author Claus Gittinger <>
Tue, 09 Mar 2004 15:46:21 +0100
changeset 4083 7da2185a15f4
child 4095 b2966e119db1
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

#encoding utf-8

; ApplicationModel: arabic
; although ApplicationModel does not itself use any resources,
; some strings which are commonly used are placed here,
; for convenience and to avoid having them duplicated
; in every subclass.
; $Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/resources/,v 1.1 2004-03-09 14:46:21 cg Exp $
; this file may contain 8bit national characters;
; DONT EDIT this file with an old vi !

'Yes'                   '‮نعم‬'
'No'                    '‮لا‬'
ok                      '‮موافق‬'
Abort                   'Abort'
Proceed                 'Proceed'
Undo                    'Undo'
Cancel                  'Cancel'
'Cancel all'            'Cancel all'
Apply                   'Apply'
Continue                '‮يواصل‬'     
Help                    'Help'
Close                   'Close'
'< &Back'               '< &Back'
'&Next >'               '&Next >'
'&Finish'               '&Finish'
; '&Finish'               '&Finish'
'&Accept'               '&Accept'

'please confirm'        'please confirm'

'Append'                'Append'
'Insert'                'Insert'

'Load...'               'Load...'
'Load File...'          'Load File...'
'Load From...'          'Load From...'
'Load from File...'     'Load from File...'
'Save'                  'Save'
'Save As...'            'Save As...'
'Directory Up'          'Directory Up'
'Directory Back'        'Directory Back'
'Directory Forward'     'Directory Forward'
'Home Directory'        'Home Directory'
'File History'          'File History'
'New Directory'         'New Directory'

'All'                   '‮جميع‬'      
'Directory'             '‮مجلد‬'