author Claus Gittinger <>
Sat, 27 Jan 1996 16:35:09 +0100
changeset 385 15fd1c806d2a
parent 328 7bbe05da5769
child 504 bc7734000bd3
permissions -rw-r--r--
pass info if focus change was explicit (i.e. Tab-key) or by window manager.

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

TopView subclass:#StandardSystemView
	instanceVariableNames:'label icon iconView iconLabel minExtent maxExtent sizeFixed
		application windowEventsForApplication'
	classVariableNames:'DefaultIcon TakeFocusWhenMapped IncludeHostNameInLabel'

!StandardSystemView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    I represent topViews i.e. those views which have a title-label,
    an icon etc. Usually StandardSystemViews are subclassed for
    special views.
! !

!StandardSystemView class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

extent:anExtent label:aLabel icon:aForm
    "create a new topView and define its extent, label and icon"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:anExtent
	   label:aLabel icon:aForm
	   minExtent:nil maxExtent:nil

extent:anExtent label:aLabel icon:aForm minExtent:minExtent
    ^ self origin:nil extent:anExtent
	   label:aLabel icon:aForm
	   minExtent:minExtent maxExtent:nil

extent:anExtent label:aLabel icon:aForm minExtent:minExtent maxExtent:maxExtent
    ^ self origin:nil extent:anExtent
	   label:aLabel icon:aForm
	   minExtent:minExtent maxExtent:maxExtent

extent:anExtent label:aLabel minExtent:minExtent
    "create a new topView and define its extent, label and minumum extent"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:anExtent
	   label:aLabel icon:nil
	   minExtent:minExtent maxExtent:nil

    "create a new topView and define its label"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:nil
	   label:aLabel icon:nil
	   minExtent:nil maxExtent:nil

label:aLabel icon:aForm
    "create a new topView and define its label and icon"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:nil
	   label:aLabel icon:aForm
	   minExtent:nil maxExtent:nil

label:aLabel icon:aForm minExtent:anExtent
    "create a new topView and define its label, icon and minumum extent"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:nil
	   label:aLabel icon:aForm
	   minExtent:anExtent maxExtent:nil

label:aLabel icon:aForm minExtent:minExtent maxExtent:maxExtent
    "create a new topView and define its label, icon, min and max extents"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:nil
	   label:aLabel icon:aForm
	   minExtent:minExtent maxExtent:maxExtent

label:aLabel minExtent:anExtent
    "create a new topView and define its label and minimum extent"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:nil
	   label:aLabel icon:nil
	   minExtent:anExtent maxExtent:nil

model:aModel label:aLabel minimumSize:minExtent
    "ST80-style instance creation"


    newView := self origin:nil 
    newView model:aModel.
"/    newView controller:(self defaultControllerClass new view:newView).
    ^ newView

origin:anOrigin extent:anExtent label:aLabel
    "create a new topView and define its origin, extent and label"

    ^ self origin:anOrigin extent:anExtent
	   label:aLabel icon:nil
	   minExtent:nil maxExtent:nil

origin:anOrigin label:aLabel icon:aForm
		minExtent:minExtent maxExtent:maxExtent
    "create a new topView and define its origin, extent, label, icon
     and extent-boundaries."

    ^ self origin:anOrigin extent:nil
	   label:aLabel icon:aForm
	   minExtent:minExtent maxExtent:maxExtent
! !

!StandardSystemView class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    "return the default icon for views.
     This can be redefined in subclasses or overwritten in
     initialize methods."

    DefaultIcon isNil ifTrue:[
	DefaultIcon := Image fromFile:'SmalltalkX.xbm'.
	DefaultIcon notNil ifTrue:[
	    DefaultIcon := DefaultIcon on:Display
    ^ DefaultIcon

    "return the default label for views of my kind.
     This can be redefined in subclasses or overwritten in
     initialize methods."

    ^ 'aView'

    "return the flag which controls if a views label should
     include the hostname.
     This flag is usually set/cleared in your private.rc file;
     the default is false."

    ^ IncludeHostNameInLabel

    "Created: 10.9.1995 / 19:21:16 / claus"

    "set/clear the flag which controls if a views label should
     include the hostname - this is highly useful if you have 
     multiple smalltalks open simultaniously ...
     This flag is usually set/cleared in your private.rc file;
     the default is false."

    IncludeHostNameInLabel := aBoolean
! !

!StandardSystemView class methodsFor:'startup'!

    "create, realize the view - this topview and all its subviews will
     run as a separate process with its own windowGroup"

    ^ self new open 

    "create, realize the view - this topview and all its subviews will
     run as a separate process with its own windowGroup.
     This method exists for backward compatibility - use open."

    ^ self open
! !

!StandardSystemView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the topViews application.
     This is new protocol for ST-80 compatibility and not yet fully supported"

    ^ application

    "set the topViews application.
     This is new protocol for ST-80 compatibility and not yet fully supported"

    application := anApplicationModel

    self setWindowGroupFromApplication.
    super bePartner.

     see example in TopView>>bePartner

    "Created: 22.9.1995 / 17:40:15 / claus"
    "Modified: 10.12.1995 / 13:30:36 / cg"

    self setWindowGroupFromApplication.
    super beSlave.

     see example in TopView>>beSlave

    "Created: 22.9.1995 / 17:40:15 / claus"
    "Modified: 10.12.1995 / 13:24:51 / cg"

    "return the form defined as icon"

    ^ icon

    "define the form (bitmap) used as icon"

    |invertedIcon i|

    icon := aForm.
    icon notNil ifTrue:[
	drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
	    icon depth ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
		icon := icon asMonochromeFormOn:device.
	    "icons assume 1s as black - invert icon if the device thinks different"
	    (device depth == 1 and:[device whitepixel ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
		i := icon on:device.
		i notNil ifTrue:[
		    invertedIcon := Form width:icon width height:icon height on:device.
		    invertedIcon function:#copy.
		    invertedIcon foreground:Color noColor background:Color allColor.
		    invertedIcon copyFrom:i x:0 y:0 toX:0 y:0 width:icon width height:icon height.
		    i := invertedIcon.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		i := icon on:device.
	    (i notNil and:[i id notNil]) ifTrue:[
		device setWindowIcon:i in:drawableId

    "return the name displayed in the icon"

    ^ iconLabel

    "define the name to be displayed in the icon"

    iconLabel := aString.
    drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
	device setIconName:aString in:drawableId.
	 unbuffered - to make it visible right NOW
	device flush.

    "this method will vanish soon ... - for backward compatibility"

    self iconLabel:aString

    "return the view used as icon-view"

    ^ iconView

    "specify the view to be used as icon"

    iconView := aView.
    drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
	aView create.
	device setWindowIconWindow:aView in:drawableId

    "return the views name in the title area"

    ^ label

    "define the views name in the windows title area.
     If IncludeHostNameInLabel is true, prepend the hostname
     (you will appreciate this, if you are working on multiple
      machines simultanously - as I do ...)"


    aString ~= label ifTrue:[
	label := aString.
	drawableId notNil ifTrue: [
	    IncludeHostNameInLabel == true ifTrue:[
		l := OperatingSystem getHostName , ': ' , aString.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		l := aString
	    device setWindowName:l in:drawableId.
	     unbuffered - to make it visible right NOW
	    device flush.

    "Created: 8.9.1995 / 19:37:06 / claus"
    "Modified: 8.9.1995 / 19:39:18 / claus"

label:labelString iconLabel:iconLabelString
    "set both the label and the iconLabel"

    self label:labelString.
    self iconLabel:iconLabelString

    "return the views maximum allowed extent"

    ^ maxExtent

    "define the maximum extent the view may have -
     depends on good-will of window manager"

    maxExtent := max.
    (width notNil and:[height notNil]) ifTrue:[
	((width > (maxExtent x)) or:
	 [height > (maxExtent y)]) ifTrue: [
	    self extent:maxExtent

    "same as maxExtent: for ST-80 compatibility"

    ^ self maxExtent:anExtent

    "return the views minimum allowed extent"

    ^ minExtent

    "define the minimum extent the view may have -
     depends on good-will of window manager"

    minExtent := min.
    (width notNil and:[height notNil]) ifTrue:[
	((width < (minExtent x)) or:
	 [height < (minExtent y)]) ifTrue: [
	    self extent:minExtent

    "same as minExtent for ST-80 compatibility"

    ^ self minExtent

    "same as minExtent: for ST-80 compatibility"

    ^ self minExtent:anExtent

    "return the topViews label"

    ^ label

    "this prevents the view from resizing itself when realized.
     For normal topViews, this is void, since they dont do this anyway.

     However, modalBoxes (especially: DialogBoxes) typically resize themselfes 
     to the preferredExtent of their components. In some cases, this behavior is 
     not desired and it should be turned off by setting sizeFixed to true.

     To avoid confusion:
	This does NOT prevent the window manager from resizing the view, 
	instead it tells the view to NOT resize ITSELF."

    sizeFixed := aBoolean.

    "example: dialog which resizes itself on #open: 
	      (thereby ignoring the 200@200 extent)


	dialog := Dialog new.
	dialog addInputFieldOn:'' asValue.
	dialog addOkButton.
	dialog extent:200@200.
	dialog open.

    using sizeFixed:


	dialog := Dialog new.
	dialog addInputFieldOn:'' asValue.
	dialog addOkButton.
	dialog extent:200@200; sizeFixed:true.
	dialog open.

    using openWithExtent (also sets sizeFixed):


	dialog := Dialog new.
	dialog addInputFieldOn:'' asValue.
	dialog addOkButton.
	dialog openWithExtent:200@200.
! !

!StandardSystemView methodsFor:'destroying'!

    "programmatic close request"

    ^ self terminate

    "destroy the view."

    self removeFromCurrentProject.
    windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
	windowGroup focusSequence:nil.
    application notNil ifTrue:[
	application windowEvent:(#close -> self) from:self
    super destroy.

    "save & terminate request from the windowManager. The application should 
     save its data/files/text etc. somehow and close.
     If there is an application, let it decide how do do that.
     Otherwise, forward it to superclasses which knows how to do this.
     (it defaults to a terminate there).
     Notice, that not all windowmanagers are nice enough
     to send this request; some simply distroy the view."

    application notNil ifTrue:[
	application saveAndTerminateRequest
    ] ifFalse:[
	super saveAndTerminate

    "terminate request from the windowManager. If there is an application,
     let it decide if it really wants to be close. Otherwise, forward it to
     superclasses terminate which knows how to do this.
     Notice, that not all windowmanagers are nice enough
     to send this request; some simply distroy the view."

    application notNil ifTrue:[
	application closeRequest
    ] ifFalse:[
	super terminate
! !

!StandardSystemView methodsFor:'event handling'!

    "the view got the keyboard focus (via the window manager)"


    windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
	(v := windowGroup focusView) notNil ifTrue:[
	    v showFocus:false.
	    ^ self
    delegate notNil ifTrue:[
	delegate showFocus:false.

    "the view lost keyboard focus (via the window manager)"


    windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
	(v := windowGroup focusView) notNil ifTrue:[
	    v showNoFocus:false.
	    ^ self
    delegate notNil ifTrue:[
	delegate showNoFocus:false.

    "the view got mapped"

    super mapped.
     ask for the focus - this avoids having to click on the
     view with WM's which need an explicit click.
     Q: is this a good idea ?
    TakeFocusWhenMapped == true ifTrue:[
	self getKeyboardFocus.

    "define the events that are to be forwarded to the application.
     This is being implemented ..."

    windowEventsForApplication := collectionOfEventSymbols

    application notNil ifTrue:[
	application showActivity:someMessage

    "Created: 16.12.1995 / 18:40:44 / cg"
! !

!StandardSystemView methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "add the receiver (a topview) to the current projects set-of-views.
     (If there is a current project)"


     the following check allows systems
     without projects and changeSets
    (Project notNil and:[(p := Project current) notNil]) ifTrue:[
	p addView: self

    "for ST-80 compatibility only - not used in ST/X"

    ^ nil "/ StandardSystemController

    super initEvents.
    self enableFocusEvents.

    super initialize.

    borderWidth := 2.         "- notice: many window managers ignore this"
    minExtent := 10 @ 10.
    maxExtent := (device width) @ (device height).
    label isNil ifTrue:[label := self class defaultLabel].
    icon isNil ifTrue:[icon := self class defaultIcon].
    name := self class name.

    "when we come up on a smaller display, 
     make certain, that the receiver is visible"

    |dX dY limitRight limitBottom|

    dX := (device horizontalPixelPerMillimeter * 20) rounded.
    dY := (device verticalPixelPerMillimeter * 20) rounded.

    limitRight := device width - dX.
    limitBottom := device height - dY.
    ((self left > limitRight) or:[
      self top > limitBottom]) ifTrue:[
	'moving view into visible area' errorPrintNL.
	self origin:limitRight @ limitBottom

    "realize the view i.e. make it visible."

    super realize.
    windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
	"/ have to wait till now with focus-setting, 
	"/ up to now, I may have had no windowGroup (its set in realize)
	windowGroup focusSequence:self focusSequence.
	"/ let the application add its views to the current project
	application notNil ifTrue:[
	    application opened.
	] ifFalse:[
	    self addToCurrentProject.

    "recreate the view after a snap-in"

    icon := self convertedIcon.
    super recreate.

    iconView notNil ifTrue:[
	iconView create.
	device setWindowIconWindow:iconView in:drawableId
    ] ifFalse:[
	(icon notNil and:[icon id notNil]) ifTrue:[
	    device setWindowIcon:icon in:drawableId

    iconLabel notNil ifTrue:[
	device setIconName:iconLabel in:drawableId

    "reopen the receiver if if was visible before.
     This is called right after snapIn; Notice, that all instance variables
     (such as shown, realized etc.) are left-overs from the time the snapout
     was done. Remap the receiver, if it was mapped at snapout time"


    "if I have already been reinited - return"
    drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
	^ self

    "have to kludge with the controller 
     - otherwise its startup performs unwanted actions ..."

    myController := controller.
    controller := nil.

    "physically create the view & subviews"
    self recreate.

    "if I was mapped, do it again"
    realized ifTrue:[
	"if it was iconified, try to remap iconified"
	device mapView:self id:drawableId iconified:(shown not) 
		   atX:left y:top width:width height:height.

	"and restart the window-group process"
	windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[
	    windowGroup restart

    "restore controller"
    controller := myController

    "remove the receiver (a topview) from the current projects set-of-views.
     (If there is a current project)"


     the following check allows systems
     without projects and changeSets
    (Project notNil and:[(p := Project current) notNil]) ifTrue:[
	p removeView:self

    "sent by my windowGroup, when restarted from an image.
     Nothing done here, but can be redefined to perform any actions
     required to reset the application after an image-restart.
     (for example: check if application files are still around, restart
     subprocesses etc.)."

    application notNil ifTrue:[
	application restarted
! !

!StandardSystemView methodsFor:'printing & storing'!

    "just for your convenience in inspectors ...
     ... add the views label to the displayString."


    s := super displayString.
    label notNil ifTrue:[
	s := s , '(' , label , ')'
    ^ s
! !

!StandardSystemView methodsFor:'private'!

    "make certain, that the icon is a b&w bitmap;
     do so by converting if required.
     Will add a device supportsDeepIcons and only convert when needed;
     for now, we always have to convert (since there are only Xdisplays)."


    icon isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    device supportsDeepIcons ifFalse:[
	icon depth ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
	     dither to monochrome
	    deviceIcon := icon asMonochromeFormOn:device.
	] ifFalse:[
	    deviceIcon := icon
    deviceIcon notNil ifTrue:[
	 get device pixmap (i.e. allocate colors & resource)
	deviceIcon := deviceIcon on:device
    ^ deviceIcon


    windowGroup isNil ifTrue:[
	application notNil ifTrue:[
	    (win := application window) notNil ifTrue:[
		windowGroup := win windowGroup.

    "Created: 22.9.1995 / 17:40:36 / claus"
! !

!StandardSystemView methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return a sequence which defines the order in which the focus
     is passed for FocusNext and FocusPrevious keys.
     All views which like to support these keys should redefine
     this method and return a collection of (sub-) views.
     Or, if the model is some applicationModel, it may itself define
     the focusSequence.
     Notice: I dont think this is good style: the focusSequence seems
     to belong into the controller, ..."

    "/ if I have an application, its supposed to
    "/ know about the focusSequence
    application notNil ifTrue:[
	^ application focusSequence

    (model notNil
    and:[(model respondsTo:#focusSequence)
    and:[model ~~ self]]) ifTrue:[
	^ model focusSequence
    ^ nil

    windowGroup isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ windowGroup isModal

    "Created: 10.12.1995 / 13:11:17 / cg"

    "return a string to be shown for my process in the
     process monitor"

    application notNil ifTrue:[
	^ application processName
    label notNil ifTrue:[^ label].
    ^ super processName
! !

!StandardSystemView methodsFor:'realization'!

    "create - make certain that icon is available"

    icon := self convertedIcon.
    super create.

    iconView notNil ifTrue:[
	iconView create.
	device setWindowIconWindow:iconView in:drawableId
    iconLabel notNil ifTrue:[
	device setIconName:iconLabel in:drawableId

    "open the view, run the windowgroup process at
     other than UserScehdulingPriority."

    self open.
    windowGroup process priority:aPriority.

    "common code for create & recreate"


    IncludeHostNameInLabel == true ifTrue:[
	l := OperatingSystem getHostName , ': ' , label.
    ] ifFalse:[
	l := label

    drawableId := device 
		      origin:(left @ top)
		      extent:(width @ height)
		      onTop:(self isPopUpView)
		      inputOnly:(self inputOnly)

    extentChanged := false.
    originChanged := false.

    (borderColor notNil and:[borderColor ~~ Black]) ifTrue:[
	borderColor := borderColor on:device.
	self setBorderColor

"/  (viewGravity notNil "and:[viewGravity ~~ #NorthWest]") ifTrue:[
"/        device setWindowGravity:viewGravity in:drawableId
"/  ].

"/  (bitGravity notNil "and:[bitGravity ~~ #NorthWest]") ifTrue:[
"/      device setBitGravity:bitGravity in:drawableId
"/  ].

    borderShape notNil ifTrue:[
	device setWindowBorderShape:(borderShape id) in:drawableId
    viewShape notNil ifTrue:[
	device setWindowShape:(viewShape id) in:drawableId
    (backed notNil and:[backed ~~ false]) ifTrue:[
	device setBackingStore:backed in:drawableId
    saveUnder ifTrue:[
	device setSaveUnder:true in:drawableId
! !

!StandardSystemView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.40 1996-01-27 15:35:07 cg Exp $'
! !