changeset 7489 07c626716aed
parent 7377 3d54f2920bff
parent 7404 e14e8afef2e4
child 7541 39940e2446a5
--- a/	Mon Jul 04 21:17:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/	Sat Jul 09 21:11:06 2016 +0100
@@ -64,14 +64,14 @@
     This gives you a device independent image.
     For display, a device representation is required, which can be
-    aquired by sending the 'onDevice:aDevice' message to the image.
+    acquired by sending the 'onDevice:aDevice' message to the image.
     This creates a (possibly dithered) device-form,
     representing the image using the currently available colors.
     In rare cases, an explicit monochrome representation of the image is needed
     (some older X servers take monochrome icons only), this can be created by sending
     it the message
-	'monochromeOn:aDevice'.
+        'monochromeOn:aDevice'.
     As this class is very old and originated at times when typical graphic diplays only
     supported a limited number of colors (16 or 256), you will find a lot of code which deals
@@ -115,153 +115,153 @@
        nil                  a simple threshold algorithm
-			    (i.e. for mono, p<0.5 -> black, p>=0.5 -> white)
+                            (i.e. for mono, p<0.5 -> black, p>=0.5 -> white)
        #pattern             patterned dither
-			    (for p, take dithered color to fill pixel;
-			     uses dithering in color-class)
+                            (for p, take dithered color to fill pixel;
+                             uses dithering in color-class)
        #error               error diffusion dither (Floyd-Steinberg)
-			    planned - not yet implemented.
+                            planned - not yet implemented.
-	the set of attributes and the way they are stored originated initially
-	from the need to represent tiff images. These turned out to use a relatively
-	large set of atributes, of which many are unused in other image formats.
-	(so it was sufficient).
-	Later, some VisualWorks compatibility protocol was added (mapped palettes, for
-	example), and some stuff could well be redefined in simpler ways.
-	We may do that, if we are bored and there is nothing else to improve... ;-)
+        the set of attributes and the way they are stored originated initially
+        from the need to represent tiff images. These turned out to use a relatively
+        large set of atributes, of which many are unused in other image formats.
+        (so it was sufficient).
+        Later, some VisualWorks compatibility protocol was added (mapped palettes, for
+        example), and some stuff could well be redefined in simpler ways.
+        We may do that, if we are bored and there is nothing else to improve... ;-)
     [instance variables:]
-	width               <Integer>       the width in pixels
-	height              <Integer>       the height in pixels
-	bytes               <ByteArray>     the full image information
-	photometric         <Symbol>        #rgb, #palette, #blackIs0 or #whiteIs0
-	samplesPerPixel     <Integer>       the number of planes
-	bitsPerSample       <Array>         the number of bits per plane
-	colorMap            <Array>         only if photometric is #palette;
-					    maps pixel values to r/g/b values.
-	device              <Workstation>   the device on which deviceForm,
-					    monoDeviceForm and lowResDeviceForm are
-	deviceForm          <Form>          the device form which gives the best
-					    possible aproximation of the image on
-					    device using standard colors.
-	monoDeviceForm      <Form>          the device form which gives a monochrome
-					    aproximation of the image on device.
-	fullColorDeviceForm <Form>          the device form which gives the best
-					    possible aproximation of the image on
-					    device using private colors.
-					    (not yet implemented)
-	mask                <ImageMask>     an optional mask;
-					    if non-nil, only pixels for which the
-					    corresponding mask bit is non-zero
-					    are drawn.
-	maskedPixelsAre0    <Boolean>       a hint for image processors and drawers
-					    if true, masked pixels are known to be
-					    zero in the pixel bytes.
-	fileName            <String>        the name of the file from which the
-					    image was loaded - nil otherwise.
-					    Useful for image save functions
-					    and for the UIPainter utility.
-	imageSequence                       the imageSequence, of which the
-					    instance is a frame or nil,
-					    if its not part of a sequence.
-	bitsPerPixel                        obsolete - not used in ST/X (kept for a while for subclasses)
-	depth                               - these have been added in instVar-slots
-	maxPixelValue                       - according to the ST-80's image class.
-	rowByteSize                         - to allow loading of st-80 images
-					    - (which are stored as instVarAt:put: expressions)
+        width               <Integer>       the width in pixels
+        height              <Integer>       the height in pixels
+        bytes               <ByteArray>     the full image information
+        photometric         <Symbol>        #rgb, #palette, #blackIs0 or #whiteIs0
+        samplesPerPixel     <Integer>       the number of planes
+        bitsPerSample       <Array>         the number of bits per plane
+        colorMap            <Array>         only if photometric is #palette;
+                                            maps pixel values to r/g/b values.
+        device              <Workstation>   the device on which deviceForm,
+                                            monoDeviceForm and lowResDeviceForm are
+        deviceForm          <Form>          the device form which gives the best
+                                            possible aproximation of the image on
+                                            device using standard colors.
+        monoDeviceForm      <Form>          the device form which gives a monochrome
+                                            aproximation of the image on device.
+        fullColorDeviceForm <Form>          the device form which gives the best
+                                            possible aproximation of the image on
+                                            device using private colors.
+                                            (not yet implemented)
+        mask                <ImageMask>     an optional mask;
+                                            if non-nil, only pixels for which the
+                                            corresponding mask bit is non-zero
+                                            are drawn.
+        maskedPixelsAre0    <Boolean>       a hint for image processors and drawers
+                                            if true, masked pixels are known to be
+                                            zero in the pixel bytes.
+        fileName            <String>        the name of the file from which the
+                                            image was loaded - nil otherwise.
+                                            Useful for image save functions
+                                            and for the UIPainter utility.
+        imageSequence                       the imageSequence, of which the
+                                            instance is a frame or nil,
+                                            if its not part of a sequence.
+        bitsPerPixel                        obsolete - not used in ST/X (kept for a while for subclasses)
+        depth                               - these have been added in instVar-slots
+        maxPixelValue                       - according to the ST-80's image class.
+        rowByteSize                         - to allow loading of st-80 images
+                                            - (which are stored as instVarAt:put: expressions)
     [class variables:]
-	Lobby               <Registry>      keeps track of known images
-					    (for resource freeing with garbage collector)
-	DitherAlgorithm     <Symbol>        defines how to dither
-	NumberOfDitherColors <Integer>      defines, how many dither colors to use
-	FileFormats         <Dictionary>    associates filename extensions to
-					    image reader classes (now set-up in startup-file)
-	CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors
-			    <Boolean>       if true, and we run out of available
-					    device colors during creation of a
-					    device image, collect garbage for
-					    possible image reclamation.
-					    If false, proceed immediately.
-					    Default is true.
-	ImageNotFoundQuerySignal
-			    <QuerySignal>   raised, if an image could not be loaded
-					    from a file. The parameter is the images
-					    fileName.
-					    A handler may return a replacement
-					    image or proceed with nil.
-					    If unhandled, a nil is returned from the
-					    image creation.
-	BadImageFormatQuerySignal
-			    <QuerySignal>   raised, if an image could not be loaded
-					    from a file due to a file error or
-					    unsupported format.
-					    A handler may return a replacement
-					    image or proceed with nil.
-					    If unhandled, a nil is returned from the
-					    image creation.
-	ImageSaveErrorSignal
-			    <Signal>        parent of errors below.
-	FileCreationErrorSignal
-			    <Signal>        file could not be created when saving an
-					    image.
-	CannotRepresentImageSignal
-			    <Signal>        the specified ImageReader cannot represent
-					    the given image.
-	InformationLostQuerySignal
-			    <Signal>        the specified ImageReader can represent
-					    the given image, but some information
-					    (typically color resolution) is lost.
-					    If unhandled, the save proceeds as usual.
+        Lobby               <Registry>      keeps track of known images
+                                            (for resource freeing with garbage collector)
+        DitherAlgorithm     <Symbol>        defines how to dither
+        NumberOfDitherColors <Integer>      defines, how many dither colors to use
+        FileFormats         <Dictionary>    associates filename extensions to
+                                            image reader classes (now set-up in startup-file)
+        CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors
+                            <Boolean>       if true, and we run out of available
+                                            device colors during creation of a
+                                            device image, collect garbage for
+                                            possible image reclamation.
+                                            If false, proceed immediately.
+                                            Default is true.
+        ImageNotFoundQuerySignal
+                            <QuerySignal>   raised, if an image could not be loaded
+                                            from a file. The parameter is the images
+                                            fileName.
+                                            A handler may return a replacement
+                                            image or proceed with nil.
+                                            If unhandled, a nil is returned from the
+                                            image creation.
+        BadImageFormatQuerySignal
+                            <QuerySignal>   raised, if an image could not be loaded
+                                            from a file due to a file error or
+                                            unsupported format.
+                                            A handler may return a replacement
+                                            image or proceed with nil.
+                                            If unhandled, a nil is returned from the
+                                            image creation.
+        ImageSaveErrorSignal
+                            <Signal>        parent of errors below.
+        FileCreationErrorSignal
+                            <Signal>        file could not be created when saving an
+                                            image.
+        CannotRepresentImageSignal
+                            <Signal>        the specified ImageReader cannot represent
+                                            the given image.
+        InformationLostQuerySignal
+                            <Signal>        the specified ImageReader can represent
+                                            the given image, but some information
+                                            (typically color resolution) is lost.
+                                            If unhandled, the save proceeds as usual.
-	the information in
-	    photometric, bitsPerPixel, bitsPerSample, samplesPerPixel, depth , colorMap and maxPixelValue
-	is partially redundant and its handling stupid (not to say: braindamaged ;-).
-	The only excuse is that it grew over time, had to incorporate various alien/older schemes for
-	compatibility reasons (mostly coming from tiff format, which was the very first supported format).
-	All of the above belongs into the single colorMap which must migrate from
-	a stupid seqColl to a color-aware real colorMap.
-	(we are in the process of doing so...)
+        the information in
+            photometric, bitsPerPixel, bitsPerSample, samplesPerPixel, depth , colorMap and maxPixelValue
+        is partially redundant and its handling stupid (not to say: braindamaged ;-).
+        The only excuse is that it grew over time, had to incorporate various alien/older schemes for
+        compatibility reasons (mostly coming from tiff format, which was the very first supported format).
+        All of the above belongs into the single colorMap which must migrate from
+        a stupid seqColl to a color-aware real colorMap.
+        (we are in the process of doing so...)
-	support alpha masks
-	cleanup the dithering & conversion code
-	cleanup the color/photometric mess
+        support alpha masks
+        cleanup the dithering & conversion code
+        cleanup the color/photometric mess
     [See also:]
-	Form Icon ImageReader
+        Form Icon ImageReader
-	Claus Gittinger
+        Claus Gittinger