changeset 4166 0052d5d65464
parent 4147 2b602a0c33d1
child 4167 be04e293ebee
--- a/	Mon May 10 17:05:00 2004 +0200
+++ b/	Mon May 10 17:11:37 2004 +0200
@@ -567,9 +567,9 @@
     "an error in the devices low level code (typically Xlib or XtLib)
      This is invoked via 
-	XError->errorInterrupt:#DisplayError->registeredErrorInterruptHandlers
+        XError->errorInterrupt:#DisplayError->registeredErrorInterruptHandlers
-	XError->errorInterrupt:#DisplayIOError->registeredErrorInterruptHandlers
+        XError->errorInterrupt:#DisplayIOError->registeredErrorInterruptHandlers
      looks if a signal handler for DeviceErrorSignal is present,
      and - if so raises the signal. 
@@ -578,25 +578,25 @@
      investigate errors as required.
      However, io-errors are always delivered as a signal raise."
-    |badId badResource msg theDevice theSignal p signalHolder|
+    |badResource msg theDevice theSignal p signalHolder|
     'DeviceWorkstation [info]: errorInterrupt: ' infoPrint. errID infoPrintCR.
     errID notNil ifTrue:[
-	"/
-	"/ timeoutError passes the device;
-	"/ the others pass the devicesID
-	"/
-	errID == #DisplayIOTimeoutError ifTrue:[
-	    theDevice := aParameter.
-	    "/ 'device timeout error' printCR.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    AllScreens do:[:aDisplayDevice |
-		aDisplayDevice id = aParameter ifTrue:[
-		    theDevice := aDisplayDevice.
-		]
-	    ]
-	]
+        "/
+        "/ timeoutError passes the device;
+        "/ the others pass the devicesID
+        "/
+        errID == #DisplayIOTimeoutError ifTrue:[
+            theDevice := aParameter.
+            "/ 'device timeout error' printCR.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            AllScreens do:[:aDisplayDevice |
+                aDisplayDevice id = aParameter ifTrue:[
+                    theDevice := aDisplayDevice.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
     'DeviceWorkstation [info]: device: ' infoPrint. theDevice infoPrintCR.
@@ -605,97 +605,98 @@
     signalHolder := theDevice ? self.
     errID == #DisplayIOError ifTrue:[
-	"/ always raises an exception
-	msg := 'Display I/O Error'.
-	badResource := theDevice.
-	theSignal := signalHolder deviceIOErrorSignal.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	errID == #DisplayIOTimeoutError ifTrue:[
-	    "/ always raises an exception for the current process
-	    msg := 'Display I/O timeout Error'.
-	    badResource := theDevice.
-	    theSignal := signalHolder deviceIOTimeoutErrorSignal
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    theSignal := signalHolder deviceErrorSignal.
-	    "/ only raises an exception if handled
-	    "/ that will become instance-specific information in
-	    "/ the near future ...
-	    badId := self resourceIdOfLastError.
-	    badId ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		badResource := self resourceOfId:badId.
-	    ].
-	    msg := 'Display error: ' , (self lastErrorString).
-	    theSignal isHandled ifFalse:[
-		ErrorPrinting ifTrue:[
-		    ('DeviceWorkstation [error]: ' , msg) errorPrintCR
-		].
-		^ self
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    "/ interrupt that displays dispatch process
-    "/ and force it to shutdown
-    theDevice notNil ifTrue:[
-	"/ DiplayIOTimeoutError is a synchronous event, that should hit the process
-	"/ that caused the timeout.
-	errID ~~ #DisplayIOTimeoutError ifTrue:[
-	    p := theDevice dispatchProcess.
-	    (p notNil and:[p ~~ Processor activeProcess]) ifTrue:[
-		'DeviceWorkstation [info]: interrupting: ' infoPrint. p displayString infoPrintCR.
-		p interruptWith:[
-		    'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: raising - exception' errorPrintCR.
-		    theSignal mayProceed ifTrue:[
-			theSignal raiseRequestWith:badResource errorString:msg.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			theSignal raiseWith:badResource errorString:msg.
-		    ].
-		    'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: broken connection' errorPrintCR.
-		    theDevice brokenConnection.
-		    'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: stopping dispatch' errorPrintCR.
-		    theDevice stopDispatch.
-		].
-		^ self.
-"/                Processor reschedule.
-"/                AbortSignal raise.
-	    ].
-	].
-    ].
+        "always raises an exception"
+        theSignal := signalHolder deviceIOErrorSignal.
+        msg := 'Display I/O Error'.
+        badResource := theDevice.
+    ] ifFalse:[errID == #DisplayIOTimeoutError ifTrue:[
+        "always raises an exception for the current process"
+        theSignal := signalHolder deviceIOTimeoutErrorSignal.
+        msg := 'Display I/O timeout Error'.
+        badResource := theDevice.
+    ] ifFalse:[ "errID == #DisplayError"
+        "only raises an exception if handled"
+        theSignal := signalHolder deviceErrorSignal.
+        theDevice notNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ #resourceIdOfLastError will become instance-specific information in
+            "/ the near future ...
+            badResource := theDevice resourceOfId:self resourceIdOfLastError.
+        ].
+        msg := 'Display error: ' , self lastErrorString, badResource printString.
+    ]].
+    "interrupt that displays dispatch process
+     and force it to shutdown"
+    "DiplayIOTimeoutError is a synchronous event, that should hit the process
+     that caused the timeout."
+    (errID ~~ #DisplayIOTimeoutError and:[theDevice notNil]) ifTrue:[
+        p := theDevice dispatchProcess.
+        (p notNil and:[p ~~ Processor activeProcess]) ifTrue:[
+            'DeviceWorkstation [info]: interrupting: ' infoPrint. p displayString infoPrintCR.
+            p interruptWith:[
+                errID == #DisplayError ifTrue:[
+                    "unhandled display errors are ignored"
+                    theSignal isHandled ifFalse:[
+                        ErrorPrinting ifTrue:[
+                            ('DeviceWorkstation [error]: ' , msg) errorPrintCR
+                        ].
+                        ^ self
+                    ]
+                ].
+                'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: raising - exception' errorPrintCR.
+                theSignal mayProceed ifTrue:[
+                    theSignal raiseRequestWith:badResource errorString:msg.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    theSignal raiseWith:badResource errorString:msg.
+                ].
+                'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: broken connection' errorPrintCR.
+                theDevice brokenConnection.
+                'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: stopping dispatch' errorPrintCR.
+                theDevice stopDispatch.
+            ].
+            ^ self.
+"/            Processor reschedule.
+"/            AbortSignal raise.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "If we come here, this is a DiplayIOTimeoutError, we don't know
+     the display device or we are running on top of the dispatchProcess"
     (theSignal isHandled or:[theSignal handlerBlock notNil]) ifTrue:[
-"/        'DeviceWorkstation [info]: interrupting current process: ' infoPrint. 
+        'DeviceWorkstation [info]: raising signal in current process' infoPrintCR. 
 "/        Processor activeProcess displayString infoPrintCR.
-	'DeviceWorkstation [info]: raising signal in current process' infoPrintCR. 
-	theSignal mayProceed ifTrue:[
-	    theSignal raiseRequestWith:badResource errorString:msg.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    theSignal raiseWith:badResource errorString:msg.
-	].        
+        theSignal mayProceed ifTrue:[
+            theSignal raiseRequestWith:badResource errorString:msg.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            theSignal raiseWith:badResource errorString:msg.
+        ].        
+    ].
+    errID == #DisplayError ifTrue:[
+        "unhandled display errors are ignored"
+        ^ self.
     theDevice notNil ifTrue:[
-	"/ 'broken connection' printCR.
-	'DeviceWorkstation [info]: sending #brokenConnection' infoPrintCR. 
-	theDevice brokenConnection.
-	theDevice dispatchProcess == Processor activeProcess ifTrue:[
-	    "/ I am running in the dispatch process
-	    "/ and nobody handles theSignal, so abort the dispatcher
-	   'DeviceWorkstation [info]: raising abortSignal' infoPrintCR. 
-	    AbortSignal raise.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    "/ Some other process (probably not even guilty - like someone doing a draw after a change) ...
-	    "/ ... see if we can unwind out of the drawing operation
-	   'DeviceWorkstation [info]: should unwind the draw operation' infoPrintCR. 
-	    thisContext fullPrintAll.
-	]
+        'DeviceWorkstation [info]: sending #brokenConnection' infoPrintCR. 
+        theDevice brokenConnection.
+        theDevice dispatchProcess == Processor activeProcess ifTrue:[
+            "I am running in the dispatch process
+             and nobody handles theSignal, so abort the dispatcher"
+           'DeviceWorkstation [info]: raising AbortOperationRequest' infoPrintCR. 
+            AbortOperationRequest raise.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            "Some other process (probably not even guilty - like someone doing a draw after a change) ...
+              ... see if we can unwind out of the drawing operation"
+           'DeviceWorkstation [info]: should unwind the draw operation' infoPrintCR. 
+            thisContext fullPrintAll.
+        ]
     'DeviceWorkstation [info]: proceeding after error' infoPrintCR. 
@@ -729,44 +730,6 @@
     "return the resource id responsible for the last error"
     ^ self subclassResponsibility
-    "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"
-    "search thru all device stuff for a resource.
-     Needed for error handling"
-    Form allInstancesDo:[:f |
-	f id == id ifTrue:[^ f]
-    ].
-    self allInstancesDo:[:aDisplay |
-	aDisplay allViewsDo:[:aView |
-	    aView id == id ifTrue:[^ aView].
-	    aView gcId == id ifTrue:[^ aView]
-	].
-"/        |views|
-"/        views := aDisplay knownViews.
-"/        views notNil ifTrue:[
-"/            views do:[:v |
-"/                v id == id ifTrue:[^ v].
-"/                v gcId == id ifTrue:[^ v]
-"/            ].
-"/        ].
-    ].
-    Color allInstancesDo:[:c |
-	c colorId == id ifTrue:[^ c]
-    ].
-    Font allInstancesDo:[:f |
-	f fontId == id ifTrue:[^ f]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    "Modified: 24.4.1996 / 19:36:15 / cg"
 ! !
 !DeviceWorkstation class methodsFor:'queries'!
@@ -1570,22 +1533,22 @@
     searchId := self realRootWindowId.
-    "/ this is required, since X raises a bad error, when we come
+    "/ this is required, since X raises an error, when we come
     "/ along with an illegal id (which happens, if a view from another
     "/ screen-device is picked ...)
     self class deviceErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
-	^ nil
+        ^ nil
     ] do:[
-	n := 0.
-	[searchId notNil] whileTrue:[
-	    n := n + 1.
-	    n > 1000 ifTrue:[
-		self halt:'oops - endless view hierarchy'.
-		^ nil
-	    ].
-	    foundId := searchId.
-	    searchId := self viewIdFromPoint:aScreenPoint in:searchId.
-	]
+        n := 0.
+        [searchId notNil] whileTrue:[
+            n := n + 1.
+            n > 1000 ifTrue:[
+                self error:'endless view hierarchy'.
+                ^ nil
+            ].
+            foundId := searchId.
+            searchId := self viewIdFromPoint:aScreenPoint in:searchId.
+        ]
     ^ foundId
@@ -3701,6 +3664,47 @@
 	^ nil
     ^ super primitiveFailed
+    "{ Pragma: +optSpace }"
+    "search thru all device stuff for a resource.
+     Needed for error handling.
+     Since id may be an ExternalAddress, do not compare with =="
+    self allViewsDo:[:aView |
+        aView id = id ifTrue:[^ aView].
+        aView gcId = id ifTrue:[^ aView]
+    ].
+    Form allInstancesDo:[:f |
+        (f id = id and:[f device == self]) ifTrue:[^ f]
+    ].
+    Font allInstancesDo:[:f |
+         (f fontId = id and:[f device == self]) ifTrue:[^ f]
+    ].
+    Color allInstancesDo:[:c |
+        (c colorId = id and:[c device == self]) ifTrue:[^ c].
+    ].
+    "KLUDGE: XWorkstation stores all IDs in ExternalAddresses, 
+             only colorId is stored as SmallInteger,
+             But resourceOfLastError returns an ExternalAddress even for colors."
+    (id respondsTo:#address) ifTrue:[
+        |colorId|
+        colorId := id address.
+        Color allInstancesDo:[:c |
+            (c colorId = colorId and:[c device == self]) ifTrue:[^ c].
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ nil
 ! !
 !DeviceWorkstation methodsFor:'event forwarding'!
@@ -4224,11 +4228,11 @@
     "/ is available or #eventPending returns true
     fd isNil ifTrue:[
-	"no fd -- so have to check for input also"
-	checkBlock := [self eventPending].
+        "no fd -- so have to check for input also"
+        checkBlock := [self eventPending].
     ] ifFalse:[
-	"there is a fd, so checkblock has to check only the internal queue"
-	checkBlock := [self eventQueued].
+        "there is a fd, so checkblock has to check only the internal queue"
+        checkBlock := [self eventQueued].
     "/ handle all incoming events from the device, sitting on a semaphore.
@@ -4240,26 +4244,30 @@
     Processor signal:eventSema onInput:fd orCheck:checkBlock.
     DeviceIOErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
-	"/ test for handlerBlock until the signal is changed to be classed based.
-	ex signal handlerBlock notNil ifTrue:[
-	    ex defaultAction.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: stop dispatch due to I/O error' errorPrintCR.
-	    self brokenConnection.
-	].
-	ex return.
+        "test for handlerBlock until the signal is changed to be classed based"
+        ex signal handlerBlock notNil ifTrue:[
+            ex defaultAction.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (self == self class default and:[AllScreens size == 1]) ifTrue:[
+                'DeviceWorkstation [error]: I/O error for default display - writing crash.img and exiting' errorPrintCR.
+                ObjectMemory snapShotOn:'crash.img'.
+                Smalltalk exit.
+            ].
+            'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: stop dispatch due to I/O error' errorPrintCR.
+            self brokenConnection.
+        ].
+        ex return.
     ] do:[
-	self initializeDeviceResources.
-	[
-	    self dispatchLoop
-	] ifCurtailed:[
-	    self cleanupAfterDispatch.
-	    self emergencyCloseConnection.
-	].
-	self cleanupAfterDispatch.
-	self close.
+        self initializeDeviceResources.
+        [
+            self dispatchLoop
+        ] ifCurtailed:[
+            self cleanupAfterDispatch.
+            self emergencyCloseConnection.
+        ].
+        self cleanupAfterDispatch.
+        self close.
@@ -7394,7 +7402,7 @@
 !DeviceWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.462 2004-04-07 08:42:24 werner Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.463 2004-05-10 15:11:37 stefan Exp $'
 ! !
 DeviceWorkstation initialize!