author Claus Gittinger <>
Tue, 20 Oct 2009 16:15:28 +0200
changeset 5371 8825c8866613
parent 5331 b82f0ada86b3
child 5453 609297e36225
permissions -rw-r--r--
changed: #colorsFromX:y:toX:y:do:

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
"{ Package: 'stx:libview' }"

Image subclass:#Depth8Image

!Depth8Image class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    this class represents 256-color (8 bit / pixel) images (palette, greyscale ...).
    It mainly consists of methods already implemented in Image,
    reimplemented here for more performance.

	Claus Gittinger

    [see also:]
	Depth1Image Depth2Image Depth4Image Depth16Image Depth24Image
! !

!Depth8Image class methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ #palette

    "return the depth of images represented by instances of
     this class - here we return 8"

    ^ 8

    "Modified: 20.4.1996 / 23:40:22 / cg"
! !

!Depth8Image methodsFor:'accessing-pixels'!

pixelAtX:x y:y
    "retrieve a pixel at x/y; return a pixelValue.
     Pixels start at x=0 , y=0 for upper left pixel, end at
     x = width-1, y=height-1 for lower right pixel"

    |index "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ b = _INST(bytes);
    OBJ w = _INST(width);

    if (__isByteArray(b)
     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
     && __isSmallInteger(w) ) {
	int _idx, _pix;

	_idx = (__intVal(w) * __intVal(y)) + __intVal(x);
	if ((unsigned)_idx < __byteArraySize(b)) {
	    _pix = __ByteArrayInstPtr(b)->ba_element[_idx];
	    RETURN( __MKSMALLINT(_pix) );
    "/ the code below is only evaluated if the bytes-collection is
    "/ not a ByteArray, or the arguments are not integers

    index := (width * y) + 1 + x.
    ^ bytes at:index.

pixelAtX:x y:y put:aPixelValue
    "set the pixel at x/y to aPixelValue.
     Pixels start at x=0 , y=0 for upper left pixel, end at
     x = width-1, y=height-1 for lower right pixel"

    |index "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */

    OBJ b = _INST(bytes);
    OBJ w = _INST(width);

    if (__isByteArray(b)
     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
     && __bothSmallInteger(w, aPixelValue) ) {
	int _idx;

	_idx = (__intVal(w) * __intVal(y)) + __intVal(x);
	if ((unsigned)_idx < __byteArraySize(b)) {
	    __ByteArrayInstPtr(b)->ba_element[_idx] = __intVal(aPixelValue);
	    RETURN( self );
    "fall back code for nonByteArray or nonInteger arguments"

    index := (width * y) + 1 + x.
    bytes at:index put:aPixelValue.

rowAt:y into:aPixelBuffer startingAt:startIndex
    "fill aPixelBuffer with pixel values from a single row.
     Notice: row coordinate starts at 0."


    bytes notNil ifTrue:[
	srcIdx := (y * width) + 1.
	aPixelBuffer replaceFrom:startIndex to:startIndex+width-1 with:bytes startingAt:srcIdx.
	^ self.
    ^ super rowAt:y into:aPixelBuffer startingAt:startIndex

    "Modified: 24.4.1997 / 15:47:22 / cg"

rowAt:y putAll:pixelArray startingAt:startIndex
    "store a single rows bits from bits in the pixelArray argument;
     Return the pixelArray.
     Notice: row coordinate starts at 0."


    dstIdx := (y * width) + 1.
    self bits replaceFrom:dstIdx to:dstIdx+width-1 with:pixelArray startingAt:startIndex.
    ^ pixelArray

    "Created: 24.4.1997 / 15:49:42 / cg"
! !

!Depth8Image methodsFor:'converting'!

    "setup the receiver from another image.
     The code here is tuned for depth 1, 2 and 4 source images;
     other conversions are done in the superclasses fallBack method."

    |srcBytesPerRow "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     srcIdx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     dstIdx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     w      "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     h      "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     srcBuffer dstBuffer srcBytes
     srcDepth map bytes|

    srcDepth := anImage depth.
    (#(1 2 4) includes:srcDepth) ifFalse:[
	^ super fromImage:anImage

    width := w := anImage width.
    height := h := anImage height.
    bytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(w * h).
    bitsPerSample := self bitsPerSample.
    samplesPerPixel := self samplesPerPixel.
    self colormapFromImage:anImage.

    colorMap isNil ifTrue:[
	"/ if source has no colorMap, more work is needed ...
	map := #(
		#[0 16rFF]
		#[0 16r55 16rAA 16rFF]
		#[16r00 16r11 16r22 16r33 16r44 16r55 16r66 16r77
		  16r88 16r99 16rAA 16rBB 16rCC 16rDD 16rEE 16rFF]
	       ) at:srcDepth.

    self mask:anImage mask.

    "/ only expand & translate pixels

    srcBytes := anImage bits.
    srcBytesPerRow := anImage bytesPerRow.
    srcBuffer := ByteArray new:srcBytesPerRow.

    dstBuffer := ByteArray new:w.
    srcIdx := 1.
    dstIdx := 1.
    bytes := self bits.
    bytes isNil ifTrue:[
	self bits:(bytes := ByteArray new:(self bytesPerRow * self height)).
    1 to:h do:[:hi |
	srcBuffer replaceFrom:1 to:srcBytesPerRow with:srcBytes startingAt:srcIdx.
	srcBuffer expandPixels:srcDepth width:w height:1 into:dstBuffer mapping:map.
	bytes replaceFrom:dstIdx to:dstIdx+w-1 with:dstBuffer startingAt:1.
	dstIdx := dstIdx + w.
	srcIdx := srcIdx + srcBytesPerRow.

     |i1 i2 i4 i8 i16 i24|

     i1 := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/SBrowser.xbm'.
     i2 := Depth2Image fromImage:i1.
     i4 := Depth4Image fromImage:i1.

     i8 := Depth8Image fromImage:i1.
     i8 inspect.
     i8 := Depth8Image fromImage:i2.
     i8 inspect.
     i8 := Depth8Image fromImage:i4.
     i8 inspect.

    "Modified: 24.4.1997 / 14:01:14 / cg"
! !

!Depth8Image methodsFor:'converting images'!

    "return a pseudoForm from the palette picture.
     The main work is in color reduction, when not all colors can be aquired.
     This method works for any photometric."

    |bytes pseudoBits f gcRound has8BitImage deviceDepth
     imgMap newImage pixelRow dColors
     usedColors usageCounts maxIndex map
     fit scale lastOK error
     bitsPerRGB "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     shift      "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     m          "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     mapSize    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     cube nR nG nB ditherColors clr|

    (cube := aDevice fixColors) notNil ifTrue:[
        nR := aDevice numFixRed.
        nG := aDevice numFixGreen.
        nB := aDevice numFixBlue.

        DitherAlgorithm == #floydSteinberg ifTrue:[
            f := self
        ] ifFalse:[
            f := self
        f notNil ifTrue:[^ f].

    "find used colors"
    bytes := self bits.
    usedColors := bytes usedValues.    "gets us an array filled with used values"
                                       "(could use bytes asBag)"
    maxIndex := usedColors max + 1.

    usedColors size > 20 ifTrue:[
        ('Depth8Image [info]: allocating ' , usedColors size printString , ' colors ...') infoPrintCR.

    "sort by usage"
    usageCounts := bytes usageCounts.
    usageCounts := usedColors collect:[:clr | usageCounts at:(clr + 1)] as:Array.
    usageCounts sort:[:a :b | a > b] with:usedColors.

    "allocate the colors (in order of usage count)"

    imgMap := Array new:maxIndex.

     first, try to get the exact colors ...
    bitsPerRGB := aDevice bitsPerRGB.
    shift := (8 - bitsPerRGB) negated.
    m := (1 bitShift:bitsPerRGB) - 1.
    div := m asFloat.

    fit := true.
    scale := 100.0 / div.       "to scale 0..255 into 0.0 .. 100.0"
    lastOK := 0.
    gcRound := 0.

    usedColors do:[:aColorIndex |
        |devColor color
         r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
         g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
         b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
         mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"|

        fit ifTrue:[
            mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
            "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.

            color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
            (color isOnDevice:aDevice) ifTrue:[
                "wow - an immediate hit"
                devColor := color
            ] ifFalse:[
                devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
                devColor isNil ifTrue:[
                     could not allocate color - on the first round, do a GC to flush
                     unused colors - this may help if some colors where locked by
                     already free images.
                    gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
                        ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
                        devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
                        gcRound := 1
                    devColor isNil ifTrue:[
                        gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
                            CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
                                'Depth8Image [info]: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintCR.
                                ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
                                devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
                            gcRound := 2
            (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
                imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
                lastOK := lastOK + 1.
            ] ifFalse:[
                fit := false

    fit ifFalse:[
        ('Depth8Image [info]: got %1 exact colors (out of %2)' bindWith:lastOK with:usedColors size) infoPrintCR.

        DitherAlgorithm == #floydSteinberg ifTrue:[
            dColors := imgMap collect:[:clr | clr isNil ifTrue:[clr]
                                                        ifFalse:[clr nearestOn:aDevice]].
            dColors := dColors select:[:clr | clr notNil].
            dColors := dColors collect:[:clr | clr exactOn:aDevice].
            dColors := dColors select:[:clr | clr notNil].
            dColors := dColors asSet.
            dColors addAll:((aDevice colorMap collect:[:c|c onDevice:aDevice])
                            select:[:c | c colorId notNil]).
            ditherColors := aDevice availableDitherColors.
            ditherColors notNil ifTrue:[
                dColors addAll:ditherColors.
            dColors := dColors asArray.
            dColors size > 256 ifTrue:[
                dColors := dColors copyTo:256
            ^ self asFloydSteinbergDitheredPseudoFormUsing:dColors on:aDevice

         again, this time allow wrong colors (loop while increasing allowed error)
        error := 1.
        [fit] whileFalse:[
            fit := true.
            usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
                |devColor color
                 r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
                 g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
                 b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
                 mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"
                 rMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
                 gMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
                 bMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"|

                fit ifTrue:[
                    gMask := bMask := rMask := m.

                    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
                    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
                    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
                    r := (color red * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
                    g := (color green * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
                    b := (color blue * 255 / 100.0) rounded.

                    color := Color red:((r bitShift:shift) bitAnd:rMask) * scale
                                 green:((g bitShift:shift) bitAnd:gMask) * scale
                                  blue:((b bitShift:shift) bitAnd:bMask) * scale.

                    (color isOnDevice:aDevice) ifTrue:[
                        "wow - an immediate hit"
                        devColor := color.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
                        (devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
                            devColor := nil
                        devColor isNil ifTrue:[
                             no free color - on the first round, do a GC to flush unused
                             colors - this may help if some colors where locked by already
                             free images.
                            gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
                                ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
                                devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
                                (devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
                                    devColor := nil
                                gcRound := 1
                            devColor isNil ifTrue:[
                                gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
                                    CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
                                        'Depth8Image [info]: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintCR.
                                        ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
                                        devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
                                        (devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
                                            devColor := nil
                                    gcRound := 2
                    (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
                        imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
                        lastOK := lastOK + 1.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        fit := false

            fit ifTrue:[
                ('Depth8Image [info]: remaining colors with error <= %1' bindWith:error) infoPrintCR.

            error := error * 2.
            error > 100 ifTrue:[
                 break out, if the error becomes too big.
                'Depth8Image [info]: hard color allocation problem - revert to b&w for remaining colors' infoPrintCR.
                 map to b&w as a last fallback.
                 (should really do a dither here)
                usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
                     mapIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|

                    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
                    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
                    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
                    color brightness > 0.4 ifTrue:[
                        color := Color white.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        color := Color black.
                    imgMap at:mapIndex put:(color onDevice:aDevice).
                fit := true.

        error > 10 ifTrue:[
            'Depth8Image [info]: not enough colors for a reasonable image' infoPrintCR
        ] ifFalse:[
            'Depth8Image [info]: not enough colors for exact picture' infoPrintCR.

     create translation map (from image colors to allocated colorIds)
    mapSize := imgMap size.
    map := ByteArray new:256.
    1 to:mapSize do:[:i |
        (clr := imgMap at:i) notNil ifTrue:[
            map at:i put:clr colorId

     does the device support 8-bit images ?
    deviceDepth := aDevice depth.
    has8BitImage := (deviceDepth == 8)
                    or:[ (aDevice supportedImageFormatForDepth:8) notNil ].

     finally, create a form on the device and copy (& translate)
     the pixel values
    has8BitImage ifTrue:[
        pseudoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).

            expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
            width:width height:height

        map := nil.

        f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth onDevice:aDevice.
        f isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
        f colorMap:imgMap.
        f initGC.
            width:width height:height
            x:0 y:0
            into:(f id) x:0 y:0
            width:width height:height
            with:(f gcId).
        ^ f

     slow fall back: convert into appropriate depth image,
     by looping over each pixel individually
    newImage := (Image implementorForDepth:deviceDepth) new.
    newImage width:width.
    newImage height:height.
    newImage bits:(ByteArray uninitializedNew:(height * newImage bytesPerRow)).

    0 to:height-1 do:[:row |
        pixelRow := self rowAt:row.
            expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
        newImage rowAt:row putAll:pixelRow

    f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth onDevice:aDevice.
    f isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    f colorMap:imgMap.
    f initGC.

        drawBits:(newImage bits)
        width:width height:height
        x:0 y:0
        into:(f id) x:0 y:0
        width:width height:height
        with:(f gcId).

    ^ f

    "Modified: 15.10.1997 / 01:48:20 / cg"
    "Created: 19.10.1997 / 04:57:05 / cg"

    "return a true-color device-form for the receiver.
     Supports true color devices with depths: 8, 16, 24 and 32"

     form imageBits bestFormat usedDeviceDepth usedDeviceBitsPerPixel
     usedDevicePadding usedDeviceBytesPerRow padd|

    depth := aDevice depth.

    "/ gather r/g/b values for all colors in the map ...

    colorValues := self rgbColormapFor:aDevice.

    bestFormat := self bestSupportedImageFormatFor:aDevice.
    usedDeviceDepth := bestFormat at:#depth.
    usedDeviceDepth == 1 ifTrue:[
        ^ self asMonochromeFormOn:aDevice
    usedDeviceBitsPerPixel := bestFormat at:#bitsPerPixel.
    usedDevicePadding := bestFormat at:#padding.

    usedDeviceBytesPerRow := self class bytesPerRowForWidth:width depth:usedDeviceBitsPerPixel padding:usedDevicePadding.
    padd := usedDeviceBytesPerRow -( self class bytesPerRowForWidth:width depth:usedDeviceBitsPerPixel padding:8).
    imageBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(usedDeviceBytesPerRow * height).

    "/ for now, only support some depths

    usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 16 ifTrue:[
        "/ 16 bits/pixel

        "/ now, walk over the image and replace
        "/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array

        unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
        unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
        OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);

        if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
            srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
        } else {
            if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
                srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
        if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
            dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
        } else {
            if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
                dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);

        if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
         && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
         && srcPtr
         && dstPtr) {
            int r,p;
            int x, y, w, h, nPix;
            unsigned short pixels[256];

            OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;

            nPix = __arraySize(colorValues);
            for (p=0; p<nPix; p++) {
                pixels[p] = __intVal(ap[p]);

            w = __intVal(_INST(width));
            h = __intVal(_INST(height));
            r = w;
            p = __intVal(padd);
            nPix = w * h;

            while (nPix > 0) {
                unsigned idx, v;

                if (((unsigned INT)srcPtr & 3) == 0) {
                    unsigned INT idx4;

                    while (r > 4) {
#ifdef __MSBFIRST
                        idx4 = ((unsigned int *)srcPtr)[0];
                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 24) & 0xFF];
                        ((short *)dstPtr)[0] = v;
                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 16) & 0xFF];
                        ((short *)dstPtr)[1] = v;
                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 8) & 0xFF];
                        ((short *)dstPtr)[2] = v;
                        v = pixels[idx4 & 0xFF];
                        ((short *)dstPtr)[3] = v;
# ifdef __LSBFIRST
                        idx4 = ((unsigned int *)srcPtr)[0];
                        v = pixels[idx4 & 0xFF];
                        dstPtr[0] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                        dstPtr[1] = (v) & 0xFF;

                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 8) & 0xFF];
                        dstPtr[2] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                        dstPtr[3] = (v) & 0xFF;

                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 16) & 0xFF];
                        dstPtr[4] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                        dstPtr[5] = (v) & 0xFF;

                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 24) & 0xFF];
                        dstPtr[6] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                        dstPtr[7] = (v) & 0xFF;
# else /* unknown/unspecified - code below works on any machine */
                        idx = srcPtr[0];
                        v = pixels[idx];
                        dstPtr[0] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                        dstPtr[1] = (v) & 0xFF;

                        idx = srcPtr[1];
                        v = pixels[idx];
                        dstPtr[2] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                        dstPtr[3] = (v) & 0xFF;

                        idx = srcPtr[2];
                        v = pixels[idx];
                        dstPtr[4] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                        dstPtr[5] = (v) & 0xFF;

                        idx = srcPtr[3];
                        v = pixels[idx];
                        dstPtr[6] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                        dstPtr[7] = (v) & 0xFF;
# endif
                        r -= 4;
                        dstPtr += 8;
                        nPix -= 4;
                        srcPtr +=4;


                idx = *srcPtr++;
                v = pixels[idx];
#ifdef __MSBFIRST
                ((short *)dstPtr)[0] = v;
                dstPtr[0] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                dstPtr[1] = (v) & 0xFF;
                dstPtr += 2;

                if (--r == 0) {
                    dstPtr += p;
                    r = w;
    ] ifFalse:[
        usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 32 ifTrue:[
            "/ 32 bits/pixel

            "/ now, walk over the image and replace
            "/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array

            unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
            unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
            OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);

            if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
                srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
            } else {
                if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
                    srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
            if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
                dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
            } else {
                if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
                    dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);

            if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
             && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
             && srcPtr
             && dstPtr) {
                int x, y, w, h, nPix;

                OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;

                w = __intVal(_INST(width));
                h = __intVal(_INST(height));
                nPix = w * h;
                while (nPix > 0) {
                    unsigned idx, v;
                    OBJ clr;

                    idx = *srcPtr;
                    clr = ap[idx];
                    v = __intVal(clr);
#ifdef __MSBFIRST
                    ((long *)dstPtr)[0] = v;
                    dstPtr[0] = (v>>24) & 0xFF;
                    dstPtr[1] = (v>>16) & 0xFF;
                    dstPtr[2] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                    dstPtr[3] = (v) & 0xFF;
                    dstPtr += 4;
                    srcPtr += 1;
        ] ifFalse:[
            usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 8 ifTrue:[
                "/ 8 bits/pixel

                "/ now, walk over the image and replace
                "/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array

                unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
                unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
                OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);

                if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
                    srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
                } else {
                    if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
                        srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
                if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
                    dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
                } else {
                    if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
                        dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);

                if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
                 && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
                 && srcPtr
                 && dstPtr) {
                    int x, y, w, h, nPix;
                    int r,p;

                    OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;

                    w = __intVal(_INST(width));
                    h = __intVal(_INST(height));
                    r = w;
                    p = __intVal(padd);

                    nPix = w * h;
                    while (nPix > 0) {
                        unsigned idx, v;
                        OBJ clr;

                        idx = *srcPtr;
                        clr = ap[idx];
                        v = __intVal(clr);

                        dstPtr[0] = v;

                        dstPtr += 1;
                        srcPtr += 1;

                        if (--r == 0) {
                          dstPtr += p;
                          r = w;

            ] ifFalse:[
                usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 24 ifTrue:[
                    "/ 24 bits/pixel

                    "/ now, walk over the image and replace
                    "/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array

                    unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
                    unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
                    OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);

                    if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
                        srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
                    } else {
                        if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
                            srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
                    if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
                        dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
                    } else {
                        if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
                            dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);

                    if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
                     && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
                     && srcPtr
                     && dstPtr) {
                        int x, y, w, h, nPix;
                        int r,p;

                        OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;

                        w = __intVal(_INST(width));
                        h = __intVal(_INST(height));
                        r = w;
                        p = __intVal(padd);

                        nPix = w * h;
                        while (nPix > 0) {
                            unsigned idx, v;
                            OBJ clr;

                            idx = *srcPtr;
                            clr = ap[idx];
                            v = __intVal(clr);

                            dstPtr[0] = (v>>16) & 0xFF;
                            dstPtr[1] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
                            dstPtr[2] = (v) & 0xFF;

                            dstPtr += 3;
                            srcPtr += 1;
                            if (--r == 0) {
                              dstPtr += p;
                              r = w;

    imageBits isNil ifTrue:[
        'Image [warning]: unimplemented trueColor depth in paletteImageAsTrueColorFormOn: ' errorPrint. usedDeviceBitsPerPixel errorPrintCR.
        ^ self asMonochromeFormOn:aDevice

    form := Form width:width height:height depth:usedDeviceDepth onDevice:aDevice.
    form isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    form initGC.

        width:width height:height
        x:0 y:0
        toX:0 y:0.

    ^ form

    "Created: / 20-10-1995 / 22:05:10 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29-05-2007 / 19:22:06 / cg"

    "return an 8-bit greyForm from the 8-bit receiver image.
     Redefined, since only a translation has to be done here."

    |greyBits map|

    greyBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).

    map := ByteArray uninitializedNew:256.

    1 to:256 do:[:i |
	map at:i put:((self colorFromValue:(i-1)) brightness * 255) rounded

    self bits
	expandPixels:8         "xlate only"

    ^ self makeDeviceGrayPixmapOn:aDevice depth:8 fromArray:greyBits

    "Modified: 10.6.1996 / 20:10:14 / cg"
    "Created: 14.6.1996 / 15:23:09 / cg"

    "get a gray device form.
     Redefined, since we can do it with simple translate,
     if the depth matches my depth."

    (aDevice visualType == #StaticGray) ifTrue:[
	(aDevice depth == 8) ifTrue:[
	    ^ self asGray8FormOn:aDevice
    ^ super asGrayFormOn:aDevice

    "Created: 10.6.1996 / 18:51:19 / cg"
    "Modified: 10.6.1996 / 18:54:36 / cg"

    "return a pseudoForm from the gray picture. The main work is
     in color reduction, when not all colors can be aquired."

    ^ self anyImageAsPseudoFormOn:aDevice

    "Modified: 19.10.1997 / 04:57:39 / cg"
    "Created: 19.10.1997 / 04:58:41 / cg"

    "return a true-color device-form for the grey-image receiver.
     Supports true color devices with depths: 8, 16, 24 and 32"


    f := self anyImageAsTrueColorFormOn:aDevice.
    f notNil ifTrue:[^ f].
    ^ super greyImageAsTrueColorFormOn:aDevice

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 00:19:46 / cg"

    "return a pseudoForm from the palette picture. The main work is
     in color reduction, when not all colors can be aquired."

    ^ self anyImageAsPseudoFormOn:aDevice

    "Modified: 19.10.1997 / 04:57:39 / cg"

    "return a true-color device-form for the palette-image receiver.
     Supports true color devices with depths: 8, 16, 24 and 32"


    f := self anyImageAsTrueColorFormOn:aDevice.
    f notNil ifTrue:[^ f].
    ^ super paletteImageAsTrueColorFormOn:aDevice

    "Created: / 24.7.1998 / 01:20:46 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 00:19:27 / cg"

    "return a true-color device-form for the rgb-image receiver.
     Supports true color devices with depths: 8, 16, 24 and 32"


    f := self anyImageAsTrueColorFormOn:aDevice.
    f notNil ifTrue:[^ f].
    ^ super rgbImageAsTrueColorFormOn:aDevice

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 00:21:25 / cg"
! !

!Depth8Image methodsFor:'dither helpers'!

floydSteinbergDitheredDepth8BitsColors:colors map:aMapOrNil
    "return a floyd-steinberg dithered bitmap from the receiver picture,
     which must be a depth-8 image.
     This method expects an array of colors to be used for dithering
     (which need not be a colorCubes colors)."

     ditherRGBBytes ditherColors
     w       "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     h       "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     index   "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     ditherIds failed lastColor qScramble
     clrLookup lookupPos
     error clr|

    "/ collect color components as integer values (for integer arithmetic)
    rgbBytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:256 * 3.

    photometric == #palette ifTrue:[
	lastColor := colorMap size - 1
    ] ifFalse:[
	lastColor := 255.
    index := 1.
    0 to:lastColor do:[:pix |
	clr := self colorFromValue:pix.
	rgbBytes at:index put:(clr redByte).
	rgbBytes at:index+1 put:(clr greenByte).
	rgbBytes at:index+2 put:(clr blueByte).

	index := index + 3.

    "/ collect valid ditherColors ...
    aMapOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
	ditherColors := colors select:[:clr | clr notNil].
    ] ifFalse:[
	ditherColors := colors

    "/ ... and sort by manhatten distance from black

    qScramble := #(
		"/  2rX00X00X00X00

		    2r000000000000    "/ 0
		    2r000000000100    "/ 1
		    2r000000100000    "/ 2
		    2r000000100100    "/ 3
		    2r000100000000    "/ 4
		    2r000100000100    "/ 5
		    2r000100100000    "/ 6
		    2r000100100100    "/ 7
		    2r100000000000    "/ 8
		    2r100000000100    "/ 9
		    2r100000100000    "/ a
		    2r100000100100    "/ b
		    2r100100000000    "/ c
		    2r100100000100    "/ d
		    2r100100100000    "/ e
		    2r100100100100    "/ f

    ditherColors := ditherColors sort:[:a :b |
				|cr "{Class: SmallInteger }"
				 cg "{Class: SmallInteger }"
				 cb "{Class: SmallInteger }"
				 i1 "{Class: SmallInteger }"
				 i2 "{Class: SmallInteger }"|

				cr := a redByte.
				cg := a greenByte.
				cb := a blueByte.
				i1 := qScramble at:((cr bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1.
				i1 := i1 + ((qScramble at:((cg bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-1).
				i1 := i1 + ((qScramble at:((cb bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-2).

				cr := b redByte.
				cg := b greenByte.
				cb := b blueByte.
				i2 := qScramble at:((cr bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1.
				i2 := i2 + ((qScramble at:((cg bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-1).
				i2 := i2 + ((qScramble at:((cb bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-2).

				i1 < i2
    aMapOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
	ditherIds := (ditherColors asArray collect:[:clr | clr colorId]) asByteArray.
    ] ifFalse:[
	ditherIds := aMapOrNil asByteArray

    "/ build an index table, for fast lookup from manhatten-r-g-b distance
    "/ to the position in the colorList

    clrLookup := ByteArray new:(4096).
    index := 0.
    ditherColors keysAndValuesDo:[:clrPosition :clr |
	|r g b i|

	r := clr redByte.
	g := clr greenByte.
	b := clr blueByte.
	i := qScramble at:((r bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1.
	i := i + ((qScramble at:((g bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-1).
	i := i + ((qScramble at:((b bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-2).
	lookupPos := i.

	[index < lookupPos] whileTrue:[
	    clrLookup at:(index+1) put:(clrPosition-1-1).
	    index := index + 1
    clrLookup from:index+1 to:4096 put:(ditherColors size - 1).

"/    [index <= (4095)] whileTrue:[
"/        clrLookup at:(index+1) put:(ditherColors size - 1).
"/        index := index + 1.
"/    ].

    "/ collect ditherColor components

    lastColor := ditherColors size.
    ditherIds := ByteArray uninitializedNew:lastColor.
    ditherRGBBytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(lastColor * 3).
    index := 1.
    1 to:lastColor do:[:pix |
	clr := ditherColors at:pix.
	ditherRGBBytes at:index put:(clr redByte).
	ditherRGBBytes at:index+1 put:(clr greenByte).
	ditherRGBBytes at:index+2 put:(clr blueByte).
	aMapOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
	    ditherIds at:pix put:clr colorId.
	] ifFalse:[
	    ditherIds at:pix put:(aMapOrNil at:pix).
	index := index + 3.

    pseudoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).

    w := width + 2.
    error := ByteArray uninitializedNew:w*(3*2).

    w := width.
    h := height.

    failed := true.

    int __x, __y;
    int __eR, __eG, __eB;
    unsigned char *srcP, *dstP;
    unsigned char *rgbP;
    unsigned char *idP;
    unsigned char *dp;
    unsigned char *__clrLookup;
    short *errP, *eP;
    int __fR, __fG, __fB;
    int iR, iG, iB;
    int idx;
    int __w = __intVal(w);
    int __h = __intVal(h);
    int __nColors = __intVal(lastColor);
    int __wR = -1, __wG, __wB;
    static int __qScramble[16] = {
		    0x000 /* 2r000000000000    0 */,
		    0x004 /* 2r000000000100    1 */,
		    0x020 /* 2r000000100000    2 */,
		    0x024 /* 2r000000100100    3 */,
		    0x100 /* 2r000100000000    4 */,
		    0x104 /* 2r000100000100    5 */,
		    0x120 /* 2r000100100000    6 */,
		    0x124 /* 2r000100100100    7 */,
		    0x800 /* 2r100000000000    8 */,
		    0x804 /* 2r100000000100    9 */,
		    0x820 /* 2r100000100000    a */,
		    0x824 /* 2r100000100100    b */,
		    0x900 /* 2r100100000000    c */,
		    0x904 /* 2r100100000100    d */,
		    0x920 /* 2r100100100000    e */,
		    0x924 /* 2r100100100100    f */,

    if (__isByteArray(__INST(bytes))
     && __isByteArray(pseudoBits)
     && __isByteArray(rgbBytes)
     && __isByteArray(ditherRGBBytes)
     && __isByteArray(ditherIds)
     && __isByteArray(clrLookup)
     && __isByteArray(error)) {
	failed = false;

	srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_INST(bytes))->ba_element;
	dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pseudoBits)->ba_element;
	rgbP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(rgbBytes)->ba_element;
	idP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherIds)->ba_element;
	__clrLookup = __ByteArrayInstPtr(clrLookup)->ba_element;
	errP = (short *) __ByteArrayInstPtr(error)->ba_element;

	 * clear error accumulator
	eP = errP;
	bzero(eP, (__w+2) * 2 * 3);

	for (__y=__h; __y>0; __y--) {
	    __eR = __eG = __eB = 0;

	    eP = &(errP[3]);
	    __eR = eP[0];
	    __eG = eP[1];
	    __eB = eP[2];

	    for (__x=__w; __x>0; __x--) {
		int __want;
		int pix;
		int __wantR, __wantG, __wantB;
		int idx;
		int tR, tG, tB;
		int nR, nG, nB;
		int dR, dG, dB;
		int minDelta, bestIdx;
		int cnt;

		pix = *srcP++;

		 * wR, wG and wB is the wanted r/g/b value;
		idx = pix+pix+pix;  /* pix * 3 */

		__wantR = rgbP[idx] + __eR;
		__wantG = rgbP[idx+1] + __eG;
		__wantB = rgbP[idx+2] + __eB;

#define RED_SCALE 30
#define GREEN_SCALE 59
#define BLUE_SCALE 11
#define GOOD_DELTA 30

#define xRED_SCALE 1
#define xGREEN_SCALE 1
#define xBLUE_SCALE 1
#define xGOOD_DELTA 3

/* #define ONE_SHOT */
#define NPROBE 8

		if ((__wantR == __wR)
		 && (__wantG == __wG)
		 && (__wantB == __wB)) {
		     * same color again - reuse last bestMatch
		} else
		    __wR = __wantR;
		    __wG = __wantG;
		    __wB = __wantB;

		    if(__wR > 255) __wR = 255;
		    else if (__wR < 0) __wR = 0;
		    if(__wG > 255) __wG = 255;
		    else if (__wG < 0) __wG = 0;
		    if(__wB > 255) __wB = 255;
		    else if (__wB < 0) __wB = 0;

			int lookupIndex;
			int idx, idx0;
			int d, delta;
			unsigned char *dp0;

			dp = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherRGBBytes)->ba_element;
			lookupIndex =    __qScramble[((__wR & 0xF0)>>4)];
			lookupIndex |=   __qScramble[((__wG & 0xF0)>>4)] >> 1;
			lookupIndex |=   __qScramble[((__wB & 0xF0)>>4)] >> 2;
			idx = bestIdx =__clrLookup[lookupIndex];
			dp += (idx+idx+idx);

			/* try color at lookupIndex */

			d = dp[0];
			delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
			if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;

			d = dp[1];
			if (__wG > d)
			    delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
			    delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
			d = dp[2];
			if (__wB > d)
			    delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
			    delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;

			if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
			    goto foundBest;
			minDelta = delta;
# ifndef ONE_SHOT
			idx0 = idx; dp0 = dp;
			cnt = 0;
			while ((++cnt <= NPROBE) && (idx > 0)) {
			    /* try previous color(s) */

			    idx--; dp -= 3;
			    d = dp[0];
			    delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
			    if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
			    d = dp[1];
			    if (__wG > d)
				delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
				delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
			    d = dp[2];
			    if (__wB > d)
				delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
				delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;

			    if (delta < minDelta) {
				bestIdx = idx;
				if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
				    goto foundBest;
				minDelta = delta;

			idx = idx0; dp = dp0;
			cnt = 0;
			while ((++cnt <= NPROBE) && (++idx < __nColors)) {
			    /* try next color */

			    dp += 3;
			    d = dp[0];
			    delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
			    if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
			    d = dp[1];
			    if (__wG > d)
				delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
				delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
			    d = dp[2];
			    if (__wB > d)
				delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
				delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;

			    if (delta < minDelta) {
				bestIdx = idx;
				if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
				    goto foundBest;
				minDelta = delta;
# endif
	foundBest: ;
		    if(__wR > 255) __wR = 255;
		    else if (__wR < 0) __wR = 0;
		    if(__wG > 255) __wG = 255;
		    else if (__wG < 0) __wG = 0;
		    if(__wB > 255) __wB = 255;
		    else if (__wB < 0) __wB = 0;

		    /* find the best matching color */

		    minDelta = 99999;
		    bestIdx = -1;
		    dp = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherRGBBytes)->ba_element;
		    for (idx = 0; idx<__nColors; idx++) {
			int d, delta;

			d = dp[0];
			delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
			if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
			if (delta < minDelta) {
			    d = dp[1];
			    if (__wG > d)
				delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
				delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
			    if (delta < minDelta) {
				d = dp[2];
				if (__wB > d)
				    delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
				    delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;

				if (delta < minDelta) {
				    bestIdx = idx;
				    if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
				    minDelta = delta;
			dp += 3;
		dp = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherRGBBytes)->ba_element;
		dp += bestIdx * 3;
		dR = dp[0];
		dG = dp[1];
		dB = dp[2];

console_fprintf(stderr, "want: %d/%d/%d (%d/%d/%d) got: %d/%d/%d\n",
		__wantR, __wantG, __wantB,
		__wR, __wG, __wB,
		dR, dG, dB);
		 * store the corresponding dither colors colorId
		*dstP++ = idP[bestIdx];

		 * the new error & distribute the error
		__eR = __wantR - dR;
		if (__eR) {
		    tR = __eR >> 4;  /* 16th of error */
		    nR = eP[3] + (tR * 7);/* from accu: error for (x+1 / y) */
		    eP[0] = tR*5;         /* 5/16th for (x / y+1) */
		    eP[-3] = tR*3;        /* 3/16th for (x-1 / y+1) */
		    eP[3] = __eR - (tR*15);  /* 1/16th for (x+1 / y+1) */
		    __eR = nR;
		} else {
		    __eR = eP[3];
		    eP[0] = eP[-3] = eP[3] = 0;

		__eG = __wantG - dG;
		if (__eG) {
		    tG = __eG >> 4;
		    nG = eP[4] + (tG * 7);/* plus 7/16'th of this error */
		    eP[1] = tG*5;
		    eP[-2] = tG*3;
		    eP[4] = __eG - (tG*15);
		    __eG = nG;
		} else {
		    __eG = eP[4];
		    eP[1] = eP[-2] = eP[4] = 0;

		__eB = __wantB - dB;
		if (__eB) {
		    tB = __eB >> 4;
		    nB = eP[5] + (tB * 7);
		    eP[2] = tB*5;
		    eP[-1] = tB*3;
		    eP[5] = __eB - (tB*15);
		    __eB = nB;
		} else {
		    __eB = eP[5];
		    eP[2] = eP[-1] = eP[5] = 0;

		eP += 3;
    failed ifTrue:[
	self primitiveFailed.
	^ nil

    ^ pseudoBits

orderedDitheredGrayBitsWithDitherMatrix:ditherMatrix ditherWidth:dW depth:depth
    "return the bitmap for a dithered depth-bitmap from the image;
     with a constant ditherMatrix, this can be used for thresholding.
     Redefined to make use of knowing that pixels are 8-bit values."

    |dH nDither bytes
     greyLevels greyMap1 greyMap2
     bytesPerRow  "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     bytesPerOutRow  "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     pixelsPerByte   "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     w               "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     h               "{Class: SmallInteger }" |

    nDither := ditherMatrix size.
    dH := nDither / dW.

    w := width.
    h := height.
    bytes := self bits.

    greyLevels := 1 bitShift:depth.
    pixelsPerByte := 8 / depth.

    bytesPerRow := self bytesPerRow.

    bytesPerOutRow := (w * depth + 7) // 8.
    outBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(bytesPerOutRow * h).
    (outBits isNil or:[bytes isNil]) ifTrue:[
	^ nil

    greyMap1 := self greyMapForRange:(greyLevels-1).                    "/ the pixels
    greyMap1 := (greyMap1 collect:[:b | b isNil ifTrue:[
					] ifFalse:[
					    b truncated
				  ]) asByteArray.

    greyMap2 := self greyMapForRange:(greyLevels-1).
    greyMap2 := (greyMap2 collect:[:el |
					el isNil ifTrue:[
					] ifFalse:[
					    ((el - el truncated)  "/ the error (0..1)
					    * nDither) rounded
					]]) asByteArray.

    int __dW = __intVal(dW);
    int __dH = __intVal(dH);
    int __byte;
    int __dT, __dO;
    int __depth = __intVal(depth);
    int __dstIdx = 0;
    int __srcIdx = 0;
    int __bitCnt;
    int __grey, __pixel;
    int __w = __intVal(w);
    int __h = __intVal(h);
    int __x;
    int __y;
    int __oX, __oY, __dY;
    int __nextDst;
    int __nextSrc;
    int __bytesPerRow = __intVal(bytesPerRow);
    int __bytesPerOutRow = __intVal(bytesPerOutRow);

    unsigned char *__outBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(outBits)->ba_element;
    unsigned char *__ditherMatrix = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherMatrix)->ba_element;
    unsigned char *__bytes = __ByteArrayInstPtr(bytes)->ba_element;
    unsigned char *__greyMap1 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(greyMap1)->ba_element;
    unsigned char *__greyMap2 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(greyMap2)->ba_element;

    __oY = __dY = 0;
    for (__y=0; __y<__h; __y++) {
	__nextDst = __dstIdx + __bytesPerOutRow;
	__nextSrc = __srcIdx + __bytesPerRow;

	__byte = 0;
	__bitCnt = 8;

	__oX = 0;

	for (__x=0; __x<__w; __x++) {
	    __grey = __bytes[__srcIdx++];            /* 0..255 */

	    __pixel = __greyMap1[__grey];            /* 0..(greyLevels-1) */
	    __dO    = __greyMap2[__grey];            /* 0.. nDither-1) */
	    __dT = __ditherMatrix[__dY + __oX];

	    if (__dO > __dT)                         /* dither says: next pixel */

	    if (__oX == __dW) __oX = 0;

	    __byte = (__byte << __depth) | __pixel;

	    __bitCnt = __bitCnt - __depth;
	    if (__bitCnt == 0) {
		__outBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;
		__byte = 0;
		__bitCnt = 8;

	if (__bitCnt != 8) {
	    __byte = __byte << __bitCnt;
	    __outBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;

	__oY++; __dY += __dW;
	if (__oY == __dH) {
	    __oY = 0;
	    __dY = 0;

	__srcIdx = __nextSrc;
	__dstIdx = __nextDst;
    ^ outBits

orderedDitheredMonochromeBitsWithDitherMatrix:ditherMatrix ditherWidth:dW
    "return the dithered monochrome bits for the receiver image;
     with a constant ditherMatrix, this can be used for thresholding.
     Redefined to make use of knowing that pixels are 8-bit values."

    |dH nDither bytes
     greyMap monoBits
     bytesPerMonoRow "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     bytesPerRow     "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     w               "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     h               "{Class: SmallInteger }"|

    nDither := ditherMatrix size.
    dH := nDither / dW.

    w := width.
    h := height.
    bytes := self bits.

    bytesPerRow := self bytesPerRow.

    bytesPerMonoRow := w + 7 // 8.
    monoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(bytesPerMonoRow * h).
    (monoBits isNil or:[bytes isNil]) ifTrue:[
	^ nil

    greyMap := self greyByteMapForRange:nDither.

    int __dW = __intVal(dW);
    int __dH = __intVal(dH);
    int __byte;
    int __dT;
    int __dstIdx = 0;
    int __srcIdx = 0;
    int __bitCnt;
    int __grey;
    int __w = __intVal(w);
    int __h = __intVal(h);
    int __x;
    int __y;
    int __oX, __oY, __dY;
    int __nextDst;
    int __nextSrc;
    int __bytesPerRow = __intVal(bytesPerRow);
    int __bytesPerMonoRow = __intVal(bytesPerMonoRow);

    unsigned char *__monoBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(monoBits)->ba_element;
    unsigned char *__ditherMatrix = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherMatrix)->ba_element;
    unsigned char *__bytes = __ByteArrayInstPtr(bytes)->ba_element;
    unsigned char *__greyMap = __ByteArrayInstPtr(greyMap)->ba_element;

    __oY = __dY = 0;
    for (__y=0; __y<__h; __y++) {
	__nextDst = __dstIdx + __bytesPerMonoRow;
	__nextSrc = __srcIdx + __bytesPerRow;

	__byte = 0;
	__bitCnt = 8;

	__oX = 0;

	for (__x=__w; __x>0; __x--) {
	    __grey = __bytes[__srcIdx];   /* 0..255 */

	    __grey = __greyMap[__grey];
	    __dT = __ditherMatrix[__dY + __oX];

	    if (__oX == __dW) __oX = 0;

	    __byte = __byte << 1;
	    if (__grey > __dT) {
		__byte = __byte | 1;           /* white */

	    if (__bitCnt == 0) {
		__monoBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;
		__byte = 0;
		__bitCnt = 8;

	if (__bitCnt != 8) {
	    __byte = __byte << __bitCnt;
	    __monoBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;

	__oY++; __dY += __dW;
	if (__oY == __dH) {
	    __oY = 0;
	    __dY = 0;

	__srcIdx = __nextSrc;
	__dstIdx = __nextDst;

    ^ monoBits

     |i f|

     i := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/gifImages/claus.gif'.
     f := i asOrderedDitheredMonochromeFormOn:Display.

     |i f|

     i := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/gifImages/garfield.gif'.
     f := i asOrderedDitheredMonochromeFormOn:Display.

     |i f|

     i := (Image fromFile:'bitmaps/PasteButton.tiff') magnifiedBy:10.
     f := i asOrderedDitheredMonochromeFormOn:Display.

     |i f|

     i := (Image fromFile:'bitmaps/blue-ball.gif') magnifiedBy:1.
     f := i asOrderedDitheredMonochromeFormOn:Display.

    "Created: 7.6.1996 / 10:48:06 / cg"
    "Modified: 7.6.1996 / 11:08:50 / cg"
! !

!Depth8Image methodsFor:'enumerating'!

colorsAtY:y from:xLow to:xHigh do:aBlock
    "perform aBlock for each pixel from x1 to x2 in row y.
     The block is passed the color at each pixel.
     This method allows slighly faster processing of an
     image than using atX:y:, since some processing can be
     avoided when going from pixel to pixel. However, for
     real image processing, specialized methods should be written."

    |srcIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     value    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     x1       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     x2       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     color colorArray bytes|

    bytes := self bits.

    x1 := xLow.
    x2 := xHigh.
    srcIndex := (width * y) + 1 + x1.

    colorArray := Array new:256.

    x1 to:x2 do:[:x |
	value := bytes at:srcIndex.
	srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.

	color := colorArray at:value+1.
	color isNil ifTrue:[
	    color := self colorFromValue:value.
	    colorArray at:value+1 put:color
	aBlock value:x value:color

    "Created: 7.6.1996 / 19:12:35 / cg"
    "Modified: 11.7.1996 / 20:22:32 / cg"

colorsFromX:xStart y:yStart toX:xEnd y:yEnd do:aBlock
    "perform aBlock for each pixel in the rectangle
     yStart..yEnd / xStart..xEnd.
     The block is passed the color at each pixel.
     This method allows slighly faster processing of an
     image than using individual atX:y: accesses,
     both since some processing can be avoided when going from pixel to pixel,
     and since the color composition is done outside of the pixel loop.
     However, for real high performance image processing, specialized methods
     should be written which know how to deal with specific photometric interpretations."

    |srcIndex    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     srcNext     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     bytesPerRow "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     value    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     x1       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     x2       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     y1       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     y2       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     maxColor bytes|

    bytes := self bits.

    x1 := xStart.
    x2 := xEnd.
    y1 := yStart.
    y2 := yEnd.

    srcIndex := (width * y1) + x1 + 1 .
    bytesPerRow := self bytesPerRow.

    colorArray := self realColorMap.
    maxColor := colorArray size.

    y1 to:y2 do:[:y |
        srcNext := srcIndex + bytesPerRow.
        x1 to:x2 do:[:x |
            value := bytes at:srcIndex "ifAbsent:0".
            srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.

            value >= maxColor ifTrue:[
                value := 0.
            aBlock value:x value:y value:(colorArray at:value+1)
        srcIndex := srcNext.

    "Created: / 7.6.1996 / 19:12:35 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17.8.1998 / 10:17:45 / cg"

valuesAtY:y from:xLow to:xHigh do:aBlock
    "perform aBlock for each pixelValue from x1 to x2 in row y.
     The block is passed the pixelValue at each pixel.
     This method allows slighly faster processing of an
     image than using valueAtX:y:, since some processing can be
     avoided when going from pixel to pixel. However, for
     real image processing, specialized methods should be written."

    |srcIndex   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     pixelValue "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     x1         "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     x2         "{ Class: SmallInteger }"

    x1 := xLow.
    x2 := xHigh.
    srcIndex := (width * y) + 1 + x1.
    bytes := self bits.

    x1 to:x2 do:[:x |
	pixelValue := bytes at:srcIndex.
	srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
	aBlock value:x value:pixelValue

    "Created: 7.6.1996 / 19:09:47 / cg"

valuesFromX:xStart y:yStart toX:xEnd y:yEnd do:aBlock
    "perform aBlock for each pixel in the rectangle
     yStart..yEnd / xStart..xEnd.
     The block is passed the pixelValue at each pixel.
     This method allows slighly faster processing of an
     image than using individual valueAtX:y: accesses,
     since some processing can be avoided when going from pixel to pixel..
     However, for real high performance image processing, specialized methods
     should be written which know how to deal with specific photometric interpretations."

    |srcIndex    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     srcNext     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     bytesPerRow "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     value    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     x1       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     x2       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     y1       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     y2       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"

    x1 := xStart.
    x2 := xEnd.
    y1 := yStart.
    y2 := yEnd.

    srcIndex := (width * y1) + x1 + 1 .
    bytesPerRow := self bytesPerRow.
    bytes := self bits.

    y1 to:y2 do:[:y |
	srcNext := srcIndex + bytesPerRow.
	x1 to:x2 do:[:x |
	    value := bytes at:srcIndex.
	    srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.

	    aBlock value:x value:y value:value
	srcIndex := srcNext.
    ^ self

    "Modified: 11.7.1996 / 20:06:47 / cg"
    "Created: 11.7.1996 / 20:08:11 / cg"
! !

!Depth8Image methodsFor:'image manipulations'!

    "return a new image magnified by scalePoint, aPoint.
     This is the general magnification method, handling non-integral values"

    |mX mY
     newWidth  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     newHeight "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     w         "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     h         "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     newImage newBytes
     value     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     srcRowIdx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     srcIndex  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     dstIndex  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"

    mX := scalePoint x.
    mY := scalePoint y.
    ((mX < 0) or:[mY < 0]) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ((mX = 1) and:[mY = 1]) ifTrue:[^ self].

    newWidth := (width * mX) truncated.
    newHeight := (height * mY) truncated.

    newBytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(newWidth * newHeight).

    mask notNil ifTrue:[
	newMask := (mask magnifiedBy:scalePoint)

    newImage := self species new.
	colorMap:colorMap copy

    "walk over destination image fetching pixels from source image"

    mY := mY asFloat.
    mX := mX asFloat.
    unsigned char *__dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(newBytes)->ba_element;
    unsigned char *__srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_INST(bytes))->ba_element;
    unsigned char *__srcRowP;
    int __width = __intVal(_INST(width));
    int __w = __intVal(newWidth) - 1;
    int __h = __intVal(newHeight) - 1;
    int __row, __col;
    double __mX = _floatVal(mX);
    double __mY = _floatVal(mY);

    for (__row = 0; __row <= __h; __row++) {
	__srcRowP = __srcP + (__width * (int)((double)__row / __mY));
	for (__col = 0; __col <= __w; __col++) {
	    *__dstP++ = __srcRowP[(int)((double)__col / __mX)];
"/   the above C-code is equivalent to:
"/    dstIndex := 1.
"/    w := newWidth - 1.
"/    h := newHeight - 1.
"/    0 to:h do:[:row |
"/        srcRowIdx := (width * (row // mY)) + 1.
"/        0 to:w do:[:col |
"/            srcIndex := srcRowIdx + (col // mX).
"/            value := bytes at:srcIndex.
"/            newBytes at:dstIndex put:value.
"/            dstIndex := dstIndex + 1
"/        ]
"/    ].

    ^ newImage

magnifyRowFrom:srcBytes offset:srcStart
	  into:dstBytes offset:dstStart factor:mX

    "magnify a single pixel row - can only magnify by integer factors.
     Specially tuned for factors 2,3 and 4."

    REGISTER unsigned char *srcP, *dstP;
    REGISTER unsigned char _byte;
    unsigned _word;
    int _mag;
    REGISTER int i;
    int _pixels;
    OBJ w = _INST(width);

    if (__bothSmallInteger(srcStart, dstStart)
     && __bothSmallInteger(w, mX)
     && __isByteArray(srcBytes) && __isByteArray(dstBytes)) {
	_mag = __intVal(mX);
	srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(srcBytes)->ba_element - 1 + __intVal(srcStart);
	dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(dstBytes)->ba_element - 1 + __intVal(dstStart);
	_pixels = __intVal(w);

	switch (_mag) {
	    case 1:

	    case 2:
		/* special code for common case */
		if (((INT)dstP & 1) == 0) {
		    while (_pixels--) {
			_byte = *srcP++;
			_word = (_byte<<8) | _byte;
			((short *)dstP)[0] = _word;
			dstP += 2;
		} else {
		    while (_pixels--) {
			_byte = *srcP++;
			*dstP++ = _byte;
			*dstP++ = _byte;

	    case 3:
		/* special code for common case */
		while (_pixels--) {
		    _byte = *srcP++;
		    *dstP++ = _byte;
		    *dstP++ = _byte;
		    *dstP++ = _byte;

	    case 4:
		/* special code for common case */
		if (((INT)dstP & 3) == 0) {
		    while (_pixels--) {
			_byte = *srcP++;
			_word = (_byte<<8) | _byte;
			_word = (_word<<16) | _word;
			((int *)dstP)[0] = _word;
			dstP += 4;
		} else {
		    while (_pixels--) {
			_byte = *srcP++;
			*dstP++ = _byte;
			*dstP++ = _byte;
			*dstP++ = _byte;
			*dstP++ = _byte;

		if ((((INT)dstP & 1) == 0)
		 && ((_mag & 1) == 0)) {
		    while (_pixels--) {
			_byte = *srcP++;
			_word = (_byte<<8) | _byte;
			for (i=_mag; i>0; i-=2) {
			    ((short *)dstP)[0] = _word;
			    dstP += 2;
		} else {
		    while (_pixels--) {
			_byte = *srcP++;
			for (i=_mag; i>0; i--)
			    *dstP++ = _byte;
	RETURN (self);
	magnifyRowFrom:srcBytes offset:srcStart
	into:dstBytes offset:dstStart factor:mX
! !

!Depth8Image methodsFor:'private'!

dither1PlaneUsingMap:map on:aDevice
    "a helper for dithering palette and greyscale images"

     patterns formBytes
     pixel0bytes pixel1bytes
     clr ditherPattern
     nColors       "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     w             "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     h             "{Class: SmallInteger }"|

    nColors := map size.
    w := width.
    h := height.

    formBytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(w + 7 // 8) * h.
    patterns := Array new:nColors.
    pixel0bytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:nColors.
    pixel1bytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:nColors.

     extract dither patterns and values to use for 1/0 bits
     in those from the dithercolors
    1 to:nColors do:[:i |
	clr := (map at:i) onDevice:aDevice.
	ditherPattern := clr ditherForm.

	ditherPattern isNil ifTrue:[
	    patterns at:i put:#[2r11111111
	    pixel0bytes at:i put:clr colorId.
	    pixel1bytes at:i put:clr colorId
	] ifFalse:[
	    patterns at:i put:(ditherPattern bits).
	    pixel0bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:1) colorId.
	    pixel1bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:2) colorId.

    unsigned char *_srcP, *_dstP;
    OBJ _patternBytes;
    unsigned char __mask = 0x80;
    unsigned char _outBits = 0;
    unsigned char _last, _v, _patternBits, _p0, _p1;
    int _h, _w;
    int _patternOffset = 0;

    _srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_INST(bytes))->ba_element;
    _dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(formBytes)->ba_element;
    for (_h = __intVal(h); _h; _h--) {
	_last = -1;
	for (_w = __intVal(w); _w; _w--) {
	    _v = *_srcP++;
	    if (_v != _last) {
		_patternBytes = __ArrayInstPtr(patterns)->a_element[_v];
		if (__isByteArray(_patternBytes)) {
		    _patternBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->ba_element[_patternOffset];
		} else if (__isArrayLike(_patternBytes)) {
		    _patternBits = __intVal(__ArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->a_element[_patternOffset]);
		_p0 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel0bytes)->ba_element[_v];
		_p1 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel1bytes)->ba_element[_v];
		_last = _v;
	    _outBits <<= 1;
	    if (_patternBits & __mask)
		_outBits |= _p1;
		_outBits |= _p0;
	    __mask >>= 1;
	    if (__mask == 0) {
		__mask = 0x80;
		*_dstP++ = _outBits;
		_outBits = 0;
	if (__mask != 0x80) {
	    while (__mask != 0) {
		_outBits <<= 1;
		__mask >>= 1;
	    *_dstP++ = _outBits;
	    __mask = 0x80;
	    _outBits = 0;
	if (_patternOffset == 8)
	    _patternOffset = 0;
    f := Form width:w height:h fromArray:formBytes.
    ^ f

dither2PlaneUsingMap:map on:aDevice
    "a helper for dithering palette and greyscale images"

     patterns formBytes
     pixel0bytes pixel1bytes
     clr ditherPattern
     nColors       "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     w             "{Class: SmallInteger }"
     h             "{Class: SmallInteger }"|

    nColors := map size.
    w := width.
    h := height.

    formBytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(w * 2 + 7 // 8) * h.
    patterns := Array new:nColors.
    pixel0bytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:nColors.
    pixel1bytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:nColors.

    "extract dither patterns and values to use for 1/0 bits
     in those from the dithercolors"

    1 to:nColors do:[:i |
	clr := (map at:i) onDevice:aDevice.
	ditherPattern := clr ditherForm.

	ditherPattern isNil ifTrue:[
	    patterns at:i put:#[2r11111111
	    pixel0bytes at:i put:clr colorId.
	    pixel1bytes at:i put:clr colorId
	] ifFalse:[
	    patterns at:i put:(ditherPattern bits).
	    pixel0bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:1) colorId.
	    pixel1bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:2) colorId.

    unsigned char *_srcP, *_dstP;
    OBJ _patternBytes;
    unsigned char __mask = 0x80;
    unsigned char _outBits = 0;
    unsigned char _last, _v, _patternBits, _p0, _p1;
    int _h, _w;
    int _patternOffset = 0;
    int _outCount;

    _srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_INST(bytes))->ba_element;
    _dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(formBytes)->ba_element;
    for (_h = __intVal(h); _h; _h--) {
	_last = -1;
	_outCount = 0;
	for (_w = __intVal(w); _w; _w--) {
	    _v = *_srcP++;
	    if (_v != _last) {
		_patternBytes = __ArrayInstPtr(patterns)->a_element[_v];
		if (__isByteArray(_patternBytes)) {
		    _patternBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->ba_element[_patternOffset];
		} else if (__isArrayLike(_patternBytes)) {
		    _patternBits = __intVal(__ArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->a_element[_patternOffset]);
		_p0 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel0bytes)->ba_element[_v];
		_p1 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel1bytes)->ba_element[_v];
		_last = _v;
	    _outBits <<= 2;
	    if (_patternBits & __mask)
		_outBits |= _p1;
		_outBits |= _p0;
	    __mask >>= 1;
	    if (_outCount == 4) {
		*_dstP++ = _outBits;
		_outCount = 0;
		if (__mask == 0) {
		    __mask = 0x80;
	if (_outCount) {
	    do {
		_outBits <<= 2;
	    } while (++_outCount != 4);
	    *_dstP++ = _outBits;
	__mask = 0x80;
	_outBits = 0;
	if (_patternOffset == 8)
	    _patternOffset = 0;
    f := Form width:w height:h depth:2.
    f initGC.
    f graphicsDevice
	width:w height:h
	x:0 y:0
	into:f id
	x:0 y:0
	width:w height:h
	with:f gcId.
    ^ f
! !

!Depth8Image methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return the number of bits per pixel"

    ^ 8

    "return the number of bits in one scanline of the image"

    ^ width * 8

    "return the number of bytes in one scanline of the image"

    ^ width

    "given a pixel value, return the corresponding color.
     Pixel values start with 0."

    photometric == #whiteIs0 ifTrue:[
	^ Color gray:100 - (100 / 255 * pixelValue)
    photometric == #blackIs0 ifTrue:[
	^ Color gray:(100 / 255 * pixelValue)
    photometric == #palette ifTrue:[
	pixelValue < colorMap size ifTrue:[
	    ^ colorMap at:(pixelValue + 1)
    ^ super colorFromValue:pixelValue

    "return a collection of color values used in the receiver."

    ^ self bits usedValues

    "return a collection of color values used in the receiver."

    ^ self bits usedValues
! !

!Depth8Image class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.114 2009-10-20 14:15:28 cg Exp $'

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.114 2009-10-20 14:15:28 cg Exp $'
! !