changeset 154 871a750ba914
parent 153 c56277fa4865
child 157 891eff44c2e7
--- a/XWorkstation.st	Tue Jun 27 04:21:46 1995 +0200
+++ b/XWorkstation.st	Sun Jul 02 18:18:17 1995 +0200
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
 	      All Rights Reserved
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/XWorkstation.st,v 1.48 1995-06-27 02:20:55 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/XWorkstation.st,v 1.49 1995-07-02 16:18:06 claus Exp $
 !XWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/XWorkstation.st,v 1.48 1995-06-27 02:20:55 claus Exp $
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/XWorkstation.st,v 1.49 1995-07-02 16:18:06 claus Exp $
@@ -2511,8 +2511,6 @@
     "set the text selection, and make aWindowId be the owner.
      This can be used by any other X application."
-    |cutBuffer|
     (self setSelectionOwner:aWindowId of:primaryAtom) ifFalse:[
 	'ownerchange failed' errorPrintNL.
@@ -2661,40 +2659,119 @@
      next time. The elements of the returned collection are instances of
-    |stream aName fntDescr|
+    |stream names aName fntDescr|
     listOfXFonts isNil ifTrue:[
-	stream := PipeStream readingFrom:'xlsfonts ''*'''.
-	stream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-	listOfXFonts := OrderedCollection new.
-	[stream atEnd] whileFalse:[
-	    aName := stream nextLine.
-	    aName notNil ifTrue:[
-		self decomposeXFontName:aName into:
-		    [:family :face :style :size :coding |
-			family notNil ifTrue:[
-			    fntDescr := FontDescription
-					    family:family
-					    face:face
-					    style:style
-					    size:size
-					    encoding:coding.
-			    listOfXFonts add:fntDescr
-			]
-		    ]
-	    ]
+"/ old code; using a pipe to xlsfonts
+"/      stream := PipeStream readingFrom:'xlsfonts ''*'''.
+"/      stream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+"/      listOfXFonts := OrderedCollection new.
+"/      [stream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+"/          aName := stream nextLine.
+"/          aName notNil ifTrue:[
+"/          self decomposeXFontName:aName into:
+"/                  [:family :face :style :size :coding |
+"/                      family notNil ifTrue:[
+"/                          fntDescr := FontDescription
+"/                                          family:family
+"/                                          face:face
+"/                                          style:style
+"/                                          size:size
+"/                                          encoding:coding.
+"/                          listOfXFonts add:fntDescr
+"/                      ]
+"/                  ]
+"/          ]
+"/      ].
+"/      stream close.
+"/      "if xlsfont is broken ... (hey sco)"
+"/      (listOfXFonts size == 0) ifTrue:[
+"/          listOfXFonts := nil
+"/      ] ifFalse:[
+"/          listOfXFonts sort:[:a :b | a family < b family].
+"/      ].
+	"/
+	"/ new code:
+	"/ use new primitive to get font names;
+	"/ this is much faster, and also works on systems where
+	"/      a) xlsfonts is broken (sco)
+	"/      b) xlsfonts is not available (aix)
+	"/
+	names := self getAvailableFontsMatching:'*'.
+	names isNil ifTrue:[
+	    "no names returned ..."
+	    ^ nil
-	stream close.
-	"if xlsfont is broken ... (hey sco)"
-	(listOfXFonts size == 0) ifTrue:[
-	    listOfXFonts := nil
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    listOfXFonts sort:[:a :b | a family < b family].
-	]
+	listOfXFonts := names collect:[:aName |
+				    |fntDescr|
+				    self decomposeXFontName:aName into:
+					[:family :face :style :size :coding |
+					   family notNil ifTrue:[
+					       fntDescr := FontDescription
+							       family:family
+							       face:face
+							       style:style
+							       size:size
+							       encoding:coding.
+					   ] ifFalse:[
+					       fntDescr := FontDescription
+							       name:aName
+					   ]
+					].
+				    fntDescr
+			    ].
     ^ listOfXFonts
-    "Display listOfAvailableFonts"
+    "
+     Display listOfAvailableFonts
+    "
+    "return anArray filled with font names patching aPattern"
+    int nnames = 1500;
+    int available = nnames + 1;
+    char **fonts;
+    OBJ arr, str;
+    int i;
+    if (ISCONNECTED) {
+	if (__isString(pattern)) {
+	    for (;;) {
+		fonts = XListFonts(myDpy, __stringVal(pattern), nnames, &available);
+		if ((fonts == NULL) || (available < nnames)) break;
+		XFreeFontNames(fonts);
+		nnames = available * 2;
+	    }
+	    if (fonts == NULL) {
+		RETURN ( nil );
+	    }
+	    arr = __ARRAY_NEW_INT(available);
+	    if (! arr) {
+		RETURN (nil);
+	    }
+	    for (i=0; i<available; i++) {
+		PROTECT(arr);
+		str = _MKSTRING_INIT(fonts[i]);
+		UNPROTECT(arr);
+		__ArrayInstPtr(arr)->a_element[i] = str;
+		__STORE(arr, str);
+	    }
+	    RETURN (arr);
+	}
+    }
+    ^ nil
 getFontWithFamily:familyString face:faceString