changeset 1014 6be12d5937f5
parent 1010 b8576573e6aa
child 1018 87ef43206c10
--- a/XWorkstation.st	Fri Aug 02 21:07:46 1996 +0200
+++ b/XWorkstation.st	Fri Aug 02 22:39:59 1996 +0200
@@ -3412,240 +3412,240 @@
             __INST(altDown) = (ke->state & __intVal(__INST(altModifierMask))) ? true : false;
             __INST(metaDown) = (ke->state & __intVal(__INST(metaModifierMask))) ? true : false;
-            __INST(shiftDown) = (ewe->state & ShiftMask) ? true : false;
-            __INST(ctrlDown) = (ewe->state & ControlMask) ? true : false;
-            (*peS.ilc_func)(self, 
-                            @symbol(pointerEnter:x:y:view:)
-                            COMMA_CON, nil, &peS,
-                            __MKSMALLINT(ewe->state),
-                            __MKSMALLINT(ewe->x), 
-                            __MKSMALLINT(ewe->y),
-                            theView);
-            break;
-        case LeaveNotify:
-            (*plS.ilc_func)(self, 
-                            @symbol(pointerLeave:view:)
-                            COMMA_CON, nil, &plS,
-                            __MKSMALLINT(lwe->state), 
-                            theView);
-            break;
-        case GraphicsExpose:
-            (*gexpS.ilc_func)(self, 
-                              @symbol(graphicExposeX:y:width:height:view:)
-                              COMMA_CON, nil, &gexpS,
-                              __MKSMALLINT(ee->x),
-                              __MKSMALLINT(ee->y),
-                              __MKSMALLINT(ee->width),
-                              __MKSMALLINT(ee->height),
-                              theView);
-            if (ee->count != 0) {
-                break;
-            }
-            /* fall into */
-        case NoExpose:
-            (*nexpS.ilc_func)(self, 
-                              @symbol(noExposeView:)
-                              COMMA_CON, nil, &nexpS, 
-                              theView);
-            break;
-        case Expose:
-            (*expS.ilc_func)(self, 
-                             @symbol(exposeX:y:width:height:view:)
-                             COMMA_CON, nil, &expS,
-                             __MKSMALLINT(ee->x),
-                             __MKSMALLINT(ee->y),
-                             __MKSMALLINT(ee->width),
-                             __MKSMALLINT(ee->height),
-                             theView);
-            break;
-        case ConfigureNotify:
-            if (ce->above != None) {
-                siblingID = __MKOBJ(ce->above);
-                sibling = (*vid.ilc_func)(self, @symbol(viewFromId:) 
-                                          COMMA_CON, nil, &vid, siblingID);
-            }
-            (*confS.ilc_func)(self, 
-                             @symbol(configureX:y:width:height:view:)
-                             COMMA_CON, nil, &confS,
-                             __MKSMALLINT(ce->x),
-                             __MKSMALLINT(ce->y),
-                             __MKSMALLINT(ce->width),
-                             __MKSMALLINT(ce->height),
-                             theView);
-            if (sibling != nil) {
-                (*coveredS.ilc_func)(self,
-                                    @symbol(coveredBy:view:)
-                                    COMMA_CON, nil, &coveredS,
-                                    theView,
-                                    sibling);
-            }
-            break;
-        case ClientMessage:
-            if (ev->xclient.message_type == (int) _AtomVal(__INST(protocolsAtom))) {
-                if ((ev->xclient.data.l[0] == (int) _AtomVal(__INST(quitAppAtom)))
-                 || (ev->xclient.data.l[0] == (int) _AtomVal(__INST(deleteWindowAtom)))) {
-                    (*termS.ilc_func)(self, 
-                                      @symbol(terminateView:)
-                                      COMMA_CON, nil, &termS, theView);
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (ev->xclient.data.l[0] == (int) _AtomVal(__INST(saveYourselfAtom))) {
-                    (*savtermS.ilc_func)(self, 
-                                         @symbol(saveAndTerminateView:)
-                                         COMMA_CON, nil, &savtermS, theView);
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case DestroyNotify:
-            (*destrS.ilc_func)(self, @symbol(destroyedView:)
-                               COMMA_CON, nil, &destrS, theView);
-            break;
-        case UnmapNotify:
-            (*unmapS.ilc_func)(self, @symbol(unmappedView:) 
-                               COMMA_CON, nil, &unmapS, theView);
-            break;
-        case MapNotify:
-            (*mapS.ilc_func)(self, 
-                             @symbol(mappedView:) 
-                             COMMA_CON, nil, &mapS, theView);
-            break;
-        case KeymapNotify:
-            (*keymap.ilc_func)(theView, 
-                               @symbol(keyMapChange) 
-                               COMMA_CON, nil, &keymap);
-            break;
-        case VisibilityNotify:
-            switch (ve->state) {
-                case VisibilityUnobscured:
-                    arg = @symbol(unobscured);
-                    break;
-                case VisibilityPartiallyObscured:
-                    arg = @symbol(partiallyObscured);
-                    break;
-                case VisibilityFullyObscured:
-                    arg = @symbol(fullyObscured);
-                    break;
-            }
-            (*vis.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(visibilityChange:) COMMA_CON, nil, &vis, arg);
-            break;
-        case CreateNotify:
-            (*created.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(created) COMMA_CON, nil, &created);
-            break;
-        case MapRequest:
-            (*mapReq.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(mapRequest) COMMA_CON, nil, &mapReq);
-            break;
-        case ReparentNotify:
-            (*repar.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(reparented) COMMA_CON, nil, &repar);
-            break;
-        case ConfigureRequest:
-            (*confReq.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(configRequest) COMMA_CON, nil, &confReq);
-            break;
-        case GravityNotify:
-        case ResizeRequest:
-            (*resReq.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(resizeRequest) COMMA_CON, nil, &resReq);
-            break;
-        case CirculateNotify:
-        case CirculateRequest:
-            break;
-        case PropertyNotify:
-            (*prop.ilc_func)(theView, 
-                             @symbol(propertyChange) 
-                             COMMA_CON, nil, &prop);
-            break;
-        case SelectionClear:
-            selectionID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselectionclear.selection);
-            (*selClear.ilc_func)(theView, 
-                                 @symbol(selectionClear:) 
-                                 COMMA_CON, nil, &selClear,
-                                 selectionID);
-            break;
-        case SelectionNotify:
-            /*
-             * returned selection value (answer from SelectionRequest)
-             */
-            DPRINTF(("SelectionNotify prop=%x target=%x selection= %x requestor=%x\n", 
-                        ev->xselection.property, ev->xselection.target,
-                        ev->xselection.selection, ev->xselection.requestor));
-            propertyID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselection.property);
-            targetID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselection.target);
-            selectionID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselection.selection);
-            requestorID = __MKOBJ(ev->xselection.requestor);
-            (*selNotify.ilc_func)(theView, 
-                                  @symbol(selectionNotify:target:selection:from:) 
-                                  COMMA_CON, nil, &selNotify,
-                                  propertyID, targetID, selectionID, requestorID);
-            break;
-        case SelectionRequest:
-            /*
-             * someone wants the selection
-             */
-            DPRINTF(("SelectionRequest prop=%x target=%x selection=%x requestor=%x\n", 
-                        ev->xselectionrequest.property,
-                        ev->xselectionrequest.target,
-                        ev->xselectionrequest.selection,
-                        ev->xselectionrequest.requestor));
-            propertyID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselectionrequest.property);
-            targetID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselectionrequest.target);
-            selectionID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselectionrequest.selection);
-            requestorID = __MKOBJ(ev->xselectionrequest.requestor);
-            (*selReq.ilc_func)(theView, 
-                               @symbol(selectionRequest:target:selection:from:) 
-                               COMMA_CON, nil, &selReq,
-                               propertyID, targetID, selectionID, requestorID);
-            break;
-        case ColormapNotify:
-            (*colormap.ilc_func)(theView, 
-                                 @symbol(colorMapChange) 
-                                 COMMA_CON, nil, &colormap);
-            break;
-        case MappingNotify:
-            switch(mape->request) {
-                case MappingModifier:
-                    arg = @symbol(mappingModifier);
-                    break;
-                case MappingKeyboard:
-                    arg = @symbol(mappingKeyboard);
-                    break;
-                case MappingPointer:
-                    arg = @symbol(mappingPointer);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    arg = nil;
-                    break;
-            }
-            (*mapping.ilc_func)(self, 
-                                @symbol(mappingChanged:event:) 
-                                COMMA_CON, nil, &mapping, arg, eB);
-            break;
+	    __INST(shiftDown) = (ewe->state & ShiftMask) ? true : false;
+	    __INST(ctrlDown) = (ewe->state & ControlMask) ? true : false;
+	    (*peS.ilc_func)(self, 
+			    @symbol(pointerEnter:x:y:view:)
+			    COMMA_CON, nil, &peS,
+			    __MKSMALLINT(ewe->state),
+			    __MKSMALLINT(ewe->x), 
+			    __MKSMALLINT(ewe->y),
+			    theView);
+	    break;
+	case LeaveNotify:
+	    (*plS.ilc_func)(self, 
+			    @symbol(pointerLeave:view:)
+			    COMMA_CON, nil, &plS,
+			    __MKSMALLINT(lwe->state), 
+			    theView);
+	    break;
+	case GraphicsExpose:
+	    (*gexpS.ilc_func)(self, 
+			      @symbol(graphicExposeX:y:width:height:view:)
+			      COMMA_CON, nil, &gexpS,
+			      __MKSMALLINT(ee->x),
+			      __MKSMALLINT(ee->y),
+			      __MKSMALLINT(ee->width),
+			      __MKSMALLINT(ee->height),
+			      theView);
+	    if (ee->count != 0) {
+		break;
+	    }
+	    /* fall into */
+	case NoExpose:
+	    (*nexpS.ilc_func)(self, 
+			      @symbol(noExposeView:)
+			      COMMA_CON, nil, &nexpS, 
+			      theView);
+	    break;
+	case Expose:
+	    (*expS.ilc_func)(self, 
+			     @symbol(exposeX:y:width:height:view:)
+			     COMMA_CON, nil, &expS,
+			     __MKSMALLINT(ee->x),
+			     __MKSMALLINT(ee->y),
+			     __MKSMALLINT(ee->width),
+			     __MKSMALLINT(ee->height),
+			     theView);
+	    break;
+	case ConfigureNotify:
+	    if (ce->above != None) {
+		siblingID = __MKOBJ(ce->above);
+		sibling = (*vid.ilc_func)(self, @symbol(viewFromId:) 
+					  COMMA_CON, nil, &vid, siblingID);
+	    }
+	    (*confS.ilc_func)(self, 
+			     @symbol(configureX:y:width:height:view:)
+			     COMMA_CON, nil, &confS,
+			     __MKSMALLINT(ce->x),
+			     __MKSMALLINT(ce->y),
+			     __MKSMALLINT(ce->width),
+			     __MKSMALLINT(ce->height),
+			     theView);
+	    if (sibling != nil) {
+		(*coveredS.ilc_func)(self,
+				    @symbol(coveredBy:view:)
+				    COMMA_CON, nil, &coveredS,
+				    theView,
+				    sibling);
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case ClientMessage:
+	    if (ev->xclient.message_type == (int) _AtomVal(__INST(protocolsAtom))) {
+		if ((ev->xclient.data.l[0] == (int) _AtomVal(__INST(quitAppAtom)))
+		 || (ev->xclient.data.l[0] == (int) _AtomVal(__INST(deleteWindowAtom)))) {
+		    (*termS.ilc_func)(self, 
+				      @symbol(terminateView:)
+				      COMMA_CON, nil, &termS, theView);
+		    break;
+		}
+		if (ev->xclient.data.l[0] == (int) _AtomVal(__INST(saveYourselfAtom))) {
+		    (*savtermS.ilc_func)(self, 
+					 @symbol(saveAndTerminateView:)
+					 COMMA_CON, nil, &savtermS, theView);
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case DestroyNotify:
+	    (*destrS.ilc_func)(self, @symbol(destroyedView:)
+			       COMMA_CON, nil, &destrS, theView);
+	    break;
+	case UnmapNotify:
+	    (*unmapS.ilc_func)(self, @symbol(unmappedView:) 
+			       COMMA_CON, nil, &unmapS, theView);
+	    break;
+	case MapNotify:
+	    (*mapS.ilc_func)(self, 
+			     @symbol(mappedView:) 
+			     COMMA_CON, nil, &mapS, theView);
+	    break;
+	case KeymapNotify:
+	    (*keymap.ilc_func)(theView, 
+			       @symbol(keyMapChange) 
+			       COMMA_CON, nil, &keymap);
+	    break;
+	case VisibilityNotify:
+	    switch (ve->state) {
+		case VisibilityUnobscured:
+		    arg = @symbol(unobscured);
+		    break;
+		case VisibilityPartiallyObscured:
+		    arg = @symbol(partiallyObscured);
+		    break;
+		case VisibilityFullyObscured:
+		    arg = @symbol(fullyObscured);
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    (*vis.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(visibilityChange:) COMMA_CON, nil, &vis, arg);
+	    break;
+	case CreateNotify:
+	    (*created.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(created) COMMA_CON, nil, &created);
+	    break;
+	case MapRequest:
+	    (*mapReq.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(mapRequest) COMMA_CON, nil, &mapReq);
+	    break;
+	case ReparentNotify:
+	    (*repar.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(reparented) COMMA_CON, nil, &repar);
+	    break;
+	case ConfigureRequest:
+	    (*confReq.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(configRequest) COMMA_CON, nil, &confReq);
+	    break;
+	case GravityNotify:
+	case ResizeRequest:
+	    (*resReq.ilc_func)(theView, @symbol(resizeRequest) COMMA_CON, nil, &resReq);
+	    break;
+	case CirculateNotify:
+	case CirculateRequest:
+	    break;
+	case PropertyNotify:
+	    (*prop.ilc_func)(theView, 
+			     @symbol(propertyChange) 
+			     COMMA_CON, nil, &prop);
+	    break;
+	case SelectionClear:
+	    selectionID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselectionclear.selection);
+	    (*selClear.ilc_func)(theView, 
+				 @symbol(selectionClear:) 
+				 COMMA_CON, nil, &selClear,
+				 selectionID);
+	    break;
+	case SelectionNotify:
+	    /*
+	     * returned selection value (answer from SelectionRequest)
+	     */
+	    DPRINTF(("SelectionNotify prop=%x target=%x selection= %x requestor=%x\n", 
+			ev->xselection.property, ev->xselection.target,
+			ev->xselection.selection, ev->xselection.requestor));
+	    propertyID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselection.property);
+	    targetID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselection.target);
+	    selectionID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselection.selection);
+	    requestorID = __MKOBJ(ev->xselection.requestor);
+	    (*selNotify.ilc_func)(theView, 
+				  @symbol(selectionNotify:target:selection:from:) 
+				  COMMA_CON, nil, &selNotify,
+				  propertyID, targetID, selectionID, requestorID);
+	    break;
+	case SelectionRequest:
+	    /*
+	     * someone wants the selection
+	     */
+	    DPRINTF(("SelectionRequest prop=%x target=%x selection=%x requestor=%x\n", 
+			ev->xselectionrequest.property,
+			ev->xselectionrequest.target,
+			ev->xselectionrequest.selection,
+			ev->xselectionrequest.requestor));
+	    propertyID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselectionrequest.property);
+	    targetID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselectionrequest.target);
+	    selectionID = __MKATOMOBJ(ev->xselectionrequest.selection);
+	    requestorID = __MKOBJ(ev->xselectionrequest.requestor);
+	    (*selReq.ilc_func)(theView, 
+			       @symbol(selectionRequest:target:selection:from:) 
+			       COMMA_CON, nil, &selReq,
+			       propertyID, targetID, selectionID, requestorID);
+	    break;
+	case ColormapNotify:
+	    (*colormap.ilc_func)(theView, 
+				 @symbol(colorMapChange) 
+				 COMMA_CON, nil, &colormap);
+	    break;
+	case MappingNotify:
+	    switch(mape->request) {
+		case MappingModifier:
+		    arg = @symbol(mappingModifier);
+		    break;
+		case MappingKeyboard:
+		    arg = @symbol(mappingKeyboard);
+		    break;
+		case MappingPointer:
+		    arg = @symbol(mappingPointer);
+		    break;
+		default:
+		    arg = nil;
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    (*mapping.ilc_func)(self, 
+				@symbol(mappingChanged:event:) 
+				COMMA_CON, nil, &mapping, arg, eB);
+	    break;
 #undef ae
 #undef ee
@@ -4173,26 +4173,6 @@
 !XWorkstation methodsFor:'font stuff'!
-    "the normal ascent"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	    f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	    if (f) {
-	        RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(f->ascent) );
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
     "a basic method for X-font allocation; this method allows
      any font to be aquired (even those not conforming to
@@ -4348,26 +4328,6 @@
     "Modified: 4.7.1996 / 11:12:25 / stefan"
-    "the normal descent"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	    f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	    if (f) {
-	        RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(f->descent) );
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
     "the fonts encoding - if the font does not provide that info,
      return nil (and assume #ascii, which is a subset of #iso8859)."
@@ -4958,85 +4918,6 @@
     "Modified: 17.4.1996 / 15:27:57 / cg"
-    "the max ascent"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	    f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	    if (f) {
-	        RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(f->max_bounds.ascent) );
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-    "the max descent"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	    f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	    if (f) {
-	        RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(f->max_bounds.descent) );
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-    "the width of the widest character"
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	    f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	    if (f) {
-	        RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(f->max_bounds.width) );
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    XFontStruct *f;
-    if (ISCONNECTED) {
-	if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-	    f = _FontVal(aFontId);
-	    if (f) {
-	        RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(f->min_bounds.width) );
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    self primitiveFailed.
-    ^ nil
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
@@ -8156,6 +8037,6 @@
 !XWorkstation  class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/XWorkstation.st,v 1.163 1996-08-01 16:05:44 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/XWorkstation.st,v 1.164 1996-08-02 20:39:05 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 XWorkstation initialize!