author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 19 Jul 2017 09:42:32 +0200
changeset 17619 edb119820fcb
parent 16348 10a6bb733b5d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Issue #154: Set window style using `#beToolWindow` to indicate that the minirunner window is kind of support tool rather than some X11 specific code (which does not work on Windows of course) See

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2002 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
"{ Package: 'stx:libtool' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

AbstractSettingsApplication subclass:#FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl
	instanceVariableNames:'sortDirectoriesBeforeFiles showDirectoryTree sortCaseless
		showHiddenFiles openMultipleApplicationsForType
		toolBarVisibleHolder viewDirectoryDescription
		openAlwaysInTextEditor alwaysUseSmalltalkTools
		viewFilesInDirectoryTree viewDescription viewPreview viewTime
		viewSize viewSizeInBytes viewType viewDetails viewPermissions
		viewGroup viewDirsInContentsBrowser viewOwner
		filenameEntryFieldVisibleHolder viewSizeInKiloBytes
		useCodeView2InTools showDirectoriesOnTop'

!FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 2002 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
! !

!FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl class methodsFor:'help specs'!

    <resource: #help>

    ^ super flyByHelpSpec addPairsFrom:(self helpPairs)

    <resource: #help>

    ^ #(

'When changing directories, automatically show the contents of a README or .dirInfo file if present.'

'Show new selected files in a new tab, instead of changing the contents of an existing tab'

'Show all files as text, i.e. do not open specialized viewers as per mime type'

'Always use Smalltalk tools to show/edit documents.\I.e. do not try to start a tool from the operating system on double click'
! !

!FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl class methodsFor:'icon'!

    <resource: #programImage>

    ^ FileBrowserV2 applicationIcon
! !

!FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl class methodsFor:'interface specs'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the UIPainter of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."

     UIPainter new openOnClass:FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl andSelector:#windowSpec
     FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl new openInterface:#windowSpec
     FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl open

    <resource: #canvas>

       name: windowSpec
         label: 'Settings'
         name: 'Settings'
         flags: 1
         min: (Point 10 10)
         bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 625 766)
         collection: (
             name: 'VerticalPanel2'
             layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
             horizontalLayout: fit
             verticalLayout: top
             horizontalSpace: 3
             verticalSpace: 3
               collection: (
                   label: 'Show'
                   name: 'ShowBox'
                   labelPosition: topLeft
                   translateLabel: true
                     collection: (
                         label: 'Hidden Files'
                         name: 'CheckBox1'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 7 0 0 1.0 37 0)
                         model: showHiddenFiles
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Directory Tree'
                         name: 'CheckBox2'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 37 0 0 1.0 67 0)
                         model: showDirectoryTree
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Regular Files in TreeView (Left)'
                         name: 'CheckBox3'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 20 0 67 0 0 1.0 97 0)
                         model: viewFilesInDirectoryTree
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Directories in ContentsView (Right)'
                         name: 'CheckBox4'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 97 0 0 1.0 127 0)
                         model: viewDirsInContentsBrowser
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Directories on Top'
                         name: 'CheckBox26'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 20 0.0 127 0 0 1.0 157 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDirsInContentsBrowser
                         model: showDirectoriesOnTop
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Toolbar'
                         name: 'CheckBox11'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 155 0 0 1.0 185 0)
                         model: toolBarVisibleHolder
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Path Entry && Filter'
                         name: 'CheckBox12'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 185 0 0 1.0 215 0)
                         model: filenameEntryFieldVisibleHolder
                         translateLabel: true
                   extent: (Point 625 250)
                   label: 'Sort'
                   name: 'SortBox'
                   labelPosition: topLeft
                   translateLabel: true
                     collection: (
                         label: 'Ignore Case'
                         name: 'CheckBox6'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 7 0 0 1.0 37 0)
                         model: sortCaseless
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Directories before Files'
                         name: 'CheckBox7'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 37 0 0 1.0 67 0)
                         model: sortDirectoriesBeforeFiles
                         translateLabel: true
                   extent: (Point 625 101)
                   label: 'Columns in Filelist'
                   name: 'ColumnsBox'
                   labelPosition: topLeft
                   translateLabel: true
                     collection: (
                         label: 'Details'
                         name: 'CheckBox22'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0.0 7 0 0 1.0 37 0)
                         model: viewDetails
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Suffix'
                         name: 'CheckBox13'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 20 0.0 37 0 170 0 67 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDetails
                         model: viewType
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Permissions'
                         name: 'CheckBox21'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 170 0.0 37 0 -5 1 67 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDetails
                         model: viewPermissions
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Owner'
                         name: 'CheckBox14'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 20 0.0 67 0 170 0 97 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDetails
                         model: viewOwner
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Group'
                         name: 'CheckBox18'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 170 0.0 67 0 -5 1 97 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDetails
                         model: viewGroup
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Size'
                         name: 'CheckBox15'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 20 0.0 97 0 170 0 127 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDetails
                         model: viewSize
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Date && Time'
                         name: 'CheckBox19'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 170 0.0 97 0 -5 1 127 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDetails
                         model: viewTime
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Size (Byte)'
                         name: 'CheckBox16'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 20 0.0 127 0 170 0 157 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDetails
                         model: viewSizeInBytes
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Size (KByte)'
                         name: 'CheckBox20'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 170 0.0 127 0 -5 1 157 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDetails
                         model: viewSizeInKiloBytes
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'File Info'
                         name: 'CheckBox23'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 20 0.0 157 0 170 0 187 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDetails
                         model: viewDescription
                         translateLabel: true
                         label: 'Preview'
                         name: 'CheckBox24'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 170 0.0 157 0 -5 1 187 0)
                         enableChannel: viewDetails
                         model: viewPreview
                         translateLabel: true
                   extent: (Point 625 224)
                   label: 'Application Notebook'
                   name: 'ApplicationBox'
                   labelPosition: topLeft
                   translateLabel: true
                     collection: (
                         name: 'VerticalPanel3'
                         layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 1)
                         horizontalLayout: left
                         verticalLayout: top
                         horizontalSpace: 3
                         verticalSpace: 3
                           collection: (
                               label: 'Text Editor for all Types'
                               name: 'CheckBox25'
                               activeHelpKey: textEditorForAllTypes
                               model: openAlwaysInTextEditor
                               translateLabel: true
                               extent: (Point 435 30)
                               label: 'Always use Smalltalk Tools'
                               name: 'CheckBox27'
                               activeHelpKey: alwaysUseSmalltalkTools
                               model: alwaysUseSmalltalkTools
                               translateLabel: true
                               extent: (Point 435 30)
                               label: 'Open Multiple Applications'
                               name: 'CheckBox9'
                               activeHelpKey: openMultipleApplications
                               model: openMultipleApplicationsForType
                               translateLabel: true
                               extent: (Point 435 30)
                               label: 'Auto Open Directory Description (README)'
                               name: 'CheckBox10'
                               activeHelpKey: autoOpenDirectoryDescription
                               model: viewDirectoryDescription
                               translateLabel: true
                               extent: (Point 435 30)
                   extent: (Point 625 170)
! !

!FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl class methodsFor:'resources'!

    ^ FileBrowserV2 classResources
! !

!FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'requestor' (automatically generated)"

    | masterApplication |
    masterApplication := self masterApplication.
    masterApplication notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ masterApplication requestor.
    ^ nil
! !

!FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl methodsFor:'actions'!

    |aspectList writeToCurrentFileBrowser|

    aspectList := AbstractFileBrowser userPreferencesAspectList.

    writeToCurrentFileBrowser := (settingsDialog notNil and:[settingsDialog isKindOf:AbstractFileBrowser]).
    aspectList keysDo:[ :anAspect | |value|
        value := (self perform:anAspect) value.
        (currentUserPrefs perform:(anAspect asString asMutator) with:value).
        writeToCurrentFileBrowser ifTrue:[
            (settingsDialog perform:anAspect) value:value.

    "Modified: / 15-10-2010 / 10:29:28 / cg"

    ^ 'FileBrowserV2/settings.html'

    |receiver aspectList|

    receiver := (settingsDialog notNil and:[settingsDialog isKindOf:AbstractFileBrowser]) ifTrue:[
            ] ifFalse:[
    aspectList := AbstractFileBrowser userPreferencesAspectList.
    aspectList keysDo:[:anAspect |
        value := (receiver perform:anAspect) value.
        (self perform:anAspect) value:value
    self modifiedChannel value:false

    "Modified: / 03-04-2007 / 08:45:12 / cg"
! !

!FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl methodsFor:'aspects'!

    alwaysUseSmalltalkTools isNil ifTrue:[
        alwaysUseSmalltalkTools := ValueHolder with:true.
        alwaysUseSmalltalkTools onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ alwaysUseSmalltalkTools

    filenameEntryFieldVisibleHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        filenameEntryFieldVisibleHolder := ValueHolder with:true.
        filenameEntryFieldVisibleHolder onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel
    ^ filenameEntryFieldVisibleHolder

    openAlwaysInTextEditor isNil ifTrue:[
        openAlwaysInTextEditor := ValueHolder with:true.
        openAlwaysInTextEditor onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ openAlwaysInTextEditor

    openMultipleApplicationsForType isNil ifTrue:[
        openMultipleApplicationsForType := ValueHolder with:true.
        openMultipleApplicationsForType onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel
    ^ openMultipleApplicationsForType

    showDirectoriesOnTop isNil ifTrue:[
        showDirectoriesOnTop := ValueHolder with:true.
        showDirectoriesOnTop onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ showDirectoriesOnTop

    "Created: / 12-08-2014 / 13:07:27 / Jan Vrany <>"

    showDirectoryTree isNil ifTrue:[
        showDirectoryTree := ValueHolder with:true.
        showDirectoryTree onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ showDirectoryTree

    showHiddenFiles isNil ifTrue:[
        showHiddenFiles := ValueHolder with:true.
        showHiddenFiles onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ showHiddenFiles

    "Modified: / 15-10-2010 / 10:28:07 / cg"

    sortCaseless isNil ifTrue:[
        sortCaseless := ValueHolder with:true.
        sortCaseless onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ sortCaseless

    sortDirectoriesBeforeFiles isNil ifTrue:[
        sortDirectoriesBeforeFiles := ValueHolder with:true.
        sortDirectoriesBeforeFiles onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ sortDirectoriesBeforeFiles

    toolBarVisibleHolder isNil ifTrue:[
        toolBarVisibleHolder := ValueHolder with:true.
        toolBarVisibleHolder onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ toolBarVisibleHolder

    "/ obsolete - will vanish
    useCodeView2InTools isNil ifTrue:[
        useCodeView2InTools := ValueHolder with:true.
        useCodeView2InTools onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ useCodeView2InTools

    "Created: / 06-10-2011 / 11:30:42 / cg"

    viewDescription isNil ifTrue:[
        viewDescription := ValueHolder with:false.
        viewDescription onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewDescription

    viewDetails isNil ifTrue:[
        viewDetails := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewDetails onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewDetails

    viewDirectoryDescription isNil ifTrue:[
        viewDirectoryDescription := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewDirectoryDescription onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewDirectoryDescription

    viewDirsInContentsBrowser isNil ifTrue:[
        viewDirsInContentsBrowser := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewDirsInContentsBrowser onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewDirsInContentsBrowser

    viewFilesInDirectoryTree isNil ifTrue:[
        viewFilesInDirectoryTree := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewFilesInDirectoryTree onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewFilesInDirectoryTree

    viewGroup isNil ifTrue:[
        viewGroup := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewGroup onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewGroup

    viewOwner isNil ifTrue:[
        viewOwner := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewOwner onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewOwner

    viewPermissions isNil ifTrue:[
        viewPermissions := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewPermissions onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewPermissions

    viewPreview isNil ifTrue:[
        viewPreview := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewPreview onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewPreview

    viewSize isNil ifTrue:[
        viewSize := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewSize onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewSize

    viewSizeInBytes isNil ifTrue:[
        viewSizeInBytes := ValueHolder with:false.
        viewSizeInBytes onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewSizeInBytes

    viewSizeInKiloBytes isNil ifTrue:[
        viewSizeInKiloBytes := ValueHolder with:false.
        viewSizeInKiloBytes onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewSizeInKiloBytes

    viewTime isNil ifTrue:[
        viewTime := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewTime onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewTime

    viewType isNil ifTrue:[
        viewType := ValueHolder with:true.
        viewType onChangeSend:#updateModifiedChannel to:self
    ^ viewType
! !

!FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl methodsFor:'queries'!


    |aspectList receiver|

    receiver := (settingsDialog notNil 
                and:[settingsDialog isKindOf:AbstractFileBrowser]) 
                    ifTrue:[ settingsDialog ] 
                    ifFalse:[ currentUserPrefs ].

    aspectList := AbstractFileBrowser userPreferencesAspectList.
    aspectList keysDo:[:anAspect |
        (self perform:anAspect) value ~= (receiver perform:anAspect) value ifTrue:[ 
            ^ true
    ^ false

    "Modified: / 03-04-2007 / 08:45:27 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 25-11-2011 / 15:24:25 / cg"
! !

!FileBrowserV2SettingsAppl class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Header$'
! !