changeset 5411 26b475890a60
parent 5405 369200caeaaf
child 5414 6edcb212d4a0
--- a/	Sat Oct 24 12:07:55 2009 +0200
+++ b/	Sat Oct 24 12:31:07 2009 +0200
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
 "{ Package: 'stx:libview' }"
 DisplaySurface subclass:#SimpleView
-	instanceVariableNames:'superView subViews components styleSheet resources borderColor
-		borderWidth viewShape top left flagBits relativeOrigin
-		relativeExtent relativeCorner originRule extentRule cornerRule
-		insets layout shown hiddenOnRealize name level margin
-		innerClipRect shadowColor lightColor bitGravity viewGravity
-		controller windowGroup preferredExtent explicitExtent dependents
-		layoutManager visibilityChannel helpKey dropTarget'
+	instanceVariableNames:'superView subViews components styleSheet resources border unused
+		viewShape top left flagBits relativeOrigin relativeExtent
+		relativeCorner originRule extentRule cornerRule insets layout
+		shown hiddenOnRealize name level margin innerClipRect shadowColor
+		lightColor bitGravity viewGravity controller windowGroup
+		preferredExtent explicitExtent dependents layoutManager
+		visibilityChannel helpKey dropTarget'
 	classVariableNames:'Grey CentPoint ViewSpacing DefaultStyle StyleSheet
 		DefaultViewBackgroundColor DefaultBorderColor DefaultLightColor
 		DefaultShadowColor DefaultBorderWidth DefaultFocusColor
@@ -100,158 +100,158 @@
     [Instance variables:]
-        superView               <View>                  my superview i.e. the view I am in
-        subViews                <Collection>            the collection of subviews
-                                                        These are the views proper.
-        components              <Collection>            collection of gadgets (will be merged with subViews, soon)
-                                                        These are lightweight gadgets (not seen by windows/x11).
-        styleSheet              <ResourcePack>          contains widget attributes (see libview/styles/*.style)
-        resources               <ResourcePack>          contains national language translations (see lib*/resources/*.rs)
-        borderColor             <Color>                 color of border
-        borderWidth             <Number>                borderWidth in pixels (device dep.)
-        viewShape               <Form>                  shape of view & border (if device supports it)
-        top                     <Number>                actual top coordinate (pixels) in superview
-        left                    <Number>                actual left coordinate (pixels) in superview
-        flagBits                <Integer>               flag bits (used to be individual booleans)
-            extendChanged                                   true if extend changed during setup
-            originChanged                                   true if origin changed during setup
-        relativeOrigin          <Number>                relative origin in percent within superview
-        relativeExtent          <Number>                relative extent in percent within superview
-        relativeCorner          <Number>                relative corner in percent within superview
-        originRule              <Block>                 rule to compute origin if superview changes size
-        extentRule              <Block>                 rule to compute extent if superview changes size
-        cornerRule              <Block>                 rule to compute corner if superview changes size
-        insets                  <Array>                 array with top, left, bottom & right insets (or nil)
-        layout                  <LayoutObject>          not yet implemented - will replace the above layout
-                                                        variables.
-        shown                   <Boolean>               true if visible (false if iconified, unmapped or covered)
-        hiddenOnRealize         <Boolean>               dont show automatically when superview is realized
-        name                    <String>                my name (future use for resources)
-        level                   <Number>                3D level relative to superview
-        margin                  <Number>                convenient margin
-        innerClipRect           <Rectangle>             convenient inner clip (minus margin)
-        shadowColor             <Color>                 color used to draw 3D shadowed edges
-        lightColor              <Color>                 color used to draw 3D lighted edges
-        bitGravity              <nil | Symbol>          gravity of contents (if device supports it)
-        viewGravity             <nil | Symbol>          gravity of view (if device supports it)
-        controller              <nil | Controller>      the controller (if any)
-        windowGroup             <WindowGroup>           the windowGroup
-        preferredExtent(*)      <nil | Point>           preferredExtent overWrite 
-                                                        if nonNil, the widget will not compute
-                                                        its pref-extent, but use that value.
-        explicitExtent(*)       <nil | Point>           preferredExtent overWrite 
-                                                        if nonNil, the widget will not compute
-                                                        its pref-extent, but use that value.
-        dependents              <nil | Collection>      who depends on me
-        layoutManager 
-        visibilityChannel 
-        helpKey 
-        dropTarget
+	superView               <View>                  my superview i.e. the view I am in
+	subViews                <Collection>            the collection of subviews
+							These are the views proper.
+	components              <Collection>            collection of gadgets (will be merged with subViews, soon)
+							These are lightweight gadgets (not seen by windows/x11).
+	styleSheet              <ResourcePack>          contains widget attributes (see libview/styles/*.style)
+	resources               <ResourcePack>          contains national language translations (see lib*/resources/*.rs)
+	border                  <Border>                color and width of border
+	unused                  <nil>                   to keep the instVar size constant
+	viewShape               <Form>                  shape of view & border (if device supports it)
+	top                     <Number>                actual top coordinate (pixels) in superview
+	left                    <Number>                actual left coordinate (pixels) in superview
+	flagBits                <Integer>               flag bits (used to be individual booleans)
+	    extendChanged                                   true if extend changed during setup
+	    originChanged                                   true if origin changed during setup
+	relativeOrigin          <Number>                relative origin in percent within superview
+	relativeExtent          <Number>                relative extent in percent within superview
+	relativeCorner          <Number>                relative corner in percent within superview
+	originRule              <Block>                 rule to compute origin if superview changes size
+	extentRule              <Block>                 rule to compute extent if superview changes size
+	cornerRule              <Block>                 rule to compute corner if superview changes size
+	insets                  <Array>                 array with top, left, bottom & right insets (or nil)
+	layout                  <LayoutObject>          not yet implemented - will replace the above layout
+							variables.
+	shown                   <Boolean>               true if visible (false if iconified, unmapped or covered)
+	hiddenOnRealize         <Boolean>               dont show automatically when superview is realized
+	name                    <String>                my name (future use for resources)
+	level                   <Number>                3D level relative to superview
+	margin                  <Number>                convenient margin
+	innerClipRect           <Rectangle>             convenient inner clip (minus margin)
+	shadowColor             <Color>                 color used to draw 3D shadowed edges
+	lightColor              <Color>                 color used to draw 3D lighted edges
+	bitGravity              <nil | Symbol>          gravity of contents (if device supports it)
+	viewGravity             <nil | Symbol>          gravity of view (if device supports it)
+	controller              <nil | Controller>      the controller (if any)
+	windowGroup             <WindowGroup>           the windowGroup
+	preferredExtent(*)      <nil | Point>           preferredExtent overWrite
+							if nonNil, the widget will not compute
+							its pref-extent, but use that value.
+	explicitExtent(*)       <nil | Point>           preferredExtent overWrite
+							if nonNil, the widget will not compute
+							its pref-extent, but use that value.
+	dependents              <nil | Collection>      who depends on me
+	layoutManager
+	visibilityChannel
+	helpKey
+	dropTarget
     (*) about to be changed to use preferredExtent as a cache and explicitExtent as
-        an overwrite value.
+	an overwrite value.
     [Class variables:]
-        Grey                    <Color>                 the color grey - its used so often
-        ViewSpacing             <Number>                preferred spacing between views; 1mm
-        CentPoint               <Point>                 100 @ 100 - its used so often
-        StyleSheet              <ResourcePack>          contains all view-style specifics
-        ReturnFocusWhenClosingModalBoxes                if true, a closing modalBox returns
-                                <Boolean>               the keyboard focus to the view which was
-                                                        active when the box was opened.
-                                                        If false (the default), it is left to
-                                                        window manager to assign a new focus.
-                                                        If running on olwm/olvwm (which requires an
-                                                        explicit click to reassign a focus), it is
-                                                        better to turn this on in a private.rc file.
+	Grey                    <Color>                 the color grey - its used so often
+	ViewSpacing             <Number>                preferred spacing between views; 1mm
+	CentPoint               <Point>                 100 @ 100 - its used so often
+	StyleSheet              <ResourcePack>          contains all view-style specifics
+	ReturnFocusWhenClosingModalBoxes                if true, a closing modalBox returns
+				<Boolean>               the keyboard focus to the view which was
+							active when the box was opened.
+							If false (the default), it is left to
+							window manager to assign a new focus.
+							If running on olwm/olvwm (which requires an
+							explicit click to reassign a focus), it is
+							better to turn this on in a private.rc file.
     [styleSheet parameters:]
-        popupShadow             <Boolean>               if true, popupViews show a shadow below
-        popupLevel              <nil | Integer>         3D level
-        borderWidth             <nil | Integer>         borderWidth (ignored in 3D styles)
-        borderColor             <nil | Color>           borderColor (ignored in 3D styles)
-        viewBackground          <nil | Color>           views background
-        shadowColor             <nil | Color>           color for shadow edges (ignored in 2D styles)
-        lightColor              <nil | Color>           color for light edges (ignored in 2D styles)
-        font                    <nil | Font>            font to use
+	popupShadow             <Boolean>               if true, popupViews show a shadow below
+	popupLevel              <nil | Integer>         3D level
+	borderWidth             <nil | Integer>         borderWidth (ignored in 3D styles)
+	borderColor             <nil | Color>           borderColor (ignored in 3D styles)
+	viewBackground          <nil | Color>           views background
+	shadowColor             <nil | Color>           color for shadow edges (ignored in 2D styles)
+	lightColor              <nil | Color>           color for light edges (ignored in 2D styles)
+	font                    <nil | Font>            font to use
-        get rid of relativeOrigin, relativeCorner, originRule, extentRule,
-        and insets; replace by a single object which defines the size
-        (mhmh - ST-80 seems to call this LayoutFrame ?)
-        -> be prepared for a change here in the near future and ONLY use
-           access methods to get those instance variables' values
-        get rid of 3D level & margin, move it to extra wrappers
-        (although this will make view setup more complicated, it will remove
-         complexity from the internals of view. Also, it will allow for more
-         varieties of borders.)
-        add components (could also call them gadgets or lightweight views)
-        - views are expensive in terms of X resources. This would make all
-        framing/edge and panel helper views become cheap ST objects, instead
-        of views.
+	get rid of relativeOrigin, relativeCorner, originRule, extentRule,
+	and insets; replace by a single object which defines the size
+	(mhmh - ST-80 seems to call this LayoutFrame ?)
+	-> be prepared for a change here in the near future and ONLY use
+	   access methods to get those instance variables' values
+	get rid of 3D level & margin, move it to extra wrappers
+	(although this will make view setup more complicated, it will remove
+	 complexity from the internals of view. Also, it will allow for more
+	 varieties of borders.)
+	add components (could also call them gadgets or lightweight views)
+	- views are expensive in terms of X resources. This would make all
+	framing/edge and panel helper views become cheap ST objects, instead
+	of views.
     [see also:]
-        StandardSystemView DialogBox
-        WindowGroup WindowEvent
-        Layout
-        ( introduction to view programming :html: programming/viewintro.html )
+	StandardSystemView DialogBox
+	WindowGroup WindowEvent
+	Layout
+	( introduction to view programming :html: programming/viewintro.html )
-        Claus Gittinger
+	Claus Gittinger
@@ -261,50 +261,50 @@
      to make the individual subviews visible)
     a subView in a topView:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top v|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	v := View new.
-	v origin:0.25 @ 0.25 corner:0.75 @ 0.75.
-	top addSubView:v.
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top v|
+        top := StandardSystemView new.
+        v := View new.
+        v origin:0.25 @ 0.25 corner:0.75 @ 0.75.
+        top addSubView:v.
+        top open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     the same, a bit more compact:
-									[exBegin]
-	|top v|
-	top := StandardSystemView new.
-	v := View origin:0.25 @ 0.25 corner:0.75 @ 0.75 in:top.
-	top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top v|
+        top := StandardSystemView new.
+        v := View origin:0.25 @ 0.25 corner:0.75 @ 0.75 in:top.
+        top open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     fixed position/size:
-									[exBegin]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
        top extent:300@300.
        v1 := View origin:10@10
-		  corner:50@50
-		      in:top.
+                  corner:50@50
+                      in:top.
        v2 := View origin:60@10
-		  corner:150@100
-		      in:top.
+                  corner:150@100
+                      in:top.
        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
        v2 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
        top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     same, using ST-80 way of bulding up view hierarchies
     (recommended, if you plan to port applications later)
-									[exBegin]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -326,10 +326,10 @@
        v2 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
        top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     fixed origin, variable size:
-									[exBegin]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -348,11 +348,11 @@
        top add:v2.
        top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     fixed origin, variable size,
     bottomInset for constant distance from bottom:
-									[exBegin]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -373,10 +373,10 @@
        top add:v2.
        top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     variable origin, variable size,
-									[exBegin]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -395,11 +395,11 @@
        top add:v2.
        top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     variable origin, variable size,
     insets for some constant distance
-									[exBegin]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -420,11 +420,11 @@
        top add:v2.
        top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     using layout objects (ST-80 style):
     fully specifying the frame
-									[exBegin]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -437,21 +437,21 @@
        v2 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
        top add:v1 in:(LayoutFrame new
-			leftFraction:0.25;
-			rightFraction:0.75;
-			topFraction:0.0;
-			bottomFraction:0.5).
+                        leftFraction:0.25;
+                        rightFraction:0.75;
+                        topFraction:0.0;
+                        bottomFraction:0.5).
        top add:v2 in:(LayoutFrame new
-			leftFraction:0.5;
-			rightFraction:1.0;
-			topFraction:0.5;
-			bottomFraction:0.75).
+                        leftFraction:0.5;
+                        rightFraction:1.0;
+                        topFraction:0.5;
+                        bottomFraction:0.75).
        top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     another one, with offsets:
-									[exBegin]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -464,22 +464,22 @@
        v2 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
        top add:v1 in:(LayoutFrame new
-			leftFraction:0.0 offset:10;
-			rightFraction:1.0 offset:-10;
-			topFraction:0.0 offset:10;
-			bottomFraction:0.5).
+                        leftFraction:0.0 offset:10;
+                        rightFraction:1.0 offset:-10;
+                        topFraction:0.0 offset:10;
+                        bottomFraction:0.5).
        top add:v2 in:(LayoutFrame new
-			leftFraction:0.0 offset:30;
-			rightFraction:1.0 offset:-30;
-			topFraction:0.5 offset:10;
-			bottomFraction:0.75).
+                        leftFraction:0.0 offset:30;
+                        rightFraction:1.0 offset:-30;
+                        topFraction:0.5 offset:10;
+                        bottomFraction:0.75).
        top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     specifying origin only. Extent is views preferred
     (notice, that plain views have some defaultExtent of 100@100)
-									[exBegin]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -492,17 +492,17 @@
        v2 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
        top add:v1 in:(LayoutOrigin new
-			leftFraction:0.25;
-			topFraction:0.0).
+                        leftFraction:0.25;
+                        topFraction:0.0).
        top add:v2 in:(LayoutOrigin new
-			leftFraction:0.5;
-			topFraction:0.5).
+                        leftFraction:0.5;
+                        topFraction:0.5).
        top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     same example, using buttons which compute their preferredBounds:
-									[exBegin]
+                                                                        [exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -515,14 +515,31 @@
        v2 backgroundColor:(Color yellow).
        top add:v1 in:(LayoutOrigin new
-			leftFraction:0.25;
-			topFraction:0.0).
+                        leftFraction:0.25;
+                        topFraction:0.0).
        top add:v2 in:(LayoutOrigin new
-			leftFraction:0.5;
-			topFraction:0.5).
+                        leftFraction:0.5;
+                        topFraction:0.5).
        top open
-									[exEnd]
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+    border:
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+       |top v1 v2|
+       top := StandardSystemView new.
+       top extent:300@300.
+       v1 := View new.
+       top add:v1 in:(10@10 corner: 30@30).
+       v2 := View new.
+       top add:v2 in:(30@30 corner: 50@50).
+       v1 border:(SimpleBorder width:1 color:Color red).
+       v2 border:(SimpleBorder width:1 color:Color blue).
+       top open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
@@ -1017,11 +1034,11 @@
 update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
     changedObject == Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-        (something == #Language or:[something == #LanguageTerritory]) ifTrue:[
-            "flush resources on language changes"
-            self flushAllClassResources.
-            self allSubInstancesDo:[:eachView | eachView languageChanged].
-        ].
+	(something == #Language or:[something == #LanguageTerritory]) ifTrue:[
+	    "flush resources on language changes"
+	    self flushAllClassResources.
+	    self allSubInstancesDo:[:eachView | eachView languageChanged].
+	].
     "Created: 15.6.1996 / 15:23:04 / cg"
@@ -1415,7 +1432,7 @@
-    "return the views resources - 
+    "return the views resources -
      that's a ResourcePack containing national language strings"
     ^ self classResources
@@ -1840,14 +1857,33 @@
     "Modified: 3.5.1997 / 10:28:04 / cg"
+    "return my border"
+    (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ superView border
+    ].
+    ^ border
+    "set my border"
+    border := aBorder.
+    self computeMargin.
     "return my borderColor"
     (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
-	^ superView borderColor
-    ].
-    ^ borderColor
+        ^ superView borderColor
+    ].
+    "/ ^ borderColor
+    border isNil ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
+    ^ border color.
     "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 14:11:44 / cg"
@@ -1862,14 +1898,24 @@
         ^ self
-    (aColor ~~ borderColor) ifTrue:[
-        borderColor := aColor.
-        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
-            self setBorderColor
-        ]
-    ]
+    aColor isNil ifTrue:[
+        border isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+        border := nil.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        aColor = (self borderColor) ifTrue:[^ self].
+        border := SimpleBorder new width:(self borderWidth) color:aColor
+    ].
+    self invalidate.
+"/    (aColor ~~ borderColor) ifTrue:[
+"/        borderColor := aColor.
+"/        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
+"/            self setBorderColor
+"/        ]
+"/    ]
     "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 14:11:50 / cg"
+    "Modified: 23.10.2009 / 14:11:50 / cg"
@@ -1893,18 +1939,6 @@
     "Modified: 18.9.1997 / 11:09:40 / cg"
-    "return my borderWidth"
-    (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
-	^ superView borderWidth
-    ].
-    ^ borderWidth
-    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 14:11:57 / cg"
     "set my borderWidth"
@@ -1914,16 +1948,36 @@
         ^ superView borderWidth:aNumber
-    (aNumber ~~ borderWidth) ifTrue:[
-        borderWidth := aNumber.
-        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
-            self setBorderWidth.
+    self assert:(aNumber notNil).
+    aNumber == 0 ifTrue:[
+        border isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+        self border:nil.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        border notNil ifTrue:[
+            self border:(border copy width:aNumber)
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self border:(SimpleBorder new width:aNumber color:(self borderColor)).
-    ]
+    ].
+"/    (aNumber ~~ borderWidth) ifTrue:[
+"/        borderWidth := aNumber.
+"/        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
+"/            self setBorderWidth.
+"/        ]
+"/    ]
     "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 14:12:05 / cg"
+    border isNil ifTrue:[
+        margin := level abs.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    margin := border width.
     "fill aForm with my borderShape"
@@ -1957,9 +2011,9 @@
     "return my level relative to superView (3D)"
     (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
-	^ superView level
-    ].
+        ^ superView level
+    ].
+    border notNil ifTrue:[^ border level].
     ^ level
     "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 14:12:10 / cg"
@@ -2033,26 +2087,26 @@
     "set my borderWidth in the devices physical view"
-    |bw|
-    bw := borderWidth.
-    (device supportsWindowBorder:bw) ifFalse:[
-        bw > 1 ifTrue:[
-            (device supportsWindowBorder:(bw := 1)) ifFalse:[
-                ^ self
-            ].
-        ]
-    ].
-    drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
-        device setWindowBorderWidth:bw in:drawableId
-    ]
+"/    |bw|
+"/    bw := borderWidth.
+"/    (device supportsWindowBorder:bw) ifFalse:[
+"/        bw > 1 ifTrue:[
+"/            (device supportsWindowBorder:(bw := 1)) ifFalse:[
+"/                ^ self
+"/            ].
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+"/    drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
+"/        device setWindowBorderWidth:bw in:drawableId
+"/    ]
     "set my borderWidth without affecting the real view (private only)"
-    borderWidth := aNumber
+    "/ borderWidth := aNumber
@@ -3210,7 +3264,7 @@
     "return the inside area of the superView."
     superView isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ Rectangle left:0 top:0 right:0 bottom:0.
+	^ Rectangle left:0 top:0 right:0 bottom:0.
     ^ superView viewRectangle.
@@ -3414,7 +3468,7 @@
     myName := self uuidStringOrName.
     viewsWithSameName := aViewCollection select:[:v | v uuidStringOrName = myName].
     viewsWithSameName size = 1 ifTrue:[
-        ^ nil "/ no conflict
+	^ nil "/ no conflict
     ^ viewsWithSameName indexOf:self
@@ -3432,21 +3486,21 @@
     superV := self superView.
     [superV isNil] whileFalse:[
-        hierarchicalViews addFirst: superV.
-        superV := superV superView.
-    ].
-    hierarchicalViews doWithIndex:[:aView :index | 
-        uuidOrName := aView uuidStringOrName.
-        indexString := nil.
-        index > 1 ifTrue:[
-            indexOrNil := aView hierarchicalIndex.
-            (indexOrNil notNil and:[indexOrNil ~= 1]) ifTrue:[
-                indexString := '[',indexOrNil printString,']'
-            ]
-        ].
-        separator := index == 1 ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:['.'].
-        hierarchicalUUID := hierarchicalUUID,separator,uuidOrName,(indexString?'').
+	hierarchicalViews addFirst: superV.
+	superV := superV superView.
+    ].
+    hierarchicalViews doWithIndex:[:aView :index |
+	uuidOrName := aView uuidStringOrName.
+	indexString := nil.
+	index > 1 ifTrue:[
+	    indexOrNil := aView hierarchicalIndex.
+	    (indexOrNil notNil and:[indexOrNil ~= 1]) ifTrue:[
+		indexString := '[',indexOrNil printString,']'
+	    ]
+	].
+	separator := index == 1 ifTrue:[''] ifFalse:['.'].
+	hierarchicalUUID := hierarchicalUUID,separator,uuidOrName,(indexString?'').
     ^ hierarchicalUUID
@@ -3612,14 +3666,14 @@
      the model first, then use the views menu.
     (menuHolder respondsTo:sym) ifFalse:[
-        (self respondsTo:sym) ifTrue:[
-            menuHolder := self
-        ]
+	(self respondsTo:sym) ifTrue:[
+	    menuHolder := self
+	]
     sym numArgs > 0 ifTrue:[
-        "/ squeak compatibility (with args): create the empty menu here, let model add items
-        ^ menuHolder perform:sym withOptionalArgument:(Menu new) and:(device shiftDown).
+	"/ squeak compatibility (with args): create the empty menu here, let model add items
+	^ menuHolder perform:sym withOptionalArgument:(Menu new) and:(device shiftDown).
@@ -3717,7 +3771,7 @@
     "return my full name to be used for resource-access"
     superView notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ superView fullName , '.' , self name
+	^ superView fullName , '.' , self name
     ^ self name
@@ -3726,7 +3780,7 @@
     "return my name component to be used for resource-access"
     name isNil ifTrue:[
-        name := self class name "asString" asLowercaseFirst
+	name := self class name "asString" asLowercaseFirst
     ^ name
@@ -4399,22 +4453,22 @@
     "remove all subviews"
     subViews notNil ifTrue:[
-        subViews copy do:[:aSubView |
-            aSubView destroy.
-        ].
-        "/ paranoia ;-)
-        subViews size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            (self class name , ' >>View [warning]: some subView(s) did not destroy: ' , subViews printString) infoPrintCR.
-            subViews := nil
-        ].
+	subViews copy do:[:aSubView |
+	    aSubView destroy.
+	].
+	"/ paranoia ;-)
+	subViews size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    (self class name , ' >>View [warning]: some subView(s) did not destroy: ' , subViews printString) infoPrintCR.
+	    subViews := nil
+	].
     components notNil ifTrue:[
-        components copy do:[:aComponent |
-            aComponent destroy.
-        ].
-        components := nil.
+	components copy do:[:aComponent |
+	    aComponent destroy.
+	].
+	components := nil.
@@ -5110,7 +5164,7 @@
      unless they overlap. In that case, the later view is placed above the earlier."
     aSubViewOrComponent isView ifFalse:[
-        ^ self changeSequenceOrderForComponent:aSubViewOrComponent to:anIndex    
+	^ self changeSequenceOrderForComponent:aSubViewOrComponent to:anIndex
     ^ self changeSequenceOrderForView:aSubViewOrComponent to:anIndex
@@ -5122,11 +5176,11 @@
     (components notNil and:[components size >= anIndex]) ifTrue:[
-        removedComponent := components remove:aComponent ifAbsent:nil.
-        removedComponent notNil ifTrue:[
-            components add:removedComponent beforeIndex:anIndex.
-            ^ true
-        ]
+	removedComponent := components remove:aComponent ifAbsent:nil.
+	removedComponent notNil ifTrue:[
+	    components add:removedComponent beforeIndex:anIndex.
+	    ^ true
+	]
     ^ false
@@ -5139,11 +5193,11 @@
     (subViews notNil and:[subViews size >= anIndex]) ifTrue:[
-        removedView := subViews remove:aSubView ifAbsent:nil.
-        removedView notNil ifTrue:[
-            subViews add:removedView beforeIndex:anIndex.
-            ^ true
-        ]
+	removedView := subViews remove:aSubView ifAbsent:nil.
+	removedView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    subViews add:removedView beforeIndex:anIndex.
+	    ^ true
+	]
     ^ false
@@ -5168,35 +5222,35 @@
     "/ how comes ? And what should be done to avoid this ?
     checkForAnyNonExisting :=
-        [
-            anyNonExisting := false.
-            aCollectionOfDropObjects do:[:eachDropObject |
-                eachDropObject isFileObject ifTrue:[
-                    eachDropObject isDirectory ifFalse:[
-                        eachDropObject theObject asFilename exists ifFalse:[
-                            anyNonExisting := true.
-                            whichNonExisting := eachDropObject theObject asFilename.
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ].
-            anyNonExisting
-        ].
+	[
+	    anyNonExisting := false.
+	    aCollectionOfDropObjects do:[:eachDropObject |
+		eachDropObject isFileObject ifTrue:[
+		    eachDropObject isDirectory ifFalse:[
+			eachDropObject theObject asFilename exists ifFalse:[
+			    anyNonExisting := true.
+			    whichNonExisting := eachDropObject theObject asFilename.
+			]
+		    ]
+		].
+	    ].
+	    anyNonExisting
+	].
     self withWaitCursorDo:[
-        tDelayed := 0.
-        checkForAnyNonExisting doWhile:[
-            anyNonExisting ifTrue:[
-                Delay waitForSeconds:0.3.
-                tDelayed := tDelayed + 0.3.
-            ].
-            anyNonExisting and:[ tDelayed <= 3].
-        ].
+	tDelayed := 0.
+	checkForAnyNonExisting doWhile:[
+	    anyNonExisting ifTrue:[
+		Delay waitForSeconds:0.3.
+		tDelayed := tDelayed + 0.3.
+	    ].
+	    anyNonExisting and:[ tDelayed <= 3].
+	].
     (anyNonExisting and:[checkForAnyNonExisting value]) ifTrue:[
-        Dialog warn:('Dropfile not present: %1' bindWith:whichNonExisting pathName).
-        ^ self
+	Dialog warn:('Dropfile not present: %1' bindWith:whichNonExisting pathName).
+	^ self
     view := self.
@@ -5204,32 +5258,32 @@
     app := view application.
     app notNil ifTrue:[
-        (app canDropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects in:view at:positionInView) ifTrue:[
-            app dropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects in:view at:positionInView.
-            ^ self.
-        ].
+	(app canDropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects in:view at:positionInView) ifTrue:[
+	    app dropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects in:view at:positionInView.
+	    ^ self.
+	].
     [view notNil] whileTrue:[
-        "new mechanism to get a dropTarget"
-        target := view dropTarget.
-        target notNil ifTrue:[
-            dropContext := DropContext new.
-            dropContext dropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects.
-            dropContext dropTarget:target.
-            (target canDrop:dropContext) ifTrue:[
-                target drop:dropContext.
-                ^ self.
-            ].
-        ].
-        (view canDropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects at:positionInView) ifTrue:[
-            view dropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects at:positionInView.
-            ^ self.
-        ].
-        view := view superView.
-        positionInView := nil.
+	"new mechanism to get a dropTarget"
+	target := view dropTarget.
+	target notNil ifTrue:[
+	    dropContext := DropContext new.
+	    dropContext dropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects.
+	    dropContext dropTarget:target.
+	    (target canDrop:dropContext) ifTrue:[
+		target drop:dropContext.
+		^ self.
+	    ].
+	].
+	(view canDropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects at:positionInView) ifTrue:[
+	    view dropObjects:aCollectionOfDropObjects at:positionInView.
+	    ^ self.
+	].
+	view := view superView.
+	positionInView := nil.
     "Modified: / 17-10-2006 / 18:00:46 / cg"
@@ -5289,9 +5343,9 @@
     |oldScale newScale factor|
     amount > 0 ifTrue:[
-        factor := 1.2.
+	factor := 1.2.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        factor := 0.8.
+	factor := 0.8.
     oldScale := self scale.
     newScale := (oldScale * factor) max:0.1.
@@ -5511,7 +5565,7 @@
     (app := self application) notNil ifTrue:[
-        app copyDataEvent:parameter eventData:msgData
+	app copyDataEvent:parameter eventData:msgData
@@ -5519,8 +5573,8 @@
     "view has been destroyed by someone else (usually window system)"
     shown ifTrue:[
-        shown := false.
-        self changed:#visibility.
+	shown := false.
+	self changed:#visibility.
     super destroyed
@@ -5665,21 +5719,25 @@
     anyEdge ifTrue:[
         self deviceClippingRectangle:nil.
         oldPaint := paint.
-        (topEdge and:[leftEdge and:[botEdge and:[rightEdge]]]) ifTrue:[
-            self drawEdges
+        border notNil ifTrue:[
+            border displayOn:self forDisplayBox:innerClipRect.
         ] ifFalse:[
-            topEdge ifTrue:[
-                self drawTopEdge
+            (topEdge and:[leftEdge and:[botEdge and:[rightEdge]]]) ifTrue:[
+                self drawEdges
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                topEdge ifTrue:[
+                    self drawTopEdge
+                ].
+                leftEdge ifTrue:[
+                    self drawLeftEdge
+                ].
+                botEdge ifTrue:[
+                    self drawBottomEdge
+                ].
+                rightEdge ifTrue:[
+                    self drawRightEdge
+                ]
-            leftEdge ifTrue:[
-                self drawLeftEdge
-            ].
-            botEdge ifTrue:[
-                self drawBottomEdge
-            ].
-            rightEdge ifTrue:[
-                self drawRightEdge
-            ]
         self paint:oldPaint.
@@ -5790,9 +5848,9 @@
      the old code was:
-        realized := true.
-        shown := true.
-        ...
+	realized := true.
+	shown := true.
+	...
      this created a race condition, if the view was
      realized and shortly after unrealized - before the mapped event
@@ -5802,35 +5860,35 @@
     realized ifTrue:[
-        shownBefore := shown.
-        "/ currently, the 'shown ifFalse:' optimization is
-        "/ not ok, since 'shown' is also modified by visibilityChanges.
-        "/ Also, when remapped, X11 only sends a mapped event for the topView.
-        "/ Therefore, synthetically generate those #superViewMapped messages
-        "/ in any case.
-        shown := true.
-        "
-         backed views will not get expose events - have
-         to force a redraw here to get things drawn into
-         backing store.
-        "
-        backed ifTrue:[
-            self redrawX:0 y:0 width:width height:height
-        ].
-        "/ tell my subViews ...
-        subViews notNil ifTrue:[
-            subViews do:[:v | v  mapped
+	shownBefore := shown.
+	"/ currently, the 'shown ifFalse:' optimization is
+	"/ not ok, since 'shown' is also modified by visibilityChanges.
+	"/ Also, when remapped, X11 only sends a mapped event for the topView.
+	"/ Therefore, synthetically generate those #superViewMapped messages
+	"/ in any case.
+	shown := true.
+	"
+	 backed views will not get expose events - have
+	 to force a redraw here to get things drawn into
+	 backing store.
+	"
+	backed ifTrue:[
+	    self redrawX:0 y:0 width:width height:height
+	].
+	"/ tell my subViews ...
+	subViews notNil ifTrue:[
+	    subViews do:[:v | v  mapped
 "/                v shown ifFalse:[
 "/                    v  mapped
 "/                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        shownBefore ~~ true ifTrue:[
-            self changed:#visibility.
-        ]
+	    ]
+	].
+	shownBefore ~~ true ifTrue:[
+	    self changed:#visibility.
+	]
     "Modified: 25.2.1997 / 22:41:34 / cg"
@@ -5850,34 +5908,34 @@
     sensor := self sensor.
     UserPreferences current allowMouseWheelZoom ifTrue:[
-        zoomInOrOut := sensor ctrlDown.
-        zoomInOrOut ifTrue:[        
-            self mouseWheelZoom:amount.
-            ^ self.
-        ].
+	zoomInOrOut := sensor ctrlDown.
+	zoomInOrOut ifTrue:[
+	    self mouseWheelZoom:amount.
+	    ^ self.
+	].
     pageScroll := sensor shiftDown.
     pageScroll ifFalse:[
-        amountToScroll := self verticalScrollStep.
-        sensor shiftDown ifFalse:[
-            amountToScroll := self scaleMouseWheelScrollAmount:amountToScroll.
-        ]
+	amountToScroll := self verticalScrollStep.
+	sensor shiftDown ifFalse:[
+	    amountToScroll := self scaleMouseWheelScrollAmount:amountToScroll.
+	]
     amount > 0 ifTrue:[
-        pageScroll ifTrue:[
-            self pageUp
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self scrollUp:amountToScroll
-        ]
+	pageScroll ifTrue:[
+	    self pageUp
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self scrollUp:amountToScroll
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        pageScroll ifTrue:[
-            self pageDown
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self scrollDown:amountToScroll
-        ]
+	pageScroll ifTrue:[
+	    self pageDown
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self scrollDown:amountToScroll
+	]
     "Modified: / 21.5.1999 / 19:58:42 / cg"
@@ -6042,20 +6100,20 @@
     shown ifTrue:[
-        shown := false.
-        self changed:#visibility.
+	shown := false.
+	self changed:#visibility.
     (wdgr := self windowGroup) notNil ifTrue:[
-        wdgr focusView == self ifTrue:[
-            wdgr focusViewUnmapped.
-        ].
+	wdgr focusView == self ifTrue:[
+	    wdgr focusViewUnmapped.
+	].
     subViews notNil ifTrue:[
-        subViews do:[:v |
-            v containerUnmapped
-        ].
-        self changed:#visibility.
+	subViews do:[:v |
+	    v containerUnmapped
+	].
+	self changed:#visibility.
     "Modified: 25.2.1997 / 22:40:52 / cg"
@@ -6071,12 +6129,12 @@
     shownBefore := shown.
     how == #fullyObscured ifTrue:[
-        shown := false
+	shown := false
     ] ifFalse:[
-        shown := true.
+	shown := true.
     shownBefore ~~ shown ifTrue:[
-        self changed:#visibility.
+	self changed:#visibility.
@@ -6452,32 +6510,32 @@
     |delta clrId bd|
     explicit ifTrue:[
-        (drawableId notNil
-        and:[superView notNil
-        and:[styleSheet notNil]]) ifTrue:[
-            (styleSheet at:#'focus.showBorder' default:true) ifTrue:[
-                (device supportsWindowBorder:(bd := DefaultFocusBorderWidth)) ifFalse:[
-                    (device supportsWindowBorder:(bd := 1)) ifFalse:[
-                        bd := 0.
-                    ]
-                ].
-                delta := bd - self borderWidth.
-                delta ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                    (left == 0 or:[top == 0]) ifTrue:[
-                        device resizeWindow:drawableId width:width-delta-delta height:height-delta-delta.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        device moveWindow:drawableId x:left-delta y:top-delta.
-                    ].
-                    device setWindowBorderWidth:bd in:drawableId.
-                ].
-                clrId := (DefaultFocusColor onDevice:device) colorId.
-                clrId isNil ifTrue:[
-                    clrId := device blackpixel
-                ].
-                device setWindowBorderColor:clrId in:drawableId.
-            ]
-        ]
+	(drawableId notNil
+	and:[superView notNil
+	and:[styleSheet notNil]]) ifTrue:[
+	    (styleSheet at:#'focus.showBorder' default:true) ifTrue:[
+		(device supportsWindowBorder:(bd := DefaultFocusBorderWidth)) ifFalse:[
+		    (device supportsWindowBorder:(bd := 1)) ifFalse:[
+			bd := 0.
+		    ]
+		].
+		delta := bd - self borderWidth.
+		delta ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+		    (left == 0 or:[top == 0]) ifTrue:[
+			device resizeWindow:drawableId width:width-delta-delta height:height-delta-delta.
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			device moveWindow:drawableId x:left-delta y:top-delta.
+		    ].
+		    device setWindowBorderWidth:bd in:drawableId.
+		].
+		clrId := (DefaultFocusColor onDevice:device) colorId.
+		clrId isNil ifTrue:[
+		    clrId := device blackpixel
+		].
+		device setWindowBorderColor:clrId in:drawableId.
+	    ]
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
 "/        superView notNil ifTrue:[
 "/            superView showFocus:explicit
@@ -6496,22 +6554,22 @@
     |delta bd|
     explicit ifTrue:[
-        (drawableId notNil and:[superView notNil]) ifTrue:[
-            (styleSheet at:#'focus.showBorder' default:true) ifTrue:[
-                (device supportsWindowBorder:(bd := self borderWidth)) ifFalse:[
-                    (device supportsWindowBorder:(bd := 1)) ifFalse:[
-                        bd := 0.
-                    ]
-                ].
-                delta := DefaultFocusBorderWidth - bd.
-                delta ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                    device setWindowBorderWidth:bd in:drawableId.
-                    device moveWindow:drawableId x:left y:top.
-                    device resizeWindow:drawableId width:width height:height.
-                ].
-                self setBorderColor.
-            ]
-        ]
+	(drawableId notNil and:[superView notNil]) ifTrue:[
+	    (styleSheet at:#'focus.showBorder' default:true) ifTrue:[
+		(device supportsWindowBorder:(bd := self borderWidth)) ifFalse:[
+		    (device supportsWindowBorder:(bd := 1)) ifFalse:[
+			bd := 0.
+		    ]
+		].
+		delta := DefaultFocusBorderWidth - bd.
+		delta ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+		    device setWindowBorderWidth:bd in:drawableId.
+		    device moveWindow:drawableId x:left y:top.
+		    device resizeWindow:drawableId width:width height:height.
+		].
+		self setBorderColor.
+	    ]
+	]
     "Modified: / 17.9.1998 / 15:08:02 / cg"
@@ -6711,11 +6769,11 @@
      make me unknown to the device"
     realized ifTrue:[
-        self unmap.
+	self unmap.
     shown ifTrue:[
-        shown := false.
-        self changed:#visibility.
+	shown := false.
+	self changed:#visibility.
 "/    controller notNil ifTrue:[
@@ -6724,11 +6782,11 @@
 "/    ].
     subViews notNil ifTrue:[
-        self destroySubViews.
+	self destroySubViews.
     superView notNil ifTrue:[
-        superView removeSubView:self.
-        superView := nil
+	superView removeSubView:self.
+	superView := nil
     super destroy.
@@ -6739,13 +6797,13 @@
 "/    ].
     controller notNil ifTrue:[
-        controller release.
-        controller := nil.
+	controller release.
+	controller := nil.
     windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
-        windowGroup removeView:self.
-        windowGroup := nil
+	windowGroup removeView:self.
+	windowGroup := nil
     self noticeOfWindowClose.
@@ -6763,35 +6821,37 @@
     self initStyleSheet.
-    self setBorderWidth:(DefaultBorderWidth ? 1).
     viewBackground := DefaultViewBackgroundColor.
     DefaultLightColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        lightColor := DefaultLightColor.
+	lightColor := DefaultLightColor.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        device hasGrayscales ifTrue:[
-            (viewBackground isImageOrForm and:[viewBackground colorMap isNil]) ifTrue:[
-                lightColor := viewBackground averageColor lightened.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                lightColor := viewBackground lightened.
-            ].
-            DefaultLightColor := lightColor.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "
-             this seems strange: on B&W screens, we create the light color
-             darker than normal viewBackground (White) -
-             to make the boundary of the view visible
-            "
-            lightColor := Color gray:50
-        ]
+	device hasGrayscales ifTrue:[
+	    (viewBackground isImageOrForm and:[viewBackground colorMap isNil]) ifTrue:[
+		lightColor := viewBackground averageColor lightened.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		lightColor := viewBackground lightened.
+	    ].
+	    DefaultLightColor := lightColor.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "
+	     this seems strange: on B&W screens, we create the light color
+	     darker than normal viewBackground (White) -
+	     to make the boundary of the view visible
+	    "
+	    lightColor := Color gray:50
+	]
     DefaultShadowColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        shadowColor := DefaultShadowColor.
+	shadowColor := DefaultShadowColor.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        shadowColor := Black
-    ].
-    self borderColor:DefaultBorderColor.
+	shadowColor := Black
+    ].
+    ((DefaultBorderWidth ? 1) ~= 0 and:[DefaultBorderColor notNil]) ifTrue:[
+	self setBorder:(SimpleBorder width:(DefaultBorderWidth ? 1) color:DefaultBorderColor)
+    ].
     "/ font := self defaultFont.  -- already done in #initialize
     font := font onDevice:device.
@@ -6867,8 +6927,8 @@
     controllerClass := self defaultControllerClass.
     controllerClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        controller := controllerClass new.
-        controller view:self.
+	controller := controllerClass new.
+	controller view:self.
     self initializeMiddleButtonMenu.
@@ -6899,11 +6959,11 @@
     self initStyle.
     (drawableId notNil and:[gcId notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        "force a change"
-        t := self borderWidth. self setBorderWidth:nil. self borderWidth:t.
-        t := viewBackground. viewBackground := nil. self viewBackground:t.
-        self clearView.
-        self invalidate.
+	"force a change"
+	t := self borderWidth. self setBorderWidth:nil. self borderWidth:t.
+	t := viewBackground. viewBackground := nil. self viewBackground:t.
+	self clearView.
+	self invalidate.
     "Modified: / 18.9.1998 / 21:15:33 / cg"
@@ -7302,6 +7362,22 @@
     ^ aMenu startUpFor:self
 ! !
+!SimpleView methodsFor:'others'!
+    "return my borderWidth"
+    (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ superView borderWidth
+    ].
+    border isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
+    ^ border width ? 0
+    "Modified: 5.6.1996 / 14:11:57 / cg"
+    "Modified: 23.10.2009 / 14:11:50 / cg"
+! !
 !SimpleView methodsFor:'private'!
 componentsContainingX:x y:y do:aBlock
@@ -7376,10 +7452,10 @@
     bw := self borderWidth ? 0.
     insets isNil ifTrue:[
-        bw == 0 ifTrue:[
-            ^ p
-        ].
-        ^ (p x - bw) @ (p y - bw)
+	bw == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    ^ p
+	].
+	^ (p x - bw) @ (p y - bw)
     r := (insets at:3) + bw.
     b := (insets at:4) + bw.
@@ -7392,7 +7468,7 @@
 "/        b := bottomInset + bw
 "/    ].
     ((r ~~ 0) or:[b ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ (p x - r) @ (p y - b)
+	^ (p x - r) @ (p y - b)
     ^ p
@@ -7436,9 +7512,9 @@
     "set the exeplicit extent flag to aBoolean."
     aBoolean ifTrue:[
-        flagBits := flagBits bitOr:FlagHasExplicitExtent
+	flagBits := flagBits bitOr:FlagHasExplicitExtent
     ] ifFalse:[
-        flagBits := flagBits bitClear:FlagHasExplicitExtent
+	flagBits := flagBits bitClear:FlagHasExplicitExtent
@@ -7456,50 +7532,50 @@
     bw := self borderWidth ? 0.
     superView isNil ifTrue:[
-        inRect := 0@0 extent:device extent
+	inRect := 0@0 extent:device extent
     ] ifFalse:[
-        inRect := superView viewRectangle.
+	inRect := superView viewRectangle.
     bw2 := bw * 2.
     rel := aPoint x.
     rel isInteger ifFalse:[
-        newX := (rel * (inRect width + bw2)) asInteger + inRect left.
-        (bw ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            newX := newX - bw
-        ].
+	newX := (rel * (inRect width + bw2)) asInteger + inRect left.
+	(bw ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	    newX := newX - bw
+	].
     ] ifTrue:[
-        newX := rel
+	newX := rel
     rel := aPoint y.
     rel isInteger ifFalse:[
-        newY := (rel * (inRect height + bw2)) asInteger + inRect top.
-        (bw ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            newY := newY - bw
-        ].
+	newY := (rel * (inRect height + bw2)) asInteger + inRect top.
+	(bw ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	    newY := newY - bw
+	].
     ] ifTrue:[
-        newY := rel
+	newY := rel
     insets notNil ifTrue:[
-        i := insets at:1.   "top"
-        (i  ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            newX := newX - i
-        ].
-        i := insets at:3.   "left"
-        (i  ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            newX := newX - i
-        ].
-        i := insets at:2.   "right"
-        (i ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            newY := newY - i
-        ].
-        i := insets at:4.   "bottom"
-        (i ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            newY := newY - i
-        ].
+	i := insets at:1.   "top"
+	(i  ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	    newX := newX - i
+	].
+	i := insets at:3.   "left"
+	(i  ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	    newX := newX - i
+	].
+	i := insets at:2.   "right"
+	(i ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	    newY := newY - i
+	].
+	i := insets at:4.   "bottom"
+	(i ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	    newY := newY - i
+	].
     ^ newX @ newY
@@ -7780,39 +7856,39 @@
     bw := self borderWidth ? 0.
     superView isNil ifTrue:[
-        superWidth := device width + bw.
-        superHeight := device height + bw.
-        superLeft := superTop := 0.
+	superWidth := device width + bw.
+	superHeight := device height + bw.
+	superLeft := superTop := 0.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        inRect := superView viewRectangle.
-        superWidth := inRect width.
-        superHeight := inRect height.
-        superLeft := inRect left.
-        superTop := inRect top.
+	inRect := superView viewRectangle.
+	superWidth := inRect width.
+	superHeight := inRect height.
+	superLeft := inRect left.
+	superTop := inRect top.
     rel := p x.
     rel isInteger ifTrue:[
-        newX := rel
+	newX := rel
     ] ifFalse:[
-        newX := (rel * superWidth) asInteger + superLeft.
-        (bw ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            rel ~= 1.0 ifTrue:[
-                newX := newX - bw
-            ]
-        ]
+	newX := (rel * superWidth) asInteger + superLeft.
+	(bw ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	    rel ~= 1.0 ifTrue:[
+		newX := newX - bw
+	    ]
+	]
     rel := p y.
     rel isInteger ifTrue:[
-        newY := rel
+	newY := rel
     ] ifFalse:[
-        newY := (rel * superHeight) asInteger + superTop.
-        (bw ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-            rel ~= 1.0 ifTrue:[
-                newY := newY - bw
-            ]
-        ]
+	newY := (rel * superHeight) asInteger + superTop.
+	(bw ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+	    rel ~= 1.0 ifTrue:[
+		newY := newY - bw
+	    ]
+	]
     ^ newX @ newY
@@ -7822,22 +7898,22 @@
     "set my borderColor in the physical view (if supported by the device)"
-    |id dither|
-    drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
-        borderColor := borderColor onDevice:device.
-        id := borderColor colorId.
-        id notNil ifTrue:[
-            device setWindowBorderColor:id in:drawableId
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            dither := borderColor ditherForm.
-            dither notNil ifTrue:[
-                device setWindowBorderPixmap:(dither id) in:drawableId
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                'SimpleView [warning]: bad borderColor' errorPrintCR
-            ]
-        ]
-    ]
+"/    |id dither|
+"/    drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
+"/        borderColor := borderColor onDevice:device.
+"/        id := borderColor colorId.
+"/        id notNil ifTrue:[
+"/            device setWindowBorderColor:id in:drawableId
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            dither := borderColor ditherForm.
+"/            dither notNil ifTrue:[
+"/                device setWindowBorderPixmap:(dither id) in:drawableId
+"/            ] ifFalse:[
+"/                'SimpleView [warning]: bad borderColor' errorPrintCR
+"/            ]
+"/        ]
+"/    ]
     "Modified: 10.1.1997 / 18:06:34 / cg"
@@ -7901,11 +7977,11 @@
     savedPref := preferredExtent.
     savedExplicit := explicitExtent.
-        preferredExtent := explicitExtent := nil.
-        computedPref := self preferredExtent.
+	preferredExtent := explicitExtent := nil.
+	computedPref := self preferredExtent.
     ] ensure:[
-        preferredExtent := savedPref.
-        explicitExtent := savedExplicit.
+	preferredExtent := savedPref.
+	explicitExtent := savedExplicit.
     ^ computedPref
@@ -7988,15 +8064,15 @@
     focusViewToCheck := focusViewOnDisplay.
     focusViewToCheck == self ifTrue:[
-        ^ true
+	^ true
     focusViewToCheck notNil ifTrue:[
-        "mhmh - is there a delegation to me ?"
-        (delegate := focusViewToCheck delegate) notNil ifTrue:[
-            delegate == self ifTrue:[^ true].
-            ^ delegate askFor:#delegatesTo: with:self
-        ]
+	"mhmh - is there a delegation to me ?"
+	(delegate := focusViewToCheck delegate) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    delegate == self ifTrue:[^ true].
+	    ^ delegate askFor:#delegatesTo: with:self
+	]
     ^ false
@@ -8189,48 +8265,48 @@
     "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent..
     explicitExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ explicitExtent
+	^ explicitExtent
     "/ If I have a cached preferredExtent value..
     preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ preferredExtent
+	^ preferredExtent
     "/ mhmh - if I have subViews, collect their
     "/ preferred bounds ...
     subViews notNil ifTrue:[
-        maxX := maxY := 0.
-        subViews do:[:aSubView |
-            |org corn|
-            org := aSubView computeOrigin.
-            corn := org + aSubView preferredExtent.
-            maxX := maxX max:corn x.
-            maxY := maxY max:corn y.
-        ]
+	maxX := maxY := 0.
+	subViews do:[:aSubView |
+	    |org corn|
+	    org := aSubView computeOrigin.
+	    corn := org + aSubView preferredExtent.
+	    maxX := maxX max:corn x.
+	    maxY := maxY max:corn y.
+	]
     "/ mhmh - if I have components, collect their preferred bounds ...
     components notNil ifTrue:[
-        maxX isNil ifTrue:[
-            maxX := maxY := 0.
-        ].
-        components do:[:aComponent |
-            |bounds org corn|
-            bounds := aComponent preferredBounds.
-            corn := bounds corner.
-            maxX := maxX max:corn x.
-            maxY := maxY max:corn y.
-        ]
+	maxX isNil ifTrue:[
+	    maxX := maxY := 0.
+	].
+	components do:[:aComponent |
+	    |bounds org corn|
+	    bounds := aComponent preferredBounds.
+	    corn := bounds corner.
+	    maxX := maxX max:corn x.
+	    maxY := maxY max:corn y.
+	]
     "/ nothing found - return the actual size
     maxX isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ self extent.
+	^ self extent.
     ^ maxX @ maxY.
@@ -8258,7 +8334,7 @@
-    "return the views resources - 
+    "return the views resources -
      that's a ResourcePack containing national language strings"
     ^ resources
@@ -8552,24 +8628,24 @@
     realized ifFalse:[^ self].
     (windowGroup notNil and:[windowGroup isModal]) ifTrue:[
-        masterGroup := windowGroup previousGroup.
-        windowGroup focusView:nil.
+	masterGroup := windowGroup previousGroup.
+	windowGroup focusView:nil.
     self unmap.
     device flush.
     masterGroup notNil ifTrue:[
-        "
-         this is a kludge for IRIS and others which do not provide backingstore:
-         when we hide a modalbox (such as a searchbox) which covered
-         a scrollbar, the scrollbars bitblt-method will copy from the
-         not-yet redrawn area - effectively clearing the scroller.
-         We need a short delay here, since at this time, the expose event has
-         not yet arrived.
-        "
-        Delay waitForSeconds:0.05.
-        masterGroup processExposeEvents
+	"
+	 this is a kludge for IRIS and others which do not provide backingstore:
+	 when we hide a modalbox (such as a searchbox) which covered
+	 a scrollbar, the scrollbars bitblt-method will copy from the
+	 not-yet redrawn area - effectively clearing the scroller.
+	 We need a short delay here, since at this time, the expose event has
+	 not yet arrived.
+	"
+	Delay waitForSeconds:0.05.
+	masterGroup processExposeEvents
 "/    WindowGroup leaveSignal raise.
@@ -8627,61 +8703,61 @@
      (unless you have a dictator as windowManager ;-).
      If the iconified argument is true, the window is created as icon initially.
-        Actually, this method is only valid for topViews;
-        however, it is defined here to allow things like 'Button new realize'"
+	Actually, this method is only valid for topViews;
+	however, it is defined here to allow things like 'Button new realize'"
     realized ifFalse:[
-        drawableId isNil ifTrue:[
-            "
-             first time ?
-             yes, realize (implies a map)
-            "
-            self realizeKeepingGroup:false at:aPoint iconified:iconified
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "
-             no, map only
-            "
-            realized := true.
-            aPoint isNil ifTrue:[
-                iconified ifTrue:[
-                    device
-                        mapView:self id:drawableId iconified:iconified
-                        atX:0 y:0
-                        width:width height:height
-                        minExtent:(self minExtent) maxExtent:(self maxExtent).
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    device mapWindow:drawableId.
-                ]
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                left := aPoint x.
-                top := aPoint y.
-                device
-                    mapView:self id:drawableId iconified:iconified
-                    atX:left y:top
-                    width:width height:height
-                    minExtent:(self minExtent) maxExtent:(self maxExtent).
-            ].
-            "/
-            "/ implies that all realized subviews
-            "/ are now also mapped
-            "/
-            "/ not needed for topViews - the mapped event does exactly the same
-            "/ however, X does not generate mapped events for non-topViews
-            "/ when a view gets deiconified.
-            superView notNil ifTrue:[
-                (subs := self subViews) notNil ifTrue:[
-                    subs do:[:v |
-                        v realized "shown" ifFalse:[
-                            v mapped
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
+	drawableId isNil ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     first time ?
+	     yes, realize (implies a map)
+	    "
+	    self realizeKeepingGroup:false at:aPoint iconified:iconified
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "
+	     no, map only
+	    "
+	    realized := true.
+	    aPoint isNil ifTrue:[
+		iconified ifTrue:[
+		    device
+			mapView:self id:drawableId iconified:iconified
+			atX:0 y:0
+			width:width height:height
+			minExtent:(self minExtent) maxExtent:(self maxExtent).
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    device mapWindow:drawableId.
+		]
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		left := aPoint x.
+		top := aPoint y.
+		device
+		    mapView:self id:drawableId iconified:iconified
+		    atX:left y:top
+		    width:width height:height
+		    minExtent:(self minExtent) maxExtent:(self maxExtent).
+	    ].
+	    "/
+	    "/ implies that all realized subviews
+	    "/ are now also mapped
+	    "/
+	    "/ not needed for topViews - the mapped event does exactly the same
+	    "/ however, X does not generate mapped events for non-topViews
+	    "/ when a view gets deiconified.
+	    superView notNil ifTrue:[
+		(subs := self subViews) notNil ifTrue:[
+		    subs do:[:v |
+			v realized "shown" ifFalse:[
+			    v mapped
+			]
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
     "Modified: 23.8.1996 / 14:53:55 / stefan"
@@ -8714,20 +8790,20 @@
     isInputOnly := self isInputOnly.
     drawableId := device
-                      createWindowFor:self
-                          type:(self windowType)
-                          origin:(left @ top)
-                          extent:(width @ height)
-                          minExtent:nil
-                          maxExtent:nil
-                          borderWidth:self borderWidth
-                          subViewOf:sv
-                          style:(self windowStyle)
-                          inputOnly:isInputOnly
-                          label:nil
-                          owner:nil
-                          icon:nil iconMask:nil
-                          iconView:nil.
+		      createWindowFor:self
+			  type:(self windowType)
+			  origin:(left @ top)
+			  extent:(width @ height)
+			  minExtent:nil
+			  maxExtent:nil
+			  borderWidth:self borderWidth
+			  subViewOf:sv
+			  style:(self windowStyle)
+			  inputOnly:isInputOnly
+			  label:nil
+			  owner:nil
+			  icon:nil iconMask:nil
+			  iconView:nil.
     Lobby registerChange:self.
@@ -8746,24 +8822,24 @@
 "/        ]
 "/    ].
     (viewGravity notNil "and:[viewGravity ~~ #NorthWest]") ifTrue:[
-        device setWindowGravity:viewGravity in:drawableId
+	device setWindowGravity:viewGravity in:drawableId
     (bitGravity notNil "and:[bitGravity ~~ #NorthWest]") ifTrue:[
-        isInputOnly ifFalse:[
-            device setBitGravity:bitGravity in:drawableId
-        ]
+	isInputOnly ifFalse:[
+	    device setBitGravity:bitGravity in:drawableId
+	]
     viewShape notNil ifTrue:[
-        self setViewShape
+	self setViewShape
     (backed notNil and:[backed ~~ false]) ifTrue:[
-        device setBackingStore:backed in:drawableId
+	device setBackingStore:backed in:drawableId
     self saveUnder ifTrue:[
-        device setSaveUnder:true in:drawableId
+	device setSaveUnder:true in:drawableId
     cursor notNil ifTrue:[
-        self setCursor
+	self setCursor
     "Modified: / 9.4.1998 / 20:18:12 / cg"
@@ -8851,11 +8927,11 @@
     self fetchDeviceResources.
     drawableId isNil ifTrue:[
-        self create.
-        drawableId isNil ifTrue:[
-            ('SimpleView [warning]: could not create view: ' , self class name) errorPrintCR.
-            ^ self
-        ]
+	self create.
+	drawableId isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ('SimpleView [warning]: could not create view: ' , self class name) errorPrintCR.
+	    ^ self
+	]
     groupChange := false.
@@ -8863,85 +8939,85 @@
     (windowGroup notNil
      and:[superView isNil
      and:[windowGroup isForModalSubview]]) ifTrue:[
-        keep := true.
+	keep := true.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        keep := keepGroupAsIs
+	keep := keepGroupAsIs
     keep ifFalse:[
-        "
-         put myself into superviews windowgroup if there is a superview
-         This is the default behavior, which may be suppressed by
-         passing true as keepGroupAsIs-argument.
-         (it may be useful to assign a separate windowGroup to
-          a childView to have it execute independent of the parent
-          -> an example is found in the fileBrowsers kill-button)
-        "
-        superView notNil ifTrue:[
-            superGroup := superView windowGroup.
-            (windowGroup notNil and:[superGroup ~~ windowGroup]) ifTrue:[
-                "
-                 mhmh - seems that the windowgroup has changed ....
-                "
+	"
+	 put myself into superviews windowgroup if there is a superview
+	 This is the default behavior, which may be suppressed by
+	 passing true as keepGroupAsIs-argument.
+	 (it may be useful to assign a separate windowGroup to
+	  a childView to have it execute independent of the parent
+	  -> an example is found in the fileBrowsers kill-button)
+	"
+	superView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    superGroup := superView windowGroup.
+	    (windowGroup notNil and:[superGroup ~~ windowGroup]) ifTrue:[
+		"
+		 mhmh - seems that the windowgroup has changed ....
+		"
 "/                'oops - wgroup change on realize' printNL.
-                groupChange := true.
-                "/
-                "/ recursively change the windowGroup of
-                "/ myself and all of my children
-                "/
-                self windowGroup:superGroup.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                windowGroup isNil ifTrue:[
-                    "/
-                    "/ only change the group of myself -
-                    "/ subviews will fetch it when realized.
-                    "/
-                    windowGroup := superGroup.
-                    superGroup notNil ifTrue:[superGroup addView:self].
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
+		groupChange := true.
+		"/
+		"/ recursively change the windowGroup of
+		"/ myself and all of my children
+		"/
+		self windowGroup:superGroup.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		windowGroup isNil ifTrue:[
+		    "/
+		    "/ only change the group of myself -
+		    "/ subviews will fetch it when realized.
+		    "/
+		    windowGroup := superGroup.
+		    superGroup notNil ifTrue:[superGroup addView:self].
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
     (self originOrExtentChanged) ifTrue:[
-        self fixSize.
-        self sizeChanged:nil.
+	self fixSize.
+	self sizeChanged:nil.
     position notNil ifTrue:[
-        self origin:position.
+	self origin:position.
     (subViews notNil or:[components notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        (realized not or:[groupChange]) ifTrue:[
+	(realized not or:[groupChange]) ifTrue:[
 self isHiddenOnRealize ifFalse:[
-            self realizeAllSubViews.
+	    self realizeAllSubViews.
-        ].
+	].
     self preRealize.
     iconified ifTrue:[
-        realized ifFalse:[
-            self mapIconified
-        ]
+	realized ifFalse:[
+	    self mapIconified
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        (self isHiddenOnRealize not 
-         and:[visibilityChannel isNil or:[visibilityChannel value]]) ifTrue:[
-            self setInnerClip.
-            realized ifFalse:[
-                "
-                 now, make the view visible
-                "
-                self mapAt:position
-            ]
-        ]
+	(self isHiddenOnRealize not
+	 and:[visibilityChannel isNil or:[visibilityChannel value]]) ifTrue:[
+	    self setInnerClip.
+	    realized ifFalse:[
+		"
+		 now, make the view visible
+		"
+		self mapAt:position
+	    ]
+	]
     controller notNil ifTrue:[
-        controller startUp
+	controller startUp
     self postRealize
@@ -9064,24 +9140,24 @@
     "unmap the view - the view stays created (but invisible), and can be remapped again later."
     realized ifTrue:[
-        realized := false.
-        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
-            device unmapWindow:drawableId.
-            "/ make it go away immediately
-            "/ (this hides the subview killing)
-            device flush.
-        ].
-        "/ Normally, this is not correct with X, where the
-        "/ unmap is an asynchronous operation.
-        "/ (shown is cleared also in unmapped event)
-        "/ Do it anyway, to avoid synchronisation problems.
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            shown := false.
-            self changed:#visibility.
-        ]
+	realized := false.
+	drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
+	    device unmapWindow:drawableId.
+	    "/ make it go away immediately
+	    "/ (this hides the subview killing)
+	    device flush.
+	].
+	"/ Normally, this is not correct with X, where the
+	"/ unmap is an asynchronous operation.
+	"/ (shown is cleared also in unmapped event)
+	"/ Do it anyway, to avoid synchronisation problems.
+	shown ifTrue:[
+	    shown := false.
+	    self changed:#visibility.
+	]
@@ -9091,9 +9167,9 @@
      top extent:200@200.
      sub := View
-                origin:0.2@0.2
-                corner:0.8@0.8
-                in:top.
+		origin:0.2@0.2
+		corner:0.8@0.8
+		in:top.
      sub viewBackground:Color red.
      sub hiddenOnRealize:true.
@@ -9307,14 +9383,14 @@
     components notNil ifTrue:[
-        components do:[:aComponent |
-            |thisFrame is|
-            thisFrame := aComponent bounds.
-            (thisFrame notNil and:[thisFrame intersects:aRectangle]) ifTrue:[
-                aComponent displayOn:self
-            ]
-        ]
+	components do:[:aComponent |
+	    |thisFrame is|
+	    thisFrame := aComponent bounds.
+	    (thisFrame notNil and:[thisFrame intersects:aRectangle]) ifTrue:[
+		aComponent displayOn:self
+	    ]
+	]
@@ -9355,12 +9431,12 @@
     self clippingRectangle:area.
     self clearExposedAreaInRedraw ifTrue:[
-        "/ win95 workaround: non-existing bg-pixmap support (obsolete)
-        (viewBackground isImageOrForm and:[ device supportsAnyViewBackgroundPixmaps not ]) ifTrue:[
-            self fillRectangleWithViewBackgroundX:x y:y width:w height:h
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self clearRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
-        ]
+	"/ win95 workaround: non-existing bg-pixmap support (obsolete)
+	(viewBackground isImageOrForm and:[ device supportsAnyViewBackgroundPixmaps not ]) ifTrue:[
+	    self fillRectangleWithViewBackgroundX:x y:y width:w height:h
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self clearRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
+	]
     "/ redraw everything - a fallBack for lazy views.
     self redraw.
@@ -10006,7 +10082,7 @@
     activeGroup := WindowGroup activeGroup.
-    "/ cg - because we raise that window, we should avoid to raise the main-non-modal view, 
+    "/ cg - because we raise that window, we should avoid to raise the main-non-modal view,
     "/ if a dialog is opend from another modal view (confirmation in a modal-box)
 "/    mainGroup := activeGroup.
@@ -10034,140 +10110,140 @@
     |tops mainView mainViewID previousGroup |
     self isPopUpView ifFalse:[
-        "/ the following allows for knowledgable programmers to suppress dialog boxes,
-        "/ or to patch common controls right before opening...
-        (Dialog aboutToOpenBoxNotificationSignal raiseRequestWith:self) == #abort ifTrue:[
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        mainGroup notNil ifTrue:[
-            (tops := mainGroup topViews) notNil ifTrue:[
-                tops notEmpty ifTrue:[
-                    mainView := tops detect:[:v| v shown] ifNone:nil.
-                    mainView notNil ifTrue:[
-                        mainViewID := mainView id.
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        mainView notNil ifTrue:[
-            mainView activate; setForegroundWindow.
-        ].
-        ModalBox usingTransientViews ifTrue:[
-            "make view only transient, if there is a visible topView.
-             If none of them is visible, we do want an icon for ourself"
-            mainViewID isNil ifTrue:[
-                self origin:(device center - (self extent//2))
-            ].
-            drawableId isNil ifTrue:[self create].
-            mainView notNil ifTrue:[
-                device setTransient:drawableId for:mainViewID.
-            ].
-        ].
+	"/ the following allows for knowledgable programmers to suppress dialog boxes,
+	"/ or to patch common controls right before opening...
+	(Dialog aboutToOpenBoxNotificationSignal raiseRequestWith:self) == #abort ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	mainGroup notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (tops := mainGroup topViews) notNil ifTrue:[
+		tops notEmpty ifTrue:[
+		    mainView := tops detect:[:v| v shown] ifNone:nil.
+		    mainView notNil ifTrue:[
+			mainViewID := mainView id.
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	mainView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    mainView activate; setForegroundWindow.
+	].
+	ModalBox usingTransientViews ifTrue:[
+	    "make view only transient, if there is a visible topView.
+	     If none of them is visible, we do want an icon for ourself"
+	    mainViewID isNil ifTrue:[
+		self origin:(device center - (self extent//2))
+	    ].
+	    drawableId isNil ifTrue:[self create].
+	    mainView notNil ifTrue:[
+		device setTransient:drawableId for:mainViewID.
+	    ].
+	].
     self raise.
     Processor activeProcessIsSystemProcess ifTrue:[
-        "
-         put myself into the modal group, let it handle events for
-         me as well. This is only a half way solution, since the view
-         is not modal at all ... however, the only situation
-         where this happens is with modal boxes popped while in a
-         modal browser. You will forgive me for that inconvenience.
-        "
-        windowGroup := mainGroup.
-        mainGroup notNil ifTrue:[mainGroup addTopView:self].
-        self realize
+	"
+	 put myself into the modal group, let it handle events for
+	 me as well. This is only a half way solution, since the view
+	 is not modal at all ... however, the only situation
+	 where this happens is with modal boxes popped while in a
+	 modal browser. You will forgive me for that inconvenience.
+	"
+	windowGroup := mainGroup.
+	mainGroup notNil ifTrue:[mainGroup addTopView:self].
+	self realize
     ] ifFalse:[
-        previousGroup := WindowGroup activeGroup.
-        "
-         show a stop-cursor in the main group
-        "
-        mainGroup notNil ifTrue:[
-            self isPopUpView ifFalse:[
-                mainGroup showCursor:(Cursor stop).
-                (previousGroup notNil and:[previousGroup ~~ mainGroup]) ifTrue:[
-                    previousGroup showCursor:(Cursor stop).
-                ].
-            ]
-        ].
-        "
-         create a new window group and put myself into it
-        "
-        windowGroup := self windowGroupClass new.
-        windowGroup addTopView:self.
-        windowGroup setPreviousGroup:previousGroup.
-        superView notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/
-            "/ special: this is a modal subview,
-            "/ prevent the view from reassigning its windowGroup when realized
-            "/ (subviews normally place themself into the superviews group)
-            "/
-            windowGroup isForModalSubview:true.
-        ].
-        "
-         go dispatch events in this new group
-         (thus current windowgroup is blocked from interaction)
-        "
-        AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
-            AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex2 |
-                "/ an aborted hide (user confirmation ?)
-                self breakPoint:#cg.
-                ex proceed
-            ] do:[
-                self hide.
-                self realized ifTrue:[
-                    "/ self halt. "/ hide handled and closeRequest not wanted:
-                    ex proceed
-                ].
+	previousGroup := WindowGroup activeGroup.
+	"
+	 show a stop-cursor in the main group
+	"
+	mainGroup notNil ifTrue:[
+	    self isPopUpView ifFalse:[
+		mainGroup showCursor:(Cursor stop).
+		(previousGroup notNil and:[previousGroup ~~ mainGroup]) ifTrue:[
+		    previousGroup showCursor:(Cursor stop).
+		].
+	    ]
+	].
+	"
+	 create a new window group and put myself into it
+	"
+	windowGroup := self windowGroupClass new.
+	windowGroup addTopView:self.
+	windowGroup setPreviousGroup:previousGroup.
+	superView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "/
+	    "/ special: this is a modal subview,
+	    "/ prevent the view from reassigning its windowGroup when realized
+	    "/ (subviews normally place themself into the superviews group)
+	    "/
+	    windowGroup isForModalSubview:true.
+	].
+	"
+	 go dispatch events in this new group
+	 (thus current windowgroup is blocked from interaction)
+	"
+	AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
+	    AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex2 |
+		"/ an aborted hide (user confirmation ?)
+		self breakPoint:#cg.
+		ex proceed
+	    ] do:[
+		self hide.
+		self realized ifTrue:[
+		    "/ self halt. "/ hide handled and closeRequest not wanted:
+		    ex proceed
+		].
 "/                ex return
-            ].
-            ex return.
-        ] do:[
-            [
-                [
-                    windowGroup startupModal:[realized and:aBlock] forGroup:mainGroup
-                ] ifCurtailed:[
-                    self hide.
-                ]
-            ] ensure:[
-                mainGroup notNil ifTrue:[
-                    mainGroup graphicsDevice sync.  "thats a round trip - make sure that all drawing has been processed"
-                    "/ ensure that eventListener runs here ...
-                    Delay waitForSeconds:0.05.
-                    mainGroup processExposeEvents.
-                    ReturnFocusWhenClosingModalBoxes ifTrue:[
-                        "
-                         return the input focus to the previously active group's top.
-                         This helps with windowmanagers which need an explicit click
-                         on the view for the focus.
-                        "
-                        tops := mainGroup topViews.
-                        (tops notEmptyOrNil) ifTrue:[
-                            tops first getKeyboardFocus
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    "
-                     restore cursors in the main group
-                    "
-                    mainGroup restoreCursors.
-                    (previousGroup notNil and:[previousGroup ~~ mainGroup]) ifTrue:[
-                        previousGroup restoreCursors.
-                    ].
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
+	    ].
+	    ex return.
+	] do:[
+	    [
+		[
+		    windowGroup startupModal:[realized and:aBlock] forGroup:mainGroup
+		] ifCurtailed:[
+		    self hide.
+		]
+	    ] ensure:[
+		mainGroup notNil ifTrue:[
+		    mainGroup graphicsDevice sync.  "thats a round trip - make sure that all drawing has been processed"
+		    "/ ensure that eventListener runs here ...
+		    Delay waitForSeconds:0.05.
+		    mainGroup processExposeEvents.
+		    ReturnFocusWhenClosingModalBoxes ifTrue:[
+			"
+			 return the input focus to the previously active group's top.
+			 This helps with windowmanagers which need an explicit click
+			 on the view for the focus.
+			"
+			tops := mainGroup topViews.
+			(tops notEmptyOrNil) ifTrue:[
+			    tops first getKeyboardFocus
+			].
+		    ].
+		    "
+		     restore cursors in the main group
+		    "
+		    mainGroup restoreCursors.
+		    (previousGroup notNil and:[previousGroup ~~ mainGroup]) ifTrue:[
+			previousGroup restoreCursors.
+		    ].
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
     "Created: / 10-12-1995 / 14:06:14 / cg"
@@ -10456,11 +10532,11 @@
 !SimpleView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.643 2009-10-23 15:52:50 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.644 2009-10-24 10:31:07 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.643 2009-10-23 15:52:50 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.644 2009-10-24 10:31:07 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 SimpleView initialize!