changeset 5612 f7b84930b3fb
parent 5608 283f9270bf76
child 5617 135132a35699
--- a/	Mon Oct 11 11:05:37 2010 +0200
+++ b/	Mon Oct 11 11:06:17 2010 +0200
@@ -100,164 +100,164 @@
     [Instance variables:]
-        superView               <View>                  my superview i.e. the view I am in
-        subViews                <Collection>            the collection of subviews
-                                                        These are the views proper.
-        components              <Collection>            collection of gadgets (will be merged with subViews, soon)
-                                                        These are lightweight gadgets (not seen by windows/x11).
-        styleSheet              <ResourcePack>          contains widget attributes (see libview/styles/*.style)
-        resources               <ResourcePack>          contains national language translations (see lib*/resources/*.rs)
-        border                  <Border>                color and width of border
-        unused                  <nil>                   to keep the instVar size constant
-        viewShape               <Form>                  shape of view & border (if device supports it)
-        top                     <Number>                actual top coordinate (pixels) in superview
-        left                    <Number>                actual left coordinate (pixels) in superview
-        flagBits                <Integer>               flag bits (used to be individual booleans)
-            extendChanged                                   true if extend changed during setup
-            originChanged                                   true if origin changed during setup
-        relativeOrigin          <Number>                relative origin in percent within superview
-        relativeExtent          <Number>                relative extent in percent within superview
-        relativeCorner          <Number>                relative corner in percent within superview
-        originRule              <Block>                 rule to compute origin if superview changes size
-        extentRule              <Block>                 rule to compute extent if superview changes size
-        cornerRule              <Block>                 rule to compute corner if superview changes size
-        insets                  <Array>                 array with top, left, bottom & right insets (or nil)
-        layout                  <LayoutObject>          not yet implemented - will replace the above layout
-                                                        variables.
-        shown                   <Boolean>               true if visible (false if iconified, unmapped or covered)
-        hiddenOnRealize         <Boolean>               dont show automatically when superview is realized
-        name                    <String>                my name (future use for resources)
-        level (**)              <Number>                3D level relative to superview
-        margin                  <Number>                convenient margin; that is the number of pixels
-                                                        which are taken up by border plus 3D level
-                                                        (i.e. borderWidth + level abs)
-        innerClipRect           <Rectangle>             convenient inner clip (minus margin)
-        shadowColor (**)        <Color>                 color used to draw 3D shadowed edges
-        lightColor (**)         <Color>                 color used to draw 3D lighted edges
-        bitGravity              <nil | Symbol>          gravity of contents (if device supports it)
-        viewGravity             <nil | Symbol>          gravity of view (if device supports it)
-        controller              <nil | Controller>      the controller (if any)
-        windowGroup             <WindowGroup>           the windowGroup
-        preferredExtent(*)      <nil | Point>           preferredExtent overWrite
-                                                        if nonNil, the widget will not compute
-                                                        its pref-extent, but use that value.
-        explicitExtent(*)       <nil | Point>           preferredExtent overWrite
-                                                        if nonNil, the widget will not compute
-                                                        its pref-extent, but use that value.
-        dependents              <nil | Collection>      who depends on me
-        layoutManager
-        visibilityChannel
-        helpKey
-        dropTarget
+	superView               <View>                  my superview i.e. the view I am in
+	subViews                <Collection>            the collection of subviews
+							These are the views proper.
+	components              <Collection>            collection of gadgets (will be merged with subViews, soon)
+							These are lightweight gadgets (not seen by windows/x11).
+	styleSheet              <ResourcePack>          contains widget attributes (see libview/styles/*.style)
+	resources               <ResourcePack>          contains national language translations (see lib*/resources/*.rs)
+	border                  <Border>                color and width of border
+	unused                  <nil>                   to keep the instVar size constant
+	viewShape               <Form>                  shape of view & border (if device supports it)
+	top                     <Number>                actual top coordinate (pixels) in superview
+	left                    <Number>                actual left coordinate (pixels) in superview
+	flagBits                <Integer>               flag bits (used to be individual booleans)
+	    extendChanged                                   true if extend changed during setup
+	    originChanged                                   true if origin changed during setup
+	relativeOrigin          <Number>                relative origin in percent within superview
+	relativeExtent          <Number>                relative extent in percent within superview
+	relativeCorner          <Number>                relative corner in percent within superview
+	originRule              <Block>                 rule to compute origin if superview changes size
+	extentRule              <Block>                 rule to compute extent if superview changes size
+	cornerRule              <Block>                 rule to compute corner if superview changes size
+	insets                  <Array>                 array with top, left, bottom & right insets (or nil)
+	layout                  <LayoutObject>          not yet implemented - will replace the above layout
+							variables.
+	shown                   <Boolean>               true if visible (false if iconified, unmapped or covered)
+	hiddenOnRealize         <Boolean>               dont show automatically when superview is realized
+	name                    <String>                my name (future use for resources)
+	level (**)              <Number>                3D level relative to superview
+	margin                  <Number>                convenient margin; that is the number of pixels
+							which are taken up by border plus 3D level
+							(i.e. borderWidth + level abs)
+	innerClipRect           <Rectangle>             convenient inner clip (minus margin)
+	shadowColor (**)        <Color>                 color used to draw 3D shadowed edges
+	lightColor (**)         <Color>                 color used to draw 3D lighted edges
+	bitGravity              <nil | Symbol>          gravity of contents (if device supports it)
+	viewGravity             <nil | Symbol>          gravity of view (if device supports it)
+	controller              <nil | Controller>      the controller (if any)
+	windowGroup             <WindowGroup>           the windowGroup
+	preferredExtent(*)      <nil | Point>           preferredExtent overWrite
+							if nonNil, the widget will not compute
+							its pref-extent, but use that value.
+	explicitExtent(*)       <nil | Point>           preferredExtent overWrite
+							if nonNil, the widget will not compute
+							its pref-extent, but use that value.
+	dependents              <nil | Collection>      who depends on me
+	layoutManager
+	visibilityChannel
+	helpKey
+	dropTarget
     (*) about to be changed to use preferredExtent as a cache and explicitExtent as
-        an overwrite value.
+	an overwrite value.
     (**) We have recently started to change the system to use borders instead of separate
-         borderWidth, borderColor, level, shadow- and lightColors.
-         Expect more changes here in the near future..
+	 borderWidth, borderColor, level, shadow- and lightColors.
+	 Expect more changes here in the near future..
     [Class variables:]
-        Grey                    <Color>                 the color grey - its used so often
-        ViewSpacing             <Number>                preferred spacing between views; 1mm
-        CentPoint               <Point>                 100 @ 100 - its used so often
-        StyleSheet              <ResourcePack>          contains all view-style specifics
-        ReturnFocusWhenClosingModalBoxes                if true, a closing modalBox returns
-                                <Boolean>               the keyboard focus to the view which was
-                                                        active when the box was opened.
-                                                        If false (the default), it is left to
-                                                        window manager to assign a new focus.
-                                                        If running on olwm/olvwm (which requires an
-                                                        explicit click to reassign a focus), it is
-                                                        better to turn this on in a private.rc file.
+	Grey                    <Color>                 the color grey - its used so often
+	ViewSpacing             <Number>                preferred spacing between views; 1mm
+	CentPoint               <Point>                 100 @ 100 - its used so often
+	StyleSheet              <ResourcePack>          contains all view-style specifics
+	ReturnFocusWhenClosingModalBoxes                if true, a closing modalBox returns
+				<Boolean>               the keyboard focus to the view which was
+							active when the box was opened.
+							If false (the default), it is left to
+							window manager to assign a new focus.
+							If running on olwm/olvwm (which requires an
+							explicit click to reassign a focus), it is
+							better to turn this on in a private.rc file.
     [styleSheet parameters:]
-        popupShadow             <Boolean>               if true, popupViews show a shadow below
-        popupLevel              <nil | Integer>         3D level
-        borderWidth             <nil | Integer>         borderWidth (ignored in 3D styles)
-        borderColor             <nil | Color>           borderColor (ignored in 3D styles)
-        viewBackground          <nil | Color>           views background
-        shadowColor             <nil | Color>           color for shadow edges (ignored in 2D styles)
-        lightColor              <nil | Color>           color for light edges (ignored in 2D styles)
-        font                    <nil | Font>            font to use
+	popupShadow             <Boolean>               if true, popupViews show a shadow below
+	popupLevel              <nil | Integer>         3D level
+	borderWidth             <nil | Integer>         borderWidth (ignored in 3D styles)
+	borderColor             <nil | Color>           borderColor (ignored in 3D styles)
+	viewBackground          <nil | Color>           views background
+	shadowColor             <nil | Color>           color for shadow edges (ignored in 2D styles)
+	lightColor              <nil | Color>           color for light edges (ignored in 2D styles)
+	font                    <nil | Font>            font to use
-        get rid of relativeOrigin, relativeCorner, originRule, extentRule,
-        and insets; replace by a single object which defines the size
-        (mhmh - ST-80 seems to call this LayoutFrame ?)
-        -> be prepared for a change here in the near future and ONLY use
-           access methods to get those instance variables' values
-        get rid of 3D level & margin, move it to extra wrappers
-        (although this will make view setup more complicated, it will remove
-         complexity from the internals of view. Also, it will allow for more
-         varieties of borders.)
-        add components (could also call them gadgets or lightweight views)
-        - views are expensive in terms of X resources. This would make all
-        framing/edge and panel helper views become cheap ST objects, instead
-        of views.
+	get rid of relativeOrigin, relativeCorner, originRule, extentRule,
+	and insets; replace by a single object which defines the size
+	(mhmh - ST-80 seems to call this LayoutFrame ?)
+	-> be prepared for a change here in the near future and ONLY use
+	   access methods to get those instance variables' values
+	get rid of 3D level & margin, move it to extra wrappers
+	(although this will make view setup more complicated, it will remove
+	 complexity from the internals of view. Also, it will allow for more
+	 varieties of borders.)
+	add components (could also call them gadgets or lightweight views)
+	- views are expensive in terms of X resources. This would make all
+	framing/edge and panel helper views become cheap ST objects, instead
+	of views.
     [see also:]
-        StandardSystemView DialogBox
-        WindowGroup WindowEvent
-        Layout
-        ( introduction to view programming :html: programming/viewintro.html )
+	StandardSystemView DialogBox
+	WindowGroup WindowEvent
+	Layout
+	( introduction to view programming :html: programming/viewintro.html )
-        Claus Gittinger
+	Claus Gittinger
@@ -267,50 +267,50 @@
      to make the individual subviews visible)
     a subView in a topView:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        v := View new.
-        v origin:0.25 @ 0.25 corner:0.75 @ 0.75.
-        top addSubView:v.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top v|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	v := View new.
+	v origin:0.25 @ 0.25 corner:0.75 @ 0.75.
+	top addSubView:v.
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
     the same, a bit more compact:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top v|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        v := View origin:0.25 @ 0.25 corner:0.75 @ 0.75 in:top.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top v|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	v := View origin:0.25 @ 0.25 corner:0.75 @ 0.75 in:top.
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
     fixed position/size:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
        top extent:300@300.
        v1 := View origin:10@10
-                  corner:50@50
-                      in:top.
+		  corner:50@50
+		      in:top.
        v2 := View origin:60@10
-                  corner:150@100
-                      in:top.
+		  corner:150@100
+		      in:top.
        v1 viewBackground:(Color red).
        v2 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
     same, using ST-80 way of bulding up view hierarchies
     (recommended, if you plan to port applications later)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -332,10 +332,10 @@
        v2 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
     fixed origin, variable size:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -354,11 +354,11 @@
        top add:v2.
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
     fixed origin, variable size,
     bottomInset for constant distance from bottom:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -379,10 +379,10 @@
        top add:v2.
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
     variable origin, variable size,
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -401,11 +401,11 @@
        top add:v2.
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
     variable origin, variable size,
     insets for some constant distance
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -426,11 +426,11 @@
        top add:v2.
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
     using layout objects (ST-80 style):
     fully specifying the frame
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -443,21 +443,21 @@
        v2 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
        top add:v1 in:(LayoutFrame new
-                        leftFraction:0.25;
-                        rightFraction:0.75;
-                        topFraction:0.0;
-                        bottomFraction:0.5).
+			leftFraction:0.25;
+			rightFraction:0.75;
+			topFraction:0.0;
+			bottomFraction:0.5).
        top add:v2 in:(LayoutFrame new
-                        leftFraction:0.5;
-                        rightFraction:1.0;
-                        topFraction:0.5;
-                        bottomFraction:0.75).
+			leftFraction:0.5;
+			rightFraction:1.0;
+			topFraction:0.5;
+			bottomFraction:0.75).
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
     another one, with offsets:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -470,22 +470,22 @@
        v2 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
        top add:v1 in:(LayoutFrame new
-                        leftFraction:0.0 offset:10;
-                        rightFraction:1.0 offset:-10;
-                        topFraction:0.0 offset:10;
-                        bottomFraction:0.5).
+			leftFraction:0.0 offset:10;
+			rightFraction:1.0 offset:-10;
+			topFraction:0.0 offset:10;
+			bottomFraction:0.5).
        top add:v2 in:(LayoutFrame new
-                        leftFraction:0.0 offset:30;
-                        rightFraction:1.0 offset:-30;
-                        topFraction:0.5 offset:10;
-                        bottomFraction:0.75).
+			leftFraction:0.0 offset:30;
+			rightFraction:1.0 offset:-30;
+			topFraction:0.5 offset:10;
+			bottomFraction:0.75).
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
     specifying origin only. Extent is views preferred
     (notice, that plain views have some defaultExtent of 100@100)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -498,17 +498,17 @@
        v2 viewBackground:(Color yellow).
        top add:v1 in:(LayoutOrigin new
-                        leftFraction:0.25;
-                        topFraction:0.0).
+			leftFraction:0.25;
+			topFraction:0.0).
        top add:v2 in:(LayoutOrigin new
-                        leftFraction:0.5;
-                        topFraction:0.5).
+			leftFraction:0.5;
+			topFraction:0.5).
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
     same example, using buttons which compute their preferredBounds:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -521,17 +521,17 @@
        v2 backgroundColor:(Color yellow).
        top add:v1 in:(LayoutOrigin new
-                        leftFraction:0.25;
-                        topFraction:0.0).
+			leftFraction:0.25;
+			topFraction:0.0).
        top add:v2 in:(LayoutOrigin new
-                        leftFraction:0.5;
-                        topFraction:0.5).
+			leftFraction:0.5;
+			topFraction:0.5).
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
-                                                                        [exBegin]
+									[exBegin]
        |top v1 v2|
        top := StandardSystemView new.
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
        v1 border:(SimpleBorder width:1 color:Color red).
        v2 border:(SimpleBorder width:1 color:Color blue).
        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exEnd]
@@ -1191,8 +1191,8 @@
      Needed after a style change or when a style file has been changed"
     DefaultStyle notNil ifTrue:[
-        self readStyleSheet.
-        self updateAllStyleCaches.
+	self readStyleSheet.
+	self updateAllStyleCaches.
     "Created: / 15.9.1998 / 22:03:59 / cg"
@@ -1296,8 +1296,8 @@
     <resource: #style (#viewSpacing #font #borderWidth #borderColor
-                       #viewBackground #shadowColor #lightColor
-                       #focusColor #focusBorderWidth)>
+		       #viewBackground #shadowColor #lightColor
+		       #focusColor #focusBorderWidth)>
     |bgGrey currentScreen|
@@ -1306,68 +1306,68 @@
      and keep the values in fast class variables
     StyleSheet isNil ifTrue:[
-        self setDefaultStyle.
-        self readStyleSheet.
+	self setDefaultStyle.
+	self readStyleSheet.
     currentScreen := Screen current.
     Grey := StyleSheet viewGrey.
     Grey isNil ifTrue:[
-        Grey := Color grey
+	Grey := Color grey
     Grey := Grey onDevice:currentScreen.
     StyleSheet fileReadFailed ifTrue:[
-        bgGrey := White
+	bgGrey := White
     ] ifFalse:[
-        currentScreen hasGrayscales ifTrue:[
-            bgGrey := Grey
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            bgGrey := White
-        ]
+	currentScreen hasGrayscales ifTrue:[
+	    bgGrey := Grey
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    bgGrey := White
+	]
     bgGrey := bgGrey onDevice:currentScreen.
     ViewSpacing := StyleSheet at:#viewSpacing.
     ViewSpacing isNil ifTrue:[
-        ViewSpacing := currentScreen defaultStyleValueFor:#viewSpacing.
+	ViewSpacing := currentScreen defaultStyleValueFor:#viewSpacing.
     DefaultBorderColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#borderColor.
     DefaultBorderColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        DefaultBorderColor := currentScreen defaultStyleValueFor:#borderColor
+	DefaultBorderColor := currentScreen defaultStyleValueFor:#borderColor
     StyleSheet fileReadFailed ifTrue:[
-        DefaultBorderWidth := 1.
-        DefaultShadowColor := Black.
-        DefaultLightColor :=  White.
-        DefaultFocusColor := Black.
-        DefaultFocusBorderWidth := 1.
-        DefaultViewBackgroundColor := White.
+	DefaultBorderWidth := 1.
+	DefaultShadowColor := Black.
+	DefaultLightColor :=  White.
+	DefaultFocusColor := Black.
+	DefaultFocusBorderWidth := 1.
+	DefaultViewBackgroundColor := White.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        DefaultBorderWidth := StyleSheet at:#borderWidth default:0.
-        DefaultViewBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#viewBackground default:bgGrey.
-        DefaultShadowColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#shadowColor.
-        DefaultLightColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#lightColor.
-        DefaultFocusColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#focusColor default:Color red.
-        DefaultFocusBorderWidth := StyleSheet at:'focusBorderWidth' default:2.
+	DefaultBorderWidth := StyleSheet at:#borderWidth default:0.
+	DefaultViewBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#viewBackground default:bgGrey.
+	DefaultShadowColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#shadowColor.
+	DefaultLightColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#lightColor.
+	DefaultFocusColor := StyleSheet colorAt:#focusColor default:Color red.
+	DefaultFocusBorderWidth := StyleSheet at:'focusBorderWidth' default:2.
     self == SimpleView ifTrue:[
-        DefaultFont := StyleSheet at:#font.
-        DefaultFont isNil ifTrue:[
-            DefaultFont := Font family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12.
-        ].
-        DefaultFont := DefaultFont onDevice:currentScreen.
+	DefaultFont := StyleSheet at:#font.
+	DefaultFont isNil ifTrue:[
+	    DefaultFont := Font family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12.
+	].
+	DefaultFont := DefaultFont onDevice:currentScreen.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        DefaultFont := nil
+	DefaultFont := nil
     DefaultViewBackgroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        'SimpleView [warning]: bad viewBackground in style - using white' errorPrintCR.
-        DefaultViewBackgroundColor := White
+	'SimpleView [warning]: bad viewBackground in style - using white' errorPrintCR.
+	DefaultViewBackgroundColor := White
     "Modified: / 29.4.1997 / 11:16:52 / dq"
@@ -1847,7 +1847,7 @@
     "return my border"
     (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ superView border
+	^ superView border
     ^ border
@@ -1866,15 +1866,15 @@
     (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ superView borderColor
+	^ superView borderColor
     "/ ^ borderColor
-    border notNil ifTrue:[ 
-        clr := border color
-    ].  
+    border notNil ifTrue:[
+	clr := border color
+    ].
     clr isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ Color black 
+	^ Color black
     ^ clr.
@@ -1887,16 +1887,16 @@
     "/ backward compatibility
     "/ superView will be renamed to container soon.
     (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
-        superView borderColor:aColor.
-        ^ self
+	superView borderColor:aColor.
+	^ self
     aColor isNil ifTrue:[
-        border isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-        self border:nil.
+	border isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+	self border:nil.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        aColor = (self borderColor) ifTrue:[^ self].
-        self border:(SimpleBorder new width:(self borderWidth) color:aColor)
+	aColor = (self borderColor) ifTrue:[^ self].
+	self border:(SimpleBorder new width:(self borderWidth) color:aColor)
     self invalidate.
@@ -1936,7 +1936,7 @@
     "return my borderWidth"
     (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ superView borderWidth
+	^ superView borderWidth
     border isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
@@ -1952,18 +1952,18 @@
     "/ backward compatibility
     "/ superView will be renamed to container soon.
     (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ superView borderWidth:aNumber
+	^ superView borderWidth:aNumber
     (aNumber == 0 or:[aNumber isNil]) ifTrue:[
-        border isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-        self border:nil.
+	border isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+	self border:nil.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        border notNil ifTrue:[
-            self border:(border copy width:aNumber)
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self border:(SimpleBorder new width:aNumber color:(self borderColor)).
-        ]
+	border notNil ifTrue:[
+	    self border:(border copy width:aNumber)
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self border:(SimpleBorder new width:aNumber color:(self borderColor)).
+	]
 "/    (aNumber ~~ borderWidth) ifTrue:[
@@ -1978,8 +1978,8 @@
     border isNil ifTrue:[
-        margin := level abs.
-        ^ self.
+	margin := level abs.
+	^ self.
     margin := border width.
@@ -2017,7 +2017,7 @@
     "return my level relative to superView (3D)"
     (superView notNil and:[superView isBorderedWrapper]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ superView level
+	^ superView level
     border notNil ifTrue:[^ border level].
     ^ level
@@ -2568,50 +2568,50 @@
     "set the views extent;
      extent may be:
-        a point
-            where integer fields mean 'pixel-values'
-            and float values mean 'relative-to-superview'
-            and nil means 'leave current value';
+	a point
+	    where integer fields mean 'pixel-values'
+	    and float values mean 'relative-to-superview'
+	    and nil means 'leave current value';
      or a block returning a point which is interpreted as above.
      Be careful when using relative extents: rounding errors may
      accumulate. Better use origin/corner.
      Best: migrate to use layour objects.
      Notice: this sets the views explicitExtent flag, which prevents it normally
-             from resizing itself to its preferredExtent.
-             See initialExtent: for a variation."
+	     from resizing itself to its preferredExtent.
+	     See initialExtent: for a variation."
     |w h pixelExtent e|
     self explicitExtent:true.
     extent isBlock ifTrue:[
-        extentRule := extent.
-        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
-            pixelExtent := extent value
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self extentChangedFlag:true
-        ]
+	extentRule := extent.
+	drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
+	    pixelExtent := extent value
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self extentChangedFlag:true
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        w := extent x.
-        h := extent y.
-        w isNil ifTrue:[w := width].
-        h isNil ifTrue:[h := height].
-        e := w@h.
-        ((w isInteger not) or:[h isInteger not]) ifTrue:[
-            "/ w > 1 ifTrue:[self halt].
-            relativeExtent := e.
-            pixelExtent := self extentFromRelativeExtent.
-            pixelExtent isNil ifTrue:[
-                self extentChangedFlag:true
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            relativeExtent := nil.
-            pixelExtent := e
-        ]
+	w := extent x.
+	h := extent y.
+	w isNil ifTrue:[w := width].
+	h isNil ifTrue:[h := height].
+	e := w@h.
+	((w isInteger not) or:[h isInteger not]) ifTrue:[
+	    "/ w > 1 ifTrue:[self halt].
+	    relativeExtent := e.
+	    pixelExtent := self extentFromRelativeExtent.
+	    pixelExtent isNil ifTrue:[
+		self extentChangedFlag:true
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    relativeExtent := nil.
+	    pixelExtent := e
+	]
     pixelExtent notNil ifTrue:[
-        self pixelExtent:pixelExtent
+	self pixelExtent:pixelExtent
     "Modified: / 07-07-2010 / 16:44:57 / cg"
@@ -2788,9 +2788,9 @@
     layout := aLayoutObject.
     superView isNil ifTrue:[
-        self originChangedFlag:true extentChangedFlag:true cornerChangedFlag:true.
+	self originChangedFlag:true extentChangedFlag:true cornerChangedFlag:true.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self containerChangedSize.
+	self containerChangedSize.
     "Modified: 19.9.1995 / 16:17:25 / claus"
@@ -2852,40 +2852,31 @@
      into the visible screen area if nescessary.
      This method will be moved to StandardSystemView ..."
-    |devBot devRgt devLft devTop newTop newLeft monitorInfoAtPoint|
+    |devBot devRgt devLft devTop newTop newLft screenBounds|
+"/ ******* MULTI SCREEN
     newTop := top.
-    newLeft := left.
-    monitorInfoAtPoint := device monitorInfoAtPoint:(left@top).
-    monitorInfoAtPoint notNil ifTrue:[
-        devLft := monitorInfoAtPoint screenX.
-        devRgt := monitorInfoAtPoint screenWidth + devLft.
-        devTop := monitorInfoAtPoint screenY.       
-        devBot := monitorInfoAtPoint screenHeight + devTop.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        devLft := 0.
-        devRgt := device usableExtent x.
-        devTop := 0.
-        devBot := device usableExtent y.
-    ].
+    newLft := left.
+    screenBounds := device monitorBoundsAt:(left@top).
+    devLft := screenBounds left.
+    devRgt := screenBounds right.
+    devTop := screenBounds top.
+    devBot := screenBounds bottom.
     (top + height) > devBot ifTrue:[
-        newTop := (devBot - height) max:devTop.
+	newTop := devBot - height.
     (left + width) > devRgt ifTrue:[
-        newLeft := (devRgt - width) max:devLft.
-    ].
-    (newTop < 0) ifTrue:[
-        newTop := 0.
-    ].
-    (newLeft < 0) ifTrue:[
-        newLeft := 0
-    ].
-    ((newTop ~~ top) or:[newLeft ~~ left]) ifTrue:[
-        self origin:newLeft @ newTop
-    ]
+	newLft := devRgt - width.
+    ].
+    newLft := newLft max:devLft.
+    newTop := newTop max:devTop.
+    ((newTop ~~ top) or:[newLft ~~ left]) ifTrue:[
+	self origin:( newLft @ newTop ).
+    ].
@@ -5208,15 +5199,15 @@
     "find a visible subview for which aBlock returns true (recursively)"
     subViews notNil ifTrue:[
-        subViews do:[:aSubview |
-            |v|
-            aSubview shown ifTrue:[
-                (aBlock value:aSubview) ifTrue:[ ^ aSubview ].
-                v := aSubview allVisibleSubViewsDetect:aBlock ifNone:nil.
-                v notNil ifTrue:[^ v].
-            ].
-        ]
+	subViews do:[:aSubview |
+	    |v|
+	    aSubview shown ifTrue:[
+		(aBlock value:aSubview) ifTrue:[ ^ aSubview ].
+		v := aSubview allVisibleSubViewsDetect:aBlock ifNone:nil.
+		v notNil ifTrue:[^ v].
+	    ].
+	]
     ^ exceptionBlock value.
@@ -5438,7 +5429,7 @@
 configureX:x y:y width:newWidth height:newHeight
     "my size has changed by window manager action"
-    |how anyEdge mustRedrawBottomEdge mustRedrawRightEdge 
+    |how anyEdge mustRedrawBottomEdge mustRedrawRightEdge
      mustRedrawPreviousRightBorderArea mustRedrawPreviousBottomBorderArea p originChanged|
     originChanged := (left ~= x) or:[top ~= y].
@@ -5448,74 +5439,74 @@
     (superView isNil
     and:[drawableId notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ have to be careful - some window managers (motif) wrap another
-        "/ view around and the reported origin is relative to that.
-        "/ not relative to the screen.
-        p := device translatePoint:0@0 fromView:self toView:nil.
-        p := p + self borderWidth.
-        left := p x.
-        top := p y.
+	"/ have to be careful - some window managers (motif) wrap another
+	"/ view around and the reported origin is relative to that.
+	"/ not relative to the screen.
+	p := device translatePoint:0@0 fromView:self toView:nil.
+	p := p + self borderWidth.
+	left := p x.
+	top := p y.
     ((width ~~ newWidth) or:[height ~~ newHeight]) ifTrue:[
-        realized ifFalse:[
-            width := newWidth.
-            height := newHeight.
-            self extentChangedFlag:true.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        ((newWidth <= width) and:[newHeight <= height]) ifTrue:[
-            how := #smaller
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            ((newWidth >= width) and:[newHeight >= height]) ifTrue:[
-                how := #larger
-            ]
-        ].
-        margin ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-            mustRedrawBottomEdge := newHeight < height.
-            mustRedrawRightEdge := newWidth < width.
-            anyEdge := mustRedrawBottomEdge or:[mustRedrawRightEdge].
-            mustRedrawPreviousRightBorderArea := newWidth > width.
-            mustRedrawPreviousBottomBorderArea := newHeight > height.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            anyEdge := false
-        ].
-        mustRedrawPreviousRightBorderArea ifTrue:[
-            self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((width-margin)@0 extent:margin@height) repairNow:false.
-        ].
-        mustRedrawPreviousBottomBorderArea ifTrue:[
-            self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((0 @ (height-margin)) extent:width@margin) repairNow:false.
-        ].
-        width := newWidth.
-        height := newHeight.
-        "recompute inner-clip if needed"
-        self setInnerClip.
-        "
-         must first process pending exposes;
-         otherwise, those may be drawn at a wrong position
-        "
+	realized ifFalse:[
+	    width := newWidth.
+	    height := newHeight.
+	    self extentChangedFlag:true.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	((newWidth <= width) and:[newHeight <= height]) ifTrue:[
+	    how := #smaller
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    ((newWidth >= width) and:[newHeight >= height]) ifTrue:[
+		how := #larger
+	    ]
+	].
+	margin ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+	    mustRedrawBottomEdge := newHeight < height.
+	    mustRedrawRightEdge := newWidth < width.
+	    anyEdge := mustRedrawBottomEdge or:[mustRedrawRightEdge].
+	    mustRedrawPreviousRightBorderArea := newWidth > width.
+	    mustRedrawPreviousBottomBorderArea := newHeight > height.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    anyEdge := false
+	].
+	mustRedrawPreviousRightBorderArea ifTrue:[
+	    self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((width-margin)@0 extent:margin@height) repairNow:false.
+	].
+	mustRedrawPreviousBottomBorderArea ifTrue:[
+	    self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((0 @ (height-margin)) extent:width@margin) repairNow:false.
+	].
+	width := newWidth.
+	height := newHeight.
+	"recompute inner-clip if needed"
+	self setInnerClip.
+	"
+	 must first process pending exposes;
+	 otherwise, those may be drawn at a wrong position
+	"
 "/ claus: no; expose events are in the same queue as configure events;
 "/        which is exactly for that reason ...
 "/        windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
 "/            windowGroup processExposeEvents
 "/        ].
-        self sizeChanged:how.
-        (anyEdge and:[shown]) ifTrue:[
-            mustRedrawBottomEdge ifTrue:[
-                self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((0 @ (height-margin)) extent:width@margin) repairNow:false.
-            ].
-            mustRedrawRightEdge ifTrue:[
-                self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((width-margin)@0 extent:margin@height) repairNow:false.
-            ].
+	self sizeChanged:how.
+	(anyEdge and:[shown]) ifTrue:[
+	    mustRedrawBottomEdge ifTrue:[
+		self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((0 @ (height-margin)) extent:width@margin) repairNow:false.
+	    ].
+	    mustRedrawRightEdge ifTrue:[
+		self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((width-margin)@0 extent:margin@height) repairNow:false.
+	    ].
 "/ OLD code:
 "/            self clippingRectangle:nil.
 "/            mustRedrawBottomEdge ifTrue:[
@@ -5525,11 +5516,11 @@
 "/                self drawRightEdge
 "/            ].
 "/            self deviceClippingRectangle:innerClipRect
-        ]
+	]
     originChanged ifTrue:[
-        self changed:#origin.
+	self changed:#origin.
     "Modified: / 10.10.2001 / 14:14:19 / cg"
@@ -5694,7 +5685,7 @@
     |leftEdge topEdge rightEdge botEdge anyEdge nx ny nw nh dx dy dw dh old oldPaint|
     shown ifFalse:[
-        ^ self
+	^ self
     nw := dw := w.
@@ -5708,112 +5699,112 @@
      check if there is a need to draw an edge (i.e. if margin is hit)
     (margin ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-        leftEdge := false.
-        topEdge := false.
-        rightEdge := false.
-        botEdge := false.
-        transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-            "
-             need device coordinates for this test
-            "
-            nx := transformation applyToX:nx.
-            ny := transformation applyToY:ny.
-            nw := transformation applyScaleX:nw.
-            nh := transformation applyScaleY:nh.
-        ].
-        "
-         adjust expose rectangle, to exclude the margin.
-         Care for rounding errors ...
-        "
-        (nx isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
-            old := nx.
-            nx := nx truncated.
-            nw := nw + (nx - old).
-        ].
-        (ny isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
-            old := ny.
-            ny := ny truncated.
-            nh := nh + (ny - old).
-        ].
-        (nw isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
-            nw := nw truncated + 1
-        ].
-        (nh isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
-            nh := nh truncated + 1
-        ].
-        dx := nx.
-        dy := ny.
-        dw := nw.
-        dh := nh.
-        (nx < margin) ifTrue:[
-            old := nx.
-            nx := margin.
-            nw := nw - (nx - old).
-            leftEdge := anyEdge := true.
-        ].
-        ((nx + nw - 1) >= (width - margin)) ifTrue:[
-            nw := (width - margin - nx).
-            rightEdge := anyEdge := true.
-        ].
-        (ny < margin) ifTrue:[
-            old := ny.
-            ny := margin.
-            nh := nh - (ny - old).
-            topEdge := anyEdge := true.
-        ].
-        ((ny + nh - 1) >= (height - margin)) ifTrue:[
-            nh := (height - margin - ny).
-            botEdge := anyEdge := true.
-        ].
-        transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-            "
-             need logical coordinates for redraw
-            "
-            nx := transformation applyInverseToX:nx.
-            ny := transformation applyInverseToY:ny.
-            nw := transformation applyInverseScaleX:nw.
-            nh := transformation applyInverseScaleY:nh.
-        ].
+	leftEdge := false.
+	topEdge := false.
+	rightEdge := false.
+	botEdge := false.
+	transformation notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     need device coordinates for this test
+	    "
+	    nx := transformation applyToX:nx.
+	    ny := transformation applyToY:ny.
+	    nw := transformation applyScaleX:nw.
+	    nh := transformation applyScaleY:nh.
+	].
+	"
+	 adjust expose rectangle, to exclude the margin.
+	 Care for rounding errors ...
+	"
+	(nx isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
+	    old := nx.
+	    nx := nx truncated.
+	    nw := nw + (nx - old).
+	].
+	(ny isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
+	    old := ny.
+	    ny := ny truncated.
+	    nh := nh + (ny - old).
+	].
+	(nw isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
+	    nw := nw truncated + 1
+	].
+	(nh isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifFalse:[
+	    nh := nh truncated + 1
+	].
+	dx := nx.
+	dy := ny.
+	dw := nw.
+	dh := nh.
+	(nx < margin) ifTrue:[
+	    old := nx.
+	    nx := margin.
+	    nw := nw - (nx - old).
+	    leftEdge := anyEdge := true.
+	].
+	((nx + nw - 1) >= (width - margin)) ifTrue:[
+	    nw := (width - margin - nx).
+	    rightEdge := anyEdge := true.
+	].
+	(ny < margin) ifTrue:[
+	    old := ny.
+	    ny := margin.
+	    nh := nh - (ny - old).
+	    topEdge := anyEdge := true.
+	].
+	((ny + nh - 1) >= (height - margin)) ifTrue:[
+	    nh := (height - margin - ny).
+	    botEdge := anyEdge := true.
+	].
+	transformation notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     need logical coordinates for redraw
+	    "
+	    nx := transformation applyInverseToX:nx.
+	    ny := transformation applyInverseToY:ny.
+	    nw := transformation applyInverseScaleX:nw.
+	    nh := transformation applyInverseScaleY:nh.
+	].
     (nw > 0 and:[nh > 0]) ifTrue:[
-        "
-         redraw inside area
-        "
-        self clippingRectangle:(Rectangle left:nx top:ny width:nw height:nh).
-        self redrawX:nx y:ny width:nw height:nh.
+	"
+	 redraw inside area
+	"
+	self clippingRectangle:(Rectangle left:nx top:ny width:nw height:nh).
+	self redrawX:nx y:ny width:nw height:nh.
      redraw edge(s)
     anyEdge ifTrue:[
-        self deviceClippingRectangle:nil.
-        oldPaint := paint.
-        border notNil ifTrue:[
-            border displayOn:self forDisplayBox:(Rectangle left:0 top:0 width:width height:height).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (topEdge and:[leftEdge and:[botEdge and:[rightEdge]]]) ifTrue:[
-                self drawEdges
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                topEdge ifTrue:[
-                    self drawTopEdge
-                ].
-                leftEdge ifTrue:[
-                    self drawLeftEdge
-                ].
-                botEdge ifTrue:[
-                    self drawBottomEdge
-                ].
-                rightEdge ifTrue:[
-                    self drawRightEdge
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        self paint:oldPaint.
+	self deviceClippingRectangle:nil.
+	oldPaint := paint.
+	border notNil ifTrue:[
+	    border displayOn:self forDisplayBox:(Rectangle left:0 top:0 width:width height:height).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (topEdge and:[leftEdge and:[botEdge and:[rightEdge]]]) ifTrue:[
+		self drawEdges
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		topEdge ifTrue:[
+		    self drawTopEdge
+		].
+		leftEdge ifTrue:[
+		    self drawLeftEdge
+		].
+		botEdge ifTrue:[
+		    self drawBottomEdge
+		].
+		rightEdge ifTrue:[
+		    self drawRightEdge
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	self paint:oldPaint.
     self deviceClippingRectangle:innerClipRect.
@@ -6456,17 +6447,17 @@
     self subviewsInFocusOrder do:[:aSubView|
-        aSubView shown ifTrue:[
-            (aSubView canTab
-            and:[aSubView enabled
-            and:[aCondition value:aSubView]]) ifTrue:[
-                ^ aSubView
-            ].
-            (viewInSubView := aSubView focusNextForWhich:aCondition) notNil ifTrue:[
-                ^ viewInSubView
-            ]
-        ]
+	aSubView shown ifTrue:[
+	    (aSubView canTab
+	    and:[aSubView enabled
+	    and:[aCondition value:aSubView]]) ifTrue:[
+		^ aSubView
+	    ].
+	    (viewInSubView := aSubView focusNextForWhich:aCondition) notNil ifTrue:[
+		^ viewInSubView
+	    ]
+	]
     ^ nil
@@ -6900,32 +6891,32 @@
     viewBackground := DefaultViewBackgroundColor.
     DefaultLightColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        lightColor := DefaultLightColor.
+	lightColor := DefaultLightColor.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        device hasGrayscales ifTrue:[
-            (viewBackground isImageOrForm and:[viewBackground colorMap isNil]) ifTrue:[
-                lightColor := viewBackground averageColor lightened.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                lightColor := viewBackground lightened.
-            ].
-            DefaultLightColor := lightColor.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "
-             this seems strange: on B&W screens, we create the light color
-             darker than normal viewBackground (White) -
-             to make the boundary of the view visible
-            "
-            lightColor := Color gray:50
-        ]
+	device hasGrayscales ifTrue:[
+	    (viewBackground isImageOrForm and:[viewBackground colorMap isNil]) ifTrue:[
+		lightColor := viewBackground averageColor lightened.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		lightColor := viewBackground lightened.
+	    ].
+	    DefaultLightColor := lightColor.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "
+	     this seems strange: on B&W screens, we create the light color
+	     darker than normal viewBackground (White) -
+	     to make the boundary of the view visible
+	    "
+	    lightColor := Color gray:50
+	]
     DefaultShadowColor notNil ifTrue:[
-        shadowColor := DefaultShadowColor.
+	shadowColor := DefaultShadowColor.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        shadowColor := Black
+	shadowColor := Black
     ((DefaultBorderWidth ? 1) ~= 0 and:[DefaultBorderColor notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        self border:(SimpleBorder width:(DefaultBorderWidth ? 1) color:DefaultBorderColor)
+	self border:(SimpleBorder width:(DefaultBorderWidth ? 1) color:DefaultBorderColor)
     "/ font := self defaultFont.  -- already done in #initialize
@@ -6998,15 +6989,15 @@
     "/ self originChangedFlag:false extentChangedFlag:false cornerChangedFlag:false.
     name isNil ifTrue:[
-        name := self class name.
+	name := self class name.
     bitGravity := #NorthWest. "/ nil.
     viewGravity := nil.
     controllerClass := self defaultControllerClass.
     controllerClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        controller := controllerClass new.
-        controller view:self.
+	controller := controllerClass new.
+	controller view:self.
     self initializeMiddleButtonMenu.
@@ -7037,11 +7028,11 @@
     self initStyle.
     (drawableId notNil and:[gcId notNil]) ifTrue:[
-        "force a change"
-        t := self borderWidth. self borderWidth:nil. self borderWidth:t.
-        t := viewBackground. viewBackground := nil. self viewBackground:t.
-        self clearView.
-        self invalidate.
+	"force a change"
+	t := self borderWidth. self borderWidth:nil. self borderWidth:t.
+	t := viewBackground. viewBackground := nil. self viewBackground:t.
+	self clearView.
+	self invalidate.
     "Modified: / 18.9.1998 / 21:15:33 / cg"
@@ -7708,25 +7699,25 @@
     newLeft := origin x.
     newTop := origin y.
     ((newTop ~~ top) or:[newLeft ~~ left]) ifTrue:[
-        top := newTop.
-        left := newLeft.
-        "
-         if the receiver is visible, or is a topView, perform the
-         operation right away - otherwise, simply remember that the
-         origin has changed - will tell the display once we get realized
-        "
+	top := newTop.
+	left := newLeft.
+	"
+	 if the receiver is visible, or is a topView, perform the
+	 operation right away - otherwise, simply remember that the
+	 origin has changed - will tell the display once we get realized
+	"
 "/        (shown
 "/        or:[superView isNil and:[drawableId notNil]]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ no, have to do it if drawableId is there
-        "/ (otherwise, we could not move unmapped views around ...
-        "/
-        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
-            device moveWindow:drawableId x:left y:top
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self originChangedFlag:true
-        ]
+	"/ no, have to do it if drawableId is there
+	"/ (otherwise, we could not move unmapped views around ...
+	"/
+	drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
+	    device moveWindow:drawableId x:left y:top
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self originChangedFlag:true
+	]
@@ -7761,16 +7752,16 @@
      a dimension <= 0 ... (although I think that 0 makes sense ...)
     newWidth < 1 ifTrue:[
-        newWidth := 1.
+	newWidth := 1.
     newHeight < 1 ifTrue:[
-        newHeight := 1
+	newHeight := 1
     ((newWidth == width) and:[newHeight == height]) ifTrue:[
-        sameOrigin ifTrue:[^ self].
-        self changed:#origin.
-        ^ self pixelOrigin:origin
+	sameOrigin ifTrue:[^ self].
+	self changed:#origin.
+	^ self pixelOrigin:origin
     top := newTop.
@@ -7778,143 +7769,143 @@
 "/    shown ifTrue:[                  "4-nov-94 actually correct,"
     drawableId notNil ifTrue:[        "but theres a bug in menus when resized while hidden"
-        mustRedrawBottomEdge := (margin ~~ 0) and:[newHeight < height].
-        mustRedrawRightEdge := (margin ~~ 0) and:[newWidth < width].
-        ((newHeight <= height) and:[newWidth <= width]) ifTrue:[
-            how := #smaller
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            ((newHeight >= height) and:[newWidth >= width]) ifTrue:[
-                how := #larger
-            ]
-        ].
-        mustRepaintRight := false.
-        mustRepaintBottom := false.
-        oldWidth := width.
-        oldHeight := height.
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            (margin ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
-                "clear the old edges"
-                oldPaint := nil.
-                newWidth > width ifTrue:[
-                    self clippingRectangle:nil.
-                    oldPaint := paint.
-                    self paint:viewBackground.
-                    self fillDeviceRectangleX:(width - margin)
-                                            y:0
-                                        width:margin
-                                       height:height.
-                    mustRepaintRight := true.
-                ].
-                newHeight > height ifTrue:[
-                    self clippingRectangle:nil.
-                    oldPaint := paint.
-                    self paint:viewBackground.
-                    self fillDeviceRectangleX:0
-                                            y:(height - margin)
-                                        width:width
-                                       height:margin.
-                    mustRepaintBottom := true.
-                ].
-                oldPaint notNil ifTrue:[ self paint:oldPaint. ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        width := newWidth.
-        height := newHeight.
-        self setInnerClip.
-        "if view becomes smaller, send sizeChanged first"
-        true  "(how == #smaller)" ifTrue:[
-            self sizeChanged:how
-        ].
-        "have to tell X, when extent of view is changed"
-        sameOrigin ifTrue:[
-            device resizeWindow:drawableId width:width height:height.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "claus: some xservers seem to do better when resizing
-             first ...."
+	mustRedrawBottomEdge := (margin ~~ 0) and:[newHeight < height].
+	mustRedrawRightEdge := (margin ~~ 0) and:[newWidth < width].
+	((newHeight <= height) and:[newWidth <= width]) ifTrue:[
+	    how := #smaller
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    ((newHeight >= height) and:[newWidth >= width]) ifTrue:[
+		how := #larger
+	    ]
+	].
+	mustRepaintRight := false.
+	mustRepaintBottom := false.
+	oldWidth := width.
+	oldHeight := height.
+	shown ifTrue:[
+	    (margin ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+		"clear the old edges"
+		oldPaint := nil.
+		newWidth > width ifTrue:[
+		    self clippingRectangle:nil.
+		    oldPaint := paint.
+		    self paint:viewBackground.
+		    self fillDeviceRectangleX:(width - margin)
+					    y:0
+					width:margin
+				       height:height.
+		    mustRepaintRight := true.
+		].
+		newHeight > height ifTrue:[
+		    self clippingRectangle:nil.
+		    oldPaint := paint.
+		    self paint:viewBackground.
+		    self fillDeviceRectangleX:0
+					    y:(height - margin)
+					width:width
+				       height:margin.
+		    mustRepaintBottom := true.
+		].
+		oldPaint notNil ifTrue:[ self paint:oldPaint. ]
+	    ]
+	].
+	width := newWidth.
+	height := newHeight.
+	self setInnerClip.
+	"if view becomes smaller, send sizeChanged first"
+	true  "(how == #smaller)" ifTrue:[
+	    self sizeChanged:how
+	].
+	"have to tell X, when extent of view is changed"
+	sameOrigin ifTrue:[
+	    device resizeWindow:drawableId width:width height:height.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "claus: some xservers seem to do better when resizing
+	     first ...."
-            (how == #smaller) ifTrue:[
-                device resizeWindow:drawableId width:width height:height.
-                device moveWindow:drawableId x:left y:top
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                device moveResizeWindow:drawableId x:left y:top width:width height:height
-            ].
+	    (how == #smaller) ifTrue:[
+		device resizeWindow:drawableId width:width height:height.
+		device moveWindow:drawableId x:left y:top
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		device moveResizeWindow:drawableId x:left y:top width:width height:height
+	    ].
-            device moveResizeWindow:drawableId x:left y:top
-                                           width:width height:height.
-        ].
-        "if view becomes bigger, send sizeChanged after"
-        false "(how ~~ #smaller)" ifTrue:[
-            self sizeChanged:how
-        ].
-        shown ifTrue:[
-            (mustRedrawBottomEdge or:[mustRedrawRightEdge]) ifTrue:[
-                border notNil ifTrue:[
-                    mustRedrawBottomEdge ifTrue:[
-                        self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((0 @ (height - margin)) extent:width@margin) repairNow:false.
-                    ].
-                    mustRedrawRightEdge ifTrue:[
-                        self invalidateDeviceRectangle:(((width - margin) @ 0) extent:margin@height) repairNow:false.
-                    ].
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self deviceClippingRectangle:nil.
-                    oldPaint := paint.
-                    mustRedrawBottomEdge ifTrue:[
-                        self drawBottomEdge
-                    ].
-                    mustRedrawRightEdge ifTrue:[
-                        self drawRightEdge
-                    ].
-                    self paint:oldPaint.
-                    self deviceClippingRectangle:innerClipRect
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        mustRepaintRight ifTrue:[
-            self invalidateDeviceRectangle:(((oldWidth - margin) @ 0)
-                                           extent:margin@height)
-                                 repairNow:false.
+	    device moveResizeWindow:drawableId x:left y:top
+					   width:width height:height.
+	].
+	"if view becomes bigger, send sizeChanged after"
+	false "(how ~~ #smaller)" ifTrue:[
+	    self sizeChanged:how
+	].
+	shown ifTrue:[
+	    (mustRedrawBottomEdge or:[mustRedrawRightEdge]) ifTrue:[
+		border notNil ifTrue:[
+		    mustRedrawBottomEdge ifTrue:[
+			self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((0 @ (height - margin)) extent:width@margin) repairNow:false.
+		    ].
+		    mustRedrawRightEdge ifTrue:[
+			self invalidateDeviceRectangle:(((width - margin) @ 0) extent:margin@height) repairNow:false.
+		    ].
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    self deviceClippingRectangle:nil.
+		    oldPaint := paint.
+		    mustRedrawBottomEdge ifTrue:[
+			self drawBottomEdge
+		    ].
+		    mustRedrawRightEdge ifTrue:[
+			self drawRightEdge
+		    ].
+		    self paint:oldPaint.
+		    self deviceClippingRectangle:innerClipRect
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	mustRepaintRight ifTrue:[
+	    self invalidateDeviceRectangle:(((oldWidth - margin) @ 0)
+					   extent:margin@height)
+				 repairNow:false.
 "/            self redrawDeviceX:(oldWidth - margin)
 "/                             y:0
 "/                         width:margin
 "/                        height:height.
-        ].
-        mustRepaintBottom ifTrue:[
-            self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((0 @ (oldHeight - margin))
-                                           extent:width@margin)
-                                 repairNow:false.
+	].
+	mustRepaintBottom ifTrue:[
+	    self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((0 @ (oldHeight - margin))
+					   extent:width@margin)
+				 repairNow:false.
 "/            self redrawDeviceX:0
 "/                             y:(oldHeight - margin)
 "/                         width:width
 "/                        height:margin.
-        ].
+	].
     ] ifFalse:[
-        "otherwise memorize the need for a sizeChanged message"
-        width := newWidth.
-        height := newHeight.
-        sameOrigin ifFalse:[
-            self originChangedFlag:true.
-        ].
-        self extentChangedFlag:true.
-        subViews size > 0 ifTrue:[
-            self extentChangedBeforeCreatedFlag:true.
-        ].
+	"otherwise memorize the need for a sizeChanged message"
+	width := newWidth.
+	height := newHeight.
+	sameOrigin ifFalse:[
+	    self originChangedFlag:true.
+	].
+	self extentChangedFlag:true.
+	subViews size > 0 ifTrue:[
+	    self extentChangedBeforeCreatedFlag:true.
+	].
     sameOrigin ifFalse:[
-        self changed:#origin.
+	self changed:#origin.
     "Modified: / 25.5.1999 / 14:49:56 / cg"
@@ -8315,10 +8306,10 @@
     newBits := flagBits bitClear:(FlagOriginChanged | FlagExtentChanged).
     originChanged ifTrue:[
-        newBits := newBits bitOr:FlagOriginChanged
+	newBits := newBits bitOr:FlagOriginChanged
     extentChanged ifTrue:[
-        newBits := newBits bitOr:FlagExtentChanged
+	newBits := newBits bitOr:FlagExtentChanged
     flagBits := newBits.
@@ -8330,13 +8321,13 @@
     newBits := flagBits bitClear:(FlagOriginChanged | FlagExtentChanged | FlagCornerChanged).
     originChanged ifTrue:[
-        newBits := newBits bitOr:FlagOriginChanged
+	newBits := newBits bitOr:FlagOriginChanged
     extentChanged ifTrue:[
-        newBits := newBits bitOr:FlagExtentChanged
+	newBits := newBits bitOr:FlagExtentChanged
     cornerChanged ifTrue:[
-        newBits := newBits bitOr:FlagCornerChanged
+	newBits := newBits bitOr:FlagCornerChanged
     flagBits := newBits.
@@ -8592,11 +8583,11 @@
      This does not make the view visible (needs a #map for that)"
     drawableId isNil ifTrue:[
-        "
-         make certain that superview is created also
-        "
-        superView notNil ifTrue:[
-             superView view create.
+	"
+	 make certain that superview is created also
+	"
+	superView notNil ifTrue:[
+	     superView view create.
 "/            "and put my controller into the superviews controller list"
 "/            controller notNil ifTrue:[
@@ -8604,42 +8595,42 @@
 "/                    controller manager:(superView controller manager)
 "/                ]
 "/            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            "/
-            "/ if the display is not already dispatching events,
-            "/ this starts the event process.
-            "/
-            device startDispatch
-        ].
-        cursor notNil ifTrue:[
-            cursor := cursor onDevice:device.
-        ].
-        self extentChangedBeforeCreatedFlag ifTrue:[
-            "/ this is true, if the extent was changed before
-            "/ this view was created (and therefore, no sizeChangeEvent
-            "/ was sent to me, which would notify children.)
-            "/ have to do this here.
-            self sizeChanged:nil.   "/ must tell children (if any)
-        ].
-        self hasExplicitExtent ifFalse:[
-            self resize
-        ].
-        self physicalCreate.
-        viewBackground notNil ifTrue:[
-           self setViewBackground
-        ].
-        self initEvents.
-        "
-         this is the first create,
-         force sizechange messages to be sent to the view
-        "
-        self originChangedFlag:true extentChangedFlag:true
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    "/
+	    "/ if the display is not already dispatching events,
+	    "/ this starts the event process.
+	    "/
+	    device startDispatch
+	].
+	cursor notNil ifTrue:[
+	    cursor := cursor onDevice:device.
+	].
+	self extentChangedBeforeCreatedFlag ifTrue:[
+	    "/ this is true, if the extent was changed before
+	    "/ this view was created (and therefore, no sizeChangeEvent
+	    "/ was sent to me, which would notify children.)
+	    "/ have to do this here.
+	    self sizeChanged:nil.   "/ must tell children (if any)
+	].
+	self hasExplicitExtent ifFalse:[
+	    self resize
+	].
+	self physicalCreate.
+	viewBackground notNil ifTrue:[
+	   self setViewBackground
+	].
+	self initEvents.
+	"
+	 this is the first create,
+	 force sizechange messages to be sent to the view
+	"
+	self originChangedFlag:true extentChangedFlag:true
     "Modified: 28.3.1997 / 13:50:17 / cg"
@@ -8901,20 +8892,20 @@
     isInputOnly := self isInputOnly.
     drawableId := device
-                      createWindowFor:self
-                          type:(self windowType)
-                          origin:(left @ top)
-                          extent:(width @ height)
-                          minExtent:nil
-                          maxExtent:nil
-                          borderWidth:0 "self borderWidth"
-                          subViewOf:sv
-                          style:(self windowStyle)
-                          inputOnly:isInputOnly
-                          label:nil
-                          owner:nil
-                          icon:nil iconMask:nil
-                          iconView:nil.
+		      createWindowFor:self
+			  type:(self windowType)
+			  origin:(left @ top)
+			  extent:(width @ height)
+			  minExtent:nil
+			  maxExtent:nil
+			  borderWidth:0 "self borderWidth"
+			  subViewOf:sv
+			  style:(self windowStyle)
+			  inputOnly:isInputOnly
+			  label:nil
+			  owner:nil
+			  icon:nil iconMask:nil
+			  iconView:nil.
     Lobby registerChange:self.
@@ -8932,28 +8923,28 @@
 "/        ]
 "/    ].
     (viewGravity notNil "and:[viewGravity ~~ #NorthWest]") ifTrue:[
-        device setWindowGravity:viewGravity in:drawableId
+	device setWindowGravity:viewGravity in:drawableId
     (bitGravity notNil "and:[bitGravity ~~ #NorthWest]") ifTrue:[
-        isInputOnly ifFalse:[
-            device setBitGravity:bitGravity in:drawableId
-        ]
+	isInputOnly ifFalse:[
+	    device setBitGravity:bitGravity in:drawableId
+	]
     viewShape notNil ifTrue:[
-        self setViewShape
+	self setViewShape
     (backed notNil and:[backed ~~ false]) ifTrue:[
-        device setBackingStore:backed in:drawableId
+	device setBackingStore:backed in:drawableId
     self saveUnder ifTrue:[
-        device setSaveUnder:true in:drawableId
+	device setSaveUnder:true in:drawableId
     cursor notNil ifTrue:[
-        self setCursor
+	self setCursor
     name notNil ifTrue:[
-        device setWindowName:name in:drawableId.
+	device setWindowName:name in:drawableId.
     "Modified: / 9.4.1998 / 20:18:12 / cg"
@@ -9545,12 +9536,12 @@
     self clippingRectangle:area.
     self clearExposedAreaInRedraw ifTrue:[
-        "/ win95 workaround: non-existing bg-pixmap support (obsolete)
-        (viewBackground isImageOrForm and:[ device supportsAnyViewBackgroundPixmaps not ]) ifTrue:[
-            self fillRectangleWithViewBackgroundX:x y:y width:w height:h
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            self clearRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
-        ]
+	"/ win95 workaround: non-existing bg-pixmap support (obsolete)
+	(viewBackground isImageOrForm and:[ device supportsAnyViewBackgroundPixmaps not ]) ifTrue:[
+	    self fillRectangleWithViewBackgroundX:x y:y width:w height:h
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self clearRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
+	]
     self renderOrRedraw.
@@ -9564,12 +9555,12 @@
     renderer notNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ experimental feature
-        thisContext isRecursive ifTrue:[self halt].
-        renderer render:self on:self at:0@0
+	"/ experimental feature
+	thisContext isRecursive ifTrue:[self halt].
+	renderer render:self on:self at:0@0
     ] ifFalse:[
-        "/ redraw everything - a fallBack for lazy views.
-        self redraw.
+	"/ redraw everything - a fallBack for lazy views.
+	self redraw.
@@ -9716,8 +9707,8 @@
     nPixels ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        viewOrigin := self viewOrigin.
-        self scrollTo:(viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixels))
+	viewOrigin := self viewOrigin.
+	self scrollTo:(viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + nPixels))
     "Modified: / 20-08-1996 / 17:34:36 / stefan"
@@ -10237,137 +10228,140 @@
     |tops mainView mainViewID previousGroup mainGroup|
     self isPopUpView ifFalse:[
-        "/ the following allows for knowledgable programmers to suppress dialog boxes,
-        "/ or to patch common controls right before opening...
-        (Dialog aboutToOpenBoxNotificationSignal raiseRequestWith:self) == #abort ifTrue:[
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        aWindowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
-            (tops := aWindowGroup topViews) notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-                mainView := tops detect:[:v| v shown] ifNone:nil.
-                mainView notNil ifTrue:[
-                    mainViewID := mainView id.
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        mainView notNil ifTrue:[
-            mainView activate; setForegroundWindow.
-        ].
-        ModalBox usingTransientViews ifTrue:[
-            "make view only transient, if there is a visible topView.
-             If none of them is visible, we do want an icon for ourself"
-            mainViewID isNil ifTrue:[
-                self origin:(device center - (self extent//2))
-            ].
-            drawableId isNil ifTrue:[self create].
-            mainView notNil ifTrue:[
-                device setTransient:drawableId for:mainViewID.
-            ].
-        ].
+	"/ the following allows for knowledgable programmers to suppress dialog boxes,
+	"/ or to patch common controls right before opening...
+	(Dialog aboutToOpenBoxNotificationSignal raiseRequestWith:self) == #abort ifTrue:[
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	aWindowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (tops := aWindowGroup topViews) notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+		mainView := tops detect:[:v| v shown] ifNone:nil.
+		mainView notNil ifTrue:[
+		    mainViewID := mainView id.
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	mainView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    mainView activate; setForegroundWindow.
+	].
+	ModalBox usingTransientViews ifTrue:[
+	    "make view only transient, if there is a visible topView.
+	     If none of them is visible, we do want an icon for ourself"
+	    mainViewID isNil ifTrue:[
+"/ ******* MULTI SCREEN
+		|monitorBounds|
+		monitorBounds := device monitorBoundsAt:(device pointerPosition).
+		self origin:(monitorBounds center rounded - (self extent//2))
+	    ].
+	    drawableId isNil ifTrue:[self create].
+	    mainView notNil ifTrue:[
+		device setTransient:drawableId for:mainViewID.
+	    ].
+	].
     self raise.
     Processor activeProcessIsSystemProcess ifTrue:[
-        "
-         put myself into the modal group, let it handle events for
-         me as well. This is only a half way solution, since the view
-         is not modal at all ... however, the only situation
-         where this happens is with modal boxes popped while in a
-         modal browser. You will forgive me for that inconvenience.
-        "
-        windowGroup := aWindowGroup.
-        aWindowGroup notNil ifTrue:[aWindowGroup addTopView:self].
-        self realize
+	"
+	 put myself into the modal group, let it handle events for
+	 me as well. This is only a half way solution, since the view
+	 is not modal at all ... however, the only situation
+	 where this happens is with modal boxes popped while in a
+	 modal browser. You will forgive me for that inconvenience.
+	"
+	windowGroup := aWindowGroup.
+	aWindowGroup notNil ifTrue:[aWindowGroup addTopView:self].
+	self realize
     ] ifFalse:[
-        previousGroup := WindowGroup activeGroup.
-        "
-         show a stop-cursor in the suspended window groups
-        "
-        (aWindowGroup notNil and:[self isPopUpView not]) ifTrue:[
-            mainGroup := aWindowGroup mainGroup.
-            mainGroup showCursor:(Cursor stop).
-            previousGroup ~~ mainGroup ifTrue:[
-                previousGroup showCursor:(Cursor stop).
-            ].    
-        ].
-        "
-         create a new window group and put myself into it
-        "
-        windowGroup := self windowGroupClass new.
-        windowGroup addTopView:self.
-        windowGroup setPreviousGroup:previousGroup.
-        superView notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/
-            "/ special: this is a modal subview,
-            "/ prevent the view from reassigning its windowGroup when realized
-            "/ (subviews normaly place themself into the superviews group)
-            "/
-            windowGroup isForModalSubview:true.
-        ].
-        "
-         go dispatch events in this new group
-         (thus current windowgroup is blocked from interaction)
-        "
-        AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
-            AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex2 |
-                "/ an aborted hide (user confirmation ?)
-                self breakPoint:#cg.
-                ex proceed
-            ] do:[
-                self hide.
-                self realized ifTrue:[
-                    "/ self halt. "/ hide handled and closeRequest not wanted:
-                    ex proceed
-                ].
-            ].
-        ] do:[
-            [
-                [
-                    windowGroup startupModal:[realized and:aBlock] forGroup:aWindowGroup
-                ] ifCurtailed:[
-                    self hide.
-                ]
-            ] ensure:[
-                aWindowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
-                    aWindowGroup graphicsDevice sync.  "thats a round trip - make sure that all drawing has been processed"
-                    "/ ensure that eventListener runs here ...
-                    Delay waitForSeconds:0.05.
-                    aWindowGroup processExposeEvents.
-                    ReturnFocusWhenClosingModalBoxes ifTrue:[
-                        "
-                         return the input focus to the previously active group's top.
-                         This helps with windowmanagers which need an explicit click
-                         on the view for the focus.
-                        "
-                        tops := aWindowGroup topViews.
-                        (tops notEmptyOrNil) ifTrue:[
-                            tops first getKeyboardFocus
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    "
-                     restore cursors in the changed groups
-                    "
-                    mainGroup notNil ifTrue:[
-                        mainGroup restoreCursors.
-                        previousGroup ~~ mainGroup ifTrue:[
-                            previousGroup restoreCursors.
-                        ].    
-                    ].
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
+	previousGroup := WindowGroup activeGroup.
+	"
+	 show a stop-cursor in the suspended window groups
+	"
+	(aWindowGroup notNil and:[self isPopUpView not]) ifTrue:[
+	    mainGroup := aWindowGroup mainGroup.
+	    mainGroup showCursor:(Cursor stop).
+	    previousGroup ~~ mainGroup ifTrue:[
+		previousGroup showCursor:(Cursor stop).
+	    ].
+	].
+	"
+	 create a new window group and put myself into it
+	"
+	windowGroup := self windowGroupClass new.
+	windowGroup addTopView:self.
+	windowGroup setPreviousGroup:previousGroup.
+	superView notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "/
+	    "/ special: this is a modal subview,
+	    "/ prevent the view from reassigning its windowGroup when realized
+	    "/ (subviews normaly place themself into the superviews group)
+	    "/
+	    windowGroup isForModalSubview:true.
+	].
+	"
+	 go dispatch events in this new group
+	 (thus current windowgroup is blocked from interaction)
+	"
+	AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
+	    AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex2 |
+		"/ an aborted hide (user confirmation ?)
+		self breakPoint:#cg.
+		ex proceed
+	    ] do:[
+		self hide.
+		self realized ifTrue:[
+		    "/ self halt. "/ hide handled and closeRequest not wanted:
+		    ex proceed
+		].
+	    ].
+	] do:[
+	    [
+		[
+		    windowGroup startupModal:[realized and:aBlock] forGroup:aWindowGroup
+		] ifCurtailed:[
+		    self hide.
+		]
+	    ] ensure:[
+		aWindowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
+		    aWindowGroup graphicsDevice sync.  "thats a round trip - make sure that all drawing has been processed"
+		    "/ ensure that eventListener runs here ...
+		    Delay waitForSeconds:0.05.
+		    aWindowGroup processExposeEvents.
+		    ReturnFocusWhenClosingModalBoxes ifTrue:[
+			"
+			 return the input focus to the previously active group's top.
+			 This helps with windowmanagers which need an explicit click
+			 on the view for the focus.
+			"
+			tops := aWindowGroup topViews.
+			(tops notEmptyOrNil) ifTrue:[
+			    tops first getKeyboardFocus
+			].
+		    ].
+		    "
+		     restore cursors in the changed groups
+		    "
+		    mainGroup notNil ifTrue:[
+			mainGroup restoreCursors.
+			previousGroup ~~ mainGroup ifTrue:[
+			    previousGroup restoreCursors.
+			].
+		    ].
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
     "Created: / 10-12-1995 / 14:06:14 / cg"
@@ -10527,45 +10521,45 @@
      another view (which is only available once visible),
      use this to suspend the current process until the receiver is shown.
-        we poll here for the view to be shown - we need a semaphore
-        which is raised by the view in order to do it right."
+	we poll here for the view to be shown - we need a semaphore
+	which is raised by the view in order to do it right."
     |wg n|
     n := 0.
     [self shown] whileFalse:[
-        (device notNil and:[device isOpen not]) ifTrue:[^ self].
-        "/ this was added to avoid a deadlock, when called from within
-        "/ the event dispatch process (as when doing foo inspect there).
-        n > (10 / 0.05) ifTrue:[
-            'SimpleView [info]: View not visible after 10 seconds - will not wait any longer in waitUntilVisible' infoPrintCR.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        n := n + 1.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:0.05.
-        (wg := self windowGroup) notNil ifTrue:[
-            wg processExposeEvents.
-        ].
+	(device notNil and:[device isOpen not]) ifTrue:[^ self].
+	"/ this was added to avoid a deadlock, when called from within
+	"/ the event dispatch process (as when doing foo inspect there).
+	n > (10 / 0.05) ifTrue:[
+	    'SimpleView [info]: View not visible after 10 seconds - will not wait any longer in waitUntilVisible' infoPrintCR.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	n := n + 1.
+	Delay waitForSeconds:0.05.
+	(wg := self windowGroup) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    wg processExposeEvents.
+	].
     "does not work (the view is in its opening phase,
      when we attempt to draw a line - this gives an error, since
      its internals are not yet correctly setup):
-        |v|
-        v := View new open.
-        v displayLineFrom:0@0 to:50@50
+	|v|
+	v := View new open.
+	v displayLineFrom:0@0 to:50@50
      does work (since we wait until the view has completely finished
      its startup phase):
-        |v|
-        v := View new open.
-        v waitUntilVisible.
-        v displayLineFrom:0@0 to:50@50
+	|v|
+	v := View new open.
+	v waitUntilVisible.
+	v displayLineFrom:0@0 to:50@50
     "Modified: / 08-08-2010 / 14:46:34 / cg"
@@ -10658,11 +10652,11 @@
 !SimpleView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.666 2010-10-05 15:57:16 mb Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.667 2010-10-11 09:06:17 mb Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.666 2010-10-05 15:57:16 mb Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.667 2010-10-11 09:06:17 mb Exp $'
 ! !
 SimpleView initialize!