author Jan Vrany <>
Thu, 25 Jan 2018 10:48:17 +0000
changeset 8272 b99e94212cb5
parent 4384 7ee2005c54ff
child 8513 52b2e332d4bf
permissions -rw-r--r--
Issue #154: set window as top-most if windows' `#windowStyle` is `#toolWindow1` match the behavior on X11. This is a Windows counterpart of an earlier commit 00b6d158ab89. See

#encoding iso8859-1

; Italian
; $Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/resources/,v 1.7 2005-04-29 14:48:18 cg Exp $
; this file contains 8bit national characters;
; DONT EDIT this file with an old vi !
; Thanks to:
;     Andrea Riderelli
;     HP Services
;     Hewlett Packard Italiana S.p.A
; for fixing these translations.

yes                 'si'
no                  'non'
Ok                  'D''accordo'
OK                  'D''accordo'
abort               'annulla'
cancel              'annulla'
continue            'continua'
help                'aiuto'
'exit'              'finisci'
'quit'              'chiudi'

'copy'              'copia'
'cut'               'estrai'
'paste'             'incolla'   "/ 'colla'    ???

'update'            'aggiorna'

all                 'tutto'
none                'niente'

; 'file'                  'file'
'file'              'file'
'settings'          'opzioni'

'About Smalltalk/X' 'Informazioni'

'again'             'di nuovo'
'Again (for All)'   'Di nuovo (per tutti)'

'save'              'salva'
'Save as'           'Salva come'
'Save As'           'Salva Come'
'Save in'           'Salva in'
'Save contents in'  'Salva come'
'Save All As'       'Salva tutti come'
'Save all As'       'Salva tutti come'
'print'             'stampare'
'others'            'altri'
'more'              'altro'
'accept'            'accetta'
'search'            'cerca'
'goto'              'posiziona'
'Goto Line'         'Vai alla riga'
'explain'           'spiega'
'indent'            'sposta'
'DoIt'              'Esegui'
'PrintIt'           'Esegui & Stampa'
'InspectIt'         'Esegui & Ispeziona'

'\c autoIndent'     '\c auto indentazione '
'autoIndent \c'     'auto indentazione \c '
'\c insertMode'     '\c modalita inserimento'
'insertMode \c'     'modalita inserimento \c'

'prev'              'indietro'
'next'              'avanti'

'documentation'     'documentazione'