changeset 3449 da32a634ca80
parent 3424 212a656cfdcc
child 3453 be18ea6dfbad
--- a/XWorkstation.st	Thu Jun 28 11:00:19 2001 +0200
+++ b/XWorkstation.st	Wed Jul 18 14:47:54 2001 +0200
@@ -7436,7 +7436,7 @@
 getFontWithFamily:familyString face:faceString
-	    style:styleArgString size:sizeArg encoding:encoding
+            style:styleArgString size:sizeArg encoding:encoding
     "try to get the specified font, if not available, try next smaller
      font. Access to X-fonts by name is possible, by passing the X font name
@@ -7450,22 +7450,22 @@
     "special: if face is nil, allow access to X-fonts"
     faceString isNil ifTrue:[
-	sizeArg notNil ifTrue:[
-	    theName := familyString , '-' , sizeArg printString
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    theName := familyString
-	].
-	theName isNil ifTrue:[
-	    "
-	     mhmh - fall back to the default font
-	    "
-	    theName := 'fixed'
-	].
-	theId := self createFontFor:theName.
-	theId isNil ifTrue:[
-	    theId := self getDefaultFont
-	].
-	^ theId
+        sizeArg notNil ifTrue:[
+            theName := familyString , '-' , sizeArg printString
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            theName := familyString
+        ].
+        theName isNil ifTrue:[
+            "
+             mhmh - fall back to the default font
+            "
+            theName := 'fixed'
+        ].
+        theId := self createFontFor:theName.
+        theId isNil ifTrue:[
+            theId := self getDefaultFont
+        ].
+        ^ theId
     "/ spacing other than 'normal' is contained as last component
@@ -7473,71 +7473,72 @@
     (styleString notNil
      and:[(styleString endsWith:'-narrow') 
-	  or:[styleString endsWith:'-semicondensed']]) ifTrue:[
-	|i|
-	i := styleString lastIndexOf:$-.
-	spacing := styleString copyFrom:(i+1).
-	styleString := styleString copyTo:(i-1).
+          or:[styleString endsWith:'-semicondensed']]) ifTrue:[
+        |i|
+        i := styleString lastIndexOf:$-.
+        spacing := styleString copyFrom:(i+1).
+        styleString := styleString copyTo:(i-1).
     ] ifFalse:[
-	spacing := 'normal'.
+        spacing := 'normal'.
     xlatedStyle := styleString.
     xlatedStyle notNil ifTrue:[
-	xlatedStyle := xlatedStyle first asString
-    ].
-    encodingMatch := encoding.
+        xlatedStyle := xlatedStyle first asString
+    ].
     registryMatch := '*'.
     encoding isNil ifTrue:[
-	encodingMatch := '*'.
+        encodingMatch := '*'.
     ] ifFalse:[
-	idx := encoding indexOf:$-.
-	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-	    encodingMatch := encoding copyTo:idx - 1.
-	    registryMatch := encoding copyFrom:idx + 1
-	].
+        idx := encoding indexOf:$-.
+        idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+            registryMatch := encoding copyTo:idx - 1.
+            encodingMatch := encoding copyFrom:idx + 1
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            registryMatch := encoding.
+        ].
     id := self 
-	    getFontWithFoundry:'*'
-	    family:familyString asLowercase
-	    weight:faceString
-	    slant:xlatedStyle
-	    spacing:spacing
-	    pixelSize:nil
-	    size:sizeArg 
-	    registry:encodingMatch
-	    encoding:registryMatch.
+            getFontWithFoundry:'*'
+            family:familyString asLowercase
+            weight:faceString
+            slant:xlatedStyle
+            spacing:spacing
+            pixelSize:nil
+            size:sizeArg 
+            registry:registryMatch
+            encoding:encodingMatch.
     id isNil ifTrue:[
-	(encodingMatch notNil and:[encodingMatch ~= '*']) ifTrue:[
-	    "/ too stupid: encodings come in both cases
-	    "/ and X does not ignore case
-	    "/
-	    id := self 
-		    getFontWithFoundry:'*'
-		    family:familyString asLowercase
-		    weight:faceString
-		    slant:xlatedStyle
-		    spacing:spacing
-		    pixelSize:nil
-		    size:sizeArg 
-		    registry:encodingMatch asUppercase
-		    encoding:registryMatch.
-	    id isNil ifTrue:[
-		id := self 
-			getFontWithFoundry:'*'
-			family:familyString asLowercase
-			weight:faceString
-			slant:xlatedStyle
-			spacing:spacing
-			pixelSize:nil
-			size:sizeArg 
-			registry:encodingMatch asLowercase
-			encoding:registryMatch.
-	    ]
-	]
+        (registryMatch notNil and:[registryMatch ~= '*']) ifTrue:[
+            "/ too stupid: registries come in both cases
+            "/ and X does not ignore case
+            "/
+            id := self 
+                    getFontWithFoundry:'*'
+                    family:familyString asLowercase
+                    weight:faceString
+                    slant:xlatedStyle
+                    spacing:spacing
+                    pixelSize:nil
+                    size:sizeArg 
+                    registry:registryMatch asUppercase
+                    encoding:encodingMatch.
+            id isNil ifTrue:[
+                id := self 
+                        getFontWithFoundry:'*'
+                        family:familyString asLowercase
+                        weight:faceString
+                        slant:xlatedStyle
+                        spacing:spacing
+                        pixelSize:nil
+                        size:sizeArg 
+                        registry:registryMatch asLowercase
+                        encoding:encodingMatch.
+            ]
+        ]
     ^ id
@@ -11569,6 +11570,6 @@
 !XWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/XWorkstation.st,v 1.388 2001-05-08 09:23:41 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/XWorkstation.st,v 1.389 2001-07-18 12:47:54 stefan Exp $'
 ! !
 XWorkstation initialize!