changeset 8564 8f02ab430d57
parent 8562 6a0b4f5f2f63
child 8613 e075e50db4ac
--- a/XWorkstation.st	Tue Oct 30 16:41:16 2018 +0100
+++ b/XWorkstation.st	Tue Oct 30 21:34:26 2018 +0100
@@ -3617,6 +3617,90 @@
     "Modified: 6.4.1997 / 13:38:52 / cg"
+dndMessage:event data:data view:targetView
+    "handle a drag&drop protocol message"
+    |sensor property dropType dropValue propertyType|
+    dropType := data doubleWordAt:1.
+    "/ see def's in DragAndDropTypes.h
+    dropType := (self dndDropTypes) at:dropType+1 ifAbsent:#DndNotDnd.
+    property := self
+		    getProperty:#DndSelection
+		    from:rootId
+		    delete:false.
+    propertyType := property key.
+    dropValue := property value.
+    "/ preconvert into a collection
+    "/ of fileNames, string or byteArray
+    "/ Notice: we do not yet convert into dropObjects
+    "/ here, to allow arbitrary data to be handled by
+    "/ redefined dropMessage methods in applications.
+    "/ Conversion is done for some well known types
+    "/ in the default dropMessage handling of SimpleView.
+    dropType == #DndFiles ifTrue:[
+	"/ actually, a list of fileNames
+	dropValue firstOrNil isString ifFalse:[
+	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	dropValue := dropValue collect:[:nm | nm asFilename].
+	dropType := #files.
+    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndFile) ifTrue:[
+	dropValue isString ifFalse:[
+	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	dropValue := dropValue asFilename.
+	dropType := #file.
+    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndDir) ifTrue:[
+	dropValue isString ifFalse:[
+	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	dropValue := dropValue asFilename.
+	dropType := #directory.
+    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndText) ifTrue:[
+	(dropValue isString or:[dropValue isStringCollection]) ifFalse:[
+	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	dropValue := dropValue asString.
+	dropType := #text.
+    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndExe) ifTrue:[
+	dropValue isString ifFalse:[
+	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	dropType := #executable.
+    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndLink) ifTrue:[
+	dropValue isString ifFalse:[
+	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	dropType := #link.
+    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndRawData) ifTrue:[
+	dropType := #rawData.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	Logger info:'unsupported dropType: %1 data: %2 ' with:dropType with:dropValue.
+	dropType := #unknown.
+    ]]]]]]].
+    sensor := targetView sensor.
+    "not posted, if there is no sensor ..."
+    sensor notNil ifTrue:[
+	sensor dropMessage:dropType data:dropValue view:targetView position:nil handle:nil
+    ].
+    "Created: / 04-04-1997 / 17:59:37 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 25-04-2018 / 15:12:04 / stefan"
 drop:aCollectionOfDropObjects inWindowID:destinationId position:destinationPoint rootPosition:rootPoint
     "drop something in some alien view.
      Returns false, if the drop could not be performed."
@@ -3639,6 +3723,80 @@
     "Modified: 11.4.1997 / 12:44:50 / cg"
 ! !
+!XWorkstation methodsFor:'drag & drop - xdnd'!
+    "Xdnd is an alternative protocol for drag and drop
+     (both modern and standard now)"
+     |xDndAware xDndSelection xDndEnter xDndLeave xDndPosition
+      xDndDrop xDndFinished xDndStatus xDndActionCopy xDndActionMove
+      xDndActionLink xDndActionAsk xDndActionPrivate xDndTypeList xDndTextUriList
+      xDndSelectionAtom|
+     xDndAware := self atomIDOf:#XdndAware create:false.
+     xDndAware notNil ifTrue:[
+         xDndSelection := self atomIDOf:#XdndSelection create:false.
+         xDndEnter := self atomIDOf:#XdndEnter create:false.
+         xDndLeave := self atomIDOf:#XdndLeave create:false.
+         xDndPosition := self atomIDOf:#XdndPosition create:false.
+         xDndDrop := self atomIDOf:#XdndDrop create:false.
+         xDndFinished := self atomIDOf:#XdndFinished create:false.
+         xDndStatus := self atomIDOf:#XdndStatus create:false.
+         xDndActionCopy := self atomIDOf:#XdndActionCopy create:false.
+         xDndActionMove := self atomIDOf:#XdndActionMove create:false.
+         xDndActionLink := self atomIDOf:#XdndActionLink create:false.
+         xDndActionAsk := self atomIDOf:#XdndActionAsk create:false.
+         xDndActionPrivate := self atomIDOf:#XdndActionPrivate create:false.
+         xDndTypeList := self atomIDOf:#XdndTypeList create:false.
+         xDndTextUriList := self atomIDOf:'test/uri-list' create:false.
+         xDndSelectionAtom := self atomIDOf:'XdndSTXSelection' create:true.   
+    ].
+    "
+     Display initializeXdnd
+    "
+    "Created: / 30-10-2018 / 20:56:36 / Claus Gittinger"
+    "announce that this window supports the Xdnd (drag & drop) protocol"
+    |xdndAwareAtom|
+    xdndAwareAtom := self atomIDOf:#XdndAware create:false.
+    xdndAwareAtom isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ mh - window manager is not DND capable
+        Logger info:'display does not support Xdnd'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    "/ protocol version 3 is from 1998...
+    "/ protocol version 4 from 1999 added root-window drop support...
+    "/ protocol version 5 from 2002 added some info to XdndFinished...
+    self 
+        setProperty:xdndAwareAtom 
+        type:#ATOM 
+        value:3 
+        for:aWindowOrWindowID
+    "
+     Display setXdndAwarePropertyFor:Transcript
+     Display getProperty:#'XdndAware' from:Transcript delete:false
+    "
+    "Created: / 30-10-2018 / 12:59:27 / Claus Gittinger"
+    "Modified (comment): / 30-10-2018 / 21:02:45 / Claus Gittinger"
+xdndMessage:event data:data view:targetView
+    "handle a xdnd drag&drop protocol message"
+    Logger info:'xdnd: %1 - %2 - %3' with:event with:data with:targetView.
+    "Created: / 30-10-2018 / 21:06:49 / Claus Gittinger"
+! !
 !XWorkstation methodsFor:'drawing'!
 clearRectangleX:x y:y width:width height:height in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
@@ -5279,23 +5437,30 @@
     targetView isNil ifTrue:[
-	"targetView is gone? Anyway, cannot do anything with this event..."
-	^ self.
+        "targetView is gone? Anyway, cannot do anything with this event..."
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    "DND drag&drop protocol"
+    (typeAtom == (self atomIDOf:#XdndAware)) ifTrue:[
+        self xdndMessage:nil data:data view:targetView.
+        ^ self.
     "DND drag&drop protocol"
     (format == 32 and:[typeAtom == (self atomIDOf:#DndProtocol)]) ifTrue:[
-	self dndMessage:nil data:data view:targetView.
-	^ self.
+        self dndMessage:nil data:data view:targetView.
+        ^ self.
     sensor := targetView sensor.
     "not posted, if there is no sensor ..."
     sensor notNil ifTrue:[
-	sensor clientMessage:typeAtom format:format eventData:data view:targetView
-    ].
-    "Created: 4.4.1997 / 17:49:26 / cg"
+        sensor clientMessage:typeAtom format:format eventData:data view:targetView
+    ].
+    "Created: / 04-04-1997 / 17:49:26 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2018 / 21:05:15 / Claus Gittinger"
 configure:view relativeTo:anotherViewId x:x y:y width:w height:h borderWidth:borderWidth above:aboveViewId overrideRedirect:overrideBool
@@ -5330,90 +5495,6 @@
     "Modified: / 30-05-2011 / 19:00:40 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
-dndMessage:event data:data view:targetView
-    "handle a drag&drop protocol message"
-    |sensor property dropType dropValue propertyType|
-    dropType := data doubleWordAt:1.
-    "/ see def's in DragAndDropTypes.h
-    dropType := (self dndDropTypes) at:dropType+1 ifAbsent:#DndNotDnd.
-    property := self
-		    getProperty:#DndSelection
-		    from:rootId
-		    delete:false.
-    propertyType := property key.
-    dropValue := property value.
-    "/ preconvert into a collection
-    "/ of fileNames, string or byteArray
-    "/ Notice: we do not yet convert into dropObjects
-    "/ here, to allow arbitrary data to be handled by
-    "/ redefined dropMessage methods in applications.
-    "/ Conversion is done for some well known types
-    "/ in the default dropMessage handling of SimpleView.
-    dropType == #DndFiles ifTrue:[
-	"/ actually, a list of fileNames
-	dropValue firstOrNil isString ifFalse:[
-	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	dropValue := dropValue collect:[:nm | nm asFilename].
-	dropType := #files.
-    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndFile) ifTrue:[
-	dropValue isString ifFalse:[
-	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	dropValue := dropValue asFilename.
-	dropType := #file.
-    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndDir) ifTrue:[
-	dropValue isString ifFalse:[
-	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	dropValue := dropValue asFilename.
-	dropType := #directory.
-    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndText) ifTrue:[
-	(dropValue isString or:[dropValue isStringCollection]) ifFalse:[
-	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	dropValue := dropValue asString.
-	dropType := #text.
-    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndExe) ifTrue:[
-	dropValue isString ifFalse:[
-	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	dropType := #executable.
-    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndLink) ifTrue:[
-	dropValue isString ifFalse:[
-	    Logger info:'expected a string propertyValue in drop'.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	dropType := #link.
-    ] ifFalse:[ (dropType == #DndRawData) ifTrue:[
-	dropType := #rawData.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	Logger info:'unsupported dropType: %1 data: %2 ' with:dropType with:dropValue.
-	dropType := #unknown.
-    ]]]]]]].
-    sensor := targetView sensor.
-    "not posted, if there is no sensor ..."
-    sensor notNil ifTrue:[
-	sensor dropMessage:dropType data:dropValue view:targetView position:nil handle:nil
-    ].
-    "Created: / 04-04-1997 / 17:59:37 / cg"
-    "Modified (format): / 25-04-2018 / 15:12:04 / stefan"
 expose:view x:x y:y width:w height:h count:count
     "forward an expose event for some view"
@@ -10691,64 +10772,68 @@
     |val propertyAtomID association windowIDOrNil|
     propertySymbolOrAtomID isString ifTrue:[
-	propertyAtomID := self atomIDOf:propertySymbolOrAtomID create:false.
-	propertyAtomID isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+        propertyAtomID := self atomIDOf:propertySymbolOrAtomID create:false.
+        propertyAtomID isNil ifTrue:[
+            "The propertyAtom does not even exist"
+            ^ nil
+        ].
     ] ifFalse:[
-	propertyAtomID := propertySymbolOrAtomID.
+        propertyAtomID := propertySymbolOrAtomID.
     aWindowOrWindowIDOrNil isView ifTrue:[
-	windowIDOrNil := aWindowOrWindowIDOrNil drawableId.
+        windowIDOrNil := aWindowOrWindowIDOrNil drawableId.
     ] ifFalse:[
-	windowIDOrNil := aWindowOrWindowIDOrNil.
+        windowIDOrNil := aWindowOrWindowIDOrNil.
     association := self primGetProperty:propertyAtomID from:windowIDOrNil delete:doDelete.
     association isNil ifTrue:[
-	"The property does not exist in the specified window"
-	^ nil
+        "The property does not exist in the specified window"
+        ^ nil
     val := association value.
     (val isByteArray and:[association key = (self atomIDOf:#'UTF8_STRING' create:true)]) ifTrue:[
-	val := val utf8Decoded.
+        val := val utf8Decoded.
     (val isString and:[val includes:(Character codePoint:0)]) ifTrue:[
-	val := val asCollectionOfSubCollectionsSeparatedBy:(Character codePoint:0).
+        val := val asCollectionOfSubCollectionsSeparatedBy:(Character codePoint:0).
     association value:val.
     ^ association
-	getProperty:#'_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES'
-	from:nil
-	delete:false
+        getProperty:#'_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES'
+        from:nil
+        delete:false
-	getProperty:#'_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP'
-	from:nil
-	delete:false
+        getProperty:#'_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP'
+        from:nil
+        delete:false
-	getProperty:#'_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS'
-	from:Transcript
-	delete:false
+        getProperty:#'_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS'
+        from:Transcript
+        delete:false
-	getProperty:#'_NET_SUPPORTED'
-	from:nil
-	delete:false
+        getProperty:#'_NET_SUPPORTED'
+        from:nil
+        delete:false
      Transcript showCR:(
-	 (Display
-	    getProperty:#'_NET_SUPPORTED'
-	    from:nil
-	    delete:false) value
-		    collect:[:eachID | Display atomName:eachID])
+         (Display
+            getProperty:#'_NET_SUPPORTED'
+            from:nil
+            delete:false) value
+                    collect:[:eachID | Display atomName:eachID])
     "Modified: / 31-08-2017 / 22:01:44 / cg"
     "Modified: / 26-04-2018 / 10:58:21 / stefan"
+    "Modified (comment): / 30-10-2018 / 20:43:11 / Claus Gittinger"
 primGetProperty:propertyAtomID from:aWindowIDOrNil delete:doDelete
@@ -11040,26 +11125,35 @@
     |propertyAtomID typeAtomID windowIDOrNil|
     propertySymbolOrAtomID isString ifTrue:[
-	propertyAtomID := self atomIDOf:propertySymbolOrAtomID create:false.
-	propertyAtomID isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
+        propertyAtomID := self atomIDOf:propertySymbolOrAtomID create:false.
+        propertyAtomID isNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ the property atom does not exist
+            Logger info:'property ATOM does not exist: %1' with:propertySymbolOrAtomID.
+            ^ false
+        ].
     ] ifFalse:[
-	propertyAtomID := propertySymbolOrAtomID.
+        propertyAtomID := propertySymbolOrAtomID.
     typeSymbolOrAtomID isString ifTrue:[
-	typeAtomID := self atomIDOf:typeSymbolOrAtomID create:false.
-	typeAtomID isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
+        typeAtomID := self atomIDOf:typeSymbolOrAtomID create:false.
+        typeAtomID isNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ the type atom does not exist
+            Logger info:'type ATOM does not exist: %1' with:typeSymbolOrAtomID.
+            ^ false
+        ].
     ] ifFalse:[
-	typeAtomID := typeSymbolOrAtomID.
+        typeAtomID := typeSymbolOrAtomID.
     aWindowOrWindowIDOrNil isView ifTrue:[
-	windowIDOrNil := aWindowOrWindowIDOrNil drawableId.
+        windowIDOrNil := aWindowOrWindowIDOrNil drawableId.
     ] ifFalse:[
-	windowIDOrNil := aWindowOrWindowIDOrNil.
+        windowIDOrNil := aWindowOrWindowIDOrNil.
     ^ self primSetProperty:propertyAtomID type:typeAtomID value:anObject for:windowIDOrNil
     "Modified: / 27-04-2018 / 12:20:46 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 30-10-2018 / 20:44:55 / Claus Gittinger"
 ! !
 !XWorkstation methodsFor:'queries'!
@@ -11107,7 +11201,7 @@
 !XWorkstation methodsFor:'resources'!
-    "return an X11 atoms ID.
+    "return an X11 atom's ID.
      This is highly X specific and only for local use (with selections).
      The default is to create the atom, if it does not exist, in order to
      speed up future lookups"
@@ -11121,11 +11215,12 @@
      Display atomIDOf:#DndSelection
-    "Modified: 4.4.1997 / 13:38:48 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 04-04-1997 / 13:38:48 / cg"
+    "Modified (comment): / 30-10-2018 / 20:45:47 / Claus Gittinger"
 atomIDOf:aStringOrSymbol create:create
-    "return an Atoms ID given its name.
+    "return an Atom's ID, given its name.
      If it already exists, return its ID.
      If not and the create argument is true, it is created.
      Otherwise, nil is returned.
@@ -11135,15 +11230,15 @@
     atomSymbol := aStringOrSymbol asSymbol.
     (atoms notNil and:[(atom := atoms at:atomSymbol ifAbsent:[nil]) notNil]) ifTrue:[
-	^ atom.
+        ^ atom.
     atom := self primAtomIDOf:atomSymbol create:create.
     atom notNil ifTrue:[
-	atoms isNil ifTrue:[
-	    atoms := IdentityDictionary new.
-	].
-	atoms at:atomSymbol put:atom.
+        atoms isNil ifTrue:[
+            atoms := IdentityDictionary new.
+        ].
+        atoms at:atomSymbol put:atom.
     ^ atom
@@ -11155,6 +11250,8 @@
      Display atomIDOf:'PRIMARY' create:false
      Display atomIDOf:'blabla' create:false
+    "Modified (comment): / 30-10-2018 / 20:45:42 / Claus Gittinger"
@@ -13302,11 +13399,18 @@
     | pid |
-    pid := anIntegerOrNil isNil ifTrue:[OperatingSystem getProcessId] ifFalse:[anIntegerOrNil].
-    self setProperty:#'_NET_WM_PID' type:#CARDINAL value:pid for:aWindowId
+    pid := anIntegerOrNil isNil 
+                ifTrue:[OperatingSystem getProcessId] 
+                ifFalse:[anIntegerOrNil].
+    self 
+        setProperty:#'_NET_WM_PID' 
+        type:#CARDINAL 
+        value:pid 
+        for:aWindowId
     "Created: / 04-01-2013 / 16:03:30 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
     "Modified: / 26-04-2018 / 10:46:24 / stefan"
+    "Modified (format): / 30-10-2018 / 12:58:24 / Claus Gittinger"
 setWindowShape:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
@@ -13388,22 +13492,26 @@
     | valueAtom |
     self assert:(#(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP
-		  _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL) includes: aSymbol).
+                  _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK
+                  _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR
+                  _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU
+                  _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY
+                  _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH
+                  _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG
+                  _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL) includes: aSymbol).
     valueAtom := self atomIDOf:aSymbol create:false.
     valueAtom isNil ifTrue:[
-	"/Hmm, no such property, not running under EWMH compliant WM?
-	self breakPoint: #jv.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    self setProperty:#'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE' type:#ATOM value:valueAtom for:aWindowOrWindowId.
+        "/ Hmm, no such property, not running under EWMH compliant WM?
+        self breakPoint: #jv.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    self 
+        setProperty:#'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE' 
+        type:#ATOM 
+        value:valueAtom 
+        for:aWindowOrWindowId.
@@ -13421,6 +13529,7 @@
     "Modified (comment): / 15-05-2012 / 10:49:57 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
     "Modified (format): / 26-04-2018 / 10:48:59 / stefan"
+    "Modified (format): / 30-10-2018 / 20:57:47 / Claus Gittinger"