author Jan Vrany <>
Wed, 06 Sep 2017 10:04:18 +0200
changeset 8180 25149dfd68e0
parent 6528 62c1dbef0b84
permissions -rw-r--r--
Build files: removed a bunch of make rules for long-dead unsupported systems order to unify and simplify the build. If a need to support this ancient systems arose, these hacks may ni longer be needed (due to new versions of tools) or the hacks would have to be written again (better) or retrieved from SCM (worse). Time will show.

"{ Package: 'stx:libview' }"

DeviceWorkstation subclass:#NeXTWorkstation
	instanceVariableNames:'buffered knownDrawableIds'

NeXTWorkstation comment:'

COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

this class provides the interface to NeXTStep; since we cannot include
objc-code here (due to define conflicts with Class, nil ...) we call
helper functions to do the job; the helpers are in ../librun/NXsupport.c

All non-monochrome stuff is untested (I only have a monochroome station)

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.22 2013-05-21 20:49:14 cg Exp $
written spring 92 by claus

!NeXTWorkstation primitiveDefinitions!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <dpsclient/wraps.h>
#include <dpsclient/psops.h>

! !

!NeXTWorkstation primitiveFunctions!
 * cannot include objc stuff - too many name conflicts
#define id INT
static INT lastDrawable = 0;

    OBJ drawableId;
    id drawable;

    drawable = (id)(_intVal(drawableId));
    if (drawable != lastDrawable) {
	if (lastDrawable) {
	lastDrawable = drawable;

! !

!NeXTWorkstation class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    self initializeDisplayConstants.
    self initializeConstants.

    "initialize some common constants"
! !

!NeXTWorkstation class methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ 'NeXTStep'
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'accessing & queries'!

    "return the colorId of black;
     for next, we use the color directly"

    ^ 16r000000

    "return the displays fileNumber - for select"

    ^ nil

    "return true, if display supports postscript output into a view"

    ^ true

    "return true, if display supports arbitrary shaped windows.
     (actually, DPS does support this - but I currently dont know how)"

    ^ false

    ^ self vendorRelease

    ^ 'NeXT'

translatePoint:aPoint from:windowId1 to:windowId2
    "given a point in window1, return the coordinate in window2
     - use to xlate points from a window to rootwindow"

     ^ self shouldNotImplement

    ^ 2.1  "this is wrong - should get it from somewhere ..."

viewIdFromPoint:aPoint in:windowId
    "given a point in rootWindow, return the viewId of the subview of windowId
     hit by this coordinate.
     return nil if no view was hit.
     - use to find window to drop objects after a cross-view drag"

     ^ self shouldNotImplement

    ^ self shouldNotImplement

    "return the colorId of white;
     for next, we use the color directly"

    ^ 16rFFFFFF
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'bitmap/window creation'!

createBitmapFromArray:anArray width:w height:h
     ^ self shouldNotImplement

createBitmapFromFile:aString for:aForm
     ^ self shouldNotImplement

createBitmapWidth:w height:h
     ^ self shouldNotImplement

createFaxImageFromArray:data width:w height:h type:type k:k msbFirst:msbFirst
    "create a new faxImage in the workstation"

    ^ nil

createPixmapWidth:w height:h depth:d
     ^ self shouldNotImplement

createWindowFor:aView left:xpos top:ypos width:wwidth height:wheight

    |ext minWidth minHeight maxWidth maxHeight
     bWidth bColor viewBg viewBgId wsuperView wsuperViewId
     wlabel wcursor wcursorId wicon wiconId windowId
     wiconView wiconViewId

    wsuperView := aView superView.
    wsuperView notNil ifTrue:[
	wsuperViewId := wsuperView id
    wlabel := aView label.
    wcursor := aView cursor.

    wsuperView isNil ifTrue:[
	ext := aView minExtent.
	ext notNil ifTrue:[
	    minWidth := ext x.
	    minHeight := ext y
	ext := aView maxExtent.
	ext notNil ifTrue:[
	    maxWidth := ext x.
	    maxHeight := ext y

    id win;
    id view;
    int w, h, resizable;

    if ((minWidth != nil) && (maxWidth != nil)
     && (minWidth == maxWidth) && (minHeight == maxHeight)) {
	w = _intVal(minWidth);
	h = _intVal(maxHeight);
	resizable = 0;
    } else {
	w = _intVal(wwidth);
	h = _intVal(wheight);
	resizable = 1;
    win = _NX_create_window(_intVal(xpos), _intVal(ypos), w, h, resizable);
    if (! win)
	return nil;

     * define its name
    if (_isString(wlabel))
	_objc_setTitle(win, _stringVal(wlabel));
	_objc_setTitle(win, "untitled");

    view = _objc_contentView(win);
    _objc_setFlipped_(view, 1);

    _objc_makeKeyAndOrderFront(win, 0);

    windowId = _MKSMALLINT(win);
    drawableId = _MKSMALLINT(view);
    self addKnownView:aView winId:windowId withId:drawableId.
    ^ drawableId

     ^ self shouldNotImplement

     ^ self shouldNotImplement

     ^ self shouldNotImplement

destroyView:aView withId:aWindowId
     ^ self shouldNotImplement

     ^ self shouldNotImplement

     ^ self shouldNotImplement
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'color stuff'!

    "allocate a color - return index.
     Since NeXTs are either StaticGrey or StaticColor, return nil here."

    ^ nil

    "allocate a color with color name - return index"

    ^ super colorNamed:aString

colorRed:redVal green:greenVal blue:blueVal
    "allocate a color with rgb values - return index"

    | r g b |

    "on the next, we use rgb value as index"
    r := (redVal * 16rFF / 100) asInteger.
    g := (greenVal * 16rFF / 100) asInteger.
    b := (blueVal * 16rFF / 100) asInteger.
    r := (r min:255) max:0.
    g := (g min:255) max:0.
    b := (b min:255) max:0.
    ^ (((r bitShift:8) bitOr:g) bitShift:8) bitOr:b

    "colors are never freed"

    ^ self

    "get blue part of color in map at:index"

    ^ (index bitAnd:16rFF) * 100 / 16rFF

    "get green part of color in map at:index"

    ^ ((index bitShift:-8) bitAnd:16rFF) * 100 / 16rFF

    "get red part of color in map at:index"

    ^ ((index bitShift:-16) bitAnd:16rFF) * 100 / 16rFF

    ^ super listOfAvailableColors

setColor:index red:redVal green:greenVal blue:blueVal
    "change color in map at:index.
     Since NeXTs are either StaticGrey or StaticColor, do nothing here."

    ^ self
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'cursor stuff'!

createCursorSourceFormId:sourceFormId maskFormId:maskFormId hotX:hx hotY:hy
    ^ self primitiveFailed

    ^ self primitiveFailed

    ^ self primitiveFailed

    ^ self primitiveFailed

    ^ self primitiveFailed
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'drawing'!

copyFromId:sourceId x:srcX y:srcY gc:srcGCId to:destId x:dstX y:dstY gc:dstGCId width:w height:h
    "do a bit-blt"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

copyPlaneFromId:sourceId x:srcX y:srcY gc:srcGCId to:destId x:dstX y:dstY gc:dstGCId width:w height:h
    "do a bit-blt"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

displayArcX:x y:y w:width h:height from:startAngle angle:angle
	       in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "draw an arc"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

displayLineFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "draw a line"

    float fx0, fy0, fx1, fy1;

    do {
	if (__isSmallInteger(x0))
	    fx0 = _intVal(x0);
	else if (_isFloat(x0))
	    fx0 = _floatVal(x0);
	else break;
	if (__isSmallInteger(y0))
	    fy0 = _intVal(y0);
	else if (_isFloat(y0))
	    fy0 = _floatVal(y0);
	else break;
	if (__isSmallInteger(x1))
	    fx1 = _intVal(x1);
	else if (_isFloat(x1))
	    fx1 = _floatVal(x1);
	else break;
	if (__isSmallInteger(y1))
	    fy1 = _intVal(y1);
	else if (_isFloat(y1))
	    fy1 = _floatVal(y1);
	else break;

	PSmoveto(fx0, fy0);
	PSlineto(fx1, fy1);
	if (_INST(buffered) == false)

	RETURN ( self );
    } while (1);
    ^ self primitiveFailed

displayOpaqueString:aString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "draw part of a string - draw both foreground and background"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

displayOpaqueString:aString x:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "draw a string - draw both foreground and background"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

displayPointX:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "draw a point"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

displayString:aString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "draw part of a string - draw foreground only"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

displayString:aString x:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "draw a string - draw foreground only"

    float fx, fy;

    do {
	if (__isSmallInteger(x))
	    fx = (float)_intVal(x);
	else if (_isFloat(x))
	    fx = _floatVal(x);
	else break;
	if (__isSmallInteger(y))
	    fy = (float)_intVal(y);
	else if (_isFloat(y))
	    fy = _floatVal(y);
	else break;
	PSmoveto(fx, fy);
	PSshow((char *)_stringVal(aString));
	if (_INST(buffered) == false)
	RETURN ( self );
    } while (1);
    self primitiveFailed

drawBits:imageBits depth:imageDepth width:imageWidth height:imageHeight
		       x:srcx y:srcy
		    into:aDrawableId x:dstx y:dsty width:w height:h with:aGCId
    "draw a bitimage which has depth id, width iw and height ih into
     the drawable. draw a region of w/h pixels from srcx/srcy to dstx/dsty.
     It has to be checked elsewhere, that server can do it with the given
     depth; also it is assumed, that the colormap is setup correctly"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

drawPolygon:aPolygon in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "draw a polygon"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

drawRectangleX:x y:y width:width height:height in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "draw a rectangle"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

fillArcX:x y:y w:width h:height from:startAngle angle:angle
	       in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "fill an arc"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

fillPolygon:aPolygon in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "fill a polygon"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h in:aDrawableId with:aGCId
    "fill a rectangle"

    float fx, fy, fw, fh;

    do {
	if (__isSmallInteger(x))
	    fx = (float)_intVal(x);
	else if (_isFloat(x))
	    fx = _floatVal(x);
	else break;
	if (__isSmallInteger(y))
	    fy = (float)_intVal(y);
	else if (_isFloat(y))
	    fy = _floatVal(y);
	else break;

	if (__isSmallInteger(w))
	    fw = (float)_intVal(w);
	else if (_isFloat(w))
	    fw = _floatVal(w);
	else break;
	if (__isSmallInteger(h))
	    fh = (float)_intVal(h);
	else if (_isFloat(h))
	    fh = _floatVal(h);
	else break;

	PSmoveto(fx, fy);
	PSlineto(fx + fw, fy);
	PSlineto(fx + fx, fy + fh);
	PSlineto(fx, fy + fh);
	PSlineto(fx, fy);
	if (_INST(buffered) == false)
	RETURN ( self );
    } while (1);
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'events'!

    ^ self primitiveFailed

    "return true, if any event is pending"

    ^ false

eventPending:anEventSymbol for:aWindowId
    "return true, if a specific event is pending"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

    "return true, if any event is pending"

    ^ false

eventsPending:anEventMask for:aWindowId
    "return true, if any of the masked events is pending"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

exposeEventsFor:aViewId do:aBlock

setEventMask:aMask in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'font stuff'!

    ^ self primitiveFailed

    ^ self primitiveFailed

    self badFont

    "return a list with all available font names on this display"
	char **names;
	char **cp;
	int count, i;
	static struct inlineCache dummy1 = _DUMMYILC1;
	OBJ arr;

	names = (char **) _objc_availableFonts(_FontManager_new());
	/* count them */
	for (cp = names; *cp; cp++) ;;
	count = cp - names;
	arr = _SEND1(@global(Array), @symbol(new:), nil, &dummy1, _MKSMALLINT(count));
	for (i=0; i<count;i++)
	    _ArrayInstPtr(arr)->a_element[i] = __MKSTRING(names[i]);
	RETURN (arr);

    self badFont

    self badFont

    ^ self primitiveFailed

widthOf:aString from:index1 to:index2 inFont:aFontId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

widthOf:aString inFont:aFontId
    ^ self primitiveFailed
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'graphic context stuff'!

noClipIn:aDrawableId gc:aGCId
    "disable clipping rectangle"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setBackground:bgColorIndex in:aGCId
    "set background color to be drawn with"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setBitmapMask:aBitmapId in:aGCId
    "set or clear the drawing mask - a bitmap mask using current fg/bg"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setClipByChildren:aBool in:aGCId
    "enable/disable drawing into child views"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setClipX:clipX y:clipY width:clipWidth height:clipHeight in:drawableId gc:aGCId
    "clip to a rectangle"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setFont:aFontId in:aGCId
    "set font to be drawn in"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setForeground:fgColorIndex background:bgColorIndex in:aGCId
    "set foreground and background colors to be drawn with"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setForeground:fgColor background:bgColor mask:aBitmapId in:aGCId
    "set foreground and background colors to be drawn with using mask or
     solid (if aBitmapId is nil)"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setForeground:fgColor background:bgColor mask:aBitmapId lineWidth:lw in:aGCId
    "set foreground and background colors to be drawn with using mask or
     solid (if aBitmapId is nil); also set lineWidth"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setForeground:fgColorIndex in:aGCId
    "set foreground color to be drawn with"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setFunction:aFunctionSymbol in:aGCId
    "set alu function to be drawn with"

    "{ Symbol: and  } "
    "{ Symbol: or   } "
    "{ Symbol: xor  } "
    "{ Symbol: copy } "
    "{ Symbol: copyInverted } "
    "{ Symbol: andInverted } "
    "{ Symbol: andReverse } "
    "{ Symbol: orInverted } "
    "{ Symbol: orReverse } "

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setGraphicsExposures:aBoolean in:aGCId
    "set or clear the graphics exposures flag"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setLineWidth:aNumber in:aGCId
    "set linewidth to be drawn with"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setMaskOriginX:orgX y:orgY in:aGCid
    "set the mask origin"

    ^ self primitiveFailed

setPixmapMask:aPixmapId in:aGCId
    "set or clear the drawing mask - a pixmap mask providing full color"

    ^ self primitiveFailed
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'initialize / release'!


    "{ Symbol: color      }"
    "{ Symbol: monochrome }"
    int depth, width, height;
    char *visual;

    /* do NXApp stuff, get screen infos */
    _NX_init(&visual, &depth, &width, &height);

    _INST(visualType) = _MKSYMBOL(visual, (OBJ *)0);
    _INST(depth) = _MKSMALLINT(depth);
    _INST(width) = _MKSMALLINT(width);
    _INST(height) = _MKSMALLINT(height);

    _INST(widthMM) = _MKSMALLINT(300);
    _INST(heightMM) = _MKSMALLINT(222);

    if (strcmp(visual, "StaticGray") == 0) {
	_INST(hasColors) = false;
	_INST(hasGreyscales) = true;
	_INST(bitsPerRGB) = _MKSMALLINT(2);
	if (depth == 2)
	    _INST(ncells) = _MKSMALLINT(4);
	_INST(monitorType) = _monochrome;
    } else if (strcmp(visual, "TrueColor") == 0) {
	_INST(hasColors) = true;
	_INST(hasGreyscales) = true;
	 * does this exist ?"
	if (depth == 8) {
	    _INST(ncells) = _MKSMALLINT(256);
	/* should work for colorStation */
	if (depth == 12) {
	    _INST(ncells) = _MKSMALLINT(4096);
	    _INST(bitsPerRGB) = _MKSMALLINT(4);
	/* should work for nextDimension */
	if (depth == 24) {
	    _INST(ncells) = _MKSMALLINT(4096 * 4096);
	    _INST(bitsPerRGB) = _MKSMALLINT(8);
	_INST(monitorType) = _color;
    dispatching := false.
    shiftDown := false.
    ctrlDown := false.
    metaDown := false.
    altDown := false.
    motionEventCompression := true.
    buffered := true.
    self initializeKeyboardMap
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'misc'!

    "buffer drawing - do not send it immediately to the display"

    buffered := true

    "return the last X-error string - when buffering is on, this may be
     an error for a long-ago operation"

    ^ nil

    "send all buffered drawing to the display"

    "make all drawing be sent immediately to the display"

    buffered := false
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'misc stuff'!

    ^ self primitiveFailed
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'private'!

addKnownView:aView winId:aNumber withId:aDrawableNumber
    "add the View aView with Id:aNumber to the list of known views/id's"

    knownViews isNil ifTrue:[
	knownViews := OrderedCollection new:100.
	knownIds := OrderedCollection new:100.
	knownDrawableIds := OrderedCollection new:100
    knownViews add:aView.
    knownIds add:aNumber.
    knownDrawableIds add:aDrawableNumber
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'retrieving pixels'!

getPixelX:x y:y from:aDrawableId
    "return the pixel value at x/y"

    ^ self primitiveFailed
! !

!NeXTWorkstation methodsFor:'window stuff'!

clearRectangleX:x y:y width:width height:height in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

    ^ self primitiveFailed

    ^ self primitiveFailed

moveResizeWindow:aWindowId x:x y:y width:w height:h
    ^ self primitiveFailed

moveWindow:aWindowId x:x y:y
    ^ self primitiveFailed

    ^ self primitiveFailed

resizeWindow:aWindowId width:w height:h
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setBackingStore:how in:aWindowId
    "turn on/off backing-store for a window"

    ^ self

setCursor:aCursorId in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setSaveUnder:yesOrNo in:aWindowId
    "turn on/off save-under for a window"

    ^ self

setWindowBackground:aColorId in:aWindowId
#ifdef NOTDEF
    int id, ir, ig, ib;
    float r, g, b;
    NXColor clr;

    if (__isSmallInteger(aColorId)) {
	id = _intVal(aColorId);
	ir = (id >> 16) & 0xFF;
	ig = (id >> 8) & 0xFF;
	ib = id & 0xFF;
	/* scale from 0 .. 255 to 0.0 .. 1.0 */
	r = (float)ir / 255.0;
	g = (float)ig / 255.0;
	b = (float)ib / 255.0;
	clr = NXConvertRGBToColor(r, g, b);
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setWindowBackgroundPixmap:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setWindowBorderColor:aColorId in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setWindowBorderPixmap:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setWindowBorderShape:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
    ^ self

setWindowBorderWidth:aNumber in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setWindowIcon:aForm in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setWindowIcon:aForm mask:aMaskForm in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setWindowIconWindow:aView in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setWindowName:aString in:aWindowId
    ^ self primitiveFailed

setWindowShape:aPixmapId in:aWindowId
    ^ self

    ^ self primitiveFailed
! !

NeXTWorkstation initialize!