author Claus Gittinger <>
Fri, 07 Mar 1997 12:07:08 +0100
changeset 1440 114c32a3d0ea
parent 1438 43a7c484413d
child 1441 67bc3d4cc6d2
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

; this style sheet lists all possible style-values
; you can not use it directly as a style, but
; as a template - to copy individual setting
; into your private style file (if you want to create your own ones)
; Of course, you can also pick one of the supplied styles,
; or include an existing style in your new style - changing values
; as required. (see as an example).
; After you created the style-file (and have it accessable in the
; resources directory), you can use this style by adding
; a line as follows to your 'display.rc' or 'private.rc' file:
;    View defaultStyle:#foo
; where 'foo' is the name of the style-file name without the '.style'
; ending.
; Since it must be a symbol, use quotes around, if non alphanumeric 
; characters are in the name.
; I.e:
;    View defaultStyle:#motif
;    View defaultStyle:#normal
;    View defaultStyle:#'motif_light'
; Many of the values here are defaulted to useful values,
; if not mentioned here - so there is no real need to define
; all of them for new styles. 
; $Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/styles/,v 1.20 1997-03-07 11:07:01 cg Exp $

; agenda:
;   the following list contains all possible style-values and their
;   default values (i.e. in your style-file you have to include only
;   those differing from the default).
;   The first word is the style-sheet variable name, the rest (separated
;   by one or more spaces) is evaluated as a smalltalk expression and becomes
;   the value of the variable.
;   Lines beginning with ';' are comments.
;   The construct '=foo' means: use the value of the foo-variable described
;   above.
;   If a value is symbolic, the possible values are shown in a comment.
;   Conditional settings are possible, by including these between
;       #if <st-expression>
;       ...
;       #endif
;   For example, colors can be set different for mono vs. color displays.
;   else constructs are possible too:
;       #if <st-expression>
;       ...
;       #else
;       ...
;       #endif
;   finally, other files can be included:
;       ...
;       #include 'filename'
;       ...
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; if it some type of 3D style
; (affects default levels, borderWidth and spacing between views etc.)
; all styles which have 3D effects should set this to true

comment  'not a usable style\\This file is used as reference and documentation.'

#if (Language == #german) or:[Language == #de]
comment  'Dies ist kein nutzbarer Stil\\Diese Datei dient als Referenz und Dokumentation.'

; if its a 3D style, spacing between components is often different;
; also, no borders are generated.
is3D                    false

; the name of the style (will vanish)
name                    #unknown

; borders - if is3D is true, these are ignored
borderWidth             0
borderColor             Color black

; these are macros used below
viewGrey                Color grey:67
lightGrey               (Color grey:67) lightened
darkGrey                (Color grey:67) darkened
fixedFont               Font family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12
variableFont            Font family:'helvetica' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12

; the default font (notice that there are extra variables for
; labelFont, textFont, menuFont etc.)
font                    =fixedFont

; the default view background
viewBackground          =viewGrey

; space between widgets
viewSpacing             nil "defaults to 1mm"

; when drawing shadow and light (3D-effect)
; ignored if is3D is false
shadowColor             nil     "nil means: use viewBackground darkened"
lightColor              nil     "nil means: use viewBackground lightened"
halfShadowColor         nil     "nil means: some default"
halfLightColor          nil     "nil means: some default"

; how are views highlighted when the focus is stepped
; via the keyboard (#FocusNext i.e. Ctrl-CursorRight / #FocusPrevious i.e. Ctrl-CursorLeft) ?
focusColor              Color red       "red is the default anyway"
focusBorderWidth        2               "2 is the default anyway"

; show a shadow under popup views ?
; if popupShadowColor is non-nil, shadow is drawn in this
; solid color; otherwise shadow is drawn by halftoning the pixels below.
; This may be slow on some X-servers.
popupShadow             false   
popupShadowColor        Color black
popupLevel              nil     
popupBorderWidth        1            "2D styles only"
popupBorderColor        Color black  "2D styles only"   
; this controls if popups have to be clicked again to go away (if false)
; or vanish automatically, when the button is released (if true)
; the default is true
popupHideOnRelease      true    
; UNIMPLEMENTED. popupEdgeStyle          nil          "or #soft"   

; menus
menuFont                    =variableFont
menuForegroundColor         nil "means: use default from superclass"
menuBackgroundColor         nil "means: use default from superclass"
menuHilightForegroundColor  =menuBackgroundColor  "if level is ~~ 0, default is menuForegroundColor"
menuHilightBackgroundColor  =menuForegroundColor  "if level is ~~ 0, default is menuBackgroundColor"
menuHilightLevel            0
menuSeparatingLineLevel     0
menuCheckColor              nil "means: use fgColor"
menuShowAccelerators        true

; pullDownMenu takes menu style if not specified otherwise
pullDownMenuViewBackground          =menuViewBackground
pullDownMenuForegroundColor         =menuForegroundColor
pullDownMenuBackgroundColor         =menuBackgroundColor
pullDownMenuHilightForegroundColor  =menuHilightForegroundColor
pullDownMenuHilightBackgroundColor  =menuHilightBackgroundColor
pullDownMenuShadowColor             =menuShadowColor
pullDownMenuLightColor              =menuLightColor
pullDownMenuFont                    =menuFont
pullDownMenuEdgeStyle               nil    "or #soft"
pullDownMenuSeparatingLines         true
pullDownMenuLevel                   1
pullDownMenuHilightLevel            =menuHilightLevel "ifnil: 0"
pullDownMenuAutoselectFirst         false

;if true, menu stays pulled if button is released (as in motif, mswindows)
;otherwise, it hides itself on button release.
pullDownMenuKeepMenu                false

;if true, pressing button again (in the pull-menus item) hides a shown (kept)
;menu. Otherwise a press outside of the item-area is required to hide the menu.
pullDownMenuToggleKeep              false

;if true, menus topview is raised when an entry is activated
pullDownMenuRaiseTop                true

; popupList
popUpListPopPosition                nil   "or #shifted, or #below"

; label defaults 
; (these are inherited by Button, Toggles etc. if not redefined)

labelForegroundColor        Color black
labelBackgroundColor        =viewBackground
labelFont                   =fixedFont

; buttons, toggles etc.
buttonFont                      nil     "nil means: use font"
buttonEdgeStyle                 nil     "or #soft"
buttonBorderWidth               nil     "nil means: use value of borderWidth"
buttonActiveLevel               -1
buttonPassiveLevel              1
buttonForegroundColor           nil     "nil means: use label-value"
buttonBackgroundColor           nil     "nil means: use label-value"
buttonFont                      nil     "nil means: use label-value"
buttonDisabledForegroundColor   Color grey
buttonDisabledBackgroundColor   nil     "nil means: use bgColor"
buttonEnteredForegroundColor    nil     "nil means: use fgColor"
buttonEnteredBackgroundColor    nil     "nil means: use bgColor"
buttonActiveForegroundColor     nil     "nil means: use fgColor"
buttonActiveBackgroundColor     nil     "nil means: use bgColor"
buttonReturnButtonHasImage      true    "place a return-icon into defaultButtons"
buttonReturnButtonHasBorder     false   "place a border around defaultButtons"

; arrow buttons in scrollBars
arrowButtonStyle                 nil    "choose one of (#st80 #motif #mswindows nil)"
arrowButtonForegroundColor       nil    "nil means: use buttons default"
arrowButtonActiveForegroundColor nil    "nil means: use buttons default"
arrowButtonActiveBackgroundColor nil    "nil means: use buttons default"
arrowButtonUpFormFile            'ScrollUp.xbm'
arrowButtonDownFormFile          'ScrollDn.xbm'
arrowButtonLeftFormFile          'ScrollLt.xbm'
arrowButtonRightFormFile         'ScrollRt.xbm'
arrowButtonActiveLevel           nil    "nil means: use buttons default"
arrowButtonPassiveLevel          nil    "nil means: use buttons default"

; show a little lamp (a la IRIS) in toggles ?
toggleShowLamp          false         "false means: no lamp"
toggleLampColor         Color yellow  "ignored if above is false"

; the color of checkmarks (normally black; IRIS shows them red)
checkToggleCheckColor   Color black
checkToggleBitmapFile   'CheckOn.xbm'
checkToggleStyle        #cross       "or #check only taken if file is nil"
checkToggleActiveBackgroundColor  nil   "means: use buttons default"
checkToggleActiveLevel            nil   "means: use buttons default"
checkTogglePassiveLevel           nil   "means: use buttons default"

; text view backgrounds - this is not the same as
; textBackgroundColor (although it looks better if it is ...)
textViewBackground              Color white

; texts in ListView, TextView, EditTextView etc.
textForegroundColor             Color black
textBackgroundColor             Color white
textFont                        =fixedFont

textCursorForegroundColor       Color white
#if Display hasColors
textCursorBackgroundColor       Color red
textCursorBackgroundColor       Color black
textCursorType                  #block "choose one of (#block #ibeam #caret #solidCaret)"
textWordSelectCatchesBlanks     false

; text view selections
textSelectionForegroundColor    =textBackgroundColor
#if Display hasColors
textSelectionBackgroundColor    Color green
#  if Display hasGreyscales
textSelectionBackgroundColor    Color grey
#  else
textSelectionBackgroundColor    =textForegroundColor
#  endif

; text in editfields
editFieldForegroundColor           Color black
editFieldBackgroundColor           Color white
editFieldSelectionForegroundColor  Color white
editFieldSelectionBackgroundColor  Color black
editFieldFont                      =fixedFont

; special values for the transcript
transcriptForegroundColor       Color black
transcriptBackgroundColor       Color white
transcriptCursorForegroundColor =transcriptBackgroundColor
transcriptCursorBackgroundColor =transcriptForegroundColor

; highlighting errors in codeviews
codeErrorSelectionForegroundColor       =textSelectionForegroundColor
#if Display hasColors
codeErrorSelectionBackgroundColor       Color red
codeErrorSelectionBackgroundColor       =textSelectionBackgroundColor

; selection-in-list
selectionMultiSelectionModifier         nil "means: #Shift; alternaitve: #Control"
selectionForegroundColor                nil "means: use text-backgroundColor"
selectionBackgroundColor                nil "means: use viewBackground"
selectionHilightForegroundColor         nil "means: use backgroundColor"
selectionHilightBackgroundColor         nil "means: use foregroundColor"
selectionHilightFrameColor              nil "means: no frame around selection"
selectionHilightLevel                   0
selectionHilightStyle                   nil "means: depend on styles name"
selectionFont                           nil "means: use textFont"
selectionDisabledForegroundColor        nil "means: use grey"
;NOTIMPL selectionRightArrowStyle
selectionRightArrowLevel                1

; variable panels
variablePanelShowHandle         true
variablePanelHandlePosition     #right "#center #left"
variablePanelHandleStyle        nil    "nil means: as appropriate per style-name; i.e. #next., #motif ..."
;                                      in addition to the known ones, 
;                                      #iris, #line, #motif or #full are also allowed                                        
variablePanelHandleColor        Black  "only for #iris, #normal and #mswindows"
variablePanelHandleLevel        2      "only if not #line"

variablePanelTrackingLine       false  "false means: track bar; true means: only track line"
variablePanelSeparatingLine     false  "true means: draw an edged line in addition to handle"

scrolledViewLevel               -1      "-1 for 3D styles; 0 for 2D styles"

; scrollbar position in scrolled views
scrollBarPosition               #left   "or: #right"

; scrollbars
scrollBarButtonPositions        #around         "or: #top #bottom"         
scrollBarLevel                  0               "level of scrollBar"
scrollBarElementSpacing         0               "spacing betwen buttons & thumb"
scrollBarDisableButtons         false           "shall we disable buttons if appropriate"
scrollBarSpacing                =viewSpacing    "space between scrolledview and scrollBar"
scrollBarNeverMini              false

; scrollers (also used in scrollBars & also affects sliders)
scrollerViewBackground          Color grey
scrollerThumbColor              Color white
scrollerThumbEnteredColor       =scrollerThumbColor
scrollerThumbFrameColor         Color black "nil means no frame"
scrollerThumbLevel              0
scrollerThumbActiveLevel        =scrollerThumbLevel
scrollerThumbInset              0
scrollerThumbFixHeight          false
scrollerThumbEdgeStyle          nil "or #soft"
scrollerLevel                   0
scrollerBorderWidth             =borderWidth
scrollerNTallyMarks             0
scrollerTallyLevel              0
scrollerGhostColor              nil  "nil means - no ghosting"
scrollerGhostLevel              0    "only used if above color is nonNil"

; sliders may have different tally definition than scrollers
sliderNTallyMarks       1
sliderTallyLevel        -1
sliderLevel             nil     "nil means: means inherit from scroller"

; framed boxes
framedBoxForegroundColor        Color black
framedBoxLabelPosition          #topCenter "#topLeft #topRight #bottomLeft #bottomCenter #bottomRight"

rulerForegroundColor            nil "nil means: use foregroundColor or Black or White"
rulerBackgroundColor            nil "nil means: use viewBackground"
rulerMetric                     nil "nil means: use #mm for german, #inch for all others"

; dialog boxes

; information-box
informationBoxIcon      (Image fromFile:'bitmaps/Information.xbm')

; warnbox
warnBoxIcon             (Image fromFile:'bitmaps/Information.xbm')

; yes/no requests
requestBoxIcon          (Image fromFile:'bitmaps/Request.xbm')

htmlBackgroundColor                Color grey:80
htmlAnchorForegroundColor          Color blue darkened
htmlActiveAnchorForegroundColor    Color red
htmlActiveAnchorBackgroundColor    =htmlBackgroundColor
htmlVisitedAnchorForegroundColor   Color red:30 green:0 blue:80
htmlExampleAnchorForegroundColor   Color red:40 green:0 blue:0
htmlAnchorUnderlines               false