changeset 295 08cd959204c7
parent 291 1193bba4b42c
child 303 f2021d90f12d
--- a/XWorkstation.st	Sun Dec 10 01:17:06 1995 +0100
+++ b/XWorkstation.st	Sun Dec 10 01:21:44 1995 +0100
@@ -11,65 +11,21 @@
 DeviceWorkstation subclass:#XWorkstation
-       instanceVariableNames:'screen
-			      hasShapeExtension hasFaxExtension hasShmExtension
-			      hasDPSExtension hasMbufExtension hasXVideoExtension
-			      hasSaveUnder hasPEXExtension hasImageExtension
-			      hasInputExtension ignoreBackingStore
-			      blackpixel whitepixel 
-			      protocolsAtom deleteWindowAtom saveYourselfAtom
-			      quitAppAtom
-			      primaryAtom secondaryAtom cutBuffer0Atom
-			      stringAtom lengthAtom
-			      listOfXFonts buttonsPressed
-			      eventRootX eventRootY
-			      displayName eventTrace
-			      dispatchingExpose
-			      rgbVisual virtualRootId rootId
-			      eventBuffer
-			      altModifierMask metaModifierMask'
-       classVariableNames:   'RawKeysymTranslation'
-       poolDictionaries:''
-       category:'Interface-Graphics'
-!XWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
-	      All Rights Reserved
- This software is furnished under a license and may be used
- only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
- inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
- be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
- other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
- hereby transferred.
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/XWorkstation.st,v 1.87 1995-12-07 22:06:45 cg Exp $'
-    this class provides the interface to X11. It redefines all required methods
-    from DeviceWorkstation. Notice, that in Smalltalk/X you are not technically
-    limited to one display - in theory, you can create Views on many displays
-    simultanously. However, the default setup is for one display only.
-    To support multiple displays, you will have to start another event dispatcher
-    process for the other display(s) and create the other views with a slightly
-    different protocol. However, 'normal' applications do not have to care for
-    all of this ...
-    See more documentation in my superclass, DeviceWorkstation.
-! !
+	 instanceVariableNames:'screen hasShapeExtension hasFaxExtension hasShmExtension
+                hasDPSExtension hasMbufExtension hasXVideoExtension hasSaveUnder
+                hasPEXExtension hasImageExtension hasInputExtension
+                ignoreBackingStore blackpixel whitepixel protocolsAtom
+                deleteWindowAtom saveYourselfAtom quitAppAtom primaryAtom
+                secondaryAtom cutBuffer0Atom stringAtom lengthAtom listOfXFonts
+                buttonsPressed eventRootX eventRootY displayName eventTrace
+                dispatchingExpose rgbVisual virtualRootId rootId eventBuffer
+                altModifierMask metaModifierMask'
+	 classVariableNames:'RawKeysymTranslation'
+	 poolDictionaries:''
+	 category:'Interface-Graphics'
 !XWorkstation primitiveDefinitions!
  * x does a typedef Time - I need Object Time ...
@@ -222,7 +178,6 @@
 ! !
 !XWorkstation primitiveVariables!
  * remembered info from private error handler
@@ -238,7 +193,6 @@
 ! !
 !XWorkstation primitiveFunctions!
  * catch X-errors and forward as errorInterrupt:#DisplayError,
@@ -326,6 +280,37 @@
 ! !
+!XWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+    this class provides the interface to X11. It redefines all required methods
+    from DeviceWorkstation. Notice, that in Smalltalk/X you are not technically
+    limited to one display - in theory, you can create Views on many displays
+    simultanously. However, the default setup is for one display only.
+    To support multiple displays, you will have to start another event dispatcher
+    process for the other display(s) and create the other views with a slightly
+    different protocol. However, 'normal' applications do not have to care for
+    all of this ...
+    See more documentation in my superclass, DeviceWorkstation.
+! !
 !XWorkstation class methodsFor:'initialization'!
@@ -355,27 +340,6 @@
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(lastRequestCode) );
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(lastMinorCode) );
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN ( __MKOBJ(lastResource) );
     RETURN ( __MKSTRING(lastErrorMsg COMMA_CON) );
@@ -405,580 +369,27 @@
 	s close.
     ^ string
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'initialize / release'!
-    "initialize the receiver for a connection to an X-Server;
-     the argument, aDisplayName may be nil (for the default server from
-     DISPLAY-variable or command line argument) or the name of the server 
-     as hostname:number"
-    |dpyName index|
-    dpyName := aDisplayName.
-    dpyName isNil ifTrue:[
-	"look for a '-display xxx' argument"
-	Arguments notNil ifTrue:[
-	    index := Arguments indexOf:'-display'.
-	    (index between:1 and:(Arguments size - 1)) ifTrue:[
-		dpyName := Arguments at:index+1
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    int scr;
-    Display *dpy;
-    Visual *visual;
-    XVisualInfo viproto;
-    XVisualInfo *vip;                   /* retured info */
-    int maxRGBDepth;
-    int rgbRedMask, rgbGreenMask, rgbBlueMask;
-    int rgbVisualID;
-    int nvi, i;
-    int shapeEventBase, shapeErrorBase;
-    int shmEventBase, shmErrorBase;
-    int faxEventBase, faxErrorBase;
-    char *type, *nm;
-    int dummy;
-    OBJ dpyID;
-    if (_INST(displayId) != nil) {
-	/*
-	 * already connected - you bad guy try to
-	 * trick me manually ?
-	 */
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    if (__isString(dpyName))
-	nm = (char *)_stringVal(dpyName);
-    else {
-	dpyName = __MKSTRING((char *)getenv("DISPLAY") COMMA_CON);
-	nm = NULL;
-    }
-    dpy = XOpenDisplay(nm);
-    if (dpy) {
-	_INST(displayId) = dpyID = __MKOBJ(dpy); __STORE(self, dpyID);
-	XSynchronize(dpy, 1);
-	XSetErrorHandler(__XErrorHandler__);
-    }
-    displayId isNil ifTrue:[
-	'XWORKSTATION: cannot connect to Display.' errorPrintNL.
-	^ nil
-    ].
-    dispatching := false.
-    dispatchingExpose := false.
-    isSlow := false.
-    shiftDown := false.
-    ctrlDown := false.
-    metaDown := false.
-    altDown := false.
-    motionEventCompression := true.
-    buttonsPressed := 0.
-    displayName := dpyName.
-    protocolsAtom := nil.
-    deleteWindowAtom := nil.
-    saveYourselfAtom := nil.
-    quitAppAtom := nil.
-    self initializeScreenProperties.
-    self initializeDefaultValues.
-    self initializeEventBuffer.
-    self initializeSpecialFlags.
-    self initializeKeyboardMap.
-    ObjectMemory registerErrorInterruptHandler:self class forID:#DisplayError.
-    buttonTranslation := ButtonTranslation.
-    multiClickTimeDelta := MultiClickTimeDelta.
-    self initializeModifierMappings
-    |map mod|
-"/    altModifiers := #(Alt_L Alt_R).
-"/    metaModifiers := #(Meta_L Meta_R).
-"/    ctrlModifiers := #(Control_L Control_R).
-"/    shiftModifiers := #(Shift_L Shift_R).
-    shiftModifiers := ctrlModifiers := altModifiers := metaModifiers := nil.
-    altModifierMask := metaModifierMask := nil.
-    map := self modifierMapping.
-    mod := map at:1.
-    mod notNil ifTrue:[
-	shiftModifiers := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
-    ].
-    mod := map at:3.
-    mod notNil ifTrue:[
-	ctrlModifiers  := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
-    ].
-    mod := map at:4.
-    mod notNil ifTrue:[
-	metaModifiers  := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].    
-	metaModifierMask := 1 bitShift:(4-1).
-    ].
-    mod := map at:5.
-    mod notNil ifTrue:[
-	altModifiers   := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].    
-	altModifierMask := 1 bitShift:(5-1).
-    ].
-    "Modified: 1.12.1995 / 23:44:40 / stefan"
-    |sz|
-    sz = _MKSMALLINT(sizeof(XEvent) + 100);
-    eventBuffer isNil ifTrue:[
-	eventBuffer := ByteArray new:sz.
-    ].
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(lastMinorCode) );
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    int scr;
-    Visual *visual;
-    XVisualInfo viproto;
-    XVisualInfo *vip;                   /* retured info */
-    int maxRGBDepth;
-    int rgbRedMask, rgbGreenMask, rgbBlueMask;
-    int rgbVisualID;
-    int nvi, i;
-    int shapeEventBase, shapeErrorBase;
-    int shmEventBase, shmErrorBase;
-    int faxEventBase, faxErrorBase;
-    char *type, *nm;
-    int dummy;
-    int mask, shift, nBits;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	_INST(altModifierMask) = __MKSMALLINT(Mod2Mask);
-	_INST(metaModifierMask) = __MKSMALLINT(Mod1Mask);
-	_INST(screen) = _MKSMALLINT(scr = DefaultScreen(dpy));
-	_INST(depth) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayPlanes(dpy, scr));
-	_INST(ncells) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayCells(dpy, scr));
-	_INST(width) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayWidth(dpy, scr));
-	_INST(height) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayHeight(dpy, scr));
-	_INST(widthMM) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayWidthMM(dpy, scr));
-	_INST(heightMM) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayHeightMM(dpy, scr));
-	_INST(blackpixel) = _MKSMALLINT(BlackPixel(dpy, scr));
-	_INST(whitepixel) = _MKSMALLINT(WhitePixel(dpy, scr));
-#ifdef SHAPE
-	if (XShapeQueryExtension(dpy, &shapeEventBase, &shapeErrorBase))
-	    _INST(hasShapeExtension) = true;
-	else
-	  _INST(hasShapeExtension) = false;
-#ifdef SHM
-	if (XShmQueryExtension(dpy, &shmEventBase, &shmErrorBase))
-	    _INST(hasShmExtension) = true;
-	else
-	  _INST(hasShmExtension) = false;
-#ifdef FAX
-	if (XFAXImageQueryExtension(dpy, &faxEventBase, &faxErrorBase))
-	    _INST(hasFaxExtension) = true;
-	else
-	  _INST(hasFaxExtension) = false;
-#ifdef DPS
-	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, "DPSExtension", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
-	    _INST(hasDPSExtension) = true;
-	else
-	  _INST(hasDPSExtension) = false;
-#ifdef XVIDEO
-	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, "XVideo", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
-	    _INST(hasXVideoExtension) = true;
-	else
-	  _INST(hasXVideoExtension) = false;
-#ifdef MBUF
-	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, "Multi-Buffering", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
-	    _INST(hasMbufExtension) = true;
-	else
-	  _INST(hasMbufExtension) = false;
-#ifdef PEX5
-	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, PEX_NAME_STRING, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
-	    _INST(hasPEXExtension) = true;
-	else
-	  _INST(hasPEXExtension) = false;
-#ifdef XIE
-	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, xieExtName, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
-	    _INST(hasImageExtension) = true;
-	else
-	  _INST(hasImageExtension) = false;
-#ifdef XI
-	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, "XInputExtension", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
-	    _INST(hasInputExtension) = true;
-	else
-	  _INST(hasInputExtension) = false;
-	/*
-	 * look for RGB visual
-	 */
-	nvi = 0;
-	viproto.screen = scr;
-	vip = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, VisualScreenMask, &viproto, &nvi);
-	maxRGBDepth = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < nvi; i++) {
-	    switch (vip[i].class) {
-		case TrueColor:
-		    if (vip[i].depth > maxRGBDepth) {
-			maxRGBDepth = vip[i].depth;
-			rgbRedMask = vip[i].red_mask;
-			rgbGreenMask = vip[i].green_mask;
-			rgbBlueMask = vip[i].blue_mask;
-			rgbVisualID = vip[i].visualid;
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    }
-	}
-	if (vip) XFree ((char *) vip);
-	if (maxRGBDepth) {
-	    _INST(rgbVisual) = __MKOBJ(rgbVisualID); __STORESELF(rgbVisual);
-	}
-	visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy));
-	_INST(monitorType) = @symbol(unknown);
-	_INST(hasColors) = true;
-	_INST(hasGreyscales) = true;
-	switch (visual->class) {
-	    case StaticGray:
-		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(StaticGray);
-		_INST(hasColors) = false;
-		_INST(monitorType) = @symbol(monochrome);
-		break;
-	    case GrayScale:
-		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(GrayScale);
-		_INST(hasColors) = false;
-		_INST(monitorType) = @symbol(monochrome);
-		break;
-	    case StaticColor:
-		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(StaticColor);
-		break;
-	    case PseudoColor:
-		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(PseudoColor);
-		break;
-	    case TrueColor:
-		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(TrueColor);
-		break;
-	    case DirectColor:
-		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(DirectColor);
-		break;
-	}
-	if (DisplayCells(dpy, scr) == 2) {
-	    _INST(hasColors) = false;
-	    _INST(hasGreyscales) = false;
-	    _INST(monitorType) = @symbol(monochrome);
-	}
-	_INST(bitsPerRGB) = _MKSMALLINT(visual->bits_per_rgb);
-	_INST(redMask)   = _MKSMALLINT(visual->red_mask);
-	_INST(greenMask) = _MKSMALLINT(visual->green_mask);
-	_INST(blueMask)  = _MKSMALLINT(visual->blue_mask);
-	switch (visual->class) {
-	    case TrueColor:
-		/* extract number of bits and shift counts */
-		mask = visual->red_mask;
-		shift = 0;
-		while (mask && ((mask & 1) == 0)) {
-		    mask >>= 1;
-		    shift++;
-		}
-		_INST(redShift) = __MKSMALLINT(shift);
-		nBits = 0;
-		while (mask) {
-		    mask >>= 1;
-		    nBits++;
-		}
-		_INST(bitsRed) = __MKSMALLINT(nBits);
-		mask = visual->green_mask;
-		shift = 0;
-		while (mask && ((mask & 1) == 0)) {
-		    mask >>= 1;
-		    shift++;
-		}
-		_INST(greenShift) = __MKSMALLINT(shift);
-		nBits = 0;
-		while (mask) {
-		    mask >>= 1;
-		    nBits++;
-		}
-		_INST(bitsGreen) = __MKSMALLINT(nBits);
-		mask = visual->blue_mask;
-		shift = 0;
-		while (mask && ((mask & 1) == 0)) {
-		    mask >>= 1;
-		    shift++;
-		}
-		_INST(blueShift) = __MKSMALLINT(shift);
-		nBits = 0;
-		while (mask) {
-		    mask >>= 1;
-		    nBits++;
-		}
-		_INST(bitsBlue) = __MKSMALLINT(nBits);
-		break;
-	}
-#ifndef XA_PRIMARY
-	_INST(primaryAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XInternAtom(dpy, "PRIMARY", True) );
-	_INST(primaryAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XA_PRIMARY );
-	_INST(secondaryAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XInternAtom(dpy, "SECONDARY", True) );
-	_INST(secondaryAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XA_SECONDARY );
-#ifndef XA_CUT_BUFFER0
-	_INST(cutBuffer0Atom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XInternAtom(dpy, "CUT_BUFFER0", True) );
-	_INST(cutBuffer0Atom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XA_CUT_BUFFER0 );
-#ifndef XA_STRING
-	_INST(stringAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XInternAtom(dpy, "STRING", True) );
-	_INST(stringAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XA_STRING );
-#ifndef XA_LENGTH
-	_INST(lengthAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XInternAtom(dpy, "LENGTH", True) );
-	_INST(lengthAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XA_LENGTH );
-    }
+    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(lastRequestCode) );
-    "perform additional special server implementation flags"
-    "/
-    "/ assume we have it ... (should check)
-    "/
-    hasSaveUnder := true.
-    ignoreBackingStore := false.
-    (self serverVendor = 'X11/NeWS') ifTrue:[
-	"/
-	"/ this is a kludge around a bug in the X11/NeWS server,
-	"/ which does not correctly handle saveUnder
-	"/
-	hasSaveUnder := false.
-    ].
-    "close down the connection to the X-server"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	XCloseDisplay(myDpy);
-	_INST(displayId) = nil;
-    }
-    virtualRootId := rootId := nil.
-    super reinitialize.
-    dispatchingExpose := nil
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'misc'!
-    XMappingEvent *ev;
-    if (__isByteArray(eB)) {
-	ev = (XMappingEvent *)(_ByteArrayInstPtr(eB)->ba_element);
-	XRefreshKeyboardMapping(ev);
-    }
-"/    self setInputFocusTo:aWindowId revertTo:#parent
-    self setInputFocusTo:aWindowId revertTo:#root
-setInputFocusTo:aWindowId revertTo:revertSymbol
-    "set the focus to the view as defined by aWindowId.
-     Passing nil set the focus to no window and lets the display discard all
-     input until a new focus is set.
-     RevertSymbol specifies what should happen if the view becomes invisible;
-     passing one of #parent, #root or nil specifies that the focus should be
-     given to the parent view, the root view or no view."
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int arg;
-    Window focusWindow;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	    focusWindow = _WindowVal(aWindowId);
-	} else {
-	    focusWindow = None;
-	}
-	if (revertSymbol == @symbol(parent))
-	    arg = RevertToParent;
-	else if (revertSymbol == @symbol(root))
-	    arg = RevertToPointerRoot;
-	else 
-	    arg = RevertToNone;
-	XSetInputFocus(myDpy, focusWindow, arg, CurrentTime);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "make all drawing be sent immediately to the display"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	XSynchronize(myDpy, 1);
-    }
-    "Display unbuffered"
-    "buffer drawing - do not send it immediately to the display.
-     This is the default anyway."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	XSynchronize(myDpy, 0);
-    }
+    RETURN ( __MKOBJ(lastResource) );
-    "Display buffered"
-    "send all buffered drawing to the display.
-     This may be required to make certain, that all previous operations
-     are really sent to the display before continuing. For example,
-     after a cursor-change with a followup long computation.
-     (otherwise, the cursor change request may still be in the output
-      buffer)"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	XSync(myDpy, 0);
-    }
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-#ifdef DPS
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aDPSContext)) {
-	DPSFlushContext(MKDPSCONTEXT(aDPSContext));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "output an audible beep"
-    int volume;
-    if (__isSmallInteger(volumeInPercent) && ISCONNECTED) {
-	/* stupid: X wants -100 .. 100 and calls this percent */
-	volume = _intVal(volumeInPercent) * 2 - 100;
-	if (volume < -100) volume = -100;
-	else if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
-	XBell(myDpy, volume);
-    }
-    "output an audible beep or bell"
-    self beep:50
-    "if the argument is true, the views backingStore setting will be ignored, and
-     no backing store used - this can be used on servers where backing store is
-     very slow or is broken (can be put into display-rc-file)"
-    ignoreBackingStore := aBoolean
 ! !
 !XWorkstation class methodsFor:'queries'!
@@ -990,24 +401,82 @@
     ^ 'X'  "I don't know what ST-80 returns for X ..."
 ! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'keyboard mapping'!
-    "Return the key translated via the translation table.
-     Here, we preTranslate the key into a common ST/X symbolic name, 
-     which gets further processed in the superclasses translation method."
-    |key|
-    (key := untranslatedKey) isString ifTrue:[
-	key := RawKeysymTranslation at:key ifAbsent:key.
-	key := key asSymbol.
-    ].
-    ^ super translateKey:key 
-! !
 !XWorkstation methodsFor:'accessing & queries'!
+    "define which key takes the role of an alt-key.
+     By default, this is X's modifier1, which is the ALT key on
+     most keyboards. However, there may be exceptions to this,
+     and the setting can be changed with:
+	Display altModifierMask:(Display modifier2Mask)
+     Setting the mask to 0 disables the ALT key (in ST/X) altogether.
+    "
+    altModifierMask := aSmallInteger
+    "return the colornumber of black"
+    ^ blackpixel
+    "return the state-mask for button1 in motion events state-field.
+     For backward compatibility."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button1MotionMask));
+    "return the state-mask for button2 in motion events state-field
+     For backward compatibility."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button2MotionMask));
+    "return the state-mask for button3 in motion events state-field
+     For backward compatibility."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button3MotionMask));
+    "return the state-mask for button1 in motion events state-field.
+     This is the devices mask."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (aButton == _MKSMALLINT(1)) {
+	RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button1MotionMask));
+    }
+    if (aButton == _MKSMALLINT(2)) {
+	RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button2MotionMask));
+    }
+    if (aButton == _MKSMALLINT(3)) {
+	RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button3MotionMask));
+    }
+    ^ nil
+    "return a mask to enable some events by default."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT( ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask |
+			 KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
+			 EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
+			 ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask ));
     "return the displays fileNumber - for select"
@@ -1029,91 +498,6 @@
     ^ displayName
-    "return the X-server vendor string - this should normally not be of
-     any interrest, but can be for special cases
-     (to avoid bugs in certain implementations)"
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	RETURN ( __MKSTRING(XServerVendor(myDpy) COMMA_CON) );
-    }
-    RETURN (nil);
-    "
-     Display serverVendor
-    "
-    "return the X-servers vendor release - should normally not be of
-     any interrest, but can be for special cases.
-     (to avoid bugs in certain implementations)"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(XVendorRelease(myDpy)) );
-    }
-    RETURN (nil);
-    "
-     Display vendorRelease
-    "
-    "return the X-servers protocol version - should normally not be of
-     any interrest"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(XProtocolVersion(myDpy)) );
-    }
-    RETURN (nil);
-    "
-     Display protocolVersion
-    "
-    "return true, if this workstation supports non-rectangular windows.
-     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
-     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
-    ^ hasShapeExtension
-    "
-     Display hasShape   
-    "
-    "return true, if this workstation supports the shared pixmap extension.
-     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
-     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
-    ^ hasShmExtension
-    "
-     Display hasShm 
-    "
-    "return true, if this workstation supports decompression of fax images.
-     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
-     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
-    ^ hasFaxExtension
-    "
-     Display hasFaxExtension
-    "
     "return true, if this workstation supports display postscript.
      Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
@@ -1126,66 +510,6 @@
-    "return true, if this workstation supports PEX 3D graphics.
-     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
-     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
-    ^ hasPEXExtension
-    "
-     Display hasPEX 
-    "
-    "return true, if this workstation supports the multibuffer extension.
-     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
-     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
-    ^ hasMbufExtension
-    "
-     Display hasMultibuffer 
-    "
-    "return true, if this workstation supports the X input extension.
-     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
-     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
-    ^ hasInputExtension
-    "
-     Display hasInputExtension 
-    "
-    "return true, if this workstation supports the X image extension.
-     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
-     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
-    ^ hasImageExtension
-    "
-     Display hasImageExtension 
-    "
-    "return true, if this workstation supports the XVideo extension.
-     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
-     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
-    ^ hasXVideoExtension
-    "
-     Display hasXVideo 
-    "
     "query for an X extension. The argument, extensionString
      should be the name of the extension (i.e. 'SHAPE', 'XInputExtension' etc).
@@ -1215,6 +539,307 @@
+    "return true, if this workstation supports decompression of fax images.
+     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
+     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
+    ^ hasFaxExtension
+    "
+     Display hasFaxExtension
+    "
+    "return true, if this workstation supports the X image extension.
+     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
+     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
+    ^ hasImageExtension
+    "
+     Display hasImageExtension 
+    "
+    "return true, if this workstation supports the X input extension.
+     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
+     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
+    ^ hasInputExtension
+    "
+     Display hasInputExtension 
+    "
+    "return true, if this workstation supports the multibuffer extension.
+     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
+     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
+    ^ hasMbufExtension
+    "
+     Display hasMultibuffer 
+    "
+    "return true, if this workstation supports PEX 3D graphics.
+     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
+     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
+    ^ hasPEXExtension
+    "
+     Display hasPEX 
+    "
+    "return true, if this workstation supports non-rectangular windows.
+     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
+     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
+    ^ hasShapeExtension
+    "
+     Display hasShape   
+    "
+    "return true, if this workstation supports the shared pixmap extension.
+     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
+     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
+    ^ hasShmExtension
+    "
+     Display hasShm 
+    "
+    "return true, if this workstation supports the XVideo extension.
+     Both the server must support it, and the feature must have been
+     enabled in the smalltalk system, for true to be returned."
+    ^ hasXVideoExtension
+    "
+     Display hasXVideo 
+    "
+    "Get the preferrer icon sizes. These are set by the window manager.
+     We return nil (if not set) or an OrderedCollection of Intervals."
+    |xIconSizes count ret|
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    XIconSize *sizeList;
+    int cnt;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if (XGetIconSizes(myDpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen), &sizeList, &cnt) > 0) {
+	   xIconSizes = __MKEXTERNALBYTES(sizeList);
+	   count = __MKSMALLINT(cnt);
+	}
+    }
+    xIconSizes isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ret := OrderedCollection new:count.
+    1 to:count do:[ :i |
+	| startX startY stopX stopY stepX stepY|
+	XIconSize *slp;
+	slp = &((XIconSize *)__externalBytesAddress(xIconSizes))[__intVal(i)-1];
+	startX = __MKSMALLINT(slp->min_width);
+	startY = __MKSMALLINT(slp->min_height);
+	stopX = __MKSMALLINT(slp->max_width);
+	stopY = __MKSMALLINT(slp->max_height);
+	stepX = __MKSMALLINT(slp->width_inc);
+	stepY = __MKSMALLINT(slp->height_inc);
+	ret add:(Interval from:startX@startY to:stopX@stopY by:stepX@stepY)
+    ].
+    xIconSizes free.
+    ^ ret
+    "
+	Display iconSizes
+    "
+    "define which key takes the role of a meta key.
+     By default, this is X's modifier2, which is the 2nd ALT key on
+     most keyboards (if present at all).
+     However, there may be exceptions to this, and the setting can
+     be changed with:
+	Display metaModifierMask:(Display modifier1Mask)
+     Setting the mask to 0 disables the META key (in ST/X) altogether.
+     As reported, some Xservers place the Meta-key onto NumLock,
+     and having NumLock enabled makes ST/X think, that meta is pressed
+     all the time. On those, you should disable the meta key by setting
+     the mask to 0.
+    "
+    metaModifierMask := aSmallInteger
+    "return the Xlib mask bit for the 1st modifier key.
+     See comment in altModifierMask: / metaModifierMask: for what
+     this could be used."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Mod1Mask));
+    "return the Xlib mask bit for the 2nd modifier key.
+     See comment in altModifierMask: / metaModifierMask: for what
+     this could be used."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Mod2Mask));
+    "Get the Modifier Mapping.
+     We return an array of arrays of keycodes"
+    |modifierKeyMap maxKeyPerMod ret nextKey|
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    XModifierKeymap *modmap;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if ((modmap = XGetModifierMapping(myDpy)) != 0) {
+	   maxKeyPerMod = __MKSMALLINT(modmap->max_keypermod);
+	   modifierKeyMap = __BYTEARRAY_UNINITIALIZED_NEW_INT(modmap->max_keypermod * 8);
+	   if (modifierKeyMap != nil) {
+		maxKeyPerMod = __MKSMALLINT(modmap->max_keypermod);
+		memcpy((char *)__ByteArrayInstPtr(modifierKeyMap)->ba_element, 
+		       (char *)modmap->modifiermap, modmap->max_keypermod * 8);
+	   }
+	   XFreeModifiermap(modmap);
+	}
+    }
+    modifierKeyMap isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ret := Array new:8.
+    nextKey := 1.
+    1 to:8 do:[ :i |
+	(modifierKeyMap at:nextKey) ~= 0 ifTrue:[
+	    |mod|
+	    mod := OrderedCollection new:maxKeyPerMod.
+	    modifierKeyMap from:nextKey to:(nextKey+maxKeyPerMod-1) do:[ :key |
+		key ~= 0 ifTrue:[
+		    mod add:key
+		].
+	    ].
+	    ret at:i put:mod.
+	].
+	nextKey := nextKey+maxKeyPerMod.
+    ].
+    ^ ret
+    "
+	Display modifierMapping
+    "
+    "return the X-servers protocol version - should normally not be of
+     any interrest"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(XProtocolVersion(myDpy)) );
+    }
+    RETURN (nil);
+    "
+     Display protocolVersion
+    "
+    rootView isNil ifTrue:[
+	rootView := DisplayRootView on:self
+    ].
+    ^ rootView
+    "
+     |v|
+     v := Display rootView.
+     v paint:Color red.
+     v noClipByChildren.
+     v fillRectangleX:10 y:10 width:100 height:100.  
+    "
+    "return the X-server vendor string - this should normally not be of
+     any interrest, but can be for special cases
+     (to avoid bugs in certain implementations)"
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	RETURN ( __MKSTRING(XServerVendor(myDpy) COMMA_CON) );
+    }
+    RETURN (nil);
+    "
+     Display serverVendor
+    "
+    "Get a KeySymbol (a smalltalk symbol) from the keycode."
+    |str|
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    KeySym keysym;
+    char *keystring;
+    if (ISCONNECTED && __isSmallInteger(code)) {
+	if ((keysym = XKeycodeToKeysym(myDpy, __intVal(code), 0)) != NoSymbol &&
+	    (keystring = XKeysymToString(keysym)) != 0) 
+	    str = __MKSTRING(keystring);
+    }
+    ^ str
+    "
+	Display stringFromKeycode:28
+    "
     "return an array with supported image formats; 
      each array entry is an attribute dictionary, consisting of 
@@ -1268,104 +893,6 @@
     ^ false
-    "Get the preferrer icon sizes. These are set by the window manager.
-     We return nil (if not set) or an OrderedCollection of Intervals."
-    |xIconSizes count ret|
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    XIconSize *sizeList;
-    int cnt;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (XGetIconSizes(myDpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen), &sizeList, &cnt) > 0) {
-	   xIconSizes = __MKEXTERNALBYTES(sizeList);
-	   count = __MKSMALLINT(cnt);
-	}
-    }
-    xIconSizes isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ret := OrderedCollection new:count.
-    1 to:count do:[ :i |
-	| startX startY stopX stopY stepX stepY|
-	XIconSize *slp;
-	slp = &((XIconSize *)__externalBytesAddress(xIconSizes))[__intVal(i)-1];
-	startX = __MKSMALLINT(slp->min_width);
-	startY = __MKSMALLINT(slp->min_height);
-	stopX = __MKSMALLINT(slp->max_width);
-	stopY = __MKSMALLINT(slp->max_height);
-	stepX = __MKSMALLINT(slp->width_inc);
-	stepY = __MKSMALLINT(slp->height_inc);
-	ret add:(Interval from:startX@startY to:stopX@stopY by:stepX@stepY)
-    ].
-    xIconSizes free.
-    ^ ret
-    "
-	Display iconSizes
-    "
-    "Get the Modifier Mapping.
-     We return an array of arrays of keycodes"
-    |modifierKeyMap maxKeyPerMod ret nextKey|
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    XModifierKeymap *modmap;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if ((modmap = XGetModifierMapping(myDpy)) != 0) {
-	   maxKeyPerMod = __MKSMALLINT(modmap->max_keypermod);
-	   modifierKeyMap = __BYTEARRAY_UNINITIALIZED_NEW_INT(modmap->max_keypermod * 8);
-	   if (modifierKeyMap != nil) {
-		maxKeyPerMod = __MKSMALLINT(modmap->max_keypermod);
-		memcpy((char *)__ByteArrayInstPtr(modifierKeyMap)->ba_element, 
-		       (char *)modmap->modifiermap, modmap->max_keypermod * 8);
-	   }
-	   XFreeModifiermap(modmap);
-	}
-    }
-    modifierKeyMap isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ret := Array new:8.
-    nextKey := 1.
-    1 to:8 do:[ :i |
-	(modifierKeyMap at:nextKey) ~= 0 ifTrue:[
-	    |mod|
-	    mod := OrderedCollection new:maxKeyPerMod.
-	    modifierKeyMap from:nextKey to:(nextKey+maxKeyPerMod-1) do:[ :key |
-		key ~= 0 ifTrue:[
-		    mod add:key
-		].
-	    ].
-	    ret at:i put:mod.
-	].
-	nextKey := nextKey+maxKeyPerMod.
-    ].
-    ^ ret
-    "
-	Display modifierMapping
-    "
     "return true, if this device supports gravity attributes.
      We do not depend on it being implemented, but some resizing operations
@@ -1374,188 +901,6 @@
     ^ true
-    "return the colornumber of black"
-    ^ blackpixel
-    "return the colornumber of white"
-    ^ whitepixel
-    "Get a KeySymbol (a smalltalk symbol) from the keycode."
-    |str|
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    KeySym keysym;
-    char *keystring;
-    if (ISCONNECTED && __isSmallInteger(code)) {
-	if ((keysym = XKeycodeToKeysym(myDpy, __intVal(code), 0)) != NoSymbol &&
-	    (keystring = XKeysymToString(keysym)) != 0) 
-	    str = __MKSTRING(keystring);
-    }
-    ^ str
-    "
-	Display stringFromKeycode:28
-    "
-    "return the state-mask for button1 in motion events state-field.
-     This is the devices mask."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (aButton == _MKSMALLINT(1)) {
-	RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button1MotionMask));
-    }
-    if (aButton == _MKSMALLINT(2)) {
-	RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button2MotionMask));
-    }
-    if (aButton == _MKSMALLINT(3)) {
-	RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button3MotionMask));
-    }
-    ^ nil
-    "return the state-mask for button1 in motion events state-field.
-     For backward compatibility."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button1MotionMask));
-    "return the state-mask for button2 in motion events state-field
-     For backward compatibility."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button2MotionMask));
-    "return the state-mask for button3 in motion events state-field
-     For backward compatibility."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Button3MotionMask));
-    "return the Xlib mask bit for the 1st modifier key.
-     See comment in altModifierMask: / metaModifierMask: for what
-     this could be used."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Mod1Mask));
-    "return the Xlib mask bit for the 2nd modifier key.
-     See comment in altModifierMask: / metaModifierMask: for what
-     this could be used."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(Mod2Mask));
-    "define which key takes the role of an alt-key.
-     By default, this is X's modifier1, which is the ALT key on
-     most keyboards. However, there may be exceptions to this,
-     and the setting can be changed with:
-	Display altModifierMask:(Display modifier2Mask)
-     Setting the mask to 0 disables the ALT key (in ST/X) altogether.
-    "
-    altModifierMask := aSmallInteger
-    "define which key takes the role of a meta key.
-     By default, this is X's modifier2, which is the 2nd ALT key on
-     most keyboards (if present at all).
-     However, there may be exceptions to this, and the setting can
-     be changed with:
-	Display metaModifierMask:(Display modifier1Mask)
-     Setting the mask to 0 disables the META key (in ST/X) altogether.
-     As reported, some Xservers place the Meta-key onto NumLock,
-     and having NumLock enabled makes ST/X think, that meta is pressed
-     all the time. On those, you should disable the meta key by setting
-     the mask to 0.
-    "
-    metaModifierMask := aSmallInteger
-    "return a mask to enable some events by default."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT( ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask |
-			 KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
-			 EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
-			 ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask ));
-viewIdFromPoint:aPoint in:windowId
-    "given a point in rootWindow, return the viewId of the subview of windowId
-     hit by this coordinate. Return nil if no view was hit.
-     The returned id may be the id of a non ST view.
-     - used to find the window to drop objects after a cross-view drag."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    OBJ xp, yp;
-    int xpos, ypos;
-    Window child_return;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(windowId)
-     && __isPoint(aPoint)) {
-	xp = _point_X(aPoint);
-	yp = _point_Y(aPoint);
-	if (__bothSmallInteger(xp, yp)) {
-	    XTranslateCoordinates(dpy,
-				  RootWindow(dpy, screen),
-				  _WindowVal(windowId),
-				  _intVal(xp), _intVal(yp), 
-				  &xpos, &ypos, &child_return);
-	    if (child_return) {
-		RETURN ( __MKOBJ(child_return) );
-	    }
-	    RETURN ( nil );
-	}
-    }
-    windowId notNil ifTrue:[
-	aPoint isPoint ifTrue:[
-	    ^ self viewIdFromPoint:aPoint asPoint truncated in:windowId
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
 translatePoint:aPoint from:windowId1 to:windowId2
     "given a point in window1, return the coordinate in window2.
      This expects a device coordinate (relative to the first views origin)
@@ -1601,21 +946,65 @@
     ^ (x2 @ y2)
-    rootView isNil ifTrue:[
-	rootView := DisplayRootView on:self
-    ].
-    ^ rootView
+    "return the X-servers vendor release - should normally not be of
+     any interrest, but can be for special cases.
+     (to avoid bugs in certain implementations)"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(XVendorRelease(myDpy)) );
+    }
+    RETURN (nil);
-     |v|
-     v := Display rootView.
-     v paint:Color red.
-     v noClipByChildren.
-     v fillRectangleX:10 y:10 width:100 height:100.  
+     Display vendorRelease
+viewIdFromPoint:aPoint in:windowId
+    "given a point in rootWindow, return the viewId of the subview of windowId
+     hit by this coordinate. Return nil if no view was hit.
+     The returned id may be the id of a non ST view.
+     - used to find the window to drop objects after a cross-view drag."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    OBJ xp, yp;
+    int xpos, ypos;
+    Window child_return;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(windowId)
+     && __isPoint(aPoint)) {
+	xp = _point_X(aPoint);
+	yp = _point_Y(aPoint);
+	if (__bothSmallInteger(xp, yp)) {
+	    XTranslateCoordinates(dpy,
+				  RootWindow(dpy, screen),
+				  _WindowVal(windowId),
+				  _intVal(xp), _intVal(yp), 
+				  &xpos, &ypos, &child_return);
+	    if (child_return) {
+		RETURN ( __MKOBJ(child_return) );
+	    }
+	    RETURN ( nil );
+	}
+    }
+    windowId notNil ifTrue:[
+	aPoint isPoint ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self viewIdFromPoint:aPoint asPoint truncated in:windowId
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ nil
     "return the virtual extent of the display (in pixels).
      On most systems, this is the same as the physical width;
@@ -1640,10 +1029,85 @@
     ^ width @ height
+    "return the colornumber of white"
+    ^ whitepixel
 ! !
 !XWorkstation methodsFor:'bitmap/window creation'!
+createBitmapFromArray:anArray width:w height:h
+    |bitmapId|
+    bitmapId := self primCreateBitmapFromArray:anArray width:w height:h.
+    bitmapId isNil ifTrue:[
+	self primitiveFailed
+    ].
+    ^ bitmapId
+createBitmapFromFile:aString for:aForm
+    |id w h|
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    Pixmap newBitmap;
+    char *filename;
+    unsigned b_width, b_height;
+    int b_x_hot, b_y_hot;
+    int status;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if (__isString(aString) || __isSymbol(aString)) {
+	    filename = (char *)_stringVal(aString);
+	    status = XReadBitmapFile(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen),
+				     filename, &b_width, &b_height, &newBitmap,
+				     &b_x_hot, &b_y_hot);
+	    if (status == BitmapSuccess) {
+		w = _MKSMALLINT(b_width);
+		h = _MKSMALLINT(b_height);
+		id = __MKOBJ(newBitmap);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    id notNil ifTrue:[
+	aForm setWidth:w height:h
+    ].
+    ^ id
+createBitmapWidth:w height:h
+    "allocate a bitmap on the Xserver, the contents is undefined
+     (i.e. random). Return a bitmap id or nil"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    Pixmap newBitmap;
+    if (__bothSmallInteger(w, h) && ISCONNECTED) {
+	newBitmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen),
+				       _intVal(w), _intVal(h), 1);
+	RETURN ( (newBitmap != (Pixmap)0) ? __MKOBJ(newBitmap) : nil );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
 createFaxImageFromArray:data width:w height:h type:type k:k msbFirst:msbFirst
     "create a new faxImage in the workstation
      type: 0 -> uncompressed
@@ -1698,29 +1162,6 @@
     ^ nil
-createBitmapWidth:w height:h
-    "allocate a bitmap on the Xserver, the contents is undefined
-     (i.e. random). Return a bitmap id or nil"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    Pixmap newBitmap;
-    if (__bothSmallInteger(w, h) && ISCONNECTED) {
-	newBitmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen),
-				       _intVal(w), _intVal(h), 1);
-	RETURN ( (newBitmap != (Pixmap)0) ? __MKOBJ(newBitmap) : nil );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
 createPixmapWidth:w height:h depth:d
     "allocate a pixmap on the Xserver, the contents is undefined
      (i.e. random). Return a bitmap id or nil"
@@ -1744,294 +1185,6 @@
     ^ nil
-createBitmapFromFile:aString for:aForm
-    |id w h|
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    Pixmap newBitmap;
-    char *filename;
-    unsigned b_width, b_height;
-    int b_x_hot, b_y_hot;
-    int status;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isString(aString) || __isSymbol(aString)) {
-	    filename = (char *)_stringVal(aString);
-	    status = XReadBitmapFile(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen),
-				     filename, &b_width, &b_height, &newBitmap,
-				     &b_x_hot, &b_y_hot);
-	    if (status == BitmapSuccess) {
-		w = _MKSMALLINT(b_width);
-		h = _MKSMALLINT(b_height);
-		id = __MKOBJ(newBitmap);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    id notNil ifTrue:[
-	aForm setWidth:w height:h
-    ].
-    ^ id
-primCreateBitmapFromArray:anArray width:w height:h
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    Pixmap newBitmap;
-    unsigned int b_width, b_height;
-    REGISTER unsigned char *cp;
-    REGISTER unsigned char *pBits;
-    unsigned char *b_bits, *allocatedBits;
-    int index, row;
-    REGISTER int col;
-    unsigned bits;
-    static char reverseBitTable[256];
-    static firstCall = 1;
-    int nBytes;
-    unsigned char fastBits[10000];
-    OBJ num, *op;
-    int bytesPerRow;
-    if (firstCall) {
-	for (index=0; index < 256; index++) {
-	    reverseBitTable[index] = 0;
-	    if (index & 128) reverseBitTable[index] |=   1;
-	    if (index &  64) reverseBitTable[index] |=   2;
-	    if (index &  32) reverseBitTable[index] |=   4;
-	    if (index &  16) reverseBitTable[index] |=   8;
-	    if (index &   8) reverseBitTable[index] |=  16;
-	    if (index &   4) reverseBitTable[index] |=  32;
-	    if (index &   2) reverseBitTable[index] |=  64;
-	    if (index &   1) reverseBitTable[index] |= 128;
-	}
-	firstCall = 0;
-    }
-    if (__bothSmallInteger(w, h) && _isNonNilObject(anArray)) {
-	b_width = _intVal(w);
-	b_height = _intVal(h);
-	bytesPerRow = (b_width + 7) / 8;
-	nBytes = b_height * bytesPerRow;
-	if (nBytes < sizeof(fastBits)) {
-	    cp = b_bits = fastBits;
-	    allocatedBits = 0;
-	} else {
-	    cp = b_bits = allocatedBits = (unsigned char *) malloc(nBytes);
-	    if (! cp) goto fail;
-	}
-	if (__qClass(anArray) == Array) {
-	    index = 1;
-	    op = &(_ArrayInstPtr(anArray)->a_element[index - 1]);
-	    for (row = b_height; row; row--) {
-		for (col = bytesPerRow; col; col--) {
-		    num = *op++;
-		    if (! __isSmallInteger(num)) goto fail;
-		    bits = _intVal(num);
-		    *cp++ = reverseBitTable[bits];
-		}
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    if (__qClass(anArray) == ByteArray) {
-		pBits = _ByteArrayInstPtr(anArray)->ba_element;
-		for (col = b_height*bytesPerRow; col; col--) {
-		    *cp++ = reverseBitTable[*pBits++];
-		}
-	    } else {
-		goto fail;
-	    }
-	}
-	newBitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen),
-					       (char *)b_bits, 
-					       b_width, b_height);
-fail: ;
-	if (allocatedBits)
-	    free(allocatedBits);
-	RETURN ( newBitmap ? __MKOBJ(newBitmap) : nil );
-    }
-createBitmapFromArray:anArray width:w height:h
-    |bitmapId|
-    bitmapId := self primCreateBitmapFromArray:anArray width:w height:h.
-    bitmapId isNil ifTrue:[
-	self primitiveFailed
-    ].
-    ^ bitmapId
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId) && ISCONNECTED) {
-	XFreePixmap(myDpy, _PixmapVal(aDrawableId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-#ifdef FAX
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aFaxImageId)) {
-	XFAXImageFreeImage(myDpy, (FAXImage)_WindowVal(aFaxImageId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "return the id of the real root window.
-     This may not be the window you see as background,
-     since some window managers install a virtual root window on top
-     of it. Except for very special cases, use #rootWindowId, which takes
-     care of any virtual root."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    Window root;
-    OBJ id;
-    if (_INST(rootId) != nil) {
-	RETURN (_INST(rootId));
-    }
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	root = RootWindow(myDpy, screen);
-	if (! root) {
-	    id = nil;
-	} else {
-	    _INST(rootId) = id = __MKOBJ(root); __STORE(self, id);
-	}
-	RETURN (id);
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "return the id of the root window.
-     This is the window you see as background, 
-     however, it may or may not be the real physical root window,
-     since some window managers install a virtual root window on top
-     of the real one. If this is the case, that views id is returned here."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    Window rootWin, vRootWin;
-    OBJ id;
-    if (_INST(virtualRootId) != nil) {
-	RETURN (_INST(virtualRootId));
-    }
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	vRootWin = rootWin = RootWindow(myDpy, screen);
-#ifndef IRIS
-	/*
-	 * on IRIS, this creates a badwindow error - why ?
-	 * children contains a funny window (000034)
-	 */
-	/*
-	 * care for virtual root windows (tvtwm & friends)
-	 */
-	{
-	    Atom vRootAtom = None;
-	    int i;
-	    Window rootReturn, parentReturn;
-	    Window* children;
-	    unsigned int numChildren;
-	    if (XQueryTree(myDpy, rootWin, 
-			   &rootReturn, &parentReturn, 
-			   &children, &numChildren)) {
-		vRootAtom = XInternAtom(myDpy, "__SWM_VROOT", True );
-		if (vRootAtom != None) {
-		    for (i=0; i < numChildren; i++) {
-			Atom actual_type;
-			int actual_format;
-			unsigned long nitems, bytesafter;
-			Window* newRoot = (Window*) 0;
-			if (children[i]) {
-			    if (XGetWindowProperty(myDpy, children[i], vRootAtom, 
-						     0L, 1L, False, XA_WINDOW,
-						     &actual_type, &actual_format, 
-						     &nitems, &bytesafter,
-						     (unsigned char**) &newRoot
-						   ) == Success && newRoot) {
-				vRootWin = *newRoot;
-				break;
-			    }
-			}
-		    }
-		    if (children) XFree( children );
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    /* cannot happen */
-    if (! vRootWin) {
-	vRootWin = rootWin;
-	if (! rootWin) {
-	    RETURN ( nil );
-	}
-    }
-    _INST(rootId) = id = __MKOBJ(rootWin); __STORE(self, id);
-    _INST(virtualRootId) = id = __MKOBJ(vRootWin); __STORE(self, id);
-    RETURN ( id );
-    "the name of this method is historic;
-     - it will vanish"
-    |id|
-    id := self realRootWindowId.
-    self addKnownView:aView withId:id.
-    ^ id
-    |id|
-    id := self rootWindowId.
-    self addKnownView:aView withId:id.
-    ^ id
 createWindowFor:aView left:xpos top:ypos width:wwidth height:wheight
     "will vanish - for compatibility with previous versions"
@@ -2363,15 +1516,20 @@
     ^ windowId
-destroyView:aView withId:aWindowId
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId) && ISCONNECTED) {
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+#ifdef FAX
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aFaxImageId)) {
-	XDestroyWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
+	XFAXImageFreeImage(myDpy, (FAXImage)_WindowVal(aFaxImageId));
-    }
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
-    self removeKnownView:aView
+    self primitiveFailed
@@ -2387,22 +1545,29 @@
     self primitiveFailed
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    GC gc;
     if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId) && ISCONNECTED) {
-	gc = XCreateGC(myDpy, (Drawable)_WindowVal(aDrawableId),
-			      0L, (XGCValues *)0);
+	XFreePixmap(myDpy, _PixmapVal(aDrawableId));
-	RETURN ( gc ? __MKOBJ(gc) : nil );
+	RETURN ( self );
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
+    self primitiveFailed
+destroyView:aView withId:aWindowId
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId) && ISCONNECTED) {
+	XDestroyWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
+    }
+    self removeKnownView:aView
 dpsContextFor:aDrawableId and:aGCId
@@ -2431,1728 +1596,261 @@
     self primitiveFailed.
     ^ nil
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'resources'!
-getResource:name class:cls
-    char *rslt;
-    if ((__isString(name) || __isSymbol(name))
-     && (__isString(cls) || __isSymbol(cls))
-     && ISCONNECTED) {
-	rslt = XGetDefault(myDpy, (char *)_stringVal(cls),
-				  (char *)_stringVal(name));
-	RETURN (rslt ? __MKSTRING(rslt COMMA_CON) : nil );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'selections'!
-setTextProperty:propertyID value:aString for:aWindowID
-    ^ self setProperty:propertyID type:(self atomIDOfSTRING) value:aString for:aWindowID
-setLengthProperty:propertyID value:aNumber for:aWindowID
-    ^ self setProperty:propertyID type:(self atomIDOfLENGTH) value:aNumber for:aWindowID
-setObjectProperty:propertyID value:anObject for:aWindowID
-    |s|
-    (anObject isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
-	^ self setTextProperty:propertyID value:anObject for:aWindowID
-    ].
-    s := WriteStream on:(ByteArray new:200).
-    anObject storeBinaryOn:s.
-    ^ self 
-	setProperty:propertyID 
-	type:(self atomIDOf:'ST_OBJECT' create:true) 
-	value:(s contents) 
-	for:aWindowID
-setProperty:propertyID type:typeID value:anObject for:aWindowID
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    Atom prop, type;
-    Window window;
-    unsigned int value;
-    if (__isAtomID(propertyID)
-     && __isAtomID(typeID) 
-     && (__isString(anObject) 
-	 || __isSmallInteger(anObject) 
-	 || __isSymbol(anObject) 
-	 || __isByteArray(anObject))) {
-	prop = _AtomVal(propertyID);
-	type = _AtomVal(typeID);
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowID)) {
-	    window = _WindowVal(aWindowID);
-	} else {
-	    window = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
-	}
-	if (__isSmallInteger(anObject)) {
-	    value = _intVal(anObject);
-	    XChangeProperty(dpy, window, prop, type, 32,
-			    PropModeReplace,
-			    (unsigned char *)(&value), sizeof(unsigned int));
-	} else {
-	    if (__isByteArray(anObject)) {
-		XChangeProperty(dpy, window, prop, type, 8,
-				PropModeReplace,
-				_ByteArrayInstPtr(anObject)->ba_element,
-				_byteArraySize(anObject));
-	    } else {
-		/* string or symbol */
-		XChangeProperty(dpy, window, prop, XA_STRING, 8,
-				PropModeReplace,
-				_stringVal(anObject),
-				strlen(_stringVal(anObject)));
-	    }
-	}
-	RETURN (true);
-    }
-    ^ false
-getTextProperty:propertyID from:aWindowID
-    "get a text property; return string or nil"
-    self getProperty:propertyID from:aWindowID into:[:type :value |
-	type == stringAtom ifTrue:[
-	    ^ value
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-getObjectProperty:propertyID from:aWindowID
-    "get an object property; return object or nil"
-    self getProperty:propertyID from:aWindowID into:[:type :value |
-	type == stringAtom ifTrue:[
-	    ^ value
-	].
-	(value isMemberOf:ByteArray) ifTrue:[
-	    ^ (Object readBinaryFrom:(ReadStream on:value) onError:[nil])
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-getProperty:propertyID from:aWindowID into:aTwoArgBlock
-    "get a property, evaluate aTwoArgBlock with typeID and value"
-    |val typeID cls|
-    cls := ByteArray.
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    Window window;
-    Atom property;
-    char *cp, *cp2;
-    Atom actual_type;
-    int actual_format,i;
-    unsigned long nitems, bytes_after, nread;
-    unsigned char *data;
-    int ok = 1;
-    OBJ __new(), __MKSTRING_L();
-#   define PROP_SIZE    2048
-    if (__isAtomID(propertyID)) {
-	property = _AtomVal(propertyID);
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowID)) {
-	    window = _WindowVal(aWindowID);
-	} else {
-	    window = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
-	}
-	nread = 0;
-	cp = 0;
-	fprintf(stderr, "getProperty: ");
- */
-	do {
-	    if (XGetWindowProperty(dpy,window,property,nread/4,PROP_SIZE,False,
-				   AnyPropertyType,&actual_type,&actual_format,
-				   &nitems,&bytes_after,(unsigned char **)&data)
-		!= Success) {
-		    ok = 0;
-		    break;
-	    }
-	    typeID = __MKATOMOBJ(actual_type);
-	    if (! cp) {
-		cp = cp2 = (char *)malloc(nitems+1);
-	    } else {
-		cp = (char *)realloc(cp, nread + nitems + 1);
-		cp2 = cp + nread;
-	    }
-	    if (! cp) goto fail;
-	    nread += nitems;
-	    bcopy(data, cp2, nitems);
-	    XFree(data);
-	    fprintf(stderr, "<nitems:%d bytes_after:%d>", nitems, bytes_after);
- */
-	} while (bytes_after > 0);
-	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- */
-	if (ok) {
-	    if (actual_type == XA_STRING) {
-		cp[nread] = '\0';
-		val = __MKSTRING_L(cp, nread COMMA_CON);
-	    } else {
-		val = __new(nread + OHDR_SIZE);
-		val->o_class = cls;
-		bcopy(cp, _ByteArrayInstPtr(val)->ba_element, nread);
-	    }
-	}
-	if (cp)
-	    free(cp);
-    }
-fail: ;
-    typeID isNil ifTrue:[
-	^ false
-    ].
-    aTwoArgBlock value:typeID value:val.
-    ^ true
-    "get the owner of a selection"
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    Atom selection;
-    Window window;
-    if (__isAtomID(selectionAtomID) && ISCONNECTED) {
-	window = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, _AtomVal(selectionAtomID));
-	RETURN ((window == None) ? nil : __MKOBJ(window));
-    }
-     self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-setSelectionOwner:aWindowId of:selectionID
-    "set the owner of a selection; return false if failed"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    Window win;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isAtomID(selectionID)
-     && ISCONNECTED) {
-	win = _WindowVal(aWindowId);
-	XSetSelectionOwner(dpy, _AtomVal(selectionID), win, CurrentTime);
-	if (XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, _AtomVal(selectionID)) != win) {
-	    RETURN (false);
-	}
-	RETURN (true);
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-requestObjectSelection:selectionID property:propertyID for:aWindowId
-    "ask the server to send us the selection - the view with ID aWindowID
-     will later receive a SelectionNotify event for it."
-    ^ self requestSelection:selectionID 
-		   property:propertyID 
-		   type:(self atomIDOf:'ST_OBJECT' create:true) 
-		   for:aWindowId
-requestTextSelection:selectionID property:propertyID for:aWindowId
-    "ask the server to send us the selection - the view with ID aWindowID
-     will later receive a SelectionNotify event for it."
-    ^ self requestSelection:selectionID 
-		   property:propertyID 
-		       type:stringAtom 
-			for:aWindowId
-requestSelection:selectionID property:propertyID type:typeID for:aWindowId
-    "ask the server to send us the selection - the view with id aWindowID
-     will later receive a SelectionNotify event for it (once the Xserver replies
-     with the selections value)."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    Atom sel_prop;
-    char *cp;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isSmallInteger(typeID)
-     && __isAtomID(selectionID)) {
-	if (XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, _AtomVal(selectionID)) == None) {
-	    /*
-	     * no owner of primary selection
-	     */
-	    RETURN (false);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * PRIMARY selection
-	 */
-	XConvertSelection(dpy, _AtomVal(selectionID), _AtomVal(typeID), 
-			       _AtomVal(propertyID), _WindowVal(aWindowId), CurrentTime);
-	RETURN (true);
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ false
-    "
-     Display requestSelection:(Display atomIDOf:'PRIMARY')
-		     property:(Display atomIDOf:'VT_SELECTION')
-			  for:0
-    "
-    ^ primaryAtom
-    ^ secondaryAtom
-    ^ stringAtom
-    ^ lengthAtom
-    ^ cutBuffer0Atom
-    "return an Atoms ID; dont create if not already present"
-    ^ self atomIDOf:aStringOrSymbol create:false
-atomIDOf:aStringOrSymbol create:create
-    "return an Atoms ID; if create is true, create it if not already present"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Atom prop;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isString(aStringOrSymbol)
-	 || __isSymbol(aStringOrSymbol)) {
-	    prop = XInternAtom(myDpy, _stringVal(aStringOrSymbol), 
-				      (create == true) ? False : True);
-	    if (prop == None) {
-		RETURN (nil);
-	    }
-	    RETURN ( __MKATOMOBJ(prop) );
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-    "
-     Display atomIDOf:'VT_SELECTION' create:false
-     Display atomIDOf:'CUT_BUFFER0' create:false
-     Display atomIDOf:'STRING' create:false
-     Display atomIDOf:'PRIMARY' create:false
-     Display atomIDOfPRIMARY
-    "
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */ 
-    OBJ str;
-    char *name;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isAtomID(anAtomID)) {
-	    name = XGetAtomName(myDpy, _AtomVal(anAtomID));
-	    if (name == 0) {
-		RETURN (nil);
-	    }
-	    str = __MKSTRING(name COMMA_CON);
-	    XFree(name);
-	    RETURN ( str );
-	}
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    GC gc;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId) && ISCONNECTED) {
+	gc = XCreateGC(myDpy, (Drawable)_WindowVal(aDrawableId),
+			      0L, (XGCValues *)0);
+	RETURN ( gc ? __MKOBJ(gc) : nil );
     self primitiveFailed.
     ^ nil
-    "
-     Display atomName:1
-    "
-sendSelection:something property:propertyID target:targetID from:windowID to:requestorID
-    "send aString back from a SelectionRequest"
-    self 
-	sendSelection:something 
-	selection:primaryAtom
-	property:propertyID 
-	target:targetID 
-	from:windowID 
-	to:requestorID
-sendSelection:something selection:selectionID property:propertyID target:targetID from:windowID to:requestorID
-    "send aString back from a SelectionRequest"
-    self 
-	setProperty:propertyID 
-	type:targetID 
-	value:something 
-	for:requestorID.
-    self 
-	sendSelectionNotifySelection:selectionID 
-	property:propertyID 
-	target:targetID 
-	from:requestorID 
-	to:requestorID.
-sendSelectionNotifySelection:selectionID property:propertyID target:targetID from:windowID to:requestorID
-    "send a selectionNotify back from a SelectionRequest"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    if (__isAtomID(propertyID)
-     && __isExternalAddress(requestorID)
-     && __isAtomID(targetID)
-     && __isAtomID(selectionID)) {
-	XEvent ev;
-	Window requestor = _WindowVal(requestorID);
-	Atom property = _AtomVal(propertyID);
-	Atom target = _AtomVal(targetID);
-	Atom selection = _AtomVal(selectionID);
-	Status result;
-	ev.xselection.type = SelectionNotify;
-	ev.xselection.selection = selection;
-	ev.xselection.target = target;
-	if (__isExternalAddress(windowID))
-	    ev.xselection.requestor = _WindowVal(windowID);
-	else
-	    ev.xselection.requestor = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
-	ev.xselection.time = CurrentTime;
-	if (property == None)
-	    ev.xselection.property = target;
-	else
-	    ev.xselection.property = property;
-	DPRINTF(("sending SelectionNotify sel=%x prop=%x target=%x requestor=%x to %x\n",
-		ev.xselection.selection,
-		ev.xselection.property,
-		ev.xselection.target,
-		ev.xselection.requestor,
-		requestor));
-	result = XSendEvent(dpy, requestor, False, 0 , &ev);
-	if ((result == BadValue) || (result == BadWindow)) {
-	    DPRINTF(("bad status\n"));
-	}
-	RETURN (self )
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "get the text selection -  either immediate, or asynchronous.
-     Returns nil, if async request is on its way"
-    |selProp sel|
-    (self getSelectionOwnerOf:primaryAtom) isNil ifTrue:[
-	"no primary selection - use cut buffer"
-	sel := self getTextProperty:cutBuffer0Atom from:nil.
-	^ sel
-    ].
-    selProp := self atomIDOf:'VT_SELECTION' create:true.
-    self requestTextSelection:primaryAtom property:selProp for:drawableId.
-    ^ nil
-    "get the object selection -  either immediate, or asynchronous.
-     Returns nil, if async request is on its way"
-    |selProp sel|
-    (self getSelectionOwnerOf:primaryAtom) isNil ifTrue:[
-	"no primary selection - use cut buffer"
-	sel := self getObjectProperty:cutBuffer0Atom from:nil.
-	^ sel
-    ].
-    selProp := self atomIDOf:'ST_SELECTION' create:true.
-    self requestObjectSelection:primaryAtom property:selProp for:drawableId.
-    ^ nil
-setTextSelection:aString owner:aWindowId
-    "set the text selection, and make aWindowId be the owner.
-     This can be used by any other X application."
-    (self setSelectionOwner:aWindowId of:primaryAtom) ifFalse:[
-	'ownerchange failed' errorPrintNL.
-    ].
-    ^ self setTextProperty:cutBuffer0Atom value:aString for:nil
-setSelection:anObject owner:aWindowId
-    "set the object selection, and make aWindowId be the owner.
-     This can be used by other Smalltalk(X) applications only."
-    (self setSelectionOwner:aWindowId of:primaryAtom) ifFalse:[
-	^ false
-    ].
-"/    ^ self setObjectProperty:cutBuffer0Atom value:anObject for:nil
-    ^ true
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'font stuff'!
-decomposeXFontName:aString into:aBlock
-    "extract family, face, style and size from an
-     X-font name 
-     (-brand-family-face-style-moreStyle--height-size-res-res-?-??-coding); 
-     evaluate aBlock with these"
-    |origin family face style moreStyle skip fheight size
-     resX resY x1 x2 coding start end |
-    aString isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
-    (aString startsWith:'-') ifFalse:[
-	"
-	 take care for ill-named fonts (i.e. pre Rel4 fonts)
-	"
-	('*-*-[0-9]*' match:aString) ifTrue:[
-	    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:1.
-	    family := aString copyFrom:1 to:(end - 1).
-	    start := end + 1.
-	    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-	    style := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-	    start := end + 1.
-	    size := aString copyFrom:start.
-	    size := (Number readFromString:size onError:[^false]).
-	    aBlock value:family value:nil value:style value:size value:nil.
-	    ^ true.
-	].
-	('*-[0-9]*' match:aString) ifTrue:[
-	    "
-	     something like lucidasans-24
-	    "
-	    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:1.
-	    family := aString copyFrom:1 to:(end - 1).
-	    start := end + 1.
-	    size := aString copyFrom:start.
-	    size := (Number readFromString:size onError:[^false]).
-	    aBlock value:family value:nil value:nil value:size value:nil.
-	    ^ true.
-	].
-	aBlock value:aString value:nil value:nil value:nil value:nil.
-	^ true.
-    ].
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:2.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    origin := aString copyFrom:2 to:(end - 1).
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    family := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    face := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    style := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    (style = 'o') ifTrue:[
-	style := 'oblique'
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	(style = 'i') ifTrue:[
-	    style := 'italic'
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    (style = 'r') ifTrue:[
-		style := 'roman'
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    moreStyle := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    skip := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    fheight := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    size := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    size := (Number readFromString:size) / 10.
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    resX := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    resY := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    x1 := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    x2 := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    start := end + 1.
-    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
-    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
-    coding := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
-    aBlock value:family value:face value:style value:size value:coding.
-    ^ true
-    "Modified: 27.9.1995 / 10:46:52 / stefan"
-    "return a list with all available fonts on this display.
-     Since this takes a long time, keep the result of the query for the
-     next time. The elements of the returned collection are instances of
-     FontDescription."
-    |stream names aName fntDescr|
-    listOfXFonts isNil ifTrue:[
-"/ old code; using a pipe to xlsfonts
-"/      stream := PipeStream readingFrom:'xlsfonts ''*'''.
-"/      stream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-"/      listOfXFonts := OrderedCollection new.
-"/      [stream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-"/          aName := stream nextLine.
-"/          aName notNil ifTrue:[
-"/          self decomposeXFontName:aName into:
-"/                  [:family :face :style :size :coding |
-"/                      family notNil ifTrue:[
-"/                          fntDescr := FontDescription
-"/                                          family:family
-"/                                          face:face
-"/                                          style:style
-"/                                          size:size
-"/                                          encoding:coding.
-"/                          listOfXFonts add:fntDescr
-"/                      ]
-"/                  ]
-"/          ]
-"/      ].
-"/      stream close.
-"/      "if xlsfont is broken ... (hey sco)"
-"/      (listOfXFonts size == 0) ifTrue:[
-"/          listOfXFonts := nil
-"/      ] ifFalse:[
-"/          listOfXFonts sort:[:a :b | a family < b family].
-"/      ].
-	"/
-	"/ new code:
-	"/ use new primitive to get font names;
-	"/ this is much faster, and also works on systems where
-	"/      a) xlsfonts is broken (sco)
-	"/      b) xlsfonts is not available (aix)
-	"/
-	names := self getAvailableFontsMatching:'*'.
-	names isNil ifTrue:[
-	    "no names returned ..."
-	    ^ nil
-	].
-	listOfXFonts := names collect:[:aName |
-				    |fntDescr|
-				    (self decomposeXFontName:aName into:
-					[:family :face :style :size :coding |
-					   family notNil ifTrue:[
-					       fntDescr := FontDescription
-							       family:family
-							       face:face
-							       style:style
-							       size:size
-							       encoding:coding.
-					   ] ifFalse:[
-					       fntDescr := FontDescription
-							       name:aName
-					   ]
-					]
-				    ) ifFalse:[
-					fntDescr := FontDescription name:aName.
-				    ].  
-				    fntDescr
-			    ].
-    ].
-    ^ listOfXFonts
-    "
-     Display listOfAvailableFonts
-    "
-    "Modified: 27.9.1995 / 10:54:47 / stefan"
-    "return an Array filled with font names matching aPattern"
+primCreateBitmapFromArray:anArray width:w height:h
-    int nnames = 1500;
-    int available = nnames + 1;
-    char **fonts;
-    OBJ arr, str;
-    int i;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isString(pattern)) {
-	    for (;;) {
-		fonts = XListFonts(myDpy, __stringVal(pattern), nnames, &available);
-		if ((fonts == NULL) || (available < nnames)) break;
-		XFreeFontNames(fonts);
-		nnames = available * 2;
-	    }
-	    if (fonts == NULL) {
-		RETURN ( nil );
-	    }
-	    /*
-	     * now, that we know the number of font names,
-	     * create the array ...
-	     */
-	    arr = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(available);
-	    if (! arr) {
-		RETURN (nil);
-	    }
-	    /*
-	     * ... and fill it
-	     */
-	    for (i=0; i<available; i++) {
-		PROTECT(arr);
-		str = __MKSTRING(fonts[i] COMMA_CON);
-		UNPROTECT(arr);
-		__ArrayInstPtr(arr)->a_element[i] = str; __STORE(arr, str);
-	    }
-	    RETURN (arr);
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    Pixmap newBitmap;
+    unsigned int b_width, b_height;
+    REGISTER unsigned char *cp;
+    REGISTER unsigned char *pBits;
+    unsigned char *b_bits, *allocatedBits;
+    int index, row;
+    REGISTER int col;
+    unsigned bits;
+    static char reverseBitTable[256];
+    static firstCall = 1;
+    int nBytes;
+    unsigned char fastBits[10000];
+    OBJ num, *op;
+    int bytesPerRow;
+    if (firstCall) {
+	for (index=0; index < 256; index++) {
+	    reverseBitTable[index] = 0;
+	    if (index & 128) reverseBitTable[index] |=   1;
+	    if (index &  64) reverseBitTable[index] |=   2;
+	    if (index &  32) reverseBitTable[index] |=   4;
+	    if (index &  16) reverseBitTable[index] |=   8;
+	    if (index &   8) reverseBitTable[index] |=  16;
+	    if (index &   4) reverseBitTable[index] |=  32;
+	    if (index &   2) reverseBitTable[index] |=  64;
+	    if (index &   1) reverseBitTable[index] |= 128;
-    }
-    ^ nil
-getFontWithFamily:familyString face:faceString
-	    style:styleString size:sizeArg encoding:encodingSym
-    "try to get the specified font, if not available, try next smaller
-     font. Access to X-fonts by name is possible, by passing the X font name
-     as family and the other parameters as nil. For example, the cursor font
-     can be aquired that way."
-    |theSize theName theId xlatedStyle enc|
-    "special: if face is nil, allow access to X-fonts"
-    faceString isNil ifTrue:[
-	sizeArg notNil ifTrue:[
-	    theName := familyString , '-' , sizeArg printString
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    theName := familyString
-	].
-	theName isNil ifTrue:[
-	    "
-	     mhmh - fall back to the default font
-	    "
-	    theName := 'fixed'
-	].
-	theId := self createFontFor:theName.
-	theId isNil ifTrue:[
-	    theId := self getDefaultFont
-	].
-	^ theId
-    ].
-"/ new:
-    xlatedStyle := styleString.
-    xlatedStyle notNil ifTrue:[
-	xlatedStyle := xlatedStyle first asString
-    ].
-    ^ self 
-	getFontWithFoundry:'*'
-	family:familyString asLowercase
-	weight:faceString
-	slant:xlatedStyle
-	spacing:'normal'
-	pixelSize:nil
-	size:sizeArg 
-	registry:'*'
-	encoding:encodingSym.
-"/ old:
-"/    xlatedStyle := styleString.
-"/    "oblique is named italic in times font"
-"/    ((familyString = 'Times') or:[familyString = 'times']) ifTrue:[
-"/        ((styleString = 'Oblique') or:[styleString = 'oblique']) ifTrue:[
-"/            xlatedStyle := 'italic'
-"/        ]
-"/    ].
-"/    (xlatedStyle = 'italic') ifTrue:[
-"/        xlatedStyle := 'i'
-"/    ] ifFalse:[
-"/        (xlatedStyle = 'roman') ifTrue:[
-"/            xlatedStyle := 'r'
-"/        ] ifFalse:[
-"/            (xlatedStyle = 'oblique') ifTrue:[
-"/                xlatedStyle := 'o'
-"/            ]
-"/        ]
-"/    ].
-"/    theId := nil.
-"/    theSize := sizeArg.
-"/    [theId isNil] whileTrue:[
-"/        "this works only on Release >= 3 - X-servers"
-"/        enc := encodingSym.
-"/        enc isNil ifTrue:[
-"/            enc := '*'
-"/        ].
-"/        theName := ('-*-' , familyString ,
-"/                     '-' , faceString ,
-"/                     '-' , xlatedStyle , '-*-*-*-'
-"/                     , theSize printString , '0-*-*-*-*-'
-"/                     , enc , '-*').
-"/Transcript showCr:theName; endEntry.
-"/        theId := self createFontFor:theName.
-"/        theId isNil ifTrue:[
-"/            "could not get the font - try next smaller one"
-"/            theSize := theSize - 1.
-"/            (theSize < (sizeArg // 2)) ifTrue:[
-"/                "thats too much - give up"
-"/                ^ self getDefaultFont
-"/                "^ nil"
-"/            ]
-"/        ]
-"/    ].
-"/    (theSize ~~ sizeArg) ifTrue:[
-"/        Transcript show:'next smaller font: '.
-"/        Transcript showCr:theName
-"/    ].
-"/    ^ theId
-getFontWithFoundry:foundry family:family weight:weight
-	      slant:slant spacing:spc pixelSize:pSize size:size 
-	      registry:registry encoding:encoding
-    "get the specified font, if not available, return nil.
-     This is the new font creation method - all others will be changed to
-     use this entry.
-     Individual attributes can be left empty (i.e. '') or nil to match any.
-     foundry: 'adobe', 'misc', 'dec', 'schumacher' ... usually '*'
-     family:  'helvetica' 'courier' 'times' ...
-     weight:  'bold' 'medium' 'demi' ...
-     slant:   'r(oman)' 'i(talic)' 'o(blique)'
-     spacing: 'narrow' 'normal' semicondensed' ... usually '*'
-     pixelSize: 16,18 ... usually left empty
-     size:      size in point (1/72th of an inch)
-     registry:  iso8859, sgi ... '*'
-    "
-    |theName sMatch|
-    "this works only on 'Release >= 3' - X-servers"
-    "name is:
-	-foundry-family    -weight -slant-
-	 sony    helvetica bold     r
-	 adobe   courier   medium   i
-	 msic    fixed              o
-	 ...     ...
-    "
-    size isNil ifTrue:[sMatch := '*'] ifFalse:[sMatch := size printString , '0'].
-    theName := ('-' , (foundry isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[foundry]),
-		'-' , (family isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[family]),
-		'-' , (weight isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[weight]) ,
-		'-' , (slant isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[slant]) , 
-		'-' , (spc isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[spc]) ,
-		'-*' ,
-		'-' , (pSize isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[pSize printString]),
-		'-' , sMatch ,
-		'-*-*-*-*' ,
-		'-' , (registry isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[registry]) ,
-		'-' , (encoding isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[encoding])).
-"/  Transcript showCr:theName; endEntry.
-    ^ self createFontFor:theName.
-    "
-     Display getFontWithFoundry:'*'
-			 family:'courier'
-			 weight:'medium'
-			  slant:'r'
-			spacing:nil
-		      pixelSize:nil
-			   size:13
-		       registry:'iso8859'
-		       encoding:'*'
-    "
-    "a basic method for X-font allocation; this method allows
-     any font to be aquired (even those not conforming to
-     standard naming conventions, such as cursor, fixed or k14)"
-    XFontStruct *newFont;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isString(aFontName) || __isSymbol(aFontName)) {
-	    newFont = XLoadQueryFont(myDpy, (char *)__stringVal(aFontName));
-	    RETURN ( newFont ? __MKOBJ(newFont) : nil );
+	firstCall = 0;
+    }
+    if (__bothSmallInteger(w, h) && _isNonNilObject(anArray)) {
+	b_width = _intVal(w);
+	b_height = _intVal(h);
+	bytesPerRow = (b_width + 7) / 8;
+	nBytes = b_height * bytesPerRow;
+	if (nBytes < sizeof(fastBits)) {
+	    cp = b_bits = fastBits;
+	    allocatedBits = 0;
+	} else {
+	    cp = b_bits = allocatedBits = (unsigned char *) malloc(nBytes);
+	    if (! cp) goto fail;
-    }
-    ^ nil
-    "return a default font id - used when class Font cannot
-     find anything usable"
-     ^ self createFontFor:'fixed'
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	    f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	    XFreeFont(myDpy, f);
-	    RETURN ( self );
+	if (__qClass(anArray) == Array) {
+	    index = 1;
+	    op = &(_ArrayInstPtr(anArray)->a_element[index - 1]);
+	    for (row = b_height; row; row--) {
+		for (col = bytesPerRow; col; col--) {
+		    num = *op++;
+		    if (! __isSmallInteger(num)) goto fail;
+		    bits = _intVal(num);
+		    *cp++ = reverseBitTable[bits];
+		}
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    if (__qClass(anArray) == ByteArray) {
+		pBits = _ByteArrayInstPtr(anArray)->ba_element;
+		for (col = b_height*bytesPerRow; col; col--) {
+		    *cp++ = reverseBitTable[*pBits++];
+		}
+	    } else {
+		goto fail;
+	    }
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "the normal ascent"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->ascent) );
+	newBitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen),
+					       (char *)b_bits, 
+					       b_width, b_height);
+fail: ;
+	if (allocatedBits)
+	    free(allocatedBits);
+	RETURN ( newBitmap ? __MKOBJ(newBitmap) : nil );
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-    "the normal descent"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->descent) );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->min_bounds.width) );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-    "the max ascent"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->max_bounds.ascent) );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-    "the max descent"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->max_bounds.descent) );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-    "the width of the widest character"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->max_bounds.width) );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-widthOf:aString inFont:aFontId
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    char *cp;
-    int len, n;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	if (__isString(aString) || __isSymbol(aString)) {
-	    n = _stringSize(aString);
-	    cp = (char *)_stringVal(aString);
-	    len = XTextWidth(f, cp, n);
-	    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(len) );
-	}
-	if (__Class(aString) == @global(TwoByteString)) {
-	    n = _byteArraySize(aString) / 2;
-	    cp = (char *) _stringVal(aString);
-	    len = XTextWidth16(f, (XChar2b *)cp, n);
-	    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(len) );
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-widthOf:aString from:index1 to:index2 inFont:aFontId
+    "the name of this method is historic;
+     - it will vanish"
+    |id|
+    id := self realRootWindowId.
+    self addKnownView:aView withId:id.
+    ^ id
+    "return the id of the real root window.
+     This may not be the window you see as background,
+     since some window managers install a virtual root window on top
+     of it. Except for very special cases, use #rootWindowId, which takes
+     care of any virtual root."
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    char *cp;
-    int len, n, i1, i2;
-    if (__bothSmallInteger(index1, index2)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	i1 = _intVal(index1) - 1;
-	i2 = _intVal(index2) - 1;
-	if (__isString(aString) || __isSymbol(aString)) {
-	    cp = (char *) _stringVal(aString);
-	    n = _stringSize(aString);
-	    if ((i1 >= 0) && (i2 >= i1) && (i2 < n)) {
-		cp += i1;
-		len = XTextWidth(f, cp, i2 - i1 + 1);
-	    }
-	}
-	if (__Class(aString) == @global(TwoByteString)) {
-	    cp = (char *) _stringVal(aString);
-	    n = _byteArraySize(aString) / 2;
-	    if ((i1 >= 0) && (i2 >= i1) && (i2 < n)) {
-		cp += (i1 * 2);
-		len = XTextWidth16(f, (XChar2b *)cp, i2 - i1 + 1);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-sizesInFamily:aFamilyName face:aFaceName style:aStyleName
-    "return a set of all available font sizes in aFamily/aFace/aStyle
-     on this display.
-     Redefined to handle X's special case of 0-size (which stands for any)"
-    |sizes|
-    sizes := super sizesInFamily:aFamilyName face:aFaceName style:aStyleName.
-    (sizes notNil and:[sizes includes:0]) ifTrue:[
-	"special: in X11R5 and above, size 0 means:
-	 there are scaled versions in all sizes available"
-	^ #(4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 32 48 64)
-    ].
-    ^ sizes
-    "
-     Display sizesInFamily:'courier' face:'bold' style:'roman'
-    "
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'cursor stuff'!
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    Window root;
+    OBJ id;
+    if (_INST(rootId) != nil) {
+	RETURN (_INST(rootId));
+    }
     if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aCursorId)) {
-	    XFreeCursor(myDpy, _CursorVal(aCursorId));
-	    RETURN ( self );
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-createCursorSourceForm:sourceForm maskForm:maskForm hotX:hx hotY:hy
-    "create a cursor given 2 bitmaps (source, mask) and a hotspot"
-    |id sourceId maskId|
-    displayId isNil ifTrue:[
-	self primitiveFailed.
-	^ nil
-    ].
-    sourceId := sourceForm id.
-    maskId := maskForm id.
-    Cursor newCursor;
-    XColor fgColor, bgColor;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(sourceId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(maskId)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(hx, hy)) {
-	fgColor.red = 0;        /* fg is black */
-	fgColor.green = 0;
-	fgColor.blue = 0;
-	bgColor.red = 0xFFFF;   /* bg is white */
-	bgColor.green = 0xFFFF;
-	bgColor.blue = 0xFFFF;
-	newCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(myDpy,
-				_PixmapVal(sourceId),
-				_PixmapVal(maskId),
-				&fgColor, &bgColor, _intVal(hx), _intVal(hy));
-	if (newCursor != (Cursor)0) {
-	    id = __MKOBJ(newCursor);
+	root = RootWindow(myDpy, screen);
+	if (! root) {
+	    id = nil;
+	} else {
+	    _INST(rootId) = id = __MKOBJ(root); __STORE(self, id);
-    }
-    ^ id
-    "given a shape-symbol, return the corresponding cursor-number"
-    "this is pure X-knowlegde - but you may easily add more"
-    (shape == #upLeftArrow)     ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_top_left_arrow)    %} "132" ].
-    (shape == #upRightHand)     ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_hand1)             %} "58" ].
-    (shape == #upDownArrow)     ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_sb_v_double_arrow) %} "116" ].
-    (shape == #leftRightArrow)  ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_sb_h_double_arrow) %} "108" ].
-    (shape == #upLimitArrow)    ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_top_side)          %} "138" ].
-    (shape == #downLimitArrow)  ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_bottom_side)       %} "16" ].
-    (shape == #leftLimitArrow)  ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_left_side)         %} "70" ].
-    (shape == #rightLimitArrow) ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_right_side)        %} "96" ].
-    (shape == #text)            ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_xterm)             %} "152" ].
-    (shape == #upRightArrow)    ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_draft_large)       %} "44" ].
-    (shape == #leftHand)        ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_hand2)             %} "60" ].
-    (shape == #questionMark)    ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_question_arrow)    %} "92" ].
-    (shape == #cross)           ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_X_cursor)          %} "0" ].
-    (shape == #wait)            ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_watch)             %} "150" ].
-    (shape == #crossHair)       ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_tcross)            %} "130" ].
-    ((shape == #origin)
-    or:[shape == #topLeft])     ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_ul_angle)          %} "144" ].
-    ((shape == #corner)
-    or:[shape == #bottomRight]) ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_lr_angle)          %} "78" ].
-    (shape == #topRight)        ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_ur_angle)          %} "148" ].
-    (shape == #bottomLeft)      ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_ll_angle)          %} "76" ].
-    (shape == #square)          ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_dotbox)            %} "40" ].
-    (shape == #fourWay)         ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_fleur)             %} "52" ].
-    (shape == #crossCursor)     ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_X_cursor)          %} "0" ].
-    ('XWORKSTATION: invalid cursorShape:' , shape printString) errorPrintNL.
-    ^  0
-    "create a cursor given a shape-symbol"
-    |number id|
-    displayId isNil ifTrue:[
-	self primitiveFailed.
-	^ nil
-    ].
-    number := self shapeNumberFromSymbol:aShape.
-    Cursor newCursor;
-    if (__isSmallInteger(number)) {
-	newCursor = XCreateFontCursor(myDpy, _intVal(number));
-	if (newCursor != (Cursor)0) {
-	    id = __MKOBJ(newCursor);
-	}
+	RETURN (id);
+    self primitiveFailed
+    |id|
+    id := self rootWindowId.
+    self addKnownView:aView withId:id.
     ^ id
-colorCursor:aCursorId foreground:fgColor background:bgColor
-    "change a cursors colors"
-    |fgR fgG fgB bgR bgG bgB|
-    fgR := fgColor red.
-    fgG := fgColor green.
-    fgB := fgColor blue.
-    bgR := bgColor red.
-    bgG := bgColor green.
-    bgB := bgColor blue.
-    fgR := self percentToXColorValue:fgR.
-    fgG := self percentToXColorValue:fgG.
-    fgB := self percentToXColorValue:fgB.
-    bgR := self percentToXColorValue:bgR.
-    bgG := self percentToXColorValue:bgG.
-    bgB := self percentToXColorValue:bgB.
-    XColor fgcolor, bgcolor;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aCursorId)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(fgG, fgB)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(bgR, bgG) 
-     && __bothSmallInteger(bgB, fgR)) {
-	fgcolor.red = _intVal(fgR);
-	fgcolor.green= _intVal(fgG);
-	fgcolor.blue = _intVal(fgB);
-	bgcolor.red = _intVal(bgR);
-	bgcolor.green= _intVal(bgG);
-	bgcolor.blue = _intVal(bgB);
-	XRecolorCursor(myDpy, _CursorVal(aCursorId), &fgcolor, &bgcolor);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'grabbing '!
-    "grab the keyboard"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int result, ok;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	result = XGrabKeyboard(myDpy,
-			       _WindowVal(aWindowId),
-			       True /* False */,
-			       GrabModeAsync,
-			       GrabModeAsync,
-			       CurrentTime);
-	ok = 0;
-	switch(result) {
-	    case AlreadyGrabbed: 
-		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab keyboard: AlreadyGrabbed\n");
-		break;
-	    case GrabNotViewable: 
-		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab keyboard: GrabNotViewable\n");
-		break;
-	    case GrabInvalidTime: 
-		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab keyboard: InvalidTime\n");
-		break;
-	    case GrabFrozen: 
-		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab keyboard: Frozen\n");
-		break;
-	    default:
-		ok = 1;
-		break;
-	}
-	if (! ok) {
-	    XUngrabKeyboard(myDpy, CurrentTime);
-	    RETURN (false);
-	}
-	RETURN ( true );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "release the keyboard"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	XUngrabKeyboard(myDpy, CurrentTime);
-	XSync(myDpy, 0);
-    }
-    activeKeyboardGrab := nil
-grabPointerIn:aWindowId withCursor:aCursorId pointerMode:pMode keyboardMode:kMode confineTo:confineId
-    "grap the pointer - return true if ok"
+    "return the id of the root window.
+     This is the window you see as background, 
+     however, it may or may not be the real physical root window,
+     since some window managers install a virtual root window on top
+     of the real one. If this is the case, that views id is returned here."
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int result, ok;
-    Window confineWin;
-    Cursor curs;
-    int pointer_mode, keyboard_mode;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(confineId)) 
-	    confineWin = _WindowVal(confineId);
-	else
-	    confineWin = (Window) None;
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aCursorId)) 
-	    curs = _CursorVal(aCursorId);
-	else
-	    curs = (Cursor) None;
-	if (pMode == @symbol(sync))
-	    pointer_mode = GrabModeSync;
-	else
-	    pointer_mode = GrabModeAsync;
-	if (kMode == @symbol(sync))
-	    keyboard_mode = GrabModeSync;
-	else
-	    keyboard_mode = GrabModeAsync;
-	result = XGrabPointer(myDpy,
-			      _WindowVal(aWindowId), 
-			      False, 
-			      ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask,
-			      pointer_mode, keyboard_mode,
-			      confineWin,
-			      curs,
-			      CurrentTime);
-	ok = 0;
-	switch (result) {
-	    case AlreadyGrabbed: 
-		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab pointer: AlreadyGrabbed\n");
-		break;
-	    case GrabNotViewable: 
-		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab pointer: GrabNotViewable\n");
-		break;
-	    case GrabInvalidTime: 
-		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab pointer: InvalidTime\n");
-		break;
-	    case GrabFrozen: 
-		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab pointer: Frozen\n");
-		break;
-	    default:
-		ok = 1;
-		break;
-	}
-	if (! ok) {
-	    XUngrabPointer(myDpy, CurrentTime);
-	    RETURN (false);
-	}
-	RETURN ( true );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "release the pointer"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    Window rootWin, vRootWin;
+    OBJ id;
+    if (_INST(virtualRootId) != nil) {
+	RETURN (_INST(virtualRootId));
+    }
     if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	vRootWin = rootWin = RootWindow(myDpy, screen);
+#ifndef IRIS
-	XUngrabPointer(myDpy, CurrentTime);
-	XSync(myDpy, 0);
+	/*
+	 * on IRIS, this creates a badwindow error - why ?
+	 * children contains a funny window (000034)
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * care for virtual root windows (tvtwm & friends)
+	 */
+	{
+	    Atom vRootAtom = None;
+	    int i;
+	    Window rootReturn, parentReturn;
+	    Window* children;
+	    unsigned int numChildren;
+	    if (XQueryTree(myDpy, rootWin, 
+			   &rootReturn, &parentReturn, 
+			   &children, &numChildren)) {
+		vRootAtom = XInternAtom(myDpy, "__SWM_VROOT", True );
+		if (vRootAtom != None) {
+		    for (i=0; i < numChildren; i++) {
+			Atom actual_type;
+			int actual_format;
+			unsigned long nitems, bytesafter;
+			Window* newRoot = (Window*) 0;
+			if (children[i]) {
+			    if (XGetWindowProperty(myDpy, children[i], vRootAtom, 
+						     0L, 1L, False, XA_WINDOW,
+						     &actual_type, &actual_format, 
+						     &nitems, &bytesafter,
+						     (unsigned char**) &newRoot
+						   ) == Success && newRoot) {
+				vRootWin = *newRoot;
+				break;
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
+		    if (children) XFree( children );
+		}
+	    }
+	}
-    }
-    activePointerGrab := nil
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int _mode, ok = 1;
-    if (mode == @symbol(asyncPointer))
-	_mode = AsyncPointer;
-    else if (mode == @symbol(syncPointer))
-	_mode = SyncPointer;
-    else if (mode == @symbol(asyncKeyboard))
-	_mode = AsyncKeyboard;
-    else if (mode == @symbol(syncKeyboard))
-	_mode = SyncKeyboard;
-    else if (mode == @symbol(syncBoth))
-	_mode = SyncBoth;
-    else if (mode == @symbol(asyncBoth))
-	_mode = AsyncBoth;
-    else if (mode == @symbol(replayPointer))
-	_mode = ReplayPointer;
-    else if (mode == @symbol(replayKeyboard))
-	_mode = ReplayKeyboard;
-    else
-	ok = 0;
-    if (ok) {
-	XAllowEvents(myDpy, _mode, CurrentTime);
-	RETURN (self);
-    }
+    }
+    /* cannot happen */
+    if (! vRootWin) {
+	vRootWin = rootWin;
+	if (! rootWin) {
+	    RETURN ( nil );
+	}
+    }
+    _INST(rootId) = id = __MKOBJ(rootWin); __STORE(self, id);
+    _INST(virtualRootId) = id = __MKOBJ(vRootWin); __STORE(self, id);
+    RETURN ( id );
-    self primitiveFailed
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'pointer queries '!
-    "return the position in root-window coordinates
-     of the last button, key or pointer event"
-    ^ eventRootX @ eventRootY
-    "return the current pointer position in root-window coordinates"
-    |xpos ypos|
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    Window w;
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    Window rootRet, childRet;
-    int rootX, rootY, winX, winY;
-    unsigned int mask;
-    w = getRootWindow(myDpy, screen);
-    w = RootWindow(dpy, screen);
-    XQueryPointer(dpy, w, &rootRet, &childRet,
-			  &rootX, &rootY,
-			  &winX, &winY,
-			  &mask);
-    xpos = _MKSMALLINT(rootX);
-    ypos = _MKSMALLINT(rootY);
-    ^ xpos @ ypos
-    "return an integer representing the state of the pointer buttons;
-     a one-bit in positions 0.. represent a pressed button"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT*/
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    Window w;
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    Window rootRet, childRet;
-    int rootX, rootY, winX, winY;
-    unsigned int mask;
-    w = getRootWindow(myDpy, screen);
-    w = RootWindow(dpy, screen);
-    XQueryPointer(dpy, w, &rootRet, &childRet,
-			  &rootX, &rootY,
-			  &winX, &winY,
-			  &mask);
-    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(mask));
-    "return an integer for masking out the left button from a
-     buttonStates value"
-    ^ 256
-    "return an integer for masking out the middle button from a
-     buttonStates value"
-    ^ 512
-    "return an integer for masking out the right button from a
-     buttonStates value"
-    ^ 1024
 ! !
 !XWorkstation methodsFor:'color stuff'!
-    "return a list of all available colornames.
-     This should not be used, since colornames are very
-     display-specific (here X-specific)."
-    |aStream list line index colorName|
-    aStream := FileStream readonlyFileNamed:'/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt'.
-    aStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    list := OrderedCollection new.
-    [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-	line := aStream nextLine.
-	line notNil ifTrue:[
-	    "skip the r/g/b numbers"
-	    index := 1.
-	    [(line at:index) isDigit] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
-	    [(line at:index) isSeparator] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
-	    [(line at:index) isDigit] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
-	    [(line at:index) isSeparator] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
-	    [(line at:index) isDigit] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
-	    [(line at:index) isSeparator] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
-	    colorName := line copyFrom:index.
-	    ((colorName occurrencesOf:(Character space)) == 0) ifTrue:[
-		list add:colorName
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].
-    aStream close.
-    ^ list sort
-    "free a display color when its no longer needed"
+    "allocate a color cell - return index.
+     This method will return nil for StaticGrey and StaticGrey displays."
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    unsigned long color;
     int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-#ifdef LATER
-    if (_INST(visualType) == @symbol(TrueColor)) {
-	/* no need to do anything on TrueColor displays ... */
-	RETURN (self);
-    }
-    if (__isSmallInteger(colorIndex) && ISCONNECTED) {
-	color = (long) _intVal(colorIndex);
-	XFreeColors(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), &color, 1, 0L);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "given a color-component value in percent (0..100), return the corresponding
-     x-component value (0..65k) as an integer"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isSmallInteger(aPercentage)) {
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(0xFFFF * _intVal(aPercentage) / 100) );
-    }
-    if (__isFloat(aPercentage)) {
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(0xFFFF * (int)(_floatVal(aPercentage)) / 100) );
+    XColor color;
+    unsigned long dummy;
+    Status ok;
+    ok = XAllocColorCells(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), (Bool)0,
+			       &dummy, 0, &color.pixel, 1);
+    if (ok) {
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(color.pixel) );
-    ^ (16rFFFF * aPercentage / 100) rounded
-colorRed:redVal green:greenVal blue:blueVal
-    "allocate a color with rgb values (0..100) - return index"
-    |r g b|
-    r := self percentToXColorValue:redVal.
-    g := self percentToXColorValue:greenVal.
-    b := self percentToXColorValue:blueVal.
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    XColor ecolor;
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    Status ok;
-    if (__bothSmallInteger(r, g) 
-     && __isSmallInteger(b)
-     && ISCONNECTED) {
-	ecolor.red = _intVal(r);
-	ecolor.green= _intVal(g);
-	ecolor.blue = _intVal(b);
-	ok = XAllocColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), &ecolor);
-	if (! ok) {
-	    RETURN ( nil );
-	}
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(ecolor.pixel) );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
     ^ nil
@@ -4190,28 +1888,195 @@
     ^ nil
-    "allocate a color cell - return index.
-     This method will return nil for StaticGrey and StaticGrey displays."
+colorRed:redVal green:greenVal blue:blueVal
+    "allocate a color with rgb values (0..100) - return index"
+    |r g b|
+    r := self percentToXColorValue:redVal.
+    g := self percentToXColorValue:greenVal.
+    b := self percentToXColorValue:blueVal.
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    XColor ecolor;
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    Status ok;
+    if (__bothSmallInteger(r, g) 
+     && __isSmallInteger(b)
+     && ISCONNECTED) {
+	ecolor.red = _intVal(r);
+	ecolor.green= _intVal(g);
+	ecolor.blue = _intVal(b);
+	ok = XAllocColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), &ecolor);
+	if (! ok) {
+	    RETURN ( nil );
+	}
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(ecolor.pixel) );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+    "free a display color when its no longer needed"
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    unsigned long color;
     int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    XColor color;
-    unsigned long dummy;
-    Status ok;
-    ok = XAllocColorCells(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), (Bool)0,
-			       &dummy, 0, &color.pixel, 1);
-    if (ok) {
-	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(color.pixel) );
+#ifdef LATER
+    if (_INST(visualType) == @symbol(TrueColor)) {
+	/* no need to do anything on TrueColor displays ... */
+	RETURN (self);
+    }
+    if (__isSmallInteger(colorIndex) && ISCONNECTED) {
+	color = (long) _intVal(colorIndex);
+	XFreeColors(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), &color, 1, 0L);
+	RETURN ( self );
-    ^ nil
+    self primitiveFailed
+getRGBFrom:index into:aBlock
+    "get rgb components (0..100) of color in map at:index,
+     and evaluate the 3-arg block, aBlock with them"
+    |r g b|
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    XColor color;
+    double fr, fg, fb;
+    double floor();
+    int bits, scale, shift;
+    if (__isSmallInteger(index)) {
+	color.pixel = _intVal(index);
+	XQueryColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), &color);
+	/* scale to 0..100 and round to the first decimal */
+	/* 
+	 * have to compensate for an error in X ?, which does not scale
+	 * colors correctly if lesser than 16bits are valid in a color,
+	 * (for example, color white on a 4bitsPerRGB server will return
+	 * (16rF000 16rF000 16rF000) instead of (16rFFFF 16rFFFF 16rFFFF)
+	 */
+	bits = _intVal(_INST(bitsPerRGB));
+	scale = (1<<bits) - 1;
+	shift = 16 - bits;
+	fr = floor( ( ((double)(color.red>>shift) * 1000.0) / scale) + 0.5) / 10.0;
+	fg = floor( ( ((double)(color.green>>shift) * 1000.0) / scale) + 0.5) / 10.0;
+	fb = floor( ( ((double)(color.blue>>shift) * 1000.0) / scale) + 0.5) / 10.0;
+    }
+    aBlock value:r value:g value:b
+getRGBFromName:colorName into:aBlock
+    "get rgb components (0..100) of color named colorName,
+     and evaluate the 3-arg block, aBlock with them"
+    |r g b|
+    displayId isNil ifTrue:[
+	self pimitiveFailed.
+	^ nil
+    ].
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    XColor color;
+    double fr, fg, fb;
+    double floor();
+    if (__isString(colorName) || __isSymbol(colorName)) {
+	if (XParseColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), 
+			     (char *)_stringVal(colorName), &color)) {
+	    /* 
+	     * scale to 0..100 and round to the first decimal
+	     */
+	    fr = floor( ((((double)color.red) * 1000.0) / 0xFFFF) + 0.5) / 10.0;
+	    fg = floor( ((((double)color.green) * 1000.0) / 0xFFFF) + 0.5) / 10.0;
+	    fb = floor( ((((double)color.blue) * 1000.0) / 0xFFFF) + 0.5) / 10.0;
+	    r = _MKFLOAT(fr COMMA_CON);
+	    g = _MKFLOAT(fg COMMA_CON);
+	    b = _MKFLOAT(fb COMMA_CON);
+	}
+    }
+    aBlock value:r value:g value:b
+    "return a list of all available colornames.
+     This should not be used, since colornames are very
+     display-specific (here X-specific)."
+    |aStream list line index colorName|
+    aStream := FileStream readonlyFileNamed:'/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt'.
+    aStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    list := OrderedCollection new.
+    [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+	line := aStream nextLine.
+	line notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "skip the r/g/b numbers"
+	    index := 1.
+	    [(line at:index) isDigit] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
+	    [(line at:index) isSeparator] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
+	    [(line at:index) isDigit] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
+	    [(line at:index) isSeparator] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
+	    [(line at:index) isDigit] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
+	    [(line at:index) isSeparator] whileTrue:[index := index + 1].
+	    colorName := line copyFrom:index.
+	    ((colorName occurrencesOf:(Character space)) == 0) ifTrue:[
+		list add:colorName
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    aStream close.
+    ^ list sort
+    "given a color-component value in percent (0..100), return the corresponding
+     x-component value (0..65k) as an integer"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isSmallInteger(aPercentage)) {
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(0xFFFF * _intVal(aPercentage) / 100) );
+    }
+    if (__isFloat(aPercentage)) {
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(0xFFFF * (int)(_floatVal(aPercentage)) / 100) );
+    }
+    ^ (16rFFFF * aPercentage / 100) rounded
 setColor:index red:redVal green:greenVal blue:blueVal
@@ -4260,1423 +2125,169 @@
     self primitiveFailed
-getRGBFromName:colorName into:aBlock
-    "get rgb components (0..100) of color named colorName,
-     and evaluate the 3-arg block, aBlock with them"
-    |r g b|
-    displayId isNil ifTrue:[
-	self pimitiveFailed.
-	^ nil
-    ].
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'cursor stuff'!
+colorCursor:aCursorId foreground:fgColor background:bgColor
+    "change a cursors colors"
+    |fgR fgG fgB bgR bgG bgB|
+    fgR := fgColor red.
+    fgG := fgColor green.
+    fgB := fgColor blue.
+    bgR := bgColor red.
+    bgG := bgColor green.
+    bgB := bgColor blue.
+    fgR := self percentToXColorValue:fgR.
+    fgG := self percentToXColorValue:fgG.
+    fgB := self percentToXColorValue:fgB.
+    bgR := self percentToXColorValue:bgR.
+    bgG := self percentToXColorValue:bgG.
+    bgB := self percentToXColorValue:bgB.
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    XColor color;
-    double fr, fg, fb;
-    double floor();
-    if (__isString(colorName) || __isSymbol(colorName)) {
-	if (XParseColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), 
-			     (char *)_stringVal(colorName), &color)) {
-	    /* 
-	     * scale to 0..100 and round to the first decimal
-	     */
-	    fr = floor( ((((double)color.red) * 1000.0) / 0xFFFF) + 0.5) / 10.0;
-	    fg = floor( ((((double)color.green) * 1000.0) / 0xFFFF) + 0.5) / 10.0;
-	    fb = floor( ((((double)color.blue) * 1000.0) / 0xFFFF) + 0.5) / 10.0;
-	    r = _MKFLOAT(fr COMMA_CON);
-	    g = _MKFLOAT(fg COMMA_CON);
-	    b = _MKFLOAT(fb COMMA_CON);
-	}
-    }
-    aBlock value:r value:g value:b
-getRGBFrom:index into:aBlock
-    "get rgb components (0..100) of color in map at:index,
-     and evaluate the 3-arg block, aBlock with them"
-    |r g b|
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
-    XColor color;
-    double fr, fg, fb;
-    double floor();
-    int bits, scale, shift;
-    if (__isSmallInteger(index)) {
-	color.pixel = _intVal(index);
+    XColor fgcolor, bgcolor;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aCursorId)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(fgG, fgB)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(bgR, bgG) 
+     && __bothSmallInteger(bgB, fgR)) {
+	fgcolor.red = _intVal(fgR);
+	fgcolor.green= _intVal(fgG);
+	fgcolor.blue = _intVal(fgB);
+	bgcolor.red = _intVal(bgR);
+	bgcolor.green= _intVal(bgG);
+	bgcolor.blue = _intVal(bgB);
-	XQueryColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, screen), &color);
-	/* scale to 0..100 and round to the first decimal */
-	/* 
-	 * have to compensate for an error in X ?, which does not scale
-	 * colors correctly if lesser than 16bits are valid in a color,
-	 * (for example, color white on a 4bitsPerRGB server will return
-	 * (16rF000 16rF000 16rF000) instead of (16rFFFF 16rFFFF 16rFFFF)
-	 */
-	bits = _intVal(_INST(bitsPerRGB));
-	scale = (1<<bits) - 1;
-	shift = 16 - bits;
-	fr = floor( ( ((double)(color.red>>shift) * 1000.0) / scale) + 0.5) / 10.0;
-	fg = floor( ( ((double)(color.green>>shift) * 1000.0) / scale) + 0.5) / 10.0;
-	fb = floor( ( ((double)(color.blue>>shift) * 1000.0) / scale) + 0.5) / 10.0;
-    }
-    aBlock value:r value:g value:b
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'window stuff'!
-setBackingStore:how in:aWindowId
-    "turn on/off backing-store for a window"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XSetWindowAttributes wa;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	if (_INST(ignoreBackingStore) != true) {
-	    if (how == @symbol(always)) wa.backing_store = Always;
-	    else if (how == @symbol(whenMapped)) wa.backing_store = WhenMapped;
-	    else if (how == true) wa.backing_store = Always;
-	    else wa.backing_store = 0;
-	    XChangeWindowAttributes(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), CWBackingStore, &wa);
-	}
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setBitGravity:how in:aWindowId
-    "set bit gravity for a window"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XSetWindowAttributes wa;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	if (how == @symbol(NorthWest)) {
-	    wa.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(NorthEast)) {
-	    wa.bit_gravity = NorthEastGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(SouthWest)) {
-	    wa.bit_gravity = SouthWestGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(SouthEast)) {
-	    wa.bit_gravity = SouthEastGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(Center)) {
-	    wa.bit_gravity = CenterGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(North)) {
-	    wa.bit_gravity = NorthGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(South)) {
-	    wa.bit_gravity = SouthGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(West)) {
-	    wa.bit_gravity = WestGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(East)) {
-	    wa.bit_gravity = EastGravity;
-	} else {
-	    wa.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
-	}
-	XChangeWindowAttributes(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), CWBitGravity, &wa);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowGravity:how in:aWindowId
-    "set window gravity for a window"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XSetWindowAttributes wa;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	if (how == @symbol(NorthWest)) {
-	    wa.win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(NorthEast)) {
-	    wa.win_gravity = NorthEastGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(SouthWest)) {
-	    wa.win_gravity = SouthWestGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(SouthEast)) {
-	    wa.win_gravity = SouthEastGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(Center)) {
-	    wa.win_gravity = CenterGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(North)) {
-	    wa.win_gravity = NorthGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(South)) {
-	    wa.win_gravity = SouthGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(West)) {
-	    wa.win_gravity = WestGravity;
-	} else if (how == @symbol(East)) {
-	    wa.win_gravity = EastGravity;
-	} else {
-	    wa.win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
-	}
-	XChangeWindowAttributes(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), CWWinGravity, &wa);
+	XRecolorCursor(myDpy, _CursorVal(aCursorId), &fgcolor, &bgcolor);
 	RETURN ( self );
-    self primitiveFailed
-setSaveUnder:yesOrNo in:aWindowId
-    "turn on/off save-under for a window"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XSetWindowAttributes wa;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	if (_INST(hasSaveUnder) == true) {
-	    wa.save_under = (yesOrNo == true) ? 1 : 0;
-	    XChangeWindowAttributes(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), CWSaveUnder, &wa);
-	}
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowBackground:aColorIndex in:aWindowId
-    "set the windows background color. This is the color with which
-     the view is filled whenever exposed. Do not confuse this with
-     the background drawing color, which is used with opaque drawing."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isSmallInteger(aColorIndex)) {
-	XSetWindowBackground(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _intVal(aColorIndex));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowBackgroundPixmap:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
-    "set the windows background pattern to be a form.
-     This is the pattern with which the view is filled whenever exposed. 
-     Do not confuse this with the background drawing color, which is used 
-     with opaque drawing."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aPixmapId)) {
-	XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _PixmapVal(aPixmapId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowBorderColor:aColorIndex in:aWindowId
-    "set the windows border color"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isSmallInteger(aColorIndex)) {
-	XSetWindowBorder(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _intVal(aColorIndex));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowBorderPixmap:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
-    "set the windows border pattern"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aPixmapId)) {
-	XSetWindowBorderPixmap(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _PixmapVal(aPixmapId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowBorderWidth:aNumber in:aWindowId
-    "set the windows border width"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isSmallInteger(aNumber)) {
-	XSetWindowBorderWidth(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _intVal(aNumber));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowBorderShape:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
-    "set the windows border shape"
-    hasShapeExtension ifFalse:[^ self].
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-#ifdef SHAPE
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aPixmapId)) {
-	XShapeCombineMask(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), ShapeBounding,
-			  0, 0, _PixmapVal(aPixmapId), ShapeSet);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowShape:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
-    "set the windows shape"
-    hasShapeExtension ifFalse:[^ self].
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-#ifdef SHAPE
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aPixmapId)) {
-	XShapeCombineMask(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), ShapeClip,
-			  0, 0,
-			  _PixmapVal(aPixmapId), ShapeSet);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setCursor:aCursorId in:aWindowId
-    "define a windows cursor"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aCursorId)) {
-	XDefineCursor(dpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _CursorVal(aCursorId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowName:aString in:aWindowId
-    "define a windows name"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && (__isString(aString) || __isSymbol(aString))) {
-	XStoreName(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), (char *)_stringVal(aString));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setIconName:aString in:aWindowId
-    "define a windows iconname"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && (__isString(aString) || __isSymbol(aString))) {
-	XSetIconName(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), (char *)_stringVal(aString));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowIcon:aForm in:aWindowId
-    "define a bitmap to be used as icon"
-    |iconId|
-    aForm notNil ifTrue:[
-	iconId := aForm id
-    ].
-    if (__isExternalAddress(iconId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	XWMHints hints;
-	hints.icon_pixmap = _PixmapVal(iconId);
-	hints.flags = IconPixmapHint;
-	XSetWMHints(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), &hints);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setWindowIconWindow:aView in:aWindowId
-    "define a window to be used as icon"
-    |iconWindowId|
-    aView notNil ifTrue:[
-	iconWindowId := aView id
-    ].
-    if (__isExternalAddress(iconWindowId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	XWMHints wmhints;
-	wmhints.icon_window = _WindowVal(iconWindowId);
-	wmhints.flags = IconWindowHint;
-	XSetWMHints(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), &wmhints);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setTransient:aWindowId for:aMainWindowId
-    "set aWindowId to be a transient of aMainWindow"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aMainWindowId)) {
-	XSetTransientForHint(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId),
-				    _WindowVal(aMainWindowId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "clear a window to viewbackground"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	XClearWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-clearRectangleX:x y:y width:width height:height in:aWindowId
-    "clear a rectangular area to viewbackground"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int w, h;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(width, height)) {
-	w = _intVal(width);
-	h = _intVal(height);
-	if (w < 0) w = 0;
-	if (h < 0) h = 0;
-	XClearArea(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _intVal(x), _intVal(y), w, h, 0);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-mapView:aView id:aWindowId iconified:aBoolean atX:xPos y:yPos width:w height:h
-    "make a window visible - either as icon or as a real view - needed for restart"
-    |wicon wiconId wiconView wiconViewId wlabel|
-    aBoolean ifTrue:[
-	wicon := aView icon.
-	wicon notNil ifTrue:[
-	    wiconId := wicon id
-	].
-	wiconView := aView iconView.
-	wiconView notNil ifTrue:[
-	    wiconViewId := wiconView id
-	].
-	wlabel := aView label.
-    ].
-    XWMHints wmhints;
-    XSizeHints szhints;
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    Window win;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	win = _WindowVal(aWindowId);
-	szhints.flags = 0;
-	if (__bothSmallInteger(xPos, yPos)) {
-	    szhints.x = _intVal(xPos);
-	    szhints.y = _intVal(yPos);
-	    szhints.flags |= USPosition;
-	}
-	if (__bothSmallInteger(w, h)) {
-	    szhints.width = _intVal(w);
-	    szhints.height = _intVal(h);
-	    szhints.flags |= USSize;
-	}
-	if (aBoolean == true) {
-	    char *windowName;
-	    Pixmap iconBitmap = (Pixmap)0;
-	    Window iconWindow;
-	    if (__isExternalAddress(wiconId))
-		iconBitmap = _PixmapVal(wiconId);
-	    else
-		iconBitmap = (Pixmap)0;
-	    if (__isExternalAddress(wiconViewId))
-		iconWindow = _WindowVal(wiconViewId);
-	    else
-		iconWindow = (Window)0;
-	    if (__isString(wlabel) || __isSymbol(wlabel))
-		windowName = (char *)_stringVal(wlabel);
-	    else
-		windowName = "";
-	    if (iconBitmap || windowName) {
-		XSetStandardProperties(dpy, win,
-					windowName, windowName,
-					iconBitmap,
-					0, 0, &szhints);
-	    }
-	    wmhints.flags = 0;
-	    if (iconBitmap) {
-		wmhints.flags |= IconPixmapHint;
-		wmhints.icon_pixmap = iconBitmap;
-	    }
-	    if (iconWindow) {
-		wmhints.flags |= IconWindowHint;
-		wmhints.icon_window = iconWindow;
-	    }
-	    wmhints.initial_state = IconicState;
-	    wmhints.flags |= StateHint;
-	    XSetWMHints(dpy, win, &wmhints);
-	}
-	if (szhints.flags) {
-	    XSetNormalHints(dpy, win, &szhints);
-	}
-	XMapWindow(dpy, win);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "make a window visible"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	XMapWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "make a window invisible"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	XUnmapWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "bring a window to front"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	XRaiseWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "bring a window to back"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	XLowerWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-moveWindow:aWindowId x:x y:y
-    "move a window"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId) && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
-	XMoveWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _intVal(x), _intVal(y));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-resizeWindow:aWindowId width:w height:h
-    "resize a window"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int newWidth, newHeight;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId) && __bothSmallInteger(w, h)) {
-	newWidth = _intVal(w);
-	newHeight = _intVal(h);
-	if (newWidth < 1) newWidth = 1;
-	if (newHeight < 1) newHeight = 1;
-	XResizeWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), newWidth, newHeight);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-moveResizeWindow:aWindowId x:x y:y width:w height:h
-    "move and resize a window"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int newWidth, newHeight;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(w, h)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
-	newWidth = _intVal(w);
-	newHeight = _intVal(h);
-	if (newWidth < 1) newWidth = 1;
-	if (newHeight < 1) newHeight = 1;
-	XMoveResizeWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId),
-			      _intVal(x), _intVal(y),
-			      newWidth, newHeight);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
     self primitiveFailed
-configureWindow:aWindowId sibling:siblingId stackMode:modeSymbol
-    "configure stacking operation of aWindowId w.r.t siblingId"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XWindowChanges chg;
-    int mask = CWSibling | CWStackMode;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(siblingId)) {
-	if (modeSymbol == @symbol(above)) {
-	    chg.stack_mode = Above;
-	} else if (modeSymbol == @symbol(below)) {
-	    chg.stack_mode = Below;
-	} else if (modeSymbol == @symbol(topIf)) {
-	    chg.stack_mode = TopIf;
-	} else if (modeSymbol == @symbol(bottomIf)) {
-	    chg.stack_mode = BottomIf;
-	} else if (modeSymbol == @symbol(opposite)) {
-	    chg.stack_mode = Opposite;
-	} else {
-	    mask = CWSibling;
-	}
-	chg.sibling = _WindowVal(siblingId);
-	XConfigureWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId),
-				mask, &chg);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-bad: ;
-    self primitiveFailed
-! !
-!XWorkstation ignoredMethodsFor:'window stuff'!
-    "iconify a topView"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
-	XWMHints wmhints;
-	wmhints.initial_state = IconicState;
-	wmhints.flags |= StateHint;
-	XSetWMHints(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), &wmhints);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'graphic context stuff'!
-setForeground:fgColorIndex in:aGCId
-    "set foreground color to be drawn with"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __isSmallInteger(fgColorIndex)) {
-	XSetForeground(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCId), _intVal(fgColorIndex));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setBackground:bgColorIndex in:aGCId
-    "set background color to be drawn with"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __isSmallInteger(bgColorIndex)) {
-	XSetBackground(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCId), _intVal(bgColorIndex));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setForeground:fgColorIndex background:bgColorIndex in:aGCId
-    "set foreground and background colors to be drawn with"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    if (__bothSmallInteger(fgColorIndex, bgColorIndex)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
-	XSetForeground(dpy, gc, _intVal(fgColorIndex));
-	XSetBackground(dpy, gc, _intVal(bgColorIndex));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setForeground:fgColor background:bgColor mask:aBitmapId in:aGCId
-    "set foreground and background colors to be drawn with using mask or
-     solid (if aBitmapId is nil)"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
-	if (__isSmallInteger(fgColor))
-	    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, _intVal(fgColor));
-	if (__isSmallInteger(bgColor))
-	    XSetBackground(dpy, gc, _intVal(bgColor));
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aBitmapId)) {
-	    XSetStipple(dpy, gc, _PixmapVal(aBitmapId));
-	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
-	    RETURN ( self );
-	}
-	if (aBitmapId == nil) {
-	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
-	    RETURN ( self );
+    "create a cursor given a shape-symbol"
+    |number id|
+    displayId isNil ifTrue:[
+	self primitiveFailed.
+	^ nil
+    ].
+    number := self shapeNumberFromSymbol:aShape.
+    Cursor newCursor;
+    if (__isSmallInteger(number)) {
+	newCursor = XCreateFontCursor(myDpy, _intVal(number));
+	if (newCursor != (Cursor)0) {
+	    id = __MKOBJ(newCursor);
-    self primitiveFailed
-setLineWidth:aNumber style:lineStyle cap:capStyle join:joinStyle in:aGCId
-    "set line attributes"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int x_style, x_cap, x_join;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __isSmallInteger(aNumber)) {
-	if (lineStyle == @symbol(solid)) x_style = LineSolid;
-	else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashed)) x_style = LineOnOffDash;
-	else if (lineStyle == @symbol(doubleDashed)) x_style = LineDoubleDash;
-	else  goto bad;
-	if (capStyle == @symbol(notLast)) x_cap = CapNotLast;
-	else if (capStyle == @symbol(butt)) x_cap = CapButt;
-	else if (capStyle == @symbol(round)) x_cap  = CapRound;
-	else if (capStyle == @symbol(projecting)) x_cap  = CapProjecting;
-	else  goto bad;
-	if (joinStyle == @symbol(miter)) x_join = JoinMiter;
-	else if (joinStyle == @symbol(bevel)) x_join = JoinBevel;
-	else if (joinStyle == @symbol(round)) x_join  = JoinRound;
-	else  goto bad;
-	XSetLineAttributes(myDpy,
-			   _GCVal(aGCId), _intVal(aNumber),
-			   x_style, x_cap, x_join);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-bad: ;
-    "
-     either aGCId is invalid,
-     and/or lineStyle is none of #solid, #dashed, #doubleDashed
-     and/or capStyle is none of #notLast, #butt, #round, #projecting
-     and/or joinStyle is none of #miter, #bevel, #round
-    "
-    self primitiveFailed
-setForeground:fgColor background:bgColor mask:aBitmapId lineWidth:lw in:aGCId
-    "set foreground and background colors to be drawn with using mask or
-     solid (if aBitmapId is nil); also set lineWidth"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
-	if (__isSmallInteger(lw)) {
-	    XSetLineAttributes(dpy, gc, _intVal(lw),
-				    LineSolid, CapNotLast, JoinMiter);
-	}
-	if (__isSmallInteger(fgColor))
-	    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, _intVal(fgColor));
-	if (__isSmallInteger(bgColor))
-	    XSetBackground(dpy, gc, _intVal(bgColor));
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aBitmapId)) {
-	    XSetStipple(dpy, gc, _PixmapVal(aBitmapId));
-	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
-	    RETURN ( self );
-	}
-	if (aBitmapId == nil) {
-	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
-	    RETURN ( self );
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setFunction:aFunctionSymbol in:aGCId
-    "set alu function to be drawn with"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    int fun = -1;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
-	if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(copy)) fun = GXcopy;
-	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(copyInverted)) fun = GXcopyInverted;
-	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(xor)) fun = GXxor;
-	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(and)) fun = GXand;
-	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(andReverse)) fun = GXandReverse;
-	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(andInverted)) fun = GXandInverted;
-	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(or)) fun = GXor;
-	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(orReverse)) fun = GXorReverse;
-	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(orInverted)) fun = GXorInverted;
-	if (fun != -1) {
-	    XSetFunction(myDpy, gc, fun);
-	    RETURN ( self );
+    ^ id
+createCursorSourceForm:sourceForm maskForm:maskForm hotX:hx hotY:hy
+    "create a cursor given 2 bitmaps (source, mask) and a hotspot"
+    |id sourceId maskId|
+    displayId isNil ifTrue:[
+	self primitiveFailed.
+	^ nil
+    ].
+    sourceId := sourceForm id.
+    maskId := maskForm id.
+    Cursor newCursor;
+    XColor fgColor, bgColor;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(sourceId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(maskId)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(hx, hy)) {
+	fgColor.red = 0;        /* fg is black */
+	fgColor.green = 0;
+	fgColor.blue = 0;
+	bgColor.red = 0xFFFF;   /* bg is white */
+	bgColor.green = 0xFFFF;
+	bgColor.blue = 0xFFFF;
+	newCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(myDpy,
+				_PixmapVal(sourceId),
+				_PixmapVal(maskId),
+				&fgColor, &bgColor, _intVal(hx), _intVal(hy));
+	if (newCursor != (Cursor)0) {
+	    id = __MKOBJ(newCursor);
-    "
-     either aGCId is not an integer, or an invalid symbol
-     was passed ... valid functions are #copy, #copyInverted, #xor, #and, #andReverse,
-     #andInverted, #or, #orReverse, #orInverted. See Xlib documentation for more details.
-    "
-    self primitiveFailed
-setFont:aFontId in:aGCId
-    "set font to be drawn in"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
-	f = (XFontStruct *) _FontVal(aFontId);
-	XSetFont(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCId), f->fid);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    "
-     aGCId and/or aFontId are invalid
-    "
-    self primitiveFailed
-setPixmapMask:aPixmapId in:aGCId
-    "set or clear the drawing mask - a pixmap mask providing full color"
+    ^ id
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    Pixmap pixmap;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aPixmapId)) {
-	    pixmap = _PixmapVal(aPixmapId);
-	    XSetTile(dpy, gc, pixmap);
-	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillTiled);
-	    RETURN ( self );
-	}
-	if (aPixmapId == nil) {
-	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
-	    RETURN ( self );
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setBitmapMask:aBitmapId in:aGCId
-    "set or clear the drawing mask - a bitmap mask using current fg/bg"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    Pixmap bitmap;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aBitmapId)) {
-	    bitmap = _PixmapVal(aBitmapId);
-	    XSetStipple(dpy, gc, bitmap);
-	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
-	    RETURN ( self );
-	}
-	if (aBitmapId == nil) {
-	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aCursorId)) {
+	    XFreeCursor(myDpy, _CursorVal(aCursorId));
 	    RETURN ( self );
-    self primitiveFailed
-setMaskOriginX:orgX y:orgY in:aGCid
-    "set the mask origin"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__bothSmallInteger(orgX, orgY) && __isExternalAddress(aGCid)) {
-	XSetTSOrigin(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCid), _intVal(orgX), _intVal(orgY));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setClipByChildren:aBool in:aGCId
-    "enable/disable drawing into child views"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XGCValues gcv;
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
-	if (aBool == true)
-	    gcv.subwindow_mode = ClipByChildren;
-	else
-	    gcv.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
-	XChangeGC(myDpy, gc, GCSubwindowMode, &gcv);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "disable clipping rectangle"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XGCValues gcv;
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
-	gcv.clip_mask = None;
-	XChangeGC(myDpy, gc, GCClipMask, &gcv);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setClipX:clipX y:clipY width:clipWidth height:clipHeight in:aGCId
-    "clip to a rectangle"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XRectangle r;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(clipX, clipY)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(clipWidth, clipHeight)) {
-	r.x = _intVal(clipX);
-	r.y = _intVal(clipY);
-	r.width = _intVal(clipWidth);
-	r.height = _intVal(clipHeight);
-	XSetClipRectangles(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCId), 0, 0, &r, 1, Unsorted);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-setGraphicsExposures:aBoolean in:aGCId
-    "set or clear the graphics exposures flag"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
-	XSetGraphicsExposures(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCId), (aBoolean==true)?1:0);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
     self primitiveFailed
-! !
-!XWorkstation methodsFor:'retrieving pixels'!
-getPixelX:x y:y from:aDrawableId
-    "return the pixel value at x/y; coordinates start at 0/0 for the upper left."
-    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
-    XImage *img;
-    int ret;
-    int xpos, ypos;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId) && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
-	xpos = _intVal(x);
-	ypos = _intVal(y);
-	if ((xpos < 0) || (ypos < 0)) {
-	    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(0) );
-	}
-	img = XGetImage(myDpy, win, xpos, ypos, 1, 1, (unsigned)~0, ZPixmap);
-	ret = XGetPixel(img, 0, 0);
-	XDestroyImage(img);
-    }
-    ^ nil
-getBitsFrom:aDrawableId x:srcx y:srcy width:w height:h into:imageBits
-    "get bits from a drawable into the imageBits. The storage for the bits
-     must be big enough for the data to fit. If ok, returns an array with some
-     info and the bits in imageBits. The info contains the depth, bitOrder and
-     number of bytes per scanline. The number of bytes per scanline is not known
-     in advance, since the X-server is free to return whatever it thinks is a good padding."
-    |info|
-    ((w <= 0) or:[h <= 0]) ifTrue:[
-	self primitiveFailed.
-	^ nil
-    ].
-    info := Array with:nil "depth"
-		  with:nil "bit order"
-		  with:nil "bytes_per_line"
-		  with:nil "byte_order".
-    "/ had to extract the getPixel call into a separate method, to specify
-    "/ unlimitedStack (some implementations use alloca and require huge amounts
-    "/ of temporary stack space
-    (self primGetBitsFrom:aDrawableId x:srcx y:srcy width:w height:h into:imageBits infoInfo:info) ifTrue:[
-	^ info
-    ].
-    "
-     some error occured - either args are not smallintegers, imageBits is not a ByteArray
-     or is too small to hold the bits
-    "
-    ^ self primitiveFailed
-primGetBitsFrom:aDrawableId x:srcx y:srcy width:w height:h into:imageBits infoInfo:info
-    "since XGetImage may allocate huge amount of stack space 
-     (some implementations use alloca), this must run with unlimited stack."
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
-    XImage *image = (XImage *)0;
-    int pad, bytes_per_line, numBytes;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(srcx, srcy)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(w, h)
-     && __isArray(info)
-     && __isByteArray(imageBits)) {
-	image = XGetImage(dpy, win, _intVal(srcx), _intVal(srcy),
-				    _intVal(w), _intVal(h),
-				    (unsigned)AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
-	pad = image->bitmap_pad;
-	printf("pad:%d depth:%d\n", image->bitmap_pad, image->depth);
-	switch (image->depth) {
-	    case 1:
-	    case 2:
-	    case 4:
-	    case 8:
-	    case 16:
-	    case 24:
-	    case 32:
-		numBytes = image->bytes_per_line * image->height;
-		break;
-	    default:
-		/* unsupported depth */
-		printf("unsupported depth:%d in primGetBits\n", image->depth);
-		goto fail;
-	}
-	printf("bytes need:%d bytes given:%d\n", numBytes, _byteArraySize(imageBits));
-	if (numBytes > _byteArraySize(imageBits)) {
-	    /* imageBits too small */
-	    goto fail;
-	}
-	if (image->bitmap_bit_order == MSBFirst)
-	    _ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[0] = @symbol(msbFirst);
-	else
-	    _ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[0] = @symbol(lsbFirst);
-	_ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[1] = _MKSMALLINT(image->depth);
-	_ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[2] = _MKSMALLINT(image->bytes_per_line);
-	if (image->byte_order == MSBFirst)
-	    _ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[3] = @symbol(msbFirst);
-	else
-	    _ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[3] = @symbol(lsbFirst);
-	bcopy(image->data, _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element, numBytes);
-	XDestroyImage(image);
-	RETURN ( true );
-    }
-    if (image) {
-	XDestroyImage(image);
-    }
-    ^ false
+    "given a shape-symbol, return the corresponding cursor-number"
+    "this is pure X-knowlegde - but you may easily add more"
+    (shape == #upLeftArrow)     ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_top_left_arrow)    %} "132" ].
+    (shape == #upRightHand)     ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_hand1)             %} "58" ].
+    (shape == #upDownArrow)     ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_sb_v_double_arrow) %} "116" ].
+    (shape == #leftRightArrow)  ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_sb_h_double_arrow) %} "108" ].
+    (shape == #upLimitArrow)    ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_top_side)          %} "138" ].
+    (shape == #downLimitArrow)  ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_bottom_side)       %} "16" ].
+    (shape == #leftLimitArrow)  ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_left_side)         %} "70" ].
+    (shape == #rightLimitArrow) ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_right_side)        %} "96" ].
+    (shape == #text)            ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_xterm)             %} "152" ].
+    (shape == #upRightArrow)    ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_draft_large)       %} "44" ].
+    (shape == #leftHand)        ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_hand2)             %} "60" ].
+    (shape == #questionMark)    ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_question_arrow)    %} "92" ].
+    (shape == #cross)           ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_X_cursor)          %} "0" ].
+    (shape == #wait)            ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_watch)             %} "150" ].
+    (shape == #crossHair)       ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_tcross)            %} "130" ].
+    ((shape == #origin)
+    or:[shape == #topLeft])     ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_ul_angle)          %} "144" ].
+    ((shape == #corner)
+    or:[shape == #bottomRight]) ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_lr_angle)          %} "78" ].
+    (shape == #topRight)        ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_ur_angle)          %} "148" ].
+    (shape == #bottomLeft)      ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_ll_angle)          %} "76" ].
+    (shape == #square)          ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_dotbox)            %} "40" ].
+    (shape == #fourWay)         ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_fleur)             %} "52" ].
+    (shape == #crossCursor)     ifTrue:[ ^ %{ __MKSMALLINT(XC_X_cursor)          %} "0" ].
+    ('XWORKSTATION: invalid cursorShape:' , shape printString) errorPrintNL.
+    ^  0
 ! !
 !XWorkstation methodsFor:'drawing'!
-displayString:aString x:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId opaque:opaque 
-    "draw a string - if opaque is false, draw foreground only; otherwise, draw both
-     foreground and background characters.
-     If the coordinates are not integers, an error is triggered."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
-    unsigned char *cp;
-    int n;
-    OBJ cls;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
-     && __isNonNilObject(aString)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
-	cls = __qClass(aString);
-	if ((cls == String) || (cls == Symbol)) {
-	    cp = _stringVal(aString);
-	    n = _stringSize(aString);
-	    if (n > 1000) n = 1000;
-	    if (opaque == true)
-		XDrawImageString(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (char *)cp, n);
-	    else
-		XDrawString(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (char *)cp, n);
-	    RETURN ( self );
-	}
-	if (cls == @global(TwoByteString)) {
-	    cp = _stringVal(aString);
-	    n = _byteArraySize(aString) / 2;
-	    if (n > 1000) n = 1000;
-	    if (opaque == true)
-		XDrawImageString16(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (XChar2b *)cp, n);
-	    else
-		XDrawString16(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (XChar2b *)cp, n);
-	    RETURN ( self );
-	}
-    }
-    "x/y not integer, badGC or drawable, or not a string"
-    self primitiveFailed
-displayString:aString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId opaque:opaque 
-    "draw a sub-string - if opaque is false, draw foreground only; otherwise, draw both
-     foreground and background characters.
-     If the coordinates are not integers, an error is triggered."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
-    unsigned char *cp;
-    OBJ cls;
-    int  i1, i2, l, n;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
-     && __isNonNilObject(aString)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(index1, index2)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
-	cls = __qClass(aString);
-	if ((cls == String) || (cls == Symbol)) {
-	    i1 = _intVal(index1) - 1;
-	    i2 = _intVal(index2) - 1;
-	    n = _stringSize(aString);
-	    cp = _stringVal(aString);
-	    if ((i1 >= 0) && (i2 < n)) {
-		if (i2 >= i1) {
-		    cp += i1;
-		    l = i2 - i1 + 1;
-		    if (l > 1000) l = 1000;
-		    if (opaque == true)
-			XDrawImageString(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (char *)cp, l);
-		    else
-			XDrawString(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (char *)cp, l);
-		}
-		RETURN ( self );
-	    }
-	}
-	if (cls == @global(TwoByteString)) {
-	    i1 = _intVal(index1) - 1;
-	    i2 = _intVal(index2) - 1;
-	    n = _byteArraySize(aString) / 2;
-	    cp = _stringVal(aString);
-	    if ((i1 >= 0) && (i2 < n)) {
-		if (i2 >= i1) {
-		    cp += (i1 * 2);
-		    l = i2 - i1 + 1;
-		    if (l > 1000) l = 1000;
-		    if (opaque == true)
-			XDrawImageString16(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (XChar2b *)cp, l);
-		    else
-			XDrawString16(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (XChar2b *)cp, l);
-		    RETURN ( self );
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    "x/y not integer, badGC or drawable, or not a string"
-    self primitiveFailed
-displayPointX:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
-    "draw a point. If x/y are not integers, an error is triggered." 
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
-	XDrawPoint(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    "badGC, badDrawable or x/y not integer"
-    self primitiveFailed
-displayLineFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
-    "draw a line. If the coordinates are not integers, an error is triggered." 
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x0, y0)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x1, y1)) {
-	XDrawLine(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x0), _intVal(y0),
-				  _intVal(x1), _intVal(y1));
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    "badGC, badDrawable or coordinates not integer"
-    self primitiveFailed
-displayRectangleX:x y:y width:width height:height in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
-    "draw a rectangle. If the coordinates are not integers, an error is triggered." 
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
-    int w, h;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(width, height)) {
-	w = _intVal(width);
-	h = _intVal(height);
-	/*
-	 * need this check here: some servers simply dump core with bad args
-	 */
-	if ((w >= 0) && (h >= 0)) {
-	    XDrawRectangle(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), w, h);
-	}
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    "badGC, badDrawable or coordinates not integer"
-    self primitiveFailed
-displayPolygon:aPolygon in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
-    "draw a polygon, the argument aPolygon is a Collection of individual points, which
-     define the polygon.
-     If any coordinate is not integer, an error is triggered."
-    |numberOfPoints newPoints|
-    numberOfPoints := aPolygon size.
-    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
-    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
-    extern OBJ Point, __AT_();
-    OBJ point, x, y;
-    int i, num;
-    XPoint *points;
-    XPoint qPoints[100];
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
-     && __isSmallInteger(numberOfPoints)) {
-	num = _intVal(numberOfPoints);
-	/*
-	 * avoid a (slow) malloc, if the number of points is small
-	 */
-	if (num > 100) {
-	    points = (XPoint *)malloc(sizeof(XPoint) * num);
-	    if (! points) goto fail;
-	} else
-	    points = qPoints;
-	for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
-	    point = __AT_(aPolygon COMMA_CON, _MKSMALLINT(i+1));
-	    if (! __isPoint(point)) goto fail;
-	    x = _point_X(point);
-	    y = _point_Y(point);
-	    if (! __bothSmallInteger(x, y))
-		goto fail;
-	    points[i].x = _intVal(x);
-	    points[i].y = _intVal(y);
-	}
-	XDrawLines(myDpy, win, gc, points, num, CoordModeOrigin);
-	if (num > 100)
-	    free(points);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-fail: ;
-    "badGC, badDrawable or coordinates not integer"
-    self primitiveFailed
 copyFromFaxImage:sourceId x:srcX y:srcY to:destId x:dstX y:dstY 
 		      width:w height:h with:aGCId scaleX:scaleX scaleY:scaleY
@@ -5820,6 +2431,297 @@
     self primitiveFailed
+displayLineFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
+    "draw a line. If the coordinates are not integers, an error is triggered." 
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x0, y0)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x1, y1)) {
+	XDrawLine(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x0), _intVal(y0),
+				  _intVal(x1), _intVal(y1));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    "badGC, badDrawable or coordinates not integer"
+    self primitiveFailed
+displayPointX:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
+    "draw a point. If x/y are not integers, an error is triggered." 
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
+	XDrawPoint(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    "badGC, badDrawable or x/y not integer"
+    self primitiveFailed
+displayPolygon:aPolygon in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
+    "draw a polygon, the argument aPolygon is a Collection of individual points, which
+     define the polygon.
+     If any coordinate is not integer, an error is triggered."
+    |numberOfPoints newPoints|
+    numberOfPoints := aPolygon size.
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
+    extern OBJ Point, __AT_();
+    OBJ point, x, y;
+    int i, num;
+    XPoint *points;
+    XPoint qPoints[100];
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
+     && __isSmallInteger(numberOfPoints)) {
+	num = _intVal(numberOfPoints);
+	/*
+	 * avoid a (slow) malloc, if the number of points is small
+	 */
+	if (num > 100) {
+	    points = (XPoint *)malloc(sizeof(XPoint) * num);
+	    if (! points) goto fail;
+	} else
+	    points = qPoints;
+	for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
+	    point = __AT_(aPolygon COMMA_CON, _MKSMALLINT(i+1));
+	    if (! __isPoint(point)) goto fail;
+	    x = _point_X(point);
+	    y = _point_Y(point);
+	    if (! __bothSmallInteger(x, y))
+		goto fail;
+	    points[i].x = _intVal(x);
+	    points[i].y = _intVal(y);
+	}
+	XDrawLines(myDpy, win, gc, points, num, CoordModeOrigin);
+	if (num > 100)
+	    free(points);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+fail: ;
+    "badGC, badDrawable or coordinates not integer"
+    self primitiveFailed
+displayRectangleX:x y:y width:width height:height in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
+    "draw a rectangle. If the coordinates are not integers, an error is triggered." 
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
+    int w, h;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(width, height)) {
+	w = _intVal(width);
+	h = _intVal(height);
+	/*
+	 * need this check here: some servers simply dump core with bad args
+	 */
+	if ((w >= 0) && (h >= 0)) {
+	    XDrawRectangle(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), w, h);
+	}
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    "badGC, badDrawable or coordinates not integer"
+    self primitiveFailed
+displayString:aString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId opaque:opaque 
+    "draw a sub-string - if opaque is false, draw foreground only; otherwise, draw both
+     foreground and background characters.
+     If the coordinates are not integers, an error is triggered."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
+    unsigned char *cp;
+    OBJ cls;
+    int  i1, i2, l, n;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
+     && __isNonNilObject(aString)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(index1, index2)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
+	cls = __qClass(aString);
+	if ((cls == String) || (cls == Symbol)) {
+	    i1 = _intVal(index1) - 1;
+	    i2 = _intVal(index2) - 1;
+	    n = _stringSize(aString);
+	    cp = _stringVal(aString);
+	    if ((i1 >= 0) && (i2 < n)) {
+		if (i2 >= i1) {
+		    cp += i1;
+		    l = i2 - i1 + 1;
+		    if (l > 1000) l = 1000;
+		    if (opaque == true)
+			XDrawImageString(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (char *)cp, l);
+		    else
+			XDrawString(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (char *)cp, l);
+		}
+		RETURN ( self );
+	    }
+	}
+	if (cls == @global(TwoByteString)) {
+	    i1 = _intVal(index1) - 1;
+	    i2 = _intVal(index2) - 1;
+	    n = _byteArraySize(aString) / 2;
+	    cp = _stringVal(aString);
+	    if ((i1 >= 0) && (i2 < n)) {
+		if (i2 >= i1) {
+		    cp += (i1 * 2);
+		    l = i2 - i1 + 1;
+		    if (l > 1000) l = 1000;
+		    if (opaque == true)
+			XDrawImageString16(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (XChar2b *)cp, l);
+		    else
+			XDrawString16(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (XChar2b *)cp, l);
+		    RETURN ( self );
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    "x/y not integer, badGC or drawable, or not a string"
+    self primitiveFailed
+displayString:aString x:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId opaque:opaque 
+    "draw a string - if opaque is false, draw foreground only; otherwise, draw both
+     foreground and background characters.
+     If the coordinates are not integers, an error is triggered."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
+    unsigned char *cp;
+    int n;
+    OBJ cls;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
+     && __isNonNilObject(aString)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
+	cls = __qClass(aString);
+	if ((cls == String) || (cls == Symbol)) {
+	    cp = _stringVal(aString);
+	    n = _stringSize(aString);
+	    if (n > 1000) n = 1000;
+	    if (opaque == true)
+		XDrawImageString(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (char *)cp, n);
+	    else
+		XDrawString(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (char *)cp, n);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+	if (cls == @global(TwoByteString)) {
+	    cp = _stringVal(aString);
+	    n = _byteArraySize(aString) / 2;
+	    if (n > 1000) n = 1000;
+	    if (opaque == true)
+		XDrawImageString16(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (XChar2b *)cp, n);
+	    else
+		XDrawString16(myDpy, win, gc, _intVal(x), _intVal(y), (XChar2b *)cp, n);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+    }
+    "x/y not integer, badGC or drawable, or not a string"
+    self primitiveFailed
+drawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel depth:imageDepth 
+			  width:imageWidth height:imageHeight 
+			      x:srcx y:srcy
+			   into:aDrawableId 
+			      x:dstx y:dsty 
+			  width:w height:h 
+			   with:aGCId
+    "draw a bitImage which has depth id, width iw and height ih into
+     the drawable. draw a region of w/h pixels from srcx/srcy to dstx/dsty.
+     Individual source pixels have bitsPerPixel bits, allowing to draw
+     depth and pixel-units to be different.
+     It has to be checked elsewhere, that the server can do it with the given
+     depth - otherwise, primitive failure will be signalled.
+     Also it is assumed, that the colormap is setup correctly and the
+     colors are allocated - otherwise the colors may be wrong."
+    "
+     sorry; I had to separate it into 2 methods, since XPutImage needs
+     an unlimited stack, and thus cannot send primitiveFailed
+    "
+    (self primDrawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel depth:imageDepth 
+					width:imageWidth height:imageHeight 
+					     x:srcx y:srcy
+					  into:aDrawableId 
+					     x:dstx y:dsty 
+					 width:w height:h 
+					  with:aGCId)
+    ifFalse:[
+	"
+	 also happens, if a segmentation violation occurs in the 
+	 XPutImage ...
+	"
+	self primitiveFailed
+    ].
+drawBits:imageBits depth:imageDepth 
+		   width:imageWidth height:imageHeight 
+		       x:srcx y:srcy
+		    into:aDrawableId 
+		       x:dstx y:dsty 
+		   width:w height:h 
+		    with:aGCId
+    "draw a bitImage which has depth id, width iw and height ih into
+     the drawable. draw a region of w/h pixels from srcx/srcy to dstx/dsty.
+     Individual source pixels must have imageDepth bits.
+     It has to be checked elsewhere, that the server can do it with the given
+     depth - otherwise, primitive failure will be signalled.
+     Also it is assumed, that the colormap is setup correctly and the
+     colors are allocated - otherwise the colors may be wrong."
+    ^ self drawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:imageDepth depth:imageDepth 
+				     width:imageWidth height:imageHeight 
+					 x:srcx y:srcy
+				      into:aDrawableId 
+					 x:dstx y:dsty 
+				     width:w height:h 
+				      with:aGCId
 fillArcX:x y:y w:width h:height from:startAngle angle:angle
 	       in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
     "fill an arc. If any coordinate is not integer, an error is triggered.
@@ -5864,34 +2766,6 @@
     self primitiveFailed
-fillRectangleX:x y:y width:width height:height in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
-    "fill a rectangle. If any coordinate is not integer, an error is triggered."
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int w, h;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
-     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(width, height)) {
-	w = _intVal(width);
-	h = _intVal(height);
-	/*
-	 * need this check here: some servers simply dump core with bad args
-	 */
-	if ((w >= 0) && (h >= 0)) {
-	    XFillRectangle(myDpy,
-			   (Drawable)_WindowVal(aDrawableId), _GCVal(aGCId),
-			   _intVal(x), _intVal(y), w, h);
-	}
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    "badGC, badDrawable or coordinates not integer"
-    self primitiveFailed
 fillPolygon:aPolygon in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
     "fill a polygon given by its points. 
      If any coordinate is not integer, an error is triggered."
@@ -5944,67 +2818,32 @@
     self primitiveFailed
-drawBits:imageBits depth:imageDepth 
-		   width:imageWidth height:imageHeight 
-		       x:srcx y:srcy
-		    into:aDrawableId 
-		       x:dstx y:dsty 
-		   width:w height:h 
-		    with:aGCId
-    "draw a bitImage which has depth id, width iw and height ih into
-     the drawable. draw a region of w/h pixels from srcx/srcy to dstx/dsty.
-     Individual source pixels must have imageDepth bits.
-     It has to be checked elsewhere, that the server can do it with the given
-     depth - otherwise, primitive failure will be signalled.
-     Also it is assumed, that the colormap is setup correctly and the
-     colors are allocated - otherwise the colors may be wrong."
-    ^ self drawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:imageDepth depth:imageDepth 
-				     width:imageWidth height:imageHeight 
-					 x:srcx y:srcy
-				      into:aDrawableId 
-					 x:dstx y:dsty 
-				     width:w height:h 
-				      with:aGCId
-drawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel depth:imageDepth 
-			  width:imageWidth height:imageHeight 
-			      x:srcx y:srcy
-			   into:aDrawableId 
-			      x:dstx y:dsty 
-			  width:w height:h 
-			   with:aGCId
-    "draw a bitImage which has depth id, width iw and height ih into
-     the drawable. draw a region of w/h pixels from srcx/srcy to dstx/dsty.
-     Individual source pixels have bitsPerPixel bits, allowing to draw
-     depth and pixel-units to be different.
-     It has to be checked elsewhere, that the server can do it with the given
-     depth - otherwise, primitive failure will be signalled.
-     Also it is assumed, that the colormap is setup correctly and the
-     colors are allocated - otherwise the colors may be wrong."
-    "
-     sorry; I had to separate it into 2 methods, since XPutImage needs
-     an unlimited stack, and thus cannot send primitiveFailed
-    "
-    (self primDrawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel depth:imageDepth 
-					width:imageWidth height:imageHeight 
-					     x:srcx y:srcy
-					  into:aDrawableId 
-					     x:dstx y:dsty 
-					 width:w height:h 
-					  with:aGCId)
-    ifFalse:[
-	"
-	 also happens, if a segmentation violation occurs in the 
-	 XPutImage ...
-	"
-	self primitiveFailed
-    ].
+fillRectangleX:x y:y width:width height:height in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
+    "fill a rectangle. If any coordinate is not integer, an error is triggered."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int w, h;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(width, height)) {
+	w = _intVal(width);
+	h = _intVal(height);
+	/*
+	 * need this check here: some servers simply dump core with bad args
+	 */
+	if ((w >= 0) && (h >= 0)) {
+	    XFillRectangle(myDpy,
+			   (Drawable)_WindowVal(aDrawableId), _GCVal(aGCId),
+			   _intVal(x), _intVal(y), w, h);
+	}
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    "badGC, badDrawable or coordinates not integer"
+    self primitiveFailed
 primDrawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel depth:imageDepth 
@@ -6111,69 +2950,6 @@
 !XWorkstation methodsFor:'event handling'!
-    "return the eventMask bit-constant corresponding to an event symbol"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int m = 0;
-    if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(keyPress)) m = KeyPressMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(keyRelease)) m = KeyReleaseMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(buttonPress)) m = ButtonPressMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(buttonRelease)) m = ButtonReleaseMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(buttonMotion)) m = ButtonMotionMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(pointerMotion)) m = PointerMotionMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(expose)) m = ExposureMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(focusChange)) m = FocusChangeMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(enter)) m = EnterWindowMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(leave)) m = LeaveWindowMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(keymapState)) m = KeymapStateMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(visibilityChange)) m = VisibilityChangeMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(structureNotify)) m = StructureNotifyMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(resizeRedirect)) m = ResizeRedirectMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(propertyChange)) m = PropertyChangeMask;
-    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(colormapChange)) m = ColormapChangeMask;
-setEventMask:aMask in:aWindowId
-    "tell X that we are only interrested in events from aMask, which
-     is the bitwise or of the eventMask bits (see 'eventMaskFor:')"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    int mask;
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
-     && __isSmallInteger(aMask)) {
-	mask = _intVal(aMask);
-#ifdef OLD
-	/* these may not be disabled */
-	mask |= ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask |
-		KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
-		EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
-		ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask;
-	XSelectInput(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), mask);
-	RETURN ( self );
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed
-    "redefined to clear dispatchingExpose, which is a special X feature"
-    dispatching ifTrue:[^ self].
-    dispatchingExpose := nil.
-    super startDispatch
     "return true, if there are still any views of interrest - if not,
      stop dispatch"
@@ -6195,47 +2971,6 @@
-    "central event handling method:
-     this code is somewhat special, since X has a concept of graphic
-     expose events (which are sent after a bitblt). After such a bitblt,
-     we only handle exposes until the graphicsExpose arrives.
-     Other systems may not need such a kludge"
-    "interrested in exposes only ?"
-    dispatchingExpose notNil ifTrue:[
-	[self exposeEventPendingFor:dispatchingExpose] whileTrue:[
-	    self dispatchExposeEventFor:dispatchingExpose
-	].
-	^ self
-    ].
-    "no, general dispatch"
-    [self eventPendingWithoutSync] whileTrue:[
-	self dispatchEventFor:nil withMask:nil
-    ]
-    "from now on, handle expose events only"
-    dispatchingExpose := aView id
-    "from now on, handle any kind of event"
-    dispatchingExpose := nil
-    "get next expose event and send appropriate message to the sensor or view.
-     If the argument aViewIdOrNil is nil, events for any view are processed,
-     otherwise only events for the view with given id are processed."
-    self dispatchEventFor:aViewIdOrNil withMask:(self eventMaskFor:#expose)
 dispatchEventFor:aViewIdOrNil withMask:eventMask
     "central event handling method:
      get next event and send appropriate message to the sensor or view.
@@ -6251,65 +2986,12 @@
-getEventFor:aViewIdOrNil withMask:eventMask
-    "read next event - put into local eventBuffer. 
-     If aViewIdOrNil is nil, events for any view are fetched; 
-     otherwise only events for that specific view will be fetched.
-     Returns true, if there was an event, false otherwise.
-     This method may block - so you better check for pending events
-     before calling for it.
-     Sorry I had to split dispatch into this fetch method and an extra
-     handle method to allow unlimitedstack here.
-     (some Xlibs do a big alloca there ...) which cannot be done in 
-     dispatchLastEvent, since it dispatches out into ST-methods.
-     BUG: uses a static buffer - has to be rewritten, to support multiple
-     display connections.
-    "
-    Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    Window win, wWanted;
-    int evMask;
-    OBJ eB;
-    XEvent *ev;
-    if (! ISCONNECTED) {
-	RETURN (false);
-    }
-    eB = _INST(eventBuffer);
-    if (__isByteArray(eB)) {
-	ev = (XEvent *)(_ByteArrayInstPtr(eB)->ba_element);
-    } else {
-	printf("DISPLAY: no eventBuffer\n");
-	RETURN (false);
-    }
-    ev->type = 0;
-    if (__isSmallInteger(eventMask)) {
-	evMask = _intVal(eventMask);
-    } else {
-	evMask = ~0;
-    }
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aViewIdOrNil)) {
-	wWanted = _WindowVal(aViewIdOrNil);
-	if (XCheckWindowEvent(dpy, wWanted, evMask, ev)) {
-	    RETURN ( true );
-	}
-    } else {
-	if (evMask == ~0) {
-	    XNextEvent(dpy, ev);
-	    RETURN (true);
-	}
-	if (XCheckMaskEvent(dpy, evMask, ev)) {
-	   RETURN (true);
-	}
-    }
-    ^ false
+    "get next expose event and send appropriate message to the sensor or view.
+     If the argument aViewIdOrNil is nil, events for any view are processed,
+     otherwise only events for the view with given id are processed."
+    self dispatchEventFor:aViewIdOrNil withMask:(self eventMaskFor:#expose)
@@ -6877,6 +3559,27 @@
     ^ true
+    "central event handling method:
+     this code is somewhat special, since X has a concept of graphic
+     expose events (which are sent after a bitblt). After such a bitblt,
+     we only handle exposes until the graphicsExpose arrives.
+     Other systems may not need such a kludge"
+    "interrested in exposes only ?"
+    dispatchingExpose notNil ifTrue:[
+	[self exposeEventPendingFor:dispatchingExpose] whileTrue:[
+	    self dispatchExposeEventFor:dispatchingExpose
+	].
+	^ self
+    ].
+    "no, general dispatch"
+    [self eventPendingWithoutSync] whileTrue:[
+	self dispatchEventFor:nil withMask:nil
+    ]
 disposeEventsWithMask:aMask for:aWindowIdOrNil
     "dispose (throw away) specific events. If aWindowId is nil,
      events matching the mask are thrown away regardless of which
@@ -6903,6 +3606,33 @@
     self primitiveFailed
+    "return the eventMask bit-constant corresponding to an event symbol"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int m = 0;
+    if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(keyPress)) m = KeyPressMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(keyRelease)) m = KeyReleaseMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(buttonPress)) m = ButtonPressMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(buttonRelease)) m = ButtonReleaseMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(buttonMotion)) m = ButtonMotionMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(pointerMotion)) m = PointerMotionMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(expose)) m = ExposureMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(focusChange)) m = FocusChangeMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(enter)) m = EnterWindowMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(leave)) m = LeaveWindowMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(keymapState)) m = KeymapStateMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(visibilityChange)) m = VisibilityChangeMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(structureNotify)) m = StructureNotifyMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(resizeRedirect)) m = ResizeRedirectMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(propertyChange)) m = PropertyChangeMask;
+    else if (anEventSymbol == @symbol(colormapChange)) m = ColormapChangeMask;
     "return true, if any event is pending"
@@ -6913,6 +3643,12 @@
     ^ self eventPendingWithoutSync
+eventPending:anEventSymbol for:aWindowIdOrNil
+    "return true, if a specific event is pending"
+    ^ self eventsPending:(self eventMaskFor:anEventSymbol) for:aWindowIdOrNil
     "return true, if any event is pending. 
      Do a flush output buffer before."
@@ -6945,6 +3681,33 @@
+eventsPending:anEventMask for:aWindowIdOrNil
+    "return true, if any of the masked events is pending"
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    XEvent ev;
+    Window win;
+    int thereIsOne;
+    if (ISCONNECTED && __isSmallInteger(anEventMask)) {
+	XSync(dpy, 0);      /* make certain everything is flushed */
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowIdOrNil)) {
+	    win = _WindowVal(aWindowIdOrNil);
+	    thereIsOne = XCheckWindowEvent(dpy, win, _intVal(anEventMask), &ev);
+	} else {
+	    thereIsOne = XCheckMaskEvent(dpy, _intVal(anEventMask), &ev);
+	}
+	if (thereIsOne) {
+	    XPutBackEvent(dpy, &ev);
+	    RETURN ( true );
+	}
+    }
+    RETURN ( false );
     "return true, if any expose event is pending"
@@ -6972,37 +3735,77 @@
-eventsPending:anEventMask for:aWindowIdOrNil
-    "return true, if any of the masked events is pending"
+getEventFor:aViewIdOrNil withMask:eventMask
+    "read next event - put into local eventBuffer. 
+     If aViewIdOrNil is nil, events for any view are fetched; 
+     otherwise only events for that specific view will be fetched.
+     Returns true, if there was an event, false otherwise.
+     This method may block - so you better check for pending events
+     before calling for it.
+     Sorry I had to split dispatch into this fetch method and an extra
+     handle method to allow unlimitedstack here.
+     (some Xlibs do a big alloca there ...) which cannot be done in 
+     dispatchLastEvent, since it dispatches out into ST-methods.
+     BUG: uses a static buffer - has to be rewritten, to support multiple
+     display connections.
+    "
     Display *dpy = myDpy;
-    XEvent ev;
-    Window win;
-    int thereIsOne;
-    if (ISCONNECTED && __isSmallInteger(anEventMask)) {
-	XSync(dpy, 0);      /* make certain everything is flushed */
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowIdOrNil)) {
-	    win = _WindowVal(aWindowIdOrNil);
-	    thereIsOne = XCheckWindowEvent(dpy, win, _intVal(anEventMask), &ev);
-	} else {
-	    thereIsOne = XCheckMaskEvent(dpy, _intVal(anEventMask), &ev);
-	}
-	if (thereIsOne) {
-	    XPutBackEvent(dpy, &ev);
+    Window win, wWanted;
+    int evMask;
+    OBJ eB;
+    XEvent *ev;
+    if (! ISCONNECTED) {
+	RETURN (false);
+    }
+    eB = _INST(eventBuffer);
+    if (__isByteArray(eB)) {
+	ev = (XEvent *)(_ByteArrayInstPtr(eB)->ba_element);
+    } else {
+	printf("DISPLAY: no eventBuffer\n");
+	RETURN (false);
+    }
+    ev->type = 0;
+    if (__isSmallInteger(eventMask)) {
+	evMask = _intVal(eventMask);
+    } else {
+	evMask = ~0;
+    }
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aViewIdOrNil)) {
+	wWanted = _WindowVal(aViewIdOrNil);
+	if (XCheckWindowEvent(dpy, wWanted, evMask, ev)) {
 	    RETURN ( true );
-    }
-    RETURN ( false );
-eventPending:anEventSymbol for:aWindowIdOrNil
-    "return true, if a specific event is pending"
-    ^ self eventsPending:(self eventMaskFor:anEventSymbol) for:aWindowIdOrNil
+    } else {
+	if (evMask == ~0) {
+	    XNextEvent(dpy, ev);
+	    RETURN (true);
+	}
+	if (XCheckMaskEvent(dpy, evMask, ev)) {
+	   RETURN (true);
+	}
+    }
+    ^ false
+    "from now on, handle any kind of event"
+    dispatchingExpose := nil
+    "from now on, handle expose events only"
+    dispatchingExpose := aView id
 mappingChanged:what event:eB
@@ -7016,4 +3819,3175 @@
     "Created: 1.12.1995 / 16:28:23 / stefan"
+setEventMask:aMask in:aWindowId
+    "tell X that we are only interrested in events from aMask, which
+     is the bitwise or of the eventMask bits (see 'eventMaskFor:')"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int mask;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isSmallInteger(aMask)) {
+	mask = _intVal(aMask);
+#ifdef OLD
+	/* these may not be disabled */
+	mask |= ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask |
+		KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
+		EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask |
+		ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask;
+	XSelectInput(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), mask);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "redefined to clear dispatchingExpose, which is a special X feature"
+    dispatching ifTrue:[^ self].
+    dispatchingExpose := nil.
+    super startDispatch
 ! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'font stuff'!
+    "the normal ascent"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XFontStruct *f;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
+	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->ascent) );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+    "a basic method for X-font allocation; this method allows
+     any font to be aquired (even those not conforming to
+     standard naming conventions, such as cursor, fixed or k14)"
+    XFontStruct *newFont;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if (__isString(aFontName) || __isSymbol(aFontName)) {
+	    newFont = XLoadQueryFont(myDpy, (char *)__stringVal(aFontName));
+	    RETURN ( newFont ? __MKOBJ(newFont) : nil );
+	}
+    }
+    ^ nil
+decomposeXFontName:aString into:aBlock
+    "extract family, face, style and size from an
+     X-font name 
+     (-brand-family-face-style-moreStyle--height-size-res-res-?-??-coding); 
+     evaluate aBlock with these"
+    |origin family face style moreStyle skip fheight size
+     resX resY x1 x2 coding start end |
+    aString isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
+    (aString startsWith:'-') ifFalse:[
+	"
+	 take care for ill-named fonts (i.e. pre Rel4 fonts)
+	"
+	('*-*-[0-9]*' match:aString) ifTrue:[
+	    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:1.
+	    family := aString copyFrom:1 to:(end - 1).
+	    start := end + 1.
+	    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+	    style := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+	    start := end + 1.
+	    size := aString copyFrom:start.
+	    size := (Number readFromString:size onError:[^false]).
+	    aBlock value:family value:nil value:style value:size value:nil.
+	    ^ true.
+	].
+	('*-[0-9]*' match:aString) ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     something like lucidasans-24
+	    "
+	    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:1.
+	    family := aString copyFrom:1 to:(end - 1).
+	    start := end + 1.
+	    size := aString copyFrom:start.
+	    size := (Number readFromString:size onError:[^false]).
+	    aBlock value:family value:nil value:nil value:size value:nil.
+	    ^ true.
+	].
+	aBlock value:aString value:nil value:nil value:nil value:nil.
+	^ true.
+    ].
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:2.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    origin := aString copyFrom:2 to:(end - 1).
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    family := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    face := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    style := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    (style = 'o') ifTrue:[
+	style := 'oblique'
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	(style = 'i') ifTrue:[
+	    style := 'italic'
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (style = 'r') ifTrue:[
+		style := 'roman'
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    moreStyle := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    skip := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    fheight := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    size := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    size := (Number readFromString:size) / 10.
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    resX := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    resY := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    x1 := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    x2 := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    start := end + 1.
+    end := aString indexOf:$- startingAt:start.
+    (end == 0) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    coding := aString copyFrom:start to:(end - 1).
+    aBlock value:family value:face value:style value:size value:coding.
+    ^ true
+    "Modified: 27.9.1995 / 10:46:52 / stefan"
+    "the normal descent"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XFontStruct *f;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
+	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->descent) );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+    "return an Array filled with font names matching aPattern"
+    int nnames = 1500;
+    int available = nnames + 1;
+    char **fonts;
+    OBJ arr, str;
+    int i;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if (__isString(pattern)) {
+	    for (;;) {
+		fonts = XListFonts(myDpy, __stringVal(pattern), nnames, &available);
+		if ((fonts == NULL) || (available < nnames)) break;
+		XFreeFontNames(fonts);
+		nnames = available * 2;
+	    }
+	    if (fonts == NULL) {
+		RETURN ( nil );
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * now, that we know the number of font names,
+	     * create the array ...
+	     */
+	    arr = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(available);
+	    if (! arr) {
+		RETURN (nil);
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * ... and fill it
+	     */
+	    for (i=0; i<available; i++) {
+		PROTECT(arr);
+		str = __MKSTRING(fonts[i] COMMA_CON);
+		UNPROTECT(arr);
+		__ArrayInstPtr(arr)->a_element[i] = str; __STORE(arr, str);
+	    }
+	    RETURN (arr);
+	}
+    }
+    ^ nil
+    "return a default font id - used when class Font cannot
+     find anything usable"
+     ^ self createFontFor:'fixed'
+getFontWithFamily:familyString face:faceString
+	    style:styleString size:sizeArg encoding:encodingSym
+    "try to get the specified font, if not available, try next smaller
+     font. Access to X-fonts by name is possible, by passing the X font name
+     as family and the other parameters as nil. For example, the cursor font
+     can be aquired that way."
+    |theSize theName theId xlatedStyle enc|
+    "special: if face is nil, allow access to X-fonts"
+    faceString isNil ifTrue:[
+	sizeArg notNil ifTrue:[
+	    theName := familyString , '-' , sizeArg printString
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    theName := familyString
+	].
+	theName isNil ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     mhmh - fall back to the default font
+	    "
+	    theName := 'fixed'
+	].
+	theId := self createFontFor:theName.
+	theId isNil ifTrue:[
+	    theId := self getDefaultFont
+	].
+	^ theId
+    ].
+"/ new:
+    xlatedStyle := styleString.
+    xlatedStyle notNil ifTrue:[
+	xlatedStyle := xlatedStyle first asString
+    ].
+    ^ self 
+	getFontWithFoundry:'*'
+	family:familyString asLowercase
+	weight:faceString
+	slant:xlatedStyle
+	spacing:'normal'
+	pixelSize:nil
+	size:sizeArg 
+	registry:'*'
+	encoding:encodingSym.
+"/ old:
+"/    xlatedStyle := styleString.
+"/    "oblique is named italic in times font"
+"/    ((familyString = 'Times') or:[familyString = 'times']) ifTrue:[
+"/        ((styleString = 'Oblique') or:[styleString = 'oblique']) ifTrue:[
+"/            xlatedStyle := 'italic'
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+"/    (xlatedStyle = 'italic') ifTrue:[
+"/        xlatedStyle := 'i'
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        (xlatedStyle = 'roman') ifTrue:[
+"/            xlatedStyle := 'r'
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            (xlatedStyle = 'oblique') ifTrue:[
+"/                xlatedStyle := 'o'
+"/            ]
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+"/    theId := nil.
+"/    theSize := sizeArg.
+"/    [theId isNil] whileTrue:[
+"/        "this works only on Release >= 3 - X-servers"
+"/        enc := encodingSym.
+"/        enc isNil ifTrue:[
+"/            enc := '*'
+"/        ].
+"/        theName := ('-*-' , familyString ,
+"/                     '-' , faceString ,
+"/                     '-' , xlatedStyle , '-*-*-*-'
+"/                     , theSize printString , '0-*-*-*-*-'
+"/                     , enc , '-*').
+"/Transcript showCr:theName; endEntry.
+"/        theId := self createFontFor:theName.
+"/        theId isNil ifTrue:[
+"/            "could not get the font - try next smaller one"
+"/            theSize := theSize - 1.
+"/            (theSize < (sizeArg // 2)) ifTrue:[
+"/                "thats too much - give up"
+"/                ^ self getDefaultFont
+"/                "^ nil"
+"/            ]
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+"/    (theSize ~~ sizeArg) ifTrue:[
+"/        Transcript show:'next smaller font: '.
+"/        Transcript showCr:theName
+"/    ].
+"/    ^ theId
+getFontWithFoundry:foundry family:family weight:weight
+	      slant:slant spacing:spc pixelSize:pSize size:size 
+	      registry:registry encoding:encoding
+    "get the specified font, if not available, return nil.
+     This is the new font creation method - all others will be changed to
+     use this entry.
+     Individual attributes can be left empty (i.e. '') or nil to match any.
+     foundry: 'adobe', 'misc', 'dec', 'schumacher' ... usually '*'
+     family:  'helvetica' 'courier' 'times' ...
+     weight:  'bold' 'medium' 'demi' ...
+     slant:   'r(oman)' 'i(talic)' 'o(blique)'
+     spacing: 'narrow' 'normal' semicondensed' ... usually '*'
+     pixelSize: 16,18 ... usually left empty
+     size:      size in point (1/72th of an inch)
+     registry:  iso8859, sgi ... '*'
+    "
+    |theName sMatch|
+    "this works only on 'Release >= 3' - X-servers"
+    "name is:
+	-foundry-family    -weight -slant-
+	 sony    helvetica bold     r
+	 adobe   courier   medium   i
+	 msic    fixed              o
+	 ...     ...
+    "
+    size isNil ifTrue:[sMatch := '*'] ifFalse:[sMatch := size printString , '0'].
+    theName := ('-' , (foundry isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[foundry]),
+		'-' , (family isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[family]),
+		'-' , (weight isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[weight]) ,
+		'-' , (slant isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[slant]) , 
+		'-' , (spc isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[spc]) ,
+		'-*' ,
+		'-' , (pSize isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[pSize printString]),
+		'-' , sMatch ,
+		'-*-*-*-*' ,
+		'-' , (registry isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[registry]) ,
+		'-' , (encoding isNil ifTrue:['*'] ifFalse:[encoding])).
+"/  Transcript showCr:theName; endEntry.
+    ^ self createFontFor:theName.
+    "
+     Display getFontWithFoundry:'*'
+			 family:'courier'
+			 weight:'medium'
+			  slant:'r'
+			spacing:nil
+		      pixelSize:nil
+			   size:13
+		       registry:'iso8859'
+		       encoding:'*'
+    "
+    "return a list with all available fonts on this display.
+     Since this takes a long time, keep the result of the query for the
+     next time. The elements of the returned collection are instances of
+     FontDescription."
+    |stream names aName fntDescr|
+    listOfXFonts isNil ifTrue:[
+"/ old code; using a pipe to xlsfonts
+"/      stream := PipeStream readingFrom:'xlsfonts ''*'''.
+"/      stream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+"/      listOfXFonts := OrderedCollection new.
+"/      [stream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+"/          aName := stream nextLine.
+"/          aName notNil ifTrue:[
+"/          self decomposeXFontName:aName into:
+"/                  [:family :face :style :size :coding |
+"/                      family notNil ifTrue:[
+"/                          fntDescr := FontDescription
+"/                                          family:family
+"/                                          face:face
+"/                                          style:style
+"/                                          size:size
+"/                                          encoding:coding.
+"/                          listOfXFonts add:fntDescr
+"/                      ]
+"/                  ]
+"/          ]
+"/      ].
+"/      stream close.
+"/      "if xlsfont is broken ... (hey sco)"
+"/      (listOfXFonts size == 0) ifTrue:[
+"/          listOfXFonts := nil
+"/      ] ifFalse:[
+"/          listOfXFonts sort:[:a :b | a family < b family].
+"/      ].
+	"/
+	"/ new code:
+	"/ use new primitive to get font names;
+	"/ this is much faster, and also works on systems where
+	"/      a) xlsfonts is broken (sco)
+	"/      b) xlsfonts is not available (aix)
+	"/
+	names := self getAvailableFontsMatching:'*'.
+	names isNil ifTrue:[
+	    "no names returned ..."
+	    ^ nil
+	].
+	listOfXFonts := names collect:[:aName |
+				    |fntDescr|
+				    (self decomposeXFontName:aName into:
+					[:family :face :style :size :coding |
+					   family notNil ifTrue:[
+					       fntDescr := FontDescription
+							       family:family
+							       face:face
+							       style:style
+							       size:size
+							       encoding:coding.
+					   ] ifFalse:[
+					       fntDescr := FontDescription
+							       name:aName
+					   ]
+					]
+				    ) ifFalse:[
+					fntDescr := FontDescription name:aName.
+				    ].  
+				    fntDescr
+			    ].
+    ].
+    ^ listOfXFonts
+    "
+     Display listOfAvailableFonts
+    "
+    "Modified: 27.9.1995 / 10:54:47 / stefan"
+    "the max ascent"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XFontStruct *f;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
+	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->max_bounds.ascent) );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+    "the max descent"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XFontStruct *f;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
+	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->max_bounds.descent) );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+    "the width of the widest character"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XFontStruct *f;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
+	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->max_bounds.width) );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XFontStruct *f;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
+	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
+	RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(f->min_bounds.width) );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XFontStruct *f;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
+	    f = _FontVal(aFontId);
+	    XFreeFont(myDpy, f);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+sizesInFamily:aFamilyName face:aFaceName style:aStyleName
+    "return a set of all available font sizes in aFamily/aFace/aStyle
+     on this display.
+     Redefined to handle X's special case of 0-size (which stands for any)"
+    |sizes|
+    sizes := super sizesInFamily:aFamilyName face:aFaceName style:aStyleName.
+    (sizes notNil and:[sizes includes:0]) ifTrue:[
+	"special: in X11R5 and above, size 0 means:
+	 there are scaled versions in all sizes available"
+	^ #(4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 32 48 64)
+    ].
+    ^ sizes
+    "
+     Display sizesInFamily:'courier' face:'bold' style:'roman'
+    "
+widthOf:aString from:index1 to:index2 inFont:aFontId
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XFontStruct *f;
+    char *cp;
+    int len, n, i1, i2;
+    if (__bothSmallInteger(index1, index2)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
+	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
+	i1 = _intVal(index1) - 1;
+	i2 = _intVal(index2) - 1;
+	if (__isString(aString) || __isSymbol(aString)) {
+	    cp = (char *) _stringVal(aString);
+	    n = _stringSize(aString);
+	    if ((i1 >= 0) && (i2 >= i1) && (i2 < n)) {
+		cp += i1;
+		len = XTextWidth(f, cp, i2 - i1 + 1);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (__Class(aString) == @global(TwoByteString)) {
+	    cp = (char *) _stringVal(aString);
+	    n = _byteArraySize(aString) / 2;
+	    if ((i1 >= 0) && (i2 >= i1) && (i2 < n)) {
+		cp += (i1 * 2);
+		len = XTextWidth16(f, (XChar2b *)cp, i2 - i1 + 1);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+widthOf:aString inFont:aFontId
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XFontStruct *f;
+    char *cp;
+    int len, n;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
+	f = _FontVal(aFontId);
+	if (__isString(aString) || __isSymbol(aString)) {
+	    n = _stringSize(aString);
+	    cp = (char *)_stringVal(aString);
+	    len = XTextWidth(f, cp, n);
+	    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(len) );
+	}
+	if (__Class(aString) == @global(TwoByteString)) {
+	    n = _byteArraySize(aString) / 2;
+	    cp = (char *) _stringVal(aString);
+	    len = XTextWidth16(f, (XChar2b *)cp, n);
+	    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(len) );
+	}
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'grabbing '!
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int _mode, ok = 1;
+    if (mode == @symbol(asyncPointer))
+	_mode = AsyncPointer;
+    else if (mode == @symbol(syncPointer))
+	_mode = SyncPointer;
+    else if (mode == @symbol(asyncKeyboard))
+	_mode = AsyncKeyboard;
+    else if (mode == @symbol(syncKeyboard))
+	_mode = SyncKeyboard;
+    else if (mode == @symbol(syncBoth))
+	_mode = SyncBoth;
+    else if (mode == @symbol(asyncBoth))
+	_mode = AsyncBoth;
+    else if (mode == @symbol(replayPointer))
+	_mode = ReplayPointer;
+    else if (mode == @symbol(replayKeyboard))
+	_mode = ReplayKeyboard;
+    else
+	ok = 0;
+    if (ok) {
+	XAllowEvents(myDpy, _mode, CurrentTime);
+	RETURN (self);
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "grab the keyboard"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int result, ok;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	result = XGrabKeyboard(myDpy,
+			       _WindowVal(aWindowId),
+			       True /* False */,
+			       GrabModeAsync,
+			       GrabModeAsync,
+			       CurrentTime);
+	ok = 0;
+	switch(result) {
+	    case AlreadyGrabbed: 
+		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab keyboard: AlreadyGrabbed\n");
+		break;
+	    case GrabNotViewable: 
+		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab keyboard: GrabNotViewable\n");
+		break;
+	    case GrabInvalidTime: 
+		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab keyboard: InvalidTime\n");
+		break;
+	    case GrabFrozen: 
+		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab keyboard: Frozen\n");
+		break;
+	    default:
+		ok = 1;
+		break;
+	}
+	if (! ok) {
+	    XUngrabKeyboard(myDpy, CurrentTime);
+	    RETURN (false);
+	}
+	RETURN ( true );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+grabPointerIn:aWindowId withCursor:aCursorId pointerMode:pMode keyboardMode:kMode confineTo:confineId
+    "grap the pointer - return true if ok"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int result, ok;
+    Window confineWin;
+    Cursor curs;
+    int pointer_mode, keyboard_mode;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	if (__isExternalAddress(confineId)) 
+	    confineWin = _WindowVal(confineId);
+	else
+	    confineWin = (Window) None;
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aCursorId)) 
+	    curs = _CursorVal(aCursorId);
+	else
+	    curs = (Cursor) None;
+	if (pMode == @symbol(sync))
+	    pointer_mode = GrabModeSync;
+	else
+	    pointer_mode = GrabModeAsync;
+	if (kMode == @symbol(sync))
+	    keyboard_mode = GrabModeSync;
+	else
+	    keyboard_mode = GrabModeAsync;
+	result = XGrabPointer(myDpy,
+			      _WindowVal(aWindowId), 
+			      False, 
+			      ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask,
+			      pointer_mode, keyboard_mode,
+			      confineWin,
+			      curs,
+			      CurrentTime);
+	ok = 0;
+	switch (result) {
+	    case AlreadyGrabbed: 
+		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab pointer: AlreadyGrabbed\n");
+		break;
+	    case GrabNotViewable: 
+		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab pointer: GrabNotViewable\n");
+		break;
+	    case GrabInvalidTime: 
+		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab pointer: InvalidTime\n");
+		break;
+	    case GrabFrozen: 
+		printf("XWORKSTAT: grab pointer: Frozen\n");
+		break;
+	    default:
+		ok = 1;
+		break;
+	}
+	if (! ok) {
+	    XUngrabPointer(myDpy, CurrentTime);
+	    RETURN (false);
+	}
+	RETURN ( true );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "release the keyboard"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	XUngrabKeyboard(myDpy, CurrentTime);
+	XSync(myDpy, 0);
+    }
+    activeKeyboardGrab := nil
+    "release the pointer"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	XUngrabPointer(myDpy, CurrentTime);
+	XSync(myDpy, 0);
+    }
+    activePointerGrab := nil
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'graphic context stuff'!
+    "disable clipping rectangle"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XGCValues gcv;
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
+	gcv.clip_mask = None;
+	XChangeGC(myDpy, gc, GCClipMask, &gcv);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setBackground:bgColorIndex in:aGCId
+    "set background color to be drawn with"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __isSmallInteger(bgColorIndex)) {
+	XSetBackground(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCId), _intVal(bgColorIndex));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setBitmapMask:aBitmapId in:aGCId
+    "set or clear the drawing mask - a bitmap mask using current fg/bg"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    Pixmap bitmap;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aBitmapId)) {
+	    bitmap = _PixmapVal(aBitmapId);
+	    XSetStipple(dpy, gc, bitmap);
+	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+	if (aBitmapId == nil) {
+	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setClipByChildren:aBool in:aGCId
+    "enable/disable drawing into child views"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XGCValues gcv;
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
+	if (aBool == true)
+	    gcv.subwindow_mode = ClipByChildren;
+	else
+	    gcv.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
+	XChangeGC(myDpy, gc, GCSubwindowMode, &gcv);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setClipX:clipX y:clipY width:clipWidth height:clipHeight in:aGCId
+    "clip to a rectangle"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XRectangle r;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(clipX, clipY)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(clipWidth, clipHeight)) {
+	r.x = _intVal(clipX);
+	r.y = _intVal(clipY);
+	r.width = _intVal(clipWidth);
+	r.height = _intVal(clipHeight);
+	XSetClipRectangles(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCId), 0, 0, &r, 1, Unsorted);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setFont:aFontId in:aGCId
+    "set font to be drawn in"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XFontStruct *f;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
+	f = (XFontStruct *) _FontVal(aFontId);
+	XSetFont(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCId), f->fid);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    "
+     aGCId and/or aFontId are invalid
+    "
+    self primitiveFailed
+setForeground:fgColorIndex background:bgColorIndex in:aGCId
+    "set foreground and background colors to be drawn with"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    if (__bothSmallInteger(fgColorIndex, bgColorIndex)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
+	XSetForeground(dpy, gc, _intVal(fgColorIndex));
+	XSetBackground(dpy, gc, _intVal(bgColorIndex));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setForeground:fgColor background:bgColor mask:aBitmapId in:aGCId
+    "set foreground and background colors to be drawn with using mask or
+     solid (if aBitmapId is nil)"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
+	if (__isSmallInteger(fgColor))
+	    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, _intVal(fgColor));
+	if (__isSmallInteger(bgColor))
+	    XSetBackground(dpy, gc, _intVal(bgColor));
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aBitmapId)) {
+	    XSetStipple(dpy, gc, _PixmapVal(aBitmapId));
+	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+	if (aBitmapId == nil) {
+	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setForeground:fgColor background:bgColor mask:aBitmapId lineWidth:lw in:aGCId
+    "set foreground and background colors to be drawn with using mask or
+     solid (if aBitmapId is nil); also set lineWidth"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
+	if (__isSmallInteger(lw)) {
+	    XSetLineAttributes(dpy, gc, _intVal(lw),
+				    LineSolid, CapNotLast, JoinMiter);
+	}
+	if (__isSmallInteger(fgColor))
+	    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, _intVal(fgColor));
+	if (__isSmallInteger(bgColor))
+	    XSetBackground(dpy, gc, _intVal(bgColor));
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aBitmapId)) {
+	    XSetStipple(dpy, gc, _PixmapVal(aBitmapId));
+	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillOpaqueStippled);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+	if (aBitmapId == nil) {
+	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setForeground:fgColorIndex in:aGCId
+    "set foreground color to be drawn with"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __isSmallInteger(fgColorIndex)) {
+	XSetForeground(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCId), _intVal(fgColorIndex));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setFunction:aFunctionSymbol in:aGCId
+    "set alu function to be drawn with"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    int fun = -1;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
+	if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(copy)) fun = GXcopy;
+	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(copyInverted)) fun = GXcopyInverted;
+	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(xor)) fun = GXxor;
+	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(and)) fun = GXand;
+	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(andReverse)) fun = GXandReverse;
+	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(andInverted)) fun = GXandInverted;
+	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(or)) fun = GXor;
+	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(orReverse)) fun = GXorReverse;
+	else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(orInverted)) fun = GXorInverted;
+	if (fun != -1) {
+	    XSetFunction(myDpy, gc, fun);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+    }
+    "
+     either aGCId is not an integer, or an invalid symbol
+     was passed ... valid functions are #copy, #copyInverted, #xor, #and, #andReverse,
+     #andInverted, #or, #orReverse, #orInverted. See Xlib documentation for more details.
+    "
+    self primitiveFailed
+setGraphicsExposures:aBoolean in:aGCId
+    "set or clear the graphics exposures flag"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
+	XSetGraphicsExposures(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCId), (aBoolean==true)?1:0);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setLineWidth:aNumber style:lineStyle cap:capStyle join:joinStyle in:aGCId
+    "set line attributes"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int x_style, x_cap, x_join;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)
+     && __isSmallInteger(aNumber)) {
+	if (lineStyle == @symbol(solid)) x_style = LineSolid;
+	else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashed)) x_style = LineOnOffDash;
+	else if (lineStyle == @symbol(doubleDashed)) x_style = LineDoubleDash;
+	else  goto bad;
+	if (capStyle == @symbol(notLast)) x_cap = CapNotLast;
+	else if (capStyle == @symbol(butt)) x_cap = CapButt;
+	else if (capStyle == @symbol(round)) x_cap  = CapRound;
+	else if (capStyle == @symbol(projecting)) x_cap  = CapProjecting;
+	else  goto bad;
+	if (joinStyle == @symbol(miter)) x_join = JoinMiter;
+	else if (joinStyle == @symbol(bevel)) x_join = JoinBevel;
+	else if (joinStyle == @symbol(round)) x_join  = JoinRound;
+	else  goto bad;
+	XSetLineAttributes(myDpy,
+			   _GCVal(aGCId), _intVal(aNumber),
+			   x_style, x_cap, x_join);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+bad: ;
+    "
+     either aGCId is invalid,
+     and/or lineStyle is none of #solid, #dashed, #doubleDashed
+     and/or capStyle is none of #notLast, #butt, #round, #projecting
+     and/or joinStyle is none of #miter, #bevel, #round
+    "
+    self primitiveFailed
+setMaskOriginX:orgX y:orgY in:aGCid
+    "set the mask origin"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__bothSmallInteger(orgX, orgY) && __isExternalAddress(aGCid)) {
+	XSetTSOrigin(myDpy, _GCVal(aGCid), _intVal(orgX), _intVal(orgY));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setPixmapMask:aPixmapId in:aGCId
+    "set or clear the drawing mask - a pixmap mask providing full color"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    GC gc = _GCVal(aGCId);
+    Pixmap pixmap;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aGCId)) {
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aPixmapId)) {
+	    pixmap = _PixmapVal(aPixmapId);
+	    XSetTile(dpy, gc, pixmap);
+	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillTiled);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+	if (aPixmapId == nil) {
+	    XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'initialize / release'!
+    "close down the connection to the X-server"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	XCloseDisplay(myDpy);
+	_INST(displayId) = nil;
+    }
+    buttonTranslation := ButtonTranslation.
+    multiClickTimeDelta := MultiClickTimeDelta.
+    self initializeModifierMappings
+    |sz|
+    sz = _MKSMALLINT(sizeof(XEvent) + 100);
+    eventBuffer isNil ifTrue:[
+	eventBuffer := ByteArray new:sz.
+    ].
+    "initialize the receiver for a connection to an X-Server;
+     the argument, aDisplayName may be nil (for the default server from
+     DISPLAY-variable or command line argument) or the name of the server 
+     as hostname:number"
+    |dpyName index|
+    dpyName := aDisplayName.
+    dpyName isNil ifTrue:[
+	"look for a '-display xxx' argument"
+	Arguments notNil ifTrue:[
+	    index := Arguments indexOf:'-display'.
+	    (index between:1 and:(Arguments size - 1)) ifTrue:[
+		dpyName := Arguments at:index+1
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].
+    int scr;
+    Display *dpy;
+    Visual *visual;
+    XVisualInfo viproto;
+    XVisualInfo *vip;                   /* retured info */
+    int maxRGBDepth;
+    int rgbRedMask, rgbGreenMask, rgbBlueMask;
+    int rgbVisualID;
+    int nvi, i;
+    int shapeEventBase, shapeErrorBase;
+    int shmEventBase, shmErrorBase;
+    int faxEventBase, faxErrorBase;
+    char *type, *nm;
+    int dummy;
+    OBJ dpyID;
+    if (_INST(displayId) != nil) {
+	/*
+	 * already connected - you bad guy try to
+	 * trick me manually ?
+	 */
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    if (__isString(dpyName))
+	nm = (char *)_stringVal(dpyName);
+    else {
+	dpyName = __MKSTRING((char *)getenv("DISPLAY") COMMA_CON);
+	nm = NULL;
+    }
+    dpy = XOpenDisplay(nm);
+    if (dpy) {
+	_INST(displayId) = dpyID = __MKOBJ(dpy); __STORE(self, dpyID);
+	XSynchronize(dpy, 1);
+	XSetErrorHandler(__XErrorHandler__);
+    }
+    displayId isNil ifTrue:[
+	'XWORKSTATION: cannot connect to Display.' errorPrintNL.
+	^ nil
+    ].
+    dispatching := false.
+    dispatchingExpose := false.
+    isSlow := false.
+    shiftDown := false.
+    ctrlDown := false.
+    metaDown := false.
+    altDown := false.
+    motionEventCompression := true.
+    buttonsPressed := 0.
+    displayName := dpyName.
+    protocolsAtom := nil.
+    deleteWindowAtom := nil.
+    saveYourselfAtom := nil.
+    quitAppAtom := nil.
+    self initializeScreenProperties.
+    self initializeDefaultValues.
+    self initializeEventBuffer.
+    self initializeSpecialFlags.
+    self initializeKeyboardMap.
+    ObjectMemory registerErrorInterruptHandler:self class forID:#DisplayError.
+    |map mod|
+"/    altModifiers := #(Alt_L Alt_R).
+"/    metaModifiers := #(Meta_L Meta_R).
+"/    ctrlModifiers := #(Control_L Control_R).
+"/    shiftModifiers := #(Shift_L Shift_R).
+    shiftModifiers := ctrlModifiers := altModifiers := metaModifiers := nil.
+    altModifierMask := metaModifierMask := nil.
+    map := self modifierMapping.
+    mod := map at:1.
+    mod notNil ifTrue:[
+	shiftModifiers := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
+    ].
+    mod := map at:3.
+    mod notNil ifTrue:[
+	ctrlModifiers  := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].
+    ].
+    mod := map at:4.
+    mod notNil ifTrue:[
+	metaModifiers  := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].    
+	metaModifierMask := 1 bitShift:(4-1).
+    ].
+    mod := map at:5.
+    mod notNil ifTrue:[
+	altModifiers   := mod collect:[ :key | self stringFromKeycode:key ].    
+	altModifierMask := 1 bitShift:(5-1).
+    ].
+    "Modified: 1.12.1995 / 23:44:40 / stefan"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    int scr;
+    Visual *visual;
+    XVisualInfo viproto;
+    XVisualInfo *vip;                   /* retured info */
+    int maxRGBDepth;
+    int rgbRedMask, rgbGreenMask, rgbBlueMask;
+    int rgbVisualID;
+    int nvi, i;
+    int shapeEventBase, shapeErrorBase;
+    int shmEventBase, shmErrorBase;
+    int faxEventBase, faxErrorBase;
+    char *type, *nm;
+    int dummy;
+    int mask, shift, nBits;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	_INST(altModifierMask) = __MKSMALLINT(Mod2Mask);
+	_INST(metaModifierMask) = __MKSMALLINT(Mod1Mask);
+	_INST(screen) = _MKSMALLINT(scr = DefaultScreen(dpy));
+	_INST(depth) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayPlanes(dpy, scr));
+	_INST(ncells) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayCells(dpy, scr));
+	_INST(width) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayWidth(dpy, scr));
+	_INST(height) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayHeight(dpy, scr));
+	_INST(widthMM) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayWidthMM(dpy, scr));
+	_INST(heightMM) = _MKSMALLINT(DisplayHeightMM(dpy, scr));
+	_INST(blackpixel) = _MKSMALLINT(BlackPixel(dpy, scr));
+	_INST(whitepixel) = _MKSMALLINT(WhitePixel(dpy, scr));
+#ifdef SHAPE
+	if (XShapeQueryExtension(dpy, &shapeEventBase, &shapeErrorBase))
+	    _INST(hasShapeExtension) = true;
+	else
+	  _INST(hasShapeExtension) = false;
+#ifdef SHM
+	if (XShmQueryExtension(dpy, &shmEventBase, &shmErrorBase))
+	    _INST(hasShmExtension) = true;
+	else
+	  _INST(hasShmExtension) = false;
+#ifdef FAX
+	if (XFAXImageQueryExtension(dpy, &faxEventBase, &faxErrorBase))
+	    _INST(hasFaxExtension) = true;
+	else
+	  _INST(hasFaxExtension) = false;
+#ifdef DPS
+	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, "DPSExtension", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
+	    _INST(hasDPSExtension) = true;
+	else
+	  _INST(hasDPSExtension) = false;
+#ifdef XVIDEO
+	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, "XVideo", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
+	    _INST(hasXVideoExtension) = true;
+	else
+	  _INST(hasXVideoExtension) = false;
+#ifdef MBUF
+	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, "Multi-Buffering", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
+	    _INST(hasMbufExtension) = true;
+	else
+	  _INST(hasMbufExtension) = false;
+#ifdef PEX5
+	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, PEX_NAME_STRING, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
+	    _INST(hasPEXExtension) = true;
+	else
+	  _INST(hasPEXExtension) = false;
+#ifdef XIE
+	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, xieExtName, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
+	    _INST(hasImageExtension) = true;
+	else
+	  _INST(hasImageExtension) = false;
+#ifdef XI
+	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, "XInputExtension", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
+	    _INST(hasInputExtension) = true;
+	else
+	  _INST(hasInputExtension) = false;
+	/*
+	 * look for RGB visual
+	 */
+	nvi = 0;
+	viproto.screen = scr;
+	vip = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, VisualScreenMask, &viproto, &nvi);
+	maxRGBDepth = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < nvi; i++) {
+	    switch (vip[i].class) {
+		case TrueColor:
+		    if (vip[i].depth > maxRGBDepth) {
+			maxRGBDepth = vip[i].depth;
+			rgbRedMask = vip[i].red_mask;
+			rgbGreenMask = vip[i].green_mask;
+			rgbBlueMask = vip[i].blue_mask;
+			rgbVisualID = vip[i].visualid;
+		    }
+		    break;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (vip) XFree ((char *) vip);
+	if (maxRGBDepth) {
+	    _INST(rgbVisual) = __MKOBJ(rgbVisualID); __STORESELF(rgbVisual);
+	}
+	visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy));
+	_INST(monitorType) = @symbol(unknown);
+	_INST(hasColors) = true;
+	_INST(hasGreyscales) = true;
+	switch (visual->class) {
+	    case StaticGray:
+		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(StaticGray);
+		_INST(hasColors) = false;
+		_INST(monitorType) = @symbol(monochrome);
+		break;
+	    case GrayScale:
+		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(GrayScale);
+		_INST(hasColors) = false;
+		_INST(monitorType) = @symbol(monochrome);
+		break;
+	    case StaticColor:
+		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(StaticColor);
+		break;
+	    case PseudoColor:
+		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(PseudoColor);
+		break;
+	    case TrueColor:
+		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(TrueColor);
+		break;
+	    case DirectColor:
+		_INST(visualType) = @symbol(DirectColor);
+		break;
+	}
+	if (DisplayCells(dpy, scr) == 2) {
+	    _INST(hasColors) = false;
+	    _INST(hasGreyscales) = false;
+	    _INST(monitorType) = @symbol(monochrome);
+	}
+	_INST(bitsPerRGB) = _MKSMALLINT(visual->bits_per_rgb);
+	_INST(redMask)   = _MKSMALLINT(visual->red_mask);
+	_INST(greenMask) = _MKSMALLINT(visual->green_mask);
+	_INST(blueMask)  = _MKSMALLINT(visual->blue_mask);
+	switch (visual->class) {
+	    case TrueColor:
+		/* extract number of bits and shift counts */
+		mask = visual->red_mask;
+		shift = 0;
+		while (mask && ((mask & 1) == 0)) {
+		    mask >>= 1;
+		    shift++;
+		}
+		_INST(redShift) = __MKSMALLINT(shift);
+		nBits = 0;
+		while (mask) {
+		    mask >>= 1;
+		    nBits++;
+		}
+		_INST(bitsRed) = __MKSMALLINT(nBits);
+		mask = visual->green_mask;
+		shift = 0;
+		while (mask && ((mask & 1) == 0)) {
+		    mask >>= 1;
+		    shift++;
+		}
+		_INST(greenShift) = __MKSMALLINT(shift);
+		nBits = 0;
+		while (mask) {
+		    mask >>= 1;
+		    nBits++;
+		}
+		_INST(bitsGreen) = __MKSMALLINT(nBits);
+		mask = visual->blue_mask;
+		shift = 0;
+		while (mask && ((mask & 1) == 0)) {
+		    mask >>= 1;
+		    shift++;
+		}
+		_INST(blueShift) = __MKSMALLINT(shift);
+		nBits = 0;
+		while (mask) {
+		    mask >>= 1;
+		    nBits++;
+		}
+		_INST(bitsBlue) = __MKSMALLINT(nBits);
+		break;
+	}
+#ifndef XA_PRIMARY
+	_INST(primaryAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XInternAtom(dpy, "PRIMARY", True) );
+	_INST(primaryAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XA_PRIMARY );
+	_INST(secondaryAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XInternAtom(dpy, "SECONDARY", True) );
+	_INST(secondaryAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XA_SECONDARY );
+#ifndef XA_CUT_BUFFER0
+	_INST(cutBuffer0Atom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XInternAtom(dpy, "CUT_BUFFER0", True) );
+	_INST(cutBuffer0Atom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XA_CUT_BUFFER0 );
+#ifndef XA_STRING
+	_INST(stringAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XInternAtom(dpy, "STRING", True) );
+	_INST(stringAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XA_STRING );
+#ifndef XA_LENGTH
+	_INST(lengthAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XInternAtom(dpy, "LENGTH", True) );
+	_INST(lengthAtom) = __MKATOMOBJ( XA_LENGTH );
+    }
+    "perform additional special server implementation flags"
+    "/
+    "/ assume we have it ... (should check)
+    "/
+    hasSaveUnder := true.
+    ignoreBackingStore := false.
+    (self serverVendor = 'X11/NeWS') ifTrue:[
+	"/
+	"/ this is a kludge around a bug in the X11/NeWS server,
+	"/ which does not correctly handle saveUnder
+	"/
+	hasSaveUnder := false.
+    ].
+    virtualRootId := rootId := nil.
+    super reinitialize.
+    dispatchingExpose := nil
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'keyboard mapping'!
+    "Return the key translated via the translation table.
+     Here, we preTranslate the key into a common ST/X symbolic name, 
+     which gets further processed in the superclasses translation method."
+    |key|
+    (key := untranslatedKey) isString ifTrue:[
+	key := RawKeysymTranslation at:key ifAbsent:key.
+	key := key asSymbol.
+    ].
+    ^ super translateKey:key 
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'misc'!
+    "output an audible beep or bell"
+    self beep:50
+    "output an audible beep"
+    int volume;
+    if (__isSmallInteger(volumeInPercent) && ISCONNECTED) {
+	/* stupid: X wants -100 .. 100 and calls this percent */
+	volume = _intVal(volumeInPercent) * 2 - 100;
+	if (volume < -100) volume = -100;
+	else if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
+	XBell(myDpy, volume);
+    }
+    "buffer drawing - do not send it immediately to the display.
+     This is the default anyway."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	XSynchronize(myDpy, 0);
+    }
+    "Display buffered"
+    "send all buffered drawing to the display.
+     This may be required to make certain, that all previous operations
+     are really sent to the display before continuing. For example,
+     after a cursor-change with a followup long computation.
+     (otherwise, the cursor change request may still be in the output
+      buffer)"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	XSync(myDpy, 0);
+    }
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+#ifdef DPS
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aDPSContext)) {
+	DPSFlushContext(MKDPSCONTEXT(aDPSContext));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "if the argument is true, the views backingStore setting will be ignored, and
+     no backing store used - this can be used on servers where backing store is
+     very slow or is broken (can be put into display-rc-file)"
+    ignoreBackingStore := aBoolean
+    XMappingEvent *ev;
+    if (__isByteArray(eB)) {
+	ev = (XMappingEvent *)(_ByteArrayInstPtr(eB)->ba_element);
+	XRefreshKeyboardMapping(ev);
+    }
+"/    self setInputFocusTo:aWindowId revertTo:#parent
+    self setInputFocusTo:aWindowId revertTo:#root
+setInputFocusTo:aWindowId revertTo:revertSymbol
+    "set the focus to the view as defined by aWindowId.
+     Passing nil set the focus to no window and lets the display discard all
+     input until a new focus is set.
+     RevertSymbol specifies what should happen if the view becomes invisible;
+     passing one of #parent, #root or nil specifies that the focus should be
+     given to the parent view, the root view or no view."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int arg;
+    Window focusWindow;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	    focusWindow = _WindowVal(aWindowId);
+	} else {
+	    focusWindow = None;
+	}
+	if (revertSymbol == @symbol(parent))
+	    arg = RevertToParent;
+	else if (revertSymbol == @symbol(root))
+	    arg = RevertToPointerRoot;
+	else 
+	    arg = RevertToNone;
+	XSetInputFocus(myDpy, focusWindow, arg, CurrentTime);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "make all drawing be sent immediately to the display"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	XSynchronize(myDpy, 1);
+    }
+    "Display unbuffered"
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'pointer queries '!
+    "return an integer representing the state of the pointer buttons;
+     a one-bit in positions 0.. represent a pressed button"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT*/
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    Window w;
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    Window rootRet, childRet;
+    int rootX, rootY, winX, winY;
+    unsigned int mask;
+    w = getRootWindow(myDpy, screen);
+    w = RootWindow(dpy, screen);
+    XQueryPointer(dpy, w, &rootRet, &childRet,
+			  &rootX, &rootY,
+			  &winX, &winY,
+			  &mask);
+    RETURN (_MKSMALLINT(mask));
+    "return an integer for masking out the left button from a
+     buttonStates value"
+    ^ 256
+    "return an integer for masking out the middle button from a
+     buttonStates value"
+    ^ 512
+    "return the current pointer position in root-window coordinates"
+    |xpos ypos|
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    Window w;
+    int screen = _intVal(_INST(screen));
+    Window rootRet, childRet;
+    int rootX, rootY, winX, winY;
+    unsigned int mask;
+    w = getRootWindow(myDpy, screen);
+    w = RootWindow(dpy, screen);
+    XQueryPointer(dpy, w, &rootRet, &childRet,
+			  &rootX, &rootY,
+			  &winX, &winY,
+			  &mask);
+    xpos = _MKSMALLINT(rootX);
+    ypos = _MKSMALLINT(rootY);
+    ^ xpos @ ypos
+    "return an integer for masking out the right button from a
+     buttonStates value"
+    ^ 1024
+    "return the position in root-window coordinates
+     of the last button, key or pointer event"
+    ^ eventRootX @ eventRootY
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'resources'!
+getResource:name class:cls
+    char *rslt;
+    if ((__isString(name) || __isSymbol(name))
+     && (__isString(cls) || __isSymbol(cls))
+     && ISCONNECTED) {
+	rslt = XGetDefault(myDpy, (char *)_stringVal(cls),
+				  (char *)_stringVal(name));
+	RETURN (rslt ? __MKSTRING(rslt COMMA_CON) : nil );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'retrieving pixels'!
+getBitsFrom:aDrawableId x:srcx y:srcy width:w height:h into:imageBits
+    "get bits from a drawable into the imageBits. The storage for the bits
+     must be big enough for the data to fit. If ok, returns an array with some
+     info and the bits in imageBits. The info contains the depth, bitOrder and
+     number of bytes per scanline. The number of bytes per scanline is not known
+     in advance, since the X-server is free to return whatever it thinks is a good padding."
+    |info|
+    ((w <= 0) or:[h <= 0]) ifTrue:[
+	self primitiveFailed.
+	^ nil
+    ].
+    info := Array with:nil "depth"
+		  with:nil "bit order"
+		  with:nil "bytes_per_line"
+		  with:nil "byte_order".
+    "/ had to extract the getPixel call into a separate method, to specify
+    "/ unlimitedStack (some implementations use alloca and require huge amounts
+    "/ of temporary stack space
+    (self primGetBitsFrom:aDrawableId x:srcx y:srcy width:w height:h into:imageBits infoInfo:info) ifTrue:[
+	^ info
+    ].
+    "
+     some error occured - either args are not smallintegers, imageBits is not a ByteArray
+     or is too small to hold the bits
+    "
+    ^ self primitiveFailed
+getPixelX:x y:y from:aDrawableId
+    "return the pixel value at x/y; coordinates start at 0/0 for the upper left."
+    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
+    XImage *img;
+    int ret;
+    int xpos, ypos;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId) && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
+	xpos = _intVal(x);
+	ypos = _intVal(y);
+	if ((xpos < 0) || (ypos < 0)) {
+	    RETURN ( _MKSMALLINT(0) );
+	}
+	img = XGetImage(myDpy, win, xpos, ypos, 1, 1, (unsigned)~0, ZPixmap);
+	ret = XGetPixel(img, 0, 0);
+	XDestroyImage(img);
+    }
+    ^ nil
+primGetBitsFrom:aDrawableId x:srcx y:srcy width:w height:h into:imageBits infoInfo:info
+    "since XGetImage may allocate huge amount of stack space 
+     (some implementations use alloca), this must run with unlimited stack."
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    Window win = _WindowVal(aDrawableId);
+    XImage *image = (XImage *)0;
+    int pad, bytes_per_line, numBytes;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(srcx, srcy)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(w, h)
+     && __isArray(info)
+     && __isByteArray(imageBits)) {
+	image = XGetImage(dpy, win, _intVal(srcx), _intVal(srcy),
+				    _intVal(w), _intVal(h),
+				    (unsigned)AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
+	pad = image->bitmap_pad;
+	printf("pad:%d depth:%d\n", image->bitmap_pad, image->depth);
+	switch (image->depth) {
+	    case 1:
+	    case 2:
+	    case 4:
+	    case 8:
+	    case 16:
+	    case 24:
+	    case 32:
+		numBytes = image->bytes_per_line * image->height;
+		break;
+	    default:
+		/* unsupported depth */
+		printf("unsupported depth:%d in primGetBits\n", image->depth);
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	printf("bytes need:%d bytes given:%d\n", numBytes, _byteArraySize(imageBits));
+	if (numBytes > _byteArraySize(imageBits)) {
+	    /* imageBits too small */
+	    goto fail;
+	}
+	if (image->bitmap_bit_order == MSBFirst)
+	    _ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[0] = @symbol(msbFirst);
+	else
+	    _ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[0] = @symbol(lsbFirst);
+	_ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[1] = _MKSMALLINT(image->depth);
+	_ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[2] = _MKSMALLINT(image->bytes_per_line);
+	if (image->byte_order == MSBFirst)
+	    _ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[3] = @symbol(msbFirst);
+	else
+	    _ArrayInstPtr(info)->a_element[3] = @symbol(lsbFirst);
+	bcopy(image->data, _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element, numBytes);
+	XDestroyImage(image);
+	RETURN ( true );
+    }
+    if (image) {
+	XDestroyImage(image);
+    }
+    ^ false
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'selections'!
+    "return an Atoms ID; dont create if not already present"
+    ^ self atomIDOf:aStringOrSymbol create:false
+atomIDOf:aStringOrSymbol create:create
+    "return an Atoms ID; if create is true, create it if not already present"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Atom prop;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if (__isString(aStringOrSymbol)
+	 || __isSymbol(aStringOrSymbol)) {
+	    prop = XInternAtom(myDpy, _stringVal(aStringOrSymbol), 
+				      (create == true) ? False : True);
+	    if (prop == None) {
+		RETURN (nil);
+	    }
+	    RETURN ( __MKATOMOBJ(prop) );
+	}
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+    "
+     Display atomIDOf:'VT_SELECTION' create:false
+     Display atomIDOf:'CUT_BUFFER0' create:false
+     Display atomIDOf:'STRING' create:false
+     Display atomIDOf:'PRIMARY' create:false
+     Display atomIDOfPRIMARY
+    "
+    ^ cutBuffer0Atom
+    ^ lengthAtom
+    ^ primaryAtom
+    ^ secondaryAtom
+    ^ stringAtom
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */ 
+    OBJ str;
+    char *name;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if (__isAtomID(anAtomID)) {
+	    name = XGetAtomName(myDpy, _AtomVal(anAtomID));
+	    if (name == 0) {
+		RETURN (nil);
+	    }
+	    str = __MKSTRING(name COMMA_CON);
+	    XFree(name);
+	    RETURN ( str );
+	}
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+    "
+     Display atomName:1
+    "
+getObjectProperty:propertyID from:aWindowID
+    "get an object property; return object or nil"
+    self getProperty:propertyID from:aWindowID into:[:type :value |
+	type == stringAtom ifTrue:[
+	    ^ value
+	].
+	(value isMemberOf:ByteArray) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ (Object readBinaryFrom:(ReadStream on:value) onError:[nil])
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+getProperty:propertyID from:aWindowID into:aTwoArgBlock
+    "get a property, evaluate aTwoArgBlock with typeID and value"
+    |val typeID cls|
+    cls := ByteArray.
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    Window window;
+    Atom property;
+    char *cp, *cp2;
+    Atom actual_type;
+    int actual_format,i;
+    unsigned long nitems, bytes_after, nread;
+    unsigned char *data;
+    int ok = 1;
+    OBJ __new(), __MKSTRING_L();
+#   define PROP_SIZE    2048
+    if (__isAtomID(propertyID)) {
+	property = _AtomVal(propertyID);
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowID)) {
+	    window = _WindowVal(aWindowID);
+	} else {
+	    window = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
+	}
+	nread = 0;
+	cp = 0;
+	fprintf(stderr, "getProperty: ");
+ */
+	do {
+	    if (XGetWindowProperty(dpy,window,property,nread/4,PROP_SIZE,False,
+				   AnyPropertyType,&actual_type,&actual_format,
+				   &nitems,&bytes_after,(unsigned char **)&data)
+		!= Success) {
+		    ok = 0;
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    typeID = __MKATOMOBJ(actual_type);
+	    if (! cp) {
+		cp = cp2 = (char *)malloc(nitems+1);
+	    } else {
+		cp = (char *)realloc(cp, nread + nitems + 1);
+		cp2 = cp + nread;
+	    }
+	    if (! cp) goto fail;
+	    nread += nitems;
+	    bcopy(data, cp2, nitems);
+	    XFree(data);
+	    fprintf(stderr, "<nitems:%d bytes_after:%d>", nitems, bytes_after);
+ */
+	} while (bytes_after > 0);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ */
+	if (ok) {
+	    if (actual_type == XA_STRING) {
+		cp[nread] = '\0';
+		val = __MKSTRING_L(cp, nread COMMA_CON);
+	    } else {
+		val = __new(nread + OHDR_SIZE);
+		val->o_class = cls;
+		bcopy(cp, _ByteArrayInstPtr(val)->ba_element, nread);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (cp)
+	    free(cp);
+    }
+fail: ;
+    typeID isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ false
+    ].
+    aTwoArgBlock value:typeID value:val.
+    ^ true
+    "get the object selection -  either immediate, or asynchronous.
+     Returns nil, if async request is on its way"
+    |selProp sel|
+    (self getSelectionOwnerOf:primaryAtom) isNil ifTrue:[
+	"no primary selection - use cut buffer"
+	sel := self getObjectProperty:cutBuffer0Atom from:nil.
+	^ sel
+    ].
+    selProp := self atomIDOf:'ST_SELECTION' create:true.
+    self requestObjectSelection:primaryAtom property:selProp for:drawableId.
+    ^ nil
+    "get the owner of a selection"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    Atom selection;
+    Window window;
+    if (__isAtomID(selectionAtomID) && ISCONNECTED) {
+	window = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, _AtomVal(selectionAtomID));
+	RETURN ((window == None) ? nil : __MKOBJ(window));
+    }
+     self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+getTextProperty:propertyID from:aWindowID
+    "get a text property; return string or nil"
+    self getProperty:propertyID from:aWindowID into:[:type :value |
+	type == stringAtom ifTrue:[
+	    ^ value
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "get the text selection -  either immediate, or asynchronous.
+     Returns nil, if async request is on its way"
+    |selProp sel|
+    (self getSelectionOwnerOf:primaryAtom) isNil ifTrue:[
+	"no primary selection - use cut buffer"
+	sel := self getTextProperty:cutBuffer0Atom from:nil.
+	^ sel
+    ].
+    selProp := self atomIDOf:'VT_SELECTION' create:true.
+    self requestTextSelection:primaryAtom property:selProp for:drawableId.
+    ^ nil
+requestObjectSelection:selectionID property:propertyID for:aWindowId
+    "ask the server to send us the selection - the view with ID aWindowID
+     will later receive a SelectionNotify event for it."
+    ^ self requestSelection:selectionID 
+		   property:propertyID 
+		   type:(self atomIDOf:'ST_OBJECT' create:true) 
+		   for:aWindowId
+requestSelection:selectionID property:propertyID type:typeID for:aWindowId
+    "ask the server to send us the selection - the view with id aWindowID
+     will later receive a SelectionNotify event for it (once the Xserver replies
+     with the selections value)."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    Atom sel_prop;
+    char *cp;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isSmallInteger(typeID)
+     && __isAtomID(selectionID)) {
+	if (XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, _AtomVal(selectionID)) == None) {
+	    /*
+	     * no owner of primary selection
+	     */
+	    RETURN (false);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * PRIMARY selection
+	 */
+	XConvertSelection(dpy, _AtomVal(selectionID), _AtomVal(typeID), 
+			       _AtomVal(propertyID), _WindowVal(aWindowId), CurrentTime);
+	RETURN (true);
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ false
+    "
+     Display requestSelection:(Display atomIDOf:'PRIMARY')
+		     property:(Display atomIDOf:'VT_SELECTION')
+			  for:0
+    "
+requestTextSelection:selectionID property:propertyID for:aWindowId
+    "ask the server to send us the selection - the view with ID aWindowID
+     will later receive a SelectionNotify event for it."
+    ^ self requestSelection:selectionID 
+		   property:propertyID 
+		       type:stringAtom 
+			for:aWindowId
+sendSelection:something property:propertyID target:targetID from:windowID to:requestorID
+    "send aString back from a SelectionRequest"
+    self 
+	sendSelection:something 
+	selection:primaryAtom
+	property:propertyID 
+	target:targetID 
+	from:windowID 
+	to:requestorID
+sendSelection:something selection:selectionID property:propertyID target:targetID from:windowID to:requestorID
+    "send aString back from a SelectionRequest"
+    self 
+	setProperty:propertyID 
+	type:targetID 
+	value:something 
+	for:requestorID.
+    self 
+	sendSelectionNotifySelection:selectionID 
+	property:propertyID 
+	target:targetID 
+	from:requestorID 
+	to:requestorID.
+sendSelectionNotifySelection:selectionID property:propertyID target:targetID from:windowID to:requestorID
+    "send a selectionNotify back from a SelectionRequest"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    if (__isAtomID(propertyID)
+     && __isExternalAddress(requestorID)
+     && __isAtomID(targetID)
+     && __isAtomID(selectionID)) {
+	XEvent ev;
+	Window requestor = _WindowVal(requestorID);
+	Atom property = _AtomVal(propertyID);
+	Atom target = _AtomVal(targetID);
+	Atom selection = _AtomVal(selectionID);
+	Status result;
+	ev.xselection.type = SelectionNotify;
+	ev.xselection.selection = selection;
+	ev.xselection.target = target;
+	if (__isExternalAddress(windowID))
+	    ev.xselection.requestor = _WindowVal(windowID);
+	else
+	    ev.xselection.requestor = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
+	ev.xselection.time = CurrentTime;
+	if (property == None)
+	    ev.xselection.property = target;
+	else
+	    ev.xselection.property = property;
+	DPRINTF(("sending SelectionNotify sel=%x prop=%x target=%x requestor=%x to %x\n",
+		ev.xselection.selection,
+		ev.xselection.property,
+		ev.xselection.target,
+		ev.xselection.requestor,
+		requestor));
+	result = XSendEvent(dpy, requestor, False, 0 , &ev);
+	if ((result == BadValue) || (result == BadWindow)) {
+	    DPRINTF(("bad status\n"));
+	}
+	RETURN (self )
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setLengthProperty:propertyID value:aNumber for:aWindowID
+    ^ self setProperty:propertyID type:(self atomIDOfLENGTH) value:aNumber for:aWindowID
+setObjectProperty:propertyID value:anObject for:aWindowID
+    |s|
+    (anObject isMemberOf:String) ifTrue:[
+	^ self setTextProperty:propertyID value:anObject for:aWindowID
+    ].
+    s := WriteStream on:(ByteArray new:200).
+    anObject storeBinaryOn:s.
+    ^ self 
+	setProperty:propertyID 
+	type:(self atomIDOf:'ST_OBJECT' create:true) 
+	value:(s contents) 
+	for:aWindowID
+setProperty:propertyID type:typeID value:anObject for:aWindowID
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    Atom prop, type;
+    Window window;
+    unsigned int value;
+    if (__isAtomID(propertyID)
+     && __isAtomID(typeID) 
+     && (__isString(anObject) 
+	 || __isSmallInteger(anObject) 
+	 || __isSymbol(anObject) 
+	 || __isByteArray(anObject))) {
+	prop = _AtomVal(propertyID);
+	type = _AtomVal(typeID);
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowID)) {
+	    window = _WindowVal(aWindowID);
+	} else {
+	    window = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
+	}
+	if (__isSmallInteger(anObject)) {
+	    value = _intVal(anObject);
+	    XChangeProperty(dpy, window, prop, type, 32,
+			    PropModeReplace,
+			    (unsigned char *)(&value), sizeof(unsigned int));
+	} else {
+	    if (__isByteArray(anObject)) {
+		XChangeProperty(dpy, window, prop, type, 8,
+				PropModeReplace,
+				_ByteArrayInstPtr(anObject)->ba_element,
+				_byteArraySize(anObject));
+	    } else {
+		/* string or symbol */
+		XChangeProperty(dpy, window, prop, XA_STRING, 8,
+				PropModeReplace,
+				_stringVal(anObject),
+				strlen(_stringVal(anObject)));
+	    }
+	}
+	RETURN (true);
+    }
+    ^ false
+setSelection:anObject owner:aWindowId
+    "set the object selection, and make aWindowId be the owner.
+     This can be used by other Smalltalk(X) applications only."
+    (self setSelectionOwner:aWindowId of:primaryAtom) ifFalse:[
+	^ false
+    ].
+"/    ^ self setObjectProperty:cutBuffer0Atom value:anObject for:nil
+    ^ true
+setSelectionOwner:aWindowId of:selectionID
+    "set the owner of a selection; return false if failed"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    Window win;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isAtomID(selectionID)
+     && ISCONNECTED) {
+	win = _WindowVal(aWindowId);
+	XSetSelectionOwner(dpy, _AtomVal(selectionID), win, CurrentTime);
+	if (XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, _AtomVal(selectionID)) != win) {
+	    RETURN (false);
+	}
+	RETURN (true);
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed.
+    ^ nil
+setTextProperty:propertyID value:aString for:aWindowID
+    ^ self setProperty:propertyID type:(self atomIDOfSTRING) value:aString for:aWindowID
+setTextSelection:aString owner:aWindowId
+    "set the text selection, and make aWindowId be the owner.
+     This can be used by any other X application."
+    (self setSelectionOwner:aWindowId of:primaryAtom) ifFalse:[
+	'ownerchange failed' errorPrintNL.
+    ].
+    ^ self setTextProperty:cutBuffer0Atom value:aString for:nil
+! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'window stuff'!
+clearRectangleX:x y:y width:width height:height in:aWindowId
+    "clear a rectangular area to viewbackground"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int w, h;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(width, height)) {
+	w = _intVal(width);
+	h = _intVal(height);
+	if (w < 0) w = 0;
+	if (h < 0) h = 0;
+	XClearArea(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _intVal(x), _intVal(y), w, h, 0);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "clear a window to viewbackground"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	XClearWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+configureWindow:aWindowId sibling:siblingId stackMode:modeSymbol
+    "configure stacking operation of aWindowId w.r.t siblingId"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XWindowChanges chg;
+    int mask = CWSibling | CWStackMode;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(siblingId)) {
+	if (modeSymbol == @symbol(above)) {
+	    chg.stack_mode = Above;
+	} else if (modeSymbol == @symbol(below)) {
+	    chg.stack_mode = Below;
+	} else if (modeSymbol == @symbol(topIf)) {
+	    chg.stack_mode = TopIf;
+	} else if (modeSymbol == @symbol(bottomIf)) {
+	    chg.stack_mode = BottomIf;
+	} else if (modeSymbol == @symbol(opposite)) {
+	    chg.stack_mode = Opposite;
+	} else {
+	    mask = CWSibling;
+	}
+	chg.sibling = _WindowVal(siblingId);
+	XConfigureWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId),
+				mask, &chg);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+bad: ;
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "bring a window to back"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	XLowerWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+mapView:aView id:aWindowId iconified:aBoolean atX:xPos y:yPos width:w height:h
+    "make a window visible - either as icon or as a real view - needed for restart"
+    |wicon wiconId wiconView wiconViewId wlabel|
+    aBoolean ifTrue:[
+	wicon := aView icon.
+	wicon notNil ifTrue:[
+	    wiconId := wicon id
+	].
+	wiconView := aView iconView.
+	wiconView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    wiconViewId := wiconView id
+	].
+	wlabel := aView label.
+    ].
+    XWMHints wmhints;
+    XSizeHints szhints;
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    Window win;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	win = _WindowVal(aWindowId);
+	szhints.flags = 0;
+	if (__bothSmallInteger(xPos, yPos)) {
+	    szhints.x = _intVal(xPos);
+	    szhints.y = _intVal(yPos);
+	    szhints.flags |= USPosition;
+	}
+	if (__bothSmallInteger(w, h)) {
+	    szhints.width = _intVal(w);
+	    szhints.height = _intVal(h);
+	    szhints.flags |= USSize;
+	}
+	if (aBoolean == true) {
+	    char *windowName;
+	    Pixmap iconBitmap = (Pixmap)0;
+	    Window iconWindow;
+	    if (__isExternalAddress(wiconId))
+		iconBitmap = _PixmapVal(wiconId);
+	    else
+		iconBitmap = (Pixmap)0;
+	    if (__isExternalAddress(wiconViewId))
+		iconWindow = _WindowVal(wiconViewId);
+	    else
+		iconWindow = (Window)0;
+	    if (__isString(wlabel) || __isSymbol(wlabel))
+		windowName = (char *)_stringVal(wlabel);
+	    else
+		windowName = "";
+	    if (iconBitmap || windowName) {
+		XSetStandardProperties(dpy, win,
+					windowName, windowName,
+					iconBitmap,
+					0, 0, &szhints);
+	    }
+	    wmhints.flags = 0;
+	    if (iconBitmap) {
+		wmhints.flags |= IconPixmapHint;
+		wmhints.icon_pixmap = iconBitmap;
+	    }
+	    if (iconWindow) {
+		wmhints.flags |= IconWindowHint;
+		wmhints.icon_window = iconWindow;
+	    }
+	    wmhints.initial_state = IconicState;
+	    wmhints.flags |= StateHint;
+	    XSetWMHints(dpy, win, &wmhints);
+	}
+	if (szhints.flags) {
+	    XSetNormalHints(dpy, win, &szhints);
+	}
+	XMapWindow(dpy, win);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "make a window visible"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	XMapWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+moveResizeWindow:aWindowId x:x y:y width:w height:h
+    "move and resize a window"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int newWidth, newHeight;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(w, h)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
+	newWidth = _intVal(w);
+	newHeight = _intVal(h);
+	if (newWidth < 1) newWidth = 1;
+	if (newHeight < 1) newHeight = 1;
+	XMoveResizeWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId),
+			      _intVal(x), _intVal(y),
+			      newWidth, newHeight);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+moveWindow:aWindowId x:x y:y
+    "move a window"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId) && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)) {
+	XMoveWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _intVal(x), _intVal(y));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "bring a window to front"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	XRaiseWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+resizeWindow:aWindowId width:w height:h
+    "resize a window"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    int newWidth, newHeight;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId) && __bothSmallInteger(w, h)) {
+	newWidth = _intVal(w);
+	newHeight = _intVal(h);
+	if (newWidth < 1) newWidth = 1;
+	if (newHeight < 1) newHeight = 1;
+	XResizeWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), newWidth, newHeight);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setBackingStore:how in:aWindowId
+    "turn on/off backing-store for a window"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XSetWindowAttributes wa;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	if (_INST(ignoreBackingStore) != true) {
+	    if (how == @symbol(always)) wa.backing_store = Always;
+	    else if (how == @symbol(whenMapped)) wa.backing_store = WhenMapped;
+	    else if (how == true) wa.backing_store = Always;
+	    else wa.backing_store = 0;
+	    XChangeWindowAttributes(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), CWBackingStore, &wa);
+	}
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setBitGravity:how in:aWindowId
+    "set bit gravity for a window"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XSetWindowAttributes wa;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	if (how == @symbol(NorthWest)) {
+	    wa.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(NorthEast)) {
+	    wa.bit_gravity = NorthEastGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(SouthWest)) {
+	    wa.bit_gravity = SouthWestGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(SouthEast)) {
+	    wa.bit_gravity = SouthEastGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(Center)) {
+	    wa.bit_gravity = CenterGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(North)) {
+	    wa.bit_gravity = NorthGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(South)) {
+	    wa.bit_gravity = SouthGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(West)) {
+	    wa.bit_gravity = WestGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(East)) {
+	    wa.bit_gravity = EastGravity;
+	} else {
+	    wa.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
+	}
+	XChangeWindowAttributes(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), CWBitGravity, &wa);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setCursor:aCursorId in:aWindowId
+    "define a windows cursor"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    Display *dpy = myDpy;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aCursorId)) {
+	XDefineCursor(dpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _CursorVal(aCursorId));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setIconName:aString in:aWindowId
+    "define a windows iconname"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && (__isString(aString) || __isSymbol(aString))) {
+	XSetIconName(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), (char *)_stringVal(aString));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setSaveUnder:yesOrNo in:aWindowId
+    "turn on/off save-under for a window"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XSetWindowAttributes wa;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	if (_INST(hasSaveUnder) == true) {
+	    wa.save_under = (yesOrNo == true) ? 1 : 0;
+	    XChangeWindowAttributes(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), CWSaveUnder, &wa);
+	}
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setTransient:aWindowId for:aMainWindowId
+    "set aWindowId to be a transient of aMainWindow"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aMainWindowId)) {
+	XSetTransientForHint(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId),
+				    _WindowVal(aMainWindowId));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowBackground:aColorIndex in:aWindowId
+    "set the windows background color. This is the color with which
+     the view is filled whenever exposed. Do not confuse this with
+     the background drawing color, which is used with opaque drawing."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isSmallInteger(aColorIndex)) {
+	XSetWindowBackground(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _intVal(aColorIndex));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowBackgroundPixmap:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
+    "set the windows background pattern to be a form.
+     This is the pattern with which the view is filled whenever exposed. 
+     Do not confuse this with the background drawing color, which is used 
+     with opaque drawing."
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aPixmapId)) {
+	XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _PixmapVal(aPixmapId));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowBorderColor:aColorIndex in:aWindowId
+    "set the windows border color"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isSmallInteger(aColorIndex)) {
+	XSetWindowBorder(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _intVal(aColorIndex));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowBorderPixmap:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
+    "set the windows border pattern"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aPixmapId)) {
+	XSetWindowBorderPixmap(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _PixmapVal(aPixmapId));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowBorderShape:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
+    "set the windows border shape"
+    hasShapeExtension ifFalse:[^ self].
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+#ifdef SHAPE
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aPixmapId)) {
+	XShapeCombineMask(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), ShapeBounding,
+			  0, 0, _PixmapVal(aPixmapId), ShapeSet);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowBorderWidth:aNumber in:aWindowId
+    "set the windows border width"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isSmallInteger(aNumber)) {
+	XSetWindowBorderWidth(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), _intVal(aNumber));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowGravity:how in:aWindowId
+    "set window gravity for a window"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    XSetWindowAttributes wa;
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	if (how == @symbol(NorthWest)) {
+	    wa.win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(NorthEast)) {
+	    wa.win_gravity = NorthEastGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(SouthWest)) {
+	    wa.win_gravity = SouthWestGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(SouthEast)) {
+	    wa.win_gravity = SouthEastGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(Center)) {
+	    wa.win_gravity = CenterGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(North)) {
+	    wa.win_gravity = NorthGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(South)) {
+	    wa.win_gravity = SouthGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(West)) {
+	    wa.win_gravity = WestGravity;
+	} else if (how == @symbol(East)) {
+	    wa.win_gravity = EastGravity;
+	} else {
+	    wa.win_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
+	}
+	XChangeWindowAttributes(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), CWWinGravity, &wa);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowIcon:aForm in:aWindowId
+    "define a bitmap to be used as icon"
+    |iconId|
+    aForm notNil ifTrue:[
+	iconId := aForm id
+    ].
+    if (__isExternalAddress(iconId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	XWMHints hints;
+	hints.icon_pixmap = _PixmapVal(iconId);
+	hints.flags = IconPixmapHint;
+	XSetWMHints(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), &hints);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowIconWindow:aView in:aWindowId
+    "define a window to be used as icon"
+    |iconWindowId|
+    aView notNil ifTrue:[
+	iconWindowId := aView id
+    ].
+    if (__isExternalAddress(iconWindowId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	XWMHints wmhints;
+	wmhints.icon_window = _WindowVal(iconWindowId);
+	wmhints.flags = IconWindowHint;
+	XSetWMHints(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), &wmhints);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowName:aString in:aWindowId
+    "define a windows name"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && (__isString(aString) || __isSymbol(aString))) {
+	XStoreName(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), (char *)_stringVal(aString));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+setWindowShape:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
+    "set the windows shape"
+    hasShapeExtension ifFalse:[^ self].
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+#ifdef SHAPE
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)
+     && __isExternalAddress(aPixmapId)) {
+	XShapeCombineMask(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId), ShapeClip,
+			  0, 0,
+			  _PixmapVal(aPixmapId), ShapeSet);
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+    "make a window invisible"
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
+	XUnmapWindow(myDpy, _WindowVal(aWindowId));
+	RETURN ( self );
+    }
+    self primitiveFailed
+! !
+!XWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/XWorkstation.st,v 1.88 1995-12-10 00:21:44 cg Exp $'
+! !
+XWorkstation initialize!