if the class selection has been changed,
	    "/ to another class which has the same categories.

	    (prevClasses size ~= classes size 
	    or:[prevClasses asOrderedCollection ~= (classes ? #()) asOrderedCollection ]) ifTrue:[
		(newListSize > 0 or:[oldListSize > 0]) ifTrue:[
		    self selectionChanged.
    "/ ].

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 19:47:22 / cg"

    "update my list for a single method.
     (used when a single methods package, code or whatever changes, and a full udpate
      would be too slow)"

    |s idx|

    s := self 
	    selector:aMethod selector 
	    class:aMethod mclass 

    idx := methodList identityIndexOf:aMethod.
    idx == 0 ifTrue:[
	aMethod isWrapped ifTrue:[
	    idx := methodList identityIndexOf:aMethod originalMethod.
	] ifFalse:[
    idx == 0 ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList
    ] ifFalse:[
	self browserNameList at:idx put:s.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodList methodsFor:'private-watching'!

    updateProcess notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self
    updateProcess := [
			[true] whileTrue:[
			    Delay waitForSeconds:1.
			    self enqueueDelayedUpdateList
		     ] fork.


    (p := updateProcess) notNil ifTrue:[
	updateProcess := nil.
	p terminate
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::MethodList methodsFor:'setup'!


    super postBuildWith:aBuilder.

    methodListView := aBuilder componentAt:'List'.
    methodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	methodListView allowDrag:true.
	methodListView dragObjectConverter:[:obj | 
					    |nm method idx|

					    nm := obj theObject asString.
					    idx := browserNameList value indexOf:nm string.
					    method := methodList value at:idx.
					    DropObject newMethod:method.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ImplementingMethodList class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(
	#(#doubleClickChannel #action )

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ImplementingMethodList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    selectedSelectors isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedSelectors := ValueHolder new.
	selectedSelectors addDependent:self
    ^ selectedSelectors.

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ImplementingMethodList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    changedObject == selectedMethodNameIndices ifTrue:[
"/        self selectedMethods value:(self selectedMethodNameIndices value collect:[:idx | methodList at:idx]).
"/        lastSelectedMethods := self selectedMethods value.
	self selectedSelectors value:(self selectedMethodNameIndices value collect:[:idx | selectorList at:idx]).
	"/ lastSelectedSelectors := self selectedSelectors value.
	^ self 
    changedObject == selectedSelectors ifTrue:[
	self updateOutputGenerator.
	^ self
    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 6.2.2000 / 00:05:26 / cg"

    self updateOutputGenerator

    self halt:'should not happen'
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ImplementingMethodList methodsFor:'generators'!

    "return a generator which enumerates the methods from the selected protocol;
     that generator generates 4-element elements (includes the class and protocol), 
     in order to make the consumers only depend on one input 
     (i.e. to pass multiple-class and multiple-protocol info
      without a need for another classHolder/protocolHolder in the methodList)."

    ^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
			|selectors items packages|

			items := OrderedCollection new.

			selectors := self selectedSelectors value ? #().
			selectors size > 0 ifTrue:[
			    packages := packageFilter value value.
			    selectors do:[:eachSelector |
				classes do:[:eachClass | |mthd|
				    mthd := eachClass compiledMethodAt:eachSelector.
				    mthd notNil ifTrue:[
					(packages isNil
					or:[packages includes:mthd package]) ifTrue:[
					    items add:(Array with:eachClass with:mthd category with:eachSelector with:mthd)
			items sort:[:a :b |
					|nm1 nm2 sel1 sel2|

					nm1 := (a at:1) name.
					nm2 := (b at:1) name.
					nm1 < nm2 ifTrue:[ true ]
					    nm1 = nm2 ifFalse:[ false ]
						sel1 := a at:3.
						sel2 := b at:3.
						sel1 < sel2
			items do:[:eachItem | whatToDo valueWithArguments:eachItem].

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ImplementingMethodList methodsFor:'private'!

    |entries selectorsAlready newNameList 
     newClasses allCategories allSelectors generator 
     "showCategory"  categoryOrCountPerSelector|

    generator := inGeneratorHolder value.
    generator isNil ifTrue:[^ #() ].

    newClasses := IdentitySet new.
    selectorsAlready := IdentitySet new.
    entries := OrderedCollection new.
    allCategories := Set new.
    allSelectors := Bag identityNew.
    categoryOrCountPerSelector := IdentityDictionary new.

    "/ generator generates nil-selector entries
    "/ to pass multiple-class and multiple-protocol info
    generator do:[:cls :cat :sel :mthd | 

			sel notNil ifTrue:[
			    (selectorsAlready includes:sel) ifFalse:[
				entries add:(Array with:cls with:sel with:mthd).
				selectorsAlready add:sel
			    newClasses add:cls.
			    allCategories add:cat.    
			    allSelectors add:sel.

			    catsAlready := categoryOrCountPerSelector at:sel ifAbsent:nil.
			    catsAlready isNil ifTrue:[
				categoryOrCountPerSelector at:sel put:cat.
			    ] ifFalse:[
				catsAlready isInteger ifTrue:[
				    categoryOrCountPerSelector at:sel put:(catsAlready + 1).
				] ifFalse:[
				    catsAlready ~= cat ifTrue:[
					categoryOrCountPerSelector at:sel put:2.

    entries sort:[:a :b | |nmA nmB clsNmA clsNmB|
			   nmA := (a at:2).
			   nmB := (b at:2).
			   nmA = nmB ifTrue:[
			       clsNmA := (a at:1) name.
			       clsNmB := (b at:1) name.
			       clsNmA < clsNmB
			   ] ifFalse:[
			       nmA < nmB

    newNameList := OrderedCollection new.
    selectorList := OrderedCollection new.

    "/ showCategory := allCategories size > 1.

    entries do:[:entry |
	|cls sel mthd s catOrCounts|

	cls := entry at:1.
	sel := entry at:2.
	mthd := entry at:3.
"/        s := self 
"/                listEntryForMethod:mthd 
"/                selector:sel 
"/                class:cls 
"/                showClass:false 
"/                showCategory:showCategory
"/                classFirst:false.
"/        newNameList add:s.
	selectorList add:sel.
	s := sel.

	catOrCounts := categoryOrCountPerSelector at:sel.
	catOrCounts isInteger ifTrue:[
	    s := s , ' { ... }'  "/ in multiple categories
	] ifFalse:[
	    allCategories size > 1 ifTrue:[
		s := s , ' {' , catOrCounts , '}'
	newNameList add:s.

    classes := newClasses.
    ^ newNameList.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 22:43:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 21:00:26 / cg"

    super release.

    selectedSelectors removeDependent:self.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::InheritanceClassList class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    Like a HierarchicalClassList, but shows class inheritance.
    For non-meta classes, this is the same as would be shown in
    the hierarchy list;
    For metaclasses, the tree is extented through the class-behavior

    embeddable application displaying the classes as listed by
    the inputGenerator.
    Provides an outputGenerator, which enumerates the classes and
    their protocols (method-categories) in the selected classes.

	Claus Gittinger (

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::InheritanceClassList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |top oldSelection newSelection showMeta|

    self inSlaveModeOrInvisible ifTrue:[^ self].
"/    (self slaveMode value == true) ifTrue:[^ self].

    changedObject == slaveMode ifTrue:[
	listValid ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateList
	"/ self invalidateList.
	^  self

    changedObject == meta ifTrue:[
	oldSelection := self selectedClasses value ? #().
	showMeta := meta value.

	newSelection := oldSelection collect:[:cls | showMeta ifTrue:[cls theMetaclass] ifFalse:[cls theNonMetaclass]].
	newSelection := newSelection asOrderedCollection.

	top := self topClassHolder value.
	top notNil ifTrue:[
	    top := showMeta ifTrue:[top theMetaclass] ifFalse:[top theNonMetaclass].
	    self topClassHolder value:top.
	self invalidateList.

(newSelection includes:nil) ifTrue:[self halt:'should not happen'].

	self selectedClasses value:newSelection.
	^ self.
    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 15:29:21 / cg"

    |classes selectedClasses selectedIndices|

    selectedClasses := self selectedClasses value.
    selectedClasses size == 0 ifTrue:[^ #() ].

    classes := self classList value.
    selectedIndices := selectedClasses 
		    collect:[:aSelectedClass |
			classes identityIndexOf:aSelectedClass.
    selectedIndices := selectedIndices select:[:idx | idx ~~ 0].
    selectedIndices size == 0 ifTrue:[
"/        meta value == true ifTrue:[
"/self halt.
"/        ] ifFalse:[
"/self halt.
"/        ]

    ^ selectedIndices

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 19:48:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 23:30:22 / cg"

    |selected classes allSelected|

    allSelected := false.

    classes := classList value.
    selected := self selectedClassNameIndices value collect:[:idx |

	cls := classes at:idx.
"/        cls == AllEntry ifTrue:[
"/            allSelected := true.
"/            cls.
"/        ] ifFalse:[
"/            cls notNil ifTrue:[
"/                meta value ifTrue:[
"/                    cls := cls theMetaclass
"/                ] ifFalse:[
"/                    cls := cls theNonMetaclass
"/                ].
"/            ].
"/            cls
"/        ]

"/    allSelected ifTrue:[
"/        selected := classList value select:[:cls | cls ~~ AllEntry].
"/    ].

    selected := selected select:[:cls | cls notNil].

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 19:45:04 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::InheritanceClassList methodsFor:'private'!

    self organizerMode value == #category ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ false

    |top classes|

    (top := self topClassHolder value) isNil ifTrue:[
	^ super listOfClasses

    classes := top withAllSuperclasses copy reverse.
"/    classes addFirst:InheritedEntry.
    ^ classes

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 00:38:48 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::FullMethodCategoryList methodsFor:'generators'!

    "return a generator which enumerates the methods from the selected protocol;
     that generator generates 4-element elements (includes the class and protocol), 
     in order to make the consumers only depend on one input 
     (i.e. to pass multiple-class and multiple-protocol info
      without a need for another classHolder/protocolHolder in the methodList)."

    ^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
			|protocols all packages theProtocol|

			protocols := self selectedProtocols value ? #().

			all := protocols includes:(self class nameListEntryForALL).
			packages := packageFilter value value.

			protocols size > 0 ifTrue:[
			    protocols size == 1 ifTrue:[
				theProtocol := protocols first.
				Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
				    eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :eachMethod |

					cat := eachMethod category.
					or:[theProtocol = cat]) ifTrue:[
					    (packages isNil
					    or:[packages includes:eachMethod package])
						whatToDo value:eachMethod mclass value:cat value:sel value:eachMethod.
			    ] ifFalse:[
				Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
				    eachClass instAndClassSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :eachMethod |

					cat := eachMethod category.
					or:[protocols includes:cat]) ifTrue:[
					    (packages isNil
					    or:[packages includes:eachMethod package])
						whatToDo value:eachMethod mclass value:cat value:sel value:eachMethod.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::FullMethodCategoryList methodsFor:'private'!


    categories := Set new.

    "return all existing categories"
    Method allInstancesDo:[:eachMethod |
	categories add:eachMethod category    
    categories := categories asOrderedCollection sort.
    categories addFirst:(self class nameListEntryForALL).
    ^ categories

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::ImplementingClassList methodsFor:'private'!

    |methods entries newNameList 
     allCategories classUses allSelectors generator 

    generator := inGeneratorHolder value.
    generator isNil ifTrue:[^ #() ].

    classUses := Bag identityNew.
    allSelectors := IdentitySet new.
    allCategories := Set new.
    entries := OrderedCollection new.

    "/ generator generates nil-selector entries
    "/ to pass multiple-class and multiple-protocol info
    generator do:[:cls :cat :sel :mthd | 
			sel notNil ifTrue:[
			    entries add:(Array with:cls with:sel with:mthd).
			    classUses add:cls.
			    allSelectors add:sel.
			    allCategories add:mthd category.

    entries sort:[:a :b | |clsNmA clsNmB|
			   clsNmA := (a at:1) name.
			   clsNmB := (b at:1) name.
			   clsNmA < clsNmB

    newNameList := entries collect:[:entry | 
					|class nm|

					class := (entry at:1).
					nm := class name.
					((allSelectors size > 1)
					or:[(classUses occurrencesOf:class) > 1]) ifTrue:[
					    nm := nm , ' ' , (entry at:2)
					allCategories size > 1 ifTrue:[
					    nm := nm , ' {' , (entry at:3) category , '}'
"/                                        class name , ' ' , (entry at:2)
    methods := entries collect:[:entry | (entry at:3)].
    methodList := methods.
"/    methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
"/        theMethod := methods first.
"/        self methodLabelHolder value:(theMethod mclass name , ' ' , theMethod selector).
"/    ].
    ^ newNameList.

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 22:43:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 21:00:26 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList andSelector:#singleCategoryWindowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList new openInterface:#singleCategoryWindowSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleNameSpaceWindowSpec
	  #label: 'NameSpaceList'
	  #name: 'NameSpaceList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 218 175 518 475)
	  #collection: #(
	      #label: 'NameSpaceName'
	      #name: 'NameSpaceLabel'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
	      #translateLabel: true
	      #labelChannel: #nameSpaceLabelHolder
	      #menu: #menuHolder


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList andSelector:#singleCategoryWindowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList new openInterface:#singleCategoryWindowSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleNamespaceWindowSpec
	  #label: 'NamespaceList'
	  #name: 'NamespaceList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 218 175 518 475)
	  #collection: #(
	      #label: 'NamespaceName'
	      #name: 'NamespaceLabel'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
	      #translateLabel: true
	      #labelChannel: #nameSpaceLabelHolder
	      #menu: #menuHolder


    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'NamespaceList'
	  #name: 'NamespaceList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 313 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'List'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #selectedNamespaces
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #isMultiSelect: true
	      #valueChangeSelector: #selectionChangedByClick
	      #useIndex: false
	      #sequenceList: #nameSpaceList
	      #doubleClickChannel: #doubleClickChannel


    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 01:06:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 01:24:50 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList class methodsFor:'queries-plugin'!

    ^ #( 
	#(#doubleClickChannel #action )

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 01:06:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 22:32:20 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    ^ self pseudoListLabelHolder

    namespaceList isNil ifTrue:[
	namespaceList := ValueHolder new
    ^ namespaceList

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:59:01 / cg"

    ^ self selectionHolder


    ^ self selectionHolder:aValueHolder

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    self inSlaveModeOrInvisible 
	changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	    something == #classComment ifTrue:[^ self].
	self invalidateList.
	^ self

    changedObject == slaveMode ifTrue:[
	listValid ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateList
	"/ self invalidateList.
	^  self

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	something == #newClass ifTrue:[
	    listValid == true ifTrue:[
		aParameter isNameSpace ifTrue:[
		    (namespaceList value includes:aParameter name) ifFalse:[
			self invalidateList.
	    ^ self
	something == #classRemove ifTrue:[
	    listValid == true ifTrue:[
		aParameter isNameSpace ifTrue:[
		    self invalidateList.
	    ^ self
	^ self

    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 01:00:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 01:10:46 / cg"

    "we are not interested in that - get another notification
     via the changed valueHolder"

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 01:00:14 / cg"

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	something == #methodDictionary ifTrue:[
	    ^ self 
	something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #classVariables ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #classComment ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
	something == #methodInClassRemoved ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList methodsFor:'generators'!

    "return a generator which enumerates the classes from the selected namespace(s)."

    |spaceNames hideUnloadedClasses|

    spaceNames := self selectedNamespaces value.
    spaceNames size == 0 ifTrue:[
	^ #()

    hideUnloadedClasses := self hideUnloadedClasses value.

    (spaceNames includes:(self class nameListEntryForALL)) ifTrue:[
	hideUnloadedClasses ifTrue:[
	    ^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
			       Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
				   cls isLoaded ifTrue:[
				       cls isNameSpace ifFalse:[
					   whatToDo value:cls
	^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
			   Smalltalk allClassesDo:whatToDo

    (spaceNames size == 1 
     and:[spaceNames first = 'Smalltalk']) ifTrue:[
	"/ somewhat tuned - quick look if classes name
	"/ includes colons ...
	^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
		       Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |

			   includeIt := (cls name includes:$:) not.
			   includeIt := includeIt
					or:[(cls isPrivate not 
					    and:[(cls nameSpace == Smalltalk)])].
			   includeIt := includeIt
					or:[(cls isPrivate  
					    and:[(cls topOwningClass nameSpace == Smalltalk)])].

			   includeIt := includeIt
					and:[hideUnloadedClasses not
					      or:[cls isLoaded]].
			   includeIt ifTrue:[
			       cls isNameSpace ifFalse:[
				   whatToDo value:cls

    ^ Iterator on:[:whatToDo |
		       Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:cls |
			   |spaceOfClass spaceNameOfClass includeIt|

			   spaceOfClass := cls isPrivate ifTrue:[cls topOwningClass nameSpace] ifFalse:[cls nameSpace].
			   spaceNameOfClass := spaceOfClass name.

			   includeIt := spaceNames contains:[:nm | nm = spaceNameOfClass
								   or:[spaceNameOfClass startsWith:(nm , '::')]].

			   hideUnloadedClasses ifTrue:[
			       includeIt := includeIt and:[cls isLoaded].
			   includeIt ifTrue:[
			       cls isNameSpace ifFalse:[
				   whatToDo value:cls

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 01:01:58 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:42:58 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList methodsFor:'private'!

    self topApplication initialOrganizerMode == #namespace ifTrue:[^ false].
"/    self organizerMode value == #category ifTrue:[^ true].
"/    ^ false
    ^ true

    ^ #namespace

    |allNamespaces showAllNamespaces generator|

showAllNamespaces := false.
    allNamespaces := IdentitySet new.

    inGeneratorHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	(self hideUnloadedClasses value) ifTrue:[
	    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
		eachClass isLoaded ifTrue:[
		    allNamespaces add:(eachClass theNonMetaclass topNameSpace)
	] ifFalse:[
	    allNamespaces := NameSpace allNamespaces.

	showAllNamespaces ifFalse:[
	    "/ only topLevel namespaces are shown
	    "/ i.e. ignore subspaces 

	    allNamespaces := allNamespaces select:[:ns | ns isTopLevelNameSpace].
	allNamespaces := allNamespaces collect:[:ns | ns name].
    ] ifFalse:[
	generator := inGeneratorHolder value.
	generator isNil ifTrue:[^ #() ].
	generator do:[:ns | allNamespaces add:ns].

    allNamespaces := allNamespaces asOrderedCollection.
    allNamespaces sort.
    allNamespaces size == 1 ifTrue:[
	self nameSpaceLabelHolder value:(LabelAndIcon icon:(self class nameSpaceIcon) string:allNamespaces first).
    allNamespaces addFirst:(self class nameListEntryForALL).
    ^ allNamespaces

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 01:04:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 22:11:29 / cg"

    Smalltalk addDependent:self

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 01:04:36 / cg"

    Smalltalk removeDependent:self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 01:04:42 / cg"

    |newList oldSelection newSelection selectedNamespacesHolder|

    selectedNamespacesHolder := self selectedNamespaces.
    oldSelection := selectedNamespacesHolder value.
    newList := self listOfNamespaces.
    newList ~= namespaceList value ifTrue:[
"/        oldSelection size > 0 ifTrue:[
"/            selectedNamespacesHolder removeDependent:self.
"/            selectedNamespacesHolder value:#().
"/            selectedNamespacesHolder addDependent:self.
"/        ].
	self nameSpaceList value:newList.

	oldSelection size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    newSelection := oldSelection select:[:nm | 
				(nm = self class nameListEntryForALL) 
				or:[ (Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol) isNameSpace]
	    newSelection ~= oldSelection ifTrue:[
		selectedNamespacesHolder value:newSelection.
    listValid := true.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigationState methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ autoSearchAction

    autoSearchAction := something.

    "return true if the autSearch is to be case-insensitive"

    ^ autoSearchIgnoreCase

    "change the autSearches case-insensitivenes"

    autoSearchIgnoreCase := aBoolean

    "return the automatic search pattern"

    ^ autoSearchPattern

    "change the automatic search pattern"

    autoSearchPattern := aPattern.

    "return the assigned state-label (to be shown in the tab)."

    ^ browserLabel

    "set the assigned state-label (to be shown in the tab)."

    browserLabel := aString

    "return the value of the instance variable 'canvas' (automatically generated)"

    ^ canvas

    "set the value of the instance variable 'canvas' (automatically generated)"

    canvas := something.
    canvasType isNil ifTrue:[
	canvasType := something spec

    "return the type of canvas"

    ^ canvasType

    "set the type of canvas"

    canvasType notNil ifTrue:[
	canvasType ~~ aSpecSymbol ifTrue:[
	    self halt:'cannot be changed, once set'.
    canvasType := aSpecSymbol

    "return the codeAspect; a symbol describing what is shown in the codeView"

    ^ codeAspect

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 12:43:29 / cg"

    "set the codeAspect; a symbol describing what is shown in the codeView"

    codeAspect := aSymbolOrNil

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 12:43:45 / cg"

    |builder v|

    canvas notNil ifTrue:[
	builder := canvas builder.
	builder notNil ifTrue:[
	    v := builder componentAt:#CodeView.
	    v notNil ifTrue:[
		^ v scrolledView
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 13:28:25 / cg"

    ^ Smalltalk

    "check for modified code by asking the editTextView;
     this one returns true if ever modified - even if
     the modifiecations where undone in the editor
     (i.e. not really modified).
     Use #reallyModified if the contents should be compared
     against the original contents"


    realModifiedState == true ifTrue:[^ true].
    ^ (codeView := self codeView) notNil
      and:[codeView modified]


    (codeView := self codeView) notNil ifTrue:[
	codeView modified:aBoolean

    ^ realModifiedState

    realModifiedState := aBoolean
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigationState methodsFor:'accessing-selection'!

    "if only one class is selected, return it.
     Otherwise, return nil"


    classes := self selectedClasses value.
    classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
	^ classes first
    ^ nil

    "if only one method is selected, return it.
     Otherwise, return nil"


    methods := self selectedMethods value.
    methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
	^ methods first
    ^ nil
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigationState methodsFor:'accessing-subApps'!

    ^ self applicationOfComponent:aComponentName or:nil


applicationOfComponent:aComponentName or:anotherComponentName
    |builder view|

    builder := canvas builder.
    view := builder findComponentAt:aComponentName.
    (view isNil and:[anotherComponentName notNil]) ifTrue:[
	view := builder findComponentAt:anotherComponentName.
    view notNil ifTrue:[
	^ view application
    ^ nil

    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#ClassCategoryList


    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#ClassList


    ^ canvas builder findComponentAt:#ClassToggle.

    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#MethodCategoryList

    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#MethodList

    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#NamespaceList or:#PseudoNamespaceList

    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#ProjectList or:#PseudoProjectList

    ^ self applicationOfComponent:#VariableList 

    ^ versionDiffApplication


    versionDiffApplication := anApplication

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigationState methodsFor:'aspects'!

    categoryList isNil ifTrue:[
	categoryList := nil asValue.
    ^ categoryList

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 01:35:42 / cg"
    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 01:57:45 / cg"

    categoryListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
	categoryListGenerator := nil asValue.
    ^ categoryListGenerator

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 01:34:30 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 01:35:42 / cg"

    classDocumentationHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	classDocumentationHolder := nil asValue.
    ^ classDocumentationHolder

    classHierarchyTopClass isNil ifTrue:[
	classHierarchyTopClass := nil asValue.
    ^ classHierarchyTopClass


    classList isNil ifTrue:[
	classList := nil asValue.
    ^ classList

    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 01:57:28 / cg"

    classListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
	classListGenerator := nil asValue.
    ^ classListGenerator


    classListPerNameSpaceGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
	classListPerNameSpaceGenerator := nil asValue.
    ^ classListPerNameSpaceGenerator

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:15:34 / cg"

    codeHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	codeHolder := nil asValue.
    ^ codeHolder


    codeModifiedHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	codeModifiedHolder := false asValue.
    ^ codeModifiedHolder

    cursorColLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	cursorColLabelHolder := BlockValue 
				    with:[:v | v printString]
				    argument:self codeView cursorColHolder.
    ^ cursorColLabelHolder

    cursorLineLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	cursorLineLabelHolder := BlockValue 
				    with:[:v | v printString]
				    argument:self codeView cursorLineHolder.
    ^ cursorLineLabelHolder

    filterClassVars isNil ifTrue:[
	filterClassVars := false asValue.
    ^ filterClassVars

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:45:28 / cg"

    hidePrivateClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	hidePrivateClasses := false asValue.
    ^ hidePrivateClasses

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 16:17:02 / cg"

    infoLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	infoLabelHolder := '' asValue.
    ^ infoLabelHolder

    meta isNil ifTrue:[
	meta := false asValue.
    ^ meta


    metaToggleLabel isNil ifTrue:[
	metaToggleLabel := 'Class' asValue.
    ^ metaToggleLabel

    methodInfo isNil ifTrue:[
	methodInfo := nil asValue.
    ^ methodInfo



    methodListApplication := self methodListApplication.
    methodListApplication isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    ^ methodListApplication methodList

    modeLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	modeLabelHolder := self codeView modeLabelHolder.
    ^ modeLabelHolder

    nameSpaceFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	nameSpaceFilter := nil asValue.
    ^ nameSpaceFilter

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:25:24 / cg"

    nameSpaceListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
	nameSpaceListGenerator := nil asValue.
    ^ nameSpaceListGenerator

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:26:19 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 14:27:59 / cg"

    noAllItem isNil ifTrue:[
	noAllItem := nil asValue.
    ^ noAllItem

    "return the organizerMode holder; 
     holding a symbol describing how things are organized
     (#category, #hierarchy, #project or #namespace)"

    organizerMode isNil ifTrue:[
	organizerMode := #category asValue.
    ^ organizerMode

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 13:33:55 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 18:37:22 / cg"

    packageFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	packageFilter := nil asValue.
    ^ packageFilter

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:45:28 / cg"

    packageLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	packageLabelHolder := '' asValue.
    ^ packageLabelHolder

    projectListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
	projectListGenerator := nil asValue.
    ^ projectListGenerator

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 01:35:42 / cg"
    "Created: / 25.2.2000 / 02:43:26 / cg"

    protocolListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
	protocolListGenerator := nil asValue.
    ^ protocolListGenerator


    selectedCategories isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedCategories := nil asValue.
    ^ selectedCategories


    selectedClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedClasses := "SpecialValueHolder with:nil." nil asValue.
    ^ selectedClasses

    selectedMethods isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedMethods := nil asValue.
    ^ selectedMethods



    selectedMethodsArray isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedMethodsArray := OrderedCollection new 
    index > selectedMethodsArray size ifTrue:[
	selectedMethodsArray grow:index
    holder := selectedMethodsArray at:index.
    holder isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedMethodsArray at:index put:(holder := ValueHolder new)
    ^ holder.

    selectedNamespaces isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedNamespaces := nil asValue.
    ^ selectedNamespaces


    selectedProjects isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedProjects := nil asValue.
    ^ selectedProjects


    selectedProtocols isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedProtocols := nil asValue.
    ^ selectedProtocols


    selectorListGenerator isNil ifTrue:[
	selectorListGenerator := nil asValue.
    ^ selectorListGenerator


    self halt:'should not be invoked'.


    selectorListGeneratorArray isNil ifTrue:[
	selectorListGeneratorArray := OrderedCollection new 
    index > selectorListGeneratorArray size ifTrue:[
	selectorListGeneratorArray grow:index
    holder := selectorListGeneratorArray at:index.
    holder isNil ifTrue:[
	selectorListGeneratorArray at:index put:(holder := ValueHolder new)
    ^ holder.

    sortBy isNil ifTrue:[
	sortBy := nil asValue.
    ^ sortBy

    variableFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	variableFilter := nil asValue.
    ^ variableFilter

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:45:28 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigationState methodsFor:'aspects-kludges'!

    metaToggle isNil ifTrue:[
	metaToggle := PluggableAdaptor on:(self meta).
	    getBlock:[:m | m value == true]
	    putBlock:[:m :newValue | m value:(newValue ? false)]
	    updateBlock:[:m :aspect :param | true].
    ^ metaToggle

    notMetaToggle isNil ifTrue:[
	notMetaToggle := PluggableAdaptor on:(self meta).
	    getBlock:[:m | m value == false]
	    putBlock:[:m :newValue | m value:(newValue ? false) not]
	    updateBlock:[:m :aspect :param | true].
    ^ notMetaToggle
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigationState methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

    ^ someString asText emphasisAllAdd:(UserPreferences current emphasisForModifiedBuffer)

    "a descriptive string of what this state shows"


    s := self rawNameStringOrNil ? 'nothing selected'.

    (realModifiedState == true) ifTrue:[
	^ self colorizeForModifiedBuffer:s string
    ^ s

    "a descriptive string of what this state shows"

    |s "codeView"|

    s := self rawNameStringOrNil.
    s notNil ifTrue:[
	realModifiedState == true 
"/    ((codeView := self codeView) notNil
"/    and:[codeView modified]) 
	    ^ self colorizeForModifiedBuffer:s string
    ^ s

    |categories theCategory|

    categories := self selectedCategories value.
    categories size == 1 ifTrue:[
	theCategory := categories first.
	theCategory notNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ theCategory string, ' [Category]'
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 19:42:42 / cg"

    |namespaces theNamespace nsName s|

    namespaces := self selectedNamespaces value.
    namespaces size == 1 ifTrue:[
	theNamespace := namespaces first
    theNamespace notNil ifTrue:[
	theNamespace isNameSpace ifTrue:[
	    nsName := theNamespace name
	] ifFalse:[
	    nsName := theNamespace
	s := nsName , ' [NameSpace]'.
	(self isNameSpaceBrowser or:[self isNameSpaceFullBrowser]) ifTrue:[
	    ^ LabelAndIcon icon:(NewSystemBrowser nameSpaceIcon) string:s.
	^ s
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 20:15:02 / cg"

    |projects theProject s|

    projects := self selectedProjects value.
    projects size == 1 ifTrue:[
	theProject := projects first
    theProject notNil ifTrue:[
	s := theProject , ' [Project]'.
	(self isProjectBrowser or:[self isProjectFullBrowser]) ifTrue:[
	    ^ LabelAndIcon icon:(NewSystemBrowser packageIcon) string:s.
	^ s
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 20:18:34 / cg"

    "a descriptive string of what this state shows; nil, if nothing is selected"

    ^ self rawNameStringOrNilWantShort:false

    "a descriptive string of what this state shows; nil, if nothing is selected"

    |lbl nr numClasses numMethods numCategories cats classes theClass   
     "protocols theProtocol" 
     methods theSingleMethod projects theProject longName nm methodName suffix cls|

    browserLabel notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ add the number of selected methods
	((canvasType == #singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec)
	or:[canvasType == #methodListBrowserSpec]) ifTrue:[
	    nr := self selectedMethods value size.
	    nr > 5 ifTrue:[
		^ browserLabel string , ' - ' , nr printString , ' methods'
	^ browserLabel

    suffix := ''.

    self isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser ifTrue:[
	lbl := self rawNameStringForProject.
	lbl notNil ifTrue:[^ lbl].
	suffix := ' [Protocol]'.

    self isCategoryBrowser ifTrue:[
	lbl := self rawNameStringForCategory.
	lbl notNil ifTrue:[^ lbl].
	suffix := ' [Category]'.

    self isNameSpaceBrowser ifTrue:[
	lbl := self rawNameStringForNameSpace.
	lbl notNil ifTrue:[^ lbl].
	suffix := ' [NameSpace]'.

    self isProjectBrowser ifTrue:[
	projects := self selectedProjects value.
	projects size == 1 ifTrue:[
	    theProject := projects first
	suffix := ' [Project]'.
	theProject notNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ theProject , suffix

    classes := self selectedClasses value.
    classes size == 1 ifTrue:[
	theClass := classes first.
	theClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    theClass := theClass theNonMetaclass

    self isClassBrowser ifTrue:[
	suffix := ' [Class]'.
	theClass notNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ theClass name , suffix

"/    protocols := self selectedProtocols value.
"/    protocols size == 1 ifTrue:[
"/        theProtocol := protocols first
"/    ].

    methods := self selectedMethods value.
    methods size == 1 ifTrue:[
	theSingleMethod := methods first

    theSingleMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	methodName := theSingleMethod selector.
	theSingleMethod isJavaMethod ifTrue:[
	    methodName := theSingleMethod printStringForBrowserWithSelector:methodName.

    self isMethodBrowser ifTrue:[
	suffix := ' [Selector]'.

	theSingleMethod notNil ifTrue:[
	    theSingleMethod mclass isNil ifTrue:[
		^ '???'
	    ^ theSingleMethod mclass name , ' ' , methodName , suffix

    self isCategoryBrowser ifTrue:[
	suffix :=  ' [Category]'.
    ] ifFalse:[
	self isFullClassSourceBrowser ifTrue:[
	    suffix :=  ' [Full]'.
	] ifFalse:[
	    self isClassDocumentationBrowser ifTrue:[
		suffix :=  ' [Doc]'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self isProjectBrowser ifTrue:[
		    suffix :=  ' [Project]'.

    nm := nil.
    (numClasses := classes size) > 0 ifTrue:[
	numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
	    methods size > 0 ifTrue:[
		theSingleMethod notNil ifTrue:[
		    cls := theSingleMethod mclass.
		    cls isNil ifTrue:[ 
			"/ oops - unbound
			nm := '???'
		    ] ifFalse:[
			longName := nm := cls nameInBrowser.
			shortName ifTrue:[
			    nm := cls nameWithoutPrefix.
			    cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
				nm := ':' , nm
		    nm := nm , ' ', (methodName ? '???')
		] ifFalse:[
		    nm := methods size printString , ' methods'.
		    numClasses := (methods collect:[:each | each mclass]) asIdentitySet size.
		    numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
			nm := nm , ' in ' , numClasses printString , ' classes'.
		^ nm , suffix.

	    nm := numClasses printString , ' classes in '.
	    "/ cats := self selectedCategories value
	    cats := (classes collect:[:each | each category]) asSet.
	    (numCategories := cats size) == 1 ifTrue:[
		nm := nm , cats first
	    ] ifFalse:[
		nm := nm , numCategories printString , ' categories'
	] ifFalse:[
	    cls := theClass theNonMetaclass.
	    longName := nm := cls nameInBrowser.
	    shortName ifTrue:[
		nm := cls nameWithoutPrefix.
		cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
		    nm := ':' , nm
	    methods := self selectedMethods value.
	    (numMethods := methods size) > 0 ifTrue:[
		numMethods == 1 ifTrue:[
		    theSingleMethod := methods first.
		    nm := nm , ' ', (methodName ? '???')
		] ifFalse:[
		    nm := numMethods printString , ' methods in ' , nm
    ] ifFalse:[
	(self isNameSpaceBrowser 
	or:[self isNameSpaceFullBrowser
	or:[organizerMode value == #namespace]]) ifTrue:[
	    lbl := self rawNameStringForNameSpace.
	    lbl notNil ifTrue:[^ lbl].
	    suffix := ' [NameSpace]'.
	] ifFalse:[
	    (self isProjectBrowser 
	    or:[self isProjectFullBrowser
	    or:[organizerMode value == #project]]) ifTrue:[
		lbl := self rawNameStringForProject.
		lbl notNil ifTrue:[^ lbl].
		suffix := ' [Project]'.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		cats := self selectedCategories value.
		cats size == 1 ifTrue:[
		    nm := cats first string
    nm isNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
    ^ nm , suffix.

    "Created: / 11.2.2000 / 13:32:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 21:06:35 / cg"

    "a descriptive string of what this state shows"


    s := (self rawNameStringOrNilWantShort:true) ? 'nothing selected'.

    (realModifiedState == true) ifTrue:[
	^ self colorizeForModifiedBuffer:s string
    ^ s
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigationState methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ canvasType == #categoryBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #singleCategoryBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #multipleCategoryBrowserSpec ]]

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 01:17:02 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #chainBrowserSpec    

    ^ canvasType == #multipleClassWithInfoAndMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
      or:[canvasType == #multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec
      or:[canvasType == #multipleClassWithInfoBrowserSpec]]

    ^ canvasType == #classBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #singleClassBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #multipleClassBrowserSpec ]]

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 00:38:07 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #classDocumentationBrowserSpec

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:54:40 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #fullBrowserSpec

    ^ canvasType == #fullClassSourceBrowserSpec

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 14:54:40 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec ]

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:32:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:00 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #methodListBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #singleMethodBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #multipleMethodBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #multipleMethodWithInfoBrowserSpec ]]]

    "Modified: / 1.3.2000 / 13:35:12 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #methodListBrowserSpec
      or:[canvasType == #multipleMethodBrowserSpec]

    ^ canvasType == #singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec]

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 16:12:34 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec ]

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 14:58:36 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #singleProjectBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #multipleProjectBrowserSpec ]

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:32:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:00 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec ]

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 19:02:49 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #singleProtocolBrowserSpec
      or:[ canvasType == #multipleProtocolBrowserSpec ]

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:32:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:00 / cg"

    ^ self isProtocolBrowser
      or:[ self isFullProtocolBrowser ]

    ^ canvasType == #singleCategoryBrowserSpec    

    ^ canvasType == #singleClassBrowserSpec    

    ^ canvasType == #singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec    

    ^ canvasType == #singleMethodBrowserSpec

    "Created: / 1.3.2000 / 13:35:52 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

    ^ canvasType == #singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec

    ^ canvasType == #singleProjectBrowserSpec

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:32:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:00 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 21:32:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 03:11:00 / cg"

    ^ canvasType == #singleProtocolBrowserSpec    

    ^ canvasType == #multipleClassRepositoryDiffBrowserSpec
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#categoryAndClassOnlySpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#categoryAndClassOnlySpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #fullClassSourceBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'Full Class Browser'
	  #name: 'Full Class Browser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'Organizer'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas'
	      #minorKey: #windowSpecWithoutMetaToggles
		  #subAspect: #classCategoryListMenuHolder
		  #aspect: #categoryPopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #classCategoryDoubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #classCategoryDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #nameSpaceDoubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #nameSpaceDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #projectDoubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #projectDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #variableDoubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #classHierarchyListMenuHolder
		  #aspect: #hierarchyPopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
		  #aspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
		  #subAspect: #classListMenuHolder
		  #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #hidePrivateClasses
		  #aspect: #hidePrivateClasses
		  #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #subAspect: #showClassPackages
		  #aspect: #showClassPackages
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
		  #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #aspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #subAspect: #meta
		  #aspect: #meta
		  #subAspect: #metaToggleLabelHolder
		  #aspect: #metaToggleLabelHolder

		  #subAspect: #nameSpaceListMenuHolder
		  #aspect: #nameSpacePopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #organizerMode
		  #aspect: #organizerMode
		  #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
		  #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
		  #subAspect: #packageFilter
		  #aspect: #packageFilter
		  #subAspect: #projectListMenuHolder
		  #aspect: #projectPopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #selectedCategories
		  #aspect: #selectedCategories
		  #callBack: #categorySelectionChanged
		  #subAspect: #selectedClasses
		  #aspect: #selectedClasses
		  #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
		  #subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
		  #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
		  #subAspect: #selectedProjects
		  #aspect: #selectedProjects
		  #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
		  #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
	      #createNewApplication: true
	      #createNewBuilder: true

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:00:27 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#categoryAndSingleClassOnlySpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#categoryAndSingleClassOnlySpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #categoryAndSingleClassOnlySpec
	  #label: 'Full Class Browser'
	  #name: 'Full Class Browser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'Organizer'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas'
	      #minorKey: #windowSpecWithoutMetaToggles
		  #subAspect: #classCategoryListMenuHolder
		  #aspect: #categoryPopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #classCategoryDoubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #classCategoryDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #nameSpaceDoubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #nameSpaceDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #projectDoubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #projectDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #variableDoubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #classHierarchyListMenuHolder
		  #aspect: #hierarchyPopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
		  #aspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
		  #subAspect: #classListMenuHolder
		  #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #hidePrivateClasses
		  #aspect: #hidePrivateClasses
		  #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #subAspect: #showClassPackages
		  #aspect: #showClassPackages
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
		  #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #aspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #subAspect: #meta
		  #aspect: #meta
		  #subAspect: #nameSpaceListMenuHolder
		  #aspect: #nameSpacePopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #organizerMode
		  #aspect: #organizerMode
		  #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
		  #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
		  #subAspect: #packageFilter
		  #aspect: #packageFilter
		  #subAspect: #projectListMenuHolder
		  #aspect: #projectPopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #selectedCategories
		  #aspect: #selectedCategories
		  #callBack: #categorySelectionChanged
		  #subAspect: #selectedClasses
		  #aspect: #selectedClasses
		  #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
		  #subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
		  #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
		  #subAspect: #selectedProjects
		  #aspect: #selectedProjects
		  #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
		  #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
	      #createNewApplication: true
	      #createNewBuilder: true

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:00:34 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#fullBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#fullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #fullBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'SystemBrowser'
	  #name: 'SystemBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #icon: #defaultIcon
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Organizer'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas'
			#subAspect: #classCategoryListMenuHolder
			#aspect: #categoryPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #classCategoryDoubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #classCategoryDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #classDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #nameSpaceDoubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #nameSpaceDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #projectDoubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #projectDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #variableDoubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #classHierarchyListMenuHolder
			#aspect: #hierarchyPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
			#aspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
			#subAspect: #classListMenuHolder
			#aspect: #classPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			#aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
			#subAspect: #showClassPackages
			#aspect: #showClassPackages
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #meta
			#aspect: #meta
		  #subAspect: #metaToggleLabelHolder
		  #aspect: #metaToggleLabelHolder
			#subAspect: #nameSpaceListMenuHolder
			#aspect: #nameSpacePopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #organizerMode
			#aspect: #organizerMode
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #projectListMenuHolder
			#aspect: #projectPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #selectedCategories
			#aspect: #selectedCategories
			#callBack: #categorySelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectedClasses
			#aspect: #selectedClasses
			#callBack: #classSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
			#aspect: #selectedNamespaces
			#callBack: #nameSpaceSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectedProjects
			#aspect: #selectedProjects
			#callBack: #projectSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			#subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
			#aspect: #nameSpaceFilter
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#callBack: #variableSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #variablesMenuHolder
			#aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#callBack: #variableSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#callBack: #variableSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 0.75 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:00:47 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#multipleCategoryBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#multipleCategoryBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleCategoryBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'CategoryBrowser'
	  #name: 'CategoryBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
		    #barWidth: 2
		    #showHandle: false
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'CategoryList'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList'
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #showClassPackages
			      #aspect: #showClassPackages
			     #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			     #callBack: #classCategoryDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #categoryListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #categoryPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedCategories
			      #aspect: #selectedCategories
			      #callBack: #categorySelectionChanged
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'Box1'
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'VariableVerticalPanel2'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
				#showHandle: false
				#handlePosition: #left
				#snapMode: #both
				  #collection: #(
				      #name: 'ClassList'
				      #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
					  #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
					  #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
					  #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
					  #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
					  #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
					  #aspect: #immediateUpdate
					  #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
					  #aspect: #classListGenerator
					  #subAspect: #menuHolder
					  #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
					  #subAspect: #meta
					  #aspect: #meta
					  #subAspect: #organizerMode
					  #aspect: #organizerMode
					  #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
					  #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
					  #subAspect: #packageFilter
					  #aspect: #packageFilter
					  #subAspect: #selectedClasses
					  #aspect: #selectedClasses
					  #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
					  #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
					  #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				      #createNewApplication: true
				      #createNewBuilder: true
				      #name: 'VariableList'
				      #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'

					    #subAspect: #classHolder
					    #aspect: #selectedClasses
					    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
					    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
					    #subAspect: #menuHolder
					    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu

					    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
					    #aspect: #variableFilter
					    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
					    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				      #createNewApplication: true
				      #createNewBuilder: true
				#handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
				#name: 'MetaToggles'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
				#minorKey: #metaSpec
			  #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #protocolMenu
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			      #aspect: #selectedProtocols
			      #callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			      #subAspect: #variableFilter
			      #aspect: #variableFilter
			      #subAspect: #filterClassVars
			      #aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'MethodList'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #variableFilter
			      #aspect: #variableFilter
			      #subAspect: #filterClassVars
			      #aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance

			      #subAspect: #selectedMethods
			      #aspect: #selectedMethods
			      #callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)
	      #handles: #(#Any 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#multipleClassBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#multipleClassBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleClassBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #name: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #showClassPackages
				    #aspect: #showClassPackages
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #sortBy
				    #aspect: #sortBy
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #showHandle: false
			  #handlePosition: #left
			  #snapMode: #both
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.333333 0.666667 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#multipleClassDiffBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#multipleClassDiffBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleClassDiffBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #name: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'ClassList'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -30 1.0)
	      #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
		  #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
		  #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
		  #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #subAspect: #showClassPackages
		  #aspect: #showClassPackages
		  #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #aspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
		  #aspect: #classListGenerator
		  #subAspect: #menuHolder
		  #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
		  #subAspect: #sortBy
		  #aspect: #sortBy
		  #subAspect: #meta
		  #aspect: #meta
		  #subAspect: #organizerMode
		  #aspect: #organizerMode
		  #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
		  #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
		  #subAspect: #packageFilter
		  #aspect: #packageFilter
		  #subAspect: #selectedClasses
		  #aspect: #selectedClasses
		  #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
		  #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
		  #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
	      #createNewApplication: true
	      #createNewBuilder: true
	      #label: 'projectInfo'
	      #name: 'Label1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -30 1 0 1 0 1)
	      #level: -1
	      #labelChannel: #classesProjectInfoHolder
	      #adjust: #left

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleClassExtensionBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #name: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 478 346)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #showClassPackages
				    #aspect: #showClassPackages
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #sortBy
				    #aspect: #sortBy
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'ProjectList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList'
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #projectListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #selectedProjects
				    #aspect: #selectedProjects
				    #callBack: #projectSelectionChangedForFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #projectPopUpMenu
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars "/variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  "/ #handles: #(#Any 0.333333 0.666667 1.0)
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.7 1.0 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#callBack: #variableSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #packageFilterOnInput
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#callBack: #variableSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.333333 0.666667 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #name: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			#subAspect: #noAllItem
			#aspect: #noAllItem
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #sortBy
			#aspect: #sortBy
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #name: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'NameSpaceList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NameSpaceList'
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #nameSpacePopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			#aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			#subAspect: #showClassPackages
			#aspect: #showClassPackages
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #nameSpaceDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #nameSpaceListGenerator
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #classListGenerator
			#subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
			#aspect: #selectedNamespaces
			#callBack: #nameSpaceSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #handlePosition: #left
			  #snapMode: #both
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
			      #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
			      #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'

				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu

				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 14:50:21 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #name: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 127 62 589 362)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel2'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'NameSpaceList'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList'
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #nameSpacePopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #showClassPackages
			      #aspect: #showClassPackages
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #nameSpaceDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListGenerator
"/                           #(#SubChannelInfoSpec
"/                              #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
"/                              #aspect: #classListGenerator
"/                            )
			      #subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #callBack: #nameSpaceSelectionChanged
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'ClassCategoryList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList'

			      #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
			      #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
			     #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			     #callBack: #classCategoryDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceClassCategoryGeneratorTrigger

			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate

			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #categoryPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode

			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedCategories
			      #aspect: #selectedCategories

			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #slaveMode
			      #aspect: #categoryListSlaveMode

			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #classCategoryListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #handlePosition: #left
			  #snapMode: #both
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:01:39 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#multipleProjectBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#multipleProjectBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleProjectBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #name: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'ProjectList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList'
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #projectPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			#aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #projectDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #showClassPackages
			#aspect: #showClassPackages
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #projectListGenerator
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #classListGenerator
			#subAspect: #selectedProjects
			#aspect: #selectedProjects
			#callBack: #projectSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #handlePosition: #left
			  #snapMode: #both
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'

				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu

				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#callBack: #variableSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#callBack: #variableSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleProjectFullBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #name: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 23 111 485 411)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel2'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'ProjectList'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList'
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #projectPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #callBack: #projectDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #showClassPackages
			      #aspect: #showClassPackages
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #projectListGenerator
"/                           #(#SubChannelInfoSpec
"/                              #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
"/                              #aspect: #classListGenerator
"/                            ) 
			      #subAspect: #selectedProjects
			      #aspect: #selectedProjects
			      #callBack: #projectSelectionChanged
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'ClassCategoryList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList'

			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #selectedProjects
			     #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			     #callBack: #classCategoryDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceClassCategoryGeneratorTrigger

			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate

			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #categoryPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode

			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedCategories
			      #aspect: #selectedCategories

			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #slaveMode
			      #aspect: #categoryListSlaveMode

			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #classCategoryListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #handlePosition: #left
			  #snapMode: #both
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #selectedProjects
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#callBack: #variableSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#callBack: #variableSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:01:55 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#multipleProtocolBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#multipleProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #multipleProtocolBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #name: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
			#subAspect: #noAllItem
			#aspect: #noAllItem
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #sortBy
			#aspect: #sortBy
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#selectorBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#selectorBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #selectorBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'SelectorBrowser'
	  #name: 'SelectorBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'AllMethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::FullMethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'ImplementedMethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ImplementingMethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #xxxDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #implementingClassListGenerator
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'ImplementingClassList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ImplementingClassList'
		    #minorKey: #windowSpec
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #implementingClassListGenerator
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.333333 0.666667 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#singleCategoryBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#singleCategoryBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleCategoryBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'CategoryBrowser'
	  #name: 'CategoryBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'PseudoCategoryList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList'
			  #minorKey: #singleCategoryWindowSpec
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #categoryPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #showClassPackages
			      #aspect: #showClassPackages
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #categoryListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedCategories
			      #aspect: #selectedCategories
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #handlePosition: #left
			  #snapMode: #both
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'

				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.333333 0.666667 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#singleClassBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#singleClassBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleClassBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #name: 'ClassBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 478 346)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'PseudoClassList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
			  #minorKey: #singleClassWindowSpec
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #showClassPackages
			      #aspect: #showClassPackages
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #meta
			      #aspect: #meta
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedClasses
			      #aspect: #selectedClasses
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #snapMode: #both
			  #handlePosition: #left
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'MethodCategoryList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolMenu
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #selectorListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #variableFilter
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #filterClassVars
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedProtocols
				    #aspect: #selectedProtocols
				    #callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleFullProtocolBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #name: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'Box1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'PseudoProtocolList'
		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
		    #minorKey: #singleProtocolWindowSpec
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #sortBy
			#aspect: #sortBy
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleNameSpaceBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #name: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'PseudoNameSpaceList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList'
			  #minorKey: #singleNameSpaceWindowSpec
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #showClassPackages
			      #aspect: #showClassPackages
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #handlePosition: #left
			  #snapMode: #both
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #callBack: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'

				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu

				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.333333 0.666667 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 14:50:53 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleNameSpaceFullBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #name: 'NameSpaceBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 102 220 564 520)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'PseudoNameSpaceList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList'
			  #minorKey: #singleNameSpaceWindowSpec
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #showClassPackages
			      #aspect: #showClassPackages
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListPerNameSpaceGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'ClassCategoryList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList'
			     #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			     #callBack: #classCategoryDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceClassCategoryGeneratorTrigger

			      #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
			      #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #categoryPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedCategories
			      #aspect: #selectedCategories
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #slaveMode
			      #aspect: #categoryListSlaveMode
			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #classCategoryListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'Box2'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel2'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #handlePosition: #left
			  #snapMode: #both
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				  #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				  #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #callBack: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:02:28 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#singleProjectBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#singleProjectBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleProjectBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #name: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 18 51 480 351)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'PseudoProjectList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList'
			  #minorKey: #singleProjectWindowSpec
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #projectPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #showClassPackages
			      #aspect: #showClassPackages
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #projectListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedProjects
			      #aspect: #selectedProjects
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #handlePosition: #left
			  #snapMode: #both
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'

				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu

				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggles'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.333333 0.666667 1.0)

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#singleProjectFullBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#singleProjectFullBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleProjectFullBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #name: 'ProjectBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 30 74 492 374)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'PseudoProjectList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList'
			  #minorKey: #singleProjectWindowSpec
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #projectPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #showClassPackages
			      #aspect: #showClassPackages
			      #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #projectListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedProjects
			      #aspect: #selectedProjects
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'ClassCategoryList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList'

			     #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			     #callBack: #classCategoryDoubleClicked
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceClassCategoryGeneratorTrigger

			      #subAspect: #packageFilter
			      #aspect: #selectedProjects
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate

			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #categoryPopUpMenu
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode

			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classListGenerator
			      #subAspect: #selectedCategories
			      #aspect: #selectedCategories

			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #slaveMode
			      #aspect: #categoryListSlaveMode

			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #classCategoryListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'Box2'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel2'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #handlePosition: #left
			  #snapMode: #both
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'SubCanvas2'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #classDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #protocolListGenerator
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #selectedProjects
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #callBack: #classSelectionChanged
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'SubCanvas3'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #callBack: #variableDoubleClicked
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesPopUpMenu
				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'SubSpecification1'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel'
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
		    #name: 'MethodCategoryList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #protocolDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#callBack: #protocolSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #variableFilter
			#aspect: #variableFilter
			#subAspect: #filterClassVars
			#aspect: #filterClassVars
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0)

    "Modified: / 18.8.2000 / 20:02:36 / cg"

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas andSelector:#singleProtocolBrowserSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas new openInterface:#singleProtocolBrowserSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #singleProtocolBrowserSpec
	  #label: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #name: 'ProtocolBrowser'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 474 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'Box1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'PseudoProtocolList'
		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0 0 1.0 25 0)
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodCategoryList'
		    #minorKey: #singleProtocolWindowSpec
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #protocolListGenerator
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #selectedProtocols
			#aspect: #selectedProtocols
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #protocolMenu
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'MethodList'
		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 25 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::MethodList'
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#callBack: #methodDoubleClicked
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #selectorListGenerator
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #selectorPopUpMenu
			#subAspect: #packageFilter
			#aspect: #packageFilter
			#subAspect: #sortBy
			#aspect: #sortBy
			#subAspect: #selectedMethods
			#aspect: #selectedMethods
			#callBack: #methodsSelectionChanged
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeConditionHolder
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true

    ^ self fullBrowserSpec
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas class methodsFor:'misc'!

    ^ NewSystemBrowser classResources
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorCanvas methodsFor:'misc'!


    (m := self masterApplication) notNil ifTrue:[
	^ m resources
    ^ super resources
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'ClassCategoryList'
	  #name: 'ClassCategoryList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 316 346)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'List'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #hierarchicalCategorySelection
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #listModel: #hierarchicalCategoryList
	      #multipleSelectOk: true
	      #highlightMode: #line
	      #doubleClickSelector: #doubleClicked:
	      #showLines: false
	      #indicatorSelector: #indicatorPressed:
	      #useDefaultIcons: false
		#dragArgument: nil
		#dropArgument: nil
		#canDropSelector: #canDrop:
		#dropSelector: #doDrop:
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(
	#(#doubleClickChannel #action )

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    |item path parentPath parentCategory parentItem|

    item:= categoryToItemDictionary at:category ifAbsent:nil.
    item isNil ifTrue:[
	path := category asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$-.

	item := ClassCategoryItem new.
	item category:category.
	item label:(path last).
	categoryToItemDictionary at:category put:item.

	category size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    "/ find the parent ...
	    parentPath := path copyWithoutLast:1.
	    parentCategory := parentPath asStringWith:$-.

	    parentItem := self addCategory:parentCategory .

	    parentItem add:item sortBlock:[:i1 :i2 | i1 category asLowercase < i2 category asLowercase].
    ^ item


    self categoryList value isNil ifTrue:[
	self updateList.
	self categoryList value isNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ nil.

    anchor := ClassCategoryItem new.
    anchor category:nil.
    anchor label:nil.

    categoryToItemDictionary := Dictionary new.
    categoryToItemDictionary at:'' asSymbol put:anchor.

    self categoryList value do:[:eachCategory |
	(categoryToItemDictionary includesKey:eachCategory) ifFalse:[
	    self addCategory:eachCategory 

    anchor recursiveSortChildren:[:i1 :i2 | i1 category asLowercase < i2 category asLowercase].
    anchor expand.

    ^ anchor

    |anchor |

    hierarchicalCategoryList isNil ifTrue:[
	hierarchicalCategoryList := HierarchicalList new.
	hierarchicalCategoryList showRoot:false.

	(self slaveMode value ~~ true) ifTrue:[
	    anchor := self generateHierarchicalCategoryTree.
	    hierarchicalCategoryList root:anchor.
	    listValid := true
	] ifFalse:[
	    listValid := false
    ^ hierarchicalCategoryList

    hierarchicalCategorySelection isNil ifTrue:[
	hierarchicalCategorySelection := #() asValue.
	hierarchicalCategorySelection addDependent:self.
    ^ hierarchicalCategorySelection.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |cls sel oldMethod newMethod newPackage|

    self inSlaveModeOrInvisible ifTrue:[
	super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject.
	^ self.

    changedObject == updateTrigger ifTrue:[
	hierarchicalCategoryTree := nil.
	self hierarchicalCategoryList.
	self updateTreeSelectionFromList.
	^ self        

    changedObject == slaveMode ifTrue:[
	listValid ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateList
	"/ self invalidateList.
	^  self

    changedObject == hierarchicalCategorySelection ifTrue:[
	self updateSelectionFromTree.
	^ self        
    changedObject == self selectedCategories ifTrue:[
	"/ update the trees selection as appropriate
"/        self updateTreeSelection.
	self updateTreeSelectionFromList.
    changedObject == categoryList ifTrue:[
	"/ update the tree
	self hierarchicalCategoryList root:(self generateHierarchicalCategoryTree).
	^ self.

    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:41:02 / cg"
    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 01:21:49 / cg"


    treeSelection := hierarchicalCategorySelection value 
		    collect:[:eachIndex |  |item|
				    item := hierarchicalCategoryList at:eachIndex ifAbsent:nil.
				    item category

    treeSelection asSet ~= (self selectedCategories value ? #()) asSet ifTrue:[
	self selectedCategories value:treeSelection.

    |listSelection selectedTreeItems treeSelection|

    listSelection := self selectedCategories value.
    selectedTreeItems := listSelection collect:[:itemString | self treeItemForString:itemString string].
    treeSelection := selectedTreeItems collect:[:eachItem | hierarchicalCategoryList identityIndexOf:eachItem].
    treeSelection := treeSelection asOrderedCollection.
"/hierarchicalCategorySelection value 
"/                    collect:[:eachIndex |  |item|
"/                                    item := hierarchicalCategoryList at:eachIndex ifAbsent:nil.
"/                                    item category
"/                            ].
"/    treeSelection asSet ~= (self selectedCategories value ? #()) asSet ifTrue:[
"/        self selectedCategories value:treeSelection.
"/    ]
    self hierarchicalCategorySelection value:treeSelection
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList methodsFor:'private'!

    |treeItem idx listView|

    treeItem := self treeItemForString:itemString.
    idx := hierarchicalCategoryList identityIndexOf:treeItem.
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	(listView := self listView) notNil ifTrue:[
	    listView makeLineVisible:idx.

    super release.

    hierarchicalCategorySelection removeDependent:self.

    |itemPath treeItem|

    itemPath := itemString string asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$-.
    treeItem := hierarchicalCategoryList root.
    [itemPath notEmpty] whileTrue:[
	treeItem expand.
	treeItem := treeItem detect:[:childItem | childItem label string = itemPath first] ifNone:nil.
	itemPath := itemPath copyFrom:2.
    ^ treeItem
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList methodsFor:'user actions'!


    item := hierarchicalCategoryList at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil.
    item isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self

    (item canExpand not or:[item isExpanded]) ifTrue:[
	doubleClickChannel notNil ifTrue:[
	    doubleClickChannel value:anIndex.
	] ifFalse:[
	    item collapse.
	^ self

    item expand.

    |item sensor|

    item := hierarchicalCategoryList at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil.

    item isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self

    sensor := self window sensor.
    (sensor ctrlDown or:[sensor shiftDown]) ifTrue:[
	item recursiveToggleExpand
    ] ifFalse:[
	item toggleExpand
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList::ClassCategoryItem methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'category' (automatically generated)"

    ^ category

    "set the value of the instance variable 'category' (automatically generated)"

    category := something.

    ^ nil "/ SystemBrowser packageIcon

    ^ label

    label := something.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas andSelector:#embeddedNameSpaceListSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas new openInterface:#embeddedNameSpaceListSpec

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #embeddedNameSpaceListSpec
	  #label: 'Organizer'
	  #name: 'Organizer'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 218 175 518 475)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'NamespaceList2'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #level: 1
	      #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList'
		  #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
		  #aspect: #nameSpaceFilterDoubleClickChannel
		  #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
		  #aspect: #forceNamespaceGeneratorTrigger
		  #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #aspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #subAspect: #menuHolder
		  #aspect: #nameSpaceListMenuHolder
		  #subAspect: #organizerMode
		  #aspect: #organizerMode
		  #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
		  #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
		  #subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
		  #aspect: #nameSpaceFilterSelection
		  #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
		  #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
		  #subAspect: #slaveMode
		  #aspect: #popUpNameSpaceListSlaveMode
		  #subAspect: #updateTrigger
		  #aspect: #nameSpaceListUpdateTrigger
	      #createNewApplication: true
	      #createNewBuilder: true
	      #postBuildCallback: #nameSpaceListWidgetWasBuilt:

    ^ self windowSpecNonHierarchical
    "/ ^ self windowSpecHierarchical

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'Organizer'
	  #name: 'Organizer'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 316 346)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'CategoryNameSpaceAndProjectPanel'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #visibilityChannel: #classHierarchyOrInheritanceNotShown
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'LeftBox'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'ClassCategoryAndNamespaceFilterBox'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
			  #visibilityChannel: #categoryListShown
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassCategoryList'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
"/                                #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassCategoryList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #aspect: #classCategoryDoubleClickChannel
				    #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
				    #aspect: #forceClassCategoryGeneratorTrigger
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classCategoryListMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
				    #subAspect: #selectedCategories
				    #aspect: #selectedCategories
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #subAspect: #slaveMode
				    #aspect: #categoryListSlaveMode
				    #subAspect: #updateTrigger
				    #aspect: #classCategoryListUpdateTrigger
				    #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #aspect: #nameSpaceFilterSelection
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'NameSpaceFilterComboBox'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
				#tabable: true
				#model: #nameSpaceFilterSelectedNameSpace
				#menuWidgetHolder: #nameSpaceListWidgetHolder
				#miniScrollerHorizontal: true
				#menuSelector: #nameSpaceFilterPopUpMenu
			  #name: 'NamespaceList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #initiallyInvisible: true
			  #visibilityChannel: #nameSpaceListShown
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceDoubleClickChannel
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceNamespaceGeneratorTrigger
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListMenuHolder
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
			      #subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #slaveMode
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListSlaveMode
			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'ProjectList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #initiallyInvisible: true
			  #visibilityChannel: #projectListShown
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #aspect: #projectDoubleClickChannel
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceProjectGeneratorTrigger
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #projectListMenuHolder
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
			      #subAspect: #selectedProjects
			      #aspect: #selectedProjects
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #slaveMode
			      #aspect: #projectListSlaveMode
			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #projectListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'RightBox'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'ClassAndVariablesPanel'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 -25 1)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #snapMode: #both
			  #handlePosition: #left
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				#minorKey: #windowSpec

				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #aspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
				    #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #showClassPackages
				    #aspect: #showClassPackages
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classListMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #aspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #subAspect: #slaveMode
				    #aspect: #classListSlaveMode
				    #subAspect: #updateTrigger
				    #aspect: #classListUpdateTrigger
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #aspect: #variableDoubleClickChannel
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggleSpec2'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
	      #name: 'ClassHierarchyOrInheritanceBox'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #initiallyInvisible: true
	      #visibilityChannel: #classHierarchyOrInheritanceShown
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel2'
		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
		    #showHandle: false
		    #snapMode: #both
		    #handlePosition: #left
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'HierarchyOrInheritanceBox'
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassHierarchyList'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
				#visibilityChannel: #classHierarchyShown
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #aspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
				    #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
				    #aspect: #forceClassInheritanceGeneratorTrigger
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #showClassPackages
				    #aspect: #showClassPackages
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classInheritanceListMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #aspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #subAspect: #slaveMode
				    #aspect: #classHierarchyListSlaveMode
				    #subAspect: #topClassHolder
				    #aspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
				    #subAspect: #updateTrigger
				    #aspect: #classHierarchyUpdateTrigger
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'ClassInheritanceList'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
				#visibilityChannel: #classInheritanceShown
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::InheritanceClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #aspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
				    #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
				    #aspect: #forceClassInheritanceGeneratorTrigger
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #showClassPackages
				    #aspect: #showClassPackages
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classInheritanceListMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #aspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #subAspect: #slaveMode
				    #aspect: #classInheritanceListSlaveMode
				    #subAspect: #topClassHolder
				    #aspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
				    #subAspect: #updateTrigger
				    #aspect: #classHierarchyUpdateTrigger
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'VariableList2'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #aspect: #variableDoubleClickChannel
			      #subAspect: #classHolder
			      #aspect: #selectedClasses
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #variablesMenuHolder
			      #subAspect: #slaveMode
			      #aspect: #classHierarchyListSlaveMode
			      #subAspect: #selectedVariables
			      #aspect: #variableFilter
			      #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
			      #aspect: #filterClassVars
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
		    #name: 'MetaToggles1'
		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -25 1 0 1.0 0 1)
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
		    #minorKey: #metaSpec

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'Organizer'
	  #name: 'Organizer'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 316 346)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'CategoryNameSpaceAndProjectPanel'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #visibilityChannel: #classHierarchyOrInheritanceNotShown
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'LeftBox'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'ClassCategoryAndNamespaceFilterBox'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
			  #visibilityChannel: #categoryListShown
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassCategoryList'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #aspect: #classCategoryDoubleClickChannel
				    #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
				    #aspect: #forceClassCategoryGeneratorTrigger
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classCategoryListMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
				    #subAspect: #selectedCategories
				    #aspect: #selectedCategories
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #subAspect: #slaveMode
				    #aspect: #categoryListSlaveMode
				    #subAspect: #updateTrigger
				    #aspect: #classCategoryListUpdateTrigger
				    #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #aspect: #nameSpaceFilterSelection
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'NameSpaceFilterComboBox'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
				#tabable: true
				#model: #nameSpaceFilterSelectedNameSpace
				#menuWidgetHolder: #nameSpaceListWidgetHolder
				#miniScrollerHorizontal: true
				#menuSelector: #nameSpaceFilterPopUpMenu
			  #name: 'NamespaceList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #initiallyInvisible: true
			  #visibilityChannel: #nameSpaceListShown
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceDoubleClickChannel
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceNamespaceGeneratorTrigger
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListMenuHolder
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
			      #subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #slaveMode
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListSlaveMode
			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'ProjectList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #initiallyInvisible: true
			  #visibilityChannel: #projectListShown
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #aspect: #projectDoubleClickChannel
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceProjectGeneratorTrigger
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #projectListMenuHolder
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
			      #subAspect: #selectedProjects
			      #aspect: #selectedProjects
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #slaveMode
			      #aspect: #projectListSlaveMode
			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #projectListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'RightBox'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'ClassAndVariablesPanel'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 -25 1)
			  #showHandle: false
			  #snapMode: #both
			  #handlePosition: #left
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
				#minorKey: #windowSpec

				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #aspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
				    #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #showClassPackages
				    #aspect: #showClassPackages
				    #subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classListMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #aspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #subAspect: #slaveMode
				    #aspect: #classListSlaveMode
				    #subAspect: #updateTrigger
				    #aspect: #classListUpdateTrigger
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'VariableList'
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #aspect: #variableDoubleClickChannel
				    #subAspect: #classHolder
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #variablesMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #selectedVariables
				    #aspect: #variableFilter
				    #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
				    #aspect: #filterClassVars
				    #subAspect: #sortVariablesByName
				    #aspect: #variableListSortByName
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
			  #name: 'MetaToggleSpec2'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0 -25 1 0 1 0 1)
			  #minorKey: #metaSpec
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
	      #name: 'ClassHierarchyOrInheritanceBox'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #initiallyInvisible: true
	      #visibilityChannel: #classHierarchyOrInheritanceShown
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'VariableVerticalPanel2'
		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 -25 1.0)
		    #showHandle: false
		    #snapMode: #both
		    #handlePosition: #left
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'HierarchyOrInheritanceBox'
			    #collection: #(
				#name: 'ClassHierarchyList'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
				#visibilityChannel: #classHierarchyShown
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #aspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
				    #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
				    #aspect: #forceClassInheritanceGeneratorTrigger
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #showClassPackages
				    #aspect: #showClassPackages
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classInheritanceListMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #aspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #subAspect: #slaveMode
				    #aspect: #classHierarchyListSlaveMode
				    #subAspect: #topClassHolder
				    #aspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
				    #subAspect: #updateTrigger
				    #aspect: #classHierarchyUpdateTrigger
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
				#name: 'ClassInheritanceList'
				#layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
				#visibilityChannel: #classInheritanceShown
				#majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::InheritanceClassList'
				    #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
				    #aspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
				    #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
				    #aspect: #forceClassInheritanceGeneratorTrigger
				    #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
				    #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
				    #subAspect: #showClassPackages
				    #aspect: #showClassPackages
				    #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #aspect: #immediateUpdate
				    #subAspect: #menuHolder
				    #aspect: #classInheritanceListMenuHolder
				    #subAspect: #meta
				    #aspect: #meta
				    #subAspect: #organizerMode
				    #aspect: #organizerMode
				    #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #aspect: #outGeneratorHolder
				    #subAspect: #packageFilter
				    #aspect: #packageFilter
				    #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #aspect: #nameSpaceFilter
				    #subAspect: #selectedClasses
				    #aspect: #selectedClasses
				    #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
				    #subAspect: #slaveMode
				    #aspect: #classInheritanceListSlaveMode
				    #subAspect: #topClassHolder
				    #aspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
				    #subAspect: #updateTrigger
				    #aspect: #classHierarchyUpdateTrigger
				#createNewApplication: true
				#createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'VariableList2'
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::VariableList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #aspect: #variableDoubleClickChannel
			      #subAspect: #classHolder
			      #aspect: #selectedClasses
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #variablesMenuHolder
			      #subAspect: #slaveMode
			      #aspect: #classHierarchyListSlaveMode
			      #subAspect: #selectedVariables
			      #aspect: #variableFilter
			      #subAspect: #showClassVarsInVariableList
			      #aspect: #filterClassVars
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)
		    #name: 'MetaToggles1'
		    #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 -25 1 0 1.0 0 1)
		    #hasHorizontalScrollBar: false
		    #hasVerticalScrollBar: false
		    #minorKey: #metaSpec

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas andSelector:#windowSpecWithoutMetaToggles
     NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas new openInterface:#windowSpecWithoutMetaToggles

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpecWithoutMetaToggles
	  #label: 'Organizer'
	  #name: 'Organizer'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 13 23 313 323)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'ClassHierarchyList'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #visibilityChannel: #classHierarchyShown
	      #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList'
	      #minorKey: #windowSpec
		  #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
		  #aspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
		  #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
		  #aspect: #forceClassInheritanceGeneratorTrigger
		  #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #subAspect: #showClassPackages
		  #aspect: #showClassPackages
			#subAspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#aspect: #showMethodInheritance
			#subAspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
			#aspect: #methodVisibilityHolder
		  #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #aspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #subAspect: #menuHolder
		  #aspect: #classInheritanceListMenuHolder
		  #subAspect: #meta
		  #aspect: #meta
		  #subAspect: #organizerMode
		  #aspect: #organizerMode
		  #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
		  #aspect: #outGeneratorHolder
		  #subAspect: #packageFilter
		  #aspect: #packageFilter
		  #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
		  #aspect: #nameSpaceFilter
		  #subAspect: #selectedClasses
		  #aspect: #selectedClasses
		  #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
		  #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
		  #subAspect: #slaveMode
		  #aspect: #classInheritanceListSlaveMode
		  #subAspect: #topClassHolder
		  #aspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
		  #subAspect: #updateTrigger
		  #aspect: #classHierarchyUpdateTrigger
	      #createNewApplication: true
	      #createNewBuilder: true
	      #name: 'ClassInheritanceList'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #visibilityChannel: #classInheritanceShown
	      #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::InheritanceClassList'
	      #minorKey: #windowSpec
		  #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
		  #aspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
		  #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
		  #aspect: #forceClassInheritanceGeneratorTrigger
		  #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #aspect: #immediateUpdate
		  #subAspect: #menuHolder
		  #aspect: #classInheritanceListMenuHolder
		  #subAspect: #meta
		  #aspect: #meta
		  #subAspect: #organizerMode
		  #aspect: #organizerMode
		  #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
		  #aspect: #outGeneratorHolder
		  #subAspect: #packageFilter
		  #aspect: #packageFilter
		  #subAspect: #nameSpaceFilter
		  #aspect: #nameSpaceFilter
		  #subAspect: #selectedClasses
		  #aspect: #selectedClasses
		  #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
		  #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
		  #subAspect: #slaveMode
		  #aspect: #classInheritanceListSlaveMode
		  #subAspect: #topClassHolder
		  #aspect: #classHierarchyTopClass
		  #subAspect: #updateTrigger
		  #aspect: #classHierarchyUpdateTrigger
	      #createNewApplication: true
	      #createNewBuilder: true
	      #name: 'VariableHorizontalPanel1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #visibilityChannel: #classHierarchyNotShown
	      #barWidth: 2
	      #showHandle: false
		#collection: #(
		    #name: 'Box1'
		      #collection: #(
			  #name: 'ClassCategoryList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #visibilityChannel: #categoryListShown
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassCategoryList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #aspect: #classCategoryDoubleClickChannel
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceClassCategoryGeneratorTrigger
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #classCategoryListMenuHolder
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
			      #subAspect: #selectedCategories
			      #aspect: #selectedCategories
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #classCategoryListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'NamespaceList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #visibilityChannel: #nameSpaceListShown
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::NamespaceList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceDoubleClickChannel
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceNamespaceGeneratorTrigger
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListMenuHolder
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
			      #subAspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #aspect: #selectedNamespaces
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #nameSpaceListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
			  #name: 'ProjectList'
			  #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
			  #visibilityChannel: #projectListShown
			  #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ProjectList'
			      #subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			      #aspect: #projectDoubleClickChannel
			      #subAspect: #forceGeneratorTrigger
			      #aspect: #forceProjectGeneratorTrigger
			      #subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			      #subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #aspect: #immediateUpdate
			      #subAspect: #menuHolder
			      #aspect: #projectListMenuHolder
			      #subAspect: #organizerMode
			      #aspect: #organizerMode
			      #subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			      #aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
			      #subAspect: #selectedProjects
			      #aspect: #selectedProjects
			      #subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			      #subAspect: #updateTrigger
			      #aspect: #projectListUpdateTrigger
			  #createNewApplication: true
			  #createNewBuilder: true
		    #name: 'ClassList'
		    #majorKey: #'NewSystemBrowser::ClassList'
		    #minorKey: #windowSpec
			#subAspect: #doubleClickChannel
			#aspect: #classDoubleClickChannel
			#subAspect: #hidePrivateClasses
			#aspect: #hidePrivateClasses
			#subAspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
			#aspect: #hideUnloadedClasses
		  #subAspect: #markApplicationsHolder
		  #aspect: #markApplicationsHolder
			#subAspect: #immediateUpdate
			#aspect: #immediateUpdate
			#subAspect: #inGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #classGeneratorHolder
			#subAspect: #menuHolder
			#aspect: #classListMenuHolder
			#subAspect: #meta
			#aspect: #meta
			#subAspect: #organizerMode
			#aspect: #organizerMode
			#subAspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#aspect: #outGeneratorHolder
			#subAspect: #selectedClasses
			#aspect: #selectedClasses
			#subAspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#aspect: #selectionChangeCondition
			#subAspect: #slaveMode
			#aspect: #classListSlaveMode
			#subAspect: #updateTrigger
			#aspect: #classListUpdateTrigger
		    #createNewApplication: true
		    #createNewBuilder: true
	      #handles: #(#Any 0.5 1.0)

    "Modified: / 25.2.2000 / 22:39:54 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(
	#(#classCategoryDoubleClickChannel #action )
	#(#classDoubleClickChannel #action )
	#(#nameSpaceDoubleClickChannel #action )
	#(#projectDoubleClickChannel #action )
	#(#variableDoubleClickChannel #action )
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas methodsFor:'aspects'!

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classCategoryDoubleClickChannel isNil ifTrue:[
	classCategoryDoubleClickChannel := TriggerValue new.
"/        classCategoryDoubleClickChannel addDependent:self.
    ^ classCategoryDoubleClickChannel.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classCategoryListMenuHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	classCategoryListMenuHolder := ValueHolder new.
"/        classCategoryListMenuHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ classCategoryListMenuHolder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:52:55 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classDoubleClickChannel isNil ifTrue:[
	classDoubleClickChannel := TriggerValue new.
"/        classDoubleClickChannel addDependent:self.
    ^ classDoubleClickChannel.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classGeneratorHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	classGeneratorHolder := ValueHolder new.
"/        classGeneratorHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ classGeneratorHolder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:56:50 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classGeneratorHolderFromClassCategory isNil ifTrue:[
	classGeneratorHolderFromClassCategory := ValueHolder new.
"/        classGeneratorHolderFromClassCategory addDependent:self.
    ^ classGeneratorHolderFromClassCategory.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:21:55 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classGeneratorHolderFromClassHierarchy isNil ifTrue:[
	classGeneratorHolderFromClassHierarchy := ValueHolder new.
"/        classGeneratorHolderFromClassHierarchy addDependent:self.
    ^ classGeneratorHolderFromClassHierarchy.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:21:55 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classGeneratorHolderFromNamespace isNil ifTrue:[
	classGeneratorHolderFromNamespace := ValueHolder new.
"/        classGeneratorHolderFromNamespace addDependent:self.
    ^ classGeneratorHolderFromNamespace.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:21:55 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classGeneratorHolderFromProject isNil ifTrue:[
	classGeneratorHolderFromProject := ValueHolder new.
"/        classGeneratorHolderFromProject addDependent:self.
    ^ classGeneratorHolderFromProject.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:21:55 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classHierarchyListMenuHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	classHierarchyListMenuHolder := ValueHolder new.
"/        classHierarchyListMenuHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ classHierarchyListMenuHolder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:52:55 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyTopClass) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := ValueHolder new.
	builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyTopClass put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    ^ self classHierarchyListMenuHolder

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classList isNil ifTrue:[
	classList := ValueHolder new.
"/        classList addDependent:self.
    ^ classList.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:23:43 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classListMenuHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	classListMenuHolder := ValueHolder new.
"/        classListMenuHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ classListMenuHolder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:57:22 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    filterClassVars isNil ifTrue:[
	filterClassVars := ValueHolder new.
"/        filterClassVars addDependent:self.
    ^ filterClassVars.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:29:52 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    hidePrivateClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	hidePrivateClasses := false asValue.
"/        hidePrivateClasses addDependent:self.
    ^ hidePrivateClasses.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 16:18:45 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    hideUnloadedClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	hideUnloadedClasses := false asValue.
"/        hideUnloadedClasses addDependent:self.
    ^ hideUnloadedClasses.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:54:57 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    immediateUpdate isNil ifTrue:[
	immediateUpdate := false asValue.
"/        immediateUpdate addDependent:self.
    ^ immediateUpdate.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:23:43 / cg"

    markApplicationsHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	markApplicationsHolder := false asValue.
    ^ markApplicationsHolder.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    meta isNil ifTrue:[
	meta := false asValue.
"/        meta addDependent:self.
    ^ meta.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:23:43 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 00:42:23 / cg"

    metaToggle isNil ifTrue:[
	metaToggle := PluggableAdaptor on:(self meta).
	    getBlock:[:m | m value == true]
	    putBlock:[:m :newValue | m value:(newValue ? false)]
	    updateBlock:[:m :aspect :param | true].
    ^ metaToggle

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    metaToggleLabelHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	metaToggleLabelHolder := (resources string:'Class') asValue.
"/        metaToggleLabelHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ metaToggleLabelHolder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:52:55 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#nameSpaceDoubleClickChannel) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceDoubleClickChannel put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    nameSpaceFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	nameSpaceFilter := ValueHolder new.
self halt.
	nameSpaceFilter onChangeEvaluate:[
self halt.
	    nameSpaceFilter value ~= nameSpaceFilterSelection value ifTrue:[
		self halt
"/            self nameSpaceFilter value: nameSpaceFilterSelection value.
    ^ nameSpaceFilter.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:29:52 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#nameSpaceFilterDoubleClickChannel) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceFilterDoubleClickChannel put:holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[
		    (builder componentAt:#NameSpaceFilterComboBox) closeMenu.
"/                    self nameSpaceDoubleClickChannel value:true.
    ^ holder.

    ^ self nameSpaceListMenuHolder.


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#nameSpaceFilterSelectedNameSpace) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := self class nameListEntryForALL "'* all *'" asValue.
	builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceFilterSelectedNameSpace put:holder.
	holder onChangeEvaluate:[ self updateNameSpaceLabel. ].
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:52:55 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    nameSpaceFilterSelection isNil ifTrue:[
	nameSpaceFilterSelection := (OrderedCollection with:self class nameListEntryForALL) asValue.
	nameSpaceFilterSelection addDependent:self.
    ^ nameSpaceFilterSelection.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#nameSpaceListMenuHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := ValueHolder new.
	builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceListMenuHolder put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:52:55 / cg"


    view := SubCanvas new.
    view client:self spec:#embeddedNameSpaceListSpec builder:nil. "/ (self builder).
    (view builder findComponentAt:#List) autoHideHorizontalScrollBar:true.
    ^ view.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#nameSpaceListWidgetHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := ValueHolder new.
	builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceListWidgetHolder put:holder.
	holder value:(self nameSpaceListWidget).
    ^ holder.

    notMetaToggle isNil ifTrue:[
	notMetaToggle := PluggableAdaptor on:(self meta).
	    getBlock:[:m | m value == false]
	    putBlock:[:m :newValue | m value:(newValue ? false) not]
	    updateBlock:[:m :aspect :param | true].
    ^ notMetaToggle

    organizerMode isNil ifTrue:[
	organizerMode := #category asValue.
	organizerMode addDependent:self.
    ^ organizerMode

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:30:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:56:21 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#outGeneratorHolder) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := ValueHolder new.
	builder aspectAt:#outGeneratorHolder put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:23:43 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    packageFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	packageFilter := ValueHolder new.
"/        packageFilter addDependent:self.
    ^ packageFilter.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:29:52 / cg"

    ^ false

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#projectDoubleClickChannel) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#projectDoubleClickChannel put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    projectListMenuHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	projectListMenuHolder := ValueHolder new.
"/        projectListMenuHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ projectListMenuHolder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:52:55 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    selectedCategories isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedCategories := ValueHolder new.
"/        selectedCategories addDependent:self.
    ^ selectedCategories.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:27:58 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    selectedClasses isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedClasses := ValueHolder new.
	selectedClasses addDependent:self.
    ^ selectedClasses.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:23:43 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    selectedNamespaces isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedNamespaces := (OrderedCollection with:self class nameListEntryForALL) asValue.
    ^ selectedNamespaces.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:27:58 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    selectedProjects isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedProjects := ValueHolder new.
"/        selectedProjects addDependent:self.
    ^ selectedProjects.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 12:16:01 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    selectionChangeCondition isNil ifTrue:[
	selectionChangeCondition := ValueHolder new.
"/        selectionChangeCondition addDependent:self.
    ^ selectionChangeCondition.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:23:43 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    showClassPackages isNil ifTrue:[
	showClassPackages := false asValue.
"/        showClassPackages addDependent:self.
    ^ showClassPackages.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:54:57 / cg"


    box := self builder componentAt:#NameSpaceFilterComboBox.
    box notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ new code: ExtComboBox uses always an EditField
	box editor contents:nameSpaceFilterSelection value first.        

	"/ old code: readOnly ExtComboBox used a Label
	"/ box menuField label:nameSpaceFilterSelection value first

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#variableDoubleClickChannel) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#variableDoubleClickChannel put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    variableFilter isNil ifTrue:[
	variableFilter := ValueHolder new.
"/        variableFilter addDependent:self.
    ^ variableFilter.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:29:52 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    variablesMenuHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	variablesMenuHolder := ValueHolder new.
"/        variablesMenuHolder addDependent:self.
    ^ variablesMenuHolder.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:29:52 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas methodsFor:'aspects-exported'!

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ classCategoryDoubleClickChannel removeDependent:self.

    classCategoryDoubleClickChannel := something.

    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.8.2000 / 20:04:48 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ classCategoryListMenuHolder removeDependent:self.

    classCategoryListMenuHolder := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:53:31 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ classCategoryListUpdateTrigger removeDependent:self.

    classCategoryListUpdateTrigger := something.

    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:08:01 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ classDoubleClickChannel removeDependent:self.

    classDoubleClickChannel := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ classHierarchyListMenuHolder removeDependent:self.

    classHierarchyListMenuHolder := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:53:31 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ |holder|

    "/ (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyShown) notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     holder removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyShown put:something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:24:28 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ |holder|

    "/ (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyTopClass) notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     holder removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyTopClass put:something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ |holder|

    "/ (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyUpdateTrigger) notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     holder removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyUpdateTrigger put:something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:08:01 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ classList notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     classList removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    classList := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:24:28 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ classListMenuHolder removeDependent:self.

    classListMenuHolder := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:57:22 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ classListUpdateTrigger removeDependent:self.

    classListUpdateTrigger := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:08:01 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ filterClassVars removeDependent:self.

    filterClassVars := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:46:16 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ hidePrivateClasses removeDependent:self.

    hidePrivateClasses := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 16:18:32 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ hideUnloadedClasses removeDependent:self.

    hideUnloadedClasses := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 17:54:57 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ immediateUpdate removeDependent:self.

    immediateUpdate := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:24:29 / cg"

    markApplicationsHolder := something.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ meta notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     meta removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
"/ (something == true or:[something == false]) ifTrue:[self halt].
    meta := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    metaToggle notNil ifTrue:[
	metaToggle model:something
    notMetaToggle notNil ifTrue:[
	notMetaToggle model:something
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:24:29 / cg"


    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ metaToggleLabelHolder removeDependent:self.

    metaToggleLabelHolder := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    (v := builder componentAt:#ClassToggle) notNil ifTrue:[
	v labelChannel:metaToggleLabelHolder.
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:53:31 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ packageFilter notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     packageFilter removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    nameSpaceFilter := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    self nameSpaceFilterSelection value:something value.
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:46:16 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ |holder|

    "/ (holder := builder bindingAt:#namespaceListMenuHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     holder removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceListMenuHolder put:something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:53:31 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ |holder|

    "/ (holder := builder bindingAt:#namespaceListUpdateTrigger) notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     holder removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceListUpdateTrigger put:something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:08:01 / cg"

    organizerMode notNil ifTrue:[
	organizerMode removeDependent:self.
    organizerMode := aValueHolder.
    organizerMode notNil ifTrue:[
	organizerMode addDependent:self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 10:21:41 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ |holder|

    "/ (holder := builder bindingAt:#outGeneratorHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     holder removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    builder aspectAt:#outGeneratorHolder put:something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:24:29 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ packageFilter notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     packageFilter removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    packageFilter := something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 23:46:16 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ |holder|

    "/ (holder := builder bindingAt:#projectDoubleClickChannel) notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     holder removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    builder aspectAt:#projectDoubleClickChannel put:something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    projectListMenuHolder := something.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 11:53:31 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ |holder|

    "/ (holder := builder bindingAt:#projectListUpdateTrigger) notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     holder removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    builder aspectAt:#projectListUpdateTrigger put:something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:08:01 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    selectedCategories := something.
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 14:04:36 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    selectedClasses removeDependent:self.

    selectedClasses := something.
    something notNil ifTrue:[
	something addDependent:self.
    ^ self.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:24:29 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    selectedNamespaces := something.
    selectedNamespaces onChangeEvaluate:[
	nameSpaceFilterSelection value:selectedNamespaces value.     

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    selectedProjects := something.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    selectionChangeCondition := something.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    showClassPackages := something.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    "/ |holder|

    "/ (holder := builder bindingAt:#variableDoubleClickChannel) notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     holder removeDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    builder aspectAt:#variableDoubleClickChannel put:something.
    "/ something notNil ifTrue:[
    "/     something addDependent:self.
    "/ ].
    ^ self.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    variableFilter := something.

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "This method is used when I am embedded as subApplication,"
    "and the mainApp wants to connect its aspects to mine."

    variablesMenuHolder := something.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas methodsFor:'aspects-private'!

    categoryListSlaveMode isNil ifTrue:[
	categoryListSlaveMode := false asValue.
    ^ categoryListSlaveMode

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:30:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:56:21 / cg"

    classHierarchyListSlaveMode isNil ifTrue:[
	classHierarchyListSlaveMode := true asValue.
    ^ classHierarchyListSlaveMode

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:30:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:56:21 / cg"

    classInheritanceListSlaveMode isNil ifTrue:[
	classInheritanceListSlaveMode := true asValue.
    ^ classInheritanceListSlaveMode

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:56:21 / cg"
    "Created: / 26.2.2000 / 00:09:18 / cg"

    classListSlaveMode isNil ifTrue:[
	classListSlaveMode := false asValue.
    ^ classListSlaveMode

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:30:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:56:21 / cg"

    namespaceListSlaveMode isNil ifTrue:[
	namespaceListSlaveMode := true asValue.
    ^ namespaceListSlaveMode

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:30:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:56:21 / cg"

    projectListSlaveMode isNil ifTrue:[
	projectListSlaveMode := true asValue.
    ^ projectListSlaveMode

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:30:44 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:56:21 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas methodsFor:'aspects-trigger'!

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classCategoryListUpdateTrigger isNil ifTrue:[
	classCategoryListUpdateTrigger := TriggerValue new.
"/        classCategoryListUpdateTrigger addDependent:self.
    ^ classCategoryListUpdateTrigger.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:05:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:14:04 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyUpdateTrigger) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyUpdateTrigger put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:05:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:13:57 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."

    classListUpdateTrigger isNil ifTrue:[
	classListUpdateTrigger := TriggerValue new.
"/        classListUpdateTrigger addDependent:self.
    ^ classListUpdateTrigger.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:05:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:14:08 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#forceClassCategoryGeneratorTrigger) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#forceClassCategoryGeneratorTrigger put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:49:43 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:52:30 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#forceClassHierarchyGeneratorTrigger) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#forceClassHierarchyGeneratorTrigger put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:49:43 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:52:32 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#forceNamespaceGeneratorTrigger) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#forceNamespaceGeneratorTrigger put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:49:43 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:52:35 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#forceProjectGeneratorTrigger) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#forceProjectGeneratorTrigger put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:49:43 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:52:38 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#nameSpaceListUpdateTrigger) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceListUpdateTrigger put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:05:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:14:12 / cg"

    "automatically generated by UIPainter ..."

    "*** the code below creates a default model when invoked."
    "*** (which may not be the one you wanted)"
    "*** Please change as required and accept it in the browser."


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#projectListUpdateTrigger) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := TriggerValue new.
	builder aspectAt:#projectListUpdateTrigger put:holder.
"/        holder addDependent:self.
    ^ holder.

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 02:05:14 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:14:15 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas methodsFor:'aspects-visibility'!

    categoryListShown isNil ifTrue:[
	categoryListShown := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | v value == #category]
			argument:(self organizerMode).
    ^ categoryListShown

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 02:11:00 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyNotShown) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |org|
				   org := v value.
				   org ~~ #hierarchy
				   and:[org ~~ #classHierarchy
				   and:[org ~~ #classInheritance]]]
			argument:(self organizerMode).
	builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyNotShown put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:36:38 / cg"
    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:22:43 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyOrInheritanceNotShown) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v1 :v2 | (v1 value or:[v2 value]) not]
			argument:(self classHierarchyShown)
			argument:(self classInheritanceShown).
	builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyOrInheritanceNotShown put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyOrInheritanceShown) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v1 :v2 | v1 value or:[v2 value] ]
			argument:(self classHierarchyShown)
			argument:(self classInheritanceShown).
	builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyOrInheritanceShown put: holder
    ^ holder


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classHierarchyShown) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | |org|
				   org := v value.
				   org == #hierarchy
				   or:[org == #classHierarchy]]
			argument:(self organizerMode).
	builder aspectAt:#classHierarchyShown put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 24.2.2000 / 13:23:33 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classInheritanceShown) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | v value == #classInheritance]
			argument:(self organizerMode).
	builder aspectAt:#classInheritanceShown put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 24.2.2000 / 13:23:01 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#classListShown) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | v value ~~ #hierarchy]
			argument:(self organizerMode).
	builder aspectAt:#classListShown put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 00:32:48 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#nameSpaceListShown) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | v value == #namespace]
			argument:(self organizerMode).
	builder aspectAt:#nameSpaceListShown put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:32:09 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 01:48:35 / cg"


    (holder := builder bindingAt:#projectListShown) isNil ifTrue:[
	holder := BlockValue 
			with:[:v | v value == #project]
			argument:(self organizerMode).
	builder aspectAt:#projectListShown put: holder
    ^ holder

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 00:31:19 / cg"
    "Created: / 18.2.2000 / 00:32:09 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas methodsFor:'change & update'!

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |orgMode trigger classes selectedClassesHolder selectionValue|

    orgMode := organizerMode value.
    selectedClassesHolder := self selectedClasses.
    classes := selectedClassesHolder value copy.

    changedObject == organizerMode ifTrue:[
	self classHierarchyListSlaveMode value:true.
	self classInheritanceListSlaveMode value:true.
	self classListSlaveMode value:true.
	self categoryListSlaveMode value:true.
	self nameSpaceListSlaveMode value:true.
	self projectListSlaveMode value:true.

	self updateOrganizationFromChangedClass.

	orgMode == #category ifTrue:[
"/            trigger := self forceClassCategoryGeneratorTrigger.
	] ifFalse:[ orgMode == #hierarchy ifTrue:[
"/            trigger := self forceClassHierarchyGeneratorTrigger.
	] ifFalse:[ orgMode == #namespace ifTrue:[
"/            trigger := self forceNamespaceGeneratorTrigger
	] ifFalse:[ orgMode == #project ifTrue:[
	    trigger := self forceProjectGeneratorTrigger.
	] ifFalse:[ ((orgMode == #classHierarchy) or:[orgMode == #classInheritance]) ifTrue:[
"/            trigger := self forceClassHierarchyGeneratorTrigger.

	"/ must update the packageFilter
	orgMode == #project ifTrue:[
	    packageFilter setValue:(self selectedProjects value)
	] ifFalse:[
	    packageFilter value:nil

	trigger notNil ifTrue:[
	    trigger value:true
	"/ selectedClassesHolder value:classes.

	(orgMode == #classHierarchy or:[orgMode == #hierarchy]) ifTrue:[
	    classHierarchyListSlaveMode value:false.
	(orgMode == #classInheritance) ifTrue:[
	    classInheritanceListSlaveMode value:false.
	(orgMode == #classInheritance 
	or:[orgMode == #classHierarchy 
	or:[orgMode == #hierarchy]])
	    classListSlaveMode value:false.
	(orgMode == #category) ifTrue:[
	    categoryListSlaveMode value:false.
	(orgMode == #namespace) ifTrue:[
	    namespaceListSlaveMode value:false.
	(orgMode == #project) ifTrue:[
	    projectListSlaveMode value:false.

	^ self

    changedObject == selectedClasses ifTrue:[
	selectedClasses value size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    (orgMode ~~ #classHierarchy) ifTrue:[
		self updateOrganizationFromChangedClass.
"/    changedObject == selectedNamespaces ifTrue:[
"/ self halt.
"/    ].
    changedObject == nameSpaceFilterSelection ifTrue:[
	selectionValue := nameSpaceFilterSelection value.
	selectionValue size > 1 ifTrue:[
	    nameSpaceFilterSelection value:(OrderedCollection with:selectionValue first).
	    selectionValue := nameSpaceFilterSelection value.
	self selectedNamespaces value:selectionValue.
	selectionValue size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    self nameSpaceFilterSelectedNameSpace setValue:selectionValue first.
	    self updateNameSpaceLabel.
	self nameSpaceFilter value: selectionValue.

    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 18:02:02 / cg"

    |allEntry oldSelectedCategories categories|

    allEntry := self class nameListEntryForALL.

    categories := Set new.
    oldSelectedCategories := self selectedCategories value.

    "/ category-selection feedBack;
    "/ if '* all *' was in its selection, keep it (to avoid updating the classList)
    (oldSelectedCategories size > 0 
    and:[oldSelectedCategories includes:allEntry]) ifTrue:[
	categories add:allEntry

    (self selectedClasses value ? #()) do:[:eachSelectedClass |
	|cat cls|

	cls := eachSelectedClass theNonMetaclass.
	cls isPrivate ifTrue:[
	    cls := cls topOwningClass.
	cat := cls category.   
	categories add:cat.
    (categories conform:[:each | (self selectedCategories value ? #()) includes:each]) ifFalse:[
	self selectedCategories value:categories.

    "Modified: / 18.2.2000 / 13:17:36 / cg"

    "invoked when switching to the namespace-organization;
     update selected namespaces from the set of selected classes"

    |allEntry classes selectedNamespaces oldSelectedNamespaces|

    allEntry := self class nameListEntryForALL.

    classes := self selectedClasses value.
    classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
	selectedNamespaces := self selectedNamespaces value.
	oldSelectedNamespaces := (selectedNamespaces ? #()) asSet.
	selectedNamespaces := Set new.

	"/ namespace-selection feedBack;
	"/ if '* all *' was in its selection, keep it (to avoid updating the classList)
	(oldSelectedNamespaces size > 0 
	and:[oldSelectedNamespaces includes:allEntry]) 
	    selectedNamespaces add:allEntry.
			collect:[:eachClass | eachClass theNonMetaclass topNameSpace name.]).

	classes := classes copy.
	"/ selectedNamespaces ~= oldSelectedNamespaces ifTrue:[
	    self selectedNamespaces value:selectedNamespaces.
	"/ ].

	classes ~= self selectedClasses value ifTrue:[self halt:'oops'].

    |orgMode selectedClassesHolder selectedClasses classHierarchyTopClassHolder commonSuperClass|

    orgMode := organizerMode value.
    selectedClassesHolder := self selectedClasses.
    selectedClasses := selectedClassesHolder value.
    classHierarchyTopClassHolder := self classHierarchyTopClass.

    orgMode == #category ifTrue:[
	self updateCategorySelectionFromClasses.
	^ self.
    orgMode == #namespace ifTrue:[
	self updateNamespaceSelectionFromClasses.
	^ self.
    orgMode == #project ifTrue:[
	self updateProjectSelectionFromClasses.
	^ self.
    orgMode == #hierarchy ifTrue:[
	classHierarchyTopClassHolder value:nil.
	^ self.
    (orgMode == #classHierarchy) ifTrue:[
"/        (selectedClasses size == 1) ifTrue:[
"/            self classHierarchyTopClass value:selectedClasses first
"/        ].
	"/ classHierarchyTopClassHolder value isNil ifTrue:[
	selectedClasses size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    commonSuperClass := selectedClasses 
				    inject:selectedClasses first 
				    into:[:commonSuperClass :thisClass | commonSuperClass commonSuperclass:thisClass ].
	    classHierarchyTopClassHolder value:commonSuperClass "selectedClasses first".
	"/ ].
	^ self.
    (orgMode == #classInheritance) ifTrue:[
	classHierarchyTopClassHolder value:
	    ((selectedClasses size == 1) ifTrue:[selectedClasses first] ifFalse:nil).
	^ self.

    "invoked when switching to the projects-organization;
     update selected projects from the set of selected classes"

    |allEntry classes selectedProjects oldSelectedProjects|

^ self.
    allEntry := self class nameListEntryForALL.

    classes := self selectedClasses value.
    classes size > 0 ifTrue:[
	selectedProjects := self selectedProjects value.
	oldSelectedProjects := (selectedProjects ? #()) asSet.
	selectedProjects := Set new.

	"/ project-selection feedBack;
	"/ if '* all *' was in its selection, keep it (to avoid updating the classList)
	(oldSelectedProjects size > 0 
	and:[oldSelectedProjects includes:allEntry]) 
	    selectedProjects add:allEntry.

	classes do:[:eachClass |
	    selectedProjects add:(eachClass theNonMetaclass package).
	    eachClass allSelectorsAndMethodsDo:[:sel :mthd |
		selectedProjects add:(mthd package).
	selectedProjects ~= oldSelectedProjects ifTrue:[
	    self selectedProjects value:selectedProjects.

    "Created: / 26.2.2000 / 01:09:13 / cg"
    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 01:20:59 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas methodsFor:'forwarder operations'!

moveClasses:classes toCategory:cat
    self masterApplication moveClasses:classes toCategory:cat

moveClasses:classes toProject:cat
    self masterApplication moveClasses:classes toProject:cat

moveMethods:methods toClass:cls
    self masterApplication moveMethods:methods toClass:cls.

moveMethods:methods toProject:package
    self masterApplication moveMethods:methods toProject:package.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::OrganizerCanvas methodsFor:'private'!


    "/ sigh - cannot do this in the nameSpaceListWidget method,
    "/ because the GUI is build late (when the menu is popped up the first time)
    widget application immediateUpdate:true.
    list := widget builder componentAt:#List.
    list autoHideHorizontalScrollBar:true.

"/    |toggle|
"/    (toggle := aBuilder componentAt:#InstanceToggle) notNil ifTrue:[
"/        toggle controller beToggle.
"/    ].
"/    (toggle := aBuilder componentAt:#ClassToggle) notNil ifTrue:[
"/        toggle controller beToggle.
"/    ].
    super postBuildWith:aBuilder

    super release.

    nameSpaceFilterSelection removeDependent:self.
    organizerMode removeDependent:self.
    selectedClasses removeDependent:self.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectList'
	  #name: 'ProjectList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 316 346)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'HierarchicalListView1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #hierarchicalProjectSelection
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #listModel: #hierarchicalProjectList
	      #multipleSelectOk: true
	      #highlightMode: #line
	      #doubleClickSelector: #doubleClicked:
	      #indicatorSelector: #indicatorPressed:
		#dragArgument: nil
		#dropArgument: nil
		#canDropSelector: #canDrop:
		#dropSelector: #doDrop:

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'ProjectList'
	  #name: 'ProjectList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 312 322)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'List'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #model: #selectedProjectItems
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #showRoot: false
	      #showDirectoryIndicator: true
	      #isMultiSelect: true
	      #valueChangeSelector: #selectionChangedByClick
	      #hierarchicalList: #hierarchicalProjectTree
	      #childrenSelector: #actionToRetrieveChildren
	      #highlightMode: #line
	      #doubleClickChannel: #doubleClickChannel
	      #name: 'HierarchicalListView1'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #listModel: #hierarchicalProjectList
	      #multipleSelectOk: true
	      #highlightMode: #line
	      #doubleClickSelector: #doubleClicked:
	      #indicatorSelector: #indicatorPressed:
	      "/ #showLeftIndicators: false
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(
	#(#doubleClickChannel #action )

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList methodsFor:'aspects'!


    self projectList value isNil ifTrue:[
	self updateList.
	self projectList value isNil ifTrue:[
	    ^ nil.

    anchor := ProjectItem new.
    anchor package:''.
    anchor label:nil.

    packageToItemDictionary := IdentityDictionary new.
    packageToItemDictionary at:'' asSymbol put:anchor.

    self projectList value do:[:eachPackageString |

	package := eachPackageString asSymbol.
	(packageToItemDictionary includesKey:package) ifFalse:[
	    self addPackage:package 

"/    Smalltalk allClassesDo:[:eachClass |
"/        |package|
"/        package := eachClass package asSymbol.
"/        (packageToItemDictionary includesKey:package) ifFalse:[
"/            self addPackage:package 
"/        ].
"/    ].
    anchor recursiveSortChildren:[:i1 :i2 | i1 label asLowercase < i2 label asLowercase].
    anchor expand.

    ^ anchor

    |anchor |

    hierarchicalProjectList isNil ifTrue:[
	hierarchicalProjectList := HierarchicalList new.
	hierarchicalProjectList showRoot:false.

	(self slaveMode value ~~ true) ifTrue:[
	    anchor := self generateHierarchicalProjectTree.
	    hierarchicalProjectList root:anchor.
	    listValid := true
	] ifFalse:[
	    listValid := false
    ^ hierarchicalProjectList

    hierarchicalProjectSelection isNil ifTrue:[
	hierarchicalProjectSelection := #() asValue.
	hierarchicalProjectSelection addDependent:self.
    ^ hierarchicalProjectSelection.

    "/ must expand items as required
    |itemsToSelect oldSelection newSelection|

    itemsToSelect := OrderedCollection new.

    (self selectedProjects value ? #()) do:[:eachSelectedProject |
	|item child|

	item := hierarchicalProjectList root.

	(eachSelectedProject asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:':/') do:[:part |
	    item expand.
	    child := item detect:[:child | child label = part] ifNone:nil.
	    child notNil ifTrue:[
		item := child.
	itemsToSelect add:child.
    oldSelection := hierarchicalProjectSelection value.
    newSelection := itemsToSelect collect:[:eachItem | hierarchicalProjectList identityIndexOf:eachItem].
    oldSelection ~= newSelection ifTrue:[
	hierarchicalProjectSelection value:newSelection.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |cls sel oldMethod newMethod newPackage|

    self inSlaveModeOrInvisible ifTrue:[
	super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject.
	^ self.

"/    (self slaveMode value == true) ifTrue:[
"/        super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject.
"/        ^ self
"/    ].

    changedObject == updateTrigger ifTrue:[
	hierarchicalProjectList := nil.
	self hierarchicalProjectList.
	self updateTreeSelection.
	^ self        

    changedObject == slaveMode ifTrue:[
	listValid ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateList
	"/ self invalidateList.
	self updateTreeSelection.
	^  self

    changedObject == hierarchicalProjectSelection ifTrue:[
	self updateSelectionFromTree.
	^ self        
"/    changedObject == self selectedProjects ifTrue:[
"/        "/ update the trees selection as appropriate
"/        self updateTreeSelection.
"/    ].
    changedObject == projectList ifTrue:[
	"/ update the tree
	self hierarchicalProjectList root:(self generateHierarchicalProjectTree).
	^ self.
    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Created: / 17.2.2000 / 23:41:02 / cg"
    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 01:21:49 / cg"

    NewSystemBrowser synchronousUpdate == true ifTrue:[
	self addPackage:package.
	^ self
    ^ self
	arguments:(Array with:package)

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
	"/ dont care for that.
	^ self.
    changedObject == organizerMode ifTrue:[
	"/ dont care for that.
	^ self.
    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject


    treeSelection := hierarchicalProjectSelection value 
		    collect:[:eachIndex |  |item|
				    item := hierarchicalProjectList at:eachIndex ifAbsent:nil.
				    item package

    treeSelection asSet ~= (self selectedProjects value ? #()) asSet ifTrue:[
	self selectedProjects value:treeSelection.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList methodsFor:'private'!

    |i p pp l parentPackage parentItem idx|

    i:= packageToItemDictionary at:package asSymbol ifAbsent:nil.
    i isNil ifTrue:[
	i := ProjectItem new.
	i package:package.
	packageToItemDictionary at:package asSymbol put:i.

	package size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    "/ find the parent ...
	    p := package asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedByAny:':/.'.
	    pp := p copyWithoutLast:1.
	    l := (pp asStringWith:$/) size.
	    parentPackage := package copyTo:l.

	    parentItem := self addPackage:parentPackage asSymbol .

	    parentPackage size == 0 ifTrue:[
		idx := 1.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		idx := parentPackage size + 2
	    i label:(package copyFrom:idx).

	    parentItem add:i sortBlock:[:i1 :i2 | i1 label asLowercase < i2 label asLowercase].

	    "/ TODO: special items for classes, resources etc.
    ^ i

    super release.

    hierarchicalProjectSelection removeDependent:self.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList methodsFor:'user actions'!


    item := hierarchicalProjectList at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil.
    item isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self

    (item canExpand not or:[item isExpanded]) ifTrue:[
	doubleClickChannel notNil ifTrue:[
	    doubleClickChannel value:anIndex.
	^ self

    item expand.

    |item sensor|

    item := hierarchicalProjectList at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil.

    item isNil ifTrue:[
	^ self

    sensor := self window sensor.
    (sensor ctrlDown or:[sensor shiftDown]) ifTrue:[
	item recursiveToggleExpand
    ] ifFalse:[
	item toggleExpand
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalProjectList::ProjectItem methodsFor:'accessing'!

    children isNil ifTrue:[
	children := #()
    ^ children

    ^ SystemBrowser packageIcon

    ^ label

    label ~= aString ifTrue:[
	label := aString.
	self changed:#label

    ^ packageID

    packageID := prefixOrPackageID
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::SearchDialog methodsFor:'private'!

    HTMLDocumentView openFullOnHelpFile:'Browser/RBSearchPatterns.html'
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::SearchDialog methodsFor:'public'!

    |where code sel|

    self open.
    self accepted ifFalse:[ 
	^ self.

    openHow isNil ifTrue:[ 
	openHow := defaultOpenHow.
    where := whereRadioGroup value.
    withTextEntry ifTrue:[ 
	isSelector == #code ifTrue:[
	    code := codeField contentsAsString.
	    LastCodeSearched := code.
	] ifFalse:[
	    sel := selectorHolder value.
	    sel isEmpty ifTrue:[ 
		browser warn:(isSelector 
			    ifTrue:[ 'No selector entered for search'. ]
			    ifFalse:[ 'Nothing entered for search'. ]).
		^ self.
	    sel := sel string.
	    browser rememberSearchPattern:sel.
	    isSelector == #globalName ifTrue:[ 
		LastGlobalSearched := sel.
    where isNil ifTrue:[ 
	browser warn:'No class(es) for search'.
	^ self.

    self getClassesAndMethodsFor:where.
    (#(#classesWithPrivateClasses #classHierarchiesWithPrivateClasses #ownersWithPrivateClasses #ownersHierarchiesWithPrivateClasses) 

		toSearch := IdentitySet withAll:classes.
		classes := IdentitySet withAll:toSearch.
		[ toSearch notEmpty. ] whileTrue:[

		    cls := toSearch removeFirst.
		    classes addAll:cls allPrivateClasses.

    classes size == 0 ifTrue:[
	classes := nil.
	methods size == 0 ifTrue:[ 
	    browser warn:'No class(es) given for search.'.
	    ^ self.
    ] ifFalse:[
	classes := classes asOrderedCollection.
	methods size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[ 
	    browser warn:'oops'.
	    methods := nil.

	value:(sel ? code)
	value:(caseHolder value ? false)
	value:(matchHolder value ? false)
	value:(isMethodHolder value ? false).

setupToAskForMethodSearchTitle:title forBrowser:brwsrArg isSelector:isSelectorArg searchArea:whereDefault withCaseIgnore:withCaseIgnore withMatch:withMatch 
    withMethodList:withMethodList allowFind:allowFindArg allowBuffer:allowBufferArg allowBrowser:allowBrowserArg withTextEntry:withTextEntryArg 
    | where ns methodNameSpaces|

    allowFind := allowFindArg.
    allowBuffer := allowBufferArg.
    allowBrowser := allowBrowserArg.
    isSelector := isSelectorArg.
    withTextEntry := withTextEntryArg.
    browser := brwsrArg.
    resources := browser resources.

    (self addTextLabel:(resources string:title) withCRs) adjust:#left.

    selectedClasses := browser selectedClasses value.
    selectedCategories := browser selectedCategoriesValue.
    selectedMethods := browser selectedMethods value.
    currentClass := browser theSingleSelectedClass.
    currentClassCategory := browser theSingleSelectedCategory.
    currentClass isNil ifTrue:[ 
	browser hasMethodSelected ifTrue:[ 
	    currentClass := selectedMethods first mclass.
	    selectedClasses := (selectedMethods collect:[ :each | each mclass ]) 
	    selectedClasses := selectedClasses select:[ :each | each notNil ].
    currentClass notNil ifTrue:[ 
	currentClass := currentClass theNonMetaclass.

    withTextEntry ifTrue:[ 
	isSelector == #code ifTrue:[
	    self addTextEntryFieldForCode.
	] ifFalse:[
	    self addInputFieldForSelectorOrNameOrString.

	    withCaseIgnore ifTrue:[ 
		self addCheckBox:(resources string:'Ignore case')
		    on:(caseHolder := false asValue).
	    withMatch ifTrue:[ 
		self addCheckBox:(resources string:'Match')
		    on:(matchHolder := true asValue).

"/                (isSelector and:[ sel notNil. ]) ifTrue:[ 
"/                    sel includesMatchCharacters ifTrue:[ 
"/                        matchHolder value:false.
"/                    ].
"/                ].
    searchAreas := OrderedCollection new.
    verticalPanel := VerticalPanelView new.
    verticalPanel horizontalLayout:#fitSpace.
    self addHorizontalLine.
    self addVerticalSpace.
    (self addTextLabel:(resources string:'Search in:')) adjust:#left.
    whereRadioGroup := RadioButtonGroup new.
    (selectedCategories size > 0 or:[ selectedClasses size > 0 ]) ifTrue:[ 
	self addCheckBoxForEverywhere.
	"/        classMethodListView notNil ifTrue:[
	"/            b := CheckBox label:(resources string:'Shown Methods').
	"/            panel add:b. whereChannel add:b value:#currentMethodList.
	"/            areas add:#currentMethodList.
	"/            self makeTabable:b.
	"/        ].
	browser isMethodListBrowser ifTrue:[ 
	    methodNameSpaces := (browser selectedMethods value ? #()) 
			collect:[ :eachMethod | eachMethod mclass topNameSpace ].
	methodNameSpaces size == 1 ifTrue:[ 
	    currentNamespace := methodNameSpaces first.
	] ifFalse:[ 
	    currentNamespace := browser currentNamespace.
	(currentNamespace notNil 
	    and:[ currentNamespace ~= (browser nameListEntryForALL) ]) 
		ifTrue:[ self addCheckBoxForCurrentNamespace ]
		    (currentClass notNil 
			and:[ (ns := currentClass nameSpace) notNil and:[ ns ~~ Smalltalk ] ]) 
			    ifTrue:[ self addCheckBoxForClassesNamespace:ns ].
	selectedCategories size > 0 ifTrue:[ 
	    self addCheckBoxForSelectedClassCategory.
	(selectedClasses size > 0 or:[ selectedMethods size > 0 ]) ifTrue:[ 
	    self addCheckBoxForSelectedClass.
	    self addCheckBoxForSelectedClassAndSuperclasses.
	    self addCheckBoxForSelectedClassAndSubclasses.
	    self addCheckBoxForSelectedClassAndPrivateClasses.
	    self addCheckBoxForSelectedClassAndSubclassesAndPrivateClasses.
	    self addCheckBoxForOwnerAndItsPrivateClasses.
	    self addCheckBoxForOwnerAndItsSubclassesAndItsPrivateClasses.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	browser currentNamespace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[ 
	    self addCheckBoxForEverywhere.
	    currentNamespace := browser currentNamespace.
	    currentNamespace ~= (browser nameListEntryForALL) ifTrue:[ 
		self addCheckBoxForCurrentNamespace.
	    ] ifFalse:[ 
		(currentClass notNil 
		    and:[ (ns := currentClass nameSpace) notNil and:[ ns ~~ Smalltalk ] ]) 
			ifTrue:[ self addCheckBoxForClassesNamespace:ns ].
    (withMethodList and:[ browser isMethodListBrowser ]) ifTrue:[ 
	searchAreas size == 0 ifTrue:[ 
	    self addCheckBoxForEverywhere.
	self addCheckBoxForMethodList.
	browser selectedMethods value size > 1 ifTrue:[ 
	    self addCheckBoxForSelectedMethods.
    searchAreas size == 0 ifTrue:[ 
	whereRadioGroup := #everywhere asValue.
	self addDummyCheckBoxForEverywhere.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	whereDefault notNil ifTrue:[ 
	    (searchAreas includes:whereDefault) ifTrue:[ 
		where := whereDefault asSymbol.
	    ] ifFalse:[ 
		where := searchAreas first.
	] ifFalse:[ 
	    where := #everywhere.
	whereRadioGroup value:where.
    self addComponent:verticalPanel indent:0.
    "/ panel has its own idea of indenting
    self addVerticalSpace.
    self addHorizontalLine.

    self addButtons.
    self label:(resources string:'Search').
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::SearchDialog methodsFor:'setup'!

addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:area 
    verticalPanel add:b.
    whereRadioGroup add:b value:area.
    searchAreas add:area.
    self makeTabable:b.


    b := CheckBox 
		label:(resources string:'Classes nameSpace (''%1'')' with:ns name).
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#currentClassesNameSpace.
    ^ b.


    b := CheckBox label:(resources string:'Current nameSpace (''%1'')'
			with:currentNamespace name).
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#currentNameSpace.
    ^ b.


    b := CheckBox label:(resources string:'Everywhere').
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#everywhere.
    ^ b.


    b := CheckBox label:(resources string:'Methodlist').
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#listOfMethods.
    ^ b.

    |b lbl|

    (currentClass notNil and:[ currentClass isPrivate. ]) ifTrue:[ 
	lbl := resources string:'Owner (%1) & all its private classes'
		    with:currentClass owningClass name.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	lbl := resources string:'Owners & all their private classes'.
    b := CheckBox label:lbl.
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#ownersWithPrivateClasses.
    (selectedClasses contains:[ :cls | cls isPrivate. ]) ifFalse:[ 
	b disable.
    ^ b.

    |b lbl|

    (currentClass notNil and:[ currentClass isPrivate. ]) ifTrue:[ 
	lbl := resources 
		    string:'Owner (%1) & its subclasses & all its private classes'
		    with:currentClass owningClass name.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	lbl := resources 
		    string:'Owners & their subclasses & all their private classes'.
    b := CheckBox label:lbl.
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#ownersHierarchiesWithPrivateClasses.
    (selectedClasses contains:[ :cls | cls isPrivate. ]) ifFalse:[ 
	b disable.
    ^ b.

    |b lbl|

    (browser isMethodListBrowser or:[ currentClass isNil. ]) ifTrue:[ 
	selectedClasses size == 1 ifTrue:[ 
	    lbl := resources string:'Selected class (''%1'')'
			with:selectedClasses first theNonMetaclass name.
	] ifFalse:[ 
	    lbl := resources string:'Selected classes (%1)' with:selectedClasses size.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	lbl := resources string:'Class (''%1'')' with:currentClass name.
    b := CheckBox label:lbl.
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#classes.
    ^ b.

    |b lbl|

    (browser isMethodListBrowser or:[ currentClass isNil. ]) ifTrue:[ 
	lbl := 'Selected classes & all private classes'.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	lbl := 'Class & private classes'.
    b := CheckBox label:(resources string:lbl).
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#classesWithPrivateClasses.
	contains:[ :cls | cls theNonMetaclass privateClasses size > 0. ]) 
	    ifFalse:[ b disable. ].
    ^ b.

    |b lbl|

    (browser isMethodListBrowser or:[ currentClass isNil. ]) ifTrue:[ 
	lbl := 'Selected classes & all subclasses'.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	lbl := 'Class & subclasses'.
    b := CheckBox label:(resources string:lbl).
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#classHierarchies.
	contains:[ :cls | cls theNonMetaclass subclasses size > 0. ]) 
	    ifFalse:[ b disable. ].
    ^ b.

    |b lbl|

    (browser isMethodListBrowser or:[ currentClass isNil. ]) ifTrue:[ 
	lbl := 'Selected classes & all subclasses & all private classes'.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	lbl := 'Class & subclasses & all private classes'.
    b := CheckBox label:(resources string:lbl).
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#classHierarchiesWithPrivateClasses.
	contains:[ :cls | cls theNonMetaclass privateClasses size > 0. ]) 
	    ifFalse:[ b disable. ].
    ^ b.

    |b lbl|

    (browser isMethodListBrowser or:[ currentClass isNil. ]) ifTrue:[ 
	lbl := 'Selected classes & all superclasses'.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	lbl := 'Class & superclasses'.
    b := CheckBox label:(resources string:lbl).
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#classesAndSuperclasses.
	contains:[ :cls | cls theNonMetaclass superclass notNil. ]) 
	    ifFalse:[ b disable. ].
    ^ b.

    |b lbl|

    currentClassCategory notNil ifTrue:[ 
	lbl := resources string:'Class category (''%1'')'
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	lbl := resources string:'Selected classes categories (%1)'
		    with:selectedCategories size.
    b := CheckBox label:lbl.
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#classCategories.
    ^ b.


    b := CheckBox label:(resources string:'Selected methods (%1)'
			with:browser selectedMethods value size).
    self addCheckBox:b forSearchArea:#listOfSelectedMethods.
    ^ b.


    b := CheckBox label:(resources string:'Everywhere').
    b turnOn.
    b disable.
    verticalPanel add:b.

    |sel inputField lastSearchPatterns|

    isSelector == true ifTrue:[ 
	sel := browser selectorToSearchFor.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	isSelector == #globalName ifTrue:[ 
	    sel := browser globalNameToSearchFor ? LastGlobalSearched.
	] ifFalse:[ 
	    sel := browser stringToSearchFor.
    sel size == 0 ifTrue:[ 
	"/ use last searchString
	lastSearchPatterns := browser lastSearchPatterns.
	lastSearchPatterns size > 0 ifTrue:[ 
	    sel := lastSearchPatterns first.
    selectorHolder := sel asValue.

    inputField := self addComboBoxOn:selectorHolder tabable:true.
    inputField list:lastSearchPatterns .
    inputField selectAll.
	entryCompletionBlock:[ :contents | 
	    |s what|

	    s := contents withoutSpaces.
	    self topView 
		    isSelector == #globalName ifFalse:[ 
			what := Smalltalk selectorCompletion:s.
		    ] ifTrue:[ 
			what := Smalltalk globalnameCompletion:s.
		    inputField contents:what first.
		    (what at:2) size ~~ 1 ifTrue:[ 
			browser window beep.

    |initial box infoLabel helpButton errMessageField checkCodeAction|

    box := View new.
    box extent:(500 @ 200).

    codeField := CodeView in:box.        
    codeField origin:0.0@0.0 corner:(0.75@1.0).

    infoLabel := Label in:box.
    infoLabel origin:0.75@0.0 corner:(1.0@1.0).
    infoLabel font:(codeField font).
    infoLabel label:'MetaPatterns:

' , '`' allBold , ' = meta 

' , '@' allBold , ' = list/any
' , '.' allBold , ' = statement
' , '`' allBold , ' = recurse

' , '`#n' allBold , ' any lit
' , '`v' allBold , '  any var
' , '`@e' allBold , ' any expr

    helpButton := Button label:'Pattern Help' in:box.
    helpButton layout:((LayoutOrigin fractionalFromPoint:0.75@1.0) 
			    topOffset:helpButton preferredExtent y negated).
    helpButton topInset:0.75@1.0.
    helpButton action:[self showHelpOnCodePatterns].

    self addComponent:box tabable:true.
    errMessageField := (self addTextLabel:'') adjust:#left.
    errMessageField level:-1.    
    self addCheckBox:(resources string:'Method') on:self isMethodHolder.

    checkCodeAction := [ self checkCodeIn:codeField notifying:errMessageField. ].

    codeField modifiedChannel onChangeEvaluate:checkCodeAction.

    initial := browser selectionInCodeView.
    initial isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
	initial := LastCodeSearched ? ''
    codeField contents:initial.
    checkCodeAction value.

checkCodeIn:codeField notifying:errMessageField
    |codeString tree errAction|

    codeString := codeField contents asString string.
    errAction := [:str :pos |
		    |line col badLine|

		    line := codeField lineOfCharacterPosition:pos.
		    col := (codeField colOfCharacterPosition:pos) max:1.

		    badLine := (codeField listAt:line) ? ''
.                   col <= badLine size size ifTrue:[
			    put:(badLine asText 
				    put:(UserPreferences current unknownIdentifierEmphasis)).
			"/ codeField selectFromCharacterPosition:pos to:pos.
		    errMessageField label:('[',line printString,'] ',str).
		    codeField requestFocus.

    isMethodHolder value ifTrue:[
	tree := RBParser parseRewriteMethod:codeString onError: errAction.
    ] ifFalse:[
	tree := RBParser parseRewriteExpression:codeString onError: errAction.
    tree notNil ifTrue:[ errMessageField label:nil ].
    codeField modifiedChannel setValue:false.

    where == #everywhere ifTrue:[ 
	classes := Smalltalk allClasses.
	^ self.
    where == #currentNameSpace ifTrue:[ 
	classes := currentNamespace allClassesWithAllPrivateClasses.
	^ self.
    where == #currentClassesNameSpace ifTrue:[ 
	currentClass isPrivate ifTrue:[ 
	    classes := currentClass topOwningClass nameSpace 
	] ifFalse:[ 
	    classes := currentClass nameSpace allClassesWithAllPrivateClasses.
	^ self.
    where == #classCategories ifTrue:[ 
	classes := Smalltalk allClasses 
		    select:[ :cls | selectedCategories includes:cls category. ].
	classes := classes collect:[ :each | each theNonMetaclass. ].
	^ self.
    (where == #classes or:[ where == #classesWithPrivateClasses. ]) ifTrue:[ 
	classes := selectedClasses collect:[ :each | each theNonMetaclass. ].
	^ self.
    (where == #classHierarchies 
	or:[ where == #classHierarchiesWithPrivateClasses. ]) 
		classes := IdentitySet new.
		selectedClasses do:[ :cls | 
		    classes addAll:cls theNonMetaclass withAllSubclasses.
		^ self.
    where == #ownersWithPrivateClasses ifTrue:[ 
	classes := IdentitySet new.
	selectedClasses do:[ :cls | 

	    c := cls theNonMetaclass.
	    classes add:(c owningClass ? c).
	^ self.
    where == #ownersHierarchiesWithPrivateClasses ifTrue:[ 
	classes := IdentitySet new.
	selectedClasses do:[ :cls | 

	    c := cls theNonMetaclass.
	    classes addAll:(c owningClass ? c) withAllSubclasses.
	^ self.
    (where == #classesAndSuperclasses) ifTrue:[ 
	classes := IdentitySet new.
	selectedClasses do:[ :cls | 
	    classes addAll:cls theNonMetaclass withAllSuperclasses.
	^ self.
    (where == #listOfMethods) ifTrue:[ 
	classes := nil.
	methods := browser methodListApp methodList value.
	^ self.
    (where == #listOfSelectedMethods) ifTrue:[ 
	classes := nil.
	methods := browser selectedMethods value.
	^ self.

    isMethodHolder isNil ifTrue:[isMethodHolder := (LastCodeSearchWasMethod ? false) asValue].
    ^ isMethodHolder
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::SearchDialog methodsFor:'setup-buttons'!


    b := Button label:(resources string:'Browse').
    (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifTrue:[ 
	self addButton:b before:nil.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	self addButton:b after:nil.
	    openHow := #newBrowser.
	    self doAccept.
	    self okPressed.
    ^ b.


    b := Button label:(resources string:'Add Buffer').
    (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifTrue:[ 
	self addButton:b before:nil.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	self addButton:b after:nil.
	    openHow := #newBuffer.
	    self doAccept.
	    self okPressed.
    ^ b.


    allowFind ifTrue:[
	defaultOpenHow := #showHere.
	prevButton := self addFindButton.
    allowBrowser ifTrue:[
	defaultOpenHow := #newBrowser.
	prevButton := self addBrowseButton.
    allowBuffer ifTrue:[
	defaultOpenHow := #newBuffer.
	prevButton := self addBufferButton.
    prevButton notNil ifTrue:[
	prevButton isReturnButton:true.
    self addAbortButton.


    b := Button label:(resources string:'Find').
    (DialogBox defaultOKButtonAtLeft) ifTrue:[ 
	self addButton:b before:nil.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	self addButton:b after:nil.
	    openHow := #showHere.
	    self doAccept.
	    self okPressed.
    ^ b.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::SpecialCodeView class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::SpecialCodeView andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::SpecialCodeView new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::SpecialCodeView open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'SpecialCodeView'
	  #name: 'SpecialCodeView'
	  #min: #(#Point 10 10)
	  #max: #(#Point 1280 1024)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 12 22 312 322)
	  #collection: #()
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::VariableList class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:NewSystemBrowser::VariableList andSelector:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::VariableList new openInterface:#windowSpec
     NewSystemBrowser::VariableList open

    <resource: #canvas>

	#name: #windowSpec
	  #label: 'VariableList'
	  #name: 'VariableList'
	  #min: #(#Point 0 0)
	  #max: #(#Point 1024 721)
	  #bounds: #(#Rectangle 16 46 316 346)
	  #collection: #(
	      #name: 'List'
	      #layout: #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.0 0 1.0)
	      #tabable: true
	      #model: #selectedVariables
	      #menu: #menuHolder
	      #hasHorizontalScrollBar: true
	      #hasVerticalScrollBar: true
	      #miniScrollerHorizontal: true
	      #isMultiSelect: true
	      #valueChangeSelector: #selectionChangedByClick
	      #useIndex: false
	      #sequenceList: #variableList
	      #doubleClickChannel: #doubleClickChannel
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::VariableList class methodsFor:'plugIn spec'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this. If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

    "Return a description of exported aspects;
     these can be connected to aspects of an embedding application
     (if this app is embedded in a subCanvas)."

    ^ #(
	#(#doubleClickChannel #action )
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::VariableList methodsFor:'aspects'!

    classHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	classHolder := #() asValue.
	classHolder addDependent:self
    ^ classHolder

    classHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	classHolder removeDependent:self
    classHolder := aValueHolder.
    classHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	classHolder isBehavior ifTrue:[self halt:'should not happen'].
	classHolder addDependent:self

    ^ false.

    ^ self selectionHolder


    ^ self selectionHolder:aValueHolder


    showClassVars isNil ifTrue:[
	showClassVars := false asValue.
	showClassVars addDependent:self
    ^ showClassVars

    showClassVars notNil ifTrue:[
	showClassVars removeDependent:self
    showClassVars := aValueHolder.
    showClassVars notNil ifTrue:[
	showClassVars addDependent:self

    ^ false
    "/ ^ true

    sortVariablesByName isNil ifTrue:[
	sortVariablesByName := false asValue.
	sortVariablesByName addDependent:self
    ^ sortVariablesByName

    sortVariablesByName notNil ifTrue:[
	sortVariablesByName removeDependent:self
    sortVariablesByName := aValueHolder.
    sortVariablesByName notNil ifTrue:[
	sortVariablesByName addDependent:self

    variableList isNil ifTrue:[
	variableList := ValueHolder new
    ^ variableList

! !

!NewSystemBrowser::VariableList methodsFor:'change & update'!

delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    |selectedClasses changedClass anyChange|

    self inSlaveModeOrInvisible ifTrue:[self invalidateList. ^ self].
    "/ slaveMode value == true ifTrue:[^ self].

    changedObject == slaveMode ifTrue:[
	listValid ~~ true ifTrue:[
	    self enqueueDelayedUpdateList
	"/ self invalidateList.
	^  self

    changedObject == classHolder ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^  self
    changedObject == showClassVars ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^ self.
    changedObject == sortVariablesByName ifTrue:[
	self invalidateList.
	^ self.
    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	(something == #classDefinition
	or:[something == #classVariables and:[showClassVars value == true]])
	    changedClass := aParameter.
	    selectedClasses := classHolder value.
	    selectedClasses notNil ifTrue:[
		selectedClasses isSequenceable ifFalse:[
		    selectedClasses := selectedClasses asOrderedCollection
		selectedClasses keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :cls | |nm|
		    cls notNil ifTrue:[
			cls isObsolete ifTrue:[
			    cls isMeta ifTrue:[
				nm := cls theNonMetaclass name.
				selectedClasses at:idx put:(Smalltalk at:nm) class.
			    ] ifFalse:[
				nm := cls name.
				selectedClasses at:idx put:(Smalltalk at:nm).
			    anyChange := true.
			] ifFalse:[
			    (cls == aParameter 
			    or:[something == #classVariables 
				and:[showClassVars value == true
				and:[cls theNonMetaclass == aParameter theNonMetaclass]]]) ifTrue:[
				anyChange := true.
		(selectedClasses includes:nil) ifTrue:[
		    "/ can happen, if a selected class is removed...
		    "/ self halt:'should this happen ?'.
		    "/ fix it ...
		    selectedClasses := selectedClasses select:[:each | each notNil].
		    classHolder value:selectedClasses.
		    anyChange := true.
		anyChange == true ifTrue:[
		    self invalidateList.
		    ^  self
	    ^  self
    ] ifFalse:[
	changedObject isBehavior ifTrue:[
	    anyChange := false.
	    selectedClasses := classHolder value.
	    selectedClasses notNil ifTrue:[
		selectedClasses keysAndValuesDo:[:idx :cls | |nm|
		    cls isObsolete ifTrue:[
			nm := cls name.
			selectedClasses at:idx put:(Smalltalk at:nm).
			anyChange := true.
		anyChange == true ifTrue:[
		    self invalidateList.
		    ^  self

		(selectedClasses includesIdentical:something) ifTrue:[    
		    self invalidateList.
		    ^  self
	    ^  self
    super delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    Smalltalk addDependent:self


    Smalltalk removeDependent:self


    "we are not interested in that - get another notification
     via the changed valueHolder"


update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    "/ ^ self delayedUpdate:something with:aParameter from:changedObject.

    changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
	something == #methodDictionary ifTrue:[
	    ^ self 
	something == #methodTrap ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #methodInClass ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #methodInClassRemoved ifTrue:[
	    ^ self
	something == #classComment ifTrue:[
	    ^ self.
"/    self window sensor isNil ifTrue:[
"/        "/ I am not visible ...
"/        self invalidateList.
"/        ^ self
"/    ].
    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject

    "Modified: / 20.11.2001 / 21:55:22 / cg"
! !

!NewSystemBrowser::VariableList methodsFor:'generators'!


! !

!NewSystemBrowser::VariableList methodsFor:'private'!


    super commonPostBuildWith:aBuilder.

    list := aBuilder componentAt:#List.
    list notNil ifTrue:[
	list selectConditionBlock:[:item | self selectionChangeAllowed:item].
	list ignoreReselect:false.

    "return true if there is a common subclass"

    |theCommonSubClass "classesByInheritance"|

    theCommonSubClass := nil.
    classes do:[:eachClass |
	theCommonSubClass isNil ifTrue:[
	    theCommonSubClass := eachClass
	] ifFalse:[
	    (eachClass isSubclassOf:theCommonSubClass) ifTrue:[
		theCommonSubClass := eachClass    
	    ] ifFalse:[
		(theCommonSubClass isSubclassOf:eachClass) ifFalse:[
		    ^ nil
    ^ theCommonSubClass.

"/    classesByInheritance := classes topologicalSort:[:a :b | a isSubclassOf:b].
"/    classesByInheritance keysAndValuesDo:[:index :eachClass |
"/        "/ all classes after that one must be superclasses ...
"/        classesByInheritance from:index+1 to:classesByInheritance size do:[:otherClass |
"/            (eachClass isSubclassOf:otherClass) ifFalse:[
"/                ^ nil.
"/            ]
"/        ].
"/    ].
"/    ^ classesByInheritance first

    |nameList numClasses classes class commonSubclass showingClassVars

    classHolder isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ testing
	^ #()

    showingClassVars := showClassVars value == true.
    sortByName := sortVariablesByName value.

    classes := classHolder value.
    (numClasses := classes size) == 0 ifTrue:[^ #() ].
    numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
	"/ multiple classes - see if there is a common subclass ...
	commonSubclass := self commonSubClassIn:classes.
	commonSubclass notNil ifTrue:[
	    "/ yes - treat like a single class
	    classes := Array with:(commonSubclass).
	    numClasses := 1.

    numClasses > 1 ifTrue:[
	"/ multiple classes - sort alphabetically ...
	"/ unless there is a common subclass ...
	nameList := Set new.
	classes do:[:class |
	    showingClassVars ifTrue:[
		self showingInheritedClassVars ifTrue:[
		    class theNonMetaclass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls|
			nameList addAll:(cls classVarNames)
		] ifFalse:[
		    nameList addAll:(class classVarNames)
	    ] ifFalse:[
		class withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls|
		    nameList addAll:(cls instVarNames)
	nameList := nameList asOrderedCollection.
    ] ifFalse:[
	"/ only a single class - sort by inheritance
	class := classes first.

	nameList := OrderedCollection new.
	class notNil ifTrue:[
	    showingClassVars ifTrue:[
		class := class theNonMetaclass 
	    class withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls| 

		varNames := showingClassVars ifTrue:[ cls classVarNames ] ifFalse:[ cls instVarNames ].
		varNames copy reverse do:[:varName|
			nameList addFirst:varName.
		sortByName ifFalse:[
		    nameList addFirst:'----- ' , cls nameInBrowser , ' -----'.

    (numClasses > 1 or:[sortByName]) ifTrue:[
	nameList sort.
    ^ nameList

    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 13:42:11 / cg"
    "Modified: / 26.2.2000 / 01:05:36 / cg"


    (listView := aBuilder componentAt:#List) notNil ifTrue:[
	listView scrollWhenUpdating:#end
    super postBuildWith:aBuilder


    super release.

    classHolder removeDependent:self.
    showClassVars removeDependent:self.

    ^ ((variableList value at:index) startsWith:'---') not.

    | prevSelection newSelection newList oldList selectedVariablesHolder|

    oldList := self variableList value copy.
    newList := self listOfVariables.

    newList ~= variableList value ifTrue:[
	selectedVariablesHolder := self selectedVariables.
	prevSelection := (selectedVariablesHolder value copy) ? #().
	variableList value:newList.

	newSelection := prevSelection select:[:item | newList includes:item].

	newSelection size > 0 ifTrue:[
	    "/ force change (for dependents)
	    selectedVariablesHolder value:nil.
	    selectedVariablesHolder value:newSelection.
	] ifFalse:[
	    prevSelection := selectedVariablesHolder value.
	    selectedVariablesHolder value:nil.
	(prevSelection size > 0 or:[newSelection size > 0]) ifTrue:[
	    self updateOutputGenerator.
    listValid := true.
! !

!NewSystemBrowser class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libtool/Attic/,v 1.709 2004-02-18 12:49:10 cg Exp $'
! !

NewSystemBrowser initialize!
NewSystemBrowser::NavigatorModel initialize!
NewSystemBrowser::HierarchicalClassList initialize!